#but i feel like thats stretching it :(
rapidhighway · 24 days
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btw heres another one of these bc why not
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starheirxero · 2 months
BLOODMOON'S LAST WORDS WERE KINDA HUGE TO ME. Like it can absolutely be interpreted just as Bloodmoon saying "fuck you fuck everyone we'd never side with you all and stop killing, even if it would be the best thing in the world" but what I personally gathered from it is that Bloodmoon woulda been fine with any "redemption" outcome as long as they weren't restricted from killing.
They didn't wanted to be "saved" and "redeemed" because they were totally fine with how they were living and they'd already found ways to work with their code and each other, they already felt safe and happy. Like, yea them killing people is fucked up, but you can't ask the robot called Bloodmoon to never know the taste of iron on their tongue again. They were built for that, they were built to love meat and gore and viscera!!
So, to me, his last words read more a confession that Bloodmoon can switch to the "good" side, they could absolutely work alongside the celestial family and foxy and monty and so on, but it's unfair to ask them to betray their very base coding and completely stop murdering for the rest of their life. Once again, I am HEARTILY proposing that someone just let them hunt game bc they were CLEARLY okay with setting on fish a few episodes ago.
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hecksupremechips · 1 month
Come back home when you have some sense
You can throw your life away just not at my expense
You’re not the son I raised
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#jhariah#this one just rawrrfrrr#and then uh another line thats like ‘tell me did you raise a man?’#nice#im just listening to the new album to cope with nasty sickness and feeling out of it#god this album is really good it has every emotion in there like this song for example just the part where they scream the chorus its like#hnnnghhh#hm some other moments from the album im liking a lot uhhh i love re: concerns a lot#the part where hes like reading off the complaints and then the part where hes just screaming and its like BAM BAM BAM BAAAM#sasuke is so good and the bit at the end where its like ‘i just want you to know im so so...’#like hes gonna say sorry but cant seem to say the word for whatever reason and i know nothing about sasuke#but i has to imagine the fan girlies are eating gravel over that one lol it gets me#and theres just that like spooky echoing afterwards#the intro to fire4fun goes SOOOOOOOO hard i was losing my shit its awesome#the entirety of trust ceremony is giving me big feelings but specifically that part towards the end where its all quiet and you hear#its like whistling i think? like a marching band is coming in maybe#but it also kinda sounds like nature too and idk i like got a little bit um magical at that part cuz i was driving down a big hill#and it had been raining but there was a clearing in the clouds and the sun was bright and like at this particular hill#you can just see everything like the land stretches for miles theres trees hills the river farms all that shit#and idk with the extreme stress and depression ive been feeling its hard to have these moments where life seems worth it#and its hard to really feel anything anymore or to feel in the moment but idk i was just going down that hill seeing everything and it was#very majestic so yeah that song is definitely gonna have the same effect as pin eye for me#which i must mention pin eye again its still OOOOGHH very good it came at a pretty good time for me#yeah basically this album is uhhhh whats keeping me somewhat grounded rn i recommend 👍
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creaturefeaster · 3 months
okay but imagine.... ganso, atrox, holly all together... walking... having a good ol' time...
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okay i imagined it
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absurdumsid · 3 months
If you still taking requests can I have some error x nightmare?
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ABSOLUTELY !! errormare cant kiss ? errormare cant hold hands ? NO, I. WILL ! MAKE !! IT !!! WORK !!!!
Error! Sans belongs to CrayonQueen/LoverofPiggies
Corrupted! Nightmare belongs to jokublog
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freaky-flawless · 6 months
I finally watched The Phantom of the Opera, and now I have to grapple with how much Operetta makes absolutely no sense.
Like I'm wracking my brain, and the only conclusion I've come to is that she'd make sense if she wasn't a ghost at all, but a siren.
Maybe after years of being cast out by his fellow humans, Erik finds refuge in the monster world which welcomes him with open arms, and also gives him the chance for a new start.
And given his love of opera, he falls in love with a siren and they have a child together. Thusly making Operetta half human, half siren.
This way, she can keep her hypnotizing voice, since she sure as hell wouldn't have gotten it from Erik.
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mokutone · 2 years
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late entry for the final day of @tendaysoftenzo ! the prompt was:
Day 10, November 10th: Tenzo’s Quarter Birthday* | Free Day
For this day, I decided to do a redraw of a visual that i enjoyed so much while watching naruto that i screenshot it for later drawing reference. sakura and naruto's faces at yamato just DELIGHT me!
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thank u to the mods of tendaysoftenzo for running this event, it was really great + i had a lot of fun making art + seeing everyone else's art!
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nyaatsuko · 1 month
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so like basically maple supremacy is what im saying
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willosword · 4 months
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just realized vox and val have matching broken antennae
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starfall-isle · 1 year
I just think when a series has 0 fat characters in it you should get 2 do whatever you want with them at that point
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puppyeared · 4 months
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#I WAS REALLY HOPING TO FIX THE FUCKING. PARAGRAPH WIDTH. SIGH#idk why but it stretches across the ENTIRE page like. it takes up the full width of the browser and it BOTHERS ME. ON ALL THE PAGES#i could try manually putting shift breaks but im worried it might not look so good on mobile. ugghh... auyggghhh.....#im already learning CSS and API so i thought i could put it to good use but. AUGH#this whole time ive had to go into the inspect panel myself and change the padding so i dont have to read the length of the screen#like a fucking typewriter... i would have also loved to use custom fonts and animations......#i did find a guide for BBCode which the site uses on default and it covers basic styling but its not the same. sniffle#you CAN unlock CSS if you donate $25 to the page which seems fair. and if i could do it i would but. i do not have any way of#sending or receiving money online </3 i really need to figure out how to do that so i can set up comms like i said i would last summer#but it intimidates me.... and im already kept on a short leash when it comes to that so it feels like a lot of things could go wrong#i think toyhouse allows CSS or some sort of code...?? i remember seeing some oc pages with custom layouts#if thats the case i'll try fiddling with it but im not very familiar with using toyhouse so thatll take a while#(thanks again for the code sal ^_^ ill put it on my pin once its ready but im trying to learn my way around the site heh ;;)#at least i can use my pixel dividers.. ive been digging around for pixels to use and found some really cute ones#yapping
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conceptofjoy · 3 months
jane mentioned fibonacci heap was her first modus and idk if thats supposed to be a reference to something? other than just a data structure ig..
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candiliam328 · 18 days
me while teaching: i wonder if i can still do an illusion
me after illusion: um ok i think i either dislocated my hip or pulled my hamstring
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
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If I die within the next week know it wasnt an accident
#I dont have the energy to elaborate rn and this is a /lh#i just have sooo much nostalgia for rob/dob and every plot point is wrapped up in a lil bow instead of stretching for 9373927393 episodes#i get thats some peoples style! its just not rlly mine :3#as a kid i loved every dragon from Book Of Dragons having its own episode#and i feel like ppl forget that when rtte was coming out; they could only go so far!#like the second movie had already come out. they knew where they were going#which is definitely a strength of the show in some regards#but rob/dob didnt have that#we hsd no idea where rhe franchise was going#which made big lore revelations so meaningful#Hiccup discovering the box with a present from his (thought diseased) mother??? THAT WAS SO WILD TO 5 YEAR OLD ME#or Borks papers and the isle of night (which turned out to be a ruse but like!!!! IT STILL FELT SO BIG AT THE TIME!!!!!!)#idk.#i feel like ive been trying to downplay my love for rob/dob which really ignited my love for the franchise to begin with#bc the animation was janky and no one had really seen it and no one in my entire life had ever valued it like i did#(read: i was autistic and didnt realise caring so much about something wasnt “normal”)#But i rewatched it this year and yknow what? it holds up. i ADORE riders of berk. FIGHT ME.#(Sonic destruction Knuckles voice) Try some shit youll catch these hands#FIGHT ME. YOU'LL WIN#httyd#rob/dob#riders of berk#defenders of berk#race to the edge#NOT RTTE NEGATIVITY BTW!!!!! I LOVE RTTE TE WRITING IS RLLY GOOD ITS JUST THE FORMAT OF ROB APPEALS MORE TO ME PERSONALLY#how to train your dragon#hiccup how to train your dragon#beverly says stuff
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1tsjusty0u · 4 months
wow this has such majoras mask vibes! (guy who is currently playing majoras mask)
#this is about botw (an au for it)#just. if you take it as ganon hurting everyone else like hes been hurt (being trapped under tbe castle forgotten for ages and ages with nob#ody but himself and the people who trapped him directly above him. also corrupting the sheikah tech used against him (thats a stretch consi#dering the only way he was able to do that was that the king 10000 years ago was awful and buried the tech UNDER THE CASTLE while chasing t#he sheikah out)) + the eye motifs? (majoras eyes being indicators for bosses weak points and ganons malicw eyes) it just. huh#though in botw link doesnt really. well he sort of calls out to people (the champions which could be interesting for character arcs) but ot#herwise its kind of just. three people having a 2 v 1 in a ruined world that just ended up hurtinf all of them#literally nobody can turn back to what they had. not ganon in the past. not link (though i Do have feelings about pre cal link but thats al#l hcs so im not putting that here). and not zelda#and not the champions either (though the only ones grief we really see is miphas. maybe revali?)#its just. literally everything Is There Still.#the guardians. the older ruins like the forgotten temple. the great plateau#on one hand i see the destruction of the castle/monarchy great and will lead to good. but also People Died#deya village. the tabantha village. the characters couldve seen the time before the calamity as Great (even if it wasnt? it all depends! bu#t nostalgia and all that)#so. yeah.#i dunno what the thesis is here i just think its neat#also that one image i can stretch botws theme as much as i can concieve#this also gives me a fic idea. however i feel like i would be doing characters dirty in it
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daigina-3 · 2 months
Star Dust, Angel Dust
Anthony Donatiello was going to be a star. 
The dark cinema was buzzing. The joint was full of his family and friends- the place rented out just for them. Not that he thought his uncle’s meathead friends or his cousins cared much for motion pictures, unless they were the kiddie vaudeville types. They just didn’t have the taste Anthony did. Molly liked movies all right, but mostly because she knew Anthony did. She did anything he wanted, went where he went, liked what he liked; even if she didn’t, really. 
He sat back in the big seat- his feet just reaching the floor. His frame was slight even at eleven, when most of the other kids his age were sprouting up and out. He was hardly any bigger than Molly was, the two of them identical pointy limbs and round, pinched-cheek faces. Though Ma said he’d hit his growth spurt any day now and be taller than all of them, and be on his way to becomin’ a big man like his papa. 
Anthony wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. He loved his papa, sure. But when he dreamt of who he would be as an adult, it wasn’t his father’s stubbly jaw line and gruff voice he imagined.
It was Roman Novaro, with his slender frame and shiny hair. It was Colleen Moore and her wire-thin dainty eyebrows and shiny bead-embroidered dresses.
It was Clara Bow. 
On the silver screen, Clara Bow’s big round eyes were pinched in anger as she was waving her cutesy little gun around (He didn’t know what she thought that little thing would do- he’d seen bigger guns in his pop’s bathroom), looking for all the world like she was about to jump out of the ten foot tall screen and into the room. 
Clara was the ultimate star- she had the face, the legs, the smile. She was everything. People called her the “it” girl- on the cover of every magazine, in every department store window on posters for perfume and powder- and always, always with all eyes on her. 
She was an angel.
Anthony had fallen in love with her the first time he’d seen her on screen with her thin painted lips and the way they quirked up in an impish smile. He’d made his mama take him to the cinema to see the movie three times. He practiced that smile in the bathroom mirror every morning for a week. 
Ladies of the Mob had been a funny choice for a family outing, looking back. Not that he’d really known then that the family business was anything more than some vague investment company or something else equally as vague and boring as shit to an eleven year old. He just thought that maybe all investment companies came with family bodyguards who were also his cousins- and also cousins that weren’t really cousins but they called them that anyway. And didn’t every family have weapon stashes in every room of the house? His pops always said protecting his family came first!
Next to him in the dark, Molly elbowed him gently and held out the little bag of popcorn for him to take a handful. Her big blue eyes were still locked on the screen as Clara’s lover, the poor crook who Clara was trying so hard to make a better man, grabbed her by the arms and shook her passionately. Anthony felt the tension rise as their faces got closer together and her lover shook her again, the piano music swelling. The gun fell from Clara’s hand as she stared up at her fella’s furious face.
“Don’t you know I love ya, ya dumb broad?” The title card read. 
Clara shook her head, moving her perfectly painted lips. Anthony mirrored her expression, copying the way she turned down the corners of her mouth.
“Well, you have a mighty good way of showing it.”
He yanked her forward with force until they were just an inch away, his mouth mumbling words that made Anthony’s tummy flip and his eyebrows go up in surprise just the same as Clara’s on screen.
“I’ll show you good.”
He crashed his mouth to Clara’s- Anthony didn’t have to look at his sister to know Molly had clapped one hand over her eyes. She still thought kissing was gross, the little baby. But he didn’t ever want to look away. In the darkness with stars in his little eyes, Anthony puckered his lips, instinctively copying Clara. 
Someone was gonna kiss him like that someday. 
“You're gonna be a star, Angel baby.”
That's what Val had told him when they first met in the corner of a hazy strip club. The moth demon had paid for private dances at the club, rented out rooms for days just to monopolize Angel's time and attention. And Angel took the compliment and the cash, batted his lashes and let Val flash even more bills than the day before or the day before. He was buying bottle after bottle without care. Hell, he was practically pouring the shit out on the floor. What did Val care? He could buy the whole bottling plant if he wanted. He had money, he had power, he had people falling at his feet.
So who could blame Angel if he fell, too?
Well. He sure as fuck could blame himself. He'd been stupid. Naive.
Val had been good to him, at the start. For a long while, Angel was a free man who went where he wanted and did what and who he wanted. And who he wanted was Val. He ate up the gifts; the clothes, the free meals, the sex- he was peppered with kisses and pet names and promises and in return when Val was mean, Angel told himself that was the shit he was into anyway. Even if he wasn't really into how Val did it.
And he wasn't mean outside of bed, anyway- Angel would never let that happen to him. He watched, tucked under Val's wing as he was cruel and ruthless to waitstaff, employees, dancers, bartenders. Didn't matter. That would never be him. He was Angel Baby, his star, Amorcito. He was special.
Stupid. Naive. And humble, as ever.
Anthony never got to be a star. But Angel was. His face was everywhere. His legs and ass were in even more places.
Just like Clara, he thought to himself with satisfaction when he looked in the mirror before a shoot, giving himself bedroom eyes and admiring himself.
Just like Clara? He thought to himself with a bitter pit in his stomach when he looked in a mirror after Val manhandled him. kissed him so hard it hurt. Talked over him. Didn't listen when he asked for a pause, a moment to catch his breath.
Breaks were not in the budget, on or off set.
Angel Dust was a star. But Anthony was curled up in bed, the only one who ever loved him right snuffling at his tear stained cheeks. He drew Fat Nuggets in tighter to his chest, letting him nuzzle his neck and snort sweetly.
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