#but im willing to step away from it and keep the interest private when i do get back to it
cyberiada · 10 months
I think I'm going to almost fully step away from s/teamworld on this blog and focus on objectum stuff and my other interests. so I likely won't be posting about build here if I even play it. sorry
0 notes
nahalism · 10 months
I’ve started online lessons with this girl who teaches me. Now I’m a very private person, figuring myself out and people mostly find me weird. This girl however talks to me in a normal way and she seemed excited. Now she goes from being kinda excited to asking me a lot of stuff, even trying to joke around and figuring out if I’m married or single, trying to figure me out in general and then a day later she seems pissed at me. This switch between moods happened before. So it’s not a one time thing. I feel like she was annoyed/mad at me. I tried to ask myself what it is I could have said, done or didn’t do that made her act this way towards me. But I can’t figure it out and tbh I felt uncomfortable. To the point where I just wanted to log off and ghost. But at the same time I wanna ask her if something’s wrong. That however feels too personal and I don’t want to put her in an uncomfortable situation. Idk if it makes sense, but would I be an asshole for asking straight up?
i have to be completely honest, i can't answer this with confidence because there are a lot of amber flags and a lot of subtext missing.
for example, you being 'private' and 'people mostly finding you weird' could be because your actually weird & socially off putting, or it could be because we live in a world where people are mean toward what they dont understand & youve internalised that, so now have low self esteem, or have adopted their view of you when describing yourself. that, in addition to the fact you keep to yourself, makes it difficult to discern whether your reading too much into her kindness toward you, or whether shes genuinely interested in you/trying to make a pass, and has some kind of issue with emotional disregulation. either possibility is likely, so i cant give you a direct answer to your question.
the best advice i can give is to communicate the issue. as long as you approach the situation with kindness, there is nothing wrong with being straightforward with with her. ghosting isn't a good solution because it will leave the situation unresolved and give you further uncertainty as to whether the issue lies with you or with her (= social anxiety in future communications). so, be upfront and ask her what the issue is in a way similar to – 'i've noticed the way you speak to me/ your mood toward me fluctuates quite a bit, (give examples if you think its relevant), and im just wondering if i did something wrong?' ... you can even go a step further and pre-emptively apologise, 'if that's the case i just want to apologise and say that i in no way intended to make you feel uncomfortable or to upset you'. if she says you did, you can resolve it and find some resolution in the situation. if she says you didnt you can assume the issue lies with her, rather than you.
just so you know, regardless of the outcome, who is at fault or who isn't at fault, in paying for these lessons you are paying for a service. if that service is making you feel uncomfortable, or is unsatisfactory in whatever way, your always free to stop attending.
in the case you haven't said or done anything to make this person uncomfortable or infringe on their boundaries, i want to assure you that being a little weird is not a crime or anything to be shy or ashamed of. it also doesnt make you a creep or some kind of 'weirdo predator'. only being a creep and a predator does. so on the off chance you've internalised the things people have labelled you as, and now have anxiety speaking to people or an unmeasured approach to gauging social situations, just know you dont need to hide yourself away. that there are kind and patient people with genuine intentions toward you who are willing to be your friend and let you learn and understand these dynamics as the friendship continues. no one arrives perfect
sending u love and good luck
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solicuttle · 4 years
Hello :) Could you possibly do a fic about Kuboyasu and the reader trying to keep their relationship a secret from all their friends cause it’s both their first relationship but slowly everyone starts to find out on their own but hide it to themselves since they think they’re the only ones who know (and saiki is ready to just out their relationship since it’s just getting ridiculous at this point) im sorry if this is a lot
Howdy! It’s fine 😊 I really liked this idea too, anyways:
The Not-So-Secret Secret
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: None
Characters: Kuboyasu Aren
“No one is here right now,” at your words, Kuboyasu slinks into the classroom after you, shutting the door behind him. He’s a bit nervous; then again, it’s not his fault, today has been one of the hardest days since he first started dating you! Kuboyasu wouldn’t trade your relationship for anything in the world (especially considering he’s already thought of a perfect house for the two of you with a great view) but also because this is Kuboyasu’s first time in a relationship, and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
Messing things up is the special skill that only belongs to Nendou and Kaidou – and as much as Kuboyasu considers them part of his friend circle, he knows they’d blow things out of proportion! Your privacy would be over, Kaidou and Nendou always around to coo at you guys or just be general nuisances.
It didn’t take much effort for you to convince Kuboyasu that you should keep your relationship on the “down low” until you felt prepared to take the next step together. But that made moments like these much more special, much more desperate so forgive Kuboyasu for being antsy to kiss you. It’s not his fault you’re so damn attractive! In his haste, Kuboyasu hadn’t locked the door.
Usually that wouldn’t be an issue at all but today just happened to be the day that Kaidou was hunting down Dark Reunion. And for some unknown reason Dark Reunion was lurking around your class. Kaidou glances past the class – no Dark Reunion there – but there are definitely two people in a corner. Could they be possessed? Kaidou leans in, pushing the door open slightly -- expecting to catch supernatural activities; instead he catches you and Kuboyasu… making out.
Kaidou nearly screams but instead bites his tongue. He’s about to cry from the pain but you two are too focused to see him. Kaidou leaves immediately, in shock from what he’d seen. He’s got to tell everyone now.
And then he enters class, ready to divulge your secrets but for some reason he can’t speak. (You owe Saiki a favor for that). Could this be some higher power telling Kaidou not to out your relationship? He is the only one who knows… it must be his task to protect your relationship! That’s it!
“Oi shortie, why are you standing there like an idiot?” Kaidou blanks at Nendou’s words, is he getting called an idiot by Nendou of all people? Nendou?!
“Take that back, I’m not stupid like you!”
“Duh, it’s ‘cuz you’re stupider!”
By the time you walk in, Nendou and Kaidou are going at it like a bunch of wild cats.
If you ask Kuboyasu, he’s been doing a great job at this “hiding your relationship” game. Sure, he’s almost kissed you twice when Takahashi walked by; Kuboyasu had to grab a chair to threaten Takahashi into silence – it’s not one of his finest moments.
You’ve managed to only call him by his first name twice, and Saiki had been walking by, but the pink-haired male hadn’t reacted, so you should be safe for now. Truthfully Saiki had heard everything clearly (Saiki could even hear Kuboyasu’s overly romantic thoughts) but Saiki would much rather pretend he heard nothing to avoid having to hold a conversation with you two. Saves him the hassle.
And things were going perfectly too – and then they weren’t because you’d called him Aren and Hairo had passed by. Unlike Saiki, Hairo didn’t seem willing to let it go.
“Oh wow, when did you become that close?!” His excitement isn’t dulled by the awkward expressions you and Kuboyasu are sporting. Your boyfriend is tempted to knock Hairo out and run away but the red head would get up almost immediately.
“Last weekend!” “Yesterday!”
Hairo ignores your double answer, “ah is this something private? That’s okay then! Don’t mind me!” He leaves, leaving both of you dumbstruck. Kuboyasu lets out a sigh of relief – today you’d once again escaped being caught.
Unbeknownst to both of you Teruhashi had been hiding in a conveniently placed closet (not because she’s stalking you or trying to hide from her adoring fans, definitely not) and had overheard everything. The minute you leave she’s scrambling out with a squeal, barely containing her excitement.
They’re so cute! I wonder if I could have a secret relationship with Saiki in the future…
(Saiki unconsciously shivers in class, for some reason he thought he felt someone with bad intentions…)
The next person who finds about your not-so-secret-secret relationship is Toritsuka. He didn’t mean to find out, but one of the ghosts Toritsuka had been begging to help him get a relationship had mentioned it.
“Your behavior is the reason you aren’t in a relationship like [Name] and Kuboyasu!” Toritsuka had purposefully ignored the ghost’s rebuking, instead focusing on the important part. Kuboyasu is dating you! That swine Kuboyasu hadn’t even thought to mention it! Was Kuboyasu purposefully making fun of the eternally single like Toritsuka?
He’s about to question the ghost further but the ghost vanishes before he can ask any proper questions. This leaves Toritsuka one option.
Stalk you both to get the evidence with his own eyes! When Toritsuka finally gathers concrete proof, he could burst in and have his righteously earned yelling match with Kuboyasu. You don’t just not tell your friends that you’ve gotten an S/O and get away with it.
His plan is foolproof, just follow you guys around. It’s actually surprising how Tortisuka didn’t notice earlier.  Kuboyasu tends to drift towards you, sometimes without even knowing. In group projects you’re always partnered together… it’s like you’re conjoined twins.
Is this the will of the universe, that those who are blessed will naturally be lucky in their romantic endeavors? Toritsuka glances to the side and catches Yumehara and Teruhashi fawning over Saiki – he barely stifles a sob.
On the upside if your relationship is secret then you can’t flaunt your relationship! It’s the reason he doesn’t say anything even after confirming that you two must be dating. As far as everyone else is concerned, all three of you are single.
You think you’re doing a great job at keeping your relationship secret! You know you have to be doing a great job. No one has noticed yet! What you don’t know is that literally everybody is aware.
And Saiki’s getting tired of the shenanigans that surround it. At first, he could just ignore everything, but that was before Kaidou found out, then Toritsuka, Saiko, Yumehara, Mera and even Hairo and Nendou! He could stand everything until Teruhashi found out – your relationship seemed to give her fantasies about the possible secret relationship Saiki and Teruhashi “should” have (it’s not going to happen).
While he could barely tolerate those antics, it hit a boiling point when you started to use him as an excuse. Someone ask what you were doing with Kuboyasu? Your instant reply is that Saiki had asked you to get something from Kuboyasu. Normally that would be fine, but Kaidou had taken it upon himself to hound Saiki into “giving up on [Name]”, as if Saiki had been interested in the first place.
Approximately half a month had passed, and Saiki swears if you try one more word, he’s going to tell everyone and get it over with. Kuboyasu had been wanting to mention it for a while too, so it shouldn’t cause that big of an issue.
The only good thing was when you finally admitted that you were dating Kuboyasu, and everyone had to put on their best “I’m totally surprised face”.
Spoiler alert: No one was surprised.
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
Rowan and Aelin talking about their dream house
Guess who’s back? Enjoy the return of our favourite firefighter.
Fluffy prompt-a-thon masterlist
Striking Matches Masterlist
Aelin was only half way and she had given up. She had three more flights of stairs to go and she was puffed and exhausted and didn’t know how long it would take her to gather the strength to get up the rest of them. The fact that it was winter was a blessed relief, at least she didn’t have the heat to contend with, even though she was most definitely sweating. She was only 7 months pregnant and she was struggling to make it up the stairs. How was she supposed to do it once she was even more pregnant? How was she supposed to climb six flights of stairs with a baby?
Those were things that she had been thinking about a lot lately. She loved her little dingy apartment, or rather loved what had happened there. That was where she met Rowan, where the whole door fiasco had happened. He had proposed to her in that apartment, carried her all the way up these damned stairs after they had got married. The apartment meant a lot to her, but it was getting more and more obvious that their time here was running out. 
Finally catching her breath and willing away the tears in her eyes Aelin started to climb again. And she refused to stop until she got to the apartment door, even if that meant she had gone at a snail's pace at some points. She was just glad that Rowan wouldn’t be home and she would be able to compose herself and swallow back her emotions for when he got home, hopefully. Her emotions and hormones had not been her friends of late. So when she opened the door and saw him sitting on the couch it caught her unawares and she almost burst into tears at the sight of him.
Rowan immediately saw that something was wrong and he was up from the couch, taking her work bag from her and put it on the ground before gathering her into his arms.
“Aelin,” he said onto her head and she held him tighter. “Love, you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Aelin said into his chest, her voice muffled. “It’s just a lot of stairs.”
Rowan kissed her head once then let her go. “You sit down, I’ll get you some water.”
Aelin did just that, sitting on the couch and taking her shoes off her swollen feet. Rowan was back in a few moments, giving her the bottle of water as he sat down beside her. Aelin immediately lent into his side, taking comfort of the feeling of his body against hers. Then she took a drink.
“What are you doing home?” Aelin asked, her voice still a little strained. 
“I convinced Lorcan to let me be on call from home,” Rowan said. That explained while he was in his uniform. “I had a feeling you might need me.”
That was what broke the dam on Aelin’s tears. Damn him and his intuition.
“We can’t stay here,” Aelin said before he could ask. “We can’t stay here and that makes me sad. Because this place was so important to us, but we can’t have a baby here. I can’t do the stairs pregnant, I can’t do the stairs with the baby. There will always be so much to carry and I know I can’t do it. We can’t do it.”
Rowan looked down at her, as she looked up at him. “I know.”
“You do?” Aelin asked.
“Yeah,” Rowan said, the left corner of his mouth dropping in a frown. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.”
“You have?”
Rowan just nodded. Then they were both quiet for a while, both just thinking Aelin guessed. That's what Aelin was doing, a thousand different thoughts running through her mind. All of it getting a little overwhelming. Would they buy? Would they rent? Where would they go? When would they go? They were on a pretty defined deadline.
“One step at a time,” Rowan said quietly, no doubt reading the tension in her body. “We don’t even know what we want.”
Rowan was right again, they had never really talked about moving in a real sense. It was one of those things they just assumed they would do when the time was right. 
“What’s your dream house?” Rowan asked, relaxing back into the couch. “What makes or breaks the deal?”
Aelin took another sip of water as she thought. “I think it has at least four bedrooms.”
“Four?” Rowan said looking down, brows high. “What on earth are we going to do with all those rooms?”
Aelin smiled coyly up at him, her hand running over her belly. “Oh, I don’t know.”
Rowan chuckled. “I think I want a place with our own private bathroom.”
“Why’s that?” Aelin asked.
“Privacy,” Rowan said simply.
“For?” Aelin pressed. 
Rowan just rolled his eyes at her. “Whatever your imagination wants, Aelin.”
That made Aelin laugh, then she glanced around the room. “I want a dining area. Somewhere we can have a real dining table. And a big kitchen. Not huge, but big enough that we can move around in it together without running into each other.”
“I like running into you in the kitchen,” Rowan said.
“But things always burn, or we’re late. I think it’s best if we have some space,” Aelin explained matter of factly, but she didn’t miss how Rowan's arm tightened around her at the mention of taking ‘space’, like the thought of it right now was abhorrent. Aelin found his hand and squeezed it. “I want a yard. Big enough so we can get a dog.”
“And space for the baby to play and run,” Rowan added.
“I want the house to be cute too,” Aelin told him. “I don’t want some ugly modern thing. I want it to have character.”
“I like that idea,” Rowan said. “Maybe we could find a place on the edge of the city. Still close enough that we can keep our jobs, but a little quieter, more land.”
“I think I would like that,” Aelin agreed. “I don’t want to leave all our friends.”
“Even Lorcan?” Rowan asked.
Aelin let out a burst of laughter. “Yes, even Lorcan. But mainly for Elide’s sake, but please don’t tell him that.”
By some divine intervention Rowan wasn’t called out to an incident, so they spent the whole evening talking about and discussing their new house. They playfully fought over room colours as they ate dinner, whether they would have carpet or floorboards in the bedrooms as they half paid attention to the show on the TV, discussed what exactly they would use all those bedrooms for while they got ready for bed. By the time Aelin was tucked into Rowan’s side under the covers they had a decent idea of what exactly they wanted from a house. 
Unbeknown to Aelin, Rowan started looking while she was asleep, trawling through pages of houses. By the time his own eyelids were dropping he hadn’t found anything, but he knew he would find something, it might just take a little bit of time.
It took Rowan about 2 weeks to find something that fit almost all their requirements. He hadn’t expected to find the perfect home but this came pretty damned close.
He’d spent the night at the station on night shift, using the quiet the time waiting looking through every real estate site he could think of searching for right house. And found it he did. It was nearly 2 am so he didn’t call or message Aelin in case she was sleeping, something she was getting less and less of these days, but it left him humming with an excited energy.
When he walked through the apartment door Aelin was in the kitchen making herself breakfast. Rowan went straight to her, kissing her sweetly before holding his phone up for her to look at.
“Rowan, what…” 
Rowan watched for her reaction, as her brows furrowed in confusion but then when she saw what was on her screen her eyes went wide.
“It’s… that’s perfect,” Aelin said, taking his phone from him.
“Well, it’s not,” Rowan said, swiping his fingers across the screen to flick through the photos. “The kitchen is old and terrible and the paint job throughout the old house is retro and not in a good way. But those are all things we could fix. The yard is huge, there’s this big old tree in the yard we could hang a swing from. It’s got some flaws, but I don’t think we’ll find anything much better.”
“I love it Rowan,” Aelin said, putting his phone on the counter and wrapping her hands around his neck. “I’ll contact the real estate on my lunch break and –”
“I already have,” Rowan said with a smile. “I’ve emailed them, expressing our interest. I’ve got it all started.”
Aelin grinned and then kissed him. “Thank you, Rowan. You are too perfect.” 
Rowan smiled, “Anything for you, my love.” 
I just love these two SO MUCH!
@tangledraysofsunshine // @nalgenewhore // @highqueenofelfhame // @galyxsy // @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @http-itsrebecca // @highladyofthesith // @aelinfire-bringer // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @sleep-and-books // @3am-reading // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @rowaelinforeverworld // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @tswaney17 // @mydarlingfireheart // @rowansfirebringer // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @vanilla28 // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @enquires-state-building // @im-not-rare-im-rarr // @your-high-lady // @mariamuses // @ttakeitbacknoww // @vi0let-femmes // @kindofawalkingpoem // @sleeping-and-books // @armixers-unite // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @empire-of-wildfire // @brittneym15 // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @mybbyfeyre // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @pilesofriles // @chemicha // @keshavomit // @sarahbringsoutmygay13 // @wifeofchrishemsworth // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @illyrian-velaris // @flowerspringsea // @whitethorn15 // @whiskeybusiness1776 // @notaddictedtoanything // @thereaderandfangirl // @mynewdreamwasyou // @tintinnabulary // @the-regal-warrior // @searchingforbellarke // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @officialasianbitch // @burningbookz // @viajandosinalas // @chaoticskyy // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @meltalgel-ig // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @queen-of-glass // @belamoonbeam // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash  // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003  // @alyx801
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vegetasleftsock · 3 years
Ooo matchups? I've never done these before but im intrigued lol could i get uhh platonic DB matchup? I'm 5'2, long-ish blue-black hair and bangs, blind af and wear glasses, also pale af 😂 uhh I'm super introverted and shy but not as much once I get comfortable. Even when I'm comfortable I still prefer to listen rather than talk. I'm really awkward so I never know what to say but I be listening. I also overthink a lot and as a result I get hurt by the most pointless things 😂 let's see uhh I tend to doubt myself a lot, so I really value someone who encourages me to take on that challenge or try that new thing, or that reassures me I did fine when I'm being really hard on myself. I also value someone who can pick up on my "pls help" cues and care enough to check in since I tend to bottle things up out of fear of being a burden. My coping mechanisms hobbies include rewatching the same shows 18373827 times, drawing, and playing the violin. I also love learning things from others, so I like people that don't mind explaining things to me. Uhh I'm not sure what else to add I hope that's enough 😂 thank u friend 💚
Super, my dearest friend. I know what you wanted from this matchup... let me go ahead and disappoint you. Today, I am going to be the mom friend and I am going to give you not what you want, but what I know you deserve.
End thesis.
I’d pair you with...
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Gohan!!! Because he’s a freaking sweetheart. Let me explain.
- Gohan loves your personality- and you’re introverted moments are just another piece to his favorite puzzle. Anytime you’re willing talk, he’s all ears. This man will genuinely listen to anything you have to say and he’ll remember it- so your breath will never go to waste.
- BUT he also loves how good of a listener you are. He likes to ponder and go on little tangents about whatever he’s stuck on at the moment. Whether it be philosophy, rules of psychology, politics, science, or just what you’ll be having for dinner that night- he tends to ramble. Gohan knows that he doesn’t have to hold himself back in front of you, because you really can get lost in conversation with him... even if it’s mostly one sided 😂
- Also, I know you didn’t add this because I’m sure it would be too braggadocios for you... but you’re really smart. Aaaaand.... he’s really smart. And big brained biddies need to keep each other company, you know? I think y’all would be really excellent at mentally activating and challenging each other. Nothing is lost upon either of you when it comes to greater thinking and so I think he would be a wonderful partner for you in this aspect.
- The thoughtfulness with this one? A+, absolutely fucking top tier. If you’re ever going through it, but you don’t have the energy to blatantly say, “hi, today I’m dying :)”- he will catch on. You don’t want to talk about it? Fine with him. He’s listened to you when you’ve talked about what makes you comfortable and what makes you happy; so he’s already well prepared to do whatever will brighten your day.
Gohan for you
- Gohan loves that you have goals and ambitions and that sometimes you keep your head down and buckle in to ensure you achieve whatever you’re chasing. He will be your #1 cheerleader. When exams and homework assignments pile up and you feel like you’ve been working from sun rise to sun set, he’ll check in on you ever-so-often. He’ll make breakfast, lunch, and dinner (healthy, but something you still enjoy) so you can focus and perform at your max. You should also expect other sweet gestures like a warm blanket pulled straight from the dryer, water or your favorite drink to sip on, and study breaks filled with naps, snacks, tv-shows, quick walks, and whatever makes you feel refreshed.
- Gohan can definitely be adventurous in the right settings. His training with Piccolo taught him to not be afraid of new things, and that sometimes it’s just better to jump into the water than to give yourself time to slowly adjust. He likes to take that same philosophy with you and he feels like he can really relate to you on that basic level. So anytime you’re interested in trying something new, but you’re too afraid- don’t worry! Gohan will be there for you every step. You might find that your new favorite pass time is trying new things just because of how special this sweetheart makes every experience.
- Any time you feel like you’ve failed yourself, others, or that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders- Gohan is there to take some of that pressure away. He will never let you feel like you’re less than- because he knows that you’re a caring, kind, and genuine person who deserves everything good that comes your way! Whenever you’re sad he likes to give you words of affirmation that make you feel special, needed, wanted, and safe.
- there is not a SINGLE hobby that you have that this man does not get ALL KINDS OF NERDY GIDDY FOR. Obsessing over a show together, sharing bits of writing with each other, and definitely DEFINITELY hearing you play the violin makes Gohan feel like he’s won the jackpot.
A song I feel matches this relationship:
Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra
This relationship is just classic, A-tier, reminds me of reading a good book and sitting in a quiet library. Exploration, soft notes, gentle touches, and absolute sweetness.
First date:
Gohan would definitely get take out from a nice restaurant and bring it back to his place so you could enjoy it together in a private & calm setting. After, he shows you he’s set up a pillow fort so you can relax and watch whatever movie/show you’re interested in!
This is no ordinary pillow fort though- this man took HOURS putting this shit together.
Stringlights, sweets and desserts, extra blankets, card games- you name it- he’s thought of it.
@supersaiyantist I hope you loved this!!! Thanks for submitting, friend :) 💖
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i havent been drawing or writing pokemon stuff for ages and im currently too busy to make something new in time for drew appreciation day so i thought id post some wip respectshipping stuff under the cut that i dont THINK ive posted before?? if i have im sorry, im a bit dry on drew content rn!!
for context the scenes are taken from a sequel to my respect oneshot, sparks, set during a pride festival!
Ash slipped his hand into Drew's, and Drew glanced at him rigidly.
“What are you doing?” he asked. He didn't need to look to know that May and Brock had noticed, and were giving each other knowing smiles.
“Holding your hand?” Ash said, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I know that. Why?”
Ash furrowed his brow. “Why am I holding your hand? We're... well, together, Drew.” It felt weird to say it out loud, and his frown melted into an elated smile. “We're boyfriends. And this is a festival celebrating the kind of relationship we have. Isn't this the best time to do it?”
Drew's cheeks began to burn under the unspoken pressure. Of course, he liked to touch Ash in private, hold his hands and cup his cheeks and kiss him, but public displays of affection had never been his thing. Giving out roses was different, of course – it was part of the charming persona he put on. He wasn't ashamed of his sexuality, and he certainly wasn't ashamed of Ash; but there was a time and a place for physical affection, and in the middle of a crowded street wasn't what he considered an opportune moment.
“We... we don't do this out in the open, Ash,” he reasoned. Ash shrugged.
“If you're sure.”
Ash dropped his hand, and at first Drew felt relief. But just moments later, he realised how cold his hand suddenly felt without the familiar warmth of Ash's.
With a huff, he grabbed it back.
“I'll only enter this contest if you enter the battle tournament.”
“Like hell. I don't get my kicks from raw power battles, sorry.”
“And I don't get my kicks from showing off how pretty my pokemon can be, but I'm willing to compromise. This is like, a couple activity. You know, so we can bond.”
“You know contests are about so much more than beauty, Ash. For the record, they say it's healthy for couples to not do everything together.”
“And we don't! We hardly see each other when we're travelling, so this'll be a special occasion!”
Ash and Drew were bickering again, as usual, though Brock had to admit it was far more entertaining seeing them argue over trivial matters such as 'couple activities' than having to watch them stew in their own feelings for the past few years. Getting to see them comfortable around each other was refreshing.
“Look, battles aren't romantic – contests aren't romantic! It's about you and your pokemon, not about you and your pokemon and your annoying boyfriend and his pokemon.”
“But I already told my mom we'd be battling together! She's recording it!”
“Your mother needs a new hobby that doesn't involve snooping on our relationship at any given moment,” Drew quipped, but he seemed a little less defensive at that. “She's really gonna be watching us?”
Ash patted his shoulder. “I told you she's trying to be supportive. She was excited when I mentioned the festival to her, actually. She asked me to pick her up a souvenir, like a badge or a wristband or something? And she was all, 'tell Drew I said hi!' so... yeah, she said hi.”
“And you're only mentioning this now.” Drew threw up his hands in exasperation. “Didn't it cross your mind to tell me earlier?”
“That she said hi?” Ash quirked an eyebrow. “My bad? Look, she asked me to call her tonight. If you want, I'll let you listen in.”
Drew clasped his hands together. “Maybe I'll... say hi back,” he said, licking his lower lip nervously. Ash grinned.
“You know, I think she'd like that.”
“This is heart-warming and all,” Brock smirked, finishing the last of his coffee, “but if you guys don't hurry up and compromise, you'll run out of time to sign up.”
And with that, their bickering was back to square one.
Delia's face appeared on the screen and she smiled warmly.
“Well hello there, Ash! Are you enjoying the festival so far?”
“Oh yeah! It's amazing. I never knew how big Sinnoh's gay community was until now.”
“Well, I'm glad you're having a good time. You're participating in the tag team battle tournament tomorrow, right?”
Ash's face fell slightly.
“I don't know. I was meant to be taking part with Drew, but he isn't so big on battling, so we haven't signed up yet.”
“Well, I'm sure you'll work it out,” Delia said with a sympathetic smile. “And how is Drew doing? Did you tell him I said hello?”
Ash's eyes lit up.
“Yeah, he's doing great! Actually... he talked about saying hi back. If you wanted to speak to him.”
Delia blinked in surprise.
“Oh, he wanted to talk to me?”
Ash smiled consiprationally.
“He'll never admit it to me but he really wants to make a good impression on you, Mom.”
Her cheeks were pink with pride and she chuckled lightly.
“Very well, hand him over.”
Unsurprisingly, Drew stepped out from just beyond view of the camera – Delia realised he was listening in the entire time, but decided to keep this revelation to herself for the time being.
“Why hello there, Drew. I suppose this is the first time we've talked since you two made the announcement.”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah. Um, Ash and I don't travel together often. We parted ways after the visit, so... yeah. You're looking well, ma'am.”
“Oh please, call me Delia,” she said with a dismissive wave, then smiled. “I'm so excited to see the two of you compete in the tag battle tournament tomorrow!”
If Drew had been on the fence about it prior, he certainly wasn't anymore.
“Yes! Uh, we're looking forward to it, aren't we, Ash?”
Ash, looking both flabbergasted at the turn of events and also ecstatic at the news, nodded hastily.
“Yep! That's right, and the day after we're entering the pride contest! Since we're trainer and coordinator, we thought we'd do both!”
Ash grinned at his mother (mouthing how did you do that?? towards her) and she gave him a knowing wink in return.
“How wonderful! I've heard your coordinator skills are marvellous, Drew! I'm looking forward to it. It's a shame I couldn't be there in person.”
“Not sure this is your kind of scene, Mom,” Ash said with a laugh. “But it's been great! I got you a wristband, it's rainbow like a pride flag!”
“How sweet! Did you pick one up for Mimey too?”
Ash beamed and fished a pair of wristbands from his pocket.
“You know I did! Nothing but the best for you guys!”
“Mimey's been so excited for you too, dear. We'll wear them with pride!” She giggled at her own joke, and then clasped her hands together.
“By the way, you two, I was wondering how you would feel about the three of us sitting down for a meal in Pallet Town after the festival.” Her gaze flickered between the two of them. “You know, so that Drew and I can get to know each other better.”
Ash found the scar on the end of his ring finger suddenly very interesting to stare at.
“I don't know, Mom. I mean... maybe the timing isn't-”
“Sure, Mrs – uh, Delia.”
Ash glanced up in surprise at Drew, whose facial expression didn't give away his nerves like his shaking hands did, carefully out of Delia's view.
“Drew, you mean it?”
“Of course.” He offered Ash a quick smile. “Delia, I look forward to visiting again.”
“Wonderful!” Delia clapped her hands together and beamed. “Well, boys, I have to be going, but I'll be taping the matches! Good luck, both of you!”
The moment the call ended, Drew trudged back up to the rooms and headed over to his bed, flopping down rather ungracefully face first. Ash perched on the end of his own bed.
“Your mom is nice,” Drew said after a while, face emerging from his pillow. Ash chewed his lower lip.
“She means well, she really does want you to know each other now we're dating, but... we don't have to do this dinner if you're not ready for it.”
Drew opened his eyes to peer at Ash incredulously.
“What? No. I didn't just agree to it because your mom was giving me the same look you give me when you want something. I'm ready for this, you know? I want your mother to like me. I want to know the person who helped make you who you are.”
He took a deep breath.
“May finding out about us... it opened my eyes. For years I worried about what people would think of me if they knew. Then I realised, the world isn't one big contest. When it comes to who you are, the only one whose judgement matters is you.”
“You mean a lot to me, Ash. I want to be a part of your world, and I want to introduce you to mine.”
“You sap.” Ash moved over to Drew's bed and rested his head against Drew's shoulder. “I'd really like that, though. I know our journey has been pretty rocky, but I just love being around you. And now we can be open about it, I've gotten so excited.”
Drew pressed a kiss to his forehead, and grinned.
“Now who's the sap?”
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Showtime (SpicyHoneyMustard, stand alone, lemon)
Summary: Edge and Red are bodyguards for the Queen's Judge, Rus, and they more than happy to watch over him.
In every way possible.
Notes: Forgive me for my sins!!😭😭😭I got this idea into my head and it refused to be banished. 
Naughty, naughty boys, read the tags before you dive in!
Tags: SpicyHoneyMustard, Fontcest, Fellcest, Sibling Incest, Threesome, Established Relationship, Possessive Behavior. LEMONY GOODNESS!!
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Edge had always hated meetings and while they’d never said as much, he was certain that the others did as well.
Endless, trite negotiations where Humans and Monsters both spent hours dancing around the subjects they truly wished to discuss, speaking through clenched teeth as they struggled to find a common ground to agree upon.
Coming from a world where agreements came either briskly or at the expense of spilled dust, for Edge it was something of an adjustment.
Edge stood stiffly by the door, hands clasped in front of him as he watched the Human Leaders who were meeting with the Queen and her Judge. The Humans had politely requested a private meeting of only them and as the head of Security, Edge just as politely told them in so many words that he’d sooner gift-wrap his own soul for them to dust at their leisure. No Humans were ever going to be alone with the Queen on his watch and as for Rus…
Humans were often tetchy about Rus once they learned his purpose; their Judge, the one who could weigh the souls of Monsters and Humans alike. If mere magic discomfited them, then knowing someone could see the heaviness of their ugliest sins could send them into a blustering rage. Even some Monsters found it unsettling at times and it was Edge’s duty to keep Rus safe, an ofttimes thankless task that he’d taken on before they’d even met.
These days, Rus’s safety was no duty, but a necessity for Edge’s peace of mind. Nothing was going to hurt him, not Humans, not Monster, no one. It was a promise he swore to himself daily.
The conference room for this particular meeting was at the Embassy and as a concession to meeting on less than neutral soil, Edge readily agreed to be the only security in the room. It did not mean he was the only one watching and there was no reason for these Humans to know that Red could be here between one blink and the next. Besides, there were only ten of the Humans, all sweating and nervous in their uncomfortably fitting suits, trying to decide if the offered coffee and pastries were safe to consume. Hardly cause for concern.
Edge wondered with dry amusement if they’d be more willing to choose a muffin if they knew all of it was fresh that morning from the local Tim Horton's.
The stiff conversation held little interest to him and instead, Edge measured their body language, reading their intent. Humans worried so fearfully about being Judged and yet had no idea how much they revealed with a single tapping pencil or the stuttering bounce of a leg beneath the table. They were nervous, unsettled, but not truly afraid and it was enough for Edge to relax, as much as he was able this close to unfamiliar Humans. Nerves were to be expected and much easier to predict than fear.
After a few wary glances, the Humans no longer paid him any mind and that was fine by Edge. He didn’t miss the slight flicker of pale lights in his direction, just as quickly flicking away, nor the slight smile that curved Rus’s mouth. His expression was one of dutiful interest, paying close attention to the rather unpleasant Human who was asking for concessions that they weren’t about to make. The glance that flicked Edge’s way again for the briefest of seconds and then away said that the negotiations weren’t holding his attention as they should.
Edge shifted the weight of his gaze entirely to Rus, calmly watching him so that the next glance he snuck was met with a stare his own. Rus’s sockets widening then quickly returning to the Humans and none of them would have any idea what the faint, flustered orange rising in his cheek bones meant.
Edge knew, very well, indeed.
‘easy, boss,’ drawled through the earpiece in his auditory canal, ‘don’t wanna make a bad impression on all these humies, do ya.’
There was no way to reply to his brother without being overheard and Edge only stood, his gloved hands clasped in front of him, his expression one of bland neutrality.
‘can’t blame ya for drooling, though, he cleans up too fucking nice.’
He did. Rus rarely wore the formal robes of his office, only at the Queen’s request and still reluctantly. Silken, creamy ivory with the delta symbol delicately embroidered on his chest, discreetly hugging the lithe line of his body as they covered his slim, lovely bones from the high collar to where the hem brushed the floor, showing only peeks of the tips of his shoes. It made him look coolly resplendent, untouchable and yet—
‘‘course, that only makes ya want to dirty ‘im up, don’t it.’
Stop, Edge did not, could not say. He shifted his stance, widening it as discreetly as he could. Not at all enough for any bastards watching through the room cameras, who only chuckled, darkly pleased.
‘yeah, ya like that idea, dontcha. think he’d look real good on that table. pull those robes up and show off those pretty bones. bet he don’t have much on under it and ya always look good between his legs, ya know. draggin’ all those sweet sounds outta him, making him cry and moan while your fuckin’ that tight little cunt until he’s begging to cum.’
Control, that was all, he’d spent years working on his control. But his brother’s husky voice was cruelly relentless, worming its way from his hearing and settling into his warming thoughts.
‘course, our sweet thing always has a lot to say when ya give ‘im head, don’t he. don’t always make sense but it do make for a hellava show.’ Edge could hear a soft clacking sound, a fingertip tapping consideringly against teeth. ‘can’t decide what i’d rather see right now. you eating him out or you ramming him until he screams. both’re worth the price of admission.’
A ticklish trickle of sweat fell from Edge’s brow bone and he plucked out a handkerchief, wiping it away discreetly. The Queen noticed, glancing at him with faint concern. He only shook his head ever so slightly and she returned her attention to the Humans, her tight smile a fair indication of how well their negotiations were not going.
‘guess i’ll hafta to let ya choose, don’t think i can. whatcha think, bro, how ya gonna wreck that pussy today?’ Through the earpiece, Edge could hear a chair creaking, a familiar scuffing sound of Red propping his boots up on the desktop despite frequent admonishments to keep his filthy feet on the floor. ‘oh, i got a plan now. ya fuck him good, fuck him up, wear him out for me. think after you’re done i’ll give our boy a good tongue-lashing. see if we can get him to pass out again, yeah?’ There was the faint, obscene sound of his brother licking his teeth. ‘he always tastes better with a little sauce on the side.’
The queen abruptly standing startled Edge so much he actually twitched, only barely catching himself from flinching. She towered over the Humans, who gaped at her as she said coolly. “Gentleman, I believe we’re finished for the day.”
None of them seemed ready to question her commanding authority, all of them standing, blustering and scrambling for briefcases and paperwork. When they were ready, Edge stepped silently aside, opening the door and gesturing curtly to the rest of the security team. They would lead the Humans out of the Embassy and if they found Edge’s appearance to be unsettling, a pack of fierce Dogs didn’t seem to instill any additional confidence.
He closed the door and the moment it shut, the Queen sagged, pulling off her crown to toss it uncaringly to the tabletop and her head falling into her hands. “Why must they be so aggravating!” she burst out, all the frustration that she refused to show the Humans overflowing, spilling out into the air between them.
“hey, it’ll be okay, tori,” Rus soothed, even as Edge struggled not to show his distaste at the familiarity in that nickname. He moved to stand behind her, rubbing her stiff shoulders until she began to relax, some of her tension flowing away. “we’ll work through it. look, why don’t you head out for the day? go on home, get a glass of wine, spend some time with that kid of yours and we’ll give it another shot tomorrow, yeah?”
A heavy sigh and the Queen nodded, twisting her head to smile up at him, “You’re right, of course. You always know what to say.”
“of course i do,” Rus said loftily, “i’m your advisor, so listen to my sound advice. hit the bricks, head home.”
She laughed, tiredly amused, "I should have chosen the corn muffin with my coffee, then I could have been all ears."
Edge chose that moment to interrupt, offering quietly, “The Humans have left the building.”
“Thank you, Edge,” the Queen nodded and stood. “I believe I will go home.”
“Your car will be brought around in ten minutes,” Edge told her. She nodded again, her smile less personal than the one she offered Rus but no less sincere.
The second she was gone, Rus slumped back in his own chair. Gone was the posed, coolly competent Judge, regal and distant, and left behind was only Rus, his knees sprawled as far apart as his robes allowed, long arms dangling on either side of the chair almost to the floor.
“well, that was a waste of an afternoon,” Rus sighed out. Staring up glumly at the ceiling, he didn’t noticed Edge discreetly twisting the lock on the door. “why do they have to make everything so diffi—hey!”
Rus flailed in his arms as Edge scooped him easily up, carrying his light weight over to sit him on the table. For once, the position made Rus slightly shorter than him and there was nothing in those pale eye lights but startled confusion. It seemed his formal decorum was not completely abandoned yet.
“what are you do-oooing!” It rose into a high-pitched yelp as Edge pushed him to lay back before roughly yanked those robes up to his femurs without a care for the delicacy of the material. Red was correct, there was nothing beneath them but bones, glossy and slim, begging for a rough hand to slide over them until the delicate joints glowed brightly with desire.
“I’m giving you a way to be productive,” Edge murmured. He bit the fingertip of one of his gloves, pulling it off and spitting it to the floor, already forgotten as he ran his bared hand up Rus’s silken femur to thumb at the place where the joint met his pelvis. Rus arched into the touch, husking out a moan as Edge kept up the journey, fondling his pubic symphysis with deliberate intent.
A flood of bright magic filled Rus’s pelvic cradle, his pussy snapping into place. Even as he squirmed and moaned, Rus’s hands fluttered shyly down as if to cover it from Edge’s avid gaze, his cheek bones flushing brilliantly. “do i even want to ask what’s gotten into you?”
“should be more worried about what’s gettin’ into you.” Came from behind them. Edge did not look; he could picture his brother’s lasciviously eager grin as easily as a photograph. Rus’s blush only deepened, honey-golden and lovely. “c’mon, bro, hurry it up. i’ve been waiting all day for a show and i’m gonna play judge and jury for once and say he’s ready to give one.”
It was easy to simply ignore that careless command. Trailing a single fingertip along the soft, tempting folds found Rus already slippery, easily taking that finger inside. Another finger joined the first and if Red was hoping for a show, the way Rus arched, crying out as his femurs slid even further apart in generous offering already made for a lovely performance. Already he was debauched, his teeth parting to allow those lovely cries to escape, sweat beading prettily on his skull and his robes crumpled and bunched up around his waist.
“Beautiful,” Edge murmured, and despite the heat bulging at his own crotch, he would have been content to simply watch this. The slippery slide of his pale cracked phalanges into the golden petal softness of Rus’s pussy was delicious enough, no matter what his brother thought of it. A demonstration that fingers were quite nice things on their own.
“please!” Rus suddenly burst out, panting as he scrambled to grab at Edge’s wrist, stilling his thrusting fingers. He gulped loudly, his pleading look darting from Edge to someplace behind him where surely Red was watching them with scarlet-bright intensity. “oh, please, want you, need you, please!”
That decided him and Edge ignored the tremor in his hand as he pulled his fingers free with a wet, obscene sound and went for his belt. His fingers were still too slick and he cursed as he fumbled at his zipper, the tiny tab stubbornly refusing to be lowered.
Smaller hands settled over his own, the fingers as cracked and damaged as his own, and arms wrapping around him from behind. “hang on, i got you, bro.”
Edge sighed in relief as Red nimbly opened his pants, reaching inside to take hold of his cock, drawing him out. He gave the shaft a brisk, unnecessary stroke. Edge was already achingly hard, crimson wetness beading at the tip and spread by Red’s careless touch. A light push at the small of his back urged him to step forward and Edge did, bracing his hands on the table as he settled in between Rus’s spread femurs.
They both groaned at the first touch of his cockhead against Rus’s slit as Red lined Edge up, pressing him firmly to Rus’s entrance.
“there ya go,” Red crooned, even as he stepped back, eye lights glittering as he took in the scene before him, the two of them hovering at the cusp of being joined, “c’mon now, give him what he wants.”
It was a command Edge was more than willing to obey. This time.
Rus threw his head back at the first slow thrust, hands scrabbling desperately at Edge’s shoulders as broken cries welled from his throat, thoroughly lost to the sensation of being penetrated, and that was where Edge’s patience broke.
With a low growl, he thrust deep inside, hips snapping forward, and he could only be dimly grateful for the room’s soundproofing as Rus choked on a scream. The gloriously tight heat of his cunt rippled and clenched around him as if trying to suck him in even deeper. Edge groaned deeply, rolling his hips in a desperate rhythm, slamming their bodies together even as Rus clawed at his scapulas, blunted fingertips scratching chalkily as bone met bone.
Red clambered up on the table, sneakers squeaking against mahogany as he knelt at Rus’s head. He managed to lift Rus’s thrashing skull into his lap, then took hold of his wrists, forcing his hands down to the tabletop. Freeing Edge from his hold only let him thrust deeper, both hands gripping Rus’s iliac crests as he drove into him with aching force, glorying in the hot clench of the pseudoflesh around him.
“that’s it, baby,” Red crooned out, barely audible over the clatter of bones against each other. “fuck yes, you’re beautiful. take it, take him, you gorgeous bastard.”
“oh, oh, i…i need…” Rus stammered out, “oh, oh, please, ohhh!” He strained against Red’s hold, unable to break his unyielding grip even as he shuddered and whined, caught between them, struggling uselessly against Edge’s weight as he tried to arch up even as orgasm struck him with the force of a velvet-wrapped blow. His eye lights blew wide, flooding with deep orange before his sockets scrunched closed and he came with a warbling cry, writhing and whimpering in a gorgeous display of desperate pleasure.
Edge leaned down to cover his pleading mouth with his own, managing a degree of tenderness even now with Rus’s sweet cunt pulsing and spasming around him, still thrusting erratically as he groaned through his teeth, gloriously engulfed by the orgasm rippling up his spine.
It took a while for Edge to return to his senses, gulping in deep gasps of air that were thick with the rich tang of their sex. The clammy feel of his own sweat beneath his clothing was uncomfortably acute, but there was no attention to spare for that now. Not with Rus clinging to him, his own breathing closer to sobs as he buried his face into the front of Edge’s once pristine shirt, smearing it with sweat and tears, all the fluids sex brought with it staining it.
Edge couldn’t have possibly cared less. He rested the bulk of his weight on one trembling arm, wrapping the other around Rus and pulling him close to murmur gentle reassurance against the side of his skull.
His need for closeness after sex was endlessly endearing and Edge always indulged it, wishing for Rus to always be so, greedily unashamed to cuddle in close and steal kisses and soft touches even as he shivered with pleasurable little aftershocks.
A cleared throat had them both looking up at Red, who waggled his fingers in a mocking wave. “thanks, you two, good to be remembered.”
Edge scowled even as Rus made a sound of distress, reaching out for Red who took that feebly groping hand in his own, twining their fingers together. As always, their Rus acting as a conduit between them, tying them together past the bond of brotherhood. Their Rus.
“love you,” Rus slurred out. “love you both.” Red pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles with the uncommon tenderness that belonged to Rus alone. Then he let go, crawling over to the side of the table.
“love you, too, honey, but ya ain’t done yet.” Red gave Edge’s shoulder a rough shove and he went without protest, grimacing as he withdrew and even as he tried to be gentle, Rus let out a little noise of discomfort, knees drawing up slightly as he winced. Edge staggered back, nearly falling into one of the chairs, legs akimbo and his trousers sagging as he took in the view.
Rus, his once immaculate robes stained and rumpled where they were rucked up around his pelvis, cloth and bone contrasting against the dark wood of the table. He lay bared and trembling, his bent legs dangling, femurs still spread to show his lovely cunt painted with thick crimson fluid, marked by Edge’s release. A gorgeous, glorious ruin, beautifully tempting and Edge's magic gave a hopeful throb at his crotch, gamely willing.
Edge pushed it sternly down. After all, he’d had his turn.
His brother hopped back down to the floor and the height of the table nearly put Rus’s pelvis at a level with his mouth. His hands settling on Rus’s knees made him lift his skull, watching blearily as Red ran his thumbs up the insides of Rus’s femurs, smearing those heavy spatters of crimson.
Red gave Rus a wink as he ran his tongue lightly over his jagged teeth, the shade a deeper scarlet and no less eager.
“had my show, now it’s time for dinner,” Red leered.
“wha—ahh!!” Confusion jolted into disbelief as Rus’s skull fell back on the table with a painful sounding thunk. He convulsed, choking out a wail as Red buried his face between his femurs, wet, sloppy sounds spilling into the air to tangle with Rus’s newly desperate cries.
Edge only propped his chin on a hand to watch avidly. It was his turn for a show, and he planned to enjoy it.
Read the next chapter
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Soft in Love Part 5
A Gwilym Lee x Student!Reader Fic
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Summary: Y/N is an acting student in her last semester of college. When a professor unexpectedly can’t make it for the senior capstone class, a very famous (and handsome) substitute is called in. When they connect, they face a few challenges.
Word Count: 2.8k
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @benders-diamond-earring​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @anincurablefangirl​, @kiainspace​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @god-save-the-deaks​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @misslolasworld​, @not-john-watsons-blog​, @spacedustmazzello​, @theindiealto​, @riddikuluslypotter​, @depressedbitchxox​, @tenement-funstah​, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​, @sarablog10​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: OMG we’re halfway through the story! So glad y’all are enjoying this one :)
Warning(s): Fluff and angst. Lost of pining, once again. Are y’all regretting the slow burn vote yet? I SURE AM. lmao
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Part 5 here we go!!!
Over the coming weeks, the show was really coming along. As Fall Break approached, Gwilym felt confident in the progress the class had made and he told Dr. Bennett so when he spoke to her over Skype. She was thrilled.
“I’m so glad you were able to do this,” she said. “How’s Y/N doing? I haven’t heard from her in a while.”
“She’s…” Gwilym trailed off.
He remembered the past weeks of being in class with you. How you always showed up early and that precious ten minute period of just the two of you. Talking together, laughing together, and sharing brief, fleeting touches. It meant more to him than he could really put to words.
“She’s perfect,” he said.
Dr. Bennett raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “At her role.”
She still looked skeptical. She opened her mouth as if to push the issue further, but closed it again. It was probably better she didn’t know the answers to her questions.
“And Andrew and Sloan?” she went with instead.
“Also wonderful,” he told her. “Edith is hitting on me again, which is rather obnoxious, but I’m dealing with it.”
“How?” she asked.
“By ignoring her as much as possible,” he said.
She chuckled. “Good luck with all that.”
“How are you and the baby?”
“I’m hormonal as shit, and more tired than I can ever remember, but otherwise fantastic,” she said.
As if summoned by the mere mention of him, the baby wailed from somewhere off to the side. She sighed.
“Gotta go,” she said. “Time to feed him.”
“Good luck,” he returned.
They said goodbye and hung up. Then Gwilym’s own stomach growled. He closed his laptop and headed for the dining hall, not wanting to be cooped up in Dr. Bennett’s office any more. Sure, there were some things that needed grading, but they could wait.
He walked, mulling over once again what Dr. Bennett had said in that first phone call. Be careful there. He had a feeling he knew what she meant. He was full on crushing on you, which was not something he had felt since he was your age. 
But that was just the thing. You were so much younger. And he was still your professor. Any relationship would have to wait. Even then, how accepted would you be? The age gap was still frowned upon, even after you no longer had the teacher/student dynamic. Not to mention that after the semester was over, Gwilym was going home to London, and you were hoping to be in Los Angeles. 
As he made his way to the dining hall, he ran into Dr. Edy, one of the journalism professors at the school. She was very kind to Gwilym when he had gotten lost finding his office for the semester, and since then they had remained sort of friends. He greeted her warmly.
“Hi, Caroline,” he said. “How are you?”
“Great, Gwilym, how are you?” she returned with a smile.
Across the courtyard, you stood with Sloan and Andrew. You hadn’t noticed Gwilym right away, but when you did, your heart sunk. He was with Dr. Edy, and looked very happy to be there. She was touching his arm and beaming at him. She wasn’t quite as aggressive as Edith, but the intention was the same. She was attracted to Gwilym.
And how could she not be? He was so talented and kind and funny and handsome. It was all the same things you thought of him. You just couldn’t act on it because of some rules you now fully considered dumb and arbitrary. That was probably your frustration talking, but you were done ignoring it.
In the weeks since the party, you and Gwilym had become even closer. Those ten minutes before each class period were more sacred to you than any religious service you could remember. You never missed a class or your unspoken appointments.
Those minutes contained everything. Getting to know each other, joking around, little bits of private rehearsal. Each one brought you a step closer to Gwilym. Your feelings for him - which you had acknowledged only to yourself - were beyond friendship. Though you were content to keep it there for now and keep you both out of trouble. You couldn’t help but hope that maybe, after the semester was done, something more could come of it.
Now, as you watched him with another woman - one his age, who was available, and would not cost him his job - you were hit with such a pang of jealousy it nearly knocked you over. Your chest felt constricted as your eyes followed them into the dining hall. He had not even glanced your way. They disappeared through the door and your heart ached at what would happen after. They’d share a meal together. Like a date.
“Hello?” Sloan said, bringing you back to her. “Y/N, you in there?”
“What? Yeah. Sorry. What did you say?” you replied.
“My coworkers are throwing a party before Fall Break,” Andrew said. “You interested?”
“Oh,” you said. “No, not really.”
“It won’t be like last time,” he went on. “These people have morals.”
You laughed lightly. 
“I know, but I’m just not that into parties,” you said. “I’d rather stay in. I’m reading this book Gwilym loaned me and I’d rather have that, with a glass of wine, in my own room.”
“God, you’re lame,” Sloan groaned.
Andrew frowned, as he always did whenever you talked about Gwilym. Or mentioned him in passing as you did now.
“Come on, Y/N, please?” he pressed. “It’ll help you get your mind off of -”
He stopped himself. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Finish that sentence,” you said.
“It doesn’t matter,” he muttered, running a nervous hand through his hair.
“If you have something to say, Andrew, just say it,” you insisted. “I’m getting tired of your passive aggressive comments.”
“Fine,” he snipped. “I was going to say it’ll help get your mind off Gwilym. There. You happy?”
“Not even close,” you returned. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means, don’t play dumb,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “You’re obsessed with him.”
“Obsessed?!” you cried. “That’s a strong word, I think!”
“Do you?” he shot back. “Because Gwilym’s all you ever talk about anymore. ‘Gwilym loaned me this book,’ ‘Gwilym told me this joke,’ ‘Gwilym’s so great!’”
His tone was high-pitched and mocking, making your stomach turn with anger.
“Fuck you, Andrew,” you said. “You’re just jealous because you’re too much of a coward to tell me how you really feel. So you take it out on me when I get close to anyone else.”
Andrew sucked in a sharp breath and stormed off across the grass. Sloan’s mouth fell open as she looked between you and his slowly disappearing form.
“Well, that escalated quickly,” she said.
“I’m sick of him!” you cried. “He was a dick to Dan last year because we started dating, and now because I’m friends with Gwil, he’s being an ass about him too! If Andrew thinks he’s so perfect for me, why doesn’t he stop fucking around and make a move? And if he’s not willing to do that, I wish he’d just shut the hell up!”
Sloan’s expression was difficult to read. She was clearly torn.
“What?” you snapped. “Am I wrong?”
“No,” she said slowly. “But neither is Andrew. It’s hard to admit how you feel about someone, Y/N. And he’s been in love with you basically since you met.”
You blinked, your anger fading into shock.
“Andrew’s in love with me?” you questioned.
She sighed. “Yes. So could you please show a little more sympathy?”
“I’ll show him some sympathy when he deserves it,” you said, getting heated again. “But mocking me like that...that’s just disrespectful.”
“I’ll give you that,” she said. “But again, he’s not necessarily wrong.”
“You think Gwilym is all I talk about anymore?”
“Maybe not all you talk about, but he comes up more than should be expected, I think,” she said. “Look, I’m gonna go find Andrew. He’s probably upset.”
“So, what, you’re just gonna leave me on my own for lunch?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” she said. “I just...I know he’s more upset than you right now. I live with him, I see it every day how much he...” she trailed off.
“Fine,” you said hotly. “Choose him. Whatever.”
“I’m not picking a side,” she said gently. “But Andrew isn’t as strong as you and he needs a friend right now.”
You softened. “Sorry, I don’t want to put you in the middle, it’s just…”
She put a hand on your shoulder. “I know. See you later, okay?”
“Later,” you replied.
You watched her fade into the crowd. With an irritated huff, you adjusted your backpack and walked into the dining hall. You weren’t hungry anymore, so you just got a coffee and went to find a table. There, you pulled out the book Gwilym gave you and began reading. It was difficult to focus on the words, since your mind was still reeling from your confrontation with Andrew. And what Sloan said.
You had never considered that Andrew’s feelings were strong enough to be love. A crush, infatuation, even lust maybe. But love? That seemed a bit much.
With a sigh, you closed the book, leaned on the table, and buried your face in your hands. Were you being too hard on him? Maybe you should open the door for him to talk about it and clear the air. Would that mean the end of the friendship, though?
“Y/N, are you alright?”
Your head snapped up as you heard the voice which had become the most beloved to  you. Gwilym stood there, a concerned furrow to his brow and an inviting look in his eyes. Behind him, and slightly to the right, stood Dr. Edy.
“I’m okay,” you lied. “I think.”
Gwilym turned to Dr. Edy. “I’ll see you around, Caroline. Thanks for lunch.”
“Anytime,” she returned, slightly confused as her eyes flickered between you and your teacher. “Have a good day.”
Looking disappointed, she walked away. Gwilym took a seat beside you. The smell of him wafted over as he did. You had become familiar with the scent, as it still clung to the hoodie which remained in your possession. You wore it nightly, so it was faint, but still there.
“What’s going on?” he asked gently.
“Just my dumb friends,” you sighed. “Andrew has it pretty bad for me, and things sort of escalated. I feel bad.”
His smile faltered at the mention of Andrew’s feelings.
“Have you done something wrong?” he wondered.
“I don’t think so,” you said. “I think I was harsh, but I was honest. He acted like kind of an asshole, but...I suppose he was being harshly honest too.”
“You’ll work it out,” he said. “You’re good friends. And feelings like that can often make things...complicated. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay close. If Andrew really cares about you and wants you in his life, your friendship will mean more to him than hurt pride.”
A beat passed.
“That is...unless you feel the same way about him?”
You shook your head. “No. I’ve never felt anything more than friendship for him.”
Gwilym inwardly cursed himself for feeling so relieved.
“Everything will work out,” he said. “I know everyone says that, but most of the time, it’s true.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, I hope so.”
“Now, how are you enjoying the book?” he asked.
“I’m loving it!” you said excitedly. 
“I knew you would!” he replied. “I’m so glad!”
“Thanks so much for the recommendation,” you said. “Really captivating stuff. The way this author writes, the words she uses, I just...wow. It’s beautiful.”
“It really is,” he agreed. “The use of nature in her metaphors was a pattern I picked up on and really enjoyed.”
“Me too!” you gasped. “It’s really a wonderful story.”
“I’m thrilled you like it,” he said.
You chatted with Gwilym for another hour or so and then he brought up the break.
“So, will you be going home for Fall Break?” he asked.
“Nah,” you said, shaking your head. “I never go home for breaks if I can help it.”
“Why not?” he wondered.
“My relationship with my parents is complicated at best,” you said, unsure why this was coming so easily. You normally hated to talk about your family. “They don’t exactly approve of my career choice and it never fails to come up.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “Why don’t they want you to pursue acting? You’re amazing.”
You flushed. “Thank you. But, they just don’t think it’s stable enough. I told you they work in a restaurant, right?”
He nodded. “You did.”
“Well, because of that, money was always tight,” you said. “They’re afraid I won’t make it and end up like them.”
“That’s not really fair to you,” he said.
“It makes sense, though,” you replied. “My mom wanted to be a dancer, and started to go to school for that. She got injured and poof! The dream was gone. My dad wanted to sing, but got rejected again and again. So he gave up. They don’t have any faith that the arts is a place where someone like me can succeed.”
“You’ve already succeeded,” he pointed out. “You got yourself the scholarship. You’re starring in the show. You’re nearly graduated. Do they not see that as success?”
“No,” you said. “Without a dollar sign, they don’t.”
“Do they think you’re really not talented enough?” he wondered.
“They would have no way of knowing,” you told him. “They’ve never seen me perform.”
“Well, I think if they -”
“They can’t afford to come here,” you cut across him. “New York is expensive, and I don’t have space for them in my dorm.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again, stumped.
“I’m sorry,” he said again.
“It’s fine,” you said, and you both knew you were lying. “It is what it is.”
“If there’s anything I can do -”
You cut him off again. “Oh, no, I could never ask that of you.”
“I’m offering,” he insisted.
Your eyes welled up with tears at his willingness to help. He reached out and took your hand for the first time since he had rescued you from the party. And yet, it was as if he’d always done it. Like a habit. It was familiar to you both.
“You’re a smart, talented, wonderful girl,” he said as you met his eyes. Those eyes which had long ago won your heart. “If no one else believed in you, I would. I do.”
You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Thank you,” you said, barely audible, and you squeezed his hand. “Thank you so much.”
The next class was the day before break. You arrived early, excited to see Gwilym again after your talk the day before. Your heart lurched each time you thought about it. And you had gone to sleep that night, snuggled in his hoodie, and remembering that he believed in you.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Andrew.
He was standing outside the door, looking guilty and tired.
“Hey,” you said stiffly.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
“Sure,” you agreed. “Wanna go in?”
He nodded. You entered the auditorium and to your dismay, Gwilym wasn’t there. You held back a disappointed sigh and you and Andrew went to the front. You leaned against the stage, folding your arms over your chest, and looked at him expectantly.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he said. “I shouldn’t have mocked you like that, it was shitty. And I’m sorry for what I said.”
You nodded.
“I’m sorry too,” you said. “I shouldn’t have called you a coward. That was harsh.”
“It was,” he said with a chuckle. “But, the thing is, you were right, Y/N. I have been a coward.”
A jolt of nerves went through you. Was he about to confess?
“The truth is, I’ve fallen for you,” he said. 
Shit, you thought.
“Hard. I think about you all the time. I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone before. I just - I see you, and everything stops. Your eyes, your smile, you voice. All of it makes me feel - like the movies and poets say - like you’re the only thing I am ever going to want.”
Your face froze as you watched him spilling his feelings. A wall went up around you because you couldn’t accept them. But the words he said had you scared stiff. It was the same way you felt about Gwilym.
“Andrew, I -”
He cut you off by pulling you close and crashing his lips onto yours. You let out a surprised yelp and then struggled against him, keeping your lips firmly closed. With a surge of strength you shoved him away, breathless and furious. You opened your mouth to begin telling him off, but a sound stopped you. The sound of the auditorium door closing. You turned your head and saw that Gwilym had just walked in.
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astronomicalterror · 5 years
)▬▬ BASIC INFO ▬▬(
• Name: Stevie A. Nicks
• Nicknames and Aliases: Anna, Savannah
• Species: Human
• Powers: Stand- Junkhead
• Alignment: True Neutral
• Date of Birth: December 13th
• Gender: Female
• Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
• Relatives: Unnamed Father [DECEASED; Died from Brain Cancer], Unnamed Mother [DECEASED; Murdered]
• Occupation: Shipping Company Owner [Former], Gambler [Currently]
• Equipment: Sewing Scissors and Thread
• Status: Alive
▪︎ Part 3 - Age : 33
▪︎ Part 4 - Age : 45
▪︎ Part 5 - Age : 47
▪︎ Part 6 - 56
▪︎ Stand Name - Junkhead
▪︎ Stand Power - Red String Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate the red string of fate, an invisible conceptual string that bonds souls together. They can create an limitless amount of red strings and extend them at any distance and the strings never tear apart, as it is practically indestructible. They can make the red strings become visible and touchable for others, and also choose to apply changes to anyone's soul, and as well control the relationship of those bonded by the strings, or even completely remove their bond.
▪︎ Stand Stats
Power - A [Not "Attack" wise; This is catered to the effectiveness of Junkhead]
Speed - D
Range - D
Durability - C
Precision - A
Potential - B
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 152 LBs
Body Shape: Hourglass
Natural Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Dyed Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Ethnicity: Japanese American
Skin Tone: Porcelain
Personality Type: The Commander (ENTJ)
Personality Type Description: Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the timider and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.
If there’s anything Commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes people with the Commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders. This determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Commanders push their goals through with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on
Personality Trait Strengths:
Efficient – Commanders see inefficiency not just as a problem in its own right, but as something that pulls time and energy away from all their future goals, an elaborate sabotage consisting of irrationality and laziness. People with the Commander personality type will root out such behavior wherever they go.
Energetic – Rather than finding this process taxing Commanders are energized by it, genuinely enjoying leading their teams forward as they implement their plans and goals.
Self-Confident – Commanders couldn’t do this if they were plagued by self-doubt – they trust their abilities, make known their opinions, and believe in their capacities as leaders.
Strong-Willed – Nor do they give up when the going gets tough – Commander personalities strive to achieve their goals, but really nothing is quite as satisfying to them as rising to the challenge of each obstacle in their run to the finish line.
Strategic Thinkers – Commanders exemplify the difference between moment-to-moment crisis management and navigating the challenges and steps of a bigger plan, and are known for examining every angle of a problem and not just resolving momentary issues, but moving the whole project forward with their solutions.
Charismatic and Inspiring – These qualities combine to create individuals who are able to inspire and invigorate others, who people actually want to be their leaders, and this in turn helps Commanders to accomplish their often ambitious goals that could never be finished alone.
Personality Trait Weaknesses:
Stubborn and Dominant – Sometimes all this confidence and willpower can go too far, and Commanders are all too capable of digging in their heels, trying to win every single debate and pushing their vision, and theirs alone.
Intolerant – “It’s my way or the highway” – People with the Commander personality type are notoriously unsupportive of any idea that distracts from their primary goals, and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. Commanders won’t hesitate a second to make that fact clear to those around them.
Impatient – Some people need more time to think than others, an intolerable delay to quick-thinking Commanders. They may misinterpret contemplation as stupidity or disinterest in their haste, a terrible mistake for a leader to make.
Arrogant – Commander personalities respect quick thoughts and firm convictions, their own qualities, and look down on those who don’t match up. This relationship is a challenge for most other personality types who are perhaps not timid in their own right, but will seem so beside overbearing Commanders.
Poor Handling of Emotions – All this bluster, alongside the assumed supremacy of rationalism, makes Commanders distant from their own emotional expression and sometimes downright scornful of others’. People with this personality type often trample others’ feelings, inadvertently hurting their partners and friends, especially in emotionally charged situations.
Cold and Ruthless – Their obsession with efficiency and unwavering belief in the merits of rationalism, especially professionally, makes Commanders incredibly insensitive in pursuing their goals, dismissing personal circumstances, sensitivities, and preferences as irrational and irrelevant.
Personality Type in Relationships:
As in other areas of their lives, Commanders approach dating and relationships with a set of goals and a plan to achieve them, and proceed to do so with impressive energy and enthusiasm. People with the Commander personality type are in it to win, and will gladly take leading roles in relationships from the start, assuming personal responsibility for how smoothly things go and working actively to ensure a mutually rewarding experience. Romantic relationships are a serious business, and Commanders are in it for the long haul. This sense of personal responsibility means that Commanders put a lot of energy into their relationships, and they show their creativity by always having something new on the agenda to keep things interesting, especially in the dating phase. At the same time though, Commander personalities keep their eyes on the long term, and if they determine that a relationship is heading towards a dead end, they will cut their losses and move on in what will seem to their partner an abrupt end to the attention they had been receiving.
Personality Stats:
Mind (This trait determines how we interact with our environment.): 56% Extraverted, 44% Introverted
Energy (This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.): 69% Intuitive, 31% Observant
Nature (This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.): 40% Feeling, 60% Thinking
Tactics (This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.): 60% Judging, 40% Prospecting
Identity (This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.): 75% Turbulent, 25% Assertive
▬▬ Story ▬▬
My father was also a respectable man. A archeologist. And I, a archeologists' eldest daughter and heir. He not only owned a shipping company, he was a close relative of a government official, who was called upon when aid was needed, and also cared for the museum in Osaka-- where we were often stayed at in the summer. As his heir, I was expected to learn much and so, I had my own private tutor that lived with us.
When summer came to pass, we went back Tokyo. In Tokyo, I saw these lovely things... these paintings. I fell in love with their design, and took up the hobby of Ukiyo-e painting. I practiced and practiced, giving father small gifts every once in awhile. He made it even more clear that I should not interact with the outside world all too often, as he did not know I was honing this new-found skill for the purpose I had intended to use it for.
He did however, notice I had begun training my eye for the paint right after passing through the marketplace on multiple occasions, wondering and dreading with his beloved daughter would whip up next. I could see things you wouldn't believe; Red strings connected to every little thing with little dates etched into them... For as long as I could remember, I could see everything of this nature just dangling freely for me and only me to take. I treasured these moments the most, this innocence in my abilities.
I can remember everything so vividly down to an exact date and exact time in which my marriage that lasted a month or so, was quick to fall apart. I had just gotten into the gambling scene heavily at 25 years old and, undoubtedly so, I had made friends as well as enemies; It was no secret I was a rich mans daughter and heir that simply had too much time and cash on their hands to blow it all so I became a center of attention. What few had tried approaching me in Hope's of romantic interest, did so in groups, only interested in my cash or my body; Everyone except for him, or so I thought.
He was charming, handsome even, and he was like a god in my eyes for he made me feel special and loved... So when he proposed, I thought nothing of it and accepted him into my heart immediately. He was eager and I was nervous. The time spent before our marriage was a month long and I had-- at the time-- no idea why. I loved him and he loved me, so why wait? By the end of that month we had waited... we married in Denmark.
The chapel was empty on my side, so his friends (and only ‘friends’ showed up) had spread out evenly. I was not accustomed to this practice, and so we had to go over it a few times... I probably frustrated them. I would find out, much later than I would have liked, exactly why he wanted to wait sooo badly~.
My body, it was on the floor and it was oh so limp. I could feel it, suffocation as blood clogged every airway possible. So limp, yet I mustered the strength to write one thing in hoping--praying!-- that I wasn’t alone. That he would be discovered. That I could be saved.
“Oh trust me... no one is going to find you.”
With that, that dutch bastard left me to die alone, gagging on my blood. And the fool had the audacity to step over me as I was in the process of drowning in my own pool of blood and puke on the floor in the bedroom, blood slipping between my fingers from the wounds peppering my stomach and face. Before leaving through the door, he stoked a flame to his pipe... and smiled down at me “Thanks for the inhe.....”
I can remember blacking out and, somehow, by some miracle, I was alive; My ribs were cracked, left hand fractured and I had various damage to my face from the blunt object which he had chosen to bludgeon me with but... I was alive. It stirred something in me, like I had cheated the inevitable when in actuality a friend of his hand stopped by to drop off a box of camping supplies...
He planned to break my bones and stuff me in a trunk to better hide me in the nearby woods easier.
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*breakdances softly* Thoughts on florist Magnus and tattoo artist Alec?
*waltzes aggressively* well i definitely do now
okay so like i am vaguely aware that you probably wanted me to actually create a story like i did for the other asks;
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because listen, florist Magnus???????? i had never thought about it before, but that shit is THE BOMB
in indonesia, particularly Bali, flowers hold special significance both in the social and religious sense; they have meaning, they have history, and they have everyday uses and are a part of everyday life; people grow flowers at home, give them as gifts, have entire markets entirely dedicated to the trade of flowers. and yes, i know magnus is javanese, but this applies to pretty much all of Indonesia, including Java, and Jakarta has its own traditional flower market with flowers from all over the world and some of the sellers being in the business since the 60s, not to mention that many balinese ppl immigrated to Java and the two islands' histories are deeply connected. so nothing is even stopping me from believing that magnus' mom was a balinese migrant living in Java. which is exactly what im gonna do in this specific AU at least
So Magnus was actually born in Indonesia, where he lived for most of his childhood; until his mom suddenly died of a terrible disease and he was kind of thrown into living with his father, who, despite having him registered and being his legal guardian, had never so much as bothered to meet Magnus before this point
His father was also Indonesian but had long since moved to the US, so magnus' life was completely turned upside down. And despite providing financially for everything Magnus needed, asmodeus never really bothered with him beyond the basics; Magnus was pretty much self-raised
So for the whole time he lived with him, he ached with memories of his mom and his country. And what he remembered best about her was the flowers. The jasmines she used to grow at home, the unique smell they left on the water she used to wash his hair; the offerings of frangipani she would leave by their doorstep everyday, intricately sewn together and leaving the smell of both the flowers and the incense with them as they left to the ports; the flower boards she would give him on his birthday, different patterns every year, and somehow she would always find plywood and tahi cotok to make them the traditional way instead of the modern with styrofoam
Magnus refuses to let any of these traditions die; once he finally graduates and leaves his father's home (forever disappointing him in his refusal to take over his business) he dedicates almost all of the space in his home to a greenhouse where he can grow all of the indigenous indonesian flower species without worrying that they will die in the distinctly not-tropical climate of New York; he leaves offerings in his doorstep everyday, facing North for Vishnu, so as to bring harmony not only in his life but in his whole community as well. And he's a florist.
He knows both traditional indonesian flower meanings, and western flower language, and often mixes the two since the flowers in these cultures are so different. He makes bouquets, arrangements, and flower boards, keeping the tradition alive even when he's far away from home. This way he feels like he belongs, like he carries a piece of his mother with him everyday, and reminds himself that, even if he's been taken away from his home, it won't be taken away from him
It's pretty much only him in his shop, but his friend Dot also makes deliveries and helps him keep the shop running. He has a few regulars and all in all he lives a stable, happy life.
He meets Alec when he decides to make his first tattoo - a string of jasmines around his elbow, the national flowers of indonesia and also his mom's favorite. He chooses Alec both because of his mesmerising drawing style and his history of working and good recommendations from other dark-skinned people; his friend Catarina also tattooed at his shop, although with his sister, Izzy, who was the one who actually ran the shop
Alec is impressed by how well Magnus handles the pain; it's his very first tattoo and elbows are a bitch. Magnus doesn't tell him that after living with his father for so long he's used to the pain, but he does tell him about the meaning of the tattoo, the flowers, and his mom. He's surprised by how much he's saying to this guy he barely knows, but there's something about wanting to be distracted from the sting and having to be alone with this guy for who knows how many hours that keeps him talking. Alec listens to it quietly, focused on his work, and Magnus isn't even sure if he's actually listening, which kind of also works if he's being honest. Of course, Alec is; listening to Magnus talk is very nice, his voice is soothing and the way he talks about his mom and his passion for flowers is really touching, not to mention Magnus is just interesting; alluring, if you will. But he doesn't have much to add, so he listens
A few days later, Alec shows up at Magnus' shop, all private smiles and wandering eyes, and asks him for help with a birthday present for Izzy. He wants to make her something special, to thank her for her support when he came out and just support in general. It surprises Magnus, but Alec says that Izzy has always liked flowers and from the way Magnus was talking about it the other day, well, he seemed like a good person to help him with this present. He really wanted something to convey his gratitude
Magnus is pleasantly surprised that Alec remembers so much of what he said; even more so when he's careful not to step on Magnus' canang sari at the doorstep, with the incense still burning; and he's absolutely delighted when Alec says he wants Magnus to help him make an arrangement, not just make himself, and that he's willing to pay extra for his consulting (Magnus has never charged extra for consulting, because he really downplays his talent and work and loves sharing his knowledge; but it does feel nice to be valued and have his work acknowledged). So Magnus runs all of his ideas by him, shows him the flowers, and Alec carefully handles and smells them and listens to Magnus' suggestions and slowly makes his own based on what Magnus has been saying. Alec shows respect to the flowers and it's cute to see this big, buffy guy covered in weird tattoos and wearing a leather jacket going around and carefully handling the flowers Magnus grows.
Alec, on the other hand, is just fascinated by everything Magnus says and shows him, and his burning passion for what he does, and how clearly he likes to help people even if it means downplaying his own work
Wow this is actually starting to resemble a plot??? I'm shook
Anyway it takes them a long while to figure out what they want to do, and Alec actually ends up deciding on making izzy a flower board once Magnus mentions them offhandedly. Once Magnus assures him it's not offensive if he makes them with the proper care and respect for its meaning, they settle on working on that.
Listen I need excuses for them to interact okay. Also the idea of Magnus teaching Alec how to sew flowers???? Beautiful
Cue some gay shit, at least once Alec puts a flower behind Magnus' ear and tells him that it suits him, more often than not they find themselves having a lot of fun - Magnus teases him mercilessly over how bad at sewing he is, and Alec is deeply offended (except not really)
Once he even tries to challenge Magnus at doing something from Alec's element and see how well he does, only to be sent into the deepest despair when it turns out magnus is excellent at drawing
Magnus thinks he hears a muttered "of course" but he cant be too sure
Anyway they fall in love
Alec asks him out by making him a bouquet of magnus' favorite flowers, plus flowers that symbolize everything he loves the most about him (his uniqueness, his kindness, his fierceness, his determination in doing what he thinks is right, the joy he brings for everyone around him, his dedication to others, etc). Magnus all but swoons he is very charmed
They get married idk it always ends with them getting married when i have a say in it. Bonus points they get to be showered in flowers like in traditional indonesian weddings, which sends a very happy, very giggly magnus with petals still on his hair into absolute delight. Alec carries him bridal style to the bed and carefully takes the flowers off his hair and kisses him tenderly on their honeymoon and gggggggggggggggg.
Im gay and cant do this anymore im gonna get into a coma
Also, I will take this opportunity to just let it be known that y'all should feel absolutely free to take any and all of my posts as writing prompts; you dont need to ask for my permission to use the ideas, theres no way ill actually do them all and even if i do i dont mind that there are different versions of it going around; hell, i think that's amazing and exactly what fandom is for. Just link the post and if possible send me the fic because i'd be delighted to read it! What I'm trying to say here is, someone should write this
Also, I'm not hindu, so if any terms I've used are offensive or incorrect please let me know and I'll change it accordingly
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ofmiscreants · 5 years
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♡ ◟ ° ›   jung jaewon, cismale, he/him, twenty three   ⋯   ❛   thank you for applying to STONED RECORDS, MILO YUN ! before we start this job interview, i would just like to go over a few questions. you said your best attribute was ASSERTIVE, right ? well, word around town is that some people find you to be a bit more EGOCENTRIC … but, nevermind that. i’m actually more curious about whether you were actually THE ONE WHO LEAKED THEIR EX’S NUDES last year ? oh, you were ? that’s unfortunate. on the bright side, i heard that you excel at VIDEOGRAPHY …. so that’s cool ! now, one more question … your last manager said that you’re hiding that you’ve been CAMMING FOR TWO YEARS FOR SOME SIDE CASH AND YOUR BEST FRIEND’S FATHER IS YOUR NUMBER ONE TIPPER, is that true ? — haha , just kidding ! they didn’t say that, i just read that about you online . anyway , you got the job ! ❜ 】 eri, pst, she/her. 
hello i’m eri ! a cat obsessed, possibly nocturnal and very awkward individual. this is my first time joining an rp in .. years, and honestly i am very excited. i do work full time so i will likely be more active on line, but i look forward to writing threads on the dash as well ! i want to preface this with the fact that i am NOT my muse. the things that milo does / say are not me, i do not agree with his moral ( or lack there of ) and trust me when i say i probably hate him more than you. with that said, prepare yourself for the mess that is milo yun. 
so to start off, a brief history of milo's childhood: boy was a spoiled BRAT. his mother gave him everything, he basically never heard the word no, and although he ended up with a little sister by five years he still radiated and owned his only child energy. his mother married a very wealthy man when he was about 8, and milo always hated him for taking even more attention away from him. the only good thing that came from his step-dad was all the money he knew came directly from that man's bank account.
growing up, he was a generally decent person other than his hatred of the word no and not getting his way. personality-wise, he was tolerable. he teased people in joking ways, was a bit outspoken, but nothing too bad. that was until he got in his first relationship. he'd lost his virginity at 13 but didn't get with anyone for real until 15/16 ( i am hoping to get this connection so we can discuss that further if you're interested ). it was a year or so together before milo found out they'd cheated on him and that changed him for the worst. never having been the most romantic guy, he vowed to be the exact opposite from that day on. never again would someone make him cry, never would someone come close enough to his heart to break it, and he would never allow himself to be vulnerable with someone on a level like that again.
it wasn't just a fear of love he gained but an entirely fucked up and cynical attitude as well. he started acting out more, picking fights with people until someone else swung first and he couldn't be pinned for starting it (even though he 100% instigated it ). he wasn't miserable, but he had miserable moments. and soon it became harder for him to care about other's feelings or happiness, and started worrying only about his own happiness and his own needs.
by the time he finished high school he had a well-known reputation of being quite the casanova, and had left all too many hearts broken in his wake. he might not have the urge to love again, but he had a craving for every other part of it ... and deep down he missed it, feeling loved, even if he had no intention of reciprocating it.
ok so at 18 he graduated from high school as you do, naturally his parents assumed he'd be going to college but when he informed them that nah he was not, they waite a few months which were spent partying and acting like a crazed teenager in heat before finally warning him that if he didn't get a job he'd be cut off until he did. naturally, he went a week giving them both the silent treatment.. and in that time landed his first job at a coffee shop. it did not last long, and he worked at various other places around town and most of which he didn't last more than a few months at. authority? yeah .. he simply is not a fan. his luck was running out, that was until he decided to try out camming.
it started off slow, but by 21 he was killing it. getting paid to sit in his room and undress for men who are showering him in compliments and tips?? it was a dream come true. after realizing how much money he could make .. it changed a lot. he decided to only work part-time jobs in order to keep the illusion that he was making regular money a thing, and kept all his camming and sugar daddies behind closed doors.
this plan worked out great, two years in and he's working at stoned records and chilling, while nightly leading his double life as a very successful male cammer with a wide variety of fans from male to female of all ages. his favorites, however .. tend to be the older gentleman, the ones he can sucker into paying for skype dates and private videos, the ones who he has to resist rolling his eyes when he calls them daddy but that instant gratification of gifts of money being sent to him makes it all worth it. simple enough, until one of his top tippers turns out to be his best friend's dad. yikes .. and at first he questioned whether or not this was a good idea, but knowing how much money they had, it was hard to resist. he figured .. if it weren't him, it would be some other cammer so why not enjoy the wealth? well because of this he's been holding in a dark secret, having to avoid eye contact during those awkward run-ins, and pretending not to now intimate details about his own friends' family. this is a plot i would VERY much like to fill, and i am willing to change details or information around to make it fit better with your muse.
ok now that i have rambled forever i'm going to attempt to give a few more points that are much shorter
his rumor is about how he leaked his exes nudes after their break up ... this a heavily desired plot and i would love to have it. milo is a fucked up guy and honestly, they probably found out he cheated so in order to "win" this battle he leaked the nudes he had of them and then proceeded to dump them .. i'm sorry he's horrible
sexually he chooses not to label himself, he is attracted to attractive people and goes for what he wants. pansexual would be the closest description, but he himself will never put his sexuality into a box. with that said, he leans toward the dominant-top position, but he is also very open-minded and very filthy so opportunities are endless with him. sex to him is the biggest ego boost .. he loves being wanted, love the validation he gets from someone wanting him and feeling good because of him. he also very much gets off on others being vulnerable with him ( yes we get it he was traumatized bc he's a big brat ) and enjoys the power play dynamic that can come from sexual situations. anything beyond sex and .. he just stops caring. he knows ahead of time that he'll never be the one from them and doesn't plan on making that realization a very easy or pain-free one.
romantically he has only ever felt that attachment once. after he got his heart broken he vowed no more. he technically considers himself aromantic, but if you ask me he's just stubborn and refuses to relinquish power because he was embarrassed and his ego got very bruised. in reality, he's terrified of being vulnerable and giving someone else the chance to decide he isn't good enough. mind games are fun simply because he knows how to gain and keep the upper hand.
a few last things i feel like mentioning, he gets into fights often, drinks very often, does any sort of substance offered to him ( no injecting himself with anything though ), and basically is just ... a fucked up dude with an extremely distorted view of reality. his ego drives him 90% of the time, and he seriously lacks empathy. he's not the best dude in the world .... very far from it.
oh and his dream was to become a famous youtuber / influencer so he got really good at photography and videography but when he didn't become really famous within six months he gave up and instead started camming, just felt like throwing that in so i didn't forget oK now he's milo with the big dick and great lighting.
OK NOW THAT IM DONE RAMBLING .. hopefully some of you actually made it through this, i apologize again for the length of this. anyway i have stats for him and wanted connections so please feel free to check them out and hit me up if you want to do any of them OR if you have other ideas OR just to brainstorm together because i want all of the plots. ok thank you for reading and ily you !
p.s. all plots are open to any gender unless a specific one is stated where it says open. some may have certain pronouns already written but i am by no means closed off to other gender considering it is not something he has a preference for. i also did not have time to write out as many connections as i wanted so please don’t be discouraged with the lack of them .. i work full time and have been very busy lately i swear. i will try to fill them in / edit them as i get more.
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yoshi-p · 6 years
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everyone and their dog is doing it and everyone is absolutely allowed to share their opinions so i want a turn but first let me clarify:
hello im yase, been around since 1.0. I am of turkish and nogai descent and i can speak fluently in tatar, turkish but my english doesn’t hold 100% so i will be all over the place.
Unfortunately this will all be word of mouth and may be taken as vague posting, but I have experienced issues since the release of 4.0 and would like to give my opinions. I want to let this all off my chest this is just a huge vent basically so i guarantee my english will be terrible.
another point is ITS A VIDEO GAME GUYS (does not apply to everything but some people really need to take a step back because people are concerned.)
Here’s the hot topic I’ll talk of first: garleans. I personally do not play one as I prefer to play characters that would never be involved in a sense with the political agenda because in real life im too stupid to comprehend anything like that so i wouldn’t even know how my character would behave with the hot topics. I really do think people need to take a step back and see that everyone who is putting in their input is making solid points but personally I would never compare them to nazi germany though I see why people are generalising. I always saw it as tsardom of russia with the use of roman influence as well, something obvious in naming conventions and the way the ranks/monarchy(?) works but it’s not so clear what the main influences of most places in this game if you have a look at the bigger picture. Without like full on spoiling, its weird to have this view to me with the knowledge that ascians are behind this. Are you implying anyone who plays or was influenced by ascians is also under this umbrella? 
Also why THE HELL WOULD YOU TAG SOMETHING KNOWING IT WOULD GET A LOT OF TRACTION AND RESPONSE THEN BE LIKE “you guys misunderstood, I was expressing my feelings” lol no. “ I don’t understand where this is coming from, and at this point, I don’t really want to.” then why did you even fucking bother do it in private dont tag it.
You are COMPLETELY valid to feeling uncomfortable, it is fine because with how much of this world we have there will be aspects some of us don’t like. You are not inclined to involve yourself with someone if they roleplay as a garlean but you do not need to start publicising it in a way that will paint the community in black and white when its truly a wider spectrum.
from that initial and very brief tagged post there popped up many others and new discourse is arising, opening discussions about many things which is better then being blind to it all. but if you have personal grievances with someone and you state its over, let it be over. It’s not healthy behaviour. it’s also troubling to see someone complain a lot about the game and continue to play, no one is forcing you or holding a gun to your head. take breaks if you need to and play less frequently. like, real life is so much more important and there are people in this community that prioritise relationships with players etc.
Also, please stop fucking talking about mongolian/turkic/turkish culture like you know things. 99% of the big mouths in this community are americans. like majority are white americans. 
over the course of this expansion i have had many people of varied backgrounds share with me some terrible experiences and i myself have seen some truly stupid shit. 
it is absolutely not hard to tag a post and ask around, someone will pop up. I’ve been doing my very best to let everyone i know that i can help with learning about my culture or to find someone who would be more then happy to explain and share with other cultures. But when you go off of a documentary you saw of Genghis khan or only know of the tourist white people scenes of istanbul you as a community say some TRULY dumb shit.
I like to try and be patient because i myself when approaching someone of a culture i admire and am curious about i want that in turn. But if you say to me things like “Ainu aren’t real” or “Tatar people have nothing in common with tribes from the Altai mountains” its hard to do so.
FFXIV regions are not just “Germany” “Turkey” “Mongolia”. If you think this, it’s clear to me you don’t know shit and are too lazy to explore, further just google shit its not that hard. I had someone tell me that my people could never be in this game since its “Straight up mongolia” fucks sake NO ITS NOT. The designs vary and i can see the differences in simple things like words because i actually bother to do research even coming from a turkic culture. There were some beautiful little things dropped that linked to not only my people but others like Uyghur and Altai. The only place in FFXIV i think could only have a singular influence is Kugane, because from a foreigner’s perspective that’s already interesting enough. Many people have grievances and real issues with how SE has handled Doma’s influences and no one ever talks about that. Representation for asia in media has turned into this mess of specific east asian countries, the trio that even then gets categorized into China/Japan with brief mentions of Korean culture. 
Its frustrating. There are people who are happy to teach you. Who are willing to show what is wrong with the picture.
I have read several posts about Turkey/istanbul/Antalya. Yall fuckin weird you guys seem to think its in U.A.E or some shit with how you act. It’s in the Mediterranean/Europe/Asia/Middle East and there is no such thing as a specific looking Turkish person. You claim everyone is specifically white/brown, HELL NO. It’s a mixed nation and that’s the history of the land, if you had ever fucking stepped in turkey and spoke to any person on the street they’ll say their heritage that lead them to there. People claim Ala mhigo’s influences are turkey but i have yet to see that. As someone who has lived there and has heritage there and is strongly connected to that culture, i dont see it. sure the ala mhigan gown had patternings but thats also present in my nogai culture too because parts of turkey’s society descended from the line of the Kayi tribe. Just fucking LEARN TO READ GUYS. None of you guys even know what the altai mountains mean and i could sit and explain over and over again if you let people SPEAK.
Look at Thavnairian items. We have outfits that are completely different, a full length dress and then a bustier. you can’t start generalising things in video games to be one culture you have to realise most places in this game have several influences. We don’t know a lot but everything we have been given has been varied enough to pin point it to ONLY one influence.
I don’t want to just keep going about this simply because im growing frustrated.
The thing with Viera complaints. I think some are valid but some are stupid. For one as I make this post it hasn’t even been confirmed so there is no reason for policing Viera to a severe extent. Considering all the Ivalice content in game has been an alternate universe kind of thing its dumb as shit. But feol viera being made without understanding the knowledge that people who have played rw picked up is quite frustrating. As a community, its important to help people when we have information that others may need that they cant understand the context of.
I know people are worried about them being fetishized, that is my legitimate fear too as a huge ivalice fan. But this is a repeated cycle especially when we consider generalizations like miqo’te especially seekers and belly dancing or when au ra arrived and people thought xaela were genghis khan basically. 
The game is not solid, there are so many holes in the lore and the plots and i know people hate that but we fill the gaps with our own opinions and theories. While I understand some people think we need to move forward in 2019 because “japan is xenophobic”, its a very difficult thing to do. THEY DO HIRE PEOPLE FOR CULTURE ADVISING. THEY TRAVEL OFTEN AND DEVELOP WITH THIS. IT’S NOT LIKE THEY WENT ON GOOGLE AND SAID “yeah a japan land would be fun” they literally have people hired specifically for this stuff. however, at the end of the day its a company that has yet to show it can evolve with the times. Its becoming more and more evident with the recent patterns of main titles in FF and side projects having so many issues in story/lore/management. remember 1.0 basically died being absolute garbage and this is salvaged from that.
its really late and i had a terrible evening so i may not be making the most sense but theres more important things to worry about then to make this game a miserable experience when it could be a huge learning opportunity for everyone. There’s no need to generalise people into categories because of characters they choose to develop but its important to note with majority of people standing up higher on the pedestal are those speaking for the minorities groups that have direct influences in the game.
also lol if you fucking say ainu aren’t real to me one more time i will fucking throttle you
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max-myself-and-i · 6 years
I’m Coming: Part 4, Final Part (Clint x Reader, Soulmate AU)
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Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Words: 1504
Content/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Angst, Fluff, etc. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: At some point, everyone starts projecting thoughts back and forth to their soulmate. The reader has been chatting with theirs since age sixteen, but Clint Barton does not want anyone using his soulmate against him so he has never told them his name, but that whole plan falls apart the day HYDRA figures out who they are.
“The conditioning is strong,” Bruce said. He, Bucky, and Clint were watching a monitor that showed the room you were in across the hall, unconscious and cuffed to an exam table. You woke a few hours ago but fought the restraints so hard they had to dose you again. Steve tested the cuffs himself first to be sure you couldn’t escape, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t cut yourself up trying.
“We all remember how long it took to get me out of it,” Bucky said “not to state the obvious, but a faster solution would be good.”
“You said your soulmate messed with your conditioning when she was still alive, right?” Clint asked. Bucky nodded. “Bruce, can you make that… nanobot whatever to turn the gene back? I might be able to deprogram them from the inside, for lack of better phrasing.”
“That could do some serious damage to you,” Bruce warned. “Barnes’ conditioning at least didn’t involve his soulmate at all. Y/n has been tortured into believing that all they want is to kill you. Are you sure that’s a mind you want to get into?”
Clint knew that nothing could be worse than the silence already in his head.
“I’m sure.”
It took Bruce two days of round-the-clock work before he had a version of the nanobot solution he was willing to test on you. Clint insisted on being present when he administered it, having refused to leave the monitor room across the hall since returning to the tower.
“One more time, are you sure? I don’t know what having their conditioning in your head will do to you.” Bruce gave him a hard look while he prepared the injection. You were still unconscious, but the most recent dose of tranquilizer would wear off within the hour.
“Just do it Banner.” Clint watched the needle go in, hating that he could still remember your projected screams when the HYDRA scientist had given you the original injection. He walked to the other side of the room to sit down in the corner. As hard as it was to move away from you he wanted to be as non-imposing as possible when you woke.
Bruce sighed as he left the room, passing Bucky in the doorway. “Barton.”
Clint looked up, surprised.
“I thought you might want some company. And maybe someone who can take them in a fight without shooting them, just in case.” The look he gave was apologetic, but Clint motioned for him to join him on the floor.
“I just don’t know what to do when they wake up. I’m their soulmate, not a shrink. I don’t think I’m really qualified for this.”
“Barton,” Bucky’s expression was almost stern “Y/n held up under torture for over two weeks. HYDRA broke them, sure, but I’m living proof that you can un-break a super soldier. They’re a fighter, so don’t you believe for a second that they aren’t still in there. They’ll be able to hear you soon, and I bet you a whole lot that the first thing you’ll get from them is your own name.”
Clint stared at him. That was the most he had ever heard Bucky say at once, and somehow, he felt better. Looking up, he saw you stir.
Y/n? No response, but you moved a little more, feeling the restraints.
Y/n? Pushing gently into your mind, he was met with a wall of cold. I know you can hear me now, I can feel it. The mental wall was raw intensity, but there was barely any emotion to it. You had to be feeling something, somewhere. Throwing caution to the winds, Clint took the years of experience he had in your mind and tore at the wall. You fought him, struggling mentally to hold up the block and against your physical bonds, but it gave out.
Behind it, Bucky was right. Clint Barton is my soulmate. My name is Y/n L/n, and Clint Barton is my soulmate. Clint Barton is my soulmate, my name is Y/n L/n. The mantra repeated over and over until he pushed in to the middle of it.
Y/n, it’s me, come back to me
Clint? Your eyes snapped open and met his. He saw recognition there and his heart beat faster. You remembered.
“Hey there,” Clint stood. He couldn’t hold back a smile despite the situation. Bucky was looking between the two of you, not understanding the breakthrough that Clint had made.
You came for me. I knew you would.
“I promised, didn’t I?” He was speaking out loud now, trying to ground you in reality.
I, I almost killed you, I’m so sorry. It’s exactly what they wanted and I, I couldn’t hear you—
Clint took a tentative step toward you
“Hey, hey, stop that,” he said. “This is pretty much the farthest thing from your fault.”
What did they do to me Clint? They gave me something else and when I woke up I was… so strong. And I can see and hear so well? I used to need glasses, Clint, and now I’m pretty sure I could tell the thread count of your shirt from here.
“We think it was super-soldier serum. That’s what the, uh, the extreme restraints are for.”
Super-soldier—like Captain America super-solder serum?
“Yup. The guy over there is Bucky Barnes, if you know the name. He offered to help. Thought he might understand where you’re at.” Bucky gave a small wave and a smile from his spot on the floor. Clint felt your anxiety and was about to ask Bucky to leave when he realized what you were thinking.
Hey! You think he’s pretty, don’t you? Clint reverted to private conversation.
Don’t you? You flashed a mental grin. The fucking Winter Soldier just waved at me, I’m having a very interesting day.
And The Fucking Hawkeye is your soulmate! Way to give a guy an inferiority complex, he projected in mock jealousy.
You laughed out loud at that. It was the most wonderful sound Clint had ever heard.
“I missed something, didn’t I,” Bucky said.
“Yes you did, thankfully,” Clint replied with a stern look at you. “Babe, how do you feel about getting out of those?” He nodded at the restraints.
Yes, please. You didn’t seem ready to speak out loud. I think I’m in control. Maybe pretty boy back there should stick around just in case though. You sent him another mental laugh at his disgruntled expression.
“Alright Barnes, I’m going to let them out.” Bucky stood, wanting to be ready for the worst.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked. Clint nodded and walked the rest of the way to you. He hadn’t realized how much the restraints were bothering you until he offered to remove them. Your whole body was tense. When he grabbed your wrist to remove the first one he realized that this was the first time you had touched other than trading blows a few days prior. He moved to the next wrist, then both ankles and your midriff, not wanting to touch you too much while you felt trapped.
Standing on your own two feet for the first time in a couple days, you stumbled and put a hand on Clint’s shoulder to regain your balance. He was debating between getting a hold on you in case you fell and keeping still so you could control the pace of things when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close.
Seeing over Clint’s shoulder, you saw Bucky duck out of the room with a nod to you.
“Please hold me, Clint,” your unused voice was a whisper, but clear in his ear. Grateful for the permission he slipped one hand around your waist and held your head to his shoulder with the other. You stood still for a moment, both soaking it in. He pressed a kiss to your temple, squeezing you tighter, and you felt a tear hit your neck.
Unable to hold back any longer, Clint Barton broke down, shaking and sobbing into your shoulder.
I’m so sorry, I tried to get there faster. I thought I’d lost you, that I got you killed, that—
It was your turn to ground him with your voice. “Hey, hey, breathe,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair to calm him. “I’m right here, I’m safe, and nothing that happened out there was your fault.” He was no longer projecting coherent thoughts, finally letting out a month of stress and exhaustion.
His sharp sobs ebbed after a few minutes. You pulled him to the corner and sat, legs thrown over his, arms around each other, faces pressed into each other’s necks. His tears still trickled down your skin but you breathed together, calm.
It’s over. We’re safe, you promised.
I couldn’t ask for anything better than you.
There’s no one I would rather share this bond with.
I—I love you Y/n L/n
I love you too Clint Barton
And with that, you both drifted off to sleep.
Tags: @thoughtsofdarc @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory@whatisanniedoin@wefracturedmotivation @im-a-slut-for-an-accent @dragonluver9393 @xanaphorax @sweetlydecaf @cutiepiemimi13 @agentsinstorybrooke @nyxveracity @bitchy-ginger-1 
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yournewapartment · 7 years
Need help on this topic, im so lost.. I'm 20, female and have NEVER had a romantic relationship of any kind. I blame living in the country and lack of a dating pool. But I would like to try and find someone.. I want a relationship thats aimed toward marriage, but I don't know if I'm ready or how to start or if I'm actually attracted to anyone which scares me. I know girls don't turn me on but I'm not even sure if guys do and if I can't love or feel for anyone I'm scare of being alone forever
I know it’s frustrating, but try to remember- there is no set schedule for meeting someone, falling in love, and getting married. You have so much time! I know it might not seem like that right now, but I promise that that special someone is out there waiting for you. You’ll meet them when the time is right. And please remember, you don’t have to decide who/what that person is right now. Just feel it out as you go along, and listen to what feels right.
I’ve combined three posts for you. Advice on finding someone, dating someone, and then having sex with said person (if you so choose).
I hope you find this helpful! Hit me up with any specific questions.
Finding That “Special Someone(s)”
1. The first step is deciding what you’re looking for in a relationship. It’s best to be as specific as possible, while knowing that you can always adjust with time. One of the things you need to be definitive about is whether you’re looking for a committed relationship or not. No judgment either way, but you need to know what makes you comfortable. Some other things to consider:
Monogamy or Polyamory 
To sex or not to sex
Are you willing to LDR?
What sort of activities are you looking to do with this person? Hiking, gaming, exploring, etc.
Does age matter to you?
2. Once you know what you’re looking for, start looking for people who fit that criteria. This might seem like an obvious notion, but really, so many people form unrealistic expectations with people/persons who don’t fit their ideal. I’m not saying that they need to be 100% what you’re looking for. Nobody will be! But if you’re looking for a committed relationship and get involved with someone who is not ready to settle down, you can’t expect them to suddenly come around to your way of thinking. Start off with someone on the same page as you.
3. How do you meet such a person? Use your environment! You’re around so many people all day, people who may not be of interest to you, but people who know people. Find out if your friends know anyone who fits your picture. Friends are a great way to meet people. Also, hate to say it, but go to parties! Go to parties with you friends and socialize. Is there someone cute in your Physics class? Find out if she wants to go over homework with you at the campus cafe.
4. I also recommend frequenting places that you enjoy, and scoping out potential cuties. If you like to read, hang out at Barnes and Nobles to find a guy who likes to read. If you like hiking, join an outdoor adventure group. Feed your soul, while on The Hunt.
5. I highly recommend befriending any person you’re interested in. Put yourself in social situations with this person, to see if you’re socially compatible. We all know people who are sexy as all fuck but share nothing in common with us. Start with the shared experiences and work from there, I guarantee you that this method creates better and longer lasting relationships.
Dating Tips
1. Figure out what you’re looking for in a partner. There are lots of fish in the sea, and every one is different! You may be attracted to someone but not sexually or socially compatible with them. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you may find it easier to zero in on the person(s) that interest you the most. Remember that you can always and should always adjust your wants/needs as time goes on.
Here are some ideas to get you started, but this is by no means a complete list:
Are you ready to commit to certain relationships? Or are you in the mood to explore different people with no particular ties?
Are you interested in one person? Or multiple people?
Are you interested in sex?
Are you bold and looking for someone to get out of your comfort zone with? Or are you confident and happy with where you are sexually? Or a mixture of the two?
2. Choose your “perfect date” ahead of time. I’m not a super spontaneous person, and I envy those that are. But I feel much less anxious when I already have a date planned in my head. Plans can always be adjusted, but I like to have a plan. In my mind, the “perfect date” has three parts…
One: The shared activity. Start your date off with an activity for you to do as a couple. Something public like a movie or a visit to a museum or hiking. While this may not seem super romantic to you, this is a great way to bond in a non-sexual way. And a public venue and a pre-determined activity takes some of that anxious pressure off. You don’t have to talk a lot (if at all). Keep it light!
Two: Dinner. This takes a bit of research. Find out if your intended is an adventurous eater or if they have any food preferences. I like to experience new things, and I want to be with a person who is open to that. So I think this meal should be something new and exciting. Possibly food from a different culture that they’ve never tried, or else something gastro and experimental. But not too expensive. Stay under $50 for this first date. And TIP!!
Three: Romance. Now is the time for you to spend some one-on-one time together, if you’re both feeling it. You could invite them back to your place, or take a romantic walk in the park if you’re not ready. But somewhere semi-private where you can have a deep conversation and really get to know each other.
And that’s it! Rinse and repeat!
3. Please ignore any societal notions you ever had about communication. Text or call whenever you want to! If you really like them, do it right away. If someone is really put off by how quickly you contacted them after a date, then they are not for you.
4. Be open about your experiences. If you’re a virgin or haven’t dated before, tell the other person. If they really like you, they’ll remember that these are life experiences that everyone develops at different times and they won’t care. Don’t be with someone who thinks that inexperience is a bad thing. Everyone is different!
5. There is no timeline for when you should sleep with a person. Well, actually there is, but it’s called “your personal judgment”. The same goes for any oral sex you may or may not want to have. If she eats you out, you’re not required to do the same to her. If he gives you a rim job and then she licks your balls, you’re not required to suck his dick or her tits.
6. Safe sex is so important! Please use condoms or some form of birth control. Some STDs will stay with you for life, and not everyone is honest about them. I’d also suggest that if you are getting serious with someone, that both of you get checked out by a doctor. Your health insurance should cover a yearly visit!
7. Please use caution before sending anyone naughty pictures of yourself. Just Skype them and do some naughty cam stuff.
8. Remember that fights are totally natural. Fighting every day is not, but occasional fights are bound to happen. It’s so important to talk through problems! Don’t keep them bottled up and festering inside, if you can’t be honest about how you feel then why are you with them? Compromise when you can but stay true to yourself. A couple is a unit, but it’s the individuals that make it successful.
9. Go traveling and vacationing together. People are often at their most anxious when traveling, and I would absolutely recommend that you spend some time together to see if you can work through the stress. Also, if you’re going to move in with someone spend some time living with them first. Before my boyfriend and I moved in together, I spent two nights out of the week living at his parent’s house and he spent one night living at mine.
10. During the first few months of dating or being with someone, you’ll probably want to spend all your free time with them. Think “Glue” by the Velvet Underground. Spend that time with them, but stay true to what makes you passionate. Keep painting, running, cooking, whatever.
General Sex Tips
1. I would highly recommend that you spend some time “getting to know yourself” before having sex. Feel around down there, see what feels good and what doesn’t. See if you can get yourself turned on. The more experience you have knowing what works for you, the better you’ll be able to communicate with your partner or partners and have an enjoyable experience.
2. If you have a vagina, odds are that your first time having sex is going to be slightly painful. This is totally natural, and will go away as time goes by. But be prepared to be upfront with your partner and to ask them to go slowly or use more lube if things do start hurting.
3. Condoms! There are many different kinds (ribbed, flavored, hot and cold). Magnum are large condoms, so if you are buying condoms and don’t have a monster dick, you probably should not use them. An ill-fitting condom is an ineffective condom! Also make sure to always store condoms correctly and to throw them out after their expiration date. Only one condom at a time folks, wearing two condoms is not twice as protective. They’re more likely to rip.
4. If you have a vagina, you should be peeing and/or showering immediately after sex to prevent UTIs. These are no joke! They are extremely painful infections that cause you to pee blood. Always pee after sex. Pee twice. People with penises can also get UTIs, but it’s far harder.
5. Did you know that only 25% of people with vaginas can have vaginal orgasms? So if you can’t, don’t stress! There are all sorts of different orgasms to be had, and they are all equally amazing. If you’re not cumming, you’re not being stimulated properly. Try a new position, a new technique, try having your partner or partners stimulate you in a different area. The page I linked above is a bit gender specific, but it has really useful information, so please ignore these terms.
6. Foreplay is so important! Vaginas take an average of 20 minutes to get properly revved up and horny. The reason you’re “dry” down there is because you’re not properly stimulated. You can always use lube in a pinch or ask your partner to go down on you, but you’ll find that sex is easier and more enjoyable when you are literally “wet down there”.
7. Period sex. Oh how I love period sex. Vaginas are at their most sensitive during this part of the cycle, so achieving an orgasm can be easier. If you’re going to have period sex, throw a towel down first. Blood comes out super easily in the wash, you don’t have to do anything special to the cloth to get it clean. You will probably want to shower afterwards!
8. Communication is key. You cannot just lie back and think of England and hope that you’ll achieve a magical orgasm. It’s not like that. What turns your partner or partners on may not turn you on. This is absolutely fine! You may not even want to cum or be able to cum during your first time having sex, and this is fine too. Tell them what works and what doesn’t and be AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.
9. On a similar note, you are not obligated to do anything to anybody else or to yourself that you are not comfortable with. You do not need to give blowjobs or hand jobs or even have sex with someone if you aren’t 100% into it. If someone is pressuring you and thinks that sex equates a happy relationship, then I would advise you to ditch them and get on with your life.
10. Protection! Please use protection. Whether this is condoms, birth control, an IUD, whatever. The pull out method does not work. I am a product of the pull out method. Not everyone with a penis has precum, but many do. Don’t take the chance! I am on birth control and I love it, but that’s a whole different post.
11. Dildos come in all different shapes and sizes. You can get ones that are smaller and thinner than actual penises and ones that are comically large. Make sure to use lube! Wash them with dish soap in your sink and leave to dry. Some dildos that are “hyper realistic” come with a powder that you have to put on them. These are incredible dildos, I highly recommend them. They feel so life like!
12. Edible underwear does not taste all that good. Neither do flavored condoms.
13. Black sheets or black blankets and sex are not a good mix. You will see cum stains. They wash out super easily, you don’t need to do anything special to clean them. Just keep them out of sight when your friends and Aunt Kathy come over.
14. If you start having sex and decide that you want to stop having sex then please tell your partner and stop. You are not obligated to keep going if you feel uncomfortable. Your body = your choice.
15. If you have a vagina then you will want to make an OBGYN appointment shortly after you start having sex. These are vagina doctors and they can check your vagina out to make sure that everything is okay. You should probably get your vagina checked out often if you have multiple partners. If you are in a relationship with one person and use protection, then once a year is fine.
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
Im writing a fic with Matt in it as well the main charatcers but I'm having trouble because Matt and Lance seem very similar personality wise? How could I write Matt without making him ooc but also not just another Lance?
This is an interesting question! Since I think that Matt and Lance are people where if you just glance at them they do seem really similar, but on a deeper level, they’re quite different.
Lance, I’ve talked a lot about but I think if I just had to grab a brief summary, Lance is a very emotional person, he’s a very compassionate person, and he’s also an actor. For the most part, he’s ruled by what he’s feeling. He’s probably the fastest to get openly angry at a situation but the fastest to cool down, and he’s actually the most in control of his emotions because of the fact that he tends to just let them do whatever they need to do. 
I think the best evidence of that is if you compare him and the way he squares off with Keith to a lot of other fictional Heroic Rival figures. In s3e1 and s3e2, both times Keith angers him, but we also see that both times, Lance is someone who steps up to comfort Keith. And that’s the compassionate, nurturing side of Lance. He sees that Keith is suffering, upset, stressed, and that, to Lance, is more important than his desire to be better than Keith.
Lance is a natural nurturer. The combat style he develops is posting himself above the battlefield as a sniper, but he also goes from there to check on all of his friends.
I think one of the key concepts with Lance is “heart on your sleeve”. Even as someone who has a pretty good capability to act, he has a sort of overwhelming natural sincerity that means that he prefers to be honest. The few times he’ll be emotionally dishonest is when he thinks it will make people happy.
And that’s a pretty big divergence from Matt. Matt isn’t emotionally closed- he can be an excitable goober, all right- but think about how Matt was established in s4e2.
Matt tends to hang back, gather information, and then decide how to act. There’s a certain guarded quality he has that I think Lance lacks. At a glance with the paladins it fades because they’ve sort of already earned his trust through their connection with his sister.
The Holts are very Slytherin to me, to use a Harry Potter analogy. To the unfamiliar, Slytherin is often described as “Here you’ll find your real friends” and it evokes very certain ideas of loyalty- not freeflowing empathy for everyone you meet, but rather, forging a small circle of close connections that you will defend and support viciously.
We see that the Holts worked for the Garrison, and regarded it fondly, looked up to it. Pidge celebrates when Matt gets in. But at the same time, we also see winks and nudges, of, “Well... but what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
The biggest thing for Matt is he’s a friendly sweet person, like Lance, and he likes to take care of people. But Lance is very trusting while for Matt, Matt likes people easily, but trusting them is a different game, and trusting them completely is a different ballpark entirely.
You can compare how in s1e1, Lance ferrets the truth about Pidge’s feelings on Kerberos out of her by carefully asking a question that brings it up- but as soon as she reacts, he shows his hand, and makes it clear that’s what he’s really asking. He’s a good enough actor he could easily have pretended he wasn’t, that it was just a coincidence, and get an untainted observation of Pidge’s response, but he doesn’t. He’d rather be clear with her about what he’s asking.
Conversely, when Matt comforts Pidge in the flashback in s4e2...
He comes into the room bringing a slice of cake with him. He noticed, and knows, Pidge is upset already. He made a plan of action, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s significance to the cake- that it’s a kind Pidge likes or she’s just partial to sweets. He also doesn’t actually ask her why she’s upset as much as reads from the state of the room, takes it in, and deftly, obliquely weaves in the good news that he got into the Garrison and uses it to prop Pidge up right where she needs it- by reminding her that her intelligence and desire to share it doesn’t isolate her from everyone, that even if she’s a “nerd” she’s a nerd in good company.
Lance and Matt are both perceptive- they both notice something’s up. But Lance follows Pidge basically on impulse, confronts her more or less on the same, and is very straightforwards about how he does it. Lance is the kind of person who, if someone’s upset and storms out of the room, will follow them almost right away.
Matt, conversely, will hang back, study the situation, figure out how he’s gonna play this and what he thinks will cheer them up and work in there.
And again, there’s that whole Holt thing of whether or not they like you, that doesn’t mean they’ll trust you with everything, and in Matt’s case, he’s not too apologetic about having set up a rather terrifying-looking trick with his false grave. He counts on the idea that the people he trusts, the people he wants to find him have the code.
Lance walks around with the door to his heart hanging wide open and if people wipe their feet on his aorta and then leave he’ll be hurt but he’ll shrug and move on without ever even considering he should close it.
Matt doesn’t ever leave his heart open- he has people he’ll open it for if they knock, and he has people who he gives a spare set of keys.
It’s also worth mentioning that when confronted by an unfamiliar stranger in his base, Matt’s response was to attack and fight viciously without so much as a stray word exchanged. He didn’t know who this was, no idea if they were working for the empire, but they’re here, they’re probably dangerous, that gets him aggressive.
So I think the thing about Matt is I can see him being a lot more... detached than Lance. Again, Lance is a bleeding heart and s1e6 really shows that off. Matt in a similar situation would talk to Nyma cheerfully, maybe even flirt, but I can see him either deflecting when Nyma starts to try and lure him away from the group, or rolling with it with the express intention of seeing what she’s planning and keeping a tight grip on his staff the entire time.
I also feel like Matt would probably be willing to take a harsher angle than Lance, even if he expresses it in a not especially harsh manner. Something I’d expect to come up in s5, with Lotor- Lance will probably have the strongest negative opinion about Lotor but also trust him the fastest, because, that’s just Lance’s nature. He’s not oblivious to the possibility of betrayal, but engaging with anything requires him to be open emotionally.
Conversely, Matt would smile and shake Lotor’s hand and, in friendly tones, make it clear that he doesn’t trust this guy for a second and if there’s so much as a suspicious scratch on his sister or her weird found family this alliance is over as far as he’s concerned.
Lance is the kind of friend who, after a bad breakup, will throw himself out of bed at 3AM and drive across town to sit with you right there at that moment and won’t leave until you’re okay even if he has a test in the morning because he is the kind of guy who Cares Aggressively and then he’ll grumble about not enough sleep the next morning.
Matt is the kind of friend who waits until you’ve done some coping in private because he knows you’re not the type that wants to be caught in the thick of it, and then shows up with your favorite kind of coffee and helps take your mind off it.
At this point, I haven’t quite worked out the degree to which Matt’s compassionate side “wins out” over his cautious one, since we’ve only seen so much of him at this point. It’s worth noting that back in s1e3, we catch a glimpse that he can get very stressed very fast if he feels like a situation is completely out of his control, while in s4e2 and s4e3 he takes a lot of pride in his knowledge and skills, probably because that’s a way to feel more in control of the situation and more confident.
Which is another contrast with Lance, because Lance.... has a certain amount of just faith things will work out. Again, it’s the willingness to just let people in and if it goes badly, well, he’ll deal. If Matt had been stuck in the Blue Lion running wild in s1e1 he’d probably be absolutely freaking out. oh god none of his ways to deal with this situation would work.
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Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629914023394148352/tribal-immunity-2
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Christina is wary about pre-game relationships in her tribe. There is merit to those words, but will she be able to navigate through it?
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I do not have a lot to say, nor am I sure we are in round 2. 
Dylan becomes increasingly frustrated with Emma
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Emma believes that someone else on her tribe has an idol when she is the one that has the idol. She believes there must be two idols on one tribe.
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I hope six guesses are enough in, honestly, do not know the timeframe. As I was doing this, I also had to talk to 3 others and not appear suspicious because they are not the people who kindly take people of my quite weird assholeness. We are all people, and I am just trying to keep us all from tribal because everyone is afraid of that happening again. The fact that I can not discuss this with anyone sucks a lot!
Well, I think Amy also tried. Hopefully, Amy could do it in 3 tries, as it should have been done in 3. 🙏🙃 We have intelligent people with math skills! 🙌🥳. I know someone has to have the speed to do it on either tribe.
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I’m kind of annoyed because I know there’s a group in heartless tribe that knows each other from previous games and obviously works together. No way you’re all online til 3AM for no reason. It makes me nuts because I feel like I’m fucked from the start and I’m just waiting to get taken out. There’s no way to infiltrate a group that’s already bonded over these games. It’s hard to strategize when adaora isn’t online, Emma is Emma, and the other four are working together. Kevin and Colin sort of act like I’m someone they want to go to the end with, but I’m 99.99% sure that’s absolutely false. It’s too early to feel this defeated. 
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Permitted who I believe I am allied with to vote me out, but asked to be told before they do (if need be), so that I can give one the immunity idol to them.
Believe this is a 3 vs 4, also potential of 5 vs 2. I could be on either side of that. I actually do hope we have tribal so this can be figured out to be 100 % honest. This is how I currently feel and this all is subject to change. I do not understand this. But I love the idol hunts and tribal group Immunity Challenges! I expected and was excited for a spreadsheet and we get a random color challenge. Pure luck really. It could have been done in 4 tries, 3 if you are that brilliant. I wish the tribe would talk more. It is annoying to me that there are so many individual private chats and also do enjoy the individual time to bond with those who are willing to do that work. To be frank, I did not mean to post the initial post into Tribal Chat, but I did. 🙋‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️The next one's were for a reason. I do think that the game is going well. Just wish TC more active & wondering if going to next challenge I wonder if Tribal Council will be more honest this time. Think it was BS they all did not have to respond as well. That's it. All STB and you know, I do not know what anyone is saying.
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629999426614804480/mastermind-results
Dylan wins the reward. They are able to find out that the exact prerequisites for a path in the idol hunt. They did not end up using it.
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So we won immunity which is cool. I feel like merge is gonna be soon, so that's cool. i'm pretty sure we would have a target for the next vote if we go to tribal, so that's exciting. stay tuned! xoxo gossip girl 
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Told you it should have been done in 3 tries... Glad we won!
People begin to grow wary of Adaora’s inactivity. Christina is worried she might have to lose a number if Adaora doesn’t get more active
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We won tribal!!! Yay Dylan for doing such an incredible job! Glad tribe is doing well. 
This edit logic stuff I do not get. Glad we didn't go to tribal. Super excited for today!
This edit logic has some of the tribe talking. Some are assuming the wrong things from what I see, including myself (until I clarified how this is edgic may work, which still makes no sense). I don't know who to believe or trust anymore, so I am glad to be having a medical procedure that allows me to not be awake for 4 hours! 🙌😴😇 People are straight-up lying to one another, so this is interesting. I have tried to be quiet, make some relationships, cultivate others, and still am lost. All this is subject to change and stuff...
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Well holy shit. After two days of failed attempts, I was able to get an idol! First I found the Ends of the Earth Keyblade, which gave me half of the Darkness Idol. Today, I found the Destiny’s Embrace Keyblade and completed it!! It basically gives me the power to force a vote between two people 💃🏽 Hopefully I don’t get voted out with it lmao Other than that, I’m really glad we won immunity last night. I was SO confident I had the best score with only 4 guesses, but props to Dylan for somehow doing it in 3! We destroyed Nobody Tribe and that’s all that matters. 
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IM SO HAPPY WE WON IMMUNITY. I have no time to deal with tribal, so I'm glad I don't have to. I have no idea whats gonna happen on the other tribe for their vote. Obv I hope Ellie survives because I love her, buttt I also wouldn't mind seeing how I can play a survivor game without her for once uwu. So im kinda indifferent about it all!! Im continuing to vibe with Christina and Kevin, theyre quickly becoming some of my faves, but i truly love everyone on our tribe. Tribe swap soon OwO????
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Honestly, I haven’t been as active as I should with my tribe. I’ve just been super busy and I feel like I’m going to get voted out just because I haven’t been in contact as much. I lowkey don’t care anymore though. Or maybe I’m just too busy, idk. I really have to step my game up I feel like I’m in danger since Gizmo is gone! 
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630096410501611520/tribal-council-1-nobody-tribe
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629914023394148352/tribal-immunity-2
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So I just finished the Mastermind Immunity challenge and finished and only took me 5 guesses. Now, I'm hoping my tribe pulled through so we can get another win. And I'm hoping everyone else did worse than me so I can win the reward
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Mastermind was fun! I messed up twice which is so frustrating. Ugh I really wanted to do better. Hopefully our team wins. If not it will be interesting 
John finds the Blindfold
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Well y’all here I am with yet another advantage in my pocket, I have a safety without power and now I also have a blindfold. I’m not gonna tell a soul about either of these until I need to. I’m planning on holding these until I can use them to make a big move in this game. 
Kim wins the reward. They are able to find out that the exact prerequisites for a path in the idol hunt.
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629999426614804480/mastermind-results
Ellie is in a really good spot. She doesn’t intend to be loyal to John and Josh. A lot of people like her, and want to work with her. For this round, she shouldn’t dictate votes if she wants to lengthen her stay in the game. Her closest ally seems to be Kim
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So we lost, BUT It’s great for me!! I need to see who I can trust/work with early on and tribal is the only true way to do that. I’m in a pretty good spot rn, already have an alliance (which I don’t honestly plan on staying loyal to) lots of people that claim they want to work with me, and the person I’m working closest with won a reward in the challenge! I’ll keep y’all updated on how this goes
Josh targets Kim and Jordan in the Misfits, possibly fearing the reward. Ellie attempts to sway him away from that.
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So we just lost the Immunity Challenge and now we have to vote someone out. I'm looking towards pushing for Jordan to go because he got the highest amount of guesses on our tribe and he is not in my alliance
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Well we lost that challenge . I can't believe the other tribe had someone who finished with a score of 3 and most with like 4. WHAT. At least i won reward.Currently it seems like its Jordan vs Josh and John.I'm stuck now because I know Josh and John could be a pair to be feared .
So i have just been told that Josh is gunning for me .All i can say is you can swing but make sure you don't miss 
Josh and John are seen as a duo
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This game can really flip on a dime. Just a few hours ago i was all for getting Jordan out as the easy vote , which i should have known was too good to be true , and now I'm working with Jordan to get Josh out because he's trying to get me out . Fun .
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WELL. My bad. Did not do good. Hopefully the target will not be me because I didn’t do so well. I think the misfits alliance is leaning towards Jordan. Which I agree. As long as it’s not me 😅 I’m going to talk to Jordan and see how’s he’s feeling/what he thinks. 
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So we lost the challenge...I thought I did great and I ended up tying for one of the worst scores. Idol hunts haven’t gone well, I believe someone has one already. I know Josh is going for me..I’m pretty sure John and Jessica are with him, and hopefully nobody else...I’m trying to get a solid with with Ellie, Kim, Daniel and myself. I don’t know if it’s going to work out but it’s my only plan this far. I’m expecting at least 3 votes at tribal
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It’s honestly can’t believe we lost! Kudos to the other team for guessing correctly... 😒 Now the fun begins... I have no idea who’s getting voted out. I have a few close relationships with Jordan and with Josh, but seems like they both want each other out... I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Josh forms the Misfits alliance with Ellie, John, and Jessica so that he can have a majority.
Josh expresses concern about an idol being played on Jordan to Ellie and John. He tells him his grand plan to vote out Jordan.
Kim expresses to Ellie idol paranoia. Ellie rats to him about Josh going against him very quickly and willingly. She is not afraid to throw people under the bus when they are being messy.
The tribal is seemingly Jordan vs Josh
A split vote begins to be talked about between the Misfits with John and Josh spearheading the discussion. Josh volunteers to get his name thrown around to keep people’s scent off him and John’s intent to vote Jordan.
Josh causes a lot of unnecessary chaos by spreading lies and deceit. He throws out everyone’s name to everyone to get people against each other. He tells Kim to target Ellie, and tells Ellie that Jordan said that. Daniel rats out Jordan to Josh, making him suspicious
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Tonight was hectic. Everyone was scrambling around trying to figure out who the target is. Everyone's name was brought up. I didn't hear mine but I'm pretty certain Jordan threw it out. Ellie was very suspicious tonight as she was online for a long time but was not responding to any messages. I brought up an idea to blindside her but I quickly shot it down because it was too early to make that big of a move. We eventually settled on voting Jordan. John, Daniel, Kim, Ellie, and Jess are down. I just hope they stick to their word and that Jordan doesn't play an idol. This has been so stressful
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THIS TRIBE IS SO MESSY OMFG . Now Josh is trying to get me to vote out Daniel, Daniel ratted me and Ellie out , I ratted Josh out to Daniel to gain his trust , Daniel doesn't trust Jordan because i ratted Daniel out to Jordan and Jordan ratted that information out .LORD HAVE MERCY THE MESS. 
Ellie, Jordan, and Kim form an alliance (Idrk). It is now Ellie, Jordan, Kim vs. John, Jordan, and Jessica. The J’s do not realize that they do not have Ellie on their side as she has successfully been ratting them out.
Daniel seems to be the swing vote. 
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I'm probably going to eat my words again , but Daniel and I firmed a connection after I told him Josh wanted him out and I'm feeling good about it. 
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Hey it’s me again. Haha. Soo I heard my name go out there by Jordan, which makes sense because we both had the highest scores. Jordan hasn’t replied to my last message so I’m going to say it’s true. Guess what Jordan, I’m voting you out. And I’m fighting to get you out. Side note, there was talk that Ellie may be double crossing the misfits alliance. Therefore, The guys considering back dooring her. But I think I shut that down. Even if it’s true I don’t think she’s after me. I’m not voting out a girl. Especially since we are the only two. So I hope she at least has my back, because I have hers. I also really trust Kim and josh. I haven’t talked much to John but I trust him for now since he’s in the misfits alliance. And I don’t trust Daniel at all. But I’ll play nice.   Anyways, BYEEE JORDAN. Not going to miss you. Xo
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So we lost the immunity challenge today..not good. Especially because I tied at performing the worst with another tribe mate. I am very concerned with how things will potentially go tomorrow. Josh has had it out for me for days now, ever since I assumed him and josh were partners. It seems most of the tribe is on edge as far as who to vote for and who to side with. My plan right now is to group together Ellie, Kim, and Daniel, to vote out one of the other three. This has been a freakin roller coaster, I go from thinking everything is fine and dandy one minute, then the next everything is screwed. I feel like I can trust Kim and Ellie, Daniel I am praying is on my side because if he isn’t, it may be all over for me..my worst fear is that everything will to my way but then an idol could be played to screw my plans. since josh is going for me I’m assuming he will think I’m going to get him too, therefore I intend on targeting John or Jessica in case josh wants to play an idol. I hope things feel more solid tomorrow..
John is wary and is contemplating whether or not to utilize his Safety Without Power tonight. People are being quiet with him which feeds into his paranoia.
Ellie, Jordan, and Kim finalize that they will be voting for Josh.
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So looks like Josh is officially our target. I realllly hope this tribal goes well because I feel our group of four, being Ellie, Kim, Dan, and myself will grow so strong if we all vote the way we are supposed to. I still feel like it would be a miracle for me to not get as least 3 votes tonight. I’m coming for you Josh!!!
Josh feels very comfortable about tribal. He doesn’t realize that the allies he thinks he has have all turned on him.
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I need to leave a confession so enjoy my screaming (this is directly from my host chat so I apologize for lack of context) Ellie, 6:39 PM YES THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR Ellie, 6:40 PM Jessica and Jordan getting the highest scores works awesome in my favor as well Ellie, 6:41 PM I need to see who I can actually work with/trust so I’m glad we lost Ellie, 6:41 PM And Kim getting the reward is also great for me Ellie, 6:48 PM You guys wanna say any names? lol WHO IS THIS MAN DJXJDJDJD Ellie, 6:51 PM He wants Jordan so I’m just gonna go along with it Ellie, 6:51 PM Well not necessarily but I mean imma say that I am Ellie, 6:51 PM I have absolutely no reason to keep Jordan Ellie, 6:56 PM Ok so right now it’s definitely looking like josh or Jordan Ellie, 6:57 PM It’s so early to flip on my alliance Ellie, 6:57 PM But like whatever I do I’m definitely voting with kim Ellie, 6:57 PM And Kim wants to keep Jordan rn for numbers sake which is fair Ellie, 6:58 PM I mean I’ll find a way to get numbers no matter where I go Ellie, 6:59 PM Jordan found the spot where the idol that I have was, cute Ellie, 7:01 PM It’s way to early in the game for me to make a big move Ellie, 7:01 PM I need to find a majority and stick with it Ellie, 7:01 PM So I guess we have to convince Daniel to vote with us Ellie, 7:02 PM But I hate putting my trust in just one person that I’m not super super close with like that Ellie, 7:02 PM KIMS TALKING ABOUT THE IDOL AND WENT Unless you have it of course Ellie, 7:02 PM HES ONTO ME SJFNSJRJSJ Ellie, 7:02 PM DO I TELL HIM👀 Ellie, 7:03 PM I’m gonna say I don’t for now Ellie, 7:09 PM Kim is dead-set on josh so looks like we’re doing josh Ellie, 7:09 PM It’s to early for me to make decisions or at least to make them and be obvious about it Ellie, 7:09 PM I just need to subtly guide people to the person I need gone and keep my name out of it Ellie, 7:14 PM There’s so much idol speculation going on and I’m just 👁👄👁 Ellie, 7:24 PM They’ve 100% confirmed the idol is not there much faster than I would’ve liked Ellie, 8:06 PM The amount of J names is so confusing Ellie, 8:08 PM And we’ve full circled back to voting jessica Ellie, 8:37 PM THERES SO MUCH GOING ON MY GOD Ellie, 8:39 PM IM SO CONFUSED YOU GOTTA LET ME FOGURE THIS OUT BEFORE I TRY TO TYPE IT New day Raffy, 11:18 AM Who are you really planning on voting out? Ellie, 11:18 AM Josh Ellie, 11:18 AM Although Jordan still might want Jessica Ellie, 11:22 AM But I need josh out Raffy, 11:23 AM Why do you need him out? Ellie, 11:48 AM His plans hurt my head
John uses his Safety Without Power for no reason as his name was not being thrown out. This will put a big target on his back going into subsequent rounds if his tribe has to go to tribal again.
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Oop I just used my SWP because I don’t trust any of these snakes. Someone is going out tonight and it’s not me. Now I’m just gonna pray for a tribe swap so I can sell these nobodies down the river. 
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We are about to go to tribal... I was very close with Josh and was going to vote out Jordan because that seemed to be the consensus. That was until Kim and I solidified a deal and basically figured out Josh was playing everyone. Kim told me Josh made a final deal with him and after much talking, we realized Josh was putting everyone against each other. So we figured out a plan for tonight and we are hoping no one plays an idol.
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630096410501611520/tribal-council-1-nobody-tribe
Josh voted out
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