#but ill make sure they look better hahaha
azrielsdove · 7 months
Hi, hi! Can I request an unrequited love with Cassian x f!reader? I feel like I need some angst, but at the same time I'm afraid of angst hahaha.
Longing: Cassian x Reader
Warning: Angst, 18+
Pt.2: Cassian Here | Pt.2: Azriel Here
You stood at the corner of the ring, sharpening your knives. Every swipe of the blade against the stone was harsh, loud. You forced yourself to breathe in time with each rhythmic swish of metal and rock. Your eyes weren’t watching what your hands were doing, instead focused on the duo sparring across from you.
Cassian and Nesta.
“You’re going to whittle those away to nothing.” You didn’t move your gaze from the pair, instead sheathing the knife you were working on and picking up the next one.
“Leave me alone, Az.” You knew why he had come up to you. It was the same reason he always did when he caught you staring at the General. To tease you for your unreciprocated feelings. The knife hit the stone especially hard.
Azriel shook his head next to you. “You aren’t very inconspicuous.” You tore your eyes away from staring at where Cassians hands touched Nestas arms, showing her a better defensive maneuver, to glare at your friend.
“Fuck off, Azriel. I see the way you sulk after Elain.” You turned back to your sharpening, knives sliding against stone again. “For a spymaster, shouldn’t you be better at that?” You could almost hear the way his eyes rolled. You were sure he was about to hit you back with a witty retort, but the blade you were working on slipped against the stone, a clean slice going through your palm. You cursed and dropped the knife and stone, other hand coming up to try to stop the blood. Azriel grabbed your injured hand before you could, the nauseating sight of blood dripping onto the ground making you dizzy. You’ve seen your fair share of war and carnage, but something about your own blood made you ill.
“Come on,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around your waist to support you while applying pressure to your cut. You leaned embarrassingly hard against him, made only worse when you caught the devious smirk on Nestas face as she and Cassian watched you be practically carried away.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at the latter.
Azriel dragged you down to the kitchen, setting you gently in a chair while he rummaged the drawers for some healing supplies. You stared blankly at the blood running off your hand, dripping onto the stone floors below. Azriel was quick with pulling you up to the sink, washing the wound out. He applied some healing salve onto it before wrapping your hand tight with bandages. “There,” he said gingerly, curling his fingers around yours. “All better.” You looked up at him, shame coursing through your body. You’ve fought by his side for decades, one of the Night Courts deadliest soldiers.
A bit of blood should not affect you so.
Azriel pulled you in for a hug, running his hand soothingly through your hair. You wrapped your arms tight around his middle, burying your face in his chest and breathing deep. His chin came to rest on the top of your head as he breathed with you. You hated how panicked and small you would get when you were suffered an injury, but Azriel was always there to help.
Even when you wished that it was Cassian instead.
He was your friend too, just not quite in the same way. You loved and cared for Azriel as if he were your brother, and you were in love with Cassian. Cassian who would never look at you in that way. Cassian who has become enamored with the oldest Archeron sister.
Cassian, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, fidgeting awkwardly at the sight of you and Azriel.
“Hey Cass,” Azriel said, still holding you close and running his hand through your hair. You tensed in his hold, further embarrassed that you had been caught needing such coddling for such a minor injury.
“I, uh, just came to see if everything was alright.” You could hear the discomfort in his tone, presumably at the way one of his greatest warriors needed babied after cutting their hand. You wondered if it was possible for you to melt through the floor and never be seen again. “I’ll just leave you guys, to it.”
You waited until you were certain he was gone before untangling yourself from Azriel, embarrassment all over your face. He looked down at you with a knowing smirk, enjoying this far too much. “You knew he was coming,” you hissed between your teeth, crossing your arms tight in front of you. Azriel shrugged.
“So what if I did?”
You groaned, titling your head back and closing your eyes. “He’s never going to want me if he thinks me nothing but a child.” You glared at him as he started laughing, shaking his head like you were making the funniest joke he’s ever heard.
“You don’t know that’s what he thinks. He is your friend, he worries just like I do.” You rolled your eyes but your anger softened, appreciating that Azriel doesn’t just ridicule you.
“Fine, whatever you say. Can we go back to training now?”
You pushed your food around on your plate at dinner, trying hard to ignore Cassian and Nesta. Azriel had nudged you with his knee several times throughout the night, reminding you to stop scowling at the pair. You couldn’t help the jealousy that consumed you over how Cassian looked at her, the desire in his eyes. You couldn’t judge him, Nesta was deadly beautiful. As she battled her struggles with alcohol and her trauma she was even becoming rather pleasant to be around. You enjoyed watching the way she argued with Rhys, a favorite pastime of yours and Azriel’s.
Truly, there wasn’t anything wrong with Nesta. You just didn’t want Cassian to like her. It was immature and selfish, sure, but your heart had ached for him for too long. You glanced over to them again, biting your tongue at the flirtatious smile she threw his way. You were going to be sick.
You stood from the table rather abruptly, stilling when everyone turned to look at you. Damn fool, you cursed silently. “Uh, something came up,” you mumbled out, before turning and practically running from the room. Way to make it worse.
You felt a cool shadow twirl around your ankle, Azriel stealthily making sure you were okay. “I’m fine,” you told the thing, sending it back to him quickly. The last thing you needed was your friend chasing after you. Especially after Cassian had walked in on him comforting you the other day. He doesn’t need anymore reasons to think you’re weak.
You were grateful that dinner was at the new Riverhouse and not up at the House of Wind. You easily slipped out the front door, walking along the edge of the water. The night sky glittered above, a warm breeze blowing through your hair. You were always calmer out by the river, the flowing water a soothing accompaniment to your walk. Why can’t I just act normal around him? You thought to yourself, eyes focused on the ground in front of you. Things were so much better before she came along.
Back when you thought you had a real chance with the General. Before painful envy and shallow hatred took over your soul. You shook your head, looking over into the water and contemplating letting yourself sink to the riverbed. “Hey, are you okay?”
Yea, sinking into the river seemed like a great option right now.
You turned slowly to Cassian, a weak smile on your face. “Yea, just needed a minute.” He looked you over like he didn’t believe you, but nodded at your answer. You were less than thrilled when he moved up to your side, silently telling you that he was joining you on your walk.
“You know, you can always talk to me too. Az isn’t the only one you can trust.” You really do almost fall into the water in surprise at the jealousy lacing his words. You look at him out of the corner of your eye, observing the way he’s pointedly looking anywhere but directly at you.
“Az is my best friend. It doesn’t mean he’s the only one I trust.” Cassian scoffed, making you turn your full attention to him. “What’s so wrong with that?”
He stopped walking and turned to you, a strange anger in his eyes. “Don’t act innocent now. You don’t have to hide it anymore.” You froze, blood running cold. No, how did he find out? I wasn’t that obvious, was I? “I know you and Az are together.”
You blinked.
And then you burst into laughter. “Me and Az?! Oh please,” you choked out, relief coursing through you. He has no idea.
Cassian crossed his arms and glared at you. “I saw the way he was holding you in the kitchen after you got injured. I’m surprised he wasn’t suckling on your wound himself.”
Now it was your turn to get angry. “Excuse me? What is wrong with you?” Cassian rolled his eyes at your question.
“I just don’t understand why you would start avoiding me because you had feelings for him. Did he tell you to?” He looked at you expectantly, like he wasn’t being completely out of line.
“Cass, please. There is nothing between Az and I. If you weren’t so far up Nesta’s ass maybe you would be able to think clearly!” You knew you crossed a boundary before the words were even out of your mouth. Cassian went eerily still, wings tucked tight against his body.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” His voice was cold, a tone you’d never heard from him. “Nesta is…going through a lot. It is not a crime to help her.” He stared you down, an unspoken threat in his eyes.
“Have you considered, Cassian, that I am not avoiding you? That you are spending all your time with her, pushing your friends away?” You were shaking slightly, knowing that pushing him was a bad idea.
“You wouldn’t understand. I shouldn’t have tried to follow you out here.” He turned, preparing to fly back to the Riverhouse. “If you are happy with Azriel, that’s fine. You just don’t have to hide it.” You opened your mouth to argue, but he had already taken off. Instead you turned toward the river, kicking a wad of dirt into the rushing water as you let out a frustrated scream.
Why doesn’t he see that he’s the one I want?
Things had been tense since your conversation with Cassian a few weeks ago. He had spent the first few days after completely ignoring you during training, along with being extra aggressive towards Azriel. You had informed your friend of the conversation after another particularly brutal session that resulted in Az needing a healer.
“He could be jealous,” Azriel had offered in explanation, your glare shutting him up quick. He raised his hands in surrender, wincing at the lingered wound in his side. You continued to carefully wind the new bandages around him, trying to do it as neatly as the healer did. “Maybe you are misreading how he acts with Nesta.” You tightened the bandages a bit more than necessary as you pinned them closed, ignoring his noise of discomfort. “Alright, hint taken. I’m just saying, why would he be so upset at the idea of you with me if he’s head over heels for her?” Azriel stood, pulling his training top back down before looking at you expectantly. You sigh, turning away to place the bandages back in their drawer.
“If he had feelings for me, why would he spend all his time with her? He’s chosen to push us away, Az. I think he’s really upset with himself.”
You couldn’t sleep. Typically you would go bother Az until he gave you some of his sleeping tea, but he had been gone for a few days. You had tried to find the concoction in the cabinets in the kitchen and were halfway to rummaging through his room when you noticed the library lights were glowing. Maybe you could find company in whoever else was awake.
You paused outside the door when you heard the sound of voices, not wanting to interrupt. Through the crack in the open doors you could see Cassian….and Nesta. Great. You were about to continue heading for Azriel’s room when you took notice of their proximity. From this angle you could really only see Cassian’s back, but her legs on either side of his hips were unmistakable. Oh. Everything in you screamed to run, to look away. You couldn’t.
She gave a breathy moan as his head dipped down her neck, allowing you to see the way her eyes fluttered closed. The sound shot through you like a bullet, ripping your very soul apart. No. This isn’t happening. Hot tears slid down your face as you stood there in stunned horror, any hope left in your heart crumbling to dust. You watched Cassian’s hand slide up her thigh, slipping under her dress like he’d done this a million times. He probably has. Nesta’s nails dug into his shoulders and her cry of his name finally broke you from the hold of your fear. You ran from the library as quick as you could, tears blinding your vision. You weren’t looking where you were going, crashing into a familiar body.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s happening?” Azriel asked, wrapping his arms tight around you as you started crying even harder. You heard a faint noise behind you, drawing his attention.
“What’s happened?” Cassian demanded, ever the protective General. You happened. You buried your face in Azriel’s chest, wanting to disappear from this moment.
“That’s what i’m trying to figure out. What are you doing up?” You felt Azriel tense against you, presumably spotting Nesta and putting the pieces together. “Ah. Well, I think I will take her to her room. You have a…nice night, Cassian. Nesta.” He was dragging you subtly backwards, nodding to the pair before scooping you into his arms and heading towards your room.
“Just throw me off the balcony, Az,” you sniffled, tears still flowing freely. His hold tightened in a silent absolutely not. He pushed into your room, setting you gently on the bed and pulling the covers up around you. You felt a slight dip as he sat next to you, a hand running the familiar soothing path through your hair.
“I take it you saw them, then.” There’s no judgment or pity in his voice, only gentle truth.
You nodded against your pillow, your tears soaking the fabric. “I feel like i’ve been physically wounded. As if he stood in front of me and ran a sword through my body.” Azriel hummed from next to you, unsure what he should do. “Will you bring me some of your sleeping tea? A heavy dose.”
“Of course,” he said, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “Let me bathe and change, and I will be right back.”
You sunk into your bed, begging the blankets to swallow you up. The pain of years of longing for someone who has chosen someone else was too much to bear. Azriel returned with a very strong cup of tea, warning that it may be a day or so before you woke up. You took the cup gladly, sucking the drink down without a second thought. Your mind emptied of all emotion as you began to drift to sleep.
The only thing left was the faint golden shimmer of the mating bond, shattered into a million tiny pieces.
Thank you for your request!!! I apologize that it took me SO long to get this out, I had to take a step back from requests for a while. I hope this is angsty enough for you<3. i went back and forth on how this piece should go, so please give me your thoughts!
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egg-but-with-style · 2 months
Okay..what if..ghost was a knight. hm?????????
He'd been told he was going to become a knight since birth, serving the country as a whole, then if he was good enough, the nobility. When his training begun, he hated the idea of being the knight of any old noble that thought people poorer then them were the dirt beneath their boot.
He eventually became hardened by years of training and fighting, not to mention the occasional shipping out to a random village where he had killed more then a few men.
Then one day it was decided that the princess needed a personal knight, for a young lady needed to be well protected. At first he scoffed at the idea. A princess? One that stayed in castle walls like a caged bird? Why did she need protection?
When the day he was supposed to meet you came around, he quickly learned it wasn't for your safety per say, more so to curb your stubbornness. He couldn't deny the portraits of you in the hall with your family made his checks slightly flush. A beautiful round face and plump body. The redness wore off once he found out that, you had refused to come to the meeting to be assigned your guard, which he chocked up to the pretty princess not wanting to talk with a common like himself.
Until as he was getting a tour of the ground for security purposes, he saw a woman gardening. The woman was wearing a much nicer dress then he expected for a gardener. The woman was also quite a bit taller, chubbier, stronger. That's one thing he did like about noble women, their plump forms, but it was unusual for a worker. Maybe she was just a very good gardener. The woman quickly took notice of him and with a hop in her step, went up to greet him. She looked strangely...familiar?
"You're the new knight, yes?" He looked a little surprised, not expecting this person to be so talkative, but he was polite. "Yes..I am. Would you have any idea where the princess might be?" You giggled, taking off your sunhat and wiping your forehead with your sleeve. "You're looking at her."
He was stunned, he hadn't been paying too much attention to you before, but now that he was, the portraits on the walls of the castle matched you perfectly, yet they couldn't capture your beautiful round cheeks and a gorgeous smile as well as the real thing. He then snapped out of his thoughts and kneeled before you. Hearing you scoff at his actions. "You know you don't need to do that, right? Your little tour guide isn't even here anymore, not that he would've shown you around better then I can."
Ghost looked up and around. It's true, he was alone, with you he supposed. He then looked to your face, it being the only shade on his eyes from the blinding sun, making you look like you had a halo around your head. An angel. That's what you looked like.
"Cmon, get up." You said, as you stretched out your hand to help him up. He looked surprised, but grateful, his job was hard on his knees. Taking your hand once he was sure no one else was around, he wasn't sure if you'd be strong enough to help all that much, but you pulled him up with ease. "Now what's your name, oh noble knight?" The words falling from your lips, with a slight sarcasm imbedded. But not filled with ill will. "Ghost, my lady" your smirk fell slightly, and you sighed. You knew it couldn't be helped, honorifics were basically beat into every guard and maid.
"That's an odd name. I don't believe you're a spector."
You giggled, and he became surprised the longer you talked, so sasy, so informal. Felt more like talking to a fellow guard then the to be leader of the country. He stammered again, being put off guard (hahaha, get it?) "It's.. it's a given name by the knights guild."
You hummed in acknowledgement. You had heard of some guards only ever using their given names, but you had never seen it with your own eyes.
"Interesting. Well, I suppose you need a new tour guide, don't you?" He thought about it for a moment, perhaps, from a tactical standpoint, a person who lives in the castle, especially someone as rambunctious as you, would probably know more then the average persons about the castle. So for safety reasons, or maybe it was just him justifying a reason to get to know you better, he agreed.
"I suppose I do." You were still glistening with sweat from the heat of the sun, and the exertion of pulling weeds in a rather tight corset. Skin being smeared with splotches of dirt. He was feeling bold, and asked a question that any other noble would've had slapped him for. "You're quite the trouble maker, aren't you, my lady?" You only giggled
"You bet your shiny ass I am. Now cmon, there's like 20 different places that old fart hadn't show you yet." He only had moments to question your vulgar choice of words, then you were off, walking, almost jogging down the cobble path, with his heart in hand. So he could only follow.
Authors note: you know how I said I had ideas about the 141? Ghost consumed those thoughts. Eat up, babes. Again I don't know who made the knight au for ghost? If anyone knows, please tell me so I can tag them for credit. Cause this idea is so yummy. Thank you for reading, bye bye!!!!
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pearlfeline · 3 months
peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 900+
tw: black eye
a/n: this is short and it was in my drafts forever. and it was shorter than this before i added some stuff last night. posting it now for some validation and i want to feel better for my job interview tomorrow lol. hope its good enough.
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“plwase unlokc your window!! OMW”
“I told him not to text and swing.” You mumbled to yourself.
You huffed, making your way to the window to save him the trouble and just lifted it wide open.
Peter flops in immediately, earning a yelp from you.
“Are you crazy?!” You held your hand to your chest.
“Heeeeelp.” He groans. Peter tugs at his mask, rolling his head back for you to see.
He had a black eye. “Make sure when you fall, you don’t land face first into a fire hydrant.” He tries his best to pry his swollen eye open.
“Since when do you fall?” You shake your head. Not expecting an answer, you walk off to the kitchen and open the freezer, grabbing a bag of assorted frozen fruit.
You come back to Peter flipping through channels on your TV, slumped on the bed.
“Put this on your eye.”
Peter gingerly takes the bag, holding it up to his bruise.
”Why are you getting hurt in the middle of the night?”
“Avengers make mistakes too.” He grumbled.
“Peter. It’s late.” You sighed.
“I know I know but I needed your help specifically.” He sits up mirroring the posture of someone who would hold a corporate meeting.
“Do my makeup please.”
You stare at Peter expressionless.
“Like with the skin paint thing.” He adds.
“For your black eye?”
“PLEEEAAASE! I can’t have May see me with another black eye. She said if the kids keep picking on me she’s gonna call the school.”
You roll your eyes, motioning him to follow you to your makeup drawer.
“Concealer.” You handed him the small bottle and heard him repeat after you.
“Concealer.” He nods.
“How long will this last?” He twists it open.
“Stop, you’re gonna dry it out. And not forever. So I’ll let you borrow it to reapply in the morning.”
“How do I do that?” He starts blinking rapidly the same time your finger pats into his under eye.
“No blinking! Just do what I’m doing here. See? You don’t even need a sponge sometimes.”
You try to ignore how close you were to him. Seeing Peter from this proximity was something you’d never think to do. You never noticed how many little freckles he had. They’re so faint. He had a little stubble from running around all day and chapped lips. Your eyes follow the line of his bottom lip, like a crack in the pavement. You could feel his breathing hit your hand as you pat into his skin. As you look up from his lips, you find him staring at you back.
“Done.” You reeled your hand back, clearing your throat.
Peter looks at himself through your small light up mirror. Seems simple enough.
“See? Good as new. Just a little swollen.” You comb his curl away from his forehead so he could clearly see the coverage.
“You’re the best.” He stares at his reflection in awe.
“I know.” You shrugged.
“Don’t touch it or it’ll come off.” You grab a small pouch to put the concealer in.
“Here. Don’t lose it. I splurged for this one.” You hand him the pouch and he nods profusely.
“Guarding it with my life.” He puts it in the small pocket of his backpack.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
“No problem.” You avoided his eyes, hopefully he didn’t see the heat rising to your cheeks. “Don’t keep May waiting.”
Peter nods, giving an awkward wave. “Right. See ya.”
Peter jumps out onto the fire escape. Quietly this time. Out of sight.
“See ya.” You said quietly to yourself.
The next morning, you woke up to a series of messages from Peter.
“she didnt suspect a thing HAHAHA” 12:32 AM
“thank u again btw” 12:33 AM
“it hurts to blink.” 12:34 AM
“ok goodnight ill let you know how it lasts thru the night.” 12:34 AM
“hi it disappeared a little bit but im gonna add some more i hope that’s ok” 9:12 AM
You bit your lip, your finger hovering over the facetime button. You click it without thinking too much of it, waiting for him to answer.
Peter comes into frame with a newly pale complexion. His entire face was covered in concealer.
“Hi.” He grins at the camera, oblivious to how ghostly he looked. This would’ve scared you if he didn’t answer the call in that ridiculous angle.
“Peter…” You sighed.
“What? Did I miss a spot?”
“…No. You can’t possibly miss any more spots I don’t think.”
Peter frowns at the camera, he thought he did well.
“Too much?” He chuckled, embarrassed.
You roll your eyes.
“This stuff covers everything. I don’t have freckles anymore.” He runs away at his cheek, showing that it wasn’t coming off.
“Did May see you yet today?” You sighed.
“No.. Should I take this off?”
Before you could answer, May quickly knocks on Peter’s door, and doesn’t wait to open the door.
“Hey, I’m thinking pizza for lunch-“
Peter turns to look at May and you could see her blurry face peek through behind Peter's shoulder on your screen. She widens her eyes and blinks a couple times.
“What… What is that?”
“Sunscreen.” Peter blurts out.
“Y/N and I are going to the beach.”
May knits her brows together, thinking if that’s really believable or not.
“There’s no beach near by.”
Peter silently stares at his aunt.
“...I’m eating this pizza with or without you .” May shrugs. “Have fun at the… beach.” She gives Peter a look and then closes the door.
Peter turns his attention back to his phone.
“The beach?” You squeaked out, attempting to stifle your laugh.
“I would hang up if I didn’t need help taking this off.” Peter says flatly.
You let out a groan. “Just get over here.”
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burn-before-reading · 22 days
hiii! could i pls request reader x joost where reader meets his friends??? (stuntje, apson, tantu etc.) :3 thank u!!
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Joost Klein x shy! reader
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word count: ill count it later
warnings: anxiety, imposter syndrome
a/n: This one got away from me. it was supposed to be shorter hahaha. idk if its what you expected but i had fun writing it :) not related to this fic but i love this picture so much Joost in skirts yall <3
also mini life update im finishing school rn so thats my focus. won’t completely abandon this blog but ill be offline a lot
RPF Below the cut ——
“We komen te laat, liefje” (we are gonna be late, love.)
You quickly slipped your shoes on and grabbed your jacket before meeting him at the door. opening your arms you do a little spin to show off your outfit.
“I look okay?”
“Yes, you look beautiful don’t worry.”
“Okay okay. Do the shoes match tho? I think maybe the black boots went with it better, and the shirt feels too fancy, gimmie like five-“
“Schatje,” he coos, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. He starts rubbing them slowly and you take a big breath in and out to relax yourself. “Its just my friends, they’re gonna love you I promise.”
“I know I know, I just wanna make a good impression.” you smile up at him sheepishly and he goes to kiss your forehead. he lets you go but moved his hand to grab yours and intertwines your fingers and tugs you gently out the door.
You make it to Tantu’s apartment about twenty minutes later, and you feel like you need a pep talk all over again. Joost feels your hesitation at the door and squeezes your hand tighter for reassurance before knocking. You can’t really say for sure why you are so nervous meeting his friends, but then the door opens and you are greeted by tantu himself. He introduces himself and immediately pulls you into a hug.
“we’ve heard so much about you. come in come in.”
The two of you walk in and you quickly scan the guests of the house party. Joost is familiar with most, but to you its a room of strangers and you feel all the butterflies in your stomach begin to turn. Joost leads you to where his main group of friends reside and you try to just focus on him and the feeling of your hand in his.
“Hey guys, this is y/n, my partner.” Joost introduces you to the group. “y/n, thats Apson, Alanis, Stuntje, and you met Tantu of course..” he takes the time to introduce each of his friends, and they all quickly wave or say hi to you. The girl you learned was Alanis stands up to shake your hand and go in for a hug as well, startling you again, but once again appreciating how friendly they are being.
“Hi, we’ve heard so much about you! great to finally meet you.” She takes both your hands and holds them. “You should sit.” she starts to pull you away from Joost and you turn and make a face that implies help? he just shrugs. “Theres drinks in the kitchen, Joost, if you guys want something.” she says and he hesitates before walking away.
“ill be okay for a second i promise.” you reassure. you see him slightly mouth something, probably in dutch, to Tantu, but he just shrugs and smirks before following behind.
You sit down and start to feel all their eyes on you. Tapping your foot nervously, you try to find the words to start a conversation, but Apson beats you to it.
“So you work at a coffee shop, right?” he asks. you nod.
“Yeah, for the last couple years or so. Its where I met Joost actually.” You see him just nod and smile, like he’s heard a version before.
“So, uh… what do you guys do for a living?” you ask and they start going around describing all their different creative jobs. Director, music production, art, content creation. The whole variety of creative jobs and it just makes you feel small. They are all so successful. Joost is so successful.
What are you doing here.
“So you and Joost have been dating for Three months, right?” Alanis asks, and you turn to her again.
“Uh, something like that. Its probably a little closer to 2 actually, but I guess we’ve been talking for a but longer than that so uh..” You feel a lump in your throat and start rapidly checking the room for Joost but he is no where to be seen. In your scan, you see a balcony that seems mostly empty so you quickly stand up and make an excuse to leave. “sorry, Uh, im gonna check on Joost.” you say and quickly walk the exact opposite direction of the kitchen and to the balcony. Two seconds later Joost comes back with two drinks in his hand and sees the empty spot where you should be. Glancing at the looks on his friends faces he just sighs.
“what the fuck, guys.”
On the balcony you try and use the fresh air to calm yourself down. Taking a breath in and out you just close your eyes in an attempt to center yourself. The sound of the screen door opens and closes behind you and you hear a voice pipe up.
“Sorry if we overwhelmed you. Joost told us you might be shy.” Alanis apologies. You open your eyes and smile at her.
“Its okay. Just feeling a bit out of place is all.” you reply and she tilts her head at your comment.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, you guys have all these super cool creative jobs, you’ve all known each other for so long it seems. Ive just barely met you all and I can already feel the talent and charisma radiating off you guys. I just make boring coffee.”
“Oh thats nonsense, you’re not boring at all. Joost wouldn’t have gone out of his way to go to your work every day if you were.” she smiles, “If we came off as overly friendly, its just because we were excited to meet the person Joost has been so taken with these past few months.”
“Guessing he talked about me a lot, huh?”
“Since day one.”
that admission piqued your interest a bit. “really?”
“Im serious. He walked out your shop that day and immediately texted Apson, ‘Just met the love of my life’ I don’t even think he had your name yet.” she laughs and you laugh a little as well learning about this side of Joost. You had known that he had been going out of his way to visit the shop you worked at as often as possible, but you didn’t know how taken he was with you right away.
“ I knew he started stopping by often, I just thought he liked our pastries.”
“He was Smitten. sorry again for being so overwhelming. Joost came back and lectured us all the second you left.” she admitted. The idea of Joost being so upset at his friends being too welcoming made you laugh.
“Its alright. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed i suppose.”
“Mind if I smoke?” Joost knocks on the open glass door before joining the two of you. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him before lighting his cigarette and taking a drag. he takes his cigarette with his free hand to lean a little closer to you and whispers. “alles goed, liefje?" (you alright, love?)
you nod and Smile at Alanis. “Yes, just needed some air. your friends are nicer than I expected.”
He nods and squeezes your waist before taking another drag and offering you his cigarette.
“I think im gonna head back inside. you two will be good?” Alanis asks and you smile and nod.
“I’ll join you in a sec.”
She heads back in. the second she is gone Joost immediately asks. “so how much did she spill?”
“only the good stuff.” you look at him and grin. “don’t worry I was smitten from day one too.”
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Pomefiore: When They're Sick
Did I have too much fun writing Rook, as per usual? The answer is yes. I think I finally get why I like him so much; we're the same dramatic hoe who will talk and hype our friends up. Also obsessive tendencies for the win. He stalks Neige like the fanboy he is, and I stalk several fictional men like the fanboy I am. We're not so different…oh look like I'm rambling again. Hahaha please enjoy the next part of the series!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
Request Information | Masterlist | Au Information
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Pomefiore: When They’re Sick
Vil has always been meticulous when it comes to self-care, and holds everyone in his dorm to the same standards. This means getting sick in the dorm wasn’t a very common experience, since everyone took care of their health and took proper vitamins to ensure they don’t get ill. Sadly this doesn’t stop the beautiful thing known as the common cold from spreading around and getting a few sick. Normally it was a quarantine situation, keep the sick student at the nurse’s office until they can get better and keep them away from the other students. Sadly during the flu season, every bed in the nurse's office is oftentimes taken, and no Pomefiore members wants to risk getting sick just to take care of someone.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil sees being sick as a major inconvenience on his end, and automatically goes into self care mode. If he even so much as sniffles he’s calling up a doctor. His health is very important, so he’s meticulous in taking care of things before it gets bad. Sadly some things can’t be prevented, and when flu season rolls around and it’s a new strain that his body isn’t used to, there’s only so much he can do. He’ll still be calling up a personal doctor though to help take care of him.
The moment you offer to help he’s turning you away. He already has a team on it in order to take care of him, so he doesn’t need a classmate to do anything for him. So why aren’t you leaving? You know you can get sick too, right? Not to mention he looks hideous like this! His poor skin is paler than normal and looks sickly, his nose and eyes are red and he has the sniffles. Honestly the only reason he doesn’t want you there is because he can’t stand you seeing him like this. Insist on staying though, because doctors are one thing but they aren’t there 24/7 to take care of him, and something domestic about taking care of someone while sick melts his heart.
Due to the doctor’s working with him, he has lots of prescribed medication and vitamins to take while recovering. The only thing he needs is for someone to bring them to him while he lays in bed and tries to feel better. This is where you come in, obviously, playing the role of nurse and making sure he takes all his medication. He’s anal about it being exactly on time, so have alarms set so he doesn’t have to even think about it.
Just like with medication, he has a team of nutritionists making him meal plans. Again, his health is closely connected with his career, so he needs to get better as soon as possible. If you make the meals you better follow the instructions perfectly, or get someone else to do it. He won’t admit it, but he’s happy if you make him the food yourself. He’ll comment that it tastes nice and that he appreciates the efforts you’re going through to take care of him.
Thanks to you, the doctors, and nutritionist, his flu lasts a solid three days. He’s going to be taking it easy for the next week or so just to make sure his body is fully recovered. He’ll of course be thanking you at that time, and letting you know how much your efforts mean to him. He even promises that if you ever fall ill, he’ll make sure to get you a team to help take care and nurse you back to health. Wait…you want him to assist? Oh honey, he can’t afford to get sick again.
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Rook Hunt
Rook has always been a wild child, eating things off the ground when he was a small boy and hiding in the foliage while hunting. His immune system is legendary at this point, so it’s no surprise that he rarely ever catches anything more than a slight head cold. When the flu season washes over Pomefiore and he gets sick though, it’s game over. He’s getting the man flu to the max, high fever and delirious to the max. He probably should be taken to the hospital because you’d think he was dying with how crummy he feels.
He’s not even going to remember you offering help, but he is going to remember you taking care of him. That high fever makes most of him being sick on the first day very fuzzy. He does recall Vil checking in on him and then getting a doctor, and then later you came over and saw his state. By the second day when he’s no longer suffering from his fever, he’ll be a lot happier to have you around. He’ll be calling you all sorts of pet names and adoring every moment he gets to see you, calling you the perfect spouse even if you’re not romantically involved in the slightest.
He will happily take anything you give him, even the most foul tasting liquids. He’ll say it tastes heavenly just because you prepared it for him, and be thanking you as he takes it. He won’t even make a reaction to visibly show disgust, just a smile as he puts it down. He’ll then be asking if you’d like to sit and stay for a while so he won’t be so lonesome. He does worry about you getting sick, but as long as you’re not sitting on the bed and are a safe distance away, he’ll love to have your company. He’ll be babbling away about stories from his childhood to help pass the time until he falls asleep.
Oh? You made him something? Perhaps getting sick every so often is worth it if it means he gets to have a come cooked meal delivered directly to his bed. Of course he’s going to adore whatever you make him and not think twice about what’s actually in it. He’ll be singing your praises to the moon and back, even if it’s not super tasty. Really it’s the thought and effort that you put into it that has him singing praise; if it happens to taste good that’s just a bonus.
Once he’s better you’ll be bombarded with compliments and small presents. Sitting in class is always interesting when random arrows impale themselves into your desk with a small poem about how heroic you were to save a damsel in distress like him while he was sick and dying. He’s dramatic, of course, but he’s truthful. He really appreciated all the time and effort you spent to help nurse him back to help, and he swears one day he’ll return the favor ten fold.
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Epel Felmier
Epel is the definition of “I’m fine” when he’s clearly not. As someone who grew up on a farm, he never sought medical treatment unless his grandma was dragging him in. Things were always too busy and he didn’t have time to take away from his chores. So unless he’s dying or someone he knows is dragging his ass to the nurse, he’ll just go about his day. Sadly for Epel, he lives in Pomefiore with Vil who notices every nuance. The moment he gets sick Vil is dragging him to the nurse and getting him on some medication and forcing him to rest in bed.
He doesn’t need help at all…or so he says. Really, it’s just a slight cough and a runny nose, nothing to worry about. He could still go to class like this actually, but sadly Vil won’t let him. If you insist enough he’ll allow it though, one thing he does remember growing up was how kind his grandma always was when taking care of him while sick. It’s going to warm his heart and he’ll be thanking you for taking care of him. He won’t be too fussy either, letting you do whatever you think he might need.
Okay now this is where he draws the line; he cannot stand medicine. Even at home he rarely ever took it since it was never serious, so having you telling him he has to is blasphemous. He’s going to try and negotiate so he doesn’t have to take it, but he knows it’s a losing battle. If he doesn’t take it from you, then Vil is going to be forcing it onto him one way or another. Better to just let you hand it to him so it’s more pleasant, right?
Now he can get behind this, nothing beats a good home cooked meal when you’re feeling sick. Hand him some chicken noodle soup and he’s a happy boy. Suddenly being sick and having you take care of him is all worth it. He won’t comment that it isn’t up to par with granny though, everyone knows that Grandma’s make the best soups when you’re sick. Something about it heals the mind and soul, but yours does come pretty close. If it’s from a can, just don’t say anything and ruin the illusion. Although honestly if Vil saw you bringing a canned soup to Epel while he’s sick, he'd grab it and force you to the kitchen for a cooking lesson.
Vil is making him go to your dorm with a handwritten thank you note; and his grandma probably sent him some apple juice to give to you as well. He’s a bit embarrassed when he comes in with all the things, but loosens up when you tell him all is good. He’ll insist that he’ll help you if you ever get sick though, and will probably stay over to enjoy a bottle of apple juice and maybe leave behind a perfectly carved apple. It’s the little things that make a difference. 
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sadhours · 1 year
omg bestie ok I’ll forget this idea so I need to tell u now- if u don’t like it or something always tell me. ILL STOP AFTER THIS HAHAHA
giving dom billy a handjob in a bathtub. You convince him to let you be in charge for once, He’s the little spoon and he’s just so fucking vocal and moaning so much. When he cums you take him by surprise by only stopping briefly before continuing again. He’s so shocked but turned on and he’s starting to losing his dominance, he becomes over stimulated but doesn’t use his safe word. At one point he even says ‘it’s too much’ or something yet he’s bucking himself into your hand and cums even more. It’s the hottest thing ever
ofc he takes payback in another form- maybe the next day?( I’ll leave that to ur imagination to write go wild bestie)
Heheh I love you ❤️
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Sometimes Billy allowed you a bit of control. It wasn’t often but occasionally he would let you comfort him. Like now. He had a rough day of classes, college was harder than he anticipated and obtaining his major in marine biology was more demanding than he imagined. He had a lab today, he was on his feet for hours and he mentioned something about being sore. You suggested a bath. And Billy thought, ya know what, he didn’t take enough baths. You had the tub, might as well use it. He was privy to showers but you were an advocate for bubble baths. So he said fuck it and agreed.
He didn’t anticipate you getting in first and insisting he relax on top of you. Billy didn’t usually like being little spoon, he liked being able to hold you. But you insisted he deserved a bit of comfort and let’s face it, worship.
So that’s how he ended up with his back pressed against your chest in the tub. You’d helped wash his hair and torso, admiring the curves of his muscle as you massaged the soap against his skin. Then your hands got lower and lower and well… his thick flaccid cock was just there and you were pretty obsessed with it so you couldn’t not grab onto it. And Billy’s only human, it doesn’t stay soft for long, not with the way you squeeze the base. It’s fun to watch it grow but it also surges heat between your legs. You kiss against his neck, working your hand up and down his length languidly. He makes the prettiest sounds, little whines and whimpers.
Billy has the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen. Nine inches— cut. The fucking thing almost reached his belly button it was so long. The slightest curve to it. Thick and heavy, the tip always gets the nicest shade angry red and God, does he get wet! Pale precum leaking from the tip. You find yourself totally captivated by it. It’s the best looking dick. Better than any you’ve seen. You’ve even suggested maybe he had a future in porn, surely anyone who saw it would worship it.
And his balls! You were equally infatuated with them. A good handful, not too low but not too high. They were sensitive, you loved to lick all over them, suck one gently into your mouth. Loved the way he would whine and whimper.
Billy kept himself very well groomed, blonde curls trailing from his lower abdomen to right above the base of his cock; the rest always shaved clean. He told you it felt better that way.
As you stroke him, he lays his head against your shoulder and these gorgeous, lovely moans tumble from his lips. You can’t help but think of how badly he deserves this, his pretty cock is worthy of all your attention and adoration.
You work him over in your hand, watching the motions in a bit of trance. In fact, you’re so enthralled by the view that you barely feel his weight on you. And moments where sex becomes solely for Billy’s pleasure weren’t rare. Because let’s face it, you don’t get any physical stimulation from having his cock in your hand or shoved down your throat but mentally, you were absolutely euphoric. Anything you could do to make him feel good, you would.
You curve your hand on the upstroke, making sure to run the pad of your thumb against his slit down to where his most sensitive spot is, where the head meets the shaft. When you do so, Billy tilts his head back and moans all pretty for you. A smile tugs at your lips as you pepper kisses along his exposed neck, “You like that, baby?”
“Mhm,” he moans softly, “feels so good.”
You bite at his skin while you begin to stroke him faster and he grabs ahold of your left hand, lacing your fingers. The water sloshes around you due the pump of your hand and the minuscule thrust of his hips. Your whole body erupts in tingles, turned on by what you’re able to do to him. Billy gasps out as you squeeze the base of him and hold still, his eyelids fluttering open so he can watch.
Once you know he’s looking, you continue stroking him but this time your grip is tighter and you begin to focus on the top of his shaft, ignoring the head and the base. Your head swims because he’s just so fucking hard and you’re starting to feel a little feral, eager to make him climax.
He whines, a slew of ‘em while his eyebrows shoot up and his mouth falls open. You know he’s close and you kiss his jaw, giggling softly while jerking him faster.
“Shit,” he curses, hips stuttering up while he lets go of your hand to grip the edge of the tub, “gonna c-cum.”
You bite his jaw and begin to include his tips in the strokes, not slowing down even a bit. As he starts to climax, you tightly wrap your fingers along his base and hold it steady. Lips parting with a smile as you watch his orgasm shoot out of him, smoothing your left hand over his hip.
He pants, chest heaving while he comes down from his high but he’s still hard. And you’re curious if he could go again so quickly. You giggle again and kiss his jaw some more before continuing to pump his dick in your hand.
Billy heaves a choked out sound, high pitched and shocked. It’s almost a squeak. His whole body jerks with it but he settles against you, rolls his hips into it as he moans some more. It excites you more, he’s done this to you many times, you know the feeling. It almost hurts but yet feels so good, too good to make it stop. He makes no sounds of protest, so you keep stroking him, using the cum that had dripped back down as lube which makes it even easier to pump him in your hand. You’ve got him whimpering, squeezing his eyes shut as he keeps his head tilted against your shoulder.
He gasps out after a minute, “Babe.. too much.”
The way his hips are bucking up into your hand tell you he’s loving it.
“I know you can cum again,” you coo, “I know you’re already close.”
Billy grits his teeth, eyebrows furrowing as he writhes above you. It’s quite the situation to see, your roles reversed. Usually he’s the dominant one, has you crying as he pulls orgasm after earth shattering orgasm from you. The stroke of your hand is a little worthless at this point, he’s fucking himself up into your fist until he’s spilling out for the second time. You keep pumping him in your hand until he grabs a hold of your wrist to interrupt.
“You fucking brat,” he mumbles with a satisfied smile spreading across his face.
“You love it.”
You and Billy get home from the bar on campus. The two of you have class in the morning so you behaved yourselves. Only a couple of drinks, a nice pleasant buzz warming your body. You stand at the bathroom counter, tying your hair up so you can get started on your bedtime routine. As your washing your face, Billy comes in and makes his way to the toilet. He lifts the seat and pulls himself out his jeans to pee. It’s all so domestic, the way he doesn’t care that you’re in here. He’s the only man you’ve seen pee and he’s actually scolded you for watching once or twice. But hey, you were just curious. You didn’t have a dick of your own.
He sees you peeking over and he shakes his head, “You’re such a weirdo.”
“I’m not weird!” you defend yourself as you squeeze toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Billy flushes after tucking himself away and turns to you, “Wouldn’t you think it was weird if I watched you pee?”
“No,” you admit around your toothbrush, scooting aside so he can wash his hands.
“Yeah, well I won’t ‘cause it’s weird,” he says, drying off his hands before reaching for his own toothbrush and the paste.
You shrug and the two of you stand side by side, looking at each other in the mirror as you brush your teeth. Billy always gives you this excited, giddy feeling. You swear you’ve never felt this way about anyone ever. Since you’d started first, you’re finished first. As Billy leans forward to spit into the sink, you slide your fingers into the curls at the bottom of his scalp. Not exactly sure why, you just want to touch him. Can’t help yourself. He rinses his mouth out and stands, turning to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His lips meet yours, tongue sliding across your lower lip before meeting your own. It’s easy to melt into it, melt into Billy.
He pulls away with a smile, “Minty.”
You roll your eyes, pushing his shoulder before making the short trip to your bedroom. You change into your nightgown, turn on the tiny TV and crawl into your bed. Billy follows, stripping down to his underwear before crawling in behind you. He grabs onto your waist and pulls you close, kissing your neck.
“Billy,” you giggle, “we have class tomorrow.”
“So what?” he asks, lips grazing your skin while his hand travels down and pushes your nightgown up and over your thighs. Billy’s got this way about him that has you melt against his touch, your legs start to part as you feel his fingertips dance against the skin of your thighs.
“We need to sleep tonight,” you mumble, tilting your head to give him more purchase of your neck.
“Uh huh,” Billy sits up between your legs and peels down your underwear. “You’ll get some sleep tonight…. Eventually.”
He smiles smugly down at you, getting his thighs under yours as he tilts your hips up. Your body ignites in anticipation, giggling softly as you watch him carefully. His eyes meet yours before he purses his lips, letting a trail of saliva drool out of his mouth and down to your cunt. A gasp falls out of your lips, watching him intently while he brings his fingers to between your legs. Billy’s fingers spread his spit through your folds, mixing with your slick while he holds down on your hip with his left hand. His lips tug up in smirk, watching the way your legs tremble at his touch. And he’s barely done anything.
“That feel good, baby?” he coos like you’re stupid, it shouldn’t turn you on the way it does.
You nod at him, bringing your hands up to your chest while attempting to roll your hips but Billy’s smoothing his hand out across your navel to still your movements, pressing you into the mattress while he rubs his thumb against your clit in circles.
“Billy…” you whine out, arching at his touch.
He spreads your pussy lips apart with his fingers, leaning forward to let another pool of salvia drip out of my mouth and onto your folds. Then he slaps his fingers against your cunt, grinning deviously while you yelp out from the contact. It surges wetness from you and leaves you squirming under his grip.
“Billy, more,” you beg and he listens, slipping a single digit into your wet heat. It feels nice but it’s not quite enough. You’re absolutely eager for more, need him to stretch you out. “More, more!”
He tsks, pulls his finger out and looks down at you with his lips pouted, “So goddamn needy.”
You whimper, wiggling your hips in frustration. You knew you should’ve kept your mouth shut but you’re desperate and sometimes Billy drags it out and spends way too much time teasing. He grabs a hold of your thighs, spreads them further apart and looks down at you.
“You won’t get what you want by being a brat,” he tells you with a raised brow.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, trying to still your hips.
He hums, “You’re sorry?”
You nod, “Yes, sir. I’ll be good. I promise.”
Billy smiles and reaches back down to your cunt, circling his fingers along your entrance and you do everything you can to not roll your hips. In a swift movement, he enters you with his digits. Two of them. Sometimes it actually pays to be a brat. Billy might act like he won’t give you what you want but he’s not going to torture you. He wants you to feel good, he wants to please you.
You moan out softly, eyes fluttering shut while your head tilts back against the pillows. He pumps his fingers slowly, curling them up to press against your g-spot. He presses his left hand on your navel again, holding you down as he fucks you with his fingers.
“Look at me, babe,” he demands, “Wanna see those pretty eyes while I make you cum.”
You obey, opening your eyes to meet his blue ones. His pupils are big, dark with lust. It makes your body even hotter, the way he looks at you.
“There she is,” he coos with a smirk, slipping a third finger inside of you. Another moan falls from you and you struggle to keep your eyes open.
“Fuck, Billy…” you whine.
The wet sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of your cunt is delicious, his eyes glance from between your legs to your face and the satisfied smile on his face is intoxicating. He curls his fingers as he drags them against your tight walls. Your stomach tightens as that familiar feeling erupts through you, makes your toes curl and your face feel hot.
“I’m… i’m coming,” you confess, grabbing onto his arm that’s pinning you to the bed while you come down around his fingers, clenching the digits while you cry out.
Billy doesn’t stop, though. He works his fingers even harder, pulling more cries and moans from you. It’s brutally overwhelming and you whimper out, clawing at his arm.
“Billy.. too much, ah!”
He bites his lip as your eyes meet and then he says, “Payback, baby. You’re gonna cum again.”
You immediately know he’s referring to the day before when you did the same to him in the tub. And while it’s a little painful because you’re sensitive, you’d really rather he didn’t stop. He lowers himself between your legs, still pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt as he licks through your folds. Your hands immediately grab at his curls, back arching while he laps at your clit.
“Oh my fucking god!” you cry out, thighs trembling.
Billy hums against you, lips curling up as he swirls his tongue around your clit. You tug at his hair, back arching up. You’re far past being overstimulated, begging for him to pull another orgasm from you.
“Billy…” you moan, closing your eyes tight as he sucks and licks at your folds.
His fingers work harder as his lips wrap around your clit and it sends you over the edge for a second time. You writhe against him, thighs trapping his head between them while you hold on tightly to his hair. When you come down and release him, he moves up and cups your face in his hands, kissing you deeply. You can taste yourself on his tongue and you wrap your arms around him, sighing into the kiss. As he presses his body flush against yours, you can feel his erection in his briefs pressed against your sore pussy.
You giggle softly, pushing his curls off his forehead as you look up at him, “Fuck me.”
Billy laughs, it’s breathless and beautiful. Like he can’t believe you’re asking for more.
“Ya sure? Can you handle it?” he asks softly, eyes a little glassy.
You nod, hooking your fingers in the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down, “Wanna make you feel good.”
Billy hums and kisses you again, helping kick his briefs off. He reaches between your bodies to grab a hold of his cock, dragging the tip through your soaked folds. Your body jolts at the stimulation, forcing a giggle out of you and he smiles, looking down at you.
“You sure you’re sure?” he licks his lips, “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“It hurts so good,” you defend, “please fuck me.”
Billy exhales sharply, clearly affected by your words before he slips his cock inside your throbbing hole. You gasp, wrapping your legs around his waist which only pushes him deeper inside you. He groans, grabbing onto your jaw as he looks down at you.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he mumbles, which makes you giggle because you’d told him too much earlier and he didn’t stop. You didn’t say the safe word, though. You never have with Billy. Never needed to.
“Shut up,” you say around your giggles and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “Want you to fuck me until I can’t think anymore.”
Billy inhales sharply, thrusts his hips hard against you and don’t miss the glazed over lustful look in his eyes. You know he loves when you talk like that.
“Yeah?” he grunts, “You’re such a good little cock slut. Want me to use this tight fuck hole?”
“Yes, sir,” you manage to gasp out.
His hips piston harder and faster, he pulls back just enough so he can loosely hold onto your throat and hip. The force of his thrusts make your tits bounce, makes your whole body shake underneath him. And he’s true to his word, he uses you like his own personal fuck toy. Billy’s face contorts in pleasure, eyebrows furrowed and his adorable nose scrunched up in concentration. You watch his face until you can’t anymore, the sensation of a third orgasm creeping up on you and your eyes cross before they squeeze shut. You’re practically screaming, noises uncontrollable while Billy drills into you relentlessly. Once your body seizes with the third, incredibly tiring climax, Billy pulls out and crawls up so his cock is in your face. He jerks himself a few times before shooting across your face. A few drops land on your awaiting tongue but when he’s so riled up, his sim is shit and he gets most of it on your cheeks and hair.
He pants above you as you swallow what’s in your mouth. You keep your eyes shut just in case. It doesn’t feel like any landed on them but to be safe, you wait patiently for him to clean you up. And after he does, he lays beside you, lights a cigarette and pats your thigh.
“You did good, doll. Always such a good girl for me.”
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
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Absolutely stuck on the overwhelming amount of louis today so I'm just gonna turn that energy into recapping everything that made my heart melt today (warning I love all things):
his close to 1.5 hrs late grandpa entrance pls, and that security said it was because he was having lunch
the place was playing his Tour Bus Playlist yey
the many pictures and videos of him looking up at fans, full of love and smiles and warmth and mhm fuck this
when a fan asked him to write "bisexual rights" rainbows and crying emojis go here
him getting real confused when asked to write "nothing's changed" because he was thinking of the line "some things change" instead like mans wrote an album full of lines "contradicting himself" (his words) including a massive pile of "change" everywhere dont play
his face when the fan with the trans flag was talking to him
when a fan said "you're really beautiful" and he responded with "hahaha nice one"
when a fan asked if he knew her twitter because she does piano covers of his songs and he was like YEAH THE PIANO YEAH YEAH YEAH I SEE YOU ALL THE TIME *sparkly eyes*
when a fan asked him to write "hey babe" and he laughed like "hahaha yeah" like just the tone you gotta hear it he knows everything were fine
saying he likes "i choked when your smoke got in me eye" just hearing him say and put emphasis on that line.
so. much. football. talk. here's one
on that note him making this lil shit face when he told a fan their team was gonna lose
when a fan was wearing the green nike jumper he wore recently and he said "ive got that jumper - i know you know that already"
the little wave to the people in the screen
him saying hes not gonna draw a heart "only because im fucking shit at drawing hearts" and then drawing a heart and ye she quirky but i hope he knows that makes it even better
or when a fan asked to draw a little star and his response was to ask them whether they wanted it "5 sides or 6" and "I've not drawn a star in years" again excusing his drawing and then draws a star just fine
writing "we'll be alright"
his lil hiya's and nice one's and cheers'
^Seriously the way he greeted everyone was so early 1d days signings esque im not coping with the passage of time rn
the gum chewing
that a fan told him OTB wasn't a lonely song anymore
When a fan told him "if france wins the game you have to sing angels fly next week" he immediately went "but what about if england win" and told the fan if england win they have to show up in an england shirt at their next gig in france and then his crew apparently very much in on his betting behavior dead serious going REMEMBER HER FACE! REMEMBER HER FACE! ILL REMEMBER HER FACE and then they also thanked the fan lol
the harry meme shirt lookin eyein gazin smirkin seein perceivin happenin
his jumper. that's it.
yk his hair also.
The whole chat about AFH in Mexico within the next 5 years and that video especially these frames thank you
personal favorite: when he was asked to write Faith In The Future's initials and he kept looking at the title on his own album cover to make sure he got the right letters
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parrotbug · 2 years
"can you help me study?" ft. dazai, atsushi, ranpo, & fyodor
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he would actually help you for awhile, he'd be good at schoolwork and would try to figure out what he doesn't already know
if he's really having trouble understanding something (which would rarely, if ever happen), he would still pretend to know what he's talking about to impress you even if he's bullshiting everything
he would flirt the whole time. he would barely even try to hide it
everyone would be looking at you two like 🤨 ehem
you're holding your pencil, working out a problem. dazai leans over and gently wraps his hand on top of yours to stop you writing
"you're so close, but you made a little mistake here. don't worry, i'll guide your hand for you..."
he'd do the thumb rub thing all the way too ♥️
he'd be quiet while you're working, but expect him to play with your hair, lean against you, and play footsie
he would walk you home afterwards if you were out
"call me when the results are out, you'll do so great~"
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he tries his best
he's honestly so flattered that you even asked him, and you can tell he really appreciates that you wanted his help
he'd be better at helping you with essays, practice flashcards, and memorizing things
all the work everyone pushes on to him paying off
would leave the cutest comments if he edits your essay
"hehe, i remember you telling me about this"
"you can delete this extra space :o"
"this looks really good, ____! :)"
he would be so sweet if you get upset 🥺♥️
"you're so smart, i'll make sure you do great, but let's take a break, um... here! ill show you a picture of the cutest cats i saw earlier...
once you get back to work, he'd walk you through everything veeery slowly, pausing like every 3 seconds to make sure you understand
after you finish, he'd treat you to a pastry and a fun drink :)
after he does, i'm begging you to pleaseee hug him. he would be so happy
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haha. hahaha
so ranpo is very smart, of course he's an obvious person to ask for help
however, he doesn't necessarily know how to explain how to do things to other people
"just do it! it's not that hard." 🫥
but once he figures out how to articulate his thought process, he'd be pretty good at explaining things
however. he would expect you to give him snacks in return
he would be so fun to slack off with. one minute you're actually working and the next you two are taking selfies and watching youtube
"you'll do fine, i'm helping you!"
*proceeds to play mobile games*
if he does actually help you and you get a good score/raise your grades, he would be so proud oml
just keep praising him about how smart he is and he will always help you study ♥️ or slack off
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he's always so busy, but would rearrange his schedule to help you
not that he would tell you that
"it's not like i like you 😑 im just not that busy today 😑" ← fyodor lying
he'd have a similar approach to dazai, but with a different execution
unlike dazai, if he doesn't understand something, he'd just say it's stupid and fake 🪦
background noise king, he'd always make sure you have what you need to focus
he would be quite patient with you
he would be skilled at simplifying complex topics so that you can understand them
it's the little things with him
if he sees you working hard and sniffling/shivering, he might wrap his coat around your shoulders 🥺
"you're doing so well. i'm proud of you, Умница."*
*Умница "oomnitsa": little clever one
my first time writing one of these, i hope it was okay! i had to write the whole thing twice because i accidentally deleted it all the first time 🫣 oops
hope you enjoyed! - li ♡
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Turn of the Tide
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pairing: wojchek x f!reader
summary: wojchek discovers you've disguised yourself as a man to work aboard the demeter and agrees to keep your secret. he begins treating you different than the other crewmates and you confront him about his unfair behavior
words: 2.8k
warnings: angst, mentions of reader's sad background, chest binding, fluff, me not knowing anything about ships and what happens on them
a/n: popping in to say i'm not dead, just depressed and busy lol. truly grateful to this character for pulling me out of my fic slump. im back to once again make a grumpy fictional man way softer than he was ever meant to be hahaha. also guess im obsessed with david dastmalchian now?? didn't have that on my 2023 bingo card tbh
read on ao3!
Sailors believe in many things. A red sunrise can send them into a panic, anticipating the swells and overbearing winds they’re so sure are to come. Red skies at night, however, can make even the most pessimistic crewmate believe there’s fair weather on the way. Captains refuse to set sail on Fridays, sailors place coins under the mast for good fortune and mariners daren’t whistle lest they summon a storm. Many vessels even have a cat aboard, the little creatures seen to bring luck (and sharp teeth to lessen the rat population). 
Sailors believe in many things but above all they can agree that a woman on board is bad luck. Which seems silly to you because here you are, a woman who’s been on board The Demeter for many months now. Your presence had not brought ill fortune to the vessel. In fact, the weather had remained pleasant, despite the late summer month’s usual downpours and hurricanes. 
Granted none of the crew knew you were a woman. You had disguised yourself as a man, hair cut short and chest bound tightly, but that didn’t change the fact of your sex. A life of adventure on the seas had always called to you but there was no possibility of you being granted work on a ship. The only woman allowed onboard was the carved wooden figurehead of a mermaid that decorated the bow of a vessel. There was no place for you at sea. 
Not one to take no for an answer, you found your own way to get work as a sailor. You had spent time aboard trading ships, learning the ways of the trade and earning the trust of the men you crewed alongside. Your last posting had gone so well that the captain of that ship had recommended you to a friend for your next job. 
That friend had turned out to be Captain Eliot of The Demeter. Captain Eliot and his First Mate, Wojchek, had asked you a few questions, all of which you answered confidently. The Captain was a kind man who remarked positively at your experience. The First Mate, however, was standoffish, challenging your every answer. Wojchek frowned slightly as the Captain offered you the posting and as they walked away you heard him mutter, “He’s too scrawny, Captain. He won’t be able to pull his weight.” 
Captain Eliot had only chuckled, “I thought the same thing when I hired you. Look how wrong I was. You must learn to give people chances, Mr. Wojchek.”
While you appreciated the Captain’s confidence, you made it your mission to show this Mr. Wojchek just how mistaken he was. And for a time, your life aboard the ship was simple. You performed your duties well, befriended the men, took initiative and came to be seen as one of the more ambitious members of the crew. Even Wojchek had to admit, although never to your face, that your were one of the better sailors who had worked under him. 
That good will you had earned was probably the only thing that kept the First Mate from throwing you overboard when he found out who you really were. Your secret was discovered when Wojchek had walked in on you unannounced and had discovered you securing your chest binding. After much fussing, he had threatened to toss you off at the next port. 
You had pleaded with him to show some kindness and let you stay. Eventually, Wojchek reluctantly agreed to let you remain aboard but warned that he couldn’t help you if the rest of the crew found the truth about you. You had promised him that if you were discovered, you would never let on that he had been any the wiser.
The two of you came to an uneasy agreement and work continued, albeit now with a strained air between you. The men would often remark how the first mate would give you the hardest tasks. You had to agree with them. It did feel like Wojchek was taking out his frustration on you. After one particularly grueling day where he had assigned you to a back to back deck watch, you knew you had no choice but to confront him. 
You find him in the tiny room assigned to the First Mate of the ship . It was one of the few luxuries he was given on the boat. Whereas you and the other sailors slept where they could in hammocks tied between posts and amongst the cargo, Wojchek had a tiny room all to himself. He even had a porthole, something he takes great pride in.  
You hear him groan as you continuously knock on the door, disrupting his peace. Footsteps approach and the door squeaks open. Wojchek grimaces down at you. 
“What is it, sailor?”
“I need to speak with you, sir.”
“I don’t have time. Neither do you. It’s nearly your watch.”
“I’m not due on deck for a good while yet.”
“We can talk later. Be on your way.”
He starts to close the door but you push against it, anger surging through you at his dismissal. You barge into his room, slamming the door behind you. Wojchek’s eyes widen for a moment, caught off guard by your boldness. But a moment later, he’s back to his usual gruff self. He glowers, backing away from you like you carry a disease he’s worried is catching. 
“This isn’t appropriate.”
“Why? Because I’m a woman?”
“Keep your voice down!”
“It’s not a dirty word.”
“It is when you are disguised as a man on a ship. I’ve kept your secret and I’ll continue to do so. If any of the others were to find out, though…”
“I’ve been sailing with these men for nearly a year. They’re my friends but they’re not the most observant. I think my secret is safe. Besides, if they found out…” you lead off, shrugging your shoulders. 
Wojchek’s face darkens at your blasé attitude. “You think these men are your friends? They would turn on you the second they found out the truth about you.”
“That’s not true,” you retort, “just because you hate me doesn’t mean they would.”
“When did I ever say I hate you?”
“You don’t have to. The way you treat me is proof enough. The others may not have realized I’m a woman but they have started to notice you seem to give me the worst tasks and the most watches.  They know you don’t like me. Sooner or later, they’ll really try and figure out why. You might be the one that reveals my secret to them without meaning to.”
“I don’t hate you, I…”
He looks at you. Really looks at you, something he tried not to do very often once he noticed how catching sight of you made his heart skip a beat. His shoulders tense as he stares into your bright, vulnerable eyes, so out of place in a sailor. 
“You have no idea what a life at sea does to you.” He anticipates the retort you have ready to throw at him and holds up a silencing hand, imploring you to let him finish. “You’ve been on The Demeter for almost a year. No small feat for anyone, man or woman. You’re a good sailor. One of my best. People like you all start out the same, hungry for adventure. They see a life sailing from place to place as an answer to all their problems. And for a time, they’re happy. But eventually, the work breaks you. It keeps you from your family, from your friends. People on land move on while you’re away for months, even years at a time. ” 
Wojchek pauses, all the fight leaving him. “When you come back to port, you look for those who promised they’d always be there for you but one day they don’t come back. The ship’s arrival to land no longer brings hope and the sea can no longer mend the hurt that’s inside you. ” He lowers his gaze, perhaps remembering those whom he’s lost over the years. 
“The light leaves the men’s eyes once they realize that their world has shrunk to the size of this ship. They have nowhere else they belong. It’s suffocating. They grow resentful. I don’t want that for you. I don’t want to see the light leave your eyes.”
The whiplash of it all makes your head spin. You’ve been so convinced these last few months that this man hates you. Now he’s speaking to you more than he has this whole year. Not only that, it seems the worry over your wellbeing has cost him sleep. More so than a First Mate is supposed to spend worrying about a subordinate… 
The light in your eyes? Honestly, you didn’t know that was something you possessed. Maybe a glint of steely determination but you would never have called it anything akin to hope. Your life had always been hard. Being born a woman made life a constant struggle. Being born a poor one made it near impossible. 
Wojchek hasn’t moved, still close enough that you can feel the heat coming off of him in the crisp autumn night air that seeps through the tiny cracks in the ship. His eyes, however, keep jumping between your face and the floor. What he’s said has finally sunk in and along with it, his shame of wearing his heart on his sleeve. 
You keep your voice low as not to scare him. Seeing the usual rock of a man so skittish makes you approach your next words with the same precision as someone handling explosives. “I was born  in squalor to a family that saw my existence as nothing more than a burden. I spent most of my days wondering where my next meal would come from and if I’d have somewhere to sleep. I learned to deal with my lack of means. The thing I never could get over was the fact that I had no one in my life who cared if I lived or died.”
This is nothing you haven’t thought before but something about saying it aloud takes your breath away. A pressure grows in your chest as you fight the emotion that comes with revealing your own secrets. Wojchek doesn’t make it any easier, his once darting gaze now fixed intently on you. It’s your turn to avoid his dark eyes, staring at your shoes as you continue. 
“I was never truly happy until I came on The Demeter. I have food, my own bed, purpose, adventure…friends,” the last word almost doesn’t make it past your throat, now tight with emotion. “I finally feel like I have a home.”
It’s only fair that you tell him the whole of your truth seeing how he’d kept your secret for the last few months. He deserves that much. The tension in the room swirls thick but you aren’t sure if it’s because the First Mate is preparing to send you away or not. You wouldn’t blame him if he did throw you off the ship. With you gone, everything could return to the way it was. It might be better for everyone. 
You become lost in your own dark thoughts. Wojchek reaches out a hand, brushing your hair, shorn short and shaggy as part of your disguise, off of your face. You close your eyes at the touch, savoring the feel of his calloused fingers skimming so gently across your skin. All too soon, he’s pulling his hand away, remembering himself. 
“The Demeter is also the only home I’ve ever known,” Wojchek admits, “It’s a good ship and she’s been strong and true to me. If you’re sure this is where you want to be then you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”
You nod your thanks, tears threatening to spill again at the relief of knowing you don’t have to leave. When they begin to roll down your cheeks despite your efforts to keep them hidden, Wojchek tuts softly, “Everything will be alright, kotku.”
You may not know the meaning of the word but you can understand from the tenderness in his eyes that it’s a term of endearment in his native tongue. The realization makes you bold. 
“It’s not just the ship or the crew that make The Demeter my home. It’s you.” You force yourself to maintain eye contact with Wojchek, fighting the instinct to look away. The though that he may not return the strength of your feelings sends a shiver of fear through you but you need him to understand how you feel. 
Wojchek searches your face for some deceit but finds only raw truth. He takes a step forward mere inches between you now. His hands twitch to reach for you again but he holds himself back. Above all else, Wojchek is a professional. Just because he thinks you want him doesn’t mean he’ll take the risk of abusing the power imbalance between you. 
Instead, you take the initiative. “May I kiss you, Mr. Wojchek?” It comes out as nothing more than a whisper but he nods. You lean in, teetering on your toes, never realizing how tall he actually was until now. A particularly strong wave hits the ship and you lose your balance. Before you can lose your footing, he has you in his arms. 
Wojchek hikes you up, bringing your face level to his. Years of working the ship have made him strong as an ox and he thanks the gods that he finally has good use for the muscles that hide beneath his tunic.
You press your lips to his and it takes you a few moments to remember to breathe. The kiss is trepidatious and sweet but leaves your stomach swirling with butterflies. Wojchek’s grip tightens on you, scared he’ll find that you’ve been some sprite in his dream that the morning sun will chase away. It feels good to be pressed together like this, limbs intertwined so you’re not sure where you end and he begins.
All too soon, he breaks away, gasping slightly. It seems you weren’t the only one who forgot how breathing works. The sight of the usually stern man so undone by a chaste kiss makes you chuckle.  Your hand grazes his cheek, running over his stubble. It’s strange to remember that just an hour ago you were convinced Wojchek wanted nothing more than to throw you overboard. Now he’s holding you like he’ll never let you go. How quickly life can change for the better. 
The tranquility is broken by the banging of Olgaren resonating through the wood of the ship. Your watch will soon begin and if you aren’t there to take your post, someone will come looking for you. The ship won’t sail itself and you sigh, realizing you can’t put off your responsibilities in favor of staying with Wojchek all night. 
The First Mate groans, “Stay a little longer.”
“I’m late as it is!” You smile at his pout. It’s a new expression you’ve never seen from his before and you push him down onto his tiny bed, kissing him once again. Another bang resounds through the ship and you whine, getting back to your feet. 
“I’ll make Abrams cover your watch.” Wojchek offers, staring up at you with comically pleading eyes. 
“You’ll have a mutiny on your hands if you come between that man and his sleep. Besides, it’s only four hours. You can even come visit me on deck if you like. It’s single watch so there won’t be anyone around to wonder why we’re together.”
“Four hours?” he grumbles.
“You’re the one who assigned me double watch!” 
Wojchek leans back, watching you button your jacket, trying your best to look presentable. He can’t help but smile at the commitment to your work ethic. “I’ll be up as soon as you relieve Olgaren.”
You nod, trying to remove the smile plastered on your face but failing miserably. Hopefully Olgaren is too tired to ask questions when he sees you. “See you soon.”
You’re about to open the door when you remember something. “What does kotku mean?”
Wojchek smiles, “Little cat.”
Once again you’re struck by the sweetness of a man so eager to have the world call him unfeeling. The nickname makes sense. You yourself believe that your presence seems to bring fair weather and good luck to the boat. The Demeter might not have a four legged feline to bring fair fortune but you’re the next best thing; positive, tenacious and willing to do anything for the good of the ship and crew. 
You grin at Wojchek, who now lounges happily on his tiny bed, looking somewhat feline himself. “Are you sure you want to call me that? A ship can never be without a cat. It’s bad luck. You’ll never be rid of me.”
Wojchek smiles contentedly, blinking slowly, sleep seemingly not far off. The chances of him joining you on deck for the evening appear to be dwindling. You’d be devastated if he didn’t look so adorable. He nods, beckoning you for one last kiss goodbye. “Good. I’ll keep calling you kotku so we never have to be apart.”
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 8 months
𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒕! 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 5: 𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒏
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 339
𝙖/𝙣: slightly better today ig
𝙩/𝙬: writer chooses to keep an element of surprise to the story! read at your own risk!
𝒍𝒆𝒆: hyunjin
𝙡𝙚𝙧: changbin
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeongins-diary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkedloveandlostpromises @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐬…🖤
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“Okay…hyung, please go easy on me!” Hyunjin begged when Changbin snickered, pulling at his legs and panicking when he found himself immobile. 
He looked at Jisung pleadingly, but the younger only grinned happily, knowing he was going to get his revenge. 
Hyune squeezed his eyes shut and sealed his lips, refusing to open them even when Changbin swirled a singular finger over his foot teasingly. 
Binnie uncapped his marker, making sure Hyunjin heard the sound before pausing, really dragging out the anticipation. 
He started writing quickly, digging into the dancer’s foot and grabbing it when the boy started to writhe crazily. 
“wo-ahaha! thahat’s reheally bahahahad!” Hyunjin shrieked, kicking the rapper by accident with his other foot. 
He muttered an apology through his giggles, trying not to lose his grip on camera, especially after seeing how well Felix fared. 
He didn’t really pay attention to what Binnie wrote, and seriously regretted it. 
So Hyune shouted out the first food he knew Changbin would write. “Um…tteokbokki?”
And he got it right, somehow. 
Changbin grabbed the cloth, and Hyunjin took a deep breath of relief. 
His turn was almost over. He didn’t have to redo anything. 
Until the fluffy cloth met his foot. 
Hyunjin screamed in surprise, the fluffy black fibers brushing ever so ticklishly down his sensitive skin. 
“HYUNG! I’ll just wash my foot, there’s no need to-HAHAHA!” Hyune cackled when the cloth scrubbed at his foot again. 
“No time for that. Just bear with me, okay?” Changbin whispered gently, scrubbing on the boy’s foot so softly that Hyunjin felt like he was going to ascend. 
“OKAHAHAY! Doho ihit quihickly, please!” Hyunjin bit his lip so hard he thought it might bleed, and tried to keep his thrashing to a minimum. 
"Trying!" Binnie giggled, sticking some of the fibres underneath the dancer's toes on accident, eliciting a wild scream of laughter.
Changbin finished up, patting Hyunjin’s leg before standing up. 
Hyunjin panted and grabbed the rapper’s hand, relieved that his turn was over. 
But it was Changbin’s next. 
Next Turn: Changbin
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maybe at the end of the series ill just combine all of these into a mega-fic 😭😭😭
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fatuismooches · 1 year
you know, im a very gay guy who has literal no interest in women, and have a very special interest with dottore (im married to him)
but you know, i think arlecchino is so. you know. i dont know. there's just something about her that makes me wanna get on one knee and do everything she says like how i usually am to dottore.
i want her to card her fingers through my hair and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. i want her to hold me in your arms, even carry me in them because she's a very strong woman n carrying the love of her life is absolutely no burden to her. i want her to reassure me through tough times, and though her face remains expressionless, i know she deeply care with how close she holds me, letting herself be vulnerable to you, kissing you, loving you.
anyways thats all before dottore comes for my ass for cheating behind his back!!!! prommy will bring dottore next time theehee!!! just hope i dont get sad or ill hit u with another angst LMAOOOO GDUIEeEWIQUE
OMGGG KAI 😭😭 ARLECCHINO REALLY IS THAT GIRL. Go ahead and get down on one knee for her. Trust me she will find your loyalty and dedication very endearing.
She's so the kind of woman to absent-mindedly run her fingers through your hair while she's busy!! And then when you start getting restless and bored she starts whispering sweet nothings and promises to tide you over, and how can you not listen to her?? How can you resist Arlecchino when she's being so sincere and sweet? :( YUP YUP Arlie could pick you up like a FEATHER there's no doubt that she's extremely strong. She's the kind of woman to pick you up bridal style with ease every time! When she finds that you overwork yourself, she's lifting you to bed herself. Ah, but this also applies to getting out of bed. She will pick you up and carry you to the bathroom if she has to 😅 All with that same '😐' expression on her face.
And ouhhh,, her reassuring you. Why did that make my heart squeeze a lil bit. Yeah, comforting you isn't her strong suit at all but damn it, she's going to try. Sure, her expression is the same and does not betray her internal emotions, and maybe she can't provide honeyed words like other lovers could, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care! Arlie would let you cry or rant or whatever you wanted to let out into her shoulder and chest, all while stroking your hair and listening with an attentive ear. She would kiss your tears and wipe them away tenderly <3 And since she canonically likes tea and sweets!! I think she would so arrange a tea party for the two of you to make you feel better :(
HAHAHA CHEATING ON DOTTORE PLS 😭 All I can say is. If you ever have more Arlie thoughts you know who to talk to (me) And I will look forward to your Dottore stuff !! I love them dearly!! BUT I DONT WANT YOU TO BE SAD OKAY take care of yourself <33 *hug*
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
If the others knew exactly what transpired during Ghost's fated duel with the Absolute Radiance, what would they think of it? The whole "Reunited the void into a shape that once almost destroyed the world" thing. I had a much more interesting way to phrase it that would've probably provoked more thought but unfortunately a sudden illness stole that thought away so that's all that's left unfortunately, sorry >>
i think there would be a lot of fear involved. i'm mainly thinking about dirtmouth here and i'm assuming that's what you meant, but most of those who live there likely don't even know about the abyss and the void. they already feel quite uneasy around grimm, who doesn't even look that different from them and has already made it clear that he has no bad intentions towards them. i think the idea of a giant void entity potentially roaming hallownest would terrify them, regardless of whether or not ghost is in control of it, and knowing that said entity killed a god would only reinforce that fear
i think fpk especially would feel very anxious about it. in the au, i went with the idea that the blackwyrm he once defeated was actually the previous shade lord, weakened and sealed away in the abyss by the radiance and grimm's father. so not only does he know how strong the void can get, but on top of that, the shades united under the new shade lord belong to the vessels, and he assumes that most of them hate him for what he's done. sure, one of them was in control of the entity, but what if said vessel wanted revenge? he would be powerless, and worst of all, would endanger everyone around him. of course, ghost had no intentions of going after anyone and chose to allow themselves and their siblings to move on in peace, but how would fpk and the others know that? i don't think any of them would be brave enough to actually climb down into the abyss and check hahaha
so even with the infection gone, they would still live in constant fear, and this time they would have no idea what to expect. not fun. so i think it's for the better that no one really knows what happened
as a side note, i think it would be interesting if ghost's decision to "destroy" the shade lord was driven not just by the desire to find peace, but also out of fear that they would lose control of the being. void is unpredictable and unstable by nature, so they couldn't allow for the possibility of it going rogue and endangering hallownest. i imagine the shade lord forming in the first place is quite uncommon and only happens in under very specific conditions. for the previous shade lord (which could have actually been the first one, i like to think it existed for many years before fpk and his knights defeated it) it was the ancient conflict between the void and the light, aggravated by the radiance and grimm's father. similarly, ghost's shade lord was formed in order to defeat the radiance and stop the infection. so both of these were very specific scenarios, and unless something happens that disturbs the void once again, it's unlikely that it will happen again
there are still things i haven't quite pieced together about the void in the au, mainly the part about the ancient civilization that worshipped it. although i think it would be interesting if said civilization was actually destroyed by the first shade lord, being a good example of just how unpredictable void can get and why it needed to be sealed away in the abyss. i'm not sure, i'm kind of thinking out loud right now. i imagine a lot of what i said doesn't really make sense or add up, but that's cause, well, i'm kind of making it up as i go. i do have a rough vision for everything god related within the au, i just need to slowly figure out the details and find a good balance between staying somewhat true to canon and having fun with it
also i'm really tired right now and i already lost my train of thought at least three times. so take everything i said with a pinch of salt. maybe a spoonful. this is all kind of work in progress, after all
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mikalame · 1 year
Hellooo I love your stories and I wonder if you could make another Manzini one 🤍
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taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
"Omg kristoffer move your head forward" ___ snaps at the man sitting below them "Im trying my neck hurts, my back hurts and your not being very gentle" He says back "We have been here forever, are you nearly done." Kristoffer says moaning rubbing the back of his neck in pain. They have been stilling here for at least 1 1/2 hours at this point both of them getting sick of the back in their backs.
"Yeah nearly, i have like one left then your all good" ___ says while streching their back hear a couple clicks then getting back to business. "there are no good shows on anymore." Kristoffer says trying to distract himself from the pain coming from his head "mmh, i know right, we should of rented some movies to watch" ___ says shaking their hand to get rid of the cramp forming in it "ooo with some snacks, would be so goood, could we go to the shop after this aswell" He pleads "yea sure" ___ agrees.
"All done, go take a look in the mirror and then we can go to the shop, just need to put my shoes on first"___ says groaning while standing up "mmk babe, ill grab my wallet while im their wait for me at the door" Kristoffer says while walkingt o the bathroom hoping all the pain and stuffering turned out good. After making sure it was up to his standers he chucks on a hat and walkes out to the front door, ___ wait there tapping on their phone. ___ looks up to see him there "you like?" ___ asks hoping all their hard work was good.
Kristoffer leans in a kisses them "couldn't be any better, now lets get some food im starving" "hahaha" ___ laughs as they open the door
Might do somthing like this but for tom if yall ahve any other people you want me to write just ask plz people any ways hope you like anon. sorry is quite short i dont know much about him lol
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void-writing · 2 years
One Batfam and Danny interaction that just came to me:
Danny, pointing fingers: How come that you can control those powers already?! It took me months not to clip through the walls!!
Whether or not said Batfam member really has as much control over their new, Danny-given powers as Danny at first believes is a different matter. XD It's about his outrage.
Hahaha lol.
I haven't gone into power shenanigans yet (that'll probably be an extra story somewhere down the line) but my thinking is that the Bats had a fairly easy time with their powers because 1) superpowers aren't that unusual in the DCU, so they have not only real live points of reference but people they can turn to with questions, and 2) they really only have to deal with 1 power whereas Danny was dealing with 3+ simultaneously.
Of course, I haven't shown it yet but like Danny, the Batfam's new powers are largely stuck in the "on" position if they aren't passive, and even then there's something of an adjustment period.
Dick floats if he's not mindful of it and now frequently hovers over his bed when he's sleeping, The Exorcist style. He kind of just lets himself do it when he's alone or in the company of other Bats or heroes, so it's not too much of an issue so long as he's not seen doing it in pubic as a civilian.
Jason is going to have a hard time getting needles through his skin now, so he better be careful about exposure to airborne chemical weapons. And also getting yearly vaccines.
Tim's astral projection doesn't necessarily mean that he's fully resting. The energy is more split between his astral form and his physical body, so the longer he spends in astral form, the less restful his sleep is. Also, the activation of his power depends on how tired he is when he goes to bed. If he's exhausted enough, he'll just sleep normally and not project at all.
Damian definitely melts a few things in his hands when he's not careful (canon seems to portray ecto-blasts as heat-based attacks, so I'm going to roll with that even though Danny is definitely more ice-affiliated).
Cass slips into the shadows a little too easily sometimes.
Steph sometimes ends up blocking herself with her own shields.
Barbara has to be mindful of what her new telekinesis grabs onto and from what direction it's coming from.
Kate is fortunate that her duplicates can't make duplicates, otherwise she'd have a harder time hiding it.
Duke definitely underestimates his own strength for a while after the abrupt buff. He may not have super-durability, which would enable him to punch through things or crush them without hurting himself, but he does keep accidentally pushing and pulling things too hard. Doors are tricky for him for a bit XD
Bruce regularly keeps blinking out of the visible spectrum, if not the entire detectable spectrum all together. Basically, his power has two settings: plain vanilla invisible (where he's just not detectable on a visible light spectrum), and Super Invisibility (where he just plain stops being detectable period). He can only maintain Super Invisibility for a few minutes continuously before it starts to wear him out (and you can bet that every time he uses it, Clark is sending him a "you good?" text or just straight up calling him to make sure he's okay XD). Of course, his power wants to be "on" all the time, so he has to be mindful of keeping himself within the visible spectrum, lest he just blip out of peoples' perception for a while.
And a note on Alfred's power: He's not going to "de-age" past his prime. I'm putting his age in CiM at around late 70's, early 80's. What his new power is doing is walking his physical body back towards the top of the "physical aptitude" curve, so he'll look like late 50's, early 60's instead of his actual age, but it won't go further than that. And most importantly, he'll feel like he's in his 50's again too :)
To note, when I say "Alfred is immortal now" I mostly mean that he doesn't age anymore. He can still be killed or fall ill, but time no longer wears on him like it used to (and really, as far as CiM is concerned, time was the only real threat to Alfred''s continued presence, so functionally, he is immortal now lol).
One thing that I do plan on writing later is that Jason and Duke spar a lot both for training and for fun because their powers kind of balance each other. Jason can take Duke's hits and Duke can wrestle Jason on fairly equal standing.
But we will be seeing Danny's reaction to the Batfam's swanky new powers fairly soon :)
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yakultii · 3 months
Well, just a normal question. I don't want to bother haha
What would be the most awkward moment you've had when traveling (in your country or abroad?
hahaha this is such a good question !! … god knows there’s probably been so many but at the same time I’m such an awkward person in general to the point that I feel no shame about almost anything and it would be awkward for the other person to feel awkward bc it’s too far gone/I tend to make other ppl feel comfortable being their weird awkward selves around me or so I’ve been told !! I’ve communicated w so many diff ppl even when there has been a total language barrier and I’ve found that laughter overcomes just about any barrier even ones u wouldn’t expect :,) …now if we are gonna speak about moments that I cringe at a little looking back it would probably be when I coulda had me a Swiss gf by now but my brain was hella lagging and I was talking ab my ex fml I SAW the shift in her facial expressions and it was over LOLOL actually it wasn’t over cos she planned for us to meet up again like 9 months later in my city cos she was about to go home earlier than expected and I was too mentally ill to get outta bed and said I was sick and I think she thought I didn’t like her again but anyway turns out she was going home early to be admitted in the mental hospital for the next yr so maybe we had too much in common anyways miss her love her she’s so pretty hope she’s doin better …OR maybe my first time in Bali I got completely scammed and stalked except I knew it was happening before it happened but I almost always travel on my own so I was like ehhh oh well rite of passage and let them take my money lmao idiot :,) also not an awkward moment but a kinda funny moment was in jakarta this random old guy was like can I have ur shoes for my daughter and I was like yeah sure (cos I was going home the next day and I had just bought a cheap kmart pair before leaving aus) and so I literally took em off my feet and gave them to him in the middle of nowhere LMAO. OMG actually I just remembered a kinda awkward situation one time at airlie beach I was also on my own.. I had no card on me cos it was on my phone on Apple Pay, my phone had died like permanently because I got sand and water in it on an island and even the charger wouldn’t bring it back to life and it was night and I had to check in to a hotel within like the next 30 mins before they shut their office (it was like a hotel connected to the owners house) which I needed my phone for google maps cos I had no idea where it was and needed to pay them also and also had my plane ticket to go home the next day digitally on my phone, also hadn’t eaten all day and couldn’t buy food it was a disaster and I was running up literal hills to find this hotel and asking random people on the street and almost in tears and out of breathe and I finally got there like 2 mins before closing time and I had to like convince the owners to let me stay there overnight and let me pay in the morning bc my phone was broken and they were kinda cranky about it and by some miracle my phone turned on at like 2% and wouldn’t charge anymore the next morning but I was up and awake super early like 5am bc I was so hungry so I thought I’d go get breakfast and then come back before I checked out and then on my way to breakfast I ran into the owner of the hotel and it looked like I was scamming them omg
omg this also made me think of on that same trip to Airlie beach I was literally walking for a few km back to my accomm one night cos it was on the outskirts of town and it was in the dark already and my phone had died (this was before it fully broke it was just flat or maybe I just had no reception I don’t remember) I suck at directions and can never retrace my steps and I was just vibing and I thought I had to walk through these rich ass houses and ppl were driving out for a night out so the gate had just opened so I walked right in… uhhh turns out it was like a lil gated community type vibe which was a dead end.. so I turn around and the gate is fully automated locked up behind me like the highest fence like 3X my height with all those spikes on top of it..like noone was around to ask to open it and it was pitch black and I was on my own I was like fuck I’m not getting out of here but luckily I’m literally a ninja and somehow managed to climb up over the fence with all the security cameras looking at me I was like omg I’m gonna be on the news it looked so suss hahahahagot stabbed a lil bit but mostly it was overruled by relief and I jogged the rest of the way home literally through the bush land bro it was a scary time AHAHA …but not as scary as when I was stuck 5kms out in open sand dunes in a thunder lightening storm or on the edge of a muddy cliff in a rainforest inside a mini bus as we had to use human balance to get one person out at a time before the bus slipped down lmao ..ok none of these were awkward but I had to think cos I don’t remember nothing ever im sure some much crazier shit has occurred idek what I’ve done in this life actually I’m starting to remember many things I have so many travel stories none rlly awkward tho that’s just not a concept for me :,)
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riekirei · 4 months
hi <3 so this is gonna be a long ass jake request with two parts so bare with me as I explain my deepest desires lol
(1) firstly have you heard that song baby can I be your favorite something like this ?! I'm sure you did anyway there's a part in the song that goes "my name's whatever you make it" and first time I heard it I instantly thought that it sounds like something jake would say to a girl he's trying to hit on and is a simp for in the answer to what's your name ?! what should I call you ?! I feel like he would be the kind of man who would make you feel like you're the centre of his world, like he didn't exist before you he breathes for you, he's an idol now and making his fans feel so loved and special imagine how is s/o would be treated !! so therefore I was gonna request something like a simp jake having a crush on one of his friend's friend and finally deciding to shoot his shot and he is just such a romantic man he would start the sugar coating and flirting right away !! but at the same time he would still be the one in control of your relationship regardless of how soft he is to you man is a scorpio he will dominate your life softly !!!
(2) I saw this video on twitter that he says "what you gonna do in five seconds" in response to be my boyfriend for five seconds, and oh dear heavenly father the way he looks at the damn camera saying this ?!?!? I'm just on my knees instantly !! you know he's usually this cutie pie softie bubbly person running around being fun but then he suddenly shows his smart ass serious manly side and I just get physically shocked !! the way he looked dead seriously to the camera asking "what you gonna do with 5 seconds ?! tell me" it's like him showing that yeah I'm a cutie pie but at the end of the day you do as I tell you (NOT in a fake alpha wattpad daddy way BUT as in a mature guy even though he's younger than you but he's wise and smart and knows you so well way) so I would like to request yet another smut but also angst cause I'm sad and I wanna fight someone and who better than jake who would know his girls mood swings so well to let her cool off by pushing his limits until he ends up fucking the attitude out of her, it would be like the reader getting mad at him for the very small things and nagging constantly and picking up fighta until he's mad mad and he tries to hold her but she pushes his hand away harshly and he gets to the last level mad "okay you're done level" grabs her arm and take her to their room and ends up in fucking the frustration out of the reader
Here's the link to the video I yapped about for an hour:
also I said younger than the reader cause he is two years younger than me and I know it's not much but still he's the first ever younger bias I have and it felt weird to begin with but now that I'm seeing underneath all that puppy like personality he's actually mature and a man I need in my life I'm getting along with it better but still please somehow include this in them writings (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
At the end I just wanted to share my thoughts and I can wait for a response as long as you need (you can fully ignore it too I don't mind) but yeah thank you in advance hahaha
thank youu sm for the ideas hehehe, i’ll definitely look into the song ure talking about bcs im not sure if the song im thinking of is the one ure describing?? but omg id def write for jake using both of these sorta plots. feel free to always share ur thoughts in my inbox hsjahs i dont mind at all!! i enjoy reading stuff like this. thanks again anon, please look forward to the stories ill write for these reqs 🫶
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