#but idk all of the people praising it for nothing rn are kind of annoying
I might get hate for this but I really don’t gaf about the new Barbie movie coming out.
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wyverndreamers · 3 months
WARNING for extensive talk about the dsmp and the characters in it !! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CC'S THIS IS PURELY STORY BABBLE
loving the dsmp revival going on rn (maybe it's only on twt but i don't post on twt, so sorry for dsmp posting on this account) but i really don't like how a lot of the 'revival' is bringing back a lot of c!tommy's mischaracterization as a whole. i can understand the URGE to smooth him out, into something malleable and kind of babied, because for a while there he was just seen as this really annoying character in fandom spaces pertaining to the dsmp, but i see this urge around the internet to turn tommy into a 'perfect victim' with his trauma when that's just not true at all. i say this as a c!tommy enjoyer, i used to watch his pov's RELIGIOUSLY and i say this as someone who has an appreciation for his story and hate to see it cheapened by this constantly crying, blue sweater wearing blonde baby i see on my TL a lot. apart of what made c!tommy compelling is that at certain points he was very petty, and abrasive. he would act on impulse, and not always in a good way. a lot of the time, yeah it did good in the long run, but in the moment a lot of the stuff he does are stupid impulsive decisions that could've ended in FAR worse scenarios. people really like to hold up his trait of loyalty but completely ignore that his loyalty to a fault always came with a subtle sense of ENTITLEMENT that they were supposed to do right, because he was following him, kind of like how a child would be mortified seeing their parents doing something socially wrong like yelling at someone else. and a lot of people in the fandom actually LIKE this aspect of his character, but mostly because it can add to their characterization of him that is of inherent helplessness and childishness. and its usually painted as a good, pure trait to have, fully ignoring how a lot of his childishness is actually willful ignorance- especially in the face of his actions and how they'll effect people around them. he might bend eventually and mutter out a sorry, but that's not something he really WANTS to do. tommy is someone usually fully fixed in his own perspective and you can especially see it in the way that almost every other character at some point gets irritated at him FOR this in certain places in the narrative. and a lot of people would actually have you believe this is a good thing, because they actually view tommy as always having a perfect perspective on everything all the time. they think because he's the closest thing we have to a 'morally correct protagonist' that he is inherently morally correct and thus should be worshipped like the next messiah that will lead the revolution against the evil-doers. except, tommy just does not have that inherently morally correct perspective. yes he wants to do right, but his sense of 'right' is not always what is 'good'. bro literally tipped the initial domino that led to Doomsday happening, and that's not to say that anything that happened because of him burning down George's house was his fault (quite the opposite) but he also knowingly burnt down George's house knowing that George was friends with Dream, and having the full knowledge of what they could do at least to the extent of the L'manberg revolution where they literally had a traitor on the in betray them all. he recklessly incited George's (and again by proxy, Dream's) wrath because he did a reckless action. it's okay to call this behavior reckless and brash guys, that doesn't mean you're saying he deserved to be exiled. i could go on, but again i say this as an enjoyer of the c!tommy storyline and arcs he goes through. i just don't appreciate it when the thing that made his character so compelling, is cheapened down because the fandom cannot fathom the idea of liking a character that responds in complex ways to complex traumas. maybe some people relate too hard, IDK i just don't understand how you can praise a character for being human and then take out everything that MAKES the character feel so human sorry if this wasnt constructive or coherent, i didn't beta read my tumblr post
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deborraah · 8 years
1-112 ;)
1 - Who was the last person you texted?My best friend. About jeans.
2 - When is your birthday?March 18th :O
3 - Who do you want to be with right now?EEhhhmmm.
4 - What sports do you play?NONE
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts?An ex colleague :)
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment?Twenty One Pilots- Heavydirtysoul
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with?Honestly? My best friend!
8 - What do you feel right now?HUNGRY
9 - What chocolate is your favorite?EVERY CHOCOLATE IS MY FAVE
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?Like casually, a few...
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account?I think one of my friends invited me over on here..
12 - Who is your favorite blogger?IDK
13 - Where do you want to be right now?London 100%
14 - What do you want to be in the future?Myself ? And happy :)
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why?Daily basis ... Something sad probably..
16 - Are you happy?Ofcourse
17 - Who do you miss?My granddad...
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life?Yes.
19 - What was the best thing you were given?Oh god I dont really know :O
20 - Who was the last person who called you?My stepmom
21 - What is your favorite dish?PASTA
22 - Who is your bestfriend?MY BESTIE IS
23 - What is your biggest regret? I have a few things...
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner?Nopeeeee..
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with?My best friend obviously
26 - Name someone pretty.YOU ALL
27 - Who was the last person you hugged?I think my friend Laura or my brother
28 - What kind of music do you listen to?Anything good !
29 - Are you over your past?Sometimes I am sometimes Im not
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts?My best friends boyfriend I think
31 - What kind of person do you want to date?Someone who makes me laugh and can be annoying with me :’D
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night?I used to but its all better now!
33 - From whom was the last text message you received?My bestie.
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt?Both
35 - How’s your heart?Good?
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”?I dont think so
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment?Maybeeeeeeeee
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend?Nothing.
39 - Do you have any phobias?Spiders, elevators and sliding doors.
40 - Did you try to change for a person?Yeab we all have I think...
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone?MY FRIENDSHIP BOOOHOOOOHOOOOOOOO
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship?What relationship :’D
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood?Im in a good mood!
44 - Name someone you can’t live without.My friends and family.
45 - Describe your dream date.OH dinner and a walk through the streets...
46 - Describe your dream wedding.DISNEYLAND BITCHES
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s?ZERO
48 - Have you ever been kissed?Yeaaaahhh
49 - How long is your longest relationship?*cough**
50 - Do you regret your past?No, sometimes I do
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else?OFCOURSE
52 - Have you ever cried over someone?OFCOURSE :”D
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone?Now I have cause they fuckin hurt my feelings.
54 - Are you a crybaby?YES
55 - Do people praise you for your looks?meeehhhhh
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t?TOTALLY ME RN
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?YES
58 - Do you like getting hurt?ohhh no
59 - Does anyone hate you?IDK ASK OTHER PEOPLE
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”?Nah
61 - What hair color do you prefer?Uuhhhmm Ive dyed it so much i cant decide ...
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it?My teeth and body
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment?No not really
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself?There was a time I wasnt very happy with myself
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school?At work? kinda ...
66 - Can you live without internet?Probably
67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? Closer - chainsmokers lol
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears?NOPE NOT AT ALL
69 - Are you a crybaby?DUH
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical?YESSSS im a dramatic person!
71 - Are you a KPOP fan?No not at all
72 - Do you study hard? LOLOLOLOLOLOL
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love?not really
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight?I wish
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat?YES THIS SUMMER
76 - Did you have an accident last year?Nooo thank god
77 - What kind of person are you?I hope Im a good person?
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone?SOMETIMES YEAH
79 - Have you ever been jealous?Im kinda a jealous person!
80 - How can you prove your love to someone?In so many ways!
81 - What are you thinking right now?“should i play dbd or nah”
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts?idk cba to check :’D
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase?some of them yeah!
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel?Totally ...
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone?Yeah probably
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone?Obivously
87 - Do you have trust issues?sometimes ... low selfesteem and stuff ya know
88 - Are you broken-hearted?No
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?Family...
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it?In the end maybe
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”?I would love to believe it but yet have to see it happen
92 - Who do you want to marry?My true love?
93 - Do you believe in destiny?Sure!
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”?Mehhh kinda?
95 - How do you look right now?Messy :’D
96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies?I feel like they will forever hold a place in your heart
97 - Have you found your true love?no ...
98 - What should you be doing right now?eating lol
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends.Ehhm Matthias?
100 - What is your sexual orientation?Straight
101 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough?Always.
102 - How old are you?25 ( almost 26)
103 - What age do you get mistaken for?19-22
104 - Who is your celebrity crush?cough minter cough. Josh hutcherson
105 - What is your OTP?Eerrhhm dont have on rn
106 - What is your favorite book/series?THG, Harry Potter ,...
107 - Who is your favoroite author?John Green
108 - What is your favoite band?MCFLY
109 - What is your favorite TV show?Belgian show called DE MOL
110 - What is your favorite movie?Anything hunger games or marvel
111- Post a picture of yourself.
112 - Post an old picture of yourself.I cant post pictures here lol
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
Therapy/Counselling Diary #10 (plus some nuggets of cheeriness and tidbits of gloominess)
Eeee! I’ve been feeling quite the bit more chipper this week me thinks, I feel my efforts and confidence have grown some and even my sis has been noticing and congratulated meeeee ;w; I hope this continues onto next week and beyond! To infinity and beyond! ^^ (Too bad it doesn’t help my terrible memory all that much tho but hmm feels good, man lol and I did make sure to write a few notes so that’s something! :D)
So, my 10th appointment. It actually went pretty good! That sheet which I had to do with the emotions/thoughts/evidence columns and the sort of recap of what I learned, I did end up leaving them till last minute again (like literally less than an hour before the appointment, such badness ahh) but I scrawled it quick and I am so glad I write these posts here because without them I wouldn’t have remembered a lot of the stuff I needed to write! :3 Both physically and mentally, repetition is key! Accidental rhyming wheee!
So, as usual she asked how I was and I just said same-y same as usual, then we went over the sheet I wrote on. She told me to read them out to her and it kinda felt like uhhh but I guess it’s better than her attempting to read my scrawly writing haha. I didn’t read them word for word and some sections were omitted because she asked me for specific columns and stuff though but the main stuff got across. I re-wrote the few things I wrote on the previous sheet, about me going to shops on my own and walking to the post office and trying to converse with customers.
Generally with all of those situations and other similar ones my feelings would be stuff like ‘anxious, tense, nervous, self-conscious, tense, alert, awkward’ rated at a score of something between 80-95% and my thoughts were things like ‘they’re probably wondering what I’m doing there’, ‘they probably think I’m weird/awkward/look a mess or am even stealing’, ‘maybe someone will recognise me or can see I’m anxious’. The evidence to support this was uh, well, tbh I think I wrote nothing (or very little) and I kinda expected this in a way but I guess it depends on how hard you try to nitpick and negatively view the smaller details. 
The lesson is not to speculate and not jump the gun and make all these negative assumptions. Those irrational thoughts up in your mind have no real support, proving they hold not truth and are not to be listened to. They shouldn’t hold you back from doing things you want to do because they’re not real, just your mind conjuring ways to try bring yourself down with false beliefs of things based on past negative things and things that will never actually happen. You ain’t fooling no one no mores mr.snarky pants negative mind! >3<
I did manage to go to the post office again on my own, this time to post something and it went pretty smoothly, except on the way back this one random guy smoking outside his house commented to me something like ‘you should smile, you’ll get up the hill’ and then I kind of awkwardly smiled and walked past quickly and he was like ‘that’s better’. I was walking up a kind of hilly street, maybe a bit huffy looking and deep in concentration, when I saw that guy (he was conversing with someone else at first) and made eye contact a few metres away I actually did try to make myself smile a bit, but I was still feeling kind of tense (especially in my walking too) and I guess my super resting bitch face just didn’t shift and so came the awks.
Because of all the shizz in my past it instantly made me think he was well, mocking me about my appearance, but I pushed that aside immediately because I know this is just a negative assumption, but still I kept thinking back on it and feeling uncomfortable, especially because I actually kind of tried but the opposite happened, sucks. The counsellor told me that she had a similar situation in the past (except it was a gesture to smile while in her car on the road) and at first she felt kind of annoyed and was like wtf because whether she smiled or not was not this person’s business and she needn’t follow a strangers instruction. Yeah, that’s the feeling I had too exactly. But she said that even though this happened, she didn’t let it get to her and ruin her day and even though she wanted to flip him off she just ignored him (she talked quite colloquially and it was pretty awesome lol)
On the other hand though, I do definitely see the comment I got could have been something intended to genuinely try encourage me or cheer me up and I just took it the wrong way at first (though the comment it self is kinda uncomfortably worded imo). I don’t want to overanalyse the words or situation too much though, but I do feel it leans way more to the positive intention, or that’s what I’m gonna stick with, gotta not let my mind make it a negative. Anyways I got past that and idc about it anymore bc it’s true, it’s my face and imma do whatever I want with it *glares infinitely with short sightedness*. I remember reading an article online in the past about people expecting women to be all smiley all the time or something but who on earth would even be able to smile 24/7 and anyways do everything for yourself as always. 
Even the counsellor agreed that no one could walk around smiling all the time, but when you do smile, even a forced one, it is proven to make you feel a little more happy and it sure does, helps me feel a little more confident and positive too. My sis says she has problems with smiling a lot and sometimes asks me how she looks and I’ve read other people struggle with it to and have to practice it. I’ve kinda been inadvertently practicing it myself, but never really held one out in public unless I genuinely felt cheerful, though lately I have been trying to get more comfortable with it and it’s going alright. Being more observant of others and the little things that naturally bring smiles helps too, there’s a lot to appreciate out there like the pretty scenery and weather, cute kiddies and elderly people, it gives back the feeling that everything’s not all that bad out there and that there’s a lot more things to smile about ^^
Anyways back to what I was saying about the sheet. There was also a column supporting against the thoughts and I put some things like ‘no one recognised me or approached me about things’ (maybe excluding dat 1 guy of course lol) and there was a column for a more realistic view on things and I wrote stuff like ‘everyone is busy doing their own thing’ (aka. no1curr lol) then proceeded to re-score my feelings and they dropped down to something between the range of uhhh ‘30-70%’ (I don’t have the sheet on me so moar memory fails lol). It shows that everything is actually nowhere near as bad as you’d assume, if you never tried you wouldn’t have been able to see this and would have been stuck still thinking the same catastrophic things and even escalating them further and scaring yourself more. You need to take a more realistic view on things, base things on facts and not believe what you hear from the dark space in your head or see through pessimism clouded glasses.
During all this discussion she praised me a lot, told me how far I’ve come and I was like ‘uhh ahhh thanks’ and ‘it’s thanks to you’ and she was like no no it’s all your doing >< She also praised me about going to the shoe shop and getting my refund (lol) and going to other places especially on my own. I am very thankful for her help and her pushing me to get my lazy mopey ass up, counselling/therapy do recommend! ^^ I’m glad I decided to go and I’m glad I tried because it really helped me get out of this dark hole I fell in and lived in for so long, though I still roll back down there a lot but at least I know how to get out now! Only one session left, feel kind of sad about it *sigh* I kinda feel like I wanna gift something but idk if I should (or what I would give anyways, I’m so hella poor and indecisive rn) ;;
The next thing we did was talk about my next steps towards my goal of getting a job. She told me to volunteer at some places like charities so that I’d be able to gain the experience and have references. I took the idea on board but was thinking maybe I could get some work experience at where my sister works if possible. I’m kinda chickening out a little I know, but I have actually gained a little bit of experience from a charity shop before in the past during school time and I can’t say I loved the experience, not to say this time would be the same but idk... tbh I really like where my sis works, I would love to actually apply for it someday, to have a taste of it now would be very useful to me. Who knows how things will go or where I’ll be next, it could go really great if I try hard enough, I really need to believe in myself more and learn to just go with the flow.
My sis was feeling a bit sad about work lately though, that the pay is not high enough and said something to me like ‘if you were working we wouldn’t be struggling as much’ and it totally drained away any cheerfulness I had that day. If I could have, I would’ve been working years ago like I wanted to, it’s just... ahhhhh..! *eternal wailing and angst*. My sister helps my parents financially often when needed and funds things for me too, there’s that feeling of me being a burden again, but I am trying this time..! Feels bad man ;; Now’s not the time to be falling back into gloominess, one of my biggest motivations to work and make money is so my parents won’t have to, so they can rest and have free time to have fun, so we can spend time together too! I want to be able to save up enough money so we can all go somewhere nice and afford nice things. I need to try much much harder, c’mon I can do it..!
She didn’t ask about the recap notes I was asked to write, so I prompted her about it and I’m glad I did (and didn’t just hope she forgot so she wouldn’t look at it like how I always tried to wiggle out of my homework being seen at school lol), because none of it was wrong or silly like I thought it may be, in fact it was great! (Hah! Eat those facts silly thoughts!). I read it all out and she was impressed and praised me about that too, that I had learned all these things and remembered them and taken them on board successfully. For next time I have a whole bunch of sheets to fill in, ones to do with what I’ve learned and my goals for the future etc. I‘m already feeling that mental fatigue just thinking about it, but I’m not gonna leave it till last minute this time! Time to break the habit and just do it!!
In my own time, I do feel I am more comfortable going out more, even though its just something as mundane as going to the supermarket, but not feeling so anxious or afraid feels great! I feel like I can almost be ‘normal’ in those kinds of environments. I went to the big shopping centre again, this time with my sis’s bf’s mum there too and I made lots of effort to converse with her even though I suck at speaking my second language, I tried real hard and it was good and my sis was impressed and even I’m proud of myself. I wanted to be less awkward with relatives and I feel I’ve begun to slowly bridge that gap lately, build up better relationships or impressions and such.
In the shopping centre I browsed around feeling pretty comfy and chipper, the only time I tensed a little was when buying food in a busy food court, passing some guys (lame I know) and when I had some awk but kinda comically awkward moments with the store guy at this shoe shop I went to, but I tried real hard there too and I successfully got some shoes in the end for me (and my mum too) and they were much comfier than that previous shop I had to refund to lol! I still haven’t worn them out yet and they are still a lil snug for me but I hope they loosen a little over time and become real comfy like the old ones I have and wear all the time. (Afterwards I noticed that guy at the shoe shop reaaaally reminds me of this one from one of those viral twitter posts too and I can’t unsee it lmaooo xD)
I feel like I’ve been taking care of myself a bit better, so my appearance improved a little and my self confidence has gone up a little more which is also why I’m feeling better about going out. I wanna continue to try do things to improve myself, for myself! As with everything, the more effort, the better the result! :D I want to stop bringing up excuses for why I can’t go out or do things, because there is nothing really stopping me but myself and my habitual unwillingness. I can do everything if I put my mind to it hoo! (Or maybe not put my mind to it? You know ‘cause it likes to go off on it’s own spiral of doom haha)
I also baked the same cookies I made previously but with an improved/non-improvised recipe and it turned out even better omnomnom ^^ I also tried making hummus and well it wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad, it was good for a first try! I wanna try make something else next, I’m pumped! Keep trying, keep learning! :D
In my art related postings, I’m still kind of hibernating and I really really hate that I’m still like this, I’m still seriously overthinking things here and it makes me so mad at myself uuuugh! I keep itching to comment on things too but have been holding myself back there too cause I still feel ashamed and am just hiding and avoiding again. I keep waiting for the motivation to come or a spell of confidence or even numbness to the fear of judgement but it’s just wasting more time because I’m not doing or moving forward. I don’t want to be too hard on myself though, because the other things have been taking up my time and thought space and are technically much more important but I do want to also get somewhere with this too. Man, I’m such a frustrating person .___.”
I read somewhere recently that motivation only really comes after you tried and showed yourself you can do it and then it spurs you on. I feel this is very true. Even though I have not been able to sit down and commit myself to drawing or experimenting with mediums seriously yet, I’ve still done some small comforting doodles on scraps when driven by my feelings or boredom and even though they aren’t the most beautiful and detailed things, I still like them and impressed myself a little too, it does make me want to try some more. So why aren’t I doing so? Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect silly me! It doesn’t matter what other people think! Do it for yourself! >w<
Now that I’ve written this post imma do something good and useful and fulfilling! I’ll either fill in those sheets for next week, do some art related things or spend time with my parents! I can do it! I’m doing well! I can do even better! Go go go! *^*
Have a great evening! Keep going! ^^
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sorryimovedacc · 7 years
To avoid further spoilers I watched GoT s7ep6...
Ok this all probably doesn’t make sense, if I have time I’ll write up one of my analysis’, this is more like a brain fart I just had to write up, so if you do end up wasting your time reading this, apologies if there’s spelling mistakes, it’s currently 1Am and like I said, it’s a brain fart. I’ve done these before but I just keep them to my self because in the end they technically are for me lol. I won’t tag this as spoilers because you don’t have to ‘Keep reading’ if you haven’t seen the ep yet. Honestly? If you don’t want to get spoiled because people don’t tag stuff just say off the internet or watch the episode lol.
Ok well this season has really been ruined for me but hey at least everything in this episode was a surprise except for a few sceenshots of Dany’s winter dress WHICH OML I DIED WHEN I SAW IT BECAUSE WAS IT ME OR DID SHE LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL?? I’m going to admit I did say Thoros was probably going to die but I was 100% sure Tormund was going to, so I had a hand over my mouth throughout the whole episode; I’m extremely relieved he’s not dead yet...even when there were like 4 death flags just in this episode, like when the hound said ‘How are you not dead yet’ I kid you not, I was on the brink of tears. Moving on...
I love the Hound and the absolute no fucks he gives but that’s old news; and ofc it was really nice to see him save Tormund, nice character development. Honestly I can’t wait to see the episode in HD because it was pretty fucking intense in general. And yea, RIP Thoros :/ As long as my boy Tormund is safe for now I’m ok
About the Arya and Sansa scenes...Honestly? I’m confused and kind of annoyed? Ok I love everything about GoT so like I don’t even mean this tbh because no matter what happens I’ll praise it forever, but let me be a critic for a sec
Honestly the Winterfell scenes have been quite boring idk, nothing’s been happening? like I know Sansa and Arya used to fight but srsly?? Arya’s my fav stark, she’s always been but why is she acting so bitchy?? I find it pointless rn because we all know the enemy there is Littlefinger and I’d rather have more scenes of him plotting and being the ol’ Petyr in the earlier seasons rather than see the stark sisters act this way, because I know damn well it’s going to end with both of them offing Littlefinger, heck it might even happen next episode idk. (I am contradicting myself here because ik littlefinger left that letter there on purpose to set Arya and Sansa agains eachother but IDK I JUST FELT LIKE SAYING IT, BRAIN FART REMEMBER?)
What else...
Tyrion’s speeches I always love and I’ll mention it again, DANY’S FUCKING WINTER DRESS HAD ME FALLING OFF THE CHAIR BECAUSE OMG IT WAS GORGEOUS.
And I guess this brings us to Dany to the rescue scene.
Well like I said before, I’ll love GoT no matter what, and the main issue I’m having this season (which is the issue ik most people are having) is that it’s sooo rushed! now the reason it’s a problem for me is because we just have 1 episode of season 7 left and then season 8. Honestly I don’t even want to think about it ending and it’s going waaaay to fast rn. 
I’ve even stopped caring about issues other people are having like, Jonaerys being rushed or forced, because I wan’t to love GoT anyway. And you know what? Fuck it. I ship it too, I used to crack ship it ages ago and yea, they’re related, that’s where I started having issues with it but 1. They don’t know yet and 2. they’re Targs and incest was normal for targs. And no, I don’t ship incest, but you know what? It’s obviously going to happen, like did you see the end of this ep? So I’ve just decided I’ll be happy about it rather than not. Now I’d like it even more if it wasn’t so rushed, but I have faith in grrm to see how differently everything will turn out to be in the books. 
Dany and the rescue...oh and Tyrion mentioning Jon being in love with Dany. Well I’ll be honest, I expected one of the dragons to become a white, if not both Viseryon and Raeghal which is still a possibility but it didn’t stop me from screaming at my screen when it did. And you can just see the pain in Dany’s eyes T_T
And when Jon gets out of the water I kid you not I said: ‘wait, what if Benje-’ and then boom, Benjen’s there! I cried I cry about everything I watch but AGAIN, it was rushed! it was so sudden! he was there and then he was dead! I almost didn’t cry. 
Aaaand yeaaaa then the Jonaerys talk was cute I’M IGNORING THE FORCED DEVELOPMENT BECAUSE LIKE I SAID BEFORE I’VE ACCEPTED IT AND I’M HAPPY and like idk if anything else is going to happen between them next episode because Dany just fucking walked out lmao. Honestly? I thought they’d have sex LOL
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