#but he’s anthro adjacent
filurig · 1 year
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he has been birdified (mistle thrush)
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g0ddyke · 11 days
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fun lil thing before bed - this is what the sona in my icon looks like now :) this was part of a lingerie series (featuring asphodel (pre-op trans guy, he/him), saoirse (bigender transfem, she/her/he/him), and harlow (cis woman, she/her)) I posted to Assorted Platforms, but not to tumblr, because tumblr's moderation scares me! You can check it out on Furaffinity, Mastodon, or Bluesky depending on your preferences
Stray is a post op trans man who uses he/it pronouns btw :)
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wolfisblank · 1 year
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I'm such a bad furry I never draw him like this
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rathandz · 11 months
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sum art of my oc sage over these past few months!!!!!!!!! even tho he hasn't been on the brain as much recently i still love this bozo dearly..............the middle one is an au where hes a tiger furry!! and also just. general style experimentation as outside of that it also looks pretty different to how i usually draw LOL
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betweenlands · 3 months
sbk members species + respawn hcs
Viking -- "human." he's unsure how he respawns, and unknowingly this is because it's tied to something/someone that would really prefer to avoid detection.
Fix -- lumian. they just have innate respawn in some universes, wild right? it's fine, don't worry about it.
Fool -- was human at some point, probably, but is a little bit too god-touched to classify as that now. his god is actively trying to keep him alive.
Milkman -- nobody knows, but he's immortal by default of getting himself kicked out of every single afterlife in existence.
Kittrix -- sculky and might be an insect of some type (credit goes to @mallowbees for the latter). whenever she dies, a new Kittrix crawls out of the ground at her spawnpoint like a warden with her memory fully intact.
Trog -- don't ask. as for respawn, though, even if they hadn't done dark magic about that ages ago to make sure they'd never die, they effectively made the Skyblock world.
Ruby -- "human" as well. The Bearer Of The Curse. it's unclear as to if this curse is just immortality or if it's something else as well. some people who've stood near the point where zhe respawns have heard ticking clock noises...
Vintage -- human-adjacent, but a shapeshifter sometimes randomly have pointy ears or a unicorn horn or mantis mandibles or what have you. someone in her recent family history was probably fair folk. whatever afterlife she keeps getting sent to, they're suckers and are easily sweet-talked into letting her come back to life for free.
Leon -- just sort of a general anthro penguin situation (with maybe a little bit of endermite in there too). has too much chorus fruit in his system still and taking damage -- especially void damage -- will cause him to teleport, often several times at once. he usually drops all his stuff when this happens before ending up teleporting back home.
Josh -- a really fun guy. regrows. like a fungits. he's a mushroom.
Avid -- human, then ex-human (and largely made up of corpseplants), then a monkey. his boss won't let him die. whether this is a work benefit or a horrible drawback is entirely unclear.
Doovid -- was legitimately human prior to turning into a monkey. whenever he dies, time freezes, he sees an Instability detected. Player restored and game paused popup message out of the corner of his eyes, and then he resets back to where he woke up that morning with no stuff.
Kale -- pigy (potentially an alien, credit to @moxijunk for that one). has normal respawn, but goes full Gmod ragdoll when he dies before eventually fading and respawning. can't actually take Void deaths as he will loop back to the top of the skybox until he hits something solid, at which point he and his items vaporize on impact.
M1g -- lumian-enderdragon hybrid (credit to @autisticlalna for the former and @moxijunk for the latter). lumians do in fact have respawn in some universes; M1g specifically is here on assignment so he's been given respawn in order to blend in and maintain cover.
Marmalade -- human, still, something she's a little bit grumpy about because she thinks becoming a nonhuman would be pretty cool. whenever she dies the Void picks her up and oh so gently sets her back down at her spawnpoint with a pat on the head.
Teaish -- dryad, or at the very least a plant person. her fortune specifically said she was going to have a nice day and permadying would really ruin that :(
Anathra -- questionably human (he can see through the fourth wall, but also, he seems totally human otherwise). lags out heavily until he eventually restabilizes, erratically teleporting around and resetting his position several times in sort of a combination of Leon and Doovid's respawn styles. drops all his stuff during this process. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one)
Acorn -- tanuki (this seems to be a general consensus, idk who to credit) and also maybe fae (credit to @mallowbees). transforms into a leaf, and then a leaf on top of the Spruce island transforms into her. can't carry her inventory with her when doing this, though. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one as well)
Elffe -- some sort of Netherborn, although his exact species is unknown. regrows when he dies (it's very fleshy and a little bit gross).
Artemis -- human, but slightly to the left. weird portal-based respawn that will often evaporate her items while she's traveling. (credit to @fallow-foot for these)
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official-darkforest · 5 months
i am SOOO unbelievably thrilled by your anthro au omg. do you have fashion ideas for the characters? like their favorite outfits, fabrics, etc? imo one of the best parts of anthro characters is deciding how they'd express themselves through their clothing :]
I HAVE A FEW ALREADY!!!! i dont have many specifics because theres so many characters ahd i havent drawn them all yet LOL but i'll share the ones i do have at least SOMETHING for
im also trying to keep these reasonable for the time period and location, as in my au the clan cats are mostly rural and in small towns set (mostly) before the 2000s so most may dress more modest and conservative (especially if theyre older and very religious)
squirrelflight - the best i can describe her sense of fashion is that it ranged from tomboy as a younger girl and is currently closer to a working class butch. im not sure if masc would be a more appropriate term since i dont hc her as a lesbian (shes bi) but she dresses "like a man" and owns a lot of jeans, slacks, and button-up shirts of all kinds of fabrics and patterns. she also enjoys bright colors as well, but as she got older her fashuon sense got a little more sensible and less "loud" like it was in the 60s and 70s. she also has glasses like her daddy once shes like 35 or so. she and firestar dressed very similarly, and a lot of her shirts and neckties are things she stole from his closet
feathertail - very feminine. hippie adjacent, lots of loose and flowing garments and jingly pieces. breatheable clothes and open toed shoes. her favorite swimsuit had some little frilly bits on it i think. often combines neutral earthy tones with blues and whites
crowfeather - lots of handmedowns from his father. clothes you can do farmwork in like jeans, overalls, hardy flannel/denim shirts and boots. never grew out of this and still dresses this way and he likes it
jayfeather - he looks like a modernized (as far as the 80s goes) version of his father - same hairstyle snd way of dress. he isnt too formal but does have some more preppiness to his clothing style (polo shirts and sweaters). he avoids full button downs since buttoning them himself jjust gets frustrating since he cant match them up every time. new wave band shirts. he also wears orange tinted glasses to protect his eyes (in this au i wrote that hes able to perceive shadows and light pretty okay, but not much else beyond that) And Kinda As A Fashion Statement cuz it goes well with his facial structure and hairstyle i think
lionblaze - hes like if the stereotypical jock and stereotypical 80s rock+metal enthusiast had a baby. muscle tees and bandanas, ripped jeans, those absurdly short shorts, crop tops, etc. he's a drummer i think if that matters LOL
ivypool - punk, also sorta like joan jett to an extent. very homemade, tho sometimes she gets lazy and doesnt really commit to the outfits all the way (but definitely has the mindset, dint get me wrong). one of those girls with a chest small enough to go braless 99% of the time; wears a lot of tank tops and sleeveless shirts LOL
bone/brick/scourge - just google "the outsiders movie" or "greaser" and you'll get the idea. tho i imagine these three in particular also have some kind of bare minimum formalwear scraped together from their escapades. theyre kinda like the jetts/sharks from west side story if that helps at all
daisy - she combines flowing, pretty dresses with a sunhat and work boots. she also teaches horseback riding and owns a few (its a business she runs w smokey and floss. i think its be funny if they were polyam ITS MY AU I CAN CHANGE WHAT I WANT) and she has horseback-appropriate clothing as well
poppyfrost - THEE preppy girl of the 80s. big hair, perm and all. dresses with pastel colors. her sisters cinderheart and honeyfern are pretty similar, tho i imagine honeyfern is a little more sporty and cinderheart takes inspiration from madonna once shes trying to court lionblaze
hazeltail - long haired country girl butch. enough said
spottedleaf snd cinderpelt are nuns lol
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fioras-resolve · 17 days
Here's our 6th Daybreak Hearts moodboard! Only one more to go! (Note: This is a general moodboard for my tactics RPG's character designer and will not reflect her final design.)
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(The anthro cat is @wolfertinger666's character Hitomi, hope he's flattered and not insulted that she's the image I used to represent A Trans Cat Girl.)
Once again, Yuri is best understood in the context of the previous character Asteria. Their chapter is about a relationship with a bit of a conflict. See, Yuri is really touch-starved and needs to be at all times near Asteria, who values her personal space. In tactical gameplay, this is reflected as Yuri healing when the two are adjacent, and Asteria healing otherwise. The idea is that you don't play as any one character, but the relationship itself, balancing both characters' needs in the face of adversity.
This is something I want to handle carefully, because both sides of this should be presented as sympathetic, but in relationships past I have been the Asteria, and occasionally the Yuri. I'm worried, just like with Asteria, that this might be poor representation, but I also want to hold firm to my commitment that tactics gameplay can be a powerful tool for storytelling. At some point I've just gotta go for it, you know?
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
manns like furry adjacent not because he likes anthro stuff but because he finds the like sensory experience of fur/scales very appealing
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
Your scale/graph of Anthro/Intelligent Animal Media brings up some interesting questions about how other furry-adjacent media fits in the system. Zootopia, for example, has enough modern human elements to reach a similar area as Robin Hood, but the characters being animals and the societal structure that creates is a big part of the main plot. Madagascar, on the other hand, has animals that can alternate between bipedal and quadropedal movement, use or even create tools and machinery but, while they can communicate just fine with other animals, in-universe humans can’t understand them, and they maintain the habits and social structure (or at least the general idea) from their IRL counterparts. To an extent that the zoo animals have idyllic aspirations of returning to “The Wild” and abandoning their more humanoid lifestyle.
Zootopia is non-euclidean furryspace! and was in fact the example I was thinking of when I said that if you go any further along the scale than Redwall, you are no longer writing anthropomorphic fiction, you're writing a normal story with anthro characters in it.
(Essentially, I have to respectfully disagree; the characters being animals isn't a plot point, because they're not "animals". They're furries. They are as much "animals" as humans are, ie, yeah but only in a taxonomic technicality. Their animalistic TRAITS are a plot point, but at that point, you're not writing a story about how animals navigate through and see the world, which is an essential part of writing actual anthropomorphic fiction. It's kind of in the name--when a story stops being about ANIMALS with PEOPLE traits, and starts being about PEOPLE with ANIMAL traits, you leave the "anthropomorphic fiction" genre.)
Madagascar on the other hand is a FASCINATING example!
Let's see. The Y axis, I'd place it--oh god dammit i JUST noticed that I never fixed a placement glitch/misclick. Somehow WD ended up further right than Black Beauty and Aristocats which is nonsensical. Fuck. That's gonna piss me off so bad--Sorry. Anyway.
The z-axis (degree of "talking animals" present) SEEMS like it would be the most straightforward. We see Alex trying to talk to humans and all they hear is roaring, so we already know that there's a lot of artistic license going on in terms of what WE see vs what IN-UNIVERSE HUMANS see. However they clearly don't realize this is happening, so I'd put it decently left of center--the animals understand and engage with humans to such a degree that they genuinely believe humans can understand them back.
The thing that makes its placement on the other axes tricky is the aforementioned translation convention. Like....it's obvious that what humans are seeing during Madagascar appears to them to be normal animal behavior. Presumably, they're NOT actually bipedal and that's just an artistic representation of how in-tune the characters are with their instincts at any given time.
On the X axis? Genuinely no idea--obviously they don't have a lot of natural behaviors, but that's because they're born and raised in captivity and have zero forms of natural enrichment in their unbelievably shitty enclosures (just saying). The presence of that translation convention where we KNOW that from a human perspective their behavior is interpreted as not outside the realm of believability makes it difficult.
That being said, the zookeepers clearly are aware of Marty's stash of birthday gifts over the years and Alex implies he was able to PURCHASE or otherwise request his own merchandise so I'm gonna put us pretty far left on the animalistic behavior scale.
This next bit would be easier if I'd phrased the y-axis better--I was genuinely struggling to put it into words, and I don't think I did a great job. Probably it would be better summarized as "animal culture replicates human culture" so we'll use that.
ALL the way at the bottom. It's made clear that there really is no "animal" culture. The zoo animals are fish out of water, but that's because they're New Yorkers dropped in a Madagascar jungle. The lemurs are not exhibiting what we're meant to view as natural lemur behavior; they even refer to Alex starting to exhibit natural behavior as "going savage" in a way they don't even seem to view the fossa hunters. So there's no unconnected, distinct animal cultures going on here. (Or, if they exist in theory somewhere, they are literally never depicted and their theoretical existence is actively denied at every opportunity.)
god im SO mad about that like. fraction of an inch off on WD's alignment on the chart this is going to haunt me for YEARS--
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apologies if this is invasive: are all of your headmates wolves as well? just wondering because our inner shape tends to change depending on who's fronting, and are curious if any of yours differ from your wolven body
Nah, you're good!
Most of our headmates aren't wolves, actually. The only full-wolf headmate that comes to mind is Alcove, but ze's only fronted once and that was years ago. We have some werewolves, such as Ramses, Owl, a few of the (other) Wills and Halts, Lewin, etc, but most folks aren't themselves wolves or werewolves. The "default", as we call it, Oakley, is actually an anthro cat, and its partner, Twitch, is... not quite human? Kind of like half-cricket, half-elf? He's a partial fictive based on a guy from a book series we haven't read in 6 or so years so the details are fuzzy. The vast majority of our headmates, while they aren't necessarily human, are human-adjacent (eg., Carmen is only vaguely human (although human-appearing) due to magic, and zhe also probably have some latent werewolf stuff considering zhe're Ramses' dad but it's unconfirmed; Snail, our bookkeeper/sentry, is a humanoid snail; Hiro is half bird; Sunny is a dragon shifter, as is zyr son Raydin; etc etc). It's essentially alongside the lines of an extranthaeic system (a system consisting primarily of nonhuman headmates) existing in a human body, but for us, it's a collective made up primarily of non-wolves existing in a wolf body.
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tc-doherty · 6 months
Anyway, unicorns!
I tended to draw more unicorn adjacent things than actual unicorns for some reason so I'll start off with some more typical ones and go from there:
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Anthro unicorns:
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This counts I guess:
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(his name stands for cute undead flaming unicorn shrimp, I drew him several times, he's just a little guy)
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roguemonsterfucker · 10 months
(Half fantasy half fanfic I guess lmao)
You ever watched the anime BNA (Brand New Animal)? Long story short, a race living alongside humans that are basically animals that shift from anthro to pretty much just a human. The have animal instincts and really identify more with it (there is a whole episode about an Albatross who doesn't want "human rights" because then he won't be able to migrate as he naturally would).
One of the characters is a giant immortal wolf who is worshipped as a god and works in social work. He's normally cool or a tad tsundere but I love anything that goes into his animalistic side ❤️ Especially since the main character is accidentally transformed into a beastman via a blood transfusion (she's a tanuki and gets transformation powers) so her going into heat for the first time and he takes her. Human form, beastman form, full sized giant wolf form?? 🥵 Her body can take it, she can adjust. Him becoming possessive over her for the DAYS she's in heat and essentially keeping her locked up.
(actually I have a thing about giant canines and their tiny human or human adjacent partner. Like "is there any possible way for their regular cock to fit let alone their knot. OMFG I think that's as big as my body" big. Like werewolves but way bigger 💖 and admittedly I prefer my monster partner to have the ability to consent it makes them acting feral in bed more fun imo)
I love BNA
I love that wolf dude
I love this 😳
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puppianqueen · 6 months
WarioWare, 4 and 10!
4. (Personal headcanon / interpretation of characters, in any sense)
answered quite a bit of this already but i do have more to offer considering at some point i replaced my brain with a nonstop dialogue generator
most things i could say about the volts are more projection-adjacent but i still have some fun ideas about them and game hardware
i think 18volt would collect different models of rhythm game controllers, as a sort of parallel to 9volt's collection of earlier nintendo history. he ends up making like the mario universe equivalent of the planetclue/kkclue videos on rhythm games and their controllers/dance pads i think
9volt's dream 3DS pattern is either the New 3DS Mario Maker one or generally any of them themed after older consoles. he probably was able to score one near the end of the system's production life (so sometime between Gold's launch and late 2020) i think 18volt's favorite 3DS pattern would be the Year of Luigi 3DS XL. 5volt's would be a lot more subdued in color, probably with the matching theme if it comes packaged with one
not directly volt related but ralphie from Gold is a lot quieter in person than in online play. he does in fact Lock In when he needs to
i think about this everytime nintendo consoles are brought up in context to anthro characters but is the mii system still the same there or does it have like animal feature options
10. (1 series character gets a plush or figure, who is it?)
smooth moves penny plush. mr nintendo my DMs are open and i vastly undercharge services for other peoples' approval
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gascon-en-exil · 4 months
I recall you had a muted reaction to Askr compared to the rest of the fandom, saying his design didn't deliver on the horny potential of a bull god.
Do you consider Eikþyrnir an improvement in this regard?
Somewhat, although the overall presentation still feels decidedly off compared to what I'd expect out of the idea of a deer (or moose? Eh, same category basically) guy from dedicated monsterfuckers. His antlers are a part of his costume rather than on his body, he doesn't seem to have a tail - even though multiple female OCs in this book including the new one very obviously do - and I still don't know what to make of the muzzle around his face.
It's similar to the problems with Askr in that they extend beyond his visual design, even though that's already far more muted compared to any given female OC. His blandly heroic schtick has never matched how one would expect a bull guy to be characterized. We haven't seen any of Eikþyrnir outside of this one cutscene so far, but I'm not convinced there's going to be any attempt at working that angle in with him either. The usual characterization* for deer hybrids/anthros in furry or furry-adjacent circles leans on them being skittish prey animals that will run at the slightest provocation. That's something less often seen with male characters, and would pair well with the theory that Eikþyrnir is squirrel girl's brother if IS actually goes with that. I rather doubt it, though.
*In my years of work with kink I've had plenty of opportunity for observation into the psychological underpinnings of various niche interests. That goes just as much for the wide world of monsterfucking as it does for men who are into feet or piss or daddies or whatever.
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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Serval Cider. Cider being more or less canonically a furry is my favorite unnecessary plot detail in Chipspeech. I am a furry and I like to think about what different characters' fursonas might be and now I have been given an actual reason to do so.. yippee. I've been looking around to see if other people have made potential Cider fursonas and I found one on twitter from almost four years ago (it is a mouse/rat). Someone tell me if there are any others (or even any ideas floating around) because I am curious.
Furry time below the cut :3
Interestingly enough I had a decently hard time trying to figure out what Cider's fursona might be. This is probably because of my affinity for anthropomorphizations of weird creatures, which don't tend to frequently show up as fursonas (arise my Cambrian brethren). I have not ruled out the possibility of Cider being a weird creature but I could not think of one that fit him well enough. I went with a serval because he honestly kind of looks like one? I do not mean this in a bad way, I really like servals (same kind of cat as Sogga). He just has that vibe. Also he canonically likes cats so I don't think he'd object to it.
Now it's time for me to be boring. The reason I am such a fan of Cider being a furry is (predictably) the whole idea that furries run the tech industry. Afaik the evidence to back up this claim is almost entirely anecdotal, though that one survey from Furscience in 2011 said that around a quarter of all furries surveyed have a degree in tech (plus another ~quarter in other STEM fields) so there's at least one statistic out there. (Generally speaking the Furscience survey is pretty interesting to read through if you're interested in both statistics and anthro animals.) Honestly though the anecdotes seem to be enough to prove that, at the very least, a sizeable percentage of important individuals in tech that are furries given how prevalent they are. In short out of all of the fictional characters I know of the funniest one to make a furry is Cider. A fair amount of furry fandom history is also pretty Cider-adjacent. The way everything lines up is so nice. Fiction does not have to adhere to real world logic but I find it so much more fun when it does. My mind looks like one of those conspiracy boards with all the string connecting different scientific studies and Wikipedia articles I've read to the funni little blorbos. This is definitely normal I promise.
Behold some furry Cider tweets because they are funni (plus him saying he likes cats, that clyp was deleted but it can be inferred). "I was a scientist, last I checked ;)" lmao
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Oughh I cannot draw in That Furry Style so I have broken out the chibi(?) style I rarely use because it fits the subject material (furries) better than my normal one? I'm so glad his eyes aren't visible because I can't draw eyes that match this style. The only character I regularly draw in this style is my own fursona but they don't count because their eyes are oversimplified to make up for all of the cephalon details that need outlines. I say this as if anyone knows what I'm talking about. Things I should practice but never do. Oh well. Also the headphones are placed relative to the ear canal at the base of the outer ear. I put them as high up as seemed realistically wearable. And look at the little apple it has ears. Kitty apple :3
Is this entire post going to read like word salad to everyone except me. Hopefully not. I really hope.
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Time to info dump about my au: banbash!
This au includes characters from the fandoms listed: Undertale, bendy and the ink machine, poppy playtime, sans aus, creepypasta, MLP, baldi's basics, garten of banban, rainbow friends, Garfield, famous/well known lps videos and characters (ex; lps popular or lps addicted), and scp foundation background shinangins, along with some more animal jam background shenanigans, plus Cuphead.
yes this is serious. I am seriously making an entire au with tons of fandoms. I am seriously doing this. I am honest. I'm deadass. These fuckers will all interact. (As a noteee! Main characters are going to be from only garten of banban and rainbow friends. All the other fandoms will be in the background or will only pop up randomly, as most of them don't live chose to the sillays.)
some notes about garten of banban characters I never touch on or fandom characters!
bendy + huggy wuggy.
bendy is a recovering alcoholic. Huggy is his old friend who always tries to assure he doesn't get back into old habits. They don't live together anymore, but they used to when money was tight. This is when bendy got into rehab via huggy's request. Bendy is always in his taller, lankyer ink form. His ink sticks to his body hard, rarely does it come off, allowing him to wear clothing.
Banbalena + nabnab and nabnabalena
Banbalena is the main person who keeps banban and the spiders in check, as she lives with them. Banbalena is NOT related to or in a relationship with banban, they are an adjacent species, as banbalena is not a demon. Banbalena and banban are very very close and old friends. Nabnab is usually not that active, nabnabalena is slightly more active than him, often chatting with banbalena. The spiders are also very good friends with banban and banbalena, using their rare times of activity to cook and clean. (Nabnabalena is the better cook, as she hoards cooking books constantly.)
Baldi + principal (pretty sure that's his name, if not, I'm just gonna call him that. Nicknamed prince.)
Both are retired teachers. Long time friends who met at college. strictly background characters, they will almost never have a prominent role in the story. Sorry baldi fuckers.
(sanses) dream + nightmare
Dream and co have stopped fighting with the evil gaggle nightmare formed long, long ago. they now chill with one another in a frienemy way, often poking fun at one another. Again, side characters, but these guys will have some major roles here and there.
Garfield + odie
Garfield is now a snow leopard and odie is an artic wolf-dog. Both anthro, both pretty large. Yes, Garfield still loves lasagna and still hates odie. Odie is a classic optimistic puppy-dog type, not fitting at all with Garfield's more melancholy ways of life. They live together and have annoying roommate dynamics. Side characters.
Green + cyan
Green and cyan often train together doing gymnastics. green has scarred, foggy eyes and a short, fluffy coat of green fur. Cyan is more wyvern-like, having wings that double as arms, though their bones are too thick to fly. part of the main cast.
Stinger Flynn + red
Red used to do experiments on himself, earning him sharp claws that he hides constantly behind gloves specialty made for his odd little hands. he has fangs and a long, snake-like tongue, but his mouth is not visible, ever. He and stinger Flynn met and bonded through being nerds about scientific shit. Stinger Flynn is kept to his usual design, except for scars all round his eye. He has a humanoid form that follows the same logic as Squidward, tentacles acting as legs + hands. He has long, flowing hair in this form with one eye to boot. He is rarely in this form, though. Him and red are both retired scientists, whom do not live together. Stinger Flynn and red are the main two who decide if the respective groups go anywhere all together. red lives with all the rainbow friends, though they often leave to do their own thing, but almost always come back.
slow salene + opila bird
Slow salene is a pretty shy one, but does often see the gang when their all met up. She usually visits banbalena in her free time. opila lives with her children and husband, also coming over often to meet with banbalena.
purple + orange
Purple and orange are quite good friends, bonding over how SMALL and STUPID they are. Voices of reason for the rainbow cast right next to red. Purple resembles a hairless cat without ears, a nub tail, and clawed hands in the place of paws. They usually crawl around on all fours, slinking into vents and any other small space they can find. Orange is alligator gar based, having most of the features of a alligator, with the fishy genes of an alligator gar. They have their own pool they are most often seen in. they are the least ticklish out of the rainbow friends. Adores sunbathing.
Theirs tons more characters. Why are they not listed? Here's why: their extremely unimportant background characters, their just not all that interesting as they don't bounce off of any specific characters, they are so important to the story that mentioning them would spoil what I have planned, or I was just too lazy to write it.
Don't judge me for this I swear I'm normal.
RAAAH this took me like 2 hours to make raaaah
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