#but i have sooo many other characters I'll need help with in the future
ellistocracy · 10 months
the problem with getting sensitivity readers is that it's a job and you have to pay them. which is fair but i don't have any money and it's highly doubtful that I'm going to make any
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godlizzza · 9 months
3 + 17 + 21 for the book asks! :D
3. What were your top five books of the year?
-Swordheart by T Kingfisher
Amazing fantasy/romance about a woman attempting to be married off by her family, who finds a magical sword left to her by a deceased relative. When she draws the sword, it releases an immortal warrior bound to serve whoever wields the sword. The two of them then escape together and travel across the land in search of legal help for her. Halla and Sarkis are amazing characters, with great chemistry and the journey they take together, both physically and emotionally, is soooo good.
-City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
Historical fiction/coming of age set in New York City in 1940 about a young woman named Vivian, who's been kicked out of college and is sent to live with her theatre director aunt. I'll talk about this book more in just a sec haha.
-And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
A crime/thriller about a bunch of people invited to an isolated island by a mysterious person known as U.N Owen, however soon after they all arrive, they start dying one by one to the theme of a haunting nursery rhyme. Agatha Christie is the queen of crime for a reason and while I'm most familiar with her Poirot mysteries, this standalone book was so creepy, so atmospheric, and full of so much dread that I think it might be my favourite of hers that I've read so far.
-The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
You may have seen me reblog quite a bit of stuff from this series and that's only because it took over my life for a good few months there. This series is so hard to concisely describe because it's unlike anything I've ever read before. It's a Scifi series set in the distant future where humanity is spread out across the solar system, and there's a House on each planet that practices some form of necromancy. Book 1 follows our protag Gideon, an indentured servant to the ninth house, being roped into joining the reverend daughter of the house, Harrow (who she fucking hates) in this competition where duos from each of the nine houses are sent to a dilapidated castle on a distant planet to try and unlock the mystery of ascending to a higher power known as lychtorhood. All you need to know is that the series is funny, action-packed, mysterious, confusing, often mind-fucky, and gay as hell. Just read it.
-She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki.
A manga series this time! I read quite a few manga series that I really loved this year (Cherry Magic and My Love Mix-up were also contenders for this spot) but this series holds such a special place in my heart. It's a slice of life romance about two women, Nomoto and Kasuga, who live in the same apartment building and bond over their mutual love of food. They cook together, go out to eat together, and just spend loads of time together. It's very sweet and wholesome. Watching them grow closer and seeing how much they love spending time with the other and are just looking for any excuse to invite the other over is sooo cute. There are 3 volumes out in English rn as well as season 1 of a live action tv show adaptation, which is also really good. It truly makes my heart sing and is the best Yuri manga I've read so far.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Here's where I circle back to City of Girls! I knew very little about the book going in and was surprised at how immediately taken I was with it! The narrative voice is so strong, and the way the book tackles so many things- friendship, romance, sex, family, passion, changing political climates, class- it's all so good. The book is a wild ride. You go through a lot with Vivian, including her highest highs and lowest lows, but through it all you see the simple journey of life that everyone goes through. It's truly an amazing book and one I'd recommend to everyone, even if you don't typically reach for historical fiction.
21. Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
I haven't participated in any but I've seen quite a few unfold. The ones sticking out to me rn are that girl on tiktok who would loudly and publicly thirst over hockey players because they reminded her of fictional hockey players she'd read about in sports romances, to the point where she was literally at games irl filming these men and catcalling them. It got so bad that the wife of one of the players came out on instagram to talk about how uncomfortable this shit made her and her husband feel and the tiktoker's reaction was to be like LOL get over it. wild.
There was the one where this indie horror author saw a negative review of one of his books, so he publicly started dragging the girl who'd made the review and even dedicated a book he wrote to her, and was just generally a massive dick.
And most recently that upcoming debut author who had made a bunch of fake accounts on goodreads to boost the rating of her book and bomb the ratings of fellow debut authors. Then when people started to follow the trail of breadcrumbs she'd inadvertently left behind, she made a fake conversation between her and a supposed 'friend' on discord admitting to being the one behind the review bombs. Eventually, proof of her being the culprit got released and she lost her book deal, her agent, and all her author friends. Sucks to suck.
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kazuichikazuichi · 2 years
Kazuichi for the ask game ;)
oh my goodness.........KAZ MY BELOVED. i've spent well over 2 hours non stop writing all of this out lol help me😭 i love him so much, he is my favourite character of everything ever, so thank you very much for asking about him!! i hope this is enjoyable to read, and to anyone who doesn't like him all that much, maybe reading this will change your mind! :) <3<3<3
favourite thing about them: so many things, he is so so so special to me!!!! he also partially reminds me of myself, and i am very attached to him :) i love his character design (and i love that it's explained yknow? it's not like oh yeah he has naturally pink hair for no reason), i love his voice and speech patterns, i love how clingy he is, how realistically scared he is compared to some other characters considering he took part in a literal killing game, how smart he is, how 'normal' his talent is (it's a realistic talent idea for a school like hopes peak, its a normal talent someone could develop after years of working in their family's shop, and its academic so the school would want him yknow? like no offense to e.g. mondo, i love him but why would they want a biker gang leader in a school like that lol😭) anyway i'm already rambling and im only on the first question oops lol. final favourite thing to mention is his tiny braid. soooo cute n silly. and i love his earrings. and how one sleeve of his jumpsuit is cuffed higher than the other. okay no i need to stop rambling now
least favourite thing about them: i don't like how he's so often dismissed as just a comedy character or a pervert or whatever. i wish he'd been written in a little more depth so he could be given a chance by fans who automatically dislike him. i love him so much and i want everyone to experience the joy of loving him!!! he is a sweetheart inside i promise
favourite line: engines revving!!!!! ✊😛✊ lol i also like i'll bury you and your hamsters 6 feet under!!!! and general gundham insults they all make me giggle
brotp: literally EVERYONE omg, i love his friendship potentials with the whole sdr2 cast! buuut some i particularly enjoy are ibuki, fuyuhiko, akane and mahiru :) kaz and ibuki would be so SILLY together i love them, i wrote a pekobuki fic with her and kaz being bffs and it was so much fun to write! she would love to put his hair into fun styles and paint his nails :) fuyuhiko aaa i love them together (also love them as a ship) i like the idea of fuyu being the voice of reason between them, telling kaz off when he needs to and keeping him grounded in reality! akane would sooo be like a sister to him i love her, they would get into lots of mischief together, have food fights, wrestle in mud etc lol. then mahiru aww also so like a sister to him, but akane is more like a twin and mahiru more like a big sister :) mahiru would help him look after himself, help him comb chewing gum out of his hair if hiyoko sticks it in there lol etc. also love him and nekomaru as friends too and ughh i could literally list every character here with a specific headcanon for their dynamic
otp: i'm gonna have to say soudam!! i absolutely adore them, they're so sweet and i think about them all the time :) they could be so good for each other if they settled their differences. one of my favourite dynamics is that gundham has feelings for him but kaz is just too silly to notice lol. i've published 9 fics on ao3 so far, 4 of which are soudam, including a 5-chapter fic (i normally just write oneshots, and the only other future multi chapter fics i have basic mental plots for are also soudam lol so you can tell i love them) they are just so special to me :) some other kaz ships i enjoy are him with fuyuhiko(!!), hajime, and i also quite like him with nekomaru too! :) and my fave non sdr2 ship for him is leon, their ship name is bubblegum rock, isn't that just the cutest name ever?!
notp: if there's gonna be a notp it's gonna have to be sounia, i love them both dearly as characters but just not together. my interpretation of his crush on her is that he is gay, and uses her as a fake crush to hide his sexuality to avoid getting bullied, and his reasoning is that she's a very conventially attractive blonde PRINCESS, nobody would question him for having a crush on her, right?? hence why he finds her hobbies weird etc and doesn't show an interest other than "wow she's so hot" lol. i don't think he realises at ALL how uncomfortable he makes sonia, he's just glad that she doesn't like him so he doesn't have to actually be in a relationship (my 5 chapter soudam fic started with this idea by the way!) and i like to think that if she sat down with him and properly explained why it's not right, he'd cave in and come out and apologise a lot and cry :( also think his treatment of her is partly just, he doesn't understand social cues and social norms very well (me too kaz me too) so he just is doing his best to appear normal :'(
random headcanon: when he listens to music, he sings and dances around his room with a hairbrush!!! but he would be VERY embarrassed if anyone found out :) i have lots of silly little headcanons like this for him that im probably going to post one day! i just think about him 24/7 so i have lots of things like this to say
unpopular opinion: i've seen quite a few people headcanon him as having adhd before, but i personally see him closer to being autistic! not sure really why, i just do! :)
a song that you associate with them: even though he's my favourite character ever i still found this super tricky to answer, song questions don't come easily to me i guess. but! my favourite artist right now is poppy, so "immature couture" by poppy! she has lots of different genres of songs but this one is SO girly and camp and i think kazuichi would love it and secretly listen to it a lot and dance around his room with his hairbrush microphone :'))) here's a link to the song!
favourite picture of them: SO TRICKY ummm my favourite sprite is the engines revving one lol with his tongue out but also love the beanie down over the eyes scared one. i love so many pictures but as a soudam shipper i suppose i will say this one bc ughhh they are just too cute!!:
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some honourable mentions are his chapter 2 diner picture looking out of the window, his pictures in the chapter 1 party, and all of those anime screenshots like there's one of everyone on the beach where he's being buried by sonia and chiaki, one where he's at the top of a christmas tree next to gundham a picnic one etc. i love them all (i haven't seen the anime so no idea where these bits come in but i haven't seen scenes surrounding them just singular pictures?)
this was so FUN!!! ihad plans to write fanfic tonight but im glad i spent my time doing this bc it was so much fun, thank you for submitting him :D there's one more character in my inbox but it's midnight for me rn so i will either do it later tonight after a break or in the morning, if anyone else would like to submit a character for me to talk about that would be awesome!!
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i am for once very happy they are addressing the fact ben still has insecurities over the two timing situation because THAT’S HARD especially for someone like ben that constantly feels like he is always being left behind. In season 3, ben came to terms with the idea of just being friends with devi so the boink might have put his defenses up again. i get it. i think he needs to talk when he is ready to talk. i am team devi in that whole disclosure because i think her being upset feels justified this time but i won’t totally shut down ben for this because it makes sense that he feels like that. and devi running out after the boink certainty didn’t help.
if ben and devi are going to get together. i need that whole cheating situation to be addressed because i don’t like when writers ignore situations like these as if they aren’t impactful, hurtful and can complicate relationships.
Honestly I think Never Have I Ever has done an excellent job of showing the trauma and impact of Devi's cheating, on both on Devi and Ben's end, and I'm sure they will have a really long, honest conversation about it in the future because it has severely impacted the future of a relationship they both really value. I'm glad they're exploring Ben's reaction and in a lot of ways he's reacted like a normal teenage boy who doesn't know how to act around the girl he loves, but I take issue with the fact that from what I've heard (again disclaimer here, I have not seen the episode just heard summaries/spoilers so it could absolutely play out better on screen) I do think that he owed her at least one conversation after having sex and it was wrong to deny her of that. I will say this given that I am personally am an anxious attachment girlie, sex/sexual acts make me incredibly attached to people, and I don't understand avoidant attachment/avoiding confrontations about very deep, personal subjects when they're deeply, deeply, deeply affecting the other person (which having sex with Ben did to Devi) I think it's okay to say "Hey I need some time to process this and I'll talk with you when I'm ready" but I know Ben doesn't have the language or emotional capacity to convey that yet. And apparently he was worried about the sex being bad which is honestly very relatable and realistic but again, I don't think that excuses him ignoring her. I just don't think you should just assume to give people time to talk about things on their own time UNLESS they clearly state they need that, because then you're waiting around for a person/situation that may just never come to fruition. And also Devi gave him an opportunity to talk and he didn't want to and sooo many things could have been solved if they just talked it out that one time.
That's why I personally just have a hard time buying this situation right now/am having a hard time seeing how I personally can forgive Ben again and feel secure on their JOURNEY to endgame (because I know they will be endgame) I actually have no doubt the cheating situation will be addressed because Jaren and Maitreyi said there would be a lot of difficult conversations between their characters and they've done a great job with it so far except to me this really just feels like drama for the sake of drama and not having them get together until the very end
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
hajime shino please? 👉👈 also do shu enstars pls.....
hajime!!!! my boy
favorite thing about them: where do i even start. i don't know what to say. everything. he's such an interesting character. he's just like me fr. his growth means so much to me. maybe the fact that he's afraid of change but he is now facing it with a smile! harenohi sugar wave means so much to me
least favorite thing about them: i wish he'd stop getting relegated to support roles and helping others for a bit. i really want a character development story in !! era like romantic comedy or sweet halloween
favorite line: can i copypaste the entirety of sweet halloween. i remember seeing a translator say that it was one of the hardest stories to tl that they had ever worked on alskjdmlsjkdm. but yeah, i have to answer the "if there's a wall blocking your way, then i'll lead you to an alternate route. we should be able to build some muscle as we're walking, and we'll get to experience new things" because i think it's such a nice mentality! if you can't keep going forward to your objective and need to take an alternate route, it's no problem! you're just building muscle
brOTP: said it with tori and i'll say it again: hajitori!!!!!! loev them. besties. and well of course ra*bits as a whole. i love that he has so many friends <3
OTP: tomohaji make me unwell ❤
nOTP: none!
random headcanon: he's autistic guys. he's sooo autistic
unpopular opinion: you guys need to understand that he actually does want to be cute! while he's still in the process of deciding what he wants to do with his future, right now, he wants to be cute and is working to be a cute idol. ive talked about this already but he chose to wear the skirt in his fs1 outfit! because, as he himself said in the story, it is an outfit only the him of right now could wear
song i associate with them: i've been thinking of miraizu..... plus since in his last event there was the scene of him talking to his past self and everything waahh
favorite picture of them: ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/Hajime_Shino/Gall- i think his fs1 is perfect <3 heals your soul
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and shu! legend <3
favorite thing about them: theres actually many other things i like but even if it sounds shallow. his aesthetic sense is so good. valk's theme and music are Everything i love them sooo much they go so hard
least favorite thing about them: hmmm. saying things like his treatment of nazuna or anything doesn't really make much sense because he's behind that already so. hmmmmmmmmm i'm not sure there's anything i dislike rn, i'm enjoying his growth
favorite line: man. can i say the entire human comedy monologue. you know the one. "humanity is, for example, the will that one requires to kil that which they love deeply". that monologue. but also, as simple as it may be, "at the same time, i wish from the bottom of my heart to be an artist" really, really resonated with me. yeah, i do, too.
brOTP: the eccentrics!!! <333
OTP: honestly it's not even necessarily in a romantic sense because whatever they have going on is. truly something else, but shmk are. whoa
nOTP: none i think!
random headcanon: pushing my agenda of i think he should be a terrible mentor figure to tori's little sister. they would be so fun
unpopular opinion: ik theres people who get tired of enstars monologues but well i think he should talk as much as possible i eat that up
song i associate with them: the doll's dream's vibes are Off The Charts. it's not necessarily that the lyrics fit but you HAVE to listen to it.
favorite picture of them: i'm a huge fan of his chocofes bloomed!!! love
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deltaruneadventures · 2 years
Sooo...I kinda sorta purposefully didn't post anything on this blog for a little less than a week. I was thinking about the current state of this blog and where things might be headed. Since 2023 is almost upon us--or is already upon us, depending on your timezone--I feel like now is a good time to make a major change to how this blog functions.
More information under the cut.
Starting from now, there is no longer a posting schedule. Back when I first had the idea to post Deltarune dialogues, I thought having a consistent schedule would help motivate me to post dialogues consistently. However, the schedule seems to be doing the exact opposite. I don't want to post dialogues on here since I'll then feel too committed to the schedule and be pushed to get out said dialogues at a constant rate without slowing down and taking the time to make sure each dialogue isn't rushed and sloppy. I've made several mistakes on past dialogues because of this. Some mistakes were more extreme than others--some errors were simply a silly typo while others were related to pronoun misuse--and while mistakes are to be expected, it does begin to pile up over time.
Writing is something I love doing, and I want to have a career based on it in my future. But I don't enjoy writing if I feel like I'm forced to write or if I'm bound by a time limit. I want to put true passion and effort into every last piece of my writing, whether it's a dialogue or a personal work of mine. I don't feel as if my past dialogues have shown my true potential. I'm not saying all past dialogues were bad. I enjoy going back and re-reading through most of them. But I don't read my past dialogues and think "I put my absolute best effort into this". Because I didn't.
One phrase I try to follow is "quality over quantity". I would rather post fewer, more fleshed-out dialogues than many rushed and sloppy dialogues. This way, I can post dialogues on my own time and won't feel any pressure doing so. I will have more time to edit and re-read said dialogues and find mistakes or errors, such as portraying a character incorrectly or misgendering anyone.
Blogs like this depend a lot on how the moderator is affected. If a moderator is choosing to put the needs and expectations of what they THINK their audience wants before their own, they will feel stressed and burnt-out. The blog will not do well and said moderator won't feel content about their work. But if the moderator chooses to run the blog on their terms and not on what the moderator expects of the public, they will be happy, satisfied, and want to actively pursue what makes their blog special. Hence why I am choosing to abolish my posting schedule.
I probably didn't need to go on a whole explanation as to why I'm making this decision, but if any of you were curious, there's why. Don't worry, I'll still be active on here. I'm not too sure how often I'll post dialogues. My consistency will vary as time passes. But I don't plan to abolish this blog anytime soon. I truly enjoy what I do here, and I want to provide a more unique aspect to the Deltarune community. I don't see a lot of people in the fandom writing out dialogues, at least not in this way. I'm a huge Deltarune fanatic, and want to contribute to the fandom in my own special way.
Aaanyway, with that being said, I will still post the Christmas-themed dialogue and the New Year-themed dialogue. I would say when, but that kinda ruins the entire point I was trying to make about me not having a schedule, lol. So I'll give a rough estimate instead: I plan to post both dialogues in the following couple weeks. I'm late I know, I'm sorry about that :(. Hopefully they're still enjoyable, even if they're posted late.
Happy (almost) New Year, and thanks for reading!
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chaosthatsmellsgreen · 7 months
Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender thoughts, part 5/5
And finally, about Aang. The need for a trigger warning is nuts; it's about a certain interpretation of a plot point and the warning is repeated before the paragraph where I talk about it.
Also, if you actually read this whole thing, thanks! I just had so many thoughts about this adaptation and I needed to get them all out. A few months ago I did a Supernatural rewatch and I did a meta on the last episode and the general storytelling of S1-5, and I thought that was long, oh man. I was incorrect. That one actually fit into a single post! If you read this and have comments please feel free to talk to me, I've been scrolling through the #natla tag on tumblr for two days trying to see how everyone else reacted. There is also probably like fifteen other bulletpoints I could make but I've started this at like noon and it's 1 am and this is already a five parter text post which tbh nobody is going to read because I know I wouldn't! ADHD brain be like "hey, write this!" but if I see a even a ling single part meta post it just goes "too many words, bye." Potentially expect further relatrf thoughts and/or a lot of reblogs in the near future.
Aang: idk about Aang. he's got good moments and weak moments, i don't love his arc so far. i think Aang is a bit of a debated character in the original, but i personally liked his 3 season arc. now i've been a little worried about what they're going to do with it when they were talking about making some changes to it? and after seeing season 1, i feel like i was right to be worried. so in general i think Aang's "arc" is really weak in this. he's basically just going back and forth between "well i don't wanna be the avatar" and "well i've got to stand up as the avatar" and he just sort of goes through this in every episode without making any progress. i also really hate that this season went so hard on the whole "The Avatar's burden is a lonely one" thing, because while that's relevant, i think it works much better in the original where Aang (and the audience) gets a lot of time to build up a connection with the rest of the Gaang and the Guru telling him that he needs to let go of earthly attachment and therefore Katara at the end of book 2 is such a sudden cold shower.
Aang (TW: SUICIDE): also his decision at the end of the season is so sad. i mean not for nothing but he's basically suicidal? like... that's so depressing, i really didn't want to be thinking about Aang wanting to literally die because he's so sad and lonely? i'm not saying it's not like realistic or whatever, it just made me feel like shit. it's like Bumi being so cynical and angry. it's not unreasonable of this Aang, who's being told on a weekly basis that whatever he does, he's going to lose everyone he loves, that after all his people have been killed, he's now going to have to bear this enormous burden he's never wanted completely alone, and that if he tries to find help anywhere that's not within himself, his past lives, he's also going to get everyone fucking killed. and i know it's sort of framed like a sacrifice, which it is, but the way he talks right before he does it, like "I should've been lost a 100 years ago, this isn't my world"??? despite what i think was the intended framing it felt so much like he just wants to die, like this is the only use for himself he can see in this world is to fucking. DIE. IT'S JUST SO FUCKING SAD. from this (originally) optimistic and resilient character this is sooo very out of character (the sacrifice wouldn't be. this basically suicide-thinly-veiled-as-sacrifice is.) okay i'll stop harping on about this, you get it.
Aang is out of character overall: anyway. another real bad moment was Aang telling Katara not to fight, all i'll say about that is that this is clearly not the Aang who said "if you don't train Katara, i won't learn from you either" putting his avatar training in jeopardy because someone tried to tell Katara what she can and cannot do. idk what else to say about him, i'm not really vibing with this adaptation of his character. OG Aang shines through here and there but he's lost a lot of his optimism, his inner strength, his charisma and his wisdom. i hope some of these issues get addressed if we get around to more seasons.
PART 5/5
Thank you for reading!
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cyncallenreese · 3 years
About the Eng. A3! Server
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I have mixed feelings about that and most of this feelings are negative. I can't even write that I'm thankful that they released it in english. I'm probably the only one with that but it's okay cause I have my own piece of mind.
I'm just so tired about losing too many games that were really dear to me and i have enough.. I'm really dissapointed and angry. A3 is a game what has left a really huge impression in my heart and in my eyes this game is a masterpiece. First of all let's start with the main story. It really doesn't happen often that i get this attached to a main story and to enjoy it that much. You literally see all the characters grow. They were growing from a bud to a beautiful flower. You can clearly see through the story how much their character has developed. Every single one of them! All the characters in A3 has their own charm and strength. All of them had their own struggle from the start and I'm sure many of you found their selfs in one of this characters. Things with what we have to struggle in real life too. Be it the past or future events. The way how they all have grown and build such a strong bond together is just so meaningful. It's like they cheer us on too. That we can take on certain things in our life too. To stay strong and never give up no matter what. To be honest with ourselfs and others. To love yourself. To stand up for yourself. To overcome certain fears. To trust others. Not to be ashamed of what you're passionate about. Just so many things. I could get really emotional to how far they have come! When you read the story you just can't help it to cheer them on. I've played A3 since it's japanese release and i was falling in love with it right away. Even if i couldn't read japanese that much (damn you kanjis). Still loved to play it. The gameplay was really easy as well and simple to understand. It was really fun to play it and i reaaally wished for an english release for this game. As they announced after years that it's getting an english release i was so incredible happy till i saw that cybird are the ones who release it in english. I was skeptical. I played some ikemen games and cybird are known for their ikemen series where i ask myself why A3? A3 is not a game cybird would usually lay hands on. Especially not from it's genre ^^ between Ikemen Games and A3 it's like Day and Night. I'm sure they just thought oh A3 is popular and we smell much money okay let's take it on. It's something what really angers me. Cause A3 is special. Plus cybirds focus is to satisfy the need from it's readers with things like fanservice, smut, makeout scenarions and so on. Many people are sucker for this and pay gladly money for this shit. A3 is not a bit like this. That's why just let's say i had a hunch that A3 will not survive that long in cybirds hands ^^ From all their games it was clear that A3 is on the bad end. A3 is not some fanservice or smut shit to get money from it. So why did they do that. After the release of the english app i stopped playing active on my japanese acc. Cause I thought aah i can read it in the english app in the near future. What did i got from my trust? Nothing. Just a punch in my face again and regret that i stopped playing the japanese app. I lost sooo much time in A3 i'll never get the chance to expierience all the past events for myself. All the new stuff. I don't want to talk about it like it's the end for this game. What i'm getting to is that the japanese server won't last forever too. And i have this feeling that the finals are coming closer and closer for the japanese app. That's why i regret that i lost so much precious time on that game. I just wish someone else would have release that app. A company who knows to treasure this beautiful game and to promote it well! I could have wait forever for an english release if it means it gets into the right hands! This game deserved better!! That's why i can't bring a thank you to my lips. The only thanks that they'll get is for the translation work and so on but that's it.
I'm glad that i've read that there are many blogs who still want to write for A3 and that they give us the chance to read the past events and everything else cause they translated it for us and will continue to do so. I'm more than thankful for that to you all. Plus I'm glad to see from the A3 tag how many are griefing for that game cause this alone shows how much this game has reached your hearts and that it left the same impression on you like on me. That just shows how amazing A3 and it's characters is. This game will always have a special place in my heart forever ❤ I just hope that the japanese app will stay with us for a long time.. :( ❤ I just love this game so much and I'm really attached to it. If A3 ends something is missing in my heart too :( ❤
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rplayford02 · 3 years
Critical Reflection: Pure Electric
Before I'm too critical of our film I first need to say how proud I am of our group. Eva and Bethany were incredible directors, their attention to detail in all aspects of production has been amazing, and goes far beyond just directing. Findlay's editing made the film what it is -that montage!!- and of course thanks to Jack for handling the boring job of those risk assessments! We also had help from Eva's friends, Tom, Cecilia and Naomi, and of course Peer - this film would be nothing without their efforts.
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Onto the notes made during the crit...
Class feedback:
visual effects are great
storyline is a bit confusing - mainly down to the dialogue being lost, also the section with on-screen text moves quickly and it isn't that clear how it fits into the story
good locations for sci-fi - doesn't look like Edinburgh
cool to see the progression from the master shot
good to see the use of recent spiking incidents in a sci-fi story but the narrative is too ambitious for a three minute film
production design, make-up and costume are all fairly sci-fi
good build up of sound in the montage section [thanks to Eva's friend Tom for the music!]
could have used even more surreal lighting
the performances of the actors are mismatched
Lecturers' feedback:
given the ambitious script and low budget it worked well
the narrative was sometimes challenging to follow
could have used even more colour
good silhouette at the end
dialogue issues that we should have used ADR to fix or better yet booked out the lav mics in the first place
soundscape feels too current and social realism (for want of a better word)
should bring the VFX back later in the film to enhance world-building and make it's presence purposeful
good score
lacking light in actors' eyes
dialogue shots were too profile and eye-lines weren't great
Additionally, a few of the lecturers said that the glitches didn't feel as though they were happening to the character/belonged to Iskra. I think one of the problems was that they start in the first scene before we've even seen Iskra's face and so they become detached from her experience. David commented on the POV shot in the last scene - one of my favourite shots - and suggested that more POVs might have gone some way to fixing this.
There was some debate around this first scene and how it felt too separated from the rest of the film. The initial storyboard had more close ups in this first sequence, which we cut for time, but I wonder whether this might have made a difference. I think in the process of making a film it's very easy to get caught up in the story and forget how it will appear to a new audience. This also applies to sound - the basis of most of our critiques.
Really we should have used the lav mics or tried ADR but at the time this had seemed one to many new things to try out and no one in our group felt confident enough to give it a go. ADR especially is completely new to me. It's been mentioned on the course but we've never been taught it and so it felt too unknown to attempt with one week of post production time left. Eva did a great job of the sound based on what she had, in fact I didn't hear the problem until the crit. I guess my ears are too inexperienced, I'd go as far as to say ignorant, to the workings of sound. (Which I'm working on improving)
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I'm glad we tried something ambitious even if it didn't pay off in all aspects. I liked our slightly experimental take on the genre and I'm really interested in exploring less conventional types of filmmaking going forward, learning from the mistakes we made this time around i.e I'll try to use on-screen text sparingly in future - having said that I'm actually more proud of the flashback sections than any of the dialogue scenes so either I need to improve on narrative filmmaking or explore other directions, or maybe both.
On a side note, everyone else's films were amazing!! Here's some very brief thoughts:
Subject #36: sooo good, I got goosebumps! The sound was so eerie, the cinematography was gorgeous (the light through the railings, that shot of the monster's back in the credits!!), and it was so well written - "it cried this time", the last line of dialogue was just perfect at alluding to this whole world beyond the film
Dirty Work: so creepy, loved the red lighting, great shot in the window, attention to details told you so much about his character
Cherry: really liked the cinematography, personally didn't have a problem with the headroom, very funny script
Catacombs of the Lost: great cinematography, great music (Orla you're so talented!) and I loved the chase scene so much!!!
Sceptic: loved the writing, such an interesting script, whip-pans were so good, loved the character of the director, very well cast
Road to Nowhere: loved the naturalism in script and acting, jump cut from night to day was so cool, really tight edit
Dreamer: that last shot up the stairs was perfect! Great comic timing and the transitions with the trains were amazing
This course is full of so many talented people and I can't wait to work with them next trimester!
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b1acksw4n · 5 years
Who Do You Love? Part 4
Genre: Hybrid!AU, highschool AU, some fluff, LOTS of angst, maybe some smut in future chapters
Pairings: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Hybrids were owned by humans and were viewed as pets. But what happens when hybrids are given a chance to be our equals. When Kim Taehyung a tiger hybrid transfers to your school, your whole world is flipped upside down. He’s mysterious, which draws you in. Jungkook doesn’t like the sudden interest you take in this hybrid...
Words: 1.6k
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"I'm sorry.. about him.." You sighed, looking down at your feet. Taehyung only smiled softly. He took your backpack and carried both of yours. He took your hand, intertwining it with his. Blushing softly you both walked to your house. "Thank you.." His deep mellow voice broke the silence, as you two approached your house. "For what..? I didn't really do anything.." You questioned, your eyebrows knitted together and furrowed. The hybrid's sleek ears drooped shyly and he was so soft spoken you had to strain to hear him. The height difference didn't help much either.
"I was used to being treated like an animal... but you treat me kindly... I just want to thank you YN." He voiced quietly, his ears still slightly drooped a bit. You blushed slightly, hugging him. "How sweet.." You grinned at him. He winced a bit, but hugged you back. "A-Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I just g-got carried away!" You apologized frantically. "No you're alright YN. I'm just not used to that. Getting hugged I mean.." By this point the hybrid was rubbing the back of his neck out of bashfulness. "Well in that case, I'll give you more." You smiled up at him. Which in return he did the same.
Once you and Taehyung entered your house, you went upstairs in your room and set your backpacks down. Getting out your books, you set everything up and got out all your supplies. "Tae, do you want anything to drink?" You got up, heading for the door, looking back at him. "Ah sure! Thanks again YN. You're such a sweetie!" He gave you his signature box smile, his canines showing. You shyly nodded, at a loss for words, just staring at him for a moment. Realizing you've stared a second too long, you scramble to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses.
'He's so cute. He's so sweet too.'
Filling them up with water, you shook your head trying to shake the thought of Taehyung. No, you couldn't be thinking things like that. Entering your bedroom again, you set the two glasses on the small table in front of you. Scooting over next to Taehyung, you grabbed a pencil, Taehyung bit his lip, your thigh now touching his. Grabbing an English notebook, you flipped open to lesson 2. "Alright TaeTae.. now where does the comma go?" You asked, pointing to the unfinished sentence in the notebook. Taehyung whined, then put his hand on his chin, as if in deep thought. "Right after that word right there!" He said with overflowing confidence. You giggled. "Nope! But you're close TaeTae!"
"TaeTae?" Taehyung questioned, raising one brow. "Ah I'm sorry.. I never asked you if i cou-" You went on hastily, rambling on, but he interrupted you. "No no! It's cute!" He smiled softly. Before you both knew it, two hours had passed and it was now 5:00. "Ah I should probably get home." Taehyung explained, gathering his belongings. "We should uh.. get some coffee or something sometime." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, eyeing you a bit. His yellow eyes made you feel so mesmerized. "Yeah definitely!" You smiled at him. After that he left, you closed the door behind you only to get a call from Jennie.
"YN, we need to hang out right now!!! I'm coming over!!" Jennie yelled into the phone. You flinched a bit. At least expecting a greeting. Her bold and persistent actions made smile to yourself. 'Just like Jungkook', you thought. Suddenly, you felt a bit guilty. You and Jungkook always walked home together.. and today you didn't. You'd have to make it up to him.
"Wait wha?!-" Before you could finish your sentence, there was a knock at your door. Aish, this girl.
Jennie laid spread out on your bed, her nose currently stuck in the latest magazine. You were currently playing a game on your gaming console. Mortal Kombat to be exact. "It's so violent I don't know how you play that!" Jennie explained with a shiver. You just grinned and gave her a shrug. At least it meant you and Jungkook had fun game nights at each other's houses. "Sooo.. what's going on with you and Jungkook?" Jennie asked casually.
You went silent. The sound of her flipping through the thin flimsy pages of the magazine suddenly stopped. You suddenly couldn't hear the grunts from the game, and your fingers hitting the buttons on the controller anymore, you didn't even notice until your character died that is. "W-What do you mean..?" You stuttered, eyebrow twitching in irritation. "Cmonnn you can tell me YN. You two would make a cute couple! Go for it, what are you waiting for?" She tilted her head, tossing the magazine aside, it now laying wide open to a random page with bright cascaded colors. "Well... Jungkook and I.. well I don't know. We're best friends Jennie." You stayed matter of factly, standing up, wiping yourself off in the process.
"YN, you have to like him, or maybe he likes you.." She wiggled her eyebrows at you. Which instantly caused you to scoff and playfully roll your eyes at her.
"Hm and what does it have to do with you."
"Because you're my friend! I can't let you be under this dry spell forever!" She explained, her arms flailing around, her eyes wide. "I so do not have a dry spell. I'm just busy with other things. Like school and other... stuff." You had to pause and think for a moment before you could even retort back at her. Ok.. maybe she had a point. "Have you seen how many girls look like lost puppies because of Jungkook. He's hot. He could get anyone he wanted." Jennie sighed, inviting herself over to your closet, opening it.
"I guess you're right. Then I wonder why he spends time with someone like me.." You pondered, not bothering to question what the hell she was doing. "Duh. He likes you and I'm so gonna help you get that di-"
   "Ooo!! What about Taehyung?! He's a cutie! I see you talk to him a lot lately. He seems kinda shy, but that's nothing we can't fix!"
"Jennieeee.." You groaned, throwing one of your accent pillows on your bed at her. There was no doubt that your face was red from embarrassment. "I don't even see Jungkook like that, and I don't know how to feel. I just met Taehyung.." You sighed, staring up at your dull white painted ceiling. Jennie rummaged through your clothes, letting out an exasperated gasp. "Yah what?!" You shot straight up, snapping your head at her. "You need to borrow my clothes, YN." She gave you a serious look, putting a hand on your shoulder as she looked down at you. "Why." You pouted, cutely looking up at her. "You wear grandma clothes and we're going to Hoseok's party tomorrow night. Jungkook wont want to see you in grandma clothes YN!" She dramatically but violently shook your shoulders, causing you to shriek.
"Maybe Jungkook likes my grandma clothes." You glared, sticking your tongue out which caused her to let out yet another exasperated noise. Jennie laughed, shaking her head. "What am I gonna do with you?" "Nothing. You love me." You shot back. "I can't wait for this party tomorrow. You best bet Taehyung and Jungkook will be there too, YN." She grinned. "Just let me wear my 'grandma' clothes." You groaned. "No, I'm dressing you up. We're gonna have everyone droolinggg!" She went on, taking a huge scoop of chocolate ice cream and shoving it in her mouth. "Fine. But unlike you I'm actually very fond of this dry spell I supposedly have!" You pouted.
   Jennie gasped. "Do I really need to prove to you that you have a dry spell?"
   You pouted more, shaking your head in disapproval. Jennie quickly dialed Jungkook's number, giving you a smug look on that pretty little face of hers. As if to prove her point any further. Jungkook answered and Jennie put him on speaker, holding the phone between you two. "I'm with YN. At her house. Well we were talking you see.." Jennie sighed dramatically, looking over at you with glossy-like puppy dog eyes. "Yah Jennie don't!!" You huffed, reaching for the phone, in response, she held it up in the air. "Ooo go on!" Jungkook laughed. Ugh, why were your friends finding amusement in your misery?
   "YN doesn't think she has a dry spell." Jennie unexpectedly blurted out. Jungkook laughed. "Yeah she totally has a dry spell! How does she not see it?" He laughed harder. "Hey you're on speaker Jerk! I do not!" You retorted, snatching the phone from Jennie. "Do tooooo! I mean you're cute, so who cares. It means you're good." He cooed into the phone. Blushing heavily you stayed quiet. "Well maybe I don't want to be just cute, Kookie."
Jungkook's eyes widened, trying to find the hidden meaning laced under those words. Jennie hung up and he could hear the call being disconnected.
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zorume-star · 3 years
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I posted 529 times in 2021
13 posts created (2%)
516 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 39.7 posts.
I added 61 tags in 2021
#one piece - 9 posts
#hopepunk - 8 posts
#ace - 7 posts
#fanzine - 6 posts
#ace pride - 6 posts
#punk - 6 posts
#roronoa zoro - 5 posts
#asexuality - 5 posts
#ace week - 5 posts
#perona - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so in many classes i didn't do the homework at home but in the first minutes fo class and just didn't do it at all depending on the teacher
My Top Posts in 2021
Thanks hopepunk community for all the beautiful posts on Tumblr.
I'm pretty sure I'm in depression, and that I've actually been in depression for 3 years now, just wouldn't see it, and a few weeks ago I discovered hopepunk. Reading all the posts warmed my heart, got me to tears sometimes, made me smile, and the best thing ? I crafted and wrote and did things I stopped to do for months or years.
After all those hopeless years, I finally have something to soothe my mind and remind me that hope keeps us alive and makes us do great things. All I need is hope for the future to finally see that I can choose from many paths. That I can still do good around me and that it'll be worth it. That kindness and hope and community are everything that capitalism and patriarchy and all those fucking bad systems fear.
Let's fight the damn depression off and start doing good around me.
So yeah, thank you hopepunk community. Your posts are appreciated.
6 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 12:26:55 GMT
If you're a filthy little queer anar punk like me (or honestly, just a regular human that works too), you may like those tips and ideas and links :
Quit big social medias, they're made to be addictive so you stay on the app and it give them money. Also they rely on things that make you angry and hurt to make you stay on the app.
Instead join free open-source community-driven social medias and platforms instead (suggesting Fediverse). With a real moderation and instance made by people just like you. Double-check your instance before joining though !
Rediscover the web outside what you can get from the GAFAM with those linkrolls and search websites : • • • • •
Read this article about "laziness" and why the researcher think it actually doesn't exist. Good vibes and positivity at the end of the read guaranteed.
Do something you used to do as a kid. Play with toys, craft, climb to trees, sing out loud in your room, cook pastries, read your fav books again. For me it was crafting and I just customized the cover of my little sketchbook and it felt sooo good !
Check out this list of leftist zines !
Remember to take some time to go out. In the morning it helps a lot to start your day. And to open your windows to change the air inside.
Your friends for researches : Sci-Hub and 12ftLadder.
In you need to know that anarchy works, read this.
Learn something new with those explorable explanations. It's awesome !
Just go through the "hopepunk" hashtag here on Tumblr if you feel hopeless, hate yourself, are depressed, feel sad today... Honestly it just feel so good and I cried and smiled a lot scrolling through this and I feel so much better since I know this.
Remember to breathe slowly and unclench your body sweethearts !
Please if you have linkrolls or other awesome articles, websites etc... to share... well, share it in the comments and I'll add them ! Or reblog with your links, as you wish.
A lot of love for you all here. You're great and deserve some love and hugs !
30 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 14:46:40 GMT
What would you do if you had a basic income that could cover housing and food and basically living ?
I know a lot of us are afraid of the future. Because we live in a world where we need money just to survive, but we also know those jobs aren't the thing the world need right now.
So tell me, what kind of business/job/activity would you do if you didn't have to worry about money to survive ? Tell us everything. Go wild.
89 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 13:45:23 GMT
I feel SO much better since I've discovered "solarpunk" and then "hopepunk", a few weeks ago. I've also stopped Twitter a week ago. I got back to creative things. I wrote for the first time in months. I tried myself on a mini-fanzine. I tried to fix my old ideas notebook. I created a terrarium, took care of plants.
I feel better. So much better. I'm in depression, I'm pretty sure of that, and I got a psychiatrist appointment in a month.
But thanks solarpunk and hopepunk. And thanks me for getting outta Twitter and limiting myself to Mastodon, Artfol and Tumblr. I have much more hope and positivie vibes in my life now, and it feels so good.
I have hope for the future now. I don't know where I go. I still don't know what kind of job I could do. But at least I got hope and music and craft to keep me alive now.
129 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 12:00:38 GMT
Write for yourself. Draw for yourself. Craft for yourself. Sing for yourself. Dance for yourself. Do anything creative for yourself, if it makes you happy.
I know it's hard sometimes because we want to share our stories and crafts with the world, and we end up having expectations and want to please the world, and eventually loose the happiness of creating.
Take that back. Create for yourself. Show it to the world if you want to. Some people may love it and follow you. And that's awesome ! But the only expectation you need to have is please yourself first. Do what makes you happy.
324 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 08:05:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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stasiakid · 4 years
It wasn't like that. Wait, wait, I'll tell you.
This fairy-tale extravaganza began, of course, with a wizard. According to the rules, he had to sit in his black castle, surrounded by a difficult moat, and feed the crocodiles swimming there.
But no one thought where the wizard would get so many fish, birds and animals to feed a dozen crocodiles.
A moat… This is not such a convenient device, by the way.
And in General, maybe the evil wizard also wants a garden, flowers in the garden and a cute animal on the stove?
One way or another, but the wizard Gunhild did not consider himself an evil wizard, but rather a creative generator of ideas.
You think who made Baba Yaga her hut on chicken legs?
In fairness, it should be said that the wizard did not have a large black castle. He didn't have any. The sorcerer lived with Baba Yaga, then with Koshchei the Immortal, which fairly angered both one and the second fairy-tale creatures.
"As many as you can!" Well, build yourself a castle, you're an evil wizard. The image must be maintained, and you are wandering like a stray cat! – was indignant Baba Yaga, once again, hosting Gunhilda. She was just sweeping the house when the wizard knocked on her door and modestly lowered his eyes, asked to stay with her for a week. Read for a month.
– I see how you maintain your image." The whole hut was cleaned to a Shine, everything is in its place, in order; the cat, who was full of sour cream-the cat mewed resentfully at these words, smacked off the bench and crawled under the table.
– You my cat do not touch-shook a broom Yaga-and clean I have because I do not tolerate dust. I'm allergic to it…
- Well, let me go for a week – zakanyuchil wizard-I've come up with a hut for you
– You made it up, but you had to build it yourself. Forces tea are not the same, not young I suppose
– Give me a break. You have more power than the whole fairy-tale world combined. Let me in. Koschei won't let me go, he says to him the other day Prince Ivan must come for the Princess. They will be playing cards, and I have to make a potion out of my nose…
Baba Yaga sighed, opened the closet and took out her Slippers. Pink with ears.
- Don't trample, take off your shoes. And that your next ideas on my hut did not jump!
- Oh, well, once there was only one flying frog.
"Not one, but twenty-one!" They broke all the jars of herbs and ruined all the potions
"All right, all right, don't grumble…
Baba Yaga shook her head and went into the room. Genhild, in pink Slippers, went to the fireplace, sat down in an armchair, and rummaged in his bag, muttering something under his breath.
– Hey, old man, help me tie my braid, since you came-Baba Yaga looked out of the room. From an old Granny, she had become a young girl with red hair that fell to the floor. Gunhild waved to a free chair.
– And why do you constantly turn into a Granny, younger than me by 250 years, and all under the Granny mow. I can not understand the meaning of this event – the Wizard carefully combed Yaga's hair, simultaneously sprinkling them with water from a can.
- To maintain the image. Where is it seen that Baba Yaga was a beauty? Baba Yaga-a sorceress with yellow teeth, a scarf on her head and a bony leg.. I showed up once on my head so many people, and they put together stories that I was old and terrible, and even thought that I eat children… Horror…
– Cbms.. said Gunhild, braiding braid, and she turned to the belt – well, like everything
– What's your new idea?" – asked the witch
"Do you remember the story of the Gorynych Serpent?"
– The three-headed dragon?" Remember..
– I decided to create such a character, only I will make it normal, and then in fairy tales he steals princesses. We don't need it.
– What are you going to do with it?"
– I will build myself a castle, conjure a moat, and live there with Gorynych. You OK told Pro image, here is d support.
Yaga laughed, took a large VAT from the Cabinet, and handed it to the wizard.
"Go to the game, and I'll go to sleep." I want to visit the mermaid tomorrow. She's got some kind of problem
– Yes, there are some problems, tail shines brightly enough, but the hair silky enough…
Well, that was it. Yaga went to bed and took Gunhild Chan, went into another room, from which all night was heard the splash of water, and muttering “Oh, crap, not the potion.”
But Baba Yaga did not hear this. First, she slept with the door closed, and second, in earplugs.
But in the morning, strangely enough, it did not help her, and all because, Yagi's cat for no reason at all began to yell hysterically outside the window.
There was a plant growing under the window that looked more like an overseas flower. Long stem and blue Lily of the valley at the end. The stalk was very high, and it ended about the middle of the window of the hut. Yaga was very proud of this flower, of course, she bought the seeds herself, grew them for six months, and received such a miracle. The cat also expressed sympathy for this plant and often jumped from the window to the flower, indulging in some of his own, cat-like dreams. But this was the first time he had screamed so loudly.
It was like someone trying to feed tasteless semolina with lumps, such were the screams. Baba Yaga rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head, but it didn't help. And as we remember, she slept in earplugs.
Then Baba Yaga felt for her Slippers on the floor and threw them out of the window without looking. There was a scream, a smack, and then a muffled " Mama."
- Fenya! Yaga exclaimed in horror and jumped out of bed, looked out the window. The cat was lying under a plant, for some reason on its back, all four paws were spread out in different directions, on its muzzle there was a sooo pained expression. But the most important thing was not even that.
The cat was sniffing... a huge green muzzle with red spots all over this very huge, no, just a huge muzzle.
– Sorry. Did I scare you? Muzzle asked, fluttering her lashes in embarrassment
– Mom. - sat back on the bed Yaga.
– I told you! I said that it is not necessary to let this genius sorcerer in, but no, no one listens to me forever – Yaga scratched her head and thought: "who does this voice belong to? It did not sound like Gorynych's voice; the wizard would hardly say that about himself. It turns out this.. It can't be!”. Yaga quickly pulled the earplugs out of her ears and leaned out the window again.
- Cat, have you learned to talk?! He stood up on his hind legs, dusted off his heel, and waved a paw.
– The sorcerer took pity on me yesterday, and Chet did some magic there, so I can talk now
Yaga sighed, got off the bed and went to look for the sorcerer's grief. He was in the kitchen, wearing an apron with a picture of Fenya now talking. It smelled good, like pancakes.
Gunhild, and why the dragon has only one head and red spots? the sorceress threw back her braid and sat down on the bench at the table. Gunhild began to arrange three plates, three cups and Cutlery. Then he put the pancakes on the plates and yelled at the top of his voice: “Fenya, yeshkin's cat, go eat, just wash your paws.”
– It will be completely red by lunchtime – that's by Baba Yaga – and the other two heads are sleeping on the roof.
Fenya went still on two paws to the hut, washed his paws, and sat down to eat.
– By the way, he now knows how to cook, knows a lot of books by heart and etiquette including. There's a lot of stuff in his head, I don't really know what. I'm talking about Fenya. I think, in the near future, the cat will reveal all its potential - said the wizard – this is such a thank you for the shelter-Genhild smiled, ran, and then added-Gorynych turned out to be cool. A good and handy. Just a little lazy.
The rest of the Breakfast was held in a quiet and very cozy atmosphere. The sun flooded the kitchen, the aroma of coffee spread throughout the hut, and all this was accompanied by the endless snoring of Gorynych, who did not need princesses and battles at all. He was just happy that now he had a place in this fairy-tale ambiguous world.
#stories #fairy #tales #fantasy #fiction #books #fantasy #books
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