#but i guess grant is fine with this
December 6, 2022
Mr. Hunter: Mr. Speaker, given that I mentioned in my earlier question that the stretch of highway between Taber and Burdett is to be twinned and given the fact that this stretch of road will be the first of eight sections to be twinned, can the Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors please provide this House with more information about when shovels will be in the ground on this first section?
Mr. Dreeshen: Well, Mr. Speaker, to answer the question: next spring, but not if, though, Alberta had federal NDP representatives as their provincial government. Now, the NDP want to bring in restrictive contract arrangements that will actually spark labour wars here in the province of Alberta. Look what the NDP just did in B.C. They increased the cost of provincial construction projects about 20 to 30 per cent. The NDP drastically reduced the number of bidders on these projects, cutting the number of eligible contractors, although if they are friends of the NDP with their big union bosses, they do get to bid on the contracts, but we’re never going to see that here in the province of Alberta with this government.
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bloodsbane · 5 months
what i love about laios is that he's actually very good at putting puzzle pieces together BUT HERE'S THE THING 1) he needs to HAVE the information, and 2) (this is important) he needs to KNOW it is information he should care about
and i think this could be said of anyone but the thing with laios is that people tend to view his lack of awareness wrt social etiquette and memory problems as pure indifference and/or obliviousness; sometimes they misinterpret his motives based on their inaccurate expectations of him and therefore don't give his thoughts on a subject the credit he deserves
one of the most obvious examples of this happens at least twice in the manga as i remember it, but the most recent incident was when they were trying to resurrect falin. there's a moment where laios mentions reconstructing both of the warg skeletons, as their bones are mixed in with hers. both chilchuck and senshi balk at this, with chilchuck complaining aloud, questioning laios' priorities,
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and laios quickly, angrily retorts. his reason for making the suggestion is perfectly logical and practical, but because his friends are used to his interest in monsters influencing his judgement, often in ways they see as frivolous or dangerous, they don't come to the same conclusion. one which i'd argue is kind of obvious considering the situation
we see it again during his fight with toshiro, where toshiro demands to know what laios plans to do to save falin. laios takes a minute to answer, but he DOES answer, following the logic that if falin is a chimera because of (and controlled by) the mad mage, then the logical next step is to confront/defeat/usurp them
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then in the following episode, when chilchuck brings it up again, laios explains what he (now) knows about thistle, mentioning that he's the same elf that laios saw in the living paintings, which is why he knows thistle's connection to delgal. the party reacts like this:
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i'd say this is an example of them feeling frustration over laios' habit of having 'bad timing', not knowing when or how to speak at appropriate moments. theyre judging him for not saying something earlier, as if he already knew all this but didn't think to mention it when it was relevant, when the reality is that laios only just now had all the pieces he needed to understand the full picture
and i mention this bit specifically because i think it's a great way to explain what i mean by point 2: laios needs to know when information is important and worth considering
which, again, feels fucking obvious. but as someone who ALSO has debilitating issues with remembering important shit, i find this particular element of it pretty relatable and critical to my overall point. it's not laios' fault that he didn't know who thistle was or his significance - why the hell would he assume that a person he met in a living painting, presumably long since dead in reality, should be someone who's face, name, or motives he keeps in mind?
ultimately, i guess what i'm trying to say with all this is that the way others treat laios' intelligence is not congruent to how actually smart he is. one of the things i love most about laios, what is possibly his biggest strength and the reason he is such a great protagonist, is that laios is willing to think things through and find the most logical conclusion to a problem, no matter how outlandish or dangerous or seemingly impossible that conclusion may be. sister got eaten? race back down to go get her. can't afford food? fight, defeat, and eat dangerous monsters. sister's fully digested? use black magic to bring her back. now she's a chimera? defeat the mage controlling her and use that power to fix it.
anyways. what was even my point with this post? i guess it is that laios is smart, at least as smart as anyone else in the cast, arguably smarter than some. he is intelligent and utilizes that intelligence in many ways, not JUST when it comes to monster info (though that is his best and sexiest brand of knowledge)
and also please be nice to your friends with memory problems. it's rough out here for forgetful bitches
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First meetings part 5
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Bonus episode
Well this isn't how Y/N wanted to let their new aquaintance know that they are a witch... especally because that new aquaintance has been living with wizards for a very long time and probably absorbed their biases
Seems like Sun and Moon are more concerned for Y/Ns safety than anything else though... Lets just say they have some history with witch executions..
Sun really just said "i dont want to deal with this situation" and noped out by pulling the curtains closed... good for him
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waitineedaname · 25 days
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viatrix-glow · 6 months
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new di x warrior cats
name explanations and more info below :3
basic stuff
-each agency is a clan, not each unit. 14-15 clans would be silly and then we would have some clans with 5 cats and some with 2.
-starpro -> lightclan. i couldn’t call them “starclan” for obvious reasons. light is somewhat synonymous with star, so i’m going with that.
-cospro -> nightclan. i don’t think the cats in warriors know the word “cosmic”, but cosmic implies cosmos implies night sky, so we’re going with night
-rhyth lin -> rippleclan. ripple is sort of a synonym to rhythm….? this one was hard
-new di -> fortuneclan. this one is a stretch but neither “new” or “dimension” have synonyms that really fit a clan name. fortune is something that relates to multiple characters in new di though
-starclan still sort of exists, but the cats do not believe in them the way they do in warriors. they are more of a nursery tale than anything, and select cats (ex: tatsumi) believe in them, but it is not written into their code. medicine cats can still interpret signs, but they do not necessarily think of them as coming from starclan.
-medicine cat forbidden romance is not a thing here
-intermingling of clans is ok and common
-there’s like. other cats in their clans besides just the enstars cast i assume
cat names/why i chose them
-tsukasa -> scarletstar (scarletblossom) . he is the leader of fortuneclan because he is one of the new di reps for the summits. both scarlet and blossom were chosen bc of his last name (scarlet is a red color… kinda similar to cherry…. and blossom for the cherry blossom).
-leo -> lionheart. ok this one is kind of cheating because lionheart is already an existing warrior, but…come on….
-izumi -> silverspring. sora describes his color as silver, and spring is in his first name
-ritsu -> frostmoon. his first name means cold moon according to the wiki so i just rehashed it
-naru -> goldenroar. since she doesn’t like her first name i didn’t want to use “storm”, and her last name can be read as “thunder” but that’s a little too close to storm? so golden for her hair and roar for her last name
-natsume -> sageeye. a sage is similar to a wizard, and eye is in his first name . also the “dovesong” mentioned is wataru :)
-tsumugi -> bluewing. he is a bluebird. warrior cats probably wouldn’t straight up call a cat “bluebird” so i put wing there instead. deputy cause he’s the vp
-sora -> skyspring . sora means sky. spring is in his last name. i could have used “stream” instead to differentiate him from sena but i think spring is cuter
-madara -> tawnystripe . tawny bc it’s like kind of close to calico if you squint. stripe(s) is in his last name
#my art#enstars#ok so maybe we WOULD have 5 clans bc guess what was announced today#a new agency. and a new unit (or fucking 5? idk)#BUTWHATEVER#um i don’t know why i did this it was a joke at first but#then i started getting really into choosing names….#like originally it was just gonna be switch but then i was like hmmm… what if the agency is the clan#i’ve been reading so so much warrior cats i’m about to finish avos and then i’ll be caught back up to where i was#when i started this rereading journey last year#so like i have to apply it to my other interests#i’m proud of the names i chose i think they’re fun#yes leo’s is a cheat but idc#i hope someone else will appreciate this it’s mostly just me doing stuff for fun#i want to do the other units/agencies too but that might be a while cause yall this took#like a week . granted i’m busy rn but god damn picking designs for cats is hard!!#that’s why so many ended up being tabbies i just can’t resist they’re my favorites i’m definitely not biased#but also realistically tabby is a pretty common pattern so it’s fine#my fave design is naru’s btw i wanted to make her really pretty and i think i did ok#ok i’m going to bed bye#also forgot to mention i wanted to keep the names as close to canon warriors as i could so i had to find words similar to things that#the cats in warriors would know#sage is pushing it i don’t think they use sage in medicine . they def don’t know what a fortune is either but i don’t care
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desiderium-eden · 3 months
Heads up, there is the cutest, teeniest baby goat you've ever seen guarding the sealed off portion of the castle, where Dmitri, Lazuli and Kyrie live.
His name is Stan. And he is the most vicious thing in all of Navka.
Trespassers be warned.
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djsangos · 14 days
//went to the dr and all they did was take my fucking blood... again
#ooc#this time they're testing my vitamin d to see if i might be deficient#while i hope that's the case because that can be easily cured i've also HAD a vit d deficiency before and it felt NOTHING like this#granted i guess this could be a more severe deficiency#but idk i feel like they're laser focusing on the fatigue i initially reported and not the constant horrible body pain that's set in#and worsened in the couple months since i made the appointment#like i had the pain with the fatigue as well but it wasn't constant. now it's FUCKING CONSTANT.#it's not always at the worst possible level but it's pretty much always there in some form or another#and tbh this is like. the 3rd time they've taken blood with the first 2 tests yielding no clue as to what could be wrong with me#so i know they need to do it to check and/or rule out everything but like#it's so frustrating. being in constant pain. and constantly being told to 'wait for results' that so far have yielded nothing#nothing that points to what's wrong anyway#so i hope it IS a vit d deficiency and i hope my gut feeling that it's not is way off the mark#because a deficiency can be fixed with some supplements and boom all better#but if it's not.... then i have to face the reality that this is probably some kind of chronic illness#which i've been coming to realize that it might be#but it still fucking sucks#because this time last year i was Literally Fucking Fine#and now i'm just. so fucking sick. and sick of BEING sick.#and every time i go in i feel like i'm rushed right out. like i mention my concerns but i don't have the time to think if there's something#i've forgotten because they're rushing me towards the lab to get my blood drawn. again.#and usually there is#but this is literally the only clinic i can afford rn so#just gotta tough it out and cross my fingers that some vitamins are all i need
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
I miss that brief golden era from like 2012 to 2016 when the online witchcraft community was actually good and full of open minded people looking to learn more and share what they know plus maybe the occasional vampire middle schooler instead of the situation now where it's been taken over by capitalist tiktok transphobes who like to come up with ways to shift to hogwarts via their inherent magical vagina powers and then sell coated quartz to cure cancer instead of seeing doctors.
#hal rambles#saying controversial things tonight i guess#btw i have done astral projection and at first when i heard about shifting i was like#'oh basically a different name for the same thing?'#then it turns out these guys are just lucid dreaming and thinking that takes them to an entire other universe#like fine enough i don't want to be mean about someone's beliefs#And then i find out about some of the dramas involved and I'm just like o_O#pls use your critical thinking skills#This is way more important when it comes to stuff like herbology though#because not checking side effects dosage etc can legitimately KILL YOU DEAD#and I've seen. So many incredibly stupid things. only to ask for a source and they send me a link to a tiktok...#This is vagueposting about certain friends#Like tiktok 'witchcraft' is completely counter to all the good I've seen in the community last decade#It's ABOUT thinking critically and learning#It's ABOUT exploring ideas that are not the most popular and not taking mainstream beliefs for absolute granted#And so much more!#Yes it can also be about belief and intuition but you have to use that responsibly#Think about why you are tempted to something#Is it actually from your subconscious or some sort of sign or did something online suggest this to you#And that's not to say all internet knowledge is bad - sometimes people do make original and useful observations on here#or compile existing resources/knowledge#But you've got to THINK about it#Same with stuff in books and from people. I'm not the 'it's published so it's automatically legit' type#Sorry for the rant#I'm up a bit too late and i was thinking about it#Time to go dream about killing someone for the Aesthetic and Drama (my favorite lucid dream series)#(and you see - I'm not going into another universe and murdering people via lucid dreaming about it)
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hua-fei-hua · 8 months
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i should've put more effort into ensuring my scans weren't crooked
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desalvar · 3 days
ayo i'm not dead!
#sorry i haven't been on folks#and in saying that for the 3475982th time i'm also admitting i'm just trash with keeping on top of things currently#and have been for the past year or so#/factually/#older moots know this isn't new#other people warn mutuals for a half week break meanwhile i get overwhelmed one day and poof for half a month randomly#generally not a great way to do things..#and i'm sorry for leaving beloved folks in the dark too. i don't mean to. i'm just at my wit's end occasionally#granted 90% of it is real life stress threatening to manifest on here which can't be helped sometimes so the need to remove myself is fair#but in acknowledging that like a healing anxious adult or whatever i have to also recognize that this hobby used to unwind and calm me#so i'm in the process of wrestling with how to.. make it that again for myself? in a way that doesn't bug me#for example how to just be Around without feeling unproductive with threads and the like. be fine with Writing Slow TM (rp and dms alike)#+ other things i have to bare knuckle through#this isn't so heeheehoohoo craziest thing happened in real life like usual because hey i'm not unique in my experiences and this IS the-#-whole point of a hobby that involves community. that you could just chill with the gay people on your phone no matter what happens#so i think i'll be doing that.. somehow - in moderation and without too much pressure preferably#and sort of figure out how to be Here#and on my other two blogs hsdfjsk#/negative#? i guess?#i really came back w/ the full burnout jumpscare#but it really has been A Whole Year of this
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cadmuslabs777 · 9 months
The problem with thirsting after the young versions of actors like Richard E. Grant and John Malkovich is that if you tell your friends you have a crush on them they'll think you're a freak. Even worse is when you do start to have a crush on their 60+ old asses.
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scabbardsystem · 2 months
y'know i think our paIe gift exchange partner forgot about us?
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emissary-of-dog · 2 months
i like thinking about geara's gender (in my hcs anyway); i feel like he's definitely not cis but doesn't think so at all. at least not in a way that's most obvious to him but definitely hints that he's not all... there... in terms of gender
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gunpowdercarousel · 11 months
I'm sorry. Are you disappointed that that slaver and predator isn't hot enough for you??
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
anyway tonight was definitely a ROUGH night for us at trivia and yet we still managed 3rd place and i account that to yall bc my ass doesn't know SHIT about JJR Tolkien aside from his full name and also apparently The Silmarillion
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oh and also Oscar Isaac :D
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