#but i guess that's fine when it's your toddler
sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
devil's glare || katsuki b.
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pairing: demon!bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 8.7k+
mentions: modern au where there are supernatural beings hiding amongst the population, no pronouns mentioned i think!, tho there might be implied fem reader idk, pining & lots of it, fluff, kinda spicy/suggestive near the end, innuendos galore, human reader, salt circles keep out demons if u didnt know tht
a/n: idk why but i felt like boo boo the fool while making the banner LMAO this wasn't supposed to be this long but i couldn't help myself. special thank u to @/reddriot, @/cellotonins, & my homies in the jjgc for helping me w ideas and giving encouragement!! ly<3 hope u guys enjoy!!
✧˖° bakugou katsuki is a powerful demon that you have the pleasure of dating. but when he pisses you off one day, you decide to get back at him in a pretty petty way: drawing a salt circle around you to force him to apologize.
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"Hey! Whatcha up to?"
You glanced up, your eyes landing on the familiar slim figure of Mina as she stood a few meters away from you. You gave her a wave, your body nestled comfortably in the green beanbag chair you had in your cozy little living room.
"Hey!" you greeted her as you sat up slightly and adjusted your laptop on your thighs. "How'd you get in here? I thought I'd locked the door?"
"Spare key, remember?" She grinned sharply at you, holding up a pink hand that had a tiny silver key pinched between her thumb and index fingers. Of course. You rolled your eyes, flapping a hand at her so she could tell you why she was breaking into your house on a Saturday evening. "Soooo.... I thought we could hang, but I see you’re a bit preoccupied."
"Whatever gave you that idea?" you asked dryly, raising an eyebrow at her from behind your laptop screen.
"Gee, let me guess." She hummed as she tapped her chin before looking pointedly down at the wooden floor. You followed her gaze. "Maybe the fucking salt circle you have around you?"
You sighed. "Yeah, I’m kinda pissed at Katsuki. I don't want him coming anywhere near me, is all. For now."
She pouted at you, her arms crossing themselves over her chest. "But the salt circle also keeps me out, you know."
You cocked your head to the side and squinted at her—her and her pink skin and pretty dark sclera. "I thought you were a shapeshifter?"
"Yeah, but I'm also part succubus," she said as she puffed her cheeks out like she was a toddler and not a fucking supernatural being, pointing to the yellow horns that stuck out from her pink hair. You only shrugged at her.
"Sorry Mina, but I'm not getting rid of the salt circle," you told her apologetically. You were very comfortable and safe inside of it, thank you very much. You wouldn't jeopardize that, even for her.
"How long have you been like this anyways?" she asked, leaning her body against the opening to the living room that led down to the front door. "And are you... okay?"
Your expression softened at her concern. "I'm fine, honestly! Just a bit peeved at him, but he's a brat, y'know? Maybe the salt circle will teach him a lesson." You glanced at the analog clock that hung up on the wall to your right, just above the T.V. "I've been here a few hours now." That was a lie. You've been like this for the entire day, waiting for when Katsuki would eventually make his way back home. You were patient, if not stubborn.
"Riiight," she rolled her golden coins for eyes at you, "and where's Katsuki?"
You shrugged. "Beats me. The last time I saw him was this morning."
"So he doesn't know you did," she waved her hand at the floor, "this?"
"Nope! We had a bit of a…” you paused, searching for the right word, “...disagreement, and then he went off to do… whatever he does."
"Actually I saw him like, an hour ago with Eiji," she told you, standing up straight to rock back and forth on her heels. A dimple formed on her cheek as she curled her lips to the side. "He might be on his way back here, I dunno."
"Oh," you blinked at her, then ran a hand through your hair, "he might be, yeah. He usually comes back home around this time."
"Yup, yup!" She gave you a thumbs up only for her expression to suddenly twist into a sad pout. "So I’m guessing no hangout night?" She made a sadder face that drew a small laugh from you.
You gave her an apologetic look and sank back into your beanbag, propping your feet up on the small coffee table you had positioned in front of the couch. You’d made the circle large enough that it contained a decent amount of space in addition to the table and couch. "Aw, I’m sorry. Maybe some other day?"
"Boo, fine!" She let out a dramatic sigh, raising the back of her hand to her pink forehead. “When will I ever have you to myself instead of stinky Katsuki, my love?” You rolled your eyes in good nature, giggling at her antics. She shot you a grin, her skin shifting into a light brown shade as she gave you a little salute. She turned on her heels to skip her way out of the front door, lest she get caught up in the raging hellfire that was Bakugou Katsuki. "Call me if you need anything! Laterz!"
"Bye!" you called out wryly, a bit amused at her coming to see you for what was literally five minutes. You felt a bit bad, but well, you had other things to deal with.
The moment the front door clicked shut, you felt that signature ripple through the air that made the hairs on your arms raise—the one that always told you he was near. The temperature in the room got slightly warmer and you sighed, returning your focus to your laptop. You could see, from the corner of your eye, the way the shadows of your home seemed to be drawn towards the corner of the living room that was the darkest, right outside of the salt circle. You huffed. He was so dramatic.
You ignored him as he stepped out from the darkness, all tanned muscle and sharp, sharp claws. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, to your annoyance, his sculpted torso with all its rough scars on full display. Leathery, burgundy wings unfurled from his back, stretching outwards before curling neatly above him. Burning crimson eyes scanned his surroundings, his mouth opening in a fanged snarl as they eventually latched onto your form.
"The fuck is this?" Katsuki hissed as he stalked up to the circle and glared down at it as though it had personally offended him, his mother, and his father all at once.
"What?" you asked innocently, your gaze trained on your laptop instead of him. He let out another snarl at your lack of attention. "The salt circle?"
"No, the fuckin' T.V.—yes the fuckin' salt circle!"
"It's to keep you away from me," you informed him cheerfully, removing your feet from the table so you could stretch them out on the floor. You looked up at him when he made an angry noise. He started prowling around the circle, likely looking for any gaps in its circumference. He wasn't going to find any—you were very efficient when making it. Though, he certainly looked quite scary, stalking around you like that. Thank god you made the circle kind of big—he couldn't reach you at all, even if he wanted to try.
"You're pissed," he grumbled. He came to a stop somewhere near the T.V., his long, ruby red tail flicking back and forth behind him.
"No shit." You frowned at him, setting your laptop on the table so you could cross your arms at him from atop your throne of a beanbag.
He growled at you, an intimidating thing that came from the deepest part of his chest. You only tightened your position, glaring at him as he glared back with enough heat to rival the sun.
"'M not fuckin' messing around," he snarled, making himself appear bigger as he opened his wings a bit more. The black horns on his head cast shadows across his face in a way that made his eyes glow brighter. Like gleaming red giants in the night sky. "Get rid of the fucking circle."
"I'm not either," you huffed back, adamant on your position. "You need to stop putting my shit on the shelves I can’t reach!!! It’s annoying!!"
"You’re overreactin’," Katsuki said gruffly, hands curling and uncurling at his sides. Smoke puffed from his palms, little clouds of grey that dissipated in the air. “S’not my problem you’re tiny.”
"Am I?" you replied in irritation. "Speaking of that—making fun of how small I am in comparison to you is annoying as hell too!!"
He huffed and bared his canines at you. "Jus’ get outta the damn circle." He wasn’t acknowledging what you were saying!! The nerve he had.
"No." You frowned at him. He shot you a grumpy pout and started prowling around again, steps so heavy you could nearly feel them echoing through the floor.
You eyed him warily, leaning back slightly. "Are you going to stop teasing me? And apologize?" The way he scoffed and directed his glare off to the side told you what his response would be. You harrumphed and turned back to your laptop, pulling it back onto your lap. "Then I'm staying in here, whether you like it or not."
He growled some more. "Babe." You ignored him, tapping away at your keyboard. "Babe. You're bein' fucking dumb."
"Insulting me isn't gonna get you anywhere, Katsuki," you remarked dryly. He glowered at you.
"This is fuckin' stupid," he sniped at you. When you didn't say anything he swore loudly and shot his hands forward, aiming them at the salt circle. His knees bent slightly as he took on a fighting stance. "I'll jus’ blast this shit away! No way it's stronger than me—"
You snapped your head up, seeing the way his palms glowed a hot orange. Oh, he was being serious. You shouted at him, "Bakugou Katsuki if you blast a fucking hole in my floor I'll draw a salt circle around the whole house!!"
"I'll fix it." He grinned sharply, wildly, hands igniting in a blazing tangerine color that was a bright white at the center of his palms. You had just enough time to throw your hands over your head before a small explosion erupted throughout the living room. Your ears rang in the aftermath, your breaths bated.
You made a surprised sound, peeking your head from your arms to see the smoke that had swirled around you. Only, it was blocked by something, not able to enter into your space. You stood up and placed your hands on your hips as the smoke parted to reveal a scowling Katsuki. And a still intact salt circle.
You raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. "That just made me even more unlikely to come out, you know that right?"
Katsuki only snarled, hands still popping with tiny explosions. The scent of burnt caramel permeated through the air. "Whatever. Y'can't stay in there forever."
"Watch me," you retorted, the glint of a challenge shining in your eyes.
Katsuki wouldn’t leave you alone.
He was always lurking at the very edge of the salt circle, glaring at you so intensely you would’ve been dead ten times over if he had any power to kill with his eyes alone. You knew he was doing something trippy with his powers, forcing the shadows to cling to him to make himself look even scarier. He stayed in his more demonic-looking form, too—both you and him knew he could look normal if he wanted. If he was trying to intimidate you into submission, it wasn't working.
You bid your time, doing your best to ignore him and his dark presence at the corner of your vision. You watched a show on your laptop and snacked away at the takeout you were smart enough to order while he’d been out of the house.
Maybe you were being petty, maybe you were being mean, but well, he deserved to get knocked down a few pegs. The way he sometimes looked down at you—raising his stupidly perfect eyebrows—just got on your nerves. And when he purposely put your cooking supplies on the top shelves so you’d be forced to ask him for help… He knew what he was doing! He never allowed you to climb on top of the cupboards or on a chair either, always swooping in at the right time to snatch you by the waist and set you on the ground like you were a child and not a fully-grown adult. It was annoying! And also kind of… demeaning? Intentional or not.
You knew Katsuki. You knew his pride would prevent him from properly apologizing to you, especially since you were acting so pettily by not allowing him anywhere near you. He was stubborn, if not petulant, and this was what led him to sit outside your circle, pouting heavily at you with puffed cheeks. You were playing a game to see who would last longer, with the consequence being touch-starvation. And by god, you were determined to win.
A few hours passed like this, with him not moving from his seated position to your left. He had an arm propped on one of his knees that was bent up close to his chest. The way he hid his lower face behind it made the depth of his stare infinitely more piercing. He was clearly trying to burn the side of your head off, with how intense he was being. Luckily for you, you were basically immune, having known him for so long. You glanced over at him, the distance between the two of you, then sat up on your beanbag chair. It was getting pretty late and you were slightly sore from sitting in the same spot for so long.
You placed your laptop neatly on the table and stood up, stretching your arms and back out. It drew a deep sigh from you, and you rubbed at your hip before you turned to walk the five steps it took to get to Katsuki. You stopped just before the salt line and looked down at him. Then you waited, an expectant look on your face.
He glowered and shifted his long legs around so he could slowly stand up. Your head followed the motion, watching as he rolled his thick shoulders and stood at his full, towering height. His shadow drowned you, his burgundy wings extending out so it could curl above you in a threatening manner. You looked at him, ignoring the way he purposely flexed his pecs and cracked his neck. That wasn’t going to work on you.
So there you stood, pretty little you, dressed in fuzzy socks, sweats, and a shirt with a little bunny on it, staring up at this bristling, scowling demon as though he didn’t look like he was about to murder you with all the strength in his arms.
Katsuki snarled and his large hand shot out as though to grab you now that you were literal inches away from him. But something stopped him, something that made a vein pop out on his forehead. The muscles in his arm strained, but he couldn’t reach you. Couldn’t touch you. And you simply smirked.
“Giving up yet?” you asked him slyly, crossing your arms.
“Fuck you, human,” he bit back harshly as he drew back his hand. His voice was deep and raspy, nearly sending a shiver scuttling down your spine. His tail flicked irritably behind him. “Ya gotta get outta there eventually. Don’t y’have human needs you need to take care of before sleepin’?”
“What, like brushing my teeth and stuff?” You rolled your eyes and took a step back from him. He growled at you once you did, eyes unwavering as he continued to glare at you. “I can skip a night, if I have to, demon.”
His chin wrinkled as he pouted. “S’not proper hygiene.”
“Yeah, but I’m not leaving the circle,” you replied cheerfully as you walked over to your laptop to shut it down. You took a drink of water from one of the bottles you had on the table, swished it around your mouth a bit, then sat down on the couch so you could lay yourself along it to sleep on for the night.
You made yourself comfy on your side, bunching one of the couch pillows under your head and arms. Like this, you were facing Katsuki as he stood at the same spot you’d left him. He slouched forward, tucking his clawed hands into the pockets of the black sweats you’d bought him a while ago.
“You know, all you have to do is apologize,” you reminded him. You curled your legs up closer to your chest. “Isn’t that hard.”
Katuski looked like he was chewing on his tongue for a moment, the skin between his eyebrows wrinkled a bit. You waited to see what he would do, but something shifted in his expression and he only huffed loudly. He turned on his heel and stormed away in the direction of your bedroom, his feet stomping away at the floor.
You only rolled your eyes at his attitude, nestling further into the couch.
Something smelled good.
You woke up to it, your eyes still closed as you inhaled deeply. It was familiar and you found yourself peeking an eye open slightly in curiosity. You hadn’t taken off the lights in the living room last night—the light switch was outside of the circle—so you had to blink a few times to allow your retinas to adjust. You sat up slowly, rolling your neck and shoulders to get rid of the stiffness that came with sleeping on a couch for nine hours. You squinted then raised your eyes to look at Katsuki, who was standing beyond the salt circle with a plate in his hands and your tiny apron wrapped around his equally tiny waist.
“Morning,” you told him sleepily, one of your hands combing through your hair in an attempt to fix it.
“Made breakfast,” was his short reply, nodding his head at the plate in his hand. He lowered it slightly so you could see it was your favorite. You raised an eyebrow.
“Did you now,” you hummed as you leaned forward to grab your phone from the table to check the time. It was almost nine in the morning. You yawned and stretched your arms up in the air. You didn’t know if it was a demon thing or a Katsuki thing, but he was ridiculously good at cooking and he knew it. You were strong, however. It would take more than a home cooked breakfast to get you to crack. “You resorting to bribery?”
He scoffed loudly. “If it’ll get you to leave the fuckin’ circle.”
You smiled at him but didn’t get up from the couch, only slouching into the cushions further. You switched your attention to your phone, back to ignoring Katsuki for the time being. You had to bite your lower lip when he growled and sat down on the floor, still holding the comically small plate in his huge hands.
You knew you would be able to last much longer than him. But you had a bit of a problem—something you could only solve if you got a bit of outside help. You navigated to the messages app on your phone and opened up the chat you had with Mina.
hey, can i ask you for a favor, you texted her. You only had to wait a few minutes before the little typing bubble on her end popped up.
sure thing bestie. what’s up? kacchan bothering u? >:((
can you and eiji distract him for an hour or smth? i hv to pee like… rly badly LOL. This wasn’t something you’d thought out very well, apparently.
my bladder and i thank you and him very much <33
You let out a breath of air and rested your head back on the cushion. While it wasn’t an immediate problem for you, you knew it would be eventually. If Mina and Eijirou could get Katsuki out of the house for a bit it could allow you to freshen up in the bathroom, maybe take a speedy shower. You scrolled idly on your phone for a bit, physically forcing yourself to not look up when you heard his phone let out a ding. And then another. And another. Damn, what was Mina doing?
You heard him grumble under his breath for a few minutes. Then, he stood up and paced to the kitchen. You pretended to read something as he came back into the living room while pulling on a black shirt with a skull on it. His wings and horns were gone, and when you peeked at his eyes they were no longer glowing that bright crimson color they always were when he was around you or his friends.
“Be back,” he mumbled, not looking up at you as you waved a hand at him as a farewell. He stomped his way over to the front door and pulled it open, then disappeared into the outside world. The temperature in the house dropped slightly with his departure. You waited a few minutes after the door closed, holding your breath and straining your ears to see if you could still hear him. Then, you exhaled and jumped up. You jogged over to the salt circle and hopped across it, making a beeline for the bathroom.
It didn’t take you long to brush your teeth and take a quick shower. You had to keep in mind that you had limited time to really do anything. You shuffled around in your bedroom, your towel wrapped around your body as you picked through your clothes. Should you go for something casual again or something… cuter? Maybe dressing up a bit would make him more likely to fold. You hummed as you pulled out a nice shirt and skirt, then shifted in your sock drawer to pull out a pair of thigh highs. Oh yeah. You usually saved those bad boys for dates—Katsuki absolutely loved how you looked in them, you knew that. Not that he would admit that to your face.
You snickered as you pulled on your outfit and sprayed some perfume he also liked. Maybe a bit of lip gloss while you were at it. A cute hairstyle. Was this going overboard? Oh well!
Once you were done, you exited the room and headed for the kitchen. Your expression softened as you saw the dishes drying on the little rack you had for them. You pulled open the fridge and took out the plate of food he had neatly saran-wrapped. The mere act of him cooking this for you had something tugging at your heart. Even if it was to lure you out of the circle, you still appreciated it.
You spent a bit eating what he’d made, keeping an eye on the time all the while. You should still have about twenty minutes before he would return—assuming Mina was going by the exact hour like you’d told her. You polished off the plate and washed it before you tucked it on the dish rack. After heading to your room to fix up your face again, you steadily made your way back over to the living room.
But just as you approached the opening that led to it, you heard the front door open—felt the temperature increase once more.
You froze, snapping your head to the entrance to see Katsuki standing there, fifteen minutes earlier than you’d expected. His crimson eyes immediately locked onto your form, his hand still gripping onto the doorknob of the open door. You blinked at him, the way he tensed his shoulders under his shirt. You could see the way his burning eyes moved from your clothed feet, lingered around the exposed parts of your thighs above your socks, hovered around your torso and shoulders, stared at your shiny lips, before they eventually landed on your eyes. A beat passed. Then another.
You lunged for the salt circle, arms extended out before you as you ducked into a roll over the line of salt. A yelp left your lips as you felt the graze of his claws on your back. He snarled something as you landed on the floor on your ass, your heart racing a hundred miles an hour at the close call you just had. You brought a hand up to your chest and let out a deep breath of air before you twisted yourself around on the ground to look at him.
“You little fuckin’ minx,” Katsuki snarled, his body tensed at the edge of the salt circle as he bared his fangs at you. There was a ripping sound, his wings erupting from his back through his shirt as his horns sprouted on his head. His eyes sparked to life again, both of his hands pressed against that invisible shield you had to protect you. His tail whipped in a frenzy behind him. “Fuckin’ cheater.”
“Welcome home, handsome,” you greeted him with a mischievous grin, heaving yourself to your feet so you could brush your clothes off and properly face him.
“Y’got Raccoon Eyes and Shitty Hair to distract me on purpose,” he hissed out as a response, his eyes narrowing at you.
You shrugged at him and turned around to plop down on your beanbag again. “I dunno, did I?” Then, as an afterthought, you added, “Breakfast was great, by the way.”
He only growled at you some more—an angry thing that made goosebumps break out on your skin. You wisely elected to ignore him, snatching your phone from the couch to peek at your notifications. There was one from Mina, sent to you about ten minutes ago:
he figured us out!!! he’s on his way rn bestie run!!
If only you’d actually taken your phone with you. Then you wouldn’t have had to parkour your way into the circle.
Small explosions erupted from Katsuki’s palms, sparks flying into the air above them. His voice was low, dangerous, when he spoke. “Get. Out.”
“Apologize,” you said in turn, giving him a pointed look. When all he did was scowl at you, you shrugged and set your phone to the side so you could grab your laptop. “Then no.”
Katsuki kept a closer eye on you after that.
In retaliation to your change in clothes, you found that he’d stripped down to his briefs to reveal this thick fucking thighs and calves. You wouldn’t have realized if he hadn’t thrown his fucking shirt at you, nailing you right in the face in a way that made you jump. Then, once he realized he could throw things at you, he did the same thing with his sweats, hitting you in the face once more as you spluttered and looked over at him.
He only gave you a pointed stare as he crossed his arms under his pecs and leaned against one of the living room walls with his wings folded behind him. He was goddamn attractive—he knew that, you knew that, he knew that you knew that... You were determined to not let that affect you, however, rolling your eyes at his actions. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before; he couldn’t crack you like that.
You didn’t know how he wasn’t bored just standing there, watching you. At least you were able to keep yourself busy by doing work on your laptop or watching a show. But him? All he did was stare at you. It made you a bit self-conscious, but you couldn’t really do anything about it, could you?
At one point in the afternoon, he pushed himself off the wall and disappeared elsewhere in the house. You only spared him a glance, part of you wondering what he was up to this time. You got your answer when you heard a faucet turn on from the bathroom. Was he going to shower? You returned your focus to your laptop only to look up again when you heard him walk back into the living room ten minutes later. You immediately looked back at your laptop, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your staring.
“Ran a bath with those dumb salts you like,” Katsuki grumbled, wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. Somehow that was worse than him parading around in his briefs.
“Yeah?” you responded in what you hoped was an aloof manner. Enticing you with a bath was not going to work either—even with the implication that he would join you for once. “Have fun.”
He lingered a bit, as though to see if you would cave. But when you didn’t and merely hit play again on the episode you were on, he scowled and stomped away. You had to suppress a smile as you listened to him curse to himself in the bathroom. Maybe after all of this you’ll treat him to something for all the suffering you were causing. Maybe.
You almost didn’t notice when he wandered back into the living room after his bath, one of his hands rubbing at his damp hair with a towel while the other typed away at his phone. He’d finally pulled back on some sweats, though his chest glistened with droplets of water that ran down the inclines of his chest and abdomen. You snorted a little to yourself, then paused when the doorbell suddenly rang.
You looked at the front door, then at Katsuki. “Are you expecting anyone?” When he shook his head no, you glanced at your phone to check if you had any notifications. You didn’t. You looked back at him to see he had reverted back to his more human-looking form. “Can you go check?”
He only raised an eyebrow at you, pocketing his phone. “No. You check.”
You gave him an unimpressed look. “Katsuki. Go check the door.”
You sighed—you knew what he was doing here. Before you could open your mouth to argue with him, however, the door opened on its own. Both your heads snapped towards it to see who’d entered. It was Mina again, to your confusion, gripping that little silver key in her fingers as she paraded in with a few other people. You recognized the familiar red hair of Eijirou, along with the bright yellow of Denki and deep black of Hanta. They waved at you cheerfully as they walked over.
“What… are you guys doing here?” you asked in surprise, setting your laptop to the side so you could stand up and walk to the edge of the salt circle. They were all normal-looking, though as soon as the front door clicked shut, their appearances shifted to their more natural ones.
“A certain pink shifter let slip what you were doing with Kacchan over here,” Denki said slyly, his black tail lazily waving behind him. He took one long look at the salt circle, then over at the constipated expression on Katsuki’s face, before he broke out in rambunctious laughter. One of Katsuki’s eyes twitched, his teeth bared in a silent snarl.
“We thought you could use a bit of company!” Mina snickered, one of her fingers innocently twirling a strand of her pink hair. “Maybe some encouragement!”
“I almost didn’t believe it,” Hanta choked out through his cackles, kneeling against the ground as he banged his fist against it. He raised himself up to wipe a tear from his eye, a wide shit-eating grin on his face. “Holy shit, Kacchan you really did this to yourself, huh?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Katsuki grunted and his arms moved to cross themselves over his bare chest, the towel thrown over one of his shoulders. He glared at his friends, but they only ignored him, laughing harder at his expression.
“Man, all you gotta do is apologize!” Eijirou told him through his own sharp grin, the wolf ears on his head twitching slightly as his friends cackled around him. “It’s not that hard!”
“That’s what I keep telling him,” you huffed, a smile on your face. Katsuki only gave you the stink eye. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“We—” Denki coughed into his fist, his cheeks red from cry-laughing. “We d-didn’t just come here to laugh, you know.”
“Yeah,” Hanta added in, picking his lanky figure up from the ground to give you a fanged smile. “We came bearing gifts.”
You raised an eyebrow at them. “Gifts?”
It was then that you realized Eijirou was holding a small, paper bag. Hanta and Denki both reached into it when Eijirou held out to them. You looked at them curiously, then let out a pfft when they each pulled out a carton of salt and a small water gun, respectively. Katsuki let out a snarl when he saw the carton of salt in Hanta’s hand.
“Hell yeah!” You grinned widely as Hanta did a dramatic wave with his free hand and brandished the salt at you.
“Hell no!” Katsuki rasped, swiping a clawed hand at Hanta who let out a yelp and leaped over the line of salt on the ground to join you in your circle. “Soy Sauce Face, I swear to All Might I'll shove garlic so far down your throat you’ll be shittin’ cloves for weeks. Get back here.”
“Man, how are you gonna do that from aaaallll the way over there?” Hanta grinned as he walked closer to you to throw an arm around your shoulders. You let out a laugh when he tugged you close to his side. “Sorry Kacchan but this is my lover now.”
Katsuki let out an animalistic sound, his hands pressing against the force that prevented him from crossing the salt circle. You only gave him a smile and watched as Hanta walked over to another part of the salt circle. He popped open the little nozzle on the carton and promptly turned it upside down. The salt spilled from it like a white, crystalline waterfall to add on to what was already on the floor. This was going to be a bitch to clean up.
“You know,” Mina giggled as she watched Hanta walk around the inside of the circle’s circumference, “I don’t think that's how that works.”
“It’s not but I appreciate the attempt,” you added amusedly, stepping away to give Hanta more room to thicken the circle.
“Stop that, right the fuck now,” Katsuki hissed as he attempted to grab Hanta as he walked by. He failed, of course. You almost felt bad for him.
“Or what?” Hanta snickered. “Gonna cry?”
“Piss your pants?” Mina cackled, then let out a small scream when Katsuki directed his glare at her. She stepped behind Denki, who was twirling the water gun in his hand, a wide smirk stretching across his face.
“Maybe shit and cu— WAHADHDFJG!” Denki yelped as Katsuki lunged towards him, snarling furiously. He pointed the water gun at Katsuki and pulled on the trigger to squirt whatever was inside it at the ash-blond. You snapped your head towards them when Katsuki let out a pained hiss and backed away from Denki as he clutched at his face.
“What’s in that?!” Your eyes widened, stepping closer to the edge of the circle so you could peer at Katsuki. He growled lowly as he looked up, the skin on his cheek an irritated pink. His wings extended out, crimson eyes practically glowing as he glared at Denki, who only raised his hands up in surrender.
“What the fuck, Discount Pikachu?!” Katsuki almost roared out, his hair bristling and his hands flexing angrily. “Is that fuckin’ holy water?!”
“It’s diluted!!!” Denki screamed as Katsuki pounced at him again, somehow managing to evade the irate demon. He ran around the circle to try to avoid Katsuki chasing after him with a dangerous growl. “It won’t hurt that much!!” You frowned at his words.
“How the hell did you even get that?!” you asked, your lips pulling to the side in a grimace.
“He asked Shouto for help blessing it,” Eijirou told you and you let out an ohh. Shouto was part angel, so that made sense.
“I told him not to bring it!!” Mina called out, her and Eijirou retreating closer to the front door in case they needed to make a mad dash out of it.
“Bro didn’t listen,” Eijirou said with a shrug, “Whatever Katsuki does is deserved.”
“Rude!!” Denki yelped again when Katsuki got a bit too close to him and sprayed the demon again across the chest this time. You hadn’t noticed before, but his skin made a slight sizzling sound when the holy water came in contact with it. Katsuki hissed but continued his stomping around the circle to try to grab Denki. Yeah, you didn’t think diluted holy water was going to stop him anytime soon.
“But aren’t you an incubus, Denki?” you asked confusedly, spinning in a little circle to watch said incubus run around. “Won’t the water hurt you too?”
“I got gloves on, it's fine!!”
“Done!” Hanta suddenly announced. You turned to look at him as he tossed the salt carton to the side and brushed his palms off. He gave you a wink and a bow. “Your circle has been reinforced!”
“Thanks,” you said dryly, then spun back around once Denki let out a small shriek. You hid a small smile behind your hand as Katsuki towered over Denki with a sadistic-looking grin on his face. You prayed for the incubus when you saw Katsuki had somehow managed to snatch up the water gun. He pointed it at Denki’s face, right between his golden eyes that crossed to look at it.
“Fucker,” Katsuki snarled through gritted teeth. He then leaned down closer to Denki’s face. “Run.”
“Aaaand that’s our cue to leave!” Hanta said cheerfully as Denki yelped and ducked away from Katsuki spraying the water gun at him. The incubus cursed and made a mad dash for the front door.
“Abort!! Abort!!” he yelled, waving his hands to get Mina to open the door for him. “Crazy demon on the loose!!”
“Get the fuck back here!!!”
“Bye!!” Mina called out to you as she opened the door to let Denki through, followed by a raging Katsuki who’d shifted to his normal form the moment before he left the house. “Keep us updated on this whole situation!”
“Stay strong!” Eijirou encouraged you, flexing one of his arms to emphasize his point. The wolf ears on his head disappeared, his teeth changing to look less sharp and more normal. “Don’t let him bully you into conceding!!”
“Good luck, soldier!” Hanta added, giving you a wave as he slouched his way to the front door as well, the fangs in his mouth shortening. You chuckled and gave them a farewell, watching as they disappeared onto the streets and headed in the direction of Denki’s faint screaming.
For a moment, a very quiet moment, you were alone. A faint smile lingered on your face as you looked around, sighing at the thick circle of salt around you and the discarded carton at the side. You walked over to pick it up and set it on your little coffee table, then wondered if you’d have enough time to use the bathroom. You might as well. So you jogged over to the bathroom to freshen up at lightning speed. If you inhaled too deeply, you could smell the aftermath of Katsuki’s bath—the caramel scent that hovered in the air. You shook your head and washed your hands, then headed back to the living room to plop down on your beanbag and wait for Katsuki’s eventual return once he got tired of beating up his friend.
Lo and behold, not even ten minutes later he came stalking back through the front door, grumbling under his breath about this and that. You looked over at him, expression softening, once he stormed his way into the living room and crossed his arms.
And the way he pouted at you, lines of irritated pink spanning across his torso and face from the holy water, nearly made you cave at that exact instance.
“I hope you didn’t mess Denki up too much,” you commented lightly, sinking down further into your beanbag.
Katsuki let out a low growl and pulled the water gun from his pocket to toss onto the floor. He stared pointedly at you, a deep huff escaping his lips. “Ya gonna leave or what?” Typical of him to ignore your statements. You nearly rolled your eyes at him.
When all you did was give him an expectant look and a raised eyebrow, he snarled, his fists clenching. The hair on his head bristled and his tail snapped to the side. He was starting to get even more irritated, you could tell. “I swear once ya get outta that damn circle, babe, ’m gonna fuck you up.”
“Oh?” You leaned towards him, tilting your head. You had to bite back a smile. “Is that a threat?”
A scowl spread across his face and you would rather die than admit that your heart rate spiked at his following words. “‘S a goddamn promise.”
It was getting harder and harder to ignore Katsuki as the time ticked by.
You’d been doing so well earlier, content with ignoring him and watching your show. But he seemed to have caught on to your shift in mood. You didn’t know how. You just couldn’t stop thinking of what he threatened to do to you—what he promised—and now you were slightly out of it, thanks to him. He knew, he fucking knew, that the way you kept zoning out was because of him. And he used that to his goddamn advantage for the next few hours. You had to plug in your earbuds to try to ignore him.
“Sweetheart,” he called to you in that dangerously low voice. The one that made something stir in the pit of your stomach. Your jaw tensed. He only used that particular nickname when he was up to no good. “Oi. Look at me.” You refused to. “Look at me, right now.” Nope, not going to happen, no matter how hot he sounded.
Something shot you in the face.
You spluttered, wiping a hand across your face at the water that had nailed you right in the forehead. Your eyes darted over to Katsuki, a grumpy frown sliding onto your face when you saw him holding that stupid water gun he’d stolen from Denki. He smirked at you as he leaned against one of the living room walls, sitting down on the ground in a way where one of his legs was bent near his chest and the other was splayed on the floor. He still had those pink lines across his face and chest. You wondered when they would fade away, only to jump when he shot you again with the water gun.
“Katsuki!” you seethed, using your fingers to wipe the water from your cheek. “Stop that! You’ll get my laptop wet!!”
He only smirked wider, crueler, and sprayed you again. You grumbled and rubbed your eyes. Diluted holy water kind of stung. “Look at you,” he snickered, “gettin’ all wet ‘cause of me, hah?”
“Katsuki!” you shouted, appalled at his choice of words. Something twisted in your stomach, heat spreading across your cheeks. “That’s not gonna make me leave!”
“Yeah?” He tilted his head and moved the gun so he could shoot water at your thighs. You glared at him, using a hand to wipe the droplets away. “Ya gotta eventually, babe. And once you do,” his teeth bared at you, sharp, “‘M gonna drag that pretty ass to the bedroom and rip that little skirt—”
“—right off those pretty legs and stick my fing—”
“No!!” You exclaimed, your face burning up as you snatched an empty water bottle from the table and chucked it at him. He lifted a lazy hand and batted it away, his smirk widening at your scandalized expression. “Bakugou Katsuki if you say another word—”
“You’ll what?” he drawled, leaning his head back against the wall. Crimson eyes pierced through you, reading you like you were an open book. “‘Cause I guarantee I’ll do worse.”
You clamped your mouth shut and fumed at him. You hated the way he could make you flustered with just his words. You let out a hmph and turned away from him, raising the volume up on your laptop so you didn’t have to listen to him anymore.
And it worked, for about an hour or so. You couldn’t hear him, couldn’t really entirely see him as he sat outside the circle. He sprayed you a few more times with the water gun, but you just ignored him some more and he eventually stopped. You were able to calm down and reel in your emotions, getting ensnared in the plot of the episode you were watching. You were aware of Katsuki pacing around outside the circle, and when you finally lowered the volume down once more, you could hear him cursing and growling. He was frustrated, terribly so, but you only sat there and waited.
Then the doorbell rang. Again.
You looked up with raised eyebrows, watching as Katsuki grumbled and slouched his way over to the front door. He wasn’t shifting to his human form, so you assumed it was someone he had called over himself. Sure enough, once he opened the door, you were greeted by the nervous figure of Izuku, to your surprise.
“Deku,” Katsuki grunted, stepping to the side to let said man in. “‘Bout fuckin’ time.” Izuku slid into the house and stammered out a greeting to the demon, before he walked over to the living room to greet you.
“Hey! What’re you doing here?” you asked him confusedly, setting your laptop on the table so you could stand up warily. Your eyes glanced from Izuku’s apologetic expression to Katsuki’s grumpy one. Something in your stomach sank slightly. This couldn’t be good for you.
“Well! Kacchan told me about, uh, what you were doing,” he scratched his freckled cheek as he glanced at the ash-blond, “and um, well, he kinda… kinda threatened? Me? To get rid of the circle. So! I uh, had to come over.” Your eyes widened and you glared at Katsuki for a moment—the bastard had the gall to smirk slightly at you—before you looked at Izuku who was shuffling closer to the circle. Part of you wondered how desperate Katsuki had been to have resorted to asking Izuku for help, even if they were on somewhat good terms now.
“Izuku, no, please don’t,” you nearly begged him, tensing your legs when he came to a stop near the circle and knelt down. “This is between Katsuki and I, you don’t need to—”
“Ah, I’m really sorry,” Izuku only grimaced at you, his green eyes darting over to Katsuki again before he looked up at you. “I’m really, really sorry. But I ah, I owe Kacchan a favor and um, I really can’t say no to him, either way. I’m sorry.”
“Izuku,” you tried one more time, then pouted when he touched two fingers to the salt circle. You took a couple steps back, your body tensing as Izuku’s fingertips glowed a light turquoise. The color spread to the entire circumference of the circle, and before you knew it, it had disappeared. Vanished, in a flash. Fuck.
Izuku stood up and gave you another apologetic look. You tensed up, eyes locked onto Katsuki who stared back at you dangerously. Warningly. “I’ll um, just head out. Bye! And sorry, again.”
You and Katsuki just continued to stare at each other as Izuku made his way back to the front door. You bent your legs, watching as Katsuki’s wings slowly extended out to make himself larger, his hands sharpening into claws. He bent forward, a wicked smirk on his face. There was nothing separating the two of you now. You swallowed thickly. His tail flicked side to side slowly.
The front door opened, then shut. A beat passed.
You shrieked as Katsuki lunged towards you, ducking down under him as he sailed over you. He snarled something, but you couldn’t hear what exactly it was over the sound of your racing heart. You rolled out of the way as he lunged for you again, his face twisted into a furious scowl.
“Babe, c’mere!” he roared out, swiping a hand at you that you narrowly dodged by leaping to the left. The temperature in the room spiked, the hairs on your arms stood up. And you turned on your heels and made a mad dash for your bedroom, trying to escape the sharp grip of Katsuki.
But well, he was a demon. And you were not.
A hot hand latched onto your arm. You yelped as you were tugged back and around. Katsuki twirled you so that you were facing him and both his hands clamped down on your arms. You were forced to look up at his frowning face as he loomed over you, drowning you in his form, his scent, once more. You let out a huff.
“I’m still mad at you,” you said flatly as you turned your head and stuck your nose up at him. He growled, something you felt through his chest as his hands moved so that he could lower himself down further and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing you against him. He nudged at the side of your head with his own. You continued to ignore him, stubbornly staring out at the side instead of at him.
“Hey,” he nudged you again, “hey, look at me.”
“No,” you replied sternly, turning your head further when he started to nose at your cheek. You were limp in his hold, not reciprocating his affections as he bopped your head with his own and dragged his nose down the side of your face, your neck. You had to suppress a shiver at the feel of his hot breath along your exposed skin. “I said no Katsuki!”
He grumbled and pressed a light kiss at the base of your neck. You leaned away, as much as you could, anyways. He let out a deep sigh. “Okay, ‘m sorry.” You peeked an eye open at him.
“For movin’ your shit,” he replied shortly, pressing another kiss to the side of your neck, before he bit down lightly at your skin. You sighed quietly, and once he let go, you turned your head so you could look at him properly, one of your eyebrows raised.
“And?” you pressed on expectantly. Katsuki let out a huff.
“And makin’ fun of your height,” he added on begrudgingly, arms tightening around you. There was a moment where you just watched him, squinting your eyes slightly. He waited for your response, that signature pout soon forming on his face.
You rolled your eyes. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” You wiggled your arms out from his hold and reached up to hold his face. He leaned further into your touch, closing his eyes when your thumbs ran over the pink marks still on his cheeks. “Aww, poor baby. You missed me that much, hm?”
“‘M not a baby,” he mumbled out as you raised yourself up so you could press a gentle kiss to his right cheek. Then to his left. You could see the tips of his ears turn pink. “Don’t y’ever do that shit again, got it?”
“Mmhm.” You hummed as you squished his face together between your palms and leaned away so you could look at him. Katsuki opened his eyes to look at you, and the drunk look he had made your heart squeeze in your chest. You raised yourself back up to press a soft kiss to his chapped lips, smiling into them when he held you closer. Tighter. If only the world knew that big bad demon Katsuki fell apart with a single touch from you.
When you pulled apart, you had but a moment’s notice before you felt yourself being picked up. You let out a small yelp, feeling yourself get tossed over one of Katsuki’s thick shoulders. You gripped onto his wings for dear life, feeling them flex under your touch.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?!” you muffled out, your face pressed to his bare back. When he responded, you could practically hear the sharp grin in his voice, one of his hands raising to give you a firm slap on the ass. Your face burned, gut bottoming out in anticipation.
“Made a promise, didn’t I?”
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
The Hotel Room
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Y/N
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: fluff, hints of smut at the end
‘I’m sorry sir, but we’re fully booked, we can only offer you the one room.’ The receptionist spoke regretfully. You had left Charles in charge of booking your room for the few days you were coming to visit him, having flown out to Miami to watch his race. He promised you that he had been on top of everything, but in typical Charles fashion, having insisted he could do it himself, had accidentally booked one room instead of two and now the rest of the hotel was fully booked.
He turned to you with a small pout on his lips, ‘I’m sorry, do you want me to get a room in another hotel? There’s one like ten minutes away.’ He let out exasperatedly, not being able to believe that he had messed up such a simple task.
A small laugh escaped your lips, ‘Charles, it’s fine honestly, we had sleepovers all the time when we were younger, it’ll be just like the old day.’ You bumped your shoulder into his own, reassuring him that you didn’t mind. ‘It’s not like we have to share a bed right?’
Before you could say another word the receptionist had cleared his throat, ‘Actually, the room only has one king sized bed.’ Charles turned his face back to yours, his pout growing ever bigger on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at your best friend, looking like a toddler who was going to burst into tears.
‘Charles,’ You laughed, placing your hands on both of his shoulders, shaking him slightly, ‘we’ll have fun! I can sleep on the couch, it’s nothing to worry about.’
He shook his head rapidly, ‘No, I was the one who made the mistake, you take the bed and I’ll take the couch.’
‘Charles you’re the one who’s here to race! You need to be able to sleep well beforehand.’
You were starting to bicker between yourself until the receptionist handed you each a key card for the room. ‘I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you both manage to enjoy your stay!’
You both thanked him quickly before taking your luggage over to the elevator and up to the tenth floor where you would find your shared room. You made your way down the corridor ahead of Charles who was still sulking over his minor mistake. If you were being completely honest with yourself you were quite excited to be sharing a room with Charles again. You had had countless numbers of sleepovers in your younger years together, but they became less and less frequent as Charles’ racing career got more serious and he was away from home more.
You pulled up to the room with the numbers 1016 on the door, fleetingly wondering if the hotel had done it on purpose, before swinging the door open. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at the sight in front of you. Charles came up behind you, wanting to see what had made you laugh so much before he noticed the couch. It was tiny. It definitely wouldn’t fit either of you comfortably.
Charles began laughing behind you as you both shuffled your luggage into the room. He ran his hands over his face as he let out a tired laugh, ‘I’m sorry, mon amour, I really thought I’d booked two rooms.’ You laughed at him once again, wrapped your arms around his midsection as you had done thousands of times before.
‘It’s genuinely okay, I really don’t mind. But you definitely can’t sleep on the couch without breaking your back.’ You both turned towards it, the side of your face still squished against his firm chest.
He sighed, ‘No I guess not. But neither can you.’ You both paused as you wondered whether the other was going to suggest the obvious. You bit the bullet first.
‘I mean, we could share right? We used to do it all the time when we were kids.’
‘Yes, but we’re not kids anymore Y/N.’
‘I know, but it would just be sharing a bed. It’s not like I’m going to force you to spoon me or anything.’ You laughed lightly. A blush dusted over the apples of his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
‘At least let me take you out for dinner to apologise for the mix-up?’
‘You know I won’t say no to free food, Leclerc.’ You were both starving from the flight. While it had been comfortable due to Charles offering you a seat on the private jet he was taking, neither of you had eaten in hours and were both exhausted from the long flight from Monaco.
Throughout dinner you went over the plan for the next few days, trying to find out what you could do in the area while Charles was busy with his obligations for Ferrari. He had promised to take you to as much stuff as possible, wanting to explore with you, but you couldn’t think of anything worse than sitting through two-hour long meetings spent going over race data. While you loved the sport, you could definitely think of better things to do with your time.
The dinner was great, you had gone out for an Italian which of course was accompanied by a few glasses of wine. By the time you got back to the room, both of you were feeling the effects of the alcohol. Not enough to be drunk, but enough to not be completely sober either.
It was like you had forgotten the bed situation until you were both stood at the end of the bed looking at it.
‘Right,’ you started, ‘I’m going to get changed into my pyjamas in the bathroom. You can get changed in here while I’m gone.’
You rifled through your bag, finding the pair of pyjamas you had brought with you for the short trip. You had been expecting to sleep alone so you’d only brought one of Charles’ old shirts that he had given you years ago, claiming it had looked better on you anyway when you tried it on as a joke. You didn’t even have a pair of shorts to wear. Underwear it was. At least you were wearing cute ones, you thought.
You did your bathroom routine before emerging back into the main room, seeing Charles settled on top of the covers scrolling through his phone. Without a shirt on. You had seen him shirtless more times than you could remember but it always made you a little bit flustered. It was no secret that you had always found Charles attractive. You could remember the first time you had noticed the beauty that he held so elegantly. You were probably around fourteen at the time, body raging with hormones when he had knocked on your front door and asked if you wanted to go and get some ice cream, seeing how nice of a day it was. While you were there you had gotten ice cream on the side of your mouth, and without missing a beat he had wiped it off with his thumb, making both of you turn into blushing messes.
You think that was probably when your crush had started. As much as you had tried to ignore it for the sake of your friendship, you knew exactly what you would do if Charles were to confess to having similar feelings as you’d gone over it in your head hundreds of times over the past ten years.
His eyes raised from his phone to your figure, chuckling when he saw what shirt you were wearing.
‘I didn’t realise you still had that shirt.’
‘Well, I wasn’t going to throw it away was I? I like to wear it when you’re away because it reminds me of you. I don’t know why I brought it on this trip because I’m spending all my time with you.’
You both laughed as you climbed up the bed, trying to keep your shirt covering as much as it could before slipping under the covers.
You turned towards him, ‘You should probably get some sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow.’ Which was true, he had a few media appearances to do, which he was taking you too as well, and then a few short meetings with members of his team, ending the day with dinner with Carlos and his girlfriend, Isa.
He clambered under the covers himself, turning so that you were facing each other, still keeping a respectful amount of space between the pair of you. ‘I’m still sorry about this.’
‘Oh my god, Charles, if you mention it again I’m pushing you out of the bed.’
You both fell into fits of laughter before saying quiet goodnights to each other and rolling over to face opposite directions. The wine must’ve still been in effect because the moment the room had settled into comfortable silence you started giggling again, which of course set Charles off. It was just like when you were kids and you’d stayed up past your bedtime, giggling into the night hoping your mother wouldn’t hear you and come to tell you off. Except this time, your mother wasn’t here so you could both laugh as loudly as you wanted.
You rolled back over, facing his broad back and before you could even process what you were doing you had started to draw shapes on him with feather-light touches. He sighed contently before rolling to face you. You could still see how his eyes twinkled even in the dull moonlight that leaked through the curtains of the hotel. He’s so beautiful, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t hold back the smile that settled onto your face, but neither could he.
Your fingers continued drawing, this time on his chest. His eyes fluttered shut as he unconsciously moved his body closer to yours. The moment felt so intimate, just the two of you in a hotel room far away from home, so far removed from how you had imagined your life would turn out, except for one constant. Charles. Even when you were a kid, you knew Charles would be in your life forever. There was no way that you could picture your life in the future without him featuring in a starring role. Little did you know, but little Charles had often had the same daydreams.
‘Y/N?’ He spoke into the quiet room, with you humming in response, ‘It’s hard to lay this close to you and stop myself from kissing you.’
You could feel your heartbeat speed up as you processed what he had just said, your eyes roaming his face as you willed him to open his own but alas, they remained shut.
‘Who said you have to stop yourself?’ You whispered. That made him open his eyes.
You both moved slowly, as if making a sudden movement would make the whole scenario fall apart. Your hand settled on the side of his face as his settled at the back of your neck. Your bodies gravitated towards each other until your chests were pressed tightly against one another.
‘If you don’t want this you have to tell me now, because once I start kissing you I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.’ His eyes were trained on your lips. He had been waiting for this moment for years. If he had known that all it would’ve taken was a hotel room mix-up and some liquid courage on his behalf, he would’ve stopped booking you your own room years ago.
‘I want you, Charles.’ You whispered as your lips ghosted over his own. It started slow but turned passionate quickly, both of you putting a decades worth of emotion all into one kiss. Your lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen, but the rest of your body was burning from desire as both of your hands started to roam the body of the other. Charles’ hand had lifted your thigh to settle on his hip, bringing you even closer if that was even possible, while your hands were buried in his hair, giving the roots small tugs that made him groan into your mouth.
Eventually you pulled away, staring into each other’s eyes as you processed what had just happened. You had just had the best kiss of your life with your best friend. And you wanted to do it again, so that’s exactly what you did.
When Charles had rocked up to his meetings the next day, bags under his eyes and not being able to control his yawns, he still couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He would tell people that he just hadn’t slept well. They didn’t need to know that he had finally asked the girl of his dreams to be his girlfriend and that they were up until the early hours of the morning making up for lost time.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
Random Ikemen Headcanons:
Pregnancy/Dad edition
Includes 18+ Content
~*Minors DNI*~
Sirius has wanted a family as long as he can remember. Growing up with little siblings all over the place is a comfort for him. And when you ask him about having kids he’s honestly a little nervous that you don’t want them but respects your choice either way. (That just means he’ll get to be the cool uncle) (Fenrir and Ray disagree) He still gets dad of the year every year, though. Calls the kids ‘sprout’.
Blanc didn’t realize it was his kink until it slipped out one night nonchalantly over tea. “Blanc, I know you like kids but… what about ours?” It was good Oliver had moved elsewhere by this point because you two fucked. Like. Rabbits. While you both thoroughly enjoyed the process of getting pregnant, Blanc absolutely spoils you when you’re pregnant. Massages, carrying you whenever he gets the chance, begging Luka to make you whatever strange food you want. And once the baby is here? Proudest papa when their hair goes white and is admittedly a little nervous that he can be a good dad.
Kyle is excited and nervous the entire time you’re pregnant. Thankfully he has a good role model in his dad and it seems almost effortless how well he parents. You just know you’re in for a world of trouble when you see them, a grown man and toddler, studying a medicine book intently. Guess it’s time to brush up on your genius wrangling skills!
Arthur would cry when he learned you were pregnant. There’s 0 way he wouldn’t. Absolutely doting with an edge of being terrified that something will go wrong and he’ll lose the most precious person(s) in his life. A good dose of reality from you and Theo sets him straight. He helped deliver and he was trying not to cry then, too. An absolutely doting father, there’s certainly mischief abound later down the road.
Shakespeare is terrified he’s not going to be a good father. He can put on a brave face all he wants, but you know the man under the actor’s mask. With his history with you and everyone else in the mansion, he wonders what karma has blessed him with a child and without a doubt, come hell or high water, puts you and baby first. He’s initially nervous with the baby but, thanks to plenty of support from you and baby’s 11 uncles, he adjusts just fine. Your favorite is watching Will put them to bed with a bedtime story that he makes up on the spot and never the same story twice.
Leonardo’s cigarillo literally falls out of his mouth when you tell him you’re pregnant. Followed immediately by cursing in Italian before taking you up in his arms with his eyes shining “Cara mia, you’re serious, yes?” His voice is slightly strained and he nuzzles into your neck at the confirmation. He’s excited and he’s already tinkering with wood and paper making toys and puzzles and anything else you could imagine for your future child. He knows you like your independence in doing things but he’s more insistent than usual in helping you to do things. Once baby is here, Leonardo is most often found napping with baby on his chest and an arm around them protectively. Lumière basically became a big brother and seeing all three of them napping was one of the sweetest sights to see in the world. As baby grows, Leonardo slowly works on teaching them everything he knows along with plenty of play (Leonardo wouldn’t admit it but he loved the puppet shows he and every one of baby’s uncles put on with the shadow puppets he made.)
Hideyoshi is mama bear. Like, to the extreme. You’ll need to remind him to calm down a lot but he’s so protective and loyal to your little (for now) family. He’s the ultimate giver of piggy back rides and learns how to braid hair for his little girl and teaches his sons about dismantling toxic masculinity.
Sasuke is nervous but he studies and studies and studies anything he can get his hands on when it comes to rearing children. He even goes to Kenshin, Shingen, and Yoshimoto for advice. You both thought about going back to the future for this but decided on staying 500 years in the past. Yukimura is named the fun uncle and the kids tease him all the time. Sasuke is ridiculously patient as a dad and you tell him you appreciate him whenever you can. From words to new foods to potty training, Sasuke is basically a saint. You’re only thankful you don’t have to teach them how to drive.
Masamune is ridiculously excited to hear news that you’re pregnant. He definitely flaunts it and is so happy to show you off and dote on you. He gladly makes you whatever crazy foods you want, even trying to recreate things from 500 years in the future for you. Once the baby is here he’s quiet with awe and you swear you saw a little watering at the corner of his eyes. To say he’s a devoted father is the understatement of the century. You just have to reign him in when he tries to do ridiculous things like having a small saddle commissioned for your baby to ride Shogetsu.
Chevalier knew before you did that you were pregnant, surprise surprise. What did surprise you, however, was how much more expressive he was in his protection over you as well as physically needing to be closer to you most of the time. Of course you didn’t complain, receiving a small “That’s ridiculous,” (definitely not Chev’s way of saying yes) conjoined with him nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck when you asked if he felt more protective now. He seemed to read your kind as always, even if he couldn’t be to your now shared room first he had servants draw you perfectly tempered baths and clothing that was easy for you to dress in. The amount of pressure you felt at the upcoming birth was initially astounding until a night Chevalier reminded you that this baby will be here as a result of your love for one another and not the pressures of politics. Once the baby is born you discover that Chevalier has another type of smile: one reserved solely for your baby. It is the softest smile you’ve ever seen him wear and it absolutely melts your heart. Of course his love for books must’ve been built in through DNA because they’re following along with bedtime stories line to line perfectly.
Sariel is shook. He’s calm on the outside, of course, but inside he’s honestly panicking a little. Most of his parenting experience had been with the twins and that situation had been… an intensely unique one. However, you discovered his feelings through a slip of the tongue and you held his face in your hands gently, assuring him he’d be a spectacular father and there was no one you’d rather have a family with. He felt assured and his demeanor had shifted just enough for people to notice, particularly the princes. Once it became known, Sariel’s usual dark aura intensified a hundredfold as he threatened all eight princes and Rio that if anything were to happen to you or your happiness, they would disappear. Once the baby came, everyone was astounded at how absolutely soft he could be, of course Licht and Nokto being the exception to that. To say your baby is treated like royalty is not hyperbole and it takes a rather firm foot from you to keep Sariel from spoiling them rotten.
Rio cried immediately when you told him, lightly sobbing his promise that they’re happy tears. During the pregnancy he’s almost overbearing, managing to tone it down just before you feel the need to tell him to. One restless night he tells you about a dream he once had, almost three months after you had saved him. It was filled with quiet nights like this, cuddling by the fire, laughing together. “That’s when I knew I wanted you forever. And a family with you.” You nearly broke his hand during delivery but Rio’s smile didn’t falter, staying strong to lend you his strength. The baby came and while Rio insisted that you took turns waking up for baby, you’re pretty sure he was the one to get up more in the middle of the night. The moment baby was in the world, he was wrapped around all their little fingers and toes. Sometimes Rio has a hard time with discipline, but it’s something he’s working on.
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y0umgsandwiche · 2 years
Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Fem!Pilot!Reader
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Here’s another story! I kind of just had this idea, so yeah. That’s pretty much it. If y’all have any comments, suggestions, or literally anything, my inbox is open. Happy reading!
Summary: Having a strong bond with her father, the reader had a hard time of fully enjoying the reception of Maverick and Penny’s wedding. To her surprise, she found herself doing something interesting with Hangman.
Reader’s Callsign: “Iceberg”
Warning/s: Hangman being hangman + iceman’s death + something almost happening(?) 
Word Count: 2.5k
Being Iceman's adopted child had its own ups and downs, and following my dad's footsteps got me to be the best of who I can be, especially in terms of my career. On the other hand, there is a fine line in between, and that is being able to see the infinite flings with countless women that I saw Maverick had as I grew up. That is why I still cannot believe that I am here in his wedding, celebrating how he finally tied the knot with the woman whom fate worked really hard on to make them bump into each other multiple times in their lifetime, Penny Benjamin. According to my dad, they have been seeing each other even way before he met Maverick. A safe guess would be that the two met when Rooster was still a toddler, but for a sure answer, it was way back before I was even born. Being an eyewitness to their love dating even years back, I was chosen to be the maid of honor, whilst Rooster became Maverick's best man.
"Dad, would you believe that Maverick finally married Penny? I wish you were here with me, you would definitely be my plus one. Love, your Little Ice." I clicked send, even with the knowledge that my dad will never reply to me ever again. Even though his time had already passed, I still texted him, telling him anything and everything, just as if he was still there, in his office or in our family house, ready to listen to my stories. Although we were not in any way related by blood, we shared a very special bond; he was my biggest inspiration. During my training, everyone called me "Iceberg" because everyone thought that I was like the female version of my dad. Highly similar to him, I was someone who is ice cold, who flies with no mistakes. They said that I am the pilot whom no one should underestimate despite my soft, kind demeanor, hence my callsign. However, when he departed the living world, I don’t think I deserve to be called “Iceberg” again.
Putting my phone back into my purse, I lifted the nth glass of cold champagne over to my lips, causing me to be relatively tipsy at this moment, observing the guests and the place itself as the lights surrounding the venue gently blinded me with a bunch of love songs softly playing from the speakers. The cool breeze from the air conditioning units made the happiness rate of the guests high. It was nice to see how the people were already grouped by their friend circles, chatting about things that I honestly might not even want to know, it was easier for me to locate the people that I know and have no clue of who they are. The only group that I actually happen to be friends with are obviously the aviators, my teammates, Maverick's former trainees. I knew some of the other attendees, but I never really talked to any of them. Still enjoying my drink, I decided to pace towards my colleagues.
"Well, who do we have here," I heard a familiar voice say, stopping me from my tracks.
I turned around, to see the one and only Jake Seresin, wearing a neatly pressed button down polo, holding his coat, "What do you want, Hangman?"
"I love that dress on you," he said, looking at me from head to toe. "I know that you look hot all the time, but that just emphasizes your features perfectly, but that would look better on my floor."
"Oh god," I chuckled. "When you got your personality, did you have to get the douchebag custom? Or did you carefully choose how to be the perfect bastard?”
"Come on, Y/N! I just want to know how long it will take my fingers to travel every single inch of your body. Who knows, your beauty might just be a lot like your callsign, just like an iceberg, there's a lot more underneath it," he smirked, looking into my eyes, moving closer to me for each word that he uttered, stopping with an uncomfortable distance between us.
I could feel his warm, fresh breath gently touch my skin. His abnormally inviting green eyes locked onto mine. Topping it off with his annoyingly attractive face just a few inches away from mine. I have to say, he's got the looks, but this is Hangman that we are talking about. "I would rather fucking die than be one of your girls, Seresin," I replied, walking away to my seat as I saw the newlyweds arrive.
I arrived at my table, claiming the seat just beside Rooster, just in time when Maverick and Penny entered. Every single individual in the room stood up, sending a round of applause as the host announced their arrival. With the spotlight turned up to follow the now married couple, you could definitely see bliss painted all over them, and the guests reciprocated that feeling as well. I felt genuinely happy for the two, for finally sealing what they had together after years of going on and off. I swear, if my dad was still here, and if Rooster joined us, Maverick would surely never hear the end of us three, something that I wish could have really happened.
The program commenced as it should. I took photographs of any sort of highlight, which I would immediately send to my dad and I's chatroom, which we conveniently named “The Ice Life”. I really just wish that he could be here, to see one of his closest friends in the Navy finally find someone. With my mind being too occupied with my father, I did not notice how time already flew by, making it my turn to deliver my speech.
"You got this," Rooster, who is like my brother, reassured me as I stood up from my seat.
I responded with a smile right before I left to go to the makeshift stage. Making my way through the tables, I was admittedly nervous to say the least. I knew that I wasn't the best when it comes to public speaking, and not being able to prepare for this moment was an absolute nightmare. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, especially Hangman's, putting more pressure on my shoulders. Dad, please guide me through this, you always know what to do. As I reached the microphone stand, it was as if my dad felt how much I needed him to be on my side; I felt the weight on my chest fade away all of a sudden.
"Thanks, dad," I muttered, not caring if anyone heard me, before I held the microphone. "Good evening, folks! As our lovely host has mentioned, I am Y/N Kazansky, or Iceberg, and besides Rooster, or Bradley, whichever y'all prefer to call my 'self-proclaimed' brother, I am the next biggest witness of this love who happens to be here this very night. Growing up, I knew that there was something special brewing between these two love birds here, as Aunt Carole mentioned, Uncle Maverick here had always been ballistic over the ravishing Penny Benjamin," I said looking at the two, then quickly back to the crowd. "When I was still a little kid, I remember asking my dad— if y'all still haven't figured it out, I am Iceman's daughter— when will this day come. He would always tell me the word 'someday'. Now that the ‘someday' has happened, throughout the night, I am actually still updating him, pretending that he is just at his office. Anyways, I know that if he were here, he would definitely be happy to see his wingman get married, just as much as I am so glad to finally see this day happen. On behalf of the two Ices, we are really delighted for you two! Now, I won't make my speech longer, and I know that I am not a cop nor a lawyer nor a judge, but you two have been given the best life sentence out there. Now, shall we raise our glasses for my Uncle Pete and his wife Penny!"
Everyone drank whatever it was in their glasses as the host announced that the dance floor will be open for all, and that the mobile bar will be open until midnight.
After my speech, I just wish that I could say that I was fine, that I was happy, that I got through it. I mean, I am glad that I survived uttering the words that I just said, but I really wish that my dad could be here to celebrate this event with me, with us! It's just sad that if it was my turn to tie the knot with someone, he wouldn't be there to see his little Ice get married. I would not get to have my dream father and daughter dance that we have been practicing since I was a teenager. I really did not want to rain on their parade, but I couldn’t stop a tear from falling down from my eyes.
"Have a drink," Rooster said, appearing out of the blue.
"Thanks," I said, grabbing the drink from his hand, a small smile planted on my face.
"Hey, Iceman wouldn't like the sight of his Lil' Ice crying at his wingman's wedding," he grinned. "I don't want him to visit me in my dreams, giving me a sermon regarding his daughter's weeping."
“I'll take advantage of the open bar then," I chuckled, grabbing his drink from his grip, finishing it down to the brim in one go. I patted Rooster on the chest as I left for the bar.
Upon reaching the bar, I took the entire, unopened bottle of tequila within my arm range, earning myself a "hey" from the bartender whom I just pissed. Laughing, or cackling rather, I ran swiftly out of the venue and towards the parking lot, looking as if I was a bandit who was having the time of her life. With my luck, he did not have the time to chase me, thanks to the amount of people waiting for their drinks to be served. The moment I got to the clear, I lessened my speed until I began to walk normally. As expected, the hot, humid San Diego air greeted me the moment I got out to the parking lot. I quickly searched for Rooster's truck, which also happens to be my ride, and upon seeing it, I proceeded to that direction, hopping on to the back of the said vehicle.
I stayed there, enjoying my own company, looking at the dark blue sky, stars scattered all over. Although I know that there is no way that I can connect with my dad again, I still found myself occasionally glancing at my phone, with the hopes of seeing a message or anything from my dad. Obviously, I am still in the denial stage, I still cannot convince myself that he is already gone. I cannot fathom a life without him; he was my strength, my backbone— my biggest idol. I began to uncontrollably sob at the back of my so-called brother's car.
I heard someone clear his throat, "You okay there, miss?"
Hearing the voice, I briskly recognized who its owner was, Hangman. For a second there, I was astonished, thinking about how it was highly unusual for Jake to actually show that he cares, but then I realized that it could just be one of his schemes to get girls to trust him, even just for a night at least. Although on the other hand, he can charm his way through any woman that he meets, and he knows it. He doesn't need any sort of strategy to get any girl that he wants.
"What do you want, Seresin," I asked, putting the bottle down for a bit.
"Nice ride," he jumped onto the back, throwing his coat in, and eventually settling beside me. "You know what, ladies are like cars—"
"What? If you treat them nice and gentle, the longer you can ride them," I cut him off with my sentence causing the both of us to laugh. "I have a question for you. Do you have any feelings that don't come from your penis?"
"I get hungry sometimes," he chuckled.
"Fair enough," I replied, lifting the bottle up again to drink straight from it.
"Woah, Iceberg, hold on there!" He grabbed the almost empty bottle from my hand.
"Hey," I protested. "I'm still drinking."
"Stop it," he finished the remaining tequila from the bottle. "You're wasted. You've been a lot different, you know?"
"I've been flying a lot better than you? Thank you for noticing," I said, smirking.
"It's not that," He smiled, an authentic smile, not one of his world famous smirks appeared on his face. "Ever since Iceman—your dad died. You were just never the same. I know it because we've trained together, and now seeing you treat yourself like trash, it's just not the same." He looked at me, "You know why I stopped calling you by your callsign? It's because you stopped being your callsign, you started to doubt yourself."
"Ouch," I said, acting as if I was hurt. Although he wasn't wrong about those assumptions, I really began to change when my dad passed. I was never the same again.
"We call you Iceberg for a reason," he changed his position, sitting in front of me. "You are the fiercest and prettiest woman in the naval aviation history," he moved closer to me, playing with the strap of my dress. "And looking at you underneath the moonlight, I can see how much you can soar with those wings that you have in you, Iceberg."
I felt myself become vulnerable, as if I have allowed Hangman to get into me, that I have permitted my heart to be swooned by the words of the man before me. I knew that I would mentally slap myself for moving closer to him, but as if on cue, we both crashed our lips together. We moved in sync, kissing as if we have needed to do this for a long time now, that we have been longing for each other’s tongue. I knew to myself that I once had a crush on Hangman, but my feelings never went further due to his character. Moreover, I never imagined myself doing this in the back of Rooster's truck. Never in my wildest dreams have I pictured myself to even be in this type of situation with Hangman.
Without breaking the contact within our lips, things began to escalate between the two of us. I started to unbutton his polo, which he then took off afterwards, revealing his body that might be sculpted by a god. He untied the straps of my dress, causing them to fall down. Fortunately, due to the tight fit of the dress, it did not leave me half naked in this very parking lot, which is something that I am thankful for, knowing that we are in a public space. We broke off, catching our breaths. A second or two later, we began kissing again. I needed him.
"Oh shit," we heard someone mutter, causing us to disconnect our lips.
Jake looked at the guy, "What the hell, Rooster!"
"Iceman is gonna haunt me in my dreams," he said, stunned.
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alyswritings · 2 years
Favorite Spider-Man
Request: Hi there! I love your Tom Holland x toddler!sister works and i had a request Could you write where the reader is about 4-5 and Tom takes her to the set of NWH, and there he introduces her to Andrew and Tobey and she kinda playing with them and Tom gets a lil jealous and its a whole lotta fluff fluff fluff ✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️
Tom Holland x sister!reader
Summary: Tom gets jealous when Y/N gets along with Tobey and Andrew.
Warnings: fluff, tom being a jealous big brother
a/n: thank you for the request! sorry it took a bit of time to get out. hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Tom carries Y/N onto set, Harry and Nikki trailing behind, stuck in their own conversation.
"You excited to see everybody?" Tom asks his sister.
"Uh-huh. Especially Z." Y/N grins. Tom softly chuckles at his sister's love for Zendaya.
"Yes, well, I can't argue with that." Tom says, a loving smile on his face -- both for his sister and his girlfriend.
"Are the other Spider-mans here?" Y/N asks.
"Yep. Both of them." Tom confirms.
"So I can meet them?"
"Of course." Tom nods, Y/N getting an excited grin.
- - -
While Tom got hair and makeup done and got in his Spider-Man costume, Y/N spent that whole time with Zendaya and Jacob, the two entertaining the girl, the young girl claiming a place on Zendaya's lap.
After getting ready, Tom returns and gets Y/N, the girl reaching out for her brother. Tom picks her up, resting her on his hip.
"You wanna meet Tobey and Andrew now?" Tom asks.
"Uh-huh." Y/N nods.
"Okay, come on." Tom walks over to where he left the other two Spider-Mans after a short talk with them. "Y/N, meet Andrew and Tobey. Guys, this is Y/N." He introduces.
"Hi, Y/N." Andrew smiles, Tobey giving her a smile and wave.
"Hi." Y/N smiles. She squirms in Tom's hold until he puts her down. She walks up to the other two. "What's your favorite color?"
Tom quietly chuckles at the first question she always asks anybody she meets. He doesn't know why it's the default question, but it has been for at least a year.
Tom just observes as Y/N practically talks Andrew and Tobey's ears off, the two letting her and enjoying the conversation with her.
- - -
Later in the day, the cast is taking a break from filming, mostly waiting for everything to be set up again. Tom watches in the distance as Y/N plays with Tobey and Andrew, the girl constantly giggling.
"Hey." He turns to see Zendaya walk up to him. "You good?" She asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess." Tom frowns, turning his attention back to his four year old sister. Ever since she met the older two Spider-Men, she's been attached to them. She sat with them during lunch and has only really talked to her mother outside of them.
Tom tried to play with her earlier, but she rejected him, going to Tobey and Andrew.
"If you're okay, why are you pouting?" Zendaya questions, a small amused smirk on her face. Tom huffs, motioning over to Y/N, Tobey, and Andrew.
"She's been with them all day." Tom complains.
"And?" Zendaya asks.
"She isn't giving anybody else the time of day. They're her new favorite people." Tom whines. "I want her attention again." He pouts, his lower lip jutting out, his brown doe eyes reminding Zendaya of a puppy dog making her quietly laugh.
"You'll get her attention back sometime. She's just excited to be around new people." Zendaya says.
"I want her attention now." Tom grumbles.
"Have you tried to get her attention?" Zendaya asks.
"Yes. She rejected me and went to them." Tom informs.
"Look, she's little, she doesn't know she's hurting your feelings." Zendaya says.
"She isn't hurting my feelings." Tom objects and Zendaya gives him a look.
"Jealousy is a feeling, Tom." Zendaya reminds.
"I am not jealous." Tom insists, earning another look from his girlfriend. "Okay, fine, I'm jealous. But she used to be attached to my hip. Now, she's attached to theirs."
"Look, she's meeting new people, she's excited. She'll be back next to you in no time. And after the movie, she'll be seeing you a lot more than she'll ever see them." Zendaya says.
"Then I just have to make sure favorite brother stays with me." Tom says.
"Are you sure you're her favorite brother now?" Zendaya asks.
"Yes." Tom says, but sees Zendaya's look. "What? Did she say something?"
"Well, as of earlier, Sam is currently her favorite brother." Zendaya informs.
"What?!" Tom exclaims.
"He made her cookies before they left. He'd be my favorite right now, too." Zendaya shrugs.
"Well, don't worry. I have no cookies, so my favorite Holland brother is still you."
"Thanks, I guess."
"Trust me, you guys go home, she'll be back to cuddling you like the world is ending." Zendaya promises.
- - -
The Hollands are back at Tom's place after filming ended for the day. Nikki gave Y/N a bath while Harry and Tom each took their own showers before settling in the living room.
Tom exits the kitchen, handing Harry his mug of tea, a mug of tea for himself in his other hand.
"Thanks, mate." Harry says, taking the mug.
"Yeah, no problem." Tom says, sitting on the couch.
As Harry is finding something to watch, Y/N practically skips into the living room and goes up to Tom.
"Can you brush your hair?" She asks hopefully, giving him puppy dog eyes, the trick that always gets him to give her whatever she wants.
"Sure, love." Tom puts his mug on the table next to the couch. He takes the hairbrush and Y/N climbs into his lap. Tom leans back against the couch to create a distance and he starts to brush her hair.
Tom makes sure to not tug too harshly, apologizing whenever she would let out a small 'ow.'
"Thank you." Y/N tells him, kissing his cheek, before rushing off to the kitchen. A few moments later, they hear her groan out of frustration.
"I can't reach the Pop Tarts!" She calls out.
"I got it." Harry says, getting up and going to the kitchen. Harry gets the Pop Tarts off the highest shelf he put them on earlier, giving a packet to Y/N.
"Hey, hey." Harry whispers, stopping Y/N from leaving. "Go spend time with Tom."
"Why?" Y/N whispers back.
"Well, he was feeling left out earlier since you spent the whole day with Tobey and Andrew." Harry quietly says.
"He was?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah. He's been pouty all day. Honestly, you would think he's the four year old." Harry jokes making Y/N giggle.
"Does that mean I hurt him?" Y/N frowns.
"No. No, he's fine. He just wants some Y/N time." Harry says.
"Okay." Y/N nods, quickly running out to Tom. She notices the mug of tea in his hand so she slows down, climbing onto the couch with less, disregarding her plan to jump on it.
"Open, please." She holds the Pop Tarts out to him. Tom takes the packet and opens it for her, receiving a thank you. Y/N grabs his arm and wraps it around her, cuddling into his side as she begins to munch on the snack.
Tom softly smiles, his hold subconsciously tightening around her a bit as he puts her favorite movie.
Halfway through the movie, Y/N and Tom are the only ones up, Harry and Nikki retreating to bed both exhausted, and Tom offering to put Y/N to bed when it was time.
Y/N looks up at her eldest brother, his attention focused on the movie even though he's seen it countless times.
"Tommy?" Y/N calls, getting his attention.
"Hmm? What is it, darling?" Tom asks.
"I'm sorry I made you feel left out earlier." Y/N says.
"What? Who told you that?" Tom asks.
"Harry." Y/N answers.
Tom quietly laughs, reminding himself to smack Harry over the head later.
"It's okay, love. I know you didn't mean to. Nothing's your fault." Tom assures.
"Are you sure? I always hate feeling left out." Y/N says.
"I know. But I'm positive, I'm okay. I was just being moody earlier. It's absolutely nothing to worry about." Tom promises.
"If it helps, you're my favorite Spider-Man. Real life Spider-Man, too." Y/N tells him and Tom softly smiles.
"It does help, thank you." Tom says, kissing her on the head, hugging her. After silently sitting for a few minutes, watching the movie, Tom breaks the silence with a question. "Am I your favorite brother, too?"
"Right now, yes." Y/N answers.
"I'll be whatever you want if I'm your favorite brother all month." Tom bribes.
"Deal." Y/N grins.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @peyton-14
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: *got invited to visit in the House Of Lamentation*
Simeon: Father, remember what I told you earlier.
MC: Aw come on, Simeon. Don't give me that worried look. I'll be fine. *patting his head*
Simeon: But... Are you sure you're fine on your own?
MC: *nods* I'm here to know my children, right? *smiles*
Simeon: *smiles back but has a hesitant expression*
Simeon: Father, you need to be home at 8. Even if you're late for only a minute, you'll know what will happen.
MC: *laughs awkwardly* What if I was late because I was walking slowly?
Simeon: *frowns a little* Father.
MC: Just kidding. Just kidding. I'll be home at 8.
Lucifer: How long are you going to chat there?
MC: Ah, Lucifer! *beams* Hello!
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Get inside. *then walks back to the house*
MC: See you later, Simeon!
Simeon: *nods* *watches them go*
Simeon: *his face turned serious* *calls for the crow*
Simeon: Keep father safe.
The crow: Caw!
Lucifer: Welcome to the House Of Lamentation, father.
MC: *looks around* Ah, Lucifer? Can I ask you a question?
Lucifer: What is it?
MC: *smiles* I don't need to guard myself around you.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: That isn't a question, father.
MC: *chuckles* Yeah. Sorry.
Lucifer: *sigh* Anyway, I'll show you around—
Asmo: I thought I've Satan wrong when he said that you would be bringing father here.
Asmo: I didn't know you were that forgiving, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Asmo, when did you arrive?
Asmo: Just now~. *walks downstairs* And hello to you, father. Are you here to see if we're suffering? Guess you're a bit disappointed.
MC: ...
Asmo: *feels troubled* *tries to wave it off* Forget about it, father. I don't want you destroying us now—
MC: *walks closer to him*
Asmo: !!!
MC: *reaches for his cheek*
Asmo: *shuts his eyes in fear*
Asmo: *felt the gentle touch of their fingers*
MC: You have a lipstick mark on your cheek.
Asmo: *opens his eyes* Father...?
MC: *tries to wipe it off gently* Excuse me for a second, okay? I'm just trying to... *focuses*
Asmo: ...
Lucifer: *stern* Father.
MC: Give me a second. I'll just need to wipe it off and all there...*satisfied smile* You look good again now.
Asmo: Father...
Mammon: Hey, Lucifer! Are they still not here— *sees MC* *runs towards them* Father!
MC: *faces him* Mammon! *catches him to hug*
Mammon: *like a toddler* Are you going to have a sleepover here?
MC: I wish I can. But Simeon wants me to be back at 8.
Mammon: *whines* Don't listen to him!
Asmo: *confused*
Lucifer: Father, put Mammon down.
MC: Don't worry, Lucifer. I can carry him while we walk.
Lucifer: *sigh* Fine.
Asmo: Lucifer—
Lucifer: I'll tell you later.
Asmo: ...
Luke: I'm worried about father...
Raphael: Simeon, are you sure he'll be safe there?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: To be honest, no. But I trust father's decision.
*a few days ago*
MC: Simeon, I want to meet all of them.
Simeon: H-Huh?
MC: *smiles*
Simeon: Father, does that mean—
MC: I have... got some of his memories. I want to meet the eight of them.
MC: *points to themselves* And have this bastard apologize.
Simeon: ...
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
i’ve just been giggling over the thought of reader having two siblings steve doesnt know about, and the first time he comes over he stares at the children for a solid minute with wide eyes before asking reader if they’re her’s and she just giggles at him
I’m not sure if you wanted this as a blurb, but THE GIFS I IMAGINED FOR THIS LOL so I’m gonna do like a little talk you through and gifs thing I hope that’s okay lol
Okay so say maybe they’re twins, but there’s a big age difference so they’re only toddlers like 2-3. If you’re Steve’s age that could mean he would’ve thought you had them at 16 which is obviously totally possible.
I imagine he comes to visit while you’re babysitting and one of them comes running to the door and opens it and they’re all excited like “HI are you da boyfriend” and he’s all stunned like
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And he’s sure he has the wrong house because SURELY you’d tell him that you had a kid so he asks if you’re home and the little girl is all like “follow me” and leads him in
Poor boy his mind is feeling of course. But it wouldn’t be a deal breaker because this is STEVE. Even if he got bonus kids that weren’t his biologically he would be thrilled. So he’s halfway to being prepared to hear that you have a child when ANOTHER little girl comes in that looks exactly like the first and Steve is just floored by now and staring at them like
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“She says she be here in a minute” the second little girl tells him and Steve is just all okay, cool she has twins. No big deal. Just the shock of it all. Of course though, Steve is a gentleman, a complete teddy bear and a cinnamon roll so he goes
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To the pair of twins. They just giggle and wave and tell them their names when he asks. I imagine one of them going “you’re pretty” and he’s so flabbergasted but he also thinks they’re adorable so he just grins and tells them thank you
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You finally come running in and Steve’s all “you should’ve told me! It would’ve been fine with me! I love kids, obviously!”
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It’s safe to say you’re a bit confused because whereas you were going to introduce him to your family eventually, you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. So you’re like “well I was gonna introduce you, but I guess they decided to introduce themselves first.” and he’s all “that’s okay! I don’t mind if you’re a mom” all confidence and charm
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Then you’re just staring at him before you bust out laughing and poor, poor Steve is even more confused and he goes “They’re yours right?”
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When you finally stop laughing you’re like “yes, my little sisters.” Steve would be so embarrassed and would never hear the end of it after that.
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Could you do more lucmax poly headcanons?
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More Poly!Lumax Headcanons w/ gn reader.
BIG spoilers for s4 v2.
Max learns to do hair for you two because she never has to do anything to hers.
It's not very long after that you walk into Lucas's room and find her braiding his curls back into tight neat rows
and her popping him with her comb when he keeps reaching up to see how much is left.
She often finds hairstyles in magazines or on TV she wants to try on one of you.
I said before she's not good with words because no one taught her how. But she's good at this and it becomes a way for her to show her love through service.
It breaks your heart when for the first time ever you're the one doing her hair up nice while she's sleeping away in the hospital.
Lucas loves to dance with the two of you. Spinning you around on smooth flooring while wearing socks.
Max has the dance coordination of a toddler but it's the most adorable thing to him when she stumbles a little and the two of you lean into each to laugh as you hold her up.
Looking at the two of you thinking about how much he never thought about loving two people THIS much, is his favorite memory. Every new time topping the old.
When he looks at you now it's a bit blurry but he sees there's no smile. But his ears still work fine he hears there's no laugher he hears you humming under your breath as you tend to max as much as the doctor will allow. The songs you danced to.
Max adores nicknames. Especially quirky ones you wouldn't hear anyone else call their loves
"hey, gingerbread." And her nose crinkled.
"ick. Hi loser." But she's smiling.
Her all time favorite is princess. She won't admit it but she always wants to play princess as a kid with her dad or a brother who could play the knight. But for a long time she was an only child. And her parents weren't all there.
Tell anyone and she'd deny it but you and Lucas take turns playing the knight that saves her just like in her fantasies as a kid. She has a paper princess crown and stands on top of the not-much-used anymore Sinclair families play set giggling as the two of you fight and she cheers you on no matter who you're playing that day. And Lucas frowns when he's knight because his fair princess has a case of Stockholm apparently
Max is very still as you read her princess tales in her coma. She might not even hear you but you change ever princesses description to look like her and every knight to look like Lucas. The same Lucas who watches you frown because there is never another knight in the love story.
Lucas who goes home after visiting hours and comes back the next day with a poorly drawn book about a fairy princess and her two knights
Max and Lucas love to give small passing kisses to one another. and when they see you watching them intensely with cheeks puffed of air they cover your entire face.
Max taste like sugar.
Max smells like cherry cola
Lucas taste like mint. Smells like it too.
Lucas carries Max's cherry cola chapstick in his pocket. It fell out of her pocket when the ambulance took her away. He makes sure to apply it for her. Max HATED hates having chapped lips. He smiles a little when he kisses you and you taste a bit like cherry cola.
Lucas loves sappy movies. He's a total cry baby under that new cool guy persona. He's such a sucker for a happy ending. "Fuck you guys how are you not in tears that was so touching"
"I guess we're just built different, you and us, stalker."
Lucas cries a lot after the doctor's talk to him.
He doesn't let you listen to the conversation sometimes.
"how about you read to Max. I'll be back. We're just still trying to find Ms. Mayfield."
He tells you what you need to know. He doesn't hide it from you.
She might not be ok
If when she wakes up she might not see.
You'll have to help her he says
And that's ok
Because you love her.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
So bear with me. MC sleeps like a rock. A bomb could go off next to them, and they don't wake up. Now, add shallow breathing, and they look like a corpse. You could mistake them for a corpse if you don't check their pulse.
How would the brothers (+ datables if you're not too picky hehe) react to the first time waking them up for school only to think they probably died in their sleep on day one??
Sleeping Like a Corpse!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer didn’t think much of you when you arrived, now could he be bothered to personally make sure you peeled yourself out of bed in the morning. So naturally, he sent Mammon to go do it.
But when Mammon came back complaining about how you didn’t budge an inch, big bro realized he’d have to take care of it himself, like usual.
He figured slamming your door open would’ve done the trick, but you remain still. And as much as he wants to drag you out of bed by the ankle, he knows how fragile humans can be. He opts for giving you a vigorous shake, and.... you don’t budge.
He calls your name, nothing. He literally pulls you upright by the shoulders and jostles you around like a protein shaker bottle, but you don’t move, and- wait... are you breathing? MAMMOOOOOO-
“Haaah... It’s your first morning with us, and you’re already causing me trouble. If it weren’t for the warmth of your skin, I’d have thought you were dead. Perhaps I should give you an enchanted alarm clock, if you prove to be this difficult to wake every morning.”
Tch, he seriously didn’t get why THE Great Mammon had to do this sorta grunt work! Why should he have to make sure a lousy human gets up for school? It’s not like he’s their babysitter! but we all know he’s a p*ssy so he’s not gonna say that out loud
But that means he’s gonna make sure you know how irritated he is! Mammon bursts into your room, calling you a ‘stinkin’ human’ at the top of his lungs, and... you don’t move a muscle. So his next step is to stomp over and rip your blankets off, and..... you still don’t move.
What the hell? It’s like trying to wake up Belphie! He leans in to try to smack you awake, when he finally notices how it...kinda...looks like you aren’t breathing.
Wait. Wait wait wait-! SURE he didn’t feel like having to watch you, but that didn’t mean he wanted you to die on the first night! Lucifer was gonna KILL him-! Did you die of fright or something?! He didn’t really mean all that stuff he said about eating you, you know?! Hey, snap out of it-!
“What the- You’re ALIVE?! I thought you died in your sleep, dammit! TCH! What’s the big idea, playin’ dead like that?! Ya tryin’ to get me in trouble?!” “-N-no I wasn’t worried about ya!”
Why does HE have to wake you up..? Sure, he has to go to school today anyway for the student council meeting, but what does that have to do with a human..? Couldn’t Lucifer have asked ANYONE else..?
Beyond annoyed when he enters your room. What’s he supposed to do?? Shake you?? Hit you with something???? Levi opts for awkwardly poking your side, and noticing how you don’t react. Great. Ugh... this sucked....
He tries again, then pokes the back of your head, tugs your sleeve, shakes your arm... then you roll over from the movement and he nearly has a heart attack. Not only because you surprised him, but because you.. wait, did you die?!
Stuck between “LMAOOOO ROFLMAO the human died on their first night! What a noob! #fail!” and “KDAKLFHLDSJFKL OH NO HELLO?????”
“WH- Ahhh... I thought you were dead. You know how long Lucifer would've lectured if if you died, right? He'd be so mad, i bet he'd even confiscate my D.D.D.! Normies like you are nothing but trouble. This is why a human shouldn't even be here..."
What a chore... This felt like more of a punishment than anything, and Satan hadn’t even done anything yet. Unless Lucifer already discovered the ink he dripped into his shampoo? Either way, he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you.
But seeing as he got to hang around you in your most vulnerable state, wouldn’t it be funny if he put a curse on you? He was sure that whatever he chose would become a headache for Lucifer in some way, so the possibilities were endless.
Temporary blindness, backwards speech, rainbow colored skin, extreme bad luck, he didn’t know what to choose! Ah, and there were a few curses he wanted to use on Lucifer that needed to be tested out, so why not experiment on you?
He had plenty of time to pick the perfect one and- ah. Were you.. dead? Did someone beat him to the punch?
“Ah, so you’re alive after all. And here I thought I could harass Lucifer with knowing his human had died in their sleep. Well, it’ll have to wait, I guess...I was really looking forward to the expression on his face...”
What? Lucifer was ACTUALLY letting him go in the cute little human’s room, completely unsupervised? What a bold move, dearest big brother~! There’s no way he’d pass up the chance to take a peek at your sleeping face! You were pretty cute, but he’d like to see if you were worth his attention.
That being said, Asmo creeps into your room like a sneaky toddler, and doesn’t hesitate to grab your shoulder and roll you over to get a good look at your sleeping face. Hmm... Not bad! 
So with that, he hops right into your bed unannounced, bouncing you around and giving you that innocent giggle of his. Aren’t you lucky? You get to be woken up by the endlessly charming Asmo-chan~! The first thing you’ll see is his gorgeous face, and you’ll be blessed with the perfect first school day! 
Why, there are hundreds and thousands of demons who wish they were as lucky as you were right now! He’s seen how they’ll fight tooth and nail for a chance to-..... hey, how come you’re not breathing..? Er, he’s not really into that sort of thing...
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you up and died before I had a chance to get to know you! You know how disappointed I’d be, right? Knowing I wasn’t able to explore the cute human living in our house... it’d be a tragedy!”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind that much. Having to go and wake you up reminds him of when Belphie was still around, so it’s familiar and feels kind of nice. What DOESN’T feel nice is that he’s missing valuable time he could be spending inhaling his breakfast, because you won’t wake up.
Hangry Beel enters your room with a bagel in his mouth, so you couldn’t understand what he was saying even if you were awake. Just know he’s calling your name and threatening to eat your breakfast. It’s your loss if you miss out.
Hm... You don’t wake up even after he shakes you, so he’s tempted to just leave. But he knows Lucifer will scold you if he returns downstairs without you, so he’s got to improvise.
It’s fine if he just carries you downstairs, right? He’s just tryin to eat man why can’t you- ...Beel is noticing a distinct lack of breath coming from you when he picks you up. Uhhh
“Oh, you aren’t dead. I was going to ask Lucifer if we could have you for breakfast too, but I guess that’s not an option anymore. He says hurry up and get dressed, and that you should give me your breakfast. Bye.”
He’s in the attic, so same lmao.
Twins! Still gonna strangle and throw you down the stairs in the future tho
Couple goals amirite?
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Hi rabbit I have an idea for a story! What if reader was married to Sy’s best friend and has a toddler but her husband was killed on duty when the baby was only a few weeks old? Sy has taken it upon himself to make sure reader and her little girl are looked after. But as months go on they both develop feelings and Sy pulls away out of guilt and reader is feeling shattered. I’m imagining an angsty fic with some smut at the end?
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Summary: Sy made a promise to his best friend, your husband, to look after you and his son when he died. One night, Sy takes things too far making a drunken pass at you just before his last deployment and it threatens to derail your relationship. Sy sees you again for the first time since that night at a New Year’s Eve party.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Single Mother Reader
Word Count: approx. 1.8k
Warnings: Sy POV, Angst with a happy ending, implied forced kissing/unwanted kissing, mention of death, implied smut.
Authors Note: Ok so, in a panic I remembered that I was supposed to do a New Year’s Kiss fic for @cavillsthighs Cavillmas. I’m so sorry I forgot all about it. Luckily, I had part of this story rolling around in my head for a while thanks to the anon ask. It’s not exactly what you asked for Anon, but it did inspire this fic.
Thanks to @henryobsessed for Beta reading and @amberangel112 for Beta reading and being the best title fairy ever!
Edited by me, there will be errors.
Please be gentle with me, I wrote this in a couple of hours in a mad panic 🙈
More Than Ever
“Uncle Sy!”
I turned round just in time to put my beer on the table and squat on tired knees to scoop little Ryan into a hug. I stood with the boy pressing him close to my chest. He was heavier than I expected, I guess that’s what nearly twelve months of not seeing a kid will do.
“Lemme look atchu, Ryan,” I said, pulling my head back to look at him. God damn that kid looked like his Daddy. Had your eyes though. “Jeez, you’re so big. You gonna be drivin’ a car soon I reckon.” I squinted my eyes at him. “You been workin’ out? Is that it? Been bulkin’ up?”
Ryan giggled and shook his head. I put him down, and got low again.
“Yeah ya have,” I teased. “Show me them guns.”
Ryan lifted his arms bending at the elbow, I copied him and he growled as he flexed, veins popping out in his neck. Trying to keep my laugh in I growled back at him, tightening my muscles. He lowered his arms and brought his fists close together in front of his belly.
“Whoa!” I said, reaching out to give his little skin and bones arms a squeeze. “Ya better put those away, Ryan. Ya scarin’ me.”
He laughed again and kept growling as a hand ruffled his hair.
“He’s been talking nonstop about seeing you since I told him we were coming,” you said.
I almost couldn’t look at you. I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes and stood. I kept my gaze on Ryan. “I missed ya too li’l man.”
“Didja buy me a present?”
I laughed as you chastised him. I finally looked at you, and took an unsteady breath. God damn, you were so beautiful, to perfectly good. I felt like I had to go have a shower or something just be good enough to talk to you.
“He’s fine Darlin’, I did get ‘im somethin’,” I said.
“You did?” Ryan exclaimed.
“Yeah, it’s inside under the tree. Ask ya Aunt Caroline to get it for ya.”
He ran off with a squeal, you turned to watch him but my eyes couldn’t help but look you over. You looked amazing in your tight jeans and sweater, hugging you in all the right places. My body went into overdrive just as my mind went dumb.
You turned back to me but couldn’t meet my eyes. I clenched my jaw, you shouldn’t be the one who’s ashamed. I had hoped that after we had talked those few times you would have been ok to see me again. That night was all me, all my fault. I wanted to apologise again, I would if I thought it would do any good. I had to say something, I couldn’t let this awkwardness go on or we’d never get past it.
“You look well,” I said. My voice was a little more hoarse than I would have liked, but you didn’t seem to notice.
“You do too,” you said. You peeked shyly at me, fidgeting a little with the sleeves on your sweater. “It’s good to see you.”
With relief I let out a breath. Maybe it would be ok. “You too, Darlin’.”
You took half a step toward me, an awkward, hesitant step. I did the same and wrapped my arms around your shoulders as yours slid around my waist. As soon as I made contact with you my body ached. I wanted to hold you to me, press my nose into your neck and smell you, feel your skin warm against mine. But your body was stiff, like you didn’t want to actually hug me, and I felt cold.
Clearing my throat, I let you go. That was ok, I would just talk to you. We could still do that right? I hadn’t ruined that had I? Maybe I had. Maybe all I could hope for now was polite small talk and the superficial conversations you had given me since that night.
Alright, I’ll go back to basics, I’ll start again. Maybe one day you’ll trust me enough, to let me back into your life once more.
“So, uh, how’s Ryan goin’?”
You smiled like you always do. You’re so proud of your boy. “Good. Be prepared for him to ask you to take him camping again.”
“You want me to take him?” I asked, wondering if my being forced out of your life meant I was out of Ryan’s too.
“You don’t have to,” you said. “My brothers older now, he’s been spending time with him.”
I sucked my lip into my mouth as I considered your words. They stung, a lot.
“I want to take him, Darlin’. I like the damn kid.” You smiled at me and like a damn fool I couldn’t leave it at that. “I made a promise to his Daddy and I intend to keep it.”
Your face darkened and I knew I’d fucked up. “Christ, Sy,” you said.
“Darlin’…” I put my arm out to you, but you turned your back on me and walked away. “Fuck.” I looked around to see if anyone noticed the exchange, but no one seemed to be paying us any mind. I picked my beer up and shook my head. This was going to be a long night.
I kept my eyes on you all evening. Even when I had to take my sunglasses off, I didn’t stop looking at you. I gave you your space though. I didn’t try and talk to you again, though I wanted to. I wanted to explain, tell you that I was sorry. That I’d never try that again, but you seemed to have made your mind up and things couldn’t go back to how they were, how they had been before I was deployed, before that night.
It was getting close to midnight. I’d leave as soon as the clock ticked over, let you have some fun without having to look over your shoulder at me staring at you the whole time. I made sure not to drink too much so I could drive. And so there wasn’t a repeat of that night.
To say I was shocked when you came and sat next to me was an understatement. I would have been less surprised to see the Queen of England walk through the door, naked, and chugging a beer bong.
You didn’t say anything for the longest time, you just sat there looking straight ahead, and I could almost see the wheels turning in your head. It was making me nervous, I wanted to tell you just to either yell at me, hit me, or go away. But I sat there because I owed you, you deserved to be heard out.
“I wasn’t upset that you kissed me, Sy.”
I damn near fell out of my chair.
Then you actually laughed, not a laugh of happiness, but of bitterness and that was somehow much worse. “If I’m honest, I’d wanted you to kiss me for a couple of years.”
I wanted to jump out of my chair, I fucking knew it. I knew there was something between us. God fucking damn it. Even that night, drunk as I was, (and I remembered more of that night than I cared to,) I could have sworn for a few seconds you had kissed me back.
“It just really hurt that you came to me like you did.”
“I get that,” I said softly. “You’re right, you didn’t deserve that.” No woman deserved what I did. Showing up at your place unannounced, drunk as a fucking skunk, horny, and scared out of my mind about going on another deployment, I was a fucking mess. You should have kicked me out the minute I made the first pass at you.
“Did you mean what you said?” Your voice was so small, so hesitant, but also hopeful.
“Yes,” I said without hesitation. “I meant every damn word.”
“Do you still want that?” Why were you so scared? Did you really not know? Did you really think I only said those things to cause I was drunk and trying to get into your pants?
“Yes.” I tried to look you in the eyes so there was no mistake, so you knew I was telling you the truth, but you barely looked at me. “More than ever.”
You were quiet again. The kids were starting to get excited, and sparklers were being handed out. I checked my watch, it was only a minute until midnight.
You stood, and I stood too. You closed the distance between us. “I know it’s been nearly five years since Ryan died, but I still miss him.”
“I know,” I said, trying to keep the hope out of my voice. “I ain’t tryin’ to replace him. I just want to be there for you, Darlin’. For both of you. I won’t try anythin’ like that again. Not unless you ask me to.” I was babbling. I should shut up.
“I missed you just as much.” You were looking at the kids, watching them laughing and squealing with anticipation. “This year was awful. I don’t want to go through that again.”
My fingers actually shook as I put my hand to your cheek and turned your face to mine. “What are you sayin’, Baby?”
The countdown started, kids and adults alike shouted the numbers at the top of their lungs, but as far as I was concerned there was nothing in the world except you. You lifted your eyes to mine, finally letting me see you. My heart cramped, it hurt seeing the pain in your eyes.
“Baby, what is it? Tell me,” I implored.
“Kiss me, Sy,” you whispered so softly I could have sworn I imagined it, until your hands rested on my chest.
I lifted my other hand to your neck and licked my lips. I watched you do the same, and you closed your eyes. My nose bumped into yours and for a moment I stayed there, waiting, sure you were going to push me away. But you didn’t and I pressed my lips against yours.
With my hand on your neck, I felt you whimper. God that was the hottest thing and I instantly felt my cock kick in my pants. Barely keeping control, my lips stroked yours as yours caressed mine.
I pulled away slightly, keeping my head close to yours. I didn’t want to, but I had to, I wouldn’t make the mistake of going too quickly. I was gonna take this slow, though it would damn near kill me, I was gonna treat you right.
The party was singing, couples were kissing, and the kids were writing words in the night air with their sparklers. Maybe it would be okay. We could start fresh, a clean slate, maybe this could be a new beginning.
“Happy New Year, Baby,” I whispered, not caring at all about how out of breath I was.
“Happy New Year, Sy.”
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HELLO! If you're following me it's probably because you're insufferably in love with characters like this one:
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And the other one -- that's fine, stay with me here, stay with me.
I want to make this explicitly and unequivocally clear: EVERY FUCKING CREATURE BEING THAT KNEW AZIRAPHALE (except perhaps for Crowley) WAS WRONG ABOUT AZIRAPHALE.
Including Aziraphale.
Like ok why what's the meta here?
Here it is
It's him
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It's his archangels
Spoiler for something I wrote: the archangels expect everything and nothing from Aziraphale all at the same fucking time.
He can't do anything "right" and they know it. They send him to Earth and he seems to be important? But like? They don't actually expect anything from him?
Like Archangel Fucking Gabriel is one of the most important goddamn angels in God's host... I'm sure? Sure. And you've got this angel reporting to, er, Michael I guess but also effectively you, (one of) the most important angels in the host. There's the Metatron, also, but who moves the pieces?
So you have this Extremely Important Highly Regarded (and medal of honored!!) angel down on Earth thwarting the wiles of Evil Incarnate™ Himself (aka 1/2 of ineffable idiots on god's planet)... And when he says he's pursuing the identity of The Antichrist so he can circumvent The Great Plan, your response is... Lol ok yeah whatever that's cool have fun we don't care because you're ACTUALLY not that important nor do we think you're competent enough so carry on you toddler child of an angel. ❤️✌️ GLHF.
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What the actual fucking FUCK right? They'll punish him for not getting results, and even if he exceeds expectations, they'll act so entirely unimpressed with him he doesn't even think he's worthy of love.
Then to EVERYONE'S FUCKING SURPRISE, Aziraphale is actually the one who figures out the entire end of the world -- AND THIS IS DESPITE THINKING DOLPHINS ARE A FISH. He not only figured out the end of the world, he weaponized pedantry so fucking hard that he GOT HEAVEN AND HELL TO BACK DOWN FROM THE APOCALYPSE THEY'VE BEEN PREPARING TO HAVE FOR SIX THOUSAND YEARS. Ten million angels, ten million demons, standing down from their war footing, putting down their weapons, and going back to work.
So there's two points here and neither one of them is about dolphins I'm sorry.
The first point is about Crowley. I actually don't know if it would be fair to say he was wrong about Aziraphale. He never thought Aziraphale was incapable, he thought Heaven and God were incapable. He relied on him, leaned on him, supported him -- he lets him get all the way up to the brink of discorporation with his shenanigans before stepping in because the angel is so clever but sometimes he needs help. He thinks the world of Aziraphale, the world.
The second point is you.
The point is you who have been told: you can't do it, you're not worthy, you're not clever enough, you're not enough. You who have been told this by others. You who have been told this by yourself. You who have been surrounded on all sides by cliffs and have no support. You who I can relate to because yeah me too I've been there.
You can. You are. You are enough.
I lied, the point is kind of about dolphins because you know what? You don't always need to be right or perfect. That doesn't make you worthless. The point still stands.
Everyone was wrong about Aziraphale, including Aziraphale.
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rosaline-black · 2 years
𝙱𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚜-𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚞𝚜 𝙻𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚗
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Summary: your boyfriend Remus wont let you study
Category: Remus Lupin X Fem!plus!size!reader
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One thing that made you laugh about being bigger was the fact that other people had this impression you didn't realise? Like calling you fat would shock you so much you'd burst into tears and never eat again. Well hate to break it to you but it doesn't work that way. At Hogwarts people could be mean, when you'd started in your first year, older kids sniggered when you walked by and at first, you weren't really sure why. And then you figured it out. Now, however, you had never been more comfortable in your body.
Of course, you had your off days, days where you wanted to just hide under your duvet to never see the light of day. But everyone had those days, and if there was one thing you weren't going to do, it was to let your body come in the way of achieving your goals. And you had big goals.
You wanted to make something of yourself, which is why right now you were sitting on a Saturday, your brain trying to process the words on the textbook in front of you. You had definitely read the same line five times now, none of it going into your head. Newts we're vastly approaching, and your boyfriend was doing everything he could to distract you from the task at hand. Passing.
It came as no surprise that Remus lupin was mischievous, he was part of the marauders, it kind of came with the title. But you'd never expected him to be this damn clingy. His hands roamed your curves as he stood behind you.
"Come on love you've been on the same page for ten minutes..."
"Remus I need to do this..."
He let out a soft groan and you felt the weight of his head fall on your shoulder, now completely engulfing you from behind. He was a menace. You wanted nothing more than to take his hand and join him in bed for cuddles, and if you played your cards right maybe a little more than cuddles, but no. You had to get this done, transfiguration came first, even if it was boring the living hell out of you.
"Come on... I bought some chocolate frogs from Hogsmeade... your favourite..."
You took this opportunity to tease him, turning your head with a subtle smirk you looked into his hazel eyes "Trying to bribe a fat girl with chocolate... wow Remus I thought better of you..."
His eyes widened and he shook his head like a mad man, which now you decided to burst into a fit of cackles "Sorry love I was just joking... but no... you know I'm shit at transfiguration..."
"So am I... come on it's Saturday you've been working hard all week..."
He looked cute like this, pleading with wide eyes like a needy toddler. You loved seeing him look so carefree, the furrow he held between his brow had smoothed and the scars that looked painted by the gods were wrinkled, he looked perfect. Maybe one Saturday could be wasted with Remus lupin...
With a swish of Remus's wand, he had already packed up your stuff like he knew he was going to convince you to leave. That bastard.
"Come on m'lady... my dorm room awaits..."
You couldn't help but let out a girlish giggle, playfully curtsying as he wrapped his arm around your thick waist, peppering kisses all around your head like he'd been waiting the entire day to do so. Which now you guessed he had.
The two of you ignored the stares and the gossipers, eyes not leaving one and the other as you travelled up to the Gryffindor boy’s dorms.
"The others won't be here, will they? I love them but you know they'll just try to cuddle with us..."
Remus let out a gruff laugh and shook his head "No one can cuddle you but me... Sirius needs to keep his grubby hands to himself... but no they're not here... they're planning a prank on some first-year Slytherins..."
You nodded as he burst the dorm room door open, his hands still not leaving you as he helped you take off the heavy jumper you were wearing. Your round cheeks blushed watching his eyes scan you with pure love, his lips connecting to your own as he guided you to his bed, not before collecting his chocolate stash from under his bed. He'd clearly had to hide it from his friends, they were fiends.
"Now lay down darling and relax... you've been working yourself too hard..." You rolled your eyes but conceded nonetheless, Remus really did have that power over you.
Your Gryffindor boyfriend came beside you, pulling you onto his lap as he rested one hand on your hip, the other unwrapping a bar of chocolate "here...". Remus slipped a piece of chocolate between your lips while he held you, massaging your shoulders and planting aimless kisses around your cheeks and neck.
“You’re a bad influence Remus lupin…” you murmured, surprised at the own vulnerability you were showing. The both of you were never good at letting people in, so a few years ago the thought of letting someone massage you while they fed you sweets, well it sounded ridiculous, but right now you felt like you were in heaven.
Pure bliss.
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p0und-cake · 2 years
Hi! I really loved your Steve Harrington oneshot "Yesterday" and I was wondering if you would do something with them working at Scoops Ahoy with Robin? I don't know, I really want to see Robin tease them and stuff- completely fine if not! I've really enjoyed what you've written so far and am excited for the third part of "The Dead Kids Brother" to come out!
Absolutely! This sounded so fun to write so I kinda had to! And thank you so so much! I’m so glad you like my writing, it means a lot! I hope this is what you wanted! (Also the third part of TDKBATF is totally out if you don’t already know so yk 👀)
You Rule!
steve harrington x gn!henderson!reader
summary: read the ask !
warnings: cursing
“How many attempts is that today?” You grumbled to Robin from the back room of Scoops Ahoy as you listened to a certain co-worker of yours try to get a girl. Key word: try.
“Let’s look, shall we?” Robin hummed, grabbing the white board. It was structured like a T-chart, the left side reading “YOU RULE” and the other “YOU SUCK”. “This is attempt number five! Let’s see how ol’ Stevie does!” She feigned excitement after showing you the tally marks at four before pressing her ear up to the sliding glass window while you rolled your eyes and flat-out turned away from Robin and pouted like a toddler being denied a cookie. You faintly heard Steve’s conversation, but when you heard Robin speak it was clear to what the result was.
She opened the window and held out the board. “Ah, poor Steve. Another one bites the dust. Better luck next time.” You could hear the faint squeaking of the marker adding a brand new tally mark. You could practically sense Steve’s eye roll before suddenly you were being spoken to.
“Hey, Henderson! How come you aren’t out here helping?” He called in annoyance.
“What, helping you pick up chicks?” You turned around and hopped off the counter with a grin. “I won’t be able to help you with that, I don’t swing that way.”
“Helping me scoop ice cream, dumbass. That’s our job, y’know. I’m gonna tell that brother of yours when he gets back and have him bother you.” Steve retorted, crossing his arms sassily.
“Oh, buzz off.” Robin groaned. “Aren’t you a big, strong man? Can’t you handle it?” She teased. “I need to talk to Henderson anyway.”
“Oh yeah, you two can have your little chit-chat but when I-”
“Uh huh! Sure, Steve! I’m sure Henderson would loooove to scoop ice cream together with you later! Just be patient and don’t get your panties in a twist!” Robin waved her hand and shut the window in his face, and she whipped around to face you.
“Dude. Tell him.”
“No!” You hissed out. “Are you insane?”
“Why not?!” She threw her hands up in the air and sat on the counter by the window.
“Why do you think he spends half his time at work flirting with random girls?” You crossed your arms, gasping in offense when Robin threw her hat at your face, knocking your own hat off in the process.
“Because, he probably thinks you’ll say no if he asks..!” Robin hissed, catching her hat that you threw back at her. “Do you not see the way that idiot looks at you? He looks like a little schoolboy with a crush! And you look at him like he’s some hot celebrity!”
“You’re just saying that.” You huffed out as Robin threw her hat back at you.
“Why would I ‘just say that’, Henderson?” Robin crossed her arms. “I wouldn’t embarrass you that badly. I’m so annoyed of you both giving each other lovey-dovey eyes. If you’re gonna make me third-wheel, at least make it official.”
“You say that like it would be easy telling him.” You chucked the hat back at Robin. “‘Hey Steve! Guess what? I have a big, fat crush on you! Isn’t that just great?!’”
“Yeah, exactly like that.”
“You’re no help.” You folded your arms, which gave you no chance to catch the hat Robin threw back at you. “Whatever, I’m gonna go do my job.”
“With Steve?” She crooned, a smug smirk on her face.
You whipped around and picked up Robin’s lost hat along with your own that had fallen, and hurled both hats at Robin. At that moment, Robin ducked and the window opened.
“Hey, what the hell?!” Steve groaned as two hats smacked him in the face, which led to Robin falling on the floor cackling.
You couldn’t help a faint giggle escaping your lips. “Sorry Steve!” You said, catching your own hat he threw back at you. “I was just about to come and keep you company.” You carefully adjusted the stupid hat on your head. Company policy.
“Yeah yeah.” Steve huffed a little. “Just come on.” He said, watching as you came out of the back room and stood by his side.
“At least it doesn’t seem TOO busy today.” You hummed, taking out your ice cream scooper from your belt and flipping it up in the air. “Why did you need my help?”
“I was bored.” Steve shrugged, leaning against the wall and folding his arms. “What were you and Robin talking about?”
“Uh…none of your business?” You cocked an eyebrow.
Steve clicked his tongue, nodding. “Hmm…so you aren’t gonna tell me about the ‘big, fat crush you have on me’, huh?”
A loud clatter came from the ice cream scooper you didn’t catch as it fell to the floor.
“Pftt, yeah you think I didn’t hear that little conversation?”
“Uh…hey! Look at the time, my shift is over!” You blurted out, looking at your watch and you were about to just leave the store but Steve had gently grabbed your wrist.
“You still have ten minutes, Henderson.” His voice was softer than you expected. “Why are you freaking out?”
“What do you mean why am I freaking out? I’m not freaking out, are you freaking out? No one’s freaking out.” You breathed out.
“…you do realize I like you too, right?”
Steve breathed out a little shakily and let go of your wrist, trying to keep his voice down. “I…” he mumbled something, but you couldn’t hear since he was being so quiet.
“I heard kinda everything. And it’s mostly all right. I didn’t think you liked me.” He tossed his hat off and ran a hand through his hair. “So like…why would I bother? And even if I did anything, would it happen like it happened with Nancy?”
“Oh…I didn’t know you felt that way.” You said, honestly very surprised. “I didn’t think…you’d like me.”
His eyebrows furrowed and the corners of his lips turned down into a frown. “What? Of course I like you. You’re…incredible. Everything I’ve ever wanted. Hell, Henderson, I think I liked you before I liked Nancy Wheeler. You just were always so quiet and so smart and I was used to all the people liking me not bothering to hide it. I never figured you would like a cocky asshat like me. Especially since I didn’t stop any of my ‘friends’ from making fun of you.”
You blushed. “I’ve had a crush on you for a long time.” You admitted. “Since around the middle of junior high. I stared at you in every class we had together. All my friends made fun of me. Told me I had no chance with a guy like Steve Harrington. I never lost hope. Maybe you remember, but we had a project together once. Yeah I did all of it, but I didn’t care. I got to be with you, even if it was for a little.” You chuckled airily, feeling a little relieved to let all of this out so somebody that wasn’t your diary. “I wrote your name in the corners of my notebook, all that corny stuff. It was a little pathetic.”
Steve’s eyes were wide when you looked at him again. “Are you serious?” He said softly, a dumb grin finding a way onto his face. “You really do like…like me?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“Like…like like me?”
“Yes, Steve..!” You smiled a little as his grin only grew wider.
“Yes! I like you!”
“And you like me!”
“That’s crazy!!”
Then, the window opened and Robin’s smug face appeared as the two of you looked over, confusion replacing the smiles. She slowly pulled up the whiteboard with the tally marks and uncapped the marker, hovering it over the surface…
and slowly drew a line on the previously bare left side.
Y͟O͟U͟ ͟R͟U͟L͟E͟
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alyswritings · 2 years
Babysitters for a Day
Request: what about toddler!sister reader x tom and zendaya taking care of her for one day <3
Summary: Tom and Zendaya babysit Y/N for the day.
Warnings: none
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Tom has plans with some of his friends, including the twins, and him and Zendaya are bidding goodbye after spending most of the day together.
"So are we still on for tomorrow?" Zendaya asks.
"Mm, actually, no. My mum needs me to babysit Y/N. She has to work and everybody else is busy with something. Sorry." Tom tells her, sympathetically smiling.
"That's okay. I understand." Zendaya gives him a reassuring smile.
"Although... you could babysit with me... if you want." Tom suggests.
"Well, I mean, I don't really wanna get in the way of yours and Y/N's time." Zendaya says.
"No, no, it'll be fine. She loves you." Tom states.
"Are you sure?" Zendaya asks.
"Love, I promise. Besides me bringing you would make me her favorite brother again." Tom grins.
"How do you know you're not currently her favorite brother?" Zendaya laughs.
"Because she quite literally said, and I quote, "Sammy is the best. You three are stinkyheads."" Tom quotes.
"Okay, fine, I'll come by. But if she doesn't want me, I'm leaving, and it's just you two. If she's okay with it, I'll stay." Zendaya says.
"Sweet." Tom grins, kissing her.
- - -
The next morning, Tom finishes getting Y/N ready after she ate breakfast. Everybody else is already out and taking care of their own tasks, leaving the oldest and youngest Holland siblings.
The doorbell rings and Tom rushes to it, answering it to reveal Zendaya.
"Hey." Zendaya smiles.
"Hi, love." Tom smiles, the two sharing a quick kiss.
Y/N rushes in to see who's here and her face brightens at the sight of Zendaya.
"Z!" Y/N cheers, rushing to the woman.
"Hey, little one!" Zendaya excitedly greets, picking the young girl up.
"Y/N, I have a question for you." Tom says, walking over.
"What?" Y/N asks.
"Is it okay if Z hangs out with us today?" Tom asks.
"The whole day?" Y/N asks, looking between both hopefully.
"Whole day." Zendaya answers.
"Yeah!" Y/N excitedly nods. "I wanna hold her hand when walking."
"I swear she loves you more than me." Tom tells his girlfriend.
"I do." Y/N says. Tom's jaw drops and Zendaya chokes on a laugh.
"Well, I guess we know who isn't getting a Christmas present from me this year." Tom says, sticking his tongue out at Y/N, the young girl's jaw dropping.
"But it's Christmas." She pouts.
"Guess we'll see what happens in the next couple months." Tom says.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll buy you bunch of presents." Zendaya says making the youngest Holland smile.
"Okay, Y/N, what do you wanna do?" Tom asks.
"Can we go to the park?" Y/N asks.
"Sure." Tom nods.
- - -
The three are at the park and it's not super busy given it's not the afternoon yet. Y/N played on the playground with a couple of other kids before rushing to Zendaya and Tom.
"Z, can you push me on the swings?" Y/N asks.
"Sure." Zendaya smiles.
"What about me?" Tom asks.
"You can stand by." Y/N says.
"She really does love you more." Tom mutters, the two following the four year old to the swings.
"She grew up with brothers. Maybe she's just excited to have another girl around." Zendaya says.
"I miss being the favorite." Tom frowns.
"Guess you shouldn't be a stinkyhead." Zendaya teases.
- - -
The trio are at lunch and Y/N has a kids menu that she can color on.
"Can we play Tic-Tac-Toe?" Y/N asks Zendaya.
"Sure. I happen to be excellent at that game." Zendaya says, grabbing one of the crayons and starting to draw the Tic-Tac-Toe box. "But I'm sure you could beat me."
"I usually beat the twinnies. Paddy always wins and Tommy does sometimes." Y/N says.
"Oh, really?" Zendaya asks and Y/N nods.
"Paddy never lets her win like us." Tom whispers.
"Mm-hmm. You sure you've never lost in an honest way?" Zendaya asks.
"Maybe once or twice." Tom mutters. "She cheats." He accuses. Y/N glares at him and Zendaya rolls her eyes.
"All right, Y/N/N, you go first." Zendaya tells her.
"Do you wanna be X's or O's?" Y/N asks.
"Mmm... X's." Zendaya says.
"Otay." Y/N says, drawing in O in one of the squares. Zendaya puts an X in a different square. They play until Y/N has three O's in a row. "I win!" She grins.
"Dang it. I thought I had you." Zendaya pretends to be disappointed.
"Can we play again?" Y/N asks.
"Of course." Zendaya smiles at her, drawing another box. She glances over at Tom, seeing his soft and fond smile as he watches the two of them.
Zendaya focuses on the game and lets Y/N win again, enjoying the gleam in the little girl's eyes when she wins.
"Tommy, can you play?" Y/N asks hopefully.
"Sure, darling." Tom says, grabbing the last spare crayon. He draws the box and lets Y/N put an O in one of the squares. Tom lets her win, the girl cheering for herself again.
The second time they play, Tom quickly beats Y/N.
"Really?" Zendaya asks.
"She needs to learn the Holland competitive trait sometime." Tom shrugs.
"It's otay. I always win in Candyland." Y/N grins.
"She cheats." Tom accuses again.
"Sure, honey." Zendaya sarcastically agrees with him.
- - -
The three are now mini golfing and Tom is in the lead.
"You know you could let her win." Zendaya says as the two watch Y/N line up the ball with the putt.
"Yeah, but what's the fun in that?" Tom whines.
"Cause she's four. Come on, you don't like seeing her little face light up because she got to win. That sweet, little, innocent face looking up at you with bright eyes full of joy." Zendaya says.
"Are you trying to guilt trip me or something?" Tom asks.
"Maybe." Zendaya smiles.
"But it's so fun winning." Tom insists.
"It's very fun winning for a four year old." Zendaya retorts.
"Tommy, help." Y/N calls. They look over, seeing her ball in the middle of the small and shallow pond.
"What happened?" Tom asks, walking over.
"It went the wrong way." Y/N says. Tom bends down and reaches into the pond, getting the ball out. He dries it off with his sweatshirt before giving it back to Y/N.
Y/N goes over to the start of the area and puts the ball down.
"Can you help me?" Y/N asks.
"Which one?" Zendaya asks.
"Tommy." Y/N says.
"Yeah, sure." Tom puts his ball and club down. He stands behind Y/N and puts his hands over hers as she holds her small golf club. Tom has to bend down a little to be able to help, some curls falling into his face.
"Okay, so you need to aim it this way... that way the ball won't go in the direction of the water again. Unless it hits something." Tom says. "And the hole's not too far away so don't use too much strength, but not too little either."
Tom helps her hit the ball and it stops when it's close to the hole.
Y/N manages to do the next few holes by herself, still requesting Tom's help occasionally.
By the end of the game, Y/N did end up winning.
"You didn't let her win, did you?" Zendaya smiles.
"Hey, she had me helping her. All my talent went into her hits." Tom insists.
"Uh-huh." Zendaya nods.
- - -
By the end of the day when they returned home, Y/N was practically asleep and Tom is holding her, the girl cuddling into his chest.
"I must say this is the most fun I've had this week. I gotta hang out with this little one more often." Zendaya smiles.
"Yeah. yeah, she'd really like that." Tom says.
"Bye, Y/N/N." Zendaya whispers to the half asleep girl.
"Bye bye." Y/N whispers.
The couple bid goodbye before Zendaya starts to leave.
"Z?" Y/N calls quietly.
"Yeah?" Zendaya turns back.
"You're my favorite. The boys are still stinkyheads." Y/N says. Tom gains a bitch face as Zendaya quietly laughs.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm honored. I'll see you guys later." Zendaya says, leaving.
Tom gets Y/N up to her room, having a quick conversation about the day with Nikki. Tom goes into Y/N's room and quickly changes her into her pajamas. He tucks her into bed and turns her nightlight on.
"Night, darling." Tom whispers, gently kissing her forehead.
"Tommy?" Y/N calls.
"Yeah?" Tom asks.
"You're my second favorite." Y/N says. "You're my favorite stinkyhead."
"Thank you, Y/N/N." Tom smiles, gently ruffling her hair. "Go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."
"I love you." Y/N mumbles.
"I love you, too." Tom tells her.
@glxwingrxse @peyton-14
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Almost too Late
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Request: "okay, i've got a humourous one for you;
#48: “Where the hell have you been?”
#64: “Here he/she is.”
so, maybe Tom almost misses the birth of his child, and Reader gives him absolutely chaos for it? 😂
love you, babe. 💗" - Requested by my wonderful friend @youlightmeupfinn from this prompt list! :)
Summary: You went into labour with Baby No. 2. This wouldn't be a big problem, if your husband Tom wasn't somewhere in Atlanta, on a boys night out - and you just can't reach him. Is Tom going to miss the birth of his second child?
Warnings: Pregnancy, labour, quite a few swear words and a lot of fluff!
Word Count: 2,3k
a/n: I am back, yay! :) Sorry guys, life had been utterly busy in the last few weeks... This request waited a looong time in my inbox to be written and now I finally made it to sit down and write this. Surprise, @youlightmeupfinn ! 🧡 This takes place in the same universe like this fic does, so I guess this one is kinda a part two? Anyway, I hope you like this one shot as much as I do! 🧡 All mistakes are my own!
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Voicemail. Again. I hung up, groaning and cursing under my breath. "Oh, you are fucking kidding me now... Why isn't he picking up?!" I hissed, on the verge of throwing my mobile against the wall of our bedroom. I tried to reach my dear husband for hours. Tom just wanted to have a - what did they call it? A 'Marvel Mens Night Out'? Yeah, something along that. He wanted to have a night out with a few of his mates. Ben, Chris H., Chris E., Sebastian and Tom. Of course, I didn't say Tom shouldn't go. I was more than okay with it, since we were in Atlanta, Georgia for the last three months anyway. Why? Tom needed to fly to Atlanta to film the first season of 'Loki' - and me and Mia just went with him, since it was the city I came from. My parents still lived here, so we kind of combined work and holiday. After reassuring Tom a thousand times that I was going to be fine without him, he left. What I didn't think of, unfortunately, was the possibility of me, going into labour. Yup... Five years of marriage and an almost three-year-old toddler later, Tom and I were expecting baby #2. Mia was going to be a big sister - like, right now.
Once again, I tried to call Tom, but like before, I only reached his voicemail. "Where the fuck is he?!" I groaned, dropped my mobile on the bed and steadied myself against the wall, breathing through another contraction. I gave Tom a last try, before I decided to call Ben. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up." I mumbled to myself. Sure, I could've called my parents, but they were in bed now, with Mia hopefully sleeping deeply next room. Ben's mobile rang and rang. I was already on the verge of hanging up, but then I heard my man's best friend's voice urging to my ear. "Y/N?" "Ben! Finally! Where is Tom?! I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up." "Uh... He just left for the bathroom, I think." Ben sounded slightly tipsy - which caused me to roll my eyes. Not now, guys, not now, I thought. "Okay and where are you boys?" I could hear the others laugh and talk rather loudly in the background. "In a bar in, uh, Columbus." I frowned. "In a bar in Columbus? Columbus?? Why the fuck there?!" I only now realised that I spoke way louder than I intended to... "Is everythin' alright, Y/N? You seem a bit... tense?" That was the point when I lost my nerves. I had absolutely no time for this. Not after trying to reach them for hours! I gritted my teeth, feeling how the anger build up inside me. "Oh, I don't know, Benedict. Maybe it's because I AM IN FUCKING LABOUR SINCE HOURS AND MY HUSBAND IS UNATTAINABLE!" And suddenly there was deadly silence at the other end of the line. "You're what?" Said Ben in a small voice, almost rueful. "You heard me, Benedict." Another beat of silence passed, before I suddenly heard loud shuffling. "Boys, Y/N's in labour, we need to get Tom somehow back to Atlanta! As fast as possible!" And then everybody talked at once. 'Tom! Get Tom!' was the only sentence I understood and it came from Hemsworth. Apart from that, was everything that happened on the other line a blur, until... "Tom asks how you are feeling." Ben's voice reached me once again. "He asks how I feel? Really? I am in labour! How does he think I feel?!" Again, was the other side of the line deadly silent. "We'll be right there, I promise!" "I'll hope so! If not, I am going to cut off his balls. Tell that Thomas!" With those words, I hung up, squeezed my eyes shut as another contraction rolled over me. Somehow, this time felt even worse than last time... At least I could try to relax a bit, now that I knew that Tom was on his way. After taking deep breaths, breathing through the contraction, I called an ambulance. They came immediately, of course and took me to the hospital. I was very glad that this was not the first time for me. To have the experience and to know the procedure and what maybe could happen, helped me ease my mind a lot. Especially since Tom wasn't by my side - yet.
Thirty minutes later, I was brought to a room, had changed into the familiar hospital gown, got hooked to an CTG and was checked by the doctors. "Alright, Mrs. Hiddleston..." The friendly female doctor in the white clothes smiled at me. "Everything appears to be like it should be. You and the baby are perfectly fine - according to the circumstances." She adjusted her glasses and scribbled something onto the clipboard she held. "But you are not yet ready to deliver your baby. We have to wait a bit longer. Although, I guess not that much longer, 'cause your labour is progressing very fast." The doctor gave me another small smile. "Until then, I am afraid we have to wait and see." With these words and a last smile, she left the room, leaving only a super friendly midwife - Mary - behind. "We are going to check on you and the baby regularly. But you already know that." Mary said, winking at me. "Yeah... I am very glad to be a lot more experienced now than I was last time with my daughter. Makes me feel calmer. Despite the fact that Tom isn't here..." Mary's eyes softened. "I was already thinking... Where did you leave your husband?" I sighed. "I allowed him to go out with some of his friends, told him I was fine, but well... Baby's got different plans." Mary laughed. "Let's hope he's going to make it in time then. Call me if you need something, yes?" I nodded, offered her a smile. Then I was left alone and I absolutely hated it. To spend the time I had to wait for my body to prepare itself for the birth alone was absolute torture. I missed Tom and I wanted nothing more than to have him by my side.
It was a curse and a blessing, that labour progressed so fast. Two hours later, I found myself surrounded by nurses, doctors and Mary, of course, ready to bring mine and Tom's second child into this world. I wasn't afraid of this, no. Maybe nervous, yes, but what I definitely was, was in pain and angry. Angry at my sweet husband who didn't sit by my side, holding my hand and just being there for me. No, instead sat Mary by my bedside - what wasn't bad, god no... Bless her for bearing with me. But it just wasn't Tom... "Okay Y/N, if you feel the urge to push, give into your body!" I nodded quickly, sweat already dotted all over my forehead from the previous contractions. While you were about to bring a new life into this world, stormed a man with long, pitch black hair through the main doors of the hospital, on the other side of the big building. Tom...
The father-to-be ran down the halls of the 'Emory University Hospital Midtown' like a madman, bumping into several staff members on his way. "Sorry, I am so sorry!" Tom said what felt like thousand times in five minutes. Unfortunately was the hospital quite big and Tom struggled to even find the maternity ward. So, he had no other choice than to stop his frantic search and ask a nurse. "I'm sorry, can... can you help me?" Tom, who was still out of breath, approached a nurse with short chopped blonde hair and tattoos up and down his arms. The man looked up at Tom, offering him a polite smile. "Of course, Sir. What's the matter?" "I-I am looking for the maternity ward." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "My... My wife is in labour." The nurse nodded and immediately gestured for Tom to follow him. "Follow me, Sir. I'll get you there. It's not far from here." The two men crossed another few hallways, before they finally reached the destination. "There we are." "Thank you so much." Tom smiled kindly at the other male, who gave him a nod and a smile himself in return. "No problem." Tom didn't lose another second and jogged down the ward, on search for someone who could help him along. After all, he hadn't a single clue where Y/N was...
After he had rounded the second corner, he stumbled over a woman who appeared to be a doctor. "I'm sorry?" He addressed the female, who turned to face him immediately. "I'm Tom Hiddleston and I am looking for my wife, Y/N." The corners of the woman's mouth lifted into a smile. "Ahh, so you are the missing dad?" Tom scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "Well… I suppose that I am, yes." "Well, come on then." Tom followed the doctor hastily down the sheer endless, white hallway. "D-Do you know by any chance how my wife is doing?" Dr. Miller -  the woman's name, how Tom was able to read on her nameplate, nodded. "She is doing fine. Labour progressed very fast." At those words, Tom felt his heart sink. Progressed? Did that mean...? Dr. Miller seemed to read from his expression what he was thinking. "Don't worry. You didn't miss the birth of your baby - yet." This took a load off Tom's mind and he breathed out relieved. "This way." They turned another corner and came to a halt in front of a closed door. "There we are." After Tom quickly slipped into a scrub, he was granted access to his wife. Barely after the door swung open, was the first thing he heard a heart-breaking scream, coming no doubt from Y/N. It caused Tom's mind to spin, his guilty conscience immediately spoke up. This was his wife, being in pain, bringing his baby into this world - and he hadn't been there for her. "Mrs. Hiddleston, I found the missing dad." A voice suddenly cut through the room, causing my head to turn to the left. I didn't even notice that somebody had entered the room. Well, I was quite a bit too busy to pay attention to who entered or left the room. My eyes met the female doctor I had shortly seen earlier and- "Tom!" I cried out his name, unbelievably happy and relieved to see him. As his name left my lips, he immediately jumped into action, rushing to my side. "Darling!" Mary quickly stood up from the chair and made way for Tom. He sat down on the chair, hands instantly reaching for my hand. He wanted to say something, but the next contraction I had threw a wrench in the works. I squeezed the living hell out of Tom's hand and shut my eyes. "I need you to push, Y/N." Said the nurse, who sat at the bottom of the bed. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" This contraction was by far the worst I had yet. And it sparked something inside me, brought the anger on my husband back to life. After I had breathed through the contraction, I unleashed hell on Tom. I turned my head towards him, staring at him. If looks could kill... Tom swallowed visibly, well aware of what was to come. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "Darling, I-I am so s-sorry, I-" He stuttered, trying to explain. "Shut the fuck up, Thomas! I suffered here for over two hours, plus almost five at home alone, to give birth to your child and Mr. Hiddleston just decided to not pick up his phone when I called him!" Tom swallowed once again, his mind reeling. I could tell that he was picking his next words very carefully now. "I know, my love and I am really, honestly very sorry. My phone ran out of battery-" Wrong words. "That is no excuse, Thomas!" The man beside me flinched every time I used his full name. "I know, Y/N. I should've told you. I-" "And why Columbus?! Why did you and the boys needed to go to fucking Columbus to drink a stupid beer?!" Tom sighed and hung his head. "I can't apologise enough, darling. I deserve all your wrath. I hate that I wasn't able to be by your side, but now I am here and I won't go anywhere. You are doing so wonderfully in bringing our second wonder into this world. I can't be prouder of you, my love." By now, I had tears in my eyes. This time not from the pain. His words had pulled at my heartstrings. Why did that man always find the right words and was so utterly charming? This wasn't fair. I wanted to be mad at him... "Ugh, you fucking sweet-talker. I wanted to be mad at you, but now I can't." I said, pouting. Tom's expression shifted immediately and he snorted out a laugh. "Oh darling, I love you." I shook my head and rolled my eyes, but smiled.
The rest of the birth went rather smooth. Unlike with Mia, I didn't have an epidural. I wanted to do this all natural this time. With Tom by my side, everything was easier anyway. And so, Tom and I were able to welcome another baby girl into the world, only an hour later.
"Here she is." Mary announced, smiling and placed the tiny girl, who was wrapped up in a thick pink blanket on my chest. As soon as my skin came into contact with my new-born baby, the tears started to fall freely. "Hello, my sweet girl..." I whispered, unable to tear my gaze away from her. I felt how Tom pressed a kiss on my forehead, before his bigger hand joined mine, wrapped around the little girl in my arms. Time seemed to stop. This was a moment just between Tom and me. "Welcome to this big, wondrous world, Lily." Tom said with tears glistening in his eyes.
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larathia · 2 years
TBHK Analysis: Ch. 91
Oh. My. Gods.
Yeah, that was my first reaction on seeing this chapter, and I pretty much kept repeating it all the way to the end. There is SO MUCH going on here. So much I mostly did not see coming and a few things that maybe I did but I'm still not sure about, so let's unpack!
* Natsuhiko only says he wanted to 'capture' Six. It's possible Six still is not actually dead, just incapacitated. Nobody ate anybody's heart yet, anyway.
* Also worth noting: Natsuhiko, and thus presumably also Tsukasa, wanted the supernaturals to go berserk in the mortal realm.
* WHERE IS HANAKO'S SECOND HAKUJOUDAI? - No, I don't know, but I'm going to keep watching for it until it happens to resurface or Hanako explains where it went. Cos it isn't here.
Yashiro and Hanako:
* I want to state at the outset that when Yashiro says yeah, she's fine with dying here, the focus is on Hanako's expression. That is not a happy expression. That is a muted oh. shit. expression. And since he segues from that directly into his Ultra Chirpy mode, it's safe to say he is not revealing a lot of what he really thinks or feels at that time.
* "So, it's too late for you to return to the living world."  
I've gone back and forth on this. It sounds like Hanako is saying Yashiro is now dead. But...I dunno. The way he says this - the way he then goes immediately to 'and now you'll either be pulled to the far shore or you'll have to become a supernatural'...he's not saying this like it's a given. The way he's saying it reminds me of, say, a parent whose little toddler has, in a tantrum, said 'I'm running away from home because you're mean!' and responds with something like, "Oh? Well, I guess I can give your room to your little brother now", or "I guess I don't need to fix dinner for you". It doesn't feel like Hanako, here, is saying this is what now must be so much as he's trying to make Yashiro ...at the very least, not choose to die.
* "If things got messy, that being may no longer be called 'Yashiro Nene'."
 ...Look. I get that Hanako's intent here was to get Yashiro to focus on living longer, but I have to consider the source here. The supernatural called 'Hanako' has a lot of differences from the mortal boy 'Amane Yugi'. Amane Yugi was sullen, withdrawn, interested pretty much entirely in his own world and little else. And yeah, a lot of that was probably because he was being badly bullied by someone, but still. There are a lot of ways that Hanako just...isn't Amane Yugi. And don't even get me started on Tsukasa, because we have so very little to go on with regard to Tsukasa. What I'm trying to get at here is...maybe we should see that sentence and hear a warning.
* I just want to add, though...that Hanako legitimately scares Yashiro with this little speech. He scares her, and she tries hard to reject it...and he basically tells her that that childish optimism is something he loves about her.
Hanako and Tsukasa:
* We're right back to OH MY GODS.
* "Even though you gave up and took the easy way out." 
Tsukasa confirms for us what we've pretty much been guessing for a very long time; Hanako died by suicide.
* Let's poke for a second - just a second - at Tsukasa's sudden presence. We know that it's not because of Six, because Hanako and Yashiro are quite a ways away from Six at this point. But Tsukasa 'always comes when someone makes a wish from the heart'. It's entirely possible he came in answer to Hanako's desire to see Yashiro live...but Yashiro is now a 'cusp' figure, neither quite alive nor quite dead. It's entirely possible that Hanako's little speech meant Yashiro's heart called for Tsukasa. Just think about that a minute. Especially since, as always, Tsukasa's appearance spooks the fuck out of Hanako.
* Also worth noting, Hanako uses his knife at Tsukasa. He's avoided doing that this entire time - as many readers have noticed, he'll even turn the blade away from Tsukasa. But here, it's not only out in a flash, he's swinging it at Tsukasa. He really wants to keep Tsukasa away from Yashiro.
* Tsukasa ...isn't wrong, here, either. He points out quite accurately that Hanako isn't trying to save Yashiro for her sake, but for his own. And yet - when we cut to Yashiro's face, she's interested. When Tsukasa says, "How will you make her live?" she wants to know too.
"If you destroy all seven of the Mysteries' yorishiros, God will grant your wish".
I swear to gods the bottom dropped out of my world when I read that. There's just - so much that went through my mind. I'm going to try to get all the thoughts down.
First, and this is the big one - Hanako's been doing this almost from the beginning. The whole 'unseat all seven Mysteries' thing, that was his idea. And in fact all the yorishiros that have been destroyed, have been destroyed at Hanako's instigation, using Yashiro.
Second, and it's almost as big - Tsukasa didn't realize Hanako knew this. It's probable that Tsukasa thought the 'solution' would be Hanako making a wish to Tsukasa (which just sounds like a big Tangle, but one Tsukasa would enjoy) but was surprised that Hanako knew of another method that would be, from Tsukasa's perspective, at least as much 'fun'.
But note that Hanako's fists are clenched as he says this line. He doesn't want to do this. Honestly, he might not be able to, without Yashiro's active participation. She's been the one to actually do the yorishiro-destroying thus far. (And I can't imagine she will lightly destroy Sumire, or depower Mitsuba. She might willingly depower Akane at this point though.)
And it's also worth noting that Hanako would never have been cleared to 'unseat all the Wonders' in the first place if Tsukasa hadn't driven Two mad. These two have been working in tandem from the beginning, just as Teru thought. It's just that apparently they didn't realize they were in agreement. I want to know what Hanako's original wish would have been, since 'saving Yashiro' is a much later-stage goal for him.
And we end the chapter with an apparent alliance between the brothers, but...Tsukasa's seal is a black one. A yorishiro seal. Which suggests that very soon we're going to find out if it really IS a yorishiro seal, because if it is, then this chapter is ending with Tsukasa basically saying "you get to kill me again!". I'd say 'that can't be it, he looks too cheerful and happy about it', but this is Tsukasa we're talking about.
I am seriously sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter, now. Oh so many questions I want answers to. And it'll be an early Hanako Day next month!
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