#but for kai specifically
dreamersbcll · 11 months
I think you should write something about little Sam and toddler Tara. Something cute. NO SADNESS. ONLY GOOD AND WHOLESOME.
“Pastelitos de Guayaba”
for my one and only @krikeymate . much love <3
Sam associated people with scent. Not how they touched her or what they gave her, but rather the smell that she could lock away in her head. When troubled or stressed, she could disappear and remember how specific memories smelled.
Mindy and Chad smelled like the Fourth of July. Every holiday they went to the beaches of Santa Monica and ran through the waves and kicked up sand. Though Sam was the eldest at the ripe age of eleven, she still thoroughly enjoyed diving into the ocean with them.
Her best friend, Zach, smelled like a pumpkin patch on a sunny day. The two got to know each other by picking pumpkins and eating all the apples at the orchards. Both got violently sick after, but Sam would never forget how he smiled in the autumn sunlight and threw leaves on her hair.
But perhaps her favorite scent was Tara. There were many memories to pick from with her baby sister, from the day she came home smelling brand-new to her fourth birthday when she got ice cream in both girls’ hair. Sam particularly liked the memory of napping with Tara and how her baby sister always smelled like lavender and peaches.
Sam always knew her baby sister was magic, and the sweet-smelling memories they shared only proved her point. Her baby sister was the sun that rose in the morning and the moon that glowed as it shone in the night. Tara was the best that Sam would ever have or know.
However, Sam would be biased if she didn’t say that she had a favorite scent that she associated with Tara. Her favorite memory, so far, would be the night Sam taught her baby sister how to make pastelitos.
Her little girl was very clumsy on her feet and often fell off chairs she was sitting still on. Sam got a stool for Tara to stand on, and she stood right behind her baby sister to ensure she was protected.
There wasn’t much that their parents did right, but at least they always kept a tin of pasta de guayaba on hand- or, as Tara called it, pegamento de guayaba. That and some flour and other ingredients, and Sam could always cheer her little girl up.
(Guava paste, guava glue)
She waited until Tara came home from school with a frown. It wasn’t unlike her little six-year-old to be frowning, but this one was deeper. After some coaxing, Sam finally got Tara to reveal that Amber pushed her down at recess.
That settled it. It was time to make their favorite dessert. It wasn’t ice cream or cookies- it was a Cuban pastry with guava and sometimes cheese. It reminded Sam of simpler times- when their Mami didn’t drink so much and when their papi was around. Tara just enjoyed it because it was sweet and made Sam smile.
The two set off, making the dough and kneading it together. Sam gushed over Tara's little cheeks, powdered with flour, and smeared some on her face so her baby sister didn’t feel alone. Four hands kneaded dough, one pair actually kneading, and the other chubby pair just punching the dough.
“Muy bien, nena. Ahora los colocas así,” Sam softly said, guiding Tara’s hands to lay the pastries on the baking sheet.
(Alright, baby. Now you place them like this)
Tara finally set all eight on the tray- they lost two in transport- and turned around to face Sam, pigtails flopping in front of her toothless grin.
“¡Mira, Sammy! ¡Lo he conseguido! ¡Igual que tú!”
Tara squealed happily, hugging Sam with her sticky and flour-filled hands.
(Look, Sammy! I did it! Just like you!)
Sam laughed, bending down to kiss Tara on the forehead. Her sister clung to her middle, giggling as Sam worked around her. Breaking open the tin, Sam carefully pried Tara off of her, handing her a spoon. She then helped Tara place the paste onto the pastry, gently correcting her when she put too much on.
Finally, the pair finished; Tara was so excited that she nearly smashed the pastries with her flapping hands. Turning around to place it in the oven, she showed Tara what rack to put it on and how to set a timer.
The two settled in front of the oven, watching their pastries bake, Tara in Sam’s lap and Sam’s arms around her middle.
“Te quiero mi cielo. Lo eres todo para mí,” she whispered, her lips ghosting Tara’s ear.
(I love you, my sky. You are everything to me)
Tara shivered from her words, leaning into Sam’s embrace. The pair sat like that for seven minutes, soaking in each other's company and the scent of a baking pastry wafting through their empty home.
Sam would always associate the smell of fresh pastries and flour, reminding her of her girl for as long as she would live.
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