#but for now...
pupyuj · 7 months
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i'm dating her. she has my number. she checks up on me. my contact name on her phone is "doll". i'm not joking. I'M NOT DELUSIONAL.
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spacecravat · 10 months
any issues i had with good omens 2 being overwhelmed by the euphoria of finally seeing them kiss on screen
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
Originally I posted this anonymously because I’m SO BAD at interacting with anyone else’s fic rn and it drives me to want to fully hide my own engagement with the fic side of fandom, but then I decided fuck it, I want to have conversations. You are all cordially invited to discuss Teenon with me!!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dead Friend Forever - DFF (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Tee Pariphat Wanit & Non Thanakorn Prathipsit, White Watcharin Siriphan/Tee Pariphat Wanit Characters: Tee Pariphat Wanit, Non Thanakorn Prathipsit, White Watcharin Siriphan Additional Tags: canon-typical child sexual abuse, Bullying, canon-typical mental health crises, Victim Blaming, Slut Shaming Summary:
Non had been haunting Tee long before he disappeared.
Tee-on-Non headcanon disguised as a fic.
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
The Lord of the Rings is a Musical
Song Counter: 47
Poem Counter: 25
Total: 72
Bonus (times singing was mentioned but not spelled out): 33
FotR Counter: 34 FotR Total: 49
TTT Counter: 20 TTT Total: 28
RotK Counter: 18 RotK Total: 28
The Lord of the Rings Total (Including Bonus Singing): 105
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wildskissed · 4 months
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Trying two new things: actual armor, and a pink dye...
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TW for epilepsy- (bright colors were used, and I just want everyone to be safe.)
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zorlok-if · 2 years
When was the last time Z, the demon was on Earth?
You really want to know?
Fuck it. My covid brain is foggy enough to say, "Sure".
Mid-late 1800s.
The Celestial would know the exact year.
Hell, ey'd know the exact date.
I mean, ey is the reason why [REDACTED]
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Ethan closed his eyes. The motion sent another few tears down his cheeks, glistening in the afternoon sun. “I know what I saw.”
“Is… is that it?” Victor asked, pointing to a floating shape bobbing against the shore, floating with the gentle waves lapping against the yellow sand of Ititai Bay.
“Yes.” Victor looked up from where he was crouching to see Ethan smiling, something he hadn’t done in so long that it made Victor smile as well, despite the fact that Ethan was smiling and reaching out for something that wasn’t there. “It’s right here. Can’t you see it?”
“I… Ethan…”
“That… there’s nothing there.”
“Yes there is. Look, she’s right here. I’m touching her.” Sep turned back to the empty air, his eyes filled with love. “She’s gentle.”
“Ethan…” Victor whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. It would be a beautiful sight – Ethan’s tan skin glowing in the warm summer sun, his green eyes bright and shining with that tender love that was rarely given freely, his soft blonde hair a mess from the wind as he smiled, his hand outstretched to an invisible creature. In any other circumstance, it would have made it to the top of Victor’s “cutest Ethan moments”. In any other circumstances, because the thing Ethan was referring to wasn’t real.
What are taniwha? In Māori mythology, taniwha are large supernatural beings that live in deep pools in rivers, dark caves, or in the sea, especially in places with dangerous currents or deceptive breakers (giant waves)."
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Wes, you are acting like the exact opposite of what the majority of the scientific community is striving to be: ETHICAL. Yeah, there are still plenty of shitty scientists around, but there's also a good number of them who are trying to be a lot more ethical nowadays, and they'd do more denouncing of you than anything else.
Ethics isn't really my thing. It's difficult to do so when it evolves a bunch of stubborn teenagers who get a kick out of making your life a living hell (though I'm also a stubborn teenager, the irony).
Admittedly I might have started it, but hey I was curious. Saw Fenton transform into Phantom one day, decided to ask him about it the next day, he got on the defense, I shot back some threats, then he started tormenting me ever since.
Then he revealed that fact he's half ghost on this sight, which in turn caused me to figure out he has a clone because I called her Phantom Squared (as I noted some similarities between her and Fenton) and she immediately went on the defense claiming she's her own person and not a clone of anyone (which at the time I didn't accuse her of).
Ties were tied and I figured out she's a clone and I guess that crossed the line with Sam (not me literally going after her "boyfriend", but his clone? Who would have thought).
Who knew a goth could fuck up someone's life so bad.
It has been about science, but it's also been about my dignity (or what's left of it) and knack for proving myself correct.
And I am always correct. Despite what some say, I've always had good grades in most subjects. Honestly, I'd probably make a great detective, kind of like how my dad was, wanted to follow in his footsteps ever since I was young... thanks to Manson any chance of that being reality is probably burning in hell... Hopefully not with my dad. He worked with the police force, as a detective (duh), he died on a undercover mission, trying to gather facts for a case.
Mhmm... Maybe I can salvage what's left of my future by dragging ethics into the situation...
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frolickingfishies · 1 year
O.o so, I guess I'm stuck at this height now for a little! I'm around... three hundred miles tall, according to a measurement Vai made! o.O
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archnet · 2 years
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crumb · 1 year
excited to draw vincent now and make him look so cuteeeee
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okay wait okay so hold on...
this whole time my thought process has been oh we haven't had many finn & noah interviews because they might spoil byler or sumn
but it just occurred to me that what if the reason they've held out now, is that later there's going to be an Overload of finn & noah interviews leading up to season 5 (when byler actually becomes canon) because they want to promote them together more when it's closer to 🧍🏻
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forestwhisper3 · 10 months
Last night I had a rather insane idea, but dang it if I don't want to see how it would actually go down.
My idea...was to write the next chapters to ALL of my current, ongoing fics...and update them all at the same time.
My usual chapter writing time is anywhere between 6 to 10 hours since said chapters tend to be on the longer side. This includes all the stuff like falling down rabbit holes research, watching videos for refreshers, actually writing the thing, and revisions/rewrites. Then, once you start accounting for things like basic needs and work and actually having the inspiration to write for that long (I think the last chapter where that happened was the SAINW chapter in DotS. I sat down and wrote most of it in one 8-hour block) and, needless to say, it can take me quite a while to get things to where I'm satisfied with them before I post.
The one-shots I've been doing recently have helped, funnily enough. I used to hate doing them since I felt I could never say everything I wanted in just one chapter, but I'm getting better at it, I think. Now I find that, while I still hit the occasional block, it's a bit easier to get words out. Hopefully, I can train myself to write when I decide I'm going to write as opposed to waiting for the right mood to strike.
That would be a dream, honestly. I don't think there are any authors out there who wouldn't love that.
Anyway, maybe I will give it a shot? I mean, it's not going to hurt, right? At the very least some progress will be made.
But for now, my distraction from when I was feeling antsy ended up working a little too well, and I find myself absorbed in a new game. I'm off to go play it, so bye for now~
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peggy-uwu · 10 months
was supposed to be sleeping but was suddenly struck with inspo for 2 diff animations so I have to get up to scribble a storyboard down for them both before I fall asleep and forget them
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miss-stereo · 1 year
Aight guys who would you choose
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