#but i always feel a little ashamed
mister13eyond · 11 months
also please forgive my unhinged rambling attempts to explain how i can feel exactly as positive about something as i did previously but it no longer occupies the Hyperfixation Zone, i know it's probably incomprehensible and i always feel like i'm Letting People Down when the hyperfixation ebbs into normal enjoyment
especially since i Still Love a lot of the things I was hyperfixated on, I just don't have that same Creative Itch about them? like 'wow this piece of media will stay with me forever and shaped me as a person. but the imaginary switch in my brain that fueled the unhinged creative machine about it has now clicked off through no decision of my own and i can no longer Make Stuff about it.'
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magicpiano · 4 days
AU where the justice league finds out that Captain Marvel is homeless. Not Billy, they still have no idea about the captain's secret identity, but the Captain.
Maybe they were discussing a case or something, and he says something that is just a little too knowledgeable. Something only someone who has been there would know. He tries to backtrack when he realizes that he said too much, tries to explain that getting a job and an apartment is hard when you do hero work which doesn't pay (and hopes they don't find out the real reason he can't get a job is because no one will hire a kid).
The league comes to the conclusion the reason he is so secretive about his identity is because he is ashamed he is homeless. Naturally, everyone immediately feels super bad about this and tries to help him much to his dismay.
Identity shenanigans ensue.
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screamingcrows · 2 months
what about 17 with dottore bestie? 👀
Bestie I was gonna randomise the prompts buuuut it's a great prompt so I'm doing it 💙 "There is a fine line between stupid and genius"
It's established relationship kinda? There's a very tasteless plot point lmao, drugging in a sense but it's not reader on the receiving end.
Steam caressed your skin as you brought the cup to your lips, eyes focused on the man in front of you. You saw him swallow once, twice, before setting down the fragile procelain with more care than he usually showed you.
It was a rare occasion that you both have time to sit down, nevermind the nerves swirling around in your gut. It was fifteen minutes before The Regrator would arrive. Fifteen minutes before the future of your project, and in turn your position under Dottore, would be determined.
"You're afraid," Dottore's voice was gruff, taking another sip before continuing, "he will know the moment he steps foot in here, and you'll be all the more sorry for it. He despises people who fail to keep a level head."
A frown tugged at your lips, trying to will your hands to stop their incessant trembling.
"Don't start on that," the dismissal in Dottore's voice had you feeling like a scolded child, "Pantalone is well aware of his own hypocrisy, pointing it out will only sour his mood further."
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and mentally trying to get all the important pointers in order. Dottore had made you rehearse those three minutes over and over to the point where you swore they must've been burned into your mind.
"Good, deep breaths. The tea is brewed to his tastes, I've handed in all reports in a timely manner as of late, he's sustained no significant losses, the beast should be as agreeable as he gets."
The sight of your rough sketches spread across the wooden coffee table made you wince. Were the measurements off? Did they even have use for a weapon like this?
It didn't look particularly presentable either, the graphite lines smudged in several places. Your fingertips brushed against them, trying to reassure yourself that Dottore had encouraged this, and he wouldn't entertain poorly thought out ideas.
"What if he refuses to fund it?"
"We've already discussed this, you retain your current position and-"
"And I can try to polish it before attempting again..."
Hail clattered against the window, the dark skies outside perfectly encapsulating your current hopes. It wasn't so much that you wanted to be Dottore's equal, you weren't delusional enough to think it possible, but the chance of seeing pride warm his garnet eyes once more had your stomach doing flips.
Before you could slip further into the trenches of your mind, you felt the couch dip and the familiar heat of his body against yours, an arm unceremoniously circling your shoulders and tugging.
"A rejected project isn't the end of the world."
Dottore gave your shoulder a small squeeze, a little too tight to be comfortable, and you had to hold back a chuckle at his somewhat endearing attempt. Resting your head atop his shoulder did help to soothe your nerves, if only-
"Can't you do the talking? You know the technical details as well as I and have more experience negotiating with him, not to mention the question of rank-"
"And how do you hope to get experience if you refuse to try? I said that I'd support you, not that I'd coddle you," there was a sternness to his voice that would've made your toes curl in any other situation, "and in the unlikely situation he brushes you off due to rank..."
Your shoulders slumped as you curled a little closer, eyes drifting back to the golden liquid swirling in the fine porcelain.
"Then I watch him drink his tea and regret it."
Dottore's fingers were wrapped around your chin before another heartbeat could pass, digging into the soft skin as he angled your head upwards, the beaked mask nearly taking your eye out.
How you wished he hadn't put on the mask yet, seeing his eyes widen in disbelief was such a rare occurrence, and from how his chapped lips had parted, you'd wager disbelief would shine clearly in them.
"You said we'd get back at him if he was mean, so I did some preliminary work," a small chuckle left your lips along with some of the unease that had gnawed at your bones.
Right. You would have the last laugh no matter what.
"I- that," Dottore fumbled for but a moment before letting out an almost tired growl, "what did you do?"
Small giggles rippled through your body as he pushed you to the side, reaching forward to snatch a cup. You could see him bring it to his lips, this time inhaling the steam.
"I didn't poison it, not really anyway, just added a laxative."
The snort that left you was downright disgraceful, but little did you care, not when The Second jolted as he did, almost sending the cup flying before turning to you with a sneer.
"There is a fine line between stupid and genius, and this, darling, has to be the most idiotic thing you've done. We have been drinking it as well," he practically spat out the words, only encouraging your amusement.
Seeing him this frustrated was well worth the trouble of having kept the petty revenge plan secret. You simply grinned, wiping tears from your eyes as his hand tangled gently in your hair, the subtle concern for not messing up your appearance right now making your heart flutter. The punishment for keeping him in the dark would come later and be all the sweeter for it.
"It's not in it's active form, it won't work unless the catalyst is also consumed," you gestured to the plate of sweets atop the table, "so we have nothing to worry about. I haven't had any tea, so I'll eat some and offer him if it comes to it. You simply pass and we'll be safe."
The groan that slipped past Dottore's lips had warmth blooming in your chest, his hand loosening it's grasp before gently stroking your hair. Decently proud of the little insurance, you relished in seeing how his frustration died out, and the fond tone of his voice.
"Little vixen..."
You leaned into the touch of his gloved hand as it came down to fondly hold your cheek, thumb brushing over your skin.
The loud knocks against the heavy door was enough to have every muscle in your body tensing, every shred of confidence slipping through your fingers as Dottore rose to open it.
You saw him grasp the handle and look back at you, signature grin in place, baring the pointed teeth that so often left marks in your flesh.
"Well? Do we greet a Harbinger sitting down?"
Frantically you scrambled to stand at attention, nearly knocking over the table in the process, the sound of Dottore's rumbling laughter when he opened the door doing little to make your now prominent blush fade.
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softandsleepyboy · 2 months
To anyone who needs to hear this:
There is no shame in being childish or naive
There's no shame in liking media that is meant for kids
There is no shame in using things that people say you are "too old for"
There is no shame in playing with toys or games
There is no shame in needing help from the people who love you
There is no shame in falling apart, no shame in crying and needing comfort
There is no shame in regressing!
I know it's hard when people are judgmental, but you don't deserve the shame you feel. As long as you aren't harming yourself or the people around you, then what you do for enjoyment or comfort is nothing to be ashamed of and honestly, no one else's business. Life is often hard and sad, and if you've found something that makes it even a little easier, then that's wonderful! Don't let others shame you into misery.
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worldsewage · 4 months
"much to Valentine’s dismay." oohhg can I know more...I got a bowl of rice to offer
Valentine is an Octarian elite who has no interest in abandoning her role as such, she is undyingly loyal to the Octarian Army and excelled in military school and was placed in a school designed for elites, she was constructing weapons for as long as she can remember and has ZERO thoughts of ever abandoning the domes. She has made something of herself here and she has issues with communication and comes off blunt and aggressive at times so she struggles keeping/making friends, so the approval of her superiors and the trust the army puts in her is a love good enough for her.
Until Satua, at least.
Valentine, also, has no idea how they found themself in the metro, she woke up with a sense of urgency and a few strange blank memories that made her piece together— with Craig telling her he needs help— that she (probably) needs to act, and help the people around her in order to save something. She has no idea what, and has a building frustration inside her that she can’t name. She thinks she’s doing something bigger than herself. She acts, for a moment, as a hero— an agent 8 in the metro, she plays into this role and feels angry and needed and vital, then more of her memories come back and she gets hit with the Guilt… feeling like a bystander who is trapped inside their own body, watching themselves do and say things they can’t control as her memories idly return, clueing her into the person she is, or was.
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valewritessss · 6 days
In honor of my period coming two fucking days early, here’s a menstruation based pjo question.
Who do we think has the worst cramps vs who do we think is one of those lucky ducks who have minimal bleeding and little to no cramps?
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
Vaccinate your Casey, please? I’m not immune to the good good future boy
Me either tbh
This was another "Tales from the Med Bay" I started before getting my BTHB card.
So I know other people have touched on this topic but Casey came from an apocalyptic future where people kind of had other things to worry about besides the common cold. And while CJ's likely got some immunity against some wild stuff, his body likely doesn't have the knowledge to fight contemporary bacteria and viruses. So naturally, he needs his shots. Problem is, CJ doesn't like needles or being stuck in the med bay. So he hides and tries to avoid the inevitable as much as possible. This will eventually be some nice Raph and CJ bonding because Raph also doesn't like the med bay and is terrified of needles in my Med Bay series.
Here's a little bit I wrote before I got stolen away by my Bad Things Happen Bingo:
“Hey Donnie, what’s up?”
“Future Boy wouldn’t happen to be there with you, would he?”
April blinked at Donnie’s lack of greeting and glanced up at Casey. The young man looked panicked and was fervently waving his hand in front of his neck, gesturing for her to cut the call short. She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.
“Yyyeeaaahhh, he’s here. Why? What’d he do?”
“Ha!” Donnie barked out a triumphant laugh down the phone line and April rolled her eyes, “Told you, Leo! He’s at April’s!” There was a bit of muffled back and forth jeering from the phone. April automatically tuned it out, glancing over at her bedroom door as Mayhem nudged it open and trotted into her room with his nose in the air,
“Okay! April! We need you to keep Casey there, okay? We’ll be there in a second!”
“Wait, what? Why?” April sputtered, turning back to Casey, “What’s he—hey!”
Casey froze in the act of climbing out her window. She’d only looked away for a few seconds and in that time, he’d managed to cross the room and open her window and already had one foot on the sill. He moved pretty fast for a sleep deprived, malnourished kid from the apocalypse.
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skunkes · 1 year
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
Quick question, how old is Seb in the boy king au when they get married, I'm asking because I was rereading the fic & directors cut from September and you said he’s so obsessed with calling Seb little. Is Seb shorter than Nando or is Nando trying to feel a bit taller when actually he is a itty-bitty war criminal kitty? If Seb is shorter but still has time to grow how badly will Nando take it
Hello! This one is much easier to answer than your other one(You're really making me think deeply, thank you 🥺), so I think I can answer this pretty quickly(hopefully)
So you've probably noticed that I don't mention actual years too much which is just bcs the timeline is so vast and I've not decided on a lot 😭. But they basically have the same age gap as modern day, so I'd say they were born in 1681 and 1687 respectively(which matches up well enough with the real world history.) Irl, the war that I'm canon divergencing away from takes place 1701-1714, so stuff regarding when their coronation and marriage happens is somewhere in there. So I'd say Nando becomes king in like, 1705 and then they marry somewhere between then and 1710(when seb ideally becomes emperor??)
So to answer your actual question. Seb is def taller than Nando by the time they get married. But in that ficlet, Fernando is obsessed with calling Seb small because he wants to make himself feel bigger!! It's less about actual height and more about power dynamics. He's belittling him by literally calling him little! And it's also about Nando being older than him. Seb became a king as a boy(hence boy king), whereas Fernando became a king as an adult so he calls him little because he still sees him as that little boy king who is too young to have that amnt of power.
They first met pretty young, not knowing what their future would be like, and didn't really see each other for a while. And so until they meet again, when the marriage plans start happening, their perceptions are: Nando thinks of Seb as some little boy king, and Seb has a childish crush. So it's very odd for Nando to suddenly now meet this kid, all grown up, and he's now taller and even more powerful. So I think Nando still associates Seb with that image in his mind, thus calling him little all the time.
Conclusion: Fernando IS shorter, and he wears heels and calls Seb little all the time as a way to cope
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walkingintheamm · 6 months
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mooned-knights · 4 months
was it "quite the orgy scene" or was it a splash page full of people who have horns and clawed feet but are still very much conventionally attractive doing a normie's idea of Weird Sex
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adore-gregor · 7 months
#altough it got better in a way my self confidence is still so bad :(#some days it's worse than others it changes with my mood or idk#just lately i have been feeling kinda down about myself#i just have never been this naturally confident person and i feel like i'm not enough or not doing enough a lot at times :/#when i was younger it was even worse and i thought of myself that no guy would ever like me bc i'm so not good looking#obviously that was not true and guys do like me and i would not go that far anymore but often i look at myself and think average at best#even though that might not even be true and sometimes i like what i look like in a mirror but i think to myself just good lighting or sth#and so often when i see a bad picture of myself i feel so ashamed like i'd just wish i looked differently#and when guys tell me i'm pretty or also other people i find it so difficult to believe that like i don't see that in myself#but it does not make a sense i know others don't think of me like that also guys i think of as a attractive but i don't see myself like that#but it's not just that i often also feel doubtful i will ever achieve much#i always think i should be finished with uni already or have better grades#and mostly that i'm not smart enough in general#but my grades are not even bad and i'm not failing any classes#like i just got another a in that class (i'm actually really happy about that one) but then i think okay but some people have all a's#like i could do better i could study harder#unfortunately i'm a master of procrastination as well 😅 and quite good at lol#what i mean is that i manage to study very little compared to others and still get good grades - sounds good but keeps me lazy 😅#and i also think when i achieve a good grade often that i don't deserve it that much because i could have studied more#and that i just got lucky which is not very rational i know 😅#or once i actually just passed an exam (i studied the night before) and i though yeah the teacher just felt sorry for me and let me pass#realistically i don't think it was like that#and at uni i studied for big exams which were feared by students for 2 days and got a b#which should indicate i'm somewhat smart but i think i just know the right study techniques and got lucky again#altough i do know good study techniques i think :))#buuut sometimes i do things which are so dumb like i do have these moments my mind is going like blank#and it's not difficult things even#like in football we did this exercise of a series of passes and everyone got it but me until a few tries like how is this harder#i'm just kind of bad at envisioning like this series 3 dimensionally in my mind idk i usually get it once i do it and remember the movement#what it feels like
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villainsidestep · 6 months
fawniel thoughts hour….
#gideon shut the hell up challenge#u can tell we are trying so hard to write smth bc we keep thinking up situations. but anyway#them just laying together asking a bunch of 20 questions type things#(he asks their favorite color and they laugh bc shouldn’t their ~number one fan~ know that already? and he gets embarrassed#and is like I MEAN I /DID/…. but that info is old !!! and I want to hear it from u ☺️)#(fawn says blue and he’s like 👀 oh really… any favorite shade…. and they’re like hm!! 😌 guess u will never know)#but danny asks if they have any siblings….. he knows they said they were part of a batch? but he doesn’t know how….#(​‘tank babies?’ fawn suggests bc he’s trying to come up w a nicer way to say it but can’t and he does an embarrassed little laugh bc yeah)#fawn who has only ever lied to the rangers abt it (they grew up on a farm and had a large family sure but ‘no one worth mentioning’?)#(not ashamed of their siblings but scared to talk abt them. to show any sort of weakness. ric would have pried; he always does.)#and yet. sitting here w him now. not sidestep (either one) and herald. just fawn and danny. they tell him#and it’s hard to explain how you can know someone without ever Knowing them. how u can have names when all u have are pictures and feelings#but they manage. and when they’re done danny says that he’s sorry for their loss. the first time they’re ever heard it.#probs the first time they’ve ever genuinely Acknowledged it since they were recycled. and fawn says yeah. says thank you. says I’m sorry.#oh u thought we were done w siblings ?? sike . ocean and sunny u will always be canon 2 me
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sister-hawk · 7 months
@ the version of me that was going through a depressive episode a few weeks ago: not only am i not undateable, i am very cool and smart and charming and i have a great sense of humor and i’m supremely fuckable and people always tell me how they enjoy my company
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
You know. Sorry for another sporadic unprompted post about that friend who has caused me so much trauma in the past year. But I remember this one time his old high school friend I met once, he's really nice I liked him a lot. Cool guy. But he lives far away so they don't meet up a lot but they text. One time he sent this friend some pictures of us that were taken at a cooking class that he'd been bothering me into going to despite that it was all the way in Boston, there was a lot of walking to get to it, etc. And I was like constantly feeling sick and run down and exhausted from having Covid recently. He texted his friends those pictures of the two of us and his friend asked "Are you and Diana dating lol" like pretty innocently but honestly curious.
And he just replied "Are you fucking high" and he showed me and told me about it. Like. Like it was uncomfortable for HIM to be asked that.
Like his response isn't SUPER INSULTING TO ME.
#and also just really fucking mean to that friend. like???? WHO TALKS LIKE THAT TO SOMEONE#his friend was like 'oh lol sorry. but itd be cute if you were' like why make him ashamed of asking a normal ass question???#the way this guy was possessive over me and entitled to my constant attention youd THINK he was my fucking boyfriend#this anecdote is actually a good example of how even if you just do smth completely normal (in this case asking a question)#but he doesn't like it he'll just turn it on you and make you feel wrong or crazy. FOR NOTHING#he doesn't reflect at all on the insulting unthinking ways he treats ppl either. why would he? he's always right#and if he's ever not right it's always someone else's fault somehow.#that's why i can't bring up any of this shit to him. his response is always 'well you couldve just told me' but no#NO ONE CAN TELL YOU ANYTHING BC YOUR ANGER AND EMOTIONS ARE EVERYONE ELSE'S RESPONSIBILITY!!!#motherfucker has no idea what the word imposing means#tales from diana#i truly loathe this little boy bitch baby#'are you fucking high' it's funny bc that makes it sound like he'd never be attracted to me#it's very likely he was. i hate to be like this but im not FUCKING UGLY AND HATED BY EVERYONE?? UNLOVABLE???#im found attractive by ppl pretty often and im not offended by it.#but hed get so weird whenever someone expressed interest in me#one time he humiliated this guy i barely knew by telling him he knew that guy asked me out for valentine's day.#the fuck???? why are you making that guy explain it to you??? it wasn't WEIRD. i just said no you FREAK#makes human beings feel ashamed of human emotions bc he doesn't have any of his own.
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Ah yes, The Unstoppable Force (wanting to consume submas content) vs. The mostly Unmovable Object (knowing that no matter how careful i am or what the content itself is, it will destroy my mental health for the week or longer in the state i am in)
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