#but it was a fun exercise either way
duskianfae · 7 months
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A quick and rough animation sketch of Alice
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sibelin · 11 months
i'm getting to the game ask in a sec but i wanted to write a post to say i'm very proud of myself for putting so much efforts in getting better. i've been doing so well in june/july, i just feel good about myself and much healthier on all sides, physically, mentally, humanly. still a long way to go but i think i'm on the right path :)
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chloefraazers · 1 year
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crabappleblossoms · 1 month
hmmm to make a trapped inside due to a tornado fic about narumitsu or blackmadhi….. what a lovwly buffet of options
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computerspeech · 2 months
tempted to make a coded language sometimes
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
[cw venting about renniverssary stress. tl;dr i'm giving myself an out LMAO and, if i can't conjure up some perfect and lovely piece by next week, i'll just Do What I Can and then start planning the wedding so i have more time and can make that the Big Thing]
it hit me last night that i'm absolutely FUCKING MYSELF UP w stress over "not doing enough" for the renniversary ksjdnfkjn so i think. actually. i'll make and post what i can manage, without pushing myself to make The Most Finished Work Imaginable, and then maybe over the coming months i'll get some commissions and decide on a "wedding" date to post them on 😭
ren wouldn't want me to stress over "being good enough"... that's part of our whole Thing after all. idk. i just. he's the first oc i've made who's had this deep of an impact on me; this year in particular has been ROUGH, and he (and this community hehe) have been pulling me through all of the bullshit and breakdowns. i WANT to do something big and meaningful to match even a fraction of everything he's done for me! but if i'm going through a bad art slump and making myself stressed and unhappy, then what's the point of doing it...? if that makes sense.
sorry, this is mostly just me working through these weird, contradictory, fucky feelings. it's also weird guilt bc i put together a nice little finished chibi pic for the oushiversary tomorrow, but i'm struggling to make anything beyond messy sketches and loose, half-baked ideas for ren, my current main? (granted i was using an unfinished sketch from a couple of years ago as the oushiversary pic base, but. yknow.)
i still have a week. there's time for divine inspiration to strike LMAO. but i want to let myself not freak out over it. worst case? i draw something like that poke!renro in that loose, paint-y style that doesn't take long to do but looks really visually interesting, and then i FIIIIIINALLY do a yumeship meme for us KJANSKFJN.
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aro-aizawa · 11 months
seemingly the only way i can ever get into any new thing is if i spontaneously decide to watch/read it
#shut up danni's talking#in other news aloneintherain posted a welcome to demon school iruma-kun fanfic while i was sleeping#woke up the notification and thought huh well i don't wanna get up now so lemme boot up crunchyroll#i am now on season 2 ep 1#so that's fun!#and i would die for iruma - him and azz are deffo gay#my angel clara is either lesbian or she's aro lesbian and i can't decide which i like better so shrug#but that girl eiko is ABSOLUTELY bi honestly she's like my fave side character#uh big buff and dumb blonde is also a favourite of mine#he's so passionate abt the demon king and stuff and i cackled when he found out the demon king club was full of nerds#and yet he IMMEDIATELY without a single second of hesitation joined and like MAD respect i adore him#ameri is also cool but she is absolutely demiromantic with a romantic soul and i ship her w eiko#but man the relationship between iruma and his grandpa is so sweet???;;#i wanted to melt at the festival and the other classmates were like oh man bet you're the pride of your family iruma and he was like#YEAH I LOVE GRANDPA AND OPERA#i wanted to cry#also the fact that iruma puts his hair up in a ponytail when exercising is my absolute favourite thing#and is definitely a key reason why i think he's one of my faves i'm always weak when a character can have a small ponytail#anyways just letting y'all know and when i finish watching the anime fingers crossed my dumbass brain will let me comprehend the manga#idk HOW i managed to comprehend the mha manga way back when but hopefully it'll work this time too#i have a feeling that a lot of the fandom is weighted towards the manga spoilers rather than the anime which is fair#also i THOUGHT crunchyroll had messed up bc i was sure i had three more episodes left of season one and i did#when i finished s2 ep1 it tried to make me watch s3 ep1 which like no thank you#so now im gonna have to go back and be confused rip
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batcavescolony · 4 months
Jughead Jones would have beef with Michelle Obama over her 'The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids' Act of 2010.
#reason i know this: im aroace and have beef with Michelle Obama over her healthy hunger free kids act of 2010.#like ok i get that kids should have healthy food but thats not what happened. they just made everything whole wheet and now we needed to#buy a fruit and veg that was either half rotten of from a can. if schools actually made heathy good food that would be one thing but#they didnt! we used to have these warhead ices and the food was good and we ate it all then 2010 hit and the food was suddenly shit#and with this came alot of food waste too no one wanted to eat the oranges that fell off the back of the truck and over cooked green beans!#jughead jones#jughead comics#archie comics#and i took culinary and putting kids in the room with other kids makes them tey new things. their's a way you can them to eat healthy food#its by having that food NOT TASTE LIKE ASS! and not LOOK LIOE ROAD KILL! and obviously im not actually hating at Michelle she had her heart#in the right place its just the road to hell is paved with good intentions. it didnt work. usa school lunch is a literal joke!#and also in part with this what getting kids to move more and that didn't happen either! you known what i would have done?#got rid of the physical fitness test and have kids play funs games. making kids compeat against each other is a shit way to get them to#enjoy exercise! let them play. dont make them compare themselves to their peers. dont stop fun play in elementary!#and maybe dont cut their portions at luch and have them movie more? if you want them to move they need fuel to move!#just i have thoughts about the health and hunger free kids act of 2010 and how it utterly failed.#michelle obama#the healthy hunger free kids act of 2010#school lunch#american school system#american school lunch program#comics#forsythe pendleton jones III#riverdale#yall get tagged get over it
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084392 · 1 year
sorry just ventingggg about some of my projects bc honestly.....
ive just been feeling really unmotivated about my pokemon related project ideas lately bc it just seems like....why bother with a frankly over ambitious fan thing i realistically would not even be able to complete in a way im proud of when i should/could probably be focusing on more original stories....if anything. but it just feels like im getting nowhere either way :(
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I want to exercise despite being sick right now and I know that's a bad idea but. But hear me out. ...amxiety go brr 😢
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sealrock · 8 months
k, horror gposes for october are over. and now, back to our regularly scheduled programming
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penthousedragon · 1 year
I really love your artwork. All of it is so super pretty and clean! I especially love all the deer! I hope you make more sometime!
Aaww thank you!! Im glad you like my art :D
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trans reddit in general is a very dark place but i think the sentiment of being so obsessed with some damning physical trait of yours and letting it be so painful that you cant bear to look at cis people is the EXACT reason you havent realized how many cis men have round jawlines or 0 muscle mass or how many cis women have big heads or long arms or flat chests or high foreheads. the combination of living inside your head 90% of the time and spending the other 10% of the time on the internet where the visual presence of people who dont look like models is smoothly and algorithmically culled is making your life so much more painful than it deserves to be. like, you cant just quit that cycle cold turkey, but every time you get on the bus or go to the grocery store or at your job or whatever, maybe start thinking about all the people you see and how your eyes glaze over all the perfectly average unattractive people that exist in real life because it feels like they "dont count" because youve internalized the idea that every average looking person is an anomalous outlier against all the tabloid-beautiful people you were taught is how people are SUPPOSED to look. you really really really have to understand how much of a lie it is. understand that all of the people you see on the subway, and how many of them are perfect looking vs how many of them are unattractive and not done up, and know that that is what its like everywhere. everywhere is full of people who look weird and some of them are self conscious about it and some of them arent. thats just the human condition. people look weird! everyone has weird traits because the idea of 1 perfect beautiful man and woman is stupid and fake! and everyone's still subject to that pressure to conform to that fake ideal, and that does absolutely still manifest into material conditions, but at least know in your heart that your traits that youre told are ugly and by extension anomalous are both FINE and VERY MUCH UNIVERSAL
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antirepurp · 2 years
after im done with this model (if my motivation holds up) i think i’d like to revisit making a SA2 styled model for sticks i think that could be really fun actually
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technicolorxsn · 9 months
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satoruxx · 1 month
boyfriend toji asks you to workout with him all the time, but not in the way you’re thinking. you’re his incentive, a little prize for working so hard.
so of course he cages you underneath him as he does push ups, claiming a victory kiss each time he lowers himself to the ground. honestly the way you laugh and giggle is far more satisfying than the actual workout part of it, his lips quirking into a half smile each time he pushes back up.
“you’re so lame,” you laugh, patting his flexing bicep and he rolls his eyes.
“what’s wrong with havin’ a prize? i’m workin’ so hard,” he stresses the last word with an over exaggerated sigh.
“yeah right like this isn’t the easiest possible thing for you—”
a heavy kiss—his favorite way of shutting you up. he pulls back, expression going smug at your dazed reaction.
“you sure do talk a lot for someone who’s enjoying it.” he quips.
and you do enjoy it—honestly you’d take any excuse to steal affection from the hulking wolf of a man that is your boyfriend, especially when he’s always so willing to give it.
some days he’ll switch it up and ask you to get on his back as he does his push ups, because god knows he’s strong and he can handle you so easily.
and he likes the way you loop your arms around his neck, likes the way you squeal as he playfully tries to bite your fingers when they get too close to his face.
“i think i’ll just stay up here,” you comment from atop his back, and toji can hear your smile.
“oh yeah?” he grunts as he lowers himself to the ground.
“mhm.” your fingers drum over his back. “you look pretty good like this. i can boss you around and everything.”
“hah—” an evil smirk, even as sweat drips down his temple. “watch your mouth, kid. don’t push your luck.”
you laugh, he grins. somehow you just make the whole process that much more fun for him.
toji is selfish too. bad enough that he has you trapped either under him or on top of him as he does push ups for as long as he can. but once he’s done and you’re about to go do your own work he’s grabbing your wrist with that trademark smirk going, “hey i’m not done yet.”
and then you find yourself holding his feet down as he casually does sit ups, and of course each time he makes it back up he’s kissing you. you giggle each time, leaning your weight onto your palms to keep his legs steady as you peak over his knees. the sound tickles his ears—infectious.
“aren’t you tired yet?” you call out, tilting your head with a teasing smile. toji pulls himself up, abs flexing as his bulky arms stay put behind his head.
“tired?” he scoffs, lips brushing over yours. he pulls back just slightly, hooded eyes boring into yours. “i got my energy right here.”
he’s ridiculous. selfish and utterly ridiculous. it comes to a point where he refuses to do his exercises if you’re not there, claiming that “it’s no fun workin’ hard if there’s nothin’ to work hard for.”
but obviously half of the time he ends up forgetting about the workout anyway, grabbing at your waist to pull you into his lap as he presses his mouth to yours eagerly—one little prize already managing to distract him.
for someone so strong, toji can be embarrassingly weak when it comes to you.
oh well, no harm done. he knows he can get his exercise in a different way—and you have no problem with that either.
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