#but i will succeed. i am nothing if not determined to be successful and happy
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job interview AND dmv test tomorrow
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ask--eggman · 6 months
hey, im sorry if this is a sensitive topic but i cant stop thinking about it, do you recal your attempted suicide bombing in station square? do you recall what drove you to suicide? it must have been somthing awful if it pushed somone as brave and as strong as you to take your own life.. did anyone at all try to reach out? i doubt any of those so-called "herros" tryed to offer suport to somone undergoing sutch agony, again, you dont have to respond if you dont want to, but i truly want to know, and im shure the whole empire will suport you in whatever you were or are going through :)
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I'm never one to lose hope and determination and give into defeat but that was just a time when it all got to me. I work so hard to accomplish my goals and put so much time, effort and passion into my plans but something comes along and ruins it, again and again. On that particular day, I'd finally reached my capacity for the disappointment, anger and stress. Not just for that day but for my entire lifetime.
Anyone else inferior and weaker than me would be broken down by failure much more often and much sooner, than the one time it pushed me too far. It wasn't really a conscious decision more than something that hit me in the spur of the moment. At first I just thought I'd at least blow Station Square up if nothing else. There would be some catharsis in that blue pest still not succeeding in saving their pathetic lives.
Oh but then of course the missile had to be a dud. Of course even that couldn't go right. So I just thought "Oh, fuck it all", and went to detonate it by hand. I knew I was going to die and I was going to happily take the whole city with me. Once I'd made my mind up, I felt happy, I had a blast trying to race Tails to that missile. I found myself begging for him to wait for me when he was ahead.
It was something to be determined to accomplish again, one I was sure nobody could ruin this time. One last glimmer of hope to succeed in something, one last thrill racing across the city in my Egg Mobile onward to destruction, then I'd be free from ever having to experience failure again. I'd go out having accomplished one part my plan of destroying Station Square, even if I didn't get to build the empire I always dreamed of.
I was tired of being the one who it all ended in destruction for, I wanted others to experience that devastation. For once, I wanted it to end with their destruction and my success and it seemed like the only way. But I obviously lost that race because here I am today. Well, that snapped me out of it and so I went back to trying to kill the little pest Tails who stopped me, since he's the one that actually deserves death really.
Nobody reached out to me and I didn't expect them to. They're used to breaking down everything I build and waiting for the next time I get back up to try to bring me down again and the cycle repeats. It's always just me alone to pick myself up and keep fighting in the end. But I don't need anyone else. I know if I keep at it, I'll succeed. So I try my hardest to fight to accomplish my dreams and not let my mind slip back into that place.
Anyway, enough about that.
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The way I still came back from that and have only become stronger and more successful and determined over time just further proves my power! It's another of the many reasons why I deserve to have all of your support, admiration and praise and be your mighty emperor! So that's to be expected, you wouldn't have a choice either way, hehe~
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dreambones · 5 months
what's your favorite game of all time?
Oh man that's a tough one. I feel I've answer this before but it was maybe in my previous blog?
Anyway you know me, I ramble a lot, here we go.
I can't really pick one favorite game of all time because I have different things I like games for and that are special to me but for varied reasons.
My top favorite games of all time are still Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Five Nights at Freddy's and Undertale, with a special mention to Final Fantasy VII.
I am still missing a FNAF tattoo because I still haven't picked exactly what I want, but so far the only games I got on me are Undertale and OOT related.
Lots of ramblings about why below the cut
LOZ OOF is probably up to date the game I've replayed the most times, I just got access to it on the Switch and immediately started a new game file because it's been so long since I last played since setting my Nintendo 64 it's not as easy. I played that game before I could understand enough English to know what was fully happening in the game (I was around 8 when the game came out), more often than not relying on what my parents would translate for me. I just loved going through the story over and over again and wandering a world that felt HUGE at the time. My dream would be a remake of OOT in the style of Breath of the Wild.
I don't think I have found yet another game that makes me go "I want to replay this from the start again" over and over again.
With Five Nights at Freddy's I think it was the game were it down on me that making games as an indie developer was a thing that existed. Sure it's hard to succeed as an indie dev, but it's not impossible, FNAF just lit up a bulb inside my head that made me go "hold up, this is a job I can do?". It is also a game that reminds me to not give up even if my games are not an instant success, it's hard to keep pushing forward because maybe I'll never make a game that is wildly well known, but hey I gotta keep trying, if Scott had given up after all the games he did that failed, then FNAF wouldn't exist and me and a bunch of other people wouldn't have something that makes us very happy.
Plus on top of that, the whole digging around the website for clues on the games and the story was a really fun experience I am happy I had the chance to live.
Finally, Undertale taught me that games can be more. For me games were only a thing that could be fun and I did to pass time and blow off steam, maybe get into really deep stories (FFVII blew my mind in that part) that really made me feel immersed and part of, but at the end of the day a fun activity and nothing more.
Undertale was the first game to move me and affect my life and how I perceived things, I played during a very hard part of my life when I struggled badly with depression, but Undertale message and the simple "You cannot give up yet, stay Determined" struck me hard and helped me see things differently. My first tattoo was the red heart because I wanted to when things got hard, remind myself that I cannot give up yet, because despite everything it's still me, so keep going.
With Undertale I learned games could not also be fun, but also give something to others who played them, sometimes a break from reality, others good old fun, and also help out through hard times and hopefully give them something that makes living a bit more bearable.
I was starting college for game design when Undertale came out, and it was the game that made me realize I wanted to do that too, I want to hopefully one day make a game that helps another person to live life a lil bit happier, give someone that tiny push that we all need sometimes to keep going, I want to make other people happy because life it's hard but it can get better.
So those are my favorite games of all time, and if you read all of that then cheers to you and thank you for going through my ramblings afsh.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
I wonder if Felix was too good a character. He was made to be perfect up to being top of the graduating class and the point was to teach Kim and the audience a lesson about diversity and inclusivty and not assuming things about people who use wheelchairs. But with him being perfect does it also devalue people who use wheelchairs or have other adaptations?
there's a lot to cover, here, Anon... and most of it not about KP at all. i'm not entirely sure where to start.
to paraphrase the late Zig Ziglar, your attitude determines your altitude. i think the full quote also mentions that it's not aptitude that determines whether or not you succeed. i'll use myself as an example.
i'm a musician and i'm a good one. i'm primarily a timpanist. and i've received compliments from the likes of Jack Stamp(!!!!!!), Mark Camphouse, and others, worldwide, about my playing. even just thinking about those comments right now gives me a rush because...i'm SO far from the best it's not even worth comparing. i'll watch timpanists in world-class symphonies and their skill compared to mine is like, why do i bother? i'm nothing compared to them at least in my own eyes. i'm not beating myself down, i'm simply aware that i have limitations. some people have physical advantages, like Michael Jordan in basketball. but there are also short statured folk who practice, work hard, and can succeed in an area where usually to be successful one is very tall in stature. those shorter folk can never grow tall, but they succeed despite that perceived "limitation." my own body, my hands and fingers, are trained through four and six hours of daily practice of timpani alone to move in a certain way that apparently creates a wonderful and enjoyable sound when i play the instrument. but other timpanists still surpass me.
to acknowledge limits beyond one's control is okay. and for me at least it's healthy. i don't define myself by the fact that my hands will never move like some other ppl's. but through hard work, and with my attitude, i am still successful in something i am passionate about.
let's get to Felix now... his attitude has determined his altitude. he hasn't let the perceived and in some cases actual physical limitation of a wheelchair stop him from being successful. and before anyone says "it's not a limitation" let me give you the real life example of Nick Vujicic:
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Nick was born without arms and legs. but! it most definitely has not stopped him! Nick is married with four children. he is motivational speaker and most of the time is not using his wheelchair, but is hopping around under his own power. i think he even has a special car he drives with that partial foot he has.
your attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude.
so, back to KP. while i think that yes Felix was created as a "perfect" character to make Kim and anyone else feel bad perhaps about automatically judging someone in a wheelchair... this doesn't bother me. i love that it is demonstrating to people that perceived limitations don't have to be limitations! yes, there comes a point to be realistic. my hands will never play timpani like some of those professionals, they physically don't move that way just as Nick and Felix won't walk in the same way most people do. but that limit doesn't define me, and didn't stop me from working hard enough to reach a skill that earned me compliments from ppl whose words carry a lot of weight.
i don't think Felix being perfect devalues anyone. i think more people, all people, should strive for attitudes like Felix and Nick, should work hard, and achieve whatever it is they want to achieve. it may look different than someone else's achievement, but...does it matter? in my opinion no, not if they are happy.
sorry there wasn't much KP in this ask answer... Felix is an awesome character who deserved more screen time. had the writers given him a tiny flaw he would have been interesting and more realistic. but his purpose was to primarily show people not to judge on appearance and stereotypes, and i think the secondary goal of showing ppl that your attitude determines your altitude. he fulfilled his character role and i don't think he devalues others who have different circumstances. the problem would be if we try to say that everyone can do the exact same things as Felix, or Nick. each person has different circumstances and that can't be ignored. but no i don't think Felix devalued anyone.
a VERY thought-provoking question, Anon!
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dangermousie · 2 years
OK, seriously, Ecevit is the most tortured Turkish show protag I have ever come across. That man has never had a genuinely fully happy stretch in his life - his childhood was spent with an abusive criminal of a father, then he went to juvie and was horrifically abused there, then he managed to leave all of it behind and become a successful lawyer (and what a feat that was, honestly!) but he still had unprocessed trauma and cut off himself from those who love him to survive and now the trauma is still there and basically, this is cosmically unfair because he is a genuinely good person and yet nothing good happens to him.
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The way he remembers some of this childhood, a scene that I am sure repeated on a regular basis in that household...
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It guts me that he always had a moral compass and that being a lawyer wasn’t something he fell into as a good profession or even as a result of jail trauma but his forever goal. And the thought of how much drive and determination and just inability to give up it must have taken to succeed but also to stay good - because it wasn’t just the jail that was shoving him into darkness of poverty that was an obstacle, it was the fact that he was being told from literally cradle that you should be a criminal and do violence and that is the default and that he never was surrounded by a good or nurturing environment even before jail. He managed to claw his way out of all of that as an insane success story but all that ability and that work to overcome background and trauma enough to succeed was not enough, was wasted because he ultimately is killed and despite all that goodness and brains and willpower, he cannot overcome all the tragedy and he never finds happiness and it feels so so very unfair. Because he was good and did everything right and even superhuman effort still was not enough.
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And then he starts abusing Ecevit’s mom to make Ecevit take it. It’s like the whole world non-stop conspired to turn him bad and he fought and fought and earned himself a grave as a reward. That is so utterly depressing.
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Ooooof. Is there any room in his head for anything but horrors?
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And the fact that he has defined himself by opposition to his father and the guards/inmate and all the rest of the foul people in his life is so telling. I wonder if that is why he didn’t give into darkness/violence the way Bilal did, because it would prove them all right and would make all he thought he should be into meaningless dreams. Because of all his trauma, his sense of self is pretty ragged at the edges, so he needs at least that to hold on to - the fact that he’s leeched onto the concept of just world as his savior - he, after all that happened to him - I can’t. And the way the show itself dismantles it ultimately because in no just world would his ending be what the show gives him. But perhaps it’s not so much a just world but that regardless of whether the world is just he will hold to what he believes in for his own sanity, if the world is horror, it doesn’t mean he has to be.
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This is his one way of holding on to something, in his trauma.
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He really does define himself in opposition to his father.
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lumarijosonn · 2 years
Lu Mari Joson
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis. I love taking pics of skies and sunsets it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
I am kind to my part that still learning and healing. I don’t take so much that was never to carry…..I set it all down whenever I'm ready. My guards are always down, fighting quietly, suffering silently, and merely surviving. A wound that’ll never heal even as much as time passes by….I’ll just let it be since it has been part of me. Slow in progression, feel like always a few steps behind, am always stuck on the same page, and find it hard to move forward because of acceptance
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
And yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’.
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justdreamsandmusic · 3 months
14 Pages worth of Quotes Transcribed from 1 Journal to the Next
Good books don't give up their secrets all at once - Stephen King
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. - Martin Luther King J r.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future. - Oscar Wilde
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret. - Laurence J. Peter
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
People are not the most important asset. The right people are. - Jim Collins
I can be changed by what happens to me but I refuse to be reduced by it. - Mary Angelou
Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be. - Jack Welch
It takes 20 years to build a reputation & 5 minutes to ruin it. - Warren Buffet
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon
If you judge people you have no time to love them. - Mother Teresa
Rules cannot take the place of character. - Alan Greenspan
Choose a job you love & you will never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave & impossible to forget. - Anonymous
I never learn anything talking, I only learn things when I ask questions. - Lou Holtz
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. - Augusten Burroughs
Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just braver 5 minutes longer. - Ronald Reagan
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela
History is written by the winners - Alex Aley
It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. - Charlotte Whitton
You can accomplish anything in life provided you don't mind who gets the credit. - Harry S. Truman
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt
The question isn't who is going to let me ; it's who is going to stop me. - Ayn Rand
Don't bother people for help without first trying to solve the problem yourself. - Colin Powell
Meow means woof in cat. - George Carlin
There's only 1 way to succeed in anything and that's to give it everything. - Vince Lombardi
The harder you work, the luckier you get. - Gary Player
Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne
Be nice to nerds. Change are, you'll end up working for 1. - Bill Gates
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas A. Edison
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. - Henry Ford
Here's to books, the cheapest vacation you can buy. - Charlaine Harris
Success is never final but failure can be. - Bill Parcells
Courage is the 1st of the Human qualities because it is a quality which guarantees all the others. - Winston Churchill
If you're going to be thinking you may as well think big. - Donald Trump
It's not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right. - Dr. Phil McGraw
Make it a rule never to give a child a book you wouldn't read yourself. - George Bernard Shaw
Always go to other peoples funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours. - Yogi Berra
A house without books is like a room without windows. - Horace Mann
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. - Mark Twain
Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things. - Peter Drucker
For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get. - W.P. Kinsella
You have not failed until you quit trying. - Gordon B. Hinckley
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academic-weapon · 1 year
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
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word count: 464 words 04.23.23
As one would assume, the series is quite in-line with other works of its genre. I had heard the show be deemed a masterpiece by many, but I don't think it really lives up to the hype. Nonetheless, Edgerunners does well in examining the ways in which large corporations and corrupt governments use technology to further their own interests at the expense of ordinary people.
I watched all ten episodes, and I cannot say I am completely happy with that conclusion. To its credit, it drives the point home: individuals don't win, because corporations can't lose. It may appear dissatisfying, but it was a logical outcome for the main cast.
The series takes place in a setting where, from the get-go, the viewer is exposed to a brutal class divide. This is further exacerbated by the appeal an Edgerunner's lifestyle (high risk, high reward) would have for David. The available alternative is living as a corporate slave for a society that does not wish to see him succeed nor move up the power ladder, therefore he simply won't. The setup for that alone is great.
But, despite building up an amazing character arc, the conclusion to David's character does not fail to fall short. The point was that, by fulfilling what his loved ones are unable to, he'd somehow determine his own ambitions and value. He never really did what he wanted— even in his final moments, he thought of his mother... never of himself. He believed the quality of being "special" was derived from his body's remarkable ability to adapt to cyber-wear. That, in virtue of being "special" he had something to achieve or prove because so far, society had told him as much. That, because he was not on equal standing to the others, he had to make an extra effort. What felt like it could've (should've) changed the course of his life— the scene where he's falling with Lucy— accomplished nothing at all. She snaps him out of his episode, they share a sweet, intimate moment... and nothing changes, so he dies. He never drew the conclusion that perhaps he was allowed to have his own aspirations. It just reflect a lack of character development, and it's disappointing.
And then, Lucy's stuck fulfilling what David believed was her dream. David and Lucy could very well have ran away (after all, that is what Lucy really wanted), but they were unable to see past what they thought the other thought they wanted.
The shortsightedness should probably add to the sense of the tragedy of the show, but it doesn't really do that for me. Rather, by highlighting individuals being unable to see past their exploit this shortsightedness to further their own interests (that is, corporations and the such) are handed easy success.
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lumarijoson · 2 years
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis, it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
I am kind to my part that still learning and healing. I don’t take so much that was never to carry…..I set it all down whenever I'm ready. My guards are always down, fighting quietly, suffering silently, and merely surviving. A wound that’ll never heal even as much as time passes by….I’ll just let it be since it has been part of me. Slow in progression, feel like always a few steps behind, am always stuck on the same page, and find it hard to move forward because of acceptance
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
Yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’
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acaplion · 3 years
Career Astro Notes I
Hii! I just want to say thank you so much for all the love and support. I asked you what you wanted next, and career astro notes won by a landslide. So, here you go! As always check out my masterlist for more astrology observations and pick a card readings! If you enjoyed this post please like or reblog so that more people can see it. Feel free to leave your thoughts in replies, I love reading them!
*Note: For celebrity placements I used astrotheme.com and only took the ones with at least an A or AA rating. Without accurate birth times it is impossible to accurately determine MC and 10th house.
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Most people will have the midheaven and rising placements listed below but it depends on the degree of your ascendant. I am a Capricorn ascendant for example but I have a Scorpio MC instead of the traditional Libra MC.
Not everyone will have their MC in the 10th house. Midheavens can also be found in the 9th and 11th houses. Thus you could have your MC in one sign and your 10th house in another one. Your MC is connected more to your public persona and your 10th house more broadly about your career. However, to get the full picture of your career you would want to look at all of the above.
Aries Rising⇒ Capricorn MC
Taurus Rising ⇒ Aquarius MC
Gemini Rising ⇒ Pisces MC
Cancer Rising ⇒ Aries MC
Leo Rising ⇒ Taurus MC
Virgo Rising ⇒ Gemini MC
Libra Rising ⇒ Cancer MC
Scorpio Rising ⇒ Leo MC
Sagittarius Rising ⇒ Virgo MC
Capricorn Rising ⇒ Libra MC
Aquarius Rising ⇒ Scorpio MC
Pisces Rising ⇒ Sagittarius MC
Empty 10th house: So for starters, everyone has a Midheaven because it’s an angle so even if you have an empty 10th house you still have an MC. Empty houses aren’t the worst thing; it can just mean that your career is not the most important part of your life.
Aries Rising and Capricorn MC: These people care SO much about their career but they may actually struggle in staying when the going gets tough. While Capricorn is not known to be flighty, it is still a cardinal sign so when both your rising and your MC is cardinal, there is a desire to start many projects but never finish them. Capricorn MC does not mind the corporate world as the sea goat is accustomed to clawing their way up the mountain. Aries Rising though can become very bored with corporate life and constantly look for something new and exciting. One of my friends has this placement and joining a company that was more corporate with structures was the key to her success. So look for a career that has structure yet enough excitement to keep Aries happy. For ex: I think Sales or account management would be a great fit.
Virgo Risings and Gemini Midheavens: Since Virgo Risings tend to have Gemini MC in their 10th house they can actually be quite indecisive on their career. Everything sounds like something they potentially could do so instead they simply do nothing. They may feel a sense of failure, since Virgo Risings tend to be perfectionists but they are honestly their own worst enemy when it comes to having a stable career.
Capricorn MC, Saturn in the X House, Capricorn X House: This feels so odd because you would think Capricorn MCs and Capricorn 10th houses should succeed easily in their careers but I have personally observed these natives struggling with their careers. I think this is because being a Cap MC brings a lot of pressure to succeed and since Saturn rules Capricorn, they could have early setbacks in their career that they have to overcome before being successful. I think like Virgos they can be perfectionists and self sabotage themselves. If you are experiencing hardship in your career I encourage you Cap MC’s to work hard because Saturn rewards those who keep grinding no matter the odds. Now, take good care of your health also!
Also just because you have the ambition or desire to succeed doesn't mean you are given the opportunity. With these placements, there is an innate desire to succeed that sometimes can cause the natives to stop entirely. They procrastinate on choosing a career choice because what if they fail. As your resident Capricorn dominant I'm here to tell you that you WILL succeed. Put in the work, do what you love, be yourself and your hard work will create the opportunity. Father Saturn comes around to grant good karma to those who have worked hard. So sow those seeds so that they become beautiful flowers.
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Chiron in the 10th house: I mentioned this previously, but I really do think natives who have Chiron in the 10th house struggle with their career. They might also struggle with reputation issues. I know someone who lost out on one of the top universities in their country because of a reputation for being an immature boy in high school. He still got into another top university but you can see how his previous reputation took away from him. If you look at the celebrities who have Chiron in the 10th you can see that most of them have suffered from reputation issues and their career. Angelina Jolie is a great example of that, yes she’s famous for her acting, but she’s almost just as famous for her affair with Brad Pitt. Kylie Jenner is a great example of using that reputation to her advantage. She essentially turned her scandals into gold with her lip kits.
Celebrities with Chiron in the X house: Angelina Jolie, Kylie Jenner, Catherine Middleton, Jake Gyllenhaal, Pablo Picasso,
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Lilith in your 10th house conjunct Midheaven could mean that potentially you could use your sexuality to your advantage in your career. Maybe for example you land Real Estate clients easier because men are enamored with you and your looks. It can range from the innocent to the not so innocent. Dakota Johnson for example is well known for her role in 50 shades of Grey.
Celebrities with Lilith conjunct MC: Amy Winehouse, Dakota Johnson, Penelope Cruz, Supposedly JLO but unsure if her birth time is accurate.
Scorpio Midheavens: I have personally seen this in several charts of Medical providers particularly those in Chinese Medicine and Naturopath (so not mainstream western medicine). They also could do well in any career that requires depth and looking past the surface. They would be great detectives for example!
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MC Conjunct North Node: Now I personally have this in my chart. I saw this in her astro observaations #4 and I agree. She observed that MC is your life’s purpose while North Node is your soul’s purpose. But to take that one step further. If these two are conjunct then your life’s purpose and soul’s purpose is aligned in this lifetime. I also think it amplifies the role your career has in your life. Perhaps, you will make some life changing or soul changing discoveries in this lifetime. This can be anything from science to literature to occult affairs. Your life purpose would be to change the world somehow. Please don’t shortchange yourself, change comes from one step and you can be the change you want to see in the world.
Empty X House, with many planets in the 4th house OR conjunct IC: I mentioned this in an astro note here, but I have seen this in a few people's charts who while they had a good education for whatever reasons became a stay at home mom or dad. It was like their career was forced into the back seat and their entire focus was on the family. Like I said earlier an empty 10th house isn't necessarily a bad thing, all of the people I have seen with this chart were well off they just didn't have to work a traditional career for it. Taking care of the family so their spouse can work is a sacrifice that many make.
Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this post, please like or reblog so that more people can see it. I love you guys so much!
💋 acaplion
© words only acaplion nov 2021
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the-daily-tizzy · 3 years
Two Americas
In early January 2021, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Biden’s “Income inequality speech”:  
The Democrats are right, there are two Americas.
The America that works, and the America that doesn’t.
The America that contributes, and the America that doesn’t.
It’s not the haves and the have nots, it’s the dos and the don’ts.
Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don’t.  
That’s the divide in America.
It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility.
It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office.
It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country.
That’s not invective, that’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.
The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Biden pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.”   
He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just.
That is the rationale of thievery.  
The other guy has it, you want it, Biden will take it for you. Vote Democrat.
That is the philosophy that produced Detroit.   
It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America .
It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.
The Democrats have not empowered their followers; they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope.
The president’s premise – that you reduce income inequality by debasing the successful – seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices.  
Because, by and large, income variation in society is a result of different choices leading to different consequences.  
Those who choose wisely and responsibly have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure.  
Success and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income.
You choose to drop out of high school or to skip college – and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education and/or employment.
You have your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course; you have them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course.
Most often in life our destination is determined by the course we take.
My doctor, for example, makes far more than I do. 
There is significant income inequality between us.  
Our lives have had an inequality of outcome, but, our lives also have had an in equality of effort.  
While my doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency, I chose another avenue.
He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes.  
His outcome pays a lot better than mine.  
Does that mean he cheated and Joe Biden needs to take away his wealth? 
No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.
It is not inequality Joe Biden intends to take away, it is freedom.  
The freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.  
There is no true option for success if there is no true option for failure.  
The pursuit of happiness means a whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit brings you more happiness than the other guy.  
Even if the other guy sat on his arse and did nothing.  
Even if the other guy made a lifetime’s worth of asinine and shortsighted decisions.
President Biden and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.  
The simple Law of the Harvest – as ye sow, so shall ye reap – is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get.”  
Biden would turn that upside down. 
Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society.
Entitlement will replace effort as the key to upward mobility in American society if President Biden Barack gets his way.  
He seeks a lowest common denominator society in which the government besieges the successful and productive to foster equality through mediocrity. 
He and his party speak of two Americas, and their grip on power is based on using the votes of one to sap the productivity of the other.  
America is not divided by the differences in our outcomes, it is divided by the differences in our efforts.  
It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.
What Biden offered was not a solution, but a separatism.  
He fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit.  
That’s what socialists offer - Marxist class warfare wrapped up with a bow.
Two Americas, coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln’s maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
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wondernimbus · 4 years
conflicted — fred weasley
pairing: fred weasley x female!reader
prompt: fred’s joke shop dreams are a little worrying.
please refrain from plagiarizing my work. requests are always open!
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Is she cross with Fred?
Yes. But it's not her fault.
Or at least that's what she tells herself, because her pride is much too high for her to admit otherwise.
"I just don't—I don't get him," says [Y/N] with a deep, frustrated sigh, scowling at the surface of the black lake. "I understand that that's what he's passionate about and he genuinely enjoys making prank products—and don't get me wrong as long as he's happy, I am too—but he's.. he's not even trying, George, and that's what's bothering me."
Beside her, George Weasley grunts. "Are you sure I'm the best person to be telling this to?" he asks uncertainly. Thankfully, today, he's not being as much of the joker he usually is; probably because he can tell [Y/N] is being deadly serious. "Freddie and I are literally on the same boat. I should be offended."
[Y/N] spares him a mere sideways glance before she lets out another heavy exhale and fixes her gaze back onto the lake. "You're the only other person I can think of who can get through to him," she tells George glumly. "Maybe you'll succeed where I've failed."
George wrinkles his nose.
The pair of them are sitting by the Great Lake on Hogwarts grounds, both staring intently into the murky surface as if waiting for the giant squid to come out and swallow them whole. Other students mill around, talking and laughing amongst themselves. A group of third-year Hufflepuffs is playing a very intense game of frisbee. Some students just lay on the grass, basking in the warm glow of the sun.
George and [Y/N], meanwhile, are hardly out here for sunbathing. In fact, the somber looks on their faces are a sharp contrast to the perfect picture of a bright summer's day happening all around them. [Y/N] had asked George to come talk to her today after she'd fought with her boyfriend—who happened to be his twin brother—Fred Weasley.
While [Y/N] and Fred rarely fought, whenever they did, it was usually about the same thing: Fred's future. Like a normal girlfriend, [Y/N] wants what's best for him, and she's not entirely certain Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is the right path for him to go down on.
"It's just—it's risking a lot, George," she mutters, absentmindedly plucking at an innocent blade of grass on the ground. "You guys are good at what you do and everything, but it's.. you're taking a shot in the dark, is what I'm saying."
George hums. "I really should be offended," he sniffs, adjusting his arms from where they're set atop his crossed knees. "But I suppose I get where you're coming from. You're worried."
"No shit, Sherlock."
[Y/N] looks up at him, then shakes her head. "Nevermind. Forgot you weren't Muggle-born. Go on."
George shakes his head in feigned disapproval. "Muggles."
"As I was saying," he continues, "The idea of a joke shop doesn't sound quite as promising as a job at old Saint Mungo's or the Ministry, but who cares? It's what Fred wants. It's what we want—hey, wait, why aren't you as worried for me as you are for Fred?"
George swivels around to face her, a look of proper hurt on his face. [Y/N] can't tell if it's fake or not, but it's certainly exaggerated—he's pulling abnormally large puppy eyes.
"Because you're not my boyfriend," says [Y/N], deadpan.
"I know, but I'm your friend—and future brother-in-law—"
Cringing, she groans, "Will you stop pulling that face, please, George? It's creeping me out."
George's face droops back to normal. "Whoops. My apologies, future sister-in-law who only cares about my brother's future but not mine."
[Y/N] rolls her eyes. "Let's be honest, George—if I stopped beating around the bush and asked you to drop all your joke shop plans, would you?"
The redhead doesn't even miss a beat. "No."
"But would you think about it?"
He pauses and makes to shake his head, but then after much thought, he nods. "I suppose. Would probably decide to go through with it in the end, though. It's a joke shop or nothing."
She sighs, once more frowning at the lake. "Fred wouldn't. Think about it, I mean. He'd say no right away. Makes you the more sensible one, as much as I hate to admit it, which means you just might be able to make a point to him."
A crease forms in between George's eyebrows. "You do realize that if I do end up changing his mind, that won't put me in a good place, right? I want to go through with the joke shop just as much as he does."
"I'm not asking you to change his mind," [Y/N] reassures him, pursing her lips. "I just want you to help him understand why I'm upset with him—he can't seem to figure it out by himself."
George snorts. "Bit of an understatement, innit? You'd think since we were twins it'd be the same, but Freddie's got a thicker skull than I do."
[Y/N] lets out a heavy breath through her nose, shoulders slumping dejectedly. "Trust me, George, I know."
"Are you cross with [Y/N]?"
"Yes, but it's not my fault."
Fred Weasley folds his arms over the table, scowling down at his plate like the sausages on it have committed a grave sin against him.
"What did you guys fight about?" asks Ginny, eyebrows arched as she shovels beans onto her plate. "Were you jealous of Harry again?"
"No—can you stop bringing that up, Gin? It happened once."
Ginny giggles. "If it's not that, then what is it?"
Someone slides into the seat next to Fred. It's George. "'Ello, Freddy. Why do you look like you've swallowed something sour?"
"Oh, piss off."
George clutches his chest like he's been fatally wounded. "Ouch."
"He and [Y/N] are fighting again," explains Ginny, an impish smirk blooming on her lips. Leaning over the table, she whispers to George, "I think he's jealous of someone again—d'you think it's Harry?"
Fred shoots his younger sister a glare. "I already said it wasn't—"
"Ah, good guess, Gin," George whispers back, playing along. "But not quite. See, I actually know why they're fighting—give me a galleon and I'll tell you."
Ginny withdraws back over the table and into her seat, rolling her eyes. "That won't be necessary. If it's not about Harry, it's probably the joke shop. Right?"
"It's never about Harry," Fred groans, dragging his palm over his face in frustration.
"There goes my galleon," George says sullenly, shoulders slumping. "But yes. Like a caring girlfriend, [Y/N] wants Fred to consider going down a career other than Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."
Through a mouthful of beans, Ginny says, "She has got a point."
"The same point as mum," Fred grumbles. "She knows it's what makes me happy but she's telling me to—"
"She's telling you to try, Freddy," George cuts him off, turning around in his seat to face his twin. "She's not asking you to change your mind—she wants you to at least try scraping an acceptable on your N.E.W.T.s."
Fred huffs, grabs a fork, angrily stabs it into an innocent sausage, and shovels it into his mouth all in one go. "You've got a lot of nerve telling me that, Georgey," he says, words just barely audible through his chewing. "Last time I checked, you're not studying for the tests either."
George grins. "Point taken, but I don't have a girlfriend to pester me about it, so I'm free to do whatever I want."
"You've got mum," Ginny chimes in. "She wants you to study, too."
"That's different."
"How so?"
George shrugs and twists back around in his seat to face the table properly. "Regardless of what happens, mum's always gonna be there, isn't she?" He gives Fred a sidelong glance. "A girlfriend, on the other hand—you never know when they might slip away. You've gotta hang onto them."
It's eleven at night when [Y/N] comes knocking on Fred's door.
Ten minutes before that, she'd been lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as her thoughts swirled with Fred and joke shops and N.E.W.T. scores.
Fred is passionate about pranking. It's what he's known and loved his entire life, and instead of leaving it behind with his adolescence, he wants to take it further into adulthood in the form of a joke shop. And to be honest, [Y/N] is certain no one can change his mind. Not her, not Molly—no one. Girlfriend or not, she can't tell him what career to go down on; if it makes him happy, then so be it. Right?
But what she wants him to do is to at least try. He's setting aside all of his other responsibilities and betting everything on a joke shop that might not even turn out to do well. The future is uncertain, and while Weasley's Wizard Wheezes might turn out to be incredibly successful, it could just as easily be a major flop.
And if, in that case, it doesn't go as planned, [Y/N] doesn't want him to look back years from now and regret not trying. He'd blame himself and go mad over all the what-ifs.
[Y/N] doesn't want that. She loves him too much to see him anything but happy.
The clock strikes eleven and a knock sounds on his door.
Fred looks up from where he'd been sitting by the windowsill. He's the only one left awake in their dorm room. Having known he wouldn't be able to doze off even if he tried, Fred has been sitting here by the window looking down onto the school grounds for the past hour, thinking.
Ah, thinking. He hates it, how he has to mull over everything in his head repeatedly only to come up short. It's why he acts rashly most of the time; why he does things without hesitation. It's so much easier to just go forward spearheaded—why think about things when it'll only slow you down?
It's why Fred's usually the one to operate his and George's pranks. Fred has the ideas and more drive, and George takes precautions so no one is hurt, and makes sure that the pranks will work. It's the same with their joke shop. George has actually considered taking on a different career (and Fred knows that he is still considering it, even though George won't admit it to him), but Fred is determined. He has his mind set—everything he's doing right now is for the joke shop. Considering a different career is out of the question.
Well, it's supposed to be, except [Y/N] wants him to.
And if anyone can convince him to do anything, it's [Y/N]. He hasn't told her yet, but he's in love with her. Stupidly, madly in love. And he doesn't need to tell her this because she already knows, but Fred is willing to do anything for her.
Is he willing to give up the joke shop, though? He's not so sure.
His mind a muddled mess, he rises from his seat on the windowsill and calls, "Coming!" without even pausing to think about who might be behind the door. So when Fred opens the door and sees [Y/N] standing there looking ridiculously small in the oversized sweater his mum gave her for Christmas, he doesn't quite know what to say.
"Hi," says [Y/N] in a timid voice, and it's ridiculous because she never sounds like that around him. [Y/N] is loud and affectionate and isn't afraid to speak what's on her mind, so seeing her like this knowing that he's the reason why is making him feel ten times more horrible than he already is.
"Hey," Fred grimaces, gripping tightly onto the door because he feels oddly unstable on his feet.
Scratching the back of her head, she chews on her bottom lip—a nervous tic Fred is all too familiar with—and asks, "Can we talk?"
"Aren't we talking already?" he jokes weakly, but he steps forward out into the hallway and closes the door behind him with a quiet snap.
Now that the sound of George's snoring has mostly been muffled, Fred and [Y/N] are submerged in uncomfortable silence. It's strange and suffocating and awkward all at the same time, because feeling uncomfortable around each other is a rarity. Fred can't recall the last time he ever felt this way around her. He's pretty sure the only time he did was when he'd first asked her out back then, all those months ago.
Judging from the look on [Y/N]'s face, she feels the same way.
She clenches her fists at her sides, and with the willpower of a thousand men, meets Fred's gaze. "Okay. First off—I'm sorry."
Fred stares at her. She keeps going, talking rapidly as though the words will fade away if she doesn't get them out fast enough, "Second of all, I was an arse for making you feel bad for doing what you love to do, and that's my fault and again I'm sorry but I want you to understand that I did it because I want what's best for you."
She pauses, running an aggravated hand through her hair.
Fred opens his mouth to say something, but she doesn't notice because her distressed gaze is glued to the floor. Unknowingly, she cuts him off and keeps rambling, "And I'm not saying that the joke shop won't do well but just in case it doesn't, the last thing I want you to do is to look back a couple years from now, regret not even trying to crack open a book or two, and blame yourself. I know I can't tell you what to do but I'm just saying—I care about you, Fred—I truly do and it's just—" she takes in another deep, shaky breath, and says in a quieter voice, "I'm sorry."
For the first time, Fred is at a complete loss for words. No witty joke nor playful remark rests on the tip of his tongue. But there's an odd prickling feeling at the back of his eyes and a strange stinging sensation in his nose, like he's just inhaled pepper powder—
"It's fine," he mutters, scratching the back of his head as he rapidly blinks the prickling feeling away. "It's.. I understand."
[Y/N] swallows. She'd thought that once she got all of that off of her chest, the guilt itching at her would subside—but it's still there, just as insistent as ever. "I'm sorry," she sighs, shaking her head. "Truly, Fred, I—"
Fred hates thinking. So he just does what his brain tells him to do—what his brain has been telling him to do ever since he'd first pulled the door open and saw her standing there in all her beautiful, hesitant glory.
He pulls her into him and holds her tight.
"It's fine," he repeats into her shoulder. He'd caught her by surprise—he can tell because of the way it takes her a moment to relax into him. "It's fine, [Y/N]."
When she does relax, however, she melts into him the same way she has done so many times before; she wraps her arms around his middle, buries her head into his chest and holds on just as tight. Solace overcomes the feeling of guilt and agitation bubbling up in her chest, and it feels as though a switch has been turned off in her brain.
It's fine. It's okay now.
Fred takes a deep breath and nods repeatedly, like he's reassuring both himself and her. He whispers quiet apologies into her hair, and even though he doesn't say it directly, [Y/N] can hear him asking her to understand him.
Fred hates thinking—maybe that's why he has never really been good with putting his feelings into words. Maybe that's why he needs [Y/N] so much; because he doesn't have to translate the mess of thoughts in his head for her to understand. She just does.
[Y/N] pulls away by a fraction of an inch, eyes still closed as she leans her forehead on Fred's and whispers, both to herself and to him: it's okay, it's fine.
And somewhere in her whispered words of affection she accidentally lets three words slip out—three words she has never said before but have been waiting to be said for a long, long time—"I love you".
Fred closes the distance between them and presses his lips to hers. Mumbles the same three words into her lips like it's a prayer.
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s-creations · 3 years
The Caring from Others
Gyro has never been good with emotions or understanding people. His younger years not helpful in those categories as he grew up. Good thing life wasn't ready to let him throw in the towel just yet.
Fandom: Ducktales ‘17         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings: Gyro Gearloose/Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Fenro       Warnings/Tags: Other characters are mentioned, How do emotions work? We’re learning today!, A little OOC.
The Father
Gyro doesn’t recall his childhood fondly.
Growing up in a small, back water farming town. A place where advancements, anything ‘new’, was labeled as dangerous. Deemed bad for everyone involved. His parents were less than thrilled when Gyro announced he wanted to become a scientist.
It wasn’t ‘honest work’.
A profession of false tests to make the common folk fearful of everything.
To make them more dependent on the government.
Even if Gyro suggested creating improved tools. Better way to help the farmers in making their jobs easier. Even safer. Every suggestion was just shot down. His parents claimed if their way had worked so well for so long, why change anything?
For 15 year Gyro had to work in secrecy. Knowing if any glimmer of creativity was found, it would be destroyed. Stomped out before it could reach their full potential. Salvation came when, after turning in so many applications, he was accepted into a high level university. Full scholarship and all. Everything was paid for, there was nothing to worry about.
Gyro should have felt some sting when his parents put up no fuss as he left. Happily letting their misfit son go off on his own journey. But Gyro honestly felt nothing but relief as he left that farmhouse behind for good.
While he now had the freedom to create in the open, university had its own issues to contend with. Like being mocked by his peers. Gyro was young and already set up with terrible social skills. It wasn’t better when fellow students deemed it a high priority to ostracize the chicken.  The other students weren’t thrilled that someone younger than them had accomplished so much in their early years. The chicken’s ideas being scoffed at when he presented or attempted to make some connection. Gyro was sure he would have dropped out long ago if not for the continuous support and offered safety from his professors.
It was during Gyro’s last year of university that he was introduced to Dr. Akita. Properly introduced anyway. Gyro was well aware of the other long before this meeting. Having studied the scientist’s work extensively. It was almost like a dream come true when Gyro was offered an internship. A way to work with his idol directly.
How quickly it all turned into a nightmare.
2-BO was Gyro’s biggest accomplishment and regret. The chicken labeled as a mad scientist and abandoned by Akita when the chicken’s creation went rogue. Gyro was thrusted into a world he had no idea how to traverse. He was turned away from every opportunity. All knowing his history, fearful of what damage he was still capable of.
Gyro couldn’t blame them for being so concerned. He was honestly fearful of his own inventions at this point.
It was a surprise when Scrooge McDuck of all people reached out to him. Wanting Gyro to present his ideas to the billionaire and his board members. It was a mounting pile of nerves that was continuously being added to as the day drew closer. The chicken was honestly shocked that he didn’t pass out while presenting. Or from the unnerving quiet when Gyro finished. The buzzards looked unimpressed. Which did not help Gyro’s as yellow eyes stared him down.
“Mr. McDuck, this was a complete waste of time,” the buzzard from the middle spoke, “We are not in need of new hires for the production line. Especially not one with such a...dangerous past.”
Gyro swallowed weakly.
“Nonsense. Who ever said about having Dr. Gearloose here to be part of our regular R&D team.” Scrooge commented casually. He stood from his large, cushioned chair. Making his way over to the quietly panicking scientist. “I’ve been in the market for a personal inventor for awhile now.”
“Please do not tell me this is for your wild excursions sir.”
“Bradford, you’re too worried about keeping finances. Personal and monetary gain cannot be achieved at the same time. I have enough monetary value...for the moment. Now is the time for personal gain.”
“If you are so determined to do this. Could you at least get someone less dangerous.”
Scrooge slammed his cane down. Causing all in the room to flinch.  “How can we expect growth if we cling to the past. Dr. Gearloose cannot be given redemption with no opportunity. I’ve seen his work. Both the bad and the good. I want him working with me.”
“Then I request a trial period. I would like to see a working, safe invention from the doctor here. If he does that, I won’t bring this up again.”
With a smirk, Scrooge gave a nod before facing Gyro. Who’d been honestly confused through the entire ordeal. Who just argues so freely with their boss?
“What do you say Dr. Gearloose? Think you’re up for the task?”
Steeling himself, Gyro gave a short nod. “Yes. Absolutely.”
He could do this. He knew he could. How many ideas had he sketched out when he was younger? Surely there were a number of inventions he could use to impress the board.
The good news was he was right. He was able to dig up multiple sketchbooks he had filled out from his college days that had yet to be used. Now came the trying task of deciding which invention he was going to use. One that was impressive enough to blow those buzzards away. But he could easily make it within the offered window of time. And that it was safe.
He wished Mr. McDuck would have been more forward with what he was looking for. The chicken would at least have a starting point.
Gyro really thought he had a winner when the month was up. More than a little confident when he entered the boardroom, all eyes on him. Giving his presentation with as much vibrato as he could. It was all going, in his mind, quite well. Even Mr. McDuck looked a little smug for Gyro’s success.
Then the machine was turned on.
It gave a warning whine, Gyro actually leaning in to see what the issue was. Letting out a choking sound as he was pulled back by Scrooge’s cane. All taking cover when the invention exploded. Leaving the pedestal it had been resting on and the wall behind it with dark scorch marks.
Gyro felt absolutely sick. Wide eyes staring at the spot where his achievement once sat. Only looking away when Bradford slammed his hands down.
“Unacceptable! Even a simple request created something so dangerous. I am putting my foot down on this Mr. McDuck.” The buzzard huffed as he stared Gyro down.
Scrooge, on his part, merely seemed unfazed by it all. Taking the time dust himself off. Pulling Gyro up and straightening him out as well before speaking. “Dr. Gearloose. Would you mind waiting for me in the labs. I need to have a quick discussion with the board.”
Gyro merely nodded. His voice stuck in his throat as he made his way to the elevator. Arms and stomach heavy with his failure. He knew he was fired. His one opportunity was gone. Gyro realized this was his best and only chance at getting any sort of job. A scientist who’s inventions caused more damage and cut off by Scrooge McDuck? Gyro would be lucky if he got a job at Radio Hut after all of this.
He collapses into the first chair he could find in the lab. Laying his glasses on a nearby flat surface and rubbing his temples. At this point in his life, Gyro wasn’t as emotionally blocked as he would later become. But he was learning that breakdowns were seen as weaknesses.
By his parents.
By his classmates.
By Dr. Akita.
So while he wanted nothing more than to hide away. Let this moment of emotional sorrow pass naturally and move on. Gyro had been conditioned to hold it in. Because what scientist falls apart?
He let out a slow breath as the elevator announced it’s arrival. Glasses on and standing as Scrooge made a direct line for him. While showing emotions weren’t allowed, Gyro learned that groveling was acceptable. Something Dr. Akita was quick to teach.
“I am sorry,” Gyro said quickly, “It wasn’t my intention for it to explode.”
“I had assumed so.”
“If given another chance-”
“Lad, you’re not fired.”
Gyro swallowed weakly. Stunned by the name and the announcement. “But...I almost killed everyone.”
“That’s a tad extreme. We would have been maimed. But kill? Doubtful.”
“It exploded!”
“I’ve experienced worse.”
“Mr. McDuck, with all due respect, you’re insane.”
Scrooge waved his hand. “No matter. Why don’t you take a seat.”
Doing as asked, Gyro looked up nervously, hands clenched together as he waited.
“As stated before, you’re not fired. Even after your explosive debut. I know Bradford is a stickler for keeping things ‘safe’. It’s one of the reasons I hired him onto the team. But he doesn’t understand that needed balance of risk and reward. I’m aware of your past. Which I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about at this point. We are our own worst critics. But I also know of your successes, your numerous successes.”
“I want to see you succeed. You deserve to see yourself succeed. I want to give you that opportunity. We’ll need to make sure you can give something to Bradford on occasion to keep him placated. But, other than that, you will have full creative freedom. How does that sound?”
Gyro swallowed hard, trying to keep himself stable. No longer fearful. Now extremely happy. However, he kept himself in check to remain professional. “Honestly, it’s too good to be true.”
Scrooge merely laughed. Clapping a hand on Gyro’s shoulder. “Well, get over that starstruck feeling quick lad. You have a lot of work ahead of you. I trust you can manage from here.”
As he watched Scrooge head back towards the elevator, Gyro realized something. “Um, sir?”
“Your bet, with Bradford, you didn’t technically win.”
“Technically yes.”
“So...shouldn’t I be fired?”
A smirk appeared on the billionaire’s face, eyes seeming to shine. “Bradford needs to use his words better. He said if he wasn’t impressed, he wouldn’t discuss not keeping you. He never out right said I had to fire you. So, unfortunately, we’ll still need to hear his complaints. But he can’t fire you unless he gives me a good reason. Which I doubt he’ll be able to give.”
“I...thank you, Mr. McDuck.” Gyro weakly answered in disbelief.
“Don’t thank me. Just be the scientist I know you can be.”
“I will sir!”
Turning in the elevator to face Gyro, Scrooge gave a nod and smile. “I know lad. I trust you.”
The Brother
Gyro has always been a loner. He worked best this way. He was able to focus and didn’t have to constantly worry if his partner was doing their work properly. Plus, no one had really tried to include him in anything during his younger years. So he learned that working alone was better for him.
He was very much against the idea of having an intern working in his lab. Which Scrooge flat out refused to take Gyro’s refusal. Meaning the chicken couldn’t deny the hired help no matter how loudly he complained. With the unfortunate addition of the possible literal rendition of sunshine named Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera being hired a few weeks later. Which also meant an increased number of ‘visitors’ to this dangerous lab to see the brown duck. Doing nothing to help Gyro’s frantic state of keeping everything safe and making sure nothing became evil.
Scrooge was a common person to see there. After all, he owned the lab and it was attached to his place of work. Why wouldn’t he arrive to check on progress. To be shown what Gyro was working on. Now, however, the billionaire invited himself in to also check on Fenton. To make sure the intern was actually doing scientific research and not just cleaning the floors.
Launchpad had become friends with Fenton after that B.U.D.D.Y incident. The idiotic driver deciding that wasting time discussing some childhood show was perfectly fine. Gyro honestly tried to not become infuriated. But did he have to waste the interns' time! Even if the chicken didn’t want help from the other. It was the principle of the matter.
This also caused the blue nephew (Dew- something, whatever) to join Launchpad in the lab. Two children or beings with childlike personalities running around in the lab. A place filled with dangerous equipment. It was the perfect place to socialize in, Gyro sarcastically muttered to himself. And Scrooge actually encouraged it! Saying social engagement was good for both Fenton and Gyro. As if the chicken wanted to talk to someone who didn’t know what NaCl was.
So even he was surprised when he started to form a connection with Huey Duck. The red cladded nephew first started showing up to visit Fenton originally. The duckling particularly enamored with the scientist/superhero. Both talking for hours about new upgrades they could possibly make to the suit.
“With you permission, of course! D-Dr. Gearloose.” Fenton would assure with a sheepish smile. Which Gyro would respond with a mere rolling of his eyes.
As time went on and Fenton started to leave more and more due to hero calls, Huey started following Gyro around. The duckling deciding he wouldn't want to leave the labs quiet yet. And Huey wanted to pick the head scientist’s brain with his own ideas. At first, Gyro assumed his ‘wonderful’ personality would drive the other away. Huey, however, didn’t seem to care.
“You don’t have any siblings, do you.”
Gyro raised a brow at that. “Uh, no. At least I didn’t when I was actually living at home. At this point in my life, who knows. What’s your point.”
“My point being that your sullen attitude will have no effect on me. I’m the oldest of three. So, I have to deal with younger brothers. Sour attitudes are an old trick.”
“There really is no getting rid of you.”
Gyro won’t lie, it was aggravating at first. He already had a shadow in the form of Fenton. Now the chicken was settled with another one that liked to constantly talk and didn’t fear him. Gyro only gave proper notice to the duckling when Fenton came to him with an upgrade for the Gizmosuit. One that sounded good.
“I thought you were busy with your toothbrush idea. When did you have time to think of this?”
“Actually, Huey came up with this.” Fenton answered.
“The red triplet?”
The duck smiled softly. “He’s been around here enough times. I think you can refer to him by his name.”
The chicken wasn’t overly fond of this idea. In his mind, the use of a name means Gyro cared enough to remember. And caring meant he wasn’t truly focused on his work. Something Akita was very adamant that Gyro learned.
But look where Gyro was now. Abandoned by his mentor.
Maybe Fenton was onto something. That felt strange to say.
“Very well. Perhaps I’ll have to try it your way.” Gyro was hit with a wave of confusion by the sudden sweeping sensation that went through his stomach. Fenton’s smile seeming to hit differently that day. But the head scientist filed that sensation away under ‘a later problem’.
Gyro should not have felt a sense of accomplishment seeing Huey’s eyes light up upon hearing his name. The chicken should have cut ties when the triplet sheepishly asked if Gyro could review Huey’s science project. And there should have been no sickening, worry feeling entering his veins when Huey arrived to the labs one day with a black eye.
Fenton, being the caring overbearing person he was, instantly panicked. “Huey! What happened to you? Are you alright?”
Gyro scoffed. “Of course he isn’t. He’s injured.”
“Do we have ice packs?”
“Freezer in the break room. I’ll get the first aid.” The chicken gestured for Huey to follow him. The duckling doing so without complaint. “Come on, take a seat. I need to see where else you’ve been hurt.”
Huey gave no response. Which was starting to become worrisome. The duckling was covered with small cuts and bruises. Gyro thankful it wasn’t worse… Because he didn’t want to waste the resources! Of course. What else would he be talking about.
Fenton came rushing back in. An ice pack wrapped in a hand towel was pressed against the black eyes. “Leave that there for a while. Do you need some pain medicine?”
“Already taken care of,” Gyro answered once again, “Now that all of that’s been taken care of. I think we’re owed an explanation.”
“Dr. Gearloose, just give him a moment.”
“I would like a reason for why Huey,” darn it Gyro said the name, “came to us instead to one of his uncle’s or other family members.”
“He can tell us when he’s ready. Give him a chance to relax.”
“And he can when he tells us- me what’s going on right now.”
“Dr. Gearloose-”
“I was able to skip a level in science.” The adult fell quiet hearing Huey’s whispered response.
Huey gestured to his discarded bag. To which Fenton grabs it, handing it over. The duckling opened it and pulled out a familiar notebook that had been shoved into Gyro’s face numerous times. One that held Huey’s numerous sketches and ideas. Except it was destroyed. Practically torn to shreds, almost unrecognizable from what the head scientist had seen before.
“I showed my teachers my notebook. They were really impressed and talked to the principal about me skipping a level. It’s so I could enter the science fair that the upper level students can participate in. They said I had a lot of potential. Uncle Donald was happy, I was happy. My brothers teased me, but I know they were happy for me. I was kind of...blinded by my eagerness, I was under the assumption everyone would just be...okay with this.”
“Your classmates…” Gyro meant to have it sound like a statement. It instead sounded like a sickening realization.
But Huey merely nodded before continuing. “They’ve been writing things on my desk. Throwing things at me. I’ve been ignoring it…”
“Have they...hurt you before?” Fenton asked.
“No. I think they were tired that they hadn’t been getting a response from me like they wanted.”
“Have you told your uncle about this?”
“No… He’s already having a hard time finding a job and fixing the boathouse. I was hoping if I just ignored them, they’d leave me alone. ...I think I’m going to just drop back down to my grade level.”
“You are not going to let those punks win,” Gyro was surprised that he didn’t flinch as two sets of eyes snapped to him, “If you just go running back to your previous classes, you let them win. You’ll give them more fuel to think their actions are right. Especially if you haven’t told anyone about this. There will be no repercussions and they’ll continue to be terrible little creatures.”
“What do I do then?” Huey asked.
“You’re going to tell your uncle, your teachers, your principal, everyone you can. You’re going to come back with even better ideas. And This is a fight you can win because you have support. People who care about you...or something mushy like that.”
Huey gave a nod, rubbing his good eye and giving a blinding smile. “Okay...thank you, Dr. Gearloose.”
Gyro didn’t squirm weakly under the adoring look being sent his way. Or feel any sort of warmth blossoming in his chest knowing he’d helped in some way. Or become flustered at the smile aimed at him by Fenton, who’s eyes seemed to shine with happiness.
“I also know a side step that can break a femur. Very useful to know.”
“Dr. Gearloose!”
A few days later, Huey returned to the labs. Bright eyed and eager to show off his idea. No longer supporting injuries or secrets.
Gyro felt another save of fluster when Huey hugged his legs while Fenton laughed softly as he watched.
The Son
Gyro was surprised so much could change in one day. Well...one day-ish. It was more like three. Point being it felt as if all events had transpired in one day.
2-BO, now named Boyd, entered his life once more. The real boy having befriended Huey. Because of course that’s who would meet Gyro’s used-to-be biggest regret. Then he returned to Tokyolk after 10 years with Fenton, Huey, and Boyd in tow. The original intention was to destroy (Selene above he felt sick thinking about it now) Boyd. Get rid of his past.
Only for his entire perspective to be flipped. The mentor he thought was on his side had corrupted Gyro’s creation. Boyd was never given an option in his original purpose. Turned into a war machine that the chicken never wanted. And Gyro himself realized he was not the mad scientist so many had labeled him as.
He will admit, it was by sheer dumb luck and tapping into emotions he was sure had shriveled up long ago that it all ended so well. Akita was arrested. Going to be put to trial and allowing Gyro a chance to properly clear his name. Boyd overrode all corrupted coding, both Akita’s and Mark’s. Becoming the real little boy he was meant to be. All surviving and heading back home to Duckberg. As he rested in the cushioned plane seat, Boyd resting on his lap, Gyro was hit with two realizations.
The first topic (one which he honestly wanted to focus on much, much later) was an understanding of what Fenton meant to him. Between the fear of possible death and the burn of betrayal, Gyro had felt a deep distress watching the duck fight for his life. Fenton had given his all to protect the city and the citizens. And it almost cost him his life. Something Gyro never wanted to see again. The reason why was something that the chicken was not fully ready to review. Not yet. Possibly in the future, at some point. But he had another problem he needed to worry about now.
The second worry was equally confusing. Possibly because Gyro was still emotionally backed up. He wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen to Boyd. Gyro was made aware by Huey that the other real boy had been living with the Drake’s. A pompous rich family with an arrogant and rather disturbing child. A setting Gyro didn’t want Boyd growing up in. But what was the other option? Gyro himself? Someone who’s never known a stable family life and is not even close to the person Boyd once knew.
He could barely care for himself if Gyro was honest. Living off of multiple cups of coffee and cheap instant noodles. His sleep schedule was non-existent. Social skills were laughable. Gyro had honestly nothing to offer. It was terrible that there was not a better solution to all of this. Boyd deserved so much better than whatever his current care taking options could offer.
Gyro was shocked when, only a few days later, Boyd announced he wanted to live with the scientist.
“I- why?” Gyro winced at how harsh he sounded. But Boyd merely smiled back.
“I just found you. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Well, how was he supposed to say no to that? Gyro’s second bedroom, which once housed numerous boxes, was turned into a proper living space. He lived by a schedule that revolved around Boyd’s activities. Researching meals that both could enjoy and even learning how to properly cook. It was strange, but very rewarding. Gyro didn’t think it would affect him so much.
Until Fenton pointed it out.
“You’re really happy.”
It was a casual comment. But it gave Gyro pause. “What?”
Fenton stalled at that, flushing softly. “Sorry, I mean… I just noticed you seemed to be smiling more. And you’re more relaxed. You’re eating better and well rested. You just look really happy.”
Gyro leaned back in his chair. Tapping his pen as he thought the statement over. “I...suppose I am. Boyd really had changed me for the better, I think. Isn’t it strange...he was once my biggest regret. Now, I can’t see him not being in my life. I do worry that I’m not doing enough. Or that I won’t be what Boyd needs.”
Gyro flushed softly feeling a hand benign placed on his shoulder. Looking up at the beaming face Fenton. “You’re doing a wonderful job Gyro. Don’t doubt yourself.”
The scientist did all he could to not melt into the floor. He takes Fenton’s words to heart. Gyro had worked with Fenton long enough to know the duck wasn’t one to just give false praise. So, if Fenton thought the chicken was doing well, who was Gyro to question the given conclusion.
Gyro’s resolve was truly tested when he received a call from the school Boyd was attending. Apparently the real boy had been in a fight. A fight fight with another student.
Hearing this caused Gyro to panic. Worrying that possibly, maybe, the corrupted programming had returned. Wondering what could have happened for Boyd to act like this. Had Gyro said something sarcastic that the real boy had taken to heart? Was Boyd going to be taken away? Was this a sign that Gyro was not fit to be a caretaker?
The chicken was brought out of his spinning thoughts when someone grabbed his shoulders. Eyes connected to Fenton’s, who’s looking was concerning.
“Dr. Gearloose, you need to calm down. You’re drawing a conclusion with so little context. Just go to the school and hear what happened. Then you can react appropriately.”
“Right… Right, I need to get there.” The chicken mumbled weakly, eyes now frantically scanning the lab for his car keys. Fenton came to the rescue again when said items suddenly appeared in his hands.
“How about I drive.”
“...Yeah. That’s probably for the best.”
The drive was quiet. Fenton focused on the road while Gyro internally panicked. All too soon they were pulling into the school’s parking lot. The area was relatively empty as they walked up to the front entrance. Fenton made a quiet comment about the teachers having to park behind the building. It was a bit of a shock to run into Donald. The duck looked close to an angry snap.
“Hello Mr. Duck.” Fenton offered a smile.
“Fenton,” Donald’s eyes went to Gyro, “Boyd?”
Gyro nodded. “He was apparently in a fight. What about you?”
What was going on?
The three walked in together, being directed by the secretary to where the principal’s office was. Dewey and Louie were waiting outside. The triplets wearing concerned looks when they looked over to the approaching adults. Donald gave them each a hug with a few words of encouragement before knocking on the imposing door. Gyro’s hand instantly shot out and grabbed onto Fenton’s as his heart raced. The duck gave no complaint. Even giving an encouraging squeeze as they walked in.
The large desk was the first thing to note. Large and imposing, telling all that the person sitting behind it to be respected. Even if the principal himself was a frail little bird. To the right sat a large bulldog boy supporting an arm with fabric wrapped around it. Gyro assumed there was a scrap of some kind underneath the fabric. A wiry female was dotting over the child while a brick wall of a man standing behind them both with his arms crossed.
To the left sat Huey and Boyd. The real boy seemed unharmed. Just appearing extremely nervous and worried. Huey, on the other hand, was supporting a black eye. A bag of ice already pressed on the injury. Gyro needed to research if there were long term effects of multiple black eyes.
Donald instantly broke away from the three, bending down to check on Huey. Gyro walked over to Boyd. Still having a hold on Fenton’s hand.
“Are you okay?” Gyro frantically asked. To which Boyd gave a sharp nod and fell still again. Deciding that was enough of an answer for now, the scientist moved himself and Fenton to behind the seats.
“Thank you all for coming,” the principal began, “I realize this was all on short notice. But we do not tolerate fighting. According to numerous student witnesses, there was a verbal dispute that turned violent during recess. One that resulted in Dennis benign pushed and Huey receiving a black eye. Before I continue, I will ask that you hold all comments and questions until the end. Is this agreeable?”
All adults nodded.
“Very well.” Reaching for something in his drawer, the principal pulled out a cell phone protected by a faded green case. “Louie Duck was able to record the incident and it lines up with the events the other students have provided. Dennis here was apparently using verbal harassment and inappropriate language against Boyd. To which Huey attempted to defuse the situation by walking away. Dennis has responded by throwing a punch. To what ends, I’m unsure, and Dennis has not provided an answer for his actions.”
The chair Huey was sitting in let out a loud noise of protest. Donald gripping the back of it tightly.
“And you well to continue, Mr. Duck?”
Donald nodded.
“Very well. Boyd here reacted to this by pushing Dennis away. The scrap on his arm caused by his fall. Mr. and Mrs. Morris, I’m unsure as to where your son has learned such language and actions. I would advise you to seriously monitor the media and outside influence your son consumes.”
“Oh absolutely,” Mrs. Morris answered readily, “Don’t you fret. We will have a stern talking to Dennis when we get home.”
“That is good to hear. Now, does anyone have any questions about this matter.”
“What exactly did young Dennis here say to Boyd. If I may ask.” Gyro’s voice was even. But, if Fenton squeezing his hand was any indication, his tone was dripping with venom.
“I won’t say specifics as I don’t wish to repeat them. Dennis was making comments about Boyd’s...past. Something about him being dangerous. As well as some...homophobic comments.”
Fenton squeezed Gyro’s hand again, the chicken shaking now. With fear or rage, he couldn’t tell. His own attention had snapped over to Mr. Morris. The father still having his arms crossed and imposing. But Gyro noticed the other’s eyes flitted down to Gyro’s and Fenton’s joined hands. The scowl seemed to become deeper once the father was caught in the action.
“I see. I’m very concerned as to where Dennis would have picked up language like that.” Gyro held eye contact with Mr. Morris until the principal cleared his throat.
“If there are no more questions… Mr. and Mrs. Morris, the actions, both verbal and physical, cannot go unpunished. We do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Dennis will be given one weeks suspension. As well as a written apology letter to both Huey and Boyd. I would also recommend setting up some meetings with the school counselor.”
“Understandable, very reasonable.” Mrs. Morris nodded while Mr. Morris was shaking with, no doubt, rage.
“Very well. Mr. Gearloose-”
“Dr. Gearloose.”
“Ah, apologizes. Dr. Gearloose, I’m aware Boyd was merely defending Huey. However-”
“You’re going to give him detention because he pushed Dennis. Defending himself in a violent way.”
“Ah...yes. Huey will receive no punishment. I hope we’re all understanding of this course of action?” Another round of sharp nods, “Very well, I won’t keep you all any longer. Mr. Duck, here is Louie’s phone. Thank him for providing me with his phone. All are excused for the rest of the day.”
It was tense walking out. The Morris’ were leading the way. But Gyro kept a tight grip on Fenton as Mr. Morris kept glancing back with a dark scowl. Something Gyro was not a fan of. It didn’t reach a head until they entered the parking lot. Away from the front doors and the cameras.
Mr. Morris turned and stalked over to the mismatched group. Gyro more than ready for the awaiting confrontation.
“I know you, Gearloose. I’ve seen your name in the paper before. You’re an absolute menace in every possible way.” Eyes darted back down to the still clasped hands.
“Yet I’ve accomplished more than you could ever hope for in your miserable life. Your need for constant approval has clearly made you bitter. Because you’d rather stomp out any spark of joy than attempt to change yourself or your family. If this incident was any indication.”
Mr. Morris let out a low growl. Gyro fully expecting to be decked as well. Only to be shocked when Fenton stepped between the two. The larger looking down with a raised brow.
“And who are you.”
“He’s my emotional support duck.” Gyro answered.
“Do you really think a confrontation on school grounds will reflect well in any way,” Fenton said, “I would suggest you step away from this now.”
Mr. Morris popped his shoulder, his scowl set. From behind, Mrs. Morris gave a clear and harsh cough. Her husband benign sent a hard stare of his own when he turned to look back. It was a silent, but brief conversation between the two of them that ended with the husband shuffling back over to his family. No one from the group relaxed until the pink mini-van drove away from the parking lot.
“So what exactly was your plan here?” Gyro frowned at Fenton, “I don’t see the Gizmoduck armor on you.”
“My body reacted before I could really...think.” The duck laughed sheepishly.
The head scientist merely rolled his eyes before turning to Boyd. Who looked back with worried eyes. “You okay?”
The real boy shifted nervously. “He called me a weapon and...I really tried not to fight. I tried to ignore him. But he...he pushed Huey and I got really mad… What if he was right?”
“He absolutely is not right.”
“Gyro.” Fenton whispers, in the same tone that told the chicken he was sounding harsh. The head scientist was thrown off for a moment hearing his name and not his normal title. Tuck that moment of broken mind away for later.
Gyro let out a slow breath before kneeling down and placing a hand on Boyd’s shoulder. “Boyd, you know who you are. I know who you are. You are not a weapon or a mindless machine. You are a real little boy. And you need to remember that, because you are going to meet a lot of people like Dennis. Closed minded and very ignorant. Saying anything they can to make you feel miserable and make them feel better.”
“However...you have people in your life who know you. Truly know you. Those are the people you need to listen to. Because they are going to make sure you believe in yourself. Understand?”
Boyd blinked as he thought the statement over. Eyes darting over to Huey, the triplets watching as Donald shouted at someone over the phone. No doubt having called up the principal or someone higher up in the schooling system to complain about the interaction in the parking lot. The red cladded triplet looked over to Boyd, giving a small smile and a wave. Which the real boy returned happily.
“I understand, Dad.”
Gyro swallowed weakly, pulling the small form closer while trying to keep his emotions in check. A weight on his shoulder drew his attention back to Fenton. Who had bent down as well with a smile on his face. The chicken smiled back in appreciation.
The Lover
Gyro knew this realization was a long time coming. No matter how many times he tried to deny it. Tell himself emotions were useless weights. He reached the point where he couldn’t hide the fact any longer.
Gyro had fallen in love with Fenton.
Which is not something he really wanted to focus on.
Gyro was sure he was becoming addicted to Fenton’s laugh. The head scientist had a mental category that each laugh fell into. A hard exhale through the nose was a sarcastic laugh if Fenton found something ridiculous but didn’t want to say anything. Hiding behind his clipboard with shoulders shaking meant he found something online but didn’t want to disturb the quiet. Small chortles seemed reserved for Gyro, the duck finding the head scientist’s dry humor funny. His full laugh was used with abandonment when he knew he wouldn’t be reprimanded for being so loud. Which was honestly more often than not anymore. Gyro found he loved how the sound would echo in the labs. It was almost like music.
There was also a list of body ticks that always caught Gyro’s eyes. Gently tapping the eraser of his pencil against his bill as he thought through a new problem. Tilting his head to the side with his hip occasionally cocked to the side as he looked over a blueprint. His brow would furrow when he concentrated hard on a situation. The top of his tongue would poke out when he reached ‘Gyro level’ of focus. His nose would crinkle when he silently found something amusing or disgusting. Which could only be determined by how brightly his eyes would shine.
Gyro could privately say, to himself, in his head, that Fenton honestly kept him grounded. The number of insults he would have hurled at the media dwindled when he thought of how disappointed the duck would be. The chicken had substantially cut back on the cups of coffee he would consume in one day when Fenton made a comment about being worried about his heart. He was surprised when he went to the duck to look over a new design, wanting feedback. Fenton beaming with each new time he was included in something. Gyro would counter saying Scrooge had warned the chicken he wasn’t utilizing Fenton to his fullest ability. Which was partially true. But he would be lying if Gyro wasn’t also looking for that blinding smile of adoration to be sent his way.
So, yes. After all the mental and physical lists he created. The pros and cons to having a relationship with anyone. Countless nights where he would lie awake knowing he was nowhere near worthy enough to have Fenton. Gyro knew he was in love with the duck.
The problem was moving forward with this revelation.
In all honesty, admitting it just made it all more bothersome. When Gyro still had his walls up, he could blame the rapid heartbeat as some symptoms of an onset illness. Just push the problem away to keep working. But having Boyd back in his life made him realize how bottling his emotions had become so damaging. Making Gyro more aware of what he was missing.
So now he was left to tread water. Wondering who he trusted well enough to ask for help.
There weren’t that many options with the Duck family. He and Donald had never really gotten along before the Spear of Selene incident. And Gyro was sure the duck still held some hostility towards him about the incident. While Gyro would consider Della the closest person to be a ‘childhood’ friend, she was dealing with her own issues. The kids were far too young to be considered as an option. Launchpad only had two rocks rolling around in that empty head, so any advice from him was not worth the headache. M’ma Cabrera? ...Selene above no. Even Gyro wasn’t that insane.
So that only left...Scrooge McDuck. This could not be considered a work appropriate topic. But the chicken was honestly at his wits end and needed help. The billionaire was his last and only option. It was with a heavy stone in his stomach that Gyro approached the familiar office doors. Knocking on them and only entering when he heard the familiar call out to do so.
“Ah, Gyro! What can I do for you?” Scrooge asked as the chicken sat across from him.
“I...need some advice.”
Scrooge paused in his writing, raising a brow as his full attention went to Gyro. “Advice on what?”
The chicken swallowed weakly. “Uh...romantic advice?”
“I see…” The billionaire placed his pend down. Clearing his throat, Scrooge sat up a little straighter in his chair. “Well, I will admit that I have not been very successful in my own love life. But I can offer help in any way I can. So, who’s the lucky person?”
Gyro swallowed again, feeling his face become flushed at the question. Doing all he could not to groan, he answered, “It’s Fenton.”
“The Gizmoboy? Really?”
Gyro nodded, not looking at Scrooge. His face on fire. “I just don’t know what to do. I’m aware that things have been going well and I don’t want to ruin it. But I feel like I’m going crazy! My heart is always going so fast when he’s near. I want to tell him, I really do. But...I also don’t think I’m the kind of person he deserves…”
Scrooge let out a heavy sigh as Gyro’s shoulders slumped. “I won’t act as if I’ve known you for your entire life. We both know I haven’t. But I have seen you at your lowest point and every triumph you’ve accomplished along the way. I’ve seen you slowly close in on yourself. It pained me to watch because I wasn’t sure how to help…”
“Let’s be honest sir. We both have not been in great positions emotionally for a while.” Gyro commented weakly. One that got a laugh out of Scrooge.
“This is true. But, the point is you have made a change in the past few months. I know you’ve built walls around yourself. I also know...bringing those walls down can be a terrifying idea. You’ve already started thanks to that boy of yours. Even if it was unintentional.”
“But what if he says no? I don’t know… There are too many variables that could offer a negative outcome.”
“That’s the risk of life. The good and the bad.”
“So what if he says no.”
“Then you move forward.”
“...I don’t know if I will recover.”
“Gyro, you’re putting the horse before the cart. And we’re still building the cart.”
Letting out a small groan, Gyro rubbed his forehead before looking back up. “Okay. So I’m taking a risk. We’ve determined that. But what do I say to him?”
“You just ask him.”
“Could you please not make it sound so easy.”
“It sounds easy because it is. You’re asking Fenton out on a date. Not defusing a bomb.”
“Yet the latter seems easier to accomplish.”
“Take the risk Gyro. Don’t waste your life wallowing on the ‘what-ifs’. You’ll regret it.”
Gyro left the office with not many answers and a pounding headache. But with determination to try and make this work in some way.
The bottom drawer of his desk was now filled with blueprints. Not for machines, but the best plan to ask Fenton out. The perfect places to go. All ranging from the cliche to the outlandish. What day would work best. His feathers became further ruffled as he worked. After a week of no progress, Gyro knew this wasn’t going to work. No reliable variables or knowledgeable outcomes. He just needed to do this. Because Gyro couldn’t stay in this mindset anymore.
Gyro’s first move was to wait for the lab to be empty. If he was going to crash and burn, he didn’t want an audience. Once that was achieved, he took a deep breath to settle his heart (didn’t work) and walked over to Fenton’s desk. The duck breaking from his thoughts hearing Gyro clear his throat.
“Hello Dr. Gearloose. What can I help you with?”
Gyro’s heart seemed to pick up it’s pace. Between the smile and wide eyes, the chicken felt like he was melting. In a good way. If that makes sense. None of this did.
Emotions were just so messy.
Darn it Gyro, focus!
“I...was wondering if you would be interested in conducting a...social experiment with me.”
“Oh, uh, sure! Of course. What’s the experiment?”
Another deep breath. “There is a new cafe that’s opened up recently near where I live. I am curious if you would like to join me in trying the products they offer. Sometime this weekend, possibly Saturday? Possibly trade some stories?”
Fenton’s head tilted to the side as Gyro spoke. A small smile forming as the other finished. “Dr. Gearloose-”
“Gyro. You...you can call me Gyro.”
“Okay, Gyro. Would it be safe to assume that this is an ask for a date?”
“That...would be a safe assumption.”
“Then I accept.”
Gyron was honestly shocked he was able to remain standing. Relief hitting him quickly upon hearing the answer. “Good, good.”
“How about I drop by your apartment around 8? Have breakfast at this cafe?”
“That’s acceptable.”
“Good. I look forward to this Saturday.”
“I am as well.”
One date turned to two. Which turned into three. Which became having dinner at the Crackshell-Cabrera household. Gyro was shocked when he received M’ma Cabrera’s blessing in  dating her son. But not before getting a stern warning of what would happen if Fenton was hurt in any way.
“I think that was successful.” Fenton commented as they were sharing their good-byes for the evening on the front porch.
“Yeah. Nothing says accepting like a talk that ends in the threat of my kneecaps.” Gyro smiled softly hearing the other chuckle.
“Well, she may or may not be upset still about your MoonVasion comment. You know. About throwing Gizmoduck into the masses as a sacrifice.”
“I may now also regret that comment…”
Another laugh from Fenton, the duck reaching down to gently take Gyro’s hand. Placing a kiss on the back of it before holding it close. “I’m glad you came. I think M’ma really appreciates it as well.”
“I’m happy I came as well… You know...I don’t say or do things that intentionally hurt you. I did at first but-”
“I know you better now than I did before.”
And the matter was dropped.
The first kiss milestone occurred at the park around the holidays. Both bundled up against the cold and falling snow as they admired the strung holiday lights hanging from the numerous trees. Arms hooked, Fenton led the way with wide eyes. Giving small comments about the lights and how lovely the park was decorated. Gyro was admiring the duck himself. Loving how the lights fell over the brown plumage. Fenton eventually caught on that the chicken wasn’t looking at the light as he was. Flushing softly seeing eyes on him.
“W-What?” The duck laughed, a small smile forming.
“You’re beautiful.” Gyro responded softly. Fenton’s eyes widened at the comment before softening into another smile. Gyro put up no restraint as he was gently pulled down. Fenton leaning up and meeting the chicken in a gentle kiss. It was only a few seconds, but Gyro loved every moment of it.
The utterance of the three words came a few months into them dating. Fenton had arrived back to the labs after an intense battle to find a worried chicken. Arms crossed and first aid kit in his hands. There was a sharp point set to the couch and Fenton understood the silent command. Stepping out of the suit and plopping onto the cushioned furniture. Gyro made it clear he was less than pleased at the moment.
“What were you thinking.” The chicken snapped. Hand shaking as he attempted to gently clean the cuts.
“People needed help.”
“Why is that your answer for everything and why do you think it’s a reasonable one.”
“Because it’s true. I have to defend Duckberg.”
“Even against crazies coming from St. Canard? Can’t that purple caped idiot keep them in his neck of the woods.”
Fenton smiled softly. “Villains are people too. You can’t control everything.”
“Don’t tell me that. You know the first thing I’m going to do is make something that controls people to make them leave this place.”
“Gyro, that’s unethical.”
“Well, maybe if you would stop being your heroic self and making me worry.”
“I understood the risks when I took this position. As did you. As long as I have you to come back to, I’ll be okay.”
Gyro huffed as he finished up. Turning to start packing up the supplies. “I love you, but you can be such an idiot sometimes.”
He didn’t catch it until Fenton grabbed his hand suddenly. The chicken looked up to find eyes filled with shock staring at him. “What...did you say?”
Gyro frowned, thinking back to his previous words. Face becoming full blown red when he realized what he’d just uttered. “I… Is it too soon to say that? I’m sorry, I just- I’ve been thinking it a lot and every time you go to your superheroing, I think how I’m not going to get to say it. But I know we haven’t dated for a year and-”
“I love you too.”
Swallowing his words down, Gyro’s head snapped back up to look Fenton in the eyes. They sat, staring at each other in disbelief before Fenton chuckled. Gyro shares his own sheepish grin before leaning forward to claim a kiss from Fenton.
It was close to a year of them dating that Fenton moved in with Gyro and Boyd. The real boy thrilled to have the other doctor living with them. The once small, cold apartment was now teeming with life. Mornings were a rush to get ready for the day and to be out the door before they were all late. The kitchen filled with warmth and wonderful smells as Fenton makes dinner with Gyro helping where he could. Meals being shared at the small dining table before watching a few shows until bedtime. Gyro and Fenton taking turns reading to Boyd before he powered down for the night.
It was a comfortable routine. Something Gyro thought he would’ve hated. But with each day ending with him and Fenton in their shared bed. The younger laying his head on Gyro’s chest and long arms wrapped around him. The chicken realized he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I think we should buy a house.” Gyro suddenly commented into the darkness. Hearing Fenton hum softly as he was pulled from sleep.
“Where’d this come from?” The duck mumbled weakly.
“I’m not really sure. The boring suburban life seems pleasant after the craziness of...everything. What do you think?”
“I like the idea,” Fenton yawned widely before pressing closer, “We could get a big yard for Boyd and Lil Blub to play in. Neighborhood kids to become friends with. I think Della mentioned about getting a house in a quiet suburb. We could ask her.”
“That place won’t be quiet once that family moves in.”
“Oh hush. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Huey as a neighbor? Boyd would like it.”
“I suppose so…”
Fenton gave another hum, Gyro noticing the other’s breathing was slowing down again. He leaned down to place a kiss on Fenton’s forehead. “I love you.”
The duck laughed softly. Placing his own weak kiss on Gyro’s neck. “Love you too…”
Gyro let out a slow breath, a smile forming on his face. Eyes on the ceiling as he listened to Fenton fall asleep. A hand reached up to preen a few feathers as he pulled the other closer. Heart beating happily as he settled down further into the bed. A smile still on his face as he fell asleep as well.
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5 unexpected exercises to regain self-esteem (it's a translation)
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Self-esteem ... a bit of a fuzzy psychological concept for most of us. Yet we are all aware that low self-esteem can have devastating consequences in our lives.
Something not to be taken lightly then ...
Especially since it can directly impact your eating habits.
Are there solutions to increase your self-esteem?
Fortunately, the answer is "Yes"!
In this article, discover 5 easy (and rather unexpected) exercises to regain self-esteem.
If you tend to devalue yourself, then trust me, these exercises are a must!
A word of advice ... stick with it until the end because I will offer you a recognized test to assess your level of self-esteem at the end of this article.
This will allow you to know where you are and also to re-evaluate yourself shortly after performing the exercises regularly.
Pin it What is self-esteem? According to Wikipedia, self-esteem is "a term for the judgment or assessment made of an individual in relation to their own worth. ”
In other words, self-esteem refers to "how we see ourselves, how we assess our worth".
When we talk about self-esteem, we are therefore talking about the look and value judgment that we have on ourselves (and which does not necessarily have to do with the skills that we may have. ).
When self-esteem is positive, it allows you to:
➖ Feel good about yourself,
➖ Face the difficulties and trials of life,
➖ Take control over your actions.
You feel capable of accomplishing your goals and getting through to your projects.
You are determined!
A bit like putting on a super heroine costume ...
You are ready to challenge all obstacles!
Whereas negative self-esteem makes it really very difficult to take action and accept your mistakes.
You feel helpless in the face of events in your life. Demotivation sets in ... You feel incapable, weak, basically completely zero ...
As you can see, self-esteem is inextricably linked with the assessment of one's own skills.
If she is weak and fragile, it will be difficult for you to feel competent. Failures in your life will reinforce the lack of self-esteem and increase your feeling of worthlessness ...
And if that weren't enough, if you have low self-esteem, unfortunately you will tend to attract so-called "toxic" people 😬.
You know those “vampires” thirsty for the affection and energy of others?
These people know very well how to spot and take advantage of your weakness, if you are psychologically fragile.
Do you lack self-esteem?
Don't be surprised when you find yourself in toxic and demeaning relationships.
It makes sense when you think about it, since deep down inside you think you don't deserve better ...
So self-esteem is related to others? Indeed, positioning yourself in relation to others is one of the fundamental factors that allows you to adjust your self-esteem.
We all naturally tend to self-assess by comparing ourselves to others.
Whether in the professional or academic field (skills), but also on our physical aspect, in the material field (wealth and social rank), in our emotional and family successes or failures ...
If comparing yourself to others really weighs in with your self-esteem, so does the way others look at you.
Feeling loved and appreciated weighs heavily.
Finally, studies show that skills and performance are not necessarily good indicators of high self-esteem.
For example, students who are popular with their peers often have much higher self-esteem than students who are good in class (even if their academic performance is poor).
Self-esteem is therefore more linked to relationship aspects.
Moreover, parental attitude and style of education play a crucial role in the development of a child's self-esteem.
Supportive and caring parents will help their children to have high self-esteem even compared to overbearing or neglectful parents.
So you know what to do if you want to help your children not suffer from low self-esteem!
Speak encouraging, respectful words, show them affection, care and gratitude when they succeed in certain tasks that they deem important.
The impact of low self-esteem on diet: If you suffer from low self-esteem, you must also be feeling bad about yourself… Logical!
This is unfortunately part of the packaging as we have seen previously.
The risk of falling into depression is also much greater.
If your self-esteem is low, you also risk developing anxiety disorders and addictive behaviors (excessive consumption of sugar, chocolate, screens, etc.)
Feeling bad about yourself, devaluing yourself, thinking that you do not deserve the love and appreciation of others is THE main factor that leads to developing eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, or overeating.
The negative impact on all daily life is therefore very significant.
Really, don't take this aspect of your life lightly.
If you think you lack self-esteem, I suggest you perform these 5 very simple little exercises inspired by Positive Psychology, daily.
Do not underestimate them, it could really improve many facets of your life!
How do you improve your self-esteem?
1 / Self-awareness exercise A great sage said:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that's why it's called the present" (the mothers here will probably recognize this very ... literary reference! and no one laughs at my references 😂)
Becoming aware of yourself is the first link that allows you to develop your self-esteem. This is why I suggest you start with this exercise.
➡️ Every morning, take time to relax.
Preferably, before checking your emails, Instagram notifications, Facebook etc ... which only pollute your brain unnecessarily.
➡️ Take a notebook or journal.
Take 3 minutes to close your eyes for a moment and reflect on what you are feeling like emotions, sensations and feelings at that moment.
Do you feel sad, happy, tired, energetic, motivated, anxious…?
➡️ Write this in your journal without going into judgment or analysis.
Just try to write down as much detail as possible about how you are feeling physically and psychologically at this moment.
2 / Exercise on self-acceptance: Another aspect that goes hand in hand with self-esteem: self-acceptance.
It is necessary that you learn to support yourself rather than blame yourself. Encourage yourself, value yourself.
To help you accept yourself, there's nothing like asking your loved ones about your qualities and what they like about you.
➡️ Write all of this in your notebook and reread it whenever you feel you are devaluing yourself.)
Also take the time to remember your successes, the highlights of your life.
What are you particularly proud of? What can you rejoice in?
The exercise that I am offering you here to better accept yourself but also and above all your destiny (the Decree of Allah) is therefore to write down every evening 10 things that have made you happy during the day.
10 things for which you are grateful to Allah عز و جال.
By asking these questions to your consciousness, even if you are in a "bad mood", your brain will be forced to search for the answers.
This will force you to focus on the positive rather than your worries and trials, which can often seem more important to you than they really are, if you have low self-esteem.
Remember, glorifying Allah عز و جال and praising Him in all circumstances are part of the believer's duty, which will bring her the satisfaction of her Lord but also inner peace.
3 / stop comparing yourself to others Do you want to please me?
Focus on your own goals and stop comparing yourself to others!
You did not start at the same time as the others, nor do you have the same background, the same tests, and even less the same qualities and skills ...
So I am going to offer you a rather funny exercise here, you will see ...
This must have already happened ...
You are busy but silent and then you find yourself talking to yourself (internally or out loud, it depends on the seriousness of your case 😂):
"Bint Fulana is more beautiful, more intelligent, and in addition she kept a flat stomach despite her pregnancies ... She raises her children better than me, and then you have to face reality, she is also more pious because she knows the Koran by heart and not I, she often goes to meetings, while I rarely manage to do so with all my obligations at home… " Does that remind you of someone?
This little voice does not wish you any good! Be aware of this.
She just wants to make you feel guilty.
And if you listen to it, you are going to put pressure on yourself.
You'll never feel up to it and it might end badly.
Because what's the point of comparing yourself to people who have paths and personalities totally different from yours? It doesn't make sense, don't you think?
So ... once you realize this, I suggest you name that part of yourself that is trying to make you feel guilty!
As if she was a whole person… and above all, find him a very ridiculous little name.
The next time you find yourself having this kind of "inner talk," don't hesitate to call him out:
“Here is Medusa (or Cruella) coming!” (no you won't have dissociative personality disorder!)
You will see. This exercise will gradually lessen the weight of that bad voice on your self-esteem by ridiculing it and minimizing its impact on you.
You will also be more able to become aware of these internal discourses which have no benefit for your "sanity".
Don't laugh it really works, trust me!
4 / Exercise to increase self-love: By increasing your love for yourself, it will boost your self-esteem. And for that, you really have to learn to take care of yourself.
Think about ... what actions can you take each day to experience happiness, pleasure or take care of yourself?
So take your nice little notebook or journal every morning.
And, after performing the 1st exercise, think about the moments, actions or situations that have given you well-being and satisfaction during the last 7 days?
How did you feel ?
➡️ Write down what these situations or activities are and try to reproduce them as often as possible.
It can be very simple things like having breakfast in peace when everyone is still asleep, relaxing with a good bath, visiting your sister, spending time with your husband, doing a painting activity with your child. .
You should see a marked improvement in your mental state over time.
5 / Exercise to enhance the self-image: "Self-image is an individual's representation of themselves, including the physical aspect as well as the psychological one."
As this aspect is purely cognitive, it is easy to "reprogram" your brain to further enhance your self-esteem.
In cognitive behavioral therapy, we talk about cognitive restructuring.
Your mental images and thoughts depend on the cognitive process of processing information, although you may not always be aware of it.
By focusing on your cognitive patterns and dysfunctional beliefs, you can try to change the processes that cause you to think badly about yourself.
So my exercise is to try to modify these bad automatic thoughts by finding alternative thoughts that will improve your emotions and your self-image.
I'm talking about the famous positive affirmations!
➡️ Every morning, take your little notebook and after doing exercises 1 and 4,
Write down one or two positive affirmations, which you will repeat aloud at least 10 times, then as often as possible throughout the day.
Remember, we are talking about positive statements, so there shouldn't be any negative words in your sentence.
For example, you can start your sentences with:
"I am …"
"I want …"
"I can …"
"I like …"
Here are some ideas:
"I accept myself as I am",
"I love me as Allah created me",
“I am able بإذن الله to carry out my projects”,
“I am different and unique and this difference is my strength”…
And so you don't forget to repeat your positive affirmations, some apps can allow you to schedule notifications of your favorite positive affirmations at different times of the day.
Warning. This exercise will only be effective if it is repeated regularly, until your brain has fully integrated and accepted these statements as “truth”.
Here are the girls, for the 5 exercises that will help you regain your self-esteem.
Do you want to know if these exercises are really effective?
Ok. I suggest you take this little test which will allow you to assess your level of self-esteem.
This is a recognized test. It was developed by Morris Rosenberg, a sociologist. This scale is the most used by psychologists nowadays to assess the level of self-esteem, so it can be considered reliable.
To perform the TEST, click on this link: [FREE ROSENBERG TEST]
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Today in Strongly Worded Opinions (That You Didn't Ask For), I'm going to assert that there are too objective ways to measure whether or not a relationship is strong in story terms – by which I mean, unrelated to whether or not readers/viewers personally like the dynamic or the chemistry of the actors (in such cases as there are actors involved).
So for the sake of clarity, be ye advised: this isn't about shipping, fuck it, ship whatever you want idc.  Shipping a strong relationship isn't inherently better than shipping a weak one – heck, you could just as easily argue that it's the lazier, less creative route.  Also, I don't care?  I don't care, it's just fandom.  Follow your arrow.  This is about ways to discuss whether or not a relationship introduced into a text succeeds or fails as an element of the story – or really as I'm going to prefer calling it, if a given relationship forms a strong or weak story element.
For this I'm presuming that you're creating a relationship between a protagonist and a secondary character introduced as a piece of the protagonist's overall story – protagonist/protagonist relationships aren't really a different situation, but they do have more moving parts, so for simplicity's sake, let's   stick with a Main Character (we'll call that M) and a Significant Other (S for short).  Also, these relationships by no means have to be romantic; any relationship can be measured as weak or strong in story terms.
Also, I'm going to say everything here as though it were factually true, even though it's just my opinion, which is correct, but if you disagree then it's only my opinion, but I am correct.  Ready?  Okay!
Strong relationships have story functions; in reality nothing means anything and people just like each other because they do, but fuck reality, it's a huge narrative mess.  And my basic premise here is that the story function of a strong relationship falls under one (or more, if you wanna get real fancy) of these three categories:
The relationship can unlock under-explored elements of M's story or character through mirroring or intimacy (often shows up as “friends to lovers”).  There is backstory that hasn't been unearthed yet, or some reaction or experience in M's life that could advance the story, and S can serve as a means to get at it.  Maybe M and S share a similar trauma or life story; maybe S is the first person M feels able to open up to about something profound and relevant.  Maybe part of M's story is a conflict between how they seem to others and how they see themselves or their own potential; maybe S is the person who sees them the way they see themselves...or sees M as the person they're afraid they'll never be.  The story goal being met here is giving M a boost toward successful completion of their story arc, so even though there could be conflict, S is fundamentally pulling on the same side as M in the major story conflicts, in such a way that by the end, the reader should feel like M's success is at least in part because of what they gain from their relationship with S.
The relationship can function as a piece of the story's overall conflict, or as a secondary subplot conflict (often shows up as “enemies to lovers”). Traditional romance novel plotting effectively slots the love interest into the role of “antagonist,” because the romance's conflict is generally driven by people not getting what they want from each other until certain win conditions are met.  In this kind of relationship, M and S might be actual-facts competitors, or be divided by ideological concerns, or they might be forced into proximity by the plot but clash on some personality level.  The arc of this relationship is typically going to be about the M softening up as the relationship develops – if M starts out ruthlessly single-minded, maybe realizing that they're running roughshod over S in the process is part of their character breakthrough; if the story is about M realizing that they've underestimated the complexity of the world around them, maybe coming to recognize S as an equal is how that gets concretized for the reader.  Basically this is a story where S presents a problem that M has to solve, and the more central to the narrative solving that problem is, the stronger the relationship is.
The relationship can serve to divide M's goals (often shows up as “love versus duty”).  This is a story where M has to accomplish two separate things in order to fulfill their arc, but those two things aren't easily integrated. One of M's goals might be fulfilling a vow, or filial duty, or seeking revenge, and the other goal is some form of protecting or obtaining S.  If the story puts M in a position of having to choose, then the relationship is inherently strong; it's providing narrative drive, whether or not S is especially well-developed as an individual character.  This one can be tricky, because a very weak relationship can serve a superficially similar purpose, by demonstrating M's devotion to duty or obsessive pursuit of whatever when M rebuffs S to keep them out of harm's way or to avoid distraction or whatever. The difference is that in those superficial cases, the audience is meant to recognize that aw, that's sad, M has really had to Make Sacrifices – but there's really no dramatic tension involved; we know all along that M is going to Make Sacrifices in purusit of the real goal.  When this is done seriously with a strong relationship, the audience is meant to feel divided as well; Romeo and Juliet just doesn't work as a story unless the audience likes Juliet and Mercutio, unless they fully identify with the dilemma that Romeo is in when he has to either avenge Mercutio's death or spare Tybalt for Juliet's sake and the sake of their future together. That's a big fucking story moment, and it only works because the audience buys both relationships – Romeo's with Mercutio and with Juliet – as narratively strong, to the point where Romeo's choice is not a forgone conclusion.  This one is much easier to get wrong, I think, than the other two are!
What I'm saying here is that a strong relationship isn't really determined by how personally compatible two characters seem to be; a lot of movies that fridge a character's wife, for example, rely on actors convincingly portraying, in a brief window of time, two compatible people who care for each other – I'm thinking of, like, Richard Kimble and his wife in The Fugitive, who I think do sell the idea of a loving and happy marriage, but the relationship itself is a weak one.  The story only really needs the bare fact of it – “Kimble had a wife that he loved and then this happened” – to kick off the actual story; the relationship between Kimble and Gerard is a stronger one narratively, because much of the emotional tension of the movie, what makes it more effective than just a series of chase scenes, is the way their mutual respect evolves as they compete against each other, and the story question of “Kimble really needs an ally, is this the right person for him to trust?”  It's such a strong relationship that it comes as a huge relief of tension when he does make that gesture of trust and it turns out to be the right choice.  The audience is happy that Kimble will be exonerated, but the audience is equally happy that the conflict between these two charcters is over – we didn't like them being at odds because we didn't want either of them to lose!  Now, would these two people ever be close friends, let alone come to love each other?  No? Yes? Who cares?  Kimble loves his wife more, but has a stronger relationship in this story with Gerard. From a writing perspective, it's trivially easy to introduce an S and say “M loves this person,” but it means relatively little.  It's harder to introduce an S and say “some part of this story now hinges on how M navigates knowing this person,” but that's kind of what has to happen in order to create a payoff that's worth the effort.  A strong relationship provides skeletal structure for the story; it can't be stitched on at the margins.
This is an even tougher sell in something like a television series, where the introduction of S may come in well after the story is underway and the bulk of M's characterization is already in place.  That's why introducing a late-season love interest is a notoriously dodgy proposition!  To demonstrate weak vs strong relationship in action, I'm going to take an example of what I think was a failed attempt and pitch some ways to doctor it up into a strong relationship: Sam Winchester and Eileen Leahy.
This is objectively a weak relationship.  She doesn't materially affect the metaplot of the series, or drive any major choices, or reveal anything about Sam's character.  She's just, you know, generally nice and attractive and Sam likes her, which is a fine start, but then the writers just leave her idling in the garage forever.  But it didn't have to be that way! Say we wanted to make it a Type 1 relationship: super easy, barely an inconvenience!  Eileen is very like Sam, actually, in that she lost her parents as an infant and then had the entire rest of her life shaped by the trauma and the pursuit of revenge.  That's amazing.  How many other people, even hunters, share that specific experience with Sam Winchester?  Sam was physically changed by drinking demon blood in infancy; Eileen was physically changed by being deafened by the banshee or whatever it was in infancy.  Even just allowing them to talk about that would have made the relationship stronger.  Sam is affected by the fact that there is no Before Time for him; even now that they've long since had their revenge on ol' Yellow Eyes himself, he grapples with the fact that he's forever robbed of any memories of innocence or safety or a life that wasn't lived in the shadow of this killing.  Eileen also has had her life's quest for revenge fulfilled, and also has to reckon with the fact that it doesn't actually give her access to the innocence that was stolen from her.  Maybe she struggles with that.  Maybe Sam can open up to her because she knows what it's like to look back on your child self and feel that however strong you've made yourself, you're never strong enough to protect that child.
What if you want to write something spicier than Sam and Eileen talking about their sad feelings?  Okay, let's take a Type 2 story.  Eileen has been a lone hunter with a disability all her life; it's fair to guess that even if she can't match Sam's physical strength, the fact that she's survived at all means that she's pretty indomitable.  Maybe she's had to be ruthless, even brutal in her hunting style; maybe she has a shoot-first-ask-questions-never approach to hunting that she credits with her very survival, but that Sam finds excessively rash and bloody.  Maybe they fight about it.  Have her kill some ambiguous, maybe-not-dangerous monstery types, a werewolf or something, and Sam's like, hey, we really can't just-- and Eileen is like, look, I hunt how I hunt, come with me or don't.  I mean, this is a retread in some ways of early season conflicts about who to kill and when, but everything in the latter seasons is a retread anyway, so whatever, and it provides something interesting to have Sam deal with this whiplash of how there seem to be two Eileens, the smiley, jocular sweetheart who eats pancakes with him and the one who kills like she's swatting flies.  What if he wants one but not the other?  It doesn't really work that way, does it?  Is this something he can dismiss as a foible, or is this a dealbreaker? The dude is almost forty, if he distances himself from Eileen, how many more hunters does he think he has a chance to meet and marry?  If she won't even listen to his concerns seriously, is it really a good relationship anyway, or will Sam's needs always end up taking a backseat to Eileen's?
A Type 3 fix could just come down quite plainly to, what if Eileen is ready to retire?  She's had her revenge.  She's lived her life on the hunt.  Maybe she's done, and maybe she wants Sam to be done with her.  Doing this in season 15 would circle Sam back to his season 1 story conflicts in a nice way, I think – why does Sam do this at all, if it's not for revenge any longer?  Does he feel personally responsible for every dead person he could've saved but didn't – is that a reasonable boundary, or lack thereof, to set?  Is a compromise possible – could he continue to coordinate hunts while also getting out of the field and starting a family, or is that still putting his family in the shadow of too much violence and danger to tolerate?  What's Dean going to say?  He's pitched a fit in the past when Sam said he wanted out, but he's mellowed with age, hasn't he?  Maybe he'll get it now?  But maybe Sam also feels guilty and fearful, because he knows Dean will hunt without him, so now he's in more danger because of Sam's choices, if Sam makes this choice.  It's a little heteronormative, as story conflicts go, but it's thematically appropriate to Supernatural, and the fact that Eileen isn't speaking out of timidity but out of the same weariness that Sam has so often felt about the whole endless cycle makes it feel a little less “the little lady won't let me go on adventures anymore.”  This might not be my pick of the three, but the point is that it makes for a strong conflict, a legitimate divided loyalty for Sam to wrestle with, and one that doesn't have a clear right answer.
Anyway, hopefully that helps illustrate what I mean when I say that the narrative strength of a relationship doesn't have anything to do with how likeable an S character is – Eileen is very likeable! But that doesn't substitute for building her into the fabric of the story in some way.  My expectation is that a serious protagonist relationship should bend the story arc in a way that requires response, and if it doesn't, I don't take that relationship particularly seriously.  Canon can declare a relationship real by fiat, but it can't automatically declare a relationship meaningful without, you know, making meaning of it.
Oh, and there's not anything really wrong with weak relationships – most M's are going to have several in the story.  My point is just that the difference between a weak relationship and a strong one isn't really a matter of taste or preference, but has a functional meaning that can be tested and measured, and if there's argument to be had about it, the argument can take place on evidentiary grounds.  Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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lumarijosonn · 2 years
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis. I love taking pics of skies and sunsets it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
And yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’.
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