#but i understand if people prefer being able to choose only being tagged on certain fics
ghost-proofbaby · 10 months
question: if i changed how i go about my taglist… how would y’all feel?
to clarify:
option one means people could be bumped off tag lists as i would not do more than 50 tags per fic. my everything taglist has 10+ members right now, meaning i only have about 40 slots, give or take. i also would not do reblog tag lists. example: the taglist for coffee shop blues is currently full, but if someone asked to be on my everything taglist, i would remove the most recently added person who only wanted to be tagged on that specific fic to make the room. (this one just feels plain mean to me 😅😅😅)
option two would mean you’re tagged on ALL writing for that specific topic. everything obviously is tagged on everything, eddie only is tagged only on eddie fics, and steve only is tagged only on steve fics. each taglist would have a limit of 50. this means more spaces as i would do reblog lists (it would be the everything taglist). however, it would mean you can’t opt in for only certain fics, which i know can get annoying. also, i’d have a google questionnaire for this one for everyone to complete if they want to be added. aka if you didn’t fill it out, then you wouldn’t be added! (it’d be anonymous email wise, just having to provide a username obviously to tag)
option three is self explanatory lol 😭
anyways. lemme know.
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mother-vermin · 5 months
Hi! I'm vermin, it/it's, nonbinary. Welcome to my misgen blog!
I've been introduced to the kink through a wonderful community and have been inspired to make a blog. I've seen it expressed that there's a lack of certain content within the space, including both content for transfemmes and praise-based play. There will not be exclusively these things on this blog, but it is the catalyst I'm building off of.
THIS IS FIRST AND FOREMOST A SPACE FOR TRANS PEOPLE. I will be blocking cis and/or transphobic people.
I am generally a dom bottom. I am pansexual, but I'm sapphic-leaning. I'm still relatively new to the kink, so please be patient with me.
KINKS INCLUDE: cnc, degradation, cumplay/breeding, objectifying, threats/fearplay, exhibitionism, misgen!
LIMITS: (no judgement!) feederism, ddlg/intensive ageplay, brat taming, "dykebreaking" (expanded on this in my BYF), edging, 24/7 dynamic, raceplay
DNI: the classics. cis folks, transmeds, swerfs/terfs, racists, nazis, transphobes, pedos, minors. I'll do my part in being vigilant these people don't interact in the first place.
BYF: A few things you might like to know! First, I don't personally really get aroused by being misgendered. It doesn't bother me, and I enjoy acting like a "woman" sometimes for the kink. Ultimately, it really just feeds into my joy for degradation and humiliation as a dom.
Secondly, I don't enjoy compulsory heterosexuality within any kink, including this one. This is where "dykebreaking" comes in. I enjoy a lot of the concept, but if you only want to engage with posts about PiV or "women bottom, men top", etc, this is not the blog for you. I believe transfemmes who prefer bottoming and transmascs who prefer topping should be able to wholeheartedly engage in this space if they wish.
Lastly, I'll likely make a post that goes further into it at another time, but I am choosing to engage in this kink with transmasc, transfemme, and nonbinary people. I understand I do not have the perspective and relationship with gender that all of these groups do, but I'm confident I'm playing ethically and equitably through feedback I have received. If you'd also like to give feedback, feel free! If it's genuine, I will take it to heart.
TAGS: #muah 💋 or #muah <3 for my personal posts, usually (may have been used on posts I really enjoyed in the past)
#good girl moments / #good boy moments: behavior I believe deserves praise!
#fixed!: behavior I believe deserves praise AND shows someone has reached their full slutty potential 💕
Asks and DM's are welcome, but I may not answer DM's and I do not play in DM's. Thank you! Muah 💋
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counting-eyerolls · 9 months
this is me being angry about people's reactions to creative decisions in media so rambling under the cut.
jjk 236 spoilers for those who did not see the tags.
i think it's genuinely concerning how some people consume media. it's your comfort piece of art and something that you adore with all your being and you write about it and post about it and talk about it but the second your favourite dies (said favourite happening to be one of the "hot" characters) boom it's shit and you shouldn't have read it and you come up with insults and slurs towards the creator.
in the past 1.5h i've been awake today i have seem so much hate towards an artist all because of a newly posted chapter and the way it progresses/ends.
yes this is about jjk and chapter 236. (spoilers ahead, last warning)
i feel like the point of any creative piece (writing, visual art, music etc) is to send a message and have the readers/watchers etc feel something because of your work. it's to send an emotion.
remember how we all felt when geto was dying? i sure do. he was and still is my favourite, dead and all. broke my heart -- it all did, not just his death but everything leading up to it (in terms of satosugu moments and symbolism for example). i didn't see this much hate though. maybe this is because by the time he died, he had already become one of the negative characters and people already had new favourites to focus on, heck if i know.
i mean obviously, nobody likes the fact that your favourite character gets killed but it is about the vision of the author/artist etc. geto dying gave us so much symbolism and so many parallels and character development (for gojo, for example) etc without which he probably wouldn't have turned into the character everyone is obsessed with. it was part of a complex backstory and character development, it showed us how the specific character was dealing with problems which aren't that easy to deal with, it showed how the influence of those around him (or lack thereof) affected him and why he ended up choosing the path that he chose etc. yes, it was sad that he died, but it was part of a bigger story. still i think it's unbelievable to insult and criticize someone so much because of a choice they made with the character they created. i get that it sucks that your fav dies or suffers but try to appreciate the fact that no artist owes anyone anything and they are still creating and publishing and putting their art out for you to consume and sharing their creativity with you. would you have preferred that you never had said art piece at all?
imagine you come up with a story that's so awesome to you and you're proud of it but halfway through you start getting hate for it because you kill someone in the middle of it. when it was your story to begin with ?? so you are allowed to do whatever you like ?? literally no rules. but the people criticizing you don't know what you plan to do with this in the long run so they just, well, hate. this is what i cant accept, no matter the fandom or the characters, whether they're fictional or based on real people or stage personas etc. not agreeing with a creative decision (in fiction or otherwise) is perfectly acceptable. sending hate to the creator because you do not like it? unacceptable.
stop consuming it then. it's just as easy to stop as it is to pick up.
and it disgusts me that people who should know better are doing this. people who are fic writers themselves. maybe not directly sending hate to the creator but commenting and posting about it (using dare i say quite shitty wording as well). this is not only telling everyone that you share this opinion but encouraging others who feel the same to follow your example, even if you are not explicitly doing it. you are encouraging, for example, followers that are younger and do not know better (not because "when you're young you don't know anything", but because it is true that at a younger age you are not able to fully understand certain principles and thought processes and what is right or not) to do the same and who knows, said influenced people (whether old or young, doesn't matter) can then take the hate further to the creator. you are inactively telling people who do not know better that it is okay to do this. why? because to you it is "so serious ong" or because "you are disgusted" by this creative decision and so on. as a fic writer on tumblr you sometimes become somebody that readers and those who do not have the confidence to share their work look up to. and you normalize this behaviour because you are upset that the sexy white haired guy died when you liked to write fics about him. you normalize this behaviour and find it acceptable to do this (because if you didn't find it acceptable, would you be doing it in the first place?) just because you refuse to take a deep breath and look at things from another perspective.
in my opinion it also shows that you are unable to take a step back and see the bigger picture or appreciate said creative decision in relation to the whole creative work. how do you know that your favourite dying will not change the story in the best way possible? you do not know, because the story is still ongoing.
so you are basically consuming the media but not actually appreciating any of the work and thought that go into it. you don't see it as something that is trying to send a message. you don't see the work that gets put into it. more importantly, you don't think that maybe the point of the author/creator is to do more than just write hot characters. so you are not appreciating the thought process behind it but when you don't like something? you are way too quick to criticize and insult. i am not saying you should like or agree or enjoy everything that happens. but you also cannot choose to insult and slur your way out of something you don't particularly like, especially when it doesn't seem like you give praise and what is deserved when you do actually agree and like the creative decisions that have been taken. so if you cannot do the opposite (aka being positive about moments in the media you consume) why do you feel the need to be so vocal and negative about things you do not agree with. has it occured to you that maybe you don't understand the full creative thought process?
disagree with creative decisions, come up with actual thoughts on why you think it wasn't right to do so or why it shouldn't have been done in the first place, come up with arguments and reasons why you think it doesn't make sense or why it isn't realistic. analyze the characters and the actions that the creator is making them do. maybe it's out of character or maybe it's a plot hole. who knows. come up with an opinion and justify why it is so "disgusting" for you to experience said part of the work. you will never achieve anything with insults and slander just because you are unhappy.
i don't feel the need for people to validate what i am saying or agree with me. but if you do not agree with me at least try telling me why. this is the essence of what i am saying: you can have a different opinion and not agree with someone but still be respectful of their decision to think or act that way. in art or in the real world.
you will also never know why the person thinks a certain way if you don't at least try to understand or ask them about it.
anyway yea.
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nothorses · 6 months
Asking on anon because I don't feel like getting fucking lambasted by both radical sides of this. But I think they're are some folks that talk about transandrophobia (not you, baeddel-txt, etc) that are starting to pick up on toxic masculinity in the same way TIRFs picked up on TME/TMA shite and the like. (I have it on my blog but only because I'm tired of getting a toss up treatment from shallow transfems and getting reduced to either a cis man or them insinuating I'm not who I say I am, and the like. Frankly as of today I'm muting all of the related tags on both sides because frankly... I need a break).
I agree with y'all just like, be aware of it just like transfems should be aware of our own problems.
I also dislike the whole TIRFs "reclaiming" baeddel as a.) It's literally a ye old slur for intersex people (re: tfems having a problem with fetishizing intersex people, speaking from personal experience here)
b.) it reads like a far inferior version of reclaiming the tslur, which tbh, I would just prefer if they did that.
Also I guess if you ask this and you care so much about who's sending this, I'll reveal myself, just don't make it public because I don't need to be getting harassed by TIRFs for being a weird reject because I just choose to be both a girl and a boy identity wise and clearly the everything not binary fem phobia (even if I meet the criteria of not "CAFAB" to them.) they have is still clearly alive and well considering I took a soft ban 3 months ago for it. (After getting a full ban rolled back bc of staff reviewing it.)
The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem both pre and post coming out, but also everything else going with it.
That's not to say that there isn't some areas where it can be disproportionate. I also don't understand the obsession with violence statistics when a.) It shouldn't be happening period and b.) I don't think either side is accurately reported, really, unless it's entirely relying on self reporting. Also c.) I don't know how much of violence on trans SWers is reported in that, i could see it being even or even mildly trans fem biased, not statistically significant though.
I'll be honest here in that I am not 100% sure I'm understanding you correctly, but it sounds to me like you're making a couple of different points that I'd love to be able to engage with- I think I just need some clarification first so I can make sure I'm not completely misinterpreting what you're trying to get across.
So like, if it's cool, I would love a follow-up ask to clarify a couple of things!
What are folks doing with "toxic masculinity" that you feel is similar to what TIRFs have done with TME/TMA? My understanding would be that TME/TMA were turned into a kind of definitive label that people use to determine who's allowed to speak on certain issues, who's "oppressed enough" to matter, etc., but I don't really see a way that parallels "toxic masculininity" among folks who talk about transandrophobia. Unless you mean that people are distancing themselves from the possibility of being masculine in a toxic way on the basis of their identity? (If that's the case, I think I'm misunderstanding the connection to TME/TMA)
Could you expand on: "The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem"? I think the sentence after that muddied what you meant, for me, and I'm curious what insights you have there!
Also RE: statistics, I really agree that there need to be more studies and research into these issues in order to get any real sense of clarity. IMO the best uses for statistics of violence and discrimination against trans people, specifically stats that tell us who is facing what kind of discrimination, is to better understand the systems causing us harm in order to work towards dismantling them.
Trying to determine "who has it worst" overall is pointless and self-defeating. The goal should be to understand why transmascs tend to face more lifetime sexual violence, while transfems tend to face more childhood sexual violence. Not to decide which issue to give a shit about and which issue to ignore, or which trans people "deserve" to be prioritized over all the others.
I will also say that the study I draw from more than others is the U.S. Transgender Survey, which relies on self-reporting. I recommend checking them out if stats interest you; they're pretty expansive and had a massive sample size. The 2015 results have been published for a while, and 2022 results are coming soon.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Childhood Friend!Reader - Part 3
Tumblr media
Word Count 5K
Relationships: Andy x Reader (romantical), glimpses of the sibling dynamic of Andy and Kyle. 
Warnings: Mentions of blood (an implied intense chucky hunting scene) 
Summary: The chaze after Chucky leads to certain inconvenients making Andy and Kyle accept staying with you, but some strange findings at your house split their opinions about trusting you.
Notes: Part 4 is on the way, i choose to split what I got for this one in two because otherwise it would have been over 10K. On a couple of days I’m gonna upload the next part because it’s not edited. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​
There was not much time to point out all the details that he would have preferred to, but Andy owed you an explanation. He felt so particularly strongly because he was imagining you seeing your life getting ruined in a matter of moments since his appearance and the incredible amount of guilt he was feeling for that was inconfessable. His most immediate instinct was thinking that Chucky found the way back to you through him. The doll head he kept in his place for years saw a picture of you playing together as kids put in a portrait next to the ones of everyone Andy cared for. He found out then that your friend never forgot you, that you were his last happy childhood memory. From time to time Chucky would make mention of you as part of the psycological torture, his favorite game being making him doubt about your survivor condition claiming that he could have killed you years ago and he wouldn’t even know. 
If he avoided reaching you for so long, that was only because he was convinced of being protecting you. Andy liked to imagine that being so little at the time played in your favor and you could have forgotten everything, turning it into a repressed traumatic memory. When thinking of his past and all the people who suffered from it, you were the only one who got away in time. Perhaps you two were too little to understand that it was the best for you, but time helped him to get convinced that he had to disappear from your life for you to have one. Keeping the memories of happier times was enough for him, stuff to get back from time to time when life would feel crushing. He wished you all the normal bliss he would never have and hated to realize his and Chucky’s arrival could be interrupting it. 
“ I’m so sorry, you shouldn’t have to be part of this ever again.” He was barely able to look at you, shame mixed with some of his usual survivor's guilt making it unnecessarily hard. “ It’s my fault, I brought the son of a bitch back to you again. I should be the last person you shall want to see.” 
Careless for the passing of time, you comforted him in the same way he would have done with you as kids, by tenderly kissing his forehead before directing him reassuring words. 
“ Would you believe me if I tell you that I have been waiting for this all my life? I am not scared, I am relieved. I knew he was going to come back, now I can finally stop waiting.” 
He was very confused, the cluelessness in his expression was a consequence of the crash between his assumptions and your reality. 
“ All this time?” 
“ I am only glad that he brought you back to me.” You sweetly confessed. “ I never forgot:  doctors, teachers, friends … partners. The whole world wanted me to but I didn´t, I refused to do it. My mother was one of the few exceptions, she had a peculiar way to process things. If we survive, I will make some time to tell you.” 
At that point he had to correct you, he didn’t like your use of plural. 
“ There is no ‘us’ on this: you take the kids out and let me handle it. “ Andy stopped you. “ I brought backup, we are going to be alright.” 
In that command you recognized the little boy who once told you to stay hidden in the closet as he was getting ready for a fight with a baseball bat. 
“ Some things never change.” You teased him. “ I am not a little girl anymore and my job is strategic from many standpoints. Around ten percent of it consists of searching for stuff the kids loose, I have an eye trained to find toys in uncommon places. I can help, you just have to trust me.” 
It wasn’t an option, Andy wasn’t going to take the risk. 
“ I trust you, I’m sure you must be a champion at Where is Wally: toy edition; but we are talking of Chucky. “ He insisted. “ Kyle has gone through this with me before, Chucky was back when we met in foster care. She is my eldest sister, she has fought by my side many times and I can assure you we will get the situation under control.” 
Exactly as he was finishing the sentence you got to hear the sound of the fire alarm, excuse his sister must have found to evacuate the place. 
“ Andrew William Barclay, you are not getting away with this.” You complained, knowing that your job would force you to stay away from the hunting ground. “ Not again, I’m not going to stay in the freakin closet! ” 
There was no way ever in which he could have forced you to stay completely at margin. Once you got your kids out you rushed back inside under a partially true excuse. Camila was distressed because her toy could be trapped in a fire, although the glances you shared helped you see she was perhaps a bit scared that he could be the one causing it. The girl was begging to understand there was something wrong with it and that tale about the toy sickness you came up with helped a bit on that part. You impulsively got back, excusing yourself to one of your colleagues so she would watch over your group under the claim of trying to fix the problem of the little girl. 
A very personal motive was impulsing you to make such a reckless choice, you craved to find the ginger bastard for a resolution of your issues. You always knew he once spotted you as the weakest, the trembling tag along little friend of Andy who used to be too scared to present resistance. You were his terrified assistant from the very first crime: you helped him out of the boy’s bed so he could get to kill Maggie. Andy would deny it to make you feel better but you were sure that, if Chucky would have shown himself to you first, he would have got the human body he wanted simply because you were too scared of him to do better. You wanted to help, but you also wanted to stop feeling powerless. To prove yourself that the doll wouldn’t paralyze you of fear anymore, that you were strong and he was wrong. 
The scene you found didn’t provide you the space to get what you wanted because you got there too late. The fight had already started and was reaching its end. All you got to do was share a certain shock with the only remaining witness aside from you, a woman that you guessed was his sister. 
There were no gunshots, a silent attack was preferable in that context but convenience wasn’t his reason for it. Andy let it get way too personal, even more than usual, because that time he had reasons to believe the doll was coming for you. He practically handled the killing all on his own, fury overcame him to a point in which he simply couldn’t stop himself despite being aware Kyle was looking. He wanted Chucky gone in the messiest, goriest way for daring to get close to you. The doll was long gone, head smashed into an unrecognizable mess after he stomped it with his feet, but Andy kept stabbing the body out of rage and rejoicing on the tons of blood coming out of it. 
Only the sound of your voice got him out of the trance. 
“ Andy… are you alright?” You asked him out of quick impulse, even when the visual evidence would prove otherwise. “ Jesus Christ, there is blood all over you.” 
He stopped immediately, horrified to find out you discovered him on action. 
“ Don’t worry, it's not mine.” Was all he managed to come up with. “ It comes out of him, remember?” 
You laughed at the answer and gave a few steps towards him, standing there to curiously observe the scene. 
“ Is that all that's left of Chucky?” 
“ At least this one. We haven't got to that part yet, but you have to know there are many out there now and we can’t know for sure if that was the only one he sent. ” He patiently informed you. “ You shouldn’t be here, this is just … plain disgusting.” 
You bent down to reach him, held his hand and used the red stain left in your fingertips to draw a smiley face on the back of your only clean hand. It was a dark act of reassurance still implying some light within. 
“ Would you mind staying in my house later so you can explain to me all I need to know?” You calmly asked, giggling a bit afterwards because he seemed more shocked than you.“ You need to take a shower and I don’t think any hotel will allow you to check in like this.” 
Observing you got Kyle convinced that, one way or another, the youngest kids who stumbled across Chucky had to be the most damaged no matter the numbers in their encounter count. Her brother briefly told her during the search that you were teaching there and she knew of your existence from the beginning in the foster home, when her teenage self ended up asking a seven years old Andy who gave him the bracelet he seemed to protect over many other of his possessions. She was, saving the circumstances, pleased to know she would get to know you but the oddities in your first meeting were significant. 
There was a horrifying complicity on your part regarding the atrocity committed, which made her wonder if you shared with Andy some desensitization to violence product of being exposed to it since before you could even process it. Her brother, however, looked fascinated as if he would have found a soulmate.  
You may have managed to become better adjusted, but you were far from normal. For instance, you allowed them to reach your place ahead of you so Andy would get clean. No questions needed, no explanations required: you were inviting them to hide there just for the sake of your old friendship with Andy. 
“ Are you sure that’s not a bit too much?” Kyle tried to convince you against it. “ I understand you are grateful, but we don’t want to cross any weird limit.” 
His clumsy attempt of refusal was accidentally accompanied by some more assumptions. 
“ It’s really kind of you, but we can’t accept that. “ Andy followed her. “ What would your family say if they found a man covered in blood in their bathroom?” 
The comment was quite odd to you, since you felt it implied a particular definition of family.
“ My only family living there is my sister and she is currently out of town.” 
Andy was very surprised to hear that because it went against all his predictions. 
 “Really? I just thought that maybe…” 
You weren’t sure of why he would assume right away that you were a married woman having children. Perhaps because your profession involved taking care of kids? There was no way to know, but it flattered you.  
“ You are the only husband I ever had. “ 
He knew you were talking of your childhood games playing pretend to be a family using your toys as children. The mere mention got a shy smile out of him, which was an incredible contrast with the expression and demeanor shown briefly before. 
All the hate he had for Chucky was directly proportional to his sweetness with you. 
“ Well, thank you!” He answered, hoping the splats of blood were helping to cover up from another sort of red on his face. “ It's cute that you remember that. I only hope I was a good husband. “ 
He would have never been ready for your even sweeter comeback. 
“ The best ever, you saved my life.” You said before proceeding to give his sister context. “ When we were kids we used to play being a married couple, among many other games. It was the first game Chucky saw us play. Andy wanted him to play his coworker, but I wanted him to be my baby. I will never forget that moment, the very first words he said to me : ‘No fucking way, bitch’ “ 
Kyle didn’t want to laugh, but it escaped out of her because the anecdote was cute and awful at equal amounts. What didn’t escape to her was the effect you had on her brother. You two were extremely weird, but it seemed to be making him good. 
In her reasonable concern awakened by the unusual situation, she indulged in a bit of harmless searching across your house once they got there. There would be some time left before you would come back from work, since you were probably stuck dealing with the mess left behind and waiting for the parents to pick up their children. She made sure  Andy would go directly to the shower, using that time to figure out more of who you were. The first detail that she noticed were some weird signs placed close to every entrance of the place, windows included. It looked like some sort of witchcraft that made her fear they could have walked into a trap. A black cat sleeping in the biggest couch of your living room felt like a sign of confirmation for something suspicious. 
For the first time, he was the one refusing to acknowledge any issues. She later tried to bring up the observations but he wasn’t listening. 
“ We don’t know anything about this woman and she doesn’t know anything about us yet here we are, crashing at her place like long time pals. I hate to be saying this but.. Since when do you trust people, Andy? What’s wrong with you?” 
He wasn’t acting like himself and he was aware of it. 
“ She is very special to me.” Was his first, most imminent reply. “ We discovered Chucky together, but even before that we once were each other’s best friend.” 
“ I get it, you have good memories from when you were kids, but that was decades ago. If those feelings wouldn’t be involved you would see how suspicious that looks like. If that is actually witchcraft, then she could be connected to Chucky.” 
The questioning seemed to get him a bit irritable. 
“ For fuck’s sake, trust me in this! “ Andy complained, still trying to avoid shouting. “ She picked a career out of wanting to avoid more children to end up like us. Do you wanna know how I found out it was her? She kept the Scooby Doo plush that was her favorite back then and she shows it to the kids. She is exactly as sweet as she used to be.” 
That conviction came from more than just some observed facts. Andy was sure that watching him kill that Chucky should have scared you away, but it didn't. Instead, you reassured him in the sweetest way. Despite being an accidental witness of his darkest side emerging you didn’t rush out in fright for what he did and that was wonderful. 
“ Nothing else in my life is as it used to be, Kyle, but she is. One moment in her classroom and I was already feeling like a kid again.” 
The words implied that, but he didn’t dare to say the word happy. That was what happened: for an instant he got a reminder of how it was to be a happy kid, untouched by Chucky. While being with you his inner child found a special comfort at the same time his adult self was freaking out about feeling that peculiar attraction towards the woman you have become. He felt guilty because of how hopeful he was when you denied his assumptions about your relationship status. 
“ Alright, let’s do this. '' Kyle concluded, in a more relaxed tone. “ First we figure out that she isn’t some murderous witch about to offer us in sacrifice, then we get you a date.” 
The jump to conclusions surprised him and they were about to enter into some silly bickering about the tease. 
“ I never said I like her that way.” 
“ Andy, I am the eldest and you honestly ain’t fooling anyone. “ His sister snarked back. “ You can’t fake even when your life depends on it, that’s why I always handle the interviews.” 
They searched up carefully and under very different criteria. While she wanted to find anything to help confirm or reject her theory about you, he was trying to figure out things to get to know you personally. What things you liked or disliked, your habits, anything that the information in your house would allow him to find out. He was paying attention to your decoration, searching for portraits showing any photos, then looked at your old CDs and the dvd collection in the living room. Of course, some could belong to someone else living there with you, but it was fun trying to make guesses on which stuff could be yours. 
There was a characteristic mix of adult, sometimes dark, and childish elements all over your things. Stuff like the weird symbols Kyle noticed was being balanced with your use of light colors on the walls. Plushies were placed as random decoration tokens and there was a cute scratcher house for your cat. You had a collection of horror movies mixed with children cartoons; a Backstreet Boys CD old enough to belong in your teenage years three titles away from some equally old goth rock records. The living room had portraits on display, which made him stop caring about those minor oddities into solving one particular wonder going on in his mind. 
Family, friends, pets you had over the years; the pictures were information about events in your life. The intrigue of knowing if there was a space still saved there for him was killing him, but the answer he found was greater than what he could have ever imagined. On top of a shelf, there was a portrait displayed next to your old Strawberry Shortcake doll and following an empty space. He imagined that it must be Scooby’s normal place in your house, the two toys looking like guardians of that photo. It was taken on your fourth birthday, the last one of yours you shared with him, and you two were smiling in front of the cake. 
Not only it showed that you never forgot him, that small corner of your house was like a psychological altar to the innocence that you lost. Nostalgia, pain and hope all combined made him break and he let go some silent sobbing until his contemplation finished with a distraction caused by the irruption of the housecat reaching out to inspect him. 
By the time you arrived back home that suspicious approach became intense interaction. You had terrible news for everyone, but coming to see what you found made everything worthy. Andy was laying on your living room’s biggest couch and your cat was on top of him, getting comfy against his chest. It was extremely unusual and it got you in the purest awe. 
“ We were watching TV because we got a bit bored waiting, but your little buddy had other plans and felt like letting me know I was usurping his couch.” He innocently explained to you. “ I couldn’t refuse, he is adorable.” 
Your face was bright of happiness, unable to properly process what the scene was making you feel. 
“ Freddy! That’s not how we treat our guests, let Andy have the couch. He must be exhausted from hunting and, unlike you, he killed the prey instead of wound it to play with it.” You mockfully reprimanded your cat while reaching out to caress the top of his head. You also bent down a bit to salute Andy with a kiss on the cheek. “ Mind if I take a picture? He is never like this with strangers, you don’t know how lucky you are. I am amazed.” 
“ We are two, you don’t know how hard it is to see this one with his guard down.” Kyle commented, but about her brother. “ He is making me feel paranoid when usually he is the untrustful one.” 
You dropped some bags to grab your phone and, after getting your old friend’s permission, you took a few pictures of the curious episode. Andy smiled shyly for the camera and the overall cuteness in him was making your heart race. 
“ Don’t worry, if you wanna talk about paranoia you came to the right place.” You answered back at the blond woman on the individual seat beside. “ Most of my resting furniture is Chucky proof, nothing bigger than my little boy gets to hide underneath beds or couches. The systems are self designed, I got too many years of that fantasy about getting stabbed from underneath my bed.” 
“ Do you get those too?” Andy asked, showing an evident amazement that kept growing. “ Shit, that’s horrible. Although being strangled from behind is a strong competition for that one.” 
“ I made peace with the strangling part. When we were teens my cousins were about to get rid of their Good Guys and I asked to keep those ‘ for closure reasons’. “ You began to confess yourself. “ My eldest cousin used to be a bitch, she locked me in a closet with the dolls as a joke when we were 8. When I finally got hands on those bastards I destroyed them and made a necklace with their shoelaces. I called it a Chucky Choker.” 
The funny disturbing anecdote got a few laughs despite the implicancies. 
“ It’s common sense, not paranoia.” Andy followed you. “ Nothing is being too careful, you will never be ready.” 
“... and fuck chimneys!” 
The inside joke was about the way in which Chucky broke into Andy’s old apartment when you were running away from him. 
“ Feeling unprepared pisses me off: when I finally have the upper hand the asshole flips the board and switches the rules!”  You continued, actual frustration mixing on your speech. “ Suddenly he decided to go body positive, embrace his doll form, and now we get tons of him instead of one kid being chased for a body. I spoke with Camila and I have awful news. Do you wanna get those now or after eating? I brought some takeaway.” 
Kyle answered for both, showing herself slightly more relaxed. 
“ Bad news first. Spit it out.” 
“ She said ‘Oscar’ told her about his many friends and was ‘making weird jokes’ about convincing her to kill me.” You explained, more indignated than scared. “ WHY? Since WHEN does he need kids to do his dirty work?” 
Andy was as surprised as Kyle regarding that last part, but he also saw his worst fears confirmed: you were a target. 
“ Never before, that’s new.” He replicated. “ If he wants you dead, he comes to get you.”  
“ As far as i know, Camila has no babysitters and there is no housekeeper. Chucky must have run out of potential victims in her house. Killing the parents is not an option if he wants to manipulate the kid.” 
“ Heading to school to kill teachers seems reasonable from his perspective. “ Kyle joined you in the theorization. “ I don’t get why getting the girl involved, but he is Chucky. Traumatizing children is his hobby.” 
“ You both still think this is casual?” Andy interrupted, guilt making him angry. “ (y/n), he picked a girl in your classroom. He left a message for you: this has to be personal.” 
“ Then why am I not dead? He could have mixed with the classroom’s toys and made his strike on his own the very first day he arrived here. “ You insisted, keeping the thread of your point. “ Did he ever wait this long to kill anyone he really wants to? Chucky? The same asshole who killed your babysitter ON THE SAME NIGHT just because she turned off the TV? He has no patience, I doubt time changed that.” 
Andy proceeded to do the question he must have done from the start. 
“ Have you got any strange packages prior to this? Even if you refused to receive those.” 
“ A mysterious Chucky size package? Nop, not at all. He is like my father: he ruined my childhood and doesn’t even call for Christmas.” 
Bittersweet jokes were your thing and those weren’t necessarily bad.
“ I know what it looks like: I’m the connection, but we can’t be sure of that yet.” You attempted to tranquilize him. “ He had over two decades to come for me and didn’t. I took some precautions I was taught to, but I don’t think those could have made me invisible.” 
“ Is that what the shit over there is supposed to mean?” Kyle asked you, pointing out at the odd marks on your entrances. “ I gotta be honest, it’s shady as fuck.” 
“ Of course, I forgot to explain that part! I bet you thought I was a witch about to kill you.” You apologized, actually feeling bad under the possibility of making them worry. “ Nadia taught me that it keeps bad spirits away. Assuming Chucky counts as a dark entity, that should keep him out.” 
“ Did you tell someone else about Chucky?” Andy recalled, with curiosity. “.. and they believed you?” 
“ She was a friend of the family, a medium that my mom befriended some time after the mess. “ You sweetly clarified. “ When I get to tell you how it happened, you are not going to believe it.” 
He wasn’t seeing that coming, your life has been apparently way weirder than in his idealizations of you. 
“ That’s not fair, I’m supposed to have the weirdest stories for catching up! ” He playfully complained. '' I was chased four times by Chucky, winning in each and every single one of those, but each one gets weirder.” 
“ Let me awaken this little troublemaker so you can get up and tell me everything during our meal.” You proposed, sneaking close to pick up your cat. He didn’t want to be taken away from the comfy position receiving heat from the new human. “ He is fuzzy because he apparently likes to sleep with you, but I bet some wet food is gonna solve that.” 
“ Is he a Freddy for Fred Jones?” Kyle asked you. “ Andy talks about you every time I watch Scooby Doo with him.” 
“ Scooby Doo was my copying mechanism when I was being kidnapped by a serial killer threatening with killing my pregnant mother if i would dissobey him. That franchise is my life.” You affirmed for her. “ That being said, Freddy was rescued from a fire. During his first times here he used to scratch everything and wouldn’t let us sleep. He is a Krueger, not a Jones.” 
Andy laughed a bit harder with that last punchline. 
“ That 's growth, we are so old.” 
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Submission Guidelines
Request Template:
In order to make things easier, please copy and paste one of these six templates depending on what you're requesting. I ask that you use this so that not only will I have a clear view of what you want, but so people reading my content will be able to make an informed decision if they would like to read the contents of the request: (Bolded words are for you to fill out)
Platonic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Platonic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
NSFW Character | Headcanon | Request Information
NSFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Character = The name of the character I'll be writing for.
Request Information = What you're wanting me to write. If you don't fill this out, I will delete. Don't just state a character, I need something to go off of.
Romantic vs Platonic = How you want me to go about the request. Will I be writing them in a romantic or a platonic way.
If you want to gush about characters or say something to me personally in a request, you're more than welcome. Just state the request beforehand.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Queenie on our main blogs @salticart and @queeniesrose or ask in the inbox. Queenie and I aren't able to DM on this blog as it's a joint account.
Things I will write:
NSFW (All NSFW posts will be tagged "Spicy Salt", so if you don't wish for this content to appear on your feed, block that tag).
Romantic Relationships (This will be for 18+ characters only)
Friendship/Platonic Relationships (I will write for the minors of the series with these relationships exclusively)
Found Family Dynamics (Can be for any character)
Soft Yandere (If it gets into anything that is iffy and goes into the Non-Con/Dub-Con category, then I won't write it)
List of Scarlet/Violet Characters
List of Sword and Shield Characters
List of Sun and Moon Characters
List of Legends of Arceus Characters
Things I won’t write:
Romanticizing Underaged Characters: I will age up characters for certain requests, however if it involve anything romantic or sexual on a character that is canon underaged, then I will not be writing it. I understand a lot of the games don't state character ages, but there's some characters that you just know are underaged.
Non-con or Dub-con
Suicide/Self harm, eating disorders, mentions of rape. Mainly things that can trigger people or myself!
DDLG, Water sports, Scat, I refuse to write it so never ask.
Pet play of any kind (including puppy play, kitten play, pony play, etc) [NO HORSES]
Things referring to kids or pregnancy, or being parents. I know it’s a weird one but I have a bit of a phobia of children and such due to my job so I’d prefer not to write that stuff.
Disabilities: I don't think I can accurately write for a disability that I do not have, and I don't want to misrepresent serious topics. In order to stop this from happening, I choose not to write it.
I know there’s more when I remember them I’ll update this!
Things to keep in mind:
- I'm more likely to write your request if you put in the proper formatting that is at the top of the post.
- When sending in a request, please only do one character. It takes me a lot longer to do multiple characters at a time, and clogs up the ask box. So one character per request. Thank you!
- Please do not ask for a specific gender. I do non binary to keep it all inclusive. If it's for a smutty story, I will be writing two versions if what's in the pants is absolutely necessary. There’s plenty of gendered imagines out there, I want everyone to feel included. Hella hard when you’re non-binary or the opposite gender and you’re trying to read an imagine with a gender you don’t identify with.
- If I’m uncomfortable with a request at all, and it’s anonymous, I’ll just delete it. So if you sent an interesting request that ends up not being written, please don’t send it in again. I don’t delete anything unless I refuse to write it.
- If you sent in a request when they’re closed, I will also be deleting said request. You can always resend it in once they’re open. This is to just help keep my box as clear as possible so I can focus on what needs to be done. Don’t ask me to keep it in the box for when they open up again. That’s counter intuitive to my box being closed and makes me a bit upset.
- If I have an imagine already written but it doesn’t include the characters you like, you can always send and ask for a continuation with the characters you like, I’ll be more than happy to do so!
- It might take a while to get to certain imagines. I work a full-time job and and run another writing blog for Twisted Wonderland, so I'm vey busy.
- You can request more than one thing, I don’t mind, just don’t send me a list of 100 things to write, please.
- If you happen to find a list of prompts you’d think would be fun for me to go through, send it to me. I’ll totally do requests off prompt lists
Discord Server
Hello everyone! As the new games have been released we wanted to do an ad for our discord server! We have been revamping the server in hopes of creating a better experience for all who join and that we will get some new friends!
We do have some rules for the server, along with a few perks. This includes:
To join the server, you MUST be at least 16 years of age.
Similar to here, anything underage/pedophilia related will not be tolerated.
No transphobic/homophobic/terf behavior will be tolerated.
Advanced notice of when the inbox is open!
Reward roles! With a bot we have in the server, the more you level up through chatting, the more cosmetic roles you can get. (This is new, and will go live after games are released.)
For those who RP or are interested in trying out RP for the first time, we will be revamping our RP section. We hope to get this more active again.
Besides the Pokémon related stuff, we have also have a writers section and an artist section for you to share your work!
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jfouler · 2 years
Tumblr media
name: jamie fowler, baby
eye color:  brown
hair style / color:  jamie has been blessed… or cursed? with nice thick dark hair. he's had it long for most of his life, but got it cut short when he got the whole monster hunting job. makes life easier 
height:  5′9″
clothing style: simple business casual. minus his whole ass tactical combat boots. an investment.
best physical feature: has a nice… chest… also nose
your fears: losing loved ones, not being able to protect people, losing the little control he has
your ambitions for the future: being the best father he can be. maybe loving again, whatever that looks like, or finding happiness and contentment being on his own. oh, and to save the goddamn world.
your first thoughts waking up: "it's a living."
what you think about before bed: “what a day.”
what you think your best quality is: "i've been told i give good hugs."
single or group dates: "single? what even is a group date. i haven’t dated since... college. anyways-”
to be loved or respected:  "loved. i'm used to respect being a rarity. though in an ideal world i'd have both.”
beauty or brains:  "all of my answers to these are both! why can't we have both, hm?"
dogs or cats: "dogs. cats and i have an understanding. but i like dogs more."
lie: "i don't lie, usually, i just… obscure the truth! its not lying, i just choose not to divulge certain things. it's within my right!"
believe in yourself: "eh. some days more than others."
believe in love:  "again, some days more than others.  but i think, generally, yes. i do."
want someone: "great question!”
been on stage: "yep. i've got quite a lot of onstage experience under my belt, actually."
done drugs:  "jesus christ, it was ONE TIME-"
changed who you were to fit in: “sure.”
favorite color: “grey.”
favorite animal: “bears.”
favorite movie: “i always fall asleep during them so i can’t say.”
favorite book: “the practice of statistics. kidding. i don’t know, i don’t get to read as much as i used to.”
favorite game:  "i don't play games anymore unless my daughter drags me into it, but uh… sims 2. used to play the sims 2 a lot."
day your next birthday will be: "halloween. i know, i know. i should just start saying it’s november 1st."
how old will you be:  "hahah. hah. hmm."
age you lost your virginity: "hah. HAH. you wish you could know. why is this a question?"
best personality: “don’t have a preference. just don’t be an asshole. i’m the only one allowed to be a jerk around here.”
best eye color: “guess i’m one for brown eyes. hazel, too.”
best hair color: “eh. doesn’t matter to me.”
best thing to do with a partner: "to just… be close to them, i think. sleeping next to them... i miss that the most."
i love: “a lot.”
i feel: “tired.”
i hide:  "who i am..?"
i miss: “her...” 
i wish:   "that one day, everything will be okay. i know, it's generic. unrealistic. that's why its a wish.”
tagged  by: @corsairdcwn and @mourrow​​  waves at u both !
tagging:  youuuuu !
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The Biggest Problem With replica bags designer, And How You Can Fix It
My best friend instructed me one other day that she obtained herself a bogus bag.​ She reported that it had been just an affordable a person much too! Once i heard that, I was like, "What?! You simply acquired a phony bag?" She seemed to be all enthusiastic about it, though.​
I remember going for walks in the markets of Hong Kong 1 time and currently being intrigued by the many wonderful replica bags on sale.​ Becoming an avid lover of designer merchandise, I had been promptly drawn to them.​ I recognized how intricate they appeared and the eye to element was nothing in need of impressive.​ I needed to talk to around to discover more but I was not positive if it was legit or not so replica bags I just retained it to myself.​
Little did I recognize that These reproduction luggage had been basically highly regarded and widely accepted.​ All people needed a piece of luxurious while not having to pay back the significant cost tags.​ I could see why folks have been starting to be so directed to it.​ It was as if the bags had been an extension of their personality, allowing for them to express their taste and course immediately.​
The widest choice of duplicate bags appeared to occur within the spring.​ Each individual corner of the marketplace experienced a variation of sizes, kinds, and costs.​ The shopkeepers ended up satisfied to reply all my queries and I even managed to choose up several exceptional parts.​ The intricate ending and premium high-quality definitely shocked me.​ I could not believe that the level of expertise that was set to the baggage though the positives unquestionably outweighed the negatives.​
I took my duplicate bags home and applied them on several occasions.​ I'm able to confidently express that I acquired my cash's well worth concerning use and good quality.​ I felt like 1,000,000 bucks every time I placed on a completely new accessory.​ It created me a whole lot much more self-confident and complemented my apparel in a means that only designer goods can.​ I've now come to be to some degree of the collector and never ever skip a chance to speculate in a new replica bag.​
The secondhand marketplace of reproduction bags has long been developing massively over the past couple of years and This may be an incredible location to get them at a cheaper price.​ There are numerous devoted Web-sites and apps for buying and marketing large-end reproduction baggage so It is turning into much easier to uncover lovely pre-cherished items.​ I've managed to choose up some wonderful discounts from thrift retailers way too.​
Due to their flexibility, my duplicate bags may changeover from day to night time appears to be effortlessly.​ There is one thing quite luxurious about having a piece of great Italian craftsmanship that will elevate any outfit.​ Regardless if I'm in a very rush and only have time to pick out a handful of extras, I am sure that my duplicate luggage will constantly make the Reduce.​
Among the best matters about reproduction luggage is they do not have to suit into a certain model or craze.​ You'll be able to style them any way you prefer and express yourself in ways that actual designer bags won't be able to.​ As well as they occur in many different shades and resources so I'm usually spoilt for preference.​ I'm also surprised to seek out that they're a lot more durable than genuine designer baggage in particular scenarios.​
I now understand why so A lot of people are so keen on reproduction luggage.​ They're affordable and trendy and really suited to day to day use.​ No matter whether you're a maximalist or perhaps a minimalist, there is a replica bag to choose from for everyone.​ You can not go wrong when you put money into a piece of significant-end craftsmanship that oozes with allure and sophistication.​
At first, I did not realize why she was so content over it.​ I suggest, doesn't she know that pretend items do not have the exact same high quality as being the authentic kinds? I had been stunned that she didn't Feel two times about it.​ I surely told her to reconsider her conclusion.​
But then, she began to clarify to me why she desired to purchase the fake bag.​ She said that the first bag she wanted was as well high priced and she was seeking a much less expensive one particular.​ Now, I kinda comprehended her.​ I suggest, we've all been there suitable? We wish a little something really nice but the value tag will not suit our funds.​ This is why A lot more persons are turning to fake luggage.​
But that is not all.​ My Good friend also mentioned that some of the faux luggage she uncovered online appear better still than the original ones.​ I used to be like, "Which is surely not true!" But she insisted that it had been correct and showed me a few pics.​ I gotta say, the pretend types did search very good.​ I used to be beginning to improve my thoughts about phony baggage.​
And then, amongst my other pals chipped in.​ He said that buying a faux bag may not be this kind of negative notion since it's less costly, and that the standard of the fake could possibly be nearly as good as the initial types.​ That's when I began to definitely see why people today get phony baggage.​
Obviously, I'm nonetheless not certain that It can be okay to buy fake goods.​ I mean, It can be nevertheless a counterfeit item and i am from the thought of supporting the those who steal other brand names' patterns.​ But I am able to now realize why persons would Select fake bags, specially when their budget is tight.​ I suppose everything boils right down to your own preference.​
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The 3 Biggest Disasters in replica bags History
My best friend instructed me one other working day that she bought herself a phony bag.​ She reported that it absolutely was just an affordable one much too! After i read that, I was like, "What?! You just received a pretend bag?" She seemed to be all excited about it, nevertheless.​
I keep in mind strolling in the marketplaces of Hong Kong one time and staying intrigued by each of the incredible reproduction baggage on sale.​ Remaining an avid lover of designer goods, I used to be instantly drawn to them.​ I noticed how intricate they seemed and the attention to depth was nothing wanting extraordinary.​ I planned to check with about to find out more but I wasn't certain if it had been legit or not so I just held it to myself.​
Tiny did I understand that Those people duplicate baggage were being basically very popular and broadly accepted.​ Anyone wished a piece of luxury without needing to fork out the hefty price tag tags.​ I could see why people have been becoming so directed to it.​ It had been as if the baggage were being an extension in their temperament, making it possible for them to specific their taste and class instantly.​
The widest number of replica bags appeared to come around the spring.​ Every single corner of the market experienced a variation of dimensions, models, and costs.​ The shopkeepers were pleased to answer all my concerns and I even managed to choose up a handful of one of a kind pieces.​ The intricate ending and top quality high-quality really shocked me.​ I couldn't believe the level of craftsmanship which was place into your luggage though the positives unquestionably outweighed the negatives.​
I took my replica baggage property and used them on various instances.​ I am able to confidently say that I acquired my money's well worth with regard to use and quality.​ I felt like 1,000,000 bucks each time I put on a brand new accent.​ It built me quite a bit much more assured and complemented my apparel in a method that only designer products can.​ I have now grow to be relatively of a collector and hardly ever overlook a chance to take a position in a new duplicate bag.​
The secondhand current market of reproduction luggage continues to be growing massively over the past couple of years and this can be a great location to get them in a cheaper price.​ There are several committed Internet sites and applications for getting and selling higher-end replica luggage so It is turning out to be much easier to locate wonderful pre-loved pieces.​ I have managed to pick up some wonderful offers from thrift shops also.​
Due to their versatility, my reproduction luggage also can changeover from day to night time looks easily.​ There's a thing quite luxurious about possessing a bit of fantastic Italian craftsmanship that may elevate any outfit.​ Even when I'm in a very hurry and have only time to pick out some equipment, I'm certain that my replica baggage will usually make the Minimize.​
One of the better things about replica baggage is they don't have to suit into a certain model or trend.​ You are able to structure them any way you want and Convey your self in ways that authentic designer bags are not able to.​ As well as that they occur in many different shades and elements so I'm normally spoilt for preference.​ I'm also shocked to seek out that they're a lot more resilient than genuine designer baggage in sure cases.​
I now realize why so many people are so fond of reproduction baggage.​ They can be inexpensive and trendy and really ideal for daily use.​ Whether or not you're a maximalist or simply a minimalist, There exists a reproduction bag available for everybody.​ You cannot go Improper if you put money into a piece of superior-conclusion craftsmanship that oozes with allure and sophistication.​
At the outset, I did not realize why she was so satisfied about it.​ I signify, doesn't she recognize that phony merchandise haven't got precisely the same top quality as the real ones? I had been amazed that she did not think 2 times about this.​ I certainly advised her to reconsider her final decision.​
But then, she started to make clear to me why she desired to buy the faux bag.​ She mentioned that the first bag she preferred was much too high priced and she was seeking a much less expensive one particular.​ Now, I kinda understood her.​ I suggest, we have all been there appropriate? We wish anything really nice but the price tag would not in shape our funds.​ This is exactly why A growing number of persons are turning to bogus bags.​
But that's not all.​ My friend also mentioned that several of the bogus baggage she observed on-line look better yet than the initial types.​ I used to be like, "Which is unquestionably not true!" But she insisted that it absolutely was true and confirmed me a number of shots.​ I gotta say, the faux types did seem very good.​ I had been beginning to adjust my brain about pretend bags.​
And after that, among my other good friends chipped in.​ He mentioned that buying a pretend bag might not be such a terrible plan since it's more affordable, and that the quality of the faux is likely to be as good as the initial types.​ Which is when I began fake designer bags to definitely see why individuals get bogus baggage.​
Certainly, I am however not convinced that It can be okay to order phony goods.​ I indicate, It is continue to a counterfeit item and I'm against the idea of supporting the individuals that steal other makes' styles.​ But I can now realize why people today would go for phony bags, specially when their spending plan is limited.​ I suppose all of it boils right down to your individual choice.​
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fozmeadows · 3 years
race & culture in fandom
For the past decade, English language fanwriting culture post the days of LiveJournal and Strikethrough has been hugely shaped by a handful of megafandoms that exploded across AO3 and tumblr – I’m talking Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dr Who, the MCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock – which have all been overwhelmingly white. I don’t mean in terms of the fans themselves, although whiteness also figures prominently in said fandoms: I mean that the source materials themselves feature very few POC, and the ones who are there tended to be done dirty by the creators.
Periodically, this has led POC in fandom to point out, extremely reasonably, that even where non-white characters do get central roles in various media properties, they’re often overlooked by fandom at large, such that the popular focus stays primarily on the white characters. Sometimes this happened (it was argued) because the POC characters were secondary to begin with and as such attracted less fan devotion (although this has never stopped fandoms from picking a random white gremlin from the background cast and elevating them to the status of Fave); at other times, however, there has been a clear trend of sidelining POC leads in favour of white alternatives (as per Finn, Poe and Rose Tico being edged out in Star Wars shipping by Hux, Kylo and Rey). I mention this, not to demonize individuals whose preferred ships happen to involve white characters, but to point out the collective impact these trends can have on POC in fandom spaces: it’s not bad to ship what you ship, but that doesn’t mean there’s no utility in analysing what’s popular and why through a racial lens.
All this being so, it feels increasingly salient that fanwriting culture as exists right now developed under the influence and in the shadow of these white-dominated fandoms – specifically, the taboo against criticizing or critiquing fics for any reason. Certainly, there’s a hell of a lot of value to Don’t Like, Don’t Read as a general policy, especially when it comes to the darker, kinkier side of ficwriting, and whether the context is professional or recreational, offering someone direct, unsolicited feedback on their writing style is a dick move. But on the flipside, the anti-criticism culture in fanwriting has consistently worked against fans of colour who speak out about racist tropes, fan ignorance and hurtful portrayals of living cultures. Voicing anything negative about works created for free is seen as violating a core rule of ficwriting culture – but as that culture has been foundationally shaped by white fandoms, white characters and, overwhelmingly, white ideas about what’s allowed and what isn’t, we ought to consider that all critical contexts are not created equal.
Right now, the rise of C-drama (and K-drama, and J-drama) fandoms is seeing a surge of white creators – myself included – writing fics for fandoms in which no white people exist, and where the cultural context which informs the canon is different to western norms. Which isn’t to say that no popular fandoms focused on POC have existed before now – K-pop RPF and anime fandoms, for example, have been big for a while. But with the success of The Untamed, more western fans are investing in stories whose plots, references, characterization and settings are so fundamentally rooted in real Chinese history and living Chinese culture that it’s not really possible to write around it. And yet, inevitably, too many in fandom are trying to do just that, treating respect for Chinese culture or an attempt to understand it as optional extras – because surely, fandom shouldn’t feel like work. If you’re writing something for free, on your own time, for your own pleasure, why should anyone else get to demand that you research the subject matter first?
Because it matters, is the short answer. Because race and culture are not made-up things like lightsabers and werewolves that you can alter, mock or misunderstand without the risk of hurting or marginalizing actual real people – and because, quite frankly, we already know that fandom is capable of drawing lines in the sand where it chooses. When Brony culture first reared its head (hah), the online fandom for My Little Pony – which, like the other fandoms we’re discussing here, is overwhelmingly female – was initially welcoming. It felt like progress, that so many straight men could identify with such a feminine show; a potential sign that maybe, we were finally leaving the era of mainstream hypermasculine fandom bullshit behind, at least in this one arena. And then, in pretty much the blink of an eye, things got overwhelmingly bad. Artists drawing hardcorn porn didn’t tag their works as adult, leading to those images flooding the public search results for a children’s show. Women were edged out of their own spaces. Bronies got aggressive, posting harsh, ugly criticism of artists whose gijinka interpretations of the Mane Six as humans were deemed insufficiently fuckable.
The resulting fandom conflict was deeply unpleasant, but in the end, the verdict was laid down loud and clear: if you cannot comport yourself like a decent fucking person – if your base mode of engagement within a fandom is to coopt it from the original audience and declare it newly cool only because you’re into it now; if you do not, at the very least, attempt to understand and respect the original context so as to engage appropriately (in this case, by acknowledging that the media you’re consuming was foundational to many women who were there before you and is still consumed by minors, and tagging your goddamn porn) – then the rest of fandom will treat you like a social biohazard, and rightly so.
Here’s the thing, fellow white people: when it comes to C-drama fandoms and other non-white, non-western properties? We are the Bronies.
Not, I hasten to add, in terms of toxic fuckery – though if we don’t get our collective shit together, I’m not taking that darkest timeline off the table. What I mean is that, by virtue of the whiteminding which, both consciously and unconsciously, has shaped current fan culture, particularly in terms of ficwriting conventions, we’re collectively acting as though we’re the primary audience for narratives that weren’t actually made with us in mind, being hostile dicks to Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans when they take the time to point out what we’re getting wrong. We’re bristling because we’ve conceived of ficwriting as a place wherein No Criticism Occurs without questioning how this culture, while valuable in some respects, also serves to uphold, excuse and perpetuate microaggresions and other forms of racism, lashing out or falling back on passive aggression when POC, quite understandably, talk about how they’re sick and tired of our bullshit.
An analogy: one of the most helpful and important tags on AO3 is the one for homophobia, not just because it allows readers to brace for or opt out of reading content they might find distressing, but because it lets the reader know that the writer knows what homophobia is, and is employing it deliberately. When this concept is tagged, I – like many others – often feel more able to read about it than I do when it crops up in untagged works of commercial fiction, film or TV, because I don’t have to worry that the author thinks what they’re depicting is okay. I can say definitively, “yes, the author knows this is messed up, but has elected to tell a messed up story, a fact that will be obvious to anyone who reads this,” instead of worrying that someone will see a fucked up story blind and think “oh, I guess that’s fine.” The contextual framing matters, is the point – which is why it’s so jarring and unpleasant on those rare occasions when I do stumble on a fic whose author has legitimately mistaken homophobic microaggressions for cute banter. This is why, in a ficwriting culture that otherwise aggressively dislikes criticism, the request to tag for a certain thing – while still sometimes fraught – is generally permitted: it helps everyone to have a good time and to curate their fan experience appropriately.
But when white and/or western fans fail to educate ourselves about race, culture and the history of other countries and proceed to deploy that ignorance in our writing, we’re not tagging for racism as a thing we’ve explored deliberately; we’re just being ignorant at best and hateful at worst, which means fans of colour don’t know to avoid or brace for the content of those works until they get hit in the face with microaggresions and/or outright racism. Instead, the burden is placed on them to navigate a minefield not of their creation: which fans can be trusted to write respectfully? Who, if they make an error, will listen and apologise if the error is explained? Who, if lived experience, personal translations or cultural insights are shared, can be counted on to acknowledge those contributions rather than taking sole credit? Too often, fans of colour are being made to feel like guests in their own house, while white fans act like a tone-policing HOA.
Point being: fandom and ficwriting cultures as they currently exist badly need to confront the implicit acceptance of racism and cultural bias that underlies a lot of community rules about engagement and criticism, and that needs to start with white and western fans. We don’t want to be the new Bronies, guys. We need to do better.  
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tittyblade · 3 years
tumblr etiquette 101
a list that is nowhere near exhaustive, from yours truly.
First off, welcome! Whether you’re a twitter veteran looking for anything but whatever twitter is, or a new user just done signing up, glad to see you in our ranks beloveds! Welcome home. Refer to this quick tour to make sure your fandom experience (or tumblr experience in general) is a positive one!
Disclaimer: I know it’s long, but please try to read or skim through til the end if you’re new here! This is by no means meant to be a rule book (for the most part lol), only a guide to help you get settled easier!
1) Your blog
This is where people will see and interact with you, so put some effort into it!
Try to choose a name (url) that’s simple. You can see it as your brand, it’s how people will perceive you and remember you. If you’d like to interact with other users here (and not use the site just for the content) it’s better to have something short and sweet, preferably without spaces. (Of course, these are only suggestions.) Rest assured, you can change it literally any time you want.
Have a theme. Utilize the tool that lets you edit your blog’s color or the font of your bio! You can make it match your profile picture, or your blog if it has a theme of its own. Make it feel homey :]
Fill in your bio. People will be checking out your profile probably more often than you think. Don’t leave it empty! Put in any information you’re comfortable with sharing and isn’t too personal (like your age if you’re a minor, or other TMI that can be found on other people’s carrds). It’s always better to add a name/nickname people can use to refer to you by, but feel free to use your blog description to shitpost still.
You can have an intro post. More often than not, you’ll see a blog have a pinned post, a post permanently appearing at the top of a blog until you pin another post or unpin it. You can make one of those, if you’d like to introduce yourself in more length, link any other socials or a carrd, and show others visiting your blog how you tag things so it’ll be easy for them to navigate. Not an obligation.
Keep your anonymity and your safety. It should go without saying, but there’s no harm in repeating it just in case. Your comfort, privacy and safety has the utmost importance. Don’t share any information you don’t want to. Don’t share your age if you’re a minor, or any other incredibly personal info. I’d encourage you to go by a nickname that’s not your real name, (blog name, your brand, remember?) since there’s safety in anonymity, and that’s lowkey one of the big deals of tumblr, but that’s up to you still.
Choose what you want to be visible. Your liked posts and who you follow are all things you can set to keep to yourself and hide from the publics eye, how handy! You should go through all the setting while you’re at it, set it to your comfort.
Side blogs are a thing. You can have multiple blogs that you can use for different things (see: different fandoms, art blog, etc) to keep them organized or away from your followers. Just remember that the replies and off-anon asks you send will be from your main blog, as well as where you follow other blogs from.
2) Interacting with others
You’ve set up your account, now comes the fun part!
Follow to your heart’s desire. If you care about others seeing who you follow, fear not! In tumblr, usually only two types of blogs keep their following visible to others: newbies, and big blogs using it to point people on other good blogs’ direction. Just turn it off, and go ham following people.
Customize your dashboard. Gonna mention just two things here: this is another reason why it’s really important that you follow blogs without sparing, your dash will collect dust otherwise; and you should turn off “best stuff first” in your dashboard settings, to have a better community here and all.
Follow tags. You can set it in your settings that posts with your followed tags appear on your dashboard.
You can check the og post for edits and context. When you see a reblogged post you don’t understand the context of (or don’t recognize the character in case of fanarts), click on the profile so it will take you to the original post. From there you can check the original poster’s tags to get the context, or see if there have been any edits made to the post, since when you edit a post it doesn’t update any past reblogs.
Send people asks... This is how you make mutuals, people! Do it off-anon if you’d like them to know your blog, or anon if you’d rather not! (You can still end your messages with a signature to show you’re the same person, -[name] is one example.) Send them nice messages, ask their opinion on something, discuss things, or just straight up shitpost lol. Go wild. The sky’s your limit and it’s definitely more than 280 characters.
...and let them ask you! You can set your preference in the settings, do it on desktop tumblr to access more settings tho! What you can customize on mobile is limited (like letting people ask you things anonymously, that’s only on desktop settings). In my personal opinion, it’s always better to tag their username (or a nickname you give them, if they’re a friend) on that post, since you wouldn’t want your interactions with your friends to get buried in your blog forever.
Comment on posts. If you have something to say but don’t want the post to appear on your blog you can add a comment. The owner of the post will get a notif for it, but for anyone else you need to tag them.
For the love of god, reblog. People will only see your liked posts if you have it visible to public and they specifically go on your blog to look at them. You like something? You reblog. It’s already hard for posts to circulate properly, if you don’t reblog them literally no one will see them. If not for anything do it for the artists. Just hold and drag on mobile to fast rb.
3) Your Posts
Finally here! Don’t be a lurker, post and engage!
Make use of “read more”. If your post is long, add it. That’s what you clicked on earlier to expand this post. On desktop leave an empty line and you’ll see three dots appear, and on mobile type :readmore: on that empty line.
Draft a post to come back to it later. Pretty self explanatory.
Queue your post. Whether it’s your own post or you’re reblogging, make use of the queue feature to a) not spam reblog and fill up the dashboard of people following you and b) keep your blog active while you’re gone. Mess around in the settings, it’s fairly easy to set up.
Schedule your post. Same as queueing, the only difference is you get to choose the exact time your post will go up. Handy if you want to schedule a post for certain dates like april fools, or 5 years in the future for some reason. 
Format your texts. You can do all kinds of fancy stuff here (that’s a link, try pressing on it). Twitter doesn’t have this, make use of it. Changes depending on whether you’re on mobile or desktop. (Desktop has less features.)
Check your stats. If you’re trying to understand the algorithm better or want to look at some pretty graphs you can get your data on that on desktop tumblr.
@ people in comments. You’ll get all the notifs when people comment on your posts but they won’t see your reply unless you tag them in your message.
4) Tags, and tagging a post
This is where my earlier statement “this isn’t a rule book” stops being applicable. It’s not a war crime to go against these, I won’t come chasing you (don’t take my word for this) but you’ll work up a bad rep. Just saying lol.
Do NOT crosstag posts. It’s really tempting to add unrelated tags to increase your posts’ interaction, I know, but that’s not what tumblr is about. Don’t be a dick and make other communities’ experience worse for them.
Always tag your posts with “crit/critical/discourse/etc” if it calls for it. There’s no exceptions to it. This is the reason you see people migrating to tumblr. Let people enjoy things.
Don’t main tag a critical/negative post. If your crit post is about “Thing”, you add the “Thing critical” tag, but not the “Thing” tag. People block crit tags if they don’t want to see it, don’t shove it in their faces by main tagging it. 
If you don’t want to see something, just block it. Another reason why people are able to survive on tumblr. You don’t start discourse, you don’t make call-outs, you block. You can find something for every community you can think of if you go looking for it. The worst of the worst probably won’t ever appear on your dash, but if you’re worried or feel the need for it, you know where the block button is.
Feel free to shitpost or ramble. More often than not you’ll see people rb a post with a comment, and their elaboration will be in the tags. The tags are only visible on your profile and the notifications of the owner of the og blog. Just a thing people do.
Reblog artists’ posts with nice comments in the tags! Commenting on a drawing is usually done through the tags (Not an obligation, again, just a thing people do. Feel free to add your comment on the rb itself if you’d want other people to see it tho!) and leave nice messages for the artists! It’s a win-win for everyone involved. 
If you have more than a single follower, always use the common tw warning tags. You don’t need to tw everything, but tw’ing some common things is the bare minimum human decency. Keep it safe for others. 
Tag a post “long post” if it’s really long. Pretty self explanatory. Don’t make people scroll through all that please lol. 
You can use them to organize your blog. This is more of a pro tip, if you’d like to not miss a post in your blog, cause they will start pilin’ up soon enough.
#Liveblogging is pretty fun. If you’d like to talk to people during streams, don’t forget to add the relevant tags still! Again, you won’t show up on people’s dash otherwise.
Whew! That got out of hand. Hopefully I didn’t bore you too much. Check out blogs like @heritageposts and @hellsite-hall-of-fame to honor our past o7. @mcytblr-hall-of-fame too maybe :eyes:. Anyways, don’t forget the most important rule of them all:
Enjoy your stay! You’re meant to have fun on here while also making friends (if that’s your thing). Just be kind and respectful of others, you’ll get the hang of the rest! <3
2K notes · View notes
I genuinely do not know how to engage with the Loki fandom anymore without regularly tanking my mental health, and I have no idea what to do about it.
the thing about my brain is that it sucks, see, and one of the big ways in which it sucks is that it is incredibly easy for me to miserably fixate on anything that upsets me, which then often expands to include all kinds of other tangentially related things that also upset me, thereby becoming a very bad spiral even if the thing that originally upset me was objectively not a huge deal. (I’m also really, really good at catastrophizing, which just accelerates the whole process.) at best, I then find it completely possible to do much of anything, like work on anything creative, or do my actual job that pays my actual bills, or in general remember that anything good can ever happen again. about all I can do to reset my brain when that happens is to ignore every single one of my responsibilities and do something really distracting like playing a game so my brain is engaged in something other than eating itself alive, or maybe just take a sleeping pill and go to bed. (if neither is an option, then it just sucks even more.)
for reasons that I certainly hope are obvious, that’s something I prefer to avoid.
the thing about Loki is, he’s been my absolute favorite character for about a decade now. he’s my comfort character. I can’t reliably write anything except Loki fic (which would be enough of a personal investment even if I hadn’t written a fic or two that helped me deal with the death of my dog a few years ago and my generally unhealthy feelings about death as a concept, but I did that too). I’ve spent a not-inconsiderable amount of money--again, over the past decade--on my collection of Loki stuff because it makes me happy, and I’ve invested probably even more thought and emotion than money into this character. Loki, in general, is very important to me, if for no other reason than that he’s been part of my life for a long time.
and the thing about the Loki show specifically is, I mostly like it. in part this is because I want to like it, because I’m invested for all the reasons mentioned above. there have been aspects of every episode so far that I’ve enjoyed without reservation or qualification...and there have been aspects of every episode so far that have made me cringe or genuinely upset me for one reason or another. but because I want to like it, and because I have that tendency to fixate on things that upset me in a way that makes me absolutely miserable and renders my brain completely useless for doing anything except continuing to be upset, it is genuinely unhealthy for me to spend much time at all reading negativity about the show.
some of the criticism I don’t totally understand and that’s less of an issue, but a lot of it has merit, a lot pretty obviously comes from a place of actual pain, and there’s a lot I agree with (or at least understand even if a specific thing doesn’t bother me as much). so if I read much of it, I will fixate. I will lose sleep. I will be pretty much unable to do things I actually need or want to do. if I want to avoid those things, it’s not enough just to avoid reading really intense criticism of the show; I have to actively seek out positive opinions, both to reinforce my enjoyment of things I already liked and to provide additional viewpoints on things I didn’t particularly like on first watch so I can keep myself from fixating on them (which my brain is quite happy to do on its own, without even seeing specifically negative posts, so you can probably imagine how much worse my brain gets having the negative opinions reinforced).
like--maybe this all sounds kind of silly, I don’t know, but I’ve lived with this garbage brain for more than three decades and I have a pretty good idea of how it works, at least in terms of what makes it even more garbage. to take care of my mental health, I have to approach certain things in certain ways, and I’m...working on not feeling like that’s silly all by itself. in this specific case, that means avoiding a lot of the negativity and making an effort to seek out positive opinions. as long as people tag appropriately, that shouldn’t be hard, right?
well you’d think so, except actually no, because I’ve had the worst time finding people who like the show and don’t also spend a significant amount of their time dumping on fans who hate the show or just, like, have any issues at all with any aspect of it for any reason. it starts to feel like people think that if you’re not worshiping at Marvel’s feet and loving every second of everything in this massive profit-driven franchise, then you are deluded, whiny, entitled, stupid, sadistic, or some combination of the above. and you know what, maybe it’s weird but I absolutely find that just as upsetting as negativity about the show itself. constantly seeing that stuff is equally bad for my mental health, equally likely to make me miserably fixate on it and lead to a spiral of “everything is bad and hopeless and nothing will ever get better in literally any aspect of life so why even bother trying?”
for reasons that I once again hope are obvious, I still want to avoid that! regardless of the cause! and apparently...I don’t have that option. people typically don’t tag criticism of criticism, or at least not with anything specific enough to be really useful, and it sure seems like I can’t look for the positive opinions that help me enjoy the show and avoid unhappily fixating on things I didn’t like, while also avoiding the negative opinions about other fans that also get me unhappily fixated on things that upset me. so the only alternative is, what, take several steps back from fandom entirely? well, I’d have to stop using Tumblr at all for at least a couple weeks, probably avoid the finale for quite a while, stop writing for the most part because Loki fic is too tied up in the overall fandom and I struggle too much with writing anything else, stop reading most fic for the same reason, stop working on customizing any Funko figures or other action figures that aren’t just for Etsy, and generally give up a lot of things that make me happy. weirdly enough, I don’t want to do that either. 
if everyone in this fandom 1) tagged appropriately and consistently and 2) stopped being unnecessarily mean to and about their fellow human beings, I’m pretty sure it would be basically fine. and of course there’s no possible way I can make that happen. if I want to keep enjoying something that does genuinely make me happy often enough to be worthwhile to me, it seems like I just have to choose between two different types of mental-health minefields rather than, you know, being able to avoid all the mines.
so what am I supposed to do with that?
(this is...more or less okay to reblog if you’ve felt at all the same way, wherever you might fall in your opinions about the show itself, as long as you make sure to not be an asshole about it to anyone. this is not the place to talk about how much you hate the show, and it is also not the place to talk about how awful Those Whiny Fans are. take that somewhere else and for god’s sake put a useful tag on it.)
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
Please stop describing aroace as not wanting or seeking out a romantic/sexual relationship. The terms describe attraction, not behavior, and this is something that has been discussed and explained to exhaustion by aroace communities. I have personally also pursued relationships because I thought I wanted that kind of relationship, and too many people try to say that means I’m not really aroace. I have aroace friends who are in sexual and/or romantic relationships.
I’m not angry at you, I know you don’t intend to cause harm, and I generally agree with your thoughts on how Martin is characterized, but I am so, so tired of people who aren’t aroace telling us who we are, how we feel, and how we behave. There are so many easily-accessible resources and explanations about asexuality and aromanticism with respect to relationships, and I urge you do some research if you feel the need to define us.
I don’t mind if you don’t reply to this. It’s the sort of conversation I would rather have privately, but I’ve seen and experienced too much harassment targeting asexual identities to feel safe going off anon.
No I'm not going to stop doing that because my feeling on this is based specifically on conversations raised by and led by my aroace friends and loved ones. as in this is a frustration that a lot of people in my life who are aroace have repeatedly expressed - that there's no space to express clearly and unambiguously that you're Not Wanting Sex And Relationships because the linguistic space is slipping for that. and they've talked a lot specifically about how that's led to them feeling more pressured to push themselves into sex or relationships, or having to constantly explain and defend their space even within aspec communities. and that's a problem. not that people who want or might want sex and romance but consider themselves broadly asexual or aromatic exist, but that with the semantic drift around aroace, there's not really a term which unambiguously expresses that that's not something they do want.
Action is not the same as desire - having had or wanted a relationship doesn't mean anything for whether you're "actually" aro or ace, any more than having dated men in the past means you're not "actually" a lesbian. comphet is a hell of a situation. I'm not splitting hairs about attraction vs behaviour - I'm talking about desire versus lack of desire.
Yes, fine, good, you can act for a lot of reasons, only some of which are genuinely held desire (trust me I know this). I'm not debating that. I'm saying that the space that's shrunk away in contemporary aspec language is a term which unambiguously means "a person who does not have a desire to have sex or relationships."
In this example, Martin spends much of the story expressing desire for a monogamous romantic relationship and nothing in his story arc, his actions, his dialogue or his fears seem to imply that that's motivated by anything other than a genuinely held desire to have a relationship with a man he is into. He's not aroace in the same way he's not a trans lesbian like. yes he could be being led by common drivers - compulsory sexuality, the desire for emotional closeness, the confusion of working out which feeling's what, only knowing how to navigate relationships through a certain lens, etc - and yes he absolutely could be either of those things, but ultimately there's nothing in the text to support that conclusion as is. He is not written as aroace, and in terms of material questions like 'what assumptions do people make about you and what's a justified assumption to make' the two things that matter when it comes to "X is/is not [identity]" are:
what do they outwardly identify as
how do they behave and what desires do they experience and express
like you are absolutely right that it's shitty for people to try and tell you you're not aroace if you are. people know their own identities best. I'm talking about group terminology that's sufficiently materialist to make sense.
like when someone says they're aroace what are appropriate assumptions to make? that this is someone who doesn't want sex or romantic relationships in and of itself, surely? that sex and romance are either low priority or actively not wanted? that they're not likely to be open to attempts to initiate sex or romance, and that their rejection of that isn't personal? that they may prefer long-term to not have a partner and that not having a partner isn't a source of great pain and loneliness and doesn't indicate an unmet need?
like that's what the term means. a term boundaries a set of basic assumptions. that doesn't mean nobody in that group can then turn around and say 'actually I am sad I don't have a partner' or 'actually I think I do want to try a relationship with you' or 'actually it's very validating when people flirt with me'.
similarly like an assumption it's reasonable to make about bisexual people, and an assumption that's embedded in the term, is 'is interested in sex or romance with people of multiple genders.' that doesn't mean I can't be bisexual and also have a complex relationship to what if any sexual or romantic desires I have and why. but it means that if I'm talking about bisexual people, I'm expecting you to join me in the assumption that yes we're talking about People Who Experience Multiple Gender Attraction. sexuality is messy and complicated let's not get it twisted. saying 'this is what the word means' doesn't remove the existence of complex experiences of self and of desire. but what the implied meaning of a word is matters and people were and are acting as if the implied meaning of 'aroace' has nothing to do with inherent desire for sex and romance which seems to me to leave a pretty substantial communication gap.
as I said in the tags - is there a more unambiguous word for 'people who are explicitly uninterested in romance and sex' than aroace? what is it? what is the word that's meant to go there? because THAT IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS UNAMBIGUOUSLY. and it doesn't mean I'm looking for a word that means 'has never for any reason pursued or experienced romance or sex' which I feel is how you're characterising what I'm saying (and I get that this is a triggering topic with a lot of baggage for a lot of people so I absolutely get why you're reacting as if that's what I'm saying). nor does it mean I'm looking for a word that means '100% gold star virgin who's never dated or had a sexy thought.' it means I'm looking for a word that means 'is uninterested in sex and romance' to describe a reason why somebody might choose to not have relationships, or to not have sex, or might have no sexual or romantic history through choice. key word might. but the fact is every time somebody uses aroace as a descriptor of 'reasons why people may choose not to have relationships' people end up 'correcting' them to say 'some aroace people have relationships' which is. kind of irrelevant to the point. some lesbians are married to men (comphet, changing sense of self, marriages of convenience, lavender marriages etc) but when I say 'she doesn't want to date him because she's a lesbian' we understand what the common understanding of lesbian is.
ultimately idk how to end this post. my point in the original post wasn't 'nobody who's aroace has experience of sex or relationships' but 'aroaceness is a reasonable reason why someone might not have had sex or relationships' and my point in the tags you're objecting to isn't 'aroace as a term should only include people who would never consent to sex or relationships,' it's 'a lack of inherent wish for sex and relationships used to be what we understood aroaceness to imply; now that no longer seems to be the implication and that leaves a gap where a lot of people, aroace and otherwise, struggle to express that experience'
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Astarion Analysis Summary
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were made up to the game version v4.1.101.4425. As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information.
This will be a summarasing analysis integrating most of the main characteristics shown and proven in the post (Astarion Analysis)
Additional disclaimers about meta-knowledge and interpretations in (post)
The number between brackets [] represents the topic-block related to (this post), which gathers as much evidence as I could get.
Alignments are usually a topic of discussion since characters can be so complicated, that they are hard to put in some place on the spectrum. However, for Astarion’s case, it’s clear that he is an Evil-aligned character, like Shadowheart and Lae’Zel. Whether he lies on a Chaotic side or a Neutral one is a bit less important (personally, I believe this small shift is the most you will be able to change Astarion through the main game, but I will explain that in another post Astarion and Power -Part 2). 
What is most important is to understand that we are analysing an Evil char, so his personality will lay in the negative characteristics. He likes all degrees of cruelty [3,6], violence [2, 13], and murder [2], having a particular taste for animal cruelty [4]. He finds this cruelty funny.
When it comes to animal cruelty, he has a broader concept of what’s animal than most Tavs would consider: he includes kobolds, goblins, and gnomes as such [5]. So all the cruelty upon them would be labelled, for his standards, as “animal” cruelty. This is why I specify he has a particular taste for this type of cruelty: he doesn’t only enjoy the death and torment of animals, but also of races he considers as such [5].
He has many racial biases [5] (hardly any char in Forgotten Realm lacks them): he only sees valuable elves and some humans (not all, since he despises the Gur) probably as a consequence of his backstory. Let’s remember that a group of Gur put him at death's door, forcing him into accepting Cazador's proposition. However, it’s also important to keep in mind he put himself in that situation with his corrupted magistrate role as a mortal (Swen’s interview).
He supports the most common biases about Tieflings and Gurs [5], and mocks halfling and Dwarven Tavs. He sees goblins, kobolds and gnomes as animals. Probably the list is broader, since all this information is what's present in the EA game at the moment.
Astarion as a character has a play of concepts with the duality animal/owner [14]. He speaks about choice as the element that separates animals from humanoids. Animals react out of instinct, thinking creatures choose to act. This speech doesn’t end with him claiming choice but being an animal desiring to kill. If in any other instance he would show a hint of empathy, one would be inclined to think his character is about the overwhelming reactions of a wounded animal installed by the abuse. But I hardly see it like that. He was twisted before turning into a vampire.
As such, he speaks about “survival instinct” [14]. With the little we see and can read in his approvals and disapprovals, he is looking for acceptance from Tav about his vampire nature, for the sake of survival. This character is an extreme survivalist. Astarion would care nothing about endangering or even killing innocent people to guarantee his survival. Once more, we see in the way he speaks about survival, the constant repetition of the symbol of “animal”. 
He is greedy [1], no matter if what he gains is little or not; as long as it gives him a small reward (he hates to help for free), or if it causes pain, torment, or the death of the person he is interacting with, it’s enough. If Astarion doesn’t have a radical change in his background, we can be assured this greed comes from his past mortal life, when he was a corrupt magister to the point to double sell criminals to a local vampire lord and to slavers. 
Manipulation [7]is the main characteristic in him. His words and mannerisms change as the game progresses, playing with the tones and the half-truth/lies he keeps saying. During his first interactions with Tav, Astarion is very careful in sharing his opinion about the events, —his judgements are always vague—while he tries to appraise Tav. This can be easily seen when he has no opinion about Kagha’s snake killing Arabella and playing an obvious mind game to Tav. For further detail check (Astarion and his Standards).
He is sometimes considered a prankster [3], but I prefer to call him Evil Trickster (pretty much like Shadowheart, who has trickster domain as cleric) who enjoys pranks to a higher degree of torment, ending sometimes with the death of the person in question. He enjoys, following this Trickster nature, the humiliation of people in general and outsmarting small people in particular [6]. He is aware that outsmarting powerful ones can bring consequences hard to deal with [7] (as he warns when Tav thinks about outsmarting Raphael), but applying all these torments to weak people is inconsequential, and therefore, enjoyable for him without risks.
We already stated that he enjoys the suffering of people [2,3], but he has a particular taste for the torment of the weakest ones [6]. The root of this pleasure for humiliating weak creatures comes from his desire for power. Astarion is a char deeply related to power [11], not as a goal itself (not power for the sake of power), but as a means to obtain revenge, and in the process, become a Master. I will analyse this aspect in another post  (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
However, I think it’s worth noting that Astarion’s descriptions of Cazador reflect not only his need for power but also his desire for that kind of power applied in a similar goal. Astarion despises Cazador’s obsession for power, but he has little problem to aspire to it. The obsession with any kind of power, especially the one given by the tadpoles which bend the will of people (mind control) [11], his paranoia, his constant desire to become master [14], his pleasure in cruelty and humiliation [2,3,4,6]… all these characteristics are very descriptive of Astarion too. Cazador and Astarion seem to be each other’s mirrors ( for more details check post  Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). .
Despite hating to be involved in anyone else's problems [9], he encourages and supports most acts of revenge [8,16], especially the ones against figures that can be interpreted as master. This will occur if and only if Astarion perceives the victim of such a master as a strong and resilient creature worth the trouble, i.e. Karlach [16]. 
He enjoys most Intimidation options you can pick [13], since they can result in the humiliation of a certain NPC, as a demonstration of power, or simply as elements for tormenting NPCs that would lead to murderous situations which are “funny” shows for Astarion. In general, most intimidation tags will be approved by him, except the ones that could be used to defuse violent outcomes.
All these evil pleasures can be considered as “the result” of turning into a vampire, but if we stick to what Swen has explained during the first demonstrations of the game and interviews before the release of EA, we know Astarion has been an Evil character during his mortal life. He was a corrupt magistrate in Baldur’s Gate, who fed the local coven of vampires with criminals. Being greedy, and trying to bite more than he knew he could chew, he sold this food into slavery to earn more money. As a consequence (directly or plotted by Cazador, we don’t know) he was attacked by a group of Gurs who almost beat him to death. Cazador appeared soon afterwards to grant him immortality with the curse of Vampirism. As we can see, he is not better than he was when he was a mortal elf.
A deeper relationship with concepts such as power, abuse, and victim will be explained in another post ( Astarion and Power-part 2). From Astarion’s brief background we can see that he has been an abuser in his mortal life. Due to his own actions, Cazador grasped him into his power and inflicted torment, humiliation, and violence of many kinds, for two centuries, twisting his personality into evilness even more than before (we also need to remember that not only torture may have twisted his personality, vampirism via Dark Desires causes a natural perversion of the persona as well). He now aspires to become more powerful, a reflection of Cazador himself, as a way to acquire his freedom. He wants power to be free [7, 11, 13, 14], and the power of mind-controlling others excites him [10,11] to no end, ignoring completely the cognitive dissonance of his own mind as an ex slave [12]. Although he suffered slavery in his own flesh, he is pretty apathetic (or even supports) slavery [10]. Some players may understand his narration of Cazador’s torments as a means to manipulate Tav, others, as a self-dismissal of his own traumatic experiences. 
His story seems to narrate the story of an abuser who found a greater abuser and became a victim of the latter, seeking to return to a stronger power position (the greatest vampire of the world—description in Larian web page—). Despite suffering this abuse, that could be understood as poetic justice to certain degree, he never developed empathy for those sharing his condition. He cares little when he sees others in the same situations he had been ( for more details check post (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
Some fans see that Astarion detests slavery, and he is just putting a show of a thick-skinned survivor, pretending that it does not affect him. I can’t see it with all what we see in EA. This “supposed” repulsive emotion should be a matter of narrative (we should see it in clear approvals or disapprovals as meta-knowledge), not a baseless imagination/wish of the player. We know that there are hundreds of resources to show hidden emotions in characters. Remorse or a desire to improve can be perfectly shown without being explicit, even when he may not be conscious of them. We can see how this is managed with Shadowheart, and we know there is something going on under her cruelty despite knowing little about herself (she knows less of her past and still yet we manage to see some degrees of goodness in her despite her evil inclinations). 
So I don’t believe that Astarion has some remorse going on, because if it were the case, it has not been shown in any scene so far. To me, it makes much more sense for him to develop as a full evil character inside the spectrum of evilness. After all, and following the tradition of the mechanics seen in BG1 and BG2, a redemption arc of an evil char of this magnitude makes little sense (We can remember Edwin,Dorn Il-Khan, Sarevok Anchev, Viconia DeVir, Baeloth Barrityl, Xzar, or Hexxat, all evil chars whose development was always inside their evilness or showed, in few cases, a slight shift of it). But further details and reflections will be addressed in another post (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
As a last detail, we can or cannot believe his statement of having lost his memories (he can perfectly claim it to hide his evil past from the main character to have a better manipulation of Tav) but considering Larian has kept most of the DnD vampire characteristics, I would like to bring awareness of a particular vampiric effect named Dark Desires (here). It’s the twistessness of the mortal-desires, which due to the fact that Astarion’s had always been dark, changed little with his vampiric nature, or just deepened in its perversion, and may cause sometimes the loss of memories (he was greedy and cruel before, now he stays the same, but darker and morbider.)
In short we can summarise Astarion as a moral bankrupt narcissist, a survivalist no matter the cost, a power-hungry character who wants to bend people’s will. He uses manipulation as his main tool, and enjoys violence, murder, and humiliation. Despite his slave past, he enoys acts of cruelty and torture on innocent or weak creatures. All his actions and words seem to ominously display a similarity with Cazador, as if his fate is to become the next Cazador.
This post was written on April 2021. → For more Astarion: Analysis Series Index
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miraclekittyandbug · 3 years
Ten Questions With A Twist Chapter 4
Here’s the next chapter! We’re now more than halfway through the series now, and WOW this is an eventful chapter. 
I hope you enjoy and don’t forget to give me a follow and let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ This Chapter ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~
That night was cool, simply a perfect patrol night. Ladybug had gotten to their spot on the Eiffel Tower first, leaving Chat to find her looking very frustrated. 
“What's wrong, Bug? Didn’t get a chance to ask any of those questions today?”
She huffed. “Well I managed to get one answer, but I need to figure out a better way to go about this. The way it was asked today isn’t gonna work for the whole list.”
Chat was startled. Had she overheard Alya ask her the vacation question? He took his seat next to Ladybug. “You could get a friend to help you out.”
Ladybug looked surprised, but quickly covered it up. “Yeah? And what would I tell this friend? ‘Oh yeah, my crime fighting partner thinks that he knows the answers to these questions that I have to ask this boy I like’? No chance. I’ll have to find a different approach.”
“Asking questions shouldn’t be too hard. They’re also pretty easy getting-to-know-you questions. If you know him well enough, he shouldn’t find it too difficult to believe you want to get to know him better.”
Ladybug’s face lit up with a revelation. “I’ve got it! Thanks, Chat. I’ll have all the answers soon enough. And that means you’ll finally have to admit that puns are terrible.”
“Alas, my lady, the only thing you’ll be winning is a date with me! I can just see it now: You, me, a high-up rooftop, and a romantic meal prepared by some of the finest cooks in the city.”
“We’ll see about that, kitty. For now, though, the rooftops of Paris are calling our names. Shall we?”
“After you, my lady.”
The roofs and balconies of the city felt the footprints of two heros, but Chat could only pray that soon enough, he would be sharing a date with the love of his life- out of the masks they wore. 
Despite the confidence he showed his lady as Chat Noir, Adrien only became more and more unsure of himself as the night progressed into the next day. And so, Adrien went to school without the usual pep in his step. He could practically feel his lady getting further and further away from him, all the while she was growing closer and closer to the person she actually loved. He felt like a fool. He had let a single coincidence go to his head and went on assuming that he could be the person his lady adores. He went and gave Ladybug questions that were designed to make her fall more in love with him, he just hadn’t considered that it wouldn’t be Adrien she was falling in love with.
He managed to meander his way through the first half of his classes, only half paying attention. At some point he vaguely remembered agreeing to have lunch with Nino, who had agreed to have lunch with his girlfriend, who was invited by Marinette.  Lunch continued to bore him, only bringing his thoughts of his lady and another man closer to the front of his mind. It wasn’t until about twenty minutes into their meal that Marinette finally said something that interested him.
“Hey, guys, I found this cool questionnaire, you wanna answer it with me?” Affirmations came from everybody at the table, including a casual shrug from Adrien. Definitely not the questions I want to hear. But anything to keep my mind away from the obvious.
“Alright,” She started, sitting up straighter and clearing her throat, “If you were stuck on an abandoned island, what three things would you bring?”
Adrien’s heart stopped. That was his question. One of them anyway. And for the second time this week, he started to try to talk himself out of being excited. Because those questions that he had given Ladybug, they were pretty basic questions. Questions that would be found in a million other places for much the same reason. But everybody was staring at him and he suddenly feared that he had thought all of those thoughts out loud. 
“What about you, Adrien?” Marinette asked, looking concerned that her friend had zoned out so quickly.
“Easy. You three. Who would want to go it alone?” His answer was honest, for the most part. In reality, he would never be able to choose just three people. While his friend group meant the world to him, he would be lost without his Ladybug. 
Marinette put her hand over her heart and sighed, but Alya quickly cleared things up, “You would just want us there so we can show you how to build a tent.”
They all chuckled and Marinette continued, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“Fox!” Alya said, though Marinette didn’t seem too surprised.
Nino chimed in, saying he liked monkeys a lot growing up, but he much preferred turtles now. 
“Cats,” Adrien heard himself respond, but his mind was elsewhere. Suddenly, he wished he had paid more attention in math class. If I were asked three questions over the last two days, what’s the probability that all three would match up with three of the ten questions I gave ladybug? Three doesn’t go into ten evenly, and should I take into account the trains leaving opposite sides of town travelling at different speeds somewhere in America?
“Okay,” Marinette said, keeping one eye on Adrien, “And if you could have any pet in the world?”
“Well that’s just the same question twice,” Alya pointed out.
“Not really,” Nino interjected, “I’d rather have a dog than a turtle. Dogs travel better.”
Adrien had to hold onto the table, for fear of falling out of his chair. “I’d definitely get a pet cat. A black one. I’d name it The Plague.”
“That’s a sick name, dude,” Nino approved, “What about you, Marinette?”
“Hamster. But I wouldn’t mind a black cat for myself.” She paused, but when it didn’t seem that anybody else would add anything, she continued questioning. “What is your biggest fear?”
Adrien mumbled, “This. Right here, right now, these specific questions, in this exact scenario.” 
“What was that, dude?” Nino asked. 
Adrien just looked at him with a hollow look in his eyes, “I, uh, I said my worst fear is working for my father for the rest of my life.” 
Marinette could barely be heard, “That’s… heartbreaking, Adrien.” The others just watched as Adrien tried to lighten the subject.
“Nah, that’s just my worst fear. It’s not what’s gonna happen.” He managed to focus on making eye contact with Marinette, “There’s nothing on that list about dream jobs, is there?” He hoped aloud.
“Actually, there is! What is your dream-”
“And THAT’S where I’m calling it in,” Adrien mumbled, his eyes bulged out of their sockets and he took a deep breath that filled his cheeks. He stood and started to walk away. “Alright, guys, I’m not feeling well, I need to leave. Right now. Immediately. Thank you. Goodbye.”
He was halfway across the courtyard in under thirty seconds. He ducked into a doorway and opened his shirt so he could see Plagg in his pocket, who was laughing incessantly.
“I don’t see what’s so funny, Plagg!”
“I do!” his Kwamii stated, “I think you found your girl!”
“Who, Marinette? No she can’t be Ladybug.”
Plagg’s face fell. “Why not?”
“Marinette is just a friend.” Plagg paused for a split second to stare at his chosen, then started laughing even harder. Adrien was about to tell him to quiet down when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He closed his shirt and whirled around, surprised, but not too surprised to see that Marinette had followed him. 
“Hey, Marinette!” Adrien put on his best “everything is fine” face, but even he could tell he wasn’t pulling it off. 
“Hey, Adrien. Are you okay? Over the course of, like, one minute your face lost all of its color.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he responded, “I just don’t feel well all of a sudden.”
Marinette made a face of understanding, but eventually spoke, “Are all these questions rubbing you the wrong way?”
Adrien was in shock. Not just from the questions, but from the company in which he answered them and the honest concern he felt from Marinette. Shit, maybe he did like Marinette as more than a friend. That thought alone freaked him out. How could he love two people at the same time? He didn’t think he was polyamorous, and thinking on that further, he was certain he wasn’t. He didn’t want two girlfriends, he just wanted one. Whether it was Marinette or Ladybug that he wanted, well that was too much to think about.
Before he could consider how to respond, Marinette interrupted his thoughts.
“Yeah, I just, my friend and I made this bet. This friend thinks they know all your answers to these questions-,”
Adrien was sure there was an end to that sentence, but he didn’t hear it.
Suddenly everything made sense. Her obsession with akumas. Always disappearing around the same time he did. The similar times of their arrivals to the site of the akumas. It could only be one person.
“Alya,” he said, breathless. 
Adrien responded, “What?” He mentally slapped himself. Of course it wasn’t Alya. Jeez, she had been akumatized! She had been used as bait for an akuma. Adrien must have been losing his mind. But even though he guessed wrong, he was on the right track. Whoever Marinette’s friend was, had to be Ladybug!
I guess it isn’t true that opposites attract, he thought, those two are so similar.
“So who is it?”
Marinette seemed confused, “Who is Alya?”
“No!” he corrected, “Who’s this friend? The one with all the answers.” 
“Oh,” Marinette panicked. She didn’t seem prepared to answer this question, which only solidified Adrien’s belief that this friend was his Lady. “I actually don’t know his name.”
Adrien blinked through his confusion. That was odd. He and Ladybug had talked about this before. Ladybug was born a woman. She identified as a woman, as well. So was Marinette trying to protect Ladybug’s identity? Pretending that her friend was a man? Smart, he guessed, just very confusing.
Marinette seemed to notice that he hadn’t responded, so she continued, “Yeah, we’re actually…. Internet friends! Yeah, we’re friends on an internet. The internet. An internet site. Yeah. We go by screennames, that’s all.” Adrien found that explanation to be a little too convenient. 
“Oh yeah? And what do you call this… boy?”
Her face drained of color, but she choked out her reply, “Black cat.”
A moment of silence later, Adrien replied. “What?”
“You know, that’s the, um, American, er English, for Chat Noir. He’s English. Well, he speaks English, he is… American.”
No… Adrien thought, But that would mean… no way!
“What’s the bet?” he asked, surprised at how sure he was.
“Oh, that? He thinks he knows all your answers to these questions. And if he wins,” she quickly added, “which he won’t! If he wins then I have to go on a date with him.”
Adrien couldn’t seem to think properly, but he was slowly realizing that his ‘liking two girls at the same time’ problem might not be much of an issue. “A date. Him and you? You specifically?”
“Yeah,” Marinette shrugged, “It’s just a stupid bet, but he seems really certain that he’ll win.”
“Well, if he does win,” Adrien sighed, letting his shoulders drop and his eyes glass over, “Then he is one lucky guy.”
Marinette stared at him. Adrien enjoyed their first bit of real eye contact. Normally looking somebody in the eyes was nerve-racking, but when those eyes were that specific shade of blue? He noticed how comforting they were. He realized maybe why. 
Because those eyes weren’t just the blue of his friend who sat behind him and always had his back in his everyday life. They were also the blue that had his back in combat. That sat with him all night long when he didn’t know which way was up. That made him laugh under the stars when he couldn’t find the humor in life anymore. All of the times he came home to a cold house with no family, he felt lonely despite his friends at school. And on those days, blue eyes, the same ones that were in front of him right now, sat with him on a ledge of the Eiffel Tower and talked with him until he felt whole again.
Marinette’s face went pinker than pink instantly. Adrien enjoyed seeing Ladybug like this. Not just with a blushing face, though he liked that too. He liked seeing Ladybug whole. All of her. Without the masks, she could actually be herself, all of herself with him. 
They stood there, both speechless, for what felt like an eternity. And then… the bell rang. Signaling the end of their lunch period. Adrien just chuckled, but his crime-fighting partner was still frozen. Alya walked up to the pair and Adrien just shrugged. Alya took Marinette’s shoulder and ushered her away. Nino did the same with Adrien, but he couldn’t pay much attention to the conversation his friend was trying to start. 
His world had just changed.
There ya go! Only three chapters left and next chapter is one for the history books! Stay tuned!
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ This Chapter ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~
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fenristheorem · 3 years
I’ve created a poll... (closed)
***Please read this before voting, it contains very important information and clarifications.
In the upcoming months I’ll be unable to work on writing or even access Tumblr sometimes for a timespan of about a couple weeks, but I don’t want to leave my blog without content for my followers / the fanbase for those few weeks. While still writing and routinely posting asks I’ve received, I’ll also begin to work on other writings that I will save to be queue posted when I’m unable to be online a lot - and that’s where this poll comes in. I don’t want to just decide to sacrifice a few asks to be posted at a later time, and I’m also interested in writing other things that I have ideas for that I think will be liked, so I’m deciding that what I write and save for a later date will be determined by whoever wishes to vote, to be sure I’m still providing interesting content that I enjoy writing during I time where I can’t write.
Deadline to vote - May 21st, 2021 at 8:00 pm EST
If this sounds interesting to you please continue reading under the cut - where you’ll also find the link - but I’d highly advise reading this all to be properly informed before voting.
Regarding what I write (for anyone unfamiliar with me): For anyone unfamiliar with my page, I would recommend giving my stuff a quick check before voting so you know a bit better about what content you’ll be voting on (the rules list and Masterlist would be a good place to get a quick but accurate idea). In a general sense, I write a lot for Lance, a bit for Leiftan and Nevra, and I’m unfamiliar with Mathieu but will write him in certain situations (but if we’re talking about letting me write whatever I want, it’ll likely be on Lance). When I say ‘general stories, headcanons, drabbles,’ etc. it’ll all still likely contain lots of Lance, so please understand that I won’t end up writing more of the other characters just because I don’t specify Lance in the options.
Regarding results: Unless one option comes out on top with an overwhelming amount of votes, I’m likely to do a small combination of two or three of the most popular options instead of only doing one. This works equally the other way - if there’s no clear difference in the results at all then I’ll do a bit of everything based on what I feel most inspired to do. Basically, I'm most likely to write a variety of options unless the votes tell me to do differently.
Other important information to know: You can choose multiple options, but you can only vote once. Be sure about your choices before voting, you won’t be able to take it back. There is a deadline for when the poll closes - it’s listed at the top of the page in bold. I will make a post once the poll is done telling the results and my plan from there.
The (4) Poll Options:
- Stock up on completed asks / requests to post during this time - These asks will be chosen by me, and I will try to contact the requestor privately to assure they’re alright with the extended posting date of their ask - however, I cannot guarantee that I’ll be able to contact everyone who asked due to the anonymous feature. If I do this option, I hope to provide a list of the asks I intend to withhold for later and if anyone recognizes their ask on the list but doesn’t wish for it to be withheld they can contact me privately regarding that, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to make a list. Depending on how long it takes me to write my current asks, some requests may be posted during this time simply because that’s how things worked out - this option is only suggesting that, in the case where I don’t have any asks that will be completed soon enough, some asks will be withheld from being posted earlier so they can be posted during this time.
- Write some general / un-requested headcanons (primarily on Lance, but maybe on other characters) that I have in mind but haven’t been able to write about - Is as the option says. I have a good amount of headcanons on Lance (and maybe on other characters if I can think of any and write them down soon enough before forgetting) that haven’t been written yet, so this is a good option for people who want to know more unprompted headcanons on Lance or have me possibly write a few on other characters (again, if I can think of any for other characters).
- Write some un-requested drabbles / scenarios / short-stories that I have inspiration for (these can be romantic, comedy, adventure, basically anything that I come up with an idea for. I’m also open to taking suggestions, but I can’t guarantee I’ll take the suggestions) - As the option says, really. These can be almost any genre (angst unlikely, but not totally out of the option) and will be decided by what I’m feeling inspired to write. I’m happy to take suggestions on what to write (you can comment your suggestions on this post or on the post I create after the deadline discussing the results) but the sooner you comment your suggestion after the deadline, the better, as it will allow me time to write it if I choose it. My default will be tagging the person who’s suggestion I used in the post to acknowledge their help; if you don’t wish to be tagged or acknowledged please state that privately or on the suggestion, whichever you prefer. I do not guarantee that any suggestions will be taken if I have some ideas already.
- Write a few short stories / drabbles / scenarios of my OC, Fenris, and the Eldarya Origins semi-AU I have her in (Her info is linked here. I really think people may like this option, so please at least read the info about it written here.) - To be straightforward and honest, this is for people who want more of Origins Lance. This stuff will contain lots of fighting (sparring with Ashkore or actual fighting), blood / violence (gore will not be descriptive but the fighting will be), bits of rough fluff and intense semi-fucked-up-relationship moments. Also small bits of cheating. It’s definitely for more mature audiences, but I have a lot of good ideas on this and not all of it will be NSFW. This isn’t a whole story, just little interesting stories to read. Basically, it’s excerpts from her time in Origins as she betrays the guard, trains under Ashkore, pursues a relationship with him and works to destroy the crystal. I have a whole semi-AU with Lance and my OC that I could write about where instead of destroying the world, they work to break the crystal in a way with spells and such so that Eldarya is fine and the dragons end up revived (I say semi because I try to change as little as possible but it’s definitely different in many vital ways). If you’re interested I would highly recommend checking out my OC’s profile to know more about her and the AU I’d be writing.
***Link to the poll here***
The dates of which I’ll be primarily offline won’t be specified, but it may be obvious based on my lack of activity and posting of stocked up writings. I may reblog during this time, though. I will create a post when I’m able to work as normal again so people know when to expect my posts to return to normal.
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