#but i’m manifesting for my besties out there
planetxiao · 2 years
🕯️ scara wanters will be scara havers 🕯️
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claymorexpunisher · 8 months
Imagine trusting a man enough to let yourself be the perfect ✨passenger seat princess✨ at least 98% of the time.
Wonder what that’s like…
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bigfishthemusical · 2 years
ok I had a lovely lunch and now we are doing a run through and i was reminded that for the actual show the dressers will also be backstage with us and they are my friends so that is yippee!! good 👍
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seriouslyseresin · 2 years
hi besties!!
i’m going to be moving across the country and doing some adventuring the next few days so i just wanted to let y’all know that i won’t be very active but i am still sending good vibes and will hop on when i can (:
mwah 💗💘💌
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wiser-girl · 1 year
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fantasylandloser · 11 months
marriage pact
summary: besties that plan to get married
warnings: smut, mdni, dry humping, idrk what else I should put here so message me and lmk, steve's happy trail, slutty steve, big dick steve
pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
A/n: This started off as one thing then it manifested into something else, and this is 4k words of idk and there MIGHT be a part 2
update here is part 2
Steve loved your slumber parties that had carried over from your childhood. Initially the two of you would binge watch movies, while his parents were who knows where. Up until you were about twelve he slept in the bed with you until one day your parents decided that he couldn’t do that anymore and gave him his own room for when he stayed over. 
Your family was well off due to your father being in business with his and it was probably no big deal for them, but Steve appreciated it nevertheless. He felt so loved in your home, so he made it his second. He was there at least three nights a week, until the two of you got into highschool and his dad wanted him to get serious about basketball. Then it was late night practices and meeting up with girls. He still came around at least once a week for dinners, but usually he was busy. 
You were surprised when he didn’t go away for college. Even more so when he decided to get his own job and start at the community college in Hawkins instead of living off his parents. Eventually he was back to being at your house all the time, until one day your mom randomly asked him to move in, suggesting that he was there all the time anyway. Which he agreed to with speed. So, now your slumber parties were more frequent, and more fun now that you were adults and your mom took away the rule that Steve couldn’t stay in your room.
Now your slumber parties included the two of you gossiping for hours on end about who was pregnant, talking through movies, and newly you doing Steve’s skincare. At first he tried to pretend that he didn’t like it, until one day you decided you didn’t feel like it and he begged you to do it anyway.
“Close your eyes.” You say from your position on his stomach, your thighs fitting snug on each side of him. One of his hands resting on each one. You didn’t need to be sitting on him of course, but Steve claimed it would be easier on your back if he were laying down (which was not true) but you went along with it because it was Steve.
“So bossy.” He murmurs but closes his eyes nonetheless, his fingers messing with the hem of your shorts. You hum in acknowledgement not really able to focus on the task at hand. 
“Is this new?” Steve asks, referring to the cool goopy substance that you were putting on his face.
“Yeah, I’m testing it on you before I put it on my face.” You say jokingly. But not really, considering that's what you were actually doing.
The snort Steve lets out brings a smile to your face. “Well, I’ve been your test dummy since we were kids so I’m not surprised.” 
“Glad that you finally accepted the dynamic of this friendship. Now stop talking.” He huffs at the command but still listens anyway, a small smile resting on his face,that you could never ask him to wipe away. Your brain short circuits a bit when he pulls his hand back to the center of your thigh, his thumb continuously rubbing over the smooth skin. You couldn’t help but wonder when that got added to the dynamic of your friendship. 
“Now sit with that for ten minutes.” You could see him getting ready to protest so you quickly added, “and be still!” You know he’s gonna bitch about it when you go to take the mask off. He hates sitting still more than anything but he could deal for ten minutes.
When he feels the pressure from your body weight pressing into his stomach start to lighten, his hands finding your waist even with his eyes closed.
“Steve.” You huff, knowing he’s not going to let you move until he can, but it’s not like you actually put up a fight. Not like you actually wanted to be away from his warmth. So you stayed simply sitting on him for ten minutes. Watching him, thinking about how he was still so pretty even with the mask on his face.
When it was time for you to take it off. You almost didn’t want to, but you did , pleased to see that the product left him glowing. 
Steve finally opened his eyes after almost falling asleep when he heard you sigh sweetly. “All done?” He asks hoping that you weren’t even though he’d been laying there for about thirty minutes.  
“Yep.” You say until you remember the little gift you picked up for him at the store. “Wait one more thing.” Steve lets you get off him this time, a little hesitant but you don’t point it out. 
When you come back with what looked like a broken whisk, Steve was a little reluctant. “I think this is where my test dummy days end.” You roll your eyes at his dramatics sliding back to your spot on his stomach.
“You’ll like it.” You tell him. Despite the growing anticipation about whatever the device was, Steve is quick to accept you and it into his space, his hands on your hips to steady you as you sit down. 
“I doubt- fuckkk.” Steve moans raggedly, cutting himself off and surprising you, making you stop your movements with the hair massager. You catch your composure quickly though, continuing to massage his scalp.
“So dramatic.” You try to tease, to lighten the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You knew Steve had a thing for getting his hair pulled. He hooked up with half the girls in your class, so his likes and dislikes tended to get around and made for some pretty interesting lunch room conversations.
You didn’t realize a scalp massage would elicit the same reaction. You also didn’t realize that his reaction would have an effect on you. His whole body seemed to glitch. HIs eyes are barely able to stay open and the grip on your hips tightening.
Once his initial dramatics calmed down, he began letting out soft appreciative sighs. His grip on you fades to soft circles on your thighs.
“I’m gonna marry you.” He tells you, with his eyes closed. You knew he meant it. He told you that he wanted to marry you one day in high school. He’d been drunk but he let you all the way in on his plan to make a life with you, one day when you’re both ready.
He told you how he thought about building a house for you, and having your last name be harrington and how he wanted to have a bunch of kids with you. You thought he’d been joking teasing him about it the next day, but he simply smiled at you with a blush forming on his cheeks telling you that he meant it.
Ever since then, every couple of months he’d say it again. Like he was reminding you, or really asking you to wait for him. Which you did. Neither of you had made much of a move or anything and sometimes one of you would date  someone else, but in the back of your mind you would always remember that you were marrying Steve and that’s just the way it was.
“Mhmm.” You hum, simply acknowledging like usual. To your surprise Steve's eyes open and he zeroes in on your face. 
“I’m serious.” He’d never done this before, made more room for conversation about it. He seemed like he wanted more than gentle acknowledgment.
“I know.” You say, pretending to busy yourself as you set the massager to the side, just to get away from the intense way he’s looking at you. When he sits up on the headboard you know he means business. You never guessed now would be the time you finally actually talked about it.
“Do you really?” He asks. Steve didn’t know if you knew how serious he was.
“Yeah.. we’re getting married.” You tell him, fidgeting with one of his hands in your, absently looking at his nails instead of him. “You’re gonna build me a two story house, two streets away from my moms. In that field we used to play in. And we’re gonna have six babies and I will not let you help me name any of them because I already have a list.” You catch a quick glimpse of his face. “I remember.” You tell him. 
You expect him to let it go now that you’ve rehashed the entire plan he layed out for you years ago. You don’t remember when you got so attached to the idea. Or when you started contributing your own dreams to the plan but it had grown for you and speaking it out loud you realized how badly you needed it to happen.
“You have a list?” Steve’s chest was warm as it dawned on him that you wanted a future with him the same way he did with you.
Your face warmed, embarrassed thinking that he would tease you. “Yes. They’re all non negotiable.”
“Can I see it?” He asks, his voice soft. “Please, honey.” Honey. This is no longer best friend Steve. This is future husband Steve, making his first ever appearance. 
When you shake your head with a shy smile, Steve can’t help but smile back.”Why not?” He asks you in that same soft voice that had you feeling gooey on the inside. 
“Stop using that voice.” You whisper, feeling flushed. Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. He’d never known you to be shy, but here you were being all bossy while hiding your face in his neck. 
“You’re so perfect.” He’s teasing you, trying to see how embarrassed you’ll get. He also means every bit. “Prettiest girl in the world.”
“You’re bein’ weird.” You tell him unsure what to do with yourself with all these changes being made so quickly.  
“It was weird not telling you how beautiful you are everyday.” You don’t expect him to keep listing. “So sweet, too.” He adds. “Always taking care of me and never letting me praise you for it. I can’t wait to take care of you.” The implications of that do not go over your head. “Bet you’ll be such a good little wife.” 
Steve expects you to make some little quip or try to play off how embarrassed you feel. He’s expecting you to descelate how quickly he’s moving. But instead your voice whispers “I hope so.” You’re right in his ear too, so he knows he isn’t mistaken and he knows that this is the last night you’ll ever consider yourself just friends.
Steve should have kissed you last night. He can’t help but think about that over and over, as he realizes he didn’t seal the deal. He should have done something to prove to you how serious he was. 
But it was too late because he didn’t kiss you and the morning had been decidedly awkward when you realized you didn’t know what any of that meant for your immediate friendship. Because initially the plan had been to wait. Was the wait over? Did you want it to be over? You spent the majority of your day trying not to think about it. Steve however wouldn’t shut up about it. Sadly for Robin she had to be on the receiving end of this conversation.
“Robin, this is serious. What if I fucked everything up? What if she thinks I’m leading her on?” Steve runs a hand through his hair, seemingly deep in thought. 
“I doubt that. I mean you’re planning on marrying her- which I take offense to not knowing about this little pact or whatever,” she adds. “But that’s like the total opposite of leading on.” She tries to reassure wanting to really get Steve to shut up about it.
“No you don’t get it-” Steve starts again, only to be interrupted. 
“Ughhhh!! How can I not get it if this is your sixth time going over it? Steve, I get it! You’re overthinking this when it’s really simple.” Robin gestures. “You love her and you want to get married and blah blah blah, but before you guys get married how about you try to, I don’t know actually date?” She says sarcastically. “Unless you were just going to propose after a thousand years of sleepovers and dating other people.” She adds. 
And although it was unnecessarily sassy, Steve realized that Robin might have a point. “So I should ask her out?” He tries to clarify much to Robin’s dismay. Luckily for her the door opening saved her from another round of easily answered questions. And even more lucky for her it was you and not an actual customer.
“Hey what are you-” Steve was cut off by you taking his hand and dragging him to where you knew the break room was after bringing him lunch on multiple occasions. You had tried and failed to not think about this whole situation. 
The one thing that had been bothering you the most is how long it was taking. You realized it was because you let Steve call the shots, and you quickly remembered why you never let Steve call the shots. Steve took too long to make decisions and well you knew what you wanted. So you had always been the leader in your friendship, deciding what movies you’d watch, what games you’d play, the parties you would go to. Everything really. You could do that here too, you realized. 
When you close the door behind you Steve is looking at you expectantly. He’s half thinking that you’re gonna cuss him out, so he doesn’t expect it when you grab him by his shirt to kiss him. You’re all over him for about five seconds. Your scent. Your taste. Your skin. Your hair. Then you’re gone. Patting his shirt back in place, shakily. You’re nervous. Steve realizes. 
“Okay that was all-” Steve’s pulling you back to him before you can run off. Letting his lips capture yours just the way he’d dreamed of. Feeling you relax into him as he cradles your face.
“So sweet.” He murmurs against your lips. He finds it amusing how the words send you back into your shyness from last night. The way you went from determined to timid and unable to even look at him properly. Steve was curious about this side of you. You were never this easily flustered.
“When did you get so shy?” He asks and you know he’s taunting you. He’s still holding you close to him, his fingers messing with the ends of your hair as he tries to find any reason to keep touching you. 
“M’not.” You oppose half-heartedly. He lets out a gentle sound of acknowledgment, obviously ignoring you, and knowing he would press all those buttons later. Privately. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You think he’s still teasing you and you hate that it's working when you feel your face heat up and you’re hiding it in his chest. Steve really means it though, it was the first thought that came to his head when he saw you walking through the door. Your hair free and your face without makeup. A skirt that your mom would deem a few inches too short and a shirt that he’s seen a million times because you love it so much. 
Gathering your courage, you finally look at him. His kiss swollen lips are the first thing that grabs your attention the second is the way he’s looking at you. Like he’s waiting on you to call the next shot. 
“Will Robin be okay, if we go to your car?” The next few moments are a blur because now he’s the one dragging you out of the breakroom, pausing only long enough for Steve to beg Robin to cover for him. Which she agreed to with a poorly concealed smirk on her face.
You were expecting Steve to open the back door and usher you inside. Instead he opens the driver side and pats his lap expectantly, after moving his seat all the way back. When you hesitate he’s grabbing you by your thighs and maneuvering you to where he wants you. “What if someone sees us?” You ask, knowing how fast information like this whipped around town. 
“Nobody parks on this side, honey.” Steve tells you those big puppy dog eyes staring into you. And because he’s Steve, and he’s calling you honey, and you trust him more than anyone you know, you believe him. 
“Okay.” Is all you say before your lips are back on Steve’s. It was a sweet kiss really, and Steve tried to let you control it for a while, until you were trying to back away from him again. With his experienced lips working over yours, you’re so consumed you barely realize the way you’re grinding yourself over his lap. Well not until his hands are on your ass, pushing your skirt up and controlling your once sloppy movement.
“There you go, sweetheart.” He says breathlessly, when he finally comes up for air. His lips find purchase against your neck. He kisses his way up the slope of it, relishing in the sound of your little gasps, until one particular spot sends a shudder down your spine. He sucks that spot. 
Absent-mindedly, your hands find their way off his shoulders and into his hair, barely thinking about it twice before you rake your nails across his scalp softly. The soft hum he lets out gives you indication that you should continue. Your hands stay in his hair for a bit, and you’re too nervous to actually pull it, but it does get you thinking about the other places on his body he has hair. Namely his happy trail. It sat perfectly right in between his abs and you usually had to avoid looking for your own sake. 
You’re yanking his shirt out of his jeans before you give it much more thought. And even though you’re too busy humping Steve to get a good look, feeling it against your bare hands has you whimpering. 
“Stevie-” You’re cut off by your own moan as your clit catches perfectly against Steve’s zipper. It doesn’t get past Steve that you sound so fucked out. Your tone bordering on a whine, clearly frustrated.
“Look at you.” Steve coos. “Doin’ such a good job for me, sweet girl.” Pressing a light kiss to your lips. Steve couldn’t help watching you chase your own pleasure, shivering at his praise.. Your eyes pinched shut, but your hands are all over him like you know every part of his body. 
“Can you open your eyes for me?” He asks with his hands pushing your hair out your face. When you do, he admires how dazed you look. How you probably barely remember your own name. “There she is.” Steve knew he was about two seconds from coming in his pants. He was also aware of the fact that once you were done with him he’d have to go back inside to finish working his shift.
“Stevie” You start again, “M’so close. Feels so good.” You tell him, your movements becoming frantic causing your boobs to sway deliciously. You don’t register your top being pulled down, until you feel Steve licking at your nipple.
A hungry groan rising from the back of his throat. “Perfect fucking tits.” His hands leave your ass, leaving the pace to you. He pinches your right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it to test your reaction. When you lurch into him. Humping him harder than before, he knows he’s a goner. But you are first. Your orgasm hits you so fast, it surprises you with tears springing to your eyes at the intensity. 
Steve’s a close second behind you, leaving the two of you panting and trying to catch your breath. As soon as Steve recovers he’s tending to you, pulling your top back in place, trying to see how you felt. 
He can’t help but admire that after that you went right back to your embarrassed state, obviously self conscious. “You’re perfect.” He tells you again, pressing another light kiss to your lips. When you grin at him, his heart beats fast and he can’t help but be happy at the line the two of you just crossed. 
“You too.” You say, your head is still a bit fuzzy as you check the damage. You’re about to launch into an apology about the obvious wet spot on Steve jeans but he beats you to it. “Stop worrying.” He’d been watching the spot form as time went on and kept willing it to get bigger. Liked that you were making a mess all over him and yourself too. 
“You have to go back to work.” You state, guiltily. 
“I have an extra pair of pants in the backseat, sweetheart. We’re all good.” You’re relieved for a number of reasons, climbing off him into the passenger seat. You don’t know what you were expecting but you realized it wasn’t him yanking his pants off, revealing his now cum stained gray boxers. And you certainly weren’t expecting him to drag the boxers off as well, which revealed his huge fucking dick. The tip is now sloppy and slightly red, and you can tell it isn’t as hard as it was.
“Oh fuck.” You say barely recognizing your own voice. Only to repeat yourself when he uses his sullied boxers to wipe the rest of the cum off, watching it twitch from the stimulation.
“He doesn’t like to be stared at, ya know.” Steve teases you, reaching back for his jeans. 
Your eyes keep flickering back to his face and back to his dick, and you know there’s no way he’s been carrying that around for the entirety of your friendship and you simply had no idea.
“Steve.” You say dumbfounded. No words available to express your shock, as he pulled his pants on to cover himself.
“No more ‘Stevie’?” He asks, mocking you. The smile on his face tells you he’s just messing with you but you can’t help your cheeks going up in flames.
“You’re the worst.” You huff, but you’re still smiling despite your embarrassment. 
“Mhm.” He’s reaching over the console to kiss you again, this time sweet and chaste. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll stretch you open for me, before I fuck you, sweetheart.” You gasp feeling his hand on the band of your underwear.
“Lift up for me.” You do, allowing him to pull the drenched fabric off of you, you hide your face in your hands when he lifts it to his face to sniff. You were quickly coming to the realization that your best friend was dirtier than you ever realized, even with all the gossip that got back to you.
You feel yourself manage to flush even further when he murmurs to himself “sweetest fucking girl” he stuffing them in his pocket in the next second, then reaching back over for you when his phone lights up. 
Robin’s name lighting up the screen. He huffs a little as he reads the text and you know she’s getting snappy. 
“Come on, let's go before Robin kills you.”  There’s no use in asking for your underwear back so you just pull your skirt down as far as it will go before stepping out the car, trying to ignore the slickness of your thighs. After Steve walks you to your car, he presses a kiss to your forehead, stating that you’ll talk later. 
When he walks back into Family Video he looks disheveled, a completely new pair of pants, his shirt no longer tucked and wrinkled, but Robin is relieved to know that she won’t have to answer anymore stupid questions from him.So she leaves him be for the moment, but he definitely owes her big time. 
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harrysfolklore · 5 days
plsss can you make a fake instagram where the reader is a lawyer
you know how to ball, i know aristotle - op81
i really liked how this one turned out ! we love sino oscar 🥰 make sure to leave your feedback
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 18,637 others
yourinstagram greetings from the library 🧐 keeping an eye on my angel boy who started kindergarten (aka formula one) last month
tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 498 comments
username1 serving cunt in the library we love to see it ♥︎ by author
username2 fellow columbia student right here 🙋‍♀️
↳ yourinstagram omgg we should hang out soon
username3 since when are you into f1 bestie
↳ yourinstagram since i’m dating one of the drivers 🤔
oscarfan1 THIS IS OSCAR’S GF??? SHES GORGEOUS ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
username4 i’ve been following for ages now but i just found out that she’s dating a famous athlete 😭
oscarfan2 i was ‪hoping that oscar was single but now that i found out that he has a beautiful AND smart gf i want them to adopt me
logansargeant I’ve been taking care of him in the playground, don’t worry
↳ yourinstagram i wouldn’t expect any less from you
↳ landonorris We haven’t met yet but I’m also taking care of little Oscah ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram well thank you, little lando norris
mclaren When will we see you in papaya gear at a race? 🧡 Ps. The last picture is so real
↳ yourinstagram omg when college stops kicking my ass
↳ oscarfan1 i love her already
oscarpiastri I miss you so much, but I’m so happy to see you in your dream school, smart girl🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram i love you 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 457,296 others
oscarpiastri The smile on my face could only mean one thing: It’s home race weekend 🇦🇺
view all 12,027 comments
oscarfan1 BABYYYYY
oscarfan2 he looks so kissable
mclaren Australia’s National Treasure 🧡
logansargeant Good luck on your home race bro 🙌 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 bestiesss
username1 i’m still waiting for his girlfriend’s paddock debuttt
alex_albon The superior papaya boy ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 i love them
landonorris I’m going to categorically ignore what alex albon just said
↳ landofan1 HES SOOOO😭
landonorris Don’t to fool your audience, your smile is because your girl is finally coming ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ landofan2 OMFGGGGGGGGG
↳ oscarfan3 goddd i was praying for this
↳ yourinstagram but can you blame him? ♥︎ by author
yourinstagram i can’t wait to see you, squish 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan2 they’re so adorable i can’t do this
↳ oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️
yourinstagram added to their stories
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 47,836 others
yourinstagram took a break from law school to finally go to my first race 🕺 SO PROUD OF YOU @oscarpiastri
view all 611 comments
username1 AWEEE your wag era finally
oscarfan1 QUEEN OF THE PADDOCK ♥︎ by author
carmenmmundt It was so lovely to meet you ✨ ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram likewise beautiful carm 💓
↳ username2 i just want to be one of them
oscarfan2 thank you yn for giving us a weekend of blushy and smiley oscar and the best boyfriend content ever
↳ yourinstagram i would love to but i have to get my degree 🥲
mclaren You’re officially a papaya girl now 🧡
username2 they make the best couple ever bc she’s all brains and he’s all muscle ♥︎ by author
landonorris Go get that degree now, I need someone who can get me out of jail for free
↳ landofan1 WHY IS HE LIKE THIS 😭😭
↳ yourinstagram 🫡🫡🫡
username3 she’s stronger than me because is oscar piastri was my bf and i had the chance to travel around the world with him and look pretty u would drop out of college already
↳ yourinstagram just a few months till graduation i can do it okay
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE HER
oscarpiastri Having you here made this weekend the best ever. I love you ❤️ ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 why can’t my boyfriend simp for me like this
↳ yourinstagram i loveeee youuuu
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourinstagram and 654,386 others
oscarpiastri The perfect home race weekend 🇦🇺 I miss you already @yourinstagram 🤍
view all 15,099 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEE
oscarfan2 MY HEART
georgerussell63 I need more of those grandma Piastri cookies ♥︎ by author
↳ danielricciardo Same
↳ username1 LET ME INNNN 😭
mclaren We love Australia 🦘🌏
oscarfan3 yn and oscar shouldn't be separated that's like a crime ♥︎ by yourinstagram
landonorris Your girlfriend is cooler than you btw ♥︎ by yourinstagram
↳ landofan1 and teammate of the year award goes to lando norris
↳ logansargeant I agree
↳ username2 imagine the entire grid loving you
↳ oscarpiastri You're supposed to be my friend
↳ landonorris And she’s going to be my personal lawyer soon so
↳ yourinstagram 😭😭😭
yourinstagram i love you so much, angel. thank you for this weekend 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ username2 their relationship is the purest thing ever
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liked by yourinstagram, georgerussell63 and 764,389 others
oscarpiastri Little mid season recharge. Visiting my favorite future lawyer 🤎
tagged: yourinstagram
view all 16,036 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEEE
oscarfan2 we love softie oscarrrr
username1 oh to be a columbia student
landonorris My kids ❤️❤️
↳ landofan1 lando is the biggest shooter for this relationship
↳ yourinstagram you’re just two years older than me..
↳ landonorris And? You’re my kids
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE THEMMMM
username2 yn’s curls are so prettyyyy omg ♥︎ by author
nicolepiastri Our smart girl ! 👩‍⚖️ ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 aweee mama piastri
↳ yourinstagram love you 🥺
username3 imagine chilling in the library procrastinating some homework and you turn around and oscar piastri is there
yourinstagram i love you so much squish 🫶 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 why are her pet names for him so damn adorable
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 49,635 others
yourinstagram i can’t believe it’s my last week here and i’m going to be a real lawyer soon 😳
view all 633 comments
username2 i’ve been following you since you graduated high school and posted tips about college applications and now you’re about to finish college omg ♥︎ by author
lilymhe congratulations smart girl 🤍🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram thank you lovely 🫶
username3 she has the coolest life ever
mclaren Everyone in the papaya department is super proud 🧡
↳ yourinstagram ilysm mclaren admin
logansargeant How come you’re still dating my friend, who barely finished high school 😂 congrats!
↳ yourinstagram he’s cuuuuute 🥺
↳ oscarfan1 oscar’s friends are always dragging him help
↳ landonorris And can’t win a GP
↳ oscarpiastri You surely got confident after Miami, Lando Onewin ♥︎ by author, georgerussell63, alex_albon
↳ landofan1 STOOOOOP😭
oscarpiastri I’m always proud and in awe of you, but specially now 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 I LOVE SIMP OSCAR
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liked by oscarfan1, oscarfan2 and 2,936 others
f1updates “My girlfriend graduating from Columbia Law School next week so as soon as the job is done here I’m heading to New York. I’m really proud of here and I wouldn’t miss this moment for anything else.” - Oscar Piastri for SKY Sports
view all 288 comments
oscarfan1 OMFG IM CRYING
oscarfan2 smile heart eyes and blush make an appearance again
oscarfan3 he’s super proud you can tell by his eyes
oscarfan4 flexing his lawyer girlfriend as he should
oscarfan6 my definition of a simp
yourinstagram has added to their story
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 865,388 others
oscarpiastri My girlfriend is a lawyer 💙
view all 27,034 comments
oscarfan2 WHAT IF I CRY
username1 that cake is too iconic i need it
georgerussell63 Congrats YN! ♥︎ yourinstagram
oscarfan3 the cake is that tiktok audio 😭😭
nicolepiastri We’re all so proud of you @yourinstagram 👩‍🎓🤍 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 mama piastri loves her they’re getting married
↳ yourinstagram love you! thank you for the unconditional support 🥺
charles_leclerc Well done 👏👏 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
lilymhe 💓💓💓 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
username2 imagine having a columbia degree AND a hot boyfriend i can’t relate
mclaren Our favorite lawyer 🧡 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan2 the mclaren intern just loves yn
oscarfan4 good time to remind everyone that oscar barely finished high school but he somehow bagged a lawyer girlfriend
landonorris Yooo congrats @yourinstagram I can speed while driving and pass red lights now that I have someone who can get me out or jail for free
↳ landofan1 LANDO PLEASE 😭
↳ yourinstagram please do not do that i beg you
landonorris You’re welcome for the cake idea btw
↳ oscarfan1 I KNEW oscar could never come up with that
↳ yourinstagram so it was you ! huh
↳ oscarpiastru Shhhh
yourinstagram i love you so much ❤️❤️ ♥︎ by author
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 69,736 others
yourinstagram you know how to ball, i know aristotle 🤍 proof that we’re both awkward for pictures
view all 904 comments
username1 CUTIES
oscarfan1 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭
oscarfan2 they really said 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ ♥︎ by author
mclaren 🧡🧡 ♥︎ by author
oscarfan3 they match each other’s freak
alexandrasaintmleux ❤️ ♥︎ by author
username2 you look so cute together
nicolepiastri My babies 🥺 ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
landonorris Hug your girlfriend wtf @oscarpiastri
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭
↳ oscarpiastri Don’t tell me what to do thank you very much
oscarfan4 that lyric is literally THEM
username3 pretty, smart and a swiftie we love to see it
oscarpiastri I’m the trophy boyfriend 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 ugh i need a man like him
↳ oscarfan1 exactly oscar know your place
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norris55s · 3 months
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i swear i don’t love the drama (it loves me) - carlos sainz
reader x carlos sainz social media au
she isn’t happy about the way people treat her boyfriend and she isn’t afraid to show it
a/n: i too am tired of the way people speak about carlos so there's this to show for it. this is no hate to charles in case it isn't obvious. no fc, but a couple rebecca donaldson pics for the plot. i loved carlos winning.
Bahrain International Circuit
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liked by carlossainz55 and 45,825 others
y/nusername: repping chili and chili only this season 🌶️
view all 1,053 comments
charles_leclerc: 😧
y/nusername: love you lord perceval 😇
charles_leclerc: 🙃
user492: digging the use of red but no ferrari merch lol i know our bestie is mad
y/nusername: 👹
carlossainz55: Naughty girl 😂
y/nusername: shhh look away
Bahrain International Circuit
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liked by carlossainz55 and 47,935 others
y/nusername: congratulations to lover boy, and lover boy only 👹❤️
view all 4,824 comments
user914: sainz has handled the situation so maturely and his girl is out here being messy
y/nusername: that’s because i’m not carlos, hope that helps 😴
user014: why is she doing the most 😭
y/nusername: i wouldn’t have to do shit if someone bothered celebrating his podium with him, so i’ll take matters into my own hands 🫡
landonorris: we gotta take your phone away
y/nusername: try me!
carlossainz55: ❤️
y/nusername: 🔥
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liked by carlossainz55 and 50,294 others
y/nusername: appendicitis couldn’t take carlos down, everyone else can stop trying
view all 3,024 comments
carlossainz55: ❤️
landonorris: in your nurse era 👩‍⚕️
y/nusername: more like in my security guard and lawyer era 🤪
user824: it’s carlos’ karma for every time he’s screwed charles over
y/nusername: oh bitch you’ll know karma when it hits y’all square in the face
user624: unhinged era! love how she takes care of carlos
y/nusername: u get it
Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne
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liked by carlossainz55 and 42,034 others
y/nusername: showing up to lover boy’s haters’ funeral like
view all 2,035 comments
user583: lmao she acts like he’s a champion she has bragging rights about and not a second driver that is getting sacked
y/nusername: girl he’s back from a surgery with a two weeks recovery to drive a car going 300mph for 3 days, i’m really not hearing y’all today
y/nusername: plus, when he gets a podium, dare i say a win, i’ll laugh
landonorris: pr must love you
y/nusername: i swear i don’t love the drama, it loves me
carlossainz55: That’s a way to say it 😘
Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne
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y/nusername: say hello to the only driver that has managed to end red bull’s dominance not once, but twice 🇪🇸🌶️ (hello to the people who called me delusional for saying he might even win, i did laugh)
view all 5,244 comments
maxverstappen1: I feel like you jinxed me 😐
y/nusername: i prefer to call it manifesting ✨
user898: only because max dnfd lol
y/nusername: k. so why didnt someone else win it? quickly
user914: she’s really out there celebrating another gifted win
y/nusername: hey i got a question did you watch the race? 😀
user168: this is why everyone dislikes the sainz camp. no reason at all to disrespect charles and the team.
y/nusername: i’m literally sat next to charles celebrating over dinner but ok
user823: i love how she and carlos keep pretending charles likes them lol
y/nusername: somehow carlos, charles, everyone we know, and me are liars, but you people on the internet, who have never even met us, know the actual truth about the raging fight between c2
user463: i’m loving this y/n era, she’s had ENOUGH 💀
y/nusername: if not me, who? if not now, when? 👹
Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne
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liked by y/nusername and 1,223,293 others
carlossainz55: P1!! What a rollercoaster 🎢!! Special thank you to my biggest support, my lovely y/nusername 🥰
view all 14,045 comments
y/nusername: i got you always chili 🥹❤️
user274: sainz supremacy!
y/nusername: period
user924: vile that he doesn’t congratulate his teammate that let him win and condones his crazy ass girlfriend’s comments
y/nusername: y’all want me to chill and then comment shit like this. leave my bf’s post alone! also what is he gonna do ground me like a kid?
carlossainz55: Hermosa, calm down 😈
y/nusername: shhh look away
y/nusername has added to her stories
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berzahoes · 7 months
manifestation, baby! | tom blyth
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summary: fans find out tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes (and she definitely manifested her life)
an: the way i thought about this idea and quickly wrote it down so i didn’t forget it. i used to have an app that made those fake tweets but i’m just tired to make fake profiles 😭 maybe i’ll change it later idk
for the purpose of this imagine, let’s pretend tbosas book was published between 2017-2019
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liked by zeglerslove, 444_bri and 35,377 others
tomblythxsnow apparently tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviews books and she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes and she literally manifested her future 😭
tomblythxsnow it’s yn’s book corner. she hasn’t posted since 2019 ngl i need her to review a little life because that book destroyed me
nat76_ omg i used to watch her videos!! i’m still subscribed to her 😭 i remember only buying and reading the books she liked because i wanted to be her so bad
j4ckaszlol “if someone ever makes a movie adaptation of this book and casts someone attractive to play snow then i am sorry for the person i become” REALLLLL
graybairdsmockingjay dude the part where she said “i’m calling it now whoever plays young snow will be my boyfriend. movie studios always cast someone attractive as the younger version of a character!” MY JAW DROPPED SHE NEEDS TO TELL ME HER WAYS
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“guess what rachel just sent me.” you heard tom say when he arrived to your shared apartment.
“wedding invitations?!” you gasped as you almost stood up from the sofa since you were watching reruns of criminal minds, but tom stopped you.
“no, it’s better!” tom sat beside you and showed you his phone. “why didn’t you tell me you had a youtube channel?” on his phone screen was your review of the ballad of songbirds and snakes, which had become a very popular video over the past couple of days.
you hid your face with a pillow and groaned. “don’t remind me. i just wanted to talk about my books and my family didn’t care. don’t watch it! it’s embarrassing!”
“i think it’s cute. aw look, your dog made a cameo!” he pointed at your old dog you used to have that walked into the frame.
“indi! no, come sit right here. oh . . . and she’s walking away. okay, anyways.” your younger self said in the video
“indi? why Indi?” tom asked you even though you were still hiding from embarrassment.
“after indiana jones. my dad and i loved those movies and he gifted me indi as a birthday present.” you confessed.
“love, don’t be embarrassed. i think it’s cute that you manifested your life according to the comments on instagram,” tom paused the video then cuddled up to you. “i won’t watch it if you don’t want me to.”
“it’s fine, i just didn’t think anyone would find it. we can watch it together.” you uncovered yourself and sat down properly to watch the video with tom. before he pressed the play button and together you watch your younger self review the book.
“i’ve read all the hunger games books at least four times and this one did not disappoint. but i do hope whoever ends up being cast as young snow is someone hot. i’m sorry it’s the rules! and they will be my boyfriend, i’m calling dibs.”
tom smirked at you. “if only younger you could see you now.”
“she would definitely think ‘wow, how did we pull this beautiful man?’ then be confused as to why the hunger games and fnaf is trending in 2023.”
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liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler and 1,377,389 others
ynlovesbooks told ya. love you tomblyth ❤️
rachelzegler she is THAT girl
ynlovesbooks no u
everdeenx12 bestie he’s EVIL
ynlovesbooks he’s a walking red flag but my favorite color is red 😍
chamaletproblems pls tell me how you did this
ynlovesbooks i figured out who they were casting and kept him hostage until he agreed to be my bf
tomblyth true
3K notes · View notes
h4m1lt0ns · 11 months
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴lewis hamilton x singer!wolff!y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔lewis keeps lurking under y/n’s posts, so y/n posts the hardest yet softest launch known to man
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔madison beer
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕cussing, fluff
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♡ liked by y/ntheeicon, lewishamilton and 4,294,293 more.
y/nwolff i miss u paris
username the first photo 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
username I WANT YOU SO BAD
username you’re soOoOoo–
username MY WIFE 🤞🏽😩
username my crush on you gets worse by the day
username mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry. MOMMY???
username pls say ur attentending the next gp, we miss u bro 😭
mercedesamgf1 we miss you around baby boss ☹️ 💗
➜ y/nwolff i NEED to see u guys 😭🖤
username you’re literally the prettiest girl alive i swear
username new music when 🧐
lewishamilton 🤩😍🤩
lewishamilton no one like you
lewishamilton you’re actually so pretty 😍
➜ y/nwolff missing u especially lew 🥺
➜ lewishamilton when are u coming again :(
➜ y/nwolff next week i promise !!
username i have a crush on you miss wolff
➜ username ur just like me fr
landonorris the whole paddock misses u
username my girl my girl my girl 😩
username mineeeeee 😖
username new music when ma’am? we’re starving
username y/n i need new songs like i need air
username 🕯 manifesting new songs 🕯
charles_leclerc i miss you around
➜ y/nwolff i miss u too :’(
➜ charles_leclerc GIVE US NEW SONGS Y/N
➜ username oh he’s just like us fr
username charles is so real
username i miss you violating the boys at the gp
➜ y/nwolff me too man, me too.
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♡ liked by y/nmercedes, lewishamilton, and 3,194,294 more.
y/nwolff been here for one hour and pops already wants to die 😁
tagged: lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1.
mercedesamgf1 welcome back baby boss 🫡
➜ y/nwolff 🖤🤞🏽
lewishamilton u look gorgeous that jacket goes hard
➜ y/nwolff the best taught me
lewishamilton second fit tho 👀
➜ y/nwolff like what u see 🤭
username beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, angelic, iconic, once in a life time, will never be mine, i want her so bad, literally perfect.
username mommy 😩
username i saw u irl earlier and almost dropped to my knees
username you don’t understand how down bad i am for you
username where’s the new song 🥲
username the fact that i’ll never be ur girlfriend makes my mental
susiewolff we missed you beautiful 🥳💘
➜ y/nwolff u’re my favourite person forever 🤞🏽🖤
➜ lewishamilton i thought i was ur favourite 🥲
➜ y/nwolff you are!!! you’re my special mine
➜ username WHAT
➜ username “SPEICAL MINE” ???
➜ username lewis get in line ur not special to me
➜ username DAMN LEWIS MOVE
➜ username WHAT IS GOING ON
landonorris u better come to the mclaren garage
➜ y/nwolff omw rn 🏃🏼‍♀️
carlossainz55 if you don’t come to the ferrari garage charles might kill himself
➜ maxverstappen1 nope, rb garage first
➜ y/nwolff can’t we all hang out in one place 😀
➜ danielricciardo no
➜ charles_leclerc absolutely not, i need my y/n time
➜ landonorris i literally got here before all of you get in line
➜ pierregasly you’re all jokes, y/n tell them i’m first
➜ lewishamilton i’ve been here since 8 am, i’m actually here first
➜ carlossainz55 oh come on mate she’s ALWAYS with you let’s us have her ffs
➜ lewishamilton no.
➜ y/nwolff lew stop it
➜ y/nwolff all of u come see me at catering, it’s either now or never bc dad doesn’t want me to see the rb boys
➜ mercedesamgf1 baby boss, big boss says come to his office 😖
➜ lewishamilton omw 🏃🏾
➜ y/nwolff slay prince charming
username this comment section is making my head spin
username ARE Y/N AND LEWIS-
username loosing my mind, this is the best comment section ever
username these are thee comments to ever
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♡ liked by y/nwolff, mercedesamgf1 and 8,384,290 more.
lewishamilton 🎈 🎂
comments on this post have been limited.
y/nwolff happy birthday lew, i love you <3
➜ lewishamilton i love you more, thank you for everything love 🖤
mercedesamgf1 happy birthday to the goat 🎂
carlossainz55 happy birthday lewis!
louisvuitton 🎈🎈🎈
landonorris happy birthday you icon.
charles_leclerc happy birthday ❤️🖤
pierregasly HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEW !!
susiewolff happy birthday lewis, we love you 💗
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 10,382,582 others.
y/nwolff look at us, you and i back at it again. happy birthday to you lewis. lewis, the love of my life, and the only man i’ll ever post on my page because other wise it’s paid promo. i’ve loved you since the very first moment i laid eyes you and i will always love you. you’ve always been the kindest, and just the sweetest person i’ve ever come across, you’re the brightest light in the room like the lightening that illuminates the sky in the darkest nights. my one and only love, the one i’ll always look forward to seeing at the beginning and end of all my days. my baby and my darling angel, you’re the faint sun rays through the window when the sun begins to rise and the bright moonlight when the moon is full in the sky, you’re the shinning eyes of a little kid that got their favourite candy and and the intoxicating scent of freshly sprayed cologne. you’re the only person who can truly lift me up and make me feel better regardless of what i’m going through and there hasn’t been a single dull moment with you, and i hope it stays this way. you’re the inspiration that makes an artist smile from ear to ear with excitement and the glowy beautiful snow flakes that fall every winter. you’re the laughter that bubbles insides visitors at disneyland and the answer to ‘what is love?’. you’re every thing i could ever ask for and more; and there’s nothing that i wouldn’t do to be able to love you for a lifetime. forever always sounded like a long time, but i would give up everything if i get a forever and then some with you. i love you. i will always, always love you. always.
with that being said, northern lights (lewis’ song) is out now, available on all streaming sites.
username i just fell down the stairs.
lewishamilton wow.
username ahahaha i’m so normal abt this !!!! ahahHHAAHHA
charles_leclerc lewis is crying
➜ lewishamilton liar
➜ carlossainz55 it’s fine we’re all crying with you
➜ username LMFAO CHARLES
username “the only man i’ll ever post otherwise it’s paid promo” poetic hilarity.
username TEARSSSSSS 🥹🥹🥹
username “you’re the faint sun rays through the window when the sun begins to rise and the bright moonlight when the moon is full in the sky” Y/N OH MY GOD
username oh. oh she really loves him huh.
lilymhe crying this is adorable, what’s not adorable is that she was my wife first.
➜ lewishamilton your wife?
➜ lilymhe did i stutter?
➜ y/nwolff omg babygirl i’m blushing stop 🤭
➜ lewishamilton she is mine, lily, goodnight.
➜ username okay possessive king
username bUT WE HAVE KIDS Y/N-
username [crying violently]
username “brighter than the northern lights, you’re in every colour” SOBBINGGGGG
username the fact that we just have to find out abt releases is hilarious, no schedule, no nothing
username “like paintings in a picture frame there’s only you i see right now” Y/N WOLFF, YOU DID IT AGAIN.
landonorris repulsive, done beautifully. adorable even.
lewishamilton okay maybe i am crying 😕🖤
mercedesamgf1 were in tears this is everything 🥹❤️
mercedesamgf1 the grid’s power couple 🤞🏽‼️
mercedesamgf1 big boss says the song is beautiful
➜ y/nwolff YESSSSSSS 🥳🥳
➜ username toto is just like us fr
lewishamilton thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you for the past three years my love and i’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. i love you 🖤
➜ y/nwolff i love you more than love itself
➜ username GODDDDDDDDD
➜ username THREE YEARS ??!?:&/&;&/
➜ username i can’t anymore
username 😭😭😭😭😭
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2K notes · View notes
xyzstar · 1 month
pairings: charles leclere x singer! reader
summary: your teasing your new singles that are inspired by your recent hate/"controversy"
face claim: madison beer, pinterest girls (aesthetic purposes only!)
a/n: pt2 of anti-hero but could also be read as a standalone!! i will be making a pt3 so lookout for that 😆😆 (the comments are long mb and also yes ik slut & vigilante shit aren’t on the same album but this is fiction!!!)
previously || next
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, yourbsfuser, landonorris, enyaumanzor, oscarpiastri, sabrinacarpenter and 1,892,578 others
ynlnofficial secrets out ig! at least i finally get to show off my sexy man 😍😍🤫😉😘😇😅
view all comments
charles_leclerc i love you so much chérie 💗
↳ ynlnofficial i love you more honey ❤️
charles_leclerc our privacy only lasted for three months 😞
↳ ynlnofficial yeah 😆😆
↳ ynhatersclub doesn’t that mean you cheated on your ex with him
↳ ynlnofficial um no actually!! those photos of us arguing we were already broken up and were friends only but then he started getting jealous when i would hangout with charles, we weren’t even together at that time, but he was degrading me and calling me stuff i’ve seen a lot in my comments that’s why i was crying. our breakup was in private months before those pictures were taken so keep hating on me even though you don’t know the full story.
↳ ynmylove OH YOU GAGGED HER
oscarpiastri when i tell you my jaw dropped (no it didn’t because i already knew, my detective skills are too amazing 💪)
↳ ynmylove she’s bold bold 😭😭
↳ ynlnupdates she really shut everyone up, as she should!
arthur_leclerc WHEN CAN I MEET YOU
↳ charles_leclerc no
↳ arthur_leclerc why no? 🤬
↳ charles_leclerc don’t want you scaring her away from me
ynlnsucks where are all the hate comments? i need to like them all 😂😂
↳ yntheclown she’s probably deleting them all 😒
sabrinacarpenter so happy for you, you deserve nothing but love and happiness 🤍
❤️ by creator and charles_leclerc
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liked by yourbsfuser, landonorris, ynlnofficial, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, pierregasly, carlossainez55, and 1,562,201 others
charles_leclerc my beautiful, talented, amazing, sweet, funny, lovely gf i love you! 💗💗
view all comments
ynlnofficial i love you so much more handsome 💋💋
yourbsfuser y/n’s body is tea
↳ ynlnofficial did i eat or did i eat 🤫🤫
↳ yourbsfuser oh bestie you ATE TF UP
landonorris this is so cute i’m gonna throw up
arthur_leclerc my future sister in law fr
↳ ynlnofficial literally!! (i will never let go of cha 😈😈)
↳ charles_leclerc yay 🥳🥳 (please let me out of your basement)
↳ ynmylove i gasped when i saw
mrsleclerc she doesn’t deserve you
oscarpiastri call me a professional stalker or wtv 🤫🙏
↳ ynlnofficial oh that’s not…
↳ oscarpiastri in the sense that…
↳ ynfan101 i love how well y/n and charles friends are already getting along 🥰
yntheclown she only wants your money, wake up.
↳ ynloml NEW ALBUM?????
↳ charles_leclerc 🤫🤐
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, honeymoon, enyaumanzor, yourbsfuser, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, zendaya and and 1,902,347 others
ynlnofficial 🎤🎶
view all comments
charles_leclerc i am so ready
↳ iloveyn ready for what 🤨
ynloml are you teasing a new song or album…
ynmylove i’m manifesting a new album 🙏
ynhatersclub delete your whole existence
sabrinacarpenter 🖤🤍
yourbsfuser you’re so hot marry me 😍
↳ ynlnofficial anything for you gorgeous 😘😘
↳ charles_leclerc stop trying to steal my gf 😡
oscarpiastri time to go into stalker mode again to solve this mystery
↳ ynlnofficial oh!
ynlnsucks second pic is true 🤡
enyaumanzor babe…
↳ ynlnofficial yes…
arthur_leclerc white and black pics (white = **** black = ********* ****)
↳ ynlnofficial ok genius 🤓☝️
↳ ynmylove does this mean two songs?!?!?!
↳ ynloml wait guys hear me out…y/n gave a sneak peak of her new songs to arthur and charles because it seems they’re the only ones who aren’t confused
↳ iloveyn no because you have a point
yntheclown where’s your shirt
↳ ynlnofficial on @/charles_leclerc bedroom floor :))
↳ ynlnupdates your honor i fear she ate 😹😹😹
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liked by ynlnupdates, landonorris, ynlnofficial, oscarpiastri, yourbsfuser, carlossainez55, arthur_leclerc and 1,473,398 others
charles_leclerc what if all i need is you?
view all comments
arthur_leclerc got love struck went straight to my head
↳ ynlnofficial got love sick all over my bed
iloveyn the fact that both charles and his brother arthur know the lyrics to her song that hasn’t even been released yet
yourbsfuser face card never declines
↳ ynlndrama it always does
↳ ynhatersclub she’s ugly on the inside and outside
↳ charles_leclerc blocked and reported
↳ ynlnofficial you want me so badly
↳ charles_leclerc well you are my gf for a reason
landonorris how come arthur got a sneak peak of y/n’s song but i didn’t?? 🙄
↳ oscarpiastri sucks to be you ig 😹😹
↳ landonorris HAVE YOU HEARD IT?!
↳ ynlnofficial he blackmailed me to let him listen to it before it was released ://
↳ carlossainez55 say what now?
↳ oscarpiastri told you guys i’m a professional stalker
ynlnsucks it’s probably trash
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liked by ynlnofficial, landonorris, charles_leclerc, carlossainez55, arthur_leclerc, yourbsfuser, and 682,290 others
oscarpiastri me listening to side a vs me listening to side b
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charles_leclerc ME
arthur_leclerc i go from 🥰💗🎀 to 😒🖤🦹🏻‍♂️
landonorris @/ynlnofficial show me to me please, send it to me rachel 😖😞
↳ ynlnofficial 👩‍🦯‍➡️
ynlnofficial YAS KING, 👑 you dropped this
↳ ynlnupdates YOU’RE TOO FUNNY Y/N
ynlnofficial thanks for the support pookie dookie 🥸
↳ oscarpiastri i do not agree with that nickname
carlossainez55 haven’t heard it yet 😔💔
↳ landonorris me either 😪
↳ landonorris i’m going insane
↳ ynlnofficial you’ll live ❤️
charles_leclerc ok but you don’t love her music like i love her music
↳ oscarpiastri are you trying to gatekeep y/n 😅
↳ charles_leclerc yes.
yourbsfuser ms girl did not come to play
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liked by zendaya, enyaumanzor, sabrinacarpenter, charles_leclerc, yourbsfuser, landonorris, oscarpiastri, arthur_leclerc and 2,103,211 others
ynlnofficial slut coming out in 3 days, vigilante shit coming out in 6 days 🤍🖤
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enyaumanzor serving cunt as always queen
landonorris i’m genuinely tweaking
↳ ynlnofficial yikes! well too bad so sad 🥰🥰
sabrinacarpenter will be streaming
↳ ynlnsucks the fact that the only person she replied to is lando, didn’t even reply to her own bf
ynmylove i’m gonna faint.
yntheclown it’s gonna flop
ynhatersclub is your bf gonna buy all your listeners?
charles_leclerc can’t wait for everyone else to hear your masterpieces 💗
↳ landonorris i can’t wait either 💔💔💔💔💔
arthur_leclerc SCREAMING
ynlndrama we don’t want this trash
oscarpiastri 🥳🥳
ynlnsucks boring
↳ ynfan101 stfu no one asked for your opinion
zendaya i already know i’m gonna love them both
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liked by ynlnofficial, yourbsfuser, oscarpiastri, carlossainez55, landonorris, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,003,297 others
charles_leclerc my gf’s new songs is out, go stream slut on any music platform 💗💗
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charles_leclerc forgot to mention i’m super proud of you @/ynlnofficial 😘😘
↳ ynlnofficial in a world of boys you’re a gentleman ❤️
ynlnsucks insta needs to add a dislike button
↳ charles_leclerc thanks for reminding me to block you :))
oscarpiastri ascending to heaven
ynlnofficial i love you with all my heart cha, i couldn’t have done this without you :((
↳ charles_leclerc i’ll always be here to pull you in when you breakdown, i love you so much amour!!
ynmylove ik this is the bare minimum BUT HES SO PERFECT FOR HER
ynloml when she’s so in love she writes a song about him >>
↳ ynlnupdates and the fact that she never wrote a song about her ex
❤️ by creator and ynlnofficial
arthur_leclerc EVERYONE GO STREAM MY SISTER IN LAWS NEW SONG NOW!!! (or else i’ll haunt you in your dreams.)
↳ ynlnofficial well maybe let’s not threaten people!
↳ charles_leclerc sorry :// (no i’m not)
landonorris i cant stop listening to it, istg ive played it 10 times already
↳ ynlnofficial it was just released like half an hour ago???
carlossainez55 running to spotify
pierregasly a tear was shed
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liked by pierregasly, yourbsfuser, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, sabrinacarpenter, oscarpiastri, carlossainez55, and 2,003,387 others
ynlnofficial ‘slut’ is out now!! i wanna give a special thanks to the loml for always being there for me with open arms 💗💗
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arthur_leclerc art (except for that fact that it’s about my brother 🤢)
ynmylove honestly it’s one of the best songs i’ve heard in awhile
charles_leclerc i love you so much i swear i’m gonna marry you one day ❤️
↳ ynlnofficial SHUT UP (don’t actually shut up because i love you future husband 💗)
landonorris my new favorite song!!!!!
ynmywifeyy thank you for this wonderful song mother 🙏
enyaumanzor slut will be included in my media of the week
↳ ynlnofficial you’re amazing ily??????!?!?
ynhatersclub give us nothing like always ms gold digging slut 😂😂
↳ charles_leclerc while you’re too busy hating on a successful and beautiful woman you probably cry yourself to sleep WISHING you could be half the woman she is.
↳ ynloml oh to have a supportive bf who defends you like charles does
sabrinacarpenter sososo good! 🤍
❤️ by creator
yntheclown and the whole crowd boos and throws tomatoes at you
↳ landonorris and the whole friend group blocks and reports you
yourbsfuser you’re welcome for taking that first pic (unlike charles)
↳ oscarpiastri he was too busy drooling over y/n
↳ charles_leclerc and im not ashamed about it
ynlnsucks gold digger
↳ carlossainez55 be more creative next time you wanna insult an icon
ynlndrama they can never make me like you 🔥🔥
↳ oscarpiastri no one cares or asked 🔥🔥
ynmylove it’s so sweet the way the guys defend y/n :((
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liked by ynloml, charles_leclerc, yourbsfuser, ynlnofficial, oscarpiastri, ynmylove, ynfan101, ynmywifeyy and 104,289 others
ynlnupdates your honor they’re made for each other!! (the lyrics are so sweet i wanna cry)
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ynlnsucks 🤢🤢
yntheclown trigger warning next time
ynmywifeyy my fav couple
ynlnofficial future husband 💗💗
↳ ynlndrama until he runs out of money and you move onto the next rich guy
ynhatersclub she’s such an annoying person and is only acting like the victim for fame
yourbsfuser no one compares to them
charles_leclerc the literal love of my life ❤️❤️
↳ ynmylove he’s the biggest y/ncharles supporter
↳ ynlnofficial he’s our child
↳ oscarpiastri 😁😁
taglist: @bibissparkles @reguluscrystals @maplesyrupsainz @distancedss @callsignwidow @exotic-iris13 @spitesfvl-blog
387 notes · View notes
envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
Hiiiiiiiii, I hope you’re well! This is my first time sending you an ask but I’m really curious about something :)
What would have happened if ms. Moons had ended up pregnant before she left satoru? Like her birth control failed or something and she gets pregnant, satoru doesn’t know and she still leaves, ends up raising the baby on her own and when they are reunited satoru finds out he had a kid with her. Would he have been happy to know he had a baby with her, would he step up to be a good dad???
SEM!Satoru being a good dad hahahahahaha you're so funny bestie.
once again. he will not care about the baby. it's not about 'omg i wanna raise a life with my one true love' it's just another leash for him. another promise he makes to himself that he owns you. the poor kid is just a physical manifestation for that.
he'd definitely be pissed if he finds Ms.moon again and discovers he has a kid. Not because he was kept away from the brat all this time, more in the sense that even a baby wasn't enough to keep you tethered to him. It hurts his pride a little.
Still, it's his blood and you both are clearly a package. He'd take the kid in, but he'd make it extremely clear on the fact that your kid's well-being hinged on your behavior. He's too soft to hurt you, but he doesn't have the same sentiment for your kid. It's a great way to keep you in line. Despite his irritation, he has to admit that your kid still served its purpose in the end.
Call Satoru superficial, but the way he treats his kid will mostly depend on how much said kid looks. That being said, he won't make his irritation known to the child, at least. He'd be nice and silly and cute, but behind closed doors he'd definitely complain and not so gently hint at this amazing overseas boarding school.
He'd tolerate the kid's presence a lot more if they looked like him. He'll see the kid as an extension of himself. If he isn't there around you, well, his reminder would. In his own demented way, the kid is like a memento from him to you.
If the kid looks like you, he'd be far less jealous of them. After all, it's a mini you! So cute! He'd behave more 'father-like' towards the kid. They might even go on fishing trips together.
God forbid if the kid doesn't look like you or him.
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yourmomxx · 7 months
➵ angels talking - social media au | ln4 (2)
❥ pairing - lando norris x fem!singer!reader
❥ plot - the aftermath of you announcing your new relationship
❥ warnings - none
❥ a/n: as always, the pictures are taken off pinterest and therefore do not have any consisency regarding the reader’s looks (as it is a self-insert and the photographs merely are for visualization)
part i | part ii - the number four
masterlist | requests
⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
♔꙳⋆ instagram ꙳⋆
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liked by maxverstappen, parishilton and others
landonorris golden days with my golden girl
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bella.ltn screaming crying throwing up they’re so cute
paddockgirl not lando being a simp on main
↳ landonorris1 @/paddockgirl he’s just like us fr
carlossainz finally official🙏
↳ f1updates @/carlossainz oh hi carlos
kellypiquet tu ferais mieux de la garder @/landonorris
sebastianvettel real happy for you mate
↳ 33maxverstappen @/sebastianvettel we miss you on the grid
realobama her confused face in the second picture she’s just like me fr
hotchswife at first i didn’t know what to think of this but now i just think it’s amazing
suziesalmon new WAG alert
mollym the internet is going to eat this up
coconutananas NOOOO LANDOO
ynforreal guys we lost yn in the world of single ladies😔✊
↳ lanadelslay @/ynforreal i don’t know how to stay strong in this time of grief
↳ alexalbon @/lilymhe ???
alexalbon you just had to start dating my girlfriend’s favorite singer mate didn’t you?
lilyzneimer wishing you guys all the best
alexandrasaintmleux ♥️♥️
↳ lanadelslay @/alexandrasaintmleux ALEX HIII
ao3chick love how all the driver’s girlfriends are commenting like moms signing cards in the name of their kids
danielricciardo congrats!!!
↳ landonorris @/danielricciardo i saw your comment on her post
↳ danielricciardo @/landonorris what comment on whose post? i don’t even speak english🦡
lastlaplando not them being cute
julie.ss highway looking real cozy right now🤭
f1n1fan seb being the proud mom i love him🫶
♔꙳⋆ twitter ꙳⋆
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♔꙳⋆ instagram ꙳⋆
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liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo and others
yourusername excited to tell you that my new song ‘444’ is available to listen to now on all music streaming platforms! oh, and also that my new album will be released november 22nd😘save the date
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itsbrutalouthere not her telling us about a new album TWO WEEKS before it comes out
sabrinacarpenter song is so amazing babe
papayagirl someone please call taylor swift and get that girl some marketing help😭
lukehemmings 🔥🔥
oliviarodrigo LOVE IT
iknewyouweretrouble I just listened to the song and i am deceased
ynisbabe 444? EXCUSE ME THE MATH
hannahmountana this song is so hot i can’t -
jessicag you did so well with this!!
amslerin please come to la on the next tour i wanna see you live so bad😩😩
ynlnn the background music? the vocals?? i can’t anymore
tswizzle 444 the math is so beautiful on this one
kellykiwi the mv awakened something in me
urnamehere i love this song so much
hamiltonh 444? a fourth album? lando the number four?? BESTIE
therealyn queen of manifesting fr
ferrarisupreme “444 you saved my life i really got these angels by my side” lando norris the man👏 that👏you👏 are👏
tangledinu NEW ALBUM YES
midnightprentiss already presaved i’m so excited
ameliadahlia why is everyone talking about math here?? someone explain i’m so lost😭
↳ sabrinajenga @/ameliadahlia @/girlsplainingcelebrities made a post explaining it all, i’ll tag you🫶
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liked by papayagirl, sarahprg and others
girlsplainingcelebrities another day, another girlsplain! today, what the number four means to our favorite popstar girly, yn yln!!🩷
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boxnexx not to mention that the new album she’s releasing will be her fourth!!! so excited what she has planned for us
zeeema the whole thing with her and lando is so cute
emilyx i always look forward to your posts☺️🙏
sabrinajenga @/amiadahlia
herbsherm whoever runs this account, you have saved my ass so many times, hope your pillow is cold on both sides
leaglb whether you believe in angel numbers or not, these would be a whole of a lot coincidences
formeformulas when i heard "every time i see 444 it means no more i know for sure" i was FREAKING
cheesestrings ALSO not to mention her album comes out on november 22ND - 2+2=?
tswizzle she’s so smart i love her
ynisbabe when my teachers told me i would need maths outside of school they actually meant this
carlaarcher can we please all agree that 444 is about her relationship with arthur and that it was basically lando who made her realize he wasn’t good enough?
↳ paddockgirl @/carlaarcher GURL FR no way those two didn’t have something going on
↳ leclercsgirl @/paddockgirl besides, the media didn’t see her with any other guy during that time the song is probably set, so it CAN only be arthur
↳ itsellie @/leclersgirl would explain their radio silence with each other as well
↳ bella.ltn @/itsellie tbh if my boyfriend practically stopped posting me on his social media or acknowledging my existence the moment we got more serious i would dump that man too
vanityfair and yourusername
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liked by tswizzle, papayagirl and others
vanityfair Singer-Songwriter YN YLN talks Split from Rumoured Childhood Romance Arthur Leclerc, Release of New Song and Announcement of Fourth Album, and Relationship with Formula 1-Driver Lando Norris
Click on the Link in the Bio to watch the entire Interview
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coconutananas that caption is longer than my life span😭
mollym girl was busy the past few weeks
ylnwife i am so in love with everything this woman has been doing for the past few months, this is amazing
factorfic just watched it and it is so amazing!! love how her and lando have the same sass, they fit perfectly tbh
charthurleclerc the day we find out what really happened between her and arthur leclerc will be the day i can finally rest
itsbrutalouthere "I'm a ferrari girl" -YN YLN, girlfriend of MCLAREN DRIVER Lando Norris, 2023
↳ landonorris1 @/itsbrutalouthere loved her for this
↳ bimess @/itsbrutalouthere PLS the way she was like "I love my boyfriend but everytime a ferrari is on pole I risk a breakup" she's so real
ynisbabe she looks so good here hello???
emilyzkn can’t wait for the albummmmm oh my god
jilledits i swear to god if she spills more tea about arthur i will be FERAL
wanderwall now all we need is someone interviewing lando about her and my life will be complete
jawdropforkpop i’m already so excited for her new album, i can’t even
peppyi her new song was so good, can’t wait for the album!!
415 notes · View notes
Hi baby
I’m going to talk a little bit about myself
I don’t wanna reveal too much
My face and everything else will remain anonymous for safety and privacy💕
My name is Honey(yes this is my birth name lol)
You can call me by my name or honeybee
Or even honeycomb
Do NOT call me beehive 😡
Unless it’s related to Beyoncè💕
Age: 23
I discuss the void state, Law of assumption,Reality Shifting (I haven’t talked about this yet but will if you need more info)
And All kinds of Manifestation methods
How to talk to Honey!!!
Just dm me any questions I don’t take asks anymore so if you have any questions just feel free to dm me
My mom is Afro Peruvian, Indian,and Haitian
My dad is Jamaican
I’m black hehe🤟🏾
I don’t do these I’m super private it’s soooo weird omg
What do I like??
Music food animals
Did I say music because
My favorite artists
I love all kinds of music
Even death metal occasionally
I like Harry Styles,Kid Cudi,Lady Gaga The Beatles,Ice Spice and many moreeeee
I also love movies
Literally almost any kind
But anyways
Let’s talk about something more interesting!!
Now that you know me(kind of)
I want you to know about this technique I discovered
It’s not new at all
In fact ppl on here have already talked about it I’m just late
As usual 😔
There’s a technique I want you all to try
It’s called the
“Wim hof breathing”
No methods are needed But if you really want one
Then here you go pookie
(Found this on a website but it won’t let me copy the link😔)
Find a comfortable position.
Breathe in deeply through the nose or mouth and through the belly to the chest. Then let the breath go unforced.
Exhale through the mouth, then immediately breathe in again.
Take 30–40 such breaths in short bursts.
Take one final, deep inhalation then let the air out and stop inhaling. Hold the breath until you feel the urge to breathe again.
Inhale very deeply to full capacity and hold for 15 seconds, then let it go. This completes the first round.
Repeat the whole process, steps #2-6, 3-4 times.
After completion take time to meditate and enjoy the state of deep relaxation
After the very last step you should be a deep trance like state you should be really relaxed
I recommend that you let your next subliminal play
Which should be
Either a theta or epilson wave track or pink noise
Make sure your desired subliminal that plays after is Not a guided meditation you wanna still be in a trance
Start affirming in that point
And don’t stop
Just feel how relaxed you are feel that powerless body but powerful mind
Your body is at ease your soul and mind collide in such ways that allows you to breathe freely without any stress no harm
In the void state
Your main goal should be getting peace
Because if you’re entering just affirm
You’ll likely put it on a pedestal you’ll get frustrated and give up
It is not a wish granter bitch
It’s you
Baby you are powerful
Baby you are pretty
Baby you can tap in the void
And make the bring the 4D to your 3D and make it your home
Don’t use the void as a wish granter
Use it for peace
Don’t treat the 3D like the enemy
Treat it like a friend
After all it exists the way it does because of your assumptions
Whether you say this is hard or this is easy
Sugar, you’re right either way
Because if you assume something then that’s how it’ll be
If you think you’re pretty you’re pretty
But if you think you’re broke
Then you’re broke
If you think you’re rich
Then you’re rich baby
You could have wings
Be the biggest singer or rapper in the world
Star in the next Dune Movie
Be best friends with Ariana Grande
Be a Scientist
Be smarter than Albert Einstein(I mean was he actually super intelligent if he lacked common sense)
You could be get a bigger butt!!
I mean didn’t necessarily have a pancake ass
But I definitely didn’t have a Nicki Minaj
And bestie you can too!
Plastic surgery who???
Do we look like a Kardashian-Jenner?? I think the f not🙄
The void is our plastic surgeon
You wanna a smaller nose?
Got it
Tig ole biddies?
Got it
Nicki Minaj butt?
Got it
Floor length hair?
Got it?
Whatever you want to change about yourself
Got it!
And for the last time babies
Mentally just be
Physically sleep
In that moment baby
Forget the 3D and its fuck ass bob
Because the 3Ds not your enemy but its your puppet
You’re a ventriloquist CONTROL THAT MF
The 4D is you
The void is you
Quit saying what you can’t do babe
“HoNEy I StiLL didNT gET inTO tHe vOiD”
You did it
You just didn’t know
Bro the void is just recognizing you’re asleep
And getting in contact with your mind
Which is where you already go when you go to sleep
So ha
There’s your answer
When we fall asleep
That’s where we go
The mf Void State
The only thing your cute ass has to do baby
Is just be aware
When Neville Goddard says just “BE”
Bitch just BE
That’s it
Be aware
Like that SpongeBob episode
“Be the crane”
Be the Void
It’s just you love
So why you stressing
Why complicate something YOU created?!
Baby girl make it make sense
Own your power bitch
I love you My darlings
Month is almost over
Bring me my success stories
Or I’ll be your sleep paralysis demon 😈
(Just kidding)
Or am I;)
Imma keep pressuring you to listen to this(NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED SUBLIMINALS)
But I like this one🫠
Wrong emoji
I can’t find that cute one at the moment I’m rushing cuz I wanna eat my burger!
because it’s soooo peaceful
Slade is the best
I love you ⭐️💕
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
deep end (explicit)
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genre: pwp / domestic-ass smut hehe 💕
pairing: namjoon x reader (ft. no gendered language! bc lots of people get periods!)
summary: your boyfriend suggests a new way to relieve your period cramps.
word count: 4.2k
contains: explicit sexual content ~*~*~ established relationship, boyfie joon in a hoodie/glasses/with stubble (yes that's a warning), they use the term 'baby' a lot because it's me writing joon duh, some minor implications that menstruation is gross (from reader) (buuuut they get over it lol), 🩸period sex🩸, nipple play, fingering and clit stim, joon has a monster cock bc of course he does, size kink, bulge kink, he's all up in their cervix, reader has a.... cervical orgasm which might just be an a-spot orgasm my googling was inconclusive whatever none of you care - a good mix of fluff and playful bickering, the ending is soft 🫠
A/N: JOON HOES I HAVE RETURNED FOR YOU 🫡 it's been too long, so please take one of my favorite things i've ever written as my very sincere apology. idk this really just flowed out (no pun intended ksdjhgdfsdf) and i had a lot of fun with it, i heart bodies doing body things yknow. shout-out to my period for being extra bad last month and inspiring this.... it's called MANIFESTING amiright besties 💅✨ i hope y'all enjoy!!!! would love to hear your thoughts if you did 🥺💜
and all the love in the world to @haliiimede for betaing and being my emotional support capricorn, where would i be without you my love
read on AO3 !
The hinges of the bedroom door creak softly as it’s pushed open, and you glance up.
You’re where you’ve been for as long as social responsibilities will allow you to hide from the world and futilely attempt an afternoon nap: curled up on your side, knees pressed tight to your chest, gritting your teeth through each fresh round of stabbing pain. It’s worse than usual this month, for no discernible reason, which is stupid.
Namjoon leans against the doorframe, domestic-cozy-cute in the way that usually makes you want to jump him, glasses and a hoodie. He can’t help but smile sympathetically when he notices your arms are wrapped around an emotional support Koya plushie.
“You okay?”
You wince. “Cramps. I’ll be fine.”
There’s a flutter of mattress springs and bed sheets as he sits down at your side. “Is today the worst of it?” You nod. “Did you take your stuff?”
You smush your cheek against the top of Koya’s head, nuzzling into the soft fabric, tactile comfort. “Yes.”
“Yes, Joon,” you snap. “I’ve been having periods since I was twelve, I know what I’m doing.”
“Okay, baby.”
You feel guilty as soon as the exasperation-tinged words leave your mouth. “Sorry. I’m being an ass. Just… fucking hurts.”
He tries again. “Heating pad?”
“Worked for a bit, but I got too hot.” Your feet kick frustratedly under the blankets. “I’m ready for winter.”
Namjoon laughs at this. “Does that mean too hot for some company?”
The corners of your pouted mouth just barely start to pull up as you pretend to think it over. “…No.”
“Okay then.” He pushes back the sheets to slide in next to you, removing his glasses and reaching over to deposit them on the nightstand. He smells good, clean laundry and woody cologne. You don’t fight him when he moves to gently pry Koya out of your hands.
“Get out of here,” he murmurs, and you laugh in surprise when he unceremoniously flings the plushie across the room.
“We don’t need him,” Namjoon says with a smug smile as he adjusts the blankets so he can settle in behind you.
Just the presence of him pressing into your back, big and solid and familiar, makes you start to unwind. His hand slips under your oversized t-shirt to rest on your low belly, fingertips dipping beneath the band of your underwear to gently trace over your skin. The warmth is nice— you feel yourself melt a little under his touch.
“You know what’s good for cramps?” He asks softly. You hum a response, prompting him to continue, and he does. “Orgasms.”
With a sigh, you turn your head to press your face into the pillow. “Vibrator’s dead.”
“Do you want me to plug it in?”
You make a sound that isn’t a clear yes or no, debating internally, then finally answer. “Don’t leave.”
He doesn’t. “What can I do then?”
The answer is immediate, paired with a dry laugh. “You can put me out of my misery.”
Namjoon shakes his head, tuts a little. “Can’t do that. But maybe I can help another way.”
The hand on your stomach slowly starts to slide further up, over your waist and rib cage, coming to cup one of your breasts. He gives it a tentative squeeze. “Sore?”
You shrug. “A little.”
“I’ll be gentle.”
His thumb starts to move, tracing slow, lazy circles over your nipple, coaxing the soft bud to a peak.
You let your eyes flutter closed and allow this sensation to overtake the others, enough to pull an appreciative noise out of you. “Nnh— feels good.” Your voice comes out nearly a whisper.
He wiggles his hips a little in response, and you can’t help but laugh when you feel something firm press against your ass. “How are you hard right now?”
“I don’t understand the question.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re still smiling, and you shift to turn onto your back so you can see him properly. It doesn’t hurt that it also gives him a better angle to play with both of your breasts— a second hand quickly finds its way up your shirt. “Everything turns you on.”
Namjoon shrugs, unbothered. “With you, yeah.”
“But…” You shift your legs vaguely under the sheets, knowing he’ll understand what you mean. “It’s gross.”
The feeling of his fingers gently flicking over both of your nipples simultaneously makes your brain lag. “Uh— dirty.”
“Not true.”
Your eyes flutter shut again as you try to keep up with the conversation despite the heat of arousal that’s starting to swell in your gut, and lower. “Okay, messy.”
“All sex is messy,” Namjoon says, like it’s a given.
You huff a noise of frustration, glancing over at him. “Stop being obtuse. It’s different.”
“I’m not,” he insists. “It just sounds like you have some unnecessary shame. It’s a natural thing.”
“Natural,” you deadpan back. “You’re a hippie.”
He smiles. “Maybe.”
The admission is paired with a light pinch to your nipples, and you inhale sharply, biting back a whimper. “A freak.”
His laugh is soft and deep. “Sure. Have you fucked on your period before? I know we haven’t, but— ever?” You shake your head into the pillow. “Might feel good. They say it helps.”
You scoff at this. “Yeah, I bet ‘they’ all have dicks.”
“We don’t have to.”
Namjoon pauses, as if waiting for you to make a decision. You can’t ignore the way his hands on your tits have worked up a steady pulse between your legs.
“…You’ve done it before?” You squeeze your thighs together as you ask the question.
He shrugs. “Yeah.”
“And it wasn’t gross?”
“No, baby. It’s just a—”
“Do not say fluid,” you interrupt with a grimace.
He quirks an eyebrow. “An output.”
“Actually, I think that’s worse.”
A smile blooms on his face, dimples popping, his hands jiggling your breasts. Playful. “It’s free lube.”
You laugh despite yourself. “We’ll mess up the sheets.”
“We’ll put down a towel,” he corrects. “And if we do, I’ll wash them.”
You pause for a moment, considering. “Promise?” There are few things more torturous than the idea of doing laundry on your period.
“Yes, baby,” Namjoon assures you, his gaze roaming over your face. “But I don’t wanna force you. If you feel that bad, let’s just watch a movie.”
You narrow your eyes at him, unable to hide your smile. “Nuh-uh.” You scoot a little closer, rolling in to hitch a leg over him, your socked foot teasing up the back of his calf. “You played with my tits too much. No turning back now.”
The answer makes him cocky, his tongue briefly toying at the corner of his mouth when he smirks. “I’m not scared.” His voice is deeper, darkened by lust, enough to send a shiver through you.
You tilt your jaw up towards his mouth. “Kiss me.”
His lips are soft and warm when they press to yours, and you tip onto your back again, his knees and forearms sinking into the mattress as he follows to cover your body with his.
Your palms slip under his hoodie to slide up over the smooth, defined muscles of his stomach, the broad expanse of his chest. His tongue flutters over your lower lip, and your hands trace back down to the hem, bunching the thick fabric up in your fists.
“Take this off.”
Namjoon smiles against your skin, trailing kisses down your neck, his hands still pawing under your shirt. “Bossy today.”
You tug at his hoodie again for emphasis, earning a pinch to your nipples in response. “You like it.”
“I do.”
He sits up on his knees, untangling himself from under your shirt to strip, and you do the same. You can see the imprint of his dick already straining against the thin fabric of his joggers, and you reach up to slip your fingers under the waistband, running your palm down the length of him over his briefs. There’s a new kind of ache in your core now.
“These too.”
He laughs a little. “Okay, baby. And do you wanna—”
You follow his gaze to stare down at your own sweatpants. “Yeah, let me just. Bathroom.”
Namjoon leans forward, so his mouth ghosts over yours when you sit up. “I’ll get the towels.” He sucks gently on your bottom lip when he kisses you. It’s enough to leave you breathless.
You do your best not to overthink it as you slip into the bathroom and go through the motions. Sweatpants off, underwear too, pad discarded, attempt to clean up a little. You move fast, trying not to leak. The blankets are pushed to the foot of the bed when you return to the bedroom, brown towels laid over the sheets, even a box of tissues on the nightstand.
Namjoon has kicked off his pants and underwear, one hand lazily pumping himself as he turns to face you, muscles in his forearm shifting from the motion.
You lick your lips appreciatively. His cock is flushed dark, hard, already wet at the tip. The thought of him dripping precum just from setting out towels and tissues makes you giggle a little as you climb into bed— a Virgo through and through.
The mattress shifts as he crawls over you, letting go of himself to trace a slow hand up your thigh, over your hip, to finally settle at your waist. “Still okay?”
You nod and pull him down.
He kisses you more fervently this time, and you tilt your head to lick into his mouth, your breath edged with a moan when your tongues pass over each other. You run your hands along his back, nails scratching gently, as his lips move to brush against your jaw, then nibble at your ear.
“How do you want it, baby?” Namjoon’s voice goes straight to your cunt, thick and dripping like honey.
Your mind swims as you try to answer the question, and you instinctively bring your knees to your chest, not unlike the way you were curled up in bed earlier. You pull them apart a little, spreading yourself for him, nowhere to hide. Heat blooms in your face as his eyes trace your body down to your pussy, and he hums softly.
You suck in a breath at the barely-there brush of contact, his slender fingers tracing over your folds. “Is it bad?”
“It’s perfect. It’s you.” You bite down on your lip, not quite willing to believe it’s that simple. “Can I touch you?” You nod again. He groans a little in the back of his throat when he presses in. “Fuckin’ wet.”
“Joon,” you gasp. Your cunt flutters around his finger, tender, as if to suck him further in. He adds a second, sliding easily, and you can feel the way he curls inside to pet long strokes over the ridges of your front wall, made supple from sensitivity. The pleasure sends a shower of sparks through you, and your spine arches. You squeeze your eyes shut as they roll back in your skull.
“This okay?”
You reach up to dig your fingernails into his arms, his biceps flexing under your touch. “’Sgood, baby. More.”
“More fingers?”
You shake your head, eyes flickering open to meet his. “Cock.”
It’s both dirty and domestic, doing it in broad daylight, the bedroom drenched in mid-afternoon sun that pours between the cracked window blinds. No shadows to disguise it, no questioning the color painted over Namjoon’s fingers when he withdraws, dark red.
Your discomfort feels like an afterthought compared to how badly you want him now. He pauses to wipe the excess off on the towel beneath you, free hand guiding the still-slick tip of his cock to brush over your folds, teasing.
You can’t help but whimper. “Baby.”
With a soft grunt, he does it again, more purposefully now— the whole of this thick cock grinding over your slit, both of you smeared messy with arousal and flushed warm from blood-flow.
You press yourself up on your forearms in time to see him wrap his hand around the base and slide it in. He pushes slow, but you’re wet enough that he can slip right to the hilt without resistance, and your jaw goes slack as you watch all of him disappear up inside you.
“Ah, Joon—” you hiss a little as he bottoms all the way out, fucks in until there’s no space left between you.
He stills his hips, eyes flitting up to find yours. “Hurts?”
You shake your head and whine softly. The stretch was easier than normal, actually. “Just, nnh— full.” Letting your head drop back on the pillow, you breathe a laugh. “You’re fucking big.”
He’s nearly wincing. “You’re swollen, baby. Makes it feel like more.”
The pressure of being filled blooms thick, indulgent, a sensation you can feel all the way down to the soles of your feet, every inch of you plugged up with his cock. You lick your lips and try to speak.
“Can you move?”
Namjoon flashes a dimpled smile, suddenly shy. “Hang on.” He scrunches his nose a little, eyes rolling up briefly to fix at a spot on the wall behind you. You can hear the strain in his voice. “Trying not to come.”
Your eyes go wide. “Really? Are you a teenager?!”
He huffs an indignant laugh, face flushing. “It’s like a fucking flood down there! And you’re extra tight… So damn, give me a second.”
Giggling a little, you reach up to loop your arms around his shoulders, fingernails lazily scratching at the nape of his neck, combing through his dark hair that’s gotten so long. He exhales a slow stream of air as he closes his eyes for a moment, then blinks them open again with a smile.
“Okay. You okay?”
You hum. “The pressure is… it’s good. Think it’s helping.” Your cramps have started to subside, or at least you’re not focused on them.
“It’s not too much, all the way in like this?” He circles his hips experimentally, which makes the head of his cock press firmly against your cervix.
“Fuck,” you hiss, and you feel him reflexively start to pull out, paired with a concerned look flashed over his face. You smack a hand to his lower back to stop him, to hold him still.
“Please, Joonie, don’t— it felt good. Just, ah, keep doing that.”
“You squeezed me so hard. Thought I hurt you.” He rolls his hips again and you both groan softly. “Shit, baby, look down.” Namjoon’s voice is slightly hoarse.
You tilt your head up to see an unmistakable bulge in your lower abdomen that shifts as he ruts his hips into you again. You gasp at the rush of pleasure and the visual of his cock so deep inside you.
“You like that?” You swallow hard and nod at his question, whimpering as he brings one hand up to gently press down around his girth. A mixture of pleasure and relief floods through you, and you moan. “Like it when I’m in your stomach, baby?”
Your head drops back against the pillow. “Fuck” is the only answer you can give as he keeps moving his hips.
It takes you by surprise when you feel the brush of his lips over yours, and you tilt up to deepen the kiss instinctively. “So damn sexy,” he murmurs into your mouth. For a minute, you let the rest go, and allow yourself to believe him.
Namjoon falls into a consistent rhythm, cock grinding into your cervix so steadily that it makes it impossible for you to bite back your moans. He keeps one hand splayed over your stomach to meet himself there, and your cunt squeezed in between feels liable to overflow, on the verge of splitting open.
“Nnh, shit, Joon, that feels so good.” It’s like he’s pressing up on your lungs now— you can hardly breathe, dizzy with pleasure. 
Fucking is somehow more intimate this way, taking him as deep as you can go and keeping him there, his shallow flutter-thrusts rocking slow and heavy for your shared sensitivity. Trading lazy kisses and stilted breaths and pretty sounds into each other’s open mouths. The press of his broad hands into your skin and the towel-guarded mattress, the wet squish of your folds on the base of his cock.
“God,” Namjoon groans, breath ghosting over your lips. “This perfect fuckin’ pussy.”
Without warning— or maybe in response— your walls start to pulse, and then the dam of steadily built-up pleasure bursts, a rush so intense that you can only gasp and dig your nails into Namjoon’s shoulders. “Joon, Joon—” You clarify when his brow creases with concern: “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” You think you might die if he does.
He keeps going, barely-there strokes that rub the thick head of his cock into you over and over, and you cry out as you come fully undone.
A strange new feeling lights you up like a live wire, warmth radiating through your body as contractions squeeze your pussy so tight you swear you see stars when you close your eyes.
Namjoon curses under his breath, your whole body shaking beneath him as he works this surprise orgasm all the way out of you, until your thighs reflexively pull together and he stills his motions again.
“Oh my god,” you murmur, turning your head to press your cheek into the pillow. You slowly start to come down through the aftershocks, a lingering buzz glittering in your fingertips from the weight of his cock still crammed up inside you.
Namjoon’s large hands pet up the backs of your thighs, trailing soft heat. “You good, baby? That was crazy.”
“I-I just—” You exhale in an attempt to catch your breath, and it turns into a laugh as your eyes flicker open. “I didn’t know I could come from that. Fuck.”
He cracks a smile. “Sensitive. How’s it feel?” He leans forward to seek a kiss and you return it, nuzzling along the line of his jaw once you break apart. His stubble drags against your cheek, not unpleasant, and you shiver a little.
“I don’t know, I just had a crazy fucking… cervix orgasm,” you tease. “I’d say it’s pretty good.”
“Just don’t want it to hurt.”
“It doesn’t,” you murmur into his mouth. “So fuck me?”
You both moan when Namjoon begins to properly move, thrusting slow and deep-deep, your pussy clinging tight to him on the upstroke. You’re wet enough to gush when he fucks back in— just the sound of it makes your head spin. Your clit aches, so worked up untouched that it’s starting to throb.
“Baby,” you whine. “Touch me. Wanna come again. Please.”
He hums a soft noise of surprise, eyebrows raising, hips worked up to a steady rhythm now. “Already?” His lips press to yours again, and a sly smile spreads across them as he pulls back. “Needy.”
You huff a laugh, leaning up for another kiss, insatiable. “I said please.”
Namjoon earns a whimper out of you this time when his tongue swipes into your mouth, and he’s a little breathless when he breaks away. “I like you needy. I’ll keep you in this bed all day, if that’s what you want.”
“I—nnh—” you lose the thread of mid-sex conversation entirely as he shifts to free one hand and bring the pad of his thumb to your clit, flicking down firmly at a pace to match his strokes. “Fuck, Joon.”
Your hands grasp at the pillow beneath your head, fingers sinking in to grip desperate. He’s pounding heavy into your g-spot now, your legs spread wide and back arched up to take it.
It’s so good, it’s overwhelming, warm glow all the way through you. Arousal drips from your cunt to make the squelch of his strokes even messier. His hips are unrelenting, and your thighs start to shake from the pleasure, amplified with every pass of his thumb over your clit.
“Just—” You can barely speak, have to gasp for air after the first word, “—just like that.”
“Baby,” Namjoon’s voice comes out hoarse, in the way it does when he’s close, too. The bed creaks from the weight of his strokes. “So damn tight, so soft, can you feel it?”
A whine and a nod are all you can manage. You can feel him everywhere, down to the details, the fat veins that run the length of his cock molded to your walls, pulsing velvet heat. Your cunt melts lush around him, wet and raw as he fucks you apart. He rubs you in time to bring you over the edge again, and you’re helpless to it, can only let out a strangled sob of a noise as you tense up and come hard.
Namjoon’s thumb keeps circling, hips keep rocking, working you through it and groaning low in his throat for the way your cunt clenches up around him. Your nails dig into the pillow as you shudder and gasp.
“That’s it, shit, baby. Tight little pussy, gonna make me come too, fuck.”
With a grunt of effort, he pulls out, one hand reaching down to stroke his cock as he comes, thick ropes of his release painting your stomach in milky gloss. Your cunt pulses around nothing, hot pleasure aftermath, twitching sensitive.
Fucked to oblivion, you collapse against the mattress, feeling spent and heavy-all-over. Your head is still spinning, enough that you’re only distantly aware of the way Namjoon’s ragged breathing softens at the edges and starts to dissolve into gentle laughter.
Your eyes blink open to see him leaning over you, reaching for the tissues on the nightstand.
“Good thing I grabbed these,” he remarks as he lifts up his red-stained palm.
You can’t help but gasp at the sight. “Oh my god, Joon.”
The corner of his mouth pulls up enough for a dimple to wink back at you as he goes through a couple tissues to clean himself up. “Relax, baby. It really doesn’t bother me.” He pulls a few more loose from the box to deal with the mess on your stomach. “Just wanna point out that you don’t mind when I come on you.”
You huff. Smart-ass. “It’s different.”
“Is it?” He challenges. “It’s just bodies being bodies. Byproducts of the human condition.”
You can’t quite hide your smile. “You’re a poet.”
“Maybe.” His clean hand smacks playfully against your thigh, jiggling the soft skin there. “Shower time.”
The whine that escapes you sounds pathetic, even to you. Movement of any kind feels impossible. “I won’t make it.”
“Come on.” You yelp and grab to wrap the towel beneath you over your waist as Namjoon scoops you up in an effortless bridal carry and heads for the bathroom. He turns the shower on with his foot as you cling to him for dear life, but he somehow manages not to drop you.
When he deposits you onto still-shaky legs, you let the towel drop to the bathroom floor. The water is scalding when you step into the shower, the way you both like it. Crowding you under the spray, he reaches for the washcloth and squirts a liberal amount of body wash into the fabric, infusing the steam with eucalyptus and mint. It feels like you can breathe a little deeper.
One large hand comes to your hip under the water as he works up a lather. “Turn around.”
You can feel the staining at the crux of your thighs, dry and sticky, as you shift unsurely in place. “Nnh,” you pout. “Can I rinse first?”
“Nope. Tryna take care of you, so let me.”
Scrunching your nose for dramatic effect, you turn for him. When the washcloth passes over your skin, his touch is so gentle, so immediately overwhelming, that emotion bubbles up before you can stop it. There’s nothing you can do to hide the way your shoulders start to shake as tears spill down your face.
It takes a second, and then you feel his motions slowly come to a stop. “Baby?”
You shake your head, embarrassed, bringing your arm up to wipe at your nose. “‘m fine. Emotional. Ignore me.”
“I can’t do that.” He rights himself, and the fingertips of his free hand trace the line of your jaw, encouraging your gaze to meet his. “Talk to me, please.”
Another fat droplet slides down your cheek, and his thumb catches it. You inhale, trying to catch your breath, and your chest shudders. “It just. Feels like too much, sometimes. Like I don’t deserve it.” You gesture broadly. “Everything, you. I don’t know.”
Namjoon frowns a little as he momentarily drapes the washcloth over the edge of the tub. “C’mon, don’t think like that.”
When he pulls you in, you allow yourself to sink into the embrace, tears flowing freely as his strong arms press you close. You know he’ll let you ride it out, the same way you do with him.
His lips brush over your hairline. “You’re good to me, wanna be good back,” he explains, voice low. “That’s all.”
Your cheek rubs against the hard plane of his chest as you nod.
“You’re so good to me, Joon. Too good.”
“Nah.” You don’t even have to look up to know he’s smiling— you can hear it in his voice. “You’re easy to love.”
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thisismeracing · 1 year
A friend of a friend | LH44
Pairing: black!plussize-model!reader (she/her) x lewis hamilton
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, it’s not proofread, etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: After a friend in common introduced them, Lewis and Yn can't seem to stay away from each other, and the fans are quick to catch and manifest a relationship.
Per this request 💜 I hope you like it!
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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liked by lewishamilton, normani, and others
yourusername Got a nice invitation to spend my Sunday somewhere new 🫶🏾
View all 3,462 comments
mercedesamgf1 It was amazing having you! 💜
⤷ swiftglow will we see her in the paddock again?? Spill the tea admin 🙏🏾
normani bestie, take me w you next time!!!!
lewisfan1990 It’s like she’s always ready for a runway, she’s really pretty!
preciousyn How can she look this good all the time???
lewishamilton 💜
⤷ justracing1 THE MATH IS MATHING
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liked by pierregasly, normani, and others
lewishamilton 💜 Life is good. Blessed.
View all 6,823 comments
afterglowlh44 silence, he thinks we won’t know
hamiltonnature A SOFT LAUNCH???
⤷ leclover16 more like a hard launch because considering the curly hair this is clearly Yn
normani 😍😍
ynprincess1 Why didn’t Yn like it?
⤷ forzaf155 maybe she’s trying to play it cool so we won’t freak out
⤷ winterraces_ her best friend liked tho
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liked by lewishamilton, dualipa, and others
yourusername You guys are too quick. Anyways, good to be “off the market” as some of you say 😝
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lewishamilton ❤️ life is better w you, ily
⤷ lewislight When is gonna be my time??? 😭😭😭😭
cullen_angela I’m the happiest for you guys
ynsummer this was not on my 2023 bingo card, but I’m glad it happened. Yn deserves someone to cherish and pamper her
fan2002 she really said: fuck this shit, you guys found out, now Im hard launching for the clueless ones
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taglist: @sachaa-ff
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