#but good GOD do yall try to bring it to life
spliffymae · 6 months
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forgotten connie drabble (18+ mdni)
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
you moved to the side once you were inside, coming in behind the man of the hour himself. sasha had been running rampant to throw him an amazing surprise party. and you were in on it, tasked with bringing connie home from work and acting as if you know nothing about what the current day was.
which proved to be hard the second connie got into your car after putting his bag in the back seat. “ahh shit! they got mi cielita to take me out. where we going, mami?” connie was grinning ear to ear as he looked at you, dimples popping below red freckled cheeks.
he was so cute, and you were gonna hate to do this but, “what’re you on about, springer?” you scrunched your face up in confusion at him. you then quickly looked ahead to pull out the parking lot. if you looked at him for too long you were sure you’d crack.
connie rolled his eyes, not buying your ignorance. “oh stop that, y’know what i’m talking bout.” he said as he buckled himself in and then reclined the passenger seat.
with the strongest will you could muster, you kept up the confusion, looking back at him and with a quirked brow, “you got a game or sum?” you asked, knowing damn well he had nothing going on today. his birthday happened to land on the off day for ball practice AND track practice, not to mention he didn’t have class either.
now, when sasha told you to act like you forgot that his birthday was today, she failed to mention to you that it was something connie’s mother had done plenty of times in his life…not as a joke, though.
connie really cared about four women in his life: you, sasha, his little sister, and his mom. so you forgetting his day took a pin to his bubble and popped the fuck out of it. he didn’t dwell on the subject anymore, changing to now talk about your days. however, connie was feeling down on the inside. all his friends had wished him a happy birthday either via call, text, or social media post. have you not been on your phone today?
when you pulled up to his and sasha’s shared apartment, you flashed him a smile but it was not reciprocated. connie was staring ahead, zoned out in thought. so much so he doesn’t feel you turn the car off or hear you call his name.
“con” you pushed his shoulder slightly, getting him to snap out of his own head.
“we’re at your place. is it cool if i come up to use the bathroom?” you usually wouldn’t say anything and invite yourself into his apartment. days when you’d get him we’re days you set aside to hang with him. but today seems to be different. connie wondered if you had made plans that made you forget about his birthday.
“uh yeah, sure.” he said lowly. he reached back to grab his backpack and with that, got out the car. you could see the defeat in his walk towards the doors. he was mumbling to himself, more times trying to dissect what the hell was going on with you. because you wouldn’t just forget, right?
you got out the car and sped walk to catch up, sending sasha a quick text to let her know yall were back. you also cussed her for telling you to do this to connie, knowing how pouty he gets.
the walk to the elevator was quite, along with you two getting off at his floor and going to his apartment. however, before connie turned the key he put into the lock, he turned to you. his eyes were glossed over and cheeks dusted with a crimson red. he was chewing on his bottom lip, hazel eyes filled with worry. “did i do something, mami? you mad at me?”
and oh my god you wanted to break the act right there…but you were RIGHT THERE.
you blinked, “what do you mean, con? why would i be?” you wanted him to just open the door. once he opened the door you could drop the act, you could give him all the birthday love you were holding in since midnight.
connie let out a sigh and turned back around, giving up on the matter and turning the lock to go in. the day was no longer felt good. what good was a birthday if the one person he wanted to spend it with forgot about it?
when the door opened, connie walked inside and turned on the light and was immediately met with screams, cheers, and camera lights in his face.
which brings us here, to where he freezes and looks around at his friends from his basketball team, work, childhood, and sasha standing in the middle with a cake.
connie spent a good couple seconds taking everything in, he was slightly embarrassed to say once he believed you had forgotten he immediately forgot the day, choosing to just wallow in his room as he smoked a spliff.
you took a step forward, hands behind your back and coming up on his right. “happy birthday, connie.” you bumped him with your hip, once again snapping him out of his own head and bringing him back to the present.
the big, toothy smile he had in your car came back, now decorated with deep dimples and eyes watery with tears of appreciation.
just as he was about to say something to you, jean pulled him away, leaving you two with an unfinished conversation.
•  .°•
you were talking to sasha in the kitchen as connie was socializing with all his guests. he hadn’t had the chance to come back to you just yet, but you weren’t worried. you didn’t plan on going anywhere.
“i told you! he’s so brain dead when it comes to you that he’ll completely forget everything. did you see how lost he looked when he saw us?” sasha was so happy that her plan had turned out well. she knew her best friend well enough to know it wasn’t going to take a lot to get his mind off his literal day of birth. not when you were the one thing that stayed on his mind and could pull his attention from anything.
you playfully rolled your eyes, “i still hated seeing how sad he looked. why didn’t you tell me i was damn near triggering him?!” you were nursing your second cup of a mimosa, slightly tipsy.
sasha giggled. she, on the other hand, had been four shots in from when you guys came in. “i forgot. but it’s all good now. oop—here he comes.” before you knew it, sasha had stepped away and now connie was in your space.
his eyes were low and bloodshot, having just come back from a hotbox with his guys in the car. “mami, you really are sum special.” he grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and pulling you to be flush against him.
you smiled, “sasha made me, pa. you know i would never forget your day.” you traced his lips with your finger, your acrylic nail going along his prominent cupids bow. connie held your hand still and kissed your finger, then moved your hand so it was at the back of his head. it brought you closer into his space, his cologne taking over your senses. he loweeeed his head to touch yours, looking in your eyes.
“¿dónde está mi regalo, princesa? his hands trailed up from your waist to your back, to your elbow and then shoulder. he tucked one of your locs behind your ear, staring at you as if you held both the moon and the stars. “i been dying to unwrap it” his eyes were scanning all over your face, taunting you with his hidden meaning.
“quiero mi pastel, ma. soy hambriento.” he undid the button with ease, bringing you to gasp and instinctively grip the small curls on the back of his neck.
“later.” you said softly, giving him a sweet smile to match. but connie smirked with wickedness, red eyes gleaming of mischief. his hand trailed back down to the waistband of your baggy pants.
“c-con.” you could feel his long and slender fingers pad over your core. he pressed his index and his middle against your clit, sending a jolt up your spine. “this party’s for you.” you bit your lip when you felt him move them in a circular motion, the wetness of your pussy dampening your panties.
“it’s my birthday, right? i can do whatever i want, right?” you were gonna answer, but then he pushed your panties to the side. he had rubbed your lips to collect your slick on his fingers, and slowly began to push them inside of you. your mouth opened, but no words came out.
“oh princesa, did you forget how to talk? just like how you forgot papi’s birthday?” he tsked, shaking his head, “made me so sad. y’know” the force of his thrusts picked up, knocking you back to grip the edge of the counter behind up. “a mean joke you guys pulled on me.”
“pa…i-i can’t be quiet” you panicked, looking at connie with worrisome eyes. he knew you were a screamer, fuck it was what he loved about you. pleasure would overwhelm you quick and all your composure would go flying out the window. you got animalistic when you’d approach your peak, and connie never missed the chance to see it. but today, you were doing your best to show restraint the clench of your jaw let him know you really wanted to get it out but were resisting.
connie took his other hand to rub a thumb on your clit, turning his ears off to anything that wasn’t your faulty breaths or straggled moans. “hm…guess i forgot.”
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bucks-babe · 6 months
More Virgin Bucky
Pairing: Virgin!Bucky 
Summary: Bucky jerks off to the memory of your movie night
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: male masturbation, mention of past blowjob, Bucky is a horny boy, reader is not in this one but he thinks about them
A/N: The part two that a lot of yall wanted. Am I a tease? Yes. Bucky does not lose his v-card in this one. BUT I will write a part three I promise. I want to corrupt this man so bad. Also, I wrote this in like an hour sooo. Part of the Virgin!Bucky series but can be read alone
One week. Actually eight days and five hours, but Bucky is the only one counting. That’s how long it's been since you sucked the sense out of your boyfriend. It has taken every ounce of control Bucky has to not ask you to do it again. It’s all he thinks about ever since that night.
He would be embarrassed if you knew, but in all fairness, you did this to him. You effectively made him malfunction. Bucky has been fucking his fist practally every night, replaying the best moment of his life. How your mouth wrapped around him perfectly, the slight gagging sounds, and don’t even get him started on how you looked up at him. 
And when you told him to cum in your mouth? Fuck! His cock pulses at the memory. Bucky is a greedy man - he wants more. He wants you to suck his cock again, maybe you’ll suck on his ball this time, get them all wet and slobbery, make him cum without even touching his cock. 
For the past few days of his incessant horniness, he’s been thinking about something else, too. It always starts out with you, his throbbing cock in your mouth, but there is a shift, you on the bed with his head between your legs. He never gets very far into this fantasy before he cums all over his hand and chest. Something about eating you out has him cumming in seconds.
But Bucky can’t bring himself to ask for what he wants. He’s too embarrassed; no one in the 40’s ever talked about eating their girl’s pussy. He wasn’t completely ignorant to the fact that women’s pleasure wasn’t important to men back then, but Bucky didn’t know if what he wanted was normal, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to ask.
As he lies in bed, once again Bucky feels his cock harden in his pants. Luckily for his pride, he’s alone in bed, and nothing is stopping his flesh hand from inching toward his crotch. His balls are so heavy and full even though he jerked himself off twice the night before, cumming so much he had to change the sheets. 
Grabbing his erection, Bucky hissed in pleasure. No matter how many times he’s touched himself this past week, he is still a sensitive baby when it comes to his cock. “Fuck, doll, touch my cock, just like that.” Bucky lets his mind wander to his go to fantasy. He imagines you between his legs, that the hand rubbing his dick is your soft palms and not his callused one.
His hips jerk off the bed, chasing friction of his hand through his boxers. “Go ahead, doll, take it out.” When you aren’t there, Bucky is in charge, making himself feel good, directing you in his fantasy. But can’t help himself but let you take charge when he’s with you. He just gets so nervous, not wanting to let you down and never experiencing pleasure so intense. 
He’s trying to take this slow, drawing his pleasure out, but, hell, you make him so damn horny that he just can’t help but push his boxers down to his thighs, past his heavy balls, and ignores the wet spot on his underwear from his weeping head.
Using his precum, Bucky wraps his hand around his head and slowly pulls his hand down to his base. “Oh, God! Just like that!” He has to squeeze his base to stop himself from cumming at the first stroke of this hand.
Scrambling, he pushes his boxers down to his ankles and spreads his legs, “doll, touch my balls, get them nice and wet.” His metal hand cups his ever growing sack, “shit, yeah that feels fucking great! You feel how heavy they are? All that cum is going down your throat tonight. You hear me, doll?” 
With his metal hand still on his balls, he uses his flesh hand on his cock, imagining your lips instead, you slobbering over his cock, not his precum lubing it. “So good with your mouth, you know that? You’re such a fucking slut.” His thumb traces over the thick vein right under the head of this cock and has Bucky calling you a slut, something he didn’t even know he’d be into, but once that image was in his head he had to take his hand off his cock; he didn’t want to cum just yet. Not when he just started.
Taking deep breaths, Bucky tries to calm himself down, but imaginary you climbs up his body and Bucky knows this is the end. “Sit on my face, doll, and let me eat your pussy.” He closes his eyes for this part, because Bucky has never seen your pussy before, he wonders if you are sporting a bush like the women in his old porn mags did, or if you shave, or wax, Bucky doesn’t give a shit. 
He’s never tasted a cunt before, and has nothing to base it on, but the thought of your entire weight on his face, smothering him with your pussy, makes the most pornographic moan leave his mouth and cum shoots out of his tip without him touching it.
He cums for what feels like minutes before he finally stops and he lays back against his pillow, not having the energy to clean himself off before he falls asleep. He needs to taste your pussy and soon. 
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ma1dita · 4 months
play pretend
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a ‘partners in crime’ installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 5.1k (holy shit)
summary: (established relationship…at the end of it lol) suggestive in nature but sfw , underage drinking what do you expect from a dionysus!kid, mentions of vomit The one where Mr. D catches you two in the act, but you and him aren't exactly together yet. Everyone knows you two are together except the both of you, apparently. It’s hard to not run away from something good. (luke castellan x dionysus!reader)
a/n: happy first i love you to you and luke! yall are together now! crazy! thanks for being patient during my lil vacay :)) its been a little over a month since i started the trouble!verse!! ilysm
(posted 2/23 betad by my one and only @mrsaluado )
There’s something you’ve always loved about mornings.
Waking up with the first rays of light peeking through your window, the sun’s arms stretched around your sleepy frame pressing warm, featherlike kisses across the expanse of your back.
It almost feels real. 
Apollo must be feeling generous today, the heat of a warm breath brushing against your neck, and your alarm sounding an awful lot like soft snores. You ought to get up and close the blinds; it’s too damn bright. But your weighted blanket feels immensely heavier this morning as it envelopes your senses—smelling of citrus, musk, and a tangible dream of last night that seems to have stayed in bed with you. As soon as you try to untangle your legs from below the covers, warmth presses you deeper into the mattress with a…familiar sigh.
Your eyes pop open.
Quick and calculated, your eyes survey the surroundings of your room—the mop of licorice tresses nestled against the crook of your neck, both of your clothes scattered on the floor, as well as the alarm clock and a few other things knocked off your nightstand from Luke’s enthusiasm. The quiet of the morning is quickly disrupted when you hear two pairs of little hands pounding on your door, and for a moment you wonder if this is one of those hyper-realistic dreams that you don’t want to wake up from.
“Sissy! You missed breakfast,” Pollux bellows as Castor continues to slap his palms on the wood like a bongo drum.
The sheets start rustling as you squirm out of Luke’s grasp, bumping against the muscular ridges of his torso which brings him back to consciousness.
“Be out in a minute!” you slur against his shoulder, and he opens his eyes blearily at the sight of you sprawled over him to try to reach the alarm clock on the ground. As his eyes focus he can’t help but admire the planes of your body, soft and pretty in the morning light like a painting come to life. Waking up in one’s company has never felt more right, even with the usual chatter of campers wafting through the open window. Here in the swaddle of pink and purple sheets, you two are something singular—not camp counselors with jobs to do, not demigods wanting to achieve glory, just your angelface and his trouble. 
It’s intimate, even if it doesn’t have a label, him and you.
His large hand catches you at the plush of your tummy when you almost topple off the bed.
“Shit. Shit! They’re not kidding—Luke, it’s 9:30!”
You fling yourself upwards and off of him, clambering to find clothes from your dresser and tossing him his from the day prior. His belt buckle almost hits him in the eye and he groans, flinching as it smacks him in the cheek.
“Gods, woman. You think camp will crumble because you slept in for once?” 
The glare you throw in his direction is his answer, so Luke slowly tugs his pants on–though he quickly gets distracted by a half-dressed vision of you rummaging around your room.
He grins like a little kid in a candy store, and to that, you throw his shoe at him. 
Too bad you’re in deep shit for sleeping in.
Screaming at the closed door as you throw some shorts on, you spin around and bump into Luke who’s already got his hands around your waist as his nose nudges the space between your jaw and your neck.
“You were supposed to leave before daybreak,” you sigh, a smile creeping onto your lips, “if you did as you were told, I wouldn’t have slept in.” Fake annoyance leaks through your voice though he knows it not to be true, he wouldn’t be able to latch onto you like this if you were. His nose continues to graze up towards your ear as he presses a kiss behind it—like how you both deal with your feelings and the truth nowadays, a hidden secret kept for both of your eyes only.
“Dunno trouble…I can get used to waking up next to you,” he mumbles. You can feel the imprint of his smile searing into your skin.
Is this what going into cardiac arrest feels like? Genuine question.
You’ve both been sneaking around for the past few weeks, but neither of you has made anything official. They say it’s easier to fall for a friend rather than a stranger—to know someone so intimately (and now in more ways than one) should make falling the easy part. 
But that’s kind of the problem. 
Luke is your best friend—both knowing how the other feels from a single glance, so pray tell to all the gods on Olympus, why has this boy not asked you out yet? Whether this is all for fun or anything resembling a four-letter word that makes your brain go fuzzy, you think you’d rather swim in the Styx instead of putting yourself at a disadvantage. Love is scary, even if it’s Luke. 
Especially since it’s Luke.
His words make you stop in your tracks and you can hear your heart pounding in your ears, so you’re not dead… But the noise turns out to be one of the twins banging on the door again, and now you look like an asshole for taking too long to respond. Luke’s awkwardly looking at you now, tongue in cheek.
“Last warning,” one of your brothers teasingly croons, before the other continues, “Dad’s almost at the door! Your boyfriend’s gotta go or he’s dead…”
Your eyes widen in fear and Luke loosens his grip on your waist, unsure if you look like you’ve seen a ghost at the thought of him being called your boyfriend or the very real possibility of getting caught by your dad.
What a way to go, you two.
“Get out. You gotta go now, out the window!” 
You start pushing him towards the windowpane, your palms pressing against his marked-up and very bare back. 
Holy shit, he still doesn’t have a shirt and he looks like he got mauled by a hellhound. 
You can practically see the grapevines start to flourish outside your window. 
He’s too close for comfort, way too damn close, you think, but can’t reason if you mean Luke or your dad.
He straddles the open window, and Luke doesn’t know what to feel about you pushing him away—it’s a feeling that’s foreign to him since he’s always by your side. 
“Sorry. I’ll make it up to you later angelface,” you mumble, pulling him in for a mind-numbing kiss that almost makes him slip off the rain gutter, and by the time you’ve already closed the window he realizes he’s shirtless in broad daylight, feet hopping off the siding of the cabin.
This couldn’t get any worse (oh but it does in a second), and you’re definitely the asshole this time around.
Your dad barges into your room by the time you throw a shirt on.
“Kid, what the hell? You sick?” 
Mr. D furrows his brows at the sight of you, face flushed as you simper up a lie about your head hurting. It’s weak for an excuse and even if you usually don’t have a tell—he’s the master of this game, so he pretends to not notice you chuck a shirt out the window when you open it to make it less stuffy. 
He raises an eyebrow in disapproval when you both notice your shirt is too big on you.
Oh, he’s onto you, applying heat like a brand to make his only daughter squirm; Mr. D peeks out the window to see a certain Luke Castellan stomping across the path wearing your cropped camp tee—and concludes that if there’s anyone in hot water right now, Luke must be drowning in it.
Acting natural is a bit harder for you today, and it feels like a cruel and unusual punishment worth the deepest pit of the Underworld as you scribble words onto a page that won’t even be comprehensible once you read them after this meeting is over. You’ve been catching up on work all day (also known as the impossible task of avoiding Luke) to show your dad you haven’t been slacking off. But a late start meant you fumbled through your day and it was obvious to everyone that you were off your game. Archery ran into javelin throwing, capture the flag teams weren’t ready and had to be made on the spot, there were no new shipments delivered to the camp store, and the infirmary ran out of ambrosia— which were all things that you were expected to coordinate.
Gods, you’re getting too old for this shit.
And if you, the head counselor everyone depends on, is off her game, well—everyone’s on edge. The Stolls even dared to ask you if the world was ending today and you were less than impressed.
Being in love sure feels like it is.
The only thing left to get through is this counselor’s meeting before the party tonight at Fireworks Beach, and you’ll damn yourself to Tartarus if you can’t even get that right. You’re a Dionysus kid, so partying is in your blood. Party planning is your favorite hobby, and to be real, you deserve a drink after today.
Speaking of your father, he’s jabbering on about something you find yourself not particularly interested in, but well…someone’s gotta listen. Charles is dozing off at the table, and Lee jabs him in the side. You see Silena braiding Clarisse’s hair out of the corner of your periphery. And of course, out of all of them, there’s Luke who’s been trying to steal your attention for the past 30 minutes. Black ink smears across the page as you find yourself having every thought that ends supplemented with the memory of how Luke looked at you as he climbed out of your window this morning.
Could he actually want more? 
The all-star camper, Luke Castellan— camp’s best soldier who’s envied by many and admired by all…wants to wake up next to you. You, the camp director’s daughter who keeps everyone in line and is seen more as authority instead of a person with feelings. You’re not always feared, but in a camp for demigod kids who’d rather hone their powers instead of lose special privileges for skipping class, you’re not exactly their favorite either. Once, someone said they’d rather face Mr. D instead of you.
“That doesn’t make sense, we’re supposed to send in the next progress report to Olympus before the last day of the month. That’s Wednesday, D. So it should be by the Sunday before,” you butt in after a statement your dad makes about scheduling. 
All eyes are on you now— it’s the first time you’ve spoken up during tonight’s meeting which was out of character in itself, but your father catches you off guard when the sound of his booming laughter spreads across the room like dynamite tearing through a battlefield.
“Says who? We’ve got enough time,” The god remarks, a strange sheen in his eyes that reflects into yours. He’s on your ass a bit more today, pointing out your flaws from the day and making it his mission to get on your nerves. Few mortals would undermine a god, and though you do it daily to spite him for your existence, your confidence is lower today than it usually is—the reason being a boy with amber eyes boring into your soul from across the table. Everything else pales in comparison now, almost fading into the background, and even here in the hot seat you can’t help but think about if Luke could ever fall for someone like you.
You’re venturing into dangerous territory, you tell yourself, you’ve been hurt before.
It hurts less somehow when you’re cautious. To prepare oneself to be hurt is a defense mechanism ingrained in you—your mom raised you to always be ready for anything. Your self-identity has always been skewed by others’ perceptions. Mirroring the memory of your late mother’s ideals, exemplifying your actions through your immortal father’s personality, you find that fighting your bloodline is one of the most difficult things to come to terms with. A thought passes in your brain that you’ve taken after the worst of them—your mother’s ambition and your father’s unpredictability. 
And who would want to love someone so difficult? 
Tough love is the only way you know how to love. Perhaps someone as good as Luke deserves better than this.
“It’ll be less to worry about that way,” you swallow, and the other counselors sit back in their seats as tension fills the air, signaling another disagreement about to start between your father and you.
“Good thing you don’t have to worry about it since it’s my job, right, kid? Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today doesn’t mean you can change things to better fit your schedule instead of the rest of ours.”
Mr. D scowls, and then again maybe you’re too much like your father—too brash, too mouthy, and self-serving, and your eyes meet Luke’s again as your mouth pulls into a bitter smile.
“It’s the first and last time it’ll ever happen. Gods know I don’t get sick days around here picking up after you,” you spit out harshly, words coming out like acid.
“Just saying kid. Haven’t seen you this careless in years— Maybe check yourself before telling us what to do, yeah?”
Your father’s words have a double meaning as he stares into your soul, glancing between you and Luke, who is none the wiser, still focused on you. Annabeth is holding his hand under the table as you watch his jaw flex. He can see right through the shoddy performance you put on of having it all together.
Does everyone know? 
Your lips pucker as you roll your neck from locking, and a humorless laugh slips from you. Everyone else’s eyes are on Luke, who looks like he’s about to jump across the table and wring a god’s neck. 
“Whatever. I’m not doing this today,” you grumble, feeling overwhelmed. The chair screeches against the wood of the floor as you push yourself up, fists stained with ink and clenched in teenage angst as you walk to the door to make a quick escape. 
Your father crosses his arms smugly at the success of getting under your skin, and the last words you hear as you leave are, “You never want to hear the truth, kid. Must you always be so…. you?”
Your steps falter for a moment, feeling heavier knowing he’s right so you let go of the door to let it slam it behind you. There’s a commotion inside after you leave but you couldn’t be bothered to give a damn. It’s time to party and you’re sure as hell getting drunk, high, or both tonight.
It takes about two cups of wine for the inebriation to start kicking into Luke’s system. He’d never been much of a drinker, but with the way you’re throwing your head back at Lee’s jokes as he plays the guitar, he thinks he should drink a bit more to forget the fear in your eyes this morning and how Lee keeps touching your waist.
He’s been suspended from counselor duties for the rest of the month for mouthing off at Mr. D in your defense, and even if Annabeth tells him he’s lucky to have not met a worse fate, the way things played out today makes him feel like the most unlucky guy at camp. Fuck the gods, or at least…fuck your dads (that doesn’t sound right, but he’s too busy watching the moonlight glint against your skin that whatever his ex is whispering next to him goes in one ear and out the other). 
“Lukey?” Skye mumbles against his neck, “I miss you…you’re always busy doing who knows what!”
Well… she has a name, Luke thinks, taking a big gulp of whatever’s left in his cup as his eyes follow you across the beach. You’re dancing around the bonfire spinning a tipsy Clarisse who laughs without a care in the world. He thinks you’re the best of your parents—determined to achieve your goals, selfless when it comes to others’ needs, and passionate about what you want. Mr. D will never get to see this side of you—the one you show your friends and this place you all call home. He’ll never be deserving of the work you put into Camp Half-Blood (and to some extent, Luke knows he doesn’t deserve you either).
A dejected sigh brushes warm air against his shoulder.
“You know, Castellan. I wish I met you first,” the blond daughter of Athena slurs with tears forming in her eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
“The two of you have always… it’s always been you and her. Even if you both don’t want to admit it. It’s not fair,” she hiccups. Luke pulls the cup out of his ex-lover’s hand and she shakes her head.
“Skye, you’re drunk. I’ll take you back to 6.”
“You really don’t see it do you?” Her hands grapple onto Luke’s shirt like she’s pulling him down and pleading for him to understand.
“That girl is in love with you. The both of you are meant for each other—and you’re both spending too much time trying to fight fate. The rest of us aren’t as lucky, but we sure as hell aren’t stupid.”
There’s a moment of clarity that hits as he looks into Skye’s eyes, and he scratches the back of his neck.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I meant what I said when we broke up a few years ago. You’re both always looking for each other, even if you don’t know it. Just meet in the middle already, for gods’ sake…I’ll be okay,” she sighs, sitting up on the log they were resting on. 
“Your girlfriend is sure as hell to give me a hangover worth her title of being Dionysus’ kid in the morning anyways,” she mutters, kissing Luke on his cheek as a farewell. But out of all of the things to catch your attention that night, Luke’s blush glows in the light of the fire, and he watches you frown and stomp off toward the forest.
For being the son of the god of luck, his dad really won’t give him a break.
It didn’t help that Skye suddenly started projectile vomiting seconds after you left (off of her only cup of wine; wonder how that happened).
Luke fights through his growing intoxication on the walk back towards the cabins, but boy are you difficult when you’re angry—you’ve always had a profound effect on his being, even more so with your powers. He makes a wrong turn somewhere through the woods, completely missing the cabins, which he doesn’t realize until he stumbles across the path leading to the Big House. When his eyes focus, he spots Mr. D sipping on a glass as he leans on the railing of the front porch. Be calm and don’t act drunk, Luke tells himself, but all of his concentration goes into not swaying in front of the god of wine that he can’t stop the words from coming out of his mouth.
“Good evening, um…sir.”
“Kid, it’s 3 in the morning. What the hell are you doing here? Gods know it’s not my window you’re trying to climb up. You’re a bit of a ways off.”
Now what the fuck was he supposed to say to that?
Luke freezes in his spot (in reality he bumps into the first wooden step and sticks a hand out to steady himself against the railing).
“Are you drunk?”
Mr. D looks at him knowingly like it’s almost funny to him, eyebrows furrowed and head quirked like he can sniff it off of him. He probably can, now that Luke thinks really hard about it.
“I’m not gonna answer that because I think you know the answer already,” the son of Hermes words carefully, but nothing smart can come of this. It’s like playing chess with checkers, and Dionysus of all gods would know—no breathalyzer needed.
There’s a beat of silence, before Mr. D says, “I’m gonna give you another chance to–”
“Yes, I’m drunk, but it’s not trouble’s fault—it’s mine!” he blabbers, walking closer to your father. 
“She’s mad at me for defending her from you earlier besides the fact I act stupid around her and I only had a few cups, I swear, but she’s…your daughter is…extraordinary.”
“Your daughter makes me feel drunk, sir. Even without the wine. I don’t know what to do with myself, just please don’t get mad at her. She has a lot more to lose…” He feels pathetic in all sense of the word, rubbing at his eyes until Mr. D snaps his fingers and the alcohol blanket lifts from his senses. Like a bucket of cold water splashed onto his spine, Luke is suddenly very awake, and all too embarrassed for the waterfall of words he’s told your father.
“I didn’t know she knew how to do that yet. She’s learning quickly.” Mr. D looks out into the distance, the dim light of the cabins acting like a beacon of light in the middle of the campgrounds.
Luke wrings his hands, picking at his thumbs and he’s sure he’s about to get kicked out of camp for his behavior, much less the fact that he’s been fraternizing with the director’s daughter.
“Sometimes I think she knows too much.” He licks his lips, awkwardly standing next to the god and wondering if the dark liquid in his cup is wine.
“Do you think I don’t know that, Luke? Do you really think I don’t know about the parties? I let her have her fun too you know— I'm the one that keeps Chiron asleep. She doesn’t ask for much. I know I give her a hard time. I’m just….” 
There are a few things about Mr. D’s statement that surprise Luke: the fact that he actually knows his name, how he safeguards his daughter’s interests, and the possibility of a god actually knowing how to be a good parent. 
It still doesn’t take away from the countless times he’s seen you put yourself down because of your father, the inadequacy you feel from the responsibilities you take on, and how you’d do anything for simple applause. Tough love is still love with a heavy hand. And it leaves bruises, whether he meant it or not.
“Is that why you’ve never sent her on an actual quest? We all know picking up the twins doesn’t count in the grand scheme of things.”
“For what? To achieve glory? Recognition? I never understood why we Olympians do that. Send children off to their deaths to deserve a moment of their godrent’s time, or a gift to shut them up. I don’t need her to be a hero, she doesn’t have anything she needs to prove to me. I need her to be my daughter, and preferably alive. That’s enough for me.”
Luke takes a step back in disbelief. There’s something in his being that yearns to be loved like that, without having to prove it or needing to deserve it. It hurts almost, the way he wants to be loved like your family loves you. Your father, an Olympian, standing in front of him telling him that your existence is enough to be worthy of his presence. In the silence that follows, Luke wonders if he’ll ever have that.
“You should tell her that more often, sir.”
“Listen. She’s a good kid, I just give her a hard time because it’s hard to get attached to you mortals. Your lives are so short compared to the infinite timeline I live. I can do everything in my power to try to keep her safe, but I can’t stop her from leaving. So don’t blame me if I act like an asshole if it’ll keep her here for a bit longer. I’ll take all the time I can get.”
“Then how do I tell her I love her with without either of us running away?”
Mr. D laughs loudly now, his wrinkles crinkling as liquid sloshes out of his cup. It turns out to be grape juice you left out for him before the party.
“Mortals always busy themselves with trivial things, like pride and sorrow. Pandora’s box left you humans with nothing but hope. I say you swallow the negative and just say it how it is. You’ll have a lot more time being happier together that way. I already lost my bet against some of the counselors anyway.”
“What bet?”
Your dad swats at Luke like he’s a dog to kick, and tosses his glass over his shoulder where it disappears in the night air.
“Get off my porch Castellan, and just know if you hurt her…” 
“I’d die before that happens, sir.”
“That would hurt her most of all. Think about what that means. For gods’ sake she’s left her light on for you, so go on before I set the harpies on you. And don’t call me sir, it freaks me out. You’re still not special to me.” Mr. D stalks back inside the Big House, and Luke takes that as his cue to leave. The cold night air pushes him back towards the cabins, the light in your window luring him in like a ship lost at sea.
“I know you’re still awake, trouble.”
You hear him move closer to the bed as you keep your eyes shut, evening out your breaths, but you’re never able to hide anything from Luke anymore.
“I thought I closed that window,” you mumble, turning your face more towards your pillow.
“You didn’t.”
Of course, you didn’t. You were hoping he’d chase after you this time around, even if you made him drunk in more ways than one.
“Skye keep you busy?” you say nonchalantly, and you hear Luke laugh as he tugs your duvet off of you.
“Your dad did, actually,” he says grinning, watching your eyes pop open in confusion as you turn and face him, propping yourself up on your knees.
“What the fuck?”
“You could’ve gotten me kicked out y’know? Stumbled onto his porch telling him about how drunk you make me feel even without a drop of alcohol and how I don’t know what the fuck to do with myself when I’m around you.”
“You shouldn’t be so brave to fight gods like that for me. Even if it’s my dad, Castellan,” you whisper, and he kneels next to your bed so he can look at you in the eyes from an equal standpoint. Because that’s what the two of you are— equal, singular, one and the same. And he’s never made you feel less than, even if your brain tries to convince you of it.
“Stop that,” he scoffs, shaking his head as he grabs your hands, “stop calling me my last name like it detaches you from how you feel about me. I want you to stop pretending when it's just you and me,” he pleads, whispering your name so softly that the sound of it brushes against your lips.
There’s something more intimate in the way he looks at you now compared to when you were naked and nestled against him this past morning. The act of knowing that it’s you and him, no matter how hard you try to fight it.
His knuckle brushes against your jaw, pushing your eyes to look back into his, and you can’t deny him any longer.
“Hey. I love you, and I know you feel the same; I'm tired of you acting like you're not and I’m going crazy he—”
His words are halted by your lips surging forward to meet him in the middle. The culmination of years of friendship has brought you to this special moment frozen in time, and sure, demigods die young but this must be what he’ll see in Elysium. If there’s a single memory he can bring with him to his next life, he hopes it’s this one—the taste of you and how it feels to be loved like this, without question or reason. You pull away with a sweet smile and he feels drunk again.
“You’re my best friend, angelface,” you mumble.
Okay, now that sobered him up faster than it should have.
Luke stiffens, his hands falling to your thighs as he starts to ramble, “If you’re actually friendzoning me right now I might just roll out of your window and feed myself to a harpy.”
The laugh that comes out of you booms across the room as you wrap your arms around him with a radiant smile. You always have so much to say, but right now only three words come to mind. Five vowels, three consonants, and the gravity of it pushes out of your mouth like there’s no better truth to tell.
“I love you. I think I’ve been in love with you even before I liked you and I’m sorry I’ve been too scared to say it. I’m not used to…”
Luke sighs in relief, as he presses his scarred cheek against your shoulder. 
“You think I’m not scared of us either, trouble? I worship the ground you walk on, and everyone can see that.”
“Well I’m not a god, Luke,” you say tugging him up by his mop of curls as your legs wrap around him.
“Sometimes when I’m with you, I think you’re the closest thing to it,” he whispers, pulling your chin down for another kiss until you both get your fill. He thinks he can kiss you forever until the end of your short lives, until it’s senseless and maddening, like falling into a drunken stupor. Loving you is an experience he’ll never be able to rid himself of, heart stained with the best of you until both your fingertips are red and raw with the feeling.
You pull him back into your bed as your giggles fill the early morning air. He’s quickly becoming what you love most about waking up in the morning.
Chris Rodriguez wakes up to the sound of the morning birds and chattering children in the busy cabin 11. As he rubs at his eyes, ready to take on the day as an interim cabin counselor for the rest of the month because of Luke’s suspension, sunlight falls onto the one empty bunk in the corner of the room (Fact: There is never an empty bed in the Hermes cabin. Also a fact: he and Chiron will be able to cash in against the other counselors as fast as his feet can take him to the Big House).
“To love someone is firstly to confess; I’m prepared to be devastated by you.” Billy Ray Belcourt
ask to be added to luke/general taglists!
luke taglist (some won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @nininehaaa @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun @lilacspider @theadventuresofanartist @sucker4seresin @simpforsunwoo @zanzie @starrystormwritings
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tojisun · 7 months
Toxic biker Simon could text “u up” at like 2 am on a Sunday and I’d be like yes SIR 🫡 your works are amazing 🥰🥰
MY GOODNESS HWKDJEJ THIS GOT ME HOWLINGGG but no yea im actually so pumped at seeing yalls reaction to toxic biker!simon drabble!! like this is making me immensely giddy and a lil worried but also thats hypocritical of me bc i too would so do this :’>
and thank you sooo much omg <333!!!
i rambled and this is kinda dark so tw!!
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totally didnt mean to spiral but toxic biker simon def guilt trips you into leaving any function for him ://
you’re out with your girlfriends? simon messages you that he’s outside of your dorms right now because he misses you, and that it’d be amazing if you can invite him up. you message back saying you’re not even there then he goes, “that’s fine, i’ll wait.” and of fucking course you don’t wanna make anyone wait outside at ten in the fucking evening, especially when the weather is tipping into negatives, so you begrudgingly say goodbyes to your friends and trudge back to your dorms. simon greets you with a nod, his greedy hand grabbing a fistful of your ass and you try to be annoyed at him but you both know that you can’t wait to touch him. well, your travel back home ends up running longer than simon’s visit—he came by for a ‘quickie,’ him rutting his cock along your pussy literally just by your dorm room door. then he comes in your panties, kisses you breathless, then he’s off. you are still panting and debauched when simon snatches his helmet and walks out of your room, leaving you heaving as you press yourself onto the wall, trying not to sob.
or imagine when you’re with your parents? simon’s invited because of fucking course he is. your dad adores the man, talking about how simon and him are like brothers—which, gross. and simon, for once, doesn’t bring a date and that’s only because he’s turned to teasing you as the dinner goes on. he’s sitting beside you at the dinner table, just in front of your parents, pretending to listen to whatever they’re talking about as though his warm palm isn’t sliding along your thigh, teasing higher and higher until his fingers toy with the hems of your skirt. when simon does slip his hand underneath your skirt to cup your damp pussy, you jolt, your utensils slipping from your hands and clattering onto the table. your mother frowns in worry but you tell her that you’re just jumpy tonight because of your looming deadlines and simon, the fucking culprit, just laughs and goes, “well aren’t you such a studious girl?” and he smiles down at you like he is oh-so fucking proud, all the while his hand teases your clit and slit once more before pulling his hand away as though he’s done nothing. later, when dinner is over and simon had returned to ignoring you, you try to drag him towards the guest washroom just to finish what he started but simon just pinches his lips, shakes you off of him, and then bids you all a good night before leaving. you stand by the door, nails digging into your palms as you ball your fists in your heartbreak, listening to the rev of his bike in the garage until it fades into nothing—a sign that he’s truly left.
or think about when you finally get a date? someone who’s close to your age and who you see everyday—a classmate or a coworker perhaps—and who adores you the way you should be. all of a sudden, simon’s back in your life. all of sudden he’s affectionate, he’s loving, he’s gentle. all of a sudden he’s promising you things and buying you gifts and offering to drive you on his bike.
(…and god you are so weak so you turn down your classmate or coworker for simon.)
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466 notes · View notes
veras1ne · 8 months
I had SO much fun writing this fic!! I’m so sorry it was delayed a little, there were some time constrictions and I’d much rather give you guys a late fic than a rushed and poorly written one. Anyways, Enjoy!! I can’t wait to see yall on the 31st 🦢 🫧
✰Pairing´ˎ˗📀: Anakin Skywalker x AFAB!Bimbo!Reader
✰ ‧₊˚ Summary 🦢: Anakin was out on a mission, leaving you home alone and an opportunity to hit the town. Nightclubs and dancing sounded perfect until he finds his way back home early.
✰ ;➛ WARNINGS🫧: THIS IS AN 18+ SMUT FANFIC. I am NOT responsible for the media you read and consume! Your warnings are the following: Smut, PIV, Fingering, Cum-Stuffing, Anakin being a master manipulator, Slutshaming, Degrading, Use of She/Her, Mentions of Breeding/Pregnancy, squirting, but no explicit mention of it! Try not to blink.
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The sound of your dress zipping up and the spritzing of your favorite perfume filled your ears with excitement. Anakin was planned to be away on a trip for several nights, allowing you to sneak away with your closest friends for a night on the town, going to some of the sweetest clubs in your finest clothing. This would be the perfect chance for you to let loose without being kept on a tight leash by him. You could drink, dance, and enjoy yourself to your heart's content.
Tonight, you were finally free to do all that you wanted. You wanted to be selfish and get dirty and nasty with your friends. Of course you were allowed to go out, but statistics forbid you to be able to wear your tightest skirts and tops that were downright inappropriate for you to wear anywhere else. Personally, you had seen nothing wrong with your choice of clothing, especially when you got dressed just right, knowing that the explicit clothing wouldn’t matter in the first place as your lover would be right there in the event of anything happening.
The tightness made your waist look amazing, and the thin fabric hugged your curves perfectly. In Anakin’s mind, your clothes left little to the imagination—so little, in fact, that he believed he should be the only one to see you wearing the fabric you loved so much. He believed that he should be the only one to take advantage of you and ravage your mind, body, and soul.
He believed he should be the only one to see every nook and cranny of your body—the one that was specially made for his hands. To him, you were a toy, something he could take whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. No matter where he went, whether it was his bed or yours or the bar across town, you would always be available to him.
You were his property that he owned, and you loved it. He loved that he was the only thing you thought about, that every being in your soul belonged to him, and that your whole life was centered around being him. It pleased him endlessly when his presence seemed to be the only thing to bring happiness and contentment into your everyday existence.
You relished in the knowledge that he knew every inch of your body; everything you did was because of him. His touch was what caused you to cry out of pleasure. He held you, kissed you, touched you, pleasured you, and told you how much he loved you. His missions were an opportunity for you to get wild without his knowledge, to let out a primal energy that wasn't regularly seen in you while under his every beck and call.
You had loved to be under Ani’s watchful eyes, but to live somewhat of a secret second life was something that made you feel sexy and powerful. Sure, others saw you as naive and just a pretty face, but you simply loved it. You loved dressing pretty in pink and always sipping on smooth champagne. In Anakin’s words, you were “ditzy.” And he liked it. It felt good to have you wrapped tightly around his finger.
You were just too good for him. He loved having you completely at his mercy, giving him whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. You were a gift that no man or god could give him. The way you met was almost immediately revealing to your character: him being assigned to nearly babysit you while you traveled with your father throughout the galaxy, accompanying your father as the face of his campaign for his politics.
He became enamored by your innocent beauty and decided he wanted you to be his. You didn’t realize it, but he began to court you, solidifying his belief that you were rather bubble-headed, not that he minded in the slightest way.
He watched you giggle uncontrollably during a joke, hearing him chuckle when you cried out in disgust when you accidentally stepped in a liquid that had taken form on the floor. He had found you absolutely delicious, and his obsession had gotten the best of him. His lust had grown more intense, taking over any sense of logic and reasoning. He would come home after long missions and find you waiting for him, begging for him to touch you, kiss you, and fuck you. Your soft body begged to be touched, but Anakin couldn’t bring himself to give in.
As much as he desired you in the moment, his job had taken priority, and he had to be away from you until now. He hadn’t told you of his return, wishing to surprise you and see your pretty face filled with delight as his boots echoed down the hallway to your door, clacking upon arrival. Although it had only been a few days, to him, it felt like weeks away from your beautiful body, which fit right with his. He had missed you, and he wanted to prove you right.
As you smoothed out your top in the mirror, the jiggling of your front door’s knob caught your attention. Anakin’s voice calling out your name brought a smile to your face, making you rush out into the living room, heels clicking as you ran. The sight that greeted you, however, made your heart leap in your chest.
The man that stood before you was handsome in his Jedi robes. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he smiled down at you, a slight smirk on his lips. Anakin was clearly excited to see you, his arms open, expecting a hug. “Hi Baby! You’re home!” you almost screamed, joyously, running into his muscular arms.
You wrapped your own around his broad back and pulled him closer to you, pressing your nose into his neck and inhaling his smell of fresh soap and pine trees. “I didn’t know you were coming. I missed you so much, baby!” You exclaimed happily, kissing the side of his jawline before pulling away and admiring his strong build.
His face contorted in confusion as he looked at you, seeing you in your pink outfit fixed with your primmed and perfect hair and your finest heels. “What are you wearing, honey? I didn’t think you knew I was coming home.” You smiled at him blankly, not understanding his words. “I was about to go out with some girls from the club downtown; that’s okay, right?" He nodded slowly, trying to comprehend where you got the idea that you could go outside looking like that. “Of course that’s alright,” his voice trailed off as he entered your kitchen. “But I know you aren’t going out dressed like that." You tilted your head, confused. “Like that? What’s wrong with this?” “I should be the only one seeing you dressed like that. Your tits are halfway spilling out of your top; I wouldn’t even be surprised if other men tried to look at you the way only I do," he snapped at you, frustrated that you were trying to question his authority.
You rolled your eyes at his reaction, turning around and beginning to walk to your bedroom. “Oh really? Well, I guess maybe you should change the way you look at me if you hate it so much.” You scoffed as you walked past him, heading to your closet. “Besides, if you hate what I’m wearing so badly, why don’t you come and take it off?" You turned around with a devilish smirk on your face, wanting to see his reaction.
You never expected such a fierce and passionate response. A growl escaped his throat as he stomped towards you, slamming you up against the wall and pinning you there with ease. He pushed you against the wall roughly, ravanging your neck and placing wet, open kisses on your exposed skin. He nibbled on your collarbone, sucking lightly, causing you to moan and shiver. “I could rip your clothes right off," his low voice whispered into your ear, his lips close enough to yours for you to feel his hot breath. “Of course you’d love that, wouldn’t you?" He chuckled darkly as he released his grip on your shoulders and placed his forehead on yours.
The sight of Anakin’s eyes staring straight into yours made you forget all about the situation, instead focusing on the sensation of his hot breath fanning across your skin, his hand coming up to your face, and forcing eye contact between the two of you. “I've waited too long for you, Ani. My fingers couldn’t fuck me like you can. I need you so bad.” Your breathing was labored and unstable, with his hands harshly grabbing your wrists as he pinned you to your shared bed, which had grown so cold on his side.
He leaned down and kissed you passionately, his tongue brushing against your lip before slipping inside, exploring the depths of your mouth. His hands made short work of your miniskirt, and completely demolishing your beautiful designer top.
You were completely lost in him as he devoured you, his fingers tugging your hair slightly as he continued to press you against the bed, your hips bucking and rubbing against the fabric of his pants, the thin cotton of your pants creating friction on your clit that you so elegantly craved.
You moaned loudly into his mouth, his hands still holding your wrists above your head as his mouth roamed over your body, leaving a trail of hickeys all over your neck, chest, and stomach.
His right hand came down to your pussy, pushing your pants to the side as he reveled in your wet genitalia, your pre-cum acting as a lube for his thick and dry fingers, pushing their way into your hole, scissoring them against your walls, and loosening your tight muscles that pulsed against his flesh. You groaned louder than ever as his skilled fingers moved in and out of your slick and swollen entrance, his mouth moving to your breast, nibbling and licking.
A few minutes later, your eyes were closed, and tears streamed down your cheeks as pleasure rocked through you relentlessly.
A low grunt fell from your lips as Anakin removed his fingers from your pussy, placing a kiss on your clit as he replaced his fingers with his erect cock that prodded your tight hole. “I need you inside me, Ani. My pussy has been so empty; missed you so much.” Your encouragement was the final push for him, with his head pushing into your tiny slit.
He was careful at first, making sure to enter slowly and deeply, feeling how good it felt to finally be inside you, a scream ripping itself from your throat, your nails scratching at the sheets beneath your body as you writhed and trembled underneath him. “You’re so tight, my dove. I can’t get enough of you. So beautiful.” He spoke softly, his voice strained with effort, and his eyes focused solely on your swollen opening as he thrust in and out of your body, your back arching against the mattress as he took your sweet pussy apart, splitting you on his dick.
His cock rubbed against your sensitive walls, hitting every part of your insides as he fucked you hard and fast. “I should’ve known you were so desperate for me the moment I came through the door. I could practically smell your desperation like a dog; guess I’m fucking you like a bitch though, aren’t I?” You whined as you gripped tightly to the sheets beneath you. His movements became faster and harder, hitting your most sensitive spot, his hands leaving your body and taking refuge tangled in your hair, pulling it as you let out a pleasured screech.
Your entire body shook violently with each stroke of his cock, gripping the sheet beneath you. His voice deepened as he increased the tempo of his thrusts. “Such a slut, you know that? Your pussy is so deep, she’s swallowing me whole. I missed her so bad and the way she clenched around my fat cock," he roared out, his orgasm rising as you came undone, your juices spurting as you gushed around him, clawing at his back and seemingly drawing blood. "Anakin," you sobbed as he pumped his cock faster, his hips stuttering as he came hard, his seed flooding deep inside you.
With an animalistic growl, he collapsed on top of you. His heavy breathing and harsh heartbeat filled your ears, his large body covering your smaller frame. “Once a slut, always a slut, but at least you’re mine," he muttered hoarsely, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, breathing deeply in your scent, a smile stretching across his face as he placed a wet kiss on your jawline, thrusting into you one last time, pushing his cum deep inside of you.
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“Maybe I should get you pregnant, breed you like a little bitch, and let everybody know that this pussy belongs to me."
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, even more cheating, jacob, and i think that's all
Words: 4.1k
A/N: i dont know what to say
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You toss Eli the Gatorade, sitting down on the bench behind you. He catches it with one hand and takes a swig, savoring the taste. He looks at you and immediately notices the anger on your face.
He raises an eyebrow and says "What's wrong?" You take a deep breath, "Jenna's dickhead husband is what's wrong."
Eli looks concerned. "What did he do?" he asks. "He's staying at my house. For an entire week," you reply, your voice full of rage. Eli stares at you for a moment, contemplating the situation. "Your parents were fine with this?" he asks, and you nod in response, putting your shoes on.
Eli shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. "I don't know what to say. How do you feel?" You look up at him, your jaw clenched, and say, "I feel upset. A part of me is upset that Jenna is so okay with living this double life, and the other part of me is upset that Jacob thinks he can run in and out of her life whenever he wants."
Eli puts a hand on your shoulder and says, "I understand. It's not easy to accept, but you gotta understand. That's her husband, they have depth and you guys only shared a kiss."
You stare at him in response and his face begins to change, "Oh my god. No—y'all... YALL HAD SEX?" You turn away from him, your face burning with embarrassment.
You can feel his gaze on you and finally, he speaks. "I don't know what's happening... Mr. Stark. I don't feel so good." He jokes, repeating Peter Parker's lines from Infinity War.
He then drops to the ground, reaching out for you. You try to hold back a laugh as he grabs your hand, shaking his body. "Cooper! Off the ground!" Your coach yells.
You help Eli up and he sheepishly apologizes to the coach. The coach gives him a stern warning and then turns to you with a smile, patting you on the shoulder. "Anyway... I don't know if I should feel proud or upset."
You just smile and shrug, handing Eli his Gatorade. Eli gives you a grateful smile, "Can you come to my place tonight? Jacob made a stupid group chat with the three of us saying he's preparing dinner."
Eli nods in agreement, "Sure, what time?" You respond, "6 PM." He gives you a nod and you pat his back, heading to your team's huddle up.
"It smells like sex in here," Eli says as you hold the front door open for him. "Shut the fuck up." It didn't even smell like sex, it smelled like some sort of meat cooking. You give him a stern look and he apologizes, but you can tell he's still trying to contain his laughter.
You step inside the house and the smell is even stronger. You realize it's coming from the kitchen and dread the thought of what Jacob has been cooking.
You make your way to the kitchen and find Jacob standing in front of the stove. He turns around with a wide grin on his face and says, "Hey! You're home!"
His eyes move to Eli, "And you've bought a friend... nice." Jacob takes a step forward and motions for Eli to come closer. He extends a hand, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jacob. What's your name?"
You can sense the fake smile on Eli's face. "I'm Eli." He says, roughly shaking Jacob's hand. Jacob winces quietly, letting go of your best friend's hand and mumbling, "You kids and your tight grip." Eli just grins, a little too toothy. Jacob then pats Eli's shoulder and says, "It's alright, mate. No hard feelings."
Jenna walks into the kitchen and you swear you could see her face light up when you two lock eyes. "Hi, Eli. Hey, Y/N." You smile at the shorter girl, bringing her into a hug. She wraps her arms around your neck, and you can feel the tension in her body relaxing. Yeah, fuck you, Jacob.
She steps back, her hands on your shoulders. "How was practice?" You smile and shrug, glad that she seemed genuinely happy to see you. "It was fine. I'm going to take a quick shower before dinner."
She nods and smiles. "Okay, let me take your bag." She says, motioning to the gym back on your shoulder. You graciously accept and hand her the bag. She takes it and steps away, heading upstairs and you follow behind leaving Eli and Jacob alone in the kitchen.
"Doesn't it seem like she likes her?" Jacobs says to Eli, turning around slightly from the stove. Eli shrugs, not wanting to make any assumptions. Jacob just laughs and shakes his head, turning back to the stove and starting to stir the food.
Jenna sets your bag down in your room and you smile at her, "Thanks. You didn't—" She brings you into a passionate kiss, her hands gripping your hoodie tightly. You break away, your heart racing. She grins and says, "I know. I just wanted a kiss." She leans in for one last kiss before walking out of the room.
You stand there, stunned, for a moment before finally processing what just happened. You can't help but smile as you watch her walk away. You shake your head and sigh, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
You came back downstairs after taking your shower and the dining room table was already set. You glance at the plates confused. "Chicken?" Jacob nods from his seat, already with a fork in his hand. You laugh sarcastically, "Jenna doesn't eat chicken, remember? She's pescatarian."
Jacob groans, "Oh yeah, I forgot." He glances at Jenna who's eating her salad quietly, "I didn't know you were still doing that diet thing." Jenna rolls her eyes, "It's not a diet thing, it's a lifestyle choice." She takes a bite of her salad and continues, "It's not that hard to remember." Jacob apologizes letting out a sigh. "Well, you still have your salad."
You sit down beside Eli, shaking your head in disbelief. Eli glances between the three of you before leaning into your ear. "Just say the word and we can jump him." He jokes a jolly smile on his face.
Your face breaks out into a smile as you start cutting up your chicken. Jacob clears his throat, "So, uh... Y/N." You look up from your plate at look at the bearded man in front of you. "You play basketball?"
You nod and set your knife and fork down. "Yeah, I've been playing since I was a kid. Why do you ask?" Jacob's face is unreadable as he replies, "Just curious."
Jenna takes a sip of her wine while watching the exchange between you two. Jacob stares at you for a moment before he nods. "Interesting," he says before turning back to his dinner. Jenna takes another sip of her wine, wondering if she should break the awkward silence or just keep drinking.
"How's Emma doing?" Eli asks, breaking the silence. Jenna smiles, relieved that the tension has been broken. "She's doing great," she answers. "She was just asking me about you, actually."
A huge grin appears on Eli's face, "Oh, really?" Jenna laughs, nodding her head. "Yes, she's been asking about you a lot lately. I think she misses you." Eli's smile grows wider as he looks away, feeling happier than ever. You breathe out a laugh.
"Wait you still talk to Emma?" Jacob says, finishing a bite of his chicken. Jenna nods, "Yeah...she's a good friend." He scoffs in response, "No, no she's not. She doesn't know her place." Jenna looks back at Jacob, her face growing stern. "You don't get to decide who my friends are," she says. "Just because you don't like her doesn't mean I can't."
"I don't like her because she keeps telling my wife—" You interrupt him, "Fiancée." Jacob stares at you and Jenna for a few moments, before turning away. He mutters something under his breath before speaking again. "Fiancée. About leaving me."
"Maybe because you're a bad fiancée," Eli says, his mouth half full of food. Jacob's face turns red and he opens his mouth to respond, but before he can say anything Eli interrupts him. "I mean she wouldn't be telling Jenna to leave you if Jenna was truly happy, right?"
Jacob stares at the table, clearly frustrated. Jacob clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath before slowly standing up. He pushes in his chair and looks at Eli, his eyes narrowed. Without a word, he turns and walks out of the room.
Eli watches him go, a smile creeping up on his face as he looks at you. You watch Jacob go, feeling a slight sense of relief. Eli's smile widens as he sees your reaction while Jenna slowly stands up and follows Jacob out of the room. Eli's eyes twinkle as he looks back at you, a mischievous glint in them.
"Am I not the biggest drama starter or what?" You chuckle, shaking your head. "Yes, yes you are." You say, smiling back. He grins, satisfied, and you can't help but admire his ability to lighten up the situation.
"Jacob, wait," Jenna calls out after the man stomping up the steps. He makes it to the guest room, turning around to face her. "You just fucking embarrassed me."
He stares at her, his face a mask of anger. Jenna's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "You embarrassed yourself! You're the one who treats me like shit."
Jacob steps forward, his fists clenched. Jenna takes a step back, her heart pounding. He stares at her for a moment until his phone starts ringing. He glances at the phone and takes a deep breath.
He steps back and turns away from her. "We'll talk about this later," he says, before grabbing the phone off the nightstand and answering it.
Jenna exhales in relief, her heart still pounding. She watches as Jacob walks away, still on the phone. She takes a few moments to gather her thoughts before leaving the room. Jenna takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, trying to steady her nerves.
She takes a few moments to gather her thoughts before leaving the room. Jenna takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, trying to steady her nerves.
Two hours have passed and Jenna is downstairs, sipping on a glass of wine. She can feel the tension in her body start to ease, and her mind starts to clear. What are you doing now? Jacob out of her mind and you in it, along with a glass of wine...she was starting to feel horny.
Jenna got up from her chair and started to make her way to your bedroom. She was starting to untie her robe, walking closer and closer to your bedroom door before opening it and locking it behind her.
You rise from your bed, taking Jenna in. She smiled and walked towards you, her robe falling to the ground as she climbed into your bed.
You pulled her close, and ran your fingers through her hair, kissing her deeply, feeling her warmth and desire. She returned the kiss, her body pressing against yours. You felt your heart race as you savored every moment of her presence. You both melted into each other, content in the moment.
She pulls away, stripping you of your tank top and shorts, caressing your body with her hands. You lay back on the bed, her body hovering over yours, "Stay here." She leans closer, her lips lightly brushing against yours. She whispers in your ear, "Trust me." You nod and lay back. Jenna returns with her robe's tie, smiling.
She begins to slowly bind your hands with the tie, her fingers running lightly over your skin. You can feel her breath on your face as she ties the knot, and when she's done she leans in to kiss you.
She whispers again, "Close your eyes." You do as she says, and you feel her lips press against yours. You feel her hair brush against your face, and you can smell the faint scent of her perfume. She pulls away, and you open your eyes to find her looking at you with a mischievous smile.
"Beg. Beg for me to touch you." You take a deep breath, and whisper back, "Please, touch me." She laughs and her fingers trace a line down your neck, sending shivers through your body. She pulls you closer, and you feel her warm breath on your skin. "You're so needy, baby."
She smiles and kisses your neck softly, her hands exploring every inch of your body. You feel a wave of pleasure wash over you, and you let out a satisfied sigh. You know you're in her hands now. Her lips trail from your neck to your chest, to your stomach, and then to the waistband of your boxers.
She slides your boxers off and moves down. "I love sucking your cock." She presses a kiss onto your reddened tip, and you sigh out. She wraps her lips around your shaft and teases it with her tongue.
She begins to move her head up and down, her mouth tantalizing your most sensitive areas. You begin pulling on the tie, letting out a loud moan as you buck your hips up. Jenna releases you. "You have to be quiet."
You nod and bite your lip, but Jenna stands up on the bed, pulling down her panties and stuffing them into your mouth. "There," she whispers. "You won't make another sound." She kneels in on the bed, her hands gripping your shaft as she starts to stroke you with her expert touch.
You close your eyes in pleasure, biting down on the panties stuffed in your mouth. She leans in, her breath hot against your skin as she takes you back in her mouth. You can't help but groan in pleasure despite the panties muffling the sound.
She moves her head up and down, her hands gripping you tightly. Your pleasure builds and builds until you can't take it anymore. But before you can cum, she stops. She looks you in the eyes with a mischievous grin and says, "Not yet." She stands up on the bed again, taking her underwear out of your mouth.
She then proceeds to lower herself on your face, pushing your face between her legs and grinding against it. You can feel her heat and the intensity of her pleasure as she rides your face. Your tongue dances around her clitoris, sending her passionate waves of pleasure. She moans in pleasure, slapping a hand over her mouth to quiet herself down.
"Fuck. You're making me feel so good, Y/N." She grabs your head and pushes it up against her, grinding her hips against your face. You feel her quivering around your tongue and she lets out a loud moan.
She wraps her legs tightly around your head, her breathing becoming faster and faster as she comes closer and closer to her climax. Finally, she shudders and cries out in pleasure as she reaches her peak, gripping your headboard.
She relaxes, letting her legs loosen around your head. You give her a satisfied smile and she returns it, relieved and content. She leans down and gives you a passionate kiss. She whispers softly in your ear, telling you how good it felt and how happy she is. She pulls away and gets up, untying you.
She offers her hand and helps you sit at the edge of the bed. She brushes her fingers across your cheek and smiles standing in front of you, "You can touch me now." You smile, your hands subconsciously finding her waist and pulling her into a lip-bruising kiss.
She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you closer, her lips soft and inviting. You brush a few strands of hair from her face, and she leans in, her lips softly pressing against yours again.
You pull away to catch your breath and she smiles, her eyes filled with wonder. She leans in and kisses your forehead before turning around, "I wanna ride you."
Your eyes widen in shock. "Reversed?"
She hums in response, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to support herself as she lowers down on your cock. You gasp as she takes you in, her tightness pushing you toward the edge. She begins to move, her hips rolling and rotating in an exquisite rhythm. "Mmm.."
You moan, unable to contain your pleasure. She responds with a sultry laugh, her body shaking with delight. She pulls you into a kiss, her hips never stopping their movement.
You're close to the edge, and she knows it. She increases her pace, her body pressing against yours. "I'm going to cum, Y/N." She rasps out, biting your shoulder. You hiss in pain, nodding at her words. She digs her nails into your bicep and lets out a scream into your shoulder as her orgasm rocks her body.
You feel her muscles contract around you and just as you're about to reach your own climax, she speaks. "Hold it, baby." You take a deep breath and hold back, gritting your teeth in the pleasure.
She kisses your neck and slows her movements, her breathing gradually evening out. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and rest your forehead against hers.
She smiles and kisses you gently before rolling off you. You lay there, heart pounding in your chest, and look up at staring at the woman in front of you. "Stand up," she says, her voice soft and gentle. You stand up, and she kneels in front of you, stroking your cock.
She takes you in her mouth, and you feel your knees buckle. She looks up at you with a mischievous grin and begins to suck. Your body tenses with pleasure and you can't help but moan. You raise your hand to your mouth and bite on it.
You feel your pleasure rising and you can't help but grab a fistful of her hair. You let out a deep moan as your pleasure intensifies, she releases you with a pop. "Fuck my throat."
Oh my goodness.
She smiles and takes you back in, her tongue working its way around your shaft. You start moving your hips, thrusting into her throat. Her hand reaches up and grips your butt as she takes you deeper. "Fuck, Jenna... please let me cum."
She pulls away and looks up at you with a naughty smile. You feel her hand wrap around your shaft and start to stroke you as she looks into your eyes. "You wanna cum?" She teases and you quickly nod your head, "Yes. Please, shit."
She moves her hand faster and faster, her grip getting tighter with each stroke. "Yeah? You want me to make you feel better baby?" She whispers and you whimper back, nodding.
She moves her mouth back onto you and you thrust your hips faster than before, chasing your high. You can feel her throat tightening around you and her tongue working faster and harder.
You come undone, your orgasm shaking your entire body. She swallows you down, her eyes never leaving yours. Your legs shake, your breathing is labored. She rises from the floor and you kiss her, savoring the taste of you on her lips.
"I'm still so horny." She whispers against your lips. You feel yourself rising at her words. Your hands wrap around her waist, pulling her into a breathless kiss, your tongues battling for dominance. She lets out a soft moan, her breath coming in short gasps as you deepen the kiss.
Her legs wrap around your waist and you lay her down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. You break away, breathing heavily, your eyes never leaving hers. Your hand reaches down between her legs, and she gasps as your fingers brush against her wet heat. "Gosh, you're so wet."
You mumble, teasing her as she buckles beneath you. You stroke yourself a few times, lining yourself up with her entrance. You push forward, both of you sighing in pleasure when you bottom out inside her. "You're so deep," she gasps, biting her lip.
Your hips jerk as you thrust into her, pushing her legs behind her head. You grab her thighs, pulling her closer. Her nails dig into her own thighs as she helps you fill her up even deeper.
You feel her heat and tightness around you as you keep thrusting. She looks up at you with a mixture of pleasure and pain, and you can't help but moan in response. "FUCK! Oh my god, Y/N." Your hand slaps over her mouth. "You have to be quiet." You say, repeating the same words she said to you.
She nods, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull. You remove your hand, a smirk on your lips. "I thought you were supposed to be the one in charge, huh? Does me fucking you while your husband is in the next room turn you on?"
She gasps and then moans, her eyes still rolling back in pleasure. She grabs your hand and pulls it back to her body, her breathing becoming more and more rapid. "I'm about to cum—"
A force pushes back against your thrusts, and her body goes rigid as she squirts, a clear liquid shooting everywhere. She shudders and relaxes, and you feel her inner walls clenching around nothing. "Did–did you just squirt?" You ask Jenna, a big smile on your face.
Jenna looks up at you with a satisfied smile and nods. She takes a deep breath, her body still trembling from the pleasure. "That's so hot." You give her a long, passionate kiss which she returns straight away.
You lay back on the bed, and Jenna sits up slightly her hand wrapping around your hard cock. "Let me finish you off. You've done so well."
You groan in pleasure as her hand expertly strokes you. Her hand moves faster and you feel yourself close to the edge. You grab the sheets below you, lowering your face to hers.
You kiss her deeply and passionately as you let go, your body shaking with pleasure. "Shit!" She holds you close as you catch your breath, her lips still lightly touching yours. You slowly relax, a smile growing on your face.
She looks into your eyes with a satisfied smile, her lips still lightly brushing against yours. You pull her closer, your hands stroking her back as you kiss her again. You lay in her arms, your breathing slowly returning to normal.
"I got you these," Jacob says to Jenna, smiling as he holds up a bouquet of roses. Jenna smiles, "Thank you." He waves her off, "I just wanted to apologize for how I acted last night." You roll your eyes at him, picking up your hoodie from the kitchen island.
You would go to school in your black tank top but it was against the dress code, so you had to bring your hoodie to school with you. Jenna shakes her head, "It's okay. I understand." Jacob reaches out and takes her hand, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that." She smiles, nodding.
Jacob pulls into a heated kiss and you can see his tongue entering her mouth. You almost vomit at the sight, but you keep your composure and turn away. Jenna pulls away eyes wide as Jacob smiles at you, "Enjoy your day at school kid." Who does this guy think he is?
You seethe with anger, but you don't say anything. You can't believe this guy has the audacity to kiss Jenna in front of you.
You take a deep breath and his smile changes to a face of concern, "Woah, who bit you?" He says, pointing at the bite mark on your left shoulder.
Your wife, bitch.
"Eli. He plays too much." You say, a fake laugh coming from your mouth. He looks at you confused before nodding, "Uh, okay..." Jenna walks to your side, "We're going to get going now."
Jacobs nods at her words, "Hurry back. I miss you already." You clench your jaw, balling up your fist. Jenna notices this, placing a hand on your back, and rubbing it gently. "You're too much, Jacob." She says, laughing.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves. You and Jenna say your last goodbyes before exiting the house, relieved to be out of the same room as him. As you get into the car Jenna immediately looks at you, "Eli? Really?"
You shrug, your lips curling into a smile. "No one told you to bite my shoulder!" Jenna laughed and shook her head. You started the car and drove away, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Your heart was still pounding, but the feeling of Jenna's laugh ringing in your ears made it easier to breathe.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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pineapplestyrofoam · 27 days
While it would have been nice for the bad kids to find a way to turn the rat grinders good, realistically, how? they have all been rage star'd . presumably any attempt to persuade would have probably fallen on deaf ears because Porter has a level of control over them. Kristen looked to try and see if she could save Buddy but she couldn't. ALSO the rat grinders are trying to actively KILL THEM and bring about the coming of a RAGE GOD to rule over THIER HOME. while the grinders were manipulated and its sad the bad kids are dropping and the most logical thing to do is get rid of the rats, so they can focus on the teachers. Same thing happened freshman year at prom. the bad kids are ALSO JUST CHILDREN trying to protect all of Elmville. I don't think its fair to call them bad people for choosing the most obvious path to solidify the Porter failing.
TLDR: PCs are kids in a life or death situation and you expect them not to fight to survive? and save the world?
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zombholic · 8 months
HE’S SO LUCKY — abby anderson
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summary — reader has an undying love for her best friend abby, who only has eyes for owen.
description — poc fem!reader, angsty, three-way love, listen to your sad romantic playlist, actually just listen to enchanted by taylor swift.
authors note — yall sorry this was a little long but im listening to sad songs and i had to make this 😔 NOT PROOF READ !!
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Your eyes scanned the aquarium seeing all your friends gathered up together for Manny’s birthday, he loved to go all out for his parties that not even an outbreak can stop him. You sat next to Leah on the floor with your back pressed up against the table as everyone was huddled up together in a circle on a cold winter night, all of you had snuck out of base to come here.
“I’m fucking twenty-five pendejos!” Manny drunkenly raised his beer in the air, slurring on his words having everyone cheer for him, beer bottles clanking together as splashes of beer fell. “Who’s gonna carry his ass back to base when he’s blacked out” you commented earning a couple of laughs from your friends.
Leah managed to find a record player with a couple of old school vinyls, the music playing in the back softly. Your eyes always seemed to wander back to Abby, you couldn’t lie, you were in love with the girl but there was nothing you could do, she was always going to have eyes for Owen even if Mel was carrying his child.
You saw the way she laughed a little too hard as his stupid jokes, her blue eyes glistening every time she looked at him, God, it disgusted you. Feeling your face heat up, jealousy consumed your insides as you burned holes into Owen’s stupid face “You’re making it obvious Y/n.” Leah nudged your side, blinking a few times before seeping back into reality, a heavy sigh fell from your lungs, leaning your head against the desk rolling it over to Leah who was fiddling around with her polaroid camera.
“What does she see in that thing.” your doe eyes rolled in annoyance hearing his stupid laugh over and over again “If you were straight you would understand, say cheese.” She lifted her camera to her eyes taking a quick off guard picture of you “Leah, I wasn’t ready!” you laughed pushing her shoulder softly “Hey, take a picture with us!” Mel waved her hand motioning to bring you guys over to them.
You two made your way over to the other side, you sat down beside Abby “Hey, take a picture of Me and Y/n.” Abby spoke up, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, you head leaned against her shoulder with a smile on your face as Leah snapped the picture. The frame slowly coming out before she handed it over to Abby.
“We look good together” She giggled looking over at you with her beautiful, enchanting blue eyes. You looked up at her through your lashes looking away quickly catching yourself stare at her for a bit too long. Scooting a little bit away from her you brought your knees up to your chest feeling cold from the air leaking through the cracks.
Everyone knew you were madly in love with the blonde, how could they not? they way you looked at her was not a look you gave anyone else, everyone you ever met has told you how intimidating you are, your demeanor scaring off people. You knew you were a little cold towards others but these people had your heart but nothing like how Abby did and yet she was the only one who was so clueless.
“Y/n, take any interest in anyone? it’s like you refuse to let loose.” Owen half drunkenly spoke up, he knew about your feelings towards Abby as well and he loved to take advantage of that. “No, too busy trying to fight for my life rather than getting girls pregnant.” Your snark remark has everyone hollering, “She got your ass Pendejo!” Manny laughing so hard you swore he was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen.
You saw Abby tense up from what you said, you knew she was upset over the fact Owen had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. After a couple of rounds of drinking you felt your body shoot up with confidence, you found yourself getting a little touchy with Abby, your hands would go from playing with her braid to rubbing her back. Abby couldn’t care less, she never felt uncomfortable around you quite honestly she loved the attention you were giving her since Owen was too busy making out with Mel.
“Abs, can I talk to you?” your hand ran up to the back of her neck softly rubbing it for her to look at you “Yeah, what’s wrong? want me to take you back to base?” Concern filled her face, brow’s farrowed together. “No, I— follow me.” Standing up you walked through the doors to the other side of the aquarium, Abby trailing right behind you.
“What did you wanna—“ She saw tears falling down your sweet face, rushing to cup your face in her calloused hands “Why are you crying hun?” You sniffled rolling your eyes at her “Stop doing that Abs.” You spoke barely above a whisper, avoiding eye contact with her. “Doing what Y/nn? hey, look at me.” Her eyes soften, so worried about the girl who she saw as a close friend, you looked up at her with your tear filled doe eyes.
Grabbing her face you pulled her into a kiss, your lips smashing against her soft ones. Pulling away you realized what you did, you just jeopardized the only thing that mattered to you so much, both of your eyes widened at your actions. “I— oh fuck, I’m so fucking sorry Abby.” Before she could even say anything you had ran out the doors, running back to base with tear streaming down your face endlessly, the ache in your heart had you sobbing out in pain.
Why him? why not me?
— 🎧   ◦ ✺   📽  ⟢ —
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satellitespinner · 4 months
dogtooth ; roommate!ellabs
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˗ˏˋcollab with my beautiful angel @williamssgirl ´ˎ˗
- inspired by @beforeimdeceased “chaotic roomates” series ! please go support theirs!
reminder !! do not support neil or any of his work !
wc: 2.1k | her ver
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⁃ roomate!ellabs who were bsfs w u before and when you needed a place to stay they happily invited you to join them on their lease !
⁃ cooking with them is... chaotic. but some days it was good!
⁃ bumping ur hip with ellie because she sucks and she gets all blushy and flustered
⁃ abby gently grabbing ur hips to get around you
⁃ taking .5s of them ALL THE TIME!! they hate it but you love it
⁃ they have no idea how to use the ring camera you installed, one day they've locked themselves out and are begging you to let them in
⁃ "open the door it's cold out ©" "let us in.... babeeee
⁃ falling asleep while watching a movie like a literal dogpile
⁃ while beforehand yall were arguing for twenty minutes on what movie to watch because you and abby wanted to watch scream and ellie can't handle horror for the LIFE of her
⁃ (so you eventually settle on a romcom)
⁃ abby and ellie playing video games and ur sorta just sitting there staring at their hands watching them play
⁃ "did u win?" "no i died."
⁃ when you do end up playing a game with them it's usually fortnite
⁃ abby is so gentle with you and helping you through the game
⁃ "good job babe!" "show me those bike skills" "want the sniper? i know you said you like those"
⁃ however with ellie....
⁃ ellie putting her hands on urs on the controller when their first teaching you how to play and whenever she gets touchy <3
⁃ sitting on their laps while they play...
⁃ sleepover with them go NUTS
⁃ ellie buys SO MUCH SOUR CANDY
⁃ abby fucking HATES sour candy and you and ellie are trying to trick her into having a warhead
⁃ "no im not putting that vile shit in my mouth" "abby it's literally so sweet trust me" "no eat it it's just candy" "just try!
⁃ pouting to get ur way and she gives in (and immediately spits it out)
⁃ pouting to get ur way works with her no matter what
⁃ abby would be a personal trainer and also work somewhere in analytics
⁃ ellie would be a mechanic and livestream for a living (she acts like it's no big deal but she's gained a surprisingly large following)
⁃ reader owns a bakery that's also a flower shop and always brings in spare treats for them to have!
⁃ "guys i got doughnuts for you!"
⁃ you buy them flowers all !! the !! time !! and you assign really specific meanings to them
⁃ "so the poppy means... and the tulip with the poppy means..."
⁃ they're pretending to listen... (they are listening so intently)
⁃ them ganging up to tickle u at least once a day (you act like you despise it but in reality your devouring it)
⁃ abby's texting you "Babe wdym I have to take a quiz on what aura I have." "can u just do it?"
⁃ omfg and forcing abby to get tiktok because she refused to get it for so long only for her to be on it more than you
⁃ getting into an argument with one of them is certainly something!
⁃ ur refusing to talk to ellie and ur communicating to her through abby (ellie is speaking to you directly and you are staring at abby "abby tell ellie im not speaking to her rn" and ur being DEAD serious... they're laughing their asses off
⁃ kissing abby in front of ellie to make her jealous when ur fighting
⁃ and whenever ellie and abby are fighting you straight up ignore them until they come to their senses and apologise
⁃ matching tattoos! you have a sun, abby has a moon and ellie has the stars V
⁃ uno and they both have extra cards under the table
⁃ ellie standing up to get water and you yell at her
⁃ abby and ellie pull pranks on eachother all the time!
⁃ and you are constantly getting caught in the middle of it
⁃ and one time you contribute and both of them are arguing on who did what prank having zero clue it was you
⁃ and ur just giggling off to the side
⁃ the two would have such bad jealousy issues
⁃ like they see u GLANCE at another girl and they're dragging you home
⁃ and then they go "we aren't even jealous people! she was practically eye fucking you. that's why we left!"
⁃ like girl she had a whole bf
⁃ imagine covering them in lipstick kissed and taking a picture...
⁃ making them do the lipstick trend
⁃ OR the nail polish eye colour trend!
⁃ u having a hard day and they're RUSHING to comfort you
⁃ girls were STRESSEDDDD like ellie's holding you while abby's rushing to get the bath filled up
⁃ "stupid fucking bathtub isn't filling up!!! hurry up!!!!!" and now they're more stressed than you fo
⁃ the nicknames.
⁃ ellie's pretty basic with it. calling you babe, baby, honey, pretty girl, etc.
⁃ but with abby she likes to be unique with it. calling you princess, darling, etc.
⁃ and u reversing the nicknames on them...
⁃ talking to abby and she's helping u w something and u go "thanks princess!" then kiss her on the cheek like nothing happened
⁃ "she's like "tf??"
⁃ but with ellie she's chasing you around the house and pinning you down till you say she's daddy
⁃ how rewardina it is for them when ther see u aet allblushy and stuff
⁃ they would feel so cocky and proud of the themselves
⁃ abby sending you playlists and ellie showing you drawings
⁃ and the gifts they would get u ! like gift giving isn't their love language but they wanna spoil you
⁃ "oo i like that shirt" abby's already ordered it. in every colour.
⁃ like you sneak a peek at a bracelet and now it's ellie's job to keep you distracted while abby runs in and buys it
⁃ sleeping w a stuffy and being so tired and giving it a kiss on the cheek and bestfriend!ellie is all like
⁃ "where's mine"
⁃ she gets jealous with the amount of plushies u sleep with
"she's the typa girl to joke "hey mamas where's my kiss" after u get home from work and ur just staring at her like
with flour all over you from a failed
⁃ "no? okay sorry babe"
⁃ goodcop!abby badcop!ellie when u do something bad!
⁃ "babe.... just tell me where u hid my keys and all will be good" "ALL RIGHT LISTEN UP WOMAN..."
⁃ then they end up finding the keys under the couch
⁃ but u lowk hid them there cause you didn't want them to leave..
⁃ abby had a snapchat hey mamas phase and ellie was there to see it
⁃ AND ellie uses it as blackmail in the go
⁃ abby: "Ellie you're so dumb how could you get the directions wrong." "wanna see a magic trick."
⁃ abby backtracks so fast in hopes it'll save her from her fate (it doesn't).
⁃ "and that's the end of my magic show! thank u and goodnight "then ellie disappears because she knows abby will beat her ass
⁃ they have pictures of you in a gallery and you don't know about it
⁃ "is this me sleeping?" "gimme my fuckin phone back-" "you ain't seen NOTHING"
⁃ you would take so many pics of urself on their phones!
⁃ like at dinner and you've managed to sneak one of their phone's under the table and are taking silly selfies
⁃ and you take videos of them snatching their phones back
⁃ the screen is all black and all you can hear is rustling and the faint sound of ellie whining "babe my storageeee" and abby's just laughing
⁃ flipping them off by accident in a photo (both me and aria are victims to this)
⁃ you mean to do 🤘 or 👍 but instead do 🖕
⁃ ellie's feigning hurt and abby's laughing so hard
⁃ abby uses "🤣" and "LOL" but then ellie uses "😭" and "LMAO"
⁃ abby is so literal with her texting
⁃ She types like this. Always uses proper grammar no matter what.
⁃ and ellie... ELLEI TWXTS LIKE THIS
⁃ "babky were is tje Irnon" "ALL CAPS NO PUNCTUSLYIK PJNCTISNTILN"
⁃ ur the only person who can translate ellie's awful texting so you'll occasionally get texts from joel saying stuff like "Kiddo do you know what she was tryna say here?"
⁃ ellie is dyslexic
⁃ and a professional yapper which is why she likes streaming so much
⁃ abby fights the urge to tell her to shut the fuck up
⁃ and sometimes after like a really hard day at work all you wanna do is relax and they just let you
⁃ sending them paragraphs about how much you love them just out of the blue
⁃ ellie's like "??? ru gonna kys"
⁃ abby leaves you on read and smothers you when she's home
⁃ abby chronically leaves people on read
⁃ ellie greets you by slapping or pinching ur ass and abby greets you by giving you a kiss on the side of your face ellie also pretends to fuck you from the back whenever you bend down to pick something up
⁃ the amount of facetimes when you didn't live with them! and the amount you get when your on some sort of work trip
⁃ falling asleep on call and them taking secret screenshots and texting eachother in fear of waking you up
⁃ facetiming you on abby's macbook
⁃ abby uses apple and ellie uses a microsoft laptop
⁃ when ur on a work trip and they're harassing you to call
⁃ "i'm in a meeting" "answer facetime"
⁃ "gimme 5" "5...4...3.2.."
⁃ nobody's home except you and you burn yourself cooking
⁃ they are be RUSHINGGG home
⁃ "guys it's fine i literally barley did anything" "YOUR GONNA DIE"
⁃ "ARE TOU OKAY?!?" "i am literally fine"
⁃ omg the day they actually pay attention to work and your at home and they don’t have a lot of time for you is the day you die
⁃ "i'm in a meeting what's up" "im dynggg.... come back......... zhellipppppp....
⁃ and then you get all bratty and needy
⁃ "come home or i'm gonna fall ill' "YOURE GONNS
⁃ sitting in abby's lap while she's working from home
⁃ <3
⁃ she's sitting on her chair and ur straddling her with ur face in her shoulder
⁃ biting her arm randomly and she's like "ow wtf?!"
⁃ " biting her for the first time and she's like "?!" girl was alarmed... "are you going feral what is up with you"
⁃ eventually she just gets used to it at some point
⁃ zero reaction to you biting her now
⁃ they go to the gym without you and send gym selfies
⁃ abby LOVESSS to flex
⁃ she'll never admit it but this girl is trying so hard to excentuate her muscles around u
⁃ throws you over her shoulder effortlessly
⁃ annoying her and going "watcha gonna do abby? kidnap me?" and she, in fact, does.
⁃ "let me go!" and she just pats ur ass
⁃ and ellie's always wearing shirts that show her arms off
⁃ making them kiss LOOOLLL
⁃ "awh i think we need a ship name now!" "SHUT UP"
⁃ forcing them to talk to eachother by ignoring them and then they have to talk to eachother on wether or not ur pissed at them or if ur just not in the mood to talk
⁃ them fighting over everything including you
⁃ but or not official with either of them and could go flirt around if u wanted
⁃ them showing up at whatever place u have a date at or something and trolling the poor girl ur out with and then angry dragging u home
⁃ they get SO possessive
⁃ ellie listens to boygenius and you had to beg abby to listen to them and now she loves them
⁃ ellie's got 21 savage, the weeknd, drake, tyler the creator, the neighborhood, chase atlantic, etc on her playlists
⁃ her and abby have similar music tastes with distinct differences
⁃ like abby listens to tyler the creator as well, chase atlantic, HOZIER, frank sinantra, frank ocean.
⁃ all of you love phoebe, mac miller, lorde and childish gambino!
⁃ and you LOVE kali uchis. ur the lalalala to their okokok
⁃ you discovered her when she released telapatia and have been obsessed ever since
⁃ both abby and ellie had a girl in red phase...
⁃ sleeping together in abby's bed bc hers is the biggest
⁃ ur favourite mornings are ones when you can't even get up and out of bed because abby's spooning you and ellie's arm is hung loosely over ur waist
⁃ your situated in the middle with abby on ur right and ellie on ur left
⁃ waking them up with breakfast!
"abby waking up to smelling some delicious food and hugging you from behind with her eyes closed and neck shoved into ur shoulder "smells s' good baby... wanted to spoil us even more after last night huh?" in their raspy morning voice
⁃ all ur in is an oversized tee and some white bow cotton panties (it's one of abby's post workout shirts)
⁃ the only dirt abby has on ellie is the amount of foul photos she has of her sleeping
⁃ ellie drools AND snores
⁃ latching on to you for dear life
⁃ ur shoving the pillow over ur ears in hopes she'll stfu
⁃ and she NEVER does
⁃ sleeping skin to skin with them :)
⁃ "take of your clothes" "why? you wanna..?" "no i just wanna feel u... is that okay?"
⁃ abby has soft skin and ellie has a bunch of random bruises and scars
⁃ abby and ellie are genuinely head over heels for u in all seriousness
⁃ even if they don't like eachother they cope with it for you!
⁃ smooching one of them really hard and like forcing the "MMMMWAH" sound
⁃ ellie has a main insta with zero posts and a spam with 827
⁃ abby has three accounts, one for gains, her main & her stalker (for ur safety obviously)
⁃ meanwhile u just have a main which u post on all the time and a private that nobody knows about for stalking
⁃ ellie shit posts "lol" and it's a photo of a rat smoking a cigarette
⁃ and those stupid memes
⁃ (image)
⁃ sent to abby cause you made a joke about her being breedable in bed 😭
⁃ nsfw!
⁃ ellie kisses ur tummy before she eats it
⁃ and abby puts her forearm on ur lower stomach and applies pressure
⁃ abby calls u good girl
⁃ abby comforting you when ellie's going just a little bit too aggressively and manhandling you
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idanceuntilidie · 1 year
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Dating Creep!Yan
Dating headcannons!
Tw! Mentions of yandere behaviour, mentions of biting off ears
Hi! You can request or just send questions about the oc fufu~
•Now that yall are going out he clings to you, literally. He hugs your leg, and never let’s go. Good luck with that stinky lanky ass.
•He could take you on those sweet little movie dates! In his room. Ahaha… why is the door locked..?
•He sometimes brings you food! Energy drinks… and almond nuts??
He calls that breakfast?? It took him a long while to understand not everyone can survive eating so little… so he threw in skittles. God damn it.
•He likes to show you his little… trinkets..? Bones, leaves, pine cones.. and such.
•Also his room is a mess, even if he didn’t lock the door you would drow in the mountains of trash..
•Oddly enough he knows where everything is! Impressive..
•now to the worse part- he gets extremely possessive and even more jealous.
•he hisses when people try to get close to you…
•he bit off someones ear once.. you don’t know that.
•when you decide to date him your social life is over, sorry. Now you are just a couple of weirdos in the background. He likes it that way, I don’t think you do though…
•He adores sleeping with you. You swear you feel him licking your cheeks at night. He likes the taste if your sweat..
That’s it for now, it’s so short wah!
If I come up with something else I will post it :)
Here is a picrew of the stinky… I used 🖤
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romiantic · 10 months
rapper!earth 42!miles falling deeply in love with a rock angel member but tries to hide it from the public
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→ READING: rock angel!jade-coded!black!fem!reader
→ GENRE + WARNINGS: fluff + miles & y/n do a terrible job at hiding their relationship
→ A/N: this is part of @mypimpademia 3k collab, thank you for letting me join juice. love youuuu and happy 3k <3
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— miles, aka young and upcoming rapper prowler, would be head over heels, fallen in love with you. well, he would rather say that he’s into you a lot but really, this man wakes up every day thanking God that he has someone like you in his life
— he doesn’t know if it’s the personality you bring out on your shows or your angelic features that is shown on almost all social media, but miles will never get enough of you
— when he first seen you on his instagram explore page, his immediate thought was go to one of y’all shows. thankfully, he was on tour as well so some of the dates aligned, it was just depending on what his manager said
— coincidentally, his show, which was in the same city yall were performing in, was a day after yours so he had enough time to check (you)r band out. this boy got a vip package, with the meet and greet, just to get a good seat for the show and he didn’t regret it at all. he was blown away at the rock angel’s performance but even more in shock your beautiful vocals when you came out to sing, your voice brought chills and a rising temperature to his body
— the singing voice of yours was in a constant loop in his mind and brought his heart to start pumping. he doesn’t know why his heartbeat was racing but every time you got closer to your fans and shot them a smile, oh he would wish badly that you look his way. well you did and when made contact with the young boy, you felt…butterflies
— the meet and greet was no different after the show. you grew nervous at his presence, you would avoid his eyes but also smile at his blatant nervousness. your best friends/band mates that it was so cute how y’all were interacting, and they easily peeped how deeply y’all were into each other
— at first yall wanted to keep the relationship lowkey. both being artists, especially teen artists, would mean the spotlight is on yall almost every hour, every day. yall would reside to calling each other when you had the chance but a majority of the time, yall would just end up texting instead
— with the spotlight on yall two, any time yall would be spotted together, you would keep it platonic. any sign of romance would be kept in private places. though, the number of smiles and hands grazing each other when y’all are in public show that y’all are far from friends
— in public, miles would be caught smiling at some joke you mentioned and you would be poking his arm to bother him, or holding onto his waist. especially when it’s raining, you would have his hoodie on while hugging his waist and not trying to show your face
— in private, it was like best friends but more. you would hum a song while he laid on your chest, complaining to you about his recent studio session. he would lay there and tell you all his insecurities, his fears, his concerns of being a teen rapper
— sometimes y’all would sing or rap to each other snippets of y’all new song. miles does rely a lot on your opinion, besides his family, you are his biggest supporter. your opinion always matter to him, even if it’s for a verse to complete his unfinished songs
— you guys would sneak into other’s studio sessions, to give support and comfort. especially when miles visit, you feel more at ease and less tense while singing. he would give you smiles and text you words of encouragement while you’re in the booth
— sadly, fans start speculating from the songs yall would put out and how coincidentally, he would have a show the day after your show ?? yeah y’all not slick. It doesn’t help that yall would post each other songs on each other’s social media, comment hearts under each other posts, and pop into your live or the band member’s live
— it doesn’t help that miles would post mostly your part of the song on social media but hey, he says there’s nothing going on. liar
— during interviews, the host would ask if there’s anything going on between you and miles and you would deny everything but the cheeky smile on your face would show otherwise. your band mates would start laughing at your shyness and give major side eye when you deny
— but as time go on, miles would hint that there is a special girl in his life but definitely not say too much. during his instagram lives, he would avoid any comments that could drop y’all relationship and during interviews, he would play it off by saying vague answers or joke around it. any and everything that could potentially expose you, miles would pretend to not see and leave it at that
— when y’all did go public, your fans were incredibly happy and supportive for yall!
— the upcoming rapper, prowler, is speculated to date a rock angel member? oh fans will go insane for the two of yall and they did! they thought of how y’all compliment each other and begged almost everyday for a prowler x rock angel collab
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⭑ why do I lowkey wanna make this into a series 🤭? lemme stop-
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: Ephesians 4:2
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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not-goldy · 3 months
He broke up with Jennie cause he realized Jimin is the one he wants to be more then Friends with. DUH!
Lets see.
(1) Siren
(2) Red String
(3) Friendship that becomes Eternal
(4) Apple/Forbidden Fruit
So basically.
(1) Jimin? Everyone calls Jimin a siren, Tae even said Jimin reminded him of a mermaid & Tae himself has said many times Jimin is desirable and alluring and also Desire is written with a red string.
(2) Vmin wore matching red string bracelets.
(3) Vmin Soulmates/Them singing in Friends Part 1 about it being for eternity.
(4) Tae saying Jimin's eyes were Temptation (Forbidden fruit) during Blood Sweat and Tears video or when Tae was asked what he'd do in his non idol life and he said he'd be an apple seller and told Jimin to come and do it with him. Take your pick.
Anyways its all jokes & wild funny theories so don't take any of it too seriously. Seems Vmin shippers are winning over Taennie shippers right now. Come on Taennie's step it up. I also love how bored everyone is and spouting out off the wall shit. And how one group of shippers can't connect shit to their ship no matter how hard they try. Whomp Whomp sorry Tkk, better luck next time. You have to sit this one out AGAIN like every other time. I know they seething cause they never been able to connect a Tae song to JK. lol
Anyways, As a Jikooker I'm good, cause Jikook together right now. I'm just enjoying the conspiracy party.
Here's where I splash water on his and your face to get a grip
Baby boy move on.
Don't support Jennie for you but at least that's moving on. Power to you😩
Yall shouldn't stress me and Jungkook out like this🥲
If he were here he'd explain to yall how Vmin are friends Frensh ppl frensh 🤧
Ooooooohhh thank God I thought you were serious there for a sec🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Interesting analysis A for effort I like it
Vminers it's our time to shine 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Go crazy with the theories 🤭
Personally want him to put out a song to tie everything in neatly regarding his friendship with Jimin with all the enmeshment and roller-coaster emotions involved. Would be nice to bring it all to a climax no? Just a nice letting go kinda song.
Who knows, perhaps it started out as friendship then he'd entertained the possibility of it being more, then he'd moved on as he matured and came to love and understand himself better. Now he's healed found love somewhere else and would always have a special place in his heart reserved for his best friend.
That's a song I'll definitely cry to🤭
But honey it's 2024 we not doing that same old unrequited love story no more free me Tae😭😭😭😭
Also I'm here for the chaos🤣
Jimin explaining to death how Tae is crazy and Jungkook cussing him out all the way from camp🤣
Aaah I miss this drama
I feel alive again
Thanks Anon🤭
NB: like Anon said no one shud take any of this seriously. We are just delulus doing our delulu things
Off to read some vmin fics🙂
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jealousjersey · 5 months
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interlinked 🍊 mike schmidt x reader
🍊ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 🍊ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 🍊ʚ
description ★ mike finds out everything about you and uses that information to ask you out.
mentions ★ perv!mike, semi stalker!mike, fluff
warnings ★ afab fem reader, oblivious reader,
a/n ★ a little out of my normal vanilla comfort zone but cmon yall know this is hot, set modern day but still same age in the movie (if that makes sense)
˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆.ೃ࿔*:・˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆.ೃ࿔*:・˚ ☁️
you're always so exhausted coming home from work. the only form of release you have is the pink wand in your bed stand but recently it's not doing you any good. your job isn’t facisnating but it’s easy money.
every once in a while you get compliments, telling you how beautiful you are and men always try to get your number. you always politely decline. you just want to meet the right one eventually. you never really dated anybody because anyone you’ve ever talked to just wanted to fuck and go.
until you met mike. mike worked with you but you never really spoke to him for long periods of time. but you never knew how obsessed he was with you. he wanted to know everything about you. he would stalk your social media finding out every thing he can about you, your favorite food, drink, restaurant, etc. and he would bring them up in conversation.
you were always very surprised about how he knew just what to bring up in small talk, occasionally asking you if you would try a new food place in your town. but politely you always declined.
mike always took in interest in things you talked about just to get closer to you. you just always thought that he was just into everything you were into, which fascinated you.
“hey have you seen that new movie with Molly Ringwald in it? we should watch it sometimes” he awkwardly suggested. “oh my god i love her! she’s my favorite actress!” you responded enthusiastically. “wait no way she’s my favorite too!” he smiled. he knew just the kind of things to say to you.
later that week you finally agreed to go out with him, after he tried for 4 months to take you out. it was simple and sweet.
you took a taxi to the movie theater after he offered to drive you, you declined and said you would take a taxi. you thought it was safer if anything went down.
in the movie theater you both sat down beside each other. mike got you both a giant bag of popcorn and two sprites. he knew you loved sprite from shamelessly stalking your social media before arriving to the cinema.
“what’d you get me to drink?” you asked him. “i didn’t know what you wanted so i just got a sprite.” he said, awkwardly smiling at you as you say “thank you, sprites actually my favorite drink”
halfway through the movie he puts his hand on your leg, it’s in good nature, he wants to make sure you’re okay. it shocks you for a second.
the movie finishes and as you’re walking out you say “this might be my new favorite movie” as you sip on your drink. mike is holding your jacket and carrying it out for you.
mike offers you a ride to his place and you agree. sitting in his beaten down truck you say to him “i feel like i’ve known you my whole life mike” as you put your hand on his knee and look into his soft brown eyes. he looks up at you from his steering wheel and gives you a soft smile.
obviously mike knew where you live, he knew everything about you. but when he offered to take you to his house and he’d make dinner you were down.
you walk into his house first and sit on his couch, “is chicken alfredo good?” he says to you. “i love chicken alfredo!” you exclaim. you swore you could hear him say “i know” under his breath but you didn’t think anything of it, besides you were too busy watching the tv to overthink it.
“dinners ready” he yells at you from the kitchen. “i got you a place to sit” he follows up. you walk to the kitchen and even your form is placed on the right side of the plate, so is your drink.
“i feel like ive known you my whole life. it feels like we’re just eternally interlinked.” you say, sincerely. “i feel that way too.” he replies as you take a bite of your food. mikes obsessed with you, hell, he worships the ground you walk on. he would spend every waking moment with you if he could. sometimes you wish he could too.
over the course of 2 weeks you’ve slowly started to fall in love with mike. simple gestures he does to make you more comfortable. you like when he does that, and the way he takes a interest in your interests makes you want him badly.
mike invites you over again, but this time when you enter the living room he’s holding a bouquet of waterlilys and you run up and thank him you hold his hand and bring him over to the couch to watch some movie. “do you think there’s a chance of us being more than friends” he says to you as you’re on his couch
you stop for a second, letting your mind repeat the sentence 100 times. “i would like that mike” you smile. he puts his hand on your thigh and squeezes a little, as you look up at him he looks down into your eyes and smiles. “i really like you y/n” he says to you softly, just slightly a whisper. “i like you too mike” you say as you match his tone.
mike leans in close for a kiss and you engage. it felt like a taste of heaven making out with mike schmidt. he was gentle, his tongue asking for entrance into your mouth. its sweet, really. you just wish you could stay like this, his hand on your thigh, his tongue in your mouth and seeing heaven in his eyes.
mike breaks the kiss first, you noticing a tent in his jeans. it angers you at first, thinking “this is why i don’t go out anymore. what the hell is he thinking.” but then you notice the wet spot in your panties, soaking through your pants. mike grabs your wrist and stares you in the eyes, this is the most intimate you’ve ever been with someone. it’s simple and sweet. “i think im falling in love with you y/n, and i don’t know what to do.” mike says to you, he feels dumbfounded. at first it was infatuation, but now he’s becoming head over hills.
“me too” you reply, face bright red. mike wraps his arm around you and sits his face on your chest. this is comfortable, and safe. you could really get used to this.
˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆.ೃ࿔*:・˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆.ೃ࿔*:・˚ ☁️
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arthenaa · 8 months
Dark Red - Sebastian x gn!reader x Ominis
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PLOT SUMMARY: while the world perceives the heavens and the underworld as realms clashing against one another in pursuit of building a world for their philosophies, the truth is that change is not so far beyond them. Especially when an angel and a demon begin competing against one another to pursue one of the overseers of purgatory: you.
WARNINGS: fluff, a bit of crack, reader is a heavenly figure, devil! seb, angel! ominis, sebastian and ominis r simps for you, ominis and sebastian are also dense af w each other, imagine not being aware that ur in love with the person u want to kill so bad, reader is both wingman, love interest, and just unbothered as fuck, ominis is referenced to be gabriel, modern setting, angels and demons are in an office setting its kinda funny, you're a tired girl boss just trying to make sense why these two idiots keep visiting you during work hours, God is kinda not happy w that, heavy christian ideologies and imagery, religious references, references to demons and the underworld, inaccurate and fictional connections of religious terms and biblical figure, norse terms cuz y not
TERMS: Highgard = Heaven, MidPath / Middle Path = Purgatory, Underworld = Hell, Fallen = devils / demons, Midgard = Earth
note: heya hihi <3 doing this in the midst of writing comms so that my head can get a break ueue. also a little celebration for my 20th bday and having 1M followers! tysm for enjoying my writing hehe. ive been thinking of this prompt for the past few days. anys enjoy <3 lmk if yall dig this kind of concept. did not proofread cuz im too lazy ig.
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Whenever lost souls wander in the abyss, more often than not their questions pertain to one subject of interest.
What happens in purgatory?
It happens more than one can count—a series of experiences with those who have reached the end of the light, one can only deduce the general curiosity of humanity with the realm that keeps the heavens and the underworld in balance.
What is purgatory? While humans believe it to be a place of penance and purification, one would like to think of it as a place of sorting. A waiting room if one would find it amusing enough to resort in humor.
At least to Ominis anyway.
Ominis considers himself to be knowledgeable enough of the inner workings of the realms. He, after all, is one of the honored beings who got to work closely with the Lord. He proudly can say that he's done a lot for the glory of his creator to know things beyond what a normal being can perceive. He's a protector of the light and life that Yahweh brings.
However, there are still things he can't help but be curious about—like the cycle of good and evil with humans. Despite countless tries and efforts to save them from damnation, humanity still somehow finds itself on the brink of chaos. Despite that, their perceptions of the unknown continue to become more and more entertaining by the day.
Another is their perceptions of heaven and hell. Their enigmatic portraits and artistic interpretations fuel their imaginative ideals, influenced values, and understanding of the heavenly principles. While Ominis truly admires their dedication and faith in creating an ethereal image of the divine, the contrasting imagery of perception and reality somehow prompts a chuckle from this old man's lips.
If they knew the changes of the worlds beyond them, they might just have to change everything they know about it.
For starters, suits are mandatory. Everyone wears it here. It's become a staple for simplicity and formality. There are of course no limits to styling it but the suit and tie are a must.
Second, there are no conflicts between demons and angels. Well at least now. After coming to a proper agreement between the creator and the fallen, a civilized community has been built. Each is filled with roles and duties fit to serve the balance of the universe.
Third, it is exactly what you think it is. Desks filled to the brim with paperwork, scritching of pen against paper, and chattering of workers here and there. Highgard has become a modern-day office. Ominis hates the coffee on the 10th floor.
The archangel has already surrendered himself to normalcy, adapting to a new era of management and control. While this does seem to be more simpler and adept compared to the olden days, he does miss the times when he could feel the holy aura of his spear strike through a fallen's heart. In today's context, that's considered murder.
Now what does this relate to purgatory? As mentioned before Ominis still has a lot of things to be curious about and one of them are the things that happen within the walls of the Middle Path.
Specifically, the overseers.
While yes, he is considered to be at the top of the hierarchy. The overseers seem to nullify the authority of those at the top. Only the creator seems to have control over them, otherwise, they're at most the next level of superiority to him.
("The Horsemen of the Apocalypse," His brother, Nier, had mentioned as he leaned against the counter—stirring a cup of coffee with a wooden stick. "He placed them there to keep the balance. It's a land for neither the dead nor the living–a middle ground. They're natural seeds of chaos, of course. It's innate for them to destroy worlds with life and what better way to keep them at bay than to place them in the neutral zone?"
"I see," Ominis hums, fingers tapping at the desk as he leans back against his seat. Nier glances at him before throwing the wooden stirrer in the trash.
"What's got you interested in the overseers, Omi?" The nickname prompts a curl of his lips. Count Nier to be sentimental. The raven-haired man sips quietly as he awaits his response.
"Nothing," He replies. "It's just that out of all the realms, they seem to be less affected by the change."
Nier chuckles, taking a few steps forward to place a caring hand on his shoulder. "It's a place for judgment. We have too much love for humans while the fallen are too detached. The overseers are driven from humanity, they understand them better.")
The words of his brother ring within the depths of his mind, each making a resounding echo as he walks across the white halls.
To tell you the truth, this sudden interest in the middle path was formed not so long ago. A chain of events that prompted a burst of interest from this heavenly figure.
These series of events had formed a routine. There were 3 important things that you need to take note of in this scene.
One, the hallway Ominis is currently on is a bridge from Highgard to the gateway to the Middle Path. It's mostly known to be a connector and pathway for demons, angels, and any heavenly figure with the right permit.
Two, at the end of every hall, is a vending machine that serves coffee. Now, vending machines are not scarce in their company services. In fact, there are at least 5 machines stationed in every building. So, Ominis is quite sure that MidPath has more than enough vending machines to serve a batch of souls.
Third, at exactly 3 PM in Midgardian Time, there are approximately only two figures seen roaming about the halls of the connector.
One is Ominis himself and two, you guessed it.
An overseer.
Ominis walks toward the vending machine, slipping in a few coins before punching in his desired coffee. He takes a breath and takes a look at his watch. Just then, as the shorthand strikes the 15th, he hears the familiar click and clack of heels against the marble tiles.
They're here.
He hears them clear and perfect. The rustling of clothes against one another, the brush of their hands against the fabric, and that same walking rhythm.
Count Ominis to be a little obsessed but you really can't help but be interested in such a being. Neither angel nor demon—a seed of humanity so pure to the core that one horseman can produce an apocalypse.
An event personified.
It wasn't even God that made them but a natural occurence to life.
How interesting.
He hears the click of their shoes stop beside him, waiting for the brewing of his coffee. There were a few beats of silence, and the only thing Ominis could hear at that moment was the thumping of his heart.
"Gabriel," The overseer greets him, placing their hands behind the small of their back as they wait for their turn.
"Conquest." He greets back. The seed chuckles and heaves a sigh before silence ensues once more.
Same two words. Same format. Repeated for God knows how long he's been doing this. He punches in a latte, wishing the coffee would drip slower but heaven services always work out no matter what and so he gets his cup of coffee within 20 seconds.
He grabs the cup, sidesteps to the left, and takes a sip. The overseer steps forth, punching in their regular. Iced Caramel Macchiatto. The order takes the same time. 20 seconds.
They take the cup with swift movement before turning and making their way back to their department.
Once again, Ominis stands in the deserted hallways–a cup of coffee in his hands and another same old conclusive deduction of one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.
Coffee is an angel's desperation and fuel for conquest.
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Ominis doesn't know what to feel about demons.
Beings natural to the abyss—they represent everything opposite to that of life. They thrive in the concepts of darkness, both figuratively and literally. Ominis is well aware of the millenniums he endured seeing the dust of broken horns and seething snakes crumble under his spear. He, after all, has seen everything from the moment the Lord has gathered his army to rule his rightful claim over his creations.
However, there are times like this when he decides it's okay. Demons are okay.
"I think there's a prejudice against smaller horns," Amit grumbles as he spreads a thin sheet of mayonnaise on his bread. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips formed into a pout. Ominis curls his lips at the tone of his voice. "Mine are perfectly well-sized! I-I don't see why this should be a problem at all."
"You're making it a problem, that's the issue," Ominis hears Poppy chime from his left. Amit glares at her response. Poppy's feathers ruffle as she stretches them out, flapping her wings gently to ease the tension on her shoulders.
The three of them were currently in the communal room. The day was slow and there were not many souls to be bustling and carrying on about. Ominis considers days like these a blessing and it was also partially because it was nearing Sunday.
Amit reaches his free hand and touches the spike of his horns. "My mother gave me these horns. I just think people are jealous."
"You're right," Poppy chimes as she tilts her head to give him a mocking smile. "Amit is always right. Can we talk about something else now?"
"You're too mean for a Principality."
"You're too much of a loser for a fallen," Poppy retorts with a nonchalance that almost prompts a chuckle out of Ominis. The demon gasps in shock which the angel giggles at.
"Just because we're on break and one of you is my superior-" Sharp glare comes from Poppy. "-doesn't mean I won't reprimand you two," Ominis cuts forth their humorous conversation with a stern approach. Poppy pouts while Amit grumbles. Then the blonde contorts his face into a wistful look. "However, I'm in a good mood so I'll let it be."
"Oho!" Poppy grins as she scoots her chair closer to him. "You do look even more dashing today, Ominis. What's got you in a good mood, hm? Perhaps, a promotion from upstairs?"
It was actually because he was able to, yet again, interact with the overseer but no one has to know about that.
Amit, ever the inquisitive being that he is, leans forward with raised eyebrows. "Are you in for a promotion to be in the middle order? I hear things start to get weird in that division."
"That's because most of the higher-ups don't look like us," Poppy responds with a bite of her sandwich. Ominis nods with his eyes closed. "At least in the middle and low. Both divisions were made to be accepting to the human eye, most specifically the low order. Ascending that high reveals true nature. The same goes for your monarchs."
Amit hums at the knowledge. While Ominis truly wants the opportunity to serve Adonai directly, he does feel worried about seeing his true self when ascending into a powerful duty. He supposes being an Archangel is too perfect of a role for him to let go of.
"Nah, I don't think I'm that holistic yet," Ominis responds with a shrug of his shoulders. "I still have a lot to do as Adonai's blade."
Just as the conversation resumed its course at the prompt of his response, a pair of cold hands makes its way to his shoulders—the tip of its finger brushing ever so softly against the skin of his neck. Ominis shivers but he does not let it affect him. Although his jaw clenches at the arrival of whoever this is.
"And what of Adonai's blade?" The voice asks, cunning and cool. "Does he perhaps fancy a cup of coffee?"
The arrival alerts the low-ranking figures beside him, pursing their lips in silence as they stare at the figure behind him.
"Leviathan," Ominis announces his presence. The brunette-headed monarch smiles at his true name.
"Mm," The demon hums. He taps his finger against the collar of Ominis's coat. "As much as I like hearing that name off of your lips, I prefer being called Sebastian."
Ah. Yes. This is what Ominis means when he says he's not okay with Demons. When he misses the feeling of his heavenly spear darting through the backs of the fallen.
No offense to Amit. He's too wonderful to be a spawn of a monarch but beings like Sebastian are what he means when he's overcome by a terrible urge to fulfill his original purpose.
He's fought him before. Countless times actually. In the Great Wars of Light and Dark—the famed descent of the Son of Man into the world is tainted with the hands of the fallen. They were carefree and manipulated life freely in their own hands as if it were toys.
Levia–Sebastian, rather, had always been a figure in both the underworld and highgard. A figure of snakes that classified demons as a whole. He was an icon to many and a formidable foe to most. He was surely one of Ominis's favorite things to drive a spear through.
Unfortunately for him, demons never die. They only go back to either hell or earth. A never-ending cycle of death. He supposes this is why the Lord has agreed in a civil approach with the beings of the dark.
"He's surely thinking of ways to murder me, no?" Sebastian sighs dreamily as he sits on the empty chair to his right. Poppy hesitantly laughs while Amit falls silent at his superior. Sebastian then turns to the two.
"Principality," He nods to Poppy, "Comrade" Amit. "If I may, can I please have a few minutes to talk to dearest Ominis? I just have a few things to discuss with him with regards to a war brewing up north in Midgard."
He beams, like the ever-so-manipulative nature of his character. The two sigh, gathering their food before moving to another table, a few meters away from them. It's better to just follow through with a monarch like Sebastian. He somehow has the irritable charm that allows him to get anything that he wants. Ominis is not surprised if he receives another harassment ticket for just existing.
"Was it so important for you to disrupt my leisure time?" Ominis grumbles at him. Sebastian chuckles, placing his elbows on the metal surface of the table. He intertwines his hands and perches his chin on top of it.
"And here I thought you loved that dear little humanity of yours."
"Please," Ominis scoffs, crossing his left knee over his right. He crosses his arms over his chest. "The last thing you'd do is be desperate enough to ask someone like me for help. Disasters are your expertise. What do you want?"
Just like that, Ominis has him cornered. Not that Sebastian would mind that since this is what he originally came for in the first place. Those ruby eyes that seem to never leave the Archangel pairs with a devilish smile before sighing. "Am I ever so deceitful that you think I'm asking for help with a catch?"
"Yes." Ominis answers plainly.
The demon rolls his eyes. "Right sure". There are a few beats of silence before Sebastian speaks once more. "I came here to confirm something with you."
Ominis hums, not bothered to direct his full attention towards Sebastian. He learned enough that wasting his time and attention in believing uncivilized monarchs like Sebastian is just a fiasco waiting to happen. He tries to take some of it in but never really injects full effort to do what they want. After all, his job only entailed in keeping peace and order within the flow of time in the human realm. What demons do is out of the question.
Sebastian hums beside him before speaking. "Do they like tea?"
Ominis stiffens in his seat. "What?"
The demon grins at finally grasping the old man's attention. "I said do they like tea?"
"Who likes what?" The angel is beyond confused. Who?
"Oh come on, Riel," The nickname pops a vein on his forehead. The demon leans close to whisper. "I mean that friend of yours in the gateway."
Ominis finally tenses at the revelation. How the fuck did this guy manage to find out about that?! He subtly turns his face towards the sound of his voice. He doesn't find it in him to reply as the demon prompts a few chuckles from his lips.
"I'm quite excited to be meeting them next time," Sebastian lets out a grunt as he stretches up from his seat and finally stands. He places his hands inside the pockets of his slacks, smiling down at the tense Archangel. "15th of the hour, right?"
"You're insufferable," Ominis grumbles under his breath as the man laughs at his demise.
"You're not the only one interested, Ominis." Sebastian smirks before turning and making way to the exit of the communal room. The clacking of his shoes do not produce the same satisfaction as the seed of Conquest.
He let's out a groan as he indefinitely will have to deal with Sebastian later on. His little interactions with them had been his highlights of the week. Not everyone can have the opportunity to come across a horseman of the apocalypse. Sebastian had to go ruin his little moments of peace.
How can his day get any better?
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Ominis is exactly 10 mins earlier than the designated time.
The hallway is deserted and the air conditioning is functioning at its highest. It's safe to say that he's been paranoid ever since Sebastian had made his interest in one of the seeds of chaos. He doesn't know how exactly he knew but he wasn't going to take any chances in allowing him to steal his spot.
Even though the aftermath of 5 lattes a week proves to be quite detrimental to the linings of his stomach.
It's fine. He's immortal anyway.
He swings back and forth on his heels as he waits for the clock to strike the 3rd. He's not sure why he's more nervous today and only hopes that maybe it's because of the damn lemonades Amit brought this morning because her mother had made too much. Bless her soul.
He sees the shorthand of his watch finally strike the 15th hour of the day before he hears the same click-clacking of heels against the tile floor. At the prompt of their arrival, he immediately brings out a couple of his spare coins and begins punching in his latte. He waits, hands tucked in his slacks, at the familiar greeting of their voice.
However, things seems to be way different today.
"Ah, so it's more of your role to be the judge, right?" An all too familiar voice disrupts him off his reprieve. He tenses at the added presence. "Where to place the souls and all that."
"Yes," Conquest hums, a bit detached but their interest in the conversation is there. "I allow passage based on their time of living. The same goes for my siblings."
Ominis's jaw clenches as he hears the fake facade of gasps of interests and the unrhythmic pattern of another's footsteps. Sebastian.
"That's so interesting-!"
"What are you doing here, Sebastian?" Ominis grits under his breath as the pair finally reach his vicinity. Sebastian smirks at the presence of the Archangel.
"Ah, I just passed by Midpath to pass some documents and caught Y/N over here walking towards the gateway," Sebastian coolly responds as he glances at them with a smile. "It's not every day you'd get to talk to a seed outside of their workspace. Your department is the busiest after all."
If he hated Sebastian before, he hates him even more now.
"Ah yes, Leviathan was kind enough to keep me company," Conquest responds. If they were both alone right now, he would've collapsed. This is the most he's talked to them and he can't even handle it on his own. What a joke.
"Please! Just Sebastian is fine," The demon chimes in with a gleeful tone. "Are you well acquainted with Gabriel?"
Ominis is not sure what Sebastian is planning but the demon sure as hell is enjoying this little charade.
"Mhm," Ominis answers for them. "W-We always get coffee here."
"Ah," Sebastian nods. "How adorable. Must be honorable for you, hm? Keeping this little interaction for yourself."
There's something in his tone that seethes at him—buried under layers and layers of fake smiles and enthusiasm. Ominis wants to strangle him but he has to keep up with the expression. After all, despite ruining his moment, this is the most he's spoke to Y/N—he can call them Y/N right?
"Right," Sebastian seems to have read his thoughts. "This is Y/N. Have I mentioned that?"
"Clearly," Ominis grits his teeth. The seed of conquest, ignorant of the tension between two side steps to reach the vending machine. They notice the finished latte siting lonely, perched on top of its container.
"Ominis." They call for his attention. The blonde's breath shifts. Oh Heavens, they said my name. He knows he shouldn't panic or else that would look weird and so he awkwardly turns towards her with a tense look on his face.
Y/N only stares at him with vague interest before grabbing his hand and gently placing the cup of coffee in his grasp. "Your latte," They say.
"T-Thank you." He speaks as if that's the first time he's ever held hands with a handsome person. Y/N then turns to punch in their order, opting for a hot option instead of their usual cold beverage.
Without speaking the duo watch as they tilt their head back with mild interest, waiting for their coffee, hears the familiar ding of the machine, grab their order—gives not one of them a glance and only makes way back to their department.
There's a few beats of silence—the only background noise being the whirling of the air conditioner from the vents. They're both oddly entranced by what just happened.
Sebastian shifts in his position as he turns slowly towards Ominis with a slightly curled up smile.
"Is it normal to be this turned on?"
"You're fucking weird."
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Ominis doesn't know what's happening.
There's this weird competitive aura between him and Sebastian ever since that altercation last week and it's as if who can interact the most with Y/N had been set as a competition between the two of them.
He's not really the one to complain since his pride enjoyed the stakes of a competition. However, his dignity has doubled down and screeched and clawed at his mind—begging for this to be done and over with.
He admits. He might have been a little too interested in the seed of conquest but that's what he wanted it to stay as! It was already good enough for him that he was able to interact with them on a weekly basis but now, he's not so sure if he can back out of this one.
Sebastian had been a bit too overwhelming in his efforts to gain their attention. From Underworld cuisine to Highgard flowers and even Midgardian music. He's done it all. The bastard is a monarch after all and so his pay is a little bit higher than his but who cares about that?! Ominis thinks he's utterly unfair in trying to squeeze his way through his and Y/N's leisure time of getting coffee.
He too... has tried several ways to... Y'know. To just keep with the nature of competition. He comes out of his breaks a little early so he can actually try and catch up with them for a walk. Made them sweets here and there. Made sure he was done with his work so he can assist in helping out with Y/N's paperwork. If it's not much obvious—Yes, Ominis is very competitive.
The unspoken attention war had stretched out over the course of the next few weeks. A few co-workers had begun to notice Ominis and Sebastian's odd behavior. It was odd enough that a monarch is lounging in Highgard departments but no one really gave a fuck enough to care.
(Unless it's Imelda, Poppy, and Amit.
"Is the coffee in the gateway really that great? Or do they just have a fucked up death wish of a diarrhea for ordering at least 10 cups of coffee a week?" Imelda grumbles from her spot at one of the tables in the communal room as the three had full-on front seats to Ominis and Sebastian pushing each other and racing for the double doors.
Poppy sighs beside her. The Principality had also noticed the suspiciously efficient work of Ominis. While the Archangel was organized and efficient enough to accomplish his work on time, the speed of doing such works even if it was weeks away on the assigned deadline was far too suspicious.
"They say they're pining over a married Dominions officer," Amit chimes in from his eating galore of glazed donuts. Imelda glances at her co-worker with a crunch of her nose.
"If you were human, that would've already killed you."
"I could possess one if you want?" Amit jokes to which the two angels snap their heads to glare at him. "Right, my bad.")
"They like tulips more than whatever that is." Sebastian grumbles as he assesses the disarray of sunflowers, roses, and whatever Ominis picked up from Midgard. The blonde rolls his eyes at his quips.
"As if giving them tea was enough," Ominis seethes. "I'd have you know that they actually dislikes tea—especially chamomile."
"You sure do know everything, huh?" Sebastian retorts as he takes a step forward. "If I remember correctly, It was because of me that you were given an opportunity to talk to them in the first place."
Ominis scoffs. "Oh, get off your high horse. I would've talked to them either way!"
"You'd take millennia to even do that," Sebastian chuckles, tone mocking and sarcastic.
"Says who?"
"Says me," Sebastian raises his eyebrows, taunting him. "You couldn't even put a spear through my heart if it hit you right in the face."
Ominis tenses. "What nonsense—!"
"Blah blah!" Sebastian taunts like a child. If anyone were to see both of them, they would surely have a field day in the office. A monarch and an Archangel fighting over someone. What a gossip. "I know you always miss the shot. Always a centimeter off, an inch short, a few limbs past—You're too soft. Even for someone like me."
Ominis breath hitches at the revelation. It's true that among all the Archangels, He was considered to be the most accurate out of all of them. That's why he preferred long-range fights, hitting enemies with his spear through a distance. But Sebastian is Ominis's first short-range duel and he's always been meant to fight Ominis after that. Somehow, he always manages to fail killing him, allowing a millennia's worth of suffering because of it.
His brothers would give him comfort and reassurance that someday, he'd be able to strike him off. However, despite countless opportunities, he's managed to fail every single one. He doesn't have the heart in him to admit that he's purposely missing the target because who would believe an Angel having mercy over a fallen?
He has too much pride to admit that.
Somehow over the long silence emitted from Ominis's lack of response, a cough alerts them of a new presence. The two turn around to meet Y/N, standing ever so casually behind them.
"Are you two done?" Y/N tilts their head, eyes half-lidded and a cigarette hanging off their lips. They take a short and swift inhale before pulling the stick from their lips and blowing it towards the two.
The smoke causes them to flinch back and cough. The seed of Conquest takes this opportunity to breeze through and punch in their order from the vending machine.
"Y'know, for a couple of idiots, you two sure are dense as hell," Y/N chuckles as they tilt their head to the side—glancing at them with a smile. They extend their hand holding the cigarette, tapping it towards the trash can situated near the machine. They eye him with vague interest. "A millennia. A fucking millennia—Not even one but a couple actually—" Y/N takes a hit of the cigarette. "That's amazing."
The seed of Conquest blows another whiff of the stick and this time, the duo are prepared at the scent of the chemicals.
"I-I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" Ominis asks, pressing his need for clarification. Sebastian remains silent beside him.
Y/N grins underneath the fingers that snugly carry the stick between their lips. "You two."
"Us?" Sebastian raises an eyebrow.
"You seriously never thought about this? Y/N raises an amused eyebrow. The silence after confirms their thought which prompts a gleeful giggle from their lips.
Sebastian and Ominis take a pause to revel in the beauty of their laughter.
The seed of conquest then takes a step forth and gingerly presses an index finger against Sebastian's chest, "You keep finding him," Then Ominis, "You keep avoiding the inevitable," They then take a step back, taking a whiff of the cigarette before exhaling. "Doesn't it ring a bell, hm?"
It takes at least 25 seconds for the two to come to a realization. Both take it quite differently. Ominis pales while Sebastian flushes. Y/N thinks the colors contrast quite beautifully.
"How adorable," They coo before the machine finally beeps. They take their coffee with ease and take a few steps towards the two fumbling idiots. They lean close, whispering into their ears in the space between them. "Next time you two try and disrupt my work hours, I'll have you know that I can purposefully trap you in a never-ending time loop of a prison. Got that?"
The two nod carefully at their words before Y/N smiles and pats their shoulders. They make quick steps back towards their department before suddenly pausing and turning quickly with a smile.
"Also, you're both wrong," Y/N sighs as they tuck their hands inside the pockets of their coat. "I prefer Baby's-breath and milktea is my preferred choice of drink. 50% sugar with boba."
The two gape at her information. They tilt their head with a smirk, strands of hair falling ever so perfectly against their face.
"Do it right and maybe I'll agree to be taken by the two of you on a date."
And just as she says it, she leaves with the elegance and swiftness of a heavenly figure. The two couldn't even sneak a word in with what just happened, only grasping their gifts apologetically within their hands. In just a matter of a few minutes, Y/N has yet again made them speechless.
Not that the two of them would complain. There's just something about them that just leaves a breath of awe whenever Ominis and Sebastian get a chance to interact with the seed of Conquest.
Sebastian turns toward the Ominis who licks his lips in thought. "They did just say both right?"'
"Yes, Sebastian. They did."
"Are you in love with me?"
"I think I'm in love with you," Sebastian hums, thoughtfully as if he's taking a pick which menu he'll be eating for lunch today. "I think maybe I am."
It's times like this that Ominis thinks that demons are insufferable. But then that's their charm, no? Having the ability to continuously infuriate you despite the circumstance. Ominis thinks that maybe he can try to live with that. After all, a couple of millennia with Sebastian had already been proven to be quite a taxing experience—what more a couple more years could do?
If Ominis could answer the questions of the lost souls that venture their interests in the realms beyond them, there's one thing he could definitely answer.
That demons are pricks and also can be the love of your life (you just maybe haven't noticed it yet because you're too busy driving a spear through his heart!), there's a hot overseer he can't stop thinking of, and that angels can also have gay panics.
How livid would humans be when they find out about this?
Well, I guess we'll never know.
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A/N: yieeee im 20 now!! HBD TO ME!! (my bday was on the 4th, I was just too busy to post this) I hope y'all enjoyed this! Will consider doing a part two for this baby (NSFW if it has good views teehee) lmk!! love y'all!
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defodisturbed · 3 months
Mastermind - Recoms x Singer!Recom!reader
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(A/N: heyy... hey.. im back :3. im sorry for leaving for SO LONG im dealing with a lot of personal stuff right now but im really trying to write more. i want to get faster at typing and i also needa feed my children. also most of this fic will be exposition and the events leading up to the climax like im not even joking its so long. hope yall enjoy this one. mwah) (and yes I based the songs on Taylor Swift and if you're gonna be in the replies being hateful, gtfo my page (kindly))
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
And now you're mine.
I had always hid my true past from my teammates. Practically everyone. I only really had a journal, and even that was locked away under my rug under my bed. Nobody knew it was there, and nobody could access it without waking me up or making some kind of noise. It was a sacred book to me. I could talk to... something with it. I could express my feelings of wanting to go back to the way things were, but never wanting to leave Pandora. Never wanting to leave my friends. And never wanting to leave my lovers.
I'm a recombinant for the RDA. When I died in my human body, they had my DNA and were already growing my new body to be revived. I have my memories of my past life, and it was awesome. Until... my mom found out she was drafted for the mission on Pandora. I, being the best kid ever, took her place. My fans were scared for me, and tried to convince me not to. They'd heard it all, how dangerous Pandora was. Especially for a singer with no military experience or knowledge. But I accepted my fate. For my mother. For my family. I had siblings back home, and with me going on tour all the time, I wouldn't be able to take care of them if my mother was gone. So I accepted the fact that I was most likely, if not definitely, going to die on this mission.
And I did. My family recieved the news, but also learned about Project Phoenix. They were relieved to know that their kid was going to be revived, just maybe not the same.
"Hey, ma. How're you?" Prager asked as I sat down at the table. It was lunch at the cafeteria. They pretty much just fed us protein-filled slop most of the time. Rarely, they would throw a cookie in there if it was a holiday on Earth.
"Oh, it's going alright, baby. Thanks. Hey, can I ask you a question?" I replied. Prager nodded and leaned in. "Do you think you could ask the Colonel if we could go out in the forest today and just... explore? He doesn't know this, but I actually have some science friends and they showed me some fruits and animals that we can harvest and safely eat. I tried some and Pandora food is good. Like, really good. I wanna surprise the team, and you know Colonel can't say no to you."
Prager agreed and once the Colonel sat at our table, he immediately started.
"Colonel, I was wondering if we could go out into the forest today and just have some fun. Explore, fuck around in some river or something?" Quaritch looked at Prager and gave that ONE sigh. (A/N: its giving "go get my purse") "Fine. But we ain't bringing a baby viperwolf home because Ja wants one." He glared at Ja. He was always the one to see a stray dog and say "please please pleaaaaase mom can we adopt it??" as a kid.
I silently thanked Prager for doing my bidding as always.
We were out in the forest, going over the rules we've memorized by heart now. Once the Colonel finished up, I immediately took off. I was so excited to get some nice food that I didn't realize the cliff drop below me. I was suddenly falling, the wind rushing past my body and feeling almost painful as it hit my face and went away so fast, over and over again.
I dived head first into a lake. The drop wasn't that bad, I realized. Alicia was first on the scene, peeking over the dropoff with a worried look on her face as she hoped to God I wasn't dead. I waved my hand up at her and called out.
"Get down here, this is so fun!! Don't be afraid to get a running start either!" my voice echoed. "Are you okay??" she shouted back. "I'm amazing!!"
Alicia ran over to the others and told them to watch her. She embraced her inner child as she ran as fast as she could and leaped off the cliff. She felt the wind rush past her face as I had, and splashed in the water with me. The rest of my team ran over and looked. We were... fine? Lopez was next. He gladly jumped and plooshed in with us. Then Prager, Zhang, Walker, Warren, Mansk, Lyle, Fike, and finally... Quaritch. He took a chance and jumped.
We were playing and splashing each other with water as we finally relaxed for once. Of course, we had fear of predators. But we didn't care as much anymore. We were playing like kids and it felt so good.
After we dried off and got back to the forest, I took off again. This time, more careful. I found an abandoned basket in pretty good condition and took it with me to collect fruits and veggies. I collected some yovo fruit, some other stuff I didn't know the name of but still knew was safe, and finally it was time to get some meat. I was looking to make some nice Pandora burritos for everyone. I found a nice bow and some arrows, perhaps forgotten by a young hunter excited to show their family their haul.
While I was gathering food, one of my favorite songs got stuck in my head while I was thinking about my life back on Earth. I started humming... then singing the lyrics... then full belting the long notes. I didn't realize Lyle was near, close enough to hear but far enough to stay hidden. He'd never heard my songs because he was in the military before I even debuted. I'm sure he was confused who I was singing.
I got some hexapede meat, some meat from hard fruits, and I also took down a lone viperwolf. I put the stuff in the basket to bring home.
"What the Hell is all of this? What've you been doing this entire time? Why do you have a bow? Did you encounter a native?" Colonel asked. I said I found it and saw no booby traps so I took it. I explained that my friends at the lab wanted some samples so I got some for them. Obviously it was a lie, but I couldn't spoil the surprise.
He allowed me to take my findings and harvest home. I thanked him and was so excited to make him and our team a good meal for once.
I got out my cutting board and my cooking knife and started chopping. I cooked some of that chicken-y stuff and some of that fruit. I thanked Mansk in my head for teaching me these things.
I radio'd everyone to come to my room. I said I had a surprise for them. "I swear to God, if we get there and you're on the bed naked again I will... actually not be mad." Lyle said back.
"This isn't that kind of surprise, Lyle. Just get over here!"
Once they all were in the room, I retrieved a tray with foil over it. The smell wafted into the room as I uncovered the gift. They were all so surprised and hypnotized by the burritos.
"For you guys! You deserve it. Take one, I insist!" I squealed. They all grabbed one and a paper towel and with the first bite, they relaxed their tense muscles and rolled their eyes back. They hadn't had a good meal like this in a good, long while.
"Hey, Y/N, what song were you singing in the forest? You were really loud... must've been one of your favorites or something. Is it on Spotify?" Lyle asked as he finished his first bite. My eyes widened. "You... heard that?"
"Yeah, I heard a little bit too. It was something about a new romantic or something like that." Zdinarsk added. "Yeah you were singing about something related to rings or something too." Mansk said. "I don't know, I could be wrong, but last time I checked, you weren't married." Lopez said.
"Um... can we forget all of that happened? Sorry, I was just getting carried away and I sang some of my own songs and-" I was soon cut off by the Colonel saying, "Wait- your songs?"
I soon shoved them out of my room, begging them to let it go and to not talk about it again. I closed the door behind me as I slid down the metal wall to the floor. I took some big, deep breaths and checked under my bed to check if my journal and hard drives were still there, even though I'd been with them the entire time. Phew! They're still there. I thought.
The next day, at dinner in the cafeteria, I brought my bag with me and sat down with everybody acting like nothing was wrong. Conversation sparked when someone asked, "So what's everyone planning on doing tomorrow? Ardmore gave us the day off." I said I was planning on bingeing my favorite show wrapped in my blankets with my favorite foods. They all agreed and said they would be training, sleeping, exploring, hooking up, or something fun/relaxing.
I suddenly got a call from my friend on the phone. I knew it was something important, because my phone was blowing up with texts while she was waiting for me to answer. I hurriedly ran off to my room for privacy, forgetting my bag full of personal stuff. Including my hard drives. Zdog decided it couldn't hurt to see what I carry around all day, so she started digging. She found my sunglasses, hairbrush/comb, an unopened soda can, some loose candy, and... hard drives?
"Hey does anyone know why Y/N has hard drives in her bag?" Z asked. Nobody knew, so she decided to take them and pass them out for them to watch later. It for sure wasn't porn, Ardmore would've never let it through. It's gotta be some home videos or something.
Zdog and the others piled onto the bed in her room and uploaded the drives onto her computer. They were numbered. They watched the first one and it was a black screen with the sound of a crowd cheering. It was around an hour long. They watched as a... stage appeared. A big one. It was a stadium full of people. A concert? Then appeared the person performing. It was... you. Some already made the connections, while others took a little bit. You were performing for around 70,000 people along with cameras so everyone could watch it live. they watched all of the hard drives all throughout the night, only falling asleep when they went through all of them.
You were in your room, hanging up the call. turns out it was just some cute guy flirted with her at a restaurant. Only then did you realize that you left your bag in the cafeteria. You immediately went back for it, checking everything was there because people just love to snoop. You realized all of your hard drives were missing. You soon were banging on the Colonel's door, asking if he'd seen anybody take them or had anything in their hands. He wasn't there. You knocked on everyone's door and nobody answered. You went back to your room, wailing into your pillow. Those drives were the last thing you had of Earth. Of your entire life before the military. Soon enough, you cried yourself to sleep. In the morning, you slept in. It was your day off, after all. You heard a knock on the door. You recognized it as Z. You opened the door and there she was. She came in without an invite and immediately sat on your bed.
"Y/N. I am... just so sorry. When you left your bag in the cafeteria, I looked through it when I should've respected your privacy. I found hard drives and took all of them to my room and the rest of the team and I watched all of them. In order. All the way through. I am so sorry for disrespecting your right to privacy and watching the videos that were obviously private." She closes her eyes softly, looking down toward the floor with her hands twiddling in her lap. Too embarrassed and disappointed with herself to even look at me.
"Z, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so secretive. Especially with the ones who love me most. The truth is, I was a very rich and famous singer on Earth. You probably know that by now. So does everyone else. But I'm trying to work through it and not be embarrassed to share my past."
"It's not your fault. I love you. We love you. You never have to hide anything from us, but if you don't want it to be shared, that's okay too. So... can we listen to some of your songs?" Z laughed. I said yes an radio'd everyone to come to my room. I had a surprise.
MWAH I love yall!!!! hope you guys enjoyed i've had this au stuck in my head since like last year :) 💋💋
@dyingofcookies ITS HERE BESTIE
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novaonhere · 10 months
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Relationship: Cal Kelstis x f!reader
Summary: You and Cal find yourselves watching the night sky. You bring up a question that questions your relationship.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Fluffy, leading to a more sexy outcome (use your imagination), maybe an existential crisis, have fun, f bomb
A/N: Nah enjoy
Prompt: "It was just a kiss." "I know.” “But does it have to be just that?"
(gif not mine)
It was a beautiful night. You’ve decided you needed some peace and quiet after a day of working on the Mantis, so sitting on top of the ship was the perfect place. She just needed some basic repairs and double checking that everything looked alright. You stuff the last bit of your sandwich into your mouth and you took in the scenery around you.
The grass swayed in the gentle breeze, seeds and small bits of vegetation gliding through the air. Taking a deep breath, it smelled clean, fresh, and thank god not oil that you’ve basically been inhaling all day.
You lean back, placing your hands behind your head as a makeshift pillow. Letting your body relax, you felt the cool metal chill your skin, but you didn’t mind. You’ve always loved the sky; loved seeing space and the vastness that it was. The stars twinkled in unison, as if they were gossiping to one another.
The metal of the ship clanks, as if someone was hitting it. You lean up and crawl to the edge, staring down to see a particular red head, holding a small bag, looking up at you. You both smile as you wave him up. He climbs up, scooting next to you.
“I brought a treat, Merrin is learning how to cook and bake stuff from different planets. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s delicious.” Cal explains as he opens up the small bag. The fragrance is strong, filling your lungs with warmth and sweetness. Taking a look at it, it looks like a spongy, dark brick. (It’s a brownie yall but Idk if they have brownies)
“Oh wow!” You exclaim, breaking off a small piece. It’s still hot as it melts away from itself and into your hand. Quickly, you scoop it into your mouth. “Oh… wow…” You go in for another bite, making Cal laugh. He hands over the bag to you, which you gladly take and continue to munch down.
“How’s the Mantis?” He asks, leaning back on his hands, propping himself up. You finish your bite, wiping the crumbles off your lap.
“She’s good, just a few little tweaks but I did a comb through and checked everything, that’s why it took so long.” You respond, placing the now empty bag under your leg to not fly away. You go back to your original position, staring at the sky above. Cal joins you, staring up to the stars.
“Do you ever think we’ll win?” You ask, darting between two colorful stars, trying to think of what planets they are. Cal hums.
“I think we’re winning only because we’re fighting back against the Empire.” Cal responds.
“Yeah, but I mean, like do you think we’ll have to stop fighting in our life time?” Cal solemnly chuckles.
“Absolutely not.” He sighs. “We need more people on our side. We need numbers.” You hun in response. You’re so numb to the right now that it just feels like a daily chore. Deep down, you know that your fighting for the betterment of the galaxy and to help the innocent, but some days, it feels like your crew against the world. You wouldn’t find a little vacation, hell, this is the most relaxation you’ve gotten in the past few weeks.
Cal removes his hand from under his head and taps your side. You remove your hand as well, which he instantly grabs and brings to his side.
“We have each other, we have the crew, we’re making a difference. We’ll get the rest we deserve in due time.” He smiles, placing a soft kiss to the top of your hand. You knew it was supposed to be a comforting gesture, but being the smart ass you are, you pull you hand back, pretending to throw up.
“Ewwww, a boy touched my hand~~~.” You giggle sitting up and scooting a little away. Normal, Cal would look disgusted as well in a joking matter. It’s an inside to joke that if one person shows affection, they turn into immature kids and “be grossed out.” “We’re warriors! We have no time for this crap.” You’d always say.
This time, Cal’s smile faded a smidge. He pursed his lips, bring his furrowed brows towards the night sky. Your smile also faded, raising an eyebrow. Reaching back out your hand, you rest it on his bicep.
“Did I offend you? I’m sorry, I do appreciate the comforting gesture.” You thank him. He hums.
“It was just a kiss…” He trails off, turning his head away from you. You slightly pout, a bit confused.
“I know, and I’m sorry I over reacted. It’s kinda our thing,” You force a chuckle. “An inside joke.”
“But does it have to be just that?” He asks, turning his back to you, his cheeks now slightly pink. “An inside joke?” You blink.
“What’s going on?” You ask as he sits up to face you.
“I’ve really been thinking about the future, and you bringing it up brought some of my thoughts to light.” He explains, taking both of your hands by this point. Your neck feels hot, your eyes wide, and your voice doesn’t seem to work. “I don’t care where I am, what I do, all I want is to be by your side and you by mine.”
“Cal…” Is the only word that escapes you. He lets go, slightly pulling away. You reach back out for his hands. He looks surprised.
“I’ll of course be with you every step of the way, but I have a feeling there’s something else on your mind.” You bring up, brushing a piece of loose hair back behind his ear. He was obviously using it to cover up his blushing face, causing you to blush as well.
“Jedi code states-“ You start to laugh, shocking him.
“Jedi code is how old?” You ask before he can continue. He pauses, his mouth ajar for a few seconds. He presses his lips together, nodding, making you giggle. Taking this opportunity, he reaches a hand to your cheek, testing the water. You don’t flinch, you don’t hesitate, you smile, knowing. You both stare at each other for a little while, just enjoying this moment. He caressed your temple, brushing your hair back.
“You going to kiss me or what?” You playfully ask. Without another heartbeat in between, he closes the distance between you. At first, a very sweet and resting the waters smooch. Your stomach does jumping jacks, never thinking you would be in this situation. He lean forward, wanting to deepen the kiss. He reciprocates, parting your lips and slipping his tongue in. You moan slightly, your cheeks practically on fire.
“HEY!” Greez calls from the ground, causing you too to split. He can’t spot you too, thank god. You wouldn’t hear the end of it. Cal peeks his head over.
“Yeah?” He asks. Greez rolls his eyes.
“I knew y’all were up there, head to bed it’s late.” He grumbles, walking back to the cantina, mumbling something about “they’re still fucking teenagers sometimes.” Cal pushes back, facing you again. You both laugh.
“Well, he’s got a point,” You say, standing up. “You’re more than welcome to join me in the Mantis~” You walk past his, ruffling his hair. As you climb down, Cal smiles leaning back to stare at the sky for a few more moments. Realizing what you meant, he quickly scrambles up and after you.
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