#but he is in fact a happy boy
garussy · 1 year
Hc that Jason has very droopy eyes and a very sad look to his face.
The way he carries himself and the way he talks makes him look like a very bright and happy person.
But if a stranger sees him sitting alone just existing they think he just had the worst day ever and feel so bad.
In reality he is repeating “hot dog” in his head over and over again.
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mayomkun · 15 days
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But I still think of you
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unfamd · 2 years
i strongly believe that in any universe modern or otherwise lwj uses lan xichen as a kind of confessional like a catholic priest. he literally comes into lan xichen's room at four pm precisely because that's the scheduled time that he allows himself to share an Emotion with his brother and sits down and says in a distinctly monotone yet perfectly recognisably anguished tone 'brother i have sinned' and lan xichen sighs very quietly because he doesn't want to hurt his brother's feelings and puts down his pen and says 'is this about wei wuxian' very gently and Lan Wangji is like 'mn' because it has never once Not been about wei wuxian. and then he says something that is Kind Of Weird, But Still Not A Sin like 'he fell asleep when we were studying and i watched his ribcage moving up and down for thirty eight minutes until he choked on nothing and woke himself up; am i evil' and once again lan xichen will kind of not-sigh in a way that makes it very obvious that in all other ways except physical he Is, Indeed, Sighing and has to reassure the most rigidly distraught younger brother in the history of mankind that what he is suffering from is in fact a malady known colloquially as a crush
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jaeyxns · 8 months
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A Special Day With Layla🥰
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bonyato · 9 months
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꒰♥️꒱» Funny Poor Boy eat a Pepsi Funny Cola.
Extracted from this specific moment from one of WayneRadioTV'S Chulip streams bc it lives in my head rent-free.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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More MDZS and Hollow Knight! The cool bugs I found in my backyard have started to unionize.
Part 1 - Part 3
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ceru-draws · 1 year
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I hope this wei wuxian portrait brings a little warmth and happiness to your feed :') ☀ ☀ ☀
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skibasyndrome · 7 months
I'm completely obsessed with and emo over the way Wilhelm carries himself now that he knows Simon loves him, too.
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(just a sidenote, but the duality of love and devotion towards Simon on one side and revolt and confident deviance towards everyone watching him, including us on the other.... these frames make me unwell...)
Like, that's absolutely the stance and face (and smile) of someone who's done with putting his own and his boyfriend's (!!!) needs behind those of the people who never cared about what he actually wanted.
Knowing him and Simon are on the same page now, finally, really is all he needs to face off against the consequences of living authentically and openly. He knows that together, they'll be fine.
I'd like to think his resistance is starting here already, facing off Jan-Olof with this stare and not pulling away as fast as Simon - who after all just offered to be Wilhelm's secret - is.
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It's so beautiful to see how much this has done for him in the S3 snippet. I feel like it's the first time he's moving like he's not a stranger on his own home anymore, like he's now commanding the place, like he's finally calling the shots. Sure, there are and there will be adversities (“I just wish it wasn't because of this”), but Wilhelm won't let them get in the way of him and Simon loving and supporting each other.
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“They won't start without us” He knows it's true and really isn't giving a fuck anymore who might get mad at them, he knows that they won't be able to play this down, make him deny everything again, they can't take back his confession in front of every single phone in all of Hillerska, and he won't let them try to, either. He's ready to fight, that revolution they started back in season 1 is now really picking up, and they're in it together.
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And god, it looks like it's healing him so much, he's so confident now, Simon by his side really gave him the strength he needed.
Like, the journey from the way he's desperately holding on to him at the confession, seemingly drinking it all in, those words he probably hasn't even dared dreaming of hearing from Simon and do taken aback by his emotions to the way he exudes confidence, strength, and conviction even in the face of adversity... the development is so beautiful.
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The combination of love and confidence is one hell of a drug, and Wilhelm gets both from and through Simon... I'm convinced they are going to be one hell of a power couple this next season.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
What I Say: I'm fine. What I Mean: There was a Star Trek Novel in which Tuvok and Jack Crusher (Beverely's Husband) have to go undercover in a bathhouse that they think is a brothel to get information out of a potential lead and because of a series of hijinks at one point must come to terms with the fact that they're definitely going to have to go into the boss's private room completely naked and might have to go even further than that to get the info they truly need. They were ready to go all in on that "I'm not gay but a mission's a mission" life.
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Transcripts under the cut
[Image 1:
“We’re here to meet someone,” he said. “I was told that a Melacron named Pudris Barrh enjoyed visiting this establishment.” The alien smiled. “Oh, I see…you’re one of Barrh’s boys,” she remarked with a knowing lilt. Barrh’s boys? Crusher asked himself. What did she mean by that? He experienced a moment of alarm but kept his composure.
“If you can get past Old Scowly there,” the female continued, “you can join Barrh at his pleasures if you like." She raised a long slender arm and pointed to a gilded door to her right.] [Image 2:
“I don’t know for certain what kind of establishment this is,” said the commander, “but I can make a pretty good guess.”
“Unfortunately,” the Vulcan whispered back with sincere and undisguised revulsion, “so can I.”
"Still, we may have to go along with it.” Crusher regarded Tuvok. “Would that…pose a problem?”  “Naturally,” the Vulcan replied.
The commander grunted. “I was afraid you would say that.”
“And knowing what I do of human marriage customs,” said Tuvok, “I would imagine it would pose a problem for you as well.”
Crusher looked lost “Maybe we could just play along for some of it…for the sake of-”
“My master will see you now,” said Old Scowly. He had reappeared before the Vulcan knew it. “You may enter through the changing room, remove your clothes, and join Pudris Barrh at his pleasures.”] [Image 3:
As it happened, Tuvok wasn’t happy either. If he didn’t know better, he would have said that the uncomfortable sensation in the pit of his stomach was apprehension. Of course, that was impossible. His control over his emotions was impeccable. And yet the sensation remained.
“There must be another way,” said Crusher. “There is no other way,” the Vulcan told him. “This is the situation in which your plan has placed us.” He knew his words sounded biting, but he didn’t wish any of them back.
The human ran his hands through his thick, dark hair. “Damn it,” he said, “If Beverely ever…” “Find out about this?” the ensign suggested.
Frowning, Crusher nodded. “But as you say, there’s no other option open to us. I guess we’ll just deal with whatever comes as best we can.” He grunted. “The things we do for king and country.”] [Image 4:
When the air cleared for a moment - a byproduct of their entrance - the Vulcan was able to get a better look at their host. He was rather corpulent for a Melacron, it seemed, and more pale-looking than most.
As thick, sludgy ripples made their slow way outward from Barrh’s generous torso, he waved to Tuvok and Crusher. “Please, gentlemen, join me. We’ve not met yet, but there are few better places to get to know someone than in The House of Comfort!”
[Crusher] and Tuvok exchanged a quick glance. Taking a deep breath, the human walked up to the carpeted stairs and placed first one foot, then the other, into the hot, liquid muck.
The ensign had little choice but to follow suit. He assured himself, as he sank up to his chest in the thick, surprisingly pleasant-smelling stuff, that there was realy no logical reason T’Pel ever had to become acquainted with this misadventure.
Besides, he reflected, there was quite a good chance that the majority of his and Crusher’s actions would be classified. He had to confess that he found some comfort in the prospect.]
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Tuvok and Crusher apparently both go home and tell their wives about this experience. I don't know if we learn of T'Pel's reaction but Beverely apparently thinks its hilarious!
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tragedy-for-sale · 2 months
How Highly he Thought of You
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Look, I really just want to say that if this is a trial based on Yoda's deepest fears and desires, meaning one of his desires is for Obi-Wan to have known Dooku
If this is how Yoda wants things to be, he wants Dooku to still be with the Jedi and he wants Obi-Wan to know him. Yoda knows Obi-Wan would adore Dooku, he knows that if Dooku was still there, the loss of Qui-Gon might've not ruined him so much, because Dooku would be there and maybe Obi-Wan would've been okay.
Look how Obi-Wan doesn't take his eyes from Dooku, he adores him, he cannot stop smiling and he's just so invested in everything Dooku has to say. This is a child wonderstruck by old stories their Grandfather tells them. This is the Obi-Wan Yoda knows he would be if things hadn't gone how they had. He'd be happy, Yoda sees Obi-Wan's suffering and his strength and loyalty to the Jedi, he sees all that and knows Obi-Wan isn't happy, that he carries such a burden, so in Yoda's utopia there is such an emphasis on Obi-Wan's happiness because it isn't fair for Obi-Wan to suffer so much when he's never strayed from the light.
Yoda knows this, and he knows if he still had those two, Obi-Wan wouldn't suffer so.
Think of Obi-Wan's seat on the council too, we know Dooku was offered a seat and that Qui-Gon was too, then Obi-Wan and Anakin. Their entire (disaster) lineage was offered council seats, perhaps because Yoda, though Jedi cannot form attachments, offered Obi-Wan that seat because of how much it meant for Yoda to have one, one that turned out okay. And maybe Yoda looks at Obi-Wan and sees Qui-Gon, he sees Dooku, and his pain is a little less.
One of my favorite things to do are analysis' like these, if you want to see my take on a certain scenes send a request in perhaps :3
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bird-inacage · 3 months
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LOVE SEA | Intro: Behind the Scenes (Possessive Hugs)
😂😂😂 Why does he look like a pouty, surly, jealous child?
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thesweetnessofspring · 9 months
k so that poll about where Katniss and Peeta live once they're together is going around and I'm not here to tell anyone their headcanon is wrong but I keep seeing one thing in some tags that bothers me and that's the idea that Peeta's house doesn't have any ghosts, and the implication that Katniss is suffering the loss of Prim more than Peeta is suffering the loss of his family. His entire family.
I know his family didn't live with him, I know he had a bad relationship with his mom and his relationship with the rest of his family is a mystery, but that doesn't mean his house doesn't have ghosts. We don't know exactly what happened there besides the fact that he lived alone. His brothers could have come by to cheer him up, bringing cards to play poker and slap jack. He and his dad could have worked on new baking recipes in his kitchen. And look, even abusive parents aren't always terrible, and maybe his mom was trying to repair their relationship when he got back. We just don't know! And even if no one ever stepped a foot in his house the whole time, that is a whole other ghost--a feeling that he was never home, a house of his nightmares and pain and loneliness following returning from the Games.
I get that Katniss's loss was devastating and she externally reacts to it more than Peeta, who tries to hide the effect of his trauma, and I understand the logic that Peeta's house is easier or he would stuff down the pain to ease Katniss's, but he has ghosts in his house, too.
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midnight-skylie · 1 month
Long time headcanon of mine:
During the super sons era Damian turned Jon vegetarian. He lectured Jon the farm boy that he is that he's eating his animal friends and terrify Jon.
"What do you mean I'm eating a cow?! I have a cow in my family farm I know😭"
"Yeah by eating that stake you're eating your Nancy! And also Batcow!"
Damian would definitely use Jon's big heart and his shared love for animals to get him stop eating meat (good for him!).
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larsnicklas · 5 months
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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐱 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐍𝐘𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 🏒 But at a certain point in a person’s life you either sink or swim, and nothing really matters anymore. What else could they do to him now beyond this? Fuck them.
photos: mark blinch / mark blinch / andrew lahodynskyj
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moeblob · 5 months
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Thinking about my dumb OCs ever since I saw a video of two guys trying to demonstrate the kabedon and one of them could not stop laughing...
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thekintsugikids · 10 months
so much for (tour) dust, the healing tour of all time
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