#but he's also of course relieved to hear el say she missed him
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA
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#platonic elmike#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#mike wheeler#mike's pov#mike is still a hard nut to crack for me...#this scene in particular i'm still not certain about#i do think it was riddled with his very consistent tactic of stalling#but he's also of course relieved to hear el say she missed him#perhaps this is him thinking "oh thank god she doesn't hate me'#while also having to accept in real time that will was perhaps right that el still needs him... but is he up for the task of el's bf?...#and so he's sort of trying to work out how he can finally just do this to do right by el#which comes with the fear that he is indeed going to lose her when it all comes crashing down inevitably like it already has and is#either way i think he's contending with the fact that losing el may be inevitable#that's why he's having such a hard time lying to her in the first place#bc he knows lies lead to the truth eventually being revealed#and so he just feels her slipping through his fingers no matter what he does#he imagined this future with her (and will) where they stayed connected to each other no matter what#but mike's scared that future won't be possible once all is revealved#i think will's whole speech in the van has mike even more conflicted#bc his feelings for will are very strong at this point#and so even if he believes that this is truly how el feels as of now...#he also probably knows deep deep down that he wishes (still hopes) it was will's feelings#which makes going through with this even harder#not to mention all the parallels between mike and hopper ('not hopper...not mike... you!')#these two male figures in el's life who rescued her from a horrible situation are having a hard time coming to terms with her growing up#like yes she's growing and 'slipping through your fingers' but that's okay!#you don't have to lose her forever just because she doesn't have to rely on you anymore!#4x09#gif
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okskz · 4 years
Slowly But Surely.
Elsy + Got7
it’s the last day of elsy’s promotions as well as it is her birthday, some members come by to show support and someone else shows up too, catching her by surprise.
hope you guys enjoy! please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th Member of Got7]
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“And thank you so much for the flowers.” Elsy smiled at Jackson. The two were on a video call before Elsy had her performance. She was finally on her last day of promotion and she felt bittersweet about it. She felt herself being happy for once.
At first, she wanted nothing more than for it to be all over, but as days passed by, slowly but surely things were getting better for the girl. Elsy. She honestly gave herself a pat in the back for pulling through. Her solo debut was more than successful and she was forever grateful for it. It gave her a rise on exposure. She even got a few wins from it. All good things, even after the little downfall she had before it started.
People were going to talk either way, and Elsy knew that. She learned to accept it and move on with it. Because now she was truly feeling her best. And to make it even better, it was her birthday.
“You’re welcome, you go kill it today on your last stage.” Jackson gave her a thumbs up. “Miss you a lot and can’t wait to come back and see you all again.”
“Miss you more. I hope you’re having fun in China. Although I wish you were here instead.” Elsy chuckled. “But you keep doing you, Jacks.”
After a few more seconds of talking, the two said their goodbyes when Elsy’s manager let her know someone was there to see her. But it ended up being more than someone. “Elsy!” Bambam yelled as soon as he opened the door to her dressing room. He rushed to her, engulfing the girl into a tight hug. “Hi.” He giggled.
“Hi.” She said back, smiling. “Happy birthday.”
Behind Bambam, both Yugyeom and Jaebeom came into view. “Hey you.” Jaebeom flicked her forehead, causing the girl to groan.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“We stopped by to show support.” Yugyeom smiled. He threw an arm around Elsy, squeezing her shoulder. Elsy felt even happier seeing her members there. It had been awhile since she seen them or even spoken to them, but she threw all of those thoughts away as she enjoyed having them next to her. Elsy definitely had missed them dearly.
“These are from Youngjae. He’s sorry he couldn’t make it.” Jaebeom handed her some flowers. “But he says to break a leg. Literally.” He laughed.
“Oh, Youngjae.” Elsy whispered to herself as she grabbed the flowers.
“We tried to get Jinyoung-“
“It’s okay.” Elsy brushed it off. “He’s probably busy anyways.” The girl had yet to hear from Jinyoung. He never congratulated Elsy, after promising her he was going to support her with everything she did after leaving the company. It hurt, it definitely did. Not even a birthday message was sent her way. There was no denying she missed him and just wanted things to back to normal with him.
“How are you feeling?” Yugyeom asked.
“A lot better. Better than before I guess you can say.” Elsy looked down at her feet before sighing. “I’ve moved on and have been focusing on me and my debut.”
“That’s great.” Jaebeom grinned. “You’ve come a long way Elsy, don’t let anything ruin you or bring you down.”
“Thanks, Jay.” Elsy hugged him.
“Elsy, you’re next!” Her manger had said, popping his head from the door. “Come when you’re ready.”
The girl nodded, sighing. “This is it. My last show.” She grinned. “Will you guys be watching?”
“We were. But these two have to get back to work they said.” Jaebeom said, pointing at both Bambam and Yugyeom. The two nodded which caused Elsy’s smile to drop a little that her friends were leaving now. “But, I’m sure we can find another time to see each other!” Yugyeom reassured her. “We definitely have to take you out for this and also to celebrate your birthday.”
Elsy’s smile reappeared, liking the idea. “Yeah, we can do that. Thank you guys for at least stopping by. Means a lot.” She went to hug all three, saying their goodbyes. Just from seeing them, made Elsy feel 10x better and was ready to get on stage to show her all for one more time before all her promotions would end.
She felt more confident as she performed, having a sudden adrenaline feeling shoot inside her. For once, in the past few days, Elsy was having the time of her life. That once her performance ended, she felt a bit down knowing she wouldn’t get to perform again. At least until her next comeback. But overall, Elsy felt proud of herself.
When she got off the stage, Elsy made her way back into her dressing room to change back into her regular clothes to go back home.
But as she entered, Elsy came to a stop when seeing a figure right in front of her. She jumped back just a little as well as letting out a small gasp.
Chan turned around when hearing Elsy and the girl instantly grew in shock when seeing him right in front of her. Her eyes widen as her mouth slowly opened too. “Bang Chan?” She breathed out. She felt her stomach dropping with a mix of butterflies. Oh, was she happy to see him again.
“Hey- oof.” Chan was cut off when Elsy ran towards him and practically squeezed him into a tight hug. “Bang Chan!”
Chan couldn’t help but smile brightly, wrapping his arms around Elsy as he swayed her side to side. “You’re here.” She whispered. “You’re really here.”
Chan was another one who Elsy had not spoken to in the longest. She remembered the last time she saw him. It definitely wasn’t a good day for Elsy. She knew he wasn’t mad but mainly just upset, which made her believe was the reason he had yet to speak to her about her debut.
And Chan definitely felt guilty knowing he had yet to do so. Before she left the company, Elsy had made it clear to Chan that she wanted him to stand by her side in her new journey. But yet he hadn’t done so and knew he had to change that, even though it was her last music show. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to acknowledge you.” Chan sighed. “But I’ve been keeping up with everything you’ve been doing. And I’m so proud of you, Els.”
“I thought you still hated me or something.”
“You know I could never hate you.” Chan said, hugging Elsy tighter. “Just been thinking a lot. My team, you, us.”
Elsy felt her stomach churning. She didn’t know what Chan could possibly be thinking about them two. Her mind went negative, maybe he didn’t want her anymore. And Elsy wasn’t ready to face that.
“Made me realize I’m tired of waiting and want you.”
The girl was definitely relieved and now it was her heart that began to race. She looked up at him, a smile plastered on her face as she continued to still hold Chan. “Are you saying?-“
Chan let out a small giggle. “Yes.” He smiled. “But, I do want to make this right, so.” He grabbed both of Elsy’s hands. “I’d like to take you out on date if you let me.”
“No thanks.”
“Huh?” Chan’s eyes widen.
Elsy let out a loud laugh. “I’m kidding! Of course you can take me out, Bang Chan.”
Chan sighed in relief but broke out into a huge grin. “Perfect then.” The two hugged each other once more, this time the hug lasting more than a few seconds. Elsy finally felt happy and she couldn’t stop smiling. “Happy birthday, by the way. March 25th really is a special day.” Chan chuckled, swaying Elsy.
“It sure is.” Elsy let out a small laugh.
And right when the broke away from the hug, Chan and Elsy came together for a while kiss.
Things were definitely looking better from here for Elsy.
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sleepmusicland-1 · 3 years
Gone Chapter 7
Ella POV:
I found Isabella at the market in New Orleans, at a fountain, there she was sitting with an elderly lady, I roughly estimated her in her 70s, "You were stupid Isabella, you should never have brought her here," I heard her say. Her words made me stop, tingling in my neck told me that someone powerful and above all supernatural was near me. Isabella looked at the older woman, I could see that she was not of the same opinion on the topic that the older of the two had addressed.
"And I should watch how everything is taken from us? " She replied and her words triggered in me the uneasy feeling that I was nothing more than a character in her plan, a plan I did not know. "Youyoung people since so arrogant, you don’t know what you did, you will be the downfall of all of us," she accused Isabella.
She got up and stepped in my direction, just 4 steps in front of me she stopped, "You wear the dragon pendant" she spoke to me without telling mewhat she meant by that.
"You come from another reality, you don't belong here..." her voice failed, and she grabbed her chest. After that, everything went very quickly, she was taken to the hospital and now I was in the waiting room, with members of her circle, because Antoinette really wanted to talk to me.
Luisa, the woman who had asked me to come to the hospital, had just not noticed that Elijah was also here, I had seen him fleetingly, but much more clearly, I had felt his presence, which frightened me, that I could see ghosts, hear them, and even communicate with them, I had become accustomed to it by now.
But now I could also feel the presence of a primordial vampire?
I left the waiting room and entered the corridor, everywhere here I could feel the presence of the spirits, the tingling, the feeling that someone was standing behind me, was reinforced here, the two stones I carried on my chain, protected me from the spirits sucking off my energy, that was the only thing I had found out so far.
Luckily, the ghosts didn't want to talk to me, they ignored me for the most part and I was honestly happy about that.
"Miss van Els?" a nurse tore me out of my thoughts, she told me to follow her and when I entered the room where Antoinette was lying, I was not the only visitor, Elijah Mikaelson stood at the window, and he did not even seem surprised when I entered the room.
"You have come," Antoinette spoke to me, the older woman was as white as the bed sheet, her gray, almost white hair lay like a fan around her head.
"Luisa said they wanted to talk to me" I replied to her and ignored the primordial vampire in the room, "Yes and you don't need to be so formal, you can say you, even if I could be a grandmother," Antoinette replied, smiling weakly, she wouldn't live much longer, her life was hanging by a thread,I could feel that she was getting weaker, that her life would soon be over and her soul would slide over to the other side. This knowledge was new and should scare me, but it felt natural.
"Sit down with me" she asked me, and I did as she had asked me. The mattress gave way under my weight, I felt that Elijah was looking at me, his gaze burned into my back. "I know you're looking for answers, I can see your aura and that means I'm going to die soon," Antoinette told me and smiled, she seemed relaxed, as if she was relieved. And then she told me more about her circle, which had been a circle of Dutch origin and she was the last of her circle who still spoke the old language. "I know you speak Dutch fluently, I heard you talk to a tourist weeksago," she explained to me and stopped because she was out of breath.
"And why did you ask me Antoinette?" Elijah interfered and Antoinette looked at him from me,"You have known me long enough, I have notprayed you withoutreason, your fate is connected to her" Antoinette revealed the reason why he was here, at her words I looked at the primordial vampire, of whom I knew more than I would like. He looked at me, his gaze was unfathomable, and his face resembled an expressionless statue.
"Ella, you will find some of the answers in Mystic Falls, the cemetery there will answer a few questions" Antoinette told me, Mystic Falls?
"You will become very powerful once, Isabella should not have torn you out of your life, when she did this, did she awaken something very old and powerfulthat will hunt you down," she revealed to me, something old and powerful? Ergo something that wanted to kill me because I was here. Of course.
Antoinette seemed to have to gather new strength, she took several deep breaths and continued, "I know that you have no interest in protecting a human being Elijah, but your lives are connected in a way that I cannot explain, I only know that you both will find some of the answers in Mystic Falls" and with these words Antoinette left the strength and her life. I could see her soul leaving her body and disappearing.
Elijah POV: Antoinette died before our eyes, I looked at the young woman who gently closed Antoinette's eyes, she seemed calm, but I could hear from her heartbeat that it looked different in her. Isabella had torn her out of her life, which meant that she was not here voluntarily.
Was the old and powerful the reason why my niece should have died? And how was the young woman's life connected to mine?
Just as Ella had left the room, Isabella rushed up to her and demanded that she tell her what Antoinette had told her.
"Why should I tell you even a word?" Ella asked to know about her, I stepped closer, so far, I had not heard much from Ella, it was difficult to assess her,"I need to know what he knows" Isabella replied and pointed to me, Ella looked at me and then again to the witch in front of her.
"Then ask him yourself! I am not your talking point," she replied and left the ward, I had questions, but these questions could only be answered by the young woman who was on her way to leave the hospital.
In front of the hospital, I found her sitting on a bench, watching a family whose father was fooling around with his children, probably to distract her from the fact that her mother was fighting for her life in thehospital.
"Antoinette said you speak Fluent Dutch, so I can assume that it is not your mother tongue" I made my presence known, but unlike other people, she did not wince, she did not appreciate me a look. "Andwhat exactly is the point of a primordial vampire knowing which of the three languages is my mother tongue?" she asked me and looked at me.
"Then Isabella informed you," I said and sat down with her on the bench. "No, she didn't, but I'm not deaf and I'm not stupideither" was her answer and she looked back at the small family, where the father was chasing his daughters as if he were a monster that wanted to eat them.
"What exactly did Antoinette mean by Isabella ripping you out of your life?" I asked the question that had been spitting around in my head since the moment the words had left Antoinette's mouth. Would she give me an honest answer?
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So I have this weird concept in my head and it's not leaving
Spencer with a wife who (wait for this one) works with Nathan Drake. As in the Uncharted series
Fun fact: he met you when he was 19.
He thought you were drop dead gorgeous
Like holy fuck
He actually got the courage to talk to you and you found him absolutely adorable
You would go on these long little tangents of history theories
Your best friend was the same way but Spencer found it to be cute.
You were passionate.
In return you'd listen to his scientific ideas.
Well Spencer knew sometimes you'd take trips with Nathan off the grid.
He didn't question anything until he met you at your apartment
And uh...
You kind of got involved in a shootout.
All spencer knew is that you grabbed his hand and told him to run, followed by a code to a panic room.
By the time he popped out of said panic room
You and Nathan were both standing. Six other men however, were not.
You told Spencer finally what all of that was about
About some trip you and Nathan took to find El Dorado
You didn't give much to the story but you explained that the trip took a turn when mercenaries were on your ass.
You also told him that if he wanted to break up that was fine.
But he didn't. He wanted to stay.
Did he approve of your slightly illegal activity?
But did he love you?
So after a few years you took another trip
Almost ended up in prison but that's not important, Sully bailed you out it's fine.
You got into a very very tense situation
As in: "Holy fuck a big ass tank is on my ass" situation
And of course that was the moment Spencer chose to call you and ask "Hi Darling how's it going?"
Spencer, who was laying on the couch bolted right up after hearing that.
"y/n did you just say tank?!" He asked.
"WHAT!?" Spencer asked.
And then the line went dead.
And Spencer was terrified he lost you.
But then a few minutes later you called back.
"Y/n?!" He asked.
"Hey Spence, I'm sorry about all of that." You said.
"Are you okay!?" He asked.
"Psh. I'm in an active warzone, there's bound to be another gunfight in a few minutes probably. Especially if CHLOE DOESN'T GET HER SHIT TOGETHER." You said.
Spencer heard a "fuck off" in the background.
He was relieved to know you weren't alone out there and that you were safe.
But then after hearing you talk he blurted something out that surprised you.
"Do you want to get married?"
You blinked, making Nathan and Chloe notice that confused and shocked expression.
"Uhm... Did you just ask me that over the phone?" You asked.
"I had a plan but... Life is chaotic y/n. And all i know is that I want you to be in my life. Forever." He said.
You smiled.
"Yes. Yes I do. But we are not doing this over the phone, the moment I get back we're doing this." You told him.
And that's exactly what happened.
Well after he saw you after the trip and you looked like hell
You had new scars and injuries but they were dressed and healed.
Spencer and you got married and for the most part you two settled down
You had one last hoorah with Nathan and then became an actual archeologist.
Both you and Nathan missed the hunt (though you'd never admit it out loud... For a little while anyway.)
Well another thing happened after that trip.
Spencer joined up with the FBI and he would talk about his team
You would now go on actual expeditions out of the country.
The stories were... Less exciting than El dorado or Shambala
But it was what kept him safe so you didn't argue.
Well the team was under the impression that Spencer was single.
He wore his wedding ring on a chain rather than a finger so that he wouldn't lose it
You did the same thing. You tended to lose things all the time and that was the one thing you didn't want to lose.
"We need to find you a girl Reid, your virginity is showing." Morgan told him one afternoon after a lunch break.
Spencer sighed and Garcia stopped them.
"There's a woman by your desk Spencer, she's really pretty, H/c, e/y. She said her name was--"
Spencer smiled knowing damn well who was back from her latest expedition.
"Y/N!" he said excitedly.
You jumped into his arms and he kissed you with a smile.
"I have missed you so much, holy shit." You chuckled.
Well the team was certainly interested in Spencer's life then.
He calmly told them that you and him got married before meeting the team
Rossi wanted to get to know you better of course so he invited you to a party at his home.
You told the team the less exciting stories of your discoveries and they all thought "Oh she's just a nerd."
But then Sully called you as you were explaining something.
And that's when Spencer knew another trip was in the works.
"Spence... I know I said I'd play it safe but... Nathan needs me and--" "Honey, say no more. Go. It's okay I know how much you've missed this." He assured.
So you took off.
And oh boy that one was a doozy.
But it put your name and Nathan's on the damn map.
You both finally came forward about your discoveries, all of them
Shambala, Iram, fuck even El Dorado
The whole team suddenly knew "She's not just a nerd she's a badass nerd."
They were a whole lot more interested in the stories that were more action packed
Their personal favorite quotes come down to
"and then I ran from a tank"
"A monkey stole my pistol."
"I played marco polo while a bazooka was being aimed at my face"
"And then the train, y'know... Hung off the side of the mountain."
And my favorite:
"I didn't completely impale him, I just made sure the guy felt the pole... Through his abdomen."
The team came to love you
They actually came to you when their unsubs decided to get historical
You told Spencer "one of these days I'mma drag your ass to a expedition one day. The tame ones not the 'we're holding on for dear life' ones."
He loved seeing you happy when you had a lead on an artifact
Hearing your theories
Watching your late night studies
Helping with translations
Overall: best couple ever 10/10
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ticklikeabomb · 4 years
The Medusas - Part 6
Pairing : Mayans MC x Plus Size Reader 
Warnings : Language
Word Count : 1.9k
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the universe where they were created and interact in. This series/fiction is only for entertainment purposes.
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“Motherfucker”, mumbled Tig under his breath. The Mayan in front of him, licked his lips, a smug smile on his face, reaching out for his prize. “Another one”, Tragger shook his head and looked at his poker opponent. “I already have all your cash, what else do you want to trade?”, stated Tranq with humor. The Son looked around and his eyes landed on Chucky. “Let’s put Chucky on the table”, he pointed at the man in question. The other Sons manifested their disagreement but Tig cut short to their chatting, “Shut up, I won’t lose this time. I can feel it”, he blew on his fingertips, his eyes trained on Tranq. “If you insist”, smirked the Mayan. The Son lost in the following minutes, getting pushed by his brothers because of his defeat. The crew patted Tranq’s shoulder in victory. “Chuckyy”, yelled the SOA’s President. “Yes Chibs”, replied the other. “I’m sorry but I’m afraid your time here with us is done. You’re with the Mayans now.” Chucky looked at the concerned before exclaiming “I accept that”. The Sons said their goodbyes to the man and saw him leave with the Mayans.
A few months later
Chucky heard the roaring of the motorcycles diminish the second they penetrated the yard. Walking out from his small office, he received at the clubhouse’s steps. He greeted Tranq and Taza before turning to Bishop and explaining him the tasks he did so far. “I also prepared my specialty for tonight’s dinner”, he happily stated. Bishop graced him with a smile and thanked him. He was making his way inside the clubhouse when Chucky interpellated him, “Oh and you received a postcard. I didn’t know you had a daughter.” Bishop quickly shared a look with Tranq and Taza, the three men approaching Chucky.
“What did you just say?”, asked Bishop not sure if he heard him correctly the first time. “There is a card from a Y/N Losa. Isn’t it your daughter, since it’s the same last name?” “Where?”, Bishop asked him, his hands grabbing Chucky’s arms. “I put it on the table next to the Templo’s entry”, his anxiety kicking in. As soon as he replied, Bishop sprinted the stairs up, making his way as soon as possible to the table. “Did I do something bad?”, mumbled Chucky under his breath, overwhelmed. Taza calmed him down, informing he did nothing and explained Chucky the importance of the card in question. “Keep an eye if there are more postcards and if so, call us immediately.” “I will”, replied Chucky, relieved.
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Hey Dad
I hope I still can refer to you as such. I would understand if it wasn’t the case. I hope you and the others are alright. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok. I’m finally figuring myself out.
I miss you deeply.
Love Y/N
Taza and Tranq stood by the entry, looking down at their freshly elected President, the postcard in his hands. Feeling their eyes on him, he stood up and made his way inside the Templo making sure to close the door behind them. A million different emotions crossed him like a typhon: sadness, anger, hope, relieve. You were alive and apparently alright. He cleaned his tears and took a deep breath before placing the card on his heart, “Of course, you will always be my little girl, querida.” Taking another look, he focused on the address where it was shipped from and exited the Templo. He got his brothers attention by pointing at the address. “Call the others. We’re going on a road trip.”
Three days later, the Mayans were seen walking on the animated Beale Street. Bishop turned towards Taza, “Is everything arranged?” “Yeah the sorority knows we’re here. They invited us to stay at their clubhouse for a couple of nights”, he responded. “Good. Alvarez wasn’t joking when he said that the Medusa MC was everywhere”, declared the President. “Hey, I found it”, exclaimed Gilly and pointed at the Tattoo shop. They make their way inside and are greeted a minute later by the owner. “Hello, how can I help you?”, they asked. Bishop took the postcard out of his kutte and showed it to them. “Do you have any information regarding this card? The woman who send it?” They chuckled before nodding at their kutte. “The father I suppose. I figured, your jackets and all. Yeah, she was here a few days ago. She told me you would come.”
“Did she say where she would go next?”, inquired Taza. The owner shook his head and told them they had no idea. “She left something for you, though”, they said and gave him a note. Bishop immediately recognized your handwriting, giving him the confirmation, you were there. ‘Chose a design and get yourself a threat. It’s on me.’ “What’s this?”, he turned to the owner and tattoo artist. “Seems to me that she paid for your next tattoo”, they shrugged. “I’ll leave you a few minutes to choose what you’ll be having.” He sighed, his hands going on his head, unable to contain his frustration. “What are you gonna do?”, asked Coco. A minute later, Bishop stood up and declared, “I’m getting a fucking tattoo”, and joined the tattoo artist preparing the colors and machine behind the curtains.
2015 - 2016
Each time Chucky would call one of the Mayans and inform them about a new postcard of yours, Bishop decided to travel to the location indicated in the card. The second time they rode their bikes guided by you was to El Paso’s Municipal Rose Garden in Texas. Once there, they infiltrated a tourist guide tour, looking around for any clues. At the end of the tour, the guide walked towards the Mayans. “Did you enjoy the tour?”, he asked. “Sure”, smiled Taza. “I’m glad. Now you may pay for the actual visit”, the guide stated and pointed at them to the counter at the end of the way. Angel started to lit a cigarette when the guide’s hand took it from his lips, “No smoking in here!”. Angel’s looked at him surprised at his audacity to publicly correct him in front of his brothers. Bishop gave the Mayan a deadly glare before apologizing on his behalf to the guide. Once arrived at the counter, the men paid for their visit, the cashier’s eyes lingering on their kuttes. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back”, the employee told them. She came back with two garnished rose bouquets and made sure Bishop got the clue. Depositing the bouquets to the men’s arms, she smiled and added an envelope to the bouquets.
“We did all this way just for a bunch of flowers?”, commented Angel with irritation while Bishop went over the note left by you on inside the envelope. He shook his head, a small smile gracing his features. “Shut up”, Bish told Angel before passing him one of the bouquets. He frowned at his President’s motion and fixed his attention to the little card attached to the bouquet, ‘Marisol’, written on it. He opened the card and read the words marked on it, his breath getting stuck on his pipeline for a second.
‘Thank you for everything. You were the mother everyone deserves to have. Always in my heart, Y/N Losa.’
After cleaning his tears off, Angel and the others made their way back to Santo Padre. Bishop stopped at Martha’s and offered him the bouquet you left for her. The two ex-lovers spend the rest of the night catching on their respective lives while Angel stopped at his father’s, setting the other bouquet in a vase next to his mother’s urn. From that day, the Mayans noticed Bishop spending more and more time with Martha, the old flame slowly awake again.
Your third card came a year later, in 2016. The adventure led the Mayans to Denver this time, where they found out you offered them a visit at the Museo De Las Americas. At first hesitant, the crew became fond of these little trips, a way to not only hit the roads but also come closer as a group. It was that moment in the year where they could just let go and not focus on the shit going on back home.
The fourth card came from Utah. This time, El Padrino decided to tag along. They ended up at the Outlaw Distillery, where they discovered the processes on how whiskey and other alcohols are produced. “This is what I’m talking about. This my jam”, declared Neron ‘Creeper’ when seeing where they landed, making the others laugh. There was a collective holler once the owner of the distillery offered each Mayan a bottle, saying it was paid for in advance. Bishop distanced himself from his man and followed the owner. “Excuse me but how could she pay for all of this?”, he asked him. The owner lifted his hands up in defense, stating that he didn’t know and didn’t ask. “I just accepted the payment.” Bishop nodded, “Was it the first time she came by?” He saw the uneasiness on the man’s features. “No, she’s been here some times.”
“Can I ask you for a favor?”, Bishop turned to the other who nodded. “Next time she comes here, could you give her this and tell her to come home?”, he said and furnished him a small velvet box. “I have a daughter myself. I can’t imagine what it is like to lose her. … If Y/N stops by I’ll let her know. You have my word”, stated the owner.
A week later
Cooper’s head lifts up from the papers in front of him once hearing the door’s bell ring. “Hey Coop”, you greet him at the counter, making him smile. “Hey Y/N, hey Ruby, how are you ladies?” “Not bad, not bad. You got our order?”, nodded Ruby. “Sure thing”, replied Cooper, the Outlaw Distillery’s owner, calling out for his employee. Ruby followed the employee while you waited for them at the counter, feeling Cooper’s gaze burning a hole on you. Your eyes locked with his, “How was, you know?”, you asked him. He took a deep breath before telling you how it went with your father. “By the way he left this for you”, he added to which your eyes widened. He set the box in front of you, seeing your face decompose, a hurricane of emotions crossing your features. You reached out to the box and opened it, revealing a gold necklace ornamented with an engraved coin, your father’s initials on it. You quickly cleaned the tear sliding on your face, trying to conceal your emotions. “He also told me to tell you to come back home”, commented Cooper. You nodded processing his words before looking up at him again. “Thanks Coop”, you simply replied. Ruby came back with the order, her attitude switching once seeing your glossy eyes. Her hand landed on her gun but you stopped her, your fingers reaching hers, shaking your head. “We have road to do”, you tell her and assure her that everything was alright.
You and Ruby stop at the gas station after a couple hours to stretch your body and get some coffee. That’s the moment where you tell and show her the necklace. “Are you going to see him?”, she inquired hesitantly. “Yeah…someday.” She hummed, reaching to her helmet. “Life is short. You could lose the ones you love any second. Don’t wait up too long. It’s hurting you as much as it must hurt him”, she affirmed. Your smile gracing your face turned into a chuckle before exclaiming, “So wise.” “Oh fuck you”, she joked. “That’s the plan”, you winked at her and saw her shake her head, laughing. You made your way to your next stop, Charming.
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*gifs, credit to the owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter​ @ashley17jacobs​ @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee​ @breezy1415 @nerdypinupcrystal @hhiggs​
SERIES TAG LIST: @that-chick212​ @ohdangitsjay​ @thickcinnamonbitch​​ @ly–canthrope​ @spookys-girl​
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 44
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: okayyy so here it is. time passes quicker, and youll see itll be like that in the last few chapters too. i hope you like this one, i hope youll like the last few chapters. im a bit nervous so i hope it’s not too bad! oh yea and i used a manip someone made on instagram, just thought it was cool haha!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : some requests i used here but ill only post them in the next chapter because i don’t want to spoil anything!
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Chapter 44 : Her chapter
August 9th, 2018
That was it. We were done with an other season and I couldn't believe what we accomplished. What I accomplished. We had filmed the last scene two days ago, right on time for me to go see Niall perform in LA two nights in a row and the party organised to celebrate the end of this season was scheduled on the first night of his week off.  Everything seemed to fit perfectly together and I was happy. I was genuinely and truly happy.
"Did I tell you how much I missed you?" I heard my boyfriend whisper near my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, making a shiver cross my whole body.
"Mm yes, about a million times in the past 3 days." I replied with a chuckle, tilting my head as he pressed his lips gently on my neck.
I had missed him so much too. We had spent over a month apart and just like I expected, we were even stronger than we were before and that said a lot. We had talked every single day on facetime but it was never the same than to be able to smell him, feel him, taste him... just seeing him face to face was different than on a screen and I had no idea how i'd be able to spend an other 5 weeks separated from him.
"Okay then, did I tell you how good you look tonight?"
I laughed again and turned around in his arms, tilting my chin up to look in his eyes. We were a bit farther from the others, slightly hiding by a part of the wall, and i licked my lips, hoping no one was paying attention to us.
"I'm literally wearing an old pair of jeans that shows how big my ass is and a plain t-shirt." I pointed out. "But thank you."
As if it was a suitable answer, his hands slid from my back to my butt and he squeezed it, making me laugh again.
"I love your ass."
"And in public too?" I asked with an amused smile, my eyebrows raised. "Are you drunk?"
He chuckled and bent down to kiss my lips and i let him, feeling his warm mouth move gently and slowly against mine. No matter how many times we kissed, it always felt amazing, and no one else tasted that good.
"We should go back to the others." I pointed out in a low voice. "They're gonna start wondering where we are."
"Mm, I don't care." he whispered against my lips, making me chuckle low.
"Come on." I just replied, finally taking a step back and tilting my head on the side. "We can cuddle tonight."
We walked back in the room hand in hand and I noticed Dylan looking at us. He sent me a small smile that I answered as I tried to ignore Heidi, sitting next to him. They had been dating for longer than I thought they would and I was wondering if he still thought everything he had told me about her the last time we discussed it. I really thought it was a good thing for him to be with someone else, I just thought it sucked that she was the one he had picked. Still, it was none of my business and I couldn't stop him from inviting her to this party. After all, it was his tv show too, and I owed him a lot. I was well aware that it was more popular because he was the male lead and I knew how lucky I was to act with him.
As soon as we sat down, Heidi and Dylan got up but she left to the other side of the room and he walked to us, sitting in front of my boyfriend. I didn't know if this was about to be awkward but before we could say anything, I heard my phone and frowned. I grabbed it quickly and excused myself, knowing it was even more awkward that I left my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend together.
"Hey Louis, you're calling at a very weird moment." I just said with a smile.
"That's me specialty, love." he let out as a joke, making me chuckle. "You mom tried to call you apparently, but she couldn't reach you so she called my phone. Sweet sweet lady with an incredibly strong accent. It always surprises me."
I rolled my eyes but a smile still drew itself on my lips. "What did she want?"
"She said it was not urgent but she wanted to talk to you, make sure you're not dead or something."
I raised my nose up. "Don't joke with that."
"Sorry love, I didn't mean to bring back... that memory." he apologized after a few seconds of silence. "She doesn't know though, does she?"
"No, only you, me, Niall, and I'm guessing El?"
"Olivia, I didn't tell that to anyone, not even El." Louis admitted, making me smile fondly. "This is no one's business but yours. I promise to keep that secret forever."
"Thank you, Lou." I whispered before swallowing.
I hated to remember that moment of weakness I had, even if I knew it was part of why I was who and where I was today. I really had to hit rock bottom to kick myself up and finally breathe again. If my relationship with Niall was so strong now, it was partly because I had worked on myself and although I knew I still had work to do, I was stronger than I used to be when I first dated Niall. Of course, swallowing all the pills I could find was not my smartest or strongest moment but I was trying to forgive myself.
"Oh you want to hug me right now don't you?" Louis joked, making me laugh through my tears. "I know you!"
I laughed and wipe my eyes quickly before licking my lips. "Yea, I drank a bit too so it doesn't help. I'll text you soon, Lou."
"You better. Love you, queen."
I smiled fondly at the nickname and closed my eyes. "Love you too."
I hung up and texted my mom quickly before going back to the table. Dylan was now sitting next to Niall and it made me frown. I knew they were both a bit tipsy and I didn't want anything bad to happen between them. Gladly, I knew Niall was not into confrontation and Dylan was quite laid-back too. Plus, he was probably over me by then and if they could just accept each other's company, it would be enough for me. I didn't expect them to become close friends, of course, but It would be nice if it wasn't awkward between them anymore.
"Oh and that small.. whimper or whisper she makes when you slip your hand in her panties." I heard Niall comment before Dylan chuckled.
"Right." he agreed, shaking his head gently. "And she's always so ready too."
A tiny part of me wanted to stay and listen to what they were going to say but the part of me that was angry was definitely bigger. I took a step closer but held my breath when Dylan started talking again.
"Let's say it's different than Heidi."
"No man, I ain't going there." Niall laughed while shaking his head before taking a sip of his beer.
"No, I mean, Heidi is very sexy but it's that... that connection, you know?" I frowned and my lips parted when Niall laughed again.
"I don't want to hear about the 'connection' you had with my girlfriend, O'Brien." he pointed out, turning his almost empty beer with his fingers.
"No yea, I know. I just mean that... it's different when you love someone."
"Are you two really comparing how Heidi and I are in bed?"
Both of them jumped so high I thought they were about to fall off their chairs. I wanted to look at their reaction but I decided to focus on my boyfriend and when he turned around, his face changed and I could read fear in his eyes. I crossed my arms on my chest and shook my head, licking my lips.
"That's fucking disgusting. I don't deserve that, and Heidi doesn't either."
This time, I read surprise in Niall's eyes and glanced at Dylan who seemed as shocked as my boyfriend. Oh I still didn't like Heidi, but that didn't mean it was okay for them to discuss about how she was in bed.
"Just because both of you had the chance to fuck us both doesn't give you the right to share gossips about us." I pressed my lips together, trying to keep my anger inside and breathed in deeply. "That's fucking wrong."
I turned on my heels and left before I stopped and turned around again to look at them. "I'm mad at you both, by the way, if that wasn't clear enough."
I walked quickly to my dressing room and closed the door before holding myself against the counter, closing my eyes. I was torn between being mad that they could easily talk about me like that and being relieved that they could actually talk to each other without it being awkward. After a few minutes, I heard a knock at the door and thinking it was probably one of them, I swung the door open but my face changed when I noticed my assistant. My lips curled and I raised my eyebrows a bit surprised.
"You left quickly, are you okay?" she asked, concern written all over her face.
I made a quick head movement to incite her to walk in and closed the door behind her before we both sat down, her on the couch and me on a chair. Tinka was fairly new since my old assistant had to leave due to a pregnancy and we immediately bounded. She was gorgeous and I had to admit I was a bit jealous of her, not only for her looks but also for the way she attracted people easily and all that charisma she had probably inherited at birth, but at the same time, I felt connected to her too and I could never hate her.
"Okay so, I wanted to show you something. I mean at first I was not sure if I should, because I shouldn't have filmed it in first place, but..." she blabbed nervously before shaking her head. "I'll just show you."
She took her phone and clicked on a few things before handing it to me. I frowned, taking it cautiously before noticing she was showing me a video. I clicked on play and my eyes got bigger when I noticed Niall, sitting at the cafeteria as Heidi sat down in front of him. The first part of the conversation was hard to hear but Niall seemed confused and when she handed him a sheet of paper, I frowned again. He stared at what was written on it and finally, she put her hand on top of his and I felt my heart jump high in my throat. The second part of the conversation though, I heard it very clearly.
“You’re right. We should get back together, Niall.” Heidi said with a soft voice. “I mean, I know you’re trying to make me jealous with her but let’s be real. Who could really be jealous of her?"
This time, my heart sank in my chest and I swallowed hard. I was worth more than Heidi gave me credits for, I knew it now, but I also knew she would never see it. Perhaps, she was too busy trying to win Niall back.
“Do you even listen to yourself? You know damn well I’m with Liv and.. aren’t you with Dylan? I love her, okay! I’m not trying to make anyone jealous, I’m just trying to love her the way she deserves to be loved… the way I failed to love her the first time. And you have nothing to do with any of this. What even makes you think I want to be with you?"
I bit my bottom lip, breathing in deeply again and trying to suppress a small smile of relief when I heard my boyfriend's words. The fact that he admitted that he failed to love me right the first time made something stir in my stomach. I knew that failed relationship was not just on him, but it was nice to hear him admit that, especially to someone else.
“Because of that song! You wrote it for me and put it in one of my boxes for me to find!” she argued with him.
I saw Niall roll his eyes and his next words were as harsh as the tone he had used.
“I wrote this about Olivia! I wrote that in the first week I saw her again at the bakery after not seeing her for over a year. It isn’t about you, Heidi. It got in one of your boxes by mistake!” he let out rudely. “I love Olivia, not you. You need to let it go, okay? And those instagram posts you make.. For fuck’s sake, Heidi! What’s the point? Make me feel bad? Alright, I’m sorry I cheated on you, I should have broken up with you before and that was a mistake, okay? Now please, leave me the fuck alone.”
The video stopped but I still stared at the screen, lost in my thoughts, until Tinka talked again.
"I don't know why i recorded this, and I know I shouldn't have, I'm sorry." she apologized again. "But it was recorded anyway so I mean, why not show it to you?"
I just stared at the thumbnail of the video again before clicking on the 'delete' button and when it asked me if I was sure, I clicked on 'yes' without hesitation.
"Thanks, Tinka. I deleted it." I finally said, looking up at her before she nodded. "But thank you for showing me. Just... don't do that again, please. Niall and I we're both very... private."
I handed her her phone back just as an other knock was heard at the door. We both got up and I opened the door as she walked past Niall. He nodded at her and finally turned back to me, his hands in his pockets. I couldn't help but tilt my head, glancing down at him, telling myself once again how good he looked. I also couldn't stop thinking about the way he had told Heidi he loved me and it made me want to hug him.
"Olivia, I'm.. so sorry."
I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows, expecting more than just a simple apology.
"You're right. It was so wrong, and we shouldn't have." he added, making me lick my lips. "We were literally trying to find something to talk about, and it was so awkward... the only thing we really have in common is you. But we shouldn't have."
I let my shoulders fall and sighed, raising my nose up in a grimace. "So I really make some sort of whimper when you slip your hand in my panties?"
He chuckled and took one of his hands out of his pocket to pass it in his hair. "Yea, you do. But I'm slightly jealous knowing you also whimper like that when he did it. I thought I was special."
"Oh, poor little boy thought he was special." I joked, making him grimace too. "Come here."
I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him inside before closing the door behind him. He was close to me, so close I could feel the warmth of his body close to mine, and when my ass met the counter, I smiled more. He chuckled as he stared down in my eyes and shook his head slightly.
"Do you forgive me?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Mm, maybe."
I felt his hand slip in my jeans and panties and my eyes fluttered slightly as my lips parted as I let lout a whimper despite myself.
"And now?" he asked, clearly amused by the effect he had on me.
"I'll tell you in a few minutes." I whispered, tilting my chin up to look at him better.
I felt two of his fingers brush gently on my clit before he slipped them inside me. I moved one of my legs up on the counter and he moved closer to me, bending down slightly until his lips were only a few inches away from mine.
"You're all mine, yea?" he whispered, making me bite my bottom lip. "Say it."
"Mm, I'm all yours Niall." I breathed out, blinking a few times. "I belong to you."
"Fuck yes you do."
He started fingering me quickly, making sure his palm was rubbing against my clit and when I felt an orgasm spread all over my body, I let my head fall back and shook slightly as he pressed his mouth against mine. I could feel his lips curl as I came and I finally got down from my high, whimpering low and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Okay, I forgive you." I whispered, kissing him deeply for a few seconds before moving my head slightly back. "Do you think that's how Dylan will want to be forgiven too?"
I laughed lightly at the face he made and I heard him groan low. "I'll kill him."
I shook my head a bit and my amused smile turned into a fond one. "You know, I never ever moaned his name." I admitted, licking my lips. "I only do that with you."
He looked happy with my confession but he still raised his eyebrows. "Why?"
"Because... I was always scared I'd moan your name instead."
His face changed and somehow, I could read love in his eyes and it made me swallow hard. He remained silent and my lips parted again.
"I've never stopped loving you, Niall." I murmured. "I told you."
"Guess what, Olivia?" he let out in a soft tone, his eyes roaming quickly on my face. "I never stopped loving you either."
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August 15th, 2018
Dylan had stopped me before I left and had apologized to me profusely. He even texted me the next day to apologize again and I forgave him immediately. Maybe it was because I felt a bit guilty for not telling him about the video Tinka had showed me where his girlfriend was blatantly trying to get back with my boyfriend, but It was easy to forgive him and I knew he felt horrible about it. I was still unsure if I should tell him and at the same time, I didn't want to be the reason of their break-up, or even of a fight so I deciced to ignore it for now but that didn't stop me from feeling bad.
It was almost time for Niall to go back on tour and I felt extremely nervous about it. It had taken me about a week to decide on what I would do. I wanted to go with him but at the same time, I didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend who followed him everywhere. With time, I realized that I could follow him without going back to my old habits but I still had no idea how to tell him. He hadn't mentioned it again, probably because he didn't want to sound pushy or make me feel like I had to follow him, but my insecurity sometimes tried to make me believe it was because he didn't really want to spend so long with me.
"Why did you want me to come with you, Louis?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and turning to him as he was parking. "You know it's one of my last few days with Niall."
Louis laughed and shook his head, turning to me to look in my eyes.
"We both know you're gonna follow him on tour, Liv. Who are you trying to fool?" he said, his accent thick. "You can spend a few hours with your best friend, can't ya?"
I felt my heart skip a beat at how well Louis knew me, sometimes even better than I knew myself, and I realized that I had opened up to him like I had never opened up with anyone else besides Niall. And I didn't regret it at all.
"Yes. You're right."
"Look," he started again, turning on his seat to look at me. "I have something for you."
He searched through his pockets and handed me a well-folded piece of paper, which was surprising. Normally, anything that ended up in Louis' pocket was crumpled or crushed. I frowned a bit and took it before unfolding it gently and carefully.
"I drew it meself. Took me hours."
My lips parted as I looked at the drawing of a crown. It was pretty and he clearly had put a lot of effort into it. It was not perfect, but I thought that's what made it look even more special.
"Wow, Louis... this is..."
"I made it for you." he cut me gently. "If you wanted to get a tattoo, that is. It represents you well, don't ya think?"
I looked up in his eyes and weirdly, I could read stress, like he was not sure how i'd react. The fact that Louis always called me his queen, and that he had even written a song about me with that word made this drawing even more important for me and as soon as his eyes met mine, I knew it would be impossible for me not to get this tattoo.
"I think it represents you, actually." I explained, tilting my head and looking at him. "This tattoo will always remind me of you, and I want you to know that you're important to me, Louis. I would be dead without you. Literally."
His lips curled slightly on the right and stress disappeared from his traits.
"Now you need to draw something for me to get, too." he pointed out.
"Wait, so we're here to get you a tattoo that I would draw?" I asked as  his smile turned into a smirk.
"Can it be simple? I can't draw for shit." I admitted with a grimace.
"Just draw it, give it to the artist, and I'll look at it when it's done."
I stared at him for a few seconds, feeling my heartbeats accelerate and after a while, I breathed in and out. After all, if he didn't like it, he could always get something over it, right?
It took half an hour to get the crown tattooed on my ankle but only about 10 minutes to get the smiley I had drawn for Louis. It was pretty simple with x's instead of eyes and since it was on his wrist, he kept his eyes closed the whole time to make sure it wouldn't ruin the surprise. We walked back to his car in silence about an hour later and sat down, both of us leaning against our seats.
"Is it too simple?" I asked before he turning his head my way with a smile.
"No, it's perfect."
I smiled back at him and held my hand up between us. It took him a few seconds but he finally grabbed it, intertwining his fingers with mine and squeezing my hand.
"Thank you for saving my life." I let out in a soft voice. "Literally, but also metaphorically."
"You saved mine, too."
When I walked back in Niall's house... I mean, in our house... I heard him talk and frowned, trying to be quiet in case he was on the phone. I saw him in front of his laptop, just talking to the screen and it took me a few minutes to realize he was probably on a live chat on instagram. I made sure to remain silent and walked to the kitchen to gt myself a glass of wine and leaned against the counter. I listened to what he was saying from the living room, smiling and chuckling from time to time until I heard him say his goodbyes. I wanted an other minute or two, knowing Niall was the kind of person who said bye by stayed an other half an hour with his hand on the doorknob before actually leaving and when I joined him in the living room, he was getting up.
"Are you done?"
"Yes, sorry, I thought it would take you longer." he apologized, making me smile.
"No, it's all good, it's cool that you do lives for your fans." I just shrugged, joining him near the couch. "Your such a good person."
He smiled more and took the glass from my hands before placing it on the coffee table. I chuckled and he wrapped his arms around my waist, raising his eyebrows.
"And does that turn you on?"
I laughed some more. "Maybe."
He didn't answer anything. Instead, he pressed his lips against mine as his arms pulled me even closer. My eyes fluttered close as he deepened the kiss and I sighed low, feeling my body relax in his arms.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." he whispered before kissing me some more,
"I'll miss you more."
He stepped forward, forcing me to take a step back, and guided us around the couch and until the hall. I ended up hitting my back on the wall and I laughed against his lips.
"Clumsy ass." he said in the same amused tone he always said it. "I love you."
We finally ended up in our room and he closed the door with one of his feet, bringing me to the bed and quickly putting himself on top of me. I loved the feeling of his body over mine, warming me, and it always surprised me that every time, it would make a shiver cross my back. I shivered in his arms and he pulled away slightly to look in my eyes.
"How about we stay locked here until I have to take that fucking stupid plane?"
I raised my eyebrows and my lips parted before I tilted my chin up. "Don't you have somewhere to be tomorrow?"
"I canceled." he admitted, his eyes dropping to my lips before he ground his hips against mine, probably without thinking.
"For me?" I asked with a small smile.
"For us."
I brought my hands to his cheeks and let one of my thumbs brush on his bottom lip. "How many times are you gonna make love to me until you leave?"
His lips curled again and he chuckled low. "As many times as I can."
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years
Goodbyes: Chapter Eight
Summary: Ella Monroe is the Avengers newest recruit, handpicked by Steve Rogers himself. Indebted to him for reasons unknown, Cap pairs her up with Bucky Barnes. He is tasked with training her to relearn and hone the skills that have long since rusted. Bucky is cold and distant, and Ella can’t seem to break through the wall he’s built up for decades. He sees something in her though, and it scares him to death. Has the fate of these two strangers been sealed? …or will they always be longing…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: ANGST, Bucky is a dick, mutual pining, self sabotage, slow burn, alcohol, flirting, swearing. I think that’s it!  Def not following a specific MCU canon or timeline.
A/N: I legit can’t believe the love from you all! Gosh my lil heart might burst! Please stick with me after this chapter and please don’t hate me! Patience is a virtue after all. Thank you for every comment, like, message and reblog. Love you endlessly. <3
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)  (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry! Tags are OPEN!)
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Three fucking weeks.
At this point, you were almost positive you were losing your mind.
Everyone was still in Romania, and you hadn’t had any actual contact with the team. Sam occasionally gave you the smallest of updates, usual in the form of a message that said “we’re alive.”
Gotta love that detail.
Wanda had checked on you too, making sure you were eating, as you had a tendency to forget to when you were stressed.
What drove you mad more than anything was that you hadn’t heard from Bucky. Was it really all in your head? The two of you connecting finally, and then he just vanished without a word?
Sure, maybe you were being irrational and needy. He was working; risking his life for the greater good after all. That doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.
“Miss Monroe, you’re receiving a call.” FRIDAY’s voice announced.
You jumped off the couch and ran to comm beacon in the middle of the table.
“Hello?” You ask, hopeful.
“Hey, Punchline! Miss me?” Sam’s humorous tone asked.
You couldn’t even speak, the only sound escaping your lips was an almost sob of relief.
You hear Steve chuckle in the background. “I’ll take that as a yes, meet us on the roof in 5?”
“You bet.” You reply quickly.
You pull your gray, half-zip hoodie over your head as you jog to the elevator. “Flight deck.” You announce as you enter.
The doors close and you hear and feel the rumble of the Quinjet docking. “Finally.” You whisper to yourself.
You get to the roof and see the bay doors opening as the ramp drops. Steve is the first one out, followed swiftly by Sam.
“You guys look the shit.” You jest, running at Steve with open arms.
He wraps you in the tightest hug, “Missed you too, Ella.” He laughs.
“How ‘bout me?” Sam asks. You turn to him with a smile, and he embraced you too.
“Is everyone alright? Did you...did you guys...is it done?” You couldn’t really formulate a thought, your mind still wondering how the hell they survived.
Steve nodded. “Every ounce of data we could extract, we did. That base wasn’t even close to inactive. In fact, it was the hub for HYDRA’s new order.”
Your mouth dropped, “What?”
Sam spoke, “Don’t worry, there’s a debriefing tomorrow, we’ll let you know everything we know.”
Your eyes glance behind Steve and Sam. You see Wanda and Vision exit the plane, relieved that they’re okay. You were chewing on your bottom lip, feeling the impatience take hold of you.
Where the hell is he? You thought.
“Hey Ella, listen—“ Sam said, but you tuned him out, hearing more footsteps on the ramp.
There he was, Bucky, safe and—what?
He was holding someone. A woman. Carrying her like a parent does their child after they’ve fallen asleep in the car.
She was stunning. Milky skin with gorgeous red locks. You knew who this was without a doubt, recalling her photo from the file you’d read months ago. Natasha, the Black Widow.
She was smiling. He was smiling. A real, genuine, happy look graced his face as he walked towards you all.
“Barnes, you can put me down now.” She laughed.
He shook his head, “Not a chance, Kitten. Can’t have you runnin’ off on me again can we?”
She pushed some hair out of his face, “I’m not going anywhere this time. I found what I was looking for, and I don’t intend on letting it go.” She smirked her perfect lips at him, causing him to blush.
Bucky places her gently on her feet before looking at you. His eyes looked panicked as he took in the expression on your face.
“You must be Ella! Nice to meet you, I’m Nat. Steve’s told me so much about you.” She smiled, pulling you in for a hug.
Why didn’t Bucky tell you about me? You think begrudgingly.
A smile graced your face nonetheless as you return the hug. “Its an honor, you’re a legend.” You say in an attempt to control your tone. It was true, too. Natasha Romanoff was infamous in your line of work.
“Don’t boost her ego, Kid.” Tony says walking by you.
You smiled politely, eager to escape to your room. “Well you guys must be exhausted, I’ll let you—“
“Hell no. I need a drink and I need one now.” Sam said as he walked towards the door leading back inside.
“You think you get to drink alone, Wilson? I don’t believe that’s how this relationship works.” Tony said as he completed his retinal scan by the keypad.
“We’re gonna have a ‘hey look at that, none of us died’ dinner tonight. Pizza, beer, booze, music. 8 o’clock in the lounge.” Tony said disappearing inside.
You turned around to see Bucky whispering in Natasha’s ear, both laughing like giddy fucking schoolgirls.
Are they...does he...is she... you’re brain tried to think, but it couldn’t seem to complete a thought.
You wanted to punch him in that smug face of his. He didn’t even have the balls to say goodbye to you when he left, and now that he’s back he has the audacity to not say two words to you?
“I’m always down for pizza, how ‘bout you Ella?” Steve asked, swinging an arm around your shoulder and leading you back inside.
Bucky eyed Steve with a curious look, but you couldn’t help smiling at your friend, “Is that even a question, Steve? Pizza is a main food group in my opinion, you know that.”
He and Nat were swiftly on you heels. “You sure about that Els? You look exhausted, have you been sleeping?” Bucky asks from behind you.
You stop suddenly and turn on your heel. Is he serious? The first thing he says to you is basically ‘you look like shit’ and ‘please don’t come to this party’.
“Now that you mention it, Sergeant, I haven’t been sleeping. I was worried about my friends. Wondering when and if I’d see them again, I’d hate to leave thing left unsaid,”
You grab Steve’s and Sam’s hand in each of yours and lift them, “But it looks like everyone I care about made it back on one piece.”
You turn back around and head into the elevator with everyone.
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You stood in your room, fuming.
Is this really who you’ve become? This pathetic teenager pining after someone who will never be hers?
It sure seems that way.
Your stomach churns at the image of he and Nat...together.
An excessive groan leaves your lips as you flop on the bed, ready to let yourself wallow.
Your plans, however, are interrupted by a knock on your door. “What?!” You scream.
The door opens slowly, “I thought you’d have missed me?” Wanda says.
You shoot up, and smile like an idiot. “Of course I missed you, Wan. I’m so glad you’re back!” You embrace her.
The two of you had become quite close recently, and it was so nice to have a girl friend around again.
“Then why do I get the feeling I interrupted a wallowing session, hm?” She said slyly.
You raise an eyebrow at her, “Wan...” You scold.
“I know, I know—stay outta your head. But Ella, your thoughts are so loud I can barely hear my own!” She laughed.
You sigh and sit on the edge of your bed, Wanda joining you.
“I’m just mad. I’m mad at myself for acting like a love struck teenager, I’m mad at him for yoyo-ing me all the damn time. I’m just...”
“In love.” She finished your sentence.
You laugh aloud, “Wan, you have to know someone to love them. That big oaf of a man is too damn stubborn to let anyone in! Besides, I don’t think it’s me he wants.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” She asked.
You stand heading to your closet, looking through clothes to wear for tonight.
“Nothing. Forget I mentioned it.”
Wanda’s footsteps followed you, “I know you say Bucky’s stubborn, but so are you, Ella.” She smiled softly, her nimble fingers landing on a black velvet dress.
“This one.” She says. The long sleeved, deep v dress was your absolute favorite, and also very fancy.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” You ask.
She raised her eyebrows at you. “Uh, have you met Tony? He says ‘pizza and beer’ but he means a gala... with less people.”
“Fine, but I swear to God if you don’t dress up too then I’m coming back here and putting on pajamas.” You hold your pinky out to her.
She hooks it with a smile, “Deal.”
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8 o’clock comes far too fast in your opinion.
You’d spent the last two hours in your bathroom doing your makeup and hair, and you look damn good.
The dress rested a bit below mid-thigh, and fit you perfectly. You make a mental not to thank Wanda later for forcing you into it.
“Breathe, Ella.” You say to yourself as the elevator carries you to the lounge floor.
Your black heels click through the corridor, the sound softening as your ears fill with classic rock from the end of the hall.
You slowly push the wooden door open, and spot everyone mingling. Maria Hill was there, as was Rhodey, and another man you’d never met before.
“Oh shoot! I didn’t know we had a supermodel living with us!” Sam shouts.
You laugh, “Oh shut up, you’ve clearly already been drinking.”
He shook his head, “So what? I still got eyes, don’t I?”
“You look beautiful.” Steve says cutting Sam off, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You blush, “Thank you, Steve. You boys clean up pretty nice too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen each other like this.”
Steve shakes his head, “Not exactly the suit I’m most comfortable in.” He took a sip of what you assume is scotch. “What are you drinkin’, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Honestly? Anything with vodka. Then I’ll have a shot or two.” You say, taking a seat at the high top table next to him.
“Coming right up, Sam why don’t you come with me fore you dig a deeper hole for yourself?”
You hear Sam grumbling as Steve drags him away, and you suddenly feel yourself being watched.
You scan the room, and spot him almost instantly. He’s standing with Nat, her back to you, leaning on the bar.
Bucky’s eyes, though glassy from the booze no doubt, had never been more focused.
His gaze roamed your body from your feet to your face. He licked his lips slowly, before capturing his bottom one in his teeth.
Shaking your head, you look away from him. “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” You mutter to yourself. You glance at him quickly one final time and see Nat waving her hand in front of his face.
Bucky’s trance seems to get broken and he falls back into conversation with her with ease.
“Moscow Mule? I think that’s what the bartender called it.” Steve says approaching you.
A light bulb suddenly goes off in your head.
“Steve? Can I ask for a favor?” You say, squeezing the lime into your drink
He nods, “Anything, what’s on your mind?”
You let out a large breath. “Okay, please don’t think I’m immature but I’ve been thoroughly pissed at your best pal over there,” you gesture with a nod of your head.
“and I’d really like to get him back for all the shit he’s put me through.”
Steve sips his drink again, as Sam places 3 shot of Jameson on the table. “What did you have in mind?”
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Bucky’s breathing stopped the moment he saw her. He didn’t think she could get anymore beautiful.
Turns out he was incredibly, outstandingly wrong.
He felt his heat racing and his blood pumping, drowning out whatever Nat was telling him about her plans for the evening.
Ella’s eyes were everything to him. They bared her soul and showed him her heart at the same time. He’d never been able to see a future for himself, until she fell into his life.
He worried about her constantly. Not being able to see her or talk to her or hear her voice for nearly 3 weeks drove him crazy. Then seeing her in the state she was in, so obviously sleep deprived and stressed. He hated himself for making her worry so much, and it was clear she wasn’t too happy with him when he got back this morning.
“Hello, Earth to Barnes? Did you hear me?” Nat said, waving her hand.
Bucky shook his head, “No sorry, what was that?”
Nat smiled slyly. “Mhm, your girls got you in a tizzy, that’s for sure.” She said, sipping her martini.
Bucky smiled shyly. “She’s not my girl, no matter how much I wish she was.”
Nat slapped his lapel, “So what the fuck are you doing fuck standing here with me?!”
“Ow! Okay, okay! Christ, shouldn’t you be fucking Banner in a utility closet or something?” He laughed stepping away from her.
“All in good time, Barnes. Now go get your girl.” She said spinning away from him.
Bucky’s eyes traveled to where she was standing, but she wasn’t there. Sam was in her spot, downing a shot Bucky was sure he’d regret in the morning.
He maneuvered around the groups of people, searching for her. The soft rock music playing poignantly through the speakers, he sees a few couples dancing.
He scoots around them and spots Steve.
Good for him. He thought happily to himself.
When Steve sways around with his partner, he sees its not a random guest he’s dancing with. Steve is dancing with a beautiful girl, a woman, Bucky’s girl.
Bucky wants to throw up and kick his ass all at once.
But then he sees Ella.
She’s smiling, and comfortable. She’s happy as she rests her head on Steve’s chest, and sways to the rhythm of the song.
The alcohol in his system doesn’t make these feelings any easier to handle. His vibranium fist clenching and unclenching.
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A whirring sound get both Steve and your attention. That’s when you see Bucky standing about 10 feet away from the two of you as he watches dance.
“Hey Buck, wh—“
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” Bucky slurs.
Your eyes widen at the words he says to his friend. Bucky is visibly shaking, and obviously drunk—probably more so than you, and that’s saying something since Sam kept the shots coming.
“Bucky, stop.” You say before your mind can stop you.
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, “Not fucking him, huh?” He spat in anger as he pushed by you, leaving the lounge all together.
Steve looked to the door, then to you. Your eyes brimming with tears as you swallowed a sob.
He looks at you with a sad smile, and nods his head toward the door. “Go get him.”
Chapter Nine: Seen
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Mano eu amo vc kkklkklk só entro aqui pelo meu amado Royai , Todomomo e por Vc , amo headcannons do Chisaki com enfermeiras 😏 queria ele com uma no tartarus , e ele dando chilique pq só quer ser atendido por ela kkkkk ( se não for abusar ) bjs
"Man I love you kkklkklk I only come here for my beloved Royai, Todomomo and for you, I love Chisaki's headcannons with nurses 😏 I wanted him with one at the tartarus, and he giving a tantrum because he just wants to be attended to by her kkkkk (if not to abuse) kisses"
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"MISS (L/N)!" a young male nurse had just barged into the room you were currently on, and the poor thing seemed both devasted and like he was attacked by something.
"Woah there kiddo calm down!" You exclaimed while getting up, holding the poor young worker's shoulder as he breathed in and out desperately, somehow finding comfort in you again. "What's wrong? Did you went to All for One's cell and he sayed bullshit and then you fell down the stairs?" You giggled while the poor young man growled.
Being a worker on the the most famous villains prison always did indeed messes up with your mind... Tartarus had the most dangerous and cruelest villains ever that Japan had, and clearly sometimes ghey did messed up with tbe workers minds... or at least try it to.
"N-no... please just go talk with the guard outside. I can't deal with this anymore. I don't get ONE STEP closer to that man's cell!" He exclaimed while abruptly getting a cup of coffee on the machine.
You blinked at that and hesitantly walked out of the rest room to be met with one guard and your superior.
"Good morning gentlemans. What's gotten into him?" The guard huffed a puff of irritated air as he pointed with his chin at one direction while your superior sighed in desperation.
"The same thing that happened with the other four nurses that covered your shift on that man's cell (Y/n)... no one can enter that place besides you, is a fact by now." You tilted your head in confusion before the guard manifested.
"That bastard Chisaki, miss (y/n). Even without his arms the son of a bitch can still kick anyone's ass who dares to take one step inside his cell.... except you apparently. "
You really had to hold back your laughter at that one.
Overhaul, Chisaki Kai. He was the new prisoner that had just got in Tartarus one year by now... you were the first; your coworkers sayed 'poor soul'; one to get inside and talk face to face with the villain as you explained to him.
His eyes were so empty and yet so full of terror... only nodding and shooking his head numbly, not even dating to meet your eyes... but even despite that he was still a very arrogant and stubborn man, not letting you touch him by any means for the first few visits you made.
You were patient though... making small conversations, slowly getting why he was here exactly... hearing him talk instead of hearing humors or reading his profile.
After some weeks he allowed you to touch him with gloves; you threatened to his wounds and let him vent... you knew he needed that more than anything by that moment, and you were more than glad to hear that beautiful voice...
After you hearf what exactly took his arms away you were shocked, disgusted and sad... surprising the man in so many levels.
After months of talkating, threating and knowing each other, he was slightly infatuated by you, and the moment you explained to him you were quirkless was just the cherry on top for Chisaki to threat you completely different than his forst meeting with you.
He wouldn't at least complain THAT MUCH when you feeded him at least... both arms losted made the simplest activities seem like it was impossible.
Although there was this one time you couldn't come and sended one friend of yours instead while you took care of a newbie on the prison..
Poor woman came back traumatized and asked to leave her job the next day.
Then another time when you were sick, knewing about Chisaki's mysophobia you asked gently another coworker to go in there instead of you.
The man came back with a beaten up face and in the end the nurse needed to be treated...
This happened at least four times by now... and always ended on the same thing.
"(Y/N), not even us can enter his cell. He knocked out at least five or six guards of ours..." the man exhale desperate.
"And had the nerve of demanding your presence and leaving me with a damn scar on the left side of my face." Yhe guard showed it to you the medium scar adoring his jaw.
"Jesus Christ..." you whispered with widen eyes as you sended him to see the nurse inside, he had a minor healing quirk to that would help a bit... at least.
"Please (y/n) go into his cell, he hadn't eaten anything the whole day and didn't changed his bandages... and with the fight he had with our guards and nurse he surely afquired more bruises." You nodded before picking your stuff and walking towards Overhaul's cell.
You placed your card and passed through the door which quickly closed, safety measures in there were serious, as you looked around the cell and smiled at seing the back of the man sitting on his bed.
"You need to stop doing that you know?" Your voice caught his attention as he turned his front to you with a monotonously look while you gave him a sweet but yet nervous smile, pointing at outside.
"Poor thing looked like he had just come out of a war! What did you even do?" You picked a washcloth and rubbed the hints of blood from the walls, which you couldn't help but wince.
"They sended a incompetent useless brat that surely wouldn't be fit for a decent job." He said numbly before sighing when you sitted on a chair next to his bed.
"Then I do a 'decent job' then?" You giggled while he only stared back at you "I will have you know that one of the womans that came in here were one of our best nurses... until she left her work after covering me that timr." You eyed him with a cocky smile and a eyebrow lifted up.
"Didn't sound like she was. And don't get full of yourself now, you just happen to be only one I can atture." He growled, easing up a bit at hearing your giggling a apology.
Such a sweet thing on this dark, depressed and dangerous place... how surprised yet blessed was he?
Did he really deserved any of your kindness? Any of your sweet as honey words?
You brought up on your bag before breaking apart the chopsticks. He arched kne eyebrow at it before noticing that the usual disgusting food or soup; gosh he hated soup more than germs; that he was served at tartarus weren't in the room.
Placing the pieces together he sighed in annoyance and embarrassment before laying his head on the wall.
"You will be fired for that idiot. Giving a prisoner proper food instead of that disgusting and nauseous things..." you look up at him, already a takoyaki on the chopsticks.
"Don't worry." You chirped "First I told them this was my lunch, then after I lost the hunger. Simple as that!" You sayed cutely while he deadpanned.
"What a poor and dumb strategy."
"Hey! Is a good one!"
"No of course it isn't." He showed with his chin at the camera "Those sick can see us and hear us by now."
"Only see. And like my genius plan will work, we've got nothing to worry about it!"
"You will be fired." He said monotonously but still feeling a painful bitter grow on his chest.
You being fired meaned that you weren't coming back. Others will try to replace you... dumb and idiotics... no one could replace such a divine creature.
"Actually I don't think I would be fired... especially when I am the only one that enters in here that Isn't... you know, knocked out or simply left here terrified of everthing."
He hummed in annoyance before frowning at seing you standing a bit of the food you had for him to eat.
He had to control really hard to not to blush.. he never ever had these problems, so why with you was so... warm and left him without air?
He reluctantly parted his lips, averting his eyes before you placed gently the food inside his mouth.
He sighed in bliss at not feeling the lifeless taste he was used to by now or the disgusting misoshiro soup they offered. The flavors on his mouth giving him a moment.
"Is it good?" He nodded monotonously still munching slowly, averting his gaze away from your at seing you had smiled sweetly at him. "That's a good thing Chisaki-kun!"
He swallowed before feeling shivers of displeasure at hearing that name, he wasn't Overhaul anymore and had demanded you to not call him that either... but his first name? Were you even going to accept it?
"Chisaki? Don't want the rest?" Your voice broked him out of his thoughts as he looked at you extending another small amount of food to him again.
He growled again before accepting and opening his mouth again.
This was humiliating...
After he finished you were relieved at least, since your superior had told you that Chisaki havent eaten anything since your last visit...
"Kai." He suddenly said before you offered him a cup of water.
"Call me this. Do not call me 'Chisaki-kun', it sound ridiculous, so call me 'Kai' instead."
He looked at you from the conor of his eye and got surprised at seing the hint of pink on your cheeks.
"Ok then.. Kai." You smiled warmly at him and for the first time that you ever met this man, he half smiled.
You wanted to scream at the sign, despite being a villain, you couldn't deny that Chisaki was attractive, but seing him smile? It was just another level.
"U-uh.. Oh! I remembered!" You messed around on your bag before taking out a black surgeon mask, his eyes widening a bit at the sign. "I brought this for you. Sorry for taking too long, im such a cloud head!" You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment as his eyes still were pierced to the mask.
"Why...?" He asked sorely and weakly, making your soine go cold.
"Well, I know how you aren't the most comfortable in here, and also your mysophobia... so I went to look for masks, but I knew you also prefered black so it took me a while to find it... the majority of them are always white or even blue..."
He looked up at you, eyes full of disbelief yet shock.
"C-Can I put it for you?" It ook a bit of time for him to answer back before he slowly but suspiciously nodded.
Instead of feeling jis skin errup in irritation, he felt waves of electricity and warmth surround all of his body when he felt the tinies and quickiest brush of your fingers on both sides of his face.
He arched one of his eyebrows at you when he heard your whine when you got back. Silently demanding a explanation for that sound.
"Is just that... now I can't see your smile neither your whole beautiful face anymore..." you immediately smacked a hand over your mouth in panic.
Did you really just said that OUT LOUD?!
His low disbelieved yet relieved chuckle made you ease uo a bit before tensing at seing how tjose golden eyes were luff red, but knowing him, he wouldn't let any tear fall, evem if he needed.
"I think you're mistaken things here... you're the... you still have bkth of your arms and also are the... beautiful one... not the lther way around... I'm hideous... not from outside, but inside... can't you see..?" he swallowed the sob before he saw your own eyes tearing up.
"Why are you crying for now?" He asked quite angrily before returning to his cold composture again.
"I guess... its because I think you're the last lerson that deserved to go through this..."
"You're a idiot." He dropped his head hund low "I know you readed and know what I've done, so stop pretending-"
"You just wanted to repay your father... righ Kai?"
He felt his body freeze at your commentary, he slowly looked up at you and cri ged at the sign of you, ghe most beautiful and pure person he ever saw, crying because of him.
"I know how you feel... I'm so sorry. The yakusa shouldn't had ended in that way..."
Before he knew it a sob escaped from his mouth and he immediately cursed out loud. He felt your arms envelope around him, not feeling irritated but instead... relieved.
"I can check on him if you want..." you offered as his silent tears fell from his eyes.
"I did that to him...he just wouldn't accept it and I did that with him... I-" he interrupted himself at feeling your hand to pat his head gently.
"I know... I know." He let himself relax at your body, it was way comfortable than that project of bed of his...
"You better had showered and not to tell this-"
"Showered at least two times today and why would I tell this to someone?" You asked while resting your head on his neck as he did the same with your head.
"... I have no idea. You're definitely the most weird perso I ever met... and I have met plenty."
"Is that a good or a bad thing at least?"
"...good. A... good thing. A weird... angel.." you widened your eyes and vlushed furiously at hearing of what he called you.
You looked up and saw how his eyes were peaceful closed... poor man didn't get good sleep...
A guard passed through and you made a signal to him, clearly telling him to go away and that you were spending your whole shift on here.
You were falling for this criminal... it was wrong? Deadass wrong... but you couldn't control it.
Both of you had putted each other on a spell and didn't even knew it...
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Blue Eyes Part 3
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 3: Ella attends the wedding of Tommy and Grace.
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          Ella remembered always wanting to be a princess. As a young girl, her head was filled with stories of fantastic adventures. Her brothers spooked her with stories of dragons and a lady that played cards with the devil. Polly wove yarns of fairies and princesses. She decided, after careful consideration, she would be a princess who was also a knight. Why should she limit herself? She could rule the land and slay dragons. And of course, Ella found that she didn’t like being dressed up as a princess. Her Sunday clothes were itchy and stiff. Polly would scold her if she returned home with scuffed shoes and torn stockings. But a girl couldn’t ride a horse with a skirt, not properly anyway. She wouldn’t sit sidesaddle and let her brothers win races because she was slipping right off her pony.
          As she grew, she learned to appreciate dresses. They had their time and place. Tommy’s wedding was that time and place. But what would she wear to a wedding that was in such strange circumstances? She was sure her brother was trying to promote their family as a little higher end than from where they began. Especially because Ada had said Grace came from a military family. Figuring Polly would know best, Ella packed a few of her finer dresses and left London with Ada.
          “El!” Arthur’s loud voice boomed across the front lawn. The boys were arriving back from a ride. Her eldest brother quickly dismounted and tossed the reins at a young stable hand. He jogged to embrace his younger sister, hoisting her up and spinning around about as he used to when she was much smaller.
          John and Finn followed close behind him, each getting their chance to greet her. Ella was nothing but smiles as she reunited with them. Sometimes it was hard to know how much you’ve missed someone until you’ve seen them again. And when she saw her brothers, her heart ached painfully.
          “Look at you! All grown up now.” Arthur shook his head in disbelief. “Feels like you’ve been gone for ages. Swear you've gotten taller s'well.”
          “It’s only been a few years, Arthur.” She reminded him gently. Her blue eyes wandered over his shoulder to see Tommy lagging behind his brothers. His hands were in his overcoat pockets as he looked on. “Are you going to just stand there?” She asked. “I haven’t been able to properly congratulate you.”
          “’Fraid you weren’t coming.” He approached her. Indeed, Tommy had called Ada a few times over the month to confirm that Ella was still going to attend the wedding. He was anxious to see his sister and hope they would be able to mend some wounds of their relationship. Not having her in their life was strange. There was always a gap in the family with Ella's absence.
          “I wouldn’t miss your wedding, pral.” She smiled and went to hug him.
          Tommy felt relieved that he could finally hug her again. “How’s London treating you?”
          “Good.” She smiled but a brief thought about Alfie Solomons poked at her. She wasn’t going to tell Tommy that she’d met him the day before his wedding, or ever. But she was hoping to get some more information from her brothers if she could.
          “Want you to come meet Grace and Charlie. You need to meet your cousin, Michael, as well.” Tommy was eager for her to meet his new family. He was hoping she and Grace got along. Perhaps the wedding would give her a reason to return to Birmingham.
          The chatted idly as they walked to the massive house. “I can see you’re doing very well for yourself,” Ella noted. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine being at such a house. It was a kind of house that lords and ladies lived in, not Shelbys. But it appeared that Tommy was trying to change that perception of the family name.
          “There’s always room for you to be apart of the company. You could be very useful. Michael and Polly are working on making the firm legitimate.” He informed her, hoping it would impress her and make her feel safer in Birmingham.
          “I dunno, Tom.” She said with a shrug. After agreeing to attend the wedding, she used the month to think through her relationship with her family. Part of her wanted to return to the people she loved more than anything. But she was afraid of getting herself into another scenario like the Garrison four years earlier.
          “Think about it, aye?” He said gently and held open the front doors of Arrow House for his sister.
          Ella nodded. “I will.” She promised and stepped inside.
          “Look who’s here,” A soft Irish voice floated down from the stairs. Grace came down with Charlie in her arms. She smiled warmly when she saw Tommy's sister. “We’re so glad you’re here, Ella.”
          The Shelby girl smiled. “It’s nice to see you again, Grace. And this must be my nephew.” Ella cooed.
          The young boy giggled and reached out for her. “Go ahead, love.” Grace handed Charlie to her to hold.
          “Oh, he’s precious.” Ella murmured. “Yes, you are.”
          Tommy chuckled. “He’s a rascal, that’s what he is.” He slipped off his coat and cap. “I’m sure you’ll get to see how he is when he’s cranky.”
          “That’s okay, he probably gets it from you, Tommy.”
          Grace smiled and nodded. “That’s what I said.”  
          “Guess London hasn’t changed you that much.” Tommy rolled his eyes and touched her shoulder. “Polly and Michael will be in the study I think if you'd like to see them now.”
          Ella gave Charlie back to Grace and followed her brother down the hall. “Did you find her daughter too?” She remembered brief memories of her cousins. She was very young but she remembered hearing about them being ripped away from Polly. They all thought it was nearly impossible to find the children again until Tommy gained such connections.
          “I found out she passed away,” Tommy answered quietly. “Pol’s handled it well though. Think she’s glad Michael’s back.”
          “That’s a shame.”
          When they entered, Polly stood in surprise and rushed to hug her niece. “Thank God you’re well.” The older woman touched her cheeks to make sure she looked healthy.
          Ella bit her lip and felt a little teary. Polly was practically her mother and the years away from her had been tough on the young woman. “I’ve missed you, Pol.”
          “We’ve all missed you too.” Her forehead creased and she sighed softly. “But I’m just glad you’re okay.”
          Ella saw the other person in the room stand up. “And you must be Michael, it’s been a very long time since I've seen you.” She smiled and took in the young man who seemed like he had thoroughly embraced the Shelby lifestyle. He was well dressed and holding a cigarette.
          He nodded.  “You're Ella, I don’t remember much but it’s very nice to meet you again. I've heard a lot about you.”
          Polly looked proud of her son. “He’s a big help in the company, very clever.” She boasted.
          “Then you really are Polly’s son.” Ella laughed softly. "Grey's are very clever."
          “Come sit and tell me what you’ve been doing in London.” Her aunt ushered her over to the couch. “Tommy, I’m sure you’ve got things to do for the wedding.”
          “Well, as far as I know, I just need to get dressed and make it to the church.” Tommy reached into his coat for a cigarette. “But I’ll let you all catch up.”
          “Fucking uniforms,” John grumbled.
          Ella laughed softly and shook her head. She glanced across the aisle to Grace’s side of the family. The men had faces like stone and the women looked highly displeased with their surroundings. “I’m sure Tommy told you to be on your best behavior, John boy. Can't be violent at Tommy's wedding.”
          Her brother muttered a few curses under his breath. “Also fucking told me they wouldn’t be in uniforms.”
          “Try to ignore them, they'll only try to rile you up." She drew his attention away from the men. "Listen, have you heard much about a man named Alfie Solomons? From Camden Town?” Ella asked, trying to sound as casual as she could so she didn’t raise any alarms.
          John wrinkled his nose. It was hard to mention the name without garnering some type of reaction. The Shelbys normally had a bad reaction. “The fuck do you know about him?”
          “John!” Esme hissed and smacked her husband’s arm. “We’re in fucking church, don’t swear. Giving a bad example to the kids.”
          Ella giggled but her brother looked suspicious that she had brought up the Jewish gangster’s name. Before he could ask anything else, the organ music began, announcing Grace's arrival.
          “No fucking fighting!” Tommy shouted after repeating himself many times in the kitchen. The Blinders all around him, grumbling and muttering about how unfair he was being.
          “Tom.” John adjusted the pick in his mouth.
          “What? Are you seriously asking a question?” His older brother asked, turning to him. “You can’t possibly be confused about what I’m saying.” Finn and Isaiah snickered at the comment.
          “No, it’s ‘bout Ella.” He clarified.
          Tommy looked concerned. His shoulders slumped slightly and he worried she had already left. Maybe he’d pushed the issue of her returning to Birmingham too much. “What about her?”
          “In the church, she was asking about Alfie Solomons.”
          “What?” Arthur demanded sharply. “What the fuck do you mean she’s asking ‘bout him?”
          John just shrugged. “I dunno, she didn’t tell me why.”
          Tommy paced a few steps and took a puff of his cigarette. “Fuck.” He muttered under his breath and dragged a hand over his face. “Just…don’t mention it again to her. I’ll take care of it.” He really didn’t want to discuss Alfie on his wedding day and he certainly didn’t want to know how his baby sister knew about him.
          “Don’t want Alfie fucking Solomons sniffing 'round her.” Arthur snarled. "If he does he'll regret it."
          “She might’ve just heard his name before.” Finn offered.
          Tommy shook his head. “Just drop it.” He ordered. “I don’t want to hear you bring it up ‘round her again.”
          After a few hours into the reception, Ella wandered off. She found the stables after a bit of roaming around the grounds. As she inhaled the familiar scent of horses, she realized she was much more comfortable there instead of in the lavish Arrow House. She came across a beautiful dapple-gray horse; a large gelding that certainly would’ve caught her attention as a young girl. She would never tire of braiding the horse’s silver mane and tail, brushing its coat until it gleamed in the sun.
          “You’re a beauty, aren’t you?” She let the horse sniff her hand before stroking his soft muzzle. “Maybe Tommy’ll let me take you out for a spin tomorrow.” It’d been a while since she’d ridden. She missed the horses at her uncle’s yard. She missed far more than she could even count. She sighed and stroked the horse’s cheek. “He’ll probably make me agree to come back to Birmingham though.”
          The horse snorted softly in reply. He sniffed her shawl for any treats, his tail swishing, and ears perked.
          “Thought I noticed you missing.”
          Ella glanced over to see Tommy walking into the stables. “Getting a bit rowdy for me. I don't think I could listen to another one of John's jokes. I forgot how fucking awful they were."
          Tommy chuckled and nodded. “Well, it’ll only get rowdier, the boys are coming to race.” He warned her.
          She nodded. “Okay, I’ll go back inside then.” She had a feeling her brothers wouldn’t let her stick around and watch the race. In fact, she had a feeling they were going to fix it just to get one over on the cavalry. So she made her way to the barn door.
          “Before you go.” Tommy reached out and grabbed her arm as she went to pass by him in the stable aisle. “You need to explain why you brought up Alfie Solomons to John.”
          “Alfie Solomons?” Ella raised an eyebrow. “I don’t…”
          “John told me you were asking about him in the church.” Tommy interrupted so she knew he wasn’t about to let her pull the wool over his eyes.
          “Oh,” Ella shrugged and tried to remain aloof about the subject. “Amelia might’ve mentioned the name to me. Have I told you about Amelia? She’s got all sorts of stories ‘bout London.” Technically, her best friend was the one who told her about the gangster. But Tommy didn’t need to know that was only after Ella had seen the man in person.
          “Why would she bring him up?” Tommy’s icy blue eyes studied her expression. He was usually very good at telling when someone was flat out lying to him. But it was hard to distinguish when Ella had mastered the art of lying like a Shelby. Be evasive, answer questions with other questions, omit details, and stay cool, calm, and collected. Plus, Tommy had a weak spot for her sister; he never assumed she was lying, unlike other people he encountered in his line of work.
          “She’s always got a story to tell.” Ella made sure to maintain enough eye contact so he didn’t grow more suspicious.
          Tommy let the cigarette in his fingers burn in the air for a moment. The smoke curled around his hand and disappeared out of the barn door into the dark night. “You should tell her it’s wise to avoid talking ‘bout that man.” He said firmly. “You don’t want to be connected to him even in passing.”
          “How do you know him?” Ella turned the spotlight back on her brother, hopefully, to acquire information John didn’t give her earlier.
          “We’ve crossed paths before.” He admitted. “Nothing you need to worry about.”
          Ella tilted her head to the side. “Do I have to worry about him finding out I’m a Shelby?” Of course, she didn’t think Alfie would be able to connect the dots just with a brief meeting.
          “Doesn’t matter, because you won’t be going near him,” Tommy replied with a stern look. “You keep away from Camden Town and the Jews there. They all answer to him as far as I know.”
          “You’ve changed, Tommy.” His sister noted quietly. “You’ve seen more things…done more things since I’ve been ‘round.”
          He took a drag of his cigarette to avoid the question for a moment. “You said you didn’t want to be part of it, don’t think that’s something you have to worry about.”
          “I’m your fucking sister, I can worry about you,” Ella replied, irked by his cold demeanor towards her when business was being spoken about. Back in Small Heath, when she was still just a teenager, he’d often tell her with a proud smile that they were moving up in the world. He’d promise her horses, luxuries, a new home, and when she was old enough, a car. Now he was acting like she had no right to even inquire about his well-being. “Tom, you used to tell me everything.” She furrowed her eyebrows. “You didn’t even tell me you had Charlie.”
          He didn’t look at her for a long while. “You told me you didn’t want anything to do with Shelby Company Limited.” He echoed himself. “You went off to London and I didn’t hear from you, El. M’too busy to keep track of someone who’s gone and done a runner.”
          “I didn’t run,” Ella argued, her temper was beginning to bubble up in her stomach, moving to her chest and throat. “Can you blame me for what I did?”
          Tommy shrugged and finished his cigarette. “You were keen to tell me you could make your own choices. I can’t blame you.”
          Angry tears stung Ella’s blue eyes. “Arthur and John were happy to see me. Polly understood my choice. Ada supports me in London. You’re the only one who’s still acting like a fucking brat!”
          Tommy’s jaw clenched. “Don’t speak to me like that.” He retorted fiercely and pointed at her. “You’ve no right to come in and pretend we’ve abandoned you when you decided to leave.” His face clouded over with anger. “Now either you’re apart of this fucking family and you put up with what the rest of us put up with, or you go back to London and pretend we all don’t exist. You can’t have it both ways, Ella. You’re not a child anymore.”
          Ella balled her hands into fists. Her Traveler instincts kicked in, the days she spent in the meadows outside Small Heath. The boys she had to beat up to prove she was a Shelby. The time she broke an older boy’s nose because he was running his mouth about their family.
          “Gypsies.” He taunted. “Gonna read my fortune? Pick me pockets?”
          It took both her older brothers to wrench her off the boy who dared make fun of her and her family. Now Tommy was questioning her, questioning the decision she made. Maybe she was wrong and being a hypocrite, but she was far too upset to think rationally.
          “Everyone talks about the curse on the Shelbys. Our fucking cursed family. It’s you. It’s you, Tommy! You’re the fucking curse!” She shouted and caused a few horses to stir in their stalls nearby. “You’ve poisoned this family and continue to do whatever you want, without giving a fuck what the rest of us think.”
          Tommy stood straight in front of her, not interrupting or moving away. He stood like a soldier, braced against her venomous words.
          “You can fuck your wedding. Fuck your company. Fuck your indifference.” Ella spat and turned on her heel to leave the stables.
          A group of men was staggering across the lawns, gearing up for the race they were about to fix.
          “Where’ya going, Ellie?” John’s voice boomed across the grounds. He grabbed her by the shoulder. “Come watch the race! We’re gonna show those uniforms how s’done!”
          “Fuck your big mouth!” Ella shouted at him and jerked away from his touch. "You're just a fucking little messenger to Tommy, aren't you?!"
          Arthur looked concerned at her sudden outburst. He thought everything had been going well with the return of his younger sister. But now she was glaring daggers at the group of Blinders. “El?”
          “Fuck this whole bloody cursed family!” She continued ranting on her way back to Arrow House. She promptly grabbed her things and took Ada’s car back to London without telling anyone she’d left.
          Ella was stewing for a week after the wedding. Her family members, minus Tommy, had been trying to reach out to her. But she ignored all their calls and letters. Ada visited her home a few times but Ella turned her away.
          She felt snubbed by Tommy who was once her closest confidante and friend. When they had nothing, she had Tommy to rely on. He'd comfort her if she was picked on by kids her age. He'd keep her company when she felt lonely after the death of their mother. He was more than just a brother, he was a support system.
          At night, she stayed up staring at the ceiling. Her mind raced and kept her awake for hours. Maybe she’d been wrong for leaving the family, but she was terrified. Tommy couldn’t appreciate how scared she was. He was unafraid of death. She almost thought she had gained the confidence and strength to return to Birmingham, but not after that debacle in the stables.
          Ella would toss and turn, thinking about what Tommy had to say. The way he’d spoken to her like she was nothing more than a stranger. How could he be so cold? If he was so twisted about everything else then maybe he was dead wrong about Alfie Solomons.
          The next time Ella saw Alfie, she’d wandered close to the edge of Camden Town. She decided it was most likely an indirect middle finger to her brother who had warned her to stay away. Tommy didn't choose where she could go anymore. If he didn't want her in the family, then she could go anywhere in London.          
          “You on your own?”
          Ella was walking down a strip of stores when she heard his voice. She turned and felt a spark of intrigue.
          He stood just as he had in the club. Broad shoulders, exaggerated frame, and militant stance. This time, he had a large bullmastiff with him.
          “My friend was busy,” Ella answered with a faint smile. “Is that your dog?”
          He moved a little closer to her. The gangster had been happy to spot her piercing blue eyes in the crowd of shoppers and wanderers. Ever since the night at the club, Alfie had been unable to get her face out of his head. It was highly unusual for him to think twice about a woman he came in contact with. He hardly had the time to think about something so trivial as a chance encounter. Relationships were agonizingly complicated and his life was complex enough. He worked too much and lived too brutally for a woman to handle, or so he thought.
          But there was something about this woman that he couldn’t overlook. Beyond her blue eyes that were as hypnotic as they were alluring, there was something else. She wasn’t like anyone he passed by in the street. A keen eye could see she held secrets and a substantial past.
          And Alfie couldn’t help but appreciate the way she looked at him. It was so strange because she didn’t look at him the way others did. Not with hatred, like his enemies, not with malice, like his foes, and not with fear, like the rest of the population who knew his name. No, she looked at him like a person, nothing more, nothing less. Just a man. Not a man shrouded in myth and stories. Just a man.
          “Yeah, this is Cyril, s’a real softie.” He said. "Likes attention, he does."
          Ella smiled. She’d grown up closer to horses but as a child, she bonded with a few of the hounds they used for hunting or protection. Dogs and horses were similar in nature. You had to gain their trust, and when you did, they would be loyal to you until the ends of the Earth. “He is handsome.” She said and reached out to stroke the dog’s ears. His tail began to wag fiercely and his droopy face almost resembled a sad smile. He was a massive dog, his shoulder meeting her hips. He was nearly the size of a little Shetland pony but appeared to be just as Alfie had described him. He gratefully let her pet him, his head tilting to lean into her touch and his eyes closing contently.
          “You got a story, love?” Alfie asked out of the blue. He acted like it was a natural question between people who were near strangers.
          Ella glanced up from Cyril. “A story?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, I s'ppose everyone has a story, Mr. Solomons.”
          “Call me Alfie.” He corrected her with a gentleness that contradicted his appearance. He didn't address her with the harsh tone he took towards the bartender and club owner the first night they met.
          The gangster didn’t know how he could be so affected by the way someone said his name. But the way she spoke his name was unbearable. She said it with a smile and a small nod. Her blue eyes shone in the sun that was starting to break away from the gloomy clouds. Alfie’s heart made itself known by beating heavy in his chest.
          “What’s your story, Alfie?” She turned the question back on him.
          He chuckled and ran a hand over his beard. “S’quite a long one.” He warned. "Not sure you'll want to stick around, yeah, to hear all the details."
          “Mine's long too. But I'm sure yours is much more exciting than mine is.”
          “Well then, right, can’t spend all day standing here telling our stories, aye? Guess I’ll have to take you out to dinner so we have enough time.” He stated coolly.
          Surprise marked Ella’s face. Inner warning bells chimed off but she shooed them away. The man seemed sweet and she had spent enough time around dangerous men to know that she could handle them. Her brothers had prepared her for that. If her brothers could get away with the things they did, then who were they to speak poorly about Alfie? Resigned and partially rebellious, Ella nodded. “I’d like that.” She replied gently.
          “Yeah?” It was Alfie’s turn to be surprised. What kind of delicate looking woman, who knew who he was, agreed to dinner with him? Thoroughly in disbelief, he nodded a few times too many. “Right, well…this Friday I’ve got some time.”
          “I’m free on Friday.”
          “Friday then. We’ll meet here.” He decided. “I know a nice place ‘round here for dinner.”
          “That sounds lovely.” A week was more than enough time to edit her brothers out of her life story.
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E7; Chapter Seven, The Lost Sister - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
In their search for answers, psychic visions draw Eleven and Y/n to a band of violent outcasts and an angry girl with a shadowy past.
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||Reader's POV||
I stare at my reflection studiously. I now stood in a pair of baggy ripped jeans for someone at least a foot taller than me - though I dread to think what the clothes that didn't fit me looked like. I had to cuff them at the ankle as well as hike them around my wrist - thankfully Funshine had supplied a belt. He had also given me three shirts which had confused me at first, but I realize it was a good thing. Given how cold it was, it was wise to dress in layers. Funshine had given me a long white shirt, and an old and faded Rolling Stones tee shirt to go over it. As an added layer, a red flannel that hung over the tucked-in shirts.
I wasn't quite used to this style, but I have to say, I do kinda like it. Mom always bought our clothes, and while she did support us branching out and trying different things she always found a way around getting stuff like this. It didn't look half bad, and it was certainly warm.
Sighing, I look around the room. Besides the fire pit where my clothes are sitting nearby to dry, the room is lit by a giant sign for some sort of psychic.
I can hear bickering and mixed laughter downstairs, and I wander out to the balcony unsure of what I'm supposed to do now. I step back out of view, not wanting to get caught and I begin looking around. I see another stairway, and streaming through the top is a small pale gray of light. Hesitantly, I climb towards it, careful to keep my footing light.
I can hear cars passing outside as I approach the corner at the top of the stairs and I can feel a cool breeze. Cautiously, I turn the corner and I see a door labeled, ROOF ACCESS sitting ajar propped open by a brick. I catch a brief glimpse of Kali talking to El, and I realize if I can see her she could easily see me. Slowly, I readjust myself around the corner when I catch the words she speaks to El.
"What you can do is incredible. It makes you very special, Jane."
I stop, unable to make myself move and against my better judgment I stay to listen. I have to strain to hear El's soft-spoken words, but I hear them.
"Wait," she says. "Do you have a gift?"
"Different," she says. "I can make people see, or not see, whatever I choose."
I frown, my mind conjuring thousands of possibilities and weaving intricate webs that feed my anxiety.
"Is that why you made the man with the crazy hair dance?" El asks.
"Axel is not so fond of spiders, so..."
"You made him see spiders?"
There was a moment of silence, but soon enough I hear voices again.
"But it doesn't have to be scary," Kali says. "This butterfly, it isn't real. I've just convinced your mind it is. Think of it as a kind of magic."
Curiosity gets the best of me, and slowly I peek around the corner. I see Kali and El staring into up into the air, and El even swipes a hand above her head. It's a strange sight, but I know she is seeing something I am not. And that frightens me, what a dangerous power to have. Kali swipes at the air, her clenched fist retracts and her palm slowly opens revealing nothing.
I return my back against the wall when I hear El speak again.
"Are you real?"
"Yes, I'm real."
There is another silence, and it is broken moments later when I hear them break into giggles. I feel my heart clench and I sigh inwardly, ready to return to my room. But something stops me.
"Jane, you told me that your friend came here to help you, right?"
I freeze, my feet rooted in place.
She waits for a moment, then speaks slowly. Her voice has grown serious once more, and the tone she has when speaking about me to El rubs me the wrong way. It's like she's putting words in El's mouth.
"Something tells me there is more that story. That's an awful long way to come for a friend."
"She's like us. She has a gift."
"Really?" Kali says. "But I thought she grew up with those boys you spoke of? The ones that helped you."
"She did. But she came from the lab. She would have been called Nine."
This pause was the most damning and by far the most deafening. I could practically see the look on her face without having to turn the corner and I tried desperately to calm my heart. Again, I knew there was no logic behind this anxiety, but I did trust the feeling completely.
I didn't know what to do, or what to think and the pause must have been significant enough for El to speak up.
"What's wrong?" El asked.
I heard Kali sigh, and she proceeded to take several harsh breaths and she spoke very slowly to El.
"Was her mother [y/m/n]?"
"Yes," El said, a hint of surprise.
"Jane, do you realize just how much she has affected our lives?"
"You say you don't remember our time together, no?" Kali asks slowly. "Well, things were a little different before the missing experiment."
"You see, back in the rainbow room, we got to play. You say you saw this? We weren't as isolated or kept apart. But when she went missing, our lives got a whole lot harder."
"The room..." El said, her voice cracking.
"Yes, Jane, the room. I remember it too. These men that took us, took our lives, they grew very mad and very frightened when your friend escaped, and they took it out on us. The lab was never a good place, but at least we had our sanity, but they took that away too when she left."
"I remember when we went into lockdown, men stormed my room and ripped me from my toys. I was thrown in the room and I didn't come out for another day and a half. I was relocated every night, for four nights in a row. And I never saw you again, until now."
"What... are you saying?"
"Jane, let me put it this way. Does it not bother you that not only did your friend get a better life than us, but our lives were made worse because of it?"
"Well, yes. But it wasn't her fault. It was her mothers." El said confused.
I smiled.
"Maybe so, but think about it. Do you really think this friend of yours truly understands what we go through? What you go through, every day? She does not have the memories we do, she does not know the life we have lived, the bad times. She has grown up in a nice home, with a loving family. She does not understand our pain. So do you really think she could understand us?"
This time, El didn't say anything. Once again, I was wrong before. This silence was more deafening and far more damning. I felt the anger return, boiling up in my chest.
"And that is why I want you to stay. Don't you see? This could be your home, you said it yourself, we're sisters. I can teach you how to harness your anger, and strengthen your gift. We'll look after each other. We understand each other. Y/n will never understand you. But I do. Would you like that, Jane?"
Never in a million years would I expect El go side with her, but she did and I could feel my heart break into two.
Hot anger rises to my cheeks, and I feel the heat radiating off my face. Hotly, I turn on my heel and trudge down the steps, not caring if I'm heard and I think of returning to the room but decide against it. Instead, I stomp downstairs and past the group drawing several curious glances. I ignore their comments and I rip the door open and run outside. I run and run and run, never ceasing until my lungs tire. I stop and look around, panting and I find myself in an abandoned train yard.
I try to calm my racing thoughts but they only grow stronger and faster, buzzing around my head like a swarm of hornets. I every needle of anger I felt in the past year pricking my nerves and push me to the edge, I feel every bruise anyone has ever inflicted upon me with every dagger thrown my way.
I collapse on my knees, wailing, finally allowing every feeling, every emotion I have had to repress come back with a vengeance. Head in my knees, my palms pound against the pavement and I feel a huge rush of adrenaline and relief. The wind carries my hair as I scream and I feel a gush of warm air. My hands find their way through my hair and my fingers claw at my scalp. I feel my jeans grow wet but I know it is only from my tears this time, and I take several deep breaths.
Sobs still wracked my body and it is a long while before I finally pull my head up from legs. My eyes are puffy, but I am still able to see the large cracks traveling along the pavement around me.
I look around myself in wonder, the once smooth pavement beneath me had cracked and split into several veins and tendrils spiking. I hadn't even noticed, the ground below me had shifted and quickly stumbled to my feet. Right where I had been sitting the pavement had caved in between the two breaking points where my palms had made the fracture. I looked on in amazement at what I accidentally have done.
Logically, I know I caused this.
I choke back a defeated laugh, but then I allow it to happen. For the first time, I feel truly myself. Kali was right, I don't belong here. But I don't want to belong here.
I have no reason to stay. I could help Will like I said I was doing in the first place. I could go home. And I will. There's no decision, no should I stay or should I go. El could stay if she wanted, but I'm going to go.
I'm going home.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
By the time I reach the warehouse, my anger has grown tepid. But my mind is still made up. I'm leaving, tomorrow, first thing. But that didn't mean I couldn't still try to talk to El. When I enter the warehouse, I'm relieved I don't have the same worries as last. The downstairs is empty now but I dismiss the thought, heading up the stairs.
"Ole McDonald had a farm! E-I-E-I-O!"
I turn when I hear the family tune echo from around the corner.
What in the actual hell?
Then I remember their nickname for El and I roll my eyes. Of course, they want her in and abuse her powers but they won't treat her with any respect. I hear a slam that stops the singing and once again I find myself overhearing Kali's words.
"She found me with only this."
"What's that mean?" I recognized the voice as the woman who stepped up to Axel, the woman in green.
"It means she can find people without moving. With nothing but an image."
"You telling me Shirley's a human radar detector or some shit?" Axel asked.
"Or some shit, yes."
"Come on, no way."
"We'll find out soon enough," Kali said. "I want to do one. Tomorrow."
My brows furrowed. What the hell where are they talking about? Whatever it was didn't sound good and they clearly wanted to use El for her powers. "Sister" my ass.
"You serious, Kal?" Axel asked, his voice rising.
"We're way too hot right now." The woman warned.
Another voice joined in, the crazy looking girl who mocked me.
"Paranoid." She said, in a sing-song voice.
"Realistic." The woman corrected. "You don't kill their men and expect them to look the other way."
My eyes widen.
So that's what they're doing. They're going around killing the bad men. Yeah, they're bad men, they're terrible people who've done terrible things but this is not the solution.
"If they find us, they will unleash hell." She finished.
"So we give in to fear?" Kali snapped back. "She's in pain. She needs this. We go out tomorrow."
I heard footsteps approach and I freeze, unable to move without being seen. Much to my relief Axel falls after Kali and the footsteps pause.
I take advantage of her diverted attention and I cross the hallway before she can see me.
"What about that pesky tag-along friend of hers, what about her?"
"I have no use for her. She's not to be trusted, I want her gone by morning."
The footsteps continued and quickly I slipped into the room I had been shown. It seems El was there too, she lay in the bed on one side, nuzzled up under a bright orange blanket. I slowly step inside and all the words I had prepared to say evaporated when I saw El. She looked so comfortable, and by now she was fast asleep. I was still very upset with her, but I knew if I woke her, and told her everything, things would only end on a bad note.
Maybe I could talk to her in the morning. Obviously, I have to wake up extra early anyway to leave before they could get rid of me. Sighing, I slipped off my shoes setting them the dim fire pit and trudged to the other side of the bed. I sat on the edge, sighing greatly as I put my head in my hands. I sit like this for a moment, collecting my thoughts before I discard a few of my layers. Slowly as not to wake El, I lay myself down on the opposite side, and nuzzle myself under the covers. I don't realize how tired I am until my head hits the pillow and right as my eyes flutter closed I am awakened.
My eyes open, and I see El looking at me from where she lays.
My stomach twists in knots knowing the moment can no longer be avoided. I'd have to tell her.
"Hi, El." I croak.
I can feel a lump forming in my throat, knowing what is about to unfold. Not wanting to dread it a moment longer, I take a deep breath and rip off the bandaid.
"El, are you staying here?"
She seems taken aback, her eyebrows furrow and she gives me a curious look. It quickly morphs into sadness and she nods
"Yes." She says. "How did you know?"
"I heard."
"Oh." Is all she says.
I take another deep breath, trying to keep my emotions intact.
"But are you sure you trust Kali? I mean, we hardly know her and I'm just not so sure about all this."
Her eyebrows twitch, and I can sense a flicker of anger.
"She's my sister." She says slowly, her voice begins to harden.
This causes my own brows to flicker, and I try to hide my offense.
"And I'm your best friend, I'm only trying to look out for you. I just think maybe you should think this through."
I think about the words that Kali said about me, not only to El but the words El didn't hear.
"Get rid of her."
"She cares about me. I'm her missing piece. She said so. And she is mine." El spits.
"What? El, please. Just hear me out-"
"It's Jane."
I don't attempt to stop myself from recoiling, I look at her in disbelief.
"Okay, I'm sorry. Jane. But seriously, hear me out, please! You didn't hear the things she was just planning. The things she just said to her friends out there, you don't understand-"
"No, Y/n." She shot, cutting me off. "You don't understand me."
I gape at her, unable to fathom the person she has morphed into in so little time. I laugh dryly, looking at her distastefully.
"I guess you're right, Jane. I don't understand you. Not anymore. I came here to tell you that I'm leaving by the way, on my own choice. Not because I overheard them say they're going to get rid of me, so I won't be here when you wake up so no worries there. I'll even say hi to Mike when I get home. Goodnight," I spit, rolling over on my side my back facing her.
My words don't ease the bubbling anger in my chest and before incantations stop myself I feel it boil over.
"Some friend you are," I huff under breath.
I don't hear another word from her, all I hear is several huffs and the rustling of the sheets. Once again my head is buzzing, but rather than dwell on the angering thoughts, this time I allow sleep to take me.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
I stir awake for what feels like the billionth time. And although I remember waking several times throughout the night, my stuff joints tell me I slept deeply. The details of last night come flooding back all too quickly and I sigh inwardly, my heart breaking all over again. Finally, I angle my wrist to glance at my watch, the time read six twenty-five. I might as well get moving. I remind myself of the words exchanged last night and that is enough to motivate me.
I slip out of bed, gracelessly but also noiseless and I'm quick to put on my shoes. Perks to sleeping in my new clothes, I didn't have to waste time getting dressed but I was awfully chilly. Thankfully my jacket managed to stay bone dry, and I am able to make sure all my actions are muted as to not draw attention. Thankfully, I hear limited signs of life throughout the warehouse apart from some occasional shuffling which I assume is from Mick, who always seems to be on the watch.
I plan my escape in my head when I realize, I needed money for the bus. My eyes flicker to El's sleeping form and down at her bag. With hushed steps, I reach the end of the bed and kneel down and carefully unzip it. My hand extends further into the bag, my eyes trained on El in case she wakes and I remind myself she planned on staying anyway. She'd have no use for bus money and sure enough, my fingers catch the dog eared corner of the paper.
My brows crease when I realize it's a lot thicker than I expected. I dig deeper, my other hand falling to prop open the stiff bag as I peer inside curiously and my fingers retract with something completely unexpected in my grip. Peculiarly enough, I find a manilla folder. I turn it over, and in an instant, I feel my mouth run dry when I see the three words etched out across the front in messing handwriting.
It can't be. She wouldn't.
Numbly, I open the folder. Dozens of papers and news clippings spill out one by one and I look on in shock. Several species are annotated in pen, several notes have been taken by several different people and the feeling it leaves me with sickens me.
All my life I wondered where I came from, all my life I've been a giant question mark. So many loose threads, and unanswered questions and yet all these people had this information. By the looks of it, it's been passed down. And even El had it. My eyes find her once more but this time I look at her in disgust.
How could she keep this from me? This whole time, I'd been there to help her, and she said she was here to help me. Then why hide this?
My eyes fall back to the remaining sheets around me and I'm pulled in before I can stop. The first thing I note is an older looking file, it looks to be typed up and looks by far the oldest. It read,
Subject 009; UNTESTED
Date of Birth: TBD Sex: TBD Mother: Y/M/F/N Father: Unknown Attribute(s): increasing signs of abnormalities during pregnancy, affecting both mother and child such as drastic changes in temperature, signs of hypertension and hyperactivity. ADDITIONALLY, mother has recently begun showing signs of involuntary and unnatural physical resistance one can only describe as seismic bursts that we hypothesize is the fetus' defense mechanism.
My attention is ripped away when I hear scuffling from downstairs, and quickly I gather my thoughts. I force myself to shove this aside for a moment, and quickly I collect every stray piece of paper that had fallen within moments and return them to the folder. I thank anything and everything I can that my jacket has large inside pockets. Truthfully, the stitching ripped a few years back and expanded the length of the pocket, sure the folder would get a little bent but it would certainly do given I didn't have a bag.
I dig through El's bag once more and find the remaining money from last night's trip and I jump to my feet racing for the doorway. Out of habit, I turn to look at El one last time not knowing if I'll ever see her again. But once again, the anger quickly replaces my somber feelings and makes it easier to leave. Keeping an eye out on the other room, I slip over to the stairs.
Mick was in the other room across the hall taking watch just as I had suspected, so there was no one waiting downstairs when I flew down the steps. I race for the door and with one last glance, I'm out the door in record time.
Like I'd never been there. They surely wouldn't know the difference.
Tag List: @dickkwad​​​ @aimee-lucass​​​ @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa​​​   @miscellaneoustoasts​​​ @happyandlonely-blog​​​ @missmulti​​​ @youpi-chan​​​ @peeperparkour​​​ @ba-responds​​​ @bibliophilesquared​​​ @blogforhoes​​​ @witch-of-all-things-soft​​​ @shawni-h​​ @whothefuckstolemykeds​​ @mirdall @fandom-imagines-xxx​​ @daughter-of-pan12​​ @stranger-things4​​
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
We’ll Have Tomorrow
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Chapter Eleven
A/N: This chapter and the next one aren’t all that long, but the next one will be the last chapter before the next part of this series.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairings: Steve Harrington x OC, Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan  Byers x OC (eventually)
Summary: River and the kids make it to Steve’s basketball game to support him, which may be just what he needs.
School dragged by painfully slow, and River could hardly bear it. She was unbelievably ecstatic when it ended. It was for a number of reasons, really. Sure, she was just bored, but Steve had his last basketball game tonight.
More than anything, she wanted to support him and be a good friend. Not only that, but she’d also rallied the kids together to support him as well. Of course, she should have expected the extra effort they put into the whole thing.
Somehow, she even convinced Hopper to let El join long enough to go to the game as long as she was back before it was late. She technically wasn’t allowed out still, but he made this one exception, and that was it.
As soon as they joined the party at Mike’s house, she found them all scattered on the basement floor working hard on what looked like signs.
They had three that they divided into groups to make. Will looked up from where he was adding a drawing of a basketball. “Hey, guys. Just in time. You can help with that third sign.” He pointed over to where Dustin and Max were working. 
River didn’t see any reason not to help, and she thought it was cute how much work they were putting into this. She sat down and grabbed some markers as she helped make it look nice. Thankfully, she was pretty decent at drawing, though her nice drawings were a sharp contrast to the messy letters the boy wrote.
It was unique, for sure. But maybe that was the best part. It might have been all over the place, but that was what gave it character. Besides, Dustin and Mike seemed excited about how it turned out. Dustin more, but she really couldn’t fault them for that. 
Of course, Will probably did the best job with Lucas’s help. El mostly focused on drawing, but her and Mike had a decent looking sign. It was very colorful, at least.
“Wow, you guys really went above and beyond,” River said. 
“Well, it’s his last game, so we thought he might appreciate it,” Will replied. “I think that’s what you do at sports games.”
She ruffled his hair and stood up. “It’s a nice thought.”
After a bit, Jonathan came by to take some of them to the game. Of course, Nancy and Hawthorne joined, so it looked like they had even more people tagging along. Between Jonathan and Mrs. Wheeler, they were able to get everyone over to the high school without a problem. 
They carried their signs in and sat down as the game was starting. 
Over by the bench, River spotted Steve with the rest of the team. She smiled when she caught his eye and waved excitedly. He laughed a little and waved back. 
It wasn’t long before the game was starting, and she watched excitedly despite having no clue how any of this actually worked. The only sport she really knew anything about was hockey, of course.
Every now and then, Steve would get the ball passed over to him, and she cheered along with the kids, waving their signs enthusiastically.
Admittedly, she mostly cheered when they did, but she was starting to get the hang of this. They got a few weird looks, especially since Max kept yelling, but she really didn’t care. This was just a part of the experience.
At some point, the game was tied, and there was about a minute left. River watched with anticipation as Steve dribbled the ball down the court, and he lined up to take a shot. He missed, and she groaned, but she didn’t give up hope just yet. 
With about twenty seconds left, everyone watched with bated breath as Steve took another shot. It was almost like time slowed down for a moment, and then there was a chorus of cheering as the ball went in. The clock quickly winded down until the buzzer sounded. River stood and cheered, the others quickly following her lead. 
Steve grinned as his teammates lifted him up, cheering and carrying him off for the time being. As soon as it was over, she ran down the bleachers, gathering all the kids.
They met Steve as he was coming out the locker room now that he was out of his uniform again. Dustin was the first to rush over and offer him a high five.
“You were so cool!” he exclaimed. “That was awesome.”
Steve chuckled and ruffled his hair. “Thanks, Henderson.” He looked up at the rest of them, astounded by just how many people showed up for him.
“You guys all really came to see me play?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jonathan assured him. 
They walked out to the parking lot together. Most of the way out, the kids went on about how they knew he could do it, and that he’d looked so cool playing.
It was enough to make River laugh, but it was adorable how much they all looked up to him. Once they were outside, they all divided into groups to head back home.
“You coming?” Jonathan asked, and she shook her head. 
“No. You guys go on. I’m gonna hang back with Steve for now,” she said. 
He nodded and waved. “I’ll get El home on time,” he promised before heading back to his car.
River headed over to Steve as he was getting ready. “Hey. Uh, look, I really appreciate you and the kids showing up.”
“Don’t worry about it. They all insisted on going, and I couldn’t really stop them.”
He laughed and crossed his arms. “Sounds like them.” He paused as he thought of something. “Do you wanna come back to my place? I mean, we can celebrate or whatever.”
She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m cool with that.”
He grinned and got in his car, waiting for her to join and buckle in before he headed back to his house. The drive was mostly silent, save for the music, but it was nice.
It wasn’t too long before they made it there, and she followed him inside. Steve went to the kitchen and looked around until he found what he was looking for. In his hand was a bottle of wine. He grabbed cups and dragged her upstairs to his room.
She laughed and eagerly followed him up, immediately plopping onto his bed. 
“Wine, huh? Fancy,” she teased.
He grinned and poured a little into both glasses before handing her one. “I did say we’d celebrate right?” He took a sip. “It doesn't taste too bad, and I really do appreciate you coming.”
“You know it wasn’t just me,” she said.
“Yeah, but you’re the one I was really hoping to see.” She was a little surprised to hear that, and he stuttered for a moment. “I mean, I know I asked, but I wasn’t sure if you actually would.” River frowned and took a sip from her glass. “Hey, I’m your friend now,” she assured him. “Of course I was going to be there to support you.” Steve sat back against the headboard and nodded. “I guess I’m just glad I have you around now.” 
River smiled, scooting close and taking his free hand, setting her glass aside. “I’m really happy you won. You really deserve to have something good.”
There was a slight blush on his face, and she was sure it wasn’t the wine. They’d had hardly any yet, though he seemed to be deliberating something. 
It was then that River realized how close they were. She could practically smell the wine on his breath — or as little of it as there was. For some reason she didn’t totally understand, there were butterflies in her stomach. It would be so easy to just lean over and press her lips to his.
But she didn’t.
She cleared her throat and looked away, quickly changing the subject. “The signs were the kids’ ideas, by the way,” she said.
Steve nodded, though he didn’t seem mentally present for just a moment. “Yeah. I liked them. You guys did really good with them.”
River let out a slight breath of relief, offering a smile. Whatever she was feeling, she shoved it aside to deal with some other time. It could wait.
The next few days had carried on fairly routine. Steve still picked her up and took her to school, he sat with her in science, ate lunch with her, and still drove her home. 
Realistically, River had a feeling she knew what she was feeling, but she didn’t want to address it. Steve was her friend, and she didn’t want to complicate things. She was fine with the way things were, so why try changing any of that?
She tried not to worry about it. Her English class seemed to drag on forever, though, and it seemed like it didn’t go unnoticed how strange she was acting.
“Hey, you okay?” Next to River, Annie Hardwick was leaning over and giving her a concerned look. “No offense, but you look terrible.”
River shook her head and slumped forwards in her desk. “I’m fine. Just really trying to keep everything together before the end of the school year.”
“Oh, right. You’re graduating, huh?”
She nodded. Annie gave her a sympathetic look. “At least you’ll be done with this hellhole.”
River laughed and nodded. “Sorry you’re stuck here for another year.”
“It could be worse. At least I have next year’s productions to keep me sane in the meantime.” 
She wished she could say the same, but she wasn’t sure what she was even doing after graduation. It was a lot to handle right away.
River was relieved when the final bell rang. She got up, saying goodbye to Annie, and headed out to find Steve.
She met him in the parking lot where he was waiting next to his car. They both quickly got in, silently driving towards her house.
The tension was killing her, and she wondered if he’d caught on to her feelings. Was she that obvious? The idea made her anxious. The last thing she wanted was to lose her best friend. Assuming he even considered her that. 
“Thanks for coming.” Steve seemed just as bothered by the silence. “To my game, that is. It really meant a lot.”
River let her shoulders relax, glad things weren’t so awkward after all. “Yeah, don’t worry. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” She really was happy she went. Especially knowing no one else would have, minus the kids perhaps. They’d all seemed to take a liking to him after everything, and she couldn’t blame them at all.
The smile on Steve’s face was genuine and almost made her melt, but she controlled herself. “I’m really glad you were there.”
For just a moment, she felt a twinge of hope, but she didn’t want to give into it. That might just be the last thing she needed right now. False hope. Instead, she smiled and nodded, hoping he didn’t notice her acting weird at all.
Taglist: @bravest-at-heart​ @musicalytrashpanda​ @queenofthehairharrington​
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imaginingfrancium · 4 years
the last time | jumin han
jumin han x reader ; one shot / imagine
(part 1 of 2) ; 
summary: MC and the other RFA members went out on a beach vacation and sat around a campfire. When it was your turn to share something, everyone demanded a song.. and a duet. 
song featured: The Last Time - Taylor Swift feat. Gary Lightbody (i used a cover instead of the original because MC’s using a guitar here. and just imagine MC doing plucking instead of the ordinary strumming in the intro)
words in bold-italic letters indicate the character’s thoughts (whether if it’s within the flashback or present), italics indicate a flashback, and bold ones are the lyrics of the song,, but there will parts in the one shot where i’ll use those for something else.
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The sun was slowly setting; hues of orange, yellow, and red started to fade as the color of the night sky began to show. The full moon came out early and has its reflection shun down on the sea. The wind was getting colder, as everyone started to wear their jackets, scarfs, or shawls. The members did not expect a cold night this evening, but they were glad that the breeze was calm. Just enough to easily build a campfire before the sun completely sets. 
Zen and Yoosung started building the fire; gathering the wood and matches and.. failed attempts. Saeyoung then joined them– to just disturb. 
“Sae-Saeyoung! SHUT UP! We are building a fire here! It’ll be nice if you helped!” Yoosung whined. The red-haired man mocked the blonde even more. While trying to keep his patience, the silver-haired beauty kept trying to light up the fire.  
“Idiots.” Saeran muttered as he looked at the three two men failing at their simple task. He headed over to Jaehee and MC, who were prepping the food. Various snacks were placed in each paper plate and bowl. Since everyone had a heavy lunch, they all agreed to make it light for that evening. 
“Here are the marshmallows. Good thing it didn’t melt in the car.” They looked up at Saeran and were relieved. “Oh, thank goodness.” Jaehee got the bags of the white, fluffy treat out of his arms. “Is there anything else I could do?” He asked. “Hmmm.. Go assemble the chairs and mini tables. They are over there.” Jaehee ordered and pointed out where it was. 
“..Ha-Haha! Finally! In your face!” Yoosung shouted out. The campfire had perfectly lit up the space they were camping at. Jaehee cheered while poking the marshmallow on its sticks. MC smiled at the men-children; Saeyoung picked on Yoosung and vice versa, while Zen tried to stop the two.
“When will they ever stop?” MC asked, placing the chips into bowls. “’Til they end up killing each other, I guess.” Saeran replied, putting up the final adjustments on the mini-tables. MC laughed and turned to Jaehee. “I’m done with the chips. What else is needed, chief?” MC jokingly saluted to her. Jaehee squinted her eyes. “Hey, stop. Don’t call me that.” She then got the bowls from MC and placed it on the tables. “Seems like everything’s almost done.. So no help needed now. Thanks, MC.” Jaehee gave MC a smile. “Eh it’s nothing. Anyways, I’ll just go get my stuff.” MC headed over to the van.
While everyone was busy preparing for tonight’s event, the slightly older members were doing their own things. V was taking photos of the moon and shore, not missing out the view in front of him. He sighed, putting down the camera, while reminiscing. 
“..If only you were here to see it. If only..” He muttered and closed his eyes tight. He opened it back a few seconds later as he felt something soft brush against his leg. V looked down and smiled, seeing the clingy Elizabeth the 3rd looking up to him with a smile. “Want a photo with the sunset, El?” The snow white cat meowed. V chuckled and knelt down on the sand, positioning the camera in a good angle. He took the photo and looked at it. 
The perfect mix of the sky’s colors, with Elizabeth the 3rd’s eloquent silhouette. Oh he would love this, V thought. He stood up and called out Elizabeth to follow him. V approached the silent CEO-in-line, who’s holding a wine flask and was admiring the scenery. 
He called out his friend’s attention. “Jumin, come look at this.” Jumin turned to him, beginning to be curious. V then showed the photo and Jumin chuckled. “Can you have it developed? I’d like the photo to be framed and placed in my room.” He asked his friend. “Of course, Jumin. It is also one of my favorite shots today.” V looks over to the sea, as it begins to be darker.  
“It should be. The sunset view is beautiful, but placing Elizabeth the 3rd in the view puts nature to shame.” Jumin confidently said. “Good thing Hyun drank meds for his allergies then.” V teased. “Well, he knew that I would bring Elizabeth even without his consent. It’s nice that he adjusted.” Jumin turned away from the view to look at the other members behind them; Zen, Yoosung, and Saeran started roasting their marshmallows, Jaehee held a bowl with nuts in it, and Saeyoung was munching his Honey Butter chips.
His vision quickly focused on the member carrying a stringed instrument. MC walked to the other members settled by the fire. She then sat beside Jaehee and shared the mixed nuts with her.
Many thoughts got into Jumin’s head. So many how’s, why’s, what if’s. He couldn’t stop looking at MC. Even when the campfire is not on its best lighting angle, she still looks beautiful, he thought.
V turned to his friend, noticing that he was stuck staring at MC. To V, Jumin looked like she took something from him. Well, she sort of did in some sense. He felt pity and broke the silence. 
“Hey. Let’s head over to them. Campfire night is about to start.” Jumin snapped himself back to reality and nodded, following V. They walked to where the others were.
“Ugh, when will this end?” Zen complained, leaning against Yoosung’s shoulder. Saeran sighed and looked at his twin brother with disappointment. 
The sun has completely set and the full moon shined brightly, with the stars twinkling. It was part of the campfire night where each member gets to share something to everyone. It could be anything, and with that, Saeyoung took his chances. He sang a song from his favorite musical.
“Kiss me goodbye, I’m defYING GRAVITYYY~” Saeyoung sang with high spirits. Jaehee covered her ears as he tried to hit the note. Zen and Yoosung tried to stop him, while MC and V laughed at them.
Saeyoung then finished the song and bowed, thanking everyone for listening. He earned glares from his brother and closest friends. Jaehee and MC forced themselves to clap their hands and compliment. “You were good, Saeyoung... I always forget that you could actually sing.” V said, with a tone that showed that he was not being serious.
“Ah, it’s nothing! And now.. it’s MC’s turn!” Saeyoung clapped for MC. “It would be a waste of talent and of your time and effort practicing if you don’t play for us.” He added. 
“I even heard from a lot of people that you perform good.” Zen joined in the ‘pep talk’. MC scratched the back of her neck as she felt awkward. She may be working as a full-time musician, but she still had the stage fright. Especially in a small crowd that consists of her close friends.
“Eheh. Well… since I promised you guys…” MC brought out her guitar from its bag. The members had been convincing her to sing for them again. It was ever since she performed a song during the party. They wanted to hear her sing exclusively, but somehow they never got the perfect timing where her shyness didn’t succumb. 
“Finally! We get to hear from MC.” Yoosung expressed.
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to hear her sing.” Jaehee said.
“Better be good.” Saeran muttered, which was heard by Jaehee. She gave him a light poke on the waist.
It was good. I was even lucky enough to hear it almost all the time, Jumin thought. He has been quiet all along. He only curved his mouth to a small smile or let out a soft chuckle when one of the members said something funny or cat-related. He was petting his cat to sleep, who was on her cat bed. He couldn’t speak out as he was not able to concentrate, scared that he might accidentally slip some words he didn't intend to say. 
He couldn’t fixate being in the same space as her, knowing she’s not his anymore. He sighed and took sips from his flask. 
MC was checking if the strings were tuned. Saeyoung then had an idea. A crazy idea.“Oh! OH! What if we let Jumin sing with MC?” 
He immediately covered his mouth, realizing what he had done. Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise. It was silent and uneasy. Even Saeran was shook to the core. 
Sae-saeyoung.. why you.. MC was frozen in her place, eyes traveling to Jumin, who had loosen his grip on his flask. She looked away before he could catch her looking at him. Fuck.
Zen broke the silence. “Are you serious, Saeyoung? You probably had too much of your chips.”
“Y-yeah.” Yoosung agreed. 
Saeyoung hid his face behind Saeran. “Aigoooo aigooo…” He felt ashamed, scolding himself that he broke the rule they all agreed, which is to not mention anything from the past, especially from their past.
It was hard putting back all the members of the RFA in one place, even for a simple hangout. With what happened two years ago, it made some members keep their distance from certain members. It broke the others, as the possibility of everyone getting along again like it used to was then just a mere vision. So, they tried picking out a vacation date, place, etc. where everyone is available and would have no excuse to bail. 
MC never wanted to come in the first place, knowing that her ex-fiance will be going. “You know why I won’t go. What if he tries to make a move on me again?– Remember why we broke up, Jaehee.” MC explained to Jaehee by the phone. “I know.. but I told V to tell him about it, so it will be fine..” MC bit her bottom lip.
 “Hey… he’s not the only who’s coming. Zen, Yoosung, Saeyoung, and even Saeran will be there. It’s been a while, MC. I– or we can’t just let this association fall apart again due to ex-lovers.” MC chuckled at Jaehee’s fake disgust tone on the last part. 
“Please, MC. For me? Or at least for the RFA’s future?” Jaehee crossed her fingers while waiting for MC to respond. 
“...Okay. For you and the RFA.”
Saeran then stood for his brother’s behalf. “Um.. well, you know that you both don’t have to do it though…” The others nodded. “Yeah.. you can continue now, MC.” V reassured. The musician shrugged and checked back if her guitar is tuned.
It will be over soon, MC thought. It will be over so–
“I’ll sing.” Everyone turned their heads to the one who said it. 
MC froze again, and this time had eye contact with him. Oh, fuck.
“Uh.. J-Jumin. Heh– you don’t have to do that. ‘T was a joke!” Saeyoung tried to convince him, as he was feeling even more guilty.
Jumin shrugged it off, his confidence building up. “It’s fine, Saeyoung.. Unless it’s okay with you, MC.”
Heads were now turned to MC. She looked down, so that she could make a decision. She was then having second thoughts. I mean, it’s just a duet, what could possibly go wrong? Um, let me remind you of the last time you both did a duet.. it got you engaged. You don’t want to go back to that loophole again, right? But he seems different from before. He didn’t even try to get my attention today! No, don’t. You’re gonna fall again. No, I’m just thinking too much.
“.. For old times’ sake at least.” 
She slowly looked up to Jumin, feeling that familiar warmth. She took a deep breath
“S-sure.” She forced a smile. Yeah.. what could possibly go wrong?…
Jumin stood up, brought his chair and sat beside MC. The others couldn’t even say anything. They were either thrilled thinking on what could possibly happen after this, or just nervous that this might go down.
MC cleared her throat. “What song then?”
Jumin looked at her and gave her a small smile. “The Last Time.”
Are you even serious? She looked at him to check if he was kidding or not. And he was not. “O-oh. Okay then.” MC started playing.
Everyone fell in love with her pro-plucking of the intro. They felt relaxed, finding something to lean on.
MC’s awkwardness was lifted up by looking at them She then turned to Jumin, giving him the cue to start.
“Find myself at your door, just like all those times before.
I’m not sure how I got there. All roads, they lead me here.
I imagine you are home. In your room, all alone.
Jumin stayed staring at her, even if she was not looking. She was busy concentrating on the strumming. 
And you open your eyes into mine, and everything feels better."
Everyone was surprised that Jumin could sing. It didn’t come to them yet that he carried a tone. As MC started to blend in, everyone sank in and listened, trying to catch any body language between them. 
“And right before your eyes, I’m breaking
No past, no reasons why. 
Just you and me.”
And before Jumin knew it, he started reminiscing.
Jumin was focused on reading the story to MC, who was lying beside him. Even with the deep voice, he made sure that the stress and intonation was said right. MC felt at home under the thick blanket, not feeling any colder as she adored Jumin’s storytelling and warmth. She found herself lost in his voice, until Jumin slammed the book shut. 
“That’s for tonight. And you’re getting sleepy.” He said, placing the book on his bedside table. Jumin then adjusted his place under the blanket and wrapped his arms around MC, pulling her closer
“Hmmm.. I wasn’t even listening.” She said. “I just have a thing for your voice.” She giggled, as her cheeks turned pink.
“I know. I also have a thing for your thing with my voice.” Jumin pressed his forehead against MC’s, as MC laughed at how he describes her like for his voice.
They stayed like that for a while, until MC pulled away, at a distance where she could get a good overlook of his face, his eyes. Him.
“What is it, darling? Do I have something on my face?” Jumin asked
“No, no.. You don’t.” MC smiled. “I just.. can’t believe I get to have this view every night before I sleep.”
Jumin smiled back. He grabbed her left hand and kissed at where the engagement ring was. “I should be the one who’s lucky. You actually had the choice to not be in this lifestyle, to not be with me. And she did. I knew that it could happen, but you still chose to stay.” But not for long. 
She sighed. “Yep, and I have no regrets.” She then moved her head closer, ‘til their foreheads touch again.
“I’ll never leave you, as long as you won’t give up on me.” MC looked deep into his eyes. I gave up. 
Jumin looked back and kissed her nose. “You know I won’t. I’m sorry. I love you, MC. I’ll always be.. your number one fan, your view before you sleep every night; just yours.”
“And you’re mine, Jumin. I love you too.”
The memory finished, as it was now MC’s solo in the song. As she sang, everyone was swooned. MC couldn’t help but smile at their reactions. She then poured herself into her part.
"You find yourself at my door, just like all those times before.
You wear your best apology, but I was there to watch you leave.
She closed her eyes while singing, feeling the pain again. Jumin noticed it, and it broke his heart as he felt it too. 
 And all the times I let you in,
Just for you to go again
Disappear when you come back
It was then MC’s turn to reminisce. 
Everything is better." 
The ride to Chairman Han’s house was silent. MC couldn’t help but feel nervous. It was his birthday and her presence was requested by the CEO himself. Her hands were shaking. She even ‘rehearsed’ on how to not sound and look awkward when in front of him. Jumin turned his head to his fiance and noticed this. He held her hand and gave her a small smile. 
“It will be fine, MC. He’s just my father.” Jumin consoled– well tried to. MC gave him a disapproving look.
“’Just your father’? Mind you, my darling, that he was right there when you told the whole country that you disapproved of the marriage he arranged for you, and you made sure that he knew I was also the reason why you didn’t agree to it.” MC blurted out. She immediately regretted doing it, but it felt good to let it out. Jumin was surprised, but understood her. 
“Yes, I know. Heck, I don't even know if I’m helping you calm down. But…” Jumin held both of your hands, which made your turn to him. He kissed your knuckles. 
“I do know that I’ll be there when you couldn’t take it.” He said. MC looked back at him and nodded. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Drive Kim told them they had arrived.
Jumin went out of the car first and lent out his hand to MC. He held it tight and gave her reassuring signals using his thumb. MC felt much better and took a deep breath. They walked towards the big, front door, but then Jumin stopped as they were about to enter. MC gave him a questioning look.
“I’m sorry, darling. But can I.. ask you to not mention that you are a full-time musician for now? It might not be a good first impression to my father.” Jumin spoke. MC was surprised.
“B-but wasn’t he there at the party, too?” MC defended. “I know, but.. Just please understand? I’ll do the talking, if you couldn’t handle it.” 
It is even getting worse, she thought. But maybe it’s for the best. “Um.. okay then.” MC agreed, loosening her grip on his hand, hoping that Jumin would acknowledge how she felt, through body language. 
“Thank you, MC.” They proceeded to walk inside the house, leaving MC overthinking and nervous again.
She opened her eyes and shook her head, cringing on her past self. Why did I let my guard down?, she thought to herself. 
Jumin could sense that she was recalling a memory from their past. MC looked back at him, seeing how sorry he was through his expression. I’m sorry I couldn’t forgive you. You'd know, she spoke in her mind. They both went back concentrating to the chorus.
"This is the last time I’m asking you this; put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time I’m asking you why
You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye.."
Everyone was impressed with MC’s guitar skills, as she plays the instrumental part. No one dared to speak, or even clap. MC could relate to the song so much that it made it sound beautiful. 
And that’s what Jumin loved about her; how she expressed herself through music. But he still felt guilty; he only realized that when she left.
As the song has reached its climax, they begin to recall their moments in the past. And this time, the bitter ones. 
"This is the last time you tell me I’ve got it wrong." 
“You said you wouldn’t leave me.” Jumin shouted, following her. He and MC just had a big fight and she concluded that she was going to leave him, for good.
“Yes, I did. But what’s the fucking point of staying if I feel like I’m in prison when I’m with you?!” MC shouted back, her voice shaking as tears were running down her face. She went to get her phone, its charger, and her guitar, since those were the only things that were not bought by Jumin. 
She proceeded to the front door. Almost there, she thought. But before she could even step out of the living room, Jumin grabbed her arm, tightening his grip.
“You are not leaving. You promised me. YOU PROMISED ME, MC!” His voice was full of rage, betrayal. His eyes let out some tears. MC was scared. She hissed on the pain on her arm. But she couldn’t let her guard down now.
“I would’ve kept it if you weren’t such a dick.” She struggled to get out of his grip. “Keeping my true job from your father for a good image? I thought you didn’t care what he thinks. Controlling on what my music should sound like? I make music to express what I feel, and because I want to, not to look good in front of your business friends. Not letting me sign the record deal? It’s my music, Jumin. MY MUSIC! It’s my life! You knew I couldn’t live without it. You said that you’ll support me, but the way you are doing it doesn't seem like you do!” MC defended. She didn’t care anymore. She made her point, and was tired of understanding him again and again.
Jumin stood still, still angry at her. MC took his speechless self as an opportunity to let go. She continued to walk away. He didn’t follow her.
“You’re going to regret this. You can’t live without me. You will come back to me like you always do.” Jumin said, with his pride still intact. This made her stop walking. She turned around, removed the engagement ring from her finger, and set it by the nearest table.
“This time, I won’t. We are done, Jumin. Good-bye." She turned back around and started walking away, tears streaming down her face.
Jumin was stunned, but his mind was still covered by his ego. “Fine! Leave! Since that is what you are good at.” He shouted. 
“At least it’s away from you!” She shouted back, almost breaking to an ugly cry as she reached the elevator. 
MC woke up to the sound of knocking at her door. She rubbed her eyes and reached out to her phone to check the time. 1:35 AM. She scratched her head in annoyance and got out of bed. It could be the neighbor's son again. But at this time?, she thought.
The knocking wouldn't stop. "Coming!" MC shouted, dragging her feet to the door, while fixing her hair. She then unlocked the locks.
"It's almost 2 AM, kid. You can ask for more tomor--" She opened the door and froze, as she saw the least expected person, standing right in front of her.
"MC.." Jumin slurred, clear that he has been drinking. 
"Jumin.. H-how did you know this place?.." MC was surprised. It’s been a month since they broke up. She also never told anyone about her old apartment.. unless he asked for help.
"I forced Saeyoung to look for you. You couldn't be at Rika's apartment if you're ignoring everyone, which is a shame. And since you are good at hiding.. running away from everything.. wanting to go back to your normal life, of course you'd go back here." Jumin leaned on the door frame, not being careful with his words. This hit MC in the gut. 
"I wasn't ignoring everyone; I needed space. They knew that. In case you forgot, you were the one who suggested it." She rebutted, crossing her arms. 
"But that didn't mean you had to do it. Just because you left me, doesn't mean you'll leave them, too." 
Alcohol does bring out their true selves, she thought. "I didn't leave them. There's a difference between giving space and leaving-- You know what? Just go home, Jumin. You're drunk. I'm tired of explaining shit you wouldn’t listen to anyway." MC closed the door, but then Jumin slammed it back open, pushing MC away. She looked up at him, seeing the pain in his eyes. She became scared, as he started to walk into her apartment.
"The n-neighbors are sleeping, Jumin.." MC was shaking, trying to be strong.
Jumin walked closer to her but stopped midway. He then knelt down, as if he gave up fighting against gravity. MC was confused. She walked towards him slowly. 
Her shaking stopped as she heard him sob. She bent down to his level and went closer to him. She gently placed a hand on his cheek, feeling his warmth and let him face her.
Dark, visible circles. Red, puffy eyes. Pale skin, lips. This man hasn't been sleeping; he has been crying.
He held the hand that was on his cheek and leaned to it. "Why did you have to leave me, MC?.." He looked down and grabbed your other hand.
"My life's a mess. It has been since you left. I-I haven't been okay…"
"Jumin, I--"
"I knew I was wrong. I promise I'll be better. Just come back. I'll do everything. Please.." 
"Just please come back… I need you--"
He stopped talking and looked at MC, who had tears streaming down but her face showing anger.
     "This is the last time I say it’s been you all along." 
"How sure are you.. that you'll make everything alright? In one year of being engaged, you said you'd change, evolve. I believed in you, until it became a pattern.." MC broke down, letting her hands go from him to comfort herself. 
"Listen, MC. This time it will be different I promise you--" He tried to reach out to her, but MC immediately dodged.
"Cut that bullshit, Han. I have heard that from you tons of times." 
Now it was Jumin's turn to freeze. He didn't expect she’d be this way.
"MC.. I-"
"Jumin.. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I'm sorry, but go home.. “
“It's for the best of us." MC stood up, wiping her tears.
Jumin sighed. He couldn't say anything. He then stood up and walked out the apartment, with MC making sure he's not going to trip on something.
She watched him leave.
"This is the last time I let you in my door."
When he was finally out, Jumin turned around to look at her one last time.
"I'm sorry for bothering you. Good night, MC." And then he left.
     "This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore."
They didn't notice that they were making deep eye contact at each other the whole time they were reminiscing and singing the bridge [of the song]. Though, the others were able to catch the connection. 
Jumin and MC shook it off, as they were about to finish the song.
"This is the last time I’m asking you this; put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time I’m asking you why
You break my heart in the blink of an eye.
"This is the last time I'm asking you this;
     (This is the last time I'm asking you this)
Put my name at the top of your list
     (Put my name at the top of your list)
This is the last time I'm asking you why
     (This is the last time I'm asking you why)
You break my heart in the blink of an eye
     (You break my heart).
“This is the last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you this
They went back to their eye contact.
“This is the last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you this
This time, they didn't care about what the others were thinking. They were too busy pouring out their emotions. 
“This is the last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you this
Jumin then gently held on to MC's forearm.
“This is the last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you
Last time I’m asking you this.”
When the song ended, everyone cheered. Saeyoung was whistling. Zen, Yoosung, and Jaehee gave them a standing ovation, while V and Saeran simply clapped. 
MC was the first to break eye contact. It's finally over, thank Go-- her thoughts stopped its trails, as she felt something soft pressed on her forehead. 
She looked up and stayed still, seeing that Jumin was giving her a kiss there. She started to blush. 
The others were silent once again, surprised to see Jumin's bold move. As Jumin pulled away, he went closer to MC's ear and whispered, "I'm letting you go. Thank you." 
He then let go of his hand from her forearm, stood up, grabbed his cat, and walked away from the group.
"What.. was that?" Saeran spoke.
MC started to move again, as she touched the area on her forehead where Jumin kissed. She started to calm down.
"A-are you okay, MC?" Jaehee asked. She knew how it would be hard for her. MC looked at her and nodded, still couldn't speak.
"Saeyoung… you jerk. You broke MC." Zen mumbled.
"hEY! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO KISSED HER ON THE FOREHEAD!" Saeyoung defended himself.
MC couldn't believe it. He's letting me go? Thank you? Does that mean he hasn't moved on ever since? She kept on overthinking.
"Should we follow him though? He might get lost." Yoosung raised concern.
"Nah.. he'll be fine." V said. "He needed that.." MC looked at V. He then looked back and nodded. Oh.
"Let's just continue the fun." V encouraged. It was now Jaehee's turn to contribute. Everyone stayed up until the campfire died out. 
No matter how much MC wanted to forget what happened, it was stuck in her head. And was kept on loop. 
The clouds covered the morning sun, making it easy for the others to disassemble their tents and fix their stuff. Yoosung, Jaehee, and Zen began loading the van, while Saeyoung and Saeran loaded their stuff in their car. V was busy taking photos of the beach. MC was moping, looking at the view of the shore as if it will be her last time seeing it. 
It was very windy that her beach hat flew away. She panicked and looked for it, only to find out that Jumin catched it.
It seemed like he was behind her all along. He walked towards MC and gave it to her.
“T-thanks.” MC stuttered, while feeling awkward. She got the hat from him and placed it back on her head.
“No problem.” Jumin acknowledged. He stayed at a safe distance beside MC and stared at the horizon with her. Awkward silence filled in between them.
“I’m surprised that y-you brought Elizabeth the 3rd.” MC started, trying to lessen the tension. Jumin laughed a bit. “I thought that she could need some vitamin sea.” MC chuckled at the pun.
“It seemed like it was good for her.” She then turned and looked at the others, wearing smiles on their faces. It was as if they weren’t tired of life.
“We all needed a break from everything. I mean, look at them glowing..” MC trailed on, smiling as she looked at the other members.
“.. As for you, too.” Jumin spoke. This made her turn to him, who was giving her a smile. She was speechless still.
“I hope you knew that you have glowed brighter, from before..” He continued. MC couldn’t help but tear up.
She was cut off by Zen calling them. She looked away from Jumin and wiped her tears. Yes, MC, what a bold move. Crying in front of your ex, she cursed herself. 
She looked back at him as he started talking again. “It was nice seeing again, MC.” Jumin looked down and walked to where the others were.
MC couldn’t believe it. She tried to shake it off and walked to the van.
Everyone said their farewells to each other and rode their respective vehicles. MC sat by the window and sulked during the whole ride. Yoosung noticed how she was silent and asked, “Are you okay, MC? You seem down.”
I’m not okay. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” She gave him a smile and pat on his shoulder. Yoosung smiled back and felt relieved at least. She looked back at the window and sulked again.
I actually didn’t want it to be the last time. Our last time.
word count: 5399
a/n: um hi this is my first time in tumblr or posting somethin in tumblr lmao i am sorrY if my writing sucks.anyw this idea was from me listening to taylor swift (feat. gary lightbody)’s song, The Last Time. and i was like “what if jumin could sing?” and so on + quarantine is making me write stuff and i can’t sleep during the night ;-; (aLSO are there even people still reading MysMe fan fics in 2020??)
there will be a part 2 for this hehe i won’t promise that i’ll be writing it right away ;-; this took me 3 weeks to finish hek. 
hope you liked it! if you didn’t then sorry. just ignore this heh. please tell me on how should i improve my writing tooooo okez bYE
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bellator2016 · 4 years
My FanFiction Jurassic World Dominion Script
(Aimed To Have A total run time of 2hrs, 20-25 minutes)
Scene 1: In 2001; the Royal Airforce & Navy have arrived on Isla Sorna; much to Alan Grant & The Kirby's relief. A younger Owen Grady & other soldiers pass them by.
Scene 2: Owen Grady's team bumps into the Spinosaurus; it attacks and kills everyone except for Owen Grady there is a blood bath. Owen escapes.
Scene 3: The Navy/Royal Airforce Napalm bomb Isla Sorna, the Dinosaurs on that Island, including The Spinosaurus is killed.
Scene 4: A year later in 2002; Alan Grant meets with Ian Malcolm in a bar. The two discuss their experiences in Isla Sorna in 1997 & 2001. Alan says there was a Spinosaurus on Isla Sorna far stronger then it's real life counter part, Alan theorises it's a hybrid. Alan and Ian talk about the chaos theory and Alan and Ian agree it is best for mankind if the dinosaurs die.
Scene 5: Opening credits, in art form the Lockwood manor break out is shown. Rexy walked into a Zoo where she was captured and sold to a Japanese business man called Mr Wan, she is now on display in Tokyo. The Allosaurus walking away from the Caravan in Battle Of Big Rock is shown and other dinosaur attacks and herbivore sightings are shown in The Lockwood Forest. Attacks by Pterosaurs occur all over California. While this is playing a reporter is reciting occurrences on the radio.
Scene 6: The President of Nigeria is called President Mowski a big serious looking man. He's in a board meeting with the Nigerian Government members. President Mowski; talks about the resources in Liberia and he has found a way for them to take it without losing any men.
A man speaks; he is the same man who brought the Allosaurus & Baryonyx from the Lockwood auction, he also acquired Dinosaur DNA. He reveals he works for Mantah Coop. He shows them diagrams of Allosaurus and Baryonyx saying with these animals they can destroy the Liberian soldiers. Everyone seems intrigued.
Scene 7: Owen, Claire & Maisie have been squatting and hiding in a Ranch in Austin, Texas; they are living quite happily together. However one day; Maisie has an argument with Claire and Owen as she is tired of hiding. Owen tells her off and blames her saying it is because she released the dinosaurs. Claire gets angry at Owen for shouting at her and he walks out and drives away.
Scene 8: In the night, Claire hears a scream. She goes to Maisie's room but she is gone. Claire sees the front door is open and runs out a van is driving off she sees a tag on the floor labelled 'Bio-Syn'. She gets on the phone and shouts "Owen!".
Scene 9: In the Gulf Of Mexico, on lookers are admiring a passing Sperm-Whale, the 100 ft long Mosasaurus (100ft long, 16tonnes) comes; everyone is horrified. The Mosasaurus kills the Sperm-Whale.
Scene 10: Some time later; Alan Grant and Ellie Satler are talking on their way to John Hammond's Estate. Ellie is expressing guilt at tricking Tim since she remembers him as a child. Alan is insistent on doing it. It is also revealed that they have been together for ten years.
Scene 11: Ellie and Alan knock the door and are welcomed in by a butler in John Hammond's estate, they are led to a room. Inside the room are; A 30-40 year old Tim Murphey with his husband Matt Jones who is of a similar age, Sarah Harding with Nick Van Owen (they are holding hands), Roland Timbo is there with his grown up daughter who is revealed to be a soldier named Naomi Timbo, Zia Rodriguez, Zack, Owen & Claire are all in the room.
Tim thanks them all for coming and there is some banter between all of the characters. Tim then explains that some Government officials wish to kill The Ingen Dinosaur clones but have not yet been granted permission. Tim states he believes; Ian Malcom is right in that these dinosaurs should never have been created. However, he says they are not monsters, he tells them he has established a company called Green-Gen. Green-Gen has brought a nature preserve in New Zealand where the herbivorous Dinosaurs can roam freely in peace. Green-Gen also has a Zoo in Australia where they want to keep the Carnivorous Dinosaurs caged to be looked after. He then says in The United Kingdom they have a massive Aquarium for the Mosasaur. He states that he seeks everyone's help in capturing these Dinosaurs.
There is debate amongst people in the room as Alan thinks they are crazy. Ellie and Claire argue about the dinosaurs, Ellie believing they are monsters, and Claire believing they are mystifying. Sarah Harding takes the stance that the Dinosaurs should be rescued. In the end everyone agrees to help. Owen Grady says that Bio-Syn has kidnapped Maisie, Naomi Timbo says that this is where they should start.
Scene 12: In Lockwood Forest a baby Triceratops has gotten lost, it bumps into a bear which looks like it is about to kill it. However a Dilophosaurus appears at ten feet in length, it tries to blind the bear but misses, the Dilophosaurus then chases the bear.
Scene 13: Ian Malcolm comes into a room where a Government official who is small and smart looking; called Senator Greeves is chairing a board meeting in secret. In the meeting Ian pushed forward his chaos theory; and argues that the Jurassic Park Dinosaurs are a threat to mankind. He states that they need to be taken out with, or with out permission. Senator Greeves agrees with him.
Scene 14: In Moscow, Russia there is a massive building labelled 'Bio-Syn'. In the middle of the building is an open room paddock. Two Giraffes are running. Barry is on a  bridge and is doing drills. Blue The Velociraptor seems to be leading a pack. Barry shouts the names; White, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Ginger, Red, Green and Silver. Seven Black female Indoraptors appear; they have different coloured markings on their backs (the colour of their markings is the name given to each of them). The seven females are listening to Barry and following Blue's orders. Barry now shouts for; Poseidon, Hades and Zeus. Poseidon is a male Indoraptor with blue markings on his back, and Hades one with grey markings. Most of the Indoraptors are 10ft tall, 25ft long and weighting 1 tonne. Zeus is the biggest Indoraptor at 12 ft tall, 28ft long and weighing 2toones. He is Black with gold markings. These three Indoraptors obey Barry too, and follow Blue like the females.
Scene 15: The CEO of Bio-Syn a man named Grig Lvovich is watching on a screen outside with Henry Wu. Grig states that the animals are ready to be sold off to the Russian army, he praises Wu for obtaining the tissue of the dead Indoraptor at lockwood manor. Grig also states that due to Owen Grady's work the Russian Army will be the most formidable in the world. Wu however warns that another company Mantah Coop took an Allosaurus and Baryonyx aswell as DNA Viles at the Lockwood Manor auction three years ago. In response; Grig states that he hopes he's one step ahead. Wu smiles saying "Of course".
Scene 16: The two go into a room; where Maisie Lockwood is being kept. Maisie complains that she wishes to go home and wants nothing to do with them. Grig sits Maisie on his lap and talks about his own daughter, he says she'll be apart of greatness.
Dr Wu says that he is studying Maisie the clone child, she looks hurt at this comment. Dr Wu now shows a diagram saying he is attempting to use humans as the basis for a new animal. One that will combine the DNA of Indoraptors, and humans to create super soldiers. Dr Wu says that the first being will be ready to make in month and with growth hormones he will be fully grown in a year. Grig is amazed and Maisie is horrified.
Scene 17: In the night the Green-Gen team get off of a plane; (Owen, Claire, Alan, Ellie, Sarah, Zia, Zach, Nick and Naomi); there also seems to be a few soldiers with equipment with them. They get into the Bio-Syn building. In her room Maisie is listening; she comes out; Owen and Claire are relieved to see her.
Scene 18: The ten Indo-raptors surround them at every side. Owen and Claire are shocked to see there are more of these hybrids. Gig and Dr Wu show themselves, security guard comes with others and Barry who is commanding the Indo-raptors. Owen starts speaking to Barry asking him how he could do this, to which Barry says it is to provide for his family. Alan Grant meanwhile is stunned and fascinated by the Indo-raptors. Dr Wu remembers Alan and Ellie from Jurassic Park in 1993. The three have a discussion about Dinosaurs. Wu talks about how he keeps pushing the boundaries of Science. He talks about The Spinosaurus on Isla Sorna being the first hybrid; which was a Spinosaurus, Baryonyx, Suchomimus and Salt Lake Crocodile. How the Mosasaurus is a hybrid of different Mosasaurs, then he took gene splicing to a new level with the Indominous Rex. Now he plans to create super humans with Indoraptor DNA. Alan and Ellie counter argue him with Ian's Chaos Theory. Dr Wu talks about how his Science is always underappreciated. Blue now appears behind Dr Wu. Dr Wu starts trying to command Blue, stating that she is his creation. Blue does not like his tone of voice, she recognises Owen and confronts him, to everyone's surprise she submits to him and starts communicating with the Indo-raptors. Barry reveals Blue is like the Indoraptors mother, having raised them and now that she has submitted to Owen they all see him as their Alpha. Blue leads The Indo-raptors into killing the Bio-Syn Soldiers as Owen and Naomi use laser guns to point at them. Grig is killed by the mighty Zeus. Dr Wu is running away. Scene 19: Henry Wu is by the entrance, when Blue confronts him, she kills him and then slices open his gut.
Scene 20: The Indoraptors are in a plane in cages with soldiers on it. Flying infront is the other Green-Gen with the team on it; Blue is free roaming and everyone is frightened except for Owen and Barry. Owen is on the phone to Tim, and we hear Tim saying he liked the idea of using the Indoraptors to capture the Dinosaurs in Lockwood forest.
Scene 21: Ellie Satler and Alan Grant are in a room in Jack Hammond's estate, they are facetiming Ian Malcom who is on a chopper sitting next to Senator Greeves. Ian is horrified to learn that Green-Gen plans to use Velociraptor/Tyrannosaurus Rex hybrids to capture other Dinosaurs, he persuades Ellie and Alan to release the dinosaurs once they've captured them saying they will get out of control and his team will be near by to kill them. Alan and Ellie agree but guiltily look at each other as Ian states it will be for the over-arching greater good. Ian hangs up on them.
Ian and Senator Greeves are in a chopper with a bald hard looking soldier named Bronson Franklyn, there choppers all around them. Greeves tells Ian "Thank God, we got permission to kill the Pterosaurs they've caused so much trouble, this will go such a long way in winning our court case against Green-Gen". We then see a montage of these choppers flying across California  to shoot all the Pterosaurs to death.
Scene 22: An Apatosaurus is grazing in Lockwood Forest. Owen Grady rides in on a motor bike with Blue and the ten Indo-raptors, flying on a chopper is Naomi. It is trapped though; there is a bit of a struggle. Naomi tranquilises it and the animal falls, and is captured.
Scene 23: A montage is shown of the Indo-Raptors and Blue hunting; Deinonychus, Elaphrosaurus , Teratophoneus, Hadrosaurus, five Stygimoloch , 5 Sinoceratops, 5 Parasaurolophus, a Pachyrhinosaurus, six Gallimimus, A Brachiosaurus, two more Apatosaurus, 5 stegosaurus, one Diplodocus, 3 Anklysosaurs and two Baryonyx, one Dilophosaurus, Two Carnotaurus, one Suchomimus and Three Allosaurus. They are tranquilised and trapped in cages.
Scene 24: Green-Gen has made a camp sight by the forest; all the animals are going to be moved to the abandoned San-Diego Jurassic Park facility whilst the Herbivores wait to be moved to New Zealand and the Carnivores to Austrailia if they are allowed to live. Alan and Ellie are by the animals, Ian is on the phone telling them to let the Dinosaurs loose. Alan however has a change of heart. Saying; "Perhaps these Dinosaurs aren't 'Genetic Theme Park Monsters' after all." Ian is disappointed in them and says "The Dinosaurs will die with or without them". The Dinosaurs are seen; being moved to the San-Diego facility.
Scene 25: In Tokyo, Japan, the Tyrannosaurus Rex; Rexy (13 ft tall, 44ft long, 7tonnes) is on display in a circus called 'Rexy: The Tyrannosaurus Rex.' She is mistreated and made fun of similar to most circus animals in real life. It is ran by a small middle-aged Japanese man named Mr Wan.
Scene 26: This leads into a scene; where The Green-Gen team are watching videos of Rexy being abused in the circus on Youtube. Zia Rodriguez and Sarah Harding are angry at the way Rexy is being treated. Alan and Ellie on the other hand have horrible memories of Rexy and believe it maybe best for her to be put down. Claire has memories of Rexy saving her and Owen indirectly a few times. She says Rexy is an animal not a monster.
Scene 27: In Tokyo, Japan; Zia and Zach sneak into the circus and let Rexy out of her cage. Mr Wan sees and gets angry but Rexy eats him. Green Gens plans go wrong as they are waiting to catch her by the massive entrance walls; Rexy crashes through a different wall and begins a rampage in Tokyo.
Scene 28: Rexy is toppling over cars whilst people are screaming. Rexy gets interested in a bus with school children on it. Owen Grady, Blue and the ten Indo-Raptors surround Rexy, she fights a little with Zeus, when she pushes him away; in the sky Naomi in a chopper is able to shoot her with a tranquiliser dart, Rexy falls and the children celebrate clapping for Owen and The Indo-Raptors. Rexy is being seen being carted away on a plane. Alan Grant talks to Ellie Satler about how Owen Grady's work with Raptors is amazing.
Scene 29: The shot of Rexy being carted away then leads to the shot being placed on a tv screen; a news reporter is reporting on it. She states that Green-Gen and their Indo-Raptors have been able to contain the Dinosaurs in Lockwood Forest in California and the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Tokyo, Japan with relative ease. The reporter says that despite Dr Ian Malcolm's and Senator Greeve's argument that the Dinosaurs should die; it seems the Government is likely to rule in favour of Green-Gen considering how successful they have been.
Scene 30: An arrogant 'snobbish' couple called the Dawsons; are enjoying a cruise on a medium sized ship going from Valenzuela to Spain. In the North Atlantic Ocean the couple spot the 100 ft long Mosasaurus. The Mosasaurus attacks the ship, people fall off and are eaten. Others try to escape on life boats. The Mosasaurus is catching and eating them; the water starts turning red from all the blood that is being spilled. The Mosasaurus sinks the entire ship. The Dawsons are on a life boat and hear a helicopter nearby, hundreds of people have died.
Scene 31: We now go to a court case; that takes place in Northern California. The Green Gen lawyer is called Mrs Warren and Senator Greeves Lawyer is called Mr Ford. Warren has just finished talking about The Indo-Raptors rounding up the Dinosaurs showing they are animals not monsters; who actually obey commands and can coexist with humans. But Mr Ford points out the amount of deaths that have occurred because of the Dinosaurs since 1993. He says 100s of people died just a week ago in The Mosasaur's attack on a ship in the North Atlantic Ocean. Both Ian Malcom and Claire Dearing give speeches trying to sway the jurors.
Scene 32: Outside of the court Ellie Satler and Sarah Harding have a confrontation with Ian Malcom about animal cruelty and the chaos theory. In the end Ellie leaves and Sarah questions Ian's morals and hopes he's proud of himself. She says "It seems we're just not compatible.".
Scene 33: All the Dinosaurs that have been captured are being admired in The San Diego Jurassic Park including Rexy, Blue and the ten Indoraptors. Flashing back between this and court, the Judge asks the head juror what the verdict is; to which she says the Dinosaurs are declared too dangerous and need to be put down. Claire can be heard shrieking as Owen tries to calm her down. The Judge gives them one week to put them all down.
Scene 34: The Mosasaurus is chasing a seal in the Labrador Sea; Choppers hover near by; The Mosasaurus is caught in a similar way to how the nearly 100ft Blue Whale would be in real life, on one of The Choppers Bronson Franklyn can be seen.
Scene 35: The Green-Gen members admire all of the Dinosaurs that are captured in the San Diego facility. Alan Grant reminisces on The Brachiosaurus he first witnessed in 1993 in Jurassic Park, everyone is amazed by his story. Owen Grady gets a phone call, and it is from a top CIA Agent called Agent Rutherford. Rutherford says that Mantah Coop has created a pack of Allosaurus and Baryonyx which they have given to the Nigerian Government; they are planning to use the animals to attack Monrovia, Liberia by the sea.
Rutherford said they do not want to see a loss of life, and perhaps if the Indoraptor pack is used to hunt these dinosaurs; the decision to kill the Green-Gen Dinosaurs may be reversed. Owen tells the others what is going on; they encourage him to do the counter attack with the Indo-raptors Alan says he believes the Dinosaurs deserve a chance after all. Claire Dearing is worried for Owen, but he says he'll be alright and Naomi states that she is going with him.
Scene 36: In Monrovia Liberia, in the city behind the beach everything has been evacuated as The Liberian army awaits for what they believe is the Nigerian Army, having had a tip off. Just beyond the beach there are Liberian Submarines in the Gulf Of Guinea. On a chopper in the sky is a Nigerian commander he says "Release them now." In the city a massive truck opens it's doors slowly as ten Allosaurus (12ft tall, 30ft long, 2tonnes) are released on the soldiers and in the water four Baryonyx and one Suchomimus attack the submarines. The animals have been raised together and therefore can coexist.
Scene 37: There is a big battle in the city. Two Allosaurs are taken down by tanks, however the tanks are destroyed by the remaining eight Allosaurs. The Allosaurs then start hunting all the soldiers who are hiding in buildings. Meanwhile, the four Baryonyx and one Suchomimus tear into the Submarines and kill the soldiers as the ocean begins to turn red. One soldier is able to hit a Baryonyx with a missile and it dies. However, the Suchomimus and three other Baryonyx kills the last few soldiers in the sea. Back in the city; The Allosaurs chase the soldiers all over. In brutal scenes the Allosaurs kill all the soldiers, except for one soldier called Jake who is hiding behind some bins in an alleyway, two Allosaurs are nearby picking up his scent, he believes his life is over but suddenly Blue The velociraptor's croaky roar can be heard.  
Scene 38: Owen Grady rides in to the city on a motorcycle with Blue The Velociraptor and ten Indo-raptors following the ten Indo-raptors run ahead and collide with the eight remaining Allosaurs.
Scene 39: Meanwhile, in the Gulf Of Guinea; on the chopper the Nigerian Commander wishes to move the three remaining Baryonyx and one Suchomimus into the city to kill the Indo-raptors, however, one of the Baryonyx is taken by surprise as The Mosasaurus appears and kills it throwing it. On a different chopper in the sky; Bronson Franklyn is watching on, indicating he released the Mosasaur on to them.
Scene 40: The battle between The Allosaurs and Indo-raptors continues. The dinosaurs go in and out of the big buildings. Naomi comes on a chopper. Silver and Yellow are fighting two Allosaurs on a roof top, the two Indo-raptors are losing: Naomi provides the Allosaurs with a distraction. Silver and Yellow collide with the two Allosaurs, they all fall off the huge building to their deaths, eight Indo-raptors and six Allosaurs remain.
Scene 41: In the Gulf Of Guinea; the Mosasaur is fighting with the two Baryonyx (10 ft tall, 30ft long and 2-3 tonnes) and one Suchomimus (11 ft tall, 40 ft long, 4 tonnes). The Mosasaur begins to struggle as the three dinosaurs are tearing into it. They are trying to drown the Mosasaur and she is screaming in agony. Franklyn above realises this, and throws a bomb onto one of the Barynoyx as an explosion occurs.
Scene 42: The battle between the Allosaurs and Indo-raptors continues. The Indo-raptors are camouflaging. Jake is in awe of the battle. Owen leads the three male Indo-raptors against three Allosaurs. There is a terrible bloody battle. Zeus kills one Allosaur, Hades and Poseidon are killed; Zeus throws another Allosaur into a car and it dies. Zeus and the third Allosaur collide, Zeus kills it and roars in his victory.
Scene 43: The explosion in at the Gulf Of Guinea clears. The Baryonyx that the bomb hit has died. One last Baryonyx and The Suchomimus can be seen still alive. It appears the Mosasaur may also have died, in a chopper The Nigerian commander seems relieved. However, the Mosasuar appears and lunges at the Baryonyx killing it. The Suchomimus jumps on to the Mosasaur, it tries to drown her. There is a struggle under water, The Suchomimus on the Mosasaur's head. However, the Mosasaur powers out. Frightened, the Suchomimus tries to run onto the beach, but akin to the Indominous Rex's death the Mosasaur lunges and grabs the Suchomimus killing it and taking it into the water. Brooklyn Franklyn is watching on from above in his helicopter.
Scene 44: Back in the city; Three Allosaurs have killed Pink and Purple leaving Zeus, White, Green, Red and Blue The Velociraptor. Owen Grady drives his motor bike between the three Allosaurs and they statrt chasing him, they are ambushed and caught out by the Indo-raptors' tricks as they camouflage the Allosaurs are finally killed. As Naomi throws a missile at the last one, which dies.
Scene 45: Everyone begins to celebrate victory, however above the Nigerian Commander says to release them. A button is pushed and in separate trucks doors open to reveal; one Carcharadontosaurs Saharicus (13 ft tall,  and 43ft long and 7tonnes; has the Jurassic World Evolution design; with grey scales) and one Giganotosaurus Carolinii (12 ft tall, 45ft long and 10 tonnes; has the Jurassic world Evolution look green with the red Allosaur rings around it's eyes). They are vicious; Zeus, Red & Blue attack the Carcharadontosaurus whilst Owen leads Green and White into an attack on the Giganotosaurus. Naomi starts tyring to blast the two therapods. Carcharadontosaurus throws Red into a petrol station; she dies whilst Giganotosaurus is beating down the two female Indo-raptors.
Scene 46: Carcharadontosaurus turns and starts chasing Blue; who's running along a building. Zeus uses the distraction to push Carcharadontosaurus into a building; Naomi uses this to throw a missile and the building collapses on it as a big explosion occurs. Gigagontosaurus kills Green viciously but it too gets caught up in the explosion.
Scene 47: The explosion clears, Owen is up wondering if 'his' animals are still alive he sees that the Carcharadontosaurus has died, but the Gigagontosaurus comes up from behind him and looks to strike. However, Naomi attacks it on a chopper. She gets close and it knocks the chopper into another building causing another explosion; as it crashes to the ground.
Scene 48: The Gigagontasaurus again looks to round on Owen, but Blue croaks, it turns and sees her only for it to be ambushed on either side by White and Zeus. There is a huge three way battle as Jake is looking on. The two Indo-raptors are simply not enough as the Gigagontasuaurs snaps White's neck, it tosses her dead body away and roars.
Scene 49: Zeus can barely stand up; and the Gigagontasaurus starts coming towards Owen again; as if it knows he was the group's Alpha. Blue stands in the way and Blue and Gigagontasuaurs roar at each other. In a moment of bravery, Jake comes out towards the Gigagontasaurs shooting at it, the Gigagontasaurus eats him.
Scene 50: Angry with what has just happened; Owen gets on the motorcycle and charges at it; Blue and Zeus follow him. Whilst Blue jumps onto the Gigagontosaurus' back. Annoyed Gigagontosaurus strikes Owen away  with it's tail and throws Blue into water. The Gigagontosaurus knocks Zeus down. Zeus gets up very injured and roars at Gigagontosaurus, Gigagontosaurus roars back about to charge, when a missile directly hits it, an explosion occurs.
Scene 51: The Gigagontasaurus has finally died. Owen, Blue and Zeus get up still alive; he looks up to see Bronson Franklyn in a chopper, indicating he launched the missile that killed Gigagontasaurus. The man now gets down from the chopper as Owen commands Blue and Zeus not to attack. Owen finds Naomi in the chopper that got struck down. She is battered and injured; Owen acknowledges her as true soldier and she dies in his arms.
Scene 52: Owen and Bronson have a discussion as Bronson tells him about the battle between the Mosasaur and the Baryonyxes + Suchomimus. Telling Owen the Mosasaur has been recaptured and moved to the San Diego facility. Bronson mentions never seeing anything like this and praises Owen's research with the velociraptors. Owen says he wants no part in using Zeus and Blue in the army. Bronson says "well, how about the police force?".
Scene 53: In another court case; the President of Liberia is on stand to which he talks about the Indoraptors and even the Mosasaurus saving his country from alot of blood shed. Bronson Franklyn also testifies and shows video footage of Owen, Blue and Zeus catching criminals but not killing them; in Detroit, Michigan one of the worst cities for crime. Ian Malcolm looks at this horrified. The Judge asks the juror for a verdict to which she says they've decided that Green-Gens plans can be sanctioned and all the Dinosaurs are now in the protected species list. Everyone celebrates.
Scene 54: Outside of the court, Ian Malcolm walks out; he tries to speak to Senator Greeves who ignores him and walks past. Ian starts walking away, when Alan, Claire and Sarah stop him. He argues with Claire about the Dinosaurs being monsters not animals and Claire walks away annoyed. Alan talks about the chaos theory being correct. But the few Dinosaurs left should be allowed to live as he never thought he would witness a Raptor like creature take orders. Ian Malcolm says; "We will have to agree to disagree." He shakes Ian's hands saying "I'll drop it for now, but if there are any more incidents with these Dinosaurs he'll make sure they are all taken out". Alan smiles and walks away. Sarah and Ian now have a banterish argument that leads to them kissing.
Scene 55: In Cambourne-Redruth, Cornwall, England; is the Green-Gen Aquarium people are in the stands admiring the Mosasaur; amongst the people are Zach and Zia who are holding hands.
Scene 56: Resolution Island by New Zealand has been turned into; The Green-Gen nature preserve where all the herbivorous Dinosaurs roam freely. Circling the Island; admiring the animals are Tim Murphey and his husband Matt; Tim talks how this was John Hammond's dream as he listens to John Hammond's speech about the animals requiring human's absence in the 1997 speech at end of the Lost World. Tim and Matt kiss.
Scene 57: In Detroit Michigan; a gang of criminals are running, but stopped as Blue jumps on the other side of them, Zeus appears from behind them and they are trapped, Barry now shows himself and says; "Best to give your selves in."
Scene 58: In Melbourne, Australia; Alan Grant is walking with Ellie in the Green-Gen Zoo she looks uncomfortable as Rexy is seen roaring; Alan and Ellie hold hands and walk away together.
Scene 59: Claire, Owen and Maisie are driving in the countryside; Owen hopes Barry will be okay with Blue and Zeus, Claire and Owen have banter amongst themselves. As Maisie laughs in the back of the car, she notices a bird pass by and admires it as one of the last true living modern day Dinosaurs.
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weirdochick56 · 5 years
the Sweetest Sin- Dean Winchester AU Imagine
Priest!Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. 
Disclaimers: My characters don’t reflect my views on religion or Catholicism. I’m not an expert on religion or Catholicism by any means so please forgive any mistakes I make. 
Word Count: 4, 179 words
Summary: When the Reader, a girl who prefers to stay away from religion altogether feels lost in the world, she stumbles into a church by chance. In there she hopes to search for herself and her purpose, but what she ends up finding instead is father Dean Winchester, a man who is devout to his faith and God but can’t help his carnal desire for the mysterious girl who shows up at the church late at night. 
(Gif isn’t mine!)
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This storm was ridiculous. The rain came down in big, fat droplets from the sky. Fast and aggressive, the dark clouds above you were rolling in and out, dropping more and more rain as they went, obscuring your vision of the road more and more as time went by. 
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, hands tightening on the steering wheel so much your knuckles turned white. 
“Fuck,” you couldn’t help but softly release the curse under your breath.
The word felt so familiar on your tongue, overused even..and yet you couldn’t help but hear your mother’s voice probing from one of the dark, dank corners of your brain. 
“Why you wretched-mouthed girl! How dare you spew such profanities in front of God?”
You grinned cruelly. God. God didn’t give a dead rat’s last shit about you much less about the number of fucks you damn well please to‘spew’. 
Shaking your head slightly to rid yourself of any thoughts on your family and God, you decide the rain was coming down too hard too fast and you needed need to pull over in the nearest building. It was too dangerous to drive like this. 
You’d been slowly driving through a few small towns this time around, looking for a new place to stay in for a while before doing what you always did and fleeing as fast as your 1970 Chevrolet El Camino would allow you.
Your search had come up fruitless though, and now you were more lost than you were when you began. Maybe even more on a mental and emotional sense that a physically literal one. 
A girl your age was supposed to have it all figured out by now. A nice college, a nice boyfriend, a nice life. Especially a girl with a family like yours. 
You had an entire future planned for you. One that was filled with comfort and endless possibilities but you gave that up and took to the road and your grandfather’s car for the comfort and support your own damn family refused to give to you. 
Off to the distance, you can see a blur of a building. A relieved smile curls your lips and you quickly speed closer to it. Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s a damn church. Because of course it is. You mentally roll your eyes.  
You try not to let the fact stop you from taking shelter from the storm as you park to a stop in front of the small building.  
Taking a deep breath, you grab your phone and duffel bag. Turning off the engine to your car, you decide that as soon as you get out you’ll make a run for it. 
Shutting the door behind you, you can immediately feel your clothes and face and hair dampen, the rain cold and hard against your face. You break into a sprint, pushing your legs as far as they’ll go until you’re standing under the church’s steps. 
You slowly walk up to the large wooden door before you, shivering. Your hand is wrapped tightly around your duffel bag’s strap and your phone is safely tucked into your back jean pocket. 
You harshly knock on the door. No one answers so you do it again, this time harder and more pronounced. No answer. 
You sigh, slumping against the door and sitting on the last stone step with resignation. 
Looking out to the dark night, you watched as the rain hit the pavement of the street before you and sigh dejectedly once more. What had your life come to? I mean really. What the hell were you doing with it? What was your future? Would you ever have kids? Ever get married? Have an apple pie life?
How much longer would your almost completely mindless wandering last before there’d be nothing left of you? 
Lost in your existential crisis, you feel more lost than you ever have. The world around you is confusing and blurry with the rain and you’ve never felt more frustrated with your thoughts and emotions. The stupid door wasn’t opening and you were outside a fucking church! Isn’t God supposed to be there for you when you needed him most? 
“This is exactly why I refuse to-!”
And then suddenly, you’re falling backward the world around you spins upside down and you wonder if you’re floating for a split-second of insanity until it all comes crashing down on you. Or well- your body does anyways. You realize you’ve fallen backward when you land on your back and head, a sharp pain erupting throughout your backside. You yelp, eyes immediately squeezing shut in ache. 
“Oh God, I’m so sorry miss!” At the distinctly deep, raspy voice your eyes snap open in alertness and widen at the sight before you. 
The breath was knocked out of you momentarily when gravity worked its power and pulled you to the ground, but you’re almost certain it isn’t the reason your breath hitches the next time around. 
No. The reason behind your hitched breath this time is in the form of a man. Dressed from head to toe in clerical attire, he towered over you. With a black collar shirt, lined by a white tab collar and black jeans that hugged his slim hips. 
His handsome face was twisted into a frown, soft, pouty pink lips creasing with concern and the prettiest pair of apple green eyes you’ve ever seen glancing down at you all wide and glittery.
“Are you okay?” 
You can see his ridiculously soft mouth moving but you’re too dazed by the way a strand of otherwise spiky dirty blonde hair falls onto his forehead and your sudden urge to brush it away with your fingertips. Your hand twitches.
“Oh no. Are you hurt really bad, miss?” The very real guilt and distress in his voice are what snaps you from your momentary trance. 
...one now wondered was caused by the blow to your head or just the beautiful human being standing above you.
Shaking your head, you slowly sit up. A sharp pain explodes on the back of your head, shocking you momentarily as a small pained groan tumbles out from your damp lips. 
The priest is quick to lean down, wrapping his large hands around your shoulder and ribs to help you up. You ignore how good their warmth feels all pressed up against your cold, wet skin and steady yourself onto your two feet, all the while leaning into him for support. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, rubbing the sore spot on your head. 
The priest, who you can’t help but notice smells incredible, hums in acknowledgment. He patiently helps you to a pew, settling you down softly before kneeling before you. 
You hate to admit that you find yourself utterly disappointed when his hands are gone from your body.
You look down at him and smile softly. “Thanks.” 
And just when you thought he couldn’t get more fucking attractive, his lips curl into what you think is a grin, flashing two rows of pearly whites and practically melting you into a puddle right there and then. 
“You should really stop saying that,” his lips then dip into a sheepish smile. “I was the one who made you fall after all.” 
His green eyes glimmer with a sort of mischevious emotion that is gone almost as soon as it arrived and for some odd reason- leaves you utterly breathless. 
“You were, weren’t you?” You breathe out. searching his gaze for any trace of that look. 
He licks his lip, tongue flicking over the luscious pink muscle while his green gaze trails over your body slightly. You know it probably wasn’t with this intention (because how could it?), but something about the way he looked at you it...left a trail of goosebumps in its wake, a shiver traveling through your spine. Arousal in its rawest form. 
You were a bit startled by your body’s reaction to this complete stranger (who also just so happened to be a goddamn priest) and how instant it was. I mean, you just met the man.
“What were you doing out there in this storm, sweetheart?” his voice was soft and worried as he spoke to you, but didn’t fit the bearing he was giving off. 
His natural tone was grave and deep and so masculine, made much more for yelling out orders and profanities than prayers. It didn’t really fit this mild-mannered priest thing he had going on. In fact, none of him did. 
He was young and quite honestly- hot. What was he doing being a priest? Your interest and curiosity to know more about him peaks. 
“I was driving but I had to pull over to the nearest stop. Too dangerous,” you briefly explain. 
He nods in understanding. “I’m Dean, by the way. I was just closing up the place when the storm hit.” He looks out to the street before glancing back at you with a small smile. “No way I can drive home with the weather acting up like this.” 
You smile apologetically. “I’m sorry for bursting in.” 
He shakes his head, placing a comforting hand on your knee. “Hey, no problem sweetheart. I’m actually glad for the company. Plus, we welcome all here.” 
You nod, clearing your throat, and trying really hard not to focus on his hand placed so softly and warm on your clothed skin. The touch was light and playful, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the intensity and slight tension of it too.
He smiles comfortingly, retracting his hand. A comfortable silence settles in between you and you look around the small church, taking in the architecture, the paintings depicting scenes you were far too familiar with from the bible until priest Dean speaks up.
“Hey,” he frowns funnily at you. “What is exactly that you refuse to do?” 
You furrow your brows, confused. “What?”
He laughs and your insides turn to jelly. 
How could one human being be so fucking gorgeous? It’s not fair.
“When I opened the door you were saying something like ‘this is exactly why I refuse to’...what? What is it that you refuse to do exactly?” He looks at you attentively. His gaze is heavy and lightening all at once and you’re so confused by what it makes you feel.
What you were going to say suddenly dawns on you and you can’t help but blush, pursing your lips. 
“So?...” he urges softly.
You grin sheepishly, tugging at the long sleeves of your white shirt down to your knuckles. Licking your lips, you sigh out loudly, facing the altar. The same sculpture of Jesus being crucified in every Christian church stared back at you. He’s bloody and sort of...resignated. 
You can’t help but cringe when your mother’s voice slithers back into your brain. Nudging. Judging. Constant. 
“Y/n, God doesn’t like naughty girls. And what you have been doing is sinful. Unholy on many levels. He’s watching. He’s always watching. He’s everywhere and he’s tallying this all up against you. You’ll burn in hell if you continue down this path of self-destruction young lady!”
“I was gonna say..” you sigh heavily again, your blush intensifying. You finally build enough courage to face him. “That this is why I refuse to believe in God.” By now your voice has dropped to a breathy whisper. 
I mean, you were afraid of somehow...offending him. He was a damn priest, for fuck’s sake! He’s sworn under oath to God. 
You await his reaction anxiously, expecting a frown or a reprimand like the ones your mom used to give you, but all he does is hum in acknowledgment, face unreadable. 
 “And why’s that?” He looks forward to the sculpture of Jesus as you stare at him, trying to decipher what he thought of you. 
Your eyes trail over the sharp edges of his handsome face. His long lashes and brilliant green eyes, his soft pouty pink lips- beckoning you closer to him. Begging to be caressed with your own lips.
“Well, my life hasn’t been going so good lately, I just- I thought God was supposed to help you if you asked him to, right?”
He turns to you with raised brows. “Well have you?” He doesn’t sound judgy, just curious.
You think ponder it for a while. “Well, no.” 
He chuckles lightly. “Well, that may be why, sweetheart.”
You slouch. “I just...if I’m honest I just- I don’t believe in him anymore. I used to, well- not believe in him. More like I believed he existed. But that stopped a while ago, I just didn’t want to keep doing that to myself I guess.” You shrug softly. 
“Doing what, sweetheart?” He asks softly, not pushing you in a harsh way. Merely just..deeply curious to know.
You hesitate, turning to look into his warm apple green eyes before biting your lip in thought. He has such a welcoming, comforting gaze....plus, you’d probably never see him again after this, so would it really hurt to share your life story to a stranger you’d never see ever again?
“Believing in a God that will judge me for every little mistake I make. I don’t want to belive in a God that hates me for being human.”
At this, father Dean laughs. He laughs. 
You immediately regret opening up to him. “This was a mistake,” you start getting up hurriedly. 
His hand resting on your elbow stops you though, tugging you gently down next to him. “Oh lord, no sweetheart. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just- your perception of God is awfully skewed to me. I’m sorry,” he breathes earnestly.
You look at him for a second longer and sigh, settling down next to him again. 
He continues. “The God I believe in doesn’t hate. He loves endlessly. He loves all his creations. Us especially. He’s forgiving and perfect and holy.”
You scoff. “Not the God I was raised with clearly.” You smirk sadly. “Everything I did was always wrong and he’d always find a way to punish me for it.”
You quickly grow uncomfortable with how comfortable you are sharing some of your most intimate details with this complete stranger and nervously rub your hands over your damp jeans to wipe away the sweat from your palms.
Father Dean, looks at you with a quirk of his luscious lips but quickly averts his eyes, a blush steadily creeping up his neck and ears. 
You raise a brow. “What?”
He swallows, rubbing his scruff, but still facing toward the altar. Refusing to so much as glance at you. “You might uh-” he motions to you loosely with his hand. “Y-you might want to cover up, sweetheart.” He clears a crack from his voice with a small cough. 
You look down, alarmed, only to have a blush of your own spread throughout your body like wildfire. You’d completely forgotten that you threw on a thin white long sleeve shirt this morning. The rain had made it see-through and your black lacy bra was now on awfully vast display. 
“O-oh!” You quickly use your arms to cover up, your body flushing even more. “I’m so sorry, I-I don’t have anything to uh...”
“I-it’s fine. Here. Just...” He nods and begins taking his jacket off, still refusing to look at you. 
You take the jacket and throw it over your shoulders, inhaling the delicious scent that almost instantly engulfed you. It was subtle but also so strong and dizzying to your senses. A scent that was soft but masculine all at once. God he smelled good.
“Thank you,” you softly mumble in gratitude, smiling gently at him.
He finally faces you, returning your smile with a sincere one of his own.
The atmosphere was unlike any you’d ever been in. It was the same level of static and silent as anytime you were alone in a shitty motel room, but quiet. They were two different kinds of muteness. Quiet was comfortable, comforting even.
For you, being in silence usually meant having to listen to your brain ramble on and on about all your mistakes- big and small. 
But something about having father Dean next to you -his mere presence- calmed you and your stupid brain. (It was a smart brain, sure, but an overactive one too. )
Your heartbeat was strong and steady, your body felt awfully warm with his big jacket wrapped around you and you tightened it over your shoulders more, inhaling deeply through your nose once more.
“So...” you start. “What got you into this? Being a priest and all, I mean.” You quickly realize how nosey and pushy you sound, rushing to correct yourself. “I mean if you don’t mind me asking that is, of course!”
He laughs and it’s all manly and deep and husky and-ugh. This was so wrong to feel for a damn priest.
“Not at all, sweetheart. I guess I was kinda...born into it? Family business and all. My dad was a priest and so was my grandfather before him. I’m the oldest brother so I followed behind my father’s footsteps like a good son, I guess.” He shrugs, but there’s a light heaviness in his voice that throws you off.
“What about your other siblings?” You inquire.
“One, actually. Sammy. He’s younger than me.” His face immediately lights up at the mention of his younger brother. “He’s a lawyer. Didn’t wanna continue in the family business, I guess.” He shrugged. 
“Was your father angry?”
He laughs a bit sadly and your heart clenches. “He was pretty upset. They fought about that the last time they saw eachother, actually. Then dad died.” He looks down at his hands.
You place a tender hand on his broad shoulder, ignoring the very clear, defined muscles flexing under your touch. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I didn’t mean to bring anything painful up.”
He grins at you, shaking his head. “Nah. Don’t worry sweetheart. Sammy is actually doing pretty good for himself.” His mesmerizing eyes light up with a damn endearing brotherly kind of pride. “Graduated from Stanford and all. Started his own firm a few towns over.”
You move your hand away a bit reluctantly, clasping it with your other hand and ignoring the small tingles coursing all the way to your arm.
“Do you like being a priest?” You ask a bit hesitantly. It was a bit of a risky question, but you assumed that you’d shared enough about your lives to be able to ask this comfortably. 
He freezes, startled at the question you presumed. 
“It’s been in my family for three generations, so I was raised with a huge faith in God and this lifestyle allows me to help others do the same.”
You smirk softly, raising your brows. “That’s not what I asked.”
He sighs, shoulders slumping. He looks upward- toward the sky, as if the bland beige ceiling of the hutch would give him answers.
“Do I like being a priest?” he repeats it to himself under his breath. He looks at you with a tiny smirk. “Ya’ know sweetheart, I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that question. I think...” he trails off, rubbing his sexy scruff. “I do,” he finally says, looking at you once more. “I get to work with a lot of underprivileged people and people who are better off as well, but I love helping people of all backgrounds find their path to God. I also like being able to give food and clothes and a place to sleep to people who really need it in the name of God because he is the one that makes this,” he motions to everything around him. “All of this, possible. I love giving back, I guess is the shortest way to describe it?”
You can tell he’s genuine, the way he speaks of his work. Passionate about it, driven. And yet- you’re left wondering about why he even had to think about the question in the first place. He liked it, clearly. Was enthusiastic about it, but did he love it?... And if not, why?
A smile spreads over your face inevitably. What an incredible man. It wasn’t fair that you couldn’t have him, your heart deflates.
“That’s amazing,” you admit earnestly.
He smiles modestly, face slightly reddening. “I guess it is. I don’t really...” he gulps. “I don’t know...sometimes I think that because of how I am- messed up, what I’m doing really means nothing.”
Your eyes widen incredulously, unable to believe someone like him could think so little of himself. “Are you kidding me?! Of course, it is! You’re dedicating yourself to helping people, selflessly. I mean-” your voice lowers slightly as you watch him closely. “You’re giving up a lot of things for your faith. That’s pretty incredible.” 
He frowns at you. “What kind of things?” 
You chuckle softly, shrugging. “I don’t know...things I know most people wouldn't be willing to give up. And I mean, it’s not my intention to presume anything about you, Father, but you’re pretty young and I’m assuming unmarried since you don’t have a ring.” And attractive to a point that should be illegal, you added mentally. 
You gulp, looking up at him nervously through your lashes. “I think you’ve had to give more than a few things up.”
He sighs, contemplating this. Finally, he asks, “and do you think that it was hard for me to give these things up? A ‘normal’ life for my faith?” he uses his fingers to create quotations around the word. 
You observe the way he’s looking at you. He doesn’t seem angry or offended...more like he himself is observing closely for your own reaction to his question. Testing you, in a way.
So you swallow your sudden anxiety and embarrassment down, looking him in the eye. 
“I would assume so,” you mumble honestly. 
The moment slows down for some reason. Maybe because it was quiet- too quiet. Maybe because everything was in sync at that moment. Maybe it was because his warmth was so inviting and he smelled so good. Or maybe it was because you’d found a safe haven amidst a storm- not in a place but in a person.
And suddenly you’re both looking into each other's eyes, gazing intently. You wanted to figure him out- you wanted to know everything that there was to know about that warm yet mysterious gaze of his. It was penetrating in a way you’d never expected. You felt so vulnerable under it- like he could easily see through you. 
It startled you, but also made you feel so alive. No one had looked at you in that way for a while. No one had much cared for anything that had to do with you at all in a while, actually. 
He chuckles, low and airy, his gaze trailing over your face in languid, gradual strokes. 
It was so intense you swore you could feel his eyes caressing your skin- only lightly, though. 
“There are some things...” his eyes land on your lips. “That I miss....things that I wish I could have again. Things I lay awake at night thinking about.” 
His words are so provocative and teasing and so fucking sensual, your stomach clenches in pure and unadulterated need. 
Your breath catches, lips parting as you take in the adorable freckles peppered all over his nose and cheeks. You were close enough to count them and clearly see the brown specks in his striking irises. 
You hold your caught breath, waiting for him to continue speaking. You could almost see the words he was suppressing pushing at the tip of his tongue. 
He finally breaks after a few moments of deep pondering. 
“You’re really beautiful, sweetheart,” he mutters so low, you have to strain to hear. 
You gulp the lump in your throat, heart racing. “Th-thank you. You are too.” 
He licks his bottom lip, slow and torturous and my God, did you want to sin right now. “Thanks,” he rasps. 
God likes good girls who don’t betray his trust, Y/n. You must always remain focused on pleasing him. And only him. He is all that matters. 
His hand is reluctant and all too light when it softly brushes your cheekbone. Father Dean watches you closely, clearly nervous that you’ll flinch away. 
But you only shudder under his touch, leaning into it. 
“Call me Dean, please” he husks soft and your insides quite literally quiver.
“Dean,” you correct yourself meaningfully. “I just- fuck.” You gradually lean away from his touch. “You’re under oath and I don’t wanna be the one to-”
He finally snaps out of it, practically jumping away from you. You find yourself immediately feeling empty at the absence of touch almost immediately. 
“God, of course, sweetheart. I am so sorry. I swear thay I’m not usually like this- I just...” he pauses, gazing at you softly. “I don’t know what it is about you,” he breathes.
You shake your head quickly getting up. “It’s fine, I know it was a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing. This storm is really stressful and tensions are high ‘round these parts and...yeah. Don’t worry ‘bout it.” What you’re saying makes absolutely no fucking sense, but you’re desperate for an out. 
You run your fingers through your hair, looking out the window. “And look, it’s already over so I’ll just uh, be going now. Again, thank you for everything father. I really, really appreciate it.” You speak quickly, flustered, and don’t let him get a word in before you spin on your heels and walk away as fast as you can. 
“Hey!” he calls from behind you. 
You pause walking and look at him over your shoulder. “Yeah?”
“I never got your name, sweetheart.” 
You smile. “It doesn’t matter what my name is. You’ll never see me again, Dean.” 
And then you walked out. 
So here’s a short-ish imagine because I’m a complete hoe for forbidden tropes, I’m sorry...
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Lol, If y’all want a second part, lemme know, please!
Feedback is ALWAYS welcomed. Messages, replies, reblogs...I see them all!
A Special Thanks to:
@wildefire  -my only SPN tag. 
And my lovely forevers, of course!
150 notes · View notes
loove-persevering · 5 years
Trained Weapon Part 7 (Steve Harrington Series)
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Description: You were made to be a weapon, forced to kill on command. You were number thirteen, the lab had taken you at the age of eight from your mother and father locking you a way for training, if you didn’t do what you were told you were locked away. This time you were going to be killed you knew it, if you told them no they would kill you so the only thing you could do was run. And turns out you run exactly to the boy in a sailor outfit. (This will follow closely with season 3 of stranger things)  
In case you missed it: Prologue , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4  , Part 5 , Part 6
You peered out the bathroom door noticing the evacuation happening, Dustin ushers you all out and you fall in line with the crowd of people. ‘’Well shit that worked,’’ Erica said. 
‘‘Course it worked,’‘ Dustin answers. Steve walked a few paces behind you talking with Robin while you kept up more with Dustin and Erica. ‘‘We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes and home sweet home, here we come,’‘ He says. 
‘‘Uh, Dustin?’‘ You hear Steve chime in. Dustin looks back at him questioning him, ‘‘Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.’‘ Steve says avoiding Dustins gaze. 
‘‘Why?’‘ Dustin asks. 
‘‘Well I might’ve told them your full name.’‘ Steve says simply. Dustin looks back at them in shock. 
‘‘What is wrong with you?’‘ Dustin asks. 
‘‘Dude,  I was drugged.’‘ Steve says. You look forward noticing one of the Russians was at the front checking a woman’s ID. You notice Dustin and Steve were still bickering and you stop in your place causing Steve to run into your backside. 
‘‘Guys!’‘ You say and they all look up noticing the guard. The crowd around you continued moving forward as you all stared in shock not sure what you could do. The guard looks up as the woman looks away looking up and you make eye contact with him, you see his eyes widen and he starts moving back toward you. 
‘‘Abort.’‘ Dustin says, ‘‘Abort, Abort!’‘ He says turning around pushing Robin and you look up seeing Steve look down at you as you push him ushering for him to go. You all break out into a run wanting to avoid the guard, if there was one then you knew more wouldn’t be too far away.
‘‘Shit,’‘ Steve mutters noticing the elevator wasn’t running and roped off. You turn around seeing the guard turned the corner and spots you and you noticing another guard behind him in pursuit. Steve jumps into the small space between the elevator sliding down it and you all follow him down just barely making it before the guards reach you. Once you make it all the way down you sprint away, the guards didn’t slide down which you were grateful for but you see them walk down instead. 
 You ran behind a stand in the store hiding behind one of the food stands, you all sink down to the floor and you can hear the footsteps around you getting closer. You feel Steve put his hand over yours and he squeezes it tightly and you look over at him and he gives you a small smile. After a few seconds you don’t hear the footsteps anymore and then all of a sudden you hear multiple at once slowly walking toward the stand. You hold your breath and close your eyes as you hear the footsteps get closer and closer, and then you hear a horn blaring. You open your eyes and look to Steve who looked at you in shock. 
‘‘Is that you?’‘ He asks and you nod your head no. You turn your head and move your body up slightly peering over the counter noticing the Russians looking at the car with the blaring horn, you follow their gaze looking up to the second floor noticing El standing there her arm extended as she moved the car. You watch as she flings her arm and the car goes flying against the Russians clearing them out of the way. You push yourself up Steve tugging on your shirt not realizing what was going on, you motion with your head for them to get up and they do. They all follow your gaze looking up and noticing everyone standing on the floor above you, you smile to yourself and look over to Steve who looked shocked as well as Robin. 
 Everyone jumps over the counter running toward the elevator as the rest of the group makes their way down, ‘’You flung that thing like a hot wheel!’’ You hear Dustin yell from behind you. You watch him run past you embracing El into a hug and then you also watch Erica run past you to Lucas. 
‘‘Lucas!’‘ She yells.
‘‘What are you doing here?’‘ Lucas asks looking confused at his kid sister. 
‘‘It’s their fault,’‘ She says pointing to you Steve and Robin. 
‘‘True, yeah. Totally true. It’s absolutely our fault.’‘ Steve says putting his hands on his hips. 
‘‘I’m confused what happened to that car?’‘ Robin calls out. 
‘‘El threw it with her mind,’‘ Dustin says to her. 
‘‘Her mind?’‘ Robin asks. 
‘‘El has superpowers,’‘ Dustin says. ‘‘Like Y/N,’‘ He explains. ‘‘You can do that too right Y/N?’‘ Dustin asks you and you look at him and nod. 
‘‘I’m sorry who are you?’‘ The girl in the pink dress asks looking at you. 
‘‘I’m Y/N,’‘ You answer her. ‘‘I’m-’‘ You begin to answer but Dustin cuts you off. 
‘‘She is El’s sister kind of.’‘ Dustin answers you, ‘‘She has cool powers too!’‘ He exclaims. ‘’She helped with the Russians.’‘ 
‘‘Russians? What Russians?’‘ The boy standing next to the girl in the pink dress asks looking confused. 
‘‘The Russians!’‘ Steve yells. 
‘‘Those were Russians?’‘ Max asks. You look over noticing El had walked away from the group as they were all in their own side conversations. You walk over behind her and touch her arm as she turns around and you notice the blood dripping from her face and how pale she looked. She looks around the mall as if she was in a daze and you watch her confused, she puts her hands over her ears and you put your hands up on each of her shoulders steadying her as she began to sway back and forth. 
‘‘El?’‘ You ask just as she falls into your arms, her body falling limp. She groans as you catch her. You notice everyone now making their way over to you and El and Mike was immediately at her side as you lay her to the ground. 
‘‘What’s wrong with her?’‘ You hear someone ask. 
‘‘What’s wrong?’‘ You hear Mike asks as he hold her shoulders. 
‘‘My leg, my leg.’‘ She says sounding like she was in pain. You look down to her feet watching as the pushed the pant leg up and the white bandage was soaked in blood. They lift the bandage and expose the damage to her leg, everyone groans in disgust as they see it. You see something move around in it and you panic, El starts panting and groans out again in pain as the object moves around inside of her and Mike tries to comfort her. Mike keeps saying her name over and over again and then El lets out a shattering scream in pain. 
Robin had started to talk in panic as the boy you found outs name was Jonathan pulls out a knife and preps El’s leg. He was going to cut it open and try and take out what was inside, ‘’This is going to hurt like Hell, okay?’’ He asks her and she nods pain written across her face. ‘’I need you to stay really still okay?’’ He asks putting gloves on his hands. ‘’Here, bite down on this,’’ He says handing Mike a wooden spoon and he puts it in her mouth and she bites down. You push the pieces of hair stuck to her head back and hold onto El’s hand. 
 You watch as Jonathan takes the knife making the incision down El’s wound and El screams in pain. You can hear Dustin and Steve groaning behind you as the blood seeps out of the wound and El continues to groan in pain. 
‘‘Oh shit!’‘ You hear Dustin yell.. 
El was sobbing in pain and you could tell it was unbearable for her. Jonathan closes his eyes taking his hand sticking it inside of her wound and El’s screams become louder. Everyone yells in disgust as they watch. You watch as Jonathan keeps moving his hand around inside of her with no success, the girl Nancy keeps yelling at him to stop but he keeps going obviously wanting to help ease El’s pain. ‘’No. Stop it!’’ You hear El scream. 
‘‘Stop! Stop!’‘ Nancy yells pushing at Jonathan’s shoulder and he takes his hand out slowly. 
‘‘Stop! Stop!’‘ El yells taking the spoon out of her mouth flailing her arms at her sides. ‘‘I can do it,’‘ She mutters still crying. 
‘‘El,’ You say and she looks at you, ‘’Let me,’‘ You tell her. She had already seemed so drained and you knew you could do it if it meant helping her. You glance up at Steve and he looks at you wide eyed, you realize now that nobody had ever seen you use your abilities before and it made you feel a little self conscious. ‘’You’re too weak,’’ You tell her. 
She nods her head and you look at her moving yourself more toward her leg, you lift your hand close to the wound and concentrate putting all your focus on the object in her leg. You hear El wail in pain as you finally start to see the silhouette through her skin, ‘’God!’’ She screams in pain. You don’t stop knowing it would only be more painful for her, you finally see it making it’s way to the exit of the wound and just as it begins to make it’s way out of the skin El screams so loudly in pain and the mirrors next to you burst. You don’t flinch like everyone else completely concentrated on helping relieve her pain, while everyone had their head covered you finally see the body of the object exit El’s skin and the creature shrieks when it comes out and you hold it up for a second examining it before tossing it far away from everyone. 
 When you look up to where you tossed it you see a tall man in a floral shirt stomp down on it and everyone looks up almost looking relieved to see him. ‘’What the hell is going on?’’ He asks his voice hard as he stares straight at El. 
 You look back at her and she was still panting from the events just seconds before, you look at her wanting nothing more than for her pain to stop, ‘’I can help you, I think I can help you.’’ You sigh to her. 
She looks at you confused as does everyone else, and the three older adults walk over to you standing above you hovering you. ‘’Who the hell is this?’’ The man asks. 
‘‘Her name is Y/N,’‘ Dustin calls out. ‘‘She’s number thirteen, she’s like El,’‘ He says. You turn your head looking up to him and you give them a small smile. ‘‘She has healing powers we think,’‘ He continues. 
‘‘You think?’‘ Mike asks. 
‘‘You do?’‘ Steve asks in unison with Mike. 
‘‘Just trust me,’‘ You say looking around at everyones face, some of them looked skeptical others looked hopeful. ‘‘I wouldn’t hurt you,’‘ You tell El and she nods at you encouragingly gesturing at her leg. 
‘‘Wait!’‘ The older man yells. ‘‘Why do we trust her? Where did she come from?’‘ He asks. 
‘‘Hopper,’‘ The woman with the dark hair says touching his arm. ‘‘Just let her try.’‘ She says looking down at you a small smile on her face.
 You look back to El and nod asking her to continue and she nods telling you to go on, Mike is back at her side holding her hand. You move your body down to her leg and take your hand putting it over the wound. You felt the warmth below your hands and you close your eyes trying to focus on what you wanted, you wanted the wound to go away. You felt your hands begin to tingle and your hands get warmer as you focused on El. You didn’t know how this work so you kept your hand covered over her wound and just felt the warmth and tingle of your hands grow stronger as you kept your hand on it longer. 
 After a few moments you pulled away and looked down at the leg noticing the wound was still their and you let out a sigh of disappointment, ‘’I’m sorry I thought I could-’’ You tell her and she gives you a sad smile. 
‘‘Holy shit!’‘ You hear Dustin yell. ‘‘Her leg!’‘ Dustin yells and you look down panicked that you had done something further to hurt her. You put your hand over your chest in relief when you notice you hadn’t made it worse but the wound was getting better. The wound started to close and although it still didn’t look the best it would do, you would have to work on whatever this ability was and get it down. 
‘‘Well shit Y/N,’‘ You hear Steve say noticing he stood behind you. He put his hand on your shoulder and you felt your self smile and you look to El who was smiling back at you. You felt your hands still shaking and you clutch them into fist against your thigh, you felt yourself calm down realizing you hadn’t been a disappointment.  
 You had a plan to kill it, that was what had happened in the past few minutes. Everyone throwing out ideas and being shot down, you now finally had an idea on how to kill this thing. Everyone was walking around and getting ready to leave and you sat next to the fountain watching the water run inside. 
‘‘Y/N?’‘ You hear Steve’s voice from behind. You turn around at him and he gives you a slight smile walking over taking a seat next to you. ‘‘What you did for El, that was amazing.’‘ He says to you. ‘‘Amazing,’‘ He says almost in disbelief. 
 ‘’Really?’’ You ask him, ‘’I was scared shitless,’’ You tell him laughing and he joins in. 
After the laugher dies down a few seconds later Steve grabs your hand making you look up at him, ‘’About what you said earlier,’’ He sighs, ‘’You don’t love me Y/N,’’ He pauses. 
‘‘But you said-’‘ You start to talk but he cuts you off. 
‘‘You don’t know me,’‘ He sighs. ‘‘You can’t love someone you barely know.’‘ He explains to you. 
‘‘You can’t?’‘ You ask confused.
‘‘I mean not really no,’‘ He sighs. You pull your hand away from him and when you look up he seemed panicked. ‘‘That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you!’‘ He says. ‘‘I do a lot.’‘ He sighs. 
‘‘But you don’t love me?’‘ You ask him. ‘‘Is that what you meant earlier you can love someone but they can not love you back?’‘ You ask him. 
‘‘No, no, no!’‘ He rushes out. He lets out a frustrated sigh, ‘‘You don’t love me, you barely know me. But that doesn’t mean anything right now.’‘ He says and you scrunch your face up in confusion. ‘‘It takes time to love someone, you can’t fall in love with them in a matter of days.’‘ He explains. ‘‘You have to give it time, and if you give me time I think I could learn to love you too.’‘ He says. 
 ‘’Time?’’ You ask him. ‘’What if I don’t have time?’’ You ask him, you feared that all this would be cut short and Davis would find you, what then?
 ‘’We have time,’’ Steve assures you. He smiles at you softly and you smile back at him. You were cut short by the man Hopper you had found out throwing a pair of keys at Steve, ‘’Wait what?’’ He asks looking at him confused. 
‘‘Take the kid where he needs to go,’‘ He says gesturing to Dustin who peeked out from behind him smiling. He nods his head and Dustin makes his way over to you and Steve as well as Erica and Robin. You look back noticing El was staying here as well as the other kids in the group. 
‘‘Alright let’s go!’‘ Steve says sounding excited. 
‘‘I’m gonna stay here,’‘ You tell him. 
He looks at you confused, ‘’Why?’’ He asks. 
‘‘I just think it’s better if I’m here,’‘ You tell him. You glance over and notice El digging through the trash and you sigh realizing what she was doing. ‘‘I need to be here alright?’’ You ask him. He looked a little hesitant but he nods his head slowly and you smile at him, he turns around to walk away but you call out to him, ‘’Steve?’’ You say and he turns around. You walk up to him and stand on your tip toes kissing him lightly on his cheek, ‘’Be careful,’’ You say giving him a smile. You can see the shock on his face as you step back from him. 
‘‘Come on lover boy,’‘ You hear Robin say and she looks at you giving you a sly smile. She tugs on Steve’s arm pulling him away and he continues to look back at you as she drags him out the door. 
 A few minutes later you try and find El, she was in a corner of the mall a coca cola can in front of her as she stared at it intensely.  You walk over to her, ‘’El,’’ You call out to her and you can see her body visually relax. She turns to you her nose bleeding and you give her a sympathetic look. ‘’It’s okay,’’ You tell her. Max and Mike make their way over to El asking her if she was okay and you fall back letting them take over knowing they would comfort her better than you could. 
 You begin to walk to the other side of the mall but stop short when you hear a pounding coming from above. You look up and it was a little hard to see at first because the florescent lights from the sign above. But once you see it you felt a shiver down your spine as you watched it make its way perfectly above the center of the glass peering down. 
‘‘Nancy!’‘ You hear mike yell. 
 You look over noticing Mike grab El’s hand and Max following behind them, you quickly run over to them just in time as the Mind Flayer crashes down through the glass and you Mike El and Max slide behind a small stand still almost at the center of the mall and the loud screech echoes throughout. You look over at them all your chest rising in falling as you panicked not sure what to do at this point, You could hear the radio and Dustin’s voice screaming in as he tried to get someones attention. Then you hear the thunderous footsteps that followed as the Mind Flayer walked around the mall, and then you see the slime drip down in front of you. You reach out grabbing Max’s hand wanting to comfort not only her but yourself and she squeezes your hand back. Eventually you hear the heavy footsteps walk away and for a moment you let out a sigh of relief. 
 Mike begins to push himself up, ‘’Mike!’’ You whisper to him scared that the Flayer would notice him and you can hear the venomous growl from across the mall. He moves back down, ‘’It’s turned away. If we o up the stairs now, we’;; make it.’’ He says and you look to both El and Max who looked just as panicked as you felt. 
 ‘’No way, El’s leg still isn’t in the best condition,’’ Max comments. 
‘‘We have to try,’‘ Mike says looking to you and you nod. 
 ‘’There’s another way,’’ El says grabbing Mike, ‘’To get out, through The Gap,’’ She says glancing over to the store next to you. It was a shorter distance than the stairs and seemed like a much better attempt, once again Mike moves up peering out of the small stand you all sat behind. 
‘‘Okay,’‘ He says panting, ‘‘Now,’‘ He says grabbing El’s hand. You all push up running to the other side of the mall as quietly as you could. You were the last one in and as you move under the gate you hit a metal pole causing it to knock over. You hear a roar from across the room and the stomping quickly makes it’s way over and you hear a loud crash close to you. You quickly slide down in next to El, Max, and Mike cursing to yourself at how stupid you were. You sit silently wanting it to move away and then you hear a loud sound from next to you and the mannequin next to you was suddenly jerked away. You reach over putting your hand over your mouth hoping to not make any more sounds to attract more danger. Everyone flinches back and starts to pant heavily realizing how screwed we all actually were.
It was close and you could hear the small screeching practically right next to your ear, and you turn your head to the left as the smaller part of the Mind flayer opened its mouth letting out a screech. You felt as if that was it, just a few more seconds and all that time Steve talked about would be gone, you would be dead. Then you heard a echo of a pop and then another screech and you watch as the tiny part of the Flayer that had made an appearance next to you fly back and you let out a deep shaky breath as you head the footsteps walk away. 
‘‘Let’s go,’‘ You say looking back at them, you push yourself up still trying to remain as quiet as possible and slam your body into the door pushing it open as you make your way into the hallway. 
 I don’t think my food could’ve pressed on the gas petal any harder, my foot was practically already to the ground as I thought about what we had saw a few moments ago. I glance over at robin both of us could feel the tension and nerves surrounding us as we thought about what was going on at the mall. I couldn’t help but think about Y/N, I hoped she was safe. I shouldn’t have let her stay, I thought about her kissing my cheek before we left and I hope to God that wasn’t going to be the last time I saw her or her smile. 
 I didn’t love her, it hurt to tell her that at first but just because I didn’t love her now didn’t mean I couldn’t learn to love her. She made it so easy to like her I could only imagine being in love with her, I knew it wouldn’t take long but now I was praying I would even get the chance. 
 ‘’There!’’ Robin yells pointing straight ahead, I fly over what seemed to be a speed bump and the cars slams to the ground. ‘’Shit!’’ She yells gripping the handle on the car. 
 ‘’Hold on,’’ I say slamming the petal to the ground, I watch Nancy as she stood in front of the car gun in her hand as she fired shot after shot at Billy’s window. I could see his headlights get closer and closer and just as he was about to hit Nancy I close my eyes and brace for impact. We slam into the car sending both me and Robin flying around the car, ‘’Shit,’’ I say watching Billy’s car spin around and around as well as me and Robin the entire world seemed to be spinning. 
 I stop and realize what I had just did, I wrecked the car. The flames that ignited from Billy’s car caught my attention and I just stare seeing his body laid against the door. ‘’Are you okay?’’ I ask Robin. 
 ‘’Ask me tomorrow?’’ She says, and I just stare straight ahead trying to calm my breath. I hear a loud roar close to us and me and Robin both move ourself up looking at the mall above as the Mind Flayer crawled its way on top. We stare at it almost in amazement but also in fright, the blaring car horn breaks us out of our daze. 
‘‘Get in!’‘ Nancy yells. Robin hops out of the car and then me and we make our way to the back of the station wagon. I try to not look back but as I shut the door to the trunk I notice the Flayer crawling down the mall straight after the car and away from Y/N not knowing if she was dead or alive. 
We drove down the roads and me and Robin watched from the back the Mind Flayer following us not far behind I might add. After Dustin’s song and finally realizing this entire time he wasn’t faking having a girlfriend the Flayer stopped and then turned around making it’s way back around toward the direction of the mall. ‘’It’s turning around!’’ I yell out. 
‘‘What?’‘ Nancy spits out. 
‘‘It’s turning around!’‘ I yell. 
‘‘Maybe we wore it out?’‘ Lucas suggest. 
‘‘I don’t think so. Hold on.’‘ Jonathan says, he swerves the car causing me to slam agains the side of the car. He slams on the gas petal and we were back off toward the mall and the one steady thought I had was Y/N. 
  You a Mike had El holding her up, she had drained herself so much using her abilities and from the part of the Mind Flayer that was inside of her. You tried to go as fast as you could down the hallway finally making it out the door, as you made you way over to the gate just as you entered you noticed a guy standing next to a car that was on fire, he didn’t look good.
‘‘Shit!’‘ Max yells. 
 Unsure of what was happening you follow their lead, ‘’Go! Go! Go! Go!’’ Mike yells and begins moving himself around. You quickly try and keep up with him as he runs right back into the door you came out of. You watch as Max runs back slamming the button to the gate then running back to you and you continue moving along with Mike as you carry El into the doors. 
 You run down the halls again and try and find a safe spot, ‘’In here. In here.’’ Mike says turning right and hitting the button to the elevator. He keeps hitting it repeatedly but it doesn’t come quick enough. ‘’Come on, come on.’’ He mutters. 
 You hear what sounds like a door open and you look to Max seeing her walk away as the lights flicker over her body, she peers out into the hallway and you see her body tense. ‘’Billy,’’ She says her voice cautious. Mike and El turn around immediately, ‘’Billy you don’t have to do this.’’ She says ‘’Billy. Your name’s Billy. Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please I’m max I’m your-’’ She says but Billy takes his hand slamming it to her face and Mike immediately steps away from El leaving her leaning against you.  You watch as Mike makes his way over to him and the boy Billy just easily slams his body to the floor and he falls limp against the tile. El yells out and you push yourself in front of her, you lift your hand trying to stop him but he takes your arm as it laid straight out and slams it the opposite way and you scream in pain. He takes his hand clamping it around your throat pushing you against the wall and you take your hand reaching up clutching his wrist trying to loosen his grip but it didn’t work. You see El stammering away and you couldn’t blame her you didn’t know much but he seemed to be on a mission, and El was his target. 
 You start to see black spots in your vision and you felt the throbbing pain in your arm as you reached with the other trying to obtain any air you could. You felt your body begin to relax and then the hand went away dropping against the cold tile of the floor. 
‘‘Y/N, Y/N, please wake up!’‘ You hear a voice and a push against your body. You groan in response and you open your eyes slowly, Max stared at you wide eyed and you felt a jolt of energy as you pushed yourself up. You accidently pushed down on the arm that Billy had broke and you wince in pain, you look over noticing Mike on the floor still now awake a pool of blood around his head. 
‘‘Mike,’‘ You say pushing yourself over to him, you shake his body and after a few seconds he begins to wake up and you sigh in relief. ‘‘El,’‘ You say looking around and you watch as Max and Mike’s body go rigid realizing what had happened. You all immediately take off into a spring and make your way to the center of the mall where you could hear the screeches of the Mind Flayer. 
 When you finally made it to the center of the mall the Mind Flayer was screeching and you could see the bright lights going off behind him, and it seemed to roar in pain. Max stops watching as Billy stood up, you glance down seeing El on the ground pushing herself away from the monster. You push yourself past Max and Mike running out to El but stop short when you hear Billy scream his arms spreading out as he sacrificed himself to the Mind Flayer. Your body lunges forward as you see the Mind Flayer shoot out toward El but once again stop in your tracks when Billy reaches out stopping it. He uses his entire force to push the Flayer away from El and you felt the tears stream down your face. You didn’t know who Billy was besides Max’s brother but you knew this wasn’t the same person who had came for you previously, this was a man full of sacrifice and humanity. 
 You flinch when another part of the Flayer comes and plunges into his side, and then another and another. You heard the deafening screams and then they stopped as more parts dug into his body and then he goes limp. Then one final scream as a final blow to his chest hits and you hear Max scream from behind you. ‘’Billy!’’ You hear her scream. 
 You hear the screeching from the Mind Flayer as his body struggles around the mall slamming into the top stories and then the body falls limp to the ground and silence echoes throughout. Mike runs up from behind you to El and hugs her and Max slowly makes her way over to her brother as the blood gushes from his throat, ‘’It’s okay,’’ He says as she leans down. 
‘‘Billy, Billy, get up please. Billy, please get up!’‘ She says shaking his body. 
 ‘’I’m sorry,’’ He echoes out and you watch the tears stream down Max’s face. 
‘‘Billy,’‘ She says as part of a sob. She had her hands on his shoulders shaking him and you fall down to your knees on the other side of his body. You put your hands over his chest feeling the warmth of the blood on him and you concentrate. For Max you try and bring him back, you felt him take his last breath and Max sobs again and you close your eyes tighter hoping it would help. You felt your hands begin to tingle and you let out a happy cry realizing it was working, and then it stopped. 
‘‘No, no no!’‘ You yell out feeling it go away. You close your eyes once again trying to concentrate and once again you felt the tingle and warmth but it goes away after a few seconds, ‘‘Please,’‘ You whisper closing your eyes. 
‘‘Y/N,’‘ You hear Mike call out to you but you ignore him. ‘’Y/N!’’ You hear him yell once again and you peer open your eyes looking at him and look to Max who was sobbing, Mike looks at you not saying anything shaking his head. 
 You look up to Max, ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ You say, ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ You say lifting your hands up off his body, ‘’I tried, I’m so sorry,’’ You tell her feeling the warm tears fall down your face at the failure. You didn’t notice but El made her way over behind Max and touches her shoulder and Max hurls her body into her as El holds her embracing her. You look to El and she has an unreadable expression on her face as you look down at your blood soaked hands. ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You mutter. 
 ‘’It’s okay, It’s okay,’’ She says shushing Max trying to calm her down. She looks up to you, ‘’It’s okay.’’ She says again staring straight into your eyes as they clouded with tears. 
AUTHORS NOTE:  Oh shit! How’d we feel about this? First off I wanted to say I’m sorry if I picked up the pace on this story! I want to make sure I got important details in so I skipped over some small parts! Also I wanted to make clear that the reader is not in love with Steve, Like El she takes things very literally so when Steve explained to her what love was she took it literally. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen with time though! 
 ALSO I have an idea to extend the story a little bit further, would you guys like that? It would be more of me telling a side plot rather than following with the show! It would take place like two months after these events! Please let me know! Send anons or comment!
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elfrootaddict · 4 years
CLAN LAVELLAN - Chapter 4/4
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DESCRIPTION: As Keeper Deshanna’s First, El'lana Aemma Lavellan is sent on her first diplomatic mission, which lies far beyond the familiarity of the Free Marches and her clan. The only home she has ever known.
SERIES: Halla & Wolf
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As Lana begins to open her restless eyes, she can hear the morning birds sing their usual songs in the trees above, and the halla stirring in their pens. 
The cold morning chill sends shivers down Lana’s spine as she slowly and quietly gets out of her bedroll. She then notices Tamara’s bed is empty. Catching her eye, Lana spots the morning sun creeping through a small gap in the tent’s entry flap and immediately panics as she realises it’s almost passed first light.
Suddenly Tamara opens the tent, and both young women lock eyes appearing visibly worn and distressed. 
“Tammy?” whispers Lana from across the tent in confusion as she tries not to wake Brilora and Lawyn. “What’s wrong? Why are you up so early?”
Tammy ignores Lana’s questions and rushes to her side, wrapping her arms around her as she whispers, “The Keeper told me everything. She said that you need to go to Ferelden and you would be away for at least a month,” Tamara pulls herself away, and frightfully glares at Lana with a red nose and flushed cheeks. “She told me you’re going to some temple? To spy on the shems? Alone?”
“Well…” Lana pauses as she tries to find a better way to describe the situation. Some other way lighten the mood between them. But unfortunately for Lana, pretence isn’t her forfeit, and instead settles with her default approach - honesty. “Yes. That is essentially what I’m doing. Yes.” 
“I’m going with you.” 
“Ir abelas, mir falon. You know I would take you with me if I could,” Tamara looks away with a deep-set frown and releases an irritated huff. “Tammy… please, don’t make this harder than it already is. Trust the Keeper. Trust in me.”
Tamara remains still, and quietly contemplates on her friends words. Then in a slight shift in mood, and with her bright, emerald eyes, she takes her lifelong friend’s hands, “Ir abelas. Ar dirth’ma. Of course, I trust you and the Keeper. The Keeper has told me everything she’s done for you in preparation for this journey, and I’m sure everything will be... fine. I just wish we had more time together so that I could teach you all about shems, dwarves and even our lost cousins - the city elves.” 
Lana manages a meek smile in response, and Tamara returns the same mild grin as both friends try to mask their true fears for the sake of the other.
“Well,” chimes Lana, in an attempt to relieve them both from their anxiety. “The plan is for me to blend in and not get noticed, right? So, if I’m doing everything the Keeper says I must, then there should be very little to almost no interaction with the shems. As far as city elves go, I still consider them to be elvhen. And as you also know, I will be guided through Ferelden by clan Alassan to and from the temple.”
Tamara's smile improves as she begins to feel slightly more assured of her friend's safety, “I suppose you’re right,” and with a slight tap on the back of Lana’s hand, Tamara stands. “I should be getting back to the Keeper. I was sent to make sure you were awake as you should have already been on your way,” 
Tamara quietly shuffles her way to the tent’s exit, passing Brilora and Lawyn in their bedrolls. But just before leaving, Tamara turns around to regard Lana from across the tent. For a brief moment, Tamara considers telling her friend, whom she considers to be a sister, how much she feared for her and how big the world outside of the clan really is.
But instead, Tamara settles for an empathetic grin, “I’ll let you get ready.” and turns to leave, closing the tent behind her. 
“Ma serannas…” murmurs Lana under her breath once Tamara is out of earshot.
Lana takes in a deep breath to help relieve the nerves as she begins hesitantly, and quietly changing into her clothes. Reminding herself that she must not take her staff. 
Lana steps out the tent and is momentarily blinded by the morning sunlight breaking through the leaves and tree canopy above. As Lana begins to make her way to the Keeper’s tent, she suddenly finds herself noticing, and appreciating, all the little things about her home. 
The loud yawns and hushed conversations within the surrounding tents as the clan begin to slowly wake. The halla stirring around in their pen as they wait for the halla Keeper to release them. The aravels covered in the morning dew as they stand proud with their red and white striped sails, and even the delicate water jars and pots made by their crafter seem to catch Lana’s undivided attention. 
Suddenly, everything about her home from the drying herbs in the lower branches to the sound of the halla’s happy bleats as they are released from their pen starts to gnaw at her heart.
Lana reaches the Keeper’s tent and stops in her tracks as she is not only greeted by the Keeper, but a somber Tamara, Ilmael and Sowen - her assigned hunter escorts - and a surprisingly distressed Lhoris. 
“Good morning, da’len,” announces the Keeper. “I hope you got enough rest. I’ve informed Tamara and Lhoris of your departure this morning, as I know you would have wanted to say your goodbyes before you left.” 
“Ma serannas, Keeper,” Lana walks closer to the group standing before her but can’t help but impulsively make quick side glances at Lhoris, who has never appeared so grieved before in his life. “Ir abelas, for missing first light. I didn’t get much sleep. But I’m ready now,” Lana regards Ilmael and Sowen with a soft smile. “Ma serannas for taking me through the forest and to the mountain’s pass. I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course, Lana.” chimes Sowen with a slight respectful bow.
“We wouldn’t want you to get lost like you always do.” quips Ilmael causing Sowen to softly laugh in return. 
“Hey!” barks Lhoris with violent anger. “You will make sure El gets to where she needs to be safely or so help me... I will Vir Tanadhal you both all the way to Falon’Din.”
Both hunters perk up and Ilmael, the shorter of the two, submissively murmurs, “Yes, Lhoris. Ir abelas, Lana.” 
“That’s okay, Ilmael.” 
“Ma serannas for your input Lhoris,” remarks the Keeper. “I’m sure Ilmael and Sowen will take good care of our Lana for us. While you three say your goodbyes, I will take Ilmael and Sowen with me as I wish to discuss the day’s route,” The Keeper turns her gaze to the two hunters. “Garas, you two. Let us leave them be for the moment.”
Lana walks closer towards her friends and looks up at Lhoris compassionately who is avoiding any eye contact with her, and then turns to Tamara who is holding a rucksack in her arms. 
“Everything you need is in this bag,” announces Tamara as she hands the bag over to Lana. “The Keeper said it has everything you need, as well as the knife? I’m sure you know what that means.”
Lana reaches for the rucksack, “Ma serannas, Tammy.” and proceeds to place it on her back as the two friends continue to stare at each other longingly. With no words left between them, the two friends share a brief, quiet moment before simultaneously leaping forward for an emotional embrace.
“I am going to miss you both so much,” murmurs Lana. “I’ll find some ink and parchment so that I can write down my journey.  When I return, I will be able to read them to you.”
“That’s a great idea!” cries Tamara as she releases her friend. “I can’t wait to hear about all the things you’ve seen. You’ll be able to tell us how cold Ferelden really is. And you’re even going to see the ocean!”
“Oh yes, that’s true!” giggles Lana excitedly. “I hadn’t even realised. That is pretty exciting.” 
As the girls’ laughs fade, Lana turns her gaze back to Lhoris who has continued to remain reserved the entire time.
“Lhoris?” murmurs Lana with concern as she approaches him.
“Vhenan?” chimes Tamara as she takes him by the arm. “It’s going to be okay. The Keeper has prepared everything, and you know how cautious Lana is. She’ll be fine.” 
Lhoris peers down towards his beloved, and with a forceful, taciturn expression he eventually acknowledges the two concerned women around him, “Ar dirth’ma, vhenan.” and turns to Lana with a meek smile.
Noticing Lhoris’s guard to protect himself from spiralling emotionally, she decides that perhaps initiating an embrace from her closest, and dearest friend, would only cause him more pain. In fact, perhaps it was best if things were left more casually between them. Dragging out their goodbyes would just make leaving that much harder, and the journey that much more arduous. Nevertheless, would one single hug from her friend be so terrible? Would that cause her to literally run in the other direction and refuse to go? 
Instead, she simply offers a safe, sincere smile in return. 
“Okay, well…” announces Lana with false confidence. “I’ll see you both soon. Dareth shiral.”
“Dareth shiral, Lana.” murmurs Tammy as she strokes the side of Lana’s arm. 
Looking out ahead of her, Lana walks past her friends and forces herself to not look back. Instead, she keeps her head down and fixes her gaze on her footsteps, ensuring she’s taking one step at a time. As she can feel her home almost truly behind her, she begins to fiddle with the ring on her finger that Tamara had given her only yesterday. Without her staff, she now has nothing to keep her hands busy to calm the nerves.
Coming up over a small hill, Lana notices the silhouettes of the Keeper at the fringes of the forest as she’s still talking to Ilmael and Sowen.  
Suddenly, Lana is almost knocked off her feet as someone grabs her from behind. Before she can even react, she is forcefully spun around and brought even closer, her face buried into their chest.
“You be safe - you hear me?” cries Lhoris. “Creators Lana… if you get yourself killed... I will… I will…” Lhoris grabs Lana by the shoulders and brings her out in front of him. “I will find you in the Beyond and Vir Tanadhal you all the way-”
“Just promise me, El,” barks Lhoris with furrowed brows and distressed eyes. “Promise me you will watch out for yourself. Watch out for those shems and trust nobody, okay? Not even those dirty, city elves. I know you have this weird soft-spot for them. Creators... if you don’t come back-”
“Lhoris!” Lana grabs hold of his arms with a firm grip. “It’s going to be okay. Trust the Keeper, and trust me. I’ll be back in time to help you and Tammy with all the ceremony preparations. Don’t worry. We’ll all be together, again soon. I promise.”
Lhoris pulls away from Lana’s grip and throws his hands in the air, “How could you possibly know that, Lana? Anything could happen! You could fall into a hole. You could be thrown overboard by those shem bastards. Clan Alassan could “lose” you in the Fereldan forests-”
“You could be murdered by bandits-”
“A… a dragon could come down and feed you to its little baby dragons!”
“Lhoris! Stop! You’re freaking me out! You know me better than anybody, and you know how scared I am right now. I won’t do anything risky or stupid.”
Lhoris stops and looks down at Lana. His mannerism subtly turned from a panic-stricken state to being wholly serious, “Promise?”
Lana takes a deep breath and looks deep into her friend's eye, “I promise. From the tallest tree, to the deepest waters.”
Lhoris sighs as he drops his head with a heavy heart and sincere smile, “I will trust you all the way, little sister.”
Ever since Lana and Lhoris were children playing together in the forest, they always found themselves in numerous occasions where the situation might suddenly be proven treacherous. Lhoris was the kind of person who would act first before thinking, and Lana would think before acting. Given their different natures, sometimes they would need to trust the other completely on the rare occasion that would require complete faith in the other to see them both survive. When such a situation would arise, the one requesting the trust of the other would say ‘from the tallest trees, to the deepest waters’, and the one giving their trust would respond with ‘I will trust you all the way’.
It was something only the two of them shared. Not even Tamara knew about it. It was something they had made as a pack many years ago, and something they only said occasionally. So, when the words were said it was a moment onto itself, and something neither one took lightly. It required one to trust the other completely, without compromise. Complete faith in the other to see them both through something perilous. 
Lhoris takes Lana in for a gentler embrace and releases a deep breath, “Ar dirth’ma. Ir abelas. You are… well, you know. It’s just… you’re sort-of like my family and-” 
Lana playfully pushes herself away and snorts, “Sort-of like?”
Rolling his eyes, Lhoris decides that if he were to ever say what Lana meant to him, now would be the time, “Agh! Okay, fine. Yes! You are my family, and I love you, and I want you to come home. Okay? There. I said it.” 
Lana releases a soft smile, “Ar lath ma, Lhoris.” and brings her friend in for a gentle embrace.
“Lana!” cries the Keeper in the distance. 
The two friends part and Lana turns to wave at the Keeper in acknowledgement, “Coming!”
Lana turns back around, and without the need to say anything else, she settles for an appropriate play-punch to his shoulder, and Lhoris pretends to wince at the pain. 
“Bye, El. Dareth shiral.”
“Dareth shiral, Lhoris.”
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Elvish to English Translation:
“Ir abelas, mir falon” = I’m sorry, my friend
“Ir abelas. Ar dirth’ma” = I’m sorry. I understand
“Ma serannas” = Thank you
“Vir Tanadhal” = Way of the Three Trees
“Garas, you two” = Come one, you two
“Ar dirth’ma, vhenan” = I understand, heart
“Dareth shiral” = farewell/ safe journey
“Ar lath ma, Lhoris” = I love you, Lhoris
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 
Halla & Wolf Series
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