#but i wasnted expecting to love him so dearly????
toelessbastard · 5 months
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ajdrawshq · 5 months
watching the missing link stuff.. i want to play this game sso fuckign bad
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
One-shot of (Jester) Shadow Milk cookie x (Princess) Fem Reader please 🙏🏻
Plot : The reader hates her kingdom because it ruled by the infamous greedy king (her father), later on her father hired a new jester and eventually the princess and the jester become close friend (they secretly like eachother) but king despise the idea that his daughter being close with the jester and is planning to do something bad.
I need yummy angst with fluff 🙏🏻
Also, we knew that Shadow Milk could easily destroy the kingdom, he's one of the beasts afterall-
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→ ❛A rose in times of war❜
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→ Pairing ; Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛Do you trust me, my dearest?❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , Romance → A/N ; Here you go! I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it hehe
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Once upon a time, there was a princess, caught in the claws of a greedy little kingdom. Her father, the King of the vast land, was greedy and infamous, often spending large quantities of money in parties and riches that could only amount to showing off his vast wealth. The princess was tired, exhausted of this behavior, so much that his father, in an unlikely act of love, hired the help of a handsome and great Jester, called—
“Shadow Milk Cookie, I know thats you you’re describing in the story…”
“Oh my dear (y/n) cookie, just allow me to have some fun!”
Ahem, long lost in the hills of earthbread, near Beast-Yeast, yet far away from most kingdoms, there would lie a kingdom, characterized for its poverty and power imbalance. Townsfolk would beg for a little bit of food, while the royalty boasted their riches and overabundance, this little kingdom was called Red Clover Kingdom. Ruled by King Clover Cookie, he’d become infamous in the chatter of his subjects and other kingdoms, due to his ruling with an iron fist and greed coating his words. Yet, despite all of this, one thing seemed to be clear, and its that he loved his daughter dearly. You see, the king wasnt always like this, there was a time where the king once was kind and full of life, but since the death of Queen Camellia Cookie, nothing but ruin and darkness had but befallen the kingdom. Consumed by grief, the King changed completely, fully submitting to the darkness in his heart and turning the kingdom into his own little playground, a truth he tried to hide from the Princess, whom he adored with his life as the only remnant of his wife’s legacy. 
Seeing the princess' saddened state, the boredom that leaked into her mind and into her life, the King came to a resolution, and that was bringing forth a jester, a companion for the Princess, said jester, was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie. Having infiltrated the kingdom as an attempt to escape from being locked out again by White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie became appointed as the Princess jester, a job he relished in as it allowed him to partake into creating plays and making others laugh, but it also meant that he had to stay at bay, save he want to be found out, which wasnt that fun but he could manage. With that in mind, the relationship between the Princess and Shadow Milk cookie would slowly shift into one of friendship and comfort, as the Princess would find safety and a confidant in the jester.
“Shadow Milk cookie, you’re so funny” The princess would tell the jester once, laughing as he finished another of his puppet plays with expertise. 
“Of course I am, Im a jester after all!” He noted, and the princess couldnt do anything but laugh gently. 
“Of course you are” The princess would say with a smile, looking at the jester before thinking deeply. “And to think that when we met, I wasnt keen on you, you’ve truly surpassed my expectations, jester of mine… And Im grateful of that.”
Of course, the princess wasnt always keen on the jester. Thinking at first that he was a tactic of his father to keep her controlled, she would at first be coarse and harsh on the jester, hiding behind her fan as the poor cookie tried his best to make the royal laugh, but it was difficult. It’d take one specific parody of the royalty, presented only in front of the princess and some of her handmaids, to make the princess finally break into laughter, something that seemed to be unlikely, it seemed to finally have happened. 
“Right, that moment was quite precious, I hold it dear to my heart” Shadow milk cookie said with pride in his voice, holding a hand to his heart while another lifted his hat, and the princess couldnt do anything but giggle at his mannerisms “I mean it! Your laughter breaks my heart now, ahuhu…”
“Oh you silly jester” She’d say warmly, walking towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. “Truly, what would I do without you…”
Those words seemed to take Shadow milk by surprise, as he looked at the princess for long moments before simply smiling and hitting her with another one of his jokes, another parody of the royalty of the dark kingdom, and the Princess would hide her mouth with her fan as she laughed. Things were surely lively in her quarters, since of course, Shadow Milk Cookie couldnt afford to laugh at royalty in front of the king himself, oh no! Of course he couldnt, save he’d be sent away to the dark dungeons of the castle—And then the princess would be all sad and mopey, and that was something he didnt want to happen.
Silently, though, would their relationship deepen the more they spent together, the more they shared moments and laughter, it was something visible and palatable to those around them, the handmaids, the butlers, everyone but them. For the princess would keep on laughing, and the jester would keep on entertaining her. Knowledge of their feelings growing closer and closer together would eventually find the ears of the king, however, and nothing but anger would come from his lips as he thought of what to do. This wasnt meant to happen, he wasnt meant to fall for the princess, nor viceversa, but oh, who was he to say who the princess deserved? Apparently, someone because the next thing he did would be something that would mark the poor princess forever.
“An arranged marriage? B-But, father—”
“No buts! You will marry the prince of the kingdom of Rose Champagne, lest you wish to see that damned Jester suffer!”
With nothing else to say, the poor princess couldnt do anything but go to her room and cry inconsolably, seeing her life go down the drain as the King forced her to take a path she didnt want, to take the hand of someone she didnt love, it was all a nightmare, and as Shadow Milk cookie approached the room for the daily session with his favorite princess, he’d come to see the aftermath of a dark endeavor. 
“Oh Shadow Milk Cookie, my loyal jester!” The princess would cry out as she went to hug the cookie, who, dumbfounded, would hold her in his arms to soothe her. “The king, the king wants to marry me off!!”
“Y-Yes, he wants me rid of someone from another kingdom, and I must abide lest… lest they hurt you…”
The words felt like daggers into his heart, as the cookie simply listened to the poor princess’ laments. And then, only then would darkness and deceit take shape and form inside of the cookie, feeling those old feelings resurface and take shape into the darkest of ways. He consoled the princess, then, the handmaids leaving the room to leave them both be, as the Jester rubbed circles on her back, shushing her down to a small slumber. Oh dearest princess, if only you knew how much this jester has grown to adore you, your smiles, your laughter, your voice and your overall self, then you’d know that somethings are only done in the name of love.
Deceit was the last name of Shadow Milk Cookie, and with the only truth on his lips being his love for the princess, he’d ideate a plan to get her out of there, and into the depths of Beast-Yeast. Carefully would plan a way to turn the handmaids against the king, the butlers, the cooks, the servants and the townspeople, which wasnt hard, as all of them already felt a certain way, less than favorable, about the father of the princess. Then, he’d call upon a riot, a riot to overthrow the king and lead to a better future for both the kingdom and the princess. And while all that happened, he’d steal the princess away, take her somewhere safer, somewhere deep within Beast-Yeast.
“Are you sure this plan will work?” One of the townsfolk asked, looking around the room as the jester, clad in a cloak, only smiled.
“Of course, I’m the princess’ appointed jester after all… Who else would know the castle better than me?”
That would mark a countdown that would end a fateful rainy day, deep into the darkness of the night, when the princess was sleeping, clad in a white dress, would wake to the thunder and the silhouette to someone in the balcony. 
“W-Who’s there…?” She’d ask, sheepishly as Shadow Milk would only open the balcony doors, extending a hand over to her. “S-Shadow Milk Cookie…?”
“My dearest princess, will you accept this jester’s dance this night?” He’d speak, then, with the warmest of smiles and the most devious of gazes. Truly, a meeting for a lifetime.
“W-What are you doing here, my jester?”
“There is no time to lose, princess, a riot is brewing within the townsfolk and the servants of the kingdom, we must make haste and escape while we can…”
“Do you trust me, my dearest?”
Silence would fill the room for long moments, as the princess would think about what to do, who to follow. But deep within her heart, she’d run to Shadow Milk and hold his face in her hands, completing the moment with a loving kiss. It would be returned, gingerly by the jester taken by surprise, as he led them towards the balcony, and in a jump of faith, would they both fall in the middle of the rain into the garden. Roars and wrath would be heard in the kingdom as the beast known as Shadow Milk Cookie would take the princess away, stealing one of the horses from the stable to run into the distance. Loud galloping could be heard from one of the exits of the kingdom, Shadow milk keeping the Princess hidden under a spell of invisibility and the cloak she now carried on.
Legend says that the beast and the princess were never to be seen again, as one of the townsfolk would take over the kingdom as the newly appointed king. Nobody but the king himself, who rotted away in the dungeons would weep for the lost princess, save for a few handmaids, except those who had learnt the true plan Shadow Milk Cookie had for them.
‘I’ll steal (Y/N) away, I’ll bring her into Beast-Yeast, the safest part there is and…’
“Shadow Milk Cookie?”
It had been years since you left the Kingdom, since the titles of princess and jester started becoming meaningless between you both. You called upon him as he turned to look at you, holding his child in your arms in the middle of a clearing in the forest, where the morning dew illuminated you making you seem… angelic. Oh, how could he afford to lose someone like you…
“Yes, my princess?” He’d ask, walking towards you and cupping your face in his hand, he was much taller, much bigger, and yet, he held you like the most precious doll in the world.
“Food is ready, I was going to call you earlier but you seemed so stuck in your thoughts and I didnt want to interrupt that I…” You trailed off, feeling his finger dance around your lips softly. “... I love you”
“I love you too, my dearest”
‘... And I’ll make her my wife.’
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favouritefi · 8 months
hi, i'm curious for more information about ned and crozier and their background. i wonder - does ross miss little once he gets transferred to crozier or not? does how crozier treats little become a point of tension in the friendship between ross and crozier? does little ever imagine what it would be like if he were to go back to ross, or does that scare him?
ok here's the short answers: not really, no, yes
long answer under cut:
theres so much backstory for these 3 and this is just the tip of the iceberg but basically one thing i wanna establish off the bat is that crozier is an atypical catboy-dad - none of his behaviours are normal bc he super did not wanna have catboys and thus never learned how to behave normally towards them. ross meanwhile behaves normally. in other words, crozier treats catboys like people, ross does not. for ross, little is a pretty pet/companion/trinket that has value in certain circumstances but does not matter nearly as much as the actual human lieutenants under his care. human lieutenants need to be carefully trained and cultivated because they are going to be future captains and commanders, cat/dogboy lieutenants exist to support that goal - they are set dressing, not actors, and they are often a type of currency passed around from human to human as a show of goodwill. so ross giving little to crozier is perfectly within convention, but ross also knew that crozier very much did not want any more catboys and wasnt surprised at how cold he was to little. ross encouraged him to be warmer, but ultimately he wasn't attached to little enough to have croziers behaviour sour their relationship in any way. little was only in the ross household for a scant few months in preparation for their voyage and wasnt a life-long companion to ross like dundy is to fitzjames. and initially after this transfer in ownership little really truly did miss ross. ross didnt love little, but he behaved lovingly towards him and treated him in a way little was comfortable with - coddling him and showing him off and telling him silly jokes to make him laugh - crozier doesnt do any of that. crozier doesn't tolerate extravagance or uselessness, crozier doesn't permit little to be decorative, crozier treats little like a human, like a person, and has Expectations for him. for little, this is both exhilarating and deeply deeply exhausting. he grows to love crozier for this, but he never really likes crozier for this, kinda like how you can love your dad dearly but not really like him as a person. i have many more thoughts on the crozier & little dynamic but this answer is already so long so i shall stop here.
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dballzposting · 8 months
If you watch DBZ then you see that like...
We See Ttunks and Goten separately before we see them interact.
TRUNKS: He is a lively kid. He is excited to see Gohan, and thinks very highly of him. He did think that the Saiyaman outfit was cringe however. He trains with his dad. He seems to have fun being himself. He seems happy and confident.
GOTEN: ough god hes sofunny. He is VERY energetic and very loving. Partly due to age and partly due to who his father is, he is pretty thick-skulled. Definitely naive. Not a pushover, holds his own, but he does defer to Gohan's direction, trusting dearly.
GOTEN & TFUNKS INTEEACTING: immediatly we see something change in Trunks. Goten is the same but Trunks changes. I think it's becasue the expectation of the tournament changes him, hes in public, hes wearing a certain face, etc - but when he was informed that he had to fight in the Junior Division, his voice dropped an octave and he says to Goten smth to the effect of "you hear that Goten? What a load of barnicals."
It makes sense given who Trunks's parents are that he knows how to trash talk in a fight. It also makes sense that Goten didn't know what he was hearing when Trunks was spitting shit with that blond-mullet kid.
Trunks isnt even that particularly arrogant, but hes defintiely a kid who is behaving how he thinks he ought to, I.E. doing the best with what has been modeled for him.
Bless his heart - he didnt even know enough to know to go easy on Mr Satan. No one fucking tells this kid anything.
Goten has no tact or finesse. His father is a genius when it comes to battle, though he had his sloppy moments as a youth - but even accounting for that, Goten isnt the prodigy that Goku was. Unlike Goku, Goten has genuine hobbies and interests other than fighting, so he just cant dedicate all of his soul to that.
And he just lacks tact and finesse. It's becasue he's 7 but to be honest he is 100% DEFINITELY EXACTLY LIKE THAT in DBGT as well.
Goten shoots that kamehame-ha and destroys a bit of the building. Meanwhile Trunks has the foresight to Not blow up the audience with his ki blast. He also had the good sense to suggest that they stop using ki blasts. Trunks has received good training. Meanwhile Goten is out here just going for it
Trunks has a set of inner rules that hes following: he has guardrails: he has a sense of order, he understands where he is in a hierarchy, his spirit is being tamed.
His inner rules are things like: keep it cool, dont let them see you sweat, listen to your parents, have discipline and control in battle, stay resilient, stay prideful, WIN HARD, keep it cool, do what you're supposed to do; the rules for the regular folk dont apply to you becasue you're cooler; do well by yourself, earn your keep, earn your pride, be sneaky and dont get caught.
Meanwhile Goten's inner rules are more like: BE POLITE, mind your manners, always stand back up, be fair, listen to what Gohan says, live and let live, be nice to everyone unless they're mean to you, dont hesitate to defend yourself when you feel slighted.
Goten's rules foster more self-direction and intuition, whereas I feel like Trunks's rules get him all shaken up in the long run. They're less in-the-present-reality based.
When Goten walked out into the arena, he was amazed at how many people there were. Every time he won, he was bashful, and gave a bow.
When Trunks entered the tournament grounds, he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked like his father. He kept his arms crossed against all the other contestants, feeling slighted at having been placed in the junior division to begin with.
Trunks really felt that he deserved better than the Junior Division, and he wasnt wrong at all; but the fact that he saw that, felt that way, and acted on it says a lot about the sorts of values that hes growing up with.
I feel like if it was just Goten, he would have accepted that and had fun.
When Trunks gets to be with just Goten, he becomes a lot more spontaneous, eager, and happy. But he changes when the eyes are on him. At the same time, hes used to people, living in the city and being rich and all. I guess that's why he knows how to behave around them. Or maybe hes just shy like his dad.
Goten didnt know how to act in front of all those people, so he just acted like himself..
But also, Trunks isnt perfectly natural around Goten, becasue he does like to be better than him. Becasue he expects it. Becasue he ought to be. Becasue his dad tells him so. Or, rather, implies it.
BUT when Gohan asked Goten how strong Trunks was, Goten sang his praises and said that he won Every Time. But when Vegeta asked Trunks how strong Goten was, Trunks gave a modest answer, and said that they were pretty well-matched, and he explains their discrepancy likely being due to just age.
IDK. These details fascinated me two years ago when I first saw it and I still like it. It's a good show....
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
Congrats on finishing Trollstopia! What are your final impressions?
okay, closing thoughts, none of which are particularly "clean" or "organised" or whatever but theyre what i think
so many of the morals were either nonsensical (keep it up) had good intentions but fumbled the execution (race to the crest) or outright harmful (potluck poppy). the show is at its best when you treat it like a sitcom, and not a cartoon that was teaching kids that other cultures foods are icky and undeserving of respect if they arent exactly like their own
it was so. so sorely felt that they were forced to have a song in EVERY episode instead of every other episode. dont get me wrong, some of them were good! (off the top of my head, i like "make some noise" and "a song so sweet" (synth has a really nice singing voice and they shouldve let him use it more!) and all of dantes ones were really funny bc they were usually silly lyrics on top of real life classical pieces) but most of them were........ well. forced. i hope in the tbt cartoon they go back to one song per 2 episodes, so they can make the songs actually DECENT (most of the time)
val started off as a HORRIBLE character, utterly unlikable in every way and it made every episode about her intolerable. she slowly got better though, after s1 it was like the writers realised they made her a terrible person (did they see the reaction to her? WAS there a reaction? did people love her back then?) and they toned her down and slowly made her actually develop as a character in ways none of the others did, and she actually ended up being pretty good! i like how she started mean, then grew to regret how she used to be and wants to be better. its just... yknow. its trollstopia. they fumble the execution sometimes. val did nothing wrong in murray duty, thats a dumb rule
as much as i love holly darlin........ i wish they went in the exact opposite direction for her character. in world tour, country trolls are established as being pretty gloomy (but not complete sad sacks!) so having holly be optimistic and upbeat to the point she rivals (and surpasses!) poppy? it does NOT make her a good representative of her tribe, and for the most part it seems like they forgot country trolls are supposed to be gloomy anyway... but they remembered in "the farmer and the hound"! overall i wish holly was a more subdued, melancholic character. she can still show southern hospitality (actual southern hospitality. not just her SAYING she has southern hospitality. also lonesome flats isnt even in the south of troll kingdom) but she can be a lot more quiet about it. maybe holly can ALSO develop as a character the way val did, and slowly start to show more outward joy as the series progresses, similar to branch getting happier. she and branch could even have been besties, since branch said he liked country music in the movie!
i wish they spread the focus a little more. obviously val and holly were the "main" ambassadors and i fully expected them to get the most focus, but it felt like dante got way more focus than like, the entire funk tribe combined. and to an extent i get it i mean dante is an incredible character and was clearly the crews favourite so it makes sense they used him a lot even if he wasnt the star, but... couldnt it have been spread out more evenly? maybe when you look at like, statistics itd look better but it felt like dante was always at the scene of the crime (it was a lot better in s7 though! perhaps they learned...) and i wish characters like laguna and lownote got a bit more love
and finally: i cant wait for the tbt cartoon. i know none of the main trollstopia characters will be in it and ill miss them dearly but im so excited for whats in store
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ceo-of-rockopera · 3 months
removing the mask . rockopera
goes without saying, the only people erik would let see his face would be those he had trusted, though not saying much.
dewey had been warned several times beforehand about his face, none of those warnings having stopped him. he was nothing if not a rebeller, even to the most simplest of things. if anything his curiosity had been piqued by this mystery thad had eluded him, this shadow behind the mask.
the musician half expected it to be some big dramatic reveal, almost out of a musical or something (🤨) but he had no reason to complain that it wasnt
usually erik never stays over, always some reason or another to leave. ranging from a finger trailing too close to his mask purposefully or otherwise to simply "oh, look at the time, i must be off!"
on this particular day they'd been laying in bed, doing.. whatever the hell knows what. dewey didn't even know he had books laying around in the apartment, but sure enough his partner was reading one. he wouldn't put it past him if it was brought from home even
"can i see your face?" sounded like an innocent enough question to the man. no ill intentions, no move to reach for it, just a gentle smile.
of course it had to have been a matter of time before dewey had the curiosity, just as all others had. an overreaction would only make the guitarist more curious knowing him, though that thought didn't stop the phantom from looking mortified - if just for a split second.
reluctantly, erik sat up, bringing his more or less stable hand to hold his lovers. "you may"
despite how anticlimactic it had actually ended up being, that didnt stop dewey from hesitating a bit when being granted permission. he wasnt /afraid/ necessarily, but the scar had to have been pretty fucking knarly going off of everything erik said he'd been through.
dewey went quiet when he was greeted with his lovers face. incredibly surprised.
for starters, it hadn't been something inherently frightening. call him crazy but it could be possible that the knowledge he was disfigured left him not shocked to find that he was disfigured! and he was, but really? he'd been broken so horribly and forced into hiding because of this alone? really????? it wasn't even him being prepared that made it anticlimactic, it was just not something fright worthy in his eyes. (any other circumstance he'd comment "seen better" but now was not the time)
ghosting his thumb over the hole formed above his right nostril, he mumbled one word. "badass.."
there was no scream that came from him, though it wasn't something he could shrug off. dewey was filled with conflicting emotions, most of them utterly livid at the fact that someone would hurt the man he loved so dearly because of something so mundane as his face. the nerve. it wasnt something he could really act on at the moment, so he attempted to push those feelings aside
now this, out of anything, confused erik. he'd only believed what others had told him, but to hear someone actually react in a positive manner? reassurance was an understatement
"do they hurt?" dewey had added on after a short moment, resulting in a stunned shake of his partners head. the musician moved his hand to cup both sides of his partners face.
what dewey had not been expecting was his partner more or less breaking out in tears the second he made contact.
out of joy, if nothing else
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hautevaux · 3 months
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Anonymous asked: Vaux. I know you used to tailor for Sephiroth when you were both much younger. You were still an apprentice then, weren't you? What does it feel like, to know what happened in Nibelheim? You heard what happened, didn't you? The whispers people said in secret? Or maybe you didn't? How did it feel, then, to find out that Sephiroth had been killed in action? That's what Shinra said, wasn't it? So why, I wonder, have people been thinking they've seen him in the corners of their eyes. Strange, don't you think? Do you think he's still out there? MENTION: @sephaeroth
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Silence befalls the boutique. The late evening hours allowing for the quietude to soak into weary bones, for the peace to give rest to ears sore from constant chatter and questions. He's sat, head canted back into the plush cushions of the couch, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles - a reprieve, a moment stolen from an otherwise extremely busy day of pinning and hemming.
The question that reaches his ears is one that brings about an immediate sinking of his heart, a tightness in his chest that a deep breath does naught to alleviate. Eyes, tired though they were, open and stare upward toward the ceiling - the surrounding silence suddenly rather deafening, uncomfortable.
"There were always whispers - of course there were." One such as Sephiroth suddenly being killed in action rose more questions and no answers were ever given to the. It had been natural for the populace to begin to fathom just what may have lay such a strong hero to death - and while some ideas were relatively tame, others twisted all variety of possibility into tales that many struggled to believe. "Shinra offered very little in the ways of explanation, and I've doubts they ever shall." Regardless of how many would love answers, Vaux wasnt naive enough to believe they'd ever hear them.
It brings him to the second question, however, and Vaux visibly sinks further into his seat. He had only been an apprentice at the time, working for a firm with grand reviews and custom to match - him being assigned to Sephiroth had initially been an accident due to the true candidate being severely unwell... And from there, he'd always been the point of contact.
Sad was the smile that cast over pale features, the tired darkness beneath his eyes appearing all the worse for a moment while his consciousness sank into his memories.
"He was every bit as wonderful as folk said." Eyes drop to his booted feet, thickly swallowing the rising discomfort he felt throughout: "-- Friendly and easy to talk to, forgiving, kind... A gentleman."
Lithe fingers reach toward the end table, idly plucks a tissue out of the box and held it betwixt the tips just as a mild comfort. In the least it was soft, something to focus his eyes on while his thoughts dived down a memory lane he had not expected to revisit.
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"The news of his death was devestating." For everyone, Vaux didn't doubt - but not having those regular fittings, those small conversations, their little escapes to sit in the park and just talk... Vaux had missed them very dearly. The time he had known Sephiroth was one in which Vaux had generally struggled with his position in life, with the difficulties he had faced, but not once did he leave one of those appointments without a smile upon his face.
"People have been seeing him? A dead man?" Seven or so years after his death at that - - perhaps it was just Shinra drumming something up, again - a memorial gala or something of the sort, it wouldn't surprise the tailor. The very mention of such however had his dear heart sink somehow further.
"If he has been showing himself to folk, then perhaps his spirit is still present." Vaux did believe in the possibility, after all - many did, from where he grew up: some spirits remained to look in on or protect those of whom needed it, or as company. Would Sephiroth need to do such when he had already done so much during life? "... If so, I only wish he would visit me. I should rather like to see him again, if only for a blink."
Quite why, he didn't know. Vaux couldn't deny that the loss of the other had left a hole within himself that he couldn't define nor hope to explain: one he was sure he would carry for years to come.
He offers naught more for the moment. Instead, he takes time to head homeward, to shower and get changed and - when done - does he light a small candle in memorium, to linger on those memories with the flickering flame to focus on.
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nicomrade · 10 months
i said id maybe make a post about my faves i was rereading this year so here it is ^-^ the other ones i reread i already talked about in my 2022 reads post lmao... so heres 3 comedy high school mangas that i love so dearly. none r really niche i will admit but i dont read school life much
Skip To Loafer - Takamatsu Misaki (2018 - Present) a seinen romcom about this country girl moving to the big city and making friends :) its honestly so refreshing and a mature, nuanced look at interpersonal relationships and growing up. i love every character in this? i will not lie the romantic arc IS there but its also kind of not the point. or its equally the point as everything else?. relationship hierarchies are explicitely discussed in the manga actually which i wasnt expecting. uhm "rep-wise" mitsumis aunt is a trans woman and this is also treated seriously without being the only thing going on with her and i am getting lesbianbaited soooooo bad. read skip to loafer and remember that we are all the same people deep down
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Tsubaki Izumi (2011 - Present) the thing about nozaki-kun is that it understands perfectly the 4koma format. every page is its own bit, with a punchline every single time. nothing happens in nozaki-kun if its not funny- which means that all the romance development that happens, happens because its funny. i really need to emphasize this 1. nozaki kun is really fucking funny 2. there ARE developments in the character relationships, it is not a static manga and 3. each page has a punchline. read some mediocre 4koma and then understand how fucking good nozaki-kun is. its about this guy who is a shoujo manga author and this girl who has a crush on him and all the weirdos who know (or dont know) that nozakis a shoujo mangaka. that manga panel with the guy saying "read some shoujo manga and develop some emotions"? from nozaki-kun. just read it and understand the strength of 4koma done well.
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Yugami-kun has no friends - Sakura Jun (2012-2019) what if i told you this school life shonen about a friendless guy and the girl who befriends him is not a romance? what if i told you yugami is autistic and treated with respect? what if i told you yugamis special interest is in rakugo? and what if yugami-kun was also really fucking funny. do you understand why this is one of my faves. the point of the manga is that social norms are fucking stupid and half the time you think someones rude its cause u are trying to force them in a situation they dont wanna be in. its fundamentally about meeting people halfway- one of the subplots is literally about how horrifying it is to have to keep up polite text conversation w someone you only vaguely know and how much both sides wish they could just stop texting without being "rude". and it transmits its deep love for rakugo better than [title censored for privacy] just read yugami-kun ok?
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autism-connoisseur · 2 months
so, thoughts on jerome? not in the "omg im in love with him" way (you clearly are), more in the "i think this is where theyll take him"/"hes never coming back T_T" way
was reading me to filth necessary man :(
but ummmm. i dont have very fair first thoughts on this because i know he shows up again JSBJBDKJ my partner told me back when i still wasnt watching too so.... my thoughts are that i love him dearly, hes fun and interesting, cant wait to see him again, i wasnt expecting to get so attached to him but i really like the actor playing him so i was partly already conditioned i think......
tldr free my guy he did everything wrong but i love him
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lilacponds · 1 year
OKAY JUST A LITTLE BIT OF BAXTER WARD DLC BRAINROT (yes theres gonna be some spoilers)
so i made my mc originally shy and anxious, though they cracked out of their shell with time, just a little bit. she met baxter at the soiree - she was taking dance classes and LOVED it, so even with all her anxiety, she wanted to dance! she didn't expect to be swept off her feet by a mysterious stranger though, and she definitely had her heart beating out of her chest (and this time, not just because of anxiety!). she proceeded to think about him for the next five years. by the time baxter came around the neighborhood again, she was a little nervous and a little shy, but loved to meet new people. but baxter wasnt exactly new either - meeting again with that mysterious boy from five years earlier? she was excited, and already crushing, and honestly? she believes in fate. there was a part of her that told her to not let the opportunity go - fate brought them together again, after all!
when baxter asked her out, she was floored (in a good way). when baxter specified it was just for the season, she was floored (in a less good way). she was torn for a second, but decided that it was worth it. if fate had brought them together, how could she decline dating him? if by the end of summer he still decided to stick by his word and break up, she would not hold it against him - after all, he was upfront and clear, - but she still hoped things might change before then.
well - things did somewhat change. in those three months, she fell in love with him. all the little things, added together. all the moments she got to see through the front. all the grins and the twinkles in his eyes. she held their dates dear to their heart. (seeing more of his mischevious side at the hike? the mess he is in the mornings - and how he still tried to take them on a nice date with all the hatred he had for the hour? how deeply caring he was, how he went out of his way to help with the birthday planning multiple times? how he never, ever, thought about himself first, only others?) she fell so deep, and it saddened her to see how little he thought of himself.
then summer ended. and they had to say goodbye. she did not make a scene. she did not beg him otherwise. she did not ask for hope. she smiled at him even though her eyes started tearing up, and thanked him for the summer. she had hoped, at least, that some of her words, some of her love, would stick to him. that he would learn to be kinder to himself.
another five years pass. they change. they are less shy, more outgoing. incredibly affectionate. and also, out as nonbinary! they started cutting their hair short, and... dying it black. on one side, they wanted a color less bright than their natural one (blue), on the other... baxter never left the spot he had in their heart. so imagine their surprise when they go out to help their friends get married, and the planner is baxter!
theyre speechless and a little hurt most of the time. they had tried to reach out in the years, but never got an answer, so eventually they gave up. they had hoped, so dearly, that ending things in a nice way would mean they could keep in touch, and it hurt them that he didnt seem to think about them ever again. but now he was right there, in front of their eyes?
they tried to keep the peace. tried to pretend everything was fine - they were doing this for their friends, after all, and what they had was in the past. it hurt, that they cared for him so deeply still and they were together again but he was so distant. they didnt blame him, but it hurt.
and then, throughout the week, all the little things. just like five years ago: all the little things. the way he cared, the clever little ways to make things better. the so familiar grin. the way he looked softly at jude and scott. the way he was so himself, still, after five years. all the references to the times they spent together lulled them into reminiscing and joking about it too. referencing something only the two of them know, sharing a knowing glance and smile, and it was like no time had passed. like their heart was never torn. like he was there, and he was theirs, and they were his.
they thought, they were there again. fate had brought them together, again, for the third time. they had left on good terms, they thought - they had never told him how their heart was broken, they had understood, so they had left on good terms, right? and he was back to referencing things only the two of them know, and looking at them in a so familiar way... maybe they could talk again. just maybe. but he kept on pushing them away again and it was driving them crazy. no talk seemed to close the gap he kept on making, and they didn't know what to do. they just wanted to be friends again, nothing else, nothing more, just to have him in their life again.
the groom cake. thats when that changed, for them - when they looked at baxter, and he earnestly offered to bake and decorate a whole cake, the night before the wedding. shit, they thought, i love him. im in love with him and i dont think i ever stopped.
after the wedding, when they went to talk to him... they were determined. this was their last chance, after all. to get through his stupidly thick skull that they didnt blame him. that they didnt hate him. that they still cared for him, and that he deserved that care goddammit. when he turned and walked away, they felt their heart being torn again. they couldnt force him, after all.
and then he turned around. and he marched right back. and they knew, in that moment, in the moment he chose to go back to them, that things would be okay. that their heart was safe. that he was theirs, and they were his. that fate knew third time's the charm.
they had wanted to be friends again, when they first got to spend time with baxter again. but if he was brave enough to turn back, to really face his feelings - so could they. and they told him they loved him. and they reassured him that they loved every little thing he thought would be a deal-breaker.
fate had brought them together, three times. and everyone knows, third time's the charm. :)
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terrifyingstories3 · 1 year
i'm in school and have a practicum and things are BUSY but i'm still crying about characters and it's been a birkhoff month so
i think his favorite feature about himself is probably his facial hair. it just feels Right and he wouldn't feel like himself without it. when he's first beginning hormone therapy he cries when he starts growing facial hair and it's just this moment of gender euphoria for him. it makes him feel comfortable in himself and increases his confidence x10000 and if you know birkhoff there are aren't a lot of things he puts a lot of effort into maintaining (his vision is absolutely terrible and he's needed new glasses since FOREVER, he could use some dental work, his diet consists primarily of energy drinks and sugar, he's probably slightly anemic), but HE TAKES GOOD CARE OF THAT HAIR.
he has crushes on all of his friends in varying intensities at mostly varying times not always. he kinda wants to kiss all of them. he doesn't think this makes his feelings for people less significant or meaningful though he's very serious about how much he wants to make out with everyone
he has different kisses for everyone and that sounds weird. i know. but he can show you and it's not not true. he's a really good kisser according to the people he has kissed and it's not unrelated to how much thought and intention he puts into his kissing. you don't necessarily expect it because he's like That Nerdy Guy but he'll rock your world
that being said when he really really FALLS for you he FALLS for you and it's life changing
he has top surgery sometimes in his twenties (??) i want to say and he'd like to have bottom surgery but it's complicated for a lot of practical reasons given His Life as an ex division argent. there are just a lot of factors there holding him back but he'd want that someday.
i think hes really big on death of the author. i think reading and engaging in media was really important to him, especially as a kid growing up "different" and alone and lacking support and resources and he's not willing to give up stuff that gave him comfort and hope because an author is horrible. he might kill them , but, (okay, probably not, he's not really a Killer, though he has killed, a few people - it was really traumatic though so it probably wouldn't happen. his bestie nikita might kill them tho), he's not gonna let something that got him through be tainted (though he wouldn't participate anything that's gonna fund that author either. but that wasnt really an issue he owns the internet he can read anything he wants he wasn't really paying anyway wfkjwf)
has bunny slippers and loves them dearly
pretty much always cold. wears a lot of layers because of this. he's generally more comfortable in layers anyway - given his top surgery there is some vulnerability attached with being shirtless (especially in the time period the show airs in but currently too), and he generally always has a shirt on, but not necessarily for insecurity so much as there are situations where he doesn't feel safe to do that OR he just doesn't want to deal with people, and has mentioned before, he just likes layers.
he's very aware of the vulnerability in having that conversation with people and also just the emotional exhaustion that can accompany it, and the privilege he has as someone who typically doesn't have his gender questioned, so sometimes he's just like nah i'm good not subjecting myself to this or i don't feel like it today. he's also aware that there's the potential for it to be dangerous for him even if he doesn't anticipate it. but generally speaking, he's not necessarily self conscious. he has bad days and struggles with dysphoria at times, but for the most part is comfortable in himself, and most of his insecurities aren't specifically trans related. he has a lot of doubts about himself and his worth to people and regrets about harm he's caused in the past, and that's more likely to manifest in discomfort in himself regarding anything to do with his gender or presentation of it.
he has a lot of pride in having overcome the things that he has, which can sometimes really make him look like a dick. for example, he's really proud of all this money he's managed to acquire as a hacker and it like. very much comes off as this shallow selfish vain love of money and luxury and like DOES HE GET A POOL EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T LIKE WATER BECAUSE IT FEELS MORE FANCY AND LUXURIOUS? yeah lmao. it's there he can be a dick. but when he brags about His Money or His house it's generally less about possession and more about... his pride in himself for having been able to acquire those things, and recognition that for a lot of reasons these aren't things he was ever supposed to have by definition of who he is in the perspective of society and his family.
he was never supposed to be happy he was never supposed to have anything he was never supposed to feel secure or have any type of power in his life and so.. he's really proud of himself for getting there!!!!! he's overcome A LOT, when he was all alone and had no resources and nothing except himself. and he doesn't see expressing that as something that's to the detriment of anyone else because it's not about anyone else it's about him and what he's survived and overcome. he's like fuck yeah i stole money from this 1% of the 1% jerkwad and got away with it. he managed to scrape by and survive and THRIVE when he was never supposed to, and he won't feel bad about how he did that. it was him against the world and he made it through and that counts for something. he's a survivor and that means something.
so yeah he brags about being a legend and stealing all this money and it's CRINGY but it really does come from something deeper.
security is something really important to him and something he's very conscious of. he had no security as a kid and having the tools and support to be who he is and take the measures he needed to become who he knew he was and receive the care he needed is something that was never guaranteed to him and he wants that. and with the money, he can give that to himself, and that's IMPORTANT. and he never wanted to want for that again he never wanted to have to desperately scrape for it and he shouldn't have to. and that's a big part of who he is. he's selfish in a lot of ways and he recognizes that, but that isn't something he sees as selfish per se. because he doesn't live in a world that's going to help him, he never has, and that means he has to help himself. and if the world won't give him the tools to do that, he'll take them.
that being said he really is this family guy and he just wants to live in a house with all of his friends forever. yes even this person who steals all his favorite snacks and this person who doesn't pick the wet towel off the floor and this person who Drives Him Crazy with their tapping. he loves them and would take care of them all of his life and it's actually the ideal life for him. and while he can be selfish with love, curl around His People and let the world burn because they're the most important, there's truly a lot of selflessness in how he loves, too.
he can be very cowardly but he's also the definition of do it scared at his core. he's scared, he's so scared - of hurting and dying and losing the people he loves, but he does it anyway. he's tortured and he never wavers even for a second going right back to the life that led him there. he's scared so often about so many different things but he doesn't let that fear stop him (eventually. it takes some time.) which also makes him very, very brave.
there is a lot in him that just wants him and the people he loves to be safe, and would be very content with that. he's not a person who needs to be out there saving the world or slaying dragons, and he doesn't think he really needs to be. there are a lot of people out there like that already and it's enough to try and keep them from flying too close to the sun. but he's also a person who has recognized he's caused a lot of harm in his life (particularly as an instructor at division who was just really A Dick), and he cares a lot about remedying that.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
🤡, 😈, and 💔!
🤡 "What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?"
the entirety of like a dog, but specifically-
"Hawkeye gives Frank a ‘go on’ look. “He started it!” Frank accuses, the picture of petulance, “He bit me!”
For any single other adult person in this godforsaken war, Henry would laugh at such an accusation.
But this is Hawkeye.
He looks at him. He hopes the ‘please for the love of all that is holy tell me he’s lying’ is obvious in his eyes. “Pierce.” He says.
Hawkeye suddenly finds a loose thread on his sleeve very interesting.
“Pierce,” Henry says again, with feeling, “Did you. Bite. Frank?” He can’t believe he’s asking that of a grown, adult surgeon and not of one of his children. The temptation to drink is rising.
Hawkeye shrugs. “I warned him!” He exclaims, “I told him ‘Frank, if you don’t stop pointing in my face, I’m gonna bite you.’ And he didn’t stop pointing in my face.”
“So you bit him.” Henry fills in the blank, remembering a time when this kind of disappointment was reserved for when one of his girls put chewing gum in the other’s hair.
“So I bit him.” Hawkeye echoes, nodding, with not a hint of remorse."
"“You tasted bad.” Hawkeye informs him.
“Go soak your head.” Frank grouses as he shoves past."
made me laugh very very hard when I put them down. I reread this one whenever I need a good laugh
😈 "Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?"
ending the second chapter of and miles to go before i sleep on a cliffhanger of the emotional high point of the Hawkeye and BJ kiss. I did that purely to be mean and make people yell at me
proceeding to take a month long break from that fic due to god slapping me upside the head with writer's block was NOT part of the plan and I genuinely felt so bad for leaving people hanging on that but my god the writing machine really just BROKE
💔 "Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?"
both leave your roles at the door and what remains, but ill give the shoutout to leave your roles at the door for this one because the reason it breaks my heart is it resonates with a personal area for me for this bit specifically-
"“It should- it shouldn’t’a been him-“ Radar whimpers, “Not- not him, not- ’s not fair-“ Margaret combs her fingers through his hair where it pokes out of his cap as his voice cracks into another sob, “He wasn’t- h-he wasn’t supposed to die, I- I loved him, I love him, he can’t be dead, he can’t-“"
in February of 2022 my Nonna passed away. my Nonna and I were very close, she moved in with my family when I was 8 years old as my Nonno was living full time in the hospital at that point and it wasn't good for her to be alone, and she lived with us for 14 years. she played a large role in raising me, and I loved her and continue to love her very dearly. needless to say, her death, though expected, completely wrecked me
Radar here acts much the same way I did. this bit above specifically is how I felt. she wasnt supposed to die, I loved her, I love her, she cant be dead. I wrote Radar to feel the way I did, and sound the way I sounded- like a little kid who didnt understand. Radar cries like a child here, because I cried like a child. I wrote this from the experience of my own grief, which I sometimes still find myself sitting with, and it broke my heart but... in a good way. it felt cathartic. it felt healing
and then I inflicted the sadness on everyone else cause im an evil fic author and I like making people cry and yell at me for making them feel things
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
This is a sequel of the previous Dark Cacao one were they fought and everything
Things have calmed down now, the awkward moment has open space for some time, peace and some further talks
But Dark Cacao has come into term with a little something
He likes Reader Cookie: (use any pronouns) are/is strong, resourceful, agile and very skilled, he could see so much potential, and it's a surprise to find someone who not only knows their way in a fight, but ALSO can match HIM
He wants to ask her out, the issue is: how!?
He was not a single clue, time to ask his soldiers for advise I guess?
Maybe even contact hollyberry?
(To resume, this is Dark Cacao finally knowing he likes Reader Cookie, asks others for advise to ask them out and fails miserably, but Reader Cookie is so amazed at the brave [though failed] attempt that decides to give the idea of a date a try)
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→ ❛Between the sword and your opponent, pt. 2❜
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→ Pairing ; Dark Cacao Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛It surely didnt go according to plan but, to say Hollyberry, who had been listening intently from behind one of the pillars, wasnt satisfied, would be an understatement.❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , Romance → A/N ; This was very fun hahah, pt 1 is here!
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Its been a good few days after the incident, the one where you shamelessly flirted with Dark Cacao in the middle of a fight. To say the king hadnt been thinking about it was… an understatement, he had thought about it, quite a lot. It had leaked into his daily like like the growing vines of grapes, and in return, they were twisting and shaping around his brain like a deadly respite. This, paired with the following talks you both had about the help the kingdom of Rose Champagne wanted to offer to the kingdom of Cacao, and the inevitable flirting that came with your personality, Dark Cacao seemed to inevitably start falling in love. It was a force of nature he didnt expect, that he didnt take in consideration, but as time passed, he realized that these feelings were ever present, and that there was no way he could keep them hidden.
Love, for Dark Cacao, was something he had long since given up on. He no longer seeked it, and he no longer expected it, especially after the falling out with his previous wife and the loss of his son, that he still deep down loved dearly, he no longer felt he had a place in the grounds of love, therefore, he simply stayed on his own place, allowing himself to be moved by the currents of life while focusing on the current moments with his kingdom, his subjects, and the war ever present with Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Thats perhaps what made this moment the more jarring to him, to be flirted with after he felt unlovable, after he felt undeserving of being loved—And then, the fact that his heart was starting to beat with fervor and energy yet again, for someone he once hurt unintentionally… It put his mind and heart at a standstill, confused as to how to proceed, confused as to what to do exactly.
“Damn, sounds like you’re deep in the trenches of love, old friend” Hollyberry would tell them once Dark Cacao sought them out for help, after all, out of all his comrades, the hollyberrian was the most capable when it cames to matters of love.
“Sigh, Im just, confused as what to do… I’ve given up on love a long time ago…” He said, looking down for a few moments, before turning back at her.
His hands were tainted with blood, and his mind haunted by the warriors long lost in the wars the cacao kingdom had been part of, not to mention the small guilt that followed him for having fallen in the trap that was Affogato’s tricks. He sighed yet again, because then there was you, someone hurt unintentionally by his hand, even if he was under the tricks of the snake, he still felt like he owed his people something. 
“Oh c’mon, rid yourself of that long face, Dark Cacao!” Hollyberry would snap him of his thoughts, as she’d laugh heartily “Its clear what you must do, you must act upon your emotions!”
“Act… Upon my emotions?” He felt like he stayed in square one, unable to think of what exact way to move thorough this new challenge. “Right, but, how exactly?”
“You speak as if you hadnt been in a marriage once!” She spoke yet again, frowning for a moment before patting his back lively, and perhaps a bit too strongly “Fret not! What you must do, is confess and ask her out on a date! Dosent that sound logical?”
Right, a date… If only he wasnt rusty in these themes, perhaps the idea would’ve seemed more appetizing, but as it stood, he was confused and didnt know exactly what to do or say. Hollyberry, noticing this, would just sigh and shake her head, she thought Pure Vanilla was THE challenge in the ancient’s groups when it came to love, but Dark Cacao? Now he was winning second place.
You had been resting in your quarters, quietly taking a nap when it happened, a soldier knocking on your door causing you to wake up startled, and once the door opened, you would look confused at the soldier in question, looking at you with seriousness as he spoke the words sent by his majesty. He was requesting your presence in the throne room, words that left you dumbfounded as you brushed hair out of your face before nodding. You didnt put much thought about it, as you dressed to come see Dark Cacao in the throne room.
Walking towards the castle suddenly felt colder than usual, and your steps felt heavier, as if you were expecting something bad to happen, but thinking about it, the worse that could happen would be Dark Cacao shaming you and sending you back after your constant flirting… which didnt seem to be the case, if anything it did seem quite… out of character? The king didnt seem to be that fazed by your flirting, so… But on the other side, you could be expecting the end of the trip as he declared that all was well, and that the Cacao Kingdom would continue relations with the Rose Champagne Kingdom… Not really out of character and far more viable… still, if it were to be the case, why were you hesitating? Why were you feeling so heavy? Confused, you simply approached the door before stopping.
Were you, were you falling in love? No, there was no way, there was simply no way that you were falling in love with the King of the Cacao Kingdom, was it…?
“Your majesty, I’ve arrived…” You spoke as you finally took a step inside, bowing in front of the king, before he’d dismiss the other cookies in the room, letting you both alone in the room. “Is there, something you wished to discuss with me?”
“Yes, ahem… (y/n) cookie, there are some matters I must get to… involving you”
You lifted an eyebrow as he spoke, his nervousness apparent as he left the throne and walked towards you. Each step felt dangerous yet filled with a certain sense of unknown that scared you in some way. Yet you persisted, until he was right in front of you.
“Will… Ahem… Will you go on a date with me?”
Now it was your turn to be taken aback. You stared at him dumbfounded as you felt all your worries and fears fade away into the dark. He looked at you curiously and you simply coughed before looking at him, smiling.
“... S-Sure, I dont mind!”
“You dont have to if you dont want to…”
“No-No, I do want to! Lets go on a date!”
It surely didnt go according to plan but, to say Hollyberry, who had been listening intently from behind one of the pillars, wasnt satisfied, would be an understatement.
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kath-artic · 11 months
im all mixed up right now and i feel so selfish
like outside of the whole 'still wanting this guy even though hes seeing someone now' thing, i feel so torn up and selfish because one of my closest friends is closer than id like her to be. i know the way i hurt people when they get close because i know myself and im not the kind of person that can devote myself to everyone around me 24/7. at least im not that person anymore. i had a really close friend in high school who i loved dearly and we talked about everything, but after a while he started saying we were exactly the same and treating me like a father figure and it shrunk me down in a way that made me uncomfortable, but i didnt know how to express that at the time because i didnt know how to be a person at that time. when i broke up with my last partner i cut ties with most people because i was so distraught and felt id lost my whole center of self, and this friend took that silence personally. to him it was abandonment, and i suppose it was selfish. i owed him an explanation. i know friendships arent meant to be easy and i was a coward for not confronting the situation after finding out that he felt that way. he cut me off because of it and im sorry i never apologized. i told myself i didnt want to have to justify the fact that i was suicidal, but that wasnt why i didnt give him an explanation. i didnt explain because i frankly was tired of being faced with a past version of myself who kept insisting we were the same. i was tired of being so close to something that held no mystery anymore. i didnt really want to go back when i was starting to find myself. it was a fucked up and cowardly thing to do and i shouldve been honest with him instead of continuing my silence. anyway, the point is i habe friends now who remind me of past versions of me. they dont say we're the same, but they seem to think they understand me completely even though i know they dont (and thats okay. i dont expect them to, i just wish they would be more open to the idea that there are parts of me they might not get instead of trying to squeeze me into a box of things they DO get). they also rely on me the same way. every decision is run past me, activities are only carried out if they involve me. one of my friends just started calling me their best friend and i wouldnt think much of it if they didnt make such a big deal out of being anxious about it and now its got ME anxious because clearly it means a lot to them and i knowwww the kind of space i need and the way ive disappointed those whove put me on this pedestal before. same friend just invited themselves to something im doing with another friend and now they keep texting me for details and i dont know what to do. i frankly dont really want them to come and its for no reason other than i see them too often and the plans i made were kind of special for me and the friend i made them with.
ugghhhh i just never know when im being an asshole. when establishing boundaries is me overstepping someone else's. how uncomfortable i should be willing to get for another person. i guess thats just the way it goes though. i dont know that theres such a thing as a right answer to this. i think sometimes people have boundaries and needs that are incompatible and sometimes we have to be willing to bend and other times we have to be willing not to push. thats why its important to know more than one person, you know? whats 'too far' for one person might not be for another
this is all besides the point. the problem is that for as brutally honest as i can be about certain things, im terrible at being honest about my own boundaries/needs. i didnt get with that guy because i didnt know how to be honest about the fact that i really liked him. i shouldve just said that i enjoyed our conversation instead of trying to play it cool or whatever dumb shit i did. and i lost one of my closest friends because i didnt tell him i needed more space. i owe it to this friend to be honest about that.
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threepointseven · 3 years
Hhhhhhh I don't know if req is open butttt can you do a hc or scenario of Childe, Diluc, and Kazuha where they're holding a crying reader while comforting them because of family issue till readers cry themselves to sleep with their face buried into them? I can't handle pure angst It's ok if you can't do it I generally love your works-
This is also my first time requesting so it took a lot of my courage and to ask this I also practiced
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🌺summary!🌺- your parents said some majorly hurtful words, but you always have your lovely boyfriend to hug you to sleep while you cry on him.
Type- scenario 🍄+HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= Kazuha x gn! Reader, childe x gn! Reader, diluc x gn! Reader
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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- Kazuha was literally so chipper and excited to meet your parents, the people who brought you into the world!
- He even brought gifts and such as you walked to your parents house with a slight gloom in your step. He didnt know why but you seemed scared almost. He wasnt sure what you were scared of but he intertwined your hand with his to try and settle down the fear.
- The meeting with your parents wasnt exactly what the poor samurai expected. At first everything was normal, he gave the gifts greeted them and made small talk. The peacefulness didnt last too long as theyre opinions about you started getting more insulting as the night progressed.
“Oh thank you dearly for dealing with Y/N! You know how they are~!” Your mother was especially sour to you the whole night. “Ah.. i dont get what you mean..?” “Oh kazuha you know! Theyre all irresponsible and lazy, and dont even get me talking on how utterly pathetic her life is to be honest!”
Your boyfriend was stunned at the casual statement, your mom laughing it off as you looked down to your feet. A clear displeasure in your eyes. “Ah theyre got that right, really y/n how did you manage to snatch a samurai? Cmon tell me! What did ya bribe him with?” Your father was no better from your mom, laughing at those hurtful jokes as you whispered a firm ‘stop..’
“Well i dont see y/n like that… im inlove with them they didnt bribe me.. and their life isnt pathetic..! Theyre a hard worker and i love every bit of them..” you could see the blush on Kazuha’s face as he attempted to defend you.
“You dont need to lie like that! I mean y/n isnt exactly someone you call datable.. just look at them! Theyve always been kind of a waste of space from when they were little yknow?” The insult ended off with a small chuckle from your mom. Your thin string of patience broke as you stood up and raced out of the house, taking your belongings and walking out with small tear drops in your eyes
- after that whole scene kazuha quickly raced to take his belongings and following you, not without giving your parents a harsh glare of course.
- He brought you home while he attempted to wipe away your flowing tears, staying quiet till you got home.
- The moment you stepped foot inside that house he was all over you, repeating “dont listen to them darling your amazing!” like a mantra. Kissing your face and wiping all those tears away. He was cuddling up to you the entire time, not allowing you to escape until he could make sure any type of negative thoughts of you were gone.
- Forehead kisses? Literally everywhere. Cuddling? Already are. Need snacks? Hes getting some right now. He hates seeing you so sad because of your parents! The people he was sure he would love since well they raised you! His beloved, but they were monsters.
- But dont you worry your pretty little head, kazuha is here to kiss your skin and whisper praises in your ears till you fall asleep with his arms cradling you.
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- Family is everything to Ajax. And that includes you of course. Your family to him and he couldnt wait to meet your family!
- A normal day of tiring fatui work turned tragic real soon when he walked into your shared room to be greeted with your sobbing figure, staining the bed sheets with your tears as you tremble.
- He quickly races over to you, immediately cradling you and pulling you onto his lap while he tries to squeeze what happened out of you.
“Hey baby… shh shh… cmon sweetheart what happened hm..?” The auburn haired man cooed as he caressed his cheeks, your head buried in his chest while his legs cradle you.
Your tears stain his shirt as he rubs your back, your voice box unable to make any sounds except a few sniffles and pants. He wanted to get the reason for your tears out of you. Either it be an issue involving your job or a person. If a person was giving you trouble he’d be quick to sort it out but what came out of your mouth wasnt something he exactly expected.
“‘M sorry, ‘m sorry.. its just that—“ your sentence was cut off by a sob, your boyfriend quickly cooing you to calm down. “Do you need some water baby—?” “No… its just me and my parents had a big fight today.. i havent seen them in a while.. and i guess i didn’t expect it to escalate so fast and lucky me..! It ended with them shouting that they wish i was never born..”
The words that came out of your mouth stunned him. It left him frozen, shocked for a moment before biting his tongue in fury and pushing your head into his chest, rubbing your head as he placed kisses on your forehead. “Hah… im so pathetic.. ive seen so many people complain about their parents saying this without a single tear in their eyes and here i am—“
“Oh you have every right to be mad or angry. What horrid excuse for parents would say that to their own child..?!” Slow silent tears rolled down your cheeks as he kept you close, your boyfriend complaining about your parents on your behalf. You couldnt help it. As each sour word about how terrible your parents are your head kept repeating that scene.
“Oh honey… shh.. hey.. it’ll be alright.. we dont need to visit your parents if you dont want to. We can cut them off, or maybe i’ll confront them. Dont let their words get to you baby.” The harbinger settled you down as those tears started flowing again, your face being given a hoard of loving kisses.
- As you calmed down he quickly went to fetch a bottle of water and your favorite snack, feeding it to you as you tried to wipe off the tears.
- He ended up babying you the entire day. Even insisting on carrying you. He’d kiss your face to sleep and mutter praises for handling those hurtful words so strongly. Brushing his hands through your hair as he tried to lighten up the mood by making jabs at your parents.
- He’s always wanted to visits your parents, the people who raised his future spouse but after seeing what theyre like he’d just stay away from them. Your smile is what matters to him and if they take it away and replace it with sobs than he’d rather cut them off.
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- He had to witness it himself. Your parents shouting at your face as all you could do was stay frozen with tears brimming at the edge of his eyes. He didnt even know how it got to this point, you said your parents were going to visit you for a short while and what he saw, instead of warm hugs and laughs he saw your parents stomping over to you with eyes of malice.
- He couldnt moved, his tongue bitten as he had to let the scene sink in. Your mother shouting at your face as your father pointed straight at you with those eyes of pure murder.
- He tried to hold back, he really did but he couldnt. Your father raised his hand at you, his palm seconds away from hitting your face before your boyfriend stepped in and gripped the wrist of your father tight, the pure strength leading his hand to go limp.
- Your father protested as your mom stood still, feeling threatened by Diluc.
“Y-your the man thats dating y/n huh-! Dont be fooled boy theyre a mess—!” Your dad was stammering as he tried to escape dilucs grasp. Your boyfriend let go of the hand, his eyes still cold and unsettling as he took ahold of your hand softly and dragged you out of the area
“Leave us alone. I dont need your blessing to date them and nor do i need your opinion on them if its a pure lie.”
- he dragged you back to your shared home, tears still drying as he pulled on your wrist. The moment you got into the house he cupped your cheeks and placed a soft, longing kiss on your lips. A beautiful one that wasnt too deep but wasnt too light. The comfort made tears flow out once more, maybe from the flashback or your happiness but either way diluc panicked. He wa stammering “sorry”s for dragging you so suddenly as he intertwined his hand with your and tried to lead you to couch
- Your tears flowed like a waterfall when you sat your head on his lap, he panicked but kept his expression blank. Patting your head and kissing your forehead as you let out everything, tears falling into your mouth while your hand clung to dilucs shirt.
- His lips on each inch of your face as you vented to him. His hand was itching to give your parents a taste of their own medicine but he knew you would like that so instead he promised to give them a Tiny tiny warning the next day…
- He pat your head to sleep as your mind went off about how much you loved him for taking care of you like this.
- He couldnt care less how much tears are on his favorite shirt at this point. As long as your back to smiling he is too.
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