#but he makes a decent number of bug sculptures so i think he probably likes them at least a little
mixelation · 1 year
a homemade dynamite post: so i've written konoha as teaching its kids to be pretty open about the aburame bug thing-- like they do intentionally try to cultivate of culture of "no but you can't just kill kikaichu and also please stop calling shime 'beehive' at recess." but that doesn't mean people don't think individual aburame aren't weird/talk about bugs too much/etc. what i am saying is that shiori wasn't BULLIED in the academy but also she wasn't popular and didn't have many friends
and then deidara asks her if he can sketch her bugs because he thinks they're neat 🥺🥺🥺
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sleepychai-fics · 7 years
Damian Wayne x Poor!Reader - Love isn’t Money
Requested: Yes
@redrookrising​ asked;  Hi! I saw a post from you about wanting requests to write stuff for DC, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to do something (short story, head cannon, whatever you want!) about an older Damian Wayne dating a reader who loves him a lot, but grew up poor and is kind of worried about not fitting in with the rest of his world? (Being uncomfortable at galas or with going on lavish dates, fearing that people might think that they’re taking advantage, etc?) sorry it’s such a long request!
so i may have swerved a bit off the request but hopefully it’s still ok.
Hope you enjoy.
The Wayne Manor was decorated in luxury. Crystal chandeliers hung from almost every large room, sparkling in the envy of the light. Shiny silver platter decorated the outdoor tables with the indoor tables being filled with expensive delicacies.
The Wayne boys were spread out through the ball room, all doing their own thing, except for of course Bruce Wayne who was never able to get a step in before he was pulled in a different direction.
Dick was where the ladies were, of course, most likely using his dashing looks and charm to flirt some of the ladies into his bed tonight.
Jason was most likely going to be outside, not bothering to converse with the guests at all. Probably having a smoke.
Tim would most definitely be participating on behalf of Bruce, meeting up with all the important business clients and customers, maybe even striking a deal or two, who knows.
You however, stood off to a corner, the beautiful (colour) dress hugging your body. You hugged your body, not from the cold but the way the dress felt.
You see, you weren’t born into the rich, in fact, you were rather poor. You struggled to pay your bills and buy necessities. You lived by yourself in a small apartment in old Gotham. You had moved out of your parents home because you didn’t want to add any extra cost for them. They both had full time jobs and you hardly got to see them so you decided it was best for you to move out as soon as you finished high school in order to de-stress them. They both tried to get you out of the idea but you were stubborn when it came to them. You saw the struggles they had to keep you in school and you hated being a big money burden on them.
You worked at a cafe down the street, it wasn’t the best paying job but you got a somewhat decent amount of money from it. Your job was how you met Damian. He had come into the cafe, ordering a vegetarian sandwich. He became a regular customer and always seemed to visit only on your shifts. One night as you were working the night shift, some thugs came in and started demanding money. 3 seconds later the windows were smashed and Batman and Robin were there. You had instantly recognised Robin as Damian. His cheek bones were one of a kind. The day after you had confronted him after he made a visit to your house, asking if you were okay. He was appalled that you had found out his identity but complimented you on your smarts. He and you exchanged phone number and from there is history.
Not the most romantic love story but you weren’t complaining. After you had found out he was the son of Bruce Wayne, you nearly jumped out of your skin. You were dating a billionaires son.
You got a full sight on it with his first date he took you on. He had bought you an extremely expensive dress and had taken you on this beautiful city view restaurant. You loved it, you really did, but it didn’t feel right for you, you didn’t feel like you belonged in that environment.
Now most people would expect you to take the money for granted, but you were far from most people. Every time Damian tried to give you money, to pay your bills, to help with groceries, you would turn him down. It’s not like you turned down his generosity, you just felt like you had no right to chew off of him. You had no intentions on taking someones money for granted, you wanted to earn all your money yourself, you wanted to conquer life as it is and fight for yourself. You didn’t want to cheat through life, that would be too easy. Besides, what’s life without it’s ups and downs?
As for the gala your currently attending and the dress you’re wearing, Damian had insisted that you attended tonight for you to show yourself to the public how you had become a true part of his heart.
The public hated you, to be blunt. They despised you, wanted to rip you away from Damian. So much so that so many rumours about you had spread, about how you were a money whore who was only dating a billionaire for his money, and how you were a prostitute off the street. Everything said about was fake of course, but that didn’t stop the emotional pain. You had almost broken up with Damian, had it not been for the intervention of Alfred revealing a recent news article about your relationship. Damian realised soon after and comforted you in his arms. The next morning, Bruce was informed and he made a very angry announcement to the public.
You got along really well with his family and had obtained a good relationship with everyone. Bruce was a hard one to obtain but he soon accepted your relationship, and he completely understood how you felt about money. Your parents met them once and were surprised at how understanding they were of the situation, considering they were on two completely different levels on the money spectrum.
You once again, played with the dress around your thighs, not liking the fact that it stuck to you. That’s when you heard them again, the gossip girls.
“Oh my goodness, there’s the money whore again. I bet my purse that she begged Damian for that dress.”
“I would’ve thought that she had him in bed last night just to even attend this gala.”
“Why is she even here? It’s not like she here to donate.”
“Maybe she’s donating her life to the garbage.”
“Oh please, like her life could even make up a dollar.”
That was the last straw. You restricted yourself from punching the girls as it would attract more unwanted attention to you.
Instead, you opted for storming out of the ball room and outdoors. Your feet seemed to be on automatic as they lead you away from the guests and to the opposite side of the house. You didn’t realise where you were going until you reached a large fountain than ran a couple metres from the house to the garden, fairy lights adorning every tree. Sculptures of bugs lay at every metre and and the end of the fountain, laid a stone bench.
Your stinging eyes looked at the stone bench and your legs seemed to follow. The tears didn’t fall until you had sat down on the bench. You place a hand over your mouth to stifle the sobs that broke out. You held no care as the applied makeup on your face began to smudge and tun down your face. The sharp wave of cold rushed through your body as the night wind washed over you.
You poured out your tears as the humility and shamefulness hits you fully. You don’t know how long you stay there, weeping senselessly into the cold night, all you know is that a familiar tuxedo jacket wrapping around your shoulders is what brings you out of your breakdown.
Your sobs stop, as well as your tears, as you turn around, locking eyes with the concerned green eyes that belong to your boyfriend.
“You’re going to freeze out here beloved.” He states as he takes his spot next to you and wraps his arms around you, bringing your form into his chest.
You tilt your head away slightly, trying not to smear his white shirt with your make-up. That is how you remain for another few minutes. Snuggled into Damian’s chest as he runs his fingers through your hair.
“Was it the rumours again?” He asks quietly, almost scared as if he’ll break you.
You reluctantly nod your head as you pull away from Damian and wipe away your tears and makeup the best you can.
Damian reaches over and into his inside tuxedo pocket, pulling out a small pack of tissues, he pulls out one and hands it to you whilst he grabs another and starts wiping away at your face. You wipe away at your hands with the tissue, getting rid of all the smudged up colour and tears while Damain finishes up wiping your face.
Once he finishes, he takes both tissue and tucks them away in his pants pockets.
“You look better without makeup anyway beloved.” He smiles down at you, which is a sight to remember. “I am sorry I dragged you here tonight. I shouldn’t have done that when you have reasons to not want to be there. I am sorry for your pain tonight (Y/n), I promise that I’ll handle them myself.”
You smile lightly up at him and lean onto his frame, placing your head at his neck and looking out to the garden. He places his chin atop your head, joining you in viewing the garden.
“This isn’t your fault, none of it is. I understand you wanted me to be here to try to persuade the public, but I just don’t think that they’ll be persuaded as easily.”
You feel Damian's sigh ruffle your hair. “It is not you’re fault either, don’t drag yourself down with their comments about you. You are better then they are, they don’t have the brain to realise that you are someone who is kind and thoughtful. In fact, they wouldn’t be much different either. They have no chance in life if they think everything is money. Money isn’t what makes love, the heart is.”
Your smile spread at Damian’s words. You lift your head out of his neck, staring into his eyes as he also looks down at you. You bring your lips to his, encasing them in the familiar warmth and safety. You pull away after a few seconds and look up at him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You two peck once again before returning your eyes to the dimly lit garden, the gala and the gossip girls completely forgotten about.
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