#but i really appreciate it Sunflower anon <3 >3
starlost-mochi-x · 28 days
omg how about artist!reader trying to teach changbin how to paint/draw, would be so cute!! idk but when i draw i love to make au of me with my friends, like spidersonas, or tlou yk? do as you wish 💥
hey anon ! i love this, as an artist myself i would be so excited to teach any of skz how to draw/paint (aside from hyunjin ofc, he's so great at it lol) here you go love <3
sunflower - seo changbin
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pairing: seo changbin x reader
summary: you decide to try and teach changbin how to paint
genre: fluff, non-idol! au, crack, reader is the artsy type, changbin tries his best lol
a/n: comments are appreciated <3
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"Binnie, that's not how you hold the paintbrush-"
"But I like holding it like this!"
You sigh and fight a smile as you reach across and attempt to adjust Changbin's grip on the paintbrush. He's holding it in his fist, all his fingers curled around it, a bit like the way a murderer would hold a knife.
Hopefully he doesn't end up trying to stab anything with it, you think. That brush was really expensive.
Changbin whines as you take the brush out of his grip and show him how to hold it, swiping a few experimental strokes of red against his canvas.
"Like this," you say, handing it back to him.
He pouts but does as you say, attempting to swipe across the canvas just like you showed him. He manages to get the hang of it, his eyes widening. He laughs, the sound bright and surprised.
You laugh. "It works better like that, doesn't it?"
The bedroom floor is scattered with canvases, watercolour paint palettes, a box full of mismatched acrylic paint tubes, and various other artists' paraphernalia. You had pulled out the box of all your art stuff from the cupboard earlier, intending to paint for the afternoon. Changbin, who was bored, had coaxed you into letting him join you.
Now you both sat in the dappled sunlight filtering into the bedroom from the large window. The light cast a mahogany glow over the floor and the mess of various paints and watercolours seemed to reflect their bright colours onto the far wall in haphazard, colourful strokes and patterns. You and Changbin had a large canvas each, set and propped against the bed. Subconsciously, you realised too late that it might not be a good idea to paint near the bedsheets, but Changbin didn't seem to mind, so you let it go.
Your canvas was covered in varying shades of pastel greens, browns and yellows, a bouquet of sunflowers tied with a red ribbon. You were quite proud of it, having spent about an hour painting each individual petal of the sunflowers. It looked great.
Or better than Changbin's, at any rate.
His canvas was a mess of vibrant blues and pinks, two messy stick figures in the middle painted in thick strokes of black. One was taller than the other, and you smiled at his messy depiction. A drip of blue paint hit the floor, followed by a drop of pink. He'd put so much paint on his canvas it was all beginning to slide off. You hurriedly set your brush down and adjusted his canvas to lie down on the floor to prevent any more mess. Sitting up on your knees, you surveyed his canvas. Tilting your head, you looked at the man sitting beside you.
"What is it?" you asked gently, so as not to upset him.
Changbin grinned, a smear of pink on his cheek curving upwards as he smiled. He kissed your temple, then looked down at his work, obviously very proud. He laughed.
"It's us."
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a/n: we love artist changbin ✊
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "What does your person likes about you"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about what your person (present or future partner/spouse) likes about you the most, and possibly why. thanks Anon for the suggestion.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. you are in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Your person loves your creativity, your more "childish" side, your happiness, your funny habits and positive look on the world. but also your refined taste, the elegance and the accuracy of your expression. You're magic to them, and they feel accomplished with you. They love to hear your opinions. You literally make them happy and are their dream come true. You always bring a lovely side to everything. I keep seeing someone smiling, with a very warm bright smile. So comforting. You often find a good side for everything that happens (it doesn't mean you're never sad ofc, I don't feel toxic positivity from you: you understand that staying in the darkness for too long isn't going to solve your life, so you better even try to try to accept it and find a better point of view to look at it). You make your partner feel rich. They also love your ability to try any new endeavour or learn new things with no fear of not being good or succeeding (even if you almost certainly will). You inspire them to not give up.
extra note: tulips mean deep perfect love.
songs: officially missing you | tamia; when we were young | adele
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pile 2
You're someone optimistic and fun, but you probably don't like being under the spotlight too much. You try to hide sometimes. Your person appreciate this type of humility/shyness you have inside of you. They find it endearing. You're pure and graceful, but also confident and patient. You know your worth, still you don't make yourself too important for it. You treat everyone as your equals. Your person loves the strenght you exude and possess, even if physically you may be a little more on the smaller side. You're nurturing and caring also with your words. You're calm, and have a calming effect on them as well. They feel well cared when with you. You know how to read their mind and give them what they need, even alone time. They'd probably like you to be a little more vocal when it comes to your needs cause they want you to feel good, still they do really love the character you have.
extra note: orange roses mean gratitude but also passion and desire, white roses are about purity and also wedding
songs: u know what's up | donell jones, lisa "left eye" lopes; love me harder | ariana grande, the weeknd
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pile 3
You bright up your person's mood, also by being balanced in your displays of affection: you're quiet but also passionate, you're energetic but know when to chill a bit more. You're adaptable, and your person appreciate that. I think either you or this person (maybe both of you) may have been through overwhelming situations, and knowing you/they can understand and maybe compromise is of huge support. You avoid excesses, you're grounded and your person totally adores you for that. You make them see the world in a positive way, you make them hopeful and stronger. They appreciate your care and the security that comes from you and your words. You don't let world bring you down, you keep working towards your goals and this makes you abundant and succesful (even if you don't realize it). You're inspiring.
extra note: sunflower mean loyalty and adoration
songs: american girl | tom petty and the heartbreakers; stay | gracie abrams
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pile 4
You're layered, you have depth to you. You're often a mystery that many wants to solve. Your person finds you attractive but also very innocent. There's duality when it comes to you. You look simple, easily readable, but also hide a thousand of different worlds inside of you. They like that you don't let others take advantage of you, that you can see through people judging you and that you can still afford that and don't let it get to you. You're balanced. But ofc, you have a sharp mind and ability with words, and you can use them to cut whoever wants to hurt you, if you want to. You have this innocent look but you can transform into a lion/ess. Especially if you need to protect people you love. You're a giver, but you also know when to stop. You don't let others' behaviour faze you. You know what to do, you've learnt that in your life. You can read others well. Many might try to make you theirs because of this, they want to possess you/tame you (not your person, but they may be jealous).
extra note: tulips mean deep perfect love; multi petals suggest the presence of double flowers or hidden parts/more attractiveness
songs: give me love | ed sheeran; wicked games | the weeknd
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parasociallover · 5 months
I will just say that your idea of a long-term fic which involves Mikey and a reader who beats him in a fight, earning his infatuation, is a great idea and that I'd definitely read that, so I hope you continue with this idea because I really wanna read it now, but if you don't that's completely fine, it's up to you, have a good day/night!
Wow, my very first anon~! Thank you so much, even a little thing like this is enough to motivate me to actually write it! As a show of appreciation, I dedicate this lil' doodle of Sunflower, Draken and Mikey to you, Anon. <3
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shidousprincess · 7 months
If you do this request tysm, stay safe and healthy ▄█▀█●
Anon requested Ness so I shall deliver (I hope) I might do some steamy if yall want a next chapter I’m sorry it took 3 days I just couldn’t come up with a plot and my period has been kicking my ass so I’ve done nothing but sleep and read others stories but today a idea flew to my brain and so I wrote it 💜 I’m still trying to tweak my work as I go any tips are appreciated
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Hope you all enjoy! Much love my sunflowers stay safe and healthy aswell !!!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 🫶🏻
‼️Request are open btw{on my knees begging yall for requests🧎‍♀️}‼️
Photographerxmodel type Au
Y/n,ness,and Kaiser all childhood best friends ,after high school ended they all went their separate ways but kept in contact until y/n went abroad to study photography and ness and Kaiser went to go apply to be models for and expensive brand
6 years later y/n was setting at a cafe in Shibuya drinking her favorite drink thinking of where she could apply for a photography job.lost in thought she didn't notice her 2 childhood best friends enter the cafe until Kaiser noticed a familiar face that looked like y/n his childhood best friend he walked up to them  "hello might I ask your name? "They were snatched out of thought and they quickly said “Y/n. Kaiser ! I haven’t seen you in years is ness still with you ?” as soon as Ness heard her speak he ran over to see her  not even worrying about his spot in line . "Y/n we've missed you so much!"they both said in unison not having seen each other in 6 years they all decided to catch up on what each other was doing..."so y/n what have you been doing since we haven't seen each other in sooooo long".Ness asked. “Well I have been studying abroad in photography and I finally finished about 2 weeks ago so I decided to come back to Japan to see if I could find a decent photography job and so far I haven't had any hits  what about you two?”... Kaiser spoke up "me and Ness became models for Louis Vuitton and we have been looking for a photographer and looks like we stumbled upon you at the perfect time
You can come by the company tomorrow and apply to be our photographer I'm 100% sure they will accept you" Kaiser says with a smile “
You thought for a few seconds and decided you would.
So you all 3 began to chat some more about how everyone was doing and what has been happening
“I really enjoyed seeing you both and getting to talk and catch up but it's really late and I need to make it back to my apartment so I think I'll leave first” then they both got up with you “we need to go aswell ... goodbye y/n" they both said in unison .. “wait a second y/n “Kaiser said you spun around to see what he needed he ran up to you with a piece of paper with the company's address. “This is the address you need to come to tomorrow” he said then walked back to where Ness was . “Bye guys I had tons of fun today thanks for the job opportunity aswell” . You then turned back around and headed for your apartment.
~The next day ~
You arrived at the address Kaiser gave you and walked in you asked the lady at the front desk if she could take you to where the manager is
She gladly obliged and took you to where she was .. “thank you “you said and bowed then you knocked. “Come in” says the manager. You walked in and took a seat and she soon asked “you must be the girl Kaiser told me about yesterday”.. “ yes I am he must have told you about me wanting to be he and Ness’s photographer?” You questioned. “Yes you are correct and I would love for you to become their photographer” . “So when do I start” . “Next week Monday morning at  9am” .. “ ok will do thank you for the job” then you got up bowed and left.
~5 months later~
Ness’s pov
It's been 5 months since y/n started being our photographer and my crush on her has never left even after high school and I’m not sure if they feel the same here lately Kaiser has been around her a lot more and he takes her out places in his spare time and just leaves me hanging and it kinda pisses me off that he keeps hogging her and today I decided to take y/n on a date ..
for the past 2 months Kaiser has been spending a lot of time with me and he also had taken me out plenty of times. And I've noticed how Ness’s behavior has changed around Kaiser and i. it breaks my heart to see my high school crush sulk.. I haven't been talking to him because I'm always with Kaiser so I decided today I would ask if he would like to go to the park where we could talk and I can confess to him.
An hour later we were done with the photoshoot and Kaiser as always tried to get me to come with him to a restaurant but I declined and he just looked at me dumbfounded as I walked over to Ness .
“Hey Ness?” I tapped on his back to get his attention.
“Hey y/n can I help you with anything?” He asked
I gathered up all the courage I had and asked “would you like to go out to the park with me ?”
Ness stood in shock that you were the first to ask him out on a date to the park .
“It's ok if you don't want to you said in a panicked tone. Ness jumped out of his trance “no no I would love to go out with you” he said with a sweet smile ...
You had noticed over the past 5 months how he would always be staring at you or trying to make conversation with you but Kaiser would always but in and cut him off you had thought if he felt the same way you did....
~At the park~
Neither of you talked the whole way there when you both sat down on the swings Ness broke the foreboding silence “so what did you need y/n ? “You stood up and said..”Ness I have wanted to ask you this ever since the end of high school but didn’t have the courage or confidence .. I love you Ness” ..
Ness froze not believing what he had just heard he came back to his senses when you were crying because you thought he didn't like you back he then jumped up and picked you up and spun you around and brought you into a loving kiss he then broke the kiss after a few minutes to catch y'all's breath” I have always loved you y/n and always will” he then kissed you again you then broke down in happy tears and so did ness “soooo are we a thing now ?”he asked you lightly hit him on the arm “yes of course” you smiled.. Ness smiled and pulled you in for a hug
The end
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I've got a blank space, baby!
Submissions for the Hellsite Grammys is now open📬
Here's how you can submit:
1. Click the ask button
2. Write down the full name of the song you would like to nominate
3. Please note that you can only submit one song, so choose wisely
4. Send the ask!
💌I would really appreciate if you reblogged this post so that more people find it. The faster I get 32 entries, the faster we can begin the competition
Tagging my mutuals and some people who I think might be interested
@radio-demons @faeruine @thesunandstarss @thesongofvillains @imthatweirdratinthecorner @bazkrekker111 @nine-frogs-in-a-trenchcoat @swiftie-as-a-coursing-river @swift-of-crows13 @petrichorandarson @sunflower-on-fire @ketterdambitch @ketterdam-snack-bar @sleepless-crows @fandomynerd @number-0-iz @its-tortle @itsashleighh @i-like-it-when-men-beg @maroon-book-dragon @beetrootsoupdragon @the-diary-of-a-moody-teenager @seriouslyalexanderlightwood @iknowitwontwork @lee-says-things @veescorneroftheworld @lynsstrange @tinyexpertcoffee @grishaverse-chaos @squishy-lemons @kingofmyborrowedheart @friendship-bracelets-anon @radio-demons
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strawberryfaced · 6 months
what is ur favorite colour?
anon i love love love this question so much. because like whenever someone asks me this i already have a set and obvious answer in mine which is pink. always was pink always will be pink. it’s funny because i remember being 6 years old and at shops i’d always get the pink thing and since i have a twin sister we’d get matching stuff but we had a set rule: i’d always get the pink one and she’d get literally any other colour available like purple green blue as long as it wasn’t pink!!! so yeah pink means the world to me and i love her so much. but also as much as i love her i also genuinely love all the other colours so much too. i really like deep reds because it reminds me of chinese new year which means a lot to me too.
i love orange. i used to dislike it like everyone else but now i understand it. i can thank my dad for that :’)
i love love yellow as well. sunshine and sunflowers and happiness very stereotypical but still very beautiful.
and green, oh green i love it soooo much. it’s my sister’s favourite colour though so i always like seeing green and pink together :3
and blue!!! i said blue was my favourite colour actually for a period of time because i was embarrassed of liking pink because i thought it was too girly which is very very stupid now. but it’s true i love blue (rhyme intended!) blue is like. my comfort colour along with some shades of green i’d say. it’s just very refreshing in the way of sky blue but also very homely and childhood book in the way of navy blue. and purple.
purple i was never really that much of a fan of but it was one of my favourite person’s colour for a bit so it’s grown on me.
and the other colours/shades: white, beige, black etc i also love them to death. ive seen a lot of hate for like the minimalist culture and colour palettes like neutral colours and yes while i love bright colours and pastels and maximalist style and all I actually do love minimalist and neutral stuff!!!
sorry anon if you didn’t want an essay on why i love the rainbow. but i do love colour so much it’s got to be one of the most fascinating things on the earth. i’ve always seen the power in colour!!! always!!! and i think the question what is your favourite colour is so amazing because it’s like what is your favourite thing you see in your everyday life. it’s one of the little things you can always appreciate you know!! there’s loveable colours everywhere and i think that in itself is a piece of poetry
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moonstruckme · 1 month
I recently saw your answer to professor Remus and it got me wondering if you’d be up for writing prof!Remus and student with a platonic relationship / somehow in family (uncle Rem?)
Like Remus helping the reader (student) with something. Hurt/comfort with angst would be awesome
If not, that’s totally okay. I’d rather ask and be told no so that I and others know not to request similar things in the future.
By the way I’ve found a safe space in your stories. Love them and I’m very grateful for you sharing with us
- 🌻 anon (if I may)
Hi lovely!! I don't thinkkkkk I would, it's not really against any of my rules so I don't want to say it's a hard no but I tend not to write characters with parental-esque (I realize you said uncle but hopefully you know what I mean) relationships. I prefer to stick to romantic relationships and the odd platonic relationship sometimes. Sorry!! I appreciate you asking though. Also I'm afraid I already have a sunflower anon, but you're welcome to be a different one! I'm really glad you've found a safe space in my stories lovely, thank you for reading and being so kind <3
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revvywevvy · 1 year
I’m not gonna stop you from your Cheerful Chip fan fiction
Matter in fact To be honest I’m always wonder what kind of wonderful improved artful art than the last art will be with you and Chip will be
It’s just that I’m think there is a certain sad wet cat waiting on the porch metaphorically saying
But beside that, Your Art has improved over the time and I am glad to have witnessed it
-H/B Anon
P.s. I don’t know if the wording color is for you ,for me it’s Black
P.p.s. How bout role swap, our beloved Himbo and Bimbo as Toons and their beloved Chelly as a Cog (a tall Chelly is something )
hiiiiiiii nonny~ hehe thank you very much for all of the encouraging words, I appreciate it so much!!!! <3 don't worry, misty will get the braincell soon. however. for now we have more pressing things to discuss. the role swap au.
You got me going again SOOOO much lmao- Here they are!!!! The poly roleswapped!!! Unfortunately Chelly. does not get much taller lol She's just a bit taller than the tallest possible toon species'. Chelly is based on those cute little vacuums with the little faces on them. You've seen those before, right? If not please look them up they're so cute.
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Chip is a wolf toon, and Misty is a sheep toon! Both ideas were by my lovely friend @photon-crest-art whose input I appreciate sooo much!!! her ideas got me going foaming at the mouth crazy over this role swap even more than I already was SDHGDSGHDSHS also tagging @frostbite-the-bat bc they also hyped me up a lot while I was in the process of making all these!!! <3
When it comes to the whole override thing, Chip just. Goes absolutely wild at night sometimes. He's a werewolf!!! But. literally since he's already a wolf. this was also photon's idea thank you photooooon heehee <3
Misty has her weather powers still! So she can still change weather phases and essentially smite people with lightning if they make her really mad lol
Unfortunately both toons are outcast because of their respective 'quirks'. However, to their surprise, one person does support them through it all! They weren't expecting it to be this absolute nervous wreck of a cog who is, surprisingly, very very silly and toon-like! She clings to them like glue, but they appreciate it so much!! I feel like toon Chip and toon Misty would both be very sad very lonely toons, perhaps becoming more prone to bouts of low laff and poor health as such from such a poor mental state. However, they've got each other now and Chelly too!! Just like how the normal toon Chelly's health was pretty shit due to her mental state but improved having Chip and Misty around, she's now able to pay that love back ten-fold in this au!! Hehe it always comes back to 'love heals' with me <3
OH YES AND I WROTE CHELLY'S COG STATS!!!! a. and potential bossfight cutscenes. um. yeah. I went a little overboard haha. these cutscenes are uh. I think they're longer than the ones in-game??? I. don't know. I think they are. sorry not sorry >u<
Manager Chelly
The Mechanician
Location: “Pain, Pain, Go Away” Mechanical Clinic, Sunflower Street [Daffodil Gardens]
Cog Overview
Department | Bossbot
Position | Regional Manager
HP | 4800
Defense | 65
Lvl | 26.mgr
Lowest Damage | 25
Highest Damage | 31
Real Name | Eureka Numa “Chelly” Honeywell
Honorifics | Dr. / Ms. / Mx.
Employee ID | 01899
Likes | Tinkering, Cute and Soft Things, Comfortable Silence, Singing
Dislikes | Unwarranted Judgement, Violence (Most of the Time), Social Overstimulation
Content Sync
100 Laff Soft Cap (107 Max)
All Gags Permitted
Pink Slips restricted
Opening Cutscene 
The Toons enter the doors at the far back of the building, leading them to the real cog clinic inside. The Mechanician is seen speaking to a Flunky. Neither cog seems to notice their approach, as they are focused on their consultation while the Toons get closer.
“...and that should do it then, little sprout!”
 “Are you sure this is alright, Ms. Honeywell? Wouldn’t the Chairman get angry over that?”
At the Flunky’s concerns, the Mechanician fiddles with her hands. She shakes her head before re-addressing the Flunky.
“...R-Right. He may see it as ‘slacking’, but… well. You know how I feel about that. Just… try to heed my instructions to the best of your ability.” 
“Whatever you have the room to do, okay, bud? Remember, your health comes first.”
“Yes, ma’am! Thank you again.”
The Flunky begins to fly away, and with a nod, she sees him off.
“Of course. Come back any time!”
The Mechanician sighs, shaking her head.
“Ugh. You’d think that man-baby would realize sooner… without us all, he’s…-”
She trails off, turning upon noticing the Toons. She startles, letting out a squeak at their presence, but tries to relax herself to make conversation with them.
“Ah! T-Toons?! Uh- Ahem.” 
“Um… hello there! Are you… perhaps here for a check-up? I apologize, but… um, ahaha.. I-I only know how to treat cogs.”
“Unless you… have an appliance in need of fixing? I can do that too…”
The Toons get angry. The Mechanician pulls her hands up to her chest, taking a few steps back, clearly nervous.
“Eep! O-Okay, message received… U-Um… oh, look! Is that, um, a doodle pup?”
The Mechanician gestures behind the toons. The Toons turn around to look, all confused when they see nothing. The Mechanician begins tip-toeing away while they’re distracted. One toon looks back at her and exclaims as they see her try to sneak away. She yelps and breaks into a panicked sprint, running off into another, much larger room room further in the building. The Toons make chase.
She runs into a storage room and to an emergency escape door. However, before she reaches it, a stick of TNT thrown by a toon lands in front of the door. She startles and stumbles away from it before it explodes. The exit is now unusable. She turns, and the toons have caught up to her.
“Oh no… wait, h-hold on..! Surely we can talk things out civilly, r-right?! I… I really don’t want to fight you!”
The Toons refuse and begin to approach, the Mechanician backing up towards the wall as they close in.
“N-No, please!! I don’t want to hurt anyone… please don’t make me! I… someone, help!!”
The Mechanician reaches into her pocket, pulling out a panic button and pressing it with shaking hands. Once she does, two cogs promptly fly into the room, landing at the Mechanician’s sides. The battle begins.
Ending Cutscene (Mercy)
The Mechanician reaches to her power core, hand hovering over it shakily. She is clearly in immense pain, her panic now reaching a boiling point as she realizes how injured she really is. Suddenly, her hands clench into fists and she quakes through the pain, knocking the toons off their feet. The quake doesn’t damage the toons, however.
She shakes her head, pulling her hands to her chest protectively and looking at the Toons as they rise to their feet.
“Why…?! I’ve been clear from the beginning that I didn’t want to fight! But… B-But you just won’t LISTEN!”
Her hands rise, holding her head in distress.
“Wh-What do you even get from this… from hurting me?!”
The Toons do nothing.
“I… I get it. This war. It… must be so stressful on you. On all of you.”
“B-But… I’ve been careful… so, so careful!”
The Mechanician turns her head, looking away from the toons for a moment before turning back to them.
“I… I know we’re *supposed* to fight toons, but… I’ve never seen the point. All of this violence is ridiculous to me.”
“All I’ve ever wanted was to stay on the sidelines, and to help those who were hurt.”
“I mean… I’ve never even gone out and fought toons before, anyhow! ...So… why? W-Why me?”
The Toons do nothing.
“...Ah. So that’s why. You see me as a threat… because of what I do for my fellow suits?”
The Mechanician shakes her head in disappointment.
“Have you Toons ever put yourselves in a Suit’s shoes? A-At least… just for a moment?”
“If you did, you’d understand. I… I understand the plight you Toons go through.”
“However, you’re not the only ones suffering. Whether they fall low or high on the chain of command… we all hurt, just the same.”
She pauses, wincing in pain herself. She’s visibly twitching and glitching out.
“Wh-What, do you think we deserve for our pain to stick forever? That no-obody should help us when we’re hurt?”
“Could you i-i-imagine it yourself? Feeling like gravity’s about to crush you… i-into small, mushy, toony bits?” 
“Where… where all yo-o-ou can do is panic, and hope? Because, at th-that point, there’s nothing you can do? No way to mov-ve, or call out… or anything.”
“...You’d want your fe-ellow toons to help you when you’re hur-ur-hurt and scared, wouldn’t you?”
The Toons do nothing.
“...Right. I’d h-hope so. At the mo-oment it may be all f-fun and games… and I wish it st-stayed that way. B-B-But we.. all know that isn’t the case.”
The Mechanician sighs, twitching more heavily than before.
“W-Well… perhaps this experience has.. given you some food for thought.”
The Mechanician pauses, seeing an opening in the roof from the battle. She looks at the Toons one last time, expression saddened.
“Now… i-if… if you’ll ex-excuse me. Seems… this repairwoman… n-needs some repairing, herself. Please… if you can help it… d-don’t come back.”
The Mechanician moves to fly away, but one of the toons walks ahead of the group, pausing near her. She pauses, watching the toon for a moment, before nodding.
“It’s okay, I understand. I-I-IIIIIIIIIII-”
“..I forgive you.”
The Mechanician flies away.
Ending Cutscene (Defeat)
The Mechanician reaches to her power core, hand hovering over it shakily. She is clearly in immense pain, her panic now reaching a boiling point as she realizes how injured she really is. Suddenly, her hands clench into fists and she quakes through the pain, knocking the toons off their feet.
She shakes her head, pulling her hands to her chest protectively and looking at the Toons as they rise to their feet.
“Why…?! I’ve been clear from the beginning that I didn’t want to fight! But… B-But you just won’t LISTEN!”
Her hands rise, holding her head in distress.
“Wh-What do you even get from this… from hurting me?!”
The Toons attack.
“Gh-!! ……Heartless… y-you’re all heartless!”
The Mechanician pauses, seeing an opening in the roof from the battle. She looks at the Toons one last time, expression disgusted.
“I see now… w-why the Chairman insists we fight you T-T-Toons. You’re just as cr-cruel as some of those suits can be.”
The Mechanician flies away.
[Sorry no specific Cheats past the usual ‘Cog Capacity’ and ‘Lure Resistance’ ones because my brain is kind of melting right now lol. Also no specific damages listed with each attack besides what I already said above about the minimum and maximum for the same reason.]
Another note about cheats, I know for certain she’d have a sort of healing cheat. Knowing her personality she’d end up healing herself, her allies AND the toons. She just wanna be frens :(
Guilt Trip
Water Cooler
Brain Storm
Her employee ID is based on the approximate year the first motorized vacuum was invented.
Excluding her nickname "Chelly", her first, middle and last name are all based on various companies that produce vacuums.
I was initially going to have it that all rewards could be used, but with how cog Chelly is, she'd do anything to ensure that pink slips wouldn't be used. She thinks the canons would hurt the cogs, or that someone, toon or cog, might get hit in the crossfire.
also that 3rd drawing, the transparent one. sticker :)))))))))))
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laminy · 11 months
Thank you for the tag @merriell-allesandro-shelton!!
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
Apparently 74! I'm not sure how that's possible but okay! Not what I was expecting. That's like twice as many as I thought.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
The works that I have posted on AO3 are for Bohemian Rhapsody Actor RPF, BoRhap/Queen, Ted Lasso, 13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf, 6 Underground, Midsomer Murders, and Shazam. Pre-AO3, I wrote in a lot of other ones. Hypothetically, I write for Gran Turismo, but I've never finished any of those fics lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf) 2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso) 3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hill (Teen Wolf) 4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso) 5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I appreciate when people comment and I like the interaction.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I try not to have angsty endings! All my angst is sprinkled throughout the story (maybe more than sprinkled lol) and then they get a happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my fics have happy endings, I don't know what the happiest of the happy endings would be. Probably a fic in the ITBASM-universe, because I tried to make them all very happy (they deserved it).
Do you get hate on fics?
I did get a couple hateful anons on here in my day but they didn't stick around. Thankfully I've avoided much of that (knock on wood).
Do you write smut?
I do, I do. All M/M, though for my original NaNo story I'm apparently going to be attempting M/F and idk how that's gonna go lol.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written two 6 Underground x Midsomer Murders crossovers because Ben and Gwil.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! I hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm also not sure I'm aware of any.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! I'll be honest that I really don't know how it works and I'm kind of a solitary creature in that regard. so, I don't know that it would be my vibe.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everrrrrr? Oh my gosh I don't know if I could pick. According to my AO3 bookmarks, apparently it's Joe/Nicky from The Old Guard but I don't think so (and for the most part I avoid that fandom these days). I don't know, ever???? I still can't decide. I'm too finicky. I will say that a ship that I will always love and I go forever without reading and then I'll be in that mood again is Eggsy/Harry from Kingsman. Like, they're the old stalwart.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably those Gran Turismo fics I mentioned above.
What are your writing strengths?
I would say dialogue but I don't know if anyone would agree. I find it the most fun, so I enjoy it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how to describe what people look like, because 99.9 of stuff I write is fanfic and readers already know what those characters look like, so that whenever I attempt anything original, I don't know how to naturally include some idea of "this person has brown eyes and is very tall." I see it done so badly sometimes and I just try to avoid that.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it before sparingly. Different languages, I know fics I've done have included French, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Arabic. For most of them, I use Google Translate. for the Arabic, I watched YouTube and tried non-Google Translate sources. for the French, some of it I knew myself and wrote it as I know it (I am not fluent in French). I would never write an entire fic in another language but I think including other languages is fun and rounds out the characters.
First fandom you wrote for?
Probably shockingly, it was Friends. A friend and I wrote it together in the fifth grade. Handwrote it, actually. We had a notebook that we passed back and forth.
Favorite fic you've written?
Overall, every ITBASM fic because it's like, my universe, my world, my characters, and it covered so much time (and space, ha). I don't know that I could pick an individual fic.
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faffreux · 1 year
Hiya! Uh...So...First your art is super cool and really inspiring!
And I hope Fawful comes to you in a dream super soon! But I wanna ask what burnout feels like for you. See I've been feeling kind of like a candle where the flame is flickering and all the wax has melted, like I've got nothing left. I tried talking to my therapist about it but she didn't say anything and I was talking to someone else but they said that's not true burn out even though I've felt like this for years? I just want to know how it feels for you and I want your opinion on this. Sorry that it's a sadder one, please don't hate me. (Which is why I'm on Anon.) Also, to add something positive Jolligig was in my dream the other night! He was in a black tux with a black top hat with 2 sunflowers and 2 roses? It was kinda cute.
Thank you!! I appreciate that you think so!! (And thanks for the dream wish, too! I hope so as well, haha. I can spend time with him in other ways but I do miss my dreams!)
First off I want to address the fact that I would never hate you for asking a question like this (or really asking much of anything, tbh) I completely understand being shy and needing to use anon (that's what I have it open for!) but just for future's sake please know that I absolutely do not mind this sort of thing. I'm no expert but I'll always do my best to help if I can!
Weirdly, the candle analogy you used is actually really accurate to how I'm feeling, and I do mean that. Like, I'm still going... but I definitely feel an emptiness in my head where it was constantly swimming before and it's like everything in me just wants to lay down and sleep for 6 months. My problem is that I often work myself PAST the burnout stage until there's not even any wax left and it's just this flame that's running on absolutely nothing. Like fumes. I've been in and out of this for about 3 years now, I'd say.
It's possible there could be some depression mixed up in there too, but I can't know for certain without knowing you and how your brain usually functions. I just want you to know you're not alone in how you feel and I hope things look up for you soon, okay?
PS. Jolli's outfit in your dream sounds adorable!!
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starriknight · 9 months
Hi Starri! I just saw your New Year’s crochet post.
You mentioned that you were starting a temperature blanket- now, I definitely get the appeal, but let me tell you, that thing is exhausting, and just about everyone I know, including myself, who has attempted one has yet to finish it.
I’m not saying it’s impossible, just that it’s extraordinarily hard to actually finish. I am not saying this to dissuade you, just so that you are aware that it is mentally and physically challenging. It requires consistent effort and discipline to actually finish, and it so easy to get caught in a ‘catching up’ cycle.
If you think that you are up for it, it is so rewarding when the blanket is completed. Whether it takes the year or five to finish, it is one of the best feelings. And I love seeing the change in the blanket.
What my friends and I (we have a crochet club) have decided to this year instead, is a temperature snake. It follows the same idea, but is much smaller, and easier to actually stick to.
Of course, it isn’t the same as a blanket, which at the end you are left with a rather impressive and comfortable quilt, but I think the exchange is worth considering, as I found the blanket is very time consuming and leaves very little energy and motivation to crochet other things.
Sorry if this ask is too long, or unwelcome. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide. And Happy New Year!
P.S. What I am doing this year is trying things out of my comfort zone- I usually do amigurumi, but my newest project is making one of those sunflower bags. I am trying out different crochet styles, even just once, to see if there is anything I like, so maybe that is an idea to consider?
Hi anon!! I definitely know how hard a temperature blanket can be and I really appreciate your opinion! :D I’m trying to go outside my comfort zone this year with crochet as well. That’s why I’m attempting the temperature blanket :) I feel that even if I don’t finish it, I’ll be glad I made an attempt!
I also want to do more amigurumi this year since that not my strong suit. I have some ideas in mind but if you have any suggestions of amigurumi I should try, I’m all ears!! I’ve made a snake, and a squid and this year I want to attempt some eggs which are characters from the qsmp!
Thanks for the advice tho! <3 ^_^
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
🌻 omg can i be both on ur anon and moots list HAJAHSJH im joking obviously but at the same time... being a mutual is just very cool. u dont really know each other yet BUT u know ur name and u are here. it's like saying hi to the cool classmate and now u two everyday say hello to each other morning. maybe a friendship will come from this, maybe just a memory of this really nice classmate u never talked to, but always made ur day brighter.
BUT THE ANON FAMILY!!! oh how i love anon family. anon family my beloved <3 i love being a little sunflower in the garden and watching other anons enjoy their time here AHAJSHDJ i grow stronger with people's happiness
also im sorry what started as a joke question ended up as some poetic confession of appreciation and love for small things in life. i have nothing else to say 😭😭😭
SO TRUE 🌻 ANON btw you can absolutely be on both lists 🫶🫶🫶
four of my moots have my discord. these are the people i consider to be a little more than tumblr moots. they're the cool people i saw in class everyday until a friendship eventually blossomed. they're neat little friends of mine. i would give my discord to any moot who asked. but not everyone has to ask or wants to ask, and that's okay! because i cherish and value my tumblr-exclusive moots all the same <3 they're the cool little classmates i say hi to every day and maybe i don't know them that well but i appreciate their existences nonetheless.
THE ANON FAMILYYYYY the anon family is so cute. this is what i want my blog to be. just a cute little family of platonic fic enjoyers. maybe some of you are fanfic authors yourselves, and you write a lot of romantic content, but enjoy the platonic content i put out into the umiverse anyway. or maybe some of you are also other platonic-focused fic writers! who knows? but ultimately, it really doesn't matter because we are all just a cute little cluster of platonic fic enjoyers <3
IT'S TOTALLY OKAY it is very important to love and appreciate the little fleeting things in life 💕💘💗💘💖💘💕
i don't know how long i'll know my tumblr moots. maybe some of you will stay in my life long after i eventually leave tumblr, but really, who knows when that will be LMAO. or maybe i'll only know you all for a few months. i don't know. but i will cherish the times you all are in my life, even if those times are short. because little friendships, even if they don't last very long, do mean a lot to me!
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auroras-kiss · 1 year
Fantasy spin anon here :33
I'm rlly rlly happy that my ask made you happy !!!
Your terms are all so cool and your flags are all so pretty <3
I don't have any rqs bc honestly you're already posting a bunch of stuff I absolutely adore and now I need to make a hoard sideblog to reblog it all to oopsies
okie dokie :33 tysm. this is my favorite blog that i have, cuz fantasy is such a huge part of my gender (hence the hundreds of self indulgent aurethi in my queue rn lmao) but even though it's mainly for myself, knowing that even one other person enjoys this blog like i do really makes all the effort i put into it worth it, so i really do appreciate this anon <3
i saw your hoard blog, if there's any particular fantasy themes or things you love i'd still love to go through my queue and tag you in ones related to those as well! if not though then you can look forward to this blog cuz i've got the queue filled with 5 aurethesia posts a day until the end of 2023! i've also got a bunch of fantasy-esque terms posting rn on @mogai-sunflowers so if you want to go through some of my recent terms you might like those as well! i have a few cool fantasy gender systems posting there soon so i'll go tag you in those rn :3
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
HI user lisxdumbr I'm one day late for this lovemail but I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!💝 It's surprisingly cold this time in my country it's like I'm in a hotel. Is it due to climate change? :'0
*Ahem* Mika scout and bday!! I rlly thought the holographic part of his outfit were really holographic until i found out it's just like shiny fabric and not really holo 💔 He is still slaying as ever 🥰 It's so nice to ensemble live during birthdays because everyone's polite and greeting the character who has a bday 😔💖 I'm so nervous who'd be the next victims for New Year event and the event scout ;;;
What do u think is the gift you'd consider that you're lucky to have this Christmas? Once again, even if you don't celebrate the holiday itself, I send you my best wishes for more joyous blessing to come to you~ 🎁
— 🌻.
HELLO HELLO USER. uhm. User sunflower anon who gives me my weekly serotonin boost !!!! Tysm for your wishes ! Don't worry, you're not late at all, sending those words for you too ♡
Ohh my god, I hope you're handling the cold ok, please make sure to use the proper clothing to warm yourself properly ! I'd hate it if you got sick or anything.
OHHH MIMIKA MY LOVELY I am pulling tonight because I want midnight to hit here for me to pull, best happy birthday gift from me to him <3 THE THE NEW YEAR JBQHWHEHYSWHYQHWUSH you opened a cage you didn't want to. IT HAS TO BE HAJI. HAJIME babbits event plus in the year of the bunny. I am having this though that Tatsumi scout is soon. Be prepared.
Gifts? Hmmm well I don't receive gifts, I don't celebrate, though my mother bought a plushie for me yesterday but... Well, this is going to sound cliché perhaps, but my friends were the best gift I could ask for. I made this little Christmas tree online where my friends left me little love notes, the only thing that made me emotional last night, I almost cried with some of the messages, I still need to thank some of them privately.
I saw your other message! It will get a reply, and this time actually soon, I promise ♡ everything I can say right now is that I appreciate you lots ! I hope life treats you kindly from now on, cheering for you
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astrxealis · 2 years
OMG APOLLO!!!! Hello really Super . Um random question & all (i was supposed to sleep but it suddenly went over my head now i wanted to ask you this before forgetting it lol) BUT UM what are your two favorite colors??? and Does your wol (am i right the player character in ffxiv is called warrior of light right?? And wol is like the short ver ..) have any head accessories?? Like yk some hairclips, a hat?? Or a headband or like anything even cat ears i will accept it!!! AND YEAH WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER or like plant if you dont like flowers but im 100% sure you like them bcs when i was on anon back then you said that you really really Really Like flowers OR MY MEMORY BE PLAYING WITH ME AHHHHHHH??? omg im sorry for asking so so so So many questions!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME im sooo chaotic right now i just felt a rush of sugar in my blood (For research purposes i swear & all . Or maybe not hehe its a secret and all) BUT YEAH GOOD DAY TO YOU and always remember that you mean so much to me!!! /Srs and that i genuinely adore you and appreciate you from the bottom of my heart No sugarcoating involved (real) so please have a good good day!!!!! Asking for consent for hugs and KITHES (ㆁωㆁ)
YORI HELLO !! apologies for the day late reply ?!!!??!?! it just turned dec 11 so idk how long this has been in my askbox omg :(( <//3 BUT OMG OKOK HI HELLO. my two favorite colors i'd say are ... light peach and gold !! if light speech is pretty specific tho for a color i'd say brown (generally) ^___^ AND MY WOL OKAY UHHH TBH I'M UNSURE NOW BCS I MIGHT CHANGE IT but she wears this specific 'pink cherry blossom corsage' aka just a small collection of pink cherry blossoms on a side of her head >;D BUT ALSO YEAH as a miqo'te she does have the miqo/cat ears >< and omg YEAH DW I REALLY SO LOVE FLOWERS i did mention that then yes hehehe UHM TBH IDK WHAT'S MY FAVORITE FLOWER ... starflower ?? or hyacinth or sunflower <3 OR A CHERRY BLOSSOM. sorry i am unsure but starflower/cherry blossom i think most <33 PLS DW I LIKE BEING ASKED QUESTIONS TBH (<- never wants to shut up LOL) also idk. what time you were up but if this was like early morning I HOPE YOU GOT ENOUGH REST AFTER >;(( and okay if you say so i'll believe you i guess /lh JEWBJDNWJS !!! AND GDAY TO YOU TOO it is the weekend have a good weekend fr and thank you so much genuinely ... :(( been feeling a Little bad lately fr so T___T (which. you might know from seeing my vents HELP IF YOU HAVEN'T GOOD BUT IF YOU HAVE I'M SO SORRY .....) i did have a good day even if i did. wake up 4 pm sobbing and wasn't all good but YK still a good day <3 hugs and kithes ACCEPTED AND ALSO RETURNED (WITH CONSENT) <33333
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catcze · 2 years
"ship your anons" anon here again! this time, which two genshin characters would you assign your nonnies and what halloween candy would you give them to share? no pressure ofc!!
Hi darling !! Sorry this took a bit– the last few days were roughhhh
But !! Here's what i got with who I could think up off the top of my head! Trying to make it a little short n quick (for real this time akjnsd) As usual, can be taken as platonic or romantic <3
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I think that beans would like those gummies that come in halloween-themed shapes like snakes and spiders and pumpkins and stuff and have sugar crystals sticking to them! And I think that someone who'd definitely be excited to try a few of those would be Hu Tao! I think she'd really appreciate the different shapes, and would make it her goal to try at least one of each of them!
For Luce, I can see them pouring the contents of their little candy basket out on the table with Sucrose! The two of them would have a pretty big pile when they combine their spoils, I think. One of the main candies that they'd split between each other would be these ghost-shaped marshmallows! Super super sweet and veryyy soft to bite into.
For 🔫, i can see them basically having to duel Childe in hand-to-hand combat for any of the packets of M&M's that the two of them had managed to gather! Don't quote me on this, but I can see Childe preferring the regular, non-nutty m&m's. So whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for how many M&M's 🔫 anon manages to get remains to be seen.
If you ask me, I think 🎱 anon would have fun eating some Hershey's chocolate bars! I'm not sure what their preference would be, since ykyk there's a bunch of variations for hershey's bars lmao. But !! I think that someone who'd share with them would be Cyno, actually? I think that Cyno would try bits and pieces of all the chocolate too, but he'd eventually take quite a liking to the dark chocolate!
For sunflower!! I can see them splitting their candy haul with Beidou, actually. Beidou wouldn't know very much about the different kinds of candies I think, but with 🌻's suggestions, I think that by the end of the evening 🌻's gonna find about half of their pile of Kit Kat bars pulled over to Beidou's side of the table.
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