#but if you didn't pick up on that during the main story. guess what the event and card stories make Blatantly Obvious
mymarifae · 2 years
ok so like. unironically i think disliking any of the girls in project sekai is a major red flag ESPECIALLY when people say they don’t like the girls but “ stan ” akito/toya/rui/tsukasa. but can i be honest. at this point disliking any of the characters at all is a red flag. in my brain. i know everyone has their preferences but it’s just... these are all well-rounded, very complex characters. when someone calls any of them “annoying” or “boring” or “mean” it just immediately tells me that they didn’t read the damn stories. or they read the main stories and skimmed maybe half of the event stories. because adjectives like Annoying, Boring, and Mean are the most superficial conclusions you can come to about a character, and if you finished reading the text you’d see that they quite literally do not apply to prsk’s main cast. ok well maybe annoying i will concede on that one a tiny bit but they’re teenagers. maybe don’t play a game about teenagers if you aren’t prepared to be annoyed/subjected to secondhand embarrassment sometimes
like. oh you hate akito? 🤨 why. what part of the text led you to the conclusion that he’s an unlikable character. what did you read. tell me. if you say anything about the way he talked to kohane in the main story you’re going to be in big trouble
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thechekhov · 4 months
Hey Chekhov! How do you start converting an AU idea from character sheets and mini comics into a plot outline for a full, continuous comic? Especially if the series you're basing it on isn't complete?
I've been following your white diamond Steven comics for years, and frankly, I love how it builds and continues the scaffolding canon laid to be something that is thematically still the same but also very unique. And I never thought I'll ever say this, but now I'm working on a canon-divergent AU with someone that's I think aiming to do something similar(continue the themes of canon but different). So I'll just like some advice, I suppose!
You might've answered something like this before, honestly, but I tried to dig a little and couldn't really find it.
Thanks, if you do answer this! I just want take the opportunity as well to say also that your comic and blog accompanied me through parts of my late teens, and I'm very grateful for you being a stabilizing influence during that time.
Thank you! I really appreciate you saying that, and I appreciate you respecting me enough to ask for advice.
As for your question...
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Well, to be frank, I don't START with character sheets and mini-comics. In fact, for WD!AU, I didn't have any character sheets until I started season 2.
Think of your story as an aquarium. Your characters are fish.
Yes, they're important, but having a whole bunch of fish without any substrate, tanks, feed and WATER..... will not really make for a memorable aquarium experience.
The reality is that all stories should start with an end.
That's my personal approach, anyway.
What I mean is - you need to know the general idea for your story before you begin to write or plan it.
Let's try this:
1.Tell me about your story in THREE sentences!
Just three. Not long ones, just regular ones.
For my AU, @ask-whitepearl-and-steven, it would be:
"A young orphan runs away from home with a mysterious lady who seems more cryptid than human. He realizes that he's not human either - he used to be the ruler of an alien planet! He and the other aliens he meets decide to (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) and he (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (READACTED) (READ ANDCTED) (READ AND FIND OUT)."
YOU should know how YOUR story ends too! Even vaguely.
It helps if you know at what point you plan to lay down the pencil. Because if you DO know, you are always going to know which direction to walk in, even if the end is so far away it's beyond your line of sight.
It's true that when I began WDAU, I didn't have much information about White Diamond and white Pearl, because they had literally ONLY been introduced. I had to guess a lot of the details (like WP being Pink's originally) and what White would be capable of. And thankfully, my original intent for the story's end fit pretty well with what was later revealed!
But don't forget - you could also just fuck around with stuff! It's your story, after all.
And don't forget... to also look back!
2.Tell me WHY the story is happening in the first place.
There's a reason that the beginning of your story happens when it does. If there is no reason to start somewhere, then find a different place to start.
You should be able to tell me "We're picking up the story here because something significant has happened... and that significant thing happened BECAUSE...."
That 'because' is your main background information that should be revealed slowly throughout the story. In WDAU's case, we only have a few pieces of the puzzle. We know Greg's side. He know Earl's side. But there are still little bits and pieces missing! And they're all important for finding out WHY Steven ended up an orphan and WHY he is being followed by White Pearl (Earl) at the very start of the comic!
3.Tell me what the coolest and most interesting things to happen would be....and then write them!
I think this may be something that's rarely said out loud, but I will speak on the behalf of the people...
We should write the scenes we want to read. If you don't want to read the scene you're writing, then DON'T write it!
If you feel like you "have to" do a page and a half of 'lore' because you think it's traditional to have that 'explanation' about the location of your story, or the history of the species or whatever, you're simply wrong. There are other ways to reveal information aside from just forced paragraphs upon paragraphs of information that would make an SAT Reading Section sweat.
Instead, I recommend that you find the most exciting or hilarious way for the characters to discover the most important bits of info. Find a dramatic twist. Shove it into the narrative. Then, figure out what needs to happen to get there.
Ultimately, though, remember this: When you're taking advice from me or from others, don't forget to take advice from yourself, too! It's your story, after all. You know it best, and only YOU can figure out how to get it written.
I hope that helps at least a little bit! Writing it never easy, but it should still be enjoyable!
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antianakin · 3 months
Hey, I have a question to ask, and I'm gonna ask this to a few others cause I'm not a huge Star Wars expert on this.
Ever since The Acolyte aired, the jedi have been portrayed more as space cops. But, since when were they space cops? I thought they weren't like that. Am I wrong?
They AREN'T space cops, you're entirely correct, it's Leslye Headland who is wrong.
Here's the thing you have to understand about Leslye Headland and fans like her: they will claim to their dying day that they love the Jedi while sitting there talking about how the PREQUELS Jedi specifically were awful failures who doomed themselves by being heartless assholes who failed and/or abused Anakin and helped bring about the destruction of the Republic because they were simultaneously too political and not political enough.
When the Prequels first came out, they were received... poorly... by a large chunk of the adult audience. And it became a THING to hate the Prequel trilogy for a long time. After a while, people started deciding they didn't want to hate the Prequel trilogy, but they didn't actually LIKE some of the things in the films that were different from the legends canon that had already existed for years (primarily the way the Jedi had been interpreted), and so they chose to come up with interpretations that allowed them to "like" the Prequels better. The primary one that's become so popular as to basically end up considered the actual real intended message of the films is that the Jedi had become corrupt by the time of the Prequels, they were too old-fashioned and strict and stuck in their ways (specifically in that they forbid their members to love and were beholden to the Senate) and that this allowed Palpatine to win and Anakin to be seduced to the dark side, so they're the REAL villains of the entire story and the audience is SUPPOSED to dislike them.
In fairness to these fans, there IS a theme in the Prequels of an institute that's supposed to stand for peace and goodness being corrupted into an organization that is run by fear and greed. It's just that the institution in question is the SENATE, not the Jedi. And we spend a LOT more time with main characters who are Jedi, going out and doing cool fun Jedi adventures, than we do in the Senate with any of the known Senate characters doing political things. The only Senate character who could be considered a main character in the Prequels is Padme and a LOT of her more political scenes got cut from the films in order to focus on Anakin's story instead. Even in TCW, most of Padme's "political" episodes and storylines just devolve into action adventure plots instead. So it isn't hard to understand why people focused in on the Jedi and assumed that the story was ABOUT the Jedi rather than the politicians and picked up on a theme about corruption that was very much THERE and just misapplied it. But it's still wrong.
Leslye Headland appears to be one of those fans. A LOT of Star Wars fans of a certain age tend to follow this particular headcanon. Dave Filoni is another one of them, despite his reputation as George Lucas's "padawan" and the person who understands Star Wars the best after Lucas (spoiler alert: he's not).
So what we're getting in the Acolyte is a VERY intentional critique of the Jedi becoming more political I guess, more beholden to the Senate, and therefore becoming more like "space cops" instead of... I don't know... space Knights of the Round Table maybe? I think there's this concept that the Jedi should be more free spirited like... fairy god parents wandering the galaxy just handing out random miracles to worthy people and smiting the unworthy or some shit instead of being intergalactic ambassadors for the Republic, helping to resolve conflicts with legal backing and power.
This is something that's been around for DECADES now. It's in plenty of other books and comics that have come out during and since the Prequels, it's in TLJ, it's in TOTJ and TOTE, it's in the Ahsoka show, and now it's in The Acolyte. And it's obviously floated its way around fanfiction plenty, too. It's almost impossible to avoid if you talk to any other Star Wars fans from that age group (and even honestly fans YOUNGER than that age group because a lot of the older fans basically taught their children and younger siblings to hate the Prequels or that the Prequels were about the corruption of the Jedi, or younger fans just picked it up via osmosis if they spent almost any time within fandom the way I did). But it's becoming a thing that newer shows are really hammering in as if it's real canon. Headland genuinely believes that it is and we know that to be true because she's flat out SAID THIS in an interview she gave before the show aired. She 100% believes that the point of the Prequels, George Lucas's intended message in those films, was that the Jedi were corrupt and had fallen from grace. Her show is written with this misinterpretation of the films as a foundation for how she portrays the Jedi.
And that's how you get the Jedi suddenly feeling like "space cops" when that's so very clearly not what they are in anything Lucas ever created.
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months
Camp Hawkins AU
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x plus sized reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N. This is my first time writing a plus size reader oneshot. As a plus sized person myself, I wanted to try it. I'm a little nervous tho. I know some people don't like it when ppl write insecure plus sized reader stories. I just feel like when I write, I put my emotions and my insecurities into the character as a way to work through them. I'm working on my confidence and some time I will write x confident!plus size reader oneshots, just not right now. Anyways, I hope you can understand that, and if you don't maybe try another story. Thank you.
P.S. I don't know how tf to flirt.
The story doesn't mention a lot about being plus sized but it is there.
Summary: It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger.
*Not Proof Read*
ABC List Stranger Things Masterlist
" Bunk 23. " Eddie, one of the head counselors grins while handing me a set of keys.
I groan. " The bunk with the bats? Eds, are you serious. "
Last year a bat nest was found in the corner of one of the old wooden beds. Nobody had checked the cabin before letting campers and counselors inside, resulting in a nasty surprise halfway through the first week.
Eddie shrugs. " Sorry, kid. I don't assign the bunks, I just tell people where to go. " Eddie's eyes shift over my shoulder. " Steve! There ya are, my boy. Long time no see. What's going on? "
I feel my annoyance begin to melt away as the sound of boots makes its way towards us. It's quickly replaced with a flutter type feeling in my stomach, a feeling that's been stuck with me for the past seven years.
I turn to look at the cause of my emotions.
Steve grins at the man behind me. A large leather duffle bag hangs off of his left shoulder. In his right hand, a small rolling suitcase, the same grayish color as his coat, squeaks along. The same two bags he's used since I met him. Steve pulls off his glasses, sending a dazzling smile towards Eddie and I. " Same old, same old, Ed. Hi, Y/N. "
His grin sends waves of happiness flooding through my body. I love the way he says my name.
I do my best to keep my composure. I return the smile, adding in a small wave as well. " Hey, Steve. "
" So what's this I hear about you and Nancy? A little birdy tells me you're back together again. " Eddie asks, leaning against the desk in front of him.
Nancy and Steve. The always on and off high school sweethearts.
I have no shot with Steve. I mean, he's obviously still head over heels for her if he keeps going back to her. I guess deep down I hope he'll finally see me as someone other than his chubby fellow camp counselor.
Picking up my heavy bags, I excuse myself from the conversation. " Hey, I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go check out the cabin, make sure no bats are hanging around. "
" Do you need help with your bags? They look a little heavy. " Steve offers, moving to set his stuff down on the ground.
He's so sweet. He always have been. No wonder I have a huge crush on him.
" No, " I shake my head. " I've got it. It's not to far. " I smile.
" But Bunk 23's on the other side of the-" Eddie begins.
I interrupt him. " I'm probably going to stop at the dining hall and see if Robin's there yet anyways. I'll be okay. " I reassure them.
" Oh, okay. " Steve nods, glancing down at the heaviest duffle bag I have.
I'm definitely regretting packing extra crafts. I just didn't want any of the kids to get bored during free time.
" Cya guys. " I shuffle towards the door. The floor creaks beneath me as I walk out onto the main cabins' porch.
Maybe some day I'll mean more to Steve Harrington.
" He literally offered to help you. Why didn't you take him up on that? " Robin groans in frustration. Strands of hair that slipped out of her hat frame her flour splotched face. Bits of dough and other mysterious stains cover the front of her apron, making it look like a doughy murder scene.
She leans on the serving window counter, her arms cradling her head.
" He was just being nice. I mean, if I saw you carrying heavy bags of flour, I'd offer to help you. It's something everyone does- be nice to the people you know. It doesn't mean they like you. " I argue. I fidget with the lid of my water bottle.
" That's different. "
I narrow my eyes at the woman. " How is that different? "
Robin lets out an annoyed grunt. " You and me, " She points to the two of us. " have no chemistry. You and Steve on the other hand..." She waggles her eyebrows, sending a warm feeling climbing up my face.
I roll my eyes.
" Have a fuck ton of chemistry. Like sometimes I feel like it's choking me. " She makes a pretend choking sound. " Please! Y/N! Steve! Just make out already. Please, for the love of god! Save me! Save humanity from the horrors of watching you two interact while denying your feelings! "
I gently hit her forearm. " Shut up. That's not true, literally shut the fuck up. " I mutter.
Robin laughs. " It's so true. Ask literally anyone that hangs around you guys. Why do you think Nancy and Steve keep breaking up? "
That can't be true. Relationships have issues. There's no way in hell Steve and Nancy keep breaking up because he likes me. That's...insane.
" Your a catch, y/n. You need to start realizing that. People-they have crushes on you too. "
I turn my head to meet Robins gaze.
" You're not the only person in the world who doesn't have someone attracted to them. I mean, if fucking Mike Wheeler can have a girl crushing on him, so can you. "
It's just hard for me to believe someone like Steve, Ex Captain of the Hawkins basketball team, could like someone like me. I'm pretty sure he's only ever seen me as a friend. All these years, transitioning from campers to counselors, he's never made a move on me. In all fairness, I haven't exactly made a move on him either...in my defense, Steve and Nancy are on and off so much, a flickering light bulb has more predictability.
This is all so confusing.
" Welcome campers! " A loud voice booms from on the old cement stage.
Slowly chatter from the excited campers begin to die down.
Jim Hopper, a retired sheriff and the new owner of Camp Hawkins, begins to speak again. " We're so excited to have you here. Each of you have been assigned a bunk and a counselor... " Jim's voice begins to fade from my mind. The same words have been repeated year after year, not that I mind. It's a familiar introductory speech, something I know will never change.
I look behind the older man. The gorgeous quarry shines from the sunlight. Post card worthy.
" You're bunk 23, right? " Steve's voice asks from next to me.
I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed he took a seat next to me.
I send him a smile. " Yeah, The bat bunk. " I mumble.
Steve grins. " I'm bunk 24. "
" Oh nice, I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot then. Well, " Stupid, the kids do basically everything together. You're going to see him a ton anyways. " More than usual I guess. "
Steve chuckles slightly. A sound that sends waves tumbling through my insides. " I don't mind. You're good company. "
I feel a familiar warmth sprawl across my face. " You're not so bad yourself, Harrington. "
A look of amusement finds its' way onto Steve's face. " Hey, I know you're not a huge fan of bats...or other flying creatures, " He references my first year here as a camper.
I let out a groan at the embarrassing memory. " That was so long ago. The bird literally came out of nowhere. " I vividly remember that morning. It was still dark when Steve and our friends got the bright idea to go check out the quarry. A bird flew out of one of the nearby bushes, nearly smacking into my face.
Steve laughs, his milky brown eyes glinting from the sunlight. " Hey, birds can be terrifying. I'm not judging you. " He holds up his hands in a playful surrender. " I was just saying, if you want, I can come over to your bunk and check it out. Make sure no flying surprises are hidden anywhere. " He offers, leaning forward slightly in his seat.
My heart flutters. God, he's so sweet. " I don't want to inconvenience you, I mean, it's probably fine. I doubt the bats returned. "
" Really, I don't mind. It's not an inconvenience, if anything, I'm doing this for my bunk. I mean, I don't really feel like waking up to a bunch of people screaming at 3 in the morning. "
My eyebrow raises. " Oh? So you're doing this for you then...for your interests. "
Steve tilts his head slightly. " I guess you could say that. "
The campers around us begin to gather up their bags, making their way towards Eddie and Jonathan who have lists of where everyone's supposed to go.
Steve stands up, extending a hand towards me. " So what do you say, Y/N. Do you want Pest Control Steve to come take a look at your bunk? "
I cringe at his stupid name, causing him to laugh.
" Only if you never call yourself that again. " I accept his hand, standing up from the cement row.
Steve's hand firmly holds onto mine for a few seconds longer after we've stood up.
From over his shoulder Robin catches my eye. Her eyes flicker between our hands and back to my eyes. She mouths a silent ' He fucking likes you ', which I ignore.
I release Steve's hand, shoving mine into my pocket.
For a moment, a flicker of confusion? Maybe disappointment flashes across Steve's features. He obviously ignores it, moving to fold his arms across his chest. " Deal. "
I smile at the man. " Deal. "
I look at him for a second longer before I'm quickly swept away by the campers in my bunk.
My mind analyzes our conversation over and over again, completely ignoring whatever Eleven is telling me while we walk back to our bunk.
He couldn't like me. Right?
" I think you guys are clear. " Steve says, poking his head back out from under the last bunk. He glances up at the top of the bunk, making sure there's nothing hidden in the corners.
" Thank you so much, Pest Control Steve, what would I ever do without you? " I cringe slightly at my words, shaking my head. " You know what, never mind. I thought it would be funny but no. "
Steve laughs at my attempt at mockery. " You'd live in uncertainty. " He makes his way towards me, leaning against the open door frame.
Outside the kids are running around playing capture the flag, their yells echoing slightly around the bunk.
" Sure...I'd probably just get Eddie or Jim to look around. You know how much they love me. "
Steve slightly leans towards me. " They wouldn't check as well as I do. I do have a five star rating in customer service. " His voice is soft but teasing.
My eyes flicker down to his lips.
He's so close. Just a few inches away. If I wanted to, I could kiss him.
I do want to...
But I can't.
What if him and Nancy are still dating?
Fuck, I should've stuck around and waited to hear what he had to say about their relationship.
" Y/n! El got another bloody nose! " Dustin's voice suddenly shouts.
My head snaps towards the direction of the boy. His face goes from worried to grinning in a matter of seconds.
" Wait, " He looks between Steve and I.
Without waiting for him to finish, I snatch a roll of paper towels from the desk near the door. I hurry out of the bunk, leaving the two guys behind.
" Oh my god, Dustin... " Steve's voice groans.
" Were you guys about to..." Dustins' voice fades away as I make my ways towards a group of kids. I push past them, kneeling in front of El.
Perfect timing.
The dining hall is bursting with noise. Kids sit together, eagerly talking about their first day back at camp.
I grab a plate and nervously head into the kitchen.
Food. My least favorite part of the day. I don't know if it's just the fear or people watching me eat or the possibility of someone making fun of me for eating too much. I should be used to it by now, I've eating around people for my entire life, but I'm not.
Every meal time still brings unnecessary anxiety.
Robin leans against one of the walls, a iced drink in her left hand. As she raises the glass to take a sip, droplets of condensation run down her arm. " About time you showed up. I basically had to threaten Eddie with a knife for him to back away from your portion of chicken tenders. He does not go down without a fight, I'll tell you that. " She chuckles.
" Thanks. " I begin putting some food onto my plate.
There's a moment of silence. " So. " Robin looks at me expectantly.
" So? " I ask, confused. I lean against the counter across from her. The counter hidden from the view of the dining hall.
Robin rolls her eyes. " Aren't you going to tell me about it? "
" What are you talking about, Robin? "
Robin lets out a sigh of annoyance. " Oh my god, Y/N. The kiss! "
Still lost, I set my food down. " What kiss? "
Finally, Robin blurts it out. " Dustin told me he saw you and Steve making out in your bunk. "
My eyes widen. " What? No. Robin, we weren't making out, that little..." I shake my head. " Steve and I were talking. Just talking. "
Robin raises an eyebrow. " Are you sure, Y/N, I'm your best friend. You can literally tell me anything-you literally have told me basically everything. "
" Robin, I swear. If anything were to happen, you'd be the first to know. Steve and I didn't do anything. "
" Doesn't mean something won't happen in the future though. " Robin smirks.
I roll my eyes. " He has a girlfriend, Robin. I'm not making a move on a taken guy. "
" They'll probably be on break by the end of the month. "
I pick up my plate again. " I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't get myself wrapped up into that. I mean, they'll probably eventually get back together. I don't want to be a rebound or something. "
Robin hops onto the counter, taking a seat in the empty space. " Steve's not like that. "
Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that. But, hey, maybe I don't know him as well as I think I do.
" So Dustin's going around telling everyone? " I say in discomfort. Even if we had kissed, I don't want everyone to know.
Robin shakes her head. Her hair is finally free from her hat. " Fuck no. I was the first person he saw and the first person he told. I told him I'd feed him to everyone for dinner if he says anything to anyone. " She lets out a small laugh. " Scared him shitless. "
I shake my head. " Of course you did, Rob. "
The moon reflects off the quarry beautifully. Finally, there's bit of quiet. All of the campers are huddled together in the dining hall, playing random board games.
Their voices and music fade away as I walk closer to the water. I love being a counselor, but it definitely gets overwhelming at time. I look forward to going down to the Quarry every night, just for a little bit to clear my head.
As I get closer to the waters' edge, hear a twig snap. I snap towards my right side, the direction the sound came from.
A familiar jacket catches my eye.
Hanging over a nearby log, the sleeve of Steve's jacket shines in in the moonlight.
" Fuck, I'm sorry. " I blurt out as soon as I see the pair. On top of the jacket sits Steve. On his lap is Nancy, her arms wrapped around Steve's white t-shirt clad shirt. Nancy's legs are wrapped around his hips, pulling him into her embrace.
The pair pull apart, obviously surprised by my intrusion.
Nancy looks slightly embarrassed. " Oh I'm sorry. We didn't think anyone would be out here this late. " She apologizes, quickly getting off of her boyfriend.
I don't bother to look at Steve, knowing anything I see will send a pang of even more embarrassment and jealousy through my heart.
Don't be jealous.
Don't be jealous.
He doesn't like you. He never will. He's with fucking Nancy. It'd be wrong if he liked you.
Plus, Nancy is so sweet. How could I hurt her by dating Steve?
I turn around quickly, hurrying back down the path towards the dining hall.
Steve will never like someone like me.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 6 months
I absolutely loved the Emily and Charlie ideas you wrote so I was hoping to request another Charlie x male reader with some smut (but not the main focus). Idea being everyone going out for an evening with Charlie staying at the hotel to work, secretly wanting some company but telling everyone to have fun anyway. Reader didn't go out and found her later in the evening (maybe can tell how she's feeling) so offers some company/someone to cuddle. The main smut I'd like to include would be her leaving some scratch or kiss marks and her being quite touchy/hands on.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the others teehee i tried my best with this so i hope you enjoy it but im not too happy with how it turned out tbh, idk why, i guess it could be because i didn’t feel like during the smut scenes i did charlie justice, lmk what you think.
Charlie x male!reader
After Party
warnings: creampie, biting, scratching, kinda rushed smut, angsty charlie, possibly ooc charlie but i can’t tell, charlie n vaggie are friends, im not sure if there’s anything else, oh swearing, NOT PROOFREAD beware of errors.
word count: 2K
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Charlie was tired. Between her father disbelieving in her, Alastor picking a fight with him, the failed meeting with Adam, and finding out Vaggie was an angel? She was over and exhausted. She tried to keep up her mood but she just couldn’t stop the spiralling thought process of handling everything on her own. It seemed like every step forward she had to take four steps back, nobody believed or respected her.
“Cmon, we needa little par-tay.” Angel whined pushing himself over the back of the couch dramatically. Charlie hummed, barely listening as the crowd of sinners lingered in the little living room-like area. “We don’t need anymore fuckin parties, spider.” Husk muttered before taking a big swig of his drink. “I don’t know, I think a little bit of recreational activity could really brighten the spirits!” Alastor exclaimed, and as much as Charlie would like to join the fun, if she didn’t finish up the work she had she knew it would only stress her out further, but she knew the others worked hard too and deserved a little treat.
Reaching into her pocket she pulled out some cash and beckoned over Alastor. “Here, why don’t you take everyone out to relax?” She said softly, despite her desire for company and hope that one of the few would stay back to assist. “Aren’tcha comin’ toots?” Angel who jumped up the moment Charlie pulled out money asked, putting one of his hands on her shoulder. “Oh no, i’ve got sooo much to do here, you guys go on without me! Bond a little!” She smiled as brightly as she could, although anyone with a keen eye could tell it was forced. In the back of her mind she was hoping for more punch back, more of her friends to beg her to come out with them, but instead they shrugged her off and left rather quickly.
Sighing Charlie rung her hands together and walked up the stairs slowly, vacant and alone, the hotel now seemed so eerie. She made her way to an office one that had been used by the whole team she had, so herself, Vaggie and Alastor. She plopped herself lazily on the ripped leather office chair, air slowly escaping the cheap foam as she did. Charlie couldn’t help the bitter feelings stirring around in her; she was always happy to help her friends and wanted them to have fun and relax, she just wished maybe they cared a little more about her? It was a confusing sensation, she knew Vaggie cared, but at times she felt more like a personal body guard rather than friend, and Alastor, she knew deep down, didn’t actually care.
Opening her phone she decided to try and ease her mind before sorting out the paperwork she had piling, unfortunately the universe wasn’t kind to her. Opening Sinstagram the first sight she was greeted with was Angels varying posts and stories which included all the crew members piled into a booth enjoying their drink of choice. It made a scorned yucky feeling of jealousy tangle within her stomach. Groaning she pulled open a drawer and stuck her phone in it, slamming it shut after. “It’s better to just work.” The princess mumble pulling the first stack of papers near her; the billing’s for their failed comercial.
After an hour of word Charlie sat back in her seat and messaged her sore neck. Pulling her phone from the drawer she checked the time. 23:48. Having no idea when the others would get back, she shuffled from the office to the second story balcony for some air. “Oh sorry I didn’t know you were here!” Charlie exclaimed, seeing you leant over the balcony railing. Looking over your shoulder you gave the little devil a warm smile. “You can join.” You say beckoning her forward, with a sigh and a forced smile Charlie came up alongside you, mimicking your stance. “What’re you still doing here?” Charlie questioned eyeing you from her peripheral. Your brow quirked and your face turned to confusion, with a quick hum you replied. “Just relaxing..?” The statement came out uncertain and wobbly, but you weren’t quite sure what she meant.
“No, i mean why didn’t you go out with the others?” Your head tilted back as you let out an ‘ah’, now understanding what she meant. “I just, well, this is the only time i get free yknow, always gotta be doing something so it’s nice to be alone, but i also want to have fun with them, but that drains me yknow?” Charlie quickly nodded her head at that completely understanding where you were coming from. “Yeah i know what you mean. I wish somebody stayed back with me.” Nudging yourself lightly into her, she met your eyes with curiosity floating in her own. “Well I stayed back, why don’t we relax together?” You suggest warmly, smiling fondly down at her. Charlie momentarily stuttered, blushing at the way her mind wandered to naughty places.
“Ahem, uh, sure! Yes! Let’s do that!” The princess fumbled, pushing herself away from your hold. You could tell she was flustered as she walked off leading you to whatever part of the hotel she’d choose to relax in, you felt a little voice in the back of your head egging you on to tease her, and who were you to deny your great mind. “Alrighty this it my room! Uhhh, why don’t we watch a movie or something..?” Charlie trailed off leading you into her bedroom.
You took a quick look around enjoying the aesthetic her room held. Charlie kicked her shoes off and pulled her jacket from her shoulders. “You can lounge on the bed if you want, i totally don’t mind!” You grinned and got onto the bed, watching as she frantically ran around “Calm down hun, you look real stressed.” You urged her frantic pacing causing loose hairs to tangle and fly out from her ponytail. “Ugh, i know!” Sighing she finally plopped on the bed beside you and laid back hands folded on her stomach and eyes closed. Leaning over slightly to look down on her, you observed her somewhat relaxed face as you watched her slow her breathing down. Assumably trying to cease the slow crawling panic that was clawing at her. “It may be a little forward but I heard compression and hugs can help stress, you wanna cuddle or some shit?” Your voice came out slightly tight a little unsure of how to go about the request. Charlie’s eyes fluttered opened and blinked toward you, after a moment of silent contemplation Charlie sighed happily opening her arms. With a huff and a smile you scooted down, wrapping your arms around her while laying beside her.
She scooted up into your side, her right hand sliding up your chest and around your shoulder. It sent shivers down your spine, and blood straight to your dick, embarrassingly so. Ignoring the sensation, your hand gently traced shapes into Charlie’s side where your arm was placed. Charlie’s head slowly lifted and shifted from the bed to your chest, tucking herself under your chin. Her hair tickled at your nose and chin, you could smell her shampoo and the perfume she’d used. You tightened your grip subtly, enjoying the warmth she let off, and with a hum she swung one of her legs over your hips, twisting her body entirely against you.
You took a deep breath attempting to calm your heart and the tightening sensation in your pants. Like the devil spawn she is, Charlie began tracing your chest, flattening her palm against your chest and trailing down from your neck, to the hem of your jeans, and back up to your neck again. Taking a deep breath you brought your hand up to you with her hair in attempts to distract you.
“Thanks for this.” She mumbled nuzzling her face further into your chest. You hummed eyes lazily dancing around shapes your eyes made up on the canopy above. “Any time.” You replied after a moment. The two of you laid there silently, softly the two of you let your hands drift across eachother innocently. It wasn’t until charlie’s hand ducted under your shirt to touch your bare chest that the air in the room got thick and heated. Breath hitching you zeroed in on her claws softly scratching down your chest. “Charlie,” You warned as her claw nicked the waistband of your jeans. Charlie knew good and well what she was doing, could you blame her? You’ve always been so attentive to her feelings and emotional state, the first to check on her after a stressful situation and give her the best advice you could.
With sudden need shooting through Charlie she straddled your waist bracing herself against your chest. Your hands reflexively went to her hips, eyes shooting up to meet her own attempting to figure out what the hell she was doing. She traced her claws down your tshirt covered chest, and when she made it to the bottom her hands wiggled underneath the fabric to paw at your warm skin. As she did you traced circles on her hips, and quirked a questioning brow at her. “Whatcha up to princess?” Charlie smiled shyly, trying to hide her face in her shoulder. “I just want to repay you for your kindness towards me.”
Your face twisted with worry, abruptly you sat up, making her gasp and tucked your hands behind her back to keep her from falling. “I don’t want you to feel like you owe me,” You quickly say, however Charlie pushed you back down, shushing you as she did. “It’s more then just that, i think you know they though. Let’s relax, desttress.” With that being said, you tossed aside your tshirt while Charlie eagerly undid your pants, hands shaking as she did. Your hands decided not to diddly saddle and undo her pants simultaneously, needing to feel her speedily.
You were already achingly hard, precum dripping down your shaft as Charlie shakily gripped you giving your head a soft squeeze. Pulling her hand away Charlie kicked off the pants that clung underneath her knees, and readied herself against you. You hummed out in pleasure relaxing into the mattress as she sunk down onto you, above you Charlie whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, clenching onto every vein and ridge. It was delectable, she couldn’t understand why she’d never gone for this before. Bottoming out, Charlie’s legs shook, her body would involuntarily convulse every now and again as she attempted to adjust to the size of you. Falling forward unable to keep herself up she sunk her nails into your chest making you groan deeply, bucking your hips up into hers.
Nuzzling herself into your neck as you took the reigns, thrusting up into her at a steady pace, she began to leave teeth marks and hickies along your neck, desperate moans broken out between nips and bites. Your arms encased her pulling her near as you roughly fucked up into her at a brutal pace, her juices dripping down you. Erotic, loud slapping noises were all that you could hear in the room accompanied by Charlie’s whimpers and please. “Fuckkk, yknow how long i’ve waited for this? They don’t know what their missing not staying around someone like you.” You say splaying your fingers through her hair as you do, at this point Charlie’s body laid limp atop your own, your knees up and angled to continue your rapid pace.
“Please,” Charlie begged clenching tightly around you, you huffed out a moan that you attempted to cover and slid your hands down to squeeze her ass. Groaning loudly, you pushed her over, still inside you hovered over her, pulling her legs up over your shoulders to gain new access. With this angle you were able to hit different areas making Charlie squeal. “Oh fuck Charlie,” You groaned as your balls slapped against her ass, finally you felt the band snapping and slowly you filled her with cum, pumping all of what you had inside her. Charlie cried out clenching, and convulsing against you. She tried to inch away screaming your name loudly as she road out her high against you. When the two of you had finished, catching your breaths, you laid beside her, pulling her into your chest.
She rolled her head from one side to face you, her eyes glazed over barely seeming like she was there. “Didja mean what you said about wanting this for so long?” You nodded at her, the softness in her voice was music to your ears and made goosebumps crawl against your skin. “Yeah, since i got here, you’ve had my eye.” Humming softly the princess said nothing, but buried her head in your chest.
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From the Ashes: Marvel Infinity #13
For those who don’t know, Marvel has a subscription service where you can read back issues of comics digitally. This service is called Marvel Unlimited. I really enjoy it. I’s nice to read comics without handling my comics or comics that I have not yet gotten ahold of.
Another part of unlimited is their infinity comics. These are short weekly comics that are online only. They tend to be silly short stories or they explain some missing back story from a main comic book. This week’s issue focuses on Magneto and is meant (I think) to fill in some back story on how Magneto went to young and powerful after being resurrected and fighting Orchis to now old and wheelchair bound.
I know not everyone has access to this so I thought that I would write up a summary about it.
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There’s not going to be a lot of screenshots because the comic is meant to be read on a tablet where you scroll down through the story. It makes it so that it’s hard to capture a whole scene. But I’ll try to add some good ones. Plus, I don’t want Disney coming for me. I'm not going beat by beat but I do the major points. Anyways, I talk too much…
We start with this image:
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Only to see Max scream “no” as he wakes up. He was having a nightmare. He looks over to the hover chair that he has been using in the new X-Men series. The helmet sits on the chair and seems to be daring him to wear it. “But he is Magneto… …he dares.”
Next scene, Max is hovering around in the chair as Hank is bouncing around him, asking Max if he plans to going Merle. Max confirms, “not that it’s any of your business, but yes”. That’s when Hank asks him if he could not go wearing his helmet and floating chair.
Max has a good response:
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Honestly, I just love that Max calls his helmet gaudy. Hank responses that the helmet sends a signal that might be distressing given Max's "checkered" history. “At least try to put our new neighbors at ease.”
Next scene is Max in town in a normal wheelchair sans helmet. He compares the townspeople of Merle who worked or ignored the sentinel factory to the “neighbors” who willingly ignore the concentration camps outside their towns or the trains that passed through during the Holocaust. Honestly, a pretty fair comparison. “And so he will never trust a “neighbor” again.”
At this point someone bumps into Max causing him to drop what he was holding. The person is saying sorry but Max is calling him an idiot. A random girl picks up what Max dropped and gives it to him. Girl: “Here you go Mister Magnet. You dropped your pretty hat.” The art makes the girl look preteen but the dialogue makes her seem younger.
Max responds like this:
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The girl’s dad says to her, “Don’t worry about it Anna. That old man’s probably just having a bad day.” Anna responds, “*sniff* he seems so sad, Daddy”. None of that seemed sad to me. Just angry and cranky. Maybe justifiably cranky given how things have changed for both him and mutant kind and he is stuck in a town where people worked towards the eradication of mutants. And it's cold. And someone bumped into him.
Maybe the writer was trying to reference that scene in Son of M where Luna says that Max is not a bad man, just sad.
But look at this face! It just makes me laugh.
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Why does Max have a kippah? He’s going to a temple. Maybe the dream made him decide to go to temple.
Once inside, there’s a person who approaches him, “I was wondering when you’d drop by”. Max says he's been busy and that Merle was the last place he expected to find a temple.
The person is Rabbi Rachel Sagan and she offers Max a cup of coffee and to listen to him. She calls him "Mr. Eisenhardt", which I didn't know Max's real name was public knowledge or not. I guess it is now.
Max takes her up on it and over coffee he lists all the various places that he's seen destroyed: "Asteroid M. Utopia. Avalon. Genosha... Oy, Genosha. And now Krakoa."
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So Rabbi Sagan asks how this brings Max back to temple.
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It's really understandable why he would feel this way and everything he's been through.
"When Genosha fell, I looked out over the ruins and I knew we only had one or two chances left to marshal our factions together in the pursuit of a common dream. That chance will never come again."
Rabbi Sagan compares Max to Moses, leading his tribe though the wilderness. Max states, that was Charles. "The bald schmuck with the eyebrows? No, he never saw himself as an instrument. You can tell. It's you. It's always been you. But there's a problem..."
The show Rabbi Sagan put her hand on Max's, "Moishe was a humble man, Max. Are you?"
Pfft! No! He's the Master of Magnetism!
Max responds. "I... have been humbled. Over and over."
Rabbi Sagan says that's not what was asked, and prompts him to remember his Torah; how Moshe was was commanded to climb and was told him he would not live to cross the River Jordan.
Max: "What are you insinuating, Rabbi?"
Rabbi Sagan: "I'm suggesting that your fear is a consequence of your pride. Do you really fear that there is no promised land for your people, or do you fear that they will not be able to reach it without you?"
Max doesn't respond well to this.
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Everyone has probably seen the scene where Max is then zooming out on his wheelchair while stating, "This was a mistake. I should never have come." so I'm not going to include it here.
The next scene is him outside in the street. He's angry about what the Rabbi said. A caption box says, "The Gall! Why if he was still himself, he'd..." . When suddenly, a truck sliding at full speed in the snow with a loud "Skreeeeee". Someone yells, "Billy, get outta the road! It can't stop!" and Max is surprised.
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Bam! The truck hits him throwing him from his wheelchair before hitting a telephone pole and bursting into flames.
There is a close up of Max's face with blood on it. A caption box says "Yes, in dreams, he is a founder and feller of nations."
Then we end on this scene.
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What's going to happen? We'll find out next week!
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samieree · 1 year
Could you write a fic of Heimdall and the reader who is his shy servant girl? Maybe smut?
Yes, of course! 🥰 I hope you gonna like this, enjoy <3
For a long time your main occupation during the day has been to keep Heimdall's chamber in order and to attend to various related tasks. It bothered you at first, especially since Heimdall was… Very specific, everyone in Asgard knew it, much less every servant.
Although, on the other hand, sometimes, for example, while washing, you gossiped with other servants about how, despite his nasty nature, he looks very good... He dressed in a certain style in which he looked very good, always combed his hair impeccably and, unlike other Gods, always kept his beard shaved.
He shaved it every morning, you know that from the time you once walked into his room to put freshly laundered clothes in the closet and saw him in front of the mirror, lather on his face, razor in hand and most importantly... Shirtless. You still remembered what he'd said before he went back to shaving: ‘If you're going to faint because you've never seen a man without a shirt, at least put my clothes down first or you'll have to iron them again.’
You were red as a beetroot as you put his clothes in the closet with your legs like jelly, trying not to think about the state in which you had just seen him. And surprisingly, you didn't tell anyone about this situation, you guess you were afraid that Heimdall wouldn't want you to spread such things and, Gods forbid, add some story to them.
But that wasn't the only time you walked in at the wrong time. One evening you came to make the bed. You knew you were maybe a few minutes late, but it wasn't his bedtime yet. But still… When you entered the room, he was lying in an already made bed, reading a book. And without even looking at you, he declared icily: ‘Next time I'll feed you to Gulltoppr.’
To this day, you don't know if he was serious or not. And honestly, you didn't want to know. From then on, you came even earlier to prepare everything.
In addition to your usual maid duties, sometimes Heimdall had special assignments for you… Which often took up a large chunk of your time.
For example, he once sent you to pick up some items he ordered from the blacksmith. Only it wasn't a few... It was two sacks of stuff, and when the blacksmith handed you the first one, it overpowered you right away and you fell over. There was no way to throw them over your shoulders and carry them. Halfway through the city you dragged them on the ground, and halfway you found Thor, who was kind enough to carry them for you. And not only them. He had both sacks slung over one shoulder and placed you on the other.
You were red on the face the whole way, you didn't even know if it was from the exhaustion of dragging sacks or from the embarrassment that Thor was carrying you effortlessly on his shoulder.
Despite those moments when Heimdall seemed to annoy you, you learned to… like him. Especially since you've seen the version of him that no one else sees. Instead of malice, you began to see humour and truth in his words. When you thought about it for so long, he might have been a dick a lot, but he never said anything that wasn't true. The whole ‘problem’ lies only in the choice of words.
But okay, a few people must have seen him shirtless, shaving or tying his hair, some girls who had been his servants before, since he never made a fuss about it (although maybe he just didn't care). But certainly no one watched him sleep, which you had several times.
Every time you were afraid that he would wake up and make a fuss in the middle of the night. You kept telling yourself that you'd only come in for a moment, put down the book he'd told you to find or just take the clothes to wash, but you ended up staring at him for at least a dozen or so minutes, just standing over him and admiring his beauty. Normally you wouldn't be able to do that because you couldn't stand his piercing eyes, but when he was sleeping...
He looked cute, his hair down, relaxed, sometimes with a slight smile on his face, if he was dreaming something pleasant...
But then you were very careful not to accidentally think about it in front of him, lest he read it in you and find out. Because what excuse would you have? That you wanted to cover him with a duvet? 
Now, after a long day of hard work, you were finally going to bed. After a long day in which thankfully not much happened.
But as soon as you laid your head on the pillow and closed your eyes, you instantly remembered something. You forgot your chemise.
When you were dusting in his room you got hot and you hung your shirt on the chair, and then you forgot to take it from there when you left... 
You quickly got out of bed, pulling slippers on your feet. Heimdall should be asleep by this hour, so it's pretty easy for you to get in, grab what's yours, and leave unnoticed.
As you thought, so you did. You didn't even change out of your nightgown, after all, who would see you in your sleeping clothes at this hour?
You quietly entered Heimdall's chamber and… You met his gaze.
He was sitting on the bed in his shirt, his typical trousers and even shoes on his feet.  He was sitting and untangling his braids, or rather he was just starting to do so. At that hour, when he was usually asleep…
“I don't think it's work clothes.” He stated, looking at you, wearing nothing but a nightgown, with your hair down, standing in his doorway. “But if you're leaving all your clothes with me like that, maybe you've run out of clothes.”
“I…” You felt it, your cheeks red. “I just came for my chemise…”
“Just?” He asked as you closed the door behind you.
“And do you have any wishes?” You replied with a question, walking slowly over to the chair on which your chemise was hanging.
“Leave it.��� You heard as you reached for your clothes. “Actually, I have…” He deigned to answer your earlier question. “Untie my hair, I don't want to deal with it.”
You were a little surprised at the request, because you've never done that before. Even though you thought about how his hair felt to the touch, you never thought that he might ask you to take care of it.
And now, right now, you were sitting behind him on the bed and slowly and gently began to untangle each braid one by one. You felt soft strands slide between your fingers, the small amount of light from the candles in the room reflecting off them.
You felt a bit irrational at the moment. You were sitting behind him in your nightgown and untangling his hair, which you thought he liked. All in all… Looking at the work you do for him, you're not much different than a typical wife.
“Say it out loud.” You instantly felt faintly. Well, you forgot yourself a bit, and here are the results... “Come on. Say it.”
“Say… What?” You didn't know if you were deluding yourself that he would let you go or maybe that you would manage to play dumb, even though it was obvious that he didn't let go that easily. And this time it was the same.
“If you're not ashamed to think it, then don't be ashamed to say it.”
It's over, there's no turning back. Either you say it or he will make you say it in some way you don't know yet. Anyway, he already knows what you were thinking, so you might as well say it out loud, right…?
“I'm like a wife to you…” You said softly, finishing your work on his hair. Now his hair was flowing down his shoulders and partly down his back. You dropped your hands to your lap and looked there too, embarrassed of your thoughts.
“You're right.” He replied. This surprised you, rather you expected him to scold you and tell you not to even think about him like that ever again. And he just admitted you were right… “Only one aspect is wrong.”
He turned to you, staring at you for a few longer seconds before grabbing your hands and pushing you onto the bed, pressing your wrists into the mattress. Instantly your breath quickened as you felt his body against yours, no matter that you were only in your nightgown, you could feel the warmth of his body. It was impossible to ignore this. Not when your heart raced at the mere meeting of your eyes, let alone such close contact.
He leaned down slowly to your ear, his loose hair teasing your neck. Only then he finished his earlier thought, whispering it right into your ear.
“Wife is the person you also sleep with.” You felt your cheeks turn red again.
 You started to wonder if it was a suggestion, if he really meant it.
“So?” He moved away from your ear so he could look into your eyes. “Do you still want this role?”
“Yes…” You replied quietly, no longer escaping his gaze.
He didn't say anything else, just leaned in and placed his first kiss on your lips. He was very gentle, or his lips were so soft… You returned the kiss, emboldened that he had made the first move.
When he released your wrists to put his hands on either side of your waist and move them along your body, you moved your hands to his shoulders. Then you slowly slid them down to the buttons on his shirt, undoing them all one by one. Then you could put your hands on his warm, muscular chest.
You could finally touch what you had only seen before and it made you blush. His skin was smooth, strangely not covered with any tattoos like other Gods. You felt him tremble slightly under your touch, just like your body reacted when he touched you.
He lifted himself off you for a moment to throw off his shirt, then returned his mouth to your neck, giving it many kisses and occasionally teasing it slightly with his teeth.
You felt as if your heart was about to jump out of your chest just to be as close to him as possible.
His hands landed on your thighs, just under your nightgown. As his hands moved higher, they uncovered more and more of your body. Eventually the shirt went over your head and landed on the floor, leaving you completely naked.
Your first instinct was to cover yourself, to hide your breasts from his gaze and touch. You weren't so sure about your body, you didn't know if he'd like it, and that uncertainty only filled you with shame.
“You're beautiful, there's nothing to hide.” He said calmly, smiling at you. He ran one hand through your hair and with the other he held one of your hands that you wanted to cover yourself with. “All beautiful.” He added just before kissing both of your breasts in turn.
Feeling him so close, feeling his touch on the most sensitive parts of your body, your body responded with a burning desire. You wanted him now, all of him, as close as possible, to feel it as much as possible.
It wasn't long before he pulled away from you just for a moment to kick off both his shoes and his pants. Immediately after, all his attention returned to you, to kissing your breasts, to touching your thighs, between which he found a comfortable place.
Your hands didn't stay in one place for long, they wandered as far as they could, relishing the opportunity to touch his soft, fragrant skin.
The longer you were close to each other without any obstacles in the form of clothes, the more you wanted to feel him inside you. The tension that was building up inside you, the desire, became unbearable as he continued to touch and kiss you in every place except the one that craved his attention the most, which was between your legs.
“Please…” You said softly, moving your hips against his.
“Please... What?” He repeated, biting your earlobe lightly. “Tell me what you want and maybe I'll give it to you…”
Of course he knew what it was about. He wanted it like hell, but at the same time he wanted to hear it from your lips, it turned him on even more. He saw how much you wanted him, he felt it, but he still wanted to hear it. To hear you ask him for more and then moan his name under him because all you can think about is the pleasure he gives you.
“Please take me... I want to feel you inside me.” You almost groaned, closing your eyes as his lips trailed over yours, his tongue lightly brushing against them.
It was just waiting for him to finally enter you. You moaned as he felt his cock stretching you, slowly moving deeper and deeper, as if conquering you inch by inch.
Your fingernails were digging into his arms and would leave marks, but it didn't matter. Especially not when he started moving.
All the excitement that has gathered in you so far was not going to let go so easily, with each thrust you wanted more and more, desperately wanting to relieve this tension accumulated in you.
Fast, hot breaths, chaotic touches, moaning, passionate kisses - this filled the room. And it was filled with it until you both came, only then having a chance to catch your breath.
It was only when the desire for the other body brought a wave of pleasure that hearts began to slow down and breaths to even out.
Heimdall rested his forehead against yours, watching you with a smile on his face.  He seemed to enjoy what you did just as much as you did, about what simply coming to pick up a forgotten chemise had turned into.
“You've just expanded your responsibilities.” He said, turning on his side.
“If that includes rest after, I don't mind.”
“Includes.” He replied in one word, pulling you with his arm. With your head on his chest, you closed your eyes and fell asleep to the melody of his beating heart.
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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jj0latunji · 1 year
Unprofessional(M) - KSI Imagine
Wanted to read some more JJ stories on here and grow the audience so I took matters into my own hands so hopefully you guys enjoy.
The original version of this written by my friend is over on Wattpad so go give it a read.
Also love to @grace-xix for all the love on here , go read her stories cause it's some of the best on here.
Anyways here goes nothing xx
Also here's JJ and Ethan doing whatever this is
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"Y/N stop being lazy and serve that customer." My manager snickered as I sighed.
I had been on my shift for almost 6 hours now and the loud music and the constant orders had taken a toll on me. Adding to that my manager never seemed to get the idea of a break so I had to stand at the bar and serve drinks the entire shift no matter how I felt.
I hated this job and I had gotten it only because I wanted some extra money for college and I was waiting for the right time to quit and search for a new job. I wouldn't say this job was a complete shitshow because I found my soulmate here.
JJ Olatunji, my boyfriend who I met when I was bartending here about 3 years ago. We hit it off immediately and even managed to hook up during my shift which angered the manager so much that he didn't pay me for the week. Amazing sex though so I didn't mind.
Me and JJ have been together for more than two and a half years now and things were looking amazing. We had decided on an apartment together in London to move into and I was also looking to start my own YouTube channel just like JJ had because he said it pays well and was low effort, so I could still concentrate on college.
I then realised that the customer was waiting for me to take their order , so I walked up to the bar and took their order and started making their cocktails. I handed them the cocktail and greeted the next customer but was instead suprised to see a familiar face that instantly made me forget all my troubles.
"Hey babygirl..." JJ greeted me taking my hand in his before kissing my knuckles.
"Hey babe , what you doing here." I asked him suprised as he squeezed my hand comforting me.
"I know your shift ends soon so I wanted to come pick you up but I'm here a bit early I guess." He said with a chuckle as I nodded.
"Well you can go sit at one of the tables, here take your strawberry daquiri." I said to him before making him his favorite cocktail and handing it to him.
JJ just thanked me and walked away and took a seat at a table but then he mysteriously winked at me and pointed towards his phone and told me to check mine.
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I quickly told my fellow bartender to cover my station for a while before quickly making my way towards the back where I saw JJ stood with a smirk.
"I knew you couldn't resist." He said with a chuckle as he opened the door to one of the private rooms away from the main club.
"Yeah only because you look too hot in those tight pants , fuck me you look hot." I said as I locked the door and pushed him onto the sofa chair.
Hin wearing that particular pair of jeans always turned me on cause it usually left little to imagination.
"Don't get me started on how hot you look. I don't get how you manage to look this stunning despite working your ass off." He said as I straddled him.
"Just fuck me before someone figured out I'm not at the bar." I said with a smirk before bending down to kiss him.
He gripped my thighs making me moan into the kiss allowing him to push his tongue into my mouth as the kiss turned more hungry and lustful.
"Remove this.." I said unbuckling his belt and opening up his pant as he kissed down my neck and removed my bra from underneath my top.
I finally got his pants off which left him in his boxers and he pulled my skirt up so that he could line himself up with my slit.
"Fuck I love this top ." He said pinching my nipples through my top as I gently grinded against his erection, letting him feel my wetness.
"You brought it for me to be fair , now shut up and fuck me." I said lifting myself up a little as he pulled out his painfully hard cock, veins and all prominent as his precum coated his tip . He pulled my panties to the side with a smirk before finally burying himself in me completely.
"Fuck you always feel so perfect..." He said slowly swirling his hips around, letting me get used to his size.
"And you fill me up so perfectly, no one else can , no one hits that spot in me like you do , no one can make me feel like you do " I said seductively as I slowly began to ride him making him throw his head back.
"Fuck . " He moaned as he finally removed my top and threw it to the side revealing my perky tits to him and he wasted no time in running his tongue against my hard nipple as his fingers played with the other.
"Yes...JJ." I said as I felt him take my nipple in his mouth and lightly bite down on it. This seemed to turn him on more as he thrusted upwards matching my movement as the tip of his dick grazed against that spot in me that made me let out almost an animalistic moan.
At this point I was not worried about anyone hearing or interrupting us as all I cared about was reaching my high.
"Fuck that's it , let go, let me take over." He said as he quickened his pace , thrusting up harder as I felt my legs go weak and my eyes roll to the back of my head.
He slapped my ass and guided me downwards to match his thrusts to make sure he reached even deeper in me and soon he felt me tightening around him , making him smirk at me and pull me in for a kiss.
"Let go babe , let all your tension go." He said rubbing circles around my clit before pulling me in for a passionate kiss as I reached my climax with a scream muffled by JJ's lips on mine.
He kept thrusting up chasing his own high as he held my body close to his. Soon I felt him finish in me with a groan as we both slumped into the chair.
"Oh shit it's time to sign off from my shift, why don't we go continue this back home." I said kissing JJ's neck leaving dark purple marks on his skin.
We cleaned ourselves up in the private washroom before dressing ourselves up and walking back out to the bar to see the manager searching for me with anger on his face very evident.
"You go get the car , I'll be out in a few." I said kissing JJ and sending him away before going to face my manager.
"Where the hell have you been , don't tell you you hooked up with your boyfriend here again , how can you be so unprofessional." He screamed at me as I sighed . Yeah I quit.
"I know what I did now was unprofessional but all of us know you are the most unprofessional person here. You overwork and underpay us and don't even deny it cause everyone here knows it's true and I know you'll lose your mind and fire me but before that I want to quit , fuck you " I said matching his voice before removing my tag and leaving it on the table and leaving.
As I walked out I saw JJ stood near the door with a bright smile on his face , instantly making me feel better.
"I'm so proud of you." He said giving me a much needed hug before leading me out towards his car.
"It was a long time coming , I need to concentrate on college anyways." I said as we both got in the car.
"Don't worry about finding another job babe , me and Simon will teach you everything about YouTube tomorrow and I'm sure with your amazing personality you'll soon find your audience." He said taking my hand in his.
"Thanks Jide ." I said before kissing his knuckles.
"Also can I say something else...." He said with a smirk.
"Go on." I said with a chuckle.
"You screaming in there all angry really turned me on." He said turning the car on.
"Awwh is my JJ turned on ..... Do you want me to scream at you too." I said pinching his cheeks as he laughed.
"Why don't you scream at me when we get back home." He said with a wink.
"Anything you want darling." I said as we set off back home.
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todorroki · 2 months
Love Sea ep 8 thoughts
yall i'm gonna watch next week's ep with my vision partially obscured LMAOOO i know what's gonna go down and i'm dreading it (EXCEPT for fort throwing hands i'd like to see that)
i am Living for the mutrak cuddles. is it because we're gonna get pain next ep that they're laying all the sweet moments down rn LMAO
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rak and vi are so so similar it's no wonder they're friends. vi refusing to outright tell mook that she likes her, and rak refusing to admit he's in love with mut. the parallels go crazy with these two. not to mention rak telling vi to go home this episode mirroring vi telling rak to go home back in ep 6.
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i LOVE this shot of mut and meena so much. they're so similar it's endearing. also nina is such a strong actress. her growth will only make her better, and i hope she goes so far.
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now, about the GL side story, i'm glad we're getting a lot more than the book gave. like YES they got a whole makeout scene and the ending credits this time!! i'm just very sad for mook. she is obviously into vi, but thinks vi is just playing around with her. like their whole problem could be solved if vi just said she liked mook. classic misunderstanding plot.
swerving back to mutrak, my god.... the way this scene is so erotic despite them both being full clothed. we didn't get any nc this ep, but mut pinning rak down and telling him he'll fuck him until he can't think of anyone else!!! that whole scene was so hot. that feather light touch on rak's neck... mut telling rak to Say what he wants yea.. the kinky d/s dynamic goes crazy with these two
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AND the way fp just devour each other during kiss scenes... yeah mhmm i'm not recovering ever
yall fort's arm is so thick in love sea. my god like i don't think peat's hands r very small either (BUT IDK i've never seen him irl i wouldn't know). anyways the way they're holding each other is kinda driving me nuts sorry
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dam.. and they're always just kissing each other like that.
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be so fr mmy are yall putting extra nc scenes in the boxset. SPEAK INTO THE MIC.
i think it's so crazy an abusive absent father is trying to tell his son's man to break up with him bc he isn't "good enough" like damn what gives you the right?? like mut said, why should he listen to jak LMAO even jak's reasons were very weak to me.
also, production. why do that dramatic phone screen cracking to hell if you're just gonna make rak pick up a perfectly fine unbroken screen in the next shot ? is it just.. a figurative shattering of the screen to parallel the shattered glass of rak's past? that was a slightly weird way to have the scene play out but ok. i guess. peat's terrified-traumatized acting goes so hard as always.
no spoilers but the main conflict and its resolution is so.... hm. let's just say the way it plays out is not my favorite, though i'm always open to my opinion changing depending on how it's done in the series. i've been enjoying the way the series handles the novel scenes so far. ANYWAYS pain train until like the second half of ep 10 me thinks, and i'm dreading it a little LMAO i know fp are gonna make it hurt 100x more than the novel bc they're good at that.
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Chikage Utsuki SSR - Today's Star: Toujou - Part 1
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this is a request by taruchikas, who also provided a video of the story! tysm!
[Violin performance ends]
August: You can even play this now? You really can do anything, that's amazing.
April: … They taught us the basics long ago.
August: That's true. I pretty much sucked at it, though.
April: And that's why you were excluded from this mission.
August: Is December and my mission to infiltrate the dormitory just a distraction, then?
August: December will be happy to take it easy.
April: Anyway, there are only a few weeks left till the mission. I need to be able to play a little better than this until then…
August: You're supposed to be an orchestral apprentice, aren't you?
April: Well, to put it in plain terms, yes.
April: I may not be going as a musician, but I am a student at a music school. If I can't play well enough, people will be suspicious of me should something unexpected happen.
August: You're as earnest as ever. I can really see why you were picked for this mission.
April: … I'm going out.
August: At this hour? December will be back soon, I was thinking we'd have dinner…
April: No need. I'll just grab something on the way if I get hungry.
August: … See you later.
Sakuya: I'd like to discuss next month’s schedule next…
Chikage: Rehearsals for the supporting character spin-offs will probably have started by then.
Sakuya: That reminds me, the poll results were announced yesterday, weren't they?
Citron: So curious to find out how they ended!
[Door opening]
Manager: Utsuki-kuuun! I've finished the tuning~!
Itaru: A violin… Guess that means it's Toujou from the Quartet play.
Sakuya: Toujou was pretty cool!
Citron: Oh, I cannot wait!
Itaru: What will the story be like?
Chikage: I was thinking of leaving it up to Tsuzuru if possible.
Tsuzuru: Me…?
Chikage: It's not that I’ve already thrown in the towel, or that I don't care. I simply want to act out the story Tsuzuru writes.
Tsuzuru: Thank you very much. But I still wonder what would be good…
Tsuzuru: That reminds me, there was a story you and Itaru-san talked about back during the performance.
Izumi: If I'm not mistaken… It was about Toujou and Machida's time as students?
Chikage: Ah… We did talk about that, but it was just for the sake of role building.
Masumi: But you had asked Tsuzuru to come up with first names for them. And even asked him about their age and background.
Izumi: Eh, is that true?
Itaru: Well…
Chikage: We may not have had that many scenes, but because of that we had to think about fleshing out our roles ourselves.
Tsuzuru: I also found it interesting, so expanding on that and making a story out of it might seem like a good idea.
Itaru: Can people nearing their 30s even bring out the sparkle of youth…
Chikage: It'll be quite a challenge.
Tsuzuru: Ah, there's something I'd like your opinion on… Can I include a scene where Toujou plays the violin?
Tsuzuru: I actually wanted to add a scene like that back then too, after I found out that you can play the violin.
Tsuzuru: You declined back then, so that didn't happen…
Tsuzuru: Toujou is the main character this time, so I'd like to include it if possible.
Manager: Eh, you weren't planning on playing!? I got so excited when I heard that Toujou had won that I even tuned the violin…
Citron: I'd also like to see Chikage playing the violin!
Masumi: I don’t think it’s something you should limit yourself on.
Chikage: Well, as long as we do it with finger-synching. (1)
Sakuya: Chikage-san, you’d look picture-perfect even if you just stood holding a violin!
Itaru: Ah, I have no instrument playing experience whatsoever, so I’d appreciate it if I had as few performing scenes as possible, TY.
Tsuzuru: Ehh…
Izumi: Well, we can probably do something about that during the production.
Chikage: You little…
Itaru: Teehee. (2)
Chikage: You're too old for this.
Masumi: And you're gross.
Itaru: Tough crowd.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
(1) pretending to play the instrument while the music plays in the background, apparently more commonly known as fingering
(2) this is てへぺろ (tehepero). he's like, winking and sticking his tongue out
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rainbowsalt0412 · 3 months
Just got back from a trip and guess what, Sylus has the entire LnDs Nation in a chokehold, and I kinda knew this was gonna happen, so buckle up this is gonna be a long one.
First things first, He is SO HOTTTTTTTTTT!
Mannnn, when he was first revealed a couple of weeks ago, I had already posted about how he might surpass others to be my top, and guess what, I was not wrong, he is already making me doubt my loyalty to Zayne when he hasn't even debuted yet, but hey it's just a game so I'll be fine.
Second thing that I noticed in his trailers and the 2.0 preview livestream was that they did reveal his certain characteristics.
He is definitely 'Hard on the outside, soft on the inside' kind of guy. This conclusion was made with what the Kitty Cat told us about him when he was out in N109 Zone collecting information and how Sylus placed him softly on the ground after picking him off from top of a building and telling him its no place for soft Cats like him, and then he was seen walking past a flower when he could have easily stepped on it like some other Bad Guys like to do, but he didn't, someone (I don't know who exactly, I might have reblogged their post) even mentioned that the flower kind of reflected MC and how Sylus might just make her have an insight into his lifestyle rather then just killing her after she was captured the the last chapter.
Other thing that I noticed was that his Evol might not be Blood, instead it's Energy Manipulation or something like that, which could be a possibility as he is a leader of an organization that focus on Protocores, I'm still not sure, guess we'll have to wait to see what is it exactly.
He also might be the only LI as of now who is an actual combatant apart from Xavier, i.e., he has actual combat skills, maybe because of his position and surroundings. Like I know we can choose our companions during battle but when it comes to Main Story thing, not all LIs are fit for fighting skills, Xavier has to be the best combatant of them all due to his job, and now I can say the same for Sylus as well, if not, he can be better than Xavier as well, specially how he is the only one who is actually teaching the MC how to fight in his memories.
Apart from that, he also can cook, has a thing for singing (his karaoke 4-Star memory reference, if you might have noticed), and can and does ride Bikes, but despite that he is a walking Red flag, but I don't blame him, and would still love him if it came to that.
One thing I noticed in LnDs, which is also my favorite thing about them is the Detailing, so of course Sylus has his own as well. When I first saw him in his preview from a couple of weeks ago, I kind of thought that he looked similar to Zayne but that's not the case, maybe it was the lighting and angles that made me think that, but not anymore. I think that the LIs are made to look the way their characters are, like when I first saw Xavier in an AD, I immediately thought of a high class individual or a bodyguard with a soft side who is also jealous of whom you meet and talk to or something like that, and Zayne seemed like a Cold beauty, and it did turned to be similar to that when I started playing the game, So yes I'm gonna analyze Sylus as well (It might not be 100% true cause I'm just making assumptions which could be true).
Unlike Zayne who has a cold yet soft looks similar to his character (As he is the closest to Sylus in terms of looks and characters I'll take him for comparison), Sylus has more of 'Rough on the edge' looks, someone who has a Bad, Traumatic and Rough childhood. He seemed like the guy who didn't wanted to be here but had no choice as well, and that doesn't mean he's innocent, he has his fair share of crimes and evil doings, and would gladly take the wrong thing into consideration if it gives him his desired results.
With the showcase of his pair memories, I doubt he was with the MC in any other timeline because unlike any other boy, his pair seemed to be a part of the present timeline, and I think he is suppose to be the Bad Guy for this timeline, or he could be the bad guy for other LIs who didn't let him meet the MC in any other timeline.
Other thing that I noticed about him is that he is very much self dependent person, whether you talk about his cooking skills, his combat skills, etc. Like he does have a chef doing his food, but he could very much cook himself as well, unlike someone, *Coughs* Xavier (That prince treatment did that to you I see) *Cough*, which makes me think he has spent most of his early life alone, or maybe his entire life alone in general, and didn't have much help from others either. This also tells us that he instead trusts himself rather than others to do his work, except when he can't, maybe because he couldn't trust many people in his line of work.
OR this all could just be a hobby as well...
The 'Mechanical Crow' thing tells me that maybe he could be a good Mechanic as well, if you know what I mean, like he could have just designed and created that himself as well, and is interested in designing and creating, like come on he is the leader of Onychinus, he is a Modern Technology guy. I can see him working on his Bike every now or then.
And of course, he is a top priority target for UNICRONS.
That's what I noticed for now, so keeping his character aside for now, let's talk about the new features.
I didn't understand much about the wish system, like are we suppose to use normal wishes only cause I don't have much and enough diamonds to buy those, I bought the special ones instead cause I though that would be the one we'll have to use.
New battle system is a great feature for F2Ps like me, though I did not understand much of it as well and still do not have my memories enough ranked up yet.
How are some people already done with their Orbital when I'm here stuck on 50 or something of every orbit for past month? I'm not even halfway there.
I'm glad we'll get Sylus's first 5-Star pair and 4-Star pair in the permanent wish pool, which would gladly be his two Primary dominant colors.
You know what, I did not understand much of anything the new 2.0 version would be bringing to us, I'll just have to wait and see it for myself to get a hold of it.
ANNNNNNDDDDD, we are getting branches for every LI starting this Sept., which is an exciting part as well cause I almost thought we wouldn't have that system here. I still don't understand why Sylus was not included there, maybe because he would be a recent addition.
And Last but not the least, the letter in the end made me tear up. This shows just how much effort and time they put into the game and that they do care about us, The Players. I just wanna give a piece of my mind to the person responsible for Sylus's leak. Thank the lord I didn't see anything other than the one actually uploaded on the official channel. It must be very hard to give that level of production, not to mention they have a reputation to maintain as the world's first 3-D Otome Game, so it must have been really upsetting that someone ruined their upcoming surprise project like that when they might not even had any part in it.
When the last review mail was up I gave them 1-Star in every category because of how frustrated I was of not pulling much from any limited banner at that time because as an F2P, I literally harvest the diamond so I'm very careful about spending them so getting nothing in return took a troll on me. So if a review mail is up again in this next update, I'll gladly give them 5-Star everywhere possible, considering they did took the advice of F2Ps like us well, and it's not just that but this new update would give me an opportunity to earn diamonds a little bit easily.
And it's not like I don't want to spend, it's just I can't spend now as I'm focused on some real life resources which are really important for me, not to mention the game is really expensive. So in future if I do get a chance, I'll gladly spend some.
That's all for now. Feel free to share your thoughts on Sylus, and this new update as well in the comment section, I'll love to discuss.
(Tumblr pulled a B*tch, and didn't save my earlier draft resulting in me doing this entire thing again, took me a day to recall, might have missed some points but that okay.)
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sonicjustbecause · 8 months
What about the earliest Shadow?
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Mods and Shadow has his Chao following him...
I imagine that most people got so interested in Shadow lately because he is back to be likeable, but also because of the incoming movie.
For the last decade Shadow has been the laughing stock from Sonic series. Crazy OoC-ness from fans were deliberate and not a mistake.
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Yes, happy Shadow was a choice by its autor. Is a long story...
The most common image of last decade Shadow we had was... THIS...
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I knew Shadow first from Adventure and Heroes. I didn't play heroes but I played a lot SA2B, especially the chao game and I always used Sonic and Shadow because they were the safest to have around chao. I rediscovered him later, in 2010, but he wasn't the likeable character I once knew so I completely lost interest in him (also I'm more a Sonic fan). I forgot who he was and all the things I knew were from meme. But also video from games showing 'how Shadow is an asshole' 'Shadow the edgelord' and IDW comics, the worst of all (not that Game Shadow was better, he was often underused and his few lines tasted as 'Go fuck yourself'. To make things worse he was dubbed by Kirk Thorton, not a really beautiful voice, to not say brutal things...).
Sega just took Shadow and removed all his good qualities, all what made him well rounded, keeping only the flaws (I've read the mandates, do you know what an Anti-Mary Sue is? Well...). They wanted him being unlikeable I guess. Is mainly from Prime and tMoStH that Shadow sparkled my interest again into exploring him as character, that made me think there is more, that he must also have good qualities, not only flaws.
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The earliest Shadow (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes) was hardly grumpy. He was sad, lonely, somewhat insecure, often lost in though, but also stubborn, certainly less cold than people might assume. As for grumpiness, if I compare him to Sonic in 2001, Sonic seemed slightly grumpier than Shadow at that time. Shadow himself seemed to be aware of that and to have fun picking on Sonic. Both of them are rather cold outside but both of them are shown to be able to feel strong emotion (Shadow having a panic attack and Sonic wiping his eyes during the credits, Shadow being controlled by is own emotions while Sonic refusing them) At least that was the impression he gave me. Since Shadow was meant to die, most of his personality traits aswell as his backstory were packed and shown during the whole game, like a character ark. He is pratically the protagonist in the dark storyline. By the end of the storyark he is able to open up to Sonic (during the final battle against the biolizard he openly told Sonic he was not feeling well. Also the hand clasping was a gesture of openess from Shadow) and to some degree toward Amy. Not so much toward Rouge who pratically is the one who hurt him the most. In heroes Shadow appears to be pleasant to have around, althoug aloof. He is not fond in humanity and that's one of his main traits, but he doesn't let his predjudice win over him. He still has this melancholic aura around him though, it doesn't matter how content or cheerful he may seem sometimes.
Sonic was dubbed by Ryan Drummond and Shadow by David Humphrey. David's voice was different from the other VA Shadow had. His voice was more high pitched, youthful, cute. Still soft spoken. Ryan's voice was legendary, and when he made Sonic talk soflty, he sounded almost like Shadow. The two VA had so similar voices that made Sonic and Shadow sound like legit twins, and back in 2001 I though they shared the same VA all the time. Well, Drummond also dubs Shadow for a short time.
So what went wrong?
The 00's era were the years of the prince of the saiyan, or better, the king of the edgelords:
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This guy was also sad and lonely. But he was also more impulsive, rough, boorish and extremely grumpy. Maybe because he is a muscular human and not a cute velvety male calico kitten hedgehog he filled the dreams of young and older teenagers.
Some said Shadow is based on Vegeta (not only him but also him) the more the 00's approaches the 10's, the more Shadow became grumpier, arrogant and standoffish. Sadness and melancholy were replaced by selfishness and he became less and less fun and interesting. Shadow the edgelord.
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Archie Shadow was maybe too expressive (and his sadness was very underlined) but with only SA2 and Sonic Heroes around this interpretation was more than understandable. They (Flynn, Penders I can imagine) referred from the material they had. Shadow opening up to Sonic is there in Adventure 2, is undeniable, so it was normal assuming he was more open.
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He is left handed, yeah! (This is actually correct)
In Sonic Universe Shadow was more balanced, maybe closer to the one we saw in early '00s. Lonely, rejected, sometimes bullied (although he could defend himself with his sharp tongue) because he was different.
Then the IDW.
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No. Seriously Shadow?
That is unavoidable if we are talking about characters that are created by a team and not by a single. We already see this with Disney. When the writers change the charcters change too, everybody notices different things about a character, based on it's own experience of life. The characters chanfe even when the single writer deals with them, because people change too. Any kind of mandates can only help this far, if they're too heavy they end to be counter productive.
This is my personal opinion, but I would have seen better Shadow befriending Amy and Sonic more than Rouge in early days. Rouge worried for him at times, but there were moments she purposefully hurted him (although later she cared sincerely for him). She would take time to regain his trust. With Sonic, following SA2 would have been open, even more than what we see in Prime. With Amy he would be in good terms though often drained by her own cheerfulness and extrovertion. Tails is rather reserved although not socially awkward so he would not have problem with him. With Knuckles things would become funny I guess, Shadow used to be calm and smart while Knuckles is more simple and is grumpy. I think he (Shadow) would still have issues and relapses with his PTSD though and the need to be left alone.
Well, now the movie will come out. They did a good job until now. I'm curious about what they will do with Shadow. I hope he will be likeable like in SA2.
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias - Lost in Sardinia Part 3/8
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Summary - Ruben is on a getaway in Sardinia. There he meets a girl named Fiorella. She starts to wonder why Ruben won't tell her what exactly he is getting away from, or even what his real name is.
Fiorella had always lived in Sardinia, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the island she called home. The crystal-clear waters, lush greenery, and majestic landscapes were a part of her everyday life. It had never occurred to her to go on hike and discover it all.
"You good to go?"
Fiorella told Ruben to meet here at dawn, at the base of the mountain trail. He arrived dressed for the occasion, wearing a loosely fitted t-shirt, a pair of shorts and proper running shoes. Fiorella on the other hand, woke up and did what she always did, dressed according to weather. She wore a hat for the sun and sandals to go with her ripped jeans and white tank top.
"You should know," Fiorella confessed, "I've never been on a hike before. The last time I was at the waterfalls my family and I went by car."
"Are you having second thoughts?" There was a fraction of concern in Ruben's voice.
Fiorella shook her head. "You wish."
He smiled warmly.  "Good, let's not waste anymore daylight then."
With excitement and a hint of nervousness, Fiorella and Ruben began their trek into the untouched wilderness of Sardinia. The air was alive with the scent of wildflowers and the chorus of birdsong, as the two explorers carefully navigated the uneven terrain.
As they journeyed deeper, Fiorella marveled at Ruben's endurance and genuine appreciation for nature. His captivating stories of travels around the world fascinated her, desperately fueling her attraction to this curious stranger.
"What's the reason for your travels?" Fiorella asked, trying to mask the fact that she was out of breath from walking.
"Mostly to clear my mind."
Ruben walked with rapid steps, a pace Fiorella praised herself for keeping up with. On the other hand, Ruben didn't walk with hunched back like she did. His braud shoulders were brought back with his perfect posture and as a pool's of sweat damped the back of his shirt, Fiorella couldn't help but to let her imagination run free.
"Clear your mind of what?" She asked. "What is it full of?"
"I just have some decisions to make back home."
"Decisions about what?"
Ruben glanced over his shoulder, meeting her eye. "You know, there is usually not this much talking during a hike."
"Then I guess were not on hike then. I guess we just love walking to the throbbing sensation of our feet and the painful pounding of our hearts. May I ad that mine is working overtime right now."
Ruben chuckled.
Fiorella took pride in the fact that she made him crack a smile. It felt like they were experiencing the hike very differently. Ruben went on with a twisted expression on his face, like his life depended on reaching the top of the mountain. Fiorella took several pauses during the hike, mostly to snap photos of strange looking rocks and the poop of unknown animals. At times she wished that she had brought Pluto with them. He would have appreciated the journey, at least more than Ruben did.
"My job." He said, regaining Fiorella's attention. "I have decisions to make about my job."
"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm an athlete."
"Like, professional?"
"Yes, it's my main income." Ruben picked up the pace.
"Is this the sport, hiking?" Fiorella was struggling to keep up, almost jogging beside Ruben, who didn't seem to care that she had short legs. She almost tripped herself when he altered his steps very abruptly. 
"Is that it?" He asked, head raised to the sky. He was looking at the top of the mountain. It's where the waterfall would be.
Fiorella nodded. "It's about a 20 minute walk."
And leave her behind? Was he crazy?
Ruben turned to her, his expression unreadable. "Do you mind if run the last part?"
"Um...sure. I'll meet you there."
"Alright, see you at the top."
Fiorella watched Ruben pick up the pace and sprint away from her. Had she said something to upset him?
After what felt like hours of hiking, she finally reached their destination - the magnificent waterfall. Its cascading waters sparkled in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle against the backdrop of majestic cliffs and vibrant foliage.
"You made it!"
A voice called her from a distance. It was Ruben, already splashing away in the fresh-water pool.
Memroies of her childhood came flooding back. Without hesitation, Fiorella stripped off her shoes, feeling the rush of excitement building within her. She waded into the icy-cold water, feeling its rejuvenating touch on her sore skin. Laughter echoed through the valley as she and Ruben playfully splashed and embraced the exhilarating experience, forgetting about their troubles beyond their realm.
Vading back to land, they lay down on a large rock, drying themselves in the blissful sun. When it was time to go back Fiorella simply dreaded the thought of hiking back down the mountain, leaving the peaceful waterfall behind her.
"Ugh " Fiorella groaned, sitting down, support herself on a rock.
"You okay?"
"My feet."
"Do they hurt?"
"Yes. I don't think I can make it down the mountain by myself."
Ruben crouched down in front of her, inspecting her blisters.
"I picked the wrong shoes didn't I?"
Ruben didn't answer, he was to busy caring for her wounds.
"I should probably call my dad...or my uncle. They know this trail, they can come and pick me up."
"Or you can get on my back."
Ruben lifted his gaze, looking deep into her eyes. "You can get on my back. I'll carry you down the mountain."
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justporo · 7 months
Hey Poro. I don't recall you ever talking about your Tav. Do you have any posts about them or any cool info you wanna share? (Saw you were open to asks, so I thought I'd drop one hæhæ)
Oh yes, hello! I guess you're right. And that although she's the Tav in most all of my stories (especially my longform fics).
So let me introduce my wonderful girl to you. And yes: her name is indeed just Tav. Don't come for me - I didn't plan for any of this but now here we are. I am just Poro and she is just Tav.
I'm always happy about questions about my girl tho - I do have a background story and all flashed out for her. I just... never talked about it??
Oh, and she's been my profile pic from very early one, I am still in love with the wonderful drawing @azaani-art did of her!
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Full Name: Tav (yes, that's it, maybe she takes on Ancunín sometime, eh?) Race: Woodelf Class: Ranger (Urban tracker background) Height: 5'5 Pronouns: She/Her
More about her personality and backstory below the cut!
Personality: She's witty, rebellious, will stab you if the need arises or pickpocket all your gold if you're mean to her. But she still believes that there's ultimately good in the world. A hope that sometimes makes her take stupid and naive risks. And never has she experienced a love like she has with Astarion - and she's sure she'll never will again. Might be it started as a silly crush because she never experienced someone giving her this kind of attention, but now... She'd kill for him and die for him - although she'd very much prefer the first.
Story: Tav was the daughter to a loveless affair of a very high-up wood elf noble, her father, and her high-elf mother from Baldur's Gate. Immediately abandoned by her mother after birth on the steps of a cloister in the city where she spent the first few years of her life. A life where she was treated harshly from the very first steps on she could take. So still being a child, she fled the abuse and started to live on the streets of Baldur's Gate where she not only had to grow up quickly but learn how to be proficient with sleight of hand, stealth and running away as fast as possible when the former two skills weren't enough. She always did what it takes even though it meant making objectively stupid decisions. She's hardened, cold, with a sharp tongue and violent if need be to those she perceives as a threat because you had to be if you didn't want to be taken advantage off as a woman. But this also means she's made herself unapproachable, so never really has she experienced someone giving her attention for anything but her skillset, complimenting her, wooing her. But to those she perceives as her friends or close ones she's a helpless people-pleaser and pushover rising from a desperate desire to not be left alone again; deeply believing she's only worth as much as she can be of use. She joined a band of thieves for which she and her friends she found there took on highbrow heists - until the day Tav was taken and a parasite in her brain but much more a sassy vampire shook her and her beliefs to the core.
A few more funfacts:
the piercings she has, she's done herself (thank the gods she didn't die of an infection
the tattoos she has she had done very young when she felt rebellious after she first found out about her real father - back then she thought it would make her look fierce; now she knows it was a little stupid but they're a part of her now; Astarion likes to let his thumbs run along them and calls her his "little fiend"
her main role during her thieving times was stakeout and keeping an eye on the others from above with her bow - during long and boring stakeout times she picked up drawing as a hobby: she just drew what she saw, so she could keep an eye on stuff but also busy herself
the scar is from her time when she first fled the cloister and joined a group of street kids (all boys) and she was repeatedly forced to show how brave she was; always having to be at least twice as couragous as the others just to make up for her being a girl
she has a definite problem with authorities
and she could probably drink you under the table
she's not good at taking care of herself, so Astarion calls her his street cat - and has to teach her a thing or two about self-care
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Simon and Betty, Change, and Acceptance - my thoughts on their story
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(F&C and AT spoilers under the cut!!) (long post warning)
So obviously a big thing throughout the finale was learning to understand just how important letting the past go is.
Simon and Betty were no doubt hopelessly in love with one another, and though it's freaking adorable, you begin to notice how all the Simon and Betty-centric episodes of the main series, without fail, feature Betty making some kind of sacrifice or bending herself over backwards for Simon's sake. And it wasn't as clear back then, since Simon wasn't himself for majority of the episodes (I think the only time where he wasn't Ice King in the present day would be in "Betty"), but it's definitely something that settles in the back of your mind. This is a pretty nice setup for what happens in F&C.
Now fast forward to F&C's eighth episode "Jerry", where we get a LOT of Petrigrof scenes in the form of flashbacks. When I first saw it, I thought it was adorable and wonderfully ideal. But even then, there were still a couple things that rubbed me the wrong way, though I couldn't quite place it then. During my second watch, I started to pick up on hints that maybe their relationship wasn't as perfect as the show previously portrayed it to be. There may be more, but here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
Betty readily tossing her 6-month trip aside in a momentary decision to go on an expedition with Simon (who, let's be honest, invited her in a semi-joking manner and didn't expect her to say yes) despite really only being acquaintances at best at the time
She also gave Simon all the credit for finding the Enchiridion, and I actually expected him to insist on Betty getting some credit a little more than he actually did
She tosses her 6-month trip away AGAIN the moment Simon shows up- her roommate(?) also placed a lot of emphasis on not letting her miss her bus, and yet she did in the end anyways
☆When Fionna asks if Simon went on the trip with her, Simon's surprised and confused. He didn't seem to consider it as a possibility at the time, not out of malice, just that it never actually crossed his mind
And throughout all of these, notice that Betty's essentially throwing her research opportunity and even her career's future away over and over again because she wants to be with Simon, and Simon never objected or told her that she should go for that trip, so why not? And you can see from the fourth point that Simon kinda just never thought about it like that, so if he didn't notice, then of course he didn't stop her. In this subtle way, Betty was unintentionally encouraged to sacrifice more and more things for him.
This is still reflected even as she to loses herself to MMS (magic, madness, and sadness), continuing all the way until her ultimate sacrifice of merging with Golb at the end of AT.
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That was Betty's side. Now let's look at Simon's progress throughout the finale a little more. I think that Casper and Nova (the storybook, not just the episode) was used really well to represent Simon and Betty's situation, specifically from a third-person point of view. It served as a major factor towards Simon's epiphany moment, especially since it bore so many similarities to him and Betty, allowing him to finally understand what it was like on Betty's end as well.
Casper and Nova was a choose your own story adventure novel (or at least the video gamey futuristic version of one), and the nice thing about that is how it lets Simon make his own decisions. And what he essentially does is repeat what he did with Betty all over again, even though he didn't realise it at first.
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"No do-overs with this book, I guess"
I'd like to bring your attention to this part. When Simon wants to pick the other option when his first choice didn't work out, the book doesn't let him, and what's done is done. Sound familiar?
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"I don't want any of those things to happen; I like Nova! There should be more choices!"
"Well, maybe there would be, if you hadn't picked Casper's options every time."
Aaaaaand cue epiphany. Simon realises that throughout the relationship, he was always put first. But just like Beth said, it wasn't necessarily Casper's (and by extension his) fault. Yet Simon agrees that he could have been more considerate.
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When he's given a chance to relive a crucial moment in their story, he acts differently due to his prior grand realisation. And yet, he never gets on the bus. He knows that no matter how he would have handled it in the present, that isn't what he did in the past, and that's that. Same as the story of Casper and Nova- no do-overs.
And yeah, that sucks. But look here.
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Simon's sending Betty- his Betty, not Golbetty- off, properly this time. This is their goodbye. And immediately after, he sees Golbetty on that bus instead of Betty. He's accepted that his Betty is gone.
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If he had just realised the extent of Betty's sacrifices, he would've intervened because the last thing he wants is to do that to her since he loves her dearly, and then things would've been different. Maybe if he had gone on that trip with her, he would've never even found the crown. But he didn't realise, and it's too late now. They've both made their choices and mistakes- not in loving each other, but in the sort of inequality of it all, even while wholly unintentional. But regardless, there's no way to undo them, and there's nothing else they can do about it but move forward.
This doesn't necessarily mean forgetting the past ever happened- they were a massive part of each other's lives. They'll still love each other, and think about each other, and miss each other. But the difference is that they've accepted that they're just no longer the same people they were before, and that's okay.
Simon won't get his fiancée back. Betty isn't really Betty anymore, and will never be again. They've both learned to accept that change. A fatal flaw in Betty's character back in the original series was refusing to accept the Ice King, instead viewing him and not just the crown as something that's stopping her from getting her Simon back. And we all know how that turned out.
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Simon and Betty won't ever be together like they were before again. Though devastating, things like these, at the end of the day, are a part of life. The important thing is that they were both able to learn from these experiences and continue on with the cards they have been dealt, and that's exactly what they did; with Betty's new duties as GOLB (or maybe even possible reincarnation as some have been theorising) and Simon finally seeking help (thank god he realised that being a living exhibition wasn't the best idea) and accepting the life he was put into.
Simon's not gonna just magically be better, and that's okay. Little by little, he's gonna move on from the past and learn to enjoy life again , and I think the realism in the way it's portrayed is absolutely beautiful.
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frida--y · 7 months
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blessed by the shugods!!
god I love kingoh, such an ambitious sentai... I think it really won me over in the end though!! The way it started with Jeramie's narration and the way it ended with it <3 I will say I loved the first half so much, the interpersonal royal drama of all- loved it. I also loved how it started to seed the story of redemption for the Bugnark with the introduction of Jeramie. I think it''s important to write a story of oppression and relationships. I do think it was overly ambitious in the end!! The bugs just got SO sidelined after the introduction of Duggy. But still, we got such a happy ending of not really homogenizing into one country, but to allow cultures to expand, to interact and grow from those interactions. Maybe love will bloom from it!!! I hope Jeramie tries to attend every wedding.. he would cry so much.
SO hard to say more from the story, it's such a packed one! Some things happen with such weight and then "it's actually fine no worries :)" next episode. I would of loved to see all the plot points fully expanded in a manga or a multi-season series.
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You can really feel Taka's love for this series, he's really the show's biggest fan. Everyone feels fleshed out enough, and it's hard to pick a fav (it's jimmy). MAAN. What a show.. great passionate show tbh.
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GOD is Kagu the best... BEAUTIFUL MAN. I loved all his focus episodes. It was also fun guessing how much he was playing Racles or helping him, and now knowing that he's been believing in Racles since the wedding just makes me want to rewatch.
Who else is the best.. Jeramie.. I LOVED it when he stopped talking between the lines and blurted out what he feels. It's so cute.
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Even Himeno! I love how passionate she was on the kingoh legends, it's a difference from Yanma who vaules tech more and learns to have faith in the legends. Yanma's so full of charm, really love him too. Rita is the best, what else can I say..
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Impossible to pick a hard fav from the main kings.. easy tie with Rita and Kagu though for the top.... and Jeramie. They each have their strengths and I'm glad we got to see the odd dynamics near the end too.
For Gira, I really liked him ever since the first episode. His acting was great! Although I loved the doomed and fated sibling relationship, I think the show should of showed us more of Gra's thoughts when he thought he killed Racles. It's not really implied he knew he didn't die (unlike according to bts), I think Gira should of been more fucked up he killed his only family... Yano did a good job displaying on his face how their first duel really messed him up.
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Number one cunt in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing through Racles lies/act was so satisfying, all the way back to his first fight with Gira, I knew something was up with him. I loved his seemingly emotionless behavior in the first half, when he had the all the chances to kill his brother and didn't take it, episode 20 was fantastic in this regard, and we got SUCH a treat with 42 telling us all of the truth. especially knowing all the context. And maaaaaaan, I knew his reaction to "killing" Yanma was special.. god if anything Kingoh gave us an amazing character arc with Racles. He had great dynamics with the other kings (Yanma n Jeramie in the second half), BUT I kinda wanted him to have more scenes with Rita though, considering he basically wrecked their country by trying to reveal the traitor. Him trusting Suzume with his life and wanting to reach out to Kagu <33333 one of my fav dynamics <33 tormented by the bees <;3 GOD kagrac was SOO real...
I love how his actions were never excused, both by the character and everyone. Just getting my thoughts about him during his worst validated was satisfying. His interactions with Jeramie and Yanma post reveal were my favorites.
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Just.. being right about how power hungry he really was (not as an act).... Racles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually don't get swayed by shipping art but.. Suzume and Racles fanart really sold me on them.. the show really helped too, but.. I think they're so cute lol. Re-falling in love after being married is so.. IT'S SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had ONE major complaint... other than the Bugnark's plight getting sidelined HARD in the second half, I think Suzume's character really fell to the wayside. I liked the Morphina and Suzume episode, but it really highlighted Kagu more than Suzume. It really should of been more about her feelings on ruling Tuofu than her dream of marrying someone she loved, cause why would that stop her from ruling???
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ride or die couple of the year <3 they should of ended ON TOUFU WHERE RACCY WAS ON A FARM!!!!!!!!!!
kingoh :)
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man. what a show!! Going to miss it a lot... crazy good highs in my opinion. The world is just rich enough to play around with it in your head, which makes it fun!!
bonus: my many pics of Yano
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I can post many more..I will restrain.. one of the most gorgeous men I've seen <3 his long hair when he got married though............................... many thoughts. They should of let him keep his facial hair. I have been seeking out his other works so far and I really do hope the film Wheel and Axle gets a release... it showed at a film festival so I assume it must have a subtitle track done.
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love him so much I made him a birb friend n dressed up my plush!!
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