#but for all of luca's cockiness my boy just wants to be wanted
augustjustice · 1 year
Sharing Smokes Outside the Snow Ball
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It's the Winter of 1999, and Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson are standing outside the Hawkins Middle School Snow Ball, sharing a smoke.
Eddie can't believe he's back here, the whole thing feeling nearly as surreal as that nightmare, wayward Spring Break over ten years ago. He'd barely made it out of that hell hole alive, Steve himself practically having to hold Eddie together as they made their way from Forest Hill to Hawkins Memorial Hospital.
Spring had turned into summer, sweltering and oppressive as Eddie slowly, painfully healed.
There had been bright spots, though. Watching Lucas and Erica squabble during the one-shot campaign he had cooked up just for the party that June. Evenings out beside the Harrington's temperature controlled pool, beer bottle sweating in his hand as he traded a joint back and forth between Argyle and Jonathan, the sound of Robin's cackle loud and bright as she managed to hipcheck Steve into the pool. Steve's own blinding smile--a longtime feature of Eddie's secret high school fantasies--being turned on him the first time he made it from the front doors of the physical therapy clinic to the passenger side of his BMW, without needing any help at all.
But then summer had ended, and Eddie, finally back together again like a character out of a children's nursery rhyme, had packed up his van and headed straight to Chicago, not looking back.
Sure, there'd been post cards sent, phone calls to Dustin and the other Hellfire brats, promises to see everyone soon. Promises that Eddie couldn't keep, even if he wanted to.
Not when he didn't dare set foot in Hawkins, not ever again.
Then, over a decade into his second life as a struggling guitarist by night, record shop employee by day, his cousin Brooke had landed on his doorstep, looking too tired and too young all at once, a bruise around her eye. Behind her, her eleven year old son was studying the apartment hall's tiling.
"I left him." Eddie didn't need an explanation for that one. Her good-for-nothing husband, Nash. "Jake won't be any trouble, he just...needs a place to stay, while I get back on my feet. Somewhere his daddy can't find him. Just for a little while."
Eddie thought of his Mama. And then he called Wayne.
"Shit, Uncle Wayne, I--don't know what to do."
"Come on home now, boy," Wayne said, easy as anything, like Eddie had left only yesterday. "Come on back home."
So Eddie had.
That had been six months ago. And now he was standing in the aforementioned middle school parking lot with Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, while their kids--and wasn't that just a fucking head trip and a half--danced the night away.
"I keep half expecting Click to round the corner screaming my name," Eddie admits as he gives Steve a light. "Remember junior year, I sold to you in the alley behind the gym? Old bat nearly got me that time."
"Remember? I literally had to shove that joint down the front of my shorts, dude," Steve admits, which draws a snort out of Eddie to match his own chuckle. "Most of the guys on the basketball team couldn't move half as fast as you did that day. You practically vanished into the woods before she even made it to the stadium. Totally shoulda gone out for the track team, Eds."
Eddie clutches his chest, as though he's been shot. "Don't speak such blasphemy to me, Harrington."
"Yeah, well, you can quit worrying. Pretty sure she finally retired," Steve tells him, taking a long drag before he's passing the cigarette back to Eddie, even that brief touch enough to send sparks of electricity up Eddie's arm. Then he shoots Eddie that charming, infamous Harrington smile, boyish and cocky, the one that says he's used to getting exactly what he wants. "Even if she's not, I'm head of the PTA. If Higgins tries anything, I'll just threaten not to bring cupcakes to the next bake sale."
"Harrington, my hero," Eddie fakes a swoon, collapsing for a brief second against Steve's shoulder, an excuse to get close.
The theatrics get no rise out of Steve beyond an amused smirk. Even after all these years, he's still used to Eddie's antics, it seems.
"You know, it was total déjà vu," he nods to the middle school gymnasium, all decked out in blue and white, "dropping Sam off here."
Though he's actually gotten to know the Harrington offspring in person since he's been back, Eddie had received the rundown from Dustin and the others on Steve's journey to dadhood in their scattered calls over the years.
The December after Eddie had left, Steve had met a girl, taken her out on a few dates, and accidentally gotten her pregnant.
With Samantha, a name Dustin had proudly persuaded Steve into as the little girl's godfather. Every bit as adorable, now that Eddie had seen her, as the gushing picture the party had painted for him, all big blue eyes and wavy chestnut hair just like her father's.
Steve had gotten down on one knee long before she was born, determined to tie the knot and do right by her mother nearly as soon as he'd heard the news.
The pair had been divorced not even two years later.
"I don't think they were ever really in love," Dustin had informed Eddie one sunny afternoon impromptu of nothing, as always blunt in his honesty. "But you know what Steve is like. He's a hopeless romantic."
Eddie didn't, not exactly. But he's gotten enough glimpses, both back in '86 and much more recently, that he's starting to put the picture together.
Steve draws Eddie out of that particular reverie with another bright laugh. And then he's recounting the memory of Dustin's hair, done up in the infamous Harrington 'do, as Steve pulled up in front of the '84 Snow Ball playing chaperone in his trusty Beemer, long since traded in for the much more affordable sedan he's driving now.
"I demand photographic evidence, Harrington," Eddie insists, smile crooked, that distracting dimple appearing in his right cheek, "you can't conjure up an image like that and then not fork over the goods."
"Hey, man, talk to Dustin. Mrs. Henderson took like...a million pictures that night," Steve laughs.
But he's already mentally going through the album tucked away on a bookcase back at home, positive he's got his own photo to show for it. It'll make for a nice excuse to invite Eddie over for dinner one night.
The subject turns then to their own checkered experiences with school dances.
"Class of '85, baby! That's when they made your 'King Steve' title official," Eddie crows, teasing as he taps Steve once on the nose.
Steve goes a bit cross-eyed, following the movement of his finger.
"Yeah, well, talk about a total let-down of a night. I didn't even bring a date," Steve admits, tone blasé. The truth is, his entire senior year had been something of a disappointed trudge towards graduation, a walk he had taken mostly alone. There had been bright spots--the little band of miscreants he'd fallen into babysitting, for one--but they had all been far outside the walls of Hawkins High. "I'm guessing you weren't around for that? Not really your scene, especially with the Munson Doctrine's strict rules about 'forced conforming.'"
He puts Eddie's words in deliberate air quotes, his turn to give him a teasing smile.
"You're wrong about that one, big boy. I saw them, adorning your glorious locks with the crown." That mischievous smile is back. "We're not that old, dude, don't tell me you already forgot the whole 'prom streaking' incident?"
Eddie shoots him a loaded, deliberate look.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Shaking his head with a laugh, Steve waves his arms in front of him, like he's calling a time out. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. That was you?"
"The one and only. What can I say, Jeff and Gareth dared me. Besides, by that point," Eddie shrugs casually, "I already knew I didn't have a shot at graduating anyway, so. Thought I'd close out the year with a bang."
"You've seriously never considered doing anything halfway in your life, have you, Munson?" Steve asks, giving Eddie's shoulder an almost exasperated nudge, smile fond in spite of himself.
"Absolutely not, Stevie boy. Life's too short. Where's the fun in playing it safe?"
Eddie swings into Steve's space, then, dark eyes sparkling. Goading and flirtatious. Just like when they were teenagers, thrown together in the worst of circumstances but making the best of it, before time and pain and trauma put all that distance between them.
And if Steve's eyes drop down to Eddie's lips as they share air, slow enough it can't be anything but deliberate, and their fingers brush just a tad too intimately the next time they trade the cigarette back and forth...well. They've got a lot of lost time--and shared smokes in school parking lots--to make up for.
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intermundia · 5 months
I'm a different anon, but your answer to that person, about how we all have our own perspectives and such, got me curious if you wanted to talk about your favorite things about Anakin? I really like how he has this earnest passion in everything he says and does, no matter what the consequences are. He lets his instincts and heart influence what actions he takes. I think you could say the same about Obi-Wan too to a degree, but I think Obi-Wan errs to keeping his emotions/intentions concealed until he has the best advantage he can get. And I think that this sort of "two sides of the same coin" contrast between them is part of what makes the ship appealing. Anyway, yeah, I wanted to know what you enjoy about Anakin ^^ And that other anon too, if they want to send another ask about their feelings/thoughts
Oh man, what a question. You've activated my trap card. Anakin Skywalker is possibly my favorite character of all time. It's endlessly fascinating to read stories about him, and writing him allows me to articulate the messy, painful, thwarted parts of myself. He's half my brain, and Obi-Wan is the other half, and resolving their differences brings me deep catharsis.
Everything you said about him is so true, his earnest passion is so deeply appealing. Obi-Wan called him passionate, fearless, forthright, and he is the embodiment of those traits, but he's flawed too, and flawed in ways I feel in my bones, and regrets the same things that I regret. He's so beautiful and so damned, a fallen and risen angel, you know?
Stover wrote that the brightest light casts the darkest shadow. He ends up at just the nadir of cruelty and violence, but he begins from a place of pure generosity and light. His intentions were so good, and he was so impossibly brave. It seems like arrogance, that cocky assurance of what he was capable of, but the universe bends around him to fit his will.
He's more than human, he's half-divine, a mirror and barometer of the entire galaxy's mood. His life is coextensive with the rise and fall of an empire, his personal tragedy from greed is both archetypal and relatable, and he is the scaffolding the narrative rests inside. Luke is the hero of the story but Anakin is the embodiment of the world he strives against.
He is painfully earnest and a liar, a villain and a victim, naive and jaded, brilliant but foolish, perfect and deeply flawed. It's so easy for me to understand why he was so beloved. He's absolutely the other side of Obi-Wan's coin, the heart to Obi-Wan's head, the passion to his reason, the instinct to his experience. The Team together is one complete and fully realized being, separation means incompleteness and disaster.
Vader is just one of the most iconic villains of all time, and Lucas defied all expectations in the prequels. He used his character to tell a cautionary tale about greed rather than give excuses for why he became such a monster. He is intentionally shown to be so generous and kind as a boy, handsome and daring as a man, with infinite wasted potential for good, it's incredible.
Idk man, I like him and I love him, I hate him and I want him; he's one of the best characters of the modern age.
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warping-realities · 1 year
A Better Roommate
Joshua watched from the dorm window his roommates at Saint James Academy, all gathered for the annual start-of-year photo shoot.
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"Bunch of preppy, cocky, bastards." He murmured to the window as his colleagues posed for the photographer. Joshua was supposed to be outside with them right now, but his delay was deliberate. He was waiting for which of the assholes who had made his life a living hell to come after him and thus be irretrievably changed into a much better version. For generations, Joshua's family owned a small metallic disk of immeasurable power, a Reality Warper, capable of altering reality itself when directed at a person. Joshua should not be in possession of the object, his father forbade him to even approach the small disk. The same father who had let Timothy, his older brother of his, use it, which made Joshua enraged. The situation got worse when their father refused to even explain how the object works, telling him that this was not a conversation to have with a sixteen-year-old boy and that he let Timothy use the object only after he was already a grown man . Joshua might not know how to use it but he knew in who his brother used it. It was obvious that Lucas, Timothy's boyfriend had been the result of the Reality Warper's power. Even without fully understanding that power and the functioning of the object, Joshua snatched it away from his father and took it with him, willing to transform his imbecile colleagues into versions he could tolerate.
"It was just a matter of time." He thought, watching his colleagues in the courtyard below.
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After several minutes the exhibitionist assholes finally remembered that someone was missing and felt one of their own looking for him. Billy was the chosen one, the golden boy, a proud member of the school's swim and water polo teams. Joshua almost regretted his plan for him, Billy was always nice to him, unlike the others he never humiliated him or called him stupid nicknames and he was reasonably intelligent, the two had a couple of almost interesting conversations in the last year. But fate had chosen him to be the first one of a new and improved group of roommates, and Joshua wasn't about to back down. He would never admit it but the truth is he was lonely and what he wanted most in the world was to belong to something, to be part of a group, but that group, his peers would never accept a skinny kid with an interest in science and nerd culture among them and they had made that clear the year before. Billy was the only one who had tried to help him in any way, offering to teach him how to swim or the rules of a few sports, but Joshua couldn't change who he was, so he was going to change who they were. "Hey Josh, we're waiting for you for the photo, man." Billy said from the doorway, his wavy blond hair framing his handsome face.
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Hi William, how was your summer break?
"Break was cool, man. Seriously, come on, the guys are waiting, don't give them ammo to use against you on the first day of school."
"Ah, but they won't be against me this year, and neither will you, in fact I dare say we'll get along much better, that we'll even be best friends."
"What are you talking about? Decided to try harder to fit in? It has to be a real effort, dude, not like last year."
"It won't take any effort, at least not on my part. I want a roommate who is ideal for me." Said Joshua holding the Reality Warper as he looked at Billy expectantly. And…. nothing happened.
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"Yeah, I also want a roommate that's ideal for me, Josh, but instead…" Billy began, being suddenly interrupted by the Reality Warper's activation.
"No, it wasn't supposed to be like this, I have the command, I…." Shouted Joshua scared while a metallic structure surrounded him forming a kind of cocoon. "Joshua, Joshua!!! What the fuck is this, man?" Barked an anguished Billy leaning against the front wall of the cocoon, which immediately liquefied, causing him to withdraw his hand scared.
"What the fuck?" He repeated the boy, seeing the structure solidify again, but now showing on its surface the carved image of a nerd boy.
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The structure liquified again before Blly's incredulous eyes, only to solidify one more time, now revealing the image of a handsome young man.
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"What a…" Billy started to say again, but stopped when he saw the cocoon around Joshua retract into a small metal disk that fell to the ground with a clink. The truth is, Billy didn't even pay attention to the Reality Warper, as he was shocked by the figure sitting in front of him.
"Joshua?" Billy asked with a trembling voice to the boy with defined muscles and a beautiful face framed by curls of light brown hair. Which opened his eyes and smiled.
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"It's Josh, Billy, since when do you call your best bro by his batispm name delle?" Said the boy.
"Best bro?"
"Yeah, dumbass, unless you've found a better wingman than me, which I doubt, the hotties all want some of that." Said the boy pointing to his dick, before getting up and patting Billy on the shoulder, who at that moment was invaded by a hole new set of memories.
Instead of Joshua the year before Billy met Josh and it was like meeting the brother he never had. The two became friends at first glance because of how similar they were. They made the swim and water polo teams together, they had the same taste in movies and video games, they even got the same grades. And most importantly, whenever they had the opportunity to leave school and meet some girls, their dynamic duo scored, scored high. All of this happened like a flash before his eyes and he accepted that new reality as if it were the only one that existed.
"You're the dumbass, Josh. Why aren't you dressed yet? Everyone's waiting for you for the picture."
"I tried to lure that Mexican maid into the lions' den, but she's been playing hard. She doesn't know what she's missing..."
"Certainly every hot woman like that wants a sixteen-year-old brat to raise."
"Hey bro! I'm a badass and I'll be your captain, be more respectful!"
"You, captain? Only over my dead body!"
"Is that a request bro?"
"No, it's a warning, you asshole!"
"Ah, I missed that sense of humor of yours, bro. There's no better joker than you." Said a fully dressed Josh, as he patted Billy on the shoulder again while inadvertently kicked a small metallic disc out of the room.
Joshua should have listened to his father. No one in the long generations that their family had owned the artifact had really understood the full workings of the Reality Warper. But there were some rules to be followed in its use. For example, the fact that the object required physical contact with both the target and the bearer, in the absence of such contact, the bearer himself would become the target and the first order given to the object would be enforced on him. Another strong suspicion was that the object would have some level of consciousness and will. Which was confirmed in that very moment, when the memories of Josh, Timothy, their father and all the other members of their family were purged of any trace about the artifact.
Not that Josh would care about that right now when he was with his friends, his brothers, his pack. He was a social animal and his greatest pride was that of belonging, not just any group, but the best of the best.
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While that photo was being taken the Reality Warper found its way into new unsuspected hands.
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Melissa was furious but she couldn't show her feelings, not there in her workplace, although it was precisely because of her work that she felt that way. She was the daughter of Mexican immigrants and had encountered her share of asshole rich men in her life. But she wasn't expecting to find an arrogant boy lying completely naked waiting for her in the dorm she would have to clean. It was a tremendous shock, as the place should have been empty and suddenly she was facing a... a... she preferred to forget. At that moment she wanted to finish off the boy with her broom. But she needed that job to support herself while she attended nursing school at night. Her father could have helped her of course, his auto repair shop was doing well, but she refused on principle to bother him about it. And there was that other reason too… Henry, though in there he was Professor Roberts. Here's a rich and influential man who broke the mold, she thought as her eye was caught by a glow in the corner of the hall.
"What do we have here?" She murmured to herself, holding a small metallic disc in her hand.
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theladybarnes · 2 years
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“I always thought stuff like this happened in movies and comic books.”
▸ summary: the waiting game begins, but just what are you waiting for? ▸ characters: steve harrington, dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, and max mayfield  ▸ word count: 4.5k     ▸ warnings: semi-fluff, angst, canon violence (ish) ▸ series masterlist
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Thankfully, for a short while. There’s no real talking involved as the five of you set up to barricade the bus. 
It’s the most amount of physical work you’ve done in years. And while you wanted to join in with the kids when it came to whining about being tired, you bit down on your tongue. Not wanting to risk being caught under Steve’s stern glare.  
It was almost comedic with how much he acted like such a parental figure. Rushing over to help Max adjust her grip on a heavy sheet. Calling out to Dustin and Lucas to be careful about touching anything sharp and even going as far as to rush over to you and take heavy objects for you despite having another task he was supposed to do.
“You know you stare at him a lot.” 
You nearly dropped the hammer from your hands as you jumped at the sound of Max’s sudden voice. The red head was down at the ground, watching you with an amused smile while you stood on the ladder. 
“Can you not sneak up on me, please?” you groaned, readjusting your grip before you finished hammering in the nail you had been working on. The metal was hard to pierce through and you were already getting more nervous the darker it got. “And who are you talking about?”
The younger girl crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the bus for a second before she nodded over towards the boys. The three of them were sorting through the piles to find more flat sheets to press against the walls inside. “I’m talking about that guy, Steve. Every time I look at you two you’re always looking at each other.”
“What?” you chuckled, giving her your back to hide your face. “I do not stare at him.” After a few seconds of silence, you glanced back down to find her giving you a look of doubt. “Besides, I doubt he’s looking at me. We’re all busy fixing this place up.”
“Yes, we’re all busy. But for some reason, that’s not stopping you two from having googly eyes with each other.” 
A small heat spread over your face. Because while you definitely know you weren’t having googly eyes for Steve. You were sort of fascinated watching him now and then. But that’s just your natural curiosity. It’s not your fault you’ve become an observer since moving here.
“He’s just..different today.” 
“Different today? What, is he an asshole or something?”
Reaching for another nail, you waited until you had another one hammered into the bus wall before answering her. “No. He’s..he’s complicated!” you sighed, climbing down from the ladder. “Before all this mess with the monsters..he was a cocky jerk and totally betrayed my trust.” 
The two of you watched as he gave both boys a pat on the back as they found more barrels to line up around the bus. Giving them each a small smile as he pointed back over to the stack. Max frowned over at them, tilting her head before she turned back to you. “Okay, so he’s a jerk until today?”
“Well, no. He’s been..well, I guess he’s sort of been changing for a while now.” 
“You’re losing me here.” she huffed loudly.
“He’s been trying to be my friend since last Christmas. And I completely ignored him until a couple of days ago at a Halloween party when he took me home because I was too buzzed. And yeah, last night we kinda talked things out a bit. Maybe a little bit too much. But today he’s nice to you guys and totally confusing to me. Therefore, he’s complicated.”
Max chuckled, giving you an amused look while she pushed a red lock behind her ear. “Oh man, you got it bad.”
“I don’t have anything bad, okay?” you frowned. “I’m perfect.”
“Nope. BAD.” She giggled, nudging you with her hand. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.”
Rolling your eyes, you move past Max to grab another sheet from the pile near you, pushing it over towards the next panel you needed to cover. There was definitely no way that you were coming off in any sort of way interested in Steve. Honestly, if anything, you were only feeling a little bit nervous about tonight.
Max moved quickly to join you back at your side, handing you the last few nails you had with a small smirk. “It’s okay if you do like him, you know.” she said softly.
Sighing softly, you placed the sheet against the bus before giving her your attention again. “It’s not. He’s..interested in someone else.”
“Well maybe he’s become uninterested?”
You wish you could dive into telling her just how down in love Steve was with Nancy. The way he was absolutely heart broken the other night on the drive home. But even if you did have time, you weren’t sure you could stomach the story.
“Besides,” she shrugged, looking over at Steve again. He caught notice of you two staring at him and raised a brow before he waved over to Max to come join them.  The young girl waved back, rolling her eyes a bit before she turned to you with a friendly smile. “He seems pretty cool. And..he’s better than Billy.”
The mention of her step brother has you frowning down at your hands. It’s been a few hours where you were blissfully Billy free and the reminder of him is almost enough to ruin your mood. “Yeah, well anyone is better than Billy.”
“True.” she sighed, stepping back to let you go back to work. “But this guy has pretty cool hair..”
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  Darkness fell over the junkyard in record timing. Surprisingly, the group was able to get a lot of coverage on the bus. But not enough to your liking. Without proper supplies, there wasn’t much you could do with the nails you guys managed to find. The inside of the bus was worse. It was mostly placing objects in a certain way against the windows and open areas to try and cover up. The sheets outside could only cover so much. 
It had been hours since Dustin’s last attempt to reach the others and you guys were still met with radio silence. Meaning, when Dart finally makes his appearance. It would only be just the five of you taking him on. Which lead to even more worries.
What if Dart had grown even more since Dustin last saw him? What if it’s really like a lizard and lays eggs to multiply? How were two teens and three kids supposed to defend themselves? 
Feeling the panic, you began rummage through the objects the other dragged inside the bus. Looking for any type of weapon you could hold in your hand to help fight off anything that might come inside. But after a few good minutes of sorting through things, the best you found was a old rusty metal crowbar. 
“Hey, you okay?”
Steve's hand gently reached out for yours. Causing you to stop your search and snap your head up to look up at him making you snap your head up from the corner you had been looking in. The look of concern was heavy on his face as his eyes wandered down to where your shaking hands were. 
Over his shoulder you could see that the other kids were all getting in their places. Moving to climb the ladder and take a seat on the few rows of bus seats that were left. He took the privacy as a chance to lean in closer towards you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“What if..what if this isn’t enough?” you asked softly, forgoing the act of confidence now that it was just the two of you talking. “They’re kids, Steve. What if something really bad comes?”
“Then we take care of it like last time.”
“Like last time?! Steve, the four of us could hardly get that thing down. I stabbed it and it barely broke through the skin! Nancy had a gun!”
“Lower your voice!” he hissed, shushing you momentarily. The kids thankfully didn’t seem to notice your tiny outburst.
Scratching the back of his neck quickly, he waved for you to get up from the floor. Moving to the bus doors, he showed you a view of all the work you guys had done today. “Look, the plan is foolproof. Okay? These guys..won’t even have to leave the bus.” He whispered as he leaned in close.
You looked back at him, not even noticing how close he was to you before you nodded your head. Through the dim lighting of the moon seeping into the bus, you were barely able to see the usual warmth in Steve’s brown eyes. Something you didn’t even think you needed to see at this moment. But despite some of the logic screaming at you that it won’t work, you nod your head anyway. Hoping that Steve’s confidence is enough to pacify you. For now. 
“I’m sorry..I’m just nervous since it’s just us.”
He nodded his head a bit, before he cocked his head to the side, giving you a sly, smile. “C’mon, trouble. With my bat and your–” he reached down to pick up the rusty crow bar before shaking his head. “With my bat, we have nothing to worry about.”
It doesn’t go unnoticed that he’s failed to mention how there is one more worry. If your weak weapon isn’t something to rely on, that would leave Steve by himself to defend the group. And the thought of that had your chest tightening even more. 
“What about if your bat isn’t enough? You could get hurt.”
“Oh,” he breathed. Something flickered across his face and he suddenly turned his face away from your gaze when he moved to lean against the bus wall. “Don’t worry about me. Nothing’s gotten me yet.” 
Something in tone sounded almost bashful. Like he wasn’t expecting to hear that. But you knew you couldn’t point that out. And since it can’t help either of you if you continued to drag out this, you nod your head quickly. Giving him a gentle pat to his shoulder.
“I hope you’re right.”
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  Eventually you’re all seated and slowly counting the time while waiting for Dart to come down the trail. For a good few minutes you thought the scent of the meat wouldn’t be strong enough, or worse, bring something else from the woods. 
But you guys could only wish to be so lucky to fight off bear tonight.
Max, who was currently beside you, had grown just as impatient as you expected her to. Only believing Lucas’ story so much. You couldn’t blame her for finding all this peculiar and unbelievable. It felt the same way last year. 
“So you guys really fought one of these things before?”
Picking your head up from the seat, you glanced over at Steve to see if he’d take the lead on this. He paused flickering his lighter to give you a similar look before he answered Max with a simple head nod. 
“And you’re, like, totally 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?”
You’re about to speak up and tell her you’re pretty sure you didn’t attempt to stab a hairless bear when Dustin rudely cut in.
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot. Okay? It wasn’t a bear. Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?..Just go home.”
Nothing can stop your jaw from hitting the floor at his reaction. Was this really how he wanted to treat the girl he likes? Did he think a snarky attitude and insults were the way to go about his crush? 
Before you can attempt to cool down the situation, Max got up from her seat. Face in full disbelief as she made her way to the ladder that led to the roof of the bus. “Geesh. Someone’s cranky. Past your bedtime?”
There was a slightly hurt tone in her voice, despite the harshness in her words. You’ve heard it before whenever she’d defend herself in front of Billy. And now, she was unfortunately doing it here with Dustin. 
The light sound of Steve’s lighter clicking was not helping with the tension building up.
Dustin, who ignored the jab, continued his pacing in the small space. Keeping his face low and hidden underneath the shade the brim of his hat gave. Even in the dark lighting you can tell he’s more than just annoyed by it. He’s upset. And for some reason, instead of apologizing to Max, he’s allowed her to leave to join Lucas.
Steve on the other hand is somewhat amused by the interaction, glancing over at Dustin to give him praise. “That’s good. Just show her you don’t care.”
“I don’t.”
He winked over at him, thinking he’s actually still playing along to his advice. The small headache over their conversation from before was beginning to make it’s turn. But this time, you might not hold back.
“Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.” 
“You both are seriously idiots.” you butt in pinching the bridge of your nose. The boys grow silent before you peeked your eyes over to where Steve was. Pointing a finger at him. “How you’ve gotten any date is beyond me.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve scoffed, continuing to flick the lighter. Each annoying click practically taunted you. Making you squint your eyes at him before you stood up from your seat finally. Rushing over towards him, you reached a hand out to pluck it out of his hands. But he’s quick to pull it away, giving you a playful smirk.
“The kid did great.”
“Really?” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Calling Max an idiot and making her feel bad. That’s great to you?”
“They’re kids. They’re used to jabbing. The girl’s tough. She’ll probably get over it by the time she comes back down.” he volleyed, frowning up at you.
“And what if she’s not? Your shitty advice could have led her away.”
Steve stole a glance over at Dustin, who at this time, stopped pacing to watch you two. He opened his mouth up to speak. Most likely to chime in on Steve’s defense. But one glare from you had him keeping his mouth shut. 
“Look, my methods have worked before. So I don’t know what you’re freaking out about.” Steve said simply, leaning back in his seat. “Just let the dude work it out for himself and see what happens.”
“I’m seriously considering sending your past girlfriends in for a CAT scan.” You huffed as you kneeled down on the seat beside him. Moving over towards the window, you peered out to observe the area. Almost wishing for Dart to stop taking his sweet ass time.  
“Tell me, Trouble. What do you suggest then?” 
“What do you mean?” you said, still ignoring his gaze beside you.
“You think you have this all figured out. How would you have told him to do it.”
Giving in, you turn your head down to look at Steve. He’s still in the same spot, unfazed by your closeness, giving you an expectant look. Sighing, you adjusted yourself to sit against him. Feeling your arm brushing against his while you leaned back against the cushion. 
“Simple. I’d suggest he’d go about this the normal way.”
“Which is?”
Your attention focused on the way Steve toyed with the lighter in his hands. He ceased the clicking, but you couldn’t help but be distracted with how he moved the small object with his hands. It was oddly distracting.
“Girls just want it simple. They want someone who’s honest, loyal, and nice. They‘re not gonna want a guy who’s gonna play mind games with them.” 
“Girls constantly play mind games. You guys perfected it.”
“Maybe the immature ones. But really, Most girls are like Max who expect people to be real. And if your past girlfriends aren’t like that, then you’re in the wrong dating pool.”
The reply stunned him a bit. While he muddled over your words, he slowly flicked his tongue over his lip, tugging the bottom one for a moment before another question came to him. “And what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Are you a like Max? Looking for honesty?”
A flush of heat came over your face. This definitely wasn’t the time for anyone to try and pick inside your head and figure out what kind of person you wanted. Not even you had figured that out yet.
“I’m not looking for any guy at the moment..” 
His brows furrowed together and he leaned a bit, eyes narrowing at your reply. “But what if you were? What kind of guy?”
There’s two different emotions coming at you. One, telling you to shut down this conversation and pull away from Steve. There wasn’t going to be any good from this anyway. But the second one, who’s practically screaming at you. Is telling you to be honest with Steve again. At least just a little bit.
“..I just want someone who actually likes me for once.”  
His brows raise up, and he opened his mouth to speak when suddenly the roaring sound of Dart ripped through the junkyard. All of you scramble up to peer out of the window, squeezing close to squint through the small space to try and see if you could spot the monster through all the fog. 
“You guys see him?”
You can’t help but let out a shaky breath. It’s been so long since you’ve heard that type of noise from the creature. This was really happening again. And you were honestly scared you weren’t going to be so lucky this time. 
A sudden warmth engulfed over your hand, making you tear your eyes away from the window to look down. Steve, who was looking at you, had placed his hand over yours. Giving you a small nod that helped relax you a little.
“Lucas, what’s going on?!” Dustin called out.
“Hold on!”
The beat of your heart was loud in your ear. You twisted your hand around to lace with Steve’s not caring so much of what that might look like in order to help ground yourself with him. 
A squeeze back let you know that he might have needed it too.
“I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock!” he stuttered. “Ten o’clock!”
Steve was quick to find out where that was exactly as he pointed over towards the right entrance of the yard. “Over there.” he whispered. Dustin reached out to grip onto the seat as he looked for the creature. 
“What’s he doing?”
“I don’t know.”
Leaning in again, you squint over towards where Dart stood. He was almost like a statue, only giving away that he was alive by turning his head around to look over the area. Oddly, nothing seemed to show that he was interested in being fed like the rest of you assumed. Had you three left too much on the trail there?
“He’s not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?” Steve asked, sounding like his thoughts were following yours.
“It’s like he’s waiting for something..” you grumbled.
“Maybe he’s not hungry?” Dustin offered. Sounding slightly worried.
“Maybe he’s sick of cow.” 
You can’t help but frown at Steve’s words. “Sick of cow?” you scoffed, turning to remind him how the only option on the menu was meat. But the look on his face quickly shut you up.  He looked wide eyed out the window before he gave your hand a quick squeeze before he let go.
“Steve?” you whispered.
With very small shudder from his breath, he backed away slowly, reaching down to grab his bat. The two of you stared over at him, mouths slightly slacked before you realized to speak up.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Dustin asked, looking at you confused.
Turning around, he held up the lighter towards Dustin. “Just get ready.” he said, glancing at you only for a moment before tossing the lighter to your cousin. Turning on his heel, he opened up the bus door. You leaped from your seat, almost reaching out to stop him before he closed the door behind. Leaving you speechless.
The idea of Steve facing Dart alone has your heart beating against your chest. Why would he go against the plan? Why wouldn’t he stick around and see what happened next? He’s only supposed to step in if Dart managed to get on the bus before you guys were ready. Why does he have to act like the goddamn hero?! 
“What’s he doing?” asked Max as she joined you and Dustin back below.
“Expanding the menu.” 
Blinking hard, you managed to get out of your frozen state to join the two over at the windows now. Steve’s approached the trap now, calling out and whistling for Dart like a dog as he kept his swinging arm ready. You bite down on your lip, feeling instant regret for not stopping him sooner. The looming threat of what Dart might do was still in the air.
It wasn’t sitting right with you to let him fight on his own. Despite the difficulty of taking down the demogorgon last year, it wouldn’t have been nearly possible if you guys didn’t work as a team. Especially when Steve turned around to help instead of leaving.
“He’s insane.” Max gaped.
“He’s awesome.” Dustin grinned, leaning in closer.
“He’s an idiot.” you sighed, pushing away from the window. The two watched quietly as you reached over the ridiculous rusty crowbar that Steve tossed before. “But he’s not alone. You guys sit tight.” 
Pushing open the door, you barely took a step down onto the grass when you felt the chill go up your spine. There was a feeling of being watched but nothing to prove otherwise. Pushing through, you slowly inched closer towards where Steve was. 
“Guys! Watch out!”
Snapping your head around, you’re expecting almost for Lucas to be hanging off the side of the bus with how urgent he sounded. But he’s only waving his arms at you and pointing to your right. 
“A little busy here!” Steve hollered back.
“Three o’clock, three o’clock!” 
You turn to the right, noticing now another demodog has suddenly appeared. The glistening lizard like skin still shined through the dim moonlight as it crawled over slowly. Just as quickly as that one joined in, the sounds of branches breaking on your left, point out it’s other pack members.
Dart wasn’t taking his time before. He was setting up for an ambush.
Steve’s eyes found yours and widened. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” he shouted, turning back to keep his face focused on the demodog before him.
“I’ve got your back, just get your ass back over to the bus!” you shouted, keeping your focus instead on the ones that tried to creep up on Steve. Dustin opened up the bus doors again, calling out for the two of you.
“Guys! Abort! Abort!”
Steve barely has time to react as one of the demodogs suddenly leaped over at him. Sending him running back and jumping over the hood of the car. Another demodog, blared it’s face open, snarling towards where Steve. Before it had the chance to lung for him, you gripped onto the curved end of the crowbar, dashed over and jabbed the sharpened end into the face of the dog.  
It let out a yelp as it rolled back from your blunt hint. You used the chance to back away, keeping your eyes locked as you caught the attention of another pair approaching. A hand gripped onto your arm and it’s a second before you realize it’s Steve dragging you towards the bus.
“Are you out of your mind?” he growled, pushing you to go forward while he swung at the ones behind you two.
“I couldn’t just leave you alone!”
“Guys, argue when you get on the goddamn bus!” Dustin yelled, waving for you to come in. The two of you dashed the rest of the way.
Quickly climbing inside, you watch as Steve barely made it in past the door before the demodogs began to attack the bus. “They’re gonna break through!” you yelled. 
Steve turned around and pulled out one of the panelling from the window to press against the door. There’s a crashing sound against the side of the bus and suddenly the vehicle dipped to the side. Causing you to lose your footing and fall forward towards the door.
A claw scratched its way through the metal, slicing at the side of your arm quickly. You let out scream as you fall back against the floor. Holding the remaining piece of the metal up with your legs as you used your other arm to hold down the wound. 
You stared down at your jacket, watching as it began to pool up with a hot red liquid. “Shit!” you hissed, feeling the pain come in.
Steve reached back for his bat, swinging continuously down on the arm until he was able to break it off the beast. It’s messy and gross and you’re barely able to look away as more demodogs are given the same treatment when they tried to enter after.
Dustin, moved behind Steve to help pull you up from the floor. His eyes went wide when he looked down at the amount of red that was beginning to stain your jacket before he left you at the driver’s seat to go towards his radio.
It’s complete chaos. 
“Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God? ANYONE? We’re at the old junkyard and we’re going to die!” Dustin yelled into his radio. Steve’s struggling to finish off the rest of the demodogs at the door when suddenly Max began to scream.
Using another sheet, you pushed it against the door, ignoring the pain in your arm as  you nodded towards the kids. “Go help them! I’m fine!”  There was a hesitance on his face, but he went over anyway. Climbing up and dashing over before he began to poke up the ladder with the bat. 
“Out of the way! Out of the way! You want some? Come get this!”
The creature screeched down at him before suddenly cutting off.  There’s a second of silence before it let out one solid roar. All around the bus, the creatures, including the attacker on the roof began to disperse, leaving the area quietly as they seemingly followed their pack leader. 
Confused, the group slowly made it’s way back over towards the door. Dustin reached out to help you up from the seat. Steve gingerly took the first step outside, worried about another form of attack as he made his way back outside. 
“What happened?” Lucas said slowly following after him. Max was next, sticking her head out the door.
“I don’t know..” she replied. Dustin let go of you momentarily to step after her.
“Steve scared ‘em off?”
Finally it was your turn to step down, peeking out over their heads. The yard was completely empty now. Making no signs of the attack that just happened. How could the creatures just stop mid hunt? What was the bigger alpha that could call them out and change their direction? 
Finally you caught sight of Steve. He stood straighter, holding the bat against his shoulder as he slowly turned back to face the group. A definite answer on his mind.
“No. No way. They’re going somewhere.”
 But where was the next question.
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a/n: this was a bit rushed, but i’ve had such a busy week and wanted to get something out for you guys.
tagged request: @hollandweather​
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izurelia · 16 days
l.t. x d.s
in this story drew starkey wont be famous and he will just be a normal man living in hickory!! hope you guys enjoy!!
lucy taylor and drew starkey were high school sweethearts, having been dating since their sophomore more and junior year and now being 22 and 23, and engaged. drew was the star football player and basketball player, and lucy's dad had been the basketball coach. lucy had also played basketball at the school.
when lucy got the email that the high school was in need of a boys basketball coach, she knew that drew was perfect for the job. he had loved the sport growing up, with the couple both being great athletes they always played together.
"hey babe, sooo i got an email last night that the high school needs a basketball coach..." lucy says as she since on the couch next to her fiancé. "that sucks." drew says nonchalantly, focusing on the video game on the tv.
"drew..." lucy says as she pries the game console out of his hand. "seriously babe? i was about to win!" "well maybe if you would listen you would be able to finish your game! what i'm trying to say is that you should be the basketball coach..." she says to him.
he looks away for a minute, then he looks back at scarlett without saying anything. "what is it?" she asks him. "would your dad be upset? i feel like he would, im not trying to take his job or anything..." "oh my gosh of course not drew! he would be so happy that you kept wanting to play the sport he got you to play." she smiles up at him.
he smiles back at her. "okay then, yeah i will." scarlett jumps up and hugs him tightly.
*1 month later*
"hey guys. i am the new basketball coach. my name is drew starkey. you've probably seen the name up there." he points to the '3,000 point club' for boys basketball where his name is the only one under it. lucy tries to hold in her laugh at his cockiness. drew smirks at the looks on all the boys faces of shock.
"and this is my amazing fiance, lucy. she also played basketball." he points to the '2,000 point club' sign for girls basketball, where lucys name is listed as one of three. "we both graduated from here. we probably know some of your older siblings or aunts and uncles. but that's enough about us, lets go around and say your name and grade."
the boys go around and say their name and their grade, ranging from 8th grade to seniors. "all right let's start with some stretching. lucas, you lead." drew had known lucas from his older brother who was a sophomore when drew was a senior. lucas' brother was always in the varsity starting line up, even as a freshman. "yes, sir" the boy says.
when the first practice was over drew and lucy were on their way home. "they seem pretty good already, don't you think?" "yeah but everyone could use some coach taylor magic" drew smirks, reffering to lucy's dad. lucy rolls her eyes at her dads funny, but useful tactics of coaching. but she can't deny that he did amazing things with the team he had made.
"i think this is gonna be good for you, for us." lucy says. drew doesn't respond but rather smiles at his fiancé in pure love.
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pkmnprideflags · 23 days
Random Pokémon Headcanons
Any sexuality headcanons apply to adult versions of these characters. Please do not sexualize children :)
Red is a demiboy and uses he/it. When he grows up he also comes to identify as asexual and aromantic
Blue is bisexual but with a preference towards men. He can be a bit of a flirt but strikes out 90% of the time due to his cocky vibe
Kris is the daughter of that random woman who's in your kitchen talking to your mom at the beginning of GSC. Ethan and Kris's moms have always been friends & neighbors; Kris's dad is one of Professor Elm's aides. When she's young Kris wants to work alongside Elm, but as she gets older she becomes interested in Pokémon psychology - ways their brains are similar and different to those of humans, and how that knowledge can be used to help Trainers and Pokémon better understand each other.
Silver is demiheterosexual. I like to imagine that he and Kris strike up a relationship. In his adult years he works on-and-off with the International Police when incidents with Team Rocket spring up, but he refuses to join them because he doesn't always want to play by their rules.
May is pansexual, and either aromantic or just not strongly interested in relationships. She definitely dated Lisia at some point, even if only briefly
Leaf is a trans girl! I used to hc that her other name (Green in English, Blue in Japanese) was her deadname, but I know there's controversy around having trans/nb characters' deadnames revealed, and as someone who is not trans myself I want to be careful. Anyway, I imagine her exploring the Kanto we see in Pokémon GSC; in that game you first land in Vermillion City, so I imagine her being from there.
Both Lucas and Barry have very juvenile crushes on Dawn (with her in the "friend" role and Lucas as the protag). However, Dawn makes it clear that she isn't interested in that kind of relationship, and they get over it pretty quickly.
Would it be way too stereotypical to say that Barry has ADHD
Lyra caught her Marill as an Azurill in Mt. Mortar (yes I know Azurill isn't found there wild, but let's say someone snuck an incense in there or something). She didn't have any other Pokémon so she "borrowed" a bunch of Poké balls from her grandparents and just hucked them at the mon over and over until eventually she caught it
Hilbert and Hilda are twins! Hilbert is older by just thirty seconds, which irritates Hilda to no end.
Bianca and Cheren are both trans and when they get older they start dating. Their Neo Champion event was just giving t4t sorry i don't make the rules
Hilda & Nate are the two Unova protags; after B2W2, Nate stays in Unova to lead the Pokémon League, Rosa has a moderately successful career at Pokéstar Studios, Hilda goes searching abroad for N, and Hilbert becomes a frequent visitor on the Battle Subway, second in rank only to Emmet & Ingo.
Calem is a trans boy!!!
Shauna is a lesbian with a crush on Serena, Serena is straight with a crush on Calem, and Calem is completely oblivious to everything
Everyone just kind of assumes that Tierno and Trevor are gay and dating but actually they're both straight but queerplatonic
Hau is ace but girls usually assume he's flirting with them and then get sad when they find out he's not
Gladion probably uses he/they and maybe also some neopronouns
Chase, Elaine, and Trace are all painfully straight I'm sorry. Elaine becomes the Champion, Chase travels the world to become the very best like no one ever was, and idk Trace works at viridian city gym or something
Victor is nonbinary!!!! Based off my own experience of playing the game with Victor as my protag but feeling uncomfortable with my character using he/him. They can be a little awkward and apologetic about their identity, but Hop has been supporting them in their transition for years and will fight anyone who misgenders them. The downside of this is that Hop can be a little too overzealous as an ally and sometimes he makes a scene when Victor would rather just go incognito.
Rei (as protag) is the little brother of Lucas from DPP :) Idk Johanna got remarried or something
Juliana is genderfluid but identifies more with the female end of the spectrum. Depending on the day, they use she/her, they/them, it/its, or xe/xem.
Penny is a demigirl and uses she/they/he
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 7 months
People I've met irl with the same name as dcla characters (and how they were)
Nina: I have met LOTS of people named Nina, and they all have been very different. One of them is related to me and I love her ofc. But then there's also Nina from fourth grade who... well, we were on the swings at recess and I said "I wonder how they make cartoons like Phineas and Ferb, like how they animate them", and she stopped her tracks and said "Are you watching cartoons?!" in the most judgemental tone ever. She then jumped off the swings and walked away, not wanting to be associated with a fourth grader who was so cHiLdiSh she still watched cartoons. So, Nina from fourth grade, if you're out there: Fuck you :)
Maxi: Maxi is a very common name for people my age. Often a nickname of Maximillian (just like Maxi in Violetta's full name is Maximilliano). The Maxi's I've met have often been "one of the boys" and sometimes had a bit of a cocky attitude. One in particular also was famous for making really odd comments sometimes lol.
Helena: Often teachers or friends of my mom are named this. Been very different how they have been. One Helena was my english teacher in middle school and she was from America. She was also my drama teacher (in middle school I went to a school that had a performing arts program), but apparently she was not a fully fledged drama teacher but just "took a course in it for one class". And you could tell, because she just had no idea what we were doing. Once like a week before we performed was like "so I have an idea what you could do :)" and we were like "... we have a play already thanks"
Daisy: Now, the Daisy in Bia is a wonderful person. The Daisy I met irl......................... *traumatic flashbacks*
Simon: I've only met people who are named Simon without the accent over the o. They've all been like Simón in the show :)
Camila: I had a daycare teacher named Camila and I found her to be the funniest teacher. She was in charge of the younger kids, but she talked to us older kids a lot. I remember when my little brother was born and she every day was like "you need to show me your little brother!". And I was so excited when my mom came to pick me up and had my little brother with her (because she was on maternity leave), and as we were leaving, I saw Camila out in the yard and was like "CAMILA!!!! MY LITTLE BROTHER IS HERE!!" and she came out to greet us.
Leon: Every Leon I’ve met has been under 2 years old. I think that name is trending rn (googled: Yep, Leon was top 12 on the baby name list in Sweden 2022).
Lucas: In elementary school I had THREE people named Lucas/Lukas in my class. Extremely popular name in my generation. All of them were different. One of them left no impact on me at all, one of them was the most annoying boy ever, and one of them I had a crush on and ran around telling him I was going to kiss him. He also hit me with a stick in kindergarten and we went to the same daycare where I witnessed him spin around and fall down on a sharp rock, so his mom had to come pick him up and he needed to sew three stitches on his chin.
Alice: Yes, I’ve met several, but all of them are pronounced the english way. They’ve all been very kind people. One of them was a friend of my sisters and my sister said she was a bit odd, though. Although, I can’t judge for myself since I didn’t know her.
Ana: Well, maybe not spelled Ana, but Anna I’ve met hundreds of. Relatives, classmates, teachers, friends of my parents… no one is the same. Every Anna I’ve met has been nice except for one Anna in elementary school who I found so annoying, because she always acted like I was stupid, and gaslighted me. I’ve also had a teacher named Anna who was… we’re not gonna talk about her I am just wondering how she could be allowed to be around children tbh.
Emma: Emma is such a normal name that some Emma’s I’ve met have been nothing but kind, but other Emma’s have been hell’s children. I have nothing but love to say to some Emma’s and have the biggest grudge against other Emma’s.
Emilia: Yes, I met one Emilia. She was very nice and kind, although quite shy.
Amanda: Yep. One girl in my confirmation group who kissed me on the cheek because I offered her chocolate that I didn’t want. And one from my childhood who every time she was invited to birthday parties had to be accompanied by her mom as she had a tendency to get… out of control…
Diego: I’ve only met one Diego and he was literally 1 years old (people naming their kids Diego and Leon… they’re gonna grow up having the real life Violetta over here)
Tomas: Every Tomas I’ve met is either a middle aged man or a toddler, there’s been nothing in between. None of them have left a strong print on me lol
Monica: EVERY Monica I’ve met has either been a lunch lady or a teacher. They are always in school in some way. No one has been the same
Luna: Every Luna I’ve met has been friends of my sister and I never knew them much to say I have an impression. Like I’ve said hi to them at most.
Alex: Every Alex I’ve met is exactly like the Alex in the show. Literally if you’re named Alex (often short of Alexander), you’re destined to just act like that ig
Lara: The only Lara I’ve known was in the same ”art and design” class as me (this was kind of like regular arts class except it was an optional class you could take, like with drama, and you didn’t get graded so you could just sit there and draw or work on an artwork of your choice). I have to admit that I know nothing more than her name. Sometimes I wonder if she was also in my science, physics and biology group (we blended classes for those subjects). If she were I never talked to her. Honestly don't even know her face. Just know she exists because the teacher called her name.
Eric: Every Eric/Erik I've met has been the friend of a friend. I've never been close to an Eric but I've known his name because we have a mutual friend. Although, I recall once when I was like. 4? I was invited to a boy named Eric's birthday party, he went to the same daycare as me and he invited everyone in our daycare group. Remember nothing from his birthday except that it was out on some 4H farm and I ran around chasing a white balloon that was flying over the field. I don't even know if there was cake??? Every kid just ran around. But then again I was 4 so it's understandable I have such blurry memories.
I'm not sure if I've met anyone more that has the same name as a dcla character (maybe the same name as a small character that appeared in like an episode maybe).
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ajthedumbass · 2 years
Stranger Things Band AU
TW for themes of abuse, parental neglect, mental health issues (and things like sh and su*cidal thoughts) and underage weed/alcohol use
So I made a series of moodboards for tiktok of my band AU, so lemme show you. Please reblog and leave replies and stuff, it took me 3 days to make this post because the app is stupid TvT.
A lot of this is based on an rp with my partner (though the band wasn’t the main focus, so a lot of this is also expanded on from those ideas), so credit to them for helping create and inspire me further @mjthechaotic
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This AU would take place in modern times, with S4 happening in 2016 and the band forming in early 2017. Eddie does live, and helps the kids a ton when they’re first starting out. They also defeat Vecna before the gates opened. The band is called The Demodogs.
Ships for this AU are Byler, Elumax (in the flavor of they all date each other and not just both of them with Max), and Duzie
Mike Wheeler (He/They)
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Mike is the lead vocalist, and occasionally plays guitar when needed. They were the one who thought of the band, and approached Will first, because he wouldn’t have gone through with it if he said no. He writes the majority of the music for the band, but can’t figure out drum annotations for the life of him.
His mom finally fucking divorces Ted in this AU, and he pretty much only wants to spent time with Holly after. Ted’s also a bit of an abusive dick to Mike cause ✨homophobia✨. They have the majority of the band rehearsals in the garage of their house. Karen is just glad he’s doing something he clearly enjoys.
Mike is demiboy and gay (gender roles, who’s that?)
Will “Zombie Boy” Hopper-Byers (He/Him)
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Will is the rhythm guitarist and does backup vocals. He decided to reclaim Zombie Boy as a cool sounding stage name (Jonathan’s speech in S2 may have made him like the name more). He designed the band logo and even painted it on the bass drum for Max. He had lots of stage fright at first but slowly gained confidence and overcame it.
When Joyce and Hopper finally got married, they decided to hyphenate all their names. Him and Jonathan started calling Hopper dad (Will did before Jonathan) because Lonnie is an abusive piece of trash. When Lonnie finds out about the band’s success, he tries to show up to get some of the money from it, but Will pulls a badass move and chases him off the property with the shotgun.
He’s gay like in canon
Jane “Eleven” Hopper-Byers (She/They)
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El is bassist and a backup vocalist. She’s the “mom” of the group, making sure everyone has water and snacks at rehearsal. She also likes to use her powers to play jokes sometimes. Made Eleven their stage name so their friends wouldn’t have to constantly correct to Jane in order to hide it. She got her bass in Lenora as a 15th birthday gift from Joyce. She and Will are often clumped together as the “Byers twins” and they just go with it.
They asked their dad if they could dye their hair pink. They settled on a compromise of pink bangs, and Max dyed them. She has a small tattoo of a flower on her left wrist (opposite to the 011). Hopper did allow them to get it because it’s easy to hide when needed and Joyce reminded him she has one she didn’t have a choice in, and letting her have one she actually likes could help her.
El is demigirl, pansexual, and polyamorous
Lucas Sinclair (He/Him)
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Lucas is the lead guitarist. Only reason anyone found out he could even play was because Erica spilled it to everyone. He does actually write lyrics for songs, but most of the time he’s too insecure about them to show anyone. He has a very diverse music taste, listening to everything from R&B and rap to heavy metal and americana (keep country the fuck away from him though). He did get his ears pierced and was a bit cocky about it after, so Max had to (affectionately) humble him a bit.
Between Hellfire, basketball, and the band, he has a packed schedule. His parents at first were concerned that the band would cause his grades to drop but the opposite happened. They were both super proud of his grades, and they stopped the car so he could call the others when one of their songs came on the radio for the first time.
Bisexual disaster incarnate, and polyamorous.
Maxine “MADMAX” Mayfield (She/They/He)
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Drummer for the Demodogs. Dustin helped modify their drum set to be more functional with their mobility issues, since once he woke up from the coma, they had chronic nerve issues. She uses drumming as a form of therapy for all the anger and trauma. They constantly make fun of Mike for not being able to write the sheet music for the drums.
Things at home improved slowly for them. His mom’s drinking got much worse before it got better. Susan’s wake up call was the time she found Max’s wheelchair had tipped over three hours later because she was passed out drunk on the couch. The two of them were able to move out of the trailer and move in with Dustin and his mom (are they lesbians or are they platonic? you decide!), so the two of them kinda have a sibling relationship from living together. Since Max is still a skater at heart, she likes to do wheelies and chase people down with their wheelchair. Does need glasses now since their vision seriously declined after Vecna cured them.
Max is genderfluid, omnisexual, and polyamorous.
Dustin Henderson (He/Him)
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Dustin plays keyboard and uses a talk box. He initially planned on being manager, but got roped in by the others. When they were coming up with the name, he suggested Scoops Troop, and then had to be reminded he was the only one who had been on the scoops troop. He helps a lot with the sound mixing and works with Suzie manage their social media by helping with editing videos and shit. Also, he and Mike are total music theory nerds.
Like all things, Claudia is super supportive of him and the band. She definitely sends Dustin with extra snacks to practice, so between him and El, the gang is set. Claudia also recognises how little Steve’s parents are in his life and basically adopts him as her son, even though he’s an adult. Plus, Max and their mom move in, so he goes from being the only child to a single mom, to a kid with two siblings and two moms (platonic co-parents, or lesbians? again, you decide!) He does occasionally wish his dad was there to see how far he’s come, but seeing his mom(s) and Steve being there for him always makes him smile.
Dustin is trans FtM and a bisexual king.
Suzie Bingham (She/Her)
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Suzie is the social media manager and sound producer for the band. She uses her knowledge of how different apps use their algorithms to push content in order to give them an upper hand in being noticed. She also finds the technical side of music to be interesting and learned to use a complicated music software in a day that took Dustin months to figure out and master. She decided she didn’t like it and programmed her own that fit the band’s purposes.
Suzie moved away from home to Hawkins with Eden when she turns 18 and graduates. She wanted space to be her own person (as did Eden, and she was tired of being resident babysitter). She is still quite religious, but her views are more flexible than they were before and she has the ability to choose what she thinks is right for her and her life.
Suzie is pansexual (fite me, I dare you)
Erica Sinclair (She/Her)
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Erica is financial and scheduling manager. How did she get involved? Came to a practice to annoy Lucas and started an argument over logistics with Dustin. Decided they were all hopeless without her and took the position. She goes to meetings with people all the time who think it’s a joke that she’s handling their finances, until they see what she’s capable of. She has saved them ungodly amounts of money. She has also almost gotten them thrown out of venues a few times by arguing with the managers (even though they deserved it). Also do not leave her and Max in the same room. They may just plot world domination.
Despite her intelligence, she struggles to be taken seriously by teachers and has to really fight them on letting her skip a grade (cough racism and misogyny cough), knowing she deserves to. She’s allowed to, and excels in her classes. She does believe in the free market, but thinks American capitalism is failing, biased, and has too many roadblocks for minorities.
I don’t have any specific queer headcanon for Erica, but I have seen both aroace and lesbian headcanons out there, and I love them both equally.
Ship hcs for this AU
Mike broke up with El because he liked Will and she liked Max and Lucas. It took him a month to finally get the courage to ask him
Will thought he was still dating El cause no one knew they had broken up and almost cussed him out for doing that to his twin sister
They did get together though after Mike frantically explained everything
They are 100% the two that are late to practice for making out, even though practice is literally in Mike’s garage
Help each other with anxiety before gigs
Will stole weed from Jonathan impulsively one time. The two of them being high in Will’s room just staring at each other and trying to poke each other on the nose is something Jonathan wishes he had his phone or camera for so he could make fun of them after
Will is taller and Mike is 100% grumpy about it (he secretly loves it)
(Sadder ones so skip to next ship if you don’t want angst)
Will helps Mike a lot after his parents divorce and it’s clear Ted wants barely anything to do with his older two kids cause he understands that feeling with Lonnie
Will was the only one Mike felt safe enough to go to about his thoughts of hurting or unaliving himself, or the time he did end up self harming after a particularly bad fight with his dad
Getting this out of the way, but yes, they all date, you can argue with the wall
Max and Lucas is obvious, they finally stop being on and off after Max wakes up and just stay together (and yes, they get their movie date when Max wakes up)
Max had feelings for El since their sleepover in Season 3. El talks to him first after her breakup with Mike and they decide with Lucas to go for it because they make their own rules
El and Lucas bond while Max is in the coma. Lucas felt a ton of guilt because he thought he was being a bad boyfriend at the time for thinking of El like that. They start dating a month or two after Max and El start.
El steals both of their partners clothes constantly. She has a hoard of their shirts and hoodies in her room at all times
Max likes having El in her lap while Lucas pushes the chair. El worries a lot that it’s too much for him to push, but Max just shrugs and says it’s good exercise for basketball while Lucas rolls his eyes
Lucas lets El doodle on his arms with markers in the school colors before games so he “looks bitchin’”
When Max finds out about Angela, they give El a high five for what she did at Rink-O-Mania, then makes multiple instagram accounts to cyber bully her
Everyone expects Lucas to be the extremely protective one, given his girlfriend is sunshine incarnate and his partner is disabled, except one will filing you with her mind and the other will run you over in his wheelchair
(Angst ones again so skip if you don’t want to)
Max calls them drunk one time and while it’d be one thing if they had been with like Mike or Dustin hanging out, she was completely by herself. Both of them show up to check on them, and it turns out he wanted to see why his mom would use that as an escape and understood after a while.
El gets nightmares a lot about the lab and Brenner, so it’s not uncommon for one or both of them to be woken up to texts saying she’s scared because of it
Lucas often feels very very guilty about Max’s conditions. He feels it’s his fault for not doing more to stop Jason so he could help Max sooner
Nerd x Geek what more can I say
Karaoke night dates once a month and they always do Never-ending story
They were actually cabin mates in camp Nowhere because stupid transphobic camp put Dustin with the girls
It’s okay though, they fell in love<3™️
Absolutely precious, the two of them must be protected at all costs.
Dustin gets her into DnD when she moves to Hawkins
Eddie constantly complains about how they get distracted being romantic during missions but also secretly sets up more moments cause it’s cute in a “sickeningly sweet way”
Suzie is the one who takes care of Dustin after top surgery
When they’re older Dustin brings her on stage to propose at one of their concerts🥺
The ring looks like the necklace one of the characters of Neverending Story wears (I saw it once when I was like 6 so it’s a vague memory but like this:)
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Her dad doesn’t approve because Dustin is agnostic and trans but they get married anyways
(Only angst one and it’s barely angsty)
Suzie straight up decks a guy when they’re at the pool because he saw Dustin’s top surgery scars and called him a slur. She didn’t even pray for forgiveness after because “I have zero regret and I’d do it again”
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pleasssse angst with sinclair!reader and eddie?? AAAANGST LOL
HELLO! Okay, so, this is my first ever prompt! It’s not super long and I don’t know if this is the type of thing you wanted. But, I enjoyed writing it so much. Thank you for the idea. I know it’s not super serious angst but it could probably lead into it more. Please let me know what you think!
Don’t think there are any triggers!
If you read this, please feel free to message more prompts!
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What the HELL is Hellfire?
“Lucas, wait in the car for like…10 minutes, I want to go and talk to this Eddie guy.” You groaned, running a hand down your face. Lucas mumbled a reluctance to your big sister duties. “No, it’s 11.30 at night Lucas. You were meant to be finished an hour ago at least. You have school tomorrow, you have a game the next day!”
You knew what you had to do. Lucas was spending too much of his time as this ‘Hellfire Club’. He needed to focus on his studies. He was your little brother, you had to look out for him some how, right? What even was DND anyway?
Getting out the car, you headed to the school, straight to the drama room. That’s where the club was always held, you knew Munson would be there. He was always there a while after the club finished.
Knocking on the door, you heard a sing song voice say:
“The score was fair and square, man, we aren’t doing another game.” The voice sounded cocky, almost like someone was putting on an act, trying to sound a lot more confident than they actually were.
Deciding that that was a good an invitation as any, you walked into the room. Greeted with a large table, dice everywhere, a large banner with ‘Hellfire’ on with a small devil underneath, you stood at the door way.
“Eddie? Eddie Munson right?” You asked quietly, slightly intimidated by the man sat in the large chair at the head of the table.
“Tis I! You’re Sinclairs sister, right? Take a seat upon this fine upholstery.” He quipped.
You did as he said, sat down opposite him and took a breath.
“Right, I don’t know you. You seem to know me though?” You smiled. You couldn’t hide it. Lucas and Erica were your world. Of course, their best interests came first. Even though you were angry, you couldn’t help but feel slightly elated that Lucas must have spoken about you to Eddie before.
“I mean, he always mentions that you’re picking him up. He didn’t mention you, ya know, you were so…” Eddie didn’t finish his sentence, he just looked down into his lap and played with the large silver rings on his hand. He wanted to say you were pretty, or something like that. But absolutely could not find the right words to do so without feeling like the ground would swallow him up. You didn’t know this. You thought this was just an absolute terrible attempt at flirting, to smooth things over. In a way, it was. Munson had no idea of the storm heading his way any second.
“Look, I don’t know what you’re trying here with me but…now isn’t the time. I need to talk to you about how late you’re keeping my brother, it’s not good for him. All of this.” You explained, gesturing around the table at all the memorabilia on it. Eddie watched you closely, his eyes not leaving yours for one second. “Eddie, you’ve kept him an hour late. For what? To play some dumb board game? He has school. He has his basketball games. I know you don’t care about school, how long have you been kept back now?” You spat spitefully. There was something about this Munson boy you couldn’t figure out. Did you dislike him? Did you find him intimidating? You couldn’t tell.
“Hey now! I’m graduating anytime now, just you wait. I’m gonna walk on that stage, take what I’m owed and get the hell out of there as fast as I fucking can!” Eddie said in defence.
You were getting irritated now. He wasn’t getting the point. This wasn’t about him.
“Yeah, right. Lucas said you’ve been saying that for the last two years.” You mumbled back, venom in your voice. “This isn’t even about you Eddie! I’ve come here to say that either you quit keeping the kids here so long or I’m pulling Lucas out. Now is an important time for him, more important than make believe or whatever this is.”
That seemed to ignite something in Eddie. Anger flashed across his large, brown doe eyes. He stood up out of his chair and paced the room, nervously. Absolutely full of nervous energy. Mixed with anger.
“Look, I know you don’t get all of this but, life is hard out there, Sinclair, I can call you that right? I mean I’m going to anyway.” Eddie babbled. He was going to drive you absolutely insane.
“Sometimes, a lot of the time, this is all we have. A few hours to take us away from all the shit that goes on out there. They call us freaks you know? They call us all freaks for being into this stuff. Your brother, too. He’s been called a freak, I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it.”
You leaned back in your chair. Lucas hadn’t told you this. Why wouldn’t he tell you?
“Eddie…I…that’s…that’s not the point. The point is…” You couldn’t find the words, you were trying so hard. Eddie could see the change in your expression and he pulled a seat out next to you.
“Look, I know you’re just looking out for the kid. And he’s a good kid, brilliant, the scores he rolls? Sweeet!” Eddie grinned, sitting down and showing genuine pride. “I promise next time I’ll try and round the game off an hour earlier, deal?” He reached out a ring clad hand towards yours.
What were you to do? You reached out and took it, shaking it firmly, before you stood up and turned towards the door.
“Ugh, I came here to absolutely chew you out…but look, just look after him, yeah? But for the love of god, please work on your time management.”
Eddie gave you a huge Cheshire cat grin and led you to the door, opening it for you. “After you.” He said softly. “I can see where Lucas and Erica get their fire from, good job.” He seemed to think this went better than it did.
“You’re not off the hook Munson, one more late night and that’s it!” You called seriously as you walked out the door, back towards the car.
It’s decided. You personally disliked him, you think, anyway, at least that was your first impression. For now.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, I’m willing to do any sort of prompt you wanna send. 18+ look at the pinned post on my blog for more detail 🦇
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cattatonically · 5 months
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Mad Man - Onley James (Necessary Evils, book 5)
Avi Mulvaney is many things. Son. Twin. Owner of the fashion label, Gemini. Murderous psychopath. Together, he and his brother, Asa, make one brutally efficient monster, ridding the world of predators who victimize the innocent. History proves Avi and Asa don’t do well apart, but their father has decided to test that theory.
Felix Navarro knows exactly who he is. Baby brother. Fashionista. Vigilante. While he’s not happy that his big brother married a Mulvaney, the union has its perks. Like a paid internship with Gemini. But all good things come with a cost and, for Felix, that’s enduring Avi Mulvaney each day, which inevitably leads to thinking about him every night.
Felix doesn’t like Avi. He’s cocky, condescending, overbearing, and inappropriate. He’s also sexy, brilliant, and twice as lethal as Felix. Still, Felix loathes him. Even if he keeps letting him kiss him. And touch him. Even if he slipped just once. It was still hate sex, and it would never happen again. Ever.
Except, Avi’s being sent to help take down a dangerous crime ring and he’s ordered Felix to come along. Felix has vowed to stay strong. To remember he hates Avi. But they’re trapped together and there’s only one bed, and it’s so hard to hate Avi in the dark when he’s whispering how Felix belongs to him. Felix belongs to no man, but Avi is determined. He has one week to prove to Felix that he’s the exception to his rule. After all, who says no to a Mulvaney?
Mad Man is a scorchingly hot, intense, enemies to lovers, psychopath romance with an HEA and no cliffhangers. It features a dirty talking, brutally vicious killer and a sharp tongued murderous fashionista who are both too stubborn for their own good. As always, there’s gratuitous violence, very dark humor, enough blood to film the final scene in the movie Carrie, and enough heat to melt your panties. This is book 5 in the Necessary Evils series. Each book follows a different couple.
TAGS: psychopath, enemies-to-loves, dark humor, much violence, jealousy, bad boys doing bad things, long distance snark, only one bed, hate sex, more hate sex, hate sex that becomes apathetic sex then maybe something like love, if two killers are better than one what’s three killers, Avi is jealous, Asa is preoccupied, August is still August, Lucas is frazzed, Archer is still drunk, Thomas is at his wits end, Aiden is still in denial, Noah is still the psychopath whisperer and Adam is still a dick.
My Thoughts
Avi and Asa haven’t been apart since they were children. But now with Avi taking Felix with him on a mission to help their wayward brother, Aiden, things are bound to be interesting.
Felix is feisty, extremely lethal, and he hates Avi with an extreme passion. But that really only makes him more attractive to Avi. Especially when it’s apparent that Felix doesn’t hate him at all.
But Felix is deathly afraid of losing those closest to him. He built walls so high, and so thick, not even his brother, Jericho, can reach him sometimes. But Avi is determined to break those walls down, and to show Felix that he is Avi’s most important person – other than Asa.
What’s fascinating about this book is the glimpse into Aiden’s life. Aiden, the Mulvaney son we know the least about – just that his relationship with Thomas is extremely strained. Aiden may want as much distance between himself and Thomas as possible, but he’s still Mulvaney through and through – taking out the trash. And when his case captures Felix and Avi’s attention, the three of them team up to do what they do best.
And between all that, Avi and Felix give their relationship a chance. Felix brings his walls down, and he lets Avi in. They share their deepest insecurities, thoughts, and fears. And they vow to continue to communicate their needs to each other – even when Felix promises to be very, very bossy.
As each Mulvaney finds their partner, I’m more and more fascinated and enthralled by these vigilante psychopaths. I guess there are few things I love more than morally grey vigilante murderous psychopaths. Who knew?
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leejiieuns · 2 years
+⏰ for sofia and luca!
+⏰ for a positive memory 
ok i'm gonna write this from luca's pov because ~reasons~ agfdjkg but you'll find out!! i hope... if i manage to put my thoughts into words
The droning of the woman on the television starts to grate on Luca, and if it is already irritating him when he’s the one watching the show, he can only imagine how his sister seated in the dining room feels, hunching over some papers as she tries to solve one math problem after the other. 
Fridays for Luca usually means leisure as their mother isn’t around, but it is always a different story for his younger sister. Finn would have been doing the exact same thing as Sofia, too, had he not been away on some international competition, and Luca thinks how lucky his mother is that she could just leave them on a Friday evening and not worry about a secret party, or a night out on the town. If she even worries. But despite initially wanting to watch the show, he looks around for the remote and turns the tv off so he could let his sister study in peace.
But the sudden lack of background noise seems to have disrupted her concentration, and her head snaps up and she looks at her brother with furrowed brows. "Why did you turn it off? Weren't you watching that?" she says in German, preferring still to use their mother tongue despite having lived in France for more than a year now.
He turns to her and shrug, muttering something about how it was boring as he stood from the couch and makes his way to the kitchen. Luca thinks about how Sofia must have been annoyed by the sound too and yet, she is concerned about him turning it off, knowing it is a show he likes to follow now and then. This is why he is always secretly worrying about her. The day she starts to think about herself is the day he’ll stop being worried.
Luca inspects the contents of the fridge, lips pursed as he considers what he wants to eat, and after quick deliberation, reaches for an apple. 
"Hm?" He makes his way over to the table, and hands her his bitten fruit. "Did you want the apple?"
She shakes her head and grabs two sheets of papers, pulling back one of the chairs near her as if asking him to sit. Luca obliges and begins studying the papers, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to make out the writing on it. His sister might be a genius, sure, but she definitely does not have the best penmanship.
"I have to write this paper on this artwork, and I don't understand it. Could you explain it to me?"
His eyebrow shoot up and he looks at her, incredulous. She’s never asked for help before, or if she has, never from him. Why would she, anyway? She was smart-- smarter than both him and Finn combined, and she doesn’t need them-- especially Luca. And yet, she is looking at him expectantly, holding up the pieces of papers in his general direction. 
Luca slowly sits on the seat next to her, gingerly takes the papers from her hand, and says, “You don’t..understand...it? You don’t understand?” 
“I do, but it’s just-- I trust your opinion on this more than my own. You’ve always been better at this than me, so can you help me? Please, oppa?” 
It isn’t true. There is nothing that Luca could think that he would be better at than Sofia, and yet, there she is, asking him for help on something. And this isn’t like their mother, too, who used to ask him questions she knew he couldn’t answer, for his sister could never be cruel. 
And so he looks at the artwork and the accompanying text, and begins to speak his thoughts on the matter. Gingerly, at first, worries he might say something wrong despite knowing the artwork quite well. His second statement ends up sounding like a question and he pauses, unsure, waits for her to correct him or tell him she doesn’t need his help after all, but she doesn’t. In fact, she nods her head, seemingly agreeing, and the look on her face tells him she is very interested in what he has to say. 
He slowly gains confidence as he watches her listen to him intently, scribbling down on her notebook every now and then again, and he thinks about how it doesn’t even truly matter to him anymore if their mother sees him, because despite knowing full well that she doesn’t need him, Sofia never fails to make him feel that he is wanted. 
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vanillann · 2 years
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i. ii. iii.
okay so i loved writing pandora so much that i decided to write a medusa fic. i think it going to be my new brand
SUMMARY: in which robin confesses to her scary lover a very scary thing
robin buckley masterlist
WC: 1.1k
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Robin Buckly had a thing for girls who were gentle and lovely. She liked girls who wore bubble gum pink lipstick and wouldn’t dare say the wrong thing to offend a soul. Robin supposed she liked them because they were safe, they would never look at her because of their jock boyfriends and she’d never had to face the very real possibility of love.
That was until (Y/N) (L/N) combat boots ruined her plans with a red lipped grin. Her leather jacket found home on the floor of Robin’s bedroom floor and her lips on Robin’s. She had no jock boyfriend, in truth it was quite the opposite. She could freeze poisonous boys in their tracks with a single look, her eyes turning their body to stone with scared whimpers and pathetic stuttering of words. She was just that powerful, just that beautiful.
So beautiful, it scared Robin. She could feel herself loving the scary woman before her as she wandered around Robin’s room for the hundredth time. Her fingers traced the book albums on her shelf, but Robin couldn’t help but stare. So mundae, yet so appealing.
(Y/N) wandered around in a button up that belonged to Robin and a pair of black laced pantites, which made Robin forget how to speak; which was a very hard thing to do. If (Y/N) noticed the silence, she didn’t say a word as she fluttered through the room as if she owned it. For all that Robin cared, anything that was Robin’s was hers also. Robin’s kidney? Hers. Robin’s collector edition of Like A Virgin? Hers. Anything she wanted, Robin would give it to her with a giddy little smile.
“How do you do it?”
“How do you do it?”
Robin wished she knew what her question meant, but as (Y/N) spun and took her soul with only a single raised eyebrow she knew exactly what she had meant.
“How do you make fear you?”
“Because I’m scary,” was all she shared as she continued to flip through an old textbook that lay open across a desk.
Robin would’ve accepted that answer normally. (Y/N) wore leather jackets with rivets scattered in no particular pattern and told people she ate her twin in the womb; even if she didn’t. She joked about making the devil her bitch and once broke a grown man's nose with her platform boot. She was perfectly scary on paper, so much so Robin wondered how she was watching the same person.
Robin would’ve accepted that answer normally. (Y/N) wore leather jackets with rivets scattered in no particular pattern and told people she ate her twin in the womb; even if she didn’t. She joked about making the devil her bitch and once broke a grown man's nose with her platform boot. She was perfectly scary on paper, so much so Robin wondered how she was watching the same person.
Her black lace panties had a hole at the hip, clearly worn on too many times, and the button up she wore had little pineapples on it. She gently hummed “Dreams” under her breath and even slightly danced on the messy bedroom floor to the beat.
The same girl that helped Steve fill out his Family Video application, and Robin's, even if she hated to admit it. The same girl who held Lucas Sinclair after Max Mayfield broke his heart, then held Max as she cried because she broke Lucas’s heart. The same girl who drew bathes for Robin after working two twelve hour shifts in a row. The same girl who would brush Robin’s bangs from her eyes after sex, kissing both eyelids before slipping from the bed with a skip in her step.
“You aren’t scary,” Robin finally spoke up after her daydream became too real, something that often happened in Robin’s world.
“I’m not?” The smirk was clear, but to Robin it was almost transparent. She could see right through the cocky demeanor of the women before her. She could tell her soul had melted into a pile beside Robin’s messy clothes.
“No, I mean never to me at least,” Robin gently crawled to the edge of the four poster bed, her hand silently begging to touch (Y/N)’s skin. Even if not but minutes ago they were as close and two could become, Robin needed the heat of her skin melting the worry from her blood stream.
“Because you aren’t like the rest,” her fingers ghosted Robin’s hairline as she finally approached, “I only scare people who don’t like powerful women. Men that want to hurt others, they are scared of someone just as powerful and much more gentle.” Robin wished she was as poetic as her, formulating her words with such purpose.
“I-” the words almost slipped from Robin’s kiss swollen lips without a second thought. She had almost confessed the lifelong fear without a moment to think. She almost made a fool of herself on a random Thursday evening without any pants on. Robin wanted to be wearing pants when she said those fatal words, it was her only guideline.
Robin wanted to say it, she wanted to confess to the scary human in front of her while she wrote nonsense on her forehead with her gentle hands, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t barve like (Y/N), she couldn’t stop people with a glance or a word. She could only make a mess of things.
So she did the next best thing.
“I adore you.”
Robin knew it wasn’t the same as those words, the ones her throat was begging her to scream at the top of her lungs; but it was all she had to often while she fought to become braver.
“You adore me?” Robin could only nod. (Y/N) let her fingers still on her forehead, her normally siren-like eyes widen. Walls crashing to the floor to join Robin’s discarded pants and Madonna t-shirt. Her eyes doe like as her fingers ghosted down the front of Robin’s throat, if she quoted scripture from memory.
“I adore you, Robin Buckly.”
Maybe it wasn’t the scary l-word that had made people start wars and people lose their minds over it, but it felt right. Maybe they weren’t made to love each other, maybe they were meant to adore each other. Robin supposed it was more romantic that way, because no fear was shared between the two. No fear of it being ruined by words with one syllable and people saying nasty things. It was only lovely and gentle.
Robin might have only loved gentle girls from a distance because she was scared that they wouldn’t love that way. That they love with fear and harsh language. It was an enigma but to Robin it made all the sense.
She’d rather keep it this way, where the only scary thing about her relationship was her Medusa turning assholes into stone.
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Do You Like Slayer?
A/N- i was so glad to see that my ‘famous’ fic was saved, along with all its other parts 😅 i’ll keep this one up for now but the other two parts should be up by tonight my loves 🖤🖤🖤
Part 2 🖤
Part 3 🖤
Summary- Hellfire club is absolutely smitten with you, and when your friends overhear them talking about you during lunch you decide it's finally time to say something to them
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @hellfirewh0re @paola-carter @whiplaaaaaaaaash @ladyapplejackdnd @thatlonelypieceoftoast @efvyqrs
Words- 2.6k
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“Oh god, she wore that dress again…”
The table went silent and they tried their best to watch as nonchalantly as possible you walked past them in the cafeteria.
It wasn’t something rare that an entire table of teenage boys would ogle a pretty girl but you were something different. There was something about you that had Hellfire club ready to attend to your every need.
You were nice, you were pretty, you had such a cute smile, and they couldn’t help but stare at you in the halls as you walked past them.
As you walked past their table you gave them a kind smile and wiggled your fingers as you waved, giggling as you saw a few of them try to wave back.
“You know she’s never gonna actually wanna hang out with us if we keep being weird.” Garett sighed as he turned his attention back to the other boys at the table.
“I don’t think she wants to hang out with us at all.” Jeff said next to him, picking at the food on his tray.
“That’s not true!” Dustin chimed in, “I thought she said last week that Hellfire sounded fun, maybe someone should ask her to take Lucas’ place tonight?”
They all turned their attention to Eddie at the end of the table.
“What’re you staring at me for?”
“Well you’re the one who’s in charge, shouldn’t you be the one to do it?”
“Why do I have to do it?” As cocky as he was, he was more scared of you than anything else. No girls ever wanted to actually interact with any of them, let alone himself, but you were the one exception and he didn’t want to scare you away. “Don’t you guys have classes with her later or something?”
“No, we have second period with her.” Mike leaned over the table and spoke a bit quieter so no one at the tables around them could hear, “I heard her telling her friends she was free tonight, so someone has to go man up and ask if we still want to meet later.”
The boys looked around each other at the table, waiting to see if anyone would actually try and attempt to have a normal conversation with you. You’d talked to them before of course, but usually they struggled to get half a sentence out.
Eddie sighed and weighed his options: cancel the club for tonight, or talk to you.
“Ok fine, I’ll do it.” He cleared his mind but you just kept popping back in, your eyes, your smile, everything about you was so infectious it made him sick. And he loved it. “What am I supposed to say? I can’t just walk up to her and ask if she’ll come, I gotta have something else to say.”
“Just ask if she’s doing anything later.” Dustin said trying to make it sound easier than it actually was.
“Are you kidding me? I cant just ask that, she’s gonna think i’m asking her out!”
“She’d definitely say no to that.” Gareth said quietly, him and Jeff laughing to themselves.
“Oh, and she’d say yes to you?” Eddie shut them up.
“Why don’t you ask her stuff about herself then?” Dustin looked over at you, giggling with your friends at your lunch table, “She wears that Slayer shirt sometimes, you could talk about that?”
“Yeah. Yeah, ok,” Eddie nodded, trying to come up with a line to say that had something to do with Slayer, “that might work. Good thinking Henderson.”
Eddie felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and almost jumped in his seat,
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” There you stood, their eyes on you again, completely taken back by how they had no idea you were even there.
Eddie opened his mouth to try and say something, anything, but his mind was blank again.
You sat down at your lunch table as your two best friends, Sky and Lillie, sat down on either side of you.
“You know I heard them saying some stuff while I was coming over here,” Sky said taking a sip of her drink, “they were talking about you.”
“About me? What for?” You glanced over at their table, all of them seemed pretty quiet, almost deep in their thoughts.
“I don’t know, I think it was something about your dress, but your little freaky boyfriends should stop being so weird around you.”
“They’re not freaky and they’re not my boyfriends, they’re harmless! I don’t even know half their names. But I think it’s cute.”
They giggled to themselves,
“Well yeah i’d think it’s cute to have a whole group of guys all over me.” Lillie looked over to them.
“They’re not all over me either. Most of the time when i try to talk to them they get all nervous or something.”
“If you want I can eavesdrop a little for you, I’ll go to the vending machines or something and try to hear what they’re saying.”
“Lillie! You shouldn’t eavesdrop, it’s rude… Go see what they’re saying.”
They smiled and grabbed some change from their bag, you and Sky sneaking glances over to watch as they walked past them.
“I wonder what they’re saying…”
“I bet they’re all planning their own little individual weddings with you.”
You giggled again and elbowed her side,
“They are not!”
“You don’t think at least one of them fantasizes about it? I see how they look at you, and you see it too!”
“Oh shush, they’re nice but I wouldn’t want to marry any of them,” You looked back over and your eyes went to Eddie. All of the boys of Hellfire were like cute puppies, but Eddie was different. Long hair, bulky jewelry, and you had to admit it he looked really cute in his leather jacket with his vest over it, “…maybe one of them.” You said to yourself quietly.
Sky turned her head to see who your eyes were glued on and nudged you a bit,
“Shush! Someone’s gonna hear you!”
“Out of all of them you’d marry Eddie?”
“I wouldn’t say marry,” You glanced back over and saw Lillie making their way back, “but he’s definitely the cutest out of all of them.”
“You’re not gonna believe what I heard,” Lillie took their place on your other side, huddling the three of you together, “I don’t know if this is what they were saying for sure but I heard Eddie saying something about asking you out and those other guys were trying to help him.”
Your cheeks got hot and you looked back over to their table.
“She’s blushing!” Sky and Lillie started to giggle to themselves, making you blush more.
“Stop, it’s not funny!” It was a bit funny, and they could tell by your constant giggles.
“Can we PLEASE be in your wedding? I wanna be a bridesmaid so bad.”
“Let me know what flavor you want your cake to be, I wanna make sure you guys’ special day is so perfect!” Lillie looked over to their table, “You should go say something.”
“What am I possibly going to say?! ‘Hey I made my friend listen to your conversation, are you really gonna ask me out?’ I cant just do that!”
“Why not?” Sky glanced over at the boys and saw Dustin at the other end of their table, “Just go and talk to Dustin or something? You know him better than the other guys. Just be kinda flirty with them, like you always are.”
You took a deep breath. You knew you could be comfortable with them, and it’s not like they haven’t all tried their best to talk to you. Maybe just going up and saying hi?
“Ok fine, I’ll go say something. But you two stay here!”
The two of them kept smiling and giggling as you stood up from the table and pulled your dress down back over your legs.
This dress was what got them so nervous? It wasn’t anything special, maybe a little shorter on you than the other ones you’d worn to school before. It was black, a little tighter on you, and it definitely showed off a bit more thigh and cleavage than you normally had.
You took slow breaths as you approached their table, trying to calm yourself down. Eddie was the closest to you as you stepped closer and you didn’t just want to interrupt whatever conversation it was they were having.
You reached your hand out and gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention, making him jump in his seat,
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” You said with a nervous smile.
They all just sat and stared for a moment, not really knowing what to do or say. You had never actually approached them, every time you smiled and waved it was always just in passing, making small talk here and there.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” You took a step back and held your hands behind your back.
“No! You’re fine, you didn’t interrupt anything,” Dustin thankfully finally said something and broke the silence between you and the boys, “what’s up (y/n)?”
“Well…” You tried to think of something, “I just wanted to come over and meet you and Mikes other friends.” You said with a smile, you looked over the older boys at the table with them, “They seem pretty nice from what you’ve told me.” You gently bit your lip as your lips were still curled into a smile, “Is it ok if I sit with you guys?”
They nodded and quickly cleared a spot for you, Jeff and Gareth moving down a spot to give you the seat next to Eddie.
“Henderson tells you about us?” Eddie looks at you, finally being the one to say something to you.
“Yeah, sometimes. You’re Eddie right?”
Hearing you say his name made him melt. Of course he knew who you were but it’s was a surprise to him that you knew who he was. And you weren’t scared or intimidated or anything, just treating him like a normal person.
“Yeah…” He said quietly, quickly snapping out of it, holding his hand out for you to shake, “Yeah, hi, Eddie Munson. Nice to meet you.” He said with a shy smile.
You smiled back and took his hand, they were definitely a lot bigger than yours, but so soft, his rings were cool against the palm of your hand.
“Nice to finally meet you too.” Your eyes met his big brown ones you looked at each other for a moment.
You’ve heard the rumors about him, but Dustin did a good job of making sure you knew none of them were true. He seemed so sweet already and it didn’t even cross your mind that he was the ringleader of this supposed ‘satanic’ club.
“I’m Gareth!”
“I’m Jeff, it’s a pleasure.”
The two boys next to you snapped you out of your little moment with Eddie, the both of them holding out their hands for you to shake.
You giggled and let go of Eddie’s hand to take hold of theirs, his hand feeling cold as soon as you took it out, glaring at his friends for taking your attention away from him,
“I’m (y/n), it’s nice to meet you guys.” The two of them smiling as soon as their hands touched yours.
“Are all you guys in that club with Dustin and Mike?”
“Oh yeah, they all are,” Mike spoke up from his spot at the end, “Eddie was the one that started it.”
“Hellfire club right? I see you guys wearing the shirts a lot.” You giggle again, glancing at the two boys next to you, “I think it’s cute.”
They almost immediately started to get flustered, nervously laughing and smiling, no one’s ever said they were cute before and it felt so much more genuine coming from you.
“So what do you guys do in your club?” You looked back to Eddie.
“Well um…” He cleared his throat, “really all we do is play Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Yeah it’s that fantasy game I was telling you about,” Eddie slowly turned his head to Dustin, giving him a death glare, “but um… you know I think Eddie is much better at explaining it, why don’t you tell her about it.” Dustins eyes went back to looking at the tray in front of him.
Your eyes went back to Eddie’s,
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Like I was saying before Henderson decided to chime in,” He turned himself to you, and though you were still in a crowded cafeteria, at a table full of other people, it felt like it was just you two, “it’s this fantasy role playing game we play. You make up characters and you have to defeat different monsters and stuff like that…” He quickly realized how dorky he was making himself sound, “But you probably don’t care that much about it anyways.”
“Oh no, I do!” You put your hand on his arm and gently squeezed, “Dustin told me a little about it the other day, it sounds really cool!”
Your touch made him smile, no girl was ever this eager to hear about Dungeons and Dragons and yet you seemed so excited about it, even if it was just some dorky fantasy game. He smiled and suddenly remembered the whole reason he was supposed to be talking to you,
“We’re actually down a player today, if you want you can join and we’ll show you what it’s like.”
The other boys’ eyes went wide. Shocked that he actually was able to not only hold up a conversation with you without making a fool of himself but because he regained his train of thought and was able to get himself back on track.
“Yeah, I’d love to! It sounds like fun.” You look to Gareth and Jeff, “Does that mean I get a cute shirt too?”
“Yeah totally!”
“We’ll make it extra cute.”
You giggled seeing how flustered they still were just to be sitting so close to you, and you could tell they were excited to see you after school.
Suddenly the bell rang. Lunch was over.
You stood up from their table and brushed your dress down to make sure it laid right over your thighs,
“It was really nice meeting all you guys. I’ll see you after school ok?”
They stood up with you and packed up their things, readying themselves for whatever class they had coming next. As you took a few steps back to your table to grab your things, you felt someone gently grab your arm.
“Hey, sorry,” You turned and there was Eddie again, standing before you, “if you want i can meet you at your locker or something after last period and show you where the club meets.” You could feel a blush coming onto your cheeks, “Only if you want me to I mean…”
You smiled, looking down to try and hide your pink cheeks, “No, yeah, I’d love that. That’s sweet of you.”
The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment. Eddie rubbing the back of his neck, your head tilting up slowly to look back up at him before Eddie just blurted out,
“Do you like Slayer?”
“Yeah, I love them.” You said with a smile.
He smiled back down at you and before your conversation could continue Sky grabbed your hand and pulled you towards her,
“(y/n), come on, we can’t be late for this test.”
You quickly walked with her to the doors, turning around one last time to wave goodbye,
“Bye Eddie!” You said with a giggle before exiting the cafeteria.
He stood and smiled to himself, shyly waving back but you were already out the doors.
“Hey man come on you can’t be late for this class again,” Jeff nudged his side and started walking for the doors, taking a look back at Eddie as he slowly started walking behind him, “are you… blushing?”
If you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist 🥰
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The Dungeon Master❤️
Summary; Au where Billy survives the events of the s3 finale and comes back to town intent on making y/n another notch on his bedpost only to find her head over heels for Hellfires leader Eddie Munson.
Warnings: Billy is a cocky lil shit, jealous Eddie, fluff.
Pairings: Eddie x Reader
One sided Billy Hargrove x Reader
Likes, comments and reblogs are always welcome ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work
The first time y/n met Eddie was after cheer practice and she was picking up Dustin, Lucas and Mike from Hellfire.
She knew of Eddie of course from Dustin's idolisation of him, Steve's jealousy that he was certain Dustin thought Eddie was cooler than he was (which was kinda cute if you asked her, Dustin and Steve's bond was adorable)
Of course she heard the loud and obnoxious opinions (cough, cough Jason's) of Eddie, he was a freak, a weirdo blah, blah, blah. All because he and his friends played a fantasy game.
She never shared those opinions which put her at odds with Jason and his fellow teammates but she actually liked to get to know a person before judging them.
When she entered the place that Hellfire was played and was the sole focus of the group of guys and Erica Sinclair.
"Henderson! Eddie stands up from his chair, a throne and crosses his arms furious. You know the rules, no one interrupts game play".
Double shit.
She does not want Dustin or the other boys in trouble so she hurries to diffuse the situation.
"I'm so sorry, don't blame the boys. It's my fault". Eddie gets up and walks over to her staring her down.
She stands her ground but can't help looking into those doe brown eyes of his, trailing over his tattoos and getting a little bit fixated on his lips.
Wow he's cute.
His angry stance softens a bit and he nods pointing to an extra seat.
"I'll let you off this time sweetheart, we are nearly done so you can wait". Dustin relaxes and she sits down watching the game.
Her focus the whole time is on Eddie, he's so animated and funny and when he smiles she feels herself tingle all over at those freaking dimples.
When the game ends she's startled out of her reverie by Dustin watching her anxiously while Lucas and Mike snigger in the background.
Eddie looks annoyed and shrugs catching her eye.
"Let me guess staring at the freakshow right? ". he points to himself and shakes his head
Wait... What?
''I don't think you're a freak and that wasn't why I was staring". Feeling a little bold she walks up to him and eyes the game.
"Maybe I want to learn more about the game but I'm so behind I might need more private lessons". She bat's her eyes up at him, he swallows then smirks in realisation.
"Oh, sweet princess there's no way you could handle me". He saunters off and she watches him ago.
That was the moment she fell for him but really she didn't think anything would happen and expected him to write her off.
He didn't. The following day he was waiting at the school for her and when she approached him he nods to the woods.
''You wanna ditch this shit. Hang out for a while?
Hell yes.
Billy drives to the school to pick up Max. He's been back in Hawkins for a few days, the first time since the events at Starcourt mall and barely survived that shit with the mindflayers possession.
Hawkins is still a shit hole, he'd be well out of the place but that dickhead father of his insisted they were staying put.
So here he was doing just that though he supposes Max the little shit isn't so bad, she did seem devastated when she thought he was going to die so he's cut her some slack.
He grins widely just his luck the cheerleaders are practicing. He spots that hot chick y/n who was at the mall last year with Harrington and Robin and smirks.
Well maybe Hawkins might not be so bad after all especially once that babe is in his bed.
This will be a piece of cake.
It's been weeks since her and Eddie first met and she's more smitten than ever but is sure he doesn't feel the same.
She knows he's dated quite a few women and he flirts with her all the time so she's sure he isn't shy.
Is it flirting though or wishful thinking and sure they spend a lot of time together but maybe her feelings are totally one-sided.
Eddie also much to the delight of Dustin is now in the gang and after a little bit of a shaky start gets on well with Steve.
Watching how he interacts with Dustin like an older protective big brother makes her melt inside. All this tough guy shit and he's soft as a marshmallow (not that she would ever tell him that)
The peace and quiet of the gang hanging out at the movie store is shattered by the door opening and walking in even though the sign says closed.
It's Billy.
Max gets up surprised and walks over to him confused.
"What I can't visit my little sister?". Robin points to the sign.
"We're closed right now". He ignores her and takes a drag of his cigarette before turning his attention to her. Eddie moves a little closer and she is a little confused by the tension on his features.
"Hello beautiful. I'm Billy".
Oh shit. Max rolls her eyes and she feels like a dear in headlights under Billy's gaze, he's cute and all but she knows he has a temper, Steve despises him and in her eyes Eddie is it for her.
Or he would be if he felt the same.
Speaking of which Eddie tenses and when she looks up he's glaring at Billy who's hand reaches over to caress her arm.
She's a little uncomfortable as he moves closer and looks at her up and down lust in his eyes.
"Maybe we could do some exercises keep you in fit shape for cheerleading huh?".
She steps away and shakes her head.
"Actually I'm fine here". He looks stunned and there's that hand on her arm again she's about to tell him to back the hell up but Eddie having enough steps in.
"Move your arm Hargrove or I'll break it". The whole room turns silent and Steve hovers ready to step in too.
Billy bursts out laughing.
"Munson right? Fuck you her boyfriend or something? Nah... No fucking way because I highly doubt she'd date a freak like you".
This is the thing that makes her snap.
"Leave him alone, he isn't a freak". Billy sneers and turns to her
"Maybe you're into him and he doesn't like you wouldn't that be ironic huh? Fall for the freak and he doesn't want you".
It hits right in her insecurities and she heads out to the back rooms hiding her tears and getting away from Billy's cold cruel laugh.
She can hear Max and Steve pushing Billy out the door and wants to go back inside but how can she face Eddie now?
Someone joins her and she looks up to find Eddie watching her concerned.
"Why are you upset?". She wipes her tears away and avoids his gaze.
"Isn't it obvious? Billy pretty much hit the nail on the head. I've fallen for you and you don't feel the same". His breath hitches and slowly his fingers entwine with hers.
He's gentle as he cups her face in his hands and kisses her, soft and sweet which turns more passionate and it leaves her a little breathless.
"I'm crazy about you baby been working up the courage to tell you but it's terrifying because I've never felt like this about anyone".
Elated she cuddles into his chest.
"I thought you knew? Fuck I was obvious enough that Henderson the little shrimp has been teasing me about it for a while now, I very much want to be with you princess have done since you gatecrashed Hellfire".
She beams and pulls him in for another kiss, that long? They are both oblivious idiots arent they?
"I want to be with you too". He strokes her cheek and kisses her again unaware of steve groaning and handing a smug Dustin twenty bucks.
"Yeah you were right you little shit don't get cocky about it okay".
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irisposts · 2 years
Eddie “the freak” Munson 18+
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series masterlist
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female reader)
Summary: You see Eddie at a party and rekindle your relationship. All while, breaking your own with Patrick Mckinney.
Warnings: Smut, cheating, bullying, rough-sex, choking, established relationship, plot before smut,
A/N: this is a little before the events of s4. enjoy! Please let me know in the COMMENTS AND REBLOGS and feel free to request things <3
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You never really enjoyed the parties here in Hawkins, Indiana. The kids were vain, egotistical, untruthful people. But somehow, those same crowd of kids swallowed you into their circle. And in some way, you were like them. But at least you were nice about it.
“Here,” You’re boyfriend, Patrick, passes a beer into your hand. Colt 45. You scrunch your nose and bite back a nasty remark. You hated this beer and you had made it known, several parties ago. Patrick notices, and bends down to your level. “You okay?”
Patrick was actually one of the few nice guys on the basketball team. Lucas Sinclair, would be at the top of your list. But, Patrick was actually sweet…when he wanted too. The big thing you disliked about Patrick was his need to impress Jason. Which you found weird because, you were 99.5 percent sure, Jason was a closeted-racist.
But Patrick, felt like he owed a debt to Jason’s behalf. So after a few months into you dating, he’d blow you off to hangout with Jason and the boys. It’s put a heavy strain on your relationship. A strain, Patrick hasn’t even acknowledged.
“Fine.” You bite. “Just fine.”
You peel the tab back and bring the can to your lip. You fight back making a disgusted expression as the malt liquor hits the back of your throat. When you pull away, you shine a smile. Trying you’re best not to gag. “—It’s really good.”
Patrick gives you a smile back.
You frown when he turns his head over to Jason. Stupid. Fucking. Jason.
“Next time you see us,” Jason’s stands atop a table. His words are loud as everyone’s goes silent when he speaks. You hated his effect on people. It’s as if they all worked as a hive mind on his behalf. “—We’ll be at the championship baby!” As if he were an idol, everyone in the room cheers and whoops. You only stand and put down that atrocious can, they call beer.
As you look into the floor, you’re eyes fall onto a familiar messy top of curls in the crowd. You can’t help but recognize that hair anywhere.
Jason must notice also as he shushes the crowd. “If it isn’t the freak!”
You watch as the crowd creates a riff to, Eddie Munson. Their eyes bore into his skull. You roll your eyes, knowing half of the people in this room have bought drugs off him.
Your eyes scan his body. The infamous hellfire shirt as his top and black baggy jeans with the chains cover his bottom half.
Eddie’s unfazed, maybe even a little cocky—by the attentions he’s garnered. “ If it isn’t the asshole who throws balls into laundry baskets.” Eddie walks through the make shift path.
“Get the fuck outta my party Munson.” Jason spits out.
You watch as your boyfriend and the rest of Jason’s goons puff up their chests. As if they were going to do something. You can’t help but cringe.
“I’m not here for your stupid party.”
Jason chuckles a cynical laugh. “What? You here to perform a satanic ritual on us? With your little Hellfire club?” As Jason laughs, so do the teens around you, and Patrick.
You swat at his arm. “Say something.”
Patrick laughs and covers his mouth with two hands. “Fuck Hellfire!”
Your heart sinks as the crowd laughs and begins to chant “Fuck Hellfire!” Over and over again. This is clearly not what you meant.
You can only look at him in disgust. “You are such an asshole.” You step away from him, not bothering to look at the expression on his face. You push through people, even past Chrissy. She gives you a small frown. She wasn’t fond of this either.
You find yourself on the opposite side of the ordeal. Watching.
To your surprise. Eddie still stands in the middle of it all. He places a hand around his ear and beckons the crowd to get louder. You giggle at how funny this guy was.
“I’m here—” Eddie tries to speak.
“Fuck Hellfire!”
“I’m here for—” He tries again but everyone only chants louder.
Jason lowers his arms, just enough to give people the signal to be quiet. “Alright, Alright, let the freak speak.”
Eddie grins, and walks right up to Andy. “I’m here for you.” He lays his palm flat.
You watch as Jason throws a confused look towards Andy’s direction. Andy gives him an apprehensive shrug and looks back to Eddie.
“Dude I thought I told you after 11?” Andy says in a strangled whisper. Andy fishes into his jacket pocket and slaps two fifties into Eddie’s hand who greedily puts it into his pants pocket.
“It’s 11:30—” Eddie slaps a bag, of what you assume is weed onto Andy’s chest. “Great doin business.”
Eddie turns on his heels towards the crowd. Raising both of his middle fingers up. “WHOOO! FUCK HELL FIRE!” Mocking everyone, mere seconds ago. He brings them down and smiles at how quiet and stunned the room is.
Then he pushes his way through, towards the front door.
The silence is defining until Jason gets the nerve to speak again. “T-Turn the music back up.” Slightly rattled by how unbothered Eddie was.
The speakers thump around you and you find your feet following their way to Munson. Patrick watches from squished bodies as you do so.
When you reach outside, you can see Eddie walking over to his van.
“Hey, Eddie!” You shout.
He turns around, his face lights up. “Y/n?”
You jog over to him, stopping in a crouched position to catch your breath. “Hey.” You swing your head back and lazily walk over to him. Tossing your arms around his frame and pulling him into a hug.
“Haven’t seen you in a while.” Eddie pats your back. Then pulls away at arms length to get a good look of your face. “Still, pretty as ever.”
You blush and swat an arm away. “Oh stop.”
He smiles at you.
You and Eddie had a history. You were friends, sure. But it was slightly deeper than that. Friends with benefits, people classify it now.
You almost forget what you were gonna say. You motion back towards the house. “Y-You should stay. They have the good stuff this time.” You lie and your cheeks flush.
Eddie waves his hand. “Nah, the welcome wagon wasn’t very…welcoming.” Eddie looks over to the house, full of rowdy teens. Then to you, “You should go have fun though, i’ll catch up another time.”
He begins to back away. “Eddie,” You swallow, thick. “C-Can I go home with you?”
Eddie blinks, baffled you’d even want to spend time with him. “Uh—Yeah.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, t-that’d be great.” He smiles shyly and motions towards his van.
You laugh as you follow. Wherever you found this newfound courage, you hope it stays the rest of the night.
In the distance, Patrick and Jason rush out the front door. Their eyes on you as as they watch Eddie close the door on your side.
“That prick.”
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“Is your uncle home?” You suddenly feel shy as you reach Eddie’s front door.
Eddie plugs in the key and twist. “Nah, he does night shifts now.”
The door fly open and you sigh in relief at how warm his trailer is compared to the cool outside. You step inside, Eddie closing the door shut behind you.
Your eyes travel around the tiny home. “Not much had changed.”
Eddie goes to his bedroom and you follow. “Well, you know— me and my uncle aren’t much of interior designers.” He jokes. You laugh as Eddie plops down on his bed. He looks over to you and then the mess on his floor. “I would’ve cleaned had I known…”
You giggle and plop beside him. “Like I said, nothings changed.”
Eddie turns to you. “You’ve changed.” He says it so easily off the tongue and you can’t help but feel the undertones of his words. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that y/n.”
“No, No.” You shake your head in acknowledgment. “I have.” You give a small smile. “How is everyone, Mike, Dustin…”
You speak to Lucas on occasions because of his and Patrick’s shared past time. From what you know, Lucas has been kind of distancing himself from the club and the boys. It broke your heart a little, making you worry about Mike and Dustin. But you had done the same exact thing.
“Those little sheeps are fine—annoying as hell but fine.” Eddie tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “…How are you? You’re like one of the popular kids now?” Eddie acts like he’s shaking pom poms into the air and flicks his hair in a sassy fashion. Making you laugh into your hand.
“I am not popular.” You say and try to compose yourself.
“Pft—You and Chrissy are like the golden girls at Hawkins high!”
You laugh harder this time. “Wow, Munson. I didn’t take you as a sitcom guy.”
Eddie finds himself smiling at you, with so much warmth and intensity. “I’m full of surprises.”
You finally come down your high of laughter and take a good look of your friend. Could you even consider yourselves friends anymore? You both haven’t spoken to one another in months. It was as if you were avoiding one another, when that wasn’t the case. Or at least it wasn’t intentionally on you’re part.
“I really missed you Eddie.” You blurt out.
You watch as he sighs. “Yeah me too…” Eddie chews on the inside of his lip. “…What happened to us?”
You frown at this. “I-I don’t know…” You look around to his posters, to his guitar, you’re heart sinks at the box of condoms on his night stand. “I think, life just happened? Maybe? God, I don’t know—maybe I’ve gotten to caught up with Patrick and his life. Instead of my own, y’know?”
Eddie looks over to the handcuffs hanging from his wall. He swallows when memories of you crying, screaming out his name come back to him. Details of your fingers curled around the cuffs begging for him to set you free so you could touch him. The way your back arched as he sunk into you from behind.
“Eddie?” You say again.
He clear his throat and looks over to you. “Huh.”
“We’re you…” You’re eyes wander to the cuffs. Then back down to Eddie.
His soft eyes grow wide. “No I—wasn’t” He fumbles on his words “—shit.” He just stops in defeat.
You smile softly. “It’s fine.” You start. “I think about it too. A lot.” You add.
Deep down in the pit of your stomach. You know this was wrong. Coming to a friends house, where you would both pleasure each other only months ago. While dating one of the most popular guys in Hawkins, it was cheating. This was definitely a form of cheating and you felt like shit for it. But honestly, the bigger part of you didn’t care. I guess that’s where you and Jason’s crowd of people could relate, you all were terrible people.
“Aren’t you and Mckinney like….” Eddie says lowly.
You shrug. “Yeah, but it’s not the same.”
Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit turned on by your new demeanor. Last time you two spoke, you were sweet, innocent. He was the little devil on shoulders, the one who took your virginity. The bad guy if you will. “Have you guys like y’know….”
“Had sex?” You say so nonochantly, it almost scares Eddie on how out of touched you seem about it.
You nod your head. “Yeah me and Patrick have sex.” You watch Eddie’s face. You can’t tell if it’s jealousy, curisotly, or a hint of lust that appears. “He’s not really…good.” You whisper.
Eddie raises his eyebrows with a snarky smirk. Slightly, cocky by the idea of being your best.
You slap your face.” I mean he’s good—but he’s not into the stuff we were into. He’s very soft and gentle. It’s too vanilla? I don’t know.” You blush at a thought. “Sometimes I just wanna fuck.”
Eddie blinks and you giggle out of embarrassment. “I sound like a slut don’t I?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, I think your just a woman who knows what she wants.”
You smile when he puts it that way.
“Have you…” You swallow. Hating the idea of Eddie having sex with another girl. “Have you been with anyone since?”
Eddie thinks for a second, slightly embarrassed by his confession. “Two?” He breathes. “Yeah, two. Grace and Jackie.”
Your heart sinks and you try your best to keep a stoic deposition. Slightly annoyed because you had these girls in your classes. Though, you couldn’t help but the find the idea of Eddie in a threesome, fun.
“But,” Eddie plays with his silver rings. “…It was pretty bad. One tried to bite my dick off and the other sounded like Tammy Thompson when she moaned. I couldn’t even get hard.”
You break out into a laugh at that. He grins at this.
“ So, we just smoked some pot and forgot it ever happened.”
You chuckles at this, slightly relived it didn’t go to far.
Eddie’s laugh dies down. His finger traces a soft circle on your hand. “…They weren’t like you.”
You feel stupid when your heart flutters at this.
Eddie stares at you for a second, his eyes fluttering. He catches himself, flushed. “I need to go to the bathroom—” He quickly sits up. But your arm is already holding him.
His chest rises, his heartbeat loud in his ears. You feel the same in your body. “Stay.” You slowly sit up and sink down to his floor. Eddie watches you intensely as you plant yourself right between his knees.
“Are you sure?” His breathing becomes jagged and rough. “What about Mckinney?” He gulps when your eyes catch his wild ones.
“I’m sure.”
Your hand palms at his noticeable buldge. “Fuck.” Eddie curses up to his ceiling. The column of his throat tight, as he tries to control himself. You smirk, knowing you still have this affect on him. Your fingers quickly undo his belt buckle. You pull his pants down enough to where he helps you along the way. Flingy his jeans hastily off to a corner. You can’t help but laugh at this.
You rub your hand along his crotch. He flinches under your touch. It’s so familiar, unlike the other girls he had in his room. You slightly massage and bring your lips to the fabric. You kiss up, eye looking to his face as you do so.
Eddie trembles under your touch. His hand shakes it’s way to the back of your head. His fingers slightly gripping at the follicles.
You then curve a finger around the elastic. Pulling firm, his cock springs out and your mouth waters. You missed this, and so did the space between your legs. His dick was long, and just the right amount of thickness. Small hairs cover the base, as if he had shaven for this occasion. You wrap a hand around him.
“—Shit.” Eddie clenches the edge of his bed with his other hand.
You chuckle and bring your hand up to the tip. You watch as pre-cum drops from the top. You smooth your thump along it. Feeling, Eddie tremble under you. He watches from above as you bring him between your lip. He practically melts with your lips around him.
“y/n—mm.” He chokes back his words as you swallow him down. He unscrews his eyes, watching as you bob your head along his length. His finger now tug at your roots. His hand pushing your head with enough pressure to make you gag.
“Oh fuck—” He licks his lips, head back. Hair falling. “—Just like that baby. Shit.” His moans send chills down your spine. They grow louder and breathless.
You pull away, coughing. A string of salvia connect you and him. Eddie breaks it, when his thumb swipes across your bottom lip. The other at your wet eyes.
“You’re so perfect.” He still attempts to catch his breath.
Your chest thumps with anticipation. “Says you.” You peels off your top and climb atop of him, making lay back. You both smile at one another. You bump your nose along his. His arms snake their way along your back.
You tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and bring your lips to his. You gasp, feeling his erection press agasint your clothed core. His hands find their way into your hair. Pulling you closer, tugging at your roots. His tounge swipes at your bottom lip. You roll your hips into him, making him groan into you. You laugh and bite at his lip. Licking him and kissing with more fever and haste.
His hand pulls you’re head, snapping you back. “Ah.” You gasp feeling his teeth graze the skin on your neck. You screw your eyes close as he nips and sucks on your flesh. “Mmh—ha.” You reach behind you to unclaps your bra. The straps fall of your shoulders. You break away to discard it.
Eddie eyes fall onto your chest. His eyes lids lowered in arousal, “Fuckin hell.” His hand cups a tit while the other flicks and pinches your nipple between his finger.
You gasp at the friction separating you two. Eddie sits up to where his mouth can latch onto your nub. He looks up to you, as he sucks tightly. Your fingers push back his bangs to get a better look of his eyes. So big, and sweet. “Eddie,” You mwel. He lets you go with a pop.
“You’re so,” A kiss. “Fucking.” Another. “Beautiful.”
You blush at the compliment.
He begins to decorate your chest with his teeth. “Eddie—fuck. I cant wait any,” You gasp, trying to sound unbroken. “cant wait anymore.”
Eddie smiles st this, laughing. You laugh with him, albeit— it’s breathy and struggled.
With a tilt of his hips, you’re body slams into the mattress. You’re breast bouncing. Eddie breaks away to peel off his hellfire shirt. You hungrily scan his bare chest. Noting each tatto on his body.
Off to your right, you see as he reaches over for that blue box of Trojans.
He halt’s and look over to you. “Yeah?”
You gulp, slightly embarassed. “No condom.”
Eddie blinks, confused. “Why?”
You’re face and body grows hot. You look anywhere but him. “I just want to feel you,” Your eyes fall to his veins on his hands and arms. “All of you…” You swallow and look up to him expecting him to be agaisnt the idea. But to your suprise, Eddie looks at you slyly.
“Is that so?” He’s such a cheeky asshole, you think.
You nod. Chewing on you’re lip. “…I’m on the pill.” Your chest rises. “Promise.”
“Okay.” Eddie shrugs his shoulders and practically pounces on you. You giggle as the hair on his head tickles the side of your neck and face.
“Eddie!” He kisses you all over. You’re nose, eyes, neck, lips. Any exposed skin, he was leaving a seeet, chaste, kiss to you. Your laughter, makes his heart swell.
He breaks away to get a good look of you. His breath fanning across your face. “I’ve waited too damn long.”
You smile up at him. Reaching down to pull down your skirt. “Then take me.”
“Gladly.” He kisses you again and moves his hips to help lower the fabric down. You kick it off, leaving you only in your underwear.
His fingers reach down, palming at your cunt. Letting his fingertips run between your fold through the fabric. “I’ve barely even touched you.” He laughs again. “You’re so wet, fuck.” His hands feel the wet patch on the fabric.
“Eddie.” You warn, growing impatient.
He snickers but obeys. Kissing at the base of your neck; to your sternum, below your belly button, and right above the elastic of your underwear. His fingers hook around them, peeling it off slowly. He licks his lips, when you appear before him. Once fully off, he marvels at your nude body.
You spread your legs, opening your self enough for him to see.
“You’re terrible.” He pumps himself, eyes drowning in lust.
You gleam at him. Spreading yourself even wider.
He climbs between you thighs. You whine as his length rubs against you. Desperately, needing it inside of you.
His palms fall on either side of your head. “Ready?”
You can’t even speak a full word. “Mmhm.”
He uses a hand for leverage and the other to postion himself at your entrance. You wait in anticipation, as he traces the tip around your ring. Then slowly, he slips through. You sigh in satisfaction, heart and blood pumping. Eddie hangs his head low, “Ngh—Shit you’re tight.” He continues to slide through. “Oh my god—you feel amazing.” His words are tight and sharp. His moans come deep within his chest.
“Mm.” You sigh in relief as he bottoms out. “M’So good.” You feel everything more intensely then before, the veins that decorate the sides of his dick, his thickness, the curve of his cock. It makes you crave for more. Your fingers graze his back.
Eddie swings his hips back, then slams into you. The brute force of it all has you arching your back in pleasure. Nails digging into his skin. Eddie does this again and again, creating a rough rhythm.
You find yourself mindlessly inching up-across his bed.
“Where you goin sweetheart?” His hands on your thighs, pull you back down to him.
The room spins around you as you sink deeper onto his cock. The sounds of skin on skin smacking together, being the music to your ears. Mixed with your moans and pleasure.
“Eddie, ah—don’t stop.” You hold on for dear life as he thrusts into you with no sign of changing pace.
He buries his head into the crook of you’re head. Here, you can hear how good he sounds. His breathes shakes over you ear. His moans so deleiciois, sending you over the edge.
“Does he fuck you like this?” Eddie says into your ear. His voice, deeper more cynical. You furrow your brows as he continues to pummle into you. Your focus untethered.
You don’t answer.
Eddie comes back up. His stamina is much longer then you remember and his thrusts have become more powerful. “Does he?”
You screw your eyes shut. “I-I don’t know.” You practically see stars. Fuck, he feels so good it’s criminal. “Eddie, please.” The last thing you wanted to do while fucking another guy was think of your boyfriend.
“No, you know.” Eddie clips. His chuckle deep and raspy. He angles his hips in that spot he knew so well. You scream so loud you’re sure his neighbors can hear how well he’s making you feel. “Does he fuck you like this?” His words are more forceful, demanding.
You shake you’re head. Hot tears, wet your eyes.
Eddie wraps a hand along your throat, applying pressure. “Speak up.”
You unscrew your eyes to see Eddie waiting for you. “He doesn’t,” You gasp. Feeling your air ways tighten. “Fuck me like this.”
Eddie smile at you, pleased. “Good girl.”
He goes to move his hand away but your hand is already atop of his. Keeping him there.
“You like that?”
You try to nod.
“Of course you like that.” Eddie fucks into you so deeply at this angle it’s insane. “Fuck—ha.” As his head falls back, the pressure on your neck tightens. “Shit, shit im gonna—” He cant even form words, as your warm velvet walls swallow him.
The heels of your feet dig into his lower back. Your full blown sobbing at this point. “Eddie.” You choke gasping for air. Too overwhelmed and stimulated.
“I know baby—fuck.” He growls as he pounds into that sweet spot that has you crying for him.
You come undone around him. Eyes squeezed shut, toes curling. Your hands lazily fall off his back.
His curses at how you contract against his cock him. Squeezing him for all he’s got.
His thrust quickly become lazily and less powerful. Until he lets out one last cry. Bangs sticky to his skin, head thrown back, coming undone inside of you. Out of bodily instinctly, he continues to pump into you until he cums his entire load.
He releases you and collapses onto his side.
The only thing in the room, is the two of you trying to get your breathing back to where it was before.
You swipe at the tears on your face. Feeling his cum dripping down the side of your thigh. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” He lifts his tired head to look at you.
He smiles. “Hi.”
You laugh, pushing back the thought of facing Patrick tomorrow...
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A/N: I think i’m gonna make this one a lil mini series idk. I liked it
Till next time :)
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 2 years
My Man | G.E
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Paring: Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Guns⋆ Blood⋆ heavy language⋆ Fighting⋆ A bad bitch⋆
Summary: Jason and his boys pay Garth a little visit which leads to a fight and little do they know Y/n doesn't play about her Garebear and she stays packed with the strap⋆
All the yelling caused me to jump up off the couch and walk over to the window, sure enough, it was Jason and his dickhead friends, some of them were holding Greg and the others were holding Jeff back, Meanwhile, Jason was holding Gareth by his shirt and yelling in his face, Then Jason blew a punch to Gareths stomach and threw him into his drumset, I saw red after that, I walked over to the closet by the back door and grabbed the all black AK-47 and loaded it, I walked out the Garage door and nobody seemed to notice me except for, Lucas Sinclair, why's he here, Eddie is so gonna get his ass for turning on the club, his eyes went wide and he shook his no. "HEY let him go man," Jeff said trying to wiggle his way out of the grip the two jocks had on him, Jason walked over and put his knee on Gareth's back and his foot on his fingers crushing them, My babies poor fingers, he needs those to put inside- On his drum sticks, he needs those to be able to hold his drum sticks. Jason added pressure to his fingers causing Gareth to let out a pained groan, "It's gonna be hard to play those drums with a broken hand" Jason yelled, I cocked my gun back causing all attention to turn towards me, even Gareths, My poor baby boy.
"Nobodies. breaking. SHIT." I said threw gritted teeth pointing the gun at Jason, He looked scared before that stupid cocky smirk took over his face.
"Y-You're not actually gonna shoot that thing are you," one of the jocks asked, Jason scoffed and rolled his eyes. "She won't shoot, look at her" all the jocks laughed, this made my blood boil "I don't miss," I said walking towards him, he backed away a little but kept his knee on Gareth's back, I looked down and he was looking up at me like I hung all the stars in the sky, I smiled and blew him a kiss, I turned and shot Jason's car causing them to yell and let go of the boys, Jeff and Greg ran behind me, Jason remand on top of Gareth even though he looked scared out of his mind, I blew the smoke from the end of my gun and turned back to Jason.
"That was just a warning shot" I smiled and walked closer to him placing the gun between his eyes, "you won't do it, you won't do it" he gulped looking at the gun, I laughed, "I suggest you get the FUCK out of here, Jason," I said letting go of the safety and cocking my gun again, "I pull this trigger and I blow your brains out" he let out a tear and put his hands up in surrender.
"I'll go- we'll go- just don't shoot, please," he said, I lowered the gun and he got off of Gareth who jumped up and stood beside me holding his hand in pain, I'll have to look at that later, My poor Garbear. Jason and his crew left and Greg shut the Garage door and Jeff started to fix Gareths Drumset, Me and Gareth walked back into the house, "Sit Here" I pointed towards the chair at the dining room table, he obeyed and sat while I got an ice pack out of the freezer and walked over to him grabbing his hand and putting the ice pack on his bruised hand. "lift you're shirt pretty boy" he listened as he lifted his HellFire shirt showing off the already forming purple and light brown bruise on his toned chest. "does it hurt?" I asked and he shook his head in response. he removed the ice pack from his hand setting it down on the table beside him. I was about to ask what he was doing but before I could get a word out I was being dragged to straddle his lap. "You have no idea how hard that stunt you pulled back there made me," he gripped my hips and pushed me down on his now noticeable bulge. as much as I wanted to take care of his hand and his bruised chest he was making me extremely wet, "Tell your friends to go home, then you meet me in the bedroom, I'll be waiting for you... Naked." I kissed his cheek and winked before making my way to his bedroom. I have never seen him move so fast in my life.
The Gareth Tag List: @katewritesgood @milfvibesonly @slyisbehindyou @littlestarfighter03 @ethen-often
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