#but i still have so much to say about the cosmere
kennabeth · 6 months
I do not understand the mindset of "the co//smere eventually being so interconnected that you have to read older books before you can read newer ones is bad" because like cmiiw is that not how series usually work
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cosmerelists · 4 days
If the "Chicken Dinner" Tradition Existed in the Cosmere...
"Chicken dinner" post requested by anon. :)
If you're not familiar with it, this is the "chicken dinner post." Basically, it's a tradition that Someone on the Internet has created, where you and a friend tear apart and eat an entire rotisserie chicken with your bare hands, fighting over it the whole time. Look, the post I linked explains it better.
Anyway, let's say this tradition (and also rotisserie chickens) existed throughout the Cosmere...
1. Sadeas & Dalinar: Firsthand Observations by Jasnah
--There was but a moment of sizing each other up from the edges of the tarp before both men charged directly at the chicken
--Dalinar kept his feet but Sadeas dove and so got the chicken first. He was able to get a few bites in before Dalinar dove onto him from above.
--There is now intense wrestling over the chicken.
--I observe that while Sadeas appears focused on getting as much chicken into his mouth as possible, Dalinar appears to be more focused on pinning his opponent to the mat--I mean, the tarp
--How did both men lose their shirts?
--Dalinar does now have Sadeas pinned, but the chicken is directly in front of Sadeas' head and he is STILL biting at it. I am not convinced that Dalinar has actually consumed any chicken at all.
--Sadeas has at length grown still. Dalinar has picked up the remains of the chicken carcass and is now holding it in both hands while he consumes it over Sadeas' prone form. However, I do observe that the most choice bits of the chicken do appear to have been consumed already--by Sadeas
--If this is a game with a winner, I do not know how to declare it in this case.
2. Tress & Huck: A Post-Chicken-Dinner Conversation
Tress: A-Again, I'm REALLY sorry. Huck: You don't have anything to be sorry about! Tress: Going in, I thought: well, it's just food, and Huck and I are friends, and I don't see why we can't just share the chicken peacefully. Tress: ... Tress: I don't know WHAT came over me! I ripped that chicken apart! I think I was growling at some point! Huck: Can confirm. Tress: A-And, worst of all... Tress: ... Tress: I can't believe I HELD you in one hand and ate the chicken with my other w-while LAUGHING that you were just a tiny helpless rat! Huck: Yeah, I sure hope that didn't awaken anything in me. Tress: ...what? Huck: A-Anyway, I think it was good for you to let go! Be wild and feral! It's probably healthy! Tress: It was...oddly freeing. Huck: That's the spirit!
3. Steris Rates People's Greatest Strength in Chicken Dinner Combat
--Wax: Airtime. Is able to fling himself and the chicken into the air and eat a great deal of it before they both land again
--Wayne: Hand-to-hand technique, lack of fear. Not afraid to get in close and literally eat chicken out of his opponent's hands
--Marasi: Surprising levels of savagry
--MeLaan: Stuck the entire chicken into her body, through her ribs. May be considered cheating
--Myself: No particular strengths. Did create a Chicken Eating Suit out of the same material as a tarp, and did replace the Central Chicken with a Fake Decoy while hiding the Actual Chicken in a place only I knew, thus securing my victory
4. A Series of Drawings by Shallan, Commemorating the 4 v. 1 Chicken Duel
[Adolin running toward the central chicken, alone, while four figures in Shardplate charge in from the opposite side]
[Abrobadar eating a chicken wing in triumph in front of Renarin, who is kneeling on the tarp]
[Kaladin Stormblessed, gloryspen swirling around him, holding up an entire chicken thigh on the end of his spear]
[Adolin sitting on a shouting Jakamov while he, Kaladin, and Renarin share the last of the chicken]
5. An Apology Letter Penned by Valette, To Elend
Dear Elend,
Sazed says that an apology letter is traditional after "something like yesterday." He is helping me write this.
I am sorry that I strangled your fiancée during our chicken dinner bout yesterday. When Shan Elariel grabbed that chicken thigh, I was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to take it from her by any means possible. And though I did win, strangling her while shouting that I was the Queen of Chicken was impolite.
I am also sorry that I punched your brother so many times. Zane was not even supposed to be there, but when he showed up and tried to take a bit out of the chicken while I was holding it, well, something came over me. But when he collapsed next to your still-unconscious fiancée, I did feel a moment of guilt...but only a moment, as I was soon overcome by the delicious Victory Chicken I was enjoying.
Finally, I am sorry that I also attacked your father. He wasn't even trying to get the chicken. But he was there. And he was looking at it. And I feel like the Zane thing was his fault. But I understand that it was probably disconcerting when a small woman covered in chicken juices launched at him suddenly while screaming.
I hope we can still be friends.
6. Hoid & Kelsier: A Pre-Chicken-Dinner Conversation
Kelsier: I thought you couldn't eat meat. Hoid: Not if it's from a dead animal, no. Kelsier: And you can't perform violence. Hoid: Nope. Kelsier: ... Kelsier: So what are we even doing here? Hoid: Did you know that I was once challenged to a duel? Kelsier: Why would I know that? Hoid: Do you know what I did? Kelsier: [Looks to the side where Jasnah stands, wearing a giant apron that says "It's Chicken Eatin' Time", eyes glinting] Kelsier: [grins] I do love a fight I can't win...
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onlycosmere · 9 days
Ironeyes: So, uh, we know that the charcoal creatures are afraid of coins.
Brandon Sanderson: Yes.
Ironeyes: So are the white chalk creatures, which I think are called Shadowblazes…
Brandon Sanderson: Yes.
Ironeyes: Are they also afraid of coins?
Brandon Sanderson Are they also afraid of coins? To a much lesser extent. I can give you guys some backstory on this.
What’s going on here is that the place these things come from linear structure and things like this are frightening to them, like they come from a non-linear location. Time does not move linearly where they come from. When they come into this world, structure and linear time progression, is bizarre to them.
And there are some who have embraced it, and been like, “This is cool and different!” and there are others that are still terrified of it, as a representation of what is so alien from the world they came from.
So that’s why we’ve got this whole clocks, and even structure, as a metaphor for something that is terrifying to them.
Rithmatist started in the Cosmere. The magic shares a lot of its roots, then, in Cosmere magic worldbuilding. I split if off because I wrote the whole first book with it being in the Cosmere. I split it off, saying “No, I don’t want Earth to be in the Cosmere.”
Even an alternate version of Earth. It just raises too many questions about the nature of Earth being involved in this. I want the Cosmere to be its own dwarf galaxy of which not even a dimension of Earth is involved.
And when I made that decision, I broke Rithmatist off. That’s the only one I had written that didn’t belong, but it still has, so, it means that the magic is going to feel very familiar to you, uh, it’s going to feel like the magic of the Cosmere. And Cosmere magic is based around, usually, human beings making a symbiotic bond with an entity made out of the magic.
This is, kind of, one of the origins of Cosmere magic, and Rithmatist has, therefore, its roots in that. I’ve done some things since I’ve split it off in the outlines to distinguish it, but it’s going to have the same roots. So you’ll notice some things like that, that are similar.
Questioner: Before you split The Rithmatist from the Cosmere, did the Shadowblazes come from the Cognitive realm?
Brandon Sanderson: Yeah. Yeah, the Shadowblazes were in the Cognitive realm, they’re--you know, well, they’re more Spiritual Realm. They were Spiritual Realm, sorry. They were Spiritual realm entities that got pulled into the Physical realm.
And the Spiritual realm has no time, it exists independent of time and location, all times and all places are one, and so, when something that’s from the Spiritual Realm got pulled into the Physical realm, it was like, “This is so weird!” And there are very few things in the Cosmere that exist only on the Spiritual Realm, which was a really fun thing I could do with this book, was show that. Cause most things exist on all three Realms. Um, so, yeah.
So, yeah, I mean if you’ve got, if you’re a Cosmere theologian--not theologian, magic, what do you call it? They call that, I have a word for it in-world. But anyway, if you’re a realmatic theorist, you can kind of pick out how the Spiritual Realm beings were related, originally, to the Realmatic theory.
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highladyluck · 3 months
For the fan theories ask, can you go down the list of Nakomi theories on the wiki? (Or, if that’s too much, just Nakomi is the Creator (or an agent of the Creator))
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Ok, before we get into detail on this, if any of you tell me who Brandon Sanderson says Nakomi is, I will be genuinely annoyed. I don't want to know and I hope to go to my grave blissfully unaware of the actual truth. I engage in this for the pure love of unhinged speculation and bitchy judgement. I'm including the 7 theories that @anyboli tells me are on the wiki, and then 3 bonus ones.
1) Aes Sedai From Age of Legends - this is just silly, and frankly after [specific chapter in AMOL when a long-debated fandom question was finally answered] the fandom as a whole should have stopped making theories like this. THERE IS NO PURPLE AJAH!!! I debated shoving it further into 'worst idea' territory but unfortunately it is an undeniably fun premise, and we do canonically have Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends hanging about (they're just evil) which is why everyone keeps trying to make it happen. The placement just into worst idea territory is a compromise.
2) Agent of the Creator/Pattern - this is deeply unlikely- the Pattern doesn't care and the Creator's only agent is Rand- but I like it a little better than the previous option. I also think this is the Bela option, which also nudges it slightly more into 'extremely compelling'.
3) Bubble of Good - I don't think this is the author intent, but on the other hand, it's a random positive encounter that moves the action along, and a Bubble of Evil is a random negative encounter that moves the action along. Functionally, Nakomi ACTS like a Bubble of Good, so I think this sits squarely on the border between likely author intent and definitely not author intent. I enjoy the lampshading of Nakomi as Plot Device so this is somewhat compelling to me.
4) A Hero of the Horn, or Amaresu - Ok, this actually strikes me as somewhat likely and I think if it were an RJ thing this is almost the likeliest option. As a Sanderson thing it seems a little less likely but still pretty plausible. I enjoy the specificity of it and the Heroes do seem to break their own rules about meddling a lot. Maybe Amaresu is vibing with Aviendha because Avi's going to give birth to her reincarnation or something; that's not particularly plausible but I like the emotional implications.
5) A Jenn Aiel - This seems like the most likely of the wiki options. I think the Jenn Aiel still exist, canonically, and probably they'd be in the area and have opinions. It's not the most interesting theory to me because I don't get the mystery aspect at all in this case. I'd rather just know up front that Nakomi was Jenn, then I could get a reaction from Aviendha, which would have been super interesting. It's still pretty neat but the execution could have been improved if this is really the answer. (I actually think this would be AWESOME as part of #10, but without either the use of a specific known character or a reason for the obfuscation, this is not peak cool to me.)
6) Verin - No. I don't even get why people are saying this and I don't care to be informed, either. Verin's great but we don't have to make everything about her.
7) A Wise One - Sure, maybe? But this premise is so deeply uninteresting without specifics. This is the Wheel of Time. I need any random character that shows up once and has a speaking part to have a backstory three pages deep. It doesn't all have to be on the page, but you better convince me that it exists.
8) any Cosmere character - This is my worst fear because it seems so horribly plausible. I know it has been officially denied, but like Taimaindred, it makes too much sense and you can't convince me this wasn't the original intent.
9) Lanfear - This is my personal theory and it sparks joy. Nakomi is a moon-related name like Lanfear's "Selene" moniker, Lanfear constantly goes around in disguise helping protagonists even though it makes no fucking sense, AND Lanfear is apparently still at large even after she appeared to have died? At this point, Lanfear could be doing anything for any reason, we just can't know. The only way we can truly know Lanfear is her vibes--that's why her punishment from the Dark One was to be put into a body that was perfectly good but not her aesthetic--and this whole business has Lanfear Vibes so strong they can be seen from the Age of Legends moonbase.
10) Tigraine - This is @asha-mage's theory and it's the best one I've ever heard. The only reason it's not higher on author intent is because I'm going by Sanderson intent and I don't think this was on his radar, but it absolutely seems like something RJ would have done, so I split the difference. It fits the hints I vaguely remember- someone we haven't met directly in the books but not a totally unknown character either- and it's just so cool, the idea of Tigraine surviving after all, maybe throwing in with the Jenn, and giving advice to her son's lover/a future leader of her adopted people. I want to write a series of 3 vignettes about Tigraine and the concept of legacy: Tigraine at the Tower, dealing with being the legacy kid with no magical skills. Tigraine abandoning Galad and contributing to his complex about his family legacy. Tigraine (as Nakomi) after talking to Aviendha about the legacy of the Aiel as complicated by her son. It would be so satisfying!!! This should be the answer!!!
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cosmererambles · 8 months
Kelsier and Anti-Social Personality Disorder: An Essay
Thank you sooo much for editing this @ladyartichokie! You were a massive help!
Kelsier Essay
I hope the dear reader will forgive my use of a proper noun as I write this essay; it removes somewhat of a formal aspect from its words but I must admit, it does come from a personal place of my heart. While this essay is meant to be persuasive, it’s also meant to be constructive and to drive a point home that I have been musing on for quite a while. This essay has major spoilers for the entirety of the Cosmere. If you haven’t read up to SP3, please refrain from reading this.
In the endless expanses of the Cosmere, there are hundreds of characters whom many hold dear and just as many whom people hate. You could say this is due to the brilliance of the author, who, despite his busy schedules and near constant time spent behind a keyboard, finds time to sign sheets and answer questions. Why is signing sheets and answering questions relevant to beloved and reviled characters? Read on.
Brandon Sanderson answers hundreds of questions, many of whom are inane, innocuous, or silly. Some are deeper, others delve into the basis behind some of his choices while writing. Still others pertain to characters. We get to the meat of it. This particular character is known, through the writing, as a brutal man, who let nothing stand in the way of his goal, who, while cleaving the noble class of his society in twain, uplifted the peasants and upended the thousand-year reign of his deity and ruler. Yes, we’re talking of Kelsier, the Survivor of Hathsin, hero of the Final Empire, and a character that leaves many people puzzled.
Reddit forums are frequented by questions about him. r/Mistborn and r/Cosmere alike have had their fair share of debates, and there was one thing I noticed in many of these: they take the words of Sanderson very, very seriously. Why shouldn’t they? He’s the author, is he not? Back in 2013, Sanderson had a Q&A session where someone asked him who his most disturbing character was. The WoB is as follows:
1.Which of your protagonist characters do you dislike the most as a person? Taking in account that you know all of their inner secrets and motivations. 2. On the flip side, which of your antagonists do you connect with the most? The Lord Ruler seems an obvious choice as he was misunderstood by everyone for so long. But still, I’m curious.
Brandon Sanderson  This is a tough one, as while I’m writing, I HAVE to like everyone. However, the most disturbing of them is probably Kelsier. He’s a psychopath—meaning the actual, technical term. Lack of empathy, egotism, lack of fear. If his life had gone differently, he could have been a very, very evil dude.
 This Word of Brandon has had a decided effect on the fandom, namely in the fact that critical thought surrounding Kelsier, his motives, his struggles, and his successes, has all but been erased. He has been branded a psychopath, and there is nothing anyone can say against it.
The word “psychopath” is a very negatively charged word. To preface things, I want to be clear that this essay is going to refer to “psychopathy” as Antisocial-Personality Disorder. The term psychopath is very old, and largely refers to individuals with this particular disorder. The traditional definition of psychopath is someone who both lacks a conscience and lacks empathy.
Through this essay, I plan to painstakingly showcase that Kelsier fits neither the outdated term nor the criteria for the actual disorder, through canon book citations. I will break down each diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder (Henceforth shortened to ASPD) and Kelsier’s character traits at large. I wish to not only prove Brandon wrong (It is a very old WoB and I doubt very much he still believes this.) but to prove to the fandom at large that Kelsier is a good man. A flawed man, but a good man. I will also note specific character traits that I feel are of note in discussing him, his motives, and his current ideologies.
(Please note that there are plenty of individuals with ASPD that are not bad people. Your actions make you bad, not your mental health. I will be using terms such as “bad” and “wrong”, but this is in regards to a fictional character, NOT a real life human being.)
Antisocial Personality Disorder is a disorder characterized by the DSM-V as a Cluster-B personality disorder. It shares its family with Narcissistic, Borderline, and Histrionic disorders, and is characterized by a “continuing disregard and violation of the rights of others, occurring since the age of fifteen. To be diagnosed with ASPD, you must show a pattern of three or more of the following characteristics:
·         Failure to Conform with Laws and Social Norms
·         Deceitfulness (Repeated lying or conning of others for personal profit or pleasure.
·         Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
·         Irritability or Aggressiveness (Repeated physical fights or assaults.)
·         Reckless disregard for the safety of others.
·         Consistent irresponsibility. (Failure to keep a job or honor financial obligations.
·         Lack of remorse.
Psychopathy is a term that was coined before this disorder was identified and refers specifically to a person lacking in both empathy and a conscience. The term is still widely used today, along with the term Sociopath, often interchangeably. For this essay, I’ll be largely relying on the psychiatric standards set in the DSM-V.
With this in mind, let’s jump into the criteria necessary for one (In this case, Kelsier) to be diagnosed with ASPD. While Kelsier waits in the waiting room, rather annoyed, let’s overview his case file. I will be pulling The Final Empire (TFE), Secret History (SH), and Eleventh Metal (EM). To make things clearer, I am using the Arcanum Unbounded version of SH and EM.
Failing to Conform with Laws and Social Norms
“Yes, he pocketed the gemstones in the vault, but that was more out of pragmatism than anything else.” (SH)
“Individual must show a pattern of Failing to conform with laws and social norms.” This one is tricky, as we are speaking of a fictional character in a brutal society hell bent on slaughtering those like Kelsier. Him becoming a thief was his way of surviving. While a thief, he was known as trusting, fair, just, and great to work with. When speaking to Vin after saving her from Camon’s beating, he explains just what sort of thief and crew leader he is, which puzzles her for quite a few pages as she notices the level of trust he places in other people.
“…Well Dox and I, we’re scavengers too, we’re just a higher quality scavenger. We’re more well bred, you might say-or perhaps just more ambitious.” (Chapter 3, page 56, TFE). After Clubs leaves in a huff, Yeden exclaims that he has to be dealt with, and Kelsier shuts him down.
“You’re just going to let him go?” “…I don’t work that way, Yeden. I invited Clubs where I outlined a dangerous plan-one some people might even call stupid. I’m not going to have him assassinated because he decided it was too dangerous. If you do things like that, pretty soon nobody will come listen to your plans in the first place.” (chapter 4, page 80, TFE).
Clubs, upon his return, remarks he’s heard that Kelsier would never use emotional allomancy to sway someone to his side. “You’re a smoker Clubs. He couldn’t do much to you, not if you didn’t want him too.” “I don’t like Soothers…Men like that…well you can’t trust you aren’t being manipulated when they are around. Copper or no copper.” “I wouldn’t rely on something like that to get your loyalty.” “So I’ve heard.” (Chapter 5, page 87, TFE).
If we mark his thieving and conning as a pattern in this trope, we also have to mark it against Doxson, Hammond, Breeze, Vin, and Clubs, not to mention hundreds of other Skaa and half-skaa that are just trying to live. Thus, this particular criterion is being ignored due to the outstanding circumstances of the Final Empire and how it was run.
Deceitfulness for Profit or Pleasure
“And the third…well, that was Kelsier’s favorite. It involved a tongue coated with zinc. Instead of a knife it used confusion, and instead of prowling it worked in the open.” (SH)
As a con-artist and thief, Kelsier throughly enjoys his trade. He made it a mission in life to con his way to the top of the thieving world, becoming the most “Infamous crewleader in Luthadel” (Chapter 5, page 89, TFE). He loved terrifying the Ire out of their possessions and the orb of Investiture. The man enjoys his profession in life; he didn’t fall into it out of necessity or trick. He even states, in narration of his own in the Eleventh Metal, that when he Snapped as a Mistborn, he immediately gravitated towards Zinc and Brass, as they could “manipulate other people’s emotions.” (Eleventh Metal, page 159). “We’re thieves, gentlemen- and we’re extraordinarily good ones. We can rob the unrobbable and fool the unfoolable…” (Chapter 4, page 75, TFE). That being said, he doesn’t lie to his crewmembers. (Ghostblood’s are a bit different, and I’ll get to that later.) He is upfront and honest with his crew members, never expecting them to go into something without all the information. He has never used emotional allomancy to manipulate his friends. “Despite what Breeze says, it’s bad manners to use emotional Allomancy on your friends.” (Chapter 11, page 212, TFE).
His dealings with the Ghostbloods get a little trickier. I do not think lying to them about having powers has anything to do with profit or pleasure, more, it has to do with his position and what he is. A little mystery aids his position, and I’m sure those closest to him know quite well he lacks powers. 
To sum it up, Kelsier does meet this criterion. He enjoys the con, lives for it.
Impulsivity with a Failure to Plan Ahead
“Oh hell,” Kelsier said. “There’s actually a God?”“Yes.”Kelsier decked him. (SH) Impulsiveness, in regards to ASPD, is described as someone who is not only impulsive, but also fails to plan ahead. To quote the exact text. “Impulsivity with a failure to plan ahead.” They lack any way of preparing for large tasks or what they are going to do in the future. In regards to Kelsier, he can certainly be impulsive. Heat of the moment decisions is one of his major strengths, along with one of his major flaws. He’s fond of brash decisions against those he deems slighted him or others (Punching Leras/Ruin in Secret History.) He will jump headlong into danger in order to save those in helpless situations. (Running to save the army, only to be stopped by Vin.) His foray into Kredik Shaw could be called impulsive, though I read it as him believing that since he didn’t plan at all, there was no way he could be betrayed, as had happened last time. Him taking Vin was certainly a foolish choice, though I wouldn’t call it impulsive.
Speaking of his impulsiveness, other characters are aware of it as well. Vin, inspecting the crates that will be shipped to the caves, says that “Even the new, more responsible Kelsier was an impulsive man.” upon learning he planned to go to the caves with Yeden to inspect the army. (Chapter 20, page 331, TFE).
His slaughter of the noblemen and women in the town of Longsfellow after they murdered a young girl could be seen as impulsive. He did it without regard for their plan,  which angered Mare.
That being said, Kelsier does not fit this criteria, despite being an impulsive man, as he does not fail to plan ahead. All of Kelsier’s life as a thief was nothing but planning; job after job, all planned out and discussed with his friends/crewmates.
“It was an unfamiliar experience for him. [faltering/indecision] He’d always had a plan, before. Plans upon plans…” (Eleventh Metal, page 152).
“…all those plans, all of those heists, all of his grand visions.” (Eleventh Metal, page 164).
Beginning in Eleventh Metal, Kelsier forms his plan that we see enacted in The Final Empire. Specifically, this line. “Nobody fights, he thought, Nobody thinks they can fight. But they’re wrong. We can fight…I can fight.” (Eleventh Metal, page 165). “A plan began to bud, a plan he barely dared consider for its audacity. Vengeance. And more.” (Eleventh Metal, Page 169).
This plan carries us into the main narrative of The Final Empire. Every major event, barring a few hiccups, is fully orchestrated by Kelsier. He planned for the House War, long before he sat down with his friends and discussed it in Club’s Shop. The beginnings of it were at Trestings Plantation, where he “stirred up a little trouble.” (Prologue, page 12, TFE).
His death, at the end of the novel, was part of a plan; hidden deep under other sets of plans, a hidden leaf of paper among many: A plan to get the Skaa to rise up.
I doubt I need to fully list all of Kelsier’s planning and plotting throughout the books; it’s extensive and would fill several sheets of paper. While we can all agree that Kelsier is an impulsive man, I believe a suitable picture has been drawn up that proves that he doesn’t fit this particular criteria.
Irritability or Aggressiveness
“He’d been in street brawls before, but not many. He’d tried to avoid them-brawling had been an old habit of Dockson’s. For once, he wished he’d been less refined in that particular area.”
Kelsier’s anger throughout the first novel, and indeed Eleventh Metal, is mostly internal. In Eleventh Metal, he doesn’t lash out at Gemmel, despite the man deserving it. He instead focuses that anger on other, more deserving targets. Through most of the novel, he’s rather numb, incapable of any emotion, until he finds the Skaa, hanging up and nearly flayed from the experiments at Shezler’s hands. He murders Shezler brutally with a shard of glass punched to the throat. (Eleventh Metal, page 167). His actions with Hoid in the Well of Ascension could certainly be touted as aggressive, however I disagree with this line of thinking, for reasons I’ll outline in greater detail later in the essay. (Part 2, Chapter 1, page 231, SH)
“Kelsier kept smiling. He’d do so until it felt natural. Until that numbness, tied in a knot within him, started to unravel and he began to feel again. If that was possible.” (Eleventh Metal, page 149).
“…the only thing he could feel these days was rage, and that rage couldn’t guide him.”
Irritability generally means lashing out at those around you. Kelsier doesn’t do that. He gets his angriest towards “friends” in the caves, when manipulating Bilg to speak of his doubts. Diction is very important here. Kelsier wanted Bilg to die for speaking against him. (Something that was, unfortunately, very common in military groups in prior eras (of Earth). It was labeled as treason, and execution was the usual punishment.) “Kelsier paused. This man should die, he thought angrily. On the ground, Bilg groaned quiestly. Kelsier could just barely see his twisted arm, its bone shattered by the powerful strike. It was bleeding.   No, Kelsier thought. This is enough.” (Chapter 21, Page 351, TFE).
Note that, despite his anger and irritation, he changes his mind quickly. The heat of the moment, the trauma of being back in caverns similar to the ones he was tortured in, the looming threat of their deaths drawing ever closer, got the better of him, and he stoppered it.
Despite Vin disobeying him many, many times, following him, and contradicting him, Kelsier never snaps at her. When he catches her following him to Kredik Shaw, he sits down and speaks to her. Yet more evidence is seen in his speaking with his brother. Marsh gets angry; Marsh snaps; We can’t deny him this. Yet Kelsier, despite his inner monologue saying that Marsh is the only one that can get under his skin, keeps his relative cool.
““Oh?” Marsh asked, tapping the word atium on the board. “Why the games, Kelsier? Why lead Yeden along, pretending to accept him as your ‘employer’? Why act like you care about the skaa? We both know what you’re really after.”             Kelsier clenched his jaw, a bit of his humor melting away. He always could do that to me.””(Chapter 7, Page 130, TFE).
During Secret History, though technically before the events of Eleventh Metal and The Final Empire, Kelsier kills seven people in retribution for murdering a girl for spilling tea. He remembers this as he wanders into the town of Longsfollow. You could definitely argue aggression in this case. (Part 4, Chapter 2, page 282, SH).
Kelsier does not fit this criteria. Random acts of aggression spaced throughout a lifetime of traumatic events and death at every corner are to be expected, and throughout it all, he’s a wonderful man to those around him; supportive, charitable, and loyal.
Reckless Disregard for the Safety of Others
“The best practice is doing.” Vin said. “My brother trained me to steal by taking me on burglaries.” Kelsier shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.”
Kelsier is shown to care, deeply, for the safety of those surrounding him. We don’t see much of it in Eleventh Metal, but we can assume, based on him helping the Skaa get out of the city at the end of the novella, that he cared for their safety.
In TFE, he is constantly aware of not only his crew’s safety, but his army’s as well. They walk a very fine line; one that, if broken, would result in their immediate deaths. Multiple lines of safeguards and protections, of smoke and mirrors, goes into making sure there is no chance of betrayal or accidental mis-step. 
“...Renoux nodded. Ostensibly we’re sending this all via canal barges to my plantation in the west. However, the barges will stop to drop off supplies–and many of the canalmen–at the rebellion caverns. The barges and a few men will continue on to keep upon appearances.” “Our soldiers don’t even know that Renoux is in on the plan,” Kelsier said, smiling. “They think he’s a nobleman that I’m scamming.” (Chapter 20, page 329, TFE)
The security of his troops, and indeed, all of their heads as well, was paramount. The three guards at the entrances at all times, were stationed to keep everyone in that cavern safe from potential betrayal. After they find Marsh “dead”, Kelsier sends the entire crew to the bolt lair before leaving for the Pits of Hathsin. He also tells them to send for Renoux, to tell him to pull out. This happened after a night of thought; it wasn’t an impulsive act.
Upon the attack on Vin’s former crew…
“Should we move our base?” Ham asked. Kelsier slowly shook his head. “When Clubs came to this lair, he would have worn a disguise to and from the meeting, hiding his limp…We should still be safe. (Abridged, Page 208, 11)
Upon finding Vin tailing him as he observed Camon’s hanging…
“What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see what you were doing!” “This could have been dangerous! What were you thinking?” (Abridged, 211, chapter 11)
Upon Kelsier catching Vin tailing him, beginning a back and forth about Kredick Shaw, and Vin deciding she’ll tail him regardless of what he says, Kelsier reads her thoughts. “I’m serious, Vin! You can’t go with me.” “Why not?” she asked, abandoning pretense. “If what you’re doing is so dangerous, wouldn’t it be safer if you had another Mistborn watching your back?” “You still don’t know all of the metals,” Kelsier said. “Only because you haven’t taught me.” “You need more practice.” “The best practice is doing.” Vin said. “My brother trained me to steal by taking me on burglaries.” Kelsier shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.” (page 241, 13)
Upon Vin awakening from her coma the second time…
“Vin,” Kelsier said hesitantly. “I owe you an apology. I nearly got you killed.” Vin snorted quietly. “It’s not your fault. I made you take me.” “You shouldn’t have been able to make me,” Kelsier said. “My original decision to send you away was the right one. Please accept the apology.” (Page 268, Chapter 16, TFE).
“I don’t want to be responsible for something happening to you, Vin. Not again.” (page 287, Chapter 17, TFE).
  Are there instances where he disregards the safety of others? He doesn’t care for noblemen. He certainly doesn’t care much for the Ire, though they were trying to forcibly take his God. Many people may argue he doesn’t care for those on Roshar, but this has never been explicitly mentioned in the novels; we hear from players that are literal lightyears away from Kelsier, operating under his orders but without his oversight: they can bend rules and hurt people without being chastised.
 Kelsier does not fit this criteria, as the above examples clearly illustrate he cares deeply for the safety of those under his wing.
Consistent Irresponsibility (Inability to hold a job, etc)
“A successful crewleader needs to know how to divide labor, especially on a job as big as this one.”
Throughout the novels, Kelsier has shown consistent responsibility. Before the novels take place, we know he led a successful crew of thieves to the point of massive wealth and infamy. After the Pits, he takes the downfall of the Final Empire under his wing, organizing and spearheading the entire operation on largely his own dime and merit. (It was a multi-headed approach, yes; without Dockson, many things would not have gotten done as well as they had with him, but this just showcases Kelsier’s ability to organize work well.) If we’re getting into the more psychological definition of responsibility (the feeling of being responsible for a person, place, or thing(s) wellbeing) he takes responsibility for the entire planet in Secret History, going so far as to cheating final death, taking up a shard for safe keeping, and giving it up, all to keep his planet, and those he loves, from Ruin.
Leading the Ghostbloods is similar to him leading his crew, only on a far wider and grander scale.
As for him being consistently irresponsible, it’s safe to say he doesn’t fit this. There are a few times when he makes brash decisions that could be labeled as irresponsible, but they fit being impulsive better, which is a trait we know he has.
Lack of Remorse
“Kelsier stood up, turning his back toward the sight. For all his cleverness, he’d gone and broken the poor girl’s heart. I must be the smartest idiot around, Kelsier thought.”
Probably one of the most contentious topics in the fandom is Kelsier’s feelings towards the nobles he kills. Chapter 5 into the beginning of Chapter 7, we are confronted with how he feels towards the men he kills in pursuit of his goal.
It is very safe to say, he doesn’t feel remorse for these men. It’s explained as he descends from the roof, pushing two guards off the balcony to their deaths. He’s angry, he’s determined, and has no pity for those who hold up the Final Empire, especially if their skaa. He does, however, feel remorse for hurting those he cares about; those he wants to protect. The best example of this is Vin: he feels terrible when she’s nearly killed because of his stunt at Kredick Shaw, he feels bad for how he spoke to her before he died, and he’s stricken by his actions in “killing” Elend in an effort for her to keep the power.
“Vin,” Kelsier said hesitantly. “I owe you an apology. I nearly got you killed.” Vin snorted quietly. “It’s not your fault. I made you take me.” “You shouldn’t have been able to make me.” (Chapter 16, page 267, TFE).
Note the actions at the beginning of this scene: “Kelsier was there when she awoke. He sat on the stool by her bed, hands clasped with his elbows on his knees, watching her by the faint light of a lantern.” (Chapter 16, page 267, TFE) Based on Sanderson’s word choice, it is safe to say he’s been watching her for hours, agonized. This is further cemented by a later observation by Vin. “What did one make of a world where a crewleader agonized over his people?” (Chapter 16, page 269, TFE).
He’s also broken up by how he spoke to the army, leading Yeden to “test” the army by striking against a nearby garrison. The entirety of page 419 showcases Kelsier’s thoughts and emotions about this, but I’ll break it up.
“He sat with hands clasped before him…” Remember when he was watching Vin? Similar behavior. “Kelsier shook his head. So many dead. They’d gathered nearly seven thousand troops before this fiasco, but now most of them lay dead. Yeden had apparently decided to “test” the army by striking at night against the Holstep Garrison. What had led him to such a foolish decision?” “Me, Kelsier thought. This is my fault. He’d promised them supernatural aid. He’d set himself up, had made Yeden a part of the crew, and had talked too casually about doing the impossible. Was it any wonder that Yeden had thought he could attack the Final Empire head on, considering the confidence Kelsier had given him? Was it any wonder the soldiers would go with the man, considering the promises Kelsier had made?” “Now the men were dead, and Kelsier was responsible…But, he couldn’t get over the twisting in his gut…the fact that they’d likely died expecting some sort of divine protection from Kelsier…that was disturbing.”
Kelsier fully feels the weight of hubris here, of the secret plan he’s been working on by himself the past few months, that we get a window into during his time in the caves. He feels terrible for what he caused, he fully understands that this was because of him. Safe to say, he feels remorse. You could say this is the comeuppance for his actions with Bilg.
 When witnessing the executions, Kelsier opens up about his remorse, as well.
 “I wish to the forgotten gods that those boys hadn’t died. Unfortunately, we can’t change that now—we can only use the opening they gave us.” (Chapter 26, page 439, TFE).
Kelsier does not want remorse; he’s full of it. He knows when to put it aside, however, and not let it flood him. Kelsier does not fit this criteria. 
Deep Dives Specific scenes in Mistborn are contentious, especially with Kelsier. I have gotten into many arguments with people whom I feel miss the point of the books, and because they have a grudge on a character, fail to see things from their perspective. Therefore, I’m going to go into these specific scenes, break them down, and lay them flat. Imagine it’s a UV Map of a 3D model; all little edges exposed so we can get a good look!
Kelsier and Bilg: Chapter 20 of TFE
Kelsier’s manipulation of Bilg is a key point in the evidence FOR him to be a psychopath, and I want to point out that while Kelsier had very good reasons for doing what he did, I am by no means saying he was moral in doing it. With that out of the way, let’s discuss WHY Kelsier manipulated Bilg into doing what he did, and the emotions that brought him to this point.
It’s not explained outwardly in the text, but Kelsier has some pretty major PTSD surrounding his time in the pits. He pauses before entering the crack, and uses this moment to impress the men; but inwardly he’s not enjoying having to enter this thin crack in the earth and delve into darkness. We get to hear his inner thoughts, but to all others, he’s putting on an act of confidence and bravado. (Pages 346, 347, 352, 353 of Chapter 21, TFE).
During the first tour of the caves, Kelsier is thinking of Mare, her betrayal, and it gets to be so much he asks Hammond to tell him “what he’s thinking about.” Hammond proceeds to ask him a question that seriously disturbs him.
The question, which was if Skaa are meant to be ruled over by the nobility, stayed with him the rest of the week, along with his darkened mood. He realizes, as he’s eating the feast at the end of his visit, that the skaa don’t really believe they can succeed. They need a symbol, a sign, and Kelsier decides to use himself as that symbol.
The reason he chose Bilg and his friends at the table was to scapegoat them into taking the proverbial L for the army. It was all to use his allomancy to empower Demoux and show them they can and will overpower the Final Empire. The reason BIlg had to die was the keep up appearances; those who question their commanding officers were executed. You can argue we don’t know enough about how a militia is ran in the Final Empire, or that it’s nothing like Earth’s military, but as it’s written by an Earth bound man with Earth bound references, I believe it’s a safe thing to assume. Kelsier, whom we’ve already discussed is an impulsive man, got caught up in the moment: his anger from the week spent cooped up in a cave that reminded of hell overcame him. He truly wanted Bilg to die in that moment. He superseded this thought process, reigned himself in, and let him live.
The morality of his actions here can be discussed, and no, it wasn’t ok to manipulate Bilg and Co’s emotions like that. It wasn’t ok to use them as a scapegoat. But I can sure see how it was necessary for a single man to be sacrificed in order to bolster several thousand.
Hoid in the Well: Secret History
When it comes to this scene, I won’t argue that Kelsier was being extra here. The man has been cooped up in a 5x5 spot for a long time, with no answers and seriously questioning his logic at becoming what he’s become. His only companion is an insane, unraveling god who barely speaks most times he “visits.” So when an actual man comes by, floating on what looks to be a corpse, Kelsier is immediately on edge.
All quotes are taken from pages 228 – 233, of Part 2, Chapter 1, of Secret History.
“ “Who are you?” Kelsier asked, stepping to the edge of his prison, eyes narrowed. “A spirit?” “Alas,” the man said, “death has never really suited me. Bad for the complexion, you see.” He studied Kelsier, lips raised in a knowing smile. Kelsier hated him immediately.” “
Seen from Kelsier’s perspective, this is a man that knows things and is holding back. This is a schemeing, conniving man, that is similar to the nobles he’s dealt with all his life. It doesn’t help that Hoid and Kelsier have similar personalities. Note Hoid’s words, “bad for the complexion.” A similar line is used by Kelsier at the very beginning of TFE. 
“Fieldwork hasn’t ever really suited me.” Kelsier said. “It’s far too hard on my delicate skin.” (Prologue, page 6, TFE).
“Got stuck there, did you?” the man said. “In Ati’s prison…” He clicked his tongue. “Fitting recompense, for what you did. Poetic, even.” “What I did?” “Destroying the Pits, O Scarred one. That was the only perpendicularity on this planet with any reasonable ease of access.” Kelsier has no idea what a perpendicularity is. Yes, he destroyed it. Did he know what he was doing on a grand scale? No. He was, to his knowledge, destroying the Empire’s main economic driver. Hoid treats him like a criminal when Kelsier was fighting against an unjust Empire, one that Hoid is very familiar with, having been to Scadrial before. Calling him names doesn’t help.
“Who are you?” Kelsier said. “I?” The man said. “I am a driver. A miscreant. The flame’s last breath, made of smoke at it’s passing.” “That’s…needlessly obtuse.” Well said, Kelsier. Hoid plays games, this we know from dealing with him in Stormlight. However, with Kaladin and Shallan he gives half answers, or none at all, in a playful, non-demeaning way. Here he’s laden with vitriol and spite, for no good reason. It gets worse.
“And you claim to not be dead?” “If I were, would I need this?” the Driver said, knocking his oar against the front of his small loglike vessel. [Kelsier notices Spanky for the first time, not knowing what a cognitive shadow just is yet.] “A corpse,” he whispered. “Oh Spanky here is just a spirit. It’s damnably difficult to get about in this subastral—anyone physical risks slipping through these mists and falling, perhaps forever. So many thoughts pool together here, becoming what you see around, and you need something finer to travel over it all.” “That’s horrible.” “Says the man who built a revolution on the backs of the dead. At least I only need one corpse.” Hoid is being ridiculous here. Yes, Spanky is a cognitive shadow, but as I’ve stated, Kelsier has no idea what that is. To his knowledge, this man is riding a corpse around. Hoid is also forgetting that the people Kelsier murdered were far less than innocent; Kelsier can make distinctions here. A rapist and murderer who regularly abuses his peasants is different from a corpse used to wade down a lake of thoughts.
Kelsier folded his arms. This man was wary—thought he spoke lightheartedly, he watched Kelsier with care, and held back as if contemplating a method of attack.
Note the diction here; Kelsier is reading Hoid’s body language as he should; Hoid is planning to use the well to gain purchase in the spiritual realm and take that bead of Lerasium. He isn’t planning anything wrong per se, but Kelsier has no way of knowing that. All Kelsier sees is a man preparing to attack.
“He wants something, Kelsier guessed. Something that I have, maybe? No, he seemed legitimately surprised that Kelsier was there. He had come here, intending to visit the Well. Perhaps he wanted to enter it, access the power? Or did he, perhaps, just want to have a look at the thing Beyond?”
Wrong guesses, but good ones all the same for an ignorant man. Hoid does want something. So far, Kelsier’s waryness is completely justified. He tries to be polite, asking a simple question. “Well, you’re obviously resourceful,” Kelsier said. “Perhaps you can help me with my predicament.” “Alas,” The Driver said. “Your case is hopeless.” Kelsier felt his heart sink. “Yes, nothing to be done,” the Driver continued. “You are, indeed, stuck with that face. By manifesting those same features on this side, you show that even your soul is resigned to you always looking like one ugly sonofa—" “Bastard!” Kelsier cut in. “You had me for a second.”
Instead of even offering Kelsier a crumb of help, he instead insults him, for…very little reason. Hoid rarely kicks people when they’re down; he instead punches up. We notice this with the Rosharan nobility. He doesn’t insult the peasant waitstaff. Why is he insulting Kelsier? There is no reason to do so; he’s just being an ass to be an ass. Kelsier hasn’t even mouthed off yet.
So far Hoid has treated him like an inferior, insulted him and been “needlessly” obtuse, all while showing suspicious body language. Is it any wonder Kelsier is on edge and ready to defend the Well? He knows it’s for Vin; he means to protect it until she can have it.
The two go back and forth for some time, speaking of Kelsier’s bastard nature, skaa versus nobility, and Hoid applying some (I believe it to be dor, but I’m not sure) glowing stuff to his oar. (in an effort to prevent it from de-manifesting). As they speak, Hoid edges closer to the well. Kelsier has been watching him this entire time.
He begins to ask a question again, despite Hoid’s rudeness. “Is there a way to escape this prison?” Kelsier asked. “How about this?” the Drifter said. “We’ll have an insult battle. Winner gets to ask one question, and the other has to answer truthfull. I’ll start. What’s wet, ugly, and has scars on it’s arms?” Another insult to an innocent question, and now Kelsier is very on edge. He’s obviously deflecting. So Kelsier decides to be as extra as possible in an effort to scare him away. Now, a cognitive shadow would, realistically, be as scary as an earthworm to Hoid if it’s not on Threnody, but Kelsier doesn’t know this. Which is why he brings out his “I’m-going-to-murder-you” routine that goes into lurid detail and leaves Hoid speechless. Kelsier even throws in a shrug.
Hoid then dives for the well, and Kelsier grabs him, determined to disable him, kill him, or just prevent him from doing whatever he wants to do in the well. Which leads to their fight, where Kelsier does zero damage to Hoid and Hoid proceeds to torture him incessantly as a “lesson.” He did not need to go as far as he did. If Hoid had been truthful with who he was, what he was after, and perhaps offered explanations, Kelsier would have been less inclined to act rashly. Instead, Hoid is needlessly obtuse, rude, mocking, condescending and tortures him.
It makes his words at the end of RoW amusing to me, as Hoid cheats in this fight and was the aggressor in every definition of the word. Hoid strikes first by the very fact he jumped for the Well. Kelsier was merely defending it.
“Deal with your own stupid planet, you idiot. Don’t make me come there and slap you around again.” (Chapter 115, page 1238, RoW).
To tie this long, rambling, and somewhat insane essay up, Kelsier is not a psychopath. He fits only one of the criteria, and only somewhat fits another. Since one needs to fit three of the traits in order to be diagnosed, the man is free from ASPD. Through the essay, I have showcased his empathy, his understanding, his patience, his trust, and his love of those around him. Hell, he says as much in Secret History when wandering, his soul cracking from loneliness. He’s a flawed man; he can be arrogant, egotistical, and impulsive, but he wants what is best for his people. No one can deny that.
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amiti-art · 9 months
Random ask! What's your favourite thing about Shakadolin? And do you have a favourite piece of art or fic that features them (yours or others)?
The fact that it could be canon lmao
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But in all seriousness, I love how they care for each other and how they help eachother grow and heal.
I want to quickly point that while I like Shakadolin as a romantic ship I prefer them as Adolin and Shallan being in a romantic relation and having platonic friendship with Kaladin. But what I'm about to say is fits with both romantic and platonic versions so kinda whatever
Anyway, like I said, the way they help one another and bring the best out of eachother gets me everytime.
The chasms scenes in WoR, how Shallan was able to bring some humor out of Kaladin (come on, he started cracking jokes at Dalinar when they were back, that was so funny), how her story helped Kaladin to see that the lighteyes people are not free from suffering either. How they could bond over their traumas and be honest with eachother about their pasts.
I love how Adolin and Kaladin relation progresses, how they started as rivals and became close friends with time. THE DUEL and how it changed their dynamic. How Adolin instantly believed Kaladin about Amaram when no other lighteyes ever did. Everything about Kaladin and Adolin is just >>>>>>>
I don't think I was ever this invested in a fictional friendship before.
How much Adolin cares for both Shallan and Kaladin and their worsening mental health and how much he's trying to help them heal. He was just so caring and sweet in tRoW.
I love Adolin and Shallan, they are great as a couple but the also work very good as friends, please their dialogs are so funny.
I really hope that we'll get some content with the trio in Stormlight 5 but based on the set up we're left with after tRoW it probably won't be much (if any at all). Come on Brandon they need to talkkkkkkk, I need them all to hug please please please.
When it comes to fanart, I don't have a favourite piece, most of the Shakadolin art I saw are great, I love them all.
And fanfiction, well. Stormlight doesn't have many fanfics unfortunately (this fandom is ridiculously small for books this popular), and most of them focuse on things that I'm not really intrested in so I don't read them much.
Sorry for not posting cosmere stuff in such a long time btw, I still love the books, Stormlight is literally the best series I ever read.
My friend bought the Way of Kings yesterday so I'm hoping that taking with her about it will give me some inspiration and ideas for new drawings.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 6 months
Can you tell me about Fitzloved?
that's what i first meme when i saw your lovely ask! hahahah
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So its a fandom based on the epic fantasy series that follows for the most part, 2 soulmates, from their childhood all the way to their older years as they grow from friendship, partners to lovers. And I have to admit, the way it's written is almost euphoric. It's utterly lyrical.
So introductions now put aside, 'Fitzloved' is the ship name for "Beloved" (one of his many names) name of the characters and "Fitz". They are the two ongoing protagonists in one of the most respect and wonderful high fantasy series ever created, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb. They are the main couple shall we say that span the 16 book series. I think a lot describe it as the "mona lisa of fantasy series" within the genre. It's aesthetic is very much evermore meets folklore meets Merlin. Its veryyyyy cozy fantasy and perfect for the season but also the Fall/winter.
The big 5 writers of fantasy rn i have been told are: Brandon's, Robin Hobb's, GRRM (Although he's lost a lot of respect in the community because of his insane hiatus!), Steven Erickson's (Malazan series) and Joe Abercrombie. While you will see with the Cosmere, Brandon is very much straight to the point, prioritises fights, magic system building and very cohesive ensamble casts. Unlike her peers, Robin Hobb on the other hand, is a delicacy. A slowly made dessert that has sweet and salty tastes if you will. And another defining feature is that her series does not involve a massive war at the epicentre of the fantasy plot, which ironically is rare in high fantasy now a days.
Of Cats and Closed Doors by @tragediegh
HOWEVER. The WAY in which i was introduced to this series is kind of dumb and silly, i.e. very me lol. i stumbled across a fiction on ao3 under 'in a the cabin era way' tag and stumbled across @tragediegh's soul-binding, amazing wonderful fiction called Of Cats and Closed Doors that is still ongoing and she updates mostly weekly! At first, not joking i thought it was an original work, but only well into crying, loving, reading, laughing, did i realise when i looked better at the tags it was actually based on ROTE lol. I was new to ao3 that's my only defence :P
And what @tragediegh and Hobb are doing probably tell from my handle, is make literally my roman empire. Like I reread chapters everyday before going to sleep. It's fr fr my safe space. and what i love is the maturity in which they both write, as they create stakes in different ways. She creates a very tangible atmosphere, a world you can touch, the foods cooked, how they smell, and what the character's rely on. From banquet halls, to the wood carvings the Fool leaves behind, the well lit fireplaces, mugs of ale and coffee on the table, through jewels adorned, to how the dragons gleaming like jewels in the sky… it's simply amazing. You get me. There is NEVER a moment where you feel like it's a slog or dull moment. Like I did sometimes while reading the Stormlight Archive or Outlander (those books in their defence, are longer individually).
And like I said, the thing I LOVE the most with how they make us and fall in love with Fool (one of the protagonists) through the eyes of naive and a socially sometimes challenged Fitz. Fitz himself, is the most passionate, handsome, humble hero i've ever read. He is a bastard prince who from day 0 was neglected, abused, unwanted, un-named, manipulated, gaslit just all around most traumatised character one could read. Which most people end up overlooking and resenting bc he is riddled with insecurities (despite him being a hotttie hot chiseled smokie pie that everyone wants to cuffff) and developed unhealthy copying mechanisms that can effect the readability of the main series. Which is entirely relatable. I strongly believe the hero of Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson that everybody loves, is heavily inspired by Fitz in ROTE. In fact I think Brandon said it was one of his fav series.
But really, the masterpiece of this world is obviously the Fool. When I look at the other characters, its a bit like watching a glorious puppet show - I can see how the strings are moving and what the puppets are made of…But not so with the Fool, he is an infinite mystery and creating a character like that is something I`ll never be able to get out of my head. he is other worldly. Put Tolkien fae and beautiful faeries to shame with his grace, elegance, mysticism. His story with Fitz (the other main character) with that @tragediegh and Hobb are doing imo is one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Gender Identity
And I think also, Fool (also known as Beloved to a special someone 😉) is a lgbtq+ individual, and their identity and how they chose to present and address themselves daily (and not address it!) plays a massive role in the ROTE/OCACD overall. It extremely realistic, how it's writen, where for the most part some characters are confused, don't know how to navigate the topic. Which isn't helped by how private and mysterious the Fool remains. But for the most part, is heart warming, as the gender fluidity of the Fool is openly accepted by his mate (YES MATE) with open arms as he accepts it, and it's got me CRYINGGGG as i type this fr....! These characters were created pre-2000's, which just goes to show how timeless these gender questions and acceptances really are i think!
CANON FOR ME swiftie songs that are FOR fitzloved to get a feel r:
ur loosing me
my tears ricochet
invisible string
stay don't go
the lakes
mastermind (YASSS beloved go manipulate ur boy fitzieee ily)
dress (as of chapter 48 and beyond hopefully alkdfjalkdjfj)
and Fitz's song for me for ever will be:
i see fire live and in session by ed sherran (i just feel the literal passion that fitz has through this song not to mention the howl XD)
So yeah, I cannot recommend enough this ongoing story and series to you.
TLDR: Fitzloved is a ship i read myself to sleep every night and cry about how amazing they are XD
Feel free to ask any more questions about them or even my favourite artists that do ROTE work bc ngl this post was 2x as long as i included artistic work but it was getting too long so i decided to leave that for a more specific ask :)) As you can tell i can just dedicate entire evenings singing from the top of these crusty english rooftops how amazing and life changing these two silly beans are. I hope this was enough of a good overview of my love for them and why! :)) Hopefully one day you will give it a go, and i swear your life will be changed for ever ! <333
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cosmereplay · 4 months
Day 19: Partners-in-crime
Rated General, Venli/Rushu, very mild RoW spoilers Link to fic on ao3; Link to Cosmere Femslash February Collection
Venli wrote the phrase as she would usually.
“Okay, let’s see how it looks now!” Rushu said in her characteristically light tone.
Venli demonstrated the new letter shape by writing a phrase in the listener script. She hummed to Annoyance.
“I have to admit, it is easier to tell the letters apart.” She hadn’t considered the effect of practice on the letters she’d devised, and once she was writing fluidly, two of them had started looking too similar. 
Rushu bared her teeth and nodded. “That’s great!”
Originally, Venli hadn’t wanted to leave the listeners, but her mother’s restoration had reassured her that short visits could be okay. And the benefits were numerous. She could influence trade to benefit her people. She had the ear of Queen Navani, too. All Venli had to do was ask, and she would be given the resources to make her the most famous listener in history.
Timbre pulsed to Reprimand inside her. Okay, so Rlain might have been the one who got her access to Navani’s scholars. But still, the work, and the credit, was going to be hers.
Venli glanced at the human woman beside her, suddenly feeling guilty. “Your adjustment to the eleph is going to make the listener script much clearer. Thank you,” she said to Appreciation. 
“Oh, what Rhythm is that?” Rushu asked, and started digging through her mass of papers. “Hold on, I want to write it down.” Apparently she was also working on a notation for the Rhythms to help humans, though Venli didn’t think it would be particularly helpful. You either heard them or you didn’t.
Still, she wanted to give something back. Rushu had not just been helpful, she’d been uncommonly cheerful, and the feeling had started rubbing off on Venli. 
“Appreciation,” she said, and Rushu, unable to find whatever page she’d been looking for, started a fresh one, jotting something down in Alethi.
“Can you hum it again please?” Rushu asked, and Venli drew a breath.
Just then, Venli heard a rumble. “Is it possible to hear a highstorm from up here?” she asked to Confusion, looking out the window. She didn’t see any storm.
Rushu grabbed her stomach. “Oh, storms!” she exclaimed. “I mean, not a storm! The storm is in my stomach,” she said, baring her teeth again. It was either a smile or she was in pain. It was hard to tell with humans.
“In that case, let’s get you some dinner.” Venli started to separate her own stack of pages from Rushu’s drifting piles.
Her study partner moaned, looking at a wrist fabrial. “Don’t worry about it, Venli,” she said. “The dinner window is closed. I’ll just have to wait until breakfast.”
Venli turned to look at her to make sure she’d heard properly. “What do you mean, dinner window? Can’t you just open it again?”
Rushu laughed. “It’s an expression. In the ardentia we have specific times that we’re allowed to eat, but sometimes I forget it’s time to eat and I have to wait until the next time starts.”
“That’s crazy,” Venli blurted, then attuned Reprimand at herself. That was a rude thing to say about someone else's religion, even if it was true.
Timbre pulsed to Determination inside her gemheart, and Venli started to hum in agreement. “Come on, let’s get you some food!”
“But…it’s against the rules!” Rushu leaned in close, speaking in a whisper.
“Well you may not be crazy but your rules are dumb,” Venli decided, and started putting away her pages. Who ever heard of being hungry, and having food, but not being allowed to eat? Venli stood and took Rushu’s hand before she could argue against her own nutrition any longer. “Come on!” she said to Confidence, and led her out.
Soon, Rushu had allowed Venli to direct her to the ardents’ kitchens, though Rushu’s eyes were getting wider and wider as they approached. The smell from the kitchen was acidic to Venli’s tastes, but she was sure that Rushu was used to it.
“Tell your stomach to stop rumbling,” Venli whispered. She drew a breath of Stormlight and poked a hole in the stone of the doorframe, allowing her to peek inside.
“I can’t,” Rushu complained. “It just does its own thing. Oh, it smells so good.”
There was a man inside, bald and robed like an ardent. He was sitting at a large table in the middle of the kitchen and reading a small book. At the far end of the room was a large cauldron with steam rising from it. Venli shook her head, wondering at the strangeness of the Alethi.
“Okay, you draw out that man, and I’ll grab a bowl of nasty curry for you,” Venli whispered.
“What do I say!?” Rushu whispered with those wide eyes and bared teeth. She clung to Venli’s clothing.
Has she never broken a rule before? Venli wondered. What kind of life did she lead? She looked Rushu in the eyes, taking her by the shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. Just distract him,” she said to Confidence. She patted Rushu on the back, then opened the door, hiding behind it.
Rushu groaned. 
“Oh, hello Rushu,” the man said, and his tone sounded especially dead, even for a human. “You really haven’t changed since you were young, have you? I keep telling you, if you just apply yourself, you will remember when it’s time to eat. Stop ignoring your body’s signals.”
“Ardent Annilan,” Rushu said. “I’m so sorry to interrupt you but…but…”
Come on, Rushu! Venli thought.
“...but there’s been a disturbance upstairs and…and they need your help to clean up!” Rushu stammered.
The ardent sighed deeply, then slowly left with heavy footsteps, passing Rushu in the hallway. “If I’ve told Hillin once, I’ve told her a thousand times...” he mumbled angrily as he passed.
Venli snuck in, then started opening cupboards, looking for bowls. 
“Why didn’t you help, if they need someone so bad?”
“They, uh…they asked me to get more people.”
“So? Off with you then! Find more people to help! I won’t be cleaning up messes all on my own,” the man's voice echoed from the stone hallway.
Venli heard a squeak, then quick footsteps that faded away. Storms, they should have decided on a meeting place. And where were the storming bowls? 
Always in the last place you look. She could almost hear her mother’s voice, tinged with Amusement, as she found them in a low cupboard, with literally every other door in the room hanging open.
As she started ladling the curry into the bowl, Venli heard heavy footsteps approaching. Now that Rushu was gone, he’d apparently decided not to bother even checking out her lie.
Venli was trapped!
“So, how did you escape?” Rushu asked through a mouthful of food. They were sitting together in a little-used hallway. Venli had found her scurrying around on the floor above, seemingly unable disobey the other ardent’s instructions even though she couldn’t complete them. Poor woman. Venli was going to have to help her get used to breaking stupid rules.
Just then, a small hand reached out, holding a flatbread. “She Elsecalled. I saw it.”
“Lift?” Venli asked to Surprise, though if anyone was going to find them in a dim corridor, Lift would've been one of the first on her list.
Rushu eyed the flatbread, then took it greedily. “Oh. Thank you!” she said, and immediately started digging in.
“Hey, I was trying to be mysterious,” Venli complained. “I would ask what are you doing wandering random halls, but…it’s you.”
The girl bared her teeth, her chin held high. “I remember those who forgot their flatbread!” she said with her hands on her hips, then scampered off.
Rushu laughed, and Venli hummed to Amusement. Their eyes met.
“Thank you,” Rushu said around her food. 
“You’re welcome,” Venli said to Praise. “You deserve food when you’re hungry.”
“I–I don’t know about that, but thank you anyway,” Rushu said, more softly, and this time Venli could tell that she was smiling.
Timbre pulsed to Anticipation inside her, but Venli spoke to Appreciation. “I’m glad I could do something good for you,” she said. “I’m not used to people thanking me.”
“And I’m not used to people putting up with my forgetfulness,” Rushu said.
They looked at each other again, and Rushu passed her a piece of bread. As they chewed together, Venli thought, well, maybe she wouldn't mind sharing a little bit of scholarly credit with Rushu.
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madwomansapologist · 13 days
notes on The Illuminating Storms
"We remember the good times and the bad ones, forgetting that most times are neither good nor bad. They just are." - Kaladin, chapter 21.
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I need to explain something that really bothers me about Dalinar. He's wrong. Even if he's right, he's wrong.
I agree that fighting this war won't led them anywhere. That going after gems while ignoring what's happening on their nation is not very inteligent. I also don't think Elhokar is... smart.
Still, Dalinar is on the wrong for being so openly about how he would rather not fight this war. This is a stupid thing to say and to do. His brother was killed. It doesn't matter if he feels the lack of Gavilar: in what world one of the leaders could act as if this war wasn't the most important thing to ever happen and not be on the wrong?
I think he's right. Since I haven't finished the book I can't say anything about if his methods worked or anything like that, but as a politian Dalinar was the absolute worst. You can't not listen to your family that has the same goals as you but listen to your enemies who wants to make you look worse than you're and expect things to work the way you want to.
He's Ned Stark. Good, but stupid. You need to understand when to voice your believes, or else you might ended up telling the queen that you know her children are bastarts.
Again, I think Dalinar is right. But you don't build a reputation about being a fucking monster on the battlefield just to wonder about morallity during the war to avenge your brother.
All that being said, i love Dalinar. I think he committed attrocities, I'm pretty sure he killed his wife, and I expect him to fuck his dead brother's wife.
His whole "don't make your soldiers do what you wouldn't" is fucking basic human decency, but everyone on camp disagrees. Is like telling your parents that if they have covid they need to quarantine just to see you ENTIRE family laughing at you.
It's not a pacifist doing that. This is a man known for being good at killing. And even he thinks that using those bridges is too much. Of course we all think this is a horrible thing, but to have him react this way about it makes it even clearer how dehumanizing this is.
The way he wants to protect Elhokar makes me want to cry a little. That feeling of being responsible not because Elhokar is his nephew, but because he is his brother's son (yes, there's a difference), makes me so sad. As the eldest daughter, everything about siblings hits harder.
I hate Elhokar.
His horse is smater than him.
If your uncle says he isn't sure if fighting is the best thing, you don't tell every other leader around you.
When your uncle asks you for a rise, you don't ask his ex-best friend what he thinks about it.
I want Dalinar to fuck Navani just so Elhokar will get hit -999 psychic points.
Wit I love you. I know he's important for the Cosmere, if I'm right his name is Hoid, but eitherway he's so amazing. Even with me not knowing who exactly he's, that man is iconic.
The way he hates Sadeas... iconic.
The way he likes Renarin... iconic.
The way he talks to Navani... iconic.
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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marvelousmagicalaura · 8 months
I've been having a lot of discussions and thoughts about Ruin's future sight, Preservation's plans, and Harmony's knowledge.
Because of this, I have a good basis on how to write Ruin in my Mistborn AU. Sanderson has hinted that Ruin is the power of change and entropy, so I really want to lean in that direction. Rather than portraying him as the entity of death and destruction that Sanderson wrote him as, I want to write him as the God of Decay and Entropy. Everything we associate with canon Ruin would be parts of his desire/methods of ensuring that all things degrade and decay. Death and destruction are parts of his Intent, but they aren’t forefront in the Intent. The forefront of Ruin’s Intent consists of degradation, entropy, and chaos. To enhance this idea, I may write that AU Ruin pushes people to embrace uncertainty and change.
For example, we know that Ruin canonically pulled the strings behind Kelsier’s rebellion and the discovery of the Eleventh Metal. I would enhance this idea, so that Ruin is responsible for the rise and fall of pre-Rashek empires and kingdoms, war, the advancement of technology, and rebellions. In the Final Empire’s context he would be responsible for guiding its various rebellions, and for advancing technology in the less controlled Dominances.
Ruin weaves and executes multiple, branching schemes to ensure the subtle, slow downfall of Scadrial and its empires. He knows there are countless ways his Intent is present in the Universe, and will execute them through any avenue. I would significantly expand on his actions throughout history.
I desperately intend to expand upon Ruin’s precognitive abilities. It doesn’t feel right downplaying Ruin’s future sight when the only WoB we have about it came from 2012, way before Sanderson truly incorporated precognition into the Cosmere. Not only that but the Mistborn trilogy was written before he solidified Cosmere-wide mechanics. I think that once a Mistborn adaptation comes out, we will truly see his abilities in action.
AU Ruin’s future sight would still be inferior to Preservation. It feels slightly wrong LMAO, but it’s necessary for the ending. But it’s far better than Elend’s future vision and Odium’s future sight.
I haven’t read Stormlight yet, but I heard that Odium definitively has future sight. Going by the IRL definition of the word “odium,” I believe canon Ruin’s Intent of causing death and destruction requires a lot more foresight/planning than inducing hatred.
AU Ruin would also be so much more destructive when released. I want to give Ruin more influence over the world by creating more natural disasters - earthquakes with more impact, floods, earthquakes, blizzards, thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes, scenes of Luthadel’s death etc…
Right now I plan to say that weakened Ruin w/ Preservation’s presence can manipulate phenomena that already exists in Scadrial's natural science. He can manipulate and create anything on the planet to his liking, but he can't _completely_ destroy its structure. He can't do feats like reduce the continents to nothingness, boil the oceans in their entirety, or burn the planet down until nothing remains.
But he can do everything the Lord Ruler accomplished during his Ascension. Weakened Ruin can move the continents or split them apart, move the planet, boil the oceans so they’re absurdly hot, and make the planet hotter or colder.
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theinquisitxor · 6 months
December 2023 Reading Wrap Up
I read 11 books in December, and it was a great reading month to finish the year. I read 4 audiobooks, and 7 physical books.
1.The Lost Metal (Mistborn 7) by Brandon Sanderson 4/5 stars. I’m glad I read this series, and reading on audio was definitely the way to go for me. I enjoyed this last installment in the series, and I loved how this book flung the doors wide open for the Cosmere and relations to other books. Adult High Fantasy, read on audio.
2. A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows, 5/5 stars. I reread this favorite in anticipation for the sequel. This book has a lot of what I enjoy-- a character driven political fantasy romance with plenty of representation and a good dose of drama. I enjoyed my reread just about as much as the first. Adult Fantasy Romance, Queer
3.All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows, 4/5 stars. This was a good follow up adventure following our two main characters from book 1. There were some tropes/elements I didn't enjoy as much, but it was still a gripping and engaging as the first book. Adult Fantasy Romance, Queer
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4. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, 5/5 stars. When people ask me "what's your favorite book?" this is the answer I give. I like to reread this every other year or so, especially around the holidays. Middle Grade fantasy
5.Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones, 3/5 stars. Despite HMC being my favorite, I've never actually read the 2 follow up books. I finally told myself I would read these before the end of the year. This was a fun enjoyable story that takes us to another part of this fantasy land that DWJ created, with new and old characters. It's not nearly on the same level as HMC, but I enjoyed reading it and getting more of the classic DWJ wit and narration. middle grade fantasy
6. House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones, 4/5 stars. Diana Wynne Jones was so clever, and that really shines through in this story. I think part of the reason why I put off reading the two sequels to HMC for years was because I never wanted the story to end and be "done". This was one of the last books DWJ ever wrote, and it really feels like saying goodbye. middle grade fantasy
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7. Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age by Dennis Duncan. If you enjoy book history and diving deep into a niche topic, then I think this is a great book. It's amazing how the concept of the 'index' has existed in some form since humans began writing. Nonfiction, read on audio.
8. The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, 4/5 stars. I reread this via the BBC Radio production, while listening to the corresponding days for each segment. I really enjoyed this production, with different voices for each characters, and background noises as well. Gave a very cinematic experience.
9. Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer, 5/5 stars. I loved this book narrated by the author herself. I loved learning more about moss, while also getting essays about the authors life, work, and natural world around us. I very much recommend this one. Nonfiction, read on audio.
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10. The Blue Sword (Damar #1) by Robin McKinley, 5/5 stars. I really enjoyed my time reading this book and this was a good reminder of what makes classic fantasy so great. This novel is also proof that you can have a fully realized fantasy story with great characters, lore, and plot, and have it all under 300 pages. This is one I can see myself rereading.
11. The Hero and the Crown (Damar 2) by Robin McKinley, 4/5 stars. A good prequel to book 1 and exploration of some of the myths/stories from book 1. This is very much a Girl + Horse + Magical Sword go on an adventure and save the kingdom type story.
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That's it for December! It was a strong finish to the end of the year, and pushed me over 100 books for 2023. Here's to 2024 and another good reading year! 🥂
January TBR:
A Winter's Promise (Mirror Visitor series) by Christelle Dabos + book 2?
A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard + book 2?
The Atlas Complex by Olivie Blake
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire (audio)
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
Beartown by Frederik Backman + book 2?
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (audio)
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cosmerelists · 1 month
Cosmere Characters React to Shakadolin
As requested by anon :)
I've written a couple of other lists that might be considered "Shakadolin" including "How Adolin & Shallan would ask Kaladin out" and "what if the three of them lived together."
In this list, we'll be imagining how characters would react should they learn that this ship exists.
Shallan: [sucking air sharply in through her nose]
Shallan: Wait.
Shallan: No one told me that BOTH was an option!
Shallan: Why did no one tell me that both was an option??
Pattern: [humming excitedly] This is perfect. With three people, there is always a chaperone for the other two.
Pattern: Math!
Syl (whispering): Yes....this is how Shalladin can still win...
Dalinar: Well...my son dating two people at once would certainly take the heat off of me for dating my brother's wife.
Dalinar: Stormfather, would you ever consider performing a marriage ceremony for a triad?
Stormfather: Would they each make an oath to the other two?
Dalinar: I would assume so.
Stormfather: Sold. More oaths is always better.
Renarin (slightly too loudly): Y-Yes! I think it would be GREAT if people were more open about non-normative relationships between consenting adults.
Rlain: ...Smooth.
Adolin: You know, there was a moment when I thought back to how I told Shallan that Kaladin was so hot and cool and dateable when I was like, "Wait. Was that jealously or bisexuality?" But then it was like, "Well, Shallan chose me and I chose Shallan, so I probably don't need to worry about it too much."
Adolin: ...
Adolin: Why didn't anyone tell us we could have BOTH?
Shallan: That's what I'm saying!
Veil: Personally, I've been saying that both was an option for a while now...
Jakamav: Well, if no one else is gonna say it then I'm gonna say it.
Jakamav: What.
Sadeas: Now, now, Jakamav. Don't be so quick to judge. The three of them have so much in common.
Sadeas: Crime...murder...heresy...undermining Alethi society...
Shallan: Girl's night! 😊
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: You people want me to date not just one lighteyes but TWO of them? At ONCE?
Kaladin: I can't even IMAGINE the headache!
Shallan: Now, now, Kaladin. Just think of the possibilities!
Shallan: If I'm bothering you, you can be all, "Hey Shallan, I think Adolin is lonely" or if Adolin is trying to get you to ride a horse or something you can be all, "Hey, I think I heard Shallan calling for you."
Adolin: A built-in way to have as much or as little romantic contact as you want without anyone being neglected!
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: ...
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onlycosmere · 3 months
Least Favorite Novel of the Cosmere 
GodsShoeShine23 :  I'd say Alloy of Law. I just honestly didn't really care about Wax and Wayne until they were more fleshed out in Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning. For Once, Brandon kind of just threw us right into the action from the get-go, but did so in a way where I had no real motivation to root for the main characters of the book other than them being the main characters of the book.
Brandon Sanderson: I wonder sometimes if I should do a full-on rewrite of Alloy. It would also be my vote for weakest Cosmere novel. (I think it's probably my weakest novel overall.) The big problem came from it being a short story, that became a novella, that became a fun little novel not meant to do any heavy lifting. But the series went from there to get some of my strongest books, as I fell in love with world and characters, and became a full-blown era rather than a pit stop between tow large eras.
So you have something weaker, meant as a kind of "Secret History" novella, to a load-bearing pillar of the Mistborn series. And it's the place where already (coming off the main trilogy) where people were the most likely to abandon Mistborn as a larger mega-series. So I have my weakest cosmere book in a pivotal place in the sequence.
The solution could be to just take it and give it a ground-up rewrite with more depth of characterization and narrative rigor. But then, we have the problem of their being two significantly different versions of a book, which causes other logistical problems.
GodsShoeShine23: I find it hilarious that the one time I’m not praising your novels, you end up stumbling upon my comment, lol.
In all seriousness, I thought Alloy of Law was still a pretty fun read. I like the expansion on the magic system that was built up in Era 1, and Wayne honestly ends up being one of my all time favorite characters in the cosmere. I always thought to myself that Alloy of Law read like a novella, so it’s actually interesting to see that it was originally based on a short story idea essentially.
I will say this though; I expected to see most people vote Elantris as the weakest book as seen in the comments, but I honestly found it to be much more entertaining than people lead me to believe. Hrathen may be my favorite antagonist you’ve written, and I’m wondering if more will be revealed about his charcater in the sequels.
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hahahahawk · 2 months
The Wretch
(Way of Kings re-read)
((Between re-reads I forget how slow Shallan’s story is in this book. Why isn’t she poisoned yet?))
Storms, how on the nose is it that Kaladin is climbing down into a dark chasm rn? 🤣
As soon as Teft says “journey before destination” I tear up. This is re-read behavior, but it’s the same corny rush of feeling as when someone in a movie or TV show says the name of whatever you’re watching. “AH! We’ve reached the thesis!”
Sigzil brings the whole litany, but it’s Teft that kicks it off. The subtlety is incredible. I’m over here getting swept up in the emotion of knowing everything this unlocks, and Bridge Four is swept up discussing the legends of the lost Radiants, and Teft is playing innocent (“I didn’t bring them up, I just heard this saying once”).
In the moment you completely overlook TEFT FUCKING KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING. Fucking firemoss addict leaving BREADCRUMBS for his dense-as-mud bridge leader.
Teft’s patience is legendary. Motherfucking ice king. He’s using trickle-truth for good‽‽
I’m sure some of his caution is uncertainty, but I think most of it is knowing that Kaladin has to find Radiance in himself, rather than having Radiance thrust upon him.
Syl, on the other hand, I believe that when she says “I like that [journey before destination] saying” doesn’t quite remember that it’s part of her.
Kal stumbles into the darkness with only a sliver of sky visible overhead. It’s nice that it’s described as a ribbon, calling up a connection to one of the forms Syl takes.
One more important bit, then some random reactions under the cut.
In her talk with Kaladin in the dark, Syl counters one of his despairing thoughts with “maybe you’re right. so what?”
That technique is something I’ve found very important with my own mental health struggles over the years. Even before discovering the Cosmere, I adopted a similar form of self-talk to help me with the burden of my own existence. It has helped to reframe thoughts such as “nobody cares about me” from having the subtext of “so why should I do anything?” to the more positive subtext of “so I can do what I want without worrying what others think of me”
I’ve adopted “so what?” into a form of mental judo that lifts the burden of my thought patterns from being negative to being neutral. I stop trying to contradict my internal bully—not to internalize what it’s saying—just stop arguing, save my energy. It lets me spend more time and attention on the things I can accomplish. Moving forward, step by step. Or just giving myself the grace to rest.
Other notes from this chapter—
+ it’s interesting to me that Kal still hyped his spear skills up so much. In my experience, a self-pity loop of despair usually comes with devaluing one’s own abilities. This reader doth project too much?
+ Syl “choosing” the moment of climbing the ladder down into the chasm to have such clear memories of both her past and Kaladin’s. I know it’s her bond with him that brings back her self-ness, but there’s something about his (metaphorical) dark place that seems to urge her to focus, get more concentrated and *real* as she chases him.
+ Teft is the first to light his torch when Bridge Four reaches the chasm floor, and Kaladin lights his torch from Teft’s. 🥹 I’m sure this is another case of “it’s not foreshadowing, it’s just practical”, but Teft having what Kal needs twice in this chapter is hard to overlook.
+ I lol’d when in a chapter called “the wretch”, someone throws up, and Sando says “wretched”. As if that was the turning point.
+ Lopen’s absence is conspicuous, but understandable. Rock is plenty of comic relief for this chapter. Or do they not make a one armed Herdazian climb up and down a ladder?
+ Scar: Should we just let the voidbringers steal our hearts? Maybe they’re just misunderstood
Me: (💖Rlain 💖)
+ I really like that Kaladin finds a rock, then “tangentially” thinks about Tien, leaving it up to the reader to remember Tien’s love for rocks. It also allows Kal to drop the rock (realistic) instead of clinging to it and trying to make it a symbol (melodramatic)
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n0brainjustvibes · 7 months
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna!
coke or pepsi? beverage BITE miette?? beverage STING her tongue like the insect??? jail!!! jail for beverage for One Thousand Years!!!
disney or dreamworks? dreamworks did HTTYD, right? them.
coffee or tea? tea
books or movies? books hehe
windows or mac? never used mac so windows it is
dc or marvel? ok, exposing myself here, worm was like my 2nd superhero media ever. i haven't read either 🙈 i have seen a few marvel movies but i'm not sure whether that should count for or against them
x-box or playstation? mine crafdt on my laptop
dragon age or mass effect? mass effect bc incuriouscat on youtube makes sick ass fan PMVs
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? chess, you can narrate stories about the pieces and thoroughly annoy your opponent (sibling) even as you lose >:3
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate all the way!!
vans or converse? wgat
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I can't tell if these are fantasy names or antidepressants
fluff or angst? uhhhhdfcgvhbjnk gonna have to say fluff
beach or forest? beach
dogs or cats? cats 100%! (or secret third option: fish...)
clear skies or rain? clear. god. please... 🙏🙏
cooking or eating out? cooking :P
spicy food or mild food? Mild by any sane standards, but spicy according to my family and/or BBC Food haha
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? chris mas :))
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? uuuhhhh .. hh. hard one here. gonna have to also go cold
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? SUPERSPEED!! Or time powers. My irl friend has convinced me of their usefulness.
animation or live action? animation
paragon or renegade? renegade, it's the name of my serial killer dark forest!hollyleaf fanfic (only half kidding...)
baths or showers? shower
team cap or team ironman? hm. remember when I said I watched a few marvel movies? yeah none of them were this one :(
fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy baybey!!! but I adore both
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? oh god okay. hm... "Where did we learn it, this talent for insatiability?" from The Handmaid's Tale still Lives In My Head from high school english. If song lyrics count, then, "You don't know me / don't you question my love" from Berlin, Without Return. "Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" (I don't recall the exact wording) from... Oathbringer? is my fav cliche cosmere pick. Oh! And I forget the episode or even who said it, but at some point during the s3 All Might/AFO fight in MHA, one of the side characters stuck on guard duty said "You're confusing difficulty with importance", and that changed my life.
youtube or netflix? youtube :) it has fun little AMVs
[REDACTED] [Clearance Level 9]
when do you feel accomplished? when I bake something! making concrete stuff is really fulfilling, especially if I'm baking for other people.
star wars or star trek? spaceballs (jk, star wars, but I haven't seen star trek so sw wins by default)
paperback books or hardcover books? paperback
to live in a world without literature or without music? [sad character song assigner noises]... without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? that would be @ty-bayonet-betteridge with several lines in their riley fic hehe
city or countryside? city! much as I complain about missing nature :') ideally a city that's near the sea
favorite chips? anything plain sea salt and properly crunchy 🤌
pants or dresses? pants, though dresses are fun for fancy occasions!
libraries or museums? is it a natural history museum? pleamse?? if so museum! otherwise library all the way.
character driven stories or plot driven stories? I don't really have a preference ngl
bookmarks or folding pages? i was one of those heretical kids who just plonked their books face down open 🙈😭 and now I mostly read online so... idk? Probably bookmarks.
Dream job? honestly would love to be on the management council for a small nature conservancy. second choice would be ecological research, but data-based, not fieldwork (animals scare me >.<)
What gives you comfort? thinking about The Characters...
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? literally ANY pun or double meaning lyric by idkhow!! gonna go with "lose yourself inside the city / lose your mind inside a week".
favorite ice cream flavor ever? chocolate my beloved...
first fandom? warrior cats......
deep ocean or deep space? (personally, i gotta pick ocean, because theres fish in there 👍😊)
Your desert island band?
@thesternest @seroquelfan @chaoticrushu, but no pressure to answer, and anyone is welcome to join! add your own question at the end if you answer :]
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bitegore · 7 months
How’d you get into transformers? : 0
ages ago I was dating a Brandon Sanderson fan who introduced me to Brandon Sanderson's works, primarily the "Cosmere" - his connected universe of fantasy worlds operating on different rules using the same underlying theory. I thought this was fucking awesome and started hanging around Cosmere fandom spaces. One such space was a discord server - good place to hang, but it's been ages and I don't care very much any more so I haven't been in it since like maybe 2019 at the latest - wherein we had several entrenched members of the core discord group who talked a lot and also an off-topic channel. In the off-topic channel, those of us in the server reading other things would talk about those other things we were reading!
One of those other things was Transformers: More than Meets the Eye.
Now, I am a simple man. You look at me and you know what I like... and my tastes really have not changed since I was like, fifteen. I like ridiculous, gory, over-the-top violence, charismatic villains, murder, sarcasm, and also violence. And I was, of course, known for this, because I never shut the fuck up. If I enjoy something everyone's going to hear about it.
So a lovely member of the server begins reading MTMTE and starts talking about it in the off-topic channel - first occasionally, and then more and more often, until it's basically a daily occasion that they were beginning their daily Transformers comic reading period and they were gonna talk about it (but vaguely, in the 'livereading into channel' way). And not long into this, another member of the server, who I was a bit closer with, also started reading it! And really enjoying it!
Both of them after like five minutes were like "Hey Red YOU should also read this comic" and I, armed with the vague memories of the Bayverse movies and nothing else, went "I know what the Transformers comics are. I don't care about punch-em-up action sequences. I don't care and nothing will make me" (lol).
They informed me there is canonical gay romance. I, sick to fucking death of my IRL peers saying the same about, like, Sherlock, and at absolute best that one guy from the early seasons of Doctor Who, assumed they meant there were one-off joke characters. I was unmoved and really not compelled by the depth of character and plotline they were trying to convey to me, since they failed miserably.
They informed me it was character-driven. I don't really care about character-driven stories. I was unmoved.
They told me about certain bits and the plot of them, and I can't really remember which ones they were now but I remember going "well that's stupid" in my head, and saying I still didn't think they were for me.
Finally one member posts a screenshot of the page where Pharma splits Ambulon in half. You know, that gorgeous "lengthways!" splash panel.
I started reading Megatron: Origins about two minutes later. The rest is history.
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