#but i usually don’t go to other people’s inbox if they haven’t come to mine first cause i don’t wanna be annoying lmaoo
uponawhitehorse13 · 18 hours
Tsukihime writing notes
Tsukihime is very interesting to write for. Especially since there is literally no x reader content for it. Usually I’d read some other stuff before writing for it myself but in this case there wasn’t anything I could use as a basis so all the headcanons are mine. I did think about writing heroine x Shiki but I didn’t really like that idea. I write x reader posts mostly because I think it’s a fun way of analysing characters without needing to think too much about another whole character and all the ways they’d interact. This is also why I always keep the reader gender neutral even if the request specified a gender since I just in general don’t think gender would influence much in a relationship. Most of my experience writing comes from essays and such which is why I haven’t done that many prompt posts and have been instead focusing on alphabet headcanons. I do have ideas for more prompt posts and even got some requests from Cosmic’s inbox since he has more than 300 requests in there. Of course I’ll be writing the requests I get when I open them. I have also been thinking about writing for characters other than the main five heroines but I’m gonna have to see if  there’s even an interest in that. I have been trying to keep the posts mostly spoiler free with some foreshadowing in case someone sees them and decides to go read the VN. I definitely will be doing more spoiler filled posts but I’ll put warnings for them. I go by the logic that anything that would be obvious from playing melty isn’t a spoiler since most people will probably play melty before the VN. Anyways I just wanted to share some notes on how I’m going to be writing the characters. Also huge thanks to Cosmic and The Light for proofreading my posts and if anyone else would be so kind as to offer proofreading services I’d really appreciate it.
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Arcueid is the easiest to write for by far. She has the most amount of official content and she has the least amount of trauma in her past that would affect a relationship. At least compared to the other heroines. Generally she just falls into the general archetype of non-human interacting with human things that you can see everywhere. I do have some interesting ideas to explore with Red Arcueid. Though I guess there wouldn’t be much difference between that and a yandere version of Arcueid.
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Ciel is incredibly fun to write. She gets a lot of nice fluffy content I can go off while still having a tragic past. After being tortured by the church and also having to deal with all the things she did while Roa was possessing her she’s really not in a good emotional state. This is why I related her to the music of NIN since it has a lot of themes of self-loathing and cognitive dissonance. She very much hates herself and feels like others should hate her too. There’s probably a constant voice in the back of her head telling her she doesn’t deserve anything and that it’d be better if she was just gone.
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Akiha presents quite a few issues. She’s the one case where a reader's gender would have an impact. Due to her upbringing she’s either homophobic or just doesn’t realise lesbian relationships exist. There’s also the issue of her being Shiki’s life support and her entire relationship with him in general. For the most part I’m probably going to ignore that just because it’s hard to fit into my writing. Vermilion Akiha is also another yandere-esque possibility for some fun writing.
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Hisui is probably the hardest to write for simply because her route isn’t really focused on her and deals more with the past of the Tohno family. Since she doesn’t leave the mansion it’s also hard to think of ways she’d even end up in a relationship. I was also thinking about how gender would impact her “never letting a man touch me” rule but to keep the experience universal I scrapped the idea. Her personality is something I think wouldn’t really change. “Old habits die hard” and all that. Honestly I don’t think it’s much more than a superficial rule she imposes onto herself. If she got touched suddenly she’d react so quickly that she wouldn’t even have time to think of the person’s gender. Did have some thoughts about her being very wary of signs of her partner being abusive but then I realised she’d probably let it happen. She feels very guilty for Kohaku suffering instead of her and even Akiha has to deal with a lot more so while she imposes the no touching rule on herself as a way of convincing herself she’s doing what Kohaku would’ve wanted the guilt would push her towards more self-sacrificial behaviour.
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Kohaku has a lot going on. The ever popular Kohakiha ship probably has the most content out of all the pairings in the game. I definitely see the appeal and I might even reference it in some works I have planned but we’ll see. Don’t think I’m gonna be writing her as toxic and manipulative though. I honestly feel if she was allowed to have a normal relationship it’d really improve her mental health. I think the game implies this too. She does say she was emotionless even before coming to the mansion but I think that’s just a consequence of her being an orphan.
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dipperscavern · 10 days
DIPPY!! I want to write something based on that one anon thing that someone sent you about the injured wanking hand. I wanted to do it when Jon burnt his hand during Ike's first or second season, and the reader, another male recruit of the night watch, figures out why he's so frustrated and in a sour mood and teases him about it before eventually lending Jon a much-needed hand. The only thing is, I don't quite know how to go about dialogue. There are so many different fics out there where dialogues are made differently. I want mine to be sorted of humorous and fluffy yet accurate for the timeline and whatnot. Any advice on going about this??
- 📵
HII BROKEN PHONE ANON!! that sounds like a wondrous idea n i’m so excited at the prospect of u writing something goodnigjt
ANYWAYS. dialogue dialogue dialogue… u tricky beast. not to toot my own horn but i haven’t much struggled with dialogue, as it’s one of those things that comes fairly easy to me (usually), but i definitely understand the struggle at first!! i would say it’s important to put emphasis on the timeline they’re in, but to also remember, they’re only human. yeah, instead of “You really think i’d do that?” it’s more like “You truly think me so capable?”, but it’s also not over complicated all the time. there’s still convos like
“Don’t know what’s gotten’ into him….”
“Aye, that lads off his rocker.”
yk? so i’d say be mindful but don’t beat yourself up over it! also, rewatching scenes/episodes of got could also help you get a feel for/reminder of how everyone (jon especially) talks :3 the dynamic and dialogue is yours to choose, so don’t worry about how other people characterize him. i wish i could provide more specific examples on how to help it be humorous n fluffy but i’m drawing blanks :( i think as you get into the zone of writing it’ll come pretty naturally, and if it doesn’t, my dms & inbox are always open if you’d like any help !! happy writing my love <3
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obiwan · 2 years
more new obikin recs pleaseeee <3
Okay this has been stewing in my inbox for a while and I think I have enough new ones. I know the last one requested the last three months and I don't want a re-do, so I'm going to do a mixture of old and new faves.
✰ (Explicit, A/B/O, Complete) Molten by @zimriya
“Was Ben my omega father?” Luke asks.
The cavernous void that is Darth Vader’s heart demands that he swallow the boy whole. “Why does it matter?” he says. “Your other father clearly never wanted you. He gave you up the minute you were born.”
One truth; one lie.
This is a continuation to a past rec., Igneous. It's still canon compliant, it's basically the rest of the story. I'd say you should give these a read even if you're not usually into a/b/o, because it doesn't really linger on the whole a/b/o usual squicks people have, and it is so beautifully done. It also has a little epilogue piece which (in my opinion) has the funniest star wars imagery. I truly recommend reading these if you love canon compliant obikin.
✰(Explicit, WIP) stars to fill my dream by hidden_humours
Given a second chance, Anakin Skywalker awakes from death--into a different world than the one that made him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a lost young padawan still finding his way, becomes apprenticed to a living legend who doesn't seem all there...
I know reverse!padawan isn't everyone's jam, but it is mine, so you get it recced. I'm really obsessed with this story (and this author, I like the way they write slightly unhinged Anakin, they have a little one shot if you don't want to read wips, I recommend checking it out) Please note that in this story, Anakin is a bit creepy so keep that in mind.
✰ (Explicit, Complete) Sanctifica Mē by @theseptemberist
Father Obi-Wan Kenobi has never desired anything more than to guide and serve his flock. He's content with his simple life—or he would be, if not for one confessor who returns again and again, pouring sickening stories into his ear, sinful and bloody. It's unbearable, but he can't bring himself to turn away. At least, not until he finally understands.
What does Anakin Skywalker truly want from him?
I know people complain about reccing popular authors but! 1)there are always new people in the fandom, and 2)there might be people who have missed it! Hooooly shit so this is *the* yandere!anakin priest fic. It’s *so* good, as always mind the tags, but hhhhhhhhhhhh priest!obi-wan. l always keep coming back to this one, if only for the writing alone (and nothing else *cough*)
✰ (Explicit, Completed) Slow Learner by @binaryeclipse​
Four times Anakin tried to fit Obi-Wan's big dick inside him and one time he managed it. or; the evolution of their sexual relationship.
I mean. Literally what it says on the tin lmaoo - but it’s so well done. It’s literally 12k of Anakin just gagging for it (how relatable,) I don’t know what else to say. As always read the tags, but also go read this fic. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) Obi-Two by Viraha
After Anakin is denied the rank of master, a mysterious phenomenon in the Force creates a baffling situation right in the middle of the same Council session. Anakin is not complaining.
Or, How Two Obi-Wan Kenobi can resolve Pretty Much Everything
I usually refrain from reccing things with only a single chapter or very early in the WIP stages but this one intrigued me so much. Usually time travel fics bring in the pada-wan version, but this one has a twist. I don’t know I’m very intrigued by this one, I’ll be watching this space. 
✰(Explicit, Complete) full throttle by spqr
“If you’re not first, you’re last,” Anakin says wisely. “Qui-Gon told me that once.”
I know it’s a (relatively) well known fic but I just read it again the other day and. HHHHHHHHHH rattling the walls of my enclosure. So it goes in this rec list, read this if you haven’t it’s so good. bark bark bark. 
✰(Teen & Up, Complete) Hands that are earnest, brave, and true by @obi-wkenobi​
On Trevo, after watching his Master be fret and fawned over by the governments elite, Obi-Wan miraculously peeled himself away from wanton eyes and returned to sit by his side, and for the first time ever, Anakin truly noticed the hands that rose to smooth back long copper hair.
Or, five times Anakin was distracted by Obi-Wan's hands, and one time that Obi-Wan noticed.
An *entire* fic about Obi-Wan’s hands y’all. It’s really soft and I’d say a feel-good fic if you’re in the mood for some fluff and love. There’s also a lot of pining (which is the draw!) but it’s all resolved in the end and it’s so beautifully done!
✰(Explicit, Complete) A Study in Tears by shatou
Anakin is used to sinking into the comfort of Obi-Wan’s arms when he is in tears. Obi-Wan is used to offering it. Neither of them realizes the moment when habit tips into heat-haze, but their acceptance for each other is boundless all the same.
(or: five times anakin gets aroused by accident when he’s crying and being comforted by obi-wan… and one time obi-wan does)
BARK HOWL CRY etc. God this fic, it really is one of *the* ones for me. I really enjoy this author’s work, but this particular fic. You know what I love, when a kink that could be considered niche, or could easily be done in a very tacky/porny way is done so intricately and artfully it just. Hhhhhhhhh it’s really good. Really good. 
✰(Explicit, Complete) Beer and Paint by @intermundia​
Artist!AU - it’s a part of a collection (go read all of it if you haven’t already) this is the latest stand alone chapter!
As it’s written, it’s inspired by Hayden in Life as a House, and it’s soooo delicious. Perfect mixture of hot/angsty/sweet. The atmosphere is set *so* well for a relatively shorter fic, as always i’m in awe, this was really good. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) if this isn’t nice, what is? by Anonymous​
"Your form has been improving remarkably quickly, Anakin," Obi-Wan said on the sparring platform one afternoon, as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. "Don't tell me you've actually been listening to the healer for once and doing your physical therapy."
In his adrenaline-addled mind, it took Anakin a moment to sort out what his master was talking about, but eventually his gaze drifted down to his lightsaber, or, more accurately, to the mechno-hand that held it.
"Um," he said. "Something like that."
Or, once he could hold a lightsaber again, it took Anakin maybe three days to learn how to jerk off with the new metal hand.
Again, what it says on the tin. It’s really well done though, I can’t wait for it to be completed. Tbh personally I really enjoy stories around Anakin’s mechno arm, and this one...well. I really really like it. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) toss overboard what is too heavy to carry by @tennessoui​​
In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Palpatine dead and untold tragedy averted, the Republic struggles to heal and rebuild itself.
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi attempt to do the same with their own relationship, riddled as it has become with betrayal, distrust, and hurt. It's not going too well. Desperate and unwilling to accept that maybe their friendship is ruined, Anakin finds a counselor they can talk to, one that specializes in healing "teams."
Or, as the counselor would probably put it, married couples, which they are decidedly not. Not that she knows that though. And not that they know that she thinks they're in a romantic relationship either. What a silly assumption to make. It's not like they're more intimate than lovers or anything.
YOOOOOOOO God this fic this fic!!!!!! I don’t know if I need to rec Kit’s fics honestly, as with some other authors I can feel people going “yes we are aware of this fic” but as I said, I want to do an honest list lol. Listen this one really has the potential to end me I don’t know. I’m really into the premise, the setting, the dialogue, the everything. 
✰(Explicit, Complete)  sink into the dunes by @starsdies​​​
“How about now, my young Padawan?” Anakin shivers, the title in Obi-wan’s chiding voice taunting him. Like he already knows. “Do you need me now too?”
This has every single trope I can want in a fic - first time, virginity kink, canon-verse!!!!!! I love their dynamic in this, especially love how suave Obi-Wan is. The tone, the setting, the dialogue... chef’s kiss.  
✰(Explicit, Complete)  on high by @treescape​​​​
Anakin breaks once they’re in the turbolift, alone, a dozen stories beneath the Council chamber and climbing steadily downwards.
“Are you even going to look at me?” he blurts out into the heavy silence, his own eyes fixed straight ahead. Obi-Wan stands still as stone beside him, but for the rise and fall of his chest, their shoulders just a breath from touching. His hands are folded into the sleeves of his robes, the very image of the calm Jedi Master.
It’s infuriating. It makes Anakin want to fidget, makes him want to run the edges of his own sleeves between his fingers and twist just for something else to focus on, but he catches himself just in time.
He doesn’t want to give Obi-Wan the satisfaction of sensing him squirm.
Or, Anakin returns from a series of missions and thinks Obi-Wan is angry with him.
Obi-Wan being angry with Anakin because he’s being too reckless is *my jam* I love this trope of one of them being too worried about the other one because they’re too reckless!!! This is beautifully written as always, I genuinely love angry!obi-wan so much, possibly one of my favourite obi-wans. 
✰(Explicit, WIP)  the trouble with wanting by @travellingcircus​​​​
Anakin is an alpha with few hobbies, chief among them watching his favourite omega and amateur videographer Ben showcase his many, many talents. Anakin tells himself he isn't obsessed, but when he finds out Ben is a lot closer to him than he realises, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. That is, Ben's sweet little ass--even if Ben turns out to be Anakin's stuffy, buttoned-up Lit professor.
Ahhhh last but not least! Mind the tags, again with a bit of a darker Anakin in this one, but I am so obsessed with the story telling aspect and I’ll be hones the idea of ~professor kenobi being on cam on the side is just. You know. They also have a couple other stories as a part of the obikin fest s1 which you should check out! 
Oookay, this was it for me this time! I know I’m probably missing some great content out there, but I don’t want to rec anything I haven’t personally read. As always, please mind the tags before you read a story, and don’t read it if you see anything that might potentially trigger you. 
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
Well in the start, you did say it would be more of on crack and fun side and with the bullet point format that it would be different. And now seeing the story progressing into angst along with their behavior (along with your replies to the asks) made me ask you to warn me about it already . Sorry if I offended you in the start.
yes i did say that because of the format it’s written in, there’s use of emojis and incorrect punctuation and reader’s inner thoughts are supposed to be humorous thats where the crack happens
however if you actually read the story, - like i said this story started out as a request meaning anyone can request an idea for the story - people started asking for jealous jk and a more angsty approach and i went with that because i was freestyling and i didn’t mind using ideas because coming up w everything on your own when you’re pumping out daily updates isn’t easy
if you check the masterlist it says the genre is slowburn, angst, fuckboy!jk & e2l
in the warnings i - again - mention angst, jungkook is toxic, arguing, jealousy, stuff like that
and it’s been in there since like the 2nd or 3rd drabble (so very early on) so idk why you wanted me to personally warn you when i’ve made it clear
what i wanna say is that if you generally do not like fuckboy aus, you’re not gonna like this one. fuckboy aus are repetitive and the same and i think people think coming into my inbox and being like ‘i don’t like fuckboy aus but yours is really blah blah’ is a compliment but really it puts pressure on me, it makes me feel like y’all will only read it if it’s written in a certain way when i know it’s not gonna be
i don’t wanna wake up in a few weeks to disappointed anons who are gonna be like i didn’t want this to happen or this ruined the story or blah blah when the things that happened, happen repeatedly in fuckboy aus - just because you decided to read something you don’t like because it seemed different in the beginning
fuckboy aus are always gonna be the same, angsty and toxic. suddenly liking mine doesn’t make sense to me and maybe that’s because we haven’t gotten that far yet but i just don’t like being told you usually wouldn’t read something but you read mine when i know it’s inevitably going to change into what you hate
toapp!jungkook is toxic. reader is also not 100% in the right. jungkook will hurt reader. reader will provoke jungkook. jungkook and reader will have fights, will have moments where they hate each other, will have moments where they fall out, use other people to piss each other off. all of it is inevitable in a fuckboy au
you didn’t offend me, don’t worry, it’s just that it’s confusing. telling someone that’s actively writing a fuckboy au that you don’t usually read fuckboy aus (not only you, a lot of anons said that so im speaking in general) is more pressuring than it is a compliment. please don’t do that. you either avoid reading fics you dislike or you admit that you do like them but there’s no need to bring to an author’s attention that you usually hate the kind of story the author is currently writing. it’s just not a very fun ask to receive because now i feel pressured to keep you engaged
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped 2022
Tagged by multiple people for multiple things but I think @radio-chatter  was the one who tagged me for AO3 wrapped (sorry I’ve been…uh distracted, busy and sick which has not been a good combination for getting around to inboxes or replies). Thanks for tagging me everyone—it really does make me smile to see people thinking of me.
Okay. So.  Tagging whoever wants to play along?  @monsterrae1 @tkwritesdumbassassins @missanniewhimsy @outtoshatter @elisela @muffinsandsweets @quietborderline @bwtch or anyone else.  No pressure. 
Works Published: total or things that got a chapter yeeted this calendar year? I have 21 works that have had at least a chapter published in 2022.  My total number of works (as of December 22nd) is 46 on AO3.
Word Count: Sadly I don’t track this from year to year so I’m just going by my total word count on AO3 stats page: 1,277,012. Which wow.  I am wordy. I am vaguely remembering I was right around the million word mark last year but I might be hallucinating that from all the cold medication I’m on. 
Hits: Again I don’t track this (both for my sanity and the hit my vanity would take on the wide margin swings for my favorite pieces vs things that are just in big fandoms). According to the stats page my total hits is 131,627. 
Bookmarks: That I made or others made?  My total bookmarks (of fics I liked enough to add them to my personal collection) is 1,009.  The total number of times my works have been bookmarked by someone is 2,487.
Most Popular by Kudos: Shocking nobody, this is Family, Familia, ‘Ohana at 1,373.  Again I do not keep track of my stats other than posts like this one. 
Most Hits: Also Family, Familia, ‘Ohana at 38,202.  It’s in a popular fandom with  a popular pairing. *shrugs*.  
Longest: Well…. Does this have to have updated this year?  My longest work ever remains An Andromeda Tale at 673,530 words.  If we’re talking this year… it’s FFO at 120,488 words (it beats out the Outlaw and the Cartel Boss by 15k published words—even if I think my unpublished word count would make Outlaw overtake FFO)
Shortest: Ha.  For once this is both this year and ever.  Blackmail Material is 334 words. 
Most Comments: An Andromeda Tale and FFO are tied at 127 comment threads total each.  Again, I don’t really track my stats year by year but I would probably say that if we’re just talking this year it’s probably FFO as I haven’t updated AAT in over a year.  Just assume I am wearing a very ashamed face when I say that. 
Fic that made me cry: er… none of mine.  I have been known to shed a tear or two reading someone else’s angst fic but I try not to emotionally damage myself while writing—ie I take a break if I’m getting too worked up. If we’re talking tears of frustration over how something isn’t working…. Yeah…. Um…. We’re not going to talk about that. *whispers: ALL OF THEM*
Fic that made me smile: All of them and yet none of mine. Cackle—yes, of course when I put in a detail that I think is particularly devious.  Sighs of relief that I’m done?  Yes.  Smiling…. Maybe. 
Gifts: 3.  Death, Rebirth and the Jackal for @tkwritesdumbassassins, Searching for Absolution for @radio-chatter and @missanniewhimsy, and The Marks We Leave on One Another for @radio-chatter and @quietborderline
Collaborations: I’m not sure how to wholly define this… if we’re talking co-written with someone I’d say zero.  However, the usual RC Collective server is often where I go to work out a problem I’m having with plot points on various works.  @tkwritesdumbassassins has been a sounding board for Jackal which is why it’s gifted to them. @radio-chatter and @quietborderline are as always my MReyder peeps and I owe them thanks on most of those works for allowing me to rant/rave about things until I work out my problems. 
Events:  MReyder week and Marrish Appreciation Week. 
Coming in 2023:  finishing one of my longer works?  Adding at least a chapter to all the new WIPS I added because of Mreyder week. I really need to finish some wips in 2023.  I have also been vaguely toying with a complete re-write of AAT and chopping it up into more manageable chunks but that’s going to be a huge project…. So maybe I should just finish some of the smaller wips first.  Promise Me You Won’t Let Me has about 2-3 chapters left which are 1/2 written so it’s looking likely for the first part of the year.  Also want to get a big chunk of To Follow done.  First quarter 2023 should see at least one chapter of FFO and I want to finish Mana’olana by spring break. I’m also trying to get certain things on regular updating schedules: To Catch a Fallen Star (Sterek Stardust fic), Outlaw, Cousin Harvey and Jackal. 
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IMPORTANT FOR PERSONALS AND EVERYONE ALIKE: Do not reblog any threads that you’re not apart of!  I’ve had this happen to me too many times and I’ve gotten tired with messaging people who refuse to take my posts down.  If you do this, I WILL BLOCK YOU.
For Personals: While I will not write threads with you?  I’m still fine with you sending asks and questions for my muses.  Even though this is an RP blog, this account is still considered an Ask blog too in my eyes.
Don’t try and spam me if I haven’t gotten back to replying to your thread.   
I usually reply to 1-2 threads a day, just to keep myself from burning out too quickly.  Most replies that you DO get from me will usually turn up within a two week time span.  However, you’re allowed to message me once or twice if I forgotten to get back to your thread within a month.  Sometimes I do tend to forget threads if I’m busy, or tend to drop them suddenly due to time constraints or I’m just not feeling for it anymore. However, if you feel I haven’t gotten to you in a while and you want to keep a certain thread going? Feel free to let me know.
Don’t get angry at me if I haven’t replied to your thread right away.  I’m human as well, you know.
I am NOT a RP meme achieve!  Please do not reblog RP Memes from me if you’re not intending to send one in return.  I’ve seen it done so many times on here that it just really hurts people only use me for that sort of content.  If you want to use/save it for later (like Reblogging/Liking it), go to its source, not my own reblog!  I don’t need that stuff clogging my notifications. Consider this as a warning: I WILL softblock or hardblock you if you continue to do this repeatedly.  This rule isn’t here for show!
I will NOT put up with having my muse(s) being controlled by others.  If it’s something minor though?  Please just ask.
My ideals and morals are not to be reflected in that of the expression/actions/and thoughts of my muse(s).
Please do not accept my muse(s) as a lover/spouse. If you wish to discuss on wanting to ship your muse/OC with mine? Please come into my DMs to discuss it with me first before you just decide to force your mind upon mine. No offense to you, I want to plot details out before I just have my OC jumping into a relationship with a stranger.
I am open to any story genres, but I’m semi selective when it comes to smut writing.  It just depends on the context.  If I ever feel uncomfy, I WILL let you know.
I’m also a Multi-ship blog, any ship that takes place here is fine by me.  However I will not ship minors with my muse(s).
Please do not harass me or send in anon hate.  You will be blocked instantly if I see that at all in my inbox.
Do not try to bring me into any personal drama of yours, especially with other users.
I do not accept oneliners.  I find it very hard to work with replies that are very short, as it doesn’t give me much to work with.  The only exceptions for this rule are asks or people sending rp memes.
Please don’t spam my notifications with a bunch of likes every 30 seconds. Unless you’re a close mutual, this type of behavior can get really annoying after a bit. I will not hesitate to block you.  (Liking things every now and then is fine.  It’s just when it overtakes my entire notification box is the issue.)
If you gotten this far and read this entire page: Let me know by sending “Are you Divine?” In my inbox then!
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electracraft · 4 years
:o happy birthday!! and good luck getting ur drivers license :) i hope u have a great day 💕💗 -notfoundgeorge
thank you so much!! yeah i’m kinda scared of getting a drivers license cause i know i will suck but thanks!
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saffyspirals · 3 years
about: every time you think you’re over him, he (unknowingly) does something to make you fall for him over again. alternative about: stuff they do to make it impossible for you to stop crushing on them.
a/n: i’m back, with my first tokyorev post of 2022! it’s been SO long, i know, and i’m sorry! lost my mojo, but i’m all good now. clearing out my inbox to start a fresh for the new year, so request away!
2nd a/n: i’m the friend who will tell you they’re over their crush, then come back hours later and explain why they have to take the previous statement back.
includes: wakasa, ran, mikey, sanzu, chifuyu, mitsuya, shinichiro, baji, hanma, takemichi, smiley, koko, inui, draken, rindou, hakkai, kazutora, takuya, akkun, angry & izana!
wakasa, he — out of nOWHERE calls you cute. you hear him mutter it under his breath, then when you ask him to repeat it, he will. “said you look cuter than usual today. whatever you did, it’s working.” (it’s working? wth does that even mean?!!)
the teacher left your class to go print some papers or something, and someone starts up a class discussion about love. one of the guys asks you if you’re single, and before you can reply, ran jumps in; “nope! y/n is all mine ;)”
mikey hears rumours that you have a crush on someone else and decides to confront you. the rumours aren’t true (i mean, you just stopped liking him), of course. “i heard you like [——-]. what’s so great about him though? people like…i don’t know, me for example are way better!”
you’re walking home with sanzu, and the topic of kissing comes up. he asks if you’ve ever kissed anyone, then calls you a good girl when you tell him you haven’t.
chifuyu goes beet red when the waiter in a cafe he takes you to mistakes you for a couple and recommends you get the extra large milkshake with two straws.
mitsuya DOESN’T correct his little sisters when they start referring to you as you their future sister-in-law. he claims that it’s because his sisters are at the age where they throw tantrums if whenever they get things wrong, but…the twinkle in his eye gives you hope that there’s another reason why he didn’t correct them.
shinichiro suddenly hugs you from behind and asks; “how’s my favourite girl doing?”
when participating in a game of fuck, marry, kiss, baji completely disregards the other two girls involved in the question and says he’d only kiss, marry and fuck you. (he didn’t realise you were listening…your desk isn’t that close to his, but he was talking pretty loud).
hanma has a go at the teacher when he doesn’t put you two together in the new seating plan. he throws a tantrum like a mf child, but actually gets what he wants in the end because your teacher is tired of his noise.
takemichi overhears you complaining about having a bad hair day. “i think your hair looks really pretty though”. he says it without thinking, which gets him embarrassed when he realises what he’s just said, which makes you embarrassed about him being embarrassed—
smiley manages to steal the manga you’re reading from your hands and holds it above your head like a little shit. doesn’t give it back until you admit he’s got the cutest face ever!
you fall up the stairs in front of koko but his laugh is so cute and contagious that you can hardly feel the sting in your knees.
inui asks to share your textbook since he forgot his at home. sits waaay closer than he needs to but that doesn’t matter in the slightest since he smells so divine.
there’s a surprise pop quiz in class, and you just know you failed it. draken, the king of comforting, throws an arm around your shoulder, leans in towards your ear, and promises he probably failed too.
rindou hands you all of his pocket change when he notices you’re struggling to come up with enough coins to get your favourite snack from the vending machine. he’s given way too much, but he insists you keep it, “for the next time your stupid ass forgets to bring money and i’m not around to help.”
you feel like you’ve gotten over him just before your birthday. on the actual day, hakkai gifts you with the sweetest present ever: first, he utters actual words to you; “h-happy birthday, l/n.” second, the actual gift he gives you are a bunch of cards. on each card is a bunch of stuff he’s wanted to say all the time that you’ve been friends, but has been too shy to actually voice to you.
kazutora asks to compare hand sizes, then intertwines your fingers when you’ve put them together. “i just wanted to see what it was like to hold your hand. you don’t mind, right?”
takuya notices that you like wearing rings, and randomly decides to gift you with another. “i thought this silver one would go with the other two you usually wear. what do you think?”
you’ve come into school, hair done badly because you couldn’t be asked to do it nicely, when akkun spots you. he helps you do your hair properly before class. every so often for the rest of the day, you catch him looking at you. each time he’s caught, he goes all red and looks away! (i assume he’s admiring his handiwork!!)
one of your friends pushes you into angry. his hand skips around your waist to steady you. it’s so brief, but he just has the softest look on his face when your eyes meet. he lets you go, clears his throat, and tells you to be more careful next time.
izana pretends he’s stuck on the homework questions so that he can hear you talk. he openly admits that that’s exactly what he was doing when he’s found out too.
[here’s my masterlist ! ]
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
falling for you ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki / cherry blossom
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➣ genre: fluff, slight comedy
➣ warnings: cursing
➣ a/n: i’m far too in love with this man. i can’t help myself. also if you have anything you want me to write, send it to my inbox!
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- he first met you at "S," seeing you stood by langa and reki
- his silky pink hair flowed behind him in the wind, his bangs lifting to reveal his golden eyes. those golden orbs are locked on you the entire time he skates closer to you
- the lack of bickering that usually arose between cherry and joe had caught joe's attention
- joe notices cherry's gaze on a particular y/h/c. he almost snorts, almost, but, being a teasing lil bitch kidding, he decides to jab at cherry's side
- "hey, do you see that girl over there? she's cute, isn't she?"
- the bubblegum-colored hair male glares holes into his friends head
- "i'm sure she wouldn't be interested in a muscle-brained gorilla like yourself"
- skates off into the distance, further closing the gap between the two of you
- girls and guys start cheering for and fawning over cherry, as well as joe. this catches your attention because you're surprised mostly by the fawning of the people. honestly, you wouldn't say that anyone you've seen there is worthy of so much attention, excluding your two best buds: langa and reki.
- you're actually older than reki and langa by 3 years. you met reki on coincidence.
- you had borrowed your friend's skateboard to cruise around the town. you had felt overwhelmed with all that had been going on in your life, and you wanted to find an escape. your friend, wanting to help you with that mission, offered the board, saying "it's really fun and gets your mind off of things whenever you need." obviously, you took up on the offer because it was a nice spring day: the sun out and the bright colors of nature and the city filling your misty eyes.
- you skated by the skate park and saw a particular redhead practicing ollies and other tricks. you were impressed by the skill he had portrayed, yet you were also envious of how light he seemed, how his eyes twinkled with joy. your gaze must've rested too long on the boy because he approached you soon after.
- reki, later on, introduced you to langa, bringing you to where you were today
- you came to "S," though unwillingly, to support langa in his beef against another fellow skater
- honestly, you detested that your younger friends were participating in illegal activities but never brought it up because you saw how happy they looked whenever they spoke about the beefs
- anYWAYS-
- looking into the distance, you see a masked man in a white yukata, hair flowing behind him, and a green haired, shirtless, buff man skating closer
- "who's that?" you ask your friends
- "oh! that's cherry blossom and joe. they are the founding members of "S." cherry has an ai board, and joe has incredible power," reki pips
- you nod, acknowledging the two men as they stepped off of their skateboards
- “well hello there,” the green haired man winks at you
- “hi,” you flush, eyes wandering between his gaze and his bare chest
- “what’s a pretty little lady like yourself doing with these two kids?”
- “uh-”
- reki tries to jump joe but is held back by langa because we know that reki doesn’t stand a chance against big muscle man
- joe gets all up and comfy with you, flexing his muscles and talking about who knows what
- your attention was mostly on the blue-nette friend of yours. you were still very anxious about this entire thing
- “she’s not even paying attention to you anymore, you idiot,” the masked man speaks
- embarrassed that they noticed your rude behavior, you begin to excessively apologize
- “no, please don’t apologize. i should’ve realized you were worried about your friends,” joe says modestly
- “there’s no need to worry about snow. he’s fully capable of staying safe. we’ve seen him skate many times, and he always comes out in one piece. i’m sure you’ll be impressed as well,” cherry says in his monotonous tone
- “snow?” you tilt your head to the side in confusion
- when i tell you cherry MELTED, i mean that he MELTED
- stomach? churning. heart? fluttering. cheeks? flushing. hotel? trivago
- bRO, why are you SO FUCKING ADORABLE
- “snow is langa,” joe explains when he notices cherry’s flustered silence
- “ohhhhhh-”
- “actually, i’ve just realized. we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. call me joe,” he looks expectantly at his friend
- “you may call me cherry,” the man thanked the lords that he wore a mask because if he wasn’t, you’d see the obvious rose tint on his cheeks
- “i’m y/n! i came here with reki and langa.”
- to say cherry’s heart broke in that moment would be an understatement. his heart was more so shattered and pulverized.
- did i just fall for a minor? FU-
- “but i’m older than them, of course.”
- lemme just pick up the shards of my broken heart and re-piece it back together
- you barely talked to cherry that night his fault for acting so cold, but you were intrigued by the man. i mean he skates on a talking skateboard, how can you not?
- cherry leaves “S” that night, regretting all his life decisions because instead of talking to you, he avoided you
- who knows when’s the next time he’d meet you?
- lmao, SiKe
- you walk into sakurayashiki calligraphy, awkwardly waiting to be interviewed
- his pink hair meets your eyes, the long, silky hair framing the man’s pale face. a pair of glasses rest on the bridge of his nose, enhancing his golden eyes. he is clad in a navy blue yukata
- hm, he looks familia-
- you almost gasp aloud, as you realize who he is
- not wanting to jump to conclusions, you ask, “have we met before?”
- kaoru is freaking out, though he hides it well under his professional mask
- what the heck? she’s the one looking for a job here?
- “yes, we have, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about”
- yiKeS, nice first impression on your, hopefully, new boss, y/n
- throughout the entire interview, you impressed him with the slightest of things
- you were beyond professional and exactly what he looked for in employees
- damn it. why is she so perfect?
- you walk out of the building with the brightest smile on your face, ecstatic with the news that you had been hired
- kaoru follows closely behind you, acting gentlemanly as he leads you out
- “thank you so, so much. i promise i will work my hardest to make your business even stronger and better than before”
- “no, the honor’s all mine. i can tell that you’ll become a valuable asset”
- you’re bowing your head and thanking him to a crazy amount that he starts to worry that you’re getting dizzy
- mustering up all the courage he could, he speaks up, “actually, i don’t really like talking about the skating half of my life...”
- you mutter a genuine apology for bringing it up before
- “it’s alright, but i was wondering if you wanted to go to “S” with me next time. i understand if you decline. i won’t fire you for it,” he tries to add a joke to lighten his tense mood
- you giggle at his nervous and awkward behavior, “good to know i won’t get fired if i say no, but sure! i wouldn’t mind going again. it’s a good opportunity to let me watch over reki and langa—”
- “that-that’s great,” he sighs with relief
- “—and i can get to know you better,” you mutter quietly under your breath
- he flushes, hearing what you said perfectly
- “i wouldn’t mind that either”
- you couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about the soft smile on kaoru’s face, whilst kaoru was busy sleeping, lost in his dreams of you and him together
- the both of you couldn’t wait to get to know each other more
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Hues of Gold
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request : do a billy russo x reader with the reader having an art job and them meeting due to that somehow
Warnings: none 
A/N: Here it is, my first Billy x Reader. I'll be getting to the prompts in my inbox too but still feel free to send me more requests. You don't need to pick from the prompt lists, if you have an idea then just send it on over. Nothing is off limits and I write for every type of Billy. S1 Billy, S2 Billy, pre-show Billy, all the AU Billy's you can think of lmao Gimme them all.
You tilted your head a little, eyes sweeping across the paint on the easel in front of you. The piece was coming together nicely. You'd started at humble beginnings with your artwork as a street artist. You hadn't been able to afford art school and you didn't feel like people needed to if they just felt it. And you did. You'd been a hit with your expressionist art and before you knew it, you were getting wealthy clients and more money. Now you had your own little studio with an apartment on top. It wasn't flashy but it was yours and you loved it. The work you thought was good enough for your new clients would go up on your website, they'd buy them and then you'd send them off to their new home. It was simple and you got to spend every day painting to your heart's content. 
You bit your lip as you mixed two golds together to get the perfect shade you were after. Some of your pieces were weirder than others, others being more realistic or using average colors. Some of them were darker in theme or used more vibrant colors with looser shapes. It was all dependent on how you felt when making it. The one currently being worked on wasn't finished by any means. Oil paint often required many layers and getting it to dry in between time. But if someone was to gauge your mood by this one, well… they'd say you were most likely sexually frustrated. It was a naked woman laying on her back on rumpled sheets, just her torso and a bit of her leg to leave the rest to the imagination. Her male counterpart was pressed up against her as the bodies melded together, his hand gripping her thigh. The colors you'd picked for this were hues of red, orange, yellow and gold, making it look like the couple were set ablaze. The epitome of passion. It was coming along nicely. 
Your work cell rang breaking you from your thoughts. You gave your hand a quick wipe on the ratty towel next to you as you picked it up, answering with your full name. 
"Hi, I'm lookin' for some art and I've heard you're the girl to go to," a smooth voice came through the phone. The fact that someone recommended this guy to you made you smile. It always did. It meant people were pleased with your work. 
"I am. Have you checked the website? That's where my current pieces are," you murmured softly.
"I did but… I haven't really found the one yet. And a friend of mine tells me you've got a bunch of exclusive stuff at your studio," he replied.
You glanced around your studio. He wasn't wrong entirely although you wouldn't call them exclusives. You'd call them rejects if you were honest. Your new clientele were more demanding and it made you second guess your pieces more often than you'd like to admit. This led to many of them finding a home in your studio instead. You were unsure who the man's friend was as typically you didn't have people come to the studio. It was a very rare occurrence and you couldn't imagine him being interested in any of these pieces. But a customer was a customer.
"You're more than welcome to come down and look at them. I'm not sure you'll find what you're looking for though, I've kept them offline because they're in the reject pile," you snorted wryly. His smooth chuckle was soothing as it hit your ears and you nibbled on your lower lip.
"Well I'll be the judge of that," you didn't know what he looked like but you could hear the smirk in his voice. You told him the address before hanging up.
You were a little nervous of someone coming into your space and judging the art you'd already deemed not worth putting up for sale, but you decided to roll with it. It was too late now and it wouldn't be a good look for your business to tell the guy he couldn't come. You decided to continue the piece you were working on to keep your mind occupied, having no idea just when the man would decide to show, or if he would at all. 
It was an hour later when the large wooden door knocked and you called out that it was open. You stood up and wiped your hands on the towel again, not that it helped much. You were sure you had paint on every part of you, it was half the fun of making art. The man walked in and you were a little surprised by just how handsome he was. He was dressed to the nines in a suit with his hair slicked back, the sides shorter than the top. He certainly looked like your usual clients but you couldn't remember any of your fancier clients ever bothering to call you, never mind actually coming to see your other pieces. 
The smile he shot you was disarming and you replied in kind as you walked over to him. You reached out your hand to shake with his before retracting it rapidly when you noticed just how much of a poor job the towel had done. He seemed amused if his chuckle was anything to go by and you snorted.
"Uh… welcome. Feel free to look around. I haven't really got prices for these since I wasn't gonna sell them so I'll settle for whatever," you shrugged with a smile. Anything was better than nothing that you were getting by keeping them here. Besides, you were pretty sure he wouldn't even like any of them. 
You didn't want to crowd him as he looked around so you went right back to your easel and sat on the stool. He walked around leisurely, stopping at each piece and looking at them. Your eyes kept flitting to him without meaning to, you weren't sure if it was how attractive he was or the nerves of having someone assessing your work this way. Maybe both. He didn't strike you as an art kind of guy honestly. Most of the rich clients weren't, they just wanted a statement piece for their walls for people to talk about. There wasn't anything wrong with that of course, but you'd be a liar if you said you didn't miss it back as a street artist when people bought a piece simply because it spoke to them and they loved it. Onwards and upwards though, right? 
"So… who's the friend? That told you I had stuff here?" You asked after a moment, unable not to because your curiosity was getting the better of you. He glanced over at you from where he stood and smiled. 
"Curtis," he replied. Your eyebrows raised a little with that information. You'd met Curtis back when you were a street artist and he bought something for the group he was running. He was a nice guy and he checked in every so often with you. You wouldn't say you were friends but you really liked him and you had some good conversations. You couldn't imagine Curtis being friends with this man though.
Noticing the shock on your face, the man chuckled.
"We served together when I was in the marines. He's a good guy, one of my closest friends," he supplied. 
"You were a marine?" You hadn't meant to ask like it was such an absurd notion but it came out anyway. You just hadn't expected it He looked amused though and he nodded.
"Yeah. When I got out I set up my own private military firm, ex military people with no purpose. I give 'em somethin' to fight for. A brotherhood. We're doin' pretty well," he had a bright smile on his face, gesturing to his suit when he said they were doing well and you found yourself smiling back. 
"You must be really proud. It's amazing that you're doing that for them. I mean… I never served or anything but Curtis tells me about some of the guys from his group sometimes. I bet you really help them," you said sincerely. You had no clue what it must be like to serve and you knew you didn't have the stomach for it. But some of the things Curtis had told you had made you sad and you were impressed that the man had set up something like this on his own. Something to help others just like him. He shot you another smile before going back to looking at the artwork and you couldn't take your eyes off him. 
Figuring he'd catch you looking at him, you forced yourself to focus on adding more gold to the art you were working on. You weren't sure how long had passed until he spoke again and it startled you. You'd almost forgotten he was there.
"This one is… interesting. I like this one," he mused, eyes on the work on your easel as he stood beside you. Your cheeks tinged a little pink at the phrasing he used but you recovered quickly. 
"Thanks. I like this one too but… it won't end up on the website. The last erotic piece I put on there apparently offended people," you said with a wry grin. He laughed, the sound low and short but his eyes went to you then. Holy shit, his eyes are… wow. 
"Well it definitely doesn't offend me. How long will it take to finish?" He asked as his obsidian orbs went back to the painting.
"A couple of days at most. It's almost done and then it needs to dry and be sealed," it was nice talking about your work with someone, even as mundane as when it would be complete. You missed that interaction since you got the studio.
"I'll take it. How much?" he flashed you a smile that made your stomach flip around on you and you bit your lip with a smile back. 
"That's up to you," you shrugged. You never bothered putting prices on pieces you knew you wouldn't sell and you hadn't expected to sell this piece. Even the prices on the website felt too much for you but it was born from the first wealthy clients and what they thought your pieces were worth. You just rolled with it, it wasn't like they'd miss it, right? 
He hummed, the sound deep in his throat as he got out his wallet. You mused he must want it mailed to him when it was done for him to pay now rather than later but you were happy it was cash and not card. He handed you some bills and you counted it quickly, eyes widening as you blinked up at him.
"I can't take this. This is more than the pieces online," you frowned, holding out the money back to him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, shrugging his shoulders.
"You said it was up to me," he replied with an easy smirk. Would you really sit there and argue with him about getting more money for it? No. But you were shocked he thought it was worth that much. 
"I… thank you, sir," you smiled, stuffing the money into your pocket. 
"Billy," he clarified, smirk still in place. 
"Billy," you corrected with a shy smile. Something glittered in his dark eyes as you tested the sound of his name and he raked his teeth over his lower lip. Despite the fact you'd already given him your full name on the phone, you gave him your first name again  and he mimicked you as he tested it out. Why did it sound so good coming from his mouth? 
You cleared your throat, his intense stare was getting a little too much and you stood, walking over to the big table against the wall, grabbing a pen and pad. 
"You can leave your details, I can mail it to you when it's done," you handed them to him and he twirled the pen around in his long fingers with ease.
"I'll leave my number. I'd like to come pick it up when it's done, if that's okay?" He asked as he scribbled his name and digits down. 
"Are you sure? It's not an issue shipping it out," you replied as he passed you back the pen and pad. 
"I'm sure. It gives me an excuse to see you again," he smirked, dark eyes boring into yours as your cheeks turned pink. He chuckled and with that he was out the door and you were left stood there gaping where he went. Did he really just…? 
You stood there a moment longer, a smile working its way onto your face before you shook your head and sat back down at your easel. You glanced at the painting before setting to work and getting it finished. You couldn't wait for it to be done so Billy would come back. He was intriguing and you found yourself thinking of him as you continued your work. 
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Hiking Buddy // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Once upon a time you could joke that quaratine bordom was the cause of the mass amount of 2020 pregnancies. Well you could until you found yourself in the same boat...or shall we say crib?? Go on the journey as Y/N reveals the pregnancy to Charlie and later their friends.
Warnings: Swearing, talk of vomiting, pregnancy, and fluff.
Words: 2.5k
Requested: Yes. Anon
A/N: Someone asked for dad!Charlie and I couldn’t resist.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
I take requests as well!
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Pulled from deep in your chest was a groan at the dizziness rushing from the bedroom into the bathroom. The tile floor cool to the touch as your body was flush on the bathroom floor recovering from the bout of sickness. The fortunate thing about the pandemic was that you had no obligations taking you out of the home. Sitting up, you sat back against the white porcelain tub grimacing at the bitter aftertaste of your date with the toilet.
Slowly you found your grounding enough to shakily stand on two feet to brush your teeth to get rid of the nasty aftertaste. Your eyes found the pale expression of your reflection fading as nausea faded as well.
“This is tainting naps for me.” You muttered under your breath, washing your hands before proceeding to splash your face.
Your social media had been flooded with many people in your personal life and celebrities announcing pregnancies. You and Charlie often made teasing remarks about if people were so bored. Guess you couldn’t joke about it anymore.
Your hand splayed across the bare skin under the band shirt hanging loose on your form with a small smile. It had been a hectic year getting married to Charlie while filming the first season of Julie and the Phantoms. The plan had been to wait a few years to enjoy your careers and marriage before children. Get more established in the film industry as a woman was necessary, but you couldn’t get mad. This child would be a gift.
“I’d appreciate if I don’t have gross cravings okay? I have to put up with your dad’s questionable food combinations. I may throw up looking at it.” You muttered smiling at the smooth skin you couldn’t wait to grow into a bump.
At the beginning of the pandemic, you, along with Charlie, had flown back to Canada. Living outside of city limits, Charlie was able to still hike and meet up with family in a safe condition. You grew more as a couple as well.
Turning the light off in the bathroom, you made your way to slip your faux fur lined grey and burgundy moccasins—the mid-afternoon sun shining through the windows of the bedroom giving a picturesque view of the forest. Charlie was more than likely in the home gym you had thrown together once arriving at the home.
“I have an idea a little one.” You spoke to the little life you carried inside your womb. After the positive pregnancy and your confirmation with the OB/GYN, you had ordered a few items.
First, it was baby-sized pair of hiking boots to go with a forest green, that matched Charlie’s eyes, onesie with black lettering. The lettering saying ‘And so the Adventure Begins’. The background had with trees and mountains. As nature enthusiasts, you thought it would be perfect.
The box had arrived early this morning when Charlie had been in the shower giving you time to hide it. Now you just had to mention you wanted to go hiking with him.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Charlie spoke, kissing your forehead as he walked into the home. His first instinct to grab a snack after his workout, “How was your nap?”
“Energized me. Hey, are you too tired to go on a short hike?” You questioned filling a glass with water to hand to him. His smile was thanks enough as he tugged you to sit in his lap.
“We haven’t gone on one in quite a while. What brought it on?” Charlie asked, wrapping his arms around to finish his protein bar. His chin coming to rest of your shoulder familiarly; you relaxed into his chest.
“It’s a nice day. We’ve been cooped up in the house for a while. Just wanna get out.” You replied heart doing a flutter when his arms wrapped around your midsection.
“Let me get a few things,” Charlie spoke gently, pushing you up to the job to the spare bedroom. The closet kept the supplies you used for hikes, like the first aid kit that he started bringing after you cut your knee once.
As he collected the items, you quickly changed into clothing acceptable for the hike and shoving the things into the backpack. Slipping it on, you met your husband at the front door lacing up your boots. Charlie lifted the house keys in his hands before he tugged you outside, excited for the escape. His hand never leaving yours, you found the well-used trail you had explored countless times.
“Are you feeling better?” Charlie asked, swinging your hands together, refusing to release his grip. His eyes glancing over to catch your expression.
“I think I was overtired.” You replied, keeping your eyes on the trail looking for the rock you wanted to use.
Charlie’s phone was pulled out to make a short video.
“Get yourself a partner that suggests a hike before you.” Charlie slowed to press a kiss to your flushed cheek, “No but seriously. I’m incredibly lucky to have someone like my wife here.”
“Oh, shush.” You snickered as he intentionally pulled you to a stop to press kisses all over your face. His grin and his love would melt the hearts of his followers. Charlie returned the phone to his pocket as he hummed the melody to Unsaid Emily.
“Be right back.” Charlie spoke, squeezing your hand as he jogged to the forest, “I drank too much coffee this morning!”
You couldn’t help the laugh at his blunt words and his typical caffeine intake, but it gave you the perfect opportunity. Using the limited time, you were quick to place the onesie on the rock with the baby hiking boots near the shoulder. You had forgone on asking for a sonogram picture so you could share that moment with Charlie.
“I always forget to pee before we leave the house. Good thing we live near nature.” Charlie spoke jogging closer to where you were hiding the items behind you.
“Do you think green or mine?” You asked, bringing an expression of confusion on your husband’s face. He stepped closer halting when you stepped to the side, “I think yours. I love your eyes.”
Charlie was frozen entirely at the surprise you had planted in his short absence. He didn’t even notice he had moved until the soft cotton of the onesie brushed his fingertips. With his attention solely on the boots, he hadn’t seen you had a stepped up a camera to catch his reaction.
“Are those…?”
“They won’t need the boots in our arms, but I thought we could match.” You continued shifting with the camera to catch his wonder-filled gaze. His expression melted your heart as he gently caressed the side of the boot from his crouched position.
“-getting a new hiking buddy.” You finished beaming as Charlie lunged you swing you in his arms, “Okay Char. I’d prefer not throwing up again.”
Charlie stumbled back glancing around the area, “I love how you surprised me, but what if you had fallen? I can’t have my loves hurt.”
 “Charlie. We’re on an easy trail, not Everest. I’m fine.” You deadpanned watching his cheeks flush at your response, “But I would like to get home. I’m so hungry.”
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September 2020
Emma Roberts, Sasha Pieterse, Bindi Irwin, High School Music alumni Ashley Tisdale, and Hilary Duff were only a handful of celebrities welcoming babies. If hiding your marriage with Charlie was hard during filming, hiding the pregnancy was harder with your friends. Especially hitting seven months with a big bump concealed with camera angles.
You wanted to keep the news under wraps, so the media focused on the show, not your pregnancy at an early age. Of course, your friends were suspicious of Charlie’s posts and stories, not showing their favourite Gillespie. Carolynn knew just by the fullness of your face barely noticeable to the others.
“Oof.” You breathed wincing at the sharp kick to your ribs from Sprout. Charlie’s concerned gaze glancing over from his interview.
Swiftly rubbing the area, the kick happened your fingers returned to flip the page of the pregnancy book. You had grown used to the concern Charlie carried, he always had his phone fully charged on his hikes. Hikes you hadn’t taken since you surprised him with the little boots; it had been a disagreement, but you got where he was coming from.
“I’m fine, Charles.” You spoke, forcing him to turn his attention back to the closing interview. Once he turned the camera off, he rushed over to crouch in front of the couch, placing his hands on your stretched belly.
“Thought we had a deal Sprout.” He cooed caressing the band shirt covering your stretched skin, “Don’t hurt your mama.”
Your face twisted as the baby shifted, while you were enthralled by the fact you were carrying a child it felt like an alien. It was weird feeling something move inside and kick your damn inside like a fucking soccer ball.
“I can’t wait for the baby to be out.” You groaned, hiding the smile as Charlie’s lips pressed against your belly. You couldn’t wait to see him interact with his child.
“I say we name him Luke.” Charlie teased shifting you ahead so he could slide behind you in the usual position. His fingers immediately massaging your stiff shoulders and neck.
“I like Alex better. He’s the best Phantom.” You retorted reaching up to hold his hands, “Sensitive and his sarcasm? Immaculate.”
“We can table the options at a later time.” Charlie quickly replied chuckling as you moved position once more to rest against his chest. His fingers finding their way into your silky hair, pregnancy hormones had sped up hair growth.
“Hey-“ Your words fractured as your phone buzzed with a FaceTime request from Jeremy. Charlie quickly answered with a snicker as your response was cut off.
Jeremy’s eyes narrowed at the sight of you two on your couch, “My wife and I had drinks with our family. Carolynn slipped and told me something interesting.”
You and your husband froze as Carolynn sheepishly joined her husband in their white bedroom with a quick apology. Guess the cat was out of the bag.
“You guys are having a kid?” Jeremy asked, taking in the two actors he had quickly become good friends with during filming. His mind recalling a moment at his wedding when you guys had disappeared for a good twenty minutes.
March 2020
The Shada wedding had been gorgeous and like a dream to see someone you saw as a brother find his other half. Your hand was kept tight in your husband’s sitting among Owen, Tori and Kenny himself. Owen had snuck himself and Tori wine while Kenny turned his eye to the underage drinking.
“Wanna take a walk?” Charlie murmured in your ear as Jeremy and Carolynn made their way around their guests. His hot breath sending a chill down your spine as his left hand came to rest on your thigh.
The romantic atmosphere with the wine you had had during dinner lowered your inhibitions that you and Charlie snuck to the less used bathroom. You two quickly gave evidence that wedding hookups were very real. You managed to sneak back into the reception where dancing was taking place; a perfect story to why you and Charlie were a little dishevelled.
“Hey!” Owen called seeing you two join him on the floor. The wine had blinded his view of the very obvious couple, Owen knew from catching you two what a quickie appearance looked like.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink Bud.” Charlie spoke to the teenager as Jeremy made his way over to his friends, “Congrats Jer!”
“Thanks, man! When will we get the Gillespie wedding we didn’t get?” Jeremy called over the music beaming when his new wife plastered herself to Jeremy.
“Maybe in the next year.” You retorted twirling in Charlie’s arms thanks to the dance lessons of boot camp.
“Oh my god. Little Gillespie was conceived at our wedding.” Jeremy spoke, leaning back to his wife, “You’d be due in November, right?”
Your cheeks burned as Jeremy and Carolynn put the pieces together swiftly, “Well can we keep this a secret until October? I don’t want to take attention away from the show.”
“You should tell the others.” Jeremy suggested squeezing his wife’s hand, “They might think Charlie kidnapped a baby otherwise.”
Agreeing to announce to your friends Charlie had set up a video hangout with Owen, Mads, Savannah, Jeremy and even Kenny. It was in the later evening with the hiking boots out of shot and your shirt and belly below the camera view.
“Hey, guys!” Charlie greeted his friends as everyone entered the video, “Insane how many fan edits there are!”
“So cool!” Mads beamed addressing Kenny, “Thanks for giving me the chance to be involved in the coolest project.”
“You did all the work.” Kenny waved it off, taking in the cast of one of his favourite projects to date. You all meshed together so perfectly even if your character was only recurring like Sav.
“Hey, Kenny can we get your opinion on something?” You asked, gaining everyone’s attention and excitement after only using texting with the group. Morning sickness and fatigue had depleted your desire to be physically seen.
Kenny nodded, leading you to grab the baby hiking boots, “Do you think these are adequate enough to run from the witches?”
It was utterly silent as Charlie raised the little plaque he had ordered. The plaque included the Hocus Pocus witches in front of a cream moon, faces featureless other than eyebrows and lips. The corner had a cobweb with a little spider and just under it said ‘Winnie, I smell…a child’ with the pregnancy test snug in the cut out. Your favourite was the ‘it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus’ under the test.
“No way!” Owen screamed as all hell broke loose with the others. Charlie beamed at the sheer excitement on their faces.
“You’re having a baby?” Kenny murmured with a smile at the touching announcement and acting being involved.
“Charlie suggested the Hocus Pocus theme because we may have kept it to ourselves and our family?” Your voice went up a few octaves as the truth broke free.
“You haven’t had the kid, right?” Mads questioned peering in the background behind you finding nothing.
“Hopefully we have our hiking buddy in November on the due date. I don’t want to overdue, this kid weighs a ton.” You moaned snuggling into Charlie’s side, “We defin-“
“Jer’s wedding.” Owen interrupted with narrowed eyes, “You disappeared and came back with-“
“-O there is a child present.” Sav joked getting Mads to scoff at her, but everyone made a face as they recalled your disappearing act.
“Oh, your house must be filled with gross food combos. I hope the baby gets Y/N’s looks and taste buds.” Mads called hanging up before Charlie could retort at her. His eyes rolled, but the smile told another story, but slowly each of their friends said their goodbyes.
“At least Owen won’t go spilling the news to anyone.” You snorted playing your hand on Charlie’s large one splayed across your tummy.
You had a lot to thank Kenny for too. Without being cast by him, you wouldn’t have met your friends which in turn would mean you wouldn’t have been at Jer’s wedding. That would have been tragic since his marriage is the sole reason you had a child due in two months.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 151
This chapter has been one that I have been dying to write for a while. I was worried that @baelpenrose would resist the idea, but he very much thought it was hilarious. As always, his input and riffing on this chapter has very much made it better and better.
However, it also made the chapter longer, lol. But there is just no way to trim it down without losing something that makes it all work, so this week is nearly double my normal length... break everyone’s heart, right? ;)
“I don’t like these numbers,” Parvati grumbled - as much as she was capable of grumbling - as she scrolled through the final counts of approval ratings on her and Hannah’s inaugural Food Festival.
The statistics had been dropped into our inboxes that morning, in the static of about a thousand other notifications now that Derek had finished the stress-test. Also included were the results of the last three invasion-prep drills, which I was in the process of scanning over.
“How bad are they?” I asked, half listening for a number. The drills were trending better, which was a good sign that the moves were effective.
Dismissing her display with a gesture of disgust, she sighed. “Seventy-four percent approval rating.”
I arched a brow and glanced over. “Did you adjust for those who did not attend?”
The glare she sent me wasn’t seen so much as felt. “Of course I did. First thing I ran…”
“Are you filtering by the day the comments came in?”
“I -” Bingo. She huffed. “No! These are intended to be ratings for the entirety of the event!”
I started scrolling through my own statistics. “Chart them out by the date the ratings came in, filtering out everyone who didn’t actually attend.”
A pause. “Oh… Oh! It’s showing ninety-three-point-four now!”
“Et voila,” I murmured. Louder, I clarified, “People like to weigh in early, and those who object in general tend to speak first.”
“I see that… how’s it going over there?” she asked, smoothing her braid over her shoulder as she turned to look at me directly.
“We are improving with every drill, marked upticks since the relocations. Arthur should be here in about - “ I glanced at a clock, “Seven minutes to go over next steps.”
Alistair breezed over to swap my empty bulb of cold coffee for a fresh one of water. “The appointment is in fifteen minutes.”
Parvati beat me to the punch.  “He is also compulsively early, meaning…. Six minutes now.”
He rolled his eyes hard enough that I wanted to giggle. “He doesn’t even have the decency to be fashionably late. Appalling.”
Surely enough, Arthur paged at the entrance - out of some sort of manners I accidentally instilled in him - exactly five minutes prior to our scheduled appointment. As he breezed into my office, he managed a half-assed glare at Alistair for abruptly turning away and focusing on my schedule rather than his usual tendency to get a beverage for any newcomers. “Okay, updated data on drills isn’t what I want it to be.”
I laughed. “You’re joking, right? Your team and Michael’s haven’t gotten past deck four by more than three percent in the last seven exercises.”
“Any percent above zero is unacceptable,” he grumbled. I chalked it up to the indignity of being forced to get his own tea from the console.
Almost as though to spite Arthur, Alistair made a point to set a refreshed water bulb in front of everyone except the professor. “There are guards on the other levels for a reason,” he suggested drily.
“And I would rather those guards be idle, thank you,” Arthur threw back in a near-venomous tone.
“Us guards would rather be prepared for any eventuality, which you may do well to plan for in your petty drills.”
I didn’t even try to intervene. Clearly there was some blatantly disagreement between my  admin and my friend, and I was exhausted from trying to make them cooperate.
“If I’m doing my job, you should be so grateful as to be idle,” Arthur drawled.
Alistair scoffed. “As if being left to rest and get fatter than a Christmas goose is a blessing…”
“You’ll live longer!”
“And get lax in my duties, which I will not stand for!”
“Get fat! Get lazy! LIVE! I don’t care! I’m not going to be lax in my duties to allow you the opportunity of getting practice at fighting.” Standing, Arthur buried both hands in his hair, but it looked less like he was running his fingers through it than pulling on it. “Are we really discussing this when we are training to fight in living body condoms?”
“I need to defend the Archives!”
“And Michael and I need to defend everyone! Us doing our job means you don’t need to do yours.”
My neck snapped back at the vehemence in his tone. This wasn’t their normal sparring… they may have never truly gotten along, but even in the beginning it was never so vicious.
To my further alarm, Alistair took a long stride forward and stared down his nose at Arthur. “We both know that she - “ his hand flung out to point at me “is either the luckiest or unluckiest person in existence. You can’t really believe that, in an actual assault on this ship, that she won’t be in danger. Which will place Tyche, the Archives, Derek Okafor, and Samuel Richardson in equal danger. You aren’t an idiot, you know this.” The hand pointing toward me turned, and time seemed to slow down as he stabbed Arthur in the sternum with it, punctuating each of his next words. “Stop lying to yourself.”
“Poke me again, and the finger comes off.”
“I would dearly love to see you try.”
Hannah and Parvati had jumped to their feet when Alistair approached Arthur, but were now slowly moving around to my position, safely behind my desk. Hannah hissed at me through clenched teeth, “You had to tell them to fight it out.”
“I thought they would use a gym, not the damned office,” I hissed back.
Before she could respond, Alistair spoke again. “You aren’t the only one on the Ark who wants to protect everyone. You need to trust us to do our bloody jobs.”
“The last time I trusted anyone else to protect people, I lost fourteen students,” came the ground out response. “I’m not backing down on this.”
“You will, or I will sedate you and strap you to a medical berth for the next four months.” Alistair stepped back and crossed his arms with finality.
A trickle of nerves ran down my spine as I watched Arthur clench his fists and release them. “You think the solution to everything is to tie it up, I swear.”
“Stop changing the topic. I am deadly serious, Farro.”
Arthur turned away from him, waving him off. “Try something else, you would never just sedate me for months on end.” Before we could stop anything, Alistair leapt forward and put Arthur in a headlock, only to be immediately flipped over the other man’s shoulder and onto the table. “Tch. Sloppy. I know you can do better.”
“I thought you wanted me to get fat and lazy,” Alistair grunted as he sucker-punched Arthur in the stomach and rolled for the other side.  Once on his feet, he eyed Arthur carefully as he circled the table. “You stubborn ass, you know I am right.  You are putting everyone in the lower levels at risk by not running preparedness drills with them, because you don’t want to factor in the fact that one of the offensive teams could fail.”
“We don’t have the luxury of failing, so no. If we do our jobs correctly, everyone who matters will be safe at the other end of the Ark.”
They didn’t seem to be at each other’s throats anymore, but the arguing wasn’t getting anywhere. “Guys - “ I tried.
Both men turned and practically screamed at me with their glares to stop talking.  Oookay. I held up my hands in surrender and decided to let them sort it out their way.
Damned if the console wasn’t on the other side of them, though. I couldn’t even get popcorn and a drink.
Alistair blew a harsh breath through his nose. “If you won’t include the lower decks in your drills, I will start sparring with Jokul.”
“He would kill you,” Arthur barked in the most miserable laugh I’ve ever heard.
“God forbid,” Alistair mocked. “If I were gone, who would make your tea in the morning.”
“The same person who picks up the socks that magically appear all over my quarters every day, obviously. Worthington, I’m serious, he could really hurt you. He has really hurt me. And Charly.”
That last part was dismissed with a wave. “Madam Charles the First put the fear of herself into him.”
“And you haven’t. He could kill you by accident, and he’d never forgive himself.”
“Maybe that wouldn’t be the case if you would let me train more!”
Arthur groaned and ran a hand down his face. “You are an adult, we’ve talked about this. Train all you want, with whoever you want - Charly, Sophia, Tyche… hell, train with Evan or Michael, I don’t care. Just, not Jokul.”
When did they talk about this? I wondered. It had to be during a sparring session or something, because it definitely wasn’t in my office during one of our meetings. A glance at Hannah showed she was watching everything unfold like it was the most riveting show she had ever seen, and Parvati’s squint of consideration wasn’t much better.
“As you said, I’m an adult. Perhaps I should take your advice, and train with Charly - “
“See - “
“- and Jokul. She will make sure I don’t get hurt.”
Arthur flung his hands up in frustration. “You are so stubborn, I swear!” Growling, he paced in a circle. “Fine! Train with Charly and Jokul. IN the bivouac suit, though! And I don’t want to hear a word when you end up confined in a med bay yourself.”
Alistair’s smug grin showed just how much he seemed to care. “At least I would be spared of picking up the trail of dishes that seem to follow you around.”
“For the love of - they are my quarters! Mine! And I don’t want to hear about it when your bloody socks are constantly getting lost behind my sofa!”
Oh. Oh no. Nonononononono.
“My socks can go wherever they fucking want to, when I am constantly cleaning your disgusting whiskers out of the sink!”
“You know what would fix you having to clean whiskers out of the sink? I could just stop shaving altogether. How about...that…” Arthur trailed off and very slowly turned toward the three of us behind my desk with a look of dawning horror.
And I tried. I really, really tried not to laugh.  I could feel my face reddening, my chest aching with the effort of holding it in.  
Hannah’s snort was my undoing. As soon as that tiny noise escaped her, all three of us erupted into hysterical, stomach-cramping, tearful laughter.  I felt stabbing in my arm as Parvati dug her nails in, trying desperately not to fall.  Unfortunately for her, Hannah grabbed me at the same time and all three of us toppled to the floor. The sight of Arthur rolling his eyes and crossing his arms only made me escalate from laughing to shrieking in hysterics and relief.
I couldn’t speak for the other two ladies, but I thought the two men were going to end up killing each other… At no point did I think they took the other option when I told them to either fight it out or….
I gasped for breath, trying to get myself under control. Wobbling to my feet with the help of my trusty desk and a couple yanks to free my shirt from Parvati’s desperate clutching, I pointed between them. “This… how long? Can’t believe… didn’t figure it out.”
“Not everyone is as… public… as you, Conor, and Maverick are,” Arthur snarked at me. “You know, private lives should be private and all that?”
“Must be for you,” I confided in Alistair’s direction, where he had turned his back to our fit.  “He’s never not told me when he was dating someone. Or thinking of dating someone. Or potentially interested in seeing if he was interested in dating someone… Best friend privileges and all that.”  While I waited for Alistair to respond, my mind whirled through all the things I had brushed off before but were very obvious in retrospect.
Glancing at Arthur for a hint yielded nothing but a flat stare that all but declared in flashing lights You Aren’t Stupid.
I tilted my head at that, and kept thinking. There had been genuine animosity on Alistair’s side in the beginning, and not a small amount of needling on Arthur’s.  So I knew it wasn’t something that had always been going on. My mind came to a screeching halt, however, when I remembered something - the day Alistair, Tyche, and I decided that, when I vacated my position on the Council, they would vacate roles as well to leave behind a ‘clean slate’. “Four years, holy shit,” I gasped. “Four years!?”
Finally, Alistair moved. His back was still to us, but his arms went limp by his sides, and his head dropped down toward the floor. “It would be unseemly to have the new Councilor of Education in a relationship with the attache to the Councilor for Resources and Engagement. Or formerly in a relationship, should things not end well.”
“And since he won’t be taking his position until we are on Von,” I put together, “You are okay to serve out the rest of my term, just not Hannah’s or Parvati’s.”
“Huh. That makes sense,” I admitted before hopping up to sit on my desk, the chair being a lost cause on the other side of two women who were still sniffling and giggling on the floor. “I learned a lot today.”
“Uh huh,” Arthur confirmed drily. “And it had better stay in this office.”
“What?” I managed a pretty convincing confused face before pretending to realize what he meant. “Oh! The relationship thing. Yeah, cool, whatever. That’s not what I was talking about, but you’re good.”
“Dare I even ask what you meant?” Alistair ventured, finally turning around so that he could give me a warning look.
“Uh, isn’t it obvious?” I asked, shaking my head and spreading my hands, palms up. When they both just stared at me, I finally broke and grinned. “Dude. You two are freaking slobs.”
The squeaking noises coming from the vicinity of my feet told me that no further work would be getting done for the rest of the day.
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43sparrows · 4 years
l o n g e d - {Five x Reader AU}
Read Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3 / Part 3.5
Warning: smut
Word Count: 2,713
Note: please come scream at me in my inbox
Call me.
You've been dreading this note from Five for the past week. It's not that the words are new--a week ago, it would've been excitement causing the twisting feeling in your stomach--but it's the fact that this is the first note you've gotten since you're meltdown. Sure, he'd brushed off your apology, but it's been almost a full week since you've seen each other, and something just doesn't feel the same. Even your roommate has noticed something's off, and while you've shared the news about your ex, you can't bring yourself to tell her how you've gone and proven yourself to be more work than you're worth to Five. So, while the note itself is normal enough, you have the sinking sensation that this is his version of "We need to talk."
And you don't want to talk.
That's why it takes you hours to finally steel yourself up enough to return his call. The sky's growing dark by the time you dial in the number, standing in the hall with you head tilted back against the wall, the phone cord weaving between your fingers.
"Five." His brusque voice makes you want to hang up the phone. Instead, you adjust your grip and tug at the cord.
"Hey," you say, softly. "It's Y/N."
"Took you long enough." His voice is still flirting with being abrasive, but he's saying more than just a couple of words which must mean something. You're not sure what though. "What are you doing in...two hours?"
Confusion knits your brow together as you wrap the cord around one of your fingers. "Nothing, I'm free."
"Howling Rock Cafe. I'll be at the bar."
"Ok," you agree. There's a pause and then the other end of the line goes dead.
You sigh before slowly untangling yourself from the cord so you can hang up the phone and get ready
It's glaringly obvious within the first few seconds of entering the bar that this is not Five's scene.
You can't help but compare this place to the smoky night club where you first met.  It's like night and day--and not just because this place has strobe lights bathing just about every inch of the room in colorful lights.
For one, it seems to be crawling with barely legal drinkers. It's not like the two of you are that far removed in age from the rest of the crowd, but Five doesn't exactly seem the type to want to relive college nights out.
And then there's a cover band with the amps turned up way too high as they work their way through pop covers. You miss the lyric-less music of the other bar with its relentless beat that seemed to reverberate in your chest.
It crosses your mind that maybe Five had meant another place or that you'd misheard him on the phone, but then you catch sight of him sitting at the bar with a glass of amber liquid in his hand.
"What are you drinking?" You ask, slipping into the seat next to him. He looks at you with heavy lidded eyes, pupils already blown wide. His gaze slides from the curve of your breasts that disappear beneath the plunging neckline of your little black dress down to your legs.
His eyes flick back up to meet yours. "Brandy. For now."
The line would be clumsy on another man's lips, but something about the way he says it has you dizzy, and it's the one piece of Five that's seemed anywhere close to normal since that night.
You tear your eyes away from him, flagging down the bartender to order yourself a gin, neat.
"So," you say, anxiety knotting in the pit of your stomach as you toy with the question that's been on your mind the entire way to the bar. "Howl's?" You change course last second, asking a different, less terrifying question.
"I've heard things about this place," Five said with a shrug. "Figured I'd check them out."
"What'd you hear?" It's genuine curiosity, and maybe it's the refocused attention or maybe it's the large gulp of gin, but you feel yourself relaxing slightly.
"I heard they're heavy pourers," Five says, taking a sip of his drink. He lifts both eyebrows and places the glass back down on the bar.  "But it would seem I heard wrong."
You laugh. Nothing about this place suggests they have strong drinks. The prices are too cheap. The crowd is too young.
"At least the atmosphere is nice," you quip, and Five looks around the room before shooting you a mildly amused look. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by a loud group of co-eds who just walked in the door. You turn to look. One is draped in a pink "It's my birthday!" sash. This does not bode well.
"Let's go back to mine. I've restocked," you offer, but Five shakes his head. You wait for him to share a reason or even pick up the sentence he didn't get out, but he doesn't, instead taking another sip of his subpar brandy.
You wish that you had your own drink in front of you, shooting a look at the bartender who looks to be making about four drinks at once. The knot inside of you has come back, growing even tighter as the silence extends. Silence has never been uncomfortable with Five before.
You attribute this largely to the fact that up until this point you've always been so careful about following the rules of engagement, as it were. And while you don't know for sure, it feels like you're guilty of a breach of contract. You wish you could remember what you said, but you can hardly even remember what you did. It's all a blur.
You know he came over, you announced your ex's engagement, and then he tucked you into bed and made sure you had coffee the next morning.
There had to have been more to that night than just that, though. Because emotions and caretaking--that wasn't part of the deal.
Then again, neither was going out to bars.
The  bartender placed your gin in front of you and gratefully you took a long drink from it. You could feel Five's eyes on you as you lowered the glass back down.
"That kind of day?" he asked.
You returned your attention to him. "That kind of week," you corrected. He nodded and toasted you with his own glass before the both of you drank.
You tapped your finger lightly against the side of your gin, the alcohol had yet to take hold but you could feel the warming sensation flowing through you. It was enough of a comfort to know that soon the nerves that had been humming beneath your skin all week would be quiet. "So, why are we here?" The words slipped past your lips, earning a raised eyebrow from Five.
"I told you, I wanted to check this place out."
"That's it?" Your finger still beat steadily against the side of your glass.
You could see the awareness dawn on Five, a sly smile twisting at his lips. "I can't just want your company?"
Your heart skipped a beat. Or maybe it was three. And although the alcohol was supposed to have you pleasantly numb, instead you felt like you were on fire. "I would have thought you had enough of my company after last week."
Realization reached his eyes this time as he shook his head at you. "No," he said, angling his body more towards yours. "I haven't had enough."
The two of you are in the bathroom two hours later.
As far as bar bathrooms go, it's surprisingly clean and roomy. The second part is probably due to the fact the owners had opted for a single use closet style bathroom as opposed to anything remotely functional for the size of the crowd this place has drawn in with it's mediocre music and watered down drinks.
It's not the worst place to have sex, but if you were in your right mind you probably would have insisted that Five pop you back to your place instead. But the consecutive drinks and Five's hand trailing up your thigh had been so intoxicating, you didn't even protest when he took your hand in his and dragged you in here to push you up against the sink.
His mouth is on your neck now, his teeth lightly nipping at the skin there, his hands keeping your dress bunched up at your waist. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he moves your panties to the side, pressing a finger into you. "Five," you mumble, a moan escaping you as he curls his finger.
"Louder," Five commands, his lips grazing against your neck, moving down to trail love bites along your collarbone. He pushes into you again, and his name falls from your lips again, this time at a normal volume.
"Louder," Five urges, kissing under your jaw, as you fist the back of his shirt in your hands. Your entire body feels like a taut string, and he's just getting started. You know this has to be quick, there's probably going to be a line outside, but the way his fingers are moving has effectively killed all thoughts outside of the fact that you haven't lost him. He's still, in some small way, yours.
"Five, please," you plead, and you're not quite sure what you're pleading for--release or more of him.
"Fuck," he swears, withdrawing from you and spinning you around, so you have both hands on either side of the sink, your ass exposed to him. He leans in close, and you can feel the length of his entire body against your back.  "I love it when you beg." His whisper is hot in your ear, and a needy gasp leaves you. Dirty talk isn't part of the usual routine, and you didn't expect it to have such an effect.
He withdraws, his fingers tucking into the sides of your underwear and dragging them down to your knees. Behind you, you hear his buckle clink as he frees himself from his pants. It's a second more of anticipation before his hands find your hips, and he slowly enters you, allowing you to feel each inch of him. His fingers dig into your hips as a groan leaves him. Warmth blooms in your chest, and you promise yourself that you'll remember this moment and that sound forever.
Five continues to move at a sensual pace, and your eyes flick up to the mirror, taking in his face. His eyes meet yours in the mirror, and an intense but unidentifiable feeling builds in you. And then his hips unexpectedly snap into yours, earning him a loud moan.
It also seems to earn a knock at the door.
"Alright guys, wrap it up. Other people need to use the bathroom," a gruff voice says on the other side of the door.
It might have been a bit of a mood killer if it weren't for the fact that Five repeats the motion, leaving you gasping. He pulls you up close to him, one hand on your hip and the other toying with your breast. "Can't leave them waiting," he grunts, and your head lolls back onto his shoulder. Despite the fact that it's been shorter than the vast majority of your sessions together, you're more of a needy mess then you've ever been. Maybe it's the combination of the alcohol and publicness and the sounds coming from Five, but whatever it is, it's not long before you're cumming, and not long after, he is too.
There's now pounding at the door.
"Come on, you guys gotta get out. Let's go."
Five smirks at you from where he's pulling his pants back up--or at least, if he was anyone else you'd call it a smirk. It's softer than usual though--although it's still not quite a smile. Like you're in on the joke with him. It makes your heart beat a little faster, and you're just able to stop yourself from a full blown smile, the corners of your mouth turning down in an attempt to seem cool as usual. He gestures with his head towards the door, and after checking yourself in the mirror and making yourself seem slightly more presentable, you follow him out, keeping your eyes trained on the floor so you don't have to look at the bouncer or line of people waiting by the door.
Unfortunately, the bouncer seems to have other plans.
You know that voice. Without the door between you and the fake gruffness, it's clear as day, and it feels a bit like someone has dumped a bucket of cold water over your head. You feel painfully sober.
Your eyes widen, and you turn to see your ex dressed in the black t-shirt and jeans, looking just as shocked to see you.
"Oh my God," you mumble.
"Uh--" he says, pointing to the door, and you make your way towards it, Five still next to you, and your ex following up behind you. You stop just beside the door, across from where another bouncer is checking IDs.
"Sorry, I--you can't stay." He does seem genuinely apologetic, and you're not sure if it's just the awkwardness of the whole situation or if he really feels bad.
"No, no. I get it," you shake your head. Five's hand drifts to the small of your back, and your previously blank mind remembers that oh yeah--he's here too. This is the worst moment of your life. "Oh, this is, um, Five. Five, this is Jordan. We...we used to date." That seems like a wildly simplistic introduction for both of them, but you're still reeling.
"Five? Like the kid from The Umbrella Academy?"
Five's smile is so fake you wouldn't be surprised if Jordan could also sense the thinly veiled animosity. "The very same," Five says, holding out his hand and shaking Jordan's. His arm returns around you.
Jordan looks like he's a mixture of confused and impressed, and before this situation can get any worse, you open your mouth and start saying words, hoping they come out in order and make sense.
"I didn't know you work here."
Jordan's eyes linger on Five for a second more before meeting yours. "Yeah, I had to pick up another job...I'm getting married."
"Oh, congratulations." you say less than earnestly, pushing hair behind your ear. Emotion swirls in your chest, pressure building to react--to sob, to scream, to sink into the ground. Anything but stand here.
"Well," Five says, coming to your rescue. "I should take her home." You look up at him, and there's a ghost of smugness on his face. If you hadn't studied him for so long, you might have missed the look, but it's there.
"Yeah. Yeah, of course," Jordan nods, stepping back towards the bar. "It was good to see you, Y/N."
It's a lie. But he's not the only liar here. "You too," you say nodding. "Good luck with the wedding."
"Thanks," he nods again like a bobblehead, and you turn and head out the door quickly with Five.
The two of you walk down the sidewalk and towards the parking garage in silence. It's not until you're passing rows of cars that Five speaks.  "Did you drive?"
You shake your head, your thoughts still on the way Five had handled that situation. You have a terrible feeling.
It's unspoken that Five will give you a ride home, so you don't bother to ask for a ride. Instead, you save up your question, waiting until the two of you are stopped at a red light, halfway home to ask.
"Did you know he worked there?"
The corner of Five's mouth turns up. "Might have been a thing I heard about that place."
You have more questions, but you don't want to ask them. That one was enough to shatter the illusion you'd been creating all night.
That he had brought you out because he wanted your company.
That he might return a hint of the feelings you had for him.
That this was something other than what it was.
Read the final part
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
I Carry Your Heart With Me (Prologue)
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Summary: When your college roommate asks you to be a bridesmaid at her wedding, you pack your bags and jump on a flight to Montana. What was supposed to be a relaxing week on the husband-to-be’s ranch is turned upside down when an old flame decides to make an appearance. Mix in lingering feelings, a meddling bride, and the mother of all misunderstandings, and your week out west turns out to be a whole lot more than you bargained for.
series masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex
Word Count: 2.5k
           Spencer gets the email on a Tuesday.
           He’s fresh off of a quick trip to a nearby café that sells the most delectable scones, and he’s eagerly unwrapping one and lifting it to his mouth when he gets the notification. The quiet ping is enough to make him pause with the scone midway to its destination.
Because the thing is, Spencer Reid doesn’t get a lot of emails. In fact, there are approximately ten people that even know his email address, and seven of them are currently in the same room as him. Spencer peers over the top of his monitor and scans the room. No one is doing anything indicative of having sent Spencer yet another prank email (thanks a lot, Luke), so he deems it safe and clicks on the email icon.
           As it boots up, Spencer takes a bite of his scone. The warm, sugary dough tastes like heaven in his mouth, once again proving to Spencer that the fifteen-minute walk there is more than worth his time. He’s mid-swallow when his inbox pops up on the screen, and when he sees the all too familiar name on the sender’s address, he inhales a sharp breath that leaves him choking on his pastry.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melville
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sewell
Joyfully request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their children
Cassidy and Mason
Saturday, the twenty-seventh of May
Two thousand nine-teen
           His choking fit garners the attention of every one of his colleagues, but Spencer can’t bring himself to care. All he can focus on is sucking in as much air as possible in between coughs. It doesn’t help that his oxygen deprived brain is currently reeling. Long suppressed memories are fighting their way to the surface, and now it’s not only his lungs that are engulfed in a searing heat, but his heart, too.
           Cassidy Sewell. A fiery, opinionated redhead that Spencer hasn’t thought of in nearly fifteen years. But Cassidy isn’t the reason that he feels like a knife has been thrust into his ribcage, nor is she the reason he is currently aspirating his scone. The basis of his distress is another woman entirely.
           Spencer eventually regains control of his windpipe and when he does, he rereads the email several times. It’s wonderful news - really, it is. And he’s happy for Cassidy. His memories of her are plentiful and he thinks back on them fondly. The only problem is that he knows wherever Cassidy is, you’ll be there, too.
           He really should just delete the email and go on about his business - that would be the smart thing to do. But Spencer’s never really been smart when it comes to you, so he does the worst thing possible and clicks on the ‘view recipients’ button.
           And sure enough, your name falls just above his on the list.
           Which brings up another issue entirely; why is he receiving this email? And, more importantly, do you know that he’s been invited? Spencer can only come up with two possible answers to that question, and both are equally heartbreaking. Either you know he’s been invited and you’re indifferent to the fact, or you haven’t a clue and his showing up would be entirely inappropriate.
           He briefly entertains the possibility of a third option; one in which you knew he’d received an invitation and were hopeful that he might show up. Spencer allows this possibility to live in his mind for approximately two seconds before he’s stomping it out and killing it. That’s just… unlikely.
           “Ooh! Who’s getting married?”
           Spencer quickly exits out of his email and spins around in his chair to find Penelope pouting her lip out at him.
           “No one. Just a spam email,” Spencer lies. His efforts are in vain, however, because Penelope fixes him with an unimpressed glare.
           “I’m going to save you and I both the trouble of me hacking into your computer and offer you the opportunity to try that again.”
           Spencer visibly deflates and mentally curses the creators of the interconnected computer networks. He weighs his options. He could be completely honest and be subjected Penelope’s endearing, yet suffocating enthusiasm, or he could skim a little bit off the top and hope she doesn’t pump him for information.
           Spencer decides on the latter.
           “An old friend.”
           Penelope narrows her eyes at him and he shrinks under her gaze. She might not be a profiler, but she damn sure could be.
           “Then why do you look like you’re about to hurl?”
           “No reason.”
           They’ve reached a stalemate, and Spencer isn’t quite sure what to do with that. Usually, if this were a chest match, Spencer would already have the upper hand. He’s not used to being backed into a corner. At first, Spencer’s sure that he can outlast Penelope’s inquisition, but the longer those seemingly omniscient eyes of hers bore into his own, he can feel his resolve crumbling into nothing. All it takes is her lifting one perfectly plucked eyebrow in challenge for him to break.
           “An ex-girlfriend of mine will be in attendance.”
           Spencer knows he’s fucked from the way Penelope’s entire face lights up upon hearing that little tidbit of information. In a flash Penelope’s dragging over an empty chair and seating herself directly in front of Spencer, eyes shining excitedly.
           “Tell me everything.”
           So, he does.
           And an hour later, Penelope is booking him a flight to Montana.
           “I cannot believe you did this to me,” you murmur into the receiver as you stare at your computer screen. Your eyes are zeroed in on the email, but all the words are blurring together into an intelligible mess. All except two.
           Spencer Reid
           “Correction; I did this for you,” Cassidy replies, sounding awfully pleased with herself. If you could see her, you were certain she’d be grinning ear to ear. “You can’t tell me that you’re not the least bit excited at the possibility of seeing him again.”
           “That is exactly what I’m telling you!” you groan as you throw your head against the back of your chair. “Fifteen years is a long time, Cass. I’ve moved on, and I’m sure he has, too. That door is closed.”
           Cassidy snorts, “Well open that sucker back up, because I just got an RSVP from one Doctor Spencer Reid who, and I quote, ‘cannot wait to see everyone.’ This RSVP came without a plus one, might I add.”
           You jolt up in your seat and instantly regret it when your stomach churns painfully as a result. Suddenly, your decision to place your waste basket on the opposite side of the room seems awfully ill advised. The only thing keeping you from lunging for it and expelling the contents of your stomach is the fact that he isn’t bringing anyone with him, which is… something.
           “He’s coming?” you squeak out. “Why would he do that?”
           Another laugh from Cassidy floats out through the speaker.
           “Well, I’d like to think he might be going to see one of his oldest and dearest friends get married, but I think we both know that this has nothing to do with me, and a whole lot to do with you.”
           You’re just about to open your mouth to protest when a head of long, blonde hair peeks through the crack of your door. You only know one man with a head of hair like that, and that man just so happens to be the only other person in your life that lives for taking the piss at your expense. You can’t help but think that you must’ve done something terrible in a past life to be subjected to all of this before noon on a Tuesday morning.
           You wave Damien in, because why the hell not? He’d be hearing about it over one or several bottles of wine this evening, anyways. What was one more spectator to the worst moment of your entire adult life?
           As he takes his seat in a chair in front of your desk, you flash him a tight smile and turn your attention back to Cassidy.
           “You’re reading way too much into this. He probably doesn’t even remember me.”
           “You know that boy does not forget anything,” Cassidy points out.
           Yeah, you think, and that’s what makes not hearing from him for fifteen years even worse. That means the radio silence was a choice.
           “Doesn’t matter. You need to uninvite him. I’m being so serious right now.”
           “I absolutely will not. That’d be terribly rude of me,” Cassidy sniffs. “And you obviously have no choice but to attend, Miss Maid of Honor, so consider this your warning. I was going to keep this a secret, but Mason said that would be cruel. So.”
           You want to argue that the entire thing is cruel, but Cassidy’s indifference to your plight leads you to believe that your protest would fall on deaf ears. To make matters worse, Damien looks positively delighted at the prospect of something exciting happening. He’s literally sitting on the edge of his seat, leaning forward in an attempt to hear Cassidy’s end of the conversation.
           You really needed to pick more sympathetic friends.
           “I’m going to hang up now, because I physically cannot handle being a part of this conversation any longer.”
           “That’s the spirit!” Cassidy trills. “Trust me, you’re going to thank me for this later. Oh, and do yourself a favor and Google search him. You will not be disappointed!”
           At that, the line goes dead. You don’t even have the chance to say something embarrassing like too late, I already do that like twice a year, which is probably a good thing.
           You slam down the phone and let your head fall into your hands, adding in a dramatic groan for good measure. Usually, you like to think you’re a little more level headed, but the Spencer Reid sized hole in your heart that you’d been trying to mend for the last decade and a half was just ripped wide open, so you figure you deserve a moment to panic.
           Damien, however, doesn’t share that same belief.
           “I get that you’re trying to have a moment, and I respect that, but you know how impatient I get and I haven’t seen you this upset since One Direction split up. Color me intrigued. What did dear Cassidy do to get your knickers in such a twist?”
           You lift your head and fix him with a withering look.
           “She invited Spencer.”
           That wipes the smile right off of Damien’s face.
           “Oh, fuck,” Damien swears. Finally, someone understands how extremely not okay this situation is. You let out another despairing groan. “What are the chances he’s actually going to show up?”
           You chuckle bitterly, “Pretty fucking high, if you consider the fact that he already RSVP’d any indication.” You push away from your desk and begin to pace around the room, all while fanning your shirt out because holy hell did it get hot in here, or is it just you? “I mean, I could always back out. It’s Cassidy’s fault anyways. It’s not like she could hold that against me. She’s the one who did this, after all.”
           “Oh, she most certainly would. And you’re not going to going to skip out on the wedding - quit being so dramatic.”
            You snap your head to where he sits and narrow your eyes at him.
           “Oh, I’m not? Who’s gonna stop me?” you challenge.
           You can practically see the light bulb go on inside that blonde head of his. Damien gives you a saccharine smile and claps his hands together.
           “I am. Because I’m going to go with you,” he announces excitedly. You’d think he just came up with a way to end world hunger from the pride that’s practically radiating off of him in waves. 
           You raise an eyebrow at him, “You’re going to come with me? To Montana? Have you ever even been outside of New York?”
            Damien shrugs his shoulders.
           “No, but that’s about to change. Plus, weddings are fun,” Damien pauses, before tacking on, “-bridesmaids are fun.”
           If he weren’t such a damn good friend, you’d throw him out of your office.
           His proposition was tempting. Being in close proximity with Spencer for almost an entire week was going to be harrowing as it was, but add to that the inevitable sight of Spencer in a suit and harrowing graduates to fucking excruciating. Having Damien in your corner to keep you sane was more of a necessity than a want.
           But still, you hesitate, because the idea of both Cassidy and Damien conspiring against you for an entire week sounds like the undiscovered tenth circle of hell.
           Damien apparently senses your apprehension. He lets out an exasperated sigh and pushes up from his seat, walking over to where you stand and placing his hands on your shoulders.
           “I solemnly swear to be on my best behavior. You have my permission to fire me if I act up, Boss Lady.”
           Your shoulders slump under the weight of his hands.
           “You know I can’t fire you,” you grumble, pouting out your lip for dramatic effect. “If I fire you, then I’m stuck with fucking Brenda. And I doubt she’d be as agreeable a drinking partner as you.”
           Damien lets out a loud laugh and pulls you into his arms. You melt into his embrace, sighing in resignation. Might as well bring him along for the ride. It’s not like the situation could get any worse than it already is, right?
           “Brenda is the worst,” Damien agrees as he places a kiss to the top of your head. After basking in his warm embrace for several moments, you pull away and run a hand through your hair.
           “Okay. Okay,” you murmur, more to yourself than to Damien. “I can do this. Worst comes to worst; I can just avoid him. Five days isn’t that long. I can do five days.”
           Damien leans up against your desk and nods in agreeance.
           “Exactly. Five days, in and out – no big deal,” he breezes. Like the absolute bastard he is, he waits until you’re taking a sip from your travel mug before continuing. “And who knows? Maybe the two of you will pick up where you left off and have some slutty wedding sex.”
           Now, there’s coffee all over your white blouse and Damien’s laughing obnoxiously at your expense.
           “You did not just quote One Tree Hill at me,” you choke out between ragged breaths.
           Damien doesn’t waver under the weight of your death glare.
           “I so did. Best show of our time, truly. Chase hit the nail on the head with that one. Weddings are always an absolute bone fest - trust me. Something about all the proclamations of love and eternal commitment gets everyone all hot and bothered.”
           “There will be no slutty wedding sex,” you mutter as you dab at the coffee stain.
           “There will be if I’m going,” Damien trills as he pushes off of your desk and saunters to the door. “Don’t rule it out, babe. No need to miss out on all the fun!”
           You roll your eyes and toss the wadded-up paper towel at him. Damien is quick to shut the door, resulting in the paper towel hitting it with a wet plop.
           Damien’s absence leaves the room uncomfortably silent, save for the sound of your heart nearly beating out of your chest. You hesitantly lift your eyes back to your computer screen, and as irrational as it is, you pray that you’ll see that something has changed in the past ten minutes. Unsurprisingly, his name is still there, just below your own.
           You silently curse the tiny twinge of excitement you feel from seeing his name and exit out of the email.
           Five days, in and out. No big deal.
taglist: @is-this-even-important @evelyncade @usuck​ @m0rce1ddd​ @bauhousewife​ @whxt-to-write​ @spencerwaltergubler​ @lovesicksofi​ @idgafayiowf​ @shadyladyperfection​ @mercy-burning​ @sapphic-prentiss​
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello! It’s me again, back on your blog for some serotonin 😁 first of all, I have a very serious question: how in the world can you crank out long fics, headcanons, and be a kickass healthcare professional?? As someone who is about to graduate and become a healthcare professional, you’re my role model tbh
Second, could I get some headcanons or a drabble about Benedict and Sophie at Kanthony’s wedding? Maybe Benedict explaining why he’s constantly in bed with his brother’s wife. Or Sophie insisted she has to get back to work, so Benedict refuses to leave her side. All of the siblings being so excited that Kate found Sophie so Benedict can shut up about her (though we know he never will). Basically a continuation of where Enchanted left off. Sophie is my favorite and I just want her to have all of the happiness, especially in this world you’ve created 🥺
(Also my name is Abby, figured you should know because I’m going to be in your inbox a lot. I’m sorry in advance. Please tell me when you need me to stop flooding your asks 😂)
Abby! Hello! So nice to meet you! 
I have a very serious answer to you very serious question which is: Abby, my dude, my pal: I don’t have a life.😂😂Here’s the thing about me: I don’t generally enjoy the company of other people. I’m an extreme introvert for the most part and I spend all day talking to people in my job, or at them really, They tend not to be able to respond when you have your hands in their mouth. So... Healthcare is kind of...exhausting and so it’s good to have a hobby to lighten the mood And this is mine! I’m an... odd person probably, I think. You’d have to ask someone that’s met me. So I usually just hang out with my cat (Diana, Lady Supreme) and bake (I make a very nice sourdough loaf). 
So TLDR: Being an introvert leaves you with a lot of free time and if you’re going to work in healthcare you are gonna need to find something to relieve stress. So as you can see, the thought of me being a role model to any person is laughable tbh.   😂😂 Ya girl’s a mess, one only needs to glance upon my instagram to see that! 
But also: What are you studying?! Healthcare can be rewarding but it is also a difficult job! 
Anyway! Sophie Beckett! A precious cinnamon roll tbh! Shall we check in with her immediately after Enchanted ended?!
 When she looked back on it now, Sophie was willing to say the 15 minutes after she was shoved into the Marquee at Aubrey Hall were, very... confusing. Benedict was there, and for the first time in her life she’d reached out and been selfish, taken what she wanted for herself. And his lips against hers had felt ridiculously right, and then everything had been a little overwhelming. As a ludicrously imposing man tapped on her shoulder, his arm wrapped tightly around the waist of his equally intimidating new wife and said possibly the last thing she’d ever expected him to say.
“I’m so glad to meet you! Maybe now I can stop finding Benedict in bed with my wife!” And he’d laughed brightly, as had Kate to Sophie’s very great surprise. And she could feel everyone’s curious eyes on her, and her cheeks were burning and she had to remind herself to breathe, despite Benedict’s hand tucked neatly in hers. 
“I um... I should... go back to work.” Sophie said awkwardly after several seconds. And Anthony looked a little sheepish as Kate said “Don’t let Anthony scare you off Sophie, he’s secretly a big softie.” But the statement did nothing to quell the panic rising in her chest. even as she said “And Mrs. Gibbons has refused to let you back in the kitchen tonight I’m afraid.”  Sophie tried to force a smile, she could feel Benedict’s eyes watching her closely as he said, “I’m afraid, that I’m going to have to cut out on your wedding a little early.” He said gently, and then with a smirk on his face that did funny things to Sophie’s heartbeat he said “Congrats Kate, You’ll realise you should have married Greg over this prim idiot.” And then he tugged on Sophie’s arm leaving Kate laughing happily behind them, and a different man’s voice, close by Lucy saying, “Is that who I think it is?”  
As soon as they were out of the marquee Sophie could breathe easier. Long deep breaths pulling into her chest.  “I haven’t... slept with Kate you know.” Benedict’s voice cut through the air after several seconds, And Sophie let out a surprised splutter at the bluntness of the subject, though she wasn’t exactly surprised by the statement. She raised her eyebrows. “I sort of assumed as much?” And Benedict seemed to relax, exhaling sharply, and she couldn’t risk teasing him, just a little, the familiar pattern of them, standing close outside a wedding coming back to her.  “While I don’t doubt your obvious charms Ben, Kate seems very much in love with your brother.” Benedict rolled his eyes for a moment before looking seriously back at her. “It seems... pretty obvious at this point that Kate was looking for you. And you deserve to know why.” And Sophie’s breath caught, and despite the fact she wanted to avert her eyes, she forced herself to maintain eye contact. 
“I have driven my entire family absolutely insane for the last 12 months, talking about you. Edwina walked off a shoot because I wouldn’t stop talking about you, I was making her life hell apparently. I’d go out every Friday and look for you. And every Saturday I’d have breakfast with Kate and she’d listen to me complain that I hadn’t been able to. That’s how much I wanted to find you Sophie.” He laughed at the end his eyes shining at her and tears pricked at her eyes, an apology clawing its way from her chest. “I’m sorry that I-” She started Benedict shook his head, his arms wrapping around her tightly. “I don’t care Sophie, you’re here now and that’s all I care about. But I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight, Cinderella.” 
And laughter bubbled up inside her chest as he tugged her further away from the marquee.      
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duskamethyst · 4 years
only mine.
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a/n: my first bnha fic! im in love with the anime and i simp for so many characters aha
word count: 1.6k
genre: mature, implied nsfw (characters are aged up)
warnings: kidnapping, drugging, yandere behavior
pairing: yan!kaminari x gn!reader
summary: you and kaminari are fuck buddies. 
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“man, can’t you just sleep over?” kaminari groans as he rolls onto his side, his elbow props himself up to watch you get off the bed to collect your clothes that were stripped and thrown onto the floor. 
“denki, no.” you say sternly while putting on your hoodie, missing the pouty look on the male’s face. 
“not even for one night?” he pleads. 
“nope!” you stick out your tongue teasingly before walking towards the door and turning the knob. “not ever.”
“sheesh, you’re such a hardass.” 
“call me whatever you want,” you roll your eyes as you step out and slowly close the door before peeking your head in again, “see ya.”
it has been months since you and kaminari been fucking on each other’s bed. it started with small talks before he (quickly-- after just a couple of times seeing each other)  began to openly flirt with you. kaminari was a fun a guy to be around with, kind of dumb and he looked like he meant no harm. you decided to entertain the fellow, shamelessly retaliate his flirtatious behavior (which was so much better than his game that it made him flustered often) until the both of you found yourselves together, bare and dripping with sweat in bed. 
you and kaminari formed a “pact” that it should remain as is, no strings attached and leaving the only label on it as fwb. being each others’ booty call is hell lot of fun, the sex is bomb and you don’t have to commit and have feelings for each other. you made it clear that this should remain a secret and that you both are free to fuck around with other people too but as much you’d like to believe that he understood it, kaminari never failed to constantly spam your phone with unnecessary texts about your well being, how your day went or asking if you wanted to go to shopping with him. it was a bit suffocating but if he was lucky enough, he’d get a short reply if not left on read.
you stick to your own belief that is to leave as soon as you’re done wrecking each other. no cuddles, no pillow talks or whatever those cheesy things couples normally do because the more time you spend together, there would be no doubt that one of you would start to catch feelings and it’s the last thing you want to have right now. the longest that you would stay at his place was only to take a quick shower after doing the deed, but not before having him almost begging to come in with you.
still, that doesn’t stop the male to often ask you to hang out and stay with him after a couple of hours together. you had to constantly remind him how this whole thing works but sometimes you could still see how he was burning holes behind other people who he thought was looking at you for too long or making you laugh too much and you couldn’t help but to wonder if he was taking this differently from you. whenever you confronted him about it, he’d get extremely defensive about his behavior and said you were just imagining it or that he was joking. not wanting to argue any further, you’d often leave it at that.
hanging around with the guys is when his little antics gets worse. kirishima often invites the crew to his place to play video games and he always manages to find a way to lay a finger on you or openly flirts with you. he’d usually make sure that he is the one that gets to sit next to you or purposely hangs an arm protectively around your shoulders as he casually speaks to the others-- which earns the both of you some weird looks. kaminari notices it and he lives for it. it makes him even prouder to be able to claim you in some sort of way.
“been kinda wondering-- you guys are fucking each other or something?” sero suddenly questions while his eyes are glued to the screen in desperation of beating bakugou in the racing game.
“hell ye- OUCH!” you yank your elbow on kaminari’s side to cut him off.
“who the hell would?” you quickly reply, earning some laughs from the other males present. 
“then, you’re free after this?” he turns his head to wink at you, giving a small room of opportunity for bakugou to slip through sero’s car and eventually finish the whole two laps. 
the blonde male grunts and hits sero’s head with his controller, “fucking idiot! you didn’t even take this seriously! kirishima! you’re next!”
“well, someone’s bound to take care of that bump on your head now, huh?” you tease, and sero is one to quickly catch on to that as a wide grin spreads across his face. 
“dude, i owe you one!” he chuckles and lightly taps on bakugou’s shoulder. 
“i should’ve kicked you in the balls.” he grumbles, finger expertly pushing one of the joysticks as he chooses his preferred sports car for the next race.
the night goes on as usual, each of you taking turns on the racing game that bakugou insists on only playing for the rest of the night which none of you dared to say otherwise. everyone has their shares of laughs, you think-- missing the scowl on kaminari’s face whenever you choose to only spare him your half-assed attention while sero shows you his collection of memes on his phone. it’s probably mean of him to think how sero looks like a fucking simp that has to impress you in order to woo you for the night but he couldn’t care less. he knows you best-- knows how you do things your way and seeing you “subtly” being flirtatious right in front of his face angers him to no end. 
you’re acting like it, like a... what was it again? a whore? it has been at the tip of his tongue but he doesn’t dare to say it. he feels bad enough to even think about you that way and know that he shouldn’t since you both are in this stupid “relationship” that people use as an excuse just to hop from one dick or pussy to another because they’re too “afraid” of or don’t want any commitments or whatever. kaminari gets the idea, he’s not that dense but it’s unfair how he can’t bring himself to do things like you-- not when he’s already catching feelings this quick.
for the sake of not wanting to ruin the night nor the only thing that binds you to him, he chooses to keep his cool until you guys part ways. he doesn’t even realize how hard he’s clenching his fists when he finds out that you left with sero while he’s gone for a bathroom break. 
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— come over tonight? ;-)
a week has passed since that night. you notice that kaminari haven’t been constantly flooding your inbox like he used to and it has been the least of your worries. in fact, you enjoyed it. you had your time being around other people more without having them to think that he’s a threat to them and he was less touchy than he used to be. you have no clue about the reason for his change in attitude and you couldn’t find the reason to ponder about it anyways.
he comes over as asked, an activity that is far from foreign for the both of you. kaminari happily shows you the bottle of booze from his bag as he enters your home-- neither of you has to say it, you both know that you’re going to have mindless, drunk sex tonight. 
“don’t worry, i’ll make sure to sleep on the couch.” he reassures, pouring the liquor into two glasses in your kitchen as you sit down lazily on the couch. 
“you better be,” you reply, going through the movies available on netflix from the tv screen. “you can choose what you wanna watch.”
kaminari walks over and offers you one of the glasses before sitting down next to you. he goes through the movies before choosing one, sipping on his drink and glancing towards you through the corner of his eyes once in a while. he can’t help but to suppress a smile through his glass when he catches you take a gulp and your face squirm at the bitter taste. 
“it’s so strong.” you mumble after a few more sips and a few minutes into the movie that you are trying to pay attention to. you believe that your alcohol tolerance isn’t that bad but the way those few sips are already making your head spin instead of the familiar high that should succumb your mind by now.
“for real? i think you’re just imagining it.” he replies coyly as his eyes bore through the screen.
“i’m not--” the spinning starts to become unbearable and your eyelids are getting heavy so you quickly lay your head down and close your eyes on the couch in an attempt to soothe it down before kaminari reaches to rub smooth circles on your head.
“shh, do you wanna puke?” his voice is too calm despite the situation. knowing him, he’d be absolutely frantic when things go wrong. you try to open your eyes, but the lights do nothing but cruelly inflict the pain even more. 
“no.. i just-- carry me to bed..?” you whine as you welcome the comfort he’s offering.
kaminari just watches you as you slowly drift into a deep slumber, your chest heaving up and down as you breathe. he calls your name a few times to test the waters before he finally lets out a sinister chuckle and hovers over your body to kiss your cheek.
“poor baby. don’t worry, i’ll bring you somewhere nicer.” he whispers as he gazes adoringly at your unlively state. so vulnerable. 
“then i can have you all to myself.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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