#but if you’re gonna make a map of my floor and lay everything out
hythlodaes · 2 months
i’m sorry but i hate when people who have never stepped foot in my store tell me how to merchandise it,,,,
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Sam & Ruby
Sept, 16, 2022  New Orleans Bunker, Base Camp
I insert the key into the New Orleans Bunker’s heavy door and feel the locks move as I turn it. Part of me had been a little worried that the leprechaun in charge of the place might have changed the locks after Ruby and I left the last time. Pushing down on the handle, the door swings open easily for as old and unused as it was. Stepping inside, I push the button on the wall and lights came on throughout the lower floor.
“So far so good”
“Let’s hope Mr. Leveau is gone while we’re here. I, for one, won’t miss him. He’s creepy.  We need this time out of sight to work out our plans for what’s coming. I have some spells you need to know. It’s time to up your game, Sam. You and me knowing magic is our ace in the hole. They won’t see that coming.”
Carrying both bags inside, I set them down and then look around trying to refamiliarize myself with the place. It had been a minute since we’d been here and a lot had happened in between. Walking through to this Bunker’s ART room everything looked exactly as we’d left it. I closed the door. This trip wasn’t about searching and cataloging the Men of Letters trove of acquisitions, it was about survival.
Hauling my case with the needed magical equipment downstairs, I set it on the map table. Taking my satchel, I remove the books I plan on using.
Rejoining Ruby, I start to open my bag. “Doesn't look like anyone's been here and that includes the leprechaun, so you’re in luck.” I pull out everything that I brought with me this trip and spread it out on the map table.
“Not sure how much time we’re gonna have before we’re missed, but we shouldn’t push it. I’ve felt people’s eyes on me since I went back to the Bunker. I know Dean has got them watching every move I make. That’s why I just needed to get away here… there are too many things we’ve got to get right to make it out of all this shit and those can’t be done with an audience.” 
I look over at Ruby doing her own unpacking and then I hold up two brushes. “Ready to get started? Wards first I think. Not sure this place is angel proof… but it's about to be.”
Taking out my materials, I rub the outside of the candle with frankincense. Using a mortar and pestle to grind the herbs needed to powder. Laying the dried herbs out on a paper towel, I roll the candle over them while it is still wet with the oil.
Placing the candle in the holder, I light it and let it burn down. While that works, I move on.
Reaching into my satchel, I take out my jar of graveyard dirt, juniper berries, black salt, and patchouli oil. Cleaning out my mortar and pestle, I grind the juniper berries, add the patchouli oil, and mix them together.
I add a small amount of the graveyard dirt to the juniper berry mix and add the black salt. Once it’s finished, I walk around the bunker and put a few grains of the mix at each doorway and any windows.
“That should do it.”
By the time the warding on the Bunker was as complete as we two could make it, I knew our time this trip was rapidly coming to an end. Returning to the map room, I started sliding the chairs, end tables and some of the larger pieces of equipment back against the walls opening up a bigger space for us to work in. I’ve already started to think of this space in my mind as our Base Camp, a place to try and prepare ourselves for the days to come.
“Ruby, I need to know that if things go South and we get separated, you’ll come to this Bunker. I’ll do the same, that way we can regroup and decide what to do next.” Digging around in the bottom of my duffle I pull out a small wooden box. “Here, it’s another key for this place, keep it with you. okay?”
Taking the key from Sam, I drop it into my satchel. “Good idea. We need to know where we’ll be. Now I think we need to be able to get you started on being able to pop yourself places. You game?”
“Game?” Chuckles “Not really sure this is something I ever considered I’d have to be game about… Okay, okay. You tell me what to do and I’ll give it a try.”
“Let’s start easy. Pop from where you are right now, to the other side of the room. You can close your eyes if it helps, but it’s not necessary. Just concentrate on ‘being’ over by the table. You’ve meditated for years. It’s the same kind of feeling.”
“I doubt this is going to feel anything like meditation Ruby.” I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I can instantly feel the added surge of power that’s been underlying all of my movements since I accepted the Blade from Abel. I focus my attention on the other side of the room for a bit and then crack open one eye to see if anything actually happened.
“You did it Sam.” I laugh “You look as surprised as I am.” 
“Shut up, Ruby” But I do look around me surprised that it was that easy.
Grinning “Now, try to pop behind me.”
Feeling a little more confident, I leave my eyes open this time and just focus my sight on the spot directly behind Ruby. In less than a seconds time I find myself standing behind her and I reach out and give her hair a tug.
“Nice job Sam. Ok, let’s make it a little harder. Let’s have you pop to somewhere you can’t see, like the kitchen. Distance doesn’t matter when you’re teleporting, you just have to see yourself being there.”
I shake my arms and bounce a bit to loosen up a little. Then nod and blow out a deep breath. “Okay.. I can do this” Closing my eyes, I imagine the Bunker’s kitchen and instantly vanish.
Watching Sam disappear, I think, maybe the boy is getting this. Suddenly I hear loud crashes and glass breaking coming from the kitchen, followed quickly by Sam’s “I’m okay, I’m okay” I start laughing as I roll my eyes.* 
I walk back out to the map room brushing glass pieces and flour from my shirt and hold up one finger in warning. “Not a word Ruby.”
His words just set me off on another round of laughter.
“Alright, alright” Chuckling now myself. “You know, that’s kinda fun to do… and on that note, I think it’s time we get out of here. I don’t want my absence to be noticed.”
I pull the now empty duffle over my shoulder and turn back to Ruby. “Want me to try and pop us home?”
Grabbing my now empty satchel, I look up and see Sam’s little boy eager face and tell him, “That’s a hard pass from me.” I chuckle “We’ll work up to that and try it later Sam.”
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Sexercise [18+]
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TW: rough sex, multiple partners, overstimulation, oral sex, penetration, spanking, choking, hair pulling, smacking (face), fingering, bruising
Word count: 6.8K
Summary: When you go to a new gym for special workouts but you aren't getting your needs met. Your trainer is here to help, offering special sessions to help get both of your sexual frustrations out.
A/N: Okay, shit writing BUT just think about the concept. I took the liberty of writing this piece because I couldn't get it out of my head!! This collab was really fun to do! Although stressful, I would love to do it again! Check out all the other writer's work for this collab! They are all so talented and just W O W
Inspired by the Korean Webtoon: Sexercise! It's actually really good and I was so obsessed with it. Here's my version but with Bakugou <3
Also, sorry if I tag the trigger warnings wrong >< I'm so new to this!
You stepped out of the freshly, hot shower, carefully drying every inch of your body before putting on the exercise clothes the gym had provided you.
You know. You didn’t bring your own clothes and the gym gave you some to wear? Well, this isn’t your typical gym.
It all started when you saw their promotion flyer hidden behind many others on the bulletin board on your way home. You’ve been meaning to get back to the gym and this one looked promising. A new form of exercise that’ll make you come back for more? Curiosity got the best of you and you headed to the gym to check it out.
Upon arriving, it looked like a regular gym. They had all the necessary equipment that you see in any gym. What’s so special about this gym? And what ‘new form’ of exercise were they talking about, you asked yourself.
“Hi, are you new here?” you hear a voice from behind you. You spun around to see a beautiful, fit woman greet you.
“Ah, yes I’m actually looking to sign up for that new form of exercise written on this flyer,” you explained, showing the lady the flyer you picked up. She grabbed it from you, shocked and disbelief written all over her face.
“Who the fuck did this?” she grumbled under her breath. But she did it right in front of you so you heard everything she said. She didn’t sound too happy, by the way her eyebrows crunched in rage. Her reaction made you back away, feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to come to this gym after all. The lady noticed how you were shifting in your stance and cleared her throat, fixing her posture to look professional.
“Sorry if I scared you,” she laughed embarrassedly. “We just don’t promote this gym very much so it was a surprise to see this flyer. I’m guessing you’re not familiar with the workouts we do here?”
“Uhm, not really,” you say shyly. She looks you up and down and thinks for a moment. Then, she goes behind her desk and pulls out this thick contract.
“Well, before we get started, I’m going to need you to sign this nondisclosure agreement and fill out your personal information here. After all this is completed, I can take you around for a tour!” she exclaimed. You were a bit reluctant to even sign this and was about to walk out the door. What kind of gym is this that you need to sign an NDA? But it couldn’t hurt right?
When you signed the last line of that NDA form, she took you on your tour right away. And that’s when you found out the through about this gym.
“Ah, fuck~!”
“HNGH, hah!”
“Good, I wanna see 10 more reps.”
This gym helps their members enjoy working out through the pleasure of sex.
So here you were, stretching your muscles out in your assigned room for your first session. You felt that familiar feeling at the bottom of your stomach due to nervousness and excitement. You’ve always loved having sex. Having multiple partners? Eh, not so much. But you’ve been single for way too long and it’s been a while since you’ve had a good sex experience. Plus, you’ve been meaning to start exercising again so this was such a perfect gym for you. You’re just hoping that it’ll meet your expectations.
You heard two voices coming in your direction. A muscular man with dark green hair and similar clothes to what you were wearing and an angry, blondie with a trainer outfit on were entering the room, chatting away like they knew each other.
“(y/n)?” the blonde one spoke up.
“Ah, yes. That’s me,” you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and reached out your hand to shake the trainer’s hand.
“Bakugou. I’ll be your trainer today,” he introduced himself. His palm in yours felt so heavy andstrong. He gripped your hand firmly, but only for a second and let go, his presence leaving you empty. Who knew that someone could have that kind of effect on you. You wanted so badly to take his large hands and have them roam all around your bod- You shook your head out of these naughty thoughts. What were you thinking? Sure, you were having sex but this was your workout, not some hookup. Plus, he’s your trainer. He’s not the one you were going to have sex with. It was that handsome hunk beside him.
“Introduce yourself,” Bakugou nudged the man. The green-haired man gave you a shy smile and a small wave.
“Midoriya Izuku. Most people call me Deku, but you can call me by what makes you most comfortable,” Deku says. You smile. His personality and demeanor reminded you of a puppy. But not a small puppy. He was more like a Great Dane: sweet but large in size. Looking at both of them now, they were both very muscular, almost towering over your small figure. You looked over at your trainer who was writing something down on his clipboard. Now he was very attractive. He’s got the face, the voice, the body. God, he was your type. Your partner was also good looking. No matter how much you wanted to have this session with someone else, your partner will do for now. With a build like that, you were sure you were going to enjoy this sex session.
“Alright, (y/n). Since this is your first time here, I’ll run over the basics. Before every session, each partner will give the other a massage to loosen up. If you could lay on the mat, please,” he instructs, pointing over to the mat that was laying on the floor.
You nodded in understand, laying on your stomach and resting your chin on your arms. Deku comes up behind you, sitting on top of the back of your legs. You jump in surprise, but Deku hushes you and gently pushes you back down.
“I’ll make you feel good, don’t worry,” he leans down to whisper in your ear.
Deku starts his massage by pressing both of his thumbs in the middle of your back, going up your spine. You almost let out a moan of pleasure from how good you felt. His large hands felt amazing on your back. Damn, forget about the sex. You’ll gladly be content with this. His hands skillfully rubbed your entire back, switching between a firm and soft pressure. You definitely felt relaxed and comfortable now. So this is why they start off every session with a massage. You were about to fully succumb to his touch, that is, until your trainer interrupted you.
“Okay, you can switch now. Sir, please lay on your stomach,” he instructed. Ah, right. You were still being talked through everything by Mr. Grumpy Pants here. Deku was used to this, so he laid down and you were the one to get on top now.
You started your massage off slow. Your touch was soft and gently, trying to touch every part of his body and get him to relax as much as possible. You tried copying a few of his moves, improvising here and there. So far, so good. You could feel Deku’s muscles loosen under you and he sighed in satisfaction.
“Alright, sir. Now I’m gonna have you lay on your back. Ma’am, go ahead and massage his chest,” Bakugou instructed. Swiftly and skillfully, Deku maneuvered his body around so that you were straddling his waist from the front.
“Oh!” you made a sound of surprise. You could have gotten up and let him take his time turning around, but he had his own plans. You could tell he’s done this many times before.
You were shy about giving him the massage at first. It’s not the first time you’ve touched a man’s chest, but it was your first time giving a massage with the man looking at you with such intense eyes. Deku’s hands were crossed behind his head, enjoying the show he was given. His eyes never left yours for a second, making sure he mapped every inch, every curve of your body and imprinted in his brain. You didn’t know where to look. While he was staring at with you eyes of lust, you were looking anywhere else but him; his chest, the floor, your hands. How could you concentrate when he’s looking at you like that?
You couldn’t help but shift in your position to get more comfortable, but in doing so, you sat right on his crotch. A bolt of electricity shot through your body when you felt his hard on growing larger with each passing second. It took you everything in your power not to moan right then and there. You didn’t want to look desperate so soon in the session. But Deku was making it so hard. Bakugou looked up from his clipboard to see a very obvious tent in the male’s pants.
“Hard already? It’s only the beginning of the massage,” Bakugou pointed out. Deku smirks and puts one hand on your thigh, caressing firmly.
“What can I say? She’s a beautiful girl,” Deku compliments. Bakugou doesn’t respond to his comment and instead, instructs him to do something else.
“Sir, please massage her breasts in this position,” Bakugou says. Without hesitation, Deku gropes your breasts with his massive hands. Every time he squeezed a bit too tightly, every time he readjusts his pose, it was all driving you mad. The heat between your thighs was telling you that you wanted, needed, to be touched. You bit your lips to stop another moan from coming out. Deku takes notice of your small action and decides, with a devilish smirk, to take matters into his own hands. He grabs a hold of your waist and juts his hips upwards so that his boner rubbed against your sopping, wet cunt. With so much force he put into that thrust, your body got pushed forward, allowing Deku to grab your breasts even more tightly. Finally, that long awaited moan escapes your lips.
“There we go,” Deku whispers, continuing his movements. You closed your eyes, enjoying the friction he was supplying you with. But before anything could get too heated, Bakugou, once again, interrupts.
“You probably already know what to do but I’ll explain just in case,” Bakugou starts, putting down his clipboard and goes to the draw that was sitting on the side. He brings out a bottle of oil and kneels behind you. “May I?” he asks while pointing to your top.
“Ah, yes,” you softly say. With his rough, calloused hands, he rakes his fingers up your side before removing your top. Your breasts spill out with a flop, making Deku’s eyes widen in thirst. Bakugou disregards his reaction, continues to put oil on his hands and starts to massage your breasts.
“Be careful when massaging women’s breasts. You don’t want to be too rough that it hurts or too soft that she can’t feel anything. The closer you get to the nipple, the more sensitive she is so be careful when touching them,” Bakugou explains. Like a pro, he starts to play around and twists your sensitive nipples. But just like in his explanation, he used different pressures in different areas to give you the ultimate pleasure. You moan in ecstasy, allowing yourself to submit to his touch. The back of your head landed on his shoulder and you just laid it there while he played with your breasts. Bakugou chuckled softly in your ear and gently pushed you up.
“Okay, give it a try,” he was addressing Deku. Deku nodded with excitement, eager to continue the session. Bakugou guides you to your partner, but his touch lingered on your back for a second too long. You looked back at your trainer and made eye contact with those fiery, crimson eyes. But your attention was stolen by the green-haired man under you. Deku had this talk to many times before that he goes right in to touch your soft, naked tits. It doesn’t take long for his tongue to find its way to your nipple. His wet tongue sliding against your sensitive buds excited you and only made you want more. You started griding your hips downwards to meet his upwards thrusts.
Very quickly, the chemistry between you two started getting more heated. Clothes were coming off one by one. Deku moves so that he is sitting up while you straddle. You cupped his face and brought him in for a kiss. As you guys were making out, you pull his shirt up to reveal part of his abs. At first, you just wanted to tease and feel his body but your horniess was off the charts and just touching caused you to want more of him.
For a moment, Izuku separates from you to take his shirt off and then his lips are right back on yours. Then he leans you back so you’re laying on your back and he’s leaning over you. He quickly disposes of his clothes and then rips your pants off. He sees that you’re already so wet and don’t need prepping. Neither does Deku apparently. When you looked down, he dick was so erect that precum was already leaking out.
Deku leans over you, panting slightly from your make out session, and lines his dick up with your entrance while pumping it a few times. Before he’s right about to stick it in, Bakugou slaps the back of his head. A now agitated Deku springs up, but before he could say anything, Bakugou just throws a condom at him.
“Slow down. Don’t forget that this is an exercise session. Now I want to see 50 reps,” Bakugou scolded.
“Fuckin hell,” he complains. He looks back at you and smirks. “Ready?” You nod eagerly wanting more than anything to just be fucked right now.
Deku slides his throbbing cock inside your long awaited pussy and you swear you could see stars. The stretch from his thick, veiny dick felt so amazing that your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Deku stayed still to let you adjust to his size. The feeling of being stuffed by a fat cock, and by a handsome guy at that, is already making your pussy clench tightly around him.
Deku lets out a sigh of pleasure and starts thrusting. The numbing feeling caused all his hairs to stand on end.
God, when he put his dick in, man did it feel good. But as soon as he started fucking you, you didn’t feel fully… satisfied. The initial stretch was the best feeling you’ve had yet. For some reason, the sex didn’t feel as good as you wanted it to be. Maybe you were too into your head? Maybe you just had to relax and just have a good time. But that was hard to do when your partner was whispering the countdown to himself.
There was no doubt that Izuku was enjoying his time with you, but he was so concentrated on the 50 reps that he wasn’t thinking about making you feel good. He thrusted inside you, not taking into consideration of where inside you he was hitting. Heat rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment. This wasn’t what you had in mind for your first session. You felt bad that you weren’t enjoying it, but you didn’t want to show it. With each snap of his hips, you forced out a moan to make it believe that you were having a good time. Every now and then, you’d let out a bigger, more convincing moan to change it up a bit.
This sucks. What’s the different between this and having sex with some stranger after a night out? They both can’t hit the right spot. He isn’t even going the speed you want him to. You wanted to be pounded into. You wanted him to fuck you so hard and so rough that you can’t walk the next morning. You wanted him to leave dark bruises all over your body but he wasn’t giving it to you.
You started getting bored midway through his reps and opened your eyes to look around the room. Maybe you could entertain yourself some other way while Deku was having his fun. You happened to look at your trainer who was looking at his own clipboard. He wasn’t even paying attention to you guys at all. He was writing down notes. What was he really writing though? Bakugou glanced away from his notes and made eye contact with you for a quick second. It was only for a second but it was enough to make you feel embarrassed that you got caught. You immediately closed your eyes to pretend that that small little eye contact didn’t happen.
“…48…49….50!” Izuku finally finished, giving you a nice, deep, hard thrust to finish it all off. That was good, but not enough. You eventually got fed up and flipped him over so that now you were on top. You were going to ride him until you were satisfied and full. But before you could lower yourself onto him, Deku holds your shoulders to stop you. He became a little flustered that you decided to take control because this wasn’t a part of the session. He looked at Bakugou for approval and he sighed, but eventually nodded his head.
“We can change it up,” Bakugou allowed. “But, (y/n). Now I want to see 50 reps from you.” He instructed.
“Yes sir,” you replied quickly. You just wanted him inside you, you didn’t have time for this chit-chat. So slowly but surely, you lowered yourself onto his dick, gasping the way he filled you up. You were able to fully sit, his dick disappearing completely inside you. The tip finally hit you where you wanted. Using your heels as leverage, you moved in the way you wanted. You made sure that pull all the way out before slamming into his dick again, loving the way he just fills you up. You loved how you were in control, shaking your ass up and down, hearing your sloppy cunt slap against his skin, how wet it must be down there.
God, but you wanted more. You guided Deku’s hands to grab your ass but all he does it grab onto it. Maybe a squeeze here and there. He was so entranced in the sex, his head was tilted back with his eyes shut closed, constant moans escaped his mouth. He loved the feeling of your pussy clenched around him to even think about anything. But you bit your lip in frustration. You didn’t want his hands just laying on you. You wanted him smack it with as much force as he could. He could put those muscles to use and man handle you a little. But you were here to fend for yourself. A visible pout was permanent on your lips but your partner wasn’t able to see it because he was enjoying himself below you.
But your trainer did. Bakugou was paying close attention to you. From the moment Izuku’s cock entered you to your little pout, he noted every movement and every expression you made. He raised an eyebrow, noting that small action and saving it for later.
Deku’s moans were growing louder and more inconsistent. He bucked his hips up, trying to be in motion with you but was getting sloppier by the second. It soon became too much for him and hot, white cum exploded inside the condom.
“Fuuuuck,” Izuku let out one last breath and flopped his arm out in exhaustion. He took a minute to catch his breath while you were getting off him and already started cleaning yourself up. Dammit, you didn’t even cum.
You were gathering your belongings, meanwhile, Izuku was chatting it up with Bakugou again. Before he leaves, Izuku comes up to you, places a hand on your lower back and gave you a genuine smile.
“Thanks for the amazing session,” he said. You gave him your best, fakest smile.
“Back at ya,” you reply. Your smile dropped the moment you turned around and you sighed in annoyance. You hated to think that you’d have to go home to finish yourself off but it looks like that’s exactly what you were going to have to do. Bakugou came up behind you and cleared his throat, causing you to jump in place.
“How was your first session?” he asked. You took a sip of your water to give it a bit of thought. Was this a fun experience? Oh, most definitely. Would you do it again? Probably. Did you cum? Hard no.
“It was good,” you lied. The experience was definitely new and refreshing but the sex was so mediocre that it was almost a little boring. But you couldn’t tell your trainer that. So you gave a sweet smile and picked up your bag. “I’ll see you at the next session!”
But the next session felt exactly the same as the first. You had a different partner this time. A big, scruffy dude with semi-long red hair that was pulled in a ponytail. He was just as built as Izuku, if not bigger. He had the cutest and sweetest personality. And just seeing him, you’d think this cute puppy would turn into a hungry wolf but you were wrong. As per usual.
Bakugou had made you kneel on this couch that he had provided. Kirishima was fucking you from behind but not hitting any of the right spots. His large hands were placed on your hips but they were glued there and he wasn’t touching you anywhere else.
Again, you faked your moans to mask the image of you not having a good time. Though, when you peeked behind you to get a look at your partner, he was in pure bliss. Eyes closed, mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, sweat trickling down his forehead. Damn, was it a sexy sight. At least he was having a fun time.
Every now and then, your mind would wander. It could be many things: you could think about what you were going to eat for dinner, or what your partner was like in bed with a lover, or if you forgot to turn the light off in your bathroom. Oh shit, what were you doing again? You opened one eye and Kirishima was focused solely on slamming his dick in your vagina. Sighing, you had to remind yourself that this was meant for exercise, not for pleasure. Although, it would be nice if you could feel nice too once in a while. Exercise was the prime reason you signed up but like… you thought it would be a win-win situation.
Your mind continued to wander for the rest of the session until you mind was set on a certain trainer you have the hots for. You could see his muscles through his tight fitted shirt, making him look even more buff than he already was. He looked so strong, you could only imagine what having sex with him was like.
You could imagine it now; face twisted in pleasure as he pounds into mercilessly, just like how you want it. You could feel that familiar butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach just thinking about it. But then, you thought that he must be like all the other men; only chasing their own high instead of pleasuring their partner.
Session after session was exactly the same. You can pleasure that dick, but he can’t even find the clit. But honestly, you were okay with it because at least you could exercise while doing your favorite sport.
You were wiping yourself up after one session, drinking from a bottled water as your trainer, Bakugou, comes up behind you.
“How was the session?” Bakugou asked after your partner has just left the room. You took another sip of water before answering.
“Mhm, it was okay,” you tried your best to sound positive. You thought your conversation was going to end there, like it always has but something in Bakugou decided to investigate a little further.
“How do you really feel?” he questions you, stepping a little closer and observing your facial features for any lies. “I could tell that you weren’t enjoying it. Off day?” You put your water bottle away, thinking of how to respond to him. Did you really want to tell him how you were really feeling? You didn’t want to seem like a freak to him. Did you really want to tell him how you like to be choked, so much so that you feel like you can’t breath. Or that you want someone to just spank you until there’s bruises because you love the idea of being marked. Or that you want to feel stuffed to the brim but still beg for more?
“I just like it a little rough,” you explained. Bakugou nods his head and hums in understanding.
“I thought they were going pretty rough on you,” he thought. But you just groaned and rolled your eyes.
“I guess, but I want more!” you exclaim, letting out an exasperated sigh. “This is why I have such a hard time with my sex life because every guy is too busy chasing after their own high that they forget that I need to feel good too. Not every guy is into rough sex. I know that. But I just want someone to blow my back out for once! Like not holding back and just fuck me until I’m in tears… but one can only dream, right?” you chuckled at the end. You didn’t mean to go on a tangent but fuck it, why not? He’s your trainer anyway. He’s supposed to know everything about you if he wants to tend to your needs. Bakugou just looks at you in silence. You take that as a sign to continue.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. This whole program is fun and I really love the idea but just once in a while, I want to have good sex, too,” you continued to open up to your trainer. You finally turned your head to get a look at his reaction to your rant and you saw those crimson getting closer and closer to you until you were right under him, looking up. Your heart skips a beat having him so close to you. You could smell his burnt vanilla caramel cologne, his scent filling all of your senses at once.
“Then would you like a private session?” he asks you in a whisper, his head tilted down at you. You were so mesmerized by him that you followed his every move.
“With who?” you asked.
“Me.” He responded in that sexy, raspy voice of his.
“Now.” Bakugou pushes you against the cold mirror as a form of intimidation. Bakugou knows that he shouldn’t be doing this. Taking advantage of your weakness, suggesting private sessions when he’s strictly not allowed to, especially not on company’s time. It was wrong. But he’s had his eyes on you since the moment you walked in the gym for the very first time. And when you said what you said earlier, it was practically fate that you became one of his students.
The cold mirror touching your back sent you into shock, but the warmness of his body touching your chest made up for it all. He tilts your chin up so you could look in his half closed eyes full of lust. And then you couldn’t take it anymore.
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in for a hungry kiss. Your lips smashed together, causing your teeth to crash but you didn’t care. And neither did Bakugou because he was just as hungry as you, kissing you with the same amount of passion.
He wraps his arm your waist, pulling you closer to him, if that was even possible at this point. With one swift handful of ass, he lifts you off your feet so that your legs were wrapped around his waist. The moment you became stable, Bakugou gives your ass a smack, making you jolt up.
“Mhm!” you made a surprised noise through the kiss but didn’t stop kissing him. God, you didn’t want to stop. When you came back down, you could feel his erection resting right on top of your clit. He carries you to one of the equipment stored in the room, a couch, while you grind on him, hopping to get more friction to stimulate your needs.
As soon as your back hit the couch, clothes were already being stripped off of you. There goes your shirt, then your sports bra. Finally, your pants. Last but not least, your lace panties that were already wet from your previous session are now even more soaked from his teasing. Wasting no time in discarding your panties, he pulls your waist I so that you’re laying flat on your back, your pussy right in his face I all of its glory.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet for me. I haven’t even done anything yet,” he says. You could feel his beath tickling your wet folds. He was so close yet so far. Just having his breath on you made your pussy clench over nothing. Bakugou puts his nose right on your clit, taking a good whiff of your after workout sex. God, it was intoxicating and he couldn’t wait to dig right in.
“Thank you for the food,” he says before completely devouring you. He took no time in exploring every fold, every inch of your pussy, eating you out like there was no tomorrow. He was rough around your entrance but soft and gentle around your clit. It was like light feather licks, barely touching you but sending you into sensory overload. When he got closer to your entrance, that’s when he started to get rough. Slurping and devouring your wetness, getting every last drop and leaving no leftovers.
Bakugou grabbed hold of your thighs, squeezing them and pulling your body even closer to his face so he could tongue fuck you. His tongue enters you, pushing its way through to get a better taste of your sweet cunt. At the same time, your mouth is hung open in pleasure, moans spilling out of your mouth and you couldn’t stop. Bakugou took this opportunity to stick three fingers in your mouth.
“Noisy bitch. Suck,” he commanded. And so you sucked on his fingers, like a little girl eating her lollipop. He only had three fingers in your mouth, but they were so thick that you couldn’t possibly put any more in. Yet you still covered his fingers in your thick saliva, making sure each finger was coated and wet enough so he could fuck you.
You looked up at him, purposefully making a sultry face, with your big, innocent eyes. You wanted to give him a small show, making sure that he was watching every move that you made. Your tongue found its way in between each finger, licking up and down, sucking each individual finger, and letting go with a loud ‘pop’. You got disappointed when Bakugou removed his hands from you mouth. But was pleasantly surprised when he stuck all three fingers in your throbbing cunt without warning. It’s not like you needed the prepping anyway when you were already soaking wet. Your back arched and chills ran down your spine. You didn’t know how this was possible, but the moment he entered his fingers, it was pure bliss. You already felt like you wanted to cum because he just managed to hit that magical spot in one go. You couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like when he fucks you with his fat cock.
“God, you’re so fucking tight. I can feel you clenching around me,” Bakugou watched as he slides his fingers in and out of your slick folds. He gives you a minute to adjust before picking up the pace. Every thrust of his hand, he keeps getting deeper and is always right the perfect damn spot. It was driving you mad. He hasn’t even fucked you yet and you were already a moaning mess. You couldn’t even form any words, you were such in a trance. It wasn’t before long until you had that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. The feeling gradually and rapidly escalated. Bakugou could feel it too: the way your walls clenched around his fingers a little too tight, he knew you were going to cum anytime soon.
“Bakugou~” you whined, holding onto his forearms for dear life. You needed to prepare yourself for this one.
“Gonna cum, princess?” Bakugou teased. You couldn’t answer him. More like you weren’t able to hear his question because you were so focused on this intense feeling that was going to explode any minute. Bakugou took his free hand and pushed your legs up so that they were pressed against your chest. He, then, leaned on them so weren’t able to move or squirm out of his grasp. And he went even faster, the sound of your juices was sinful.
“AH!” you screamed, letting your orgasm take over and wash over you. You thought he would stop once you had your first orgasm but he wasn’t stopping. He continued his fast pace. You wanted to make him stop, the overstimulation was getting too much for you. You tried moving your legs but Bakugou’s grip on you was nailed down. You weren’t going anywhere. You just had to take it but it still felt so good. The moment you felt like it was all too much to handle, Bakugou took his fingers out. And they were covered in a thick, white consistency. If he spread his fingers out, your cum would string along each finger. Bakugou didn’t hesitate to lick it all off with one swipe of his tongue.
“On all fours,” he demanded, standing up while pumping his cock for you. You didn’t have to be asked twice. Despite the numb feeling in between your legs, you enthusiastically got on your hands and knees, ready to be penetrated by your trainer. Bakugou gave your ass a small smack before lining his cock in front of your entrance. That small smack was enough for you to have hearts in your eyes. You let out a small mewl of delight and Bakugou smirked.
“Yeah? You like it when I smack your ass?” Bakugou asked.
“I love when you smack my ass. Please spank me again,” you begged. Bakugou took his hand and gave you cheek another blow, this time harder than the last. Bakugou made sure to look for any change in your expression, careful not to hurt you. But you wanted more. You wanted him to hit your harder.
“Spank me harder, sir,” you pleaded, moving lower so that your ass was hanging in the air. You wiggled your butt, wanting more from the strong blonde. He smirks even bigger, almost animalistic like.
“That’s a good girl,” his voice became raspy and wasted no time in giving you a nice, hard smack to your right cheek. You cried out in a pleasurable pain. You smiled into your moans, drool starting to come out from the sides of your mouth. The sound of his hand making contact to your bare cheek was so loud that it could be heard from outside the closed room. Bakugou spanked you until your cheek was red and raw from his large hands. This. This was what you wanted. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long and you were finally going to get it.
Oh sweetie, the main course hasn’t even started yet. How could you feel this good when he hasn’t even fucked you yet? You could feel the tip of his dick teasing your entrance. You wanted to lean into him yourself, not wanting to wait any longer, but Bakugou had a strong hold on your hips. He gave his cock a few more pumps before slowly sliding his cock inside your ready, wet pussy.
You both moaned in sync at the feeling: his fat cock throbbing inside you and your tight pussy clenching around his cock. Bakugou started thrusting at a good pace. But just like how his fingers felt, he was hitting that sweet spot of yours perfectly. Every thrust was making you see stars.
“Mhm~ Bakugou, faster!” you whined in between moans. Bakugou grabs a fistful of hair before pulling you up so that your back was arched.
“Needy, aren’t we? And what if I say no?” Bakugou asked in your ear. You just whimpered, reaching behind you to grasp his waist and force him to go faster as you try to back into him at the same time. Bakugou didn’t like this too much. He let go out your hair and went straight to your neck, cutting off your air momentarily.
“Did I say you could do that?” he questioned through gritted teeth. You quickly shook your head.
“No, sir,” you barely managed to say due to your lack of oxygen. He gave you another squeeze before a few smacks to the cheek.
“There we go. Now let’s try that again. What if I say no?” he asks again. You bit your lip trying to come up with an answer. But it was hard to think with a hand was at your throat.
“Please! God, I want you so bad. I want you to fuck me, please!” you practically screamed.
“Good girl,” he said and let go of your neck. You gasped for air, coughing in the process but Bakugou didn’t allow you to fully recover. He pounded into you with no mercy. You couldn’t stop your ahego expression from happening, your tongue hung out and your eyes crossed.
He stopped pounding into you to slowly slide his cock fully out of you before slamming into you again. It felt heavenly but a naughty thought came to your mind. You were probably going to get punished for it later, but you were feeling rebellious in the moment. When he slide his cock out, before he could enter you again, you got up and pushed him on the couch. Midair, Bakugou sensed what you were doing. So instead of being victorious and pining him down, he flipped you so that you were pined against the couch, your hands pined above your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he gets close to you. You giggle and look away playfully.
“Not playing by the rules,” you laughed. Bakugou couldn’t help but break a smile as well.
“Naughty, naughty. I’ll show you who’s the dominant one,” he said and smashed his cock back inside you, not giving you time to breath or adjust to him in this new position.
You could feel another wave coming and it was fast approaching. Bakugou was being even more vocal now, huffing and groaning into your neck. His hips rutted into you sloppier each second and more frantic. He was getting close too.
You whined loudly, not being able to hold onto anything as your orgasm hit you like a tsunami so you arched your back and fumbled with your legs. The clenching of your walls caused Bakugou to reach his limit. He pulled out, spraying his cum all over your stomach and chest. His hot cum felt sticky on your skin. Despite being covered in his specimen, Bakugou pulled you close to his sweaty body, your foreheads resting together while you both catch your breath.
You entered the gym with a smile and a skip to your walk. You got a little surprised when you saw that your trainer and new partner were inside the room before you. Puffing out a cheek in disappointment, you scold yourself for not leaving earlier. You were always early to get a good stretch in. But as soon as you saw your handsome trainer, a smile came back to your face.
You rushed to his side, jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss on the lips.
“Hi, baby!” you greeted him. He smiles back at you.
“Ready for your session?” he asks and you just give him a lovey dovey smile and a nod.
“Ah, this is one of my good friends. He’ll be your partner for today,” Bakugou sets you down to introduce you to yet another partner. The two toned hair guy gives you a shy wave.
“Todoroki. You can call me Shouto,” he introduces himself. Aw, he seems really sweet. Shy, but hopefully he’s not like that in bed. Todoroki leads to you the mat on the floor to get your session started. You glanced back at your trainer and give him a wink. He shakes his head at you but you didn’t miss that smile he was trying to hide. Because you know that he was going to make up for this session later tonight.
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
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2.4k, torture, restraints, chains, rope, ghosts, magic, yandere themes, drugs
“You didn’t have to come along.”
    You checked into the hotel with your boys, taking the elevator up to your floor. You had flown out of state for work, and the other two insisted on coming along with you.
“We weren’t just going to leave you alone for two weeks.” Chan commented. “We’d be terrible boyfriends.”
“Besides, we should be supporting you.” Hyunjin added. “This is your first time working on a big set!”
“These are long shoots, overnight as well. You aren’t going to see much of me.”
“But it’ll be great to sleep in our arms, right?”
You smirked. “You got me there.”
    They took your luggage and you three made your way to the room. It was a big place, which you found unnecessary, but if they would be staying they’d need the space. You unpacked a few things, constantly checking your phone for schedule changes and mapping out the fastest route to set.
“What time will you be leaving?” Hyunjin asked.
“In half an hour, maybe sooner. I don’t wanna be late on my first day.”
“You’re gonna do amazing.”
    Despite your original protests, and all your arguments, you were kinda glad they had come along. You would have missed them so much otherwise. As you gathered up your things, you called for a cab, double checking everything.
“Alright, I’m off. You two stay out of trouble please.”
“We will.” Chan assured. “We’ll keep an eye on each other, so don’t worry about us.”
“Yeah, just do a good job.”
“Thanks, love you both.” You gave each a kiss. “Bye.”
    They happily watched you go, sending you supportive texts as well. Once you were gone they glance at each other. They wanted to be there for you, although neither really had any plans. Every now and then they’d bring up the fact you didn’t need to work and the three of you could just live in luxury and do whatever, but you enjoyed your profession, and so they’d support you.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
    Everything was fine the first night. They kept themselves busy, seeing what they could do in the area. Staying up late to welcome you back and make sure to tuck you into bed properly. Although as their stay continued, that’s when the voices began.
Where is she?
“Huh?  Chan did you say something?”
How could you let her go?
“You okay, Hyunjin?”
“I think I’m going to go take a nap.”
“Alright. If y/n gets back soon I’ll send her right over.”
    Hyunjin retreated to the bedroom, already feeling better in bed and drifting off. Even if it was a nap he didn’t have sweet dreams, tossing around a bit, feeling cold and like something was grabbing him tightly.
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    The boy opened his eyes to a strange scene. Chains were wrapped around his body, Chan standing above him, eyes glowing red.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
What about you?
Where is she? You just let her leave.
What if she doesn’t come back? What if she’s hurt?
“Dude are you okay? We’ve only been here for a few days and she’s-”
    The chains suddenly went taut, holding Hyunjin down properly. The one around his throat started to get tighter. Chan placed a foot on his chest, putting pressure.
You’re not worthy of her.
You say you love her but you let her walk away. You can’t look after her, you’re not worthy.
    The taunts continued, driving out everything else. The lights were flickering, his vision blur. Your voice started seeping in as well, your screams and cries for help.
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    Chan was channel surfing when he got a text from you, telling him you would be staying later than expected. He told you to be careful, and that he’d stay up to welcome you despite your protests, but he would take a nap as you suggested. He thought about going to the bedroom, but he didn’t want to disturb Hyunjin so he just laid down on the couch, letting the TV play.
Why did you let her go?
You don’t love her.
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    Chan opened his eyes, taking in his situation. He wasn’t on the couch he remembered laying down on, but a table, chains wrapping around his body. The strangest part was Hyunjin standing at the table’s end, looking down on him.
You don’t deserve her.
“What are you talking about? What is all this?”
You let her walk out.
She could be in danger.
“She’s fine. Dude, what the fuck-”
You’re not worthy of her.
    Hyunjin stomped his foot down on Chan’s chest, applying pressure, giving the oldest something more to struggle against. Chan was trying to break, freezing when he heard your screaming. It made him desperate to be free, to find you and protect you, but Hyunjin suddenly seemed to have such strength. He continued his struggle, panic filling him as you called out for him, needing him. Then it all stopped as he seemed to wake up from his nightmare.
    Chan didn’t understand what had just happened, moreso since he found himself on a table. He looked around as he caught his breath, relieved that you weren’t around screaming for him. A part of him thought to go check on Hyunjin, but he was rather embarrassed over his situation. Unbeknownst to him though, Hyunjin himself had just woken up from a similar nightmare, catching his breath in relief, both having the same thought.
“It was just a dream.”
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    Neither of them talked about the nightmare, thinking it was because of stress. You were out working, keeping yourself busy, while they were stuck in a penthouse suite waiting around for you. Your job also made it so you couldn’t be on your phone much, so they’d go hours without hearing from you. It was certainly nerve racking, but that’s why they chose to come along. They knew you were just an hour away if something happened, and they’d get to comfort you when you got back, whenever that was.
    Of course that dream wasn’t the end of it. Things would be quiet when you were around, but that never lasted. Moments after you were gone the voices would come back, whispering in their ears about the danger you were in. They shouldn’t let you leave, they should keep you close, and safe. The nightmares continued as well, finding themselves chained up, tormented by the other to do better, to protect you. It was hell, and how could it not leave a mark, how could they not agree. 
     You weren’t entirely unaware of their behavior, at one point having caught them staring intently at themselves in the mirror. Given the look on their face you figured they might have decided to get high, and were currently on a trip. You giggled to yourself and pressed a kiss to each ones cheek before heading out. That wasn’t the only strange thing. The one night you had off and could have dinner with them was certainly a strange one. You were chatty, talking about work, but they were deadly quiet, staring at each other.
“Are you guys okay?”
“We should leave.”
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    Hyunjin’s words caught you off guard. There was something in his voice you couldn’t quite make out, but you knew he was serious.
“I agree with you.”
    Neither of them looked at you, clearly talking to themselves. It was certainly annoying given that they didn’t need to be there. It dawned on you then that maybe they weren’t talking to you, and were thinking about heading back home. You couldn’t blame them, they’re probably getting cabin fever being locked up just waiting for you.
“I… I guess that’s best. You’d probably be more comfortable, and I still have a week of filming.”
“You’re coming with us.”
    The two suddenly turned to you, sending a shiver down your spine. You calmed yourself down and laughed.
“I’m not done with work, so I can’t go.”
“Just quit.” Hyunjin stated. “You don’t need a job, you have us.”
“We’ll give you everything.” Chan added. “We’ll keep you safe.”
“You guys should probably go home. You never should have come with if you’re just going to wait around for me. I appreciate you coming out, but I’ll be okay on my own.”
“No, we’re not leaving you alone.”
“We’re going home.”
“I’m not going anywhere!” You took a breath. “You know I’m just exhausted and I’m going to bed. You’re more than welcome to leave, I’m fine either way.”
    You started making your way out when both boys stood up and each grabbed one of your arms, yanking you back. You swear you saw a red glow in their eyes as they held you.
“You’re coming home with us.” Hyunjin repeated. “Okay?”
“I said no, I have work.”
    The two started dragging you along to the bedroom, tossing you on the bed. You swear they weren’t that strong before. They started throwing things into suitcases, and it made you certain they were frustrated. You were too, but you were more worried about them. You got out of bed and went over to Hyunjin and took his hand, and pulled him along so you could grab Chan’s hand too. They both stopped and looked at you.
“Guys, take it easy. I get you’re frustrated, I am too, but you don’t need to wait around for me. There’s a whole city out there, you don’t need to get high to have fun.”
“You’re exhausted.” Chan stated. “We should go home.”
“Listen to me, I’m fine. Yeah I’m tired, but I’ve been having a lot of fun.”
“You’re in danger.”
“When you leave us you’re in danger.” Hyunjin said. “Bad things could happen to you.”
“You’re overreacting.”
“Stay with us.”
    Hyunjin pulled you in for a kiss, and away from Chan, who took this opportunity to leave the room. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You pulled away with a smile, but his grip on you remained.
“We’re going home.”
“You guys are seriously starting to annoy me.”
“Just listen to us.”
“Let go!”
    You shoved Hyunjin away and stormed out of the room. You needed some air, making your way to the balcony. Although you stopped when you heard some rattling noise, following it until you found the source.
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“Chan? Are you… were did you get-”
“We’ll keep you safe.”
    He suddenly turned around, whipping one of the chains at you. Despite throwing it point blank you swear the thing moved with a mind of its own, trying to wrap around your arm. You had reacted quickly enough that you were just out of range, and when your attention returned to Chan you could see the red glow in his eyes. You screamed and ran, your mind racing with possibilities. You didn’t know what was happening, but you just wanted to get out. You opened the doors to the lobby that would lead out of the suite, but you were met with a familiar face.
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“Going somewhere?”
    Your eyes went wide seeing Hyunjin wrapped up in red rope. You were frozen from shock, but when the rope suddenly fell at his side you had an idea what was about to happen, so you turned around and ran. You needed to hide, catch your breath and figure out your next move. The suite was big, so it wasn’t so hard to find a place to hide, a closet specifically. You had no idea what was going on, starting to think you were asleep, or that you had taken something without knowing
    It was then that you remembered what some coworkers had told you before. When you told them where you were staying many told you to go somewhere else, claiming that this place was haunted. You didn’t believe them, and also not like you were around much to see any evidence of their claims. Although Chan and Hyunjin were spending all day here, and perhaps those rumors were true. You were certainly living in that possibility.
“Y/n! Help us!”
“Don’t leave us!”
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    You thought you were hallucinating, hearing them calling out for you. A part of you was tempted to go out and look for them, but you knew this wasn’t real, that it was just some lie to lure you out. You had to hold out, and you covered your ears, having no idea what to do. At some point the screaming stopped, but you were too scared to move. You shouldn’t have brought them here, you shouldn’t have left them alone.
    You screamed when the door opened, Chan and Hyunjin standing before you, dragging along their new accessories.
“Come here baby.” Chan cooed. “Let’s go home.”
“No… no you guys need… help…”
“You can help us.”
“Just stay with us.” Hyunjin said. “We’ll take care of you.”
    They didn’t wait on an answer this time, grabbing you and pulling you out of the closet. They held on tight, and then bits of rope and chain started to get a hold of you too. You squirmed, but there was no escape this time. You weren’t even walking anymore, being dragged back to the bedroom. When you landed on the bed you found yourself restrained.
“Guys… please… I know you’re in there, please, fight this.”
“It’s us, baby girl.” Hyunjin crawled on the bed. “Nothing’s changed, we just know the truth.”
“The truth?”
“We have to keep you safe.” Chan added. “No matter what.”
“These last few days without you has been hell.”
“It has baby, I feel like I can’t breathe without you.”
“Don’t hate us, we love you so much.”
    Chan moved up for a kiss, pinning you down, the rope and chains going taut as well to keep you from moving. Your heart was pounding in your chest, you were so afraid. When he pulled back he could see the tears in your eyes, wiping them away.
“We’re going to take you home now.”
    You suddenly felt a pressure around your neck, wrapping around tightly and squeezing. You struggled to breath, desperately squirming around, but it didn’t help you. Chan and Hyunjin watched you, a content smile on their faces.
“Sweet dreams baby girl.”
“Love you.”
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dameronology · 3 years
never doubt me {cassian andor}
summary: after falling into the hands of the empire, a situation of life and death forces you and cassian to finally talk about your feelings {for @megmeg-chan and i am sO sorry it’s taken me so long to do this}
summary: language, mentions of injury, talks ab death/loss in a canon kinda way 
enjoy!! i haven’t written for cassian in so long and i forgot how much i loved him, so expect more of him in the future😌
- jazz
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Cassian Andor was a filthy liar. 
No, deep breath. He wasn't that bad. 
The situation was just really fucking irritating and, in all likelihood, making your anger towards him a little more irrational. It wasn't really even his fault either. He'd told you incessantly that the mission was going to go well, and that you both going to be fine. Like, totally fiiiine, and that you would both get into the base without trouble and reunite in the middle, near the Imperial comms system. It was just that neither of you had planned for or expected stormtroopers to be present -- he'd gotten away in one piece, but you hadn't been so lucky. 
That brings us to now: a cell, with two stormtroopers parked outside and quite literally no sign of Cassian anywhere. You knew he'd be looking for you; in fact, you didn't doubt it once. There was a sort of unspoken pact between you that you would always rescue one another; always have each other's backs and never leave the other behind. It was born from the fact that friendships were hard to forge in your line of work, and what you and Cassian had was rare. Not even just in the Rebellion, but rather life in general. On the surface, you teased and ripped into one another to no end. The chemistry was almost suffocating for the people around you, because they could never get a word in edge ways. Then, if you dug a little deeper, there was something more. Something sweeter, something more supportive. You knew him better than he knew himself and in return, he could read you like his favourite novel (though, admittedly, it did sometimes feel like you were missing a few pages. Human complexity and all that).
‘Do you feel like speaking now?’ The modulated voice of one of the stormtroopers came from the other side of your cell door.
‘I’ll die before telling you jackshit.’ You muttered. Hopefully that was more of a statement and less of a prophecy.
The trooper snorted. ‘Okay, sweetheart-’
‘- call me that again and I will shove that blaster sideways up your ass.’ You spat.
‘The only thing you’re doing is rotting here.’ 
With that, he turned his back to you again. 
You slumped further down the wall, ignoring the feeling of the cold concrete etching through the thin fabric of your shirt. It was cold in here. Really, really fucking cold, and Cassian had said you wouldn’t need a jacket. Then again, he’d said a lot of things. And again, none of it was his fault, but you cursed yourself for so blindly listening to him. It was nice that you took everything the other said as gospel, even if it came back to bite you in the ass every so often. 
‘A word of advice-’
‘- I don’t want any advice.’ You turned away from the trooper, pulling you knees to your chest. 
‘The sooner you talk, the less painful it’ll be.’ He ignored your refusal. 
You didn’t need to ask what he meant by it. You’d been part of the Rebellion long enough to have heard stories -- stories of torture, stories of war and the the kind of horrors that people often took to the grave.  You had a fair few of your own, and so did Cassian. That was probably why he’d become so important to you. He was one of the only people in the galaxy who truly understood the downfalls of being a Rebel spy. Your cause was more important to you than anything (well, almost anything) and you wouldn’t have changed it for the world, but there were times like this where you wondered if it was all worth it. Would there ever come a day where the Empire truly fell, once and for all? And would you even be around to see it? Would Cassian? 
Speaking of the devil, where the fuck was he? He never usually took this long. A few hours at most, but you’d long surpassed that. You could only very barely see the sky through the tiny window, but the sky had faded from powder blue to a dark navy, signalling it had been well over half a day. That was bad for multiple reasons -- the first being that the longer you were here, the more likely Cassian was to assume the worst and stop searching. Secondly, and perhaps most hauntingly, was that each passing second brought you closer to the Imps dragging you out the cell and taking you for questioning. And questioning, in their books, didn’t involve much talking. Go figure.
The injuries you sustained in your capture were bad enough; a bust lip, bruised eye and twisted ankle never made for much comfort. Even less so when you couldn’t get medical attention. The fact you knew it would be the least of your problems in a few hours made it all that much worst. 
You’d never doubted Cassian Andor before. Not once. Couldn’t even fathom it, truth be told. He always came through for you; always saved your ass, whether it be from yourself or from Imps. He was your person. That’s the only way you could have put it.
But, above all, he was a human being. Not a super hero, or a miracle worker. He could only do so much and you knew he would. He would follow every lead and every clue to try and get to you, but that’s all he could do. If he couldn’t find you, that wasn’t him on him. You doubted that he would think the same, and when you heard the lock to your cell open, you could only hope and pray that he knew that. That you weren’t going to blame him for what was about to happen, or hold it against him. 
‘It’s time.’ The stormtrooper announced. ‘Hope you can handle a bit of pain.’
You took a deep breath. ‘I can handle anything.’
‘I wouldn’t count on it.’ He guffawed. ‘Hands out.’
‘C’mon, man.’ You murmured. ‘My legs gone, my lips bust and my head feels someone’s dropped an iron anvil on it. You don’t need to cuff  - ouch!’
You let out a squeak as he grabbed your wrists, tugging them forward and shoving a pair of metal cuffs on them. Was this really it? The end? Was your name gonna be the next one on the list of people lost in the Rebellion? That was if anybody even noticed. 
Cassian would. Of course, Cassian would. It hurt your heart to think that you wouldn’t see him again, or get to say a proper goodbye. The last time you’d seen him, you’d been dragged away from him kicking and screaming. He’d been so close, and if he’d been just a little nearer when they’d got you, he might have been able to save you, to stop you from falling into the hands of the Empire. You always figured that if you were gonna die in the field, he’d be by your side. The dumbassery you so often found yourselves in usually happened together. 
The walls of the Imperial base were dark - as if you’d expected anything else. It was hardly like the place was going to look like a bright, airy Ikea showroom. The only light came from the thousands of tiny red and blue buttons flickering on the wall, illuminating the hallways in what would have been a pretty glow if the circumstances weren’t so fucking miserable. Talk about a high way to hell.
You took another left, the trooper’s grip on you tightening as you neared some double towards the end. Yep, here it was. This is where you met your maker.  And from what you’d heard, the six-foot-something guy in a black mask did not take prisoners. Not that he was the one you were thinking of. No, that was Cassian. Completely and entirely Cassian; just his face and his presence and his everything at the back of your mind, the last thing you could think of before you were about to die for your cause-
-you let out an oof! as the stormtrooper suddenly pulled you to the ground, practically using you as a human shield against the blaster fire and smoke grenade that had just come from behind you. You tried to use your elbows to push him off, but with the cuffs and your already existing injuries, he easily overpowered you. Also, you were too busy coughing from the smoke to even think about making a getaway.
Tumbling forward, you fell onto your hands and knees. The trooper’s gun clattered to the ground, and you used your good leg to kick it further out the way, eyes not moving from the cloud of smoke that come out of the grenade. The red and blue lights were beating down on it, casting a purple glow over the shadow of whoever had thrown it, acting as a guide as they finally emerged. With a blaster in one hand and the other curled into a fist, your best friend had never quite looked so handsome, especially under the violet illuminations.
‘Cassian!’ Despite everything, you couldn’t help but grin. 
‘Duck.’ He demanded. 
You did as he said, flopping back to the floor. Squeezing your eyes shut and covering your head, you stayed there for a moment. There was another blast, and then the trooper’s body fell beside yours with a dull thud! 
Then, in what must have been two of most contrasting feelings ever, a warm pair of hands found yours. Cassian’s, undoubtedly. You would have known them anywhere. He pulled you up from the cold ground, warm palms finding your face as they ghosted over your cheeks.
‘It’s okay.’ His voice was soft. ‘You can open your eyes.’
You took a deep breath. ‘I know. Thank you.’
‘How badly are you hurt?’ He asked. ‘Because we need to move fast.’
‘My foot’s pretty wrangled.’ You said. 
Without another word, Cassian threw an arm over your shoulders, tucking it under your arms to support you. 
‘Lean against me.’ He instructed. ‘The exit isn’t too far-’
‘- what about the other troopers?’ You asked.
‘I dealt with them on my way in.’
And dealt with them, he certainly had. The men were practically laying in unconscious piles (he only ever intended to maim, but never kill), working as some kind of fucked up map out of a twisted and horrible maze.  The pain in your leg only grew worst as you moved, your good leg beginning to ache from carrying all the weight. With all your attention focused ahead of you for potential enemies, you didn’t even notice how close you were to stumbling over -- not until you fell back onto the cold lino floors. 
‘Hey.’ Cassian dropped beside you. ‘Look at me, okay, just...look at me.’
You glanced up, tired eyes meeting his warm, brown ones. ‘It really hurts, Cass.’
‘We’re really close now.’ He said. ‘Two more minutes. Can you do that? For me?’
‘Yeah.’ You took a deep breath and nodded. ‘I can.’
(Because really, for him, you’d do anything.) 
Cassian helped you back up, pressing one of his blasters into your hand. His arm returned to hold you by the waist, gripping you a little tighter this time. Your leg was practically screaming in pain, a dull ache shooting from your ankle up to your knee. You had to remind yourself that in a few minutes, it would all be over - and not in the way you thought it was going to be over an hour ago. Over, as in this whole ordeal would simply be something to report back to your bosses at base, and not your final moments. The fact you ever let yourself accept that fate and think that Cassian wouldn’t come for you was something else entirely in itself. 
You almost cried with relief when you saw his battered old ship docked outside the base. You normally cried for other reasons when you saw it - usually ones to do with the rusty old engines and creaking sound it insisted on making whenever it flew - but right then, you had never been happier to see it. Even if the insides smelt weirdly of petrol and oil, and the seats in the cockpit were made of uncomfortable cracked leather, you practically threw yourself on board. 
Neither you nor Cassian said anything for a while. His attention was completely on getting away from the base and avoiding TIE fighters - something he did without ever moving his hand from your thigh - and yours was on steadying your breathing and heartbeat. It had been a rough twelve hours to say the least. 
Once the ship had lurched into hyperspace, he turned in his chair to face you. He held your gaze for a moment, before opening his arms out and letting you flop from your own seat and into his chest. They tightly wrapped around you, one hand softly your head to his body and the other gently rubbing up and down your back. You had to squeeze your eyes shut to stop your tears from spilling. 
‘I’m sorry.’ He murmured.
‘For what?’ You peered up at him with a frown. 
‘Not finding you sooner.’ He replied. ‘Or for even letting you get caught in the first place-’
‘- Cassian, stop.’ You pulled back and tangled his hands in yours. ‘Once I get some bactaspray, I’ll be totally fine.’
‘But you almost weren’t.’ He shot back. ‘If I was just a few minutes later and you could have been a thousand times worst, or even...gone completely.’
‘That’s beside the point.’ You softly sighed. ‘It’s doesn’t matter would have beens or could have beens. I am here and I will be okay.’
‘You’re right.’ He nodded. ‘I’m sorry. I just...I want to protect you, you know? And I failed.’
‘You don’t need to protect me, Cass.’ You shook your head with a soft smile. ‘Actually, no, today I did but you pulled through.’
‘I don’t need to, but I want to.’ Cassian murmured. 
He’d done a pretty good job at sitting on his feelings for the last few years. Pushed them down when he felt the urge to tell you, and ignored them entirely when they got really intense. But that had been when the threat of completely losing you was just that: a threat. A distant possibility, and one that you were both too busy living your lives to fully consider. Now, however, you’d come close. Too close. Cassian had come face-to-face with a reality where you were gone, and one where he’d never actually told you how he felt. 
‘You know I love you, right?’ He quietly said. 
‘Yeah, I know.’ You nodded. 
‘No, I mean I love you.’ 
You peered up at him, realising what he was getting at. You did know. In fact, it had very much been an unspoken thing between you for a very, very long time. It was really just a matter of saying it - but that was always the hardest part, right? 
‘I know.’ You repeated. ‘I love you too.’
‘You do?’
You softly laughed. ‘Of course I do.’ 
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and pulled you back against his chest, chin resting atop your ahead. ‘Good.’
You stayed like that for a few minutes; it was undoubtedly a deeper conversation you were going to have later on, but it felt good to have it out in the open. So good, in fact, that it momentarily made you forget the last day entirely. Instead of pondering on it, you let yourself get lost entirely in Cassian’s presence, and the feeling of his body against yours and and his arms holding you. If you could have it your way, you would have stayed like this forever. The rest of the galaxy could wait. 
‘I’m sorry if you thought I was going to make in time.’ He said quietly. 
‘I didn’t.’ Your voice was slightly muffled by his chest. ‘Not once.’
‘I love you.’ Cassian said it more firmly this time. It still completely felt weird to say, and even more so to see you smile and say it back.
‘I love you too.’
He dipped his head down, capturing your mouth in a soft kiss. The feeling of your lips against his was familiar and foreign all at once; it was something he’d gone over in his head a thousand times, but it was nothing like either of you had imagined. It was better. Sweeter, in the kind of way that gave you butterflies in your tummy and made you feel giddy. It was worlds away from the usual dread and bloodshed that came with being in the Rebellion. 
But that was quintessentially Cassian. He was everything that the war wasn’t: sweet and constant and warm. Somebody as beautiful and as caring as him both did and didn’t belong in the Rebellion. Did, because he was a good man who wanted to fight for the right thing. Didn’t, because he constantly risked his life for the greater good and you couldn’t quite stomach that idea. 
‘I’ll always come back for you.’ He lightly brushed his hand against your cheek. ‘Never doubt me.’
‘I won’t.’ You promised. ‘Not ever.’ 
tags: @megmeg-chan @karasong @bb8sworld @marvelinsanity @poestardust @etherealsanakin @bo-kryze​ @punkbach​ @phoenixhalliwell​
527 notes · View notes
whatanoof · 3 years
Battling Death Itself
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Anon I am so sorry that this took so long. Stuff happens, but it's still frustrating to not know if someone is ignoring your ask, if tumblr ate it, or if(like in this case) requests are just taking abnormally long. But here we go, hope you're ready for the angsty angst:(
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gif credit to @badbatch
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader
Word Count: ~3.5k
Warnings: angst, injury, blood, swearing, death omen-like stuff, creepy dream, fluff
Summary: As a medic, you’re used to battling bleeds, cuts, burns, etc. You’re used to patients who are willing to heal, not one reckless Jedi Padawan who is ready to throw everything away to accomplish his mission.
A/N: A huge thank you to my friend @marvelassassin221b for the help with this prompt when I got stuck. You da best, and never forget it
One cannot go through a war and come out unchanged. You can pretend that the terror, violence, anger, anxiety, and selfish instinct didn’t affect you. You can gaslight and fool yourself until the bantha come home, but no one, not even the smallest civilian child, walks away without it burning into their minds like a brand of survival that will cost some of your humanity.
When you dream, you dream of a pile of lightsabers. There must be hundreds, maybe thousands, piled high enough that you cannot make out the ground from your position at the peak of the mountain. They clink and jangle under your feet, like a death rattle that refuses to leave you alone.
You want to leave. You have to leave, you can feel the spirits of the fallen Jedi Order hovering over your head, gazing down at you in disapproval everytime you disrespect their revered weapons. You take a step off of the peak.
A rending screech echoes into the death filled air, and the metal handles collapse under your feet, sliding down the side of the mountain like an avalanche and taking you with it. The sabers pile over your head, blocking out the already dim light.
Have to leave. Have to fight. So you thrash furiously, clawing at the tomb encapsulating your living body among the dead. Somehow, you find the surface. You break through the pile with a gasp, inhaling air into your starved lungs, hands pawing at the moving surface to keep you afloat in the raw desperation of survival instinct.
A weathered lightsaber is clenched in your hand, double bladed and beaten up. With a shaking hand, you press the button to activate the blade. The blue blade slices through the air with a throaty thrum and through the reality of your dream, dropping you into the darkness. You hit the ground with a grunt, somehow not impaling yourself on the lightsaber even as you stare in awestruck horror. Because you recognize the blade and handle.
A heavy hand lands on your shoulder, and you whirl with a gasp. A tall figure stands behind you, a Lasat male with kind eyes and clad in robes belonging to a Jedi. He holds a hand out to you, “That doesn’t belong to the living world.”
The crackle of the comm yanks you out of your fitful doze, but as you strain to listen from your position in the sitting area, no words come through the white noise. You sit up and look into the cockpit. Cere is typing furiously with eyes glued to frequency readings in front of her.
Seconds later the array in front of Greez begins to beep and the Latero leans forward to study the sensor map display. A tiny ship lit in red dances through the grid. Greez grabs the holo and enlarges it, examining the lines of the ship carefully.
The two stop and look at each other before Cere takes precedence, “I’ve only seen these kinds of frequencies from one kind of occupation.”
Greez nods, “I recognize the ship. It’s Haxion Brood.”
You stand and approach his chair, “Axiom what?”
Greez replies, arms darting across the controls with ease as he manipulates the energy to further analyze the readings from the environment. “The Haxion Brood, kid. Biggest smuggling and gambling ring in the Outer Rim.” He turns his head to address Cere. “I can decode their transmissions. Transfer the readings to my screen.”
Cere hits a few buttons and Greez pulls a headset over his ears. The air in the room is so thick that you could cut it with a vibroblade, until Greez speaks, “We have to go. Cere, set a course for these star coordinates.” Cere takes a single look at the symbols and nods before heading to the navigation map.
Your brow scrunches, “How do you understand their code?”
Greez waves your question off, “Not important. Point is, I can, and I know where we have to go.”
Everything is moving far too fast for you to understand. “And where is that?”
Greez barks out a sharp laugh, “Officially? Nowhere.” One arm distracts itself from the preflight check to dissolve the coordinates from the holo projector. “Unofficially? Ordo Eris.”
The Mantis lurches as it takes off and you stumble, “Wait, we have to wait for Cal to get back!”
Cere speaks from her position at the map, “He’s not coming back. We’re going to get him.”
‘Why would you need to go to Ord--’ You feel the blood drain from your face with the realization. What did the dream mean? A grim understanding filters into the processed air so that no words are needed.
“Get your kit ready. We’re going to need it.”
“Strap in, kid!”
Even with all of your preparation for the moment of contact, you’re still not ready for the awful screeching and rending of metal that echoes through the hull as it contacts the floor of the arena. Above the chaos and noise, you hear Greez curse. The harness digs painfully into your skin, but it keeps you in your seat long enough for the Mantis to jolt to a stop. The door opens, and Cal stumbles on board, lightsaber glowing in his hand while the other clutches his side. BD-1 clings to his shirt, beeping and chirping as it hangs on for dear life.
“Go go go!” Cal collapses against the wall, gasping for air. BD screeches and jumps onto the floor, gazing up at Cal and blipping while glancing at you periodically. You can’t tear your eyes away from the lightsaber, which has slipped to the ground in the frenzy. That doesn’t belong in the living world.
Greez hasn’t stopped swearing colorfully in at least five different languages excluding Basic, but it all fades to the background as you fumble to release your harness. “Cal!”
It’s not releasing, why isn’t it releasin--
The mechanism clicks and you’re out of your seat before the Mantis is fully off the ground. You reach Cal right as he begins to slip, “Whoa, careful there.”
Damn he’s heavy. You lower him to the ground, supporting his head on your lap. He chuckles breathlessly with eyes half-closed, “Why should I try to be careful when I have you?”
You laugh shakily, “I can’t be with you all of the time.” BD-1 bobs its head in agreement, dragging your med bag within reach with one foot.
Greez calls back, “Hang on, making the jump now!”
You grab a support bar and hunch over Cal. BD hops into your lap, and you wrap your other arm around the little droid to help hold it steady against you until the ship stops shaking around you and the peaceful quiet of hyperspace fills the hull. You allow yourself to breathe as the asteroid fades into the distance out the viewport. For now, the world will hold together.
By the time Cere comes back to check on you, you’ve maneuvered Cal into an upright position propped against the wall.
“Hey.” She sounds tired, stressed, strung tight like a bow string that’s about to snap. “Greez set course for Kashyyyk. We can lay low there, the Rebels have all but driven out the rest of the Imperials.”
You nod in acknowledgement. Cal is silent beside you. BD-1 boops its agreement.
She continues, “That rescue tore up the Mantis a bit. Overworked the thrusters and damaged internal regulating software, so Greez and I are going down to run diagnostics and see what we can repair en route. BD.” The little droid chirps. “Gonna need your help with the electrical portion.” BD-1 bobs its head and scampers over to her, and Cere puts a hand on the floor so that the droid can climb her shirt to her shoulder. She straightens, and regards the two of you, “All good here?”
You nod. “This guy needs a little patching up too.”
Cal gives a halfhearted wave and grin from his position on the floor, “Can confirm.”
Cere chuckles, “Alright then. Comm if you need anything. And be responsible.”
“I’m always responsible.” Cal protests. Cere doesn’t respond to him, opting instead to glance at you with an amused resignation in her eyes. She turns and leaves with BD, who chirps a goodbye as they vanish through the trapdoor that leads to the engine room.
You sigh and turn back to Cal, “I don’t even know where to start. Here.” You tug his poncho to get him to sit up.
“Careful. There’s acid.”
You yank your hand back with a hiss, shaking it off as you study the cloth. He’s right, there’s discoloration around his abdomen and the poncho is smoking, something that you missed in the chaos of landing and taking off from Ordo Eris. Upon closer examination, the acid had eaten through the poncho and soaked into the shirt below. Luckily, none touched your skin, but more unluckily, Cal has been wearing his shirt for far too long to be healthy.
“Take it off.” You lift the edge of his shirt to help him pull it over his head.
He grunts as the fabric lifts, revealing reddened and irritated skin that you begin to put healing balm on, “If you wanted me shirtless, all you had to do was ask.”
Blood rushes to your face even as you send an unimpressed look his way. He’s grinning, a smug and infuriating grin that lets you know that he knows that he got to you. You spread more of the medicine onto his skin, “You’re surprisingly chatty for someone who almost died.”
He stretches his arms, painfully attractive with how his chest and arms flex and his face scrunches and his hair--
You blink, abandoning the train of thought and finishing your work. You cap the medicine and return it to your bag. “Let me check your leg.” He sends you a look, a frustrated look that is so unique to Cal that it makes you chuckle. “I saw you limp in here, don’t give me that face.”
He groans, “I’m fine. It got me in the door, didn’t it?”
You roll your eyes. Typical. “Take them off.”
“Is this a strip game or something?” He’s… flirting with you?
“Do it.”
You did not think that this is how you would be getting Cal Kestis pantless in front of you for the first time. You’d imagined that you would be more excited with every inch of skin exposed, that your heart would race and the blood would rush to your face and your… yeah.
But instead, your stomach drops with every bruise that is revealed, the lump in your throat grows when you hear him suck a breath through gritted teeth when the cloth rubs over sensitive skin. By the time he’s pulled the pants around his ankles, your jaw is clenched hard enough to hurt. There’s a gash the length of your hand slicing across his skin. Although it’s gratefully shallow and mostly clotted, it's ugly enough to garner a double take and a long stare as you consider your options. When you speak, it’s a barely breathed whisper.
“Damn it Cal.”
He laughs, but you can hear the pained grunt that he tries to hide when he shifts, “I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“When did you do this to your leg?” You yank a bacta bag out.
He hisses as you disinfect the area, “Uh, a little after I found BD. Right before I went into the arena.”
You stop cold and stare at him, “You fought on this?”
“Well what else was I supposed to do? Roll over and die?”
You sputter, “No, but I-- no.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, a single, infuriatingly sassy, red eyebrow and lays back to allow you to apply the bacta infusion.
“How’s it going in here?” Cere chooses that exact moment to walk in, and you suppose you should be grateful that she didn’t witness the petty argument.
You shoot a look at Cal, but he’s refusing to meet your eyes. So kriffing immature. You respond to Cere, “Good. Could be better.”
She nods once, “We received a transmission from the rebel. Tarfull is willing to meet you, Cal. There are contacts on Kashyyyk that will direct you to him.”
Cal’s face is drawn and serious, aging him ten years as he considers her words. “Tell them I’ll be there. How long until we reach Kashyyyk?”
“An hour. Enough time to finish the inflight electrical repairs, so BD will be available to go with you.”
“I’ll be ready.” What? Did you just hear him correctly?
You wait until Cere leaves the room before you whirl on Cal, “Are you crazy?”
But you’re not listening anymore, “No, you’re definitely crazy, or I’m going crazy, because I just heard you tell Cere that you would be ready to plunge into the wilderness while you’re half dead.” A pile of lightsabers.
“It’s a cut, I’m hardly half de--”
“Okay, a cut. A cut that could get infected, or could start bleeding again, or could slow you down. It won’t be such an easy fix next time if you go out like this.”
He says your name sharply, “It’s my job to go and get that holocron.”
You cross your arms over your chest tightly, hugging close enough in hopes that you can calm your pounding heart, “And it’s my job to keep you alive.”
“The longer we wait, the more danger Tarfull is in. The Rebels can’t stay in one place forever.” He pushes off of the wall, aiming to propel himself off of the ground and stand, but you catch him with a firm hand in the center of his chest.
“You need rest. Bacta might be a miracle of modern medicine, but it can’t work in an hour.” A death rattle that refuses to leave you alone.
He says your name, so seriously and rigidly that you stop and look at him, “Let me get up. I need to go.”
“No!” Your fingers twitch over the needle. “Cal Kestis. You stay right there, or I swear to the Maker I will sedate you!” Fallen Jedi hovering over you.
“This isn’t a matter of my own well being anymore, our mission is on the line!” He pushes your hand away and sits up. “This is for those children out there, so that the Sisters don’t get to them, so that they can have normal lives.”
“Don’t you fucking put that on me Cal, I know what is at risk. I know that you are the only stars forsaken Jedi in this Maker damned galaxy who can help those children, but what use are you to them if you’re dead?!” Lightsabers rattling over your head, trapping the living amongst the dea--
“It doesn’t matt--”
“Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!” You’re screaming, you know that you shouldn’t be screaming when he’s lying there injured and possibly dying, when you know that his heart is pure in intention, but why can’t he see how much you need him to be okay. Your fists are clenched, waving in the air above him and its only when his eyes widen and he puts his hands up defensively that you realize you had picked up the hypodermic needle.
Your eyes meet his and your body trembles, whether from rage or fear you can’t tell. Carefully, moving millimeter by millimeter, you lower your hand and drop the needle. It makes no sound as it hits the ground, which is remarkable considering how effectively it had silenced the situation.
“I--” Your voice cracks and in any other situation you would be embarrassed. But you clear your throat roughly, “I can’t lose you. I won’t let you go off and get yourself killed. You need to let your body heal, because you can keep going, keep pushing yourself to the limit and I have no doubt that you are strong enough to, but your body is going to fail you one day, and it’s my job to make sure it doesn’t just yet so please listen to me, I’ve never asked for you to stay before.” You’re rambling, you’re talking too much because you scraped just a little too close to the surface with that first sentence. “Please Cal, I couldn’t live with myself if I let you go out there like this and yo--”
You’re cut off by Cal’s body contacting your firmly, arms curling around your body as he hugs you tight to his chest. And all of your worries and problems that you were ranting about seconds earlier fade away because his bare chest is right against the skin of your cheek and he’s so warm and smells so good and you’ve forgotten why you were--
“Breath. It’s okay.” He demonstrates with several deep breaths, chest rising and falling against your cheek. You hear the whoosh of air in his lungs, and you shakily try to imitate. You fail the first two times, your pounding heart and surging adrenaline forcing your breaths to come shallow and fast. But he stays close to you, radiating comfort and calm that soaks into you and gradually slows you down.
“You’re still not going out there on that leg.”
Cal shushes you, “I know. I need you to calm down before we get to Kashyyyk. I’m not going to leave until I know you’re okay, and those children still need saving.”
Annoyance sparks through you, “I told you not to put that on me.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. That was a cheap shot.” You wriggle to try and get out of his grip, but he only tightens his arms around you. “Stop fighting me.”
“Only if you stop fighting me.” Still, he’s too strong and you can’t deny that you’re exactly where you want to be.
“Oh I intend to. But I can’t stay forever. How long do you need me to rest?” His chin rests on the top of your head.
You hum thoughtfully, snuggling closer with your fingers drumming gently on his skin, “Bacta treatments optimize after five hours of immersion in the tissue.”
“I’ll give you two hours.”
“Three.” You counter. “I can accelerate the healing if you give me three hours.”
He hums deep in his chest, vibrating against your skin, “Deal.”
You stay like that for a few more minutes, peacefully breathing the filtered Mantis air that smells like antibiotic burn cream and metal. When you open your eyes, your gaze lands on the lightsaber, which has rolled into a corner since the hit and run on Ordo Eris.
“Cal.” Your voice is raspy from the lump in your throat. “The lightsaber.”
He hums, calling the handle to his hand with the Force, “Yeah. Should keep it safe.” He clips it to his belt with one hand, the other still crooked firmly to cradle you.
“Where did you get it?”
He pauses for a fraction of a second, then his arm returns to stroke the back of your head, “It was Master Tapal’s. The Purge. It’s all that I have left from before.”
“Your Master. Was he a Lasat?”
Cal chuckles, “Most intimidating one that I’ve ever met. Wisest one too, but he had a leg up on the competition, being a Jedi Master.” He pulls away slightly to catch your gaze. “How did you know that he was a Lasat?”
You hum, burrowing back into his chest, “I’ll explain later.” For now, the world would hold together.
Cal Taglist: @marvelassassin221b, @my-awakened-ghost
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
muse — watanabe haruto
warnings: lowercase,grammartical error,spelling error
pairing: haruto + fem! reader
words: 2.3k words
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目が合う 目が合う
ほど美しい my muse
my muse is so beautiful
that i can't breath
just by meeting her eyes
haruto widens his eyes when you stand not so close beside him. your presence could make haruto cloud nine. your laugh could make haruto smile like a fool and your lips, if the world free from any rules, he would like to put his lips onto yours.
as you felt someone watching you, you turn around only to see some male's back, walking away from you. haruto fastens his pace to go to the dance practice room with hands full of snacks, he doesn't want you to think of him like a creeper, staring at someone without any particular reason.
"oi, what takes you so long?" mashiho asked the younger
haruto smile, he gives the oldest snacks that he bought from yg's convenience store. he gave all of the members snacks and water that he bought with his own money as punishment for losing rock paper scissors.
they all minded their own business, felt too tired of having chat with each other, they have gotten no rest since morning, practicing for their upcoming debut. all they could think now is their comfortable bed. but as much as they want to rest, they need to get this choreo neat and perfect to amaze the audience.
but haruto, his mind could think of you. you with silky hair and always wear your favorite white converse whenever you came to the company. it's unbelievable how you made him go crazy about you since he never felt falling in love with anyone. but when you step in the dance practice room and greeted them with a big smile on your face, that's the time where haruto felt you are so cute and making his heart fluttered
knowing your personality, haruto felt you are his type, he is completely head over heels for you, and he hates how he can't speak even a single word towards you when he realized his feelings. he felt so stupid.
"you guys!!" you entered the dance practice room with your infamous smile. behind you, lee youngsang, your father followed you into the dance practice room and put his belonging on the couch.
"i give you all 5 more minutes and shows me your result" said lee yongsang, or treasure's dance teacher or your dad more specifically.
as the leaders of the group, jihoon, and hyunsuk yelled out a 'yes teacher!' as a response, but once again haruto felt the cloud nine in his body, seeing the person he likes talking to doyoung, you always laugh whenever doyoung make the dad jokes, although haruto and the others find it not funny and lame, you being the easily laugh person, always laugh at doyoung's joke and it successfully made haruto smile like an idiot.
"who are you smiling at?" haruto flinched, truly shocked by asahi sudden appearance.
"no one, i remember when jeongwoo fell the other day, it's still funny till now" he answered coolly asahi can't know his big secret although he closes with asahi.
asahi nodded and left haruto alone, haruto sigh, relieved as the oldest trust his little lie.
"ruto ya" you called him
"i watched t-map yesterday, and i heard you like collecting butterfly necklaces"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's heart flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"you know– your style is cool and your fashion sense too, what about you wear something cute?"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"why don't you try to wear something cute?" you asked
haruto scrunched his face. wear something cute? like what? like doyoung's all-red outfit? or junkyu's koala pajama?
"wear this. i made it myself, i made for you cause i remember you said you like collecting butterfly necklace" you handed it him a white pink bead necklace with a butterfly locket
haruto smile widely and couldn't help but chuckled at your cuteness. oh, how he wishes he could hug you right now
"thank you y/n, i'm gonna wear this," he said and wear the necklace on the spot, seeing you laugh happily made him happy. love turns someone crazy.
"okay guys that's enough of a break" the teacher yelled, making all of the 12 treasure members turn to their positions. haruto smile as he saw you mouthing 'fighting' to him.
haruto stares at the bead necklace with love in his eyes, he smiles when he thought you made this while thinking about him who loves collecting a butterfly necklace. he felt appreciated for the moment.
suddenly the door open, showing junkyu with his koala pajamas, entered the room with a towel on his shoulder and wet hair.
"i felt like i could sleep till next week" the older groaned, throwing himself to his bed, ready to sleep.
haruto didn't reply, he also felt tired from all day practicing, he turns his body facing the wall, ready to sleep but junkyu's question made him awake.
"do you like y/n, ruto ya?"
"what are you talking about hyung?"
"we all know"
haruto gulped
who we?
treasure members?
if yes, he is doomed.
"no, how can i—"
"you guys could make a cute couple"
"go to sleep hyung, we got to get up early tomorrow" haruto said, not want to continue this topic.
junkyu let him off, he also wants to sleep right now.
today is the day, where they need to record their debut song, but in the japanese version. when haruto turns to record his part, you enter the studio with your favorite potato snack.
you smiled at haruto who's now in the recording room, haruto returns your smile and starts practicing his rap before record it as he wants everything to go perfectly.
you still smiling at haruto, secretly adoring how cool he is while working, noticing jihoon looking at you with a smirk on his face, you quickly change your focus to the snack you bought
you don't want anyone to know your crush on haruto because they're gonna debut soon, and rookies can't date. you felt butterflies whenever haruto talks to you or smile at you, although you're the one who always starts the conversation, yet haruto never failed to make your day better
you noticed how haruto always awkward whenever you guys having a conversation and it made him cuter! thinking he must be awkward with a person besides his members
"ready, haruto?" the producer asked through the mic
haruto gives thumbs up, showing he ready to show off his skill to you although you know how good he in rap through ygtb.
he starts rapping in his native language, making you surprised, amazed at how his voice got so much deeper than rapping in korean.
"y/n cover your mouth, i'm afraid if fly flew into your mouth" jihoon joked, making all of the members laugh at you, you frowned at him but of course jihoon, being jihoon,  he keeps teasing you more and more.
"it's cute how you flirt with haruto with the bead necklace"
"i wasn't flirting!" you backup yourself
the members gave a sly smile at the youngest, obviously didn't trust all the words that come out from your mouth.
"yeah, but your dad said you took the class for the necklace, and you hate beads since they're so small and hard to do anything with it" said jihoon
you sighed as you can't think of another reply, because all of jihoon said is true.
"am i being obvious?" you finally being your true self towards the olders
hyunsuk nodded
"we can already tell you like haruto— the way you talk, see, and smile to him is different whenever you with us beside you only do bead necklace for him only," hyunsuk said, faking his tear at the fact you didn't give them your handmade bead necklace.
"haruto must know about this too, right?"
"nah he doesn't" junkyu replied
"why are you so sure?" you asked
"i was his roommate and i can tell he clearly in love with you, he slept with your necklace yesterday and we all notice how he smiling like an idiot whenever you around"
you couldn't help but smile at junkyu's statement
"you know y/n,his part in 'boy' he wrote himself. and guess who is the lyrics dedicated to?" yoshi asked
"to you of course," mashiho replied
"seriously?" you turn your head, facing haruto who now rapping to his part.
"what does that mean?" she asked
"it means, my muse is so beautiful that i can't breathe just by meeting her eyes" asahi spoke, grinning at the youngest
the members start teasing you, making you turn all red. you cover your red ears when haruto gets out of the recording room. haruto frowned when he saw you covered your ears, did his rap didn't impress you?
jihoon and hyunsuk who sit in front of you could only smirk when they saw how fluttered you are.
as usual, you only sit on the couch looking at the twelve boys practicing so hard for their debut, your dad keeps correcting their choreo and makes sure they all dancing in synchronize or they need to repeat all over again.
you felt pity for them, but they need to practice for a good result. you keep your eyes on haruto, ah, how charming is he? the way he laughs whenever the others making a joke.
"okay, take 5," said the coach, making them all lay on the floor, catching their breath. you smiled as you take fruit juice from your bag pocket to give to haruto but your dad snatches it away from you and innocently drinks the juice.
"how thoughtful my daughter is? brought juice for her dad" said your dad, continue drinking the juice. you scrunched your face, you want to yell at your father but you decided to not make a scene, instead of doing what you have in your mind- which is throwing a punch on your dad's arm, you push him and leave the dance practice room with a frowned face.
jihoon and hyunsuk laughing, knowing their coach purposely doing that to tease his daughter. meanwhile haruto just finds you sulking is cute(not fully knowing what happen), he just wants to squish that tiny girl.
hours later, you come back to the practice room after wandering around the company. you surprised that they still practice although it's 8 pm. they should head home, right?
as you want to ask your dad when will they go home, a groan, making everyone froze and look at haruto who already lie down, holding his ankle. you quickly go to him and check his ankle
"i think he sprained his ankle," you said and help haruto to stand–with the help of the other of course. haruto winced as the sprained feet touch the floor, without saying anything you took off haruto's shoes and socks, taking ice packs from junghwan who go to the store when hyunsuk ordered him to buy ice packs
"wait, i get the first aid," you said and left making all of the members, including your dad to look at haruto
"what?" haruto asked
"i know you like my daughter kid, just confess i'm tired of answering her about you every day," he said
haruto widen his eyes
"just confess ruto, i'm 100% sure y/n accept you," hyunsuk said
"if you still not sure, please take a look how fast y/n go to you when you sprained your ankle and the fact she only made beads necklace only for you" jihoon added
hearing their words making haruto smile shyly, she likes him back...?
seeing haruto smiling like an idiot, they all left the practice room as you arrived with first aid in your hands. you ignored the sly smile on others face, haruto's ankle is now more important
you kneel in front of him carefully bandaging his ankle
"you need to rest, no practice, walking making a late recovery," you said
haruto smile
"thank you y/n, i appreciate it" he said
you nod as you can't think any of response, you worried about haruto's injury, their debut only a month away
"i like you" his sudden words making you froze, slowly you look up, facing haruto
"what did you—"
"i like you" he cut you off
you pin the bandage and stand, making haruto look up at you. your smile making haruto's nervousness faded away.
"that is so sudden? i thought you could make it more romantic?"
haruto froze, feeling regret confessing to you without anything special. he needs to give a good impression as a boyfriend! - you could do better haruto! he thought. he apologizes to you in which you reply with your beautiful giggle.
"i'm just playing with you" you said and take a seat beside haruto, taking a brave move, you rest your head on his broad shoulder.
"but really, i'm sorry for confessing unromantically"
"ruto, the rap in your debut album is amazing, and that's the most romantic thing someone ever done to me. thank you" you said while smiling, thinking about his rap.
haruto scoffs, he knows so well yoshi said this to you because yoshi is the one who knew the rap is meant for someone he loves.  however, he also wants to hug the older as he 'helps' his feelings towards you.
"let's go home, you need plenty of rest" you said, helping the boy to stand up
"can you come to my dorm? i need someone to take care of me, i can't walk it will cause a late recovery someone said" haruto said in a teasing way making you slap his arm, laughing at his words
"i will make sure dad send me there tomorrow"
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byorder-fanfic · 3 years
How They Look After You When it Gets Bad: Bonnie
Preference Masterlist
Requested by anonymous
Word count: 1727
Warnings: Reader going through a hard time, suggestive comments, swearing, Bonnie gets hurt (emotionally), not favourable descriptions of Small Heath (apologies to any Brummie readers- it’s for the plot)
Author's Note: Hi! I’ve had some trouble with the Ada and Finn preferences so I’m mixing up the order a bit. Those who’ve requested, your fics will be out soon! If there’s any other characters you want me to write for, feel free to make any more requests. Hope you enjoy and I’m wishing you all my best
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(Gif by @sophieshelby) 
The Golds were travellers. It's what you loved the most about their life, the life that you jumped into in the greatest leap of faith that came with loving Bonnie. Now, whilst watching him ditch button-ups in favour of short vests, giving you full view of his lean arms attacking bags and people with so much strength was fun, it was the wind in your hair as you sat behind him on his horse, arms wrapped around his middle, it was huddling up in your shared bed in the caravan and arguing as to whether or not you could fit another ugly knitted blanket on top of the rest of them, and the maps you kept in a drawer that was slowly becoming more crosses than roads with all the places you've visited- it was that which made you love this life all the more. Plus, living with you Bonnie and his family (who had welcomed you with open arms the second Bonnie introduced you) created a second home, a home that lived on wheels and trotted down dirt paths. You knew that Bonnie getting his boxing licence would make the travelling come to a halt, and Small Heath would have to be home for as long as there was a job to be done and a reward to be reaped. And you were okay with that. You really were. Maybe there were a few tears as you hugged Esmerelda, Naomie and especially little Floss (she was desperate to see Bonnie go head to head with the Peaky Blinders!) goodbye as they continued travelling, you knew Bonnie felt the absence of his sisters more than you would. So, you made sure he never felt lonely, and the bed never felt empty; well, it wasn't as if it was a particularly difficult task to keep him company.
Small Heath was not a particularly enthralling place. Although you were on friendly terms with the Shelbys and their clan (and that was no exaggeration, they multiplied like rabbits!) and, after many, many threats from both the elder and younger Gold, none of the younger Peakys were planning on making a move on you, it was the place itself that seemed to bore you. All those things that you'd learned to love from your life on the road- the fresh air, the constant movement, the friendly welcomes when you saw another caravan cross your path, and the freshly caught food cooked over an open fire- there was none of that here. The sky was full of fumes that burnt more than the dark char of over-exposed meat, there was no patches of grass or flowers and everything was so fucking grey. Grey streets, grey sky, and a very grey mood for you. Sometimes, when Bonnie and Aberama were busy with the Peaky business that they left you out of, you'd just go over to the Cut and sit by the water to get even the slightest feeling of being back amongst the rivers and streams where you and Bonnie would set a number of ugly knitted blankets down and spend the night besides. You always thought the sound of water, and the view of the stars was the best way to fall asleep. Bonnie said the best way was next to you. You loved him, you truly did, but things were getting hard. Bonnie was always so busy now, between boxing and whatever the hell Tommy bloody Shelby had him apart of. Wrapped up next to him under all the blankets was the most time you spent with him, and he was usually so spent from work that he was snoring after seconds of laying his head on the pillow. All you could do was hope he didn't wake as you breathed softly next to him, trying to ward off sleep as much as you can just to see him as much as you can. By the time the sun rose, he was already up and at it. In stinking Small Heath.
You didn't want to resent him for bringing you here. You wanted to be proud of him when he boasted about getting his boxing license. You wanted to be happy for him when he came back, completely sloshed, after a night out at the Garrison with the Peaky boys he'd gotten close to, and he smelt like bloody whiskey and cigarettes when he cuddled up to you, drunkenly nuzzling his nose into your neck. You hated whiskey and cigarettes. Well, at least you think you did. You hated everything right now. You had tried to distract yourself from this frustration that was slowly building up in you, especially after you 'accidentally' broke one of the cups Naomie had made. You would pay for that when you saw her again. You had gotten Charlie Strong and Curly's permission to help with the horses in the stables. Eventually, though, you just felt sorry for the poor buggers: trapped in a scrap yard in a place full of people and so little greenery. Of course, you refused to admit you were projecting your own feelings on them. After feeling lonely for too long, you decided to make friends with the Shelbys. The Peaky boys that Bonnie had become fast friends with were nice enough, and Bonnie was happy for the excuse to see you more. As for the Shelbys, you had to be honest, they were a bit bloody scary. Esmerelda had made sure you were prepared for them, and you kept a whittling knife on your person every time you left the isolating sanctuary of the caravan, so you knew full well you could keep yourself safe amongst the blood and gore of the gangsters.
Eventually though these feelings caught up with you. You didn't even bother leaving the caravan today, knowing the streets were only going to further sour your mood and, even the bright presence of Bonnie's sleepy, half-awake smile, couldn't stop your erratic scrubbing of the plates. Ever since the Naoime's-broken-pottery-you were-sure-to-pay-for incident, you had only been entrusted with the metal pots and pans that weren't so easy to shatter. Still, you managed to scrub the metal dish in such a way to rouse the weary boxer. He had the day off, as Arthur had told you the night before when you sat in the Garrison, and the rest of the boys gave such a cheer their whiskey splattered on your dress. Bonnie had blushed, but you could see the hints of mischief in his smirk. And, with Aberama taking last night and today back in Small Heath, there was no misunderstanding Bonnie's intentions. You heard his stumbling foot steps as you moved further out of the open caravan door, focusing far too much on the washcloth and the practically sparkling pot that you still scrubbed.
"Hey, dove," he said in  sing-song tone that usually made your heart melt. Now it made your blood boil.
"Mornin' Bon," you replied back, far too snappy for his soft voice. 
He was startled. You didn't have to see his face to know he had flinched, feeling the sudden twinge of pain in the air like a broken string.
"Are you alright?" He asked, kindly, reaching down to rest his hand over yours. Instantly, you dropped the pan and cloth on the floor, hearing it crash against the soft grass.
"Well, you'd know if you'd have been there!" Along with your swift movement to stand up, the fierceness in your voice made Bonnie back away into the caravan. He saw the frustration clear in your face, and his shoulders hung in shame. He knew he'd been busy- too busy- and it must've hurt you.
"I'm so sorry, dove, I swear I'm trying to do this for us." 
"For you! And all I fucking do is stay in this fucking city!"
"It's not for long- then we can have that life we planned, with the boxing licence and our own caravan and-"
"And I don't wanna be here!"
You screamed it so loud that you were sure the birds in the trees surrounding you had flapped away from your voice like a shot had been fired from one of the Golds' many, many guns. And Bonnie seemed like he wanted to flee too, face so smushed up and hurt.
"I hate this place! It's dirty and cold and it smells like fucking shit!" 
Bonnie felt his whole body crumble at the tightness in your face, the look of pure anger making your fists squeeze in so tight he knew your nails would be digging in. He was the boxer and it was of his opinion that you should never have to raise a fist like this. You must hate him. You must do, and he was feeling his broad shoulders dip at the wildness that flickered in your eyes.
"I don't want to be here!" It was the crack in your voice that revealed yourself. A crack that mended Bonnie's wounded expression into that of concern. You didn't hate him. You didn't. You probably didn't even mind stinking old Small Heath. 
"Then how about we get outta here?" He suggested, giving you that lopsided grin that always made you childishly giddy. Even now, with frustration embedding your palms, you felt a kinder warmth flood to your cheeks. With more confidence, he moved towards you, cupping your cheek as you felt yourself just drop a little without the weight of frustration on your shoulders.
"Please," you muttered, leaning forward to rest your forehead against yours. "I want fresh air and empty fields and a blanket next to a stream."
"Just you and me lying down and looking at the stars?"
"That's all, Bon."
"Then you'll get it. Let's get changed, pack some food and we can get on a horse and just keep on riding, ey?" You chuckled a little at his romantic proposition, burying yourself closing into his grasp. "And get out of smelly old Small Heath that's been keeping me away from my dove."
"You're gonna have a lot of time to make up for." A little bit of frustration still hung in your mind, but the sweet look of adoration on your Bonnie's face was enough to soothe it into a cheeky remark.
"Indeed I do," he whispered into your neck. His expression got sadder again. "I'm sorry."
"So am I."
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 3 years
No Rest for the Wicked- HardDom!Dabi X Fem! Brat Reader
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Prompt: Dabi just wants to take a nap but everything goes wrong
I asked a friend in one of my discord groups for a random writing prompt when I was up late. Something about this one activated my inner ✨brat✨
Word Count: 3.3k
Kinks/Warnings: brat taming, degradation, pain play, spanking, belting, mild dacryphilia, bondage, edging and denial, hints of dubcon
Banner made by the always lovely @ladyshinigami!
That was the best way to sum up Dabi’s mood as he trudged through the bar fronting the League’s headquarters. Shigaraki had sent him out on a mission with orders to “stake out and take out” a small band of up-and-coming heroes. It had been easy enough to find them (newbies can never resist being flashy), but making sure they were all disposed of was another matter. A matter only made more complicated by a few rogue civilians that happened to spot him. It had taken him two full days to track everyone down, leaving him covered in blood, soot, and burns. In short, Dabi needed a break.
“Well, well, well.” Came the nasally voice of their fearless leader, “The prodigal son returns! Took you long enough, Dabi. Hope that means you didn’t fuck up the mission.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Dabi snaps back, too tired and sore to care about his tone. Not that he’d be any kinder to Shigaraki if he wasn’t. “I did what you asked and left no witnesses. Now piss off before I turn you into a smoldering pile.”
Shigaraki didn’t rise to Dabi’s bait, opting to simply flip him the bird before going back to whatever game console he was currently obsessed with. Dabi returns the gesture in kind, glowering as he disappears behind the bar and into the League’s living quarters. Their warehouse provides more than enough space for everyone to have their own room, and the boss even allowed them to decorate and furnish them as they pleased. Wasn’t that generous? Dabi plods down the hallway to his assigned room and kicks open the door only to find it was occupied. By you.
“Dabi?” You question for a moment before your eyes light up with excitement. “Dabi! You’re back!”
As a fellow Stain devotee, you’d sought out the LOV and been initiated as a member a mere six months ago. And two months later, you’d been initiated into Dabi’s bed. You wouldn’t exactly call yourselves “lovers.” Love was few and far between in a hornet’s nest of villains. But you’d certainly become something more than the occasional lay.
He grunts as he stalks into the room, shedding his coat and boots as he went. Dabi was never big on grand displays of affection. And in his current state, that small show of acknowledgment may as well have been equivalent to a bear hug.
“I missed you.” You chirp back, undeterred by his gruff response. “How was the mission?”
“Long and shitty.” Came his terse reply as he strips off the rest of his clothes and grabs a towel from a nearby wall hook. “I need a fucking shower.”
He wraps the towel around his waist before he sets about searching for body wash and a first aid kit. Greedy eyes roam the plane of his toned torso, eager to touch the scarred and stapled flesh you’d spent many a night mapping out. Before joining the League, you’d never had an opinion one way or the other on touch or physical intimacy. You didn’t dislike it by any means; it was just something people did, fuck buddies or otherwise. But now that you’d shared a bed with Dabi, your perspective had changed. His rough touch was your drug of choice, intoxicating in all the best ways. And with him being gone for almost 72 hours? It was safe to say you were jonesing for a hit.
“Oooh, sounds like fun.” You purr, sprawling out on the mattress in a catlike stretch. “Want me to join you? I think we could use a little… quality time together.”
He snorts derisively at that, straightening up once he’d found his supplies and fixing you with a deep scowl. So pretty even when he’s pissed. You bat your eyelashes in return.
“Don’t get cute, dollface. Once I get cleaned up I’m passing out for the next century.”
Before you can shoot off another coquettish remark, he turns on his heel and marches out the door in the direction of the communal showers. You huff and clamber out of bed to follow him, determined that he wouldn’t get away so easily.
“C’mon Dabi!” You whine, trotting along behind him as he stalks down the hallway. “I haven’t seen you in days! Are you really just gonna give me the cold shoulder?”
“Yup.” He snaps back, shooting you a harsh glare over said shoulder before barging through the bathroom door. From the other side you can hear his bark of “Move it, psycho!” followed by an indignant squeak from whom you can only assume to be Toga. You huff and stamp your foot like a petulant child, turning on your heel to flounce off in the direction of the League’s bar front.
“Bastard.” You seethe under your breath, “Who does he think he is, ignoring me like that? It’s his fault I’m so pent up. If I tried ignoring him when he was all hot and bothered–!”
You pause for a moment as a lightbulb goes off in your head. A single impish thought flashes through your mind and it causes your lips to curl into a Cheshire grin. He wants to play games? You’ll give him games.
You continue your trek into the dimly-lit, woodpandeled speakeasy, a renewed vigor in your stride as you make a beeline for the bar top. Kurogiri is standing behind it as per usual, wiping out a pint glass like the faithful bartender he pretends to be. You sidle up to the bar and place both hands on the oaken surface, adopting a sweet, too-innocent lilt to your voice.
“Kuro-baby.” You purr, the cutesy pet name causing the misty specter to look up from his task. “Can I have a glass of water, please? With lots of ice, if you don’t mind.”
Wordlessly, Kurogiri sets down the glass and picks up a shorter one, using it to scoop up a generous portion of ice from the freezer below before filling it nearly to the brim from the tap. If he has any suspicion of you, he’s very good at hiding it. The same can’t be said for Shigaraki, sitting a few stools down from you and still tapping away at the buttons of his console.
“Fucking with Staples again?” He questions disinterestedly, followed by a hiss of annoyance when the game lets out a series of gunshots. He must have gotten himself killed again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You shoot back airily, swiping the glass from Kurogiri’s outstretched hand and hopping off your own barstool.
“It’s your funeral!” He calls after you, waving you off with one hand. You snicker as you march back into the living quarters, one hand wrapped around the chilled glass and the other flattened over the top to ensure you won’t spill a drop along the way. Soon you find yourself back in front of the bathroom door and, suppressing the urge to giggle, you slowly push through it and into the steamy room beyond. In spite of the hideout’s outward appearance, the place is surprisingly clean and well-kempt (all thanks to den mother Kurogiri). Two sinks stand against the left-hand side of the wall, with two doors opposite them leading to the toilets. Next to the sinks are the showers: three open-faced, tile cubes barely covered by flimsy plastic curtains. Toga is standing in front of the nearest sink, wearing a skimpy pair of Hello Kitty pajamas and washing the blood and goop from her latest transformation out of her navy, pleated skirt. She looks up at you when you enter and you quickly put one finger to your lips, smirking as you point between the glass and the running shower beyond. Toga lets loose a sadistic giggle of her own before hastily shushing herself when you hear Dabi’s bark of “Pipe down out there!”
As you move past her, you can see her mouth the words, “You’re so dead, big sis.”
You can feel a jolt of adrenaline course through your veins as you sneak up to the edge of the tiled wall separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom, the glass in your hand shaking briefly. A small amount of water sloshes over the rim and spatters onto the floor, the sound barely overshadowed by the shower.
His low, rumbling voice coming from the other side of the curtain sends another shiver down your spine.
“What are you up to out there?” He growls dangerously, as if he has a sixth sense when it comes to you and your shenanigans. For just a moment, the rational part of your brain takes over and makes you question your actions. Dabi’s already in a foul mood, and getting worse by the second by the sound of it. Maybe if you hold off and behave like a good girl–
Your body seems to move of its own accord. The next thing you know, the contents of the glass are sailing through the air, arching high over the plastic curtain rod and landing with a messy splat onto your unwitting victim on the other side.
“What the fu–!” Dabi’s curse is cut off by yours and Toga’s mad giggling as you sprint out of the bathroom and down the hallway. Passing by a very confused-looking Spinner, you dart inside Dabi’s room and slam the door, locking it for good measure. Seconds later, he’s pounding on it, using enough force that you’re convinced it might splinter and break off its hinges.
“Open this door right now and make this easier on yourself!” He roars, furiously jiggling the handle.
You let him pound away for a few more seconds, in part to allow yourself time to catch your breath but mostly to delay the unenviable punishment. With a deep, steadying breath, you plaster on a mildly amused expression, undo the lock, and pull open the door. Dabi is visibly seething, water dripping from his hair and cascading in rivulets down his toned chest onto the towel slung low on his hips. His brows are knitted together in rage, turquoise eyes flashing dangerously while one hand is still raised in a fist.
“Oh hey, babe. Done with the shower al–?”
His hands are around your throat before you can blink, your sassy remark devolving into a high-pitched squeak.
“You little bitch.” He spits at you, forcibly backing you further into the room as he advances. “Was that your idea of a joke?”
“N-no.” You gasp in response, voice slightly raspy from the pressure on your jugular. “I just thought–“
“Thought what exactly?” Dabi growls, kicking the door shut behind him with one foot before giving your shoulders a hard shove and pushing you onto the bed. You land with a slight bounce, the momentum giving you just enough time to prop yourself up on your elbows.
“Well?” He hisses, venom dripping from the word as he glares down at you.
“I was worried.” You start slowly, tone almost loving as you gaze up at him with big, doe eyes. “You seemed so tense when you got back. And don’t think I didn’t notice those new burns on your arms. So I thought, since the mission was so hard on you…”
Your face suddenly splits into a shit-eating grin.
“I thought you might need to cool down for a minute.”
Dabi blinks for a second, seemingly struck dumb by your remark. And then his hands are back on you in an instant, roughly flipping you over to lie chest-down with your legs hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Of all the stupid–“
Your shirt is ripped over your head from behind.
There goes the bra, clasps and straps lost to a wildfire of blue flames as it falls away from your body in a charred heap.
“Bratty little schemes.”
Your leggings and panties are harshly yanked down, slipped off, and discarded into some unknown corner of the room. You feel cool air hit your legs and backside, moments before a harsh slap lands on your right cheek. With a yelp, you cast a wide-eyed glance over your shoulder at the menacing presence behind you; a pillar of rage and sadistic urges looming over your naked form.
“You wanted my attention that badly, dollface? Well I’m sorry to say you’ve got it now.”
Before you can react beyond a pained, needy whimper, Dabi hooks his right arm under your thighs to haul you up and onto the bed. He lays his full weight across your back and reaches around and underneath the farthest edge of the bed to produce a simple, black cuff, attached to the nylon spreader running along the underside of the mattress. Giving it a few cursory tugs, he grabs ahold of your right wrist and yanks it towards the corresponding corner, attaching the device with practiced speed and precision. You continue to writhe and pant below him, muttering a litany of curses and “no’s” as he does the same to the opposite side. You’re now bound by both wrists, unable to do more than thrash wildly on the mattress in a humiliating, spread eagle position.
“Seems like you need a reminder of who’s in charge around here.” He snarls in your ear, pushing himself off of you and marching over to his discarded pile of clothing. You can hear the soft rustle of fabric, followed by the telltale clink of metal on metal that makes your eyes go wide.
“Y-you wouldn’t dare…” You start breathlessly, just before the first blinding sting of leather greets your exposed skin, right at the juncture where the soft swell of your ass meets the tender flesh of your thighs.
“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart.” Dabi says mockingly, his tone dripping with false pity and saccharine sweetness as he takes his place at the edge of the bed once more. “I don’t have any problems dealing with a mouthy… little… brat like you.”
His words are punctuated by three more vicious blows, this time striking the meatiest part of your ass and sending the pliant flesh jiggling. The metal rivets in his belt only add to the pain, biting into your rapidly heating flesh and causing tears to prick at the corners of your eyes. Shifting your hips in a futile attempt to get away from Dabi and his newfound torture device, you roll partly onto your side and look over at him with watery, pleading eyes.
“S-sir… Dabi, please!” You sputter out, voice already wavering as your resolve crumbles beneath the stinging sensation. But Dabi’s not in the mood for bargaining. Instead, he growls as he wraps an arm around your waist and shoves his left knee underneath your belly, hiking your ass further into the air.
“Hold still!” He barks at you, another crack of his belt sending a fresh wave of searing pain along your already raw skin. You scream in agony, unable to do more than wriggle and squirm against his hold.
“Start counting, brat.” He demands huskily, your only warning before the next punishing spank meets your burning flesh.
“One!” You gasp out, “I’m sorry! Please–!”
Another blow lands, somehow harder than all the others, revisiting the spot where ass and thigh meet and causing you to wail in pain.
“Too late for apologies, dollface. The only thing I wanna hear from that slutty little mouth is counting. Understand me?”
The arm looped around your waist tightens in warning, and you hiccup before sputtering out a shaky, “T-two.”
“That’s more like it.”
He continues spanking you at a steady pace, the only respite coming when he pauses to hear you choke out the next number. By ten strokes, you’re bawling. By fifteen, you’re practically brain dead, unable to quell the sobs that wrack through your body or think beyond the next count. He mercifully stops at twenty, dropping the belt and loosening his own grip on you. All you can focus on is the burning pain radiating out from your tanned backside, sobbing as you bury your face into the pillow below you for comfort. Dabi’s own breathing is heavy and ragged, and he takes a few deep, measured breaths to steady himself. After a few moments, that hand that once held his belt is carefully laid on the curve of your ass, and you gasp both at the gentle touch and the shock of prickly pain it brings. Judging by the way he strokes the heated flesh, you’re sure the silver eyelets have left a series of bruises behind.
“S-s-sir.” You blubber, “I’m... I…”
“Shhhh, quiet down.” He says softly, voice uncharacteristically tender as he runs his hand along the width of your heated cheeks. “It’s over now. You did so well.”
The unexpected praise makes you whimper beneath his affections, devolving into a quiet moan as his hand travels even lower, fingers coming to rest at the entrance to your heated core. He begins to gently massage at your folds, middle finger slipping inside to find you impossibly wet and clenching around the digit.
“You filthy little thing…” He breathes out on a chuckle, “Are you really that turned on by me beating the hell out of your cute little ass?”
His finger delves deeper, pussy eagerly sucking him in as you keen below him. His free hand begins to lightly scratch up and down your back, goosebumps rising in the wake of each careful caress. Without thinking, you shift further onto your knees, fighting through the pain to push against his hand.
“Please, Sir.” You moan wantonly, “More. Please.”
With another dark chuckle, Dabi slips a second finger inside of you and begins to languidly pump them in and out. Pain and pleasure meld together in a sinful symphony, pants and whimpers coming from you as you rock your abused body against his own scarred flesh. He adjusts the angle and crooks his fingers downwards, curling them just shy of that sensitive bundle of nerves you know would have you seeing stars. Your back arches as you hungrily push against him, dignity forgotten in the face of pure, carnal desire.
“Getting impatient, are we?” He growls teasingly, fingers suddenly slipping out from your sopping core and wrenching a high-pitched whine from the back of your throat. He moves off the bed entirely, ordering you to stay put as he walks over to the nearby dresser and opens up the top drawer. Like the cuffs would allow you to do anything otherwise.
“Ah, here we go.” He says after a few seconds of rummaging, striding back over to the bed and taking up residence behind you. You feel the mattress dip under his weight seconds before his hands find your hips, roughly hauling them upwards and forcing your face further into the pillows. You shriek as he grabs ahold of your left cheek and squeezes harshly, pain shooting up your spine like a bolt of summer lightning. Something hard and cool prods at your quivering entrance, briefly brushing against your clit before being plunged inside of you. The sudden stretch feels at once too much and deeply satiating, sending burning, pleasurable heat licking across your oversensitized nerves. Once the toy is sunk to the hilt, Dabi gives a short grunt of satisfaction before sliding off the bed and circling around to lean over your quivering form. You turn your head to face him and he smirks at the sight of your fucked out expression: eyes red and puffy, cheeks streaked with half-dried tears, lips swollen from the bluntness of your own teeth.
“Aren’t you a sight?” He hums lowly, brushing away an errant strand of hair to plant a condescending kiss to your temple. “Such a needy little slut for me.”
With another dark chuckle, Dabi pats your cheek, straightens up, and turns towards the door.
“Wait!” You squeak out, squirming against your restraints as you watch his retreating back. “You’re just gonna leave me like this?”
“That’s the plan, dollface.” He shoots back, casting you a wicked grin over his left shoulder as he pulls the door open. “At least until I finish my shower.”
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sunmoonandeddie · 3 years
feelings are fatal (19/24)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, past steve rogers x reader
word count: 3,667
summary: After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
chapter warnings: swearing, violence, slight smut maybe??, soldat makes an appearance
a/n: This is part THREE of my blog birthday surprise!
It had been two weeks.
Two of the hardest weeks that Bucky had ever experienced in his entire life.
Two weeks without hearing your voice.
Two weeks without seeing you smile.
Two weeks without feeling the way your hand would slip into his when no one else was looking—and even when they were sometimes—and give a gentle squeeze, reassuring him that you were there.
And you weren’t going anywhere.
But he hadn’t had it for two weeks and he felt like he was going to fall apart at the seams. It had been a lot of fits of rage that turned into all-encompassing breakdowns that would leave him dehydrated and exhausted.
His nightmares were worse than they had ever been before.
He hadn’t slept since you’d been gone.
Fuck, the first thing he was gonna do once he had you back was curl up in bed with you and sleep for a year.
Bucky sighed as he sat outside the conference room where all of the planning had been taking place, letting his head fall into his hands. He wasn’t allowed inside. Too emotionally unstable to have a level head, which is what was needed most right now.
But everyone knew there was no way in Hell he wasn’t gonna be part of the team that went to save you. He’d kill every mother fucker that got in his way, that had helped take you in the first place.
Pulling out his phone, his heart constricted as he saw your sleepy face on his lockscreen. You’d been curled up on the couch, wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of pink fuzzy socks with little red hearts. Your little snores had been absolutely adorable, your knees pulled up to your chest.
When he’d woken you up, shaking you carefully with whispers of a milkshake he’d gotten for you, you’d blinked up at him, almost like you weren’t sure who he was.
And then that beautiful smile had spread over your face.
God, anytime he thought about your little, “For me?” his heart was ready to burst.
He’d snapped a photo, which had immediately resulted in you launching yourself at him with squeals for him to delete it.
Which, of course, he didn’t.
He’d give anything to go back to that day and insist that you guys didn’t go on the field trip.
Well, if Hydra had done anything, they’d successfully ruined one of his favorite places in the entire world.
“Hey,” Sam said as he came out of the conference room. “We think we’ve got a hit.”
Bucky leapt to his feet and rushed into the room after him. “Where is she?! What did you find?!”
“There’s a base in Canada that we thought was abandoned,” he explained as he showed him the map of the general area. “It’s small, but heavily armed.”
Everyone around them was already making plans, making a strategy of how they were going to get you out of there and bring you home.
But Bucky knew there was only one way to guarantee you came back.
“Sam, I have a favor to ask of you.” He was sure his heart was going to break his ribs from how hard it was beating as he led the man out of the room, away from listening ears. “I… When I went to Wakanda and I got the words taken out of my head… I asked Shuri to put in a different set.”
The way Sam’s heart dropped was… extremely visible. He could see it in his deep brown eyes. “What the hell do you mean, man? You… I thought the Winter Soldier was out of your head and all that.”
“He is. Mostly,” Bucky explained. Running his fingers through his hair—fuck, he needed a haircut—he took in a deep breath. “I got words put back in with the intention of only giving them to her… In case she needed the Soldat’s protection. We both know that while I’m tough, the Soldat is a machine. And he’d do anything to protect her.”
His best friend stared at him long and hard, his eyes narrowed. “You want me to unleash the Soldat in order to save her. Do you really think that’s the best way?”
“I do,” he said quietly. “Especially because the loyalty to Hydra is not longer in my brain. All that’s there is loyalty to my friends, my family. I won’t hurt any of you.”
Sam swallowed around the lump in his throat, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “And you really think this is the right way?” He asked quietly.
Bucky’s throat was dry as the Sahara as he nodded, both hands trembling. “I’ll give you the words. I don’t want to use them until we’re almost to the base, okay? I don’t want the Soldat to be around Morgan again, even if he wouldn’t hurt her.”
Sam grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. “Hey. I’ve got your back. And if you believe that this is the best way to save her, then I trust you. I’ll always trust you.”
The Soldat sighed, exhaustion weighing down his bones as he walked down the halls of the Red Room. The mission he’d been on had been quick, but he hadn’t been able to sleep in two days because of it.
All he wanted was his bed.
But no, he had to head to the Red Room to train the little brat.
The little brat being you.
If he was being honest with himself, you weren’t a brat, not really. He was just tired and ready to collapse at any moment, but it wasn’t your fault. You were just a kid.
Well, fifteen. But that was still a kid.
His brows furrowed when he stepped into the training room that he always met you in and found you lying on your back on the mat, staring straight up at the ceiling. What was going on?
You shifted a little, your knee bending so your bare foot was flat on the floor.
He couldn’t help the wince when he saw how banged up your feet were.
The life of a ballerina.
To be fair, he’d seen a lot of fucked up feet since he had started to train girls in the Red Room, but he’d never get used to it. The blood and the half-ripped off toenails and just… Ugh.
Anytime he thought about it, it sent a shudder down his spine. He hated it. He hated feet.
Who would’ve thought that the fearsome Soldat would get freaked out by feet?
You didn’t acknowledge his presence as he got closer, even as his heavy boots sunk into the soft, squishy mat beside your head. But your eyes flickered open as he peered down at you and said your name. “Yes?”
“What are you doing?”
“Laying down.”
“I can see that.”
“Then why did you ask what I’m doing?”
The Soldat rolled his eyes at the impish grin that was spreading over your face. How had it come to be that you could give him shit when no one else could? If anyone else gave him the sass and attitude that you gave him, they’d be six feet under.
But not you.
What made you so special?
“Come on,” you said as you leaned up to tug on his metal hand. “Lay down. It’s nice.”
“But…” He glanced towards the open doors that led into the training room, before being brought back by the tug of your hand again. What could he do except give in when you were giving him those puppy eyes? “Okay,” he said as he slowly sunk to his knees before moving to lie down beside you, leaving ample space. The hunk of a man stared up at the ceiling for what felt like forever, before asking, “So what is this supposed to accomplish?”
“A moment of rest.”
Oh. Huh. He hadn’t… had one of those. In a long time. Anytime he was done with a mission and he wasn’t training, it was back into cryo.
Your head turned to look at him, a gentle smile gracing your lips. “It’s nice, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he said, smiling for the first time in what felt like a century. “It is.”
Bucky took a breath as he looked out the front windows of the quinjet. They were coming up on the base pretty soon, and he knew what that meant.
It was time.
Everyone had been briefed on what was about to go down, and even if they weren’t sure about it being the best course of action, they weren’t going to stop him. Not when it came to you.
“Sam?” He said softly, looking back at the man who was already waiting for him towards the back of the aircraft.
“I’m here,” he said reassuringly, holding the scrap of paper that Bucky had written them down on for him. “Are you ready?” He asked once he’d joined him.
“As I’ll ever be.”
There was a heavy pause between them, before Sam looked down at the paper and began to read. “Fifteen.”
It felt like the weight of the world was on Bucky’s shoulders.
“Sleeping Beauty.”
He couldn’t fuck this up. He had to get you back.
Oh, god, he could feel it coming.
His brain was beginning to shift, beginning to take another form.
The Soldat was beginning to awaken inside of him.
This was the best way to save you, to ensure that they didn’t leave the base without you.
He could feel the Soldat’s feelings mixing with his own, the rage and the worry, specifically for you.
At the forefront was the demand to know where you were, to have you safe in his arms.
Bucky could feel himself falling asleep as the Soldat was taking over, like he was just about to take a nap.
The Soldat scowled as he looked around. “Where is my malen’kaya?” He asked sharply, somehow knowing that English was the proper language to use at the moment.
“We’re going to get her. And we need your help,” Sam said, catching his attention. “Hydra took her. So we have to save her.”
Everything else in the world lost all meaning as soon as the Soldat heard him. “Where is Natalia? She was meant to protect her! That’s why I got her to get her out!”
Wanda swallowed thickly as she stepped forward. “Natasha died. A few months ago.” Her fingers were fiddling with nervous energy, red swirling around the tips. “She died protecting her.”
It was close enough to the truth.
His spine straightened, his jaw clenching. “Then I will be the one to protect her again.” The Asset looked around, looking each of them in the eyes. “Stay out of my way.”
None of them planned to get in the way in the first place, but they knew he wouldn’t have known that.
As soon as the quinjet landed and the ramp was down, he was off, storming into the base. He left a trail of bodies in his wake as he searched for the one person that had meant anything to him.
And that was when he saw her.
Madame B.
And oh, did he have a score to settle with her.
“Soldat! How kind of you to finally join us,” she said with a cold smile, and he tensed up as you were suddenly dragged out of a cell to his left and shoved to your knees. “We’ve been waiting for you. Though… We did think it would take a little less time for you to find us.”
You looked up at him with those beautiful eyes he loved so much, and he was hit with how much older you were from the last time he’d really gotten to see you.
You were so gorgeous. It was like you got better looking everyday.
“Malen’kaya,” he breathed out, blue eyes wide as his heart pounded inside his chest.
“Soldat! Soldat, get out of here!” You cried out, tears rolling down your soft cheeks. “She’s going to kill you! RUN!”
But he stood his ground, pushing his shoulders back and holding his head high. He didn’t know what had happened to him, but he couldn’t feel that unwavering loyalty to his former captors anymore, and that was just fine with him. “No. No more running,” he said sternly, keeping his eyes on Madame B. “No more being afraid.”
It hurt him to see the tears that were streaming down your face, to see the panic that his words sent you into.
But he couldn’t keep running away. If he did, then you would just be hurt again later on. They’d keep coming after the two of you, and he was done. He was done with the hiding and the running and the being afraid. He wanted to spend his life with you.
He wanted to be able to hold your hand out in public and know that you were safe. That no one was going to snatch you away from him until he’d completed yet another mission.
“Soldat… Soldat, no!” You begged, your body shaking as you stayed on your knees. A pitiful whimper escaped your lips as the Madame cocked a gun and held it to your temple, the metal cold against your skin. “Please… Please, run. D-Don’t watch this.” You couldn’t stand the thought of the Soldat—and by extension, Bucky—watching you die.
And that was certainly Madame B’s plan. Now that she’d drawn him in by holding you hostage, she’d kill you, and Hydra would have their greatest weapon back.
Their Asset.
“Wait!” The Soldat called out, causing the older woman to freeze in her tracks. “Take me instead.”
“What?! NO!” You screeched, thrashing against her hold. “SOLDAT! JAMES! NO!” You were beginning to panic, your breathing coming heavier and heavier.
Fuck, you looked so much smaller than when he’d last seen you, even if you did look older. They'd been keeping food from you.
“I will go with you willingly if you let her live,” he said calmly, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“Oh, really?” She drawled, glaring at him coldly. “You give me your word?”
“I give you my word.”
He just needed to get you away from her for just a split second. He needed to get that gun to be… not pointed at your head.
He could work with that.
It happened in a split second. Madame B’s hand holding the gun shifted, the gun now pointed towards your legs.
The Soldat had been holding a knife just out of her view and threw it, letting out a sigh of relief as it met its intended mark.
Deep in Madame B’s throat.
Blood had splattered all over the back of your head as the older woman sunk to her knees, the light leaving her eyes.
The look of shock that was plastered across his face worried him. You looked frozen, paralyzed out of fear.
“Malen’kaya?” He whispered, moving to kneel in front of you.
You took in a shuddering breath, your eyes refocusing. “S-Soldat? You’re here?” You asked, fingers shaking as you reached up to touch his cheek. “I… How?”
“I don’t know,” he murmured quietly, cupping your face in both of his hands, both flesh and vibranium. “I don’t know, but I’m here. And I’m not leaving until you’re home safe.”
You didn’t want him to leave, but you wanted Bucky, too.
You were just so confused. The words had been taken out of his head, the programming.
The super soldier didn’t hesitate to scoop you up, cradling you close to his chest as he carried you out of the base.
He hadn’t left a single Hydra agent alive, and that’s how he liked it.
The only good Hydra agent was a dead Hydra agent.
Your eyes were locked on his face as he carried you to the quinjet, where most of your little found family was waiting.
They all rushed to you, finally letting the tears out as they welcomed you back into their arms. At least, until the Soldat growled out a warning and they gave you some space.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” you breathed out as he set you on his lap with a bottle of water, taking small sips. His strong arms had locked around you almost immediately, ensuring that you were stable in his lap.
And that no one could take you from him again.
“It’s okay,” Soldat said as his vibranium hand rubbed up and down your arm, soothing you. “Rest… You need to rest and eat and drink. Questions later. Hard stuff… later.”
The Soldat knew he wasn’t staying. He couldn’t.
He’d been brought out for this specific mission, to rescue the person he cared about more than anything, and he’d succeeded.
It had been an honor, knowing that these people trusted him to bring you home.
Maybe he wasn’t as bad as he’d been led to believe.
Or maybe… Maybe you made him good, somewhere along the line.
And maybe that was the best he could’ve ever hoped for.
When they made it back to the Compound, some part of him knew the way to the medbay, and he took you straight there.
“How did this happen?” You asked, your eyes sliding up to where Sam was lingering in the doorway.
“Bucky… made a plan,” he said as he took a few steps closer, though he kept a wide berth.
Even the doctor that was looking you over kept casting wary glances to the hulking man sitting next to the hospital bed, holding your hand.
“A plan? What kind of plan?”
Bucky had done something to make sure the Winter Soldier was able to come back? But that sounded like his worst nightmare…
Sam glanced at the Soldat, before moving to the end of your bed and holding onto the plastic footboard. “He had them take out the old trigger… activation words or whatever, and had them put in new ones that only he knew,” he said. “On the off chance that you would need the Soldat.”
“He… He did that for me?” You looked up at your Soldat, the man who had protected you, who had cared for you and ensured your survival. His existence hurt Bucky. He was a part of him that he had been desperate to get rid of.
And he’d left a part of him inside, and provided a way to bring him back just in case you needed him.
The Soldat gave you a weak smile as he caressed your cheek.
It was so strange. Even though he had Bucky’s looks, his new haircut and the stubble, the lack of blood or dirt or something covering his face, it was very clearly the Soldat.
“I cannot stay,” he said quietly, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing each of your knuckles. “I wish I could, malen’kaya… But we both know that our time has passed. If I have to come back, you and… Bucky know how to bring me out.”
“But… But…”
He shook his head, taking in a deep breath. “Everything is alright. You are safe. Hydra will never come after you again, especially if they know what’s good for them.” The hand holding yours was trembling, but he kept his eyes on your face. “And I… I am safe. They can’t hurt me anymore, thanks to you and this… Bucky.”
Your eyes burned as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, being careful with the IV that had been inserted into your arm. “I love you,” you said, pressing your forehead to his. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you,” he said breathlessly. “But… Malen’kaya, don’t let the past hold you back from the future. I… Those that hurt you in the past don’t matter anymore. You are stronger than what happened to you.” He held your hand a little tighter. “Do you understand me, malen’kaya? You are stronger than what has happened to you.”
“I understand.”
“Good,” he said, his lips pressing to your forehead. “You will live a long life. A long, long happy life. You have suffered for so long, but that’s over. The time of suffering has passed, and you get to be happy.”
Panic was overwhelming you. “But what about you? Don’t you get to be happy?”
“Yes, I do,” he said, a smile spreading over his lips. “Malen’kaya… I never knew peace until you. I found little moments of happiness when I was with you, in that training room…” The man’s forehead rested against yours, your noses nudging. “You gave me peace. And feelings. They couldn’t wipe you from my brain completely, no matter how hard they tried.” He let out a slow breath, his fingers massaging your scalp. “You rescued me. You are my savior. And now…” He was so warm, like a furnace, and you just wanted to curl up against him forever. “Now I can rest.” The Soldat tenderly pressed his lips to yours.
Possibly the first and only kiss you’d ever share with him.
It was… It was sweet and gentle and loving. Years of unspoken feelings, of the longing stares and lingering touches while in that horrible room, of the wild look in his eyes anytime someone dared to hurt you.
It was overwhelming and beautiful and fuck, you wanted more.
But he was right. The time you two had together was over. The Soldat’s time was over.
He could rest, and that’s all you had ever wanted for him.
As he broke the kiss, he slowly laid you back against the pillows of your hotel bed. “Sleep. I’ll be gone when you wake, but… Bucky will be here.”
Those that hurt you in the past don’t matter anymore.
And your Jamie… Your Jamie had never hurt you.
Maybe you could rest, too. You could have a life.
One with him in it.
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leviiattacks · 3 years
hi bestie!! pls pretty pls do a levi one where he takes care of a sick y/n im feeling a bit under the weather and im getting kinda scared bc of covid :<< anything to help calm my nerves pls? thank you <3
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author note :: get well soon anon :-( i’m super sick rn too (when am i not tho </3) so i get how it is. this isn’t that great because i wrote it pretty quick but i hope it eases youuu :-) this is just pure fluff and sappy stuff and yup yup MODERN LEVI BC... listen i have a soft spot for modern levi word count :: some how i got to 1.4k ????? idk how i always go over the expected word count i have in my head 
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it’s literally been YEARS since the last time you were sick
if you really dig through the depths of your memory you’d say maybe you were last sick when you were seven???
it’s that or your memory is just not great
either way, you really do not want to bother anyone with your sickness so you decide to hole up in your room for the entire day
you don’t even tell levi about it because you know he’ll drop everything for the sake of your comfort
the only problem is that midway through the day you’ve become so bedridden you can’t even begin to fathom attending classes tomorrow
you guess you’ll be taking another day off
as that thought crosses your mind your bedroom door bursts open
“i...” levi lets out a long sigh and you look at him dazed from your pounding headache
you’re surrounded by scrunched up tissues and your cold meds have been left untouched
“i’m gonna get you sick too. back away.” you’re frowning and signalling with your hands that you want him out
your nose is stuffy and you’re sniffling but levi just rolls his eyes before he sits next to you on the floor
buried in your duvet you look a little like a burrito and he laughs at that
“do you know where the thermometer is? i’ll check on your fever.”
he’s looking at you waiting for an answer
you think for a second and then you try to rummage through the timeline of today’s events.
to be fair you’re a little disoriented but for some unknown reason you feel yourself get a little teary eyed
maybe it’s a mix of your upcoming deadlines looming over you or perhaps it’s missing a really important class today
but it’s so sudden you don’t even know why your body is making you act so irrationally but that’s what fevers do
“i think i” you sniff and then the waterworks flood out of you. your brain can’t adjust to the severity of your headache and your urge to sleep is higher than ever
honestly you don’t cry very much so to see the tears worries levi almost immediately
“im sorry i misplaced it.” you croak out, your voice is all scaly and weird, you hate it
stupidly you get upset about that too
don’t people sound hot when they’re sick?? why do you sound like an angry bear...?
this is not fair.
“and i’m stressed.” you blow your nose but it continues to drip despite your constant attempts to stop it
nose bright red and hair disheveled levi’s eyes soften when he sees your workbook laying at the foot of your bed
notes are scribbles in random corners and your mind map is a chaotic mess but you’re trying your best given the circumstances
god, even when you’re sick you’re working hard. you’re ridiculous but in the most endearing way known to man
“alright, lay down.” he runs a hand through your hair to fix the birds nest before he adjusts your pillows and places your head down gently
“i’m sorry i’ve lost the-”
levi’s index finger presses against your lips and he shushes you
“get some rest, please.”
you comply but not before giving him a playful glare
his warm palms move to hold your face. cheeks squished together he swipes your tears away
“i’ve got some soup on the stove you’ll be good in no time.” his soft reassurance is comforting and protective
nodding you flutter your eyes shut.
you’re unable to sleep but levi’s presence is enough to ease you even if it’s just a little you do feel better
fifteen minutes pass and levi returns he’s got you a hot cup of tea and the soup is nowhere to be seen
“i had an accident in the kitchen... so have some tea instead.”
you simply laugh it off, he’s trying his best and you’re alright with not having to be fed tomato soup
tomato soup..... it’s sick and twisted it tastes so bad
you recall having to force yourself to down an entire bowl last christmas after catching a cold
never ever again will you do that
anyways, pea soup superiority it’s the only valid type !!!
levi likes tomato soup though that’s the only reason it sits in bulk in one of the kitchen cabinets
he brushes the mountain of tissues on your bedside table away, he’ll dispose of them later
placing the cup of tea where the aforementioned tissues once were you then realize he’s brought you a slice of madeira cake to have alongside it
at this your eyes brighten you love madeira cake it’s so soft and buttery and simple but it’s just REALLY GOOD???
anyway, you definitely recommend everyone to have some it’s a solid 10/10
“picked some up on my way here.”
your heart swells affectionately
no one will ever love you as hard as he does
to be honest, the little things he does keep you grounded and you don’t really know where you’d be without him
he always pays attention to the things you love, always carries you from the couch to your bed, always tucks you in, always lingers a little just to make sure you’re sound asleep
you know about that last bit because on occasion you have stirred awake on accident
every single time he strokes your hair and holds you close ushering you back to sleep
again, you don’t know if it’s your fever making you emotional or the warm feeling of being loved so HARD?? it’s like whack a mole the only difference is being repeatedly hit by bursts of affection
not really a great analogy but your brain is fried right now and it’s the best you’ve got
levi sits next to you making the mattress shift and you then plop your head against his chest
“drink up.”
he hands you the cup of tea but you nuzzle your face into his neck instead forcing him to place it back down
“what are you doing?” he asks.
one of his hands draws circles onto your back soothing you and the other hand is fiddling around with the packaging of your cold meds, he looks to be reading the description just to make sure you can take them
the feeling of his t-shirt under your cheek fades away and you find yourself staring up at him
“get here.” he softly murmurs
rather than pressing a hand against your forehead he swoops down
at first his hands feel your face and neck
“you’re burning up.” he frowns and then he does it
he presses his forehead against yours and you swear you could stop breathing and pass out right then and there
“the fever’s getting worse, why didn’t you call me earlier i had to find out you were sick from-”
“i love you.”
he freezes.
“of course you love me but that’s not what we’re talking about right now.” he snorts and looks you right in the eye.
suddenly you’re kinda just a teeny-weeny bit self-conscious about your dark under eyes but you push that thought to the back of your mind
“no i mean. i really fucking love you levi.” the expletive only makes you sound more serious especially since you always scold him when he uses vulgar language
it looks as if his mouth moves to say it back but you stop him
“you don’t have to say it again. i’m saying it because you said it first.” you explain through your drowsy state
“when did i say it first?”
the fever must be really getting to you is what he’s thinking
“your actions spoke for you.”
he ever so slightly jabs you with his elbow before he carefully places your head back down onto his chest
“you’re so sappy.” he pecks your cheek and you hum silently still unable to breathe out of one of your nostrils
“i know but you’re sappier.”
levi doesn’t respond because he knows you’re correct
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candreloup · 3 years
Here is a mention that I'm gonna try to answer! Sorry for being super silent and not saying anything for a while... It's just really hot and everything is transitioning as my cousins are moving in and the pandemic is starting to lift a little bit... so it's just really really crazy! Anyways, I'm trying to post more regularly.... I think I'm gonna make a part 2 for this one. So on to the story!
With the hero chained up, the villain unveils their masterpiece: a weapon that tracks everyone who loves the hero before obliterating them. The map powers on. “Wait. There’s just one dot.” The Villain says. “…Someone loves me?” The hero replies with hope.
Villain couldn't get over the look of hope in Hero's eyes. They didn't understand the sudden surge of pity filling their heart, either. The corner of their mind filled with disappointment, with rage at the Hero for not giving Villain more leverage. This is Hero. They've done so many terrible things to me, to hurt me, and yet... And yet. That was it, wasn't it? The sudden humanity they could see in Hero's eyes made it almost impossible to just kill them.
"Who... who is it?" Hero stammered, staring at the screen desperately. They were straining their necks, trying to see the surroundings of the dot.
Villain sighed, partly in frustration and partly in despair. The first thing they thought: They're pathetic. The second thing: I don't have any leverage now.
Both thoughts led back to one single thought: Shit.
Either way, Villain didn't see any point in using the weapon any longer. What's the point? Would they even really suffer? If they did... Well, Villain couldn't bring themselves to hurt Hero. They looked so pathetic, kneeling on the floor in chains and staring up at Villain with a shine of desperate hope in their eyes. Seriously... what's the point? I'm just kicking someone who's already down. Villain sighed again, ran their hand over their face. They turned off the map and stared down at Hero. Hero was looking down, a half-smile on their face. "Someone loves me..."
Villain unchained Hero from the floor and grabbed the end. Pathetic, seriously. Villain yanked the chain, making Hero stumble. Their eyes hardened. "You're really a villain." Villain laughed.
"I thought... you'd be better."
Villain snorted. "Oh? What makes- or made- you think I'd be... 'better'?" Villain put air quotes around the word "better". What a ridiculous sentence. "I thought you'd be better." And yet, it stung slightly. For some reason. Villain couldn't put their finger on why. Why would they feel any semblance of hurt from such a useless Hero? It was stupid. Yes. Stupid. But it still hurt. And Villain couldn't understand why.
Hero smiled to themselves. Someone loved them. Who? They didn't even know. But someone, somewhere loved them. That alone was enough for them. That alone was something to fight for.
Villain jerked the chain again, snapping Hero out of their thoughts. "Let's go." Hero growled at Villain, pulling the chain backwards. Villain huffed. "Are we really going to do this? Really?" Hero stayed silent, only clutching the handcuffs closer to their body. They glared at Villain, feeling a new sort of rebelliousness.
"I'm not moving."
Villain felt a surge of anger.
"Move." They were so defiant today. All because of one person. It made Villain want to wipe them off the map anyways, even if it wouldn't help their cause. I wish I could make them feel that way-
What the hell? What was that thought? Villain cringed. What did they just think? It was an almost unconscious thought, filled with a strange possessiveness Villain had never felt before. It made them even angrier, made them want to do something very rash.
Hero stayed, rooted in place. Waiting for the next pull. But it never came. Instead, Villain came closer, narrowing the gap between them. Hero braced themselves for the threats and vicious outburst and undoubtedly some sort of awful smell. I mean, they're a villain, right?
Instead, the scent of lavender and roses washed over Hero as Villain came even closer. Hero had to admit, it smelled really good. They'd never been this close to Villain- Villain had always kept them the chain's length away. But now, strangely, unpredictably, Villain was getting closer.
By now, they were so close that Hero could hear the sound of Villain breathing. Their eyes were purple. Hero had never noticed that. They'd always thought that Villain's eyes were black, with perhaps a hint of gray. But their eyes were tinted with purple, the jet black turning slightly dark purple in the light.
Villain let out a soft sound of anger, huffing through their nose in exasperation. They abruptly turned and started to walk again, yanking the chain again. Villain jerked Hero into the room, securing the chain to its usual place and locking the door behind them. Hero just moved to the bed and lay down, looking at the ceiling. It made Villain even angrier. Before, when Villain locked Hero into their cell they would struggle and scream, struggling to get free. But suddenly... Suddenly they were so subdued. Villain knew exactly why. And it made them want to do something rash.
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Come Back To Me (one-shot)
Synopsis: Bucky Barnes has gone through hell and back to reach his happiness, and his happiness came in the form of the love of his life. But what happens when she’s ripped away? What happens when she comes back and can no longer be happy herself? How does he get her back
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Genre: AAAAANNNNNGGGGGSSSTTT, sooooo much angst. Lil bit of fluff as well (also, we’re gonna pretend like Endgame didn’t really happen, and WandaVision wasn’t as emotionally devastating), smut
Warnings: extreme sadness, depression, refusal to eat, unprotected sex, allusion to ra*e, but not the act. if there is anything else, please let me know and message me :) (MINIMALLY EDITED)
Word count: 9301 (it gon be a ride)
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Bucky’s been scared many times in his life before. He wouldn’t admit that out loud, but most of the time, even as the Winter Soldier, he was terrified. Afraid to fail and of the consequences that would follow, afraid to succeed and have another person’s blood on his hands, afraid to look in the mirror, for the face staring back at him wasn’t quite his own, and even afraid to sleep in the dark, terrified the spirits of his victims would come out for revenge. But he’s never been as scared as he was in that moment, pointing a gun at the head of the love of his life, while she did the same, only without any clue as to who Bucky was.
           His mind was still processing how they’d gotten in that position, and it refused to accept it, because nothing, not a single thing had clued him in on how that day could turn south so quickly.
           It had started off as usual with Bucky’s flesh hand sliding down Y/N’s naked spine, as she had her face pressed against his toned chest, small snores escaping into the air, while a small dribble of drool trickled down the corner of her mouth.
           Bucky couldn’t help the smile lifting up his lips. It was moments like those, he believed in good things. 5 AM, the New York sky dark and without a trace of morning light probably until 8 AM, with his favourite person in the world pressed up against his side, soaking up his warmth, leeching it off without any shame after having been satisfied (or at least he hoped so) by his tongue, fingers and, well, other things as well.
           Y/N shifted a bit, trailing her palm up to his abs and settling in the middle of his chest to feel his strong heartbeat. Bucky laid his palm over hers. Even in her sleep, she didn’t hesitate to entwine their fingers and bring them under her chin, closer to her, as if she needed him next to her at all times.
           He felt bad, he truly did, as he squeezed Y/N’s side, making her frown. “You gotta wake up, dollface. We gotta get ready.”
           “Dunantdo,” she mumbled, and if Bucky hadn’t been there to take care of her drunken ass more times than he could count, he wouldn’t have been able to decipher her slurred words as “don’t want to.”
           “I know.” He chuckled. “And believe me, there’s nothing in this world I’d wanna do more than lay here with you… well maybe go down on you a few more times at some point as well, but the mission won’t happen on its own.”
           Bucky felt her chest rumble against his, as she laughed. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind you going down on me, mission and all.” Her words were clearer, but still laced with sleep, and muffled by his skin while he felt her calves run against his as she stretched out.
           “I know you don’t. The missing hair chunks on my head prove that.”
           “Hey!” she slapped his chest but soothing it immediately blearily looking at him with a pout. “I didn’t pull that hard!”
           “I’m not complaining, sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “In fact, if you ever stop doing that, I will make sure you regret it, but unfortunately we don’t have time for a rendezvous. Jet’s gonna be ready in an hour.”
           Finally, after having accepted the fact she won’t get any more sleep, Y/N lifted herself to rest on her elbow right next to Bucky’s ribs and opened her Y/E/C sleep-filled eyes to look into his cerulean ones. “We can still squeeze in a quickie if we hop into the shower together.”
           “We can,” Bucky hummed, metal fingers lifting up to cup her cheek and place a strand of unruly hair behind her ear. “But you know a quickie for us is never quick.”
           Y/N let out a scoff and pushed away from their fluffy duvet, making her shiver as she placed her feet on the cold floor. “And whose fault is that? You’re the one with the super-soldier stamina.”
           “And you,” he pinched her ass making her squeal before giving him the middle finger and taking the red Henley she’d so happily taken off his body the night before only to put it on herself, “are the completely irresistible one. Can you blame me for wanting to spend eternity between those two legs in every way possible?”
           The smile she threw him over her shoulder was nothing short of wicked, but instead of joining him in the warm embrace of the bed, Y/N made her way to the bathroom. “Keep talking, Mr Charmer. Might just get you what you want.”
           Bucky was happy about having super speed as well with how quickly he hopped out of the bed and pressed her against the cold tile wall.
           Much to Steve’s annoyance, although they were barely fifteen minutes late, Bucky and Y/N were late, and when he saw the smug grins both of them sported, he genuinely thought his eyes would get stuck at the back of his head with the hard roll he gave to them.
           “As a new policy,” he started, flipping over the mission file, “I’m putting you two on a celibate streak.”
           Y/N raised an eyebrow, plopping down on one of the metal benches as the Quinjet lifted in the air. “Really, Steve? Do you truly want to deal with Bucky like that? Cause I know, I don’t.”
           “Well, your fondueing is disrupting the schedule.”
           “Oh relax,” Nat butted in, throwing Y/N a chocolate bar, given how no one had had time to eat proper breakfast. “It’s not like the HYDRA base was going to suddenly disappear.” 
           “It could’ve,” the blond super soldier countered.
           Nat rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide the smile she had on her face. “Which is why we have an inside man, who as of three minutes ago has confirmed – they’re still there. And by the looks of it, not even trying to run.”
           Bucky’s arm slung around Y/N’s shoulder and pulled her closer. “See? Everything’s still on track. Besides, from what I heard from Sam, he’s loving the whole under-cover thing so we were doing him a favour.”
           Tony had gotten out of the pilot’s seat and joined in on everyone discussing Y/N’s and Bucky’s sex life, so that was her cue to switch the comms in her ear from ‘communication’ setting to the ‘music’ setting, leaning against Bucky’s side and closing her eyes, cashing in on those lost sleep minutes she’d spent in the shower with her lover. 
           When they had about forty minutes left in the air, Bucky once more woke Y/N up as she’d fallen asleep while Steve and Tony went over the last briefing. 
“Bucky and I will take the South-side entrance,” Steve said, pointing at the holographic map Tony had pulled up. “Y/N, Nat and Wanda you take the East, and go as easy as you can, Red.” Steve nudged his chin towards Wanda who nodded. “Just because you can bend reality doesn’t mean you can bend your health. That’s where the main intel storage unit. Get as much as you can and get out. Tony will take the air and wait until Sam joins before blowing everything up. Clint, Bruce and Thor have all checked in, and are already in their positions on the ground as blitz attack. Once F.R.I.D.A.Y has confirmed everyone’s location away from the blast zone Tony will detonate the bombs Sam has set up inside. Got it?”
Affirmative nods came from everyone on board, as they went to do final checks on their gear and equipment.
“Be careful out there, alright?” Bucky mumbled against Y/N’s neck as she double and triple checked her ammunition count, strapping a sword to her back as well, just in case. Her obsession with Medieval fantasy shows giving her a reason to make Tony pay for her lessons. 
           “We’re gonna be fine,” Y/N gently patted Bucky’s cheek before giving him a peck on the cheek as he wrapped two strong hands around her waist. “We always are.”
           But where typically she was right (most of the time), it was in that instance where she couldn’t be further from the truth if she’d tried. 
           Despite having Sam on the inside and him having gone through great lengths to make the infiltration as easy as possible, getting inside the building had been suspiciously easy, and that had set off everyone’s alarm bells, but knowing how important gathering the information was, they pressed on, keeping the thought that it could be a trap at the back of their minds at all times. 
           Thor, Bruce and Clint had started their ground attack two minutes before the rest had joined, with Vision guiding and disabling every system possible from back at the tower, so Tony and F.R.I.D.A.Y could put all of their focus on retaliating against the helacarriers coming their way. 
           “Cap, we’re in,” Natasha announced, ducking through the door, as Wanda covered her six, and Y/N lead the way in front, bullet shells flying out from her rifle. 
           Their comms crackled with echoes of gunfire outside as Tony lead them through the place right until they got to the main room where the whole system mainframe resided in.
           “Five-minute countdown commenced,” Y/N said it out loud to inform the rest of their team, as she stood behind Wanda, who’d created a red shield of magic, keeping the assault away and them inside the room.
           Five minutes until they had to get out of the building because in eight minutes time Tony and Vision, having infiltrated HYDRA’s system would blow everything to bits. If that failed, Wanda was there to provide a safety dome for the three of them, but it was just as a failsafe. Even though she now had full control of her powers, understood them better than ever, taking in a blast that will level a whole ass building was still a lot and there was no guarantee bricks and beams wouldn’t just settle right over them to then fall on top the women, she was still recuperating from a rival witch attack and it had taken out a bit more energy from her than usual.
           “How’s it looking over on your end, Vis?” Wanda asked through the comms, connecting back to the rest of the team in the tower.
           “The files are coming in, but too slowly,” his smooth voice invaded everyone’s earpieces. “And unfortunately F.R.I.D.A.Y’s mainframe won’t allow for a faster download, as she needs to scan everything for viruses.”
           “Should’ve used a flash-drive,” Y/N mumbled under her breath as she watched the HYDRA agents line outside the room, creating a two-level firing squad basically. 
           “Last time we did that, the files corrupted the drive and then erased themselves,” Tony butted in, then groaned as something hard hit him. “And no one needs to hear you complain about losing the six seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine again.”
           Y/N just rolled her eyes and steadied her rifle against her shoulder once Nat gave the go-sign. Then something beeped through everyone’s comms. The three-minute countdown before the whole building went down.
           “We’re barely at seventy-six percent,” Nat’s tone was calm, but the frustration didn’t go unnoticed by others.
           “Plan B then.” Wanda changed her stance a bit, but not by much as to not arouse any suspicion from the agents. If they could be taken out by the blast instead of her it’d be less energy used on her part.
           “Are you sure?” Sam finally butted in, having gotten in contact with Bucky who’d given him a comm linked just with their interface. “We can try and delay the blast,” Sam said right as Bucky commanded him to do so.
           “No,” Wanda stated. There were already at the two-minute mark. “Get out. We’ll take cover once the files are ours.”
           “Y/N,” she heard her lover start, but she just shook her head, even though he couldn’t see it. 
           “Wanda’s right. Just be here to pull us out from the rubble. I have no want to climb through the wreckage.”
           A deep, long, exasperated sigh echoed in her ears, and it made her smile. “You know, sometimes I really hate you.”
           “Love you too, hot stuff.”
           A chorus of gags followed shortly after their little display of affection, and even though they were nowhere near one another they rolled their eyes almost at the exact same time, as Vision told Wanda to stay safe.
           “You owe me a foot massage, Vis.”
           “Gross.” Y/N chuckled.
           Wanda just threw her a smirk. “Imagine how we all feel about you and Bucky.”
           “Okay, we’re down to sixty seconds!” Tony said, making Y/N nervously glance back at Nat. 
           The assassin just shook her head. “Eighty-seven percent.”
           She gritted her teeth. If the building went out before they got the files they’d be stuck with just what they had. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, please speed up a bit, the place is about to get blown to bits.”
           “Rerouting the files to a different server,” the A.I. was immediately on it. “Will have to do the scan later.”
           “Thirty seconds, guys!” Steve shouted as whoever was still near the base scrambled to get out.
           Nat’s head whipped back to the computer screen. “Almost there.”
           But the whole thing seemed to have made the HYDRA agents realise something was amiss, yet it was too late for them. As Sam counted off the last five seconds, Natasha rushed to the other two women, grabbing them by their waists and crouching down while Wanda created a red dome of magic, explosions shaking the whole house.
           For a second the rumbling felt more like someone shaking you awake from a deep sleep until the walls of the room exploded, raining fire, brick and metal down on them. 
           That would’ve been fine if not for the fact that the floor underneath them decided to disappear as well, an array of curses coming from their mouths as Wanda immediately rounded out the shield while the rest of their teammates kept nagging them to respond.
           “Y/N, I swear to everything you hold dear, I will kill you myself if you die,” Bucky pretty much screamed, while she groaned as the sudden shift in balance had made her hit herself in the ribs with the rifle.
           She gritted her teeth, as Wanda used more of her powers to stabilise them. “We’re fine,” she responded. “No need to bring in the cavalry yet.”
           A deep sigh from what seemed like everyone echoed in her earpiece, and when Wanda was sure there’d be no second shockwaves from the blast or no debris that could fall right on top of them where she’d need to take her focus away, she flew the three women out of the ruined building and onto the grassy knoll where the team stood waiting. 
           Bucky was instantly next to Y/N, pulling her into his body and her lips against his once Wanda released her from the energy bubble. 
           “God, you’re disgusting,” Sam mumbled, and it was followed by a small yelp when someone hit him in the side.
           Y/N threw him a mischievous grin when she pulled away. “Don’t be a Bitter Betty. The offer to set you up still stands.”
           Sam cackled, as everyone had now regrouped and together were marching away to where the jet sat disguised between the trees. “Hard pass. You’re a worse matchmaker than Steve.”
           “Hey! Amelia was an amazing girl.”
           “She is except for the fact that she’s not interested in men.”
           Steve’s cheeks reddened up a bit, as Tony gave him a sympathetic pat. “ ‘S not my business to ask what people’s sexuality is. And blame yourself. You’re the one who’s called Sam.”
           “Oh, don’t you even –“ but his words were cut off midway as gunfire rained down on them from the sky.
           Instantly Wanda threw up a shield once more, Bucky going to cover Y/N with his body, but HYDRA opening fire from the top had left their sides unprotected, and a well-aimed shot from a bazooka ripped everyone apart. 
           The blast was minimised thanks to Wanda and her quickly directing a part of her magic to contain it, but the missile still threw them away.
           Y/N’s head was ringing, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of the loud noise of the blast, because of her having hit her head against a tree trunk, or because of all the screams from her teammates, yet she had zero time to recuperate as an agent rushed towards her, knives ready for a kill.
           The first one embedded itself inside the tree, and barely not inside her head, as she moved to the side in the last minute, but a small sting still crept along the side of her head where he’d managed to split the skin.
           She was up and rolling away, grabbing one of her own knives from the side of her leg, finally unsheathing her sword. There was no time to put more clips in her guns.
           The first agent was quick work for Y/N, I mean he only three more knives left, and he’d been one of the unlucky ones to stand next to the building when it went off, so the shrapnel had ripped a piece of his Kevlar open giving her the perfect place to put her sword in, but the next ten were not as easy.
           She was worn out, tired from having experienced two explosions and some of the agents were new backup, which meant they had more strength and energy, but she wasn’t going to let them get the best of her. 
           At the back of her mind, Y/N heard everyone chiming in as to where they were, how many people were after them if they needed backup, but mostly Y/N heard Bucky’s calls that he was coming to get her, even though she hadn’t requested help, she was too busy dodging bullets and knives to even respond. 
           She was human, she needed help, she wanted help, but then something odd occurred to her – most, from what she’d heard through the comms, were fighting maybe four to five people at a time, with the exception of Wanda, Tony, Thor and Hulk who had tanks and cars going after them, while Y/N had a group of twenty to twenty-five people to manage.
           It was an ambush, it dawned on her.
           She wanted to scream at herself ‘No shit, the whole thing is an ambush’, but it was an ambush of Y/N specifically, which was odd given how she was pretty much one of the few who had no direct ties to HYDRA, but that one moment of confusion was enough for someone to land a slice to the side where her own suit had a hole in it. 
  ��        “Oh, we don’t want you,” a voice went through her comms that she didn’t recognise. It was muffled as if someone was whispering through someone else’s mic. “But we’ll hurt you more than ever.”
           An unsettling quiet settled around before she clearly recognised Bucky breathing out a ‘no’ and then a panicked ‘Y/N!’ rip through his throat. Her head whipped to see one of the most frightening sights of her life that will forever be ingrained in her mind.
           Bucky was laying on the ground, completely paralysed without the ability to even flex a muscle, blue eyes turned towards her in terror and helplessness as he watched while nine more agents stormed towards her.
           She was capable, of course. He’d even experienced how capable the girl was on his own skin, and it had left his super-soldier skin bruised and battered for a few days. But right now, she was tired, she had zero ammo left, all of her knives were embedded in the heads or chests of other assailants and somewhere along the way her sword had snapped in half, leaving her with a jagged piece of steel, which was also protruding out from someone’s chest. Y/N had nothing, but her punches and kicks left. And even she knew there was no way she’d last long enough to get back to the jet in one piece.
           So, gathering whatever strength remained in her body, Y/N retaliated on last time. She heard people shouting that they were coming for her, and for a moment she truly believed so when a red ball of magic hit a group of seven agents knocking them down, but when Y/N’s eyes flitted to where it’d come from, she saw the agents subdue Wanda, as they'd somehow managed to put an electroshock collar around her neck. She fell to her knees gasping in pain.
           All of it, Y/N realised, every single thing that had happened had been a distraction. They’d split them apart, and the Avengers had most likely helped HYDRA accomplish their goal when the bomb went off. 
           For a moment she wondered why’d they’d want to take her, why not take their ‘weapons’ back, but just as quickly came the realisation of their words.
           Someone grabbed her by the ankle, yanking her down. 
           Y/N saw stars behind her eyelids, and her teeth clanked together. She was lucky her tongue hadn’t been between them. 
           Bucky screamed as if someone was ripping his heart from his chest.
           A gun hit her on the head.
           And then everything went black.
                      Bucky was going insane. He’d trade having his brain being put through the meatgrinder for seventy years once again if that meant Y/N was back with him, but the empty space in his bed, the unused shampoo and conditioner bottles, the dirty cup in the sink told him otherwise. She was gone, and he couldn’t do anything about it. 
           For two weeks he was basically a zombie, barely eating and functioning, spending most of his time by the interrogation room’s computer, following up on dead-end leads and any breadcrumb he could find, yet every single time he thought he’d gotten something as if life was mocking him, it turned into dust, just like his hope slowly was. 
           There was pretty much no one else but him, Sam and Wanda left in the tower, as the rest had split off into teams to go and search every left-over HYDRA base in the world. The only reason he wasn’t out there was because Steve had benched him.
“You’re compromised,” he’d said. Bucky couldn’t say he wasn’t.
Sam had stayed behind because during his last raid he’d gotten hit by some gas, rendering him pretty much useless for half a week, and no one felt comfortable enough to ask him to put his life on the line before a full recovery.
And Wanda… well, Wanda wasn’t taking the whole thing too great either, but she was still functioning, so she was just waiting for the jet to come in and fly her out to Serbia with Vision for a potential lead on Y/N.
Defeated for the night, he grabbed the coffee cup that once had been filled and trudged his way to the kitchen area. God, fucking hell, how much did it hurt to even breathe. 
           Just as he was about to pour himself another cup of the burning black liquid, all of his senses went haywire, and he spun around to look at the hallway of the living room. He instantly recognised the shadow standing in the middle of it, how the shape curved and sloped in such a familiar way. How could he not, when that shadow belonged to the woman, he intended to spend the rest of his life with, when his hands had memorised each and every way she was formed.
           “Dollface?” his voice cracked at the end, but when she entered the light, instead of warmth filling his heart at the relief of her being back, ice-cold fear rushed through him at the sight of the black muzzle across her nose and mouth, not to even mention the HYDRA symbol in the middle of the chest of her tactical suit. 
           The first shot rang out right after he blinked, giving him barely enough time to dodge it, but Y/N was already on the move rushing towards him and kicking her leg out so that her knee would connect with Bucky’s chin. 
           A sickening crunch echoed through the room, as his head met the marble floor, bright lights flashing behind his eyes. He could even feel his teeth vibrate from the impact. It was this second which he used to somewhat regain a sense of place, that Y/N used to straddle him down, hand going behind her back to pull out a gun, but Bucky knew her. He knew her moves and how she left her left side open.
           When his forehead connected to Y/N’s nose, he almost vomited at the feeling of bone-crunching against his skin, but it gave him enough time to deliver a blow to her side, disarming her before grabbing her bicep and pulling her arm behind her back, his own metal appendage wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her flush against him. 
           “Come on, sweetheart!” he was pleading, but his grip unyielding to her struggles. “Fight this. I know you can.”
           But to his horror, HYDRA had dug their nails into her mind deeper than he ever thought was possible, as she smashed the back of her head against his nose once more, red blood spilling everywhere.
           He staggered back, palm cradling his face, but he still had one free to block the fist that was coming in his direction. This caught her off guard for a millisecond, but not long enough for Bucky to do anything, as she smashed her foot against his knee, bringing him down, yet he’d expected it, using the position to his advantage and grabbing Y/N behind the legs, yanking her towards him, and making her back hit hard against the floor, dizzying and knocking the air out of the woman.
           It took him three seconds to slide over to the gun she’d discarded and to stand up, and it took three seconds for her to flip herself up and aim the gun that’d still been strapped to her thigh.
           Both of them were shaking, but both for different reasons. Bucky was shaking because he was making the love of his life look down the barrel of a gun, while she was shaking because the only thought on her mind was about if she didn’t finish the mission, the consequences would be more horrible than anything HYDRA had done to her before.
           “I don’t want to hurt you! Please snap out of it!” he hollered but didn’t lower his weapon. It went against all of his instincts to be in that position, even when the two sparred, Bucky, to Y/N’s annoyance who was hoping for a real fight, pulled his punches. It was unnatural for him to even consider harming her.
           She cocked her gun, didn’t even hesitate. 
           “Sorry, can’t do that. You’re my mission.”
           Bucky took in one last breath.
           It hitched in his throat.
           He blinked away the tears pooling at his bottom lashes.
He’d never pull the trigger. 
           She steadied her aim.
           Bucky closed his eyes.
           But the bullet never came. At least not for him.
The yelp of pain made him open his eyes just to see Y/N’s body jerk to the side and drop to her knee, hand clutching at her shoulder, with Sam behind her, his own gun aimed at her with a little stream of smoke coming out of the barrel. 
Yet the second her shock passed Y/N swiftly turned to Sam, gun in her usable palm when her body seized up, and she fell to the ground unconscious. 
           Bucky was panting, as he looked to see Redwing, two blue lights on each side dying out, as it deactivated the tasers. It took him a second to realize what had happened, but then he was by Y/N’s side, pulling her body up to cradle against his own.
           “What the hell, Sam?!” Bucky yelled, hovering his left hand over Y/N’s mouth. When the metal fogged over, his whole frame literally shuddered in relief, as he went on to the next job – stopping the bleeding before her breathing stopped.
           “She was gonna put a bullet between your eyes!”
           “You didn’t have to shoot her!”
           “Oh, I’m sorry,” Sam mocked, dropping to his knees and shredding apart a kitchen towel to press against the wound. “Would you have rather had your brains splattered against the floor?”
           “You had Redwing taser her! That was enough!”
           “If I hadn’t shot her, Redwing wouldn’t have been able to taser her.”
           He hated the fact wounding Y/N had been a necessary step in subduing her. No, Bucky told himself, not her. Not his Y/N, but whoever HYDRA had placed in her mind.
           As gently as possible, he scooped up her body and with Sam in tow made his way to the med bay.
           F.R.I.D.A.Y had alerted the medical staff of the situation, so they were ready when Bucky came in. Instantly two nurses took his girl from his arms and laid her down on a gurney, Helen Cho stepping up with surgical gloves.
           “A through and through in the shoulder,” she remarked more for the medical records than anyone else. “She’ll have a few painful weeks of recovery, but nothing fatal.”
           Bucky nodded in acknowledgement, but still, he didn’t let anyone touch Y/N without him being beside her. As Helen patched up her shoulder and strapped her down on the cell bed, he was still there beside her, both hands clutching onto her palm, not moving an inch away.
           A little while after Helen had left, he felt a presence hovering behind him, and Sam stepped into the room, leaning against the wall, brown eyes looking over Y/N.
           “How is she?”
           Bucky sighed, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. They were cracked and on the verge of bleeding despite the regenerative cream, Dr Cho had applied. “Asleep,” he mumbled. “So that’s better, I guess. Gives her time to heal.”
           He heard Sam shuffle around a bit, and then he entered Bucky’s peripheral as he sat down on a chair next to the bed.“It took them thirty years to break you, yet it took them two weeks to break her…” Sam said biting on his lip, and the statement made anger course through Bucky’s veins.
           “Are you seriously calling her fucking weak?” He snapped looking at his fellow Avenger. “You have no idea what kind of torture they pu-“
           “I’m not calling her weak,” Sam interrupted. “Y/N is one of the strongest people out there. What I’m saying is – back then it took them years to break a person… now it took them barely fourteen days… what else have they ‘improved’ on?”
           The thought of Y/N having her mind ripped apart and then put back together as if she was some ragdoll made bile rise in Bucky’s throat, and it didn’t settle when he thought of how far that horrid machine had come since he’d been in one. 
           But as much as Bucky wanted revenge, as much as he wanted to destroy HYDRA, to make sure what happened to Y/N never happens again to anyone else, let alone if what Sam implied was true, he couldn’t leave her, not when she would need a familiar face the most. 
           He gulped, closing his eyes and tightening his grip on her hand to steady himself. Just the thought of her in all that pain made him go to the edge of breaking apart. “She’s gonna be alright, isn’t she?” If there was one thing Bucky appreciated from Sam it was his honesty.
           “In the long run most likely. You’d be the proof of that…” Sam sighed. “But first, we gotta make sure she doesn’t shut people out.”
           But that was most definitely easier said than done, given how the second Y/N woke up, which was about a day later after being knocked-out cold when she realised what had happened, it was not like a wall had magically appeared between her and anyone from the team, but a fucking fortress surrounded by an impenetrable mountainous barrier, and she was the only citizen in that mind castle. And Bucky was the first one behind the door.
           It broke his heart to see Y/N pretty much shut down. She refused to eat, barely drank the water provided, and couldn’t sleep one bit, yet what hurt most was she absolutely rejected even the thought of going back to their shared room, and instead stayed in her barren cell, white walls, with a thin blanket and a paper-like pillow. It got so bad they had to put her on an IV drip so she wouldn’t waste away. But it didn’t matter to her. She was like a ragdoll.
           It was about five days later when she said her first words. Y/N had her head in her hands, matted Y/H/C strands spilling between her fingers, as her nails dug deeper into her skull. That’s the position she’d been sitting in for the past five hours, not even bothering to lift her eyes as a paper plate with a meal, a single plastic spoon next to it and a paper cup of water was slid through the opening at the bottom of her cell door. She wasn’t hungry anyway. In fact, what she really wanted was to disappear from the surface of the earth, for the ground to open and be swallowed by molten lava or have a sharknado crash in and get eaten by a great white.
           “How’re you feeling?” Sam asked arms crossed as he leaned against the entrance to the door. He’d been asking that since the first time she opened her eyes, but never received a response, so when the scoff she let out was almost inaudible, but he still picked up on it, he straightened out. “Just peachy,” Y/N mumbled. “Absolutely fantastic. Ten out of ten would recommend.”
           He really didn’t have anything to say. I mean what could you possibly say… but he had to at least try, given how miserable Bucky was. He’d heard him sob so loud through two closed doors and a running shower, that he had to do something.
           Sam swallowed hard before entering the room and cautiously, keeping as much space as possible between the two, sat down next to Y/N. He wasn’t afraid of her. He could never be. But he knew she needed to let him closer on her own terms. “You can’t keep going like this. You can’t keep everything in. If you don’t wanna talk to the shrink, it’s fine, but at least talk to someone else…”
           “I am talking to you.”
           “Yes, but you know who I mean.”
“How am I supposed to even look at him?” Her head shot up, and tears threatened to spill down her face. “How am I supposed to talk to him? To touch him, knowing I almost killed him.”
“It wasn’t you.”
“But it was!” The words were a hiss. “It was me. I understood everything I was doing, I knew who he was, I knew what we were to one another, yet…” she choked in the middle of the sentence, not wanting to say the truth. “I wasn’t going to hesitate. I was going to kill him. If you hadn’t gotten involved, one more second and Bucky would’ve been dead. Because of me.”
“HYDRA messed with your brain,” Sam stated. “I know that everyone knows that and Bucky most of all. Why do you think he couldn’t pull the trigger?”
“Because he’s an idiot.”
“No, because he’s been in the exact same situation.”
She bit her lip. All her brain was doing was screaming that Sam was right, to listen to him, he knew what he was talking about, but the guilt, the absolutely corrosive horror at herself for what she was going to do wouldn’t let common sense come through. “I just.” Y/N choked and then cleared her throat. “Just tell him I don’t want to see him. I – I can’t see him.”
Sam did know heartbreak. He’d felt it when his first girlfriend had broken up with him, he’d felt it in the army when his friends lost limbs and lives, and now he felt it looking at two of the people he’d grown closest to struggle to find one another and themselves.
He cleared his throat standing up and wiping hind palms down his thighs. “Wanda is also – “
But Y/N didn’t let him finish the sentence. “No.” She shook her head. “No one. Please.” She tucked her face against her knees. “I just wanna be alone.”
And so he left her alone. In fact, everyone did so. 
For a whole month, the usually lively tower was a glass structure of sombre and pain. Everyone was hurting. Wanda had retreated to her room, sitcoms on the rerun, Vision always by her side as she tried to manage the sadness of one of her dearest friends going through such a tough time and the guilt of not being able to help Y/N, to save her from that pain. Nat and Clint along with Tony had locked themselves in one of the lower levels of the tower analysing the data she’d gathered. They needed to occupy themselves with something, otherwise, they’d be overcome by their own thoughts and they were too dark to manage at that moment. Bruce and Thor had relegated themselves to the lab doing experiment after experiment, trying to find out how HYDRA had managed to do such damage to Y/N. 
Steve, however… Steve was doing quite bad. He felt probably the most amount of guilt than the rest of his teammates. He’d taken up the role of the leader, he was supposed to make sure everyone stayed safe. Yes, they were the most skilled people in the world, but they trusted him to make the best calls. And him not having taken into account a blitz attack from HYDRA after their blitz attack had broken two of his friends because Bucky was doing just as bad as Y/N, if not even worse.
He wouldn’t sleep, he couldn’t; Steve heard his cries each night until, at twelve of one AM, they’d cease, and he’d make his way to the cells. Steve had told Y/N a week after she’d been brought back that there was no reason for her to stay in there. She’d just sat on the bed, arms around her knees and staring at the wall. She didn’t go back to her room. 
But each night Bucky would sit by the glass doors and look at the frame of the love of his life, curled underneath a white duvet, a single pillow underneath her head (Y/N loved pillows, she couldn’t sleep without at least four of them) body in a foetal position. She looked so broken. She was. And because of that, so was he.
It was about three AM at night, when his routine was shaken up by none other than Y/N. Typically she’d sleep through the night not even stirring, slipping into the cot at nine PM and then waking up at six AM when Helen came in to switch her IV. She was eating now, but still too little for it to be enough. 
However, that night she was stirred awake by the feeling of someone watching her, not the camera that was always on but by human eyes.
That was the first time she’d seen Bucky since having woken up and regaining control of her body.
Her breath hitched when their eyes met, and his whole body straightened out. Y/N remained under the covers, while Bucky sat by the doors still. His palm pressed against the glass.
“Hi, doll.”
Two words, but that was enough for the dam to break. Tears spilt down her face, and without a second to spare Bucky had rushed inside and laid down next to her, strong arms weaving around her shaking body, as his own pain merged with hers.
All Y/N could manage to say was ‘I’m so sorry,' and it became a mantra she repeated in Bucky’s chest, hoping that somehow the words would find their way and settle beneath his skin so he could understand with his whole being how much she meant them. 
           “Please.” He was close to sobbing by that point, hand moving to cup her cheek. “Please let me help.”
“I can’t, Bucky! I can’t!” Y/N was close to complete hysterics by this point. “Every time I even think about you, I remember the emptiness, the absolute numbness that was in me, when I pointed a gun at your face, and I meant to kill you! I was going to pull the trigger, if not for Sam… So,” she gulped looking down at the ground, at their feet. “Tell me how the hell am I supposed to let you anywhere near me when I’m terrified of myself.”
           The grip he had on her face, was tight, strong and sure. “Because it wasn’t you. I know what it’s like to have your brain scrambled around and rearranged with false truths and present them as real… but the thing is – they’re not. And you taught me that. You were the one who made me realise it, dollface. Now let me do the same for you.”
           “I can’t even look at myself in the mirror because every time I do, I see that – that monster staring back at me.”
           “Reflections are deceiving,” Bucky whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. “Mirrors can’t and will never show the truth. It’s a twisted, flipped and made-up version of us, and we can’t allow ourselves to believe it. It’s not us.”
           And despite the pain, despite the guilt and anxiousness, Y/N chuckled, letting out a small sound of happiness for the first time in a while. “When did you get so wise, Gandalf?”
           She could feel the relief that flooded Bucky’s body slowly seep into her own. “Well, re-reading ‘The Hobbit’ helped… but more so you. You taught me that. You made me realise the man that haunts my nightmares might have my face, but it’s not me. He’s not me and I’m not him.”
           “Will you…” Her voice shook as she said the words as if there was a possibility, he could say no. “Will you help me?”
           “You never, ever have to ask for help. I’m always here for you. Whatever you need, I’m always here. I’m so sorry, so sorry you had to go through that.”
           And for the first time in six weeks did Bucky get to hug Y/N. Feeling her body melt into his almost made him have a breakdown of his own, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and grabbed onto him like her life depended on the tightness of her grip.
           Six weeks, almost two months without Y/N in every imaginable way had almost broken Bucky to a point of no return. Had they gone longer periods of time without seeing one another? Sure, but this was different. When the person you love is right there, but more unreachable than when they’re thousands of miles away, that’s a different kind of pain. 
           She didn’t release her grip form him, as Bucky shifted and sat up, her legs moving to lace around his waist on instinct. With one hand underneath her thighs the other going to take off the IV bag from the stand, he stood up and moved through the tower, finally retreating to his room, where he took off a photo frame from the wall and hung up the medical supply while gently laying Y/N down between his sheets.
           She’d been in that position many times before in different states of undress, in different emotional states as well, but not once had she been alone there. And neither would she be alone now. 
           It was the first night Bucky slept without waking up, and when he did Y/N’s head was resting on his chest. He held her a bit tighter then.
           The road to recovery was slow. 
           It started with her spending her days and nights in Bucky’s room, no longer isolating herself from him. It turned to late-night talks where they just chatted about miscellaneous things, and if she felt comfortable enough, then about every heavy thing pressing on her heart. Then she ventured off to her own room, and once evening slipped inside the room of who was her neighbour. She slept next to Wanda that night.
           The next night, she and Wanda sneaked inside Nat’s bedroom, and just hung out a bit, painting their nails. When Y/N went to sleep next to Bucky, she felt as light as the light-yellow colour adorning her fingers.
           On the morning of the eleventh day of her recovery, she woke up earlier and made everyone breakfast, putting some extra chocolate chips in Sam’s pancakes. He deserved it for all the trouble he’d gone through. The smile on his lips and the kiss on her head from him meant more than any thank you he could say. 
           But it was about a month down the line, after evenings where she’d joined in on the movie nights and had discussed the gathered intelligence from other missions as well as the tactics agents should employ when Y/N took her biggest step yet.
           Bucky was laying on his bed ‘The Two Towers’ between his fingers, the metal appendage flipping the pages as gently as if they were made from butterfly wings, when Y/N came out of the bathroom, hair wet and dripping onto her nightshirt. Well, it was actually one of Bucky’s shirts, but at this point, every piece of clothing he owned belonged to her as well. Besides, in his humble opinion, she wore them better than he ever could. 
           “Yeah?” he hummed, flipping to another page.
           “Buck I – “ she took in a breath. “I want to have sex.”
           “What? Ow!” The book had slipped from his hands and the edge hit his eyebrow, making Y/N hiss, and instantly come over to try and soothe the hurt part.
           “I mean – “ Bucky stuttered much like his heart. “I’d love to. Gosh, dollface, you know I’d do anything you ever wanted me. Tell me to spend forever between your legs, and I will, but… Please don’t feel like we have to. You’re still healing, and –“
           “I want to,” Y/N was quick to quench his doubt, running a gentle finger over his brow. “I do. I – I need to feel you. I need to feel… I need to feel whole, and I haven’t in so long.”
           His hand cupped her cheek. “You are whole. You don’t need me to complete you. You don’t need anyone to complete you.”
           “I –“ She huffed, struggling to form the thought running through her brain into words. “I – I know that. At least I think so. But… but there is this part inside me, I can’t seem to heal myself, this crack that no matter how hard I try to mend just won’t do. And that’s because that part can only be filled by love. And yours is the strongest one I have in my life.”
           A tear slipped down his cheek. “Oh, doll…”
           Her legs slowly shifted so they were straddling him as Bucky leaned up in a sitting position, palms dropping to her hips and sliding underneath her PJs to touch the soft skin of her back.
           His nose skimmed against hers, and Y/N sighed at the feeling. She’d slept like that – nose to nose curled up next to Bucky – for close to a month and a half now, but the anticipation of the kiss turned her into a bundle of nerves. 
           “One word,” he breathed against her skin, pressing a kiss to her collarbone before looking deeply into her eyes. “One word and we stop.”
           And even though she wanted to say there was no doubt in her mind about doing it, she nodded. He needed the reassurance just as much as she did that if something happened, he’d be there for her.
           When Bucky’s lips met hers, it was just like the first kiss they’d shared. A bit tentative, unsure, yet filled with so much restrained passion and pure love it was overwhelming, and Y/N’s eyes immediately filled with tears.
           “Darling, let’s just not do this,” Bucky said noticing the clear pearls dripping down her cheeks, but she shook her head.
           “I just missed you so much. I missed letting you love me.”
           “Well, it’s a good thing people don’t need permission to love. I never stopped. I can’t imagine ever not loving you.”
           His mouth was on hers once again. Bucky let Y/N lead the whole time. He didn’t deny himself from exploring her body, from feeling every crook, dip, and crevice of her form, but she was always in control.
           When her shirt dropped to the floor, she was the one who started lifting it up.
           When she laid down to pull Bucky on top, she was the one who flipped them over and pulled him on top.
           Her hands skimmed the band of his boxers, and Bucky unconsciously ground against Y/N’s clothed core at the feeling, both letting out moans of relief at the friction.
           “Can you take ‘em off?” she breathed, as Bucky left beautiful marks on her neck and chest so they could bloom through the night and could be greeted by them in the morning. 
           “You sure?”
           She nodded. “Please.”
           They did it together. Y/N linked her fingers behind the fabric and pulled it down his legs while he shimmied out from the boxers and kicked it to the floor. 
           “Can I take yours off?”
           As sure as she was about everything that was going on, there was still some hesitancy in her body, and he immediately sensed it, pulling a little bit away. “Y/N…”
           When her hands went to wrap around his wrists where they rested against her hips, horror washed over Bucky like a cold shower. “Did they…?”
           “No!” Y/N was immediate to answer. “No, they didn’t… but… they said after they were done with me after they turned me into their puppet… after they’d make me hurt you, you’d never want to touch me. That, in your last moments, you’d only have hate in your heart for me, and I’d have to live with that for the rest of my life.”
           He gently put a finger underneath her chin and lifted her head. “Even when I was staring down that barrel, all I could think about was how much I love you. How I’d give my life for you even if you were the one taking it. I could never hate you.”
           A violent sob ripped through her chest. “I don’t deserve you.”
           “You deserve the world, and I’ll try to give as much of it to you as I can.”
           She couldn’t take much more of his confessions because Y/N’s chest was already as full as it could be of love, so instead, she pulled Bucky back down for a passion-filled kiss, while shimmying out from her own underwear.
           “No,” Y/N shook her head. “Not this time. Need to feel you as you are.”
           “You sure?”
           She nodded. “Helen put me back on the pill about a month ago.”
           Bucky shuddered, nodding. “Alright. Okay. But I need to make sure I don’t hurt you first.”
           Y/N was about to say he could never hurt her, when two of his fingers slipped along her folds, cutting her words off in favour of the groan of pleasure.
           “Gotta take care of my girl the right way.”
           A moan seeped into Bucky’s skin when he pushed a cold metal digit into her tight entrance. His arm had the added feature to feel things if he wanted or switch it off when he didn’t want to, which was a nice thing, especially during missions (he’d forgotten to do so one time and when a bullet bounced off, it wasn’t like a bee bumping against glass, hot pain had rippled through his whole arm, so it was a good idea on Shuri’s part), but this time it was on, and the absolutely exquisite pressure and warmth that squeezed around his digits was enough to make him grind against the mattress to alleviate his own growing pressure.
           “Bucky, please,” Y/N practically mewled, eyes screwed shut, nails digging into his skin, making him groan in pleasure. He’d forgotten how delicious the sounds were and how close to the edge just the feeling of her nails marking half-moons into his back could bring him. 
           “Fuck,” he swore leaning up to kiss her once more, while he increased the speed of which his fingers were going in and out of her, while his thumb rubbed circles around her clit, and when he hotly breathed against her neck to ‘soak him all down to his elbows’ Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she arched up from the bed as an orgasm shattered her world.
           Gently he coaxed her through the orgasm while muttering praises against her mouth.
           “You’re so beautiful,” Bucky sighed leaning to rest on his elbows. “So fucking gorgeous.”
           Y/N smiled, stroking his cheek. “You’re beautiful too, Bucky. More than you’ll ever know or will let yourself believe me.”
           The crooked smirk which he threw her reminded the one from Steve’s tales of him and his skirt-chasing days. “Guess you’ll have to convince me.”
           “With pleasure.”
           Her hand snaked down to where he’d been running the tip of his cock between her folds, before gently pressing him down so he could easily slide inside. When he was sheeted a moan of satisfaction came from both of them.
           It was like homecoming. Like curling up in a warm bed on a cold winter’s night. It was just right.
           “God, I could stay like this forever.” Bucky tucked a strand of hair behind Y/N’s ear.
           “We have forever and then some.”
           A look she could not figure out crossed his face. It was like absolute joy mixed with fear and terror. “You promise?”
           Y/N kissed him, trying to pour all of her love into the single act. “With everything I have in me.”
           He took that as the cue that he could move and experimentally rolled his hips towards hers. Bit by bit he picked up the pace, breaths turning into pants broken up by moans, sweat beading along his skin, a small burn appearing in his knees, but even that discomfort couldn’t overshadow the heavenly pleasure rippling through his veins.
           She’d always been the epitome of beauty and love, that’s how completely Bucky had fallen for her, and he could only hope he was the same for her. 
           “Bucky,” she choked out. “So close.”
           “Yeah?” His vision was starting to go white at the edges.
           “Mhm – ohh!” The confirmation turned into a squeal when he hit just that right spot, he concentrated all his thrusts to match it, and soon enough both of them were falling over the edge, clinging onto the other as if they were the last lifeline that existed for them.
           “Hey,” Bucky cooed, opening his eyes and seeing how furrowed Y/N’s brow was, how hard she was fighting to resurface. “Come back to me. Come back, doll.”
           Slowly, Y/N’s breathing evened out, her trembling became small shudders from the aftershock of the pleasure, and her lids fluttered, gaze meeting his.
           She’d come back.
           She’d always come back to her home.
           To Bucky.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Bucky tag list: @thunderous-flower @who-cares-rn @projectxhappiness @callmebucky-doll @coal000 @killuaenthusiast @courtneychicken @sophiealiice @raquelbc2003 @watch-out-for-thorns @potentially-kinetic @thatonegirljessy99 @proxinge @bbkenna @buckysclub @ulired @fangirlofeverythingbasically @mrsalh32611 @horrorx570ximagines @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @pooslie @itsisabelanotisabella @httpmcrvel @purplebananatragedy @pxrrishly @parker-barnes-af @skulliebythesea​ @california-grown​ @stevehesaidabadlanguageword @belongsto-prachi​ @hello-i-am-insane​ @its-nott-my-problem @emmalbg @hopeinahotbox
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Marvel tags: @nerissa98​ @happyseagrill​ @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @wishingforahome​ @pizzarollpatrol​ @desir-ae​
A/N: My Bucky boiiiii! I’m back! hope y’all like this rollercoaster :)
P.S. if you see yourself on my tag list and you’re crossed out means the tag didn’t work. if you still wanna be on the tag list please message me your new url and what was your old one so I can change it (if it’s not the change of the url then I genuinely dunno what could be the problem)
P.S.S. my tags are always open. 
P.S.S.S. please don’t repost my works on other platforms without specific written permission and don’t plagiarise them 
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soniaxdixon · 3 years
New Girl
Okay so I actually started writing this one based off of a prompt but got way to invested so ended up turning into a one shot.
Words count: 2470
Summary: Reader has been in love with Daryl from the beginning but never told him so when he comes back to the prison injured and with a new girl by his side, her heart shatters.
Warnings: Swearing, some gore, angst and fluff.
You paced the gates of the prison, impaling the heads of walkers that stalked the living on the inside. Worry swelled in the pits of your stomach as you waited for the familiar sound of his bike, but they didn’t come.
You made your way up to the prison for dinner, grabbing a bowl from Carol and sitting next to Rick.
“He’s not back yet?” Worry obviously etched his face too.
“No. Rick it’s almost been a week. He’s never gone this long.”
“If he’s not back by tomorrow we’ll head out and find him, okay?”
Seconds later the doors busted open, Glenn ran in. “Where’s Hershel? We need Hershel!” Both you and Rick shot up from your seats and ran over to Glenn.
“I’ll go get him.” Rick ran off in search of the old man
“What’s happening?” You searched Glenn’s face for a sign of anything, he looked into your eyes.
“It’s Daryl.”
“Where is he?”
The pit in your stomach grew as you pushed passed Glenn and ran towards the infirmary. Your stomach dropped when you saw him laying still on the table, blood soaked beneath him, dripping down onto the floor.
“Oh my God.” Your voice was barely audible. Your feet felt cemented to the ground, you couldn’t move.
“Excuse me.” A girl pushed passed you, sitting next to Daryl’s bed and grabbed his hand.
“Who are you?” You found your voice and walked to stand next to Daryl on the opposite side. You ran your hand threw his hair and the girl shot you a look that sent shivers down your spine.
“I’m Bella. Daryl found me a few days back.”
Your eyes were locked where she held his hand and your heart felt like it was being squeezed. You took a step back from his body.
Rick and Glenn suddenly burst into the room with Hershel following behind them
“What happened?” Rick’s voice was barely below yelling, obviously panicking as his best friend laid still on the table.
“He found me in the woods, saved me from a group of walkers. We found a cabin and he took care of me there for a few days.” She looked at you suddenly, “nursed me back to health, kept me warm.” Your brain was frazzled as you tried to piece together what she was saying. “When I felt better we started to make our way back here but we were pinned by another herd. A few pushed Daryl up against a wall and he was impaled on a pipe. I found a car and got us here as quickly as possible. Please tell me you can save him.”
“I can.” Hershel was examining Daryl’s body while she spoke. “But I need space. Rick, Glenn, you stay, y/n, take Bella to get a plate of food, she seems quite shaken.”
You glanced at Daryl one more time before guiding the new girl out of the room and towards the kitchen.
You suddenly spoke “Where’s his bike?”
“His bike, where is it?”
“Oh, um, I guess it’s still back at the cabin.”
You went up to your cell and shuffled through your things, pulling out a map and a marker and walking back towards Bella.
“Show me where it is. Can I walk there?”
She looked at you in disbelief. “It’s just a bike.”
“Just show me where.” Your tone was harsh. You didn’t understand why but you grew frustrated with her very quickly, like your fuse was cut short and the slightest thing she did would set you off.
She grabbed the marker from your hand and circled a space in the woods about 5 miles out.
You grabbed the map and marker from her and walked over to Carol. “This is Bella, she needs something to eat.” You stormed up the prison stairs and pulled the curtain over your cell as you packed your bag for your trip the next day.
The next morning, you woke early and got dressed quickly. You scurried down the stairs with your bag on your back. You walked hastily over to the infirmary slowing your pace as you got closer, walking in quietly. His breathing had steadied and you sat next to him for a few minutes.
“Daryl. It’s y/n. I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m gonna talk anyway.” You searched his face for any signs that he was listening but he showed none.  “I was so worried about you, I thought I was going to lose you and I think that made me realise that I care about you a lot more than I thought I did. Daryl please be okay. I need you to wake up. I need you to know how much I lo-”
You heard someone coming towards the infirmary and you stood up suddenly from your seat, wiping the tears you didn’t realise had fallen and placing the most gentle kiss on Daryl’s forehead. As you went to walk away you saw the figure who was walking into the infirmary. Bella squeezed past you without saying a word, sitting in the seat you were in just moments ago and entangling her fingers with Daryl’s. The sight sent you into overdrive as you stormed away, down towards the gates of the prison. Maggie was on watch as you walked down towards her.
“Hey, where are you going?” She stepped in front of you.
“To find Daryl’s bike.”
“I’ll be fine, that girl Bella circled where they stayed and it's only about 5 miles out.”
“Show me, just so I know where to find you if you’re not back soon.”
You pulled out the map and showed Maggie. She pulled you into a hug, releasing you soon after and opening the gate. Your hand remained fixed on your knife as you began your trek towards the cabin. It took you a couple of hours but you found the place she had circled. You made your way inside, scouting the place for anything you could take home. Daryl’s crossbow laid on the table, you swung it over your shoulder as you thought about the time he had taught you to use it.
“Okay now put your foot here to hold the bow down and pull the string back. Put the bolt here and-”
“Daryl, I got it. I know what to do.”
“Yeah alright Hawkeye, show me what ya got.”
You aimed the crossbow at the makeshift target that Daryl had set up, you took a deep breath and readied yourself for the kickback. You squeezed the trigger as the bolt flew threw the air and pierced the centre of the target.  “Oh my God, did you see that!?” You jumped for joy before placing the crossbow on the floor and running to stand next to the target. Pointing at it with the look of awe on your face.
“Yeah yeah, I saw it. It’s cause ya had a good teacher.” He said, walking over to the target and pulling the bolt out. “Do it 1000 more times, then I’ll trust ya with my crossbow.”
You could see the visible smirk on his face. “Next you have to teach me how to ride your bike.”
You smiled at the memory, it felt like a lifetime ago. You secured the crossbow on your shoulder as you continued to search the house, scooping everything you needed into your bag before walking out the front door and looking for Daryl’s bike. You found where he had leaned it near the side of the house. You swung your right leg over and pulled it into the upright position. Gripping the right hand brake you kicked up the stand and started the engine. Rolling it forwards a bit until you were steady enough to begin riding, just like Daryl had taught you.
Maggie heard the bike as she ran down to the gate. “She’s back!” She yelled out to the rest of your group. Everyone started walking down to greet you, including Daryl who had managed to wake up and stand. Bella gripped tightly to his arm. The sight of you on his bike sent his mind whirling. You were so beautiful. You rode through the gate and up a bit to where your group was standing. You turned the bike off and pushed the kick stand down, climbing off it as you locked eyes with Daryl.
“Thank god you’re okay.” You threw your arms around Daryl’s neck pulling him into a hug, he pulled his arm away from Bella and wrapped them both around you, gently but enough that you could feel him holding you. You pulled away suddenly and began searching his body. “What are you doing up, you should still be resting? Come on, get back to bed.”
“y/n I’m fine. When I woke up Rick came and told me that ya went to look for my bike.”
“I had to hold him down when he found out you had gone alone.” Rick said smiling at the two of you.
Daryl chuckled at the thought. “Bella calmed me down but when I heard Maggie yell out I had to come and see ya.”
He obviously hadn’t heard when you spoke to him this morning, but that could have been a good thing. “I was so worried about you, D.”
“Yeah well then you went and made me worry about ya.”
“I brought your bike back didn’t I, both me and the bike still in one piece clearly.” You motioned towards yourself and the bike.
“I know how much the bike means to you…Oh and I found this.” You pulled the crossbow off your shoulder and handed it to him but Bella reached out and pulled it over her shoulder.
“I’ll hold onto this until you’re better, you gotta teach me how to shoot it remember.”
Your stomach twisted in knots as your walls came crashing back down.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” You spoke barely above a whisper and rolled your eyes. You pushed passed Bella making sure to bump her slightly on your way up to the prison. Rick chased after you, noticing your sudden mood change.
“y/n, y/n wait!”
You finally stopped when you got inside the main cell block. “What, Rick?”
“Are you okay? What was that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You turned to face him.
“Your little outburst back there.”
“That was hardly an outburst, Rick.”
“Yeah well you seem pretty hostile towards Bella.”
“We don’t know a thing about her and now she’s sleeping under the same roof as us, already making plans for Daryl to teach her how to use the crossbow. Are you kidding me?”
“Daryl says he trusts her.”
“Yeah well I’m sure he does. I wonder how many times he’s fucked her already.”
“Y/n where the hell is this coming from!?”
“I’ve been in love with him for as long as I can remember Rick, and not once has he looked at me the way he looks at her and that hurts so much because I’m the one who constantly puts my life on the line for him. I’m the one who takes care of him when he’s hurt. I’m the one who knows how to stop his nightmares. I’m the one who loves him. Not her.” Tears were steadily flowing down your face as you finally broke eye contact with Rick.
“Tell him.”
“Tell. Him. Because you know what. He doesn’t look at you that way, no, he has a look that is set aside specifically for you. It looks like he is seeing stars when he looks at you, like you are his entire world. That bracelet on your wrist, he almost got ripped apart for that bracelet but because it says your name, he refused to leave without it. The fact that he taught how to ride his bike, how many people does he let even touch the damn thing? His crossbow. Do you really think he’s gonna teach her how to use it. The second you stormed off he ripped it off her shoulder and walked away. You might think he likes her and who knows, maybe he does, but he loves you.”
You stood there frozen as Rick poured everything out into the open. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
With his confession playing over and over again in your head you raced outside the prison, into the yard where you last saw Daryl but he wasn’t there. You ran into the infirmary, he wasn’t there either. Your heart began to race as you looked everywhere for him, running in and out of the cell’s searching for any sign of him until you found him, sitting on your bed.
“Hey.” His voice was quiet.
“Daryl I-”
“Stop.” He stood up off the bed and walked over to you, he pushed away the hair that had fallen in front of your face in your frantic search to find him. “Ya know I’m not good with words, especially the way Rick is, but everything he said, is true.”
You struggled to grasp at the words that were fleeting from your mind.
“How much did you hear?”
“Does that mean that you heard…”
“I heard everything. I followed you and Rick back up to the prison. I heard what you said. I went to find Bella to tell her that there was nothing between her and I and when I got back to the main cellblock, you had disappeared.”
“Daryl. I tried to tell you this morning, when you were still asleep.”
“I heard that too. I felt you kiss my forehead but I couldn’t move.”
“I was trying to tell you that…” You looked up into his eyes and placed your hand carefully on his chest, above his heart. Taking a deep breath in, you spoke. “Daryl Dixon, I love you.”
He leaned down and closed the space between the two of you, his lips pressed against yours as you melted together. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer to you as his hands found your waist.
You finally pulled away slowly, your eyes opening and looking up into his. He looked down bashfully before speaking. “I love you too. Always have and I always will.”
You spent the rest of the day wrapped in each others arms, laying on the bed and talking about everything and anything. Rick came up into your cell to let you know that dinner was ready and at the sight of you entangled with Daryl he let out a hearty laugh.
“I was right, I was so right. You do love each other.”
You just smiled and nodded at him.
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
I’ll Be Home Soon~
ꕥPosted: 5/16/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Idol!Mingi
ꕥWord Count: 1.8k
ꕥWarnings: An overwhelming heaping of fluff
ꕥTag List: @nevieatiny @bobateastay
ꕥA/N: I know this is short but I wanted to write at least a little something for Mingi’s return. I’m just so proud of him and can’t wait to see him again ><
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I sat on the couch as stiff as a board. At any minute my boyfriend would return home after being away for months. We kept in contact while he was gone, of course, but it wasn’t the same as seeing each other in person. Even after all this time, I still wasn’t accustomed to the cold bed or the lack of sticky notes he would leave me throughout the day, all saying some variation of I love you or good morning or you look beautiful today. It was always something simple, but they became so meaningful to me. Waking up without his warm smile never got easier, and every moment he was gone I thought of him. Our house wasn’t a home with only me.
I heard the faint jingling of keys and I scrambled to the door, about falling over in the process. The door opened to reveal my tall, lanky boyfriend. He was dressed casually, wearing a large white sweatshirt over black baggy pants. His brown hair was down, slightly covering his eyes. He wasn’t dressed up or wearing anything special, but in that moment he looked more handsome to me than he ever had before. It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds since I laid my eyes upon him and my heart was already beating as rapidly as the first time I met him.
He smiled at me and opened his arms wide to embrace me in a tight hug. I jumped in his arms without thinking and felt tears beginning to run down my face.
“I can’t believe you’re home. I missed you so much.” I nuzzled into his warm chest.
His voice was deep and warm, enveloping me ten times over. “I’m home, baby. I’m home.”
We held each other tight, basking in the feeling of the other after being separated. It felt new, in some ways, but completely and totally familiar at the same time.
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long.” His voice was soft, as if he thought I might blame him.
I pulled back from his embrace, making eye contact. “Song Mingi don’t you dare apologize! Health always comes first and I’m so proud of you for recognizing that you needed a break.”
He gave a shy smile that I happily returned. Noticing the luggage that he was carrying, I picked up a few bags and ushered him in, setting the bags down once we were inside. He looked around our living room, smiling at its setup. On the main table I had placed his favorite snacks, a few presents, and an overwhelming number of envelopes.
Mingi quirked a brow and chuckled, obviously thankful but a bit confused, “What are the envelopes for and why are there so many?” 
I looked to the ground,feeling shy. “Every week that you were gone I wrote you a letter. I know we facetimed and everything but I thought it might be more personal through a letter. I tried to send them to you but your manager told me to keep them instead-”
Mingi set his luggage on the floor and once more hugged me, this time lifting me in the air and placing kisses all over my face. “You didn’t have to do this, babe.”
“Oh I know, but I wanted to. It’s the least you deserve.”
His eyes watered at my words and I gently cupped his face. “You deserve the world, my love.”
He set me back down and gave me a playful shove, “Stop that I’m gonna cry.”
I pouted, “I’m sorry I don’t mean to make you cry. I just love you so much.”
“I love you too, baby.”
I stood on my toes to press a kiss to his lips, which he returned. I felt him smile against my lips and the gesture made butterflies stir within me.
"So what do you wanna do, babe? We can stay here and watch a movie and relax if you want or-”
He laughed, “Honestly? I kinda want to go to the zoo. I don’t really know why, but I haven’t been in awhile and it just sounds fun.”
“Right now?”
“Hell yeah.”
I smiled at his childlike answer, expecting nothing less from my puppy-like boyfriend, “Alright, let’s go then! Oh-”
I felt a ball of fluff run past my ankles and up to Mingi. Both of us looked down to see our cat, Mao. Mingi smiled and picked her up, pleased to find her purring while he pet her.
“I missed you, too. Silly cat.”
“She’s been sleeping on your side of the bed since you left, so you’re probably gonna have to kick her out tonight.”
His eyes widened, “You replaced me?”
“No! I could never! She just decided to keep me company.”
A tight smile formed on Mingi’s face, “Sure, sure.”
I scoffed, “Are we going to the zoo or not?”
“Of course!” He set Mao down before moving his luggage into our bedroom. I picked up my purse and car keys as I saw him return to the living room and gave him another smile. We quickly said our goodbyes to Mao and locked the door, excited to spend more time with each other.
“So what’s your favorite zoo animal, Mingi?” I asked as we walked through the zoo with our fingers intertwined.
His eyebrows furrowed in thought, “I kinda like sun bears. Have you seen the memes about those things? How they look-”
“Like a person in a bear costume?” I finished his sentence and he giggled, nodding at me.
“I think they have those here, actually. We might have to find a map but I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”
After asking around and wandering for half an hour, we finally found the sun bear enclosure...only to be met with empty land.
“Damn, are they really not here?” Mingi asked, looking dejected, “I thought they’d have at least one.”
Before I could reply a little girl ran up to the exhibit in front of us, her brown pigtails swaying with her quick movements. She pressed her small fingers to the glass, squinting to see any signs of the sun bears. Her bottom lip stuck out when all she saw was an empty exhibit and my heart lurched for the poor girl. Mingi and I watched as an attractive couple ran from the same direction as the little girl, their movements frantic until they saw her tiny figure.
“Migyung you can’t just run off like that, sweetheart.” The mother lightly scolded, sounding more concerned than angry.
The little girl turned around at the sound of her mom’s voice and frowned. “I’m sorry, mama. I just wanted to see the funny bears!”
The father crouched down to reach her height, “I know, just tell us next time, okay?”
Migyung nodded at her father’s words.
“And would you look at that?” The man smiled and pointed behind her, “Look who’s coming over to see you.”
The girl turned around and spotted a sun bear walking towards her. She let out a gasp, once more pressing her fingers to the glass. Her eyes filled with stars as she looked at the bear.
She laughed with excitement and bounced on her toes, “Daddy, mommy, look at him! He’s so fat!”
“We see him, sweetheart.” The father replied with a smile, even though the girl couldn’t see it. He looked over to his wife and placed an arm around her, kissing her cheek as they looked at their daughter fondly.
Mingi squeezed my hand, his attention no longer on the sun bear. He turned to me with love-filled eyes and whispered, “That’s gonna be us one day, you know?”
I bit my lip and felt warmth spread through my body. We’d talked about our future before, how we wanted kids and planned on getting married, but watching the scene before us and seeing the sincerity in his eyes, it made my heart feel like exploding.
“I’d really like that.”
We stood there for a bit longer before leaving to look at the other animals. The red pandas, in particular, caught Mingi’s attention, and I found myself quite fond of the baby rhinos, but we both agreed that the sun bear was our favorite.
Neither of us were entirely sure how we both ended up covered in flour on the floor of our kitchen, only that once the sun had began to set we left the zoo and came home with empty stomachs, then deciding to make breakfast food for dinner. Now we were both in fits of giggles as we struggled to sit upright, Mao’s strange looks at us somehow making the event even funnier.
“Maybe this wasn’t the best idea,” I laughed.
“I think this was a great idea,” Mingi said with a smile before grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at me.
“Hey! You’re gonna pay for that!”
He stood and grabbed the bag of flour, raising a brow in challenge, “Oh yeah? Come and get me, babe.”
Against my better judgement I stood and ran towards him, throwing my body onto his and tackling him to the floor. As our bodies collided, the bag of flour flew out of his hands and I crawled over to the bag only to feel Mingi’s arms wrap around my legs and drag me back towards him.
“Noo! I’m so close!” I giggled, the bag barely a foot away.
“Not anymore, you aren’t.” He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me tight, preventing me from escape, “What are you gonna do now, huh?”
I tilted my head with a smile, “I’ll probably flirt with my captor until he falls for me and then I’ll run away with the flour.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
“Well, what if he’s already in love with you but won’t let you go?” Mingi shifted our bodies to where I was laying with my back on the floor, his own body hovering over mine but still very much keeping me in place, “What if he’s gonna keep you here with him? What do you think about that?”
My breath hitched as he looked down at me, his face slowly inching closer to mine. He had it too easy, really, with how quickly he could fluster me.
“I think you’re far too handsome for your own good.” I said barely louder than a whisper.
He let out a chuckle before kissing me, our lips moving in time with the other’s. My hands found his hair and I pulled him closer to me, my hunger long forgotten.
As I felt Mingi’s body against mine, I finally felt whole. It was hell, going without seeing him for so many months, but because of moments like these, I knew I’d gladly wait a hundred more if it meant I could just have one day with him.
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maidskeppy · 3 years
So I saw all this Skeppy jail stuff, and I decided to write something about it... enjoy!
Warnings: angst, spoilers, possible lore inaccuracies
"Oh man, he’s gonna be pissed if he sees this…”
Skeppy muttered to himself while digging up sand at a desperate pace. Not for the first time, and probably not for the last, he had let a creeper into his and Bad’s home, which had decided to detonate while standing right against the front wall. While most of the wall was fine, the window had completely shattered, and the floor had a huge hole in it. Skeppy could fix it all, but he wasn’t sure how much time he had before Bad got home.
He almost had enough sand when he heard fast-paced steps approaching. Bracing himself for another lecture about being careful, he turned around to face…
Skeppy wasn’t even sure when they had last met up. He knew Dream had been busy, with important-sounding things like war and politics, but Skeppy hadn’t paid much attention to anything that didn’t directly concern himself, Bad, or the Skywars map he had spent months constructing. “What’s up?” He asked, not sure what to expect.
Dream sighed, and for the first time, Skeppy noticed the exhaustion in his posture. He was breathing heavily, and a few drops of sweat briefly shone on his forehead before slipping below his mask. “Skeppy,” he began, wheezing the name out with difficulty. “It’s Bad. He needs you.”
“Wait, why? What’s going on?” He was already putting away his tools, ready to run.
Dream shook his head. “No time to explain. He’s hurt, he needs you right now.”
Even if there had been time to explain, that was all Skeppy needed to hear. He ran as fast as his body could physically stand, yelling several times when Dream couldn’t keep up. “Come on! Where is he?”
“In here,” Dream finally panted, placing a hand on the door of the prison. With his other hand, he fished a keycard from his pocket, swiping it to gain access.
Skeppy followed, squinting through the dim halls. “Why would Bad be in here?”
“He agreed to help me guard it,” Dream instantly responded. “We might have to use it soon, and… we need all the help we can get. But there was an accident. This way.” He pointed down a long hall, lined with entrances to what appeared to be tiny cells.
The hall was only just bright enough for Skeppy to see into each cell. From where he stood, they didn’t even look big enough for a person to fit into. What was supposed to go in them? Most of them were marked by signs, but he couldn’t afford to take time to read any of them, not when Bad was hurt and alone and probably crying for Skeppy. Answers could wait.
He had darted out ahead, but the careful attention he gave each cell allowed Dream to quickly catch up. Occupied with his task, Skeppy didn’t actually realize how close Dream was until a hard shove forced him past the entrance of the cell he was examining. Turning around, he was met with the slam of iron bars, sealing his only way out.
“Dream, we don’t have time for trolling!” He banged on the bars with both fists, hoping they would somehow be weak enough to collapse. They weren’t. “We have to find Bad!”
“No, Skeppy.” Dream stood outside, all traces of exhaustion mysteriously absent. “I have to find Bad. And then I have to let him know we’re doing things my way from now on… as long as he wants his precious little Skeppy to stay safe, anyway.” His words were drawn-out and sickly sweet, a vicious mockery of them both.
Skeppy launched another futile attack on the bars. “Oh my God, you’re actually fucking evil. Dude.” Had he been like that the whole time? The idea was starting to hurt his brain, especially since he was no longer even sure if Bad was hurt or not.
Dream shrugged. “Maybe it looks bad from your side, but I’m doing what’s best for everyone. Now don’t go anywhere… not that you exactly have a choice.” With that, he was gone, leaving Skeppy alone in his cell.
Now that he was inside it, Skeppy was questioning the use of the word “cell”. He had so little room to move that a better word would probably be “cage”. He couldn’t even properly sit or lay down… which meant he wouldn’t be there for long, right? Yeah, it had to be temporary. Bad would find him, work things out with Dream, and get him out.
He sighed, not quite out of relief, but out of an unshakable trust that it would come.
Losing track of time proved easy, as he realized when he next heard footsteps in the hall, and couldn’t produce an answer to how long he had been left alone for. He didn’t think he had fallen asleep at any point, so it was probably less than a day, but that was as specific as he could get. Leaning forward the tiny amount he could, he tried to get a look at his visitor.
Twin metaphorical weights of stress tumbled off his shoulders when he glimpsed a familiar set of eyes, framed by an equally familiar hood. Once Bad saw where Skeppy was waiting, he rushed over, clinging to the bars that separated them. “Skeppy! Are you okay?”
“I will be once I’m out of here.” Skeppy reached out, his hands closing over Bad’s fingers as much as they could. “What’s going on? Dream’s trolling us, right?”
“You don’t have to worry about Dream anymore. Actually, they’re probably dealing with him right now.” Bad cast a look back towards the prison’s entrance. Though the thick obsidian walls prevented any sound from escaping, he could imagine the scale of the commotion.
“Great. Let’s go home.” He didn’t even care if Bad saw the creeper hole. They could fix it, go to bed, and hopefully forget this ever happened.
“Well…” Still holding the bars, Bad took a step back. “Here’s the thing, Skeppy.”
If that was already enough to chill Skeppy’s blood, what happened next turned it to ice.
As Bad watched Skeppy, the vibrant red in his outfit faded to a dull gray, then to white.
“Bad, what’s happening?” He asked, even as he started shaking in a way that suggested he already knew.
“I have to do something important, Skeppy.” His fingers stroked Skeppy’s palms in an attempt to be comforting. Skeppy hated that he couldn’t even bring himself to pull away. “Something dangerous. People might start thinking they can use you to stop me.” He shook his head. “I won’t let them.”
He didn’t wait for a response. “I know it’s not the nicest place,” he said, voice taking on a placating tone. “But it won’t be for long, and I’ll visit you all the time, okay? I’ll bring all the foods you like, and drinks, and games, and anything else you ask for. You won’t really be missing out on anything!” Was he smiling? Was he really smiling? Skeppy wanted to reach out and slap him, right across the face.
He resorted to the only tactic he had left. “Don’t do this, Bad.” He kept his voice soft and sad, hoping it would be enough to have an effect. “You know I won’t be happy here. Is whatever you’re doing really worth that?”
Bad bit his lip, and for a second, Skeppy saw a battle rage in his eyes. Then it was over, and Bad pulled his hands away from Skeppy’s. “Skeppy, I know you don’t understand yet, but I’m doing this so we can be together forever. No more problems, no more fights, nothing trying to keep us apart.” He looked down, hands twisting together. “Don’t you want that?”
Damn it, he was even better at guilt trips than Skeppy was. “Yeah, of course, but…”
“It won’t be long,” Bad promised again, leaning closer. He carefully positioned his face against the bars, making it clear what he wanted. Skeppy sighed, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“It better not be.”
“See you soon, Skeppy.” Bad gave him a kind smile. Somehow, its sincerity hurt even more than Dream’s cruelty. When Skeppy didn’t answer, Bad looked away and started walking, disappearing from view within seconds.
As soon as he was gone, Skeppy felt a broken noise escape from his throat. It sounded like a strangled hiccup, but the way it forced streams of tears from his eyes made it feel more like a sob.
Whatever it was, it echoed through the hall for a moment, then faded away. Once it was gone, Skeppy heard something faint but unmistakable: a single footstep, which wasn’t followed by another.
He waited for a little longer, delaying his conclusion for as long as he could, but it increasingly set in despite his best efforts. If Skeppy had heard that footstep, then Bad had heard him crying. And he hadn’t come back.
There was no reason to keep holding back. He slumped as far down as the cage would allow, and let the tears come.
He didn’t realize that his sobs weren’t just wordless sounds until the walls echoed them back to him.
Despite everything, he was still crying for Bad to come and save him.
He could explain it away by blaming habit- that was what he always did when things went wrong beyond his own ability to fix them. But even as he told himself that, he couldn’t make it feel like the truth.
He loved Bad. He had loved him through all their fights, all their time apart, and he would keep loving him, no matter how long he was kept here. And he couldn’t decide what was worse: the thought that Bad didn’t love him as much in return, or the thought that he did, and could still bring himself to do this.
In his cramped position, he wasn’t sure if it would even be possible to sleep, but sleep eventually came. When he could no longer physically stay awake, he finally drifted off, hands still gripping the bars in the same position they had been when Bad had been there to hold them.
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