#but i have Thoughts . many many thoughts. and potential art ideas that i dont have the skill to achieve <3
ajdrawshq · 9 months
That Jack Russell vid is how I imagine Loop talks about Siffrin to ppl post-game. Like, "Oh yes, Siffrin! my sibling I've known about since he was the size of a boot. Sometimes we'd let him run around the fields near our house until he fell over yknow~?" (Also did I ever send u that kingdom hearts isat essay I have Siffrin's memory but without the excuse of magic bullshit so I genuinelydon't remember)
LMAO oh god yeah they would do that...... i feel like postgame Loop would be a menace to poor Sif's already silly reputation
and yea u did!!!! ive just been holding off on answering it both bc a friend (who also likes kh) is playing isat rn and i dont wanna spoil them on anything :3 and bc i need time to form a proper response to all of that xksbkdbsks
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itsbansheebitch · 5 months
More thoughts
I get both sides, but I feel a little confused they couldn't find four people in their +25 employees
Data analyst (Are you seriously telling me you couldn't personally email or even just HIRE matpat's team who do data analytics as part of Theorist Media to help??? The man would be overjoyed to help???)
Editor (Put the first $6 towards a can of coffee grounds, dude)
PR Team (Even, like, a single person, please, for the love of god)
Business Major (Or literally anyone that has taken a home ec/budgeting/personal finance class)
First, the Dish Granted series was started when gold leaf burgers were novel, now it's seen as tone deaf (for obvious reasons) it should have shifted to something like interviews with people who make that kind of food or local businesses (like parmesan cheese shops in Parma, Italy) or the history of food (like talking about the history of modern Native American slavery on Californian wine vinyards). Not to mention the untapped potential of Food Fraud topics. Either shift it, or scrap it. Any data analyst or chronically online person could tell you that.
Second, why did you keep "anyone can afford $6 a month" in? Are the editors asleep at the wheel? Are they overworked? What is going on? You know damn well to not make generalizations about what people can afford. That's NEVER a good idea, especially when you KNOW (because YT gives you analytics) that most of your viewers are young (16/18-30/35 range, I'd guess) who probably, either 1, are still in school and either arent paid well/dont have jobs OR 2, arent paid well and tired of people's shit, like people who own businesses talking about "tough financial decisions." To them, Watcher isn't going to look different from the other people talking like that, because this was so sudden, with no input from fans, and in the video you hear shit like "anyone can afford [X]." To be frank, it wouldn't really matter what the amount is, because that generalization goes against the message they have stood by for years. THAT is a slap in the face.
Third, what are yall doing with the budgeting? Every artist has a right to make art that they are proud of. Every artist deserves to have their work seen if they so choose. Every artist deserves to make a living. HOWEVER, there are MANY options online when it comes to making money, especially on YT. You could get into marketing, data analysis, expanding your demographic, looking at what people are interested in right now VS what will stand the test of time (not gold leaf burgers), etc.
You have to either have these skills, develop these skills, or hire someone to do it for you. It's understandable that you would want a team behind the production, but I find +25 employees to be WAY too many people, especially in LA. Bailey Sarian has a Dark History section on her YT (and Spotify podcast) where she has hired historians to help make sure her episodes are as accurate as possible. You've caught heat before from Puppet History's missing & incorrect info, you should do the same. She has about three (3) "intermissions" per episode for ad breaks. I never see anyone complain. People WOULD listen to yall talk for that long (+1 hour videos), tbh, though that's not necessary.
Why are yall out here with Teslas, expensive food, new gear, scripts (where there weren't scripts before, PH is different, that makes sense), and "better than TV" level sets??? I need to put your accountant in this week's church prayer list what the actual hell??? Ya'll, this video is literally the meme:
Guys help me budget:
LA Rent: 2K per month
Videos: 100K per vid
+25 Employees: God only knows
New stuff for videos: Don't get me started
Like, are you serious?
You have a right to do whatever you want with your art. You have a right to charge whatever you'd like for that art. You have a right to make a living from your art and you have a right to ask your fans for money.
Your fans have a right to be angry when they've been supporting yall for, what, almost 10 years? They have a right to choose when and where to spend their money even when you've made an impact. They have a right to feel betrayed, especially when there are better options (like Nebula or consulting with Theorist Media).
Fans DO NOT have a right to be racist to any members of Watcher, now that they have made a decision they do not agree with.
I personally, think this is a really silly decision and could have been solved (haha solved) with a simple YT poll, but apparently we had to get... this. I respect their decision, I just don't think it was a smart one. I wish them the best, and I hope they find a better solution. Any further comment from me will depend on what steps they take next.
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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utahlive · 2 years
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im sorry utah nation. I played videos game instead of working on an episode,, orz
on an unrelated note, I wanted to ask: does anyone have any tumblr themes or ways to make posts chronological? We have roughly 150 episodes of UtahLIVE, and although most of them can be read out of order, there is a timeline (plus it would be more convenient for new readers. Ive gotten a lot of asks about topics or scenarios that have already been answered). If there are any tutorials/themes/tips let me know via DMs or ask box!
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LETS GOOOOO!!! This is insane! 4000 people... thats roughly twice the size of the student body at my school. I dont know how many of you guys are porn bots, but im still going to take this W. I feel like I should do something special? People usually do community events for milestones I think so if you have ideas let me know?? Otherwise I’ll have something fun to post in the next week.
+ some quick q&a below
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avoiding potential lawsuits 🙏
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I know this one is meant for Wilbur, but alas thats just how I draw eyes. Sorry my art style gave your fave character cataracts. yeah its permanent. no sorry we cant fix it. um. insurance doesnt cover the surgery so hes like that forever. yeah. sorry
(i do like to mess with how I draw eyes, but the white color is a stylistic choice)
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its a psycho-competitive relationship that can be construed to be romantic (but it's not explicit). obviously
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anon im holding your hand so tenderly and lovingly. it means a lot that people like my art! more than I can say, which is why ive been trying to figure out how to answer this ask for the past like... two+ weeks since you sent it in! Im probably gonna hold off on sharing my other accounts for a few reasons (there might be some people who already know my other blogs which is fine idc welcome to my twisted mind etc im just not going to advertise them here). My main blog is basically a spam blog where I dont tag anything. I dont really post original art and my fandom art is few and far between. 90% of my work just goes in discord DMs or servers 💀 I think the main reason though-and this may or may not make sense to some of you-is that I don’t want your opinion of me to change how you view the story. This is a super specific example, but for all my fic readers out there: have you ever joined an authors server, and then after meeting them you feel a bit odd about the fic since the creator isnt exactly the person you thought them to be (not necessarily in a good or bad way)? That’s exactly what I don’t want happening with this blog. Basically: Nooo what if you find out about me as a person and realize im cringeeee aaaaa [image of the werewolf transformation (you know the one)] That being said, we’ll see how things go, I guess! At the very least, I’ll probably put my socials out when I’m done here (we got a ways to go before that happens though, so dont even start to worry about that) that was a lot of text for one answer. yeesh 😬 sorry about that
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killershrike · 7 days
I want to say to all writers or would be writers; we gotta stop comparing ourselves to other authors. Take inspiration, absolutely!!! I have taken sooo much inspiration from media in my fic Dark Suspension. Not just from books, movies, tv shows, songs, paintings, everything. I think it's absolutely so important to use the things that inspire you to create and not be afraid of "ripping off." Obviously if you copy and paste a whole paragraph and just change the names then maybe rework it a bit. But, personally, I see absolutely no problem in having direct inspirations. Yes I have a lot of original lines and things, but I also have reworked some of my favorite moments and lines into the story.
Two examples from me specifically:
• Cersei Lannister and Margaery Tyrell speaking together. "Gone, a gentle word, why not say slaughtered?" reworked into So-yin saying "Force, a gentle world, why not say slaughtered?" When Ghost tells her about "forcing" Bad Bloods to give up info.
• In The Terrfier 2 Art the Clown brutalized a victim and two of the ways is by snapping the victim's arm in half and tearing it off her, and another way is by tearing her hand apart so it rips down the middle. This was reworked into Ghost, tearing an arm off a corpse and snapping it in half to create a "knife" to throw at someone escaping. And then directly tearing a man's hand apart so it rips down the middle.
Someone could argue this isn't Changed enough, not Original enough, I disagree. This is where it comes to opinion and where I hope to help me and other writers or potential writers to feel some ease. I've been seeing a lot of people saying they're too scared to post their fics cause of people saying things like "copying too much," "too much description," and "too much dialogue." And really, at the end of the day, everyone is wrong. Even I am.
Art has always been subjective, but I feel like writing can be some of the most subjective of all. One person can read Homer's Odyssey, a literal world renowned classic, and say it's boring. Someone can read The Lord Of The Rings books and say they're stupid, even though it's arguably the most popular book series to date.
No matter who you are or how "good" or "bad" your work is, there will always be people who either love it or hate it or don't care. We have got to stop comparing ourselves and holding ourselves back from sharing the things we want to because of other people's stupid little "writing rules." Those dont exist.
You know what the only rule of writing is? You gotta write. To be a writer, you have to put words down somewhere. That's it. That's all. Whether it's me, you, or Stephen fucking King. We're all just silly Little Guys with thoughts in our head that we put down and share with other people because they mean something to us. Just because you aren't a published author and Stephen King is doesn't mean you're a worse writer, or shouldn't bother posting your stuff. He just had the opportunity, luck, or possibly both, to end up in a position as a famous and published author.
But even he didn't start that way. So many authors don't put their stories out as a way to get famous or attention, I definitely didn't. I use my story as a way to work through my own pain and hopefully come up with some fun and interesting ideas along away. I'm not saying one way is right, go for that bag if you want! Or just post your story for fun! Just don't feel like you can't post your writing or people will hate it or won't read it because these stupid "rules." Someone will read it. Even just one person. And you never know, maybe that one person could turn out to become a friend!
I've found so much happiness by posting my story and characters. Yes, I've received some hate, but the love and support I've gotten so outweigh that. Sometimes, I get caught up in the negative and the anxiety, but overall, I don't regret posting my writing and will continue to do so. I hope you can too!
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem x Persona
I am thou, Thou art I
A/N: A bullet pointed brainrot of two different fandoms i have rn.... mmmm.... many thoughts, head full ♡ also... when i think im done, i dont look back (no beta we die like men around here lmao) so im very sorry for the sloppiness lmao
i'm seriously in love with this artwork and it became my muse lmao || A lot of the references will be more on Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal || Proceed under the cut!
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Luxiem - a group of misfits turned phantom thieves who have shaken up society!
both shu and ike are third years, while mysta and luca are both second and first years respectively
vox is a student teacher at the same school as the rest of the boys. he is a history / language arts teacher.
the first palace was infiltrated by luca and shu
the last person to join was mysta due to his wariness of the others
they all meet up at vox's apartment since he's the only one out of the five that lived alone.
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A people pleaser; despite his good intentions, he has yet to realize that others are just using the goodness of his heart to fulfill their evil tasks.
Codename: Novelist (He wants to overwrite his past failures and see a brighter tomorrow for himself)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : tired of being taken advantage of, ike had realized that he has to be able to think for himself - bearing witness to how cut-throat society really is and how fiends would use his kind-heartedness to their advantage, his persona had manifested as the strength needed to stand on his own two feet and his desire to become independent.
What Is His Persona?: A grotesque, hulking ball of tentacles. no one can see the middle of the creature. ike says that it's a reference to his untapped potential (mysta dismisses it as just something mysterious and didn't want to pry)
His Position: the brains of the operation. leave it to ike to help navigate and come up with creative plans to infiltrate palaces
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a childish dreamer, blinded by his own ideals and has yet to be tainted by this cruel world.
Codename: Boss (He wanted to become Number. 1; actually based on an inside joke within their group as he is the one who usually lead discussions, thus leading to everyone in Luxiem calling him "Boss" or "The Big Boss")
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : The realization that his dreams have long been crushed by the doings of a wicked adult. luca knew he was chasing nothing but a dream, yet it was what kept him going until he felt that it was time to face reality. the anger he feels over being stamped out like this and the idea that a new adventure awaits him had manifested as his persona.
What Is His Persona?: a humanoid like being with a lion's mane and strong arms. has the ability to stand on its hind legs. luca has thought about having a weight-lifting contest with his own persona (the others think it's a little absurd fighting himself since a persona is just an extension of oneself)
His Position: the brawn of the operation. being the massive ball of energy he is, leave the fighting to luca. even in dire situations where the team is surrounded by shadows, luca will find a way to break through via sheer will himself. he is also the most physically capable within the group.
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A genius who wishes to be recognized past his intelligence.
Codename: Sleuth (He wishes to seek the truth behind the wicked desires of others)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : pushed over the edge, mysta had enough of people blindly praising his intelligence as if his other achievements were only due to the fact of his genius-disposition or of other means - he felt as if this was what trapped in his own fame (or infamy), he wanted to live freely. the manifestation of this desire revealed itself as his persona.
What Is His Persona?: a fox like creature that seems cute at first. if anything is known about mysta, it's that appearances are deceiving - despite the cuteness, mysta's persona is quite vicious and has the ability to rip apart even steel with it's teeth. mysta and his persona surprisingly get along well; his persona has the unique sentience about it and often is seen hanging off of his shoulder or hat when they are in the metaverse.
His Position: the escape artist. leave the escape to mysta, he's the only one capable of driving everyone to safety when the palace starts to crumble into nothingness (at least only one able to escape in time, the rest either don't have a license or don't have a sense of how quickly they need to escape - ike was the one who asked mysta if there were speed limits when escaping.)
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The one who watches from the shadows, a witness to the everyday injustices.
Codename: Magician (Like a magician, his dexterity and adaptability in many and otherwise dire situations leave others in awe ; yet, he refuses to share how and why he knows such skills)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : the more shu bore witness to, the more he grew sick of it. he felt as though a bottomless pit had formed in his stomach as he watches wicked adults take advantage over the weak - and most importantly, how weak he was for hiding behind this fear, even if he had the means of helping others. his desire to see the world where the weak can live amongst the strong without cowering in fear has manifested into his persona.
What Is His Persona?: another humanoid like creature that stands on one leg. it appears to look like a shikigami with a magician's clothes. shu has tried drawing a face on his persona's paper-like face. he's surprised that it stays on sometimes.
His Position: intelligence master. from collecting data of the big bad they must face to finding who needed a change of heart within the depths of mementos, shu has it all covered. no one really knows how he gathers this much information and doesn't really want to know how either (shu says these are basic things you can find online about anyone, but none of the members want to question if he's actually telling the truth or not)
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A young adult pressured by society, once an overachiever now weighted by the burden of life after high school.
Codename: Oni (The group named him Oni due to the appearance of his persona. He went along with the name because he couldn't think of a better one, plus he found it endearing how the group of his closest friends gave him the name.)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : vox's anger and desire to do more despite the now limited resources and time he has in comparision to an older adult, or a child. despite being an honours student, vox was hit with the sudden reality check that he can no longer do what he was once able to without being compared to others. he didn't like that at all and wanted to change that perspective once and for all.
What Is His Persona?: an oni-like creature that towered over the rest. powerful and all-mighty, yet regal and somewhat refined. vox wants to invite his persona to a tea party one day.
His Position: the guardian angel. despite his mean appearance, vox cares a lot about the members of the team and shines the brightest during desperate situations. he's the hope and the eldest brother of the bunch and he'll do anything to make sure the operation goes as smoothly as possible with little or no injury to the rest of the boys.
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c-kiddo · 2 years
You’re very very right about the lack of diversity in character design, esp thinking about it in regards to CR3. Like Laudna is clearly meant to be a lot more willowy and uncanny looking than she’s shown in the character art. & the many many issues w/ Ashton’s design aside [I just,,Don’t like his design much. There was potential buts it’s just. Eh., it’s weak], it makes like zero sense for him to look the way he does being a barbarian!! Not that he has to be huge & all by any means, but he does not read barbarian aside from his big ol hammer :p
(trigger warning for talking about weight and body size/type in regards to character designs. also disclaimer that this is just talking about designs for fun, its /lh and just my musings)
i honestly quite like laudna's design overall, i think its hard to tell though, how thin she is, since she's very covered up. i actually really love her face and how her teeth dont quite fit in her mouth, which is something common with very underweight people, and i like her big dark eyes. ... i find her hard to draw quite right tho. and i think (no offense /g) in the fandom is really where people smooth her out, take away any wrinkle, and just make her kind of pretty and soft... like, no, i want her skin to be translucent. show me the veins in her eyelids!!!!
yea. . ashton's design is rly not my favourite. i redesigned him, which, i no longer rly like that drawing, mostly because of how i drew their hair. recently i've been trying to figure out how to draw the crystals even tho the idea makes my skin crawl a little lol. the main problem i have with their design is the colours - their clothes are similar values, a dark grey and a Bright red, and it just clashes with the purple and specific green of their skin .. in this last drawing of ashton i posted i think it's sorta better while still keeping the same colours, so theres that - also i think darker colours fits his character more, down in the shadowy alleys and bars of jrusar. also yea, not a fan of how totally shredded and sinewy he is, he needs to hydrate lol
my least favourite of the cr3 designs is between them and imogen though..i redesigned imogen recently and that was so much fun. i just think , her canon design doesn't suit her at all.. it's just a bit nothing-y, like a generic tomb-raiding (yikes) video game protagonist. and i think a hat suits her super well, since as well as mind-reading she has migraines and prefers to go unseen, so, she shades herself from the sun and staring with the hat.. also i just covered her up more so she wouldn't get sunburnt kajndks, its all light materials.. im just worried about her skin. also thought something a little more,, idk androgynous (??) practical (??) might be cool. like, she's got her waist-coast and her hat and bandana round her neck.. so turned her from sexy tomb-raider halloween costume to a cowboy, like her backstory is clearly inspired by :-] !! idk thats a ramble, i should catch up on cr3 i love imogen v much she has so much autism swag and she's so cool 2 me
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honey-rye · 2 years
the Mad Dogs as the Planets by Gustav Holst (with art!)
strap in folks, this one's a long one. I'll be providing my dum dum brain thoughts, that definitely make sense to me but maybe not anyone else, below the pics. stay for the rambles or just the art, enjoy :)
also, at the very end there's a couple bonus characters
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Donnie - Saturn the Bringer of Old Age
so hear me out with this one. Donnie was a hard one to figure out, while there were a bunch of potential songs for Leo and Mikey, I couldn't quite place a song for Donnie. on one hand, I really wanted to assign him Mars, just because it's as dramatic as he is lol. but it's also too harsh for him?
I went with Saturn in the end because to me it feels like an idea being formed, created and finished in a way, the trial and error of inventing. Saturn is a more emotional piece, one where you can really feel the highs and lows? Donnies emotional range doesn't show much but when it does it feels the same way. Saturn is mostly an adagio pace, (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them), matching with the way Donnie is often the one to pace himself, and be more calculated in his actions. and just like Dee, it has it's dramatic moments.
the ending movement feels like the love and peace he can only get from his family, it feels like his ninpo connecting with his brothers- or even just his brain calming down from getting overwhelmed or overstimulated
I also feel like Donnies favourite planet would be Saturn or Neptune but for two totally different reasons lol.
Leo - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
Jupiter is probably the most well known song of all the Planets, I almost assigned it to Mikey tbh, but I think it fits Leo best.
Leo is pretty much the definition of jollity, and yeah so is Mike, but Leo? he's bright, the "face man," he's typically seen in a lively mood.
this piece is loud, full of life, and at some points serious and more full of hope and warmth- sounds kinda like our favourite red eared slider huh. Jupiter is set in allegro, (fast, quick, and bright), reminiscent of Leo's quick thinking and agility- but also switches to a rubato, matching with the moments where he slows down and starts taking things seriously. (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them) despite being called a dumdum many time throughout the show, we all know Leo is actually really smart and calculated in most of his actions.
Jupiter as a planet is a protector, just like Leo who will do anything for his family, he brings them all together.
Leo being assigned Jupiter has nothing to do with him being the biggest fan of Jupiter Jim btw.
Raph - Venus, the Bringer of Peace
in any other iteration of Raph, I'd say he's Mars, but Rise Raph? I think Venus suits him the best.
Raph is a sweetheart. he's full of love and affection for his family, and openly shows his emotions. Venus is full of soft movements as well as harsher movements, reminiscent of Raphs tender moments vs his more serious and aggressive moments. Venus is played for the most part as an andante, (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them), in Raph I feel like this presents in how he keeps himself calm in certain situations, like when he tries to set aside his temper so he can guide his brothers in Pizza Puffs.
this is such a pretty part of the Planets, and as I've been listening to it on loop, it feels so full of love it can be overbearing, i couldn't pick out any other options for Raph, this one just fits him so well.
Mikey - Mercury, the Winged Messenger
I adore this version of Mikey. I think Mercury is a good representation of him because of how fun and mischievous it is. this is a kid who bounces around, throws random objects, and has fun with everything. Mercury has a fast pace for the most part, I'd put it at an allegro, similar to Jupiter. the piece really has a childlike fun to it, it's exactly what adhd sounds like to me lol.
Mikey is such a strong character in so many ways, the fact that he can have so much fun while still being able to get serious whether it be to Doctor Delicate Touch/Doctor Feelings his brothers, or when it comes to fighting even, is impressive considering he's the youngest- and definitely has two bad influence older brothers (cough cough, twins). Mercury is another one of the Planets that feels full of emotion in the middle of it, in Mikey these moments really present as his faith in his family. he trusts them so much, and even had faith in Draxum to become a good person. (then proceeded to adopt him as dad #2).
I'm not sure if any of these make sense to anyone else, and if you don't know the Planets you should definitely give them a listen.
honorable mentions as a bonus:
April as Uranus, the Magician
Cass as Mars, the Bringer of War
and the Hamatos as a whole as Neptune, the Mystic
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ukusreticence · 4 months
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i told myself to keep myself from ranting about my characters on here, but my brain has decided that this is my sketch and oc blog and i do not care anymore. i am LORE DROPPING EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT PROCESS AND I DO NOT CARE. at the very least its helping me gather my thoughts more by spewing it all out since i dont know how to simply write without some kinda art to accompany it so i have a topic in mind or something. thought process rant under cut, TLDR; side b is a damn mess of a character and such a fun concept to play with that i legit cannot decide on one concept for them
(quick warning, all mentions of "God" are in reference to hazbin hotel and hold no religious significance) personality wise/concept wise, i change side b a LOT, especially in RPs with character ais, which is how i kinda bounce ideas around and develop a solid concept of em. they can range from being an absolutely anxious mess, incredibly friendly and sweet (default), emotionless and empty and a buncha other stuff. Situation stuff wise also varies a lot, like the angel of equilibrium idea is what i consider their "official" story when i actually wrote the massive log of text for side B but like,, Side B has so many fun ideas to play with that it legit just depends on what im in the mood for at this point. like LOGICALLY speaking, if i wanted to put them in a universe with minimal to no interference (what i had in mind when making that lore post), then them simply being a complete bystander character who only observes and seeks understanding of every single damn action and thing is the good idea. they're social and still happy with no risk of collapse is the way i worded it.
however other concepts i've played with is them being solely confined to the void for "research" or "guarding" it with close to no visits to heaven (i actually have a traditional art comic of this one because i wanted to make cosmos and equilibrium like parallels of each other in a way, they still are parallels just not as obvious anymore) along with just ideas of simply being understanding but having to be under constant watch, being less friendly and more confined which would result in a more closed off variant of them.
i LOVE traumatizing my characters and in most situations it's either pre collapse with them being close to collapsing or post collapse side b. By collapse, i mean them being so dang stressed/confined/forced to stick to their current body with no reprieve that they literally physically cannot keep up their angelic disguise.
but like, another fun concept is that since creation they were either forced into an angelic disguise and taught/raised that's the "proper" way to be (lots of trauma involving appearance without knowing why, just general body dysmorphia), or the more fun variant is God deciding to keep this eldritch abomination in line by showing them all of his wonderful and fun and beautiful creations to the point side b gets attached, then proceeding to just casually drop the info that Dirk has the potential to destroy all of it. if you cant tell that last variant makes Side B DEEPLY afraid of themselves along with the normal body hatred thing. Alternatively, they immediately become a completely emotionless shell in hopes of not hurting anyone by becoming too emotional and losing form. But hey, if it works then it works.
Now on the topic of why would God keep an eldritch abomination that could potentially threaten all of reality, my brain tells me its because God hates erasing any of his creations if possible but talking with character ai, it actually came up with the idea that God somehow messed up SO BAD trying to recreate himself out of the literal embodiment of nothing that side b is literally bound to the void and if you erase side b, then the entire void goes with em. Which is so funny to me that i like the idea a lot and might have it only for self indulgence stuff and not placing em in other people's universes. Also my brain interprets the void as like, this whole thing that i might draw a comic of side b explaining since it is their domain. basically its just the start of everything.
rn im kinda like, combining a little of everything to make something im happy with. like,, Cosmos already has a pretty good idea and i ADORE how his personality is right now, but like Void?? damn there's SO MANY fun ideas and concepts i love to do with them that it's hard to settle on one. Side A is something i'm slowly building more and more on but Side B? HO BOY, i have not even settled on a SINGLE ONE.
most i know for certain is that i really do like side b being an absolutely cuddly and affectionate person. emotionless stuff is fun to mess around with once and awhile but overall i like my goob being sweet and loved by everyone. it'll make people seeing them as a monster hit harder too :}
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art-of-bygost · 5 months
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The sweet indulgence of Homestuck
Ok bitches buckle down cause not only did i make some cool art for my Homestuck versions of PMD ocs, i also made LORE. So clench those buttcheeks tight, sit down and listen
So first of all i changed their names to something more fitting
Ichabod > Ikabod
Zachary > Zakary
Yamato > Yamato
Musashi > Musahi
I am VERY smart. But even though i'm smart, i will keep using their PMD names for simplicity sake
So here are some ideas and concepts i thought for them
Yamato and Musashi
The idea is that they are sort of 1 person split into 2. They were one grub and grew into two separate people.
They are gold bloods, meaning they have psychic powers. Or rather, they are supposed to. Out of the two, Yamato is the only one who has psychic powers, Musashi has none. However, Yamato can't see and Musashi can. So, he uses her as a conduit for psychic powers of sorts, as she is able to direct them towards a specific point. Yamato can use the psionics on his own of course. But since he can't direct them anywhere, he just ends up releasing bursts of psionic energy, which can be fatal to the ones in close proximity.
Yamato and Musashi are very close together. Inseparable almost you could say.
As ancestors my idea was that their bodies are forcefully joined into one, allowing them to reach their full potential. The power of family <3
Also i wanted to give them the ancestor title "The Conjoined" but it' ONE letter away. i guess if i do "The Conjoins" i could get away with it
His theme is that he is sort of a guy who is a slave to his instincts. He is impulsive and acts first before thinking much, much later. He hates his status of a low blood, and is trying to use the powers of radiation (or as he calls them, glow rocks) to change his blood color. Which at one point he succeeds at. Because of an unfortunate incident involving his glow rocks, his blood mutates into candy purple. It only gets more difficult for him to control his emotions after that.
In the ancestor version my idea was that after he mutates, he completely loses control of himself and just becomes a mindless creature with a desire to devour anything in it's path. That leads him to eating the Gl'bgolyb itself and acquiring its powers. In a way, he does fulfill his dream of becoming more than his lowly blood status, as many end up seeing him as a god afterwards. His title is "The Devourer"
He was going to have hair but I've been persuaded not to give him any. And honestly, it's a good thing. Zach being bald is one of his universal constans. Speaking of which, when Zach was first a Minecraft oc, his backstory involved him being stuck in the End. Then after i brought him into PMD, he was stuck in the Twilight Taiga (courtesy of PearSquare). So figured that for Homestuck, he could be stuck in the Outer Ring, giving him very close ties to the Horrorterrors.
So he's kinda a cannibal. And i feel like due to his relation with the Horrorterrors, he would definitely go grim dark during the session.
For his ancestor version i was thinking that he could be sort of a cult leader. He basically becomes a spokesman guy for Ico and worships him, thinking he was sent by the Horrorterrors. I imagine he was the one to who had joined Yamato and Musashi's bodies together.
His title would be "The Seamster"
Okay those are all the ideas i had, dont ask me what their typing quirks are, see you in another post. Happy Homestuck Day bitches.
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agro-carnist · 2 years
not sure how any of this will be taken but it is all well-meaning and if i seem harsh anywhere it is probably the autism, because i don't hold malice toward you.
i appreciate your response to everything that's been happening. i must admit that it hasn't changed my opinions on the posts you've made or art in question, but i want to emphasize that suspecting someone is a pedophile or a zoophile is Never something i deprive joy or satisfaction from (it's just scary.), and hearing you explicitly say you are neither and explain why is truly a genuine relief.
i do believe you when you say you are neither. i am also appalled to hear that anyone has compared you to people like hypnotistsappho, i cant imagine how awful that would feel.
while my opinions (in regards to the art in question, the enjoyment of minor/adult relationships, or my belief that engaging with potentially dangerous paraphilias is indeed a bad idea) will likely never be changed, i did read what you've said in good faith and i will make an effort to atleast think over the points youve made. i also do not believe in thoughtcrime and do recognize that many of us can fall into black/white thinking regarding kink and the like.
i personally am also into kink, although it falls into "tamer" categories (for lack of ability to think up a better word), and to an extent i understand where some of what you say is coming from. i suppose regardless of my personal morals, in the grand scheme of things, as long as you arent hurting anyone (which you thankfully dont appear to be) it isn't my business and i don't need to understand anyway.
there is one post i wish you'd addressed but i can see why you didn't because it wasn't really in discussion much, and maybe isn't as big a deal as i am making it out to be. but as someone else with diagnosed ocd your post about (and forgive me because i do not remember the exact wording of your post. i promise i am not trying to put exact words in your mouth) "antis secretly enjoying the things that they claim disgust them" was really gut-punching to see and to be completely honest i felt a lot less open to hearing your side of things for a while after learning about it, because it just felt so mean spirited...
i know it wasn't aimed at other people with ocd but i wish you'd taken into account that other people with ocd would probably see that post before making it. especially since ocd is something you have personal experience with and know what it is like to suffer from. while we may disagree over the morality of much of what's being discussed, i am sure we can both agree as people with ocd that being told you secretly enjoy the thoughts that scare and disgust you or that go against your morals is never fun. it is a trigger for me but i think it is rude to imply this even to people without ocd. im not sure what i want to get out of sharing this. but i did want to be honest about how that post came off to me since i feel quite dissatisfied about it
all that really matters i guess is that you've provided clarification and were honest in your post. i really had no idea what else to think with what information and pieces we had beforehand, and now i simply hope we can all quietly avoid eachother in peace.
That's all I really want. I just want to be heard and understood. I really appreciate this. I'd rather be in civil disagreement than fight each other.
As for your concern on that post - I completely understand the concern there. There was a context for that image and I didn't expect it to be shared on other sites. I made that at a time when a lot of people were making "my favorite ship dynamics" tweets but using it to vilify other ships. It was kind of a trend to post your favorite ship dynamics with a doodle of generic blob people showing the dynamic. A lot of these were "problematic" tropes and a lot of people started a pushback trying to shame the original tweets. I was annoyed seeing tweets all the time that essentially boiled down to "the best and only valid ship dynamics are healthy and wholesome relationships." So I made that as a jab at them. I see a lot of hypocrisy among those types. I know a lot of people, including myself, would preach only what we deemed as healthy or unproblematic but had deeply repressed interests in the "problematic." And also heard of many instances where someone like that would be found creating and/or consuming equally nasty art. It was meant to point that out. I didn't mean to imply that everyone actually has secret taboo fetishes or that people genuinely upset by certain tropes are lying. I understand that can be upsetting and I apologize I made people feel that. Like I said I didn't think it would leave that context. It was just supposed to highlight a harmful attitude I kept seeing. In hindsight I could have made that clearer. I want people to accept their fantasies and not live like they're trying to cover them up by being a hostile moral crusader but I dont want others to feel hurt for that to happen. Again I'm sorry that it came to people getting triggered by what I said
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pumpkster · 1 year
I just wanted to ask how long it took to get so good at drawing and how long it took for you to get famous. I'm started a Ask Rick And Morty Blog but don't get any questions so i wanted to know. Love your drawing style sooooo much btw. :D
IM FAMOUS? ALSO THANK YOU!! ive been drawing since i was in elementary school :>
aand ive been here since 2019 so it has been a while, people here find you by tags and RBs so theres not really a shortcut? it depends bc i post for many fandoms and who see it vary, so i dunno how it would be for you since you are rnm-only, but with time u get people who just stay even if they are few
other thing to do is to interact with who follow or with mutuals so people dont forget you exist JSAJJ (<-- doesnt do it)
.there is no bad art + not everything has to be a finished piece
.there isnt a correct way to do art, a correct way of shading or anything
.dont fixate on getting a steady art style, knowing how to draw in many ways is something good and u shouldnt worry about it unless you are an animator
.while sketching dont focus on details, instead of whats going on with the piece
.any idea has potential
.rotate, add and experiment (i read once in a book that the first sketch is rarely the indicated)
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 years
Which brushes do you use for CSP 😳??
oh i always dreaded this question lmao-
ill be honest and clear cut with yall~
✨I have no idea✨
ok lemme explain, [tho if you dont wanna read all this just skip to the images in the end that i posted of my dumb self made and modified brushes] i have always used different mediums in my art~ ive used SAI, Gimp 2, CSP and occasionally Photoshop for the effects, filters and some brushes~ and i almost never remember where i downloaded them from because, first off, they were free anyway and i also almost always change them to fit my style beyond recognition to how they originally looked by default XDDD
MOST of my work is usually with SAI with almost the only brush i use in general for everything [ Inking, Coloring the edges, Shading, Lighting, and most other hand drawn shapes and hatching and etc ] is used with these settings. i never change it because i had years of experimenting to finally be comfortable with these and i will die a painful death if anything happens to my laptop before i could save these settings so i keep it in my art files just in case lmao~ [i do NOT like change and trying new stuff is2g i need therapy-]
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HOWEVER when it comes to CSP i have had..... very depressing progress yay :D ... SAI in my experience has been a bit sucky in being able to handle large sizes and layers or anything else and having the possibility of crashing but the way it makes some things easy has been a MIRACLE for my lazy ass, i might have given up art before i ever even started if SAI didn't exist, but as how all EASY things usually are they start lacking in variety after a while, and i realized since one of my friends had bought me a CSP a long time ago, heck i might as well use it and oh my GOD the anxiety it induced ended me up with an IV and several trips to the hospital for injections to calm me down [and potentially temporarily blinding me] im not even joking. i mean yeah i was going through stuff back then that did NOT help my situation in general but the fact that CSP doubled my anxiety cuz i just couldn't draw with it made me have several existential breakdowns where i thought i will never be able to improve my art as a self proclaimed artist anymore because i had gotten so used to only working with what i found PERFECTLY comfortable to my own tastes that im just useless at getting used to anything else... so what happened was that i went on the most violent weekly spree of downloading any brush i could that even resembled REMOTELY to what i wanted- i also searched for brushes on tumblr or google or anywhere else- i watched so many CSP transition videos on youtube my brain was spinning and i was on a rout of self destructive agony to make this WORK. so now i have a bajillion downloaded brushes and all of them have spawned 20 other copies that i have aggressively modified beyond any sort of resemblance to what they used to be- it doesn't help that the file names and the brush names are different so i cant search for them either 😑
but if the brush names could help you in finding them uhhh, heres like.... 1/10th of the brushes i downloaded and modified that i actually did NOT go back and delete because they are fun to have around XD
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have fun, //goes to cry in a corner-
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randomoranges · 2 years
more teacher au thoughts
 Edward makes his way to the art room and finds the door open. He pops his head in and finds Étienne already seated at one of his many worktables, poking at his food. His friend scoots over to make room for him when he sees him, and Edward closes the door behind him before taking a seat.
 He’s not sure why, but Edward makes it a point to have lunch with Étienne once or twice per cycle. He never sees him in the staff room and he knows Étienne always has something to do in the art room; hence he makes it a point to see his friend and make sure he’s doing alright. There might be something about Étienne’s magnetism as well, but he puts the thought aside.
 They’re having a pleasant chat about plans for the upcoming break, when Edward notices it again.
 It is a sticker on Étienne’s file folder holder that sits on his desk. Edward had seen the sticker before – twice or thrice before – when it wasn’t hidden by one of Étienne’s many scarves or water bottle, but he always chalks it up to an illusion of his mind, for the sticker is, without a doubt, a pride sticker.
 Edward doesn’t know if he’s just that desperate for a queer friend at work, or if it’s just wishful thinking, but he keeps wanting to ask Étienne about it, even if he doesn’t know how.
 He’s not out at work (and doubts he’ll ever be, what with how conservative this school is), but the mere idea that there could be an ally of sorts is monumental. Especially when he considers the numerous staffroom conversations he’s heard over the years that make him gnash his teeth every single time.
 Obviously, he realises that just because Étienne has a pride sticker on a piece of furniture, it doesn’t mean that Étienne falls under the queer umbrella himself – regardless of whatever hypothesis Edward has. (Plus, it’s rather rude to judge based on Étienne’s long hair and the many brightly coloured and patterned shirts (and socks) the man has. This might just be his teacher persona, for all he knows.)
 Étienne’s never said anything specific that could potentially identify him as being part of the community and, anyways, it’s not as if Edward has been forthcoming with his own truth either. Therefore, Étienne is either very straight or, he’s also on stealth mode and that’s fine as well.
 Still, Edward would like a fellow queer friend – or ally – at work with whom he can commiserate with or at the very least, not have to guard his every word in fear.
 Plus, with his luck, Étienne may have thought the pride sticker was just a pretty rainbow and had put it there for that. (He really hopes not, but again, he’s heard stories. Some people really are that clueless.) And, maybe, Étienne is a fake ally. Maybe he’s okay with the idea of queer people existing so long as he doesn’t know any. Or, worse still, maybe Étienne only accepts certain types of people in the community so long as they follow heterosexual ideals. Or something. But, then again, why put the sticker up?
 It’s not worth the risk.
 And yet, Edward stares at the sticker and aches for the days when he could talk about what he’d done with his boyfriend without it being cause for debate.
 He sighs deeply and looks away from the sticker and back to his lunch.
 “Are you okay?” Étienne asks looking in the direction where Edward had been staring moments before.
 “Yeah, it’s nothing; it’s been a morning.” He lies as he takes a sip from his juice box. He tries to think of anything he could tell or ask Étienne that could let him find out where Étienne stands on the whole queer question, but his mind draws blanks speckled with fear that his friend will come to his own conclusions and then denounce him out on the public space.
 It’s not worth it. Such a friendship is also not worth it, some rational part of his mind provides.
 “D’you want to talk about it?”
 Étienne’s been nothing but nice. He’s quirky and funny and Edward likes hanging out with him and enjoys their drives to and from work every day or so. He sees himself spending time with him outside of work as well, which is not a privilege he bestows to just anyone.
 “Bah, same old, really,” He says calmly. “Well, actually,” He starts and then stops. He has an idea forming in the back of his head, but he fears that Étienne will either see right through him or not understand. “I was reflecting on a situation that happened this morning.” It happened last year, but his friend doesn’t need to know that. “During recess, a student said that she is bisexual. I was afraid that some of the other students would say mean things to her. Luckily, so far, I haven’t heard them say anything. I’m impressed she felt so comfortable saying that, unprompted, but I still fear how others – students and staff – might feel or react…” He spares Étienne a glance and holds his breath for what his friend might say.
 “Wow, that’s really brave of her. I’m glad the others have been cool as well. Here’s hoping it stays that way.” Étienne sighs then and looks at his file holder. “I know we only work with younger kids, compared to the high school crowd, but I think it’s important to let them know – even if it’s subtle – that we’re safe to them…”
 There’s a shift in Étienne’s green eyes and it’s over much too soon for Edward to get a proper reading from it, but he wonders, briefly, if Étienne hadn’t been talking about himself for a moment.
 “I mean, we don’t know if they have a queer family member, or a friend, or if they’re questioning it themselves. I don’t know if you noticed, but I have a pride sticker on my file folder.” He points at it and Edward nearly laughs, delirious and relieved, but he keeps his mouth shut and looks in the direction of the sticker. “It might not be much, but it’s there, for those who need it. It’s a start, if nothing else, until we can actively talk about this in schools without being afraid we’ll get fired.”
 Edward nods and reaches for his juice box again, slightly overwhelmed. He thinks of the pride sticker he’s been wanting to put in his own classroom for years now – small and discreet, but there, for those who need it, but too afraid to put. He figures that now is a good time to do it. It might now solve all the problems of the world, but it’ll be there for those who need it.
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okay so i got another video essay idea BUT I SWEAR T H I S TIME i think ill manage to complete the script (yes thats what i say everyt ime fnsdjkafl) anyway
if youd like to hear more its under the cut (kirby related btw uwu)
warning its all very ramble-y
setting the bar low and keeping the tone more so to just discussing something i like so i dont get to ambitious with the analysis
so a while back i read this awesome poggers fanfic called "being a knight is easy (and so is pretending to be one) by @/azzie-tangerine
and ive already had plans for a potential series discussing completed novel length fanfics so it could be snazzy!!
most notably though sense its written work thatll help me to not go crazy ambitous with the anaylsis: i ussually just have SO many thoughts that its hard to write down, so im hoping that covering a written work instead of something with a visual element, will help my thoughts to be more manageable sense like, i dont have as many of those entire essays over itty bitty details stuck in my head sense i dont have as much of a grasp on the itty bitty details of the written word
like bassically, because im less savy with written work my brain wont go so absolutely primal artist instinct mode feral lmaofnsdjkalfhdsk
anyway, ill want to go over all the art and fanart the author has done and recieved and maaaaybe if i gain the confidence see if i could talk to/interview the author?? (i had the confidence to compliment them on anon but that was it nfdskja )
gsoh this post is so un structured
uuhhhh heres a link to the fic
Being a Knight is Easy! (So is Pretending to Be One) - Chapter 1 - Azzie_Tangerine - Kirby (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
if you read it: it would be super helpful to me if you could maybe lmk your thoughts and takeaways on it? or wanna talk about it with me more
its nice to have other peoples thoughts to bounce off of when writing a review/video essay/anaylsysis/random guy on the internet goes feral over kirby characters having emotions video
so anywayyy snfskjdfk ummm if anybody would have any video edting software recs that would be GREAT too~ (as well as its nice to know who would be willing to proof read my scripts)
okie so
currently i guess my "to do list" for starting up this idea is to reread the fic wile writing notes along the way: and joting down comments and quotes
during that ill also work on organzing my thoughts into topics/categories
i dont want to worry to much about structure, art, and the such until i have more work to show
anyhow! while im chaotically chatting i might as well kirby animation update too!!!
im having a hard time deciding where to start with the lines: at first i was gonna do a non anti-aliasing basic brush so itd be easy to color but i really wanted a bit more texture so im currently trying to get all the backgrounds lineart with that: in which ill than go along with the character animation and color whenever its most convenient too~
and sense i can heres another wip!
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a bit of a pause on this piece: ima try to find some lineless scenery speedpaints to give me more of an idea of how to go about with this
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Ight, brainrot au. im just gonna put the text that I send to echo when I talked about it. Its very much based of different media that is making my brainrot cause it is on my insta fyp. Ill post some art of it when I get to it >:)
Theres this anime, based of a game, called cyberpunk:edgerunners, it's the one where I got the mantis dream idea from. The basic plot line of it is that there is this futuristic world that can use like bodily attachments to get stronger/quicker/better at fighting/ etc. And it goes on about how the government sucks and horny teens and bla bla bla, that's not as important for the brainrot. The important thing for the brainrot is the attachment parts, that you can enhance your body with stuff like that, and the fact that my entire fyp on instagram is filled with naruto and MHA, even tho I watch neither of them, and superhero brianrot that is based of another fic caused this au. So, the following brainrot: Similar to MHA, most people have some sort of power/quirk/whatever which they can use. Not everyone, but theres a healthy balance and no form of power imbalance as in the ones with power are above those who dont have powers. They vibe together and work together with no issue. Well, as in mha, there is a form of superhero community that prevents disasters. They more like overpowered fireman that most of the time use their powers to safe people from people who just want to wreck havoc. And alot of people want to be a part of it, but arent allowed to because maybe their powers would be better at another part or it would take too many resource to train them to their fullest potential that they want, so they get the option into another part, stuff like that. Well there are three teens that have tried, but werent allowed in cause one could be replaced with better working attachments, his powers werent special enough (dream), one would have to go into way to intensified training to control his powers and it would be easier if he went in his father footsteps and became a medic (sapnap) and one would take to many resources and tries and errors to really get to his fullest potential, tho it would be easier if he worked in the it part of the commitee and not the fighting part (george). Doesnt mean those three stopped. They became vigilantes, practicing with eachother in abandoned buildings to become stronger and help more people efficiently. But greed is something that controls people. So when snf got a deal, where they rat out dream as vigilante and get him cought, they would be allowed and trained in the hero commitee. Cause being a vigilante was the most illegal thing and would get you 5 years prison and power constraints. Well they rat out dream and he is captured to go into pandoras vault, the last thing he sees is them getting pushed towards the exit by the warden, one of the heroes. What they thought was pandoras, really wasnt pandoras, as it was used to experiment with the limits of a human and with how much shit they can be pumped full fo when it comes to powers and attachments. Cause powers are transferable, people just dont do it caus eit often times ends with agony or death. But who cares about prisoners who at the end of the day will end up just being numbers for datas. They would try out a power on a prisoner first, and depending on the reaction they were either forced into more testing or were used as play pretend to make pandoras seem like a normal prison. And ofcourse, dreams luck, it turns out his body can hold quite a bit. They would pump him full of powers or attachments that either prevented other powers (ei: him gettign an attachment that makes it so that wilbur would not be able to control him, him getting a power similar to foolishs to trick him, him getting a mix of both to be able to resist sapnaps fire if attacked straight on, etc.), only stopping if his body would completely crash or he would disobey, causing him to be punished. Most of those punishments were in some way connected to attachments he got (ie, the mantis arms) and used as pure conditioning. Cause his mind to break at some point, him obeying and listening to the wardens orders. Him and others that were close to his levels were trained to become perfect killing machines basically. But he was the number cause why the fuck not, brainrot demands it. Well, at some point the whole operation comes out, when snf came to pick up dream after five years and they said hat he was never part of pandoras, cause he wasnt, he was part of hell in a box. Them raiding pandoras, dream fighting a bunch of heroes cause the warden told him to, till like he breaks out of it somehow and breaks down and emotional stuff and him getting saved and stuff. The most of the au happens after, him getting money as compensation, getting a job a cafe where foolish and puffy work at, him getting closer to the two that betrayed him, the drunz plot, etc. Etc. Him just getting his life back after losing his teenage years n stuff
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