#but i did miss the community šŸ˜”
srbachchan Ā· 2 years
DAY 5063
Jalsa, MumbaiĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Dec 28/29,Ā  2021Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Tue/Wed 9:52 am
ā¤ļø , Tomorrow .. Dec 29th .. is the birthday of Ef Pamela AroraĀ  ..Ā  Ef Nilesh MadiaĀ  ..Ā  EF NiloyĀ  ..Ā  Ef Hardik ShahĀ  ..Ā  and Ef Arti Adhiya , BigAdda times Ef .. .. and .. sincere apologies to Ef Dinesh Mishra for missing his birthday today , the 28 of December ,Ā  it wasn't there in the record regrettably šŸ˜” , but now it is added , and hopefully shall never be missed again .. with special thanks to Ef Subash Vaid ji for informing about it and bringing it into attention ..
all my wishes from the family Ef for the wellness and happiness of all ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸš©
The day was bright, the work limited and the workout at the end of the day was limited too, resulting in the unwanted lethargy creeping in as the consumption of the last meal for the day was limitedly devoured ..
The emphasis deliberately onĀ ā€˜limitedā€™ is projected to lead up to the response from the entire Ef BRIGADEĀ  -Ā ā€œ WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUā€ to be in limitation, considering the afore said reason or reasons it has been used as the safety valve for the missing or delayed communication .. so .. no apologies ..
Just .. a deliberate lethargic constitution which did not want to do any other than get inside the duvet, put on the Cricket, Kabaddi and Premier League footer and doze off .. thinking of pleasant thoughts .. of the days gone of the days to come and what it and they hold in store .. because each day turns out to be a question mark , does it notĀ  ? ..Ā 
there !Ā  ... ended up in a question mark did it notĀ  šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
There is never a wall or a blockage to the discovering of the self. The self keeps you alarmed and informed of your own self till time immemorial. It is the strangest of phenomenas. At the most used up, ended, times of your life, there is a discover of what had never been known within.Ā 
Some of this you keep. Some you share. Some you ignore. But never disagree with or not acknowledge its presence. And when you do, there is wonder. Wonder of its presence yes, but more the thought of its knowing earlier, or itā€™s knowing now. For, many a task, decision, act, or a behave, could have been either a victim or a beneficiary of the time of its presence.
It is perhaps a philosophical breathe, to admit at most times thatĀ ā€˜ i wish to not change anything in my life , were there to be another life again for meĀ ā€˜ .. but are we truly in its assurance ? Has it been said to garner belief, sympathy, prejudice, acclaim, generosity, forgiveness, self deprecation, praise .. what ?
And ..
Life still remains a question mark .. at the end of it all .. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜Š
Yes .. yes .. I have discovered much and many within .. and yes I admit to their discovery .. but damned if I shall ever share disclose or reveal ..Ā 
Some things you carry to the grave ..
unless you wish to do a confession for posterity .. a written WILL .. a stored document .. in times of today, a voice vault .. protected by password that to be revealed after the body has left you .. or be in the brave of the autobiography ..!!
BUT ..
but do not autobiographies indicate the end .. this is it .. no more ..Ā 
what if there is still more after it .. then what .. ?
( and another question mark )
The human shall ever remain a puzzle .. indeed every living being shall ever remain a puzzle .. many shall be the theosophists, body and mind biodynamic doctorates and the elite of such profession, who will profess solution .. but within, even they know that there is none .. no solution .. they may proclaim they do, but in there honesty there shall be the proverbial ā€˜crack in the mirrorā€™Ā  ..
SHMG !!!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sophiemess Ā· 3 years
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pairing(s): kenma x reader (she/her pronouns)
wc: 1984 (i got very carried away)
tags: long distance relationship, reader gets called beautiful a lot, a quite flustered kenma, very awkward third-wheeling kuroo, reader's implied to be pretty tall??, kenma gets picked up i think
warnings: none!! just fluff
a/n: just know i will always prioritize the tall readers because they're so overlooked often šŸ˜”šŸ˜” also some of my keys stopped working midway through writing this so that SUCKED
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kenma hatesā€”absolutely despises with his entire beingā€”how far away you are from him. he hates the fact he canā€™t just collapse into your arms after a difficult day, how he canā€™t feel your lips on his forehead when heā€™s so exhausted he just wants to melt away, and most of all how he canā€™t hear you whisper, ā€œi love you,ā€ in real time. he hates it. and he hates how painful it is to miss you.
ā€œkenma!ā€ your cute voice snaps him out of his laments. ā€œyou look pretty, kenma. how was your day?ā€
thank god he has his phone.
kenma usually dislikes the stress of talking on the phone. he doesnā€™t like how he canā€™t pick up on visual cues as well. with anyone else, he needs that. he can do without when it comes to you. you donā€™t mind if he takes a second to process things, if he goes silent because he has no idea what to say, you donā€™t mind everything strange about the way he communicates. and because of that kenma is a hundred times more open with you.
ā€œit was okay.ā€
kenmaā€™s day was bad. it was really bad. but he doesnā€™t want to hear your excited voice go dull and the smile drop off your face, so he lies.
you talk again, and you almost sound skeptical. ā€œ...you sound exhausted.ā€ ā€œiā€™m tired. how was yours?ā€ heā€™d rather hear about the same events of your life for three hours than risk boring you with his. you smile a little brighter, ā€œit was good! i played a little on the realm earlier, messed with the garden a bit and tried to find some pigs for the farm. i didnā€™t have any carrots, though.ā€
kenma feels his worries dissolve as you ramble on a little longer about minecraft. you two have a little shared realmā€”most of the hard work is kenmaā€™s but youā€™re good at building and breeding animals and keeping the garden in check. one day he wants to have buildings in every corner of the world, a city of your love. it sounds cheesy when he says it out loud, though, so he just thinks about it with a silent smile.
did you know you make him smile so much?
ā€œso, yeah. what did you do today, baby?ā€ you ask, wrapping up your ramble and looking at your screen expectantly.
he takes just a second to feel warm and fuzzy at the nickname before shrugging. ā€œnothing, really. i guess it was long.ā€
ā€œyeah, you look exhausted as all hell,ā€ you chuckle, shaking your head. ā€œyou really should go to bed soon, angel.ā€
he shakes his head defiantly. ā€œiā€™ll be alright.ā€
ā€œi mean, you can, but that doesnā€™t mean you should.ā€
youā€™re so worried for him always. he almost finds it endearing, and sometimes he feels kinda bad about it too. but he can tell itā€™s not a huge deal to youā€”if it was, heā€™d be complying. he hates seeing you in distress.
you give him a gentle smile and a yawn, and once more he curses the fact you two have to be so far away. you look so cute and cozy he just wants to wrap himself in your arms and feel so close that he canā€™t tell where he ends and you begin. especially since itā€™s frigid in his room.
ā€œiā€™m tired too, babe,ā€ you say sleepily, rubbing your eyes. ā€œi really need to get to bed. i have a surprise for you tomorrow.ā€
a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. ā€œa surprise?ā€
ā€œyeah, a gift. but if i want it to come at the right time i have to get up kinda early to deliver it.ā€ he purses his lips in thought as to what your gift could be. small gifts like stickers and dried flowers arenā€™t uncommon, but usually you ship those a few days in advance to make sure he gets it by the end of the week. why did you wait so long for this one?
ā€œdonā€™t think about it too hard,ā€ you laugh adoringly. ā€œmight spoil it.ā€
ā€œwell, then, you should sleep.ā€ ā€œmhm. i love you, angel, iā€™ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?ā€ he takes a second to relish in the pride of that sentence before murmuring, ā€œlove you too. talk to you soon.ā€
you two hang up at the same time. kenma blinks at his now pitch black room, sighing deeply.
he hates how he misses you.
in the morning, kenma finds himself out of bed at an ungodly hour due to kuroo blowing up his phone, telling him to make himself look presentable and get outside. heā€™s groggy and disgruntled, but regardless takes the quickest shower heā€™s ever taken, combs his hair a few times, throws on a sweatshirt two sizes big, puts on the nearest pair of basketball shorts, and takes his sweet time heading to the driveway. kuroo waits, tapping his foot, and pulls him into his car almost immediately.
ā€œwhat are we doing?ā€ kenma groans almost as soon as kurooā€™s pulling out of his parentsā€™ driveway. he looks outside at the still dark sky and internally rolls his eyes. what a kuroo thing to do. ā€œwhere are you kidnapping me?ā€ ā€œokay, drama queen,ā€ kuroo chuckles, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. ā€œiā€™m picking up one of my friends from the airport and i need company.ā€
ā€œreally? thatā€™s what youā€™ve woken me up at the-fuck oā€™clock to do?ā€
ā€œlanguage,ā€ he warns, although he doesnā€™t really mean it. ā€œit was awkward thinking about doing it myself.ā€
kenma pulls out his playstation portable, thanking his mind for thinking to slip it into his pockets before he left the house. the light makes him wince and blink hard, trying to adjust, but his visionā€™s really not cooperating. he shuts off the game and takes to staring out the window at the lights of tokyo passing by in a blur.
finally curious about exactly what theyā€™re doing, kenma turns to kuroo and murmurs, ā€œwho are we picking up again?ā€ ā€œmy friend,ā€ the black-haired boy says matter-of-factly. ā€œyeah.ā€
ā€œandā€¦ she took a flight for 0 oā€™clock in the morning?ā€ kuroo shrugs. ā€œi didnā€™t buy the tickets.ā€
soon enough the two arrive at the airport. kenma insists on staying in the car while kuroo picks up his friend, but he practically drags kenma out by his ear to the baggage claim and tells him to wait. disgruntled and still groggy, he sits down on the (probably disgusting) carpet and pulls out his playstation portable. the harsh lights of the airport have his eyes adjusted just a bit.
after fifteen minutes he starts to get bored, and pulls out his phone to type a quick text to kuroo: do you see her yet?
his friendā€™s response is near immediate. no. i think we got here a bit early. wanna come wait with me so youā€™re not so lonely?
sure, whatever.
he navigates himself to terminal two and sinks down in a cushy seat next to his messy-haired friend. heā€™s not thinking too much about who it could beā€”that is until he hears the most beautiful voice heā€™s ever heard say, ā€œugh, that was the longest flight of my life.ā€
kenma looks up abruptly, knowing thereā€™s a pink blush spreading across his face.
he has to blink a few times and rub his eyes, thinking heā€™s hallucinating, because in front of him isā€¦ you. you, in all of your beautyā€”god, he didnā€™t know how stunning youā€™d be in personā€”and youā€™re smiling and have your bag slung over your shoulder and holy crap he canā€™t even believe youā€™re here.
he hears kuroo burst into cackling next to him (ā€œoh my god you should see your face right nowā€”iā€™m so glad iā€™m recording this!ā€) but heā€™s too busy trying not to cry to listen. he watches you strut up to him like youā€™re a goddess coming to bless him, dropping your carry-on back beside the chair heā€™s sitting in.
you smile. ā€œhi, angel.ā€
kenma stands up and throws his arms around youā€”he thinks he might be squealing but he really canā€™t tell and his visionā€™s blurry from tears but heā€™s pretty sure youā€™re wearing the sweatshirt he sent you. and he canā€™t believe youā€™re here, a real physical person that he can kiss and hug and love and god youā€™re gorgeous.
for a second he feels a pang of embarrassment that heā€™s so enthusiastic but it disappears as he feels himself being lifted off his feet, his heart skipping a beat or two. ā€œyouā€™re so handsome,ā€ you say breathlessly, running your hands through his hair. normally he hates that, but he wants you to run your hands along every inch of his skin. youā€™re here now. youā€™re here now and he loves you.
it takes a while for kuroo to separate you two from your tight embrace. when kenmaā€™s feet finally hit the ground you beam fondly at him and wipe some of the stray tears, saying, ā€œyouā€™re even cuter in person, angel.ā€
he shouldnā€™t be shy but he is and he blushes. ā€œthanks. youā€™re pretty too.ā€
ā€œi got that entire thing on video,ā€ kuroo grins, holding up his phone to you two. you take it from him and sit next to your boyfriend, letting him lean your head on your shoulder as you watch the video a few times through. he smiles pitifully at how strange he soundsā€”heā€™s whimpering loudly, as he assumed, and youā€™re not doing much better. you can even hear kuroo laughing from behind the camera. but itā€™s cute, and he can tell itā€™s the type of video that would get a ton of sappy comments if he chooses to post it somewhere.
you chuckle. ā€œyouā€™re so adorable. i meanā€”i knew you were cute, thatā€™s a given. but photos and calls donā€™t do you justice.ā€
his face feels like itā€™s on fire and he can hardly respond. kenma hates being called cute most of the time, he hates it, but somehow with you he wants to hear it a million times. maybe itā€™s because you make him feel so safe. who knows?
ā€œyou two areā€¦ cute,ā€ kuroo says awkwardly, clearly getting uncomfortable with the third wheeling. ā€œuhā€¦ (y/n), are you hungry? we can get something over here or we can get something on the way back.ā€
you shake your head, standing and catching your boyfriendā€™s hand in yours as he follows. ā€œiā€™m okay. i had a ton of those little ginger cracker things on the plane.ā€
the three of you head to baggage claim and grab your suitcase. kuroo complains about having to carry your stuff for you like your personal assistant, but kenma casts a glare at him and he shuts up real fast.
ā€œuhā€¦ where are you staying?ā€ kenma says awkwardly as soon as you two are settled in the car. youā€™re sat in the back so you can let him rest on your shoulder while kuroo drives in the front. he hasnā€™t stopped making contact with you since you watched the video.
ā€œwith kuroo. so not too far.ā€
ā€œandā€¦ wait, how long are you staying?ā€ ā€œtwo weeks,ā€ you beam and his heart melts. ā€œsorry for surprising you so suddenly, but i had the opportunity and i took it.ā€
when youā€™re home the two of you collapse into his bed, kenma sighing contentedly as your arms wrap around him just like heā€™s wanted for so long. the room is still frigid, but youā€™re better than any blanket, heater, or anything else. honestly, he didnā€™t expect you to be soā€¦ touchy. youā€™re so easy to want to cling to. and before he knows it thereā€™s sunlight streaming through his open window. he opens his eyes cautiously, praying and wishing that the airport wasnā€™t a dream.
youā€™re still next to him, eyes fluttering slightly as you sleep.
he smiles softly.
ā€œi love you.ā€
he does. heā€™s sure of it.
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taglist: @koushisbutterfly , @pies-writes-and-more , @elkawholeek , @hydrogwyn , @kenmaslov3r , @tobi-momo
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haec-est-fides Ā· 2 years
I think i sent you an ask a while ago but maybe tumblr ate it? Idk but anyways I wanted to know what you thought about New Rome/CJ in terms of like economics and resources. Do they grow and raise their own crops and livestock? Do they import it or is it magically provided? They use denarii, but is US cash also used? Do they have mints for denarii (and same question for chb and drachma) or does Olympus just have a fund for them? Where did they get all that marble from? Does the outside world acknowledge New Rome University? Do they have hospitals for non-magical surgeries and the like? Elementary schools? Are there trade schools or is it a master/apprentice system? Have they had to expand the city for population growth or has it been fairly steady bc it seems like CJ has a way lower mortality rate than CHB. Like, I just really want to know what their resource management and supply lines look like and I dont think it was really touched on in canon (like most things oops-). Thx for answering!
(Sorry for missing this! I've been in other headspaces lately but thank you so much for the ask!)
All of these are such vital and amazing questions, but the simple fact is that Riordan didn't think any of it through. šŸ˜”
Personally, I HIGHLY doubt that the city or camp can sustain itself. It's just not,,,feasible? I think it's probable (even canon? if my memory serves) that the city and camp do supply some of their own resources (I'm thinking especially grapes, maybe olives, etc.)! To handwave it as magic would be easiest, and the food at CJ's mess is magically provided (right?), but that can't be said for the whole city. That'd be ridiculous. This is a whole city, albeit a small one (?), so they have to be importing some -- if not a majority -- of their goods. It would make sense imo if they (to the outside world) ran a winery or other type of farm(s) and made money that way, to buy everything else they need. That said, there's surely some economic activity that's basically contained? Like, there are people who work with the outside world and bring goods in or get goods out, but others buy from those go-betweens and sell just to Romans (like chariots, etc.). Other, non-agricultural exports are probably common too, like idk artisans with Etsy accounts. Historical replica goods are a huge and lucrative market, and I can easily imagine NR capitalizing on that. I also don't think anything is stopping the average New Roman from driving a few miles to like, Target. I think they have groceries and the like in their community that are much more convenient, and I'm sure culturally their consumer habits are different than the American norm, but they probably are just going to the mall to buy stuff pretty often.
As for money,,,oh man. They HAVE to have a mint!!! A bank!!! WHERE else are the denarii coming from or being kept?! Maybe the coins are mainly in circulation within NR / CJ, which means they could be mostly old, but that's just not how economies work. They'd need to get gold and silver and mint new coins at some point. Which raises some fun questions like do they have their own imprints based on,,,what, year? Leadership? (The City Has To Have Its Own Leadership Structure Of Some Kind And You Can't Change My Mind btw.) Or is it standardized at this point? (Yawn.) I'd guess that you could probably use USD most places in New Rome, but not in camp? And people might still look at you funny. There are probably a decent number of places in the city to exchange currency though, if not just the main bank. Because, lest we forget the theme here, New Rome's community goes far beyond its borders! It is not Camp Half-Blood!
The marble! If we're talking about Temple Hill specifically, that's (mostly) as old as the city / camp, right? Maybe some of that was donated by the gods / obtained through mysterious means or brought from the previous Roman settlement somehow, but come on, the majority has to be imported!
NRU is a whole can of worms asdfghjkl. Which reminds me of when I thought about citizenship and like, I.D.s and addresses, etc.! To make this work even a little bit the way it seems to in the books, we're assuming that people born in / who live in NR DO legally exist in the United States. So. To me it would make sense that NR is maybe a mist-edited city? That way these people are U.S. citizens and can vote and pay taxes and all that, but the details of everything are obscured to outsiders? Maybe the U.S. postal service has a drop at the edge of the city and then they have an internal mail service? This whole deal is WILD and it's because, unlike CHB, these people LIVE here and are BORN here and WORK here and?! Driving me insane. If I'm assuming this about basic legal documents, I'm also assuming NRU transcripts and degrees (and any from primary education!!) ARE valid outside of NR, but the details are fuzzy to any outsider reading them lmao? And ofc NRU can't work with any other universities like most universities tend to, like in local / international partnerships? Actually it'd be pretty funny if NRU students can travel to other universities to do research or whatever on the "mist-documents and no one asks questions" principle, but students from outside can't do the same.
Again, I really feel like New Rome is a functioning city to an extent, so,,,yes to at least one hospital that is not the legion's -- though that isn't to say they don't use magic for "normal" illnesses or procedures, because why wouldn't they if they have that available? And yes at least one elementary, middle, and high school. (Aside: how many families / kids are we thinking actually live in NR?) I think it'd make sense for a LOT of the traditional, "Roman" jobs to be master / apprentice style, but there could be more modern trade education built into the high school or university? Catering towards more modern trades or for those who are seeking to live outside of the city.
Fantastic point re. the mortality rate and population btw! I feel like NR has definitely expanded since it was founded, but it has to have a limit on that expansion because it's surrounded by uh normie society. While the mortality rate seems low, we have to consider that not everyone stays in the city itself -- legacies aren't as at-risk for monster attacks, and so many of them probably have lives outside of NR and just send their kids to camp for their service and visit. It also seems like a stable number of kids serve, given the bunks and cohorts? So it's definitely possible that some families, after a certain point down the legacy line maybe, just don't send their kids? Or, alternatively, there are less OUTSIDE demigods / legacies that arrive than there are predictable legacies? Hm.
I guess my stance here (and it's been a while since I've read the books, so correct me if I'm blatantly wrong) is that the gods specifically DON'T help Camp Jupiter / New Rome out very much at all. It's almost a point of pride? Romans serve the gods, but they can handle themselves, thank you! New Rome is a project -- a community -- on a scale entirely unlike Camp Half-Blood, AND one ostensibly founded and maintained by PEOPLE, not the gods. It can't be handwaved as some strawberry farm summer camp, and Riordan didn't know how to handle that, nor was it particularly relevant to the books at any point. :/
To throw in one of my personal big thoughts here, I do think the Triumvirate have sooo much of a hand in all this. Maybe that's just one of my hc's to cope with the massive plot holes, but lmao. They HAVE the money, the connections, etc. Especially if they're Octavian's "family" that kept getting referenced as the most powerful, rich, and influential in NR? They're paying for the place. Through shell corporations and various legacy families, sure, but still.
I guess to wrap this up, as it is after 1AM for me and this is a lot (oof), I think Riordan did intend NR / CJ to be much more off the grid and self-contained. And that's really an unrealistic product of him styling it (in his mind) after CHB. CHB doesn't have to worry about birth certificates and voter registration and driver's licenses. CHB doesn't have to worry about sanitation or food or education. CHB doesn't have what I'd call a "population." CHB is a liminal, transitory space in the palm of the gods' hands. New Rome cannot be that, IS not that.
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angrelysimpping Ā· 3 years
Okay so I actually hate and have a fear of zombies just due to the idea that youā€™d have to put a loved one down due to them not being able to recognize you and having to watch them deteriorate. That being said I need to know how theyā€™d react to zombie pc actually being able to recognize and communicate to some degree with them
The older I get, the less I like zombies for that exact reason šŸ˜”
Insists you stay on the farm so no one will hurt you. Doesn't want you to go near any of the animals, in case one of them hurts you. Fine with letting you in the fields but Alex stays close by in case you need them. You can't scream for them like you used to, so they try to stay within your limited shouting distance. Doesn't want you sleeping in your own room, afraid something might happen in the night. Afraid of Remy finding out about you and killing you. There are no laws against killing zombies, regardless if Alex could prove you're not a mindless killer. More open to having sex with you than if you were a romal zombie.
Guaranteed to keep you as a pet now. Won't pull your teeth but will keep a muzzle on you. Probably still keeps your arms bound but your bindings are more decorative than anything. A little more likely to have sex with you than if you were a regular zombie. As a zombie, you really are just Avery's pretty little plaything, something for them to toy with and show off at parties. You can't even fight back, doing whatever Avery wants you to. They almost prefer you like this. Almost. They miss the conversations. They miss the back and forth of your relationship. Miss the times they'd have to punish you and the way you'd still come back. Miss the way you'd shiver when they'd say they were proud of you, that you had earned a reward. They miss you.
They don't take your limbs or teeth, but they do still keep you on a leash. They don't want anyone stumbling across you and hurting you. Absolutely going to fuck you, likes know they can still bring you pleasure. They don't need you to talk to know you love them, after all. They just need to have your head resting on their chest while they read to you next to the fire.
They're a bit upset that you can't communicate fully with them, they miss your conversations, but they're so overjoyed that you remember them! Still keeps you with them at all times, worried that someone might try to take you from them. Loves if their name is one of the only things you can say.
Not much would change than if you were a regular zombie. Robin still keeps you hidden in their room, is still afraid of Bailey finding you and getting rid of you, one way or another. They won't muzzle you or bind your arms, but they warn you not to try to leave their room. They still cry a lot, but they take some comfort in the fact that you still know them. That you still love them. Won't have sex with you, but cuddles and kisses are fair game.
Temple's pet zombie. It's a miracle that you can still recognize your beloved Sydney, it must be a showing of divine love! So, the temple officials let you follow Sydney around. You're muzzled and bound, but it's all done so others have a feeling of security, rather than out of an actual need to keep you from doing anything. Maybe sex. Preforms the promise ceremony if you didn't get a chance to do that while you were a human or sneaks you into the prayer room. It really depends on just how much you really remember and are able to communicate to Sydney.
Kinda into it. Really goes to their head of they're one of the only people you recognize. Still fairly angry that you were turned, though. Keeps you on a leash but is less likely to muzzle you. Happy that they can still fuck your mouth, honestly they're more into it because of the adrenaline rush of knowing you could bite them. Still, livid if you infect them. Even if it was because they did something stupid like stick their genitals in a zombie's mouth.
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filmnoirsbian Ā· 3 years
just saw that video of the chinese street market and oh my god everything looks so delicious. why does it seem like street food from other countries is so common meanwhile in the us it's like you'll see a food truck once every 6 months. and it's like a quirky burger truck lol. the sheer amount of street food vids i watch on youtube while longing to taste it all... šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
It depends on where you are in the u.s. but yeah street food/food markets and esp produce markets here are different and unless u live somewhere with a farming community nearby produce is almost always overpriced and not great quality. But speaking as someone who's lived in several different countries, I did really miss coffee shops and diners while overseas.
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eldic12 Ā· 2 years
Quick thoughts on EP8.
Kinn and Porsche has entered the honeymoon phase! Yay! But since itā€™s Kinn and Porsche, things are bound to happen to put a dent on or even burst their happy bubble. In this case, a certain someone everyone thought to be deceased. The episode flew by quickly (honestly it felt too short the ep was not even 50mins šŸ˜”).
Here are the things I love about KinnPorsche EP8:
ā€¢ The opening scene - so after the event of the previous ep, Kinn and Porsche finally made and did it inside a bedroom. Seeing them waking up in good spirits, in each otherā€™s arms (exchanging morning breaths šŸ¤­) and having a morning cuddle and kiss is so wholesome (okay maybe not because you know IT IS Kinn and Porsche weā€™re talking about) and endearing. I love how Kinn suggests to announce their relationship with that cheeky smile on his face (and I was not surprised Porsche was the one holding back).
ā€¢ Porsche seeking love advice - okay it may not be his original intention but he ended up getting one. He is so overwhelmed by happiness and love that he wants to share it with someone other than Kinn of course and that person is Yok. Yok is probably the closest adult/parent figure Porsche has in his life (the uncle does not really count) who he can lean on when things get a little too much. I love their friendship and I love how Porsche can open up to Yok without feeling he would be judged.
ā€¢ Their date - for a first date, Porsche did an awesome job. Though he was not able to execute all of the things he planned, their first official date was a success. Their happiness is reflected on their faces and their smiles are so bright it was blinding. Mile and Apo once again delivered with the feels because I believed and felt every emotions. The snapping of photos, the hand holding, the stolen kisses, that almost smooch and of course the underwater kiss, were perfect (I know stan twitter is expecting a different kind of pool scene but hey the one we have in EP8 is great as well). I just canā€™t with these two gahhh!
ā€¢ Tankhun and the squad - it was one sequence but I really love seeing Tankhun, Arm, Pol, Pete and Porsche together. Itā€™s always fun with them even if they were just hanging out doing a mundane activity like watching a horror movie. Tankhun is over the top, as always, for having his bodyguards wore those make up, all for one, one for all is his mantra hahaha.
ā€¢ Kinn and Porsche having a conversation - This one is the highlight of the episode for me. They are communicating and words are spoken. They compliment and tease each other. They say I miss you. Yes, TO.EACH.OTHER. Kinn opens up a bit about Tawan and Porsche is able to ask whatā€™s on his mind. He made Kinn say he is over his ex and that the picture he kept was just one of those things - nothing important. I just hope they continue being this way.
Uhm but that preview is not looking so good because Tawan is obviously up to something, darn. Tawanā€™s timing is so suspicious. Just as Kinn and Porsche are basking in the bliss of their upgraded status, here comes the ex trying to ruin it.
P.S. Kinn is surprised to see Tawan in the flesh. Could it be that he truly believed Tawan actually died when he shot him? Or perhaps he was so distraught by the betrayal he thought he killed him but in truth he just wounded him and somebody powerful (Khun Korn?) wanted to spare him of more pain he was told Tawan is deceased? Or maybe the major family is led to believe his past flame is dead and those who informed (minor family) them are the ones using Tawan now to shake Kinnā€™s resolve and destroy his new-found happiness? Ahh, I donā€™t know what to think anymore. Now I really want to know what truly transpired in that moment when Kinn shot Tawan and who were actually there when it happened.
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barry-j-blupjeans Ā· 2 years
They all sound so interestinggggggg ugh how do I choose????
Okay okay, obviously Magnus Talks to the Red Robe AU because I have been so so SO excited for that one since the first tiny snippet you've posted about it
Angus/Annie AU my BELOVED, I absolutely ADORED Annie growing up, and I just have a need now to know more about this deep within my soul omg
Barry's sad ): fic is a hilarious way to name a fic and is interesting, but if you don't want to answer anything about that one because I already said two of them, that's okie lol
magnus talks to the red robe au is a mess but it's my mess and i love it. i think the name is pretty self-explanatory but just in case- magnus decides to actually COMMUNICATE like a NORMAL PERSON to red robe barry bc he's confused n lucretia isn't giving him any straight answers. im kinda stuck on a bit rn so it's a heavy wip but! it's almost done? a hesitant almost done on the first draft at least sldfsd. i love seeing barry n magnus interact so it's good šŸ‘Œ
a bite-sized snippet:
ā€œThere has to be a way to stop it, though,ā€ Magnus said and the Red Robe grimaced.
ā€œWeā€¦ we tried, Magnus.ā€
ā€œWell, then you try again!ā€ Magnus said. ā€œIā€™m not gonna just let the Storm destroy this world, Iā€™m- this is my home!ā€
ā€œI know,ā€ the Red Robe said quietly. There was a pain in his voice and Magnus couldnā€™t comprehend why. ā€œIā€™mā€¦ Iā€™ll try my best, bud.ā€
ā€œPromise me,ā€ Magnus said. He held out his hand. ā€œShake on it. Anything. Just promise me you wonā€™t let the storm get this world.ā€
ā€œI- I canā€™t shake your hand, Mags, Iā€™m like, a ghost, but I- I promise. I donā€™t like seeing a world get gobbled up just as much as you donā€™t. Now, uh, did you have any questions? For me?ā€
rest of the answers are below the cut bc this is getting long sdlkfsd
the annie/angus au is so underdeveloped still sdlfsd. im basing it off the 1999 annie bc that one's my favorite tho :O angus, ofc, would be annie. Taako is Warbucks, Kravitz is Grace, and i cannot describe how happy i was deciding that edward n lydia would be miss hannigan/rooster bc it's a golden idea sldfjsd. unsure about lily yet but im heavily leaning towards sazed or brian tbh. i feel like brian would fit the role better tho!
(again, vv underdeveloped, i barely have anything written down for it lsdfkds)
barry's sad ):!!! i have depression, now barry has depression! that's how it works baby! that's pretty much the plot sddfjsd. just,, barry coping w the fact that he was alone and ostracized for 12 years and then suddenly being shoved back into a family situation where the whole world is grateful for him? that's gotta be rough. n it's like,, the anger that can come w that disconnect and the sadness of even having to go through it at all.
again, as with most of my fics, this one is Primarily Vent Based. i see a lot of ppl talking about how ptsd/other mental health issues can make you sad and tired and stuff, but not nearly enough about how angry it can make you? especially towards ppl who are just trying to help. this is me trying to explore that side of myself (and barry) in a way that won't necessarily hurt anyone u know šŸ˜” trauma can get u REAL fucked up and then ur just not supposed to talk about it w ppl???? it's wild
anyway slkdfsd- snippet again :O
ā€œThatā€™s not it at- at all,ā€ Barry said, pressing his hands into his face. The pressure felt nice. ā€œI know that you didnā€™t care and that everyone outside of- of us, you still donā€™t really give a fuck about. Like, I get that. But I spent so long depending on others because if I didnā€™t have hope in yā€™all, what did I have, yā€™know? Literally, if I gave up, what would I have?ā€
ā€œOutta control lich,ā€ Taako said. ā€œFantasy Christ, Barold.ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ Barry said, taking his glasses off. He pressed his head against the pod. It was disgustingly warm. He didnā€™t really mind. ā€œI wish I could not care, like you. I wish I could just say fuck everyone else, but I canā€™t. I feel bad, T. I wanna fuckinā€™ stop feeling bad.ā€
Taako was silent. Barry felt tears bubble up. His throat felt like chalk and his whole body was tense. He was so tired. He was so tired. He couldnā€™t take a break until things were fixed. Like when youā€™re running a marathon. You canā€™t sit down or you might not get back up, because your legs are so sore. Except Barryā€™s entire body was sore. Everyday. The deep ache in his chest, the pull of gravity throwing him down. As a lich, things were easier to ignore. As a human, in a living body again? Godsā€¦
ā€œI think you need to go to bed,ā€ Taako finally said.
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lilgynt Ā· 5 years
GOD. i miss make up šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
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dimpledpran Ā· 2 years
Bad Buddy Episode 11 rant. Letā€™s go.
Honestly after that preview, Iā€™ve kinda forgotten 3/4 of the episode. All I rmb now is the ep12 preview (WHICH I HATE), and the problems with the subs. It was a great episode, but itā€™s just a tad bit tainted now. šŸ˜” Also way too many tears in one episode. We did get a mixture of happy, sad, relieved, worried tears, but still nooooo.
1) Was totally not expecting a runaway situation. I genuinely thought it was a tiny getaway to escape the current stress. Like a ā€œletā€™s have this weekend just for ourselves before we get back and tackle our parentā€™s dramaā€. So that threw me off. But either way Iā€™m glad they got the chance to be themselves and not worry about things for a tiny bit.
2) Was totally not expecting to be judged for my bubble tea and food deliveries. I am trying to be more conscious though. Even got a reusable bubble tea mug and straw for work!
3) Pran finally had his love declaration. The way he shows love to Pat has always been (significant but) tiny whispers, so the fact that he actually did something so loud, I LOVE IT!!
4) Iā€™m not sure if they have some hidden scenes from this ep that will only be shown next week, but I just wished Pran was a bit more honest with Pat. He clearly was missing his mum and was more inclined to go back than Pat was. And I think Pat also knew that and was ready to accept it and not judge him for it. So it is disheartening to see that he did the same with Pat, as what he always does. He hid his emotions and thoughts and just went along with Patā€™s plan. Because thatā€™s what he always has been told to do, follow what his mum says. For a couple that have had such open communication so far, I was sad to see that happen in this episode. This was the moment the communication was crucial. Because they are totally on different pages and there is so much hanging on the line.
5) I mean they kept calling it their honeymoon, so we all knew that it was going to happen right?? They made it so soft, with Pran being the creepy person who stares at their partner sleep. (Was not expecting that) And then the panic when Pat wakes up alone and goes to find Pranā€¦ The soft smile Pran gives and Patā€™s teary eyes when he has that realization, that wake up call when reality hits, it was brutal.
6) I JUST WISH THAT WHEN PRAN WENT UP TO THAT STAGE TO PLAY HIS SONG, IT MEANT THAT HE MADE HIS CHOICE! It felt like he has always stayed away from playing the guitar because in his mind that was the reason he was sent away. The guitar reminds him of his mumā€™s disapproval and how he was upheaved from the life he knew and thrown into a new place. So the fact that he finished the song and readily went to play it, I thought he was choosing Pat, he was choosing himself and his dreams and his passion. SO WHY DID WE HAVE ALL THAT EP12 PREVIEW?? Also, with the whole junior and his mum parallel, what was the point? Please tell me we are missing a puzzle piece? Tell me that there was a scene that we were not shown, that will appear in the next episode. Tell me that it made Pran realise that his mum (at the end of the day) has his interest at heart and so will finish his uni education and then set off to live his truth.
7) WE GOT INKPHA AND WAIKORN?!?! No complaints, but for the love of god PatPran has to have a happy ending!! Otherwise nothing else matters.
8) The ending of ep11 was honestly so good! I was watching it with my fingers covering my mouth and just shaking in my bed. That montage of what could have been was so heartwarming. And of course my heart just plunged down from 1000 to -10000 in a split second when we got to the preview.
Iā€™m just really hoping that Ep 12 goes in either one of two ways. Firstly we get something like ATOTS where they both mutually agree to take a break while they finish their education, with the full intention of getting back together after graduating when they have more freedom and are able to support themselves. Or they just get really better at hiding their relationship. I will not be accepting any other ending. Even if they decide to go down a season 2 route, please have a happy resolution.
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srbachchan Ā· 3 years
DAY 5008
Jalsa, MumbaiĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Nov 6,Ā  2021Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Sat 11:37 PM
ā¤ļø , Tomorrow .. Nov 7th .. is the birthday of EF Rajib Mitra , and Ef Gyanchand Garhwani , and Ef Zabih'u Allah .. .. and .. .. on the 5th .. the birthday of Ef Dr. Neha Shah was missed .. apologies šŸ˜” .. it wasn't there in any record .. and got to know of it only after seeing her comment on the Blog .. now her birthday is added to the Ef birthday list , and hopefully all's well .. Love .. šŸŒ¹
my wishes for happiness and fulfilment in the New Year .. ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸš©šŸš©
The oft repeated phrase by onlookers connected to the social or Tv communication mediums ..Ā ā€˜making a statementā€™ .. a misplaced observation of my necessitatedĀ foot wear due to the toe fracture .. underwent a review and theĀ ā€˜rays that epilogueĀ theĀ ā€˜Xā€™ .. and it was concluded that the taping or theĀ ā€˜buddy plaster wrapā€™ could be done away with .. soft toed shoes to be worn in continuity, statements not with standing, and general mobility to be encouraged ..
If at all the pain and afflicted agony were to reappear, then on with the bandages again ..Ā 
ā€˜bandages againā€™ .. šŸ˜Š .. drove me back to Boys High School, Allahabad, now PrayagRaj , and the School play at the end of term, when I played a Ruler damaged in the leg and bandaged up throughout the scenes, eventually cured by a well wisher that provides a cure and leaves the Court, initiating my closing line of the play -Ā ā€œ .. and now to get rid of these bandages ..ā€ .. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š ..
šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ .. we are reminiscingĀ around 1950 .. perhaps the 5th or 6th StandardĀ  and the memory still in tact ..Ā 
šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ .. and what I did a few hours ago .. a mystery question !!
NO .. actually I do remember .. I was able for a very short time GenesisĀ ā€˜d , and the results failed to be saved orĀ ā€˜bouncedā€™ onto the desktop or the mail from LogicXĀ  - a professional level ap for recording and mixing music .. a vehicle to be able to showOff my music skills , when all I do is pretend to be playing the keys of the piano, when in fact Genesis, generalises the generics and generates what most believe to factually be the work of genius ..
.. may there be some reaction from the Ef, of the audacious use of the termĀ ā€˜genā€™ in repeated words .. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ..
( ERR .. do you think there is far too liberal a use of the šŸ¤£ emojiĀ  ..)
apologies .. just cannot be expressed in any better way ..Ā 
life is funny too .. at times .. well most of the time .. depends what the interpretation of fun means to each ..Ā 
fun at the time of the times I go through , is the opportunity to be in solitudinous - if there is such word -Ā  oblivion ! Unknown , unheard , un connected ... and under the shadow of a sort ofĀ ā€˜sanyasā€™ .. which seems to be falling in line with the much misunderstood closing of my wanting toĀ ā€˜retireā€™ .. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ..
.. and here we go again with the emoji of the DAY ..Ā 
not bad really to be in its multiples toDAY ..Ā 
the sanyas or the retire would be such a self aggrandised moment , much though we may wish to drive away from it .. in its related context ..Ā 
but English is indeed a veryĀ ā€˜phunnyā€™ language .. andĀ ā€˜bhaironā€™ does indeed becomeĀ ā€˜barrenā€™ , because their minds are veryĀ ā€˜narronā€™ ..Ā 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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suiine Ā· 3 years
Digestivo role reversal AU where Alana and Margot freed Will instead of Hannibal from Mason's clutches
Alana after freeing Will: "Promise me you won't save Hannibal"
Will: "I prommy"
Will, a 2-faced twitchy little graham: goes to save hanni
will can't walk in through the front door of the pigpen where hanni is like Alana did, so he'll have to sneak through a window or backdoor. as such, the first thing he sees is the tied-down hanni's glossy bare bum in the air šŸ™Š
will gets Ideas from seeing hanni head down in submission in a leather collar
will stands there staring for long enough that Mason's henchman notices and will has to dispose of him. stealth fail šŸ˜”
hanni of course smelled Will long before that and is pretending he doesn't notice and sticks his butt higher on display šŸ˜’
instead of rising like the kraken awoken, hanni acts like a damsel in distress so will is the one to carry him through the snow back to wolf trap
chiyoh is in her tree watching her brother butt naked being princess-carried by the Graham. she goes to help but: hannibal communicates to her, in their non-verbal sibling language, to not fucking cockblock him, he is in heaven naked in the arms of his crush. chiyoh nods in understanding, goes back into her tree. they give each other thumbs up. will trudges along, struggling to carry a deadweight ripper in his twink arms
hannibal wakes up in his crush's bed, dressed in his crush's tiny jammies šŸ’ž
(the jammies are polyester and 60% dog hair. Hanni: the teacup is broken. im not going to miss you. I don't want to think about you. Goodbye Will.)
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classpectingshitposts Ā· 3 years
welcome to classpectingshitposts, also known as mod lis little clout blog. we have a good time here
Ā hello. unfriendly local neighborhood mod li here to give you a funny little rundown of what goes on here. this is the recently refurbished classpectingshitposts blog, on tumblr dot com, if you missed the memo. an faq:
did you guys used to be classpectingquotes?
yep. now we are not.Ā 
why did you change?
felt like it. also, we did not really do the quotes thing anymore. it was a lot of work, and for me, it was way more fun to interact with the community. we keep getting new followers, so it seems to be working. who knew.
can we still submit quotes?
yes! the submit box looks exactly the same. go for it.Ā 
what kinds of asks do you accept?
not nsfw ones. pretty much everything, except for most of the things that normal classpecting blogs accept. dont send us classpect shipping requests. please. ive done roasts ten times over, so probably dont send more of those. if you want us to do a rundown of your classpect, we probably wont. theories though? things you think are funny? insulting words? any random bullshit you think of?Ā ā€œim x of x and i think ____ā€ ? yeah. go for it. we do get a great deal of asks, though, so if we dont respond to yours, it is not because we hate you. and if you really want it answered, send it a second time after like three business days.Ā 
how much clout do you guys have?
so fucking much
what are the mods classpects? what are the mods pronouns? mods? information on the mods?
heres a basic rundown. i, mod li, am writing this, and the others can feel free to edit whatever they want on their bios. i do not want to put words into their mouths.
hello. i am mod li, and i am also the local asshole, which you might be able to guess if you knew that i am a thief of time. my pronouns are they/them, and i am an adult. my ego is huge. my main blog is @li-thality. i care incredibly little if you follow me there. my main purpose is to get into fights, about many things, but especially sylphs. i have very strong opinions on those. if you get an ask answered, it will most likely be answered by me. my least favorite classes are bard and page. my favorites are the rest of them, in some descending order beginning with thief.
Hi hello My ā€œnameā€ is ā€œmodā€ astro, and I enjoy ā€œusingā€ quotation marks to ā€œthrow people off their rhythmsā€. I am a rogue of space who uses he/him pronouns, and have been diagnosed with terminal cishet šŸ˜”. Anywho, big fan of The Medium, specifically lands and player quests. Interests include: making dnd characters without campaigns, confusing mod li, music, and storytelling. My main blog is @astrologicalcedars , so do what you wish with that. My only rules here are please donā€™t be weird with the asks and donā€™t be a jerk. Do that and weā€™ll be fine. Anyways, Aradia Medigo best girl non-negotiable.
mod morning is the owner of the blog, a sylph (?) or witch of light who uses she/her pronouns.Ā 
mod astrid is a witch of hope who uses she/her pronouns.Ā 
why do you get into fights so often?
its pretty fucking funny man idk what to tell you
do you mean it?
do i?
whats the link to the discord?
it will be forever closed.
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maiverie Ā· 2 years
*the way he's just genuine and adorably funny :( it strikes my protection mood, i wanna form a squad and push taehyun out of the way whenever he's bothering my beloved nerd!!!! c'mon let's fight for nerds rights ā€¼šŸ’ŖšŸ—£
as a former nerd from the clumsy chem jokes community, i 100% support hee and his puns, c'mon is hella funny šŸ¤£ personally i like to hear them, PERIODICALLY *ba-dum-tiss*
yn is so so so perfect šŸ˜µ miss ma'am screams girlboss all the way and we love to see! obviously hee is into her, babes take a look???? he's talking an UšŸ¤­ srry ryunjin
HAVE I TOLD U HOW MUCH I LOVE UR WRITING PLS IS DIVING AND INCREDIBLE I FELT LIKE IT WAS A MOVIE THE SCENE PERFECTLY UNFOLDED ON MY MIND šŸ¤Æ šŸ˜© i was already a simp for ur work during open sesame, and im here again to push my fan card on ur blog hellošŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†
AAAHHH CAN'T WAIT TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! but also pls take ur time, update when u can and don't feel rushed to do so! ik it's not as easy as it seems (since i write too, ik the strugglesšŸ˜µ) so take care too!!! we can wait for nerd heeseung w the same hypeā™„ļøšŸ¤ž (sorry for the long ask too i got carried away sjwjwak)
OWIEJFOIJWEJEW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING WHAT THE HELL BRO??? NAURR heeseung is literally such a dork in triage hfdkslksjdf but oh my god pls the thought of nerd!heeseung makes me wanna run a few laps i.... hes so cute šŸ˜­ iM SO HAPPY U ENJOYED IT THOUGH SKJDFJ STOPPP he literally needs to be protected,,, mf taehyun was such a dick i--šŸ˜ #jail
you're the best, iā€” šŸ˜­ not u supporting my once-montly updates i honestly dont know how yall deal w me atp i deserve the electric chair lmfaooo IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO FINISH OPEN SESAME AND I HAVE SM SHIT TO WRITE SO I HOPE TRIAGE CAN BE AT LEAST A LIL QUICKER... LETS PRAY FOR MEEEE BUT NO BFF NEVER APOLOGISE PLS I LOVE CHATTING TO U!!! <333333
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pumpumdemsugah Ā· 2 years
I wish I came across some cool black asexual women lol. Because I know asexuality is a thing but among people my age(early 20s) itā€™s idek almost become this way to fend off homosexuality without coming off as homophobic? Like so many times Iā€™ll be talking to some friends or be online and see people immediately jump to the ā€˜donā€™t forget she could be asexualā€™ excuse for lesbians and itā€™s annoying. I saw a show recently have a female character come out as ace after months of hinting at a relationship with another female character and when I saw people celebrating that it was like. Wow they got you and they didnā€™t even have to try lol. Sometimes itā€™s like all you gotta do is dress shit up in progressive language and people will eat it up idk
They were such cool women šŸ˜” one dated because she only wanted companionship but no sex. the other tried dating but never felt shit so just spent her time reading, with her friends and was so happy in her life and she was so smart. They're probably in their late 30s or 40s now
Miss when it was accepted that it's homophobia to demand LGBT people accept as*xuals. This reinvention that the A has always stood for as*xual is so funny cause it's a literal lie that demands people old enough to remember seeing leaflets and websites that says it's for ally pretend we didn't see that. The A for ally gave people a way stay closeted but defend the community. You actually would get attacked as a straight person for doing this. People born in 2001 are asking people that weren't to lie about our experiences and forget how homophobic the 2000s were to make them feel good and fanfic history
At this point people see being LGBT as boring and plain and just a fandom. This is just a mental exercise for some
It's funny cause conservatives have been pushing for years that it's better for gay bi people to be abstinent than " sin " but now it's an as*xual win. If they didn't make the character seem interested in a woman ( the show you're talking about ) it's like whatever but they did. Some are so obsessed by this unradical version of identity that reduces it to tick boxing, flag and word vomits about inclusion to feel " represented" you're expected to agree when it's helpful to on one but egos
So many of these talking points weakens really good arguments against homophobia. The amount of strong and powerful arguments I've seen reduced to nothing because of people like this. I'm sorry but some of these people will grow up and then joke about their wacky queer phase and rejoin mainstream het white society after the mess they've caused
I saw one of these weirdos says " being LGBT is more than sex and romance" actually its mostly that you prick. Love and sex is lesser because it makes you feel smart. 'accepting' religious people would say shit like this but we're supposed to pretend these people belong here behaving like this because they'll throw a tantrum. Some people are so far removed from life ending homophobia they don't even consider their words
There are very few people making connections, finding themselves in the current online as*xual space like the one those cool Black women introduced me to. They think it's a clubhouse for rejected freaks so they're owed something from us and we should mainstream the idea, actually straight people can call us deviants.
I censored the word to stop it showing up in the tag lol I don't care for a meltdown and grand standing about made up shit like exclusionist. Some people are being hate crimed
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tutyayilmazz Ā· 2 years
i couldn't get this done yesterday but here are my favorites of 2021 šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ i tried to limit it to specific routines and not repeat people. this time in alphabetical order bc no way am i attempting to rank them like i did in previous years, it has been too bountiful a year gymnastics wise and i am so glad to have such a community to share it with šŸ’“
Adem Asil highest scoring single vault at Olympic EF
Alice Taglietti Arrival of the Birds ball, gone but not forgotten, i already miss it šŸ˜”
Anastasia Salos Euros bronze winning hoop
Angelina Melnikova Russian WAG Olympic team gold winning FX
Artur Dalaloyan surviving 18 routines at the Olympics with a phantom Achilles???
Boryana Kaleyn Euros AA silver winning clubs
Bulgaria Group Olympic AA gold winning 5 balls
Guan Chenchen Olympic gold winning BB
Ferhat Arıcan Olympic bronze winning PB
Italian Group Olympic AA bronze/Worlds gold winning 3 hoops + 4 clubs
Lilia Akhaimova sick fuck TikTok
Milena Baldassarri Olympic ribbon
Ou Yushan Chinese Nationals PT BB
Rebeca Andrade Olympic & World gold winning VT and QF FX, and every breath she took basically
Tang Xijing Olympic silver winning BB
Viktoria Listunova Euros AA winning FX
Wei Xiaoyuan Worlds gold winning UB
Zou Jingyuan Olympic gold winning PB
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ongsasun Ā· 3 years
WBL: Fighting Mr. 2nd predictions
we've been talking abt this in the chat but i wanna put it here for documentation's sake ig, so bear with me if it seems rlly far off or obvious or w/e:
so far we were right abt shi de leaving, not coming back, and them both meeting again in a professional setting as adversaries. best guess for the rest is: shu yi's clearly-influential dad got in touch with shi de while he was away, and convinced him somehow to ghost shu yi altogether. so he did it, probably for shu yi's own sake. since they haven't seen each other for 5 years, shi de likely stayed in the US. he probably made his sudden disinterest convincing by acting cold to shu yi and the rest of their gang too (notice how shu yi now works with bing wei, shi de's friend, who took a backseat to the whole slap part). so yeah, odds are no one would have believed shi de would act Like That, so he came up with some complete lie or other to sell itā€” he doesn't love shu yi anymore, he's outgrown them all, he's much happier in the US, etc. (poor baby just got out from under a decade of pining only to end up more miserable than before, bc now he's causing shu yi pain too šŸ˜­ those five years must've been so hard for him)(EDIT: of course they were, homeboy was counting each hour they were apart šŸ˜”)
*insert screenshots to cover shu yi's side of the story*
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another hunch is that shi de probably came back to Taiwan w/o telling anyone (that one clip we saw showed him fairly settled in? idk), which definitely made shu yi's jumble of emotions lean more towards the angry side. ntm how the boy he's had a complicated history with from the jumpā€“ the guy he's been loving/hating/missing/hurt by/confused with for the past 5 yearsā€“ still looks at him with the same love in his eyes after all the bs he (hypothetically) pulled to prove he didn't care for him anymore šŸ˜©šŸ˜© so yeah, shu yi's frustration is p valid (violence bad but it's a drama, plus he's always been fiesty)
and yeah, ofc they're gonna be really angsty at first (extra points if i'm right abt a love triangle. not bc i want it but bc it makes sense, looking at the sequel name) (EDIT: a lot of people have said pei shou yi's love interest, yu zhen xuan, was the squatting guy in the bg of the slap scene shots. mayhaps foreshadowing? šŸ§) but then communicate their way out of it and we'll finally get our happy ending. speaking it into EXISTENCE šŸ—£āœØ
anyway i'm gonna go spend a month crying over this show šŸ˜­ see y'all march 5th
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