#but having less than 50 followers is kinda rough
abitofboth · 6 months
some more owen carvour hcs because I’m unwell about him
he's meticulous when it comes to cleaning his guns. almost every night on a mission he will sit within the twilight and carefully take them apart and clean every piece. the same goes for his knives, brass knuckles, and any other weapons he happens to use.
he’s pretty consistent with shaving and cutting his hair; keeps his usual length, and a clean shaven face. when he’s going through a rough patch his hair will grow a bit longer and he’ll turn up to work with stubble.
post fall, his hair is down to his shoulders and he has a permanent 5 o'clock shadow.
he doesn’t play games he knows he can’t win. he was so certain that he was going to be the one to kill curt, not the other way around.
he can do tricks with his switch blade and he DELIGHTS in showing off for curt.
big fat crush on brandon shaw from hitchcock’s film ‘rope’. fucked up spy obsessed with his very own fucked up blorbo.
takes the piss out of curt for having a thing for james bond (“the name’s carvour. owen carvour.” “shut UP.”)
connected to that, curt loves the bond novels but can’t concentrate long enough to actually get through them. owen reads them out to him and does voices for all the characters.
he tells curt that “that secret died the night you left me for dead”, but I don’t think that he stopped loving him as soon as he fell. he hated him, yes, but he still loved him. some small part of him was still desperately clinging onto the hope that curt would come back and 'rescue' him from chimera for at least a year or two.
somehow manages to be kinda toxic with his own masculinity but also (in the privacy of his and curt's relationship) fucks with gender a little. for example, he doesn't allow himself emotional relief because 'men don't cry', but on the other hand relishes in being called 'princess' and owns a few lipsticks. loves leaving lipstick kiss marks on curt.
curt is pretty big on cars. he likes tinkering with them, fixing them up, knows all you could need to know about them, and has strong opinions on which ones are good and which ones are shit. owen couldn't care less- as long as it moves and it's not an ugly colour, he's happy.
he has doubts about his job and the governments he serves. where some spies blindly follow, he reluctantly trails behind.
the black and red leather jacket used to be owen's, but curt borrowed it one day and conveniently 'forgot' to give it back. owen has no complaints- he likes curt wearing his clothes and he barely wore it himself anyway.
he stands by the notion that british words and phrases are gospel, and american words and phrases are stupid and wrong.
known for a bit of a resting bitch face. he always looks pissed off, but is probably only pissed off 50% of the time.
older than curt, but only by a year or two.
he is kind to those with less power, and directs his rage to those in charge instead.
has a tendency to pull at his hair when he's super freaked out.
he has panic attacks more often post-fall.
he knows he's hot shit. plays on the 'british charm' when he's flirting with marks and it works every single time.
he knows a decent amount of french. not quite fluent, but enough that he can easily navigate most conversations.
spicy, don't look too close
he likes to take charge most of the time because it's owen, he loves having power in all situations, but he has a submissive streak in him. he doesn't like to admit that it doesn't take much to get him whining and begging.
phone sex. it's risky, but he likes it. transatlantic jerk-offs are key when your partner is in another country.
tops more often than he bottoms, purely because he thinks curt prefers it that way.
pull his hair and watch him melt.
likes when curt manhandles him. he has muscles, and owen wants him to use them.
he'll whisper filthy things to curt on missions with the sole intention of riling him up at the worst possible time.
he enjoys bondage regardless of who is the one being tied up.
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mitochondriencocktail · 7 months
50 for the kiss request, and bojere bc just obliterate me at this point /pos
ok u asked for this... (for extra atmosphere... this is the song I pictured.)
50 ...in love
The coffee table had been shoved to the far reaches of the cramped living room, only the checkered carpet remaining in the middle. It was far from ideal for dance practice, but Jere had insisted it would be fine. It became quickly apparent that they wouldn't need much space for the skill level they were working at.
"No, step less wide. You're looking boxy."
Jere rolled his eyes, but acquiesced, shortening the width of his side stepping.
Bojan hit play on the YouTube video that was embarrassingly titled How to Learn a Wedding Dance in 5 Steps. It wasn't that Bojan or Jere didn't have any experience, but it'd come to light that when pressed to dance in a formal setting--face to face of all things--it seemed all of their natural rhythm went out the window. How the fuck that worked baffled Bojan. They were two musicians, both of whom danced entirely fine under any other circumstances, but suddenly with their wedding day looming, that was all moot.
"Okay, next we're going to learn how to separate!" the perky dance instructor said through the speakers of Jere's MacBook. Onscreen, she and her partner talked about how the lead should use their body weight to guide, not shove, the follow.
It was the fifth time they'd watched this.
Bojan's elbows jerked awkwardly out, sending Jere springing back.
"Bojan, loosen up," Jere pinged, pulling himself back in close.
"I'm loose! I'm so loose right now."
"That not something someone loose would say."
"Why am I leading?" Bojan blurted out.
"You taller..." Jere huffed. "Plus I not want pressure of it," he cackled.
Bojan sighed. Alright, fine, if Jere wanted Bojan to lead, then he would lead.
"Okay, let's start from the top." Bojan disentangled himself from Jere and shook out his arms and legs, pushing away the anxiously gnashing thoughts of all those eyes of friends and loved ones watching them awkwardly shuffle around a too-big dance floor in the middle of some ballroom that Bojan's family had insisted on. It didn't have to be perfect. It just had to be them on the big day.
Jere paused the video and pulled up their song, a dreamy, melodic slow dance with lots of reverb and sappy sentiment.
A deep breath as the beginning chords echoed through the living room.
Bojan held out his hand, Jere's slipping effortlessly into it. Their eyes met and Bojan let the music wash over him, leading Jere out to the carpet with intense focus, timing it just so to add a twirl before getting into basic position. From here, his lips lined up perfectly with the crown of Jere's head.
As the song continued on, their feet step-tapping in beat, the tension eased from Bojan's body, Jere's infectious optimism about the whole thing bleeding out between them. The weight of every step filled Bojan's heart with a pleasant humming; the gentle strumming and smooth voice eroding away the rough edges of Bojan's frustration like a river over stone.
Using his body weight, he led Jere out into a separation and then guided him back in for a spin, repeating it a few times throughout the song, each one more playful than the last until Jere was bubbling with giggles.
As the song came to a close, Bojan was grinning, soft and gooey like caramel. He dipped Jere down with flourish and the song faded into the quiet of the living room, only their breath audible.
"Sorry, I know I can be kinda fussy," Bojan admitted with a quiet chuckle.
Jere kissed his nose.
"Yes, but I love."
"I hope so," Bojan laughed, "we're getting married in two months."
Jere's eyes widened almost imperceptibly.
"We are," he beamed.
In that smile, a distillation of a million shared moments; tentative beginnings, heartfelt middles, and a sprawling future with untapped possibilities. It shouldn't have been possible to cram every shared meal and quiet evening and midday walk and grocery haul and international flight and scenic view and cherished 'get home safe' text and silly fight and steadfast comfort into a single look, but Jere was always defying the odds. Achieving the impossible.
Bojan brought Jere up from the dip and kissed him.
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alwida10 · 6 months
Bestie, you keep talking about the viewership article of Loki for ages. When will you put it up? I'm going insane with people claiming its the best thing ever
Ahhhh 😱 my bad conscience learned to send Tumblr asks!!!! 😱😱 /joke
And yes. You got me there. 😭 after season 2 ended, I told myself it was necessary to wait a bit so the Google Trends graphs wouldn’t look so chopped off, and ended up procrastinating the post because I never wanted to think about *that* show ever again. 😭
But yes - be assured - while the defenders of the show are often vicious and try to make it look like it was generally loved, the stats paint another picture. (The same was true for season 1, though. I recommend taking a look at this amazing analysis posted on Reddit.) For now, let’s take the rough overview of season 2 from Google Trends here.
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Google Trends only provides relative graphs (=percentages of a maximum), but in a way this makes it even better. The public interest in Loki peaked with season 1 (airing from 09. June - 14. July 2021). Season two (5. October - 9. November 2023) sparked about half of the interest. Overall, that’s a pretty clear picture season 2 lost a lot of viewer interest.
But let’s look into the details, meaning the single episodes. Here we have the first three ones (released on the 5th, 12th and 19th October).
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Each episode marks a small peak in interest. Typically, the interest decreases over a season, so the first episode being the biggest hit is no surprise. The decrease however is. As a reminder: season 1 suffered a 30% decrease in viewership between episodes 1 and 3, which was considered horrible at the time. While this graph does not reflect viewership but Google searches, the decrease between episodes 1 and 3 is still 50%. (Also, I kinda prefer Google stats to viewership stats since they reflect how much real interest the series managed to create, leaving out all those people who mindlessly consumed the series without thinking further. It does however have the bias that an incomprehensible plot might inflate the numbers because people look for explanations online.)
The first peak in the next pic is again episode 3, followed by 4 (26. October), 5 (2. November), and the last episode (9. November). It’s easily visible that the finale has created the most interest. Sadly, Google Trends did not provide a graph where all the episodes could be compared, but based on the fact that the episode 3 peak was half as high as the one for episode 1, we can estimate that the episode 1 peak would have been at approximately 55-60% in this graph.
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So why is that interesting? The two most interesting episodes were the opening and the finale. That’s not that unusual, but in the end, it still burns down to the fact that people kinda tuned out in between. I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that the major questions regarding Loki’s future (is he dead now? Can people visit him? How did this work?) inflated the peak for the finale.
Ok, but what about the actual views?
Well, I can never compete with thochi-1’s analysis, but I’ll do my best. But first this gem:
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So, apparently, the 50% drop in Google Trends is associated with a 39% drop in viewed minutes.
For the overall season, the Hollywood reporter says this:
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Summarized: only two-thirds of viewers from season 1 returned for season 2. The ones who did return showed about 15% less engagement in googling our beloved god of mischief.
I have another, personal reason to find that little fact particularly interesting. In the Loki survey, 26% of all respondents indicated they disliked the show. At the time of the survey, some people assumed this number to be falsely inflated, because I was more active in the “anti-series fandom”. Given the viewing numbers of season 2, I feel sadly validated. After all, the drop of 35% is even higher than my estimates.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here my friend after a very, very long week. This is actually my 3rd attempt at sending you an ask. First, I finally had time and was excited to type up something for the latest episode and then the Buck LI stuff came out and the mood for that was killed. Next I had mostly typed up my salty thoughts only to have my internet go down (yes, I whined at home "what i was going to read??!!" and pointedly ignored my very much filled bookcase because my ships aren't in them). So here let's see if this one works out.
So how is it KR and the promo dept always manage to kill any joy we have when we get fed any kind of Buddie content (the follow-up to the Eddie getting shot, and the 5b and premier come to mind here)?? Seriously Buck and Eddie more or less went on a date and had family night together and almost immediately they came back with "look Buck and Eddie are going to go on dates!!". Its exhausting cause it seems like any time they put out a story that might even be slightly suggestive of them being more than platonic bros they insist on following it up with stories to "prove" they are, no matter how recycled those plots are.
And okay let's take a second here to ask WTF is KR doing with these characters? In 6b alone we've had Buck dying, a coma dream, PTSD, super powers, and now he's getting a crush, and we STILL haven't finished the accursed sperm donor storyline??!! Bobby and Athena investigated had the death of a beloved friend 🙄 plot, HenRen had the nonsensical Denny secretly seeing his Dad which was never an issue before plot, and Madney and Eddie are just kinda there?? The other characters have had at best one storyline where the audience has to either invent or rewrite the backstory for. But for Buck he's had like 50 plotlines, none of which have really gone anywhere? I love Buck but I'd rather have him have 1 good arc and resolution than whatever this bullshit is. I'd easily take that screentime and give it to any of the other characters if it meant we got 1 well thought out and executed storyline. Instead we're just recycling and redressing old plots for everyone else while KR uses a magnetic poetry set to plan what Buck's doing from episode to episode. We have 5 episodes left in the season, 4-5 guest characters that are going to be incorporated (including 2 much beloathed ones 🙄🙄🙄), and nothing really setup for our mains to do (even Eddie dating isn't setup, it literally hasn't come up after Ana and you'd think they could have in 6a while he was watching his son mature).
Anyway, I'll stop the rant here though there's definitely more I could say. I'll close off saying I hope you're feeling better today since this week looks like its been rough on you. Sending you virtual tea, soup, and hugs!!
Long week is RIGHT my friend! I'm so sorry you were foiled in your previous attempts! I am right there with you on the Buck LI stuff just...sucking a lot of the joy out of things for me. Because of course we're doing this again 🙄🙄🙄 I was even writing up notes on a possible fic and you KNOW I haven't written anything since Malex and even that was before s4 started. But alas. That sucks about the power going out! I hate when that happens especially if I was in the middle of something! (Also I am SO with you. I keep buying books and then just...not reading them because my brain says "it's not our blorbos so no.)
I am just...so tired at this point. Like yes these people *may* not stick around, but even so, I don't want to loose out on Buddie scenes and Buckley-Diaz family scenes! I don't want Buck to have 90% of his time and discussions with some new character I do not know or care about instead of Eddie and the firefam! They already tried to do that with BT and it was the woooooorst! I want Eddie to have screentime and arcs but again, I don't want the little time we DO get to be wasted on some random side character! And lets be honest, there is no person they can introduce at this point that can compare with the relationship Buck and Eddie have already built and the ways in which they are the perfect partners for what each other needs. So the options are to a) cut down on seeing that relationship so their new het ones don't look so shitty and lame in comparison, b) have these women be mostly just Blurry Girlfriends in the background with no personality or depth just to have the boys paired off so they don't have to do Buddie while still centering their relationship so people can't call them out for not committing to Buddie because their "friendship" looks basically the same, or c) give them LIs that are basically the other's personalities transplanted into a female body in order to have the relationship be anything close to what Buck and Eddie need in a life partner. These are all terrible options, and I hate them, more than I hate the idea of them ending up single even though it undercuts their own narrative set up for the characters but that's a cop-out too.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to everything about Buck's 700 shitty arcs this season while everyone else is mostly twiddling their thumbs. KR is literally the worst at pacing and planning, and constructing a season with any kind of flow. On the bright side, Ravi is coming back and Chim is going to get to do something! I'm so excited! I was really hoping for more of him and Bobby teaming up last week because the little crumbs we got were GOLD.
I did have a very emotionally rollercoaster-y week and the show being Like This absolutely Did Not Help, but I am making it work. Mostly with loooots of fic. Cheers friend, lets see if we can make it through the finale intact, if Buddie dreams can make it through the finale intact, and if the SHOW can make it through the finale intact with how these renewal negotiations are going.
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spliita-blog · 7 years
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sugar-petals · 4 years
SuperM Fluff & NSFW Notes
↳ 🌹aka some of their romantic antics plus random 18+ imagines 👋
warnings ⚠️ rated (super) m, boyfriends hc, porn mentions, partial fem!reader, sex toys
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since baekhyun knows how to make scented candles, he creates one for you as a birthday present with your favorite fragrances.
every entry in mark’s diary involves fond thoughts about you.
taemin kisses you more than his cat kkoongie on a daily basis so let that sink in. his smooch obsession is getting out of hand.
lucas, having giant fingers after all, learns how to knit in order to make you a warm scarf. he’s still a bit clumsy with it and had to call kun for advice, but the result is surprisingly proper and quickly becomes your favorite item. it’s a little huge but well, he thinks in his dimensions. lucas’ next project is a beanie.
ten overwhelms you with pet names. in fact, he seemingly seems to come up with a new one each day.
kai is a candlelight dinner, rose petals and music kinda guy. he does every old-school thing in the book.
taeyong can cuddle endlessly in bed. he just doesn’t wanna leave.
lucas gladly shares his sweaters. they’re ginormous so, perfect cuddle material.
baekhyun is already a fool. so — when he falls in love, he becomes an even bigger fool. or, the contrary happens: he becomes dead silent around his partner because he’s so enthralled. he can take this more seriously than you think.
mark likes to write little cards and many many texts to express his love.
lucas is the type who can help you put on your jeans when they were shrinking a bit too much in the dryer. he’s pretty sexy like that and things can get really touchy.
cheesy fucking kai, and there’s only one guy who would do this, has actually lowered himself over a puddle once so you would have a bridge. brushed it off like a daily workout rep.
not one shower missed without baekhyun joining you. yes, it’s not always sexy time, he likes it when you shampoo his hair and whisper sweet nothings. and obviously: it’ll all devolve to a laughing fit.
taeyong is the type who wants to be proposed to.
taemin will get a motorcycle license and take you for a frequent ride. he loves getting those kind of back hugs.
both ten and lucas are great at making bracelets. wayv’s dorm is fully equipped with charms, strings, and pearls, so expect matching ones for you.
we’ve seen it, that one’s his favorite move. kai wraps his hand around your shoulder when you walk together.
mark will ALWAYS share his melon.
making you swoon on a DVD evening is lucas’ favorite hobby. he will buy you the most sugary-sweet romance movies. he will often browse streaming sites to select the latest sentimental plots. all these dramas seem to have a male lead who is suspiciously tall and lanky.
if you allow him, taeyong customizes your white tees with his cute drawings.
since taemin swims in money thanks to his profession as the god of kpop (yes, this is a registered job name because i say so), he can fulfill you any wish. he’s stingy and pouty when the shinee hyungs can pay, and the motherfucker baekhyun is even richer since his albums have been taking off so he opens his mochi wallet when superm is gathered, but you... are a different case. taemin will humbly empty his entire pockets when he overhears you gushing over something. there’s a voice in his mind going: must splurge!!
mark loves christmas, you establish an annual tradition to stage a whole couple evening.
baekhyun likes to play charades and especially do karaoke with you. he’s always cutely wiggling his butt and dances like a drunk uncle. he hits the high notes anyway and makes sure you score 100 points.
taeyong can make out with you while at the same time making sure that the milk doesn’t get burned on the stove. kiss’n’stirr multitask tyong alert. gotta make sure the cocoa is served in time, you know.
all the members enjoy playing board games. yep, imagine the fun and sheer chaos.
lucas has the funniest laugh ever indeed. he’ll react to all your jokes, no matter how lame they might be. intensely reassuring.
taemin’s hand is basically glued to yours.
taeyong and mark are the kinds of boyfriends that spoil their partner with skincare. fancy a nice face massage with a nice fragrant oil?
baekhyun has been baking heart-shaped pizzas ever since you started dating. he just can’t make them round anymore.
mark will join you on anything you’re currently bingewatching. 
kai sometimes — only half-jokingly — goes down on both knees bowing forward with his hands on the ground just to show how much he wants to thank you. in case you didn’t notice: this guy treats you like a deity.
ten usually gets confused glances from the other members whenever he gets the current date wrong: he simply loses track of time with you.
lucas makes a habit of buying you flowers every other week. but on unpredictable occasions, and he arranges them in places you’d never expect.
taemin will build you a weird-looking snowman to make you laugh, and give it an even stranger name. ten will build one that looks like you. kai doesn’t build snowmen, he just stands there challenging you to throw snow balls at him.
mark will hang out with you at the beach constantly bringing his guitar. he’ll serenade you all the time.
returning from three months of touring, baekhyun has once climbed your balcony when your parents were in the other room. yep, he was that desperate to see you. somebody give this man a rope and helmet.
taeyong writes down heartfelt confessions on 365 folded slips of paper so you can open one every day. your reactions will range from ‘awwh!’ to straight-up tears.
ten does regular couple yoga with you. a mildly challenging form, not the circus acrobat version. he’ll do the difficult parts anyway. you can pretzel this guy up, he’ll do anything to make you laugh.
when it rains you hook your arm around his, and lucas always holds the umbrella. even the wildest gush of wind can’t make it turn inside out. you arrive home entirely dry. xuxi is so cute, he’s also a great source of cooling shadow in the summer without even trying.
taemin’s skinship overdrive doesn’t stop with endless hand-holding, back hugs and kisses. he wants to lay down in your lap whenever he can. he looks damn pretty with his hair splaying there. if you work on your laptop, you can pretty much count to ten and he’s already nestled there.
kai does pushups with you on his back. it’s a staple. each time he does one, he says ‘i love you’. he increases his count every day.
it’s no secret that taeyong is great at acting or pulling off any outfit and costume. expect roleplay of the finest kind — literally. he looks good in a firefighter uniform. you’ll be burning up pretty much automatically.
taemin can’t keep his tongue in. it’s terrible. he’s always in the mood for head. his sloppy noises are the absolute worst, it turns you on way too fast.
lucas had some major problems finding condoms that fit him.
ten and taemin are so switchy, they have an unresolved power struggle going on. begs for a dominant third party to help them out.
kai owns expensive latex gear.
baekhyun may be the king of vocals and breath technique, but if you push him far enough he does get hoarse.
taemin often jokes how kai will one day break his dick from fucking too hard.
meanwhile, mark’s dick is already falling off – from fucking too often. this guy has some major hormones going for him. no surprise, a guy who can promote in four kpop groups at the same time is a stamina king.
taeyong likes eating pussy with another party involved. three’s a crowd my friend. sometimes it’s taemin who unleashes his spit waterfall power, sometimes it’s baekhyun who preoccupies himself with nibbling at the inner thigh while taeyong digs in.
taemin owns the most underwear.
mark takes valerian drops because he is so nervous in bed. it never really goes away, it’s his nature.
taeyong keeps a lube collection. a different flavor for all occasions. he likes associating certain scents with specific body parts.
kai has a heels kink. he literally goes wild over it.
taemin likes to have sex with favorite glasses on.
taeyong and kai are the most likely to cry during sex. baekhyun as well if you rough him up enough. 
mark gets rock hard the fastest, followed by kai. he’s a grower.
taeyong gets the best inspiration for a song when he gets a casual dick riding.
taemin watches extremely x-rated erotic thrillers and bdsm flicks that are heavy on the plot. he gets more invested in the characters and actors than you think. since his japanese is amazing? of course he also owns a giant 90s hentai collection. 
when he’s jerking off, baekhyun chokes himself. a) because he’d make too much noise otherwise and b) because asphyxiation is his favorite thing.
kai feels pleasure in his every cell. he cums the hardest. and, as you can expect, his body expresses it the most extremely, accurately, passionately. if you’ve seen it even once, you’ll never look at him the same again.
taemin has less experience than his discography claims, but more than you’d think. he researches sexual techniques as well. you can brace yourself.
mark has not just a tiger inside, but a freak inside, waiting to be unleashed.
sex while gaming is a go-to activity for baekhyun.
lucas has the best stamina when it comes to getting head.
taemin throws his head back during sex. and no, he doesn’t T-pose. i’m kidding — of course he does. but only when he’s on his back.
taeyong tends to grip a pillow when he cums.
or he humps one when he’s by himself.
ten has the best taste in sexy time playlists.
baekhyun has the best taste in singing his own playlist along.
oh, the things kai has bought at a gas station at 3AM.
baekhyun sucks strap the best. he can open his mouth the widest, drools a lot, and makes the best noises unsurprisingly.
how to turn on lee taemin? he likes getting slapped.
since he’s the most avid and most diverse eater, lucas’ sperm tastes the best. he’s shove 50 fruits into his system just to give you a sweet experience.
mark is absolutely a starfish. 
kai wears fishnet tops if you fancy it.
curiously, baekhyun out of all people doesn’t announce when he’s cumming. you’ll hear it, though.
taeyong’s dildo collection is one for the books.
taemin has visited a pro dominatrix a couple times. needless to say, he was the #1 favorite client at the dungeon. having fully submerged into a fantasy world, taemin was one whip crack away from falling in love with the mistress. but then covid happened and the venue closed.
mark’s dick looks really pretty.
taemin can grind on the strap at every humanly possible angle. he’s almost always ready to take it. he carries a prep kit.
kai — that fucker — knows how to make you wet the most with his bare hands. prepare for the thigh ride of your life, too.
taeyong, baekhyun, and taemin have the best arches. kai is coming for the top three as well. ten’s arch is so good, it can’t be considered one anymore.
baekhyun knows every adult movie out there. theoretically, nothing can shock him. in reality, he melts in your hands.
taeyong is so sexually active with you, he has quit eating garlic.
kai will exploit your muscle kink in any way he can.
taemin, being a devil, has that one button on his phone that he can press when you go out for dinner. he’s OBSESSED with getting you off. once you head home, it’s basically running down your thighs.
ten has once opened a condom with scissors to scare away a date that grew weird on him by the time it got to the do.
lucas is too tall for doing missionary normally.
this will surprise nobody: mark is great at constantly keeping up the dirty talk.
baekhyun’s car is sort of like a brothel on wheels. he can’t count how many times he got down and dirty in there. he cleans it all up by himself.
kai can technically grip you the hardest but he’s the gentlest and great at caressing the whole body.
taemin has the easiest time saying what precisely he wants. he is also the best people reader — most your wishes he can pretty intuit. taemin observes your interests well.
ten likes his hair pulled and makes angelic noises when you do so.
baekhyun likes camgirls and erotic chats with strangers online. he spends a lot of money for nsfw internet encounters.
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farshores · 3 years
Character Masterpost!
Figured I’d have to post this eventually - fair warning these are kinda rough, I was never good at this sorta thing lol. But enjoy! A quick masterpost of my Skyrim ocs (might add Oblivion + Morrowind ones whenever I play those games)
Under the cut because, hoo boy, do I have a tendency to ramble
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Name(Titles): Jeer-Tei Perdes (Dragonborn / Legate Perdes / Listener / Harbinger / Slayer of Miraak, Alduin, Paarthurnax and Ulfric / Champion of Hircine) Race: Argonian Gender/Sexuality: Nonbinary (They/Them) / Gay Birthsign: Steed Age: Roughly Late 20s/Early 30s to Mid/Late 30s (As of the events of Skryim + Dragonborn DLC), Roughly early/mid 50s (events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC) Reference Sheet: (x)
Jeer-Tei had an interesting start in life, their egg abandoned near the docks of Satakalaam, only to be discovered by a local Redguard blacksmith picking up his shipments. Once hatched, they were raised under Redguard traditions and values - from its pantheon to the general disdain of magic - & would carry these beliefs over upon their arrival to Skyrim as a young adult. Tei didn’t intend on staying in the province, especially with the rumors of a civil war bubbling, but unfortunately got scammed into working at the Windhelm docks for the next few years. During this, they felt sympathy for the Dunmer and Argonians stuck in the city and chose to stick around to guard both the Assemblage & Gray Quarter at night from the unruly locals. It was a bit before the time of Ulfric’s capture when Tei would officially leave Windhelm, Rumarin & Lucifer in tow, unknowingly starting the path towards Alduin’s defeat. Which they have...strong opinions of.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Tei was never one to worship the Divines (who they refer to as the “Imperial Cult” with much disdain), so the fact they were this supposed hero of Akatosh leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
Could care less about the Empire. While they definitely didn’t agree with Ulfric’s causes, they didn’t want to work for a faction that abandoned their home to the Thalmor. Unfortunately, they were strong armed into joining the Empire’s army due to previous actions having consequences.
Tei was infected with Canis Hysteria (Lycanthropy) early in their arrival to Skyrim, they quickly learned to live with it & became a follower of Hircine.
Post-Alduin & CW, Tei unfortunately doesn’t spend much time at home. More often than not they’re taking trips to Solitude or even Cyrodiil itself as Skyrim’s rep - or is holed up in Skyhaven with Blade business
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Name(Titles): Meixiu (Mei) Perdes (That one tall chick who keeps raising the dead) Race: Argonian/Altmer Gender/Sexuality: Girl...Perhaps (She/Her) / Lesbian Birthsign: Apprentice Age: Late teens to Early/Sorta Mid 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC, Bit of College of Winterhold quest as well) Reference Sheet: (x)
Hatched and raised in Ivarstead, Mei is the youngest (next to her twin, Otero) of the Perdes family, & the most magic-oriented to boot. She always had a fascination with the schools, putting her at odds with her 3 parents - but thankfully, they were never ones to keep her from learning. Mei would become a student at the College of Winterhold at a relatively young age, learning that her talents shine the most with a mix of Conjuration and Dwemer tech! After....an unfortunate incident down in the Midden...We don’t talk about it. Regardless, it gained her a spot in a transfer program to Shimmerene’s mage guild - conveniently where she missed out on the whole orb debacle she and some fellow students were looking into...huh. But hey! Summerset is really nice & she gets to apply her studies towards helping people...right?
Trivia/Fun facts:
Mei is roughly 8′3″ when fully grown - she tends to forget how this height can intimidate people
She is very interested on the concept of souls & how the Dwemer worked with them. But she insists it’s on ways to help people - rather than trapping them in the machines
Mei’s very open-minded on some ideas that those might be uncomfortable with. She herself doesn’t fully understand the whole upset about raising the dead & soul gems herself.
Her spine+neck is very flexible (think ferret-spine). Regardless, she does need to wear a brace occasionally because being a long-bendy noodle is not good for your back.
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Name(Titles): Otero Perdes (Child of Stendarr / Slayer of Harkon) Race: Argonian/Akaviri Gender/Sexuality: Transmasc (He/Him) / Demisexual Birthsign: Apprentice Age: Late teens to Early/Sorta Mid 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC) Reference Sheet: (x)
Youngest of the Perdes family, next to Mei, Otero is often seen as the less approachable one of the family. (A feat in itself, considering how intimidating Tei became) He’s rude, quick to see someone as a threat, and has very little tolerance for Daedra, their worshippers, or the undead. It wasn’t always like this, however; Otero was initially a quiet child, struggling with ways to step out of his parent’s shadow. As it turned out, he was “blessed” with the same beast blood Tei held - his first transformation happening at the age of 13. This ended up traumatizing him & would create a rift with Tei for years to come - as the two had vastly different views on the situation. Not long after Mei left for Winterhold, Otero would run off himself - ending up near Dawnstar & taken under Altano’s wing to become a Vigilant. (Something Tei didn’t agree with, but they were of the belief of letting Otero see things through on his end.) It was here where he met Pelath, and where both had suffered from Molag Bal’s games. After the events of VIGILANT, Otero would soon join the Dawnguard with a new-found hatred for vampires, being the one to kill Harkon alongside Serana.
Trivia/Fun facts:
If you had to assign Otero a class from the previous Elder Scroll games, it would be Crusader.
While now very skilled in the art of Restoration & One-handed weapons, Otero was far from it when he first joined the Vigilants. His mastery came from many grueling training sessions, alongside many more life & death situations.
The only vampire he truly tolerated/trusted is Serana - even willing to defend her if she had decided not to cure herself.
I hope you don’t have a rough n gruff voice hc for him, because his main voice claim/reference is Jason Schwartzmann
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Name(Titles): Pelath Elsinire (Shezarr / Keeper of Stuhn’s Ravine) Race: Altmer Gender/Sexuality: Bigender (He/Him + She/Her) / Pansexual Birthsign: Lord Age: Early to Mid/Sorta late 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC)
A runaway from Summerset, Pelath came to Skyrim in hopes for a new life. What she didn’t expect was to be thrown headfirst into a whole Daedric debacle. After being recruited by Altano, Pelath was assigned to be Otero’s partner in missions - the two having a relatively rough start due to Otero’s general attitude, but they quickly bond & come to rely on one another, especially after getting trapped in Cold Harbour. The whole event was life-changing, to say the least, & Pelath still struggles with the fact that he is Shezarr incarnate - since...y’know...Elf. But there’s no time to fret on such things, Pel is a follower of Stendarr first, and that’s going to be the focus.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Pel would assist Otero in the events of Dawnguard, while she wouldn’t be there for the final fight, she would help provide healing & other resources. In fact, Pel was the reason Otero didn’t end up getting into a worse situation with Serana when the two discovered her, as he was quite ready to attack the vampire.
She is a jack of all trades when it comes to the different schools of magic, Illusion is her strong suit.
Pel and Otero do have some romantic chemistry, but both agreed on the fact that neither are truly ready for a relationship right now.
Has no idea where the face scar came from, had it as long as memory serves.
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Name(Titles): Courron (Librarian’s Assistant / Archmage-In-Training) Race: Bosmer/Imperial Gender/Sexuality: Cis Boy(tm) (He/Him) / AroAce Birthsign: Lover Age: Early to Mid/Sorta late 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC, College of Winterhold)
Mei’s childhood best friend who doesn’t get paid enough w/ the shit he’s seen. Courron’s the most normal of all the individuals listed, he just wants to get an education & help upkeep the Arcanaeum in Winterhold. Though stopping a Thalmor from misusing the Eye of Magnus is on that list too, he guesses. Courron doesn’t know what mass goal he has in mind and isn’t too psyched about being trained to become Archmage; he’s just happy where he is at now, responding to letters from Mei & occasionally assisting in experiments whenever she comes to visit.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Not to be cringe but he may or may not be a Lucien/Auri fankid. This is probably going to change though lmao
Literally the most normal dude here, just wants to read books and do fancy magic stuff.
Knows what happened with Mei in the Midden, doesn’t talk about it because he isn’t a snitch
Played evil god(tm) and gave him my trait of being damn near-blind & needing strong-ass glasses. Nearsightedness is a bitch
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Name(Titles): K’avle (Priest of Stendarr) Race: Redguard Gender/Sexuality: Cis male (he/him) / Bisexual Birthsign: Lady Age: Early to Mid 50s (Events of Skyrim + Dragonborn DLC) - ~70s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC)
Trivia/Fun facts:
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nie7027 · 2 years
So...with all that happened we are skippin on a very important detail
Eda said it very firmly so she probably was very young when Belos raised to power.
This is important because it connects with something I was talking last week about how easy once tyrants raise to power they manipulate everybody and establish a system that make it seem like it always has been that way!
The coven system has only been around for 50 years and yet people treat it like it's the norm!
It's straight up a cult/fascism/autoritarismo technique
And it's great Dana dared to touch on that topic considering the times we are living
So following that Dana is basing on that type of techniques we coul kinda make a rough timeline
So Belos arrived to the isles between 300-400 years ago (both the Edwardian era coinciding with our 1600s-1700 and Luz confirming time runs at the same place in the demon realm than it does in the human realm) and has been in power for 50 years.
It probably took him something between 50-100 years to gain enough followers who will support him to become emperor( Terras age fitting into this) and anytime before that he was throughtly ignored
In actuality it needs less time than that but I'm being hopeful with how strongly Phillip was rejected at first and because the golden guards line gives us another hint.
In Belos mindscape we can see 16 broken masks(assuming each mask belongs to a different Golden Guard) so there have been 17 golden guards so far.
Let's say the Golden Guards live an average of 15-20 years ( Belos made it sound like Golden guards don't last much with how he thought Hunter, who is barely 16 years old, was finally the obedient golden Guard he always wanted. Besides of that isn't the case then it's a good range of numbers to take into account those who took longer to rebel and those who Below discarded from the beginning but fuck thats still too young)
So Below has been making Grimwalkers for around 240-320 years aka it's been ~300 years since Belos killed his brother which fits with the timeline set by them arriving to the isles mid 1600s and starting to make a life there
All of this of course works with assuming Grimwalkers grow at the same rate human/withes do.
The book from where the Grimwalkers theory was born showed us a pic of a Grimwalkers growing arguably fast (whether it was fast or just a summarized depiction who knows) but I doubt Hunter himself or others witches wouldn't notice something is off if Hunter really developed quickly. We start retaining memory of our life by the time we are 5 years old so unless Hunter doesn't remember his whole childhood (I'm talking when he was 5-10 years old) and doesn't question it we can assume he grows up at a normal rate.
(Then again Hunter not questioning a completely wiped childhood sounds like something he would do... Let's trust others like Darius would question it then)
(There's also the possibility Below just has a bunch of developed Grimwalkers ready to use at any moment... But I don't wanna think about that possibility)
I don't know where I was going with this but I just want to say i find it funny it took Phillip like 200 years after killing his brother to be taken seriously.
No wonder he had to change his name.
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 18
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 18
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4326
Summary: Dean gets a better sense of what Sam and the reader’s new life is like.
Warnings: FLUFF, swearing
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           Barbie opens the door with an honest to god plate of pigs in a blanket as though she just had them going and you have to remind yourself you’re in a dream. “What a nice surprise! Come in, come in. And who’s this?” she asks, hugging Sam with one arm while holding onto the plate and offering for you to take one. It’s as buttery and salty as you ever could’ve hoped.
           “This is, uh, this is my brother Dean.”
           “Well hello, Dean! What a handsome pair you two are.” She offers the plate to the brothers. Dean grabs two with a pincher, tossing both in his mouth. Sam politely takes one as Barbie yells over her shoulder. “Mike, we have company!” She motions for you three to follow her into the house and Sam has to practically clothesline his brother to get him to take his shoes off before he trails blindly after the plate full of sausage.
           Mike stands up from one of those leather armchairs, folding back the magazine he’s reading to greet Sam with a bear hug. “This is my brother Dean,” Sam offers as Mike hugs you with decidedly gentler back pats than he had for Sam. Dean holds his hand out as if to shake but Mike curves his big paws around Dean’s shoulders and pulls him in for a hug with enough force that Dean almost falls into him.
           “You didn’t say anything about a brother!” he bellows to Sam over Dean’s shoulder.
           Sam and you both freeze, and you can only speak for yourself but you suspect Sam is also worried Dean will be upset to hear that. Instead, finally released from Mike’s binding embrace, Dean rocks back to holding up his own weight with a big smile. “Crazy private, these two, right? You’d think they were in the witness protection program.” For another second you’re worried about how you’ll do damage control, how you’ll talk to them about Dean after this, and then you remember this isn’t actually Mike and Barbie, they won’t actually remember anything.
           Mike leans into Dean conspiratorially. “You can say that again. Now, what can I get you three to drink?”
           “Whatever you’re having works for me, sir,” Dean answers, charming as ever with his most clean-cut smile.
           “You’re going to regret saying that,” Mike laughs, heading over to the kitchen where Barbie is fiddling with something in the oven. He fills a row of pint glasses with dark beer out of a growler you know is the extremely strong beer he brews himself and hands one to his wife with a kiss on her cheek, motions for you and the Winchesters to each take one. “To a pleasant surprise and finding out there’s another man in the world like Sam.”
           “I think you mean another man like me,” Dean says cheerfully as you all clink your glasses together.
           “So you’re older?” Barbie asks, handing Sam a stack of plates to go make the table with.
           “Four years, yeah. It was easier to tell when I had a foot on him.” Dean reaches up to ruffle his baby brother’s hair, and Sam generously waits a half-second before swatting his hand away with a sheepish flush.
           “A foot? Really? I wouldn’t have thought anyone would ever have had a foot on this behemoth,” Mike laughs, catching Sam with a jokey punch to his bicep when he comes back for silverware.
           “Oh, yeah. Sam was a little squirt until he was like 17.” Dean continues.
           “How’s Luke’s basketball team doing?” Sam asks, color rising in his cheeks and desperate to have the focus shifted off of himself.
           Barbie grants his wish with a knowing smile. “Going to the playoffs! He’s very excited.” She hands Sam a huge bowl of salad to carry to the table and takes out a hot casserole dish from the oven.
           “They do playoffs for middle school?” you ask, about to trail into the dining room after Barbie with Sam and Mike like a chain of ducklings. Dean stops you with a hand on your arm.
           “It’s going to make it weird if you’re not yourself with him,” he mutters, low so the Kaisers and Sam won’t hear. “I’m okay, kid, I promise. This is…awesome, but I know you’re holding back. You don’t have to.”
           “What’re you talking about?”
           “You touched Sam more when I was topside and we were together. You’d think he has leprosy the way you’re dodging him now.”
           “Dean, we’re always going to be togeth—”
           He rolls his eyes in frustration. “Okay, fine, yeah, we’re together now. But you know what I mean.”
           You bite your lip. “I thought they’re just my mind’s projections, who cares if they think it’s weird.”
           “Babe.” He holds firm, his gaze steady.
           “Jesus, Dean, it is weird, okay? The whole thing is bizarre!” Your whisper has turned into a bit of a hiss and he glances to the dining room to make sure you haven’t caught anyone’s attention.
           He wraps his fingers around your hand and swipes an arc into it, looking down as he does. “I know it is, I’m sorry. Can you try, just a little bit? The whole thing is only going to get less awkward if we keep at it.”
           “Fine, yeah. I’ll try.”
           Dean holds your eyes for a moment, not seeming to buy it, before staring back at his feet. “For you it’s a dream but this—this is the closest I’m going to get; to being part of your lives. I just—I just kinda want it to be as close as it can be, you know? If you’re acting different then it’s not really—”
           “Understood.” You swallow hard against the lump forming in your throat, willing it to dissolve, not about to keep feeling sorry for yourself when he’s clearly putting so much aside to be present.
           Too quickly for you to react Dean lifts your hand to his lips, and the warmth of the kiss on your skin sends a shudder through you. He follows you into the dining room, where Sam and the Kaisers are about to sit down. You grab the seat next to Sam, leaving the head of the table opposite Barbie for Dean as the new guest.
           “You okay?” Sam asks, quietly enough you’re sure you’re the only one who can hear it.
           You squeeze his thigh reassuringly under the table. “Yeah, definitely.”
           Dean catches your eyes to give you a meaningful look that makes you swallow again, and before you can think about it you’re sliding your hand around Sam’s neck, looping him down to kiss him on the cheek. Sam’s cheeks flush pink as the corner of his mouth tries to tug into a smile and it’s so impossibly cute that you’re not faking your subsequent smile for Dean’s sake.
           Both Barbie and Dean smirk thoughtfully at the two of you before pretending to be engrossed in the salad she’s passing to him. “So, Dean! We heard your families were friends before these two got together; was it one of those things that you always knew was going to happen?”
           Sam chokes on a sip of beer, trying his best to cough with his mouth closed to keep the sputtering to a minimum. You think you’re probably the only one who catches the flair of joyful ribbing behind Dean’s eyes as he pretends to be concerned.
           “Aw, I remember my first drink. All good over there, Sammy?”
           His little brother strains to stop, his voice sounding as rough and cracked as if he’d spent 50 days breathing sand. “Yep. Wrong pipe, sorry.” He gives a closed-mouth smile of reassurance to his hosts that makes him look like a kid.
           Dean turns to Barbie, smile smooth and charming as anything. “You know, it’s funny you ask that. When we were younger, I was the one with the crush on her.”
           You probably should’ve guessed Dean would pull some kind of jokey shit like this but you’re still thankful that the Winchesters aren’t sitting close enough to kick each other’s legs under the table. As it is, you give a grin you hope seems warm and not tense.
           Mike finishes chewing a huge bite and nudges Dean’s arm with his elbow playfully. “I hope there’s no jealousy there.”
           “Ah, you know how it is. You grow up, things happen.” And if that isn’t the damn understatement of the century. “Couldn’t ask for a better girl to take care of my baby bro.”
           “Well I think that’s pretty damn sweet. Barb’s sister hated me until I drove to Wausau on Thanksgiving Day to change a blown-out tire for her. We’d already been married six years!”
           Barbie rolls her eyes across the table at Sam, mouthing “not true,” with an easy smile.  
           “I think that’s worth a drink,” Mike emphasizes, raising his beer. “To the best girl for—what’d you call him? Somehow I can’t imagine He-Man over here ever being a ‘Sammy.’”
           You raise your own drink with everyone else and Dean catches your eye with an iridescent twinkle as he repeats the toast. “To the best girl.”
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           The rest of dinner is the exact emotional and literal comfort food you always get from the Kaisers, a respite from the world in the best way. As you had suspected he would, Dean gets along perfectly with them, falling into a good-natured ribbing of Sam borne of admiration with Mike and charming Barbie within an inch of her life. Dean tells stories about Sam as a little kid that you know are really far more embarrassing than the version he shares, and hearing Dean edit to idealize Sam for the Kaisers even as an eight year old makes you want to melt into the floor.
           You pretend to be tired too early in the evening, feeling selfish and wanting the boys all for yourself. Being handed a Tupperware of leftovers reminds you this isn’t real; the futility of carrying them a flash in the evening that you’ve otherwise forgotten won’t last.
           Standing in the doorway, Sam’s already on the porch when Barbie stops Dean as he’s following you out. Quietly, trying for privacy, she says to him, “Honey, I am so glad we got to meet you. We worry about these two being all by themselves, but knowing they’ve got you looking out for them is going to help me sleep a little more soundly tonight.”
           Dean covers her hand where she has his arm and looks at her with soft doe eyes. “You have no idea how much I could say the same to you.”
           They hug for a beat longer than necessary and then Dean’s right at your side, trailing after Sam’s long legs down the road to your cabin.
           It’s hard not to think it’s purposeful, Sam going ahead to let you walk with Dean on the way back. Dean flicks a side of his jacket away from his body and you slide in there like you always did, warmed by the pre-contained heat coming off of him and giggling when he kisses the top of your head. “Man, I guess some things never change,” he murmurs, breath spilling over your hair. “You even move to the damn arctic and still don’t get any warmer coats.”
           He’s feeding you the intro to an old script but you don’t have the heart to tease back, just snuggling up to him and walking to the cabin together feeling the familiar way the muscles in Dean’s side move against you as he does. Sam doesn’t even look back and it’s so unlike him not to check that you’re there that then you know definitively he’s giving you a moment together. “I miss you, baby.”
           “Kid, I’m right here.”
           You peer up at him. “Don’t be a dick.”
           He glances down at you bundled against him. “I miss you too. But I see you guys all the time; it’s like nothing changed.”
           The reflex to laugh bitterly doesn’t fit the moment but you can’t stop it. “Right. My mistake.”
           His jaw muscles tighten to a ball for a whisper of a beat. “I need you to fucking work with me here, babe. I know this is not ideal but it’s so much more than anyone else gets and I gotta be honest, you’re being kind of a bitch about it.” You kick your eyebrows up on your forehead, both disbelieving and challenging. Dean realizes the mistake borne of his frustration immediately. “Not a bitch, that’s not what I mean, sorry. A baby. You’re being a baby.”
           “A baby?”
           He stops you both. Sam’s already about halfway up the driveway. “Listen, I know that you’re—I don’t know, mad. At me for not being here, the way things happened, whatever. But it’s done. It’s over. No one else in the fucking world gets this, gets to have it both ways, visit like I’m just a town away. You get to see me, I get to see you guys, pretty much whenever we want.”
           A few tears start collecting in the wells of your eyelids, indignance or grief or both. You try to blink them back but when one falls, lightning fast and stupid like Wil E. Coyote running out over the edge of a cliff, Dean brushes it away with a swipe of his thumb. “I get it. I miss you too, all the fucking time. I miss the way things could’ve been; I miss shit I didn’t even have, you know? I miss this fucking cabin, believe it or not—I—we all could’ve lived in a cabin like this together. We—maybe we could have had kids or something, couple of little girls to braid Uncle Sammy’s hair, the fuck do I know? But at some point I had to accept what I do have, and you do too.”
           You look over his shoulder, not wanting to meet Dean’s eyes or the truth that’s there. He’s right, but that doesn’t make the bottomless pit of greed for more of him go away. “Sam’s going to be waiting for us.”
           “Don’t deflect. It doesn’t have to be this second, but you have to get good with this. Today—tonight, whatever—was pretty damn near perfect and you’re upset because you want something that doesn’t exist.” He flicks his gaze up the driveway to confirm it’s empty; Sam’s already inside. His jaw is still tight but his eyes are tender and fuzzy, the same way he looks when he’s tired. When they lock onto yours, you can feel them sear straight into you, heating you up slow like an Easy Bake oven. “But right now you’re going to kiss me like it’s the first time. Then we’re going to head in, and you’re going to act like I know you’ve been with Sammy, sappy freaks that you both are, I’m going to have a few drinks with my brother, and we’ll tell the same stupid stories you’ve heard a hundred times.”
           That’s finally enough to make you chuckle and you venture an arm out of the protective embrace he has on you to take his chin in your hand, thumb on that perfect indent as you catch Dean’s lips with yours. It’s soft and delicate, a thank you and a reminder and a memory at once. His lashes catch a shadow when he opens his eyes, and you hold them for a long second. “I thought you said like our first kiss—you didn’t even try to jam your tongue down my throat.”
           Dean rolls his eyes through a smile and a part of your mind flares with victory knowing you’ve made it past the bramble patch of emotion. “I was like twenty, can’t blame a guy for trying. You couldn’t have been that mad; you still let me get under your shirt the next day.”
           You laugh hard, letting it ring out along the driveway as you tug Dean to the house with your fingers interlinked in his.
           Sam is pouring a few fingers of bourbon into three little juice glasses when you walk in, and you grab one right off the counter without breaking your stride, tossing it back and offering it to Sam. “Hit me.”
           He smirks and obliges as you slide a hand to his lower back. There’s a half beat of hesitation before he leans back that inch or two into your palm like he always does, but what’s more important in that moment is that he still does, and without flushing. Sam and Dean both grab their glasses and you don’t remember the last time you’ve done this many toasts in a night that weren’t at the bar following a Packers win.
           “To you two morons finally figuring this shit out,” Dean says, raising his glass.
           “Yeah, whatever,” Sam grins. For a beat you can see in his eyes the unbridled admiration he has for his brother, the complete devotion and deep grain of grief he’ll never be free of even if he can see Dean like this every day for the rest of forever. You wonder if you had truly realized the way it flared in his eyes before everything. All three of you sip at your whiskeys together, and you have to fight to keep your mouth closed through a petite yawn.
           Sam tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear and lets you lean into the wall of his body, wrap your hand around to his side. His hand moves to envelop your shoulder, thumb swiping absentmindedly back and forth. It’s nothing, genuinely less physical affection than you used to show Sam most of the time when you and Dean were two halves of a living couple like he’d pointed out to you earlier, but the most important thing is that it feels okay. More than anything it feels like being at the bar, the ‘aren’t they so cute’ on Dean’s face the same one that you get at work only made different by how much you wish you were somehow able to tuck up under Dean’s arm at the same time.
           A couple drinks and a while later you’re sprawled on the couch, head laid back on the armrest. One foot is tucked under Sam’s thigh where he sits next to you and one rests on top of his lap, a large, warm palm gently wrapped around your shin. The living room—area in the non-bedroom-or-bathroom-space in the cabin where you’ve put a couch, armchair, and rocking chair you’ve grown fond of, really—is small enough that Dean’s knees, extended and one crossed over the other where his feet are on the coffee table, are right by your shoulder, absentminded slow rocking of the maple chair he’s on not quite matching the pace of the hand he has playing with your hair. You’re close to drifting off, and isn’t that weird, that you would get sleepy in a dream, but listening to Sam and Dean is so relaxing. They’re talking about the few weeks they stayed in Bar Harbor as kids, running around Acadia National Park like it was their own personal playground and swimming in freezing cold Atlantic waters, creating all kinds of imaginary games in spite of even Sam being maybe a touch too old for it, by then.
           It’s warm; Sam has put a couple logs on the fireplace, trying to hide how eager he is to show his brother all the repairs he’s done to the cabin. More than that, you realize suddenly, it finally feels like home, Dean’s appraisal the baptism that it needed to make you feel safe enough here to approach sleep so casually without Sam’s body as physical protection. Dean’s hand wraps around to cradle your head and he leans over to whisper in your ear. “It’s okay, you can fall asleep.”
           You shake your head loose of a little of the drowsiness. “No, I—we’re in my head, it’ll be over if I—” you murmur, waking up even more as you talk.
           Sam’s hand moves up and down your shin reassuringly. “It’s okay. We have a greenhouse filled with dream root now, we can come back all the time.”
           “Well, not all the time,” Dean amends. “You guys have to get out there, not become sleep junkies. Once, twice a month or something.”
           “Oh good, a standing appointment. Like the dentist,” you say, rolling your eyes around a bitter smirk and killing the rest of your drink. Sam smiles softly and looks up at Dean, silently willing him to be the one to argue with you.
           Dean takes the bait, sliding his hand out of your hair to prop his elbows on his knees. You sit up straighter to be able to fully see his face.
           “Babe, come on, don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Sam and I have seen what happens to people who get hooked on this shit, take it every day. It’s a risk to do it even every couple weeks.”
           “You haven’t even explained to me how this works—do I have to decide to wake up or will it happen by itself?”
           “It’ll be a natural transition if you don’t consciously decide to,” Sam offers, voice quiet and smooth like you’re some victim’s family member he’s trying to soothe. You let him do it, stop yourself from rankling defensively and appreciate for a second how nice it sounds, how comforting it really is. “Most likely it’ll get easier to control it with a little practice, but I think Dean’s right, if you go to sleep that’ll probably do it a little more, uh, gently.”
           Sam’s eyes reflect the firelight as they do every time he sits in that spot on the couch. He looks warm, looks calm and whole. You can see right away that he needs you to be the one who’s struggling to let go—maybe partly for Dean, who’s eviscerated every time he sees his brother hurt and has always been, but also for himself, for the way he’s telling himself this is enough. Though you were the one who’d threatened Dean, Sam had undoubtedly gotten closer to following through—following Dean—both actively and passively. You loved Dean, but Sam in many ways was Dean, just like Dean was Sam. Inextricable in the parts that really counted and that was the point, why you would’ve mainlined dream root swamp ass tea until you withered away like a rat choosing a pleasure button over food to see them both. They were each perfect alone, Sam and Dean—different and perfect—but together they were the sun and the moon, the entire universe inside one Impala.
           It’s easy to let him have it. Sam deserves so much more than this small mercy and you are struggling, want desperately to have been put in some kind of coma together in this little play-pretend world where the food’s always exactly what you want and the time passes inconsequentially if at all.
           You wipe a tear off your cheek that you hadn’t felt fall, can tell before you open your mouth that your voice is going to falter. “Couple weeks, right? You promise?” Sam and Dean nod in tandem and you try to drink up every drop of it, try to ignore the shade of sad-desperate behind both of their eyes. “And it’s going to be the same? No one’s going to like, forget or anything? Is this like Groundhog Day where you’ll have to be re-introduced to Barbie and Mike every time?”
           Dean’s eyebrows screw up in thoughtful empathy. “Pretty uncharted territory here, kid. I hope not, but I don’t want to promise you something I can’t deliver.”
           Sam reaches over to take your hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. “It’ll still be us, though. That’s the important part, right?”
           You nod tightly, feeling small and stupid ironically like a kid trying to fight off bedtime. It hangs in the air for a beat.
           “Catch you losers later, I guess,” Dean smirks, standing up and offering you a hand. Like he’s heading to his house on the other side of the block you reach up for a hug, only momentarily surprised when Dean foregoes the hug to slip a strong hand into your hair, cradling your face for a kiss that’s somehow bruising and tender as he presses your lower back to weld yourself to him. The feeling of his lips steals the breath from your lungs and you barely have the presence of mind to realize you’re blushing, getting dangerously close to making out just a step away from Sam. Dean, cocky asshole that he is, winks at you as he draws back.
           When you turn back to Sam, he’s—he’s rolling his eyes through a smile. With a start you realize it’s exactly the same long-suffering playful tolerance he’d have catching you stealing a kiss during a case and that thought alone is a buoy as Dean pulls Sam down to tuck into his arms, that same eternally-little-brother hug that has always made you smile. You look down at your feet, giving them a second to share a few of those ever-indecipherable looks.
           “Do you guys want to just stay out here maybe? I can ‘go to sleep’ or whatever in the other room? Feels a little weird to just sit here and have you both staring at me,” you offer with air quotes.
           Sam’s eyes are earnest and reassuring when he meets yours. “Whatever makes you most comfortable. Do you want me to, ah, also…?” He tosses a casual thumb over his shoulder to the bedroom.
           “I’ll be okay, I think. Thanks, though.” You rock back on your feet awkwardly. “Um, goodnight, I guess.”
           “See you soon, babe,” Dean says, and it’s not hard to see the sweetness under the casual affect he’s trying on.
           “See you both soon. Love you, morons.”
           You don’t remember falling asleep, but then you wouldn’t, because in reality you’re waking up.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 19
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peridots-pixiwolf · 3 years
Presenting: Shiny Dragons
(It's kinda long [though not nearly as long as my other worldbuilding projects], so I'll put it under a readmore just incase)
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Springdragons -- Polyceros jubatus
Origin: World with Earth biology
Mammalian dragons descended from carnivorans whose caste system favors perceived beauty.
The main factors:
-Shiny, bright(ly colored) scales / matte or dull, brown or otherwise colorless scales (most important)
-Multiple long and smooth, spirally curled horns / one or less pairs of short, straight or bent horns
-Long, bright or rich manes / short and very dull manes
-Striking patches of differently colored fur or skin / monochromatic fuzz
-Long top canines (usually visible when mouth is closed) / short teeth
Minor beauty traits in Springdragons:
-Multicolored scales, horns, and/or manes
-Long eyelashes
-More scales (e.g. extra scales in places they aren't usually, and the scale-border pushing farther down the head, neck and stomach)
-Longer and thinner ears and general face shapes
-Shiny horns
-Brightly colored irises
Families of Springdragons are very large and those of dulls can consist of up to around a hundred members (though most are closer to 80). Bright families are smaller, with around 50 each, and the Queenscrown family is the only long-existing family with under 20 members. Families are grouped based on characteristics, such as Aryxes and Jakenses having six or four horns, respectively, Valenses having the characteristic heart-shaped scale above their snout, and Markhors having rough curled horns, though some do not possess these traits as they are not directly related, sometimes partners or adoptive children of ones in the family. The major traits of different families are often not mutually exclusive, allowing many dragons the choice to join either/any of their parent families.
(The following lists the characteristics of the pictured families.)
Queenscrowns: Green scales and mane. Exceed all the primary four Bright characteristics and have most of the minor traits expected of the upper castes.
Aryxes: Six horns and checkered scales.
Banis: Long feather-like scales, curled horns, and longer-than-average canines.
Stellenes: Pastel scales and four horns.
Razzes: Bright electric manes, very pale fur and six horns (though the first pair is greatly reduced).
Willohs: Long, thinly striped manes, light fur and relatively straight horns.
Valenses: Dark fur with the first scale on the snout being heart-shaped, banded horns.
Theriises: Short horns and long curled canines.
Jakenses: Fiery colored with four horns and longer-than-average front teeth.
Markhors: Relatively dull, with rough, curled horns and extra scales above the ears.
Trias: No horns, stripelike scales and skin pattern.
Silzens: Pale fur, long straight horns, dull purplish scales.
Taruses: Horns bent upwards at the end, dark fur with white patches and dark scales.
Plintis: Thin horns pointing straight up, short faces.
Fenzis: Colorless scales and fur, short horns.
Ineshias: Long manes and horns, warmly colored scales.
Vesvens: Long, fluffy, fur and manes, small horns.
Choccens: Branched horns, dark scales.
Mowsens: Dull scales speckled with brighter colors.
Siufals: Fur between bluish-green scales, flat heads.
Cennis: No manes, large teeth.
Bovsis: Horns bent sideways, short curled manes.
Enkels: Short and dark horns, with paler fur and scales.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
Made Up
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Summary: Our threesome is back again learning and growing. Yunho, Mingi, and their girl try their first day of being out and find the reactions of those around them to be difficult to anticipate.
Wordcount: 7.3k
Content warnings: Some cute moments and humor followed by some less happy moments. Angry sex that is a little rough, some coitus interruptus, and a little resolution.
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They stepped through the doors to the third floor salon. It was the second place they had called yesterday, after deciding to move up their day of prissying themselves up, and had thankfully had space for both of the boys, and even her. It had been years since she had let anyone else do something to her hair. She took care of it, mostly kept it up and out of the way, so it was in decent condition. Still, she had some split ends and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a trim. In the end with all the changes the boys were thinking of making, maybe it was time for her to do a little something as well.
They checked in at the counter and waited for each of their names to be called. None of them had told the others what it was they had decided to get done, wanting it to be a surprise. Yunho was brought back first, then their girl, and finally Mingi.
“Mingi,” said the chipper lean man with well cared for skin and a stylish long undercut. Mingi nodded and stood up, following him back along the long but narrow area where the stylists worked. He could see their girl in the back at a sink getting her hair washed. Yunho was in his chair, chuckling and chatting with the woman foiling his hair to bleach it a little lighter, especially the roots. Yunho met his eyes as he passed, offering a little wave as he went by. They stopped a few seats down, and Mingi flopped himself in the chair, looking at the man behind him through the mirror.
“My name is Jonny,” the man greeted as he started to examine Mingi’s hair. “It’s lovely to meet you today Mingi. So tell me, what are we doing today?”
“I want to go lighter,” Mingi started, running his fingers through his hair noting the dark roots he had developed as it had grown out. “And want to clean up the undercut, but keep the top longer.”
“That is a great choice, hun,” Jonny complemented. “With your long face, it would look really good. Let’s start lightening the color and then we will work on the cut.”
“Okay,” Mingi nodded, letting him throw the apron around him and set the chair at the right height.
“So is this for an occasion or something special,” Jonny asked, not really looking at him as he started to get some things ready to get started on bleaching his hair.
“Yeah, kinda,” Mingi hedged for a moment, trying to decide how to answer. He doubted either Yunho or their girl were near enough to hear, but overcoming the fear of being judged wasn’t about them hearing it was it? “The three of us are having a late Christmas gift. Our girlfriend got us reservations at a nice restaurant in the city.”
“Our girlfriend?” Jonny asked, flashing a slightly confused look at him as he started mixing the toner.
“Ye-yeah,” Mingi cleared his throat and tried to put on the air of confidence he used to hide behind as a kid. “The pretty one over there,” he pointed at their girl who was currently having a section of hair on one side of her head bleached. “And the cute guy we walked by,” he pointed at Yunho a few seats away. “We’re all together. Almost two years now, actually.” The last sentence came almost as a realization to himself. Had they really been together that long? It didn’t seem like it, and yet, at the same time, it felt like they had already been together forever.
“All three of you?” Jonny asked, looking between all of them, a little surprise filling his eyes. “Pfft, so unfair. Even at your age all the cute ones are taken.” Relief flooded Mingi. He had been a little surprised but nothing more, and his comment that all the cute ones were taken, yeah, that felt good to hear. They continued their chitchat, talking about a lot of nothing, with lots of laughter, making the time pass like a flash. Honestly, he had been so caught up in chatting with Jonny, and watching him do his work, that he hadn’t even remembered to try and sneak a peek at either Yunho or their girl.
When he finally remembered to try, the hairdressers kept being in the way. He was impatient and curious, now that it had crossed his mind. Jonny laughed as he saw Mingi crane his neck as he turned to try and get a peek.
“Hun, we are almost done,” he gave a high nasally laugh. “Just don’t move while I have the clippers. We don’t want any accidents.”
“Sorry,” Mingi gave a chagrined smile and stayed looking in the direction the man guided his head. He dutifully sat as Jonny expertly buzzed around him, trimming and shaping the lower part of Mingi’s hair. He had really needed this cut. They had been so busy with school that both he and Yunho had let their hair just grow out over the last few months. He didn’t mind, but it had started to look more and more messy rather than, as he had told himself, carefree. But for the dinner, he wanted to look good, he wanted to look like someone they could be proud of.
Jonny turned him, giving him a few final checks to make sure that he had everything just right, before he brushed the last of the stray hairs off his neck and took off the apron. With a wink he told him, “Okay, hun, go see your loves.”
Mingi jumped off his seat and moved down the length of the room to see what everyone else looked like. He found their girl first getting some last instructions about how to keep the color in her hair and a few tips about keeping her hair up and healthy. Most of her hair didn’t look too different, pulled back in a braided bun at the back of her head with the silver comb. But a section on the right side of her forehead had been left down and was now a vibrant violet that flowed down one side of her face.
“Whaaa,” Mingi breathed, drawing up behind them. “You look so good, babe.”
“You like it?” She asked, smiling at him through the mirror. “It’s not too much?”
“It’s perfect,” Mingi grinned as he reached out to touch her shoulder. “You’re gorgeous with that color.”
“Thank you,” she held his hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You are looking pretty good yourself. I like the light color...actually...you look a little like a Viking. Hot.”
“Should I go and plunder something,” he straightened up and put on a tough face. “Bring you home some treasure from distant lands?” 
“Oh honey,” she giggled. “I’d love that, but you and boats are not always a great mix.”
“Hey now,” he protested, hands on hips. “I’ve only had a few chances with boats and like, at least 50% of them have not ended up with all of us in the water.”
“Let’s get that percentage up to like...90% before you take a boat off to war,” her voice quivered with a barely suppressed snicker.
“You gonna teach me?” Mingi pressed a kiss to her cheek, using his hand on her chest and neck to hold her there for it. Her eyes widened at the gesture but she recovered quickly, leaning into his soft lips.
“Anything you’d like, my love,” she agreed.
“What do we have here,” Yunho chuckled as he joined them, running his fingers through his shock of blue-green hair, somewhere between teal and turquoise. The color looked amazing on him, the cheery yet calm color matched his personality so well, it felt like he should have been born with it.
“Wow,” she breathed, starting to turn towards him as Mingi straightened up. “I love it.”
“You look… so good,” Mingi’s eyes went a little wide and he shook his head a little as if it would help clear the fuzz from his mind.
“You like it?” Yunho questioned, looking at both of them. Mingi nodded, his eyes falling to Yunho’s quirked, perfect Cupid’s bow lips. The other boy noticed, and butterflies burst to life in his chest in the second before Mingi leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Yunho froze, shock momentarily stopping his body from functioning. Mingi had made a move, reaching for Yunho while the eyes of strangers were on them. When the surprise had finished washing through him, Yunho happily leaned into the kiss, putting his hands on Mingi’s jean covered hips.
“Awww,” said the girl who had done their girls hair. “You two are super cute.”
“Aren’t they?” Their girl said, grinning up at them.
“They are all together,” Jonny said, coming up behind her to hang off the other stylists shoulder. “Isn’t it cute… and completely unfair. I can’t even find one person who will put up with me, and they all have two.”
“How do you… okay, I think I shouldn’t ask what almost came out of my mouth there,” the stylist said, her voice petering out as the sentence went on.
“I can’t promise we’ll answer but,” their girl shrugged as she stood up and joined her boys. “You can ask if you are curious.”
“Just… is it like everything all together?” She skirted, trying to be tactful as she asked.
“Pretty much,” their girl nodded. “It works out pretty well when you figure it out. And it really helps when it all sort of started that way. It’s always been the three of us with most everything.”
“And again, I weep,” Jonny said dramatically. “I can’t find that with even one person.”
“You will,” Mingi assured him. “You’re really nice and funny.” He smiled and gave him a reassuring thumbs up as he kept one arm around Yunho’s waist.
“You… are… so cute,” Jonny put a hand to his heart and giggled. “If you ever break up, come back and track me down. Not that I’m holding my breath, okay?”
“Mmm,” Yunho narrowed his eyes at Jonny mostly jokingly but somewhere behind his eyes was a little spark of he’s mine. “I definitely suggest not holding your breath on that.” Leaning in to kiss the side of Mingi’s neck, even as he kept his eyes on the other man. Mingi blushed and giggled, a wide grin spreading across his face.
“Don’t you ever, get jealous?” Her stylist asked, looking between her and the two boys. 
Their girl paused to think before answering. “No… well not really. I mean, sometimes I wonder if they really need me around, but I’m going to do better about saying something when I get those doubts.”
“She is the very best person,” Mingi said, going to her, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
“Our girl is the glue,” Yunho agreed, hugging the both of them with his long arms. “And the smartest.”
“Pfft,” she rolled her eyes. “Please. Liiiieeees!”
“No, it’s true,” Mingi nodded fervently. “You are so good to both of us. We probably don’t deserve you.”
“You do,” she assured him. “I’m lucky to have both of you.” 
“Come on loves,” Yunho said as he touched them both gently. “We have more to do today.” With a last few thanks, they headed to the front of the shop to pay and head off to their next stop. With their dinner upcoming Mingi wanted to get a new suit and she needed a dress. They’d had places in mind before coming, having found shops only a couple of blocks apart. She would slip into her shop to get a little something she could wear, keeping it a little surprise for the night of the reservation, while the boys went together to get a suit fitted for Mingi.
Yunho and Mingi dropped their girl off at her shop and made their way to the suit and tailoring shop Mingi had decided to get his suit at. When they stepped into the shop they were immediately greeted by a very well dressed man who came to ask, in a slightly obsequious voice, how he could help them today. Slightly startled, Mingi stepped a little closer to Yunho at the man’s sudden appearance.
“We need to get a suit for my friend here,” Yunho answered, putting a steadying hand on Mingi’s lower back. “We have a special event on Friday and we were hoping to get something that was at least fitted for him, if not made for him.”
“Oh wonderful,” he said with a nod. “We should be able to get something made for you in a couple of days if we get it off to the team soon. Let’s get started. Please follow me.”
Both the boys looked at each other, excited about getting something new and fancy for Mingi to wear for the dinner. They were led towards the back of the store where the man set Mingi on a round built in step in front of a set of mirrors. While Mingi took off his extra layers to let the man measure him, Yunho took a seat in a cushy leather armchair a little off to the side.
“What were you thinking of for looks?” The man asked as he expertly whipped his measuring tape around Mingi’s outstretched limbs.
“I don’t know,” Mingi admitted, watching the man through the mirror. “I think I want something in light grey since Yunho’s suit is light grey.”
“Yunho?” The man questioned, without looking up from his work.
“Me,” Yunho replied from his seat in the chair. The man only nodded, kneeling down to measure Mingi’s inseam.
“Alright,” he stood up and tucked his notebook into his pocket. “Let’s look at some fabric.” They wandered over to a wall of gray fabric all gathered together along one section of a wall. The number of options felt overwhelming. Yes, they were all grey, but there were so many different shades, patterns, and textures. He had never seen such a sea of gray.
“What looks good to you?” The man asked, clasping his hands in front of him with a smile.
“I think something simple,” Mingi began. “Ummm, maybe not a strong pattern at least.”
“Good, maybe something classic?” The man nodded,  touching the first knuckle of his finger to his chin before pulling a couple of choices off the shelf for a closer look. While the man and Mingi looked at a few more options in the light gray, some checked, some heathers, and a few that were almost solid, Yunho stepped over a few shelves, drawn to a charcoal gray fabric sitting among the darker colors. It was a sort of heather, almost solid, with a fine grain to the fabric which almost gave it a sheen when the light hit it.
“Hey Mingi,” Yunho called as he looked at it on the shelf. “What about this one, I really like it. I think the color would be really good on you.”
“You think so? More than the light gray like yours?” Mingi asked, coming up beside him. 
“I think this,” he tapped on the fabric as the man came near to see for himself. “Would be an amazing color on you.”
“You think it’s okay if we don’t, sort of match?” An insecurity tinged Mingi’s voice. He wanted to look like he was with both of them, he didn’t want to seem like he was standing apart anymore.
“I think this is the perfect color for you.” Yunho agreed. “Matching isn’t the only thing that will say you’re with us, you know.”
“I think this color would be great on you,” the man agreed as he pulled it off over the shelf. “It would be great on your skin. Maybe with something bold like red or dark blue?”
“Red,” Mingi said excitedly. “Like a dark red.”
“Come with me,” The man said with a satisfied grin. He led them to a part of the room with shelves and shelves of button down shirts. From one of the top shelves, he pulled down a shirt of deep red, somewhere near the shade of a garnet, deep and rich. “What do you think?”
“Yes, that, I want that.” Mingi nodded eagerly.
“Good, good,” the man nodded with a pleased face. “Now let’s build your suit.”
The three of them sat down and picked out all the customizable elements of Mingi’s suit. They chose notch lapels and minimal padding in his shoulders, given how broad and well shaped he was already. They kept the profile smooth, opting for a welted pocket at the chest and no flaps on his waist pockets. Mingi chose to have two vents on his back since it gave a little sleeker look for his shape. For his lining, he picked a red paisley that felt fun and classic, even if no one was going to see it. At the prompting of the man who had measured him, he chose to get a matching vest with tightly set buttons down the center and a slightly rounded neckline.
“You are going to look so good in this,” Yunho said eagerly as they finalized the details. “I’m even more excited for dinner now. You’re sure you can get this done in a few days?”
“Yes, absolutely, you can pick it up in the early afternoon Friday,” He nodded confidently. “Was there anything else you needed?”
“Actually,” Yunho looked a little shy as he decided to bring it up. “Do you happen to have a tie and pocket square that is something close to my hair color?”
“Hmmm, let’s see what we have,” the man walked confidently to a back corner of the store where ties in more colors than either of the boys thought was possible. With a quick assessing glance at Yunho’s freshly colored head, he turned to the section filled with blues and greens and pulled out three or four in the turquoise to sea green section. Standing Yunho in front of a mirror, he draped them over his shoulders to let him see them on himself.
“Do you like this color?” He asked, holding up a tealish turquoise. 
Yunho nodded, then added, “Is there something like this but maybe not quite so bright?”
“How about this?” The man picked up one with a plaid pattern to it in shades of teal and very fine shots of black which accented the pattern. The mix of shades, leaning heavily towards teals and not overly saturated.
“Yes,” Yunho replied firmly. “I love this. It’s perfect. What about a pocket square?”
“I have just the thing to go with this,” the man grinned excitedly before leaning down to open one of the drawers below, pulling out a little box with a pleased flourish. He opened it revealing the same tie, a pocket square in the same pattern and a set of button cufflinks capped with the same material.
“Perfect,” Mingi grabbed his arm excitedly from beside him, giving him a quick kiss to his cheek and bouncing slightly. Yunho laughed and leaned his head towards the other boy. 
“What about for you, young man?” He directed the question to Mingi.
“Yes, maybe something that is the same color as the suit?” Mingi suggested, eyes scanning the wall. The man nodded and pulled out a few recommendations from the selection for them to look at. After a few tries, they settled on a dark grey tie with a barely there floral pattern woven into it, which was also a full set with a pocket square and cufflinks. The man cleared his throat and took the boxes with him to the register where Mingi’s shirt and suit order were waiting for them. He took a number for Mingi, to let him know when everything was done or to call if they had any issues, checked them out at the register and wished them a very good day before heading back to the employee only area behind a solid wooden door at the back of the shop.
Mingi and Yunho exited the shop and headed out on the street with their large paper bags hooked around their wrists. Just as Yunho was about to call their girl to check in on her, he noticed her relaxing against the brick wall of the building, entertaining herself by scrolling through her phone as she stood quietly, holding a bag of her own.
“Hey, love,” He greeted, coming close to her. “You should have said you were done, you could have joined us.”
“I know,” she smiled, tucking her phone into her bag. “I want Mingi’s look to be a surprise though.”
“Okay, as long as you know we would have been happy to have you,” Yunho told her, leaning in to kiss the top of her head before lifting her up into a big hug.
“What’s left?” Mingi asked, holding her and rocking slightly as her feet dangled off the ground.
“Makeup, sweetheart,” she replied, smiling into his shoulder.
“How are you doing that today?” Mingi asked, slightly confused.
“I have a look in mind and I need to buy some new makeup to do it with,” she explained. “Plus if we go to a proper counter, I can get some tips and see what the stuff looks like on me.”
“Can I get some too?” Mingi asked as the idea flitted through his mind that… he wanted to look pretty too.
“Do you want to?” She pulled back to look at him, a little surprise showing in the angle of her eyebrows.
“I don’t know,” Mingi suddenly felt a little self conscious. “Would it look bad on me?”
“No babe,” Yunho said, stepping in. “You’d look amazing. I think we should all get it done.”
“No that’s a good idea,” she agreed. “I haven’t done anything on someone else, but maybe I can watch when they do yours and help you with it on Friday.”
“Okay,” Mingi grinned. “Let’s go then.”
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“Alright then, just a final touch,” the woman said as she leaned in to brush a last little bit of eye shadow on Mingi’s lid as their girl hovered nearby, taking mental notes. Yunho already had his look, a light natural one that really just made his eyes pop and with a light gloss that made his lips look just that shade more kissable.
When she pulled back, Mingi opened his eyes and gave a few blinks before turning to their girl for her approval. She gave him a smile and a big thumbs up as she looked at him and his finished look. Mingi felt relief even before he looked at himself in the mirror offered to him by the makeup artist. Looking at himself, he liked the way the eyeshadow accented his long smooth eyelids, making them feel a little deeper set. It wasn’t a lot but he felt like his eyes were a little brighter and a little prettier.
“Here are your things,” she passed him the shadow set and eyeliner pencil. “Em over there can help you get the brushes you need. You look so good. It’s so nice to see guys who are confident enough to try on some makeup.”
“My boys are really awesome,” she lifted her chin proudly as she looked at both of them.
“Aww, you’re a good friend,” the woman cooed, cleaning her brushes in the pause between them. Their girl didn’t really reply, just gave a smile as she took the seat, watching Mingi and Yunho get the last of the things they needed.
“Would you mind waiting to do my look until I can shoo them off?” She asked the makeup artist quietly.
“You don’t want them to see you?” She asked, giving her a slightly surprised flash as she looked up at her.
“I want to be able to surprise them for dinner on Friday,” their girl shrugged.
“Oh you’re all having a celebration dinner together?” The woman asked. “I somehow thought it was their anniversary or something.”
“Well, it sort of is,” their girl shrugged, giving Mingi a wave as he held up a bundle of brushes the other person was selling him. “But it’s all of ours.”
“Like…as friends?” She asked, looking between them.
“Like as lovers and friends and partners,” she filled in slowly. She could see a myriad of questions flicker behind her eyes.
“Hey, babe,” Mingi greeted, proudly holding his bag full of goodies along with his bag from the suit shop. “You haven’t started yet.”
“Nope, I want it to be a surprise still,” she gave him a chagrined smile. “Would you mind if I message you when I’m done?”
“Awww I want to see how you do it.” Mingi pinched his lips together and frowned. “Will you show me later at least?”
“Of course,” she rushed to promise him. “How about I promise to teach you how to put the look on me when we get home?”
“Really?” He was actually excited by the idea. “Okay, if you promise. I’ll take Yunho with me.”
“Thank you, my love,” she told him, reaching out to give his hand a squeeze. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her cheek before practically skipping off to grab Yunho and take him to look around the store as they waited for her.
“Okay, let’s get started,” the woman said as she saw the two boys disappear around a corner. “First, tell me what you want, let’s get a good idea of what you are looking for.”
“I really want something sort of art deco.” Reaching for her shopping bag, she pulled out a little of her dress, revealing the color and texture of the fabric. “The cut is somewhere similar to something from the 1920s or 30s.”
“I think I have the perfect idea,” the woman nodded. “Something with gold accents and very 1920s and Gatsby-ish, without going in the vamp direction. Sound good?”
“That sounds like exactly what I want,” she replied eagerly.
“Do you mind if I ask you a couple of things?” The makeup artist asked, as she pulled a couple of things out of the drawer.
“Uh, why not… Meredith?” she said, reading the tag on the woman’s shirt.
“Call me Mer,” the woman laughed. “I’m going to start with some foundation, first.”
As Mer pulled out a couple of shades to test out the best one for her, the younger woman looked at her assessingly, wondering why it was she seemed so curious. She was pretty, maybe in her late 20s or her early 30s, with shoulder length blond hair, the top half of which was held back in a clip on the back of her head. Her eyes were a bright green leaning hazel and she had smattering of light freckles over her cheeks and nose that were barely visible under her expertly done makeup.
“Okay, chin up like this,” Mer said, lifting her chin with one finger to angle her face into the light.
“Right, yes,” she angled her face and closed her eyes with a sigh.
“So,” Mer said quietly as she began to use the sponge to put a layer of foundation on. “Two boyfriends, huh? How did that happen?”
“Uh, well we all met in high school,” she answered, purposely staying slightly vague. “We just sort of decided we all fit together and we’ve been together since then.”
“Really?” The older woman asked with interest. “So it wasn’t like two of you were dating and you just sort of integrated someone else?”
“No, it was always all of us together,” she shrugged. “Since the start.” They lapsed into silence minus Mer explaining what she was doing and making notes for her on the order and application of the makeup she was putting on her. The woman really was a good teacher, going through things in a very step by step way, including how things should feel when you are getting the placement correct.
Her lips were the very last thing they worked on, trying a couple of different colors before they settled on a deep bluish red that was just a shade more pigmented than her dress. Her eyes couldn’t help but watch the woman as she concentrated on lining her lips with the smooth pencil. Meredith bit her lip and her eyes flicked up to meet her eyes as she finished lining her lips. She would have sworn she saw a blush spread over the makeup artist's cheeks under the fine powder as she turned away to look for the lip brush she was going to use to apply the lovely new lipstick.
“Okay so when you do your lips,” Meredith explained as she brushed the first layer of color on. “Color your lips completely with a brush and then you want to blot with a tissue. After that, reapply and you can also put on a little powder over it if you really want it to stay. And here, let’s look at the final look.”
Turning the mirror toward her, Meredith let her look at herself. She felt beautiful and it was the perfect look for her dinner celebration with the boys. She turned and gave the woman who had done it a warm smile and caught that same faint pink on her cheeks as she smiled back. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she took a couple of pictures to help her remember and then send a message to the boys that she was done.
“I really hate to ruin your amazing work,” she gave the older woman an apologetic look. “But I still want this all to be a surprise for them.”
“Oh of course,” Meredith quickly nodded and reached for the makeup wipes she kept on the little counter. She packed up new versions of all the makeup she had used on the younger woman as she left her to clean off her face. Sealing them nicely in a bag, she gave her coworker the total so that she could ring the girl up as soon as she was done.
“These things really work well,” she commented when she noticed the makeup artist coming back towards her.
“I know, they are real lifesavers when you need them,” Meredith agreed with a smile as she looked at the other woman’s bare face. She really was just so pretty. “Hey, what if I just put the lipstick on? It is such a good color on you.”
“Sure,” she nodded. “I suppose that really isn’t a spoiler and the color makes me feel really cute.”
“You look beautiful in it,” Meredith admitted quietly as she pulled out the lip pencil again. She lined the lips and put on the first layer of lipstick before she had gathered up the courage to ask the question she had been wanting to ask for the past 45 minutes. “Umm, have you guys ever considered, you know… adding a fourth?”
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up at the makeup artist who was very diligently swiping her lower lip with the brush. Now she was sure she had been seeing a blush just there under her makeup. Surprise flickered through her at the realization the older woman had a… crush, she couldn’t think of a better word for it, on her… on them. However, that surprise was nothing compared to the level of shock that spiked through her a moment later when, after a second’s hesitation, the woman cupped her cheeks and leaned in to press a very warm, close-mouthed kiss to the lips she had just finished coloring in for a second time.
For a brief moment that seemed to stretch for an eternity, she froze. Even as the woman had asked if they had ever considered adding more people to their mix, she hadn’t thought she would be so forward. It could have been embarrassed curiosity, or that she had an interest in one of the boys. There were a million things that she might have guessed before she would have thought this would happen.
When she finally moved past the shock, she pushed the woman away with a gentle hand on her shoulder, still more surprised than angry. That, however, was not the case for Yunho who had rounded the corner of the area containing the shop just in time to see the woman lift their girls face into a kiss. Time froze and the din of people shopping and chatting was suddenly lost to a buzzing that filled his ears. That moment of their lips pressed together seemed to last forever until their girl finally, FINALLY, pushed her away, the dark lipstick now smudged on both their lips.
A hot anger prickled over his skin and he strode forward, grabbing their girl by the wrist and pulling her none too gently off the high chair she was perched on. He grabbed her shopping bag with his free hand and started to move out of the store.
“Mingi, pay for all her stuff and come outside,” he said to the other boy through gritted teeth. “I’m going to get a cab and then we are going back to the room.”
Mingi nodded, eyes slightly wide at the barely contained venom in Yunho’s voice, moving quickly to pay for the bag of things already waiting at the counter. He had noticed what was happening only after Yunho, when the boy suddenly stopped in his tracks, standing silent as his eyes burned. Mingi turned to look in the direction of whatever had caused Yunho to react like that, wanting to know what he saw. He caught only the last of the kiss, that last half second before she pushed the other woman away. The sight had caused a knot in his stomach and pain lanced through him. But maybe I deserve it, the thought briefly whispered through his head just before Yunho stepped forward and grabbed their girl.
He paid for the makeup, barely looking up at either of the people working there, before he jogged out of the store after the other two. The woman, the one who had done their makeup, tried to apologize or explain, but Mingi just shrugged her off, wanting to get out of there more than anything. He found Yunho on the curb, holding open the door of a cab that already had their girl waiting inside. He met Yunho’s eyes and jogged around the other side of the car to get in as Yunho ducked inside the door he was standing at.
Yunho gave the driver the address of their bed and breakfast then fell into a tense silence. His hand came to rest on her thigh as she sat quietly between them. He couldn’t look at her right now, but he needed to touch her. His grip slowly tightened to an almost bruising level just above her knee as he kept his eyes out the window on the city as they passed it all by.
On the other side, Mingi held her hand in both of his, nervously squeezing and petting her much smaller hand. He didn’t say anything, instead offered her sad half smiles when their eyes happened to meet. Unable to bring herself to say anything, she leaned her head into his upper arm, half apology, half hoping to find some sympathy there.
Pulling up outside where they were staying, Yunho pulled out a few bills, more than enough to pay for the ride and got out without waiting for change. Their girl slipped out quickly behind him, accepting as he grabbed her wrist and led her up to the room without a word.
As soon as they were inside Yunho slammed the door closed behind them, the sound filling the silence like a gunshot. Both Mingi and their girl stood frozen as Yunho leaned against the wall, his head leaning against his balled fists.
“Yunho, I’m sorry,” she tried to start, only to have his eyes turn on her with a dark flash, catching the words in her throat.
“Are we not enough?” Yunho choked out.
“What? No, I mean, yes! Yunho I didn’t—” she started only to have his lips crash into hers. His hands were yanking at her clothes to pull them off. Her shirt was pulled off over her head carelessly, pulling her hair and smearing her lipstick even more, then her jeans as he backed her closer to the bed. He turned her to face the bed, his fingers fumbling with the clasp of her bra.
“Do you want me,” he asked from behind her, his voice a hoarse growl.
“Y-yes,” she stuttered, holding her bra against the front of her body.
“Lie down,” Yunho ordered harshly. She crawled onto the bed and started to turn over only to be stopped by a sharp, “No,” from Yunho who was still stripping behind her. It took her a second to figure out that he didn’t want her on her back. Laying down on her stomach, she turned her face to the side and waited.
“Yunho,” Mingi touched his arm gently. “Don’t do this because you’re mad.”
“She needs to be reminded that she’s ours,” Yunho replied, a chill to his voice.
“It’s okay Mingi,” she said quietly from the bed. “Yuyu wouldn’t… he just needs to let it out.” Mingi let it drop and sat down on the foot of the bed. Crawling up over her on the bed Yunho spread her thighs before reaching for the lube and covering himself. Angling himself to enter her, he took her wrists and pinned them next to her shoulders.
“You love me, you love us,” he said as he slid his head inside and leaned more of his weight onto his hands that held her.
“I love both my boys,” she nodded, feeling the heat of his skin pressing against her. “They are the only ones for me.”
“I don’t believe you,” Yunho growled, his voice quavering as he made the accusation. “Convince me.” With a jerk he thrust into her completely and she stiffened beneath him, but didn’t protest. He was being rough and she hadn’t been completely ready for it, her body protesting at the stretch. Despite his anger and his need to punish her for the pain she had caused him, he paused, gripping her wrists as he waited to feel her relax under him.
“I love you, Yuyu,” she said, forcing herself to relax and turning her face more into the pillows beneath it.
“I don’t--” Yunho exhaled and clenched his jaw. “I don’t believe you. I don’t believe either of you.” He closed his eyes and started moving inside her. She didn’t reply but moved to give him a better angle inside her. Letting go, Yunho moved with all the frustration that had pent up in him over the past few days.
Mingi turned to look at them over his shoulder more than a little conflicted as he felt a pang of arousal at seeing their girl nearly hidden beneath Yunho as he moved roughly in her. Needing a little more space, he moved to sit in the arm chair in the corner of the room. He couldn’t watch, but he couldn’t really bring himself not to at the same time. The bed creaked under his movements and he could hear both of their breathing increase, neither of them speaking.
Yunho pressed his face into the pillows near her head as he moved, taking the comfort of her body. His heart hurt and there didn’t seem to be any words that could explain the tempest of emotions moving through him. The doubts that had come up over the last few days… he had never had them gnawing at the edge of his mind like they were now. He was angry that they were making him doubt things he had never doubted before.
“Yuyu,” she said softly. “I’m not gonna leave. I don’t want anyone else. You’re it. I’m not going to go. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does. It’s only you.”
Yunho squeezed his eyes shut as a prickle of tears filled them. He let go of her wrists and lifted himself up. She didn’t move even when his weight lifted off her, just waiting for whatever he wanted, what he needed. With a far more gentle touch, he coaxed her to turn over and a wave of guilt and hurt hit him in the chest. Her hair was a mess and the lipstick was smeared across her cheek and chin and on the pillow that had been under her face. Even so, she still reached for him, pulled him back to her, wanting to comfort him.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, moving back to her.
“It’s okay,” she soothed, cradling him with her hips and wrapping her arms around his neck. 
He curled around her, sliding himself back inside her as he kissed her temple. “I shouldn’t have touched you like that.”
“I’m always here,” she promised, leaning her forehead into his shoulder. “I’ll never turn you away.”
“You should have,” he shook his head.
“You needed me,” she replied softly.
“I always need you,” he admitted. “I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore if I don’t have you two.”
“You’re Yunho,” Mingi said, sitting on the bed beside them. “Best boy, reliable rock, and one of the loves of my life.”
Yunho reached out, taking Mingi’s hand and kissing his knuckles. He entwined his fingers with Mingi’s as the other boy lay down beside them, still wearing his clothes. Reaching out with his other hand, he pressed his palm against Yunho’s broad back. Yunho leaned over and kissed Mingi’s cheek before he looked down at their girl again.
“I like the color of the lipstick,” Yunho observed with a self deprecating laugh. “I just wish it didn’t remind me of…”
“I know,” she agreed, stroking his cheek. “But we can build new memories with it. Someday you won’t even think of it. Or I can just go buy another color.”
“No, I… it’s really pretty on you,” he shrugged and smiled down at her. “Do you mind if we stop? It… I’m not really in the right mood.”
“No, it’s okay,” she easily agreed. “Do you maybe just want us to hold you for a little?”
“Please,” he nodded, his eyes watering. “I just… I just want to be close.” When he rolled off her, she turned on her side, and cuddled up against him, one leg thrown over his hips.
“We’ve really been a fucking mess this trip, haven’t we?” She asked, resting her head against his shoulder as she wrapped an arm around his chest.
“Yeah,” Mingi agreed. “Can we promise to do something actually fun tomorrow? No tears, no running away, no strangers?”
“Yes please,” she said, feeling a couple of tears leak out of the corner of her eye and onto Yunho’s warm chest.
“Can I ask what happened?” Mingi asked, putting a hand over hers as he cuddled closer along the other side of Yunho.
“I’m not completely sure,” she shook her head. “She mostly seemed really curious and then she asked if we had ever considered adding a fourth just before she kissed me. I should have pushed her away faster but I just never expected her to do that.”
“I never thought that would be a possible downside to being out,” Yunho admitted, staring up at the ceiling.
“Me neither,” she agreed. “Promise we can do everything together tomorrow. I’m tired of accidentally ending up alone on this trip.”
“Everything,” Yunho promised.
“Maybe not going to the bathroom,” Mingi added after a second. “But everything else.”
“Fair, yes,” she laughed. “I can generally pee on my own. But if that changes, I’ll let you know.”
“Okay,” Yunho kissed the top of her head. “I’m getting hungry, but I want to lay here just a little longer.”
124 notes · View notes
hectic-hector · 3 years
Just kinda tired of giving so, so much of myself in my art and receiving so little in return. I know that the reward should be the art itself, but after a while, it just hurts to see a rough sketch get thousands of notes while all the stuff I spend hours to create doesn’t even get 100 notes half of the time. And then there are the bloggers whose art blows mine completely out of the water, and yet somehow they’re getting even less notes than me. I know that nobody owes us anything and that we should be grateful for what we have, but I can’t help wondering why it’s like this in the first place. And why we are seldom allowed to vent about it without being accused of whining. Are our feelings not valid? Does it make any sense to have over 1,000 followers, but only 50-150 notes per post average? Heck, I know someone who has something like 22,000+ followers (last I heard) and they only get around 400-500 notes per post.  I am not seeking validation with this post. I am merely stating how I feel, and puzzling out loud over something that continues to confuse me. If anyone else is having similar issues, please feel free to contribute, or DM me if you’d rather speak in private. I think it is important to be able to express ourselves here without pushback or judgment.
17 notes · View notes
TGF Thoughts: 5x03-- And the court had a clerk...
Hello again! It’s nice to have this show back. This episode was a bit less of a standout than the previous two, but I’m still happy with the overall direction for this season. More under the cut (or here, because tumblr sucks). 
When Robert King tweeted the episode title, I asked him if all the titles this season were adding up to one long sentence/story, hoping he’d confirm it and give a little more information. He did! He said it’s “in the Farmer in the Dell mode” and while I think I get what he’s saying, I’m very curious to see how it plays out. Haven’t been able to track down 5x04′s title yet, but the promo is out. (As of this morning! It’s interesting they’re not putting them after the episode this year; I kind of like it.) 
Kurt’s job is up in the air given the new administration. I think this scene exists mostly just to remind us where Kurt works and the stakes.
What month is this supposed to be in? The transition seems recent but no one is wearing masks.  
Kurt spots a poster asking for help ID’ing people at the Capitol on January 6th. He thinks he recognizes someone...
And now we’re in case of the week land. This case is about a small business owner whose business went under after someone created fake news articles accusing him of pedophilia.  
I think the whole point of this (kind of long) scene is to show that this case is a pretty small deal. Low stakes, inexperienced opposing lawyer. (Not even sure why Liz would be arguing this in court, but whatever.)
Tbh I thought this was going to wind up in 9 ¾ court.
Now that we have junior level characters, we get scenes showing that there are, in fact, people at RBL who are mid-level. Liz asks an associate to work on something, he asks another associate to work on it, she delegates to other associates, and they delegate to Marissa and Carmen. This work seems terrible.  
It’s so funny to me how this is probably more realistic than most of the lawyering on the show and yet it only shows up selectively. We only see the hierarchy here to make it clear that Marissa and Carmen are at the bottom.  
David Lee interrupts and asks for Carmen. He’s very rude to her. Interestingly, she’s hesitant to leave her grunt work and follow David, even though she must know he outranks the associate who gave her the grunt work.
“Why am I supposed to know you?” David asks her as they walk through the halls. “I don’t know if you are,” Carmen responds. “Why does Benjamin Dafoe know you?” he asks. She doesn’t know who he is.  
“Who are you?” Dafoe asks when Carmen enters. She states her name, again. “Why are you important?” he asks. “I don’t think that I am,” Carmen responds.  
Then Dafoe says his top client, and it’s a name that the characters all know. I’m glad this scene is free of any “he’s the white OJ” expository lines (that’s from Sweeney’s introduction) -- it’s clear from the reactions and the discussion of police and rape that the top client is a bad guy, probably a rapist. The rapist wants Carmen to represent him.
Putting 2 and 2 together, Carmen asks if the rapist knows Rivi. He’s not, but he’s at the same prison. As soon as Carmen says she’s representing Rivi, David Lee switches gears, understanding the situation and trying to sign the new business. He’s so shameless!  
Marissa sorts ALL the papers. There are a LOT of papers. I’m swamped. Look at all this paper.
She catches the associate who assigned her the task leaving for the night just as she finishes up, and cheerfully notes she’s finished the task. Then the associate mentions this was only half of the bills. Marissa does not like that. Since her goal in wanting to be a lawyer is mostly just to give her something exciting to do and earn respect... this hierarchy thing is not going so well.
Marissa decides that after her rough day, she’s going to stop by Wackner’s court. He’s in the middle of a case about Emily in Paris fanfiction and he’s very happy to see Marissa.  
Wackner’s night court has a program—it notes the sponsor is Copy Co-op (I thought it was Copy Coop?) and the paper products were also provided by them. And “there will be regular intermissions at the discretion of Judge Wackner.” It’s very theatrical.  
Wackner takes a recess and calls Marissa to his “chambers.” He asks for her thoughts on the case. “All they want is attention and to feel like they’ve won,” Marissa notes. Wackner’s on the same wave length and compares it to the Scarecrow’s diploma at the end of The Wizard of Oz. So, he makes copyright certificates and some minor modifications to each of the fanfic books. They say “I respect you and I love you” and that’s that.
Wackner catches Marissa before she leaves and asks her to be his law clerk—part time or full time, 10% of all the legal filings and unlimited use of copy machines. She is hesitant because she “doesn’t even know what this is.”
Wackner says his court is “the future.” Marissa turns him down; notes she wants to pass the bar. “You know why all these people are here? ‘Cause the courts and the lawyers and the appeals have made justice... unattainable. Out of reach. To anyone who doesn’t have a shitload of money to wait it out. That’s why Exxon beats out Mr. Nobody. Read Kafka’s Before the Law.”  
I just read it, and you should too! It literally is a page, but tl;dr, there’s a man who wants to get to the law and instead he spends his whole life trying to win over the first of many gatekeepers on the path to the law. He never gets through the gate.  
“Justice is only just if it’s available to everyone,” Wackner says. Marissa thinks about that.
As I said last week, it’s smart that Wackner makes so much sense. Hearing him say all this, knowing that it’s true... it makes it very easy to get on board with the thought experiment. Of course there would be huge repercussions to this kind of system, but it makes so much sense it’s compelling TV!
Kurt’s showering when Diane gets home, which gives her time to stumble across the WANTED poster and notice that Kurt has drawn facial hair onto one of the pictures. “Who is this?” she asks him. “No one,” he says. “Well, you drew in a beard and a moustache on him,” Diane notes. Kurt says he was doodling, but Diane calls him out as he is the “exact opposite of a doodler.” Kurt says he thought it was someone he knew, but he’s not sure. Diane pushes him to tell the feds. Kurt reiterates he’s not sure, but it’s someone he went shooting with. “Oh my God, then it’s him,” Diane jumps to (not incorrect) conclusions. Kurt says he didn’t talk that way; he’s a veteran. “Kurt! That’s the profile!” Diane argues. Kurt isn’t convinced and he doesn’t want to be responsible for naming names. He notes he’ll be threatened with indictment for not naming names and then only lawyers will end up benefitting. Diane is not convinced.
I think this is an interesting conflict for Kurt and Diane. I understand why Kurt is hesitant to speak out before he’s sure. And I understand and agree with Diane that it’s important to identify the attackers and prevent anything like that from happening again.
I don’t mean to blame Kurt, exactly, but I feel like all of what happens next could’ve played out differently if Kurt had been just a little clearer with Diane about why he was hesitant to ID the man. Like, the threat of indictment for not naming names sounds like some typical anti-government rambling. Saying you specifically are afraid that this will turn back on you and you need to weigh your options and come up with a plan first would put Diane in a very different mode, in which they’d work together to craft the best strategy. Because this man would’ve been ID’d by someone, sooner or later, and Kurt would’ve needed to be prepared.  
Diane stares at the wanted poster at work and asks Jay to find his identity. He’s on the FBI TEN MOST WANTED? Ten!? Ok!  
Diane shares the extra information she has—the gun range and that he’s a veteran—and Jay gets to work.  
Turns out there’s no money in the case that Liz, a name partner, is working on and Marissa just spent all those hours sorting bills for. I could’ve told you there was no money in that case lol.  
Jay IDs the guy very fast. He’s faster than the feds because they didn’t know where he shot. The range had his license on file, and Jay got ahold of it.
“Well, we don’t pay you enough,” Diane says. “Oh, I know that,” Jay laughs.  
Diane says she’s going to think about calling the feds—it's definitely the same guy.
Marissa notes someone high profile (David Cord, who I presume is a thinly veiled stand-in for David Koch given the name, his role in the plot, and the fact that he is “David Cord of the Cord Brothers”) in the lobby giving a fake name and goes to tell Liz.  
David Cord is performing magic tricks for the receptionists (they don’t recognize him) when Liz and Marissa show up. “I knew your father. I hated your father,” Cord says. “Yes, well, he hated you too,” Liz says. He says he gave a fake name to see what the reception would be like since he’s kinda infamous.  
Liz introduces Marissa as one of the law clinic lawyers. Marissa knows what to say in this situation. Specifically, she knows that it is the exact right moment to name drop her father.  
“Democrats as far as the eye can see,” Cord notes. At that, Liz asks Marissa to get Julius involved.
More good expository work! (No, editor feature of Word, I do NOT want that to say “Better expository work,” that would change my meaning, go away and please stop grading my recap??? I don’t know how I brought this up but it’s telling me my score is 72%, so a C, and it’s driving me crazy. Oh, now I’m a 71%. It had me at like, 50%, because I had written “Wackner” and “Wackner” is not a word. No shit.)  
Anyway, back to the exposition. I like that we don’t get a line like, “Liz! David Cord, the Republican super donor, is here!” We just get to see Liz’s reaction, Cord’s hate of Liz’s father, and the line about democrats. Then it becomes clearer who Cord is.
Just noticed Liz is wearing an Apple Watch.
Liz stands for her meeting with Cord, likely to maintain power. Cord says January 6th changed everything to him and now he’s all about unity and loving America.  
Cord has something to say about Liz’s case, the one that’s not making any money, and he seems to know quite a lot about it. That spooks Liz.  
Then Cord offers her $12 million to continue the case for another six months (all of these months, seemingly, will play out in the couple of days the rest of this episode takes, but, whatever). He just wants them to go after the social media company that distributed the fake news... and Section 230.
Don’t know what that is? Now you do, because there is a Good Fight short! These work so much better when they’re actually needed (explaining concepts, etc.) than when they’re trying to force one into every episode (remember that Downton Abbey one? What... was that?)  
I was talking to @mimeparadox about this short and he pointed out that this short has a VERY clear POV on an issue that actually doesn’t seem to be all that straightforward. If you’re like me and only had a vague sense of what Section 230 was prior to this episode, this short is telling you what to think of it—it isn’t just explaining what it is.
I do tend to agree with the show’s POV on most things, but this is an issue I’d like to read more on. I love how Section 230 was something I hadn’t really read up on prior to this episode and now that it’s been on TGF I realize it’s something that actually, yes, I would’ve been interested in knowing about earlier. Is this because things that are on TGF are interesting to me because they’re on TGF or is it because TGF generally only discusses things that would be interesting to me? Probs a little bit of both.  
Diane asks Jay how to make an anonymous phone call and he hands her a burner phone. She calls the FBI with the rioter’s name. She doesn’t leave her name and then she dumps the phone.  
Credits! Did you catch there’s a Jordan Boatman in the credits? She plays one of the associates who passes down the grunt work to Marissa, and she’s Michael Boatman’s daughter in real life! She’s also been in one other episode, in season 3.  
I never get tired of these credits!  
The RL partners (and some associates who are on the case? I think these are the same ones who delegated the work to Marissa?) debate whether or not they should take Cord’s money. Madeline notes that he’s funded a lot of Republican campaigns; Julius notes that both Republicans and Democrats agree that Section 230 is flawed and this is an opportunity for unity.
Diane notes that the right doesn’t want to stop conspiracy theories from spreading, so is this really that bipartisan? “It would help if the boomers would stop falling for those conspiracy theories and sharing it with their friends,” an associate (I believe this is Michael Boatman’s daughter again) notes. That quiets the room and the partners all glare at her. Yeah, that was a kind of stupid thing to say. First of all, it’s just not appropriate to say to the partners, and it’s also, like, missing the point? If it’s easy for conspiracy theories to spread among boomers, maybe just expecting each member of that generation to suddenly have a millennial’s understanding of the internet is the wrong strategy? Maybe there’s some structural issue here? That maybe, just maybe, this case is actually about?  
The associate also points out that the internet is currently a place where people can speak out about sexual harassment-- “they repeal section 230, and there would be no #MeToo.”
One of the partners says he doesn’t believe that—if they regulate section 230, then newspapers can actually be competitive and there’s still free speech online.  
“We’re not going back to reading newspapers, grandpa,” some associate says. What the actual fuck, dude? Who talks like that to their boss?! It’s so condescending. He’s also wrong! “Newspapers” are not just physical things... reporting by major publications still matters and will continue to matter. Like, is he suggesting that in the future all news will just be random people tweeting things they think are true with no fact checking or curation? Sure, journalism is struggling right now—but I don’t think that’s because there’s a lack of desire for well-reported news.  
I am glad the partners call him out on saying “grandpa” and honestly I’m shocked he isn’t asked to leave the discussion after that rude remark. Unless this young looking dude is a partner too? But I don’t think he is.  
Julius notes that if they’re going to pursue this case, they need money like Cord’s. At that, Liz starts to leave the meeting. “We haven’t decided if we’re taking this Cord money yet,” Madeline protests. “Of course we are,” Liz says and leaves.  
Now that’s more like it! I’m not sure if this is necessarily the best way to handle this, but she’s a) correct, they were always going to take the money because it is $12 million and an issue of interest and b) using her authority. Should Liz be making decisions totally on her own? Maybe not. Does Liz making this decision and then leaving (with everyone accepting that she’s correct) cut through a lot of bullshit and establish Liz as the one in charge? Yup.
Diane says, “Ooh-kay” with a little bit of an eyeroll after Liz exits, but she’s still laying low. I think in a different season Diane might’ve tried to push back.  
Is it me or does Baranski get a lot of material this episode we haven’t seen before? Lots of really good reaction shots/tones in this episode I don’t really think we’ve seen from Diane before. I’m impressed there’s still new stuff after 12 years.
At some point maybe I will actually write the essay I’ve been wanting to write for ages about how TGF is still so relevant despite being in a universe that should be showing its age by now. I wish I could find the first time that I called TGW a period piece set in the present day (I know it would’ve been during season five) because I think that’s the key to TGW/TGF’s enduring success. The shows always feel timely because they try to capture the present moment (which is, of course, always changing) and don’t get stuck in any one moment in time. Further, the fact that the writers are always so tuned in to events and skilled at quickly reacting to what happens in the world makes them VERY good in a pinch, which is (I think) why they’re able to make the most of unexpected situations (Josh leaving TGW, the pandemic).  
Liz and Julius bring a suit against ChumHum to attack 230. Judge Friend is initially skeptical of their argument that 230 is unconstitutional; then she’s intrigued. I am too. This argument about the press is a very interesting one. I obviously have a lot of reading to do on 230, but my take after this episode is pretty much that social media platforms have to be held responsible in some way, but I don’t think it’s feasible or desirable for them to be responsible for every single one of billions of posts. I think there has to be some way to regulate social media giants that would allow everyday people to share things and speak out but would prevent the curated (even by an algorithm) spread of fake news and make social media giants accountable when there are very public bad actors using their platforms. What that regulation would be I have no idea. I just refuse to believe that our options are to give the social media sites full immunity or to regulate the internet so strongly that no one is able to speak freely because all the platforms are worried about lawsuits.  
Over at the VA, people are being fired. When Kurt gets into his office, Madeline Starkey (wait, are there two characters named Madeline in this episode?) is waiting for him. She’s still very quirky and scary.  
Starkey says the guy that Diane reported is now saying Kurt trained him on using assault rifles and buying ammunition in bulk. Kurt notes these were topics covered in a group setting, which Starkey knew—and what she’s really after is the names of the others in the group. (She may already know them, since she knows there were five of them.)
Kurt refuses to name names and just stares at her.  
Case stuff happens! (I liked the last two episodes a lot but it’s much faster for me to just write, “case stuff happens” for some of the scenes.)
Hey, surprise Aaron Tveit! (Not really a surprise; he is in the credits. But still yay!)  
I don’t really know why Liz and Julius are talking about newspapers specifically and not all types of fact-based journalism/press? I feel like their argument is most convincing when it’s about actual newspapers (especially local ones) but still would apply to cable news...
Marissa’s still hard at work sorting papers when the associate comes back in and informs her she can stop; they’ve changed strategies and everything she’s done is now irrelevant. She also says “I forgot to tell you” at the start of that thought, meaning that she neglected to tell Marissa this important information earlier and wasted her time. Marissa is not pleased and so she goes to Wackner’s court, where Wackner now has a deli ticket machine and is wearing super-sized novelty sunglasses. Why not!
He sees Marissa and calls a five-minute recess. In “chambers,” Marissa tells him she’d like to work for him part-time but keep her RL job.  
Wackner needs her help processing more copyright certificates. He’s priced them competitively at $20 and found that a lot of writers want these certificates, even though they have no legal value. (Neither do actual copyrights, Wackner notes. And he notes that if anyone plagiarizes, they can sue in HIS court.)  
“Marissa, I’m building something here. I want you to join me. I want your advice on cases. I want to bounce legal theories off you,” he says. “What are your legal theories?” she asks. “I don’t know. That’s why I need to bounce them,” he says.  
Marissa gives him from noon to 2 and 5-7, which seems awfully ambitious for someone working at a law firm!
“That’s how revolutions are made. Back rooms of copy shops,” he says, accepting her offer.  
Kurt is sulking in the dark when Diane arrives home. He lets her know about Starkey’s visit and she immediately goes into lawyer mode. Notably, this scene does not spend much time on how Starkey found out the rioter’s name. Curious if they’re saving that for later or if Diane and Kurt both know what Diane must have done or if Kurt think’s it’s a coincidence.  
Kurt SET UP A TOUR OF THE CAPITOL for one of the veterans in his shooting group, and that tour was ON JANUARY 6TH! I really do wish he’d told Diane that upfront.  
Maybe the long pause where Kurt refuses to tell Diane which congressperson arranged the tour even after she promises she won’t say is him letting on that he knows that Diane ID’d the guy? Or maybe it’s just Kurt.  
I do not like the dead birds in Starkey’s office, mostly because I do not like thinking about dead birds.
Starkey compares Diane and Kurt to the Conways.  
And now more case stuff happens.  
Julius gets to question a witness for the first time in two years! He’s a little shaky at first but then he does a fantastic job! Yay Julius!
When Diane arrives at the office, reception is filled with around a hundred teddy bears. “What?” she asks. “Build-a-Bears. They were sent to Marissa,” the receptionist explains. “Okay... why?” Diane asks the logical next question. The receptionist does not know.  
“This one’s a Marissa bear,” she says, showing Diane a bear wearing boots and a wig. It does not look much like Marissa and it says “Hug me.”
Diane looks confused and furious at the same time. Her look here is, like, a milder version of the death stare she gives Alicia in Outside the Bubble when she learns about Alicia and Cary’s plan to leave.  
“Why don’t we, meaning you, take all these stuffed animals and put them in the conference room,” Diane instructs the receptionist. She is NOT! HAPPY! The receptionist seemed to be having fun with the bears, but clearly the right answer was to have done something with them and... not to have put them over every surface in reception. Eeek.  
Carmen’s new client, the rapist, arrives at the firm before anyone can hide the bears. “This may not be the firm for you,” his advisor/lawyer (I’m not totally sure what this dude’s job is) warns.  
Madeline notices the rapist and glares at the receptionist. “I know. I’m putting them in the conference room,” the receptionist says, thinking Madeline is upset about the bears. She is not upset about the bears.
Diane finds Marissa, who’s working with Carmen again. She asks Carmen to give them a moment.
“Why are there hundreds of teddy bears in our reception?” Diane asks. Marissa is confused. Diane shows her the Marissa bear. Marissa looks horrified and amused. “That doesn’t even look like me,” Marissa notes, completely missing how pissed off Diane is. I don’t think we have seen Diane be this direct/no-nonsense in ages.  
“That would seem to be beside the point. What is going on, Marissa?” Diane demands. Marissa suspects this is based on some advice she offered to a client who was buying a Build-a-Bear franchise and thinks this is a thank you gift. “What client? You’re not a lawyer! Why do you have clients?” Diane says exasperatedly.  
Marissa gives her a look, and Diane immediately understands that she’s been back to Wackner’s court. “Oh my God, this is about that Copy Coop court?”
“Marissa, no. By participating in that simulacrum of a courtroom, you exposed this firm to malpractice, sanctions, and God knows what,” Diane says. If that were really true, she wouldn’t have sat there and argued. I mean, I don’t know the legality of this all, but I feel like it’s a bigger optics issue than legal issue if Diane and other lawyers are willing to even consider participating?  
“If you wish to continue your employment at this firm, you will never do anything like that again. Do you understand?” Diane says. She will not hear any arguments.  
I love that Marissa is the thing that keeps Wackner coming back. It’s a good plot for her, but structurally, it also allows the show to keep Wackner around without many contrivances. Wackner sees that Marissa would understand what he’s up to, she sees that he shares some of her frustrations with the law, and they both want to work together again. It’s not like suddenly everyone’s talking about Wackner’s court and all the cases somehow end up there or anything.
The receptionist, who is having a truly terrible day, comes into announce that Kurt and Starkey have arrived. “Don’t put them in the conference room!” Diane commands, knowing that the teddy bears will be there. It’s too late, though, because the receptionist (who previously seemed to be fine at her job if bad at recognizing public figures and understanding that partners might not find teddy bears amusing) has already put them in the conference room. I feel bad for her, and don’t think the other things were her fault, but I feel like she could’ve seen this one coming...  
I find the teddy bears HILARIOUS, mostly because the reactions to them are so funny. It’s kind of the same gag as the balloons for Lucca in season two, but I don’t really care, because I’m getting to see Diane Lockhart treat hundreds of Build-a-Bears like they are a real work problem.
Starkey jokes about the bears; Kurt is silent.  
The rioter from the poster is now accusing Kurt of coming up with the STRATEGY for January 6th, which Kurt and Diane both dismiss as bullshit.  
I could do without Starkey’s musical cues.
I can’t tell if Kurt is in trouble here or if she’s just pressing him to name names. Why wouldn’t she just have rioter guy name names if he’s so eager to blame Kurt? I guess maybe if the others were actually there, he might be less likely to name the names of his actual co-conspirators? Or, Starkey might already know the names (surely the shooting range has logs) and be using this to raise the stakes.  
No one (except maybe the partner named Daniel) is happy about the rapist in reception. “Since when are we representing people like Wolfe-Coleman?” Julius asks. Didn’t these people help both Sweeney (though I think Sweeney was in some weird police brutality case and they didn’t actually want to represent him) and Bishop? And Rivi? But they draw the line here? Sure.  
Ah, there we go, an expository line-- “he’s the next Jeffrey Epstein”. Almost made it the whole episode without one of these. I’ll forgive it since it’s so late in the episode lol.  
“Did you approve this, Liz?!” Madeline demands. Liz did not. Daniel wonders if that means Diane approved it. Liz doesn’t think so and calls Diane (who happens to be walking past) in.  
“I know, the teddy bears. I’m working on it,” Diane says when she opens the door. I think the teddy bears are a bigger issue to Diane than to anyone else.  
Diane didn’t approve representing Mr. Rapey either. She’s uncomfortable that a meeting was happening without her; Madeline notes that she is standing there specifically because they wanted to involve her.  
David Lee pops up out of nowhere with the answer: one of the new associates (not Marissa, “the real one”) pulled in Mr. Rapey. Are there only two associates now even though orientation was for a big group?  
Firth is gone, btw. David Lee is the new Mr. Firth. I have no idea why David would want to be STR Laurie’s guy for managing RL but... sure, whatever? David Lee is an effective antagonist, especially in small doses, and this allows the writers to keep him around and continue the STR Laurie plot without a key guest star. If STR Laurie is still a thing, and it seems like it is going to be a thing for a while, then having David Lee take on this role makes sense for plot. Otherwise they’re going to have to shoehorn him in to every plot somehow. At least now he has a reason to be around.  
Liz and Diane take a walk to chat. Diane is worried about having David as their boss. Liz says she has a worse worry—David Lee knew exactly when to come downstairs with information, suggesting he know what they were talking about. “Would he do something like that?” Liz asks when Diane wonders if there’s a bug. “Oh, yeah,” Diane replies. Hah, yeah. He absolutely would.  
They decide to have Jay search for bugs and Liz is frustrated with how much time they have to spend on things other than lawyering. Yup.
“What is going on with all the teddy bears in the conference room?” Liz asks as they head back to the office. “It’s a long story,” Diane sighs. I also love that the teddy bears link the various pieces of the episode together—it feels like all of these threads are happening simultaneously because of that constant.  
I don’t get RL’s approach to clients. Bishop and Rivi are ok, Wolfe-Colman is not (except that actually he is fine). Cord is okay too. Do they draw the line anywhere? I know Liz was right when she said that OF COURSE they were taking the money, but is there really nothing that differentiates that situation from this one? I feel like there should be.
Marissa goes back to see Wackner. Since someone refuses to say “I respect and I love you,” Wackner reverses his ruling. This is part of the “Bad Loser Law of last Wednesday,” so the rules of Wackner’s court are clearly a work in progress.
Marissa explains she can’t be the law clerk because of Diane. She tries to connect him with a real lawyer, still not understanding exactly what Wackner’s after. “You know just enough not to crush what I’m doing here,” Wackner explains. “A real lawyer will look for reasons why not. I need someone to look for reasons why.”  
Case stuff happens. I cannot read Cord’s handwriting. Liz and Julius lose the case because Judge Friend says what’s happening isn’t fair, but it is constitutional. (So here we have, at least in the show’s POV, a good and attentive judge who can’t make decisions that make sense because she’s bound by a document written before anyone had ever dreamed of the internet.)  
Cord is waiting for Liz in her office. He’s prepared to bankroll an appeal. Did they blow thorough that $12 million already? Impressive; it’s been like a day.  
Cord says they are definitely the firm he wants. Interesting.
Now Liz wants a meeting with Carmen, so it’s Marissa who leaves the room. This scene seems like it was meant to be a different day?  
Liz wants to talk about Mr. Rapey. Carmen is, yet again, chill about the case. “Carmen, is there anyone that you would not represent?” Liz asks. Funny, Liz, I could ask you the same. Being hesitant about it is not changing the fact that you’re representing bad people. Carmen’s just cutting the bullshit.  
“I don’t understand. Is there someone you don’t want me to represent?” I love how Carmen’s incredibly polite responses always seem very pointed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Carmen’s reply, and yet it puts Liz in a place where she can’t dance around what she’s trying to say.  
“I’m just trying to get a sense of who you are,” Liz explains.  
Then Liz decides she’s going to help on the Craig Wolfe-Colman (Mr. Rapey) case, and they will keep talking about her career path. Liz, this does not seem like the right solution! You're worried about your associate representing bad people so you’re like, I know, what if I ALSO represented bad people? If your goal is to convince Carmen not to take clients like this, you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot!  
“Are you worried about me?” Carmen says, again turning things on Liz. “I don’t know what I am about you,” Liz replies. Me either. Well, I know I'm intrigued, but beyond that, no clue!
All the bears have ended up in Diane’s office, where Wackner is waiting. He jokes about how his court is always seen as informal, yet this real fancy law office is covered in Build-a-Bears. Then he says he wants to hire RL—he's willing to pay. He wants consultation from Marissa (“consultation on legal issues”) and he’s prepared to spend a lot. And, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that they’re always going to take the money. So, they do.
I love that Wackner’s goal is to “perfect my little clubhouse of the law.” It’s a fun plot, and it also allows for the rules in his court to change (I’m sure we’re going to be treated to/subjected to a lot of whimsical gags around changing and ridiculous rules). It's also a good way to work through the thought experiment over the course of the season. It’s not like Wackner already has a system set up and it’s perfect—I'm sure we’re going to see his system run into issues and explore that more, too.  
Wackner monologues a bit here about why he’s running fake court, and he lets us know he’s going to monologue. Basically he thinks people no longer want to help people and are only motivated by their own self interest. He notes that no one talks about the Peace Corps anymore and asks the last time Diane heard anyone say those words. I’m sure I’ve heard a reference more recently but my mind went RIGHT to season one Cary Agos saying “Peace Corps. Belize,” as some kind of smarmy pickup line. This is likely not where my mind was supposed to go.
Wackner wants “A new Peace Corps. For America.” Diane’s sympathetic to that and agrees to take him on as a client.  
Wackner asks if he can take a bear. Diane instructs him to take two.  
Aaaand Wackner and Cord end up on the elevator together. Wackner hands Cord a bear, the elevator doors close, and the episode ends. Since last episode ended with Marissa and Carmen in the elevator together, I’m hoping this will be how every episode this season ends. I think using the Kings’ favorite liminal space to transition between episodes is kind of fun, and it fits with the ellipses at the end of every episode title.  
Speaking of... did you see today’s elevator-themed episode of Evil? It was written by the Kings. Those two have been obsessed with elevators for at least a decade.  
12 notes · View notes
whereisten · 5 years
Cat and Mouse
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | more coming soon
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Summary: You’re the daughter of an extremely well-known pastor. You’ve lived a quiet and sheltered life, that is until you meet and fall in lust with a gang leader they call the Grim Reaper.
Pairing: Gang Leader And Yandere!Taeyong X female reader (college student)
Chapter Genre: SMUTTT just smut in this one, with a dash of angst
Chapter Warnings: mentions of religious practices (this in no way is meant to offend followers of Christianity), profanity, toxic relationship, drug addiction themes, stalking, manipulation, corruption kink, innocence kink, female masturbation, pet names, recording of sexual act, oral sex (female), public sex, unprotected sex, sir kink, overstimulation, rough sex (spanking, hair pulling), c*eam pie, cockwarming.
Word Count: 5K
(A/N: I have NOT proofread this, forgive me, I will one day.. this is just wild Idk what else to say lmao but it’s still kinda thanksgiving and I just wanna say thank you to ALLL 1,906 followers WOOOHOOOOO!!! Your feedback and support means so much 🥺❤️ I love you guys like ALOT and I hope you have a wonderful night/day wherever you are)
Taeyong to You: Look outside.
You glance you your left and look out through the large windows  that surround your dining table.
It’s Thanksgiving. The day that your family decided to open your exorbitant house to the public to provide food to the less fortunate.
Taeyong knows this, but he also knows that he can’t exactly show up to the front door of your place and face your father. He clearly knows who Taeyong is and definitely wouldn’t invite him in.
So, in true Taeyong fashion, he decides to watch. Perched up on his motorcycle a few feet away from your window and in between the towering trees that surround your house.
You squint your eyes to try to make out the red-haired villain. He’s hidden just enough to be undetectable by anyone just scanning the area, but exposed enough for you to see him.
You give a small smile as you watch him text you.
Taeyong to You: Let me in through your window.
You look back at the table then up at the many people that filled your dining room.
It’s possible to sneak away. Sure, you were supposed to be handing out food to the needy, but you really, really wanted to see Taeyong.
“Hey, uh, Jennie..I’m gonna take a nap..I just got the worst headache.” You pout while you lean into your friend’s ear. She’s a friend from church that is the absolute sweetest and is always willing to cover for you, so you have no worries about being able to slip away discreetly.
She nods and gives you a wink.
You’re parents are chatting up with other churchgoers, so they definitely won’t notice your absence..at least not for the first 30 minutes or so.
You take your apron off and hurriedly cross the hall to the opposite end of the house where your room is. There are people everywhere, eating, laughing, watching television and just having a good time, but all too busy to notice your speed walking and preoccupied expression.
You finally make it to your room and quickly lock the door behind you before running over to the window.
You unlock it and slide it open then look to the side for Taeyong.
“Hey, baby.” He says smoothly and smiles while perched up on the small roof cover by the window.
You smile widely and chuckle.
“Well, come in, its cold out here.”
You help him inside even though he doesn’t need it, hell, he could’ve gotten in without you even unlocking your window.
He’s wearing a fitted black long sleeve and black skinny jeans with his red hair styled out of his face. He looks good but then again, he always looks good.
“Taeyong I-“ you started but he’s already latched his lips onto yours, the sound of teeth clicking against each other fills your quiet room.
Taeyong kisses you like you’re his air, like he hasn’t breathed for centuries. He’s taking everything from you, his tongue pressing against yours while your lips rest firm against his.
Taeyong wraps his arms around your waist to pull you in closer, as if to take more than he already has. He wants you, all of you.
Your arms encompass his neck as your heads turn, allowing more access for your mouths.
You can’t help but groan as you press into him and feel his abs on yours.
He doesn’t have his lip ring in, giving you the perfect opportunity to lick over his bottom lip and bite it gently.
Your fingers massage his scalp and his hands go under your shirt, resting on the nape of your back.
He finally pulls away to look at you and there’s a dark and dangerous flint in his eyes. You should’ve been used to it by now, but it always gave you butterflies as you shiver in his hands in anticipation for what’s next. With him, you never knew what to expect, but you knew that he always made you feel new and wonderful things with your body.
“I wanna fuck you.”
Taeyong looks into your eyes, patiently waiting for you to nod, but all you can do is breathe heavily and stare at his plump and swollen red lips.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He asks, and of course he already knows the answer, but to hear the Christian girl say it is what he needs, it’s what turns him on the most.
You lick your lips and nod.
“Yes, What?” He smirks, his hand rises up to your bra and plays with the hooks in the back.
“Fuck me, Taeyong.” You finally look into his eyes and place your hands on his chest.
He chuckles and listens to the 50 maybe 80 people right outside of your door that walk about, talking and eating. All while you’re about to have sex with a gang leader.
“In front of all these people? That’s not very..good or Christian-like of you, sweetheart.”
His hand still plays with the hooks in the back while his other hand dips into your skirt, pushing past the waistband of your underwear and right onto your folds.
His mouth opens slightly as he realizes how wet you are just from the sloppy kiss you had.
“Please...Taeyong..I don’t have much time before my parents notice I’m gone.” You can barely talk as his digits start to work their way deeper, pressing into your sensitive area.
“Please? What are you begging for exactly?” He raises an eyebrow as the sweat on your forehead starts to build and your heartbeat starts to race. It’s becoming too much for you.
The low tone of his voice, the hot air on your ear, the way his fingers tease your entrance by tapping and rubbing at an unsteady pace.. you start to fall apart and this is exactly what he wants.
You fall back against his hand as he inserts one finger while still rubbing your clit with another.
You groan and look down at his being arm disappearing into your skirt.
“Taeyong—I-I’m a good girl I promise, I’ll do anything.. fuck me.. fuck me hard..please.”
Taeyong likes what he hears and chuckles, tilting his head as you look back up at him and bite your lips.
You nod quickly and moan while he pushes two fingers into you, he moves them in all the way so that you can feel the cold metal of his rings right at the entrance, but you don’t mind it. It just feels good to feel something inside you.
“Oh God..Taeyong.”
That’s what he wants to be to you. He wants to be your new God, the one that deserves praise, the one that deserves all you have to offer. The one that your life will center around. And so, he will give you everything. He will make you crazy for him and him alone.
You place a hand on his broad shoulder to steady yourself as you move up and down, and rock your hips in a circle to gain more friction in your bud.
Taeyong’s hums in your ear while your eyes close and your mouth falls open. You’re standing in the middle of your room, getting off on his fingers and it’s the most beautiful sight for him.
Your head falls back and your nipples perk up through the thin fabric of your white long sleeve shirt.
“Let’s play a game, baby.” Taeyong’s husky voice only makes your more delirious as your high approaches, all you can do is nod.
His thumb is gentle on your clit while his long fingers reach the depths of your pussy every time he pushes them in. You feel so good that he could tell you you’re going to fly to space and you would agree to.
“There’s a lot of people out there...if you can stay quiet while I fuck you..I’ll reward you..” Taeyong knows you’re not the best at hiding your feelings and emotions when you are on the brink of cumming, but he wants to see if you’ll do anything for him. Are you true to your word?
You nod and a Taeyong smiles before slipping his fingers out completely.
You whine and lick your lips, hating the sudden absence.
But when you finally start to have a clear head, you think about what he said. Could you really be quiet while he made love to you?
He took your hand and turned to the bed.
“Do you remember the first time we met?”
You nodded, wincing as you remembered the night he caught you masturbating to porn for the first time.
“You were touching yourself right, little mouse?”
You nodded again.
“Well, I want you to do that again, but I’ll guide you this time.”
You nodded.
He sat down in the chair across from your bed while you stood and waited for his instruction.
“Take you shirt off..slowly.” His tone low and gaze almost haunting as he watched you.
You slowly rugged at the hem of your shirt and lifted it above your head.
The cold air hit your skin as you threw the shirt onto the floor.
“Take the skirt off, now.”
You zipper your frilly skirt down and Taeyong watched as it fell to the floor. You stepped out of it and your shoes, and stood in front of him now in just your bra, g string and knee highs.
“Unhook your bra..slowly.”
You reaches around your back and did as he said, letting your perky nipples also fall victim to the frigid cold air in your room.
“Perfect. You’re perfect.”
His comment makes you smile.
“Now, lay down on the bed and touch yourself for me.”
And so you do. You push your body up on the bed and push your fingers into your underwear, attempting to replace his long fingers with your own.
It’s not the same, but some movement is better than nothing.
He sits forward and watches as your delicate fingers work their way inside you.
“I wanna see more, little mouse.”
You open up your legs a little more, but refrain from looking at him.
You look up to your ceiling and focus on your impending orgasm.
“That’s better, sweetheart.”
Taeyong is two feet away but it feels like he’s right beside you, whispering into your ear.
“What a sweet pussy you have, so good.”
You can hear him start to unzip his jeans and pull his member out.
He starts to pump himself up and down, using the precum that leaked from before to provide the perfect friciton.
“Faster. Move those pretty fingers faster.” He groans a little louder now. The sound of your fingers entering your core over and over starts to get louder as your wetness builds and its making him wild.
His eyes are focused on your soaking entrance, your sweaty and wavering legs, your fingers and the beige lace that’s covering them.
You start to move faster and know that you are close.
“Taeyong—I’m going to..” you whine quietly.
“yes, baby, cum for me but stay quiet.”
Taeyong moves his hand faster.
“Look at me.”
You look back at him and swallow hard. His shiny dick is out and hard, you want to feel it inside you, filling you up so satisfyingly. You lick your lips, prompting a question from Taeyong that he already knows the answer to.
“You want my cock, don’t you, little mouse?”
You nod without shame and try so hard to not let a peep escape. Instead you breathe heavily and bit your lips.
“Use your words or I’ll fuck it out of you.”
Taeyong snarls and his voice is gravelly, he’s close.
“Yes, Taeyong..I-“ a wave of pleasure washes over you as you cum. Your head falls back into the pillows behind you and your hand stops moving.
You grunt quietly but luckily no sound escapes. And you think you’ve played Taeyong’s game, you think you’re done with the teasing, but you’re wrong.
Taeyong lets go of his member and walks up to you quickly. He grabs both legs, pulling you further to the edge of the bed so your legs are opened wide right in front of him.
“Do you want my cock?” He raises the eyebrow with the slit and looks into you like you’re a piece of meat.
“Yes..yes-I want it, Taeyong” you’re still dizzy from your orgasm but nothing feels better than having him fuck you, so you’re ready for another one if that means he gets to be inside you.
“Well, if you want it, you gotta work for it, sweetheart, touch yourself again.”
Your eyes widen. But you swallow hard and move. You wouldn’t dare to pout and disobey him.
“Taeyong..please..I don’t have much time left before they come looking for me.” You start to work your fingers on your sensitive area again.
“I dont care, I’ll fuck you when I think you deserve it.”
Taeyong smirks and starts to pump his dick up and down again, but this time, his right in front of you, watch you writhe below him and lick your lips at the sight of his pink head and thick, veiny length.
“Pinch your nipples” he demands.
You pinch your soft skin and let out a quiet mewl at the arousal you start to build again.
Taeyong twists your other nipple with his free hand, you’re about to cry out loudly but remember that the challenge is for you to stay quiet.
Taeyong’s eyes are focused on your body below him and the way you ride your own fingers. He can’t believe you’re so beautiful as you ruin yourself. You’re on full display for him in cute knee highs as you lose your innocence once again.
He knows he can’t wait much longer but he wants to see just how far you can go.
He leans down and licks a long stripe up your abdomen, then latches onto the nipple you’re not playing with.
He groans and sucks on it hard while still fucking into his hand.
His other hand reaches behind your head and grabs a fistful if hair. He holds it tight as he is just seconds from cumming.
He pulls your head back with a harsh tug and you can’t help but yelp with a little more volume.
He looks up at you through dark eyes while still darting his warm tongue out and around your hard nipple.
He doesn’t have to say anything, the look on his face tells you you can’t do that again, you must absolutely be quiet. After all, anyone outside of your door could’ve heard that.
You’re sensitive and tears start to prick your eyes, but nonetheless, another climax approaches. Something about the way Taeyong looks at you and has a hard grip on your hair makes you lose it. This time you and Taeyong cum together.
He stands up straight and watches cum shoots out onto the perfect skin of your abdomen while you shake and ride out your own orgasm.
You remove your hand and close your legs as Taeyong releases his grip on your hair.
He quickly grabs the waist band of your soaked underwear and drags it down your legs.
He pushes them open again then kneels down at the edge of the bed. Without giving you the chance to close them again, he licks up and down your dripping folds, taking in all of your cum like he needs to to survive.
He parts your lips with his fingers then dips his tongue in, circling around to collect juices from every area.
“Taeyong!” You cry out at the feeling, you’re extremely sensitive from cumming twice already.
You try to close your shaking legs but Taeyong forces them apart with his strong arms, his hands holding firmly onto your ankles beside his head.
He stands up and quickly flips you over before slapping your ass harshly.
“What did I say, little mouse? You wanna be a good girl, right?” He growls and flips you over again, regaining his position between your legs.
He kisses your clit and dips his tongue in, circle around the entrance of your pussy.
You start to cry and your legs shake while he drives you crazy with his mouth.
You bite your lips hard to keep any moan from escaping while your grip on the sheets below you tightens.
Taeyong pushes two fingers into you, make in you push your body up the bed but he holds your waist and watches you carefully, daring you to try to escape him again.
Your eyes are locked as he licks long stripes up and down your sensitive pussy. His tongues draws circles around your bud before he pulls away to kiss it lightly. You start to feel his icey rings again.
You feel overwhelmed and your breathing is unsteady. You might just lose this game if he continues to eat you out like you’re the last meal he’ll ever have. But you really want him inside you, so you push through.
Your head falls back into the bed and your knees raise as you try a new position. Taeyong is able to push both his tongue and fingers in deeper.
You look down to see Taeyong still watching you fall apart through devilish eyes.
Everything about him was wrong, but he felt to right. He made you feel things no one else did or ever could.
“Oh my God..” your eyes start to roll as you’re about to cum, but you hear a knock on your door.
You try to push Taeyong’s head away but he digs his nails into your skin through the fabric of your knee highs.
“T-Taeyong..” you try to whisper as your face twists, you’re so close but you can’t ignore the fact that someone is at your door.
Taeyong only chuckles then goes back to flattening his tongue against your folds, then sliding it in between them while humming.
“Honey? Are you okay?” It’s your dad.
“Oh..sh-“ you start while Taeyong moves his fingers in and out faster.
“I’m fine!” You manage to get out at a high pitched tone.
“Okay, well we’re going to say an evening prayer, please join us.” Your dad states, completely unaware of the sin you’re commuting just a few feet away from him.
The devil himself is fingering you and making you feel complete ecstasy with his tongue, while your dad wants you to join him for evening prayer. Sounds comical.
“Oh—ok!” You say a little too loudly as Taeyong aggressively circles your bud with his tongue, so you quickly grab the pillow and press your face into it as you cum.
You cum hard but Taeyong doesn’t stop moving. He wants to taste everything you’ve got, to be completely filled with your sweet juices.
You scream into the pillow and tremble.
You can hear your dad start to walk away, but his foot steps stop when he hears what sounds like muffled screaming.
You close your eyes tightly and bite your lips to keep yourself from making anymore noise.
And your dad starts to walk again.
You wipe sweat from your forehead while Taeyong stands up and smirks.
He wipes your essence clean off his chin with the back of his hand. 
“You’re always so delicious, you’re the only meal I’d want for thanksgiving.” He winks but all you can do is give a small smile and breathe heavily.
Your body is weak and tired and you wonder how you can possibly make it through the rest of this thanksgiving day after all this, but still, you want more. Greed is a sin, but it’s not like you haven’t been in lust this whole time.
What difference does it make?
You stare at Taeyong’s hard member poking through his jeans.
“Taeyong—I’ve been a good girl, right?” Your eyes go from his pants and to his eyes.
Your eyes are large and your expression is cute as you pout. You didn’t exactly play his game well, but Taeyong knows that it’s time.
“Yes..now get on your knees, sweetheart.”
You get up and turn around, displaying your ass and your wet legs to Taeyong as you crawl to the headboard.
Taeyong goes on the bed and kneels behind you. He places his phone under your bodies so he can watch a video later, making sure to record the way your boobs move every time he pushes into you.
He’s slow at first, carefully kneading his hands into your hips, then massaging the skin of your ass, specifically the section he slapped earlier.
“You’re so beautiful, little mouse.” He leans down and whispers into your ear.
You can feel his hard cock poke your thigh.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” He asks as he coats his dick with the essence that continues to run down your leg.
You knew you weren’t ready yet, you we’re still too sensitive, yet you nodded out of greed.
Taeyong pushes into you carefully from behind, letting you adjust because he knows he wants to reach your depths.
Your delicate pussy is perfect fit for him and that’s the only way he wants it, full of him and nothing else.
You wince and shift on the bed, his girth is something you have to get used to, but once you do, he feels so good.
He pushes deeper, letting out a quiet groan while you make a small whine.
“Taeyong..I want to be a good girl for you, fuck me hard please.” You can’t wait any longer, you are chasing your third high for the evening after you’ve finally gotten what you’ve been craving.
“Yes, baby, just promise me you won’t be loud, you’re mine, right?” Taeyong watches your naked back and falls weak.
He thought of how outraged your annoying father would be if he knew he got you like this. But he also thought of how you didn’t care anymore. You only cared for Taeyong, he was the man in your life now, the man that controlled everything.
���Little mouse...be a good girl and call me ‘sir.’” Taeyong’s voice is barely above a low whisper as he leans into your ear again, pushing into and burying all of himself into you.
You gasp and nod. “Yes, sir.”
Taeyong smirks and likes the sound of that so he grabs your ass and pulls back, making sure his dick runs against your tight insides slowly as it leaves.
He watches as the tip drips in a mixture of his precum and your essence and a string slaps onto your shakey thigh.
He slaps your ass hard and grips the skin, making you jerk forward.
You close your mouth and whine quietly.
He holds his length in one hand and rubs the tip along your folds. 
“What do you want me to do, princess?”
“I want you to fuck me, s-sir.” You swallowed hard, you had to do everything right, you were so close to getting what you wanted. You couldn’t afford anymore teasing.
Taeyong continues to rub along your folds, parting them so the tip teases your clit. You feel his veins on your core and shut your eyes tightly.
“Perfect.” He says as he pushes into you hard.
You yelp and move forward, the unexpected pain of his tip reaching the bottom of your stomach made you flinch.
He moves at a steady pace now, rocking his hips against your cheeks.
He grabs your hair tightly again and pushes in to you hard, your neck bending backwards and your mouth falling open.
He watches your back arch and your arms hold onto the headboard as he pounds into you from behind and really wishes he recorded the two of you from a different angle.
He bites into the glistening skin of your neck to hold back his moans, his grip on your hair still tight. His hot breath decorates your skin and the scent of his citrus shampoo fills your nostrils. The warm skin of his abs falls against your back, strangely, making you feel safe.
He starts to move faster, and smacks your ass one more time,adoring the ay it starts to change color after he hits it.
He pushes his dick into you deep, so deep you can’t help but cry out.
The sounds of skin against skin grows louder and so does Taeyong’s grunts.
He picks your upper body up by your hair and pushes you down into the bed so your ass is up and your head is down.
The new angle makes your eyes flutter shut. He feels amazing as he destroys you, making you feel raw but full.
He chuckles to
Himself as he feels you clench around him.
“Do you like that?”
“Y-yes, sir” your voice is shakey, you’re almost there, almost in bliss.
Taeyong forces himself into you so deep then picks up the phone that was right under your linked bodies.
He leans it up against the headboard so it still records him hitting it from the back, only this time it’s recording from the front-facing camera so you both see everything. And you swear to yourself, that somehow makes everything ten times hotter.
To know that he’ll watch this video later and think of you makes you happy.
Taeyong watches your fucked out expression on the phone and smirks. He loves having you so messy for him, your innocence gone, your mind and body completely filled with him, corrupted by him.
You moan loudly so to stop you he lets go of your hair and sticks two fingers into your open mouth.
He watches as you open your wet eyes stained with mascara and suck on his long fingers hard while watching him on the phone. You looked like such a dirty slut, and both of you loved it.
The feeling of your tongue on his fingers reminds him of the way you swallow his dick whole and choke on it until he cums all over you.
Taeyong’s red hair sticks to his sweaty forehead and only moves when he pushes into you, but the sadistic look on his face as he watches you through the phone makes you so wet.
“Play with your pretty clit for me, sweetheart.”
He pants as he gets closer.
You start to rub circles into your clit while he continued to grind into your entire body and move it against the bed.
“I want us to cum..together. I want you to get so full of my cum..Do you want me to fill you up?” Taeyong’s grip on your ass is so tight, you know there will be bruises. As for your pussy, he’s stretching you out with every push, you’re not sure if you’ll be able to walk to evening prayer. He takes his fingers out so you can talk.
“Tell God you want me to fill you up, pray to him right now.” Taeyong is grunting and groaning as his husky voice echoes in your ear.
He pushed harder, so hard that the headboard starts to hit the wall.
He knows people could hear this, that people would know what this meant, but he didn’t give a damn.
Your velvety walls fit him like a glove and he couldn’t wait to cum all over them.
You massage your breast with your other hand, and do as Taeyong says.
“Dear..G-God, please—Taeyong!”
Your third orgasm crashes over you while Taeyong also cums.
He holds your waist and releases deep into you, making you shake under him.
He pushes a few more times then pulls out and watches your whole leak.
He flips you over to watch your face and your chest shining beautifully with sweat.
He quickly uses his tip to gather what has escaped and pushes it back into you, while you whine quietly.
Taeyong starts to pull out but you hold his arms and lean forward to stop him.
“Don’t leave.” You look into his eyes and beg. You’re tired of him always leaving you after you fuck. If he’s your boyfriend, then you might as well spend more time together.
He sighs and looks away, knowing that your eyes always make him weak, a feeling he didn’t like.
“Don’t you have evening prayer or something?” Taeyong looks down at the apex of your open legs where his member still lies inside you.
“You know you’re a Christian right?” He teases you.
“I’ll text my dad that I don’t feel well. It’s not like I can go out there looking like this anyway.” You both chuckled.
“It’ll just be you and me tonight..please.”
And that’s what he wanted. He wanted to replace everything your life. He wanted your addiction to him, something he only dreamed of, to come to life. And slowly, it was happening.
“Stay..inside me, I want to feel you.” You shocked yourself at how blunt you were being, but it was the truth. He was all you could think about and he felt so good, you didn’t want him to go.
Taeyong liked the idea of cockwarming so he agreed. To be honest, he didn’t really care about your feelings of “love” towards him, he just wanted your obsession.
This was just another deal for him, a game he had to win.
So he laid down and brought your leg up around his waist so you could both cuddle and sleep comfortably while he stayed inside your warm flower.
Taeyong watched as you drifted off into sleep quickly. He used your body like a toy tonight so he understood that you were beyond tired.
There’s a strange feeling in his chest that grows as he watches and he can’t explain it. Could he really be falling for you? Could he be losing his own game of cat and mouse
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Would you please be willing to write 54 from the winter prompt list? About having a rough day?
54. we don’t really know each other but you look like you’re having a rough day so i got you my favourite hot drink from the cafe
from winter writing prompts here
sometimes it’s fun to write things where they were never penpals and they’re just kind of bastards to each other. this is a WELL needed break from working on finals and zine stuff
Newt’s not really sure what he did to be stuck with this utter bastard of a lab partner—what sort of, like, karmic punishment he’s facing, and for what, or who high in command he pissed off in his job interview—but in terms of utter bastards, Hermann Gottlieb pretty much takes the cake. He snaps at Newt over everything. He tears down Newt’s theories in front of their superiors whenever he gets the chance. The dude even took a fucking roll of tape and divided the lab in half just so he wouldn’t have to look at Newt’s face—totally nuts behavior. Like, right? Who does that? He’s not even sure why they have to share a lab in the first place. It’s not like Hermann’s jumping at the chance to stick his arms in a kaiju chest cavity with Newt, or Newt can make head or tails of Hermann’s bizarre equation chains. Half of him is convinced they’re all just bullshit, anyway. But whatever.
At least Hermann’s being significantly less of a bastard today. Newt hasn’t heard one peep out of him—not even when Newt started playing music without his headphones, or knocked a whole chunk of kaiju intestine over onto the floor and it rolled (with a series of admittedly nasty splats) an inch across the dreaded tape line. He’s just been standing, motionless, at his chalkboard. All day. Not even writing anything. Occasionally, Newt’s heard him sigh.
It’s a drastic departure from the routine Newt’s used to. Newt doesn’t care about Hermann—he really doesn’t—but if he did, he might be…a little worried about the guy.
Hermann sighs again. This time, he wipes a hand down his face.
Oh, good grief.
Newt pulls off his work gloves with two snaps, switches his headlamp off, and clears his throat. “Hey, uh,” he says, timidly, and cringes at himself even as he does. Newt would say his odds are 50-50 that Hermann’s just gonna yell at him to mind his own business and get back to work. “Gottlieb? Hermann?”
Hermann turns from his chalkboard with a low “Mm?”
He has dark circles under his eyes; his collar, Newt notices, is tucked into his shirt, and one shirttail hangs out from his sweatervest, like he was distracted when he got dressed this morning. It’s the most disheveled Newt has ever seen him. Instantly, he feels a strange surge of pity for his weird, prickly lab partner. “You all good over there, dude?” Newt says.
“Yes,” Hermann says.
Then he sighs, and sits down heavily on the metal stool he keeps next to his ladder. It looks like the most uncomfortable thing in the world. “Frankly, no, Dr. Geiszler,” he says. “I’ve not had—the best of days.”
“Oh,” Newt says. He scuffs his boot against the floor. “…Do you want to, like…talk about it or something?”
Hermann works his weird, angular jaw furiously. For a second time, Newt’s sure the rebuke is coming—the stay out of my private affairs, Dr. Geiszler, an invitation for Newt to fire back at him with a nasty jab of his own, and then they can both be on their merry way like it never happened—but none does. “I am sure you have noticed I am not making as much headway in the updated jaeger coding as I would’ve liked,” Hermann says.
Newt didn’t notice. He doesn’t make a habit of paying attention to Hermann if he can help it. “Uh, sure,” he says.
“To put it lightly,” Hermann says, “I am stumped. And on top of this, my father—well.” He rubs his hands over his face again and doesn’t elaborate.
The amount Newt knows about Hermann can be counted on one hand. He knows that Hermann was like him—a child prodigy. He knows that Hermann cuts his own hair, because there’s no way something that bad could’ve been paid for, and Newt found dark brown hair clippings in the k-sci bathroom sink the same day Hermann’s bowlcut looked just a bit more severe than usual. He knows Hermann walks with a cane, but he doesn’t know why. He knows Hermann’s father founded the jaeger program, stuck his son at the head of it, and then suddenly and inexplicably publicly called for defunding it in favor of allocating resources to some stupid coastal wall instead. Newt can’t even imagine the pressure Hermann’s dad is putting him under to follow in his footsteps. Or how much harder it is for Hermann to complete even menial work tasks with that weighing over him. “Dude,” he says, sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”
Hermann snorts.
“No, really,” Newt says, and he’s surprised to find he means it. Hermann is a bastard, but Newt kinda thinks he’s growing on him like…well, like a frumpy, bitchy old tumor. Or something like that. “I am. That really sucks. Can I help you with anything?”
“Not unless you can write this damn code for me,” Hermann says, scowling and banging the end of his cane against his chalkboard viciously. “Oh, never mind. I’m going to get a tea from the commissary before I tear my bloody hair out.”
He makes to stand, but Newt shakes his head, and says quickly, “No, dude, let me! Just stay here and chill. I was going to run out for a sandwich anyway.”
It’s a misstep, maybe—Hermann’s scowl darkens. But Newt presses on anyway. “Seriously, I’ll get it. I want to help you. Do you want a sandwich or anything too? Or noodles? I think the mess is serving noodles today. Or I could run out to get you takeout, whatever you want.”
“Newton,” Hermann says. Not Dr. Geiszler. Newt’s heart skips a beat for reasons he doesn’t quite understand. “I don’t want a sandwich or anything like that. I just want some tea.” His jaw moves back and forth again. “But—if you are so inclined to fetch it for me—I would…appreciate the gesture. I take it with milk and two sugars. Just a tea. That is all.”
“Okay!” Newt says, grinning goofily, and jogs from the lab.
He slams a bio-degradable cardboard coffee cup and a small box of pastries down onto Hermann’s desk thirty minutes later. Hermann, who was poring over a bewildering jumble of code on his computer screen, startles so badly his glasses slip off the end of his nose and bounce against his chest. He crooks his eyebrow at the cup and pastries. “Those are not from the commissary,” he says.
“They’re not,” Newt says. “Come on, the comm stuff is crap, you know they water everything down. There’s a café I go to just off base and they’ve actually got the good stuff.” It costs him a fucking fortune these days with rationing, especially on the tiny salary the PPDC is able to scrape together for him, but Newt firmly believes it’s worth it. Spending that much on Hermann is worth it too, he thinks, if it means Hermann can go back to their usual sparring faster. Sad, mopey Hermann unsettles Newt. He slides Hermann’s drink closer to him. “Come on, come onnn, try some.”
Hermann sniffs it suspiciously. He pries off the plastic lid, revealing a mountain of whipped cream and chocolate drizzle beneath. “This does not look like tea, either,” he says, and stares at Newt—unimpressed—over his glasses.
“It’s not,” Newt says. “It’s called the Geiszler—it’s my custom order at the shop. Well, I call it the Geiszler, anyway. I think they just call it ‘that one fucking guy is back again’.” Hermann cracks the world’s smallest smile, and Newt feels like he’s just scaled Mount Everest. He also feels like his stomach might twist itself up in knots, because it’s kinda a cute smile. Is that weird to think about Hermann like that? It’s totally weird. Whatever. “Go on, try it, for real. I promise it’s good.”
Hermann delicately snaps the lid back on and takes a long sip; he swallows, and hums thoughtfully. Newt has never cared about Hermann’s opinion this much before. “Well, it’s not tea,” Hermann finally says, “but I will admit it could be worse. Thank you.” He gives Newt another funny little sour smile—like it can’t decide if it wants to be a frown or not. “And thank you for the pastries, as well. Though I don’t know how on earth I’m meant to finish them all.”
“Dude, they’re totally not all for you,” Newt laughs. He digs one out of the box, takes a bite, and waves it at Hermann. Crumbs rain down on Hermann’s desk. “As if. We’re sharing.”
Hermann wrinkles his nose and sweeps off a layer of crumbs from some paperwork. “Hm,” he says. “Please do refrain from eating over my work station, Newton. I know you are far laxer with your sanitary habits, but…”
There it is again—Newton. Not Dr. Geiszler, and not Newt. No one’s called Newt Newton in years. It’s for the Newton that Newt forgoes the fight and just backs off with his pastry and a smile. “Sorry,” he says. “You’re right, that was rude of me. Enjoy the coffee.”
They’re back at each other’s throats in a day, but Hermann doesn’t stop calling him Newton, so Newt figures that’s gotta mean something.
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Full review: Girly
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What’s Pink, insane, NSFW, hilarious, and somehow heartwarming at points? This comic is a ride and a half, and I’m genuinely surprised more people haven’t heard of this one… I’ve been wanting to talk about this one for a WHILE. 
So let’s talk about the elephant in this room… Because I think it just ate someone’s couch. 
Slightly NSFW review with spoilers below.
Girly, by Jackie Lesnick was a webcomic that ran between 2003 and 2010, (and really has some of those early webcomic hallmarks). Its monochromatic pink, vertical, with a poppy early cartoon feel. It’s also listed as a romantic comedy, which is… correct, but cuts a whole lot of what makes this comic good, short. 
This review was always going to be one of the 4 I really struggled with. And not just because I lost it the first time without a back up in a code glitch, got distracted by a pandemic, then procrastinated my way to finally making a second version in my new backup folder… No, well also yes but no. This was a comic I read when I was younger (and should NOT have read  when I was younger), and have always had a soft spot for. I’ll admit as much as this comic has its flaws or weird moments or just weirdness in general, its one of the few comics I’ve found myself rereading in its entirety more than once. And no matter how much I know it's coming, find myself sobbing, uncontrollably, at the final panel. There’s surprisingly a lot of heart in this comic, and a whole lot of honesty in just the direction the author took this weird little thing. But, first let me take of those rose tinted glasses as much as I can… (actually that might not work too well with a pink comic seriously whats with all these early 2000s lesbian comics being PINK?). And give this old comic a look and a bit of a dust. but , first...
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Getting to the point - page 3 of “Girly”
Girly is a NSFW comic. It’s not shy about it either. It hits the audience (and the main character) over the head with it literally in the first pages. It has sex positive characters, a sex positive world, some characters with… sex powers almost, and Dildos, a whole lot of dildos. Some even with smiley faces on them. It’s a pretty unavoidable part of the comic that makes up a large core of it’s humour and is baked into its wacky world. So if that’s not your thing, and it’s not really skippable in this case, you won’t like this comic.
But, if you’re alright with that part of it this might just be a hidden gem. Moving on.
Artwork is always interesting in webcomics. They’re usually one man shows, have a weird niche / strong influences, and or usually go on massive journeys as the art improves. Girly is no different here. 
Girly starts out rough. Some poses are wonky and its a bit scratchy. Technically speaking it has a few issues, which is fine. Its a free webcomic, from the 2000s that didn't copy and paste faces. (Won’t name names, you know who you are). You can’t be too harsh on a free comic, though.
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However, what the art style does, even early on is set the style and feel of the comic. Anime inspired faces, bold outlines, and blocky silhouettes that were really popular with 90’s and 2000s cartoons. It has a newspaper, manga comedy strip vertical style, too. It fits the style of story well as a poppy wacky story. It's the perfect art style it could take.
Its rough in the beginning, but moves on from its scratchy days, to loose pen brush, to finally a polished free hand poppy style. It gets more technically advanced as it goes along, but it keeps its core style throughout. It’s fun, a little unhinged, and just pares perfectly.
The one issue I have with the art is it comes off as a bit cramped. It certainly matches the energy of the story, but it also feels like it doesn't let the characters have any breathing room in the frame. It comes off as squashed, and can make some character poses hard to read. That’s the only complaint I can find though. The issue even fixes itself later in the story, but just very very close to the end. It looks great there, but the majority of the comic is a little cramped. Still that’s just a small complaint.
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Nitpicking here but some panels need a lil more room
This a humour comic foremost. It's the biggest part of what makes Girly specifically Girly.
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The humour is mostly wacky nonsense, playing off its insane characters, physics defying world, everything being dialed up to 11. It also works a lot like satire, poking at what influences it, and playing with cinematic expectations. The first page has Otra shooting someone into space on a rocket because they annoyed them, the first “adventure” the character’s go on is stealing everyone’s pants because they couldn’t find anything else to do. Then there’s the kidnapping adventures, knight trials, and slice of life shenanigans that happen. All of it as wacky as the last. I haven’t really found any other lesbian comics like it. Its not everyone’s tastes, but it is certainly unique.
If you’re into a willy wonka tunnel of over the top characters and plots, you’ll like Girly.
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Girl is a LONG comic, it ran for 7 years. The art evolved, the story writing, jokes, and themes along with it. It was originally meant to run for only 50 strips... and it ended up with 764. 
so, there’s a lot to unpack.
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Firstly, the premise of the story is somewhat simple. It focuses on Otra. The kinda straight man to the entire universe. She starts out almost depressed, out of place, and bored of the wacky inhabitants of her world. Until one of those wacky residents smacks her over the head with a giant dildo and won’t leave her alone for the next 7 years of run time. 
What follows is the sullen Otra being pulled around by the always cheery and zany nonsensical Winter as the sidekick for bizarre adventures. Otra’s depressive grounded view keeps the bizarreness funny, while Winter cuts through her negative attitude and causes a lot of the over the top plot. Leaving Otra to warm up to the world, and Winter to get less reckless as they balance eachother out. It’s a fun dynamic, and works as an emotional core of the story. No matter how weird the plot and rules of the world are, their relationship keeps the story somewhat focused and rewarding to see develop.
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An example of bold wacky character designs from even early on
The comic isn’t just about them, though. As an ensemble comic there's plenty of side characters that go through arcs and beats as well. From el chubacabre, the man that woman find so irresistible that they sleep with him as soon as they see him; detective Clapjaw the street wise detective who is very bad at his job; Officer Hipbone and police guy from the cute P D; captain fist the ever popular bad at his job superhero who gets all the credit; the news reporter obsessed with captain fist; the woman with babies; Steak;  the elephants that just… appear and eat buildings; among many many others. A lot of whom also have nicely written character arcs and depth in later chapters. Many of the character however are simple and remain simple, which isn’t a bad thing. For such a large cast, having a diverse range of strange characters with strong identities and looks even if a bit simple stops it from getting bogged down. It strikes a good balance. Plus there’s plenty enough of characters with more depth later on. 
 All the character’s are insane, and over the top in a way that really sets up the world they live in and how it works... as dysfunctional as it is. There’s something very Cartoon Network about all the characters, but with some wider influences. something about  dumb characters, with very specific goals and quirks that work on their own physics to feed into the high energy insanity of the world. Its entertaining to read, and leads to a weirdly charming feel of the comic. 
Story and plot
For the bit people actually want to know about. What is it about?
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Just a little bit of influences...
For the style itself the comic comes off as a mix between early 2000s slice of life-y anime, 2000s cartoon Network, and a dose of 2000s webcomic sarcastic action/adventure flare. It definitely has one of the most pronounced styles that I’ve seen, and even if it's very much a webcomic of it’s time it also goes a bit beyond that into something that feels personal to the author and honest. Its a batshit comic. But, it wears its influences on it’s sleeve and really plays with tropes and ideas the author found engaging at the time. It somehow comes off as refreshing in just how willing it is to go weird or niche for no other reason but because it wants to. It's what I appreciate most about the comic. It’s honest.
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The overarching story of the comic is without a doubt about Otra and winter growing together as people. But with a comic that’s run for 7 years a little bit more happens in the journey, at least you hope it would. Girly runs on chapters, 15 in total (with 15 having sub chapters due to being the story’s climax), and each one of those chapters follows a different plot or adventure with Otra’s and Winter’s developing relationship gluing them together. 
The plots themselves are wild and vary a bit in quality. But for a long comic that’s understandable and expected. They go from solving elephant problems, super villains, body swapping, fantasy parodies, and all sorts of strange things. Sometimes a few plots drag and a few character arcs feel a bit bland. It still manages to be entertaining all the way through though. The plots themselves work to get the character’s to play off each other and explore the strange world it takes place in. Exploring evil teddy bears, or an entire town devoted to cheap gags. No matter what, all the plots work in fleshing out the world and pushing character’s out of their comfort zone or forcing them to change. There are some that are less fun than others, but none of them manage to be boring or useless. Which for a long comic such as this, is quite an achievement.
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Girly is a hidden gem, Its an insane sex positive comic. A loose style and even looser physics. It’s bold and unabashedly itself. But, at its core it's about the love story of Winter, the wacky insane woman needing to slow down and open up, and Otra, a sullen woman who’s deemed herself only worthy of being on the outskirts of society. It’s two people growing together in a world that’s up to its ears in care bears, sentient dildos, earth shattering cloning, and jabs at 2000’s paste it comics. And somehow it all sticks together.
The characters resonated, at least with me, which may be the nostalgia talking. But by the end of the comic I can’t help but  think back on how long it took them to get there. The bits that made me laugh (a lot of them), the stupid parts, and the character’s arcs, as over the top they could be at times.  It may not everyone’s cup of tea. But it has a lot of heart at its core. (If you get past all the dildos). 
For all it’s flaws and weird bits. I still find myself going back to Girly. 
Maybe now, some more people will too.
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