#but guess it's more important to make the deadline for the quarter than to create something that will still be generating money 60 years on
axoxtxhxh · 4 years
You Saved Me - Special Chapter When They Met
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Summary: Five years before You Saved Me took place, Reader was promoted to Section Commander and her connection with Miche began.
Warnings: Mentions of death
Word Count: ~ 5,000
A/N: Thank you so much for 100 followers! I never imagined I would have this many people enjoying my writing. As a warning, this story has some slight differences from the manga/anime. For example, I added some parts to make things seem more dramatic/ official. I also created my own idea of what their living quarters looked like. Finally, I wanted to try writing in second person perspective. I hope you enjoy it!
With this chapter, it might be helpful to know the layout of the barracks a bit better so I drew it up. Click here
You sat in Commander Erwin’s office feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. You were about to take your oath as a newly promoted section commander within the survey corps and nervous didn’t come close to explaining how you felt.
You put your hands in your lap in order to minimize the fidgeting you were sure everyone noticed, everyone being Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. It was mentioned earlier that both Section Commander Hange and Section Commander Miche would be running a little late. You took a deep breath to calm yourself.
The commander sat behind his desk writing his statement and the dark-haired captain stood near the window behind him. How you wished there was someone in the room to lighten the mood so you could stop feeling like your heart would beat out of your chest. The sound of Commander Erwin’s pen running over the paper wasn’t helping either. The hurried scratching noise filling the silence gave you even more anxiety.
Erwin noticed you looking uncomfortable in your seat as he finished writing your recommendation. He looked up at you every so often and noticed how much shifting you were doing in your seat.
“I apologize for how long this is taking.” The commander spoke, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Please don’t rush.” You quickly gave a small smile, adjusting your hands in your lap again.
“Usually a promotion to section commander comes at the recommendation of the commander alone.” He smiled without looking up from his writing. “For you, however, there have been a total of seven recommendations.”
“Sir?” You sat up straight in your seat, worried that maybe you broke some sort of rule.
The door to Erwin’s office opened and Hange came in, closing the door behind them quickly and walking to stand behind Erwin.
“Sorry, I’m late,” they apologized.
“Miche?” Erwin asked, wondering where the other section commander was.
“He’s busy with something personal.” Hange explained.
“No matter.” Erwin shuffled his papers, reorganizing the order and standing. “It’s his day off and we have more than enough witnesses present.”
Commander Erwin moved the papers to the conference table and spread them out one-by-one. Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange lined up behind him, preparing to sign. The commander’s office door opened again and Nanaba walked in. You smiled at her and breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful that someone you were closer with was finally there. She smiled at you and walked closer to where you were seated.
“I was sent to stand in for Section Commander Miche.” She told Commander Erwin and he nodded.
Nanaba tapped your arm to stand up and you stood, just now noticing Eld and Moblit taking a place behind Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange. Nanaba took her place next to them.
“Are you ready?” Commander Erwin asked.
You walked over to their side of the table and watched as each of them signed their recommendation as well as the oath that you made your way over to sign. You took a deep breath, picking up the pen and signing your name at the bottom.
“Congratulations… Section Commander Y/N.” Erwin put his hand on your shoulder as Hange, Moblit, and Nanaba clapped their hands, finally Eld patting your shoulder. You couldn’t help but smile, feeling their support.
Levi was tasked with showing you around. It wasn’t like today was your first day, but being a cadet and being a section commander’s second was very different from being a section commander and there were parts of headquarters that you never really even visited as a cadet.
So far, he had moved over the system of paperwork and how often it should be completed and which ones were most important for you to go over. Schedules also seemed to be pretty important to Levi, he spent quite a bit of time explaining daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly deadlines and tasks, also providing certain textbooks given to him by Commander Erwin to have you study.
You didn’t have cadets yet, but being prepared for when you did get them assigned was important and Levi spent some time going over that as well. Since you were newly promoted, chances were you would be getting new recruits as your cadets so he also wanted to be sure to show you the training grounds and where to find equipment just in case you needed it.
As you exited the building, you slowly took everything in. You slowed your walk, smiling to yourself as you lifted your head up, taking a deep breath. You’ve walked around the grounds, especially through these very same doors so many times before, but this time was different. This time you were a section commander of the survey corps. There was so much potential, so many opportunities, so many ways you could help humanity.
“Are you following?” Levi’s voice brought you back to what you were doing. He was a good twenty feet in front of you and you quickly dropped your head down, embarrassed that you let yourself get caught up in that moment for so long.
“Yes, Captain—”
“Yes, Levi.” You nodded. It was going to be a struggle to drop formalities, having used them for so long. You scurried towards him, looking around and hoping no one saw you lose yourself in that moment of enjoyment. Someone did notice though.
Miche’s eyes followed you as you crossed the field. You waved a little, realizing that might be inappropriate since he looked like he was in the middle of something, but he smiled back either way, continuing to watch you.
The woman he was talking to looked indignant and you weren’t sure if she was in the survey corps. You had never seen her before, but she was beautiful. She had long black hair and the fairest skin you had ever seen. The contrast of her skin with her red lips gave her an ethereal look.
You watched her slap Miche’s arm and roughly grab his jaw, forcing him to look at her and you quickly looked away. She was definitely not in the survey corps and it was none of your business what he did during his personal time.
Back in the office by the training fields, Levi showed you the equipment lockers and forms for ordering more.
Eld came into the office slightly out of breath and you both looked over at him.
“Section Commander.” He nodded and smiled at you. “Captain Levi, sir, Commander Erwin has asked for you.”
“He is the one that asked me to do this tour.” Levi carped.
“He is aware of that, sir.”
Levi sighed and looked to you.
“I guess we can finish this up another time.” He stood from the desk.
“I can show her.” Miche walked through the office doors. Levi nodded and followed Eld back to Erwin’s office.
“Section Commander Y/N.” Miche smiled. “It does sound nice, doesn’t it?”
“It feels pretty nice, too.” You stood up from the table, facing him.
“I saw you enjoying your little moment outside the south doors.” He teased. Your face got hot and you were about to explain yourself, but he just laughed. “Don’t worry, I think I was the only one who noticed.”
Miche moved around the desk to lean against it closer to where you were standing. He crossed his arms over his chest, smiling before dropping them again and moving closer to you. His eyes were closed now, eyebrows drawn together as he sniffed the air.
You knew that he was known for being able to sniff out titans, but surely there weren’t any titans around here at this point. You looked out the window quickly, checking for chaos but everyone was moving around as they usually did. You looked back at Miche, he was moving closer to you, still sniffing.
“Section Commander?” You felt yourself stepping back slowly the closer he got to you. You didn’t really like being touched or being too close to people and he was definitely invading your bubble.
“Wait.” He grabbed your arm, holding you close to him and bringing his face to your neckline before breathing in deeply. Your eyes were wide and beads of sweat collected on your forehead. You didn’t know what else to do except look straight ahead as he kept his face in the crook of your neck.
“Didn’t they tell you to stop calling us that?”
“Miche, sir.” He chuckled, puffs of air tickling your neck.
“You smell…” He breathed in again. “You smell… so…”
Smelled? You smelled? You bathed that morning, maybe you were nervous in Erwin’s office and you were sweating a bit, but this wasn’t necessary. He didn’t really have to point it out to you like this.
“If I smell bad, you don’t have to smell me.” You pulled your arm away from him, slightly annoyed and stepped back.
He laughed at your reaction, grabbing your waist and pulling you in between his legs so your chests were nearly flush. He dropped his face to the crook of your neck again, breathing in.
“You smell so good,” he said, still laughing.
“Oh… well, thank you, I guess.” You stepped back a little so you could see him. You had never been this close to him before, but now that you were here, you realized just how light the blueish-grey color of his eyes were.
It was a good twenty seconds of him staring at you at this point and you were wondering what you should do. He wasn’t smiling anymore, wasn’t laughing, wasn’t even smelling you. He was just sitting there, your hand being held by his, and staring at you.
You were going to open your mouth to speak, but honestly had nothing to say so you just cleared your throat and looked around the office, hoping something would make him speak and look away from you. Instead, it just made him chuckle. You turned quickly to look at him, hoping he was laughing at something he saw outside, something to divert the attention from you. There was nothing, he still just stared at your face, his hands still playing with your fingers.
“You’re a weird guy.” You finally spoke.
“I’ve been told.” He nodded, still smiling.
“Maybe we should continue the tour.” You suggested, pulling your hand away from him.
“If that’s what you want.” He was still smiling at you. You nodded and both moved to the door to head back to the barracks.
There was an odd comfort you felt being near Miche, sniffing aside. He was quite tall and it made you feel like you were home. You, yourself, were 175cm and you were considered the small one in the family. Your father stood at 193cm, your brother at 190cm and both sisters stood at 180cm.
You felt relaxed as you walked next to him, almost completely forgetting about him sniffing you intently just ten minutes before.
“After you.” He held the door open and smiled at you.
“Thanks.” You walked into the mess hall and went for the staircase. You knew the commander and section commander’s rooms were on the second floor. It was going to be a weird shift for you since you were so used to going to the third floor where the section commander’s second’s rooms were.
You reached the top of the steps, unsure of which room would be yours and waited for direction. Miche came up behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders and guided you down the hall. When you reached the end of the hall, he turned you both around to see the doors to all the rooms.
Your body stiffened as you felt his hands slide down to your waist and his face dipped back to your neck, sniffing again.
Prohibiting fraternizing prevented you from spending a lot of time with the section commanders before today so you haven’t had many interactions with Miche previously. Nanaba had sort of warned you about how physically friendly Miche could sometimes be, but you honestly weren’t prepared for this much.
Miche couldn’t stop himself. He was sure his lip was going to bleed at how hard he was biting it. Never in his life had he smelled anything as pleasant, as appealing or as enchanting as you smelled. He tried his best to hold back, knowing a lot of people didn’t like his habit and very much sensing your discomfort at his close proximity, but he literally couldn’t stop himself. Seeing you shy away almost made him want to pull you closer.
“So the room at the end on the right is Levi’s.” He put his hand up to point at each door. “That one there is Hange’s, this one is mine.”
You nodded along with what he was saying, not really sure what it had to do with you finding your room, but it could always be useful information to know where to go to find them. He was smelling your neck again and you made a mental note to make sure you were really clean each time you had to see him.
“That door until the far end of the hall is Erwin’s room.” He switched hands, pointing to the door on the left. “This room is yours. Right across from mine.”
“Perfect.” You sighed. “You aren’t going to come in and sniff me in my sleep, are you?”
He squeezed your waist, dropping his forehead to your shoulder and laughing loudly.
“He won’t do that, but don’t worry, he will find other ways to annoy you.” Hange came walking down the hallway, heading to you with a smile on their face.
“Hange’s not lying.” He laughed, standing up and opening the door to your room. You stepped inside and looked around. It was a really small office, a desk to your left up against the wall and another door straight ahead. You started looking through the desk, barely hearing their conversation outside.
“Miche, could you please be quieter at night. I thought you said you would move your bed.” Hange seemed a little annoyed.
“I did move it.”
“It’s still loud, my books keep getting knocked over.” Hange looked over to you while you searched the desk. “Well maybe we can have a rule like no noise after ten or… I don’t know.”
“Don’t worry. It’s over so there won’t be anymore noise.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hange put their hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t even lie.” He teased. “You’re happy about it.”
“Well maybe now I can get some sleep.” They laughed.
Miche walked into the office watching you look through the desk.
“That used to be Erwin’s desk,” he said, “he probably cleaned it out pretty well.”
“Yeah, it’s nice still.” You looked up and smiled at him. “I’ve never had my own desk. Or my own office.”
You stood up straight, looking around the room. Miche leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, smiling at you.
“Let’s look at your room and then I can show you everyone else’s.” He opened the door to your bedroom and you both walked in.
It wasn’t a huge room, about the same size as the room you and Nanaba shared on the third floor, except now you don’t share a room. This room was yours. You smiled to yourself again, looking around at everything. The room was empty except for a bed, two nightstands and two dressers. You walked over to the window and looked outside. This was your window, and your bed, and your room.
Miche caught you smiling again. He didn’t want to interrupt your thoughts so he stood back by the wall, crossing his arms and smiling at your face as you let yourself get lost in your head. Damn, has she always been this cute? He thought.
You noticed another door and assumed it must be to the bathroom. You looked to Miche who was in the corner smiling at you again. He guessed what you were wondering and moved over to the door, opening it.
“Probably the best part.” He smiled.
You stepped into the bathroom. Your bathroom. Like the bedroom, it was small, but it was all yours.
“Oh…” Miche was in the doorway rubbing his chin. “Your bathtub is way bigger than mine.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, I’ll show you. Come on.” He held out his hand, but you just stared at it and he noticed. “Come on.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you across the hall to his room. You weren’t sure what to expect seeing his room. It was different when you were a cadet. Having a shared space meant you couldn’t offer much personality. Even when you shared a room with only Nanaba, there was a little more personality, some drawings or books unrelated to being a scout, but not much.
He pulled you through his office which looked basically the same as yours except the desk had a lot more paperwork on it. He continued through to his bedroom.
Walking into Miche’s room made you feel like you were walking into Miche’s room. It very much felt like him. He also had a big wall of windows, similar to how your room was. His bed was placed in the center of his room and looked awkward with how large it was. It made sense though since he was so tall.
He led you to the bathroom and dropped the hand he was holding, guiding your lower back until you were inside.
“Please tell me you see the difference.” He told you, standing in the doorway.
“Your bathroom is nice.” You smiled.
“It’s basically the same as yours, you just have a bigger tub.” He walked backwards to the bed, laying down with his arms behind his head.
You moved back into his room, looking around. He had some letters on his dresser, maybe letters from home. You noticed there was an opened bottle of wine on his nightstand and you raised an eyebrow.
“I give it a week before you are storing one on your nightstand too.” He laughed.
“Well now I know where to go when I want a drink.” You raised an eyebrow.
“You are welcome anytime you want.” He smiled and sat up. “Ready to see everyone else’s room?”
“Isn’t it sort of private? Won’t they mind?” You fiddled with your fingers lightly.
He shrugged. He pulled you into Hange’s office and opened their bedroom door, but before he could make it through to their bedroom, you pulled back, holding yourself outside the door.
“I really don’t think we should do this,” you said, “Let’s just go back to my room.”
He sighed, dropping your hand and moving back to the door behind you. You turned around to exit first. “Yeah, this is better. We should respect their privacy—”
Miche picked you up from behind and threw you over his shoulder.
“You worry too much,” he said, pushing the door to Hange’s bedroom open and carrying you inside.
“Miche, please!” You tapped his shoulder. “Tall people aren’t supposed to be carried!”
He was laughing at you. It was like a whole different world up there. You were tall, but nothing like this. It didn’t help that you had no footing to balance yourself and he was just swinging you around all willy-nilly the more you complained.
“This is Hange’s room.” He turned you around quickly. “Here is the dresser.” Another spin. “And the bed.” Another spin. “Finally, the bathroom.”
“Okay, Miche. That’s good. You can put me down.” You kept tapping his shoulder as if it would encourage him to let you go.
“We still need to see Levi’s room.”
“I’ll walk. I’ll walk.”
“Are you sure?” He asked. “I don’t often give free rides on the Miche train.”
“Oh God,” you groaned, “I really hope you don’t call it that.”
He laughed, closing Hange’s door and setting you down in the hallway, then gestured you to walk to Levi’s room. You stood there, smiling a little bit and he slowly dropped his hands, knowing you were up to something. You quickly turned around and started running back to your bedroom.
“Wow.” He laughed loudly, chasing after you. It took him barely three strides before he reached you, not quite making it to your bedroom door. He grabbed you from behind in a back hug, lifting you slightly off the ground. You were both laughing loudly and you started gasping for air in between the laughs as Miche started tickling your waist.
“Wait—Wait!” You squirmed in his arms. “Not fair!”
You were wriggling in his arms, only able to get away slightly by squatting down. A figure caught your eye at the end of the hall and you stopped laughing, seeing Levi staring at both of you. Miche noticed your mood change and looked over to Levi. He stood up, lifting you up with him and you adjusted your shirt and jacket, now twisted and messy from being tickled.
“Levi.” He corrected.
“Levi, sorry.” You adjusted your jacket again.
“Dinner will be ready soon.” The small captain said plainly, turning around and walking to the end of the hall.
You both stood there watching him leave until he reached the staircase and was out of sight. Miche slowly lifted his hand to tickle you again.
“Don’t even think about it.” He just laughed and you both went downstairs for dinner.
Before you were a section commander, during mealtimes you would sit with Eld and Nanaba. It’s not that you were no longer sitting with them, but it definitely felt different. Now you sat on the edge of both groups. Miche pulled you to sit next to him and Eld sat on the other side of you. Section commanders on one side, seconds in command on the other.
You were pulled between two conversations and couldn’t really fit in with either of them. Instead you just looked down at your food, letting yourself get lost in thought. Miche noticed and leaned closer to you.
“What are you thinking about?” He stuck a fork in one of your potato chunks in your soup and ate it.
“Nothing in particular.”
“It looks like it’s a really good nothing in particular.” He took another potato.
“Not really.” You looked up at him. “Didn’t you get enough food?”
“Yours tastes better.” He took another bite and smiled at you.
Nanaba asked you a question and your attention turned to her, but you could still feel Miche leaning towards you, his hand resting on the bench on the other side of your body.
If this day gave you any indication, you quickly realized that Miche was going to be sticking around you. You weren’t sure why he was, but you weren’t complaining either. He was fun to be around and he helped out a lot with things you didn’t understand.
You had a couple days of onboarding, Miche doing most of the showing around, but occasionally Levi would pick back up and even then Miche would still tag along. For the most part, everything was pretty similar to the way it’s been for you. The hardest part came a week later.
You were walking with Miche to the stables. He was teasing you about something when someone ran past you talking about Wall Maria falling.
“What?” You looked to Miche. He looked just as confused. “My… my family is there. They—They’re in Shiganshina. Do they know where the breach is? Oh my God, was Shinganshina attacked?” Miche could see the panic in your eyes.
“We need to see Erwin.” Miche grabbed your hand and you both ran up to his office.
Hange and Levi were already inside talking. Erwin motioned for you both to come in and sit down.
“The breach—” Miche started, “—do they know where it is?”
Erwin looked at both you and Miche. They knew where you were from, they knew where your family was.
“It was Shiganshina.”
“No, no, no, no,” you whispered. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, water was dripping down your face and you couldn’t tell if it was sweat or tears, probably both. You could see Erwin still talking, but you couldn’t hear the words. Miche’s voice was muffled next to you. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, but spinning so quickly at the same time. You felt dizzy and nauseous.
You went to sit down, but there wasn’t a chair under you and you started falling to the ground. Miche grabbed you, his arms around your waist as he held you up. He was yelling, you could feel the strong rumbling from his chest as he squeezed you tighter against him. What was happening? You couldn’t focus.
You felt yourself being lifted up and moved. You were being carried somewhere. Not for long though because then you were set down, you were sitting now. Suddenly you felt a splash of cold water on your face and you gasped, coughing and blinking your eyes.
“Y/N…” The voice was muffled, but you could hear it.
Another splash of cold water sent you coughing again.
“What...?” You coughed, wiping your eyes to see. You blinked, your vision clearing until you could see Miche squatting down in front of you.
“Can you hear me?” He asked wiping the extra water off your face. You nodded.
You were in your bathroom.
“Erwin said they’re preparing a list of survivors and posting it in Trost. You can go when the list is posted.”
You were still struggling to focus, trying so hard to concentrate on his voice, but losing. He cupped your face, warm hands holding your cheeks, those light blue-grey eyes looking at you. Just focus on those eyes.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
You nodded, your eyes filling with tears at the realization of what was actually happening. Miche pulled you into a hug and you both sat on your bathroom floor until you stopped crying.
It took a couple days for names to be collected of who survived and was living as a refugee within Wall Rose. Your family wasn’t on the list.
Later that night, you stood in the hallway, outside his door. You weren’t really sure the protocol for this sort of thing. Were you allowed to just go in if it’s just his office? You knocked lightly on the door and waited for an answer. When there was none, you opened the door a crack and peeked through. There was no light in his office at all. It seemed safe enough to move to his bedroom door.
There were a lot of other options for how to deal with how you were feeling, but this one seemed to keep tugging at you. You knocked lightly against the bedroom door. This time you heard some shuffling before his voice called for you to go in. You opened the door a crack, seeing some light coming from the candle on his nightstand.
You opened the door the rest of the way and saw Miche sitting in his underwear on his bed, reading a book. You quickly looked down.
“I’m sorry.” You started closing the door.
“Well, wait. What is it you needed?” He asked. You held the door opened just enough so he could hear you.
“I—uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“You didn’t.” He laughed. “Hang on.”
He moved to his dresser and grabbed a pair of pants, putting them on and going to the door to open it, stepping back to let you in.
“What was it that you needed?” He asked again, closing the door behind you.
“I was hoping to have some of that wine.” You forced a smile. “I… uh… I could really use it.”
He moved to his bed, sitting down and grabbing the wine bottle.
“Take a seat.” He smiled, but the smile slowly faded as he saw your face, concern washing over him as he set the bottle on the bed and started to stand up.
Your face was hot now, so much pressure from holding your feelings in, trying to keep it together. Your sobbing came out before any actual tears did and he quickly moved to you.
“I…I—ca…It—they—not…” You struggled making any sort of coherent sentence. Even if your words made sense, the sobs breaking them up made it entirely incomprehensible. Miche held your shoulders and pulled you into his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He rubbed your back gently as you cried into his chest. You moved your arms to wrap around his back and he shifted so he could pick you up and carried you to the bed to sit in his lap. He continued rocking you and rubbing your back until your sobbing became quiet hiccups and you pulled back to look at him.
“I should have been there to help them.” Your eyes were red and filling with tears again. “I was here just laughing and they were…”
“Don’t think like that.” He held your face. “You didn’t know that was going to happen. None of us did. It’s not your fault.”
“But I—”
“It’s not going to help you to think like that, Y/N.” He smoothed the loose hairs from your face and wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Miche…” the tears continued running down your face and your bottom lip curled. You looked lost. Miche’s heart was breaking as he watched you.
“Oh my—” He clenched his jaw in an attempt to control himself and pulled you back into his chest, rubbing the back of your head and rocking you back and forth. As soon as you were able to stop crying, he laid you down on the bed and snuggled you into him.
It would happen occasionally in the future when either one of you were feeling bad, but that night was the first time, of many times to come, that you slept cuddling next to Miche.
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Taglist: @rvvaged​ @hadassackerman​ @firewolf1303​ @honeyr4ven​ @luanabonn​ @clean-soap​
70 notes · View notes
simsadventures · 5 years
Only Mine: Chapter 4: The Encounter Part I
Summary: You try to forget all about the night and the dinner you had with Bucky, but some people just won’t let you.
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of rape (trying not to be too explicit), angst, mobster AU
Word Count: 2244
A/N: Remember, you wanted it @sebbbystaaan​ and @kneel-begyourpardon​. Don’t stone me for this little cliffhanger. Part II of The Encounter will come out tomorrow. Let me know what you thought xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter 
The next couple of days were a blur for Bucky. He couldn’t figure out how anyone would be so cold towards him, especially a woman. He tried to think back to the night the two of you spent together, that maybe he did something wrong, or that he maybe not performed the way he usually does. But he shook this thought off, remembering how your thighs quivered and how your whole body shook. This couldn’t be the reason then.
All the women always loved when he acted like an alpha around them, so he didn’t understand what your problem was with things like him ordering food for you. A weird thought appeared in front of his eyes. Maybe you really weren’t anything like the women he was used to, and that he genuinely had no idea how to treat a woman, but he dismissed this as well. Pff, he was Bucky Barnes, every woman would fall to their knees to just spend a night with him.
He was standing in his room, staring out the window at his backyard. He could see three gardeners trying to create something beautiful of the mess the grass and trees were at the moment, and he loved to see them work. It brought peace to his weary mind. But somebody disturbed the peace by knocking on his door.
“Yeah,” he rumbled but didn’t make any effort of looking who it was. He had the nagging feeling that it was either Steve, or Sam, or both, and he didn’t need to see their faces. He could get all the emotions just from their voices, especially when the three of them were together, his right hands always told him everything just like they felt it.
“Staring into the distance, thinking of your one try love, mate?” Sam asked, humour laced in his voice. He could hear Steve snicker behind him and Bucky just rolled his eyes at their childish behaviour.
“You wanted something particular, or did you come in to tease me?” Bucky growled, his eyes now closed, with his fingers massaging the root of his nose. They’ve been there for a few seconds, and they were already giving him a headache.
“Teasing? You think this is teasing? Teasing would be if we came back to the scene at the restaurant. Man! The way she sassed you and how you stay quiet, that was hilarious! We were a little worried that you bit your tongue. This, this would be teasing, old pal.” Steve was smirking at Bucky, who was now intently staring at the two of them, wishing they would turn into dust.
“Haha, so funny! You done, assholes? I do have better things to do than to listen to the two of you.”
“Like? Staring out the window like you’re the cover of a sad-boy’s album?” This time, Sam and Steve actually high-fived, and all Bucky could do was to sigh. He might have been the boss outside the room, but here, in his personal quarter, they were just three old friends, teasing the hell out of each other. Bucky just hated that it was now his turn to be in the burning seat.
“Give me a break, ok? I just never met a woman like her, that’s all. But she made it very clear that she wasn’t interested and I’m not gonna hunt her down. I’ve got better things to do than to think about some sassy-big-mouthed girl. Any word on Pierce?”
Both of the men in front of Bucky shook their heads. “Nope, nothing. Apparently, he is still very much on the West Coast, and if he likes his own life, he’s gonna stay there. Don’t worry about him, we’re gonna make sure he stays where he should. Speaking of shoulds,” Sam said, and looked at Steve, importantly.
“Right, we should get on the streets today. There are some bastards roaming the city, raping young women. We should make a purge and show them what happens to guys like them. I spoke to the Commissioner of the NYPD, and he said that their forces could help us, we just gotta call them. He told me, that they almost had the guys, but that they weren’t scared of the cops one bit, and the Commissioner thinks they would be scared of us. He also gave us full permission to do whatever we think is necessary. He just wants them out of the city.”
Bucky nodded and clenched his jaw. He hated men like that. He might have been a jerk, but all his women went with him willingly, or, at least, he wouldn’t push himself on them sexually. He also hated the fact that some asshole thought it was a good idea to start that shit in his city.
“Call the Commissioner, and tell him that the patrols that would see anything suspicious should call us directly and that we’ll handle it. Let’s hope it’ll be enough, and that it will be over with quickly. Do we know anything about them?”
Sam was thinking for a while, as was Steve. When they felt like they thought of everything that could be important, they switched between the two of them and told it all to Bucky.
“There are two of them, apparently taking turns at the girls.”
“They sometimes take two girls, one for each. Most of the time, they, however, take one girl, and when they’re done with her, they look for another one, so they have at least two girls a night.”
“Which tells us they must be on the younger side of the spectrum, having the stamina for two rounds, pretty quickly after each other.”
“They use condoms, so the hype is not in breeding the women, but maybe over-powering them? They apparently don’t have a type, their victims vary from the colour of their skin to their height.”
“But, we do know that their favourite part of New York is Brooklyn, only one of the 10 rapes they managed to do happened outside of Brooklyn, so we should be stationed somewhere around there.”
Bucky listened intently, making mental notes and preparing a plan for the night, or several nights ahead of them. For a second, his mind wandered towards you, if you were fine, and if you would be fine, but he quickly dismissed the thought and concentrated on the task at hand. They had an eventful night ahead of them.
Getting Bucky out of your head was easier than you thought. Mostly because you were buried in your work, deadlines licking your heels and you knew you’d catch absolute hell if you didn’t finish in time.
What also helped was that you couldn’t meet him anywhere. Because the two of you lived such different lives, you were almost a hundred per cent sure there wasn’t a possibility of the two of you randomly meeting again. Once was enough and you didn’t need him threatening you go on another date with him. You inwardly rolled your eyes at yourself, reminding you that it wasn’t a date and that you definitely didn’t want it to be one.
Bucky was a mobster, and you definitely didn’t have his icy eyes in front of you when you were falling asleep. Not. At. All. But, to tell the truth, that was the only time you actually thought of him, otherwise being pretty busy.
Natasha loved every detail of that night, and you thought she would soon start writing down quotes from the date. She was obsessed with someone putting Bucky in his place, even more so that it was her best friend who did that, and she had first-hand details of the encounter.
You were sitting at the publishing house, with 5 other people, all of you catching up with your work. Among others, a new secretary of the editorial director. She looked like a sweet girl, even if you thought she was a little too dolled-up for pretty much an all-nighter at a publishing house, with a bunch of uninterested people. Your director was gay, so there was no chance she would be able to get to him, and other than that, it was you, Kate, and Bruce, who was currently single, but too shy to even look Tania’s way.
You and Kate were discussing the best approach to one of the Young Adult books you were currently trying to edit so that it could be sold in the shortest amount of time. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and when you turned, you could see Tania sitting on your desk. You cringed inwardly, really hating when people invaded your personal space but tried to remain calm and collected. It was still a long night ahead of you.
“I thought I knew you from somewhere, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. You were out on Friday night, weren’t you?” She asked sweetly, but the smile on her face didn’t reach her eyes.
You smiled politely and nodded. Not that it was any of her business anyway. “Well if you saw me, then I must have been out, right?” You started to turn back to Kate, who was obviously trying not to laugh but failing miserably. Tania’s hand stopped you.
“So you’re the girl of the month, then? Huh, would never guess his demands got so low but good for you. The best month of your life awaits you until he decides that you’re old news and kicks you out like a stray dog.”
There was so much venom in her voice that you were surprised she didn’t poison you spitting at you.
“Sounds like you have the first-hand experience with that, sweetheart!” You smiled oh-so-sweetly at her, and she was now sending daggers through her eyes. “Look, Tania, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it was just one dinner, and I’m definitely the girl of no month. I bet Bucky is a great guy for the month, but I’m seriously not interested. So you can stop keeping me away from my job, and maybe start doing yours and bring us all coffee?”
You were a bitch, and you knew it, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You hated when people were nosey and would ask you unnecessary questions about your personal life. It was called personal for a reason.
She scoffed, but got up from your table (not before she “accidentally” pushed some of the papers from the table on the floor) and asked everyone around if anyone else wanted some hot beverage. Everyone hummed in agreement, but never stopped with their works.
Kate showed you thumbs up excitedly but otherwise dropped the case, knowing you two could gossip about what just happened after the deadlines were closed and your asses weren’t catching on fire.
It was around 2 AM that you could finally send out all the files you were supposed to, and despite your exhaustion, you couldn’t help but feel happy and relieved. Tania went home around 11 PM telling you all that she wasn’t cut out for such things, and that she better go home to be fresh and pretty the next morning. You collectively rolled your eyes at her but left it without a comment, feeling like she wouldn’t get the sarcastic comments that were on the tip of your tongue.
You said your goodbyes with Kate, and both walked in different directions. You would typically put in your headphones and zone out, but you were aware that it was quite late, and that even if New York acted as the safe city because of Bucky and his crew, you heard about few rapes around Brooklyn and you didn’t want to take a chance.
So you casually walked down the pavement, thinking about how you didn’t want to get up the next morning, knowing it would be a massive pain in the ass. Your mind also wandered towards your breakfast, trying to imagine the contents of your fridge to think of what you were gonna make the next morning.
As you were deciding between scrambled eggs and pancakes, somebody behind you whistled. You paid no mind to it, thinking that it definitely wasn’t at you. But when the whistling came from much closer behind you, followed by a low “pussycat”. You could hear a chuckle, which sounded like coming from a different man, and a cold sweat burst on your forehead, while a shiver ran down your spine.
You quickened your pace, hearing that they did the same, and you suddenly felt the rush of adrenaline in your blood. You didn’t want to die, or be used like that, and tried to think of anything that would get you out of the situation. You got to run. You knew you wouldn’t be able to fight them, especially if there were two of them, but you weren’t willing to take a look and lose time with it. But even without turning, you could hear them getting closer every second, and when you could feel a hand on your shoulder, harshly grabbing you, you did the only thing that was left. You let out a loud shriek, which was quickly muffled by a hand over your mouth. Your eyes watered instantly, you were trashing in the attacker’s arms, trying to get free, but he wouldn’t budge. You never thought you would end up here, and with this thought, your mind grew hazy, and your body went limp.
/ Next Chapter > 
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lovingwolfpolice · 5 years
7 Ways a CRM Software Can Increase Sales
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Many leading research institutes, such as Gartner and Forrester, predict double-digit growth by the year 2020. This increase resulted in an industry valuation of over $ 200 billion in 2018.
Of course, every dollar earned requires a sale. Although small or consumer-focused software sales can occur without person-to-person contact, sales of business-to-business software require support from sales staff.
For sales personnel working with enterprise-level customers, the sales cycle may span months or a year. Those long deadlines make it difficult to know exactly when to reach a prospect, or what message to deliver for maximum impact. In addition, a single mistake can interrupt or ruin months of hard work by the marketing and sales departments.
Then, how can the sales team manage and nurture takes place effectively during a sales cycle? CRM can support business development in every industry but may have even greater value for software companies. Here are seven ways in which sales management software an important role in software sales:
CRM software gives access to the marketing team to generate more leads:
Where does visibility stop for the marketing team? Do marketers know the relative value of leads from an online form versus a tradeshow encounter? At some point, tracking the value of the clue is no longer a scale. A software sales CRM can help identify the most valuable marketing channels by following the lead from the initial contact to the conclusion of the sale.
Even for small software businesses, a long sales cycle can make it difficult to miss a lead source. A CRM not only removes guesses but also eliminates manual input. In addition to reducing human error, an automated lead-generation process removes another tedious step required by sales staff.
Over time, in-depth knowledge about lead genesis can also support the development of marketing automation. Which messages are most influential for sales? And when should those messages be delivered? CRM Software data can help businesses deploy the right message at the right time - without any effort.
2. Find out what it takes to get a client demo
There are several ways to get a client to try out a software product freemium 'model, testing, or in-person performance. The correct method varies depending on the software. For example, an electronic health record system may make the most sense to display in person, while a cloud-based accounting platform may be easier to provide as a time-limited test.
In any case, a customer demo often proves persuasive. Getting potential customers to request a product demonstration is a unique challenge for software sales representatives. Although text-heavy whitepaper or graphics may be sufficient for other products and services, those materials struggle to convey the interactive user experience of a software platform.
If software testing is the highest value action for a lead, then sales CRM can help sales staff reach that goal more often. By examining CRM data, the sales team can systematically review a series of interactions for product performance. For managers, CRM data can help existing firms dismiss their subjective feedback as a data-backed recommendation to try new techniques or to abandon old habits.
3. CRM Software gives accurate data analytic to help the predictable success 
Customer performance software represents a turning point in the sales cycle. However, there is always more interaction on both sides of the software demo. A CRM Software system can help pinpoint critical interactions that transition to the top-funnel that leads to salable prospects.
Similarly, a CRM can help identify appropriate follow-up talking points and timelines after a product test. Combines all data points during the process to create a complete picture of the sales cycle to help weaken points and highlight key contacts from start to end.
4. Data synchronization feature of CRM Software, that helps to share information one end to another end with in the company.
In a long sales cycle, it can be impossible to ensure that a single staff member is available to a customer at a defining moment. Months after the lead is created, the customer can call back for final confirmation of a product feature, or add last-minute to a larger contract.Similarly, large organizations may receive initial calls in call centers, distribute those to remote sales staff, then close the sale with a final call back to company headquarters.
In either scenario, many people have significant interactions with potential customers. Without a CRM sales system, companies risk having important information from the people who need it the most. A CRM Software can hold all lead information in a single, remotely accessible location. This means that client information is updated and available in real time to anyone working with the client.
A centralized repository is also helpful for customers. Easy-to-access client data streamlines their interactions with internal teams and helps build trust in the relationship.
5. Get data to support sales and revenue projections
The potential value a CRM Software can reach beyond immediate sales employees and managers. Over time, data in CRM can help predict sales and revenue in the coming quarters. This information is required for top level executives to make smart budgets and try to make decisions.
A CRM for software sales can also identify major problems before identifying them. Changes or decreases in marketing budgets can dent high-quality lead generation. Or, a change in product features may cause a rapid reduction in retention rates. With the initial notice given by CRM data, officials can regain the budget or prepare in advance to deal with a possible recession.
6. Identify the right time for a nymph
This is because they offer an on-the-fly expansion of features and scalability as business changes are required. For many in software sales, this makes initial sales a point for potentially lucrative fluctuations in the future.
The way a sales CRM provides data for the first sale can also help track up-time from time to time. This knowledge can then inform marketing and sales strategies for existing customers. In an optimal scenario, a CRM can help inform predictive marketing efforts that underscore the potential benefits of an enhanced version of the software such that a customer may experience a new pain point.
Likewise, software businesses can use CRM data to avoid upsetting satisfied customers when it can happen very quickly in a relationship.
7. Know when to check on subscription service
In recent years, some of the world's largest software providers have switched to the subscription model, which includes Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite. From a sales standpoint, membership models focus on monthly or annual retention from a one-time purchase (with a possible repurchase in a few years or a later upgrade).
This change can put additional pressure on marketing and sales teams to maintain active dialogue to ensure client satisfaction. CRM Software can help identify the right time to uncover new features, or remind customers of pending or lapsed upgrades.
A sales manager can also examine patterns in a CRM that positively or negatively affect retention rates. That knowledge can improve customer service rather than reactive. It can also help identify which types of clients may require special handling or guidance to support retention efforts.
The Value of a CRM for Software Sales
A more modern, granular approach requires deeper customer understanding on an individual and collective level. 
Increasing consumer knowledge allows for smarter marketing that brings in more qualified leads and better manages those leads within the system. For managers working to improve the performance of their teams, the structured data housed in CRM ensures actionable, persuasive insights to roll out new sales strategies and measure quantitative progress.
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eriseclipsenuiwitch · 7 years
The Outcasts- chapter 10
Since Adamai brought Lady Echo new allies/soldiers/prisoners/pets (delete what You want), it has been a week (and three days). Kira was quite fast in teaming up with Kalmia, Robin and Lucky. They frowned at the fact that their new acquaintance did not want to give up her religion, but Kira claimed that death was the only sure thing in life. Yaga, besides conducting the sparring with the demigods (apart from Echo, Adamai, the Iop and a small blue-eyed girl), was involved in the production of some sort of specifics that, as she claimed, kept her alive ("You have two options, my dear. You will agree and I will be a good, nasty reptile, or you will not agree, I'll end up drugs and I will die, and it's hard to find another shit of my species"). There was also suspicion that she was doing some mysterious rituals there (but for who?), but no one caught her during the act yet. And Qilby...
"AAAACHOOO!!!!" The Eliatrope sneezed with such force that the hood of the protective mantle slipped off his head, scarcely taking his hat down also, and the laboratory glass clattered on the shelves and tables.
"For God's sake, go to a medic or something!" roared Yaga with all her kindness while sitting in her new lab, right next to (of course) the Count's laboratory (now Qilby's).
"I can't!!!" Qilby screamed equaly kindly as he put his hood back "I've got a job to do!"
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important, Yaga sighed mentaly, and she said aloud:
"They don't acknowledge a sick notes here?!!!"
"Go back to your task, woman!"
"Go to a medic!"
And the show was going on, over and over again.
After the next three hours, Qilby was completely frozen and couldn't even tease with Yaga. Fortunately, it alarmed her, because it could have been much worse. With the force she entered to the lab (the Masqueraider guarding the scientist happened to disappear somewhere) and carried Qilby on her back to Robin's cave, where at least was warm.
Robin, Kalmia, Lucky, the "Nameless" Maskarad and (recently) Kira were one of the many Brotherhood's operating teams and, as one of the most effective ones, were given a small set of egg-shaped caves under the Cursed Citadel, which served as their sleeping quarters with large central grotto as a living room.
Yaga lifted Qilby on her shoulders to release one hand and knocked to the round wooden door.
"What?!" snarled Kalmia from other side.
"A bowl of broth, for a poor, unfortunate soul!" Yaga replied.
"Bleah" announced Qilby, who scorned a broth as an dishonor to the noble art of preaparing a meat.
"And a little water with soap, for the other, sweaty soul could wash herself..." Then the door opened wide and there was Robin smiling wide.
"Be our guest*," said cheerfully the dark-haired Cra.
In some places, magic is extremely anxious and sensitive to the emotions of beings able to contact with Her. It was therefore logical that by the presence of so many demigods and the burning anger of the one ivory dragon, the energy in the Cursed Citadel was... unstable. Lady Echo did her best to neutralize this 'hiccup'. She began to send some demigods to other hideouts or to the Tower of Dreams, something like the Brotherhood's headquarters. But the most pressing problem was Adamai. Whoever was his mother, this whole Goddess, gave her offspring a big, raw power that slipped out of control, mainly thanks to the young dragon's relative. Qilby and Adamai hated each other and any of them intended to give up. The wisest way out was to teach the ivory dragon greater self-control. Something that Grougarolagan and Balthazar apparently neglected. But who said that all dragons are reasonable?
"Focus, brother Adamai," whispered Lady Echo, while the multicolored ribbons of magic flowed between her and the young ivory dragon. They sat together on the floor of her office and tried to master the magic of the Eliatrope Goddess in body of one from her sons. "Calm your emotions, control anger. The key to full control over your power, yours and your sisters and brothers is serenity. Complete serenity..."
"Lady Echo!" A guard with a bandaged head came into the office (it was the same one Kira knocked out last week) with a scroll in his hand.
"What now?!!!!" the furious woman roared, spreading her unmatching wings, and her yellow eyes glowing scary.
"I'm-... I'm-... I'm sorry, my lady!" The unlucky soldier crouched before the daughter of the goddess Eniripsa. "But an important report from the South came and...!
"Which post?" Echo interrupted him, trying to calm herself down and hide her emotions, but a note of anxiety crept into her cool voice .
"Dragon Mausoleum," the man rasped and handed his Mistress a scroll sealed stamped with wax seal with the post symbol. The wax was black, which, according to the Brotherhood's findings, meant the highest priority information. The last time they used these markings in the news was when Master Joris set out to look for the six Eliatrope Dofus.
Lady Echo quickly opened the message and began to read. With every sentence her eyes grew wider and wider. No, that could not happen... Not now! But He warned her that something like that exists and might reveal itself sometime. And their spy in the Suffokatian research team just confirmed this. But why now? Now when Pandora's Box was almost complete?! That could change completly force arrangement!
"We are the closest," she whispered, then looked at the guard and worried Adamai, "Brother, I have to talk to you in private"
The guard quickly escaped, and Echo made sure no one was listening near her door.
"It has to stay between us, Adamai," the woman said softly. "It can be a very bad turn of events..."
"Bleah" snapped Qilby, sending a bowl of broth on his lap a particularly disgusted look.
"Eat, not complain" Yaga jagged washing her neck "Or I plug your nose like a little brat's and I pour this soup right into your throat"
"Just try it" the Eliatrope bared his incisors, but he reached for a spoon and began to eat slowly (of course, making faces). Yaga's face filled in with a triumphant smile.
"Tell me..." Robin sat down next to the dark haired "With Kira we explained the Thing... And I'd like to know... how is it with you and..."
"If you're wondering if I'm inclined to come in with you in a more intimate relationship that's likely to end up with some kind of party on your mattress..." Yaga sighed heavily like the person who had been in such a situation so many times that she could calmly guess what Robin wanted to say to her even before he will think about it "the answer is no."
"Damn, woman, are you refusing everyone?" now Robin was pissed when he suddenly remembered something "I'm too low in the hierarchy for You?"
"That I was trying to seduce your boss-lady doesn't mean I was planning to go to bed with her!" Yaga snapped "That was a joke. When I see someone as rigid as an accountant in a gypsum I must mock! Loose the atmosphere! Otherwise I would go crazy. Now you follow?"
"Okay, good, you wanted to make a fun of Lady Echo... But what about me? What are your reasons to say no?"
"Put it that way... I have no problem with your appearance. You are also likable person, or at least I see you so... But I am temporarily resting from relationships. We understand each other?"
"Oh... Was he mean? Abusive?"
"First: it was she. And no, nobody hit anyone. It just... it didn't work out"
Robin may not have noticed this, but Qilby sensed a slight tremor in her voice. Contrary to what she said, her forward relationship didn't just 'work out'. Something went wrong, terribly damn wrong.
"Get up!" screamed, who suddenly appeared at the door. Everyone jumped up. "Robin, prepare your ship! Rest, pack up! You too, Traitor" here he looked with disgust at Qilby.
"Wait, what?!" Robin approached the young dragon with a sharp resentment on his face "What 'prepare the ship'?! This is my property and I will tell you when it can go on a cruise!"
"That's an order, not suggestion" that was the dragon's last word in this case and he walked away "You have one hour"
* Sorry, Guys, I couldn't stop myself! XD
Finally, a next chapter I promised You to add shortly after my return from Italy. Well, I hope I manage to do this before deadline, which Your patience gave me. Next one will be rather short. I will also try to add some parts focused on other characters, because I suck when I have to deal with too many characters and guess what I'm doing EVERY. F*CKING. TIME. When I'm writing something. I create more characters than I can handle.
I'm some kind of goddamnit masochist.
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we’re going to be talking all about the Bitcoin price bouncing from this eighty-five hundred dollar level and pushing up to potentially test recent highs. Now, there is a very, very important price that Bitcoin has to break. In the next few hours or days if we want to remain bullish before this halving. So that will be coming up in today’s video. Not only that, guys, but I’ll be taking a look at a trade that was posted in the trade calls recently. We will also be taking a look at some a theory analysis. And then finally, in the later half of the video, we’ll be moving on to the U.S. Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic, which is absolutely crazy. Then roundoff, the video with an interesting article about John McAfee is. Ninety-nine percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. So, guys, all that good stuff coming up in today’s video. I can’t wait to share it with you. Make sure you sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I did take a couple of days off, which is very nice. However, I cannot wait to bring you this video today. As always, guys, if we haven’t already, let’s smash those likes up and hit that one K like a target. And if you haven’t already and you do enjoy my content, make sure to subscribe and take that notification bell. Also, guys, today I’ll be announcing the giveaway winner of the trees. A storage device is usually on every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll be doing that giveaway today. So stay tuned to the end of the video to see if you in the trees a storage device. And if you wanted to enter for next week. Drop your comments down below right now, guys. And that will give you an entry. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Bitcoin price. So, guys, we all know we had this nice pump up to around nine thousand five hundred dollars. We did get heavily rejected there. Came back down to eighty-five hundred dollars. Pretty much establishing this around eighty-five hundred dollar range. And this bold white line as a reasonable level of support. Now, again, the price came up. We tested above this nine K level, which we’ve had a little bit of trouble with here prior to this. And we actually tested above this nine K level, which is really nice at about nine thousand two hundred and five dollars in that range. We then it broke back down testing this eighty-five hundred dollar level again, bouncing from it up. And guess where we went. Well, we went back to that nine K level. So we are going in between these two ranges here around nine K to on the upper level and about eight point five K on the lower level. Now where Bitcoin is out right now is really, really important. We can see here that we have here we created a lower high, which is definitely not good. The high here was upwards of nine-point five K, and then the high here was upwards of around nine thousand eighty dollars. However, from here to here, we actually created a new local high, which is very, very good. And it’s very nice to see this local high on the candlewick is about nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars. So guys, if we can, in fact, break nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars in the immediate short term, in the next few hours or the next day or so, we would potentially be setting a new higher high local high or high for Bitcoin, which would be really, really nice. The short term price of Bitcoin. So that’s pretty much where I think or I hope we can go if we can, in fact, break that nine-point two K level and hold above. That will be really, really nice. However, just keep in mind, in the past this nine K level not only is a psychological level of resistance, but it is also a fairly big level of resistance on the chart, which we got heavily rejected here prior to that. So do keep that in mind that we could just fall below nine. Okay. Go back down, test the eight-point five K again. That wouldn’t really be anything out of the norm. So that’s pretty much that for the Bitcoin price. If we go over to the daily chart now and take a look at that 200 daily moving average. We can see we are still very much above it. We’re still around about 12 to 15 percent above the 200-day moving average, which is really, really nice. This 200-day moving average will start to creep up to this eight point five K level in the coming weeks, which is really, really interesting. And that could also form a strong level of support if the Bitcoin price does continue to keep climbing. I hope this 200-day moving average can slowly come up here and form another layer of support around the eight-point five K. That’ll be really, really nice and a good solid level of support. Of course, guys, the 200-day moving average is a really lagging indicator as it is over 200 days. So that thing does not move fast at all. So that’s pretty much it for the Bitcoin price. I will be getting old going over a little bit more in later in today’s video. I wanted to let you know about trade call I put out recently. I put the call out on around about May the 4th at 11 a.m. and since then the price has actually gone really, really nice and profit upwards of six percent profit. However, this was a leverage trade call. So if you were on a 10X, which I said I was trading with, they’ll be around a 60 percent profit, which is really, really nice. And a lot of people were actually making some nice profit on the trade. Calls will be linked down below. And that trade actually took over on feme X, which is really, really nice. And if you did want to join fee mix and trade with leverage, of course, is risky, but there can be some great rewards there as well. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you actually get a hundred and 12 dollar bonus if you use my link Downbelow. So click the link Downbelow below. Make yourself an account on Phoenix and start trading. If you are a more advanced trader. If you mix is pretty much the best platform as it allows you to have subaccount so you can go long more and go short on the other or trade five x leverage on Monterrey 10x on the other. So I really recommend that. So guys, without any further ado, let’s get into theory at price. So a theory. We had an ice top over here at around two hundred and thirty dollars, give or take. We then found a lower high. We brought that lower high but then fell further down. And fortunately and we came down and tested that 200 dollar level of support. Now, two hundred dollars is a huge level of theory. It’s pretty much like the 10k level of Bitcoin. It’s a huge, huge level for a theory. And we did see a nice solid bounce from this 200 dollar. Level, which is really, really nice to see. And we are, in fact, climbing in price. I do hope we can test back up to this 220 dollar level up here for a theorem that will be really nice in Amede in the short term. Sorry. We do have to break this 210 dollar level, which we see support from here and resistance from right here. So if we can, in fact, break that level and go up, that will be really, really nice. If we go over and have a look at the 200 days for a theorem, we can see what’s going on there. So we can see a theorem is still well above the 200-day moving average. It’s around about 20 percent above it, which is really, really nice to see. We did have a lot of trouble in the past with the 200 days moving average here testing it. And then finally breaking out above it on around the 17th of April, which is not actually that long ago. So things are looking fairly good for a theory at the moment. I do like this massive bullish room we are having from it. It’ll be very interesting to see if we cannot break that level of resistance and continue to that 250 dollar level, which I think theory can reach in the medium term. So let’s go on to the first article of today, guys. The US Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic. This is absolutely crazy, guys. The US Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly three trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the pandemic. It’s an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit by the virus in a single quarter. The government will borrow more than twice as it did all of last year, which is absolutely insane. Let’s read that again. The government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year in a single quarter. That is absolutely crazy, guys. Yeah, it’s insane. The increase is privately held. The increase in privately held a net marketable borrowing is primarily driven by the impact of the outbreak. Of course, we know that the government had expected the influx of cash during the April June quarter as businesses and families paid their income taxes. But the tax filing deadline was pushed back until July. Which is understandable. The Treasury Department says it expects to borrow another six hundred seventy-seven billion between July and September. She’s just crazy. Despite the surge in federal debt, the government is borrowing the government borrowing costs remain low. The Fed Reserve has promised to buy as much Treasury debt as necessary to weather out this pandemic. This is the time to use the great fiscal power of the United States to do what we can to support the economy and try to get through this with as little damage to the length on the productive capacity of the economy as possible. So this is really, really interesting, guys. Do you think this is going to have an impact on the value of the US dollar? Let me know your comments down below. I’d be really, really interested to see what they are on to reply to them. Also, by doing that, Ill enter you into the stocks trays at storage device giveaway so that they further do. Let’s get onto the next article. So, guys, moving on, let’s take a look at the final article of today’s video. It’s a pretty interesting one, actually. John McAfee is 99 percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. This is a really interesting article. And it goes on to say, McAfee described the popular belief an individual named Toshie designed Bitcoin as nonsense. Starting it was a team of 11 people over a period of five years that came up eventually with Bitcoin. How they decided who wrote the white paper. I don’t know anyone who wants to know who it is. I mean, you can just you know, who the options are. You’ve got Craig where possibly I’m not going to name anyone else. Otherwise, you’ll figure out who it is. But somebody wrote the white paper. I don’t personally think it’s Craig. Right. And many people don’t. However, there is more to come. McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the white paper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi identity. If you read the white paper, no one is totally clear. He’s English. Every single word has a different spelling in English. An American is English. Number two, he left tells basically and the way he formatted and typed the white paper, you can tell pretty much who it is. He’s saying if you buy a 200 dollar authorship program and take the white paper and you run it through and you take any one of the papers that this so-called Satoshi has published, all of these people wrote papers, by the way. Only one comes out with 90 percent probability it’s him. McAfee recounts that he had previously planned out, probably reveals Tosches identity before deciding against it, such after a phone call with the individual. He basically went on to say, and you know what? He told me, very smart. He said, OK, what if you’re wrong? He goes, if you’re right, then she told she is going to have to hire 50 security guards and change his life or else he will die. Why? Everyone’s gonna want a piece of him, including the governments that demands that he pay taxes. It goes on to say if he’s wrong or that individual now has had his life change and could potentially have some sort of suicidal thoughts or something like death. Could negatively impact his life. If he’s and if he is wrong. That’s a really interesting article. I do somewhat agree with how you can analyze how words are written and copy that on to other papers. I’ve been ripping written. Sorry, and you can kind of find out who it is. Leave your comments down below on this article. And if you think Kathy is right or you think he’s just talking a load of tosh. All right, guys. So the moment you’ve all been waiting for now at the end of the video, I’ve chosen the video from last week. Let’s see how many comments there were. There was actually 300. Keep going. 400, 500 G’s, OK. Four hundred and ninety-four unique comments. Let’s choose the winner. So the winner of the trades at storage device is. Crypto king commentated great to go. Congratulations, dude, you all the winner. If you do want to get in contact with me and just send proof of your YouTube channel that it is actually you and you will, in fact, win the giveaway prize or the equivalent in Bitcoin. So congratulations to the winner. Don’t worry, there’s always next week so you can keep commenting as it takes two seconds to enter. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video, guys. As I said, I really hope we can break this nine-point two K level if we can. I’ll be really, really nice of all the halving. But that is pretty much it, guys. Don’t forget to check out feedback’s which will be linked down below. Pretty much my number one recommended leverage exchange. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you’ll actually get one hundred and twelve dollars bonus for free. So thanks. Watching D video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-specific-price-now/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/critical-bitcoin-must-break-this-specific-price-now-to-remain-bullish-before-the-halving
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we’re going to be talking all about the Bitcoin price bouncing from this eighty-five hundred dollar level and pushing up to potentially test recent highs. Now, there is a very, very important price that Bitcoin has to break. In the next few hours or days if we want to remain bullish before this halving. So that will be coming up in today’s video. Not only that, guys, but I’ll be taking a look at a trade that was posted in the trade calls recently. We will also be taking a look at some a theory analysis. And then finally, in the later half of the video, we’ll be moving on to the U.S. Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic, which is absolutely crazy. Then roundoff, the video with an interesting article about John McAfee is. Ninety-nine percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. So, guys, all that good stuff coming up in today’s video. I can’t wait to share it with you. Make sure you sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I did take a couple of days off, which is very nice. However, I cannot wait to bring you this video today. As always, guys, if we haven’t already, let’s smash those likes up and hit that one K like a target. And if you haven’t already and you do enjoy my content, make sure to subscribe and take that notification bell. Also, guys, today I’ll be announcing the giveaway winner of the trees. A storage device is usually on every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll be doing that giveaway today. So stay tuned to the end of the video to see if you in the trees a storage device. And if you wanted to enter for next week. Drop your comments down below right now, guys. And that will give you an entry. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Bitcoin price. So, guys, we all know we had this nice pump up to around nine thousand five hundred dollars. We did get heavily rejected there. Came back down to eighty-five hundred dollars. Pretty much establishing this around eighty-five hundred dollar range. And this bold white line as a reasonable level of support. Now, again, the price came up. We tested above this nine K level, which we’ve had a little bit of trouble with here prior to this. And we actually tested above this nine K level, which is really nice at about nine thousand two hundred and five dollars in that range. We then it broke back down testing this eighty-five hundred dollar level again, bouncing from it up. And guess where we went. Well, we went back to that nine K level. So we are going in between these two ranges here around nine K to on the upper level and about eight point five K on the lower level. Now where Bitcoin is out right now is really, really important. We can see here that we have here we created a lower high, which is definitely not good. The high here was upwards of nine-point five K, and then the high here was upwards of around nine thousand eighty dollars. However, from here to here, we actually created a new local high, which is very, very good. And it’s very nice to see this local high on the candlewick is about nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars. So guys, if we can, in fact, break nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars in the immediate short term, in the next few hours or the next day or so, we would potentially be setting a new higher high local high or high for Bitcoin, which would be really, really nice. The short term price of Bitcoin. So that’s pretty much where I think or I hope we can go if we can, in fact, break that nine-point two K level and hold above. That will be really, really nice. However, just keep in mind, in the past this nine K level not only is a psychological level of resistance, but it is also a fairly big level of resistance on the chart, which we got heavily rejected here prior to that. So do keep that in mind that we could just fall below nine. Okay. Go back down, test the eight-point five K again. That wouldn’t really be anything out of the norm. So that’s pretty much that for the Bitcoin price. If we go over to the daily chart now and take a look at that 200 daily moving average. We can see we are still very much above it. We’re still around about 12 to 15 percent above the 200-day moving average, which is really, really nice. This 200-day moving average will start to creep up to this eight point five K level in the coming weeks, which is really, really interesting. And that could also form a strong level of support if the Bitcoin price does continue to keep climbing. I hope this 200-day moving average can slowly come up here and form another layer of support around the eight-point five K. That’ll be really, really nice and a good solid level of support. Of course, guys, the 200-day moving average is a really lagging indicator as it is over 200 days. So that thing does not move fast at all. So that’s pretty much it for the Bitcoin price. I will be getting old going over a little bit more in later in today’s video. I wanted to let you know about trade call I put out recently. I put the call out on around about May the 4th at 11 a.m. and since then the price has actually gone really, really nice and profit upwards of six percent profit. However, this was a leverage trade call. So if you were on a 10X, which I said I was trading with, they’ll be around a 60 percent profit, which is really, really nice. And a lot of people were actually making some nice profit on the trade. Calls will be linked down below. And that trade actually took over on feme X, which is really, really nice. And if you did want to join fee mix and trade with leverage, of course, is risky, but there can be some great rewards there as well. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you actually get a hundred and 12 dollar bonus if you use my link Downbelow. So click the link Downbelow below. Make yourself an account on Phoenix and start trading. If you are a more advanced trader. If you mix is pretty much the best platform as it allows you to have subaccount so you can go long more and go short on the other or trade five x leverage on Monterrey 10x on the other. So I really recommend that. So guys, without any further ado, let’s get into theory at price. So a theory. We had an ice top over here at around two hundred and thirty dollars, give or take. We then found a lower high. We brought that lower high but then fell further down. And fortunately and we came down and tested that 200 dollar level of support. Now, two hundred dollars is a huge level of theory. It’s pretty much like the 10k level of Bitcoin. It’s a huge, huge level for a theory. And we did see a nice solid bounce from this 200 dollar. Level, which is really, really nice to see. And we are, in fact, climbing in price. I do hope we can test back up to this 220 dollar level up here for a theorem that will be really nice in Amede in the short term. Sorry. We do have to break this 210 dollar level, which we see support from here and resistance from right here. So if we can, in fact, break that level and go up, that will be really, really nice. If we go over and have a look at the 200 days for a theorem, we can see what’s going on there. So we can see a theorem is still well above the 200-day moving average. It’s around about 20 percent above it, which is really, really nice to see. We did have a lot of trouble in the past with the 200 days moving average here testing it. And then finally breaking out above it on around the 17th of April, which is not actually that long ago. So things are looking fairly good for a theory at the moment. I do like this massive bullish room we are having from it. It’ll be very interesting to see if we cannot break that level of resistance and continue to that 250 dollar level, which I think theory can reach in the medium term. So let’s go on to the first article of today, guys. The US Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic. This is absolutely crazy, guys. The US Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly three trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the pandemic. It’s an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit by the virus in a single quarter. The government will borrow more than twice as it did all of last year, which is absolutely insane. Let’s read that again. The government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year in a single quarter. That is absolutely crazy, guys. Yeah, it’s insane. The increase is privately held. The increase in privately held a net marketable borrowing is primarily driven by the impact of the outbreak. Of course, we know that the government had expected the influx of cash during the April June quarter as businesses and families paid their income taxes. But the tax filing deadline was pushed back until July. Which is understandable. The Treasury Department says it expects to borrow another six hundred seventy-seven billion between July and September. She’s just crazy. Despite the surge in federal debt, the government is borrowing the government borrowing costs remain low. The Fed Reserve has promised to buy as much Treasury debt as necessary to weather out this pandemic. This is the time to use the great fiscal power of the United States to do what we can to support the economy and try to get through this with as little damage to the length on the productive capacity of the economy as possible. So this is really, really interesting, guys. Do you think this is going to have an impact on the value of the US dollar? Let me know your comments down below. I’d be really, really interested to see what they are on to reply to them. Also, by doing that, Ill enter you into the stocks trays at storage device giveaway so that they further do. Let’s get onto the next article. So, guys, moving on, let’s take a look at the final article of today’s video. It’s a pretty interesting one, actually. John McAfee is 99 percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. This is a really interesting article. And it goes on to say, McAfee described the popular belief an individual named Toshie designed Bitcoin as nonsense. Starting it was a team of 11 people over a period of five years that came up eventually with Bitcoin. How they decided who wrote the white paper. I don’t know anyone who wants to know who it is. I mean, you can just you know, who the options are. You’ve got Craig where possibly I’m not going to name anyone else. Otherwise, you’ll figure out who it is. But somebody wrote the white paper. I don’t personally think it’s Craig. Right. And many people don’t. However, there is more to come. McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the white paper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi identity. If you read the white paper, no one is totally clear. He’s English. Every single word has a different spelling in English. An American is English. Number two, he left tells basically and the way he formatted and typed the white paper, you can tell pretty much who it is. He’s saying if you buy a 200 dollar authorship program and take the white paper and you run it through and you take any one of the papers that this so-called Satoshi has published, all of these people wrote papers, by the way. Only one comes out with 90 percent probability it’s him. McAfee recounts that he had previously planned out, probably reveals Tosches identity before deciding against it, such after a phone call with the individual. He basically went on to say, and you know what? He told me, very smart. He said, OK, what if you’re wrong? He goes, if you’re right, then she told she is going to have to hire 50 security guards and change his life or else he will die. Why? Everyone’s gonna want a piece of him, including the governments that demands that he pay taxes. It goes on to say if he’s wrong or that individual now has had his life change and could potentially have some sort of suicidal thoughts or something like death. Could negatively impact his life. If he’s and if he is wrong. That’s a really interesting article. I do somewhat agree with how you can analyze how words are written and copy that on to other papers. I’ve been ripping written. Sorry, and you can kind of find out who it is. Leave your comments down below on this article. And if you think Kathy is right or you think he’s just talking a load of tosh. All right, guys. So the moment you’ve all been waiting for now at the end of the video, I’ve chosen the video from last week. Let’s see how many comments there were. There was actually 300. Keep going. 400, 500 G’s, OK. Four hundred and ninety-four unique comments. Let’s choose the winner. So the winner of the trades at storage device is. Crypto king commentated great to go. Congratulations, dude, you all the winner. If you do want to get in contact with me and just send proof of your YouTube channel that it is actually you and you will, in fact, win the giveaway prize or the equivalent in Bitcoin. So congratulations to the winner. Don’t worry, there’s always next week so you can keep commenting as it takes two seconds to enter. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video, guys. As I said, I really hope we can break this nine-point two K level if we can. I’ll be really, really nice of all the halving. But that is pretty much it, guys. Don’t forget to check out feedback’s which will be linked down below. Pretty much my number one recommended leverage exchange. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you’ll actually get one hundred and twelve dollars bonus for free. So thanks. Watching D video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-specific-price-now/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/critical-bitcoin-must-break-this.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we’re going to be talking all about the Bitcoin price bouncing from this eighty-five hundred dollar level and pushing up to potentially test recent highs. Now, there is a very, very important price that Bitcoin has to break. In the next few hours or days if we want to remain bullish before this halving. So that will be coming up in today’s video. Not only that, guys, but I’ll be taking a look at a trade that was posted in the trade calls recently. We will also be taking a look at some a theory analysis. And then finally, in the later half of the video, we’ll be moving on to the U.S. Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic, which is absolutely crazy. Then roundoff, the video with an interesting article about John McAfee is. Ninety-nine percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. So, guys, all that good stuff coming up in today’s video. I can’t wait to share it with you. Make sure you sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I did take a couple of days off, which is very nice. However, I cannot wait to bring you this video today. As always, guys, if we haven’t already, let’s smash those likes up and hit that one K like a target. And if you haven’t already and you do enjoy my content, make sure to subscribe and take that notification bell. Also, guys, today I’ll be announcing the giveaway winner of the trees. A storage device is usually on every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll be doing that giveaway today. So stay tuned to the end of the video to see if you in the trees a storage device. And if you wanted to enter for next week. Drop your comments down below right now, guys. And that will give you an entry. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Bitcoin price. So, guys, we all know we had this nice pump up to around nine thousand five hundred dollars. We did get heavily rejected there. Came back down to eighty-five hundred dollars. Pretty much establishing this around eighty-five hundred dollar range. And this bold white line as a reasonable level of support. Now, again, the price came up. We tested above this nine K level, which we’ve had a little bit of trouble with here prior to this. And we actually tested above this nine K level, which is really nice at about nine thousand two hundred and five dollars in that range. We then it broke back down testing this eighty-five hundred dollar level again, bouncing from it up. And guess where we went. Well, we went back to that nine K level. So we are going in between these two ranges here around nine K to on the upper level and about eight point five K on the lower level. Now where Bitcoin is out right now is really, really important. We can see here that we have here we created a lower high, which is definitely not good. The high here was upwards of nine-point five K, and then the high here was upwards of around nine thousand eighty dollars. However, from here to here, we actually created a new local high, which is very, very good. And it’s very nice to see this local high on the candlewick is about nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars. So guys, if we can, in fact, break nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars in the immediate short term, in the next few hours or the next day or so, we would potentially be setting a new higher high local high or high for Bitcoin, which would be really, really nice. The short term price of Bitcoin. So that’s pretty much where I think or I hope we can go if we can, in fact, break that nine-point two K level and hold above. That will be really, really nice. However, just keep in mind, in the past this nine K level not only is a psychological level of resistance, but it is also a fairly big level of resistance on the chart, which we got heavily rejected here prior to that. So do keep that in mind that we could just fall below nine. Okay. Go back down, test the eight-point five K again. That wouldn’t really be anything out of the norm. So that’s pretty much that for the Bitcoin price. If we go over to the daily chart now and take a look at that 200 daily moving average. We can see we are still very much above it. We’re still around about 12 to 15 percent above the 200-day moving average, which is really, really nice. This 200-day moving average will start to creep up to this eight point five K level in the coming weeks, which is really, really interesting. And that could also form a strong level of support if the Bitcoin price does continue to keep climbing. I hope this 200-day moving average can slowly come up here and form another layer of support around the eight-point five K. That’ll be really, really nice and a good solid level of support. Of course, guys, the 200-day moving average is a really lagging indicator as it is over 200 days. So that thing does not move fast at all. So that’s pretty much it for the Bitcoin price. I will be getting old going over a little bit more in later in today’s video. I wanted to let you know about trade call I put out recently. I put the call out on around about May the 4th at 11 a.m. and since then the price has actually gone really, really nice and profit upwards of six percent profit. However, this was a leverage trade call. So if you were on a 10X, which I said I was trading with, they’ll be around a 60 percent profit, which is really, really nice. And a lot of people were actually making some nice profit on the trade. Calls will be linked down below. And that trade actually took over on feme X, which is really, really nice. And if you did want to join fee mix and trade with leverage, of course, is risky, but there can be some great rewards there as well. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you actually get a hundred and 12 dollar bonus if you use my link Downbelow. So click the link Downbelow below. Make yourself an account on Phoenix and start trading. If you are a more advanced trader. If you mix is pretty much the best platform as it allows you to have subaccount so you can go long more and go short on the other or trade five x leverage on Monterrey 10x on the other. So I really recommend that. So guys, without any further ado, let’s get into theory at price. So a theory. We had an ice top over here at around two hundred and thirty dollars, give or take. We then found a lower high. We brought that lower high but then fell further down. And fortunately and we came down and tested that 200 dollar level of support. Now, two hundred dollars is a huge level of theory. It’s pretty much like the 10k level of Bitcoin. It’s a huge, huge level for a theory. And we did see a nice solid bounce from this 200 dollar. Level, which is really, really nice to see. And we are, in fact, climbing in price. I do hope we can test back up to this 220 dollar level up here for a theorem that will be really nice in Amede in the short term. Sorry. We do have to break this 210 dollar level, which we see support from here and resistance from right here. So if we can, in fact, break that level and go up, that will be really, really nice. If we go over and have a look at the 200 days for a theorem, we can see what’s going on there. So we can see a theorem is still well above the 200-day moving average. It’s around about 20 percent above it, which is really, really nice to see. We did have a lot of trouble in the past with the 200 days moving average here testing it. And then finally breaking out above it on around the 17th of April, which is not actually that long ago. So things are looking fairly good for a theory at the moment. I do like this massive bullish room we are having from it. It’ll be very interesting to see if we cannot break that level of resistance and continue to that 250 dollar level, which I think theory can reach in the medium term. So let’s go on to the first article of today, guys. The US Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic. This is absolutely crazy, guys. The US Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly three trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the pandemic. It’s an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit by the virus in a single quarter. The government will borrow more than twice as it did all of last year, which is absolutely insane. Let’s read that again. The government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year in a single quarter. That is absolutely crazy, guys. Yeah, it’s insane. The increase is privately held. The increase in privately held a net marketable borrowing is primarily driven by the impact of the outbreak. Of course, we know that the government had expected the influx of cash during the April June quarter as businesses and families paid their income taxes. But the tax filing deadline was pushed back until July. Which is understandable. The Treasury Department says it expects to borrow another six hundred seventy-seven billion between July and September. She’s just crazy. Despite the surge in federal debt, the government is borrowing the government borrowing costs remain low. The Fed Reserve has promised to buy as much Treasury debt as necessary to weather out this pandemic. This is the time to use the great fiscal power of the United States to do what we can to support the economy and try to get through this with as little damage to the length on the productive capacity of the economy as possible. So this is really, really interesting, guys. Do you think this is going to have an impact on the value of the US dollar? Let me know your comments down below. I’d be really, really interested to see what they are on to reply to them. Also, by doing that, Ill enter you into the stocks trays at storage device giveaway so that they further do. Let’s get onto the next article. So, guys, moving on, let’s take a look at the final article of today’s video. It’s a pretty interesting one, actually. John McAfee is 99 percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. This is a really interesting article. And it goes on to say, McAfee described the popular belief an individual named Toshie designed Bitcoin as nonsense. Starting it was a team of 11 people over a period of five years that came up eventually with Bitcoin. How they decided who wrote the white paper. I don’t know anyone who wants to know who it is. I mean, you can just you know, who the options are. You’ve got Craig where possibly I’m not going to name anyone else. Otherwise, you’ll figure out who it is. But somebody wrote the white paper. I don’t personally think it’s Craig. Right. And many people don’t. However, there is more to come. McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the white paper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi identity. If you read the white paper, no one is totally clear. He’s English. Every single word has a different spelling in English. An American is English. Number two, he left tells basically and the way he formatted and typed the white paper, you can tell pretty much who it is. He’s saying if you buy a 200 dollar authorship program and take the white paper and you run it through and you take any one of the papers that this so-called Satoshi has published, all of these people wrote papers, by the way. Only one comes out with 90 percent probability it’s him. McAfee recounts that he had previously planned out, probably reveals Tosches identity before deciding against it, such after a phone call with the individual. He basically went on to say, and you know what? He told me, very smart. He said, OK, what if you’re wrong? He goes, if you’re right, then she told she is going to have to hire 50 security guards and change his life or else he will die. Why? Everyone’s gonna want a piece of him, including the governments that demands that he pay taxes. It goes on to say if he’s wrong or that individual now has had his life change and could potentially have some sort of suicidal thoughts or something like death. Could negatively impact his life. If he’s and if he is wrong. That’s a really interesting article. I do somewhat agree with how you can analyze how words are written and copy that on to other papers. I’ve been ripping written. Sorry, and you can kind of find out who it is. Leave your comments down below on this article. And if you think Kathy is right or you think he’s just talking a load of tosh. All right, guys. So the moment you’ve all been waiting for now at the end of the video, I’ve chosen the video from last week. Let’s see how many comments there were. There was actually 300. Keep going. 400, 500 G’s, OK. Four hundred and ninety-four unique comments. Let’s choose the winner. So the winner of the trades at storage device is. Crypto king commentated great to go. Congratulations, dude, you all the winner. If you do want to get in contact with me and just send proof of your YouTube channel that it is actually you and you will, in fact, win the giveaway prize or the equivalent in Bitcoin. So congratulations to the winner. Don’t worry, there’s always next week so you can keep commenting as it takes two seconds to enter. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video, guys. As I said, I really hope we can break this nine-point two K level if we can. I’ll be really, really nice of all the halving. But that is pretty much it, guys. Don’t forget to check out feedback’s which will be linked down below. Pretty much my number one recommended leverage exchange. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you’ll actually get one hundred and twelve dollars bonus for free. So thanks. Watching D video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-specific-price-now/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617553562160988160
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we’re going to be talking all about the Bitcoin price bouncing from this eighty-five hundred dollar level and pushing up to potentially test recent highs. Now, there is a very, very important price that Bitcoin has to break. In the next few hours or days if we want to remain bullish before this halving. So that will be coming up in today’s video. Not only that, guys, but I’ll be taking a look at a trade that was posted in the trade calls recently. We will also be taking a look at some a theory analysis. And then finally, in the later half of the video, we’ll be moving on to the U.S. Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic, which is absolutely crazy. Then roundoff, the video with an interesting article about John McAfee is. Ninety-nine percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. So, guys, all that good stuff coming up in today’s video. I can’t wait to share it with you. Make sure you sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I did take a couple of days off, which is very nice. However, I cannot wait to bring you this video today. As always, guys, if we haven’t already, let’s smash those likes up and hit that one K like a target. And if you haven’t already and you do enjoy my content, make sure to subscribe and take that notification bell. Also, guys, today I’ll be announcing the giveaway winner of the trees. A storage device is usually on every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll be doing that giveaway today. So stay tuned to the end of the video to see if you in the trees a storage device. And if you wanted to enter for next week. Drop your comments down below right now, guys. And that will give you an entry. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Bitcoin price. So, guys, we all know we had this nice pump up to around nine thousand five hundred dollars. We did get heavily rejected there. Came back down to eighty-five hundred dollars. Pretty much establishing this around eighty-five hundred dollar range. And this bold white line as a reasonable level of support. Now, again, the price came up. We tested above this nine K level, which we’ve had a little bit of trouble with here prior to this. And we actually tested above this nine K level, which is really nice at about nine thousand two hundred and five dollars in that range. We then it broke back down testing this eighty-five hundred dollar level again, bouncing from it up. And guess where we went. Well, we went back to that nine K level. So we are going in between these two ranges here around nine K to on the upper level and about eight point five K on the lower level. Now where Bitcoin is out right now is really, really important. We can see here that we have here we created a lower high, which is definitely not good. The high here was upwards of nine-point five K, and then the high here was upwards of around nine thousand eighty dollars. However, from here to here, we actually created a new local high, which is very, very good. And it’s very nice to see this local high on the candlewick is about nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars. So guys, if we can, in fact, break nine thousand two hundred and ten dollars in the immediate short term, in the next few hours or the next day or so, we would potentially be setting a new higher high local high or high for Bitcoin, which would be really, really nice. The short term price of Bitcoin. So that’s pretty much where I think or I hope we can go if we can, in fact, break that nine-point two K level and hold above. That will be really, really nice. However, just keep in mind, in the past this nine K level not only is a psychological level of resistance, but it is also a fairly big level of resistance on the chart, which we got heavily rejected here prior to that. So do keep that in mind that we could just fall below nine. Okay. Go back down, test the eight-point five K again. That wouldn’t really be anything out of the norm. So that’s pretty much that for the Bitcoin price. If we go over to the daily chart now and take a look at that 200 daily moving average. We can see we are still very much above it. We’re still around about 12 to 15 percent above the 200-day moving average, which is really, really nice. This 200-day moving average will start to creep up to this eight point five K level in the coming weeks, which is really, really interesting. And that could also form a strong level of support if the Bitcoin price does continue to keep climbing. I hope this 200-day moving average can slowly come up here and form another layer of support around the eight-point five K. That’ll be really, really nice and a good solid level of support. Of course, guys, the 200-day moving average is a really lagging indicator as it is over 200 days. So that thing does not move fast at all. So that’s pretty much it for the Bitcoin price. I will be getting old going over a little bit more in later in today’s video. I wanted to let you know about trade call I put out recently. I put the call out on around about May the 4th at 11 a.m. and since then the price has actually gone really, really nice and profit upwards of six percent profit. However, this was a leverage trade call. So if you were on a 10X, which I said I was trading with, they’ll be around a 60 percent profit, which is really, really nice. And a lot of people were actually making some nice profit on the trade. Calls will be linked down below. And that trade actually took over on feme X, which is really, really nice. And if you did want to join fee mix and trade with leverage, of course, is risky, but there can be some great rewards there as well. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you actually get a hundred and 12 dollar bonus if you use my link Downbelow. So click the link Downbelow below. Make yourself an account on Phoenix and start trading. If you are a more advanced trader. If you mix is pretty much the best platform as it allows you to have subaccount so you can go long more and go short on the other or trade five x leverage on Monterrey 10x on the other. So I really recommend that. So guys, without any further ado, let’s get into theory at price. So a theory. We had an ice top over here at around two hundred and thirty dollars, give or take. We then found a lower high. We brought that lower high but then fell further down. And fortunately and we came down and tested that 200 dollar level of support. Now, two hundred dollars is a huge level of theory. It’s pretty much like the 10k level of Bitcoin. It’s a huge, huge level for a theory. And we did see a nice solid bounce from this 200 dollar. Level, which is really, really nice to see. And we are, in fact, climbing in price. I do hope we can test back up to this 220 dollar level up here for a theorem that will be really nice in Amede in the short term. Sorry. We do have to break this 210 dollar level, which we see support from here and resistance from right here. So if we can, in fact, break that level and go up, that will be really, really nice. If we go over and have a look at the 200 days for a theorem, we can see what’s going on there. So we can see a theorem is still well above the 200-day moving average. It’s around about 20 percent above it, which is really, really nice to see. We did have a lot of trouble in the past with the 200 days moving average here testing it. And then finally breaking out above it on around the 17th of April, which is not actually that long ago. So things are looking fairly good for a theory at the moment. I do like this massive bullish room we are having from it. It’ll be very interesting to see if we cannot break that level of resistance and continue to that 250 dollar level, which I think theory can reach in the medium term. So let’s go on to the first article of today, guys. The US Treasury to borrow three trillion in three months to pay for the pandemic. This is absolutely crazy, guys. The US Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly three trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the pandemic. It’s an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit by the virus in a single quarter. The government will borrow more than twice as it did all of last year, which is absolutely insane. Let’s read that again. The government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year in a single quarter. That is absolutely crazy, guys. Yeah, it’s insane. The increase is privately held. The increase in privately held a net marketable borrowing is primarily driven by the impact of the outbreak. Of course, we know that the government had expected the influx of cash during the April June quarter as businesses and families paid their income taxes. But the tax filing deadline was pushed back until July. Which is understandable. The Treasury Department says it expects to borrow another six hundred seventy-seven billion between July and September. She’s just crazy. Despite the surge in federal debt, the government is borrowing the government borrowing costs remain low. The Fed Reserve has promised to buy as much Treasury debt as necessary to weather out this pandemic. This is the time to use the great fiscal power of the United States to do what we can to support the economy and try to get through this with as little damage to the length on the productive capacity of the economy as possible. So this is really, really interesting, guys. Do you think this is going to have an impact on the value of the US dollar? Let me know your comments down below. I’d be really, really interested to see what they are on to reply to them. Also, by doing that, Ill enter you into the stocks trays at storage device giveaway so that they further do. Let’s get onto the next article. So, guys, moving on, let’s take a look at the final article of today’s video. It’s a pretty interesting one, actually. John McAfee is 99 percent certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. This is a really interesting article. And it goes on to say, McAfee described the popular belief an individual named Toshie designed Bitcoin as nonsense. Starting it was a team of 11 people over a period of five years that came up eventually with Bitcoin. How they decided who wrote the white paper. I don’t know anyone who wants to know who it is. I mean, you can just you know, who the options are. You’ve got Craig where possibly I’m not going to name anyone else. Otherwise, you’ll figure out who it is. But somebody wrote the white paper. I don’t personally think it’s Craig. Right. And many people don’t. However, there is more to come. McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the white paper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi identity. If you read the white paper, no one is totally clear. He’s English. Every single word has a different spelling in English. An American is English. Number two, he left tells basically and the way he formatted and typed the white paper, you can tell pretty much who it is. He’s saying if you buy a 200 dollar authorship program and take the white paper and you run it through and you take any one of the papers that this so-called Satoshi has published, all of these people wrote papers, by the way. Only one comes out with 90 percent probability it’s him. McAfee recounts that he had previously planned out, probably reveals Tosches identity before deciding against it, such after a phone call with the individual. He basically went on to say, and you know what? He told me, very smart. He said, OK, what if you’re wrong? He goes, if you’re right, then she told she is going to have to hire 50 security guards and change his life or else he will die. Why? Everyone’s gonna want a piece of him, including the governments that demands that he pay taxes. It goes on to say if he’s wrong or that individual now has had his life change and could potentially have some sort of suicidal thoughts or something like death. Could negatively impact his life. If he’s and if he is wrong. That’s a really interesting article. I do somewhat agree with how you can analyze how words are written and copy that on to other papers. I’ve been ripping written. Sorry, and you can kind of find out who it is. Leave your comments down below on this article. And if you think Kathy is right or you think he’s just talking a load of tosh. All right, guys. So the moment you’ve all been waiting for now at the end of the video, I’ve chosen the video from last week. Let’s see how many comments there were. There was actually 300. Keep going. 400, 500 G’s, OK. Four hundred and ninety-four unique comments. Let’s choose the winner. So the winner of the trades at storage device is. Crypto king commentated great to go. Congratulations, dude, you all the winner. If you do want to get in contact with me and just send proof of your YouTube channel that it is actually you and you will, in fact, win the giveaway prize or the equivalent in Bitcoin. So congratulations to the winner. Don’t worry, there’s always next week so you can keep commenting as it takes two seconds to enter. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video, guys. As I said, I really hope we can break this nine-point two K level if we can. I’ll be really, really nice of all the halving. But that is pretty much it, guys. Don’t forget to check out feedback’s which will be linked down below. Pretty much my number one recommended leverage exchange. If you deposit zero points to Bitcoin, you’ll actually get one hundred and twelve dollars bonus for free. So thanks. Watching D video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-specific-price-now/
0 notes
alohaeposuk · 5 years
Here’s a worrying statistic – a new report on staffing by KPMG for the British Hospitality Association has warned that in just five years’ time the industry will be looking for half a million staff.
Since the Brexit vote, we’re all aware that the number of EU migrant workers has dropped – and it’s likely to get worse as we get closer to the break with Europe.
The drop could be due to an impression abroad that migrant workers are now ‘not welcome’ in the UK. Some say a fall in university admissions of EU students is down to similar reasons.
However, the devaluation of sterling is also a factor – it’s no longer so lucrative to come to Britain to work in restaurants and bars.
We’re not on our own when it comes to suffering this shortage. In the US, hospitality businesses are reporting that a crackdown on migration has created a similar squeeze. Some businesses say there is no longer a pool of labour to fill their vacancies.
In the UK we’re seeing unemployment at its lowest rate since the 1970s, according to the Office for National Statistics, so it’s already becoming a struggle to recruit bar, hotel and restaurant staff.
But the hospitality industry is booming – the lower pound is also making the UK more attractive to tourists. At the moment, more than 7,000 extra hotel rooms are being built in London alone to cater for them all.
So are we already in a crisis?
Hospitality expert Prof. Peter Jones says in his white paper ‘Staffing – the issue of our times’ that the hospitality industry already has the top number of vacancies in any sector as a share of total employment.
He says the KPMG study “concludes that it will be hard to fill the recruitment gap with UK unemployed workers or workers from other sectors.”
“For ‘hard to fill’ read ‘impossible’.”
Prof. Jones calls for a vigorous government response to the situation from a government perspective – but can your café, restaurant or hotel afford to hang around for government initiatives when you need waiters, housekeepers and counter staff?
So can your hospitality business beat the Brexit blues?
We took a look at the tactics being used by several highly successful UK restaurant and hotel businesses to offset staffing issues.
It seems thriving businesses have much in common when it comes to using a hospitality EPOS system to boost efficiency and reduce operating and labour costs down.
We spotted 6 tactics these businesses use:
Good rostering
Better customer service
Mobile ordering devices used tableside
Fraud detection methods
Improved stock control
Informed planning and decision-making
Good rostering
Having the right number of staff on at the right time it tricky. With too few, your customer service is adversely affected; but with too many you are pouring your profits away.
Then you also need to organise holiday cover, and extra staffing for guaranteed busiest periods.
Restaurant EPOS software can provide detailed data showing exactly when you are hectic and when business goes quiet.
This data takes the guessing out of staff rostering, and helps you match labour levels to your genuine requirements, so staffing costs are kept at a minimum without affecting the experience of your guests.
Better customer service
Today’s diners and guests are exceptionally demanding  – surveys show the average time they spend in a restaurant is just three quarters of an hour.
Rapid, accurate service is vital if you want to keep these time-starved customers pleased – there’s no time to deliver wrong dishes or delay in serving up delicious food.
Small-plate establishments such as tapas restaurants where customers order multiple dishes find this even more important – diners expect their meal fast.
Jacque Ferreira, Co-Founder and Executive Chef, runs Nottingham and Derby’s Bar Iberico, one of the country’s top tapas restaurant chains.
He says a good restaurant EPOS system is the only way his company manages to serve more than 700 people a day when Bar Iberico is at its busiest.
“It is quite common to hear customers exclaim ‘Wow – that was quick’, referring to the speed the food comes out of the kitchen,” he said.
So how does the kitchen do that? Here’s how:
Mobile ordering devices used tableside
Bar Iberico is like all the successful businesses we looked at, in that his staff make full use of restaurant EPOS software on mobile ordering devices, taking orders and also payments at tableside.
The mobile devices can be dedicated handheld devices, or tablets – even smartphones. Out back in the kitchen, a digital panel shows the order immediately so chefs can start on it.
Jacque said: “The order going straight from the handheld to the kitchen screen ensures a blistering speed of service.”
This is significant when viewed from a labour perspective. Serving staff no longer need to trek back and forth to the kitchen with orders scribbled on bits of paper, which saves time and allows them to spend their valuable efforts dealing with customers.
Fraud detection methods
EPOS also makes sure your business and your customers’ data are better protected. Every transaction is recorded, so it’s harder for staff to indulge in dishonest activities – which protects your bottom line and reputation.
Improved stock control
Another benefit of the data that restaurant EPOS software captures – which also includes real time information about which of your dishes are selling at which times.
That means you can manage your stock control better, highlighting best-sellers and cutting waste. In the kitchen, your staff don’t waste their time cooking dishes that no-one is ordering.
Informed planning and decision-making
When you have detailed information available to view at all times – a cloud solution enables you to check your business online from anywhere with an internet connection – you have what you need to make solid planning decisions.
These are difficult times in the hospitality industry, and may become more so as the Brexit deadline comes closer.
Staff seem likely become more scarce, and the establishments who manage to recruit will be those with an excellent track record for successful operations, offering workers a good working environment.
Jaque Ferreira has sights on opening more Bar Iberico branches around the country, and says he will take his Aloha restaurant EPOS system UK to each of them.
Many hospitality organisations worry about surviving Brexit. But as Bar Iberico is already showing, with good EPOS management, the best will not only survive, but thrive.
0 notes
cleancutpage · 6 years
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards
This post originally appeared on tBL Marketplace Partner LeaseQuery's blog Your Lease Queries, Answered and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
Implementing FASB ASC 842 and IFRS 16, the new lease accounting standards, may seem like a burden right now, but there are some benefits beyond compliance that may surprise you. The processes and tools you use to transition will enable you to work more efficiently, improve the audit process, and help you make smarter financial decisions.
Forecasting and budgeting
How much money will you spend on your leases next year? Can you identify how much you’ll spend by a particular region, department, or business division? With all the data you gather on your leases to comply with the new standards, you can get deeper insights into your leases than ever before.
If you use Excel for lease accounting, you’ll have to do a lot of heavy lifting to make those calculations. Lease accounting software with custom reporting features makes it easy to develop a report based on any allocation or segment you choose. That enables you to offer your colleagues expert advisement as they enter and renew their lease agreements.
Keep up with critical dates
We’ve covered the costliness of missing critical dates by using Excel for lease accounting in this blog. When the accounting department isn’t informed of lease renewals, extensions, and other key dates, it can result in overpayments, missed payments, and late fees. And that’s frustrating. After all, it’s not that you aren’t on top of things – it’s just that you don’t have the information you need.
More than likely, you’re relying on an internal process where the person who manages leases or contracts notifies you of the upcoming critical date. That leaves a lot of room for error. With lease accounting software, you can enter in all the important dates relevant to a lease and the system can send automated alerts before a critical date approaches so you’re informed.
Improved interdepartmental collaboration
How many departments in your company are engaged in leasing agreements? Do you have a dedicated resource for managing contracts? Each department that deals with leases has its own interests to consider. In our step-by-step transition guide, we walk you through how to build an interdepartmental team to ensure you have a complete inventory of your leases.
Going forward, you can build on that process and make it part of your routine. Meet with this team on a regular basis (but less often than we recommend in the guide) to make sure you’re aware of new leases and contracts that may contain leases. Doing so will reduce frustration for everyone in the long run.
You may even find that lease accounting software solves challenges for your colleagues in other departments. For example, the legal department can pull up contracts using a search function and the facilities team can be alerted of upcoming critical dates. When you enter a lease into the system, you can receive alerts that notify you of documents you may need to complete the entry. This enables you to request those documents from your colleagues well before you close out the month or the quarter.
Easier, more efficient audits
Any efficiencies or process improvements to the audit process make life easier. Responding to your auditors’ requests for documents and reports is a headache. And guess what? They don’t like having to ask for that information.
An easy-to-use lease accounting software makes everyone’s job easier. They can log in and pull the reports and data that they need and you don’t have to stress about providing the documentation they request.
Easily access lease documents
How are you currently housing your lease documents? Are they in PDFs on a server? Does each individual department maintain their own? How long does it take you to find a document when you need it? There’s a much simpler approach.
With a lease accounting software, you can keep all of your contracts and related documents in one place. It’s difficult to search for documents on a network drive, but lease accounting software has more sophisticated functionalities that make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
Once you’re over the initial hurdles that come with transitioning to the new standards, you’ll find that there is a silver lining to all your hard work. Some of your most cumbersome and time-consuming tasks will be simpler, saving you valuable time without sacrificing your accuracy.
You don’t have to wait until your transition is complete to experience these benefits
Companies that purchase lease accounting software start taking advantage of many of these benefits before their transition is complete. As a result, they’re better prepared to create their first post-transition journal entries, amortization schedules, and reports when they reach their transition deadline.
If your company has more than 10 leases, it’s likely that you’re planning to purchase lease accounting software. The sooner you implement a solution, the sooner you can start enjoying these time-saving, error-reducing benefits.
Talk to One of Our Expert Lease Accountants Today.
Unlike other software vendors, we aren’t former real estate professionals trying to learn accounting on your dime. We’re accountants just like you.
Sign up for a demo today and let us prove it.
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards was written by Lease Query.
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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15+ Project Plan Templates to Visualize Your Strategy, Goals, and Progress
https://120profit.com/?p=1185&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Have you ever tried to assemble IKEA furniture without the instruction manual? Sure, maybe it seemed like it would be easy enough…until you found yourself surrounded by half-assembled pieces and no idea what you’re supposed to do with that extra bag of screws. Plus, now your partner is questioning your competency. GIF Source  Rough. That’s why, before you embark on any project, it’s a good idea to start with a plan. A project plan is an essential document for keeping a project on track. In your project plan, you identify the scope, goals, deliverables and deadlines of your project. A project plan should answer these questions: What is the purpose of this project (what problem is it going to solve)? What are the main deliverables ? What will the timeline be, including deadlines? Who will be on the team for this project and what role will they play? What resources are required to complete this project? The problem is, people are often eager to dive into working on a project without doing the required reading and preparation first. Your project plan needs to be organized, readable and engaging enough to hold the attention of your team. Not sure where to start? This guide will offer you tips for designing an engaging project plan–along with a bunch of creative project plan templates that you can use.    1. Start with a flexible project plan template  Why not just make a roadmap in Excel or Word and call it a day? Well, you could, but the end result will be pretty lackluster. Also, most project plans aren’t set in stone. They’re agile documents that will probably have to be adjusted along the way. That’s why it’s best to use a more flexible project plan template. You’ll have an easier time editing it, and there will be more opportunity to give it an engaging design. If you’re unsure of how to approach putting your plan together, a project plan template can be a big help. Using a template as a foundation will help you to organize your information and to present it in an engaging way. USE THIS TEMPLATE  2. Plot your project timeline visually A clear timeline is the backbone of a solid project plan. Confusion related deadlines, and what is required for those deadlines, is a common problem many teams face while working on a project. That’s why it’s important to break your projects down into smaller tasks with staggered deadlines. How you actually visualize your timeline will play a big role in how readable and straightforward your timeline is. Gantt chart templates When you think of drawing out your project plan, a Gantt chart probably comes to mind. Gantt charts show tasks over a period of time. This type of chart is handy because it allows you to show different timelines that run concurrently with each other, even if their start and ends dates are different. For example, this gantt chart template shows project that run over the course of two quarters: USE THIS TEMPLATE  Timeline templates When you’re first outlining your project timeline, it can be pretty overwhelming. That’s where a visual can help people get a better sense of what needs to be done and by when. A timeline is a versatile way to visualize milestones, processes, and goals. Because organizing the dates on your timeline can get a bit confusing, I recommend starting with a timeline template. For example, you could use a timeline to provide an overview of the steps involved in your project: USE THIS TEMPLATE  A timeline is a good way to map out your high-level goals: USE THIS TEMPLATE    Mind map templates There are a lot of moving pieces that contribute to the completion of a project. It can be easy to lose track of different tasks. A mind map shows relationships between pieces of a whole. For example, you could use a mind map to break down the different components of your project strategy, like in this mind map template: USE THIS TEMPLATE  Or you could use a mind map to show the different parts of a process: USE THIS TEMPLATE  3. Use color to categorize tasks Color selection plays an important role in your project plan design. Beyond making your project plan look nice, color can also help you organize and communicate information effectively. For a more detailed explanation, check out our guide to using colors to communicate effectively. When it comes to designing reports and charts, color is particularly effective for categorizing information. In a project plan, you can use color to categorize tasks by type, week, team involved, and a ton of other ways. For example, this gantt chart template uses different colors to categorize tasks for each week. Notice how each tasks bar corresponds with the same colored text in the side bar and the legend below. This made it easy to scan the chart for specific weeks and tasks: USE THIS TEMPLATE  You can also categorize your tasks by priority. Simply pick a corresponding color for each level of priority: USE THIS TEMPLATE  4. Illustrate steps in a process using icons Multiple studies have found that people tend to remember images better than words. With that in mind, look for ways to incorporate visual memory-prompters in your project plan design. Icons are one type of visual that can be used to make information more memorable. Pair an icon with an important piece of text to help it stand out and stick in the reader’s mind. For example, this project timeline template uses an icon to illustrate each step in the process. This helps reinforce the information, and gives readers a visual to refer back to: USE THIS TEMPLATE  5. Use a timeline to show an overview of your project plan While your project plan should include the details of your project, offering a visual summary will help keep your team on track. Create a timeline that offers an overview of the phases in your project and the expected beginning and completion dates. Your team will be able to refer back to the timeline quickly, without needing to read through a bunch of text. For example, this project plan timeline template outlines that tasks and milestones for each month in a year: USE THIS TEMPLATE  6. Report on your progress, visually Once your team dives into working on a project, there will almost certainly be changes that need to be made to the project plan. Unforeseen obstacles come up, certain tasks take longer to complete than expected, and other snags will happen. That’s why it’s important to not only set your goals, but to also report on your progress throughout the process. Creating a project status report will help you keep track of your progress, while also communicating it effectively with other parties. Your project status report could be a simple one-age snapshot: USE THIS TEMPLATE  But if you’re submitting a status update to your stakeholders, you may want to include more context. That’s where a multi-page status report template may be necessary: USE THIS TEMPLATE  7. Incorporate the theme of your project into your design While your priority when designing your project plan should be function, finding ways to make your design engaging is still important. After all, your project plan will help inspire confidence in your team–and the people who will be funding your project. Adding surprising design elements will help engage and excite readers. An easy way to do this is to include icons and images that reflect the theme of your project. For example, this project plan template for a baking company incorporates a donut into the design: USE THIS TEMPLATE  8. Use a chart to track your project’s process Certain phases of your project may end up taking more or less time than anticipated. That’s why it’s valuable to track your progress, so you can adjust your goals. Tracking your progress will also help you make informed decisions when planning future projects. You can track your project using a flexible chart that’s easy to update, like the chart templates offered by Venngage. For example, this project plan template uses a simple bar graph to track the duration of each phase. The updates are tracked in the top right corner: USE THIS TEMPLATE  In Venngage, you can create multiple copies of a design. If you’re updating a chart or timeline, it’s a good idea to keep a copy of past iterations.   9. Create a calendar of tasks or events to be completed Are there specific dates that certain tasks needs to be completed on? You may want to create a calendar that specifies what should be done on what day. For example, if your team is executing on an event like a conference, then a calendar is necessary for keeping events for specific dates organized. The events are color coded by type, making it easy to scan the calendar: USE THIS TEMPLATE  10. Rate your process using an icon chart An icon chart uses (you guessed it) icons to represent units of measurement. When coming up with ways to embellish your project plan design, look for opportunities to visualize information that you want to emphasize. An icon chart is a creative and effective way to do that. For example, this project status report template uses check mark icons to rate the success of three different aspects of the project: USE THIS TEMPLATE  11. Keep things in perspective with a Next, Now, Later project timeline plan When your team is working on a large project it’s sometimes hard to keep everything in perspective. You may have been working on a certain part for so long that you forget what came before it. Or what tasks come after that you need to be aware of. Without all of this information, mistakes will be made and delays are guaranteed. This is where a Next, Now, Later plan can really help your team out. As you can see below, this project plan example keeps each of the steps extremely simple and easy to follow. USE THIS TEMPLATE  Plus, it clearly states exactly what this team is working towards with each of their releases. A project timeline plan like this will make it easy for people outside of the main team to see what they are working on as well.   12. Give each step or process a simple name Communicating across teams can be a nightmare sometimes, especially as your company continues to grow. It’s common for different people to call a certain thing many names, and that can cause unneeded confusion. Like how people in call a soft drink: “soda”, “coke” or “pop”, but it means exactly the same thing. So assigning common titles for each part of your simple project plan can make communication a bit easier. In the sample project plan infographic below, they used eight simple keywords for each step of their project: USE THIS TEMPLATE  This common words and phrases will make communication a lot smoother. Now the product team will know exactly what you mean when you say you’re working on the “Sketch” step.   13. Illustrate how each project is connected with a flowchart USE THIS TEMPLATE  At Venngage we really love using flowcharts in all facets of our planning. These graphics are a solid way to show how a project should progress and how each part is connected to each other. And when your team is working on a complicated process, a visual representation can help you keep it all organized.   In the project plan example below, they used a flowchart to work through their productivity plan. This approach allowed the designers to show how each step was related, and how it affected the other steps. If they would have just listed all of that information, the relationships between all of it would be lost. Now we would recommend using a flowchart to help explain how a single part works, not for an entire project plan.   14: Use this simple chart to help you create a clear project plan  Actually starting the process is one of the hardest parts of project planning. This is because there’s so much potential, you might not know what to begin with. Your team may have so many ideas, that it becomes overwhelming and unorganized in a manner of minutes. However, with this simple chart, you can kick off the planning in a more structured way. USE THIS TEMPLATE  Each step will help you define goals, future plans and a ton of other metrics without getting distracted. So if you’re not sure where to start, use this chart to get the creative juices flowing!   BONUS: Download your project plan as a PDF or high-quality PNG If you want to send your project plan to your team or stakeholders, make it easy for them to open by exporting your file as a PDF or a PNG. With Venngage, you can download your reports and presentations in interactive PDF format or as a high-quality PNG. With these foundational tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating an impressive–and effective!–project plan. Remember, a well-executed project begins with a solid plan.   Other great project plan examples from the business world  If you need a little more inspiration for your project plans, be sure to check out some of the examples we found below.   Checklist project plan example When it comes time to launch your project or product accurately tracking what needs to get done is essential. For a smaller company, it’s easy to keep track of what everyone is working on. But as your brand grows this becomes almost an impossible task. Especially as employees start breaking into smaller teams to tackle a project. Now a simple project checklist like the example below can help you ensure everything gets done on time: Source In this project plan example, they use a wide range of colors to break tasks down by teams. This approach will help the managers quickly see what needs to be done next. Plus checking off tasks like this will help each team feel like they are working towards a common goal. You could even print this example off and hang it up in your office so everyone knows exactly what’s going on.   Project plan example using multiple visuals As you have seen in this article, there’s not one project plan example that fits every company perfectly. Some simple projects may only need a flow chart, but others could need diverse visuals across a multipage marketing plan. That’s why your project plan should use a mix of different visuals to efficiently explain the process. Or in some cases, many processes, like in the beautiful project plan below: Source This project plan example is almost a work of art, but it still gets their point across very effectively. Featuring a flowchart to illustrate their ideation process: A timeline project plan to break down the release schedule: And even this unique bubble chart: Overall, it’s one of the most unique project plans we have ever seen.   Project plan example that focuses on deliverables At Venngage we try to make sure that at the end of each step in our project we have a deliverable to show for it. Otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels and working on things that don’t really matter at that step. If you weren’t aware, a deliverable is something tangible that you can show to the rest of the team. Like in this simple project plan they include deliverables like a report or a presentation: Source A lot of the time, simple project plans fail because they don’t list deliverables or the ones they do are too vague. For example, a good deliverable is very descriptive and has a due date. A bad one is open and never really has an end date in mind. Just remember to be realistic when planning your project, and you will be set.   Project plan example that breaks down tools and processes Sometimes telling your team to just go do something is not the best course of action. Especially when there’s is an approaching due date that needs to be met. It’s safe to say that a lot of time will be wasted as they try to figure out where to start. However, a great planner will actually give these team members the tools they need to succeed. Just like they did in this project plan sample for a startup weekend: Source At the bottom of this bold project plan, there are a handful of tools and processes that should be followed at each step. Now, these people can hit the ground running and get their tasks done on time. Instead of wasting half the time searching for the solution or tool that a manager may already have.   Infographic project plan example Good design work is consistent, it’s as simple as that. You want each of your graphics to feel and look the same throughout. Otherwise, people are going to focus on the random design elements, instead of your important content. Think about how much a simple misspelling distracted you in an email or presentation. Inconsistent design choices are kinda like typos in the design world. Additionally, this consistency can help you quickly distill info to a reader. Design elements like color, shapes, and icons can add a ton of context to any complex project plan. Source In this project plan infographic, they use colored lines to indicate the answer to a question. Then they added simple flat icons to give each question some supporting info. And a single shape to illustrate the deliverables for each process. This may not be the most traditional project management plan example, but it does get the point across with its many visual elements.   Project plan roadmap example Sometimes you’re going to have to present a project plan to people outside the company. These days it might be an investor, a new client or a potential hire. It really doesn’t matter who the person is, you should probably create a simple project plan for these people. And be sure to have it ready whenever you go into a meeting. This type of project plan can help you illustrate exactly how the complicated processes your company uses, in a just a few words. Check out the project plan infographic below, they executed on this idea almost perfectly: Source They included enough information to explain how they work, without bogging the reader down in unnecessary details. This project plan doesn’t expose any details that could hurt the company or help a competitor as well. Plus you can use a graphic like this to market your company to the world.   More business design guides to help you nail it at your job: 12 Business Pitch Deck Templates and Design Best Practices to Impress Investors 55+ Customizable Annual Report Templates, Examples & Tips How to Create a Business Plan to Inspire Confidence in Investors (+ Business Plan Templates) How to Create a Marketing Plan For Success (+ Marketing Plan Templates)   (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.0"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=1185&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
10 Questions You Need to Answer Before Planning Your Next 90 Days
So, I trust you already know what a great idea it is to plan in 90-day cycles as a marketer or business, so I won’t spend a bunch of time trying to convince you.
What I will do instead, is spend a bunch of time convincing you to do it right!
It is really easy to start planning in 90-day cycles, but what is a bit less clear is what should go into that planning every quarter.
It is important to start your planning process by asking yourself 10 key questions that will set you up for planning (and execution) success!
1. What important initiatives or events do I have coming up in the next 90 days?
Ask yourself what important immediate deadlines you have coming up in the next 90 days that have to focus on.
These are events/campaigns that will happen on specific dates and no amount of “I’m too busy” excuses can change or adjust. Some examples include:
Specific events you or your team are attending or speaking at.
Product releases or changes.
Important industry or market updates. This could be the sunsetting of software that affects your company or audience or a change to a major industry regulation (marketers: think GDPR).
Major holidays or office closures.
Understanding these are non-negotiable items allows you to plan your other activities around those things without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.
You want to start by making sure these biggest initiatives are accounted for first, then slowly work in less deadline-specific items around them.  
This will ensure you don’t lose track of anything important or find yourself having to put in nights and weekends to make sure you hit a deadline you failed to plan for.
If one of the less specific items doesn’t fit, perhaps it needs to be pushed back to another quarter.
2. What are my biggest goals for the next 90 days?
Ok, now we get to the fun part. It is time to think about goals!
Your 90-day goals should be broken down from your larger annual goals and be specific enough that you can make some real headway over the next quarter.
90 days is the ideal length of time to provide your team with enough time to hit stretch goals, but short enough to still create a sense of urgency.
It’ll motivate the individuals on your team, but also give you not lock you into a plan so long that you can’t pivot or be agile.
Break your quarterly goals into what we call OKRs (objectives and key results) to ensure that you know where you are going (objective) and how you’ll determine if you got there (key result):
Objective: an objective is the end goal that is desired and may be something like “increase revenue,” or “increase average deal size.”
Key Result: a key result is an associated metric required to determine if we are successful in meeting our objective.
Together an OKR might look like:
Objective: Increase Revenue
Key Result: Hit $500,000 for the quarter
Structuring your 90-day plan around OKRs will help you be very deliberate about choosing the activities that should be part of that plan. If there is something you are considering doing that you can’t tie back to an OKR, it shouldn’t be part of the plan!
3. How did I perform on my goals for the last 90 days?
You can’t decide where you are going if you don’t know where you’ve been!
You should be in a regular cadence of setting 90-day goals, you guessed it, every 90 days. So, as you are working on your next set of goals, it is very important to ask yourself how you performed on your last set.
Take a look back at the key results from last quarter.
Did you hit the numbers you set? Why or why not?
Dive deep into your metrics and understand what you did that resulted in either success or failure in order to inform your future decisions.
If you are struggling to answer the “why” or “why not,” of your performance, it will be very difficult for you to understand how to set goals moving forward or to figure out how you can hit them.
A strong understanding of the insights that come out of the data is far more important than the numbers themselves.
Even if this is your first time setting 90-day goals, you must use this time frame to be able to set realistic goals moving forward. You wouldn’t expect yourself to hit the same numbers in a quarter that you’ve only previously achieved in a year, right?
4. How am I trending on my year-long goals?
Ok, now that we’ve thought a little bit about what your goals are going to be for the 90 days and how you did previously, it is a good time to check-in on your progress for the year as a whole.
Are you far enough along in your progress to still hit the annual goal that you’ve set?
Where you currently stand will influence whether or not your goals in the next quarter need to be higher, lower, or completely different.
If you are halfway through the year and you’ve already made it 75% toward your year-end goal, you have some fun choices to make!
You can decide if you should re-evaluate and increase your goal for the year and keep pushing toward it or if you can make sure you put just enough focus on it to efforts moving forward while you shift your major priorities to other areas that need attention. What a great problem to have!
On the other hand, if you are halfway through the year and you’ve only made it 25% of the way toward your goal, it is time to understand why.
Was it lack of prioritization and focus? Did some of the tactics you chose to use fail to deliver the expected results?
Whatever the reason, it is very important to understand what the reasons are behind the lower-than-desired performance. This will help you to remedy the problem.
Overall, this is a time to re-evaluate if the goal needs to be changed or if they’re right on track.
5. What activities had the most positive effect on my goals thus far?
As we’ve touched upon, it is important not just to recognize your successes, but to understand them.
Asking yourself what you have done that has created the biggest impact on your performance and can help you figure out how to replicate or accelerate that success.
If your goals are website traffic-related, aim to understand what activities you’ve done in the past that have resulted in the biggest traffic gains.
For example, if you’re looking to improve conversion rates, look back over your data to determine what you’ve done in the past that has helped improve those rates.
Now you can take those same tactics and continue to implement them or improve them to be even better. Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you have done something that directly correlated to success in the past, keep doing it!
It may sound simple and obvious, but this is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself during quarterly planning.
6. What activities are my biggest priorities?
The next step is taking those goals you want to hit in the next 90 days and prioritizing them.
During 90-day planning sessions, it is really easy to get overly excited about all of the cool stuff ahead and want to start it all immediately, but we all know that just isn’t realistic.
You’ve already set your overall OKRs, so you know what you need to focus on. The next step is taking those OKRs and prioritizing them.
Assign each OKR a numerical priority number (and no two OKRs should  have the same priority level) so you know which one you should focus on earlier rather than later.
There are only so many hours in a day, so many days in a week, and so many people on your team. So, you need to prioritize your goals and your efforts to make the most of your time.
You’ve already built your plan with the important deadline items you can’t move, so now that you’ve assigned priority to the rest of your efforts, you can focus on filling in the highest priority activities into your plan first to ensure they get the most attention and are pushed through to completion.
7. How should I be dividing my efforts?
On a related note, it is important to understand how you should be dividing your effort between activities.
Divide activities and tactics for each goal into three categories:
Short-term activities are meant to drive immediate return, in most cases meaning driving leads right away.
Long-term activities are meant to help build a foundation for driving a long-term healthy pipeline.
Mid-term activities fall somewhere in between the two.
You should understand how each and every activity you are planning will fit into those categories and make sure you strike the balance that is ideal for where your business is right now.
If you spend all your time focusing on short-term efforts, you may generate some quick leads but you will have done nothing to build a healthy future for your business.
You should be doing a mix of all three for the best results overall.
8. Are there any red flags?
Quarterly planning is a great time to check in on the pulse of your marketing efforts to make sure there isn’t anything slipping through the cracks.
During quarterly planning cycles with clients, we often do things like SEO audits, year-over-year traffic comparisons, and website speed tests to ensure we aren’t letting small problems turn into big ones.
What you should do when you find red flags depends very much on what the flag is telling you.
For instance, if you notice a huge dip in traffic, it is time to look for things like broken links or try to determine if Google algorithm updates may have hurt your traffic.
If you notice a big drop in conversion rate, take a look at any changes you may have made to website pages (i.e. removing CTAs or changing the text on key landing pages) to see where that drop may have come from.
Once you recognize an issue you’ll want to rectify it or perhaps include plans in your next 90-days to tackle it. You definitely don’t want to miss a huge red flag simply because you forgot to look.
9. What resources do I have (and do I need)?
Now that we know what we want to do over the next 90 days, we can start really understanding how we are going to do it.
Taking stock of who on your team will be doing what, or what third parties you will be using is an important step in this process.
You want to make sure you are leveraging all of your resources to the best of your ability and create the greatest impact for the efforts being completed. This is something that is most often overlooked in this process.
Do you have someone trying to make changes to your website that is really not trained in the right skill sets and is “learning as they go?”
Is this creating the best outcome for your business, and is this using that person to the fullest advantage they could provide?
It is time to think about things like this and remedy areas where you see gaps.
To identify resources that you are missing, go through your plan that you’ve started building and highlight anything where you struggle to assign the work.
For instance, if you want to create videos but don’t really have anyone you can immediately assign editing to, there is a gap you need to fill with an external resource.
This is your time to make sure you are fully equipped with what you need to accomplish your goals.
10. What has changed in the last 90 days?
Lastly, ask yourself if you are really up to date on everything you need to know.
Ideally, you should be staying on top of market trends, new strategies, and marketing trends all the time.
However, if you have found that you’ve fallen behind, quarterly planning is the perfect time to bone up and just make sure you aren’t missing out on great ideas you could be implementing.
Final Thoughts
So, if you are embarking on your next 90-day planning cycle I just ask that you do it right. Ask yourself the right questions, put a lot of effort into making sure you’ve fully answered those questions, and finally go forth and market!
Need help planning? Talk to us!
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/questions-you-need-to-answer-before-planning-your-next-90-days
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cashcounts · 6 years
Will JUUL Fight the FDA or Just Give Up?
After months of hinting, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced actions yesterday that he says are intended to prevent teen vaping and address the concerns the agency has about JUUL. The announcement is obviously a response to coordinated pressure from special interest groups, rather than an effort to address any real problem.
Nevertheless, within a day, JUUL Labs responded by announcing plans to invest in programs to prevent not only underage use of JUUL, but even use by adults who have never smoked, and support for the Tobacco 21 initiative that promotes laws banning nicotine products to adults under age 21.
It’s clear that JUUL is frightened, confused, and unsure how to respond to the coordinated attacks that have been carried out against the company. That its first impulse is to support tobacco control efforts to restrict access to JUUL and other vapor products is disturbing to many vapers. The wealthy vape company even echoes FDA language in its press release.
The “nationwide blitz” has resulted in just 40 warning letters for underage sales violations since the beginning of March.
“Protecting our nation’s youth from the dangers of tobacco products is among the most important responsibilities of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – and it’s an obligation I take personally,” said Scott Gottlieb yesterday in a prepared statement.
Gottlieb announced four steps the FDA has taken (or will take soon) to protect youth:
Retail enforcement of age restrictions“FDA has been conducting a large-scale, undercover nationwide blitz to crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes – specifically JUUL products – to minors at both brick-and-mortar and online retailers,” says Gottlieb.The “nationwide blitz” has resulted in just 40 warning letters for underage sales violations since the beginning of March. Yes, 40. In the whole country. That’s some epidemic.
Taking action against online sellers without proper age verificationFDA has contacted eBay about third-party sales of JUUL on the commerce site. They thanked eBay for its “swift action to remove the listings and voluntarily implement new measures to prevent new listings from being posted to the web retailer’s site.”
Demanding answers from JUUL Labs about marketing and designFDA has sent a letter to JUUL Labs, requesting “documents related to product marketing; research on the health, toxicological, behavioral or physiologic effects of the products, including youth initiation and use; whether certain product design features, ingredients or specifications appeal to different age groups; and youth-related adverse events and consumer complaints associated with the products.”“Widespread reports of youth use of JUUL products are of great public health concern and no child or teenager should ever use any tobacco product,” says the letter. The agency plans to send similar letters to other manufacturers soon, says Gottlieb.
Unspecified future actionsThe agency is planning “additional enforcement actions focused on companies that we think are marketing products in ways that are misleading to kids.” What that means is anyone’s guess. It may not mean anything. “I will have more to say on this in the coming weeks,” says Gottlieb.
The FDA is also “exploring clear and meaningful measures to make tobacco products less toxic, appealing and addictive with an intense focus on youth. Specifically, as part of our comprehensive plan, we intend to pursue product standards and other regulations for electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes, to address known hazards and concerns, including exploding batteries and accidental ingestion.”
Making “tobacco products” less appealing is a clear reference to flavors. The regulators are in the process of creating rules that will almost certainly include restrictions on e-liquid choices — aside, probably, from tobacco and menthol. That is what they intended to do in 2016, and there’s no reason to think they’ve changed their minds.
In addition to steps taken today, FDA continues to educate youth about the dangers of all tobacco products including e-cigarettes. A full-scale youth e-cigarette prevention campaign is planned to launch in September. https://t.co/9tB9qfe6yb
— FDA Tobacco (@FDATobacco) April 24, 2018
The response from JUUL Labs came in a press release announcing a “comprehensive strategy” to prevent youth access to JUUL and other vapor products. The strategy is clearly something that has been thought out for longer than a day — but that may not necessarily reflect well on the vape company.
“Building on its existing youth prevention and education programs, JUUL Labs today announced it will take additional decisive action by actively supporting state and federal initiatives to raise the minimum age to 21+ to purchase tobacco products as part of an initial investment of $30 million over the next three years dedicated to independent research, youth and parent education, and community engagement efforts,” the company announced.
JUUL Labs will work with vape-sympathetic Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller “and a group of public officials and tobacco control individuals” to strengthen the company’s efforts to “keep JUUL out of the hands of young people.” The same group “will work with JUUL Labs to develop a transparent and effective framework for independent research focused on the scientific and societal implications of vapor products.”
“We are already seeing success in our efforts to enable adult smokers to transition away from cigarettes and believe our products have the potential over the long-term to contribute meaningfully to public health in the U.S. and around the world,” said JUUL Labs CEO Kevin Burns. “At the same time, we are committed to deterring young people, as well as adults who do not currently smoke, from using our products. We cannot be more emphatic on this point: No young person or non-nicotine user should ever try JUUL.”
There’s that FDA language you never thought you’d hear from a vaping company. How will JUUL qualify purchasers? Will they do cotinine tests at the point of sale to verify recent nicotine use? Or will they trust purchasers to be already “addicted”?
I counted at least 27 stories with shared-language from a single @TobaccoFreeKids document in *April alone.* And that was about a week ago. That seems like one hell of a coincidence. pic.twitter.com/O5wjD6NWu2
— michelleminton (@michelleminton) April 23, 2018
Gottlieb’s announcement and JUUL’s response are both answers to months of choreographed attacks on JUUL, culminating in the release of a study by Truth Initiative purporting to show an alarming youth “juuling” trend, and letters to the FDA from tobacco control groups and members of Congress, all announced in an orgy of publicity last week.
The groups that are pushing Gottlieb to take action on JUUL are the usual suspects engaged in anti-vaping propaganda, lobbying, and disinformation. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Truth Initiative, American Academy of Pediatrics, and a couple others are the groups suing the FDA to force the agency to reinstate its original 2018 deadline for vape manufacturers to submit premarket tobacco applications (PMTA’s) for their existing products.
The study produced by Truth Initiative actually shows that 90 percent of the surveyed 15 to 24-year-olds had never used a JUUL (even one puff), and 75 percent didn’t even know what it was. But to hear them tell it, a quarter of the youth population merelt recognizing the product is evidence of a frightening epidemic.
#FDA is taking new steps today – as part of a broader, ongoing campaign – to stop youth use of e-cigarettes. No child should use any tobacco product. Today’s actions are part of a campaign that’ll include additional enforcement actions in the coming weeks https://t.co/me3ujQVPb1
— Scott Gottlieb, M.D. (@SGottliebFDA) April 24, 2018
Do JUUL’s leaders realize that tobacco control won’t compromise? CTFK and Truth will always want more; they won’t be satisfied till the entire independent vaping industry is dead and buried, and what it built is handed over to the tobacco companies that really pay the bills. JUUL is terrified that FDA will deny their PMTA, and they should be. Matt Myers and Mitch Zeller didn’t build all this just to watch it disappear because a bunch of Stanford boys built a thing.
JUUL can play along with this youth charade and put on a show of refusing sales to adults who don’t smoke, or try to shut down juuling social media accounts, but they still won’t get to join the FDA-approved club — because they don’t pay tobacco taxes or FDA user fees. Want to make this all go away, JUUL? Sell your company to Altria. That’s what all your tormentors are really hoping for.
If tobacco control doesn’t protect the cigarette industry, its very reason to exist will disappear, and the money that funds it will dry up. The FDA Center for Tobacco Products, Truth Initiative, American Cancer Society — and all the other small, medium and large agencies and organizations that exist to wage war on Big Tobacco or “cure the disease” called nicotine addiction — will have no purpose or support.
They all need the tobacco industry. They have to protect it, and they are. What exactly is JUUL doing?
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEnp2HYAGJI)
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 When you do business internationally, you may assume that all businesspeople have the same basic understandings. Although you will find a common appreciation for making profits and reducing costs, you may run across business approaches that surprise you. Diverse cultures have different business values and practices. A little effort at gaining some cultural literacy can help you deal successfully with people around the globe. It's important that you demonstrate that you are a global citizen so international customers are willing to do business with you. It's not realistic to set a goal of gaining a deep understanding of all the cultures you may deal with in the course of growing your international marketing. Instead, aim for a core competency. According to an article in "Profit" magazine, you can look at six areas of knowledge you need: Familiarize yourself with cultural attitudes about dealing with strangers, language barriers, how groups respond to sales pitches as either favors or cut­and­dried presentations, local channels you must use for brand awareness, the technical proficiency and capacity of the country or region and how the culture views the importance of doing things on time or relaxing about meeting times and deadline dates. You must understand how a culture views business dealings so you know what style to use when approaching businesspeople in that culture. Some cultures look at a transaction as a favor among friends, while others embrace the more American style of a straightforward discussion about making money. Still others may allow business discussions only in certain settings and frown on them at other times. Look into this aspect of the culture before you make any business proposals. You can evaluate your business transactions with a culture different from your own in light of that culture's contextual clues. This helps you avoid gaffes and create business communications that have a positive impact. The country's history and assumptions about Americans can affect how your message is received. Be sensitive to hot­button issues and avoid any phrases or words that could suggest you look down on the culture or that you consider the person you're dealing with to be a secondclass citizen in his own culture. This kind of cultural literacy is of utmost importance when you communicate so you can avoid unintentional negative cultural messages when conducting business. Using internationally accepted word choices and phrases ensures your business dealings won't be misunderstood. Some American phrases do not translate well. For example, "We shall see" means "No" in China. Other phrases such as, "Flying by the seat of our pants" or "Ballpark figure" may not have any meaning at all in other cultures. Scrutinize your written communications for figurative language that may not translate. In addition, cut your verbal communications to the basics. It's important for a company doing global business to remember that the language at its home office may not be universal.
 Answer the following question.
 Q1. How can you increase business by increasing awareness of cultures? Discuss.
 Q2. Why International Business Communication is important? Debate.
   CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
  An Indian marketing executive from a start­up company recently came to us because she gave many webinars and her audience wasn’t responding well. Problem: She spoke too fast, never paused between words and was generally not understandable although she had deep knowledge in her field.
 Answer the following question.
 Q1. Give detailed solution for the above problem.
 Q2. Give an overview of the case.
  CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
 Whatever the size of your company, the greatest value comes by integrating your complete telecommunications portfolio with one vendor. And no company can offer the breadth of services, level of support, or innovative tools that CA can provide. Our industry leading Integrated Solutions are the choice of smart businesses nationwide. CA helps businesses rise above the status quo in the IT world. Most businesses are unable to audit their IT spend because they have no accurate inventory of their IT setup (phone lines, contracts, pricing, equipment, etc.), let alone by location. Businesses struggle with multiple carriers, service vendors, contract terms, and technology platforms, all of which adds unnecessary complexity, management burden, and costs. On top of it all, IT staff members are usually bogged down in the daily grind of break fix issues instead of being dedicated to forward looking projects for the business. With CA Communications as a strategic partner, life won't ever be the same: CA conducts a comprehensive inventory review of every location and provides you with. No more guessing what your monthly spend is or what contracts are in place for each of your locations. No more blindly counting on vendors to bill you correctly. CA consolidates and aligns your telecom spending through consultation and sourcing. We provide expert help to determine what you have and what you need. We then, without bias, provide professional sourcing to vastly simplify your telecom setup while ensuring you receive the absolutely lowest prices on equipment or network service without sacrificing quality. With CA, all of your telecom contracts will leverage your total telecom expenditures and will be coterminous. CA proactively manages your IT system – we will monitor your environment and you will have one call to make to one company for any issues nationwide 24x7x365. No more waiting on hold for endless hours with a giant company or being burdened with service issues that are more cheaply outsourced. CA can also recommend the right array of managed services to ensure your IT system has the lowest total cost of ownership that is robust even in the face of rapid growth or a natural disaster.
 Answer the following question.
 Q1. Why it is difficult in most of the companies to audit IT spend? Discuss
 Q2. What is proactive management? Explain
  CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
 Ability to swap content out quickly —Prior to rolling out the SnapComms solution, the insurance company were limited to what they could put on staff screensavers. This was due to the fact that pushing out screensaver content to staff computers was only done once per quarter, so the ability to change what was displayed was time consuming for the desktop team. With the SnapComms Screensaver Messages solution, the Communications team have complete control of when screensavers are displayed, how many are displayed at once, and they now have the additional benefit of being able to target specific screensavers to different parts of the business. The assigned message administrators can deploy a screensaver whenever they need to, without engaging the Desktop Support team to push it out manually, making the whole process a lot more efficient. SnapComms has addressed the issues that were impacting staff communications at the insurance company. Important communications now get the cut through they need in order to keep staff informed of potential issues at their location in real time. The Communications team now has the ability to run targeted internal communications campaigns without having to rely on the desktop support team. And the Compliance manager has the ability disseminate compliance communications across the business, with an eye to the future of being able to quiz staff on policies and track results in real time.
 Answer the following question.
 Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. “SnapComms does more than just reduce email overload” Comment.
  Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224
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cleancutpage · 6 years
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards
This post originally appeared on tBL Marketplace Partner LeaseQuery's blog Your Lease Queries, Answered and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
Implementing FASB ASC 842 and IFRS 16, the new lease accounting standards, may seem like a burden right now, but there are some benefits beyond compliance that may surprise you. The processes and tools you use to transition will enable you to work more efficiently, improve the audit process, and help you make smarter financial decisions.
Forecasting and budgeting
How much money will you spend on your leases next year? Can you identify how much you’ll spend by a particular region, department, or business division? With all the data you gather on your leases to comply with the new standards, you can get deeper insights into your leases than ever before.
If you use Excel for lease accounting, you’ll have to do a lot of heavy lifting to make those calculations. Lease accounting software with custom reporting features makes it easy to develop a report based on any allocation or segment you choose. That enables you to offer your colleagues expert advisement as they enter and renew their lease agreements.
Keep up with critical dates
We’ve covered the costliness of missing critical dates by using Excel for lease accounting in this blog. When the accounting department isn’t informed of lease renewals, extensions, and other key dates, it can result in overpayments, missed payments, and late fees. And that’s frustrating. After all, it’s not that you aren’t on top of things – it’s just that you don’t have the information you need.
More than likely, you’re relying on an internal process where the person who manages leases or contracts notifies you of the upcoming critical date. That leaves a lot of room for error. With lease accounting software, you can enter in all the important dates relevant to a lease and the system can send automated alerts before a critical date approaches so you’re informed.
Improved interdepartmental collaboration
How many departments in your company are engaged in leasing agreements? Do you have a dedicated resource for managing contracts? Each department that deals with leases has its own interests to consider. In our step-by-step transition guide, we walk you through how to build an interdepartmental team to ensure you have a complete inventory of your leases.
Going forward, you can build on that process and make it part of your routine. Meet with this team on a regular basis (but less often than we recommend in the guide) to make sure you’re aware of new leases and contracts that may contain leases. Doing so will reduce frustration for everyone in the long run.
You may even find that lease accounting software solves challenges for your colleagues in other departments. For example, the legal department can pull up contracts using a search function and the facilities team can be alerted of upcoming critical dates. When you enter a lease into the system, you can receive alerts that notify you of documents you may need to complete the entry. This enables you to request those documents from your colleagues well before you close out the month or the quarter.
Easier, more efficient audits
Any efficiencies or process improvements to the audit process make life easier. Responding to your auditors’ requests for documents and reports is a headache. And guess what? They don’t like having to ask for that information.
An easy-to-use lease accounting software makes everyone’s job easier. They can log in and pull the reports and data that they need and you don’t have to stress about providing the documentation they request.
Easily access lease documents
How are you currently housing your lease documents? Are they in PDFs on a server? Does each individual department maintain their own? How long does it take you to find a document when you need it? There’s a much simpler approach.
With a lease accounting software, you can keep all of your contracts and related documents in one place. It’s difficult to search for documents on a network drive, but lease accounting software has more sophisticated functionalities that make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
Once you’re over the initial hurdles that come with transitioning to the new standards, you’ll find that there is a silver lining to all your hard work. Some of your most cumbersome and time-consuming tasks will be simpler, saving you valuable time without sacrificing your accuracy.
You don’t have to wait until your transition is complete to experience these benefits
Companies that purchase lease accounting software start taking advantage of many of these benefits before their transition is complete. As a result, they’re better prepared to create their first post-transition journal entries, amortization schedules, and reports when they reach their transition deadline.
If your company has more than 10 leases, it’s likely that you’re planning to purchase lease accounting software. The sooner you implement a solution, the sooner you can start enjoying these time-saving, error-reducing benefits.
Talk to One of Our Expert Lease Accountants Today.
Unlike other software vendors, we aren’t former real estate professionals trying to learn accounting on your dime. We’re accountants just like you.
Sign up for a demo today and let us prove it.
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards was written by Lease Query.
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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cleancutpage · 6 years
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards
This post originally appeared on tBL Marketplace Partner LeaseQuery's blog Your Lease Queries, Answered and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
Implementing FASB ASC 842 and IFRS 16, the new lease accounting standards, may seem like a burden right now, but there are some benefits beyond compliance that may surprise you. The processes and tools you use to transition will enable you to work more efficiently, improve the audit process, and help you make smarter financial decisions.
Forecasting and budgeting
How much money will you spend on your leases next year? Can you identify how much you’ll spend by a particular region, department, or business division? With all the data you gather on your leases to comply with the new standards, you can get deeper insights into your leases than ever before.
If you use Excel for lease accounting, you’ll have to do a lot of heavy lifting to make those calculations. Lease accounting software with custom reporting features makes it easy to develop a report based on any allocation or segment you choose. That enables you to offer your colleagues expert advisement as they enter and renew their lease agreements.
Keep up with critical dates
We’ve covered the costliness of missing critical dates by using Excel for lease accounting in this blog. When the accounting department isn’t informed of lease renewals, extensions, and other key dates, it can result in overpayments, missed payments, and late fees. And that’s frustrating. After all, it’s not that you aren’t on top of things – it’s just that you don’t have the information you need.
More than likely, you’re relying on an internal process where the person who manages leases or contracts notifies you of the upcoming critical date. That leaves a lot of room for error. With lease accounting software, you can enter in all the important dates relevant to a lease and the system can send automated alerts before a critical date approaches so you’re informed.
Improved interdepartmental collaboration
How many departments in your company are engaged in leasing agreements? Do you have a dedicated resource for managing contracts? Each department that deals with leases has its own interests to consider. In our step-by-step transition guide, we walk you through how to build an interdepartmental team to ensure you have a complete inventory of your leases.
Going forward, you can build on that process and make it part of your routine. Meet with this team on a regular basis (but less often than we recommend in the guide) to make sure you’re aware of new leases and contracts that may contain leases. Doing so will reduce frustration for everyone in the long run.
You may even find that lease accounting software solves challenges for your colleagues in other departments. For example, the legal department can pull up contracts using a search function and the facilities team can be alerted of upcoming critical dates. When you enter a lease into the system, you can receive alerts that notify you of documents you may need to complete the entry. This enables you to request those documents from your colleagues well before you close out the month or the quarter.
Easier, more efficient audits
Any efficiencies or process improvements to the audit process make life easier. Responding to your auditors’ requests for documents and reports is a headache. And guess what? They don’t like having to ask for that information.
An easy-to-use lease accounting software makes everyone’s job easier. They can log in and pull the reports and data that they need and you don’t have to stress about providing the documentation they request.
Easily access lease documents
How are you currently housing your lease documents? Are they in PDFs on a server? Does each individual department maintain their own? How long does it take you to find a document when you need it? There’s a much simpler approach.
With a lease accounting software, you can keep all of your contracts and related documents in one place. It’s difficult to search for documents on a network drive, but lease accounting software has more sophisticated functionalities that make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
Once you’re over the initial hurdles that come with transitioning to the new standards, you’ll find that there is a silver lining to all your hard work. Some of your most cumbersome and time-consuming tasks will be simpler, saving you valuable time without sacrificing your accuracy.
You don’t have to wait until your transition is complete to experience these benefits
Companies that purchase lease accounting software start taking advantage of many of these benefits before their transition is complete. As a result, they’re better prepared to create their first post-transition journal entries, amortization schedules, and reports when they reach their transition deadline.
If your company has more than 10 leases, it’s likely that you’re planning to purchase lease accounting software. The sooner you implement a solution, the sooner you can start enjoying these time-saving, error-reducing benefits.
Talk to One of Our Expert Lease Accountants Today.
Unlike other software vendors, we aren’t former real estate professionals trying to learn accounting on your dime. We’re accountants just like you.
Sign up for a demo today and let us prove it.
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards was written by Lease Query.
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Benefits of the New Lease Accounting Standards published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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