#but i have work to do!!!! lots of schoolwork due in the next couple of days/this upcoming week
ilostyou · 8 months
feeling like there is something like. inherently wrong with me or something 🤠
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luv4kokafox · 4 months
Wow how do u get the motivation to study like this?
I actually get this question a lot, so I’ve tried to put some tips together that help me to stay concentrated for as much time as possible! 🙏
Here's how I do 3-5+ hours of revision each day on top of school*:
1. Set achievable goals
Everyone falls into the trap of thinking they can do more than they think, but ultimately it just makes you feel bad :( There’s nothing worse than feeling unfulfilled at the end of the day because you haven’t “completed your work.”
They best thing you can do is write out your tasks that need to be completed, ordering them in terms of priority and then get cracking! It’s important to note that forcing yourself to do work will never help, it’ll just make the work looked rushed and won’t be your best, do what you can and don’t feel disheartened if you leave something uncompleted for now!! (finish it eventually, ofc ☺️)
2. Don’t put work over your other needs!
I’ve heard some people say that they’ve put off snacking/drinking and hanging out with friends just so that they can study. I can almost 100% guarantee this will just make you more upset!! If you want to go out, go out. If you want to snack, go get a snack! Don’t ever put off your needs for some short term work when we both know you’d be a lot happier talking to your friends 🩷
I know that out there, there are some people who will tell you they forget to eat or drink when they work. Please do not let this influence you. Everyone works differently, and their way is not healthy.
3. Time management
Setting up a revision timetable, with time blocks or not, can really help you to set out an idea of work you’d like to complete! Make it colour coordinated!! Stick it up in your room, or throw it on your home/lockscreen for a reminder!
Everyone works a little differently, for example, I do have a timetable, but I don’t use it in extensive detail. If something else has higher importance, I’ll finish that. If I know that working on a subject really won’t “help” at the time (I’ll go over this later 😋) then I’ll ignore it. It's helpful to have the idea, but don’t restrict yourself to just what you've written on the timetable!
4. Apps!!
I've also found it helps to have a non-academic goal to work towards! I use an app called “Flora” to set time goals and write to-do lists that helps me to get through the nights. For each task I have, the app plants a virtual tree or plant in your garden! You can customise the garden, the title of your tasks and each plant that you grow. The best thing about this app is that it restricts apps on your phone (you can choose which ones!). It acts as a massive deterrent to spending time on your phone and helps you to focus on your work! You can also work with friends and grow trees together, completely free :)
There are many apps like this, Flora is just the one that I use. Take some time to find one just for you!! (flora is the best tho <3)
5. Choosing the right focus
So you have some homework due in a couple of days, an essay next week and a project due in in a month. You're really not feeling good about the homework and the essay just really isn't up your street right now, but that project? You wanna do that! And thats fine!! It's never good to miss deadlines and procrastinate, but if you feel like doing that work now will just lead to it being rushed and feeling incomplete, leave it until later on! Forcing yourself to do a task might make you relieved when you're finished, but it's no way to cheer yourself up.
By all means, don't miss deadlines because of this! You should always try to complete assignments right as they're set rather than leaving them until last minute. Getting compulsory work done leaves more time for you to be yourself, work on your own ideas and have that extra edge above anyone else!
*3-5+ hours on top of schoolwork is a big commitment. I understand this, and everyone is different. Please do not think that this is how much you should be doing, or how much is what makes a "good student." Do what feels right for YOU.
That's all from me, if anyone has any other questions on how I revise or how to revise, ask away! <3
Have a good day everyone!
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Is It a Date?
Clarke exits the library with a huff. Two ten page papers due in the next week. Plus homework from her other classes, and her campus job. How do her friends ever find time to have a social life?
Coffee in hand and heavy bookbag slung onto her shoulders, she crosses the parking lot into a large courtyard. The smell of the lilac trees drift into her nose, making her smile. She has always loved lilacs.
Clarke makes her way to the center of the courtyard where her favorite tree is located. She calls it her study tree because everyday at this time she sits at the base and does her schoolwork. The only time she works at home is if the weather isn’t good or some other special circumstance.
She found it at the beginning of first semester and fell in love immediately. It has a curve in its side that fits her body perfectly. A large, flat root sits high enough to put her notebook on and comfortably write or use her computer. There are even a couple smaller roots that split and then join back together that she uses as a cup holder. Its as if this tree was specifically molded for studying and no one has taken advantage of it. She halfway believes her good grades come from this tree.
As Clarke gets closer, though, she sees a problem. Someone is already sitting at her tree! She feels like the three bears coming home to find Goldilocks sleeping their beds.
She keeps walking so she can see if it’s one of her friends or at least someone she knows, but as she gets closer, she sees it is a guy she has never met. Clarke seriously contemplates asking him what he is doing, but it’s not like she has any actual right to this tree.
Instead, she stops and… watches. He is very attractive. Dark, curly hair, olive skin, sitting back comfortably against the trunk. She could probably watch him for a long time if it wasn’t so creepy. As she is about to turn around and walk away, he lifts his head.
“Can I help you with something?” he asks in deep voice.
Clarke hopes she is still far away enough that he doesn’t notice the blush rising up her neck. “Um, no. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”
“Are you sure?” The strange boy smirks, making his freckles dance and a teasing glint in his gorgeous brown eyes. “You’ve been standing there for a couple minutes.”
“It’s nothing, just that…um…” Clarke doesn’t want to be rude and say it’s her tree, but she has to say something. “I usually study in that spot, but I have an apartment. I can go home today.”
“No way,” he says, gathering his things and standing up. “I can go. I wouldn’t want to impede your education.”
“No, you don’t have to leave! Honestly it’s fine, I was just curious who was here. I’ve never seen you around before.”
“I just transferred here this semester. My name is Bellamy.”
“Clarke.” They shake hands, but, strangely, neither are eager to let go.
“Well, hello Clarke.” Bellamy holds his other arm towards the tree. “It’s all yours. It was nice to meet you.”
Without another word, Bellamy walks away, and Clarke suddenly wishes he would come back. She didn’t intend to kick him out. Then she curses herself for acting like an idiot. She also wishes she was brave enough to ask for his number. He is stunning and very kind. Now who knows how long until she sees him again.
Well, there isn’t much else to do but study. Clarke positions herself into the familiar groove and gets everything she needs from her bag. Although, after a half hour she is still finding it hard to concentrate. Bellamy…
The next day, she exits the library and heads towards her spot once again. She doesn’t even bother denying the hope she feels that Bellamy is sitting there again. This time she will do things right.
Except as Clarke gets closer, she can tell the spot is empty. Her chest deflates just a little. She really thought he would come back. Maybe it was just her that felt a little connection yesterday? Oh well, she messed up a possible romance, what else is new?
When Clarke arrives, though, she notices something sitting on the root she uses as a table. Its a paper plate of chocolate chip cookies. She crouches down to get a better look and sees the note stuck to the plastic wrap. “What the…”
Sorry for taking your study spot yesterday. Hopefully I can make it up to you with dinner?
Is he asking her out? It sure seems like it, but how is she supposed to answer him? He didn’t leave any way of contacting him.
Clarke squints her eyes and slowly walks around the large tree. There on the other side is Bellamy leaning against the bark.
“So, is it a date?” he asks, showing off his beautiful smile.
She grins back at him, completely lost in the cheesiness of the situation. This only ever happens in rom-coms. There is no way it’s actually happening to her.
But he is right in front of her, asking to take her on a date by way of cookie platter. How can she refuse?
“It’s a date.” Then she adds with a smirk, “But only after I’m done studying. Can’t let this spot got to waste on such a beautiful day.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” he replies.
Clarke sits down against the trunk and Bellamy situates himself across from her. It seems her grades aren’t the only good thing that has come from this tree.
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bvannn · 2 months
Weekly Update April 19, 2024
I had more lingering sickness from the last surgery this week. I'm pretty sure that's what it was since it went away after I took my medicine, although I'm still messed up and exhausted from all my schoolwork, though. Haven't got a whole lot done as a result, but I made some progress.
Most of what I did was on music projects, which I've decided to start referring to by their initials in these updates so they can be differentiated from one another, but they aren't completely spoiled either. OEB was the cover I got done a while ago, and I've been chipping away at the music video for that, which is 16% storyboarded. Also finished up another cover I had been working on, WOTW, which I'd like to do an animation for as well, albeit a shorter and simpler one. This means I'm sitting on 4 songs I can't release for a while, because those two need visuals, and the two originals, BMBO and BATB, still need lyrics. I did progress on lyrics for BATB this week, and I've been upset for the same reasons that prompted me to write BMBO in the first place today as well so I'll try to take another bite out of that one, too. BMBO is 33% done with lyrics right now, BATB is like, 45%. Both a ways out but if I sit down and focus they'll get done quick, that's how I was able to finish WOTW as fast as I was. A couple instrumental themes are in progress too, I've been having fun just sitting down and writing melodies, but I don't think I need to work on those for a while anyway because I want to focus more on my comic once I'm able.
Oh yeah the comic. I haven't had much chance to work on it myself because I've been sick and playing piano helps my heart rate, so I've been doing that instead. Right now comic pages are 7% done, I am bottlenecked on drawing backgrounds because I really don't feel like it with my workload, but if I get more free time I'd like to just pound out another page's worth. It's mostly a time issue right now, but hopefully I can get some rest, and finish up page 3 soon.
I also haven't had the chance to do anything else. I apologize for posting so many low effort sketches, I hope I'll be able to have time to make a real drawing soon, but for now I'm focusing on schoolwork above all else. I'll do schoolwork for now, but normal classes are done after next week, finals shouldn't be too bad, and I'll be able to just unload on animation and comic after I get some rest. I've been in a pretty bad headspace as well due to being sick and all the work, so I've been trying to post more small drawings to still have something to show, since interaction makes me feel less lonely, but it seems like you guys are getting tired of it, which is fair. I'm going to try to lay off for a while, and if I have time to make a real drawing I will, but it's unlikely. Thank you for being patient, I'm almost through the worst of it!
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legoshi-plz · 2 years
Notice Me Part VII (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader (eventually), BestFriend! Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader, hints of Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Summary: College AU. Reader feels like she’s constantly overlooked/ ignored and she’s made her peace with that.
Warnings: Angst. Insecurities.
“This one is called a ‘Nulumbo Nucifera’ but it’s commonly known as a Lotus. They manage to keep them year round by carefully gauging the humidity and temperature of the room. Which is why it’s so hot in here,” Shouto turned to look at you as he finished speaking and you began to once again look fascinated despite the fog your mind had slipped into due to the overload of information.
You were currently with Shouto at a flower sanctuary that was much bigger on the outside than it looked on the inside. When he invited you to come here with him, he’d done it so nonchalantly that you assumed it would be a quick stop but it’s been almost two hours and you had a feeling this tour was nowhere near finished.
“Wow, Sho, I never knew you were so into plants,” You smiled, trying to start a conversation before he began rattling off more plant facts. Not that you didn’t love to hear him gush about the different types of fauna but you knew there was no way you could remember all of this so you didn’t want him to waste the effort.
“Yeah I used to come here a lot with my mother when I was younger. I asked her what type of things girls like to do and she suggested coming here,” Shouto hummed gazing at the long leaves of a tree branch hanging above you two. He was so casual about everything so he probably found no issue with his statement yet your jaw was almost on the ground.
He had been talking to his mother about you? Well not about you but about hypothetical girls which just so happened to be you. You felt your cheeks warm and you weren’t so sure it was the humidity of the room making you feel so lightheaded.
Ever since Izuku had incorporated Shouto into you usual Friday get-togethers, you’d been seeing a lot of Shouto lately. A lot. At first, the notion of the two of you hanging out without Izuku as a buffer made you a nervous wreck, afraid you’d end up embarrassing yourself in front of Shouto the way Hitoshi always said you would. You’d tried to insist on Midoriya coming along but he always had something better to do at the most inopportune time.
“Sorry Y/N, I’ve got a history exam to study for.”
“I’d love to Y/N, but I can’t miss another gym session tonight, you two go on without me,”
“I actually agreed to help one of my classmates move some new furniture into her place, but maybe next time,”
“Sorry, I’m already hanging out with a couple of the other students interning at All Might’s agency but you two have fun,”
You had no idea Izuku was such a popular guy but you couldn’t say it was that much of a shock. He was cute, funny, kind, and genuinely charming. No one in their right mind wouldn’t want to be around him and occupy his time, but he was usually so busy with schoolwork, training, or working with All Might that you supposed that was part of why (at least to an outsider) it seemed like he kept to himself.
Now when it came to Shouto, there was no mystery there as to why wasn’t drowning in company. He just seems so.... unapproachable. And he was blunt to a fault, which could arguably be very off putting to some people. However, you found that the more time you spent with him, the more your nerves eventually ebbed away and you found yourself remembering exactly how you fell for him the first time when interning together at his father’s agency. There was something about him that felt so open and honest, a side effect of his bluntness no doubt. There was something so fascinating about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. That and his prince-like good looks really made him almost irresistible. Almost.
Despite how mesmerized you were with him and how delighted you were that the two of you were growing closer, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t quite right. You mind kept drifting to that seed of doubt that maybe, this was all just some cruel joke the universe decided to play at your expense and the rug would be ripped out from under you at any moment.
You knew you were nowhere near Shouto’s league, nor were you anywhere near his type. You didn’t actually know what his type was but you did know that you weren’t anyone’s type nor first choice. You thought about all the times Hitoshi had urged you to get over your silly crush on Todoroki because you would only end up hurting yourself. Your best friend was always right when it came to living in reality, you needed to adjust your expectations for what was and wasn’t within your grasp. And Shouto Todoroki was definitely not in your grasp.
So adjust your expectations is exactly what you did. You enjoyed hanging out with Shouto one-on-one but you made sure to keep your own feelings in check, determined not to feed into any delusions that would eventually come back to bite you in the end.
“Y/N?” You perked up at the sound of your name, not even realizing you had spaced out.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“I asked if you were ready to move on to the exhibits upstairs. They have quite the extensive aquatic garden selection.” He lips were pulled into a small smile that was almost easy to miss. One look into that intense gaze and you knew you were going to give in.
“Lead the way,”
Izuku could barely keep his eyes open, liable to fall asleep right in front of his breakfast. It wouldn’t be the first time a college student took a cat nap in the dining hall.
“Your food is going to get cold. Besides the longer you wait to eat, the harder it will be to wake up because your body is lacking the proper energy. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason,” Iida lectures across from him. It was just the two of them this morning since Uraraka decided to sleep in and Izuku’s beginning to wonder if he should have chose to do the same.
“You’re right, you’re right,” Izuku yawned picking up his chopsticks. Just as he was about to dig in, he was surprised to see Shouto sit down, looking more pleasant than he’d ever seen him at 7a.m.
“Morning everyone,” he smiled, starting on his breakfast.
“Long time, no see. We haven’t seen you at dinner in weeks now,” Iida stated drinking his orange juice.
“That’s because I’ve been eating dinner with Y/N.” Iida paused drinking his orange juice at such an admission but his eyes gave nothing away. Izuku, on the other hand, felt his gut wrench and it had nothing to do with his empty stomach.
“Oh. Every night?” Iida asked but it was clear he wanted to say something else.
“Every night. She’s quite easy to be around. I like it,” Shouto smiled while gazing at the plate in front of him. Izuku wanted to excuse himself but it was like he was glued to the seat.
“Which brings me to my question,” Shouto turned to Iida, a very serious look on his face. “How do you get a girl to be your girlfriend? Do you just ask or are there any rules to follow? I’d really like to do this the right way.”
Iida’s eyebrows were nearly at his hairline as his wide eyes glanced between Izuku and Shouto. Izuku knew Iida wasn’t stupid, he had probably picked up on his crush a while ago and was just too polite to mention it. Shouto, of course, didn’t have the same intuition.
“A-and the girl you want to be your girlfriend is... Y/N? From UA?” Iida asked slowly, a way of buying time as he processed what to say in such an awkward situation.
“Of course.”
“I see. Well maybe you should talk to Izuku about this, he knows Y/N better than I do,” Iida was clearly trying to take himself out of the equation and get Izuku to fess up to his own situation in one go.
“Hm, that is true. If you were to ask Y/N to be your girlfriend, how would you do it?” His determined gaze was now honed in on Izuku.
“Um, maybe.... start with a date,” Izuku grumbled. He wanted to sink into the floor. He may have decided to not get in the way of you and Shouto’s budding romance but that in no way shape or form meant he was willing to aid in that courtship.
“Oh, we’ve already gone on one. Several actually,” Shouto mentioned casually and Izuku really did feel like he was going to be sick.
“Sorry, I don’t know. It’s not like I have a girlfriend,” muttered, gathering up his tray. He left, throwing the untouched food away on his way out.
He knew this was coming, he knew he shouldn’t be so dramatic. He’d always known about your crush on Shouto the same way he’d always known that Shouto had a soft spot for you. It was bound to happen eventually and eventually was finally here.
So why did he have to be the idiot to fall for you anyways?
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empathichearts · 3 days
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tw: substance abuse, drunk/intoxicated driving, car accident
Sophia Diaz is the oldest child or Ramon and Helena Diaz. While she breezed through school initially with easy As, she started to struggle with 'gifted kid burnout' around tenth grade, struggling particularly with math. Slipping grades were met with nothing but disappointed lectures and offhanded comments by her father that she should be doing better. The pressure from her father and struggling with schoolwork, particularly math, started to really get to her. She dropped away from her friend group as her grades never seemed up to par with theirs anymore and instead found friends in the wrong crowd.
Forget about your grades and your parents approval and enjoy life while you're young became her new mantra, earning her the title of the family wild child. Sneaking out of the house, secretly meeting up with boys, and finding any excuse to party were commonplace for the rest of high school. She started getting detention for skipping class, being late, or gossiping with her friends through passed notes. Ramon would ground her or make her take drug tests, but the harder he pushed the further Sophia fell away... especially when comparisons to her younger sister started. This placed a wedge between Sophia and Adriana, 'the golden child' that took nearly a decade to undo.
Upon graduation from high school, Sophia really lacked direction and blasted her way through many different jobs, moving on to the next thing whenever she grew bored. Working was only a means to pay her part in rent, buy cute outfits, and keep up with her partying lifestyle. She was drinking pretty regularly and also would partake in most drugs being passed around by her friends at hangouts or parties. She typically stuck to alcohol, marijuana, and hallucinogenics but would use stimulants (cocaine and Adderall) on occasion. It was exceedingly rare for her to say yes to opiates or benzos and she steered clear of meth.
One night she was driving herself and her best friend Valentina between houses. They were both far too intoxicated on multiple substances to be driving, but Sophia didn't think much could happen in a couple of miles. The car careened off of the road past a barrier on an old bridge, narrowly stopping before reaching the water of the Rio Grande River. Sophia doesn't have a recollection of what happened, but when she initially woke up int he car Valentina was unresponsive. Sophia had a meltdown as she got herself out of the car and tried to get to her friend.
The two walked away unscathed, which was a blessing considering the state of her car, but those moments that Sophia thought Valentina was dead stuck with her. In the end she was charged with a Class A Misdemeanor due to her BAC and her sentencing included 18 months of probation, 180 days of license suspension due to refusal of breathalyzer, 60 hours of community service, and about 2,000 dollars in fines on top of all of the classes she would need to take. Additionally, she would need to use a ignition interlock device for 8 months before she could drive freely again.
Between the general fees, paying her dad back for her lawyer, and the cost of probation and the IID she had to move back in with her parents to afford it all. Those months were spent with a lot tension between her and her parents, particularly Ramon. She was counting down how much money she owed her dad and the days until her probation was over. After visiting Eddie for his official firefighter ceremony, she was inspired to start her life over. When everything was wrapped up legally for her in Texas she boarded a flight and showed up on Eddie's doorstep -- hoping to find more support and a fresh start with Eddie, Tia Pepa, and Abuela around instead of her parents. In LA, she struggles with trying to forgive herself and find some self worth as well as find the person she wants to be all the while struggling with what sobriety has to mean for her.
I have to do work with the timeline a bit, but I'm aiming for Sophia showing up in Season 3 sometime shortly after the Christmas episode. She couch surfs while she tries to establish herself better until Adriana shows up with a lease on a 2 bedroom apartment. It takes a minute, but the sisters are able to sort the tension between them (mostly on Sophia's side) and grow close.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
buncha kisses
warnings: mature language, Good music mention, slight suggestive content, lotta name calling!, basically just fluff
tags: sapnap x fem!reader (a continuation of [renamed from “a collection of moments at the beginning of your relationship”] win for me, basically, with college!au)
words: 1447
A/N: a very sweet anon requested a continuation of college!au with sappy and had some great ideas for me! i love when you guys interact and talk with me pls continue to do so! been receiving a lot of really encouraging attention from some of my favorite people (ahem, for example @strawberrymilkgeorge [among others] <3) so i just wanted to say thanks for that :)
It’s a sticky day in May.
It’s that kind of hot that irritates under the skin and works its way through the hair on your arms. Makes you want to either rip your skin off or sink into a pool full of ice.
May is a month that Florida doesn’t take very well; it’s either raining like it’s the Great Flood, or hot as a mosquito’s ball sack.
And to make matters worse, it’s the due date of a huge calculus project. Like— weighted heavier than the final kind of huge.
You’d gotten up three hours before your final at 9 just to cram. Your desk was littered with folders, chapter notes, and highlighters dull with use. A half-eaten bagel was off to the side, staling by the second.
That was before your AC broke. Yup. Broke. Ka-put. Just full on died—it was almost audible. Your roommate had stumbled into your room, face creased with sleep, and cursed for thirty seconds straight.
Completely understandable, actually.
But you didn’t have time to fret about the damn temperature. You just took your shirt off, kicked the box fan near your bed into the highest gear, and breathed hot anger down into your notes.
The only relief you would find would be lunch with Sapnap after your final. His apartment had air conditioning, and he was surprisingly deft with a knife and cutting board. Dude didn’t know how to figure the mechanics for emailing his film class project to you that one time last semester but could whip up a Greek salad and broiled chicken like no other. Your own little Gordon Ramsey.
He was yours now, officially. As of last month he was yours. A month full of drive-in movies, failed study dates, and an absurd amount of McFlurry’s.
And that’s what is waiting for you in Sapnap’s cup holder when you swing your way into his car with an exasperated look on your face. You just melt, eyes flicking up to his gratefully and silently taking it.
“How was the final?” He lays a hand on the gear shifter and nudges the AC up one more tick. The door closes behind you and you shuffle your legs apart, leg hair tingling in this heat.
“It was fucking brutal. I think I developed an ulcer just looking at the reference page,” you huff and he just shakes his head, laugh hot on his lips. “Absolutely not worth the studying—think I got a good grade, though.”
“Well, that’s cool. I’m proud of you.” The engine chugs to life when he shifts into drive and starts for the side street.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks blush ever so lightly but you pass it off to the heat. A moment passes. “So.” The straw makes a choking noise as it nudges at the bottom of an empty cup. Jesus, you finished that fast. “What’s on the menu for today?” Brandy’s Sunny Day lilts softly into the blasting air as you settle into a comfortable conversation, schoolwork at the back of your mind.
“Thinking of making banana chocolate chip muffins and pigging on those. Thoughts?” Flicking on his left turn signal with his left hand, the right slides onto your knee.
It’s never too hot for that.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply, voice small in a sudden bout of shyness. He double-takes with a smile, squeezing once at your leg.
Pigging is a perfect term for what you two do the second those muffins are out of the oven; it is too easy to shove three of those in a matter of seconds. Bellies full and in a sugar coma, you two lay under the whirring of his living room’s fan and stare up at the ceiling.
“This feels so good,” he mumbles, eyes half-lidded. Reaching a hand out, he pats his way to your hand and takes it, immediately squeezing it. “Wish you were kissing me right now.”
“Oh, yeah?” You taunt and hike a leg up onto his hips, swinging onto his lap and leaning to get your lips near his.
And that’s that.
The night is perfect.
Sapnap ushered you into his car at midnight and within four minutes you were on a US freeway with your head out the window. Like a dog.
A lone bird flies past in the dark air and you watch it swing into a patch of trees. You just close your eyes and breathe.
The stress literally melts. Melts into a puddle and drips out of you, falling onto the black pavement whipping past at a moment’s notice. School is a bitch already, much less an American college education. Grades and tests and professors and GPA’s and all that.
You swear Logan Lerman’s character knew what he was talking about when he said “we were infinite” in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. That’s what this feels like: infinity. Going 70 in a car driven by your hunk of a boyfriend, feeling the wind in your hair and the taste of midnight in between your teeth.
The inside of the car feels sweet when you duck your head back in, smile wide and hair crazy and a content look in your eyes. Sapnap gives you a glance before looking back at the road nonchalantly and lifting to curl and twitch two fingers at you. You instinctively move forward, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity. Three fingers grip your jaw tight, and then his mouth is on yours as the chorus of The King swells through the speakers. You only get two seconds to hum in happiness and slide a hand up his chest before he’s pulling away and has those beautiful eyes back on the road.
“You’re mean to me,” you sigh, and settle back into your seat with a ‘hmph’. He just looks smug. Bastard.
The nights Sapnap plays video games with his friends are—hm. Definitely something. You like to let him have those nights with no distractions most of the time; and you’re categorized as a distraction by the amount of times he “lags” when giving you a kiss or getting you on his lap.
Tonight, he got off work early and on the drive home called and asked if you’d come over and sit with him while he Robloxes with his friends. (“It’s like you can’t go one day without your hands on me,” you’d teased, but he couldn’t say a thing in response. You were right, needless to say.) “You can bring your paints!” he’d even added, knowing you like to watercolor as a hobby. You weren’t necessarily Etsy-worthy but it was fun and a stress-reliever.
And so here you were. Legs crossed, sketch pad in your lap, watching your adult boyfriend yell so loud that his voice cracks and breaks with every change of tone. You really had to remember to apologize to his neighbors…
“Baby—,” Sapnap starts, swinging around in his chair to hit you with a look so pouty his lip was in danger of falling off. “My dear girlfriend. My lovely woman.” His question doesn’t even need to be asked— he wants you to go get him a drink.
“You’re a misogynist. I’m calling NOW on you.” But you’re already heaving yourself off of his mattress and heading into the hallway, faux-annoyed look on your face. It melts into a smile upon seeing that little canvas mounted on the wall next to the door to his bathroom. It was a haphazard portrait of his parent’s dog Bowser that you’d drawn the few days his step-mom forced him to bring you home over spring break.
When you return to his room a few minutes later with a Bang and a couple of snacks for yourself, Sapnap has his headphones off and is swinging his feet in his chair like a child waiting for their parents to pick them up from school. You approach him, apprehensive smile on your face, and hand his drink over.
“Thank you,” he drawls, mid-yawn, and sets it down on the desk. Snaking an arm around your waist, he drags you between his legs and stuffs his face into your shirt. He inhales deeply but pulls away after a pause, hands tight on your abdomen. You press a thumb into his cheek and rub fondly at his facial hair, watching the way his eyes close calmly and relax.
“You’re so cute it causes me physical pain,” is all you get out before leaning and pressing a kiss square on his pink lips. They move against yours like they were meant to, one hand sliding up the material of your shirt and onto your warm skin.
“You smell like Subway,” he murmurs, and then the moment’s over.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 11
Cult Girl goes on a little solo excursion while Hannibal works.
@wisesandwichshark @pearlstiare
Trigger warnings: (fake) blood, mentions of death overseas, anti-choice harassment, discussion of abortion
Archie and Max leaving the picture was a problem you couldn't bring yourself to deal with when you awoke the next day. You anticipated a massive downward spiral if you didn't do something for yourself and fast. You'd spent so much time worrying about your schoolwork and your baby that it was long past due.
You made a couple of phone calls and found a GameStop a little out of the way with a used copy of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire for sale. About twenty minutes drive. Hannibal had back-to-back appointments clogging up his day, so it gave you an excuse to go on a little excursion.
You climbed into your car, picked an extensive playlist of your favorite songs and set off. You plugged the directions into your phone and let the map guide you. The roads narrowed as you watched your surroundings grow less and less familiar.
Soon enough, you pulled into a parking lot. Nestled between a Planned Parenthood and a used bookstore, the GameStop beckoned you. At the end of your tunnel vision was that game and nothing could stop you from getting it.
Certainly not from lack of trying.
"Stop right there!" A voice said. It chuckled, trying to make the rude interruption seem friendly.
An obstacle appeared in your line of sight: a plain-looking middle-aged white woman with dyed blonde hair. Just your garden variety Karen.
"Can I help you?" You said, giving your voice a distinct, annoyed bite.
She smiled, though not without discomfort. "Are you going, y'know, in there?"
She gestured to the building behind you. Uncertain of what she wanted or why she was making a trip to the GameStop so weird, you answered in the affirmative.
"Yeah, why?"
She wrapped her hand around your arm, as if to restrain you. Her touch made your skin crawl.
"I really don't think you should go in there."
You finally put the pieces together. This lady was just some anti-choice maniac, waiting outside a Planned Parenthood for any random pregnant woman to approach.
"Yeah, I totally carried this baby for five months just to get rid of it within a week of the legal termination threshold." You rolled your eyes. "I just want it to feel the maximum possible amount of pain when I destroy it."
The woman's face turned into one of abject horror and you smiled, feeling proud of yourself. You yanked your arm from her hand with full intent to walk away. That should have been the end of it.
"Wait!" She shouted, snatching you by the shoulder. "Please, reconsider. God gave you that little one because he wants you to be a mommy!"
"For the love of fuck, woman." You snarled. "Can you seriously not pick up on sarcasm? I'm not even going to the clinic. I'm going to the GameStop."
She wasn't convinced. "See, I think you're lying to me. I think you're telling me one thing and then you're gonna do another thing."
"What the hell is it any of your business, Karen?" You scowled at her. "Leave me alone!"
"Just pray about it, please!" She pleaded. "What if your baby grows up to be a soldier? Protecting your freedom?"
"Oh, then I should definitely kill it now." You snarked. "Would save him the trouble of getting blown up by other Americans in a senseless war like my dad."
Adda girl, [F/N]! You thought to yourself. Nothing gets nosy strangers to go away quite like revealing even more personal information!
She put both her hands on your protruding belly. "Don't worry, angel. Mommy isn't going to kill you! Aunt Laurie won't allow it!"
You vaguely remembered your obstetrician saying something about how twenty-week fetuses could hear the outside world. You weren't planning on subjecting the kid to violence this early on, but desperate times call for desperation.
You grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her down. She screamed, getting the attention of a few onlookers.
"Help!" She wailed, lying on the ground as if she couldn't get up. "I'm being attacked!"
You dashed as quickly as your legs could carry you into the GameStop. The lone cashier, a purple-haired girl with a nose ring, pretended that she hadn't been watching the altercation and looked back down at her sandwich.
"Welcome to GameStop." She said, hesitantly. "Are you... [F/N]?"
You nodded. "Yeah, I'm here for that copy of Alpha Sapphire."
"Tubular." She rummaged in a drawer beside her for the envelope.
A rather massive eevee plush displayed behind the counter caught your eye. "How much for her?"
The cashier placed the game on the counter and looked back at the massive eevee. "Fourty-four ninety-five."
"I'll take her too." You said.
The cashier pulled the eevee down from the shelf and scanned its tag.
"Aight, your total is sixty-nine eighty." She said.
"Nice." You snickered, reaching for your credit card.
The cashier smirked as you inserted the chip. "Hey, was that crazy lady accosting you outside?"
"I take it she does that a lot?" You asked.
She heaved a sigh. "You have no idea."
You looked behind at the large windows and saw the woman standing outside the door, waiting for you. You felt like a caged animal. Your eyes scanned the room and landed on a couple ketchup packets. A sick idea formed in your head.
"Are you gonna use those?" You asked, pointing to them.
The cashier glanced at the woman and raised her eyebrow. "Not if you have a better use for them."
The bell jangled as you walked out of the store with a shopping bag around your wrist and a ketchup packet in each hand. Just as suspected, the woman grabbed your arm.
"Oh, honey!" She exclaimed. "Before you leave, god put it on my mind to say a little prayer for the unborn soldier he's gifted you in your womb."
"I'd rather you not." You said, trying to yank your arm out of her surprisingly strong grip.
"You're brave, but foolish, girl." She barked, positioning herself in front of you. You fidgeted with the ketchup packets behind your back, opening them just enough.
The woman put both her hands on your belly. The second you felt her touch, you threw yourself backwards. You landed, not without pain, squarely on your ass.
"Oh my?" The woman covered her mouth with her fingertips. "Are you--"
You leaned forward and moaned in pain, clutching your baby bump with one hand while drenching your shorts in ketchup with the other. You pretended to cave around the pain, then threw yourself back, revealing a bloody stain leaking from between your legs. The woman shrieked.
"Oh my fucking god!" The cashier from the store said, rushing to your side. She put her hand on your shoulder and glared at the woman. "What did you do?!?"
"She pushed me and I think it hurt my baby!" You wailed.
"Holy shit, why would you hurt her baby?!" The cashier shouted, allowing you to slink your arm around her shoulder for support. She then snatched your shopping bag from the ground.
"I didn't mean to, honest!" She said, on the verge of tears. "I was just trying to spread god's love and joy-"
"By assaulting a pregnant woman?!" The cashier yelled. You were clutching your stomach in fake pain. She helped you to your feet. "Come on, let's get you to the clinic."
You conjured up some fake tears. "You killed my baby!"
"You wicked woman!" She cried out. Her voice faded out as you approached the clinic. "You don’t deserve a baby!"
You kept up the crying and wailing until you arrived at the Planned Parenthood. More interested in covering her own ass than begging for forgiveness, the crazy woman made herself scarce. Entering the clinic with an incriminating bloodstain on your pants was awkward, for a moment. But it was easy enough to explain and even earned a laugh or two from the doctors on staff.
Once you were completely certain the crazy lady had left, you scooped up your shopping bag, said goodbye to the cashier and climbed into the car.
Before you put the key in the ignition, you took a moment. You took a moment to do something you knew you shouldn't have.
You placed your hand on your belly and stroked it. "We make a pretty good team, huh?"
You didn't know why you paused. It wasn't like the fetus was going to answer.
"Sorry you had to see that." You said. "Or, I guess, hear that. I wish I could tell you that people aren't really like that in real life, but I can't. Either that or I'm just a magnet for insane people. Hope that it's not genetic."
It just occurred to you that, if your obstetrician was right, the fetus heard everything that you said about killing it. Logically speaking, you knew it wasn't developed enough to comprehend what you were saying, but you still felt like you owed it an apology.
"Hey, scamp." You said, appropriating a nickname your grandfather gave you. "I'm sorry that I talked all that shit back there. About killing you and whatnot. I don't want to kill you. I actually want you to live an amazing life."
Just then, you felt a kick. The doctor war right: there was no mistaking it. The baby kicked.
Your mouth hung dumbly open, delight and fear chasing each other around in your mind. "Holy crap!"
You drove home as fast as legally possible. You needed to get home. As you pulled into the driveway, you noticed that Hannibal's car wasn't there.
He'll be home any minute, you thought. Might as well stay out here to catch him when he arrives.
That was an hour ago. Not that you'd noticed. You would have sat in that car, talking to your baby for an eternity. It wasn't until you heard a tapping on the window did you exit your trance.
Hannibal examined the scene. The ketchup, the massive eevee and his suddenly very chatty fiancée shooting the breeze with her fetus. He smirked.
"Did we have a fun afternoon?"
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thatpoppinat · 3 years
When The World Knows (Pt 1)
    pt 2
    It's been a while since Marinette has had time to herself. Thankfully, this isn't due to her responsibilities as Ladybug. 
      In fact, Hawkmoth seemed to be losing whatever motivation he once had for terrorizing Paris, and akumas were becoming scarce. This could have also meant that he was planning something big, but if Marinette was being 100% honest with you, Hawkmoth was becoming the least of her concerns.
    Was her growing fame something she should be concerned about? She couldn’t tell you.    
     It all started on accident, if you were to ask Marinette. She had just went to visit her uncle Jagged while he was making music for an upcoming show that was being produced. After spending some time with him, he eventually introduced her to Hugo Morris, the director of "Autodale; a noir-esque dystopian show that is ‘the next being thing’”. 
      Hugo had apparently aided in the release of multiple blockbuster and popular shows. Marinette had no doubt that this one would be well received by the public, just by seeing the detailed sets being created all around her.
    Almost jokingly, Jagged had encouraged Marinette to audition for the lead role as Aubrey; the Exceptional Girl. After all; Marinette matched the director's description of her very well, apparently.    
     She was given the script, and she auditioned. She didn't expect to get the role.  
      And somehow - miraculously - she did. Two days after her audition, she received a callback.  
       Marinette, after receiving the email, promptly had a seizure. She didn't think she was that good. But apparently, the producer saw something in her.      
    When she came in the week after to meet the rest of the cast, Marinette could only think about how big the production was, or worry if whether or not she was gonna screw something up with her world renowned clumsiness. She was Marinette Dupain-Cheng after all.
     Speaking of her being her, the thought of being on the big screen made her head spin. In the past, she always thought that if she were to ever work in a film production, she would have been on the design team. Designing clothes was her dream after all.
  But she guessed the saying was true: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." She was brought back in, she met the rest of the cast, and they were given scripts to read over and have decently memorized by the end of the month.       
     To only add to the workload, Marinette was still a school student. She hadn't even told her classmates about this.
… Her classmates, the people who didn't even bother to question if Lila was telling the truth; who didn't even care if Marinette's feelings were hurt; the people who didn't even hesitate to isolate her and bully her 'for Lila's sake', even after all she had done for them. And Adrien, who knew what they were doing to her, but chose to keep him mouth shut.    
     It was safe to say, that after all they'd done, they were merely classmates. Forced acquaintances, if you will.
    After a few seconds of thought, Marinette decided not to tell them. She didn't want them to ruin this for her.
     She'd have to tell Principal Damocles and Mrs. Bustier, however. If this production was as big as the cast was saying it was, she'd clearly be missing a lot of class.
   And, after months of working with fellow actors, memorizing scripts, helping make props, doing schoolwork online, and keeping her nosy classmates from finding out, she could safely say that was the case.
    Speaking of classmates.
     When she was needed for the production of "Autodale" , Marinette rarely ever saw them. Being the lead role in a long production show would  mess up your schedule one way or another. When she did go into that class, it was filled with people constantly going up to her new, lonely seat in the back and asking were she had been.
    Instead of answering them, she simply shrugged and told them it wasn't their business. This got on their nerves to no end. At one point, Lila was spreading rumors and lies about how she saw Marinette hanging out with some older men (Marinette had to practically nail herself to the seat as she heard Lila "whisper" it to her loyal followers).
   But Mrs. Bustier quickly shot that down and told the class that she knew where she "disappeared to", that it was a safe environment, and that per request of Marinette and her parents, the class wasn't allowed to know. Mrs. Bustier then scolded Lila about telling people things that could lead to trouble, with no proof anyway.        
     Lila then recovered by spilling crocodile tears and saying that she was only trying to help her dear friend Mari.
  Well, at least Ms. Bustier wasn’t a wallflower anymore.
   It was then classmates started to question Lila, not completely doubting her, though. Which made Marinette want to pull her hair out.
   Marinette didn't end up doing that. After all, she had something to look forward too!
    A sneak peek of Autodale was being broadcasted  during an award show after school.  Marinette couldn't wait! Marinette and the rest of the cast had gotten to see it early, and they were impressed with the craftsmanship.
   The next day, Autodale was all anyone would talk about at school.
   And of course, Lila had to be apart of it.
   "It took them a long time to make the animation that phenomenal. The team poured their hearts and souls into this project. Oh, Hugo is such a good director. He's really nice in real life, too! But, I think that may just be because he has a huge crush on me. 
   “Oh! yeah, I know the secret main actress. She's just secretive and only wants to reveal herself to the public after the episodes are released on Netflix. We're basically besties- sorry Alya! Aww! Of course Alya, I can try to get you an interview with her after the show is released. She might be busy, being the lead role in an anticipated TV and all, but I'll try my best! No problem!"
   Oh the irony. She would've laughed.
   But she was focused with what she said prior to claiming their supposed  "friendship".
    Did Lila know that Morris was a forty year old man and that she had just basically accused him of being a pedophile. That detail probably didn't matter to her. Lila probably would have said it anyway.
    Marinette clenched her fists. Lila could spread all of the lies she wanted (she decided it wasn't worth it after seeing how gullible and unyielding her classmates were), but the fact that she was basically claiming how one of her father figures, with a wife whom he was deeply in love with, was a cheating, flirty pedophile  made her blood boil.
   It must've shown on her face. In a split second, Lila faces her, hiding a small smirk, then loudly proclaimed to her her:
  "Aww! There's no need to be jealous Marinette! I might be able to get her to meet you! But, from what I've told her about you, I don't think she'll want to." Lila shook her head, as if she was pitying her. The class threw sneers her way. 
    Adrien winced, but, once again, did nothing, then looked away.
  Marinette took a deep breath.
 "No, no. That's fine," she smiled.
  Then, with a stroke of luck, she was saved by the bell.
   Thank the Gods for lunch period, she thought.
  She headed to the locker room. Once they were alone, Tikki emerged from her hiding spot.
 "Are you okay?" Tikki frowned.
 "Yeah, I'll be fine,"  Marinette insisted. "I just feel like talking to Carlos."
  Carlos was one of the many actors and actresses she met on the set. Carlos played Macro, Aubrey's main love interest. He was funny, understanding, and would listen to her rants of frustration. All in all, they had a great relationship with each other.
  Not a romantic one, mind you.
   Carlos was gay.
   She dialed his number, and he almost immediately responded. She put him on speaker.
  "Hey Marshmallow!" Carlos exclaimed
   "Hello, rainbow fish."
  "Let me guess. Lila?" he questioned.
   She sighed, "Yeah. You know me too well."
  "So, what she do this time?"
"She essentially called Hugo a pedophile."
"...What?" He practically hissed.
  "Yep. Said she knew the old man and claimed he had a crush on her."
"That lying two-faced fox." he sneered.
  "She also said she knew the secret lead, that they were practically besties, and then straight up looked at me and proclaimed to everyone that the lead didn't like me."
“Wow. And they actually believed her?
  "They always have been. And Adrien did nothing, again." Tikki handed her one of her cookies. She was missing lunch time.
"Seriously, that Agreste boy needs to grow a pair! I'm starting to think he just doesn't care."
Marinette said nothing. She could practically hear him rubbing his temples.
  "*sigh* Don't worry Marinette. With the pilot episode being released next Tuesday, they'll learn the truth and regret treating you like trash. Everyone will finally know that Lila has been spewing bullshit since she arrived."
  "I really hope so. I'm not sure how long I can take this."
  "Girl, I'm telling you! Transfer schools! It's obvious that they're the type to suck up to influential people. Once they find out you're the secret lead, and MDC, they're gonna clam up to you so fast for clout it's not even funny."
   THAT was another thing she hardly told anyone. A couple of weeks ago, she opened a commission website called MDCDesigns.
   To help her out - and because they believed her clothes were to die for - , Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale began to wear her designs more often. It wasn't long until the Style Queen herself read a review, and for the first time in a long time, she wasn't tearing a brand to shreds.
   In fact, she actually seemed to like her designs.
  "They have potential, I'll admit. Certainly about average. Marvelous designs. " Style Queen said in her review. "If they keep this up, they'll certainly have a spot in the industry." She turned to the cameras. "Also, if you're watching this MDC, know that if we ever meet, I'd like a cream colored faux fur scarf."
  Her website practically crashed due to the insane amount of commissions she had received that night. Ever since then, people have been dying to know who this mysterious designer was. She wondered if opening the shop was a good decision: not because of her career, mind you, but her health.
   Regardless, she was planning to reveal herself after the pilot episode was aired on HBO (not Netflix Lila. If your gonna lie about something, at least research it beforehand)in an interview -with proof, as many people have claimed to be MDC since then.
   She sat there in thought, when she was done thinking she responded.
  "That... that sounds like a good idea. Well, the Earth doesn't revolve around me! How is your trip going yo-"
   Suddenly, she heard footsteps and a door being slammed closed.
   She froze.
    "What was that??!"
   She’d had Carlos on speaker the entire time.
   Someone had been watching her.
    And the person must've heard everything they said.
So, this is my first project, and I’m not sure I wanna continue writing it. If you wanna adopt it, I don’t mind. Positive criticism is welcome! Reblog if you want idc rn.
Also, seriously, Check out the series "Autodale” created by Dead Sound on youtube. It can be a little dark, but I think most people can handle it! It’s amazing!
This is also kinda based off of the tumblr fanfic “After The Week Off”. Huge thanks to  princesslenaakaladykittuna for the link.
Anyways, have a nice day!
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
Sweater ↠ Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy Masterlist // Harry Potter Masterlist
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Draco have been best friends ever since their first year. She’s been harboring feelings for him ever since their 3rd year. But when a girl comes to Hogwarts taking Dracos attention, Y/N thinks back to when he gave her his sweater
Request: Hi cod you please write a Draco x reader based off of the song heather by Cohan Gray where Draco and the reader are close and a new girl comes along who she thinks is a lot prettier than her? Maybe a lot of angst with some fluff at the end.
Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing
AN: Heather by Conan Gray
Y/N hated her potions class. Snape was a very hard teacher to get good grades. But one thing about thing about the class was good.
Draco Malfoy.
Also known as her best friend and her crush for years. She met the Malfoy boy in their 1st year when they were both sorted into Slytherin.
Y/N was so happy she met him. Draco helped her with everything. Schoolwork, social life and even her family life. Though Y/N helped with his home life since Draco didn’t have the most stable family.
When Y/N began liking him she tried to make it more obvious so Draco would know she liked him. But Draco was an oblivious to all of her soft touches on his arm, kisses to his cheek and Y/N even flirting with him.
Y/N thought he would catch on and either admit his feelings or tell her to back off.
But nothing.
Draco didn’t notice any of Y/N’s tactics. It angered her and saddened since she felt like she loved him. Romantically and platonically.
So Y/N stopped after a couple of weeks not wanting to give their friendship up because of her feelings. But that didn’t stop the feelings she had for him.
Y/N ignored the butterflies in her stomach when she was around him and just went on normally.
But there was this one time where Y/N thought he felt the same about her.
It was a cold and chilly night on the astronomy towers were Y/N and Draco sat on one of the benches.
The two were talking about their days and just sitting comfortably in the silence.
“God I hated potions today,” Y/N grumbled wrapping her arms around herself trying to get warmer.
“You hate potions everyday,” Draco scoffs while smiling.
“Yeah but more so today,” Y/N corrected herself turning to face the Malfoy boy. “How can you stand Snape,” She asks curiosity running through her eyes.
Y/N picked around the skin around the nails. It was a nervous habit she had.
“Just doesn’t bother me as much as my father does,” Draco stared and Y/N looked at him with sympathy in her eyes.
Y/N put her hand on his to comfort him. Draco cringed noticing how cold she was.
“Merlins your freezing Y/N,” Draco could hear her shivering.
“It’s fine it’s just a chilly night,” Y/N smiled squeezing his hand. Draco took his hand off hers and took his sweater off.
“Lift your arms,” Draco instructed which made Y/N look at him confused. “Just do it,” Draco said annoyed. Y/N rolled her eyes lifting her arms as he put the sweater on her.
“Draco no you’ll freeze then,” Y/N put some of her hair behind her ears since it was all in her face and couldn’t see straight.
“I’m fine I don’t want you to die from hypothermia,” Draco stayed and sat back down. “And plus we are probably gonna have to go in soon,” He mentioned.
Y/N smiled at Draco who smiled back. Y/N could feel her heart rate increase as she felt really giddy spending time with Draco.
The two Slytherins talked for another half an hour when Y/N noticed the time and mentioned it.
“Merlins beard I didn’t notice the time,” Y/N looked at the time in shock. They’ve been talking for so long she didn’t notice she should be in bed.
“Let’s get to bed before the prefects come for our necks,” Draco jokes making Y/N laugh.
As they entered to common room out of breath Draco said goodnight to Y/N who stopped him before he left.
“Wait Draco your sweater,” Y/N whispered not wanting to wake the people up. She was about to pull the clothing off but Draco stopped her.
“No keep it looks better on you love,” Draco winked at Y/N who felt like she was out of breath.
Y/N could feel a smile cross her lips as she got to her dorm and got ready for bed. Y/N hugged his sweater as she went to bed thinking Draco felt the same about her.
But he didn’t. At least Y/N thought so.
The next day a new girl came to the school. And Y/N could see Draco get memorized by her.
Her name was Aurora. She was insanely beautiful and incredibly smart. But Y/N thought nothing would come out of it and everything would go away.
But it didn’t.
Everyone kept talking about her. Especially Draco. Y/N thought Draco was in love with the girl and when he talked about her Y/N wished she were in Auroras position.
Draco admired the girl and whenever they talked it was always about Aurora.
Y/N kept her hatred for the girl hidden since she wanted Draco to be happy. And plus she only dislikes Aurora because of the way Draco felt about her.
Y/N noticed she was a really sweet girl which made it harder for Y/N.
Y/N also noticed her and Draco haven’t been spending much time together. And it was a surprise to Aurora and Draco talking on the couch all cuddled up.
Y/N had tears in the corner of her eyes. She ran up the tears hoping she didn’t get noticed.
She crashed on the bed letting out the tears that were so desperately trying to escape. Y/N grabbed the sweater of Dracos from the under her pillow and hugged it while she cried.
Y/N really thought she had something with Draco. It also felt like she was losing her best friend.
Y/N was usually in the place of Aurora since her and Draco cuddled often. But what made it worse it seemed like Draco didn’t care that Y/N wasn’t around as much.
Over the next few days Y/N tried talking to the blonde only getting interrupted by Aurora who gave her a sweet smile.
Y/N would walk off with a frown clutching her school books.
She thought about just talking to him about her feelings but decided against since she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach.
At night Y/N would usually be sleeping with Dracos sweater since it was the only thing of Dracos she had. And now since they were apparently having problems it comforted her.
One day a few weeks later Y/N got detention from Snape since Y/N talked back to him in class which angered him. But Y/N was sitting on the couch in the Slytherin common room when Draco barged in.
“I heard what happened with Snape to day,” Draco soothingly stayed and sat next to Y/N who rolled her eyes. Why is he talking to her now after weeks of not talking? “Are you ok,” He asks warily.
“I’m fine,” Y/N said in a monotone voice trying to focus on her charms essay that was due in a few days. Y/N was biting her lip which was another bad habit she had.
“Are you sure I know how bad Snape can tick you off,” Draco tried to comfort the girl who had an angered expression on her face.
“Why don’t you just go and hang with Aurora and leave me the hell alone,” Y/N seethed at the boy who’s eyes widen.
“What does this have to Aurora,” Draco narrowed his eyes taping his foot against the floor.
“Well we’ve barely talked these last few weeks because you were to busy trying to get in her pants,” Y/N shouted. They were lucky everyone was as at Hogsmeade.
“You can’t be serious,” Draco huffed and got up where Y/N was now standing. “Wait are you jealous,” He asked realizing something.
“No why would I be jealous of a girl who’s trying to steal my best friend,” Y/N sarcastically stated rolling her eyes.
“Can’t believe you’re jealous,” Draco muttered smirking to himself.
“Oh so your proud of yourself for basically ignoring me for weeks,” Y/N hissed anger bubbling in her stomachZ
“No just proud you were jealous,” Draco crossed his arms around his chest feeling happy with himself.
“Of course you don’t care,” Y/N scoffed. “I guess you don’t care that I’ve loved you for years and have tried everything to get you to see it but just one girl comes and bats her eyelashes and you fall to the ground,” She ranted to the boy who’s cocky expression changed to a shocked one.
“What,” Draco asked in a whisper.
“Never mind just go find Aurora I’m sure she’s looking for you,” Y/N ran her hands through her hair. She gathered her things up shoving her shoulder with Dracos going up to her room.
As Y/N sat on the bed she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders as she admitted her feelings.
For the rest of the night she finished her homework trying to get Draco out of her mind and it seemed to work until she got an owl from Draco.
‘Come to the astronomy tower in 5’ - Draco
Y/N debated whether she should go for a minutes. It would embarrass her if she went and he rejected her.
But she couldn’t run anymore so she decided to go.
“What do you want Draco,” Y/N sighed as she entered the astronomy tower with a tired expression on her face.
“I wanted to talk,” Draco whispered leaning his arms on the railing and looking up at the sky not facing Y/N.
Y/N walked up next to him and state, “If you’re just going to reject me can we get over it because I’m already emb-,” Y/N was caught off by Draco grabbing her waist and putting his lips on hers.
Y/N was flabbergasted at first but wrapped her arms around hip molding her lips with his. Y/N’s wanted to do this for years.
“Draco we cant,” Y/N said out of breath putting her hands on his chest removing her lips from his.
“Why not love,” Draco smirked as pushed some of her hair behind her ear then caressing her cheek with his cold hand.
“Aurora,” Y/N just stated.
“Aurora and I aren’t dating we were just friends and she helped me make you jealous,” Draco explained.
“You were trying to make me jealous,” Y/N’s eyes widen. “You jerk I cried over you,” She pushed his shoulder away feeling angry at him.
“I’m sorry I just wanted you to admit your feelings,” Draco apologized putting his hands back on her waist. “Will you forgive me,” he asked leaning his forehead against her.
Y/N thought about it for a second before giving him a soft smile.
“Of course I can’t stay mad at you,” Y/N teased leaning up to kiss him.
After the kiss Y/N leaned her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat the thumbing calming her.
“Still have your sweater.”
“I know love.”
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h4njin · 2 years
Yeji - I lost my phone number, could i borrow yours?
[neural reader short]
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it was 2 P.M.
you had just finished a tiring and boring day at campus. the teachers gave you a huge load of homework today, and you wanted to go to a café to finish them. and you were not looking forward to it, after finishing other due assignments the last night. you were very tired.
“could i please get a espresso?”
you waited a couple of minutes to take your coffee, and looked for a seat. it was relatively crowded with other students doing their homework, or people going on dates with their lovers. you were lucky to find a table near the corner, a small one with two chairs. you sat on it and began your work.
as you began doing your work, you slowly felt yourself fall from consciousness, falling asleep. until you suddenly heard a voice.
“excuse me... do you mind if i sit here?” a girl asked you. and... she was probably the prettiest girl you'd ever seen in your life.
you saw her holding a leash, which connected to a small black poodle, with a small charm on its neck, which said "HONGSAM", which you presumed was its name.
and then you had realised that you were just staring at her.
“oh, sorry, yes! you can!”
“thank you!”
she carried her dog onto her lap, and she seemed really happy.
“what's its name?”
you asked her.
“oh, hongsam!” she replied smiling. her eyesmile was worth dying for. she was adorable. maybe more than the puppy.
you felt yourself unconsciously smiling.
“say... you're doing an assignment right..?” she suddenly asked you.
“oh yeah, it's just a bit of schoolwork they gave me earlier. what's wrong?”
you answered curiously.
“well, what do you say we ditch it and go somewhere fun?” she smiled mischievously.
“i guess i am a bit tired…”
and so you did. she immediately dragged you to the arcade nearby and you played arcade games with her, having the time of your life. as you checked your cellphone, you had realised that a lot of time has passed. it was now 11 P.M. you and the girl left the arcade and were now walking in the park.
you suddenly realised something. you hadn't even gotten her name.
“do you wanna tell me what your name is? i mean, you know, after you dragged me to the arcade to go on a date, i'd say i deserve to know.” you told her, in a joking manner.
“hmm... tell you what. i'll tell you my name on out next date!” her dog was wagging its tail now. cute. also, NEXT DATE?
“oh, you're asking me out on another one already?” you laughed.
you followed her on her way back to her house, accompanying her and her dog. while walking, you realised that you weren't awkward with her at all.
you arrived at her home, and were about to part ways. before she started to talk. and you were all ears at this point.
“hey, you know, i actually lost my phone number. do you mind if i borrow yours?”
you smiled.
“of course.”
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Going Virtual
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: I love this concept sm!! like Harry is in full pest mode with this one lmao...but it’s cute. Enjoy🙃
School was back in session. Not only was Harry’s 7 year old beginning the first day of 3rd grade, you were also in school and going into your sophomore year of college. Harry had gotten so comfortable spending all of his time with you both over the past 6 months, and even more since June that he was practically dying from boredom because of having all this newfound time to himself. And it wasn’t even alone time. It was him being all by himself while you two were confined to your respective spaces in the house to get you guys’ schoolwork done. You guys were literally so close, but yet so far away from him now. All he wanted to do was pull you both away from the computers to spend time together. The only moments he had with you or his son were the brief periods when either of you summoned him for assistance or for a refreshment of your snacks. With school in the picture even more, there was just about no time in the day for Harry. At least when you two physically went to school you both were kind of out of sight out of mind so to speak given the fact that he didn’t have much accessibility to either of you during the day.
Now even though you and Harry’s son were in school and doing schoolwork during the day, it didn’t stop Harry from being a bit of a pest at times. And he was mainly a pest to you. When he would bring you guys snacks while you were taking care of your assignments, during and after school, he’d try his hardest to shift some of you guys’ attention onto him. Now he wouldn’t try as hard to get at his son. The most he’d do was attempt to instigate a tickle fight or offer up some play time. But due to Harry’s successful efforts to have consistency and put your work first before play when raising his son, his tactics weren’t being accepted at all. Bubs would simply tell Harry, or daddy for that matter, to stop and that he could play with him later. And because he was so adorable and Harry couldn’t get enough of him, he’d give his cheeks a good pinch with a kiss to the forehead before offering to help with his work.
But with you on the other hand, Harry didn’t go that easy.
Instead of just leaving you alone after you pushed him away, he continued on. He’d try to pull your chair away from the table while you’re typing away on your computer. He’d also sit on the floor while you’re in your zoom classes and pull at your pants leg or hem of your shorts depending on what clothing item you threw onto your body before your class. And eventually he did in fact leave once you practically (and almost literally) kicked him out of the room. But he didn’t stop his little attacks to get your attention there. He’d even send you raunchy messages, explaining in detail all of the many ways and times he wanted to take you. And this wasn’t just during your classes; this was also when you were working on your assignments. He refused to let up. And believe it or not, Harry began working even harder to get your attention within in the last couple of weeks. It’d only been about a month and he’d already begun to intensify his “attacks”.
And today was nothing short of Harry trying to get you and bubs’ attention. If he wasn’t lying on the couch reading or trying to write or do anything that was in the slightest bit productive, Harry was checking in on you and bubs. He’d periodically make his way to you guys’ workspaces to check in and bring you snacks and any help if needed. Once he checked in on the third grader down the hall, he’d take a stroll down to your space to check in on and bug you. When you were in one of your zoom classes a bit earlier on in the day, Harry walked into the room, brought you what he normally got you at that time, then sat on the floor next to you so that he could be a pest. Today you were wearing shorts so his pest level had spiked, he was touching you and just not leaving you alone. He enjoyed making you gasp or react to his touches while your camera was on. Now even though you thought that his efforts were cute and you felt a bit bad for not spending a lot of time with him, it didn’t stop you from plucking Harry whenever you weren’t writing something down. You didn’t know why, but it was a bit nice to give him a pluck here and there while he tried to seduce you into stepping away from your computer.
To make things worse, he knew your schedule in and out! This meant that he’d come in during the tail end of one of your classes then continue being an even bigger pest when you were trying to get some work done in between.
“Can you please like leave me alone.” You ask calmly, keeping your eyes on the screen in front of you.
“Umm no. That is, only if you take a little break right now.” Harry barters from below, continuing to touch you.
“Why don’t you go bother your son? I bet he wants to see his daddy more than I do right now.” You say matter of factly, finally turning your head down to look at him.
“Well first of all, you calling me daddy right now was a big mistake and because of it I’m going to be an even bigger pest.” Harry begins. At least he admitted to being a pest. “Now second of all, I’ve already checked on him and he doesn’t need me. So now I’m in here.” He continues on with his explanation.
“Oh my god! We’re gonna need some defense strategies against you.” You huff. “What is it going to take for you to leave me alone?” You ask, deciding to finally give into his antics of it meant that you’d have a little moment to get some Harry free work done.
“Let me make you cum and I’ll leave you alone. I know you’re already drenched since I did see that you read my messages.” Harry says.
“Fine, but hurry up. I need to get back to my paper.” You concede, standing up from your seat to let him have your way with you.
“Well you don’t have to be so hostile, it’s not like you’re not going to enjoy it. If you don’t, I’ll be reevaluating my skills while you ignore me.” Harry replies as he lifts himself up from the ground, letting out a series of grunts in the process.
“Well it never hurts an old dog to get new tricks.” You push back. The age gap was a definite hot button for the two of you so if there was any window to push it, you were going to take that opportunity.
“Well I don’t think that I’ve heard you complain about my old tricks.” Harry begins, pushing back the chair to stand behind you. “In fact, I always hear you screaming for more.” Harry whispers into your ear as he swiftly tugs your shorts and panties down your legs in one motion.
“Maybe.” You reply defiantly, trying to stand your ground with him.
“That’s where you’re mistaken baby.” Harry hums, bringing a hand down between your legs. “And judging but the stickiness between your legs, you know that it’s not just maybe either.” Harry continues, pushing two of his fingers up and down your folds before finally pushing them into your entrance.
“Oh my god.” You sigh,  taking in the feeling of his fingers entering you. You hated it when he was right, but this time he was, his fingers felt so good.
“Not so mad at me bothering you now huh?” He chuckles behind you, continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you.
“No” You whimper. His fingers were doing wonders to your body. And that was all he was doing. Hw was simply fucking his fingers into your hole and you were falling apart as you clutched onto the edge of the desk for dear life.
“Good girl.” He praises, bringing his face to your neck to sponge kisses into your neck as he pleasures you. While he continues pumping his fingers into you, he moves his hand that was securely planted on your waist down to your front to begin circling two of his fingers around your clit.
Right now, you were going insane. Your paper was now long forgotten; at least for the time being. Harry’s hands were like magic between your legs and you could feel yourself beginning to drift closer to the edge. There was a special warmth that infiltrated your body when you were getting closer to letting go, and you were starting to feel it move through your body. You were also beginning to feel the knot in the pit of your stomach begin to tighten.
“Can feel y’clenching up around me, wanna cum sweets?” Harry hums into your ear, fanning his warm breath across your skin and creating goosebumps all across your body in the process.
“Please daddy.” You pant in response, feeling your lower half begin to go numb.
“Let go f’me baby.” He whispers, pushing his fingers as deep as possible and holding it there while continuing to stimulate your clit.
“Fuck!” You exclaim lowly, trying to hold back your moans as you cum around his fingers.
“That’s it sweet girl.” Harry praises happily, feeling your walls contract around his fingers. While you continue riding the wave of your release, Harry keeps his fingers inside of you and he continues placing kisses onto your neck as well. And once you finish riding out the amazing orgasm that ripped right through you, your mind goes right back to what you need to get done. And to be honest, for some reason that was unbeknownst to Harry, he absolutely loved that about you.
“Can I go write my paper now.” You huff shakily, trying to move your feet around to reagin more feeling in your legs and trying to get your mind straight again.
“Only if you promise to spend some more time with me and bubs later, we miss you.” Harry bargains, slowly removing his fingers from inside of you.
“Fine.” You breathe out cheerfully. In that moment, you didn’t exactly know what you were happy about. You weren’t sure if you were happy about getting a nice little break in the monotony of your work or of it was from the fact that Harry was finally going to leave you alone for a little while or that you were going to finally spend some time with the little family you were lucky enough to be apart of. Either way, you were definitely going to take a bit of a break later.
And let’s just say that this school year was going to be a bit of an interesting one for Harry.
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
Hermione and Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Weasley
Summary:  A Romione WLW AU, with Hermione and her best friend Veronica 'Ronnie' Weasley, the sweet redheaded girl who... well, who Hermione finds herself very confused about.
This fic was inspired by a similar AU scenario fic by @hillnerd. As with everything Hilly does, her fic is amazing, but hopefully my fic doesn’t look too bad by comparison. 
                  Read on FFN.                                      Read on AO3.
Hermione Granger had a problem.
Well, not so much a problem. More of a…. confusion. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
And it had to do with her best friend. Veronica “Ronnie” Weasley.
Ronnie was funny, sweet, kind, and athletic. Over six foot tall, with a mane of long red hair and a mass of freckles, she immediately caught the eye. The boys couldn’t help but notice her, and many of the girls either admired her or felt jealousy towards her. Hermione had lost count of the time she’d seen Dean and Seamus staring at Ronnie from across the common room. On a few occasions, she’d even seen Neville blush after Ronnie had smiled at him.
Not that Ronnie noticed any of this. The redhead had always felt lacking, either to her older brothers or to her younger sister Ginny. Ronnie was, like all her siblings, good at schoolwork, but she had never felt like she could stand out. She had confided to Hermione that, even if she had done well, no-one would ever think much of it, since her brothers had all done it before.
And then there was Ginny. Ronnie’s little sister was about almost a foot shorter, and with more of a nervous energy than that of her older siblings. Hermione had often wondered whether the Weasleys all had a set amount of passion, and that those of a shorter persuasion tended to be more on-edge than their lankier siblings. Granted, this theory didn’t necessarily explain why the short Charlie was so relaxed, while the taller Percy was the exact opposite. Maybe the Weasleys all just reacted differently to their circumstances.
Ronnie was not an intense person. In fact, Hermione found her almost supernaturally relaxed and affable. More prone to telling a chuckle-inducing joke as opposed to an over-the-top prank that was the preferred tactic of Fred and George.
Hermione preferred Ronnie’s way of doing things. Hermione liked a lot about Ronnie. Even if Ronnie personally thought her own matey-ness with people made her unattractive, Hermione couldn’t imagine why such friendliness and kindness could be considered unappealing.
To boys, of course. Yes, just to the boys.
Hermione had the distinct impression that Ronnie felt lacking compared to her little sister. Maybe it was Ronnie’s lack of interest in “girly” things, or her seeming-inability to act with “decorum” (as Hermione’s parents would have put it). It was common for Ronnie to wear a pair of hand-me-down school trousers instead of skirts because, as she herself put it, she hated having to worry about whether people could see up her legs.
Hermione always found herself flustered whenever Ronnie joked about this. Ronnie did have very long legs after all.
She had been friends with Ronnie for years, ever since the Halloween of first year. They hadn’t exactly gotten along before then but, since the incident with the troll, they had become firm friends. It was nice being friends with someone else in the girls dormitory; Lavender and Parvati had never really clicked with Hermione. Ronnie was the first female friend Hermione had ever had.
And then third year had happened.
The two of them had fallen out over their pets. Crookshanks and Scabbers had never gotten along and, at one point, it had looked like Crookshanks had eaten Ronnie’s rat. It had been really lonely not speaking to Ronnie for all that time.
But they had become friends again, and things had settled back to how they had been before.
Well, not exactly.
Ronnie had always been a good friend, but Hermione hadn’t understood why she had missed Ronnie so much when they weren’t speaking. She certainly hadn’t missed Harry in the same way, which was even weirder considering that Harry was a boy.
Hermione had missed Ronnie’s smile, her laugh, her beautiful red hair, the way she would throw an arm around Hermione’s shoulders as they walked to class, the way she would bound up to her and hug Hermione tightly, and the way she would stretch out in the common room so that Hermione couldn’t help but notice her-
Yes, she had certainly missed her friend Ronnie. The same friend who made butterflies appear in Hermione’s stomach whenever Ronnie smiled at her. The same friend who began to inhabit Hermione’s dreams in ways she was becoming very confused about.
Hermione had hoped that… whatever this was would disappear over the summer holidays, and she could just enjoy her friendship with Ronnie with no extra complications.
No such luck. Fourth year had just made everything even more confusing. Harry and Ronnie hadn’t spoken for a while after Harry’s name had appeared in the goblet of fire. Hermione had desperately tried to patch things up between them but, in the end, they had worked it out themselves after the first task.
It was good for them to be a trio again. Although Hermione, Ronnie and Harry had always been a bit unusual. Parvati and Lavender had always been giggling over it, asking both Hermione and Ronnie about which of them Harry was dating. Hermione had always rolled her eyes at this. To her, Harry had always been like a younger brother. Like all younger brothers, he was always getting into mischief and being annoying, but he was her brother nonetheless.
Ronnie had always laughed her head off whenever this question was proposed by Lavender and Parvati. Harry was “her best mate”. End of. Nothing more to say.
But… well, as the Yule Ball approached, suddenly Ronnie stopped laughed and started blushing, avoiding Hermione’s eyes.
‘It’s none of your business,’ she had mumbled, her ears flashing their tell-tale pink.
Hermione had felt her heart slowly sink, although she tried to avoid thinking about why.
Sure enough, the day before the Yule Ball, Hermione had asked Harry about who he was taking, and the boy who lived had blushed scarlet.
‘Er… I asked Ronnie.’
Hermione dropped the book she was holding. The two of them were in the library.
‘What? You mean… you…’
‘I-I don’t know, okay!’ Harry stammered. ‘It’s just… I needed a date for the Ball and Ronnie’s my best mate, so it made sense.’
At that moment, someone tapped Hermione on the shoulder. It was Viktor Krum, the Durmstrang champion.
‘Excuse me, may I have a vord?’
Harry looked at the Bulgarian suspiciously.
‘Yes, it’s fine,’ Hermione said, leading Krum away into the next aisle of bookshelves. ‘Which section are you looking for?’
‘No… I… er…’
Ronnie’s face looked horrified. It was several hours later, in their dormitory.
‘Well, it wasn’t as if I was going with anyone, so why not?’
‘He’s eighteen, Hermione!’ Ronnie said, urgently. ‘He’s way too old for you!’
‘He’s not dating me, Ronnie,’ Hermione replied. ‘He’ll be more like a chaperone than anything else. Besides, it’s just one ball. It’s not like he’s asking to marry me.’
‘I should think not!’ Ronnie’s face was strangely angry. ‘You’re too good for him.’
Hermione felt her cheeks blush.
‘Thanks,’ she said. ‘Er, congratulations about you and Harry, by the way.’
‘You… you know about that?’ Ronnie asked.
Hermione nodded, wondering why the mood suddenly felt so tense.
‘Yes, he told me earlier. It was nice of you to go with him.’
‘You think so?’
‘Yes. I think you’ll have a great time.’
Hermione hoped that her voice didn’t sound as falsely-cheery as she suspected.
 The Yule Ball was something of an event. It was interesting hearing from Viktor Krum about what Bulgaria was like, but she found herself distracted. Possibly due to the fact that Ronnie and Harry were sat only a few chairs down the table, and kept giggling over stuff. Ronnie was wearing a very lacy dress that Mrs Weasley had only managed to get third-hand; since Ronnie was so tall compared to most girls, her clothes had always been a bit… well, difficult to acquire on a budget. The dress was a few inches shorter than her normal summer shorts were, and Hermione had got the distinct impression that Harry was trying not to stare too much when they had walked through the crowd with the other champions and their partners.
Hermione probably would have enjoyed the dancing too, except that she kept looking round to see what Ronnie and Harry were up to. Ronnie’s hair was long and had a sweet flowery scent that seemed to follow it around the room. Her smile was wide as she danced with Harry, and the way she kept laughing made it difficult for Hermione to concentrate on her own dancing. Why was she so distracted?
‘Vould you like a drink?’ Viktor Krum asked, after a very fast song had finished.
Hermione nodded, and he left for the buffet table.
At that moment, Hermione noticed that Harry and Ronnie were walking towards the balcony area.
Deciding to catch up with them, Hermione darted between several other couple, and poked her head out through the curtains.
Her stomach turned to lead.
Harry was kissing Ronnie on the mouth, and Ronnie was kissing him back.
Stumbling backwards through the curtain, Hermione pushed through the crowd and began to make for the exit. However, she bumped into Ginny and Neville.
‘I’m… feeling a bit unwell,’ she mumbled. ‘Could you tell Viktor Krum that I’ve had to leave?’
Ginny and Neville nodded, but looked concerned and a little confused.
Hermione didn’t stop hurrying until she had arrived back in her dormitory. She washed her make-up off, changed into her pyjamas, and climbed into her four-poster bed.
She had started crying before her head even hit the pillow.
 ‘So… yeah.’
‘Bit weird, but… well, that’s it.’
It was the next day. Harry and Ronnie were talking to Ginny about what had happened. Hermione was eating her breakfast without looking at any of them.
‘So… are you two dating?’ Ginny asked.
Ronnie laughed nervously.
‘No; but… well, we’re gonna see how things change. If it’s not our cup of tea, we can stay friends instead.’
‘Yeah,’ Harry said, cheerfully. ‘Take a bit more than kissing for us to stop being best mates.’
‘Yeah, but…’ Ginny said, her eyes darting to Hermione and then back to Ronnie. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Er, yeah,’ Ronnie said. ‘H-Hermione, what do you think?’
Hermione blinked hurriedly.
‘Oh, I’m sure you two will be very happy,’ she said, a little too cheerfully. ‘I hope you don’t me being a third wheel, then. Anyway, we need to get to first period now.’
Harry nodded, and stood up.
Ronnie remained sitting, looking at Hermione with a slightly confused expression on her freckled face.
Ginny gave a sigh, and went back to her breakfast.
 The next few weeks were not fun for Hermione. Ronnie and Harry had always been a duo and, now that they were sort-of together, Hermione had never felt more like a third wheel. Even though both of them were clearly trying their best not to exclude her, she couldn’t help but feel miserable.
And that wasn’t even getting into the way her heart would thump painfully whenever she caught Ronnie looking at Harry.
It was ridiculous. Hermione couldn’t be jealous! What was there to be jealous of? Harry was like a brother to her, so it clearly wasn’t that.
No, it was something else.
It was Ronnie.
Hermione was in love with Ronnie.
She tried to not think about this. Which normally would have been difficult. But luckily, they were both helping Harry about the second task, which took up a lot of time and mental headspace. And their coursework was so time-consuming that Hermione barely had time to think about her feelings for Ronnie.
Could girls even fall for each other? Hermione had read about that sort of thing happening, but she never would have imagined that it would happen to her.
The day before the second task, she (along with Ronnie) were helping Harry with his preparations for the second Triwizard task, when the Weasley twins arrived.
‘Ronnie, you and Hermione have got a message from Professor McGonagall.’
‘What?’ Hermione asked, confused. ‘She can’t seriously ban us from helping Harry, can she?’
‘No, she just wants you and Ronnie to go to Dumbledore’s office.’
Hermione exchanged confused glances with Ronnie.
When they arrived at Dumbledore’s office, they were not the only confused people there. Cho Chang was also there, plus a young girl speaking in fluent French who was presumably Fleur Delacour’s little sister.
Dumbledore explained about what the second Triwizard task was, and how it would include all of them. Each of the champions would have a hostage, who would be in an enchanted sleep at the bottom of the great lake. The hostages would be perfectly safe underwater, and would return to normal once they were brought back to the surface of the lake.
‘Professor,’ Hermione asked, raising her hand. ‘I don’t understand; why has Harry got both me and Ronnie as his hostages? And where is the hostage for Viktor Krum?’
Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow.
‘Miss Granger, you are Mister Krum’s hostage, not Mr Potter’s.’
Hermione’s eyes widened in confusion. Viktor Krum? She was his “the person he would miss most”? Why? She’d been to the ball with him, but that was it. She hadn’t really spoken to him much since, aside from apologising for leaving the Yule Ball early. Why was she his hostage? Surely, he had friends from Durmstrang that would be a better pick?
Hang, on. Ronnie was Harry’s hostage. The person Harry would miss most.
So, that meant Ronnie was…
Hermione felt her heart sink. She couldn’t even look Ronnie in the eye, but she felt the redhead tense next to her.
Maybe Harry and Ronnie will become a full couple after he rescues her in the task, Hermione thought, miserably, as she slipped into unconsciousness from the sleeping spell Dumbledore had casted, I guess there never was any hope for me…
The next thing Hermione knew, she was treading water in the middle of the great lake. Viktor Krum was pulling her towards the shoreline. Her uniform felt heavy and sodden.
‘Where’s… where’s Harry and Ronnie?’ she asked, as Madam Pomfrey bustled them over to a tent nearby. ‘Haven’t… haven’t they come back yet?’
Madam Pomfrey patted her hand in sympathy, and tutted under her breath, as if she’d quite like a word with the person who came up with the idea for the second task.
A portion of pepper-up potion later, plus some warming spells, and Hermione was stood on the shoreline with Cho Chang and a very worried-looking Fleur Delacour. The French girl’s hostage was still down in the lake. Cho had put an arm around her.
‘They’ll be fine,’ the Ravenclaw was saying. ‘The judges won’t let any harm come to- oh, hello, Hermione.’
‘Hello. Have… have Harry and Ronnie got back yet?’
Cho shook her head.
There was a shout from the crowd, and Hermione looked round. Three people had just surfaced in the middle of the lake. Hermione could see a mane of very familiar red hair. Dashing past Viktor Krum (who seemed intent on chatting to her about something), Hermione wade into the shallows of the water. Fleur Delacour and Percy Weasley joined her.
‘I’m fine, Harry,’ Ronnie was saying, as Harry helped her towards the shore. The two of them were stood awkwardly in the shallows. Percy had stopped fussing over Ronnie, and had gone to find them some warm blankets, followed by the Delacour sisters.
Harry leaned forward and kissed Ronnie on the lips.
Hermione felt her heart sink and, turning away, she walked out of the lake, ignoring Viktor Krum’s renewed attempts at conversation, and left for the castle. People looked at her in confusion as she pushed past. She was glad that she had been given the pepper-up potion, as the February wind whipped through her.
Before she knew it, she was lying in her four-poster bed, crying her eyes out. She had somehow managed to close the curtains around her before she broke down completely. When was she ever going to get over this? She had no “claim” on Ronnie; after all, Ronnie liked boys, Ronnie liked Harry. And, next to Harry, why would Ronnie possibly look at Hermione? A bookworm. A girl. Just the best friend.
Ronnie. Oh, god, Hermione thought, she can’t see me like this…
‘G-go away, Ronnie.’
‘What, and leave you miserable? Not on your life.’
‘I’m-I’m fine, Ronnie. J-just a bit exhausted from the task.’
‘Did… did Krum do something to you?’
‘No!’ Hermione exclaimed, pulling back the curtains of her four-poster. ‘Of course not! He’s barely even held my hand! What… how could you…’
‘W-well,’ Ronnie said, her ears turning pink. ‘You were “the person he would miss the most”, after all.’
Hermione stared at her for a second.
‘I don’t see Viktor Krum like that,’ she said, earnestly. ‘He’s… well… like a chaperone.’
‘He fancies you.’
‘You mean like Harry fancies you?’
Ronnie looked as if Hermione had slapped her.
‘You… you saw him kissing me, then?’
Hermione nodded.
‘Is that why you’re crying?’
Hermione mentally cursed. Her cheeks were still wet with tears.
‘I’m… I’m very happy for you both.’
‘Don’t insult my intelligence, Hermione,’ Ronnie said, hotly. ‘You’re clearly upset about it. What, you fancy Harry or something?’
‘What? No!’ Hermione said. ‘Harry’s like a brother to me! Why would you-’
‘Well, what’s your problem, then?!’ Ronnie exclaimed, coming to stand barely a few inches away from her.
‘Don’t be… it’s… well…I-’
‘Hermione, what is it?’
‘It’s not Harry that I fancy, Ronnie; it’s you!’
There was a deafening silence.
‘I… I shouldn’t have said that,’ Hermione mumbled. ‘Sorry, forget I-’
‘No, what do you mean?’ Ronnie asked. ‘Do… do you mean that?’
‘Y-yes,’ Hermione whispered. ‘I’m sorry. I know you don’t see me like that. I’ve ruined our friendship-’
Hermione stopped talking. Because Ronnie had suddenly leaned forward and was kissing her on the mouth. Hermione’s brain seemed to disengage. Ronnie’s lips were soft and delicate as they pressed against Hermione’s. The redhead’s body heat felt like a warm fire against her, despite how little they were touching.
A few seconds later, although it could have lasted for hours for all that Hermione knew, Ronnie pulled away slightly.
‘Do… do you really mean that?’ Ronnie whispered, her hands tender as they interlaced with Hermione’s. ‘You… you really fancy me?’
Hermione nodded, feeling very confused.
‘Yes. Ever since… actually, I don’t know when. But… why…’
‘I… I fancy you, Hermione,’ Ronnie said, softly. ‘I… I thought you didn’t feel the same way.’
‘You fancy me?’
‘Er, did I not just kiss you? Would have thought it’d be a giveaway…’
Hermione giggled.
‘Okay, I believe you. But how-’
The door opened. Harry poked his head through.
‘Everything okay?’
‘Yeah,’ Ronnie said, cheerfully as she held Hermione’s hand. ‘She’s okay. And so am I.’
‘Cool. And… did you both…’
Ronnie nodded.
‘Fantastic!’ Harry said, grinning. ‘I’m so happy for you two!’
‘W-wait, what?’ Hermione exclaimed, utterly at sea. ‘Harry, did… did you know?’
‘I guessed. Besides, me and Ronnie work better as friends anyway.’
‘You… you two aren’t a couple?’ Hermione gasped, looking between them both. ‘I thought… after you kissed at the lake-’
‘You are one daft maid,’ Ronnie chuckled, pecking her on the cheek. ‘But that makes two of us, eh?’
Hermione smiled, as she held Ronnie’s hand. Maybe, on occasion, the best friend did get the girl. Even if they were also a girl, too.
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!
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shoyomp3 · 3 years
comforting u when ur stressed<3
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genre🍓: fluff, slight angst
pairing🍓: nishinoya x gn!reader, tanaka x gn!reader, sugawara x gn!reader, hinata x gn!reader
warnings🍓: reader not taking care of themselves, reader getting angry and yelling 😀🥴, terrible writing and ✨typos✨
word count🍓: 1.8k
desc🍓: you’ve been stressed because of school and you haven’t been taking care of yourself. your boyfriend has noticed and tries to make you feel better
author note🍓: lol fuck school 🤯🥴 also send requests if you want but just an fyi i’m not that familiar with most characters and it’s gonna be harder to write for them but i’m fine with everyone from karasuno 😭😭
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nishinoya yuu (401 words)
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you guys used to go on dates every week and would hang out almost everyday but lately all you’ve been doing is studying. you had a few tests coming up and a few missing assignments. it was almost the end of the year which meant that everything was due.
you stayed up all night to study and work. you devoted all your time outside of school to your books. you barely ate, barely slept and barely had any human contact.
when you walked into class you looked exhausted. you looked weak. you didnt look like yourself. everyone noticed this especially noya. he tried to talk to you and get you to relax but you would just walk away from him and review things.
he came over to your house one night, wanting you to stop and eat a meal and sleep. he walked up the stairs to your room, knocking softly on your door.
“y/n? can i come in?” he spoke quietly in case you accidentally fell asleep.
“...yeah...” your voice sounded so drained. he slowly opened your door, stopping when he saw you hunched over your desk, books and papers everywhere. his heart shattered. he walked over to you, softly turning your head to look at him. his eyes scanned over your face, noticing the dark circles, the tear stains, the tired look in your eyes. it hurt him to see you like this. all he wanted to do was hold you and let you know it was okay, that the tests didn’t matter, that you could relax.
he pulled you into his arms, squeezing lightly. “do you wanna take a break?” he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“i can’t, i’m sorry.” you slid out of his grip and turned back to your work only to be pulled away. you were being dragged to your bed.
“noya? what are you doing?” you asked confused.
“i’m making you relax and you will not fight back. you can’t treat your body like this. i know you want to do well in school but you need to take breaks sometimes”
he threw you onto your bed and collapsed on top of you. you two stayed like that for awhile until he started giving you small kisses all over your face.
“do you want something to eat? i can order whatever you want”
“nothing right now. i just wanna stay with you”
tanaka ryunosuke (420 words)
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he waited at the restaurant for an hour. you never said you were gonna be late. you never texted or called him. he got tired of waiting and tired of the embarrassment so he got up and left.
he went to your place wanting an explanation. he knocked on your door a couple times without a response. he called your name. no response. eventually, he got out his spare key, letting himself in.
the place was in total darkness except for a small amount of light coming from your room. he opened the door slightly, wanting to know what was happening. he saw you at your desk crying. there was paper all around you. on the floor, on the desk, everywhere. some of it was scribbled over, some torn to pieces. it was a mess. he took small steps in your direction not wanting to make his presence known just yet. he lifted his hand and tapped your shoulder.
“y/n...are you okay?”
you quickly wiped your face, turning around and forcing a smile.
“i’m fine! what are you doing here?”
he looked at you with a disappointed expression. you forgot about the date. he looked into your eyes and saw how bloodshot they were. he saw how much pain you were in. your smile started to falter.
“we had a date. you didn’t show up so i got worried and came over.” he crouched down next to you “are you sure you’re okay?”
your breath got caught in your throat. you knew he’d be able to see through your lie. so why would you try and do it?
“i’m fine. nothings wrong. i’ve just been a little behind on school and we have tests coming up. i’m sorry i missed our date.”
he looked at you for a few seconds before pulling you into him. he rubbed your back and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“please...tell me the truth” his voice was calm.
and that’s when you broke down. you started sobbing into his shoulder. crying about how the stress of school has been too much for you. about how you were scared to fail or not get things in. how you couldn’t handle it anymore. he let you cry for a while before pulling back. he brought his hands out to your face and wiped your tears. he gave you a soft smile.
“everything’s gonna be okay. i promise. lets just take a little break so you can calm down. if you need any help i’ll be here”
sugawara koshi (463 words)
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you kept canceling things with him. every time you two made plans, you canceled last minute coming up with a stupid excuse. he put up with it for awhile but it started to hurt. he got scared. were you cheating on him?
you canceled on him again. he kept calling you but you would never answer. he got tired of it and decided to see what you were doing.
he rushed over to your place, saying hi to your mom as he ran to your room. he swung your door open, startling you.
“s-suga? why are you here? i thought i told you i couldn’t make it...”
“you’ve canceled every date we’ve had for the past three weeks and i’m kinda tired of it. i want to spend time with you but you keep blowing me off. i thought you were cheating so i came over to see if you were or not”
you looked at your fingers, playing with them. you didn’t know what to say. you felt bad for canceling but you felt hurt because he thought you would cheat on him.
there was an awkward silence but it was ended by soft footsteps coming close to you. you felt a hand on your chin forcing you to look up.
“why have you been canceling our dates?”
you stayed silent. you didn’t want him to know how you haven’t been eating that much or sleeping. how many breakdowns you’ve had. you didn’t want him to worry.
“i...i don’t know”
he let go of your chin, letting out a deep sigh. he knew you were lying.
“y/n please tell me. i won’t be mad. i just want the truth”
you kept saying that was the truth and he kept saying it wasn’t. it went on like this for about 30 minutes before you cracked. you started sobbing and telling him what’s been happening. you told him that you didn’t wanna be seen as stupid because you kept failing quizzes and tests. you didn’t want to embarrass him. he pulled you off your desk chair and into his lap. he wrapped his arms around you, softly squeezing. he rubbed his hand down your back trying to calm you down.
“you’re perfect for me. you could never embarrass me okay? you’re not stupid, you’re not an idiot, you’re perfect. please tell me these things next time. i’m here for you. i’ll help you. you’re not alone.” he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
he pushed you off his lap and stood up, grabbing your hands and pulling you up with him.
“we’re gonna go get something to eat and then we’re gonna come back here so you can sleep. you need to stay healthy and strong. i don’t want anything happening to you.”
hinata shoyo (600 words)
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you two were always hanging out. there was barely any time you spent apart. you loved being around him and he loved being around you but recently, you’ve been...distant. its not that you don’t love him or that you’re getting annoyed by him, you’ve just had a lot of schoolwork to do.
shoyo didn’t notice you not hanging out at first but eventually he noticed you spending less and less time with him. it hurt him. it made him feel like you didn’t want to be with him anymore.
he started to not answer your calls when you would call him (which was rarely!!). it hurt him to do it but if you wanted your space he would give it to you. he got tired of this tho. he missed you and missed being around you.
he got your favorite candy and favorite flowers. he made his way to your place, knocking on your door and greeting your mom. he went straight to your room, bursting in like the ball of mf sunshine he is.
you have been extremely stressed out and irritable lately. school hasn’t been the best for you. you fell behind in most of your classes and the work got harder. it took you longer to finish things which is why some of them were marked as missing. you’ve been trying to make it all up but it’s been a lot for you. so when shoyo came in all happy it annoyed you. you weren’t in a good enough mood to deal with him so you snapped when he tried to talk to you. you screamed at him and said some things you didn’t mean. things that hurt both of you. but you couldn’t stop. he started arguing back and then you told him to leave. you didn’t think he’d actually do it and you definitely didn’t think he’s be gone for this long.
you admit what you did was wrong but you couldn’t help it. that was the last straw. you felt bad but how could you apologize? whenever you saw eachother in the hallways he would always walk the opposite way even if he had to go in your direction. even if you were able to catch up with him he would ignore you and pretend like you didn’t exist. he wouldn’t answer your calls or texts. you didn’t know what to do.
you waited outside the gym until practice was over, hoping to catch him on the way out. after a long time it finally ended. you watch everyone walk out. everyone except for shoyo. you went up to daichi to ask where he was.
“oh hey y/n. he went home sick. did you not know...?”
you thanked him for telling you and ran towards his house. you knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. after a few minutes it opened to your boyfriend. his usual smile not on his face.
“why are you here. are you gonna yell at me for ‘bothering you’ and ‘being too clingy’ again?”
his words stabbed you like knives but you understood where it was coming from.
“i-i came to apologize.” you started crying “i was really stressed and everything was bothering me and i know that doesnt excuse it and i know you probably won’t forgi-” you were cut off by him hugging you.
“remember to breathe.” he held you closely, making sure you were actually there. the past few days were hard for him but he didn’t want to upset you again. you two made up and ended the night in cuddles and movies.
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anyways that sucked 😀
tags (dm or send and ask to be added): @yourdaddychan @noyatonic @sunacor3 @yanjeongs @lov3ric @hotelhaikyuu @satosimp
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diplexchimera · 3 years
Hey people considering college-
I have some tips for you. Now, take into consideration that I am technically a college drop-out (didn't have enough money for a second semester).
- my college required Freshman to be in a campus dorm. We got to select whether we preferred someone quiet, someone loud, or someone in between. In my experience, someone loud = an extrovert who will have many people visit them, someone quiet = a person who prefers to keep their room more private, and someone in between = a person who wants their roommate to be okay with a noisy room & people over, but also wants to be able to say they need quiet time (or they aren't sure what they want, but want neither a silent room or a busy room).
- if you have to eat from the cafeteria, that's okay. They tend to have a wider selection anyway but! I would suggest memorizing the breakfast/lunch/dinner availability hours. Some schools are very strict, and will lock the doors which = a skipped meal for you.
-I would also suggest getting the app 'MyPlate Calorie Tracker'. College meals will most likely be different than what you've eaten at home and school. The MyPlate app is pretty simple, and can help you make sure you're getting the right amount of food into yourself, as opposed to too much or too little. If I remember correctly, it also keeps track of how much protein and stuff your food is supplying you.
- sugars, fats, calories, and carbs are not bad for you. Your body requires them. Your brain literally will not function if you cut out any one of those items. Remember, you don't need to avoid being fat, you need work today being healthy. Your body will sort itself out (over time dude, give it time) if you supply it with the necessary nutrients and such.
- dude, vitamins. They can be expensive, but if you have insurance, ask your doctor how much of every vitamin you should be having. They can tell you, give you a list, and they can ask your insurance if vitamins are covered. If you can't get to a doctor, try to do research. Here is one from Harvard that I think is good, but you should always cross check things. Getting all the vitamins and minerals you need is exceedingly important. They help you go to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up, help your brain and body to function and adjust, help keep you feeling healthy and happy. If you feel tired and depressed, it can be really difficult to accomplish tasks and enjoy/ appreciate being alive.
- I would not suggest starting your year by completing assignments before the start date of said assignments. For one, doing assignments as they come helps you get a feel for a natural schedule. Another reason is because it helps to be in the moment, instead of too far ahead to be able to keep track of what's going on and when. Wait until you have a hang of how and where to research, and a firm idea of how much you can hold onto mentally, so you don't fail tests. You'll also likely feel guilty later on when you begin to struggle to stay ahead as assignments get longer and more difficult.
- yo if you can get a used textbook that comes as a three ring binder instead of a hard or soft back, do it. It's cheaper, and so much easier to handle and copy. Heck, you can even take the pages out of the section you're using and put them in a folder -- boom, no more 40lb back pack. Also makes more room in any bag you use for the essentials, which I'll list next.
- here are some backpack essentials:
• earbuds, Bluetooth if possible. It's okay to have more than one type of listening device. "I prefer headphones!" You say. You can't hide over-the-ear headphones if you end up in a classroom which doesn't allow something like that. Sometimes you're just having a sucky day, sometimes you need extra stimulation to concentrate, sometimes you want to spend your time listening to a podcast that explains the current subject better than your teacher does. Sometimes you want to watch a movie casually. Earbuds also take up MUCH less space.
• an extra charging cable for every portable device you use. Roll them up, and secure each one individually with cable ties or bread bag twist ties. I say extra, as in, keep your original cords in your dorm room and Don't Take Them out. Get a secondary cable and charger for each device, and let them live in your backpack.
• 3 or 4 different colors of pen. Multiple colors, for whatever reason you want-- easily scanned notes, for different subjects, etc. These can serve a variety of purposes, and you never know when you need them.
• 3 regular pencils, and a good hand sharpener or silent mechanical sharpener. 3 in case the other two get broken lead or happen to suck. Regular pencils can be finicky.
• 2 mechanical pencils. 2 in case one of them fails, runs out of lead, or the lead breaks up.
• decoy pens and pencils! Get as cheap or expensive as you want. At some point, someone is likely to ask for one, and you don't want someone else using your favorites. You also may not get them back, or they get broken. I would suggest a couple of each, as it may happen in more than one class. You don't have to have decoys, but that way, at least you don't have to choose between either feeling guilty for not loaning out the items you like, or being uncomfortable that you did have to loan one. If you loan the decoys out, and don't get any back, and someone asks you for a utensil later that day, you have both a convenient reason you don't have an extra you're willing to share, and you already put the minimum effort towards being prepared.
• Water! You're going to get so dang dehydrated! You're going to have full days, much of the time, from trekking across campus, to class time, to meal times, to study time, to hang out time -- you need to have water with you, as opposed to having to track it down, and possibly have to pay for a bottle of water. Hydration is a main component in bodily functionality and brain processes. I would suggest a minimum of a 30-ish ounce container of any sort. A plastic water bottle you refill, a thermos, a sippy cup, a hydro flask, a camp flask, whatever works for you.
• I would say snacks. If you're eating meals throughout the day, I guess they aren't "technically" essential, but can confidently say, they are useful. Snacks can be an energy boost, a brain function boost, a hunger soother, a friend-maker, or just plain stimulation. Cut up some apple slices, maybe grab some peanut butter, or a portion of nuts, or a tangerine, crackers, pretzels, chips, the choice is yours. It helps if you can get ahold of some of those cheap reusable silicone ziplock baggies. You can wash them to be used again, and you don't have to deal with carrying plastic trash around with you.
• a pair of socks. I know that sounds weird, but it doesn't take up much space, and weird stuff happens. They get wet, or it's hot and your feet get sweaty and yucky, or food get spilled on your feet. Stuff happens.
• b12 tablets. They work with your system in a healthy way, as opposed to caffeine, and does the same trick. Just follow the directions on the bottle, and may I suggest, start with half the recommended dose. It affects different people more or less. My husband takes the recommended two, while I only need a half. We both have adhd, and are closely similar in body weight. If you need a wake up boost, don't slam your system with caffeine.
• baby wipes. You can get a small pack, and they can help clean up almost anything. Someone spill sticky tea? Got it. Fell and scraped a knee, and it has dirt all over it? Baby wipes and a little water. Need to blow your nose, and there are no tissues, or just feel like you need to rinse your face off in class? You're covered.
• chapstick is a very small item, but Lordy Lord if those classrooms aren't parched of all moisture in the air. You gone get cracked, chapped lips.
That's kinda it for now on backpack essentials. There is definitely more you could have, so supplement whatever helps you. You could add a hairbrush or comb, a hat and rain jacket for cold weather times, sunscreen during the hot times, hair ties and bobby pins, etc. It's all for you pal.
- keep in touch with your professors. Make yourself known to them. An occasional casual compliment is often helpful, and a good way to connect (you explained stuff really well today/your teaching style is helpful/I appreciated you taking time to answer my questions). They are people after all.
- if you have stuff going on, let your professors know. If your pet is sick at home and you're worried about them, give your professors a heads-up that you may seem less attentive that week, but that it isn't disinterest. If you figure out you have depression, and you're struggling to complete assignments/sleep/wake-up, tell them. Let them know you don't expect special treatment, you just wanted them to know that it isn't due to immaturity or lack of interest.
- always do studying and homework first. If you're able to accomplish these things while with friends, that's great, but if you can tell you're struggling, prioritize schoolwork. You'll have time for fun stuff later, usually later that evening.
- it's okay to drop a class. In fact, if you severely dislike a class, don't understand the coursework, or you realize you've taken on too much at once, it's better for your overall wellness and your grades if you drop it. If you have a professor suggest you drop a class in mean way, don't feel like you have to prove them wrong. This is your experience, and they can stuff it for being a rude brat. You don't need to prove yourself to them, and you cannot control their thoughts or actions.
- try to take classes that happen twice a week, which start later in the day than 8 am, at least for your first semester. There is a lot going on in college. A lot of changes to acclimate to. Take it a little easier at first, to give yourself time to work out what all is where, and how everything works.
Well, that's the end of 'dip's (college) tips' for now.
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ubemango · 4 years
one time, in your room (m)
note: I wrote this after receiving such an enthusiastic response to my virgin!jk drabbles. I really can’t thank you guys enough for expressing interest in this story, it really helped jumpstart lunyua lol 😭😭🥰🥰!!!!!!! I’m happy she’s back:) I would be absolutely nowhere without it heheh. My thank yous are also due to Violet and my crème de la crème for helping me write this back in March--I love you both very, very much!!!!!! Enjoy :D
DISCLAIMER. there’s one scene based off a tweet that I can’t find the link to lol... it’s about getting fingered till u cry. You’ll know when you get there 😭
PAIRING. jeongguk/reader GENRE. romance, college au RATED. M WORD COUNT. 17.3k WARNINGS. alcohol, oral (f receiving), cum shot, fingering, sexting, phone sex/masturbation, face sitting, riding, talks about Babies, jk loving oc A Lot SUMMARY. There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. (You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later.)
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                                          part 1: emergency tactics
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It started five months in.
Jimin probably didn’t mean anything by it. There’s talk and then there’s inebriation, and Jimin slurred roughly between the two like the drunkard he is. But Jeongguk was still hurt and you didn’t know what to do.
“He called me a pussy then told me to fuck one instead,” Jeongguk said under the strobe lights, the plastic ones you buy at the dollar store and you know it’s Hoseok who got them because he’s frugal, not cheap. The couch was itchy under your skirt. “Am I—is it really that bad? Like am I doing this wrong? Am I taking too long, or—”
“No, oh my god. Babe,” you said, and the cooler in your hand found the floor before you cupped his face. He was pouting. “Doing things—like that—it’s—it shouldn’t be something you stress over, okay? Don’t listen to other people. I like you. And Jimin is a whore.”
Jeongguk snorted. You could still see the doubt in his eyes, though. Shiny because he’s tipsy, but that downward droop still there. “You’re the best,” he said as sincere as he could sound.
And he’d left it at that. He got way more drunk though, definitely influenced by his post-teen-pre-adult angst but what’s a 21-year-old supposed to do with ample service of alcohol and an aching heart? You’d left him to it and cleaned the vomit on his shirt after. It was an okay party.
It stayed okay for a bit, too. Jeongguk isn’t an insecure person, but his bouts of uncertainty were getting more and more frequent. Especially when all his friends were naturally horny and really fucking stupid.
“So you’ve been dating for almost eight months and you—still haven’t defiled him,” Jimin says, now absolutely sober and still absolutely dumb.
You can feel Jeongguk’s ears heat up. “Dude.”
Jimin ignores him and turns to you. “Aren’t you like—bored?”
“When will you stop talking,” Jeongguk murmurs through a bite of his burrito bowl.
“I’m not,” you answer Jimin, flipping through another page of a study on birth control. A convoluted piece of shit, as Taehyung put so eloquently, but he left a couple minutes ago for a study group. “And stop bullying him.”
“I’m just shocked,” Jimin continues. “How does someone so hot end up with someone even hotter and like—not immediately participate in procreation. This is a crime!”
“Look.” Your textbook flips closed. “I don’t know what your obsession is with this guy’s dick over here, but it’s mine to worry about.”
“I think you upset her,” Jeongguk says.
“I know what it’s like to be pressured into sex,” you say. You feel Jimin lock up. “Look—sorry, that was baggage and I’m stressed.” Jimin nods. “But seriously? It’s—he’s—Jeongguk’s fine the way he is, alright?”
You taper off. It’s silent save for the milling of other students in the quad, but the air is thick. Sliced through with your anger but you’d rather have this conversation in private, without Jimin and his probing. Unnerving Jeongguk was like lighting the fuse in you, and maybe it was the instinct to preserve whatever purity Jimin keeps insisting on but you’ve never seen your boyfriend so upset about something. It kind of hurt to see him like this.
You get back to taking notes when Jimin talks again. “I’ll go,” he says. “Jeongguk I—”
“It’s fine.” Doesn’t sound like it though because he’s tight-lipped. 
Jimin salutes and sidles away. A bubble of unfinished conversations swells around you.
“Thanks for—that, I guess,” he says.
Your highlighter squeaks against the paper. “Jeongguk.”
“Do you want to have sex with me?”
Maybe that was a bad start because Jeongguk sputters. You think he squawks, too—and he’s definitely fidgeting, lots of cut-off noises in his throat as he tries to say anything coherent. You look at him and he finally takes a breath in. “I—”
“You’re worried.”
His face contorts in confusion. “About what?”
“I don’t know. But I can feel it.”
“Same wavelength,” he laughs. Empty but he knows you’re just trying to help.
“Look.” He doesn’t but that’s because you’ve turned back to your books. “We have sex when we have sex. And if someone tries to—bother you about it, you can tell them they can suck on my fat cock.”
You hear him chortle. “I’ll do that.”
The conversation ends. You study. You still feel Jeongguk fidgeting.
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Now there’s three weeks left till the term is over.  
“My—brain. It’s exploding. There’s too much going on.”
Jeongguk’s desk is a cramped space—the only place you can prop your textbook up against is his sweatshirt wrapped into a wrinkly ball. Graciously taken from his hamper because he still hasn’t done his laundry. The chair creaks when you spin to look at him: a dejected blob of comfy clothes surrounded by looseleaf paper and sticky notes. “Break time?”
He slumps against his pillows, arms out like a sad toddler. “Break time.”
This probably means you’ll cuddle for the next three hours but there’s little to complain about when Jeongguk purrs into your hair once you settle into his chest. There’s a warmth to him you can’t get anywhere else. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he huffs. “Just working too hard.”
“Okay,” you murmur. Jeongguk’s breath evens out the way it does when he wants to stop thinking. You can hear the hum of the fridge outside. 
“Want this to be over.”
You trace your nail over his collarbone. “I know.” 
“When’s your awards ceremony?”
“In two weeks,” you say.
“Same time as our final game.”
You lean your head up when he sighs, watching his eyes flutter in the afternoon shade of his curtains. A calmer period right after a hectic schedule of school, because you have Professor Kwon to thank for her excessive meetings about tutorials and assignments. It never occurred to you that you might’ve been imposing when you showed up to Jeongguk’s dorm with your homework, but he’d been studying too. Same wavelength, he’d say.
“Jimin been bothering you lately?”
“No, thank god. Don’t think I could take anymore prodding.”
This is the first time you’ve asked since that afternoon in the quad, though now Jimin’s been less annoying whenever you see him with Jeongguk. You know he’s just itching for your boyfriend to finally get his dick wet. 
And you can’t blame him—that was his intention when he finally got Jeongguk to ask you out. Friendship with Jeongguk was a weird stretch of time, especially when he’d spent the entirety of it silently pining for you: involuntarily single, but so preoccupied with the care and keeping of your GPA you’d been blind to any advance. Not that he tried anything, though. 
He’d been in his second year, still getting used to the enormity of campus grounds as a scholarship-bound athlete. And on top of all his schoolwork he had to balance the fragility of having a crush on an upperclassman well on her way to PhD candidacy. It was a good thing he was cute, though, and Jimin had no qualms about embarrassing Jeongguk any chance he got when you were around. The blush when Jimin had pushed him to your desserts table at one of the indoor Farmers’ Markets still burns in the furthest love-lit corner in your mind.
“You remember when you asked me out?”
“God.” A too-late night in the library that prompted the chivalrous part in Jeongguk because he’d brought you to the bus stop too close for campus police to escort you. You’d been good friends for a while already, the hurdle of skirting around each other knocked down when Jeongguk finally got the guts to insert himself in the your friend circle. In that wet shelter, a quivering lip. The sure that now has you seven-and-a-half months down the line with arguably the best thing that’s happened to you since you started your college career, but you won’t tell him that. “Why are you bringing that up?”
“I don’t know. Just—feels like forever ago.”
“Maybe the stars are aligning,” you say.
“Is that a good thing?”
“I don’t know, just. Sometimes when I lie down with you I feel like I have to—lay myself bare.”
“Then bare yourself.”
You pause. “I’d like to suck your dick.”
“I’m gonna—I’m gonna need you to elaborate,” Jeongguk says like he’s winded.
“Two weeks of me finishing assignments and you at hockey practice. You know. Take advantage of the time we have with each other.”
“Good point. But I have a counter offer.”
Jeongguk is always a giver. “Which is?”
“I eat you out instead.”
“You’re too good to me,” and this is the only response you can come up with without sounding too shocked. Or horny. Not that you’d ever shy away but Jeongguk had a way of burning you up from the inside. “You’re down for that?”
“Always,” he says, then rolls you over. All that muscle from his workouts barring you from even thinking about fighting him back so you let him push you till you’re comfortable. But this isn’t about you. Not at the moment, anyway. 
“Take your shirt off.” Jeongguk does this so quickly his face almost crashes into yours when he comes back down, gasping a laugh that he breathes into you when his mouth meets yours. A quick tangle of your legs around his waist has him lying over you with ease, caught in his cage of pressed-down elbows and intimacy. 
“Wanna—take care of you.” He trails his mouth down your neck, bed squeaking when his knees pad down. Lips tasting lower and now he lifts your shirt up to your chest, pressing wetness to your stomach and you’re quick to discard your clothing if only to see Jeongguk pause at the zipper of your jeans. “Can I—?”
You nod. 
His fingers don’t shake but he’s blinking fast, pulling on the waistline of the rough denim and shucking it past your feet, sighing when your panties come into view. A short-lived reverence when he leans down to mouth at your sex above the thin cotton and your legs spread wide for his arms to cling onto.
“Tell me—tell me what you like,” he says. A shy demand.
“Take my underwear off then I’ll tell you.”
There’s warmth lost when Jeongguk slides your panties down to one ankle but he’s over you in the second it takes for you to flick it off. No pause in his eagerness but now he lies in wait for your instructions. The way he pauses for you is so agonizingly hot you might combust.
“It’s—I like it when… I feel you lick at my…” God you sound fucked. But Jeongguk’s a wild card and takes it in stride, hands once again finding purchase around your thighs and you feel his hard tongue on you, a wet slide that has your stomach caving. It’s the natural twitch in your fingers that prompt you to keep a loose grip in his hair, other hand tight in the bed like your proxy anchor. “Oh. Yeah. Yeah…”
Jeongguk laves your core, pressing harder the higher he goes. Contingency he takes advantage of because you get louder. It’s the lick on your clit that has you sighing. “Oooh, you—use the… tip of your tongue. And lick right—there.”
He’s so pliant you feel like you’re throttling him. There’s a forward insistence of his head until you feel the flat of his tongue pressed fully against you, his neck rolling with every shift of your hips. In control of your pleasure and he makes it feel like this is what he was made to do. His fingers get tight. “You taste good,” he exhales right onto your sex and you nearly crush his head with your thighs.
“Oh my god.” Your breaths are lost. You might hide your face but that would mean losing sight of Jeongguk providing a service only he can spell out with his tongue. “Ah—”
There’s a little squeak further down the bed and you notice the small flutter of his groin caught in the warmth of him and the sheets. His lips close around your nub before you can say anything, slurping that has your gut wrangled, your fingers gripping his hair as you get lost in his love. Your eyes roll back. “Oh fuck, that—agh—”
He’s made you come before. And the familiar tone of your incoming bliss is something he can memorize—he probably already has judging by the train wreck of your throat and the sounds he pulls from you. A swindler of your orgasms but you’d gladly hand yourself over if it meant deceiving your pussy into its own demise.
“Fuck you’re—so sexy like this,” Jeongguk mumbles. You whine at his attention but now you’re running even hotter than ever.
You’re not even telling him what to do anymore but you know he knows it’s good, a message sent with every twitch of your sex into his mouth and now his fingers are splayed along your pelvis to keep you from bucking up. He doesn’t even need his fingers. It’s the hardened tongue, the little slashes on your clit as his head swings back and forth that have you squealing: “Yes, like that. Oh I’m cumming—fuck—!”
Jeongguk hums when you jerk your hips up, convulsions in all your sweetest parts and your throat is dry from all your moaning, the swell of your lungs so hard to keep up with but he always has you losing your breath. Spit collects in its warmth down your ass but it’s a lost thought when Jeongguk lathers you into your come-down, legs like jelly and he helps your knees together when you finally stop trembling. You don’t realize your eyes are closed until you feel his lips on your mouth, complaint of catching a break right behind your teeth when you kiss with what little strength remains in you. 
“That was. Really good,” you whisper. Jeongguk laughs. And he doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with his wet mouth and red cheeks. “Do you wanna cum?”
He looks like he’ll say no. A bitten lip instead of confirmation. “I—”
“Please, I want you to.” Like a switch turned on he lights up, head bobbing and now he’s shoving his jeans past his ass, underwear down too. “You wanna—come on my face?”
His eyes look like they’re leaking out of his face. A strangled noise escapes his throat. He probably thinks you’re on crack but it’s just in his nature for him to assume a dazed auto-pilot whenever you say shit so outlandish. “You—I—I-I—Can—?”
“You can cum—god you can cum anywhere. I’m yours. Remember?” Reaching behind, you feel for the clasp of your bra, flinging it off before you pull on Jeongguk by the dip of his back until his knees straddle your ribs. “Is this good?”
“Can—could you—spit… on it.” His voice dwindles like he’s caught between the threshold of dirty and pushing it. You don’t answer because your neck straining for the tip of his dick and down the rest of his shaft is all he needs for one. Jeongguk bucks into you. “Oh fuck—ngh—ah!”
If his grinding on the mattress was a ticking bomb, your tongue on his cock is the thirty seconds till detonation. And by the sounds of Jeongguk groaning into the mid-afternoon sun slipping through his curtains you know he’s almost there. “Lie down, lie down,” he instructs, hand replacing your mouth in a stroke so quick you’re scared he might get cum in your hair.
“Agh—fuck yeah I’m—”
A spurt of his cum stains your lip, then your cheek. You feel some on the tip of your nose too but Jeongguk points his dick down to your tits, spilling all his hot frustration on your even hotter skin and you might cum again from the visual of him looking so spent. “Wow.”
“Yeah, that—” Jeongguk swallows twice— “I… wow.”
His dick is getting soft. There’s sweat pooling where your body meets the sheets. “Wanna pass me tissues?”
“Oh fuck. Yeah, yeah—here, sorry.” Jeongguk makes soft passes with a wad of cotton over your chest, handing one to you for your face. “Do you—do you like it? When I… cum on you?”
“Yeah.” You think about making a weird comment about sipping on his juice but you’ll save it for later. You focus on not letting his spunk flake on your cheek. “It’s hot. Really.”
“Good,” he says. Flopping down after shooting the soiled tissue into the basket and now he seems exhausted. “Do you feel gross or is it just me.”
“Gross how?”
“Gross like I need a shower.”
You can’t deny him. “Wanna shower?”
“Yep,” he says with no hesitation, and he doesn’t let you say anything else when he grabs you by your wrists. Somehow, everything feels lighter.
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Sometimes Jeongguk invites you out to practice. It’s boring and you don’t know a single rule about gameplay, but the presence of him despite being a ways away on the ice is still a comfort on its own. 
The arena is frigidly cold, and while you aren’t without distraction (re: Assignments) it’s still one you can barely get yourself to really focus on. You rub your face in frustration. You hear the sound of the hockey puck passed around in harsh slaps.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
“Jimin,” you acknowledge. He drops down next to you. “Here to spy on hockey ass too, huh.”
“That and Hoseok promised to get me dinner later.” You raise your eyebrow. “Did one of his assignments.”
“Forgot you were a chemistry genius.” Clicking your tongue, you watch the big 97 of Jeongguk’s jersey as he glides around behind the glass. He waves when he sees you looking. You’d greet him back but your hands are too perfect where they are in the heat of your sweater pockets so you wave your head in what you hope looks like excitement. 
“Been holding up okay?” You turn. Jimin’s eyes are a blaze of concern. “The other week, in the quad. You were pretty stressed.”
“Final paper.”
“Working up to that,” you say.
“So you’re a scholar scholar.”
“Mm.” Your laptop screen blinks to black. “Something like that.” You hear Jimin snicker. He’s coiled up, stomach caved in a tiny laugh, eyes crinkled. Too amused. “What?”
“I’m just—” Jimin takes a breath in to stem his impending laughing fit— “so confused. Like, there’s Jeongguk who can eat eight cups of spicy ramen and literally bomb the bathroom with his shit—and then right next to him is Jane Goodall but with human babies.”
“He loves spicy ramen,” you comment.
“Yeah but do we like his stank? Nope. And you really just compared pronatalism to liking ramen. You know you’re out of his league.”
Jeongguk, completely oblivious to Jimin’s really weird anecdote, brings a fist up in cheers when he shoots the puck into the net. “Well. At the very least he’s cute.”
Jimin heeds with a hum to watch the play on ice. Seeing the team skate around with their broad-shoulders and thick helmets is an odd kind of relaxation. A team of huge men cutting the ice with knives on their feet but the sound is a swish satisfying enough for those kinds of videos that put you to sleep. Rough and gentle, just like Jeongguk. “I’m glad Jeongguk met you,” Jimin starts again.
“Mm. I think he has you to thank.” You boot up your laptop once more in the hopes you get inspired to type, but now Jimin has you distracted even more. 
“He just… used to be so quiet. And I’m gonna brag here but he’s got good friends. But meeting you was a game-changer.”
“He was so passive.” You think to Jimin almost two years ago, pushing a slightly-smaller Jeongguk towards your table at the market. One look in your eye; pointing to the donut closest to him. Your finger touched his palm when you dropped the chocolate-glazed on it and he looked lost. “But now he’s just. Happy. All the time. It’s nice to see.”
There’s 97 again. Then Jeongguk turns and glides closer to the rail. He holds up ten fingers. Ten till over. You give a thumbs up. You feel yourself shivering but you’re not cold anymore. “Then I’m glad, too.”
“Good kid.” Jimin waves too, and Jeongguk skates off without looking at him. “Bitch! Anyway.” He leans back on his hands, feet perched on the row in front. “You guys… good now?”
And your screen fades to black again. “Oh god.”
“Sorry, fuck. Sometimes I think—no sometimes I don’t think. Sorry.”
“It’s fine, whatever.” You turn to Jimin looking very apologetic, keeping mum with his lips folded in. “It’s—he’s. A lot more eager, I have to say.”
“And are you okay with that?”
You hesitate. “I mean if we’re getting vulgar here—”
“Absolutely not, you are not telling me what he did with his dick.”
You raise your hands in surrender. You wouldn’t have told him anyway. It’s just nice to see a flustered Jimin, especially after what he’s subjected you and Jeongguk to. Good-natured but overtly so, and now you’re both blushing. “It’s been good.” 
Great. Now you’re thinking about Jeongguk and his cock again. Obviously it’s not unwelcome but riling you up is getting too easy.
“Then that’s good,” Jimin says. You hear the blow of the whistle. A congregation of fist bumps forms at the exit of the rink, and Jeongguk lets everyone pass him to get off. “Well I’m gonna go get ready for some free food. See you, yeah?”
He offers a high-five you hit hard. “Bye.”
“Oh. And good luck on your paper. You coming to the game by the way?” Jimin asks. He jumps off the bleachers, leaving you to stare at your honest attempt at getting work done. You close your laptop with a sad click. 
“I have an awards ceremony that day,” you explain. “I’ll try and catch it.”
“Don’t work too hard.” Just then, Jeongguk runs up behind Jimin not at all silently—his gym bag is ginormous—to catch him in a headlock. “Wha—”
“Why are you talking to my girlfriend,” Jeongguk interrogates. He’s probably wet with heat because Jimin scrunches his nose and shoves him off.
“You’re a pig, did you even shower.”
“Smell my armpits and you’ll get your answer.”
“Anyway,” Jimin groans. “I’m off.” He walks to the changing room in a swagger so calculated you’d yell at him for showing off his ass. But Jeongguk drags your attention away when he steps in front of the bleachers, leaning over until you greet him with a kiss.
“Hi,” Jeongguk says against your mouth.
You plug your nose for effect. “So you didn’t shower.”
“I rinsed! Don’t be mean.” He watches as you shove all your things into your bag, his hand poised for you to give it to him, and inside you falter at his generosity but you shoulder the strap and use his outstretched palm to help you up instead. “I wanted your bag, miss.”
“No, you already have a heavy one.”
“Let me carry it for you—” But you shut him up with a tiptoe and a peck to his open mouth. “Don’t distract me!”
You ignore him, grabbing his wrist and dragging him toward the exit. “Let’s go, I might miss my bus.”
Eight p.m. is a dead hour on campus grounds. You see only a handful of straggling students going back to res, even more going into the library building. The lamps guide your every step. Jeongguk’s fingers tangle in yours. “So you aren’t free at all the rest of the week right?”
“Yeah.” You try not to look at him because you know he’s pouting. “I didn’t get any work done thanks to your shouting.”
“That was Yoongi,” Jeongguk defends. “And sorry.”
You reach the bus shelter. “I’m kidding.” The neon sign overhead says your bus is due in three minutes. “I’m—I like going to your practice.”
“Yeah, I like seeing my star hockey player tear it up on the ice,” you joke. Jeongguk laughs into your lips when he bends down lock them with his own. 
“Was it sexy enough for you?”
“Oh yeah. Got my pussy rumbling.”
He balks. “You’re so annoying.”
Two minutes. “It’s starting again.”
“What is?” In the dark light of the evening moon rising, you are reminded of this bus shelter seven months ago. A tower of nerves over you. If you think hard enough, you can still hear the shaky question he’d let dangle from his tongue, the one that has you here with him now. But now Jeongguk is nervous for different reasons. “Oh, like when you disappear on me for like five years.”
You see the light of the bus coming. You wrap Jeongguk in your arms. “Yeah. I’m only free next week.”
“Take it easy,” he says. Only one person gets off at the stop. “Just text me. Don’t need a repeat of last time.”
Last time—a month into your relationship. When you texted him every four days because of your midterms and he’d gotten so worried he genuinely wept when you showed up to his doorstep. It was a good thing you’d brought food too; not that you were expecting a cry fest but he’d felt better once he was filled with fried noodles and your affection. You concede to his request with a nod.
He lets you leave with one last kiss to your forehead. “See you,” you say. The air is alive with what you have to leave behind for the time being.
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The week is rough. Professor Kwon asks you to submit marks sooner than you anticipate, so the need to get your paper done becomes a lot more urgent. One student hasn’t even handed in her assignment, which—fine. You don’t have any qualms about the zero you input. But the angry email with the threat to report you to an academic advisor the next day has you so on edge Namjoon agrees to grade half your assignments next time.
Jeongguk, somehow, eludes you too. Graduate school demands more tears than sweat and blood and while he tries his best to comfort you during your work-filled days, he’s been getting busier with hockey practice too. The added thought of starting to study for your exams is just another cake-topper. And it isn’t as if you’re going days without talking to Jeongguk, but it’s still a sting to the romantic part in you that misses him.
A week and a half before your big paper is due is a Tuesday. The girl who dissed you in your email doesn’t show up to tutorial. Everyone is dismissed for the evening. It’s good. 
Nothing beats the giddy jump in your step when you find a cubby in the library close enough to an outlet, though.
Then you get a text from Jeongguk.
[8:07 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m free the rest of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me love u bich u really deprived me of touch for an entire week  [8:07 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wya
He meets you at the library with sweaty bangs and indents on his cheek from his helmet. You briefly contemplate jumping him. The feeling is quelled with the reminder that the library doesn’t tolerate loud noises and Excessive Romantic Gestures, so you opt for:
“Sexy.” You’re up on your feet to give him a quick hug and he makes a disgruntled face before dropping a kiss to your mouth.
“You wet yet?”
You glare to hide the need to balk. You plop back down. “You ate pussy once, don’t think this gives you free points to get so cocky.”
He pauses. “Sorry?”
“Sit. And don’t—ask me that again.”
“Yes ma’am.” Jeongguk cowers into the seat next to you. “What’s my scholar up to tonight?”
“Researching about Western Europe and their refugee policies.”
He doesn’t look like he’s interested but he makes a contemplative noise. “Very… educated. But anyhow. I’ve been thinking.” Uh oh. “And I have something. It was a week-long thought process but I have it.”
Your pens roll along the wood of the desk. “Have what?”
“A plan.”
“For how I’m gonna fuck you. Eventually, I mean.”
“I leave you for a week and this happens,” you answer, but he’s not fazed. You feel yourself melting. Something you learned about Jeongguk during the preliminary stages of your relationship was that he liked getting things right. And if that meant practicing until he was ready—well. There’s a part in you that fears for the livelihood of your vagina. “Babe. That’s—you know we don’t need some sort of… five-steps-to-success thing.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” He pouts like you have it all wrong. Maybe you do, but it doesn’t sound so convincing to your—to be frank—non-virgin ears. “Good practice.” 
You knew he would say that. “You have something in your noggin already, boy?”
“Wanna elaborate?”
Jeongguk shrugs. “What do people normally establish before they start having sex?”
“Well I don’t have lice in my pubic hair if that’s what you wanna know,” you offer.
He scrunches his face. “Don’t—joke about that.”
“Sorry.” Jeongguk gives you an incredulous look because you both know you don’t mean it. “But you really wanna do this here?”
“Okay, lay it on me.”
You’re starting to think you won’t get any work done for the night. Like all the nights you spend with Jeongguk and you realize the pattern now, so you might as well indulge in him. “Yeah, go pull on all your pornographic roots.”
“Ha ha.”
“I’m not into getting tied up, first of all.” You flip a page in your textbook to feign nonchalance as Jeongguk wheezes.
“Stop that!” But he just takes a piece of paper and readies a fist to write. “You’re so crude.”
Now you really can’t focus. “Are you seriously going to write about my sexual preferences?”
“No, I’m writing a detailed observation about how to go about. You know.” He purses a lip in thought. “Navigating the ocean of your pussy and its desires.”
You didn’t think the library would be home to both of your sexual awakenings, but Jeongguk makes it hard to be shy when he’s this motivated. “Weird way of asking me if I’m into watersports.”
“Okay you have to take back asking me about my pornographic roots because it sounds like you’re the freakier one.”
“You like me being freaky?” 
He reddens. “Anyway!” (Silently, you revel in your power to tease.) “I was thinking. Since we can’t hang out too much the next week-ish, that we save all the good stuff for later.”
Good point. “Define good stuff.”
Jeongguk gets smaller. Eyes drilled into yours, he whispers, “Putting my penis inside you.”
“Okay now it’s getting weird.”
He drops his pencil in disbelief. “Only now? Tell me how any of this wasn’t weird in the first place.”
“You’re literally the one who took out a pencil to jot down my sexual preferences, don’t act like you’re innocent.” Now he has the decency to look sheepish. He doesn’t say anything. “Jeongguk. It’s fine to be nervous. But I don’t want you to feel like you need to do this.”
You might as well be talking to the wall but he nods anyway. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No! Just… you don’t owe anyone anything.” Something in you longs for him to understand that. You hate to make him nervous but Jeongguk is so adamant you almost want to wrap him in your arms from the sexually-inclined horde that came in the form of Park Jimin. “Remember that.”
He deflates with a sigh. “Then… can you come over tomorrow?” He’s squirming. “I’m done practice at seven.”
“If my advisor’s nice enough she’ll let me off at six,” you confirm.
Jeongguk takes a notebook out but makes no effort to open it. “And. I missed you. Just. Wanted to get that out there.”
There’s only so much texting can do, you get it. The pit of your stomach simmers with affection for the dumb boy sitting next to you, legs jumping the way they do when he’s nervous. “Love you.” And he smiles. Fuel for your listlessness. There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. Especially about the one who just propositioned you with absurdities. But now his pencil is out, and the moment is lost. 
You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later. For now, you settle in the quietude of his presence with yours.
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It’s a colder day today.
“Hi!” Taehyung opens the door, bouncing in his pyjamas from the rush of freezing air. “Come, come. Please don’t ask me how I’ve been, I’m so tired of school and that’ll be my answer and I don’t want to talk about it.”
You swallow your pleasantries down. He’s a stressed Neuroscience major. “Fair,” you greet instead, toeing your boots off.
“Coming from somewhere?”
“Tutorial evaluation,” you say. Taehyung lets out a low whistle, closes the door behind you. He knows your shoulders are stiff because of Professor Kwon’s watchful gaze. Sitting at the back, ramrod straight with that black clipboard, taking down notes on your performance as a first-time TA. 
She’d let you go after with a smile, though. Let you know you did fine. You’d practically glided to residence when she’d given you the go to leave for the day. 
“I have a question for you,” Taehyung says. He sits on the couch, watches as you take off your snow-soiled scarf and jacket. “Has Jeongguk been more… fidgety lately?”
So he’s noticed too. “Yeah, I’ve—seen it. Why?”
“I don’t know, he sort of just—” Taehyung scoots over when you plop down next to him— “he came out of the room yesterday squealing, then ran around the living room for a bit then just. Went back into his room.”
Oh. So that’s what he was off to do when said he needed to get something after you linked him to your favourite porn accounts on Twitter.
“Maybe it’s just. I don’t know, pre-game jitters,” you lie. Taehyung’s giving you the look. Like he’s not satisfied with your answer and the only way to sate him is if you let him do one thing. “You can ask.”
“Did you fuck him yet?”
No reservations. As expected, because he’s just as nosy as Jimin and the rest of their friends annoyingly concerned with Jeongguk’s hesitation in the bedroom. “Nope.”
“Okay but like—can you fuck him already? I’m gonna be rolling in my grave by the time his penis passes the two-inch border of your personal space.”
You can’t keep in your snort. “Oh my god.”
“Just. We really don’t mean to be so standoffish but he just likes you so much it’s insane. Like I’ll see his phone light up and he will too. He’ll literally—he just glows. It’s kind of creepy actually but like. Cute creepy.”
The rush of praise runs through you. You don’t like to brag, but you really did snag the campus boy crush. You were popular enough with academia, but after the first time Jeongguk posted a picture of you two at the Christmas market, though—the entire student body went ballistic. It was the nascence of a fairy tale; movie romance budding in the grey concrete of campus grounds. 
No one saw it coming. And knowing that the one everyone has their eye on has its eyes on you—it’s a good kind of blow.
“He’s my baby,” you say, and Taehyung coos. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.”
There’s a rattling of the door knob. The sight of a ragged Jeongguk stumbles in, gym bag dropped on the floor and he disappears down the hall with the call for a shower and a brief smile your way. “I’ll be five minutes, babe.”
That’s Taehyung’s cue. “Well—I’m off to study group. Take care of him, yeah?”
“You know it.” You offer a fist bump. Taehyung’s knuckles are bony on yours. 
The trek to Jeongguk’s room isn’t unfamiliar. You bounce back on his bed, willing yourself not to close your eyes because you know you’ll just crash. A headache prepares right behind your temple, as imminent as rumbling thunder. Something in you calls for Jeongguk to hurry the fuck up before you succumb to Stress and those horrible, horrible thoughts of due dates.
It doesn’t take that long. There’s the squeak of the shower handle turning off and the black of your closed eyes, the scurrying of an unseen body; the lifting of your shirt for a very heavy weight of a hockey player blowing raspberries into the skin of your stomach. Jeongguk chortles when you nearly break your back trying to dislodge him. “You’re—oh my god—hey stop!”
“Hi,” he says, laugh caught in his breath, “I’m clean.”
“I see that.” He’s in his pyjamas. You let him settle on your side. The lingering heat from his shower makes you clammy but you let him hold you tight. “How was practice?”
“It was nice.” This is code for: I wasn’t yelled at by Yoongi. “I’m excited for our game, I’m feelin’ good. Did you find out if you could make it?”
You were blessed by the gods, because not only were your days coinciding, they were also starting an hour within each other. You’d be at the podium with a flowery speech while Jeongguk tears the ice rink with his pretty skates. And if every award recipient’s was longer than a minute then you might miss the entire game. Two hours past Jeongguk most likely scoring the winning goal; an infinity lost to see your star in action. 
(And seeing Jeongguk play is really attractive.)
You settle with: “I’ll try my best.”
“Okay,” he says. The crown of his head digs into your neck. You feel his lips when he speaks. “How are you holding up?”
“Did you get your paper done?”
“So it’s done.”
“Let’s not talk about school,” you dismiss. He leaves the conversation to wither with a suction to your skin. Wet where he lines your neck with quick kisses and you soften into the sheets. “Is this your way of—executing your plan.”
“You know—your—guide to putting your penis inside me.”
He leans up on his elbow. Unimpressed because his eyebrows are scrunched. “Funny.”
“You love me.”
“And what about it?” His eyes shine the way they do before he tells you he loves you too. “It isn’t even a plan it’s just—a buildup. To when my penis goes inside you. Like a countdown but with orgasms instead.” You snicker. He drags a light hand down your front, settling his palm right over your pussy. “Let me touch you.”
You forget how to breathe for a second. “Yeah—I’m—yeah. Please.”
“Sit up.” Jeongguk plants himself near the wall, not unlike the position he was in when you sucked his dick for the first time. Instead of the afternoon heat, you’re caught under the dying evening rays of sunset: not as hot but still you feel the spark in your belly when Jeongguk lifts your bum to settle you between his legs. His nails play with the button of your pants. “I wanna try something.”
“Sure.” And he helps you wiggle off your clothes, bottom bare to his graces. Doesn’t say anything, just lets his mouth meet yours slowly, tasting the day off your tongue, your worries behind his teeth. 
“Anyone ever fingered you so hard you cried?”
“You wanna make me cry?”
“Don’t say it like that.” Jeongguk nips at your lip. “But yeah, I guess.”
You’re wet. This is a fact you come to realize when you feel him spread your legs, feet planting in the mattress in an attempt to ground yourself.  “Okay,” you agree.
His mouth’s busy with yours, lips unyielding like he could do this all day. It’s almost picturesque, the way he has you: head turned over to meet him in his love, arms wrapped around your own. Yours for him to savour and he always tastes good.
He doesn’t wait anymore. Your clit throbs with the passes of his fingers, head falling back to rest on Jeongguk’s shoulder when he dips in the pool of your heat and drags it back up. Groaning when he spins tight circles like you taught him and your hands find his thighs. “Feels—good,” you utter. Already you’re gone but Jeongguk feeds into your pleasure with no qualms for your embarrassment.
“Can I—put in a finger?” He asks shyly, but playing with your slick like he’s known how to make you putty in his hands this whole time.
“Yeah. Please.” You welcome the insistence in your sex with the buck of your hips. Jeongguk curls his middle finger up, the heel of his hand smooth on your clit and you sigh, “Ooh, fuck yeah.”
He kisses your cheek. “Another one?”
“I can take it,” you say, and he has another finger in you, hooking into your nerves. You might moan but Jeongguk turns your head and molds his mouth into yours, stealing your breath with his tongue. He curves in a little too hard and you squeal. “Oh my god, too—much.”
“Sorry.” He adjusts, fingers straight again. “M’gonna go faster, if that’s okay.” You nod, restless, and then he adds: “And you can’t look away from me.”
“Yes please—”
You couldn’t look away even if you tried, because the hand not fucking you into oblivion catches your cheeks, locking you to Jeongguk’s gaze. It’s a fucked out one too, and now you notice his hard dick pressed up against your back. 
It’s a storm of thrusting: wet and more wet and now he abruptly pulls out, smears your slick on your clit in a rub so fast you would squeal louder if it weren’t for his lips swallowing your sounds. 
You burn. Jeongguk enters you again and your cunt feels swollen. Fucking all the deepest and dirtiest parts of you and you take it, yielding to the draw on your tight walls. The squelch gets louder. So do you. 
“Oh yeah—” And you don’t cry but the feeling of him inside is so overwhelming and all that you need and it’s there— “Fuck, y-eah. Gonna cum soon—”
“Give it to me.” Punctuated with a twist in your sex so rough you would have twitched him off but his legs cage you. Jeongguk smiles. “Come on babe—”
“Nnn—ha J-Jeongguk—” You grab his wrist, the one knocking his fingers so good though he doesn’t stop under the tight hold— “B-Baby—”
“I want it, I want it,” he chants into your mouth, like he’s eager for a release conducive to your early death just so he can say he did that. Awful cocky but you can’t dwell on it. “Just cum for me.”
“Fuck—” He makes you look at him when you do, eyes wide to his imploring ones. He has it in his fingers, a climax that wrangles the most obscene noises from your throat. Your hips grind up uncontrollably, clit a pulsing pain but his thumb rubs it all the same. Jeongguk doesn’t stop till you whine, “God, please—I can’t."
“You’re crying.”
“Am not.” But you feel the sting of heat in your eyes. Jeongguk rubs his nose with yours, wrapped in his arms and affection.
“Was it good though?”
“Was it good, he says.” You kiss him with no bite. “Loved it. Best ever.”
Jeongguk lights up, corners of his mouth lifted into a sated grin. “Woo,” he says. You’re about to ask if he wants one rubbed out but he continues speaking. “So plan’s going well if you wanted to know.”
“Shut up. Shut up!” You make a point of getting up with as much force as possible, disturbing the coils the mattress as Jeongguk laughs. “You’re so gross.”
“You love me.”
Your panties are sticky against you. You turn to see him staring at you already. “I love you.”
The room glows in the last few minutes of red, coated darker and darker. But the look Jeongguk gives you—maybe astonishment, maybe longing—casts a glow that blazes within. Like all he wants is for you to be here and you do too. He breaks the silence with a smile. “You’re the best, you know that?”
You climb back over him, unable to resist anymore. “So I’ve been told.”
“I mean it though.” He shifts so you’re lying down again, head on his chest. Warm again. “Sorry if I’m—pushing the agenda. And I know I say Jimin’s not getting to me and it’s true but it—makes me want you. All the time.”
You settle for the truth with a kiss to his sternum. “I have no free time after today though.” 
“That’s okay,” Jeongguk whispers. “Just love me now and you can always love me later.”
“I can do that,” you say. 
He lets you dig into his side even further. “Are you sure you don’t wanna talk about school?”
“Mm.” You know it’ll help to air your dirty laundry. But knowing Jeongguk has his own shit to deal with is enough for you to hesitate. “Nothing I—haven’t said before. Just stressed.”
“About your last assignment?”
“You’re smart. And for whatever reason, really into baby-making in foreign countries.” Jeongguk groans when you pinch him. “But I know you. And you’ll do well. Also it’s official that you’ll do well because you’re dating someone really good at what they do, and I was just inside your body so technically my energy transferred to you.”
“Very solid process.” 
His breathes warmth into your skin. “Believe me. You’re gonna be fine.”
And it’s not the end of the world, not being able to see him for a bit. You both know this. You hug him tighter to you regardless, like making his skin stick to yours was an actuality. You know he feels it too when his arm locks just a tiny bit harder. An unspoken longing for the mold of your body.
You’ll get there.
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It’s been four days since you’ve seen Jeongguk, so Namjoon takes the responsibility of keeping you sane. He books a study room for three hours and meets you with a two cups of coffee and three extra pens just in case they run out while you mark your assignments together. He takes the stack of papers from you with a frown, and you work.
The paper is coming along well. You think you have a good five pages to go, but the amount of hounding Professor Kwon has done is scaring you into another late night-in. More and more marks are due, and Namjoon has his own work to deal with. You hate to burden him with your own but now you’re really feeling the Stress from school.
[6:01 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hey what are you doing [6:02 PM] You: i’m doing work :(( [6:02 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Poo poo [6:02 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m bored [6:03 PM] You: 💩💩 [6:03 PM] You: sorry bout it !!!!!!! [6:04 PM] You: wait how can u be bored ur @ practice ?? if ur just…. doin practice [6:05 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: On break [6:05 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: And I miss you [6:06 PM] You: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [6:06 PM] You: my heart
Namjoon’s eyebrows are scrunched. “I can’t tell what this student is saying.”
“Read it out loud.” 
“I will argue that the legalization of crack cocaine will act as a beneficial potential towards the bettering of society. With the advent of legal marijuana usage in Canada—yeah.”
“That’s… an abuse of thesaurus privileges,” you comment.
He hums. “They’re young, let them live.”
Again, Jeongguk texts you.
[6:09 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: When are you free [6:10 PM] You: tonight [6:10 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m not 😩😩 What about Wednesday? [6:11 PM] You: i’m only free rn baby :( might have to wait till after friday [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Damn [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I need to go now text me when you’re done k?????? Love you [6:13 PM] You: okay ! 💜
You hear Namjoon snapping at you. “You’re getting distracted.”
“Sorry.” Your pen twitches in your grip. This is your third cup of coffee. “Just—need a goddamn break.
You can sense Namjoon’s nerves grating too. “I get it.” He looks at his watch. “Well. We need to leave in five minutes.”
You graded almost all of your half of assignments. You let yourself breathe a sigh of accomplishment, clearing your work into your bag. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“Buy me lunch someday and we’ll call it even,” Namjoon says. He swipes the papers your way to collect. “And by the way—” he takes one last sip of his coffee— “I caught wind that one of the Commissioner-Generals is coming to the ceremony.”
You stare. “From which agency?” 
“No clue. But I just thought you should know.”
Of course he would. The one time you don’t clear your search history and now Namjoon is up your ass helping you find any potential global PhD programs. And it wasn’t unimaginable either, some higher-up coming to see the semester-end awards the department heads organized, and the student chair had a lot of say in it, current one being Kim Namjoon: a lobbyist, a smart guy, and Twitter-sort-of-famous for being really damn loud about inequality.
But they’re probably not recruiting me, you think. Best not to get your hopes up lest it go to a well-deserved head who apparently doesn’t get distracted by the potential of finally squeezing their boyfriend’s dick. 
Namjoon sighs. “Hey, isn’t the ceremony the same day as the game?”
“Yep,” you confirm. For a split second, an image of Jeongguk giggling pops up into your head.
“Do you think you’ll make it?”
You sling your bag over your shoulder, standing outside the door until Namjoon turns off all the lights. “I’m gonna try.”
The hallway to the main entrance of the Humanities wing is quiet. “Speaking of the game. Any intel about your current… predicament?”
“About Jeongguk?”
“About Jeongguk.”
“Fuck,” you murmur. And you thought he’d be kind enough to keep your secret, but Namjoon is to Jimin like a big is to a little except they’re both too posh to be in a frat. “Not really. And stay out of it.”
“I will,” he says. He opens the door, winter wind as brutal as ever. You think about Jeongguk walking you to the bus stop but he’s probably already back at his dorm. You shiver. “But if I catch you distracted on your phone again I might have to ask.”
You cower into embarrassment.“Sorry.” 
Namjoon waves you off. “Just get home safe, yeah?”
Getting home isn’t that bad; late enough for the absence of the rush hour crowd and you get to sit on the bus the rest of the ride. You all but book it to your place to escape the frost nipping at your cheeks and into the nest of your textbooks. Plans to demolish at least a tiny bit of your not-so-tiny pile of work come to a stand-still when you hear your phone vibrate.
[7:46 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hey did u finish yet [7:46 PM] You: fuck sorry forgot to text [7:46 PM] You: yeah i did, i just got home [7:47 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: That’s good [7:47 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Do you have a lot of work to do tonight?? [7:48 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Please say no [7:48 PM] You: ….. [7:48 PM] You: why [7:48 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: The plan [7:50 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Still building [7:50 PM] You: should i be scared [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I know you wouldn’t like it if I didn’t ask, and I’m a good boy, so [7:52 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can I send you a picture of my dick?
A boot hangs limply from your toes from when you were trying to tug it off. Dumbly, you’re gaping. Gaping at this transition from shy Jeongguk to… whatever the fuck this was. The pulsing of your sex betrays your shock.
It’s not like things were changing fast, either. That moment in his bed—after he fucked you with his fingers—was the last time you’d been together. A solid evening of knotted arms and Jeongguk’s breath down your neck. He’d only let you go because your complaints to do homework got too loud for him to sleep properly, and you left him in his room like that: heavy-eyed and full of low murmurs for you to come back.
“You’ll miss me, right?” He’d asked. It sounded so innocent. Looked like it too when he stood next to you as you slipped on your shoes. The answer was easy.
And it wasn’t like you weren’t affectionate. Sure, gaining the impulse to hug and squeeze him was one you had to work up to, but this came with new relationships, that novelty of being someone else’s: one that Jeongguk had no problems getting used to. Took you a little longer to warm up to his kisses in public but you’re here now. Here, slack-jawed at this distant intimacy. Feet mired in your shock, on the carpet of your front door.
You don’t remember feeling this desperate for Jeongguk before. 
[7:54 PM] You: i [7:54 PM] You: definitely wouldn’t be opposed
You lock your screen fast. Fling your shoes off, slap your jacket onto a hanger. You nearly bust your bedroom down in your hurry to get the fuck on the bed, like the rush of a late night with a stranger but Jeongguk is wholly familiar and isn’t even here to touch you. The ding of your phone is enough to keep you on your toes. You don’t swipe yet because already you’re sweating.
Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 1 Photo and 2 Messages
Should you take your clothes off? Or is he supposed to ask you to do that? Should you ask? What the fuck. This was too much.
You open it. It takes one second to download.
That’s his dick. Jeongguk’s dick, flash on, held up by the tips of his fingers at the base like he knows his angles. The tip is flushed with a wetness you’d lick right up if you were there just to feel the way he shivers under you.
[7:55PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Baby I’m so hard [7:55PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wanna kiss you all over
You squeal. 
This was your boyfriend, mister-campus-hotboy, the one literally everyone got hard over and now he’s sending you his own personal dick pics. Maybe you do need to thank the high heavens one day because
Fuck is going on.
No matter. 
[7:57PM] You: i want u to [7:57PM] You: want u on top of me [7:57PM] You: with ur lips on my neck [7:58PM] You: getting me wet. u always make me. wet
You can’t wait anymore. Your shirt is off, bra tossed, back bare on your sheets. You shimmy out of your pants just as Jeongguk texts back.
[7:58PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Fcurck baby [7:59PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can’t stop thinnking abt u [8:00PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: The way u sounded [8:00PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: When I was e ating u out [8:01PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: u tasted so good on m y tonguel fucckkkk [8:01PM] You: are u jacking off rn ??? [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Yess [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Touch urself [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Please?
Panties come off. It’s not a surprise when your finger is soaked in your arousal, teasing your clit and you sigh.
[8:02PM] You: fuck im so wet [8:03PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Yeah??? [8:03PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: What r u thinkgnin about [8:03PM] You: your mouth [8:04PM] You: on my tits [8:04PM] You: my cunt [8:04PM] You: u got me off sooo good [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Fuucckckk baby [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You’re so hot ho ly shit [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Want u so bad [8:06PM] You: how??? [8:06PM] You: u already treat me so good [8:06PM] You: maybe i’’ll take care of u now hm? ?? [8:07PM] You: mymouth on ur dick [8:07PM] You: taste so good [8:08PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Shit
Everything was jumping out of your head so quick your one hand couldn’t keep up. The two fingers on your pussy dipped again, jolts of sweetness straight through your nerves when you rub yourself faster. Focusing on his texts was as easy as trying to stave your orgasm off, which… really wasn’t going too well, pelvis meeting the palm of your hand in a desperate kick.
[8:08PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Take your clothes off [8:09PM] You: past that
It takes him a minute.
[8:10PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Could you send a pic [8:10PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Pleas e
Oh. Okay.
You lean up on your elbow, push your chest against your bicep in the hopes that your cleavage could somewhat be evocative enough in the weak light of your phone. (You notice you forgot to turn the lights on.) The picture cuts off right above your nipples, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t do that just for the possibility of a desperate plea. You lie back down.
[8:13PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: urruhguhgkehrdhfg [8:13PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Baby pleease I want more [8:14PM] You: of what ??? [8:14PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: FUck [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I want you [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: On top of me [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Grnding yuor pretty pussy on my dick [8:16PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You’re wet ik ur wet
Of course he would. He knows your body better than ever before, and you might tease him but the throbbing you’re attending to is too much of a distraction.
[8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can you imagine that [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Teasig my cock into you [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I won’t putnit in yet [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Bc I want u squirming o n top of me [8:18PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Ik u don’t beg [8:19PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I would ask u anyway if u want me to sink u down on my cock
Oh my god. The soft sucking sound of your fingers inside your cunt isn’t enough to drag you out of this reverie. It just sinks you deeper into this bliss Jeongguk spells out for you so well. He has you like putty. Your knuckles curve you into a hopeless whimper.
[8:20PM] You: i want that [8:20PM] You: iwa nt that so bad pleas [8:21PM] You: let me feel your dick inside [8:21PM] You: u want that so bad baby [8:21PM] You: to feel me squeezing around u [8:21PM] You: im so tight and wwt [8:22PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wanna hear u  [8:22PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Ft [8:22PM] You: just call
You don’t think you could handle seeing his dick now. Especially when the build in your pussy is this close to tipping you into a climax he probably wants to hear.
Your phone blares in the quiet. “Baby—”
“I’m so close,” Jeongguk says. He sounds like he’s panting. “Tell me you are too. Please—!” He cuts himself off with a gasp.
“Y-Yeah.” You burn in his desperation, curling into your cunt in the spot you know would have you keeling over. “Ngh—!”
“I wanna hear you. Wanna—hear you when I fuck you. So—good.”
“Oh fuck—”
“You want that too baby?”
You heave. “Yes!”
“Let me hear you cum. Please. I’m so fucking close—”
“Jeongguk!” You sputter, moaning loud, crying in the extremity. It zips through your core, has you reeling, legs shaking as you rub it out so hard you arch from your bed. You barely register Jeongguk’s own completion.
“Fuck I’m cumming—shit!” He groans, long, noisy on the line but the image of his cum onto his hands has your stomach clenching. Clobbered by his own doing and it’s almost endearing how fucked out he sounds. There’s a moment where you hear fumbling, a distant breath; shifts in the mattress probably. “Baby…”
Your phone lights up again. 
Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 1 Photo
You don’t hesitate this time. 
His dick is wet, probably with his spit, but now his entire first is closed around it, dregs of his cum pooling in the suction of his palm against the pink skin. The urge to put your mouth on him is so over-whelming you groan in frustration.
“Want it in my mouth,” you say.
“You’ll make me hard again,” Jeongguk murmurs with a laugh.
It’s just past 8:30. “So. What got you so hard that had you begging for me over the phone?”
“Hm.” You move until you’re under the covers. A makeshift warmth because you don’t have Jeongguk to cuddle you for post-sex softness. “I don’t know. Just missed you. Again. Sorry if you had work to do.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yeah I’m not.” You think you hear him in the washroom. The vent is loud. “Made a mess.”
“Not my fault.”
“Uh, it kinda was. Hoping for more nipple next time.”
“Now you’re asking for too much,” you sigh. There’s a sleepy pull in your head, dragging you through the waves of feelings that currently bombard your heart. “I miss you too. Hope you’re not working too hard.”
“I have a bruise on my ass! Oh my god I forgot to tell you. But Hoseok checked me so hard for no fucking reason and—boom. Landed right on my booty.”
You coo. “Aw. Want me to kiss it better?”
“Yes please, it’s on my fatter butt-cheek I think.”
It dies down again. “So what stage are we at for your build-up?”
“Close to the finale.”
You can’t stop yourself from smiling. There’s only three days left till your prospective hells come to a head. Then it’s back to loving Jeongguk but closer to him this time, not through the cracked screen of your phone. “Can’t wait.”
“Me too,” Jeongguk says. “Guess—I should leave you to your work?”
As much as you want to say no, the pile of essays on your desk is calling for your ass to get moving. It sends a quick ripple of nervous tension down your spine but the sooner you get it done the sooner it is to texting Jeongguk again. You know he’s impatient too. “Yeah. Might stay up.”
“Not too late, okay? You’re almost there. And make that tea I bought you, it’s supposed to help with your headaches.”
You’ll cry. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Text me when you’re gonna sleep.”
You’re probably ovulating because a tear really does slip over your cheek. The stickiness between your thighs rubs your skin when you finally get up, avoiding the offensive stack of work in your periphery when the hints of a new headache start to come up. 
Jeongguk probably knew you were heading straight into another painful night of working. There’s a tin of loose leaf tea sitting patiently for you in your cupboard. And maybe taking on the teaching position wasn’t such a good idea, but then again, dates where everything loomed over you were inevitable. School’s a bitch. But you have an attractive boy waiting for you to finish, and that’s what prompts you to face the music. One more time.
Three more nights. 
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The first night is actually okay. You get a page and half done, and Namjoon checks in with a text in the evening to make sure you aren’t pulling your teeth out. Jeongguk has practice the whole day. 
During the second night, you forget to save one of the articles you cited, and you spend a frantic hour searching through all your sources to trace it back. It’s a painful process and you almost cry, but you text Jeongguk and he sends you a selfie of him sending you a thumbs up. Your phone lags trying to scroll through the gigantic box of of hearts he texts you. You find the article. It’s good.
Third night and you’re about ready to give up. Jeongguk and Namjoon are both out of commission because apparently the universe hates all of you and you’re all busy with your respective work. But you have a page to conquer, and the onus is on you to show up with nice skin tomorrow because the department likes to take pictures to post online. The tea Jeongguk got you steams as you type diligently.
“Oh god,” you whisper to yourself. You scroll through your paper, making sure all your citations are right. Page numbers there. No excessive use of the first-person, your professor’s name spelt correctly. Formatted correctly.
It’s done.
You bask in the harsh light of your desk lamp, weight lifted off your shoulders the instant you save your document to submit online.
The assignment page loads, and you hit the button.
The line of your phone rings twice.
“Hello?” Jeongguk groans. It’s three in the morning. “Babe? Are you okay?”
“I FINISHED I SUBMITTED IT IT’S IN!” You yell. A genuine rise in your throat that has Jeongguk whooping with as much energy as his sleep-ridden voice can allow on the other side of the line.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I wanna hop on your dick right now.”
Jeongguk just snickers. Your eyebrows raise, because for sure he would’ve been choking. But maybe it’s because he’s tired. “Don’t tempt me into a boner, it’s too early for this.”
“Fuck—sorry. You have your game. Okay I’ll hang up. I’m gonna—sleep. Try to. Okay I love you! Sorry bye!”
“Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You knock out the second your light is off and your head hits the pillow.
You asked Namjoon earlier in the day to call you awake because your ringtone is more annoying than your alarm. And even though the ceremony is later in the evening, you’re scared that you’ll sleep the entire day away. 
Jeongguk texts you before you’re up. A congratulatory message, and another saying that he’ll be at practice the whole day so he’ll try to text you at lunch. But the afternoon sun sees no text from him and you know it’s because he’s sweating his balls off on the hockey rink. Stubborn like you know he is but now you miss him again. 
One thing that sticks in your head the rest of the day: the thought of it being over. Because once you get your awards and hopefully get to see the end of the game, you get Jeongguk to yourself again. Two weeks of agonizing to get to this point all but crashes into your loins to spark a frighteningly hot fire, and now, once again, you’re left to fantasize about Jeongguk’s dick. You force yourself not to dwell on it too much, makeup a risk to your fidgeting and if the reason why you have an ugly picture up online is because you were longing for dick then—well. 
It’s Namjoon who greets you when you get to the conference hall downtown.
“You look good,” is all he says. 
You stick your tongue out at him. You had to redo your lipstick twice. “Shut up.”
He leads you to where he was sitting: the massive table stuck in the middle with the microphones sticking up along the perimeter. Maplewood and entirely unfitting for the green carpet, though Namjoon beats you before you can say anything mean. “If you look up front, that’s the Commissioner-General I was talking about.”
You look. She’s a petite woman, scarily thin, wearing a bright scarf. “Yoon Soomin,” you recognize.
“Namjoon!” You hit his shoulder, and he winces with a grin. “Why didn’t you tell me!”
“Because I knew you’d get stressed!”
Well he’s goddamn right you’re stressed now. Yoon Soomin, Commissioner-General of one of the programs you had your eyes on for the past year now. Applications are open next week. You’ve had yours done for a solid six months, and now the head of the program is right here. In the flesh. Watching you about to get your award.
The chatter of all the other students is drowned out when the program head gets up for the commencement speech. “Good evening everyone. My name is Bae Joohyun. Thank you—”
Namjoon kicks your shin. You silence your phone. It’s Jeongguk.
[7:39PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hi babe hope u had a good day!!! Sorry I got distracted [7:40PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I know ur gna win like fifty awards so advanced congrats!!!!!!! Proud of ur big brain [7:40PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Love you [7:41PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I hope you make it later pls try ur hardest but if u can’t it’s okay but like I would really appreciate if you. Came [7:41PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: OJO [7:42PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Heh Taehyung said that looks like me 
There’s clapping. You don’t know why everyone’s clapping but you do it too.
[7:42PM] You: pls don’t break any limbs while i am here i won’t be fast enough [7:42PM] You: love u. play smart not hard. i’ll be there for ur final goal 🤪 [7:43PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Anything for my scholar [7:43PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You r so cute please come soon [7:44PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I have to go now I LOVE You
“I will now invite the Student Chair Kim Namjoon forward to deliver a speech,” Professor Bae says.
No last text to Jeongguk because now you join the applause once more. Namjoon gets up with practiced ease, staggered steps of confidence because if anyone is going to get a PhD first, it’s him. And you know he applied for the program too.
It starts simple: “Thank you for coming today.” A celebratory gathering, gratitude for everyone’s hard work and commitment. A call for everyone to continue being ambassadors for the Humanities. Nothing you haven’t heard before. 
“I would also like to announce that the department has decided to award a special recipient tonight for their academic work and contribution to graduate research,” Namjoon continues. “The award will be presented by Yoon Soomin, Commissioner-General of the Anthropology for the Humanities Global Network. Please give your warmest applause to Doctor Yoon.”
Oh god. Your literal idol because she was just as interested in babies as you were and Jeongguk would for sure be goading you into a frenzy because of your shaking. But you clap as normally as normal clapping goes, and Doctor Yoon takes the mic.
“I’ll just head straight into it,” she says with a pretty smile. You catch Namjoon looking at you. He raises an amused eyebrow, and now you’re suspicious. “It is an honour to call upon ___, for their recent submission of pronatalist work based in Europe for the research study funded by the Global Network.” That’s—you. That’s you, and these are your legs moving on their own accord to the beat of the eager applause. You don’t look at Namjoon but you can hear him, because he’s clapping the loudest. “___ has been recognized before: for an outstanding submission in undergraduate research on cultural genocide, as well as active participation in the Anthropological department.”
Yoon Soomin extends a hand to you, as well as a pretty certificate gilded with bold letters in the form of your name. Again: all offered by Yoon Soomin. Again, you are shaking. 
“T—hank you,” you stammer, and her hand is soft in yours and you really just might cry but it’s probably because you’re exhausted. You’d slept for a solid ten hours but no amount of rest would have ever prepared you for her pretty voice congratulating you again. “I—It’s an honour.”
“Picture time,” Namjoon interrupts. He’s got his phone up. “Smile!”
“Congratulations again,” Doctor Yoon says. She grins like she knows something too, and the rest of the ceremony is static in your ears.
Like always, it’s repetition. A name called, award presented. Your name is exhausted three more times, and you’d cower under the attention but you worked too goddamn hard not get to this point. You think of Jeongguk, probably three to none even though it’s only been half an hour into the game. You and Namjoon are practically trembling when Professor Bae dismisses everyone.
Your jacket is on, purse about to swing over your shoulder when someone comes up to you.
“Hello.” Doctor Yoon again. “Oh—are you in a hurry?”
“Not at all,” you rush out. You can feel Namjoon vibrating too. “I—Thank you so much for presenting the award.”
“It was my pleasure. The overseas program application opens next week,” she advises, and you really might scream but you will yourself to stillness. “We don’t know where it’s based yet, but I hope that doesn’t discourage you from submitting your application.”
“Oh she’s been interested for years,” Namjoon offers. You elbow him. Doctor Yoon laughs. 
“I’m glad to hear that. Keep up the good work!”
You all but skirt around her with a quick thank you again! and make a mad dash out the building and to the underground train because Namjoon sucks and can’t drive on highways yet. “Good thing you didn’t wear heels because you’re so fucking slow.”
“Shut up,” you growl. The people on the sidewalk offer no space for you to slither through, and you grind you teeth with impatience. “And don’t give me shit when I beat you four to one.”
“Not everyone’s into babies like you are, genius.” You reach the closest subway entrance, a seedy staircase down into the dirty cement and your fare is paid with a drop of a coin; running for the departing train and you make it by the wisp of your hair. You sigh into an empty seat, Namjoon right next to you. “Time.”
It’s nearing 9:00. “Oh my god it’s almost done.”
“You’ll make it,” Namjoon says. The jostling ride is another twenty minutes, and you know it’s cutting it short but you promised Jeongguk. He’s so close. You’re out of breath. “So you’re free now, huh.”
“You worked hard.”
You scrunch your face in embarrassment. “Thanks Joonie.”
“I mean it,” he says. “No one deserves this more than you. Yeah? Cut yourself some slack.”
“I know—it’s just—I couldn’t be there for Jeongguk as much as I could have—” And it’s all coming out now. There’s only one other person on this cart other than Namjoon so you let yourself have the moment, the breakdown. The awfulness of preoccupation and missing your boyfriend and too much work. You don’t want to cry but the screech of the metal tracks makes it easier to hide. “‘M so fucking tired.”
Namjoon pats your back when you heave. “Two more stops. Then you can curse the gods all you want.”
Good incentive, because once the doors slide open on your stop you book it up the escalator as fast as your fatigue can allow. Luckily campus is right around the corner, cars taking up all the space on the road. Probably all here for the final match of the year, your university against the one a city over, and the cheers are so loud you hear it from the two sidewalks over. “Let’s go let’s go!”
And you and Namjoon run again, down to the set of doors of the arena nestled into the corner of your school. The doors are heavyset but you yank them like you’ll die if you aren’t inside within the next twenty seconds, and it’s only now that you feel the buzz of your phone from a text.
[8:58 PM] Jimin Bimin: I’m on the east side with taehyung, third from the bottom bleacher, mostly in the middle. hurry!!!!!!
Namjoon’s no doubt just following the beeline you make because even you can’t feel where your legs are taking you. All you know is the rush of school pride and the deafening yells of the crowd, lost bits of popcorn on the floor scrunching against your shoes as you search for Jimin. You see Taehyung first: warpaint on his face and he waves you over quickly, scooting over with a pull on Jimin to make room for Namjoon too.
“You made it!” Jimin screams and it still sounds like a squeak with the roar of the people everywhere.
But you ignore this, laser-beaming the rink for that familiar 97. You catch Jeongguk closely following the puck, stick clenched tightly in his fists, legs quick in their glide as the offence. You feel everyone’s bated breath, hands grabbing Jimin’s arm—the other team’s members flying past Jeongguk, the raise of the wood, a slap to the puck—
The red blares. The crowd goes wild. 
“HE WON!” Jimin screams and so do you, the wave of excitement passing over you like fairy dust and now everyone’s cheering. You have no idea what went on. But now all the boys off the rink jump over the barrier to grab Jeongguk in a hard throttle, arms tangled around each other, chant lost on your ears but they look so happy. 
Somehow, a body breaks away from the huddle, and now they’re skating in your direction. 
Jeongguk waves. You smile. A wave back, and now you have each other again.
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You wait outside the building, watching as the throngs disperse. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin already said their goodbyes, last felicitations from them both and a promise for lunch from you somehow gets squeezed from the conversation too. The brick is hard against your back.
[9:30PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: WHERE ARE YOU [9:30PM] You: i’m outside already!!
A door bursts open. There’s an inhale, then you turn your head. Jeongguk drops his bag the second you charge for him, arms ready for your attack as you jump and wrap your legs around his waist, arms caught on his neck. You think you hear someone gasp but it’s all lost on you now. “Oh my god I love you,” he breathes, and you cry. “Babe—”
“I watched you,” you sniffle, and you frown when he laughs. “Watched you win.”
“I’m glad.”
You kiss him. “Missed you.”
Jeongguk looks like he might cry too. “Mine again?”
“Yours again.” And you mean it. 
“I would—I would invite you over to the after-party but I’m sleepy,” he says in between presses of his mouth, “and I ran out of contact solution the other day so I can’t invite you over and also Taehyung’s probably sleeping right now.”
“Then you come over.” You melt into his tongue, his feet staggering in your grind and he bites your lip.
“Yeah, actually get some shut-eye.” He lets you off when you wriggle your ass against his hands, dragging him to the bus stop before he can put them back against your jeans or else you might really fuck him this time. “Because Taehyung snores too loud anyway.”
The ride to your apartment totals eight minutes because it’s late, and living on the edge of the suburbs means no one’s up this late anyhow. Jeongguk hadn’t even let you find a seat, balancing through red lights on his feet just to fly out the door when you’d reached your stop. You’ve already done too much running today but Jeongguk still rushes you up to your floor, and before you can get the key to your door he has you pressed up on it instead.
“Want you,” he says. Hard against your throat like he means it.
“God—let me—open my door and you have me,” you say through your teeth, gritted because the hallways echo and now Jeongguk has his thigh pressed up against you. “Babe let go—”
He does, but only with a lingering kiss promised by your burning attraction. You don’t fumble with the lock but you do stumble in from how quick you open the door, slamming shut in your haste and you hear his duffel bag meet the ground and now your back meets the hard metal again. “You have to stop shoving me into this thing oh my god.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Jeongguk whispers. He’s kissing you again. Lifts you up with no warning and you yelp into his curious mouth, dick grinding into the rough of your pants. “Fuck I—”
“Did—you want to—”
“No—wait yes, yes—I just—” He doesn’t let up. You can feel his cock straining against his sweats, flimsy layers you could just shove down but his hips are glued to your own. “I can’t—cum. Right now. Too much. Wind—wound up.”
Your tailbone is starting to dig into the door. “Then let me down and let’s just—sleep.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. One last kiss, nose meeting yours. “Still on my hockey grind.”
“Ew,” you snort. “Also don’t wear your pants to bed.”
“Oh.” He shoves his shoes off when you do. 
“I don’t like it when people wear their outside clothes on my sheets.”
“But it’d be nice to wake up to your dick on my ass,” you add. Jeongguk makes a strangled noise, then carries you to bed.
“I’ll brush my teeth tomorrow,” is the last thing you remember him saying. 
The morning rushes in too soon. Your curtains aren’t closed and Jeongguk hogs the blanket, sprawled on your side of the bed no less. You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to spoon but at least his cock is warm with something just as soft as your ass.
You settle in the calm. Jeongguk isn’t one to snore but his soft breaths are just as jarring, disbelief apparent when you realize this is the first time he’s ever slept-over at your place. As convenient as it is to live somewhere that only needed one bus ride, you’re on campus all the time; making sense meant taking up space in his res instead. But now the lump he occupies in your bed is something you think you could get used to.
(Even if he hogs the blanket.)
You’re still in your clothes from last night, but at least you had the decency to shuck off your jeans. And you’d gotten up well past Jeongguk-sleeping-hours to take off your makeup because it took you forever to pry his ridiculously strong arm off around you. You get up with a kiss to his mane of bedhead and a silent reminder to grab an extra toothbrush.
The next plan to execute on your list after washing the tired off: breakfast. And you know you don’t have eggs but you open the fridge like you’ll see the carton sitting there anyway.
You’re standing, coming to a blank for what feels like forever. You think briefly about ordering in, then remember the guilt of just grabbing groceries instead. The internal battle is cut short when you hear the creak of your bed, a long groan. Then, footsteps.
“You look sad,” Jeongguk croaks two seconds later.
You frown for effect. “I want eggs. And why are you up.”
“Come here, egghead.” Jeongguk is groggy. The sexy kind too, because his voice is a tenor that scratches the needier part in you, the one telling you to bury your face in his chest and you do just that. “I felt you move. Sorry I couldn’t wake you up with my dick against your butt.”
“S’ok. And go shower because you’re stinky.”
He lets you go. “Good morning,” he says for the first time. A domesticity you feel lightheaded from. “You should shower with me.”
“Unless you’re scared of detachable shower heads I think you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t be cocky,” he whines. “And you’re dirty too, you sweat a lot just like I do.”
That’s true. “But it’s not even a hair washing day.”
“Why are you resisting me, woman.” He brings two hands up, wiggling his fingers. “I’ll tickle you.”
“You will not—”
“I will tickle you and if you don’t shower with me I will cry.”
You huff. “Fine.” He leads you down the hall to the bathroom, satisfied in his quick win, back flexing when he takes his shirt off. “And I’m the cocky one.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says. You know he’s baiting but you don’t want to resist him anymore. “You need to turn the shower on because I don’t know how to.”
Getting naked is a different kind of intimate when you’re not in the bedroom. You know this because Jeongguk can’t even look your way when you’ve stripped, but you’re shivering like he’s staring.  You step into the tub before he can back out. He doesn’t come in till the water’s running.
You like it hot. Jeongguk—not so much by the looks of his hesitation, so you compromise with a slight shift of the knob and a switch in place so he’s under the pelt of water. He’s all hard muscle under your hands. “Hope you like cherry blossom.”
He doesn’t say anything. Grabbing the loofah you spurt your pink soap, lathering it on his chest first. Jeongguk just stares. “I really missed you,” he says.
You nod. Nodding fast to keep yourself from thinking too hard because then you might start getting soft. “Me too,” you croak out. “Want me to wash your hair?”
Jeongguk just brushes his lips against yours in answer. You’ve just reached over his shoulders to get the back of his neck but he forces you back into the tiles, back inundated with cold hardness and there’s no room for complaint when your tits press against Jeongguk’s skin like this. He groans a desperate sound into your pliant mouth. “I—I don’t wanna wait anymore.”
You pause. “For what?”
“I don’t—know—I—just having you here again. Makes me want to do everything.”
You are enveloped in mist and so much longing. “Let me finish then we’ll—go back.” You don’t know if you want to focus southward because one look at his dick and you’ll fall to your knees. “Turn around.”
He does. The glass of the divider fogs up in your intimacy. You give a half-hearted scrub along his skin, focusing on the grime you can’t see. Can’t think.
“Okay you know—I think we’re good,” you say, voice tight.
“Come here.” Jeongguk spins to find you again, a hard kiss into you and you feel his dick press up against your stomach. “Towels.”
“Turn off the shower.” You push open the door, shaking legs dripping onto the floor as you scramble to wrap yourself in warmth other than Jeongguk. He grabs the other one, quick passes over his skin before he drops it to the floor and nearly bowls you over to get you out into the bed room.
It’s bright. Jeongguk reads your mind. “Can I—shut the blinds?”
He goes to twist the plastic while you dry off the last remnants of water clinging to your skin, and before you know it Jeongguk has you lain flat across the tangled blankets, legs dangling from the side of the bed. “God I tried really hard to have a normal morning with you but I—just can’t anymore.” He kneels over you. “Please tell me you feel the same.”
You could go on about how quick the one-eighty was. From your thoughts about breakfast to this absolutely insatiable need for your boyfriend to insert whatever valid body part he could use into your pussy. But you and Jeongguk are never conventional, and going too fast is an illusion now. 
You have each other again, and no one’s counting the seconds anymore.
“Will you fuck me?” You ask.
“Yes,” he decides, and he unwraps the towel you’d clung onto before pressing downwards and caving into your lips. “I—have never wanted you so goddamn bad in my life, oh my god.”
“Good,” you choke on your breath because Jeongguk slips down your throat with his tongue and a pucker of his lips. “Ah—!”
A bloom of your slick runs through your cunt when he sucks hard on your skin, thumbs a shy presence on your breasts but they peak under the pressure. “You have the cutest tits,” he says. 
“Shut up.” You flare with embarrassment. “You can—be more rough.”
Jeongguk twists your nipples and you pant. “Like that?”
“Suck on them too. Make it—hurt.” His eyes flutter, determined in your command. Mouth a hot suction, laving you with his spit. His teeth graze in a bite and you moan. “Fuck—yeah. That’s so good…”
He stays like this: feeding into your sounds with sloppy grips of his tongue, suckling till your tits pop out his mouth and your hands find the nape of his neck in desperation. “Ugh—please—”
Jeongguk slurps on a nipple. “Get up there.”
You scramble up the bed, comfortably nestled in the centre and Jeongguk’s fingers go to spread your pussy,   cheeks heating in the sound of wet. He sighs.
“Do you want to cum now?”
You dip your head. “Please.”
He settles on his stomach, diving in to latch onto your clit, sucking that has your head thrown back further with every inch he covers with the jerk of his tongue. Honed in on the dangerous tip that could have you teetering over in a second and your hips pull back, but his hands take your bucking and locks you down to his attention. Too much so and now you wail. “Oh my g—od.”
Curses caught in the grit of your teeth because now he licks the stretch of your cunt like he’s thirsty. Jeongguk’s good at making you want more when you don’t know what means. “Gonna—use a finger.”
“Fuck, yeah. Yeah.” He curls in and up, a sweet crevice touched. Eyes rolling back as you puff. “Holy fu-uck yeah, finger it.”
“Wanna beg?” He suggests. Challenging.
“You’re asking me to?”
“I’m begging you to,” Jeongguk snickers.
“Then—” you settle up on your elbows, watching the minute thrusts into your cunt like a lazy cartoon— “please use another finger. And—make me cry this time.”
His eyes bulge in your confidence. Pulls out; now there’s two hard intrusions and it digs into a sweeter part inside, a touch that has you keening right into the pillow, drool smearing on the sheet. Clit sitting pretty on his wet tongue and you’d let him have it all day if he asked. Then Jeongguk thrusts in a drill so hard you vibrate. “O-O-Oh my fuuuuuuck—”
He curves into your loudness. “So fucking sexy,” he praises, rushing right through you and onto his fingers. “So wet—”
“Ugh—!” Your sobbing isn’t a tearful one but the scratch in your throat is smarting. Jeongguk swipes right over your nub. Leans up, fingers still a consistent presence and now his tongue is teasing yours, a muscle spasm more than anything and you can’t fucking breathe.
“Sit on my face,” he says.
“I might cum.” Oh. He looks at you, eyes a wonder of pleasured agony. Probably because he’d been grinding into the sheets like last time but now you’re even more gone.
“Okay,” you gulp, and Jeongguk rolls over. Knees above his shoulders, using his elbows to slide along the mattress till you’re settled comfortably over his eager mouth. “You okay?”
“Fuck yeah.” He pulls on your thighs until his neck doesn’t strain up anymore, a stretch you can ignore if only to feel the traction of his rough love on your sensitivity. “This is—so hot.”
“Are you—pulling on pornographic roots right now?”
He hums into a suction. “Yeah.”
“What else have you thought about?” You can’t see his entire face from your view, but his forehead is scrunched. Thinking hard for you.
“Nothing—crazy,” he says. He kisses your leaking cunt. “Always wanna make you feel good. But it’d be hot if I choked you, yeah.”
“Whatever you like,” Jeongguk decides. “I like whatever you like.”
“I would like it if you made me cry,” you contend.
He doesn’t say anything else. Jeongguk squeezes your ass, neck straining to get you dribbling on the tip of his tongue, pleasure pulled from the bottom of your stomach into moaning so loud you’re worried for the thinness of your walls. “Oh my god I’m close—don’t stop—”
Your pussy grinds right into it. His fingers are lax on your skin like he’s given up if it means you feed into your own demise. And you do: grating all your nerves from Jeongguk’s insistence into your sex and your hands tangle into his hair. “Oh fuck I’m—Jeongguk—!”
The feeling settles heavy in your pussy. Taken with a vehemence you’d praise forever and Jeongguk is nothing but passionate, a power translated through all his work and one he insists on when he paints your cunt like it’s his favourite thing to do. His hands tighten their grip on your ass, nearly falling over when his tongue slides like that—
“I’m cumming—oh my god I’m—fuck!”
Your eyes sting. It bursts—starting on Jeongguk’s tongue and spreading so fast you can’t tell up from down.  Moans wrenched from your chest and you can’t catch your breath, even when you push yourself off from Jeongguk because you can’t stop riding into it. “Ah—oh fuck.” You’re sniffling.
“Babe wait did I actually make you cry?”
“Yes you idiot, come here.” And Jeongguk crawls over you, kiss-ready, lips wet on yours. “Do you—is it—are you okay? Do you wanna try now?”
“Sure,” he says. “I just—might not last too long.”
“We take it slow,” you say. He nods. “Got condoms?”
Jeongguk looks sheepish but he nods again. “Please don’t ask me why I have them on me.”
“I’m asking why you have them on you.”
He groans. “Let me just—get them from my bag.” And he runs, hard penis and all, outside to the bag he’d left outside in your haste to the bed. He’s not even gone for two seconds before he has the string of foil in his hand. “Remember there was a party last night? Taehyung gave them to me just in case—you know. Something happened.”
“Good friend. Do you—have lube too?” 
Jeongguk pales. “No.”
“Come here,” you order instead, because you’re ridiculously wet anyhow. He gets closer, lying down when you push his chest down. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Just wanna kiss you.”
He lets you. You stay in this moment, a precursor to a new era if you were being dramatic about it. But having him so soft and yielding under you like this makes you want to enjoy it, bit by bit. “I love you,” he says.
You mold into him. “I love you too.” Reaching over for one of the foils, you tear it as Jeongguk stares with a still chest. The condom rolls easily. “Okay?”
Then you sit on top of him, your own breath caught in the butterflies jumbled in your stomach, a flit when his hands come to rest on your thighs. Nerves tangling with his and you feel the low tremors in his body. Your pussy glides along his dick lying pretty on his stomach. You tangle your hands with his. “Don’t be nervous,” you whisper.
Jeongguk gulps. “Just—kiss me again.”
You lean back down, his hands tightening yours when you meet him again. “Are you okay?”
His eyes are closed. “Yes—yes. You can put it in. Please.”
“Just—say the word and I’ll stop.”
He nods.
There’s a lump in your throat. You want it to be good for him. The griping all his friends did had done a great deal for your sex life, yeah. But the point of his comfort was crossed so many times you feared he’d back out by this time. And now he waits: waits for your go, on your own time, because the last thing he wanted to do was pressure you too. You know it in his attention, his quiet insistence on making you cum first. His patience for you to come back to him. Waiting so that you could get comfortable before he did, because he’s only ever comfortable when you are. 
You hold the base of his dick, tip straight below your core, positioned at the height of both your breaths.
You sink down.
It’s a scarcity, to feel this good from the get-go. A prodding that pinches a little stretches you right, Jeongguk’s length gloved in your heat, so much heat because he groans. “Oh my god.”
“Is that—okay?”
His hands find your hips when your knees drop down even further. Slow, slow, slow; so wet because he makes you feel it—until you bottom out. Jeongguk shivers. “Tell me—when I can move.”
You watch his eyebrows scrunch up, teeth gritting when you shift to ease the weight on your legs. “I’m good. I’m good, please move, fuck.”
You do. You pick up to an easy pace, not straining yourself but enough for the tip of his dick to hit a spot in your gut that has you cooing. Your hands find his chest. “Ooh—fuck yeah.”
“Is it good—for you?” Jeongguk pants, bucking his hips when he watches your tits bounce. 
“Yeah. Feels so good…” You trail off, getting used to the feel of something so much thicker than his fingers. A burn you can’t say you haven’t missed, teasing your insides and you squeeze.
“Baby—that—fuck—” He’s sweating. His forehead shines, hair caught on his skin. His chest is a flushed, wet where your palms meet him because you’re getting a little winded now. But the little grunts he lets out every time you bounce is enough to keep you going. 
“Do you think—you can cum like this?”
His grin is sheepish. “N-No.”
You opt for a closer grind then. “How do you want me?”
“Your back,” he says, hesitant. “Let me—fuck you from the edge of the bed.”
You can do that. You lift up till his dick lies wet on his belly, sheets a mess under your bum when you let Jeongguk get up to move you the way he wants. He stands, one knee on the mattress as he spreads your legs, pussy served like it’s his to take. Makes a grab for his dick; jostles around a bit on your clit to see your hole tighten, stomach clenched. 
He presses in slow just to see you shiver. In control of your pleasure again, and you sigh into the sheets. 
“Oh my god.” You grasp the blankets, elbows strong to watch what you now know is the visual of Jeongguk fucking you. A little stilted in his rhythm, but only because he’s getting used to the feel of your pussy like this. 
You don’t care for the semantics of proper fucking. As long as his hips meet your ass in the beat you can only call nasty. The squelch of your arousal is loud. “Fuck—baby…”
“Yeah—feels so good.” Buried deep in your walls and maybe you could learn the ridges of his dick like this: lain here for him to use, cunt fit only for his pleasure. A position you’d gladly take everyday from now on because fuck if this isn’t heavenly. 
You know he feels it too when his chest picks up in his panting, dick a piston now and you mewl. 
“Yeah—faster, baby—like that—!”
“Shit—” Smearing your walls with your own slick, made for him to dirty. A push so vigorous you would be sliding if it weren’t for Jeongguk’s tight hands on you, and all you can do is take it. “Babe I’m close—”
And he bends down, kissing you with a pant into your mouth because he’s getting spent, efforts all going into your pleasure. He still thrusts. “Cum. Cum when you can, fuck.”
“What about—”
You shut him up with another press of your lips. “I’m fine.”
He leaves it at that. Jeongguk leans up again, adjusting one more time till he’s got both knees on the bed, cock a heady presence inside your sex and he gives it hard now. You’re trying not to squeeze so hard around him but it’s getting difficult; seeing him so focused, his eyes wild, sweat dripping on his shoulders. Sweltering in your heat and love and novelties—defiling him but in the best way possible. “I love you,” he chokes. “Oh my god I might—”
“Give it to me,” you whisper.
He does. Your pussy is still in Jeongguk’s indulgence, his whines escalating until he groans out: “I’m cumming—”
Jeongguk slams into you, a final push for your core and he croons into your neck. Streams of his pleasure in the form of a long sigh, his pulses inside. And maybe you’re dumb but you’re laughing and crying again, arms wrapping around his neck, swaying him back and forth as he calms down. 
“How was that?” You ask.
He’s crying, too. You wipe his under-eye when he takes one more kiss. “Best ever,” he says. “I’ll make you cum.”
“You don’t need to—” But his thumb is already on your clit, still wet from his doing and you force your hips to stillness— “Jeongguk no—”
“I wanna feel you cum around my dick,” he says, and the plea is enough for you to tighten and cry even more. It hurts, a nudge of pain but it’s already beginning to spread into pleasure—
You cum into his kiss, walls clenching into an orgasm so sweet your toes tingle. A ripple of pleasure running through all of you and he moans like he feels it too. 
Out of breath. It’s hot under his skin.
“So. Who do we tell first?”
Jeongguk laughs. “Maybe we can decide over breakfast.”
And you feel something, better than orgasmic bliss, the pleasure of a tryst: the simplicity of being in love. Jeongguk makes you feel like you can do anything.
“Eggs?” You ask.
His tongue is sweet. “Eggs.”
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