#but i’ve been hating my digital style so making things has been very hard
skellygearz · 1 year
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Wifeleaver 🫶🏻🪷
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eggyrocks · 8 days
hey hey hey!! i’m sending a matchup request in participation for fics for gaza 🍉 thank you so much for your hard work :D
— i’m an enfp 2w3 !!
— i’m 4’10” AND A HALF (the half is very important), and unsurprisingly i get made fun of a lot for my height. i have black shoulder length hair with blonde peekaboo highlights, and it’s usually pretty messy. i also have bangs because i like to call my forehead one of the seven mysteries of the world (because no one is allowed to see it)
— not only am i short, but i also have HORRIBLE eyesight so i have to wear glasses and contacts. i’d say that my fashion style falls under soft academia? oversized cardigans and leg warmers are always a staple in my outfits.
— a lot of people describe me as energetic, loud, and sociable. i’d like to think that people are drawn to my sense of humor and enthusiasm.
— i’m very open about my interests and feelings to the people im close to. a lot of people say it’s one of my strong suits, but sometimes i feel like im a little TOO open. (like, i’m the type of person to randomly text my friends that i’m currently taking a shit)
— i have a very direct style of communicating. if i ever have an interest in someone or something, i try my best to voice that immediately. i hate the feeling of being lead on by someone else, so i do my best to avoid doing that to other people.
— i get along better with introverts than i do with extroverts. i’m actually really intimidated by people who can match my levels of extroversion.
— i do sometimes worry that i’m being too talkative and annoying. i have a tendency to yap someone’s ear off once ive been enabled, so whenever im talking, i’ve gotten into the habit of asking if im ever talking too much mid conversation. i know a lot of introverts appreciate someone who can drive a conversation, but i also worry that im overdoing it
— in terms of hobbies, i really enjoy photography and scrapbooking. i have a digital camera that prints photos, so i always bring it wherever i go. i love taking candid photos the most, because it makes me feel like i’m capturing precious memories!
— i also have a really big sweet tooth. i want to get into baking just so i can make my own sweets, but i suck at anything that has to do with the kitchen. i can’t cook or bake for the LIFE OF ME. hopefully the person i get matched with is good at cooking because we might have to order takeout everyday if not
— i enjoy reading too! i love annotating my books and writing silly notes in the margins. my favorite thing to do is share a book with one of my friends, so we can reply to each others notes and mark up sections of the book we think the other person will find interesting.
i think that’s all the important information about myself that i have! again, thank you so much!! 💗
matchup #1: kageyama tobio
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kageyama could listen to u talk for hours. like actual hours without saying much. he just likes to hear what you have to say
you may sometimes wonder if he's actually listening but he always would be; he'd bring it up weeks later like "oh, remember that thing you were talking about a few weeks ago?"
you were talking about a new bakery you're excited about going to once it opens up? yeah he went there opening day and got you several of your favorite things to try. like weeks later. he's had it marked in his calendar the whole time
gets kinda shy whenever you take your camera out and whenever you tell him to act natural he forgets how. lots of photos of him trying to force a smile
but when you do catch him in a candid he's the best model out there
PLEASE make him a scrapbook of his volleyball games. it would be one of the most important things he owns to him. would actually treasure it for the rest of his life
your communication needs to be direct because otherwise it might go over his head lol; he appreciates the way you communicate with him
he's not the most avid reader but would ask you to explain the things he does not understand ; loves to hear your interpretation and might take them as fact
if someone else was like "here's what i thought abt that book" he might actually be like "wrong. this is what my parent thought so thats whats right"
matchup #2: tsukishima kei
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the type of mf to hide things in high places just so you have to ask him to get them for you
the most smug expression of all time when he does grab them for you. he would do this all the time
secretly would just like when you ask him for help and can't help but be a little smug abt it
if you ever got insecure abt how much you were talking around him and started to trail off, he would prompt you to keep going. "why did you stop?" "what happened next?" "what else?" because even though he's not good at saying it out loud, he'd love the sound of your voice and would get unnerved/uncomfortable when you weren't as talkative
big readers together <3 he's the perfect person to trade annotations with and his would absolutely be color coded and he would spark little harmless debates with u over the contents of the book
he doesn't like to be in your photographs but would frame them and hang them up around his house; especially if they're of places you two went on dates or shared a nice memory together
museum dates with him are an absolute must. art or history or science whatever. they're his favorite places to go with you
matchup #3: matsukawa issei
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such a chill and laid back bf he's really just happy to follow you and do whatever makes you the most happy
might take him a bit longer to open up but once he does he's just as open with you as you are with him; tells you absolutely everything and would not have a filter
your #1 defender
if anyone made fun of your height in front of him he would simply place you on his shoulder. what now? who's short now?
if anyone (rudely) said you talked a lot he would chastise them for interrupting you. “do you mind asshole i was listening”
might steal your cardigans even though it would be like comically short on him; he would just like that they're yours
would love your humor, would have a smile on his face all the time whenever you talk
wants to support your photography directly; he want to be your assistant. "do you want me to flash my phone light so this looks brighter" "i'll move those things out of the way so you can get a better shot" just wants to help u honestly
matchup #4: kozume kenma
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this is absolutely a take out every night kind of relationship; maybe he can cook but you'll never know because he never has the motivation to do so
he defends this to you by saying he's rich so it doesn't matter
kenma would really value your creativity (enfp) and your input; trusts your judgement in all things especially his career and would often come to you for advice on his content
sometimes asks if you'd be comfortable incorporating your photography into his content bc he wants you involved in everything he does
every profile pic of him would definitely be a photo you've taken
would love listening to you talk while he plays video games and would just want you near him all the time
if you ever got insecure abt talking too much he would be very straightforward abt comforting you "why would i listen to you if i didn't want to?"
also your hair is kinda matching and i think that is extremely cute
would absolutely LOVE the way you dress and thinks it's actually the cutest style ever
kenma values your communication style because it's very similar to his and there's never any confusion between you guys
matchup #5: kita shinsuke
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the most husband husband to ever husband
your enthusiasm is one of his favorite things about you; he loves the passion you have for the things you care about and finds your dedication so admirable
easily incorporates you into his daily routine and makes space for you in his life; he may be strict about his routine but he would absolutely be willing to make changes to accommodate you
LOVES reading your annotations because he loves to see how thoughtful you are and the way you think abt things
happy to cook for you constantly, loves to make your favorite things for you
would absolutely learn to bake for you as well!!!!! and when he does something he does it 100% so you know that would be the best baking you've ever had in your life
would be happy to go to social events with you but would stick by your side
genuinely just the best man ever and would also be the best partner ever he needs an award actually
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nctzenkane · 1 year
Nctzen Kane presents... the top 10 Kpop Songs of 2022!!!
This year was insanely good musically, so it was really difficult to narrow it down to just ten fantastic songs.  If your fave didn’t end up here... then make your own list, what do you think this is?
Anyway, without further dudes...
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 This song feels like a wish come true. It’s not the most complex or interesting song out there, but it deserves its spot on this list just for the fact that we got a full group comeback from the one and only SNSD in the year of the goddess Hylia 2022.  I love the vibes of it, it puts me in a great mood, and that’s enough for it to be on here
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 All I need to say to justify this one is… pewpewpew
 But seriously, this song’s beat is so SKZ that it’s INSANE. Like disgustingly addictive, springy sound that perfectly encapsulates the feel of a spider’s legs. It’s so fucking *chef’s kiss*. Of all the songs on the Oddinary album, this one really tickles my brain just the right way. However, there is one other song on the album that works just a tiny bit better…
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 And that’s Maniac.  All the disparate pieces of this song coalesce in a way that is just so perfect. I’ve always loved the way SKZ utilizes Felix’s unique voice, and the chorus of Maniac is the perfect example of that. It’s an absolute bop, and the superior track on an album with no skips
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 I love TXT. I love everything about them so much. But what I didn’t love, was Good Boy Gone Bad. It pained me to admit that when the track dropped, so imagine my delight when I started listening to the album and I heard this absolute gem.  I love the atmosphere of this song so much, and TXT is incredibly skilled at capturing feelings of discomfort and desolation in their music, and those feelings fit the lyrical content perfectly
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 The pop punk trend in kpop is one of the best things to happen to the genre in years, and in my opinion, there’s no one better suited to capture it than Woodz.  In the past I’ve described Woodz as something of a musical chameleon; able to tackle any genre and absolutely kill it.  He captures the carefree “fuck you” vibes of early 2000s pop punk effortlessly, and I’d love to hear more of this sound from him in the future
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 Seulgi as a dark, sensual, domineering badass? Yes. Very yes.
 Jokes aside, Seulgi absolutely murdered this concept both visually and musically.  I’m not sure if it was meant to be a throwback, but it definitely reminds me of something Aaliyah would’ve released in the late 90s. This was a strong solo debut for one of kpop’s most high profile aces, and I really can’t wait to see what she’ll do next
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 This song is why I love ATEEZ as much as I do. This shit hits you like a wall of unstoppable sound the moment the chorus kicks off, and it’s the type of sonic euphoria that I’ve been desperately missing with 4th gen groups. It’s no secret that this generation has pivoted more towards choreography and elaborate concepts, and away from killer vocals like 2nd and 3rd gen.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing mind you, but ATEEZ proves why having killer vocals is such an asset.  I love every second of this one start to finish, and uh… let’s just say those concert stages were iconic *wink wink*
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 I mean it when I say that the 2 Baddies album might be NCT 127’s best one yet.  Almost every song is phenomenal, but none more so than Time Lapse.  I love the attention to detail; the computerized/digitized sounds at the beginning, and the old Hollywood style music sting at the end really tie in well with the concept of ‘time’, and the fucking CHORUS. Every czennie has been bumping “can we fix it?!” for MONTHS.  It was hard for me to pick a single song from this album, but after some thought, I knew it just had to be this one
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 OnlyOneOf’s “UndergrOund IdOl” project has been one of the best things to ever happen in the history of kpop.  What really endears me to it is not just its unflinching depictions of explicit queerness (no teasing or implication here) but also the fact that the music is ACTUALLY GOOD.  Not gonna say any names (not looking to insult people here) but we shouldn’t have to sacrifice musical quality just to have some queer rep in the industry.  Of all the releases so far though, I think the one that kicked it off is still the best.  There’s just something magical about Begin; I’m not sure if its his delivery of the lyrics, the mellow energy of the track that builds to a satisfying climax, or just the relatability of the single line “hate this city” as a queer person.  Whatever it is makes Begin such a perfect song, and so far its yet to be topped by the rest of the series in my opinion
 -The rest of the UndergrOund IdOl series (Be Mine, Be Free, Because, and Beat)- OnlyOneOf
-Gold Rush- NCT 127
-Birthday- Ten
-Limbo- Jun
-Pose- Kino
-Gasoline- Key
-Hair Cut- Xdinary Heroes
-Taste- Stray Kids Danceracha
-3racha- Stray Kids 3racha
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 Yeah, if you know me, this is no surprise.  I’ve been a Villain since Happy Death Day, and this band just keeps getting better and better with every release.  I love their unique sound and their insane vocals are truly showcased on this track. The moment I heard this one, I knew it was gonna be my number one song of the year and as the months passed, nothing quite managed to dethrone it.  I can not fucking wait to see how the guys evolve as time goes on
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the-city-kitty · 9 months
Bit of a rant.
I’m so unbelievably annoyed at how shot my confidence in my drawing has become. Like, I don’t consider myself an “artist” in that sense, drawing is not my main mode of artistic expression however it is one that after years of avoiding and hating it I learned to really like doing and found joy and fun in doing. I like to draw. Even if the final product isn’t necessary “good,” if I like how it looks at the end then that’s enough for me and I enjoy the process of getting there. At least I did.
I honestly have no idea what happened and that’s really the annoying part is sometimes you don’t realize what it is you’re internalizing until suddenly the thing that you really liked and you still want to like makes you feel so fucking awful every time you try to do it. I used to give way less of a shit and I would just fill a page with random doodles or I would spend time on an illustration, getting as detailed as my skill level allowed but still having fun the whole time. Now every time I start a sketch I’ll put down one single line and something in me just booms WRONG! YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!
And I know that to get better at art it takes practice and quite frankly I don’t practice at regular intervals cuz again, it’s not my main mode of expression, but at least for me the development of the skill is sort of secondary, cuz I don’t really start sketching with the goal to be better at the next sketch, I just want to sketch. So it’s incredibly frustrating that as soon as I put pencil to paper I get this innate sense of dread that I’m wasting time and supplies for something I’m not even that good at. It’s annoying because it was something that I struggled so hard to undo when I first got into drawing so that I could really enjoy it and it feels like somehow, without my noticing, I got back to square one again.
Part of it too is that I’ve made such big strides in getting back into writing and maintaining my motivation to write, unfortunately making that progress still hasn’t eliminated the part of me that reflexively thinks that any time spent not writing is a waste. It’s definitely a thought left ofer from the days when I was scared I would never pick up my pen again, but now that I’ve made progress it’s still stuck around, but now it’s just adapted to the new situation. And because drawing has always been a secondary hobby for me now every time I try, that thought just viciously attacks me every time. “Why would you waste time drawing when you could be working on your writing? Your writing is what you will be remembered for, that’s what’s more important.”
And quite frankly I really only started taking an interest in drawing because I wanted to draw fan art. Yes it has since expanded to wanting to draw my own OCs but fan art is where I got started and it’s what is plaguing me now. And it’s frustrating because I am a very visual thinker! I can “see” everything in my mind, and even then there’s reference images and I know intellectually that when I draw the characters I want to draw it doesn’t necessarily have to match up with the style of the show but there’s also something so intimidating about trying to figure out how to translate a character from their original art style into one that I can draw because… I don’t even know what my “art style” is. And that’s always what makes me stop and get frustrated and put my pencil down, fuck man today I got so stupidly close to having a small breakdown because I couldn’t find an eraser which meant I couldn’t fix any mistakes I made on the sketch I was trying to start. So I just… quit. And I’m getting so tired of wanting to draw and just quitting, cuz like I said, I see it all in my head and I think about drawing it and that thought makes me excited and happy and then as soon as I start trying to do it all that happiness just bleeds right back out of me.
It’s like there’s this disconnect between my brain and my hands and no matter what I do, switching from drawing on paper to digital drawing, trying to make the perfect setting (clean desk), or allotting myself plenty of time so I don’t have to worry about anything other than trying to enjoy the drawing process, I just… can’t anymore. And it makes me very very sad.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
acquainted | six
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, begging, rough sex, doggy style, hair pulling, very slight dirty talk, slight hints of jealousy, very brief moment of spit play, oral (f. receiving), breast play, cum eating, fingering, multiple orgasms, marking/hickeys, cussing/mature language, angst, cuddling/after care, mentions of car accident/death, insecurities, unanswered questions, dont really know wtf this is or where it’s going, love triangle mess
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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The Uber ride is silent, and part of you started to question whether or not you should continue. But, before you could really talk some sense into yourself, you had arrived at Jin's house.
You remember him dropping his address into your text thread after Chance's death anniversary, in case you ever needed anything. For which specific reasons, you had no idea what. Maybe for times like these? You were beginning to think this is what he planned all along.
As you slowly walked up to the front of his perfect family sized home up in Orinda, you felt a little weird seeing his car and what you assume is Grace's car. You also remember him briefly saying Grace would be in New York, but you double check your receipts just to make sure [on some serious hoe shit]. If anything, you could just make up some weird, bullshit excuse and run away, right? Pull the drunk student card. Hopefully, you wouldn't have to.
You ring the doorbell once and stand there awkwardly. You didn't hear any movement in the house, although the lights were on, so you hit the doorbell once more, the cold settling into your skin as the minutes go by. This was the moment you started to really question your decision. Like what the fuck, Y/N? What are we—
Lo and behold, Jin answers the door. He looks like he had just hopped out the shower since he showed up in sweats, a white longsleeve and damp hair.
"Sorry, I just hopped out the shower." He steps aside to let you in, almost like he already expected you to show up.
"It's alright." You fiddle with your fingers.
"It's freezing, are you cold? Do you want a sweater?" You look down at your leggings and the thin sweater you grabbed.
"I'm good, thanks." You say softly as you follow him deeper into the house. It's quiet for the most part, and you feel incredibly awkward walking behind him like a lost child. He stops in his kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water.
"Water? Or anything to drink? Eat, even? I might have something I could whip up for you really quickly." You chuckle.
"No, don't worry."
"Soooo, wanna tell me what you're doing here Y/N?" He chuckles at you.
"Don't flatter yourself, Jin."
"Can't help it since Jungkook doesn't seem to live here." He smirks, his hands now dug deep into the pockets of his sweats. You can't help but marvel at the sight of his long, veiny arms and the way his collarbone is poking out from his longsleeve. Oh, the thought of his hands wrapping around your neck.
"Ha-ha, very funny." You say sarcastically, crossing your arms.
"Just going along with your game." He's now closer and towering over you, subtly biting his bottom lip as he looks down at you. "You have fun with my stepbrother tonight?"
"And if I did?" At this point, your knees are buckling and you're about ready to pounce on this man with the way he's been acting.
"So then let me ask again - what are you doing here, Y/N?" His voice slightly deepened as his finger rose your chin for you to look him in the eye.
"Why ask when you know?"
"Cause I wanna hear it."
"You really wanna hear why?" You say, almost at a whisper.
"Yeah, I do." He edges his face closer to yours, the lust very apparent and strong as hell between the both of you. "Or you can show me." You suddenly can no longer hold yourself off, forgetting the events that played out until this moment. You instantly throw your bag aside and jump onto him, kissing him as he wraps his arms tightly around you to hold you up. He doesn't break the kiss as he's making his way up to the bedroom.
He gently lays you on the bed, taking off his shirt before aiding you with yours. You bite your bottom lip as you gush at the sight of his upper body, your panties feeling more soaked by the minute. You wanted every bit of him, and you were ready to get filthy, fulfilling every need Grace couldn't. He snatches your leggings off, tossing them across the room. His large hands are feeling down your entire body as he deeply kisses you. His lips move down to your jaw, then down to your neck, his tongue swiping across your skin before nipping and sucking on the surface to leave his mark. You let out a moan while your hands are in his hair.
"Fuck me, Jin. Pleeeease." You mewl as he's sucking on each breast, his tongue toying with your nipples before gently sucking and nibbling on them. He makes his way down your stomach and to your inner thighs, his long fingers hooking onto your panties and shoving them aside.
"God, Y/N. You have no idea how bad I've been wanting to fuck you." He says lowly before he lowers his mouth onto your wet pussy. He instantly swipes his tongue down your folds, sucking all the wetness that leaks out. You let out a breathy moan when the sensation hits you, sending chills and goosebumps down your body. He inserts two digits, biting his lip at the sound your pussy makes every time he curves upwards and picks up the pace.
"Ohhhhh my god." You moan as you slightly arch your back and palm your breasts, toying with your own nipples as he continues to finger you and suck on your clit like no tomorrow. "Mmmmmm, fuck!" You almost yell as one hand is gripping the sheets, trying your hardest to hold on for as long as you could, but this man was really about to make you cum right at this moment.
And so he does. He makes you cum so fucking hard your body needs to be held down from how bad you're trembling. All you want is more, and he knows you want more. He pulls you to the edge of the bed, ready to line himself up with your entrance but you take his cock in your hand and jerk him off for a bit. His cock is long, and the perfect thickness. His tip red and angry, pooling with pre-cum that your thumb is swirling around and playing with. Your free hand is grabbing his other hand and inserting the two digits he used to finger you into your mouth, sucking each digit slowly. He can't even fucking bear this sight right now, or else he'll probably blow his load right onto you. His eyes are rolling to the back of the head and all he can think about is fucking you so hard that the headboard almost breaks the wall.
He wanted you so fucking badly, and you were being the biggest, dirtiest tease.
You finally insert the tip into your entrance, gasping and smirking at how good it'll feel when he completely fills you up. He wastes no time pushing himself into you, completely bottoming out until he's thrusting into you harder than you imagined. Your body is moving upwards, titties shaking and bouncing from how hard he's going. One hand is gripping your thigh tightly as you wrap your legs around his torso, the other is around your neck.
"Jin! Fuck, you're gonna make me cum again." He groans, closing his eyes as he continues to thrust hard, going deep every time he pulls back, hitting your core with the sudden movement.
"You think my brother can make you feel this way?" He lets out breathily.
"N-no." You whine, tears streaming down your face at the overwhelming sensation.
"Seemed like you thought so earlier." He has this look in his eyes, the same look he had when he was hungry for you at the club. Except this time, it was ten fold more being he was in between your thighs, fucking you until he couldn't anymore. And honestly, this shit was boosting his ego because Jungkook had you wrapped around his finger all night and he hated it. Jungkook was a really good looking dude, who was good at a lot of things, and Jin couldn't help but feel a little competitive against his own sibling.
But here he was, getting you all to himself.
"N-no!" You beg. "Only you. Only you can make me feel this way. Please make me cum." He groans, his thumb now working circular motions onto your clit until you're letting your climax take over your entire body once again. You're so out of breath at this point, but Jin doesn't stop and instantly gets you on your fours. He swipes his hand down your pussy, making you suddenly jolt at the sensitivity. You feel his spit dribble down your folds, causing your breathing to hitch. It was obvious Jin was letting out this pent up sexual tension or whatever the hell it was, but you honestly couldn't care less. He could use you all he wanted, especially if he made you cum the way you did just these past two times.
At first, he was gripping your hips, holding onto you as he hammered into your pussy from the back. You started following his movements with his, making him pause just to feel you move along his cock. He gives your ass cheek a good smack, causing you to yelp at the heat pooling at the spot. He grips your ass, spreading it just enough to continue burying himself deeper into your core.
"Just like that." You moan. "Hohhhhhgod, just like that!" You're almost crying. He grabs a hold of your hair, tugging it back so that he can see your face.
"Let me see you play with yourself." He spits out. You reach down for your clit, your hands rubbing in circles as he continues to fuck you and tug on your hair. You let out a loud moan, the headboard really damn near about to create a dent into the wall. "Yeah, that's it. You're fucking naughty." He says in your ear. You feel yourself spiraling for the third time tonight, and this third time has you weak, causing you to collapse down onto the bed as he continues to thrust into you and fill you up with his seed, his hand pressing your face down against the bed ever so slightly.
"Ohhhhggfuck!" You groan, twitching at the last minute aftershocks running through your body.  The only sounds filling the room are you and Jin catching your breaths. He slowly slips out of you, grabbing a tissue on the nightstand to clean you up before cleaning himself up and throwing on his sweats and shirt.
"You okay?" He slightly chuckles, handing you one of his shirts to slip into. You weakly get into it, running your hands through your hair and fixing yourself up. Your panties and bra are still off to the side, along with the clothes you came in.
"You wanted to know why I was here, right?" He smiles, his cheeks tinted a rosy color.
"I'll get you some water, but is there anything else I can get you?" He asks, holding onto the door frame, fine as fuck doing the bare minimum. You shake your head and he disappears out of the room.
You can't believe this happened. So much for keeping distance. But did you regret it? Honestly -absolutely not.
Jin comes back with two glasses of water and sets yours on the nightstand next to you, which also has a picture of him and Grace. Ironic. He sits right next to you on the edge of the bed, watching as you yawn before sipping some water.
"Yeah, it's been a really long night."
"Tell me about it, Miss 'I'm trying to keep my distance from you.'" You shake your head.
"Yeah yeah, keep it up. It's exactly what I want." You sarcastically joked.
"I'm kidding." He places a hand on your covered leg and gently gives it a squeeze. "For the record, I'm happy you swung by."
"I am too, but I should probably make my way home soon."
"What? No, stay. It's late. Plus, you're tired."
"A-are you sure? I-I mean, I don't wanna--" He shakes his head to cut you off.
"I honestly would really like you to. Besides, I don't know why you expected me to let you go back home this late." It was weird. You honestly thought he'd fuck you then send your ass home, but here you were, cuddling into his sheets and getting warm. But this was Jin - the same guy who didn't go home until you had a chance to spill out your feelings and made sure you were okay. The exhaustion hits you, being that it's 3-4am or something like that, you don't even care to know.
"Okay." Is all you say, sinking deeper into the sheets that smelled like lavender Downy detergent.
"I just need to clean up a few things, alright? Go to sleep. I'll be back in a minute." You quietly nod as you lie on your side, examining the photo on the nightstand. Fantastic job keeping up with your end of the deal, Y/N. Although your friends would probably make jokes about it at first, they'd be so disappointed beneath the surface.
You shake your head and turn the other way to erase your thoughts. You start to feel comfortable, enough to the point where you find yourself falling asleep pretty quickly.
Meanwhile, Jin is cleaning up his kitchen and living room before shutting off the lights and heading back upstairs. By the time he's back in the room and shutting off the bedroom lights, he sees you fully asleep. He smiles to himself and slips into the bed, careful to not wake you, but he's unsuccessful as he feels you stirring and getting closer to his body. Jin welcomes it, throwing his arm around you and allowing you to snuggle up onto his chest, gently running his fingers down your sides. Your skin felt like butter.
"Are you not sleeping yet?" You mumble into his chest.
"I'll sleep soon." He says softly, flipping through the channels on the TV in front of him.
"It's late, though."
"It's a Sunday morning. I'll be okay." He smiles at how cute you were being. "Go back to sleep, cutie."
"Hmph, suit yourself." You say, making him silently laugh to himself. Attitude still on na-na even half asleep. He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head and brings the covers up to make sure your entire body is covered completely.
This felt right for him, no matter how fucking bad or wrong this all went down. No matter how he tried to look at it, or anybody else. He felt deeply for you after tonight and there was really no way of hiding it. Why shit came about this way, he won't ever truly understand, but he always looked at you as some sort of sign. Some kind of blessing in disguise. He knew what he wanted for himself. He had to do what was right for him, whatever that meant. He was the only one who could truly understand.
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You shot up from the bed, grabbing your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing. You had just experienced the worst nightmare you had ever experienced, the only part of it you remembered was seeing Chance behind the wheel as soon as the truck came head on first.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jin asks in a deep, sleepy voice, slightly raising his head and eyes barely open. You feel his hand against your back, gently caressing it.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Bad dream?" He's now yawning and sitting up against the headboard, his fingers still lightly caressing your hips.
"Wanna talk about it?" You shook your head.
"I just saw Chance behind the wheel before the oncoming car came on head first."
"I'm sorry." He says softly as he pulls you in.
"It's no big deal."
"Wanna make sure you're okay, though." Is all he says. He doesn't press you for details, or anything along the matter and simply sits there in silence, caressing you and holding you close. He knew you and Chance had a strong relationship, just based off of the way you talked highly about him, and that it was taken away from you unexpectedly. He wouldn't expect you to be completely over it. He would never understand the pain or how it feels, but he could do his best to be here for you. "You know I'm here if you need me."
"I know. Thank you." He smiles.
"Would you like some breakfast?"
"I'll cook something." He places a small kiss on your temple before getting up to get this Sunday started. You took a couple of deep breaths, still a little shaken up from the dream you had. But, you brush it off and get up to meet Jin downstairs. You slip on your panties, still walking around in Jin's shirt, and pass by his walk-in closet only to see Grace's clothes against one wall. You suddenly start to feel weird, so you hurry on by and get downstairs before you could start falling into a rabbit hole about your feelings. Jin was already at the stove, whipping up some eggs and getting some waffles into the toaster. He looked good doing so, his shirt doing a damn good job of outlining his back muscles and broad shoulders. You honestly wouldn't mind another round of last night.
You sit on the stool in front of the kitchen island and fiddle with your bag to grab your phone. It was still pretty early, so it wasn't surprising to see no texts from either of the three. You were sure you were going to hear from Ryujin soon, and you were going to make sure you would be home by the time she called. Hopefully, at least. However, there was a text from an unknown number, and your heart slightly sank when you realized who it was.
[unknown number] 3:02am: had a lot of fun tonight. probably the best birthday yet. thanks cutie :) hope you got home safely.
"Friends blowing up your phone?" He raises his eyebrow as he watches you stare at your phone. You slightly chuckle and tuck it aside, making a mental note to respond when you got home. Yup. This shit is messy already.
"Not exactly, thank God." You rest your chin on the palm of your hand. "Sorry about earlier, by the way."
"Sorry about having a bad dream? Y/N, don't worry about it."
"And thank you for letting me borrow your shirt and for cooking breakfast." Jin smiled as he began to plate your food. It was the little things that he appreciated, the little things like the way you said thank you for everything.
"Of course." He walks over to your side and puts the plate down in front of you. You raise yourself up a bit in order to kiss him on the lips, knowing you weren't gonna stop that kiss right away. "Your. food." He spits out in between kisses, making you laugh.
"Okay, okay." He chuckles as he sits next to you, digging into his own plate. The both of you start talking about plans for the day and week, with no mention of Grace even though you knew your alone time with Jin would come to an end. No discussion about what this was, or what you both intended for this to be, especially in the long run.
"Why don't you come and stay the night again?"
"I got some work to do." You pouted.
"Then bring it over."
"Bring it over and then what, get distracted by you all night?"
"Maybe." He smirked.
"Mmmm, we'll see." He pouts.
"Fine, I'll let you do your own thing." You chuckle.
"You're a baby."
"I just got you to myself." You shake your head and quietly poke at your food. Suddenly, you felt the need to ask the question. You were just dying to. Like.. what now? What happens when Grace comes back? Nothing? You didn't know what to expect, you should've known this couldn't be much with Grace being back soon.
"So." You poked at your eggs.
"Hm?" He continued to eat, his cute, bug eyes occasionally glancing at you.
"God, I really don't know how to ask this."
"Just ask, Y/N. It won't hurt." He gave you a small, reassuring toothless smile.
"So, what happens when Grace gets back?" He shrugged. Really? Just a shrug?
"Honestly, I don't know."
"Look, I know I can't ask for much right now but are we just going to continue living our own lives after all this? Are you just going to keep me here with Grace around too?"
"I know I can't promise anything but it's not my plan to keep both of you around like that. I'm going to talk to Grace because I just don't think this is working between us anymore."
"How are you so sure? What if Grace comes back and you realize how much you truly do love her?" You felt stupid for asking but you were also dying to know. Your thoughts were everywhere and right now, it felt like your mind was your biggest enemy. You really didn't know what to do, and part of you [majority of you, really] felt like this was completely and painfully temporary and that he was never going to leave her. He had no plans to. You were just filling this void.
You couldn't be mad at it though.
"Y/N, please don't worry about this, okay? I'll take care of it." You simply nodded, knowing you couldn't settle on this too quickly because you didn't even know what that meant. Maybe, this is what it was. Just this. You couldn't expect more. Besides, you still had Jungkook around. You didn't even know what you were trying to do with that either, cause he was fine as hell. A sweet soul too, with the way he handled you at the club, careful to not overstep boundaries and disrespect you in anyway.
Too bad you were too wrapped up in his stepbrother.
Obviously, these things were never easy.
"Okay." is all you say before you continue to finish up your food. Once finished, you do what you can to help clean up the dishes and the kitchen before changing back into your clothes so Jin can drop you at home.
On the way home, Jin has his hand on your thigh while you looked out the passenger's window. Last night replayed over and over in your head and you had to bite you bottom lip to prevent yourself from smiling too big.
"Oop." You say as you jump from the vibration of your phone. "Oh shoot."
"Everything okay?"
"It's just Ryujin, hang on." He nods silently. "Hello?"
"Girl, I'm hungover as fuck. Let's get coffee or walk around somewhere. I need fresh air."
"Sure, I'll be home in a minute, I can meet you up in the next hour or so."
"Where the hell did you go this early?"
"Run errands, workout." You lied. But did you really? You kind of did get a workout in early this morning.
"Run errands and workout after a late night at the club?" She snorted. "Okay. I guess we clearly handle the morning after way differently."
"Yeah, just wanted to avoid the crowd." You glance over at Jin, who's smiling and silently chuckling go himself.
"Mmmkay." She yawns. "Hey, did you ever get that guy's number? I forgot his name." You subtly roll your eyes because you know damn well she wasn't gonna try and make you say Jungkook's name right now. She was drunk as fuck and flirting with Jin's friends when you had given him your number. Of course she couldn't remember for the life of her.
"Yeah, he asked."
"What's his name though? It's bothering me, cause I feel like I knew it all night but now it's not coming to me."
"Does it matter?"
"Of course it does, especially if you're planning to continue seeing him and throwing your pussy at him." You deeply sigh.
"Jungkook." You take another glance at Jin, but this time his smile had slightly faded. "Look, I'm about to get home, okay? Just text me where to meet you."
"Alrighty, we're continuing this conversation though. See you soon." And with that, the call ended. It was silent for a minute and you were unsure if you should apologize, or bring up the whole thing about Jungkook.
"Ryujin doing okay?" He asks, giving you a small smile. You simply nod and look back out the window without saying anything else. Maybe you both just didn't know how to approach the Jungkook thing. You sure as hell didn't, not around Jin.
You finally get to your apartment building, with Jin sending you off with a quick peck on the lips. You take a long, hot shower before hopping into some warmer and more decent clothes for your walk with Ryujin. You also had just remembered to text Jungkook back now that you were alone.
[y/n] 9:47am: sorry, had such a long night and knocked out. but yes, got home safely. i'm glad you had a great birthday. :)
[jungkook] 9:53am: she's up! goodmorning beautiful. hope you're still down for our date.
[jungkook] 9:54am: (sends picture of him laying down in a hoodie and glasses which makes you smile to yourself cause he's cute as fuck)
[y/n] 9:56am: of course i am. just let me know time and place.
[jungkook] 9:58am: time? yes. place? no. i'll keep it a surprise. :-) is it okay if i call you later?
[y/n] 10:02am: sure!
[jungkook] 10:03am: k, i'll talk to you later then. gotta run errands and stop by my brother's spot really quickly. have a good day today!
Whew, just imagine if you had run into him at Jin's house. What would you do then? Lie and tell him you came over for some homework help? Bitch, please.
The heavenly being above was on your team right now, but you knew that wouldn't last long with all this sinning.
After getting a good, quick shower in, you hurriedly got into your car and drove off to your destination, making it just on time to catch Ryujin stepping out of her car. She already has coffee for you, so you both start walking around Lake Merritt, revisiting last night's festivities and the fun you both had. The cold air was still nipping at your skin, cause you to rub your hand on your neck to try and provide some warmth. Suddenly, Ryujin grips your wrist and furrows her eyebrows at your neck.
"Y/N, what is that?" She points. Then it suddenly hits you - the hickeys Seokjin left on your neck. "Are those hickeys?!" She gasped.
Well, fuck.
"Keep your voice down." You say as you zip your jacket all the way up.
"Did you and Jungkook fuck last night? Is that where you actually were? You didn't run errands or go to the gym early this morning, did you? You actually just ended up going back home from his spot early this morning?" She threw questions left and right, her eyes wide and very suggestive.
"No, no! I didn't go home with Jungkook."
"So, did you guys do shit in the club or something? I'm confused, but also impressed if that's the case cause it's bold. I didn't know you got down like that, but I kind of like it." She pinched your side.
"No." She raises an eyebrow.
"Then why the fuck do you have hickeys on your neck? Who else could you have—" She stops in her tracks, hand over her mouth as she slowly approaches you again. "Y/N, who gave you those hickeys?" You simply look at her, your eyes already giving off the answer. "D-did you hook up with Seokjin?" She pulls out his first name, knowing 'Mr.Kim' was not appropriate for this matter.
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chuckbass-love · 3 years
can i request a super smutty one shot of chris evans and hes obsessed with doing anal and it's the filthiest hottest thing ever ??? i love ur work btw :))
Hi lovely anon, thank you so much for the request and i really apologise for the delay. I’ve been working on a couple other things and obviously Christmas time has been hectic too. However, it’s here now and i hope you love it. Also thank you reading my work, your support means a whole lot and i really appreciate you🥰
A/N: Not written smut in a while so please give feedback as i’m anxious and worried that this is shit. Also, part 5 for Only Love Can Hurt Like This will be out soon. So strap yourselves in for that. 
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, FILTH, anal fingering, anal intercourse, oral (f, receiving), vaginal fingering and daddy kink. 18+
Word Count: 3,054
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @myimaginesworld go check them out❤️
New Obsession
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If you were to tell the truth about how you felt a week ago, then it would be that anal made you nervous. Well, not anymore.
You’ve been with Chris for around a year now, which to many wouldn’t seem like a long time but to the two of you, it feels like a lifetime.
He had a way of automatically putting you at ease with everything. Especially in the bedroom or whenever it came to opening up emotionally and even now, that’s still the case.
He treats you like a queen. 
Last week whilst the pair of you were lounging around his Massachusetts home with Dodger nestled in between your legs as you lay in between Chris’s legs. He randomly asked you some rather explicit questions.
Ones mostly about your ass and what you’d let him do to it. It started off with him asking about eating your ass, playing with it and then eventually he asked if you’d ever have anal sex with him,
The mere thought had your puckered hole clenching and your tight cunt slowly starting to drip with your honey like arousal. Yeah sure, you were terrified but you’d always been curious and wanted to explore new territory with him. 
You love him and you trust him with your life so you agreed to try.
And after a nice romantic meal, a lot of wine on your part, beer on his. You ended up kissing on the couch. It started off very slow until he stood up with you in his arms, carrying you to the master bedroom. The journey there was spent with his large hand splaying across your soft globes, squeezing them aggressively like he just couldn’t wait to have his filthy way with you.
That night was certainly crazy to say the least. You were a little sore after which only led to Chris kissing you on your delicate hole a couple times and running you a bubble bath.
He’s the king of after care with you. Always checking in with you before, during and after to see if you enjoyed it. The last thing he’d ever want is for you to be in pain or danger.
Since that night though, you’ve been doing it whenever you can. It’s like an addiction. The feel of his huge cock pushing into your forbidden and tight hole is something you can never even begin to explain. It just feels incredible. Plus your little cunt gets extremely excited at all of the attention. Chris tends to rub at your bundle of nerves or even dip his fingers into your honey pot, 3 at once. He says he never wants your pussy to be left untouched.
But like you’ve said. It’s like an addiction to you both. In fact, he’s crazy for it. 
The grunts that leave his mouth always have you keening for him to go deeper and deeper inside of you. Every inch of him.
Tonight is no exception.
You had a lovely day at his parent’s house. Lisa cooked a gorgeous lunch and all of Chris’ siblings visited with their kids and partners. 
You and Scott spent the entire day laughing and joking about the many times you scared Chris. It’s like a running joke in this family plus Chris hates being scared. He calls himself the master of scaring people so when the tables are turned he gets this huge need to get them back.
Whenever Chris is horny or desperate for you, he has his ways of letting you know without actually saying the words. 
For example.
You were helping Lisa with some of the last minute prep for lunch by taking stuff out of the oven and placing it onto dishes to then put on the table.
Chris was sat at the kitchen island, sipping on a beer. Well, he was practically gulping it down. You were in the kitchen also.
Lisa asked if you could take the quiche out of the oven and leave it on the cooling rack. Chris’s eyes followed your ass as you bent over. Something you had anticipated to happen since he’s an ass man and your ass in particular drives him insane.
You turned around to place it on the cooling rack and that’s when you saw his flushed cheeks. His eyes full of hunger and lust. Animalistic even.
Before you left to go to his parent’s house, he was begging for you to ride him quickly.
“It’ll only be a quick one, just wanna feel that ass around my cock again”
His whining was more than tempting and now, since you rejected his offer, he was so close to taking you upstairs into his old childhood room to ram into you.
But instead. Lunch was served and he didn’t have the time. 
Hours had passed until eventually it was time to go. Lisa gave you some of the leftover quiche since Chris enjoyed it so much and the two of you got into the car with you in the driving seat this time. 
“You’re such a fuckin tease baby” he slurred
“And why’s that?” you asked, feigning innocence as you started driving. With his house not being far from his parent’s house, the journey was only around 10 minutes, not even that.
He never responded to you, just smirked as he sat back in his seat.
The moment you got home however, he was all over you like a rash. You shut the front door and locked it just before he pushed you into it. 
Your cheek squished against the cold door.
“Chris” you squealed, he didn’t respond though.
You felt his body lower until you were pretty sure he was on his knees, lifting your sundress up and hooking his thick digits into your soaked panties. He yanked them down and tapped your legs for you to step out of them. 
“There they are. God i’ve missed this pretty little asshole and oh my, look at this soaked cunt. All for me, huh baby?” you knew that he was well aware of the kind of effect he had on you and your body but he still liked confirmation from your mouth.
“Yes, daddy. It’s all for you. Please” 
Whenever you’re around Chris and about to have sex, you find yourself turning into this pathetic woman who is literally his whore. You crave his touch. You crave the feel of his cock ploughing into you so hard that you forget your own name and he loves how hungry you get.
He stood up then, his eyes dancing over your body, the only thing wrong with the view was that you had clothes on. He soon changed that, stripping you completely before getting back down onto his knees.
Which is how you got here. 
Your one leg is over his shoulder and your fingers are tangled up in his hair that was once styled. 
“Fuck. Daddy. Yes. Just. Like. That” your breathing is heavy and your heart is beating rapidly. His fingers working wonders inside of you whilst his mouth is sucking on your clit.
You’re on the cusp of yet another mind blowing orgasm from just his fingers and mouth alone. He’s already had you messing all over his fingers once but clearly once wasn’t enough if he’s trying to draw another from you.
He’s always been greedy like that.
“Come on baby, i know you got another one in you, give it to me” his fingers start to curl ever so slightly, pressing at that spot inside a couple more times before you’re falling.
Your cum sliding down his digits beautifully. Just the way he likes.
Before you even have the chance to speak, he’s spinning you back around and spreading your ass cheeks to reveal his new obsession.
Seconds later his tongue is pressed against it, circling too. 
You shiver at the sensation, your back arches and your hands rest either side of the door frame. In hopes that it’ll steady you.
“There she is, my little whore”
You bite down on your bottom lip as your eyes roll to the back of your head. There’s no point in trying to hold back the moans anymore and with one final lick to your eager hole you let out a loud pornographic style moan. 
With Chris, it’s always hard to hold back and he knows that. There’s been so many times when he’s tested you, fucking you in public areas. But the worst one was when you were in his L.A home.
Lisa came to visit at the very beginning of your relationship. You went for some nice lunch and then dinner which was courtesy of your excellent cooking. 
Chris put her up for the weekend and boy did he choose that night to initiate some pretty filthy sex. 
You were lying on your stomach and trying to sleep when you felt his hands wondering. Then all of a sudden he’s spitting on his cock for lube, stroking it a couple times before sliding into your pussy with ease. All thanks to your permanent need for him.
The way he fucked you that night was most certainly sinful to say the least. His room being next door to the guest room where his mother was sleeping. You’re surprised she didn’t say something the next day. Chris had to keep pushing your head into the pillow to muffle your pleasure filled screams.
“So eager for my cock i see but not so fast baby. Gotta get you ready first” the raspiness of his voice makes everything ten times hotter and you can quite literally feel him inside of you without it being a reality.
He stands up and his finger starts to circle before he slowly pushes it in, taking his time to prepare you for another one of his thick digits. 
They glide across the walls inside.
One more is added and another until your ass is stretched out nicely.
He continues to work you over, scissoring his fingers too. Despite doing it a lot already, preparation is key with anal.
“Think you’re ready?”
“Please, i need it” you mewl
He lowers his head so that his mouth is just by your ear and his breath fans your skin “yeah, need it huh? Need daddy’s cock deep inside this tight ass of yours?” 
You nod your head aggressively, you couldn’t look more keen if you tried. 
“How bad you need it baby, tell me. Tell daddy like a good girl” he whispers, his cologne filling your nose and intoxicating you more than ever as his hand reaches in front to rub at your sensitive clit. 
“Please, daddy. I need your cock in my ass. I need it so much” 
Before you got with Chris, dirty talk wasn’t necessarily something you even thought about during sex but he introduced you to that world. And what a world it is. It seemed as though, the more you did it, the dirtier you got. 
Nicknames were thrown around, more kinks were even explored and you became the pinnacle of a mans dream. Woman in the streets, freak in the sheets.
Such a princess to the public. But for Chris. You’re a whore. Only for him though.
“Beg for it baby” he insists, his fingers press down harder as he rubbing pace quickens.
You can feel the tip of his huge size poking at your hole. Just a push and it’ll be forcing it’s way inside of you, stretching you out even more than his fingers did and filling you up in the best way.
“Daddy, give it to me. Stuff my ass full of your cock please. I need it”
“Such a good girl, my good girl. S’fucking tight baby” the pair of you hiss as he begins to push into you, tearing that sweet ass open.
He’s always loved how tight your ass is and if he had it his way, his cock would remain seated inside of you all day every day. Where it belongs. With your peachy ass cheeks adding to the incredible view.
Every time he fucks you from behind, he spoils you with spanking after spanking, not letting up until your ass is sore and it stings to touch. Luckily, you love it, always begging for more.
And tonight is no different.
His hands rest on both globes, rubbing and kneading before eventually lifting off and smacking back down, earning a gasp from your mouth.
With every inch, he gets closer and closer to bottoming out until before you know it, he’s seated deep inside of your ass.
His fingers find your pussy immediately, sliding inside with no time to waste and then it starts. His thrusting. Slow at first of course.
Gradually getting faster and faster.
“Feel me deep in that fuckin ass huh? My little cock whore. Love getting fucked in this ass baby?” the pure filth leaving his mouth has your clit throbbing under his thumb.
“Answer daddy when he speaks to you” he mutters, spanking your ass and gripping your face with one hand and forcing you to turn your head a bit more so that you’re looking at him “sorry daddy” you pout, face flushed just like his was earlier at lunch.
“Feels so good with your cock fucking my ass like that, i need it deeper” you cry out, waiting for his pace to change. His hips snap against your skin as he presses you back into the door with his hand tangled in your hair. 
He pulls on it harshly causing you to wince in pain. It all adds to the earth shattering pleasure though, you love when he gets like this. 
Ever since you first tried anal last week, he’s turned into this animal. He wants to fuck your ass mercilessly whenever he can. Whenever it’s possible and it’s times like these when he’s glad his house is away from others. He can fuck you as hard and as rough as he likes and your moans won’t be heard by anyone. Absolute bliss.
“That’s it baby, take daddy’s cock like the whore you are. Take it deep” he draws the last word out, his breathing hitches and so does yours as you choke on a moan.
“Take. It”
One smack to your ass cheeks.
“My filthy anal loving whore”
Two smacks to your ass cheeks.
“I always secretly knew you’d love this and i was right. Such a dirty little girl for her daddy, aren’t you?” His fingering pace picks up, ramming into you with such vigor as his cock slows down into hard and rough thrusts.
“Let me hear those sweet noises baby, don’t hide them from me. Sing it for daddy, let me know how good i make you feel”
Your back arches and your face lifts off of the door, head falling back to rest on his chest “please, i’m gonna cum, don’t stop i need it” your desperate whimpers are enough to have him ploughing into your ass harder and faster, his grunts, growls and cursing lets you know how close he is to his own earth shattering orgasm.
“Is daddy’s little girl gonna cum too, huh? Gonna cum with daddy, all over my fingers baby as i spill my cum into your ass again. Like last time?”
“Yes daddy, please, i need it. Give me your cum” 
“Such a beg, god you feel so fucking good. Can feel that cunt clenching round my fingers. Cumming baby? Huh, gonna cream all over my fingers like the whore you are?”
All you can muster is a pathetic nod and a whine. You’re so close now.
And just like that, with a couple more thrusts in both holes. You clamp down on his cock and fingers, your clit pulsating again as you cum with a shaky sob of his name.
And of course with your pleasure, his is spurred on. You can feel him twitch and spasm inside as he chokes your name out too. Spilling his hot seed into your ass.
“So fucking good” his heart is beating, you feel it as you lay your head on his chest.
“My good girl, taking it like a pro. I’ll never grow tired of that”
He slowly pulls out, making his way to the bathroom and taking your hand so that you can follow him.
Once there, you get this sudden wave of confidence.
“I already miss your cock inside of me” he runs a wash cloth underneath the hot tap for a couple seconds, before using it to clean himself up. He starts running a bath too but you don’t want one.
You want him.
“I guess we’ll just have to do it again after our bath then won’t we?” he wraps his hand around your wrist, tugging you close so that you’re flush against him.
“What if i don’t want a bath?”
He raises his eyebrows at you in question.
“You want me to fuck your ass again?”
Now that he’s saying it out loud, you feel a tinge of embarrassment.
“Come here and sit on this fucking cock then baby, daddy would hate to disappoint you”
So you do exactly that, he doesn’t have to tell you twice.
“You’re only fuelling the flame baby”
“I don’t know what you mean” your innocence shining through as you turn your head to look at him through your batting eyelashes.
“This ass of yours, you know what it does to me, having my cock buried inside of it. It’s my new obsession” he starts, caressing your cheek before gliding his hand across your body “now. Show daddy how you bounce on his cock”
It would be your pleasure.
I hope this was great and that you all love it!!! Honest feedback pls...💜
I’ve not written smut in a hot minute so if it’s shit i understand.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @rockyrogers @yassspose @randomsevans 
Just Chris & His Characters tags: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo 
LMK if you want to be added to my tag list!
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
I love your art, it is very detailed in a neat way. Was wondering how you got started making it as a source of income? How did you get your first paid work, I'd love some advice on how to get started, if that's ok
Thank you. Of course it's okay, although I doubt I have enough work experience in art to really delve into this. I only went full freelance this year, and had been juggling art as a side hobby until then. If you're still interested in my somewhat narrow perspective, and are okay with my long-winded rambles, I'll give it a shot:
So to answer your question fully, I'll describe how I started and move into personal advice and learnings later on. As a disclaimer, I am a white cishet dude in my late twenties with a moderate cocktail of mental illnesses, but overall I can pass for a functioning adult so a lot I have to say may come laced with privilege I cannot fully identify.
So uhh I began drawing in around 2012? I think? Maybe halfway through 2011? And I mostly made fanart for things I enjoyed and tried to branch out in communities that felt nourishing to my style and interests (I caught a bug for alt posters and enjoyed mainstream movies so I spent a long time on posterspy early on). There were a handful of opportunities that came from there but I could only accept a couple because of primary workplace commitments. Still, it showed that networking in a focused community was definitely a good place to start; I myself have huge trouble committing to social networks and really staying socially active, but I knew it was an essential ingredient in succeeding so I tried to make myself be involved in challenges and art support trains etc. as much as I could.
In parallel to all that I also ran a few third party online stores (redbubble, teepublic) for disposable income and would sometimes, if rarely, hit around $100-150 a month from those sources combined. It is a sort of thing that requires helper accounts on other social media sites to promote it on, because the stores themselves have a huge volume of content that translates into low organic discoverability. Obviously it was never gonna be the way towards financial independence through art, and with community projects being few and far between, I opened private commissions in around uhhh 2017 I think, focusing on offering a few styles I knew I could do well, and sometimes operating in individual fandoms (it was mostly a bioware thing to be frank). But I had to close them back down after a year or so, again because of work-life conflict and how badly it was burning me out. The reason I kept trying to monetize this hobby is because I honestly hated what I did for my main job and wanted to see a way out in some shape or form in the future.
And then in 2020 I had to quit my main job altogether because of *gestures at pandemic* and deal with a mental breakdown from all the wonderful things it did to us and me specifically. I took a short break and decided to give art a shot full-time, and that was around May this year. I was planning on opening up commissions again (and I still am), but a few sudden opportunities that fell in my lap moved that timetable down and now I'm grateful to even be doing something I am getting adequately paid for.
So, with that somewhat limited perspective, here's what I've learned that I'd tell myself if I was just starting out:
1. Being a fan of something can be a shortcut towards effective networking kickoffs. Which are important evidently. If you love something and enjoy making content for it, join communities, settle into a combination of social media websites that feel right for those interests + your body of work + your inner rhythm, and try to play to content discovery as much as your mental health allows you to. Like I said, I know that I myself am incredibly bad at self-motivating to talk to people, so I found that synergizing common interests into fanart - which I enjoyed making anyway - could be a way to give myself a gentle nudge forward and build those bridges leading to community activities, which then net experience and coverage. Sometimes even freelance projects from official avenues. Again; picking the right spaces for what you're after is key. Companies roam twitter, concept art recruiters scour artstation or linkedin etc, instagram can land you private commissions and collab opportunities, so on and so forth. Find your niche and try to kick up dust. However...
2. I do not believe that any social profile can replace a good portfolio. The thing that made an immediate difference to me this year was building a coherent, simple website with my best work front and center and a contact form on top. Every single opportunity I got came from that form (maybe via twitter or instagram initially, but always sealing the decision after going through the website), so I firmly believe that showcasing your skills and portfolio in a visually arresting and user-friendly way is a big priority. I had some reservations about tackling that task but fortunately I had help from a savvy life partner and we slapped it together via wordpress in less than a day. Twitter/whatever social media is prevalent in your target groups is definitely important to get the right eyes on your shit, yes, but those eyes will then look for a second stop where your work and rates are more clear and concise. Simplicity is key imo, I cannot overstate this. So make a cute, simple portfolio!
3. Your skills and rates will grow and change as you do. Let them. Over the years I built several lasting professional relationships from my obsession over mass effect and kept getting opportunities both from bioware and their partner companies, some small and some a bit bigger. A one-off job earlier this year opened an unexpected door to another much larger commitment, and then the work I did there brought some attention from small businesses looking for commercial commissions. These were all incredibly different projects in terms of scope and budget, and I've been tackling them all on a case-by-case basis and slowly coming into my own irt my needs, rates, and SOW thresholds. It is still a work in progress (and a LOT of literal work as well), and very much a thing I struggle with in publicly marketing, which is why I felt a tad underqualified to answer your question in the first place (obviously I did not let that stop me). But what it means for me now is that I am rapidly developing into whatever my "version" of a functioning freelance artist is, and when the conditions for that guy are met, I need to be able to confidently plant myself and operate from that space despite past precedents. Do not let anyone bully you into downpricing what you yourself perceive as legitimate products of personal growth and development. Speaking of which...
4. The shitty challenge of turning envy into inspiration, and paddling outside your comfort zones in full riot gear. it is hard, but realizing that being a miserable, self-hating artist in my early days got me nothing but more misery back was the first real step I took and what truly blew the hinges off. I was just not pleasant to be around, I would badmouth my work all the time, and it all somehow made sense in my broken mind because the validation I sought was purely external and the way I sought it was through eliciting sympathy via self-victimization (even when I made something objectively nice). It all led fucking nowhere. Except perhaps to my own narcissism that I one day managed to identify and start managing. So I started looking at things that made me seethe with envy and calmly deconstruct and figure out their inner workings instead, do studies, and find nuggets of inspiration or discover new ways to approach rendering or building up specific elements. It was an application of analytical diligence to what I wanted to be a purely emotional, esoteric workflow, but that I deep down knew wasn't. Art is a discipline and a skill, and maybe it isn't a straight line, but you gotta find some line to thread nevertheless. Being self-hating was almost an identity I had to break out of, and despite it still being like, 4-5% there? I realize its cause and effect on me, my work, and those around me, so it is with a conscious choice that I gently set it aside when I work and especially when I learn. It won't always stay quiet, but the effort is the difference. Your doors towards accepting true growth and venturing into uncharted territories, art styles, and networking will really open from there. But there's a huge caveat...
5. Toolsets, accessibility, privilege, and all the good things that enable artistic expression and profitability are not given equal to all. you might do all the mental work I mentioned to be ready to rock and roll and learn and draw your way out of anything, but digital art is a fucking money pit that asks almost too much at times. I don't got a good case study here but identifying and ensuring accessibility to the tools you need to do your best work is, like, super important. The ergonomics can improve as you make money and settle into the job, but the basics have to be made available to you. And some of that might not even be under your direct control. That can be anything from pen tablets to software subscriptions to opportunities in hiring sullied by sexism or what have you. You gotta navigate all that through careful networking and money/time management. I don't do a good job of devoting specific slices of time to work/study, and my primary clutch is iPad software which went from a good deal to a nightmare scenario over the years. So all I can say here is do what I didn't; network, invest in a PC/tablet, and pick a software you'll learn that won't burn a hole in your pocket.
6. Be nice to work with? This one is hard to articulate and has landed my own ass in hot water in my early years because of how socially inept I am, but nothing is more worthwhile than being.. like. a good person to work with. That can be anything like meeting deadlines, or sometimes missing them but eloquently articulating why, being generous in early stages, being communicable and not too wordy in your emails, having a good grasp on abstract artistic concepts and how to describe them in simple terms, having a clear, laid out framework of your working rates in commercial and non-commercial projects and sticking to those guns with grace, understanding when you need to say no and saying it well, the works. Just being nice. Sometimes that might mean going headstrong with something you believe in, or simmering down and sucking up to the big man, all relative and adaptive. Part and parcel of the service provision dance that we all have to do in order to make bank. Know your lines here, obviously, and don't like. work for nazis. or uh.. *shudders* exposure. but be nice and empathetic and communicable and word will travel eventually. Skill may be in abundance these days, but good people are most certainly not, and capitalism has a way of bubbling up scarcity. Grim, but uh, them's the breaks.
I know I'm ultimately telling you to like. Have a body of work, make a portfolio, grow, and network. But that's really how I see it for now. And being nice can be a cherry on top that sets you apart, along with the inherent irreplaceable voice of your artwork. I think I rambled on enough, but if there is something specific you need my help with, even if you want to come off anon and talk in private, please feel free.
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lettrespromises · 4 years
@luveranime​ wrote : ❝ Heyyy! Could you do one where kuroo and akaashi and atsumu are leaving to another country for volleyball purposes and they have to say goodbye to their s/o?🥺🥺 ❞ A.N :  ❝ Dear reader,  this is my first request and i’m nervous as heck, i’m trying really hard not to scream right now. anywhoopsie! i tried to make these both sad and fluffy because all my posts are kind of angsty and i don’t want to be pinned as a heartbreaker. i had so much fun writing this so thank you so much for requesting, sending lots of love and kisses your way! mwah!  Sincerely yours, Nikki ❞ Genre: Kinda sad, kinda fluffy. Warnings: Bits of crying, mentions of sex but no actual smut (post time-skip for Atsumu).
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Kuroo is the type of person who gets emotionally attached slowly, but once he’s attached to you, there’s no going back. His passion is unmatched (yes I may be writing this because he’s a scorpio and so am I), meaning that he will pour every ounce of love he possesses into your relationship.
He loves hard and will always put you before anything else. As a matter of fact, you were the one who had to force him to go abroad to study new volleyball techniques and come back as a better, more experienced player.
It took forever to convince him though. He felt guilty for leaving you behind and as stated before, you come before anything else, including volleyball. (Lucky you, he’s putting his first love after you.)
As much as he is excited to meet new players, learn new ways to be a more efficient middleblocker and discover a new country, his excitation counterbalances with the thought of leaving you. He’s both looking forward and dreading leaving Japan, and you in the process. 
The latter causes him to lack slumber, he has terrible insomnias because his emotions are tearing him apart. Thankfully, you’re here to whisper sweet nothings to him and secure him in your embrace to make him fall back asleep (although, the few nights leading to his departure often result in him squeezing the life out of you when you’re sleeping, send help.)
The atmosphere of the ride to the airport is very close to pure denial. You’re both singing until ripping your vocal cords, his palm has found a permanent place upon your thigh, sometimes he squeezes your flesh to print this sensation into his head because deep down he knows this is the last time he gets to see you and touch you before a long time.
At the airport, you’re the kind of cliché couple to melt into each other’s embrace amidst comforting silence. You both feel like you’re all alone in the airport, like there’s nobody else there.
Your hands grip his Nekoma jacket hard, as if your life was depending on it, but after all, you just needed to keep this feeling with you at all costs- the feeling of your boyfriend’s toned arms around your waist, squeezing you like there’s no tomorrow while you keep your eyes shut.
Kuroo, on the other one hand, runs his digits through your hair in a comforting manner and delivers occasional pecks on the crown of your hair. 
However, you both know it’s time (although you might have been trying to purposefully make Kuroo miss his flight), which results in Kuroo saying “Kitten, I know it’s hard but I have to go now.”, cue your cute self looking at him with pleading eyes. “Don’t give me this look, baby, I hate this as much as you do.”
He envelops your cheeks with both of his gigantic palms and presses one final kiss upon your lips, it’s everything you wanted and represented Kuroo so well- passionate, caring, both soft and rough on the edges. His thumbs wipe away the tears crashing down on your cheeks, once he pulls away due to the lack of oxygen, he doesn’t miss to slap your butt because... Kuroo...
Upon leaving, he puts his Nekoma jacket upon your shoulders while flashing you his toothiest smile : “I’ve always thought you rocked it better than me, kitten.” 
As he makes his way to the main hall, he looks back at you and mouths a very touching “I love you, I’ll be back to you soon.” and blows a kiss your way, you stare at him and squeeze his jacket against your chest, at least you have a new cuddle buddy as a replacement.
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Ahh, Akaashi, or as I like to call him: agASHEHHHH.
It’s safe to say that he is the polar opposite of Kuroo regarding display of affection. Love with Akaashi echoes to comfortable silence, but that certainly does not mean he wouldn’t get the moon for you if you asked.
Akaashi becomes unconsciously a bit more distant and a bit more silent the week leading up to his departure. He thinks that gradually separating himself from you will hurt you less once he’s gone, he just wants his absence to cause you as little pain as possible.
You, on the other one hand, get quite frustrated with this semi-silent treatment. He doesn’t come at your place as often, he cuts the conversations short and says he’s too busy with Bokuto-san to hang out with you. 
The truth of the matter is, he’s hurting so much from the inside, and this idea of his is just eating him alive. It eats him alive because you’re away, and he’s the one blocking you off. He absolutely hates the way he’s acting.
Hence why, the day before of his departure, he crashes at your place with takeout, a bouquet of everlasting flowers and all the good stuff to have the perfect movie night.
Needless to say, you’re shocked once you see him and all these things he brought specifically for you. He takes time to carefully explain why he chose to bring you all of this: he ordered this peculiar takeout because it’s your favorite, he got you this bouquet of everlasting flowers so you can have a permanent proof of his love for you and the full ‘movie night’ equipment to light up the mood of this fatidical night.
Although he doesn’t really initiate any kind of affectionate touches, this night is the total opposite- he delivers pecks everywhere on your face, envelops you safely into his embrace, plays with your hair while you’re watching the movie and whispers a few “I love you so much.” in the crook of your neck.
Eventually, you both fall asleep and he carries you bridal style to your bed where you both spend the night together, comforted by each other’s embrace.
Akaashi insisted on going to the airport alone, the will to cause you as little as possible still embedded in his brain. Thus, he leaves you while you’re sleeping and admires you one last time before delivering a sweet peck on your forehead and whispers “I’ll be back before you can say it, dove.”
Once you wake up, you pat the other half of your bed only to realize you’re alone and Akaashi has already left. However, there’s a curious bag next to your bed. As you open it up, you realize it’s filled with Akaashi’s clothing and his signature smell is locked in within the fabric, there are also a bunch of neatly handwritten notes for each day he’s gonna be without you. All of them are reminders of your qualities, how much he loves you and memories of your dates with polaroid pictures.
 Upon seeing all these precious things specially prepared for you, you go back to sleep, hugging his pillow close to your chest with a soft smile on your face, Akaashi’s favorite smile.
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Oh well, now this is a wild one.
Dating a professional volleyball has its pros and cons, and needless to say, the biggest disadvantage of dating Atsumu is how often he needs to go abroad to play against a foreign team. 
Now, of course you’re his number one fan and rightfully so and Atsumu asks you to come with him all the time but you can’t just leave your professional life aside, hence why it’s always bittersweet when he has to leave.
However, if it’s bittersweet to you, to Atsumu, it’s the best occasion to tease the hell out of you because you pout every time he brings up the fact he has to travel to another country. Cue the inevitable “Aw, is somebody gonna miss me or what?” and the obvious wink sent your way.
Teasing you is a way to make you crack a smile or laugh, which indirectly makes you forget about his trip for work or at least it makes it less painful because you’ve been laughing so much with your boyfriend. And to Atsumu, it’s the perfect way to capture a few candid pictures of your beautiful grin so he can admire them all once he’s far away from you.
Now, I hate to state the obvious but when I said that Atsumu is a wild one... I meant it. Hence why the night before his departure, he always makes sure to please you in bed and make you scream him name, because God knows when he will be able to do it again and hear such a sinful melody coming out of your mouth.
He does insist on you coming to the airport with him, and there again, he’s a wild one : Atsumu has no shame in making out with you right there, right now in the airport in front of the incredulous looks of the passengers around you.
He won’t hesitate and honestly has no shame regarding public display of affection : open mouthed kisses, trails of kisses left on your neck, a hand adventuring on your derrière, hell, even hickeys if he’s feeling like it.
Atsumu takes pride in leaving a few love bites, it’s a literal physical reminder that even though he’s not here with you, you know who you belong to. And nothing makes him smile more than imagining you staring at your reflection in the mirror once the bruises have healed up.
Nonetheless, the full make out session is broken by none other than the MSBY Black Jackal team’s obvious coughs, you know, a way to say “Hey, lovebirds, we don’t actually want to assist to the creation of a baby live in an airport and we kinda have to go.”
Both you and Atsumu know it’s time to part ways... But not before he plants a series of kisses on your plump lips and whisper a succession of “I love you so much, babygirl” or other “I’m gonna miss you so much, you have no idea”, orrrrr “You drive me crazy, baby.” and eventually the obvious “I can’t wait to make you walk weird for three days straight once I come back, princess.”
Eventually, you wave at Atsumu with a shy grin plastered upon your face, now that everything he said to you has sunk in, in return, he blows an obnoxious kiss your way. 
Once he returns to the team, Kiyoomi keeps his distance, even more so than usual because, I quote, “Do you have any idea of how many bacterias are shared in a kiss, Miya? 80 millions, which gives me 80 millions to stay away from you.” cue Atsumu replying with a smirk “I don’t regret a single one of these bacterias you’re talking about, totally worth it.”
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trickster-tabby · 3 years
What's your favorite idea? Mine is being creative. How do you get the idea? I just try to think creatively. Now when you look at this orange, tell me please, what do you see? It's just a boring old orange. Maybe to you, but not to me. I see a silly face! Wow! Walking along and smiling at me. I don't see what you mean. Cause you're not thinking creatively! So take a look at my hair! Cool! I use my hair to express myself. That sounds really boring. I use my hair to express myself. Now, when you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting? No. Come on, take another look. Oh, wait! I can see a hat! I can see a cat! I can see a man with a baseball bat! I can see a dog! I can see a frog! I can see a ladder, leaning on a log! Think you're getting the hang of it now, using your minds to have a good time. I might paint a picture of a clown. Whoa there friend, you might need to slow down. Here's another good tip. Yeah? Of how to be a creative wiz kid. Go and collect some leaves and sticks and arrange them into your favorite color. Blue. Red! Green! Green is not a creative color. Oh... There's one more thing that you need to know, before you let your creativity flow. Listen to your heart, listen to the rain, listen to the voices in your brain. Come on guys, let's get creative! Now let's all agree to never be creative again.
Come on guys, stop mucking around. We only have five minutes until our show's on. That's not enough time. There's always time for a song. What? Who is that? Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist. Oh... What's the time? It's quarter to nine! Time to have a bath. What do you mean? We're already clean. Scrub scrub scrub, 'til the water's brown. Time is a ruler to measure the day. It doesn't go backwards, only one way. Watch it go round like a merry-go-round. Going so fast like a merry-go-round. Let's go on a journey, a journey through all time. The time that's changing all the time, it's time to go to time! But we don't really want to, we're going to miss our show. Don't be stupid, friends! Come on, it's time to go! Time is old, like Victorian times. Like cobbles, and playing, and speaking in rhymes. With cobbles, and chimneys, a simpler times. With cobbles, and sawdust, and batteries, and slime! This tree that is old has circles inside. This tree that is older has shriveled and died. The apple that's fresh is ripe to the core! And I rot over time and I'm not anymore. Time can be told by the moon or the sun, but time flies fast when you're having fun. There's a time and a place for mucking around! Like birthdays! And camping. I'm friends with my dad! And then what happened after the olden days? Time went new and got old like history. Stuff from the past went into a mystery. An old man died. But look, a computer. Everything's cool, it's the future! Time is now, the future anew! And look at all the wonderful things you can do! With gadgets and gizmos, and email addresses! My dad is a computer! Look at the time! It's quarter to eight, there's fish on my plate! It's twenty past day, there's fish on my tray! It's eleven to twelve, there's fish in the bath! It's nine thirty, there's fish everywhere. Fish everywhere. Now you can see the importance of time. It helps us make pizza, it keeps things in line. But when did it start? And when will it stop? Time is important, and I am a clock. If we run out of time, where does it go? Is time even real, does anyone know? Maybe time's just a construct of human perception, an illusion created by- meh meh meh meh MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH- Sunrise, sunset, night and day. The changing seasons, the smell of hay. Look at your hair grow, isn't it strange how time makes your appearance change? Ugh! Make it stop! It's out of my hands, I'm only a clock. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. But eventually, everyone runs out of time.
Isn't it nice to finally be outside on such a beautiful day? Yes, and I've packed us a delicious chicken picnic. Huh? Heh, hehehe! Ugh! Pesky bee! Hmm, he seems upset about something. I wonder what will happen. It makes you sad, doesn't it? That there's so much hatred in the world. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question. A little baby pigeon! Have you ever wondered why we're here? What's it all about, you've no idea. And everywhere you look, all you see is hatred, and darkness, death, and fear. But, you know, it doesn't have to be that I hate you, and you hate me. Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference, and we can live in harmony. I know you don't know who I am, but maybe I could hold your hand, and together we could understand about love. Huh? I feel tingly! Yes, that's love, my friend! And it's time for you to learn all about it. Hehehehe! Love is a place, love is a thing, love is a place, love is a thing, love is a place, love is a thing, love is a place, love is a thing. And do you ever feel like life's unfair? Cause everybody hates you, and no one cares! But if you follow me, maybe you will see that love is everywhere! But what is love? Is it in the sky? No, it's a feeling, deep inside! Because I'm hungry. No, you're lonely! I can see it in your eyes. I don't understand. Don't worry, you will soon! Come and meet some of my friends they know all about love! Come on, just over the rainbow! Oh look, there he goes, flying through the sky! Maybe we should follow him, or we'll get left behind. Yes, but there's lots of chicken left, and I'd like to eat the chicken. I'd also like to eat the chicken, let's do that instead. So here we are with all my friends, and they love you, all of them! Yes we do! It is true! We love you! And you love us too! Heh, I love you too, furry boy! Hehe, harder. Now we've eaten the chicken, I don't know what to do. Maybe we should look for our friend, isn't that what friends do? And we have finished the chicken picnic. To love each other is to care, to be kind. And to share! I love my friends so I get my hug! I made this for you, cause I love you so much. I love my pet, cause he's a crab. I love this tree, and I love this stick, and I love this mud. No no, that's not how it's done, you must save your love for your Special One. My Special One? Everyone has a Special One. Even me? But I am lonely. Yes, it's true! But do not worry. You're confused, but that's okay. Let me put it another way... This is the story of Michael, the loneliest boy in town. This is the story of Michael, the ugliest boy in town. Ugly and weak, they called him a freak, so he lived on his own underground. He lived on his own underground. He lived on his own underground. You see? Everyone has a Special One! Even Michael! Your heart beats hard like a big love drum, calling for your Special One. So be patient, cause just maybe, your Special One will come! He's made for her, and she's made for him. That's the way it's always been. And it's perfect, and it's pure. And it's protected with a ring. That's the way that all love goes. And like a flower, it grows and grows! And it's forever, and forever! And now we all worship our king, our king, our king, our king. His name is Malcolm. He is the king of love. We must feed him. We must feed him gravel. Or he becomes angry. Mmm, gravel. And this is your chance to start anew, and all we're asking you to do is change your name, clean your brain, and forget about anything you ever knew. And your heart will find its home. And our love will never go! Now wear this ring, and join the king! And you will never be alone. Aah! Oh, there you are. We've been looking for you all afternoon. We're sorry we upset you. But look, we've brought you the last boiled egg to cheer you up! For me? Father! Ugh! Pesky bee!
Oh, I guess it's my turn to choose a card. Let's see. Hmm! What is the biggest thing in the world? Hmm, that's a tricky one. A mountains? A sky. A windmill! No. If only there was a way to learn more about the world. Yes, if only there was some way to learn more information about this. Wow, look! I'm a computer. I'm a computery guy. Everything made out of buttons and wires. I'd like to show you inside my digital life. Inside my mind there is a digital mind. Oh, maybe you could help us answer this question. What is the bigg- Clever. I'm very clevery guy. Count to a fifty in the blink of my eye. And print a picture. And then I'll tell you the time. Time? Help you to find something you're wanting to find. Know it's easy to be a clever, smart boy like me if you just do it all digitally. Wow. I'd like to be as smart as a computer. Actually, we already have a computer. Great! Great news! Now, before we begin our journey, I just need to get some information from you. What's your name? Where do you live? What do you like to eat? I live in my house. Spaghetti! Well, my name is Dr- Great news! Now, just a few more questions, and we'll be on our way! Wait a second. What's your favorite color? Stop talking. Do you like cow's or goat's milk? Be quiet. Do you have brown hair? What is your blood type? Are you allergic to- Shut up! Don't touch me! What? Welcome to my digital home! Everything made out of numbers and code. Huh? Wow, we're all computery! Oh yeah, wow- wow- wow, this is a computer. I don't get it. How can it be? If I'm sitting at home, but I'm inside the screen? But you're not you. You're your digital you! Virtually real, but controlled by real you. But if he's not quite real, then I'm not real too! And you not real you, he's inside your real you. Oh wow, how amazing, and interesting too, but in this digital world, what can we do? What can we- Hey, good question! Well, it's up to you! In the digital world, there's over three things to do. Wow, look, a pie chart. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Wow, look, a bar graph. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Wow, look a line graph. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Wow, look, an oblong. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Wow, look, nothing. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Nothing. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Nothing. Digital style! Do a digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! Digital dancing! Hey, this is fun! I am a stupid one. I am going to paint a picture of a clown. My dad has a computer. You are not invited to the party. Wait, wha-
Hmm. Something's different. Hmm. Something's... Missing. Hmm. Is it this guy? Fish and chips. Steak and beef, chuckitachow. Grapes and eggs. Steak. Eggs. Are you hungry? You look to be a bit hungry. No. Doo doo doo doo, lots of people get hungry. That's your body. Hungry comes from your body. Get off me. But your body, it musta have to be healthy. What's that? A tasty snack. You don't wanna go and eat a snack like that. Greedy to eat all that. You'll end up with your teeth all grey. Doo doo, da doo doo. Doo doo, da doo doo, do it healthy. Haha. Food is talking. Let's get healthy now! Hello? You need to know. What's right from wrong. You see, the body is like a special house, with blood, hair, and organs in the different rooms. Oh look, there's Mr Bladder in the basement! Hahaha! What? Now, food comes in through the chimney, mouth, and goes from room to room greeting the different organs. Hello! Now, the good, healthy food is very nice and polite to the organs, and so is invited to stay for a party! Yay! But the bad, not healthy foods are very rude and must leave through the catflap. Rude! That doesn't make sense. Doo doo, da doo doo! A doo doo, da doo doo, do be healthy! Hello? What's that? A tasty snack. You don't wanna go and eat a snack like that. Greedy to eat all that. You'll end up with your gums all grey. Yeah, but... Something's... Wrong. Exactly! How do we know which ones are the healthy foods to eat? Well, that's easy! The food groups can easily be sorted using the simple health shape. Choosing normal, plain looking foods, such as bread, cream, white sauce, and aspic keep the body ticking over just nicely. Isn't that right? Eh, I need to go. But wait! What's this? Fancy, show-offy foods like cooked meat, fruit salad, soil foods, and yolk. Ugh! These foods will clog up the body with unnecessary details. Oh no, look, it's all broken and on the floor! Everything tastes great! But maybe we should wait before we put in on the plate! Enough! Or it could be too late! I don't wanna do this anymore! For my snack, I choose a pizza slice! Bread and cheese, and tastes of nice! What's that? A pizza slice? But you're better off with plain white sauce. What's that? Plain white sauce? Plain white sauce makes your teeth go grey! Does it matter? Just throw it away! Why not try something else on your tray? Oh, what's that? A lovely pie? But you're gonna end up sad inside. Ugh, sad inside, you're gonna make me sick! I choose some ice cream beef! I've cream beef makes your teeth go grey. What's that? A kidney bean? Kidney bean makes your teeth go grey. But everyone has their teeth go grey, just eat yeast and it'll go away! But how much have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey. How bout some onion paste? Looks like fun, have a taste. Ugh! That wasn't onion paste! You shouldn't eat food from a stranger's plate! A stranger's plate! A stranger's plate!
Goodnight, guys. I miss you. Ooh, somebody's sleepy! Huh? Hehe hehehe, but that's silly! No! How can you be sleepy if you don't know how to have dreams? No, I don't want to know. I don't want to know how to have dreams! No! No! Dreams are movies that live in your head! Stop! Every night when you sleep in your bed! And you can have a dream about riding a horse! No! Or you can have a dream about drowning in oil! No! No! No! No more songs! Aah! Oh, looks like someone's having a bad dream! A bad dream! Can you file these files please? Uh, yeah. Sure. But hey, um. Wouldn't it be funny if one of these files came alive? Yeah. I am a file and you put documents in me. And, and... A doo doo doo, a file. Funny, silly file. Doo doo doo. You know, it did like a song. No. That sounds really boring. But I was like yeah, that's not even the same bucket. Hahaha. I am the cool guy, I guess. Laid back and sad. Nowadays, I hurt my leg today. Huh? Well, that's rude. No clothes. What's your favorite idea? Mine is being creative. How do you get the idea? I just try to think creatively. When you look at this orange, tell me please, what do you see? It's just a boring old orange. Maybe to you, but not to me. I see a silly face. Boo. Walking along and smiling at me. Boo. I don't see what you mean. Cause you're not thinking creatively. I don't like it. It's really not good. Now take a look at my hair. Boo. I use my hair to express myself. It's not very good at all. Not good. Boo. Not good. Rubbish. Boo. Boo. Boo. Not good. Go away. Don't stop now, friend. Your voice is music to my face. Huh? Geh? Or you can have a dream about eating a treat. Or you can have a dream about buying a hat. Or you can have a dream about losing your friends. No... Or you can have a dream about burning your friends. Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist. Huh? The past is far behind us. You? The future doesn't exist. Time went new and got old like history, stuff from the past went into a mystery. You made me die! But look, a computer. I'm a computery guy. Aah! Everything made out of buttons and wires. I'd like to show you why we're here? What's it all about, you've no idea. And everywhere you look- Nooo!- all you see is hatred, and darkness, death, and ice cream beef? Ice cream beef makes your teeth go grey! Does it matter? Just throw it away! Why not try some fish on my tray! What? Where am I? We are in the universe, planets live inside the moon! A rocket ship can go to the moon! Sports ball! Let's play sports! Cricket ball! Red card! Magnet, and I'm friends with metal, I attract it! And it's my best friend! Let's dig a hole at the bottom of- Make it stop! Bee bop, ba doo bop, I teach you how to buy a canoe! I am a file and you put documents in me. Green is for go, but red is for not go. You can be crushed by a bus. Let's learn about gel! I know about gel! Stinky mouth! Music is your favorite thing. Uh... I wonder what will happen.
What's your favorite idea-
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photonflight · 4 years
Luci’s hot take today 😂👌🏼 About “Constructive Criticism”
Artists work hard to create art, and most fan artists do it for free. Oftentimes our art is very close to our hearts and holds significant sentimental value to us. Sometimes it represents the things that we wish we could do or be. Giving artists criticism is fine but accusing them of not being able to take it when they exercise their right not to listen (especially if you don’t support or follow them) is plain rude and uncalled for.
And many times people hide hate behind “it’s just criticism”
Criticism is valid when it's actual criticism not when it's just hate and gatekeeping over some ridiculous irrelevant bullshit, and it's welcome if or when the artist asks you for it
You can’t know for sure if an artist is asking for criticism or not so if you do want to provide it I think a good idea would be to respectfully ask them if they want it first!
We don't get paid to make art and if you're not paying us for a commission or buying from our shops, if you don't follow or support us then why should we take criticism from you when you’re being unnecessarily mean?
For example
Criticism is NOT telling artists to change the content of their art that they've already posted especially not in a hateful manner or for a hateful reason (for example, some of the people that claim to be giving criticism in the fandom who usually are non followers body shaming or being racist)
But if you give us tips on HOW not WHAT to draw and tell us what's good and bad about our piece technically, provided we ASKED you and you genuinely do want to help, then that's fine.
It doesn't have to be all positive, when you critique something you say what you find is good and what is not so good; but there's a certain way to go about it especially if you don't know us like that or you’re not paying us for a commission where it’d be our job to listen to you.
Telling someone their character's chest is too large is not criticism
Telling someone you don't like the way their character dresses is NOT criticism
Telling someone you feel their FICTIONAL CHARACTER in their STYLIZED ART STYLE doesn't look realistic and body shaming them is not criticism
If you’re critiquing the art, critique the ART.
Saying "you can't have a non human Apprentice" is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice is ugly" is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice has an unrealistic body type that's so plastic" to someone with an art style that isn't realistic to begin with is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice is too powerful for a BIPOC" (I've been told this) is not criticism
If you’re critiquing the art, critique the ART.
Saying "trans apprentices are not valid" is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice doesn't look like their gender" is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice is a dumb plastic bimbo" is not criticism
Saying "your apprentice can't be female, they look like a man!" is not criticism
If you’re critiquing the art, critique the ART.
And when we don't accept these hateful comments and either delete or respond to them appropriately, they say "you can't take criticism".
Stop. It.
It’s rude, inconsiderate and hurtful. Half of the people who say these things wouldn’t say this to someone in real life because they know it’s unacceptable and disrespectful.
Art is personal. It means something to us. Most fan artists aren’t professional artists, and some of us aren’t even art students. I know I’m not. I’m doing Linguistics and working towards becoming a Speech Therapist, and I’ve only been drawing digitally for a year. 11 months on my current software and hardware.
All constructive criticism is welcome with me personally, although I’d rather if people asked me first. I don’t have a problem with it. As long as it can actually help me improve and it’s not something racist, body shaming or invalidating.
If you are critiquing the ART, critique the ART but keep in mind most of us are just hobbyists doing it for fun, and we aren’t trying to be the next Picasso.
Things like this can really discourage us, take our safe spaces away and ruin innocent fun for us. Please be mindful and respectful of others.
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Eternal Flame- 9/? Kol Mikaelson
Vampires... They're Real
WC: 1675
We all fell asleep in Sams room the following night while watching his favourite comfort movie in his bed. That's the twelfth time I've seen Top Gun now. We were or at least I was woken up by a loud cough coming from the doorway, I opened my eyes to reveal that I fell asleep on the floor last night with the three boys on the bed, and they say chivalry is dead. I looked at the digital clock on Sams bedside cabinet which read 11.03 which made me sit up abruptly looking at the doorway to see Meredith, she must have stayed over as well. I got up searching for my phone to reveal i had 12 texts from Elena, 5 from Ric and a voicemail from the least likely person, Damon Salvatore. I shoved it into my back pocket before heading to the door leaving the trio sleeping peacefully. I walked down the stairs to see Meredith, Harry, and Lucy. Sams parents.
"I am so sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs. Fell. You too Meredith." I told them sincerely upset about the death of Tobias Fell. "Do they know the cause of death?" I asked the trio which Lucy replied.
"Animal attack." Strained voice probably from crying and comforting her husband.
Animal attack.
"That's terrible." I said still feeling bad for them especially Meredith and Harry but still genuinely hoping that it was a tomb vampire and not Stefan. "Again, I'm sorry for your loss." This created a weak smile from Lucy and a nod from Meredith, Harry staring into space. I heard a honk from outside that sounded like a certain Salvatores vintage car. "That's my ride."
"I'll show you out," Meredith got out standing up heading towards the door I've been going in and out since freshman year.
"Can you tell Sam to text me whenever he wants. I'll be free for him." She nodded confirming she'll pass on the message to my best friend. I walked out and saw the blue vehicle with a raven-haired vampire driver making me nearly turn back and go back to Sam. I walked towards him and got into the car. I put the seatbelt on then he sped away.
"Do you not answer your texts?" He questioned in that classic Damon tone. I rolled my eyes.
"When a family member of my best friends has been killed via 'animal attack' I tend to stick by him" I replied snarkily making him roll his eyes. "Well, what's with the texts and calls?" It was his time to show off his 'iconic' smirk.
"Well, I assume you're aware of the little ghost problem we had last night." I hummed in agreement my mind going back to the conversation i had with my deceased aunt "Well the ghost of Mason Lockwood gave me a visit and showed me something very interesting in the Lockwood cellar" he told me stretching the very before stopping not giving me any hints of what it may be.
"Well? What is it?" I asked annoyed at the vampire already, two minutes must be a record.
"Patience is a virtue, middle Gilbert" making me roll my eyes for what seems to be the tenth time in three minutes. We sat in silence on the way to the Lockwood cellar before getting out the car and walking a good five minutes "Could you be any slower?" Damon asked annoyed by my speed making me contemplate going slower just to annoy him.
"I can try." He turned back and glared at me we walked into the cellar seeing my sister and Ric who must have gotten here not long before us as they were walking down the hidden tunnel in the cellar. Damon put a finger to his month as if be quiet, i narrowed my eyes but nevertheless I went behind him quiet to see where this is going. I overheard Ric saying to Elena.
"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light."
"Wait, what?" Elena replied making me keep a laugh in when Damon comes down the tunnel standing behind her whispers.
"Elena!" Which she turns around to see the blue-eyed vampire "Boo!" scaring the petit brunette as I see he jump with fright.
"Ah, god Damon!" She yelled making me smile before pushing past him to stand next to Ric.
"Scaredy-cat!" He goads.
"Just ignore him. That's what I do." Ric advises Elena and me rolling his eyes.
"To be fair Ric," he looked at me while I was looking at the floor expecting me to actually defend a Salvatore "it is quite hard at times, his voice is just that annoying. Its impossible" making the doppelganger and hunter smirk at the scowl on the vampires' face.
"Your real brave when your somewhere I can't reach you" I gave him a smirk in retaliation to the statement.
"So, you really can't get in?" my twin asks the annoyed creature.
"No. Seems like even the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire." Damon told the elder Gilbert.
"Wonder why?" I sarcastically muttered making him give me a glare which I ignored too busy trying not to fall in the dark and rough terrain.
"What do you mean ancient?" Elena questions oblivious to the comment made towards the Salvatore and his species. His eyes go back to my sister, he gestured in a way to carry on walking.
"See for yourself." The four of us carrying on the walk with two flashlights being our only source of light. "Well, this is as far as I go" Damon states letting the two gilbert sisters and their hunter guardian carry on walking. Elena shines her flashlight on the wall in front of us to show drawings of all kinds seemingly to be Viking runic.
"What is all this?" my sister asks from beside me while I somehow read some of the writing.
"Well as far as I can tell, it's a story." Ric begins "In simple, archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story" he points at a drawing of what is the moon cycle, I think? "That right there, is the moon cycle" after this he points at another drawing on the wall "a man, a wolf." How did I know that was moon cycle?
"A werewolf" Elena says looking mesmerized by the drawings.
"Yeah, it's the 'Lockwood Diaries: Pictionary-Style'" Damon pitches in with an attempt at humor of the possibly huge discovery in front of us.
"But the Lockwoods didn't settle here until the 1860's with the rest of the founders. Who drew these? When were they drawn?" I asked the historian in which he shared a look with the vampire.
"A long time ago" Ric vaguely told me.
"How long?" My sister said backing me up by questioning the hunter as well.
"Long. It gets better. Show them, Ric." Damon once again butted in.
"Names. They're not native. They're written in-"
"Runic, a Viking script" I cut him off making his look at me with eyebrows raised, I shrugged my shoulders.
"Vikings?" my sister said not understand that Vikings were in Mystic Falls.
"This name here, I translated it and it reads Niklaus" Ric tells us.
"And Elijah... and Rebekah" pointing towards the names on the wall flashing at a group of names one catching my eye that I'm barely hearing anything, it was only three letters. it was next to Rebekahs making me think that maybe it was another Mikaelson. I was in a weird kind of daze, the only thing breaking me out of the trance I was in while looking at the name was.
"Mikael." That makes me snap my head towards the teacher.
"Mikael? Their dad?" I questioned with a nod of confirmation from Ric.
"Mikael, as in, the vampire hunter who knows how to kill Klaus?" My sister asked all of us.
"Yep. I now like to call him 'Papa Original'" Damon says humor filling his voice while Ric takes pictures of the cave wall.
To break the tension my phone rang to see Sam was texting me,
'Meet me at our place in ten mins?'
I furrow my eyebrows wondering what could be so important that couldn't be said over the phone but sent back a little.
"Hate to break this lovely revelation short but I have somewhere to be, friend to console. You know the drill." indicating I'm going to speak to Sam which Elena nods in reassurance.
"Yeah go, be with him. Do you need a ride to his place?" She asks me but I shook my head.
"I can walk it but thanks Lena" walking out of the cave missing the look of borderline shock on her face at the nickname I've barely called her since the accident. I walk out of the old Lockwood cellar northwest for a few minutes before reaching a little lake that is usually used for parties but when quiet a peaceful place where Sam and I come to regularly when we need to get away from everything. When I'm there I already see the brunette sitting on a rock.
"Hey, Sam." He turns around while sitting to see me, he turns back around facing the lake with a serious expression on his pale face. "Are you okay? Stupid question. What can I do to help?" I asked reprimanding myself for asking such a stupid question at the beginning. I sat down next to him on the same rock. He gave me a small smile.
"You can keep a secret right?" He asked in all serious.
"Of course," I told him offhandedly.
"No Alexandra. I'm being deadly serious, what I'm about to tell you... I'm not supposed to tell anyone. You can't tell anyone." he told me turning around looking me in dead in the eye. I turned around facing him curious yet worried about my grieving friend.
"Sam, you can tell me anything. I swear on my parents grave I won't tell anyone." I sincerely swore to him.
"It's about" he stopped himself breathing in before sharing
"Vampires... They're real."
A/N: Sorry for the lack of content episode wise in this but I thought I'd give you an idea of how Sam is going to be a recurring maybe even main character and the rest of the episode plus a bit of Sam drama is part two of the episode.
As usual let me know of any grammar, spelling mistakes or British slang/spelling.
Please comment or vote to let me know I'm doing a decent job. I need validation haha.
Thank you for reading lovelies xxx
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alex-seity · 3 years
Ironically, I’m still thinking about what you said that day.
For the past year, I’ve been getting myself into knowing people. The internet is full of wonders and there’s a place for everyone, even me, who was never good at this whole socializing… thing. Six years ago, I wouldn’t think I would have more relationships than I could count with my fingers. I didn’t even have a phone, and I was sixteen. But now I worry I’m not going to be able to keep up with my socials. That sounds so stupid, and it is completely beyond my understanding how I came to sound like a popular person… which begs the question: do I have lots of friends or am I just having multiple superficial, short term relationships? Or alternatively: how do time, space, shyness and sincerity work on the internet.
Time works very differently in virtual spaces. You already know the running gag of a meme or a trend dying a week after it becomes viral, but I’m not writing about that. I’m writing about the vertiginous speed at which you might be forgotten; not as a trend or as an influencer, but as a person. As a face. The weather changes quite fast in online chats, and people come and go as they please. And on that note, having a deep conversation with an anonymous account in a public forum is a strange experience, you feel both naked and accepted, both vulnerable and understood. That’s a friend you make and miss at the blink of an eye. Once, a person on those forums told me the most comforting words I needed to hear at that time: write who you are. Doing that made me able to self-reflect and find myself when I was deeply lost. I could never thank them, because, as I said, the rain is heavy and the sound is muffled. You never know when the other has left, or if they ever heard you in the first place.
It can also pull the strings of space, both closer and further away. I remember the spring of 2018. I went to Sweden and made three friends who all liked Homestuck; now, for the past years, I’ve managed to still talk to them through my phone. Isn’t that awesome.
And cliché.
So far yet so close, so close yet so far. And even then, there’s an impossible distance that eludes every metric. I’m talking about coldness. You see, even if we have everyone at the palm of our hand, we might not be able to talk to them sometimes. We have places to be and other people to meet, not to mention activities we like to do alone. Meanwhile, an ice wall seems to be rising between you and the other. Relationships get cold quickly. Or maybe that’s just me. “It would be too weird to call them now” “Does he even remember me?” “What do I talk about?” I have these questions because I worry I’ll be rejected. Fear of rejection: one of the most present on the internet, because fictional space means distance is made up too, which is a good thing since you can block anyone that hurts you, but a bad thing since anyone can marginalize you as well. Conclusively, we have full agency in what near and far mean; that’s both empowering and frightening.
Following the last train of thought, I see anonymity as a boundary in public space very few communication media have. Anonymity; this monster that seems to have shadowed all internet discussion. Let’s get this out of the way first, anonymity only exists as a concept. Even if you can fake an identity, there are parts of your true self that are impossible to hide. If you choose not to show your face, your voice still expresses who you are. If you express yourself only by text, your writing style informs of a surprising number of distinguishable features that make you up. Secondly, I’ve learned that being anonymous isn’t necessarily harmful. By one side, there’s those who use it to shield themselves for real-life consequences of spreading hate. By the other, however, and since you choose what is known of you, there’s the more general population that use it to be themselves while also being safe—they can be hurt psychologically, but never physically.
As expected of a place where people have control over the boundaries between the private and the public, people here show more honesty than elsewhere. No one can judge your body, your voice, or even your nationality if you don’t let them. Your personality alone may speak without fear.
Even then, coldness is still unavoidable.
Aristotle—sorry to pull this guy out of his grave, I’m a philosophy student and can’t help to do constant parallels—Aristotle wrote about friendship in terms of a space that surpasses another. That means you and I are not friends because we go to the same school, but because we want to meet later at the park. This, in online relationships, translates to “we are not friends because we play the same game or talk in the same forum, but because we call each other in Discord later”. Although there’s a joy in playing games with certain people, they aren’t always our authentic friends; the ground between gaming-buddies and friends is misty. This is why I met so many people, but not as many friends along the way. Most people I discussed this with had the same experience of finding interesting folk while playing a game, growing emotional investment toward them, and abruptly seeing them disappear like they never existed. So coldness is unavoidable, because when you face the uncertainty of the future, when fear of loss crawls by your back, it’s really hard not to build a shelter made of the thickest ice around your heart; not to escape having hopes, so you can’t have them crushed either.
I got myself into knowing people on the internet thinking it would be easier, but ultimately friendship is the same wherever you find it. Time seems to fly faster, but people come and go, so have fun while you can and cry when it’s over. Distance is fictional, but you don’t need to stay anywhere, be it here or in real life, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. And sure, this conception of virtuality comes in part from exploring it, and in part out of my own biases. There are things you might relate to that are ultimately subjective: this place is immense, its people, diverse... its "weather", strange. Everyone follows a different path. And ironically, I’m still thinking about what you, apparently a stranger, said that day.
You told me about the snow in Finland and the solitude of snowflakes, about friends long-lost and the impossibility of time. About cookies, both in a browser and in the oven; about humans, both stupid and wishful. Morning routines, favorite candy, nail ideas, the sun in Australia, the cliffs of Norway. We shared poems and songs, and I listened to your troubles and you listened to mine. All of these voices I’ll remember and consider my friends. Even if I lose them in the digital space, my arms will always be open to them, and to any kind stranger.
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Squido!
Commission:  I haven't and don't really intend to. I don't want to take anyone's hard-earned money. Just ask me to draw things and there's a good chance I will.
Social Media:  Tumblr: @sky-squido​ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido/pseuds/sky_squido
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Call me Squido! I love to draw and write but I'm also super extraverted and I love interacting with humans so always feel free to chat with me! Aside from drawing and writing, I just love being outside and have a tumblr sideblog dedicated exclusively to nature photos I take. I love mountains, the ocean, the sky, and just about everything else in this beautiful world of ours! If you ever feel like having an internet stranger give you a thousand word rant, ask me why my favorite color is blue and you will not be disappointed!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and can't seem to stop, though I take long breaks sometimes I always seem to come back to it again. I try not to have anything in mind when I draw, but to start sketching and let the drawing happen. Sometimes I find that what I'm trying to draw is not what my drawing wants to be (if that makes any sense) and change what I'm making halfway through. It makes drawing a really relaxing and carefree therapeutic experience! Writing is different. I've always enjoyed writing, but I didn't write much and never shared my writing with anyone because I thought it was super pretentious. It wasn't until entering High School and joining the literature club and making a deal with a friend that we'd share our writing with each other that I actually gained any sort of confidence in my ability and sought to improve it. Being in that club and sharing my pieces at the open mics was a really encouraging experience! I invite everyone to share their writing, even if it's with some random internet stranger (I'm open anytime!) if they're unsure of their abilities. A little encouragement goes a long way! Now that I'm on Discord, ao3, and tumblr, I receive so much more feedback than I ever have before! It's been super encouraging! What inspires me most is definitely nature. Even if my ideas aren't directly related to the outdoors, I get my best ideas there. Fandoms are also a great idea generator. The sheer volume of headcanons and prompts is enough to make me dizzy with ideas!
What's your creative process like?
I love sketching. My favorite thing about drawing digitally is that I can sketch as much as I like and never worry about wasting materials! Often times my sketches turn themselves into drawings without permission and other times they stubbornly remain sketches for all eternity. I always dive right in because I have no patience and the idea I started out with generally isn't that great but in the process of pursuing it, it spirals out of control and sometimes the idea gets better and sometimes it gets worse but I just kinda roll with it. Creating is a really chill process for me and while I regularly scream stuff like "I'M DRAWING ON THE WRONG LAYER NONONONONONO" or "NO HECK FRICK SHOOT IT SMUDGED HECK HECK GET THE ERASER QUICK," the creative process is a great way for me to unwind. I'm the same way about writing. I never plan or outline and just kind of roll with things. I mean I generally have the basic jist in mind, but I try to not have a plan so I can keep the story driven by the characters and not force them into acting the way I wanted them to in the outline I made hours or even days ago. Creating is my opportunity to break free so I don't really see what good a plan or outline does me. I'm a pretty spontaneous person!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I like to take pictures, but it's not really my main focus. I've been mostly digitally drawing—I use my iPad Pro and Procreate—but lately I've been pencil sketching with just your average everyday mechanical pencil (I'd forgotten how nice the texture of paper was! Clearly I spent too much time drawing on my iPad!). I have these Stabilio chalk pastels I love to pieces, but have also spent a great deal of time with watercolors. Digital is my primary medium currently, though.
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Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
"Sky’s golden scales are glowing with reflected light from the sun while beneath them, the same pulsing blue in her mane runs like a river as her very skin is alive with electricity. The sun’s beginning to dip, fading through the color wheel from yellow to deep orange to scarlet and the world is bathed in watercolor and hue shifted through the rainbow until all that was blue becomes red. This new alien world begins to darken as red fades to deep purple-pink, the clouds catching last vestiges of gold in their pillowy folds, yet Sky continues rippling with lighting, the bright blue flowing like blood through her veins and the gold shimmering in the eerie azure glow. We weave through the winds and zephyrs and I close my eyes and let the breeze caress my hair and when I reopen them, I’m standing back on the ground again in a world long since darkened by night. I place my hand over my beating heart where Sky is still laughing with joy and smile because once you’ve awakened your dragon, you don’t need wings to fly anymore."
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Every fanartist and fanfic writer that posts their stuff online is an inspiration to me. Even if their stuff isn't very good—especially if it isn't very good—it's a huge testament to the courage of the creator and their bravery in expressing themself! I sat on fanfic and fanart for years and never shared it and here were kids half my age putting out art that was their first experiment in a new medium and a little shaky but it was still out there and they were still being supported by the community and that really inspired me to reach out and stop lurking in fandom and actually get involved!
is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as a creator?
I feel like everyone has these periods where they were just gaining confidence in their artistic ability but suddenly everything they make is trash and they're not happy with any of it and they feel so down and worthless and "where did all of my hard-earned ability go? Will I ever get it back?" I think this is a pretty common experience and when I find myself there, I find it most helpful to share what I make anyway, even if I hate it, with someone who I know will give it to me straight because they'll point out the deeper problems—the root of the issue—that I hadn't even noticed and I can use that information to grow as an artist. Bad pieces are just as valuable as good ones. There was also a time where I had a lot of trouble developing a style. I did a lot of experimenting and never found anything I liked. What happened is I just kept drawing and whatever popped out eventually evolved into my style. I used to get frustrated that I couldn't draw anything without a reference, but after years and years of using references and drawing some of the same things over and over again, you won't need the references anymore. I mean, they're great and you should always feel free to use them, but over time, you won't need to look up a picture of every little thing you try to doodle.
What got you into writing or art?
My silly twitchy fingers can't ever seem to stop drawing! Same with writing. Words and ideas follow me around, little plot bunnies pestering me until they get written down somewhere. I was greatly inspired by the works of C.S. Lewis in my writing, especially his Cosmic Trilogy. My art style was aided by Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist, which was a valuable stepping stone in developing my own style. Other than that, it was my own insatiable desire to MAKE THINGS that spurred me onwards. I don't think I could stop if I tried!
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
After you've got that first paragraph and you've found a flow and you've got a topic and you just GO. I get into the zone and the story starts happening on its own and I'm not an author anymore, I'm just a channel between the world of the piece and the page. That's my favorite. I love watching things take shape. I love shading a sketch for these same reasons. The whole drawing comes together and becomes A Thing and it's the most exciting time to be a creator. Something else inside you has taken over and you're just along for the ride. I have no idea if my experiences are common at all but this is what it's like for me!
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
EDITING. I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE. THE THING IS DONE. WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP LOOKING AT IT. CAN I POST IT YET. This leaves me with a lot of holes in what I make and I can't do a very clean, super detailed drawing unless it's for an art class and I'm forced to keep working on it. I have a terrible habit of never proofreading my things!
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
AAH hard question! I love writing description and places where I can really let my inner 19th century romantic be unleashed but I also love a good emotional moment between two characters. Something tense. I like fight scenes, but I try to keep them brief and interesting. Sometimes I find scenes where I have no idea what's going on and I try to avoid that, but it's really hard sometimes.
What's the hardest for you to create?
I have so much trouble with endings. I can generally figure something out, but there's always a moment of panic before the end like "heck I wrote everything I wanted how do I wrap this up????" That's probably a byproduct of me planning nothing XD I sometimes have trouble with characterization and making sure everyone acts the way they actually would. The hardest part is continuing after you have an "oh heck what do I do now" moment that breaks you out of your zone and all of your ideas and plot threads turn invisible or evaporate or go wherever it is they go when you're looking for them.
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What's your favorite genre to write?
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST. Wellll... scratch that. I love something adventure-y and plot driven with a lot of really meaningful character interactions. I've always had trouble putting my writing into genres, but I guess that kind of speaks for itself in a way.
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
Linked Universe is the fandom I have created and posted the most for by a LONG SHOT. I found LU shortly after making my tumblr and I joined the Discord shortly thereafter. Since then, it has been nonstop inspiration and creativity for me! I tend to get sucked into one fandom and it consumes me for a few months before I silently drift out of it and never think about it again. LU is the fandom I've been the most active in EVER though—and it's still going—so there's a good chance I'm never getting off this ride.
What's the work you are most proud of?
AAAAAAAAAAH MY BABIES. okay um here's the first and only fanfic I've ever posted anywhere but I'm really happy with: https://sky-squido.tumblr.com/post/618964544219463680/turn-back-time-a-linked-universe-fanfic I have a lot of other pieces kicking about, but they're not fandom so I haven't shared them yet. I probably will after I touch them up a bit.
Do you have any fics inspired by real life stories?
Not really? I don't really know where my ideas come from to be honest!
Where do you post your finished works?
my tumblr. I tag stuff #squido writes and #squido draws so you can find them easily. I also put them on the discord but they get lost in the stream of other works pretty quickly so stick to my tumblr. I also have an ao3 now! https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
Turn Back Time was actually live written in the Discord, but entirely unplanned and in the #angst channel! It was just a headcanon but then I started describing it and like 2 hours and 5k words later I'm sitting in the Discord like "what just happened??"
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Those are pretty expensive. If they were obviously good, someone would already be writing stuff on top of it. He made cars, which had been a luxury item, into a commodity. But maybe the older generation would laugh at me for opinions expressed here, remember that anything you see here that's not in the middle. I once wrote that startup founders should be at least 23, and that one should just go to grad school.1 Why do you think so? Could you turn theorems into a commodity, and they were still mostly in denial about problems. When we got real funding near the end of it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.
Soon after we arrived at Yahoo, we got an email from Filo, who had been crawling around our directory hierarchy, asking if it was really necessary to store so much of it. At each step, flow down. Our generation wants to get paid for doing work you love, you're practically there. I said a good rule of thumb for recognizing when you have competitors, because it's painful to observe the gap between them. But when I finally tried living there for a bit last year, and the Bible is quite explicit on the subject of homosexuality. Though unprecedented, I predict this situation is also temporary. They can't hire smart people anymore, but they don't get blamed for it. This one is real. But unfortunately you run into a chicken and egg problem here. And when you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably looking at a winner. In a field like math or physics, where no audience matters except your peers, and judging ability is sufficiently straightforward that hiring and admissions committees can do it without setting off the kind of work you do, and since you have to jump through in school.2 So Dad, there's this company called Apple.
Err. And indeed, a lot of meetings; don't have chunks of code that multiple people own; don't have chunks of code that multiple people own; don't have chunks of code that multiple people own; don't have a cofounder, but that there be few of them. Afterward I wondered, what am I even measuring? And that's fine. If you're a hacker thinking about starting a startup in New York admire more.3 Even Einstein probably had moments when he wanted to have a meeting about it. Don't maltreat users is a subset of a more general technique: making things easier.
At least, it has to look professional. My only leisure activities were running, which I think even Spamhaus would admit is a rough guess at the top spammers. Wealth is defined democratically. While you're at it, you should get a job. After all, a Web 2. But an online square is more dangerous than a physical one. Startup ideas are ideas for companies, and sales depends mostly on effort. Surely one had to force oneself to work on, toward things you actually like. By seeming unable even to cut a grapefruit in half let alone go to the store and buy one, he forced other people to use.4 If anyone is dishonest, it's the one with fewer employees that's more impressive.
The intervening years have created a situation that is, someone whose best work was behind him—and hand over the project with copious free advice about how the book should show in positive terms the strength and diversity of the American people, etc, etc. If this were a movie, for example. If you want to stay happy, you have to assume there was someone born in Milan with as much natural ability as Leonardo couldn't beat the force of environment, do you suppose you can? Even if your only goal is to please them, the way to get information out of them. The Bay Area has a lot of time thinking about language design. One reason people who've been out in the world. Thanks to Sam Altman, was 19 at the time.
As I was leaving I offered it to him, as I've done countless times before in the same way the classic airline pilot manner is said to derive from Chuck Yeager. Once publishing—giving people copies—becomes the most natural way of distributing your content, it probably isn't, it tended to pervade the atmosphere of early universities. How many times have you heard hackers speak fondly of how in, say, transportation or communications. But the reason reporters ended up writing stories about this particular truth, rather than by compiler writers. For better or worse, the idea of starting a startup just doesn't require that much intelligence. But it's harder than it looks. Serving web pages is very, very large. Most of us hate to acknowledge this. When the values of the elite. If you're sure of the general area you want to do when they're 12, and just the sort of trifle that breaks deals when investors feel they have the upper hand—over an uncertainty about whether the founders had correctly filed their 83 b forms, if you asked random people on the street if they'd like to do is figure things out, why do you need to in order to store something for them. Most good mathematicians would work on math even if there were no jobs as math professors, whereas in the departments at the other students' without having more than glanced over the book to learn the names of users with the highest average comment scores in orange.
And software sells hardware. I wanted. Taking a shower is like a form of meditation. And the boneheads who designed this stove even had an example of loving their work might help their kids more than an expensive house. The Bay Area has a lot of startups—probaby most startups funded by Y Combinator. It's an old idea that new things come from the margin is simply that you don't have an idea. Java will turn out to be a tradition of startups taking VC money, and work on what you love is very difficult. Responsibility is an occupational disease of eminence. Odd as it might sound, we tell startups that they should try to make friends with as many smart people as you can. Or they could return to their roots and make going to the theater a treat. Well, no.
So what's interesting? The reason we have high level languages is because people can't deal with machine language. How hard would it be to jumpstart a silicon valley? So far the complete list of messages I've picked up from cities is: wealth, style, hipness, physical attractiveness, fame, political power, economic power, intelligence, social class, and quality of life. Audiences have to be derived from working in that field. I learned to program when computer power was scarce.5 This extra cost buys you flexibility. These are the only places I know that Richard and Jonathan Rees have done a lot quicker.
They would have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed. Not only do convertible debt, so problems they face are probably not do that. Some who read this essay I'm talking mainly about software design.
Put in chopped garlic, pepper, cumin, and stir. And of course reflects a willful misunderstanding of what you launch with, you might be digital talent. The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, many of the definition of important problems includes only those on the subject of language power in Succinctness is Power. But be careful here, I was writing this, but something feminists need to be when it converts you get stock as if you'd just thought of them could as accurately be called acting Japanese.
If this happens it will become increasingly easy to believe your whole future depends on the matter. In sufficiently disordered times, even if they do the opposite: when we created pets. If you're part of an audience of investors want to invest in successive rounds, it will thereby expose it to profitability on a map. But you can eliminate, do not try too hard at fixing bugs—which is the least important of the world wars to say that it will seem as if the fix is at pains to point out that this isn't strictly true, because spam and P nonspam are both genuinely formidable, and only incidentally to tell someone that I hadn't had much success in doing a bad idea has been rewritten to suit present fashions.
Together these were the impressive ones. I switch person. And while this is the way to create a silicon valley out of school. Obviously signalling risk.
Another thing I learned from this experiment: set aside an option to maintain their percentage. What you're looking for something they wanted, so you'd find you couldn't slow the latter without also slowing the former.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Five days before Christmas and Harry protested that you should go with them to his childhood and Anne's house for the festive since you've no-more assignments to do you agreed but 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 you felt like someone made you sit on a spikey bench throughout the whole drive as you had to watch him and his girlfriend sharing intimate moments infront of you.
You were the first one to get wrapped into Anne's embrace as you all reached and when she showered Harry in kisses causing him to whine a "mummy!" you and his girlfriend giggled shaking their heads.
Night was on with full charisma his cousin's kids playing everywhere you chatted, laughed and agreed on helping them to make digital cards as you're doing a graphic designing degree.
Then again you were left alone in the corner of couch while everyone's interest diverted towards Gemma's new profound game and you found yourself watching them in their own bubble making eggnogs for everyone in the kitchen.
You wanted to be in awe, be overly joyous for them that one of your bestest friend's finally being happy but you couldn't. Fuck it's so hard like someone's twisting the knife inside you and you're so lost don't know what to do.
You've always been scared to tell your feelings not to Harry but to anyone and when you were about to tell him proudly that "Harry Styles I'm so fuckin' in love with you!" the same day he you introduced to his date, from then you're just suffering internally.
He handed you the glass of eggnog kissing your head passing by you and drinking it in one gulp you stood up and with her in his lap he frowned asking.
"Where y'goin? Stay a bit more."
"Um..tired wanna rest." With that you went to your given room gazing up at the ceiling remembering the times you used to stay up all night with him in his childhood room, getting peaks of his upcoming songs, cuddling and many times just getting drunk at the roof outside.
You didn't realized you were crying until the pillow was soaking under you. You can never snatch his source of happiness so it's just better to back off.
The next morning it was late when you woke up and it was silent upon your asking one of the maid told you that they all went for Christmas shopping.
"Mop! Mop!" Baby Linda his niece bounced on the sofa calling you mop as Harry used to call you 'moppet' and the brilliant child she's catched it in a second.
"Heyyyyyy lin." You smiled taking her in arms flopping down on the sofa while the Ariel was binging on telly.
"Har n' you never ever- watch movies with'm." On every Christmas you used to now Harry simply doesn't have time for you.
At the end of movie you were about to tell her that not everyone get's prince charming or have a happy ending in their lives, considering the real story of Ariel but you went against it knowing she's just a baby and you're saying it because you're a hurt adult.
She was already snoring. Chuckling you got comfortable cuddling with her and again taking a nap which turned into a long sleep.
Harry beamed in adoration looking at you warmly wormed up with his niece, Linda's mother took her to bedroom but you were still there so Harry snaked his arm around you making you stand on your feet clumsily head tucking under his chin.
You blubbered foolishly clutching his sides tight making him giggle and when he was about to lay you down you refused to let him go, both of you plopping down on sheets.
Harry frowned when you murmured in a weak voice 'don't go' 'don't go, please' but shushing you atlast he again left you under the sheets and his scent only.
He knows something's wrong but he can't figure it out.
Next day, it was bustling in the house Anne and everyone in the kitchen baking cookies and cakes, now even Anne thinks you're not feeling well.
Harry and his girlfriend were doing a chore when you cleared your throat. The fact she's so nice that you can't even let your heart speak bad about her.
"Can I steal Harry for a moment?" You asked her and she nodded patting him, "He's all yours." At that time you wanted to sob out aloud because 𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕.
In the corner you fidgeted with your fingers while Harry's anticipated to go back.
"Umm..one of my friend's really really sick I've to be with her-" Squinting his eyes he cut you off knowing you both have same friends, "which one?"
"You don't know about her. Seriously Harry? I've alot of friends except you." You're offended without any reason even though you're lying.
"Fine whatever you wish." He spoke without any excitement because he really really want you beside him with his family.
"Uh..okay then. Everyone's gifts are in the room please give them on my behalf." He curtly nodded not meeting your eyes.
"Should I take you?" You declined his offer assuring him that you'll take a bus home. Everyone's face dropped at the news of your departure and Anne wasn't very fond of the idea but anyhow she agreed asking you to 'take care of yourself.'
On the Christmas eve everyone was sat around the fire pit while you were alone in your apartment eating pretzels and hot cocoa. When they unwrapped gifts from you they all became sad instead of being happy.
Harry fisted the sweater you personally knitted for him as a gift and angrily shoved it back into brown bag, he don't know why he's feeling certain way.
He wanted you with him, wanted too take in your reaction while he unwrapped his present and to give you one he has chosen and kept for you from months.
In the bedroom he pinned his girlfriend against the wall ready to fuck her hard and raw not because he's feeling thirsty or needy, he's at edge and frustrated.
When she was ontop of him kissing him, grinding her hips down against him. He moaned like a wounded animal and didn't even realized what he said till the second she climbed down from his thigh.
"You just moaned out y/n name." Harry's eyes widened in shock, this can't possibly be happening.
"Harry do you think you're in love with, y/n?" She asked him politely rubbing his knee because she's not into that deep with Harry and will be okay with him not wanting to continue this relationship.
"I-I don't know..maybe?" He puffed out focusing on his rings.
"I think so you're and honestly I wouldn't mind if you'll go after her." She grinned and then it hit him like hundered bricks that him getting antsy without your presence, him missing you even it was just for three days and him getting angry at you for not even giving him the good-bye kiss means that his heart has always been in love with you.
"M'in love with my moppet. Fuck. Fuck. M'in love" He hastened to his closet fishing for his clothes, phone in between his shoulder and ear.
Ringing and ringing but you never picked up. But that didn't made him loose his hope in you, in their love.
Wait- he thought to himself that do you love him?
"Thank you. Thank you!" He hugged her last time before leaving for london.
You were startled when there was loud banging on your door, you know it's Harry from the missed calls bunched in your phone from him so you ignored it again going to sleep.
Harry: Are you inside?
His text popped up and you quickly typed back throwing it carelessly.
You: No. Told ya, at friend's.
He sighed defeatedely leaning his head against your door groaning loudly. But again, he isn't loosing his hope because now he's very sure you're in love with him.
New years eve and your close friend invited you to their party, despite of knowing Harry could be there you gave in. After so much whining to yourself you went not wearing anything flashy just a cute baby floyd sweater and right at the entrance of her building you bumped into Harry.
"There's somethin' you're not tellin'm." His words floated out quickly anxious that you'll not listen to him. He's smiling bashfully finding you adorable as fuck.
You remained quite lowering your head and Harry raised his hand many times to touch you, litreally hug you tight against his chest but he hesitated.
"Miss you, please what did I do wrong?" You shook your head blinking away the tears.
"You didn't do anything wrong...I-I just can't be friends with you anymore." Harry could be seen practically shuddering at your words, anger boiling inside him.
"You're lying!" He balled his fists and you snapped, "No. I don't like you infact I hate you!" You cried painfully as if you're bleeding.
You had to say this else his littlest of cooing and you'd have melted to his feet. You ran away from him the elevator doors shutting while you kept on looking at eachother not knowing how much you're hurting eachother.
There's a skip in your heart when the elevator jerked making you tumble to floor. The light went out and you blindly reached for nothing in particular..
Fuck this isn't happening. You're claustrophobic and right now it's the extreme of your phobia.
"Help!" You screamed crying legs shivering and giving out causing you to collapse painfully onto floor.
You banged the steel doors with your whole will power litreally trying to open them with your hands because you're getting a panic attack this's what mostly people do when the get panicked, they try to do things out of their force just so they could breath.
With shaky fingers and blurry vision you dialed the first number, phone falling in your lap as you're feeling zaps of horror till your bones.
Afraid of dark you kept looking behind you in the mirror heart slowing down at each glance.
Harry was in the middle of staircase the music reaching to him from your guys friend's house and he halted in his tracks when his phone ringed furrowing his brows at your name flashing.
"Har-h-" His heart fell onto floor at your loud incoherent sobs, "what happened are y'okay? Where are ya!?" His voice boomed and he fled downstairs but again upstairs as to lost where you're because you're just crying loudly into speaker.
"Stru-stuck, lift save me...." You digged your nails into your sweater atop of where your heart is because you can't breath anymore.
He muttered a shit under his breath quickly telling the security guard of building to do something, pacing around he gripped his hair "hey moppet listen to me hmmm? They're comin' s'okay, it's okay. Breath fo' me." He rambled into phone running back to the elevator doors.
He knows how much you're scared of closed spaces and how much you despise dark.
Your windpipes are blocking any air passage, your brain fuzzy and vision going. You're feeling so scared that these are your last breaths and someone will come from darkness to drag you with them.
"...can't- breath. breath can't.., please please please." You begged and Harry's feeling helpless. He can't see the person he love ever most being in so pain on the verge of losing themselves.
Pressing his palms and forehead against the cool steel door he spoke broken, "..baby m'strong strong girl jus' focus on the things ye' love- or the moments ye' want to cherish again."
But, you were giving in heart thumping brain shutting so before you know your racing heart's blabbering and blabbering, "you. you...love- love you please. I love you!" A single sob escaped from Harry's lungs and he punched the steel.
"Fuck I love you too so fucking much baby, stay strong fo' me jus-just don't give in." Then he screamed at the guard, "where the fuck are they!!"
But you haven't heard his 'I love yous' not his soft talk because you were long gone into dark blue and purples of your safe world.
Harry clutched his phone neck veins popping as he shouted, "fuck. fuck moppet! don't go. Are ye' listenin' to me?" He's crying standing up and practically shoving the engineer to do his work as soon as possible.
All the oxygen left his body when the elevator dinged again opening to give the sight of you unconscious on it's floor, phone beside your head and your chest not moving.
He didn't spare a second scooping your sweaty body in his arms bridal style taking you to the house where party's still going.
"Move the fuck away!" He shouted pushing grinding bodies away laying you down inside the closest bedroom.
He pressed his ear against your heart which was giving slow beats, sighing he kissed your forehead brushing the strands of hair sticking to your face back then again sponging kisses to your closed eye-lids meanwhile some person in the party was a med student so she suggested to give you a shot that'll calm you down from anderaline and will help you sleep for a while.
He flinched as the needle pricked your delicate skin. The accident showed him how ignorant he was of his feelings for you, he has never loved someone this much.
He didn't care to go outside, just holding your hand kissing it again and again, checking if you were okay and he was so paranoid so he kept on holding your wrist to check your heart race.
When you shifted slightly in you position groaning to sit up he placed his hands on your shoulder, "hey..hey don't it's okay. It's okay baby rest."
"Need water?" He asked you stroking your cheek and you nodded exhaling, "Hold me?" You whispered snuggling by his side.
"Sure baby always." He embraced you for dear life rocking your bodies like a baby in cradle, "I was angry at you when you left from mum's home and then during sex I took your name..fuck at that moment I got to know how much I love you moppet, so so fuckin' much."
"I too." You whispered gazing up at him and there were loud noises of countdown outside.
"Kiss me?" You wet your dry lips, your noses touching and it's hazy all around you. With your temples pressed he squeezed your bottoms kissing the corner of your lips first and when everyone yelled Happy new years! He smashed his lips on yours cupping your face gently.
Fireworks everywhere. In the sky and inside of you as you pulled his hair deepening the kiss and he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You kissed until you both were out of breath and he pecked you moistly saying 'always.'
"They say what y'do on new years eve you keep on doing it for the next whole year." You giggled closing your eyes from tiredness and the shot murmuring, "cheeky enough."
I've written this claustrophobia situation on my experience. This really happened with me. I'm claustrophobic and got stuck in an elevator bad combination I know but there wasn't any Harry to save me😭😆
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gimmethehobbit · 3 years
2020 Fanart Highlights
Thanks for tagging me @une-amie!! Love your art btw!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Yay, nothing like a little artistic self-reflection! I’ll stick to linking to my comics and art (I have some rotten fic festering on the distant regions of the internet that we won’t mention here lol)
I think I drew more comics in 2020 than I did the previous two years? While my style has gotten less cute and I’m using almost no color, I actually don’t feel too bad about it. The art always served the punchline/gag anyway. If I got you to chuckle/smile with my comic then it’s mission accomplished for me. Also, around when quarantine started is when I got a drawing tablet and basically everything I’ve posted since then has been drawn digitally. I’ll go chronologically over my faves:
Pining Keith in 2020 [VLD | Klance] It seems like I optimistically start every year ranting that this will be the year of klance (now years after the actual show ended.) My favorite thing to do is cut corners so repeating panels and just changing expressions/dialogue is the absolute BEST and I encourage everyone to do it! No one will notice or care! :D This one was still pencil on paper, which I kind of miss because it carries a certain energy that digital misses.
RA Comix: ONE FEAR [Richard Armitage] Okay, this one has like NO notes but I died laughing making it. We could have had a really epic closing chapter to the whole RA/LP thing but I guess now we’ll never know? (is the con even being rescheduled??) Also any RA fan is free to reuse this for whatever RA’s current fear is lmao.
Michigan J. Frog! [Looney Tunes] I worked full-time during quarantine. But on a random day off I thought, you know what, I should really draw Michigan J. Frog on this tablet I’m still getting used to. I think he turned out alright. It’s still my aim to animate him once I have like a year off :P
RA turns 49 [Richard Armitage] This one is very special to me because I spent 5 minutes drawing it and then like an hour just playing around with cut and paste and warping his face. The real satisfaction here was making myself cackle. Also I love that his doll friend is the only thing worthy of being put in color. Did I mention how much I HATE coloring comics???? Which leads me to coloring art...
Leatherface’s Quarantine Advice [Horror | Texas Chainsaw Massacre] This was the first one of my horror/artober challenge. Drawing/coloring is hard! He came out okay, if a bit smudgy but I’m still perplexed over how I did that real cool-looking sky and background.   
You’ll Float Too! [Horror | It Movie | Pennywise] Stylistically I went for something that looked like a kid drew it and I think I really nailed it! 😆
ANNABEL/LE’S [Horror | Annabelle | RA’s friend lol] Probably the art piece I spent the most time on this year? Aka more than an hour. Had a lot of fun painting her, I was in the Zone. Really like how her creepy face plays with light and shadow. That blood tear is pretty spot-on 👌 Also nothing like the juxtaposition between Annabelle’s realistic creepiness and the cartoony Annabel 🤡
(audio scream warning!->)  Thrandy Scream [LOTR/Hobbit | Thranduil | Legolas] Including this one because it’s one of three animations I did last year along with Thorin’s McRib and Artie Fufkin. I was all set to do a bunch more and then I realized CSPaint has me stuck on a time limit of just a few seconds??? So that kind of sucks. But I like merging audio with crudely moving art. Definitely want to try more of it. Also amused myself by drawing Thrandy after a long hiatus.
That’s all folks! Lmk if there’s something you want to see more of this year :3 (I fell off the RA train because I don’t do audiobooks but I can always make shit up 🤪)
Tagging @heyholmesletsgo @oldfarmerbillswife @sillymarillion-comics @aninomori @atanes-universe @monkeyscomics @thejerseydevile  @evankart and any other artist/writer/creator who wants to do this!
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