#but i was too focused on funny that i forgot anatomy
zy-murge · 1 year
give me your doc headcanons immediately + thoughts on the fact that doc was in on the betrayal at the end of M:PN (he provided the rocket launcher)
okay focusing on the betrayal part first I was gonna be like "he definitely would not ask Hank to try and kill Sanford & Deimos?" and I completely stand by that. But I also forgot Jeb was there too. Doc would ABSOLUTELY tell Hank to launch Jeb's ass off that fucking tower I KNOW he's petty like that even if he doesn't show it.
Doc and Jeb's relationship I think is constantly a petty battle to show which is better. I think Jeb does this by trying to act like he's "above" everything Doc is doing, (attempting in) showing that he has more grace than to send his goons to do his dirty work (<- hypocrite, has already done so with sheriff & hofnarr) and participate in such vile experiments like what doc's doing for revival (<- STILL a hypocrite. while always against reviving people he like, still made some pretty heinous shit like the sleepwalker program.) Doc on the other hand knows Jeb is doing this all to get a step up on him and absolutely is just doing this to be petty (Ex-AAHW and all that, very likely he worked with Jeb at some point even if not side by side) so pointing out his hypocritical remarks ONLY in places he can't defend himself against (so like, important to say doc isn't saying "oh but you were a nexus scientist!" in response to "ghoulish experiments" but INSTEAD "well, you weren't complaining when i was putting you back together" so he like. literally cant come back from that) and fucking with him by letting hank just maul the shit out of the guy is also a really funny and really petty thing to do. "Thanks for helping me achieve my goal, STUPID! MR WIMBLETON KILL THIS CHARLATAN."
i think hank and 2bd probably bond over this a little bit too LOL. they may be opposites in so many ways but they fucking HATE that little prick. entitled, hypocritical, and most of all a pain in the ass to deal with.
okay finally; ETC DOC HEADCANONS
bottom surgery king
u know that thing autistic people do where they look the most bored out of their mind and in reality they're like actually having a really good time. Yeah
i think not only is her house VERY cold but he has like an abysmal amount of coolers, like from all the dead bodies and organs and shit she has to preserve just to perform all this experiments and most importantly COMPUTERS GET SOOO HOT WHEN THEY RUN A LOT & FOR LONG!! HIS ASS HAS SO MANY.
very warm body though (and also probably why he wears a fur lined coat? u saw the live action trailer ...)
i'll die on this hill forever but he fucking loves experimental music and raves and especially shit like bull of heaven and venetian snares and drill & bass music and anything weirdo and light. probably also felix kubin. my friend is Music Pilling Me
dogshit at gaming. still god at puzzles (minesweeper + crossword + picross ...)
i think at times he has to get with skinner to fix hank up and shit like sometimes it's so bad that shit needs to get peer reviewed.
to add onto that: so in canon the goggles he wears apparently has a HUD according to the arena mode description. wikihow "how to do surgery" alongside "grunt anatomy diagram" on the side
i'll probably do another 2bhank headcanon megapost (likely with repeats but no one really gives a fuck abt that part) bc those are pretty much the rest of my headcanons. maybe even just a hank-only post?! hope you enjoyed 🫶🫶❤️🫶❤️
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kindestegg · 1 year
Heya! I'm curious to hear your opinion on the last episode in general, I don't think you've said much from what I've seen. Mainly on Collie and stuff, and especially what you think about them going away in the end there. Are you perhaps planning to write a post on that or anything? I just like your takes on things so I'm curious
... can I say something? It makes me stupidly emotional in a positive way that so many people have been showing interest in my opinions and thoughts about toh and collector. I knew my posts on them had gotten somewhat popular, but it genuinely surprises seeing how many people seem to think of me and want to hear what I have to say! You guys are too incredibly sweet and I just want to thank you!
This got... pretty long since I assumed you wanted an overall rundown of my thoughts on the episode not just focused on colly so uhhh... tagging it as long post.
As for my general thoughts on the episode... they are... uhhh A LOT of ohhhhh that's so cool ohhh that's so awesome... it was genuinely just a very fun high spirits episode for me, I was surprised seeing how easily colly was swayed and how willing he was to try and be friends... he is truly a very kind being! How strong raine was to push belos out and keep going, their ingenuity as well with all their movements!! They're so cool... the way they confirmed my suspicion that Collector really loves titans and knows a lot about their anatomy and culture!
I REALLY didn't think they were gonna do the Luz death fake out, that shocked me a lot since we already had a fake out with hunter, but now I'm starting to think they maybe did that to be a direct parallel to flapjack, as that one also featured the glowing lights rising. But then we met King's mom who is a total furbait for me so like!!! It's fine!!! Helloooo sexyyyyy!!!!!!! I love that they're genderfluid that got me so happy I love that he explains it by calling back to King's line about being queen and king that was already so damn transgender!!! I can't believe King is bigender just like her dad!!!
They have such good vibes anyway so it was really nice seeing them. Ngl I was kind of against seeing the titan again bc it was made such a point he was gone and we should mourn them, but she did kinda... die right after anyway so it's fine, and also again she is so cool it's kind of hard to not want him to have shown up. I love hiiiim. And then for that matter. Their conversation was so sweet and I love how it puts emphasis on two core themes of the series: the leftist sentiment of it being severely more important to fight to protect others genuinely from oppression and violence than to be respectable at those in power, and that Luz was never meant to be a chosen one, but she was a good kind person who deserved through her being there to be trusted. And is it not often just a matter of someone who is good choosing to do good when it counts?
I was a little sad that colly didn't get to do much fighting alongside the cast, but then again so didn't... most of the hexsquad! And his role was so important too, protecting everyone inside the Archives!! He is so very strong and i am so proud of him. Luzs titan form was so epic and her fight scene along with eda and King and eventually also raine was so cool!!!! And so was the scene with her just standing over belos... fuck yeah
I do not know if many more people noticed!! But the symbols around the titan as his spirit left luzs body were alchemical sun/gold symbols!! See!!! It's a titan symbol!! Also for that matter, the symbol on luzs chest on her titan design is the sun connected to the earth im pretty sure!! And i do love that King's dad said i love you with a bread pun but it is funny he almost... forgot to send any message lmao. It's okay though I'm sure she just wasn't prepared ♡
Ah and then the ending!! Was cute!! Personally I find the ending and epilogue pretty okay, I don't think it'll satisfy everyone of course, but I liked it well enough, everyone's endings felt nice. I HAVE actually spoken extensively (although more casually) about how I feel on Colly's fate, you can find that on my commander's answers tag as I responded to an anon on it, and I DO have a post about it planned but it will take... quite a long while to make, currently I am still laying down bullet points and I'm only to the second part of it and there are already four pages... uhm. Yeah. That and I'm starting to realize that it might make half the fandom want to crush me in a metal compactor. So thats fun. But well! I am committed to information above all!
Thank you again for the ask and for thinking of me!
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flowerslut · 1 year
17, 22, 9 & 8? good luck with the exams hope they go well!
thank you so much! I can't wait for them to be done so I can focus on fic and other non-essential silliness 😭😭😭
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
omfg when I tell you... I have never done so much random batshit research in my life for a fic... than I have for this current one... I MEAN it. i've gone to a southern california mission (and am planning a second trip for this or next month!), I've read The Art of War TWICE this week, I started studying tarot, and now I know WAY too much about human anatomy (tendons and ligaments, specifically). but one wild thing I've learned is that apparently when people got crucified back in ye olden times, the nails went into their WRISTS and not their PALMS??? so either I didn't pay attention in either of my catholic schools (likely), I forgot about this, (also likely) or they just never taught us that (most likely)
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
if I start a fic knowing it's going to be a multi-chapter fic then I usually figure out the ending before I write a single word. so basically yes. I always know the ending. (the only fics that have ever gotten me in trouble with this are the ones that started as one shots and then whoops suddenly there's more chapters! and I never figured an ending out bc I thought I'd already written it! oopsies!)
but I am very good at developing a basically-complete story with anywhere between 2 hours and 2 weeks of brainstorming. I am very fast with it. it's the plot specifics (scenes, settings, b plots, etc) throughout the fic that I usually spend more time on, but fic usually comes to me all at once! idk! I thought for years that that was how everyone came up with fic! but I have learned from my darling friends over the past couple years that... that is absolutely not the case. idk it's a funny little ~party trick~ I have I guess
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I WISH! if I had my preferred amount of time to sit down and write fic every day I would have an absolutely terrifying amount of fanfiction complete. (when focused I can easily spit out 30k+ words in a week and it makes me feel both insane and ALIVE) but usually I can't sit down to write unless I have at least five+ hours to write. once I get started writing I literally can not stop and it upsets me INTENSELY if I have to 💔💔💔
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
I am currently only working on roots! when that first draft is finished I'm going to take a break and finish outlining cotn's novella this summer; this is so that when I finally fix-up roots and it's ready to post I'll be able to redirect my attention to that while roots is being posted (which will happen over the course of 1 year+)
so! very exciting stuff for the Jalice Appreciators out there who give a shit about my writing 🤠
fanfic writer asks!
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clockwork-fayz · 7 months
Macey Reviews Best Picture Nominees 2024
Barbie: 7/10
I think I need to watch this movie again. I saw it when it first came out and went in looking for "Lego Movie" vibes. I should have watched in with "Oscar Movie" vibes. What I liked: Colorful, music, experience of people dressing up to go. What I didn't like: the founder being a ghost (?), the real world didn't follow real world rules, the plot being here, there, and everywhere. I have so many mixed feelings.
Oppenheimer: 10/10
I knew so very little going into this movie, and now I can tell you everything about this guy. Non-linear movies when done correctly are my favorite, because the smallest things become plot twists. And the scene where they test the bomb? AMAZING. That is CINEMA.
The Holdover: 7/10
It was a good movie, don't get me wrong. There funny moments, there were heartwarming moments. But was it stand out? Did it meet the standards of an extraordinary movie? Not really.
Maestro: 5/10
Don't be fooled; it is neither a romance nor a musical nor about Leonard Cohan that someone made me believe. This movie is pure Oscar bait, and as a world, there are some people that we don't need to make biopics about. This composer who yes was gay but also cheated on his wife a shit ton is not the story we need to hear. Here's what this movie does have going for it: the leads. Bradley Cooper proves again that I don't know what his real voice sounds like, and Carey Mullinger proves that I don't know what she actually looks like. Now Maya Hawke...is not like that. Sorry Maya, you brought me out of the movie.
The Zone of Interest: 7/10
It's one of those movies were you don't want to say "that was a good movie" because...it's deeply unsettling. The pace is soooo slow that I struggled to keep focused. Yet this movie is very poignant and speaks loudly. The fact that you never see any horrors, yet is easily one of the most sickening holocaust movies you'll see makes this movie worth the watch.
American Fiction: 9/10
Me the first twenty minutes: "Ahaha this movie is funny-wait what." I liked this movie a lot; it's humorous, it's got heart, and lots of things to think about. You will every piece of media you have ever consumed as a white person, even a movie on this list...but that is how you end a movie!
Past Lives: 8/10
This movie was so incredibly real, if that makes sense. Not relatable to me AT ALL, but I'm like yep. That's life. I shed a tiny tear, I did. And the cinematography was just perfect. But also...I don't like real life. I want movies where I can pretend that real life does have big, dramatic, love stories. GIVE ME DRAMATIC HAPPY LOVE STORIES DAMNIT.
Poor Things: 9/10
This movie was unhinged, I loved it. The Steampunk-esque setting was a real vibe. The entire plot was new and exciting. HOWEVER there was too much sex, and Europe had it right to cut that scene with the young boys. Very unnecessary . And the last like thirty minutes felt excessive.
Killers of the Flower Moon: 10/10
This movie is long, yet I felt like it went at such as pace that you don't notice it as much. I mean it was years worth of murders they needed to cover. The acting all around was amazing, and I want to stay away from white men now.
Anatomy of a Fall: 9/10
Another movie that is labeled something it is not; it is not a thriller. It is slow, but very tense crime drama. I actually forgot I was watching an oscar movie for a little bit and I was like thinking of all these plot twists. Yeah don't overthink it, it's not a criminal minds episode. Still, very well done and that child actor was amazing!
0 notes
jkaart · 2 years
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Superman: Are you OK, Jim?
Jimmy, buried in Superman's obscenely large pecs: Let me have this Kal. Please.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Team Player: Chapter Eight
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
A week or two had gone by, and things had been going well for Eren and (Y/N) surprisingly. The two actually were getting along pretty well, they both hung out a lot to help improve on his skills. The improvement was showing and she was satisfied with how much better he was doing compared to the previous weeks. 
Eren and (Y/N) were sitting in the library talking about their project which was due that coming Friday. 
"Does it look good?" Eren asked, leaning over to look at her laptop. 
She leaned back against her chair. "Yeah.. it's coming along nicely. It looks nice with the pictures you added," she said and smiled at him.
Eren looked at her as his smile grew. "Nah really it was all you," he replied, looking at his phone. 
Eren was feeling a lot better about his situation, (Y/N) also helped with his ankle. He was off the wrap and was now able to walk on it without limping, which was a huge gain for him. The pain meds did a pretty good job, as he was now off of them since his ankle was now pretty much healed.
"Hey Eren!" 
His eyes averted up to see Jean walking towards him. (Y/N) stayed focused on the project, she knew Jean since freshman year. He was one of the many people who knew about the whole incident, he took the video. She knew him and Eren were teammates.
"What's up?" Eren asked and nodded. 
Jean leaned against the wall. "Oh nothing I just saw ya and I wanted to say hey. Is that (Y/N)?" he asked, pointing at her. 
Eren looked towards her. "Yeah that's (Y/N), she's my partner for the project." he replied, running his fingers through his hair. 
"Hey (Y/N), I haven't seen you in forever." Jean said, a sly smirk forming onto his face. 
She looked up from her laptop. "Yeah.. it really does feel like forever ago," she replied and rolled her eyes. 
"You know… I forgot how cute you were. I miss being your lab partner sometimes," Jean said, eyeing her hungrily.
Something inside Eren made him want to hit Jean, he was talking to (Y/N) first, not him! Who does he think he is? He didn't like the way he was talking to (Y/N) either, it made anger bubble inside of him. He was never one to get mad, but this felt… different.
"We should hangout sometime you know? I can whip up some good food for you," Jean said and smiled at her. 
Heat rushed onto her cheeks as Jean was speaking to her. "U-Uh.. I don't know Jean," she replied, looking down avoiding his gaze.
He nodded. "C'mon (Y/N)! You're so pretty and I wanna show you how a guy should treat you," he said, leaning down towards her. 
"Jean. She seems clearly uncomfortable, just let it go. Plus I was talking to her first," Eren said, his voice stern and serious. 
Jean looked at him with raised brows. "Huh? Hm.. fine I guess. Just know the offer stands (Y/N)," he said, smirking at her. "See you later Eren," he added and made his way out of the library. 
A relieved sigh came from (Y/N)'s mouth. "Thank you for that Eren.. really," she said and placed her hand on his arm. 
He felt tingles coming from her touch. "U-Uhm.. of course! He just seemed like he was bothering you and I felt like you needed the assistance," he replied, smiling a bit. 
They sat there staring at each other for a few moments, Eren's eyes flickered towards her lips. His mouth slightly watering at the idea of leaning in and kissing her, they looked so soft and plump. 
"Eren?" (Y/N) said, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He shook his head, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. "My bad! What's up?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She giggled a bit at how cute he was. "I gotta head to my next class," she said and began putting her books into her backpack. "It kind of is important too," she added. 
Eren stood up. "Let me walk you to class, I'm gonna head to the practice field anyway." he said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. 
She smiled and grabbed her backpack. The two exited the library and made their way to the other side of the campus building, the walk wasn't far but it was a pretty reasonable distance. The two chatted about everything that had been going on including the football game Eren was unsure of. (Y/N) assured him that everything would work out. 
"Here we are," she said and stopped at the door of the lecture hall. 
Eren looked down at her. "I hope you have fun in class," he said, chuckling a bit. 
She rolled her eyes playfully, hitting his arm. "Yeah sure! Because anatomy is so fun," she said and giggled. "Let me know what happens if you go to practice, okay?" she added. 
Eren felt a smile form onto his face hearing her laugh, it was so cute to him. 
"Yeah I'll let you know! See you later (Y/N)," he said and waved at her. 
She waved and entered her classroom, the day was now over for Eren. His classes were done and he didn't have much to do, so he decided to make his way towards the locker room. A place he hadn't been for awhile. He missed the way it felt when he walked in after school, his energy was high and it was all he looked forward to. 
He entered the locker room, many eyes bored into his head. Most of his teammates were speaking to him, most of them broke the ice and apologized for acting like idiots. Eren claimed their behavior was valid, considering what happened. 
Many of the players exited and went outside to the practice field. 
"Eren.. funny to see you here,"
He turned his head to see Reiner standing there in his practice uniform. 
"Yeah.. I uh, wanted to talk to coach," he replied, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You see em'?" he asked. 
Reiner sighed. "Yeah, he just went outside. How's your ankle?" he asked and looked down at it. 
Eren leaned against the lockers. "It's actually fully healed, the nurse cleared me and I can actually walk without a limp." he replied. 
The blonde nodded his head. "That's good to hear.. I hope to see you playing again soon," he said and patted his shoulder before exiting the locker room.
Eren made his way outside after Reiner, he felt the cooler air hit against his skin. A shiver went down his spine, he forgot what it felt like to play outside with this weather. He had been indoors so long his body wasn't used to the colder air. 
He spotted the players practicing blocks, throwing balls, or just doing the usual warmups for practice. Something Eren missed dearly. 
Eren's eyes caught the head of his coach, he was looking down at his clipboard, seeming to be going over the plays. His eyes flickered every so often to check on the people warming up. 
"Coach.." Eren said, looking down at the ground.
Coach Smith looked over at him. "Eren? What are you doing here? It's been quite a bit." he asked and nodded his head. 
He sighed. "Yeah it has… I um, I wanted to see how practices were going. My ankle is healed now," he replied, smiling a bit. 
His coach's eyes averted down towards his ankle, noticing it wasn't wrapped up anymore. 
He nodded his head. "I see… I'm happy to hear that really. How has your teamwork skills been working? Do you have any improvement?" he asked, looking over at him. 
Eren leaned against the bleachers. "Yeah! I've been working really hard actually," he replied. "I've done a lot," he added.
"The championship game is this Saturday… you don't have much time. Not having you at the game last week wasn't good," Coach Smith said, his eyes not leaving the players running around. 
Eren's eyes grew wide at his words, the game was already this soon? 
"Wait, it's this early? I thought it'd be later," Eren asked and furrowed his brows. 
His coach looked at him. "It's earlier because we won last week. I hope to see your improvement soon, you have until Friday to prove it to me. If not, you won't play and your offer for the Chief's becomes slim to none." he replied. 
Hearing those words come out of his mouth made Eren's mind race. He had less than 3 days to get ready for the game, that was barely any time! He had to do as much as he could now before then. 
"I won't let you down Coach.. I promise I can prove how much I've changed," Eren said and looked at him with determination.
Coach Smith nodded his head. "Good.. Mr.Zacharius will be there as well. He was quite disappointed hearing what happened the week before, watch it Eren. You need this season," he said.
He totally had forgotten about the scout that came to see him. If Eren messed up one more time all the offers headed his way would be off the table. That's an option he didn't want to come true. 
"I think I'll be able to do it," he replied.
"You think so? Let's see by Friday," Coach Smith replied, looking at him. 
Eren headed back towards the locker room, he had to find (Y/N).
Class ended fairly quickly for (Y/N). She was tired after a long day of helping Eren and doing homework assignments, she just wanted to collapse in bed and take a nap. 
She was sitting in her dorm on her laptop, typing away at her essay she had to do. Her roommate Sasha was out and about with her boyfriend Connie so she had some peace and quiet for the whole night. Maybe she could finish up in time?
A sudden banging on the door caused her to jump in her bed. Her heartbeat quickened at the sudden noise. 
Furrowing her brows, she stood up walking slowly towards the door. Did Sasha end up with some mafia? That girl was always full of surprises..
She put her hand on the cold door knob, hesitating a bit to open the door. 
"(Y/N)! Are you here?!" 
She knew that voice. 
It was Eren's.
She let out a sigh of relief as she opened the door to see him standing there. He seemed a bit flushed, like he was running or he was in a rush to come see her. 
"Eren? Jesus.. you scared me! I thought someone was trying to break in," she said, looking up at him. 
His brown hair was messy. "Sorry.. I should have texted. Can I come in?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She moved out of the way so he could enter her dorm. The faint smell of his vanilla cologne coming off his body filled her nose. 
"Are you okay? You seem like you're in a rush," she asked and plopped down on her bed, crossing her legs. 
Eren plopped down next to her. "Yeah I just needed to come find you," he replied, smiling a bit. 
She felt her cheeks becoming warm. "Well what's up? Did something happen?" she asked. 
He chewed his bottom lip. "I went to practice today and uh.. My coach told me I have until Friday to show my improvement. If not all my offers are off the table," he replied, looking down at the floor. 
Her eyes went wide realizing that Friday was a few days away. They barely had any time to prepare. 
"Shit…" she said, leaning against her bed frame. 
"Look if you can't help-"
"No Eren, I can help you. We just need to prepare," she said and looked around the room. Her mind raced with different thoughts or ideas on what to do. 
Eren was a bit surprised at her response. "We can find a way," he said with determination in his voice. 
She bit at the insides of her cheeks. "What if we went to the field, you know the practice fields? You do need some help throwing balls since you haven't been on your feet, and it can be some good practice." she said, nodding her head. 
Eren thought about the idea. It sounded great, plus he could use the extra practice before the game. It would show his coach that he was able to work well with his teammates and he could actually play without his ankle bothering him. 
"That sounds great, when though?" he asked. 
"How about tomorrow or Thursday?" 
He smiled. "Tomorrow would work best.. it gives us more time," he replied, looking up at her. 
She shook her head. "Alright.. um, tomorrow at 7? My classes end early," she said, opening her phone to add a reminder. 
"Sounds like a plan! I got nothing going on so we can for sure meet up," he replied, throwing a thumbs-up her way with a grin on his face. 
Her cheeks warmed at the sight of Eren smiling at her. She couldn't lie that his smile wasn't charming, it always drew her in somehow. 
"Okay great! I can meet you there," she said, looking at him. 
His emerald like eyes lit up with excitement. "Hell yeah! Ugh, (Y/N) you're the best!" he said before hugging her. 
She felt her face heat up as Eren pulled away quickly. "Oh shit! I'm sorry.. I-I didn't even- ugh shit- oh my god i'm sorry," he said, an obvious blush forming onto his cheeks. 
She laughed a bit. "No, don't worry! You're fine.. it was just a little random, that's all." she replied with a reassuring smile. 
He laughed, running his fingers through his brunette locks. "I just.. I don't know you seem huggable," he said, looking down to avoid her gaze. Embarrassment still written all over his face. 
"I like hugs if that helps," she said, giggling a bit. 
He smiled. "You are the best though, I didn't think you'd help me." 
She rolled her eyes as a playful smile formed onto her cheeks. "I'm not all that special. Plus you did let me do the project, so who was I to say no?" she said, leaning against the bed frame. 
The two stared at each other again, Eren's eyes flickering over her lips. There was that tension again, the way the two stared at each other as if they were waiting for one of them to make a move or lean in. 
"I should get going!" Eren said, breaking the silence between them. 
(Y/N) shook her head. "Oh yeah! Totally.. uh, I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. 
He smiled. "Yeah for sure.." he replied before standing up and grabbing his things. 
"Don't forget!" she said and opened the door for him. 
He looked back at her. "I won't.." 
She waved at him before shutting the door to her dorm. She plopped down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. 
"Ugh.. Eren, what am I gonna do about you?" she asked herself. 
It's crazy it's almost a week or two ago she despised the boy for everything he did. Now she was hanging out with him, giggling at his jokes, thinking about him. 
What was going on with her? What was Eren doing to her head?
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @erensapologist @luvrboykento @callmepromise @katsuhera @just-a-little-sad @bell0214 @flam3bird @moomii-hime @thicmitten @ryan249057 @daughter-of-the-stars11 @lunamoonawatcher @chayauwu @sofi-yeager
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dal3ks · 4 years
the project
pairing: peter parker x female reader 
word count: 3.2k
warnings: smut, cursing, teasing, coaxing, pet names, mentions to anatomy, marking, oral(receiving), both characters are of age! 
a/n: this was a fic i had posted on my main account @a-dorin​, but i am in the process of switching over content so that it is a strictly star wars account! just a disclaimer, i am not plagiarizing or stealing content, as this is my fic!
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"today i have an exciting announcement," your chemistry teacher gushed, "since we are right on track for the unit, we will be taking a slight detour in our lesson plans. this whole week, we will be learning all about human chemistry!"
the class groaned, and you turned around to your best friend, nova, "how fucking lame."
she winked at you, "it'll be fun."
"so, to kick off this unit, we will be conducting a project on chemical reactions in the human body. i know you all have lab partners, but to make it fun, i will be drawing names out of a cup. everyone's name is on a slip of paper. i will begin drawing names right now, then we will discuss some of the parameters of the project," your teacher continued, a wide smile on his face.
drawing in a sigh, you glanced around the entirety of the room. m.j., one of your close friends, looked intrigued, as she was sitting next to your best friend, nova. flash looked disgusted, while peter and ned both grimaced to one another.
a part of you was hoping you would be paired up with your high school crush, peter parker. ever since the first semester of your freshman year, you had been attracted to him. he had bumped into you in the hallway between seventh and eighth period, knocking your coffee out of your hand. he apologized profusely, even handing you a ten dollar bill for the next coffee run. ever since then, you wanted to get to know the shy boy.
peter was guarded. extremely guarded. his awkward demeanor didn't help at all. anytime you asked him the simplest question, he got flustered, red-faced and stuttered. part of you wondered if it was because he just wasn't a people person, or if it was because he liked you. 
both of you guys had made small exchanges since that encounter, whether it was greeting one another in the hallway, sharing a seat on a bus ride, or giving one another snacks in class. since m.j. was within your friend group, you did get to see peter some, as they were mutual friends.
every girl at your high school adored peter. he was charismatic, charming, and was passionate about his friends and school. also, who was ever offered the opportunity to work alongside tony stark? that was another aspect you adored about peter. whenever you guys did chat, it was usually a vivid, funny story about peter's internship with stark industries. his stories made you laugh every time.
even though peter was short, he was taller than you. his floppy brown curls had all of the girls drooling. his smile was radiant, and his body was amazing. you had snuck glances during gym class. the boy was extremely fit. you figured it was due to his internship with stark industries, or maybe the boy just liked to work out. regardless, his body was extremely attractive.
"(y/n) (l/n)," your chemistry teachers voice rang out, snapping you out of your thoughts, "you will be paired with... peter parker."
you widened your eyes, surprised at what you were hearing. glancing over at peter, you realized he looked just as surprised as you were. even though the class had "random" partners, the chemistry teacher usually paired you up with your friends.
after the teacher finished assigning partners, he cleared his throat, "all right everyone! please sit next to your partner while i hand out the rubrics. m.j., can you please help me pass out the papers?"
peter slid into the seat next to you, clearing his throat, "well, i guess we're partners."
"i don't mind it one bit," you flashed him a wide smile.
"so i'm not entirely sure what this project is," peter mumbled, his eyes focused on the table.
m.j. handed us the rubrics, "i'm not sure if you listened to the entire lecture, dipshit. the project is over chemical reactions in the human body."
peter looked sheepish, "yeah, i got that part. but is there anything in the rubric that states that we need to do?"
"i'm sure it's all in the rubric," m.j. smiled sweetly.
you slid peter a rubric for the project, "hey, i'm really sorry if i'm not ned."
"it's cool," he shrugged, obviously in distress. ned was paired with nova, and they were already working on their project, taking notes.
"how about i give you my number?" you inquired, sliding your phone out of your hoodie pocket, "and you come over tonight so we can get a head start?"
"that sounds good," he nodded, taking your phone and typing the number into his phone, "how about i call you when i'm on my way?"
you smiled, eagerly taking the phone back, "that works. i'm home alone tonight, so even better."
peter blushed, just nodding, "i'll call you later then when i'm on my way."
the bell rang, signifying the end of the period. luckily chemistry was your last class of the day. you walked home, bubbly that peter was coming over tonight. once you arrived home, you took a hot shower, shaved your legs, put on lotion, and threw on some clothes. since it was fall, you opted for an over sized hoodie, paired with black leggings. you sprayed your favorite perfume, ensured your skin looked good, and threw on mascara.
once you were all ready, you straightened up your room. you made your bed, throwing some stuffed animals in the closet. peter never told you a time he would come over, but you assumed it would be later in the evening. by the time you finished cleaning the house, it was about seven thirty-eight. you sighed, a feeling of distress creeping over you. what if peter didn't want to come over? what if he stood you up?
a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. you fluffed your hair, opening the door. there, stood peter, with a white paper bag in his hand, a two liter of cherry coke in the other, "hey, can i come in?"
"of course," he stepped in, setting his book bag near the door, "what did ya bring me?"
he smiled slightly, "oh, my aunt went down to this deli and picked us up some subs and this soda."
"well," you began, "i'm not too hungry right now. maybe we could start on our project, and eat later?"
"okay," he handed you the bag, "you probably know where to put this."
you took it from him, "yeah, the kitchen is just this way. follow me."
"your house is so nice," peter breathed as he followed you, his voice low.
"thank you," you placed the bag in the fridge, taking the two liter from his hand, "you can thank my dad for that. he remodeled the whole house."
"he did an excellent job," peter peered at the kitchen, his brown eyes taking in the granite island, "this looks like somewhere tony stark would live."
you giggled, "it's not that nice."
"it's nice," he nodded enthusiastically, "your dad must be a genius. like a interior design genius."
"honestly he had this idea for a while," you felt myself smile again, "he just acted on it and made it happen. do you wanna head up to my room?"
peter's eyes widened, and he rubbed the back of his neck, "i mean, yeah, we can do that. for sure."
you had him follow you upstairs to your room, guiding him. once you were in the room, he marveled at all of the posters, polaroids, and lights plastered on the walls. you sat down on the floor, grabbing your laptop. peter sat down next to you, biting his lip anxiously.
"oh shit," he mumbled, "i forgot my laptop downstairs."
"don't worry about it," you placed your hand on top of his, "we just need to do a little bit of research anyways. i was thinking maybe we could just do an oral presentation? or we could do PowerPoint. whatever you wanna do."
"okay," you were sure peter's lip would start bleeding if he chewed it even more than he already was.
as you both locked eyes, you noticed that he had a slight cut on his right cheekbone. you frowned, feeling yourself instinctively place your hand on his cheek, the pad of your thumb gently caressing it. he flinched at your touch, but kept looking at you.
"what happened? you didn't have that earlier today in class." the words tumbled out of your mouth, and you immediately felt nosy for asking.
"oh," he stuttered, "i ran into the door frame at the apartment on my way over here. i guess i was a little excited."
"excited to see me?" you raised a brow, feeling heat rush into your cheeks. a blush spread into your cheeks, and you immediately wanted to cover up your face.
"well," peter shifted nervously, "i mean, i didn't want to be too late, and i heard how you were going to be alone so i didn't want you to be alone, and yeah. um, yeah, i was excited to see you tonight."
you scooted closer to him, and his shyness began to dissolve, as he allowed you to continue to hold his face. you could almost feel his waves of anxiety radiating off of him. he was extremely nervous but you didn't know what about.
"peter," your voice was soft, "are you okay?"
his eyes met yours, “i kinda want to tell you something."
"and that is?" you bit my lip.
"i like you, like a lot. i mean, god you're so beautiful. all of the guys at school talk about you and jesus. i probably act like a fucking idiot all the time around you but god i like you so much. i even ran into the door frame because i was so excited to see you. and maybe you don't like me either but i just can't help but be nervous. i just care about you so much. you're so beautiful. like really really beautiful." all of the words tumbling out of his mouth sounded sincere. his cheeks were burning crimson with embarrassment.
"peter," you murmured, your face dangerously close to his. his bottom lip was swollen from him biting it earlier, "i have feelings for you too."
peter sighed with relief, "that makes me so happy."
"what's our project about again?" your hands felt for your laptop, and you pulled it closer to you two.
"chemical reactions in humans," peter answered, not breaking his gaze away from mine, "i have an idea for research since we haven't found a specific topic yet."
"and that is?" you raised an inquisitive brow.
he scooped you into his arms, laying you on your back on the bed. his lips met yours, kissing you eagerly. you pressed your lips against his, kissing him back, surprised at his rush of confidence. his tongue entered your mouth, the kisses becoming more and more hungry. peter's callused hands roamed your body under your hoodie, making contact with your skin. you shivered, goosebumps covering your body.
peter pulled back for a second, "is this okay?"
kissing him gently, you gave an answer against his lips, "yes, this is more than okay. it's amazing."
his lips pressed against your neck, sucking slightly. you knew there would be hickeys in the morning. you ran your hands through his hair, tugging lightly. he pressed his body against yours, and you could feel his hard on through his joggers. as he kissed down your neck, you palmed him through the fabric. he groaned against your neck, whining slightly.
peter motioned you to sit up, and you obeyed. his gentle fingers slipped the hoodie off your top half. a part of you wondered if he had done this with any other girl before. he slipped off his own shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. you felt a slight wave of insecurity washing over you, you weren't as near as fit as he was.
peter seemed to sense the shift in your mood, kissing your chest, "stop. you're beautiful. god, i need all of you."
you undid the clasp on your lace nude bralette, letting it fall onto the floor beside the bed. peter widened his eyes, grasping each one of your breasts in his hands. he squeezed gently, unsure of what to do next. his eyes met yours, full of lust. his bottom lip was slightly swollen from the kissing, and his pupils were dilated.
his mouth latched onto your breasts, giving each one of them an equal amount of attention. you laced your fingers into his hair, tugging harder this time as peter sucked, kissed, and licked all over your chest and breasts. the actions were driving you crazy. you could feel how wet you were, even with your leggings still on. as peter continued, you let out a small moan.
"what princess?" peter's voice was husky, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, "i want you so bad."
"mmm," he hummed, "that's not specific enough, baby. tell me exactly what you want."
"i want your touch so bad," your voice was edged with desire.
"yeah?" his voice was low.
you nodded eagerly, "i need you to touch me."
"as you wish princess," his lips pressed against yours gently.
peter's lips trailed down your stomach, leaving sloppy kisses. he stopped at the waistband of your leggings, his fingers hooking the fabric. he slipped your leggings off, his cheeks tinged red at the sight of your black lace thong.
"are you sure you're ready for it, princess?" peter's eyes met yours.
you bit your lip, nodding. god, he was so hot like this. his fingers delicately took your thong off, casting it to the floor. he took a second to let his eyes roam your body, savoring every inch of it. you felt peter's tongue immediately connect itself to your clit, going in slow, circular motions. you gripped his head, pressing his face into your thighs. that only encouraged him, as he began to suck on your clit. he inserted a finger inside of you, pumping it in and out.
"god," he groaned, "you taste so good baby."
"you're going to make me cum," you moaned, your cheeks hot and jaw slack. even though you had received oral before, peter was by far the best you ever had.
his tongue slowly licked up, taking in all of your pussy. he fingered you, making a hook with his two fingers. you could feel tension building up in you, driving you crazy. your orgasm was coming soon, and peter showed no signs of slowing down. peter wanted nothing more to do this all night if he could.
"you're close aren't you?" peter's breath was hot, "c'mon princess, you're almost there."
he sucked on your clit, squeezing one of your breasts in his hand. his fingers pulled on your nipple, and you felt yourself come undone. your loud moans filled the room, and peter gripped your thighs to keep you on the bed. he licked you until your thighs stopped trembling. once he was finished, he glanced up at you, his cheeks flushed.
you took his hand, sucking on his two fingers. he bit his lip, letting out a small sigh, "i told you that you tasted good."
your eyes drifted down at the sight of his hard on through his joggers. your hand palmed him through the fabric, and pleasure washed over him.
"hey peter," you murmured, "did you bring any condoms?"
his face reddened, "no, i, um. i have some, but not with me."
your fingers latched themselves on the waistband of his joggers, slowly gliding down his legs. he was still hard, his skin hot and his face flushed. his breath hitched in his throat as you pulled down his boxers, your hand wrapping around the base of his cock.
"peter," your eyes met his, "please fuck me."
he almost came at the sound of your words, the innocence in your tone. he pushed you on your back, kissing you hungrily. you felt his tip on your clit, and you let out a small whine.
"what princess?" his voice made the room ten times hotter, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, your pleas desperate, "i need you to fuck me so bad."
his cock entered you, and you let out a moan of pleasure. peter started with slow, rhythmic strokes, and you could feel all of him as he did so. as he fucked you, you placed wet kisses all over his toned chest and neck.
"you feel so good," peter groaned, his ears burning red. his eyes met yours, and you felt another wave of pleasure wash over you.
peter's lips met yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip. there was a slight sheen of sweat on his skin, along with yours. he intensified his pace, your nails digging into his shoulder blades as he fucked you senseless. his shyness was now stripped away from him, and you loved it. you loved this moment and everything going on between you so goddamn much.
"i'm gonna cum," peter moaned. he pulled out, finishing on your stomach.
his eyes met yours once again, and you both laid there, taking in the moment. peter's lips met yours for a gentle kiss.
"i'll go grab something to clean this up with," you murmured, about to get up.
"no, you stay here," peter instructed, "just tell me where the bathroom is and i will grab a towel or something."
you gave in, telling peter where the bathroom was. he slipped on his boxers and joggers, and then went to on the search for a towel. he came back, carefully cleaning you up.
hopping off you bed, you grabbed a hoodie, throwing it on, "that was amazing."
he gave you a cheeky smile, "i just wanted to conduct some research."
"and what conclusions did you draw?" you giggled as you searched for a new pair of underwear.
"that one," he began, "you taste good. two, you have a beautiful body. and three, i cannot wait to do that again, baby."
you slipped on new thong, then found a pair of joggers, "how about we just forget the project for the rest of the night then?"
peter scooped you into his arms on the bed, cuddling you, "i don't think that's a bad idea. it's not due for another two weeks anyways."
you pressed your lips against his shoulder, "we'll be alone for another few hours anyways."
"sounds like there's going to be a round two soon then," he chuckled, "by the way, i hope i wasn't bad or anything. it was kind of my first time doing stuff like that."
you felt yourself gasp, "there's no way."
"i was a virgin before tonight so," he murmured, slightly embarrassed.
"don't be shy about it," you gave him a chaste kiss, "it's not something to be ashamed of."
"well maybe i will become experienced enough tonight and we can do our project about human chemistry during sex," peter teased.
"in your dreams, geek," you rolled your eyes playfully, and you felt his lips gently brush against your cheek.
you felt yourself collapse into his arms, feeling a slight wave of exhaustion overwhelm you. his fingers traced your back under the hoodie, and you allowed yourself to close your eyes, content to be in the arms of your boy.
if only you got to spend every night like this with peter.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
A funny thing called Fate: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bryce X MC (Aisha Khurrana)
Word Count: 4.6 K words (yeah yeah its more than usual)
Series Masterlist
Warning: None, just some cursing
Author’s note: The next chapter is here and it is in Aisha’s POV!!
I decided to take part in @choicesseptemberchallenge20​ and the prompt is heaven which you will find in bold. 
- IIT, Delhi: It’s one of the most premier institute for engineering in India. Delhi campus is said to be the best one in the country. The majority of the Indian CEO’s like Google, at least have a degree of IIT under their belt. 
-ku'uipo: Sweetheart
-'Ae: Yes
- Beta padhai par dhyaan do, dost aate jaate hai: Child, focus on your studies, friends come and go (TBH this is the one line which maximum desi kids have heard while growing up. That's why we can be uh.. awkward in making new friends lol)
-Main kya gadhi hoon: I'm such a dumbass (side note: gadhi (female) actually means donkey in hindi)
-Duniya main maine itna bada gaandu kabhi dekha nahi hai maine: I have not seen a bigger asshole than this guy. (yes I love swearing in hindi and what about it)
Forgive me if i made any errors
My fingers ran against the spines of the book, my head tilted as I searched for a new book to dive into.
"Found anything of your liking, Aisha?" Tina, the librarian asked, her kind eyes twinkling. The old librarian loved me because I always helped around in sorting the books or with checkout. She suggested that if I were to help her, she would pay me so I decided why not?
But the lack of people coming to the library and their constant need to be fake on social media, flexing about their looks instead of textbooks often left the library empty which consequently resulted in free time.
Not that I minded.
In that free time I would either catch up on my study assignments or I would read the books recently added to the collection be it fiction, politics, history, astronomy... I wasn't picky about the genres.
But lately, my attention is being drawn to medical journals and textbooks. Yes, I'm 16 and that its definitely not people my age do but, to be the person balancing on the tightrope between life and death, the person who stands between existence and heaven... it's just a beautiful paradox that I can't help be captivated by the concept.
That and my strengths are biology and chemistry so its just an added plus. So, I definitely dream of being a world class doctor. 
Not to brag, but I know all the pulse points in the body and can name the bones of the skull in my sleep. My parents don't know that because... let's say there is a reason why I stay out of home for the majority of the day.
Are we again going to go over this? I am sick and tired of your fucking indiscipline. How I wish you could be more like Aditya... Mama's voice rung in my ears which made me close my eyes and take a shuddering breath.
Now is not the time to think about how awful you are. I repeated it in my head like a mantra, making it a point to message my brother and rant about the newest development.
Despite our parents trying to pit me against bhaiya, we were thick as thieves. We always had each other's backs and we're there to cheer each other up. Whenever our parents would scream at any of us, we would wait until they fell asleep to do something to lift the other person up. Midnight feasts, movie binge or just cuddling and imagining a future where we were away from them... That always managed to cheer me up and I knew bhaiya enjoyed it too.
I don't think we fought that much either because we were pretty close in age, with only three and a half years difference. We are pretty like-minded and scientifically inclined only he was interested in computer engineering while I was fascinated by the engineering of the human body.
It sucked that he is in IIT, Delhi while I'm so far away. We still manage to video call irrespective of the time zones but it is not the same as having the comfort of your older brother.
"I think I will take this." I handed her a battered copy of Gray's anatomy.
Tina just gave a knowing smile and I checked out. I headed to the nearby Fleming Beach Park, which is one of the most popular beaches in Maui. It was a five-minute walk from the library and the majority of the school population used to come here to hang out in the evenings.
Not that I was paying any attention to my oblivious classmates.
I headed to Kimo's Beach Shack and the owner gave me a gentle smile.
"What will it be, ku'uipo? The usual?" They asked as they wiped their hand on the dishtowel.
"'Ae." I smiled at them and they started making my favourite drink- Strawberry milkshake.
Precariously balancing my bag, the drink in one hand and my wrist-thick library book under the armpit of my other hand, I headed to the quieter side of the beach, away from the raucous.
I settle down under the shade of the palm trees and lean back against the rocks, taking in the view around me. I could see people from my school roaming around in their swimming suits either playing volleyball or surfing. As I sipped my milkshake (looking like an absolute loner, must I add) my eyes drifted to their happy faces as the joked around, laughing and having fun with their friends.
The two concepts that are so unfamiliar to me.
When I was back in India, I had a good group of friends who I would hang out with and play basketball with. It was good but shifting to a new place can strain those relationships. I do follow them on social media but seeing them enjoying and doing the things which we used to do together, it causes my heart to ache.
And I never really tried making friends here in Maui because a) The people here didn't consider me as one of them and b) My parents kept on saying it is temporary so there was no point focusing on that. Beta padhai par dhyaan do, dost aate jaate hai. My dad told me the one night I decided to express my excessive loneliness.
Thanks papa, real helpful. I shook my head, sipping my drink as I carefully opened my library book.
"You look sad." A childish voice spoke up breaking me out from my melancholy. I looked up and saw a four-year-old girl, her doe-like eyes staring down at me. She was wearing a pink summer dress and a cute bow hairband, taming her light brown hair.
"You look sad... and lonely."
"I am okay, keiki... Don't worry."
The kid's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "How did you know my name?"
My eyes widened. In the two years in Hawaii, I had learnt a little bit of Hawaiian and spoke in bits and pieces. And I'm pretty sure keiki meant 'child' in Hawaiian so you could imagine the shock I felt when her name was the literal translation of child.
Who the fuck names their child... child?
"A lucky guess. It is nice to meet you Keiki." She moved her hand forward and Keiki's hand clutched my big hand with her small ones shaking it. Her hand was as big as my palm.
"What's your name?" Keikie asked as she sat down next to me.
"I'm Aisha. And, what are you doing here all alone?"
"I came with my elder brother but he and his friends were playing and he forgot his promise to build a sandcastle with me. So I just went walking." She huffed and crossed her short arms across her chest.
"Well, your brother would be worried about you, won't he?" I asked as her eyes scan the crowd, looking for a guy who remotely looks like my little companion.
"Well, I think that's a go-good puni-shi-ment for him." She struggled with the big word.
Aisha chuckled and soon Keiki's giggles joined hers.
"You remind me of the times when I used to bother my elder brother like that. He would get so mad."
"Where is he now?" She asked as her hands fisted the sand, her eyes moving to look at the brunette.
"Well, he is in university, in a completely different country."
"Do you miss him?"
"A lot." I sighed. Her puppy eyes met mine and she reached to hold my elbow. I smiled down at her, appreciating the gesture. She opened her mouth to ask me more questions when we heard a commotion.
"KEIKI!! There you are!" A shout wafted towards us, interrupting Keiki. I saw a tall guy jogging towards us and when my eyes landed on him, I immediately recognized him.
Bryce Lahela. The golden boy of my school, with girls and guys falling for him, left, right, centre. And right now, he was approaching me completely shirtless, his abs glistening in the evening sun. He had a Polynesian tattoo wrapping around his left bicep and ending a little below his collarbone which had me feeling... uh thirsty?
Cool, cool, cool, just act like yourself.
Yeah as if that's helped you deal with your awkwardness. Her conscience snarked at her.
“Shut up.” I muttered to myself. But, I wasn’t subtle enough and Bryce turned towards me, a weird look in his eyes.
Off to a great start, Aisha. Keep up the good work. I mentally groaned as I went back to reading my library book. 
"Thank god Keiki you are okay... I was so worried." He kneeled and hugged her, immediately forgetting my weird mumblings. I could feel the body heat emanating from him and suddenly, the anatomy of the kidney seemed more interesting than the hot guy beside me.
"Its okay Bryce. I was talking to my new friend." Keiki squeaked as she pulled away from the hug, two sets of hazel eyes staring at me now.
My eyes widened and I subconsciously reached to push my glasses up my nose, feeling the back of my neck heating up.
"Well, thank you so much." His voice reverberated and I swear I felt as if I would combust at the spot.
I looked up and shot a tiny smile. "No worries. Keiki here makes a nice study buddy."
I internally smacked my head. Study buddy? Really? Who uses that term now?
"Of course. Daddy says that I'm a beauty with brains." She said with a smug smile.
"Well, that's the one thing that I agree with dad," Bryce said as he settled down on her other side. The one feet distance enabled my mind to resume working.
I smiled down at Keiki and I found that Bryce was looking at me intently.
O... okay?
"Wait... You go to my school right? Lahainaluna High School?"
I nodded my head. I was about to introduce myself when his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
He was snapping his fingers when his face lightened up with recognition. "You are Aisha, right? The newbie who joined us last year I was in your chemistry class last year."
The drink almost fell from my hand and I had to clutch it tighter to prevent myself from making a bigger mess. Clearing my throat I smiled nervously. "Yeah, that's me. You are Bryce, right? You are on the basketball team, right?"
"You know me?" He asked, shocked and I could hardly stop myself from rolling my eyes.
"Duh?! You are Mr. Popular with really good looks and either people love you or hate you." I rambled off.
A small smile played on his lips. "And which category would you belong too? The love or hate category?"
I gave a shy smile. "Let's just say I'm on neutral grounds. Give me a good reason why I should like you."
"Because of my dashing looks? My tattoo?" He stretched his hands wide, gesturing towards himself. His hair caught the evening light, making it look like a halo. His hazel eyes had flecks of gold which threatened to drown me but before I could get lost in his sheer beauty, I shook my head to snap out of the daze of his presence and gave a mocking sigh.
"Aaaannnndd, he is just like other dumb jocks who is overly obsessed with his looks. Why are they all the same?"
Keiki put her hand sympathetically on my lap. "Don't worry Ash. I don't like Bryce when he talks about his looks either."
Bryce gasped. "Keiki you are breaking my heart."
He reached for her and started tickling her which made her squeal with laughter. I had to get up so that the sand doesn't get on me, laughing at the sight. "Brryyccee!! Stopp!!"
"Not until you tell me I'm the best brother in the world."
Gasping for breath with tears in her eyes, Keiki breathed out in defeat. "Okay, okay. You are the best... brother in... the world."
Bryce pulled back a grin playing on his lips.
My phone rang and I saw Mama's name flash on the screen which made me sigh.
"Your mom?" Bryce asked.
"Yep. should reach home before she turns into momzilla." We chuckled as I put my book into my bag.
"Bye Keiki, it was nice talking to you."
"Bye Ash. I like you. Can we make sandcastles next time?" I laughed and nodded, "Sure sweetie."
"Where is my goodbye?" Bryce pouted.
I rolled her eyes. "Bye Bryce. See you around."
And with that, I turned on her heel, and walked home, feeling much better.
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Aisha felt like banging her head against the wall of the hospital out of utter embarrassment. In the span of 7 hours, she had pissed off her superior, met her ex from ten years ago, got stuck with a partner who hardly did anything and now managed to embarrass herself yet again in front of her role model.
Rookie... Are you hiding from me? The way Dr. Ramsey had an eyebrow raised, as if to question why she was hiding behind another intern and the appalled expression as she stumbled over her words were forever imprinted in her mind.
Not my brightest moment. Aisha recollected as she sighed at the way she stuttered and finally came up with an excuse.
I'm doing charts. She mocked herself as she shook her head. There was a table right next to me!! I could have come up with anything but that weak ass excuse.
And she had always dreamed that if she were to meet Bryce in real life, she would definitely insult the fuck out of him and then for the finishing stroke, she would probably punch him in his handsome face or kick him in the crown jewels.
But sadly, you seldom get the things you wish for.
I don't have time for this - Main kya gadhi hoon. She mentally groaned as she tried to shut off the part of her brain which was so hell-bent on making her feel humiliated.
She entered Annie's room to find her curled up in her bed, playing idly with her phone. She perked up a little when she saw Aisha, forcing a smile on her face.
"Oh. Hi, Dr. Khurrana."
"I just came by to see how you're feeling Annie."
Annie shrugged. "The same. The nurse came by and gave me some medication a little while ago.."
Opening Annie's chart she checked. "Yeah, antibiotics. It's too soon to see any improvement yet, but hopefully, we'll see some results soon."
Aisha was about to turn on her heel and leave when she heard Annie's small voice. "hey, could you stay awhile? It's... kinda lonely, being here all on my own."
Aisha gave an empathetic smile and reached to sit down on the chair near her bed. "Of course I can."
"Thank you once again doc."
"No, thank you. I haven't been off my feet since I got out of bed this morning. So Annie," Aisha leaned forward, "what are you studying?"
Annie blinked as if she was confused by the question. She took a couple of heavy breaths before attempting to answer.
"My master's is in... English... but my... my..." She swayed, her voice woozy as she tried to finish her sentence.
Aisha was on alert. "Annie, are you feeling okay?" She asked as she felt her pulse which was dropping before Annie passed out.
The heart rate monitor sounded a long, flat tone as her heart stopped.
"OH MY GOD!! Code blue, I need some help here!!" Aisha shouted, pressing the button near her bed.
"C'mon Annie stay with me." As Aisha stood on the nearby stool, performing CPR as she waited for the code team to arrive.
"Aisha?!" Jackie's shocked voice made her lookup.
"Jackie, where is the code team?"
"Room 502 called a code blue just before you. Just keep up with CPR. They'll get to you when they can!"
Aisha's eyes flashed. "That could be too late!! Help me, Jackie we are losing her fast."
"What were her symptoms?" Jackie asked as she snapped on the latex gloves and moved towards the bed.
"Symptoms were headache and nausea. Started during her vacation to Indonesia. Aurora and I did a blood workup and gave her cefpodoxime." Aisha opened the gown and Jackie's eyes narrowed in on the rash rapidly spreading on the side of the body.
"She is breaking in hives. She is in anaphylactic shock!"
"Now that I think about it, it may be because of her allergy to the antibiotics I gave... I had fucking asked her, dammit." Guilt made her chest heavy.
Jackie's face turned into a scowl as she wheeled the defibrillator cart closer. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. This girl needs you now! We have to get her heart started ourselves."
Aisha nodded as she opened Annie's gown, baring her chest. She took a steadying breath. You have done this numerous times in AIIMS, you can do this.
Taking the paddles, she placed one paddle on the right side, beneath her collarbone and the other paddle on the left side, just beneath her armpit.
A small impressive smile made its way on Jackie's lips. "Good, now set the charge."
"Charging to 300 volts... Clear!"
Annie's body spasmed as the paddles discharged. Keeping them aside, Aisha resumed her compressions on Annie's chest.
C'mon Annie... You can do this... Come back to me. Aisha prayed.
The monitor beeped twice before Annie's heartbeat returned, accelerated but constant.
She let out a sigh of breath as she bent over the bed. Jackie clapped her back. "You are soooo lucky."
"Shut up. Now just give her an epinephrine injection and intubate while I maintain compression."
Jackie nodded her head and Aisha shot a grateful smile as she continued her compressions, her hands aching.
"What the hell is going on in here, Rookie?"
Yikes. Aisha winced at the tone and looked up to find Dr. Ramsey glaring from the doorway.
Time to own up, buddy. She sighed and spoke up. "Dr. Ramsey, she was allergic to the antibiotics I prescribed.
She couldn't gauge his reaction from so far away. "Well... at least you are taking responsibility. Sometimes patients don't know about their own allergies. That's why you always have to be cautious."
Jackie injected the epinephrine pen into Annie's tight. Still unconscious, Annie took a shuddering gasp of air.
"And now we intubate."
"Excellent work, Doctor...?"
A self-satisfied smile made its way on Jackie's face. "Varma."
"You were assigned to this case?"
"No, I was passing and I hear Dr. Khurrana calling a code blue."
A smile made its way on his face which shocked Aisha. This man voluntarily uses his facial muscles to smile? I wouldn't have known. "The patient's very lucky you were here. I'm not confident Dr. Khurrana could have handled this alone."
Now, wait a damn minute... Aisha clenched her jaw. This wasn't her first time she was getting insulted and yeah it was called for but it didn't help her feel any better either.
Jackie bit her lip and glanced at Aisha, which Aisha pointedly ignored. Watch her jump at the opportunity in 3...2...1
"Thank you. Just doing my job, Dr. Ramsey."
There it is.
Gulping down her annoyance, Aisha spoke up. "Dr. Varma really bailed me out." Aisha turned towards Jackie and nodded stiffly. "Thank you, Dr. Varma."
Jackie tried to read her, guilt swimming in her eyes.
She should be guilty, she took the credit of the save when I was the one calling the shots.
Fuck you. She narrowed her eyes slightly which made Jackie wince.
Luckily, Dr. Ramsey gave Jackie an out. "Dr. Varma, you should return to your patients."
A relieved smile made its way on her face. "Yes, Doctor." Throwing a backward glance towards Aisha, she walked out.
Dr. Ramsey swivelled towards Aisha, his face drawn tight with annoyance. "And you... you need to have a long hard think about whether or not you're ready to be here. It doesn't matter that it's your first day, or that you're still learning. Whether this girl lives or dies is on you. Is that clear?"
"Crystal, Dr. Ramsey."
"You still have no idea what's wrong with her, and your first attempt nearly killed her. This is the real world. No room for mista--"
"Hi, Dr. Ramsey? Sorry to interrupt." A short Asian intern interrupted him and Aisha let out a small sigh of relief.
This guy would give my parents a run for their money. Why do I meet assholes everywhere I go?
"For the love of God, what now?"
"One of the nurses told me... that one of the other interns told them... that one of the doctors said..."
Dr. Ramsey certainly didn't enjoy beating around the bush. With a biting voice, sharp enough to make both Aisha and the intern to flinch, he commanded. "Skip to the point."
"Dr. Toussaint needs to see you urgently." She rushed.
Dr. Ramsey pinched the bridge of his nose, muttered something about 'interns' under his breath.
Straightening his coat, who gave pointedly glanced at Aisha. "Remember what I said, Rookie. Next time I see you, you'd better have solved the case." He turned on his feet and stormed out making the petite intern jump.  
Aisha stepped out into the hall with the intern, leaned against the wall and let out a sigh.
"Thank god for Dr. Toussaint. I swear if he wouldn't have called, Dr. Ramsey would have burst a vein or something."
The intern leaned against the wall adjacent to Aisha. "Yeah... Too bad he doesn't actually need to see Dr. Ramsey."
Aisha's eyes widened and she turned to stare at the other intern. "Huh?"
"I made it up! I could hear Ramsey chewing you out halfway down the hall, I figured you might need a save."
Oh my god, that is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.
Aisha smiled brightly. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. But you could get in serious trouble if he realizes it."
She shrugged with a cheeky grin. "If. Besides, I'm tougher than I look. I'm Sienna by the way. Or Dr. Trinh. Whichever floats your boat."
"I'm Aisha Khurrana. Thanks again." Aisha's pager beeped and she looked down and sighed. "As fun as our little adventure was, I need to get back to work. Nice talking to you Sienna and once again, thanks for the save."
"Bye, hope you solve the case. Also, wait! I heard all the doctors hang out at this bar called Donahue's. I think, just down the street. Apparently, it's like the place to go and decompress after a long shift. Wanna come?"
"Sure!! If only I survive my first shift."
Sienna gave a brilliant smile. "Assuming you live through the next few hours, I'll meet you in the atrium after we clock out."
And Aisha got back to work, tending to her other patients but Annie's unconscious face kept on flashing behind her eyelids and Ramsey's words echoed in her head, like a broken tape recorder.
You need to have a long hard think about whether or not you're ready to be here.
She took a shuddering breath, doubt slipping into her mind, making her question everything she did. Every patient she treated and every prescription she signed.
Am I really cut out for this?
She tried to stop the rising anxiety but it still continued to swell in her like a balloon. Her throat began to dry up and it felt as if the weight on her chest didn't allow her to breathe.
Oh god, it's happening.
Feeling like she was on the verge of a breakdown, she ducked into a dark supply closet so nobody could see her while she tried to pull herself together.
It's okay. You worked your way through med school to get here. You are worthy. She chanted, taking in gulps of air.
It had hardly been a minute when the door suddenly opened and she heard footsteps.
Aisha internally groaned in annoyance. "Get in or get out. Just quit holding the door." She turned around and saw Bryce.
Oh fuck.
He nervously cleared his throat and walked towards her, maintaining his distance. "I feel like I'm interrupting something. Are... are you okay?"
Thanks to the dark, he couldn't see her tear rimmed eyes. Sighing loudly she untied her hair and ran her fingers through it, something she often did when she felt like her life was on the verge of falling apart.
"Nothing. I'm just looking for something." She tried to speak in a sharp tone but it just sounded like her voice was cracking.
She knew that Bryce had definitely heard how close she was to crying. Concern laced his voice. "Hey, I know when we met I was nothing but a dumb, self-obsessed jock but it's different now. I... I know you are not okay. Want to talk about it? Or vent?"
Goddamit Bryce. "Fine! I almost killed my first patient and I fucking swear to god I saw my career flash before my eyes. But it was lowkey my fault. I should have checked for allergies. But I tried fixing my error by calling the shots and Jackie helped me. BUT that's not it! Instead of being a humble person, Jackie swoops in and takes the credit of my save and Dr. Ramsey just goes on congratulating her as if she won some fucking AMA Award-"
"Aisha, breathe."
Taking a lungful of air she continued. "- And don't even get me started on Dr. Ethan Freaking Ramsey. Duniya main maine itna bada gaandu kabhi dekha nahi hai maine. What a dick!! He should get fucking laid to work off all his anger issues-"
Bryce snorted but didn't dare to interrupt Aisha. From the short time they dated, he knew better than to interrupt her mid-rant, it only managed to instigate her.
Another deep breathe. "- Boy does he manage to make me doubt myself in every step of the way like am I worthy of being here? I mean, I threw my heart and soul into med school because I wanted to be the best doctor out there but dammit I don't think I am ready."
When he made sure she wasn't going to launch into a new roast session, he spoke up. "Wow. You managed so many years of med school, but eight hours into the shift and you're surrendering? Didn't take you for a quitter."
Excuse me? Aisha's eyes narrowed.
"You don't know me anymore Bryce. The Aisha you dated is long gone and dead." She said in a low voice.
He shrugged. "True, but I know that you still have the fire in you to do what you love the most. C'mon, you have dealt with worse but yet you are here, standing tall. This is just temporary. I know you can pick yourself back up and break down all the obstacles in front of you."
She looked up at Bryce, only able to see the faint outline of his body. He still was the same- tall, well built and with really good hair. "No offence but... you used to be the guy who would wet himself during chemistry practicals, what happened to make you so...?" She gestured her hand at him, accidentally hitting his hand.
He hesitated. "As you said, things changed and you don't know me anymore Aisha."
"Fair enough."
The lack of space and the awkward silence just fueled the tension between them. She could feel his converse bumping into her shoes and the heated gaze on her face.
There used to be a time when Aisha and Bryce would talk for hours on end and they never ran out of topics to talk about. Be it something as lame as which is the superior flavour of ice cream or as deep as life after death.
Look at us now... Aisha thought to herself, gulping.
Her hair fell on her face as she averted her eyes, unable to come up with something to talk about. Bryce's hand involuntary reached to push back the rebel strands behind her ear, his hands caressing her cheek in the process. It felt as if electric sparks shot up her cheeks, making her blush.
Bryce opened his mouth. "Aisha-"
The door opened and she heard a feminine voice. "Bryce I saw you giving me the look so I decided to join you-"
A woman walked around the corner of the help and Aisha's jaw dropped. It was not because she was shocked that he was dating, he could screw the entire hospital for all she cared but, no... she was topless.
"Oh." The unknown woman placed her hands beside her.
"Sam-" Bryce began and Aisha spoke up at the same time. "I was just-"
The confusion was interrupted again when the closet door opened again and a senior resident stood before them, aghast. "What is going on over here?"
"Oh fuck." The expletive spilt from Aisha's lips.
The topless woman, whose name apparently was Sam, quipped in. "Yeah what she said."
Well, this is totally not awkward.
Number one, yeah I dragged PB a bit in regards to Keiki’s name.. PB do your research challenge 🙄
Number two, okay so about the tattoo part, me and @bratzlahela​ were just talking about Bryce having Polynesian tattoos based on this post and I had to integrate it in my series lol
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This is something I imagined 🤭
Number 3, Also I tried to change up the scene a bit with Jackie because tbh, Aisha is pretty fucking smart and she won’t be like “Boo-hoo. I don’t know anything” And about the part where she spoke about using the defibrillator numerous times in AIIMS, In India the medical education is a little more hands-on and focuses more on clinical practice rather than theory. Medical students from first year start doing ward duty and help around in the hospitals taking patient history, etc. Also, they have a mandatory year of internship without which you don’t get your license.  
Number 4, So about that supply closet scene, how many of y’all thought would you get a make out sesh?
If yes, here is your clown wig 🤡
This was a pretty long author’s note heheheh
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the-headbop-wraith · 4 years
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Two agonizing days.
Vivi didn’t mind, but waiting made her anxious when she knew they had hours of driving ahead and a destination at the end of a long road.  It couldn’t be helped that Arthur had to take the time out to repair the damage to his arm – or take the time to work many long hours, and then finally decide the arm on its own was worthless, and the surviving parts were better off cannibalized for a newish prosthetic.  Arthur rarely worked from scratch on his replacements, as he took what he got in regards to putting something functional together.  Vivi didn’t bother him a whole lot during the process, opting to knit away the time with other priorities such as making the necessary preparations for the long drive between here and eventual.
Each time Vivi stopped by to deliver some food and remind Arthur eating was essential, she saw the progress of his new arm.  At first it was one model and it hardly looked anything near to human anatomy, it resembled more of an insect limb with colorful wires and rods still steaming with solder.  Then there came to be two, and one was taking the shape of an arm through the section plates Arthur was attaching over the wires and motor parts.
“It’s looking good,” Vivi said, as they shared a lunch.  They sat at a cluttered beat up coffee table, two couches facing each other on either side of it.  It was in the break room of the car garage of Kingsman Mechanics, owned by Arthur’s uncle and employer.  One wall was fixed up for a quick meal preparation zone, complete with particle cabinets and a counter top with a sink set.  Beside the short counter was a small fridge, and atop the fridge was a microwave.  The walls were soundproofed, but still the distant howl of work and hydraulic squeal crept in.  “Are you trying some of the new connectors, to get more sensation?”
Arthur glanced up from the fries he was picking at.  He raised one to his head where Galahad sat, tangled in his unruly hair.  “Naw,” he said.  Galahad tilted on his wheels as he took the fry and began munching, no mind to the fact the hamster was getting ketchup in Arthur’s hair.  Arthur then returned his lone arm to the large, triple meat burger Vivi had brought.  “This time I’m focused on strengthening the elbow, but going for more range of movement.”  He took a bite and worked on that for a moment, barely swallowing before he went on.  “I’m not sure how much tension to allot the joint, to keep it from cracking.”
Vivi wiped Mystery’s mouth off, before allowing the dog to return to his burger.  Vivi poked through the magazines left on the coffee table amongst plastic bags and Styrofoam containers.  Most the magazines were the norm – mechanics digest, some body builders.  She found one for medical, and the issue for prosthetics with the edges of the pages worn to tatters.  She noted the date on the front page before looking up to meet Arthur’s eyes as he watched her.
Since the conversation was diverted in the van, they had tiptoed around matters concerning Lewis.  Arthur hadn’t asked about him in all the times Vivi came by, and Vivi wasn’t sure what to make of that.  If Arthur knew simply by her appearance, or where the nature of the conversation would delve if Uncle Lance stumbled in on them while they discussed their ‘late’ friend.  Thinking back on all the times she could recall, Vivi never once had heard Lance mention Lewis.  But who would bring up a topic of a loss on the spot?  But there are a many that would avoid or refuse to acknowledge such issues, forget and move on was sometimes easiest.
“Take your time,” Vivi said.  She began offering Mystery her fries one at a time, and Mystery snapped them up in turn.  “I’m still doing some research before I make a route.”
Arthur nodded.  “Uh, Lance also has a few jobs for me,” he said.  “So it’s taken longer than I estimated in the first place.  Is that all right?”
“Of course,” Vivi huffed.  “I’m not jeopardizing your only stable job.”
Arthur blinked.  He pinned his burger down with his knuckles and deftly tore off a piece of meat, which he offered to Galahad.  “I don’t think he’d fire me, unless I blew up the shop….” His voice trailed off, and Arthur managed a grim sneer.  “Again.”
Vivi gave a dry laugh.  No, that wasn’t funny.
Professionally, Arthur could duck out of his main income by taking service up with Vivi’s Mystery Skulls, as the onboard mechanic.  By ‘contract’ Arthur received a percentage of pay for their assignments, plus a little extra whenever the van crapped out.  A simple handshake would have sufficed for Arthur, but Vivi insisted they make it official.  The contract consisted of a napkin shoved into the glove compartment, and maybe to this day it is still there.
Through the glassed side of the break room, Vivi spied Uncle Lance sneaking out.  She decided he was sneaking, or up to something.  Vivi stood and collected her trash, and told Arthur to finish all of his food before he returned to work.  Arthur was prone to forgetting halfway through a meal when an idea struck him, and leave his food to grow cold and moldy while he worked away.  If Vivi gave a stern reminder, he was more than likely to consume nearly all his food before he took off.
“And don’t make Galahad finish it for you,” where Vivi’s last words.  She excused herself and Mystery, ignoring Arthur’s exasperated expression, and Galahad’s dismay.  Vivi dumped her trash in the garbage bin beside the door and stepped out through the garages main work zone.
Since they had returned to Kingsman Mechanics, Uncle Lance had been pushing to do some maintenance work on the van before they took off again.  Each time Vivi denied with the excuse that she had work to do, and, Arthur could probably fit in a quick check up when he had the chance.  That was ill planned, and Lance had called her on it.  Still, she kept on that she did have errands to run and wanted to get that out of the way before the van was looked over, in case she forgot something.
Such as locking the doors.
Vivi saw Lance duck out of the driver’s side, and move to the front of the van to pop the hood.  Mystery took off before her, and she called for Lance as she raced over.  “Hey!  What are you doing?”  Vivi tried to hide the note of alarm in her voice.
Lance wore his dark coat, come rain or summer, and the tool belt around his waist worn that was stained from years of use.  He didn’t pay Vivi much mind as he leaned over the engine and scanned over the tubes and wires at his fingers.  “Just a quick look,” he said.  “Put my mind to ease, huh?”
“I told you to wait!”  Vivi snapped.  She wasn’t tall, but she straightened herself up as much as she could and crossed her arms.  Mystery barked beside her in his, have you no respect, tone.
“I’m not confining you to the shop,” Lance assured.  He chewed on the toothpick between his teeth as he turned his eyes back to the engine.  “Hmm, need an oil change, some sparkplugs could do with replacing.  Lemme get a new belt, this one’s looking shabby.”  He leaned over, nearly into the carriage as he tapped around.  “It’s about time we rotated those tires, isn’t it?  You drive to the moon and back every day.”
“You didn’t mess with anything in the van?” Vivi asked.  She followed Mystery when he hoped up through the open driver side door.  The white dog flashed out of sight when he leapt up into the back.
“Naw,” Lance said.  “That’s yer kids department.  It’s your office, and I have no business going back there.”
The front of the van was warm and stuffy from sitting in the noontime sun.  Vivi peered over the seat into the back interior and saw that the black box was gone.  Frail wisps of the frigid air hung in the shadows, and Vivi wanted to reach out and catch it but there was no way of grasping what cannot be seen.  Like chasing radical dreams.  She leaned over the back seat to watch Mystery go around the perimeter of the walls, head down and ears twisting but it was apparent he was finding nothing.  Mystery stopped when he reached the space where the box had sat, and turned to look at her.
“Uncle Lance,” Vivi began.  She rested her head on the warm seat for a moment, before slipping back out of the driver’s side.  “Did you know Lewis well?”  There was a span of silence, before the hood of the van cracked as it slammed down.  Vivi whipped to where Lance stood, his hands still gripping the top of the hood and staring at her hard.  “Hmm?”
Lance uncoiled, slipping from his stance and dragged his gloved hands from the vans front.  “I knew him,” he said.  “But not like you and Art did.  It was tragic, what happen to him.  What’s Art been telling you?”
Vivi couldn’t discern if Lance was aware of her amnesia, or if he was trying to dodge the subject.  “We’ve just been talking,” she said. Mystery appeared from over the driver seat, skidding down to sit beside Vivi.  “Kind of going back.”  She stared up at Lance as he moved along the side van until he stood before her.  She didn’t flinch, even when he quickly clasped a hand to her shoulder.
“Don’t totter over that piece of history too much, love.”  When Lance spoke, there was a tone of pain in his voice that was as audible, as if he was ready to cry.  Vivi couldn’t remember ever seeing Uncle Lance, a sturdy figure in their life, breaking down and crying.  But she felt it.  And she felt the knot of confusion and agony, as if she had missed something important and it angered her how lost she was to the company of the subject.  She wanted to know, but they avoided it.  They kept her away.  “It is a pain no one should burden,” he ended.  Lance took his arm from Vivi’s shoulder, and walked away. 
The paradox of Lance setting an oil stained hand upon any person or object never ceased to boggle Vivi’s mind.  Nor the factor that whenever he removed the hand, no stain or evidence remained that he had ever been present.  Vivi watched through the passenger side, as Lance staggered across the parking lot back to the side doors that entered into the garage shops main work zone.
Vivi jolted in place to the hollow voice that echoed out of nowhere, and to the shape now leaning over the front seat just above Mystery’s head.  She grabbed her chest as her heart lurched in her ribs.  “Shit,” Vivi hissed.  “Don’t do that!”  She swiped out her hand, trying to connect with the skull but Lewis merely let his head rise out of range and her hand passed through where his neck would have been.
“Sorry.”  There was smugness in his voice.  “You okay?”  All smugness dried up when Vivi climbed up onto the driver’s seat and wrapped her arms around Lewis’ shoulders. Mystery gave a yelp and ducked over into the passenger seat.  “Vi, wait!”  Lewis lunged forward as Vivi tumbled backwards, arms looped around the stunned skull.  Vivi groaned when she fell back onto the warm asphalt behind her, the skull still clutched to her chest.  Lewis’ decapitated body hung out of the driver seat, arms draped over the footstep of the van.  “Tried to warn you,” his voice muttered, from somewhere.  He gestured to Vivi on the ground.
“I should have known better,” Vivi retorted.  She forced herself to sit up and looked down at the skull in her arms.  Bright eye sockets gazed back up at her, and everything about the visage from the poof of magenta hair to the teeth seemed much more solid.  “Incubator.”
“Come again?”  The voice seemed to come from the skull, but at the same time it came from the suit, and just as well it came from nowhere exactly.  It seemed to reverberate in Vivi’s mind, warm and pleasant.
“Incubator,” Vivi repeated, as if that would clarify.  “Arthur called you an incubator.”
“That’s all good and well,” Lewis said.  The skull narrowed its brow and the eyes brightened in the hollow sockets.  “Care to explain?  Mystery!  Get off me!  C’mon now.”
The body jerked its shoulders, forcing the Mystery dog perched on the torsos backside to bounce off with a yap.
Vivi climbed to her feet and somehow managed to scoot Lewis’ body over in the vans seat without the use of her arms, and shut the door after her.  She explained the coffin that had taken temporary residence in the back of the van, and the collective unease it had given she and Arthur.  Not because the coffin disturbed them, not at all, but they were worried for his wellbeing.  The nearest they had concluded of the coffin’s significance was sleeping but… why a coffin?  And was it actual sleeping, in whatever sense it took?
They sat in silence for the next few minutes.  Vivi still held the skull tightly in her arms, and the body sat next to her with Mystery slumped over his lap.
“This is the first time in a long time that I could wrap my arms around you,” Vivi said.  “Not since we were kids.”  The skull said nothing, just stared over at Vivi’s shoulder as if in deep concentration.  Vivi gave him a few more minutes, before asking if he wanted his head back?
“I’m good,” Lewis hummed.  “I was just— You saw the coffin?”  The flames in his eye sockets perked up to her face, as if he’d never heard of a coffin before.
“Yeah,” Vivi said.  “I’m not going to ask this time.”
“Thanks.”  Then Lewis was back to inner debate.  Viv noted the hand of his body was rubbing absentmindedly at one of Mystery’s ears, and Mystery didn’t perk or seem to care.  In fact, Mystery’s eyes slowly closed, evidently content.  “I didn’t mean for you to see the coffin,” Lewis said.  “I knew you probably wouldn’t get around to doing the laundry, you were really tired.  But I didn’t mean to, hmm….”  His voice trailed off.
“You were scared?” Vivi said, in an accusing note.
“No,” Lewis hissed.  He refused to look at her.
“Lonely?”  Vivi chimed.  She hugged the skull more to her chest and rested her head atop the soft poof of – what she had decided were flames at some point – but it was soft and not like fire, and didn’t have the texture of hair.
“Maybe,” Lewis said.  “No.  It’s different, I don’t know how to explain it.”
“I think I get it,” Vivi reasoned.  “But I don’t readily understand either.  Hmm.”
“Hmm,” Lewis hummed along.
Vivi watched the brick wall of the Kingsman Mechanic’s building in front of them.  She heard the once every – other minute car coast by on the road that sat before the garage shop.  It was a little before five o’clock rush hour she estimated, a few more minutes and customers would start to arrive in flocks to pick up vehicles, their days work concluded.  “You miss your mansion?” Vivi asked.  The pause that followed was not encouraging.
“Yeah,” Lewis says.  “But not because I raised the place.  It was all I had.”  He became quiet, and Vivi pressed no more questions.  “Did you see what happen to my deadbeats?”
“Deadbeats?” Vivi said, looking down to the skulls blazing eye sockets.  “The spirits that chased us?”  Lewis made a sound that sputtered, and seemed to reverberate in the silent radio of the van.  She took the pitch as a confirmation.  “Faded.  Crossed over.  I’m not sure.  I’m no master of reading ambiguous visage of spirits, but they seemed fine with it.”  Lewis was silent for another span of time.
Outside the windshield, the sun began to fade behind the surrounding buildings as dusk approached and the air began to chill.  Vivi watched the shadows grow longer and sweep over the front of the van, until a soft tinge of pink brushed over her sweater and the window glass beside her shoulder.  It was then that Vivi realized Lewis hadn’t been staring at her shoulder, he was keeping a lookout should someone approach outside the window.  Or maybe he was just staring off into the distance.
“To be fair,” Lewis began, “I didn’t tell then to chase you or Mystery.”  Mystery opened an eye a crack at the mention of his name.  “I told them to chase Arthur.  You just happen to be in the wrong place, wrong time.”
Vivi glared down at the gleaming eyes inside the skull.  “That was cruel,” she scolded.  Lewis made a gruff sound that echoed in the cold radio, and may have said something Vivi’s sharp ears, attuned to the paranormal, was able to catch.  Lewis eyes flashed over to the window and the vibrant fire inside the eye sockets dimmed.
“Cars, cars,” Lewis chattered.  “People!  I need my head.”
Vivi sighed.  “Of course.”  And tossed his skull into the back of the van.
Lewis’ body sputtered and jerked up, upsetting the dog snoozing over his lap.  “Vi!  What— Why?”  The torso scooted over in evident panic, as Vivi opened the driver side door and slipped out.
“I’m still mad at you!” she snapped, before slamming the door shut on Lewis.
“What?  What!” Lewis screamed, reaching for the door, before remembering he was in no state to go anywhere.  A car pulled up in the parking space one over from the van, and Lewis flung his body over the bench seat into the vans darkened back.  “This is unfair!”
Mystery popped his head over the backseat, a bit dazed from the commotion but recovering.  He assessed the cause of alarm and hopped over the bench seat and joined Lewis fumbling in the back.
“She acts like I was the one that MURDERED!” Lewis shrieked.  The sound was hellish and caused the van to ignite with momentary life, lamp lights pulsing and blazing yellow on the brick wall before them, engine roaring, windshield wipers sweeping and stopping in half motion. 
Mystery moved over and sat down beside Lewis’ torso.  The dog slanted his brows over the amber glasses he wore, and flattened his ears.  This was all not necessary, but he supposed Lewis couldn’t help it.
Lewis’ body turned to the dog, hunched over in the back of the van and barely able to keep from sinking through the floor.  Even without his head Lewis was still tall, and hunched over beneath the low ceiling.  Though he was in no danger of being spied on by curious newcomers, another outburst from Lewis caused the radio of the van to crackle with soft rock from the radio station Vivi had elected earlier that day.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Lewis screeched.  “It’s complicated.  I guaranteed Arthur would have survived!  That was the extent of my restraint!”
Mystery rolled his eyes.  Shoving off his rear legs, the dog leapt up and snared the purple tie at Lewis’ collar.  Lewis buckled forward to the unexpected weight of Mystery leading, hauling him down.
“Mystery!  Bad!  Leggo!  Mystery!”  Lewis pressed his palms to the floor of the van and pushed, but Mystery dug his claws into the short plush and jerked back, snarling in his throat.  “Why?  Why!”  Lewis reached out to snag him, but the dog released the tie and kicked away, then retreated a few steps out of the spirits reach.  As Mystery hung back watching, Lewis spun around and leaned over.  When he spun back the skull had resumed post above his collar, eye sockets gleaming and magenta flames bristling down his shoulders and back until the van was filled with a harsh fuchsia glow.  “I’d stop if I were you.”
Mystery inched back, quiet, contemplative.  His shoulders twitch when he gives a small yip and leaps over the bench seat, into the front of the van.  Mystery nosed at the door on the passenger side, before bouncing over the seat at the driver side door.  Both were locked and Mystery pawed at the door latch, trying to loop his paw through the pull handle.  His claws scratching over the latch without traction, and there was little space between the handle and the door to hook his paw in easily.
The fire along Lewis’ shoulders flutters as it diminishes, the back of the van becoming dark as it was before.  He watched Mystery struggle with the door, and felt his own fists clench tightly.  “What is wrong with me?  Damn it.”
After several failed attempts, the dog surrenders to simplicity and leans over to bite at the door handle.  Mystery jerks back when Lewis reaches over, and grips the door handle before Mystery can get his teeth on it.  Lewis is careful only to reach over the seat and kept his shape out of sight in the driver side window, while more cars roll up to fill the parking lot.
“I’m sorry,” Lewis says.  “I don’t know what gets into me.”  He pulls the handle, unlatching the door before he pushes the door open all the way.  Mystery doesn’t waste his time in jumping out.  “Vivi could be right.  I might be scared.  But,” Lewis detects Mystery’s still there, though timid.  “I’ve never been afraid before.  No.”
It was difficult for Lewis to admit that he, while investigating with his friends, had ever been fearful of what a case could offer in terms of danger. While running around investigating disappearances, cult activities, hostile spirits, his personal wellbeing was a moot concern.  But… he had been afraid for his friends.  The idea of them coming to harm did give him many restless nights.  Still, Lewis felt that he had control over the situation.  He would make sure no one was hurt or scared, and that they were never left behind.  In those days, he had been there for them.  He had always made sure he would be there, through thin or thick, dark or dreary, bleak or miserable.  It didn’t matter what it took, and he’d always felt confident in his abilities.  Looking back, it had been reckless.
Lewis settles down on the floor behind the driver side seat, passively letting his flames fade into his coat and collar as he watched the stars appear as only he could envision stars.  He envisioned galaxies and suns, planets and worlds beyond his grasp.  All swirling endlessly into the infinite pace that moved time, coasting through dark matter and scraping by the cusp of existence.  He felt molten seas sizzle and roar, gases burbling and erupting in geysers of red and gray.  Then ice.  Fields of ice, sheets of endless glaciers chattering as the surface shifts, the only sounds echoing in a landscape void of wind.  The endless blue shimmers with white slates like mirrors, opening into a chasm of the vacant abyss gazing and judging into the void of the universe.
Suddenly there is so much blue.  Cold blue sea.  It takes a moment for Lewis to return to himself, eye sockets brightening with pink flame.  “Ah….”
Vivi frowns down at him.  “You weren’t sleeping, were you?” she asks, a little concerned.  They were all so concerned about each other lately, each of them fitted with dull ice skates dancing on china plates.
“No.”  Lewis sits up and turns to Vivi.  “I was just… thinking.”
Vivi hummed.  “Careful.  Great thoughts require great responsibility,” she says, with a smile.
“If I remember correctly—” Lewis is cut off when Vivi slaps a hand to the front of his teeth.  It didn’t hinder his speech in anyway, but the gesture was recognized.
“Don’t ruin that for me,” Vivi mutters.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Lewis pushed her hand away and leaned a little over, raising himself to inspect the lack of sound and activity in the parking lot.  “I wasn’t happy, let me put it that way,” he said.  Lewis saw no one, and the parking lot was very dark but for the street lamps along the sidewalk soaking the edges of the black asphalt with canary yellow.
“I’m not sorry,” Vivi said, crossing her arms.  “However, I am sorry to ask:  It was getting late, and I wanted to get back into Kingsman, but Lance locked the door.  Is there a way you can get in?”
Perched behind Vivi’s feet was Mystery, just staring up at Lewis.  Lewis adjusted his shoulders and began to fiddle with his tie, fitting it back into his suit.  “I could manage something,” Lewis said.  “Can you give me one moment, though?”
Vivi scowled.  “Sure.  But why?”  She stepped back as Lewis took the door’s edge, and without an answer swung the door shut.  He slapped the pin down and ducked out of sight.  Vivi looked along the amber side of the dusty vehicle, as if she could see through walls and would learn what it was the ghost had bought time for.  She turned and looked down at Mystery, but Mystery merely gave her his own dubious glance and raised his shoulders.
After too many minutes had passed, Vivi began to lose patience and was about to start banging on the vans side.  The back door opened, and out glides Lewis.  He set his feet to the asphalt and checked to make certain he had his heels down, then turned to inspect his palms and frowned.
“Oh,” Vivi said, upon seeing the face cloaking bone.  “You should have said something.”
“And ruin the surprise?” Lewis asked, as he swung the door shut.  He paused as his chest expanded, and he let out a crackly sound.  “How was that?”
Vivi smirked as she approached him, and squint her eyes to one side.  “Pretty good,” she says.  “But it sounds weird.  I like it, but it’ll confuse people I think.”
“I’ll work on it.”  Lewis glanced down at Mystery still keeping behind Vivi.  “Where’s this door then?”  He waited for Vivi to walk pass him, before letting his outer visage echo his inner pang.
The Kingsman Mechanics shop ended, but the brick wall that made up its side continued and connected with the building behind it.  There was a metal gate in the wall about halfway between the two buildings, which led into a large back alley for scrap parts and was fitted with barbed wire on both the gates top and bottom, and more barbed wire was curled along the top of the high brick wall.  A chain and padlock was wrapped around the adjoining bars of the gate, but the lock was not secured.  Vivi pulled the padlock off and undid the chain and slid one gate aside, allowing Mystery through.  She looked at Lewis when he stepped up, as she began to close the gate.
“Sorry,” Vivi said, and stepped aside as Lewis stepped through to join them.  “When you project your alive appearance, does it prevent you from phasing through walls?”
Lewis glanced back as Vivi secures the chain, and fixed the padlock in place.  “No,” he said.  “Not at all, I don’t think,” and he sounded dubious, as if he never thought over it.  “But I don’t want to get into the habit of it and forget.”  He looked across the alley, and the collection of rusted and forgotten parts of engines and old tanks abandoned beside the wall.  “What if Arthur’s already asleep?”
“He’s not,” Vivi assures, as she walks past Lewis.  “That’s why we’re here.”
Lewis turned to give Mystery a look when the dog lingered at the gate.  Mystery perked up his ears at the gaze and darted off to rejoin Vivi, as she weaves around the machine parts and the stains on the sidewalk.  With a crackle like static Lewis followed them, silent and displeased.
The back alley is heavy with thick fumes of congealed grease, oil, and diesel fumes.  Vivi leads the way around the discarded scrap, a few tarps covering engines and replacement equipment, until they come to a steel door set in the buildings backside.  Vivi waits as Lewis gives the reinforced door a brief inspection.  Lewis raises his hands and looks at his palms, before turning his hands to the doors surface and seems to forcibly shove himself through as if attempting to barrel the doors itself down.  He fades through the steel surface with a purple-pink outline trailing around his shapes, as he soaks through the door.  Vivi knelt down to give Mystery a few comforting strokes, before she hears the latch of the door echo.
“Open sez’me,” Lewis quipped.  He opened the door more as Vivi stepped through, followed by Mystery.
The interior of the shop was darker than viscous ink, and the black seemed to thicken when Lewis shut the door behind them.  “Hold on, don’t move,” Lewis voice echoed around Vivi’s ears.  There was such force to the tone she obeyed without a sound, though standing within the suffocating murk was disconcerting.  She briefly saw Lewis dart by, a line of pink fire trailing after his eyes and his gold-bluish locket thudding on his chest.  He moved somewhere, but Vivi couldn’t see exactly where he had vanished.
“Can you see?” Vivi asked, when nothing happens.  And no answer comes.  “Lew?”
“Sort of,” his voice, from somewhere.  The nature of his voice and the method it traveled by made it impossible to identify its origin point.  “I found a switch,” Lewis said.
Vivi flinched when the light came on, not far from where she and Mystery stood.  She blinked the remainder of the shade from her eyes as Lewis glides back to them.  It was one of the phosphorus lamps above a work bench, a truck parked beside it.  The garage had numerous vehicles parked inside for the evening, the large shutter doors drawn down and the endless black visible through the pristine clear glass window in each door.  Everything was eerily quiet, as if the world beyond had just stopped.
Except for the low peeping sound that tapered up and down the white washed walls.  Lewis stood beside Vivi taking in their surroundings, judging what was changed and what had remained the same since his last visit to Kingsman Mechanics.  He liked the new white walls, they seemed to brighten the place up and made the light travel to the furthest corners of the interior garage.  Did Lance remodel the place? A lot of everything looked newer or brighter, or maybe he wasn’t focused enough.
The strange resonance faded and swelled at odd intervals, yet altogether seemed to be coming from every corner of the open floorplan of the garage.  Lewis edged forward, aware that the sound was coming closer to them.  His eyes brightened like stars as he scanned for the possible threat.  Whatever it was, it didn’t sound human.  He glared down and felt the energy of his form pucker with anticipation, as the source of the sound began to pinpoint not far from them.  Lewis winced when a small orange ball on wheels scuttled into view.  His eyes dimmed on the thing.  The ball of fluff gazed back with large glossy eyes and blinked.
“Galahad!” Vivi said.  She brushed past Lewis to where the small creature was squatted, still staring up at the tall specter.
“Gala— what?” Lewis stammered.  He drew back when Vivi had picked up the little orange puff and presented it to his face.  “A hamster?”  Indeed, a hamster that sported a familiar hairstyle on the area between its dark ears, and a set of wheels where its back legs should be.
“Galahad.  Like from the Arthurian legends,” Vivi explained, as she gave the hamster a gentle cuddle under her chin.  “He was one of the Knights of the Round Table.”
“The hamster?” Lewis asked.
“No, the knight,” Vivi snapped.  She smirked as Lewis smiled back.  “What’s up Galaham?  Did Arthur make it to bed?”  To the mentioned of Arthur’s name, the hamster’s head perked and he began peeping.  Mystery padded over to Vivi and stared up at the hamster as the small orange puff rotated his wheels, all the while turning his head to one direction of the garage.  “Okay-okay,” Vivi cooed, and set Galahad down.  “Where is he?”
Mystery snapped his ears up as Galahad took off.  Mystery gave Vivi a quick glimpse before he sprang after the wheelie hamster.
“He’s probably in his work room,” Vivi said, as she followed the two racing off.  “That’s on the other side of the garage, upstairs.”  Lewis followed Vivi, and Mystery followed the swift orange blur as Galahad zipped under shelves and a few carts topped with heavy equipment.  It was near impossible to keep up with the squeal of Galahad’s tires as he zipped through shadows, the sound of his wheels on the hard walls came from all sides of the room.  But Vivi already knew Galahad’a destination.  Or so she thought.
Vivi hurried to the far side of the garage, into a smaller section segregated by a wall with a large shutter door.  Meanwhile, Lewis exerted no effort in keeping up with Vivi’s hurried steps, but he did pause occasionally to flip on a light and keep the hamster’s direction lit.  The light barely traveled through the shutter door, but Vivi could make out the bottom of the cement steps just around the doorframe.  She hastened up the steps to the dim light of the floor above, and Lewis glides ahead to the top, both leaving Galahad to begin working up the numerous large steps from below.
Also left behind, Mystery trotted up to the hamster and only paused to lean down and grip one wheel between his teeth before he sprang up the steps four and five at a time.  When Mystery reached the top he set Galahad down and raised his head high to bark, pacing back and forth at the top step and waiting for Vivi and Lewis to catch his signal.
Vivi skid to a halt, and Lewis plopped down to skid through the floor by his heels.   “Not in his work room?” Vivi murmured.  She dashed back to the two, Lewis right on her heel.
This time they followed Galahad, even so it was a struggle to keep pace.  Though it was only the corridor they were headed down, across to the other end of the garage.  “Galahad’s usually this excitable, right?” Lewis asked.  “It’s just a hamster thing?”  Vivi said nothing, and Lewis internally cursed.
Galahad took an abrupt turn, squeezing through a door left ajar and parked himself right beside the doorframe as his companions spilled through.  He gave a small chirp and directed an arm to the room before them.  Mystery wriggled between Vivi and Lewis and took a position on the opposite wall, he scanned over the shelves and the disaster set before them.  A soft whine escaped the dog as his ears tucked back along his head.
“Oh geez,” Lewis hissed. 
The room had a few metal shelves, each filled with boxes, some machinery, and an assortment of colorful and curly tubes.  Before the center line of shelves was a workbench marred by every burn, scrape, dent, and cut imaginable. Cords were attached to socket plugs fixed above in the low ceiling, extending down to the work bench and the racks fixed to the metal shelves behind the worktable.  Solder tools, buzz saws, and sets of pliers from miniscule tweezers to massive monkey wrenches had been littered over the surface of the cluttered worktable, but most seemed to have found suitable stations across the floor.  Tools and pieces of equipment were scattered around the metal arm left clamped, and somehow still intact, upon the worktables marred top.  Half the room was cast in long disfigured shadows, due to one work light that was knocked from one of its tether which left it to dangle sideways, still and amenable.
Stuffed into one of the lowest cuvees of the metal shelves, amongst clutter and beside a pool of oil marinating on the floor, was a pair of red stained pants.
Lewis rattled something and swooped away from Vivi in a sudden gust.  He perched beside the shelf, careful of the oil, and with another hissing sound Lewis reached up under the shelf and carefully tugged Arthur out by his good arm.  Vivi skipped over, avoiding the pieces and parts that had been thrown across the floor.  Lewis maneuvered away from the glossy oil mess before he settled down and shook Arthur by his torso, his blazing eyes occasionally cast over the blackened and red sleeve.
“Damn it Art, wake up,” Lewis hissed.  He let Arthur’s body sag over his thigh and shook harder, but never enough to jostle and break what few joints remained.  “Speak to me.  C’mon, answer!”  Lewis supported Arthur’s back with one hand and set his other hand over Arthur’s face and felt for a breath.  Faint but not encouraging.  He gripped Arthur’s chin and shook his head, in an effort to restrain himself from slapping the hell out of the comatose figure.  “Arthur!  ARTHUR.  I need a sign, a response!  Or so help me—” Lewis twitched when Vivi set a hand on his shoulder.  He was about to snap something at her, when a low moan came from the sorry sack of human remains.  Lewis glared down.  He didn’t once allow himself the thought that he may appear terrifying, eyes black with rosy fire burning in their sockets.  In fact, Lewis didn’t give a flying fuck.  He needed to make sure Arthur was still there, in some sense or another.
Arthur’s eyes scrunch tighter before opening a crack.  His vest was removed, and numerous small blotches of grease or some other odd colors stained his once white shirt, and a yellow-black ring was in his empty shoulder sleeve where his arm should be.  But Arthur’s eyes opened, struggled to take in light and sights while he picked up on muffled sound.  Above his face he saw the sharp stabs of white light and a dark face, eyes blazing and unforgiving.  There were other shapes and shades bobbing around, but not as clear, not as focused as the visage staring.
One of Arthur’s eyes snapped open and fixed on the face.  “L-Lewis?” he burbled, reaching out his only arm.  “It’s you, isn’t it?  Lewis?  You came back.”
Lewis hesitates.  Arthur was… Arthur was someplace else.  His expression was calm, collecting slowly, but his aura was in five different directions, twisting and wriggling to find a suitable station in which to settle.  It unnerved Lewis.  “Hey,” Lewis hummed, almost melodic, gentle and sturdy.  “A little more, Arty.”
Arthur’s other eye pried open slowly, and recognition swung heavily through his broken expression.  The eyes became hollow as his mind drifted, Lewis felt Arthur’s mind dive into somewhere distant.  A dark place, cold— No.  Icy and dank.  The air tinged with decay, rolls of sharp vapor nested among rocks and dirt, noxious gas seeping through damp stone.
“Careful,” Lewis said.
Arthur snapped his arm out and took hold of Lewis sharp collar, gripping the wispy fabric for dear life.  There was anger and focus in Arthur’s eyes, and he tightened his fist into Lewis collar and would never, ever let go.  Through clenched teeth Arthur muttered, “Gotcha.”
Lewis let his eyes trail away.  He nearly turned to check Vivi, when Arthur let out a gurgled sob.  Lewis returned his focus to Arthur, as the other hauled himself up by his arm and pressed his head into Lewis’ chest.  “I’m sorry,” Arthur whimpered.  “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.”  That’s all he said, over and over.  Arthur pressed his face harder into Lewis’ chest taking in short breaths, only to refuel his mantra.  “I tried to grab you.  I meant to grab you, but… stupid.  I saw you fall.  I watched you FALL.  I watched.”  Arthur couldn’t do much but curl down over his good arm.  “I… used the wrong arm.  I did it wrong, I fucked up.  I fucked it all up.  I can’t— couldn’t fix it.  Couldn’t fix….”
Vivi looked around at all the parts and pieces scattered, and looked back to Galahad and Mystery by the doorway.  Lewis followed her eyes over the floor, where a few wires were scattered, a bent pair of pliers and the spilled oil, among the superficial evidence of unrestrained fury with no target, no outlet.  Just direction.
It was all so familiar.  Like a distant dream, in a different world.  Galaxies away.  A lifetime ago.
Lewis wrapped his arms around Arthur and pulled him up, but Arthur tensed and bawled harder.  “Don’t kill me,” he yelped, trying to push away from Lewis.  “Don’t kill…. sorry.  I’m sorry.”
“Quiet Arty,” Lewis hissed.  He squeezed Arthur a little more and glared across the room at nothing in particular, except perhaps the few bits of metal as if they had any responsibility over Arthur’s current state.  “Just shh,” Lewis continued, a little softer.  “No one’s going to kill you.”  Arthur was a complete mess, arm limp and face pressed into Lewis’ collar.  “Art.  Would you listen to me?”  Arthur said nothing, but he slumped into Lewis’ a little more and his sharp breaths had lessened, accompanied by the timid hiccup.  “I don’t want you to fall.  I don’t want you to follow me.”  Lewis glanced back over his shoulder a bit, when he picked up on Vivi slipping down to sit beside them.
Arthur mumbled something and seemed to hide in Lewis’ arms a little more, if that was possible.
“Do you see that?” Lewis said.  He glared at the floor, the shimmering puddle of oil where his reflection wavered.  Lewis pondered with no solution, and no way to say the words Arthur may need to hear.  I can’t.  I won’t.  He coiled around Arthur more.  “There’s a pit.”  He winced when Arthur trembled and sobbed harder.  “But listen, Arthur.  We should head back,” he said, trying to recall his last words as a living, breathing person.  “We’ll regroup.”
“Lewis, no,” Arthur choked.  “No-no.”
“I’m not falling,” Lewis hummed.  “We’re not falling.  It’s okay, open your eyes.”  Lewis refused to loosen his hold on Arthur, until the broken figure had raised his head an inch and opened his eyes to meet Lewis’ steady gaze.  “Hey.”
“Lew,” Arthur said.  His arm fumbled around trying to find a hold but eventually gave up.  Arthur stares at Lewis as if not seeing, but remembering.  “You’re here.”
Lewis ducked his head into a nod.  Arthur found a place for his arm, encircling Lewis’ side as far as it could and clutching at one of the ribs.  “Stay with us, Art.”
Arthur dropped his forehead to the dark suit and focused on the texture, the blues and purples that refracted light all wrong.  “I pushed you,” Arthur mumbled.
“It’s not a contest.  You couldn’t stop,” Lewis said.  He focused on the scattered bits of surviving cogs and metal, and mulled over the differences in shape and function  Lewis thought about the van, and thought about the things that once gave him restless nights.  “I could,” he began, “but I didn’t.  That’s the decisive edge.  Now drop it.”
“Fine.”  And Arthur said nothing more after that.  There was a short pause before Lewis leaned back to find that Arthur had lost his battle with exhaustion. 
Lewis frowned.  “This dork.”  He looked over as Vivi moved to her feet and tugged at his shoulder.
“It looks like he cut himself,” Vivi says.  She leaned on Lewis’ shoulder as she touched Arthur’s brow and sighed.  Arthur was fine, maybe.  He would be all right.  “There’s a couch in his work station, and I’ll get a kit.”  Vivi left through the door, and headed down the corridor.
Lewis lifts Arthur up with him and trudges into the corridor and moves into the opposite direction Vivi had gone.  The low squeak of the hamsters wheels followed, Galahad keeping watch of his companion; besides the soft piping was the pad and click of Mystery’s claws on the floor.
The thought now hovered in Lewis’ mind that his presence was more damning to Arthur than his absence, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise.  It hadn’t, and he didn’t allow himself the guilt or concern he might, should have felt.  Another tether, another unsurpassable wall. 
The fall. 
When he awoke, as he so often did at the conclusion of a nightmare, it was not safe and in a warm bed surrounded by friends.  Later.  Later and later, and much later, he accepted that he would have no more restless nights.  The recollection wounded him somewhere deep, and somewhere none tangible.
“I could’ve just haunted you,” Lewis muttered.  Arthur’s aura was pooling, the erratic tendrils slowed into a cohesion that was preferred and agreeable.  .  “But where’s the sport in that?”
A low growl came from Lewis’ back.  The spirit glanced over his shoulder, stunned to find it was Galahad that was making the hostile sound; while Mystery glanced between him and the small fluff ball with uncertainty.
“Just a joke, little hermano,” Lewis assured.  “He’s having a hard struggle in him, and there’s nothing I can do to amend that.”
The work room Arthur utilized as his own was cluttered with tables, all decorated with every piece or part and cog Arthur had carefully ‘adopted’ from the garage.  Lewis set Arthur on the beaten up couch near the door, and gave the room a brief scan.  Walls had hooks and pegs screwed into the cinderblock surface to cradle additional tools and motors, or cords.  A blanket was left draped over the coffee tables beside the couch, and Lewis took it up and folded it as he further examined the room while Mystery and Galahad remained near the couch.
Lewis was setting the blanket down on the back of the couch when Vivi arrived, the white first aid kit in hand.  The spirit drifts away to admire the random worktables shoved at odd angles around the small room.  Lewis never liked to see the scars Arthur had acquired throughout his misadventures with the Mystery Skulls, and Lewis most certainly did not want to pick out the new ones Arthur had claimed in his most recent travels.
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tmarie82 · 5 years
Pairing: Dr. Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Blake Reyes)
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: ~3,200
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Note: There really is no good excuse for this completely gratuitous and self-indulgent fic. I worked all weekend and needed to write something ‘easy’ and fun, and what’s more fun than a sweaty, half-naked Bryce Lahela?
I’ve long been convinced that our favorite scalpel jockey maintains his stellar physique with a strict CrossFit regimen, and since perhaps I myself have spent too much time ogling these fine masculine specimens at my local box (that’s what she said, @lizeboredom 😂), this fic (which turned out much longer than I meant it to) happened. I’m sorry, I had to do it … but I hope the vivid imagery will earn me your forgiveness.
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list. You can find all of my fics in my Masterlist on my homepage.
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Buzz buzz. Blake stretched her arms over her head, her eyelids fluttering slightly open to find her room had already been infiltrated with mid-morning sunlight. Tucking her head back into the downy softness of her pillow, she allowed the drowsiness to seep in again and threaten to pull her back into its grasp when- Buzz buzz. This time she consciously rolled over, fumbling her hand along her nightstand until she found the thin rectangular electronic culprit guilty of awakening her on this glorious lazy Saturday. Grasping it in her palm she rolled to her back, unlocking the screen of her phone with a press of her thumb before placing it before her face. She blinked a few times as she focused on the screen … My God, did I really sleep until 9:37? After the initial shock wore off she opened her messages to find an unread one from Bryce.
Morning Sunshine 😉 I’m about to start at the comp and should be done by noon. Come by whenever you’re ready and we can grab lunch after.
Smiling at his note, Blake slowly moved to sit up in bed and type out a response. I’m up, I swear! I’ll be there before noon. Can’t wait to see you in action. Good luck xoxo 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Buzz buzz. Bryce’s response flashed across her screen. 😉
Throwing her legs over to side of the bed, Blake dragged herself out of bed and shuffled towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready. After months of training and weeks of not-so-subtly dropping references in conversation, today was the day of Bryce’s CrossFit competition at his box. Eeugh … Box. Why couldn’t CrossFitters just call their gyms what they were instead of a slightly sexual reference to the female anatomy?
Knowing how hard Bryce had been working, hitting the 5am class every morning and training after class for weeks, Blake was eager to finally witness him doing his thing in person. Every time he had attempted to explain the various Olympic lifts and physical movements she tended to zone out, the terms and lingo so foreign to her that it was like a different language. But seeing how excited he was every time it came up, how his eyes lit up like a little boy on his birthday, she couldn’t help but share in his enthusiasm. Not to mention, the things that his exercise routine had done to his body … nope, she was definitely not complaining about that.
An hour later Blake was showered, dressed, caffeinated and ready to go. Grabbing her purse and her keys on her way, she called out to her roommates as she walked out the door. “Later guys, I’m going to meet Bryce!”
“Have fun with the Crossfit cultists, Blake!” Elijah responded from the couch.
“If you come back with a new pair of booty shorts and knee socks I swear on all that is holy I will disown you.” She met Jackie’s smirking face peering around the corner from the kitchen.
Shaking her head, Blake opened the door to slip out. “Very funny. I’ll be sure to get an extra set for you.” She shot Jackie a wink and ducked out quickly before she caught any more flack from her supposed friends.
Walking through the front door of Crossfit Edenbrook, Blake found herself in the middle of some kind of ordered chaos. The bass thumped from the speakers hung high in the corners of the ceiling, the deep beat of hip hop music resonating through the airwaves. People lined the massive warehouse-style room, situated under the open air metal rafters atop large wooden boxes or sitting directly on the firm black foam floor. The spectators cheered loudly from their locations surrounding the competition floor in the middle of the room, taped off and divided into lanes for each competitor. Amidst the noise and the crowd, Blake couldn’t help but feel like she had just walked onto the set of Rocky during the final match-off.
Her eyes searched the room, scanning over some of the most physically fit human beings she had ever encountered in her entire life, until she found her own personal Adonis. Woah. Blake’s breath faltered when she locked eyes on Bryce, standing with three other athletes on the opposite side of the cavernous building. His long hair, which he hadn’t had time to get cut over the past month due to his intensive training schedule, was pulled back from his face in a sloppy knot at the crown of his head. Whether he had shown up in a shirt or not was a complete non-issue as she raked her eyes across his defined shoulders and chest and down over the ribbed muscles in his abdomen, his bare olive skin glistening under the bright lights with a thin sheen of sweat. Even the various accessories he was sporting gave him a little something extra in the sex appeal department, the knee sleeves hugging his toned calves and the fabric wrist wraps accenting the veiny curvature of his forearms. Damn … maybe I should have been more supportive of his training sooner.
Bryce must have felt the heat of her stare, instinctively turning his head in her direction to meet her eyes. He flashed her a wide grin, and Blake tried to stifle the blush in her cheeks as he maneuvered his way through the crowd to meet her. As he approached, she was pleasantly surprised to see that he looked even better the closer he got, the rosiness of his cheeks and excited twinkle in his eyes causing her stomach to do somersaults.
“Hey you.” He murmured as he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, the dampness of sweat apparent when his skin grazed against hers. Despite keeping her at arms length, Blake could smell the sweet tang of sweat tinged with a musky masculine smell as he brushed his lips across her skin.
She smiled in return, her eyes flitting about the room with uncertainty. “So, this is your box?” She tried to suppress the laugh bubbling in the back of her throat, but was betrayed by mischievous look in her dark eyes that Bryce had come to recognize.
“Laugh all you want, but this place is so much more than a gym, yet without all the pretenses. The term ‘box’ just makes sense.” He stopped as he saw the amusement in Blake’s face while she bit her tongue, trying not to make any further sarcastic remarks. He rolled his eyes, placing his palm against the small of her back and leading her in the direction where he’d been standing. ��Come on, I’m about to do my last wave. You can stand over here and watch.”
Blake allowed herself to be lead around the floor to the spot where Bryce had been before, occasionally looking up to glance at the athletes currently competing in the middle of the room. They seemed to be alternating between three exercises, first dropping to the floor and then jumping back up before hopping over a large weight on the floor. After so many times of these two motions, the athlete would grip the weight in both hands and essentially pull it from the ground to their hips to overhead in one swift movement. Then they’d drop it to the ground, grip it in both hands and do it again … over and over until it was time to go back to the floor jumpy move again. “Um, is that what you’re going to be doing?” She asked as they arrived at their destination, pointing a finger towards the competitors.
“Yeah, ascending reps of burpee bar jump-overs and snatches.” Bryce explained matter-of-factly.
Blake snorted audibly at his explanation, raising an eyebrow at him sardonically. “Excuse me, did you say ‘snatch’ without laughing, Bryce Lahela?”
Bryce merely shook his head, struggling to keep a straight face as he sighed with exasperation. “Mind out of the gutter, Reyes.” He poked her in the side playfully, then gestured towards the competitors. “A snatch is an Olympic weightlifting move where you pull the barbell from the floor all the way over your head and catch it in a squatting position. And yes, they should have picked a better name.”
“See, I knew your mind had been in the gutter way before mine.” She chuckled before turning her attention back to the athletes. “So how long are you supposed to do this?”
“This one is a 7 minute AMRAP and you-“
“An Amra-what?” Blake interjected, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.
Bryce laughed. “Sorry, I forgot about the lingo. An AMRAP. As many reps as possible. It means you do as much as you can before the time limit, which is 7 minutes in this case.”
She nodded in understanding, surveying the activity again until her eyes focused on the stack of weights lining each bar. “And how much weight is that? It looks heavy.”
“The weight for this one is 135 pounds.”
Despite the certainty in his tone, Blake tilted her head and waited for the joke. And when it didn’t come … “I’m sorry, you are planning to throw 135 pounds over your head repeatedly by choice? That’s how much I weigh!” Her eyes bugged out of her head.
Forgetting the sweat still lingering on his skin, Bryce hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her tight. He nuzzled his face against her neck, his voice gruff in her ear. “And if you remember, I was throwing you around in your room the other night quite easily.” Blake shivered at the memory, the feel of his fingers digging into her flesh as they defiled every surface within her bedroom just three nights ago. He chuckled low under his breath as he pulled back, a cocky smirk on his lips. “It’s all about skill and technique, and you should know that my technique is always exemplary.” He flashed her a wicked wink just as the buzzer sounded, the loud noise reverberating throughout the large room.
The next few minutes were chaotic, and Blake was thankful for the opportunity to steady her breathing after Bryce’s naughty insinuation. The competitors slowly picked themselves up off the floor where they’d collapsed and filed off the main floor to the outer ring of the room, each of them dripping in sweat and breathing heavily. One woman, a petite yet muscular brunette in booty shorts and knee socks with arms that vaguely resembled those of cartoon Popeye’s, caught a glimpse of Bryce and Blake and made her way over to them. “Lahela! Is this your lady friend you keep ditching us for?” She glanced up at Blake and caught her eye, shooting her a warm smile.
Blake thought she saw a tiny flush of pink tinge Bryce’s cheeks before he shifted to conduct introductions. “Hey Teresa, this is Blake. She’s a doctor over at Edenbrook with me. Blake, this is Teresa, another one of the 5am-ers.”
Teresa waved, her sweaty form maintaining a safe distance from the couple. “Sorry, I’d shake your hand but I don’t think you’d want that right now. It’s great to meet you, Blake.”
“It’s good to meet you too, Teresa.” Blake echoed, instantly feeling at ease with her new acquaintance. “So, how was it?” She asked, nodding towards the competition floor. “It looked pretty rough.”
“Ugh, yeah, it really was. Snatches and burpees, two of my least favorite moves. At least it wasn’t thrusters.” She shrugged nonchalantly, taking a swig from her water bottle, not noticing as Blake’s eyes widened at the last word.
Bryce laughed out loud at the look on Blake’s face, patting her on the back reassuringly. “Thrusters are another type of Crossfit movement. I guess I never really realized how bad all these names sounded to an outsider.”
“At least you can recognize it now so I don’t feel so bad.” Blake locked eyes with him, giving him a thankful smile.
Teresa stepped forward, patting Bryce on the shoulder as she brushed past him. “Well good luck out there Lahela, looks like you’re up.” She turned to Blake and gave her a small wave. “Glad to finally meet the woman who tamed this one.” She shoved a embarrassedly groaning Bryce aggressively in the arm. “Take care, Blake!”
“You too, Teresa!” Blake called after her, then turned to face her boyfriend. “Tamed you, huh? If this is tame, I’d hate to see you wild.” She gave him a playful smirk and squeezed his hand, her heart warmed by the way he returned it defenselessly and, for once, had no sarcastic retort. She pulled his arm gently and gestured towards the other competitors filing to their places. “You better get out there. I’ll watch from here.”
Bryce’s lips curled up into a slight grin as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’ll see you in seven minutes.” As he pulled away, Blake could see the affection sparkling deep within his dark eyes, making her whole body tingle with joy.
“Good luck.” She mouthed as he gently pulled away from her grasp. He held their stare as he took a few steps back before finally turning to move to his spot in the middle of the room.
Blake watched as Bryce settled himself in front of the heavy weighted barbell, shuffling his feet and taking deep breaths as he tightened the wraps around his wrists. The judges took their places before each contender, and shortly thereafter the head coach called out the countdown. Ten, nine, eight … Bryce steadied himself, bending down and gripping the bar with a wide grip, his eyes locked in place before him … four, three, two, ONE!!! He shrugged the barbell up to his hips as he stood upright quickly, then dropped to a squatting position as it soared overhead in one seamless motion. As soon as he stood upright he released the entire 135 pounds to the ground in front of him with a loud clatter, dropping his body to the floor and then hopping back up to smoothly jump over the barbell to the other side. Round one complete. He then bent over to grip the barbell and pulled it up over his head yet again, doing it twice this time before completing two burpees and two jumps.
Blake found herself mesmerized as she watched Bryce proceed, the combination of the clanging barbells, chatter and loud music doing little to distract her as he moved in steady, fluid motions with each rep. After a few rounds she began to pick up on the pattern and the muscles being used, admiring how they tensed and released in rhythmic waves. With each snatch (still a horrible name, but she was catching on at least), the definition in his abs would stiffen as he braced his torso to shrug the weights overhead, his shoulders and forearms tight as he gripped the bar in the air. With each burpee, the crease of his tricep would deepen as he pushed himself up off the floor, tiny drops of sweat trailing down his bare skin as he flew upright. Before each jump he’d crouch down low, the curve of his quads peeking out from underneath his shorts before his thick calves would propel him over the bar. Blake watched the scene over and over again, unsure whether the warmth in her cheeks was due to all the hot, sweaty bodies in the room or the visual foreplay she was witnessing on repeat. Bryce dropped to the floor again, hopping back up and wiping a sweaty tendril of hair from his brow before hopping over the bar, the image stoking something deep in Blake’s belly. Nevermind ... she was positive the heat she was feeling was 100% related to one specific hard body in the building.
Seven minutes flew by, the sound of the buzzer startling Blake from her hormone-induced trance as the time came to an end. She observed as Bryce finally halted his movements at the deafening noise, collapsing to the floor in exhaustion, the sweat-slicked skin of his chest rising and falling rapidly as he panted. When he was finally able to peel himself up off the floor, he sauntered slowly over to where she was standing, catching high fives and fist bumps from his friends along the way.
“Wow, that was incredible!” Blake squealed, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him tight. She immediately felt the comforting heat of his body pressed against hers, not even minding the dampness of her shirt as his sweat seeped through the layers of fabric.
Bryce chuckled breathlessly, still not quite recovered from his vigorous workout. “I’ll invite you every time if I get this type of enthusiasm.” He squeezed her tight, then pulled away to trail a finger across her cheek. “You can be my own personal cheerleader any day, Reyes.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m happy to be your cheerleader every day, Lahela.” She beamed up into his dark eyes, a soft smile upturning the corners of her lips.
“Awww, Reyes, bringing out the cheese …” Despite the playfulness in his tone, Blake recognized the emotion behind his stare. It was an emotion that mirrored her own, a confession not yet spoken out loud but communicated nonetheless. She allowed herself to melt into his touch as he cupped a palm against her cheek, guiding her lips to meet his in a soft kiss.
“Get a room, Lahela!”
“Aw, come on you guys!”
The heckles from the others surrounding them broke them from their blissful embrace, Bryce laughing as some of the guys smacked him on the back or shoved him in the shoulder when the pair separated. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of these jackasses for today!” He called out the last sentence loudly, eliciting a few snickers from his friends again. As he glanced back down at her, he noticed the darkened fabric of sweat stains adorning her t-shirt. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry … I can loan you an extra t-shirt before we go grab lunch … “
“Do you really think I’m going to go out to lunch with you looking like a sweaty mess, Bryce Lahela?” Blake quipped, arching her brow to give him a challenging look. With a dramatic sigh and a shrug she laid out her proposal, feigned innocence in her tone. “I suppose we’ll just have to go back to your place and get you cleaned up in the shower.”
Bryce’s eyes flashed with mischief, one side of his mouth curled up in a crooked grin. “Whatever you think is best, Dr. Reyes. Although I may need some help in there … I’m pretty worn out.” He gave her his best come-hither eyes as they walked to the lockers and he retrieved his stuff, slipping a dry t-shirt on his upper body.
“I guess I shall have to make that sacrifice.” Blake sighed, leaning into his firm body as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “But only if you promise to teach me all about these thrusters …” she stifled a naughty giggle as her voice trailed off.
With a low growl Bryce squeezed her tighter, leaning down to whisper in a husky voice into her hair. “Have I told you how much I love it when you talk dirty?” Blake only smiled proudly, nuzzling in tighter to his side and allowing him to lead them through the crowd towards the exit.
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End Note: What’s amazing to me is that this is the tamer version of this story. I actually held back on all the horribly inappropriate Crossfit references for fear of boring you all. Hit me up if you ever want more 😉
Perma-Tag: @abbiebishops @akrenich @alesana45 @asprankle @bella-ca @blackcatkita @blackwidow2721 @boneandfur @catlady0911 @choicesarehard @choiceslife @choicessa @choiceswreckedme @client-327 @cocomaxley @crookedslimecreatorpasta @darley1101 @debramcg1106 @domainoflostsouls @drakelover78 @drakewalker04 @eileendannie @enmchoices @flowerpowell @gardeningourmet @harlequinash @harrington-sinclaire @hopefulmoonobject @indescribablechoices @indiacater @innerpostmentality @jadedpixiescribbles @lizeboredom @lolablackwrites @marikagia @mfackenthal @mrsnazariowrites @ritachacha @romancehereicome @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @simplyaiden-blog @snyggflicka @stopforamoment @sweetfluffyunicorn18 @tabithacarlisle @the-everlasting-dream @thequeenofcronuts @walkerismychoice @wickedgypsymoon @writtenbycandy
OH (Bryce) Tags: @aworldoffandoms @divergentofhogwarts @halcyonhaarry @keira1416 @mariamulroney @radlovedreamer @simsvetements @timecanaryy
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deputyrhysiepieces · 6 years
Sinners and Junkies
A/N: Just a random story with my Deputy after she gets kidnapped by John. She’s heavily inspired by Negan, so warnings for language. Thanks for reading!
Rhys should've known it was too easy sneaking into John Seed’s infamous ranch. Now due to her recklessness she's trapped in said man's bunker, tied to chair that is now immovable. At least he learns.
She tenses as the door slams open, the man of the hour strutting in. By the look of it he's already in a bad mood, slamming the box of supposed torture tools with his jaw clenched.
When he turns his aggression is even more apparent by the way his hands grip the table behind him.
His eyebrows shoot up into his hairline when she fails to comment. There's no smug smile this time around.
“So.” He starts, clenching the word out around clenched teeth. “What'd you do with it?”
“Oh, you mean the cocaine I found in the baggie lodged in the back of your toilet? The one I’d bet my left tit on that Joseph doesn't know about? ” His eyes narrow. “Haven't seen it.”
To her credit she doesn't flinch when he slams his hands against the desk, pushing off of it to slowly walk towards her.
“Where is it, sinner?”
“I don't know, junkie.”
With that he grabbed her throat with a frustrated yell, squeezing until her eyes teared up.
“I'll force it out of you.”
She gasped for breath as he went back to his tools, noisily shuffling through them. The longer he stood there searching the more nervous she got, so naturally she started rambling.
“Well, this is goddamn embarrassing. To be entirely honest this is not how I imagined my evening turning out. I sort of expected you’d be there, thought maybe I’d find you balls deep in some woman… or man. I don’t know. Whatever you’re into, I’m not judging. Do you guys even fuck? You’d think with how much you like to play ‘my dick is bigger than yours’ you’d actually put it to use.”
He pulled out a small knife from the selection.
“That's a good size. I like that one.”
He didn't spare her a glance before placing the small knife down and grabbing a bigger one.
“Yeah, I-um, I don't like that one as much.”
She breathes a sigh of relief when he sets the big one down before once again picking up the smaller one.
“Do you know what this is called?”
“A knife?” She relishes in his obvious display of annoyance as his eyes flutter closed, a frustrated sigh escaping him.
“This is called an oyster shucker “
His lips twitch up for the first time when he watches her eyes flick to the knife.
“Once you start to shuck an oyster you always want to keep the hinge end pointed towards you, straight up, so you don’t lose those wonderful juices inside.” He smiled when her face scrunched up. Funny for someone as crude as her.
“So then you take your oyster knife-”
“I said it was a knife.”
“Shut. Up. You work the blade into the hinge, rocking the blade side to side until it pops! Then you slide your knife along the inside surface of the top shell until you find the muscle where it is attached to the top shell, and sever it. You do the same thing to the bottom, letting that small knife tear and scrape little pieces of muscle inside, carving them out until it’s sitting free in the shell.” He takes a long look at her crotch, a sickly sweet smile spreading across his face.
“I've… I've never tried oysters” Her voice is small, something that happens when she's nervous. And since she's pretty sure he's insinuating oyster shucking her vagina, she figures she has every right to be.
“Oh no? You've never tried oysters?” His voice matches hers in tone, surely mocking her.
“Nope.” She sucks her lip in before she can say anything else. His hands are on his knees as he bends down to get on eye level with her, but she refuses to look at him.
The door bangs open and a nervous looking peggie addresses John, holding out a high tech walkie talkie towards him.
“Sir? The Father is asking for you.” Rhys thanks whatever deity is looking out for her as John's eyes flash with fear.
“I'll be right there.” He goes to turn before stopping as if he forgot something. “Oh, hold this for me please.”
“But my hands are- fuck!” He slams the blade directly through the palm of her hand.
“Fuck, fuck! Fuck- fuck you, you fucking fuck!” She whimpers as the door slams closed.
“Ugh ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod.”  She had to get out of there. She gave a hysterical little laugh when she realized he literally put a weapon in the palm of her hand.  She leaned down and closed her mouth around the hilt of the knife. It muffled her scream as she tried to pull it up, the shitty little handle slipping from her teeth many times. She was sure she had to have cracked a couple of her teeth by the time she got the thing out. Although she knew she had limited time she took a moment to catch her breath, sweat rolling down her forehead.
Okay, hard part done. With a sharp inhale she went back to work.
She angled the knife-oyster shucker- so that she could pull it up and wear at the rope. It took  what seemed like minutes to wear it down enough to where she could yank her non-injured hand out. That was when she heard footsteps quickly approaching the door.
“No. No, damn it...fuck!” Rhys knew she had to act quick. She closed her eyes in dread when she realized it had to look as if nothing had happened. She cut through the rope restricting her injured hand until it was hanging on by a thread. Then, uttering a soft ‘'fuck” she stabbed the knife back through her hand, only to rip it back out again.
“Fuck!”  panicking when she heard the door knob turn, she once again stabbed her palm, this time leaving it there.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck-”
“Still going, are you?”
“Suck my ass you pretentious little shi- Joey!” Her eyes widened when he wheeled Joey Hudson in, mascara running making her look like a fucking racoon.
“Thought you’d like a friend, Deputy.” John was clearly enjoying the shock on their faces as they tried to figure out how to react to each other.
“Oh God, Rook, what the fuck happened- how’d you get here?” Hudson gasped when she saw the knife through her hand. Rhys, emotionally drained for the day, gave a weak little laugh.
“You say here like this shitty little bunker is something fucking special. I ended up here trying to get to there. And do I know where there is? No, no fucking clue. Just trying to keep up with our boy over there.” John raises an eyebrow when she angles her head towards him.
“Damn, do you got a mouth on you.”
“Who are you to talk, dipshit. You probably jerk off to your voice on your shitty fucking commercials-” Hudson flinched when he grabbed another knife from the table.
“Deputy Reeze-” “Rhys. For fucks sake-”
“-Have you ever wondered how many layers of a person's skin can be removed until it is deemed ‘unhealthy’?”
“None should be removed you prick-”
“The top layer of the epidermis is actually just dead skin cells. You shed thousands of them in a day.”
“Thanks for that anatomy lesson. Now can you-”
“Let’s help Hudson by getting rid of those useless cells corrupted by sin. They probably go pretty deep so it is going to be a painful process. Unless you remember where you put my belongings, Deputy?”
There was a beat of silence before she looked at Joey.
“He’s talking about his coke-”
John- barely concealing his anger- slices down Hudson’s forearm. He works on slowly peeling layers away.
“Agh! Rhys shut up!” Hudson sobs.
“Oh my God, Oh God I’m so sorry. John! You fuck!” His only response was to continue cutting deeper.
“Remember yet, Deputy?”
“I… okay stop! Stop. I poured it in your pump thingy.”
“My what?”
“That thing on your car. Where your gas goes.”
“My fuel tank.” He states matter of factly.
“Yeah-whatever- Look, I know fuck all about cars. But um, yeah that’s where it is.” The pain from her throbbing hand was starting to seep into her voice.
“Did you tell anyone about it?”
“...I told Hudson.” John lets out a frustrated shout.
“I fucking know you told Hudson! Did you tell anyone else?”
“You took me like right after I snatched it, I barely had time to pour it into the fuel pump-” John pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Jesus Christ.”
“- so how would I have been able to tell anyone-”
“Yes or No, Deputy” His voice breaks, much to his mortification as she stops in the middle of her tangent to make a smart ass comment.
“I just said- still going through puberty by the way, damn- anyway, I just said how would I have been able to tell anyone-” His hands once again wrap around her throat, squeezing his words out through clenched teeth.
“Did you tell Joseph?”
“No!” She gasps as his hands slacken considerably. “But you won’t need to worry about that for long.”
His eyebrow twitches in confusion. Before he can answer her hand comes off of the armrest to grab the knife, yanking it from her palm with a yell before slicing his throat with it. It couldn’t have been very deep, but the peggies would certainly be more focused on keeping him alive than stopping her from leaving.
“Damn I should have thought of something more clever to say.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Rhys hurries over to Hudson, who’s already struggling against her binds. Rhys grabs the tape to hold it steady before releasing it with a hiss, switching hands. “Could’ve said something like ‘want some sauce with those oysters?’ Damn, that was a good one.” Hudson gave her a look that let her know she thought she was damn crazy. “You weren’t here for that, right.”
“You… you couldn’t have done that earlier?” She panted.
“I really tried to look for an opening, and I feel really shitty about it so don’t-” Rhys rambled before stifling a sob. “I’m sorry, Joey.”
“Just-just get me out of here. Do not leave me here.”
“I won’t, I promise I won’t-” She’s suddenly pulled back, a beard tickling her cheek and warm blood seeping through her shirt fabric.
“Deputy.” In panic she blindly stabs at John behind her with the knife. She feels it hit home the same time he yells in her ear. He pulls it out, probably planning to plunge it into her neck before her arm grabs his. They struggle for what seems like minutes before John gets the upper hand. As the knife gets closer and closer to her throat Joey kicks a foot out, hitting Rhys in the abdomen but managing to knock them both back. She lands on top of John, pushing the air out of him with a oof!
She searches with frantic eyes for the knife, that was thrown across the room, just on the outside of the vault door. With an energy she didn’t know she had, she crawled to it, picking it up just as she heard the sound of the vault door closing behind her.
“No, no, no!” It shuts just as she reaches it, and she bangs on it even though it won’t do a damn thing. She isn’t able to hear, but she sees Joey screaming, the same words over and over at her. John’s lips twitch up in a smile as he pants, sauntering over to his walkie. He’s bleeding from a wound in his thigh, where she must have stabbed him earlier.
“Well, Deputy, you’re in a tight spot.” Now she can hear the dreaded words Joey was saying.
“Don’t leave me! Rook, don’t leave me, you can’t leave me! Please!”
“What’s it gonna be, Rook? Stay, and die fighting while trying to save the princess? Or fleeing like the coward you are back to your little resistance?”
“Rhys! You promised!” Her heart breaks at the desperation and absolute fear behind those words.
“I’m sorry, Joey, I’ll-I’ll come back for you!” She can hear the distant sounds of footsteps approaching her. She doesn’t have the time to think about her decision.
So she ran.
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Just Too Much (D. W.)
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Angst, self-doubt, sad thoughts, language. 
Word Count: 1,025 words.
A/N: Hey guys! I’m back!!! Last week was so stressful and I needed to vent so I started writing and this is what came out, hope you like it. Please know that if anyone ever need to talk or an advice or just get something out of your chest you can always message me, I’m always here and if I can I would like to help.
Remember feedback is always welcome and all your opinions help me to get better, also I’m lacking some inspiration so requests are open in case you would like me to write about something in specific.
Gif obtained from Google, all credits to its owner.
Thanks for reading <3
“Deep breaths, just keep taking deep breaths.” you kept repeating to yourself. “You’re a badass woman capable of anything. If you can defeat monsters twice your size, you can do this. Everything will be alright.”
Truth to be told, you had been repeating that to yourself for the last two hours but nothing truly felt alright.
You had been a hunter your whole life but that never stopped you from going to school and eventually to college, you got a mythology and folklore degree and were one of the top of your class so naturally, when you saw that you could take a nursing course for free at a local college not so far from the bunker, you signed up immediately. After all, with the life you had, it could be very helpful.
But now, here you were, regretting every decision that bring you to this very moment in your life. You were in your bed, tons of papers in front of you, your head almost exploding from all the information you were trying to get inside it.
In less than 12 hours you were having your first test and you couldn’t be more stressed or nervous about it. You had totally forgot how difficult school could be. There were so many different terms and things to remember and you were feeling so overwhelmed.
You were on the verge of tears now, your frustration getting the best of you. You felt so dumb and useless and you were slowly starting to panic because you felt like you had been stuck at the same place for hours.
Trying to distract yourself from the imminent crying you knew were coming, you stood up from your bed and headed to the kitchen, hopefully some sweet snack would help you to put those negative thoughts away. The sound of your bare feet against the cold floor was the only sound in the bunker, it was odd but you didn’t question it, your mind only focused on trying to remember the bones of the skull.
Once you were in the kitchen, you started looking everywhere for something sweet, a candy bar, some chocolate, gummies, anything but your heart sank when you realized there was nothing left.
Suddenly everything felt like a lot and the tears you were trying so hard to hold were spilling over your cheeks. You sat down on the floor, your back leaning against the door of a cupboard and your legs pressed against your chest, holding them close to you as if that way you could put all your pieces back together.
You had pushed yourself so hard, you had bend yourself in order to keep going until you pressed too much and now you were breaking on the kitchen floor. You knew you needed to continue studying, you needed to pass that test but you couldn’t find the will to stand up again.
Then, out of the blue, you felt two strong arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer. You lifted your face to see Dean, sitting next to you with a concerned look on his face.
You moved so you could be sitting between his legs, face to face with him, your face hiding on his neck and your legs wrapping around his waist. You hold onto him as strong as you could, holding onto him as if your life depends on it. You never listened him entering the kitchen but you were glad he was there.
He let you cry until you had no more tears left to cry, one hand resting on your head and the other one stroking your back. Now and then you could feel his lips, pressing a kiss in your temple, letting you know he was there for you.
Once he felt your sobs dying down, he pulled away slightly to look you in your eyes. “Feeling better, sweetheart?” he said in a husky voice.
“I think so…”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really, it’s just… I don’t think I can keep doing it, Dean” you said in a low voice, unsure of your words. “I thought I was capable of learning that much in such a short time, at the beggining was okay but now I feel like I’m drowning”
“Are you talking about your anatomy test?”
“Yes, it’s tomorrow but I feel like I haven’t really learned anything, I feel so stupid” you said lowering your head in shame.
“Hey, look at me” he said taking your head between his hands, carefully lifting it up. “You’re not stupid, you’re the smartest person I know. Don’t tell Sammy but you’re even smarter than him” he mentioned winking you an eye. That comment made a giggle came out of your mouth. “You’re the most amazing woman ever and I consider myself the luckiest man on Earth because you chose me. I know I’m pretty good looking and now and then I have a couple good ideas but you, love, you’re way better than me. You’re funny and brilliant and gorgeous. You are capable of great things, impossible don’t even exists for you. Maybe you can’t see it now but I can, every time I think you won’t be able to handle something, you go, prove me wrong and do it. You’re fucking awesome.”
“Do you really think all that?”
“Of course, don’t even dare to doubt it. Because of that and a million reasons more I love you. I don’t know what you did to me but, damn, you have me completely at your beck and call. I would never lie to you.”
“Thanks Dean. After all, I think that was all I needed, you were all I needed. I love you too.”
Then, no more words were spoken, a kiss saying everything words couldn't say. It was sweet and slow, your lips molding together perfectly, full of unspoken feelings and endless promises.
All the negative thoughts now out of your mind completely and as you lean to deepen the kiss a little bit more, you realize then that as long as you have that man next to you, you know you can do anything.
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