#but it literally isnt my choice. i have no power to go up to her and say ‘hey you need to go to that’
oikyskau · 1 year
seeing kenji muto, the director of trigun stampede, reading an article about the portrayal of women in media made me want to take a little bit of a closer look at the women in trigun and as i was rambling about this earlier to my partner, they told me to write it down LMAO
as most of us know, in a lot of fiction, women are mostly characterised through common tropes, leading to a lack of complexity and a one-dimensional portrayal: as the doting wife, the femme fatale, the mistress, or the virgin. Their role only amounts to an Other, an extension of the male hero. they’re either the whore or the madonna.
for female characters in anime that usually means they’re either the sexy femme fatale, big badonkers and all to be gazed at, the mother, the helpless damsel in distress, or the child (yet, still sexualised despite the fact that it is a literal child); they’re portrayed through the way they are being perceived by men and mostly sexualised beyond belief. 
tristamp doesn’t do any of that.
in fact, the female characters in stampede achieve something that you don’t often see in anime: they are people. and stampede makes that clear in its very first episode by decidedly not going the route that you would usually take with the female characters they introduce:
of course, the biggest example here would be meryl, who i’d argue is the biggest driver of the plot, despite the fact that the plot of stampede is technically determined by vash - vash is an entirely passive character, he doesn’t make things happen, things happen to him and they mostly happen to him because of meryl. she’s the one who unties him, she drags them to the city, she makes them stay with him after ep3, she drives over wolfwood (rip my man), she stops for them to find rollo, she makes them follow the steamer.. you get it. she does all of this, despite being introduced as the newbie, the innocent person who would usually be the damsel in distress, who is helpless and shy and easily manipulated and who will probs be sexualised in her role as the “virgin” (sexually naive young girl who just doesn’t get all this adult sexuality yet hehe) 
but she’s not – she wears a non-sexualised outfit, she only gets called out for being a newbie, or for being small height-wise by wolfwood, but not for being a “girl”, she determines the action despite the fact that she does have a mentor figure and is therefore still in a position of a student – she still isnt an extension of roberto, vash, or anyone
in fact, the other characters – Rosa, Elendira, Luida, Rem – all take up roles that would in other media be portrayed in very specific ways: Rosa could just be a pregnant mother, who is also a divorcee, Elendira could be an innocent child beholden to her caretaker, Luida could be the loving motherlike figure and rem the Madonna figure, symbolising all the virtues a woman should aspire to have. – Rosa is a leader, her pregnancy is mentioned one single time and never made a bigger part of her character, Elendira is young but powerful, making choices by herself that are not inherently based on any kind of innocence, Luida doesn’t coddle Vash or prioritise him over her own work and mission (which also serves to inspire another woman, meryl!!), and rem is also just a non-perfect person, with secrets and questionable morality
none of these women are judged on the basis of their gender, none of them experience gender-based violence, none of them are made into a joke, none of them are sexualised (or desexualised – if you compare them to the male characters, who also do not ever make jokes about sexual promiscuity or similar stuff), they have different body types (rem has a very pronounced chest, and yet stampede doesn’t ever focus on it or give her cleavage) – note also that when presented with the perfect opportunity to call a female character a “bitch”, they chose to go with a “witch” instead, in both original japanese and english dub
their femininity is not used as a weapon against them, nor are stereotypical hypermasculine elements used to define characters’ positive traits (vash not being our traditionally hypermasculine hero for example) - the only time we see a semblance of gender-based violence is, you guessed it, at the very end, when knives forcefully takes control and bodily autonomy away from vash and inseminates the plants against their will (also interesting to note that knives, as the character that does exhibit that kind of violence, is the only character to be shown incredibly buff and all muscle) 
the women in tristamp are written for women, with the goal to be women that we can recognise, that represent the women that we are and know
anyways, i love all women in tristamp and have not once felt uncomfortable or said “oh look, a panty shot” and honestly i just find that pretty neat
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ganondoodle · 11 months
random thought about the memory system
a big difference between why botws memories worked so well but totks didnt is mainly bc in botw, there wasnt that much plot, you kinda knew what was up by the time you left the tutorial, all memories serve you just as well as link, sending you around a hyrule you dont know, the few scenes of main characters do a good job of giving you an idea of who they are, but the majority is focused on zelda and link, why she acted to cold to him at first and later became friends, the characterization being not jsut in memories but also in how people remember them, their diary etc, when you meet their ghosts theres a familiarity to how they talk to you, they know and care about you, its like giving you late friend one last visit; getting memories out of order really doesnt hurt that characterization and overall it really just serves to flesh out the past and what made this world the way you see it now but mainly it gives you characters
in totk, its ... the main plot driving thing, you are here for the story now more than the world bc you know the world already, besides the sages stuff (that isnt much either besides some legends that apprently were always a thing but never popped up until now), its basically the entire plot and it all hinges on it, its trying to be both plot and character introduction AND characterization, which it simply cant do; we already know zelda and what shes like, but its like the game itself doesnt know what to do with her now, she doesnt do anything, she stands around listenign to strangers talk, whenever she says anything shes dismissed or it simply doesnt matter, the most she does is go around to faceless and nameless sages of old we dont know nor care about in a damn near copy paste scene begging them to help link of the far future somehow even tho they really have no reason to and then she swallows a stone bc she has literally no other choice; fleshing out the past doesnt work either bc this past is so far removed from anything of the world and people you know that theres simply no meaningful connection to make you really care, there are no characters alive that knew the people of old ...except mineru and rauru are still there, but then dont tell you shit, theres so much you dont know about them, their world or history and they dont tell you anything bc *gestures vaguely* ?? even ganondorf only says some standard villain stuff that tells us pretty much nothing about him nor rauru, no one in your time asking you who the hell that ghost powered robot is? no she sits in her robot somewhere deep underground (how does she even get out of there at the end, she needed you to drive her around to her own temple after all) given how straight up obsessed hyrules entire population is with sonau stuff they sure dont do anything with a literal person from that time and then at the end she jsut goes poof, welp, guess we will never, sure, fine keep your secrects; getting the memories out of order destroys literally any kind of story that was there, like it wasnt predicatble from like memory 3 to where it would go (predicable can be good but in this case its boring as hell) anyway
.. theres more i could talk about but this is already longer than intended and i want to do other things but this with my evening, you probably heard most of my problems with this game in my rants by now anyway
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lyss-sketchbox · 23 days
Have you played through Natlan a little bit yet? Because I love it except for one thing. Does the Archon quest feel...off to you? At least the first act. Specifically the character introductions and character acting?
Funny thing actually i JUST finished it last night!
Well uh spoilers ahead
I think its... alright-ish? Act 1 basically sets you up with the basics, the characters, the culture, the traditions, and lore so we know whats up. Cool. We are literally being fed information because we are tourists and i can excuse that.
Idk how to feel about traveller and paimon literally going 'ah look, an opportunity has arised, its time to do our thing and help with this major event'. I mean yes thats how its always been but mentioning it doesnt... help... it just points out a flaw.
The characters are fine enough imo. I really expected Mualani to have this super hyper attitude and squeaky voice we usually get from an 'everyone loves me' character but shes suprisingly mellow and i appreciate that alot. (May change with Citlali though and im not looking forward to it)
I do not like how it is very Tell not Show. Because you know what keeps being shown? The fact that Kachina is A CHILD. Maybe she's not an actual child who knows but hyv is clearly infantilizing her. Case in point:
The chief of the tribe literally asked you for ID because you are strangers hanging out around her. He literally said 'a good feeling isnt gonna be enough for your parents to trust these people'
After the chief knew who the traveller is, he said he could trust Kachina to go to the Stadium to sign up and not get into trouble. She HAS to participate because she has an Ancient Name and you can barely trust her to go to the stadium???
Kachina mentioning how she can't keep excusing her age for being a bad warrior. So she KNOWS shes young and either she or other people in the past has excused her for her performance because of her age.
The genuine actual side by side of her first match up. You know a child vs a massive buff man. Maybe it's just me but her kit is clearly not made to DPS and hyv making us fight these opponents with only her kinda makes it feel so much like a drag.
Everyone around her keeps saying oh shes actually really good, she almost made it last time, shes super powerful just lacking confidence. Well we dont really... see it. When the tournament started and we play as mualani and kachina all i can think about it 'yeah mualani is gonna do all the fighting here' and it adds to the idea that kachina literally did the bare minimum. But then suddenly we get a really cool cutscene of her defeating a 3 times winning veteran. It is not believable to me.
Also now that she's won we are literally sending her off to fight the abyss where she has a REAL CHANCE OF DYING but we gotta be ok with it because she can get resurrected? Are we not supposed to be concerned that we are sending a child to war with a real chance of her dying?
It is such a tonal shock and the traveller or paimon barely says anything about it so WE are supposed to be fine with it too? It probably is culture shock but like... SOME people still sees Clorinde as a killer despite doing her job as a duelist, how do you think those people will think seeing THIS tradition.
As for the bit where we go with mualani while we wait for kachina to come back from war, it was... alright i think. But the manufactured 'chillness' is there, like you can tell theyre trying their hardest to potray this tribe as the chill surfers one. Its also obvious they want us to like Atea. While she looks a lil overbearing i appreciate that they were being subtle about her 'my life isnt gonna last long so i am doing this dangerous task', they had to explain it anyway for mualani but i think them not stating out right at first that 'woah you werent going here because you can use the hotsprings again!' is a good choice, that is a good show not tell i think.
For now though the entire thing simply feels off because i feel like there's no stake at all for us. If kachina loses? Then she doesn't get sent to the war, thats kind of a good thing seeing how she did ended up 'dying'. We've met the archon but for some reason hasn't asked about our siblings or anything and the only reason we are staying is because its the right thing to do. Thats it. I think it's just... alot offered to us but none with actual value to the traveller personally.
While you can argue that fontaine is exactly like that, that we only stayed to help lyney with his trial and everything else because its the right thing to do. Lyney is fatui. Neuvillette is a dragon. And furina is an absent archon. Theres an air of mystery around how fontaine works and these people have MASSIVE connections. You almost want to stay to see how it'll turn up, what information will show up.
Natlan on the other hand revealed basically everything to us in the first 2 acts. Natlan gets abyss attacks because they dont have strong leyline connections. The fatui wants the gnosis and literally will just fight the archon for it. The archon is chill and kind and is the reincarnation of the original archon because we were told that. The facking traitor from night-wind is obviously the Ororon guy lmao. So what IS left to speculate? To look out for?
Like wow she's gonna carve us an Ancient Name? Why lmao. What for? We can purify the abyss we are not dying in the Night Kingdom.
Shrugs idk feel free to fight me on this. I am just a lil jaded because i literally cannot take the archon seriously when shes literally just called 'Archon' with no special title or anything
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starbiology · 5 months
Hi. First, let me say that I really like you blog!! Your art is lovely.
I wanted ask what do you think will be the Darkest Faerie's role in the incoming plot? I remember her from the Altador Plot but I did that waaay back and can't remember seeing her much outside of that statue and the cool avatar. How does she tie in with what's happening now?
I ask because I see you mention her a lot, but I feel like I am missing many parts of this, both from you theories and Neo lore (that I can find on my own btw im not asking you to retell me). I haven't been in Neo these past few months but I might go back to weekly or daily visiting the site when the plot starts.
Thank you! 🖤🦇
thank you :D!!
One of the main reasons we know shes coming back for this plot was actually this past halloween event in which her and other villains are talked about being in a void.
A lot of the speculation is that the characters seem to be hiding in/lost/trapped in this void. The advent calendar was the first time we got to see what the void is and Kass' sword was in it too. The dialogue isnt on the site but its on SunnyNeo
Also this is still so funny to me 'Welcome to the Cosmic Horrors of the VOID. Enjoy, and happy holidays!'
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Other important events that are gearing up for the plot was the 2023 festival of neggs, the faerie festival and its comic
And back on topic to The Darkest Faerie!
Looking at her story, for awhile I thought the only option that wouldnt be turning her to stone (TNT if you can hear me dont turn her to stone again) would be to kill her. It wouldnt even be a bad choice to kill her, shes a major villain across multiple plots. Id actually still argue it would be a fair end to her story.
But theres two points that make killing her off hard
The last time she was seen, she realized the ring she made to create wraiths was actually draining her life and she cant remove it. Pitting your good characters against a weakened villain is just narratively a very bad idea. It makes the hero seem weaker than they are and nearly no matter what the villain did, it comes across as cruel
The Altador council, despite having all the right to be angry at her or happy about her defeat, are So Damn Upset. The day of her betrayal is literally a day of somber remembrance
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the entirety of this advent calendar clip just,,altador bro,,,you okay?
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and of course the plot book
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The council is stuck in a story of 'Used to be 12 heroes, now its only 11' its written on almost all inscriptions about them. It would be nice to see the council come back together again by TDF teaming up with them, even if it starts as part of a scheme of her's (which I wouldnt be surprised it does) until she finally overcomes her obsession with power.
It would make for a happy end to the council's story, otherwise theyre just going to be stuck in this state of mourning their friend
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stevie-petey · 6 months
Ok, I love Come Home. I'm willing to accept a story where Billy is completely an awful person... I just don't want to lose the season 3 Max... Like that season really showed her love for him because obviously there was something more there that was never shown. If Billy was just abusive and awful she wouldn't have been so scared for him and so upset when he died. And I have to specify, I'm not a Billy lover, I think he's a dick and fuck boy. But after season 3 and the Runaway Max book I don't think he's a woman abuser and I don't think he ever laid hands on Max other than grabbing her wrist in Season 2
hi anon ! normally wouldnt respond to this but i wanted to dive a lil deeper into my story and explain some characterization choices i made !
personally i think emotional abuse is just as horrible as physical abuse. while we never see billy ever physically hurt max, he definitely was verbally abusive and used his power/physical body against her to intimidate her and make her scared of him - which is incredibly fucked up. i dont remember if i ever did imply he physically abused her, but im sure he was the type of brother that would wrestle a little too hard, take everything too far, punch too hard.
as for not believing hes a woman abuser, i personally disagree. its not far fetched to assume he would harass women, as i had him do with bug, and use his strength and build against them to get what he wants. i mean, he did quite literally ATTACK lucas, he was going to beat the shit out of a 12 year old boy !! if he was willing to do that, in canon, then i imagine he would be willing to do the same with bug - this is why i made him such a creep and abusive person to her
now this doesnt mean im replacing that max storyline with billy !! and i actually do have a plan to make bug sympathetic towards billy. their dynamic has just been established, it isnt done yet :) max and bug will both really pitty and mourn him - max because thats her BROTHER !!! her complex feelings for him are valid and i would never erase that storyline because i actually love that the duffer bros went in that direction. for bug, shes such an incredible people reader, she sees through billys bs in seasons 3 and help max grieve in season 4 and grieve alongside her (bug will blame herself as she always does ya know)
hope this gave more insight and i also completely understand where youre coming from !
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yes-asil · 6 months
(sorry if this ask goes through multiple times my internet is WACK)
i have!! a ghost boys question!! (absolutely adore these past few pages btw, as a comicfury reader pages 470-473 have been SO cute and im literally crying with joy that theyre reunited ive missed them sm its unbelievable i care them so much ANYWAY)
so i read your fic on ao3 a while back and for no reason in particular, definitely not writing a fic, can i ask for details abt matt and sickness? not like the chronic passing out/near death biz he deals with when hes suffering from ghosts, i know thatll get explained later in the story, but like if he were to get a normal illness. like. say. theres this thing of stress fevers popping up for people who work themselves too hard and you mentioned matt having fever in your ao3 fic which i was rereading earlier because its SO good and i love it but like that fic was focused on the coughing and his lungs giving out lol and i am just wondering if perhaps you would be willing to share how hed deal with being like... aware of being out of commission. being able to feel the fever and physically not being able to be unconscious bc of like the insomnia aspect because i feel like he can be so nonchalant because hes never conscious when hes miserable so just curious on how hed handle having no choice but to acknowledge it. how hed deal with having normal person illness that isnt him about to die. in my head hes ofc going to keep working anyway and make things worse bc thats how he is but i would love to hear your thoughts if you dont mind giving them!!
for no reason in particular. there is definitely not already 1k words of this which will not spiral into something more ahaha wink thank you for all you do this comic makes me so feral(/positive) my friends have learned of the boys through osmosis of me not shutting up every time a new page posts
I'll start this with an: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
So happy you like the comic so much!!! And that you rope other people into it is so fun, I'm glad you like my boys!
As for the question; Matt ignores feeling bad no matter for what reason. In his head he just goes "what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" before he proceeds to knock himself out. When he wakes up, he continues the cycle until his body is back to normal by sheer force of will. It doesn't matter if it is a week long sniffly nose, a dry cough spell that lasts a month or his funny little ghost powers pulling him under. He WILL work and he WILL make himself useful.
The only times he accepts defeat and goes to bed to rest while actually awake are when Lukas' worries so hard it makes both of them want to cry and when Cathrine starts using her soft "I'm really worried right now I can't even act harsh" voice.
He acts pretty much the same then, just a bit huffy and restless
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
wuwa rambles incoming, on the negative side ish (?)
so i also ended up downloading wuwa to test it out despite being fairly confident in the assessment that it Will not be a long term thing for me (and yeah stand behind that one after day 1 and some today) and like
firstly yes the state of the game is in shambles lmao like it really wasnt finished in time for release in terms of performance and polish At All. on my side luckily the overall experience has been more or less okay on medium graphics with some glitches and a total of two crashes but its still like. this isnt an optimized game at all. ppl rly have been taking genshin being incredibly cautious with new systems and additions (so that the game actually Functions) for granted i suppose 💀 and or consistently taken the most uncharitable angle towards it . like yes we shouldve had xyz since forever but i 100% believe theres actual spaghetti code behind things taking long and that hoyo genuinely wants to be very careful w it for good reason. but yeah artifact presets where still
secondly as much as the world is like, pretty and vast with many sceneries that make for a beautiful vignette to Look at and all kinds of trinkets to run towards and engage w for that quick dopamine release, i think the fact that the story and lore of the world is just so fucking inconsequential and terribly communicated makes it just. Incredibly hard to Feel anything for it. its like a cake with stunning decorations except u take a bite and realize its all just fondant and no actual flavor. its just there. i dont have any thoughts nor feelings for it bc the worldbuilding is such a failure that i care neither for this place nor the characters whose stories are supposed to be selling me on the entire game. and that really sucks bc this place really Does look stunning in places and i Wish they would give me something to care about but its just the backdrop for the (admittedly fun) pokemon echo farm and ur exploration progress and the combat system
character-wise i also just dont mesh with vast majority of them much. they dont stand out enough from one another and no one except for like scar has actually made me very intrigued about anything at all regarding the world. designs vary from ugh to fine with some that i do like but they still arent like . the kind of Instant recognizable design that just Hits. they look fine but they lack the (jenshin) impact that makes you want to forfeit ur mortal possessions to them
now there is One (1) exception to this to be fair and thats sanhua but thats Literally just bc she is so fucking gender envy to me design wise. like its almost perfect just like that. literally if only her top wasnt open in the back . Id wear that shit SO hard for My scifi fantasy waves that wuther self insert oh my god. she looks like a middle school OC id make JSJSKSKDKUSKDK i love herrr literally the only reason i continue playing tbh . And she has ice powers too she is literally made For Me 💀
(jen forbidden lore tldr a niche finnish Banger of a fantasy book series that rewired my brain at 10 had an Excellently written girl protag who among other things gained op draconic ice powers of eternal winter and since then that simply became My main character daydream self elemental power of choice Always hsjsjsjskvkd)
the combat i think is where wuwa stands out and it definitely lets u engage more with the enemies. like ultimate evasion and counters Feel satisfying and building up ur characters unique mechanic like sanhuas ice constructs for her powered up charge atk Feels satisfying i def think theres a lot of potential there but in terms of A Future Meta in a gacha that wants money idk where things would ultimarely go in the future. but ya that stuff is solid.
enemy designs are also cool but suffer from that same lack of context to make me intrigued w the world theyre a part of. like cool eldritch creature ig but it doesnt give heebie jeebies the same way as seeing like. the husks in the chasm for the first time. where u instantly go oh fuck How. Why. Who were they. bc u know there Will be a relevant answer . etc . which is a shame. make me fear for my life smh
anyway for me my pulls have been like ridiculously bad i am genuinely not joking that getting sanhua on my first starter banner multi is the only reason i stuck w it. like. prior to this morning and getting aalto from the 20 free pulls . i have not received a Single non f2p new 4*. i have chixia c3 who i do Not like. yangyang c2. baizhi c1. Literally i kid you not the other new 4* i pulled today was . Yuanwu. so like considering the event and log in thats also c1 yuanwu c1 sanhua (latter of which i obvi have no issue w). and then my starter 5* was the worst case scenario 💀 Walmart gaming i mean. if u think hes cute cool but i am not at All enthused. id have taken Anyone over him lmao
so thats fun . i mean its fine im not gonna play long term i like sanhua and playing her w baizhi and someone like yangyang or aalto its fine for what i intend to do w it for now. & none of the future 5* rly appeal to me either
ultimately the game definitely has potential but it just. released too soon in a shoddy state and in many ways (mostly relating to its open world) i think is too reliant on just resembling genshin without actually innovating on top of that foundation or distinguishing itself from it. and the failure of its story to make players care about its world At All doesnt help. Do i think the world and lore are shit w 0 potential? well obviously no bc its so poorly communicated i cant even fucking tell you what it is About. but any possible potential there was definitely not utilized how it should so eh
now personally i have absolutely no horse in this toxic drama clownfest of a gacha game war arms race other than its not worth the time nor effort. so i truly have no particular feelings of fervent support nor some schadenfreude about kuro and for competitions sake i Do hope they manage to salvage the situation and that wuwa manages to flourish in the end but ironically enough the genshin "killer" number two more or less seems to have went the way of the other one aka ToF. so thats something i suppose lmao
Like there is something very painfully ironic about it all and it is hysterical in that sense. at least that much i can admit hsiajsks. But truly if some ppl find that wuwa offers them sth better than genshin then good for em, dont let my highly lukewarm reception ruin ur enjoyment. just end the fucking drama farm and disingenuous claims to gas up ur own cope and hype
(and to be clear. i would Not have played like 8 hours yesterday if i wasnt genuinely engaged w trying the game out and having fun lol. its just very clear to me that this early rush of ADHD dopamine oh new game new things to burn through new exploration shinies short term quick fun is very likely all wuwa is going to have on offer for me personally)
anyway thats just me so feel free to share yalls thoughts too if ud like
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lmelodie · 11 months
The Santa Clauses Season 2
It's here! And I have access to it, and all of my drably splintery thoughts on the first two episodes.
As an FYI, all my reviews are gonna be hella spoilery so I'll be doing all the reviewing under read mores and under the tags #TSCS spoilers and #Review2
Oh boy unsolicited thoughts HERE WE GO!
Episode 1:
I gotta say, Fluffy is not a bad character in this so far. Christmas Churros are a gold mine and I'm surprised no one has tried to capitalize on that yet.
Scott immediately assuming that Carol was going to kill Gary says a lot about the both of them and their dynamic that I wish was consistent. I love the idea that Carol is down for murder, keep that in cowards!
I have zero idea why Scott is so uptight about Riley keeping this secret when you literally gave EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MAGIC SNOW GLOBES. Nobody here is doing a good job of keeping any of this secret! No one!
And not the North Pole having a Gaslighting Department. Thats, just actually so funny to me. And you bet your sweet ass that Jack frequents that department, he might be employed there!
And once again to reiterate, these songs breaks are just NOT it. As someone who usually love musicals! The songs are mid at most and are just shoehorned into the most random places. Idk, still not vibing.
But Betty and Noel? STILL TOP TIER. I'll talk about them more in a bit, but they are literally perfect. The Blueprint. Betty and Noel get no notes from me. They made cardboard cutouts of each other's faces, like come on! They're cute as SHIT.
Mad Santa lore? Its aight. I appreciate the franchise trying to carve out its own lore after more than 15 years of inactivity. Its decent lore! For the world that it exists in at least. It's just not my personal cup of tea, and I don't see myself utilizing it in my own stories. But I appreciate that it is there.
And you cannot tell me that Jack hasn't tried to team up with Mad Santa before. It just seems like something he would do to, noticing that there was a Santa getting a bad rep and he could feasibly swoop in and break down the institution.
I wanna imagine he went up to him like, so I've heard you've been trying to subjugate a people. Here's my resume, I am all for murder, I do work well with gnomes, consider me. And then he got promptly ghosted.
Episode 2:
Bro the training vest is made out of St. Nicks robe?? What ISNT made out of that robe??? Isn't that like...an important artifact? I would assume it would be if it has that much Christmas magic in it. Why do we keep cutting it up and using it to make things? Is there any of it left?? Does it regenerate its own fabric??? None of these questions will ever be provided answers, I'm sure.
Fucking LOVE Cupid! He's just as great as I remember! And because he had so little screen time, he didn't get too butchered!
And I like how he lists only specific Legends that are concerned with the succession. Implying in universe that Father Time and Tooth either think Cal is a good choice, or simply don't give a shit. And i love that for them.
But Cupid does list Sandy, EB and Mother Nature as people who do care. And we already know that were gonna get confirmed Sandy and EB cameos later, so I'm gonna CROSS MY FINGERS SO HARD for a possible Mother Nature cameo at some point. I just want her to lay down the LAW that's all I ask!
Let's how about, leave the puberty topic, out of this series entirely? Wish that whole miscommunication. DIDNT happen.
But we do have WITCH SANDRA!! This was the only possible choice for her, go off queen! Lucy and Sandra with the clasping hands meme: Teenage Girl with Magic Witch Powers. This was the best possible turn for her character, love that for you babe!
As I suspected, Befana in these episodes is a peach yet again. Fucking love Befana, no notes for her either, she's always great.
BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT NOEL AND BETTY!? and how they gave them the most romantic, whirlwind love story of the century? How they met was so FUCKING CUTE! Romeo and Juliet can pack it up! Because THEY are just better!
Betty really took one look at Noel and went, Tee hee, giggle, twirls hair, kicks feet. And I love that for her!
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weebsinstash · 2 years
elon: im buying twitter because libs are stealing away our fReEdOm Of SpEeCh by banning literal nazis and politicians inciting hate crimes and anti-democracy rhetoric
elon, a month later: banning reporters I don't like from my own platform seems pretty innocuous to me
How is this actual bozo one of the most powerful people in the world. We are in the wacky timeline
Im gonna pop my reply under a readmore just because i know certain topics can get people heated and if people wanna scroll passed and chill, that's their choice, some of us are just trying to nut and don't wanna read about social issues or politics
But oh my god do i have options on this creature
honestly i hope this whole thing helps people wake up to the fact that Elon Musk and a lot of these extremely wealthy people in general literally buy their way into every conversation. He is not some genius. He is not an innovator. He cannot even choose competent women to dump his disgusting seed into. How the fuck do you have a child with Grimes, watch her post on social media that she wasn't aware you have to teach babies words and that "oh I thought he would just pick it up", which is also a sign that this baby is probably with a nanny almost 24/7, and then impregnate her AGAIN? The stupid meme name bullshit for his newest children that he thinks is cute and funny that is humiliating his kids before they can even understand speech? Does anyone else remember how years ago Azaelia Banks posted that Instagram story accusing Grimes of luring her into her home under the pretense of recording an album as a front to have sex with her and Elon because she was openly bisexual? What about how his first wife said that when they lost her son that Elon was abusive and would tell her not to openly cry because he considered it emotionally manipulative? Soulless.
Maybe we could talk about how Elon is so fucking stupid that he isnt even mildly researching laws before he makes any decisions because he's in it for profit and thinks he can just pay a fine and get things thrown out. Perfect example? Him saying he'll buy Twitter forced him to buy Twitter because just him posting that massively manipulated the stock value of multiple companies and he has already been in trouble with the FTC for manipulating his Tesla shares before, like if he did not buy Twitter he could have gone to jail for saying he would and then not doing it, that's how hugely he affected stock values by his clowning around. Him firing all those people without notice? Yeeeeeah that actually isn't legal in the EU and everyone he "fired" is still legally employed and he is now going to get into massive MASSIVE fucking trouble because he essentially stole the wages and income from like thousands of people? Or how about how he is going to be investigated for breaking the EU's GDPR laws which clearly and explicitly ban companies like Twitter from selling user data besides from America, and Elon is suspected of selling the data of non American users on a website where even foreign governments have accounts? Uhhhh like the potential for an international scandal because of this fucking man?
Even if the governments don't get him i think his fellow rich people just might. Him and his stupid verified check bullshit cost so many companies MILLIONS when people starting jokingly impersonating official companies. I would legitimately not be surprised if the man who made the fake "insulin is now free" tweet goes missing or ""commits suicide""
Speaking of didn't Elon make some sort of post a while back about how "oh if i ever commit suicide it was actually murder" kind of thing. He probably was trying to rile up his base and act like it's the radical far left but what I actually think is that he could get Epstein'd because now he's fucking with other rich people's profits
Really really cannot overstate how much trouble this absolute fucking clown is in. Should I call the victory early and say he's ruined his life and hopefully will be in prison within the next decade? Because now he's going to have MULTIPLE GOVERNMENTS right up his ass, and that may eventually cascade into, you know, investigations on how he was probably involved in the political coup in Bolivia where militia overthrew the president who wanted to privatize lithium, and also to directly continue to that point, maybe we will find out exactly how close of friends Elon Musk is with the Pentagon since Starlink and SpaceX were always intended to be used for military applications.
It really is all just money isn't it? He's rich and does shit that directly benefits the rich and they all cover for each other. Y'all even know how many people have gone to prison for manipulating their shares and here's Elon "i changed the value of tesla shares to 4.20 because ha ha weed am I right and all I had to do was pay a fine that was pocket change to me" Musk. I'm out here with my mom paying 1350+115 for a shitty two bedroom and garage and then we have someone reselling his family's slavery emeralds to Tiffany and Co and realizing "oh hey look at how much money we can make massively overpricing these"
Also I guess this is kind of a petty point but I think we should stop referring to him as South African when, if you look at the history of South Africa, the recency of apartheid, and how many of those things are still directly affecting modern life, the most appropriate term to use for Elon is Afrikaner. Not only is it correct but like, uh, the term is culturally used with contempt down there from my understanding. Elon has always directly benefitted from slavery and was born during apartheid, like the man was literally born in a country where his race was imposing a racist segregation on the population like, QUITE LITERALLY BORN WITH A SILVER BLOOD-EMERALD ENCRUSTED SPOON IN HIS MOUTH
I hate him. Like legitimately I think he is such a horrifying icon of the still ever present threat and chokehold of white supremacy/slavery and the dominance and power of the extremely wealthy. Like you wanna talk about wealthy men causing global harm because their feelings were hurt, take a second to Google "Jamal Khashoggi gas inflation". Men like Elon who have untethered freedom and income are dangerous to our entire fucking planet, yes I am being serious. I'm still horrified of the stories of the chimpanzees that were being tested by the neuralink brain implant prototypes who literally beat their heads into the walls and were violent and uncontrollable and some even died of massive infections from just the procedures to implant the chips and he wants to PUT THOSE IN HUMANS? Not even to touch on the cyberpunk dystopia of wanting to try and fully control thoughts and emotions and optimize productivity like we're robots
You want to go to Mars? Try going to prison first. Absolute freak. Freakish moronic choad of an uncharismatic unfuckable unlikable like a cop to a frat party pseudointellectual scum sucking pig. Eat paint.
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OC asks: 5, 9, and 18 for Mura please!
heheh thank you!!! for this tag game
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
its her character defining trait and the answer is wayy further than is sane. literally any distance. only caveat is if it will hurt her she will be wary, but normally it just means she gets other people hurt instead of herself. not sure what to say for this other than that!
luckily for most people her goals are do interesting things and gain power, not world domination [yet]
but if it serves either her long term goal of strength and power, or her shorter term goals that will lead to strength and power then it will be done, unless it hinders the goals to. [e.g. killing the leaders of the crusades and taking control she she can rule her own city state would get her power and strength but also a long line of people trying to kill her]
her goals are long term stable strength and power, not short lived & unstable, shes got a long lifetime, and if making nice or even just civil and making a few sacrifices gets her respect and power then thats fine for her.
tldr: she will do anything to get what she wants, but given what she wants is so vague/distant she does'nt always seem it as shes willing to compromise on short term wants that are normally just curiosity to benefit her long term wants.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ohh this is hard to pin down.
for the quotes: theres one spesific screenshot that floats around tumblr about how people misunderstand ruthlessness and it describes the goal oriented nature of it and its so her<3 i cannot find it rn and thats a tragedy
for song lyrics: my playlist is here so ill just do my fav:
"He'll wrap you in his arms, tell you that you've been a good boy/He'll rekindle all the dreams/it took you a lifetime to destroy [...] but there won't be a single thing that you can do" from red right hand. it fits her so well but the last bit where it shows that you have no choice in whatever is happening to you<3 its her perfectly
the thing is shes so complex that its hard to think of something that so her that isnt very long, and her type of quote isnt the kind ive collected
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
ohhh this is making me think.... mura makes these questions so unnecessarily complicated...
the thing is im leaning cold and detached because i can see her inner thoughts, where she is cold and detached most of the time, but externally, she is often detached, but cold not so much: and not very detached either, shes an observer when shes not the center of attention, and uses small gestures to mold someones view of her more than big gestures.
ok so actually answering: on her own, or in a situation where peoples long term opinion on her will never matter: cold and detached all the way. however, that rarely happens, and with the crusade, its happening even less, so she is outwardly personal but still a bit detached
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taki118 · 2 years
SuyaLight Master Post Part 9
I really like these two there’s not a lot of content for the fandom as a whole soooo here’s my submission as I get every moment of these two royals who literally share a braincell (and I love them for it) First up this is just on the manga if you are anime only its going to have stuff you havent seen, yes even with what the anime covers (so read it) and there will be spoilers so beware. If you prefer Demon Monk/Cleric/Leo (which I don’t really get) I am sorry this isnt for you. Lets go! Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here Part 4 is here Part 5 is here Part 6 is here Part 7 is here Part 8 is here Part 8.5 is here
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So picking up where we left off, they are in the neutral zone for training and Suya is upset that humans are bad mouthing the demons, so she wants the to show off her tacts though are ummm Twilight says it best
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Suyas ‘help’ drives the demons to try and keep her out of it.
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But those same humans get into trouble with some other demons and get saved by our main group.
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It does the trick and even impresses Suya
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Another trial to get where they want appears but Suya gets distracted and gives chase earning Tilights ire
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I like that she asks for permission and he just scolds her.
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They make it to the head of the neutral zone who happens to be Suya’s aunt
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THey think Suya would be a good choice to talk to her on their behalf but ummmm
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Probably the nicest way Twilight could put what Suya did. And he has great hopes for her help
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Hopes Suya immediately kills
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I love that he can tell she’s faking.
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Twilight always gets the brunt of accusations for Suya’s behaviors
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The Aunt challenges Twlight but Suya calls her out before anything happens
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Much like Suya herself the Aunt sees potential in Twilight and his goals (Almost like an approving inlaw that makes 2 with the mother)
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And our pair run off into the sunset....sorta
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Even though she’s using him to carry her, Twlight still sees the best in Suya and perhaps really does have the best assessment of her actions
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They are all exhausted from the training and Suya “Graciously” offers to help.
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Twilight is aware that Suya almost never does things without another goal but he’s not in a position to fight her.
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He’s actually really touched and impressed by her work ethic and abilities 
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Until she starts going beyond what he asked.
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Then his fears resurface, he knows Suya fairly well at this point.
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I simply adore that they share the same goals and ideals, they don’t want to just be incharge because of their birth but because they earned it.
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Twilight is touched believing he now has an alley for his goals
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But his instincts were proven right.
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He tries to talk to her on not abusing her power just cause she wants things but Suya is Suya.
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It's been quite a while since I read the deathspeaker, mainly 'cause of work. Would you like to give a summary of it?
ho boy. ok so 1) these summaries are not a good replacement for reading the comic. do you know how fucking many small details i put in the comic? every time i send a page to randy to have them proofread before i post it, i point out like 5 different tiny intentional details that are so important for the vibes. a summary does not give you the tiny shifts in characters dialogue and mannerisms, the intentional framing of each panel, the vitally important art style choices. please read my comic im so proud of it 2) this is long im sorry i tried not to ramble but holy shit i love this story. chapter 6 got fucking long in particular but you NEED the little details to understand that one ok just trust me please im sorry 3) this is a summary of every chapter that has posted so far cause idk how far back you stopped reading so congrats youre getting my last 5 years of work in one convenient post 4) this took me hours to write im not editing it if theres spelling and grammar mistakes no there isnt
dara, headmistress of the school, explains her recent prophetic dreams to joe, her boyfriend and a fellow teacher at the school. a demon will be coming, one whos been here before and caused destruction. a team of 8 will be able to stop it. thats all they know.
chapter 1:
an introduction to the school and characters. introduces abby, lindsey, cody, and shannon as older students, and liam, victor, and valerie as first years. victor and valerie are twins, victor's super excited to be here and i love that for him <3 joe takes the kids on a tour explaining stuff about the school, most importantly being not to enter the forest without express permission. just like in the rest of the world, there are monsters and you should be careful.
joe then starts their first lesson of the year with magic101 and explains the story of how the world got magic. the 8 magic types were a gift from the 8 corresponding gods, who then left all the new wizards and have not been heard from much since.
after class, joe, dara, april, and lily (two other teachers and joe and daras close friends) discuss the prophecy. dara confirms the 8 who will be stopping the demon will be children, likely students of the school, so they need to keep an eye out.
chapter 2:
its the night before the new students will receive their wands and learn their magic type and valerie is nervous. she doesnt WANT half the magic types theyre SCARY, but victor is so pumped and ready for whatever. they go to sleep resolving 0 of those feelings
joe's in charge of a lot of the proceedings and he's losing his mind just a little bit this man doesn't sleep ever. as he's scrambling through last minute prep, some of the other teachers are introduced. the most important are rowena, the emotion magic teacher who shows up late and waves her hand and suddenly joe has no problem with her bad excuse, and death, who is the literal god of death. he's just chilling.
the kids receive their wands, liam gets fire magic and victor gets space, and valerie causes a bit of a stir when hers is revealed to be light. light wizards aren't the most common and the school hasnt had a new light student in a couple years. which means...
joe finds dara later riffling through books in a bit of a craze, and she explains she thinks valerie must be one of the kids of the prophecy. why else would a light student show up NOW? in fact, dara has a theory that the gods may be involved through the gems of the gods, which are granted to 8 individuals with different magics to increase their power when the world needs help.
joe asks if they should tell valerie. dara says no.
moments after saying she was SURE this had to be it... she says they can't tell valerie, they haven't confirmed anything. they can't be sure.
joe says he trusts her choice. joe lies.
chapter 3:
fuck the first section of this chapter who cares, basically abby and shannon explain yes the god of death (death is not one of the 8 magic types btw) is just here its not a big deal he teaches the dark magic class and he's chill whatever. valerie and harley, the light magic teacher, have discussions on the pressure put on light wizards to be perfect and harley gets goofy with it to let valerie know its ok they won't pressure her to be perfect at all, magic is fun
joe teaches the weapons training class and runs the kids through some basic defense with abby, who volunteered to help demonstrate. because it meant she didn't have to go to her normal class for this period. when she fucks up one of the demonstrations and hurts joe, she takes an embarrassed water break. and notices something watching her. a shadowy being who smiles at her from across the arena. who vanishes when joe comes back to ask how she's doing. abby doesn't feel well, and leaves.
meanwhile in dara's office, rowena comes by asking about some lesson content she wants to use but needs dara to confirm is ok. rowena tries to wave her hand and make it all so easy again. dara does not care and barely notices as she counteracts the spell. dara agrees to hear her out, and she begins telling the story. one about a queen and a peasant boy
the queen had taken the boy in and he worked so hard to make her happy. he admired her and felt close to her. she did not feel the same. an advisor warned her, the boy would cause problems. the boy needed to be dealt with before it was too late. nevermind that he hadnt done anything wrong, he was going to kill them all
so she ordered to have him executed. and as he cried in his cell awaiting his death, something came to help. it offered him freedom. hope.
dara interrupts by saying its a bit morbid for this kids huh. startled, rowena can't get a very good reasoning out, and dara denies her request and asks her to leave. but... dara cant help but feel like... somethings wrong. so she adds,
"don't ask questions you dont want answers to"
rowena leaves happily. she got what she wanted
chapter 4:
abby is called on a quest (a normal school occurance stop calling this a weird thing it's just the culture of this world I'll KILL you) and dara won't ler her take shannon, her beloved girlfriend, with her because every single time abby went on a quest last year she took shannon. dara asks her to take a first year instead.
abby and liam leave on their quest to take care of a small gang of goblins. a simple enough quest for a first and second year to handle on their own. liams VERY nervous about heights and has never really ridden on a broom before, so he asks abby random questions to distract himself. he asks about the students he saw already at the school when the buses dropped him off there. abby gets quiet. she explains some students live at the school. "some of us dont have anywhere else to go" "...us?" abby doesnt answer, caught up in memories from only months ago. thankfully, she doesn't have to answer, theyve reached their destination! and...
there's screaming ringing out from everywhere. the goblins, somethings wrong. they're 9 feet taller than they're supposed to be, limbs too long for their body, faces half made up of hanging mouths filled with sharp teeth. they look ghostly, like shadows. liam fire blasts one and it does nothing. frantically, abby tells him to go back and get help, she'll do what she can to stop them.
dara, another teacher, and liam come back as soon as they can, just in time as abby's energy runs out. dara tells the kids to stay put behind a force field she puts up, but not long after leaving them she feels her connection with it break and comes rushing back to find them gone. nearby, theyre sitting with death. death casually tells dara not to worry, his reapers are handling the goblins. everyone can relax now. the other teacher takes the kids back to the school, leaving dara and death alone.
he confirms 6 deaths. but thats not the worst part! the worst is that he and his reapers could only find 1 of their souls. the other 5 have gone missing. he doesnt understand how this couldve happened... but dara does. there's one thing she can think of that could do this.
death is horrified. she promised him she had gotten rid of the demon the first time. she PROMISED. and now she's implying she lied? and has been lying for 70 YEARS?? how could she? unless... it was something to do with-
she tells him to stop. he realizes he is the only one who knows. he realizes she hasnt told anyone in decades. he realizes her refusal to acknowledge it is going to kill them all.
chapter 5:
this one is not getting several paragraphs it is so simple, jules is an elf prince who passed out near the school and was found by harley and valerie. after questioning them on why the hell they are here and they explain they ran away to get away from their family, she invites them to stay as a student. they agree! joe gives them a tour he's the tour guy and he is so excited to have a new student here <3 during the tour they end up talking about joe's hair, which he magically dyed to be pink with a spell he made himself, which leads to mentioning the gods never gave him a magic type so he has to make do with the little magic that works outside of magic types. later that night jules struggles to sleep and wanders the school, stumbling on rowenas classroom, where her voice drifts through the open door. jules takes a peek.
she's talking to the demon. she notices jules and quickly makes sure they won't think anything of what they saw (erasing memories is tricky. but making it harder to focus on.... thats easy). they go back to bed content. the demons excited. that was the last of the 8! so finally, finally, they can begin putting things into motion.
chapter 6:
in order to make up for a failed assignment, shannons teacher gives her a ridiculous homework sheet she'll have to go into the woods for. she tries to argue, but rowena enters the room. whats the problem shannon? youre a smart girl, after all. it's no problem for you. so shannon, grumbling, agrees.
victor overhears some students outside his class talking about the rumors that the school is in danger. always a fan of properly fact checking, victor decides to take this to dara and ask for an explanation. shes says the rumors are true, but its nothing to worry about. everything is under control. victor doesnt buy this for a second. he does what every good scientist should do and goes to research
shannon and abby walk at the edge of the forest, complaining about how unfair the assignment is. abby offers to come with shannon, its dangerous after all. she declines. she's a smart girl, after all. she can handle herself. it breaks abbys heart. shannon would never notice that. she's a smart girl, after all. after shannon leaves, abby is all alone. but she knows she's not, as the shadowy being once again stares at her. so close it could touch her. she knows it cant be real, its always gone when she goes to double check. so she turns around. theres no one there. abby is alone.
victor realizes too late into his plan that he doesnt know how the fuck research is supposed to help him here. but its alright. a wad of paper hits him from an unknown source, pointing him the direction of... an unlabeled book. it has a note stuck to the front: "do you want the truth? ps dont let dara see" nervously, he takes it somewhere private, and begins to read.
its a journal of a 10 year old boy during 1950. he's been taken in by miss dara and mister beckett after his mom left him at the school, promising to come back for him. 4 years later, she never came. he laments about school life as the only 10 year old living at this high school, and about miss dara being so mean and mister beckett being so nice. he writes about a cat he found in the woods, where he knew he wasnt supposed to go. he writes about the cat that follows him home. the cat that won't step into the light. the cat thats offering him a deal
shannon, in her quest to document magical animals in the woods, enters a small cave opening, calling out to any creatures that may reside. she does not want to be here and it shows. but here she will stay as the cave entrance crumbles behind her, and a doubled voice next to her ear taunts her. she spins around, wand brandished, and the demon floats smugly, unconcerned. she threatens and screams at them to tell her who they are. dramatically, they almost laughingly call themself "The Deathspeaker" flourishing their cape. ...shannon realizes she has run into a theater kid and no longer feels concerned. she could probably bully them no problem.
the boy from the journal is scared. The cat has told him it's a demon and it wants to make a deal. he knows better, and refuses over and over until it leaves. hopefully it won't come back. Life is hard enough as it is.
incredibly annoyed that shannon won't take their drama seriously, the demon says she can call them Theron instead. Trying to get back into the moment, they ask, voice echoing, how on EARTH she managed to find them. she says homework. for a moment their voice splits. "what???" "homework?" she doesn't notice. ... But hey a demon is a magical animal right, maybe she can fill her homework out
the boy tries to move on. the demon won't come back, it hasn't in a while. he describes his day, but the page is ripped near the end, cutting off the dark inky reply that he surely did not write himself. it wants a deal.
they want a deal. they'll do Shannon's homework if she retrieves a dragon for them. they lost it, and they can't leave to chase it, they've got this dreadful chain on their leg. shannon agrees. she's a smart girl, after all. this won't be a problem. so they remove the rocks from the cave entrance and send her on her way
the boy never budges. the cat tries and tries but he won't make a deal. so again, it leaves. days later, mister beckett does something strange. he and miss dara have a screaming match, and afterwards he tells the boy not to trust her. he's going to find a way to get the boy out of here. the boy doesnt understand. he thought dara loved them both, why would they need to leave? the next day, the boy write at midnight. miss dara woke him up and told him to follow her. he trusts her. how can he not.
the rest of the journal is blank.
victor refuses to believe that was it. what did any of that mean? how does this help? the door creaks behind him. dara enters the room, not noticing him at first. she smiles and greets him, and he panics and runs. ...odd. he left a book there. dara picks it up and opens it. moments later its nothing but ash. he knows. he knows, and she cant... breathe. he knows. he knows.
the 2 voices of the demon argue in their cave. he asks why they can't just tell shannon, rowena listened why wouldnt she? it snaps and yells at him, this isnt how it works!! this isnt what they discussed! shannons voice calls from the cave entrance. it tells him to be quiet and let it handle it.
she found the dragon but because it was A Ghost, she wasn't exactly able to get it back. she did her best! but its not enough. they count this as a broken deal, and refuse to hand her homework until she promises one more tiny thing. one more deal. they want her help talking to abby. ...she says no, of course not, thats stupid she doesnt trust this!! they move faster than she can react, pinning her up to the wall. she doesnt have a choice. she does this for them or she dies. she nods, and they let her go, with instructions written down to give to abby.
"you weren't supposed to do that" he says. "shut up" it snaps back.
victor got enough information from the journal to try research attempt number 2. with the help of lindsey (who caught him very obviously talking about stealing a laptop from the school computer room, and chose to help him out of pity), he discovers an article from 1950 about a fire at the school. headmistress dara refused to answer many questions from the police and journalists, especially about the 10 year old boy who had gone missing under her care. he was the only one they couldn't find any trace of in the aftermath. victor, horrified, confirms thats him. thats the boy from the journal. the one this all seems to be about.
theron deathspeaker.
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moon-swag-tourney · 1 year
judy time :D to be honest vesperia unfortunately is not a sapphic story but the character interactions in the game are still one of the top reasons the game is enjoyed to begin with!
tales of vesperia is a 2008 jrpg that got a remaster on all modern platforms in 2019! by tales of franchise Themes, the theme for this one is "Enforcing One's Justice RPG". the story follows yuri lowell who through a series of wild events ends up going from a trip to saving the water source of his home (the poorest part of the capital) to stumbling into a world-wide corruption and people who suffer as a result of inequality and injustice placed upon them by those who abuse their power. he has a childhood friend who is in the knights, and through that association he meets estelle (moon girl who i like to ship with judith) and makes more friends and expands his world horizon! judith takes some time before making her first formal appearance but she is genuine fun to witness.
People tend to say that the last third of the story isnt like The Best writing and all but in my heart i think its perfect as is especially in the Grand scheme of what the game is trying to say. THAT being said there is a thing abt the game that bothers me a lot that comes with judith sadly :(
a lot of gags with her are also like Haha Sexy Lady gags. while i could Mostly manage through those and enjoy the game despite them, its still a frustrating thing to see especially when you have a guy in the party who is the one enforcing these jokes (literally unfortunate writing choices with him too. hes fine when those jokes are not there)
but when that isnt a thing, judy does end up functioning as a catalyst to helping the party expand their horizons on what truly goes on in the world and all. and of course it goes without saying that her meeting everyone was a very positive thing to happen in her life :)
the game is near and dear to me so when i notice any of these blorbos in a poll i go wild. hence why i was happy to see judy do so well in your poll! whether or not you end up checking out vesperia, i am happy to have piqued your interest! i am always ready to answer any questions
ALSO!!! judy has light novels dedicated to her childhood/growing up before the games events that are translated (dont recall if everything is translated by now though) so this is probably the best way to witness her train of thought as otherwise you see her through yuris perspective
have a good day and thank you for letting me gush :D
oh wow okay, there's a lot to respond here but that makes me all the more happy to see it lsdkjf
It's a bit of a stretch/general thing that a lot of things have, but in fairness the major focus on inequality yet playing up a character for haha sexy laughs (therefore lessening the impact of the focus on inequality) honestly doesn't feel disimilar to the persona series (or at least 5, and its a series I'm a very big fan of,) so my point is that I get it at least and don't judge slkdfj
I'm not really sure what else to comment on tbh but yeah it does pique my interest!! I'm not sure what I'll do about said interest yet but worse comes to worse you might see me contact you off of this account to ask for advice :'D (assuming that's ok!) I do think that if I end up getting super invested in it, I'll probably start with the games before focusing on Judith specifically, to at least get an overview and stuff?
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avocadoguru · 1 year
Feedback time my beautiful masterminds ❤️❤️ i wanna start off by saying how perfect i thought this chapter was. No matter what you write or what direction you take the story or what choices you make with it, it always ends up perfect and beautiful because you guys are the ones writing it! And when someone is as good at writing as you are, it is quite literally impossible for it to not turn out good, no matter what some might «expect» or «wish» for (talking about the negative feedback i saw you talking about 🥺 im so sorry), it always turns out wonderful no matter what! I promise ❤️ Please dont let yourselves be discouraged by all that fuss that some people are saying (u deserve better my loves!).
Anyways, to the story 🫶🏻 The chapter started out so so so soft, with them sleeping next to eachother and him feeling the comfort of just her prescence and being able to relax in a totally new and unusal way for him! Such a beautiful detail by the way, the description of how his body felt more at ease than usual 🥺 and the first dirty scene, my gosh it was everything i could ever dream of !! Dirty AND beautiful !!
(So sorry that my feedback isnt in chronological order, my heads a mess haha) And the parts where Harry is so nervous and uneasy about taking her to Nialls place pretending its his, was so good because i felt like it gave us even more of an insight on his soft and more vulnerable moments, like the big, strong, powerful wolf suddenly feels anxious and restless about her thoughts on everything about «his» place and how he tries so hard to maintain this facade because in his mind, its a way to not lose her. So so beautiful and vulnerable and soft and cute and painful and just every emotion at once! All those emotions takes some extremely good writers to convey, which i am not at all surprised that you amazing writers are able to do in such a descriptive and well formulated way ❤️
And another soft moment for me, is when she made him dinner and he connected what he knew about what cooking «means» to humans, and how he thought that could mean that she was showing affection towards him in her human ways !! aw 🥺
And the second steamy scene….no words !!! I loved how much he was struggeling to keep his self control and how desperate he was as she sucked him off and just….my brain turned into the most positive form of absolute mush !!! 🌟 Him struggeling to, quite literally, not unleash the beast, leaves me so giggly but hot its hard to even describe !! 💗💗
And i also want to add that i thought the ending of this chapter was the PERFECT ending. Like, no complaints at ALL. I loved the way it leaves you wanting to just indulge yourself into the future chapter cuz of how much you want to see what happens next. Could not ask for a better ending !! It left me satisfied and excited for the next one <3 Just like stories and chapter should do! Right? 🙌 I feel bubbly just thinking about chapter 8 !!
I have so many more thoughts about every little detail in this, so many thoughts that i can’t even type them all, but just please please please know that i, and hopefully maaaany others too, notice all the little details you put in your work. When i read this story, i am so invested and captivated that i read every line as slow as possible, so that i can consume every last letter of art you write. I notice everything, and stop many times just to admire a single line or a single word or detail or idea og dialouge or storylines and characters and backstories and just everything. So just please know that your hardwork does not go unnoticed !! At least not by me ❤️
I am so sorry if this was obnoxiousely long and difficult or exhausting to read btw !! i just wanted to give some love and encouragement and appreciation to you beautiful people that i am so grateful for <3 have a beautiful day 💗
(@fkinavocado here) just wanna say that i first read mermaids instead of masterminds 😂i dunno which is more out there lol.
regarding the "negative feedback-" we never said it was negative. some people just choose to focus on the wrong things, and we can't understand why- some people insist on them having babies, pups etc- and it's odd to us, because we made it abundantly clear that it's physically impossible for them to procreate, being different species essentially. and we did so very early on- just to give everyone a heads up and have them decide if they wanna stick around or not. i get why this might be an important thing to some. and not to say that we are under any obligation to forewarn ppl about plot keys like this, but we thought it would be nice of us to do so, since we know it's a touchy subject for some. so yeah- it was disappointing to see people insist on this when we've made it clear that it won't be happening.
second, a lot of people put a lot of emphasis on "poor eddie"- which is fair, it was a cute/sad thing that he was moping for harry, but some only commented on that. which was a bit odd? like there were so many things happening in that 20k chapter and some literally just commented "poor eddie" at the end of it x_x lol
so, it was never that it was negative feedback. and we're not trying to tell people what to write us, either. we were just expressing our slight disappointment with what some ppl chose to leave as feedback (well, i was, on my own blog, but then it snowballed and oh well.)
anyway---- back to your lovely feedback ❤️❤️❤️❤️ i can't tell you how much it means to me and both of us to have you take the time and write all of this down. truly, it made our day when we saw it in our inbox, especially after we were feeling a bit disheartened after reading some of the others. and it's not to say we expect every bit of commentary to be this long and in depth- we appreciate that not everyone has a way with words etc. but just letting us know you enjoyed it is what we love to hear ❤️ we don't need the praise!!!!! we just wanna know you liked it 🥹
"please please please know that i, and hopefully maaaany others too, notice all the little details you put in your work. When i read this story, i am so invested and captivated that i read every line as slow as possible, so that i can consume every last letter of art you write. I notice everything, and stop many times just to admire a single line or a single word or detail or idea og dialouge or storylines and characters and backstories and just everything. So just please know that your hardwork does not go unnoticed !! At least not by me ❤️"- THIS BIT LITERALLY MELTED ME 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ literally, i could never express how much that means to me! thank you from the bottom of my heart lovely, and have an amazing day too 💋💋💋
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part 2 of answering to answer to reply to waiting for a lifetime dfjpir. 'there should have been at least ONE PERSON' personally idk but 1) its your fic you do whatever you want 2) (a distracted thought) self-indulged. i think i could live an eternal life. bc im pretty lonely anyway but i have great pleasure watching people and history so why not. 3) i saw her being to obsessed with finding daemon after she just came back to life so she busied herself with history, drawing, all this shit. and then it became her lifestyle. can imagine her letting people into her life, letting them learn smth about her but only for? amusement? like shes seen DOZENS of them, their development and all. people are open books for her. and also even if she had relationships i can imagine her not being attached that much and not too involved in them? like she gave all of her love and heart powers to the targ history and finding daemon. she still drew him 2 centuries ago how could she forget him? and yeah, adoptive parent maybe? esp after wars. but in a joel miller way, not really bc of her relationships going too far for her to be pregnant. anyway, i do think shes got some trauma abt pregnancies even if it wast the reason of her death. maybe doing a part about reader during these 2000 years? how she reacted when vissy was born so 'oh daemon must be next' and when daemon was born? must be thrilling. im only suggesting, though. i understand, if its too much. you dont need to write it. 'I JUST THOUGHT OF A REALLY MESSY TIMELINE' NO! i forbid it!! at least not before you watch the whole doctor who!! 'idk what you mean about him being smug before' oh not smug but cheesy? horny? flirty? when he entered readers apartment. 'you find aemond timid' no not timid but i was too tired to think of another words that implies quiet and passive. 'im still on the fence about yn talking' OH but what if... aemond starts the investigation and tries to be shady, inconspicuous and all and asks yn abt it. subtly (as he thinks). but reader is FAAAR smarter, boy, im sure shes been investigated for fare share of times. she knows. so she messes with him and tells him COMPLETE truth from the very beginning in specially cheesy and dreamy tone so aemond thinks shes just a lil crazy and just obsessed with targ prince. like the greatest riddles always have the most obvious solutions. and he only thinks abt it being the truth while watching her in the palace having a wedding in the gown similar to her past life. sorry got carried away. 'hes so highstrung on figuring out this mystery' ig out of your 2 options, it sounds better. maybe combine ours?.. you choose anyway. BUT i cam imagine aemond being absolutely too deep into it so even when aegon nearly beats him up screaming the truth, aemond doesnt believe and thinks his bro is messing w/him thus hes so aggressive. 'plot would get mega twisted' 10 parts isnt a limit or what? TT tbh really want him to remain pretty sweet boy who one moment just has no choice but to believe it, cry a lot and let his beloved professor live her life. he could be a lil too passionate abt his investigation but hes still the sweet boy who cant confront his crush( 'mean foreshadowing' yeah absolutely. i mean you cant blame me. it was almost 5 in the morning and i wanted to sleep, not think. 'i mUST make you cry next time' out of hapPINESS! also the # with my un and cutie TT its so sweet and cute but i snorted when i noticed it for the first time bc its literally a meme for me in rus. but its my problem. its fine, go on. i love when you call me cute. meow meow🐱 ALSO! ive got like... 6 ideas for you... one of them is that one i was teasing and i will eventually send it to you i swear TT and the one with aegon. actually, i feel like these are overwhelming and a lot to you (not in a bad way, its a lot in general. and i make you read them all? is it cruel of me?), esp not taking reqs. so... idk? let me know if you want me to write them down for you? hope youre doing fine!! ig you already have my love letter. love you! take care <з
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me to my cat T_T
part 2 of answering to answer to reply to waiting for a lifetime dfjpir. 'there should have been at least ONE PERSON' personally idk but 1) its your fic you do whatever you want
2) (a distracted thought) self-indulged. i think i could live an eternal life. bc im pretty lonely anyway but i have great pleasure watching people and history so why not.
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youre lonely even when youre talking to me T_T what am i a potato T_T your thoughts make me want to hug you so tight
3) i saw her being to obsessed with finding daemon after she just came back to life so she busied herself with history, drawing, all this shit. and then it became her lifestyle. can imagine her letting people into her life, letting them learn smth about her but only for? amusement? like shes seen DOZENS of them, their development and all. people are open books for her. and also even if she had relationships i can imagine her not being attached that much and not too involved in them? like she gave all of her love and heart powers to the targ history and finding daemon. she still drew him 2 centuries ago how could she forget him?
Yes i agree she would 100% be obsessive with daemon and in turn would dedicate her whole life and her art to him and the targs. I do think she would let people in as a pastime but again its human nature to want a deep personal relationship with someone this im saying she would have at least let ONE person in within that 2k years
and yeah, adoptive parent maybe? esp after wars.
Yes she would i feel like it would take her years and years and years to get over the death of her baby and would 100% be traumatized to wake up seeing her dead babe AND husband. Like enough to last a thousand years my gosh, especially since shed live in perpetual fear cos of wars and stuff. I think only after all the wars would she even consider wanting to have a child of her own flesh and blood
but in a joel miller way, not really bc of her relationships going too far for her to be pregnant.
HLEP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. But i agree 100% would highly unlikely to let some dude that isnt daemon get super intimate with her
anyway, i do think shes got some trauma abt pregnancies even if it wast the reason of her death.
maybe doing a part about reader during these 2000 years? how she reacted when vissy was born so 'oh daemon must be next' and when daemon was born? must be thrilling. im only suggesting, though. i understand, if its too much. you dont need to write it.
Yes. This will eventually come with what i have planned for yn and daemon 😈 little by little you will see how evil i will be HHAHAHA
'I JUST THOUGHT OF A REALLY MESSY TIMELINE' NO! i forbid it!! at least not before you watch the whole doctor who!!
??? Literally no correlation i probably wont do it though because plots like that make my stomach roll. Idk how to even start doc whi
'idk what you mean about him being smug before' oh not smug but cheesy? horny? flirty? when he entered readers apartment.
Ahhh ok i get it. Idk if he was smug cheesy horny or flirty but he was 1000% drunk
'you find aemond timid' no not timid but i was too tired to think of another words that implies quiet and passive.
Oh i see
'im still on the fence about yn talking' OH but what if... aemond starts the investigation and tries to be shady, inconspicuous and all and asks yn abt it. subtly (as he thinks). but reader is FAAAR smarter, boy, im sure shes been investigated for fare share of times. she knows. so she messes with him and tells him COMPLETE truth from the very beginning in specially cheesy and dreamy tone so aemond thinks shes just a lil crazy and just obsessed with targ prince. like the greatest riddles always have the most obvious solutions. and he only thinks abt it being the truth while watching her in the palace having a wedding in the gown similar to her past life. sorry got carried away.
NO BUT THIS IS SO SOMETHING THAT I WOULD MAKE YN DO YES I LOVE THIS IDEA ESP BEC IT AEMOND IS AN OVERTHINKER AND HED BE LIKE 'SHES CRAZY BUT ALSO WHAT IF SHES LITERALLY JUST TELLING ME BUT PLS WTF' AND THEN he slowly starts to believe because every question he has for yn yn can answer and she doesnt get her facts mixed up aemond be like😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
'hes so highstrung on figuring out this mystery' ig out of your 2 options, it sounds better. maybe combine ours?.. you choose anyway.
HAHAHAHHAAH ok we'll see
BUT i cam imagine aemond being absolutely too deep into it so even when aegon nearly beats him up screaming the truth, aemond doesnt believe and thinks his bro is messing w/him thus hes so aggressive.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 poor aemond poor poor love love
'plot would get mega twisted' 10 parts isnt a limit or what? TT tbh really want him to remain pretty sweet boy who one moment just has no choice but to believe it, cry a lot and let his beloved professor live her life. he could be a lil too passionate abt his investigation but hes still the sweet boy who cant confront his crush
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poor aemond AHAHHA. but i do feel like thats fit for his character t_T and gosh i hope i dont ACTUALLY WRITE 10 parts T_T
( 'mean foreshadowing' yeah absolutely. i mean you cant blame me. it was almost 5 in the morning and i wanted to sleep, not think.
'i mUST make you cry next time' out of hapPINESS!
also the # with my un and cutie TT its so sweet and cute but i snorted when i noticed it for the first time bc its literally a meme for me in rus. but its my problem. its fine, go on. i love when you call me cute. meow meow🐱
i put tage [username] cutie for everyone. it's also a meme here. OMG #RUSSIANSARESECRETLYFILIPINO #FILIPINOSARESECRETLYRUSSIAN ur very cute my cutie pie
ALSO! ive got like... 6 ideas for you... one of them is that one i was teasing and i will eventually send it to you i swear TT and the one with aegon.
actually, i feel like these are overwhelming and a lot to you (not in a bad way, its a lot in general. and i make you read them all? is it cruel of me?), esp not taking reqs.
it's fine!!! I LOVE ASKS <3
so... idk? let me know if you want me to write them down for you?
you can chose to write them down if you want
hope youre doing fine!! ig you already have my love letter. love you! take care <з
im doing fine!! i finished a bunch of homework and im very proud of myself for it. i hope youre doing good!!! i love you
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clockout-comic · 2 years
Please give us new folk a rundown on your OCs here >:D
you just said the magic words bestie get fuckin ready
the setup for mrawdrs is that the four main characters all work at the same company (named MRaWDR: Magical Runoff and Waste Disposal Regulations, because the founder is about as original with naming things as i am LMAO) working as a field service team, the same way a crime scene cleanup or hazmat crew would work, but way more magical
first is addie dunbar, the security/medic (still working on her certification on that last one tho)
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shes a unicorn, a trans lesbian, and has NO INTERESTING BACKSTORY AT ALL HAHA WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASSUME THAT... here have some random facts so you stop thinking about it
her favorite author is jane austen, shes a huge classic lit nerd and listens to audiobooks constantly
her sharp teefies are veneers that were an absolute goddamn NIGHTMARE to get put in, because unicorn magic is healing-based and they just kept fucking popping off
shes actually SUPER fucking powerful as far as unicorns go, but being able to refine and direct her magic in a useful way is Very Very Dangerous to do on her own, and theres no unicorns around to help guide her
none that she would want to learn from anyways
her great-great-great grandmother is brooklyn supreme
her voice claim is hozier, because take me to church is an extremely addie song
her job on the team is to act as a living battery for elmira to use to supercharge her runes, do (VERY MINOR) healing if one of them gets hurt, and to take care of any violent flora/fauna/sentient goo that may show up on a job. support tank!
up next is the teams technician, jones nolastname
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a human engineering magic specialist, ball of anxiety, and Ultimate Nice Guy (genuine), they maintain and reconfigure all the equipment that the team uses on all of their jobs
yes thats their real last name. they fucked up the application for name change and never corrected it because they were too socially anxious
theyre a DDR master and will hog the machine at their local arcade for 12+ hours if you let them
theyre also a huuuuuuuge anime/manga/video game enthusiast. were it not for my infinite mercy as their god, they would be addicted to genshin impact
theyre actually the only native resident of the city that everyone lives in, called The Island of Steve (the name changes pretty often lol), everyone else moved from different states or countries
they grew up in the foster system, and were bullied so heavily by their foster siblings for being autistic and having a severe stutter/other speech impediments that they became mute. when they were younger it was by choice, but now as an adult their vocal cords have completely atrophied and theres no chance of recovering their ability to speak
BUT. sign is taught as a second language in all schools by law, so its a little easier on them to adapt
as such, they dont have a voice claim, but the song i most associate with their character is Worlds Smallest Violin by AJR. sometimes i think about paying someone to translate it into asl so i can make an accurate animatic of them "singing" it
third is elmira quickroot, the charms specialist and recordskeeper
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fucking ultimate weirdgirl, i love her to death and i want to rattle her around like a maraca. she's a faerie, very british, and yes she does dress like that in her daily life. this is not a faerie thing shes just fuckin weird. her job on the team is to record absolutely everything that happens to the letter (for legal and billing reasons), and doing more intricate charm/rune work (which is essentially like magical computer coding)
elmira has perfect memory! much more intense and detailed than the eidetic memory or hyperthymesia that humans can have, literally every second of every day has been perfectly branded into her memory since the day she pupated into an adult. she doesnt know why, this isnt a normal faerie thing either, and her coping mechanisms for escaping the constant recall are.. not good, to say the least
shes a HUUUUUGE textiles nerd, she makes all of her own clothing on as minute a level as she can manage- by which i mean she weaves her own fabric, spins her own yarn, makes her own patterns, and on and on and on. dont get me wrong, she can and will raid the local Fantasy Michaels or Joann Fabrics for any supplies she can get, but the girl is kind of bugfuck nuts and on bad days she'll get really deep into it
her home country is a cut off faerie-only kingdom in the UK called The Realm, made from the ruins of an old castle built by giants waaaaaaaay back in the day, i need to do concept art of it because its genuinely beautiful
her voice claim issss. complicated. the closest human equivalent is florence welsh but pitched up, but in reality it would sound way less human. the way i usually describe it is if someone sang a sentence backwards into a microphone and then reversed the audio. i might do a demo of what i mean at some point lol, but thats pretty common for faeries
she stole her name from the city in new york and her gender from a random barista
the boobs are implants lol
her wings are based off of a blue morpho dragonfly
and finally... the man of the hour, your grandpa and mine, ultimate babygirl.... TOUFOR!!!
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toufor is the customer relations guy, he goes out and does surveys on non-emergency jobs and coordinates with the clients to make sure they get all the right services they need. he is the most well adjusted motherfucker in canon and hes a corpse
(okay thats a lie theres someone who very nearly ties with him, but thats a sentient pair of pants who sounds exactly like sonic the hedgehog. his name is frankie we love him.)
toufor is a ghoul, the only one that has ever existed or ever will exist because hes a ~walking human rights violation~
i wrote out a whole list for toufor and then my computer restarted and deleted all of it so im gonna crawl in a hole for a while. aaaaaaaaaaaa
toufor is a huuuuge music nerd, his record/CD collection is valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and he listens to everything in it regularly
the only guy in the world who says his music taste is everything and really means it
he has achondroplasia, but is shorter than the average height for people w the same condition. that plus the general constantly rotting a little faster than your body can replenish its cells thing means that he has a lot of health issues
BUT. he has a whole platoon of specialists that have dedicated their careers to keeping him healthy and with a good quality of life. its my city and doctors can be good if i want them to be. their work and the treatments he goes through are inspired pretty heavily by the Lenin Lab, which i recommend you check out this video by Ask a Mortician to learn more about it!!
this body isnt his original, and the elaboration on what happened and how his Whole Deal works is an entirely different post on its own. it will involve diagrams
i have an au that i write with my bestie where some of the characters in mrawdrs work at a strip club, and toufor comes in to do nothing but eat chicken wings for the entire night and then tip $500 to every dancer. they all love him dearly and this vibe extends into the core canon storyline
he cannot perform any kind of magic! due to the way his soul-body situation works, he has no way to access the magic inside of his body, or the stuff that exists in the environment ambiently. going along with that, any magic performed on HIM takes much more "juice" to actually take effect and takes MUCH longer to do so. he isnt a complete dead zone (HAAAAAAAAAA) but his... tolerance? is much higher.
his voice claim is corpse husband. i shant elaborate.
aaaaaaand thats the main bitches. theres also a fuckin LOT of side characters, sexy irredeemable antagonists, and background characters ive put a ridiculous amount of thought into, who all deserve their own posts in time... this is a threat
thank u for the opportunity to gush about my babbies <3
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