#but for all i know the vase is the final boss
working my way through tma for the first time while tmagp is actively airing is the funniest experience ever. Like, I saw that the most recent episode is called “marked”, and I thought “oh, that must be like what Gerard mentioned in Mag 48.” But then I realized that there are 138 episodes I have yet to listen to, and that it’s probably referring to some sort of fucked up weirdo with evil markers who I know nothing about, but everyone else has been familiar with for the longest time.
it’s just. i’m really scared to learn what you people mean when you mention pipe murder one day.
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A (not so) little secret
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 3.3k
Summary: even though you and Spencer have kept yours private pretty well, one night the universe seems determined to let everyone know.
warnings: established relationship but still secret, a mention of sex, and some references. I think that's all
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The sound of the phone ringing pulled you out of your sweet and recent dream and when you opened your eyes you needed a moment to get your bearings. You were on a soft bed, a thin sheet covering your half-naked body, and the room smelled of lavender emanating from a humidifier. When you moved a bit you collided with a warm lump and that was the piece to finish building the scene: you were at Spencer’s house. You opened your eyes and that's when you saw that it was the purple phone on the nightstand that was ringing, next to the alarm clock with bright letters that said 4:00 am.
You had ended up in the man's apartment after a long day at work with the promise of ordering food at home and resting for a while, but at some point the kissing on the couch escalated to ending up in bed; it wasn't something you complained about, of course. He always took care of making you feel so good and had a resistance that came to surprise you, so you enjoyed each other for a long time. You were a little sore (in a good way) and exhausted by the end, but the thought that you would be able to rest up late the next morning had comforted you greatly. You would have fallen asleep barely two hours before then, but since the noise didn't seem to disturb your boyfriend's sleep and you were closer to the device, you decided to reach out to pick up the call.
"Hello?" you sighed sleepily. You couldn't imagine who could want something at that hour, although the fear that it was a call from Bennington Sanitarium about Diana's health made you think it would be irresponsible not to answer.
"Reid?" asked the voice on the other end of the line and you recognized it immediately.
"Hotch?" you murmured, a little more lucid. As soon as the last name was out of your mouth, you realized how stupid you'd been to answer instead of waking Spencer up for him to answer. It was your boss, calling the landline of one of his agents, and it turns out that it was you who had answered.
“Y/L/N?” he spoke again, sounding confused. "Are you with Reid?"
You were silent for a second as panic washed over you, your brain working at full speed to think of what to say.
“Huh… yes. I didn’t feel very well and he said that I could stay here” you confessed. Technically it was the truth, although you preferred to spare yourself the intimate details. 
Even though it wasn't a crime to go out with unit mates, if it was a little… how can I put it? Immoral maybe? It could take away from your objectivity in cases and it was definitely a distraction at work, but when it came to Spencer Reid, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help it.
You had already been together for a few months. You realized you had feelings for him after he offered to stay with you for some days in the hospital to care for the gunshot wound that grazed your shoulder during an unfortunate event. It was so nice to be under his care, he brought you delicious food all the time, every day he bought new flowers for the next vase and always made sure you were comfortable.
Probably the daily stress had clouded your vision a bit, but in an environment so far removed from all your work, it was when you realized how wonderful Spencer could be, and let's be honest, men like that don't grow on trees in droves. It didn't take long for you to buy him a drink, just to thank him for all he'd done for you, but then the dates became recurring. One night the two of you finally talked about what you wanted for your future and then decided to start something formal.
At first it was easy to hide it in the office, after all no one would have reason to suspect anything. Morgan was annoying sometimes, thinking that he was the only one who noticed how you looked at each other, but the others hardly noticed. The problem was when, over the months, the connection between you strengthened romantically and physically, coupled with the sweet nicknames with which you called Spencer in private that on more than one occasion almost slipped from your lips.
By this point you were enjoying being with him so much that you honestly didn't care what the team might think about the relationship, you thought hiding it was more of a habit than a necessity, but you didn't know if Spencer felt the same way. You hadn't really needed to talk to him about it, at least not until now.
“Okay, then tell him that something urgent came up. I need you both to come to the office as soon as possible because in a few hours we are flying to Boston."
"Okay, we'll be there"
The communication was cut off there and when you turned after hanging up the phone you noticed that Spencer had already woken up, probably by the sound of your voice having a chat. He looked so cute and sleepy that you couldn't help but caress his face with your palm to help him wake up.
"What's going on?"
“It was Hotch. They need us in the office”
"I figured," he grumbled, stretching a little to shake the numbness out of his body.
“He realized that I am here. I'm sorry"
"It's okay, love. Don't worry about it,” he said, totally calm, as he stood up and gave you an absent-minded kiss on the cheek. He got up and started rummaging through the closet for something decent to wear over the black boxer shorts he was wearing, while you rubbed your face with your open palms "How do you feel?"
"Tired" you laughed, unconsciously covering your torso with the sheet. You still didn't feel confident that he would see you naked for so long, even though you had already had sex on considerable occasions "So you're not angry?"
"Angry? Why should I be?"
"Because he knew I'm here" you answered softly and he stopped what he was doing to look at you. You knew it took Spencer a few minutes to fully wake up, though he seemed quite conscious as he knelt on the side of the mattress you were on so he could speak. "I mean… do you think we're going to get in trouble?"
"I don't think so" he replied, as one of his hands slid down your bare leg to rest on your knee "Does it bother you that he knows?"
"No, no. I'm just… I'm worried that he'll send us to different departments”
“Just because we're dating? He would never do that” Reid laughed, finding your panic a little cute “He would lose his best agent”
"Are you referring to you or are you referring to me?"
"Applies to both" he replied quickly. You thought he would be more reluctant about the matter, so you practically took a load off your mind seeing him so calm by your suggestion “Actually I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Garcia and Kevin had no problems with their relationship so… why would it be any different with us?
"Because they weren’t in the same unit"
"So you don't want to try it?" he asked, sounding a bit dejected. Apparently it was a subject on which he had previously reflected.
“Of course I do, Spence. If you want to do it, then so do I" you assured him. He looked at you with some admiration and smiled happily, feeling satisfied with the answer “So it's a fact? Shall we just say it, just like that?” you muttered nervously.
Spencer took a few seconds and you could almost see the gears of his brain working behind his front.
“First we can talk to Hotch and explain the situation. Then there will be an opportunity to tell the others."
“But we can discuss that another time, okay? for now just… get dressed. Not that I'm jealous, but I wouldn't want to see you walking around in nothing but your panties”
"Perhaps you would like it, what you would not like is for others to see me" you argued, managing to get a giggle out of him before he got up to continue with what he was doing. 
It didn't take long for you guys to get ready, and considering it was early morning, Spencer rummaged through his closet for a hoodie he could fit you into, even though you'd refused. You didn't even bother to dress up, you just tied up a messy ponytail and walked out of the place like that.
Normally you arrived at the office at different times, almost always the fifteen minutes between each subway schedule, but you thought that right now that was the least important thing. Although he didn't like to drive, he let you sit in the passenger seat of the light blue car that he only used in very necessary cases.
During the journey you got distracted looking at the city lights and at some point these lulled you so much that you ended up asleep against the seat. Spencer made sure to drive more carefully and avoid potholes, until he parked outside the FBI building. When he stopped and looked at you so peacefully, he wished he could just leave you like this, even though he knew everyone was probably already waiting for you inside.
Despite the urgency that the situation required he took a moment to look at you, feeling his chest swell with love. A part of him was guiltily glad you'd answered that call, because for the past week he'd wanted to talk to you about stopping keeping things secret and that had given him the perfect excuse. He wanted to have more moments like this with you, not just limit himself to giving you his love imprisoned by the four walls of an apartment.
“Hey,” he called to you in a small voice, when he finally snapped out of his trance, leaning down to stroke your arm hoping you'd react “We're here, pretty. Wake up"
You let out a groan, clearly not wanting to leave, and when you opened your eyes you felt your eyelids completely heavy. By way of persuading you, Spencer reached up to kiss your lips, in a prolonged and loving way that helped you remove all traces of sleepiness.
Inside the car you were oblivious to anything, without knowing that a person had been watching everything with their mouths open. Emily Prentiss practically ran to get to the office before you did and once she entered she desperately searched for the rest of her coworkers, finding Morgan, Garcia, and JJ talking to each other.
“Prentiss. where in such a hurry?
"You won't believe what I just saw," she said, without even saying hello, and the three of them stopped talking to pay attention to her, after all the tone warned them of a sure gossip "Reid was kissing a girl in his car"
“Spencer?” Garcia said, sounding incredulous but also excited.
"Yeah! I was getting out of my car when I saw him park with a girl in the passenger seat and then he leaned over to kiss her. Do you think she’s his girlfriend?
“Maybe we interrupted him in the middle of an adventure. Poor boy,” Morgan laughed, feeling sorry for his younger friend.
“I didn't get a good look at her face, but she was wearing a hoodie like… grey? I think so, it was grey."
The conversation was interrupted by the sound of the elevator opening and the three of them turned to see who it was. There was Hotch, of course, Rossi next to him, and behind both of you were Spencer and you.
"Thank you all for coming. Let's go to the meeting room” your boss announced, not stopping his walk and waiting for the rest of you to follow. Everyone ignored Rossi's greeting as Emily's eyes widened and she jerked her head in your direction, as if trying to make out some feature. JJ nearly choked on her own saliva when she noticed your gray hoodie, while Penelope and Derek shared a knowing look at the obviousness of it all.
You two didn't even notice what the rest were up to, so before long the whole team was already seated at the round table. It was a custom not to sit next to Reid, partly so you wouldn't be tempted to touch him, but also so you could look at him all the time.
When JJ started giving you the details of the case you were fighting to keep your eyes open, feeling disgusted and worried about the serial killer you had to profile this time, but also completely exhausted. Spencer's hoodie felt so comfortable that you hugged yourself hoping for some comfort, and then you noticed that he was looking at you. You smiled at him from where you were, wishing you could sit on his lap to listen to the rest of the meeting, while he circled his index finger on the left side of his chest, where his heart was. It was a sign he had adopted to let you know you were there. Derek, who was next to him, watched the exchange out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself. Several times he had noticed his coworker doing that but until now he could understand why.
“We're leaving for Boston in an hour, just pack your bags and come back here. We'll better build the profile on the jet,” Hotch announced, and most nodded as he got up from their seats. Except for you, who leaned your cheek against the table.
"It's honestly not how I planned to spend my Saturday morning," Penelope complained, pouting in disappointment.
"Well, neither do I, but this isn't paperwork that can wait for Monday”
"Are you alright, lover boy?" Morgan asked now, paying attention to Reid's hunched posture. "You look like you're going to pass out at any moment”
"We didn't sleep well"
"We?" Prentiss pointed out accusingly. Spencer frowned at her, not noticing his mistake, but when he finally did, nerves invaded him.
"I meant me. I didn’t sleep well. I had… some things to do”
Yes, things.
"Huh, I see," she scoffed, not believing him one bit. That he had spoken in the plural and you were in the same condition only gave the team the confirmation they needed.
You had spent the night together.
"See you in a bit," Rossi said goodbye and the rest soon left through the same door as him. Only when Spencer made sure no one around did he come up to you.
"How come you can fall asleep anywhere?"
“It's my superpower. You're a genius, I have this” you teased, hearing your boyfriend giggle before taking a seat next to you. Once he was there, he started stroking your back gently, as if he wanted to comfort you.
"I take you home?"
"If there is no other option" you sighed, getting up from your comfortable position only to lean against his chest in a hug. Spencer loved physical contact, so he didn't put up the slightest resistance. "Have you ever thought what it would be like for us if we had normal jobs?"
"What do you mean?"
"Outside the FBI"
"Do you want to quit?" he asked, feeling alarmed, but you shook your head against his chest.
"No, is not that. I love this unit. I only asked myself if it would be easier if we worked on something... I don't know, less demanding, that would allow us to have days off or that it wouldn't take us out of your apartment at 4 in the morning. Something safer” 
"If that were the case, we wouldn’t have met"
“Did you always want to be an FBI agent?” you asked, raising your head so you could look at him. Your eyes looked bright in the light from the room, something Spencer couldn't ignore.
"Not always. There was a time when I wanted to be a cowboy”
"A cowboy?" you laughed, but with no intention of mocking. Of all the occupations that was the one you had least imagined for a mini-Reid "Well, you know what they say, save a horse..."
You expected him to complete the sentence, but seeing him scowling because he clearly didn't understand your country reference was enough to make you laugh and ask him to just forget it.
"And you? Did you always want to be an agent?”
"No," you said immediately. You had thought about it many times “When I was little I wanted to be a vet”
“A cowboy and a vet. That doesn't sound so far-fetched, maybe one day I would have even called you to take care of one of my animals."
"And then I would have fallen in love with the gorgeous cowboy Mr. Spencer Reid" you smiled, looking affectionately into the pretty eyes of the aforementioned "Can you imagine?"
"Maybe we really were already destined"
You liked to believe so. You liked to think on a daily basis that as horrible as being a profiler could be, every decision in your life had been worth it just to get to know people like your coworkers. That the world wasn't so horrible if it had allowed you to have a boyfriend as wonderful as the man in front of you.
"You're the best I have, you know that?" you exclaimed without hesitation "The best" you repeated and Spencer pulled you back into a hug just to avoid the embarrassment of you seeing his slightly moist eyes. Your face was leaning comfortably against him and your ear enjoyed the soft beat of his myocardium “I like to hear your heart”
“Did you know that a study showed that two people's heartbeats can be synchronized when they are in love?”
When he told you this, your ear was pressed against his chest and your hand went up to your neck to press it on the pulse line, paying attention to the rhythm of both of you. You smiled widely when you saw that, as always, your boyfriend was correct.
“And if one day we part ways? Will we keep beating at the same time?”
“I don't know, but I don't plan on checking either,” he assured you. Spencer really did see a future with you, and you inevitably did the same.
Before you got up you made sure to kiss him nicely on the lips and you left the boardroom hand in hand, arguing over which of your departments you would go to first. You didn't count on the fact that JJ would still be at the entrance, that when you arrived she looked at your perfectly intertwined hands.
"Hi," you said nervously, both of you letting go as a reflex, "Why haven't you left yet?"
“I need to close the door. I have the keys” she smiled. It was obvious, but you had forgotten it because you were chatting.
"Huh, yeah. We are very sorry. See you in a while"
"Good trip," she said, with the most teasing smile she'd ever given you.
You two rushed out of there and when you got to the elevator you couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"For God's sake, is today the day we have to expose ourselves to the whole world?" you exhaled, covering your face with both hands to hide your blush.
"At least no one has seen us kiss yet"
If Emily had been in that elevator, she would have laughed in Spencer's face.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
His innocent assistant
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Pairing | Tony Stark x Lab Assistant!Fem!Reader
Word count | ~ 600 words
Summary | Tony's feeling a little needy, and he can't resist asking his sweet, innocent lab assistant for help. You don't like seeing your boss in any discomfort, so you're more than happy to help out.
Rating | Explicit (E)
Warning(s) | Use of nickname: Sweet Girl, innocent Reader
Smut | Reference to a blowjob, cockwarming, Daddy kink, slight size kink
A/n | I found this deep down in my drafts, and I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for sparking this idea at the time. This is my little present from me to you this Christmas! 🩵
A/n 2.0 | This isn’t proofread, any and all mistakes are my own.
Events Masterlist | Free Space | @marvel-smash-bingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Read on AO3
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"C'mere, Sweet Girl, Daddy's having a problem, and he needs your help to fix it," Tony says in a sweet voice, knowing exactly what to say to get you to listen to him and do exactly as he says.
"Is everything okay, Daddy?" You ask, still a little unsure of calling him Daddy, but he assures you that it's normal for lab assistants to call their bosses Daddy.
"M perfect, Sweet Girl," he tells you as he's eyeing you in your dress that hugs every curve to perfection. It's one of your favorites, and you put it on because Tony told you he liked it the last time you were at one of Tony's parties.
"It's okay; you can get closer. I won't bite." Stretching out his hand, you put yours in his, and he guides you over to him, and that's when you see he's incredibly hard. Seeing you doing as he asks has him hard beyond belief, and he can't believe he has such an obedient, innocent, sweet thing as his lab assistant.
"D-Daddy, are you in pain again? I can help it go away again! Last time, it worked, too!" You tell him excitedly, referring to when you helped "cure" his pain by sucking him off.
"I am Sweet Girl, but I don't think that medicine will work today. I think the one that might help me feel better is in your Princess parts," he says, meaning your - now soaked - pussy.
"But Daddy, it's so big I don't think it will fit!" You tell him with a frown and slight pout, making Tony only hornier. He's never been more glad with someone as innocent as you.
"Don't worry, Sweet Girl; Daddy will make sure it's going to fit, and when it does, you can sit on my lap and keep me warm; how does that sound?"
After thinking about it for a few seconds, you happily nod, wanting to do anything you can to help your boss get rid of his pain. He takes a seat on one of the rolling chairs in his lab before unbuckling his belt and opening his pants, finally able to free his thick, long, veiny cock.
Your eyes are immediately drawn to it, and you start to salivate at the sight, biting your lip while subconsciously squeezing your thighs together for a little relief.
"I'm ready for you, Sweet Girl," he tells you before pulling you closer, and one of his hands glides under your dress to your soaked pussy.
"Did you not wear panties today, Sweet Girl? Hmm, and I can already feel the medicine, but it needs to be in before it can work," Tony says as he guides you to straddle his lap.
You've never been with someone as big as Tony before, and it is quite a stretch since he's long and thick, but your pussy it's tight and small, making it a bit of a stretch. With a deep groan, he slides you onto his cock, and loud moans escape your lips, unable to hold them in. It's not that Tony would want you to do that, anyway.
"Oh, Daddy! Feels so good," you tell him as you experimentally roll your hips a few times, but his large hands quickly stop you on your hips.
"You just need to keep me warm, Sweet Girl; that's the best way for the medicine to work,'' he tells you. Once you're finally comfortable, you lean into Tony and place your head on his shoulder, earning yourself the praise you've been dying to hear from him daily.
"Good fuckin' girl,'' he tells you with a deep groan before getting comfortable and letting you melt into his hold as he returns to what he was doing.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Arsenal Women x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Bonding night with the Arsenal girls
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You're dressed in your special Auntie Stina Arsenal jersey as she assures your Morsa that everything is going to be okay.
Momma and Morsa have a special awards night thing that they have to make an appearance at so Auntie Stina is babysitting you. Your usual babysitters in Zećira and Jessie are busy tonight too so Auntie Stina gets to take you to Arsenal bonding night.
You're very excited and it's all you've been thinking about all week.
Momma and Morsa say goodbye to you and you instantly run up to Stina's car so she can get you clipped in and you can get to Captain Kim's house faster.
"Look who it is!"
Katie's waiting for you both by the door and she swings you up easily onto her hip and tugs at your jersey teasingly.
"A true gunner in the making! You'll play for us when you're older, right?"
You nod. "Yes!"
"Even if your mams want you to play for Chelsea?"
You pull a face, sticking out your tongue. "Not-Wolfsburg sucks!"
Katie laughs, delighted, as she gives you a high five. "That sounds right." She lets you climb down and scarper inside, toeing off your shoes in the entrance hall before following the sounds of music and talking further inside the house.
"Hi, Captain Kim!" You say when you see her," What's happenin'?"
Captain Kim laughs, her hand coming to rest of your shoulder as Jen wrestles with Beth on the floor.
"They're just being silly," She tells you," And trying to knock all of my things on the floor."
As if to prove the point, Beth crashes into a little side table with an ornamental vase wobbles precariously as she launches herself straight back at Jen.
"You should tell them off," You say," That's what my Morsa does when Erin and Guro are being silly in a dangerous way. She's the Captain like you're the Captain so you can tell them off if you want."
Kim laughs slightly. "That's a good idea. Captains do get to tell people off. Do you want to help me?"
"I'm not a captain though."
"But you are the big boss. I think that means you've got some captain powers too."
She nods. "Really."
Captain Kim leads you over to where Beth and Jen are still wrestling. She whistles, shrill and high pitched and exactly the one Morsa uses when she needs to get Erin and Guro's attention.
"Stop wrestling in my house!" She orders before lightly nudging you.
"Yeah!" You say," 'Cause you're going to break something and then Captain Kim is going to make you do laps!"
From behind you, Katie chuckles.
"Yeah, you two!" She teases," Listen to Kim and the big boss!"
"Yeah!" You agree, stamping your foot so they know you're serious.
"Sorry, y/n," Jen laughs," We'll stop."
"Good," You say," Or else you'll have to run laps tomorrow."
You shriek as you're lifted into someone's arms. You're flipped upside down as Leah's hands attack your sides.
"Look at you!" She laughs as you shriek and try to wiggle away. "Little captain in the making!"
"My mummies are captains!" You say when she finally puts you the right way up.
"You've got it in your blood!" Leah proclaims, tickling your sides again," Me and Kim'll make you into a proper captain though! Arsenal style, yeah?"
You think Arsenal bonding night is a lot of fun.
Katie helps you make a pizza where you put your pepperoni slices in a crude rendition of the Arsenal badge and she takes lots of pictures of you winning at Twister.
You end up sat between Auntie Stina and Beth for dinner as Auntie Lina selects a movie for you all to watch while you eat.
"Beth?" You ask.
"Can we call Daan? I miss her at Arsenal."
Beth laughs, already digging out her phone. "I think quite a few fans would agree with you."
The phone rings a few times before Daan's face fills the screen. Daan is a very happy person, you think, because she's always smiling when she sees you. You smile too.
"Hey, y/n!" She says," What're you doing on Beth's phone?"
"Callin' you!" You answer," Auntie Stina brought me to bonding because my mummies are busy!"
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
"I beat Leah and Captain Kim at Twister! I got chocolate as a prize!"
Daan laughs. "Good! Keep them humble!"
You giggle too. "Is Lyon fun like Arsenal?" You ask.
"It's fun," Daan replies," But I'm still learning the language. I'm sure it'll be more fun when I can speak French properly."
You nod wisely. "That's like when I came from Germany. I only knew a little English so I had to learn so I could have fun."
"It's exactly like that," Daan says," Hey, who knows, maybe you'll have to learn French too when you're older."
You think about that for a moment. You know when you're older, you really want to play for Wolfsburg. Arsenal too and maybe Barcelona as well but you'd never really thought about Lyon. You already know German and English so having fun at Wolfsburg and Arsenal should be easy.
If you went to Barcelona then you would have to learn Spanish. If you went to Lyon then you would have to learn French.
Your Momma tells you that you're very good at languages. She says she's always impressed by how easily you pick it up. Sometimes, she calls you a little chameleon because you speak your English like you were born here rather than with an accent like she and Morsa do.
You don't think it'll be too difficult to learn French if you went to Lyon.
Daan stays on the call for a bit longer before promising to send you her Lyon jersey and you migrate from Beth and Auntie Stina to the floor with Leah and Katie.
You drag a blanket with you, tucking it around both of them like you do when you have sleepytime with Jessie and Niamh. The movie is still playing but you're a little tired so you lean heavily into Leah and kick you feet up into Katie's lap.
You yawn.
"You tired, kid?" Katie asks and you nod.
"Gonna finish the movie though."
Leah chuckles, the force of it rocking your whole body as she softly cards her fingers through your hair. "I'm sure you will."
You're out like a light before the second act begins.
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strawheart-pirate · 11 months
What they do for their sick s/o who can’t leave the ship
Sanji, Nami, Law, Penguin & Shachi, Kid, Killer
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CW: SFW. This is just fluff. no drugs, no alcohol, no smokes, just soup and pampering. Comfort. They go above and beyond for you.
Scenario: After weeks at sea, you finally reached an island, but you were unable to leave the ship. You had the flu, and because it came with a cough, fever and chills, you were not allowed to leave your bed. Your s/o went on the island to get some goods, and maybe they have a surprise for you.
Read part 1 here: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Franky, Brook
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- Since Sanji is a good listener and observer, he knew exactly what you needed. - Although he didn't want to leave your side, he had to gather a few things that would help you overcome your sickness. It took him only a short time to gather everything and he was back sooner than you expected. - He prepared a nice stew with only the best and freshest veggies and wrapped some small gifts. Not long after, he wheeled a small service cart next to your bed. It was packed with the small gifts, flowers in a vase and a steaming stew full of veggies. - “Sanji, it smells delicious.” – “I made you a very rich stew. We’ll get you back on your feet in no time with my special care.” You smiled at him. He insisted on feeding you, even though you were perfectly capable of holding the spoon with your own hands. You sulked at first but seeing him so happy made you enjoy it. - After your meal you unwrapped the little gifts. It was a few souvenirs and the one thing you’d been talking about for weeks. “Thank you, Sanji.” – “Anything for you. Now tell me. Do you want me to give you a massage, or do you want to watch a movie, or how can I help you?” - “This may sound strange, but can you read to me or tell me a story while I try to sleep?” – “Of course, just make yourself comfortable. Shall I tell you stories of the North Blue?” Sanji sat down on the bed beside you, and you made yourself comfortable and laid your head on his lap. - You fell asleep listening to Sanji’s smooth voice.
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- Would boss the whole crew around to make you feel better and recover faster. Sanji would get most of her wrath, and he’d be ordered to cook you a soup and whatever you want. - Hits Luffy when he tries to steal your food away and is in a very bad mood because she wanted to enjoy the island together with you. - You would send her off to the island to give everyone a break (but make sure not to phrase it like that!). She would be gone for the whole day. - When she returns, she’ll apologize (but only to you) for being so stressed, but she’s just worried. She’d tell you about how she got nearly everything for free and show you all the new clothes and accessories. - In the end, she’d hand you a small box. She got you a little souvenir with the name of the island on it and added a voucher to it. “For later. We could take the shark submerge and visit an island of your choice...” She said with a soft smile, and you were once again amazed at how generous Nami could be. “Thank you Nami, you’re the best. I’m looking forward to our little trip.” You hugged her show your gratitude. - You spent the evening watching a movie until you fell asleep on her shoulder.
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Trafalgar Law
- Your captain was very strict about the bed rest he prescribed you, so no island for you. Not even a glimpse of it. - Though he acted serious and cold towards you, his heart ached when you begged him to go. But it was for your own good that he was this persistent. - He made sure to have Bepo watch over you, knowing that you loved the bear and that he would be able to comfort you. - As he went about his duties on the island, his mind wandered off to you frequently and he thought hard about he could get you to lighten your mood and make up for not being able to visit the island. - He returned to the Polar Tang with a small bag in his hand. As he entered the room, you were fast asleep. He placed the paper bag on your nightstand and was about to leave quietly, when you shifted. - The smell of your favorite pastry woke you up and you saw Law before he could leave the room. “Law?” He slowly turned around. “I came to check on you, but you were asleep and-“ You interrupted him as you saw the paper bag on the nightstand. “Is that what I think it is?” Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you grabbed the bag and looked inside. “You went to a bakery for me?” You flashed him a smile and he looked away feeling caught. “Don’t read too much into it…” he muttered. You took his hand and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Law.”  Law only squeezed your hand a little as an answer. “I have to go to set the new course.” He mumbled and left the room. - You just giggled at how flustered he was. As you ate your favorite pastry, you smiled thinking about how Law really went out of his way to treat you.
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Penguin & Shachi
- They sat on either side of your bed and cried as if you were going to die. But you weren’t, and no matter how many times you told them, that you were going to get better, they still cried. The trash was full of wet tissues, and as much as you liked them, you needed a break. - So, you sent them off to the island to do whatever they wanted. - They were determined to find you something, anything that would help you and keep you from dying. They were not that good at cooking, so they needed to help you in another way. - When they came across a beauty shop, they went in. They took notes on how to do nails, how to give proper massages and how to do face masks and compressions. They left the shop with a large bag full of creams, oils, and tools. - Once they returned, Shachi prepared the tub for you with your favorite bubble bath and your rubber ducky, and washed your hair while you soaked in the tub. Meanwhile Penguin set up the room ready for your surprise. When you came back into the room, you noticed all the candles, cosmetics, and the incense sticks. It smelled nice. - “What’s this all about?” – “We can’t help your immune system, but we can help you relax.” Penguin explained and soon you found yourself being pampered by the men. Their hands were not as skilled as the professionals with the utensils or the movements, but they managed it quite well. And you really enjoyed it. - If you ask them to do your nails, they will make a competition out of it. - You had the most precious spa day with these guys and your weakened body really enjoyed their pampering.
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Eustass Kid
- Kid was angry. Not at you, but the fact that you couldn’t get out of bed because of that damn flu really pissed him off. You tried to calm him down and told him, that you were okay (you weren’t okay, but he needed to calm down, so you swallowed your own sadness), but he wouldn’t listen. - “If I can’t kill the fucking flu, I’ll at least burn this fucking island to the ground.” He said and left. You were left alone in your bed, hoping for the best. - Kid left the ship alongside Killer. “Do you know how to kill the flu?” - “Give it some time and they will be fine. Some soup or medicine can ease the symptoms.” - With that in mind, Kid wandered around with an angry expression on his face. The people who came across him hid behind walls or changed their direction, no one wanted to be the one facing his wrath. Finally, Kid found what he was looking for. - “You!” He broke down the door and scattered inside. “You're caring for a sick one, I saw it from outside.” He had an angry scowl on his face, a vein was ticking, and his voice was demanding. The woman at the stove nodded hesitantly. - “I need that soup and whatever you have, that makes a sick person feel better. Now.” He commanded with a twisted smile. The frightened woman hurried up and placed a soup, some herbs, and creams in a bag. “Well done.” He said and left for the ship. - “The soup is good.” You smiled at him and took another spoonful of it. “That’s good, otherwise I’d tear this city apart.” You saw that he was restless and tense. “Tell you what, come here.” You moved to one side of the bed, and he sat down beside you, putting an arm around you. “Can you show me your little trick?” You asked and he smirked and was about to give a cocky answer, but you had already placed some screws and small metal parts in his palm before you continued to eat your soup. So, he let it slide and activated his powers. First, he locked the door, no need for an audience, and then he stacked the parts and formed little butterflies with them. You watched in awe as he let them fly across the room. - You set down the now empty bowl. “Thank you.” You said and played with one of the little metal creatures as Kid watched the scene with a confident smile.
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- He has a plan. He knows how to deal with a sick Captain Kid, and he definitely knows what you need. - Grabbing his list, he went to the island and was determined to be back soon. But then Kid caused some trouble on the island, and he had to deescalate the whole situation. He came back with everything on his list, an angry captain, and a sour mood. - He went into the kitchen and started to prepare everything for you. If anyone entered the kitchen, he would take his anger out on them, so everyone avoided going near the kitchen, no matter how hungry they were. - You woke up when a now calm Killer entered the room with a hot meal, some meds, and a bottle of water. “Hey, sorry if I woke you up.” You gave him a tired smile and a delicious smell entered your nose. “It’s okay. Did you cook?” – “Yeah, hope it helps you get better.” You sat up and he placed the food on your lap. It tasted good and you hummed appreciatively. “Thank you. It’s delicious.” – “I’m glad you like it. I also bought some meds, just in case.” He said placing the meds on your nightstand. - After the meal, Killer sat down beside you and you curled up against him. You mumbled a small 'thank you' and quickly fell asleep while Killer watched over you.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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archangeldyke-all · 11 months
hello sevika lovers happy saturday! here's a nasty little smutty piece for you from me.
have a lovely weekend! love,
angel :)
men and minors DNI, i'll block tf out of u
modern au
sevika's some kind of high level exec. business owner with silco. he handles the marketing and she handles the numbers.
the two of you met years ago when her business was just starting to take off. silco had hired you to help design a logo for them, and in the process you'd spent quite a bit of time getting to know the duo.
for a few months, you met with silco and sevika once or twice a week to discuss and tweak your designs. after the first few meetings, silco started sending sevika to meet with you alone, sick of feeling like a third wheel during business meetings.
you weren't subtle about your infatuation with the woman, but you kept it professional--she was your boss after all.
after three months and dozens of meetings with sevika (most of which went hours over scheduled-- both of you getting too caught up in flirting and chatting to notice the time flying) you finalized the design and got your final paycheck.
you figured that that was the end of your little flirtatious fling with sevika, until a week later she's pounding on your door with a bundle of flowers hidden behind her back.
"sevika?" you asked, surprised to see the woman standing in your doorway.
"hi. uh. silco said my brooding was ruining the atmosphere at the office. told me to suck it up and go for it so..." you had no idea what she was talking about until she revealed the flowers to you and shoved them into your chest. "i was wondering if you'd ever like to get some food with me. you know. not for work."
"like a date?" you asked. she nodded.
you kissed her in response. (and she fucked you against your front door before trimming and arranging the flowers in a vase for you.)
anyways since then you've been inseparable.
she marries you the second she has some substantial money put away in her savings.
most days she's able to keep her work away from home, but come the end of every business quarter, work gets exceptionally busy for her and she doesn't have any choice but to sprawl out in her home office, crunching numbers and reviewing accounts night after night after night.
one of these evenings, you come home and find her hunched over her desk, glasses slipping down her nose, rubbing her temples.
for a few minutes, you simply admire her as she jabs at her calculator and shuffles through her files. eventually, she notices you, the tension in her shoulders melting at the sight of you. you saunter over to her and she grins.
"hi baby" you say, pressing a kiss into her hair.
"mmmh." she says as she buries her face into your tits, her arms snaking around your waist. you scratch her scalp, and you can swear you hear her purring.
"how much longer have you got?" you ask her. she groans into you long and dramatic, and you giggle, pressing kisses on her head.
"hour and a half, two hours maybe." she says. "why? you wanna distract me?" she looks up at you with a salacious smile. you laugh, flicking her forehead.
"get your work done and i'll give you a back massage." you say, pulling away from her. you gently push her glasses up her nose for her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. she sighs.
"fine." she says, shooing you away.
you go , stripping and putting on your jammies, (one of sevika's old t shirts and a pair of panties.) sipping on a large glass of wine after a long day.
you put on some soft music in the kitchen, whipping up a quick meal for yourself and sevika.
when you wander back into her office about half an hour later, she's so focused she doesn't even notice you.
you place her food beside a tall stack of folders, then pour her a big glass of whiskey from her bar cart. you press a quick kiss in her hair.
she hums, reaching out to grab your wrist, keeping you beside her as she finishes some calculation. when shes done, she sets down her pencil and looks up at you.
you pout down at your wife, tracing the dark bags under her eyes with your thumbs. "poor baby." you whisper. "workin' so hard."
sevika hums in agreement as she nuzzles into your touch. you laugh at her. "come here." she demands, patting her lap with one hand and pulling you toward her with her other
you comply, straddling her lap. her hands find your waist, while yours snake around her shoulders. "you think this chair can hold the both of us?" you ask as the chair lets out a pathetic squeak beneath the two of you. sevika doesn't respond, too busy pressing kisses into your neck and jaw. you hum, running your fingers through her hair.
"fuckin' miss you." she mumbles into your neck.
"'m right here, honey." you say. her hands begin to massage your hips.
"yeah but i haven't gotten to fuck you in weeks." she grumbles. this makes you cackle.
"we fucked this morning!" you say. you feel her smile against your neck.
"been so busy lately, been neglecting my wifely duties." she continues. you laugh again. she begins sucking a hickey into the flesh of your neck. "been neglecting you, huh?" she asks. you laugh.
"you're not getting anything from me until you're done with your work, babe." you say to her. she nips your skin and you screech.
"why not?" she asks petulantly, grip becoming tighter on your hips. you have to pull her away from your neck by her half pony.
"because you've got important things to do. businessy things. dinner things. things for silco. and if we start now, you know we won't stop until we're both asleep."
"you're more important than any of that shit." she whispers. you smile, pushing her back in the chair, slowly unbuttoning the top few buttons of her black silk button up for her, pushing her glasses up to sit on her head. the more you undress her, the harder getting off her lap seems.
her grip on your hips is so tight now you'd struggle to leave now anyways. she's got a cocky little smile on her lips, like she knows she's won, and you can't help but huff in annoyance.
with a grin, sevika pulls down on your hips as she thrusts up against you. you gasp when you feel a hard bulge in her pants.
"fuck, sev." you whisper. she grins as she begins to grind you down on her crotch. "when did you even put that on?" you ask with a giggle.
"kept it on after i fucked you this morning. wanted to remember the noises you made all day." you groan, pulling sevika's shirt out of where it was tucked into her pants, clawing at her abs. "so...?" sevika asks.
"you gonna distract me for a bit, sweetheart?" she asks.
you roll your eyes but nod anyways, grinding small circles into sevika's lap as she grins up at you. "you're fuckin' annoying." you whisper down at her. she chuckles.
"you're the one who married me." you roll your eyes at her, before smacking at the grip she has on your hips.
"lemme go." you whisper. she pouts. you kiss her in reassurance, whispering in her ear. "not going far." sevika's grip doesn't relent, and you roll your eyes, biting her ear lobe. "come on baby. gotta get your dick wet before you can put it in me." you say, popping the button on her pants. she moans and lets go, hands flying to help you push her pants down. you giggle as she wiggles out of her pants, sliding off her lap and onto the floor between her legs as she pulls her strap out.
"fuck." she whispers at the sight of you. you lick your lips when her strap pops out of her pants, seven thick inches of purple silicone that never fails to make you scream. you don't waste time, both of your hands coming up to grip her thighs, pressing a kiss to the tip of the strap as your eyes flick up to catch hers.
sevika always loses her mind when you suck her strap, swears she can feel it, swears it's the hottest thing in the world to watch. she's cum from it a few times when she's particularly desperate, and it never fails to get you soaking fucking wet watching her fall apart above you.
sevika snakes a hand into your hair, gripping at the roots. she guides your head down the strap, and you keep your eyes locked on hers as you relax your throat and take her to the hilt.
tears begin to well in your eyes as sevika holds you down on her cock, and she waits until they fall down your cheeks before pulling you off to let you breathe. "shit baby, you're so fuckin' good at that." she whispers as you gasp to catch your breath.
you grin and spit on her strap, giggling as her hips jolt. you jerk the silicone up and down, pressing kisses on every inch of the shaft, soaking it in your saliva, never letting your eyes leave sevika's unless it's to close your eyes as you moan.
taking the strap back into your mouth, you begin to bob your head up and down, nasty gagging and squelching sounds starting up from between your lips. "g-god fuck." sevika whines. "shit listen to you. fuckin' gaggin' on it, huh baby?" you nod up at her. she tightens her grip on your hair and you relax, allowing your wife to control your movements as she begins to throat fuck you.
"f-f-fuck honey, shit." sevika grunts as she starts thrusting her hips up into your mouth. your clit is throbbing in your panties, and you're sure you've soaked them through by now. clenching your thighs together brings you some relief, but nowhere near enough.
when you snake one of your hands away from where you were gripping her thighs to rub between your legs, sevika groans.
"fuckin' touching yourself, baby?" she asks. you whimper, two of your fingers easily sliding inside of your sopping wet hole. "fuck, you're so nasty. getting off on this. shit is that you?" sevika asks when the wet sloshing sounds of your fingers massaging your inner walls start. you whimper around her cock in response. "jesus fucking christ." sevika growls. "get the fuck up here. lemme feel how wet that pussy is for me."
before you know what's happening, she's pulling you off her cock and back up into her lap.
your chin, neck, and the front of your t-shirt are soaked in your drool, a small puddle of your saliva's grown at the base of sevika's strap, which prods deliciously against your cunt as you get comfortable in her arms again. she hugs you to her chest, pressing kisses against you everywhere she can reach, into your hair, against the tear tracks on your cheeks, down your neck. she hugs your waist with one hand, and with the other, she pulls your panties to the side and starts rubbing your wet cunt.
"need something?" she teases as you twitch against her hold. you bite her neck and reach down to grab her wrist, pushing her fingers toward your hole.
"gotta stretch me out before i can take your dick, baby." you whisper. a shiver runs down sevika's spine. "and your fingers feel so much better than mine." you say. sevika groans and she slides her pointer finger into you. your thighs quake. "m-more i can take more, 'm wet enough for more baby." you gasp when she shoves a second finger inside you.
"feel good?" she whispers against your ear as you grind down on her fingers. she starts shallow thrusts in and out of your cunt, pushing against your g spot on each thrust.
"m-m-more." you whisper, orgasm creeping up on you. "another sev, please, you're gonna make me cum." she growls as she begins fucking a third finger in your cunt. the stretch stings, sevika's thick fingers bullying their way into your pussy, and you whimper and whine until her third finger finally slides in along side her other two. your pussy clenches, and her fingers press right up against your g spot, and you see stars.
"fuckin' cum for me." sevika growls. "cum on my fingers then i'll make you cum on my cock." you gasp. "fuck, you're soaking my hand honey." she whispers, grinding her fingers inside you as her palm rubs against your clit. you bite down on her neck, your thighs shaking, your back arching. "there you go baby, there you go. so perfect for me. such a good mouth. such a good cunt, baby, shit. takin' me so perfectly, you're gonna look so good all fucked out and dumb riding my cock."
you gasp and cum, her words going straight to your cunt. "fuckin' good girl, just like that. i fuckin' love you, holy shit, look at you." sevika babbles as you tremble in her hold. "shit baby. 'm gonna knock you up." she whispers in awe as you collapse against her, the last waves of your orgasm dying down.
you chuckle at her words, kissing her neck as you try to catch your breath.
sevika rubs your back with her free hand, peppering kisses against your head.
when you pull back to look her in the eyes, you melt. she's looking at you with a lovesick expression, the same expression she wore after the first time you kissed her, the same expression she wore watching you walk down the aisle, the same expression she wears every time you cum for her. you grin and lean forward to kiss her sappy smile off her face.
as you kiss her, you grab her wrist where her fingers are still buried inside you. you whine as you help her ease her thick fingers out of your cunt, the emptiness after the lovely stretch of your wife's fingers feeling foreign.
"you okay?" sevika asks against your lips. you pull away nodding. with a gentle tug, you bring her hand up to your face. sevika looks confused until you open your mouth for her-- lust quickly overtaking her features as she shudders.
she shoves her fingers in your mouth and the two of you moan simultaneously: you at the taste of your cum on your wife's fingers, sevika at the feeling of your tongue and lips sucking on her fingers.
"you're fuckin' nasty" she whispers, impressed. you chuckle around her fingers. you've been using the same few moves on sevika since you met, and she's just as shocked and turned on each and every time.
she shoves her fingers deep as they'll go, watching as your drool starts collecting and sliding down her hand and your chin, before pulling her hand away and smashing her lips against yours, shoving her tongue in her mouth like she was trying to get just as deep as her fingers were. one of her hands reaches back to grip your ass, the other snakes up your shirt to squeeze your tits. you reach behind you to guide her strap toward your cunt, huffing in frustration as you struggle to line her up right.
sevika pulls away from your mouth with a pop, spit strings connecting the two of you as she pulls away. you gasp for air as she reaches down to help you hold the strap up. "here you go baby." she whispers.
she's so sweet it almost makes you feel bad for what you're about to do to her.
you smile up at her, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips as she guides the tip of the strap inside you. the strap and your cunt are both so slippery that even with the two of you coordinating and guiding it, it takes a few tries to get it in.
when the tip does slide in, though, you both moan simultaneously. (you laugh a bit, because sevika can't even see the strap but she somehow knows it's inside you. she always swears she can feel you through it, and you're starting to think she really can)
her hands clutch at your hips, trying to be patient, but after so long together you can see the desperation creeping up on her. it's in the way her hold on you has become bruising, in the way her pupils are blown so wide she looks fucking high, in the way she's shuffling her feet beneath the two of you, trying to keep from thrusting into you. she's so sweet to you, so good, and you're about to break her poor heart, so you lean forward and give her a nasty kiss before pulling away and ripping your shirt over your head, determined to give her a good show.
sevika's gaze snaps to your tits, a grin growing on her lips, and you arch your back as you slowly sink down on her cock, giving her a good view of her slowly disappearing inside you.
your legs are shaking by the time you're sat on her lap, her strap buried inside you. "fuck-" you whisper. sevika gulps.
"you okay?" she asks. you close your eyes and nod, biting your lip and grinding tiny little circles against her. you both shudder at the movement.
you finally compose yourself, stilling your movements, taking a deep breath, and opening your eyes. your lovely wife is studying your body with a furrow between her brows, lip between her teeth, looking at you with the same intensity she was looking at her work earlier. though she looks much less bored this time. you gulp.
"sev." you whisper. her eyes snap up to yours. a nervous flutter flashes through your stomach when your eyes meet. sevika looks like she's gonna eat you alive. shit.
in an effort to placate her before you rip the bandaid off, you start gently scratching her scalp, running your fingers through her hair like you always do at night when you're trying to lull sevika to sleep. some of the tension leaves her body, she melts into her seat, sighing and blinking slowly at you. "sevika." you say, gathering your bravery, trying not to smile with nerves and betray yourself.
"yeah baby?" she asks. fuck. her voice sounds like sex.
you lean forward, pressing your body against hers, burying your head into her neck, pressing a gentle kiss there before nuzzling in and sighing. "you better hurry up and finish your work if you wanna fuck me before i fall asleep." you say.
sevika freezes. you close your eyes and bite your lip and wait for her to speak.
you hear the sound of her mouth opening and closing. like she's trying to talk but no words are coming out. you sneak a glance at her, and grin.
sevika looks shocked. her mouth is wide open, her eyes are widened in surprise, her brows reaching for her hairline. her hands are suspended in the air like she's not sure what to do with them.
you make the mistake of giggling, and her eyes snap to yours.
"you..." she whispers, eyes flashing from your cunt to your face to your hand still running through her hair. "are you serious?" she asks, dumbfounded.
you try your best to look innocent, widening your eyes, like who me? biting your lip in an attempt to hide your guilty smile. if the incredulous smirk sevika's face morphs into at the sight of you is anything to go by-- your attempt at innocence fails.
it's a stand off for a minute, sevika waiting for you to break, you waiting for sevika to get back to work.
you lean forward and give her nose a little kiss pulling her glasses back down and straightening them on her nose, tucking her hair behind her ears. "dont forget to eat your dinner too, baby" you whisper, settling back down against her shoulder.
your heart is pounding against your chest and your cunt is pounding around sevika's strap. you close your eyes, taking a shaky breath, waiting for her to react. for a minute, she does nothing, her hands suspended in midair.
then, she scoffs, sniffs, clears her throat, and picks up her pencil. the gentle scratch of pencil against paper fills the room and you grin in victory against her throat. she must feel the curve of your smile against her neck, because sevika scoffs and shakes her head above you, then she brings her free hand down on your ass with a resounding smack.
you gasp, your hips jolting in shock, causing you both to moan. sevika swallows hard, takes a deep breath, and gets back to scratching numbers behind you.
it takes you ten solid minutes to get your heart rate under control, but eventually, you and sevika start to sag into each other more and more. you sigh into her neck as the tension in your back slowly melts away, and she presses a gentle kiss against your scalp in return.
at one point, she stops writing, and takes a couple bites of her dinner, grunting as she does. she squeezes your ass and mumbles against your head "'s really good babe. thank you." you hum a happy sound and kiss her neck.
the hand on your ass starts to gently trace little numbers in your skin, which is so fucking cute it makes you a little dizzy. you have to bite your tongue to keep from kissing her senseless and breaking her focus.
your breath catches in your throat every other minute when sevika will intermittently claw your ass like a stress toy as she mutters under her breath, cursing her calculator, or a client, and occasionally just silco himself for "talkin' me into this fucking business shit." like she hasn't been doing 'this fucking business shit' for over a decade now.
she pushes her head into your hand when your scratching stops, like a cat demanding more attention. you giggle and begin to play with her hair again. she sighs sweetly in thanks.
eventually sevika snaps one folder closed and opens another. she jostles you a bit in the process. "sorry baby." she mumbles. you hum.
"'s okay."
"you're not falling asleep are you?" she asks suddenly, panicked, her grip on your ass tightening. you laugh.
"not yet."
"you tired?" she asks. you are, but nowhere near tired enough to fall asleep with sevika's cock buried inside you. still, you decide to tease her.
"a little."
"tell me about your day." she demands. you scoff, but start talking regardless.
you mumble against sevika's neck for a while she works behind you and hums and laughs at your words. after a while you trail off and run out of things to say, so sevika starts speaking in short little bursts between tasks and problems. what she ate for breakfast. the guy she watched step in dog shit this morning, how he almost caught her laughing. that she hates the arm exercises her new physical therapist gave her.
as time goes on, sevika's mindless groping of your ass becomes a little more intentional. her hips beneath you start shifting minutely, intermittent at first, but soon she's just grinding up into you. you bite your lip, trying to ignore her, but she just takes it as a challenge.
"i'm still trying to decide if i'm impressed or betrayed by your little stunt." she grunts out. you chuckle nervously.
"fuckin' dramatic." you whisper. "'m just trying to make sure you keep your job. like a responsible wife."
"like a tease."
"that too." you giggle.
suddenly, sevika's got both her hands on your hips, grinding you down onto her strap hard. you squeal.
"fuck sev!" you curse. "you--you've gotta do your work first." you say as your hands go flying down to grip her wrists. she grins at you.
"just finished." she growls.
you gulp, your cunt clencing, your heart rate picking up. you give up on trying to control the way sevika's grinding you against her lap, instead just holding your breath in anticipation of what she's gonna do to you.
"so whaddya think?" she asks. you whimper.
"'bout what?"
"should i feel betrayed or impressed?" you smile, leaning forward to kiss sevika.
"impressed. duh." you whisper against her lips. "got you to finish your work twice as fast." you say with a waggle of your eyebrows. sevika chuckles and shakes her head in amusement. she leans forward and gives you a sweet little kiss. you hum against her lips, only to screech when in a flash, sevika shoots up with you in her arms, setting you down on the desk in front of her, pinning your legs by up under your shoulders and looming down over you. you blink.
"dont make too much of a mess, baby, i gotta give these papers to silco tomorrow." is the only warning you get before she's pistoning her hips in and out of you at a brutal pace.
you scream and sevika grins.
"what'd you think was gonna happen, babe? thought you were gonna tease me like that 'n get away with it?" your hands flail, clawing at papers, before smoothing them out, then reaching up to claw at sevika instead. "huh?" she asks. you blink, then shake your head no with a chuckle. "no?" she asks, surprised. you laugh.
"knew i wouldn't get away with it. that's half the fun, sev." you whisper. she laughs and ducks down to kiss you.
"you're an evil fuckin' genius, baby." she says against your lips between panting breaths as she fucks you at a brutal pace.
your cunt is squelching between the two of you and sevika shakes her head in admonishment. "fuck did i say honey?" she spits. you huff. "told you not to get messy and you're already laying in a puddle." she growls against you.
"c-can't help it." you whine.
"feels- fuck- feels so good baby." you moan. sevika growls, pressing one last firm kiss onto your lips before pulling away completely.
she pulls back, pulls her strap out of you, lets go of your legs, leaves you spread out and fucked open on the middle of her desk, whining and empty.
"fuck, you're pretty." she whispers. she grins down at you for a second, reaches forward to tweak your nipples, and then she's flipping you over.
you land on your stomach with a grunt, a shiver running down your spine as sevika presses your face down against her desk with one of her hands and guides her cock inside you with the other.
"fuck!" you gasp. sevika chuckles, starts fucking you with shallow little thrusts as she gropes your ass. "sevika." you whine.
"what's wrong baby?" she asks, chuckling as she watches you twitch and writhe beneath her.
"deeper, please." you ask. she hums, hitches one of your legs up on to the desk beside you, then slides all the way inside.
you whimper. the new angle makes her cock feel two inches bigger.
"that good enough for you?" sevika spits from above you. "huh? your greedy cunt finally satisfied baby?" she asks. you nearly cum at her words.
"sevika!" you gasp out. she laughs and starts grinding deep little circles into you.
"fuck. love watching your cunt clench around me like that baby. so fuckin' pretty. you're creamin' all over me baby, shit." sevika rambles. your eyes roll back in your head and you start rambling, desprate and needy.
"sevika, sev, baby, fuck me. please honey, fuck me hard and deep and fa-- ah!" you shriek as sevika starts fucking you. "oh fuck!" you screech. "fuck! just like that!" sevika presses down against your head and leg harder, pinning you to the desk as she picks up her pace.
she's growling behind you, but it's barely audible over your wailing and the smacking sounds of her hips meeting your ass, the squelching sounds that start back up between the two of you again.
"fuck." she whispers. you giggle when you hear it.
"feel good baby?" you taunt. sevika grunts. "god you're so deep, 'm not gonna be able to walk tomorrow." you gasp out. sevika leans down to begin biting at your back and shoulders, her thrusts getting sloppier the more you talk. you smile. "gonna cum inside this pussy, baby?" you ask her as sweetly as you can while swallowing back moans and whimpers.
sevika's hips stutter and she bites your shoulder, groaning against you. "gonna get you fuckin' pregnant." she whispers. you jolt against her at the words and she chuckles. "you gotta cum for me first, though." she whispers.
"'s gonna be messy." you choke. sevika coos down at you and you bite your lip.
"that's okay baby, you can be messy. i put all the important shit away. was just teasing you earlier."
"you're so mean." you whine. sevika grins, then pinches your clit.
"yeah, but it gets you so wet." she grunts. you gasp beneath her and she chuckles. "gonna cum?" she asks. you squeak, your thighs starting to shake. "i can tell. can feel this pussy clenching around me. fuck, you're so perfect baby." you gasp, your orgasm creeping up on you.
"sev--" you scramble and claw at the papers littering the desk, looking for something to hold onto as you start to fall apart. sevika presses kisses to your shoulder, cheek and back as she fucks you impossibly faster. "sevika i'm--!" you squeak out. sevika chuckles behind you.
"do it baby." she grunts.
with one final squeak you cum, soaking your thighs. "fuuuuck." sevika curses as she continues to fucking you until you're twitching.
she moves her hand away from your clit when you start to whine, sinking it into your hip as she starts drilling into your cunt with reckless abandon, chasing her own release.
you struggle to catch your breath, still so sensitive from your own orgasm that you cant do much but lay limp on the desk. "y-you gonna..." you gasp, "gonna cum sev?" you whimper. she grunts. "gonna cum inside me?" you ask. she responds with a grunt and a hand smacking your ass.
"f-f-f--" she says, clawing your ass.
"yeah, yeah, yeah, sev, cum inside me, please, want you to feel good baby."
"fuck!" she shouts as she cums, burying her cock deep inside you and grinding against your ass as she shakes. "shit, baby, fuckin' take it, just like that." she grunts. you hum happily beneath her as she twitches against you.
its quiet for a second as she catches her breath behind you, but then she flops forward, pinning you to the desk with her full body weight.
you giggle and moan as she nuzzles into your neck, breathing you in as she comes down from her orgasm. "fuck baby." she grumbles on top of you. you giggle.
"mmm." you hum beneath her. "i want a bath." you whisper. sevika grunts on top of you. you let her rest for a minute before speaking again.
"and a snack." you say. she huffs against you.
"sevika." you say after a minute. she hums. "if you run us a bath, i'll still give you that back massage." you offer. she lifts her head up in consideration. you chuckle.
"in the bath or in bed?"
"whichever you want."
"you making the snack?"
"if you help me walk to the kitchen and back."
it's silent as she considers your terms, then finally, she groans as she lifts off of you to stand. with a gentle pat to your ass, sevika pulls the strap out. you flinch, and she kisses your back in apology.
you stay melted to the desk as sevika undresses behind you, only moving once she finally reaches down to help you up.
she gathers you in her arms, pressing kisses to your face and head. you giggle against her.
"hi." she says with a sweet smile. you grin, leaning in to brush your lips against her.
"hey, sexy."
"thanks for the motivation." she whispers against your lips. you giggle.
"anytime, baby." you promise.
she seals your promise with a kiss.
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dumplingsfordays · 11 months
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30 strales
blade x florist!gn!reader
genre - fluff
summary - after you fall down into some metal buckets in your flower shop, a certain raven-haired customer happens to be walking by and helps you clean up.
cw!: swearing, blade kinda wants to murder you but ends up changing his mind because he likes uuu <3
note - i hc that blade smells like citrus. no, you're not getting an explanation, sorry lol.
and as always, thank you for reading!
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
When you got your job as a florist at Petals and Pollen, you didn't expect this many people to talk to you - you were just there to make bouquets, but most of the time when someone came up to you to ask for a recommendation or advice on what flowers to give someone, your conversations would end in 'hey, are you free this week? I know a great coffee shop that you'd like' or 'there's this cute bookstore a few blocks away, wanna go there together sometime?' or just straight-up 'do you want to go on a date?'. Of course, you weren't angry or anything, but a part of you felt annoyed. Did these people come up to you only because they thought that you look nice, or did they actually want to get a bouquet and they picked up on your personality midway?
Either way, you always declined. You weren't really interested right now, and besides, you had stuff to do. Planning dates wasn't exactly part of your job description anyway.
But one cold autumn afternoon during a thunderstorm, a rather peculiar man entered the shop - his expression wasn't one of boredom or neutrality like most other patrons, it was one of rigid, almost angry determination. He stomped up to the counter with quick steps, long navy hair flowing behind him as he stopped suddenly in front of the counter.
"How do I say 'fuck you' in flower?" he growls. "Use any flowers you need. I have the money."
You blink a couple of times in surprise at the taller man, processing his request. You knew flower language, it's just that you were wondering who it could possibly be for - a nasty coworker? A disrespectful teacher or boss?
Deciding not to dwell on it, you nod and get to arranging the bouquet. From some nearby stands, you pick out some geraniums, foxglove, meadowsweet, and orange lilies, cradling the flowers in the inside nook of your elbow. You place them in a clear glass vase and tie them together with a sunset-red silk ribbon. You feel the man's eyes linger on your fingers as they knot the ribbon in a bow, and finally, you finish the bouquet and hand it to the man.
"120 strales, please," you say, pressing a few buttons on the cash register. The man quirks an eyebrow.
"No dahlias?"
"Dahlias? Why would you need dahlias?"
"Ka- I mean, I read that they meant disappointment."
You sigh. "Well, that book must've been wrong. Dahlias are a symbol of commitment, not disappointment. I think the author must've meant to write "yellow carnations", but I don't know how you would mix it up that bad. Should I add them?"
"No, that's fine." The man slides you the payment and, grabbing the bouquet, storms out the glass door to the shop.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"Fuck!" he mutters under his breath as he speedwalks angrily through the crowded streets of Xianzhou, his delicate bouquet gently cradled in his arms. What the hell was Kafka thinking? He was going to bring this to the General as quote unquote "thanks", and she tricked him? Oh, he was going to kill her when he came back.
But this florist was rather... different than others he'd been to in search of a "fuck you" bouquet. They had a special sort of air about them, an air that he couldn't quite pinpoint but knew that it was addicting. Well, maybe not addicting - he just wanted to see them again, that's all.
Wait, see them again? No, he didn't do that sort of thing, he never wanted to up and start conversation with some random stranger that he saw once while buying flowers. He didn't spontaneously show up at their doorstep and ask what their name was - he only did that to his victims, and in this case, this person wasn't a victim. He barely even knew who they were (with the exception of the obvious title of "florist".)
What if they would become his victim, then? He would have a chance to talk to them without feeling guilty of doing so, and maybe murder them at the end. That's what happens to everyone anyways, how was one less person in the world going to impact him?
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
The next day, a few hours after opening time, you see him again. He's calmer than yesterday, opening the door to your shop with a small squeak and taking his time to look around at the flowers you have on display. He pauses next to a small tin pail of yellow pansies.
"Those are pansies," you note. He turns his head sharply to meet your gaze with those blood-red eyes and turns back to the flowers.
"They're pretty," he says under his breath, lifting one out of the pail and examining its petals. "What do they mean?"
You can't read his expression at all - it's just neutral, with a small hint of fascination that immediately vanishes when he puts it back.
"They mean 'I'm thinking of you'," you reply as you pull some leaves off the stem of a tulip and throw them into a paper bag. He blinks in response and continues examining the various flowers, finally coming over to your counter a couple minutes later.
"I'd like some daffodils, please." He slides over 230 strales.
"The largest bouquet costs 200, you can keep the extra 30."
He stares at the currency in silence as you pick out the freshest daffodils and bind them together with a pale yellow ribbon, adding some white lace frills into the midst. You hand him the bouquet and he looks up at the nametag pinned to your left.
"y/n," you say. "Nice to meet you too, um..."
"Blade, okay."
You give a small, awkward smile. He takes the rather large bouquet from your hands and leaves the extra 30 strales, which you grab and run after him with as he leaves the shop.
"Blade! Blade!" you yell as you run after him. "You forgot your-"
He's gone, blended in with the crowd, probably, but you daren't go look - you have a business to run, and you already see some potential customers approaching the establishment. You decide to wait for him - if he comes back tomorrow, you'll give him the strales back.
As you're making a rose bouquet for a middle-aged man in a grey suit and tie, Blade pops into your mind again. His eyes were... eerily captivating, like bloodied dark iron magnets that pulled your gaze toward him. Combined with the fact that he was hard to read, and that you've never seen him before in your life, made him the most mysterious person that you'd ever interacted with. But a part of you wanted to see him again, to talk to him, to find out who he really was and what he was doing in your shop in the first place. Guess you'd have to see tomorrow.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Tomorrow was a mess.
You estimated that about 200 customers came in, most leaving with flowers in hand, and to your disappointment, none of them were the dark-haired, red-eyed, "fuck you"-bouquet-ordering man who somehow forgot that he'd left 30 strales lying on your counter before yesterday. By the time you had shut your doors, the floor was completely littered with little pieces of leaves and small, multicolored petals. Guess you had to stay after to clean up.
You pulled out your best weapon, a wide mop, from the cleaning closet in the corner and got to work. Pulling it along the tiled floor, you decided that it was rather boring to mop in silence, and pulled out another one of your favorite items - a pair of headphones, which you promptly connected to your phone and resumed mopping, now with a spring in your step. This spring turned into occasional hopping, which then turned into full-on dancing as you got caught up in the music.
Blade was watching all this unfold outside your shop, standing in the darkness and staring dumbfoundedly through the glass window. He was planning on murdering you tonight - it was horrifying that you were dancing so carefreely, without even noticing his piercing gaze on your moving form.
Abandoning the mop, you grabbed onto a column and twirled around it several times in musical glee before tragedy struck and you fell into a shelf of those goddamn tin buckets. Luckily they didn't have flowers in them, but they still hurt like a bitch - you tried pulling yourself up, only to fall down again and wince in pain as the metal edges of the buckets dug into your skin. Your legs are probably going to be covered in bruises the next morning.
You hear the door open with its signature squeak and a sinking feeling of embarrassment flooded your system.
"Need help?" the navy-haired man standing in the doorway askes, stone-faced. He stared at your trapped form blankly as you gaped at him.
"It's nine, no- ten in the evening," you stammer out, "how are you here?"
"Passing by." He feels a strange pang of guilt when lying to you. "You didn't answer my question."
You swallow and look around helplessly before replying reluctantly. "Yes, please."
Blade walks into the shop and grabs you by your hands, hoisting you up with ease onto your legs for a second before catching you when your knees buckle almost instantaneously. He sighs, lifts you up, and carries you to the nearest chair, setting you down like a fragile vase.
Blade's touch was comforting, and he smells like citrus, which is a very unexpected scent for him to have in your opinion. You thought that he might've smelled like- wait, why were you even thinking about this? The way in which his lowkey kinda attractive strong arms carried you was completely irrelevant to the current situation - why was your brain hung up on this while the poor guy has to clean up after you?
Speaking of cleaning up, he was almost done. He was now putting the mop back in the closet, and after he shut the door, you took this moment of silence to ask a question.
"Can you carry me upstairs, please? Just to my bed."
He freezes. You desperately hope that it's not a bad thing - your legs are starting to actually hurt and you don't think that you can carry yourself up a flight of stairs.
Luckily for you, he walks over and scoops you into his arms once more, carrying you with relative ease to the wooden stairs, which creak a little under your combined weight. You loop your hands around his neck as you climb up, holding on for dear life. When he reaches the second floor you thank him quietly, and he returns the gesture with a nod, turning on the lights by raising his knee up to flick the switch. The hallway fills with a golden light, and when you point to the door to your room, he heads there.
You hope that your room doesn't seem too messy - there's plants everywhere (which probably isn't that much of a surprise given that you're a florist) and the occasional book is lying on every wide surface like your desk and the bookshelf. Blade strides over to the bed in one corner, moving a leather-bound book aside titled "A Complete Collection of Native Bee Species" when he lifts the blanket. He sets you down onto the mattress with that same gentleness and you lean into the pillow, eyes already drooping shut at its softness. You turn your back towards him, and he takes this as a signal to remove your apron, which he hangs on a nearby chair. You, in your near-sleepiness, hear him sigh as he turns off the lights and closes the door, leaving you to drift away in peace. The scent of citrus lingers in your mind.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
The next day, as you're setting up shop, you find a note on the counter, written in black pen and a quick hand.
Locked front + back doors. Exited through window, keep the 30 strales.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
When The Party’s Over III (Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, loss of virginity, abusive relationship, forbidden relationship, violence, public sex, jealousy, underage drinking, drug use, manipulation, corruption, forced pregnancy, innocent reader, Heyward!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @silkholland​​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: Manipulated into a secret relationship with Rafe Cameron, you’re finding it much easier said than done to do the right thing and walk away…especially when he refuses to let you.
“I’m calling in that favor.”
The voice at your ear made you jump, and you looked over, startled by both the sight of Rafe and his close proximity. You were at The Wreck, waiting to pick up an order for your dad when he snuck up on you. You couldn’t help but note the smell of some cologne he was wearing, light and airy and not so suffocating like other types. It seemed to come from the sliver of skin that was revealed by his white button down, and realizing that you were staring, you looked away.
“Um…okay,” you said, swallowing and letting out a nervous chuckle.
If at all possible, he found a way to move closer, hand on the counter as he rhythmically tapped a finger on it.
“My dad and Rose are having a little get together. Celebrating their bullshit marriage, I guess, and since I’m required to be there, I figured I shouldn’t have to suffer alone.”
He was teasing, a small smile on his face, and you returned it, laughing to yourself. You had the brief thought though that this sounded like a date, and your smile waned. Rafe was probably one of the best looking guys on this island, and God knows you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t dazzled by him even just a little bit, but the thought made you frown.
For one thing, Pope would lose his mind, and while you didn’t go around being bossed around by Pope, Pope would have every reason to be upset by this. Also, you felt you were getting ahead of yourself, reading too much into what was probably a simple favor. The thought of Rafe being into you was laughable in your mind. He just didn’t date girls like you.
“Like…a date…?”
“Nah, no,” he was quick to tell you, and you hated the way your heart sank a bit at his quick denial. “You’re kind of fun, Heyward.”
Your face heated up at that, your smile returning.
“…and I think I’d be less likely to kill myself if you were there.”
You exhaled, looking away.
“Won’t…Sarah be there? I mean, I can tell Pope that it’s not a date until I’m blue in the face, but he’s not going to hear it.”
Rafe laughed at that, like he found your worry about Pope finding out funny.
“No, Sarah won’t be there. Your brother and their friends have taken John B.’s van to God knows where and probably won’t be back until tomorrow. I saw them leave with Sarah this morning.”
You had noticed that you hadn’t seen Pope all day, not even when you woke up, but it wasn’t abnormal for you, so you hadn’t given it much thought.
“So, it’s tonight?”
“Last minute, I know, but to make up for the short notice,” you watched him reach down to grab a bag you hadn’t even noticed. “I got you something to wear. It’ll put a smile on their face, so��”
You were torn between being flattered or offended. On the one hand, no guy had ever bought you anything before, date or not. On the other, you didn’t know if you imagined the insinuation that Rafe was basically saying he didn’t think you owned anything that would impress Ward and Rose. He would be right, though, but you didn’t think you liked it.
“You seemed sure that I would say yes.”
“I hoped,” he said with a shrug, a crooked smile on his pink lips as he held the bag out to you.
Reluctantly, you took it, and his smile grew.
“Okay,” you finally relented, shrugging.
“Good, good,” he replied, straightening and looking towards the kitchen. “When your order’s ready, let me drop you off. I’ll swing back by to pick you up at 8.”
He brushed his hand over your shoulder and was gone before you could protest, and you were forced to go along with that, you guessed. He kept his word, helping you carry the food before helping you into his truck. Your dad seemed very happy to wave Rafe goodbye when he dropped you off, and you couldn’t gage his reaction as you told him about tonight.
“Anniversary party?”
“Something like that,” you said, licking your lips. “Since I’ve been tutoring Wheezie, they wanted to be polite and invite me.”
You hated lying, but you didn’t know how it would go if you told your dad Rafe invited you. Again, like Pope, you could tell him that it wasn’t date, but he’d never buy it. Your dad trusted you, at least you were sure, but you were positive any normal dad would flinch at the sight of their teenage daughter dating a slightly older guy. It wasn’t like Rafe was your dad’s age or anything close to it, but he just seemed so much older sometimes, more mature, and being around him was slightly intimidating.
“Well…alright. That seems fair. Very nice of them too,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest with a nod.
He seemed satisfied enough, and you relaxed.
As you got ready, you didn’t know why you were nervous. Rafe had said it wasn’t a date, and the thought was beyond silly anyway, but you couldn’t get your heart to stop racing. In all the other settings you’d been in with Rafe, it was so casual and usually surrounded by dumb teenagers and college students who weren’t giving you a second thought. That first night was the only exception, and even then, you couldn’t focus on anything other than being embarrassed to be rescued by your brother’s friend’s brother.
However, this was way more formal. You’d be by Rafe in front of his parents and whatever other rich Kooks they’d invited. You were starting to remind yourself of Pope, but you couldn’t help it. You were hyperaware of everything. Your hair, your makeup, and even what you might say. You were sure you’d sweat out of the all-white outfit Rafe had picked out.
He wasn’t even a minute late, and you didn’t miss the way his blue eyes lit up as you answered the door. He looked you over, admiring his work apparently, before taking your hand and making you awkwardly spin.
“It looks nice on you.”
A neutral compliment. You smiled, thanking him.
“The actual dinner portion will last all of thirty minutes if that,” he told you while on the way.
You looked him over as he talked, thinking he looked so proper in a simple polo and khakis. He didn’t look like himself, and you felt a little better that you weren’t the only one being made up like a doll.
“So, once the adults—well, the older adults, start doing their thing, we can honestly fuck off to wherever.”
You nodded, looking out of the window and lightly pulling at your skirt. You thought you could feel Rafe’s eyes on you, and a moment later, his hands was pulling at yours.
“Stop,” he said, making you look at him. “You look fine.”
He said it so confidently that you told yourself the same.
Ward was definitely surprised to see you when you walked through the door, but he pulled you into a polite hug, nonetheless. Rose did the same, and Wheezie boldly asked if you were Rafe’s girlfriend with a small frown on her face. You were quick to shut that down, and Rafe just chuckled into his glass as he sipped on what you assumed was a virgin drink. Ward seemed like a very straight laced kind of man.
There definitely wasn’t as many people as you feared there would be, but for some reason, that made you even more nervous. Your cheeks hurt from your tight smile, answering questions about school and summer plans.
“I took a year off too,” some older man told you, a friend of Ward’s. “Best decision I ever made.”
When he proceeded to ask you about fancy colleges, that was where he lost you. You definitely had the grades and extracurriculars for it, but the money…well, that was another thing entirely. Just as Rafe had predicted, dinner lasted all of thirty minutes, and when the formalities disappeared and everyone started to just mingle outside, you found yourself looking at a painting in one of the halls.
“Some expensive thing Rose just had to have,” a familiar voice drawled from behind you. “Rose is big on art and pottery and…”
He trailed off when you faced him, dismissively waving his hand, and you wondered how long he’d been standing there.
You got the feeling he didn’t care for his stepmother all that much.
“I can see why you invited me,” you told him. “It’s very…proper.”
You and Rafe teasingly stared each other down, and you relented, throwing up your hands.
“I was trying to be nice about it, but-.”
“Why?” he scoffed, moving closer. “Call it what it is.”
He roughly exhaled, nursing a darker drink that you were sure wasn’t so virgin.
“All they do is sit around and pat each other on the back for being so rich and sophisticated and smart to make deal after deal.”
You tilted your head at him as he took a sip, pressing your lips together.
“Don’t do that. You like being rich just as much as they do.”
He smirked, eyes cutting to you, not denying it.
“I’m not criticizing them for being rich. I’m criticizing them for being boring,” he corrected you. “All the money in the world and this is what they choose to do with their time.”
You didn’t disagree with him there, and your gaze was drawn to another painting. Again, you thought you could feel him staring at you, and when you looked at him, you found that you were right. Rafe was the type who wasn’t embarrassed about being caught, and so he kept staring.
“I’m glad you came with me, tonight.”
His sudden sincerity threw you, and you licked your lips, nodding.
“You asked, and…I do kind of owe you.”
The house felt empty aside from you two.
“Still,” he breathed. “Tonight was actually a little fun because of you, so…”
He held his hand out, nodding towards the stairs.
“Come on. I don’t want to be the only one drinking,” he joked.
At least, you thought he was joking, but even if he wasn’t, you neared him and slipped your hand in his anyway.
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You were half asleep when you heard it.
It was clear as day in your ear, the sound echoing throughout your quiet room, but you’d convinced yourself you’d imagined it when you heard it again. Your lashes fluttered, and you rolled to your back, staring at your ceiling with a frown before turning your head towards your window. The figure that stood there had your heart attempting to climb out of your throat, and you sat up so fast it made your head spin. However, it took you all of seven seconds to recognize how familiar they looked.
With a confused frown, you slid off of your bed and made your way to the window.
It was without a doubt the very blond who had somehow become something akin to…a friend these days.
“What are you doing here?”
You didn’t even know how late it was, and as much as Rafe had scared you awake by standing outside of your window, your eyes felt tight with sleep. You noticed the tautness in his face, jaw clenched and eyes not as warm and teasing as you had become used to. Your frown deepened. He pulled his lip between his teeth, glancing away with a small sigh before meeting your eyes again.
“Can I come in?”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you worriedly looked at your closed door like your parents would somehow sense this man asking for entry to your bedroom.
“Why…?” you slowly wondered, confusion growing.
You watched him take a deep breath, and as his knuckles strained against your window sill, you noticed they were slightly bruised. Worry swirled in your gut, and when you looked back up, Rafe was looking at you, and you knew he knew you noticed.
“To tell you the truth,” he sounded reluctant to do just that. “I got into it with my dad…”
Your shoulders drooped.
“…and I just couldn’t be in that house, right, so… I’m driving and I’m driving, and I’m thinking that I don’t want to be around Topper or Kelce either who’s just going to give me some coke or put a drink in my hand or crack jokes when I’m actually fucking pissed.”
The venom in his tone shocked you, and you blinked at this other side of him.
“It wasn’t until I was almost here that I realized where I was going…and I just… I just wanted to see you.”
He scratched the back of his head, and your chest clenched.
“No…yeah. Yeah, that’s fine. I… Come in.”
You moved out of the way, swallowing at the sight of Rafe Cameron climbing through your window. It didn’t seem real, and you shook your head.
“Do you need anything? Ice or…?” you trailed off, eyeing his knuckles again and wondering if that’s what he meant when he said he got into it with Ward.
You hoped not.
“Nah, this isn’t from that. I punched a wall,” he told you, and it sounded so ridiculous you couldn’t help but to let out a nervous laugh.
“You punched a wall?”
He nodded, looking away from you and instead taking in your room.
“Are you sure you don’t want ice or anything? That has to hurt,” you whispered.
He didn’t answer you at first, slowly walking around your room and studying every poster, every picture on your mirror, and every random item you hadn’t gotten around to putting in it’s proper place.
“Nah,” he drawled. “I’ll be fine. Not the first time.”
His words made you frown, and you suddenly felt…sad for Rafe. You never imagined you would. He had everything someone his age could want, and you felt so narrowminded all of a sudden, wondering why you thought his money and fancy upbringing secured a happy life. You and your parents had your spats, sure, but they’d never made you angry enough to want to punch anything. It made you shake your head.
Even crazier, Rafe had come to you. Not the friends he’d had his whole life, but you.
When he got done with his perusal, his eyes fell to you, drinking you in, and you only just became aware of the t-shirt that hit your knees. It wasn’t like Rafe was making you feel exposed or anything, his eyes focused on your face, but you couldn’t help it. Rafe Cameron was in your bedroom, and you didn’t have on pants.
That wasn’t something you could just ignore.
You moved to sit down, unsure of what else to do, and you watched Rafe shove his hands into his pockets.
“I’m sorry,” you said suddenly, and Rafe tilted his head at you. “About you and your dad.”
He chuckled at that, and you didn’t know what was funny.
“It’s not the first time, and it definitely won’t be the last.”
That made you sadder, and you were sure it showed on your face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever fought with my parents like that,” you slowly said, and Rafe smirked.
He walked towards you, sitting on the edge of your bed with his back facing you.
“No, you wouldn’t, would you? You’re a good girl.”
The way he said that had you wracking your brain, and something about his tone made you feel like you should be insulted. As if he’d read your mind, Rafe continued.
“You don’t fuck up like I do.”
The insinuation that the fight was deserved had you moving closer.
“Whatever you did, I’m sure it doesn’t warrant your dad making you so angry you punch a wall,” you told him, perplexed.
He looked over his shoulder at you at that, drinking you in, and a slow smile made it’s way onto his lips.
“You have a lot of faith in me. How do you know?”
Rafe’s face was closer, now, smile gone.
“How do you know I didn’t deserve it?”
You didn’t truthfully, but the Rafe you’d grown to know was nice. He gave you rides when you needed then, and he was friendly, and he lied to your parents for you.
“I don’t, I guess…but, the Rafe I know doesn’t.”
He stared at you for what felt like a long time before nodding, a soft smile on his face as he turned away.
“Well, thank you. That means a lot.”
You bit your lip, having something on your mind and contemplating on whether or not to voice it before deciding to.
“I’m glad you came here.”
He perked up at that, looking at you again, and you held his gaze.
“You shouldn’t be alone after something like that, with that much anger, and…if you decide you don’t want to talk to your friends, you can come to me. I don’t mind.”
Rafe’s brows drew together at that, and he eyed you.
“You mean that?”
“Yeah,” you said, sitting up. “It would make me feel better to know that you’re not punching walls.”
You both softly chuckled at that, and you were startled when Rafe took your hand. He played with your fingers, eyeing them and swiping his tongue between his lips before his gaze met yours again. He looked at you from beneath his lashes as he leaned on your bed at your feet.
“Thank you.”
You returned it with a smile, wondering how on earth you were going to get any sleep tonight.
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You fucked up.
You couldn’t even blame this on Cam or Bunny, because this was all you. They’d warned you that the punch was spiked, and you could vaguely recall making a comment on how you didn’t even taste any alcohol. This was your first lesson in learning that was the dangerous kind, you guessed, and you pressed your hand to your forehead.
This was the fourth time you’d thrown up tonight, and you could feel that you were dehydrated. Your fingers shook, and you were so out of it that you stumbled with every fifth step you took. You could barely make out the faces in front of you, and you suspected that you’d probably walked right by the blonde or redhead and hadn’t even realized.
There were so many people in the house, this easily being one of the biggest parties you’d been to this summer. You had recognized people here and there, but not enough to point them out at this point. You’d never been this drunk in your life, and if you doubted it before, you stuck to that thought when you realized you’d misplaced your phone.
You were glued to your phone.
You leaned against the wall in the hallway, pressing your face into your hands and fighting the urge to throw up again. Your stomach kept turning, and you felt that familiar taste of salt in your mouth, making your face fall.
“Oh my God,” you heard yourself slur.
When you banged on the bathroom, you got a response, and you huffed. It was a struggle to get down the stairs, and you almost fell a few times trying to push past people and get outside. While the fresh air did sober you up a bit, it did nothing to alleviate your nausea, and your face became acquainted with the bushes.
You hated throwing up. Hated the salty wet taste in your mouth, and the way you felt so out of control as your body literally forced things out of you. As you puked into the bushes at some house of some guy you couldn’t even remember, you thought to yourself that this was the lowest of the low for you…
…and then you heard his voice.
You were taking deep breaths when you heard him approach you, and you tearfully looked up to meet his gaze.
“Hey, Rafe,” you breathed, correcting yourself and now recognizing this as the lowest.
You kept breathing in the fresh air, trying to clear your head.
“I’ve been there once or twice myself,” the blond joked, fully taking in the scene before him.
However, when you tried to straighten only to sway on your feet, he became serious.
“Woah, woah. You alright…?”
His soft voice was in your ear, and you reluctantly shook your head.
“I drank way too much…and this is the fifth time tonight I…”
You trailed off, embarrassment filling you. Rafe’s hands dug into your waist and shoulder as he held you upright.
“You sure you weren’t drugged?”
You shook your head.
“I knew the punch had alcohol, but I could barely taste it, so my mind wasn’t really focusing on that as I kept drinking more,” you slurred, pausing to take a deep breath. “It snuck up on me.”
“Yeah, that sounds familiar,” he dragged out, helping you walk. “Where are your friends?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I lost them.”
You paused.
“…and my phone,” you said with a groan.
You were practically hanging off of Rafe, now.
“Alright,” he said like it was no problem, like you weren’t inconveniencing him again. “Let’s just get you home.”
You reacted immediately.
“No,” you almost shouted, and you could tell you shocked him.
You softened your voice, trying not to cry.
“I…I can’t go home like this,” you fearfully whispered. “Not yet, at least.”
All of your weight was on Rafe, and he seemed to see where you were coming from.
“Okay, it’s okay,” he whispered, guiding you to his truck.
“I’m really sorry,” you apologized, the world swaying a bit. “I know you had so many better things to do, and…”
You trailed off when Rafe pressed a finger to his lips, sitting you in his passenger seat, now. You slowly blinked as he buckled you in, and you felt his hand on your face, wiping your mouth with his thumb.
“It’s okay,” he slowly reiterated.
You winced when the door closed, head lolling as Rafe started it up. The soft purr of the truck was relaxing, and you felt yourself leaning. You could hear him calling your name, and you tipped all the way over, your head near his lap. You could feel his hand on your hair, and you absentmindedly thanked yourself for keeping it up tonight, happy it wouldn’t be smeared with vomit.
The only way you knew you’d dozed off was because the next time you opened your eyes, you were slowly being led through Rafe’s yard, his chest at your back.
“No one’s home,” he told you, and you were so glad.
You blinked, just realizing that he’d walked you through his yard.
“You brought me here?”
You swiveled your head towards him.
“Yeah,” he breathed, preparing you for the stairs by kicking your shoes off with his feet. “We’ll sober you up, and hey, if need be, we’ll put you in the guest room.”
That sounded like a nice idea, and you both slowly took the stairs one at a time.
“…my parents…”
Your voice sounded so soft in your ears.
“Hey…didn’t I take care of them before?”
You giggled at the memory, nodding.
You drunkenly took in Rafe’s room as he walked you inside, and you collapsed on his bed, looking around as he searched his drawers. You’d never been in his room, hadn’t even thought about it really, but now that you were here, you looked around in wonder. You wondered if this was how Rafe felt when he was in yours the other night.
You noted the sound of the shower turning on.
When Rafe was at your side again, he was helping you sit up and was putting a shirt in your hand. He knelt before you, touching your face again and studying you.
 “You think you can manage?”
He was talking about the shower, and you nodded.
“I’ll try.”
Try you did. The hot water and steam definitely helped, but there’d been several times during your shower that you’d found yourself kneeling or leaning against the wall, having a hard time standing. You couldn’t even focus on the fact that you were showering in Rafe’s room, taking in his bathroom too when you managed to get the water off.
You were walking better, now, and your head wasn’t swimming as much when you stepped out. However, there was no sign of Rafe, and you made your way into the hall. You were nearing the stairs as you could hear him in the kitchen, and you had managed to struggle halfway down them when he appeared at the bottom, hurrying towards you.
“Woah, woah, what are you doing?” he chuckled, a couple of bottles of water in his hands. “Are you trying to break your neck?”
You pressed your hand to your head, shaking it as he turned you around.
“I was looking for you. Where should I put my clothes?”
“I’ll take care of them, don’t worry,” he told you, a hand on the small of your back.
When you were back in his room, you sat down on his bed, gladly taking a water.
“Thank you,” you told him, chugging it. “I never thought I’d be so drunk it scared me.”
He sat the others down on his nightstand.
“How you feeling?”
You sighed at the question.
“I’m too drunk to step a foot into my house and I threw up five times,” you deadpanned.
Rafe chuckled at that before disappearing into his bathroom.
“When you’re done with that, come brush your teeth. Get that taste out of your mouth,” he called.
You never felt more grateful, taking him up on that suggestion. He told you you could put your spare one by his, and when you were done, you joined him in his room. Without thinking, you laid down, hoping that you’d feel a thousand times better in an hour or so.
“You don’t even know how embarrassed I am,” you murmured, and the bed dipped as Rafe sat down in front of you. “At this point, you have to think that I am a mess and should just be locked up in my house forever.”
You glanced up, eyes meeting his.
“That’s not what I think,” he whispered with a shake of his head.
“Well…it’s what I think.”
Just then, you both heard the door downstairs, and your wide eyes met his as voices reached you. They sounded familiar, like Sarah, and you closed your eyes, lips parting in a silent sigh.
“Great,” you murmured.
You felt Rafe’s hand on your arm, and you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Don’t worry about it,” he assured you. “We’ll wait here for a while, and if you feel better, I can sneak you out.”
Your eyes watered at that, and you knew it was the alcohol.
“Thank you,” you mouthed and kind of whispered. “You’re too nice to me, Rafe, and I don’t know why.”
There was a slight frown on his face at that, and he moved to lay down too, facing you.
“I just keep thinking of how many crappy situations I found myself in and how I would’ve possibly gotten out of them if it weren’t for you.”
He didn’t respond to that, and you could feel your eyes drooping some.
“You’re like this coke snorting angel in board shorts or something…”
You both chuckled at that, and Rafe was saying something to you, but you were drifting too far into sleep to hear it.
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The next time you woke up, the house was quiet. You still felt groggy, head swimming, but you could tell the water and sleep had done something to alleviate your inebriation. You opened your eyes and was happy it was still dark outside, but you did wonder what time it was.
“You only slept about an hour and a half.”
Rafe’s voice startled you, and you glanced up, not realizing he was awake. You wondered if he’d been awake this whole time, and as you noted him watching you, you wondered if he’d done that the whole time. The alcohol in your system had you entertaining self-centered thoughts.
“She and her friends are still here.”
You noticed his use of the plural and frowned. He nodded.
“Even Pope,” he told you.
You sighed at that, and you were sure you were going to say something when Rafe’s finger touched your lips. The action surprised you, and you were more focused on him, now. Somehow, your drunken haze hadn’t allowed you to register it before, but you couldn’t help but focus on the fact that you were half dressed in Rafe’s bed…with Rafe. You hadn’t realized how close you were, and you studied his gaze.
“What…?” you finally whispered, and he simply shook his head.
Something about the air felt…off. Off to you, at least because this was unfamiliar to you. Rafe’s finger trailed from your lips to your cheek, and then down past your chin. Your heart sped up at the feel, and you swallowed. Rafe’s gaze was drawn to the movement, eyes studying the column of your neck.
The blond moved closer.
“What are you…?”
Your words died on your lips.
Rafe gently pressed his to yours, and you blinked, taken aback but feeling so warm. The kiss was gentle, and you sighed into it. You’d kissed a few boys before. Innocent pecks behind the bleachers or by a tree during lunch, but never anything that lasted this long and certainly didn’t make your entire body tingle. It was so foreign, new, and you pulled away, gasping.
Rafe shushed you, reaching for you.
“It’s okay,” he murmured, a hand on the back of your neck.
He pulled you into another kiss, this one firmer, and you sharply inhaled at the way he moved his mouth against yours. His fingers massaged into the skin at the back of your neck, and you were still so in shock that you couldn’t process what this meant. However, the way he kissed you had your eyes closing, and the alcohol in your system didn’t help.
The alcohol reminded you of why you couldn’t go home and then home made you think of Pope.
You pulled away from him again, sitting up this time, and Rafe followed.
“Hey, hey,” he whispered, hands on your face as he tried to get you to look at him.
“Pope,” you breathed. “I…c-can’t…”
“It’s okay,” Rafe softly told you, leaning in and brushing his lips against yours. “You’re okay.”
He kissed you again and again, softly telling you it was okay, hands spreading along your jaw and neck. Your hands were on his arm, unsure if you wanted to push him away or not.
“Wait,” you said in between kisses, feeling like you couldn’t think straight. “I need to…”
The blond made a soothing shushing sound, lips meeting yours, one hand trailing over you now. You jerked at the feel, unintentionally pressing yourself closer to him, and he deepened the kiss. You pressed a hand to his chest, and Rafe deeply inhaled, mouth moving over yours. He was leaning in, pushing you down, and you felt weak, suddenly as drunk as you were hours ago.
You made a noise when your back met his bed, Rafe hovering over you and a knee sliding up, separating your legs. You gasped at that, the cool air hitting your core, and your other hand came up to his chest too. It made you shudder, trembling even more when one of his hands snaked its way down your body, disappearing between your thighs.
Your eyes flew open.
Your nails dug into him, fingers twisting in Rafe’s shirt as he pressed a finger to you. He was slow in circling you, so gently it was almost torturous. The sensation had you gasping, and you felt Rafe smile into the kiss. He worked that same finger into you, making you tighten your hold on his shirt, and Rafe pulled away to watch your face.
Your brows were drawn together as he fingered you, and you didn’t have time to process what was happening. One. Two. Three. At some point, he’d worked three into you, shushing you when you cried out and telling you it was okay, mentioning something about needing to be ready for him. You were so wet, wetter than you’d ever been before when it was just you alone in your bedroom.
He pressed kisses to your lips and cheeks and neck as he massaged your walls. It was nothing like you’d felt before, and your lashes fluttered when he started to kiss his way down your body. You could feel his cool breath hitting you where his fingers were, and you barely had time to lift your head and look down when his mouth was covering you completely.
The gasp you let out was loud, and you completely forgot that you weren’t the only ones in the house.
Rafe tasted you like a man starved, tongue swirling inside of you, sliding over you, flicking against you. The sound reached your ears, and it made your face burn. That dull pain you’d registered in the back of your mind was overshadowed by the sensations brought on by both his fingers and his tongue. He still licked at you, pushing a finger into you and then a second, curling them and making you arch.
Your heart was racing in your chest, and you felt so hot now. No longer warm, but hot.
Your hands found his hair, twisting and pulling, and you could feel Rafe chuckle. The sound made you jerk, throwing your head back as he sucked on you, tongue sliding into you once his fingers were gone. You hadn’t realized that your hips were moving, grinding onto his face like a possessed woman, but Rafe seemed to like it, hooking his arms around your thighs and helping anchor you.
You bit your lip, swallowing down whimpers and mewls, only heavy breaths escaping through your nose.
All too soon, it felt like, Rafe pulled away. It gave you time to collect your thoughts, and you couldn’t believe what was happening. You didn’t understand how you got here, and you shook your head, moving to sit up when Rafe rejoined you. He was naked now, and you didn’t have time to register the shock before he was slowly kissing you.
Your hands pressed into the bed to keep from being pushed back down, trying to talk to him, but his hands grabbed the end of the shirt he’d let you borrow. In yanking it, your arms fell, and you bounced on his bed as he tossed it behind him somewhere. Rafe wouldn’t stop kissing you, wouldn’t let your mind think, but you didn’t have anymore thoughts when he slowly started to dip into you.
You gasped, nails pressing into his skin as he slowly sheathed himself inside of you. Bit by bit he pushed forward, stretching you out and creating the strangest dulled burning sensation. A sharp moan escaped when he could go no further, and your chest heaved as you stared at the ceiling. Rafe lifted his head, hand coming up to wipe the beads of sweat from your forehead, and he kissed the corner of your mouth.
“You’re okay,” he assured you, shifting and pressing a hand into the bed beside your head. “I’ll take care of you.”
When he moved, you squeezed your eyes shut. It was equal parts pain and pleasure and something unknown. Rafe continuously pressed his lips to your skin, his own labored breathing in your ear. The sound fascinated you for some reason, wondering if he felt just like you felt. He stretched you and filled you in a way that almost felt wrong, too much, but every stroke stroked something in you that had you wanting him to keep going.
He kept his eyes on you, constantly watching your face and your eyes and your lips. You started to ask him why, but you thought that would be weird considering the circumstances. As you stared at him, watching him move over you, it was hitting you that you were having sex with Rafe Cameron.
You’d never given it much thought before who you would have sex with, but Rafe Cameron would’ve been nowhere near an option. He was Rafe. He was older and all the guys knew him and all the girls wanted to. He threw parties everyone wanted to go to and he always looked like nothing bothered him and he’d been nicknamed the Kook Prince of Figure 8. Rafe didn’t look at girls like you…and yet…
Here he was, having sex with a girl like you.
This wasn’t how you had predicted the night would go, at all, and truthfully, you still didn’t know how you felt about it. You were still so drunk and could hardly focus on a thing at a time, but one thing stood out above all else and it was the way Rafe was looking at you. Not how he was fucking you or touching you, but how he was looking at you.
It made you shudder, and it felt more intimate than him literally being inside of you. He wouldn’t take his blue eyes off of you, taking in your every expression and every sound you made. It was like he cared more about that than what was between your legs. He leaned a forearm against the bed beside your head, getting closer, and his chest brushed yours with every thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he murmured, lips touching yours as he spoke. “You like that?”
He curved his hips into yours, making you whimper, and he smiled, teeth winking at you. Your hands came up to grasp his back, nails digging in, and his smile widened.
“There you go,” he purred, snapping into you. “Mark me up.”
You were, you realized with shock, and you didn’t mean to nor want to, but you felt so overwhelmed and needed something to grasp. Something to ground you, and a choked moan climbed out of your throat.
“Rafe,” you gasped, and he kissed you.
“You’re okay…”
Your eyes briefly closed, noting how snug he felt inside of you, and every movement against your walls had you shaking. You whined, toes curling, and Rafe’s other hand was trailing over you. He was touching you and tickling you and squeezing you, feeling you up with every thrust. His hand pressed to the small of your back, forcing your lower half up and closer.
“I wanna come inside you.”
The words reached your ears, and you knew that was bad, not ideal, but in your haze, you couldn’t care.
“I shouldn’t,” he chuckled. “…but I want to.”
Everything had happened so fast, and you couldn’t even remember if Rafe had put on a condom. You had a brief thought that you were going to be that girl tomorrow morning, disheveled and bringing a Plan B to the checkout counter. It was surreal to think about.
He pressed open mouth kisses to your neck, and you clung to him, hanging on and just losing yourself in the feel of his cock thrusting into you. Faintly, you could hear voices again down the hall, footsteps too, and you had most certainly forgotten who else was here. You couldn’t find the state of mind to focus on that either.
Rafe’s cock plunged into you over and over, and you could hear yourself mumbling incoherently. You felt so spaced out, trying to focus on so much at once, but you didn’t want to stop. You were obsessed with the feeling, your hips lifting to meet his every time, and Rafe looked down at the sight, staring at where he disappeared into you.
“Look at you,” he murmured, tongue darting out to touch his lips. “Making a mess all over me.”
It was the alcohol that had you murmuring a soft ‘sorry’, and Rafe chuckled. He kissed you again, nose brushing yours.
“Nothing to be sorry about,” he whispered. “I’ll show you how to clean it up one day.”
Rafe completely surrounded you, caging you in and jerking himself into you. His forehead touched yours, blond hair damp and hanging, and when he kissed you again, you drunkenly kissed him back.
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fvllingflower · 6 months
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pairing: boss!joshua, afab!reader
genre: romance, smut
warning: making out, boob play, nipple play, oral (m!receiving, f!receiving), hickeys, restraints, mentions of alcohol, riding, unprotected sex (stay safe!), a few tears, a little aftercare.
song recommendation: midas touch by kiss of life
Joshua and you worked at the same company together. You were his secretary and he was the boss. You've always had a tiny crush on him but would never admit to it.
One day, Joshua called you into his office cause he needed to talk to you about something important. You felt scared because you didn't know what he was gonna talk about...
"Y/N have a seat" He smiled. You sat down on the chair in front of his desk.
"Why did you call me here, Mr.Hong" You fidget with your hands.
"I don't know how to word this probably..." He chuckled.
"Would you like to go on a date?" He bluntly spoke.
"Oh-" Your eyes widened.
"You- you don't have to because I'm your boss, I was just curious..." He rambled.
"It's okay" You smiled, trying to calm the man.
"So will you go on a date? Just one?" He pleaded.
"I will" You smiled.
"Really?!" He seemed surprised.
"Yes, really" You giggled.
"Oh o- okay I'll pick you up on Friday at 8, does that sound good?" He asked.
"That's sounds wonderful" You couldn't stop smiling.
Friday came and you were getting ready. You put on a nice red sun dress and wore some light makeup. You heard a knock on your apartment and you knew if was him. You put your shoes on and opened the door.
"Hi" You smiled. You saw Joshua holding some flowers.
"Hi... you look beautiful" He handed you the flowers.
"These are for you by the way" He seemed so shy and nervous. You accepted the flowers.
"Oh thank you" You held the flowers.
"You can come in, I'm going to put these in some water" You walked back inside your house and he followed behind you.
"You seem very trustworthy of someone you hardly know" He joked.
"Well you're my boss, I know you somewhat" You grabbed a vase and filled it with water.
"Yeah..." His voice faded.
"Can we pretend for tonight that I'm not your boss?" He asked. You were trimming the flower stems down.
"Uh yeah sure" You smiled. You put the flowers in the vase.
"Where do you think I should put these?" You walked over to him with the vase of flowers.
"Mmm you could put them on your coffee table" He suggested. You played the flowers on the coffee table.
"That looks wonderful" You smiled at him.
"Also you did a great job at picking the flowers, these are beautiful" He smiled at your compliment.
"Not as beautiful as you" He winked.
You two left your apartment and went out to a nice restaurant. You were enjoying his company and felt comfortable with him. He seemed to warm up to you and became more flirtatious as the night went on. The date went better than you expected. You two went on some more dates in the following month until Joshua finally decided he was ready.
You two were in your house watching a movie and cuddled up with each other. He paused the movie causing you to look at him confused.
"I wanted to ask you something important" He sat up and held your hands.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.
"I- yes, yes I will!" You sounded so excited. You hugged him tightly. He kissed your cheek and smiled. Suddenly something came to your brain and you pulled away from him.
"What- what's wrong?" He seemed nervous again.
"Are we allowed to date? I mean you're my boss after all" You asked curiously.
"Ah..." He looked away from you.
"No, we aren't allowed..." He spoke quietly. You nodded and put your hand on his chin and lifted his head to look at you.
"Then I guess it's best we keep this a secret mm" You smiled.
"Are you serious? You're still gonna be my girlfriend despite the rules?" He looked surprised.
"Yes I'm serious" You chuckled softly.
"Those rules are stupid anyways, we just can't get caught, okay" He nodded.
"Got it" You leaned in and kissed him softly. He kissed you back, and then smiled once you two broke the kiss.
"Thank you for being my girlfriend" You couldn't help but laugh softly.
"You don't need to thank me for that, baby" You kissed his cheek.
"I'm your baby?" He smiled.
"Yes you are" You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Mm then I guess you're my love" He kissed your nose.
Some more months passed and there was a company party at work. Everyone was in a big ballroom, everyone was dressed nice and neat. And oh god, Joshua looked so hot in that tux... Of course, he usually wears a suit, but for some reason, today he's looks even hotter than normal.
You really didn't want to be at this party. You found it quite stupid, actually. But you do love a good dress up. You were wearing a tight black dress that hugged all your curves and made you irresistible. You decided to pass time you'd go to the bar and get a little drunk.
The party was coming to an end and one by one people were leaving. Joshua found you at the bar and noticed the smell of alcohol on you. He sat on the stool next to you. You looked over at him. You were tipsy, maybe five more drinks, and you'd be done for.
"How much did you drink?" He asked.
"Not.. that.. much" You collected your words.
"Mm sure" He smiled. What Joshua didn't know is that you were trying to hold back all the dirty things you wanted to say to him.
"You're so handsome" You mumbled. He chuckled.
"Thank you, and you're so beautiful" He smiled. He got up off the chair and paid your tab.
"Come on, let me take you home" He helped you get down from the stool and held onto you, making sure you wouldn't fall. He wasn't sure how drunk you were. He got you to his car and opened the passenger door for you.
"Beauty first" He flirted. You got in the car and put your seat belt on. He walked over to the driver side and got in. The minute that door shut, you let all the dirty things spill from your mouth.
"God you in that suit turns me on" You groaned. He looked at you, shocked at what you said.
"Wanna fuck you so bad" He blushed at your words.
"Okay love that's eno-"
"Need your dick inside me, need to feel you" You cut him off. He turned the key and started driving you home, having to listen to your dirty thoughts.
"How long have you been holding back these thoughts?" He suddenly asked.
"Mm all night" You mumbled. You grabbed his free hand and snuck it between your thigh to feel your soaked panties.
"That's what you do to me" He looked to see where is hand was to make sure he wasn't going crazy. He sighed and started rubbing his fingers against your clothed cunt.
"Mmm Shua" You whined.
He got to your apartment complex and he took you to your apartment and you dragged him inside. He helped you take your heels off as he took his shoes off. You pulled him closer to you by the top of his pants.
"Love?" He smirked.
"Wanna do all the dirty fantasies to you" You whispered.
"Mm do you now?" He started rubbing the back of your arm.
"Please" You begged. That was enough to compel him.
"Do it, let those fantasies become reality" You grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.
You two continued kissing endlessly and slowly backed up into your bedroom. He shut the door behind him. You two remained standing as you made out. His hands began exploring your body, until they rested on your tits. He started squeezing your tits as you fought with his mouth. You started to whimper into his mouth. You pulled away from him and pushed him onto your bed. You climbed on top of him and began kissing and marking his neck. While doing that your hands were on the mission of unbuttoning his shirt. You got the shirt unbuttoned and pulled it off of him. You got off of him and walked over to your closet to get something.
"What are you doing, love?" He called out.
"Don't worry about it, just lay higher up on the bed for me" You replied. He listened to you. He laid closer to the bedframe. You walked back over to him with some handcuffs.
"Love?" He looked at you.
"Mm?" You climbed back on top of him.
"What is your pretty mind thinking?" You grabbed one arm of his and handcuffed it to one side of the bedframe and then repeated the action to the other arm.
"Mm how pretty you look, cuffed up like this" You smiled with satisfaction.
"God you're gonna be the death of me" He smiled. You kissed his lips passionately and then bit his bottom lip and he groaned into your mouth. You went back to kissing his collarbone, leaving more hickeys.
"My pretty boy" You whispered against his skin.
"Mmm all yours" Joshua was enjoying the feeling of your lips on his skin.
You got to his chest and started kissing every inch of it, even his pecs. Your kisses got closer and closer to his nipple until you had your mouth on his sensitive bud. You started nipping at it with your teeth. You were enjoying his groans from this action. You kissed your way over to the other bud and nipped at his nipple. You were sitting directly on his dick and you could feel him slowly get hard from your actions. You went back to kissing and marking more of his stomach and chest. You finally decided to unbutton and unzip his pants and pull them off along with his boxers. You stood there and admired his naked form.
"Fuck... you're so hot" You could feel your panties get even more soaked.
You got in between his legs and started messing with his dick. You started by touching the base. He was already sensitive and tried blocking you.
"Block me again, and I cuff your ankles too" You spoke sternly, and that made him even harder.
He relaxed his body when he suddenly felt your hand around his dick. Your other hand went to massage his balls as you were stroking his dick. You enjoyed the sound of his pretty moans. You finally decided to go down on him. You removed your hand from his dick and replaced it with your mouth. You heard him gasp when he felt your mouth on him. You started bobbing your head, taking as much of his thick cock as you could. He kept pulling at the restraints, you knew he wanted to push your head further. Your hollowed cheeks, saliva falling out your mouth and tears streaming down your face was such a pretty sight for him. You made a pop sound when you pulled him out of your mouth and went to lick him up from his base to his tip, like he's a lollipop. You massaged his balls as you continued to fuck him with your mouth.
"Oh fuck- darling I'm gonna-" He kept moaning. He released in your mouth and swallowed him up like a delicious drink. He was panting when you pulled your head off his dick. You looked at his flushed face.
"Wanna... wanna taste you" He panted.
"Catch your breath first, then I'll let you get a taste" You smiled, seeing your effect on him. You started kissing his body as you waited for him to calm down. He finally stopped panting and you looked up at him.
"You ready?" You smirked.
"So ready" He smiled. You got up and stripped your dress and panties off. You hovered above his face.
"Sit on my face" He begged.
He didn't have to ask you twice. You sat on his face and he quickly went to work. He started licking your clit, making you moan softly. You kept your eyes on him as he made out with your pussy. He started nipping at your folds. Your hands flew to his hair as you moaned some more. You kept pulling his hair, making him groan into your pussy. He kept licking and sucking away at you. All the pleasure making you start to grind your hips on his face which only increased the pleasure. You knew how much he wanted to touch you but you couldn't cave in to him.
"Shua" You moaned. You felt so high off the of his mouth. You kept moaning softly as he continued fucking you with his mouth.
"Gonna- gonna cum" You warned through more moans. You ended up reaching your high and made a mess in his mouth. You pulled yourself off of him and looked at his messy face. You laughed softly.
"I made a mess, huh?" You grabbed a wash cloth to clean his face.
"I like my woman messy" He winked at you. You threw the cloth on the floor and got back on top of him and started sucking on his neck again.
"Take the damn bra off... please" You looked up at him and smirked.
"What if I don't?" You kept that shitty smirk.
"Please, my love... need your tits" He whined. You chuckled and unclasped your bra and threw it on the floor with everything else.
"Better?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Mm much better" He admired your tits and your naked body on top of his.
"Can I touch?" He whined.
"Maybe during round 2" You smirked.
"Please my love... need your tits so bad... need them in my face" He begged some more.
"Starting to think my boobs is your favorite thing about me" You teased.
"It's on the top 3 of favorite things about you" He smiled.
You put your chest closer to his face, putting your boobs in his face. He started kissing your chest, and then his kisses got closer to your nipple. He started licking your nipple. He kept licking, and then he suddenly sucked on your nipple. You gripped his hair, pushing him closer to your tits. He started biting at your nipple, making you moan softly. He moved his mouth over to your other boob and repeated his pleasure. As he continued those actions, he could feel your soaking pussy against his stomach which only turned him on even more. He finally stopped having the time of his life with your boobs.
You moved back on his lap, this time sitting with his dick inside you. You adjusted to his thick cock before moving. Joshua was just enjoying the feeling of your warm walls. You started bouncing on his dick. The sound of skin slapping filling the room. You started grinding your hips to get more friction. You switched between those two methods until Joshua decided to start thrusting his hips to help reach your pleasure. He thrusted hard as you bounced on his dick. You two moaning filthy things. With every thrust, he made sure you were balls deep on him. He wanted to hit your sweet spot and that he did. You were getting closer and closer until you couldn't hold back and made a a sticky mess on him. You laid on his chest as you kept your ass in the air so he could continue having fun with your hole. It didn't take much more until he came inside of you, filling you to the brim.
You lifted your hips and let his dick slip out of your hole. You laid on his chest as you two tried catching your breath. Once you calmed down enough, you took the handcuffs off his wrists and kissed the tension away on his wrists. You laid back against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you. He laid you on the bed and washed you up with the washcloth that was on the floor. You two both felt too tired to put clothes on. You went back to laying on his chest as he held you close.
"This wasn't how I expected the night to end but I'm not complaining" He chuckled. He moved some of your hair out of your face.
"You're so beautiful" He caressed your back. He kissed your cheek gently.
"So do you usually handcuff your partners or?" He asked with a smiled on his face.
"You were the first guy I handcuffed" You admitted.
"Well you looked very hot when being dominant" He kissed your cheek again.
"Mmm" You smiled.
"You didn't take it was too much?" You asked and lifted your head to look at him
"No... I quite liked it" He rubbed your back. You nodded and rested your head back on his chest.
"What are my employees going to say about these hickeys?" He chuckled.
"They'll know that you belong to someone" You mumbled.
"So me in a suit is a turn on for you?" He suddenly asked.
"Mm yeah... you look so sexy in a suit so hard to resist you at work, you know?" You had your eyes shut as you were taking in his touch.
"Mmm is that so?" He smiled.
"Yeah" You felt his hands wonder onto your ass and rubbed it gently.
"Well then...." He kissed your head.
"You're so pretty, you know that?" He smiled at you.
"Mhm" You nodded.
"You do know that? Mm good" He kissed your cheek.
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enj4s · 7 months
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ PAIRINGS; subaru sakamaki, 𖥻SUBARU x fem! reader 。˚ ⋆
─── ˚୨୧⋆ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎; smut. swearing. fem!dom! reader. reader is mean, again. pegging. (lil) hair pulling. hickies. crying. toxic relationship. both are fucked in the head.
★ Author note 😆😆!!: Whoever requested ts excuse my dramatic ass, I LOVE drama as you can see. (sorry btw) enjoy 🤤‼️ yallyal request I got nun to do other than rot in my bed 💔
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It was one of those days-
You were a patient and laid-back person, or so you and some people thought. But your anger issues have gone up the roof since you met the seven diabolic, unhinged brothers.
Their mothers and Karlheinz were just as bad, if not even worse. The Mukamis could not redeem themselves but they were bearable, especially Azusa who was just less annoying and irritating, or atleast didn't make you wanna dig your nails in your skin and clutch hard till it bleeds, like the others. You had an exception between the seven Sakamaki siblings as well, whom was Subaru.
Subaru was one helluva person to deal with. If not for Karlheinz introducing you to his past, you would've kept your first impression of him, which was he had rabies.
That boy was as layered and complicated as an onion, and trying to navigate through his mind and emotions was gonna drive you mad. One moment he's calling you a dense ass for dropping a pencil or getting bitten, and the other he's glancing at you all soft like a high school girl in love would.
You swore you have spent and used more brain cells on trying to see through him than you had on maths. He could be downright cruel at times, and even dismissed you so harshly that you favored the men-whore final boss (Laito) over him for some while, which didn't last long when he forced you so adorably in a 'relationship' with him or is what you thought, since he ordered you to resist if any of his brothers try to bite you. What else did it mean?
He would become absolutely feral when he got jealous. It was pretty easy to make him reach that point, but dangerous. He would start yelling at you and destroying everything around him in blind rage when he saw you talk to a male teacher or student or his brother's, going as far as attempting drain you of plasma. It was all too tiring and frustrating, you wanted nothing but quietness, to be left alone and ignored.
His delusion of you being his was so utterly nonsensical, but you went along with it for your safety and sanity, it was wise to sometimes give up and give in to his delusions, which he used as a control and power element. Resisting only meant to get bit to near death, where you'd start to see stars and lights that you thought only existed in cartoons, or, like these times, when he'd strangle you.
-where you'd snap.
"Shut the FUCK UP!" You'd yell at the top of your lungs, couldn't you even be strangled to death silently? His yammering of you being a betrayer was so damn irritating. Subaru jolted and flinched away form the volume of your voice, that look on your eyes, he backed up slightly, his grip on your throat weakened. In a swift movement, you dug your nails deep into his unhealthily pale wrists, shoving him away with every ounce of strength you had left.
Subaru stumbled backwards, catching himself quickly, his white boots stepping on a broken shard of glass from a vase that you bet was supposed to be cherished. You felt guilty for using one of his traumas against him to make him halt, stop. Yes, but did it save you from getting choked? Yes.
The anger was incredibly contagious, you bite your lip to hold back all the insults and traumas you could bring up, knowing that it would just bring you brutal death and a quick burial in dirt in the next hour, you shut your mouth, trying to find saliva to relieve your sore throat that was deeply in dire need of moisture.
The grip he had on your throat just now had been so tight you could've sworn he had actually meant to kill you for a second. Your breathing became labored. Your heartbeat was stubborn and didn't wanna settle down. Your eyes stared back at Subaru's with a mixture of tears and fury, you blink. Trying to help your eyes get used to the light again.
Both of you had your flaws and toxic traits, you suddenly found yourself on top of Subaru, a hard grip on his hair that matched his on your throat earlier, you wipe salty tears away, everything was a blur. You swore you couldn't remember a thing. You'd insult other people for not controlling their actions, yet you couldn't keep yours in check either.
"Sorry," You murmured against his pale skin, kissing alongside the hickies and bite marks you left on his neck. They looked painful. He was a vampire, so you didn't worry too much. They'd heal in an hour or two. You were still between his thighs, cum dripped down his hips and legs.
"You just piss me off sometimes...It's so childish when you start yammering and yelling, creating scenes when I talk to anyone," You watched his wine red eyes trail down in something like shame. His mouth was sewed shut, he was already embarrassed from moaning as loud as he yells. He was cuter when he was quiet, you note, and grin silently, propping yourself on your knees to thrust inside him again without warning, tearing a shriek from the albino beneath you, he drops his head down on the pillows, you were making him feel way too good, as rough as it was.
It almost seemed like you were still taking your anger out on him as you pounded inside him harshly. Subaru felt his stomach coil and he tightens, when you'd lean down to whisper sweet nothings in his ear that didn't match your humping.
“C-ca- ah! Can’t! Hah..” Subaru whined shakily, a sound he'd drop dead before making if he was in his right state of his mind. He hiccups and whimpers as he covered his face with his hands. “So full..hic- too much," His legs dangle like a rag doll's from your shoulders as you plundge inside him deeper and deeper with each delicious thrust.
You lean down with a sigh, catching Subaru's lips in a kiss, and grab at his long bangs, tugging hard to tilt his head upward, and swallow down the loud wail that was about to wrack from his body as he came, vibrating slightly and hips thrusting up pathetically in the air. His fangs poked at your lip a bit painfully as he tried to bite down his noises, now chasing after your lips and the little blood that threatened to spill.
Getting strangled or beat again later from a flustered Subaru wouldn't be surprising after wracking his shit, but it was worth it. You could only laugh as he emptily threatened to break your arm after this, complaining that he couldn't feel his legs and that you're a perv.
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ @enj4s ♡ @un0rin ♡
don't repost or copy I know where u live 👁
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vvinirl · 3 months
tony. s
warnings: grinding, fingering, oral (fem reviving and male), pet names, backshots, squirting, degradation, praising, overstim, maybe more
if you see any grammar errors you didn’t 🤗
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you were watching tv in your apartment with some ice cream, enjoying the night and a little time to yourself as you got a call. you picked up your phone and looked at the caller id. tony stark
you paused your movie and answered the phone, bringing it up to your ear as you spoke, “hello, mr stark?”
“i need you” was all he said as he hanged up. you looked at your phone with your eyebrows raised in confusion and concern. “did he really just hang up on me” you said to yourself but you turned off your tv as you got up and out the ice cream away. you knew you had to go see what he wanted because you weren’t really in the mood to loose your job tonight and plus it wasn’t something weird for tony to do
he has called you before out of nowhere, claiming he needed you but it was just for something like watching tv with him because he didn’t want to be alone or, him calling you because he wanted you to see his new suit he made or the latest invention he made
when you made your way over to his house, you put in the code as the door opened and you entered. the lights were off so you called for jarvis to turn them on. “jarvis turn all lights on”
when the lights turned on you mouth opened slightly because the place looked a mess, there was broken glass and vases shattered, paintings that fell off the wall, and also holes in some walls
“jarvis where is mr stark” you asked. “he is in his room miss y/l/n”
you thanked jarvis as you made your way to tony’s room. the door was already opened so you stepped in and turned on the lights
“mr stark?” you called out to him. he was still in his iron man suit but he didn’t look up at you. “are you okay mr stark?” you asked as you stepped closer to him. he stood up and the mask on the suit opened as he greeted you with a smile
“hey y/n” he said as he laughed and wobbled slightly.
"are you drunk?" you asked like a concerned mother. "no y/n i'm not drunk" he says rolling his eyes. you looked over at his nightstand to see a half opened whiskey bottle. "then what's that bottle doing over there?" you say placing your hands on your hips.
“i didn’t drink it, i only took a tiny little sip” he said and you hummed. “are you sure?” you asked him again. “yes i’m sure, i’m perfectly fine”
you looked at him suspiciously, “you better be, you have a meeting tomorrow at the office”
“honestly y/n i don’t really care about those meetings, everyone can go fuck themselves” tony said as he sat back down on his bed. you sat down next to him and looked at him, “is everything okay tony? i saw what happened on the news today” you say, referring to the fight with the avengers and those hydra super soldiers
“we were so close to defeating them y/n but i missed everything up and they got away” tony said as he put his face in his hands
“why do you even care” he said bitterly as he looked the other way, avoiding your gaze
“i care because you’re my boss and i also need to look out for you because you’re my friend too, if you even consider us that..”
“i don’t need your help, i can take care of myself perfectly fine” he said back to you. “is that why you’re all beaten up and you’re sitting here sulking in this dark room” you replied back to him.
“i don’t even know why i called you here, you can leave”
“really? you want me to leave?” you asked as you raised a brow at him. “yes i want you to leave” he repeated, finally looking at you
“okay i’ll go, but don’t call back and expect me to answer” you said as you got up and made your way to the door.
you were about to leave but stopped after tony call out to you “wait, i’m sorry y/n i didn’t mean that, don’t go please”
you smiled to yourself a little and turned back around to him. “see, you need me”
“don’t get too cocky now miss y/l/n” tony smirked out you. “yeah yeah, let’s get you out of this suit and patched up” you said as tony stood up and his suit opened, he stepped out as you took in his appearance. “you look like shit” you laughed a little a him, “they got you good huh”
“you should see the other guys” he smirked at you as his suit closed up and walked out the room. “that thing is still so creepy” you said and tony rolled his eyes, “that’s my child you’re talking about there”
“still creepy. let’s go get you fixed up”, you said as you went into his bathroom to grab the first aid kit while tony sat on the edge of his bed
when you went in the bathroom it was huge, it was about twice the size of your bathroom, with a black and white marble countertop, a bath tube in one corner of the room and a clear shower in the other. there was also towels hanging up on racks and mirrors that were clearer than your future. you found the first aid kit and went back inside the room
tony sat on the edge of his queen size bed with black sheets as you kneeled between his legs. "can you take off your shirt" you say trying not make eye contact with him. tony looked at you with his eyebrows raised and smirked at you. "please" you added so he would comply
he took his shirt off as you stared at his “heart”, the blue glow of it shining in front of your face. you took out some cotton and rubbing alcohol to put on his wounds. you grabbed his knuckles and held them in your hands as you cleaned them up, he would hissed a little as the alcohol hit his skin
you then moved up to his face and grabbed a cloth and wet it with the bowl of water that was next to you to clean his face. when you were done with his face, you moved down to his stomach and started putting pressure on the bruises. you grabbed his torso with your other hand to keep him steady because he was moving a lot from the pain
"i'm sorry, i'll be done soon" you apologized trying to make it hurt less as much as you could. "it's fine, im fine y/n” he grunted as he grabbed your hand that was on his torso and threw his back from the pain. when you were done, you got up and put the first aid kit away and the other things. you went back into room and saw tony laying back on the bed breathing heavily
“mr stark are you okay, is there anything else i could help with?” you said as you made your way over to him and sat next to him on the bed. “you could stop calling me mr stark, it’s too formal” tony said as he tilted his head to look at you
“well okay then tony, do you need help with anything else?” you asked him again, using his name this time. “maybe.. a blow job” tony said as he give you a innocent little smile
your jaw drop as you stared at him in disbelief, “tony that’s not funny”
“but who said i was joking y/n” tony continued to look at you as you felt your face heating up a little. “i’m gonna act like you didn’t just say that” you looked away from him as you felt him run a hand up your shoulders, caressing your shoulder blades with his thumb
tony sat up as he moved closer to you, hand still on your shoulder he said, “i really could use your help with something y/n”
“and what could that be tony” you said as you turned your head to look at him, both of your faces very close together. you can feel his breath on his face as his facial hair grazes your face
he leans in slowly as his lips graze yours, “we can’t tony” you say as you lean back a little. “why not, why can’t we” he whispered against your lips
“because it wouldn’t be very professional” you said to him as he groans, “says who, who get gets to make that decision?” tony said to you, “i’m the boss aren’t i?”
“yes, you are..” you whispered back to him. it’s not like you didn’t want it either, you just weren’t sure because it’s unprofessional to be sleeping with your boss and what if you loose your job too. so many things to think about but what if you just let loose for a little while
he kisses you slowly and you were surprised but gave into the kiss. you put your arms around his neck as you deepen the kiss and he slides his tongue into your mouth as both your tongues fight for dominance. he grabs your thighs and lifts you up as you wrap both of your legs around his hips, straddling him on the bed
his hands move under your shirt as he runs his fingers along your sides, across your stomach, touching you all over. you start to move your hips against his, grinding down on him. “needy already huh?” tony said in between kisses
all you could do was moan in response to him as he placed his hands on your ass, moving you and helping you to grind against his clothed dick. the friction felt so could, you could cum easily right now
his hands tightened on your ass as he grinds you faster and harder against him as he bit down onto your lips, earning a moan from him. before you could think about anything else you came into your panties as your grip around his neck tightened, one of your hand going up to his hair and griped it tightly
“fuck y/n i haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re already coming in your panties, that’s so pathetic even for you” tony said against your lip and all you could do was sigh against his lips heavily
he begin to unzip your jeans and then took your shirt off. “come on, lay down for me baby” tony said as he picked you up and laid you down on the bed, he moved to your jeans and slid them off. after discarding your clothes he took his off too and climbed back over you. “let’s see how fast i can make you come again” tony smirked at you as he slid your panties off
he moved his head down to your heat as he kissed your pussy, tasting your juices from when you came while grinding on his lap
he licked a long line up your slit while looking at you. he latched onto your clit and started sucking as you let out a moan due to the pleasure and the way he was swirling his tongue around your clit while sucking on it
he started eating you out as he continued to lick your folds and then inserting his tongue inside you, fucking you with his tongue. “oh fuck tony, right there~” you moaned his name as you bucked your hips forward, slightly grinding your pussy on his face
he groaned into your pussy as he slides his tongue in and out of you, the feeling of his tongue inside you made him harder and harder by the second
you were about to come again as you felt that warm feeling in your stomach return, “i-i’m gonna come tony~” you said through breathy moans as tony only responded with a hum into your cunt
your back arched off the bed as your thighs tightened around his head, squeezing his head as you squirted all over his tongue and in his mouth as it dripped down his chin and the bed
“you’re such a messy fucking little slut, didn’t know you had this side to you y/n” his head tilted to the side in surprise as he give you a small smirk
“now i really wanna see how hard you can come again but on my dick”
tony rammed into your pussy repeatedly, his hands gripped your hips tightly as he hits your g-spot over and over, pulling moans and whines from you as he groaned and cussed under his breath
“you’re so fucking tight, squeezing me so good” he said, landing a slap on your ass as you gasped but it turned into a whimpered as he rubbed the area he slapped
“you’re such a whore for fucking your boss, what would happen if people were to find out hm?” he said as he began going faster and faster, his pace not slowing down. all you could do was moan into the pillow as your back arched and grind back to meet his hips
“you’re so fucking needy, taking me so well like a good girl” tony said as he picked you up and your back met with his chest as he begin to rub your clit, earning a whimper from you. he kissed your jaw then your neck as he bit it
“so warm, this pretty pussy is taking my cock so well”
he rubbed your clit faster as he left bites and hickeys on your neck. “fuck i-im gonna come tony~”
“good, will you be a good girl and come on my dick for me baby?” he said into your ear as he nibbled on your earlobe
“mhm” you let out a moan. “come on speak up, i wanna hear you say it”
“yeah i wanna come for you tony!”
“atta girl, you’re doing so good” tony said as he hit that spot inside of you again and you’re already squirting on his cock, you legs shake as you tried to keep yourself up
tony held you against him as he kept fucking you, not stopping. you were starting to feel that feeling again, you knew you were about to come again
“t-tony it’s too much” you said as you bit down on your lip, already feeling overwhelmed and over stimulated
“i know baby but im close, you’re taking me so good, i can’t stop” he said into the crook of your neck as he kept rubbing your clit
“fuck~” you cussed as you came all over again, falling back onto the bed as your legs shook. tony groaned behind you as he pulled out of you
“come on, suck my cock for me baby, wanna see that pretty mouth wrapped around me”
he gripped the back of your head as he shoved his dick in and out of your mouth, hitting the back of your throat every time was you groaned and gagged around his length
“fuck y/n, just like that” he hissed and threw his head back
you slurped and choked on his dick as your saliva drip down your chin, some dripping down his length and his balls
“just like that, you’re doing so good” tony said as he felt himself about to come
a few more thrust into your mouth and he let out a groan as he came down your throat, still thrusting into your mouth to ride out his high
“fuck that was so amazing y/n” tony said as he leaned down and kissed you slowly, tasting himself on your lips as you moaned into his mouth
“we both gotta get cleaned up now” you said to him as you smiled against his lips
“sure, i wouldn’t mind going another round in the shower” tony replied back as he picked you up bridal style, taking you to his bathroom
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joekeeryswife · 7 months
coming home and masey surprises you with dinner!!
dinner - m.m
a/n: hey loves! here is a short but sweet story about our mase! this is the cutest idea ever. i honestly don’t even know this this makes sense but oh well, enjoy reading 🩰
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stress is all you were feeling. the stress of your new job was the worst. even when you were at home you were stressing about it and all you wanted to do was quit. the only person who could make all your problems go away was Mason, your boyfriend of 2 years who made your whole world complete.
you had moved to Manchester with Mason when he got signed for man united almost a year ago and you had thought the job would have gotten better by now but it has gotten worse. the drive home was slow, filled with traffic and idiots that don’t know how to drive and when you finally pulled into the drive way to your house you felt relived.
but knowing that you would have to go back there tomorrow made you anxious. you grabbed your bag and got out of the car and locked the car door before going into the house. you were greeted by the smell of Masons cooking, you took your coat and shoes off before making your way through the house and saw him with his back toward you facing the stove.
he could hear your footsteps as you approached him and he smile slightly, he had seen how stressed you had been recently and he wanted to do something special. he felt your arms go around his waist and your head rest against his back. “hey sweetheart” he said, his voice soft and filled with love. you mumbled ‘hey’ and sighed.
he turned around to face you and kissed your forehead gently. his arms went around your neck and you hugged him tighter. just being in his presence made you calm, it was like his aura was able to make you feel better. “how’s your day been?” you just shook your head at his question, he already knew the answer. he hated that he couldn’t do anything to help you, you were too proud to let him provide for you but you were too scared to leave this job incase no where else would hire you which was stupid, anyone would be lucky to have you.
“that bad huh?” he ran a hand up and down your back soothingly, you nodded. “why don’t you go sit down, relax, go have a shower hmm? dinner will be ready once you’re out.” you sighed “you trying to say i smell or something?” you joked making him laugh and give you a gentle squeeze. “i was trying to be subtle” he joked back making you laugh for the first time that day. it was crazy that you could go a whole day at work and not laugh once, the place was draining. you let go of Mason, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before you made your way upstairs for a shower.
“here you go angel” he placed the spaghetti bolognaise in front of you as you sat at the dinner table. it was your favourite meal and Mason made it the best. he sat down next to you, the table was decorated with two candles, flowers in a vase and there was music playing in the background and you didn’t know why but you started to get emotional.
Mason always found a way to make you feel better and him doing this for you just made you feel so grateful for him. Mason had noticed that you weren’t eating straight away and turned to look at you and saw your eyes filled with tears. he put down his fork and quickly wrapped his arm around you. “what’s the matter honey? talk to me” his voice was filled with concern “i’m just-” you stuttered with a few tears rolling down your cheeks “im so grateful you’ve done this for me, like you didn’t have to and you’re just really sweet so thank you” his heart melted.
“aww baby” he kissed your forehead and shifted more towards you. “you don’t have to thank me. you’re my girlfriend and i saw you were stressed i just wanted to make you dinner, you make it all the time which is another stress on top of everything else. i was gonna leave this till later but i called your boss and i’ve got you a few days off so you can relax, you’re working too hard and you need a break honey” you wrapped your arms around him awkwardly but he didn’t care.
“if you don’t leave that place eventually you’re gonna end up at breaking point and i don’t want that, i want you to be happy and you aren’t happy there and i know you say it’s wrong if you’re living off of my money but honestly i do not care. what’s mine is yours and that includes money” he felt you shake your head “i know you don’t like the thought of that but even if it is just for a few months just till you find a new job then so be it. i need you to be happy, that is my main priority right now” you sighed, he was not going to back off about this until you quit.
“okay fine, i’ll quit” he felt relieved. that job had caused you too much stress and he hated seeing you like this. “thank god baby, we need to celebrate” you laughed as you wiped your tears off of your cheeks and Mason pulled away from the hug so he could kiss you. “if i have to use your money i will pay you back i promise” he brushed you off, groaning as he rolled his eyes “baby, this isn’t about money, this is about you being happy. now eat your food please, i spent ages on it” you giggled.
you ate some and god it tasted good, you practically moaned as you ate another bite “thank you mase, it tastes so good” he nodded “yeah, it does, better than yours” your eyes widened as you turned to look at him, he laughed at your reaction “i’m joking baby, your spag bowl is, okay” you shoved him slightly making him laugh even harder. “no, i’m being serious now i am only joking” he gave you another kiss. “now, let’s seriously celebrate you leaving that job, it was shit” he went to the kitchen to get some champagne and in that moment you knew how lucky you were to have Mason, all he did was care about your happiness and you were so grateful for that.
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brooke-likesmusic · 27 days
My outsiders head cannons because idk im bored (warning I’ll prolly misspell things!)
1: When he was younger he used to play in the mud with Pony and soda and they would go back into the house and their mom would kick them out and would have to spray them down with a hose
2: (after the book) Darry and pony had gotten into a argument like brothers do and Darry Couldng handle it anymore and broke down in tears in front of both his brothers.
3: he has nightmares sometimes and they cause him to wake up in a panic and he would always have to check up on pony and soda to make sure they were okay
4: idk why some people like make him seem like a Facebook mom who likes minion memes and dad jokes. HES BARELY 20 YEARS OLD. He would probably say the most unfiltered ass shit in a group chat 😭
5: he gets those random urges to like kick or playfully hit pony or soda (I do that 😣)
6: ate rotten food once and work and got sick and his boss had to drive the boy home since he was so sick
7: will probably work himself till he makes himself sick like he Wont stop himself till someone stops him
8: hates seeming like a parent more then a older brother sometimes when the boys need reminders that Darry is still their brother Darry will start a game of tag and all the brothers will run around the house. (When they did that when their parents were alive they knocked down a special vase and they all got whooped)
9 : likes cats. He has a stray cat at work that he shares his lunch with he named it “kitty cat” sooooo creative righttt
10: doesn’t like ham (idk that just randomly appeared in my mind)
Extra: used to bite as a child and gags when those chunks of food in the sink hits his hands
1: stinks like car oil and pony will not allow him to get into the bed till he showers
2: likes grilled cheeses (me too bro)
3: he once caught Darry having a panic attack and didn’t really know what to do since he’s never really saw his brother like Cry like that so he was awkwardly comforting him😭
4: makes Radom sounds like with his mouth and it’s makes the others tweak
5: gets dates mixed up really easily
6: after Darry slapped pony, soda in a fit of like idk rage punched Darry square in the face.
7: WILL forget to clean under his fingernails.
8: Darry ate his food once and soda ignored him for the rest of the night. Anytime Darry Tried to talk to him soda would give him a snooty face and would cross his arms and say “mhmp”
9: cries when he watches dog movies (like all dogs go to heaven or a dogs purpose or a dogs way home)
10: has the most NASTIEST converse and refuses to clean them
1: can only cook eggs he cannot cook anything else 😭
2: loves chocolate milk (I think that’s in the book)
3: tried Darry’s coffee once and almost threw up since it was so bitter
4: likes to race Darry since they were both in sports that involved a lot of running
5: stole one of Darry’s old sweatshirts and REFUSES to give it back. He loves that sweatshirt it’s like 2 sizes to big for him
6: (after the book) had a huge growth spurt after the book like it wasn’t even funny😭
7: since Darry and soda are such deep sleepers pony once drew like a “rocketship” and all those other things teenage boys draw he drew it on his brothers faces😣
8: chews his nails
9: has/had a crush on a soc girl and got teased by the gang relentlessly
10: (if it was like modern day idk) he would love headphones/airpods
1: got chased by a dog and is forever traumatized from
2: would prolly stink like beer and sweat
3: bro can sleep through a tornado
4: bro prolly has the most greasiest hair
5: bro has a laugh that makes everyone else laugh
6: (before the Curtis parents died) dally finally made Darry sneak out with him and they ended up getting pulled up on by Mr Curtis and they both ended up getting in so much trouble 😭
7: made a your mom joke to the Curtis brothers and ended up getting jumped 😣
8: like those bland ass Cheerios
9: favorite fruit is cherries
10: bro will flip his underwear inside out and backwards since his nasty ass don’t wanna waste the time to wash the clothes
1: gets mad and when Darry doesn’t make chocolate cake 😣
2: bro will make himself at home at the Curtis house that couch practically as a ass imprint from him
3: likes strawberry shortcake (that’s his favorite dessert)
4: has so much beef with ponyboy they diss eachother anytime they get to
5: bro will HOG the bed if you share it with him
(Sorry his is kinda short 😣)
1: lost his Mickey Mouse shirt in the washer and thought he lost it forever
2: has a younger sister (protective brother)
3: knows how to braid hair
4: tried to recreate Darry’s infamous chocolate cake and he failed miserably 😭
5: he was really mad at Darry when pony ran away. When he found out he said straight in Darry’s face “good brother my ass.”
6: favorite Disney princess is belle (idk why I thought of that)
7: when he’s actually like serious the gang like tenses up a bit
8: knows all the drama from his younger sister he had beef with little kids he’s never even met
His lil sister: “yeah and Shelly and David are dating when she knew David was my crush and I told her too”
Two-bit: “I don’t like Shelly or David 🙄”
1: (when the Curtis parents were alive) he once ran to the Curtis house after his father hit him super hard and Mrs Curtis took him in for the night giving him a hot meal and a warm shower and some clean clothes.
2: whenever he needs to crash somewhere he has a designated pallet that he sleeps on in the Curtis house
3: likes m&m popcorn
4: chews the side of his nails
5: can go days without eating
6: bro needs to wash that Jean jacket
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chezzywezzy · 1 month
Yandere Gwi-nam (3/4)
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Word count: 3.7k
A hand shook her awake, and only then did she become aware of the hand tightly covering her mouth. Her eyes shot open and she scrambled for freedom but realized that it wasn’t Gwi-nam, who was across from her, sleeping in a chair.
The hand slowly removed itself and she turned her head to face whoever it was. She was met by none other than the principal, a man she had never actually met despite him being the reason she was taken in as a transfer intern from her college’s education and Korea programs.
“Listen,” he whispered,“ How is it out there? The same?”
“Probably.” The sun peaked through the blinds and she squinted. Somehow, the principal seemed to recognize her.
“Do you know how to drive?”
He suddenly ruffled through his pockets, withdrawing some car keys. “My car is in the parking lot. The plate number is 7340.”
“And what about you?” 
“Eh, you already owe me. I’m the one who gave you your job and this will get us away from that punk. I won’t fire you after this if you do this.”
R scoffed. “As if any of us will have a job after this.”
A snarl arose and he circled front, firmly grabbing her shoulders and shaking her vigorously. “You stupid girl! Listen to your boss or say goodbye to your paycheck —!”
The man was suddenly pulled away and thrown onto the table. It splintered, but as the principal craned his neck in terror, a knife was held against it. Gwi-nam bore his teeth at the man, on his leg leaning on the table. He leered menacingly and the man started whimpering wildly. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” he growled
“Yoon Gwi-nam, listen to your principal and get off me!” the man bellowed. “I was figuring out a way for us all to escape —“
“Bullshit. You were trying to take her away from me, eh? As if. You’re coming with us to the car. I need a shield anyway.”
“N - no, Gwi-nam —“ R cried, grabbing at Gwi-nam’s shoulder.
With his free hand, he shoved her away, forcing her to fall onto the couch. The principal’s arm grabbed R’s leg desperately, but before either of them could register a next move, Gwi-nam stabbed into his arm and the principal reeled in pain. Gwi-nam kicked him off the table, watching the man grovel in agony.
“What’s wrong with you? Stay away,” the principal shouted, grabbing for a vase on the table and rising to his feet. His arm was stained red and a pool began to gather on the ground below it. R wanted to vomit from the sight, covering her mouth.
Gwi-nam scoffed, waving the knife around. Gwi-nam blocked R’s view of the principal. “Look, Mr. Principal. If this were a game,, I’d be taking down the final boss to save the princess, sir.”
Gwi-nam took a step, and the principal let out a choke of pain and fear.
The principal had horrible aim when throwing the vase, and when Gwi-nam smirked and stalked forward fearlessly, he shouted,“ R, you punk! Do something —“
Gwi-nam suddenly stepped on his throat, and the man let out a gargled cry, grasping at the foot. He leaned over with a sneer. “How dare you talk to her like that. Now, you’re going to be my human shield whether you like it or not.”
R sat frozen. She glanced over her shoulder at the window, but it seemed as though Gwi-nam read her mind without even looking at her.
“Hey, princess. Get up and go stand in that corner over there.”
R did as she was told, hugging herself as she watched Gwi-nam tie up the man. Nothing but glee was present on his face and it paralyzed her to the core.
Suddenly, the door swung open and shut. Groans emitted from beyond the doorway, and everyone turned to the perpetrator. Gwi-nam seemed to be unfazed, but R almost cried with relief when she saw her student, Cheong-san, standing there unharmed.
R ran over and clasped Cheong-san’s hands so tightly he yelped. Their attention turned back to the awkward position, and Cheong-san exclaimed,” Sir!”
“What are you doing? Grab this psychopath! There’s two of you!”
Gwi-nam grabbed the collar of his shirt and leaned down, shushing him. “Hey, Cheong-san. Come here and tie up his legs. He won’t keep still. And R, I didn’t say you could move.”
“What do you mean? What are you doing?”
Gwi-nam seemed to be baffled by the questioning, nodding toward the principal. “Come tie him up.”
“You’re finished — e -expelled! Untie me!”
Gei-nam suddenly reminded him of the threat, holding the knife at his back. Cheong-San pushed R behind him, shouting Gwi-nam's name.
“Please, don’t do it!” R pleaded.
“Don’t do what? The bastard could have killed you. He told you to go out and get his car unprotected —“
Cheong-san removed a phone from his pocket and hit record. The principal cheered him on. “Hey, I’m filming everything. Let him go or I’ll send this to the police.”
Gwi-nam stuttered,” I’m going to kill you.”
“Please stop acting like human trash. No one respects you just because you act tough.”
“I’m the head boss of this school now. Don’t you get it?”
R audibly scoffed at that which only fueled Gwi-nam’s anger. “You’re just some creep who will spend your entire life pretending you're in charge,” R spat. 
Gwi-nam took a few steps toward them. “You know who’s in charge. So get back in your fucking corner.”
The principal suddenly made a run for it. Gwi-nam leaned over and sliced the knife across the principal’s throat. The man collapsed lifelessly, and R cried out. Gwi-nam had committed cold-blooded murder with no remorse and no reason. There were no zombies to escape from this time.
Gwi-nam was calm as he walked toward Cheong-san and R. “You chicken shit…” He wiped the knife on his shirt quickly. “Am I still not in charge? Am I still some loser? Everyone who doesn’t listen to me dies. Give me the phone, Cheong-san, and give R back.”
“You just killed —“
“Give me the phone!” he roared, darting at Cheong-san.
R shrieked and jumped out of the way. She grabbed at Gwi-nam’s shirt only for it to zip through her fingers. Gwi-nam slashed at Cheong-san’s head, but he ducked and fell onto the floor. The phone went skidding from Cheong-san’s hands and Gwi-nam went to reach for it.
R lifted her foot and kicked Gwi-nam, sending him flying onto the table. Cheong-san snatched the phone once more, and when he recovered, the pair took off into the hallway.
Gwi-nam was barely standing when R glanced back into the room. And despite the hallway filled with alerted zombies, the threat was somehow in human form. Cheong-San held R’s wrist tightly.
They turned a corner. Gwi-nam was hot on their tail, shouting at the top of his lungs,“ Let her go!” R glanced back, only to see a knife being flung Cheong-san’s way. R gasped, about to alert him, but the handle hit his back instead.
Cheong-San released a surprised yelp, but then a zombie came flying out of a classroom tackled Cheong-san, and sent R back against the wall. Cheong-San recovered and kept running, pocketing the phone while he was at it. Gwi-nam came to a screeching halt in front of R and dragged her with him.
R saw the hoard behind them. She pushed him away, sending him into a doorway. Gwi-nam got grabbed by a zombie and he dropped his knife once more, struggling free. R was right behind Cheong-san. They dashed down the stairs and into the library. R slammed the doors shut. However, the library was filled to the brim with zombies with just one alive student cradling himself on top of a bookshelf.
Cheong-san hopped onto the tables and made it onto the top shelf. R cried out in fear when she was snatched by a zombie. Her life flashed before her eyes as she kicked, feeling drooling teeth graze her. However, Gwi-nam once again came to her rescue and shoved the zombie away. R scrambles onto the table with her, urging her to get up.
Meanwhile, Cheong-san was shoved from the top shelf. Gwi-nam made the leap and grabbed the other student, cursing and tossing him off. He swiftly urged R to climb onto it, zombies in hot pursuit.
Gwi-nam glanced back at Cheong-san, suddenly clutching R by the collar. “You stay right here, dammit, or I’ll kill you!”
R was hardly in a state to disagree with that sentiment, watching as zombies pooled around the shelf. Gwi-nam resumed his crazed chase after Cheong-san, and although R wanted to help him greatly, she didn’t know how. 
Both men managed to climb on top of the bookshelves. They halted, glaring one another down.
“Give me the phone,” Gwi-nam ordered.
“You killed someone, you murderer.”
“You made me kill him.”
“You crazy bastard.”
Gwi-nam rose menacingly, and as they jumped from shelf to shelf, R realized Cheong-san was coming directly at her. She squealed and made herself as small as possible. However, that never happened, as Gwi-nam tackled Cheong-san and sent him off the shelves.
It was a game of cat and mouse and Cheong-san climbed up once more and tackled Gwi-nam. They wrestled as zombies crowded below them. Cheong-san slammed the overhead light into Gwi-nam, yet it was Gwi-nam who ended up dangling Cheong-san off the edge.
“Beg for your life,” he rasped.
“Screw you,” Cheong-san spat.
Gwi-nam chuckled, landing a few more punches on Cheong-san and grabbing the phone. And somehow, a few moments later, he ended up with the phone stabbing his eye. R gasped as she watched, but realized then that all the zombies were around them. And although Cheong-san was her student, she had a chance to escape the hell. Cheong-san could handle himself.
As R quietly climbed down, her last moment with her eyes on the pair was spent seeing Gwi-nam being sent to the zombies below. R couldn’t bare to listen, and Cheong-san stood there and watched. As R made her grand escape, she saw that Cheong-san was heading toward the exit.
Recalling Ms. Park’s broadcast from earlier, she booked it to the broadcasting room, hoping Cheong-san would do the same when he got out —
Yet something made her pause at the steps, the hallways vacant. She heard Cheong-san cry out for help, and her feet made the choice for her. Zombies were crowding around a shelf. 
“Hey, zombies! Fresh meat over here!” R shouted from the entrance. And just like that, the monsters’ attention shifted from the trapped student and chased in pursuit. 
R was beyond frightened as she clambered up the steps. All she could think about was the broadcasting room. And as she turned a corner, she saw it. “Ms. Park!” she shrieked. “It’s me! Let me in!”
The door swung open and she was grabbed into the room. From pure relief, as she saw a group of students — and perhaps from exhaustion — she passed out in the arms of a student.
Life suddenly came into Gwi-nam’s eyes. He sat up, groaning coarsely. As he inspected a tear in his shirt, he recognized the bite mark on his torso and knew there were far more he probably wasn’t looking at.
“Did I die…? Am I fucking dead?”
A zombie suddenly raced toward him, and the man curled up into a ball. However, no attacks ever came. He sat up once more, stunned by the immunity. He rose to his feet as the zombies once more grew disinterested. 
He stumbled before regaining his movement. When he stood in front of a mirror, he saw the damage that had befallen his face as it was. He clicked his tongue, recognizing that he felt nothing.
The memories hit. “Cheong-san, you son of a bitch. I’ll kill you. I’ll gouge your eyes out. I know you have her.”
His first goal was to find a fresher, cleaner set of clothes and to wash himself off. He knew how OCD R was, and zombie blood was not the most sanitary. He pulled on a clean jacket.
He muttered to himself,“ What the hell? This means… I’m in heaven.”
Anger rose within. “Hey, Cheong-san! Give her back!”
The man kept walking, fists clenched. And despite being alive, a hunger grew in his belly. There was nothing more than to eat Cheong-san’s flesh. Except for his desire to take R as his own for good.
“Su-hyeok…?” R rasped, eyes blinking open.
“She’s alive!” Dae-su shouted, and much happy clammer went on. Su-hyeok took a step back from R, who had been lying down on the ground with a coat under her. R sat up, wondering just how long she had been out for. The sun was in the sky, although she recalled it just starting to set when she arrived at the broadcasting room.
“Ms. R, are you ok?” Su-hyeok asked while the classmates gathered around her.
“As good as I’ll ever be… Where’s Cheong-san?”
“Cheong-san?” On-jo chirped immediately. “Did you see him?”
“Y - yes — he saved me from Gwi-nam, that psychopath. We got stuck in the library, and when I escaped, I called the zombies after me so he could get out. Did he come here?”
“No, but that means he has to be alive!” On-jo proclaimed, on the verge of tears. 
“Where is Ms. Park? I don’t see her,” R mumbled in concern after having thoroughly scouted the room.
A deafening silence covered the room. That was all R needed to know before she bowed her head in grief. Instead of shedding tears, she felt numb. It was somehow more relieving to have the certainty of her death, unlike the many co-workers, friends, and students that she knew nothing about. 
“But we know Cheong-san is safe,” Su-hyeok said. “There has to be a way to find him.”
“What about the drones in the science lab?” On-jo piped up.
And thus, a plan to regroup ensued. As spaced out as R was from the trauma of the last two days, she was grateful to be amongst sane individuals once more. But when she closed her eyes, unaware of the plotting that surrounded her, she could see only Gwi-nam’s crazed expression.
It satisfied her to know the man who had tormented her for months was dead and could never hurt anyone again.
It wasn’t before long that R was awoken by a high-pitched blaring. She immediately covered her ears, as did the rest of the bunch. She finally stood when the sound died down, walking over to the table. She was given a brief recap of the plan, and R’s heart bounced with delight. The idea of escaping this hellhole was beyond exciting.
And thus, she was more than happy to join the excursion. As they prepared with weaponry, R decided to discard her hair tie, which was tugging at her roots horribly and giving her a headache She set it on the desk and grabbed a metal stick. With that, after the coast was clear, they made a run for it.
As Gwi-nam panted and slammed the door open, he observed the empty broadcasting room. “Shit,” he muttered, a scowl growing as he sniffed the lingering smell of humans. And yet, one scent was the most distinct: R had been there. 
Gwi-nam slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a dent and chipped wallpaper. He went in, glancing about. The smell led to a small hair tie next to a whiteboard. A desperate hunger consumed him as he snatched it up and sniffed it wildly. His nose twitched with the sweet aroma.
Before Gwi-nam became too lost in thought, he shoved the hair tie into his pocket. Only then did he notice the whiteboard’s contents. A smile grew as he exited the room, knowing exactly where to go. Clutching the sharp blade in his hands, he stalked down the hallway.
And that’s when he heard it. The grunting of a familiar classmate of his, Su-hyeok. He had been tackled by a zombie, and thus, Gwi-nam disposed of the zombie immediately. He inspected the blade and was somewhat displeased by the blood splatter on his fresh new jacket.
“You moron. You let that loser get you?” he tsked in irritation.
Su-hyeok stood, horrified as he recalled the story R had told him. “Thanks,” he replied, playing it dumb.
“Of course. I saved your life. Where’s R?”
“R?” Su-hyeok parroted. “Why do you ask?”
“I need to find her. Cheong-san took her.”
“What do you mean?”
“I need to find R.”
Su-hyeok glanced over the man. “You’re hurt. Are you okay?”
“I’m good. I’m so fucking good. Tell me where R is.”
Gwi-nam was losing his patience and it was showing. Su-hyeok hoped to stall if only to save R and the rest of the group from Gwi-nam. 
“I don’t know where she is.”
Gwi-nam’s expression darkened instantly. “That’s right — you always did play the hero, eh? Even now, you’re a filthy fucking liar to feel like you’re better than me. But you can’t do that anymore.”
Gwi-nam swung the knife at Su-hyeok, but the man ducked under and tackled Gwi-nam. Although trapped against the rail, Gwi-nam was able to push Su-hyeok away with ease. Su-hyeok stumbled back but kicked him once more, only for Gwi-nam to catch the foot and said Su-hyeok down the stairs.
Su-hyeok stumbled back to his feet, on edge about Gwi-nam’s next attack. Gwi-nam’s body language gave away that he was about to sprint toward him. Su-hyeok changed the balance in his step, prepared —
“Gwi-nam, stop!”
The man had been ready to charge, but immediately froze, eyes widening. Su-hyeok took the opportunity to tackle Gwi-nam, who grunted. The knife slid from his grasp and tumbled down the stairs. R gasped, and that was all the motivation Gwi-nam needed to land a hard punch to Su-hyeoks jaw, sending him flying into the wall. His back thudded harshly.
Gwi-nam stumbled to his feet, hyperventilating. R was standing but a few feet away, trembling as she hugged herself. A tear slid down her cheek as the pair maintained eye contact.
“R,” he breathed.
“Gwi-nam, please — just stop this nonsense! I’ll do anything —“
Su-hyeok tackled him. Suddenly, Nam-ra was beside me. Su-hyeok was thrown right into a wall by Gwi-nam with such superhuman strength that only a bodybuilder could achieve. Nam-ra screamed, tackling Gwi-nam, but he did not falter. Instead, he slammed her into the wall to force her off, biting deeply into her forearm. R’s pleas fell on deaf ears. 
Gwi-nam approached R, watching as the two students behind him reeled in pain. R took a few steps back, ending up against a window. Gwi-nam towered over her. R’s hands clutched the window sill, eyes still pleading for freedom.
R expected hell to descend on her. Instead, his arms wrapped around her waist tightly and he buried his face in the crook of her neck. R felt his deep sniffs and hums of satisfaction. “Are you hungry?” Gwi-nam mumbled.
“Y - yes.”
“Hm. That won’t do.”
Su-hyeok had stood during his questioning. He motioned with his hand to move out of the way. R pushed at his chest. “P - please, Gwi-nam. You’re covered in blood, it’s…”
Gwi-nam hummed and released her, eyeing her up and down. He had a pleased, calm expression. Nothing was threatening about his demeanor.
Su-hyeok ran at Gwi-nam. R leaped out of the way, watching as Su-yeaok sent Gwi-nam flying out the window. A shard of glass cut into R’s arm, but compared to her other wounds, it felt numb in comparison. Blood pooled to the floor as the group regained composure.
R watched the twitching body below before casting her gaze away. They were interested in making it to the music room sooner rather than later. R was mortified; Gwi-nam had to have died, and yet, by some means, he hadn’t. The man had a will to survive. And after escaping a hoard, a fall might not have done the trick.
R pushed the thought from her mind. The rest of the run to the music room was simple — or as simple as it got during a zombie apocalypse — and Cheong-san was safe and sound.
R panted and leaned against a wall. The entire group was recuperating as On-jo was giving Cheong-san a mouthful. However, Cheong-san seemed rather dissociated as his eyes flickered over the group before pausing at R.
“Ms. R…!” Cheong-san exclaimed. “You’re safe!”
R would not have expected the student to run over and give her a tight, relieved hug. Everyone was catching up and chattering as R returned the hug. R pushed him back, somehow feeling like herself for the first time since the apocalypse began. She glared, eyeing him over.
“Are you hurt? Why didn’t you run to the broadcasting room?” R chitted irritatedly. 
Cheong-san looked alarmed and embarrassed. “I was trying to! The zombies had me stuck here. It’s not like I could help it.”
R sighed, glancing over the room. A few of Cheong-san’s classmates snickered, which was returned with a glare. However, his eyes were fixated on Nam-ra’s arm. 
“Hey, Prez,” Cheong-san barked. “Were you bit? That’s a bite mark, eh?”
All attention turned to Nam-ra, who was innocently sitting at a desk. Nam-ra had yet to turn, and as R knew the situation, she immediately walked over to Nam-ra and grabbed her arm, inspecting the bite.
“Gwi-nam wasn’t a zombie though,” R spoke up, dropping Nam-ra’s arm. “She was bit by Gwi-nam —“
“I saw Gwi-nam get eaten!” Cheong-san piped up. “He had to have been a zombie!”
“No, Gwi-nam was talking to us and interacting. He didn’t turn,” Su-hyeok defended. “Nam-ra won’t turn because Gwi-nam wasn’t a zombie —“
“But how could he not be? R, you saw it, too! I’m not lying!”
“What if neither of you are lying?” On-jo suddenly spoke up. “There’s no reason for either of you to lie, so… What if Gwi-nam is immune? That happens in the movies.”
“Eh, On-jo might be right. Nam-ra would have turned by now, but she hasn’t,” said Dae-su.
The debate continued, although R stumbled back and clasped at a desk. On-jo’s words frightened her to the core. It had to be true, and if it was, Gwi-nam wouldn’t stop hunting them. They had to escape.
“H - hey!” R shouted, causing silence to fall. “Let’s stop arguing and get moving. If it’s true and Gwi-nam is immune, he will be looking for us.”
“How? There are zombies everywhere and the music is gone,” Dae-su groaned.
And that inspired On-jo’s plan. The desks and chairs began to stack.
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swee7dream · 9 months
slowly but surely zhong chenle x f!reader
genres agere content, angst, fluff warnings internalized anti-agere, mention of a panic attack but not in depth. lmk if i missed any ! wc 2.3k dni if you sexualize age regression
summary it's the end of the year but you are finding it very difficult to be in celebratory mood.
dni: if you sexualize age regression and/or have an 18+ blog.
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You’re going to quit your job.
You are, you’re making a promise to yourself about it and you have already decided to honor the promises you make to yourself this coming year. You are going to quit your job and nothing is going to stand in your way this time.
Only your boss would talk about an end-of-year party as a ‘compulsory team meeting’. You were supposed to have a nice simple evening with Chenle at home, making dinner together and then watching the fireworks until one of you falls asleep. A nice simple evening that did not have you hyperventilating in the bathroom out of fear you would be let go.
The plan was to stop by the store as soon as you finished your shift to ensure you got the freshest ingredients for the pesto pasta recipe you found on Pinterest and get more than the advised portions because you know for a fact half of it will end up on your kitchen floor when the play-fighting gets out of hand.
It was meant to be a night of relaxing and reflecting and not any of what you are feeling right now: stressed, angry, and murderous.
You take a sniff of your clothes as you walk from the bus stop back home, wondering if you can still wear this jacket out tomorrow or if you’ll smell like you bathed in alcohol fully dressed. Moisture seeps through your boot and into your sock from a puddle you didn’t notice on the sidewalk a couple of minutes back and you feel your entire body rejecting the sensation.
You mumble to yourself while doing quick work of inputting the PIN code to your front door lock, squeezing your eyes tight in an attempt to bring moisture back to your dried-out eyes.
‘Bath, color, cuddle, sleep. Bath, color, cuddle, sleep. Bath, color, cuddle, sleep!’
The plan for the night repeats like a broken record in your mind, mentally pushing yourself to go on just a little longer. You let out a sigh of relief when the lock finally sings its tune of entrance after three failed attempts.
“There’s my girl. I thought someone was trying to break in or something.”
The mental image of you talking with your dolls and stuffed animals shatters like a priceless vase, the shards amounting to the grains of sand in the sea.
“Hi.” You drop your bag on the floor the second you have a foot inside. You were so excited about tonight, how could you forget so quickly? Your boyfriend is so excited to see you and all you can think about is how you want everyone to die, that’s rich.
“Hey.” Chenle’s smile drops at your lack of enthusiasm. “You okay?”
“Okay… Just tired. ‘m gonna take a bath, ‘kay?” Your lips barely part as you speak and your feet don’t lift an inch from the floor, shuffling down the hallway instead. Tongue trapped between your teeth, you stop yourself from saying something you’ll regret on the way to the bathroom.
Your own gasp wakes you and you find that you’ve fallen asleep in the tub. How long have you been asleep? The water’s not exactly warm anymore and you see your fingertips have pruned up like raisins. You poke at them while leaning over the edge before sighing. Chenle’s out there waiting for you, you remind yourself, you can’t just stay pruned up like this forever.
Only for a little bit longer. You hug your knees to your chest and rest your cheek on one of them as you watch all the water from your bath swirl down the drain like a whirlpool. You can’t help but blow your lips together, mimicking the sounds you think pirates caught in a whirlpool would make.
A knock at the door.
“Everything alright in there?”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry. I’m getting dressed now. I’ll be right there.” The sound of your voice surprises you, feeling it’s much deeper than it should be for some reason.
The heat coming up from the vents is still too cold for you and although you know you should keep moving to feel warm, you find it much more comfortable to just stand in place on the rug.
Water drips off you and onto the rug and the towel wrapped tight around you where you shiver. Your hair is wet and heavy and if looks could kill, the shirt you planned to change into would be on fire at the moment. The feeling of heavy, damp hair wetting your new shirt makes you roll your eyes a bit, but the knowledge of your boyfriend on the other side of the door pushes you to endure it.
You’re in your own home but you sure don’t act like it, shuffling shyly out of the bathroom with uncertain steps.
“Oh.” He looks up from the shelf he was carefully inspecting before. “Hey baby. Good bath?”
“…yeah. What are you holding?”
“This?” He lifts his hand. “It’s one of your crayons. I found it lying on the floor and was just looking where to put it back.”
“It’s not mine,” You state firmly with a swift snatch. “It’s my nephew’s. He came over recently.”
“…your nephew colors with glitter crayons?” Chenle tries not to eye the grip you have that crayon in.
“Yeah. He does. Is that a problem?” You tuck the crayon into the pocket of your pajama pants quickly and make your way over to the kitchen.
“It’s not a problem, I just didn’t know he moved on so fast from his ‘arts and crafts is boring’ stage.”
“He’s coming around to it.” You move around the kitchen quickly, filling and turning on the kettle.
“Good for him.” Chenle stands slowly, when did his back start hurting like this? Is he getting old? Well, he is already balding. But that’s because of the hair dye, right? It’ll grow back. Probably.
“Yeah.” You toss a tea bag into a mug. “That’s just how kids are. Thank you for finding it.”
He takes notice of how you haven’t made eye contact with him since you snatched the crayon from him, how you still don’t. You try cracking your knuckles and wrists again and again, ignoring the fact that you already did before and nothing will pop for the next while or so.
You’re lying.
Why are you lying?
“Well, now I’m jealous.” Chenle leans on the counter with his forearms, teasing smile gently nudging you to at least look his way. “How come that little kid gets to color with my girlfriend when even I haven’t done that before?”
You don’t reply but his eyes follow how you swallow an invisible lump in your throat.
“It’s not like we have the ingredients to cook dinner tonight anyway, why don’t we just spend our home date tonight just coloring? You have more crayons, right?”
“No,” You reply immediately, turning away to get the kettle when it dings. “He just left this one. Why would I have any crayons? Do you think I’m a five-year-old?”
“I never said that.” He stands up, a frown of confusion painting his face.
“Right. Well, I don’t have any of those. And I don’t want to do a coloring date. I’m dating an adult, I would like to feel like I am.”
“Adults can color.”
“No they can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because they can’t.”
The kitchen is quiet, the single noise of the spoon mixing the tea and honey in your mug. With each second of silence, the control you have on your breathing weakens.
You do want to color. You want to doodle and draw and give Chenle all your stickman drawings. You want him to show you his pictures and you want to hear him praise the color you chose for the sun’s sunglasses. You want him to color with you and play with you until you’re all tired out. When you’re asleep you want him to cradle you and cuddle you, kiss you on the forehead, and hum you lullabies in an undertone.
But it’s also so unreasonable to demand that.
He has a life just as stressful if not more than yours, to throw all your burdens on him to bear, even if just for a few hours, is wrong. You would feel too guilty. Chenle’s dating an adult, not babysitting a child. Dating you should be an option, not a burden.
“They can’t?”
“They can’t.” You shake your head, voice breaking.
Chenle takes you into arms before you fully break, leaving all your tears to stain his t-shirt. His fingers dig into your hair and your whole body shivers when you feel his nails gently scratch against your scalp.
“I’m going to be honest with you, Princess, I don’t really know what happened today. Or if it’s something you’ve been dealing with for a long time… Either way, I’m sorry. If I’m the reason you’re crying right now, I’m sorry. And I’m also sorry for not knowing what I’ve done wrong. I’m kind of slow on the uptake at times. If I’m not the reason you’re crying, I’m sorry you went through that, or, are going through that. I don’t really know…
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. You looked like you were about to drop dead as soon as you walked in tonight so I wouldn’t blame you. I probably should have left earlier but I couldn’t help it. It’s the last day of the year and I really wanted to spend it with you. I’m kind of clingy like that, I guess. I was on my way here and… I was thinking how I would be ending this year and starting this next year with you and- and I wanted this to be how every year will be. Forever. Or, until you don’t it want to. Because I don’t feel like I will ever not want to be with you. I’m like… obsessed with you. But not to a point where I won’t leave if you tell me to leave. I definitely will leave if you ask me to leave. Do you want me to go? I can go. You look tired and I’m keeping you up-”
“No.” You interrupt, speaking into his chest. “Stay.”
“Okay. Yeah, I’ll stay.”
“But… I think I am gonna nap.”
“Yeah… Yeah, you should. I’ll just stay out here.”
“You’re an idiot.” You blurt. “A big dumb idiot. You’re dumb.”
“Want you to nap with me. Cuddle. Carry me.”
“Carry you…?” Chenle looks down at you, feeling whiplash at how quickly your moods change. He doesn’t question it though, melting at the sight of your big watery eyes. “Yeah, okay. Your wish is my command.”
You smile as you feel his arms wrap around you, his cologne entering your nose and giving you an incomparable high. His steps are slow and uncertain, careful to not hit your head on any doorframes. He begins lowering you onto the bed but your arms don’t loosen around his neck.
“Sorry too.” You whisper.
“For what?”
“Callin’ you dumb. You’re not dumb.”
“Thank you.” Chenle smiles, his eyes disappearing into thin little moons. “But, I am actually a little dumb.”
“No.” You frown as if the person offended was you. “Not dumb.”
“No.” You insist. “’m the dummy.”
“What? No, Princess.” He sits on the side of the bed when his neck begins to hurt from the angle. “How could you think that?”
“’Cause,” Your eyes drop to his shirt, suddenly extremely interested in the wrinkles of his shirt. “Dunno. Thought you wouldn’t like me.”
“Wouldn’t like you? Baby, why would I not like you?”
“’Cause ‘m a dummy!” You whisper-yell at him as if he wasn’t listening. “Was bein’ mean earlier and takin’ stuff and… just wasn’t bein’ nice. And then I thought that you wouldn’t like me if I… I dunno.”
“If what?”
“If there was like… a side o’ me you didn’t really like. ‘n’ I scared you away… Don’t wanna be a bother, y’know?”
“You’re not a bother, Baby.” Chenle presses a kiss to your temple. “You’re my responsibility. I choose to do all these things. You’re never a bother. Never ever. Even if you get sick or get kicked out of your house or… I don’t know. No matter what, I choose to stay with you.”
“What if you choose to stop staying with me?”
“Did you kill someone?”
“Then I think we can work through it.”
You giggle and lean back into him. He says such silly things with such confidence that he almost makes you believe it. Maybe one day you will.
“Oh shoot, your tea. I’ll be right back.”
The bed creaks under you as he gets up, the fireworks of overly-zealous celebrators with seemingly broken clocks lighting up his side profile pinks and purples through the window.
You stare at him and feel a warmth grow deep in your heart, an uncontrollable smile painted on your face. Chenle looks back at you with a confused smile, but you can see the same love in your heart in his eyes.
You also think that this is right. You don’t know if it’s for forever yet, but you sure hope it will be. That this year and the next and all the years until you’re both stars in the sky you two will be together. The fireworks will light up your faces when you’re both wrinkly and gray, wearing the same dorky grins you wear tonight.
You’re afraid, but you can feel that soon you’ll introduce a new side of yourself to Chenle. As he gets in the bed with you, looking out the window of your bedroom with his arm around your waist, the anxiety is the tiniest bit smaller than it was this morning. Slowly but surely, you know in your heart the day when you can show your heart bare to him will come and you’re not afraid
Maybe you’re afraid now but you know it’s only a matter of time before you free fall into his arms without a second thought. It's inevitable, you smile to yourself.
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a/n: STRESSING to post this before the new year lolz. also, i hope y'all know that reader was toned down SO much over the drafts. when i get overstimulated i start wanting ppl to die and it's never that serious...... i rly had to get rid of that quality when writing for reader LOLOLOL OK ENJOY REBLOG GIVE KUDOS ALL THAT STUFF THAT TUMBLR LIKES LOVE U ALL HOPE U HAVE THE BESTEST 2024
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sunflowersbones · 2 months
Golden Eyes, Golden Lies
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Warnings: This fic will contain NON-CON, DUB-CON, Blackmail, Manipulation, Violence, Drug usage, Pyrokinesis, SPOILERS from ep: 1. My warnings are not exhaustive, proceed at your own risk.
[Best friend! GOLDEN BOY/LUKE RIORDAN x reader]
18+ only. This is a dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: A new year, a new semester— now that the freshmen are here at Godolkin, you assumed; you would have more fun. A little more authority and bossing around. Little did you know, that your new year was going to be much worse than any freshmen’s.
NOTE: So this was supposed to be my first fic, but i couldn't find it to save my life and now it conveniently pops up. Anyway hello to my first oneshot on tumblr?. Tell me what you think of it, Reblogs are really appreciated, this is tumblr after all. I hope you enjoy!.
DIVIDERS: @firefly-graphics
You feel the golden sunrays hit your face as somebody opens your curtains. Slowly awoken from your slumber, your eyes refuse to open, clinging on to a little more sleep. You hear a chuckle around you as you feel a warm hand wrap around your ankle, dragging you down. A little more warmth than anybody else’s—a warmth you’re fondly familiar with.
“Uhh… Luke, five more minutes, please; I barely got any sleep last night.” you hear him chuckle again.
“Yeah, none of that sunshine, you don’t want to miss class; do you?, cuz if you don’t wake up right now, You will.”
You force yourself to rip your eyes open, and now finally awake, you stare at him in all his glory, all prim and tidied up, with no hint of exhaustion on his face; unlike you.
“And whose fault is it, that I’m so tired today?” you quip.
“Oh wow! It’s not our fault at all that you can’t handle a decent party night; I mean, you didn’t even drink that much.”
You hear Cate say, only now noticing her presence as she sits at the edge of your bed with a brown bag in her hand.
“What do you mean it’s not your fault? You forced me to come!.”
“Umm… I did not force you to do anything; I simply told you that I could, if I wanted to; you came of your own free will.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s not.” 
“Uh, ok, fine; will you two get out now? I need to change.”
“Just change in front of us,” she says with a coy smile on her lips.
This time, Luke lets out a good laugh as he walks over to you, with a pair of your clothes bunched up in his hands.
“Don’t tease her too much, Cate; you know how she loses it when she’s flustered, right? Nearly hit me with a vase once.”
“Uh! That was when we were six, and you weren’t even that hurt.”
You say as you snatch your clothes, from his extended arm.
“Well, my feelings were hurt, sunshine.”
“Also, not all of us are shameless enough to walk around naked in front of other people, like Luke does,” you say, looking at her. 
“Hey! I don’t have a choice; I think I’d really enjoy it if I didn’t have to get naked in front of random strangers.” He says as she stifles a laugh.
“Now be a good girl and get dressed; I don’t want you panicking about attendance again. Cate’s brought you breakfast, and you can have half of my pineapple pie.”
Cate hands over the brown bag to you with a big smile on her face. “It's your favorite cheese sandwich.”
“For the last time, get out,” you say, smiling through your teeth.
Cate puts her hands around Luke’s neck as she says, “You know, you’re really better at getting her to do stuff than I am; maybe persuasion is your secret superpower.”
“Oh, really.” He smiles, as they kiss and walk away.
“Also, get a room.” You shout at them; you hear a muffled “We’ll just take yours,” by Cate as the door closes.
You sip your second coffee of the day as you walk over to the bench where Cate resides. Two more classes and you’re done for the day. Finally, you can just go back to bed.
“So what are your plans for today?” She asks as you approach her.
“Let me guess, nothing? God, sometimes I think you only get out and meet people if you have Luke by your side.”
“That is not true. I simply think that one should have a balance between partying and not partying.”
“Well, today's not the day. We’re going out, you're coming, and I’m dressing you up.”
“Uhhh, do I have to?.”
“Yes! Okay, yesterday's party was boring; this one is going to be good; I just know it.”
“Fine.” You promise, and join her and walk towards class.
You’re all dolled up and ready. The dress Cate selected for you from her wardrobe wasn’t much different from the one you had initially worn, but she insisted, and you couldn’t turn her down.
You walk outside to the parking lot to find Andre, Jordan, and Luke already there.
“Ooh, you look handsome.” you chime as you walk up to him.
“Blue’s such a good colour on you.” you even out a little crinkle, that was on the fabric.
“Hey, where’s my compliment? It took me a hefty amount to select this, you know.”
You raise an eyebrow as you smirk at him. “And still, you chose that, Andre?”
“You know; he’s your pet; you only ever care about him.” He complains, embittered.
Luke chuckles as he shakes his head. He runs his hands over your shoulder as he twiddles with your dress.
“This new?” he asks nonchalantly.
“It’s Cate’s.”
“Ah! Explains the glitter.” He tuts back.
“C'mon, Cate; say something.” Andre complains.
Cate, who has been engrossed on her phone the entirety of this time, now looks up as she calmly says, “It’s true; blue’s his colour. Too bad he’s named Golden Boy, or we could have named him Blue Boy or Ocean Boy or something…”, she says as you giggle.
“No, Cate; compliment me!. God, I can’t get a break.” With a wide smile on her face; she laughs back and says, “You look great, Andre.”
“Thank you,” he quips, arms crossed.
Suddenly, his attention turns to somebody else. “Hey! you’re here.”
You turn around to watch Andre welcome somebody, a girl; you haven’t seen her before; she’s adorned herself with a very pretty silver dress.
“Who is the girl?” You whisper to Cate.
“Idk; somebody Andre knows; she’s a freshmen.”
“A freshmen?”
“Well, you know Andre, if he thinks she’s cool, she must be cool.”
“Nice dress, though, right?”
“Yeah! Glitter; we need to get you one of those.”
“Absolutely not!.”
“Absolutely yes!.” She says; jokingly, with every intention to drag you shopping with her, as you two get seated in the car.
You’re a little buzzed out by the Molly Andre gave you. You look around to find Cate and Marie dancing, but you’re all alone on the couch. You wonder where all of the others went?.
Your head seems to be pounding uncontrollably. You decide that going out into the fresh air would calm you down a bit, but entering back might be a problem; you only got in because of Cate. Fuck it, you think to yourself; nothing about this party is all that great anyway; you’ll just loiter around outside.
All of a sudden, the voices around you become louder—a cluster of chaos—and suddenly, a hand holds on to your arm.
“We need to get the fuck out of here.” Luke says as he drags you along, you fumble; tripping over your feet.
His hand on your arm and the other now on your hip are the only reasons you haven’t fallen down yet.
Your head hurts, and you’re still a little confused. “What’s wrong, what happ— You hold your breath as you watch Jordan pull Andre along; the latter's face and hands are covered with blood; he seems to be in shock.
“What happened?”
“Some asshole bumped into Andre,”—he lets out a deep sigh.
“A girl's hurt; she’s bleeding out.”
“Well, then do something; call an ambulance.”
“No, it’s not gonna be here on time.” You hear Cate say as she moves past you, Luke’s hold on you tightens.
“We need to leave Y/N right now, or we’ll be in big trouble.”
You nod away as he drags you into the car.
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You wake up with an unbearable headache as you suddenly remember everything that happened last night. God, it was so bad; you just want to go back to bed and sleep away the entire day. But when did school ever allow you that luxury? You also need to check up on Andre and the others. So you make your way into the shower to savour few more minutes of solitude.
Your mind seems a little scrambled as you walk; your eyes focused on the road. All of a sudden, you hear a loud crash. You look over to see a garbage can fallen with trash littered everywhere. With a little closer inspection, you see a stray of blood all around. As you approach, you hear uncontrollable sobbing. You turn around the corner to see a girl crouched as she holds onto her arm.
“Marie?” Marie looks up at you, a little shocked, before she starts crying again.
You walk over to her, alarmed, as you sit down next to her.
“What’s wrong?”
The blood still seeping through her cut makes you wince, you place a hand on her shoulder to soothe her. “If this is about yesterday, you saved her. The girl is fine, I called a few people to check up. She’s absolutely fine, you’re a fucking hero.”
She looks at you with a bitter look on her face.
“And you know what prize I’m receiving for it? I’m being fucking expelled; what do I do? I can't go back.” She whispers more to herself than to you.
“What? No. That makes no sense; you saved her. That’s what supes do; if anything, you're going to be transferred into the crime-fighting department for good.”
“Well, I’m not; I’m being expelled. Brink said it to me, to my face, you know why?; to protect you and your friends.”
You look at her as she trembles; a new wave of tears wash through her.
“Look, that’s not going to happen, brink probably panicked; he’s like that about Luke, and you can’t deny the damage that would happen if people found out about what happened.”
“So I have to be your scapegoat.”
“No, you won’t; Luke would never let that happen; he would never let somebody’s life get ruined because of him.
“I highly doubt this is from the board, the board probably doesn’t even know; it was probably brink’s decision to nip it in the bud. People don’t understand that; even supes can’t save everybody, and they get angry when something bad happens because they think we did it on purpose. Luke has a good chance of getting into the seven, but if his reputation is ruined, that’s gone. Brinks worried; he’s just like us; he’s scared.”
“But Godolkin’s not like that; I know everything seems like a façade, with its polished words, corporate environment, and god, the never-ending fucking advertisements.”
Marie chuckles as you let out a laugh.
“They care about their supes, especially the ones who are capable for crime-fighting. You are the ones who protect the world now; they won’t just expell you for trivial reasons.”
“I mean, look at it this way, if they’re going to keep somebody like me around; who barely has any strength or control,” you slowly lift the trash can and move it back to its place as you swivel your fingers. The trash fallen out easier to lift; you put it back into the can. “You think they're going to let go of somebody like you? You're going to be fine, I promise.”
She lets out a deep sigh as she wipes her tears away.
“Telekinesis, huh? It’s cool,” she whispers. “Why aren’t you in crime fighting?”
“Well, they have Andre to do that, and I’m nowhere as powerful. And, uh, I used to have a few issues with control—actually, sometimes I still do. So, I think I’ll just stick to moving boxes for the theatre club. That’s probably the best idea.” You whisper, your mind reverting back to bad memories, and you snap back. You really don’t want to burden her with it.
“But hey, like I said, you will be fine,” you promise her as you squeeze her shoulders once more for assurance.
You drop Marie off at her dorm, encouraging her to rest for some time. On your way, you see Jordan walking past you with an alarmed look on their face. They don’t even bother to respond to your, “hey”; and you wonder just how difficult the whole assistant job really is.
You really don’t have any energy to attend classes today; your attendance is pretty good anyway, bunking classes a day won’t be a problem. You have to talk to Luke about Marie anyway, so you change your route and go to his place. You walk into Luke’s room only to find all the curtains closed; the room is entirely too dark for Luke’s liking. You wonder if he still has classes, then you notice him sitting on his bed, something you didn’t even notice on arrival.
As you walk towards him, you notice that look on his face; he’s been getting it a lot these days. A bad dream, and his mind just goes blank for a while. You’re too scared to ask him what they’re about, and he never gives you a straight answer.
You walk up in front of him; he looks up at you, and it’s almost feels as if he’s staring right through you. You don’t even know if he’s actually acknowledged your presence or not.
You slowly bring a hand to cradle his face. You thought that he’d snap or be surprised, but he doesn’t; he just leans into your hand, with a pained look on his face.
“I’m really tired; my head is killing me, I think... Maybe I should take a nap.”
“Yeah, sure, you want me to leave?”
“No. No, stay; just sleep next to me, please,” he says as he pulls you down to lay next to him. He hugs you a little too tight as you make yourself comfortable.
“It feels like the sleepovers we used to have when we were kids; too bad Sam isn’t here,” he whispers as he leans into you. Your heart breaks at the thought of it. Maybe all you need is a little rest, and maybe everything will be fine.
Everything was not fine at all. You wake up to absolute and utter chaos. Cate seems to be rambling things into her phone, and you can hear the shouting madness outside the room, even through the closed doors.
You sit upright on the bed, rubbing your eyes. The brightness in the room, not helping the situation. You stare at Cate; annoyed, as she stares back at you, her face blanched.
“Do you know?”
“Know what?”
“Oh god! You don’t know, do you, Y/N?”
“Brink is dead,” she whispers, but you hear her all the same.
“What!?” you shout back. “How, I—
“I don’t know; Luke and Andre have gone to check on it; I think Jordan’s there too; idk, I hear they’re not letting anybody in either, so idk what’s the point of them going there?”
Everything she says seems to be flying through you; she seems to be saying everything and nothing, all at once.
“No, no; what happened to him? How did he die?”
“We don’t know, some are saying he accidentally lit himself on fire; others say he just left; now there’s this rumour that he hanged himself, which makes no sense because they also say that they haven’t found a body.”
She gets another phone call, and the story is being repeated all over again as you just sit there confused, absolutely and utterly confused.
The days after seemed worse; the authorities barely provided any information, and the dean made it clear that the only thing she wanted her students to focus on was their academics.
The whole thing became just another whisper—a little too quickly for your liking, but what bothered you the most was Luke. He’s been going about life as if nothing had happened, which would be normal for any other student, but he’s not any other student. He’d been so close to brinks; him acting like this doesn’t make any sense. Losing Sam had been so difficult on him, but at least he expressed his pain, anger, and sadness. But this was a whole other level of repression. You were concerned for his well-being; you wish he’d just talk to you, but every time you bring it up, he changes the topic. You’re terrified that suppressing all of these emotions is going to severely damage his mental health.
That’s how you ended up here, in your predicament, barely stable and unable to walk. You didn’t have it in you to deny or stop Luke from using or forcing Andre’s new drugs onto you.
You don’t even know where he’s getting these from, but this one was definitely a little too strong for you. The only reason you haven’t fallen off is because of Luke’s hold on you, but he’s barely coherent himself. You get to your room, and he immediately jumps on the bed as you lie down next to him.
Luke lets out a laugh in his intoxicated state. You turn over and look at him.
“What’s so funny?” You slur away.
“Nothing,” he says as he looks at you. “I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid. It’d been so clear; the woods made it so clear; I still didn’t get it.” A timber of anger was in his voice.
“But I’m glad it wasn’t too late; better now than never, right?” He says, more to himself than to you.
“I seriously don’t understand anything that—
Before you finish your sentence, his lips come crashing on to you; you’re so surprised by it that your body goes off kilter.
His lips latch on to yours with even more ferocity, your weak attempt to push him away is countered by his hands roaming all over your body. His warmth suffocating you as you try to make sense of everything.
“Luke stop..., I… what? What are you—
“Shh.. don’t worry ok; I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I won’t let anybody hurt you.”
There’s a faraway look in his eyes that terrifies you. One of his hands press on to your stomach, “I’ll protect you, I’ll take care of you, let me take care of you,” he whispers; his hand travels down as he cups your core.
“Ah! Luke; no st— you latch on to his wrist with your hand as his lips find yours again; his hand evades yours without any hesitation.
He unzips your pants as he makes his way in. He bites on to your lip painfully so, and as he revels in your pain, you feel a finger press onto you as it makes its way inside. Too overwhelmed and intoxicated, you feel another one of his fingers slip into you as you push onto his chest. Your eyes flutter to keep you conscious, your body too weak and your mind to rambled, you let your mind and body fall into the depth of unconsciousness.
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You slowly awaken as you feel your head being split apart with pain. Your room still dark due to the curtains; You turn around only to feel a chill pass through your body as you see your clothes littered around. Memories of last night come back to you; A part of you is glad that Luke is not around, yet you wish you could talk to him. You wonder if he realises his own mistake, after all you were both drunk and high last night.
You didn’t blame him entirely, yet your heart ached at the idea of having to face him… or Cate. Your guilt ate you alive, even when you weren’t sure if any of it was your fault.
So you steadily avoided all your friends, you hoped nobody would notice, and even if they did, you could always just blame it on the approaching exams.
Your luck only lasted for a week, as you found Cate at your doorstep.
“I barely see you anymore,” she says, the sadness in her voice undeniable.
“It’s just that... There’s exams, assignments, and so much to finish.”
“Is that so?” she says, chewing on her lip. “I’ll help you with it.”
You’ve been studying for the past 40 minutes, and yet nothing seems to enter your brain; you're not even concentrating on what she’s saying. As you re-read the same page for the 4th time, you hear her say.
“Luke and I broke up, you know?”
“Isn’t that why you won’t talk to me, won’t come see me? because you think I’m mad at you.”
You feel your throat constrict, unable to say anything in your defence, although you couldn’t even decide what to say.
“Oh, dear Y/N,” she says as she holds your hand.
“It’s not; it’s... It’s actually something I’ve always expected, you know, and things have been quite difficult lately. It’s just not the same as it used to be between us, and you’ve always cared for him, and he’s always protected you.”
“I didn’t even believe it when I first found out you were just friends; I’d always thought that one of you would snap out of it. But when Luke asked me out, it was too good to pass.”
“I don’t care,” she says as her eyes tear up.
“I found you and all of our other friends, and that’s all thanks to Luke.”
“I still care for him and you very dearly, ok? I want you to know that I’d never be mad, or fault you for realising the feelings you’ve always had.”
As she spoke to you, all you could do was stare at her; confused and unable to explain anything.
The initial confusion and dread after Cate’s confession soon turned into anger, and after her departure, you found yourself barging into Luke’s room. If he was surprised to see you, he didn’t show it.
“What did you tell Cate?”
“Is that what this is about, Cate? Is that why you’ve been avoiding me all these days?” He says as he comes near you in an attempt to hold you; however, you move to the side; uncomfortable with the whole situation. His face hardens at that, yet his voice remains calm. If you had known better, you’d think he was angry, but this is Luke, your Luke. He never gets angry, not at you.
“Luke I think there’s a confusion; you were high, I was high, I didn’t.. ”
“Cate is fine. Y/N, you’re just worried. Your pushing your feelings aside because you're scared, scared of ruining our friendship, scared that you’ll lose control; you're sacred that you’ll ruin everything like you always do, but you won't. I promise you; I’ll be there for you. I love you, and I always will.”
His words prick you, and you feel your anger bubbling up.
“No, no, no. I’m not… I don’t. Don’t you see I didn’t want to, that night? But you wouldn’t listen; I don’t want you; I don’t want this, whatever you’ve imagined it to be.” The frustration is now evident in your tone.
You’re both quite for a while as he stares at you; the air around you is tense.
“Are you saying that I raped you.” his voice unremorseful of his actions, you feel your breath hitch; you didn’t even what to think of it, let alone say it out aloud.
“Really, cuz who do you think is going to believe that?”
His voice had turned cold in a way that was almost unrecognisable to you.
“Cate, Jordan, Andre, I mean, the entire fucking school knows how you are. How you look at me, how you follow me around like a little lost puppy, how you practically cannot exist without me; how completely in love with me you are,” he spits venom as he walks towards you.
“It’s because you’re my best friend.” You cry out, your eyes blurry with tears.
“Exactly, and best friends don’t go around spreading lies about their best friends.”
He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh as he places his hands on his hips.
“I really don’t want to do this, Y/N, but you leave me with no choice.”
You see his eyes shine burning gold as he approaches you, the heat around you increasing. You move back and dash against the wall. In your panic, you move your fingers to throw a book at him from the shelf nearby. It hits him on the head; he stops for a second, yet it does nothing to deter him; if anything, he’s more angry.
You feel heat sear through you and for a spilt second you believe he might actually kill you. His hands finds your; the fire in his eyes gone along with your charred ashen clothes.
You feel your whole body tremble, this cannot be happening again. Your inability to stop him makes you feel weak and useless.
You feel his arms wrap around your hips as he pulls you closer, your entire body pressed against his. You feel his heat seep into you, he presses his face into the crook of your neck as he breaths you in, you can feel his heart beat next to yours, but unlike your fast paced frenzy his seems calm.
He pushes you on to the floor and you feel his pelvis dig into you, one of his hands finds your jaw as he kisses you.
“I love you a lot Y/N, I care for you. I’m here to protect you, I won’t lose you, I can’t lose you. You have no idea how dangerous godolkin is, everyone here lies. They don’t care about me, you or any of us.”
He moves his head to look at you, he slowly leans in and snugs himself inside you. One of his hands moves to grope your breast as he slowly thrusts into you, you try to push him off but his other hand moves to hold your hands above you.
The pacing of his thrusts increase and you feel his hot breath on your face, your eye lashes flutter as you feel the tears stain your cheek. His hands moves to your hip and holds on to it so tightly you're sure it’ll bruise.
You feel a knot form inside you, your entire body seething in pain and pleasure. You feel the rush hit high as you come, clenching on to him as both of your moans get mingled.
His hands move towards yours as his fingers intertwine with yours, “You’re mine; mine to love, mine to protect and mine to punish, everybody knows it; but I don’t mind having to prove it, and I think I’ll just have to start with you.”
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