#but if I do that I'll fall asleep and it'll be a whole day wasted
running-in-the-dark · 6 months
so I took my meds again last night, and then slept for about 15 hours. it's midnight now, I haven't been awake that long yet. I'm super tired still but mostly I just feel so empty. I wish there was something I wanted to do right now.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 2 months
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Day 15: A Soft Reprieve
5 weeks and 4 days. That was how long it took Madeline to find him. To find her own goddamn little brother, who she had sworn to protect since they were children.
Madeline couldn't remember the last time she'd been at peace, since this whole ordeal began.
What had started as a night out with his friends had ended in Rayan getting taken captive for weeks, all for the petty excuse of him being Immortal. Half of his arm, gone, replaced with a pathetic chunk of metal. Faded scars from what Madeline could only assume was torture, since Rayan wasn't too keen on explaining his situation.
But this was a nice change of pace. Her phone wasn't buzzing, bombarded with threats from an unknown number. Rayan tucked against her side, fast asleep on the sofa with a soft blanket draped over his shoulders. A random, shitty show displayed on the television, in a futile attempt to ease her sullen mood. But what was there to be happy about? Sure, Rayan was home, but what had happened to him plagued Madeline's mind. What if he was never found?
“Hey,” Vivana appeared in the doorway, holding two mugs of tea in each of her hands. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She replied with a sigh, looking over with a tense smile. “Just tired.”
“Well, don't fall asleep until you've had this tea. I made it with love.”
“As always.” Madeline remarked, watching as the elf walked over and set the two mugs on the coffee table, sitting herself down beside her. Hand buried in Rayan's hair, rubbing small circles into his scalp, she pulled her brother closer to her side.
“How's Rayan?”
“Good. Maybe. I— I don't know, he's still not talking much.” As she spoke, Madeline looked over to the small figure of her brother, face buried in the side of her torso. Lines tainted his mouth and eyes that had not been there prior to his captivity, arms wrapped around his sister's arm for dear life. “At least he's asleep. Stubborn little shit thinks he doesn't need it."
“He's still not talking?”
She shrugged. “I don't know what could've happened to make him stop talking.”
Vivana sighed, draping her arm across Madeline's shoulder. “Maddie, honey, c'mon. Stop worrying about what happened and what could've happened. He's home now, it's over. For both him and you.”
“I just—” Madeline swallowed, shaking her head as she toyed with the ring on her finger. “I can't.. help but think about what could've happened if Evelyn hadn't taken him in. He still wouldn't be here. He'd be on the streets, wasting away, and we'd be chasing our tails trying to find him. He was already half dead when she found him so—”
“In mortal terms.”
“That's still bad! If he wasn't Immortal, he'd be brown fucking bread and it'll all be my fault for not looking out for him!”
“Maddie, stop.” Vivana chided with a reassuring grin. She reached a hand up to place it on Madeline's cheek, brushing her thumb under the dark, watery green eyes above. “He's okay. He's here, and he's recovering, and he's Immortal. He's a lucky bastard, as stupid as he is sometimes.”
Maddie returned with a tense smile, leaning into her touch. “I'm the stupid one.”
“No you're fucking not. You were looking out for him as best as you could; it isn't like you could see into the future and make preparations from there. And,” She held up a finger. “Don't even mention wishing you could do that. You did the best you could, and that's all that matters.”
At first, Madeline didn't believe it. But the sheer sincerity in Vivana’s eyes, the unwavering smile that always seemed to lighten her day, made her second guess. “...Fine.”
“Thank you.” Pressing a soft peck to her cheek, Vivana reached for the remote. “This show’s horrible, at least put something kind of happy on. Corrie?”
“Nothing good happens in Corrie either.”
“Well, sometimes— okay, fine. I'll have a look. Either that, or we can just watch a film?”
“I'm— I'm not fussed, Viv.”
Vivana shrugged. “Film it is. Might pick a lighter one; it'll be a nice surprise for Rayan, hearing you laugh for once in your life.”
Madeline snorted, elbowing Vivana lightly in the side. “Dick.”
“I don't have one.” Vivana grinned, resting her head on the other's shoulder.
“That is why I married you.”
“That's it? What about my amazing looks? My glowing personality?”
A laugh bubbled in Madeline's throat. “Fuck off—!”
HTKAI Taglist: @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @whumpy-wyrms @creppersfunpalooza @toyybox @vidawhump
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nathank77 · 26 days
9:56 a.m
I did sleep but not great. I fell asleep somewhere between 11 and 12. I woke up at 4:10 a.m. I peeded and laid there for a hour trying to sleep..I had to eat a protien bar bc I got hungry. I prob fell asleep around 5:30 or 6 a.m according to my tv sleep timer. I barely got 6 hours.
I am meeting with Mike today and idk what to even talk to him about at this point. Why bring up the facial twitch from over a week ago? I almost don't even want to bring up Graves eye disease bc he may give me more anxiety about it. I don't want to talk about white mulberries bc then he is going to go into risky behavior and it'll just make me mad..
I'm fucking upset cause I'm so fucking alone. I'm fucking mad bc I swipe right on so many girls and none of them swipe back. I'm sick of the same hauntingly useless grind. Wake up, hallucinate all day, maybe attend therapy or go grocery shopping, be alone, swipe and never get a match, panic about sleep. And then rinse and repeat.
I don't have a soulmate. I don't have a life partner. I ain't going to find someone. I ain't going to have children ever. Life is just pointless. I think my only purpose is to have an effect on people once I'm dead.
When they read my words. Watch my videos. Then I'll have an affect on people. Maybe in my death I can change some perspectives. And then Kristen will lose her license. That's a sure thing. Maybe then she will feel bad for what she let happen to me due to her negligence.
My purpose here is to rot alone. If I never got psychosis I'd still feel the same but I'd have more hope. I wouldn't have wasted a year almost melting alone in sadness and hallucinating.
I don't believe my body will ever recover. I don't believe there will be a day I can hear silence again. So I have nothing to hope for but some stupid video game coming out in Oct in which I need to buy a whole new console just to play. What's the point? That's a stupid thing to look forward to and all I've got. I got to spent like 500-600$, to play said game bc it doesn't come out on xbox.
That's all I got.
October is coming. And that marks a year since my brain broke and I don't feel I've made too much of a recovery. So why make it to year 2 or 3. I bet I'll be saying the same thing. Sitting alone in my room (if I'm lucky and my mother is still Alive and I'm not homeless.) Panicking about sleep. Wondering if I'll ever hear silence again. Entirely completely alone. No dating prospects. No prospects for a future.
I hate to say it but I'm almost 35. I'm about to be 34. And I haven't been married once. I don't have a single kid. What am I doing with my life? Absolutely nothing. I'm never going to be an anyone or go anywhere.
The only places I see will be on a TV screen. I'll never see the grand canyon or anything in real life. Like niagra falls. I doubt I'll even be afforded one vacation in the state of CT in an airbnb.. I'd have to have someone to go with.
I don't see a future. I see nothing but the world saying give up already. It ain't going to get better. It's already over. Pull the trigger before Kristen wins the case and your suicide has no effect on anyone at all. And you disappear as if you never existed. They won't take the words of a crazy person over someone with 2 kids, a business, and someone who has multiple Jobs.
My suicide is the only way I'll win the case. With her negligence, she erased me. She made my word mean nothing bc they are nothing but the rambling of a "psychotic" person.
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myanettes · 3 years
avior & starlight headcanons
(I'm in love with these two now)
(I haven't written anything for avi and starlight so I hope this is half decent)
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-> complete opposites and yet, these two fit so well together
-> avior loves watching them slowly drift to sleep while running his fingers through their hair
-> starlight loves intertwining their hands in his, one of the few comforts they had whilst trapped in the hellscape
-> forehead kisses and cuddling with one another is a daily occurrence
-> avior is phenomenal at cooking, so when him and starlight eventually escape their hell, he'll happily cook for them
-> these two often stay up and talk about things they miss about home. avior talks about aria and all the other fellow d(a)emons he misses. starlight tells him about their family and what it was like at the academy
-> avior falling asleep on their lap - starlight playing with his horns (idk if he canonically has horns)
-> these two are the embodiment of the song; another love by Tom Odell
-> when the slow burn slightly heats up, avior finds himself enjoying the physical contact they provide. whether it be holding their hand, laying on their lap or wrapping an arm around their waist as they sleep on his chest, being trapped in the hellscape feels a lot more bearable knowing they're with him. and that he's not alone.
-> the slow burn heats up even more and starlight promises avior, as he sleeps, that they'll never leave him here;
-> "No matter what happens, I'm glad you brought me here because I met you. I'm not gonna leave unless you're coming with me and if I have to choose - I'll pick you. Because I...I care about you, more than you'll ever know."
-> starlight doesn't realize that avior's awake. and so, they place a light kiss on his cheek and eventually succumb to their own exhaustion.
-> avior not knowing how to go about his feelings for starlight. sure, he's cared for other people before, the feelings aren't foreign...but it's them. he loves how inquisitive they are, he loves everything about them.
-> starlight isn't oblivious. they're aware of the feelings they have for avior. they love everything about him too.
-> starlight teaching avior how to slow dance, it takes some practice but once he got the hang of it...it felt magical.
-> their first kiss is when they're up late, talking about their lives before all of this, as they usually did.
-> "well...if this hell hole has taught me anything, it's to be grateful for everything you have, not to take anything for granted. "
-> avior didn't want to waste another second. he's nervous, "starlight?"
-> they turn to face him. "Yeah?"
-> avior gently caresses both their cheeks. "I don't want to waste any more time. I'm sorry I brought you here, it was selfish. I only cared about my own survival...and now I care for yours far more than mine. I don't care how long it'll take - but I promise, I'll get us out of here."
-> "starlight, I-
-> he didn't have to finish, they knew what he was going to say. before he could finish his sentence, they softly pressed their lips to his, wrapping their arms around his neck as he pulled them closer, not wanting to let go.
-> once they do find a way out of the trap blake created, these two are inseparable.
-> in my mind, they buy a house on the outskirts of Dahlia. avior visits aria some days and sure, it is the place he coalesced, he'd know it his whole life but now, avior has learnt that home isn't always a place - it's a person.
-> it's his starlight - it's always been them.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 07 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.6 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (06)
Next part (08)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
“Listen, listen...” Cupping your cheeks and drying off some tears, he looks into your eyes. “I'm all sweaty and disgusting. Let me shower and then we'll talk, alright?”
Forcing yourself to nod, you look down, suddenly ashamed of how you were clinging onto to him. “Alright.”
“Ok.” He hesitates a little before heading to the bathroom.
With both hands on your head, you pace around the living room, the image of Alice's hands burning through your mind. Why did they do that? Was it some kind of punishment for her trying to run? Or were they sending a message? Or are they just that cruel? What will happen to the others? To the last one, if the police don't find them and if the private investigators fail?
Turning the damn TV off, you messily wipe the tears away, going to the bedroom, sitting on the bed and waiting for Billy to come out. You just want him. You feel safe with him, and if this makes things weird after, you'll apologize.
This time, when the door opens, you manage to hold back, pushing back the urge to jump into his arms again. Billy looks sad, only breaking eye contact to put his shirt on. “Come here.” And that's all it takes for you to run into his embrace again, more tears taking the place of the ones you dried off, then fighting for more space. “I'm sorry.”
You can't say anything. There are no words to be said now. So you just cry, arms around his midsection as you let your heart out. It's a mix of fear and desperation. It could've been you if Billy wasn't there to sneak you out. You wish you could see Alice, but at the same time, you don't want to. Seeing her hands on the TV was bad enough. You can't even start to think about the trauma she went through. This whole thing can't be happening, it feels like a nightmare.
“Come. Lie down to rest a little.” Billy guides you to the bed, and you only move because of him. You barely feel your legs. When you lie down, and he moves to stand up, you hold his arm.
It's not the time to blush or feel nervous. Or to think about what it means. You want him, you need him here. With you. “Stay, please.” Begging, you move aside when he nods. Billy lies down on his back, facing the ceiling. You hold his arm, just so you're touching him somehow, but it's not enough. The tears keep coming, your mind keeps imagining what else those people, your friends, the people who you grew up with, are suffering right now. “B-Billy...” Your voice cracks, and you squeeze his bicep a little.
“What, princess?”
“I'm sorry...” You whisper, already moving closer to him.
Billy's eyes meet yours, a worried and confused expression on his face. “What for?”
You don't say anything, you just move closer to him, laying your head on his chest. A breath escapes your lips when you feel his arms around you, grounding, protecting you. Now more than ever, you understand what Billy did for you when he sneaked you out of the gala. It could've been you with chopped fingers, or going through something much worse.
“You make me feel safe.” You mutter, eyes closed shut. His heartbeat is calming, and slowly, your breathing starts to slow down until it's steady again. Billy has a hand around your waist and the other comes to caress your cheek every once in a while. But the most important thing is that he doesn't let go.
You're not sure how long you stay there, but the only thing keeping you from falling asleep is the pain in your stomach. You're hungry, and that's the only thing that makes you move, sitting up straight. Moving the hair away from your face, you look down at Billy. “I'm sorry for... Doing this, but I just needed to... I needed you.”
“It's alright.” He sits up too, a hand softly rubbing your arm. “Are you feeling better?”
“Not really.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair. “But I'll make us something to eat. We're both hungry and it'll distract me.”
“We can do it together, what do you think?” He asks as he stands up, offering you his hand. You take it, letting him guide you to the kitchen.
Billy keeps the small talk as you cook and then eat, even succeeding to take a few laughs from you. When you're done with the dishes, you go back to the kitchen table to share an ice cream you bought yesterday. Seated side by side, you have a little fight every time you happen to move to get some ice cream at the same time, slapping each other's hand with the spoon.
“Do you wanna talk about...” Billy speaks low, careful. But it's ok. You'll have to talk about it eventually.
“They cut off three fingers from her right hand and the index finger from the left.” Your voice is weak, and you look down at your empty spoon. “They showed it... I mean, it was covered by white bandages but... It was obvious, and there was some blood on it and I just can't understand why they'd do something like that.”
“They don't need a reason.” Billy caresses your cheek, his finger running through the line of your jaw. “I know you feel awful but I can't help but feel relieved that's not you.” His stare is intense but kind. “Even before, I'd hate to see you in her place.”
“Even before?”
“Before I knew you better. Now... It would kill me if anything happened to you.”
“I don't think I wanna go back home.” It comes out suddenly, without considering what it truly means. But it's the truth. The truth comes to a lot easier to you now that you're not constantly trying to hide what you think or feel. “I know it's mean to think about myself now but I don't think I can go back. I can't keep doing that. I can't waste the summer with those stupid events, and I can't go back into studying law, I can't...” You stand up, pacing around with both hands in your head. “I can't keep pretending those people are my friends and I can't keep pretending that person is who I am.”
“What is your plan, then?”
This makes you turn around to look at Billy again. He hasn't moved, the ice cream long was forgotten and his attention on you. “Won't you even try to make me change my mind?”
“No.” He stands up, coming closer until you're face to face with him. Billy seems sad, a deep breath leaving his chest. ”We are responsible for our happiness. That's why I left Hawkins and if you want to leave California–”
“It's not about California.” Cutting him short, you sigh. “I love California. I just want... This.” You gesture at the apartment. “Having a place that I like, that doesn't fit a hundred people. Studying something that I care about, going to the places I wanna go, making real friends.” Since Billy started taking you to some parties, you've been growing close to Stacy, Anne, and Jimmy, Billy's friends who are now becoming your friends too. You feel more comfortable with them than you ever felt with the people you grew up with.
“Well, you don't have to think about it now. When you have to make a decision, you'll know what to do.”
“Yeah... I think I will.” You should look away, but his eyes... You feel like you could sink, and drown, and die. Slowly, you stand on your toes, trying to feel if Billy will step back. You don't even know what you're doing, it's almost involuntary, you're just chasing his lips.
But instead of moving away, he meets you halfway bending down a little to connect his lips to yours. Your arms quickly embrace his neck and you end the final distance between your bodies. You don't wanna think too much. Whenever you kiss Billy, you don't wanna think about anything. You just wanna feel. And right now, more than ever, you need him, this close, the taste of his lips so addictive, making you a little mad when you need to pull away to breathe. But you don't move away, you stay there, foreheads touching. With your eyes tightly shut, you caress his cheek, fingers tracing his jawline.
He's just about to say something when the phone starts ringing, and very reluctantly, you step back, gesturing for him to answer it. When he turns his back at you, you immediately touch your lips, smiling a little. As stupid, as insane as it is, Billy is the only guy you want to kiss. He's the only one you'd ever want to kiss. “What's up?” He says. “No, I can't go today... Because I have something more important to do here. I'll go on Friday. Bye.”
You're just about to ask him what was that about when you remember he was supposed to go to the gym today. “Hey, you can go. I'll be alright.” No, you won't. But still, you don't want him to stay if he wants to be somewhere else.
“Completely out of question.” He walks to you again, reaching out his hand. “Come. Let's watch some nice movies or something.”
And so it happens. There's this random movie going on, and you try to focus on it the best you can. On the couch, Billy holds you all the time, and it doesn't take much until your head is on his shoulder. But the happenings of the day got the best of you, and soon enough you feel yourself tired, eyelids heavy with sleep, falling close.
When you open your eyes again, you're in bed, with the morning light piercing through the light fabric of the curtains. You have the blankets all around you, and for some reason, when you get up, you feel cold. Maybe it's the air-conditioning, but Billy likes this temperature, and you haven't had a problem with it until now. So you just decide to put on a cardigan instead.
It's a war against yourself not to watch the news. You want to know how's Alice, but you don't want to see another take of her mutilated hand. Or hear what the reporters are saying about it. So you basically pace around the house, doing nothing, but trying to keep busy. For some reason, you're terribly tired, exhausted even, struggling to focus on this afternoon talk show instead of changing the channel.
The gang probably already let out the next rescue. Will it be the same? No, it's probably more. Who will be the next one they'll release? How many fingers will they still have left? Will they have both arms? Or all of their teeth? The thoughts won't leave you alone, and the talk show sucks, so you stand up, moving to the window and setting your eyes on the ocean out there, the horizon on a light shade of blue as the sun sets.
The noise of the door opening makes you look over your shoulder. A wave of relief washes over you when you see Billy, and you're just about to run to him when he mutters a harsh ‘hello’, moving straight to his room. Stopping in your tracks, you try to process it. Turning the damn TV off, you brace yourself as you go back to the couch, waiting for him to come back. But it takes longer than normal, and when you finally hear the bedroom door opening, your eyes follow him when he moves to the kitchen space. And that's when you notice you're starving.
Pushing yourself up, pulling the heavier coat you have on now even closer to your body, you walk over to the table. “Billy, can you make something to eat, I'm really–”
“You've been in here all day and you couldn't even cook something?” He suddenly snaps, both hands on the sink and his back turned at you. The roughness of his voice gets you by surprise, startling you.
“I have been out all day, working my damn ass off, and now I have to come home and make dinner too? Don't you think I might be exhausted?” Without looking at you, he opens the fridge, looking for something, but after a few seconds, he violently pushes the door shut.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Bursting out, you try not to let the tears roll down. You're overwhelmed right now, and the last thing you need is Billy freaking out for whatever reasons.
“What the hell is wrong with me?” He finally turns to face you, slamming his hands on the table. “You have no idea what it is to deal with your kind. I clean your pools, I fix and wash your fancy cars, I change the lamps from your chandeliers, and I'm not even treated nicely. I'm the staff, the working class, a freaking nobody who's only useful to put together broken things, and then I can be kicked out.”
“My kind?” Raising your voice, a humorless laugh escapes your lips. “Haven't you said something about me being the only owner who ever offered some help?”
The laughter that escapes his lips surprises you. It's mean and cruel, so unlike everything you have seen of Billy. “And how exactly would you help me? Raking leaves?”
“Yeah, I–”
“When you're skimming the pools, it's cute. You're a good soul helping the unfortunate. When I'm skimming the pools, I'm the unfortunate, who couldn't find a better job other than serving the upper class.” He's yelling, his eyes full of anger. This isn't Billy. Something happened, but right now, you don't care. You don't think it's fair to throw it on you, but maybe he's right. Maybe coming here was a mistake. “And that's exactly what I'm doing here, in my own house. Or have you forgotten what your dad said, huh? That I'll be paid after those assholes are caught so I gotta make sure all your needs are attended? So yes, I guess I'll make you something to eat. I wouldn't dream of letting you do it yourself, ma'am.”
“This good soul will be leaving your apartment tomorrow morning.” You mutter, turning on your heels and heading to the bedroom. It's his turn with the bed, but you don't care. If that's how Billy sees you, this is who you'll be. The mean, rich kid you were raised to be. You push the door closed so violently that the loud bang startles you, a hand coming to your heart. Locking yourself inside, you climb into the bed, hiding your face in the pillow.
After all this time, you can't believe that's what Billy thinks of you. After opening your heart to him, saying things you haven't even admitted to yourself before, he still sees you as one of those people. Maybe this was a huge mistake. Maybe letting Billy get so close was a mistake. Maybe kissing him... That was the worst part. You never thought you'd want that with anyone, but he came and lit up this spark in you. Now, it's over, and you're heart is broken. Tomorrow you'll either find a place or just check if Anne or Stacy can let you crash at their place for a while. But you can't stay here. Whatever you thought you and Billy could become... It's over.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23 @lilred91
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cyrillean · 4 years
Here's a sasara playlist i spent too long putting together!
tracklist under the read more
arrow by half•alive (i know that i can't run forever / but i can't stand still for too long / this heart is afraid to beat slowly)
this city by patrick stump (from every corner / to every block / whether it’s warm or storming or downright stupid hot, hot)
a mask of my own face by lemon demon (i'd rob my own apartment and i wouldn't give a damn / i'd blame it on the person that nobody knows i am)
kidoairaku by task (i want to be able to have serious conversations / if i could, i'd want to always be smiling)
thinkin bout you by frank ocean (got a beach house i could sell you in idaho since you think i don't love you, i just though you were cute)
wires by the neighborhood (he tells me to be raw / admits to every little flaw / that never let him sit upon the top)
charles by balloon (it was you who said goodbye / even with tears running down your face / if you're going to erase yesterday like this, that's enough / laugh it off)
miss missing you by fall out boy (i will sing to you every day / if it will take away the pain / and i've heard you got it, got it so bad / cause i am the best you'll never have)
hard times by paramore (walking around with my little rain cloud / hanging over my head and it ain't coming down / where do I go? gimme some sort of sign / you hit me with lightning, maybe I'll come alive)
it gets better by fun. (it's hard to stay inside my head when words keep pouring out / like starlight crashing through the room, we'll lose our feathers / yes i know it hurts at first but it gets better)
so what by the mowgli's (anything you say a million times is gonna sound insane / maybe it's a waste / maybe everything is these days)
street fight by smallpools (hit the ground, nobody to hold / i'll lift you up again / lost and found on the side of the road / i'll bring you back again)
do it all the time by i don't know how but they found me (we're taking over the world / a little victimless crime)
glory and gore by lorde (tired little laughs, gold-lie promises / we'll always win at this, i don't ever think about death)
ghost city tokyo by ayase (it's alright / someday it'll be alright / god knows how many times i've told myself / but even now, i fade into the tokyo night alone / almost like a ghost)
some nights by fun. (and some nights i'm scared you'll forget me again / some night i always win / but i still wake up / i still see your ghost / oh lord, i'm still not sure what i stand for)
all i want by walk the moon (the river of cars keeps flowing / all i can see is what's in front of me / this isn't where i thought i was going / this isn't who i thought i would be)
omen by mother mother (something about the world today / makes a boy feel a little insane)
what's good by tyler the creator (i see the light / dracula, dracula, dracula / suck me first, i might get back at you / is that shit clear? check the aperture / hahahahahahaha, i can't laugh at you)
it's alright by mother mother (oh hey / i had a night / i had a day / i did one million stupid things / i said one billion foolish things / i'm not okay)
blinding lights by the weeknd (the city's cold and empty / no one's around to judge me / i can't see clearly when you're gone)
home by vince staples ft richie kohan (i wanna be home free / where's one that was lonely / but i'm ready and waiting / for my day of salvation / and i'm patient)
in my city by ellie goulding (rolling down the streets in my new town / with the lights blinding and my heart weighed down / i think i'll get a job stealing people's thunder)
still feel by half•alive (lost in the in-between / or so it seems / i'm out of control / floating in outer space / have i misplaced a part of my soul? / lost in the in-between but it can't keep me asleep for long cause / i still feel alive)
spotlight (new regrets) by patrick stump (every word's a new regret if you say it right / every wound can be forgotten in the right light / oh nostalgia i don't need you anymore / 'cause the salad days are over and the meat is at my door)
roaring 20s by panic! at the disco (oscars and emmys and grammys / everyone here is a trophy / and i'm sipping bourbon, the future uncertain, the past on the pavement below me)
wilson (expensive mistakes) by fall out boy (there's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you)
when the party's over by billie eilish (quiet when i'm coming home and i'm on my own / i could lie / say i like it like that / like it like that)
surrender by walk the moon (and for all the pretty mouths and pretty words that turn me up / i just end up at your house)
begin again by purity ring (my moon, oh, my moon / not even into another eternity / would stop your lovely orbiting)
i wish i had a shatterproof heart (i wish i was more confident / so i wouldn't overthink everything i say / it's not / something i can easily find anywhere, / but i'm not giving up anymore)
lost in the wild by walk the moon (now i'm tracking you into the city / under the pressure of traffic lights / i'm chasing the clues you left me / that you might still join me in the wild)
dance apocalyptic by janelle monae (but i really really wanna thank you / for dancing 'till the end / you found a way to break out / you're not afraid to break out / but i need to know / if the world says it's time to go / tell me, will you freak out?)
fifteen minutes by mike krol (see it's times like these with a change of heart / it was over and done with before we had a start)
coward montblanc by deco*27 (which of us was loved by which? / back then, all those years ago / it's all disappearing, fading away / though i know it's still somewhere deep in here)
catabolic seed by the scary jokes (i'm safe / i'm whole / i've got it under control / i'm safe / i'm whole / i've got it under control / and i will protect you / even if you won't protect me too)
are we still friends by tyler the creator (don't get green skin, keep in contact / don't say goodbye, smell you later / no, i can't / i don't wanna end the season on a bad episode)
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James & Ava
James: [so obviously all through this party whenever we can we're saying thanks/love you/sorry etc at relevant points via little touches but there hasn't been much time with all the kid chaos & we gotta use our words now] James: Thank you Ava: Don't mention it, I had a good time Ava: think the girls did too 😌 James: because of you James: which is why I had to mention it Ava: It's okay, making cupcakes and crafts was bound to be more fun than my history essay Ava: easy choice, really Ava: how are you now? apart from exhausted James: still astonished that Teddy helped to clear up, even though your cousin did most of it Ava: it's amazing what a boy will do to keep a girl happy, right James: whatever you're hinting at, I'll do it Ava: 😱 do you think I'm that sort of girl?! 😂 James: I don't think I'm exhausted enough to fall into the trap of such a clearly trick question Ava: Then maybe you didn't party/clean hard enough 🤔 James: I'll happily send you evidence of me scrubbing the bath until it's less blue if you like James: but somehow I doubt that is what you're contemplating Ava: An interesting proposition Ava: but who decided baths had to be white anyway Ava: I say keep it James: hopefully whoever rents this place after we've gone will agree with you Ava: I'll bring 'round the spare bicarb, that'll work James: there'll be some in the cupboard, from all the baking recipes Jay's school sends insisting she needs it Ava: I guess I'll have to think of another excuse to come see you soon then James: wanting to is enough Ava: I'd have to be a fool to not want that James: though after today, less so James: I'm very sorry about my family Ava: They aren't your fault James: nevertheless James: & speaking of excuses, my sister told me she's pregnant again as one for her behaviour before I could properly challenge her for it Ava: Oh that's a shame, I could have implied she was just fat by asking Ava: but no, really Ava: I can handle it, it's not as if my family are particularly supportive about us either James: you'll have other chances before her official announcement, I'm sure Ava: not my style Ava: it'll be nice, for the girls to have more cousins their age James: but to hear her speak, there's already a very distinct possibility that this child has surpassed every single one of their age appropriate milestones whilst in utero Ava: 🙄 Ava: if anything that just means more pain on the way out, no Ava: not that underdone is the preference but you know James: she'll have scheduled the caesarean the moment there was evidence of a pink line Ava: guess she's confident in her ab-building post-baby workout then James: confidence has never been lacking as far as she's concerned Ava: I can tell Ava: like your dad, like you said James: yes Ava: I'm sorry Ava: that they tried to...whatever they were attempting to do, or if it was even intentional behaviour Ava: but I think the party still went well where it mattered James: there isn't a single thing for you to apologise for James: it did go well Ava: I'm not trying to add more tension or friction to proceedings when it already comes so naturally James: you didn't, in fact, by being there you managed to diffuse it James: I would have been a lot more stressed had you not been Ava: Good Ava: and she didn't show up Ava: so what more could we ask for James: my parents & sister following suit perhaps James: but that won't be much to ask once we move further than a stone's throw out of their shadow Ava: leaving the postcode for less than Monaco? Ava: unlikely Ava: I keep looking at places Ava: everything goes so fast, it's crazy, by the time I go to send the link, it's gone James: I've secured a viewing after work for the day after tomorrow, if you're free you're more than welcome to come James: [sends her a link] Ava: Wow, that's so exciting Ava: are you excited James: I'm cautiously optimistic Ava: That's such a you way to put it 😊 James: oh is it? Ava: Yes Ava: I like it James: I like that you're unabashed in your excitement Ava: You deserve exciting things to be happening Ava: there's nothing better than a new place for a fresh start James: if it were that simple, I'd agree with you that nothing could be better Ava: No, I know Ava: new floors and four walls doesn't fix everything Ava: but it is something you CAN do Ava: along with all the things you already are, and continue to do James: I want you to be right, but I can't help but feel that it's just a new location to hide in, because of all the things I can't change Ava: You aren't the one that ran away Ava: and no one can say that Ava: but you're better, even without the comparison to her which leaves you looking practically saint-like James: only because there is no amount of distance I can put between your brother & I which would alter the facts or the future as it is shaping up to be Ava: he's being so Ava: stubborn and stupid James: all day my thoughts kept circling back to the idea that this time next year everything could be different James: she might not be here James: I don't know what to do Ava: That won't happen Ava: we won't let it James: you wanting it to be a promise you can make or me wanting what you're saying to be true might not be enough James: I know how stubborn he is Ava: that doesn't mean that he can make a judge agree with him Ava: neither does the fact he's training to do as much Ava: you've raised her, you're her dad James: that alone doesn't mean I can guarantee anything either James: while raising her I've made a lot of mistakes Ava: no Ava: not nowhere near enough or the type that warrants anyone taking her away James: you didn't know me before rehab Ava: neither did my brother Ava: who's he going to call as a character witness, Chloe? James: he did, but I'll admit that the past is less of a pressing concern right now compared to the struggle of the present James: & the ease of getting wasted Ava: Hardly Ava: what kind of friend was he by that point Ava: he didn't tell you that Chloe had told him he was the father before you, did he? Ava: he has no room to judge, on any level Ava: he still does worse James: regardless, I can't blame him for judging me James: because I don't think there's worse than the things I consider doing whenever there's the briefest moment such as this, when they're asleep James: recovery is constant & truly exhausting Ava: Maybe you can't, but I can Ava: exactly Ava: it shows strength of character Ava: I'm just saying, if he takes it there, which, I'd hope not but no, I can't even pretend to promise that right now Ava: he can't be throwing around those sort of accusations like he's got nothing that would look worse under scrutiny James: it's a weakness of character James: & I don't want my flaws to extend to driving any kind of wedge between you & your brother James: or to have to expose any of his, irrespective of what they are James: being free of her finally means I no longer have to play any of those games Ava: admitting and dealing with it isn't Ava: I know Ava: it's horrible to think about, especially when it is so soon after she left, and how that has barely registered Ava: but if you have to, you'll do whatever you need to, right Ava: I mean, as long as it doesn't hurt her, then you have to James: I don't want to do anything that hurts you either Ava: It's not about me though James: he's your brother Ava: That doesn't mean I'm going to endorse his bad choices Ava: not for an easy life Ava: and not at the expense of yours, or Jay's, of course James: they aren't choices any of us should have to make Ava: no, we shouldn't Ava: but he has to be on board with that too Ava: he can't rush and force what he thinks he wants, without any regard for the rest Ava: just because the whole situation was fucked from the start James: he wants to meet her, I keep saying no Ava: Have you told her anything yet? Ava: Not saying 'yet' like you need to or there's a timescale here, you know what I'm trying to ask James: if there were a right time, it wouldn't be now James: she's coping well with her mother's absence but she's nevertheless having to cope James: I'm not going to give her something else to contend with until circumstances change, whether that's because of your brother or a more positive development Ava: Totally Ava: it's a lot already Ava: he should be thinking the same way James: he seems to, when we speak about it James: I can't blame him for wanting to get to know her though James: clearly that's my dad bias but anyone who doesn't is missing out Ava: she's a good kid James: you're good with her & for her James: I can't remember the last time she was as happy as she's been over the last few days Ava: that makes me happy too James: oh good, because I haven't yet asked how you are James: I'm sorry Ava: don't be James: it's important James: my family believes I see you as an unpaid problem solver & I have no desire to prove them right to any degree Ava: you know that I know that that's not how it is though Ava: I understand, you've got way too much going on in your head right now to be too concerned with the pleasantries Ava: I can do without James: just because you can doesn't mean you should James: this matters to me, you, us James: we're not an us if it's just me using you as a sounding board Ava: You don't Ava: and I know it matters because you wouldn't trust me with any of this if it didn't Ava: you've been there for me whenever I've needed you too, my problems are just smaller scale, on the whole Ava: doesn't make it one-sided James: okay James: as long as you know Ava: I promise Ava: I wouldn't hate some alone time with you soon though James: how soon can you do? Ava: I have to go to Dublin this weekend Ava: but Thursday I don't have any afternoon lessons, so if you could do something then? James: I'll pick you up James: if necessary I'll do extra work when you're in Dublin Ava: you're so lovely James: no, I missed you the second you left, that's all Ava: I missed you too Ava: not being able to talk properly Ava: I hate that about parties James: me too James: but you were a vision in your party outfit Ava: you think so? Ava: you can be a monster again any time you like 😋 James: yes, I very much think so James: you looked beautiful Ava: you'll make me blush James: I hope so, despite not being there to see it Ava: in terms of photographic evidence, definitely more fun than the clean bath James: unless I were in it, alas I'm not sure I'd fit Ava: Oh babe that's so sad Ava: the world doesn't cater to people your size, how rude 🥺 James: I'll try if you promise to drop whatever you're doing & help free me should the unthinkable occur James: & thankfully hotels do, so I won't have to see that face on Thursday Ava: Of course Ava: we have to protect your modesty and decency at all costs 🤭 Ava: hotel, you say? James: yes, that way we'll both fit James: without any kind of farce or firefighters getting involved Ava: I did say alone time Ava: no 🚓 🚑 🚒 allowed James: not in this chapter, I promise James: it's not that kind of book Ava: It doesn't have to be tasteful Ava: I don't think the readers will mind James: I'll bear that in mind Ava: Please do James: while I've got things under consideration, would you like to stay over? James: I can arrange taking you to school on Friday morning Ava: Um, yes Ava: of course James: okay, I'll ask Diana to watch the girls James: after today it's the least she can do Ava: Is she usually better when I'm not there? James: no James: she'll happily find a grievance with whoever is Ava: well, at least it isn't personal Ava: don't know if that's worse, actually James: plenty were tailored to you personally if that makes you feel any better Ava: it's understandable, I suppose Ava: if I was who they thought I was James: my ex wife was everything they thought she was & it did nothing to help me Ava: yeah James: I have my opinions on my sister's husband & I keep them to myself Ava: he wasn't there, was he? James: there's a slim chance you'll be able to meet him at her baby shower, but he wasn't at the last one Ava: I'm sure the chances I'll be invited are even slimmer Ava: sounds delightful though James: oh she'll invite you, if only to show you how a party should be thrown Ava: 😏 Ava: it's a good thing I already know baby shower etiquette then Ava: been to enough James: you'll have to teach me what it is Ava: Very modern of her to want any men there Ava: usually they object on the fact of it being 'women's business' and it's like a hen party with no alcohol James: Matilda's & Jay's were both like that Ava: Yeah, I can see that James: there was obviously champagne though James: I assumed that was why I wasn't invited Ava: Oh yeah, the other guests can get hammered Ava: and the mum has to lowkey cry about it the whole time, but all the gifts and attention you get should really make up for it Ava: they're weird, honestly, another excuse for all of the above James: the horrific flashbacks of said crying & attention have returned to me, thank you for that Ava: 😬 Ava: you can have a baby shower now if you would like Ava: I'll look up all the ridiculous games Ava: you earnt it James: you're the one who has earned anything you'd like James: there wouldn't have even been a party today if not for all the work you put in Ava: all I like is being with you Ava: it was worth it James: you know I don't want you to leave, it upsets me that you're not here now Ava: Same Ava: I wish I could be James: did you finish your homework? Ava: not quite, my parents wanted to talk to me for ages Ava: which really goes against their concerns being my schoolwork but there we go James: well, I'm very concerned about your schoolwork & ensuring you don't have to go to Kings after all, so if there's anything I can do to help Ava: I'll tell them Ava: that will no doubt but their mind at ease Ava: it's not even that hard, I'm just lacking motivation James: of course James: I went there too, none of the work was ever that hard Ava: they'd like you to believe the oxbridge admissions day others but Ava: we know the truth James: I'd like to know what would motivate you Ava: Well Ava: maybe we could do lunch or something before Thursday Ava: that is forever away James: it certainly does feel like it Ava: or we can walk Frank or I'll come 'round for dinner Ava: just say I can see you before then and I'll get it done James: we can do every single one of those things once you have Ava: 😍 Ava: Okay, I'll do it Ava: as you're so inspirational James: as we've discussed, I don't want things to be one sided James: & you're the most encouraging person I've ever met James: I've never found someone to be this stimulating before, it's a remarkably unfair contest for my capabilities James: thus I'm motivated to keep motivating you Ava: I love being with you so much James Ava: I can't wait for your life to be exactly what you want it Ava: it is going to happen, I'm so sure of it James: before you I didn't even know how my life could hypothetically be bearable, never mind thinking about how I may have wanted it in its ideal James: you build character, Ava James: I love you so much, but also I can stand who I am now, with you Ava: you're doing all the work though Ava: to totally restart, that's amazing you know Ava: and I love you too James: because you prompted it Ava: as long as you're taking your credit too, I can deal with that James: I need you to know that I couldn't do this without you, back then or now James: & how much I appreciate you is in line with that Ava: Good thing you've got me Ava: and good thing that's what we both want Ava: everything else we can work out together James: it's the most perfect thing James: hence I'm still working out how to do any of it justice with a novel Ava: Words are your speciality Ava: even if it takes a lifetime, that's time we have James: & if nothing else it puts your current writer's block into perspective James: you definitely won't be forced to do homework forever Ava: 😅 very true James: because of course my struggle is consistently greater than yours, darling James: there's a long line of people waiting to tell us, lest we forget Ava: but of course Ava: only have to worry about when my next assignment is due and how to wear my hair, thank god 💁 James: thank god Jay didn't insist you turn yours blue as well James: getting you sent home for violating the dress code wouldn't endear your parents to me Ava: I don't think I'd look anywhere as near as cool Ava: talk about a real party faux pas James: as far as she's concerned you're incapable of committing one, or any wrong at all Ava: no pressure 😅 Ava: she's so cute Ava: and funny James: she wants to get her hair cut next, as long as you say you like it when I eventually take her, you'll continue to be her favourite person Ava: Ooh, that's a big one Ava: how is dad feeling about it? James: hypothetically less hair to fight to get a brush through sounds like a fantastic idea James: but actually, I don't know Ava: she'll love it Ava: you will too Ava: though it'll be a total shock James: I'll be the sentimental fool, frantically trying to catch a lock to keep before it hits the floor, undoubtedly Ava: 🥺 You're adorable Ava: at least Mattie has a way to before her first haircut, a reprieve for you James: it'll make her happy, that's what I should focus on, I know Ava: you're still allowed to feel a type of way about it Ava: that's what dads are for James: mine isn't the demonstrative type, unless disappointment is what he wishes to convey, but yes James: I don't look to him for parenting advice Ava: You're already better Ava: and that can be a comfort now, instead of how he is being detrimental to you James: thank you James: all I ask is that you don't also decide to change how you wear your hair in the near future please, there are only so many changes I can endure regardless of whether they're positive or negative Ava: Okay, I can promise that Ava: just for you James: well in that case, just for you, I'll ignore the weather forecast & walk Frank tomorrow Ava: 😁 Ava: I wish you could come to Dublin too Ava: we'll be having bonfire night James: one day, I can promise that Ava: I know, it's too soon Ava: I'll buy sparklers, when I get back James: I look forward to it Ava: I won't bring back a jacket potato even though they're so much better off the fire James: true, I remember it being one of the main merits of scouts Ava: you were a scout? 😊 James: yes James: I did my D of E as well Ava: That tracks Ava: you're always prepared James: I don't know about that Ava: Are you suggesting that the D of E was in fact a massive waste of time? 🤔😱 James: I'm not suggesting anything until they approach me with whatever package they deem appropriate in order to secure a glowing endorsement James: King's have certainly benefited from having me on side, in spite of losing you to more worthy rivals Ava: Smart 😏 Ava: You did almost convince me, and in a way, you still did, just not to their benefit James: I can't in good conscience take credit for the persuasive charm of The Vault James: or pretend as though I wasn't the one being utterly convinced by you Ava: Of course, those dizzying highs are unparalleled and cannot be replicated anywhere else Ava: and just as obvious is my conniving seduction of you, as pointed out with pointed looks and silences James: it is a relief to hear that high school wasn't in fact my peak, I'll make sure to really emphasise my superiority in the book's acknowledgements Ava: If you thought it was possible to peak in that school, I'd have no interest in gold-digging you, would I James: nobody is professing that you're good at it, darling James: you'd have been more likely to target my father's bad marriage if so Ava: I'm so sad for myself Ava: tragically bad at it, really James: unfortunately we can't both be figures of pity & I've already been typecast in said role Ava: I'll have to get better at it and be more worthy of scorn James: regardless, there's very little chance they'll improve enough to be worthy of where they've put themselves James: though the mock trial is a kind consideration given that your brother is vying to put me before a real one, I suppose Ava: Thank God they don't know James: my father has already baulked at the idea of us moving, if I have to go to him cap in hand to pay for lawyers James: I dread to think Ava: I still hope they never need to be told Ava: maybe that's foolish at this point but James: if it is, it's a folie à deux James: but once I tell Jay I can hardly swear her to secrecy James: & she does need to be told, my delusion isn't that far reaching Ava: No, true Ava: kids are bad with secrets Ava: and obviously, not the kind of thing to encourage anyway Ava: they won't treat her differently at least, right? Ava: as long as they can keep their talking about it out of her earshot too, I feel that's the best we can hope for James: I'd love to say no, of course they wouldn't Ava: I didn't want to be the one to suggest it Ava: even if slagging off your family might seem like the appropriate course of action right now, not that bitch either James: there's very little you could suggest that my imagination hasn't beaten you to Ava: I know darling Ava: I'm sorry James: I try to console myself with the knowledge that there's a degree of inevitability anyway, look how differently I am treated, without any question of being his flesh & blood James: my family have & always will have their favourites, set in & as immovable as stone Ava: and she does have Chloe's parents, who clearly adore both girls Ava: I only have one set of grandparents Ava: you're right, they're going to act however they choose to act, and they can blame it on what they like but as long as Jay knows it isn't her fault and she is loved by lots of people, then that should be enough, and I'm sure it will be Ava: you've found happiness despite them James: & she will too, I'll make sure of that James: do your parents know? Ava: Yes Ava: he told them at the time, as well Ava: so they were less shocked but obviously still James: I definitely won't be welcome at the bonfire then Ava: It's not your fault Ava: they can't blame you James: it wasn't the first time I'd heard it said that I wasn't her dad either, I could've done something when it was Ava: She's the only one that knew the actual truth Ava: the only one that could say or do anything for definite James: I didn't want to know, that's my fault Ava: Neither did my brother James: we're as bad as each other Ava: It's more complicated than that James: it won't be to Jay Ava: I don't think Jay is going to understand it like that James: what I mean is, all of this should & could've been sorted out a lot sooner Ava: Maybe Ava: but none of you can go back James: no, we can't Ava: All either of you can do is go from here Ava: God knows what Chloe's next move will be James: as yet she isn't making any James: there wasn't even a card Ava: It's insane Ava: it's like she's dead Ava: playing dead, anyway James: that would be preferable James: at least I'd know what to say to Jay if she were Ava: It's so unfair Ava: that she thinks she gets to do this Ava: that she owes them nothing James: she does get to, neither I nor her parents can stop her Ava: If her parents know where she is though Ava: they could take the kids to her Ava: but then, I suppose all that would result in would be trauma for them Ava: for fuck's sake James: precisely, I can't blame them for being terrified of the scene they'd stumble into Ava: the parent that stays always get shit on Ava: it's not right, this is her mess and she's doing nothing to fix it James: I'll gladly fix it for their sakes, that is what's right James: they've been through enough with her Ava: and you'll do a better job than she ever could Ava: it's just frustrating Ava: but I know you know that more than me, and do not need telling remotely just Ava: I feel angry on all your behalves right now James: you don't know what it means to me, how much you care, even if it is distressing & distracting for you right now Ava: I know you want the best for me Ava: but in the grand scheme of things, me fluffing one essay is not actually the big deal any of my family would like to make it so we don't have to have a bigger conversation Ava: this is important, you are James: an assignment isn't the issue, it's that everyone believes you're consistently putting my importance above yours James: & maybe if it's that glaring to all but me they have a point & I am asking too much of you James: leaning on you too hard through this Ava: No, they don't want to see it, because this whole thing, us, makes them uncomfortable Ava: it'd be my business if I did anyway, every person in a relationship I know does that Ava: but it isn't at the cost of me and my importance anyway James: okay Ava: I promise, James James: I'm doing my best Ava: You're doing amazing James: it doesn't feel that way Ava: no Ava: but the girls are gonna grow up happy, and then it'll be worth it James: are they? Ava: Yes James: I want to believe that Ava: You'll get to see Ava: that doubt, of whether you're fucking it all up, is just part and parcel isn't it Ava: but things will get easier too, day to day like James: whether I fuck it all up again you mean, because I actually have for so long Ava: but you're fixing it Ava: that's what really counts James: but it doesn't erase my past mistakes, they count as well James: every slight against Chloé is also one against me because I stood by & let them happen James: I knew where she was, where she could plausibly still be James: & here I am, continuing to do nothing Ava: at the end of the day though Ava: all anyone really wants from their parents is love Ava: knowing that you love and care about and for them, put in that work, that's what counts Ava: she isn't good for them right now, clearly Ava: maybe she does get to just walk away, regardless of it being unfair James: you're right, clearly James: I'm sorry, it's been a really long day Ava: It really has Ava: what are you doing to wind down? James: I don't know James: what do you suggest? Ava: Depends Ava: you could try to fit in your blue bath Ava: cook yourself your favourite food Ava: we could watch a movie or some really mindless trash TV James: Beautiful Creatures or Beastly are supposedly a must for Twilight fans James: if you've seen those, there's also The Mortal Instruments but I'm not sure how many of those books got made into films James: it feels unwise to risk getting invested in a neverending cliffhanger Ava: I think they made that one into a bad TV series too, after the films bombed Ava: could be an exercise in how not to do it Ava: as well as relaxing James: really? James: well that's settled Ava: I bet it has such a sub-par soundtrack too James: compared to what we're used to, what wouldn't be? Ava: Precisely Ava: after the day we've had, can't be dealing with that level of excitement James: enough that I don't immediately fall asleep after pressing play will be fine Ava: I'll fill you in on the travesties if you do James: no, after the day we've had, I want to spend time with you Ava: I love you James: I love you too
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dxffxdxl · 7 years
College tips aka how to survive
Seriously otherwise you'll find yourself a week before the exam and you'll discover that you stopped taking notes a month ago because the teacher would "upload it to the school page". Plot twist, she didn't.
Don't you even think twice about the making friends stuff. People with the same interests and stuff will inevitably end up as friends. Somehow. Don't ask me how.
If you can develop a "you take notes now and I'll do it tomorrow" routine with a buddy, fucking do it. Spare your wrist some pain.
Sleep at least seven hours or you'll fall asleep at biochemistry every morning during a whole month.
Also, energetic drinks are your fairy godmother.
If you were kinda introverted and now are all "Omg so many new friends and stuff to do and places to go and a city to discover". Slow down. Trust me. Or you'll end up in three different student groups you aren't even interested in and without time to properly study.
Don't be afraid to not meet with people. "Hey you wanna come to eat something then we dress at x's house and party till six am?" "Sorry gotta study today&tomorrow morning". They'll be there. Your time to study evaporates quickly as fuck.
Keep your room as messy as you want but for fucks sake clean it. Move things around, clean and put things back in their place. No matter if you have to go around your stuff on the floor, at least is a clean floor. Clean over tidy, always.
You somehow find the time to worry about decorations? Worry no more, your decorations will probably come from birthday presents from your friends. And if they don't have the initiative, ask them for pics and fairy lights and stuff. Movie posters also help and they cover a great part of the wall and make the place look nicer.
If you are by yourself at a flat or something, you are safe (but find the nearest supermarket because you'll be buying shit almost everyday)
If you are at one of those halls of residence with twenty, thirty people, you are less safe but depends mostly on the people you live next to. Probably there'll be friendly hazing, you'll be really good friends with one, two of the students, be friendly with like half of the people and then the other half of the people won't ever appear so you don't really know them. This is at least my experience *shrugs*
If you are at those huge halls of residence... Welcome to the hunger games. I've heard every kind of things from my friends, from "the hazing (I think that's the word. I mean the jokes and stuff the older students do on the new ones. It can be funny, friendly and consensual or go bad really quick and end with people at the hospital. It depends. Be careful) to one -broken-washing machine for fifty people, and including not so good food, heating that doesn't work, people making noise and fooling around when the others are trying to study... Choose well your hall.
Honestly, I'd delete the tumblr app. I did it for a while and still sporadically do it, because it is so time consuming, at least for me.
Also, find a 24/7 copy shops. It'll save your life one day or another.
Also, don't waste time about your aesthetic while studying. Some notes are going to be great and pretty, others will look like hell. Doesn't matter, study that shit and never look back.
If you need to skip clases in order to study or rest because you have to study later? Do it, and then u ask for the notes to a friend. No biggie. But be realistic. You/your parents/somebody else is probably paying for those classes, and somebody else didn't get into your class because you are there. Make those things worth it.
Honestly, to sum up because I gotta start studying in 8 minutes: develop a "I'm at this fancy boarding class school and I gotta at least pass/get good marks while somehow keeping a good mental and physical health and having some good friends" or a "this bitch is gonna study as fuck and get those marks and be fucking successful. I'll make no harm but I will fucking not take shit" attitude. Idk, I inspire myself with the dead poets society and the fanon pansy parkinson. Whatever suits you.
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kellyashcroft · 4 years
It’s You C.7 - Why Does It Hurt?
Summary:  I’m Embry and I don’t think much of this whole soulmate business. What are the chances that in a sea of 7 billion people you’ll just find your soulmate? What’s the point in wasting your time with relationships with people that aren’t your soulmate? On the off chance that one or both of you do meet the one you’re destined for, it’s just gonna cause unnecessary pain but what’s the alternative? Stay alone forever waiting for someone that might never show up? I’m 26 and I still don’t have my mark and I’m tired of waiting.
Word Count: 3900
Warnings: Angst, mentions of parental death, mentions of physical pain, mentions of torture, fluff
A/N: Sorry it’s late, it’s been a busy week! This is the longest chapter yet, I’ve combined two chapters because the next one was really short but the next update will still be on Monday. Please let me know what you think and I will list the masterlink below for you! Thank you fpr reading, I hope you enjoy it! 
Series Masterlink
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Will wakes up not much longer after me and as I keep my eyes on the television, I feel his head shift down to look at me.
"Sorry, I fell asleep" he mumbles and I move my head to meet his eyes, still being held in his arms. 
"It's okay, so did I, I've only been awake maybe, ten minutes, I didn't want to wake you"
"I should go" he says as he moves to get up off the couch. He plants his feet on the ground as he stands up and brushes his hand through his hair as I turn my body to sit upright on the couch, wishing it was still two minutes ago rather than this awkward, weirdness.  “I don’t mean, I don’t want to- - I mean” he stutters as he scratches the back of his neck and I squint my eyes at him, “it’s late and I can’t stay the night, I’ve got no clean clothes here or anything”
"No, I get it" I answer quickly, realising that I did actually want him to stay and a silence falls over the two of us again as we both look anywhere but at each other.
"I'll just, get" he points behind his head, "get my coat then" he says quietly as I look back at him as his voice grabs my attention. 
"Okay, I'll walk you out" I say back as I get up and walk him towards the front door.
He hesitates just outside the door frame as he turns back to me and I lean slightly on the door.
"Embry" he starts, "do you? I mean, um, I" his nervous energy makes me stand up straighter, my heart racing in my chest. He lets out a breathy chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand again; I guess he does that a lot when he's nervous. "I had a really nice time tonight, thank you" he smiles up at me once he's decided on his words.
"I had a really nice time too, we should do it again sometime" his smile only grows wider at my words and a second later he leans in and places a quick, unsure kiss on my cheek and I feel my face blush.
"See you tomorrow" he says quickly as he turns to go to his car, looking back towards me as he gets into the driver’s seat and I offer a small wave and then he's gone.
I go back into my house, making sure to lock the door and find my phone, already having received a text from Will.
   ⁃    I really had an amazing time with you. Sorry I fell asleep. I really hope we can do it again, maybe next time I can cook for you? Good night, Em. 
I can't help but smile and notice the nickname he's given me and I realise no one else has ever shortened my name. It seems weird to think about because it seems so obvious, but no one ever has and I like the thought that maybe he will be the only one to ever call me it. I quickly text back.
   ⁃    I had a great time too. It's okay, you look cute when you sleep. I'd love that. Goodnight.
I walk up the stairs into my bedroom, put on my favourite pyjamas again, now that they're washed, and slip into bed, hoping for a peaceful night’s sleep, but that's not what I get. 
"You really just can't stay out of the way can you?" I hear a woman's voice say in an angry tone as I feel something being dragged from my face and I take a deep breath. "Always in the way!" 
The woman grabs my left arm and picks up a metal device as she places it over the mark on my wrist and I let out a scream in pain. 
"It'll stop hurting soon, we've done this before, stop fidgeting" she scolds and my blood turns cold at the pain and fear I'm feeling.
"What did you do with him?" I whisper through the pain. "Where is he?"
"Oh he's fine, don't worry, you won't remember him soon enough anyway" she says. What does she mean, I won't remember him? 
The woman keeps the device pressed against my skin for what feels like forever and the pain increases and decreases in intensity over time. I hear my own screams and whimpers and I try to fight her off as she has more straps added to restrain me. 
Eventually she stops and the pain subsides a little as she removes the device. I manage a glance down at my mark through my hooded and watery eyes, exhausted from the torture I've just endured and notice that the mark on my wrist is lighter, less prominent.
I jolt awake, yet again, to the sound of my alarm blaring and slowly I reach over to hit the snooze button, hoping for just five more minutes; enough time to collect my thoughts, before I get up out of bed, and start my usual routine of brushing my teeth, washing my body, putting on make up and getting dressed. 
I decide again to drive to work today, feeling too tired to walk, as much as I miss my near the beach walks home and as I stop at some traffic lights I remember being here and my wrist hurting. I realise it was him I saw, Will. He was the guy walking across the street. I remember the same dark brown hair, the same smile, the dimple. He was the guy who's hand I shook and felt the same pain again. But the mark isn't supposed to hurt. I've never heard anyone ever say it hurt them to get their mark, so why did mine hurt?
I'm pulled from my thoughts yet again as the lights change and I continue my drive to work but I can't seem to shake the feeling that something's wrong. Surely there must be a reason that ours was so different? I make a mental note to go to Clive's after work and ask him if he knows anything about it. He knows an awful lot more about them than me, he practically wrote a thesis on them at one point, maybe he can help. 
As I pull into the car park at the school, I see Will walking across a few metres from me and he raises his hand in a wave as he catches my eye and I think about how used I'm getting to seeing my mark on his wrist, and his on mine. 
"Hey" he says as our paths cross near the doors of the school and we smile at each other. 
"Hey, you okay?" I start as he shakes a plastic cup at me containing my favourite mocha, passing one to me and keeping one for himself. “Thank you”
"No problem.” He pauses as he smiles at me. After a few seconds he shakes his head as he looks down to the floor and continues, “Yeah, didn't sleep the best though, you?"
"Me either actually, I had the weirdest dream" as I'm about to start to tell him about it, the bell rings for the first class of the day and I feel like I've lost time, not a lot, only about ten minutes or so, but like as if somehow, the day is passing by earlier than it should. I was sure we had longer to talk.  
"So today, class, we're gonna have a study session, so if everyone could take their notepads and textbooks out, I want you to all read through your evolutionary perspectives of eating behaviour essays and write notes on your essay. Try and shorten it into key points and then that into bullet points until you'll be able to know your paragraph from a few key words. If you need any help, just ask, otherwise, you can work in small groups" I finish as a few tables scrape across the floor, kids moving closer to their friends as a quiet muttering overtakes the room and I sit in my chair behind the desk. 
My mind falls back to the dream I had last night and I can't help but feel like there's more to it, like it's not just a dream and like I'm missing some of the information. I start to look at my mark and notice that it's full in colour, unlike my dream, but as I stare at it, it starts to itch again and I get a sharp pain in my head as a flood of words enter my brain. They're all fumbling over each other too fast for me to hear most of them, the only ones I make out don't make any sense to me and I hold the side of my head as I scrunch my eyes, opening my mouth in a silent scream and hope the pain will subside quickly.
"Embry?" I hear and just as quickly the pain started, it goes and I look up to find Will, his hands on my forearms, his body twisted as he tells the class to pack up their stuff and that they're dismissed for the day. As the class empties he turns back to me with concern in his eyes, "are you okay? I walked past and you looked like you were in agony. What happened?"
"I, I don't know, my head just started hurting. I couldn't make much of it out"
"Make what out?"
"The words" I answer, "my head was flooded with words, I could only make a little bit out through the jumble: lost, taken, soulmate and you, but it doesn't make any sense, I don't know what happened". He sighed in response as he moved one of his hands behind my head and pulled me into his chest and held me.
We stay like that for what feels like forever, one hand never moving from the back of my head while the other dances up and down my back, trailing small shapes over my green dress. 
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After a couple of minutes he pulls back from me and wipes the remaining tears that have fell from my eyes off my face. “I’m gonna go and get you some water okay? Don’t go anywhere”
I nod as he hesitantly stands up and leaves the room, coming back only a minute later with a bottle of water. “I haven’t drank any of it, you need to have a drink okay? It’ll make you feel a bit better”. He says as he crouches down in front of me again, one hand finding its way back to resting on my forearm.
“Thank you” I whisper as I take a big gulp of water and he continues to look at me with worry in his eyes. “I’ll be okay, I just haven’t been sleeping very well” I say through a still croaky voice and he gives me a small smile in response.
“Just, relax for a little bit” he advises as he moves in slightly closer to me, “you’ve got like twenty minutes until the next class, will you be okay?”
“I’m good, honestly” I answer too fast, “you can go, but thank you”.
We share a tentative smile as he stands up and leaves the room, and again, I’m not unaware of his eyes lingering on me as he does so. 
I spend the next twenty minutes trying to breathe through the almost crippling anxiety I keep feeling, devising it’s probably better to just leave the remnants of my coffee rather than adding more caffeine to this situation. I find a small post it note and write down the words I felt drum around in my brain and stare at them, holding for an explanation to drop from the sky when the bell rings again. Too quickly my students pile into the classroom and still not feeling great, I inform them they will be doing the same study exercise as my previous class as I sit back in my chair, tapping my pen against the desk trying to figure out what this could mean. 
Not much longer passes before lunch has come around and before I can even move from behind my desk, Will is at the door waiting for me. 
“I was wondering if maybe you’d want to sit with me at lunch today?” I hear him say.
“We sit together every day?” I question with a squint of my eyes. 
“I guess that’s true” he laughs, “I mean, just me” he says as he slowly moves into the room as I walk around my desk. 
“Are you asking me on a date to the cafeteria William?” I smile as he blushes slightly. 
“No, not a date, I promise” he laughs as he looks back up to me and wipes his hand over his chin. “Just, I’d really like to have a meal with just you again.” 
“I’d love to”. 
Walking down the corridor to the cafeteria, I feel his eyes on me every few seconds and the questions he wants to ask are almost hanging in the air in front of us like a fog. 
“I’m okay” I say as I turn to face him, nodding my head, trying to convince us both. 
“I know” he says too quickly, “I just want you to know that if you’re not, if you need help, me to cover your class, if you need anything, I can feel the anxiety coming off you” his words make me turn my head to look at the floor as I feel him stop next to me and take hold of my wrist, his thumb rubbing absentmindedly against the mark that lives there, “that’s okay too. I’m here”. His final words have me lifting my head to look at him again, a small smile finding its way into my face as he slips his hand down to hold mine and intertwines  our fingers. As I nod my head, he gives my hand a small squeeze before releasing it as we start up our walk to the cafeteria again. 
Sitting down at a table on the far side of the room, we both dig into our meals, mine being chicken pasta and Will’s being bolognese, as we discuss his classes that day. Nothing major happened, like for example, he didn’t freak out all of his students by having an agonising pain in his head and had to have them excused by another staff member, but he did teach one of his classes about an obscure battle that I had never heard of. As the conversation about our classes dwindles down, we both turn to continue our lunches, comfortable in each other’s presence and my anxiety is easing from just being around him. 
“I know you might not want to talk about it but, I meant it, anything you need, ever” he says with a level of sincerity I’m not sure I’ve ever heard before and I know he’s not just talking about today, he really does mean anything and with what time is coming up, I can’t even begin to express how much that means to me. “Chloe mentioned something this morning about this being a tough time of year for you?” He asks innocently and I can’t work out if I’m mad or grateful that my friend started this conversation for me. 
“I don’t really talk about it at work but yeah, um, it’s coming up to the anniversary, of um, my parents death” I almost whisper, being brave enough to continue looking at Will. 
“I’m so sorry” he says quickly, “she didn’t say that- -, you don’t have to-“
“It’s okay, I don’t mind, but like I said I just don’t talk about it at work, sometimes I’m okay but sometimes I cry and I don’t want to cry at work”
“I get it, so do you like baseball?” He changes the subject quickly and I can’t help but laugh. 
The rest of the day goes by without a problem, each class going over the same study exercise based on what topic they’re focusing on currently and I spend my time catching up on grading essays. 
As soon as the final bell rings, I practically run from the school needing to see Clive as soon as possible. As much as sitting with Will at lunch may have eased my anxiety for that time, it came back in floods throughout the second half of the day. 
I walk into Clive's book store, hearing the bell above the door as I open and shut it. I nod in greeting at Clive, still by the counter, where he always seems to be and he nods back.
Knowing that the conversation I want to have with him is probably going to stir up some memories he'd rather forget, I take in a sharp breath as I start to walk over to him and he gives me a quizzical look. He must be wondering why I'm not just walking around the store like I usually do. 
"I need to ask you something, and you might not like it, but it's important, I'll explain as best I can but I wouldn't bring it up if it wasn't really important. Not to you" he gives me a knowing look after taking my words in and gives me a small nod, assuring me that I can ask, but not confirming that he will answer, or even have one in the first place. "Okay, have you ever heard of anyone's mark hurting? Like when they get it? Or even after they've got it? Because the first time I saw Will, it was when he was walking across the road and I was driving and I felt this sharp pain in my wrist; I didn't have my mark then of course and I ignored it, but then later it got itchy and I thought I could see something but I was wrong, although now, I'm not so sure. And then, the first time we touched, after we met, we both got a sharp pain, so bad we had to pull our hands away from each other and then mine was itchy later in the day again, I never asked about his" I'm not sure at what point we moved, but as I continue I realise I'm sitting in my usual spot on the couch at the back of the store, Clive opposite me.
"So then, today all of a sudden, it starts to get really itchy again, but like, painful itchy, like I want to scratch through my skin itchy and then I get this splitting pain in my head and I can't see or hear anything apart from these words going round and round in my head, too many to make out except four. Only four make their way through to me" I tell him the four words I'd told Will about earlier in the day as he leans further towards me, intently listening to everything I'm saying, a look of confusion on his face. "So I think they're connected, I mean, the pain, the itch, and the word soulmate came up, that can't be a coincidence right? So, I mean you know more about it than anyone else I know so have you ever heard of this happening? I mean, is it wrong? Is it trying to fight its way off my body because it's a mistake?" I ask, scared of what the answer could be as he stops me.
"I don't think it's that. The marks are never wrong, ever. He's your soulmate, there's no doubt about that but it hurting?" He turns away from me slightly, looking nowhere in particular as he thinks. "The only times I've ever heard of someone's mark hurting is when someone tried to take it off, they physically tried to tear it from their skin, it didn't work of course, the marks are protected, something in them. And when you spend too long away from your soul mate, mine hurts occasionally when I miss Mary, a few other people who've lost their soul mates or have had to be away from them have said the same thing but it's an ache, not a sharp pain".
He looks back at my disheartened face, disappointed at feeling like I still don't really have any sort of answer. "I see him every day, we talk after work until we go to sleep, he's text me goodnight, every night and neither one of us has tried to get rid of the mark" I trail off, defeated.
"Leave it with me, okay? I'll have a look through my stuff, see if there's anything I can find that might explain it and I'll let you know if I find something but just, try not to worry about it too much, okay kid?" He offers me a small smile as he pats my shoulder and I realise that's the first time since Mary died that I've seen any type of real smile on his face.
"Yeah" I surrender, "thanks Clive, it means a lot, thank you" I add sincerely as I get up to leave the store before quickly turning and adding, "oh I almost forgot, Will asked me to ask you if you could order 1984 for him? You know by George Orwell?" 
"Sure, I'll get on it straight away, I'll make up an invoice when it comes and keep it back for him or if you pick it up, okay?"
"Thanks Clive, for everything" I say as I leave the store and make it to my car.
On the drive home I decide it's been too long since I've walked near the beach and if there was ever a time I needed to be calmed by the ocean, it's probably now when my mind can't seem to stop spinning. I pull up on my driveway, get out of my car, and walk back towards the beach, deciding I'll spend a couple of hours there and maybe watch the sunset before I walk back home. 
Sitting on the beach, this is the calmest I’ve felt since I was laying in Will’s arms. Making that realisation only panics me more, I mean, I’ve only known him a few weeks. How is it that someone I’m still aware I barely know has had such a profound effect on me? I feel like there’s an internal battle inside of me of running away from this and what it means because I can’t help but feel like I’ll be hurt, and another side of me that wants nothing more than to jump in, head first because I know he will never hurt me and I don’t think I’ve ever been so confused in my life. 
Trying to shake all thoughts of Will and the dreams and the mark and my feelings about any of it out of my head, I focus on the sounds of the waves crashing in front of me and the feel of the sand against my bare feet, my shoes being placed carefully in front of me. As I dig my feet further into the sand, I wrap my arms around my knees, bending them up to sit in front of my face and I enjoy the beauty the beach offers. 
Taglist: @yourideasarepointless​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @moongoddesskiana​ @wydobrien​ @ashleyjeanthomas​ 
Date posted: 04.08.2020
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