#but idk I'll tag it just in case
rotisseries · 5 months
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who wants to hear my absolutely stunning ideas for atla soap opera aus
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slugpup2 · 7 months
currently in a Situation that can be summarized like this:
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@vanweek2024 day 4 - food
peep the vanny
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darknadaworld · 24 days
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hi i made another goober .
her name is Dooby Deebo
if anything @candyheartedchy inspired me for this cuz raaaaaa her sona is so cute i had to make an oc too jehfgbvc
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scy-scribbles · 2 years
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she's so smelly and stupid i love her
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shyhandart · 3 months
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seven-thewanderer · 5 months
Is it just me, or do snails kinda give a bunny kinda vibe?
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Atrocious sun and moon themed outfit that I would kill to have
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mspaint-flower · 9 months
i do have one yes! been having one for a while, mostly based on how i look irl, here's a (really bad and rushed) reference
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never really posted about her because i thought no one would be interested HSJKHFJKHDKJEHG but yeag. her name is himawari which basically means sunflower and she wants to be a nurse
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saltyloafy · 8 months
when they made yujin mikotoba do a little tap dance upon getting an answer right in his logic and reasoning spectacular segment with sholmes they did that specifically for me I have never been more delighted by something in my life
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moonchild-in-blue · 28 days
sleepsona stuff i guess
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something clicked for me last night and new pinterest album has been created. messy drafts that make little sense, need to sort out. posting here because why not, we're taking notes live lmao.
Lilac/amethyst/lavender colour with black ; nebulas and thunderstorms ; smeells sweet like lavender and honey? ; xxvii maybe ; luna moth wings shape but with butterfly coloration in purple/lilac - maybe as a cloak maybe fr ; dawn blue light hour / dusk ; fields of elation song ; gloves to protect skin??? ; horns ?? fangs ?? ; third eye or maybe 4 ; violin/cello ; sweet ; mask wings shape ; black lace and dresses ; purple eyes ; old vessel that gave up soul megara style poor baby she's ancient and sad ; sings but softly ; black sand beaches and pink/purple skies ; butterflies
what's her name? who knows, certainly not me - something cool, space inspired perhaps. or i can just be my usual unoriginal self and name yet another oc after a greek myth figure lmao. you'd be surprised how many of those i have lol
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serenescribe · 10 months
For the 3 sentence prompt; Silver has been kidnapped (teen or child) and Lilia is furious and ready to go papa wolf to get his child back.
[✐] ficlet frenzy
When Lilia returns home from his trip, there is a ransom note pinned to the front door with a knife — messy, scrawling ink on thick parchment, equal parts elegant and brusque. The letter reads: We have the human boy.
The demands are simple, really. Silver's kidnappers, whoever they are, have only one thing in mind — money. Lilia feels his lips curl as he reads their egregious demands; had they somehow tricked the boy into coming with them? Silver was still rather young, and Lilia had yet to properly instill any serious training regiments outside of some simple routines. He had assumed they lived far enough away that none would ever bother them save for Malleus and Sebek, but clearly that was not the case.
Well, it's no matter. Crumpling up the parchment, Lilia ignites it with a blaze of magical fire, the surge of flames turning it to dust. He watches the smoke waft upwards as the flames die out — the thick smog remains, moving in the direction of whoever it was that had left the note on the door. It is a simple tracking spell, one that shall take him straight to wherever they have taken his human child.
With a merry smile, Lilia heads for the shed, emerging with his trusty old cleaver in hand, the blade no less dull than it was centuries ago. Really, who do these kidnappers think they are, challenging the General Vanrouge like this?
It's about time for him to go retrieve Silver and bring him home.
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rockingego · 5 months
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Can I interest yall in my Miku designs
Unedited cards under the cut 👍
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gatheredfates · 2 months
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This isn't even all my ocs and the photos are not good at ALL but the GLOW UP ON ASHE AND ELANDERVIER HELLOOOOO MAMA???
Azuma's skin looks so RICH and doesn't wash out!!! It took me a second because her lips/eyes looked weird but the more I stare at it the happier I am.
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remderance · 1 year
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i'm so normal about their duo...
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transscatboy · 7 months
Everyone in my family says they love me.
They don't love me, they love her.
They love the idea of her, not who she really was. Because she wasn't miss perfect pretty pink and sparkles even before she died.
They say it would be better if she lived and was just a lesbian, but she said she was gay and they rejected her. Said she was too young to like girls and she'd grow out of it.
She did grow out of it. They hate him for it.
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