#but i just had the idea on my mind and couldn't let it go 🥴
priceofreedom · 1 month
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Aerith & Tifa ♡
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creedslove · 7 months
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Marcus Pike x f!reader
"I'd rather get divorced while still loving you, than remaining together and risking to hate you"
Summary: you and Marcus had a brief but loving marriage, until it wasn't anymore. Choosing an amicable divorce you both moved on with your lives until destiny made you run into each other once more, with a difference this time: your ex-husband was engaged now
Warnings: mentions of divorce, a little bit of angst, fluff, some jealousy, age gap (their ages are not specified but he's 10 years older than her)
A/N: besties, I'm so happy I finally managed to write something for our husband Pike. I've always wanted to do so, but I knew I couldn't just force myself into it otherwise it wouldn't work properly, and just like that, this idea came up and I couldn't get it out of my mind ❤️ also, I know some people don't like age gap, but I can't imagine reader being Marcus age mostly because reader is me 🥴 and also because it would make sense to the story, so although it's not specified, I pictured them getting married around early 20s(reader) early 30s (Pike) and running into each other again around late 20s/early 30s (reader) and late 30s/early 40s (Pike)
3.9k words
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You weren't fond of getting married young, to you, it sounded nothing like madness, as you simply couldn't wrap your head around the fact that people often abdicated from their lives, plans and dreams to get stuck in a relationship. It made no sense to you, especially since you had been working your ass off during all your years in college, the prospect of having a successful and promising career motivated you to go after your dreams. Relationships, marriages, building up families hadn't crossed your mind at all, a little affair with a cute guy here and there were the only things that ever got remotely close to dating, at the same time you only saw yourself as someone who wouldn't settle down.
And that was before Marcus Pike walked into your life.
If someone asked you to explain what exactly happened, perhaps you wouldn't be able to understand it yourself let alone explain it to someone, but that man swept you off your feet. You'd met him during a history of art lecture at campus one Thursday evening. He had just joined the FBI in the art department, fresh in his new job but still assisting his former professor and mentor in college lectures. He was probably ten or so years older than you, and yet, you couldn't keep your eyes off him. He was by far the most handsome man you'd seen in those four long years you'd spent in that institution, there was something so captivating in his beautiful eyes, his breathtaking smile and how smart and sweet he was towards anyone. And he caught you staring; it seemed you took his attention as much as he took yours, and even if you needed that lecture for extra credit, you couldn't give a single crap about medieval art, because that man was everything you could see in front of you. That was so unlike your personality, usually, you'd be focused on everything else, but you simply couldn't look away from that handsome assistant.
When the lecture was finally over, you were sure you'd missed at least half of it, being too busy concentrating on someone else instead of the subject, you still had a few doubts about the matter and you walked to the stage, willing to ask the professor some questions and clarify any doubts you had, and that was the moment you both locked eyes for the first time. The handsome guy that caught your attention, whose name was Marcus, soon found out the moment you shook hands and realized how big his was compared to yours and how truly handsome he was, even more so than you had already noticed when you were a few meters away. He was also mesmerized by you and he couldn't hide it, he knew you were younger than him, but at that moment all he could process was how gorgeous and smart that girl was in front of him. He kept around while you talked to his mentor, being polite enough not to interrupt him but holding himself back so he wouldn't add his own comments. He just wanted an excuse to talk to you, see if he could approach and see where things could go, so the moment he had the opportunity to be with you alone for a while, he immediately threw his charms - and Marcus was a charming guy - in your first conversation you liked how intelligent and nice he was, he made you laugh and when he invited you to have pancakes some dinner nearby the campus, you couldn't say no.
And that was the beginning of your love story.
Everything you believed went through the roof from the moment you met Marcus. He was incredible, the most fascinating man you'd met and whereas he was older than you, that only seemed to spice things up both in the sexual and emotional sense. You had never been treated like that before, he made you feel like a queen, as cheesy as it may sound, that's just how you felt through your relationship with Marcus. He was a gentleman, sweet and he didn't know what to do in order to please you; he went slowly at first, even if his intentions were clear from the very first time you went out to eat, he was a little afraid you would be weirded out by him, and he couldn't be further from the truth. Each time he took you out on a date, it felt like you were living the plot of any sweet but cliche rom com movie. It felt just too good to be true and a part of you feared that it wouldn't work. But it did, for as long as it lasted.
The dates with Marcus were so special, he was thoughtful and he always made sure to take you somewhere nice; it was either a nice restaurant so you could get to know their different menu, or art galleries in which he would show you his favorite works and tell you as much as you wanted to hear about them. He was always afraid of boring you with his subjects but on the contrary, you always enjoyed listening to him talk, it was entertaining, soothing and you could spend hours watching how his eyes sparkled whenever he addressed anything he truly enjoyed. And even if he put some effort into them, your favorite date by far was whenever you two would spend some time just hanging out together in his apartment. Dim lights, old movies on TV and Marcus' protective grip around your body, always pulling you closer and making sure you were warm in his embrace for the rest of the night.
The first kiss you shared with him after you both went to the movies together. It was a classic movie rerun and even if Casablanca wasn't your favorite, you knew he enjoyed it, and seeing it on a big screen was definitely a nice experience. Besides, he promised you that once Titanic hit the theaters in the next classic session, he would definitely take you.
At the end of the movie, you walked out the theater holding hands, you were silent, but instead of reflecting over the story you'd just watched you reflected over your relationship with Marcus; you were falling deeper and deeper for him, deeper and more intensely than you ever thought you would, and when he stopped and placed your hands on your hips you couldn't resist being kissed by him.
It felt right.
The first night you both spent together was right after he took you to see the concert of his former band; he'd left the band when he graduated from college, but he still remained friends with the guys and eventually enjoyed visiting them on stage. And that night he insisted on taking his bass for a last ride and even risked a song on the microphone, all of that for you.
By then, there was no fighting or convincing otherwise, you were head over heels for Marcus; especially when you two had sex for the first time after that. One could think Marcus is too soft, but not when it comes to that; he knows how to act, how to please and how to demand what he wants and after you tried him, a real man, there was no way you could go back to college boys ever again.
Your relationship evolved fast and in less than a year he proposed to you; he was sure you were what he wanted in the future, just as you had thrown away all your beliefs and you'd surrounded yourself completely to the man you loved, so you said yes. Even if your whole life you said you wouldn't get married, not while young at least, not without having a consistent, successful career.
And there you were, fresh out of college, with very little work experience, a job in an area you didn't want but had to take in order to gather experience and knowledge and walking down the aisle in a white dress, feeling as happy as you could be, in order to become Mrs.Pike. The honeymoon had to be in Paris, a few people told you that couldn't be more cliche, and even if they meant it out of spite or if they were actually right, it didn't really matter to you; it felt so right for the two of you. Surrounded by art constantly during the day and making love at night, it was like a dream coming true, and you remember hoping your entire marriage would be like that: light, fun, full of love and happiness. And it was until it wasn't anymore.
You couldn't tell exactly when things started to go downhill, but if you had to guess, it would probably be due to the lack of time you both faced towards the end of your relationship. It just started getting harder after about a year, when the two of you really began struggling for your own careers. You, in your area, and Marcus with the FBI, it seemed to have become an obsession for you both, as date nights, walks in the park and gallery visitations simply stopped happening in order to focus on your extra tasks, overtime, solving cases. At some point it became a looping of excuses and promises to spend more time together:
"We'll go next weekend honey"
"We can have dinner together tomorrow"
"I promise I'll take you with me next time"
Needless to say, they never truly happened.
Just as you two distanced yourselves without even realizing, the bickering also started, adding another venomous sting to your relationship. Suddenly, small things turned into bigger ones, sources of stress and fights; if someone ever told you one day you'd have heated arguments with Marcus over a dropped sock, or an unwashed plate on the sink, you would call them crazy, but when that unfortunately happened to the two of you, you were shocked for a while, not believing you had become the kind of couple to argue over stupid things like those. It was heartbreaking. As you two barely had time for each other, sex was also off the table most nights, being too tired to do anything else other than sleep, Marcus suddenly came up with the idea of having a baby; he had a deep hope of fixing your marriage by getting you pregnant, after all, having kids had always been part of his plan and he was sure it was part of yours too.
At the same time you hadn't really thought it through. Technically, you had. You wanted kids. At some point, in the future, it wasn't rocket science to figure that adding a baby to a troubled marriage could not be the best idea. And yet, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him that, not when you saw the spike of excitement in his eyes, not when he held you and kissed you like in the beginning of your relationship, how he made time for you even if his FBI work was killing him, he still managed to bring you flowers, kiss you and made love to you. Perhaps he was trying to save your marriage, or he was just trying for the baby, you weren't so sure, but you could see the effort. And it was why it broke your heart to know you couldn't get pregnant at that moment, not with your job finally taking you places, the new opportunity of actually building a career and how young you still thought you were, being married was hard, but it was about you and Marcus, two adults who could handle yourselves but a baby? It was way too much responsibility. You couldn't find a way to tell him that, even if you were being a coward, it pained you you felt so hopeless to simply lie to Marcus and tell him you'd stopped taking your birth control pills, and even more so each time he looked at you with those disappointed, sad eyes, month after month of excitement and longing for that baby to be there, just to get a negative test after another. It was eating you up alive and after his insistence on taking you to a doctor - which you immediately refused - he managed to find your hidden stash of pills among your stuff. You tried explaining everything to him; how you weren't ready, you were scared and how broken you'd been at seeing him so upset. You cried, you opened your heart to Marcus and told him you wanted to be a mom to his child, some day, not at that moment, but in the future because things were finally working for the two of you once more. But you had lied to your husband, and lying to Marcus had no turning back.
He had no other option other than asking for a divorce after you lied and broke his heart, he felt upset, he could've forgiven you for many things, but not for playing with his heart when it came to the kids he dreamed of every single day.
You were tired, upset and at some point during your divorce process you'd convinced yourself you didn't love him anymore, but the reality was that you were just so empty you weren't able to feel things, you were numb.
The day you both signed the divorce papers in front of your lawyer and you were questioned whether you two wanted to go ahead with that decision, your heart shattered into a million pieces, more than any fights, when you heard Marcus' justification to why he was asking for the divorce.
"I'd rather get divorced while still loving you, than remaining together and risking to hate you"
When you heard those words, you had a sudden urge to get up and tear those papers into pieces, tell him you were both making a huge mistake, that toyover him and that you could make it work, you wanted to tell him you still had a beautiful future ahead of you, you and the gorgeous family you would have together. And the moment you took a deep breath to finally say all that out loud, you looked at Marcus signing the papers and officializing the divorce.
That was the last time you saw your ex-husband Marcus Pike, you just had no idea the next time you would run into him again would be in a few years later, while he was taking his new fiancee on a date.
Marcus sighed as he could see the lack of excitement in Teresa's face the moment they got to the exhibit, he just didn't know why she agreed to go out with him if she didn't like it, it would be so much easier for the two of them if she was honest and told him she'd rather stay home and read a magazine, that way they would both be happy, and Marcus wouldn't have the feeling he was trying too hard all the time. Teresa liked him, she must have liked him, otherwise she wouldn't have accepted his proposal and moved to DC with him. It was still early, she'd been there for a few weeks but he was confident things would work. He was hitting his forties now, one divorce, no kids and even if he finally got the position he had not only dreamed of but also worked so hard for in his dream job, he still felt something was missing. It took him a failed marriage to realize that money wasn't everything he needed, he simply missed the family he never had.
When he found Teresa he was still trying to pick the pieces of his heart, still trying to make things work on his own and when he saw her - an attractive, mature and intelligent woman, he thought that maybe he wouldn't be alone this time. You'd been the love of his life, he was convinced of that, but you two had gone way too fast and too intense, you were still young, you had so much to live so it made sense to him he would let you go and be free. He vowed himself not to rush into things, but this time it wasn't his choice, he was liking Teresa more and more and even if they weren't compatible most of the time, but when the opportunity of a lifetime came up he had to take his chances and she'd said yes. Still a little unsure and divided between him and Jane, but she said yes.
As they walked through the exhibit, he paid close attention to all the beautiful paintings scattered around the long hallways. He loved that atmosphere, the pictures so beautifully made by talented hands years or sometimes centuries ago.
"So it's just flowers?!" Teresa broke the silence as she looked around unimpressed and dragged his attention back to reality
"It's not just flowers, it's Monet… don't you like it? You told me you liked his paintings on our first date.." Marcus stated confused until the realization that she was just lying so she wouldn't appear ignorant or perhaps try to impress him a little. He saw how she cleared her throat and tried fixing what she just said but he stopped listening the moment he caught a glimpse of someone else crossing the same room and standing next to Rouen Cathedral, admiring it intently. He didn't even need to look twice to know it was you. You, who always loved that painting, even if it wasn't Monet's best in your ex-husband's opinion, you who had a fascination with old constructions such as cathedrals and would always snap several pictures of them, you, who was never exceptional at art but managed to get by and eventually fell more and more in love with art because of Marcus, not because you wanted to impress him or have him thinking you were smart, but because he actually made you see why he had that passion for it. And the moment that you turned around, his heart skipped a beat.
You looked the same, and yet, you also managed to look even more beautiful; more mature, more confident in yourself and for a brief moment Marcus was frozen in time, it was just like the first time he saw you, in which he could only see you in front of him and nothing else. He had no idea you still had that effect on him, it was so unusual and surprising and even if he had stalked your social media profiles here and there over the course of your separation, even if he wasn't proud of it, it was completely different than seeing you right there in front of him. He wasn't sure what to do, should he approach you? Talk to you? Pretend he didn't see you?
However, he didn't time to think any further about it, not when you turned around and spotted him, your eyes widening at the moment you saw him. Much to your surprise your heart also raced at the sight of your ex-husband. Was it your mind playing tricks or was he even more handsome? You hadn't planned on approaching him, but you felt as if you were being taken involuntarily towards him.
"Marcus?! Hi!" You said with a sweet smile as he politely greeted you, expressing how surprised he was to see you and even more so to actually talk to you
"Wow, you look great… So beautiful" he smiled as you blushed softly and giggled
"You too, still very handsome… so what brings you to D-" you interrupted by a woman who walked in and wrapped her arm around his waist. She eyed you up and down, even if she still tried to be polite and discreet about it. You swallowed hard feeling awkward and Marcus turned to the other woman
"This is Teresa, my fiancee and this is my ex-wife" he cleared his throat as he said your name and Teresa simply nodded her head. You returned the gesture and the moment you meant to ask him a question she barged in
"You're his ex-wife? But you're so young…" you could see the light pink spreading through his cheek and groaned at how dumb she really was.
"Yeah, I'm younger than him… and are you a little older than Marcus?" You returned the sting with the same amount of poison and she scoffed, looking at him and groaned
"I'll go to the restroom" she said without looking into your eyes and walked away, making you chuckle as Marcus shot you a questioning look which you just shrugged and went back to the question that was lingering on your mind
"So, what are you doing here in DC? Having a romantic getaway or vacations?"
"Actually, I've moved here after I was promoted to the head of the new art department" he said with his typical smile and you could see how his eyes crinkled, your heart warming up as you expressed genuine surprise and happiness to know that. You were a witness to how hard he had worked for that and it just filled your heart with pride to know he made it. You weren't sure how to act, perhaps it wasn't right, but you had already wrapped your arms around his neck and given him probably the tightest hug you'd ever done. Even if it was brief, you couldn't help but feel how built up he was, how stronger he'd become and his characteristic scent made you so warm on the inside, it felt like you could've stayed forever in his embrace.
"I'm so happy for you, Marcus! Honestly, you deserve it! I know I haven't been the most supportive wife and I'm very sorry about everything that happened, I should've been nicer to you, but well, all I'm trying to say is that I'm so proud of you!"
You said wholeheartedly and even if there were so many other things you needed to tell him, you knew it wasn't the right time and place. He just smiled and nodded, taking your hands into his big ones and thanking you for the support.
"Do you think we could grab a coffee or something? Just catch up?"
"I'd love to, but I don't know if it's a good idea, I mean, I can tell Teresa isn't my biggest fan and being honest with you, I wouldn't like my fiance's ex-wife around very much, but it's amazing to see you Marcus, truly, it makes me glad to know you are somewhat closer" you smiled again but let go of his hands the moment Teresa returned. Once more she just lingered around him, almost territorial as if she wanted to show you who owned Marcus. He also felt that, and it made him quite uncomfortable, so he cleared his throat and looked at you, saying goodbye and explaining they had dinner reservations.
As you watched them both leave, you felt a pang in your chest, thinking of the wonderful place he was probably taking her, the elaborate dates he had planned, the beautiful family they would probably build together. It could've been you, it was you for a while, unlike he might have thought you wanted all that with him, but it took you a divorce to realize it was a situation of the right person, wrong time. Perhaps if you tried again, it would work, you would like it to work, but Marcus had moved on, found himself someone he cared about and you had no right to break his heart and ruin his happiness once more.
A/N: my besties, I really hope you enjoyed it! I don't know if this is just a one-shot or if there'll be a continuation but I am so happy how this turned out. I love Marcus and I'm so happy our handsome FBI boyfriend finally got his own piece here! ❤️ remember that feedback is life, I'd love to hear what you all thought of it ❤️
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honeyaiyako · 10 months
I AM NOT THE BEST WRITER‼️ Y'all remember that part of JJK english dub when Gojo was like "you cryin?" 🥴💦💕✨ If not go look it up. yeah I got the idea to write this from that. I'm am currently tipsy/drunk as I write this so please excuse any mistakes if there are any😅 update: I edited my mistakes and change some stuff around ✨‼️
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You two were coming back from a mission, it was easier than you both thought so you two finished the job earlier than expected. Didn't even break a sweat, Gojo actually did all the work. You've know Gojo for about a year now, every so often you both were assigned missions together. You would never tell or show him but it was the most exciting times of your life. He was always so funny and cocky. He teased you a lot and picked fun but that only made time with him worth wild. You loved it all even his annoyance. Not only was his personality perfectly but god this man was beautiful. His eyes alone could bring a woman to their knees. You fell madly in love with this man ever since the first day met but you'd never admit to him you feel that way.
Word always got around about him being a womanizer a flirt and rumors about him going on multiple dates. You hated hearing that. That was the biggest reason you never pursued him. Honestly if you think about it you don't really remember him ever flirting with you, he treated you just as everyone else. You still kept your feelings distant. Your last relationship was so traumatizing you wouldn't dare put yourself in another situation to be hurt again. That was over a year ago and you haven't even entertained a male since. God why'd you have to meet him.
It was around 8pm and you both were walking back in silence to the car you rode in to go home. This was the part that bummed you out the most. You never knew when the next time you'd get to see him again, you two never talk outside of work. Even though you both had each others contacts, barley any messages were exchange between you and if they were it was always work related.
You both got in the car and you could feel yourself get a little sadder, the drive home was the last couple minutes you had me him. You honestly couldn't take this part anymore. You wonder why he suddenly was so silent. Your eyes glanced over to him and he had a normal blank expression you didn't know if you should break the silence or not.
Deciding not to, you leaned over against your arm and looked out the window. This isn't like it was your last mission with him so you'd get to see him again. You two continued riding in silence before Gojo's voice broke it.
"The night is still young, you wanna get food and hang out with me?"
Your heart skipped a beat hearing that. You have never did anything outside of work together. Your mouth spoke faster than you mind could think and you responded with a slightly nervous "yes." He probably noticed your nervousness too.
Trying to compose yourself and act normal you suggested several spots for you two to eat at.
"Orrr we could get food from this bbq place, I go all the time, no I want you to try this ramen place instead, no wait actually let's stop there!" So much for keeping your composure, you were so excited to spend time with him.
Gojo only chuckled I'm response. "We can go to all those places if you like."
"Sorry I'm just starving hahaha." You said rubbing the back of your head. Making to the restaurant you both walked inside and was greeting by a woman host. Immediately upon her greeting you two you could see the way she looked at Gojo, fluttering her eyelashes, being cute and eager to please. You would've lied if you would've said it didn't bother you just a little but who would blame her, look at him.
"Table for 2?" The host asked.
"Actually were getting Togo." Gojo responded.
You didn't really question why you two were getting food Togo, maybe he changed his mind about hanging out. You didn't say anything you simply just went with it. While you waited for your food you both sat at the bar.
"You wanna drink?" Gojo asked.
The last thing you needed was anything with alcohol in it, you were such a lightweight one drink could do almost do you in but it'd be nice to ease up the nervous feeling your having.
"Sure I'll take whatever your having." You smiled
Gojo smirked and got the bartenders attention. "2 long islands please."  Your eyes widen a little when you heard Long Island, that drink itself was like 5 drinks in one. You simply just told yourself don't drink the whole thing, the last thing you were going to do was get sloppy drunk embarrass yourself and have him looking at you differently.
You sipped your drink as you two waited for your order. Each sip make you a little more comfortable then the last. You could feel yourself getting tipsy. You became more open and fun. Of course you never were a dull girl with him but you did hold back. Each time you tilted your cup the more the world around you brightened. Every glance towards Gojo made your heart skip a beat. He made your mind run crazy.
"Here you go!" The bar tender sat down your food right in front of you all set and wrapped up in bags ready to go. You looked down at your drink that was only halfway finished and over to Gojo's that was completely gone. You slide the drink away from you knowing that another sip would probably ruin the night. Gojo grabbed the food from the counter and thanks the bartender for the service. You followed him out the door and back to the car. Since your drink calmed your nerves questioning the situation wasn't hard.
"Gojo, why did we get the food Togo, d-didn't you wanna hang out?"
Gojo looked at over you and smiled. " oh I didn't feel like being in public, let's go back to my place and eat, that okay with you?"
You've never been to his place, you were so tipsy and down for anything you only nodded your head. You just wanted to be with him you didn't care where you two went. You were just happy he still wanted to hang together. "Okay."
You arrived to a nice fancy building, they were condos, you knew Gojo was wealthy but seeing it in person was such a interesting feeling.
"We're here," he spoke as he parked and got out the car. He walked over the your door and opened it for you leading you two his home with his hand gently placed between your back and waist. Your heart was thumping, your mind only thought on the placed his hand touched. You could almost melt just from that. As he made it to his room door he unlocked it it walked in. It was so beautiful inside and smelled so nice. Your place was nice but it wasn't nothing like his. It felt so cozy here, if this was your place you'd never want to leave.
Gojo grabbed a remote and turned on the TV, he sat on a large couch and patted the seat next to him. "Come on don't be scared." He laughed. You sat down next to him, leaving enough space so you wouldn't be so close. There was a table infront of y'all where he placed the food down on. He opened the bag and separated all the food out of the table. As he was doing this you watched him. Every little move he made was so attractive. Being tipsy in the situation didn't help you at all, your appetite for the food vanish and you only craved him. Again you tried your best to hide it, you act normal as you thought possible.
Some time had went by and you both was watching a random movie on the screen. You both shared small talk here and there about the movie but just enough to not talk over it. Before Gojo could take a another bite of food he looked over at you who had a few crumbs on the corner of your mouth. He leaned over and placed his hand on your face. His hand cuffed your check as his thumb brushed the food away. You froze up just from his slight gesture. Now that you think about it you two have never had anything type of physical contact.
"You're making this so hard for me." He softly spoke as he somehow appeared closer to you. "Just come out and admit it already." That same thumb brushed across your lips and it sent shivers down your spine.
"Admit w-what?" You asked.
"Do you think you were being slick all this time, I can always see right pass that façade you put on."
"Just confess." Gojo asked smirking and cocking his head to the side.
"Confess what?"
"The way you feel."
"T-the way I feel?"
You tried to laugh off what he said, knowing Gojo, he plays around and teases you a lot. your laugh was cut short when you seen that he wasn't laughing with you. Those beautiful blue eyes burned into yours. It was like he was studying you from the inside out. You slightly turned you head away, this was starting to be too much and you knew you were blushing bad. Gojo turned your head back towards him putting himself back in your vision.
"If I were anyone else I would've definitely thought you weren't interested in the slightest but these eyes can see everything about you."
"Gojo stop playing around okay."
"I know the truth so just admit it, I won't let you go until you do"
You felt like you were having a heart attack, this man was going to kill you. There was no way in hell you were going to admit your feelings flat out to him like this, or even ever. You focused your eyes elsewhere again trying your best to run from the intimate situation and you noticed the room angle was a bit different. You looked back in front of you and you could see the ceiling. Maybe the alcohol messed with your physics but you didn't even notice you were laying on you back. Your legs were open spread over his and he hovered over you with both arms placed on each side of your head.
"You don't think it was hard for me too?" Gojo asked snapping your attention back to him. Everything in the room was a blur except him. The way he looked down at you as he hovered over your body drove you wild. Both your hands clutched onto your shirt not knowing where else to place them. The closer he leaned in the more his body spread your legs open. It's been so long since you've been in a position with someone like this or even had sex, you couldn't even remember what it felt like anymore.
The situation you were in wasn't something you were able to fight off, your body didn't listen to your words, every inch of you begged for him. "Gojo, what do you mean?" You whined. He leaned down and ghost his lips gently up your neck.
"Can I kiss here?" His voice flowed right through your ear and right between your legs causing a sensation you forgot existed. You only whined not wanting to answer him. You knew the only answer you wanted to give him was yes but you couldn't verbally give in. Every promise you made to yourself about staying away from him went out the window.
~Just kiss me already~
You gambled with yourself that maybe just giving in a little wouldn't be so bad, don't let him have too much of you. A little intimacy wouldn't hurt right?
a moan left your lips as Gojo's attached to your neck. It was soft and warm. He kissed the spots that tickled just right. Your hand gripped tighter and tighter into you clothes. The more you didn't object the more he gave you. You could feel his hips push down against you and spread you legs more. Kisses turned into sucking, licking and bites. You were being completely devoured by him, he took complete control, your body didn't belong to you anymore, it was his to do whatever he wants with.
He pulled away from your neck and came face to face with you. "Admit it." His eyes stared down into yours as he waited to see were you going to answer. You looked up at him with a small frown on your face, your chest rising and falling trying to retrieve back the air you lost trying to hold your voice in. Your face was completely flushed from blushing.
Gojo just chuckled as he pulled both your hands from you shirt and only used only one of his to pin them both above your head. "Speechless huh?" He went in again, this time his lips attached to yours. He didn't waste any time tonguing you down, it was almost as if he wanted to suck the life out of you. His hips pushed down completely into you now, spreading your legs so wide so you could feel it. He was hard, it felt hot against you. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him grind it against you. Over and over again he teased you with it.
You couldn't believe what position you were in, you were so scared to become just another one of the girls he messed with, so scared to become another rumor. You were in love with him, your heart couldn't take being played with again but you loved this man so much, you wanted him to take whatever he desired from you. Maybe this is where you mess up. This is probably the new start of a different heartbreak. You was at war with yourself.
"All you wanna do is moan, don't wanna answer me?" He said smiling down at you. "Alright."
You could feel hands pull away at the buttons on your shirt. The cold air in his home hit your chest but before your body cold completely grasp the feeling of being cold a warm hand gripped firmly into you.
"Nghh." You moaned out, closing your eyes and looking away as he fondled your chest. His hand rubbed and gripped all over your breast. Your back arched when his thumb ran over your nipples.
"That sensitive? They're so pretty, so soft, let's see how they taste." Gojo leaned down and glided his warm tongue across your bud, you bit down on your lips as he took it into his mouth and sucked it.
Over and over he practically made out with your breast till it was swollen and took on a different shape. He stayed on one breast so long that when he attached his mouth to the other it felt intense.
His hand still held yours above your head locking you down in place, he could feel you struggle against him but only because you couldn't handle what he was doing, it felt too good. He was so strong. You wanted to grip onto something but the only freedom you had with your hands was balling them into a fist. Gojo unattached himself from your breast and came back in for a kiss. You could feel Gojo's hand traveling down your chest to your stomach, it went lower and lower till you could feel his finger break past down through your clothes and past you panty line. He stopped just a little past the line of your panties, his fingers rubbed and teased threatening to dive down and touch you.
There was nothing you could do to close you legs, his hips kept them open. You knew when he stuck his hands down there he was going to get every answer he needed. You broke the kiss when his hands finally stopped teasing and touched you directly.
"Damn you're so wet." He breathed out. His face went from cocky and playful to being completely filled with pure lust. He took his middle finger and rubbed it across your clit back and forth.
"Nghhh, Gojo." You could only whine and moan as he played with you. It felt so good you could barely finish your sentence. "Aahhh!" You threw you head back as you felt him insert a finger inside you.
"Fuck, this is what you feel like?" Gojo asked as he fucked you with his fingers. He was two fingers deep in you completely driving you crazy. "I'm gonna make you cum so much for me." And he didn't lie to you, over and over again he fingered orgasms out of you. He was so good at this, he was showing you things you didn't even know your body was capable of. Your body was becoming overstimulated, slob was running down the corner of your mouth and tears begin to fall from your eyes, your body was shaking, you felt like such a mess.
"You cryin?" He asked cockily with a smile on his face.
knowing this, he wanted to just put his dick deep in you and give you a real reason to cry. He pulled his fingers out of you and presented to you the mess you made on his hands. "Is this how you feel about me?"
You eyes slightly widen and you looked away in embarrassment, to think he would even tease you in this moment as well. You wanted to wipe the tears away but they just kept flowing, plus your arms were still trapped above your head. Gojo let your hands free and you couldn't even remember how fast it happened you were still in a daze but your body was completely naked under him. He grabbed your hips and pulled you close up to him. Your arms laid lazily still above your head as you watched him remove his pants just enough for his dick to slide out.
"Can I show you how I feel about you?" He said as he rubbed his hardness across the slits of you pussy. Coating himself in your arousal. He didn't need your permission anymore you were just ready to feel him. The way you looked at him should've gave him the answer you were still verbally unable to give him.
"Nghhh." He moaned out as he sunk himself into you. Your were tight, wet, soft and warm. Every inch deeper he went made him want to just fuck the hell out of you. The erotic look on your face was the last straw, he couldn't wait on you to adjust to his size, he wanted to make you scream. "Cry for me." he breathed out as his hips greedily slammed into you over and over again.
"Gojo, Gojo, Gojo, Gojo." You moaned out his name as he fucked into you. He was so big, between your legs felt so full, your inside tingled with pain and pleasure.
He felt so good, you knew you fucked up so bad you'd never get over this feeling, you were gonna always crave him now. The man you'd promise to stay away from has you completely under his spell.
Inch after inch, deeper and deeper, over and over he fuck you as he pleased.
"Argghh G-Gojo pleaseeee, it's too muchhh." You begged as you tried your best to use your hands to slow down his hips.
He felt so wrong for being so aggressive with your body but his hips couldn't stop he only wanted to ravish you more, just listen to those pretty sounds you made and that erotic look on your face, he loved he was the reason for all of it.
"You think I don't know how you feel about me, you love me, ahhh fuck, and now your body does too." He grabbed your legs and pushed the into your chest adjusting the position to go deeper inside you. His hands gripped into the back of your knees using them as leverage. "Look at this mess you're making, I've never witnessed something so wet."
Screaming, moaning, whining and whimpers has basically became your language at this point. You were so fucked out and in complete heaven.
"It was so cute watching you pretend to not to, but these eyes could see right through you, your acting is amazing, you could've fooled anyone else but sadly not me, I can see through your entire soul, Ik when your happy, your sad, your angry and I know every drop of what you're feeling and right now, I know that "I love you" is on the tip of your tongue."
More and more tears flowed from your eyes because he was right. He was absolutely right, you wanted to tell him you love him, you wanted to tell him how happy he makes you, how much fun you have with him, how sad it is to see him go, how excited he gets you, how good he's making you feel right now. You didn't know if you were drunk on alcohol or sex but you were a few strokes away from giving him what he wanted.
You were on the verge of cumming before Gojo picked you up and flipped you the other way till you were in the doggystyle position
"Maybe I'd be easier for you like this, since your so shy." He said wasting no time to thrust himself back inside of you. He pounded into you at the same speed as before, this angle hit you a little deep the other. "Tell me you love me." He practically pleaded pushing you down on your back to get rid of the slight arc you had that stopped him from reaching the best parts inside you. "Take all of it, it all belongs to you."
You could feel your orgasm building back up. You were so turned on by his voice and everything he said to you.
"(Y/n) your making my dick feel so good right now, you're sucking me in and don't wanna let go, scared I'm going to leave?"
This orgasm was going to be intense you could feel it coming.
"I wanna come inside you, maybe we should go ahead and start a family together." His hands gripped tighter around your hips as he slammed you down onto his length. "You wanna make a baby with me?" He could feel you throbbing all around him reassurance that you were putty in his hands. He could mold and shape you into whatever he wants and you'd just let em.
That's it he's won.
"Y-yes, yes, Satoru, you're right I love you, I love you, fuck this feels so good" You cried out into the couch as you came around him in complete passionate bliss. He could feel you throw your hips back as he fucked you through your orgasm. He was so excited to hear you say his first name but more excited to finally admit your feelings.
"Good girl, just like that, I love you too, I love you too." Seconds after you came he released himself inside of you. "You're all mine, I only belong to you, I'll take care of you, gonna make you so happy."
Gojo pulled out of you and put you back onto your back. You looked up at him awaiting some kind of reassurance of what he said was true. He smiled at you before leaning down and kissing you deeply. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him back with the same passion.
Gojo simply said "I love you." before thrusting back inside of you ready to repeat it all again.
A/n: And that's it🎉💕 feedback is greatly appreciate ✨ thanks for reading.
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jongbross · 7 months
Hii! There are a few ideas I’ve got in my mind for a while. Could you write something with Junmyeon? Basically reader and Junmyeon are kind of fwb. Junmyeon is in love with reader but reader isn’t over her idiot of an ex and goes to him anytime he calls her. Junmyeon is tired but he can’t avoid help reader anytime she gets treated badly by her ex. I was thinking about something fluffy and angsty with protective Junmyeon? You can also add some smut if you want. I hope this request isn’t too detailed! Have a good day/night and keep on with your works,I love them🩷
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pairing: kim junmyeon x reader word count: 1420 genre: fluffyyyy, really fluffy with a bit of angst. i'm sorry 🥴 warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of break up a/n: just had a little conversation with my sister about how much we like junmyeon and now i'm sad, so please enjoy it (: <3
and so it went again.
there you were, crying inside junmyeon arms because your ex has dumped you once again - not that he had ever taken you back in the first place.
junmyeon was used to that already, unfortunately. he knew how things worked; he would heal you, take care of you, make you feel like the luckiest person alive whenever he would make love to you, only for you to go back to your ex whenever he called you, leaving you at your worst state afterwards, so you had to go back to junmyeon and the whole thing repeated itself.
junmyeon knew it wasn't healthy, for neither of you. he knew the smartest thing to do was to call you out, break that vicious cycle and walk away from you - he truly did know that. however, the way his heart got filled with love whenever he saw you, the way his body moved on its own whenever he was around you kept him from doing that.
healthy or not, he also knew he loved you. he couldn't just walk away.
"i'm so stupid, it's ridiculous", you mumbled, hands covering your face. "why do i always have to go back to him?"
junmyeon smiled bitterly, caressing your hair away from your face.
"because you like him", he said, and it felt like he was stabbing himself.
you sighed, putting your hands away. your eyes were as red as they could be, swollen and wet from your tears. you sniffed, absolutely aware of your miserable state once again.
"and why do i have to like him so much?", you looked at junmyeon, also aware of what he was doing for you.
"well... i have a theory."
junmyeon shyly smiled, letting go of you - you wish he hadn't. he reached for some tissues that were laying beside him, giving them to you. you thanked him, at the same time you mentioned for him to keep going.
"he was your first true love, right?", junmyeon asked, even though he knew the answer. you just nodded. "then that's it."
"that's your theory?"
"yes... i mean, kind of", he shrugged. "first loves are always complicated. we feel like we finally found the one, and that things will be great forever, and that that is love, in its most pure form. but then, when things end up badly as it did for the two of you, we have some hard time trying to understand that it's over - and that there's no going back."
you just kept looking at junmyeon, even though he was looking somewhere else, past his walls.
"i bet he used to treat you properly, and that you used to think he was the only man for you", he continued, turning to look at you. "so don't blame yourself for still having a little, tiny bit of that feeling inside you. he was part of your life."
"you're so wise it sickens me."
junmyeon laughed, pulling you close so he could kiss your temple. you rested on his shoulder, wiping away your tears once more.
"that hopeful feeling, it's just like... it's just like when you like someone and they don't like you back", he whispered. "you keep trying, and trying, and trying... because someday, who knows, things will work out."
you shrinked under his touch, especially when you felt his heart beating faster under your palm that was resting on his chest now.
"you sound like you know what you're talking about...", you replied. you knew junmyeon was way too good for you, and you knew that didn't come only because he thought of you as a friend.
when he chuckled, you closed your eyes, feeling guilty. "yeah, maybe i do".
that night, you fell asleep in junmyeon's arms. he didn't try anything on you, being such a gentleman - instead, he carried you to his bedroom, laying you on his bed surrounded by your favorite pillows, letting you rest. junmyeon allowed himself to sleep in the same bed, but in opposite ways, making you giggle when you woke up in the middle of the night to change your sleeping position and met his toes instead of his pretty face.
that night, you had a dream. your ex was screaming at you again, in the middle of the pouring rain. he was accusing you of something, saying he didn't love you because of that and promising that he would never be with you again. you, on the other hand, were crying as you felt your heart breaking for the nth time because of him.
it felt like a nightmare, truly. the two of you were on an empty road, drenched because of the rain, and you couldn't see a way out of that situation. that's when, all of a sudden, you heard someone laugh behind you.
you turned around, your ex's scream falling deaf on your ears now. you were met with the sight of junmyeon, happily smiling at you; the sun was shining on top of him, and the day looked bright, colorful around him.
"y/n~", he chuckled. "get out of the rain, you'll get sick!"
junmyeon reached out for you, offering you his hand. behind you, you could only hear the sound of the rain falling, lightning and thunder filling your ears from time to time. you couldn't understand how there was such a heavy storm happening, at the same time that junmyeon was standing in what appeared to be a sunny, warm day.
or maybe you could, subconsciously - and that's why you took his hand.
you woke up to the sound of your phone vibrating next to you. junmyeon wasn't next to you, but by the sound that came from the kitchen, you knew he was already awake.
you took your phone, rolling your eyes when you saw your ex's name on the notification bar. he had sent you some messages.
"hey, good morning." "i'm really sorry about yesterday. i didn't mean to say those things, i hope you know that..." "you left that jacket you like so much here!" "[photo]" "i was thinking maybe you could come over to grab it, and we could talk everything through? (:"
you knew his definition of "talk everything through" meant going to bed and having sex. you knew he didn't actually mean all of that. you knew he was lying once again.
and for the first time ever, you also knew what to do.
when you were about to type your answer, you heard junmyeon knock on the door, even though it was his bedroom.
"hey", he said with a smile.
"hi", you replied. "good morning."
"good morning."
junmyeon walked to your side of the bed, putting a hot cup of tea on your bedside table.
"i'm making something for us to eat, but you can drink this in the meantime, if you want to", he calmly said. "it's your favorite."
smiling, you sit on the bed. for the first time since you woke up then, you realized you weren't wearing your clothes.
"i'm... is this your shirt?"
"yes... and my sweatpants", junmyeon laughed. "i made you put these on last night, i didn't think it would be comfortable to sleep in such tight jeans."
you laughed too cause, once again, he was right.
junmyeon caressed your face when you reached for the mug, pulling your messy hair away from your cheek and lips. he smiled when you hummed in delight after you took the first sip from your tea.
"i'll let you know once breakfast is ready", he said, leaning in to kiss the top of your head.
and that's when you fully understood your dream.
junmyeon walked to the door, but stopped in his tracks when you called him.
"wh-what are you gonna do today?"
"i don't know", he shrugged. "just groceries, i guess. why?"
"can i come over?"
junmyeon seemed confused, but still, he nodded. "yeah, of course. but it isn't as fun as you think it is."
"i don't care... anything is fun enough with you."
he laughed, rolling his eyes at you because you were never like that, but still he didn't want to get his hopes up that maybe, and just maybe, the day things worked out for the two of you had come.
"okay. it's a date then."
you agreed and, as he walked out of the room, you grabbed your phone to text back your ex.
"yeah, you can keep the jacket, i don't want it." "and make sure to block my number too (:"
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
rising tensions / kepa arrizabalaga
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author's note: this man, am i right? this was sitting in my drafts for a bit but I finally got to finish it ksjskdj hope you like it! i don't really know what's going on but well 🥴
warnings: smut with a bit of plot. sprinkles of size kink, praise kink, fingering, hate sex?? wc: 1952
everyone around thought your relationship with kepa was funny.
whether it was because of your notorious height difference, the incessant amount of bickering, or the fact that you were silently learning spanish only to be able to roast him in his mother tongue too, some found your inability to be in the same space without trying to murder each other with words or actions unbelievably funny. others, though, were utterly annoyed, prompting a bet to take place behind closed doors: who would break first?
everyone around cobham was marveled at your persistence to get under kepa's skin, which was difficult to do since he was perceived by everyone as a calm, quiet guy.
"no entiendo por qué no la soportas" (i don't know why you can't stand her) joao said, tilting his head to point sneakily in your direction. you were just getting out onto the pitch with christian, after helping him with some recovery sessions for his knee. the american was clearly laughing at something that you had said, and kepa clenched his jaw at seeing you smile so proudly for making his teammate laugh so much. he wondered why you couldn't be like that with him, always seemed to focus on making him lose his mind instead.
kepa frowned at the disrespectful comment that his teammate had dared to say. "no digas estupideces" (don't say stupid shit), he  grumbled, while trying to ignore the way both joao and enzo looked at each other while hearing kepa seemingly getting protective over you. "después de todo, ¿por qué no le preguntan a ella qué problema tiene conmigo?" (after all, why don't you ask her what's her problem with me?).
"es insufrible" (she's insufferable) he rolled his eyes, while putting on the gloves, almost ready for his practice of the day. "quizá si ustedes dos sólo aliviaran la tensión" (maybe if you two just relieved the tension) enzo wondered, a devilish smile on his face that hinted exactly what he was thinking of. the goalkeeper would never admit it out loud, but he had given the idea some thought over the last couple of weeks. she was clearly pretty in his eyes, but he didn't think that was behind his clear dislike for chelsea's physiotherapist.
still, the thought that enzo had reignited seemed to not extinguish itself as quickly as it usually did. it bothered kepa to no end, and the only thing he wanted to do was get into your office and slam you against the nearest wall to curse you for not leaving his mind.
you begrudgingly let him, rolling your eyes when his big frame brushed slightly against your extended arm. “god, you've got no manners," kepa grumbles under his breath, and it only makes your browns furrow more. "not with tontos like you, no," you assure, while leaning onto the desk, not once averting your eyes from the goalkeeper that was standing across from you, looking attentively at you through squinted eyes. “why did you come into my office, arrizabalaga? quit playing, i don’t have all day”.
when practice had finally come to an end, he was convinced he had thought about 100 scenarios where things went sour: you, yelling at him, screaming profanities and cursing his name for everything he did. which wasn’t that far from what was considered normal conversation between the two of you. still, kepa found himself going straight to you. he realized that, even if he didn't knew where he had to go, his legs would drive him to your office door just the same.
his fists knocked on the metal even before he could make up a lie as to why he was at your door. "what are you doing here?" was the first thing that you asked, feet planted on the floor and no intention of letting him in into the room. "como si no supieras" (as if you didn't know) the goalkeeper grumbled, shooting his brows up as if looking for permission to come in. "will you be a good girl and let me in now?".
what you said seems to have gone over his head, cause he doesnt allude to it when he opens his mouth again. "little girl speaks spanish now. ¿querías impresionarme?" (did you want to impress me?) he cockily says, and you’re sure your eyes are gonna get stuck at the back of your head due to how frequently you’re rolling them. "just looking for new ways of telling you que te vayas a la mierda" (to go to hell) you smile widely, too exaggerated to actually be real, although you don’t really care to hide that it’s fake.
"you've got a dirty little mouth, don't you?".
it’s not the first time you realize that the once innocent banter shared between the two of you was quickly mutating into these sinful sentences, but it’s the first time that he did so while you two were alone. normally, you could escape -both the feelings that his words erupted and him- just going to somewhere else: but kepa’s got you cornered into your office now, and you can see in the glint of his dark, brown eyes, how much he’s enjoying watching you squirm under his heated gaze. he smirks like he's conscious about the fire that every word lights inside of you: it's crystal clear that you feel the rising tension too, and he sees the green light to continue his teasing.
“¿qué ha pasado, niña bonita? ¿te han comido la lengua los ratones?” (what happened, pretty girl? cat’s got your tongue?). you gulp, closing your eyes to try and avoid his presence for a second, but when you open them back up, you can see his face impossibly closer. his wide frame is towering over your smaller one now, and with your body already hardly pressed against the desk, you got nowhere to go. “dime que no lo sientes. dímelo, y paro” (tell me that you don’t feel it too. tell me, and i’ll stop) he mutters, warm breath fanning your face. and although you don’t quite understand what he’s saying, it’s the last tip you need to trip over the edge, losing the smallest thread of critical thinking you had left in your body.
you ragged breath told him all he needed to know: that you needed him the same way he needed you. his lips ghost over your neck, and you whimper at the smallest contact between your skin and his mouth, but he doesn’t kiss you yet. he wants to savor this, to remember how everything was; the before. he’s enchanted by your scent already, and he’s sure that everything will be erased for him after he gets to taste even the littlest piece of skin: and to no surprise, he’s right.
you roll your eyes, annoyed that he stays being insufferable even during this moment. “sí, kepa. por favor,” (yes, kepa. please), you plead in his mother tongue, and that’s all he needs. his mouth finds yours in a hasty kiss, lips hard against yours as you continue to drag him down by his neck. the next time you need to part for air, kepa grabs the back of your thighs and lifts you effortlessly to place you onto your desk.
kepa starts leaving wet kisses on your neck, and you tilt your head backward to give him more space to work on, while you get your hands onto his hair to draw him impossibly closer. there’s no part of you that’s left untouched by his clothed frame when he separates to ask “do you want this? is this okay?” inches away from your lips, but this time in a language you can actually understand. you nod frantically but he doesn’t go back to kissing you. “i need words, princesa”.
your hips buck into his hands when he grazes your clit, and he smirks against your cheek, before lowering his head to nibble onto your ear. "por favor," you moan again, looking through doe eyes full of pleasure while you beg him to do something, anything. kepa inserts one finger first, slowly going in and out of your warm entrance, and he feels your walls tightening against him. he kisses you again, harder this time, when he inserts another one, curling with more pressure and bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“will you be my good girl and stay quiet?” he asks against your ear, his body separating your legs to keep them open. his right hand wanders on your left thigh, until his finger’s hover where you need him most. once he moved your underwear to the side, his digits become drenched with your arousal and you moan softly at the newfound pleasure. kepa’s looking intently at your face now, analyzing your features to understand what you like most while his long fingers dance through your folds. 
a sudden knock against your door breaks the moment, and you panic slightly at the possibility of being found in a compromising situation.
knuckles deep inside of you, kepa urges you to look at him. "focus for me, yeah?" he says, and you avert your gaze from the door to his brown eyes, again. "i can feel you're almost there," he encourages, while starting to move his fingers in and out of you at a ruthless pace, making your breath shallow and your high rapidly approach again. "let go for me, princesa," he groans, and hurries to meet his lips against yours to catch any noises you could make during your release. 
you’re not sure how you get to hop down the desk and sit on your chair with the way your legs are trembling due to your orgasm, but somehow, you make it. you cough to clear your voice, and make sure that your tone is even when you tell the person knocking that it’s okay to come in.
kepa locks eyes with you when you both notice who it is. "oh. sorry" christian shifted awkwardly when he saw his teammate sitting directly in front of you, sensing that he had interrupted something. you two were never alone in a private room, and if you were, you two could be heard by your angry shouts from miles away. instead, you’re awkwardly smiling while the goalkeeper is pretending to be concentrated over some papers that were resting on the desk, trying -and failing- to justify his presence in your office. “i just came to get my phone back,"  the american gestures to the artifact resting on the massage table.
when christian finally gets what he was looking for, he’s ready to walk out the door: he doesn’t ask why are you two alone, and he certainly doesn't try to prolong his stay any longer than he has to. although his friend doesn't say anything, kepa knows that the american had noticed all of the signs of what had gone down. he just smirked slyly when the curly haired boy looked his way, and muttered "see you later, kepa," at which the goalkeeper nodded. 
“do you think he realized?,” you anxiously ask once the american has left the room, and you hear his footsteps subsiding. you start gnawing on your lower lip, afraid that, if your superiors get to know about your little encounter, your position in the team could be in jeopardy.  “unless he’s blind, yeah, he did,” kepa laughs, and your cheeks heat up under his wicked gaze. you elbowed him as vengeance, and even though he folds in pain, he has enough air to mutter “everyone already knew that you were in love with me, princesa, no need to hide it any longer”.
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daisyvisions · 1 year
i regretg going on your blog to see if you answered my hard thought about sunwoo and I AM YELLING you went to town with it i'm 😩🥴💀 since i'm sleep-deprived, your thoughts on sunwoo + somno? 👀
sunwoo & somno (say that 3 times fast), you have no idea what somno does to me so bare with me on this one 😩
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), somnophilia, everything is consensual
Extra content warning: ⚠️ this fic contains a cnc kink (aka somnphilia ) but please know that consent is key ALWAYS. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
There are only 2 ways that somno with Sunwoo can go: either it's because he misses you OR he's desperate... so let's talk about the desperate version for today, hm?
just a couple of besties having their monthly sleepover: movies, lots of snack, and talking til the sun rises (when I start rapping). But something seems a bit off with Sunwoo and you couldn't figure out what the problem was...
Long story short: he's experiencing a major case of blue balls & had a pretty nasty dream about you (which he didn't expect to happen). And the thought has been running on his mind for WEEKS.
So when he finally saw you, all thoughts came rushing in, feeling a bit of a strain in his crotch. He does his best to hide this from you ofc, it's movie night for fuck sake! Don't make it weird Sunwoo!
You really gotta give this man some credit tho, he's had a boner since he arrived at your place and did what he could to hide it (despite feeling you touch him when you hugged him, your hand touching his when you would pass snacks over his way, etc)
But the one thing Sunwoo dreads for the night is sleeping next to you, because you guys cuddle...
"Sunwoo, why are you so far away?" you whine.
"Oh, it's fine I want some room to rest then we'll cuddle okay? just go to sleep" he kisses your forehead.
You're so tired you don't even bother protesting.
Later that night when Sunwoo does fall asleep also, he shifts around and instinctively cuddles you... which was a mistake because you also shift your body, making your ass move against his crotch and he instantly gets hard AGAIN.
His eyes shoot open, his fear displayed right in front of him. He tries so hard not to groan especially since you keep shifting against him. But what gets him all riled up is when he hears you mention his name while you're asleep, almost sounding like you're moaning tbh
So now he's in a dilemma, to ignore everything or do something about it? You guessed right, he does something about it.
He gently holds your hip, positioning his hard cock between your ass so that he could rut himself against you. He does it very carefully so he doesn't wake you up and cause shit (I mean, he already is but he's way into deep now).
He gets so lost rubbing himself against you he doesn't realize his hand is gripping your core for "stability". But he suddenly snaps out of it because...
"...Sunwoo? What are you doing?"
Shit, you're awake. How will he explain this to you now?
"Uh- Uh, wait I can explai-" he's suddenly cut off when you quickly sit up, turn around and go on top of him. He's so confused what's happening because shouldn't you be mad?
Then you look at him in the eyes and palm his crotch. Sunwoo lets out a shaky moan. The sensation is paused for a bit when he hears you speak,
"You know... if you were horny this whole time, all you had to do was ask."
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honestlyyoungtyphoon · 11 months
Sovieshu's regression arc chapter 11: Very long post!
After reaching western palace Sovieshu stayed there the whole night sitting in the drawing room without sleeping, for Navier. As it should be 💅.
In the morning Navier hears about him waiting for her whole night, so she lets him in her room. Aww she's so nice
Scene 1:
Sovieshu immediately entered her bedroom and approached the bed.
Navier was lying in bed, her short, wispy hairs soaked in cold sweat. She smiled faintly when he drew closer like a ghost. She smiled at him despite being ill 🥹
"Empress, are you all right?" Sovieshu asked as soon as he reached the head of the bed.
He instinctively reached for her hand, but since it was under the blanket, he couldn't reach it. Awkwardly, he lowered his hand and looked at her.
Navier gazed back at him.
"I heard you stayed in the drawing room all night," she said.
"I was worried about you." 🥺
"It's nothing serious. Only a bout of chills." Girl, stop downplaying your condition.
"Don't they hurt?"
Navier stared at him silently for a moment, then smiled peculiarly.
He had no idea what it could mean. She's mysterious that way 😌
As he sat there, dazed, Navier began to mumble quietly.
"I thought you would only keep it up for a few days, then give up."
I still think you would."
"But now... I'm starting to wonder if you're indeed sincere." Yes!!! My girl is starting to believe his sincerity 🥳
Sovieshu stared at her earnestly. If he showed her what he's been through, his heart, everything-would she believe him?
But if Navier found out about all his memories, she might prefer to become the empress of the Western Empire and leave.
When Sovieshu felt ashamed for coming to this conclusion, his expression darkened. Exactly! Stop making assumptions about her. You don't know what she'd choose. You're forgetting that you're her first love, best friend. Stop being an idiot bro. 🤦‍♀️
Navier gazed at him and proposed, "Your Majesty and I are both healthy people, yet we became ill at the same time. Perhaps the two of us need to take a vacation." Holly Molly she wants to spend some alone time with him!!!
"You get some rest. I'll take on your duties." And of course this idiot doesn't get it. He's dense. 🤦‍♀️
Shall we recuperate at a nearby Imperial Villa for a week?"
Sovieshu thought he heard wrong. Then he feared she was making a sarcastic remark. Yet, there was no sign of mockery on her face. Again this idiot! 😭 He's hopeless. Get a hint bro.
Once he noticed this, Sovieshu quickly nodded. Finally! 🥴
Navier nodded once at his prompt response, then burrowed herself a bit farther into the blanket.
"In that case... let's pick a date together." Awwwww imma cry and melt 🥹🥹
Then he started packing his own pack in excitement. I understand his excitement though. Lol. But Navier doesn't ride with him in the same carriage and leaves first. He stares at her carriage gloomily but quickly follows her. After 12 hours they reach the villa. Damn that's a long journey. Sovieshu immediately looks for Navier after reaching there and when he knocks her door, Navier herself opens it for him, despite countess Jubert being in the room. 🥺😍 I think she's finally warming up to him.
Then she offers him tea. Cause she's a classy lady and gives Sovieshu an excuse to stay in her room 😌
Scene 2:
As he sat hesitantly, he accepted a cup of tea from Countess Joubert, who had come along with Navier.
"What about you, Empress?"
"I had some earlier." Really? You came only ten minutes earlier than him. I think you just want to observe him without distraction. 🤔
Sovieshu nodded, blowing on the tea and taking a sip. A smile creeped up, and he hid his lips behind the teacup. Lol he's beaming
"Empress, shall we go horseback riding together?" he suggested eagerly. Have you lost your mind?
"We've been riding a carriage all day." Exactly!
"Or the day after tomorrow, maybe..."
"The doctor advised us to rest. Let's not push ourselves." Polite way of saying"My husband is an idiot." Which he is. Sovieshu's brain exits his body whenever he's around Navier 🤣🤣 I can understand though. Bro's not thinking properly because of his excitement. That's how happy he's around her. 🫂
"You're right, Empress." I've a feeling that you'll be saying that line a lot in near future, whenever Navier put an end to your outrageous proposal.
Countess Joubert nearly laughed aloud in disbelief. Unable to withstand it any longer, she rushed out to where no one could hear her hearty laughter.
Her speculation that the emperor had lost his mind was now the most supported opinion among the servants. 🤣🤣🤣
Navier's POV:
That night, Navier wondered whether Prince Heinrey had received her apology letter or not. Who cares about him? 😒
Heinrey was supposed to make an appearance when she requested a remarriage after the divorce. When the divorce was suddenly dropped, however, it was difficult for him to reveal himself. This was furthered by the fact that he had come here unofficially. Good, let him suffer. 😌 He's lucky Sovieshu didn't seize his ass for illegal intrusion. Anyway Navier sends him an apology letter but birdface didn't reply and she thought he returned to his country. Girl he's called stalker for a reason. He followed her to the villa as per his characteristics.
Navier heard the plaintive cry of a bird and stood up.
The cry sounded like his. She went to the window to see if he had come like he did before. There was indeed a similar-looking bird running away from something.
Why is he running...? Probably saw you and Sovieshu getting well together. Realised he had no chance 😊 Bye bye, you won't be missed.
In the middle of the moment (McKenna was chasing after birdface), Navier breathed in the cold wind and began coughing. So she shut the window and closed the curtain. Ha-ha. Girl literally closed the window like "Ain't nobody got time for this" 💅
She was about to get into bed when suddenly the thought of Sovieshu spending the night on the drawing room sofa to see if she was all right popped into her mind. 🥺
Why did he do that? she thought, unable to sleep. Aww she's losing her sleep over Sovieshu's dramatic ass
Then she wrapped her cloak around her and went out for some fresh air.
To her surprise, she found Sovieshu lying on his side on the drawing room sofa, asleep.
Dumbfounded, Navier drew closer to wake him up. But as she bent down to shake him, she noticed tearstains from his eyes to his cheeks and froze.
Did he cry? But why? For you, girl!
She had no clue why Sovieshu would have cried. It couldn't be because of her. It's exactly because of you. These two are hopeless. 😮‍💨
As she stared at him in wonder, she knew she couldn't let him sleep here either way, so she reached out her hand to wake him. But before she touched him, another tear trickled from Sovieshu's eye as he cried out in a small, but desperate voice.
"Navier... Navier, come back. I'm sorry. Navier, don't leave me." I've a feeling Sovieshu would experience this nightmare for the rest of his life and Navier might see him crying for her in his sleep multiple times. 🫂 Why do I do this to myself? Making up angst headcanon and make myself 😭😭
It was difficult to understand his sleepy mumbles, but the majority of it had something to do with her name, pleas for her to come back, and how sorry he was.
Hearing this, Navier was thrown into even bigger confusion.
Is he actually sorry for me? Yessss! Baby girl yes! 😔
It wasn't as if he had nothing to be sorry for. But he, who hadn't had a smidgen of remorse before, becoming suddenly so desperately and earnestly pleading for her was hard to believe. I guess it'd seem sudden to her. She has no idea about this Sovieshu longing for her for the rest of his life. My girl has no idea 😔
What in the world had made him this way? Navier looked at him with mixed emotions, then sighed. She returned to her room to bring out a blanket, then covered him with it. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh Navier put a blanket on Sovieshu!!! Somebody help! 🫂😍🥰
Sovieshu groaned faintly and turned, causing the tears in his eyes and cheeks to trickle into his hair.
Carefully, Navier held out her hand and smoothed his hair back from his face.
Me: Somebody help. I can't with the cuteness!!
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Sovieshu, can we... really go back to the old days? Just like the day we planted that tree together? Yes, yes you can. 🥹 Navier is hopeful 😭
Scene 4:
Sovieshu sat up, squinting his eyes against the white light that spread over his eyelids. Then his eyes widened when he discovered the blanket covering him. It was the same one he'd seen yesterday in Navier's room.
Did Navier do this for me? Who else but her would care for you like this? 🗿
His heart swelled with emotion. He hugged the blanket and stood up.
At nearly the same time, Navier emerged from her room. When she saw him, she stated coldly, "Sleep in the bedroom from now on."
"Y-you mean, together?"
"No, in your own room, Your Majesty."
"Oh." Lmao bro slow down 😂
"We're here because we aren't well. So we shouldn't be making it worse."
"I understand. But there aren't any ladies- in-waiting on duty today, so you don't have anyone to look after you if you feel sick. That's why I waited here a while..." Oh please you'd be still here even with the presence of the ladies in waiting like you did in the palace. 🫠
"If I feel sick, I need only to call a servant. That's what the bell is for."
"Yes, yes. You're right."
Sovieshu agreed mindlessly. When he saw Navier smile in bemusement, the corners of his mouth raised up. He didn't want to look like a fool, but her demeanor gave him a surge of hope. She's smiling again 🫂😍
Just then, the sound of thumping footsteps came from the hallway. The door opened with a bang, and Marquess Karl burst in.
"What's going on?" Sovieshu asked, casting aside his sheepishness when he noticed the urgency.
With a pale face, the marquess reported, "Your Majesty, Lady Rashta is in such distress that she may lose the baby!"
Nooooo! They were having such a cute moment! I feel bad for everyone here. Good thing I know the ending, otherwise I'd have
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dufrau · 10 months
Babe you said you wanted comments and I love being a cheerleader so have a comment so thought through that I'm a little embarrassed (I literally took notes)
The loneliness that is getting invited to your mum's book club.
Nancy being heartbroken about not being invited 💔
Hard relate to thinking 'what is the most normal way to do something' in a social situation.
Also Nancy's allowed to be angry anyway but when you add wet socks? Unhinged feral rage justified.
If I was at that party I would absolutely have walked in on them because I'd be like, where snacks??? Except I probably would have followed in the first instance because the pretty girls went to get snacks so that's where I need to be and then they would never have banged so basically I'm glad I was not written in.
Giggling at the idea of Nancy smashing the peanut butter BC robin suggested it was an inappropriate snack.
'Her arms were pink up close, from the sun, and Nancy wanted to grab onto her biceps, her wrists, just grab them and let go and then watch her handprints fade away. Which was insane, of course. And which was par for the course, of course.'
Nancy angry at the fridge? fan art, someone, please.
Obsessed with Nancy checking out Robins legs like damn 😍 she has no musculature and she runs stupid, that's hot
Robin being like yeah the bowls are here where I'm blocking you from getting them and doing nothing to remedy that... her mind
Nancy not knowing what to say and just slut shaming robin 💯
'I need to get in there' 👀
'Robin swallowed and Nancy watched it happen. She couldn't feel it, the movement of her throat, from where her fingers were, and she was jealous of that too.' 🥴😩💓
The idea that in their blossoming relationship Robin will look at Nancy's facial expression and not be sure if she is about to commit a crime or fuck her silly 🤌🏻
'That she could have been the one to invite Robin over, that Robin almost definitely would have come if Nancy had only asked. Robin's hands were on her face and her breath was in Nancy's mouth and Nancy was standing between her legs surrounded by the heat of her, wondering if Robin would come now if she asked.' 😩😩😩
'Left to her own devices she wound up doing things like taking on the federal government to avenge her friend's death' happens to the best of us x
I think my favourite line is 'Nancy wanted to rub up against the sound of it.'
Favourite ronance canon trope is robin doing anything Nancy asks her (sexual)
Thank you for feeding us!!
Oh wow thank YOU for feeding ME. <3<3<3
I will address your concerns in list format! Under a cut because this is so long! Which I am not complaining about at all for the record this is making my day!
You know Karen's book club is awful, too. Straight romance novels every month and they just get drunk and complain about their husbands.
No but for real the loneliness of summer vacation when you are in-between friend groups? It's been 25 years but I remember this so vividly 😭 I did not fuck anybody in a kitchen about it though unfortunately.
I think Nancy is often kind of Performing Normalcy in the show and I think being profoundly lonely on top of that makes it very how-it-felt-to-socialize-when-covid-precautions-started-to-let-up. She's trying so hard!
Wet socks are the worst. Anger intensifies.
My excuse for nobody walking in was first of all just that its my story and i didnt want them to, but besides that im like, well nobody asked for snacks actually, and the boys are swimming in the pool and steve is working on his tan. And tbh they probably weren't even in there that long. Anyway they thank you for not interrupting them!
I almost had her pull down a can of Bush's Baked Beans instead of the peanut butter but it felt like very niche fanservice so I refrained.
The sunburn stuff was just there to add specificity and make it feel more tangible. I am trying to trick you into imagining what it feels like.
Nancy standing in front of the fridge mad about being short is so funny to me i can see it so clearly in my mind 😂 She's so mad already and now she's too short to reach the chips?? The disrespect.
I am a Robin-was-terrible-at-soccer-and-only-played-one-season-because-her-parents-forced-her truther. I am also a girls-with-soft-legs-are-cute truther.
Robin was 100% fucking with Nancy re: the bowls. I don't think she fully understood the *way* she was fucking with Nancy, but she definitely knew it was riling her up and she leaned into that on purpose just to see what would happen.
Nancy truly does know better than to slut shame anybody but she also does NOT know how to say "you look so good i want to scream" so uh RIP her principles this one time i guess.
The "I need to get in there" bit was just fun to write. I stand by it. I love that shit.
Throats are sexy. That is all I have to say about that.
I'm pretty sure Robin already has a pavlovian response to Nancy's Felony Face but yeah from here on out she's toast.
That line is probably a little over the top but nobody is probably reading angry kitchen smut for the subtlety so again I stand by it!
It's true though, whenever Nancy has nothing to do she MAKES something to do. Luckily for the federal government she now has something to do (Robin.)
Thank you! I also like that line a lot!
This is also my favorite trope for them 🙏
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amunyan · 11 months
Love me, not him! (3/7)
When I was younger I really liked those stories and games where you could choose your own path. So I tried it here, because I could never really decide who is better of the two...
(But my art is worst – so don’t expect photos or something like this…🥴😅)
I'm still trying my best to write in proper English... I hope you still like it... And maybe I should post this stuff somewhere else... It got way to long 🫣😅🤨
„How could Mereoleona be so mean to me? Why does she want me to forget Fuegoleon?“ You asked yourself. Literally; you were staring at your own reflection in the little stream, beneath the bridge you stood on. It got dark meanwhile and the moonlight glittered in the water.
But no matter how long you stared at yourself, you couldn't find an answer to your question.
***A: Maybe I should just ask her what’s wrong. ***
***B: Anyway... Let’s pretend today never happened and head home. ***
***C: * sigh * It's late.... I shouldn't worry her. I better get back before she starts looking for me. **
“Yeah – to make things clear would be the best option”, you nodded to yourself. You wanted to know what’s going on between the two of you. Or at least; why she did what she did.
„After all she is the only one who knows about my feelings for her brother. So why would she want to drive a wedge between us? She even promised me to help me out and support us.“    
But being remembered of this fact – you still regret how talkative you were in this night - one thing came to another and both your motivation and confidence melted down like a snowman in summer.
„I... I can't. She only knows about this because I failed badly back then, when I want to confess my feelings for Fuegoleon...“
Your heart was beating fast in your chest. Your hands were shaking, even worse than your voice.
You did it. You confessed your long-held feelings for Fuegoleon. Maybe it was not the best moment to do so. Neither the best place for a confession. But you couldn’t hold back in the moment he came to your aid.
Being bright red you looked up at him. As you met his eyes he was looking at you with a friendly smile, like always. „Oh, I am sorry, (Y/N). What did you just say? Your voice was so quiet, I couldn’t understand you.“
From all the possible outcomes, this was the worst. The world around you shattered by his words .You started feeling a lump in the throat. Felt how your chest tightens up. You couldn’t breathe and your body starts to tremble. A fight against the upcoming tears got started. Doomed from the moment he approaches you to hand you the book you asked for. The book you couldn’t reach at the top of the bookshelf.
„Could you please repeat what you just said?“
No. Impossible. Your mind went empty at the moment he asked you for the first time to repeat yourself. The needed courage to repeat your confession was extinguished. Got used up for the first confession.
The awkward silence got worse as you felt the glances of the other people, the other members of the order. Glances, sharp enough as they could pierce someone.
You bit your lips and went back a few steps to hopefully escape this Situation. Not minding your steps. As a result, you stepped over your own feet and fall on your bum.
„(Y/N)?! Are you okay?” With worry in his eyes, Fuegoleon came closer. He reached out his hand to help you up.
But you couldn’t even look at him. Tears started filling your eyes and without another look at him, you fled headlong from the library. Never wanting to see him again...
„But we saw each other again. I even become one of his closest confidantes. Even if we never talked about this event again.
Being honest with yourself; It was not the brightest idea to confess in such a situation. At this place, in front of other people. “At that time it was something romantic for me. But even Mereoleona laughed at me.”
Later, when everyone was looking for you, she was the one who found you. You couldn't help but tell her what had happened.  “I still don’t know why I told her everything. But she wanted to help us. But it never really happened.” You sighed deeply and scratched your head. “Damn it. This – my poor communication skills – could maybe be a problem. Maybe I also got her wrong on this day and she never wanted to help me at all.  Talking again about this could it even make worse...“
After another deep breath you decided to head back. It’s not worth worrying about it. At least; not out here in the cold of night. It would work better in a warm bed as a sleeping aid. Nevertheless a clarifying conversation with Mereoleona would be necessary. You would just have to prepare thoroughly.
As you went back, you noticed the short way to the city gate was besieged by three half-breads – looking at you with grim look. An uneasy feeling grips you. You wanted to shake it of, when you felt a sharp pain in your cheek. Before you even realized what happened you find yourself in a fight against those three teenagers...
You took in a deep breath before you pushed yourself away from the wooden railing of the little bridge, to head back, from your little hideaway outside the Capital-City, to the HQ of your Order. You felt like you were in a small forest as you walked along a small, dark path lined with trees and bushes. As you made your way home, you noticed three people around the age of teenagers. You couldn't say why, but a strange feeling came over you as you made eye contact with one of the three, who was lying on the ground. You quickly tried to hide something as soon as they noticed the emblem on your cloak. At first it seemed suspicious to you. But you didn’t have the time or the nerves to worry about this. Especially not the nerves.
„Come on, (Y/N). Mind your own business. They do nothing illegal or something like that. Maybe they hide some alcohol or something like this. It's not worth the worry.“
You turned your face away, looking at the ground. But an uneasy feeling grips you. You wanted to shake it of, when you felt a sharp pain in your cheek. Before you even realized what happened you find yourself in a fight against those three teenagers...
As you were about turn around, old memories of the night you got to know her, caught up to you.
„It's like back then; When I wanted to confess my feelings to Fuegoleon. But I couldn’t find the courage to speak up again after he didn’t hear me...“
You remembered running away from him, never wanting to see him again and flee to this very same spot; the little river outside the city. A place you found by chance, but you felt safe there. “Probably because people rarely stray there...” you thought to yourself with a little smile on your lips. “But sometimes… they do. At least back then when I first met her…”
It got dark when you stopped running and found yourself at a little river, close to the walls of the capital city. But with all the trees and bushes it seemed like a little forest. A place you had not known until then. No one was around, so you could cry to yourself for a few hours. Giving yourself bad names for being such an idiot and stupid enough to think he would like you back as much as you like him. You also toyed with the idea of running away. Like a little child, and never ever come back. The only thing holding you back was that you were freezing in the upcoming night. And your stomach - who told you, you were hungry...
So, with no warm blankets and no hunting skills, you made your way back to the HQ when someone approached you; a young lady, perhaps a few years older than you. She walked directly towards you, and you noticed the similarities to Fuegoleon. But it was when she began to speak that you connected the dots; “This is Mereoleona Vermillion, Fuegoleons older sister”, you realized. “Send help… If she really is the kind of barbarian that she is said to be by everyone…”
“Hey!? What do you think you’re doing? Everybody is already looking for you, especially my little brother.”
Uncertain whether she really meant you, you first looked behind you - no, there was really no one else around - as you pointed uncertainly at yourself.
“Yes, of course you!” She almost shouted at you and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “So, tell me what’s wrong? Why did you run away?”
„No... nothing“, you stuttered, wanting to pass her. „I...I... Already wanted... wanted to go home. So... everything is-“
You couldn’t even pretend that everything was fine. A flaming paw came at you..
„Don't lie to me, little girl. I can Tell from your mana that nothing is alright...“
You both were starring at each other for a while. Mereoleona in a strict and unyielding way. You gave in as you couldn’t handle the shaking of your body. It was not only the fear, but also the icy wind that played its part.
So you told her about your rejection by Fuegoleon. Your problem with your quiet voice and your leak in both; self-confidence and the courage to speak up again. She listened carefully to your story, but couldn't help herself and started to laugh as you told her more details.
„You did what? Asking for a book as an excuse and confess your love for him so quietly that He couldn’t hear you?“
„ Don't laugh at me. It's already embarrassing without you. And it wasn’t exactly an excuse. It was to… “ you didn’t know how to explain yourself. “It was not planned to confess my feelings. All right?“
Mereoleona stopped laughing and put an arm around you in reconciliation. A broad, meaningful grin appeared on her lips. „Feelings for my dorky little brother? That’s sweet. He doesn't even know how to spell love, nor would he notice it if it jumped in his face.“
You swallowed. Felt a lump in your throat and everything inside you tightened at her words.
Your nose began to itch as tears filled your eyes. You tried to suppress those feelings but couldn’t help. The first tear run down your face, over your nose and dripped to the ground.
„Oh... You mean it this seriously...“ Mereoleona started understanding and a soft but bitter sweet smile came to her lips. „Let me help you a little bit”, she whispered, pulling you into a warm embrace and wiping away the tears...
„Since Back then, since her promise to help me and Fuegoleon, nothing really happened. It is that we have become a kind of close friends? And… her brother always seemed to be fine with this development…”
You sighed deeply before you straightening up again from your lumpy pose over the bridge railing and looking up at the starry sky.  “What if… what if he really doesn’t feel anything for me? But… what if Mereoleona is the one having feelings? If she does all this because she has feelings for…?”You paused. The thought you had just grasped for the first time seemed so absurd and stupid that you have to let it sink in first. But after a few seconds you started laughing. „Oh dear, what am I thinking? I am definitely not her type. I am way too weak and shy. Better don’t tell her this. She will get mad with me. After all, she really is a bit of the barbarian everyone thinks she is. But talking about getting mad - I should head home now.”
As you went back, you noticed the short way to the city gate was besieged by three half-breads – looking at you with grim look.
An uneasy feeling grips you. You wanted to shake it of, when you felt a sharp pain in your cheek. Before you even realized what happened you find yourself in a fight against those three teenagers...
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
An Anon asked me this question (below) in my DM's, and I felt like it was a good one that was worth a public response (don't worry...I got permission to post lol), so I'm going to answer the question here:
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First of all, sorry for the late response on this Anon. I meant to answer this question weeks ago, but as you all know, I've been going through a LOT. 😩🤦🏾‍♀️
I touched on this a little bit already the other day, but in answer to your question, I personally feel like there's been a lot of drama and scandal involving the Golden Globes in recent years due to the lack of diversity and complaints of racism within the HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). 🥴 In fact, the show was not even televised in recent years due to the whole scandal. 😬
I think this might be why quite a few celebrities (including Zendaya and Co.) are kind of tip-toeing a little bit with regards to the GG's coming back this year. I think many might be appreciative for their nominations, but some might not feel like "celebrating" all that soon about it, or might be a little more 'low-key' about posting about them.
Just about a year or two ago, actors boycotted the show and the GG's couldn't even get not ONE actor/big name to attend the show, let alone present lol. They ended up having to scrap the live show. Not sure what's going to happen this year, or who will even attend tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I know some actors such as Brendan Fraser have already stated outright that they will NOT be attending the Golden Globe awards this year (or any year for that matter lol 👀). Brendan's gripes with the Golden Globe awards are more so due to him being sexually assaulted by the old former President of the HFPA years ago, and them basically doing nothing about it. I feel bad for what happened to him😔 , and NOBODY should ever have to go through something like that, inside OR outside of the industry. 😡
So yea, I think some may have some mixed feelings about the show just in general. 😬
As far as Z is concerned, I'm really not sure if she will attend or not? 🤷🏾‍♀️ And if she DOES win, I'm not even sure if she will post about it? I guess it's a W.A.S. type of thing. I honestly don't even know who they all have on tap to present for this year's show. I've had a lot of other more serious things on my mind lately, so I haven't really been keeping up with all of the news re: the GG's tbh. The presenters for the show will give you more of an idea of who will be in attendance I'm thinking? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can only imagine some of the jokes that might arise at this upcoming Golden Globe awards show. 😅
I guess we'll see what will happen come January 10th! lol. 😅🤣 (I'm still salty that the show is on a freakin' WEEK night 🙄 Who's brilliant idea was this?? 😒)
All I know is I'll be watching.... In addition to seeing the winners, I'm also curious to see if there will be any changes or if things improve some. 🤔
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dreamlessinparis · 2 years
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You're welcome my love 😏
Soooo I know this was meant to torment with beautiful gifs of men, however, my brain took it to a whole other level and this piece is about 2k. Don't come for me, it just happened haha. 🥴
Smut below the cut
Warnings: orgy, explicit sexual content, oral (f receiving), double penetration, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum play, cumshot, jealous Steve, reverse harem, sensory deprivation, bound hands, choking, dirty talk, praise, degradation, explicit language.
Beta'd by the lovely @sparkledfirecracker but all mistakes are my own.
You whined desperately, tugging on the silk ties binding your hands. It was thrilling to be bound and blindfolded, but you knew this time was different. This time you were being punished and you didn’t know what to expect.
“Remember your safe word, Angel?” Ari’s voice caressed your ear before placing a soft kiss beneath your lobe. You nodded slowly, biting your lip nervously. Would you need your safe word? 
“Don’t think she deserves a safe word,” you heard Steve chime in. You squirmed from your seat atop his desk. His voice was hard and angry. It made you uneasy. He was unpredictable when he was mad.
“Oh come on, Steve,” Curtis said. He was seated on your other side, his fingers trailing down your bare torso, towards the apex of your hips. “We can’t leave her without a safe word. She might have misbehaved but she’s still our girl.”
“Plus the little slut’ll be putty after the first time she can’t come,” Ransom snarled. His voice was further away, almost like he was seated on Steve’s couch. 
"Good point," Steve agreed. You were trying hard to track his movements but Curtis' fingers trailing down your skin made it near impossible. Ari's hand cupped your knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
He began placing soft kisses on your neck and shoulder. Curtis dipped lower, making you lift your hips, "Behave, little dove, Steve’s already upset.”
The door opened and you were suddenly nervous. Who else was here? You knew all your men were accounted for. Mike, despite his silence, had been seated at Steve's desk when you had been dragged in here. And everyone else had spoken up to acknowledge their presence.
“Thank you for joining us, Lee." Steve greeted the charming Sheriff. It probably shouldn't have the effect that it had but Lee's arrival made you clench your thighs, trying to relieve some of the throbbing.
Flirting with him had been a bad idea but you couldn't help yourself. The power that oozed from his being and the heated way he watched you. Ari didn't usually mind your flirty manner but Steve … he didn't tolerate it.
How were you to know Steve was going to come by Ari's office to bring you both lunch. Perks of dating multiple men, someone was bound to bring you food everyday. Maybe if Lee hadn't had you pinned between his body and the wall, Steve wouldn't have been as mad but who knew, with him. The commanding voice as he called your name from across the office made you all tingly just thinking about it. 
“My pleasure, Rogers. What can I do for you?" His gravelly voice made you shiver and clench your thighs again.
“Sheriff making you excited, little one?” Ari growled. There was no point in lying to him. His hand on your knee gave you away every time you squeezed your thighs together. You nodded, eagerly. Ari clicked his tongue, wrapping his huge hand around your throat, squeezing lightly. “Curtis open her up. Let Lee see what he does to her." He ordered.
“Have a seat, Sheriff. Our girl seems to have forgotten her place. Thought you'd like to watch as we remind her.” Steve said in a smug voice. 
Curtis tossed one of your legs over his lap, spreading you wide.
“I don't know, Rogers. Seems like she's excited to see me. Look how she's dripping all over that desk.” Lee said in a gloating tone, "pitiful that five guys aren't enough to handle one girl."
Ransom snarled and it sounded like there was a struggle before he plopped down on the couch. “Shut your mouth, Bodecker. Otherwise, I won't hold Ransom back next time." Steve spat. "Ari, spread her other leg over your lap. Mike, have a taste.“
You heard Mike stand up and round the desk. Rough hands cupped your face, making you look up even though you couldn't see. “Behave yourself, doll, and don't come until I say so."
He waited for your nod before he kissed you hard. Tongue invading your mouth possessively. Your body arched as he gave your nipples a firm twist before pulling away.
There was a brief moment of pause before Mike's lips found yours. He continued kissing his way down until he was kneeling between your knees.
Your hips lifted as his mouth closed over your cunt. He began to eat you out like you were his favorite meal. Ari's lips found your right nipple, sucking and biting at it.
Curtis, in turn, sucked on your ear lobe before kissing along the curve of your neck. His facial hair scratched against the soft skin. Your whole body was alit with pleasure. You couldn't concentrate on anything, the dull, roaring your ear, sealing you into your own little world. The only thing you fought to remember was not to come. You couldn't come. You mustn't come.
But it was almost impossible the way Mike was ravishing you. The coil was beginning to unravel. Your thighs trembled as they tried to close around Mike's head but Curtis and Ari both had a tight grip on them.
You bit down on your bottom lip, fighting the blooming warmth in your abdomen. “That's enough, Mike,” Steve commanded and you groaned at the loss of his tongue. Your impending orgasm faded into nothing.
Steve lifted you off the desk, untying your hands before guiding you somewhere. Another pair of hands grabbed your waist, and you were pulled forward, gripping onto firm shoulders, from the soft wool beneath your hands, it was clear that you were on Ransom's lap. 
His cock was out, pressed against your swollen clit. You ground your hips down, and Ransom snarled "Don't you dare kitten. Can't act like a greedy whore and then try to suck up to me with that pretty pussy.”
"Ransom,” you whined, “I'm sorry." He chuckled humorlessly and kissed your pouty lips. He lifted you up and guided you down onto his length. Your eyes rolled back, savoring the way he stretched you out, the ridges and veins stroking your warm walls. “Don't move, baby, otherwise, Ari's gonna hurt going in.”
You let out a gargled groan, knowing that Ari was going to hurt no matter what. He was one of the biggest out of your boyfriends, him and Ransom. Steve knew that the two of them were a combination that wasn't one you usually took on. He truly was mad.
Ransom hissed as you clenched around him in anticipation for Ari. You rested your head on his shoulder, waiting patiently. Cool liquid hit your backside and Ransom spread your cheeks, allowing it to glide down to your puckered hole. A thumb rubbed it over the skin, moistening it. 
"So pretty," Steve mused.
"All spread out like that. Fuck," Mike growled. 
“You know what would make her even prettier?" Curtis chimed in. The other two hummed, "If we painted her back with our cum."
Lee groaned, having surprisingly been quiet to that point. "I think Bodecker likes the idea, Curtis,” Mike said smugly.
“Sorry, man. She's ours.” Steve chuckled.
“Enjoy the show though. She's about to be ruined. “ Curtis gloated. You heard him come closer before he kneeled on the couch beside you.
You felt Ari step behind you. His cock glided between your cheeks, nudging your hole with every pass, not pushing in yet. "You gonna be a good girl for me?"
“Yes, Ari,'' you responded, pushing your hips back. "Kitten," Ransom warned. You muttered an apology, waiting for Ari to push in.
Ari spanked your left cheek, then the right. The sting distracted you from the burn of him pushing in. You felt impossibly full, biting your lip hard until he fully seated himself. Neither man moved for a moment, and you were bursting with a need for more. A hand rested on your lower back.
“Relax, doll. Remember no cumming till I say." 
“I promise, Steve. I'll be good." You panted. He kissed your temple. Ari pulled out and pushed back in, Ransom pulling out as he did. The two men found a rhythm that had you holding onto the back of the couch tightly. Waves of pleasures washed over you and you moaned loudly with each punch of their hips.
They used you as their personal toy and you loved it. Nothing made you happier. Ransom grunted in your ear, fingers digging into your waist. Ari had a firm hold on the flesh of your ass, smacking it occasionally before grabbing a handful again. You heard Curtis moans with some slurping noises. Mike was sucking him off. That image made a wave of fresh arousal seeped out of you. 
From the way the two men were speeding up, you could tell they were both close. You began to rock your hips, trying to help them along.
Steve's hot hand on your back was the only thing keeping you from not forgetting that you couldn't come. No matter how much you needed to. The pressure was building again but you kept your body tightly wound up, thinking of literally anything else.
Ransom came first, his body tensing up with a shout. Ropes of cum filled you up. Before you even had an idea what was going on, Ari's hands hooked beneath your thighs, lifting you off of Ransom and straight onto Steve. You let out a choked moan, nails digging into his thick pecs.
“Fuck, doll. You feel so good,” Steve rolled his hips up. Somehow he and Ari were in better sync. You knew you weren't going to last long and you just hoped Steve was feeling merciful. "I know you’re my good girl. My pretty doll. Think you deserve to cum?"
"Mhmm, yes Steve. Anything for you. Just please let me cum," Steve kissed you, softly.
“Okay baby," he whispered, “you're gonna cum when I cum, deal?"
You nodded, quickly, grabbing his shoulders and the three of you began to move in quick fluid motions. Ari's body pressing against your back, trapping you against Steve's hard chest.
Now that the weight was lifted off your shoulders, you allowed yourself to melt into them. The fuzziness in your brain intensified with each stroke of their cocks. You swore you could see stars. 
Everything was becoming too much, you couldn't think straight. There was nothing you loved more than being used like this. "Fuck, Steve. Feels so good."
"Yeah, angel? You still like us more than Lee?” Ari growled in your ear. You clenched hard, whimpering, not sure if it was Lee's effect or how good it felt to be stuffed full.
"I don't know, Ari. Seems like she's still affected by Bodecker."
“No, no, no," you chanted, afraid that Steve was going to get mad again, “I want you. Just you guys.” 
Steve gave you another kiss, silencing you instantly. “Don't worry, doll you're ours." 
"And you're going to be reminded of that fact all night long," Ransom said, stroking your cheek. Your body tightened with need. "Would you like that baby?" 
His question made you whimper needily and you moaned his name. Ransom chuckled, loving that he could pull that reaction from you without even being inside you. 
Steve's thumb found your clit, making it hard to focus again so you simply nodded, burying your head into his neck. Ari's hands tightened on your ass and it wasn't long before he came with a roar. He was always the most vocal of all your lovers.
Steve guided your face up to his and kissed you. The two of you were ensnared in a deep kiss, as the two of you tumbled over the edge. You came so hard, your vision went white. Steve's lips were the only thing keeping you grounded. 
You barely registered the hot cum painting your back or the way Ari filled up your ass. Steve’s hips continued to fuck up into you, combining his cum with Ransom's. You slumped forward, body so worn out. This wasn't over, you had a long night ahead of you but you knew that Steve had proven his point. His hand rubbed your back comfortingly, especially when you whined from Ari pulling out.
"Did so good, doll. My sweet girl," Steve praised, “Curtis, escort Lee out, We have to get home." 
“Alright Bodecker, up. Round two awaits us at home and it's a private showing.”
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kitasfox · 3 years
ok you’re so cool i was a little scared to ask hehe
but really…i want mattsun to bully me pls 😩😩 that gunplay thirst wow i really want to gag on his dick while he spits in my face what is wrong with me he has no screen time and is still hot as fuck
pls no nothing cool here 😫 but thank you qhejqje (I wrote this twice man, pray for my poor heart) i love thirst like these don't be shy send me the kinkiest shit I have so many issues 🥴🥴
PLEASE you don't understand, as I personally proclaimed him as haikyuu's biggest sadist (okay maybe after sakusa), and since all my thoughts are canon 😋 lemme bless you with what I have in mind babe-
THIS POST IS NSFW! Minors do not interact or I'll bite.
warnings: taking pictures, on your pretty face he nut on :3 spitting, slapping (soft), oral (male receiving), fingering, size kink hehe, this is heavy yall, idk what else uhh, calling names?? Tell me if I missed smtn
here's gunplay w mattsun because I'm a whore and here's the taglist form if you wanna be tagged when I post!
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You don't like parties.
The way your short skirt and tiny top feels awkward on your body, the air heavy and feels dirty, cigarette smoke hanging in the air making your eyes and throat burn.
It all feels too much, you don't even like to drink, you know you don't fit in this place, but you just wanted to live your life for once.
Even saying that leaves a weird, foreign taste in your mouth, it's not something you'd say, after all, not something you'd you'd think, really, it's just you trying to calm yourself using your friend's words.
"Please- just come with me babe," she had begged and begged, "I finally have a chance with Matsukawa please don't let me go alone!"
For some reason, she was so damn obsessed with the guy lately, texting him so damn often, squealing with happiness whenever he texted back 8 hours later (earliest and dry: ok 👍), doing everything she could to get his attention- so there was no way you could say no when she asked you to be there for her.
But you just couldn't have known it would turn out this way.
"What a fucking slut," his breath fans on your neck, lips tracing the shell of your ear, you can feel his lazy smile, your back flush against his chest. "Getting fingered by her friend's crush."
He's obsessive as his touch never once leaves you room to breathe, large hands groping and pulling on your tits spilling from your blouse ripped open, fingers planted in your panties under the skirt your friend had gave to you (maybe you'll get lucky, she had winked.)
"She's your best friend, too, no?" His fingers circle your clit making you whine loudly, "how much of a whore do you have to be to fuck your best friend's crush?"
"-'m not!" You whine but your body betrays you by bucking your hips on his fingers, knees shaking as you fall deeper into his heavy touch. "I'm not a whore!"
"Sure you aren't sweet girl," Matsukawa's lazy gaze lingers on your face contracting with pleasure as his fingers start thrusting in and out of you, laughing at the sounds your pussy makes, "and this pretty little pussy isn't yours, either, making the sluttiest fucking sounds- fuck, do you fucking hear yourself, darlin'?" He groans behind you, grinding his hard cock on your ass, his huffs of short pants and moans making you feel dizzy.
"Please-!" Your hand closes around the wrist of his hand fingering you into oblivion. "Mattsun, please!"
His fingers are so long and so big- two of them barely fit inside you and he still pushes a third in, his cock twitching at the way how you can't even take three of his fingers, wondering how you'll manage to take his cock, grinding his hips and moaning so sinfully at the tears welling in your eyes.
Your body shakes so much against his, you're so small compared to him, Matsukawa wonders if he can even fit the tip of his cock in this tight pussy- even if he could, you're so damn sensitive, already crying, already drooling, all over yourself like a stupid fucking whore.
You're close, he can tell. Your body starts squirming even more, you can't stay still as his fingers keep going in and out of you and-
"I'm cumming!" You scream as your whole body shakes uncontrollably, "imcummingimcumming-"
The way you clamp down on his fingers as you do is nothing but exciting for him, thinking how it'll feel around his cock if you're this tight just around his fingers. When you finally come down of your high, your limp body is ushered onto your knees before you even know what's happening, your head lolling around, eyes shut close, you're about to sleep.
"Wake up," Matsukawa furrows his brows, his hand grips your jaw and shakes your head around, watching the way your mouth opens to suck on his digits, "fucking wake up, slut."
His large fingers tap on your damp cheeks, large hand landing a "soft" slap on your damp cheeks to jerk you back awake when shaking you doesn't work.
(you look pretty like this. fingered unconscious, head lolling around like a doll, your tits all for his gaze to see and enjoy.)
He grins when you moan.
You open your eyes only to find a huge cock against your lips, Matsukawa grinning down at you, his fingers trying to dip in your mouth and give his cock access at your pretty tongue.
He rubs the tip of his cock on your lips, the salty precum making you flutter close your eyes, the sheer size of him causing panic to start welling up.
"Spit on it, pretty thing," he orders as his hand slowly pumps his cock, still rubbing it on your face, now on your eyes and brows, humiliating- but has you clenching in your panties nonetheless.
You do, a trickle of spit falling on his cock, but it's just too big and you're small- it can't even lather the upper half.
The moment your spit touches his cock, Matsukawa's large hand flies into your hair, pulling on the locks so mercilessly, making you cry out a scream, your face forcefully being turned up, your neck aching.
"You call that spitting?" He snarls at your face, lips curled in pain, and suddenly his lazy demeanor is lost to a cold, dangerous one. "I'll show you what spitting is."
It's not a second after you feel something wet on your face, foreign and disturbing, trickling down to the left corner of your mouth. Matsukawa's fingers start spreading the fluid even more on your face, they dip into your mouth and make you taste him.
"Ooh, fuck-" he groans at how pathetic of a bitch you are, taking his spit so good, the guy that your best friend has such a desperate crush on. "Fuck, you little bitch, suck my fucking cock, already. Bet you can do it much better than your stupid friend, show me how good you suck a cock, baby."
He's huge, he's huge in your mouth, almost impossible to fit, but you somehow stuff that little mouth with his cock, and even do a good job about it.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He groans, hands still pulling on your skin, your hair, however he can hurt you as you suck his cock. "So damn good!"
As he finally pulls out, so close to cumming, he starts pumping himself vigorously before your eyes, staring into your awaiting mouth and his cock twitching even more.
You look ruined, your pretty face wet with his and your spit, your tears caused by the way he had fucked your mouth and now-
"Fuck, I'm cumming." He groans, and you feel the hot, sticky fluid all over your face, running down your face, some you can catch in your mouth.
It feels awful, to have someone's cum on your face, especially someone who cumms buckets of it, you almost can't breathe by just how much cum he has.
your phone rings.
you hear the ring of a text.
"I think Matsukawa's fucking some other bitch tonight, where are you? I just wanna go home."
You can't read it as you're busy trying to taste as much of his cum as you can- but Matsukawa sees it, and he has a pretty idea.
With his cock still half hard, Matsukawa reaches for his phone, opening your friends contacts, and the camera.
"Hey, sweetheart," he calls for you, your face still covered with his cum, you look more beautiful than you ever did. "Smile for me."
snap, and send.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
If you are still doing thirst hours I would love some for Asahi.
No plot idea comes to mind, just thirst. 🥴
ASDFGHJKL I've never done anything for Asahi before, but dear god I'm so happy to do so. I've got this... I'm thinking... that long hair. Pulling babies hair a little could be fun.
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Asahi's attention is on the television, a volleyball game plays on the screen as you make your way into the living room. He's not usually one that's this engrossed in a game, but something about this one had his attention. Once you enter a room his attention is on you, but today it's different.
You slowly walk to the couch, wondering why he hasn't even looked over at you yet. So you take matters into your own hands.
You slowly climb onto the couch, your hand running over his chest, finally catching his attention. "Asahi... what's going on with you tonight?"
Now that his attention is on you he's changed. His hands grip your waist as he pulls you into his lap. "Nothing, darling." He felt your body shift over his as you wrapped your arms around him, straddling his lap. "What's got you so fired up tonight?"
You pressed your lips to his neck, letting your hands wrap into his long, brown hair. "I've just been in the kitchen thinking about how much I admire you."
He hummed as your lips touched his neck. "Mmm, oh yea? And what do you love about me, my angel."
You tugged his hair a little, watching as his eyes roll into the back of his head. "I love the way you look at me. The way you make me feel like the only girl in the world. The only girl that you truly care about."
He loved the praise, the feeling of your hands in his hair making his grip on your waist tighten a little. "If you're gonna pull it, you should make it count, baby girl."
And you did just that. You tugged his head back, grinding your hips against him. A grunt left him as pleasure coursed through him. The ache in your loins grew as you rolled your hips over him more.
Asahi couldn't contain himself anymore. He grabbed you and lifted you from the couch, dropping you onto the cushions on you back before his figure hovered over yours. He was hungry and your body was the only thing to satisfy him. Another tug to his hair sent him into a frenzy, your clothes were ripped off of you as you chuckled excitedly at him. His attention was now completely focused on you, nothing else in the world existed in the moment.
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Thirst Hours Are 24/7 😈
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9w1ft · 2 years
My personal theory on the eye theory (heh) is that i don't think it was initially true (during the rep era cover), because taylor and karlie really look the same that it's easy to interchange them. BUT i think it eventually came true because i have a feeling that taylor or karlie saw it while lurking somewhere here in our kaylor tumblr world back in 2017-2019? Remember the time when you were doing the TSL app? And how you were testing out if they're responding to you... then your sign eventually being featured on one of the rep tours screen? I think they somehow knew you and your eye theory from then on... then after that, taylor and karlie started pandering to that theory (hence the snake eye on me! music video, taylor on ig live mentioning "My EYE" and then actually couldn't hold her laugh while saying it), it became an inside joke thing between us tumblr kaylors and them. So yeah don't stop believing in that!
oops i went in on my response lolol i hope you don’t mind 🥴
believe me anon, i find myself thinking a version of what you are saying on a few days out of any given week. but there are various reasons why i have been unable to fully square that circle.
first, as you yourself mentioned (but if i take it the other way around) it *is* easy to interchange pictures of them. so why not? i do think it’s possible. moreover, i just get the impression that the side of the face looks like karlie. perhaps, even if it’s just an altered photo of taylor, that was the intention. to make the photo look like karlie in some way. after all, karlie’s the hidden muse of the album ☺️ but then again, there are just so many things that point to it being the eye, specifically.
but let’s put that aside to talk about the timing. because i feel like there was such a short lead time in between when i first posted the eye theory and when the ME! mv was released. would it have been enough to get the job done?
you mentioned some rep things but i feel the need to clarify that the evil eye was discussed during rep era in 2018 simply as a symbol, and in the context of taylor wearing that evil eye ring. from there, people noticed that karlie wore an evil eye jacket and had an evil eye manicure back in photos from 2016. i have a dear friend who would pistol whip me if i didn’t mention now that taylor stopped wearing the ring after speculation that karlie had one too. i guess the only other time that an evil eye sighting was noted was when that one swarovski bracelet with the T S Dec and Aug birthstones and evil eye charm made an appearance. but the evil eye discussions always ended with “well i guess the evil eye is an important symbol to them.” i did have this idea during rep tour that the stadium layout could have represented karlie’s face, but the instant i said that i got so much weird anon hate that i decided to let it go without really analyzing anything. in short, there was never a mention of the eye theory during 2018.
the first mention was after lover rollout began. @swift-79 brought the eye theory to me and we discussed it around the second week or so of april 2019. after a few drafts, we ultimately posted on Thursday April 18th 2019, and then the ME! music video was released on Friday April 26th. that’s only 8 or 9 days, depending if you count the day of release, and just 5 full business days, for someone to see the post, for someone to have taylor see the post, to convene whoever needs to be convened in order to decide to do something with it, to do some sort of risk or benefit analysis, to edit the ME! intro, and to re-process the video.
now, i have thought about this before, because it was noted in a bts video for cardigan that taylor’s sfx team added the word folklore to the piano on the day that the video was released, so we do know that day-of editing is something that happens, but adding flat words on a flat surface in a dark scene isn’t quite the same as editing a bright and colorful moving 3D snake. i guess one could argue that the pattern on the snake was simply remapped (like, that they unpainted that eye but kept the 3d impression of the eye) but it’s still a lengthy clip and i think it would be a substantial effort and commitment to process the file and the whole video one more time. now, it doesn’t seem impossible to me. however, it feels quite unlikely.
because i think it would be such an impulsive move to riff on this weird kaylor theory in the lead up to an era that was obviously well planned out, and potentially planned out for some big things that didn’t have much room for error (for example if you believe she had plans to come out more officially than she did)
also, i firmly believe that at that point the physical albums (four+ versions!) had already been made. so it requires you to believe that taylor put a sparkly heart around her eye coincidentally, which also feels… unlikely. not impossible, but unlikely. of course, one could potentially make the case that it was simply meant as a reference to the one photo from the nick knight photoshoot karlie did back in 2022, as well. but after looking at everything i’ve seen in aggregate, i can’t fully explain it all away.
because i do think there’s a lot of compelling rep era evidence. which i’m not going to go over again right now but, having coincidentally spent the day working on writing it all down in one succinct document, i can’t help but feel like the theory is true. i guess one example might be the vault scene in in look what you made me do, with the hole cut out in the tie on the person to the right and and the eye necklace worn on the person to the left. the way she points out the tie in the behind the scenes video. things like this. yes i recognize how obscure it sounds. but there are just a ton of specifics that have given me goosebumps.
but whether or not it’s true, it is real. that hill i am willing to die on. and it would thoroughly seem that both of them don’t mind us having fun with it. so here we are.
and personally for me it’s less about declaring or proving it was intentional or not. actually i quite like how it can mesh with all different ways of thinking about kaylor by the many types of people that do. and given the state of the union, for me it’s just about giving them as many options as possible. it could be that they adopted the theory as you state. it could be that it was true and they’ve both been in on it together. if that can’t be the official narrative, if it’s some sort of cancelled confession, there are plenty of tributaries to go with. regardless of how things go down —if they ever do— it is my humble and honest hope that at the very least it has been enjoyable and helpful for them in some way during stormy weather. that’s all a fan could ask for.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
Hi dropping by for 2 things... I think? I'm so sleepy can't think! 😬
First, thank you for your clexa fic and just had discovered your cruel intentions clexa fic today. Idk why, it blows my mind🤯 I mean i love everything you write about clexa so idk why i'm shooked.
Second, Please don't be scared for my over abundance of ❤️ and reblogged you would see on your notif 😬 I forgot to be discreet on reblogging since I got excited over your CI Clexa.
Also for your ship question game, I would really like to know
Cruel Intentions (Pre relationship)4,5 and 6 and (General) 1,2 and 3
Teach Me (love) 4 and 5, 9 and 10
(domestic) 6,9 and 10
G'night and stay safe you and everyone on here. I might dream CI Clexa thanks to you! ☺️
Hello hello!
Ok listen because I've gotten this a few times within the last couple weeks and I'm not sure what's causing it but let me say without pause, please god do not apologize for liking and reblogging. You don't have to be ~discreet~, I don't think it's cringey, I don't think anything other than "Oh they like it 🥺👉👈"
I have fun writing this stuff and interacting with you guys, but it's still work, so you guys interacting is the whole point! Without likes or reblogs or asks I have no idea if anyone likes a story. Without them I'm sat here wondering if anyone even likes or cares about this extra stuff and in turn that'll make me question if I'm wasting my time 🤷‍♀️. I have a few people who show up every few days and just go through everything and what that tells me is wow, someone took time out of their day to look at my stuff and appreciate the work I put out. That's fuckin awesome. So please, don't apologize. I'd rather hear and see what you guys like than wonder if I'm screaming into a void
Ok I'll put my answers under the cut because this already long cuz I can't shut up 😅
Cruel Intentions
Pre relationship:
4: Oof that's a hard question to answer. You're talking about two woman who really good and living in denial and talking themselves into thinking they're above feelings. But I'd say if push came to shove, the first one to really give in and say "Shit ok I really have genuine feelings for her" would be Lexa.
5: Lexa more than Clakre despite Clarke being more slow in realizing that her feelings went much deeper than attraction and infatuation. I've touched on this in a few asks before and you can kinda see the thought process in that latest installment as well, but for a long time Lexa was intent on keeping Clarke at arm's length. Until she couldn't.
6: If someone had told younger them that they'd end up blissfully married and grow old together like two bickering haughty babies they would've told you to lay off the nose candy
1: Part 1 of that has been posted, sorry can't spoil part 2 😈
2: ask me this again separately and I'll write a snippet for it
3: It's in a snippet so you'll be able to read it🥰
Teach Me
4: You mean once... everything happens? They're not the biggest on PDAs ironically considering they started out fucking all around campus on anything that would hold still. But once they settle into their relationship and stop feeling like they're living on stolen time? They like holding hands, small hello pecks, sitting close. That kinda stuff. Loving but respectful.
5: Both. Lexa's a big fan of hello kisses, celebratory kisses, still asleep midnight kisses to Clarke's shoulder that neither remember in the morning. Clarke likes forehead kisses and little thank you kisses and goodbye kisses because she wants the feel of Lexa's lips to tie her over for the day.
9: Short answer, Lexa but I'm not getting into it cuz spoilers 😔
10: A healthy mix of both. It does kinda surprise Clarke just how... physical Lexa can be once they start things up tho. Professor Elbow patches wasn't exactly kidding about the wild thing 🥴
6: Lexa, but within reason. She worries about things that are appropriate to worry about whereas Clarke's more of a just roll with it girl.
9: 🤐 they're gonna celebrate Lexa's birthday if that counts so you'll see
10: Both pretty equal. I mean Clarke's 39 and Lexa's 41, they were both married for close to two decades not to mention Clarke has a kid. They've definitely learned their way around a kitchen. The question is, can they not be too controlling to actually allow the other to help them in the kitchen🤔
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
I luv u, w 😘
Listen imagine angry sex with Dan where you’re both fuming and zitti e bouni playing in the background. Bc that song makes my kitty so wet and combined with angry Dan. *chefs kiss*
Then Daddy cussing you out in italian realising that it makes your kitty even tighter then starting to dirty talk in broken italian with some english thrown into it. I’d combust, I would squirt immediately. 🥴
This has been torturing me since Saturday when Italy walked on stage.. and I need more people to suffer.. 😅
i luv u bb <3
Ohhhhhhh italian smut you say? say less.
It took you a while to understand why Daniel was being such a dick the whole night. You'd been having a great time at the gala, enjoyed the positive attention (even if it did feel a bit fake at times) and just being able to be on Daniel's arm as his lady.
But as the night went on and you felt happier, his feelings began to sour. You had started whispering to him, asking him what was wrong as he seemed to drag you ever closer to the exit of the building.
"Stiamo partendo adesso." He commanded as he dragged you out, speaking to you in your mother tongue so you knew he was serious.
Daniel shushed you harshly as he dragged you towards the SUV you'd come in, the driver quickly scrambled out of the car to hold open the doors for you both. After helping you in, or really shoving you in, he climbed in after you and slammed the door shut. The partition was already up, so you felt more than ready to speak your mind.
"What the fuck-"
"Did you see all of them? Fucking lurking and staring- all cause- you-" Daniel was so worked up he just couldn't stop, "You wore that."
Your eyes widened as you felt your fire burn up inside you. He was being jealous, Daniel was jealous of how other people reacted to the gorgeous light blue dress you had on. You'd worn it because you thought he'd love it, but then everyone else seemed to love it too.
"Oh fuck off," you responded, irritated by his irritation, "sei cosi infantile." you mumbled.
Daniel grunted and grabbed your knee, pulling you towards him as he his hand went to your cheek, "Do you have any idea how hard it is? To see all these men stare down what's mine, like I'm not the one who's going to get you out of this dress?"
Daniel grinned darkly as he saw the way your lips parted. He leaned in and let his lips brush against yours, "Non hai idea di quanto sei sexy, huh?" he whispered against your lips.
Your thighs quaked with the desire to spread for them, but you knew he'd have to work harder to get back on your good graces.
And he seemed to know it too, cause his fingers tightened around your jaw and gently tilted your head back so he could kiss on your jaw, sucking your lobe into his mouth gently before tugging on it between his teeth, brushing against the diamonds he'd bought you to hang there.
"E' tutta la sera che voglio saltarti addosso." His mouth opened against your pulse and licked the vein up your neck, "Nemmeno immagini cosa ho intenzione di farti."
His low voice, so husky and wanting whispering into your ear was too much, and you gave in and pulled on his curls. He bit your collarbone as he began to tip you backwards on the seat and drag you under him.
"Fatti penetrare."
And you did.
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