#but he is also given the opportunity to really work out who reiner braun is
dcive · 7 months
after the war, and following the final spoken timeskip, reiner takes a lot of time to rediscover just who exactly he is. it's his first time he doesn't have to be anyones warrior or soldier, the first time he lives with the knowledge his family are happy he's alive for being him ... while he lost the majority of his youth for this, he survived something he once never willed he would.
and in that instance, he recognises that he shouldn't waste that either.
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College!AU headcanons for the 104th
Eren Jaeger:
Degree: some sort of humanities subject. I’m torn between history and geography (I can see him only going though because of pressure from his dad/Zeke because they both went so he feels like he has to.)
Would definitely get some tattoos whilst at uni as well as growing his hair out (”haircuts are too expensive for college students.”)
Needs coffee every morning else he feels like death (pulls way too many all nighters to get work done - Mikasa is not happy with this habit.)
Probably wakes up 10 minutes before a lecture and just legs it - he sets alarms but he tells everyone they never go off (he’s lying he presses snooze every time.)
Mikasa Ackerman:
Degree: languages !! Which ones though I’m not sure? I feel like she’s a polyglot so would already be fluent in French and Spanish so would chose to have a degree in one of them alongside something more challenging - maybe Russian or Japanese ??
Would maybe join a creative writing/poetry society, she likes to write in her spare time as a way of expressing her emotions as she finds opening up a bit of a struggle.
Before going to college, she’d take a gap year to do some travelling. Has all of her adventures written down in a diary that she often reads once she starts college.
The queen of houseplants. She has so many, they all have names and she’d never dream of letting any of them die.
Armin Arlert:
Degree: astrophysics or marine biology (I know Armin loves the ocean but he is also a space nerd don’t argue with me) BUT another option could be artificial intelligence ?? He just thinks it’s interesting.
Loves a good group study session. He finds he takes in information better if he talks to people about it and tries to explain concepts (be warned if you ever ask Armin about his subject - you will be there for hours.)
Probably the only person who does all the reading for his subject PLUS the additional reading. He doesn’t even see it as a chore because he likes to know as much as he possibly can !!
Would suggest that everyone in his lectures makes a group chat where they can send notes, thinking that other people will send theirs so he can make sure he got all the info down - nope everyone is just stealing your notes Armin I’m sorry.
Jean Kirstein:
Degree: could definitely see him studying modern history with politics, don’t ask me why I just see it.
Left handed, he knows the struggle of writing something only for it to be smudged seconds later and his hand covered in ink
Will pull out his guitar at any given opportunity. The king of playing wonderwall (it’s a crowd favourite and everyone ends up singing.)
You know Jean is stressed if he’s rubbing/touching his face a lot - and drinking lots of black coffee (he doesn’t like the taste but thinks he’s cool and tough for drinking it.)
Sasha Braus:
Degree: culinary science.
Never has a pen. If you sit next to Sasha in a lecture she will always ask for a pen (a pen which you will never see again I’m sorry - in fairness, you won’t want it back because she’s chewed the ends of it.)
If you have a shared living arrangement with Sasha you have been blessed. She loves to cook !! (Kinda a given with what she’s studying) and is always willing to make dinner for everyone (she will make a mess though so be prepared to do the cleaning up afterwards.)
I can definitely see her joining the choir or even being in a musical theatre production! She’s a great singer, albeit not the best dancer but she has the energy and spirit and that’s what’s important.
Connie Springer:
Degree: something like hospitality and tourism (he’s got such amazing people skills! he would be great at this and has the right energy for it.)
This boy would live on instant noodles if it wasn’t for him sharing a place with sasha. and the most erratic eating schedule (“what do you mean I can’t eat breakfast at 3pm??”)
Has a massive crate of energy drinks from cosco. Goes through said crate way faster than should be humanly possible.
His laptop is covered in stickers (many are random ones he’s collected and slapped on but he got some of Sasha and Jean making stupid faces that he put on there too - Sasha found this hilarious, Jean was not impressed.)
Marco Bodt:
Degree: English language with drama.
Musical !! Theatre !! Society !! This man is a triple threat, but honestly he prefers to be part of the chorus because he doesn’t like the pressure and stress of having a main part.
The best person to have with you on a night out. You’re throwing up? Marco will hold your hair back. You need a lift home? If sober he’ll take you and if he’s been drinking he will get you a taxi and come with to make sure you get back safe. An absolute angel <3
The most likely person to become an RA. He also volunteers to help with many of the events on campus and would probably be part of the student association committee.
Historia Reiss/Christa Lenz:
Degree: she seems like a psychology gal to me. Probably would take psychology as a degree and then would go on for a masters in something more specified like educational psychology.
You know she’s got a stationary set up to die for. highlighters in every colour, all of her notes written in gorgeous handwriting, her desk is super organised !!
You’d never see this girl going to a lecture or seminar in casual clothing - she’s always dressed up even if the rest of the students are in what looks like what they wore to bed the night before.
Likes to take the lead in group projects. Can’t stand missing deadlines so is very organised (has a very cute diary too where she writes important stuff down.)
Degree: sociology or philosophy.
Definitely a last minute assignment writer, will always ask to borrow notes because she didn’t do the reading.
Sells stuff on depop as a way of making money through college. she makes badges and well as some really cool resin earrings (proudly worn by her gf Historia.)
Sits all the way at the back of the lecture hall so she can go on her phone (to message Historia obvs.)
Bertoldt Hoover:
Degree: film studies with English language
I can see him being a techie for the theatre at his uni. he does the lighting and sound for the annual musical !! (trips over cables and bangs his head on lighting bars all the time but still loves doing it.)
Because of his degree, likes to hold film screenings for his friends. In another post I hc that Reiner won’t shut up during movies and Bert is probably the only person who can deal with Reiner’s constant commentary.
Drank for the first time in college and did not enjoy the experience. He’s definitely a puker and has decided instead he will be the big brother friend and make sure everyone gets home safety and will watch the drinks whilst they go dance.
Reiner Braun:
Degree: some sort of engineering (I’m thinking chemical??)
Becomes a bit of a gym rat once getting to college. Also joins a lot of societies because he likes to be sociable and will often drag Bert along too (why can I see these two going to like ping pong club or something. whoever loses has to buy the takeout that night.)
Is going broke because of his daily caramel frappchino from starbucks (all the baristas know him by name.)
Okay but Reiner owning a motorbike ?? Sign me up. He’s the coolest kid on campus.
Annie Leonhardt:
Degree: biochemistry.
Annie isn’t much of a social person and keeps her circle small, but she realises things are going to be pretty boring if all she does is stay in her room, so she ends up joining the girls soccer team.
A very tidy person to live with. will probably tidy up after everyone because she cannot stand the mess - but be warned if this happens all the time she’s not afraid to confront her roommates about it.
If she’s stressed about assignments, her sweet tooth comes out big time. her biggest guilty pleasure is white chocolate and she always has a bar before an exam or a big essay is due.
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heyitsjay03 · 3 years
💚 Masterlist 💚
Masterlist Key/Request Rules:
🐸: Author’s Favorite- I love writing for these characters!! Will probably eat up any requests you throw my way about these characters hehe
🦄: Fluff
🐍: Smut
🐲: Angst
Please, please, please, please, please be kind when requesting (this doesn’t just go for me! just be nice to people, yo). I’m a high school senior enrolled in more college courses than my actual first year at college. I’m also an eldest daughter and in charge of cooking, cleaning, taking care of my siblings and my dogs (one of which is Satan Incarnate). Please be kind and patient. If I choose your request, I will get to it. I’m a woman of my word. 
Please request through my ask/let’s chat tab. I don’t really consider comments as requests so if you have a request, please use that tab. 
pedo/pedophilic fics
I will NOT write: 
It’s wrong and goes against everything I stand for and fight for
If you have a request for a character that isn’t on the list, go for it! 
I will write fluff, smut, and angst
I may have forgotten to add them so please, give it a shot :) If I don’t feel comfy writing for that character, then I’ll shoot you a message apology
they aren’t listed because I got lazy but if I get requests for them I will consider the requests
I will write headcanons and drabbles for female characters
I will not write smut for malexmale ships because I don’t want offend anyone with my lack of knowledge
No celebrities- just characters
I will not write about cheating or eating disorders and will not romanticize social issues for the sake of plot. 
Please understand. I am human and have my own reasons for this. Please do not attempt to force me to write about these things. I will block you from my page
Attack on Titan 🐸
I will write for the following fandoms (non-exhaustive list to follow):
MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 🐸
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Avatar: The Last Airbender 🐸
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Walking Dead
Reblogs are okay but do NOT repost my work without credit
Resident Evil: Village
Criminal Minds
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Attack on Titan Masterlist
Levi Ackerman 🐸
Chapter One: 
Fighting For Tomorrow: 
Reader, a seventeen year old living in Shiganshina, works under Doctor Yeager as an assistant and eventual successor. She is exceptionally close to Eren- the good doctor’s son, Mikasa- Eren’s best friend and guardian, and Armin- Eren and Mikasa’s genius best friend. Reader shares with them the details of her engagement to a man who promises to alleviate her family’s debt to allow her younger sister, Sasha, to live the life she wants. However, when the Colossal and Armored Titans attack, her life is thrown into chaos.
Chapter Two:
After two years of searching, Reader bumps into some old faces who suggest it’s time for her to move on. She agrees and signs up for the Cadet Corps. There, she reunites with those from her past and bumps into someone she wouldn’t mind having a future with. 
Chapter Three:
As training continues, Reader continues to fight through and claw her way to the top. Fate, it seems, has other plans. When the Colossal Titan makes another appearance, the Cadets are forced into combat- where Reader will be pushed to her limits and question her morals. 
Chapter Four:
Reader takes up a new role as she realises the perspective her fellow Cadets have with her. Reiner finally attempts to open up to Reader while Sasha and Reader take steps to rebuild their trust and relationship. And, when Reader’s back is against the wall again, she makes an interesting discovery. 
Chapter Five:
Reader returns to the wall after being rescued and “voluntold” to participate in an interview. As the interview continues, Reader is faced with the truth of her past. After leaving, Reader checks up on Eren- and is less than pleased with his condition and decides to take it out on the man who is responsible.
Chapter Six:
The Cadets make their decisions on which Regiment they would like to join- where Reader has to come to terms with the decisions of more than a few people closest to her. On their first expedition outside Wall Rose, Reader and Reiner encounter a Female Titan and rush to Armin’s aid. After being corralled into the trees, Reader stands guard with Reiner. When the unexplainable happens, Reader is forced to confront her circumstances. 
Chapter Seven: 
In the aftermath of the events in the forest, Reader is thrown into a holding cell. When given an opportunity to leave and prove her innocence, she takes it. Now with Squad Leader Hange, she tests of the extent to her powers- and begins to question the limits she, as a human being, can handle.
Can You See It
Reader decides to surprise Levi. She's a tiny bit nervous when he doesn't show enthusiasm- so she tries to help him see.
Diaphanous (x gn!Reader):
When Captain Levi is visited by his fallen comrades, he is graced with a visit from a lover he had lost long ago.
Coming Soon!
Reiner Braun 🐸
Fighting for Tomorrow
Eren Yeager 🐸
Armin Arlert 🐸
Jean Kirschtein 
Erwin Smith 🐸
Connie Springer
Zeke Yeager 
Porco Galliard
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Marvel Cinematic Universe Masterlist
Bucky Barnes 🐸
Chapter One: 
Reader lives a normal life in 40s-era Hell’s Kitchen. She keeps her scrappy best-friend-slightly-brother Steve Rogers out of trouble, she works to put her way through nursing school, and she shoves her deepest feelings for her other best friend, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, down into the darkest part of her guts. When she and Bucky are recruited into the military and she has to work under Doctor Nachtnebel, she starts to suspect something of the elusive man. 
Chapter Two:
When she’s awoken from cryo, Reader is greeted by ice, pain, and the certainty that she will complete her mission and bring HYDRA the glory it deserves. Steve and Tony, the two that woke her, scramble to figure out what is to be done about Reader. It seems, however, she has other plans. 
Steve Rogers 🐸
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Loki Friggason 🐸
Thor Odinson 
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
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Resident Evil: Village Universe Masterlist
Alcina Dimitrescu
Hell Hath No Fury Like the Wife to a Woman Scorned
(x fem!reader) When Reader returns from her monthly trip to the village, she finds her wife, Alcina, in hysterics. She, in turn, vows vengeance against the man that caused her beloved wife harm. 
The four lords (and Duke) adopting a small child
Karl Heisenberg
The four lords (and Duke) adopting a small child
Salvatore Moreau
The four lords (and Duke) adopting a small child
Donna Beneviento
The four lords (and Duke) adopting a small child
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bnhayyy · 3 years
The Call (10)
Chapter Title: Friendship
Wordcount: 2.9k
Fic Tag: Click
Ao3 Link: Click
Chapter Summary: The death of Marco Bodt.
Notes: I stopped uploading chapters to tumblr for a while, but I've decided to get caught up! And getting caught up meant starting with. This. Enjoy? Also! if you want to see what happens next, please know that the next eight chapters are all already posted on Ao3.
"Kirstein. It's Ymir; I'm sure the slayers have told you all about me. Probably not good stuff either, so right now, I need you to ignore all of that and listen to me. Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover are vampires, Reiner has a gem that lets him walk in the sunlight, and Annie is in league with them. I have too many damn calls to make to go into detail, but Reiner's the killer you've been looking for. Bastard almost took Krista out last night. They're after Ackerman, and if you want to stay alive, you'll stay the fuck away from them. I mean it. They are not the people you think they are."
"Hey Jean, I just got a really weird voicemail from someone called Ymir. She was talking about vampires and magic rings and... something about Reiner being a murderer? It's probably nothing, but... she sounded really worked up and angry for a prank. I'm going to go over to Reiner's place and talk to him. I don't know what's going on, but I'm sure we can talk it out. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know in case you get a call as well. I've got it under control."
Jean felt all the blood drain from his face as he stared down at his phone. He stood there for a moment, unsure of what to think or feel.
Then he called Marco.
No answer.
He called again.
No answer.
After the third missed call, he pulled on his shoes and raced out of the apartment.
The first message had left him breathless - how the fuck had the vampire that Mikasa and Annie were hunting gotten his phone number?
That much he figured out almost immediately. It wasn't a nice thought, but it was the obvious answer. Ymir and Krista had been seen together at the club, and from the sound of it, they had been very friendly. Maybe the slayers were right and Krista was being manipulated. Maybe they weren't. Either way, he imagined that someone as charismatic and involved in the college as Krista wouldn't have much difficulty getting her hands on some phone numbers. It was an upsetting thought, but it wasn't his priority right now.
He didn't believe Ymir for even a second. But if she was involved, he did believe that Marco was walking into danger.
And he was walking into it blindly.
Jean cursed himself for listening to Erwin as he raced down the steps and to the rack that his bike was attached to. With fumbling fingers, he put in the code and yanked it free. He tore it from the rack and jumped on without bothering with a helmet.
As he peddled, his heart raced. Something cold slithered down his throat and into his stomach as he considered what might be waiting for him. Was this some elaborate trap set by Ymir? Would he get there to find everyone dead and the vampire waiting to set upon any of the slayer's friends who were foolish enough to show up? Did Bertolt and Reiner know about the story she was spinning? God, was she planning on turning them? Was she planning on turning Annie ? He didn't know what a slayer being turned into a vampire would mean in the grand scheme of things, but he couldn't imagine that it was anything good.
Was Marco going to die because Jean hadn't told him the truth?
The cold feeling spread throughout his body as worse and worse scenarios flashed through his mind. He could almost taste the fear threatening to paralyze him - or maybe that was bile. He definitely wouldn't be surprised if he ended up vomiting at some point in the night. The only thing that kept him going was the knowledge that if he didn't do anything, it could cost Marco his life. He had to - he had to -
He didn't know what he would do. What he could do. But he had to do something. Every bit of logic and reason within him told him to go back home and call Mikasa, and he wanted nothing more than to listen to it. The only problem was the obnoxious little thing he called a conscience, reminding him that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't at least try to do something.
Damnit. He was probably going to get both of them killed.
He'd almost made it to Reiner's house when he rode past an alleyway. Jean caught sight of three figures standing by its mouth out of the corner of his eye. It was only a glimpse, but with his heart pounding in his chest and adrenaline rushing through his veins, it was enough to make him slam his feet against the pavement to stop his bike. He jumped off and abandoned it right on the side of the street as he rushed over to the alleyway.
His first instincts had been correct. No more than a few feet into the alleyway, Marco stood facing a stern-faced Reiner and Bertolt, talking rapid-fire and peppering his words with expressive gestures.
"Marco!" Jean called.
Marco, Reiner, and Bertolt all turned to face him. "Jean?" Marco asked, blinking. "What are you doing here?"
Jean cursed under his breath as he raced over to his friend. "Stopping you from doing something stupid," he said. "What about that call made you think this was a good idea? Ymir-"
"Did she call you as well?" Reiner asked. His expression was a combination of stony, frustrated, disappointed, and angry. It was a little odd, but far from the highest priority at the moment.
"Yeah," Jean said as he stepped over to Marco's side. He and everyone else looked uninjured - good. Ymir must not have been able to try anything yet. "She tried to feed me some nonsense about you two being vampires."
Bertolt groaned and shook his head. "Reiner, if she told Jean and Marco..."
"She probably told everyone," Reiner finished.
"So?" Jean asked, scowling. "It's not like any of us would believe her. The important thing is making sure that she isn't able to do anything serious."
"Yeah!" Marco added. "I mean - I'm still kinda... struggling to wrap my head around this, and that all this is real, but... just because you guys are vampires-"
Jean snapped his head around to stare at Marco. "Wait, what?"
Reiner sighed heavily.
There was only one short moment between that sigh and Reiner starting to speak. However, that moment was enough for Jean's innards to freeze up with a whole new sort of cold.
Maybe he should have given Ymir some credit after all.
"You see, Jean," Reiner began, a whisper of regret staining his voice, "Ymir wasn't lying."
"Maybe not completely," Marco said, oblivious to how Jean's heart was sinking in his chest. Oh, he was definitely nervous - the sweat beginning to form on his face and anxious strain to his smile said that much. But he also sounded like he sincerely believed what he was saying.
Because he didn't know what being a vampire meant. But then again, neither did Jean, now that he thought about it. He knew that they were blood-sucking monsters, but... maybe that wasn't everything. The Reiner and Bertolt that he knew were good people. Marco was a naive goody-two-shoes, but maybe there was some merit to what he was trying to say.
In the time that it took for Jean to go through that train of thought, Marco continued speaking. "But just because you're vampires doesn't mean you have to be killers!"
A shadowed look fell over Bertolt's face, while Reiner just frowned. Jean felt his stomach twist, and Marco's smile twitched fractionally.
Yet he didn't give up.
"A-and even if you are," Marco stammered, "this could be an opportunity to turn over a new leaf! I mean, is there any rule saying that you can't be good? What's stopping you?"
Bertolt bit his lower lip. "It doesn't..." Reiner gave him a heavy look as he trailed off, and he took in a deep breath before finishing, "it doesn't work that way."
"Why not!?" Jean demanded. The words felt like they were shards of glass forcing their way out of his throat and his heart was all but ready to burst out of his chest. He knew that he should turn and run. If Bertolt and Reiner really were vampires, he had to turn around and run if he wanted to get out alive.
But his friends needed him. Marco for sure, and maybe, if he wasn't being a complete moron, Bertolt and Reiner as well.
Jean should have turned around and run away. Instead, he stepped in front of Marco and held his arms out. "Why can't you be good? Vampires might not be the same as humans mentally and emotionally or whatever, but you have free will, don't you? And we're friends, aren't we? So why does this have to mean anything? Even if..." Jean swallowed and tried not to think too heavily on the horrible implications of what he was saying, of what Ymir had said, even as he forced himself to acknowledge their existence. "Even if you've done horrible things, I'm sure the others would be willing to give you another chance if you're willing to atone and try to do good now."
"He's right!" Marco chimed in, stepping forward and around Jean. "I-it might not mean much, but I would vouch for you."
Bertolt faltered. Beside him, Reiner closed his eyes, just for a moment.
When he opened them, all of their usual warmth had been replaced with ice. "Enough of this."
"No, Bertolt. They know now. Ackerman knows. We need to show them that we mean business."
Jean was moving before he even finished speaking. He grabbed Marco's arm and tried to drag him toward the mouth of the alley. However, his friend fought back and remained rooted to the spot. Both of them spoke at once.
"H-hey, let not do anything hasty-"
"-Marco, we need to go now-"
Meanwhile, Reiner jerked his head toward Jean and said, "hold him back."
Then Reiner twitched, his gaze jerking off to the side for a moment.
Bertolt didn't seem to notice. He didn't hesitate in closing the distance between himself and Jean and, with far more strength than any human should - could - have, tugged him away from Marco, and pinned his arms behind his back. Jean flailed and yelled wordlessly, but was unable to break out of his grasp.
"I'm sorry," Bertolt whispered. "We were only after Mikasa, you weren't supposed to be - this wasn't part of the plan."
"If you're sorry, then why don't you do something!? " Jean shouted.
Meanwhile, Reiner was approaching Marco. He looked steady, unstoppable - aside from how he kept looking over to the side every few seconds. At the same time, Marco took one, two, three steps away, until his back was pinned to the wall. 
Reiner's sudden twitchiness did nothing to soothe him. "Don't do this," he pleaded. "Reiner, please, we're friends, don't-"
"What's going on?"
All four of them froze. Despite his need to keep his eyes on Marco, Jean's eyes momentarily darted toward the opening of the alleyway. There stood Annie Leonhardt. She was beaten and bloody. At just a quick glance, he noticed that her shoulder was positioned oddly and there was a gruesome cut on her leg. Even so, for one bright, shining moment, he felt something that almost felt like hope. For a moment, he wanted to call out to her for help.
Then he remembered Ymir's call.
"Annie!" Marco called out, still hopeful where Jean could feel despair lapping at his heels. "Th-there's been some sort of misunderstanding. Maybe you could-"
 "Ymir knows about us," Reiner interrupted, making Jean's eyes snap back to him. Where Jean, Marco, and Bertolt had all paused to look at Annie, he had gotten ahold of himself and re-focused his attention on Marco. A predator fixated on its prey. "She told everyone."
"Mikasa knows too," Annie said, voice empty. "She got away."
Reiner's expression darkened. "She got away, or you let her go?"
No sooner had he spoken than a twitch ran through his jaw. But of course, with all that was going on, Annie didn't notice it. It looked like she was going to say something, but she never got the chance.
"She should let Mikasa go!" Jean exclaimed. "Annie, you're a slayer! You can't do this. You're supposed to be a hero. "
Meanwhile, Reiner grabbed Marco by the shoulder and pulled them both around to face Annie. "I think you've gotten too attached," he said. As soon as he spoke, he visibly tightened his grip on Marco's shoulder as he spoke, jaw clenching a little tighter yet.
Annie scowled. "No! I just-"
"None of you are too attached!" Marco pleaded. "We're friends! Annie, Reiner, please- "
"Reiner," Jean hissed. "Annie. Bertolt." The vampire holding him swallowed audibly, but made no move to cut Jean off, nor did he try to join the current cacophony of voices. "Listen to me. If you do this, I swear to god, you will- "
"Shut up, Eren!" Reiner snapped.
Silence fell over the group. Or rather, everyone aside from Reiner, who went on to murmur, a hint of intermingled exhaustion and agitation creeping into his voice, "I'm not going to regret anything."
Jean stared. Marco didn't dare move, but he could make out the confusion on his face. Annie's expression morphed into a frown.
"Reiner," Bertolt whispered, "who's Eren?"
Reiner raised the hand that wasn't clutching onto Marco to scrub at the side of his face. "No one," he said. "Let's just get this over with."
He lowered his hand and pushed Marco into Annie's arms. "Kill him."
Annie grabbed onto Marco, whose expression had settled firmly into one of horror.
"Annie, please," he begged, "we can still talk this out, we can-"
"Annie!" Jean howled. "If you do this, you'll-"
"Annie has a soul," Bertolt called out, voice pitched loud enough to cut through the din.
Reiner raised an eyebrow at Bertolt. "So?"
" Look at her," Bertolt pressed.
So Jean looked. He saw that Annie's eyes were wide and her face was pale. She looked pained, but that could very well be because of her injuries.
Perhaps it was because he wasn't as kind of Marco, but to him, she just looked like a murderer in the making. Nonetheless, Bertolt pressed on.
"There are other ways for her to prove her loyalty, but you need to remember that she isn't like us, Reiner. You're asking her to kill a friend. That sort of thing-"
"Right," Reiner said, letting out a mirthless laugh. "We have to look out for the slayer's precious soul."
Reiner wrenched Marco out of Annie's grasp and snapped his neck.
Nobody had time to do anything. Nobody even had time to react. One second Marco was standing there, terrified but alive, and the next his lifeless body was falling to the ground. It was the sort of thing that was impossible to witness without receiving a permanent scar on your soul.
But vampires didn't have souls to scar, and as he stared down at Marco's body, Reiner's expression was utterly impassive.
"Annie," he said, voice empty save for a faint hint of irritation. "Someone will need to dispose of the body. Do you think you can handle that, at least?"
"Once I get the arrow out of my shoulder," she said. Her voice was choked up. If Jean didn't know better, he might suspect that he would see tears in her eyes if he looked at her. But he didn't. He wasn't able to look at anything but Marco's body.
"I'll help," Bertolt offered.
"Not yet," Reiner said. "We aren't done here."
With that, he approached Jean, eyes dark and heavy. Jean met his gaze with his own, eyes promising vengeance, for all that he knew that his death was probably upon him.
Yet when Reiner opened his mouth, it was to say, "now that you know we're serious... Jean. Because we're friends, I'm going to let you live. And if you, Sasha, and Connie stay out of the way, none of you will be hurt."
Faintly, Jean heard Annie murmur, "hypocrite." He couldn't tell if Reiner caught it, as his eyes remained fixed on Jean, waiting for his answer.
A smart person would have agreed. A selfish person would have agreed. If you asked Jean prior to that moment, he would have expected himself to agree.
Instead, he looked Reiner in the eyes and said, "we won't. Reiner, if you let me live, I promise that you will regret it."
Reiner gave a thin smile. "Good thing I'm willing to take that bet."
He stepped away and collected Marco's body in his arms. For a moment, it looked like he would pass it - him - to Annie, but he hesitated upon getting a closer look at her arm. With a sigh, he called, "Bertolt?"
"I really am sorry," Bertolt murmured before letting go of Jean and stepping away.
Jean wanted to charge at Marco's murderers. To fight for his body so that he would at least get a proper burial. To avenge his death. Instead, without Bertolt to support him, his legs gave out and he fell to his knees.
"Think about my offer," Reiner called.
With that, the trio left the alleyway, taking Marco's corpse with them.
And Jean was alone.
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imagine-the-titans · 5 years
Their Crush is Chosen to Go to Paradis
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Reiner Braun - The training to become a warrior candidate was harsh and at times unforgiving. You often returned home bruised and sore after a hard day of training, but you were determined to inherit one of Marley's titans. - Despite your resolve to come out on top, you always did your best to help and encourage the other potential warriors that were in the same position as you while also trying to win over the approval of your Marleyan superiors. - That meant that you spent a lot of time at Reiner's side, usually coming to his aid, motivating and supporting him when he was falling behind the others. - You never looked down on him even though he was the weakest of all of you. You were never condescending when you offered to help him; you even stated that by doing so, you were both bettering yourselves. - In many ways, Reiner really looked up to you. - He admired your kindness as well as your skills and determination as a warrior. When he watched you in training, he often found himself blushing. - When he was younger, Reiner was much meeker than he is now. He was very diffident. - He would sheepishly thank you for your continued support. He genuinely felt you cheering him on in training, even if you were both fighting for positions as warriors. You were always helping him one way or the other. - You would even stick up for him when Porco was being a bully, which would usually end with Porco mocking him for needing someone else to protect him. - When he was chosen to inherit the Armored Titan, and selected to participate in the mission to recover the Founding Titan along with you, Bertholdt, Marcel, and Annie, he was overjoyed. - He would finally be able to become a hero. He could save the world from the devils on that island. - And perhaps... he'd be able to impress you too. - You congratulated him on being the one to inherit the Armored Titan, something that caused him to become overcome with a sense of pride. - When it was time to depart to Paradis, you waved towards your family and friends as the crowd of your fellow Eldians cheered you all on. - Inheriting the Armored Titan was a real source of confidence for Reiner, so when Marcel revealed that the only reason he was chosen over Porco was because of his interference, it really hit him hard. - What hit harder was the death of Marcel that followed immediately after, who sacrificed himself by pushing Reiner out of the way of a Titan. He had no time to really process anything. - After the four of you found each other again, and after Reiner and Annie's altercation, it was decided that you would continue on your mission despite the loss of Marcel and his Jaw Titan. - So, you all infiltrated the walls, leaving thousands of corpses behind you, slipping in with the refugees during the chaos that you caused. - In the two years that you pretended to be victims of the fall of Wall Maria, you worked hard in a settlement, chopping down trees and cultivating the land. During that time, you noticed a change in Reiner. - He said that if the four of you needed Marcel to complete the mission, then he would become Marcel, and that's exactly what he did. - He incorporated parts of Marcel's personality into his own, but you could still recognize him as Reiner. He was just more confident. He had to be. - It was then decided that you would all become soldiers and get closer to the true royal family by joining the Military Police. - When you joined the 104th Cadet Corps, Reiner saw this as his opportunity to pay you back for supporting him all those years, even though he felt that your goodwill and effort were wasted on him. In a way, he wanted to prove to both you and himself that it wasn't. - With your warrior training, you were already a step ahead of most of your new comrades, though there were some new things introduced to you. For example, the Omni-Directional Mobility Gear. - By now, Reiner seemed like a completely different person to you, but strangely familiar as well. - His crush on you would be fairly obvious to everyone around him, especially since they knew that you were from the same "village". - Reiner confessed his feelings for you four years into your prolonged stay on Paradis, two years into your training in the Cadet Corps. - He was much more confident now than he had been when you were younger. It was something that he'd imposed on himself after Marcel's death because it's what he felt was necessary, but he was still Reiner. - His confession was entirely his own. He would lay all his cards on the table for you. He would reveal that he's had feelings for you since you were children, and he would tell you how much your actions during your warrior training meant to him. Everything he said was completely from the heart. - As you spent more time within the walls, the more homesick you both felt and the more muddled your thoughts became about the people that surrounded you. You often sought comfort in each other. - Reiner grew closer to the people in the walls than the rest of you did, that much was obvious. You held a fondness for your new friends, but you, Annie, and Bertholdt knew to bury those feelings. You were on a mission. - Reiner was the most loyal to Marley out of all of you. You trusted him, but sometimes you wondered if he might be losing himself. - He seemed so genuinely happy at times that you couldn't bring yourself to take that away from him yet. - Guilt ate at you the longer you stayed in the walls. Home might not be the best place, especially not for someone like you, but you missed it. It's where you wanted to be. It's where your family and your friends were... but you also had friends here. - When you were feeling especially homesick, Reiner would place his hands on your shoulders with a gentle, yet firm grip, looking you in the eyes as he promised you that you would make it back home together. - The day finally came that you would reveal yourselves and betray the people you'd slept under the same roof with for the past three years. It wasn't easy, but all three of you just wanted to go home. - After failing to capture Eren and learning that Annie was found out and possibly being tortured, the three of you along with Ymir made your way to Shiganshina. The place held nothing but terrible memories for you, but you were sure it was nothing compared to the memories of your former allies who used to call it home. - You reunited with the Warchief and Pieck. And after Ymir was sent back to Marley to meet her death after sacrificing herself for all of you, you awaited the Survey Corps' arrival. - Despite taking out 91% of the Survey Corps, in the end, you failed to seize the Founding Titan and lost Bertholdt in the process. According to Zeke, there was nothing that he could do for Bertholdt by the time he and Pieck got to him. Reiner was devastated. - Had it not been for Pieck, you probably would have been lost in the terrible battle as well. - When she found you, you were passed out and missing three of your limbs. After escaping from your titan last second and hiding out in a fallen house, you dragged yourself into a clearing using your remaining arm. - When you woke up, you were on the ship headed towards your home. - When you finally got back to the home you had missed so dearly, you and Reiner were immediately met with harsh condemnation by your Marleyan superiors for your utter failure. - After news got out that Marley had lost two of its Titans, war was declared and it was decided that the two of you would be given a second chance. The war lasted four long years, but by fighting faithfully for Marley, once it ended, the two of you were allowed to keep your titans for the rest of your terms. - Reiner would not tell you how much your time on Paradis actually affected him. Of course, you could tell that it had influenced him in certain ways. You understood because you felt that same guilt. But he would hide how bad it really was for him. - Even if he wanted to tell you, it wasn't like he could. He trusted you, but being overheard could spell death for both of you, and he wouldn't risk your life. - In Marley, you both kept up the appearance that nothing was wrong. Nothing happened on that island. You felt nothing for the devils. That's what you said. - Upon learning that you and Reiner were a couple, his mother would welcome you with open arms. Her warrior son and his warrior girlfriend; she couldn't be prouder. - She would quickly begin pushing for marriage. - Considering you both only had two years left, Reiner would also consider the idea, but is that really what the two of you wanted? Maybe at one time, but was their really a point to it now? - The new warrior candidates held Reiner in high esteem, and they had respect for you as a warrior as well. Despite your young ages, they treated and saw the two of you as an old married couple. In your cases, you might as well have been. - Gabi was a little slow to warm up to you outside of your warrior status. She's protective of her older cousin, but after a short time, she would practically beg you to come and observe them in training every day, wanting to show off to you how cool she was. She would really want you to like her. Annie Leonhart - You were so determined to befriend her during your days of training to become a warrior, but Annie wasn't there to play nice or make friends. - She had one goal, and she was going to do what she had to in order to obtain it. - Though she was initially apathetic towards your attempts to become her friend, your persistence interested her, if annoyed her a bit. - You thought that her hand-to-hand combat was impressive, and you didn't hesitate to tell her so. It amazed you how advanced her skills were in comparison to everyone else's, especially yours. - It seemed that you were always complimenting her on one thing or another. She didn't understand what your deal was or why you seemed so intent on becoming her friend, but she didn't exactly dislike your presence. - You wanted to become an Honorary Marleyan so that you and your family would be able to live an easier life and face less discrimination. - Marley tried to make being a warrior out to be some great honor, but you didn't think it was something to be all that proud of, and that's something that you revealed to Annie. - She dryly asked you why you would say something like that out loud, much less to another person. She tells you that she could tell your superiors, and then you and your family would be severely punished. You'd be one less person she had to pass up to become a warrior. - Of course, she wouldn't do that. It wasn't her problem one way or the other, but she thought that it was a careless thing for you to say so heedlessly. - It was her way of warning you not to be an idiot and say things out of line that could get you killed. You don't have to buy into the Marleyan Propoganda, but don't let them know that. - It was an irresponsible thing to say out loud, and whether that thoughtlessness was born out of stupidity or not, it showed that you had a great bit of trust in her for you to share that. - You would often ask to train with her, which led to more than a fair share of bruises on your part, but your tenacity when it came to learning from her and even trying to beat her really fascinated her. - She really couldn't bring herself to understand you at times. The Titan you were set to inherit wasn't even good for hand-to-hand combat, so why did you care for learning it? - When she asked you, you told her that you wanted to learn it because she was passionate about it. You two were friends, so shouldn't you take an interest in her interests? - Friends didn't come easy to someone as closed-off as Annie, so when you called her your friend so naturally, it surprised her, not that you could tell by her face. - She accepted your friendship faster than you would think. She hummed, mumbling "Friend, huh? Alright." before getting back in her fighting position and handing you your ass. - When the time came for all of you to inherit your Titans, and the two of you were chosen to be part of the five to go to Paradis, you told her that the two of you would be able to live the rest of your lives as Honorary Marleyan's once you got back. You'd be able to live an easier life together. - She scoffed at you, but the hopeful look on your face wasn't something she could bring herself to fight, at least not in that moment. - Annie typically complained about how senselessly optimistic you seemed to be at times, but it was secretly one of the things she liked about you. - Annie's a realist, but it didn't hurt to have someone beside her that could convince her that maybe things won't be so bad all the time, but she wasn't afraid to ground you when your head went too far into the clouds. - All Annie wanted to do was get this over with so that she could return to her father. - She doubted that you warriors would ever get that "easy life" you longed for, but the truth was, she wouldn't mind living a "normal" life once you got back. As normal as the next thirteen years would allow. - The mission didn't go according to plan, and because of that, it lasted much longer than any of you would have liked. - You agreed with Annie that after Marcel was eaten, you should have recovered the new Jaw Titan and returned to Marley and accepted your failure, but it all just got out of hand. You didn't want to die for your failure, none of you did. - So, with just the four of you, you infiltrated the walls, where you would remain for the next five years. - During your time in the 104th Training Corps, the two of you remained very close, to the point that others considered you inseparable. Rather, you were hard to be separated from Annie. - From an outsider's perspective, it appeared as though Annie merely tolerated you, but that wasn't the case at all. - It was a mystery to your comrades how the two of you seemed so close, considering how withdrawn Annie was with other people. When the two of you were together, you were usually the one doing the talking, but Annie never told you to go away or to shut up. - Bertholdt and Reiner knew the truth behind your strange relationship, but out of the 104th, only Eren and Armin would probably be able to tell how much Annie actually cares for you. - With their hand-to-hand combat training, Eren would pick up on the fact that Annie more than tolerated you. The fact of it was, if Annie didn't like you, she wouldn't tolerate you at all. - If you convinced her to train with you and she threw you to the ground too roughly, she would ask if you were alright and even help you to your feet at times, which was more than he or anyone else ever got from her. - Eren once asked you what Annie's problem was. He could tell she cared about hand-to-hand combat, so why would she pretend she didn't? Why did she isolate herself so much? - You told him that he was observant and that not many people try to understand Annie, and you would thank him for that. - All you offered him as an answer was that Annie wasn't a "bad person" and that you trusted her more than anyone else. - Annie cares a lot more than she cares to let on. - She doesn't know when her feelings of friendship for you became more than that. The idea of being with you romantically was one that had her conflicted, so she wouldn't allow herself to dwell on it. - You both have the goal to return home, and that was what she was focused on. Just complete the mission and go home, everything else could come after. - Trost was a nightmare in every sense of the word. With everything that happened, with everything all of you caused, there was no coming back from it. - She wanted two things. To return home to her father, and to make sure you were with her when she got there. - Annie would not confess her feelings for you, as she was unsure about them, and while you never confessed to her, there was a mutual, understood feeling of affection that the two of you held for each other. Bertholdt Hoover - As soon as you were eligible to join the Warrior program and begin training, you signed up for it. Everyone there was fighting for the right to become an Honorary Marleyan for their own reasons, and you were no different. - During your training, you managed to catch not only your Marleyan superiors' eyes but Bertholdt's as well. - By no means were you the best out of the Warrior candidates, if anything you were lacking quite a few characteristics that made a Warrior when you first began your training, but your drive impressed him more than anything. - Bertholdt found himself watching you with a great deal of admiration as you trained. He witnessed you fail a number of times, but you never allowed it to affect your ardent disposition. - You worked tirelessly to become someone that your superiors would spare a glance towards. When you failed to meet expectations, you would train in your free time until they had to acknowledge your hard work and growth. - Bertholdt is a timorous person. - Despite the fact that he was interested in you, he would be too shy to actually talk to you. What would he even say if he tried? - He had a great deal of respect for you, and he thought that you were a pretty person, but he couldn't just tell you that! How would he even start a conversation with you? He couldn't! He was nervous just to be paired with you for training. - You got along well with the others, even Porco on occasion. He enjoyed watching you enthusiastically interact with everyone else. Your smile never failed to make his heart speed up in his chest. - Bertholdt was content with simply admiring you from the background. - That was until you approached him one day asking him for tips to improve your aim with a rifle. Apparently, you'd been observing him during that portion of the training, and you were impressed by how well he did. - The very thought of you watching him brought a flaming blush to his face. He spluttered out a response, giving you some advice on how to hold your gun and line up your shot, though it was somewhat difficult for you to discern. - Nevertheless, you thanked him for his help and went about your day, probably going to ask Magath for permission to practice your marksmanship under supervision. - Since that day, you made an effort to talk to Bertholdt more often, though you had no idea why he seemed to get so nervous near you; it wasn't like you were a threat to his position to inherit one of the Titans. - You were ecstatic to learn that you were chosen to become one of Marley's Titan Shifters. All that hard work had paid off in the end. You would finally be able to call yourself an Honorary Marleyan, and your family would be able to live slightly better lives in this world. - When you were selected to take part in the Paradis Island Operation, you felt a small sense of pride that your superiors would entrust you with something that was so important. - Bertholdt would feel slightly conflicted about you both being picked for the mission. - He was glad to have your company, and he knew that your Titan would come in handy, but the mission was going to be dangerous. He knew you could handle it, but he wished that you could have remained home with Zeke and Pieck. - Marcel's death and the loss of his Jaw Titan put the entire mission in jeopardy and affected all four of you inwardly. Whatever enthusiasm or readiness you held towards the mission was crushed in an instant. - But you had to go on with it. You couldn't return home empty-handed or else you and even your family would be severely punished. - So you continued with the operation, infiltrating Wall Maria and disguising yourselves among the other refugees. - Bertholdt would notice that you seemed much quieter and reserved after all that had happened, and he couldn't blame you. - He would keep a closer eye on you than usual out of concern, but Reiner would be the main source of his worry. It was as though he was forcing himself to become someone like Marcel. - Six months into your settlement work, you began acting somewhat like yourself again, just a much calmer version of yourself. The mission that the four of you took on was one that forced all of you to mature. - When you joined the Training Corps, you tended to stick closely to Reiner and Bertholdt. When you weren't with them, you were following Annie around like a lost puppy. - During your Warrior training, you got along well with Reiner, both of you starting off as some of the weakest, though you managed to climb closer towards the top. Annie was hard to read most of the time, but you liked to think that the two of you were friends. - On the other hand, your friendship with Bertholdt only began towards the end of your training to become a warrior, but living so close to him during your two years in the settlement gave you the opportunity to get to know him better. He still got nervous near you, which you didn't understand, but he was a good person to you and you liked him well enough. - Because you spent the majority of your time by his and Reiner's sides during your time with the 104th, and with Reiner there pushing him to talk to you more, you and Bertholdt became fairly close. - It really hurt Bertholdt to watch as you befriended and became closer to the others in the Training Corps. The longer that you stayed on the island, spending time with the people there, the more depressed you began to seem. The sadness that lingered in your eyes when you smiled with your friends pained him. - Bertholdt could understand your feelings. When Eren told him the story about what happened to his mother because of what he had done, he felt terrible. He also began to see these people as friends. But what could any of you do? - One day, after the four of you gathered in a secluded area away from everyone else to discuss your progress (or lack thereof), you asked him to stay behind so that you could talk to him about something. - You revealed to him that you were starting to have doubts about your mission and that you were beginning to feel sympathy for the people in the walls. - Your words terrified him. - Despite the fact that your superiors were miles away, not even on the same land as you, he would look over his shoulder in fear. He knows it was impossible, but if a Marleyan heard you say that, you'd be tortured and killed. Your entire family would be punished. - He would try to swallow his nerves, calming himself before he responded to you, though his voice was still shaky. - Bertholdt would admit that he understood how you felt and that he also cared for and pitied your new friends, but none of you had a choice in this. - Of course, you knew that already. Maybe you thought that just by voicing it to someone who knew what you were going through, it would make you feel better. - Seeing the dejected look on your face would have Bertholdt feeling guilty. He would instantly try to change the subject, attempting to make you feel better. - He would begin to say something about "when we get home...!" but he would freeze when you looked up at him, deciding to just say that you'll be able to put "all of this" behind you. - He didn't believe his own words, knowing that he and the rest of you would carry the weight of your sins for the rest of your lives, but he just wanted to make you feel better. He wanted to be a source of comfort for you. - Bertholdt probably wouldn't confess to you. - He cared so deeply for you as his companion and his friend, and the longer he spent with you the larger his crush on you became. - As time went by, the less nervous he would become when you talked to him, and he even found that he would start conversations with you on occasion, just because he wanted to talk to you. - Your friendship was something that he valued so highly that he wouldn't want to risk losing it, even if that meant that you never learned about his feelings. - He might confess to you before the Battle of Shiganshina, just because he doesn't know how it could turn out for either of you. He's trying to steel himself to fight against and kill his former comrades and people that he still considers his friends. Bertholdt doesn't want to have any regrets. Pieck - Not long after you joined the warrior program, you met Pieck and the two of you became fast friends. She was a friendly, easygoing person who was very approachable and easy to get along with. - Both of you had your own reasons for joining the program and wanting to become warriors, but you were equally determined. - When you caught a break between training sessions, as short and infrequent as they were, the two of you could almost always be seen conversing. - You often ate your lunches together, sometimes trading your food with each other when one of you brought something that the other wanted. - Pieck did extraordinarily well when it came to strategy lectures and other classroom lessons. - If you struggled to follow anything, she would usually be able to explain it to you in a way that made it make sense. Though, you typically managed to figure most of the assignments out before having to go to her. - When it came to physical training, you were pretty evenly matched, though you may have a slight advantage speed and skill-wise. - You usually kept a water pouch at your waist during endurance runs, which you would offer to share with her when you thought she looked like she needed it. - The two of you were a great team. What one of you might lack, the other one could offer, and you always had each other's backs during training. - It wasn't a stretch to say that you and Pieck were best friends. - What started off as a simple and more-or-less convenient friendship turned into an unbreakable bond. The two of you could tell each other almost anything. - When you learned from Pieck the reasoning behind her wanting to become a warrior, you truly sympathized with her situation. - You hated what lengths she had to go to just to ensure that her father received the medical treatment that he needed. It was another reminder just how little your lives meant to Marley outside of your ability to become a Titan Shifter, rather a weapon for them to control. - You wanted to matter. You just wanted the right to live your life. A future where you didn't need to become an "Honorary Marleyan" to be treated like a person. This was a future you both believed in cursing yourselves for. - When the time to inherit your Titans came and the mission to recover the Founding Titan was finally put into motion, you were a last-minute addition to the operation. - Originally, it was intended for you to stay in Marley with Pieck and Zeke while the other four invaded the walls, but it was decided that you would be included in the recovery mission as well. - Pieck would ponder her superiors' decision silently, not about to speak out of turn. - She would question if you were really needed for the operation to be successful, but she would eventually come to the logical conclusion that you would be of more use there than here, as much as she didn't like it. - When it came down to it, she, Zeke, and the Warhammer were all that was needed to remain in Marley in order to deter other nations from attacking. Meanwhile, the Founding Titan was still somewhat of a mystery. - Before you were shipped out to Paradis, Pieck would be sure to see you off, probably with a hug. - She would await your return, but when more time than what was expected of the five of you passed, she became worried. However, she had faith in all of you, and she understood that the mission wasn't a simple one. Something may have gone wrong, but she believed that you were capable of carrying out this mission. - As five years passed, she went about her daily duties, but there was no doubt that she missed you. She would often recall the days that the two of you were in training, nostalgic for those moments with you again. - Pieck would pray for your safe return. - But you didn't return. - She and Zeke were sent to Paradis in order to figure out what happened to the five warriors they sent out and infiltrate the walls themselves. - When you met in the place called Shiganshina, she was relieved to see that you were alright, but she was saddened to hear of Annie and Marcel's fates. - You wouldn't actually be able to see her face until you were returning to Marley, as she had to stay in her Cart Titan for the majority of her stay on Paradis, but you would talk to her. - After you were briefed on the plan, you would usually sit on her head as she was on lookout, telling her about what transpired while you were in the walls. You would whisper, not wanting to draw attention because you never knew when your former allies could be approaching. - Pieck would quietly admire how much you've grown since she'd last seen you, but she would also observe how much you've changed. In many ways, you'd matured, but that was to be expected after five years. Even so, there was something different about you that she couldn't quite place at the time. She could tell that this island had taken its toll on you. - You barely escaped the Battle of Shiganshina with your life, and when you returned to Marley, you were immediately put on trial along with Reiner. - With your superiors debating whether or not they should allow you to retain your Titan or force you to give it up to another warrior, she would try her best to remain calm and unbiased. - There was nothing she could do for you other than trust in Zeke to argue your value as a warrior. He was the only Eldian who's words held weight with your superiors. - With the Mid-East Allied Forces declaring war on Marley after the loss of the Female and Colossal Titans, it was decided that you and Reiner would be able to keep your Titans and fight in the war for Marley. - The war raged on for four long years but eventually ended with Marley's victory. After many difficult battles, you were able to prove your loyalty to those who had their doubts. - You had few chances to interact with Pieck outside of battle during those four years, but when you did, it was as if nothing had changed between the two of you. Almost like you hadn't been separated for several years. - On the battlefield, on the rare occasion that your Titan was positioned near hers, you worked flawlessly together. - After the war, when things began to settle down and everyone was able to return home to Liberio, Pieck would find herself concerned for your mental health. - Despite passing Marley's psychological evaluations, she had her doubts that you were as untroubled as you pretended to be. For the most part, you appeared completely fine, but there was a sadness to you, following you around. - It was the same concealed sorrow that she sensed when she reunited with you in Shiganshina four years ago. - Pieck wouldn't pry, not wanting to bring up any bad memories for you, but she would let you know that she was always there for you. - You and Pieck were always very open with each other, so she knew that when you were ready to talk, you would. - Pieck had liked you since the two of you were just kids training to become warriors, but she hadn't realized that her feelings went beyond friendship until she found out that you were being sent to Paradis. - When she saw you for the first time in five years in Shiganshina, it was like a confirmation for her feelings. - You both inherited your Titans around the same time, so that meant that the two of you had the same amount of time left until you were made to give your Titans up. Two years. - Because of that, and because she wasn't worried that your friendship would be at risk if her feelings for you were unrequited, she would confess to you. Pieck's confession would be very casual in nature, fitting her perfectly. She wouldn't be nervous at all, because even if you didn't feel the same way, the two of you would be friends until the end. - She would always say simple things in passing to you, such as "This is why I like you" and "That's my (Y/n)" out of endearment, but her confession, while relaxed, was earnest. - When you accepted her feelings, stating that you felt the same, her eyes would crease as she smiled, dropping her crutches to hug you, trusting you to support both your weights. Porco Galliard - When you began training to become a Warrior candidate and obtain the power of one of the Titans, you became good friends with Marcel, and by extension, Porco. - You and his brother could almost always be seen together, talking about everything from the training you were going through to something as simple as what you were having for dinner that night. - Porco and his older brother were very close, so most of the time, when you went to talk to Marcel, Porco would be with him and the three of you would chat. - Marcel immediately noticed when Porco began to develop a crush on you. - If he did well during training, his head immediately turned in your direction to see if you’d noticed him, and if you hadn’t, he would pout, grumbling as he crossed his arms in annoyance. - Porco liked showing off during training, not just because he wanted to inherit one of the Titans, but because he also wanted you to think he was cool. - Marcel encouraged Porco to pursue you, and he tried his best to get the two of you to interact more on your own. - He even asked their mother if he could invite you over for dinner one night, and then he had Porco be the one to ask you to come over. - If you would defend Reiner when Porco was being mean to him, he would begin to think that you had something for the weaker boy. It was the only time that the two of you would really butt heads. - As a kid, Porco was more prone to emotional outbursts, so when he got jealous, he would sometimes snap at you, saying something rude. - Marcel would quickly intervene, apologizing for his younger brother proceeding to scold him. - As Porco got older and began to mature, he would understand how wrong he was for treating you like that, and he would really kick himself for it. - Marcel did everything in his power to assure that Porco would not inherit the Armored Titan. - There was a part of him that also hoped that you would fall short when it came to obtaining your own Titan and another Warrior candidate would be chosen in your place. - That way, you and Porco would be able to get together, maybe get married, and the two of you would be able to live long, normal lives as Honorary Marleyans after he inherited the Jaw Titan. - But there was only so much that Marcel could do, and if he could save his dear, younger brother from the curse of inheriting a Titan, he would take solace in that, even if that meant that he would be followed around by guilt for the fate he had shifted onto Reiner for the rest of his short life. - Porco was pissed to learn that it was Reiner who would inherit the Armored Titan over him. It didn’t make any sense! Reiner was the weakest out of all the candidates, so how did he manage to beat him? - And when it was revealed that you and his brother, along with Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt were selected for the mission to retake the Founding Titan, he was very emotional. He was angry, crestfallen, and just so confused. - Why did Reiner of all people get to become a Warrior? Why did Reiner get to go with you and Marcel to retrieve the Founding Titan? How was he weaker than Reiner? - You would try to comfort him, but he didn’t want you to see him in such a pathetic state and would tell you to leave him alone. - He barely said a word to you before the five of you departed towards that island, and he would eventually come to regret that. - He waited impatiently for you and his brother to return victorious from your mission, but as more time passed, he would feel more uneasy. - He would dismiss his anxiety, or at least try to, as he was confident in yours and Marcel’s abilities, and he knew that Annie and Bertholdt were also very skilled. - He would prepare himself to swallow his pride when you got back and apologize to you for the way that he acted before you left. - But then years passed without so much as a word from any of you, and it was decided that the Warchief and Pieck would be sent to infiltrate the walls. - When you finally returned from your five-year mission, it’s without Bertholdt, without Annie… and without Marcel. - Of the five warriors sent to Paradis, it was only you and Reiner left. - When he inherited Ymir’s memories, he gained a slight idea of what happened on that island. He was devastated to learn that his brother was eaten only two days into your mission, while he had assumed that he had been with everyone all those years. - He also saw bits and pieces of you in her memories. You weren’t too close with the girl named Ymir, but he was able to observe how you’ve changed since he last saw you through her eyes. - You acted with the devils on that island the same way you treated everyone while you were training to become a warrior. You were encouraging and well-liked among your “comrades” from what he understood. - Through Ymir’s eyes, he usually saw you with Reiner, who had decided to adopt Marcel’s personality after his death. It hurt to see you interacting with him similarly to as you did with his brother during those three years, but he guessed that was how you coped with his death. - From Pieck’s report, he understood that you fought hard against the holder of the Founding Titan as well as the people that you trained with for three years in the district of “Shiganshina”. - He can’t imagine it was easy for you, seeing how you interacted with those people during your training. You weren’t that good of an actor, and he would inwardly scold you for being such a softhearted idiot. But you still fought against them in the end, so he couldn’t give you too much grief. - It’d been five years since he last saw you, and he was shocked to see how different you looked when you got back. You’d matured, but your eyes lacked the light he remembered them for. - You were so apologetic about what happened to Marcel, and you were constantly beating yourself up for what could be happening to Annie as well as what did happen to Bertholdt. You felt useless. - Porco wouldn’t blame you for what had happened, instead, he would shift all of his sadness and anger towards Reiner. - Reiner was the one who decided to take up leadership after his incompetence got Marcel killed. None of this was your fault. It was his. - There was discussion amongst your superiors whether or not you and Reiner should be allowed to keep your Titans, but it was ultimately decided that your loyalties still lie with Marley, much to Porco’s relief. - You had very little time to reconcile before Marley went to war with the Mid-East Allied Forces. - It was a hard-fought war that lasted four years, and with the newfound anti-Titan artillery, you had many close calls. - Despite having spent so long apart, you and Porco still worked just as well together as you had in training, but perhaps even better now in your Titan forms. - Porco stayed on task while in the middle of battle, but he had your back if and when you needed it. If he saw that you were being overwhelmed, he’d finish what he was doing immediately, or depending on the severity of your situation, put it on hold and rushing to your side. - Marley can’t afford to lose your Titan, and he’ll be damned if he’s going to lose you. - Once the war is over and you’re able to return to Liberio, Porco would try to spend as much time as possible with you. He wanted to see you with his own eyes, outside of battle and outside of someone else’s memories. - When you first got back from that island, he wasn’t all that sure about you. Years had passed, and you were only children when you left. He had convinced himself that the crush he had on you was a childish one, but the more time he spent with you, the more he began to feel that crush resurfacing. - You’d both grown and matured in your own ways during your time apart, but at your core, you were still you. You still possessed that same charms that made him fall for you in the first place. - He knows that you don’t have that much time left, so once he’s certain that he still has feelings for you, he wouldn’t waste too much time before confessing to you. - You were both afflicted with the curse of Ymir, but you inherited your Titan several years before him. He had nine years left after the war, but you only had two. - Porco is clumsy in his confession. - His words aren’t exactly his strongest point outside of his usual snark, but he would fight his way through his embarrassment to tell you how he really feels about you. - He would apologize for how immature he had acted when you were children. - He might even come off as a bit bullish, but you’ve known him for years, so you know this was his way of playing off how awkward he felt. - He knew that he wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of his life with you, but he hoped that you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with him.
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bnhayyy · 3 years
Caution and the Inverse
Wordcount: 2.6k
Ao3 Link: Click
Summary: Historia comes home to find that her girlfriend had a near-miss with a vampire slayer. Ymir is more concerned about the shirt she ruined.
Notes: This technically takes place between the second and third scene of the third chapter of The Call, but can be read without reading it. Also, thank you to @celadongirl​ and @mavzell​ for looking this over for me before I posted it!
A groan arose from the apartment the instant she walked through the door. 
The corners of her lips twitched up at the sound. She couldn't help it; after being called "Krista" all day, it was nice to hear someone call her by her name. Especially that someone - even if her deep, melodious voice was pitched up in a probably-overdramatic whine. 
She didn't bother locking the door; there was no need with Ymir around. 
Abandoning her supplies on the kitchen table, she strode into the living room with a gentle jibe on her lips. It was rare for Ymir not to walk her back from her evening art class. She could look after herself well enough to handle the walk from campus to her apartment, but she would be remiss to skip out on an opportunity to tease her girlfriend. Especially since it was usually Ymir doing the teasing; her opportunities to turn the tables were made that much more precious by their rarity. 
"Yes, you'll see that I have successfully-" 
Her words died off as she stepped into the living room and took in the sight before her. Ymir was sprawled across the couch, shirtless and with her hair falling loosely over her shoulders. Historia would have deeply appreciated the sight were it not for the gaping wound in her shoulder. 
Only inches away from her heart. 
"Ymir!" Historia cried. One hand flew up to cover her mouth, although it did nothing to stop the pickling in her eyes. Horror, sadness, stress - and maybe, if she was honest with herself, anger. 
"Historia," Ymir repeated, lifting her head to shoot her a look that was somewhere between a pout and a scowl. "You wouldn't believe what happened to that shirt you gave me."
“Nevermind the shirt!” Historia exclaimed. “What happened!?” She rushed forward as she spoke. Now that she was closer, she could see that Ymir had draped a towel down across the couch. It was spotted with a few bloodstains, but most of them seemed well on their way to drying. Unsurprising; vampires generally didn't bleed much.
So the fact that she had been bleeding that much at all...
Ymir started to shrug, then winced when she jostled her wound. "Turns out slayer one isn't totally incompetent," she said.
Historia's heart skipped a beat as the chill of dread began to wash over her. "The slayer," she said, mouth feeling dry and ashy. Then, "you were provoking the slayer."
"I wouldn't say provoking," Ymir said. A tiny shift in her eyes made her suspect that this was a blatant lie. That and the simple fact that she knew Ymir. "More like testing the waters," she continued. "Big boss vampire like me lurking around, she was about to find out about me eventually. I'd rather it be on my terms than hers."
Historia allowed her expression to fall into something icy and serious. This whole situation was hardly a surprise. She knew that Ymir had been wanting to try her hand against a slayer for a while, and if there really were two of them now, then she wouldn't be able to resist tempting fate for long. That didn't make the situation any less painful and disappointing.
It didn't make it any less dangerous.
"Did you tell her that you don't kill people?" she asked.
Ymir snorted. "I don't think there are many slayers who'd believe that."
"She might," Historia insisted. "You could explain that-"
"-that I don't kill people because my girlfriend would be disappointed in me?" A harsh bark of laughter left Ymir's mouth. "I think that might actually make it worse."
"Ymir, she almost killed you," Historia snapped. "We have to do something to keep her from hunting you down."
For a moment, it looked like Ymir would respond with confidence and bluster; a reassurance about how she could take on a slayer if it came down to it, how she'd been anticipating a fight like this since she was turned. Or maybe she would take a different angle, place emphasis on how she'd be able to handle it quickly and easily. How, aside from this one incident, Historia wouldn't even know it was happening. How it would never place her in danger.
For a moment, it looked like Ymir would rattle off an inflated excuse or empty words. Instead, she took a long look at Historia's face and faltered.
"I'll figure something out," Ymir finally relented. "But I don't want to play my hand too early. Something's going on, and I'm not going to let it catch us off guard."
Historia frowned. There was a lot that she wanted to say. However, before she could give voice to any of it, her gaze was drawn back to Ymir's wound. Not that her attention had ever actually left it. That was rather impossible, given its sheer size, the ragged nature of it, and what it represented.
"I'll be right back," Historia murmured.
As she walked away, Ymir called, "gonna patch me up?"
Despite everything, Historia smiled. "As if you weren't waiting for me," she called back.
"I mean." Ymir's voice grew fainter as she entered the bathroom. However, it was still loud enough to resonate through the little apartment. She could even picture the expressions she was sure she was making. "Who wouldn't, if they had a cute girlfriend to play nurse for them?"
Where her girlfriend's voice seemed to resonate effortlessly, Historia had to strain a little for her reply of, "lazy!"
When she looked into the bathroom mirror, her smile had grown from the small exchange. She felt it fade when she pulled the little door the mirror was on forward to reveal the shelves tucked behind it - and the first aid kit resting on one of them.
Vampires. Slayers. For all of their differences, they were very much the same in one regard. Even the very strongest of them could be just down if they had just one bad day.
And there never seemed to be anything Historia could do to stop it.
She grabbed the first aide kit and closed the cabinet door. With the mirror back in place, her own expression stared back at her. Her smile had been replaced by a look that was tired and haunted.
After a moment of staring, she forced a smile back into place. Bright, cheerful, warm, perfect, it was the exact sort of smile that people would expect from Krista Lenz. Which meant that Ymir would see through it in a second.
That was fine. Right now, Historia needed to know that she at least tried not to let her girlfriend see that it was getting to her more than she needed her to actually believe it.
Unsurprisingly, Ymir's expression, bright and playful in spite of her wound, faded into something concerned and suspicious the moment she saw her face. Historia felt a whisper of guilt for a moment, then immediately pushed it back down.
"What do you think's going on?" she asked as she approached the couch.
Ymir sat up, sweeping her legs to the side so that Historia could sit down, and angled her torso so that she could easily access the stab wound. Historia sat down, smile widening ever so slightly, and placed the first aid kit in her lap.
As Historia rifled through the kit, Ymir said, "it's the second slayer. Leonhart."
Historia paused. "Both of them were there?" she asked, struggling to keep the tenseness out of her voice.
"Nah," Ymir said. "I've just been watching both of them. The guys Leonhart lives with... I've met them before. I don't know if they'd remember me, but we've met before." She paused, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes; a sort of suspicion that edged in on condemnation. "They're vampires, Historia."
A jolt of shock ran through Historia. Nonetheless, she forced herself to open and disinfectant wipe and start cleaning Ymir's wound. There would be no need to worry about the wound getting infected; one of the benefits of being a vampire. However, she'd noticed that she had failed to clean the dried blood off the wound, and it wouldn't do to bandage her but leave that mess underneath. She cleaned in delicate swipes, careful not to inflict any further pain, although she knew that Ymir almost certainly wouldn't show it if she caused any. That required a certain degree of focus, and that focus made her take a moment to respond.
"You mean Annie Leonhart, right?" Historia eventually asked. "And the guys she lives with are Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover?" She shook her head, although it was more an expression of general surprise than genuine disbelief. The past five years had taught her better than to dismiss anything as outright impossible. Even so, she pointed out, "I've seen Reiner in the sunlight before."
"Yeah," Ymir said. "That one threw me for a loop as well. He's definitely a vampire though. I didn't think it was real, but... I think he got his hands on the Gem of Amara."
"The Gem of Amara?" Historia asked.
"Magical, legendary gem that grants a vampire invulnerability," Ymir explained, her tone caught somewhere between envy and distaste. "It lets a vampire walk in the sunlight, take a stake to the heart, prevents decapitation - as long as they're wearing it, they're unkillable."
"Oh," Historia murmured. "That... sounds like it could be problematic." Disastrous.
"Oh? I thought you were against hastily judging people?" Ymir teased.
"You're the one saying you're suspicious," Historia shot back.
The blood was more or less washed away now. It wasn't perfect, but it was as close as she could get without being more forceful. She leaned over to set the bloody wipes on the side table before opening packets of gauze and padding.
Meanwhile, Ymir's expression fell away into something more somber. "For good reason. Those guys are bad news. The people they work for..." She glanced up at the ceiling as she trailed off. Historia suspected that it was to keep her from getting a good look at her eyes. From what little she could see, they had a distant, almost lost quality to them, the sort that Ymir hated letting people see. Even her. She frowned, but focused on getting the wound dressing together instead of calling her out.
It was when she was about to press the dressing to her wound, fingers hovering centimeters away from her skin, that Ymir started talking again. "I don't know much about them, but last time I got involved with them, I died."
Historia sat there, frozen. She barely dared to breathe. But she had to. She had to breathe in order to ask, "they're the ones who...?"
"No," Ymir said. "A friend of theirs, and I took him down with me. They aren't even the reason it happened. But if they're here, it's bad news."
For a moment, all Historia could do was stare. Ymir was extremely guarded about her history. She'd never told Historia exactly how she was turned, only that it was violent. She'd certainly never told her that some sort of organization was involved, or that she'd apparently managed to take out the vampire who turned her in her final, dying moments as a human. It made her yearn to ask for more information. However, the very fact that it had taken almost three years for her to tell her this much told her that she wouldn't be getting any more. Not until Ymir was ready.
"You know the disappearances around your campus?" Ymir asked, breaking her out of her stupor.
"Of course," Historia said. As she spoke, she went ahead and pressed the dressing to Ymir's wound. She carefully ran her hands over the bandages to make sure that the adhesive edges would hold up. Once she was sure they would, her hands went still, but she didn't pull them away.
"I think they're the ones responsible for it."
"What?" Historia asked, horror leaking into her voice. "Shouldn't we do something then?" She let her hands drop to her lap, but Ymir caught one of them at the last minute and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Fuck no," Ymir said, her harsh voice a stark contrast to her gentle touch. "Ackerman's a slayer; let her figure it out. We don't need to put our asses on the line."
Historia frowned. "But you picking fights with the slayers won't."
"It's what they'd expect, and it'll let me keep an eye on the situation. Besides..." Ymir grinned. "I've only picked a fight with one slayer, and it wasn't a deathmatch or anything."
Historia's gaze drifted toward Ymir's wound. A wound obtained in something that was apparently not a deathmatch. "And do you plan on having one?" she asked.
Ymir's eyes softened. "Maybe once," she admitted. "But I wouldn't do that to you."
A painful smile tugged at Historia's lips. How broken and lonely was she if Ymir could so easily tell that she wouldn't be able to handle losing her? Still, she supposed she should be grateful. She knew how eager Ymir had been to fight a slayer, once upon a time. If her happiness was the incentive she needed to give up on that suicidal dream, then she would accept that.
With that, a thought drifted to the forefront of Historia's mind. Not one that she felt any sort of genuine hope for, if she was honest with herself, but one that felt worth voicing nonetheless. "Maybe Annie isn't with Bertolt and Reiner's group. Maybe they really are friends."
Ymir scoffed. "A slayer and a pair of vampires? Not likely."
Historia frowned. "Frieda thought humans and demons could co-exist," she murmured.
"And how long did Frieda last? A year and a half? Two?" Ymir's voice, while blunt, was not unkind. That didn't stop Historia from feeling a twist of grief in her chest.
"Nice slayers don't last long," Ymir continued. "And trust me, Ackerman and Leonhart aren't nice. They aren't going to be reaching out to any vampires any time soon." She leaned against the arm of the couch with a slight huff. "Besides, you need to remember that vampires aren't the sweetest creatures either. Even if they are friends on some level, there will have been an outside force that brought them together."
Historia stared at her girlfriend. She wanted to frown - the combination of the pain still rolling in her chest and what she had just said made her feel like she should be frowning. Even so, the slightest of smiles tugged at her lips. "You say that," she said, "and yet..."
"I'm not sweet," Ymir huffed. "And you aren't a slayer."
"Maybe," Historia acknowledged. "But-"
"But nothing," Ymir said. "I love you; the rest of the world could burn for all I care. Let the terrible trio ravage everyone else on campus if they want. I'm keeping an eye on this situation because I don't want us caught in a battleground between two slayers if it goes sour."
Historia stared at Ymir for a long moment. Aside from the bit about loving her, she couldn't tell how much of what she said was true and how much was a lie.
She supposed it didn't matter in the end. Historia was part of the world. Letting it burn would be counterintuitive to Ymir's priorities.
"Alright," Historia said, a small smile playing at her lips. "But for now nothing's burning, so... get to bed."
Ymir smirked. "Oh?"
"For rest," Historia deadpanned. "You aren't in the condition for anything else."
"You're no fun," Ymir sighed. "Join me anyway?"
Historia's smile widened and softened. "Of course."
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