#but i would not give up our earlier daylight savings
probayern · 2 years
oh god i forgot all the football will be at weird times for the next two weeks
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brighteststar707 · 9 months
Jumping into your inbox with questions!! >:3
Gimme 34, 35 and 101! Also, bonus question: how would you spend your Christmas with Saeyoung? Or New Year (we don't celebrate Christmas in my country, so I basically interpret them as the same holiday lmao). I wanna read up some cute scenarios of you two!
34. What unpopular opinion do you have? Hmmm.... I really like it getting darker earlier thanks to daylight savings! In general I'm not such a sun person and will feel more energized during a cloudy day than during a sunny one. It always throws me off when it's still light around dinnertime in the summer. I'm also more prone to being depressed in the summer than in the winter because of it. I guess it's like reverse SAD?
35. What’s the last good book you’ve read? Is it super stereotypical for me to say A Secret History by Donna Tartt? I read it this summer and it CONSUMED me like nothing else, it's probably my top book of the year. I'm dying to get back to it again later (I'm reading Frankenstein first).
101. What’s been going through your mind lately? I'm going home for Christmas! I'm going to see my family and MY DOG AAAA and also my friends who I haven't seen in a few months. I'm looking forward to it hehe
Finally, my Christmas with Saeyoung! I'll write this in bullet format as the thoughts come to me hehe
In a world where I don't spend it with my own family, we spend it with the RFA
They're our family!!!
Jumin often hosts on the day itself but sometimes we do (once we move out of the bunker)
It's the definition of cosy: warm jumpers (Saeyoung has dug up his favourite ugly Christmas sweater and yes I have one to match), hot chocolate and a massive stack of gifts for everyone
We're playing christmas carols and the place (ours or Jumin's ) is decorated to the nines
The gathering is potluck style so everyone brings something
And we spend essentially the whole day together in cosy clothes chatting and having fun and being merry <3 - kind of like that christmas CG, you know the one
He spent so many Christmases alone in the dark trying to pretend he wasn't there
Now he has everything he could ever want and he is determined to make the most of it
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of everyone getting together there will always be a moment when he steps away just to take a breath
and watch the warmth and merriment and remind himself that this is his life now and he's allowed to enjoy it
(and I am not far behind ready to give him a hug and wish him a merry christmas - and maybe give him a mistletoe kiss hehe)
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Forgotten memories of childhood:
Fateful day of the three brothers in their brothers kingdom, doing usual routine like fighting licorice monsters, saving villagers from bandits or fighting against the darkness etc. This routine was like killing time, each one of their respective positions were hella bored but they have to do their jobs to run and stabilized the nation or else will lead to collapsed. They couldn't be with their wives because they are on their family home trip taking the children with them, making an excuse that they are rulers so they have to do their jobs, but that sound kindaa selfish if you asked them they too wanted to go but in reality they were right, so they stay tending the needs of the citizens and the kingdom itself. One particular day, dark cacao cookie wearing he usual outfit the vanquisher of the twin dragons outfit looked around the hallway to find his brother as he has been not in the important meeting skipping it in the process. He has seen since two hours ago in the courtyard been exclaimed by the maid. Dark cacao cookie looked everywhere but couldn't find anything but one think came into his mind, maybe he is in that room. Upon arriving the room, as it was filled with dust, old accessories, books, broken wooden swords and especially his parents two brothers old portrait. He touches it's frame with sad eyes thinking of the times when his parents were alive, a single tear escaped from his eyes clutching on the old wooden frame said in sad voice.
" I wished that you were here imperial father and mother, if you here "alive" I would have been better father and your guidance I would have a better ruler".
As he chokes on his own tears, as he let them fearly fall from his eyes. After several secs of crying he wipes the tears, looking around for Demonos Cacao sudden he heard rustling of boxes and looks to see his younger brother in pile of boxes scrubling them looking for something new, suddenly took out an old worn notebook with Yureka laugh. Dark cacao cookie stood besides them scaring the daylights out of him, he asked with strict serious tone.
" Where the hell you were, I was worried sick looking for you you just missed the important meeting fool".
Scratches his head " Sorry bro! I was bored and annoyed attending meetings so I decided to skipped them instead".
Tick marks on head" Excuse me, listen mister you can't just "skipped" this meeting because I.. looking at the old torn notebook" what's that torn paper".
Waving the torn notebook " oh! It's an old notebook filled with photos of our childhood containing our deepest memories, I found it in our parents old luggage".
As he opened the notebook the first page appears to see the first picture of thier parents when they are alive, with having baby Demonos Cacao cookie in his mothers arms, as his older brother standing beside his father's side and second older brother between his parents. Mother sat on the royal chair dressed in warriors outside spreading her dragon wings feeling proud, as father Giving a warm smile as Dark dragon cookie standing tall and proud like a true crown prince should and dark Cacao cookie having a smile on his face. Current dark cacao cookie gazed sadly at the old photo because it's been millennial since thier passing and he really missed, as few tear dropped on the old photo making it wetter dark cacao cookie shocked to see Demonos Cacao cookie crying as sniffing on his tears feeling heartbroken for his younger brother because at that " Fateful" day he was just a baby, all he remembers is his mothers song and father's laughter. When growing up under his older brothers wing, he didn't seen his parents faces only in old portraits. Dark cacao cookie touched his crying brothers shoulder with tone containing that of heart break and sadness.
" Brother, please don't cry".
" Cries sniffing I miss them so much, heck I didn't seen their faces in real life lucky for you both of you them were born earlier and spend time with them I am really jealous of you two, wishing I was older then you".
Dark cacao cookie feeling more heartbroken and sadness couldn't want to argue clutching his hand on his shoulder tighter.
" brother, I ........
" Oh! Cheer up, our parents didn't want us to saddened with grieve and pain because time wouldn't be with us grieving from our past mistakes".
( Brother, deep down he really missed our parents he masked his real self with laughter and jokes brightening up the atmosphere, I wished he really shares his real feelings... He only shares them with Celestial dragon cookie when he is in deep pain, he really is good in masking his real emotions, my poor younger brother).
Demonos Cacao cookie flipping the pages and hold of a page which gives his emo development stage as he laughs loudly, as dark Cacao cookie took a peek and blushes.
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" Hahaha, I can't believe it any what a funny way of development during my childhood years I was really an emo and edgy kid always causing trouble in the kingdom, my teachers and citizens. The people gifted me a title (gwahan-aegi), I even joined a gang calling themselves black hounds hahaha".
As dark cacao cookie bonked his head , clutching his fist as smoke came out said with serious tone" that was rather foolish of you, because of your troublesome ways we have to clean your garbage like mistakes, due to bad influence of that gang, you became even more troublesome and naughty brat, I have to shield your fucking mistakes and learn various humiliation and degrading words from the citizens especially servents themselves complained that troubling of a brat you are and oh witches the back bite our older brother had to face, your stupid unique ways imprinted in the newspaper he literally had a heart attack and was hospitalized for over three months thanks to that stunt you pulled to very important ambassador".
Demonos Cacao cookie shivering and blushes in embarrassment scratches his head " Yea! Yea! I said I was sorry".
He was literally shooking in anger, pulling the rage before the volcano could explode " Yea! Sorry a mere sorry couldn't bring back that disaster that struck upon the kingdom, the moment you ruined the ambassadors favourite pet and his clothes by putting pink color I mean literally" pink" and shaving his pet cream husky into a mere poddle, because of this he cut the contract and imports with our kingdom results in feminine and hungry, our financial services falls as our kingdoms teasurery was robbed clean when someone daring to "guide" l mean literally make them come in the teasurery robbing us clean of any gold coins making dead poor like a dirt heck even pauppers laughed at our silly situation".
Demonos Cacao cookie shook in his boots in fear as he waves his hands in defeat pleading.
" okey! Okey I said I am sorry I just didn't matured that day".
" Because of your foolishness, our kind caring older brother went into a coma when he heard of this disaster, from that day after his recovery his personality made a 180 degree flipping he became cold hearted and strict with his ways and I was literally happy that he took himself in discipline you. Thanks to that you also changed but in worst possible way".
Demonos Cacao cookie suddenly felt offended " Hey what's wrong with my personality?".
" You became too sunny and bright full making jokes everywhere resulting in making other cookies laugh hence you got another name " the jokester", older brother had to discipline you again".
Demonos Cacao shredder in fear remember his older brothers unique ways of " discipline"
" I don't wanna remember it anyway".
As he flipped the other pages, his mangeta eyes falls on one particular page.
"hey! Look it's us before meeting our wives".
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" Yea! Right Your personality took a dramatic way of Change from emo and edgy going troublesome kid to a happy sunny warrior and our older brothers personality was the most shocking change like flipping a switch, from kind warm hearted and caring towards cold stone faced and strict serious ongoing warrior. His face has always a scowl, yours a stupid bright full expression someday my eyes would burn from them".
" hey! There is nothing wrong with my personality".
" I remember this photo very well that you wrapped your muscular arm around my shoulder chocking the lights out of me, forcefully drag our older brother to take it, what's in their mind to take a photo in the middle of the forest especially when strong storm is about to come, thanks to your stupid attics we have to suffer from coldness, lost of way and from attack of the beasts I was literally bedridden due to cold and injuries older brother was hospitalized because he used his own body to shield us from the disasters and you stupid were the only one unscratched, because you were using me as your fucking personal snow slider and dark dragon cacao cookie as a parachute".
" Oh come on it was not bad, it became joke of the day".
Demonos Cacao cookie shivers in fear but regain his courage said without thinking and knowing the consequences of his actions.
" Some what, good thing I did hahaha I really loved the look on you face when the doctor you had to go under plastic surgery to fix that face of yours hahaha that expression was gold and the good look was that when dark dragon made that face when the doctor said he too had to undergo surgery to fix his wings especially his jewels if not he will become enuch hahaha the expression he had made when he had heard he will become an enuch hahaha".
Dark cacao cookie didn't said anything he was shivering in fear leaning against the old dusty wooden wall, this action shocked him to core as he asked " bro are you okey, you creeping me out say something?".
Shaking dark cacao cookie points his hand towards him indicating something behind him, as Demonos Cacao cookie looked behind him his eyes widened in fear as his whole body covered in sweat as he nervously said " Hi! Brother great weather it is right heeee".
The shadow revealing to be Dark dragon no ferocious Dark Dragon Cacao cookie as he growls in deep scary tone "So that's how you saw me an enuch carely a disappointment, looks like you really liked to gossip behind others back , I carely remembered that the "gift" you gave me on my birthday resulted in almost losing my precious jewels so I have to undergo surgery thanks to the god himself that I don't lost it otherwise I would be a laughing stock of men especially our kingdoms warriors, now your hear making fun of me while dark cacao cookie tried to reason with you guess you haven't matured that tiny monkey brain of yours, I guess we have evoluted gaining intelligence but you haven't still remained a monkey guess it's punishment time for apes who bites the hand that fed you".
As dark dragon cacao cookie took out his club signalling Demonos Cacao cookie to ran as he ran for his life while the eldest went after him swinging his club as dark Cacao cookie went after not wanting to be left behind, as screams of Demonos Cacao cookie echoed throughout the whole kingdom.
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silverdune · 7 months
dental floss | three (i). correspondence
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"to. choi jongho.. from the newest fledgling, park seonghwa."
minors dni. ageless blogs dni. blank blogs dni. you'll be blocked. <- previous | dental floss masterlist | next -> character(s): park seonghwa, kim hongjoong, jung wooyoung, jeong yunho, choi jongho, choi san, kang yeosang, song mingi tags: vampires, blood drinking, banter, mild tension, way too many letters, time jumps (still a flashback), changing povs word count: 8.8k summary: seonghwa struggles to come to terms with being a vampire; a tense atmosphere becomes tranquil; the correspondence between long-term friends extends to the newest fledgling; a/n: i humbly present this chapter that i have spent way too long writing and quite frankly am not all too happy with but i needed to update it sooo here it is :') i hope you enjoy
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× February, 1883 ×
Not three months had passed and even still, Seonghwa often struggled to come to terms with the fact he was now a vampire.
It helped an incredible amount that he now had three friends to share these days with, but whenever the moon rose high, Hongjoong’s words coming back to him - the moon is our sun, the night is our day - it left him with this deep seated sentiment that he could not fathom spending an eternity as an immortal being.
That, and the teeth situation was still absolutely diabolical.
Awoken from his slumber to the sound of Wooyoung’s laughter coming from the next room, he sat up in bed and stretched his arms. They did not have a spare bed to give Seonghwa when he first joined them, so Hongjoong offered his own in exchange for him sleeping in an old leather chair in the sitting room. Seonghwa was flabbergasted at this proposal, but Yunho told him of Hongjoong’s inherent stubbornness and that it was not worth it to argue when the heart had been set in stone. Begrudgingly, Seonghwa accepted the horrifically generous offer and, after some much needed clean up, he retired in their house for the very first time. Much earlier than the other vampires would, being just shy of dawn, but Seonghwa still had yet to adapt to the idea of being awake at such a time, and the extraneous effort of his transformation proved to be draining. Even so, it is unfounded to Seonghwa’s mind, despite knowing of folks who work late into the evening and do not sleep until well after midnight.
The only difference is, this is purposeful. There are stakes to being exposed to the sun, as evidenced by every window being covered and the urgency with which Hongjoong had them both return to the house before the sun could even begin to rise. Vampires will go to great lengths to refrain from touching daylight wherever and whenever possible.
Seonghwa glanced around the space and took it all in again for what felt like the hundredth time. In the back of his mind, he pondered on how his parents would feel to learn of his vampirism, had they still been around to see it.
Thirst crept up his neck and dried the roof of his mouth before he had a chance to properly think. He knew Yunho had gone out the night before to stock up on blood supply, which was good; it saved Seonghwa the trouble of making hunt himself, which again, given the diabolical teeth situation, he had not been willing to do up to this point. Despite being a vampire, he would give anything and everything to not have to extend his canines again.
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Seonghwa rubbed the nape of his neck and groaned. The bed was okay comfort wise, he supposed much better than sleeping in a leather chair anyway. Standing up, he pushed and tweaked his shoulders around to get some ease of movement in them as he left the bedroom to go downstairs.
Wooyoung’s bedroom door was open. He was sitting on the floor, and when he spotted Seonghwa he called out, “Morning, Seonghwa!”
It made Seonghwa jump, and he placed a hand on his chest before turning to Wooyoung. “Ah.. Good morning..” Bizarre to wish a good morning in the dead of night. “Did I hear you laughing just now?” he asked curiously.
“Oh!” Wooyoung giggled before standing up. “I got a letter just now from San. You remember San, right?”
Seonghwa nodded. The three of them had contacts with another group of four vampires who lived on the other side of the country: San was one of the four, the others being Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho. Hongjoong explained how they had met, and sent a letter to Jongho soon after he joined them to inform him of the new fledgling. An epithet Hongjoong held true to calling him.
Their correspondence began some five years ago, but they had yet to meet in person. Wooyoung joked that Seonghwa was the missing piece of the puzzle, and that the universe was waiting for him to join so they could be eight. Seonghwa did not take him seriously, but Hongjoong and Yunho knew him better. If anything, it would not surprise them if he was right.
Wooyoung held in his hands a slightly crumpled piece of paper that he smoothed out as best as he could while approaching Seonghwa. “San is truly an amusing individual, you should listen to this!” The faintest smile appeared on Seonghwa’s lips and he momentarily forgot about his thirst. Wooyoung had only ever been a kind, humble, compassionate man to Seonghwa, traits he noticed in Hongjoong and Yunho too, but traits that seemed to billow out of Wooyoung in unfeigned simplicity. As though it were ingrained in him to be this way, the heart unrelenting to remain warm and tender in its cold inertia.
Wooyoung skimmed the letter until he found what he was looking for, and Seonghwa listened attentively. “Ooh! Ooh- it’s this part! Jongho and I partook in a game of chess some days ago, and when he was looking the other way to talk to Mingi, I quickly shifted the pieces around so that they formed a checkmate in my favour. I do not know how he did not notice as soon as he turned back, but I was trying my hardest to suppress laughter until he eventually caught on. I had no choice but to return the pieces back to their original places. You should have seen the look on his face when he noticed; I could not contain my laughter for a second longer when he realised I had played that practical joke on him.” Seonghwa lifted a brow and scoffed a minute amount as Wooyoung chuckled. He glanced up at Seonghwa and said, “I would have loved to have seen the look on Jongho’s face.”
“I can imagine it was a picture,” quipped Seonghwa.
“Indeed it must have been! Jongho is a very patient person from what I’ve understood about him over the years. I think San is the only person who could possibly get away with playing such practical jokes on him. From what I’ve learned of Yeosang, he isn’t the kind of person to do it, and Mingi doesn’t seem to want to ruffle Jongho’s feathers like that.”
Seonghwa hummed passively. The thirst began to kick back in and he cleared his throat. “Has there been any indication of a plan to meet in person yet?”
Wooyoung immediately frowned and shook his head disappointedly. “No, unfortunately. It’s been really difficult to arrange that sort of meeting. Travel is ridiculously expensive and would take so long.” Folding the letter and putting it in his pocket, Wooyoung left his bedroom to head downstairs. Seonghwa followed on, reaching his side, and they walked shoulder to shoulder down the steps. “Hongjoong has suggested before that we meet somewhere in the middle, but they live in the far south of the country, so they would need to travel north. Jongho doesn’t know what would be the easiest route to take or where exactly to meet.”
Seonghwa nodded in understanding. “And moving further afield to meet in this major city would take longer and cost a lot more.”
“Exactly,” sighed Wooyoung, despondently. They reached the bottom of the stairs and went straight into the kitchen. “It may seem strange to talk about it, as it is still so far off, but we do at least know we want to try and meet before the turn of the new century.”
Turn of the new century. The turning of Seonghwa’s stomach at the very thought.
The idea - no, the fact - that Seonghwa would be the same age then as he was now, frozen in time, space and body, nearly made Seonghwa forget about thirst and appetite completely. However, once Wooyoung had opened the cupboard doors to reveal the two shelves full of bottles, he practically dove for one.
“Oh- Haha!” Wooyoung stepped back and put his hands on his hips. “Someone’s thirsty!” he teased.
Seonghwa paused mid-drink and dramatically turned back to look at Wooyoung. His lips were covered and Wooyoung snorted before shaking his head. “..Sorry,” murmured the fledgling.
“You aren’t making fun of him, are you?” called Hongjoong as he entered the kitchen. A smirk was already on his face, but it faded briefly at the sight of Seonghwa hunched over the counter with a semi-depleted bottle in his left hand.
Wooyoung answered Hongjoong’s question, genuinely hurt by such an accusation, “Of course not! Why would I ever make fun of the new member of our family?” He placed a hand on his chest and pouted.
Seonghwa stilled at that word. Family. Was that what they truly considered him? That was the first time he had heard any of them use the word to refer to him. Seonghwa knew he was going to ponder this all day- night.
Meanwhile, Hongjoong raised a brow at Wooyoung, and Wooyoung glared back at him.
Seonghwa licked his lips and straightened his back before facing them head on, caught like a deer in the headlights amidst their light-hearted tension. He had begun to learn just from observation what the trio’s dynamics were, and all he had gathered so far of Hongjoong and Wooyoung’s relationship was.. bickering. Lots and lots of it.
Hongjoong’s eyes softened and he approached the other vampire. “I’m jesting, as I know you are.”
Wooyoung’s hand fell to his side and he huffed. “You must make examples of me, huh?”
“How else do I keep you in order?” Hongjoong asked, folding his arms.
The answer was known and unspoken. Wooyoung’s eyes flitted around the kitchen until they landed back on Hongjoong. He let out a giggle and Hongjoong ruffled his hair, which Seonghwa was surprised to find was not being protested.
Seconds of silence followed before Hongjoong glanced over at Seonghwa. “Sleep well?”
Clearing his throat, Seonghwa nodded. “Better than usual, honestly.”
“That’s good.”
Wooyoung nudged Hongjoong, “I got a letter from San tonight.”
“Oh? How are he and the other three?” wondered Hongjoong as he moved over to the cupboard where Seonghwa was standing.
“Doing well by his account! Though he told me of a practical joke that he played on Jongho-” Wooyoung took out the letter and unfolded it. “They were playing chess and he moved some pieces around while Jongho wasn’t looking so they made a checkmate in his favour!” he chuckled.
Hongjoong opened a bottle and took a swig. “So that’s why I heard you howling with laughter earlier.”
“Yeah.. I think I accidentally woke Seonghwa up with it.”
Seonghwa shook his head, deciding not to make Wooyoung feel guilty. “I was basically awake already, do not worry.”
Hongjoong could see the look in Seonghwa’s eyes and smiled to himself. Wooyoung grinned, then said, “Seonghwa asked about the possibility of us meeting with the four of them.”
Whenever this subject flared its nostrils, it always frustrated Hongjoong deep down. Five years and not a single solution to this very problem.
Seonghwa gazed at him with a sudden guilt that had started to rise from the pit of his stomach. Hongjoong didn’t notice for a while, but by the time he looked over, Seonghwa had averted his eyes. Hongjoong let it go when he remembered that Seonghwa was just curious; he didn’t deserve the long-standing vexation Hongjoong felt over this debacle.
“We hope to do it soon. My apologies, I don’t want you to feel the burden of my difficulty in figuring out a way to go about it.”
Seonghwa met his eyes again. “Do not apologise, I understand that the situation around travel is remarkably difficult.”
“Isn’t it just?” agreed Hongjoong with a sigh. “Jongho and I have been in talks for months over this. We thought we could meet in the middle of the country-”
“I mentioned this to Seonghwa-” Wooyoung curtly interjected.
Hongjoong vaguely gestured at him, “..but as you know, that seems quite impossible. And so, we continue to write letters to one another. Perhaps one of these days we can wrangle some funds and a way to get to each other.”
Seonghwa considered all of the factors for a time. Setting the bottle down on the counter, he put forward a burning question. “Wooyoung mentioned they lived in the far south; where, exactly?”
“Gwangju,” Hongjoong replied. Seonghwa’s brows perked up and his eyes grew wide; that was quite the distance. “..I know,” said Hongjoong, filling in his thoughts.
“There is a route that goes between the two cities, it’s just the expense,” shrugged Wooyoung.
“I have family that live in Gwangju..” mumbled Seonghwa in a faintly maudlin fashion. Both Hongjoong and Wooyoung snapped their heads over at that. Seonghwa cut in, seemingly dashing all hope from their veins, “Not that I know if they are still there. I have not seen that side of the family in at least ten years.”
Hongjoong was quick on the pulse. “Say, for argument’s sake, your family were still there. Do you..”
Seonghwa tensed from head to toe.
Hongjoong stopped.
Seonghwa’s silent plea to not to have such a tall order be asked of him was felt through the kitchen. Wooyoung glanced back and forth between them, before his eyes finally landed on Hongjoong, who chastised himself internally, then swallowed his pride and muttered an apology. “Getting too far ahead of myself there..”
Seonghwa took a breath, but didn’t exactly relax.
At that moment, Yunho entered the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but pivoted away once he felt the cold, dead weight hanging in the air. Wooyoung was the first to move, leaving the kitchen to go into the sitting room with a pat on Yunho’s shoulder.
Standing in the doorway, Yunho took in the atmosphere and sighed. “What’s happened?”
Seonghwa glanced over at Yunho, who locked eyes with him. He could not say anything for the awkwardness, and instead chose to stare at the floor.
Yunho then looked over Hongjoong.
Hongjoong gazed back at him. “I need to write another letter to Jongho,” was all he said, before passing Yunho and going to his office, leaving the two men standing in the kitchen alone.
Yunho closed the distance and folded his arms before leaning against the counter on his side.
Seonghwa swirled the red, viscous liquid in the bottle. “I think I upset him,” he chuckled soberly.
With an exhale, Yunho tried to placate him. “You wouldn’t have upset him, trust me.” Seonghwa glanced up. “He just.. has way too many chips on his shoulder about far too many things and has no idea how to shift them all. None of them are personal, I promise.”
“About meeting the other group?” blurted Seonghwa before he could bite back the words.
It took a second, but Yunho eventually rubbed his face with his hands. “That chip has been on his shoulder for a long time.”
“I can tell,” Seonghwa said, almost spitefully, though he did not mean for it to relay as such. He gulped down his attitude with another swig of blood and huffed. “Perhaps mentioning I had family in Gwangju was not the best idea.”
Yunho drew his brows together at that revelation. “You did?”
Seonghwa nodded, staring idly at the bottle. He watched it swill and slosh around, a reflection of the messy, coagulated nature of his brain. Everything was strange. Everything was different. He was different. He felt different. He drank blood. He had long teeth that were a pain to get out. He stayed up at night. He had new people to call friends and yet sometimes, he felt more at odds with them than in line. The routine had changed. The functions of his body were all haywire. Nothing made sense.
Yunho watched as the gears got progressively more tangled in Seonghwa’s head with each passing second. The three of them had only known Seonghwa for a couple of months, and did not properly understand him yet. Many decades versus only a few weeks caused a great deal of whiplash in the household if they were being truthful, but Seonghwa was here. A part of their group. A new vampire trying to understand this life and this world. A man thrown into a new environment with people he did not know who had a history much greater than he could ever fully grasp. They had a duty of care, fundamentally, but beyond that, tangible friendship and a good bond had begun to form.
The tension was still too prevalent. Moments of connection sullied by a feeling that Seonghwa should not be here, that anything he did caused Hongjoong more grief. And now this, the conversation around meeting with another group of vampires. More people Seonghwa did not know, more ties to a community he still had trouble navigating.
More places to feel like he did not belong.
Between the gratitude he felt towards Hongjoong and the resignation to always being on the outskirts, laid a deep desire to connect.
He placed the bottle down on the counter and walked away from Yunho, who stopped him with an outstretched hand, “Hey, Seonghwa?” Seonghwa turned back to him with surly eyes. Yunho breathed out. “I will talk to Hongjoong, if it will help.”
At this rate, Seonghwa was merely defeated. He shrugged and said, “Do whatever you wish,” before leaving the kitchen to return to his room. Hongjoong’s room. His. The confusion.
Yunho dragged a hand across his face, bemoaning the frayed ties between Hongjoong and Seonghwa. This was not how it was supposed to be. The first night was so warm. The first week was wonderful, alive and new.
Yunho knew he had to drag Hongjoong out of whatever moss-covered cavern he found himself in and shake him forthwith.
Heading to the old soul’s office, Yunho knocked three times and got a distant hum of acknowledgement; the signal of permission to open the door. Yunho entered and Hongjoong spared him one glance before looking back down at the paper on his desk.
“Hongjoong? We need to talk.”
Hongjoong paused. One second, two seconds, three seconds..
He dropped the paper and exhaled. “I know what you’re about to tell me.”
Yunho moved to stand behind the chair on the opposite side and rested his hands on top. “For how welcome you made Seonghwa feel before, something is changing and he feels less welcome than ever.”
The words stung. Hongjoong closed his eyes to deflect them, but they seeped on through and sunk down into his irises, boring their way through his mind and down into the depths of his lungs.
When he eventually opened them again, he did not look at Yunho. “I know what the problem is..”
“You keep expecting too much out of him. Unintentionally so, yes, but that doesn’t make it read any differently.”
“I know!” Hongjoong almost snapped, before retracting back instantly. It did not make Yunho flinch, nor was it at a level to even make him stir, but it stilled the moment for a second until Hongjoong stood and looked his friend in the eye. “Where is he?”
Yunho could have answered this question in many ways, but he chose the way that hit the hardest.
“The room you gave up for him.”
Hongjoong tensed. His eyes softened beyond measure. His heart sank.
In a new release of energy, he grabbed the papers off the desk and hurried past Yunho to leave the office. Yunho watched him, the corners of his lips turning upwards in a hopeful smile.
Hongjoong flew up the stairs and headed straight for the bedroom Seonghwa was in. He knocked, and upon hearing Seonghwa ask who it was, replied, “It’s me. Hongjoong.”
Inside, Seonghwa pushed his shoulders back and sauntered to the door. Upon opening it, he came face to face with a remorseful Hongjoong, holding a few pieces of paper in his hands. “Hello.”
“Hi.. May I talk with you?”
Seonghwa nodded, and opened the door to let him in. Hongjoong bowed his head as he passed, and Seonghwa closed the door behind him.
They came face to face, and Hongjoong suddenly felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.
In an instant, he was taken back to the night he saved Seonghwa.
His witty remarks. His ability to banter despite the pain. The tears in his eyes. The anxiety, the fear, the uncertainty.
The curiosity.
The thing Hongjoong chastised him for.
He lowered his head in shame. “..Seonghwa. I know that recently, I have not been the most.. patient with you. I have expected things from you that I would not even expect of Yunho and Wooyoung. I have begun to treat you unfairly when I am supposed to be standing up as your mentor.”
Hongjoong gazed at Seonghwa and saw the tears begin to form in his eyes. No, God, no..
He needed to fix this.
“Seonghwa, I am so irrevocably sorry for all that I have thrown at your door these past couple of months, even when you are still coming to grips with so much. You deserve all the time in the world and I have not been giving that to you.. I am so deeply sorry.”
Seonghwa sniffed and wiped a stray tear from the corner of his eye. “Well.. thank you for talking to me. Thank you for apologising and recognising how your actions may have hurt in their hastiness.”
“I do recognise, Seonghwa, and I know it has likely come a little too late but-”
“I am willing to accept your apology..” Seonghwa took a deep breath. He could not believe he was willing to take this leap. “Would you allow me to do one small thing?” Hongjoong agreed immediately, closing the distance, eager to hear Seonghwa’s request. “..Would you allow.. me to write a letter to Jongho?”
Hongjoong felt the weight of the world disappear. He beamed and held the papers out to him. “Why do you think I brought these?”
Seonghwa sighed and gently took them. “Hongjoong, for how different we are in personality, we could truly meet on each other’s path.”
Hongjoong relaxed, his gleaming smile relaxing to a faint grin. “I do believe that, Seonghwa. Let’s put it into action.”
× March, 1883 ×
When Jongho inspected the envelope properly for the first time since returning home that night, he was not expecting to see penmanship that did not belong to Hongjoong, Yunho or Wooyoung.
The latter two hardly wrote to him, but he had seen enough of the letters San, Mingi and Yeosang would receive to know their handwriting. Hongjoong was usually the one to send him letters, and this was certainly not Hongjoong’s handwriting.
Grabbing the letter opener that always sat so pristinely on his desk, he jabbed then dragged it along the top of the envelope, causing the distinct tearing sound that always made him wince. He dropped the carved bit of wood then pulled out the letter, setting the envelope aside to give the contents within his full attention.
Upon unfolding the letter, the first thing he noticed was the date: 26th January, 1883.
He knew how long it took for letters to get from Seoul to Gwangju. Comparing the date of this letter to the current date - which he knew was roughly three weeks on - it seemed to him that this came from the same place, or thereabouts.
He then spied the address beneath it.
The exact same as always.
Jongho tilted his head to the side and continued reading.
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26th February, 1883
To. Choi Jongho,
First of all, I would like to say that I hope this letter finds you well. This may come as a surprise, considering it is the first time I have written a letter to your household since I became a vampyre. The people I live with have told me many things about you, and your hopes to one day meet in person. I trust that soon, there will be a way for you to come together, and I hope that I might be able to join in what I am sure are the delights of your company and hospitality.
I can tell you from experience, having been acquainted with them, that they are respectable, assuring, kind and considerate people. There have, of course, been moments of uncertainty and worry, but that is not down to any ill of their character, nor does it speak on their actions. In truth, navigating this new life has been incredibly daunting, as I am sure you know, and there have been many moments of reflection where I have had to come to terms with the fact that I am indeed a vampyre. However, you can be reassured that meeting them for the first time will be a wonderful experience, and I am certain that the time for pleasantries will be sooner rather than later.
I welcome a response to this letter, should you choose to write one. I find myself quite anxious for your reply, but I hope this can transform into a long-standing correspondence between us.
I wish you and your companions good health for all your endeavours!
From the newest fledgling,
Park Seonghwa
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Jongho's eyes widened upon reading that name. Park Seonghwa.
It was a name only mentioned in the letters he received from Hongjoong.
Jongho had come to learn of how Seonghwa became a vampire and joined their group in the lengthiest essay he had ever received from the elder soul. Jongho was amazed to discover that Hongjoong was not only there, but had saved him and taken him under his wing. He did not take Hongjoong for an ignorant individual, nor one who would not put his back out for others, but the willingness with which Hongjoong had brought Seonghwa into his home left Jongho in awe.
Once he had read all of the details and theories that Hongjoong had over the event, it began to fall into place.
He skimmed the letter over and over again as he stood to leave the office. Yeosang was passing by and, upon catching wind of Jongho’s presence, came to a halt and exclaimed, “Oh! You frightened me..”
Jongho froze and jolted back. “Apologies, Yeosang. I’ve had a letter sent, and it's not from Hongjoong.” Jongho made quick moves to leave Yeosang behind as he flew across the hallway and down the stairs.
Yeosang took a second to process the information before chasing to catch up to him. “Who is it from?” he called down.
“Seonghwa,” answered Jongho, flatly. He disappeared into the sitting room.
Yeosang paused mid-flight. “Seonghwa?” he repeated in amazement, before continuing down the steps and across the foyer.
San was not too many paces behind as he left the kitchen to this news resonating through the building. “Who mentioned Seonghwa?”
Yeosang’s reply was wind through the ears as he practically ran into the sitting room. “Jongho got a letter from him!”
San stopped. “The fledgling wrote?” he questioned, bewildered as ever. He cupped his hands on either side of his mouth and yelled to the second floor, “Mingi!”
Mingi could already hear the hustle and bustle and was preparing to leave his bedroom when the shouting of his name made him groan. “Alright, alright, I’m here. What's going on?” He appeared on the landing, tying the tassels of his robe and tucking them into the pocket. He then sat his hands on the balustrade overlooking the foyer.
“Park Seonghwa! The fledgling! He wrote to Jongho!” was all San announced before following the action into the sitting room.
Mingi flexed his brows in bemusement and hummed to himself. Pushing himself away from the railing, he took a leisurely stroll down the stairs while pondering what the new fledgling could have written in this letter.
By the time he reached the sitting room, San and Yeosang were bouncing off of the walls.
“This is so exciting, Jongho! Do you know what this means?” said San, a beaming smile on his face. Yeosang wore a similar expression of excitement as he paced back and forth with his arms folded.
Jongho was sitting on one of the sofas with a perplexed look on his face. Mingi caught this look and raised a brow. “Something amiss?”
Yeosang attempted to deflect, “How could something possibly be amiss? The fledgling took the courage to write to us- well, Jongho, but to us! Does that not count for something?” The question was mainly directed to Jongho, who still at this point was staring at the letter with a pout on his lips.
The atmosphere began to dwindle. San’s smile faded. “Jongho.. Surely, there isn't something to be concerned about?”
Worry began to set in across the three. Jongho eventually exhaled and said, “..Hard to tell.”
Yeosang tutted at his attitude. “Why must you spin so much into negatives?”
Jongho gazed up at him with challenging eyes. “How can we verify this really came from Seonghwa?”
That silenced the room.
San knitted his brows. “Is the address not the same on the letter?”
“It is, but we have no way of knowing if someone didn't just fake a letter in Seonghwa’s name and write the same address down.”
San huffed and Yeosang rubbed his forehead in exasperation. Mingi stepped forward and held up a hand. “Now, now, you two. Jongho has every right to be sceptical. We can never be too sure.”
“Thank you, Mingi..” Jongho sighed, standing up from the sofa.
“That being said.. let me have a closer look,” said Mingi, holding out his hand to take the paper. Jongho stared at him for a time, then passed it over, slightly confused at the purpose.
Mingi took the letter and looked at the back. He smiled once he found what he was looking for. “There is one way you can verify it came from Seonghwa.” His eyes flickered up to an uncertain Jongho. “What defining feature do all of the letters we receive from them have in common? The one tiny factor that lets us know it came from them?”
San’s eyes lit up. “The little mark on the back of the-”
Mingi smiled wide and turned the page around, pointing to the mark that sat in the bottom right corner of the otherwise blank page.
The trio took a closer look. All of their worries melted away.
“That's Hongjoong's mark,” said Yeosang.
Mingi pulled back the page and looked at him. “This came from Seonghwa, alright.”
San and Yeosang beamed at one another.
Jongho took the letter and exhaled in relief. “A new chapter begins.”
× April, 1883 ×
The old soul jolted awake in his leather chair and turned to see Seonghwa enter the room. He rubbed away the sleep in his bleary eyes and yawned, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all! The opposite actually.” He held up the four envelopes in his hand.
Hongjoong woke up completely in an instant. His lips curled up in a smile. “Wow.. Are they what I think they are..?”
Seonghwa returned the smile and ripped open the first envelope. He pulled out the letter and unfolded it. Hongjoong knitted his brows seeing writing on the back. From a distance, he could see his name at the top.
Without noticing Hongjoong’s expression, Seonghwa read the letter.
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22nd March, 1883
To. Park Seonghwa,
I must first remark that this has come as the greatest, but most pleasant surprise. I was unsure at first given that we have never spoken before now, I hope you understand, but it was Mingi that discovered the mark left by Hongjoong that verified it was from you. 
It has taken much thought to decide what to put in my first letter to you. I suppose I should start by saying that I have been a vampyre for the last seventy years. It really is a frightfully long time when I phrase it that way, but in truth the years have flown by so fast that the actual length of time is at odds with my understanding of it.
I am glad that you have found comfort in Hongjoong, Yunho and Wooyoung’s home, and I take respite in your kind words about their character. Though we have spoken in letters over many years, you are the one who has met the three of them in person. It brings me joy to understand that they seem to be just as amicable and welcoming as they have shown to us through our five-year long correspondence.
I must inform you, that I take your words of us meeting to heart, as do my three companions. You seem to be so confident that it only instils further confidence in us, that we will meet before the turn of the new century and as you say, delight in each other’s company. I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that we will be more than obliged to welcome you into our space. There is a place for you here in our thoughts already, and we can only hope that will extend to a tighter bond between the eight of us as the years go on.
If it was ever a wonder, you shall be hearing from the other three. They are all eager to write and to get to know you, and not just through the window of their letters to our friends. Thank you for taking the time to send us a letter, and tell Hongjoong that I have included a letter for him on the back of this one.
I wish good health to you in return. May the eight of us meet soon.
Choi Jongho
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Seonghwa turned the paper around to see the other letter on the back. “This one is from Jongho! My word, he is truly a kind man.” He held the letter out to Hongjoong. “There is a letter on the back for you too.”
Hongjoong got to his feet and approached the fledgling, taking the letter. “I thought it was..” He skimmed over the words, then decided he wanted to read this in private. “Do you mind if I take this up to my office to read?”
“Not at all! You can read what he wrote to me too. I do not mind. I am assuming these letters are from San, Mingi and Yeosang.”
Hongjoong nodded passively in agreement, then thanked him before leaving the room to go up to his office. Seonghwa watched him go, then sighed.
Before the turn of the new century, he thought.
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To. Hongjoong,
You are full of many surprises, are you not? Not much has changed in the years since we first began talking. I chuckle at the thought of the look on your face when you understand how we all reacted. San, Yeosang and Mingi cannot wait to meet Seonghwa now that we have the first letter from him.
I must inquire, was it your idea, Seonghwa's idea, or perhaps an amalgamation? I know you well Hongjoong and something tells me some guilt is afoot. From the tone of Seonghwa's letter in which he insists the eight of us will meet soon (and even still, he did not seem to include himself in that picture), it was purposeful and clear. I know how you have felt about this subject; has his assurance brought something uncertain in you? Or perhaps, you have met a new understanding with him from a quarrel unknown to me?
Do not feel obliged to answer these questions if you feel it will not help. It just burned within me to ask and so, I thought I would put it in this letter while I had the opportunity to send two in one. I know in my heart you take care of him well, just as I know you have with Yunho and with Wooyoung.
I do agree with him, Hongjoong. I truly hope the eight of us will meet soon.
From wire to thread,
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Hongjoong hid his tears among his sleeves as he finished reading the letter. Has his assurance brought something uncertain in you?
“Oh, no, Jongho..” he lamented, staring at the words on the page. “If anything, my resolve is stronger than ever.”
He picked up the quill and dipped it in the ink.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa went upstairs to his room and sat on the bed to read the other letters. He didn’t quite understand this feeling in his chest - his heart had stopped beating a while ago, and yet he could feel distant thudding in his ribcage.
Unfolding the first letter, he started reading.
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22nd March, 1883
To. Park Seonghwa,
Good day! I hope this is not too forward of a greeting, and if it is, please allow me to apologise. It has truly been wonderful to finally hear from you! My name is Choi San. I was turned in 1846 and have known Jongho ever since. Mingi has been here longer than I, and Yeosang joined us a little later, but I will let them tell their stories in their own letters which you should be receiving at the same time! Wooyoung and I are quite close - has he been treating you well? He is the most good-natured soul you will ever meet. From everything he tells me about you - and yes, he has said much about you - you seem to be the same!
I understand that you have struggled greatly with your teeth. Believe me, I was exactly the same when I was first turned. There was nothing more painful, and it was not until Hongjoong discovered what he did with the silk thread that we all began to manage it a lot better. I know that it may seem silly, and you may not want to, but it is an incredible method for curbing pain. It might incentivise you to use your teeth more often? It will definitely help getting used to it!
I hope to hear from you again. It has been very nice speaking with you!
Choi San
22nd March, 1883
To. Park Seonghwa,
Well, if it is not the newest fledgling! Hello, my name is Kang Yeosang, it is very nice to make your acquaintance after all this time! I must comment on the courage it must have taken to send us a letter, though we welcome it with the most open of arms.
I was turned in 1856, ten years after San. It was actually he who found me, brought me into the home and introduced me to Jongho and Mingi. At the time, we were in a much smaller, cottage-like dwelling, quite similar to where you live, as described by Wooyoung in his letters. He writes to both San and I, and I sometimes write to Yunho alongside Mingi. The seven of us have become quite the close knit group over these past five years, and we are more than happy to welcome you into a part of, well, a part of our family!
On the back, I have drawn a rough sketch of what our current house looks like. It is a little bigger than before, but that was Jongho’s idea. He insisted on a bigger, more estate-like building that was hidden away in the valleys. We were initially against it, but we warmed up to the idea once we realised how secluded it is. We also theorised that it was so he could host the three, now four of you once you finally come and visit, and it would not surprise us in the slightest if that was truly his intention. Jongho is a remarkably selfless man.
I speak for all of us when I say, thank you for writing, and we hope to hear from you soon!
Kang Yeosang
22nd March, 1883
To. Park Seonghwa
Greetings to you, fledgling. I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Song Mingi and I was turned in 1832. Much like Hongjoong to you, Jongho was my mentor, and I have known him for many years as the date suggests.
Do not be alarmed by our simultaneous address. We all supposed it was better for us to send one at the same time, and we are assured of your eagerness to receive us. I, for one, must express gratitude that you have decided to come forward and make yourself known. It is wonderful to finally have penmanship to the name, and to hear from you yourself.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of us at any time, though I do worry at how overwhelming it must be for you to receive not one, but four letters all at once. This is why we all chose one or two people to share correspondence with, that way we too, were not overwhelmed. It has saved us a lot of time. Believe me, none of us will be offended with whom you choose, it is up to you entirely, but if you are more than okay with sharing conversation with all four of us, we will not stop you.
I am glad to hear from you through Jongho. May we all come together soon.
Song Mingi
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“Goodness..” remarked Seonghwa under his breath. “They all seem like wonderful people. I understand why Hongjoong, Yunho and Wooyoung have continued to write to them.” He set the letters down on the space beside him and took a moment to think. He wanted to show the others the letters, then write to all of them in return.
As if on cue, Wooyoung knocked on the door. Seonghwa lifted his head. “You got letters?” he wondered, excitedly.
With a smile that stretched from ear to ear, Seonghwa nodded. “Come and look!”
× May, 1883 ×
Jongho would be lying to himself if he said he had not been waiting with bated breath for a month for a reply from Seonghwa to arrive. Though San, Yeosang and Mingi could not blame him; they had all been thinking along the exact same lines.
When the letters arrived, it was Yeosang who collected them and returned to the house, thrilled to share the long-awaited news. “The letters are here!”
The others entered the foyer at record speed. Yeosang noticed there were only three envelopes: two for Jongho, and one addressed to himself, San and Mingi collectively. Jongho took his two, and the trio gathered in a tight circle to read their joint letter together.
Silence fell over the whole estate as they read.
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18th April, 1883
To. Choi Jongho
May I just say that I find it absolutely remarkable to learn of how long you have been a vampyre? Seventy years is a frightfully long time, I cannot fathom it! I have not been a vampyre for even four complete months and yet it already feels like a great deal of time has passed. If I may be permitted to ask, how have you found the situation surrounding your teeth? I can only count on one hand the amount of times I have extended my canines since Hongjoong helped me through the transformation back in November. It was truly such a gut-wrenching experience that I vividly recall with despicable clarity. Surely, this is a sentiment felt among all if not most vampyres, no?
I learned it was Hongjoong who first discovered the trick with silk thread. Were you the first person with whom he shared it? Has it brought you any comfort in your seventy years of vampyrism? Seventy years.. Perish the thought.
I know the days are getting warmer here in Seoul, although strangely I can no longer feel the temperature. It is a bizarre feeling, no longer sensing the change in weather. How have you coped with that, if I may ask?
I wish you good health in the coming months.
Kindest regards,
Park Seonghwa
18th April, 1883
To. Choi San, Kang Yeosang and Song Mingi
I must express my sincerest gratitude to the three of you for being so amicable in your letters to me! It is truly an honour to speak with you all after learning only so much through the grapevine.
As I read your messages back to back, it sank in that you have been with each other for such a long time, much like Hongjoong, Yunho and Wooyoung. I recognise the connection you have fostered and the similarities between your circumstances that may have brought you together in the first place.
I see the term ‘fledgling’ has made its rounds. I did laugh to myself to see you use the epithet Hongjoong has since adopted with me. I wonder if, even long into the future when I have been a vampyre as long as you, I will still be called the ‘fledgling’.
San; you too, found no favour with your teeth? Hongjoong told me before that it did not get better with time, so please tell me, how, even with the silk thread, have you managed it? As for Wooyoung, he has been treating me with the utmost kindness. You are correct in that he is only the most good-natured soul, I am certain his heart is made from gold. I understand he has an impacted canine; it was the first thing he told me about himself. He tells me he is used to it now, but that it caused him so much discomfort for months. I remember what it was like the first time, and both of my teeth came through! I cannot imagine what it was like for Wooyoung in the past.
Yeosang; that is a wonderful picture! May I say, you are a great artist! The second I saw it I could picture its scale, much bigger than the one where we currently reside. It, too, would not surprise me if that theory is true. Jongho does appear to be a very selfless man, and I trust your judgement given you have known him for many years. I cannot wait to marvel at the house once we have all come together.
Mingi; I do appreciate your concern, but it was not overwhelming in the slightest! Instead, it brought me great delight to receive all of your letters at once. I would not be opposed to maintaining correspondence with all four of you, or at the very least, the three of you, as there is so much I would like to understand and ask about your experiences, to the extent with which you are comfortable answering of course. Hongjoong and Jongho seem to have much in common. They took us both under our wings; did Jongho rescue you from an unsightly incident? Please, do not respond to this if you feel it is too personal.
I welcome your address kindly, and too with open arms! Kindest regards,
18th April, 1883
To. Jongho,
First, how dare you make such a remark! Are you truly all that surprised even still in the years since we first spoke? I suppose if there was one way to catch you off guard it would be this.
A smile was brought to my face to learn of the three’s eagerness to meet with our newest fledgling, and yet it was quickly replaced with tears. Jongho, must you hurt my heart so? Must you see through me in a way no one else has yet dared? I should say that no uncertainty was brought out in me, and yet you are correct in your deduction that some guilt was afoot. In truth, I plagued Seonghwa for the first couple of months in a way I never did with Yunho and Wooyoung. I expected too much, and sought to fix it once I finally had it made perfectly clear to me that nothing would get better had I not done something different. I owe that to Yunho, and in part to you. Unconsciously, I have learned so much from you through our letters to one another. The patience and selflessness you show.. I want to emulate that in myself.
The idea of Seonghwa sending you a letter was the product of our two minds, but he was the first person to make that known. In fact, that very day in which things grew tense yet again, Yunho gave me the push I needed to confront him and apologise, and he stepped forward with the plan already tucked in my head. He told me that we could meet on each other’s path, even for how different we are, and things have only improved between us ever since.
Seonghwa has continued to instil confidence in all of us that we will all one day meet in person. I do not know if Seonghwa has told you of this, but the reason why things grew so tense that day was because I got too far ahead of myself in response to something he mentioned in connection with your location. But I will bite my tongue here and say no more, lest he has not made you aware of it.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish for us to be able to host each other’s company under one roof. I know my outer shell is tough, but you must recognise what is within: a resolve that only grows stronger day by day.
From thread to wire,
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Jongho could not deny the wheel of emotions he had just been spun on.
San, Yeosang and Mingi gazed up from their letter with smiles on their faces, only to find Jongho departing for his office. “Jongho..?” said San, inquisitively.
“Later, I must write a letter back.”
San hummed, then exchanged looks with the other men. “I suppose Hongjoong wrote him one as well.”
“My only guess,” agreed Yeosang.
Mingi turned back to their own letter, “Seonghwa seems determined.”
“Ah, this is all so exciting!” said Yeosang.
San grinned, then started making his way towards the stairs. “Come on! We now have a duty to uphold!”
× June, 1883 ×
Another month, another letter in Hongjoong’s hands.
It was at this moment that he looked back on the last five years of his life speaking with these four men.
He could not believe there was a not-so-distant chance of them finally meeting in person.
He unfurled the letter and took a deep breath in.
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26th May, 1883
To. Hongjoong,
Seonghwa has not mentioned anything to me about anything in connection with Gwangju, but I trust that if he would like to bring it up, he will do so, much as I am sure you have that same faith in him, without expectation.
But, dear friend, your head is much at odds with your heart, for you are as selfless as any person could come. Need I remind you it was you who sought to discover a way in which fellow vampyres could experience less pain? Need I recall to you the existence of the three men you took into your care, even as they live beside you under your roof? Dearest Hongjoong, I see through you in a way no one else dares because it is necessary. I have to see through your eyes to speak to the heart you shut away so often.
And besides, I am not the only one, nor the first who has ever dared. Remember him: his name is Jeong Yunho.
From wire to thread,
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Hongjoong’s chest turned to lead. In the corner of his eye, he saw Yunho in the kitchen with Wooyoung and Seonghwa, laughing with each other as if they had accompanied one another their whole lives.
Hongjoong’s gaze stayed fixated on Yunho for a long while.
“Don’t worry, Jongho,” he muttered to himself. “I won’t.”
As the months continued to pass them by, their correspondence not once losing steam, Seonghwa began to think back on the conversation he’d had with Hongjoong at the start of the year. Gwangju.
Summer had turned to autumn before their very eyes. Seonghwa stared out of what was comfortably now his room, Hongjoong forever opting to sleep in his old leather chair. He did not question Hongjoong on it once, recognising that he was probably very used to sleeping in the old chair, and that it must be an incredibly important piece of furniture to him.
The teeth situation was still diabolical. Seonghwa rarely hunted. Gwangju sat firmly in the back of his mind every step of the way.
Over the months, he’d begun to wonder whether it might be the one chance they all have to finally meet with the others.
He was reluctant initially, mainly because even if he did still have family in Gwangju, he would not know how to contact them, and he never wanted to be a burden on his relatives.
Something in the back of his mind would not let this go.
Gwangju.. Gwangju.. Gwangju..
He sighed and moved away from the window.
If I had any family in Gwangju.. who would it be?
Who would it be? Seonghwa began to think.
And from nowhere, only one name sprung to mind.
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taglist: @hyungseos-cafe × @namjooncrabs × @bikerjongho
× tristeetconfus (ave). do not repost. ×
13 notes · View notes
auldcowboysoul · 1 year
Candid review
Bells of San Angelo, 1947. This film has what is probably the 2nd most brutal fight in a Roy Rogers film. Post-WW2, it seems that his films took on a more serious, more graphic style. Director William Whitney definitely played a part in this, and it's well documented by old western fans everywhere! What's not well documented is this fight. Come on, guys, I need a play by play, I need dramatic details, I NEED h/c (hurt/comfort). IYKYK
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I find it so interesting and full of heroic drama, that once they are captured by the villain boss at gunpoint, Roy never says a word (although his facial expressions say plenty). He lets Cookie do all the actual talking, almost like a couple of kids caught breaking the rules together. The rule-breaking leader knows they deserve what's coming to them. But the sidekick friend can't help trying to talk their way out and around the consequences.
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It's a different take from the usual, "our cowboy hero can do no wrong" attitude that many of the earlier Roy Rogers westerns have. In earlier Roy Rogers movies, it seems like Roy is insanely lucky and just doesn't get caught when snooping around/breaking the law for his hero purposes. OR he can always charm his way out of consequences, in a sort of theme of "the ends justify the means".
Like in this scene, where he doesn't have a search warrant and therefore is unlawfully searching the mine. It's a classic B-western plot pattern -- Roy puts himself and Cookie in a compromising situation, risking their safety to get some clue to catch the baddies and save the day. He's done this to himself and many sidekicks (usually Gabby Hayes) before, but this time, in a shocking twist for a Roy Rogers western, there actually are consequences. Violent ones.
Roy gets the daylights punched out of him like never seen before in one of his movies. It's like the good director is making up for the dozens of previous films where Roy wins every fist fight and usually gets through every close shave unscathed. 
The beat down would almost be humiliating to our hero, except that it's Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys. He looks damn good at everything he does, including getting beaten up by a bunch of vicious, murdering miners. He takes it all like a champ, and keeps going.
Again, I find it interesting that he doesn't say a word throughout the whole sequence, right before, during , and right after the fight. Of course, Cookie more than makes up for it.
It gives such dramatic feels to have Cookie handcuffed on the sidelines, alternately cheering for Roy and begging him to get up and keep fighting.
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Then the way Cookie rushes to stand protectively over Roy's prone figure after the baddies are done and let Cookie go from the handcuffs... So great. Cookie threatens the bad guy leader with legal action (again), but the bad guy just scoffs it off. The scene is cut and spliced midway, which is tragic because I would have loved to see more protective-angry Cookie lines on Roy's behalf.
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Anyways, Cookie gives us the h/c that's really needed after the shock of watching our hero get severely beaten. Cookie helps Roy to his feet and actually steadies him a bit as the henchmen bring their horses around. The bad guy and Cookie verbally duel it out for the last word. Roy just silently mounts Trigger and rides away, with one last look at the bad guys' leader.
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In the scene after they ride away, Roy discusses the bad guys motives with Cookie as they clean their guns, acting remarkably chipper for someone who was just beaten into the dirt, literally. He doesn't seem put out in the slightest, just more determined to catch the bad guys than ever. Cookie wants revenge on the bad guys, but Roy still just wants justice. Which is inspirational really.
I think it makes sense that Cookie would want revenge, having been a little scarred, from being helpless and forced to watch while his friend got a thorough beating. He may have had some survivor's guilt, since the baddies didn't touch him. "We wouldn't want to hurt the Sheriff, it wouldn't be legal," the bad guy points out in a surprising burst of intelligence for a b-western baddie. Definitely a fanfiction opportunity if I ever saw one, for Roy to give some comfort to Cookie's emotional hurt. 
Another note - Roy and Cookie had been out all night searching for a missing border sentry. He hadn't slept in possibly 24 hours. That does no favors to your stamina. 
Realism points -- Roy does seem to be sporting a black eye with a cut under it, and maybe also some blood from his ear afterwards. And his jacket sleeve is ripped, which is tragic because that jacket is really flattering to his shoulders and waist. Like, aw no, nice jacket. 
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In my opinion, although this fight is pretty violent for a Roy Rogers film, it's just a warm up compared to the whipping/beating scene in Eyes of Texas (released 4 months later in 1948). To be fair, in Eyes of Texas they were trying to kill him, whereas in this scene, they are just trying to beat a warning into him. So not the same thing, plot-wise. But still, I think this is the second most thorough beating Roy ever gets from bad guys. 
I have to wonder what fans thought back in the day. It had to be a little shocking. It's nice to get a bad guy/Roy rematch in the big fight at the end! He's fighting two bad guys, including the bad guy leader who punched his lights out previously, at the top of a rock cliff and it's very badass and exciting. He brings better backup in the form of a couple dogs this time (sorry Cookie), and the dogs actually help corral one of the bad guys, letting Roy focus all his fighting attention on the bad guy leader. It's so satisfying when Roy feeds the bad guy's line back to him.
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"Get up, the picnic's just started!" He barks, echoing what the bad guy told him when he was being forced to fight the gang one by one. This is personal. And Roy doesn't need six cronies standing around to help him finish beating up this no good murdering snake! Cookie even gets a bop in at the end, when the bad guy is trying to run away from his justly deserved beating!
"Save one for me, Roy!"
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On a side note, does anyone else feel like they can tell Roy's stunt double from behind? Something about his hair, I think! Like, this has to be the stunt double here, Joe Yrigoyen.
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But this is actual Roy, and we can be certain because it was shot in one take.
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0 notes
Don’t Mess With The Queen
Characters: Klaus Mikaelson x Hybrid!Reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Warnings: none
Request by anonymous: Could u do a imagine where the reader is friends with the mystic falls gang and is a werewolf and finds out that she and klaus r mates?
Summary: People who you want to call your friends are planning on killing the love of your life. It’s your job to show them who’s really the boss.
Author’s Note: This is a female!reader. I did change this request a tad, but I hope you like it! I haven’t written for TVD in a while now, so please bear with me on this. After asking a few people, I have decided to end this on a fluffy note. I did write an angsty alternate ending, but I don’t know if the anon who requested wanted that or not.
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No one knows why you’re really here. They all think you’re their friend, so they feel comfortable disclosing their plan right in front of you. You want to be friends with them because they seem like genuinely nice people, but they are so fueled by rage and revenge that they’ll do anything to get it… even plotting against your mate, your sire, the love of your life.
Stefan and Damon have spent their entire life fighting each other and putting their noses in places where it doesn’t belong. Elena and Caroline have always been the people who want to fix others, to make them better even if there is nothing wrong with them. Bonnie is always stuck in the middle of everyone’s problems, putting herself and others in danger for no reason.
“So, what’s the plan here?” Elena asks, taking out the last bit of weapons she has stashed in the Boarding House.
“First thing we need to do is pick a location. When is Klaus most vulnerable?” Stefan asks.
“Yeah, the last time we did that, Elijah betrayed us. That moonrock or whatever was our only chance to get him at his weakest.”
“You were one of Klaus’ bitches. What do you think?” Damon asks and turns to you.
“What?” you ask, pulling back from your own thoughts.
“You spent over two years sired to him before Tyler saved you. You must know things that can help here,” Elena says.
What she says is true. You were sired to Klaus for two years, but not in the way they believe. You were sired to him in the beginning when you were first turned by Klaus’ mother. You were a werewolf that was in the same village as Klaus and his family. You two became fast friends, always leaning on each other whenever his abusive father and your abusive mother decided to make you two their toys.
Everything was going fine until one of your own decided to kill the youngest member of the Mikaelson family. There was a family friend of Esther, Tatia, that she used her blood in a spell that would make them the Original vampires. Klaus wanted you to have the same thing, so without his parents knowing, he gave you some of that wine. You were the first-ever turned hybrid that came from a spell.
You and Klaus have spent every moment together ever since. What the gang of Mystic Falls doesn’t know is just how old you are. They think you were just another hybrid that he made with Elena’s blood, stuck with him against your will. Tyler found your pack in the mountains and proceeded to unsire every single one of Klaus’ hybrids. When Tyler got to you, that’s when you started to catch onto what he was doing.
If Tyler wanted to desperately to save you, then you were going to act like you wanted to be saved. You came to Mystic Falls and befriended the vampires in the town. Now, they all think that you hate Klaus as much as they do when really, you’re just as in love with him as you were when you first met him.
“He really liked hiding out in the woods, though, they’re usually on werewolf territory, so good luck trying to get there. It’s probably why you can never find him. The werewolves will get to you before he does. He hears chatter in the wind and he moves to another pack site.”
“That’s smart,” Caroline comments.
“Yeah, so you’re not going to find him there.”
“Guys, we need to figure out something, or else more people are going to get hurt,” Elena says. Sometimes, you really want to kill her so you don’t have to hear her speak. “Klaus needs to die.”
Hearing them talk about killing the love of your life enrages you a little bit. You could take every single person in here without breaking a sweat, but you don’t turn to violence just yet. You take out your phone to let Klaus know exactly what they’re planning. You’d be a bad girlfriend if you let them attack without warning him.
They’re planning on killing you, my love.
It’s cute if they think they can.
They seem hell-bent on figuring it out.
I’m not afraid of them if that’s what you’re worried about. They can’t hurt me even with their best player.
I’m worried someone is going to get very hurt. What should I tell them?
Tell them where I am. Let them come. If it’s a war they want, I’m only happy to provide.
Are you sure?
I’m always sure, love.
You put your phone away and look at the small group, getting up to join the elite circle.
“I do know where Klaus lives.”
“That would have been nice to know a little earlier, don’t you think?” Damon sneers.
“Damon, don’t,” Stefan butts in. “Where is he?”
“New Orleans. That place is crawling with witches and vampires, but he and his family are stationed there.”
“How do you know this?”
“Because he took me there once. The witches will know once you arrive, but most of them are scared of Klaus anyway that they’ll help you blend in. Everyone from that town knows the Mikaelsons are royalty, but their castle doesn’t have a lot of guards protecting it. If you want to get to him, that’s where you want to do it.”
“How do you know all of this? This seems awfully suspicious for someone who isn’t sired to him anymore.”
“He still thinks I am. He’ll call me every day and ask for something. He figures if he has a hybrid in another state that I can do his dirty work for him elsewhere. You want to get Klaus? That’s how you’re going to do it.”
“She does have a point. Better to take this fight to his turf than ours. He’s more comfortable there,” Stefan points out.
Now that they know a location, it didn’t take long for them to come up with a plan of attack. Of course, you told everything to Klaus as soon as you were on the plane to get to New Orleans. He told you not to worry about a thing because he’ll plan a little something for their arrival.
No one messes with the King and his Queen.
When you land in New Orleans, the gang is eager to carry out their plan of attack. Just like you said, the town is crawling with witches who sense you the minute you landed. Every single witch knows you by heart, so they’re confused why you’re with them and not with Klaus. Your love must have only told them the basic information instead of what was really going on.
“Okay, where is this son of a bitch?” Damon asks.
“The French Quarter is where he likes to hang out. You’ll want to start there. Caroline and Elena will blend in more since they’ve never been here, but you two might stick out like a sore thumb. Just be prepared. If anything, I know these guys so let me do the talking.” You pause right in front of the group and turn to Bonnie. “And Bonnie? These guys know you’re a Bennett witch. Try not to do magic unless absolutely necessary. Klaus has a thing with witches.”
You lead the group into the French Quarter while keeping your head down to avoid conflict. The group follows your lead until you reach the middle of the place you call home.
“Stay here,” you say and leave the group on your own.
You approach the small bar within the Quarter, and lean over the counter a tad, looking at the bartender.
“Is Klaus here?”
“I’m right here,” you hear your lover’s voice. You and the Mystic Falls gang turn to see him standing in one of the many doorways that enter the French Quarter. “I hear you’re looking for me?”
“Where in the world did you hear that?” Damon asks, giving you a side glare. You step away from the group and speed over to Klaus, standing just a tad behind him. He smirks and doesn’t break eye contact with the older brother. “Traitor.”
“It isn’t a betrayal if I was never on your side to begin with,” you state.
“What are you doing? You’re not sired to him anymore,” Stefan tries to appeal to you.
“My sire bond wore off in the tenth century. I’m a lot older than you think I am. I really did want to be your friend, but you’re all so driven by rage and revenge that you can’t leave us alone until we’re fixed to the standards set by you. Next time you plan to kill someone, you should think twice about who you let into your home.”
“We should get going,” Elena whispers.
“Always the level-headed one, Elena. Too bad you can’t,” Klaus grins.
Stefan and Damon try to leave using their vampire speed, but they are blocked by the spell put there from the witches in this town. It’s like a big spell to trap the four vampires and the one witch inside. Caroline steps into the sun and immediately screams in pain, seeking the shade to calm her burning skin.
“My daylight ring isn’t working.”
“Yes, you’re all trapped here. For how long is still yet to be determined. Welcome to the French Quarter ladies and gentlemen,” Klaus chuckles.
“I can’t use my magic,” Bonnie panics.
“The next time you even think about going after Klaus, I won’t be so nice,” you say.
Klaus wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, whispering something into your ear.
“Pardon us, we have other business to tend to.”
Klaus leads you away from the group, and only when you two are alone, does he turn you so that you’re facing him.
“You can relax, Klaus, no one is going to hurt you. Not as long as I am alive.”
“I can take care of myself, love,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, but isn’t it better when I do it?”
“Always and forever, my love,” you whisper.
You lean in and press your lips to his, showing him just how much you love him.
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why! (not sure how much i will write for this fandom, but add yourself if you want!)
@essie1876​ @choosemyname​ @cuddlyklaus​ @sotmperrie​ @akshi8278​ @chynarosep101​ @gh0stgurl​ @littlemissslytherinprincess​ @honeybums-blog​ @kendall-michele​ @tdntu0​ @miraclesoflove​ @nasatonie​ @thelazywitchphotographer​
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sl-ut · 3 years
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pairing: glenn rhee x reader, oc!alexander x reader (siblings), various x reader
description: rick tells all about his experience of waking up in the hospital, y/n gives the group a piece of her mind, and she and glenn get a moment to themselves.
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence
words: 2.4K
date posted: 27/02/22
previous part | next part
“Disoriented, that’s what comes closest. Disoriented. Fear, confusion, all those things but… Disoriented comes closest.”
Y/n buried her face into the blanket that she had settled into, leaning closer to the fire for warmth. Despite the unbearable heat during daylight, the Atlanta climate allowed for nights that were quite cold, especially so when Y/n’s sunburn caused her to become much colder than usual. She could hardly hear as Rick retold his experiences over the past two days over the chattering of her teeth. Alexander barely withheld his laughter at his sister’s misery, pulling her snugly against his side for extra warmth.
“Words can be meagre things.” Dale commented, “Sometimes they can fall short.”
“I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever.” Rick continued.
“Mom said you died.” Carl whimpered as he snuggled closer to his father.
“She had every reason to believe that. Don’t you ever doubt it.”
Lori pursed her lips, staring down into the low flames as she spoke, “When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta, and it never happened.”
“Well, I’m not surprised, after Atlanta fell. And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun.”
Y/n’s eyes were drawn to Shane as he cut in, “Yeah, looks don't deceive. I barely got them out, you know?”
She rolled her eyes, tired of having heard time and time again about how Shane had stepped up when his best friend was in the hospital, and had ultimately been unable to save him, so he instead opted to protect his family. Though, it appeared that Shane had been wrong when he pronounced Rick to be dead, which only seemed more alarming considering that he had taken over Rick’s role as father and husband since they had arrived at the quarry, not that anyone was supposed to know, but neither were great at keeping secrets. Besides, as Amy had mentioned earlier that day, Y/n was neither blind nor stupid, and had an impeccible talent for reading people.
From the firepit beside their own, Ed Peletier dropped another log onto the fire, causing a cloud of sparks to erupt as the flames began to rise. The site made Y/n shiver even more, imagining the heat that would be given off such a flame.
“Hey Ed, you wanna rethink that log?” Shane asked.
“It’s cold, man.” Ed grunted as he leaned back in his chair.
“The cold don’t change the rules, does it? We keep our fires low, just embers so we can’t be seen from a distance, right?”
“I said it’s cold. You should mind your own business for once.”
Y/n wanted to snort, but contained it as Shane pushed himself from his chair, stalking across to pause in front of Ed, “Hey Ed, you sure you wanna have this conversation?”
“Go on, pull the damn thing out.” Ed challenged, “Go on!”
Ed’s wife Carol jumped up from her own seat, snatching the stick that had been used as a poker to haul the log out of the flames before returning to coddling her daughter. Shane watched the woman curiously as he stomped on the small flame that had started on the grass.
“Carol, Sophia, how are y’all this evening?”
“Fine. We’re just fine.” Carol nodded at him, “I’m sorry about the fire.”
Y/n frowned as she watched the timid woman cower slightly under the gazes of both Shane and her husband. The dynamic of the Peletier family was made clear very early on after they had arrived at the camp. Ed, the drunken bigot, would spend his days lounging around, ordering others around while Carol and Sophia would arrive for their chores every morning with fresh bruises. Their tent was set up not too far from Y/n’s, and some nights she could even hear Ed berating the pair of them loudly.
“Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?” Dale asked. “He won’t be very happy to hear that his brother was left behind.”
An uneasy silence settled over the group. Alex had only briefly explained what had become of Merle Dixon in Atlanta to his sister, making sure to mention that there was a possibility that he was still alive. Regardless, Y/n did not want to be around when the news was broken to the younger Dixon brother.
Y/n had come to learn that Daryl was not quite like his brother. He was quieter, and didn’t seem to approve of the way his brother treated others, whether he stopped him or not. She had only ever spoken to him once, which had been earlier that morning after Merle had set his sights on her. Ain’t no pedo, he had said to her. It wasn’t exactly the type of thing to say that would earn her trust, but it certainly made her think of him much differently than she had previously, when she considered him to be just a younger version of his brother.
“I’ll tell him,” T-Dog announced, “I dropped the key. It’s on me.”
Rick shook his head, “I cuffed him, that makes it mine.”
“Guys, it’s not a competition. I don’t mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy.” Glenn added, shrugging as he glanced over at Rick.
“I did what I did,” T-Dog demanded, “Hell if I’m gonna hide from him.”
“We could lie.” Amy suggested.
“Or tell the truth. Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed.” Andrea leaned closer to Lori as she continued, “Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's.”
“And that’s what we tell Daryl? I don’t see a rational discussion to be had from that.”
“He would’ve killed T,” Alex added, “Man was a liability, and I really don’t think he’s a great loss to the group. You’ve all seen how he treats others, and I, for one, am glad that I don’t have to worry about him assaulting my sister anymore. If Daryl can’t see that he was a danger to us all, that’s his own problem.”
“Al,” Y/n scolded, “He’s stuck on a roof in the middle of a walker-infested city, you can’t seriously have absolutely no remorse for the guy.”
“It’s a horrible way to go, I admit it. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but the fact is that if we didn’t leave him behind, we’d all be dead right now. From all the shit he’s put us through, and whatever he’s done before all this, I’d say he’s had this coming for a long while now, and if it hadn’t been just him, it would have been every one of us.”
“I was scared, I ran. I’m not ashamed of it.” T-Dog affirmed.
“We were all scared. We all ran. What’s your point?”
“I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It's not enough to break through that… Not that chain, not that padlock. My point… Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us.”
Y/n pursed her lips, “So you’re going back for him? I mean, if there was no way that he was still alive, it would be a suicide mission. But, if he’s still up there, we can’t just leave him.”
“Do you not remember the little chat we had earlier, Y/n?” Shane asked, “We do not risk the rest of the group, ‘specially not for some asshole.”
She glared at him, “No, you just risk whoever you care the least about.”
“You can’t be serious, Y/n,” Alex pleaded, “What Dixon does to people, hell, what he’s done to you? If he comes back here acting the same way, he’s a dead man, anyway. And if he’s still alive, he may have gotten out of there.”
The girl huffed, rolling her eyes, “Yeah, after all he’s done. I’m not gonna apologise for being a decent human being, even if Dixon doesn’ deserve it.”
“So what,” Shane grumbled, “You gonna go out there on your own, save Merle and bring him back to camp so we can all live happily ever after? Y/n, youhaven’t even killed a walker. You don’t have a weapon, not that you would know how to use one if you did, and even if you could bring him back, do you seriously think that he would be happy to just forgive and forget? No, he’s gonna be bringing some sort of vengeance back here.”
“Because he was left for dead, chained up on a rooftop like an animal.” Y/n stressed. “I’m sure that if it were Lori or Carl up on that roof, you’d be leading the charge and sacrificing every single one of us on the way.”
Lori visibly grimaced as the girl mentioned both her son’s and her own name. Y/n momentarily felt guilty for bringing them into the situation, but her anger overwhelmed any other emotions. Shane shrunk into his chair at the awkwardness that filled the air soon after the words left her mouth. His jaw clench, clearly withholding his own anger from lashing out at a girl who was just barely considered an adult. Y/n scoffed, pushing herself up from her spot on the ground, and without another word, she stalked off to the privacy of her tent.
She stared up at the roof of the tent silently for about twenty minutes before the zipper of the door began to open. Y/n quickly turned herself over to lay on her side, clamping her eyes shut tightly to avoid the confrontation that she could already sense on its way.
“You’re not slick,” Alex snorted, “I know you’re awake.”
She slowly rolled back over to face him, scowling as she found him seated on his own sleeping bag, lazily unlacing his boots and kicking them off.
“I’m not apologising.” She demanded, “I’m right.”
He shrugged, chucking his hoodie onto the floor as he laid back, “I know.”
“I’m just so tired of…” She sat up, “You know?”
“Look, I don’t like Merle, and I think that we’re better off without him. Still, you’re right, no one should be left behind like that. If there’s a chance that he’s still alive, I think we should at least try.”
“Are you shitting with me right now? You’re serious?”
Alex chuckled, “I am. But that doesn't mean that we’re going after him. You and I wouldn’t make it ten minutes in that city on our own, we’d need help, and I’m not putting your life at risk. I know you don’t like him, and I get that he’s not always right, but we all wouldn’t have made it this far without Shane.”
Y/n frowned, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Hey,” He sat up as she crawled across to unzip the door. “Where are you going?”
“I have to pee.”
“Oh, well don’t be gone too long.”
“I said pee, you ass. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Y/n ventured not too far into the woods to take care of her business. Of course, Dale’s RV had an available washroom, but from the look of the camp, everyone had already gone to bed and she wanted to avoid any more deep conversations for the night. She finished quickly, feeling a bit uneasy about being in the woods by herself at night. Hell, she didn’t even like walking across the camp by herself.
Y/n came to a halt at the sound of another voice, craning her neck to find Glenn still sitting by the dying fire.
“What are you still doing up?” She asked.
He shrugged, “Couldn’t sleep.”
She ran her palms over the sides of her thighs, glancing back over at her tent hesitantly before stepping forward and sliding into the chair next to him. She was certain that Alex would be passed out cold by now and wouldn’t come looking for her; He’d been half asleep since they had returned. He shot his eyes up to meet hers, sitting straighter as she settled in.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“About what?” He tilted his head.
“You know,” She shrugged, “This whole Merle situation.”
Glenn sat quietly for a beat, “No, not really.”
“Good,” Y/n sighed, “Me neither.”
The Korean man furrowed his brows as his lips lifted into a small smile, “Then why’d you ask?”
“Dunno, just in case you wanted to rant or something I guess.”
“Nah,” Glenn shook his head, “I’m just tired of this constant fighting.”
The girl nodded her head understandingly, leaning her head back to stare up at the constellations above, “Do you think we’ll ever get back to normal? Or like, something like it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I imagine that walkers are gonna be around for a while yet, but do you think there will ever come a day when we can be safe? Maybe build a new community or something?”
“I don’t know.” Glenn watched her intently, eyes trailing up her throat to her jaw, inspecting her relaxed expression, “Maybe. I think it’ll be a while, but maybe it’ll all get better.”
His hand grasped her forearm gently, snatching her attention back to him. Her breathing became laboured as she found him to be much closer than before. His eyes were wide, seemingly surprised to have been caught in such a position, though they soon dropped from her own eyes for a split second, then jumped back up. Y/n was unsure of whether or not he was actually going to kiss her or not, and knowing Glenn, he had no idea either. As she moved a bit closer, she paused, their breaths mingling in the short airspace between them.
And then, their lips finally touched.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Rules: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: You two have one rule when it comes to your hookups: don't fall in love. So what happens when one of you breaks that rule? (based on a anon request that Tumblr ATE UP)
wc: 1.8k
tw: NSFW
You're riding him as fast as you can, hands cupping your breasts and tweaking your nipples.
"God, this feels so damn good," Suguru hisses beneath you, eyes holding yours captive. His hand moves away from your left breast, sliding down your stomach and resting on your clit.
"Mmm... Su..." you breathe, your hands pressed on either side of him as your hips slam into his. "That's perfect."
Panting, sweating messes. That's what you're both reduced to every Friday evening when he comes through your door and fucks you until you can't walk. And he leaves before sun-up, just as you ask, placing the spare key beneath the mat at the door after he locks up behind himself.
"You gonna cum soon?" Suguru wonders, but not because he wants to rush you. No, you look down in those onyx eyes and see his desire to withhold himself from cumming for just a little bit longer. He wants to feel your walls rock against his length for as long as he can before giving himself up to you. Suguru loves it when you spasm around his cock - and loves it when you squirt even more - but every single time, he cums right after you. It's not because he's weak; no, that's never been the case.
Your pleasure means so much to him. And when he delivers you the best, toe-curling orgasm of the week, you can't help but let yourself indulge in the sensations and ride it out as well.
But the first caveat to your little arrangement was Rule #1: that neither of you could fall in love. The moment one of you catches feelings, it's over. And you were starting to see that it could very well be Suguru that catches feelings, just like all of the ones who came before him.
The only difference between them and this black-haired devil beneath you was that he'd not only lasted a full six months, but he was the only one that could truly satisfy you. You never felt like Suguru used you as a fuck toy or masturbated into your body just for the feeling of a warm cunt surrounding his twitching cock. Your pleasure meant something to him, even if he left before daylight.
Those are your rules, however.
Soft lips bring you back to the present, and a gentle scrape of the teeth against the flesh of your breast makes you moan loudly.
"Suguru, I--"
"Hush, y/n," he mutters, tongue darting out to flick your nipple. "I'm not done with you yet."
Rule #2: no pet names. And he'd stuck to it, only calling you by your name as he fucked you into the couch, or moaned your name as you came around his length.
"Fuck..." you breathe as he sucks on your breasts over and over again, switching between the two at his leisure. And still, he's bouncing you on his dick, making you shudder.
Rule #3: Condoms. Every. Single. Time. And Suguru never came empty-handed.
You'd gotten rid of men the first time they came over without a condom and blamed it on their brain, even though you kept a stash hidden in the bottom cabinet of the bathroom. Those were reserved for hookups with men who weren't on your schedule or for when you used your strap-on; not for "forgetful" people.
"Oh, shit," you breathe. "I think I'm going to cum..." Suguru nods, pressing you against his chest and speeding up his strokes.
God damn, he's intuitive, you think as he brings you to the edge and tips you over like only he can. When you shudder and whimper in his ear, Suguru grunts softly, hips stuttering as he cums right behind you. It's always been like this, you muse, kissing the man deeply and with feeling. It's never going to change.
Change comes when you first step into the high-end department store, and you spot a silk gold and black tie hanging on a display.
"Suguru would like that," you think aloud, imaging him tying it on just like he takes them off before wrapping them around your h-- You smack your cheek, waking yourself up from the semi-lewd fantasy. You forget all about the occurrence until you pass by the cologne department, and catch a whiff of a familiar scent.
"Miss," you ask, stopping in front of an associate. "What's that scent?" When the lady rattles off some famous cologne brand, you inhale the fresh scent again, suddenly transported to the time you buried your face in Suguru's neck and smelled his hair for the first time. "Thank you," you quickly mutter, and walk away from the counter as fast as you can. Your hands begin to shake as you place the shoes you just bought on, looking at them in the store mirror right as the words 'maybe I should ask Suguru how they look' rolls through your mind.
Your assigned stylist gives you a frightened glance as you growl and take the shoes off, stuffing them back into the box in her hands as you hiss, "I'll take them."
What the hell is happening to me? you wonder as you drive home impatiently, honking at every person who minorly inconveniences you as you speed down the highway. It's not even Friday, but thrice you've thought about asking Suguru to come over and spend time with you. Three times!
You drop your keys onto the counter and sit on your couch, burying your hands in your face as you think, think, think...
Cancel with Ryoma. Cancel with Aizen. Cancel, cancel, cancel...
You shoot off various text messages in a short amount of time, cutting the other five men out of the schedule. You can find others to fit into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday if you need to. You just need it to be Friday and fast.
"Hello?" the soft voice murmurs when you dial - picked up on the second ring.
"Hey," you whisper nervously. "Um, Monday canceled and I'm feeling a little stressed. Are you free tonight?" Some papers shift around in the background, and you bite your lip as you wait for an answer. It seems like forever until you hear:
"Yeah, let me finish up at the office. I'll be there around seven, alright?"
"Alright." You hang up just as a rush of adrenaline pumps through you, making you shower and dress with vigor. You even put on the new shoes and a nice set of lingerie to match. All for Suguru. You tie a robe over yourself and sit at your computer - it's six-fifteen - to do some work as a distraction. And it proves fruitful because when the doorbell rings, it's seven o'clock.
You straighten your robe and walk to the door, fixing your hair before opening it up and grinning at Suguru, who is still dressed in his slacks and a button-down shirt. The top button is open slightly and his sleeves are bunched up around his elbows, but he offers you his sweet smile as well, stepping into the house with ease.
"You look really nice. Are those new shoes?" he asks, tossing his jacket over the back of the couch and turning back to you.
"Why yes, they are," you sing, walking toward him slowly, leisurely. "Do you like them?"
"Do you care?" Suguru wonders, cupping your chin and kissing your lips gently. "I'm going to take them off of you in a second anyways."
"You have all night to think about that," you tease, tugging him toward your bedroom. "But I'd prefer you let me wear them while you fuck me." Suguru lets out a surprised chuckle, following you into the room and shutting the door behind him.
But even after he's fucked you senseless, you can't sleep. Your earlier thoughts haunt you and a twinge of guilt eats at your brain as you lay against a sleeping Su, head resting on his chest as he holds you close. Even when you see the clock hours change from ten to eleven, to twelve to three am, you can't help but dread the moment when he would awake and leave you alone in the bedroom.
And when six o'clock comes, his watch buzzes on the nightstand, shaking him from his hazy sleep.
Your fingers curl into his side, and Suguru groans, rubbing his eyes.
"You awake?" he whispers into the darkness, but you don't reply, hoping he would just lay there for a few minutes more. "Y/n? Your heart is beating a mile a minute."
"So..." He shifts up, petting your hair gently. "I think we need to talk." Your heart plummets into your stomach, and you try not to react sharply, but Suguru clears his throat as he turns on the bedside lamp. You look up into his black eyes, and he blinks in the light, biting his bottom lip at the sight of you fully awake. "Why did you call me over here and not anyone else?" You fumble for an answer, but thinking of a lie just wouldn't do. Not for Suguru. "Aren't you breaking your rule?"
"No," you counter, sitting up straight. "I'm not falling in love with you. Your dick, maybe. But not you." The look in his eyes tells you that he knows you're lying. You hang your head, fighting back an apology.
"We should call this off if that's the case."
"No," you whisper, shaking your head. "I don't want that."
"I don't want that either," Suguru murmurs, tilting your chin up with his fingers. "But what happens if you go back to..." You sigh, looking away. "I'm a jealous lover, y/n. I'm not the kind to play around with."
"And I won't," you reply, head snapping back to meet his eyes. "I..." you exhale shakily. "I couldn't stop thinking about you when I was at Bergdorf's." The admission doesn't shock Suguru, but he does clasp his hands together. "Everything reminded me of you, and I--" You break off, hands shaking. "I'm scared."
"Have you discussed this with anyone else?" The question implies the obvious, and you look to your phone, opening it up and letting him see the contacts "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday" all with the same message:
Sorry, I have to cancel our weekly rendevous. Hope you understand.
"Am I saved as Friday?" Suguru chuckles, but you scroll down a little more, and his name pops up: Suguru Geto.
He huffs a laugh, shaking his head.
"I'm the special one, huh?" You turn his head toward you, leaning in to kiss him on the lips once.
"Please, let me break my rules for you." Suguru groans, leaning into your touch and kissing your palm in response.
"Let me start right now then, babe. And don't worry, we'll take it one rule at a time." You giggle as he tosses your phone aside and leans into you, kissing you just like he did before and switching off the light as daybreak comes.
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @savantsoulfinder @chilledlucifer @kontentious @flare-on @meena-in-a-nutshell @falling-through-pages @naoyasdarling @vabybizzle
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Warriors Analysis 2: A Breakdown of the Crow/Night/Breeze Family Dynamic
I said I would do it, so here we are. The big doozy. For this one, I’m going to putting all of the sourced scenes in a linked google doc, because I just don’t want to make this post a million miles long. Instead, for this post, I will sum up all of the conclusions made after reviewing every scene involving the family from Po3 through OotS, with other relevant information from other books included.
Context of this one: I’ve watched (and participated in) a lot of debate over this family. Just about every single argument I’ve seen tends to:
1) rely on a person’s opinion of a character overall to how they feel about the family (”I found Nightcloud annoying” often goes along with “Nightcloud is equally bad of a parent” or “Breezepelt was a bad person so I don’t sympathize with him in the family situation”)
2) misremember canon
3) rely on a person’s headcanons of what actually happened to shape their judgement of the family (”Nightcloud spoiled Breezepelt and told him Crowfeather is bad” when there are zero canon scenes of this happening)
Some ground rules: I’m relying on breaking down the canon scenes in the books. I am NOT inserting my own thoughts or beliefs as to what happened behind the scenes. If there’s anything bordering on that (”this behavior implies X”), it’ll be clearly stated that it’s an interpretation. I ask that if you want to comment or debate this analysis that you do the same. People’s headcanons shaping how they remember the family is the thing that frustrated me enough to spend hours digging this up. As a personal request, please don’t use this post to say “Nightcloud still sucks and I hate her”/”Breezepelt still sucks and I hate him”/”neglect isn’t abuse” - the latter is definitively incorrect and is upsetting to hear as a survivor of abuse. “X character still is bad” just takes away from the point of this - which is not to say “Breezepelt is a good person”, but PURELY to breakdown the family dynamic. With that out of the way, let’s GO:
After looking at literally every scene involving Breezepelt, Crowfeather, and Nightcloud and analyzing the ones that involve or mention them as a family, here’s some key points. The scenes that back these points up are included and detailed in this doc.
Breezepaw is introduced to us as a bit aggressive and rude, and his mentor, Whitetail, wishes to Crowfeather that she would teach him manners (earning her no response from him)
We first properly see Nightcloud during the dog attack in The Sight, when Breezepaw returns from checking the barrier. Breezepaw reports that there is no damage, and Crowfeather immediately questions if he actually checked all the way around. Breezepaw tells him “Of course!”, and Nightcloud says that Crowfeather should trust his son more.
This suggests Nightcloud is ready to defend Breezepaw whenever. However, as ThunderClan is leaving, Breezepaw mutters that WindClan can manage on their own. Nightcloud immediately scolds him and compliments Lionpaw for saving Heatherpaw during the battle.
Later, at the daylight Gathering, Lionpaw and Breezepaw are buried underground. Crowfeather and Nightcloud help dig them out, and Breezepaw is not breathing when he comes out. Jaypaw has to pull dirt out of his throat to save his life.
Leafpool says to Crowfeather that she would “give [her] last drop of blood to save [his kit]”. Nightcloud sharply retorts that “our kit was lucky that Jaypaw was here”.
Nightcloud carries Breezepaw away from the scene “like a kit”. Crowfeather offers to help, but she carries him on her own. She does not push him away/force him away/shout at him, she literally just chooses to carry him. Nightcloud spends the rest of the daylight Gathering curled around Lionpaw and Breezepaw and keeping them resting.
We learn these things from the Sight: Breezepaw and Crowfeather seem to have a tense relationship, but that isn’t fully developed. Nightcloud is willing to defend him from Crowfeather’s doubts, but notably does not defend him when he acts like a punk in front of her. She is bothered by Leafpool’s comment about giving her life for Breezepaw (which I personally find pretty reasonable to be bothered by), but counters by giving her gratitude to Jaypaw. She wants to carry Breezepaw after he nearly dies, but isn’t pushing Crowfeather away or denying him anything like many people claim.
In Dark River, Crowfeather encourages Breezepaw’s bias against ThunderClan, telling him that they “celebrate mixed blood” in a tone that implies it as a negative thing. (It seems implied he does this to get to Leafpool, who is upset by his comment.)
Jaypaw is able to feel Nightcloud’s jealous emotions on a few occasions, but she actually never says anything to Leafpool or Crowfeather about it.
In Outcast, Crowfeather is called to go on the journey to the Tribe. Onestar tells him to take Breezepaw, who has gotten in trouble a few times. Breezepaw makes it very plain he doesn’t want to go and worries that his Clanmates are just trying to get rid of him. Crowfeather wants to go, but “sighs” over the idea of taking Breezepaw. To me, he comes off as disinterested and possibly disappointed that he has to bring him. Crowfeather snaps at Breezepaw for asking to say goodbye to his friends, saying “There isn’t time!” even though literally no one is rushing them to leave. Nightcloud comes to say goodbye, but Crowfeather is distant and doesn’t respond to her.
Throughout Outcast, each POV character has at least one (if not many) moments where they think about Crowfeather/Breezepaw and feel pity for Breezepaw, despite really hating him. Hollypaw especially thinks often about how she appreciates Brambleclaw for encouraging and supporting her, and the apprentices all seem to realize that Breezepaw is angry because his father “doesnt seem to like him”. 
When questioning why they have to help the tribe, Crowfeather just tells Breezepaw “You’ll never understand loyalty.”
When they run into Purdy, Breezepaw is pretty rude to him. Crowfeather doesn’t interrupt a single time throughout multiple insults, then reacts by hitting him across the ear without saying anything, which is noted as “a hard blow”.
Breezepaw nearly dies falling off into a ravine after thinking he’s discovered a faster way. Crowfeather pulls him back and snaps at him, expressing no concern for his life. In Eclipse, Crowfeather pointedly does not compliment Breezepaw’s catch of the rabbit, which angers Breezepaw.
During the reveal of Leaf/Crow in the last book, Breezepelt and Nightcloud stand by Crow’s side and don’t publicly turn on him or say anything against him.
This journey gives us a lot of insight into Crow and Breeze’s dynamic. Breezepaw is pretty obviously a little punk throughout this book, but Crowfeather has no healthy way of communicating with him or discipling him. Instead, he snaps at him, hits him, or ignores him, all of which just feeds into Breezepaw’s anger. Nightcloud is not present for any of this and has no way of controlling their interactions here, which could have been a perfect opportunity for Crowfeather to build a relationship with his son if it were true that Night had prevented this.
Breezepelt shows up in Fading Echoes, training in the Dark forest. A few things are made explicit: he is being manipulated by the Dark Forest and Tigerstar’s words have an almost hypnotic effect on him. The cats present egg him on against Crowfeather, feeding into his belief that Crow does not value him. (Side note, I find it really interesting that in this book, Breezepelt has notable value in the warrior code [which encourages his hate towards Crow] and the DF cats encourage this, saying it is “strong” in his blood. Next time we see him, though, he wants to destroy it.)
Flametail randomly thinks about Breezepelt’s family while spending time with Tawnypelt, feeling glad he has nicer kin.
We get the infamous scene where Lion and Breeze fight. Breeze and Crow were both trespassing on ThunderClan territory and Lion caught the prey Breezepelt was about to catch. He intentionally eggs Breezepelt into a fight (rather than just attacking him himself). Leafpool interrupts, asking how Crow can watch this. Nightcloud then shows up and insists Crowfeather has only one son. Leafpool jumps in between them as Breezepelt is leaping for Lionblaze, and she gets clawed. Crowfeather hauls him off and throws him aside, then keeps talking to Leafpool, who tells him she loved him.
Nightcloud then comes over and pulls Crowfeather away from Leafpool. She sinks her claws into his pelt to do this. However, it’s worth noting that this scene contains MANY references to blood every time claws come out - she does not draw blood and he does not express any signal of pain. It’s likely she used her claws only as a means of holding onto him, not to cause him harm. Crowfeather turns on him, and Breezepelt wails before getting between them, telling Crowfeather to leave his mother alone.
Nightcloud doesn’t react rationally in this scene - but neither does any character. Lionblaze is an ass, Breezepelt is an ass, Crowfeather is an ass, and Leafpool is still walking around making declarations of her former love in front of Crowfeather’s wife.
Nightcloud is one of the cats to react rudely to Hollyleaf’s return, but she doesn’t directly attack/challenge her. (This is actually the last time we see Nightcloud.)
The final meaningful scene is in The Last Hope, when Breezepelt fights Lionblaze. Crowfeather intervenes and says he will not allow Breezepelt to hurt him. Breezepelt retorts he always knew Crowfeather hated him, which Crow denies.
“I never hated you!” Crowfeather growled. “That’s just what you were determined to believe. And Nightcloud encouraged you.”
“It’s not her fault!” Breezepelt spat.
“No,” Crowfeather hissed. “I should have done something much earlier...”
This is the first and only time this is blamed on Nightcloud. This is the only indication we have that this could be true.
Some other notable things:
Crowfeather took Nightcloud as a mate to prove his loyalty, not out of love. (This is said in After Sunset: We need to talk)
The Ultimate Guide also confirms the above, but is a questionable source given the many errors included in it. It states that Crowfeather resents Nightcloud (for not being Leafpool), and that Nightcloud coddled Breezepelt. However, the latter is never shown in the story (and the opposite is actually shown when she scolds him).
In Crowfeather’s Trial, Crowfeather is pushed to recognize his anger towards his son and apologize for his behavior towards him and Nightcloud. Even in an entire book from Crow’s perspective (which provides opportunity for memories, flashbacks, etc), there is no indication that Nightcloud actually pushed Breezepelt to hate Crowfeather. There’s a throwaway mention that Crowfeather was too strict or too rough with Breezepelt as a kit, but it’s never actually said that Nightcloud told him this/kept him away/etc. (IE: it’s impossible to say if Nightcloud screamed this at him or asked him once to be gentle. We just don’t know!)
With all this said, here’s my take on the dynamic:
Crowfeather was a neglectful father and an inconsiderate mate. The only scene we get where he seems to actually get along with Breezepaw is when he is encouraging him to dislike ThunderClan by feeding into hatred for “mixed blood” cats. In all other scenes, he: 1) ignores his bad behavior, 2) is unnecessarily harsh to him or dismissive of him, 3) questions and undermines him, 4) does not have healthy ways of addressing his poor behavior (IE, he ignores and turns away from him rather than discussing it when all the apprentices are in trouble and the other warriors are scolding them, he flat-out hits Breezepaw at one point after saying nothing to intervene in his rudeness), and 5) blames Nightcloud for their bad relationship. Crowfeather is provided plenty of opportunities to interact with Breezepaw while Nightcloud isn’t present (in fact, Nightcloud shows up very little - most scenes of the family have just Breeze and Crow, there are many books where Nightcloud isn’t even mentioned).
Nightcloud was literally just being a normal mom and was often pushed to feeling jealous around Leafpool, often because Leafpool doesn’t have any boundaries around hinting about loving Crowfeather for some reason. I was actually really shocked by how... absolutely fuckin brazen Leafpool is 24/7 about waltzing up to Crowfeather while his wife is standing right there and going “just so you know......... i miss you........... i’d give my life for you......” It’s just WEIRD. IMO, it’s pretty damn reasonable for that to make Nightcloud irritated! Most of the time, she never actually voices her jealousy, we just know about it because of Jaypaw’s ability. When she does, it’s sometimes done by complimenting someone else or giving credit to another cat, like when Jaypaw saves Breezepaw. There is zero text in the story supporting the idea that Nightcloud was overbearing or that she spoiled him: we have TWO SCENES where she has character moments around this. In the first, she is defending him from Crowfeather’s doubt, and in the second, she is scolding him for being ungrateful to ThunderClan for their help.
Breezepelt was a kid that grew up feeling unloved, unappreciated, and angry and resentful as a result. The Dark Forest, not Nightcloud, fed into this belief, but we also have a whole lot of scenes that show why that feeling of resentment towards Crowfeather is there to begin with.
The final hot take: If you believe Nightcloud ‘spoiled’ Breezepelt or that she was ‘overbearing and possessive’, you need to reread Po3 and OotS. It’s just not there.
(Bonus: I love Leafpool but god, girl, you need to read a room.)
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ronnie-azumane · 3 years
Kuroo Tetsurou x female reader 18+
Warning: mentions of breakup, cunnilingus, 1 photo taken (nature of which is slightly nonconsensual), aftercare
A/N: So, uhh, these past few months have been wack in regards to my love life. I went from breaking off an almost 2-year long distance relationship, to proclaiming that I’m gonna have a hoe phase on Tinder, to actually meeting a guy who I actually like (who knew I would have a successful Tinder relationship?!?!)…….. soooooooo
ALSO-- this is my first (serious) smut I've ever written. Please be kind.
ALSO ALSO-- if this gets enough love, I might make this concept into a full-blown fic
You did everything right. You made time for him. You gave him gifts. You sent him both a good morning and a goodnight text every day. You fulfilled his needs, even when it didn't necessarily benefit you.
Or so you thought.
If you didn't answer that butt-dial from him and heard the pants and moans coming from his end, you would have lived happily in ignorant bliss. If you didn't go to check on him to see if he was ok, you wouldn't be in the predicament you found yourself in currently.
Now you find yourself, wrapped in blankets, crying on his neighbor's couch.
Your boyfriend would always complain about his next door neighbor Tetsurou Kuroo, how he would be the reason your boyfriend got in trouble with loud music and smoking with the landlord. However, despite your boyfriend's hatred of him, you grew close to the rooster head, becoming proper friends and not the girl who apologizes after every night she gets a little loud. He didn't approve of this friendship, but there wasn't much he could do about it.
Now that he's your ex, there is absolutely nothing he could do about it.
"So you walked in and saw him banging his coworker?" Tetsurou asked, placing a glass of cold water into your hand. Your body shook as you lifted the glass up to your lips to take a sip. You then set the glass down on the side table.
"Yes, and it was the one he told me not to worry about." you stuttered. You didn't care much for that coworker. She always seemed to weasel her way into your relationship. Date nights were cut short by her calling your [now ex] boyfriend to help her with a problem. He always seemed to be texting or calling her, and when you would ask why, he would just say 'work' and close his phone so you couldn't see. You would express your concern, but he would assure you that he only had eyes for you.
What bullshit.
Your wails of agony have since subsided to small sniffles. Your breathing was still rapid and without control, but for the most part you were calming down.
Then your phone went off, sounding a text tone that you had specifically saved for your now ex boyfriend.
As you reach for your phone, Tetsurou grabs a hold of it.
"Gimmie that," you whine.
"Password," Tetsurou demands.
"W-what? I'm not just gonna give-"
"Password!" Tetsurou demands even louder. Sighing, you tell him your password and he unlocks your phone. He reads over the text your ex sent you, talking about how you didn't know the whole story and scoffs. He taps on your phone a bit and gently tosses it on the couch cushion next to you as she sits himself down.
"Blocked him for you. He was going on about how you don't know the whole story and that this was the first and only time he messed up. Newsflash, I'm his neighbor, and the girl he has been with the last few weeks definitely wasn't you."
"Oh," you sniffle. So your suspicions were correct. This had been going on for quite a bit. "If you knew, why didn't you tell me earlier?" you asked Tetsurou.
"Well, honestly, I just put the pieces together this morning," Tetsurou replies. The walls are thin, so he could hear every gasp and moan that happened on the other side. He figured it was you, since you were his girlfriend after all. He would just turn on a show and watch it to tune out the love making on the other side of the wall. However, when he didn't receive the usual sorry note under the door that you would write, he knew something was up. The amount of times he would have to turn on his show wasn't going down, but the amount of the little notes he received was.
"You know, I don't think he ever loved me," you say, turning away from Tetsurou. "I honestly think he only liked the idea of me." The waterworks started to flow again.
"I tried so hard, you know? I know he didn't treat me the best, but I stuck with it because I thought he truly loved me," you sob into your hands. You smash your palms into your eyes as you cry out, as if you are trying to stop the tears coming out of your eyes. But they don't stop. If anything, they start to flow out faster.
"What did I do wrong?"
As soon as that question escaped your lips, Tetsurou pulled you into his lap and pressed you head against his chest. You cried even harder, balling his tear-soaked t-shirt in your clenched fists. He ran his nails across your scalp, lightly scratching it in an attempt to calm you down. Usually you would tell him to stop so as to not mess up your hair, but hair was the last thing on your mind at the moment. His other hand was rubbing your back, grounding you from the emotions racking your body at the moment.
"You did nothing wrong," he whispered over and over again in your ear, repeating until you calmed back down. He reached across from you and grabbed the glass of cold water and placed you off of his lap.
"Please drink up, I think you cried half of your water weight in the past 30 minutes alone," he joked, earning a small giggle from you. "I hate to leave you alone, but I'm going to change real fast and get you some bubble tea from that place down the street you like. Sound like a plan?" He asked, earning a nod from you.
With that, he stood up and left to go change and get some tea. You sat back on the couch and watched the door close shut. Now you were alone.
You had been in his apartment a couple times before, but now you were truly looking around at his décor. He didn't have much hanging on his walls, but he had a few pictures here and there. One was of his old volleyball team from high school. He stood in the middle with his red number 1 jersey sticking out for all to see that he was the captain.
Another picture he had on the wall was a picture of a small girl in his arms. After recalling a couple of conversations the two of you had, you remembered that he did have an older sister who had a daughter of her own. His niece.
Her short black hair was sticking up into two little pigtails, each decorated with a small pink bow. Her fluffy pink dress contrasted beautifully with the black dress shirt Tetsurou was wearing. Both of their smiles reached their ears.
He looked pretty good.
You sit there thinking, realizing only now that Tetsurou, the 'nasty neighbor' of your ex boyfriend, your friend, was pretty attractive. How come he didn't have a girlfriend of his own? Did he maybe swing the other way? You shook that thought out of your head when you remembered the stories he would tell of his high school sweetheart.
What happened to her?
While you're lost in thought, you don't hear the front door opening up.
"Here!" Tetsurou shouts, scaring the living daylights out of you. In one hand he's holding two cups of tea with the little tapioca balls at the bottom, and in the other are two straws. You sigh in relief as he sits down next to you, handing you your tea and straw.
"Tetsurou, what ever happened to that girl you dated in high school?" you ask as you stab the straw through the plastic.
"Oh, Alisa? It wasn't too brutal. Our futures were going in different directions and we just fell out of love," he shrugged as you sipped some tea and a few balls of tapioca.
The silence is deafening. Every time you glance at him, you shutter. 'How did I not see how hot he is earlier?' you scold to yourself.
The longer you look at him, the more you get worked up. Your eyes travel downwards to his neck. His Adams apple is sticking out, not too much, but just the perfect amount. They continue downward to his arms, which are framed beautifully by the cotton t-shirt he's wearing. His veins twist across his muscular arm and down to his hands.
Oh god his hands! The roughness of the veins popping out contrast with the smooth, even coloring of his skin. light callouses dot his palms, but for the most part, his hands are soft. perfect for caressing-
Not paying attention, you start to choke on a tapioca pearl. Coughing and wheezing, and with a little help from Tetsurou, you get it out of your windpipe. You pull the straw a little higher to avoid any more tapioca at the moment to catch your breath.
"You alright?" Tetsurou asks, and you nod a little too frantically. He squints his eyes and stares at you for a little bit, seeking confirmation that you're actually ok and not lying to him. Pursing your lips together in a sort-of smile, he takes that as the confirmation he needs and moves back to his drink.
The way he sips on the straw, how his soft, supple lips form around the straw and suck. The way the tea he's drinking dribbles down his chin just a little bit. The way he moves his thumb over his chin to wipe it up.
It shouldn't be getting you this worked up.
"So, is there anything you want to do now?" Tetsurou asked, reaching for the remote as if to imply that they should watch something on the TV. The way his arm flexes as he reaches across you.
You can't take it anymore.
"I want you to fuck me!" you blurt. As soon as the words left your lips, your hands shot up to cover your mouth.
Now it is his turn to choke on his tea. He drops the remote and it breaks apart on the wooden floor. Your hands migrate from your mouth to cover your face. This has to be the most embarrassing moment in your life.
"W-what?" Tetsurou asked, finally catching his breath. You keep your hands on your face, as if they are glued in place. The last thing you want is to look at him, much less in the eye.
"Ju-just ignore what I said! It's not important!" you frantically wave your hands around, hoping maybe they can help you fly away from the current situation.
Alas, you are merely human, and must suffer through the consequences of your actions.
Frantically, you shoot up from your seat, mumbling a string of farewells as you walk toward the door. However, you do not make it far, as you find your hand encapsulated in Tetsurou's as he yanks you back onto your spot on the couch.
"You can't just leave after saying something like that," Tetsurou mumbles. His ears are burning bright red while his cheeks are dusting a soft pink.
"Don't worry about it, I'll just download tinder and relive my frustrations there," you stutter, trying to stand up. However, under Tetsurou's grip and stare, your attempts are rendered futile. Fully realizing the situation, you sigh and throw your head back against the back of the couch.
"Fine," you mumble, blushing, "sorry for making you uncomfortable, I definitely did not mean to say that out loud."
Unsure of what to do, you start to explain yourself.
"I'm just so frustrated, and I just wanted to... you know... get him back, like an eye for an eye type of deal," yo ramble on.
Tetsurou dropped his head into the palms of his hands, nodding his head left and right.
"And while you were gone, I kinda realized how attractive you were and i-"
"I never said I wouldn't, did I?" Tetsurou asked, not lifting his face out of his hands.
With that statement, the air is sucked out of your lungs. Your heart beats faster in your chest, while simultaneously wrapping itself tight within your body.
"No, uh, you don't have t-"
""Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to... for a while now," Tetsurou admitted, "So I'll do it, my only rule being that we won't go all the way today."
You press your fists into your plush thighs. "Why not? You literally just admitted that you were attracted to me," you ask.
"Because I don't want to give myself false hope."
"Why would fucking give y-" you tried to ask before Tetsurou interrupted your interruption.
"You just broke up with your long time boyfriend, a messy break-up I may add. Your emotions are all over the place. I really like you, (y/n), I just don't want to be your rebound. I want to be with you because you truly like me, not to get back at your shitty ex next door." He let out, like a breath held underwater.
"Oh," you whisper. He made a great point. What were your intentions right now? Was this all a ploy to get revenge on your ex? Did you actually like Tetsurou that way?
Did it really matter?
"So what?" you ask, stunning Tetsurou into silence.
Tetsurou swallows the lump in his throat and asks you to clarify.
"Well, there is a mutual attraction, and we both clearly want this, why don't we just go for it and see what happens?" you ask.
The pause is long and silent. Tetsurou’s eyes were looking everywhere but at you. Did he actually want this? Yes, but in this way? He took a glance in your direction and saw you still staring down at your tea, swiveling the ice around in circles.
You were definitely a sight for sore eyes in Tetsurou’s ever so humble opinion. The way your face was tinted the slightest red color made his heart melt. He would never forgive his neighbor for what he did to you, making your larger than life personality look small and meek.
Overwhelmed with feelings of both attraction and adoration, he simply couldn’t help himself. He promised himself he wouldn’t do this, but after all this time of him secretly crushing on her from a distance, he just couldn’t hold out anymore.
He grabbed your face and turned it toward him, crashing his lips onto yours.
The kiss became more feverish as the seconds passed. A simple peck turned into moments of locking lips, trying to taste each other.
His lips were thin, however soft, with the slight sting of mint chapstick tingling your tongue. You decided to take initiative and slipped your tongue out to taste his bottom lip. He took the signal and included his tongue in the dance, the two muscles stroking together as he grasped the hair on the back of your head and pulled you closer.
As the make-out session continued, the two of you started to position yourselves on the couch; you lying against the armrest and him balancing himself on top of you. Once in this position, his hands started to wander across your body.
Every curve of yours was not left without attention. His hands traveled from behind your head to your chest, from your chest to down your stomach, from your stomach to your thighs, and finally spread your thighs apart to gain access to your covered core, where you wanted to feel his hands the most.
His kisses started trailing south to the crook of your neck, moving from kissing to sucking as he started to rub your clothed slit. An airy gasp escaped your lips, enjoying all the sensations you were feeling at the moment. Once he was satisfied by the purple bruise left just above your collarbone, he started to sit up, causing you to whine from the loss of contact.
Your whining soon stopped however when you noticed him grabbing at your shorts, working to pull them down. As he started to pull down, your breath got caught in your throat, causing it to be held in. Flinging your shorts and panties behind him, he gently kissed your thigh and asked, “Do you still want this, you seem a little tense?”
“Yes!” you gasp a little too fast. His breath was so warm against your wet pussy, teasing you to the point of no return.
“Ok, you have to let me know if you get too overwhelmed or want to stop at any point,” he says before diving down. You are about to acknowledge him until a heavy gasp escapes your lips before you can give your confirmation.
Tetsurou didn’t hesitate going down on you. He simply couldn’t wait any longer. Simply pumping his fist wasn’t doing it for him anymore.
He started to kiss, flick, and suck at your clit, making you breathe harder with the rising pleasure. His movements were soft and light, but they were shaking your very core. He grabbed your thighs and placed them over his shoulders, giving him more access.
His movement was simple, something you could easily replicate with your fingers and maybe a quality toy, but that didn’t change how it was working on you. Your heavy breaths turned into soft whimpers as the pleasure began to bubble up.
You were progressing nicely, but Kuroo didn’t think it was progressing fast enough. To remedy his frustrations, he rubbed his fingers against your wetness, slicking it up to start thrusting into you.
The anticipation of his fingers slipping into you made your whimpers louder. He switched up his mouth to sucking your clit between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue and slowly inserted a finger. He pressed the pad of his finger against the ceiling and started to thrust in and out, rubbing against the entirety of your g-spot softly.
This new sensation had you bucking your hips and bubbling over with pleasure, pretty much ripping the orgasm out of you. Tetsurou smiled as you rode out your orgasm, moaning and whimpering small vowel sounds.
The orgasm was nice, but Tetsurou knows you can be louder, he's definitely heard you get louder at least.
Before you can fully recover from your high, his lips reattach to your clit and insert two fingers into you. The moan that escaped your lips was loud and almost pornographic. He smirked, knowing your shit ex next store most likely heard it.
Although, he knew that the fun this round was only just beginning.
Instead of thrusting his fingers in and out, he started to press his fingers up against you, as if he was motioning for you to come here.
The new motion of his fingers mixed with his lips sucking and tongue flicking at your clit was causing you to sprint to the edge way too fast. You couldn’t hold back your moans by control alone, so you bit the back of your hand in an attempt to suppress the noise.
Tetsurou was having none of that today. Using his other hand, he rips your arm away from you, silently implying that he wants to hear how loud you were being.
You try to ground yourself by grasping the armrest behind you, although that doesn’t do much to stop yourself from the orgasm that's rising far too quickly.
Your moans are getting louder and louder as you get closer and closer. Tetsurou has you teetering on the edge as his movement gets faster and faster. Soon your coil snaps and you find yourself cumming harder than you ever have before.
You thrash your head side to side as your hips buck up toward his fingers. He removes his lips and fingers and starts to quickly rub his fingers back and forth on your clit as you ride out your orgasm, extending the peak longer than what you're used to.
As you start to once again come down from your high, you hear soft chuckling coming from Tetsurou. You look up to find his shirt soaking wet.
“Di-did i-i do that?” You ask, afraid of the answer.
“If you’re referring to the squirting, yes, you just did. Hard,” Kuroo smirks, causing your already flushed face to burst even more red in embarrassment. Instinctively, you hide your face behind your hands, as if you could magically disappear if you couldn’t see him.
“Pretty hot,” he mutters to himself before beginning to suckle on your inner thigh, allowing you to completely come down before going back at it. Beyond your blissful sighs, Tetsurou heard your phone buzzing in the background.
Blocked Number.
An evil smirk came to his face as a sinister idea popped into his mind. While you were blissfully unaware of your phone buzzing, Tetsurou opened your phone and unblocked your ex, just to see if he was reacting to the pretty sounds you were making.
And reacted, he did.
Countless messages flooded your phone after Tetsurou unblocked his number, with messages ranging from ‘come back, let’s talk baby,’ to ‘you better not be with Kuroo right now.’ The final message read, “I know that’s you at Kuroo’s apartment, you fucking bitch.”
“Tetsurou, what are you doing?” you ask, finally in grip with reality.
“Just giving your ex a bit of a show,” he replied, diving right back in.
Breathlessly, you grasp his bed head, trying to get a grip on your once again slipping reality. In the heat of the moment, he pushed your thighs down to each side, revealing your flushed pussy. While flicking his tongue on your clit once again, he snapped a selfie. In the frame was his face, smirking with his tongue out flicking your clit. To make the picture even better, your manicured hands were in view, gripping his hair in pleasure.
Perfect for a porn twitter account.
Tetsurou typed out ‘your loss, pal,’ and sent the text, blocked your ex’s number once again, and tossed your phone to the side, getting back to work, soon bringing you to your third and final orgasm.
After cleaning you up and bringing you a glass of water, Tetsurou snuggled up to you under a cozy blanket. As your endorphins went down, the pure dread of what your ex did came back.
“What’s wrong, (Y/N), do you regret what we did?” Tetsurou asked, the expression of pure concern expressed on his face.
“No, I’m just angry about this whole thing! Three years gone!” you shutter, trying to hold back tears. Tetsurou held you tighter.
“He doesn’t deserve you,” he whispered, brushing your hair out of your face.
For the next ten minutes, you were crying into his chest as he rubbed you back and whispered soothing words.
As you calm down and sip your water, Tetsurou breaks the silence saying, “We need to talk about what just happened and what we are.”
You don’t reply, instead, you stare off to the side past Tetsurou’s shoulder.
“I kinda like you, but I’m not sure,” you meekly reply.
“Understandable. I want you to sleep on the idea of us. After you think of it, I want you to call me. Then we can get dinner.”
Space is what she needs, and space is what Tetsurou is willing to give her.
“Sounds great, but can I stay a little longer?” you ask, nuzzling seemingly closer into his warmth.
“Stay as long as you need, sweetie.”
182 notes · View notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu [Track 2]
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Original title: 遠のく心
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Translator’s note: O O F. Shuu is being rather harsh in this, it’s hurting my heart. While I do understand that having someone continuously meddle with your affairs can be annoying, I do wish he was just a little nicer to the MC because she honestly deserves better than to be treated like a walking bloodbag. >( Hopefully he’ll redeem himself in the following tracks.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 2: Distancing Hearts
You enter the classroom.
“...I knew it’d be you.”
You frown.
“Approaching me even at school...You really never learn, do you?”
You ask him what he was up to.
“I considered taking a nap but I had a hunch you would show up sooner or later, so I stayed awake, knowing there’s nothing more frustrating than having you interrupt me right as I get to the best part. I bet you came because one of the teachers asked you?”
You flinch. 
“Pretty much spot on, huh? Reiji at home and the teachers at school. Are you really obedient to just about anyone? In that case, why not listen to me as well when I tell you to stop meddling with my affairs?”
You try and explain yourself.
“...Annoying. What will I gain from attending class? Not only is it dull, but I’ll only grow even more sleepy.”
You beg him to return to his classroom.
“I’m not going back. I’m going to take a nap here. If you get what I’m saying, then don’t get in my way.”
You nod.
“...You’re giving up surprisingly quick today. Are you feeling under the weather?”
You shake your head.
“I don’t really care, but it’d be really nice if you could always be like that. It’d save me a lot of trouble.”
You protest.
“Stop refusing everything. Just leave already. ...Pwaah...Guess I’ll have to start over again from track one.”
*Beep beep*
You leave.
“Oh...Classes are over, huh? Nnh...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah? Something fell down...”
“This...Her blazer? She knows Vampires don’t catch colds, doesn’t she? She really loves meddling with my affairs, huh? I don’t want to return to the classroom with this thing, so guess I’ll hit up the infirmary instead. There’s beds over there as well. ...Pwaaah...”
Shuu gets up and goes towards the nurse’s office.
“...Ugh. All the beds are taken? ...Hm? This scent...”
He looks around.
“This one, huh?”
Shuu approaches one of the beds and moves the curtain aside.
“Haah...Just like I thought, there she is. Does she really always have to be at the same place as me? Hm...Guess I can lie down here then.”
He joins you in the bed.
*Tick tock tick tock tick tock*
You wake up.
You call out for him.
“Nnh...Shut up...Don’t shout...It echoes inside my head...”
You ask him what he is doing here.
“What do you mean? I’m sleeping. All beds were taken when I first came here, and you were resting in one of them. So I decided to lie down here as well. That’s all.”
You complain.
“Pwaah...I’m surprised you can make such a fuss right after waking up. ーー Or rather, what have you been so flustered about this whole time?”
You try and explain.
“What do you mean ‘not here’?”
You get even more flustered.
“Haha…You’re like an open book. It’s not like I’m sucking your blood or anything. We’re just lying down so don’t exaggerate.”
You complain.
“…’Bad’, you say? Something which would be bad if others were to see us…”
“…Would refer to this, no?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Oi…Don’t throw a fit…Have you forgetten? There’s someone resting on the bed next to ours.”
You flinch.
“I told you all the beds were taken, remember? That’s why I had no other choice but to lie down on this one as well. Unless they left at some point, they should still be there. They might even be listening in, curious as to what is going on over here. …The teacher wasn’t around when I got here… (whispers) but he might have just returned by now as well.”
You stop fighting back, going quiet. 
“Heh...You immediately calmed down. Just how easy are you? You pretend to be troubled by my actions, but deep down you just love this, don’t you? The scent of your blood...See? It has gotten richer. That proves you’ve gotten worked up. Did you really believe you could still hide that from me? Unfortunately, things did not go your way.”
You seem confused.
“Nobody has taken notice of us despite the fuss you made earlier so it’s quite obvious we’re the only ones here, no? Too bad~
You get upset.
“I said they ‘might’ be here, remember? Not my fault that you decided to twist my words. Or what? Would you have preferred for them to be around?”
You pout.
“Don’t get upset over something so small. It’s annoying.”
You get up from the bed.
“Wait. Where are you going?”
You explain.
“Haah...? You’re really gonna bother going back when the bell will ring in just a few minutes? …Don’t be ridiculous.”
“…Why not stay here a little longer?”
“Ugh…Don’t move. Unlike our bed at home, it’s cramped here. If we stay like this, I’m pretty sure you’ll calm down a little as well, no? I don’t mind sucking your blood to ensure you behave either, but I’m feeling exhausted after teasing you. I’m gonna sleep.”
You ask him if he intends to sleep while embracing you.
“Yes, like this. There’s nobody around so what’s the big problem? …Huh? For some reason, you feel different in my arms compared to usual…? Like you somehow seem…harder or…thinner? Were you always like this? Haah…Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Mm…”
“Nn...What? I was just about to fall asleep.”
“...Oi! Don’t get up all of a sudden!”
You frown.
“What do you mean, ‘this whole time’...?”
You try and explain.
“Haah...? ‘A bother’? Are you referring to what happened in the music classroom, perhaps? Did you take that to heart?” 
You avert your gaze.
“Ahー You want to complain because I’m actually trying to keep you by my side now even though I always talk as if you’re nothing but a bother to me, huh? You get upset when I give you the cold shoulder, yet complain about thecopposite scenario as well? ...Haah...That’s exactly what makes you so troublesome to deal with at times...I feel like it’s a waste to even ask this, but you won’t say you’re dissatisfied with the way I treat you, right? If you believe I’ll treasure you because you’re trying your hardest for me, you’re not being funny.”
You frown.
“What? If there’s something you want to say to me, then spit it out.”
You tell Shuu that you just want to know what you mean to him.
“Will you finally be satisfied if I tell you?”
You nod.
“...Close your eyes.”
You hesitant.
“You want to know what you mean to me, right? ...I’ll teach you, so close those eyes.”
You close your eyes.
“What you mean to me, huh?”
Shuu suddenly bites you.
“Nnh...Why are you so surprised? I’m a Vampire and you’re a woman with exquisite blood. What else did you expect me to do? If you were still expecting anything else at this point, there’s something wrong with your head. Nn...Mmh...”
“Hah...But your blood doesn’t taste that good today. It had a strong fragrance, but it’s not sweet.”
You admit to not feeling all that great. 
“Ah...I thought you were acting kind of off, but there’s actually something wrong with you, isn’t there? I didn’t realize because I’ve only ever come to the infirmary to skip class. ...Oh. Does that mean you lend me your blazer even though you were already feeling under the weather yourself? Haah...”
“I’ve had enough. It’s not even good. ...Having to deal with you tired me out.”
Shuu gets up and leaves.
“...Che. I actually had such a nice nap as well, then everything went to shit right after waking up.”
He walks through the hallway.
“There’s no point in expecting or wishing anything from me...Why doesn’t she get that already?”
143 notes · View notes
nejibaby · 3 years
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Y/N
Summary: Without Ace, your nights are back to being long, dark, and empty. But when you finally reunite, Ace refuses to just be your Daylight.
Daylight - Part 1 | Afterglow - Part 2
Word Count: 4.3k (my hands slipped, I’m so sorry)
Loosely based on: Taylor Swift’s Lover album (but mostly about the songs Daylight and Afterglow)
A/N: I really think Whitebeard is a great father, yk? So I see him as someone who you can always seek and rely on. He looks tough (and he’s actually tough), but he’s soft too! And Ace too, in that respect is similar to WB. I really believe he’ll be such a good boyfriend 🥺 Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this so much! Thank you to everyone who read this, I love yall 🥰
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<Teach doesn’t exist to me, I hate him, so I guess this is noncanon? Also, there’s this tiny spoiler, just a warning.>
Sailing by yourself in a boat for one reminds you how vast the sea actually is. With the rowdy Whitebeard pirates, sometimes the sea, no, the world, seems a lot smaller, a lot more manageable, but alone, it feels so massive it’s almost frightening.
It’s easy to get lost, except there’s no such concept like that for someone like you who doesn’t have a destination to go to in mind. Quite simply, you’re wandering, but not lost.
You drift from one island to another. Your initial intention is to get as far away as possible from the crew. Now that that’s achieved, you’re unsure of what to do next.
You allow yourself to observe and to experience some sort of normalcy at the islands you dock at. It’s a good thing that you don’t really stand out so no one suspects you’re a wanted pirate.
Walking down the streets of random towns, you’re reminded of how lonely being a Celestial Dragon was. No one wants to interact with a World Noble, afraid of the consequences if they’re angered. Things changed drastically when you became a pirate though. People don’t shy away that much with pirates in certain places. They interact with you, albeit hesitantly sometimes. Nevertheless, you felt so free and happy.
Now, you’re still a pirate, as marked by Whitebeard’s infamous tattoo. But with the unsuspecting townspeople and the lack of the presence of a crew, you don’t feel like one. Somehow it makes you feel empty.
The void is immeasurable. Despite it being unbounded, you’re sure that a single person can fill that emptiness: Portgas D. Ace.
But there are oceans separating you from Ace— a distance that you put. With the space between you, there’s silence in your voyage, however, it’s quite mystifying how every island you reach seems to scream his name.
There’s an island where you’ve docked at that’s snowing all year long. It brought back memories of when you were fairly new to the Whitebeard Pirates and had landed on a similar island. Back then you’ve worn a coat as you disembarked Moby Dick, however, the cold continued to seep through your layers of clothing. You couldn’t handle extreme temperatures that well but you didn’t want to make a big deal out of it so you continued to walk alongside the crew to scout the area. The thing was you may have been terrible at hiding it because Ace noticed the way your body was shivering and your teeth chattering. You were only acquaintances back then but he went to your side and striked a conversation with you. You didn’t understand why you became comfortable when he approached you all of a sudden, but then later that night you realized that he used his devil fruit abilities to warm you up.
At one island with a bustling town, there’s this restaurant that serves a variety of meat. You’re reminded of Ace and his bottomless pit of a stomach, and of his narcoleptic episodes while eating. He has a tendency of eating and then running, and the first few times he did it with you had you reeling. When you’ve finally realized that he’s never going to change, you start to keep a pouch of gold coins with you, reserved for paying for the food he eats. You leave it on the table just as Ace pulls you to run, and he has no idea about it. Owners or servers at the restaurants would still follow you out, but not to berate the both of you for not paying but to return the extra gold coins because you pay too much. Like usual though, Ace pretends not to hear them and they never got to catch up with you and Ace.
On another island, there’s a huge wild boar thrice the size of a human. It reminded you of the time you got so excited to explore an island that you speedily ran towards the forest alone, only to be met by a wild boar. The size of the boar stunned you and its glare kept you frozen in fear. A loud scream escaped your lips when it lunged at you, except the impact never came. When you’ve gathered your bearings, the wild boar was dead and… cooked, courtesy of Ace’s devil fruit abilities. He saved you, but he played it off as if he had his eyes on the wild boar since the beginning “to hunt it down.”
The current island you’re at is in famine. As soon as you docked at their port, a group of men has drawn their swords at you. For a moment, you thought they were bounty hunters so you grabbed your daggers and took a defensive stance. However, from the way they keep looking back and forth to you and your boat, and from hearing the faint sound of their stomach grumbling, you can tell they aren’t. Behind some trees, you can see the heads of some children peeking with worried yet hopeful looks on their faces.
Slowly, you raise your hands up in surrender, dropping your daggers in the process. You can’t turn your back on them — figuratively and literally — so you walk backwards towards your boat. The men look at you curiously but they don’t ever lower their swords.
In a quick motion, you grab a bag containing all of your food supply and throw it at them. One of the men catches it. “You can have them. It isn’t much, but that’s all I have.”
The man who was able to catch the bag carefully opens it and sees food. He almost cries at the sight of it. The rest of the men lowers the sword after you offer no sign of aggression. They start calling the other citizens of the area afterwards.
The children are the first to come running towards the men — all of them conveying excitement. You couldn’t tell how long they haven’t eaten but judging from how thin they are, it has got to be quite some time.
A small girl stumbles and falls near you and you quickly come to her aid. There isn’t much damage, just a scraped knee so you carefully patched her up.
“Thank you,” she gives you a toothy smile and then starts heading to the men who are distributing the food.
She comes back a moment later, arms outstretched to hand an apple to you. “For you,” she says.
Something blossoms in your heart because of her sweetness. “Thank you, but it’s fine, you can have it,”
She doesn’t object but then she hugs you tightly. “Thank you so much.”
Surprisingly, even on an island like this, you’re reminded of Ace. You remember his story about coming to Wano and meeting a child named “Tama” who seemed to be as charming as the child you helped and is under the same fortune.
Now that your mind has drifted to thoughts of Ace, you didn’t want to think of anything else. Even as the people gather around you to offer their thanks, and even as they usher you to a bonfire to celebrate for the food to eat, the thoughts of him linger in your head.
And just like in all the previous islands you came to, you wish he’s here with you too.
There’s longing in your heart, but there’s also something else— something pleasant that you can’t quite describe— and you attribute it to the gratitude of the people.
The mother of the child you helped, Sito, offers their spare room for you to take and you graciously accept. Soft snores almost immediately fill your ears after a few minutes of them bidding you good night.
The longer you stay awake, however, the pleasant feeling you felt a while ago starts to leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
You’ve always criticized yourself for not being able to do more when you were still a Celestial Dragon but now that you did something good, you start to feel selfish for doing it because it makes you feel better about yourself.
It’s at times like this that you seek Pops. There’s a sudden urge to hear his voice and his thoughts. So you grab your Den Den Mushi, but you hesitate.
You’ve lost track of the days since you left Moby Dick. And in that time frame, you never once called Pops. Although you didn’t really promise to call, maybe he was expecting you to, especially since you know he wouldn’t do it first.
You sigh. Maybe this call is long overdue after all.
You step outside the house and start to contact Pops using the Den Den Mushi. It only rings once and then it’s answered, almost as if Pops was waiting by the Den Den Mushi. The thought brings a smile to your face. “Pops—”
“Why on earth are you only calling now?!” His angry tone welcomes you.
“I’m so—”
“Is that Y/N?!” Marco interrupts. Ah, how could you have forgotten? It’s at this time that Marco reports to Pops. “We’re so worried about you -yoi!”
You can hear sounds of struggling on the line and then there’s a loud smack followed by an even louder crash. There’s a moment of silence which makes you wonder what’s going on in the ship.
“Why didn’t you call earlier?!” Pops’ voice booms. “If you’re going to leave a Den Den Mushi, I’m going to expect your reports but I received none of that.”
“I’m sorry Pops. I have no excuse,” you sheepishly say.
“Everyone’s worried about you,” he pauses but then his voice rings louder once again, “Some are even outside my room trying to listen in on our conversation. But if they know better, they should leave us alone.” The sound of rushing footsteps could be heard in the background as Pops finishes his sentence.
You chuckle, imagining the crew eavesdropping. “How are you Pops?”
“I’m doing fine.”
“How’s everyone? How’s… uhm… Ace?”
“Everyone’s just missing you. You didn’t say goodbye after all,” he says. “I put Ace on a mission because he won’t stop pestering me about you. He won’t come back in a couple of days.”
“He misses you a lot,” he sighs. “He strides to me everyday to demand your whereabouts. Each time I wouldn’t tell him but he never learns. Vista says he’s on his 56th attempt the other day.”
The brief image of Ace that your mind comes up with brings a small smile to your face.
“When are you coming back?” Whitebeard breaks your reverie.
“Ah, I’m not sure yet… It might take a while.”
He hums. “So how are you? Have you been eating well?”
“I’m doing fine, Pops. No one’s been coming after me yet so everything’s going well,” you respond. “But… Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“There’s this island with people who haven’t eaten in so long so I gave them everything I have.” There’s a loud growl coming from Pops so you immediately continue your speech before he could scold you for doing such a thing. “I feel really good about what I did as they thanked me. But then the longer I thought about it, I started feeling ashamed because... wasn’t it selfish since I did it to make me feel better about myself? Then I started to wonder if it was wrong to do good things just because I wanted to be absolved of my parents’ sins. Was I wrong in doing this, Pops?”
“No, you did the right thing.”
“Yes, you’re not an inherently bad person for getting paid in gratitude.”
“Making yourself happy by making other people happy is how it’s meant to work. If one of your key motives to doing good things is to feel good, then you’re still doing something good and there’s nothing shameful about that.”
Hearing his words puts you at ease. You’re glad you called him. “Thank you, Pops. I’m sorry for worrying everyone there and for disrupting Marco’s report. I promise I’ll call more often from now on.”
“It’s fine. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Where will you be headed next?”
“I’m not sure. I’m just going where the sea leads me.”
“Be careful.”
“You too, Pops,” and with that, you bid your goodbye and hang up.
By morning, you start preparing your things to leave. You didn’t want to stay for too long because you didn’t want to consume even a portion of the small amount of food they have.
Sito offers you to stay another night, worried that it would be uncomfortable to sleep on a boat. “You can stay one more day. There’s still enough food for us to share.”
“Oh no, I don’t want to impose,” you decline. “But do you mind if I ask what happened here?”
There’s sadness in her eyes, it was easy to tell the memory pained her, but she tells you everything anyway. “This island is one of the few lawless areas in the world, hence, it’s a place where pirates would dock at. A group of men once docked here and kidnapped the leaders of our town. They were sold off to be slaves, because apparently the Nobles like to enslave people of power…” Her words start to fade on you upon the mention of the World Nobles.
Anger flares up in your system immediately. How low can the Celestial Dragons go? It’s sickening to think that you share the same blood as them. It’s because of this revelation that something becomes clear in your mind.
Ever since leaving Moby Dick, you’re just wandering aimlessly. But after hearing Sito talk about this island, you’re finally sure of what your destination should be.
Sabaody Archipelago.
Specifically, the Human Auctioning House.
From the sudden fury that overwhelms you, not even the fear of being within arm’s reach of the Marines, and possibly dying, could stop you from going there.
It’s reckless and foolish, but isn’t this the reason you left Moby Dick that night— to face your nightmares instead of running away from them?
You listen politely as Sito explains everything else but her words enter and leave your ears without you having to comprehend them. Fortunately, she doesn’t notice your inattentiveness, probably because she wants to pour her frustrations out to a stranger.
You offer your sympathies to her and promise her you’d come back with your crew and help them some more. It’s a simple promise yet for someone who hasn’t been offered help for so long, it means a lot, enough to even bring tears to her eyes. And just like that, you leave.
There are two more islands to stop at before you reach Sabaody Archipelago. You gather provisions on one island and buy explosives on the other.
The only thing you’re sure you can actually do alone is to blow up the Human Auctioning House. Facing the World Nobles is for another time, unfortunately. As for the Marines, well… You’d worry about that if they indeed come. You know you’d be able to handle them as long as they don’t send an Admiral after you.
The thing that worries you the most, however, is Pops’ reaction once you let him know of your plan. While you can always just not tell him, it feels wrong, and you promised you’d report to him, after all. And it’s hard for you to admit, but you secretly want to be saved in case your plan goes askew. That, and well, you still want to make up with Ace, may it be just strictly as friends, but preferably as lovers.
You decide to call once you’re about to set sail towards Sabaody Archipelago. You’re sitting in the middle of your boat, still anchored at the port when you told Pops your plan. And as expected, he’s mad.
He demands you to go back to the crew immediately. “Captain’s orders,” he says. But after a few moments, he retracts his words and says, “Your father’s orders.” You feel the weight of his words when he said that and you almost concede. But the faces of the slaves your family had flashes into your mind and it solidifies your decision.
Interestingly, despite the weeks you have spent away from the crew, their ship is nearer to you than anticipated. As confirmed by Pops himself when he angrily said, “Enough! I’m sending Ace to get you! Two or three days is enough for him to catch up with you.”
But quite frankly, that’s also enough time to execute your plan. And if the odds are in your favor, then Ace might just come in time for your escape.
Arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, you keep your face hidden underneath the hood of your cloak. It’s normal for pirates to walk around the place without having to hide their identities, but it’s a luxury you can’t afford. If someone catches wind that you’re here and reports it, the Cipher Pol just might come and capture you before you can even execute your plan. That just won’t do. So on the first day of your arrival, you only scout the area of the Human Auctioning House and retreat back to the inn you stay at.
You carry out your plan on the next day. You place a bomb where the side of the stage is supposed to be. It’s a distraction so people inside would leave the premises. The plan is to find the keys and free the slaves while the people are panicking from the explosion. Then eliminate the head of the place, Mr. Disco, and finally blow the place apart. It sounds simple but with you having to do all the work, you know it isn’t.
Now that you’re here, your nerves are spiking up. Arriving at the entrance of the building, you take a deep breath, your hand automatically reaching for the bracelet that Ace made you. It instantly calms you down.
It baffles you how fate works because on the very day you decide to free the slaves that are being sold off at the Human Auctioning House, Ace’s brother, Luffy — along with his crew — is at the same place to rescue their friend who was kidnapped.
Somehow even on a dangerous mission like this, there’s still something or someone who’d remind you of Ace. It makes you wonder: has he really embedded himself too deep into your life that there’s no escaping the thoughts of him? Not that you mind; the thoughts of him bring you peace, after all. But still, it’s fascinating that even in both mundane and dangerous settings, he makes himself known to you.
Upon entering the Human Auctioning House, everything happens so fast and unexpected. And quite frankly, a lot happened that wasn’t part of the plan.
Aside from finding the Straw Hat Pirates, you got yourself injured when you used your body to shield their fish man friend, Hatchi, from Saint Charlos’ gunshot. Then you confronted Saint Shalria personally despite you not planning to get involved with the Celestial Dragons. As for the slaves, it was the Dark King, Silvers Rayleigh, who actually freed them. The only things that you personally executed from your plan were Mr. Disco’s elimination and the bombing of the Human Auctioning House.
Escape is easy once the building starts to explode because the Marines would have to lessen the forces who're chasing after the pirates in order for them to successfully put out the fire. Without any Admiral on the scene yet, it’s not hard to slip away from them and/or fight them.
Even with the gunshot wound on your arm, you’re able to take down each and every one of the Marines who are chasing you. But halfway through your journey back to the grove where you left your boat at, you lose your adrenaline.
You start to feel the sharp and stinging sensation on your arm once again, yet, you couldn’t help but smile. You have gotten out alive. The slaves have been freed. With both Mr. Disco and the building gone, the Human Auctioning House will no longer be operational, or at least not yet until someone steps up. But that won’t be after a long time.
It’s a wonderful day.
You look up at the afterglow of the sunset with a serene smile. You have a feeling your nights are going to feel shorter now and less frightening than they were before.
Your peaceful moment is cut off by someone rather abruptly. You jump in surprise as someone wraps their arms around you from behind all of a sudden. “I finally caught up with you.”
Your breath hitches at the sound of the voice. “Ace? What are you doing here?”
He doesn’t answer your question, but he mumbles, “I’m sorry if I only came now. Pops wouldn’t tell me where you were, but I came as soon as I could.” Then he tightens his hug. “I was so scared, I thought I’d lose you…”
“Ace, I’m sorry about—”
“Hey, it’s on me, okay?” He interrupts. “I blew things out of proportion, and now you’re blue.”
You pull away from his hug to face him.
“Y-your arm! You’re bl-bleeding,” he stutters after seeing your injury.
But you pay no mind to that. “Ace… I’m really sorry about us—”
“Ssshhh, baby…” he rubs his hand on your back.
He looks at your figure carefully, focused on looking for any more bruises or wounds. When he doesn’t find anything more, he gently holds you by your waist. “Don’t blame yourself, I’m the one who burned us down, but… it’s not what I meant.
“It was all in my head, okay? It’s just that the Celestial Dragons are all grouped in my head as scums and that they’re inexcusable because… my brother was killed by a Celestial Dragon.”
A wave of guilt flows through your body, enough to weaken your knees. Before you could fall, however, Ace catches you and brings you to his chest. But this doesn’t stop you from sobbing on his chest. “I didn’t know, Ace. I’m so sorry.”
“No, that’s the thing, baby. It isn’t your fault. It wasn’t you who pulled the trigger. And… I have to admit I failed to see that at first,” he says as he hugs you tighter. “I shouldn’t have stood there frozen after you told me your story. I’m supposed to be the one who understands you...
“I’m not trying to make excuses and I’m not trying to make this about me but it’s just that… for so long I thought that I inherited the bad blood of my father, and I spent my lifetime failing to see that his sins aren’t my sins,” his voice cracks as he cries. “So when I found out about you… My mind automatically held you liable for the sins of the Nobles…
“But I talked to Pops and he straightened me up. I understand now. Our parents’ sins aren’t ours. It never was ours to begin with. So I’m sorry for blaming you for something you didn’t do…”
Ace stares at your crying form. He cups your face and sincerely says, “It’s so excruciating to see you low,” as he wipes the tears on your eyes. “I’m sorry if I hurt you…”
“It’s fine Ace, I forgive you. But…” You look directly into his eyes. “I’m at fault too,” you confess. “I was the one who left... I was so used to living like an island and isolating myself that it didn’t occur to me that I was punishing you with silence… I should’ve waited patiently for you but I ran away…”
Ace rubs your back gently and presses his forehead against yours, “I forgive you too.”
You smile in relief.
After a couple of minutes in silence, Ace tilts his head. “Y/N?”
“Remember when you said that you saw daylight after sleeping in a long, dark night?”
You give him a curious look but nodded anyway.
“Beside wishing that I was there for you sooner, it had me thinking...”
“Uhm… The world is terrible and cruel, and no one can ever really stop the dark nights from coming.”
You frown. You don’t really understand what Ace is trying to say.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is,” he rubs his neck while his cheeks starts to blush, “if you ever have to go through those dark nights, I wouldn’t want you to wait for daylight.
“I want to be there with you on those nights until they’re over. I don’t want to leave you when things get rough and only show up when you’re better. I know you see me as your daylight but I don’t want to be just that.”
His words warm your heart, and makes it skip a beat. “You know, Ace, there are remnants of light that linger in the sky even when the sun has long gone down and the night starts. It’s the afterglow,” you mumble.
“Yeah, but that goes away too after a while,” he frowns.
“Well, lucky for you the moon reflects the sun’s light during the night, huh?”
He grins. “Yeah, yeah. I like that. I want to be your source of light, may it be the daylight, moonlight, or the afterglow.”
A moment of silence engulfs the both of you. Under the soft afterglow of the sunset with your arms wrapped around each other, you feel at peace.
Once upon a time, you used to believe love is black and white— that it’s straightforward. It was either you love Ace or you don’t, there were no gray areas. No matter what he feels, says, or does, your love for him never ceases.
But then some other days you believed that love is burning red— that it’s full of passion, lust, and romance, much like the nights you spent entangled in the sheets with Ace.
However, right now in Ace’s arms, all you could ever think about is that love is golden. It was warmth and comfort, like what daylight brings. It was contentment and serenity too, much like the feeling of lightness one gets when seeing the afterglow of the sunset. Either way, it’s Ace who makes you feel those.
No matter what color love actually is though, for you it’s always embodied by Ace.
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
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Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
The saga continues for my dear friend @enchantedink-ag, enjoy lovelies!
Part 2
Bounding from tree to tree in the scattered daylight as it filtered through the canopy, Inuyasha barely had time to catch his breath before taking off once more towards Meiji Shrine, a sacred temple located in a meadow with not much else around it. Miroku explained this temple was sacred, much like Mount Hakurei was. The temple had been built over the grave of the deceased demon, Koyanagi. It was where the twins had taken her, Miroku was sure of it. With it being a sacred place, it was the perfect location to harness spiritual power to bring him back from the dead.
He had been running all day, only stopping to take a quick drink in a stream he passed by earlier. Sweat covered his brow and Inuyasha knew he would have to move even quicker before sundown to make it there, that the full moon would be at its highest just hours after the sun sets over the horizon. Feeling his youki pulse, he pushed forward, leaping from a tree branch as his strength rose and his inner demon roared in anger. Kagome, I’m coming.
Kagome focused on the dirt on her bare feet, while Kimoto wrapped the sisal rope around the worn wooden pole that protruded from the ground. She needed to keep her strength up, even though she was bone tired and her whole body ached. The blood and dirt caked on her head had dried hours ago, while she sported a nice looking welt on her tear stains cheek where Kimoto had thrown her in the rough dirt. Whimpering, she felt a slight shiver and a wave of nausea roll over her as he continued tying, his hands brushing her backside. Inuyasha. I’m scared. Where are you?
As he finished securing her, Kirigaya spread out her scroll on a near by large stone few feet away, then pulled a dagger from her inner cloak. The smooth steel glistened in the bright moonlight, catching Kagome’s attention from her post. The soft breeze swished across the grass and Kagome knew she would have loved the lay here in the meadow and stargaze with her husband had they come across it in different circumstances. Swallowing quickly, she kept quiet and continued to observe the twin demons. Wiggling her fingers, she pulled against the worn rope, noticing that the rope wasn’t as tight as she had initially thought and felt a familiar aura approach the far tree line. Not wanting to give anything away, Kagome shifted and continued to stare ahead into the dark forest.
Inuyasha stood in a tall oak tree, glaring at the scene before him. He growled quietly to himself when he noticed Kagome was currently tied to a post in a dirt patch in the middle of a field. Farther back sat a small red painted building he assumed was the shrine. I’m going to kill those fuckers for kidnapping Kagome. He continued watching the duo move around Kagome, setting up the ritual. Glancing at the clear sky, he noticed the moon was almost at its highest point, shining brightly on the scene before him. It was time as he felt an evil aura spread over the forest.
He patted his kosode, feeling the rough outline of the pouch Kaede gave him, the stack of sutras from Miroku, wiggling his ears once, before grabbing Kagome’s bow and arrow and jumping quietly from his spot. He wasn’t sure what his plan was, he just knew he needed to stop the ritual from happening. He needed to save his wife and unborn child.
He simply strode forward silently, keeping one claw gripped tightly on his fang, the other still holding Kagome’s weapons, his eyes darting swiftly around. The two demons didn’t seem to notice him, or to care to even look up at him, which was he thought was odd. He was sure they would have felt his aura by now, unless they were ignoring him. Feeling a bit unnerved, he was suddenly throw back by some invisible force, yelping as he landed on his back. Fucking hell that hurt. Three heads shot up at the sound, the demons staring and smirking at his pain while Kagome’s eyes filled with worry.
“Ah, the half-breed showed up brother, I had wondered if he would find us. It seems he isn’t as dense as I assumed.” Kirigaya snickered as Inuyasha groaned and slowly stood, staying rooted in his spot. “If you couldn’t tell, we set up a barrier around the ritual site so no one can bother us.”
��That’s right sister, we don’t need anyone interrupting us.” Kimoto added, stepping away from Kagome. Inuyasha! Kagome struggled against the ropes once more, feeling them give away more this time. A plan was beginning to form in her thoughts. Her stomach lurched as she heard Inuyasha’s yelp once more, staring ahead as he was thrown back to the ground again. Her bow and arrows lay on the ground beside him and her determination grew. Once she was free of these ropes….
Kirigaya turned towards her scroll once more before lifting her head to look at the moon’s position and smiling broadly.
“It’s time. Brother, come here.” She reached for his hand, intertwining their slender fingers. “In just a short time, our brother will be returned to us and we will once again be all powerful.”
“You bastards! Let Kagome go!” Inuyasha yelled from outside the invisible barrier, staring at his wife with fear filled golden eyes. Kagome could tell by his wide stance, clenched fists and angry glare that he was becoming desperate. His demon wouldn’t stay away much longer. Hang in there for me Koi, I’ve got a plan. 
Kimoto turned towards her, pure joy in his gray eyes, and lifted his hands. The grass suddenly still and the air around her coming to a halt. If she stopped struggling, she was sure she could hear her own heartbeat with how silent the area was. Glancing at the love of her life, she saw him draw Tetsusaiga and the blade turn a crimson red. He’s going to break the barrier. I need to get out of these ropes and fast.
Kirigaya swiftly turned her head and glared at the half-demon with his sword raised high. She smiled and took a deep breath. Kagome knew what was coming. Kagome didn’t know it was her that was screaming, until Kimoto shoved a small piece of cloth in her mouth, as more tears fell down her cheeks. The pain wouldn’t stop, piercing her skull and making her incredibly nauseous. Focused on not passing out from the pain, she barely felt the blade slice her collarbone. After what felt like an eternity, the sound stopped and Kagome locked eyes with Inuyasha as he blasted through the barrier, shattering it into a million pieces before it disappeared into the air.
“You filthy half-breed.” Kirigaya was seething, gripping the scroll in her hands so tight, her knuckles turning white. Inuyasha stood at the edge of the dirt circle, a smirk spreading across his face. Whipping her head back, she urged Kimoto to continue. Kagome realized his hands had been roaming her body, touching her in places only Inuyasha had ever. Her stomach lurching, she pulled against the ropes once more, her right hand coming free. As Kimoto drew blood from her cheek with the small dagger, she quickly untied the rest of the rope, freeing her left. Pulling the dirtied cloth from her mouth, she shoved at Kimoto. I have to get to my weapon. Inuaysha!
“Inuyasha!” She screamed, her heart bursting at the seams as she watched him race forward.
Furious didn’t even begin to describe Inuyasha’s feelings. His blood boiled beneath his skin as he swung, breaking the barrier with his red Tetsusaiga. When Kagome’s blood curdling scream filled the air, his heart shattered and his demon roared. He was clawing to get out, determined to kill the very beings who harmed his beloved. He knew purple streaks had appeared along his cheekbones and his fangs were long enough to pierce his bottom lip. When the barrier disappeared, the ringing stopped. Smirking at the female, he was thankful he had decided to wear the ear plugs before arriving. Thank you Sango.
The scent of iron and blood filled this nose and if he could be any angrier, he would be. That fucker was hurting Kagome. He couldn’t use the Wind Scar in his position, he would hurt her too. Deciding his lengthened claws were a good enough weapon, he leaped at Kirigaya just as she stepped forward, drawing her own sword hidden beneath her cloak. Eyes wide, Inuyasha collided with sharp metal, his hands gripping the sword’s length.
taglist: @kalcia @smh1821 @stillunderyourbed @mandirox89 @littlepumkinseed @knittingknots @mamabearcat @bitch8901 @rikareena @swaggingtomboy @nonbinarypeeta @writemydaydreams @ruddcatha @mlb-stuffs @adorabubblesblog @sailorlolo @chaoticisapphic @zelink-inukag @meadashaw @inukagger @zanda-rl @born-for-eachother @wheremydreamsliethereyoullfindme @anisaanisa @mylindylady @aceverett15
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 18
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
“Autopsy bay, this is Trudy...yep, one second.”
Trudy shoves her rolling chair across the tiled floor, delivering the cordless phone to Scully with a flourish.
“It’s your man candy,” she says with a smirk, and Scully suppresses an eye-roll as she takes the phone.
“Hi, what’s up?” she greets. Now that he has his own office and more privacy (save for Monica, who’s a friend) he’s taken to calling her more often at work.
“Hey honey, you studied German, right?”
“Yes,” she answers, an expectant lilt to her voice.
“What does ‘unruhe’ mean? U-n-r-u-h-e.”
“Mulder...is this a work call or a personal call?” she questions in a lecturing voice.
“Work, it’s for a case we’re looking at,” he answers plainly.
She sighs, moving the phone to her other ear and turning away so Trudy can’t hear her.
“Mulder, we’ve discussed this. I don’t mind you calling me for help on cases, I don’t even mind looking over medical files for you. But if you’re calling me as a colleague, then I need you to address me as one.”
“Shit, sorry, let’s start over,” he says, and she hears the squeak of him shifting in his chair. She imagines him sitting up straighter, putting forth a professional image, and it makes her smile.
“Hi, what’s up?” she repeats.
“Hello, Dr. Scully, I was wondering if I could ask you to translate some German phrases that appear in a case Agent Reyes and I are investigating, if you have time to spare,” he says in his most distinguished, Special Agent voice.
“Of course, Agent Mulder, I’d be happy to help.”
The elevator dings, the doors opening to a quiet and nondescript hallway with a few lonely shelves lining one wall. She steps out, suddenly regretting her insistence that she could find her way to Mulder’s basement office without escort. She makes her way down the hall past a set of bathrooms, and finally arrives outside a closed door.
Fox Mulder
Monica Reyes
Only the names of the occupants, not their division, department nor area of expertise are included, presumably because anyone who ends up down here is already aware of what they are walking in to. She knocks three times and waits, smiling in relief when Monica appears on the other side.
“Hi, Dana, you found us!” she muses, then steps aside so Scully can enter.
It’s an odd office, in so many ways. Oddly shaped, with daylight basement windows and a glass-encased annex, the space is long and narrow which makes it feel big and crowded at the same time. The decor is odd; newspaper clippings and kitschy knick knacks on the walls and every available surface. She smiles at the sight of the house-warming gift she’d purchased for Mulder; a full sized poster of a UFO hovering over evergreen trees with “I Want To Believe” emblazoned across the bottom. Mulder had told her about one just like it he’d had in “the good old days,” and she spent the better part of a week tracking one down after they’d gotten word that the files would be reopened. Though they’ve only inhabited this space for a few weeks, it already looks very lived-in.
Mulder is sitting on the corner of his desk, remote in hand and a slide projector cart situated in front of him. On the wall across from it is a blown up image of a severed head, the eyes partially closed and the lips hanging open. Scully smiles at Mulder and then glances at the screen, frowning at the image but otherwise unaffected.
“Well look at you,” she says with pride in her voice, crossing the room to stand before him where he touches her waist and places a kiss on her cheek. “And who’s this?” she asks, turning again to the screen.
“This,” Mulder says, standing and moving closer to the image, “is Leonard Betts. Or it was, anyway.”
“What’s so special about Mr. Betts that he’s found himself in an X file?” Scully asks.
“Would you believe me if I told you that after Mr. Betts was decapitated, his headless body got up and walked right out of the morgue?” Mulder asks with a cheeky grin, and she glances at Monica, who just shrugs.
“No, I wouldn’t, I’m afraid,” she answers.
“Well, since seeing is believing, Reyes and I will be heading up to Pittsburgh for a few days to have a look for ourselves,” Mulder says as he turns off the projector and wheels the cart into a corner.
Scully’s heart sinks just a little. Mulder had set the expectation that there was quite a bit of travel involved with being assigned to the X files, but this is the first time he’s actually needed to be away overnight for work. Wanting to be supportive, she keeps her expression neutral, betraying nothing.
He approaches her, standing close so that their conversation feels private, even with Monica seated a few feet away.
“Tell Missy and Byers I’m sorry to cancel our dinner plans tomorrow,” he says with a sympathetic frown.
“Will you be home by the weekend?” she asks quietly, “I was hoping to celebrate your birthday on Sunday.”
He smiles sadly at her. The topic of his approaching birthday has been one they’ve both grappled with for slightly different reasons. He proclaims to have never cared much about his birthday, but knowing that it will mark one year since she walked down the aisle with Ethan makes her want to do something special, to reset the date, in a way. She wants it to be Mulder’s birthday, not the anniversary of the worst decision she ever made.
“Probably, but I can’t make any promises. I’ll do my best, okay?”
She nods, and he leans down to kiss her softly in the middle of her forehead.
“I’ll need to swing by the apartment to pack before we leave this evening, so I’ll see you in a bit,” he continues.
She bids Monica farewell and good luck, then rides the elevator back up to a world where headless bodies don’t roam the streets.
Mulder flies home Saturday afternoon, giving her just enough time to throw together a small birthday celebration at the Gunmen’s the following night. Sunday evening she’s sifting through her closet, deciding whether to dress up a little for his benefit. Mulder is lying behind her on the bed fully dressed, pretending he’s on standby to offer fashion advice but in reality he’s just staring at her as she walks from the closet to her dresser in her bra and panties. He has confirmed no fewer than six times that birthday sex is a tradition that she believes in, then suggested that it might be applicable on both the day of his birthday party as well as his actual birthday, which is tomorrow. He seems to be looking forward to that more than getting together with his friends.
“What do you want me to wear, Mulder? It’s your birthday, you pick,” she says in a defeated tone, feeling uninspired by everything she owns.
“What you’re wearing is great, just go with that,” he retorts matter-of-factly, and she looks down at her underwear before giving him a sarcastic sneer.
“I’m sure Frohike would love that,” she says, and he makes a face.
“Maybe just jeans and a T-shirt then. I honestly don’t care, honey, wear whatever you want. I’m just going to take it off later anyway.”
As he finishes speaking, there’s a knock at the door and he stands to answer it, stopping to give her a quick kiss on the crown of her head as he leaves the room.
She pulls out a pair of dark wash jeans and tugs them on, listening as Mulder opens the door and has a muted conversation with someone. It’s a little bit late in the day for solicitors, but they don’t seem to have any boundaries these days. She’s slipping her arms through the sleeves of a blue sweater when Mulder reappears in the doorway.
“Hey Scully?,” he says, his tone strange and unreadable.
“Hm?” she responds, slipping pearl studs into her ears.
“Someone’s here to see you.”
She gives him a quizzical look. “Who?” she asks, and he purses his lips in response.
With a mix of curiosity and trepidation she walks out to the front door, which is slightly ajar. She pulls it open and finds Ethan standing on the other side. Her stomach drops, a flush of adrenaline running from head to toe as ringing sounds off in her ears. She gapes at him, unable to take any kind of action.
“Hi, Dana,” he finally says, somewhat sheepishly. “Sorry to drop by like this, I just, um...I found a spare key to the apartment,” he says, holding up a single key between his thumb and forefinger. “I figured I should return it.”
“Oh,” she replies, then holds out her hand.
He places the key in the center of her palm and she closes her fist around it, then drops her arm to her side. They stand there awkwardly, an expectant feeling hanging between them. Though she’d momentarily forgotten Mulder was there, he suddenly appears by her side.
“I need to go run to the store for something, I’ll be right back, okay?” he says, locking eyes with her on the ‘okay.’ She understands it to be him asking if they need privacy, and if she’s comfortable being left alone with Ethan. She nods with a grateful smile.
After Mulder has retreated down the hallway, she stands to the side and gestures for Ethan to come in. He enters the apartment cautiously, looking around. She closes the door but stays near it.
“Looks different in here,” he remarks, standing behind one of the dining room chairs and resting his palms on it.
She nods and shrugs.
“Was that, uh...is that your boyfriend?” he asks, hitching his thumb towards the door.
Her shoulders drop, a pained expression falling over her face. “Ethan...” she begins, ready to ask him if he came here just to guilt trip her.
“Sorry, forget I asked,” he interjects, shaking his head. “I didn’t come here to give you a hard time, Dana, I promise. I just…” he looks around again, pulling in a deep breath. “You know it will be a year tomorrow, since...and I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. For what happened, and also how things ended.”
She furrows her eyebrows. “What do you have to be sorry for?” she asks.
“I might have said the same thing earlier this year,” he says with a self-deprecating laugh, “but I’ve done a lot of reflecting since we split and I realized that I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to the signals you were sending me. In retrospect, it was pretty obvious that you were having doubts, and I just kind of crossed my fingers and soldiered on. And then after the wedding, you were so unhappy. I just chose not to see it, I guess. And that was wrong of me.”
She feels tears welling in her eyes and her throat becomes tight. She doesn’t trust herself to speak so she just nods.
“I recently started seeing someone,” Ethan continues, “and it’s pretty new, but it’s really made it clear to me that you and I just weren’t a good match. Not because anything was wrong, but...it wasn’t right either, you know?”
She nods again, crossing her arms over her chest as a tear spills over and runs down to her chin.
“So, anyway, I won’t take up any more of your time. I just think a lot about how things ended the last time we saw each other, and how angry I was, and I wanted you to know that I get it now. I understand why you did what you did. And I’m glad that you didn’t spend twenty years suffering through it just to prove a point. We both deserve better than what we had.”
Her face is now contorted into a grimace as she tries to keep from falling apart entirely, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, and this opportunity to atone. Ethan moves to the door, pulling it open. As he steps into the hall, she clears her throat and forces out the only words she can muster.
“Thank you,” she squeaks, and he turns to look back at her.
With all the anger and resentment faded away, the grief and the guilt washed clean, she sees again the man she once loved very much, who was a good partner to her, even if he wasn’t “the one.”
She moves towards him and he opens his arms, enveloping her in a tight hug. When he loosens his grip, she steps back so she’s just inside the apartment, sniffing and wiping her nose on the back of her hand.
“Goodbye, Dana,” he says with a sad smile.
“Bye,” she says, and closes the door.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-Yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 1
It’s been a while since I visited the many times Yugi should have gone to jail, AKA season Zero, and I’m excited to visit it again.
If you just got here, this is Season Zero, which is very different vibe and a different direction plotwise than the other seasons and you can read the season zero recaps from the start in chrono order here: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yuugi%20muto/chrono
So be warned, this is a 90′s anime, and it will do 90′s anime things, and I expect y’all reading this aren’t like 12.
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Like I said in an earlier post, I wrote this out fully when I was going through the symptoms from my second dose--which PS, is worth it--but those symptoms knocked me out for 10 days. I was kind of a space cadet, and yo, I made some mistakes. Including writing this post out in full and then not clicking “save” on this post and then not realizing I had done that until several days later.
So long story short, I don’t remember what I originally wrote here, but lets all assume it was weird, and didn’t make sense and wasn’t funny. We’ll just assume this was for the best that it was deleted forever.
So this episode is about 2 things: Yo-yos and Jounouchi. Both get used as a tool for violence, and both need to get just a little bit cursed by Yugi to scale it the hell back. So, understandably, we start off this episode with Jounouchi, who has eagerly identified with this off brand yo-yo he apparently got out of a dumpster for being just a huge ass defect.
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(more Yo-Yo crimes under the cut)
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I see you dodging copyright infringement, Yugioh. Eireboy.
Also whenever I read “Eireboy” I do it in my mind in the same pacing and vocal tones that Pegasus uses to say “Kaiba boy.” Something about it’s conjunction to Yugioh, I see anything with “boy” at the end of it, and it’s voiced by a weird guy with one eye.
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So I wrote these caps under the influence of my second dose, just assuming y’all understand the life I lived, but I realized writing this episode...traveling bands of yo-yo performers that go to your school and shill yo-yos with yo-yo shows in the hopes that it will get you so obsessed with yo-yos that you will not join a gang and do drugs and have sex may be just an American thing.
So when I saw a yo-yo episode I was like “Tight! Clearly, the yo-yo clowns have come to town!” and I assumed everyone in this class would be draped in yo-yos, because I just assumed that at some point at School you will get MAD OBSESSED with yo-yos for about 2 weeks.
But in this episode, everyone was like “Jounouchi, why are you playing with a random yo-yo?” and it didn’t occur to me until typing this out just now: only Jounouchi is doing this. He did this unprompted, without the encouragement of a bunch of middle aged performers doing tricks to techno music.
So instead, I have to think of Jounouchi as Ralphie in this scenario, and he just got a official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time for Christmas, but he’s gonna shoot his eye out.
Because yo-yos in this episode are basically guns.
...Kind of like a duel deck was also just a gun...
...or the wands in Harry Potter...
...which honestly...I’ve probably said this before but where I’m from, we just use straight up guns in these elaborate analogies because we freakin have to make the point crystal clear. The moment Ralphie finally got his hands on a bb-gun, he very nearly shot his eye out and broke his glasses. And that scene will haunt me until my dying day...
...but fine, we can use yo-yos, I guess it works, although to me, yo-yo’s are just teachers hoping you’ll become such a dork that no gang will accept you (and then in this universe, it does the opposite? So freakin weird).
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The beginning of this episode is Jounouchi trying do his best to impress with his skills, but in actuality, getting very close to clubbing Anzu with a yo-yo. And, while Anzu is the strongest person in Yugioh in the later seasons, I feel like Season Zero Anzu is another level. It’s a serious tempt of fate that Jounouchi is doing, so Honda wisely cuts him off from doing any more of that so she won’t end up strangling yet another person in broad daylight in the middle of school.
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Remember your yo-yo safety, children.
Straight up, Honda’s version of yo-yo safety is to just Never Use a Yo-Yo and that’s the most gun safety thing ever that they’ve slipped into this Yugioh Episode. I almost expected Yuugi to pull a “well, actually, I use a hunting yo-yo to get enough venison to feed my family.” But youknow, he lives in a city, so while Yugioh is pretty weird and Yuugi has to worry about a lot of things--he doesn’t have to worry about that.
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This is actually foreshadowing, which I only realized in hind sight, mostly because I just can’t associate a Yo-yo with crime. Joey knowing how to use a yo-yo was foreshadowing that he was absolutely part of this gang in a past life.
Yeah that one went completely over my head the first time and the second time and it really wasn’t until just now that I finally caught it. Hoo boy, sometimes I wonder why y’all let me analyze this show.
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Jounouchi decides to confront the yo-yo bandits and everyone else is like “Silly Jounouchi, he’s not gonna do that. That would be stupid.” And...in S0, they don’t know him well enough yet to know that he really is that much of a well meaning dumbass.
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I think a S1-5 Yugi would have been sprinting out the door to keep Joey from killing himself (again), but Season Zero Yuugi had hope that Jounouchi would just naturally tucker out and fall asleep or something.
And he was so wrong.
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Anzu’s “New Tricks” line was from the dub itself and man that’s a good line. I love Anzu’s sass in Zero.
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So, Honda decides to help them find Jounouchi so all of them together could give Jounouchi an intervention for skipping school. This is the same Honda that once skipped school to babysit a tomagachi and said it was because of “Maternity leave,” but don’t worry about the hypocrisy, because from this episode we learned that Jounouchi needs a very short leash.
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So this episode is a great Jounouchi episode to explain stuff that still hasn’t been explained in 5 seasons of Yugioh. In S1-5, we don’t get much about his home life other than his Mom left and his Sister lives far away and is like sickly as hell. We know nothing else. But this is the episode where we finally get to find out why Yuugi and his Grandfather decided to basically adopt him from S1 onward.
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Yugioh is tackling some pretty heavy territory, but I respect the show for not trying to magically change Jounouchi’s parents like they did to Dartz. Instead, the crew decide to reach out and try to find their friend who clearly didn’t go home last night (and won’t be going back for a while), by checking every alleyway in Domino.
Fun fact Yuugi drops this episode, Domino is one of the biggest cities on Earth. This makes the Battle City Tournament even more crazy when you realize Kaiba shut down several blocks but, it also makes a tiny bit more sense how we have so many Millennium items in one place. (Yet...it still doesn’t explain Bakura and Joey’s accent.) And, I guess if your city is just extra large, you get an extra large warehouse district, too.
Speaking of, they eventually find Jounouchi at his new (but also old) crime antics mugging some random stranger next to this Game store that I just realized was cropped so it looks like it says “GANG.”
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Say hello to our crime clown. He’s sort of like a discount joker, and that beanie is...man it is green.
I forget this green exists sometimes, but Season Zero has it as one of their prime colors. Good ol’ Retro Kaiba green.
I’m a little tempted to swatch Season Zero a bit and figure out their full color scheme--it’s really saturated, which is interesting when you compare it to the later seasons which are a lot more muted since...the 00′s were like that, they greyed a lot of colors out. But I’ll do it later if I do, maybe another post for another day.
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Jounouchi and Honda, before they moved to the school with Yuugi in it, used to go to the same school and up until now I just assumed they were close friends. But apparently they were a lot more distant than that. I’m sure they met up several times as Jounouchi destroyed stuff and Honda came along in his volunteer janitor outfit to put the stuff the hell back, and maybe that’s how they got to know eachother better?
But basically, Jounouchi was the freakin worst, and Jounouchi’s best friend was Hirotani--this 45 year old 15 year old with the blue pony and turquoise fade--and Honda has SO MUCH hot goss to say about it.
I really get the gist that Honda may not have liked anyone else at his old school, like at all. Like maybe Honda likes cleaning up trash so much because his school was just trash top to bottom.
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As is tradition, Yuugi got his tar beat in by Hirotani. Another concussion to add to his list of issues to tell his future therapist that lives in that puzzle he wears around his neck.
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I still expect him to do a double cross, but it seems they wanted to keep it a relatable and more realistic fall-out, where Jounouchi has just bounced on them without even a goodbye. He and his Dad had a bad fight, and Jounouchi was like “well so long to all of this and everyone that has anything to do with it.”
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In later seasons, Joey is the one trying to save other people. He’s saving his Sister, he’s saving Mai, he’s saving Yugi, but in this season Jounouchi’s friends had to save Jounouchi from himself a few times now.
I like this depth to his character, I’ll be honest. I can understand why S1-5 don’t touch on it, and I don’t think it’s because they didn’t want to have an abusive Dad storyline, because they did that several times over with Seto Kaiba (man the Dad situation in Yugioh is DIRE.) Instead they probably just felt like Season Zero already did it, so why do it again?
It’s just a shame that it wasn’t talked about in the other seasons. Joey makes a lot more sense to me now because we get to see why Jounouchi is so hard set on saving people. S4 Mai Valentine, who ditched everyone and joined a gang? That’s basically a Joey move, and that was why Joey Wheeler was all over that.
Really would have added a lot to that particular arc if the show...actually talked about Joey’s history at all rather than assume I would have watched something that was never released in the States. Instead...it just looked a lot like he had only romantic motivations, which may not have been what they were going for.
Speaking of romantic, check out this sunset. Like the sun is exploding for some reason--just a wild sunset you only see for a still frame before a commercial break.
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As Joey, youknow, takes on an entire rival gang single-handedly.
Hey guys, I lived near a pretty big city most of my life and I have been on a roof...once. Just the one time when I was doing an internship in SF with a painter and we needed to take a reference photo of his painting for a gallery (and it was hella sketch, and we weren’t exactly allowed up there). Who are all these people giving teens Roof Access? It’s so hard to get! Even if you live in an apartment of a tall building, I can count on zero of my fingers the amount of times I was allowed on that roof. But TV shows and movies--they freakin love roof gardens and roof hangouts and roof fights.
Am I missing out?? How did y’all get on the ROOF? I know I’m on S5 of Yugioh now and I have seen a lot of roof stuff, but like...is this normal for everyone else? I know there’s schools that have roof sport--that’s common in the city everywhere--but that’s like...specialized roofs with 30 ft chainlink fencing and really good supports to your body doesn’t fall straight through it when you jump too much. The hell is using their normal ass roof?
This gang should have their legs swinging halfway into the floor below them, is all I’m saying, if my roof couldn’t handle our solar heating, then a normal ass roof cannot support a gang fight.
But it does look really, really cool.
Anyway, Anzu does some offscreen snooping and finds out where the crime hangs out, and suggests that we step right into crime zone and just yank Jounouchi out of there. Which is something you would only do and say if you were Anzu and cannot fear death.
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If it were Jay’s it would be with an ‘s. That’s how you do a plural Jay. But it’s the 90′s, so we put a “z” on the end of everything that should have been an “s” and that’s how you get the...
I mean, thank you, dubbers, for not saying “Jizz” but for reals...that be Jizz.
Please don’t flag me, Tumblr. (which, PS, I think they turned off the flagbot, Tumblr hasn’t flagged me in forever and I’m so thankful. Mods are asleep, we can talk about anime again)
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So even though Honda decided that he was fed up with Jounouchi and didn’t want to save his ass, he decided to give it another go but complete with some new sash. He also did this without telling any of the others, who just kinda spectated him for a little while.
Honestly, if they weren’t laughing at him, I wouldn’t have known that this sash was any weirder than any of his other sashes. I don’t know really know what a school uniform should look like. It’s a shame, I feel like this series has a lot of jokes and puns probably soaring right over my head.
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A little bit embarrased he was caught being vulnerable, Honda decides to give us a little more context to why he ever decided to give Jounouchi the time of day in the first place.
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They had PE class once, and Honda apparently loves the hell out of PE. Jounouchi ran really fast in a straight line that one time, and that is why he’s trustworthy friend material. He just needs to stop joining gangs, and he’ll be solid.
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I have no idea if the fandub put that in there or if that was native to the show, but Miho legit stans Honda/Jounouchi and acts as if she’s off to write some fanfiction about it. Honestly if she did, it would make her so much more interesting of a character.
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And so, until next time, we shall have to wait and see exactly what Yami Yuugi is going to do with a freakin Yo-yo and I’m sure it’s all sorts of real effed up. Excited to get there, honestly. A shame it had to happen on the part that isn’t dubbed yet, but I’ve done these subbed before, it’ll be fine!
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lilxberry · 4 years
Fond Of This Dwarf - Thorin Oakenshield
Requested By: @heyitsgarnet​
Hi! I really love your writing! Could I request a Thorin x elf reader who's with the company? He's kind of an doushe to her but then she saves his ass from orcs or something and he's like "oh shit I'm in love." thank yooou! <3
This probably isn’t exactly what you were looking for but I think it’s sweet and does just a good a job. I’m so sorry it took me forever to finish your request, I really wish I could’ve done something for you sooner. Thank you so much for being patient 
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Warnings: Probably a bad word somewhere lmao. I guess racism??? Angst. Fluff. Mentions of war and death. Pretty much it, I reckon.
Words: 2,331
Parings: Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (x elf reader) (x female reader)
How on Middle Earth had Gandalf think adding you to a company that consisted of multiple dwarves were a good decision you’ll never quite know. You’re completely certain that the grey wizard knew of the dwarves hatred for elves, of course he knew, definitely explains the precautions he had taken when introducing you to those who you were to travel to the lonely mountain with.
Luckily, that hatred slowly dispersed as time passed during your journey. All the dwarves had eventually taken a liking to you, apart from the ever grouchy, complacently brooding Thorin Oakensheild. Even Dwalin had begun to be a more civilised dwarf towards you, for Valars’ sake!
The first one to show some form of kindness to you were Balin. Obviously, he had reason to be all sorts of rude and crude towards you because of your race but you figured he has witnessed enough hostility within his lifetime so refused to show any when truly nessicary.
Ori had been next. It took some time considering he was under the watchful eyes and influential words of his older brothers. Fílí and Kílí followed after that and before you knew it, they all began to follow suit.
Needless to say, you and Bilbo had no issues from the get-go. In fact, you were and still are joined at the hip. And Gandalf, well, he’s Gandalf. You’re not even sure he can actually hate anything.
The journey had been long and treacherous, but you were getting closer and closer each day, even with each and every hindrance and snag you faced. Running everyday for survival is outright exhausting but utterly needed, which is what you were currently partaking in.
“I spy-“
Ori was swiftly cut off with a collective groan from the company whilst you and Bilbo shared an amused look, no doubt Gandalf had a similar expression across his face at the front of the group.
“Not again, lad, for the love of Mahal, please.” Dwalin grumbled as he pressed his fingers against his forehead as if trying to sooth a forming migraine. Ori visibly deflates and sighs quietly, looking like a kicked puppy.
“No, go on, Ori. I’ll play with you.” He perked up just as quickly as he had been denied moments earlier. He beamed up towards you as he straightened out his posture.
“I spy, with my little eye, something…beginning with…T!”
“Tree.” The company’s response was almost automatic, the answer as clear as daylight.
You and Bilbo chuckled before you both turned your attention to the dwarf beside you once again looking down and ashamed. “Don’t worry, Ori. I’m sure as we get closer to the lonely mountain, we’ll find more things to spy.” Bilbo’s encouragement was so sweet that you just had to jump in and help brighten the young dwarfs sour mood also.
“Definitely. Don’t get me started about the endless possibilities for ‘I spy’ inside Erebor.” Ori smiled his widest smile towards you and the hobbit as the others chuckled. All finding amusement in your merriment of a silly childs’ game. All except one.
“You humour me how you would think I would allow you to step foot inside my mountain.”
All humour, all happiness quickly faded until there were scowling faces amongst everyone. You furrowed your shaped eyebrows and slowed to a stop and burn holes into the back of Thorins’ head. You shook your head and began to walk once more with haste, shouldering the rude dwarf as you pass him and race ahead of the company.
You wouldn’t admit it, not verbally, not so outwardly, but his words and distain towards you hurt, very much so. Even though Thorin has shown nothing but his dislike towards you, you couldn’t help to admire his strong will, his caring side that he had shown his kin, his handsome appearance-
-‘NO! Y/N, stop it!’ You scolded yourself mentally as you shook your head to rid yourself of those thoughts just as quickly as they had entered your mind once more. He didn’t like you, not your race at least. He made that more than obvious for you and everyone around you.
You sighed inwardly before slowing your strides, allowing the company to catch up to where you had stormed off. You could hear the scolding the few bold enough to do so were giving Thorin, though you knew that the probability of him actually considering of what they were saying were nought.
Someone, who you presumed to be Gandalf, cleared their throat, noting the proximity between you and the group now they have caught up to your small steps. The silence consumed the company as they all sluggishly dragged their feet as they trudged along, awkwardness surrounding each and every dwarf, once again, all except that stubborn royal pain in the jacksie.
“Out of the way, elf.” He spat the name of your kind with such distain and disgust that your heart panged with an immense pain, your chest tightened, your intake of breath quick and sharp. You felt the burning of tears build up within your eyes as he passed you gruffly but refused to let them fall.
You will NOT seem weak in front of people- no, dwarves- like him. Bilbo caught up to walk beside you and places a gentle, comforting hand on to your forearm, smiling up at you sympathetically. The rest of the walk was silent, that was until you all heard the shrill cry of an orcs horn.
Your lungs begged for air, every inch of muscle within your body burned and longed for rest. Fatigue was catching up with all of you and fast.
“We cannot run any longer, we must stand our ground!” You couldn’t tell if Dwalin was pleading or trying to be demanding with Thorin and Gandalf, all you knew was that his tone was as brass and harsh as usual.
“We can take them, of do you really have such little faith towards your company, Thorin?!” You huffed, clearly just as agitated and enraged as the others.
Thorin halted immediately and swiftly turned on his heel to face you, a deep, raging fire of hatred filled his gaze. He groaned in aggravation and drew his sword, ensuring the others quickly followed suit. You deeply exhaled through your nose and you spun yourself around to face the oncoming threat as you unshouldered you bow and raising it higher.
You withdrew an arrow from your quiver, quickly lining your body perpendicular towards the enemy and drawing the arrow back towards your cheek, staring down the length of the arrow. You exhaled as you released your firm grip and so, first blood had been drawn.
It was nearing the end of the gruelling battle but in truth, it was difficult to tell, exhaustion taking over every single one of the company. It felt as though the enemy just kept coming, multiplying as you take a singular orc down.
Blood coated you and the others, mainly that of orcs and Wargs alike, dried and cracked. As you took down yet another enemy, you heaved out a shaky breath, exhaling heavily with a slight groan.
You looked towards the others, all seemingly fairing well, all grouped together, all except, you guessed it, Thorin. Two orcs atop their Wargs brought the dwarf down on to the hard, filthy ground, defenceless, weapon astray. He crawled backwards, even that looked like such a struggle for him though.
The Wargs snarled and growled as they closed in on the drained dwarf, the orcs straddled upon their fur coated backs grinning wickedly. As quick as a whippet, you powered through your own exhaustion and pain and sprinted towards the predators closing in on their prey.
You released a cry of anger and frustration as you withdrew your elven sword from its place on your back before bringing it down on to the beasts head, emitting a pained whimper before it fell harshly against the floor, body now limp and lifeless.
The orc that once sat atop the dead creature stood from where it landed next to its Wargs’ corpse with a seething anger and charged towards you. You swiftly cut him down and turned your focus to the final orc/Warg duo all the while Thorin looked on with wide eyes and bated breath, watching you with a new found admiration.
Almost as quickly as the last, you had taken down the enemy and collapsed down to your knees, exhaustion washing over you completely. Your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you inhaled and exhaled heavily in repeat.
“Are you…okay lass?” Balin approached you cautiously as the others watched on, concern and their own tiredness evident on their faces. All you could offer in response was a single nod of your head.
Thorin snapped out of his reverie and slowly came to a stand, but before he could proceed to close the gap between the two of you, you raised to your own feet and began to walk away from the group. “We should keep moving. No doubt another pack or two is a day behind them.”
“Yes, Miss Y/N makes a valid argument. Come on.” Gandalf had gruffly agreed with the statement made from over your shoulder. And with that, the company tiredly trudged further along, leaving behind the corpses of their slain foes and the final dwarves’ disdain towards you.
“We make camp here.” Thorin’s authoritative command travelled throughout the clearing within trees and into the ears of the company. Pained grunts, relieved sighs and heavy knapsacks thudding against the ground were Thorin’s confirmation that he had been heard.
He dragged his feet as he walked over to lazily slump against the bark of a sturdy tree, exhaling heavily through his nose and closing his eyes, basking in the knowledge that he lives to see a new day. His eyes barely reopen as he scans across each and every member of the company. Or at least, nearly every member.
He luckily caught a smidge of your form disappearing past the treeline and his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Surely you were tired? You had to be from all the walking and fighting you’ve done. Why would you head off away from the others?
With a huff of air, he pushed himself from his leaning position against the sturdy trunk and headed off towards the direction you disappeared in. Thorin kept himself quiet as he walked weaved passed trees, his strides small and light footed. He came to a slight clearing which was perfectly illuminated in the moons light, a heavenly glow across the small, vacant area.
And then he spotted you.
Sat precisely in the centre of it all, eyes softly closed, eyelashes resting on your cheek ever so delicately, the light breeze brushing your hair back from your face, a face that, even though is covered by the dried and cracked crimson smears, looked fair and filled with serenity, a calmness that was affect Thorin in many ways.
He had become so entranced that he hadn’t realised that he walked out into the opening further as he stared, stared at someone who he considered the enemy for far too long, at someone who he now admired, at someone who has kindled a newfound feeling deep within him.
“Are you going to keep standing around like some lemon or are you going to join me?” the sudden sound of your voice actually caused the dwarf to jump ever so slightly, taken off guard. You peeked an eye open, finding the situation amusing at a miniscule amount.
Thorin cleared his throat and wiped his hands down his front with a tinge of nervousness before making his way over and lowering himself beside you, arms rested atop his knees. A silence that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable passed before he spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
The simple two-word statement accompanied by his deep, gruff voice caused your eyes to widen slightly and snap your head towards the dwarf to your right. “W-what?”
“I’m sorry. For how I acted before. It wasn’t fair of me to judge you based purely off of who, or rather what, they are. I’m greatly disappointed with myself. Please forgive my ignorance.”
You were flabbergasted. THE Thorin Oakenshield, a prideful and stubborn dwarf, was apologising, hell, even begging, for your forgiveness. Thorin must’ve thought you were trying to imitate that of a fish out of water, your mouth opening and closing multiple times as you searched for the right words to proceed.
You recomposed yourself impossibly fast before flashing the sheepish, nerve wracked dwarf in royal blue and furs a kind, sweet, small smile. “It is okay, Master dwarf. It isn’t as if you had no base reason for your hatred towards my kind. Hopefully, like the rest of the company, we may put our bad blood behind us and move forward working together.”
Thorins’ sigh of relief was large and fairly loud, causing for a small giggle to pass your lips. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards and he flashed you the smallest, microscopic of smiles. “I’m glad. Oh, and thank you. For saving me.”
You gazed at him with such a soft and gentle expression that he was certain he could have melted at the sight. “Your most certainly welcome.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his hair covered cheek before ever so gently laying your head atop his broad shoulder. His whole body tensed at the actions before slowly unwinding, leaving him red in the face and bashfully playing with his fingers.
A peaceful, comforting silence quickly engulfed you two as you sat side by side, his arm now loosely wrapped around your waist, basking in the beautiful surrounding area. You weren’t sure how long you two had sat within each other’s embrace, but you weren’t one to rush a nice thing when it presented itself, so you continued in your contented bliss with a dwarf you had grown quite fond of. Fond of indeed.
That’s right ya dang bunch of cutie pies, I ain’t dead
My uploading is still extremely slow but I thought, since I’m close to being on top with my college work, I would finally finish this fic
It’s weird and probably makes no sense but it’s the best I can do with the amount of stress I’m enduring ‘cause of college so bare with me peeps
Anywho, I hope you enjoy reading this
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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