#but i ship the buddies and not them with the twins
heretherebedork · 3 months
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I know I'm not supposed to ship P and Beboy but I kind of really do? I love this kind of friendship. But they're obviously each gonna get their own twin, apparently.
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Read Fang the Hunter after catching up on idw Sonic and like
Wooo!! Return of Fang, his pursedog jester boytoy, and said boytoy's big buddy!
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Also ajsjsjsn I'm this close to retitling this mini series "How to Lose One's Bitches: A Cautionary Tale as to Why Team Hooligan Isn’t a Modern Era Team"
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supernatural-case · 2 months
when I saw this shot for the first time I was desperately trying to remember what it reminded me of, because the way Eddie and Buck were looking at Bobby seemed so excited and childlike, and then it hit me —
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the impossible, 2012.
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bruh-myguy-what · 1 month
Hello! Could I possibly ask for a Echo/reader (Gn)
Setting could be 79’s maybe some angst with someone calling out echos “missing parts” after he rejects their advancements, and he feels a bit dejected about it. The reader (after insulting the other person) would take him back to the Marauder and comforts him (it can be smut or fluff either is fine)
Thank you! Have a nice day <3
He's More Than That***
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Pairing: Echo x GN!Reader Warnings: Smut (my first so you must forgive any issues), Twi'lek woman being mean to our beautiful cyber-clone, cursing, filthy nonsense at some point, oral (Echo receiving), intercourse/sex, fluff Word Count: 5K Summary: Hunter, Wrecker and Echo waned a temporary reprieve from their constant stay in the Mauarder and decided you should be their babysitter for the night at 79's. Reluctantly you join and overhear a conversation Echo had with a Twi'lek who doesn't seem to take being rejected by him very well. After defending him and convincing him he deserves more, he shows you exactly what you deserve from him. A/N: When you requested this, anon I absolutely had just admitted- the same day!- that I was basically now an Echo girlie. I hadn't ever really noticed how adorable he was or how much I actually loved him until after the finale. Like I've always loved him, but I was never a girlie until now and now I simp. Also, I've never really written GN or smut so the two together really threw me for a loop lol so I hope this is alright for you! I do really appreciate you sending in a request, feel free to send in whenever you'd like!
Requests are open if you have anything you'd like to send in!
The atmosphere of 79's was as smoky and dingy as ever, the blue/green lights of the neons hanging around illuminating faces and bodies as they moved about the bar. It hadn't been your idea to be here tonight, usually opting to stay back on the Marauder with Tech and Crosshair for the sake of serenity, but when the other three boys begged you to come along so that they have a designated babysitter who wouldn't get wasted, you couldn't deny them. Hunter wanted to get away from the ship to what he labeled "loosen up" which you knew meant he needed to get laid before the stress made him strangle his brothers. Wrecker wanted to drink some regs under the table and joke about how 99 was better in every aspect while listening to good music.
Echo, on the other hand, didn't give you a reason why he decided to join in on the outing. It wasn't his usual scene. Not anymore, anyway. As far as you were aware he also preferred the relaxed atmosphere of the ship; the two of you spending your time playing a game or watching a bad holomovie you'd downloaded on one of the datapads the Batch kept aboard for entertainment. It wasn't really like him to want to drink all that much, not since he joined Clone Force 99. He'd told you a few stories of him and his twin, Fives, trying to pick up a few women here and there while hanging around the clone bar back in the day but you never thought you'd actually see him here.
You peeked to the corner of the club, seeing Hunter cozied up with a pretty green Twi'lek woman- her legs draping over his lap as he kissed along her neck. At least he'd be less snappy on your next mission. Then you heard Wrecker laughing boisterously over the music as some reg tapped out, his squad mates dragging him away from the table. He'd be content too and it's almost as if you could already hear him hollering at Crosshair to regale his win over the regs. Resting your eyes back on the pale clone sitting at the bar independently, you watched from across the hazy atmosphere wondering if you should approach him or leave him to his thoughts.
You and Echo had a relatively close relationship. His reserved yet courageous demeanor was always something you had admired about him, and whenever he'd joined 99, you were among the first to buddy up with him. You knew exactly how it'd felt not to be "one of the brothers", even with how close you'd become with the Batch. So, it seemed easy for the two of you to cling to that shared understanding. You felt a smile reaching your lips at some of the memories you'd shared with Echo, a familiar ache settling in your chest and you determined that joining him at the bar was the best idea- even if not for him, but for yourself.
You made sure to clock him in the spot he was settled in before tearing your eyes away and descending the stairs to the main floor, losing sight of him through the dense crowd. Weaving through, apologizing to a few couples who were dancing or going about their "business" on the floor, you managed to emerge from the mass of people to find an empty bar stool- entirely devoid of your companion.
"What the-" you muttered to yourself under the loud music, "He was just here." Swiping a glance up and down the span of the bar, the friendly sight of a pale clone adorned by blue neons captured your attention. He seemed to be speaking to someone, though you couldn't quite see who it was from your current position so you stepped up closer to casually join the conversation when you overheard Echo decline whatever they had offered.
Curiosity got the better of you and instead of being a good friend, leaving the man alone to hopefully find some solace for the night, you stood just close enough to eavesdrop a little more. "I appreciate the sentiment, and you're stunning, don't get me wrong." His voice was as sweet as ever, a little solemn you could tell, but only if you knew him well enough.
Was she really all that pretty? Were Twi'leks the type of person Echo was into? Against your better judgment, you leaned forward onto the bar to glimpse the woman he had complimented, and your heart sank at how her pretty eyes glimmered against the neon lights.
Then you heard her laughter. It sounded as if she were laughing… at him. "Oh, honey," her accented voice cut through the music with its patronizing tone. "You can't honestly be refusing me when you look like," and you watched as her pretty eyes scanned the clone before her, gesturing lazily with her manicured hand, "that."
Maybe you'd heard her wrong. You'd definitely heard her wrong… right? There was no way in the galaxy that she was insulting him about his looks just because he told her no… right?
Echo stammered in shock, momentarily caught off-guard by her comment. It wasn't as if he'd not been used to people making remarks about his… unmistakable condition. He just hadn't anticipated the Twi'lek to be so hostile at his decline. "Well, I-"
"I mean, seriously? Look at you, you're a mangled mess." She let out an irked breath as if she were, suddenly, too good for the current conversation. You noticed her lean away from Echo, surveying the rest of the room full of clones, "I bet you don't even have all of the right parts to please anyone anymore, do you droid?" The Twi'lek's snide grin as she huffed out another laugh made your blood boil.
Did she actually have the audacity to call a man of war, who kept her safe from the rising Separatist threats, a droid? She couldn't even begin to understand the horrors of war Echo had seen.
You heard a disparaging laugh bubble up from your friend, noting how his shoulders sank only a fraction, head inclining to the cup in his hand. His back had been facing you, turned completely to the attention of the Twi'lek in front of him, so you couldn't entirely make out his expression- though you'd felt as if you'd known him well enough to imagine the rueful smile etching his features about now. "Ah, yeah," he breathed with a soft, somber chuckle, "I guess I am a freak at this point, eh?"
"It isn't about that anyway," you finally chimed over his shoulder.
Echo's eyes widened at your raised voice, his hurried voice muttering your name in surprise. "What are you doing?" His brown eyes glanced between you and the Twi'lek nervously as you walked around to place yourself between the two of them.
"I don't think he'd have trouble pleasing anyone that had the decency to see past a few war scars. But clearly, that isn't you, you'd only be a waste of his time." The knuckles of your fingers began to ache because of your clenched fists and only at Echo's gentle touch did you relax.
The soft voice you'd come to rely on whispered past the music into your ear, "Cyare, please, it's not that big of a deal, really." Though his tone was even you could tell he'd been embarrassed that you'd overheard the conversation.
"It is though, Echo. You don't deserve to be spoken to that way just because you don't want to whore around for the night." You defended sharply, throwing a look back at him then quickly pinning the Twi'lek to her spot once more. "He has plenty of satisfying features, I'll have you know. He's funny, loyal, protective. He loves his brothers fiercely. He doesn't shy away in the face of danger. He's the first to answer when help is needed, he's reliable, and a wonderful man who deserves more than what most people give him."
Condescending giggles rippled over her pink lips as she covered them, a manner of mischievous glee sparkling in her eyes as she watched the protective display. "You defend him as if you two fuck."
A burn crept up your neck and into your cheeks at the allegation but you couldn't slow your words quickly enough before you said, "I'd be damn lucky if we did."
Echo's grip on your arm flexed at your statement, tentatively pulling you back toward him to de-escalate the rising frustration in you. "Cyare, maybe that's enough." He whispered again.
"You two are cute. No wonder he didn't want to sleep with me. Whatever," the Twi'lek waved you off noncommittally, then pushed herself off of the bar. "There are other handsome men around who need my attention." And with a subtle flip of her lekku, she merged with the swaying crowd.
Frustration simmered beneath your surface as you watched her disappear, more nasty remarks popping into your mind after the confrontation was over. "Stupid, nasty-"
"Cyar'ika," Echo's warm voice broke your hostility, his fingers raising your chin to meet his eyes, "what was all that about?" The pale brown hues narrowed in concern as if you had just been in a serious altercation on his behalf and were injured in some way. "It's not like that doesn't happen all the time, what with the regs calling us defective," his laughter dying as he noticed your soured expression.
You crossed your arms over your chest indignantly, "Just because people insult you, Echo, doesn't mean it's okay. You don't deserve to be treated that way. By anyone." The reassuring brush of his hand- passing from your chin to your shoulder- made you even more upset as if he were okay with being so dehumanized by someone. You pushed his hand away, not because you were offended by his touch- far from it- but because you needed him to take your words to heart. "And stop with the Mando'a, you know I don't understand what you're saying. I'm being serious right now, ya know? You're not a droid. You're you. You're Echo."
The slight tilt of his head made your heart lock up as he smiled at you. He didn't say anything, he just stood there, the pale brown of his eyes highlighted by greens and blues from the bar. It was something you two often did, communicate with just a few looks, something that Crosshair had hissed and griped about, witnessing it on multiple occasions. As the two of you stood there silently for a moment, you began to notice his smile shift and the color of his cheeks showed a little darker. "A-About what you said to her-"
Your entire world came raging back, the music suddenly too loud for you to think properly. "O-Oh right! The...uh-"
"F-Feeling lucky if the two of us-"
You hummed in agreement, with his sentence, not your earlier sentiment. Not that if you thought about it long enough you would've disagreed with your truthfulness brought on by impulse. In fact, you had thought about it quite a lot since meeting the Arc Trooper. You couldn't help yourself, really… he was quite literally amazing at nearly everything he did. He was fluid on the battlefield, quick to make decisions, soft, and compassionate when someone needed comforting. He walked around as if the horrors of his dreams didn't haunt him, opting instead to care even more for those around him. Echo was a man of honor and you marveled at how he carries himself. Not to mention being in close quarters with him, or any of the Batch really, only heightened your ever-growing desire toward him. It was practically inescapable to see someone either in their blacks, partially dressed, or completely naked while on the Marauder. You had seen Hunter and Wrecker shirtless on more than a few occasions and even once seen Tech remove his blacks to use the fresher, and nothing was really wrong with any of those instances. Though the one that lingered in your mind, that just kept nagging at you when you were particularly desperate to reach out and have his pale hand touch you, was when you'd walked in on Echo after he'd finished in the sonic. You thought Crosshair had been the last one to use the fresher and hadn't seen anyone else take a turn, but when you pressed the button revealing the cybernetic clone with just a towel hanging around his waist you froze. You could've acted normal about it, muttering an apology and turning around but you'd only stood there floundering.
And that was how you reacted in this very same instance- dumbstruck and speechless- as your cheeks and ears burned desperately.
Clearing his throat, jolting your attention back to his face, Echo rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. "Well, we can just forget about it. I'm sure it seriously threw her off when you said that, so that was a good tactic." He joked kindheartedly, eyes closing in that familiar charming, laid-back smile of his.
He honestly thought you were joking. Or just trying to defend him by saying anything that sounded good.
Maybe that was okay.
Maybe you could get away with not making anything awkward between the two of you. Maybe he saw how anxiously you reacted when he brought it back up and was gracious enough to drop it for your sake.
But was that fair?...
He deserved to know how handsome he was, just as much as any of his brothers- 99 or otherwise.
"Besides, like she said- whether it was meant as an insult or not- I'm a mangled mess. We can't have you wasting your good looks on me, now can we?" Echo tapped the tip of your chin with his hand gently, winking mirthfully at you.
He was being serious.
He didn't have any clue how desperate you were some nights to call out to him. Echo genuinely thought he was unwanted and he harbored it like a man devised for loneliness.
Never reciprocating his humor or obliging him in his self-deprecation, you remained stern, eyes locked with his handsome pale face. "I would fuck you right now in the middle of 79's if I knew we wouldn't get banned from the only clone bar on Coruscant."
Disbelief filled the clone's expression, eyes dilated to the size of Tech's goggles, his cheeks flushing a red bright enough to rival the neon lights. It was a terrifying leap to take, conveying these tight-lipped secrets you'd been carefully preserving but if it made Echo understand that he was just as desirable as any other man- clone, Jedi, or otherwise- then you'd shout it at every single person in the bar tonight. Your name fell from his lips in an airy exhale, frantically his eyes searched for any sign of banter or sarcasm but he was only met with decisiveness in your returning stare. "You..." he breathed again, deliberately slowing his racing heart, "You're being serious." At your resolute nod, brows furrowed and eyes stern, Echo looked down at himself critically. "B-But, I-"
"Do I need to prove it to you?" you provoked.
Echo's bewildered stare snapped back to your face, brows raised high in astonishment. "Pro-Prove it?"
Again you nodded with resolve. "You deserve it just as much as Hunter. I'll prove it to you right-" and before you could finish your sentence you were yanked forward away from the bar, weaving through the crowd. Echo's pale hand gripping your upper arm tightly enough not to lose you amongst the moving bodies. Confused but curious, you followed his lead.
Pulled to one of the single restrooms you felt yourself being slung inside, Echo behind you now, locking the door. The dingy lights were also a staple in the small room, the most of the illumination coming from the neon lights outside the high window. "Echo, what in the galaxy-"
"Say it again." His voice rushed as you turned to meet his urgent but dangerously narrowed eyes, the low tone startling you.
You knew he was referring to what you had said by the bar, but which part, in particular, left you timid to respond. "Say what again?" You finally managed, anxiously fiddling with a loose string on your pants.
The clone across the room looked positively possessed as he took only a single step toward you. "Tell me you want me." Echo pressed, the gravel to his voice making you shiver. "Please," his whispered demand nearly lost to the bass rumbling the walls.
This was certainly not where you had envisioned the night to go when you agreed to come out with your squad mates, but as you took a breath, you dove right into the dream. "I want you, Echo." And with the speed of an Arc Trooper, the man descended on you, pressing you into the wall. His body crowded around you, leaving no room to breathe in anything but him as his lips furiously pursued yours. Though he seemed desperate in his actions, there was a hesitation you felt in him. He was leaning against the wall by his arms, keeping himself just a hair's breadth away, afraid to touch you. Pulling back enough to speak against his lips, your hand found his cheek. "Touch me, Echo, please," your own plea a whisper.
His breath shook against your mouth as he faltered, "I-I'm afraid of ruining this…" His sincerity was the fear of a desolate man. "It's been so long… way before I looked-"
Reaching up beside you where his arms lay against the wall, gently guiding his hand and scomp-link to your body. "You can't ruin anything for me, I promise. I've been wanting this for so long, just touch me." A breathy exhale that sounded like a soft chuckle washed over your face at himself and to keep him from overthinking anymore you surged forward to press yourself against him fully- lips connecting.
The kiss you shared this time, was less desperate and hasty, instead imbued with passion and certainty as your tongue came out to greet his bottom lip. Mandalorian curses escaped under Echo's breath, voice trembling as he did, welcoming the dance you challenged. "I can't believe you want me… How could you want me?" Disbelief greeted you as you kissed him again trying somehow to get your affections across.
"How could I not?" Your simple reply caused him to look at you squarely, again searching your face as if he could find some hint of sarcasm or deception- but he found none. With a warm smile, you started unstrapping your armored chest piece and undressing from your standard issue GAR clothes. "Like I told the Twi'lek," you started as you set the clothes on a bar beside you, trying to maintain your composure with intense brown eyes observing you eagerly. "You're loyal, and kind. Funny as hell, adorable when you get embarrassed, charming when you aren't feeling too tired to banter around with me or your brothers," the last one made him chuckle a bit but it died off when the last of your clothes fell away and you stepped back up to him. "And no matter what's going on down here," you glanced down to where his codpiece sat, "I know you'll satisfy me completely."
"Kriff..." Echo stammered softly at the warmth of your hands reaching to unclasp his armor, a questioning look in your eyes. He grinned timidly, "I didn't think at this point you'd even feel the need to ask, cyare," to which you went at undressing him, yourself. Upon lowering yourself to the floor to undress his lower half, even with him imploring you to not get on the bathroom floor for him, you marveled when his blacks were pulled past his thighs.
"Well, color me surprised," your wistful voice made the clone groan in embarrassment as he covered his mouth with his hand, looking away bashfully. "Looks like you won't be disappointing anyone, will you, Echo?" You teased, glancing between the adorably sheepish look on his face and the solid cock that greeted you. Nothing amiss whatsoever. How could he be so insecure when he harbored this under his blacks?
Echo shifted on his robotic legs, anxiously, "There's no need for the commentary, cyar'ika," he complained, his voice deeper than usual as he stole glances at you between his legs as if he were caught watching something he shouldn't.
Smirking, you shrugged nonchalantly up at him, "Guess I'll just have to keep my mouth busy then." Your tongue splayed out over your bottom lip to experimentally lick at the head of his cock, reveling in the shaking gasp that escaped the clone.
"Oooh, k-kriff," Echo groaned helplessly, eyes screwing shut at the feeling blitzing through him like a barrage of blaster fire. The way his husky voice stretched out your name made your body ache for his touch.
You wanted more.
All of it.
All of him.
Your tongue danced along from the base to the tip a few times, placing delicate kisses here and there over his pale skin. It was sweet, watching him enjoy himself with such a small form of affection. The way his eyes fluttered every time your tongue swiped over the tip, how his teeth found purchase on the skin of his bottom lip to keep himself from making too many sounds. "Y-You gotta stop t-teasing me, mesh'la, please..." Echo breathed desperately, hand falling to the back of your head.
"Please, what, handsome?" The naïveté in your tone betrayed the way your eyes twinkled dangerously up at him and made him groan again, hand coming around to thumb your bottom lip, mesmerized by you.
"Please suck my cock." Desire finally blossomed in his eyes, the adorable timidness dissipating and giving way to a man who hungered for more. "I want to feel your mouth around me… I've wanted that for so long."
The admission surprised you, but you couldn't focus on it for too long before you acquiesced and took his cock into your mouth as far as you could before he hit the back of your throat. Echo choked out a moan at your motion, feeling the way your mouth warmed his skin, your tongue lapping around him. "S-So long… oooh, kriff. Wanted to feel your pretty mouth suck me off."
The filth murmuring from his pale lips was only fueling your lust as you hollowed your cheeks and started to bob your head back and forth on him. "I-I can't believe this isn't one of my-my dreams, oh fuck," Echo whispered as he looked down to meet your gaze, groaning at the hazy look in your eyes and whispering an astounded 'look at you' as his hand pressed into the back of your head. His hips thrust, against his better judgment, shoving himself further into your throat provoking a moan from the both of you simultaneously. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you relaxed, allowing him to fuck into your mouth at his leisure, the sounds he makes stirring you up more.
You pull back to catch your breath, a string of drool trailing from your tongue to his soaked cock. "You've dreamed of me sucking your dick, have you?"
"I've dreamed of many sinful things concerning you, cyare." Echo's voice was solid as he pulled you up by your arm, crushing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. His tongue tasted yours for a moment, scomp pressing into your lower back so you were flush with him. The large expanse of his hand explored your body, mapping every scar and dip of skin to commit to his memory. "Your body is even better than I could've fantasized it; much softer, stronger." He whispered against your neck, placing warm open-mouthed kisses along it.
"Echo," you breathed out his name, his mouth dizzying you. "Show me what you've dreamed… I want to know."
The chuckle that escaped through his lips and fell over your skin sounded dangerous as if you asked him to show you his crimes. "Bend over for me then," the drawl of your name spurred a whine from you that made him grin and you spun around in his arms to place your hands steadily against the bar drilled into the wall. "Kriff, and I thought the sight of you sucking my dick was going to make me cum..." Echo muttered from behind you, his hand brushing down the curve of your spine, admiring the way goosebumps chased after his fingertips. "This view is sure to ruin me."
"Echo, please," you whined over your shoulder at him. The sudden change in power lost on you as you shifted your hips back to meet his, yearning for some sort of relief. Teasing him had done a number on both of you and you needed him to relieve you somehow.
"Looks like I can't deny how badly you want me now, can I, cyar'ika?" The cybernetic clone chuckled from behind you, leaning his tall body over your back to whisper, "Not when you beg for my dick like that." The warmth of his breath tickled the back of your neck and you moaned at the feeling. Without any more taunting, Echo finally leaned away from you to watch himself slip inside of you. "Shit… look at how you take me," he sounded nearly astonished by how his cock disappeared inside, appreciating the sight before him- second only to how you choked his dick.
"Stars, Echo," you moaned desperately, wincing at the stretch of him inside of you, panting as you took more as he pushed deeper inside. "M-More, please, fuck me Echo, please."
"Greedy, aren't you," Echo teased lightheartedly, chuckling at how you begged for him to take you. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he sank into you fully, his typical jovial attitude returning. It wasn't even as if he were teasing you in an expected sexy way. He was teasing you as if he caught you with your hand in the ration box, looking to take extras. The feeling of his cock dragging inside of you as he gradually pulled out to just the tip and then just as slowly pushed himself back in nearly made you sob at the burning fixation for him to shatter you. "I love feeling you like this. I can't believe you want this as much as I do. Kriff, you are stunning. Everything you do floors me." You continually whined his name as he spoke, moving in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace then you felt his hand brush up your back and grip your shoulder tightly as if bracing himself. "You're the reason I said no to the Twi'lek. I just want this, only this," he moaned as he pulled out one last time before stopping, whispering, "Only you," then hammering into you at a fracturing pace.
"Oh fuck, Echo!"
"That's it," Echo praised in his warm encouraging tone, your name falling from his lips like a tribute as he drives his cock into you over and over until you were almost screaming. His stamina was devastating, the force behind his thrusts calamitous as your body rocked against his. "What a breathtaking sight you are taking me like this, kriffing hells. I'm gonna cum," Echo stammered as his hips faltered narrowly.
You'd hardly been able to process anything he'd been saying, too deafened by the passion though you felt his hips shift a bit, slowing their pace and you begged, "Inside, inside please."
"Maker, y-you can't say it l-like that," Echo chided with a choked moan, "I-I," and with a shocked gasp, Echo's hips stilled as they pressed into you. The Mandalorian praises that intermingled with your name, the way his mouth fell to your shoulder, leaving open-mouthed kisses, everything coalesced to a white flash shooting through your body. A sob of his name reverberated off of the bathroom walls, echoing around the two of you as your release hit you. The force seemed to hit your knees and you faltered on your feet but were caught quickly by Echo's scomp-link arm, reeling you back into him.
"Careful there," the smile in his voice evident as he nosed at your temple, pressing a few gentle kisses along your cheek. "Just relax, I gotcha." The gentleness of his touches weaved around you, lulling you against his firm body and the mechanical parts cool against your hot skin. "Sorry, I know some of the pieces might be prodding you." He winced at the thought abruptly.
You shook your head in response, steadying yourself against him by wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling closer. "Perfect… You're cool, it feels good, don't move."
Echo was once again left silent by your unconditional favor of all of him. "You continually amaze me," his chuckle affectionate as he hugged you closer. "Now, let's get dressed and get out of this filthy place. I've been thinking about another holomovie we could watch."
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virahaus · 3 months
Okay so a new little idea of mine
You know how in fics where Obi-Wan and Anakin are already married/together, the twins are all grown up and they start to bring home their first boyfriends/girlfriends?
Well Anakin is usually portrayed as the one who disapproves of it, especially regarding Han as a possible love interest for either of the twins but,,, I'm thinking.
Anakin is a romantic to the core. He loves love, and perhaps in a better life for himself he'd delight in watching corny romantic films and swoons over period dramas (his whole speech to padme when he confesses? Please he was Like That for a Reason ™).
He's an incurable romantic, and now that he has the love of his life Obi-Wan by his side always, I bed he'd love to see his children find the right person for them (tho I don't ofc dismiss him being protective over them or giving the possible love interest a stink eye).
But this is more about Han, specifically.
Usually in fics where he's a love interest for either Luke or Leia, Anakin disapproves of it while Obi-Wan is more encouraging and I'm like,,,,
No, sirs. No, madams. No, non-binary folks.
Han is a pilot and a good one a that. He loves his ship and he's a proficient mechanic too. Anakin would prolly be a bit wary about his past but they'd bond about their shared passion sooner or later. Not saying they'd be buddy buddy but the possibility is there.
Obi-Wan tho.
We have canon material about his interactions with Han! And if y'all don't think while watching their interactions that Obi-Wan is so over Han's bullshit I dunno what film have you watched lol
Their first encounter and this is Obi-Wan's face.
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He's literally like: this dude is only trouble. I won't let him date my son. Absolutely not. I veto this.
And it continues when Han speaks of the force.
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For Anakin I think it would be even more hilarious to hear him dismiss the Force as something that do not exist, since you know it's his second parent... But Obi-Wan's face? His little smirk? He's like please. Please let me out of there before I become uncivilised ergo juggle him around using the force.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk about why Obi-Wan would kick Han's ass both physically and verbally if he tried something with his children. Honestly Han was lucky Obi-Wan was dead in the later films 😂
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hey, sooo could you do buddy as drifts sibling/sparkling (which ever you want) and knew him when he was deadlock with him leaving them on accident with them running into each other again with buddy still being a con would drift try to have them join the lost light?
We are going with the twin route because not even I'm ready for an abandoned sparkling one. Also added some extra things, hope that was okay!
Personally, I don't think he would ever willingly abandon his sparkling or twin under any circumstance
Hope you enjoy!
Drift's twin the Con who was left behind on accident
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy had been by Drift/Deadlock side since the beginning.
From the overdose.
Meeting Ratchet and Orion Pax.
Meeting Megatron and joining the ranks.
Being one of the best snipers compared to their twin.
“I bet you 50 shanix you can’t hit the bot over there.”--Deadlock
“The one behind the rocks with that horrendous color scheme? Please, I’d do it for free, but since your offering…”--Buddy
Buddy closes their optics and fires the round hitting the bot on the shoulder.
“Non-lethal. Doesn’t count.”--Deadlock
Buddy holds a digit in the air.
The bot suddenly explodes.
Deadlock smirks.
“Compression rounds?”--Deadlock
“You know me Deadlock, I have to make my presence known one way or another. What better way with an explosion.”--Buddy
Deadlock reading his rounds.
“Always one for the grand entrances.”--Deadlock
Buddy smirks back.
Drift/Deadlock was their entire world and vice versa.
Buddy was his light in this dark world.
The only rocks in the world they had were each other.
Through the fun times and worst times, they stayed loyal to each other’s side.
But then the accident came.
It was the two of them and a small group of Cons on a stake out.
No one knew about the bombing raids.
Drift remembered the screaming and grabbing Buddy’s servo trying to get to safety.
He remembered the feeling of violently getting flunked into the air and blacking out.
He remembered waking up to nothing but scraps of metal and holes in the ground.
He remembered screaming and yelling for Buddy, realizing they weren’t holding his servo or anywhere in sight.
He remembered clawing the dirt around him trying to find them, hoping that they had been partially buried and safe.
He found nothing and went back to the base empty handed and empty hearted.
Buddy’s death was one of the turning points for Drift when he thought about his purpose with the cons and eventually joining the Autobots.
He would later tell the life of his beloved twin to his closest allies on the Lost Light.
Not a day goes by when he doesn’t say a little prayer to Buddy. It was a way of coping with the loss for so long.
Obviously, Buddy isn’t dead.
As it turned out the explosion took them much farther than everyone else.
Their signal had gotten jammed with the surrounding fauna and injuries didn’t help.
They remembered blackout out for a while before a group of Decepticon’s stumbled across their stasis frame. After an accidental reactivation Buddy was brought back to their ship for repairs.
A group they called the Scavengers.
Krok, the unofficial leader welcomed them to their group.
Buddy ended up joining the group as they added more members slowly as they tried to get back in contact with everyone.
The Scavenger couldn’t count the number of times they found Buddy try and contact Deadlock.
They tried to get in touch with Deadlock, but soon it became clear to Buddy that there was no possible way to communicate with him or anyone without the specific equipment for it.
It was now hope that fueled Buddy to one day see their twin again.
It was never a dull moment with the Scavengers and Buddy liked it.
The addition of Fulcrum and Grimlock just added to the fire.
The war may have been a loss… but it wasn’t a loss for everyone.
Krok looking at Buddy who had fallen asleep at the main console again.
He sighed before going over and gently picking them up.
Buddy stirred a bit in their sleep but didn’t wake up.
“They fell asleep at the console again?”--Spinister
Krok just nods as he moves to get Buddy to their habsuite.
“How many times has it been this week?”--Misfire
“Its none of our concern Misfire… They’re just tired.”
“Maybe they should start actually recharging at a decent hour.”--Fulcrum
“They need to let loose a bit you know. Maybe, I don’t know, take them out?”--Misfire
Krok stops in front of the door.
He feels his face plate warmer than usual.
“They won’t be interested.”--Krok
“You could always shoot them.”--Spinister
“No!—I mean—Spinister we don’t shoot team mates.”--Krok
“Krok I think we all know you and Buddy are a little pass the ‘Team mates’ phase.”--Fulcrum
“What makes you say that?”--Krok
Crankcase points at him.
“You carried them to bed and actively tucking them in.”--Crankcase
Krok paused for a moment before walking to the doorway.
“Listen, they are just another valuable member of the team. Anyways—”--Krok
“Who in their right mind would want to go out on a date me?”--Krok
“They’re smarter, they’ll find some one else to settle down with.”--Krok
“Even if they do want to settle—"--Krok
The four Scavengers point behind him.
He turns and is face to face with Buddy.
Krok trips backwards but Buddy grabs him and pulls him flush to their chassis.
Krok feels warmer than usual.
“Buddy… I thought you were asleep?”--Krok
“When your one of the best sniper of the Decepticon army and Deadlock’s your twin, you learn how to sleep lightly and play robot-opposum.”--Buddy
Krok chuckles nervously.
Buddy smirks at him.
“You know… there’s a planet that’s Cybertronain friendly coming up. We could go do some site seeing, what do you say?”--Buddy
Krok tries to speak but he just dumbly nods.
All the Scavengers behind him face palm at the interaction.
Buddy’s smirk turns to a genuine smile.
“All right then, see you in a couple hours then Krok.”--Buddy
They wink and close the door.
Krok just stares at the door.
“What did we just witness?”--Misfire
“That Buddy clearly has more game than Krok?”--Spinister
It was no surprise that Krok had feelings for Buddy.
But when Buddy reciprocated them, that took them all by surprise.
They worked perfectly with each other like a well-oiled machine.
They worked together determined to stick with each other through thick and thin.
“Krok, you’re doing it again.”--Buddy
“Doing what?”--Krok
“The clicking…”--Buddy
Krok looks down at the clicker and slowly sets it down.
Buddy comes to his side and slips their servo into his giving a loving squeeze.
Krok just rest his helm on their shoulder sighing.
“Do you want to talk about it now?”--Buddy
Krok shakes his helm.
Buddy moves their servo and pulls him into a side hug.
“Is this okay?”--Buddy
Krok vents and nods.
They stay on the couch for a bit.
“Thanks… Thanks…”--Krok
Buddy reaches and hugs him properly.
He responds immediately.
“No, thank you Krok…”--Buddy
The pair end up cuddling in Krok’s room for the rest of the night.
The pair had often danced around being Conjunxes, but both were too shy to bring that up.
The rest of the crew has their own romantic drama to watch now, and they don’t even need a TV for it.
One night the WAP’s engine broke down.
They sent out an emergency pin for repairs.
They received one back.
From the Lost Light.
The ships captain had offered a temporary stay on the ship while their ship was being repaired on the condition that they would be on their best behavior.
The team agreed.
Now The Scavengers were walking to the entrance port as the giant ship had latched onto it.
“Hey Misfire, who did you say the captain was again?”--Fulcrum
“Rodium? Rod? Hang on its on the tip—”--Misfire
The doors open.
“Guess we’ll find out.”--Krok
Buddy takes the lead.
Krok gives them a questioning look.
They walk in and nearly have a spark attack when they see the Co- captains, Ultra Magnus and a familiar felicon.
“Buddy? Your online?”—Megatron and Ravage
Buddy walks forward to the big grey mech.
They stick their servo out.
“Megatron. Its… been a while.”--Buddy
Megatron wordlessly takes the servo.
“It has…”--Megatron
“That’s Buddy? I thought they offlined a while back.”--Rodimus
“Well, they’re not.”--Grimlock
“Grimlock!?”—Rodimus and Ultra Magnus
“This day is just full of surprises isn’t it.”—Ravage
Upon remembering Buddy’s infamously and realizing that the ship was practically crawling with Autobot bot, the Scavengers formed a protective circle around Buddy as they continued to walk with the three other bots.
Ravage took this chance to leave the group.
He knew there was someone that needed to see this.
The group made it to Swerve’s and Buddy instinctively went on guard.
They were honestly glad they brought Grimlock as he gently pushed them forward when they wanted to stop.
Buddy felt uncomfortable knowing full well that many bots had recognized them, ye they weren’t doing anything.
As the group sat down in one of the larger booths, Buddy reached under the table and grasped Krok’s servo.
He sent out loving squeezes trying to soothe them a bit.
“How are you feeling about all… of this?”--Krok
“…Could be better honestly…”--Buddy
“At least Misfire and Grimlock seem to be having fun.”--Krok
Buddy looked over to see Misfire and Grimlock happily chatting with the red minibot bartender.
“Good for them—”--Spinister
Buddy immediately moves in front of Krok upon hearing the noise.
There at the entrance of the bar was a white and red mech.
Behind him another white and orange mech panting behind.
“Drift… I swear if you ever do that again…”--Ratchet
Drifts optics frantically searched the bar until they found Buddy.
Buddy felt their spark stop for a second.
Their frame slightly trembled.
Buddy quickly moved across the bar and tackled the mech down in a hug.
Ratchet quickly moved out of the way of the tender reunion.
Drift latched onto Buddy.
They were both slightly teary optic.
“Drift… Oh Drift…”--Buddy
“Oh, Thank Primus… You’re here! You’re here!”—Drift
There was a lot of catching up between the twins as they left to a more private place on the ship.
Drift really owed ravage this one.
Throughout the next few days Drift and Buddy hardly left each other’s side. It soon was made official that The Scavenger’s would be a part of the Lost Light, the twins were overjoyed.
“Drift! I haven’t properly introduced my team.”--Buddy
Drift smiled at them.
It was almost hard to believe that this mech was once one of the most feared mechs in the Decepticon armada.
“You’re the ones who saved Buddy?”--Drift
Drift shook their servos.
“Thank you doesn’t even cover it.”--Drift
Buddy slides next to Krok and holds his servo.
Drift looks at this interaction and gives Buddy a smirk.
Buddy looks at Ratchet behind him yelling at a poor bot that decided to play with his equipment.
They mirror his smirk.
“Who would have thought you fell for the one mech that saved your sorry behind all those years ago.”--Buddy
“You aren’t one to talk. At least he’s my Conjunx, is he yours yet?”--Drift
“Not yet—KROK!”--Buddy
Krok fainted in Buddy’s arms.
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
What suggestions would you have for cool, lesser known DC characters I could write a crossover fic with.
Preferably not Gotham-based characters because as much as I love them I need a break and I want to try something new. I know you mentioned Animal Man in another post. Does he have a solo run I can look up or is he usually in group comics/a side character in somebody else’s comics?
(I am deliberately baiting you to info-dump to me about any DC characters you want and I will write a fic with them so go nuts.)
Sadly at this current moment I can’t infodump nearly as much as I’d want to because my carpal tunnel is being a lil bitch but I can give synopses:
Animal Man- Buddy Baker, a typical suburban dad who also happens to be a hero that can use abilities based on any nearby animal (including bacteria?). He is powered by The Red which is the animal version of The Green (Plant Life). The Red is less the concept of all animals but more the concept that all animals are meat. his comics are either a beautifully terrifying body horror gore fest or a 4th wall breaking mind bending creation. No in between. Having Animal Man fight the Lunch Lady and realize she’s fundamentally a different being and not of The Red would be crazy awesome.
Booster Gold or Ted Kord: Booster Gold is a Time Cop who got his job from stealing shit from the Hall of Justice Museum and heading to the Age of Heroes to fund enough money and fame to pay for his mothers cancer treatment. He could be used in Clockwork related fics a lot and he’s also equally as much as a dumbass as Danny.
Blue Beetle also known as Ted Kord, is basically in the same package deal as Booster. Ted Kord, Late owner of Kord Industries, ja a brilliant master of technology and has stuff from a massive beetle ship to a gun. He’s best friends with Booster and their bromance could be fun if you want Danny to have two partially functional adult mentors.
Wally West. The second and fastest flash. A he’s the most go with the flow dude I’ve seen in recent comics, including dealing with an inter dimensional WWE esque fight where he fights alongside Space Hulk Hogan, and has a wonderful Wife, Linda West, and (sometimes) twin kiddos. The Flash’s entire sthick is family. They’re more family centered than the Fast and Furious movies for god sake. Having Danny find a new home in any speedsters home would be incredible.
The Spectre: the embodiment of Gods Wrath. I would go on far too long of a rant remind me to do one later but for now all I’m saying is that it would be sick as fuck for The Spectre to kill Vlad for the horrible things he’s done.
Green Arrow or in general Star City: Oliver Queen, inheritor of Queen Industries is a dude who got trauma after a boat sank and some island thing (tbh I don’t know his backstory off the top of my head), but he’s a very quippy and hilarious guy who’s jokes would mesh pretty nicely with Danny’s humor and in general he’s underutilized in both dpxdc and DC so it’d be nice to see that change :)
Ok hands are getting angry but I hope that’s a fun starting example list for ya!! :D
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thedeviltohisangel · 27 days
All The Things I Did (Interlude): My Little Loves
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a/n: Mother's Day, 1950. a super long, fluffy fic about Mother's Day! there is also quite a bit of angst as this takes place about one month before John would ship off to fight in the Korean War. I really hope you all enjoy this little bit of a deeper look at the twins/Lillian's personalities and Cass/John as parents and the absolute chaos that their house always is but they fucking love it because they fucking love each other. chat soon my lovies xoxo
The gentle tickles of John’s lips pressing to her back caused a smile to spread across her face. She kept her eyes closed as he kissed every inch of her skin that was exposed by the dip in the back of her nightgown. 
“I know you’re awake, baby. Can see the goosebumps when I kiss you.”
“Keep going. I didn’t tell you to stop.” He smiled against her shoulder and reached for the hand resting against her rounded belly and twisting their fingers together. “Waking me up like this is exactly how we came to celebrate this day three years ago.”
“Happy Mother’s Day, my love. Last one as a mama of three, huh?” Cass hummed and wiggled her back further into his chest. He kissed behind her ear and buried his nose in her hair, relishing in the simple feeling of her in his arms. It would never get old for him. The quiet moments between them and their growing family were his favorite. There was no moniker he loved more than husband and father.
“If you had it your way I would always be pregnant.” 
“Can’t argue that. I love filling you up with my babies.” As if to illustrate his point, he found the hem of her silkwear at the top of her thighs and lifted it to expose her belly to him fully. She was two months along with the next addition to their family. They were both already so eager to have a little baby again. “And how can you blame me? We make the prettiest little ones.”
“I have to agree. How do you make it so they all have your eyes?” She rolled over to face him and look at the baby blues in question.
“I don’t do it on purpose. Just a side effect of my-” There was a gentle knock on the door. “My bets on Penny,” he whispered. 
“Fine. I’ll take Lilly.”
“Mommy? I come in?” It was Gale. They were both wrong. 
“Yes, my little dove.” Knocking on the door to Mommy and Daddy’s room was one of the most critical things they had taught the twins. It had only taken one time for them to walk in on a moment their innocent eyes should never be exposed to for John to use his stern dad voice. The tone was so rarely used that their toddler ears had listened very closely and had obeyed ever since.
“Happy Mama Day!” He came scurrying into their room, his blanket trailing behind him, and Cass caught him in her arms as he jumped onto the bed. 
“Careful, buddy,” John exclaimed as his wife grunted and fell against the pillow with the impact of her son. 
“Sorry!” A few days ago, John had reminded the kids that the day where they celebrate their mother was coming up. Gale had been particularly excited, giving John a stack of drawings that he wanted to gift her and asking if they could have pancakes for breakfast because they were her favorite. 
“Did you sleep well?” she asked as her hand stroked through his curls. He nodded from where his head was tucked under her chin. 
“Hungry,” he offered simply. All of a sudden, John had two sets of eyes on him. “Daddy, we have cakes?”
“We did say that was mommy’s favorite.” He stroked the pillow soft cheek of his son and Cass smiled as she recognized the look in his eyes. One of pure adoration. One that he only ever looked upon her and their children with. “Go get your sisters so they can help.”
“Okay. Love you mama. Love you papa.” Gale reached for his dad first, kissing John’s puckered lips, before he tightened his little arms around Cass’ neck and accepted her request for a kiss as well. He shimmied out of the bed and was off in a scamper down the hall.
“When are we going to tell them?” she whispered with sadness as she watched her son. As she felt her husband’s hand tuck her hair behind her ear.
“I want today to be one of happiness. For you and for them.” He thinks the twins would be able to understand he was leaving for a while. That they would be able to feel the ache in their chest at not seeing their father for months. Maybe longer. Lillian had just turned two. Her grasp of the world around was still taking shape. But there were medical appointments and chauvinistic doctors. 
John knew his wife was strong enough, their love for each other was more than strong enough, to survive his deployment to Korea. He just didn’t know how he was going to say goodbye to her or the little one growing inside of her. He was at his strongest in the presence of his family. 
“I want every day to be happy for us. But especially for them.” Cass had promised her children they would never not be with their family. That nothing would ever separate them and that is exactly what their mother and father had fought for. And now it was all unraveling. “Look at my first baby coming to see me because he knows I’m sad.” Butter came padding into their room with a sock monkey in his mouth. 
“No, he just knows I’m about to get out of bed and wants to take my spot.” Butter whined as if to ask if he could hurry up and do just that. They heard two sets of feet quickly patter down the stairs and smiled as their littlest one rubbed her eyes in their doorway. The stairs were a bit of a daunting task for her so she knew to ask for help. “Hi, ladybug.” John was quick to swing his legs onto the floor and pad over to his princess. 
“Does it look like she was scratching at her ear again?” Cass welcomed Butter onto the bed with a scratch to the top of his head. At her last doctor’s appointment, they had poked and prodded as they tried to find a comfortable hearing aid for her little ear. It had left her with even more discomfort than she normally walked around with and it broke Cass’ soul she couldn’t fix it. 
“It doesn’t look as red as it did yesterday.” John kissed the ear in question as he rested his daughter on his hip. She smiled and gripped the collar of his shirt tighter. “Should we go make sure Mommy has a breakfast that’s actually edible?” Cass melted as she watched him rub his nose against their daughter’s. Lillian was so attached to her parents, only ever at complete peace in their arms and seemingly feeling a little lost in navigating this loud and crazy world. The most rewarding gift she could have given her children was this man as their father. 
“We can’t miss mass either, John!” she called as he disappeared towards the sounds of giggling children and bowls clanging together. “What are the chances they don’t make my entire kitchen look like a warzone?” she asked Butter as she turned to kiss his nose. He looked at her as if to say zero.
“Penny, I love your coloring so much and it is so beautiful, but can we keep it on the paper and off the table?” Cass normally put paper or an old tablecloth under their paper when they were coloring to avoid this very issue but the thought hadn’t crossed his mind until it was too late. 
“Daddy, sing please!” Penelope asked with a smile as she looked up at John.
“Please!” Gale emphasized.
“Sing? What should we sing?” He was balancing Lily on his hip, her little hands occupied with the piece of fruit she was sucking on and refusing to eat, while grabbing pancake ingredients with one hand and monitoring the bacon crackling on the stovetop. 
“Twinkle star,” she offered as she got down from her chair and moved to the counter by her dad. 
“You want to start the song, lovey?” Penny wrapped her arms around John’s leg and hugged tightly as he struggled to measure the flour with two of his limbs occupied by cuddly babies. 
“Twinkle twinkle star,” she began singing with her toddler lisp glossing over some of the consonants in the words. 
“How I wonder what you are,” John continued as his son padded over to join in on use Dad as a jungle gym time, taking the empty leg for himself to match his twin. “Up above the world so high…” He looked down as the twins mumbled along to the song.
“Like a star in the sky,” they sang. He smiled at their new lyrics. Diamond was a hard word for them to pronounce. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”
“How I wonder what you are!” He bopped his finger against Lilly’s nose as the song came to a close. “Excellent job, my loves.” 
“We help?” Gale asked as he was already moving his little stool so it was flush to the counter. 
“Stir very carefully,” John said as he offered the wooden spoon to his son. He switched the hip Lilly was resting on and dropped a kiss to the top of Gale’s head, checking in on Penny who was happy to stay wrapped around his leg like a monkey. “Should we add some chocolate?” 
“I love chocolate!” Penelope answered as she stood to try and peek at what her brother was doing. 
“Penny, careful,” Gale cautioned as he furrowed his brow with concentration at the task his father had given him. John smiled at the interaction as he offered Penelope a little bowl of just chocolate chips. 
“Don’t tell your mother,” his finger against his lips as if to seal in the secret.
“Thank you, Daddy,” she giggled as she scurried back to the table with her little treat. Lillian squeaked with delight as Butter came loping down the stairs to join in on the chaos and get closer to the smell of bacon. He sniffed at her feet as she laughed and reached to pet him. 
“There you go, ladybug.” John set her down and she was off towards the living room with her best friend in tow in search for his favorite basket of toys. “How we looking, Gale?”
“All done!” John gave it a quick stir to make sure everything was incorporated and gave his son an impressed nod when it looked perfect.
“Mommy’s going to love these,” he whispered as the little one smiled. 
“I love mommy.” 
“She loves you, too,” John slid the pan of bacon to the back of the stove and let Gale drop a pad of butter into a new pan, “and you know I love you a lot, right?” 
“This much?” Gale giggled as he spread his arms out wide. 
“This much,” John answered with a smile as he extended his own arms. He brought his arms around his son’s little body and squeezed as tightly as he could, kissing the side of his head. There was a happy screech from the living room, distinctly the sound of Lillian, that had both Egan boys turning their heads. “You want to check on your sister?” The twins were just as protective over their little sister as their parents were. John and Cass had done their best to explain to them she was a little different than the little siblings their friends have or even than they were as babies. That she needed a little extra love and attention sometimes. Cass had let the thoughts eat her alive that she wouldn’t be able to love the twins as much as they deserved if she was so focused on Lillian. John had assured her that her heart was big enough for the task.
“I be back!” John watched with a smile as his son ran off into the living room and felt his chest swell at the little humans he and his wife had created and were raising to be kind, loving and giving. It was these exact moments that had spurned his heart back to life on the back of the carriage in the German forest or when his stomach was cavernous and his nose felt like it was going to fall off in Stalag. He was on this earth to be a husband to his wife and a father to his children. 
“Daddy, more chocolate?” Penelope presented him an empty bowl with the evidence of her treat streaked across her cheeks and even a little on the pink of her pajamas. 
“Little lamb, how did you get a tiny bowl of chocolate chips all over you like this?” he asked as he crouched down to her height. 
“More, daddy? Please?” 
“I’ll put some in your pancakes, how about that?” 
“Smile face?” John had been known to try and turn his kids food into a smiley face whenever he had the chance. Most notably was Sunday morning pancakes with chocolate chips.
“Yes, baby, daddy’ll make your pancake into a smiley face.” Satisfied with his answer, she too ran off towards the room that held a fraction of her toys, her dog and her siblings. He thought about calling back for her so he could wipe her face and hide the evidence from his wife but he could already hear giggling and thought it best to leave it be. 
Of course his three kids were an absolute handful, he doesn’t know how their nanny did this by herself everyday or how Cass managed at night before he got home, but he had never felt as fulfilled as he did in the moments with them. When he had gotten the orders to Korea, it was missing these moments that made his heart stop. Missing Gale and Penelope’s musicals they put on with their stuffed animals most nights. Missing guidance from doctors on how to help Lillian still hit milestones and reach her full potential in this life. Missing the sight of Cass’ smile and the way she mumbled in her sleep and how she fiddled with her wedding band when she was reading. 
The United States Air Force was a bitch of a mistress.
John had every intention of bringing her breakfast in bed and snuggling as a family under the covers. But Gale had spilled the orange juice on his way up the stairs and Butter had stolen a strip of bacon from the plate while he was trying to clean up and Penny had already picked chocolate chips out of two pancakes before he realized it might have been too noble of an intention. 
“What have we got going on down here?”
“Mommy!” It was a chorus of loving children as Cass appeared at the top of the stairs like an angel. She tiptoed around a defeated John and welcomed all three of them in for a hug as she reached them. 
“Did my little loves help Daddy make breakfast?” The twins nodded and Lillian crawled into her lap, her ear dropping to her mother’s chest and smiling at the feeling of her heartbeat instantly. “Let’s go set the table so we can enjoy it.” 
“I’ll meet you guys over there,” John sighed as he was picking up ripped pieces of pancake from the stairs.
Just like the goddess he always knew she was, Cass had the kids cleaning up coloring supplies, setting placemats and settling into their wooden booster seats all while they hummed Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star again. He watched silently as she wet a napkin and wiped Penelope’s giggling face and helped Gale cut his breakfast into smaller pieces and took extra care to make sure Lillian was comfortable with her miniature fork. “I’m sorry, baby, we were supposed to be waiting on you, not the other way around.” 
“I’d rather dote on the little doves that made me a mother today.” She fell against him with ease, his lips against hers quickly. “Thank you for breakfast.”
“You haven’t even eaten it yet. It could be disgusting.” 
“The lack of Egan jabbering coming from the table due to their eating of it leads me to believe it can’t be that bad.” Cass pressed onto her toes to kiss John the way she always did when they got to talking about their babies. Like she wanted another one promptly. It was how the current Egan in her belly got there. 
“Since when is their jabbering from me? You’re the one who sweet talks people for a living.” He fisted her nightgown as he tried to restrain himself against the efforts her tongue was making with his. “And so successfully I might add, baby. So good at being my little Spook.”
“John Clarence Egan,” she squeezed his cheeks into his chin with one hand, “stop with that bedroom voice. We have no time-”
“Oh, Cass, I don’t need that much time,” he sniped back with that grin that normally made her knees fall open. 
“Mommy, Daddy, sit!” Penelope pointed at the empty chairs they normally sat in, her face covered in even more chocolate than it was before. 
“What do we say when we ask someone for something?”
“Please!” she answered. Cass kissed the top of her head and sat down across from her as John carried over two plates. 
“Thank you, baby,” she kissed his arm as it reached in front of her. 
“Mama!” Cass smiled as Lillian called for her attention and reached out her arms. It wasn’t very often she tried to speak and it made her heart soar whenever she did. Even more so when she used her voice to call for her parents.
“Yes, my sweet girl, I’m right here.” She brought her into her lap and swallowed back tears as John looked at them with a sad smile. “I’ll always be right here. I promise.” Cass buried her nose in Lillian's hair and breathed deeply as John held her hand on top of the table.
“Daddy, too?” Gale asked quietly as he paused his eating. 
“I’m always, always, going to do everything I can to be with you.” He squeezed his wife’s hand tighter.
“Okay, Daddy!” Satisfied with the answer, and not understanding the true sentiment behind John’s words, Gale was focused on his fork and making it sound like a plane. 
Cass did her best to smile the rest of breakfast. She snuck some bacon under the table for Butter. Bounced Lilly on her knee while she laughed. Felt her sides hurt with joy as John mimed eating the chocolate off of Penelope’s cheeks. It was exactly the kind of family she had always wanted to build. One of pure love and happiness. One that didn’t feel like it needed to be molded in some kind of high society pressure. One where her kids would always know she loved them. Where they would always know their parents loved each other. 
“Alright, monkeys, let’s go upstairs so we can get changed for church.” The twins groaned like teenagers trapped in toddler bodies, Penelope dramatically going limp in John’s lap while Gale dropped his forehead to the table. “Hey, we said today was Mommy’s day right? So we agreed to do whatever Mommy wanted?” 
“No church, Daddy.” To them it meant stockings and sitting quietly and there were the Carter kids that they despised seeing. 
“For me?” Cass asked with a pout. It worked on their father. Maybe it would work on them. Penny looked to her dad.
“Do it for Mama,” he whispered like it was a secret just between them. Penelope relented with a nod and after a kiss to the top of her head from John was off his lap and holding her brother’s hand to scurry up the stairs. 
“You want to help them while I clean all this up?” He was already standing from the table and gathering plates. 
“I’m going to find a way to get us to Japan.” John froze and turned back to look at his wife, her focus on Lillian. “I’m not letting anything separate this family. Not even another war.” He set the plates in the sink and moved to crouch at her side, tucking her hair behind her ear and noticed the way she was shaking with the strength it took to not break down. 
“Cass, baby, nothing ever will separate us. Even if I am physically far away, you know my heart is always with you five.” 
“Last time…last time…” Lilly squeaked as her mother pressed her into her chest. Cass so rarely thought about Germany. Used all her compartmentalization skills to keep the years without John shoved away. Her time at the camp and their journey to make it out of there tucked away even further. She had always been adamant that misfortune only befell them when they were apart. When the distance allowed the malevolent spirits to find their way in. 
“Hey, ladybug, come here.” John gently pried Cass’ hands from around their daughter and set her on the ground. “Butter!” The hound came trotting when he heard his name. He whined at the sight of Cass and the state she was in. 
“Mama?” Lillian tilted her head and reached back for her mother with curiosity. Understanding why John had called him, Butter distracted her with a lick to her cheeks and she was giggling at the dog instantly. He gently nudged her until she was toddling out of the kitchen and he followed after her. 
“Talk to me, Spook. Tell me what’s rattling around that gorgeous mind.” John cupped her cheek so he could look her in the eyes. 
“I had the worst two years of my life because I wasn’t with you. I was hopeless and lifeless and had no purpose without you, John. I’m so afraid that when you leave, I’ll go right back to that place and I have those three I have to be brave for and this little one and oh, God, they’re going to come while you’re gone and I can’t-” Her head was tucked under his chin in an instant as the sobs racked through her body. 
“Breathe, baby, breathe. I’ve got you.” Cass had gotten so good at tucking her emotions into a little box that she kept in a dark and tiny corner of her heart. It had been years since the memories inspired a breakdown such as this. “If you and the kids moving to Japan is going to fix that ache, then we’ll figure it out. We’ll find a way. Just like we always do.” 
“I don’t want this to weigh on you. Just give me a minute and I’ll be fine.” She pushed off his chest and stood on shaky legs. 
“Cass…” he reached for her but she didn’t grab his hand. He recognized the glazed look to her eyes. It was the same she had the previous few times the ghosts of the past had come to haunt her. It was Central Intelligence Agency Cassandra Egan taking the reins. Urging the version of her that felt too hard and too deeply to let go of the wheel and let the cold as stone version take control. “Cass, baby, don’t do this. Don’t run from your emotions. Don’t shut me out.”
“Mommy! I need help!” Penelope’s voice called from the top of the stairs. 
“I’ll be right there, little love!” She turned to look at John who looked like he was going to stay exactly where he was until she crawled back in his lap and worked through this with him. “I’m not running and I’m not shutting you out. Now’s just not the right time.” 
“When will be the right time?” He wasn’t going to let her say the things he wanted to hear and get away with no following through. 
“Tonight? You, me and our pillows?” It was where their most important conversations seemed to be had. The place where they could relax and breathe and touch each other and whisper softly and kiss each other through whatever problems arose. They had yet to find a problem they couldn’t kiss their way through.
“I’ll be there.”
Gale and Penelope held their mother’s hand tightly as they walked out of the church, anxiously awaiting the lollipop their father normally handed to them once they hit the sidewalk if they had behaved. Penelope had done her best to not plug her ears at the sound of the organ and Gale had only stuck his tongue out at Jeffery Carter once and his mother hadn’t even noticed. 
“Alright. Good little lambs lollipop time.” John dropped Lillian to her feet and squatted to be at the same height of his cheering children. “One for each of you.”
“Thank you, Daddy!” the twins said in unison. 
“Give me a kiss.” They giggled as they each pressed their sticky lips to his cheeks. 
“Oh, Cass! It’s so good to see you! Happy Mother’s Day!” Grace Carter. Self-proclaimed Queen of Great Falls, Virginia. 
“Grace, it’s good to see you.” Cass greeted her politely. “Happy Mother’s Day yourself.” She was acutely aware of her twins staring daggers at the two Carter boys. She gathered them against her legs and smoothed her hand over their hair. 
“Lieutenant Colonel Egan, you always look dashing in your Sunday best.” Cass gathered her breath before Grace became acquainted with her right hook. 
“Thank you, ma’am. How are you doing, Adam?” he reached to shake his hand firmly before settling Lillian back on his hip and kissing his wife on the side of the head.
“I’m good, John, nice to see you.” For all the women that fawned over John Egan, much to the nearly violent chagrin of his wife, the husbands were never worried. No one in Great Falls or Charleston or Europe had ever seen him look at a woman that wasn’t his wife. 
It incensed the local gossipers that he only ever seemed to be a devoted, attentive husband and father. He had been seen taking the twins to a park by himself, the horror. Seen picking them up from preschool instead of the nanny and while his wife was at work, the scandal. And the absolute most incredibly inappropriate display of Lieutenant Colonel John Egan handling a temper tantrum on the sidewalk of Walker Street with soft words and an understanding tone. Not a scream or a yell or a rough hand to avoid the prying eyes. Ghastly. 
“Well, we best get going.” Cass smiled in the way that John knew meant she was moments from kicking someone’s ass, her hands pivoting the twins away and towards the car.
“Cass, will we be seeing you at the school’s bake sale Wednesday afternoon?” 
“No, Grace. I’ll be at work.” That was another thing the local gossips loved to make a topic of conversation. The fact that Mrs. Cassandra Egan worked. That she wasn’t at every bake sale or auction but somehow always managed when it was a recital or art show. They were annoyed she had priorities and boundaries and enforced them and had a partner who seemed to do everything with her in perfect tandem. They never worked against each other, always rowing in the same direction. 
“Such a shame you always have to work. Especially in your condition. You really should be resting.” John felt the air turn cold and tightened his grip around his daughter, his other arm wrapping around his wife’s waist and resting on top of their precious bump. 
“And what condition might that be? The blessing of another child?” He knew where her mind was going. The acrid comments from doctors that somehow Cass was to blame for Lillian’s deafness. That she hadn’t taken enough care of herself during her pregnancy or rode her horse one too many times or that having twins had ruined her birth canal and damaged their daughter during birth. “I could only hope to be in this condition more often than not, Grace. I mean, you said it yourself. My husband looks so dashing in his Sunday best.” 
A long afternoon of lollipops and the sprinkler in the backyard and babies falling asleep around the outdoor fire with chocolate on their cheeks, turned into a slow night of baths and bedtime stories and lullabies as Cass tucked the blanket around Gale’s tiny frame.
“Mommy?” he asked groggily as she was just about to close the door.
“Yes, little love?” Cass padded back to his bedside and gently knelt down to look at his precious face, cheek squished against his pillow and stuffed animal tucked under his chin.
“I love you.”
“I love you so much, my baby. So very, very much.” She stroked his cheek gently and kissed his forehead.
“Stay together forever,” he mumbled as his eyes grew heavy and he drifted into dream land. Cass held her breath as she watched peace settle over him. Peace that their family would remain intact and together. Forever. 
“I’ll do everything in my power, baby, I promise.” She gently pushed his curls off his forehead and pressed a kiss to the skin there, sealing in her promise. 
Cass closed the door as gently as she could and rested her own forehead against the wood to steady her breathing for a moment. For someone who prided themselves in keeping their emotions at bay, she was having a hard time breathing against the waves crashing against her. She knew she was stronger than this. Knew that her relationship with her husband and his bond with their kids was capable of withstanding any test that was thrown at them. The point was that Cass thought she had passed enough tests for the universe to give her a break. That she had earned a modicum of normalcy in waking up next to her husband every morning and both of them raising their babies together every day. What more did they want from her in order to give her that? Cass wasn’t sure she had much left to give them.
“Gale fall asleep before you even made it out the door?” John asked as he was arranging the pillows the way he knew his wife liked. “I didn’t even have to read to little ladybug, she practically fell asleep before I even got her pajamas on her.”
“For all the sugar he consumed today, yes, he fell right asleep. Penny is probably still awake making flashlight puppets.” Ever since John had used the flashlight and his hand to act out a scene from her favorite bedtime story, Penelope had been working to perfect her craft. More than once she had been caught by her parents in the middle of the night. 
“Just the fact that we created humans amazes me but the fact that they have imaginations and dreams and personalities…learning who they are is never going to get old to me,” John mused. He walked around the bed and tried to bring Cass into his arms but she was already crawling onto the bed and sliding herself under the blankets. “You’re not going to let me hold you, baby?” He looked dejected as he stood there with his arms open like he was still expecting her to fall into them. 
“I need that big brain of yours to help me work through some problems, Lieutenant Colonel.” She patted his pillow next to her for emphasis. He smiled wickedly and leaned down to kiss her, crawling over her body until she was horizontal across the bed. “I love when you look at me like that. Like you can read me and understand without me having to verbalize it to you.”
“Because I can, Spook,” he hummed. His lips dropped to hers once, twice, three times before his eyes were right back on hers. “You scare me when you shut down like you did earlier, Cass. You have to let yourself feel things in order to work through them.”
“I feel things when I’m with you. When I’m with our kids. It’s the feeling of not being with you and us all not being together that I want to avoid.” His finger drifted down her cheek and left a pleasant tingle in its wake. 
“It’s not forever, baby. With those three and one on the way and Butter, you will be so busy you won’t even realize I’m gone.” She sat up and held John’s face between his hands. 
“Please tell me you don’t think that’s true. There will always be a hole in my chest whenever you aren’t near.”
“I know. I’m just trying to find the right words to say to soothe your ache, Cass.” She leaned down and kiss him gently. Conveying all of her love, or as much as her human form could summon, letting herself melt under his gaze. 
“There’s a position in Tokyo. Mary told me about it a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been holding back on asking for it because of our little ones. All four of them.” Her hands fell to her pregnant belly and John rested his cheek on top of them. “I’m scared to fly with them that long and I’m scared of my choices fucking with another one of our-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Cass. You did nothing wrong when it comes to Lillian. You carried her and provided for her and were put here on this earth to be exactly the mother that you are to her.” John wasn’t ashamed at the level of anger he had shown the doctors that had tried to pin this on his wife. Wasn’t ashamed that he had almost throttled them through the exam room door. She smiled through her tears and combed her fingers through his curls. 
“See? I need you.”
“We need each other.” She nodded in agreement. 
“And we’ll always have each other. We’ll always make sure of it.”
As she kissed John in the warmth of the lamplight, the ache in her chest was soothed but not solved. She had a plan percolating in her mind on how to do so but fears that were acting as barriers towards diving in. It was uncharted water for her. Unsure of her choices and calculating the ripple of implications they would have on her children instead of just herself or an operation. It was the first time there may be a conflict between her desires as a wife and her desires as a mother. Ultimately, she would be the only one able to reconcile them.
But there were a few things she would always know for certain. Firstly, that John Egan loved her and she loved him. Second, that she loved every inch of all of her children and always would, for all time. Third, that she had fought tooth and nail for the life that she currently had and nothing would ever be worth losing it for.
Lastly, Cassandra Ann Egan knew that she deserved happiness. And fulfillment. And peace. She had fought a war to find the stable ground she was sitting on and supposed she would fight another one to maintain it. To protect it. To preserve her little corner of the world that darkness was not allowed to touch. 
They’d have to get through her first. And she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
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floral-force · 1 year
Fire Up the Engines - oneshot
din djarin x female reader, mechanic!reader (no y/n)
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summary: Din Djarin's ship is in need of intense repairs, and he lands in Peli's hangar for help. The witty mechanic assisting Peli with the work might be too enticing and seductive for Din to ignore.
words: 5.9k+
warnings: Explicit, 18+ ONLY; smut (rough sex, fingering, p-in-v), unprotected sex
note: this is filth. plain and simple. have you ever thought about fucking din in his ship? me too--so i wrote a fic. read on ao3 | fic masterlist
Peli shielded her eyes from Tatooine’s blazing twin suns to watch the pre-Empire ship that was landing in her hanger, its engines roaring. She grinned as Din Djarin walked down its lowered ramp with Grogu in the satchel across his chest. He met her where she stood in the shaded tool shed, light bouncing off his armor and onto the curved ceiling.
“Didn’t expect to see you back so soon! But I’d never turn down a chance to see my little buddy!”
Grogu chirped at her and looked up at Din, wiggling around. His helmet tilted back slightly and he sighed, lifting the child out of the satchel and handing him to Peli. He popped his hand on his hip and let the surrogate aunt coo and bounce his strange, adopted child in her arms, the large ears on his wrinkled green head perked up. Din knew Grogu liked visiting Peli—she coddled him almost more than Din did. Aside from that, he could never deny one of the few people he trusted Grogu’s affection.
“I need some repairs,” he stated, watching some of her droids hesitantly pick up toolboxes.
“Already? I just got you this while you were here helping the other guy! Should be as good as—well, not new, but as good as we got it when you were here.”
Din exhaled and crossed his arms. “I had a rough couple of bounties.”
“And raiders.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Well, thank the Force you made it here. If it’s really that bad, then I think I need to contact one of my guys.” 
“I don—”
She waved a hand and shushed him. “Before you even start, I trust this one. She’s my go-to when I know that only using my droids won’t be enough.”
Din rolled his shoulders back and looked at Grogu, who tilted his head and gurgled. He sighed and simply said, “Fine.”
“Alright!” She smiled, her missing tooth adding to the charisma and brightness that she managed to bring no matter where she went. “I’ll go give her a quick call. Shouldn’t be long.”
Din took a step forward and extended his arms. Grogu’s tiny claws wiggled at Peli as she gently passed him off to Din, telling him she’d be back soon with a snack for him. Din cradled the child in his left arm and turned to face the hangar. His visor settled on a crate on the other side, his boots kicking up tiny puffs of sand as he walked over to it under the suns’ relentless rays. The clan of two was soon hidden again in the shade, Din’s knees cracking as he sat on the crate. 
“What do you think, kid?” he asked, running his index finger along one of Grogu’s large, pointed ears. 
“Patu,” Grogu chirped, tilting his head in response, his large brown eyes fixed on Din’s beskar helmet.
Din nodded in agreement and tried to ignore the heat of Tatooine even as he sat in the shade. He hoped that Peli’s contact would be over sooner rather than later and would help make short work of the damage his attackers had done before he blasted them to bits.
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Din watched her with crossed arms as she inspected the ship with Peli, her brow furrowing when she noticed a dent or carbon scoring. She was constantly taking notes on her holopad, wiping her brow while she wrote and listened to Peli. At one point, she squatted down ten feet in front of where Din stood to point something out to Peli—a couple tubes were exposed, the metal covering completely blown off—and his eyes lingered too long on the wet spots that had already formed on her back before they trailed down further. He had to avert his eyes, turning his head ever so slightly. 
After what felt like hours, she walked over to where he stood in the shade with Grogu at his feet, curiously peeking out from behind his calf. She chuckled at the green toddler, wiping her brow as her eyes settled onto his visor.
“So, Mando, you’ve had quite the adventure, huh?” she asked, the corner of her lips quirking up into a smile.
“You could say that.”
“I think the carbon scoring and the busted turbine in one of your engines said it for me,” she teased, looking down at her holopad and leaning on her hip. “Well, it might take until the suns set, but Peli and I can get it done. It’ll set you back, though.”
“I can pay.”
She looked up at him through her lashes and his heart quickened when he noticed her gaze linger on his utility built, grazing slowly back up to his helmet. “I’m sure you can.”
He hesitated, his pulse pounding in his ears as she smiled coyly at him. Din was good for the money—and whatever else she desired from him. 
She finally broke her gaze, turning over her shoulder to wave at Peli and give her a thumbs up. Peli nodded and started rounding her droids up and yelling at them to pick up their tools and hustle for her best customer. When she turned back around to face Din, he focused on how soft her lips looked as she flashed him yet another killer smile. He tried his best not to let his eyes get too greedy taking in her figure, but he couldn’t help stop himself from watching a bead of sweat travel down her neck and across the ridge of her collarbone, slipping into her cleavage. A heat rushed throughout his body, and it wasn’t from the brutal midday heat. 
“Well, um…I’ll get to it then.” She rubbed the back of her neck and took a step back towards the tool shed. “Shouldn’t be long, Mando. I’ll try not to keep you waiting.”
Din stared at her as she turned and walked away, his attention stolen by the way her long brown cargo pants perfectly outlined her ass. 
Grogu’s chirps snapped him out of his trance, and he picked his son up, letting him nestle into the bend of his arm.
“You hungry?” he asked, looking down at his son. “Me too.”
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After taking Grogu to a nearby market for a meal and ration restock, he arrived back to the hangar as the suns were setting. The sky was turning a light shade of pink, purple melting into it as dusk approached. He saw Peli’s droids wiping down different parts of his ship with polishing rags, their binary chatter filling the empty evening air.
“Make that hunk’a junk sparkle!” Peli yelled, her hands on her hips.
“Thought you said my ship was in the best condition you’d ever seen for what it was.”
She jumped around in surprise, her unique smile lighting up the hangar as he stepped into it from the entryway. “Mando! You’re back right in time. Droids are polishing her up, and she’s finishing up one last thing with one of the guns.”
Din nodded, feeling Grogu wiggle in the satchel. “Can I set these things down in the hull?” he asked, lifting the bags of rations—and a few special treats Grogu had waved into Din’s basket with his powers—he carried in his hands.
“Go right ahead! But before you do—” Peli ran in front of him and held her hands out. “Lemme have the little womp rat! I gotta show him how to kick butt at cards.”
Din heard Grogu babble up at him, and he sighed, setting the heavy bags down. Those eyes were his biggest weakness. He gently took the satchel off, handing the gurgling bundle off to a very excited Peli. He watched her walk away with a spring her step, responding to Grogu’s chirps with colorful commentary. He shook his head and chuckled under the helmet. Something told him Grogu would leave Tatooine even morespoiled than the last time they’d visited. 
He pressed a button on his vambrace, and the ramp lowered. Din picked the bags up again, his muscles straining with the weight, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle; Tatooine just made every physical task more tiring than it was to begin with. He walked up and into his ship, heading over to the ration crate. Din dropped the bags in with a grunt, then put his hands on his hips, satisfied. After raising the ramp and closing the ship up, he dropped to one knee and sifted through the bags, looking for Grogu’s special treats so he could set them aside. 
“You’ve got quite a unique ship, Mando.”
Din immediately drew his blaster, his head snapping up so he could better his aim at the woman in front of him.
“Whoa! It’s me!” she said, throwing her hands up. Her clothes had splotches of dirt and grease on them, the palms of her working gloves dirtied as well. There was a smear of grease on her cheek, and it wrinkled when she smiled at him. The sweat on her brow and under her eyes sent a chill down his spine; it was oddly enticing, highlighting features he hadn’t noticed earlier.
He should know better by now when it came to Peli and trusting people. It only got him into trouble he hadn’t wanted in the first place. 
And this mechanic was the epitome of trouble, her seductive smile and enticing body only fueling the growing fire within him.
He squeezed his blaster, the pinch of his glove snapping him back to the present threat. “How did you get in here?” Din asked, his voice darkening.
“I was fixing the gun and had to open the belly up a bit to get to some wires. I ended up over by the privy.” When Din didn’t lower his blaster, she quickly added, “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch anything! You do a good enough job messing her up on your own.”
Din answered her quip with silence. Her smile fell, and she looked down at the floor. He kept his blaster raised only so he could keep her in front of him—he wanted to take in every part of her that he didn’t get to earlier, from her messy hair to her scuffed-up boots. The cargo pants she wore were now stained with dirt and grease, and they hugged her perfectly in the thighs—and he knew from earlier that they made her ass look delicious, too. They were sloppily cuffed over leather lace-up boots, but he paid no mind to them. His mind was focused solely on how fast he could undo the belt cinched around her waist and gain access to the skin hidden under fabric and mesh. The thought alone was enough to send a chill down his spine and make his cock twitch; she was totally clothed and yet his head grew heavy with lust.
Din had to wrench his eyes up and away from the belt; any longer, and he knew his cock would grow visibly hard. The gray sleeveless shirt she wore clung to her body, grease and other random splotches lightly patterning it. His eyes landed on her chest, and he noticed that she was breathing a little heavier than she had been earlier, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm driven by nerves and, maybe, anticipation. The straps of the sleeveless top rested on top of darker ones, which led him to believe that she was wearing some sort of bra; Din made a mental note to take care of that when the time came. He’d been too busy studying the way sweat dripped into her cleavage to have noticed it earlier. Even in the cool hull of the ship, her bare arms and shoulders glistened with sweat. Her gloved hands were trembling so softly that Din wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been imagining them clutching his armor.
Under his scrutiny, she felt her skin tingle. Her heart was starting to speed up, banging against her ribs, pumping her blood full of adrenaline. Underneath the anxiety, though, was a hint of excitement. Something about the void of the visor sucked her right in, dropping her into a black pool of desire—desire.
He tilted his helmet up at her, and her eyes caught the movement. He stood and holstered his blaster, and she dropped her hands, a sigh escaping her lips. Din took a step closer, invading her space. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him through her lashes. Din clenched his fists when she bit her bottom lip and looked down at the ground again. He almost wanted her to see his growing erection, wantedher to see that she was close to pushing him past the point of no return.
“You’re a man of few words,” she quietly remarked, her heart fluttering a bit when he tilted his head to the side.
“I’m more of a man of action.”
His smooth voice ran over her like water after a long day, seeping into her bones—but his voice was pure gasoline, lighting her insides on fire instead of quenching her thirst for more. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she gingerly placed a gloved hand on his chest, the metal dividing them. Din didn’t even care that he’d have to polish it and work a little harder to get the grease and grime off it; his thoughts were clouded with her, desire starting to overtake him.
“Wanna show me, Mando?”
Her sultry invitation sent flames through his veins. She yelped when his hands pushed her back into the wall near the ladder to the cockpit; her coy smile up at him and soft nod let him know that she liked it. The force of him pushing her back and pressing her against the cold metal wall added fuel to the growing fire he’d lit within her, and she squirmed when she felt a throb between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip. Din wished he could be the one tugging on it with his teeth, but he’d have to settle with the show she was giving him, her lovely face’s demure expression beginning to melt and reveal the neediness below the surface.
Din used her need to his advantage, crowding into her, slotting his left thigh between her legs. He could hear her soft pants, his helmet close enough that the hot exhales fogged up the beskar. The way her legs shifted to welcome his leg gave her growing arousal away. He chuckled, and she immediately perked up, her eyes opening and centering back on his visor. Her pupils were blown, her lips gently parted, sweat gathering again on her forehead because of the Mandalorian pressing up against her. Din drank it all in, his lips parted underneath his helmet, eyes heavy with want.
She whined and looked up when his hands trailed slowly down from her shoulders to her chest, the rough leather dragging across the sensitive, sticky skin. 
“Do you want more?” 
Her eyes dropped back to his visor. She nodded enthusiastically, whispering yes please touch me more as Din traced a finger back up to her shoulder, his cock aching in response to her plea. When he took a small step back, she whimpered, already feeling an ache at the loss of his thigh and the pressure from his armor. 
She kept her eyes on his helmet, watching it turn to the left as he toyed with the straps on her shoulder, pulling them up with two fingers. 
“Take these—” He released the straps, the snap against her skin making her whine, “—Off.”
He took his hands off her, taking a few more steps back so he could take all of her in. He dropped a hand over the bulge in his pants and roughly palmed it through his pants as she lifted the dirty shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Din choked and his cock throbbed when she pulled her banded bra off, finally revealing her tits. He noticed her nipples pebble almost immediately, accenting the soft skin she’d been hiding from him all this time. 
“Fuck,” he growled, closing the short distance between them with heavy, needy steps.
She giggled when he lifted her off her feet, moving her back to the wall, closer to the ladder this time. He set her down with a low groan that sent electric shocks throughout her body and heat to her cheeks. She closed her eyes, her mind racing as much as her heart was. She wanted to run her hands across his body, finger the uncovered parts of him, work him and unravel him as much as he was doing it to her.
She was also perfectly happy to let the Mandalorian grip her skin hard and tight, make her hiss when he pinched her nipples between gloved fingers, and to let him press into her, the cold metal of his armor leaving shallow indents in her skin. His roughness enticed her and made her burn even more, the heat starting to pool in her core, more dripping down with every squeeze of her ass and heady groan that escaped his lips.
The clang of metal hitting metal disrupted her thoughts of peeling the armor off piece by piece, and she looked down to see the Mandalorian on his knees, his helmet fixed on her face. When his hands came to grip her shins, she closed her eyes and let the back of her head hit the wall, arousal pooling low in her core and dampening her panties. She giggled when one of his hands squeezed her thigh, almost missing the low groan that slipped out of him. 
“So fucking sexy,” he purred, his hands now running up and down her legs, the pads of his fingers digging in and applying pressure.
Her knees trembled, and the whine that slipped out of her mouth made him pause for a moment. Din Djarin wasn’t normally greedy, but in this moment, he wanted to own every part of her. Every part of her demanded attention, and he was determined to be the only one who could tame and satiate her. He wanted to be the one she thought of when she touched herself, the one she compared every other person to, the one who drove her crazy with lust.
Din knew exactly where to strike next to make his purpose clear.
He looked up at her, the skin of her torso glistening with sweat, her breasts tempting him and teasing him. Din edged his right hand down to her knee, and his left resumed stroking up and down. With no ceremony or grace, he looped his arm under her left leg and lifted it, adjusting his position and her leg so her knee came to rest on his shoulder, the cool metal of his pauldron slowly seeping through the fabric of her pants. She gasped and her hands clutched the wall, her left landing on a rung of the ladder. Din smiled under his helmet at the sight of her, half naked and unconsciously rocking her hips towards his helmet.
He cupped his left hand against her hidden sex, and she whined, pressing down for some sort of release. His quiet laughter at her neediness only made her cunt ache more, his roughness only turning her on more.
“Please, touch me,” she panted, her knuckles white and skin sensitive.
“I already am.” When she groaned at his snarky answer, he abruptly pressed the palm of his hand against her with more pressure, whisking the irritation right out of her mind. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
Her head felt light as he began to slowly rub his hand back and forth, the broad pressure and sensation making her wetter by the second. She managed to collect herself and mumble between pants and whimpers, “Please…Please touch my…touch my pussy.”
“Good girl.”
The purred praise made her body shake and the whine that she released was music to Din’s ears. Under the helmet, a devilish grin spread across his face as he lowered her leg off his shoulder and then quickly undid her belt, throwing it to the side, the tools attached to it clattering on the metal ground. All she could do was watch him stand up and yank her pants and underwear down to her boots. She hissed when cold air hit her hot skin, her naked body on display to the Mandalorian. Leather traced down her legs as she drew her arms back in to her body. She tore her gloves off and let her bare hands find their way to her tits, massaging them and slipping over the sweat that had gathered on her skin. 
“Wish I could just cut these in two,” she heard him growl before forcing her to spread her legs as much as she could.
“Gotta make it challenging somehow,” she teased.
He nodded, his left arm wrapping around her waist, lifting her off the wall a bit. His left leg came to rest between hers, and she whimpered when he pushed against her right leg, forcing her to stay spread open for him. Din’s free hand came to rest on her cheek before pushing her hands out of the way so he could roughly massage her tits, the force of it all making her melt. He could smell her—sweat, grease, lust—as he bent his neck and nudged his helmet against her head, pleased when her hands gripped his wrist, begging him to explore her further.
He straightened up, his helmet once again focused on her, her wide eyes and sweaty brow giving him a primal satisfaction that rushed to his cock. He saw her eyes dart to the obvious bulge, and as her hands started to make a dive for it, he clicked his tongue and snatched her wrists in his hand.
“Not yet,” he said in response to her whine. “Keep massaging those pretty tits of yours for me, baby.”
She nodded, immediately doing as told. When he interrupted her, taking one of her hands in his, she gave him a quizzical look, catching her breath. “Something wrong?”
“Take the glove off for me, pretty girl.”
Her plush lips spread into an eager smile, and she quickly yanked his glove off. Before he could work any lower, she looked right into his visor and gripped his wrist, bringing his index and middle fingers to her lips. Din sharply inhaled when she took them into her mouth, her tongue swirling around them, carving patterns only she knew into his skin. His cock was heavy and ready, and Din had to bite the inside of his cheek so he didn’t just fuck her right where she stood. Her pretty lips wrapped around his fingers, and she moaned at the salty taste of his skin, knowing exactly where his fingers were going next when she took them out of her mouth with a pop.
Din pulled his hand out of her weak grip, reaching between her legs and sliding between her folds. He focused on her the entire time, his helmet never focused on anything other than her face, perspiration sitting at her hairline. Noticing hers made him suddenly feel the sweat dripping down his neck and temples, physical proof of the heat from his motion and of the fire within him. 
When his fingers graced over her clit, she jumped and hissed, arching and bucking into him. He pushed further back, and when his fingers grazed over her slit, a loud whine filled the hull, a moan trailing after it when he slipped a digit into her. He exhaled a gentle laugh at her neediness as he listened to her begs for more, more fill the air. He could feel her walls already starting to tighten, and he couldn’t deny her any longer. 
Din slowly pulled his finger out of her slick cunt, trailing it back up and adding a second to rub slow circles on the sensitive bud. She keened and pressed her hands against his shoulders at his achingly slow touch, her fingers clutching at his pauldrons. Heat ran through her, sweat dripping down her forehead and starting to collect behind her knees as she chased her climax. The Mandalorian’s fingers worked her clit perfectly, her achingly empty cunt starting to tighten and flutter. He sensed her growing desperation and traced his fingers back to her slit, the pads of them circling and dragging the slick that leaked out of her around her entrance. She whined even louder, moaning and begging and bucking her hips forward. 
“You’ve been so good for me,” Din purred, his head light. “And you know what good girls get?”
She opened her eyes and shook her head.
“They get to come for me.”
As Din spoke, he slid two thick fingers inside of her, her gasp making him grin in satisfaction. Her eyes went wide, and then she squeezed them shut, her entire body tensing up. Din pumped his fingers, his left hand splaying across her back to hold her steady and support her as she reached her peak. Her mouth fell open, her eyelids fluttering. He curled his fingers and stroked back and forth in a certain spot he’d noticed had been making her cry out, focusing all his attention there. Din was rewarded with a strangled cry and felt her tighten around him, even her legs getting tense.
“Look at me.”
Din’s command broke through her ecstasy. Her eyes opened and focused on him. A bead of sweat trailed down her neck—he wished he could lick it up with his tongue.
“Don’t hold back,” Din grunted, “Be a good girl and come for me.”
She kept her eyes open as her jaw dropped, a silent scream escaping her open mouth as her climax set her on fire. Her legs shook and Din licked his lips as her cunt pulsed and contracted around his fingers, dragging his fingers against that spot one last time before pulling them out. Her chest heaved up and down, waves of pleasure and flames of want still clashing within her. She whined at the empty feeling, then yelped in surprise when he slid his fingers into her mouth, her orgasm still coating them.
“Taste yourself.” Din’s helmet tilted up slightly as he slid them into her mouth all the way to the knuckle. She stared at him as her tongue went to work, eagerly licking his fingers clean. Her head was heavy with pleasure, and she worked fast so her empty cunt could be filled again.
“Good fucking girl,” Din growled. He slid his fingers out of her mouth and placed his hand on her waist. He took a moment to take in her sweaty skin, his eyes scanning her again, plotting his next move.
He wanted that tongue on his cock, but he’d tortured himself enough. 
From the look in her eyes, Din could tell she knew it too.
Under the helmet, he spotted two crates stacked on top of each other to his left. His eyes went back to her, and before she had time to process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. She squealed, stumbling when he roughly set her down. After she caught her balance, he pushed her lower back down, forcing her to bend over. The slight arch of her back skillfully presented the thighs and ass she’d kept hidden under the cargo pants; the seductive sight of it caused Din to already start to unravel.
“How’s the view?”
Her cheeky question made him laugh as he quickly undid his belt and dropped his pants enough for his cock to spring out, the tip leaking sticky beads of fluid. He stroked himself, giving her plump ass a smack with his gloved hand and enjoying the way it moved. She recoiled and hissed at the sting, but it sent a jolt of electricity through her, the fire in her core sparked and growing again. 
“I love it,” he said, accenting his statement with another spank. 
He pressed the fat head of his cock against her slit, soaking it in her arousal and groaning at how wet she still was. Din guided his cock up and down through her folds with his bare hand, biting his lip when he felt her juices start to coat his fingers. Slowly, he started to rock his hips into her, his restrained moans joining her shameless begging as his cock glided back and forth from her slick entrance to her clit and back again at a faster pace. He placed his hands on her hips and massaged the sensitive skin, enjoying the warmth of it. It was torture for both, flames engulfing them and demanding attention. She gasped and mewled—Mando, Mando, fuck—and pressed her ass back as much as she could just to feel more of him. The desire to be full of him was overriding everything else within her, and Din had teased himself long enough.
“Fuck, I can’t take it anymore,” he growled, his fingers digging into her flesh.
He slid into her cunt, her walls still slick from the orgasm he pulled out of her. Her moan echoed in the hull and bounced around in his helmet, a sound he never wanted to forget. A moan slipped from Din’s mouth after he buried himself to the hilt inside of her, a strangled groan and growl from deep in his throat. 
“Stars, you fill me up so fucking good,” she mewled, a sharp thrust eliciting a high-pitched whimper immediately after.
Din’s brow furrowed and sweat dripped down his temples. He was already close to spilling, his cock throbbing as he fucked her, his speed increasing after her praise. The obscene sound of skin slapping skin reverberated in the hull, the canvas that they painted with their moans and whines. Her ass bounced beautifully with every thrust, and the way his greedy gloved hand massaged the meaty flesh sent jolts of pleasure throughout her body.
She had never been fucked like this—so primal, rough, fast—and it made her cunt clamp around him again. When he placed his bare hand on the small of her back and pushed down, pressing her into the crate, she gasped, her fingers flexing out for stability. The new angle allowed his cock to drive into her, filling her to the brim even more than he already had. She whined and her cries grew louder, finally turning her head to try to see the Mandalorian. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his helmet was tilted back, his groans so loud that they overpowered the vocoder in his helmet. 
He was raw and burning and harsh. The way he fucked her without mercy made her eyes roll back into her head; he impaled her on his length and she loved it. Every thrust was pushing her closer to the edge again, and she made sure he knew it. She twisted her arm to find the wrist on her back and gripped it. The contact caused his hips to stutter briefly as she started to meet his thrusts with needy movements of her own, pushing back with her ass to chase her growing orgasm. He was lavishing her with aggressive attention, slamming into her just to prove his point, driving her further into pleasure. Her mouth fell open, eyebrows scrunching together as his cock tore through her and shocked her entire body.
“Please don’t stop—Mando—fuck, I-I’m so fucking close, I’m right fucking there,” she whined, moaning Mando over and over, a prayer that flooded his entire body with fire, shooting electricity into his veins.
She moaned and her walls fluttered around him, the movement making his head light and his breath quicken. He fucked into her faster, harder, relentlessly so he could follow with her. Din’s grip on her tightened as his thrusts became erratic. She was already committing this to memory—his sharp thrusts, the modulated groans and growls, the full feeling in her core—just so she could pleasure herself to it again.
There was only one piece missing—one thing that would send her toppling over the edge. She forced her lips to close again, willing her muscles to work so she could speak coherently.
“Breed me,” she groaned, twisting to look at him with drool dripping down her chin.
The sight alone nearly tipped Din over the edge, but he held back just to fuck her a few moments more. He wanted to selfishly relish in the way he’d made her look, all messy and subdued. Tamed. And now, she wanted to be bred, claimed. 
She had pushed him to the edge, made his cock throb against her walls. Din gasped and grunted as he kept fucking her, knowing he couldn’t deny himself much longer.
“I wanna be fucking leaking after this,” she growled, gritting her teeth. “Breed me, Mando.”
Din threw his head back at her demand, screwing his eyes shut as he felt himself tip over the edge. She growled when he yanked his hand out of her grasp to grip her hip, slamming her back onto his cock. Their animalistic grunts and moans reached a crescendo as Din felt her cunt clench around him right as he erupted, his cock entirely sheathed inside of her. Din groaned with every pulse of his cock, the tight grip he had on her hips slowly loosening. She was gasping, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm.
Din pulled out with a hiss, and he spread her cheeks with his hands, stepping back and tilting his head. His seed was already spilling out of her hole, and she gasped when he gently fingered it back inside of her.
“Can’t waste a single drop of this,” he murmured, licking his lips.
Her small laugh was muffled. He stepped back and gingerly sheathed his cock as she slowly stood up on shaking legs. 
“Your ship is a real—ah—piece of work,” she said as she tugged her pants back on, using too much force and irritating her still-sensitive cunt. 
“You may have mentioned that,” Din replied.
Din watched as she walked over to her discarded shirt and bra, smiling to himself when he noticed how her gait was a little more awkward than it had been before he bent her over and fucked her senseless. The proof of it was on his fingers, but he destroyed the sweet evidence with a quick wipe of a cloth lying in his rack. The hole she’d climbed out of was nearby, her tools forgotten about. He looked at it, then at her. Sweat glistened on her chest and forehead, the smear of grease on her cheek had disappeared—smudged off on the crate as he fucked her, most likely.
She shot him a shy smile and turned around to pick up her tool belt, facing him again as she strapped it back on. Her work gloves lay near the ladder, and she bent over to grab them. His gaze made her skin feel hot and nervous, but excited. Her body was already begging for more, the fire still raging despite the water thrown on it.
Her fingers toyed with the gloves, and she tapped the toe of one scuffed boot into the metal floor. Her eyes were focused on the floor, teeth worrying her bottom lip. She slowly looked back up at the Mandalorian, trying to push back thoughts of their animalistic sex and the dull throbbing of her cunt. 
“Maybe you could use a mechanic,” she shrugged, a playful smile teasing across her lips.
“Yeah,” Din nodded. “I think I could.”
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ginnsbaker · 9 months
Maybe You Were The Ocean
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Summary: Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life.
Word count: 6.3k+ | Tags: Heavy Angst, Character Death, Bittersweet ending
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by @gingiesworld:
Y/N and Wanda have been together for a while and Pietro calls Y/N one night, needing a lift home from a friends party. On that night they get hit by another drunk driver and Pietro dies on impact. As time goes on and the other driver is arrested, y/n still blames themselves for Pietro's death. Even though Wanda continuously tries to tell them otherwise but they won't listen. They then yell at her "why don't you blame me? You should hate me for your brother dying." Before walking out. Can be either a happy or sad ending buddy. Whichever you decide
Author's note: I changed some minor details in the request, hope you don't mind Gingie. Thank you for this gut-wrenching monster, it allowed me to practice writing in past tense (so out of my comfort zone lol). Title is from "black flies" by ben howard, listen to that as well when you read ;)
You haven't been to something like this in what seems like ages.
That something being a wedding.
And if you were to keep count, you'd realize you've been to more funerals than weddings in your lifetime so far.
Your best friend looks like a goddess in her white dress—and anyone with eyes can see that the groom is the luckiest man on earth.
You’re fixing your hair in front of the mirror when she approaches, wearing a smile that you’ve never seen on her, a smile you’d never be able to put on her lips yourself. It’s a smile reserved for him—that lucky bastard.
She gently taps on your shoulder. “You’re going to make me cry if you keep looking so stunning,” she teases, her voice light with laughter.
You chuckle, your eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “It's your day, and nothing can overshadow how beautiful you look.”
“Promise me something,” she says suddenly, her bright eyes locking onto yours.
“Anything,” you reply without hesitation.
“Promise me that you won’t stop looking for this kind of happiness. Promise me you'll find someone who puts that same smile on your face,” she whispers.
Your throat tightens, words caught somewhere between heartache and hope. “I promise.”
You were eight years old when you moved to a new neighborhood.
At that age, it felt like the scariest thing that had ever happened to you. Your parents divorced, your mother got full custody, and once the judge made that call, she packed up everything familiar and moved you to a new state: New Jersey.
It was what she could manage back then. This place was nothing like the spacious suburbs you remembered, and your new apartment building seemed no bigger than your old living room back in California. The place had just one bedroom, and it was hard to tell where the dining area stopped and the kitchen started.
You resented her in the way a child might, not fully grasping responsibility or consequences. You were upset she took you away from your friends and the comfort of your old life. You didn’t see back then the bruises hidden beneath her shirt, the ones your father left. You only learned about them when you turned eighteen. By then, your resentment had faded long ago.
A week after moving into that aged building, you encountered the twins next door, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Initially, you met Pietro when his mother sent him over with some food to welcome you and your mom to the neighborhood. It wasn't until you and Pietro became inseparable friends, spending every possible moment together, that you met Wanda.
When you did meet her, you weren't fond of her. She seemed aloof and mostly kept to herself. Unlike her expressive brother, Wanda seldom voiced her thoughts, making conversations with her feel uninspiring. 
You and Pietro often clashed with Wanda over the television. You both wanted to play video games while Wanda preferred her sitcoms. Pietro would let Wanda watch her shows briefly before forcefully switching channels just to annoy her. Eventually, Wanda would retreat to her room in tears, and Pietro would steel himself for a reprimand when their mother returned home.
You would give Wanda a piece of chocolate because you felt bad, but you never asked Pietro to stop, fearing he might stop being your best friend. In return, Wanda would lend you her pocketbooks you’d never quite finish.
You hadn't realized it back then, but that dynamic would continue well into your teen years. With Pietro stirring up trouble left and right, you being caught in the middle, and Wanda, from a distance, observing you with cautious interest—perhaps wishing it had been her who brought the welcoming food instead of her brother.
The wedding isn’t going to start for another hour. There have been delays due to the weather.
With the archways and open corridors adorned with blooming flowers and drapes, the venue looks nothing short of magical, even with the looming clouds. From where you stand, you extend your arm, letting the light drizzle kiss your skin. Each droplet feels like nature's way of playing with the day's emotions—adding both melancholy and charm.
Someone nearby remarks, “You know it's considered good luck when it rains on one's wedding day.”
You merely smile politely in response.
“Are you a friend of the bride’s or the groom's?”
“The bride,” you reply.
“Oh, fantastic! Maybe you can convince her to finally see she’s way out of his league!”
You shake your head at the joke. It’s not even the first time you've heard it today.
It wasn't until you were fifteen and Pietro, seventeen, that the troubles you found yourselves in became more serious. 
It had also been a few months since Pietro introduced you to drugs other than weed. At first, it was just an occasional joint passed around at a party or behind the school building. But Pietro wanted to try riskier substances. You weren't as keen but didn't want to be left behind by your best friend.
One evening, after trying something a bit harder than usual, you and Pietro were wandering the streets, laughing way too loud. In his intoxicated state, Pietro suddenly swung at a parked car with his bat, smashing it. Almost immediately, patrol lights shone bright, and stern police voices could be heard from almost everywhere. Pietro got cornered, but sheer panic made you bolt. Ditching your best friend felt terrible, but the terrifying thought of jail—especially knowing the mess it'd be for your already stretched-thin mom—made you keep running.
Still shaken, you made your way to Pietro's apartment, knowing you had to be the one to tell his mother. Her reaction was a storm of emotions—anger, fear, desperation. She demanded you stay with Wanda while she went to confront the nightmare at the police station.
“I think I'll just head home,” you murmured to Wanda, not wanting to impose any further.
She glanced at you, her eyes searching. “Have you had dinner?”
You hesitated, then lied. “Yeah, I ate earlier.” The truth was your mom had been away for work for three days, and the fridge was almost bare. 
The small home you came to know felt overwhelmingly spacious as you sat alone, burdened by the guilt of having left your best friend behind. But mere minutes after sinking into your worn-out couch, a knock came at your door. Opening it, you found Wanda, a bowl of steaming paprikash in her hands and a soft smile on her lips.
“I thought you might be hungry,” she said.
Your face lit up in relief at the sight of the food, more grateful than you could express. Just as you were about to thank her, your stomach betrayed you with an embarrassingly loud growl. Wanda let out a genuine laugh, and for a brief moment, you felt like a burden had been lifted.
“Guess I was right,” she teased, handing you the bowl.
As you eagerly began eating, Wanda settled opposite you, her expression growing serious again. “What were you two even thinking tonight?” she asked softly.
Swallowing, you sighed, “I tried to stop him, Wanda. But I couldn't talk him out of it.” 
Wanda looked down, her fingers playing with a loose thread on the couch. “I don't blame you,” she finally said, her voice gentle, “I never do. In fact, I sometimes wonder how much worse he might've been without you around.”
A moment of silence hung between the two of you before Wanda whispered, more to herself than to you, “I'm so worried about next year.”
Curiously, you looked up from your food, "What do you mean?"
“Pietro's turning eighteen. He was supposed to get a baseball scholarship, but with this run in with the police, that’s probably hanging in the balance now…” she trailed off.
Your heart sank. You had known Pietro had big dreams tied to that scholarship, dreams that now seemed to be teetering on the brink. "And what about you, Wanda? What's your plan?"
Wanda took a deep breath, and her face lit up slightly, “I got accepted into Columbia. It's amazing, really. But…” She sighed, looking down, “Even with the scholarship they offered, I can't afford it. Plus, with everything going on, I think I need to be here, help Mom out, you know?”
“That's tough,” you whispered, feeling a pang of sadness for the bright future she might be putting on hold.
She nodded, “I'm thinking of starting work and maybe attending community college for a bit. It's not Columbia, but it's something.”
“That's... that's just unfair,” you whispered, setting down your bowl, your appetite momentarily forgotten. “If there's anyone who deserves to be at Columbia, Wanda, it's you.”
Wanda looked up, her eyes filled with something you didn’t recognize.
“I wish things were different,” you continued. “I've always thought of you as one of the most intelligent people I know. And not just smart, but kind... genuinely kind.”
She took in your words, the distance between you two closing slightly. “Thank you,” she murmured, her gaze never leaving yours.
Then, with a flash of resolve, she inched closer. “There's something I want to do,” she began, her voice a whisper. “Something I've wanted for a long time, but it never seemed right. I don't think there'll be another perfect moment, another chance. Not after tonight.”
Before you could process her words, she was leaning in, the space between you disappearing. Your eyelids dropped, and for a heartbeat, everything else melted away as her lips met yours.
For the longest time, nothing made sense to you. That was, until Wanda Maximoff kissed you.
Your best friend's walk down the aisle feels like the longest part of the ceremony–at least to you. The sight is so magical that time seems to stand still. When you snap back to reality, the priest is asking if there's anyone in the crowd who wishes to object to the marriage.
Nobody breaks the silence which lasts a mere two seconds. It's a rarity these days for anyone to object. They only happen now in movies. Modern weddings are more intimate, almost closed-door affairs. The guest list is meticulously curated, ensuring anyone with a complex history with the bride or groom remains absent.
You watch the ceremony unfold, every word, every shared glance, making you feel more trapped by the promise you made earlier. You'd promised to chase that very kind of happiness, the kind that was unfolding right in front of you. Yet as you watch, there's this nagging feeling at the back of your mind, asking if you ever really will.
What they have feels like a world apart from where you're seated. 
You try to be genuinely happy for your best friend, and on many levels, you are. But you–you’re the last person to believe you deserve even a fraction of such a miracle.
The kiss, as Wanda had promised, never happened again.
At least not for the duration they remained neighbors. Soon after, she and Pietro moved to another town for their studies. As for you, you and your mother also moved shortly after their departure, to a nicer neighborhood that’s closer to Manhattan where you also transferred schools.
For five years, you didn't see either of them. No calls. Nothing on social media. But that didn't stop them from occasionally drifting into your thoughts. Especially that memory of your first kiss.
That was until one night, while dining alone in a midscale Soho restaurant, you looked up to find Wanda as your server.
She wore a simple black uniform that most servers donned, but she carried it with an elegance that made her stand out. For a moment, you thought she didn't recognize you, as she professionally presented the menu and described the evening's specials without missing a beat. But then, as she was turning to leave your table, she paused and looked directly into your eyes.
“It's been a long time,” she said, her voice becoming more familiar as she shed her professional facade.
You nodded, struggling to find the right words. “Yeah, it really has. I didn't expect to see you here.”
She smiled, a little sadly. “Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. I... well, I needed a job while I finish my degree.”
You both chatted briefly, catching up on lost time, but Wanda was called away to attend to other patrons. As she bustled about, you found it difficult to focus on your meal, your gaze repeatedly drawn to her fluid movements around the room.  Every so often, your eyes would meet, and she'd offer a fleeting smile, a touch of color rising to her cheeks.
After a while, you signaled for the check. Wanda was quick to bring it over, her fingers brushing against yours as she handed it to you.
“How's Pietro?” you asked tentatively.
Wanda hesitated, her eyes betraying her composure. “He was released from prison about a month ago,” she began, taking a deep breath. “It was tough, but he's doing better now. Trying to change, you know? And he... he misses you.”
Baseball never happened for him. College too. You wished you hadn’t lost your connection together. Perhaps you could have made a difference.
“I'm sorry,” you murmured. “Life just... took over.”
Wanda nodded with understanding, but remained silent.
As you prepared to leave, Wanda slipped a note along with your bill. It read, “It was good to see you again. Maybe we shouldn't wait another five years?”
Beneath these words, Wanda had also written down her phone number.
You waited a total of three days to call Wanda.
Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life. It wasn’t that you hadn’t been with other women since she stole your first kiss, but she remained a persistent afterthought in every relationship of yours that ended. 
It didn't help that you'd left a bookmark in her chapter, aware that revisiting it had the potential to alter the trajectory of everything.
The line rang twice before a familiar voice answered, “Hello?”
“Hey, it's me,” you hesitated for a moment, wondering if she would recognize your voice after all these years, “From the restaurant, the other night?”
There was a brief pause, then her tone softened, “I hoped you'd call.”
You were grinning so hard that it didn’t occur to you that you hadn’t responded to her in a while when she gently teased, “Took you long enough.”
“Three days isn’t that long,” you defended with a slight chuckle.
“Well, in the grand scheme of things, no. But in the context of us? It felt like an eternity,” she admitted.
And it truly felt that way. Finding Wanda over the past several years hadn't been impossible or even especially hard. Yet, both of you had consciously let things drift. You had navigated through college, and Wanda, well, she'd been engaged in whatever endeavors she had pursued.
But that night, it felt right to call her. And you hadn’t realized you were waiting to find her again.
You and Wanda scheduled to meet some time during the week and the conversation should’ve ended there. But neither of you wanted to hang up, and Wanda quickly asked about your college experience and the new neighborhood you'd settled into after their departure. By the time you both ended the call, nearly two hours had passed, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
It was evident; the bookmark you'd placed hadn't lost its page and it was easy to ease once more into its pages.
The sun has set when the newly-wedded couple finally arrives at the reception.
You're seated at a table filled with strangers, but your best friend made sure to place you next to a woman she's been raving about—one she's suggested more than once you should date.
Her name is Natasha and she’s gorgeous beyond words. She's so striking that you find yourself wondering if she's even your type. Typically, you've steered clear of people who seem universally more attractive than you, a defense mechanism to sidestep lingering insecurities from over the years.
But as she leans into your personal space, you can’t help but respond to every question and laugh at every joke she throws your way.
Maybe it’s safe to let yourself enjoy this, even just for tonight.
It was scarcely two weeks since that encounter with Wanda at the restaurant, and there you were, in her bed.
It was cramped and the air conditioning kept failing many times during the day. 
But you didn’t care. 
You had known this woman for almost your entire life, and you'd waited just as long to be in her bed like this: with your arm growing numb under her weight, her head resting on your chest, and your nose buried in her hair.
She stirred slightly, her fingers tracing patterns on your chest. “Did you ever think...?” she began, voice hesitant.
“Think what?” you prompted, adjusting slightly so you could see her face.
“That we'd end up here, like this?” she whispered, her eyes searching yours.
You smiled, thinking back. “I don't know if I let myself think about it. But I hoped.”
She chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. “I had a feeling you'd say that.”
The sheets beneath you were thin and had seen better days, but it didn't matter. The world outside, with its faint hum of city life, seemed so far away. Yet, the world outside seemed irrelevant. All that mattered was the rhythm of her breathing syncing with yours and the warmth of her body next to you.
Every so often, she'd shift, mumbling half-formed sentences that would make you chuckle.
“Is the penguin wearing a bowtie?” she murmured in her half-asleep state.
You laughed softly. “What penguin?”
“The one in my dream,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to you. “He's quite the gentleman.”
“Sounds like a classy penguin,” you teased.
She smiled faintly, her eyes still closed. “He reminds me of you, in a way.”
“Oh? So, I'm a penguin now?” you quipped, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“In the best way,” she whispered, pulling you closer. “My dapper penguin.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Only you would dream of something like that.”
“And only you,” she murmured, lips against your chest, “Would be there in that dream with me.”
While Wanda seamlessly reintegrated into your life, with Pietro, however, things weren't as straightforward. His past, speckled with run-ins with the law and a battle against addiction, made you and Wanda wary of him, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You could tell he was on the mend though, especially when six months into your relationship with Wanda, Pietro was able to hold a job for that same duration. Yet, his living situation with Wanda was far from ideal. Their apartment was snug, to say the least. His room was barely big enough to fit his bed. 
You wished you could help, but with college expenses looming over you, your hands were tied. The thought of asking Wanda to move in with you played on your mind constantly. It seemed like the ideal solution: she would have a more stable environment, and Pietro could fully occupy the apartment, giving him some semblance of independence.
“What do you think about moving in with me? I know it's soon, but…” you asked her one night in the quiet confines of your dorm room.
“I don’t think I’m allowed to live here with you,” Wanda said, a bit amused at your suggestion.
“I didn’t mean here,” you replied. “I meant finding an apartment for the two of us.”
“That’s just adding more expenses, Y/N. I can’t let you do that when you can stay here without any costs,” Wanda countered.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. “It's not about the money, Wands. It's about... us. Having a place of our own. And it would also give Pietro the whole apartment.”
Wanda's eyes met yours, searching for a hidden meaning. “Are you saying that because of Pietro? You think he's a burden?”
You quickly shook your head. “No, no, it's not that. I just... I see how much you worry about him.”
Your fingers found hers, lacing together as you both sat on the edge of your bed. “I get it,” you began, exhaling softly, “But I thought about Pietro too. He’d have the apartment all to himself. More space, more independence.”
Wanda's eyebrows knit together in concern. “And what if he…” she hesitated, searching for the right words, “Relapses or needs me?”
You tightened your grip around her hand. “We wouldn't be too far, Wanda. And maybe giving him that space and trust will help him more than you think.”
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I know you're thinking of what's best for all of us, but Pietro's situation has always been so... fragile.”
Wanda looked at you, her eyes filled with emotion. “I'll think about it,” she whispered.
“Take your time,” you replied, pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Whatever you decide, I'm with you every step of the way.”
“Promise me,” Wanda said, her eyes hardening, like she’s on the verge of tears or something worse. “Promise you’ll be with me always.”
You leaned in, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Always.”
“It’s not everyday you find the person you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.”
Short and sweet, but that's your whole speech, cliches and all.
“I never thought I'd see the day,” you start, nodding towards the newlyweds with a smirk. “But hey, miracles happen.” You raise your champagne glass. “To two people who finally figured it out. Cheers.”
Your best friend laughs, rolling her eyes affectionately at you. “Trust you to keep things real,” she murmurs, clinking her glass with yours.
And that’s when you see her, amongst the cheering crowds.
In the middle of all the people, she stands out. Always has. It doesn't matter where or when, you can always spot her. Your heart skips a beat, just like it always does. It's like everyone else fades a bit, and she's the only one in focus.
Wanda Maximoff. 
Pristine in a scarlet trumpet gown, her hair pulled into a tight, strict bun. A few stray tendrils of hair have escaped the bun, framing her face in a way that gives her an almost ethereal quality.
As you take a moment to really look at her, you notice the fine details. The way the light catches the small diamond earrings she wears, making them shimmer just so. The delicate curve of her collarbone, revealed by the gown's off-the-shoulder design. And her eyes—always her captivating eyes–that hold an entire galaxy, scanning the room until they land on you.
The shock in her eyes mirrors yours, and for a moment, everything else blurs. Your legs wobble, threatening to give way beneath you. The room's atmosphere grows thick, or perhaps you're just struggling to catch your breath.
Beside you, the bride and your best friend, Maria, notices your sudden change in demeanor and follows your gaze to its source. 
“Are you okay?” she asks.
You manage a shaky head shake in response, pushing through the crowd to escape the room. But you can hear Maria, not too far behind, calling after you.
“So, Maria,” Wanda began once your friend had left and it was just the two of you in the cafe. You had been so keen for the two of them to meet. But with Maria spending a whole semester in Germany as an exchange student, their only prior meeting had been a brief video call that interrupted one of your dates with Wanda.
“How did you two get so close?”
“Did I never tell you about that?”
Wanda shook her head, taking a sip from her now lukewarm cappuccino.
“Freshman year. We were looking for this book and it only had one copy in the school library, and believe it or not, we reached for it at the same time,” you recounted with a wistful smile.
Wanda's face shifted ever so slightly, a change you didn't quite catch.
“We both really needed it badly, so we promised to take turns using it, and we ended up studying together for weeks.”
“That sounds like something out of a movie,” Wanda mused, her fingers tracing the rim of her cup.
“It kind of felt like that,” you admitted, laughing softly. “From bickering about who would get the book on Mondays to sharing our notes and coffee breaks. Before we knew it, we were inseparable.”
Wanda hummed, her eyes flitting restlessly around you.
“What is it?”
Wanda shrugged. “Nothing.”
You frowned slightly, knowing her well enough to see past her facade. “Wands, come on,” you coaxed. “Talk to me.”
She looked away for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “It's just... it's hard sometimes, hearing about these memories you shared with someone else, when I wish I had been there with you.”
“Wanda,” you began gently, “There are moments in your past that I wasn't a part of. But what matters is now. Right here, with you.”
She sighed, her posture deflating a little. “I know. It's silly, isn't it? To be jealous of a close friend of yours.”
“If it makes you feel this way, then it's valid, no matter how silly you think it might be,” you assured her.
She leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling. “Growing up, our worlds were confined to that same apartment building. The people, the routines, everything was predictable. And now... being out in the world, seeing you connect with others, it's just... intimidating. And, honestly, a little scary.”
You paused, smirking a bit. “You know,” you began, but Wanda cut in, “What?”
“It's just...Do you even know how happy you make me?” you said, a bit sheepishly.
She looked like she was about to say something, but you quickly added, “Seriously, Wands.”
Wanda blinked, clearly taken aback. “You have this strange way of turning things around,” she said with a soft chuckle, her face turning a shade pinker.
“Because I love you.”
Neither of you had said it up until now. And it’s quickly evident that it was the right thing to say, at the right moment.
She took a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with her cup. “You always jump in headfirst, don't you?” Then, looking up into your eyes, she added softly, “I love you too.”
You grinned, feeling a weight lifted. “Took you long enough.”
The grand ballroom doors open with a soft whoosh, the muted melodies of a string quartet drifting into the cool night. You step out quickly, breathing in deep gulps of fresh air, your heart pounding against your ribcage. Memories of Wanda Maximoff, which you've tried hard to keep buried, surge to the forefront of your mind.
Maria, noticing your abrupt exit, quickly follows you out. “Hey,” she calls out softly, her heels clicking on the stone path as she reaches you. “Are you okay?”
“Why is she here?” you exclaim, the pitch of your voice inching towards a sharp octave.
Maria gently grabs your arm, offering solace. “I had no idea she'd be here. I promise. She must be someone’s plus one.”
You swallow hard, trying to steady your suddenly spinning surroundings.
“I'm okay, Maria,” you say, forcing a weak smile. “Sorry about this. It's your wedding, and you shouldn't be out here with me. Go back, enjoy your day.”
She looks conflicted, torn between staying by your side and going back to her new spouse and guests.
After a moment, Maria steps forward, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Promise me you'll be okay?”
You nod, hugging her back. “That’s too many promises in one day. But yeah, I’ll be okay.”
It’s just Wanda, you tell yourself.
Just the girl who could always bring out that special smile in you—the same one Maria had when she said, “I do.”
The call came unexpectedly in the middle of the night.
You and Wanda had been dozing in her room for a few hours, following a particularly exhausting fight that concluded with even more exhausting—and mind-blowing—make-up sex.
“Y/N!” You instantly recognized Pietro’s voice. “Hey, listen, can you pick me up? I'm at a bar,” Pietro said, his voice tinged with guilt and slight slurring. “I... I swear I didn't do anything. I got promoted to store manager and I treated a few colleagues to celebrate. I'm a bit tipsy so I... I'm sorry to bother you.”
There was a pause, and you ran a hand through your hair, exchanging a glance with Wanda who now sat up with a worried look.
“Which bar?” you asked, trying to keep yourself calm.
“Mike’s Tavern,” he mumbled, sounding embarrassed.
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your keys from the nightstand. “Alright, I'm on my way. Stay put.”
Wanda frowned, her gaze conflicted. “I want to come with you,” she said, her brows furrowing together in concern and sleepiness.
“You should stay,” you said, sliding into your jeans. “It's a bit of a drive to New Jersey. You've had a long day, and you need to rest. I'll handle this.”
She bit her lip, torn, but finally nodded. “Please be safe. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“I will,” you said, leaning down to give her a brief kiss on the forehead before making your way out.
You didn't call Wanda on your way back from New Jersey, but not because nothing occurred.
Rather, something did happen, and you weren't conscious enough to make the call.
You and Pietro made it to the hospital.
Wanda was an emotional wreck, grappling with the challenge of dividing her attention between her brother in ICU and you being wheeled into a separate ward.
An hour later, she didn't need to decide any longer.
Pietro Maximoff's time of death was called just as you started regaining consciousness.
The days following Pietro's death were a blur. You'd wake up, immediately feeling the weight of the world pressing down, your every moment drenched in guilt in the form of alcohol and, sometimes, your own vomit. 
Though you weren't close to Pietro anymore, he was slowly turning his life around. And while a drunk truck driver caused the accident, your own haste to get back to Wanda made you reckless. 
That choice haunted you daily.
That choice made you believe that Wanda hated you in secret.
You began avoiding Wanda, her presence a haunting reminder of the brother she lost and, in a twisted way, the brother you felt responsible for losing. The relationship you cultivated turned into something that only existed as a label. Otherwise, it didn’t exist at all. It faded, just like the gash on your face that you acquired from the accident.
Nights blurred into days, and sometimes, it was hard to tell which was which. Friends would find you in bars or on the rooftops, looking worse for wear, lost in your thoughts. Yes, Wanda grieved, but she was also lost without you by her side. She yearned for your comfort, your grounding presence; instead, all she got was your voicemail.
The breaking point came on an evening when she didn’t hear from you for two weeks. On a hunch, she decided to visit your dorm room. The last thing she expected was to find Maria there. While the situation was innocent enough, to Wanda's overwhelmed and grieving heart, it felt like a betrayal. Maria, sensing the rising tension, made a hasty exit, leaving the two of you alone.
Wanda's eyes glittered with rage and sadness. “Is this it?” she demanded. “Is this how we handle grief? You shut me out and bring her in?” 
You looked away, the walls you had put up to protect yourself now seeming like a prison. “It's not about Maria,” you murmured, your voice empty, almost lifeless.
Wanda's red-rimmed eyes searched yours, looking for a glimmer of the person she loved. “Then what is it? Why do you keep pushing me away?”
“Why don't you blame me?” you suddenly screamed, tears blurring your vision. “You should hate me for your brother dying!”
For a few moments, there was a deafening silence, interrupted only by your quiet sobs.
Wanda's hands cupped your face, forcing you to meet her eyes. “I've never blamed you. Not once.”
You remained quiet, refusing to let Wanda lift your chin from your chest.
Wanda continued, “Life is a series of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'. You can't control everything. And neither can I. We both lost him, Y/N. I don’t need more loss by losing you too.”
“Maybe you already have,” you whispered, finally looking into her eyes.
Wanda's voice cracked, “You can't be serious. What are you saying?”
You felt drained, worn out. “I don't know how to be us anymore, Wanda.”
She looked devastated. “So you're just walking away? Because we're hurting?”
You just wanted to be able to breathe again. You just wanted all of the pain to end, even if it meant letting her go.
Wanda's face crumpled, her voice rising. “So, that's it? You're just giving up?”
You could barely muster the strength to speak. "I just think... maybe it's easier this way."
“Easier for whom?” Wanda yelled, unable to hold everything back any longer. “I don't need easy, Y/N. I need you. But if you're so set on this, then be honest with me.”
You took a deep breath, your throat tight. “I think we need space, Wanda. A break.”
For a moment, it looked like Wanda might collapse. She took a step back, her gaze cold and hard. “You think a break will fix this? Fine. But don't expect me to be here waiting when you come around.” 
Without another word, she turned on her heel and left.
The last image of Wanda Maximoff etched into your mind as you closed her chapter.
You half-expect her to seek you out after you left the reception. So, when the familiar scent of Wanda’s perfume wafts over, you keep your back turned, taking a long drag from your cigarette rather than acknowledging her arrival.
“Can I bum one?” she asks, her voice softer than the last time you heard it.
You hand her a cigarette without a word, watching her closely as she lights it. Her fingers, slender and pale, bring the cigarette to her lips, and she takes a long drag, exhaling with a sigh.
She looks so different, yet so achingly familiar.
Her hair is red—a detail you missed earlier. But now, standing this close to her, you can pick out everything that’s changed about her.
And you hate how good you are at doing just that.
For a few minutes, both of you stand in silence, letting the smoke swirl around in patterns before it gets carried away by the wind.
Wanda breaks the silence. “It's been a while.”
“Did you know it was Maria’s wedding?” you ask, finally gathering the courage to look at her.
She hesitates, exhaling a plume of smoke before admitting, “Yes, I did. But explaining to Steve our... complicated history and why I'd refuse to be his plus one seemed harder than just going with it.”
She looks down, taking a moment before murmuring, “Steve’s my fiancé.”
Your eyes instinctively flit to her left hand, landing on the glimmering diamond ring. It's large and hard to miss, and you almost want to laugh that you hadn’t noticed before.
There’s a long pause between you both before you find your voice. “Congratulations, Wanda.” And to your own surprise, you genuinely mean it. 
“Thank you,” she murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, an action you still find so endearing after all these years. But you’re not supposed to find anything about her endearing anymore. They’re not supposed to make your heart race. They’re not supposed to make you feel light-headed with desire.
It hits you painfully just how possible it is to stand mere inches from someone, yet feel oceans apart.
Wanda takes a deep breath, releasing it shakily. 
“You know,” Wanda says, her voice soft, “I never really got to apologize for how things ended between us.” She shakes her head slowly, tears forming in her eyes. “I was angry, hurt... lost. And when you tried to come back, I was already seeing someone else. By that time–”
“–so much has happened and I’ve hurt you too much,” you finish for her, a pained smile on your lips. “I’m sorry too.”
Wanda's breath hitches, and for a moment, she's transported back to your dorm room. She's spent a long time wondering what might have happened if she had stayed. But that choice belongs to a different timeline, a version of her that might have been braver than she feels now.
You pause, glancing at your hands before meeting her eyes. “Are you happy, Wanda?” A part of you hopes she's found happiness, yet another selfish part wishes she hasn't—because if she hasn't, maybe there's still a space for you in her life.
Wanda meets your gaze, her eyes shining with a clarity you hadn't seen in years. “I am happy,” she confirms softly.
The unexpected rush of emotion tightens your throat, and your eyes mist over. But you fight it, forcing a big smile that wrinkles the corners of your eyes. 
“That's great, Wanda,” you say. Your heart aches a bit, thinking how happiness can feel like a double-edged sword.
Reading your expression, she asks, “What about you? Are you happy?”
You promised Maria you won’t stop looking for the kind of happiness that brings people together. 
So, now you hang onto the hope of that promise. 
“Getting there,” you answer, the corners of your mouth lifting ever so slightly, “I will be.”
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anime-owo-kage-san · 2 months
Mindless Kindness (Freakshow!Funnybunny)
(Pomni is still favored by Caine in this fic, but, not in a Showtime sense. He’s more on just making sure his shiny new addition, isn’t getting ruined too soon.)
Forgive me if they’re out of character, or I got something wrong. I wasn’t sure how to make this work. The characters personalities are moslty from my personal headcannons, and assumptions about them.
Also, while I think hootbon stated Caine is more lenient with both Pomni and AIngle, for this, he just likes Pomni a little bit more.
Jax x Pomni aren’t canon in the AU. I just like the ship.
Freakshow belongs to: @hootbon
Pomni was never one to speak her mind.
Well…maybe she was. But, not anymore.
Because, apparently trying to express your human feelings, can get you killed or demented. (Or in Ragatha’s case; permanently silenced).
Although she’ll just come back, because death isn’t possible in this world (except for one type of dying…), it’s still not a pleasant thing to experience, whether it be by an accident during an adventure, or by the hands of the ringleader, or by the hands of the other trapped members.
After her first encounter with the twins, Pomni avoided Gangle like the plague. The living teary eyed porcelain mask, turned out to be just as violent and murderous as her ‘sister’; resulting in the wooden ballerina’s first ‘Game Over’.
And she never wanted to repeat the mistake she made ever again.
But at the moment; there she was, confused with her own internal debating, of whether to approach the twins once more or not.
Pomni was just planning on sleeping for the rest of the leisure hour, until Caine called them up for showtime again. She wasn’t expecting to pass by, a scene like…. this.
Right before her eyes, were the twisted twins. Gangle wasn’t really doing anything, only silently watching behind her conjoined sister, as she carried on with her sadistic joke.
AIngle was once again puppeteering the lifeless Kaufmo with her ribbons. Making him dance, smile, and wave, at an uncomfortable Jax, who was trying to be nonchalant about the cruel joke.
“Jax ol’ buddy! It’s me! Wanna joke around?” AIngle said, using her Kaufmo voice. “C’mon, let’s do something together!”
“Come on, bunny rabbit. Don’t you think it’s rude to ignore you best friend?” AIngle said using her regular voice, as she shook the clown around.
Gangle tried to intervene, “I-I don’t think you should—“
“I don’t think I asked you to speak.” AIngle cut off her timid half.
Gangle squeaked and stayed quiet.
Jax rolled his eyes to hide his discomfort. Just the thought of his dead friend, being puppeteered for shows made him sick in the stomach. And now this twisted ribbon freak, wants to fuck with his head, even off stage.
“I’m not… in the mood for this…” He tried to sound less in pain, and attempted to walk away.
But just like that, the ribbons holding the clown up, carried him over the rabbit’s head, and blocked his way.
Jax passing through the right, but Kaufmo was dragged and used to block that way as well. He tried to take a step to the left, but it resulted in the same way.
“Not until you gimme a good hug!” After saying that, the clown’s arms were spread open slightly leaning towards the rabbit, who instinctively leaned back.
“Kaufy and I don’t hug.” Jax said, a little too aggressively, when he turned back to the twisted twin.
“Well, Kaufmo back then didn’t. This one does!” AIngle said, inching Kaufmo closer to Jax, who stepped back even more. “I can make him do whatever I want. Including hugging and kissing his pathetic pet bunny.”
As she says that, she dragged the body closer to Jax. The lifeless arms almost touching his shoulders.
Jax, moved back again, unknowingly backing himself against the body of ribbons, until he was trapped in between her and the clown.
AIngle started making kissing sounds, that made Jax cringe, “Mwah mwah! Come on buddy, lemme pet behind your ears! Don’t you miss me?”
‘Kaufmo’ started getting closer, Jax gritted his teeth, and turned his head away.
Pomni continued to watch, her face scrunching in disgust, as she watched the incredibly fucked up scene. A part of her felt bad for the rabbit. Though he wasn’t, nor will ever be, Pomni’s favorite person in the circus, this was too far of a joke. Whether a jackass like Jax deserved it or not.
Nobody deserved to be taunted, with the corpse of someone they were close to.
She wouldn’t want to see this happening to Kinger with his wife, or Gangle with Ragatha, or herself with anyone she might consider close to to her.
You know what? Fuck it.
She died once, it’s bound to happen again.
May as well try and get used to it.
It might even save her of what’s left of her sanity, if she tries to adapt to the feeling.
Feeling uncharacteristically bold, she made her way to them.
Pomni admits, part of her wished she was less brazen with her words, but that spur of the moment part of her, spoke without thinking. “AIngle. Fuck off.”
Understandably caught off guard, the AI sister stopped with her taunting and turned her head to the ballerina.
Gangle and Jax, who were also equally surprised, looked at Pomni with wide eyes.
Confusing changed to irk, as she raised her eyebrow at the wooden doll. “Excuse me? I must’ve misheard you back there.”
“Then let me repeat myself. Fuck off.” Pomni said, more aggressively. No turning back now. It’d be more embarrassing to take it back.
“Puppeteering these bodies are for the show. Not for your entertainment. Put the clown back with the other bodies, and stop messing with Jax.” Pomni said, in a commanding tone.
“And why do you suddenly care about the bunny? Doesn’t everyone hate him? I say, I’m doing something nice for everyone else he messed with.” AIngle said, her lips curling up in a smirk. Though, anyone with eyes could tell, she was still pissed.
“He’s already fucked in the head as it is. There’s no need for you to make him an even bigger psycho, and an even bigger problem.” Pomni replied.
She wasn’t sure if that was her reason. Actually, she not even sure, what her reason for defending Jax could be. Sure she felt bad, but she’s not usually risking her life to defend someone. Even if she won’t be dead forever. Still, that didn’t stop her.
AIngle let go Kaufmo’s body and let it drop to the ground. “And what makes you think, you can tell me what to do?” She jabbed her ribbon hand, at the center of Pomni’s face, where her nose should be.
“You’re not abstracted yet. But, I can still take over your body, and turn you into a real ventriloquist dummy. The best part? You’d be conscious to see how I can easily control you!” She threatens the brunette doll, grinning evilly at her.
“You can….” Pomni said, her voice cracking, her nervousness showing. But quickly as it slipped, she put her brave face back on. “But, you won’t!”
“Remember? I’m Caine’s favorite. If you try to do anything to me before I even abstract, he’d be really pissed at you for ruining his prized possession.”
Pomni internally cringed at herself for that one. She doesn’t usually like playing that card. She never really cared for the favoritism. So long as she’s not on Caine’s bad side, that’s enough for her.
But at this moment, she was doing and saying the exact opposite of what she would usually do.
“Oooh~! Prima Failerina’s suddenly using her princess privileges~?” AIngle said in a mocking tone. Still, Pomni didn’t miss that eye twitch.
She brought her face closer to the doll, staring her down. “Little bitch, suddenly wants to use the ringmaster as a shield, huh.”
She moved her face away, but her eyes remained on her. And continued, “You’re only favored for your pretty face. You’re lucky to be brought into this world, in this body. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be interesting in any way to him. You mean as much to Caine, as a brand new doll means to a child. Once you get tattered and depreciated, he won’t care if you’re safe or not.”
Jax had already moved away from the mask, but was too intrigued by the scene before him to leave.
AIngle let out a dry laugh, “But, you’re right…” She said bitterly. “As Caine’s precious doll, I can’t hurt you on purpose.”
She shrugged. “But, I can ignore you. And do whatever I want with the others. Since, I won’t be in trouble for messing with the already depreciated toys.”
She turned away from Pomni, and picked Kaufmo back up. “Ohhh bunny boy~!” She called out, as her ribbons wrapped around Jax and pulled him back in for another game of dead dolls.
“Would you get off me, freak!” Jax tried to wriggle out of the ribbons.
“Why should I? I’m giving you more time with your friend.” AIngle started letting put sadistic giggles, and she continued her own self-entertainment.
“Let go of him, and put Kaufmo back.” Pomni butted in once again.
“And what are you gonna do? Little miss wooden joints?” AIngle taunted again, looking down at Pomni. “I may not be able to do whatever I want with you, without getting an earful from Caine. But, what can YOU do other than yap at me like a stubborn chihuahua?”
Pomni silently glared at her for a couple of seconds, her eyes narrowed and face infuriated. Her fist clenched and shaking.
She then moved her eyes to an object on the ground.
It was Jax’s bat. A large piece of wood with a disturbing amount of nails hammered into it. He must’ve dropped it in the middle of the trying to avoid Kaufmo’s body.
Pomni didn’t know why, but she walked towards it, and picked it up. She then made her way back to the grinning twin.
“Haha! You wouldn’t.” AIngle said with a confident voice. “Not after the last time.”
Acting without thinking, Pomni replied, “If it’ll get you to finally fuck off… then I’ll take my chances.” And she swung the bat towards the grinning piece of porcelain.
The force of the bat cracked the twin into several pieces, the nails also cutting into the ribbons restraining Jax, setting him free.
Pomni immediately pulled Jax away from Gangle and shoved him away as hard she could.
Just as she had already anticipated, Gangle started having another meltdown. Her face contorted into a horrific frown, and her ribbons lunged at Pomni, wrapping around her neck and waist.
Pomni was brutally thrashed around a few times, before the corrupted Gangle dragged her off somewhere else to slowly murder.
Jax was just there… on the ground. Staring off to where the ballerina was dragged off to.
He looked at Kaufmo, whose body was abandoned on the floor, and little bits of porcelain next to him.
The rabbit stood up and walked towards lifeless clown, picking him up and positioning him in a piggyback ride.
As he carried his friend, the image of the wooden doll’s face flashed back in his mind.
He wasn’t good at saying ‘thank you’, nor did he like saying it. So, he won’t be thanking Pomni.
But, he’ll be sure to say something to her when she comes back.
I’ll probably make a part two.
Tbh, it was pretty hard trying to make them in character in this AU, while still shipping them. I’m a Funnybunny shipper, but when it comes to the Freakshow AU, I lean more towards Showtime. But, I wanted to take up the challenge of trying to make them ‘shippable’ even in this AU.
So what do you guys think….?
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
Original characters in chapter: Lamia, Veve, Volk
( Masterslist ) <---- Find them here
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
(Y/n) - Your name
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2
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Originally the boys were excited that Laddie had finally become a full vampire. Even Max had popped into visit and celebrate Laddie's new status. Though as the week went on they all started to notice how different he was from the others. To start Laddies sleep schedule was completely sparatic at this point. There was an attempt to change it by Star and Dwayne after day two but the tantrums that followed after that were legendary to say the least. Which shocked everyone worse as Laddie never had such outbursts before.
If Laddie didn't get to sleep between the times of 1am to 7am he would become like Satan's spon reincarnated. It would start with whining before spiraling into throwing objects twice his size and weight, jumping at high speeds off the cave walls, and Lord forbid you tried to pin him down. Marko learned that hard truth when Laddie almost bit straight through his arm. Laddie's bite force had become so strong he was teething on bones and rocks and this point. It scared the life outta Star when she caught Laddie with a rotting human carcass from the graveyard chewing on bones like they were cheese puffs.
Dwayne had somehow managed to pry open Laddie's mouth only to reveal not just fangs but all his back molars were replaced with these big bulky teeth that resembled that of a hyenas. Dwayne was panicking like a mother hen at this point. His little buddy had now become an unmanageable beast who at this point he was sure was sneaking off in the day with how many times he managed to somehow find and dig up human carcasses. I mean that alone was an issue that they had to stop as the waking up to the smell of fermented dead guy was not pleasant and the amount of laundry having to be done just to get rid of the smell was driving the pack mad.
David thought taking Laddie to hunt with them so he could have all the fresh bones would be enough. It did fix the corpse napping problem to say the least and the drying left over bones for Laddie so he could eat during the day was kinda a cool look. But as one problem was managed more appeared to arise every time. Laddie was still running off into the sunlight during the day and no one could keep him in the cave if they tried. I mean it was like watching the messiah of all vampires as David had stayed up late to catch Laddie's tiny ass in the act as he didn't believe Star.
There in the sunlight full blast was Laddie caught in the act of running off during the day. David was floored absolutely utterly floored. What the fuck had this kid eaten for his first hunt as a vampire to make him the second coming of Christ. David and Dwayne felt like an old married couple at this point as they were always fighting about what to do with there tiny terror. Laddie would sometimes listen to them he would out right ignore Star and like a thorn in their sides outright try and fight the terror twins and Micheal. It was terrifying the pack and David swore Dwayne was growing grey hairs as Laddie would act up.
Day five of this shit show all came crashing down as Laddie had now become picky about blood. This kid looked Dwayne straight in the eyes after receiving a fresh kill and upturned his nose pushing it away like it was a piece of broccoli. Stating very matter of fact like "I'll eat the bones but the blood isn't as good as big sis." WHO THE FUCK WAS BIG SIS. Dwayne was done, it was like a cord snapped inside this man and the one who had the patience of a saint had to throw his hands in the air and walk away.
"David get your kid. " Dwayne walked back towards his bike David tailing behind him practically shouting. "What do you mean get your kid! Where are you going Dwayne?!" They were both tired at this point exhausted from the five days of hell. Laddie made Marko and Paul look like saints right now and Dwayne just wanted his kid to go back to being at least easier to manage. He didn't want Laddie to get hurt during the day and he wanted answers to why Laddie was like this. Who was he running out in the day to see and why when Laddie was pressed on the matter he just said he was following big sis.
Dwayne wanted answers now. He and David had a working theory that the demon Laddie had first fed off of had to have been visiting him during the day. When Laddie got to play with her during the day by the time everyone would wake up Laddie would be smiling from ear to ear and be back to his usually self until around his bed time. Laddie only ever called her big sis but had accidentally given away details about this mystery broad during off hand conversations with Paul. They kept a scrap of the blanket that had the demon's blood on it in a jar sealed tight as to not lose the scent. Though Dwayne was ashamed to admit it was mostly so Laddie couldn't hog the smell all to himself.
It was intoxicating to all of them, something about the scent felt so comforting and drawing in. Like walking through a memory or into the arms of someone you loved a lot. Marko one night attempted to snag the blanket from Laddie and had received a narly bite to his leg as both got into a fight over it. Trying to confiscate that thing was not going to be easy so the scrap fabric would have to be there only lead to track down this person and get answers. Dwayne pulled the small jar from his pocket tossing it to David.
"We need answers David. I'm heading to the witch run shops in town. They should have books on vampires and succubus there, we may get some answers about little man and some helpful knowledge about our mystery lady. I'll be back before dawn." Dwayne turned on his bike gearing up to go making sure he had some cash in his pocket. David let out a frustrated huff before lighting a smoke. " I'll have the terror twins come up with enough cash. You know we're either gonna have to bribe or threaten our way into Chateau Vermillion?" Dwayne let out a little chuckle trying to ease his frustrations .
"Yeah, Paul got us banned while back. Lamia will castrate him on site if she even gets a whiff of his scent." The pair shared a laugh before Dwayne pressed a kiss to David's knuckles. "Think you'll survive while I'm gone?" David turned to look at the terror twins currently in a spat with Laddie about being picky. " You'll be lucky if the cave isn't on fire." David's face sank in exhaustion as Dwayne drove off into the night. He was excited for this little hunt when they first found Laddie and the mystery blanket but now he just wanted a night where he wasn't separating the three from a fight. In two days they were gonna barge into Chateau Vermillion whether Lamia liked it or not. David was gonna find this mystery woman whether he had to flip Santa Carla inside out or not. Maybe he should get a little compensation for his troubles. His lips curling into a smirk around his cigarette.
He could practically imagine the taste of the blood belonging to the mystery woman with such an intoxicating scent. Maybe the pack should keep her all to themselves.
Your head throbbed in your skull. Maybe all that drinking yesterday after you got back from spending time with Laddie wasn't a good idea after all. It's been a week now since the incident with Laddie and surprisingly it's been eventful yet peaceful. Your Aunt Lamia wasn't happy you fed a vampire kid with your blood but she understood there wasn't much else you could do. She had dropped the grudge against the matter instead to fuss over you and check your wounds. You didn't understand why she felt the need, your healing factor was great due to your lineage and besides you could probably fill an Olympic size swimming pool with blood before dropping dead. Though you think you'd get hungry before that.
You frowned a bit realizing your cousin Veve wasn't in bed when you woke up. It was hard to sleep when you didn't have the warmth and heart beat of another next to you which meant you usually woke up way too early. You kick the sad deco away that Veve tried to leave with you. Really the pillow with a box inside that makes heart beat noises. Veve should have just got another person to stay in the bed with you while you snoozed then you probably wouldn't have woken up. You couldn't stay mad at her though, you had made her worry about you when you told her you and Laddie had been hanging out with each other when you were on baby sitting duty.
If you knew the pack had a daywalker child running around you would have been more cautious with how close to the cave you were camping out at. The first few days you tried staying away from him but Laddie just thought you were playing tag so he started jumping after you. And my goodness did this kid have a mouth on him. You thought his voice box would burn out with how many Doe eyed questions he kept asking you. Why do you have horns? Why doesn't your tail have spikes? Why do your wings look like moth wings? Are you a moth? Will I get wings? It made your head spin at first and it was kinda annoying to be chased all day by him but you quickly gave into his non stop onslaught of questions.
I mean he really was just a kid. Day walker or not there was no question that Laddie was just a curious kid. Plus if Laddie was just a child you could easily get info outta him whenever you wanted. That's what you told yourself on day three but it became quickly apparent you just had a soft spot for him. He just genuinely wanted to know things and I mean you had to watch after them all day so what was the harm in keeping yourself busy with helping the kid out. You had brought Laddie an umbrella meant for day walkers on day two when you realized he was running around in the sun without pacing himself.
Which quickly led to the poor baby throwing up almost everything in his stomach and getting the sun itches when he was going overboard. You flew down to where Laddie was hunched over in a light pile on the ground. You opened the umbrella for you two patting his face with a wash cloth. You lifted the boy gently cleaning his face from vomit and getting some water down his throat. " Baby fangs you have to pace yourself in the sun. Just because you can't feel yourself burning up doesn't mean you're not wrecking your body Hun. " Laddie looked so frail after his puking stunt and he visible didn't look like he was doing to well.
One moment he was up and about like a ball of energy next he was hunched over in whatever shade he could find vomiting up anything that was in his stomach plus he was getting sunburned from being directly in it. "It hurts. My stomach hurts sis" you could feel your heart clench in your chest. Like he was just reaching in tugging at your heart strings. You refused to let the boy know your name so the rest could never find out but that doesn't mean you couldn't help him out. You let out a pool of your blood quickly forming it into a bunch of butterflies. These would have to be your eyes until you two could get back. At least if while you were gone you could still do your job and watch over the sight.
You flew Laddie over to the Santa Carla cemetery. As a succubus you were required to have basic knowledge on all potential clients you may run into while feeding so you knew Day walkers needed to eat more to be in the sun. While they were vampires who could be in the sun they had to consume higher calorie dense foods and meals more frequently as their bodies were burning more repairing their skin and body in the sun. You had no choice, you needed to get this boy washed up and some human bones in his stomach along with probably demonic blood and regular human food.
A true nutritional meal includes fruits after all. So for a few days you and Laddie would go to the cemetery bribing the ghouls of the place to Let you get Laddie washed up in their facilities after he spent time helping them dig a corpse up he wanted to drag off. You weren't particularly fond of having to drag a corpse with you through high altitudes along with an overly excited child on your back but it was kinda fun. You two spent the days in the sun by the ocean either eating, playing in the water, or teaching Laddie things. You weren't going to admit it but you were somewhat helping train Laddie up so maybe he could someday also participate in fight club.
He seemed to enjoy play fighting as much as you did and the quickest way to get used to one's powers is by practicing using them. I mean that's how you used your skill to get better at fighting rather than healing or seducing opponents. You also made sure that if Laddie was ever discovered by another Vampire who had knowledge of the vampiric high council Laddie would be able to get away with being a child day walker. Child vampires were taboo but day walker child vampires were extra banned as they were more prone to madness. Plus from your quizzing Laddie he had about zero knowledge on vampiric rules, history, or governmental system.
Meaning Laddie truly was a feral. All three of these could spell death for him if he was discovered. You knew from a repeat customer that if Vampiric council members found ferals they deemed too much of a risk they would be terminated quickly. You couldn't stand the thought of Laddie being executed in the public bathing of holy water. So you took it upon yourself to teach this boy how to fight and about everything he needed to know about his own people so if he was found before you could get him aged up with medicine then he would stand a chance of not being killed.
You quickly dogged Laddies lunging for you. "Who do all vampires stem from." Laddie caught his breathe before turning around preparing to lunge again. "Dracula Tepes!" Laddie shouts. You two had been working on training him while he fought as he got too bored when you just tried reading to him. "Good, Keep it up Laddie you can do it! All you need to do is tag me on one of my vital spots." You side stepped the kid again. You knew his height and speed could make him a formidable foe if only he could get his reaction time up. "Next question. What is the vampiric society known for?"
Laddie hesitated this question he has also gotten wrong it was hard to remember and he was getting tired. " Robots?" You swept Laddies feet out from under him catching his little body by his shirt. His face inches from the ground. You let out a playful laugh. "I mean you're not wrong in a sense kiddo but the answer is scientific and robotic advancements." You lifted Laddie up letting him get back on his feet handing him a water as he pouted obviously frustrated he couldn't get the answer right. You ruffled his hair playfully. " I know it's a hard one to remember. Just remember that they live a long time and spend a lot of time playing with robots and science equipment like a mad scientist from a movie."
"Big sister do they really do that." Laddie asked looking at the sun low in the sky. He knew you'd be leaving right after this but he really didn't want you to. "Yes honey they do. Maybe someday me and you can go see the city of vampires and you can see all the cool stuff they have made. Some vampires spend all their time on earth researching and learning about specific things. Now I gotta go okay I'll see you tomorrow, I'll make sure to bring oxtail for breakfast. " Laddie pouted huffing in frustration.
" Why do you always have to leave before sunset. It's not fair!" Laddie was getting frustrated. He loved spending all day with you but he hated when you left. You shot a look at Laddie for the tone in his voice giving him the ol mom look at him. The boy instantly quieting his tone. "I miss you when you leave. " The little boy rubbed his arm. You wanted to scold him for his manners but your heart hurt at how tiny and pitiful he looked with his cheeks puffed out and bottom lip poking out. Instead you decided to pat the young boys head. "Now when did you go stealing my heart hmmm." You softly smiled making eye contact with the boy so he knew you were serious affectionately putting your foreheads together, a traditional succubus sign of familiar affection.
"As soon as you go to sleep then wake up you know I'll be right here waiting for you baby bat. Now make sure you're eating all your dinner and brushing your fangs." You start flying back to Chateau Vermilion shouting down to Laddie as the boy starts running back to the cave. "And watch your tone! We use our manners young man!" Laddie smiled a wide fang filled smile back to you cupping his hands together around his mouth to shout back. " Yes Big Sister!!!" You watched the little boy run back practically skipping the whole way.
Now that you were awake from your less than stellar sleep you got prepared to take a shower and head up to the community kitchen. Co-sleeping was usually a fine tendency to have as a succubus but it sucked when you and your bed buddy were on different schedules. It didn't help that Veve didn't like sharing you with others as a bunk buddy since you two have shared a bed together since you were mere younglings freshly kicked from your parents sleeping pile. You and Veve would usually cuddle close to each other before bed talking about your days or any hot gossip you heard of.
You feel a sense of loneliness since you haven't been able to do that since starting this babysitting gig. It was fine though because at least you could still attend the fight club and take on regular customers when you needed to feed. Though right now you were just drinking a pre-saved essence bottle with some coffee and toast before you headed out, trying desperately to ease your hangover. You'd just feed on your lycanthrope friend Volk when you got there since he was a regular customer of yours anyway. Your stomach growled at the thought reminding you, you should probably be hurrying up.
Your cup of coffee was interrupted by Veve storming into the community kitchen. "(Y/n) you have to go!" Veve looked worried quickly handing you an outfit to change into. "Veve! Hold up what's going on? Are these Volks clothes!?" Your confusion was met with Veve grabbing your arm and leading you to the back door where you could already see Volk with your other lycanthrope buddies next to their car. You were shimmying into the baggy clothes but before you could even ask another question again the guys were opening a black sack.
"Your vampires are here looking for you and unless you wanna blow your cover you need to take your tiny ass and bounce girl." The group stared around you your cousin looking frantic. "Fine I'll go in the body bag but just for your information boys my safe word just so happens to be rigatoni!" The werewolves put you in the bag lifting you up and putting you in the car turning on the station they know you like. That was nice you thought as you can't wait to just get to the fight club and finally get some food in your system.
David and Dwayne had successfully bullied Lamia into letting them into the Chateau Vermillion. They were happy to use the territory rules and disputes in their favor to catch their little succubus without having to use their money. Though they knew finding her would be hard with all these pheromones and drugs in the air. Lamia had set strict regulations for them to be allowed back into the building as well. Though luckily it meant if they could catch her today with their planned pincer attack then they could come back again.
First they had to keep these anti bite masks on which David was happy that it had a way for him to enjoy the luxury cigars they sold at this joint. He did miss frequenting this joint so it was nice to have a card on the table able to bully his way back in. Sadly though he couldn't get Paul or Marko pardoned back in after Paul's attempt to bite a succubi neck last time. Thanks to the book Dwayne got from the witch shop they finally knew why it was such a offense.
David was happy Dwayne bought those books. Not only did they discover what happened to Laddie but now they know how to recreate it with Star and Micheal. Though the most intriguing point of the books was the enslaving of succubi and hybrids. David smirked into his cigar an evil tint behind his eyes. If this little succubus proved to be as intoxicating as her scent proved then he wouldn't mind making her the group's play thing. A succubi mate who feasted off sexual experiences sounded delightful to David. I mean Laddie already loved her so making her his mother would be a easy matter.
Dwayne smelled the air he could faintly smell her but not strong enough to confirm she was in the building. She was here but she's not anymore. If they scared her out the back then Marko and Paul can track her down. Laddie was like a blood hound for her scent so even the smallest amount would be enough for him to follow her. Plus if she tried to alter her gender to male Laddie could still identify her . Dwayne was more focused on trying to find out her name. What was the name of the woman's scent who's been driving him insane and whose blood altered Laddie.
Why was she always hanging around the cave but going so far as to hide her name from Laddie so they wouldn't find her. Dwayne craved answers and was hungry for a drink of her blood. He had to stop Paul multiple times from stealing the glass bottle holding the fabric scrap. Paul wanted to try sucking the dried blood up just to get a small taste. The pair sat in a balcony window seat staring down at the show going on below them. Succubi in all shapes and sizes genders and shades everywhere. Some were on the stage performing some were in audience seats cozing up to guests. None of them smelt as good.
It was like staring at art. They were all beautiful and amazing in their own right but there wasn't that spark or urge the blood had stirred in them. Dwayne and David could probably pay for some services and probably have a good time but they were looking for their mysterious golden girl. From the info they pry from Laddie they were looking for a Succubus with a thorned tail and wings in the shape of a moths. Their little mystery girl was a hybrid.
Dwayne's eyes sharpened as someone walked past smelling strongly of her. It wasn't her but this person must of spent a long time with her as the mystery girls scent was practically imbued underneath the girls own. His scent tracking abilities were the strongest of the pack so he was confident in his decision. Reaching out Dwayne slammed the curtains open and on the other side stood a short chubby succubus. She practically jumped when he opened the curtain as his form leered over hers. David took a puff from his cigar smiling the best he could from behind the mask. "Excuse me miss could you bring us a menu we have a particular girl we'd like to order for the night." Venom lacing his tone.
Veve's eyes dilated for a few seconds before she attempted to compose herself. She knew they would be hunting for (Y/n) scent so she couldn't let her cousins name slip from her mouth. Her mouth pinched into a tight smile as she handed the menu over trying hard not to make contact but making sure to flash the unavailable girls list as well. Luckily the list showed (Y/n) was bought out for the whole week by Volk and his crew. She knew Volk was always down to bail (Y/n) outta customers she didn't like in favor of him receiving more time with her. David smirked pointing confidently right to (Y/n) picture.
"We'd like to reserve this one. When do you think she will be free?" David's voice dripped honey laced with venom as an evil smile grew across his face. You don't have to open your mouth around David or tell them we're you were with Dwayne. One could smell you in a crowd full of mixing scents while the other one could read minds so strongly in a mix of many that this little succubus's thought blocking spell was nothing but childs play for him.
You were simply a rabbit running from a pack of wolves in the moonlight but it was uncertain which wolf would catch you in their jaws first.
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( Chapter 3 )
All oc's in the chapter will have character sheets up to help with fanfiction visualization. Favorite scenes from the chapter will have photos included and linked. Make sure to like and comment.
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krsnaradhika · 5 months
I know I'm gonna attract a lot of speeches and stuff with this statement but I'll tell you something-
Both Arjuna and Kanha are incarnations of Shri Narayana so shipping them with each other romantically is not fun y'all (they are also the twin sages Nara and Narayana so that makes it more yikes? Twincest bro? Why?)
It's weird, and while I do fully support the lgtbq+ (bhai I'm demisexual myself), please don't insert it in itihāsa scriptures where it's not. Yes, I know about Sudyumna and Ila and how King Bhagiratha was born. Even Khajuraho has homoerotic sculptures and yes the community deserves respect just as any heterosexual personality does. Yes hinduism embraces homosexuality openly and there's nothing to be ashamed of it. But jahan hai vahan hai, jahan nahi don't put it there. Imagine labeling a person with wrong pronouns and wrong sexuality, not respectful right? Why do it with divine people? I know Kanha's everybody's buddy here and I'm nobody to tell people how they should worship him and what bhāva should they harbour, but like? It's not canon? Don't do it? People can be platonically very affectionate with each other and we should normalise it? And not term them as someone they're not? Fandom nahi hai bro, culture hai, dharma hai. Jise dhaaran kiya jaye, vahi dharma hai. Our ethics, morals and principles are our dharma. We have evidences of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. So it's not like they're fictional, are they? I know Tumblr pe we're all having fun and aisa hota hai yahan, I myself adore #ParAv very much but seriously writing smut on them? Making sexual jokes? Painting them as some people they're not? Why? Just because a large number of people are doing it, doesn't make it right.
(If somebody's posting hate comments or any stuff they're getting blocked.)
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4)
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Welcome back of Part 4 of my Shadow (and Sonic) character analysis! This time, we are covering all episodes up to Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. While Shadow doesn't appear too often, he is certainly not sidelined, as you'll see soon.
Let's dive in!
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''That's the first time one of them has made any sense.'' ''Nine's on our side, Shadow, and if you're not gonna help, you can-'' ''Oh, I can help.'' *knocks Sonic into No Place*
So, speaking of which, Shadow does have a scene in Episode 10: Battle in the Boscage, where he's just being a deadpan snarker, having witnessed Sonic's failure to get the Shard and knocking him right into No Place. I told you that he helps Sonic by keeping him focused on the mission. X3
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In Episode 12: No Way Out, while Sonic is busy helping out Dread and his crew in No Place (or rather, being chased by them after he got the Shard), Shadow tries to stall the rest of the Chaos Council by damaging their ship with the crystals that float around in The Void.
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''This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at-'' ''Who are you talking to?! I can see you have the Shard! Run faster and get out of there!'' ''Turns out, it's hard to get up to full speed on water, even with these kicks. Not to mention, having pirates blasting at you.'' ''Then go where they can't blast you.'' ''I need solid ground. I know just where to get it. By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip on the horizon.'' ''What was that about a blip?''
So, while Sonic is pursued by Dread and his pirate crew because he's carrying the Shard and Dread spun a lie about Sonic betraying them, he managed to kick up enough Prism Energy to talk to Shadow, who immediately reminds him to get out of No Place. I absolutely love how Sonic is so done with Shadow nagging him like this, especially considering how Shadow probably doesn't know what happened in No Place besides the fact that Sonic got the Shard. Shadow continues to be a deadpan snarker throughout their conversation and it is pure hilarity. You can bet that he was itching to go to No Place himself and help Sonic out.
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But considering how he can't, he decides to deal with the Chaos Council robots that are repairing the ship, freaking out Dr. Don't in the process. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Dr. Eggman activates the ship and flies it towards No Place, leaving a frustrated Shadow.
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You've done as much as you could, buddy. Honestly, I don't think that even hitching a ride on the ship would've brought you into No Place. Fortunately, in Episode 15: Cracking Down, Sonic managed to eventually get all of the Shards and with Nine in the tow, after making a stop at No Place and Boscage Maze, finally enters The Void.
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''It's about time.'' ''Nine, meet Shadow. Shadow, meet Nine.'' ''You're not another version of Sonic, but you could be twins.'' ''Hardly. I am The Ultimate Lifeform.'' ''Don't listen to him. Com'n!''
I do love this small talk, with Nine pointing out how Shadow and Sonic look similar (don't worry Nine, you're not the first to make this mistake), and Shadow retorting how he's the Ultimate Lifeform. You know, he could've just said how he and Sonic are nothing alike or explained Nine the deal, but he decides to go for a boast that is also a factual statement.
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*growls* ''Sycophantic wish fulfillment.''
After arriving at Ghost Hill, Sonic goes back to the Ghost Variants of his friends, looking at them longingly, with Shadow calling it a sycophantic wish fulfillment, with Sonic actually looking back at him and smiling. Yeah, he understands that this wasn't much of an insult on Shadow's part, but just more of him pointing out the reality of the situation. Sonic is definitely more optimistic here, knowing that soon, everything will be over, while Shadow, in his own way, shows that he shares his feelings on the matter.
So far, Shadow has gotten along with Sonic quite well after their fight, but when Nine comments on him and Tails being nothing alike, we get this look.
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Once again, he is not trusting Nine, no matter what Sonic says, which becomes the new core of their arguments. However, before they could continue, they're hit with another reality quake, with Shadow leading Sonic and Nine towards the Paradox Prism cave. Even if he doesn't want to trust Nine, he has to rely on him to fix the Paradox Prism. He even agrees to Nine's condition on being left alone to fix the Paradox Prism by taking Sonic outside.
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''How do you know that you can trust him?'' ''Trust is an issue for you Shadow. That's why you don't have any friends.'' ''I don't think your friend wants the same we do.''
So, first of all, GODDAMN SONIC, YOU WENT STRAIGHT FOR THE JUGULAR WITH THAT FRIEND COMMENT! Like, Shadow really needs some aloe vera for that burn. Seriously, that hits right in the heart, sheesh!
Honestly, knowing what I know about SEGA handling Shadow's character, as in him, Rouge and Omega not being friends, this really hurts. Nevertheless, Sonic isn't wrong.
I had talked in the previous Part of my analysis how Sonic and Shadow complement each other, but I mainly pointed out how Shadow helps Sonic to focus. But, what about Sonic? Well, one consistent issue Shadow has is his distrust of other people, which given his backstory, is valid. However, with Sonic, who fights for others, be it friends or strangers, he does have at least one person he can trust - even if that person is responsible for all the trouble they're currently dealing with. Sonic might come off as a bit insensitive and he is certainly reckless, but his heart is in the right place and Shadow knows that. That's why he sticks by his side and trusts him.
In Sonic Prime, Sonic is Shadow's only friend.
Unfortunately, Sonic's premature celebration of them finally fixing reality is interrupted by the Chaos Council appearing in Ghost Hill, leading into Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. Now, here, we are shown what real teamwork between Sonic and Shadow looks like.
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*sighs* ''Don't you just hate this part? The build up! Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already!'' *Shadow rolls eyes at him* ''Hey, I'm not going to be the one who pulls a hammy.'' ''What about him? We can't just leave him alone with the Prism Shards.'' ''Uh, yes we can, seeing as he's the only one who can put them together and, you know, fix reality. You really don't trust him, do you?'' ''No.'' ''Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine, knock yourself out. I'm gonna buy us some time.
I just love this pre-battle banter between the two. Sonic is being so dramatic, but also optimistic, with Shadow just rolling his eyes at his dramatics (seriously, he knows Sonic too well) and questioning whether Nine can be trusted. Sonic brings up a good point about Nine being the only one who can put the Shards back together, something Shadow doesn't argue against, and leaves him to stall the Chaos Council.
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Now we see Shadow, narrowing his eyes as he looks down at Sonic, then he glances at the Chaos Council's ship, contemplating the situation.
And 3... 2... 1... Yep, he leaps off the cliff to join Sonic in the battle. X3
I'm not gonna lie, I actually chuckled at this scene because this was too be expected. There is no way that Shadow would stay behind while Sonic fights for several reasons.
Firs of all, Shadow knows that Sonic will probably have trouble with the Chaos Council and will need someone to cover him and help protecting the Prism Shards. Second, Shadow has spent so much time trapped in The Void that he probably just to take his frustrations out on someone and the best target is the Chaos Council, especially since they are also responsible for this mess. Lastly, Shadow, just like Sonic, will never say no to a challenge, and I'm fairly certain that he decided to join the fight because of it.
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''Well, look who couldn't resist a team up.'' ''Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go at it alone?'' ''You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!''
More banter, but this time with Sonic being really happy about having Shadow joining in and Shadow... Okay, when I saw this scene, I thought that Shadow went tsundere for a moment. Yeah, he makes a good point, but he barely makes eye-contact with Sonic, as if he doesn't want to admit that there is probably more to his decision to join Sonic in the battle.
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What follows next is these fighting off the Chaos Council's robots, with some epic shots peppered in (I'm certain that the animators had a field day with this one).
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Seriously, you could use any screenshot like this one as a wallpaper. They look so awesome!
Of course, the Chaos Council is shocked to see Shadow joining the fight, and I think that, going by the hand motions Dr. Babble makes, either he wants to grab them and crush them, or he wants to grab them like Barbie dolls and make them kiss. It's probably the former, but if he's a shipper, I don't judge.
In any case, as Mr. Dr. Eggman diverts Prism Energy into the robots, Sonic gets knocked back by one and almost gets hit by missiles, but fortunately, Shadow saves him, leading into the moment that broke the shipping community.
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''Probably gonna regret that.'' ''I heart you too, Shadow.''
*takes a deep breath*
You know what, any moment between them that felt like a shipping moment could be excused as Sonic just being friendly with Shadow and Shadow choosing to tolerate Sonic's affection, but this?! THIS?!
My jaw dropped when I saw this scene, because this is something I never imagined it would happen. I swear, there was definitely a Sonadow shipper on the writing team, because how the hell do you explain this scene?! Not only that, but the Sonadow community went through every language (myself included) to check what line Sonic tells Shadow in the other dubs, and it's all a variation of ''I love you too, Shadow.'' Not to mention the Thai dub, where Sonic makes kissy noises at Shadow. Kissy noises!
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Bless you, Thai dub, for your contribution to the Sonadow community. If non-shippers wondered why everyone freaked out and nicknamed this show Sonadow Prime, here's your reason.
Of course, Shadow just rolls his eyes, carrying Sonic like sack of potatoes. Yeah, he's too used to this.
So, the battle continues, with Sonic and Shadow splitting up and Shadow dodging Dr. Don't's laser blasts, only for Mr. Dr. Eggman to fire at him a bigger energy blast. They think they got him, but he's revealed to be just fine.
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Dude, he's smiling again! This is so cute! (≧◡≦)
Sonic is obviously worried about Shadow, thinking the Chaos Council got him. When he checks on the crater, he refuses to believe that Shadow would go down so easily, and he is right about that. He even acknowledges that, when Shadow returns to back him up, that the robots aren't tough at all when they work together. This is then followed up by a fight against Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep, who get a boost via the Prism Shard energy.
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''Go! Protect the Prism!
When the cave gets breached, placing Nine and the Shards in danger, Shadow tells Sonic without any hesitation to protect the Prism, with Sonic nodding in agreement, his expression serious. It is a moment of quiet understanding, both knowing what's at stake here. Unfortunately, Shadow gets taken out by Dr. Deep a moment later, with Sonic and Nine eventually getting cornered and deciding to use the Prism energy to power Sonic up.
Sonic quickly takes out the enemy, being so fast that he leaves afterimages of himself, and goes to check on Shadow, who is still fighting Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep.
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''Hey Shadow! Sorry to keep you waiting!''
I dunno what's with Shadow's expression here, but it always cracks me up whenever Sonic calls for him. Sonic then proceeds to beat up the two, leaving Shadow baffled in regards to what just had happened.
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''How...'' ''Got a power up to save your butt! You're welcome!''
Shadow goes from slack-jawed to just... the image above. I dunno how to describe it, but I think it's something in the lines of ''Of course you got a power up. I shouldn't even be surprised.''
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''It's aiming away from us! That doesn't make any sense! Maybe they know when they're beat? These guys? Please, if you believe that, then you're even dumber than you look.'' *nods* ''Finally a Sonic I can agree with.''
I absolutely love this little exchange, with Sonic bantering with his afterimages and Shadow looking so done with Sonic's antics until Sonic says something that makes sense, chiming in with his own comment. I adore Shadow's expression so much here, because you can see just what is going through his head. Also, Sonic shot himself in the foot with that last comment.
The two then observe Mr. Dr. Eggman creation what can only be described as Kaiju Prime!Eggman made out of Prism Energy.
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''It's official, I've seen it all!''
I agree here with Sonic. Nobody expected a Kaiju Dr. Eggman who can shoot lasers from his mouth to appear. Shadow is equally baffled by what just happened. Sonic is the one to fight back Kaiju!Eggman, being devastated when he destroys the Loop-de-Loop, with Shadow already being aware of what is going through the blue hedgehog's head.
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''Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the Shards!''
Unfortunately, Sonic doesn't listen this time, fighting Kaiju!Eggman and doing nothing to him.
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''Get to the Shards!''
It is only when Shadow reminds him again to go after the Shards, getting blasted away by Kaiju!Eggman and Sonic realizing that Nine is in danger, that the blue hedgehog rushes towards the cave. There, he and Nine decide to use even more of the Prism energy to power Sonic up, giving us this new form.
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This is Prismatic Sonic, and as many have noticed, this shot right here might as well be the same as Dark Sonic from Sonic X. It's kinda chilling to see.
Fortunately, Prismatic Sonic beats Kaiju!Eggman, briefly glancing at Shadow as he arrives at the scene.
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Yeah, he's certainly happy that everything went well, following it up by going back to Nine and celebrating their victory. Unfortunately, it is short-lived, because what follows is an argument between him and Nine, who considers Sonic selfish for never seeing him as his own person and more of an extension of Tails, causing another energy pulse to knock Sonic out.
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Shadow gets knocked out, suddenly realizing that something went very wrong and quickly speeds off towards the cave.
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There, he finds out not only that Nine took the Shards and left, but he also finds a devastated Sonic, who is hit with a wave of realization of that he made things just worse, dooming their reality to destruction.
It is very telling of how much Sonic regrets his words and actions when the last shot of him is covering his face with his hands, clearly crying.
So, that was Part 4, the part where we saw how well Shadow and Sonic work together as a team, peppered with some fun banter and Shadow actually getting used more and more to work together with Sonic. The one aspect of his character that gets highlighted here is Shadow's clear distrust of Nine, something Sonic teases him about, but notice how Shadow actually doesn't stay behind to keep an eye on Nine, actually trusting Sonic's word that Nine is on their side.
At least, until the end when Nine leaves, hurt by Sonic's words and believing that Sonic betrayed him.
This sense of distrust and Shadow's bond with Sonic will be more explored in Part 5, when I cover Episode 17: Grim Tidings.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Soft Launch
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Liked by njdevils, damercer and others
y/nhughes: Oop 🫣
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lhughes: who the hell. wtf.
jackhughes: how do we not know who the hell this is?!
quinnhughes: be a better brother then 🤭
lhughes: do you know?!
quinnhughes: we're twins.
jackhughes: no. I refuse to believe you actually know Quintin
quinnhughes: 🤐
colecaufield: hell yea. Hide that man from the fans Liked by y/nhughes
user: the chaos of this comment section
user: who is she dating? And behind the boy's back?!
damercer: How do I not know bestie?
y/nhughes: you surprisingly know. but good to know you've forgotten
elhughes: my darlings
y/nhughes: love you mumma ❤️
adamfantilli: I thought we agreed to keep it a secret from your brothers baby
y/nhughes: 🤡
lhughes: ew.
lucafantilli: I don't claim him.
yourbestie: get that dick girl 🍆
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Liked by user, jackhughes and others
nicohischier: My whole world in my hand
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mackblack: Wow I'm lonely 😤
user: not the captain
user: 🥰😭
njdevils: Who's Mrs. Captain?
user: I think it's y/nhughes
user: I mean it makes sense. If she's admin, she can just mess around with comments. And She also soft launched today. Timing makes sense.
user: are they that dumb to launch on the same day?
user: 🫢🫢
jackhughes: What the hell is going on with everyone?
user: mmm connect the dots buddy
user: someone is so lucky
user: wish it was me :(
y/nhughes: couldn't even shoot my shot :(
user: you definitely already did 🥹
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Liked by user, user and others
nhlwags: A fan submission of New Jersey Devils' Captain Nico Hischier carrying a mystery woman believed to be Y/N Hughes. She's the twin of Vancouver Canucks' defenseman Quinn Hughes and older sister to the Devils' players Jack and Luke Hughes. She is also the photographer for the Devils.
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user: I ship them so hard 🥰
user: uh since when
user: makes sense since they both soft launched
trevorzegras: jackhughes take a peek
jackhughes: surely no.
user: the brothers have found this post. pray for nico. 👏🏻👏🏻
user: 10 bucks nico wins against all three
user: with quinn's comments earlier, along with cole's, they defs know who Y/N's boyfie is
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@penny4yourthoughts @mp0625 @nowandkei
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bumblekastclips · 30 days
KYLE CROUSE: And DDRMASTERM has our last question before we take a break. “One night, Tangle wishes upon a star that she had a twin sister and the next morning discovers that the wish was granted…somehow. How do Tangle, Jewel, Whisper, Lanolin, and the Chaotix react to this?”
IAN FLYNN: I mean, Tangle’s excited. Her wish came true, and… we’re just going to assume that Wrangle is, you know, on her wavelength. KYLE: [laughs at the name] IAN: You know, it’s the sister that she’s always wanted! KYLE: Oh, there’s two of them… IAN: Yeah, but Wrangle has a Southern drawl, because… yeehaw. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: And Jewel is just very, very tired, ‘cause she can handle one, but now there’s two, and she just hasn’t… [exhaustedly] she doesn’t have enough time or energy in the day to handle this. Why? Why did this wish come true, you know? Not the grant for the museum, no, no, no! [frustrated, unserious] Now you have two Tangles! KYLE: Oof. [laughs] IAN: Uh, Whisper… [sigh] we’ll do the lazy thing. Y’know, she blushes because there’s now two of her girlfriend, haha, shipping joke. KYLE: Ha. IAN: Lanolin, pretty much the same boat as Jewel. If they can focus, then they’ll be an incredible asset ‘cause now you have two of them… if you can get them to focus. If. KYLE: Eh, just point ‘em in the direction they need to go, and they’ll go. IAN: And the Chaotix are befuddled because the, uh, tail sisters are forcing them into a case to find out where Tangle got to, and they’re purposefully showing up in different parts of the city, looking identical, and throwing them off the case and really confusing them, ‘cause that’s hilarious! KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: [as Espio] “Vector, I’m beginning to think there’s two Tangles.” [as Vector] “Don’t be ridiculous, there’s only one, thank heavens!” KYLE: [laughs] Oh, no! Oh, no, Vector, I got some bad news for ‘ya, buddy. [chuckles]
—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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