#but it’s a purple patterned almost wrap dress! (it’s not a wrap dress lol but it has that detailing across it)
itspileofgoodthings · 9 months
I bought this dress while I was in England that looks so good on me.
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strangelockd · 2 years
I'll Give You The Moon And Stars
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Tumblr somehow deleted this story so I had to repost it.....So here I am once again. (Don't let this flop lol)
Pairing: Sinister!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It finally here! Your wedding day to Sinister Strange. But he has a few surprises up his sleeve to make your best day ever even better than you could dream.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: None really just tooth rotting fluff, Mutual pining
A/N: This story is somewhat of a self indulgent piece. It came to me one night bc I have always wanted to Waltz, let alone with Mr.Sinister.
Theres references to The Phantom of the Opera & Outlander!!!!
I have a strong headcannon that he is very light on his feet. Plus I can’t help but think of Sinister without Once Upon A Dream playing in my mind.
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Steadily pacing around the grand room back and forth with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, you kept wiping your outstretched hands on your legs because your palms wouldn’t stop sweating. Eyeballing the long A-line black and purple ombre dress hanging off the four-poster bed. Gathering your courage to shuffle towards it, lifting it gently off the plush hanger. The soft taffeta texture along with the outer tulle feeling soft against your skin; fingers gently dancing over the moonstone beads. The constellation patterns embellished on the waistline giving off a shimmer in the light. Tears welling in your eyes, for it was finally your wedding day. 
Sure, it wasn’t the ceremony you first envisioned since you were a little girl. The typical tradition of a Church and a huge gathering never resonated with you anyway. But Sinister latched onto your heart and swept you off your feet. He was without question the love of your life. Ever since you arrived in his world you slowly began to change him. His heart thawing like Spring warning away the frosty ice of Winter. You couldn’t wait to become his wife. 
Wiping away the gentle tears cascading down your cheeks to slide off the silken nightgown from your shoulders, tossing it to the side. Sliding into the gown gently right foot first, then the left. Zipping up the side of it, the corset snugging all the right places. Taking the extra time to adjust the black lingerie stockings giving them a light snap against your thigh. Tussling your hair slowly walking towards the embellished mirror you couldn’t believe how gorgeous you looked. You really did feel like a true Disney princess. That is, if princesses were into gothic attire.
Strapping on the black wedges to stand upright, making your way back to the four-poster bed reaching for the blood red rose bouquet that was decorated with purple lace. Peaks of white babies’ breath sticking out between them. Grabbing the perfume bottle off the vanity to generously sprits yourself with ‘Into the Night’ perfume. Its delicate amber scent danced around your senses. It was your signature scent and Sinister adored it. His heart always skipping a beat when walking into a room and knowing you where just there from the smell alone. The sheer intoxication of it all leaving an imprint on his mind and his senses. 
Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, fingers wrapped around the silver door latch finally making your exit to the grand sanctum. This is it……The next time you returned would not be (Y/L/N), but Mrs.Strange. The thought of it making your heart flutter faster. 
Shoes quietly stepping on the floor to turn the corner slowly; finally arriving in the main room. There by the glowing window of the seal of Vishanti was your fiancé and soon to be husband, Sinister Strange. His tall lean frame silhouetted forming his hands behind his back facing outside the giant window. Safe assumption that he was in deep thought. 
Stepping out of the dark hallway looking up to him swallowing back tears you beckoned playfully, “Hello handsome.” His head perked to turn, slowly shifting completely around finding himself almost falling over if he wasn’t struck dead in his tracks. 
Eyes wide scanning up and down your gorgeous frame, his admiring gaze never wavering. A look full of pure uninhibited love. You looked like an angel. My angel of music. His sea glass eyes blown wide; mouth slightly open. She is absolutely beautiful. Just keep composure…and don’t cry. Its not everyday the worlds most powerful sorcerer is rendered speechless.
Face beaming, finding yourself in awe at how handsome he looked as well. He always took your breath away. Instead of his usual tunic he opted for a black victorian jacquard swallowtail frock coat with a matching vest. Completing the look with a dark purple ascot necktie. His Pressed black trousers accompanied by the solid black wingtip oxford shoes. The usual disheveled silken hair swept back neatly with a pomade. Of course, except for a few strands cascading down his forehead, slightly veiling his chiseled cheeks. The uniformed look of his silver strands on his temples giving off a soft glow from the light. He truly looked superbly divine and delectable. The things I would do to him tonight……
With an endearing grin he extended his left hand outward, the baritone in his voice dropping an octave that always drove you crazy sending an electric shock up your spine, “Darling……come here”
A wide smile spreading across your face emitting a giggle from you. Your smile always to sent a flood of warmth through his chest every time he saw it. Stepping closer grasping his hand bringing it up to his velvet lips, eyes never breaking contact with yours to slowly place a soft kiss on your fingers. Blue eyes shimmering like two glowing pools causing the heat to rise from your chest up to your cheeks.
Clearing his throat Sinister couldn’t help but to speak above a whisper; gently turning your hand over. Lips caressing your delicate palm to steal more kisses from your open hand between pauses, “You look…absolutely divine my love…so breathtaking. My angel.”
Smiling back sheepishly, “You’re not so bad yourself Stephen, you cleanup nice. Always such a gentleman to me.” Stroking his goatee giving it a light tug winking at him, noticing the tips of his ears turning pink with his cheeks.
Returning to stand upright never releasing your hand Sinister slowly guided you to the center of the Sanctum Hall, his oxford heels echoing off the wooden floor. Surrounded by snuffed out candles and musical instruments he waved his free hand to illuminate the candles surrounding you. Filling the hall with soft glowing warmth. The elegant glow dancing off your faces, accentuating his defined face and cheekbones, it felt like a living fairytale. 
Giving a heartfelt sigh, “You never cease to impress me Stephen, I always love when you use magic,” giving his hand a light squeeze.
“My bride deserves the best. This is the start of the rest of our lives, and I want to give you the moon and the stars. I love you with my whole heart (y/n),” guiding your hand bringing it up to his chest.
Being how it was just the two of you in this fractured world together you mutually agreed to exchange vows and rings with each other. Over the course of a year the two of you noticed this world slowly beginning to rebuild itself. Plants where sprouting, and you even pointed out some baby doves outside nesting on the library window. A normal explanation couldn’t be placed as to why, but Sinister deeply believed that it was your love and inner magic that was helping to sew this universe back together. He convinced himself he would be destined to wander it alone. For years his heart pined for companionship, but loneliness along with time began to calcify his heart due to the shame of his past. But you came into his life and repaired a broken man who believed in love all over again. A debt he could never fully repay. The closest he could muster was to ask for your hand and become his for eternity.
A loving smile formed on your lips, “I love you to Stephen…so much”
Feeling his rapid heartbeat through his vest you brought your palm up to cup his face, he leaned into it grabbing urgently with both hands. Like you were a dream, and he was afraid he would wake up from it.  After some time you spoke gently, “I would like to begin my love, for I can not wait any longer for you to be my wife (Y/N)”
Smiling at his eagerness you nodded, his stance erect he pulls out a folded parchment. Hands shaking a bit more then usual as his slender fingers unfolded the weathered paper. A clear sign he has taken many a time to write it out. Reaching for his hand once again for support feeling it get tighter as he read, “I Stephen Vincent Strange, take you to be my loving wife. To have, to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you with every fiber of my soul till death we do part, and this is my solemn vow. Today I promise to respect you always. I will share the good times and bad times with you, be a support and guide. I promise to worship you at your feet for all eternity. You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me…...You are my best friend and one true love. Above all, I will love you from now until our day’s end.” 
 Suddenly breaking eye contact he gazed down away from you, hearing a sniffle to notice a single tear stream down his cheek. Bringing your soft hand up brushing it away with your thumb. A small smile on your lips you gently guided his head steadily upwards with your thumb and index finger, “That was perfect my love. I couldn’t have put it better myself.” Sinister couldn’t help but chuckle sheepishly at your affection. 
It left you speechless with your stomach doing somersaults. Fighting back your own tears your heart felt like it was going to burst. It was your turn to speak your heartfelt vow. Opting to not write anything you always spoke from the heart. But suddenly your brain was like a deer caught in the headlights.
 In a moment that felt like an eternity Sinister gave a chuckle to mouth the words, “you can do it my love,” squeezing your hands reassuringly. Giving a somber smile returning your hands downward gazing at Sinister straight into his blue eyes boldly professing, “I (Y/N), pledge to you Steven Vincent Strange, to always catch you before you stumble, and lift you over every threshold. I will always be by your side not only as your lover, but as your best friend. I promise to love you every day that I’m breathing. This is my solemn vow. You have the core of my heart beating for you, a love beyond what a metaphor can ever express.”
Closing his eyes releasing a heartfelt sigh that seemed like he was breathing in your words; he brought your hands to his lips. Waving his hand summoning light purple magic, a small ring box floated into his palm. The slender scarred digits slowly fishing out two matching wedding bands that were black with silver lining. Your ring accompanied by a small white diamond embedded into the jet black metal. 
Taking a band in each of your hands sliding them onto each others left ring finger. A symbol of undying love to your heart-lines. Holding Sinister’s fingers in the delicacy of yours rubbing your thumb over the band. His slender fingers even more beautiful than before. 
Together you had one last step in the ceremony to perform. Taking the purple lace from your bouquet to wrap your hands in unison. Sinister’s palm resting above yours, snugged between the soft fabric. Creating a bind symbolizing the bonding of both your lives. Reciting the planned vows, eyes never leaving each other in perfect unison to recite.
“You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give you my Body, that we Two might be One.  I give you my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done”
Sinister unraveled the purple fabric to magic it back onto your bouquet. Both releasing a joyous sigh, returning your hands back together. His thumb rubbing across your ring finger. With slightly choked up tempo you said, “I now pronounce us husband…...and wife.” Slightly bouncing up and down hardly containing your excitement, a huge smile beamed across your face.
Sinister wasted no time gently grabbing by both sides of your face. His large hands cradling you like precious porcelain. Pulling you in eagerly for a deep passionate kiss; lips melting together his mouth giving promises of love and protection. It felt like eternal bliss. Surrounded by the flicker of candlelight and for a moment forgetting the world around both of you existing. Pulling away glacially to look up at Sinister smiling down at you. 
“I love you; I love you with all my soul (Y/N Strange).” Rubbing a thumb gently across your cheek you blushed at the sentiment of using your newly claimed last name.
“I love you too Stephen Strange”
“I believe your husband owes you a first dance”
Your ears perked up at the sudden thought. You have always wanted to dance. It’s something you missed greatly. 
“That sounds incredible Stephen, yes please let’s do it.” Trying to contain your excitement, your hands still clasped together. Releasing from your grasp Sinister once again made a gesture with his hands; purple glowing magic emanating and surrounding all around you both. With wide eyes you saw the candles begin to hover and the instruments began to play. Finishing it off with a giant glowing chandelier up above. Hearing the familiar tempo of the music travel in your ears, tears formed in your eyes. Noticing the sound of the familiar score of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Waltz.
“Stephen…but how did you know”
Hands behind his back he paced slightly in front of you. “I know you more then anyone my love. You spoke about how you wanted to be a Disney princess. I felt this score fit perfectly. What kind of a husband would I be if I did not fulfill your every dream”
 Heart beating faster in your chest, feeling like you were on cloud nine. The familiar mm-bap-bap of the score leading the opening musical bar, Sinister taking a bow before you returning upright. His hand extended outward for you.
His baritone voice speaking gently, “May I have this dance my princess”
“I’d be honored”
Setting the bouquet on the grand piano to take his hand in yours, grabbing you by the small of your waist. Slowly at first guiding you across the sanctum floor with upmost grace. Not surprised that he was very experienced with waltzing. His steps ever fluid with the ¾ time, keeping up the pace with ease. No partner you’ve ever had could hold a candle to his dancing skills. The tail of his coat lifting with every gentle hop. His movement’s sweeping like a ghost across the dance floor. 
The score began to swell louder while keeping your pace together in perfect unison. Gliding across ever faster on the floor; your wedding dress swishing majestically like a work of moving art. Sinister couldn’t take his cerulean eyes from you. For all he cared the world would be burning and he would die a happy man.
“Ive said this a thousand times and I’ll keep saying it till my last breath, but you are beautiful. You are the sexiest thing in the world, never forget that” he breathed against your ear. 
“And I’ll never get tired of your sweet side Stephen”
 As the music began to die down so did your pace. Spinning around slower and slower until you fell into a deep embrace. His arms felt like home, the candles twinkling like lights from fairies. Sinister drew you closer to wear you were a breath away from each other. Noses nuzzling pulling you in for another kiss. Softly at first his mouth brushed against your lower lip. The beard tickling your soft skin. Melding together finally to tilt your head up deepening the kiss. Releasing a soft moan in sweet unison you lunged forward deeper on your tiptoes to get the most of his mouth. Tightening his grip around your waistline, he dipped you back to steal another kiss. This time his velvet tongue penetrating your lips, claiming access to your warm silken mouth. You welcomed it greatly never wanting to let go.
Releasing to catch your breaths Sinister leaned his forehead against yours, a huge smile radiating off of your faces. Gently rising you back up to kiss your forehead softly. Clutching each other with a loving embrace. Your cheek resting on his firm chest feeling it rise and fall. 
 “So…,” he trailed off. “What shall we do next?”
A smirk forming on the corner of your lip you knew exactly what he was hinting at. Placing your palms to his strong chest, leaning up with just a whisper of distance to form the most seductive voice cocking an eyebrow, “If I’m not mistaken, this is where we go upstairs and make our marriage official”
A growl emitting from his chest, eyes forming with lust he didn’t miss a beat and swooped you up bridal style to briskly carry you upstairs towards your shared chamber.
“Say no more, as the saying goes happy wife…...happy life,” he winked at you with that sideways smirk you loved so much.
Exclaiming boldly, you realized, “But wait! What about the candles?!” 
Biting your earlobe gently he growled into your ear.
“Those can wait, for I have more important things to tend too. For I’ve got an appointment with heaven and an angel needs tending to.” Giggling into his steady frame your cheeks flushing the deepest red. It was the best day if your life. 
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saynotoshityouhate · 3 years
Hi you’ve asked for this and now you’re gonna get it. I want to come visit my boyfriend B. banner in the lab and tease him so badly he almost loses control and then we fuck lol 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Lab Tease
Words: 1679
CW: oral (m receiving), piv sex, little fluffy moments, Bruce calls y/n various sweet pet names.
A/N: Happy 30th Birthday to my dear sweet @ladyinwriting18 . I hope you enjoy your Hulk Smut. I love you dearly! (not beta read or proofread, errors are my own - oops)
Bruce had been spending all of his free time in the lab. You missed your boyfriend. He’d come home late at night, when you were already asleep, and leave before you woke up in the morning. He was so close to a breakthrough on his new project, and you wanted to support him, but you missed him.
You were tired of waiting for Bruce, and too wound up from all those nights alone. It was time to take measures into your own hands. You decided you were going to surprise him at work. You got dressed in his favorite summer sundress of yours, wearing your hair the way he liked, and spritzing your pulse points with perfume - a scent that he had once called “intoxicating.” You were giddy with excitement.
On the drive to the University where Bruce worked, you thought back on the past few weeks alone. You’d wake up when Bruce tried to sneak into bed, his weight shifting the mattress. He’d always apologize for waking you, but you didn’t mind. He’d snuggle in, holding you close and peppering your ear, neck, and shoulders with gentle kisses before passing out from exhaustion. Had he ever noticed the lacy lingerie you’d put on in the hopes he’d be home soon enough to tear it off of you? You shook your head, trying to get those sad thoughts out of your head.
You’d been to the lab once or twice before, so you knew how to navigate the hallways until you reached the heavy mahogany door that read “Banner Lab.” The surrounding walls were littered with art and letters from fans and admirers of your boyfriend’s alter-ego, The Hulk. You smiled, so proud of both sides of him. Carefully turning the doorknob, you pushed the door open. “Hello?” You whispered, not wanting to disturb - although that really was your purpose for being there. No one would be able to hear you anyways over the whir of machines and the faint classic rock playlist that came through the overhead speaker system.
Tiptoeing through the lab, you looked down each aisle, seeking out your dark and handsome beau. Eventually you found him, in a dark corner in the back of the room. His face was pressed into a microscope, hands delicately adjusting the dials on either side. You stood and watched for a moment, admiring his focus, the way his forehead furrowed his tanned skin, the grey streaks in his dark hair glistening in the otherwise horrifying fluorescent lighting. You cleared your throat loudly.
Bruce lifted his head from the microscope before grabbing his glasses from his breast pocket and placing them on the bridge of his nose. Looking up at you, he smiled. “Hi, you.” His voice was soft, a sign of how tired he truly was. You skipped towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. You were ravenous, taking Bruce by surprise. “Whoa, whoa, my darling, what’s going on, why are you here?” You played with the hem of your dress, suddenly self conscious and thinking you’d made a mistake. “I wanted to come surprise you, I thought you’d be happy to see me.” You looked down at your feet, pouting. “Oh, y/n, you know I’m delighted to see you! You know how busy I am though. Why don’t you head back home, I’ll see you when I get back. The lab is so boring, I’m sure you’ll get bored so easily hanging around here with me.” You pouted more dramatically now. You weren’t going to give up so easily.
“Come on, baby, I miss you…I need you,” you whined, standing between his knees, hands unbuttoning the top few buttons of his purple dress shirt. His hands gripped your waist, thumbs rubbing the soft places on your belly. “You know I can’t leave, precious girl. There’s nothing in the world I’d want more.” At this point, your hands were spread wide on his bare chest, the thick black hair intertwined between your fingers. You looked up into his eyes, batting your eyelashes and jutting out your bottom lip. “Pwease, Brucey? I’ll have you back here in thirty minutes.” You traced one finger down Bruce’s chest until you could delicately outline your well-endowed boyfriend through his pants. “I promise, Brucey.” He groaned, both out of frustration and arousal. “Fine. My office. Now.”
Bruce grabbed your hand, basically dragging you out of the lab and down the hallway to his private office. The smile on your face was so wide, your cheeks began to hurt. Bruce opened the office door, pulled you inside, and locked the door behind you both. Taking the hand he held so tightly, he pulled you into his chest. Your hands found his face, holding his plush lips close to yours. You moaned his name into his mouth. “It’s been too long, Bruce.” You moved your hands down his chest, reaching his belt, and began to unbuckle it. Peeling your lips from his, you knelt before him, quickening your efforts to free his length. His girthy cock sprung to attention before your eyes, eliciting a moan from both of you.
Taking the base in one hand, the other gripped on his thigh, your freshly manicured nails digging into his flesh. Slowly, teasing him, you placed hot, wet kisses along the length, avoiding his most sensitive areas. Bruce gripped his desk top for dear life, willing his legs to not give out. Seeing him already struggling made you so proud, and so wet yourself. You squeezed your legs together, trying to provide some relief to the ache between your legs. You licked along the underside of his cock, causing Bruce’s hips to buck. “Sh-shit, y/n, I-I need you. N-need your mouth.” That was all the encouragement you needed - you were happy to oblige. Relaxing your jaw, you took as much of him as you could. As you moved along his length you watched your boyfriend, his face turning purple with effort, forehead furrowed. You always kept an eye on the tips of his ears which, when extraordinarily aroused, would turn the faintest shade of green.
Bruce’s groans were getting louder, and more feral. His ab muscles (which by looking at him, you’d never know how ripped he actually was) were tightening. But then, Bruce pushed you off of him, causing you to lose balance and fall to the floor. You looked up at him, wide eyed and confused. Bruce scrambled to help you up. “Are you okay, darling? I’m sorry.” He had you up and standing now, turning you to stand pressed against his desk. “We don’t have much time, and I want to cum inside you.” He gripped your hips tightly and dove into your neck, biting and kissing down to your collar bones as he lifted the skirt of your dress. “Wanna fill you up, precious little one, want you to walk all the way back to the car with me dripping down your perfect thighs.” You moaned at his dirty comments. He wasn’t one for dirty talk, usually so sweet - but your time apart had made him a man obsessed. He needed you as badly as you needed him.
Having lifted your skirt, he saw how wet you had become, your panties entirely soaked through. He growled, ripping them down your legs. With one thick, calloused digit, he felt through your folds. “So ready for me, aren’t you, darling?” You whined, bucking your hips into his finger. “Please, Brucey, please.” Bruce smiled sweetly, caressing your face with his other hand. “Since you asked nicely.” He helped you lay back on the desk, your dress bunched up around your hips. Taking his weeping cock in hand, he aligned himself at your entrance. He’d usually take his time with you, allowing you to adjust to his sheer size. You didn’t need, or want time. “Need all of you, Bruce, please.” You whined again, now he was the one teasing you.
Bruce slowly entered you fully, pausing to enjoy your warmth and the harmony of both of your moans before establishing his pace. You knew he wouldn’t last much longer, given his earlier furocity and the moans and groans he had trouble holding back. You reached between you, drawing a gentle pattern on your sensitive bud, not needing much, as Bruce was hitting you perfectly. Your back was arched, your head lolling backwards.
Bruce cupped your face with one hand, bringing your attention back on him. His other gripped your thigh tight, leaving marks that would inevitably bruise. “Look at me, sweet girl, look at me.” He wiped an arrant tear from your cheek with his thumb. “Are you going to cum with me, my perfect angel?” You nodded, unable to form words, but your eyes stayed trained on his. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. His perfect smile and his pride in you, his shining gem, was enough to send you over the edge, Bruce following close behind. With a loud, ferocious growl, Bruce filled you fully and completely before collapsing onto your chest.
Chuckling, you ran your fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head. Holding him securely to your breasts as he descended from his high. “Bruce, I’m so proud of you, but I miss you. I miss us. I don’t like falling asleep without you.” Bruce’s head popped up enough to make eye contact with you. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I didn’t know how much it bothered you. I miss you so much, and think about you all the time. I’m going to make more of an effort, I promise. Especially if it means more time for this.” He nuzzled his face into your chest, eliciting a squeal and giggle from you. “I love you,” he mumbled into your chest. Petting his hair, you replied “I love you, more.”
You walked back to your car, thinking of all the ways you could make up for lost time, as your ruined panties failed to hold back the remnants of a surprise mission accomplished.
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Making Queen members flower crowns would include
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1800+
Warnings: some sickening fluff, oh and swearing but that’s a standard, some slightly suggestive themes in john’s (implied sex) but nothing accually happens except a kiss
A/N: Hello you beautiful people! I’m back (don’t get used to that tho lol) I thought of this two years ago when i first saw Bohemian Rhapsody (SO 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO). Freddie’s is gender neutral. I tried to add a “keep reading” button but I’m not sure it works tbh because this hell of a side never cooperates.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
You were laying on Brian's lap, the sun hitting your face pleasantly. This week the weather was nice and warm, which was something extremely unusual in England, so the two of you decided to head out to the country and have a little picnic.
After what felt like hours spent in the car ("Brian, for Christ's sake, would you open the bloody window, I can't breathe!" and "Bri, I love you, but if we don't get there in five minutes, I'm going to murder you, I swear") you finally found a nice clearing, where you could relax and forget about the stresses of city life.
Brian put down a blanket on the grass, near a small stream that flew through the forest. He brought the bag with food and drinks (you didn't have a basket, so you had to improvise). 
You quickly put some sunscreen on your face and laid down, keeping your head propped on Brian's lap. He put a hat over his face and fell asleep, his chest rising steadily. 
After some time (that fucking wasp didn't let you sit in one place), you stood up and noticed many beautiful flowers, growing on a nearby bush. You got lost in picking up the most beautiful ones, admiring each one carefully. When you got enough, you sat back down and started tying the stems together.
Suddenly you got an idea. Careful not to wake him up, you began sticking the flowers in Brian's dark curls. 
Your now decorated boyfriend woke up and stretched, not noticing the colourful addition to his hair. This made you chuckle softly, but you decided to see how long it would take him to realize.
+"What is it, babe? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, Bri, I just remembered a funny joke, that's all."
"Oh tell me, then."
"What’s the difference between a lawnmower and an electric guitar?"
"You can tune a lawnmower!"
You both enjoyed the rest of the day swimming in the stream, sunbathing and eating the snack you brought. And Brian somehow still didn't notice.
Until it was time for you to get home.
You got in the car ("Open the window now, it's like in the oven in here!") and Brian looked into the rear-view mirror.
+"Hey, (Y/N), what the fuck is that? I love it."
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Roger Taylor
So honestly it would probably happen during one of his concerts.
You were backstage watching the show, enjoying every second of it. Freddie was in the middle of shouting some (very inappropriate) compliments to Brian's ass, slapping his buttcheeks. The crowd immediately went wild hundreds of fans screamed in unison. You chuckled under your breath, flashing a white smile at your beloved boyfriend Roger and his bandmates. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. Surprised, you turned around, your eyes meeting Mary's.
+"What's up, kiddo?" she smirked and patted your back.
"Oh, nothing much. Just Freddie being Freddie," you replied, making both of you erupt with laughter.
Suddenly you felt a familiar feeling form in the pit of your stomach. Out of nowhere, your hands became shaky, your breath shallow and quick. Feeling like you need some fresh air, you excused yourself.
+"Are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)?" Mary watched you carefully, her hand supporting you in case you fainted.
"Yes, Mary, I just need some fresh air. I'm extremely tired, and I haven't eaten anything since this morning" you reassured your friend. "I'm just gonna sit outside for a while."
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked, still not convinced about your well-being.
"Yes, I wouldn't want to spoil the gig for you. I'll be back before you know it" you squeezed her hand and, after promising her to be careful, you headed outside.
You took a walk alongside the small patch of lawn beside the exit. After taking a couple of deep breaths, you noticed some daisies grow in the green grass. Without thinking much, you sat down and started picking them up and tying their stems together.
Your fingers worked quickly, making a beautiful flower crown, mindlessly.
Meanwhile, on stage, the boys were singing She makes me - a song that reminded Roger of you. He quickly glanced to his right, expecting to see your beautiful figure standing with Mary. But, much to his surprise, he couldn't see you anywhere. It was no secret that his eyesight was shit but, bloody hell, it wasn't that bad. His blue eyes were searching for you, frantically.
When the song ended, he quickly motioned to Freddie to take a quick break, while he went to check up on you. He practically sprinted to Mary, almost knocking down his drumkit and John.
+"You dumb fuck, watch where you're going, Rog!"
Usually, Roger would reply with some snarky comment, but at that moment he really didn't care. When he reached Mary, he didn't even need to ask her about you. 
+"She's outside. Needed some fresh air" the girl shooked her head towards the exit. 
Roger quickly walked outside, knowing that he couldn't stall the audience for too long. But at the same time, he must have made sure you were all right.  
He got out of the building and searched for you. He spotted to sitting on a small patch of grass, holding a pretty flower crown in your hands. His heart ached at this sight. 
+"Hello, love" he whispered, kneeling next to you. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I am, Rog" you kissed his cheek. "I just felt a bit off, that's all." 
You felt your boyfriend press a kiss to your hair. You smiled at the feeling, leaning into his touch. 
You finally placed the finished flower crown on his head, brushing away loose strands of sweaty hair from his face, your hand gently brushing his temple. He took your tiny hands in his and kissed your fingers.
+"Do you wanna go back in there, sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, looking deeply into your eyes.
You nodded and pecked his lips, "Of course, Rog, I wouldn't want to miss any more of your show."
He smiled and lead you inside, placing his hand on the small of your back. You returned to Mary and wished your boyfriend good luck. 
Roger kept the flowers on his head throughout the whole gig, sending you a dashing smile and winking at you every now and again.
I just think Roger would look sososo pretty in a flower crown.
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John Deacon
It was a lovely afternoon in London. You and your fiancé John decided to take a walk after the whole day in the studio, recording songs.
Taking a walk in a nearby park was a great way to destress and release the tension accumulated during the day. It was something John realized pretty early on in your relationship and took full advantage of it. He loved wandering along the pebbled pathways that swirled around beautiful trees and bushes full of colourful flowers. Being in the presence of nature made him feel at ease and helped him relax.
But the real reason why he enjoyed your walks so much was you. He adored seeing your face light up with joy when you saw a squirrel run up a branch of an old oak or when you spotted a particularly beautiful fish in the small pond. He could watch you pick up fallen leaves for ages and hear you talk to little kids in a playground, showing them the shiny rocks you collected along the way.
To be honest, he always dreamt about starting a family with you and seeing you get along with kids so well only increased that desire.
Often after a walk, he was in the mood™, which, considering his shy nature, always took you by surprise.
Oh man, he just loved taking a walk in the park.
And today was no different.
You were walking hand in hand, admiring the blossoming flowers. Occasionally, you would stop and pick them up, making a small bouquet in the process. White daisies, pink clovers and blue forget-me-nots accumulated with every step you took.
John was telling you about the new idea he had for a song, kissing your cheek every now and again.
Listening to him, you started to fiddle with the flowers, tying them in knots. After a while ("And then, I think, we could include a gong, you know?") you were done with your creation.
You put the flowers on John's head and kissed his temple.
+"What's that, darling?" he asked you, surprised.
"Nothing, but I think you look sensational, my love" you replied, smiling innocently.
You felt John's hand bring you closer to him. He kissed you, entangling his long and incredibly skilled fingers in your hair. The kiss soon turned into more heated one.
+"I'll show you how sensational I really am, pretty girl."
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Freddie Mercury
So with Freddie, it was probably at one of his parties.
He invited you along to have a drink with him and his bandmates.
You usually weren't the one for big and loud parties, but he kept asking you and you gave in.
+"Oh okay, Fred, I'll do it," you said after the twentieth time he had asked you.
"Fantastic, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, loudly clapping his hands. "Just remember to wear a costume."
But you didn't really want to dress up in fancy dresses or costumes from different eras. Calling Mary, you asked her for advice and she told you to just wear some accessories.
So before the party, you went to a small flower shop and bought a small bouquet of purple lilacs. At home, you made a flower crown, hoping that dressing up as a nymph would be enough.
When you got to Freddie's house, you were greeted by a crowd of people in colourful skirts and suits with fashionable patterns. That's when you found Freddie, Roger, Brian and John, chilling on a couch with their dates.
+"Oh, (Y/N), you look marvellous, darling!" exclaimed Freddie dressed as a king, while he stood up to embrace you in a warm hug.
"Thank you, Fred, I made it myself" you smiled shyly.
You got some champagne and joined the conversation.
Suddenly, you felt a pat on your shoulder, and, when you turned around, you saw Freddie holding out a hand to you, asking you to dance with him. You gladly accepted and got up. 
+"I really meant it, darling. You do look marvellous tonight" he whispered in your ear.
"Thank you, Freddie, you can have it if you'd like" you sent him a warm smile.
You took off his golden crown and set it aside. Gently taking off the flower crown from your head, you placed it on top of Fred's. He beamed at you and put his own crown on top of your head.
+"Now you rule here, darling."
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katwritessometimes · 4 years
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A masquerade themed collab piece for @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten Citrus Dome Server
Read the other entries here!
Warnings/tags: Smut, Super slight exhibitionism/voyeurism (threat of being caught)
6k ish words (shout out to my lovely @teddieh for keeping me on track and helping me thirst over the discount Pikachu we all love lol)
Read it on Ao3
"Masquerade balls were something you’d only ever heard about in movies. You couldn’t deny the prospect was intriguing; donning your most elegant attire, confidence boosted by your anonymity, and the intoxication brought on by such a magical atmosphere. You and your fellow partygoers were almost doomed to desire, inhibitions washed away long before the wine and spirits started to flow. 
The mystery, majesty, and potential for mischief were far too enticing to resist. 
So, when you received an invitation to Midnight’s Masquerade, you didn’t think twice about accepting…"
Midnight spoke to you often about the extravagant galas she threw at least once a month. The hero had taken a liking to you ever since you started dating one of the up and coming hero’s at her agency Chargebolt. You couldn't deny the idea of attending one of her grand parties sounded appealing. Though you shrank back just as hard at the idea of being surrounded by Japan's top heroes. You’d met a handful of Denki’s pro friends, you'd even hung out with them fairly regularly, namely Sero sometimes Kirishima, and Hitoshi. But you knew he’d gone to school with a lot of Japan’s biggest names. 
A soft hum leaves your lips as you shuffle through your mail, an elegant black envelope catching your eye. The matted black paper standing out from the normal sea of white, a delicate swirling blue pattern accenting the black. You drop the rest of the mail, attention immediately captured by the expensive and intricate-looking paper peeling back the pretty wax seal. 
From: Mistress Midnight 
You are cordially invited to Midnight's Masquerade. Join me and all the other guests in a night full of fun, mischief, and anonymity. 
A black-tie event, Don't forget your mask~
You pause for a moment eyeballing the card, this was the first time Midnight sent you an official invitation. Normally offering you an invitation verbally. You smiled, she must have finally gotten tired of you trying to talk your way out of her invites in the moment. Before you could give it much thought you check off attending in the appropriate little box and tuck the rsvp card in the little mail-back envelope already provided. You smile at the Hero Midnight themed postage stamp dropping the card off by your keys so as to not to forget to mail it before moving on with your day. 
You spend the next few weeks searching for the perfect dress, Kaminari reassuring you that nothing you could pick would be too much for one of Midnights parties. Still, you were a little hesitant to buy anything too insane. When you did finally come across the perfect dress the choice is easy scooping it up quickly with a wide smile on your face. 
Three days before the gala Denki saunters into your shared bedroom with a shit-eating grin on his face. You raise your eyebrow at him as you dry your hair, fresh out of the shower in your favorite fluffy robe. Eyes immediately focusing on Denki who was clearly hiding something behind his back. 
"Whatcha got there Kami?" You humm as your blond counterpart holds out a small not so elegantly wrapped box waving it at you. You laugh tossing the towel you’d dried your hair with to the side before crossing the distance towards Denki. 
"Oh come on now Sunshine, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told ya what it was now would it?" Kaminari teases. You roll your eyes at him adjusting your bathrobe before taking the small box from him. You give him a playfully suspicious squint before tearing at the paper as Kaminari fully closes the gap between you. A warm strong arm settles around your waist as Kaminari presses himself against you. You relax into his hold absent-mindedly accept a kiss from him as you unwrap the gift fully. 
Heat flashes through you as you get a peek at the present, finally understanding why Denki had walked in with the shit-eating grin on his face. You hear Kaminari chuckle as he leans in again, nuzzling at your cheek with his nose, his hot breath ghosting over your still slightly wet skin. You shudder pulling away from him a little to look at the small box in your hand. “Is this?” You mumble as your boyfriend’s hand begins to worm its way into the robe you’re wearing. Warm callous fingers exploring the soft plush flesh hiding underneath the soft fabric. 
“I just thought.” Denki stars leaning back down towards you again. “We could have a little fun at the masquerade.” he hums lips brushing your collar bone. You stare at the toy through the transparent section of the packaging, light purple in color in a distinct U shape. One end of the toy had a rounded end while the other had a more flat textured end. Kaminari nips at your neck before pulling away from you, pushing the bathrobe off your shoulders exposing you to him. The cool air of the bedroom hits you all at once, your skin erupting into gooseflesh and your nipples slowly pebbling. Kaminari takes the toy from you, the ever mischievous smile on his face as he pulls it out of its packaging. 
Kaminari holds the toy in one hand, the other coming down slowly to brush against your steadily warming cheeks. He hums as his hand trails down your neck, over your collarbone, and between your breasts before tumbling at your pert nipples. He chuckles as you whimper at the contact, continuing his decent warm callus fingers trailing down to your stomach before finally finding perch on your hip. 
Denki lifts the toy up so that it is at eye level with you before speaking. “This end.” He says almost in a sing-songy voice thumbing at the rounded portion of the U shaped toy. The hand perched on your hip continues its descent down your body until his fingers are parting your folds. You shudder at the feeling, already worked up from his previous exploration of your body. You whine as he dips a tick warm finger into your aching core. “Goes inside of you here.” Kaminari’s voice is deep as he pumps his finger into you a few times. You squirm furrowing your eyebrows in frustration as he teases you. 
“And this flat textured end.” Kaminari moves from the rounded end of the toy to the other flat textured end. The finger playing with your pussy leaving your warmth and you half whine half moan out his name in protest. Only to quiet again as Kaminari runs the finger now slick with your juices through your lips and up to your clit, pressing against the bundle of nerves in soft gentle circles. “Gets to stay nice and snug right here, pressed up against that pretty little clit of yours.” You moan at the stimulation, pressing yourself against him as he plays with you. Denki smiles, discarding the toy on the nearest surface before pressing a kiss to your lips. You whine into the kiss and Denki chuckles against your lips, his warmth leaves you all at once as he pulls away a smirk on his face. You’re left needy and pouting staring at the back of Denki's head as he walks over to the bedroom closet. 
"Hey, hey no no get back here" you chirp once you settle yourself a little, watching your boyfriend put the toy away and shrugging off his jacket. 
"Awe come on sunshine, where's your sense of dramatic build-up." Denki laughs leaning on the dresser, yellow eyes taking in your form. Naked bare, just for him and only him to indulge in, his gaze warms you up all over again despite the cold of the room.
"Dramatic build my ass, you came home got me all worked up. You'd be such a whiny bitch about it if I'd done that to you" You know you're being childish crossing your arms over your chest, even a small stomp of your foot for dramatic effect. The goofy smile on Denki's face never wavers, but you see it in the way his eyes turn from a bright yellow to deep honey gold. He’s in front of you in three long strides, his hand enveloping your face large fingers giving your cheeks a firm but gentle squeeze. 
"Well Sunshine, I was going to play with you later after I'd washed off the day. But if you wanna keep mouthing off" Denki punctuates the last bit with a kiss to your nose. "You'll get nothing tonight, and I might not even go through with what I had planned for the party" His tone is firm but teasing and you definitely hold his gaze. He quirks an eyebrow at you still smiling, no real hint of disappointment with your bratty attitude on his face. You know you can keep mouthing off, get him to press you into the mattress, and fuck you just how you like. But you can tell when Denki is planning something, and his favorite form of punishment is denial. So you cave in with a sigh averting your eyes and resting the weight of your head against his grip with a dramatic sigh. Knowing that if you behave tonight you'll get to take part in whatever he's scheming for the next day. 
“Good girl” Denki chuckles leaning in to kiss you fully on the lips, taking your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging at it lightly as he pulls away. Denki leaves you there a soft chuckle coming from him as he heads into the bathroom to wash off the day. You can't help the frustrated huff that leaves you.  
You’re in bed when he comes out of the shower, spreading your legs for him in invitation when he spots you. Lust filled golden eyes rack over your body as you present yourself for him. Kaminari is on you in a flash, warm callous hands gripping your thighs harshly as he crawls up to your core. Large tongue lapping at your pussy, his fingers finding their way to your clit as he licks up your juices. Happy praise and teasing words spill from his lips as he eats you, keeping you panting and on edge all night denying you every time you’re near release until you're nothing but a blubbering crying mess beneath him.  
You squirm in the seat of the limo Midnight sent for you, fiddling with the intricate mask on your face in anticipation. You can feel the rounded end of the toy snugly inside of you, the flat textured end pressed up against your clit comfortably. Kaminari had devised a game to make the night more interesting, vibrator hot or cold he called it with a stupid smug grin on his face. You’d tested it out earlier that day, the insertable end stretching you nicely and when Kaminari activated the vibrating with his quirk it was strong but nice and quiet. Kaminari assured you no one would be able to hear the toy, but you would be lying if you said you didn't get a little bit of a thrill at the idea of possibly being caught.
Kaminari goes ahead of you to the masquerade the day of, parting ways before getting a chance to see your dress and sends you a text just as the limo you’re in pulls into the venue. 
Kami: Don't forget, the stronger the vibration the closer you are. I'm already set up, ready when you are sunshine. 
You shift your legs in anticipation at his text, a smile dancing on your lips. A soft sigh leaves you as you step out of the limo, taking a second to steady your nerves before heading into the venue. Briefly, you wondered if Midnight always pulled out all the stops like this. The entrance leads to a grand staircase, a gentleman taking your coat, and asking if you'd like your arrival to be announced. You thank him but decline before descending the staircase down to the main ballroom. Soft fairy lights and sheer blue fabrics draped over the banister as you make your way down the stairs to the main hub of the party.  
A massive chandelier hangs up high illuminating the ballroom, bathing everything in a warm glow. There was already a healthy crowd of people mingling, everyone dressed in their most elegant outfits for the night faces adorned with equally intricate masks. Midnight had a clear black and blue color scheme going, intricate black flowers decorated the walls and some of the tables, accented by various shades of blue flowers. 
You take a breath smoothing out your dress before searching the crowd for a familiar head of blond hair. You figured you’d take a strategic approach to finding Denki turning your attention first to the back corners of the ballroom eyes searching for familiar blond hair. A smile taking over your face as the toy buried in your cunt begins to vibrate gently indicating you'd started off in the right direction. 
Despite your nerves at the beginning about not knowing anyone, this game of hot and cold you were playing with Denki made things much more bearable. You didn’t feel obligated to make idle chit chat with other random partygoers. Instead focused on finding your lovely boyfriend, the anxieties of having to socialize with strangers melting away. You head towards a door, the toy buried deep in your pussy speeding up significantly and you have to pause mid-step. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, bracing yourself against the door. You smile, pushing to open the door, certain Denki would be on the other side. “Found you!” the words come out playful tapering off in a soft moan. 
You furrow your eyebrows when you realize the room is empty, it's some sort of small lounge, maybe a changing room for when there were performers in the venue. Vanity mirrors with soft lights run the length of one of the walls, a counter just underneath lined with chairs. A coat rack hanging in the back end of the room and a large fainting couch off to one side, another full-length mirror lining the opposite wall. You pout, the room was clearly empty despite the steady strong vibrations of the toy. With a sigh you close the door, leaning your back against it a little and you squeeze your thighs together. You didn’t think the toy would be much of a problem, the insert wasn't too bad. However, the portion that was snug against your clit providing steady simulation against the sensitive bundle of nerves was really starting to get to you. With a shaky sigh, you steady yourself and head off to see if you can find your favorite blond. 
An hour and a half into the party you're dripping wet as you sit at the bar. You'd started your game with Denki twenty minutes into the party. Responding to the speed and his signals in an attempt to find your tease of a boyfriend. Though he was having none of it, the vibration peaking as you got closer sending shivers through you every time you finally caught a glimpse of the blond. Only to lose him in the crowd when the toy’s stimulation became too much, freezing you in your spot in an attempt to keep your composure. Denki disappearing while you’re distracted prolonging the game. You let out another frustrated sigh as the bartender refills your drink. Doing your best to squeeze your thighs together in an attempt to find some semblance of relief, Denki never lets the toy be consistent enough to allow you to find release. Edging you on and then turning the thing off just as your pleasure is about to spill over. 
“I'm so happy you decided to come!” Midnight's voice snaps you out of your thoughts coming over to you. The ever-elegant woman is wearing a beautiful blue and black themed mask and gown, taking a spot next to you with a sly smile on her face. You smile back at her complimenting her dress and she waves her hand at you in dismissal. 
“I saw Denki earlier with a shit-eating grin on his face but didn't see you. I wasn't sure if you were here at all.” You hum doing your best to pay attention but the toy deep inside of you started to vibrate intensely again, your walls fluttering as you clench around it. You try your best to hide the heat in your face and the tremble of your lips as the intensity of the toy continues to increase. Midnight chuckles resting her chin in her hand as she watches you, a sly grin on her face.
“I take it you're enjoying the gift Denki got you?” You choke on your drink at Midnight’s blunt words, sputtering a no as your face becomes incredibly heated. “Oh don't bother denying it, so what model did he end up going with?” Midnight leans closer to you the smirk on her face turned into a full-blown shit-eating grin. “Front and center, or center and back?” Midnight wiggles her eyebrows at you suggestively as you choke on your words trying your best to assure her it's not like that. “Little minx, I knew Pikachu was a freak, but I'm surprised you play along with him.”  You groan unable to concentrate on anything as the toy begins to vibrate with the most intensity all night. You lay your head down in your arms on the counter, half-embarrassed by Midnight's words and half unable to function with the steady warmth pooling in your belly. You hear Midnight chuckle patting you softly on the back followed by the click of her heels as she walks away. Leaving you to pool in your embarrassment, upset that her words riled you up more than you’d already been despite the light tingle of embarrassment. 
"Aren't you a pretty little thing." Kaminari's voice sends a chill down your spine. You stifle a moan sitting up and leaning into his warmth on instinct. Practically coming undone as the vibrator maxes out in speed. "You look absolutely stunning sunshine" His hand comes to rest on your bare shoulder, a spark of electricity shoots through you. You hum, doing your best to focus on his words as a steady pulsing being again against your clit.
 “Den-” You can barely get your lover's name out as another spark that you know stems from Denki’s quirk running through you. 
"Such a good girl, you've been holding on so well sunshine.” You let out a whimper and suddenly the toy goes completely still inside of you. You finally get the chance to turn your head looking up at your boyfriend for the first time that night. Any sort of sexual tension that’d been building over the night dissolves as you see his masquerade mask. You spiral into a giggle as your eyes meet lust-filled golden ones. You can’t focus on that though, all you can concentrate on is Denki’s mask as you try your best to stop your giggles. It’s vaguely mouse-shaped, black with golden details on it which on its own would be fine. The thing that pulled laughter from your lips was the awkwardly shaped snout that protrudes from the center of the mask golden whiskers coming out from where his cheeks would be. 
“Really out of all the things you could have picked this is what you went with?” you chuckle reaching out to touch the whiskers on his mask as Denki pulls you out of your chair. 
“I thought it was cool.” Denki pouts and you can't help yourself as you lean in for a kiss, the snout on his mask squishing against your own nose. Denki sighs pulling you towards the dance floor. You can't help the smile that takes over your face as he leads you into a slow waltz, a warm hand settling on the small of your back. You let Denki pull you in close, laying your head on his chest slowly swaying to the slow song together. Denki humming along with the music leaning his head against yours as you dance together. 
You pull away from each other as the song ends, a joke about never expecting him to dance so slowly on the tip of your tongue but it melts away when your eyes land on his ugly mask again. You choke on your laugh, Denki lets out a snarl, a spark from his quirk flows through you, the vibrator inside of you springs to life. You bury your face into Denki’s chest muffling the moan that escapes you. “Not so funny when you can’t think straight huh sunshine?” Denki teases his grip on your waist tightening as he leads you off the dance floor. You pull away from him scrunching up your face in frustration as he smirks down at you. His usually bright yellow eyes blown out with lust turning them into that beautiful honey-gold color you loved so much. 
“Need you” you mumble tugging on his arm with a pout. 
“Someone's eager isn't she?” Denki teases letting you lead him along towards the back end of the venue. “Where are we going, sunshine?” you ignore him finding the room you’d first discovered earlier that night. “Sneaky thing, are you that impatient for me to fuck you?” A pleasant electric buzz spreads from where his hand is against the small of your back sending a shiver up your spine as you make your way into the still empty room. 
Denki has you up on the counter within a breath of stepping into the dimly lit room. He’s on you then leaning down to kiss along your exposed collar bone. The whiskers on his mask tickling your cheeks, and you try your best to hold back a laugh at the sensation. Denki rolls his eyes as your snorts turn into a bubbly laugh. The snout on his mask twisted awkwardly and you can't help but laugh even harder. 
"Awe come on Sunshine I'm trying to be romantic here" Denki whines a half-hearted pout on his lips. You try your best to stifle your laugh but can't help yourself. You reach out for Denki’s mask pulling it over his face and tossing it to the side. Denki beams up at you the dopey smile you love so much adorning his face as he helps you take your mask off as well. 
“You did so well today Sunshine” Denki hums softly nuzzling his nose against yours before leaning in for a soft kiss. You smile into the kiss, fully intending on tease Denki about his odd little rat mask some more. Those thoughts however quickly melt away as warm hands sneak their way under your dress. Callous fingers sliding up your thighs, hiking your dress up along with them. 
"Look at that you almost soaked through your dress” Denki chuckles, you whimper at his words embarrassment seeping into you. He continues to pull up the long skirt of your dress up and over your thighs before stopping holding the edge of the fabric up to your mouth. “Open” Liquid gold eyes sparkle as you open your mouth on command, taking the front end of the fabric into your mouth and out of the way. “Good girl” Denki praises a large warm hand stroking your cheek before trailing down to your chest. Denki gently pushes at your chest forcing you to lean back a little against the counter before sinking down to his knees. 
Denki presses his nose against the warmth of your thigh, trailing slow lazy kisses against your soft skin. He brings a hand up to your thigh, squeezing the plush flesh of your legs as he makes his way to your already soaked center. Denki squeezes, a gentle shock trailing from his fingers and igniting the toy. You cry out, sounds muffled by the fabric stuffed in your mouth. Denki chuckles fingers trailing the outline of the toy currently buried in your pussy through your panties. You whine as he begins to tug on it gently, your walls camping around the toy not wanting him to pull it out just yet. You huff out a muffled “no” and Denki laughs sitting back a little tugging your panties down, a simple elegant lace. He smirks tucking it into his breast pocket before turning his attention to you again. 
You hear Denki’s breath hitch as he finally turns his attention to your core. “Awe you're quivering.” he teases and you try to reach out to tug at his hair but he stops you with a tut. The toy is still vibrating as Deki slowly trails his finger around it, pressing his finger along the soft silicone. You take in a sharp breath, not expecting the extra intrusion and your chest flushes, warmth pooling in your cheeks in anticipation of where you think this could be going. Denki peaks up at you, his eyes blown with lust “What do you think sweetie, can you fit me in there too?.” your eyes widen at the thought and Denki begins to pump his finger into you the vibrations against you clit speeding up ever so slightly. 
Denki stands up to his full height then, gripping your thighs and pulling you flush against him. “Please” you whimper out through the fabric in your mouth, way too worked up after all the stimulation you’d endured all day. Denki’s teasing smirk turns soft, pulling the fabric from between your lips before leaning down all the way to kiss you soft and gentle. He picks you up with ease, the perks of dating a pro hero, and heads off in the direction of the fainting couch  in the corner.
  “You were so good for me today, played along all night, I think my baby girl deserves her reward yeah?” Denki mumbles against your lips as he carries you, you hum a “please” into the kiss. Denki settles you on the small couch, guiding you onto your hands and knees before positioning himself, his own self-control waning. He bunches up your dress in one hand, fingers exploring your dripping core, the light purple toy still buzzing away in your over-stimulated cunt. 
“I think you're more than ready don't you?” Denki hums and you feel it when he finally begins to press himself into you joining the soft silicone toy in your drenched pussy. You cry out in bliss as he finally penetrates you, a delicious stretch as he presses in deeper alongside the toy. You and Denki had played with toys together before but you'd never taken him and a toy at the same time in this way. 
A shudder runs through Denki as he finally settles fully into you, using his quirk to ease the vibrations of the toy that was now also pressed snugly against his cock. “Fuck” he huffs out leaning his head against your back. You giggle through your haze “Yeah it's not so easy when that thing is vibrating up a storm is it.” You tease and Denki begins snapping his hips without mercy at your retort. 
The hand not holding onto your dress comes up to grasp at your scalp pulling your hair and angling your head back allowing him to lean over against your ear while he fucks you. “Don't appreciate the snark darling.” Denki hisses in your ear before trailing open-mouthed kisses against your neck and exposed shoulder. You whine and his hand trails down from your hair to squeeze at your breasts over your dress. He manages to pull them out somehow, small pleasurable shocks running through you after every tweak and pinch of your nipples, complement of his quirk. You loved the way his electricity ran through you, a pleasant buzz that always felt intimate somehow since it was his quirk. 
“You’re fucking soaked baby, taking me and the toy so well, you like being filled up like this don't you Sunshine? Stuffed nice and full with my cock?” You choke on your moans as he mumbles filth into your ear, too far gone to really respond in any way as he fucks into you. The stretch of his cock along with the toy gave you a feeling you'd never experienced before, one you knew you'd quickly want more of. 
“Look over love.” Denki’s voice comes out almost in a growl as he fucks you, a moan slipping through your lips as you try your best to focus your lust hazed eyes in an attempt to comply with his request. Your brain is mush from the intense stretch of Denki pressing into you along side the toy providing consistent stimulation against your clit. You finally manage to lift your head from where he’d previously been pressing it against the couch. Your brain short circuits at the sight, the moan that leaves your mouth is filthy. You clench around Denki and the toy harder when your eyes land on the full-length mirror sitting parallel to you and Denki by the couch. Your breath hitches at the sight, you look completely fucked out of your mind. 
Denki leans over you again, pressing you further into the couch as he continues to fuck into you. “Look at you, such a filthy mess. Letting me fuck you like this, with all those people just outside that door.” You whine, unable to take your eyes off the mirror. Denki’s tuxedo pants barely hang off his waist, your breasts spilling over the front of your dress. The long skirt of your dress held tightly in Denki’s grip pushed up and over your ass. “So good for me sunshine, greedy little pussy taking me so well. Look at how wet you are. Can you see your juices dripping down your thigh?” You whine as Denki continues whispering dirty things in your ear. 
You drink in the view from the mirror, Denki's face is flushed red, his hair just as disheveled as yours. You focus on the way he looks fucking into you, the sight of his hips meeting your exposed ass, soft flesh giving way as you push back against him. You're able to watch Denki's face contort in pleasure for a moment before his honey gold eyes meet yours through the mirror and he gives you that goofy smile you love so much. You can't really process the feeling of watching yourself getting fucked, but you know that it makes the knot forming in your belly ever tighter. 
“You’ve been so good for me tonight, do you think you deserve to cum sunshine?” the vibrator picks up again, strong pulses against your clit and you can't help the cry that leaves you. Denki shushes you hand coming over to cover your mouth his eyes never leaving yours through the mirror. You moan desperately into his palm, the sight of his fingers in your mouth through the mirror driving you insane. “Desperate little thing, it's almost like you want them to hear you. Is that what you want baby? Want someone to walk in on us and see how much of a greedy cock slut you are for me?” His words make you clench around him and he chuckles before pulling out and away from you fully. A desperately frustrated huff leaving you at the loss of contact. 
You slump into the couch muscles sore, but the thought is quickly whipped away as the vibrator picks back up again. Denki helps you roll onto your back warm callous hands collecting the juices dripping down your thigh. With a smirk, Denki brings his slick coated fingers up to his mouth “So sweet just for me.” He purrs, trailing his fingers up your thigh again, small electric shocks stemming from his fingers and spread through your whole body, you can't help the plea's that slip from your lips.
“De- Denki please.” You whimper reaching your hands out to him, soft golden eyes staring into yours as he smiles down at you.  “Alright come here Sunshine.” Denki coos gently bunching up the front of your dress, pulling the delicate fabric up and having you hold it in one hand. Denki ever so gently pulls the toy out of you, a desperate whine slipping from your lips, displeased with the feeling of being empty but the thought is quickly dispelled as he sinks into you again. Denki leans into you for a kiss guiding your legs up to settle on his hips as he picks up his pace again. 
“So fucking sexy Sunshine, you feel so good like this my beautiful baby girl.” You bring a hand up to his hair tugging on it slightly. Denki chuckles warm callus fingers finding their way to your clit causing you to cry out. “You held on for so long sunshine, you did so good. But now it's time to let go yeah? Do you think you can do that for me, baby, do you think you can cum all over my cock like a good girl?” You don’t answer, unable really to form coherent thoughts, but concentrate instead on Denki. The sound of his thighs slapping against your ass as he fucks you, the way his hair feels beneath your fingers, the previous images of your reflections in the mirror. The delicious stretch of his cock as he fucks into you, his warm finger circling your clit, the filth he's whispering in your ear. Your eyes meet his honey-gold ones, Denki gives you a soft love-struck smile leaning in to kiss your forehead, then another tenderly on your lips.
 “That’s my girl, I've got you,” Denki mumbles into your hairline, a gentle shock from his quirk on your already abused clit sends you over the edge and your cumming. Your cries are muffled against his tux jacket as Denki fucks you through your orgasm. You shut your eyes tight, toes curling in your heels. The pleasure that had been building all night finally releasing in a wave. 
 You go limp as your orgasm subsides, Denki stilling in you. Trailing kisses along your face and stroking your hair as you come down from your high. You bask in each other for a moment, nuzzling into his neck a happy content sigh leaving you. Denki pulls out of your abused pussy a few moments later and you whine. He chuckles teasing you about how pretty you look fucked out like that, juices dripping down your thigh but you can't really concentrate on his words. 
You hear him as he cleans himself up before helping you sit up peppering your face with soft kisses, the smile never leaving his face. “God, I love you so much you know that?” He helps you up and you smile, leaning up for a kiss as he helps you off the couch and onto unsteady legs. Denki coos helping you smooth down your dress, and fiddles with your hair. You fuss with his clothes, fixing his tuxedo jacket and tie when you're done, he pulls you into his side and you both take a quick look in the mirror. 
Laughter spills over both of your lips at the sight, Denki’s hair is a mess from where you’d been gripping it like crazy. Your dress is a little crooked and your lips are swollen, you chuckle as Denki wipes at the thighs of his pants. “At least it's dark, no one will notice it's wet.” You roll your eyes at him and turn to him fully leaning up a little bit to kiss him on the lips. 
“I love you.” You whisper, Denki’s goofy grin goes soft as he strokes your cheek. 
“I love you too Sunshine.” the soft smile on your face turns wicked then leaning down to pick up your discarded masks and the toy Denki had tossed on the floor. 
“So, do you wanna mingle some more,” You ask with a smile on your face as you pull your mask on and hand Denki his. 
“Or?” He asks adjusting the mask to his face head tilted cutely to the side as you open the door to the ballroom the noise of the party flooding into your small sanctuary. Denki comes over and you lean up to kiss his cheek. 
“Or we can go home, and you can let me wrap my lips around your cock and return the favor.” you whisper into his ear, the way his golden eyes light up is all the answer you really need. 
You catch Midnight waving as you and Denki head out for the night, a knowing smirk plastered on her face. Denki chuckles rubbing the back of his neck as you duck out of the venue throwing a wave behind him. 
“She’s never gonna let this go is she.” You chuckle leaning your head against Denki as you settle into the limo for the ride home. He laughs, taking your hand in his and running this thumb over your knuckles before bringing your hand up to his lips. 
“What that we fucked at one of her parties? No probably not.” you both break out in soft giggles as another mischievous idea sparks in the blond.
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starshine583 · 4 years
Crossing a Line (19)
(so this was actually supposed to be the last chapter, but it got long so I had to stop lol enjoy!)
Part 1 / Part 18 / Part 20
Felix held his ground next to Marinette, worried and terrified at the same time. He thought telling his Father about the wish would discourage him from using it, but his Father only got angry, instead, spouting nonsense about “sacrifices” and “family”. Why was he angry? There was still a cure. There was no need to fight! Why wouldn’t he listen?
Marinette stepped forward and confronted his Father’s true intentions, which only made him angrier. Felix tried to calm the situation as it escalated, but Marinette promised to get the miraculous back, while Gabriel promised not to let that happen. It wasn’t until she pulled out his peacock miraculous that Felix realized compromise and negotiation weren’t options anymore.
“Duusu, spread my feathers!” Marinette cried, quickly pinning the miraculous to the lower front of her shirt. The familiar blue light he’d gotten used to seeing flash over his skin washed over her body, and Marinette’s casual outfit disappeared. The miraculous replaced it with a royal blue dress that faded into different colored feathers such as purple, dark blue, and indigo. Her gloves and high-heeled boots, which extended to her knees and mid-biceps respectively, were also royal blue, and the ends of each were covered in a dark blue, feather-shaped pattern that trailed up to the navy blue part of the suit, such as her collar bone, neck, and thighs. A short shawl made entirely of purple feathers wrapped around her shoulders as well, connected by a small, indigo pearl. It brought out the sparkling fuchsia that lined the front and back of the royal blue dress perfectly. If it weren’t for the circumstances, Felix might have been tempted to stop and study the fabric in all its magnificence. 
Gabriel’s expression twisted with rage. “How did you get that?”
Marinette unclasped one of her fans from a metal button on the back of her dress and held it in front of her, showing the sharpness of the curved tip. “Let’s say it was a present from your son.”
Felix grimaced at the look of disdain his Father shot him.
“You gave her your miraculous?!” He fumed.
“No, I-!” 
“Don’t talk back to me!” His Father growled. “I should have known not to trust you from the beginning!” 
Felix flinched back as Gabriel lunged forward in a fit of rage. Before they could collide, though, a feather-shaped knife sank deep into Gabriel’s shirt sleeve, pinning him to a bookshelf. Felix looked to Marinette, who was already pulling another throwing knife out of her hair. He had thought the feathers that decorated her spread out bun were simply that, a decoration.
“Felix, run!” She ordered, throwing the second knife to pin Gabriel’s other arm to the bookshelf. “Go find my miraculous!”
“I’m not leaving you!” Felix argued, taking a step back from his struggling Father. The whole reason he took her miraculous in the first place was to protect her from this exact encounter.
Marinette stepped in front of him, but glanced over her shoulder as she said, “I’ll be fine. I have Duusu. Now go!”
Felix clenched his fists. He hated the idea of leaving her alone, but he didn’t have a miraculous. Anything he tried to do now would only get in her way.
Fueled by adrenaline, Felix stumbled to the other end of the aisle and sprinted towards the Library’s entrance. He almost ran into Gorilla on his way out. Earrings, Earrings- where would Father put Marinette’s earrings if he had them? This house was enormous. They could be anywhere!
He started with the office first, checking the only hiding place he knew Father had: the safe. Felix pulled open his Mother’s painting, and.. They weren’t there. He checked behind the smaller pictures, under the books, and practically pulled everything else out. There was nothing.
“Where are you?” He grumbled to himself, lifting up another pile of books.
“So you finally show your true colors.”
Felix froze, slowly turning around to see none other than Nathalie. She stood in front of him, wearing a crap-eating grin. He should have known she would appear eventually. Nathalie was always eager to be Father’s back up.
“I always knew you weren’t worthy of Gabriel’s trust.” She said, tilting her head up with all the poise of a condescending twit. 
Felix heaved a tired sigh. “And I always knew you’d be the first one to lay down and let him treat you like a dog once I came to my senses.” 
He didn’t want to believe what Marinette said about Father wanting power instead of Mother, but the proof was right in front of him. If Father truly cared about their family and Mother’s well-being, he would let Marinette try to cure her! And if family wasn’t what Father cared about, what else was left but power?
Nathalie let out a snooty little laugh. “Of course you would think that. You don’t understand anything. Your Father is a loving man who is doing the best that he can to raise you two and heal your Mother!”
"Raise us?” Felix scoffed. “He barely talks to us! And right now, he’s the one standing in the way of healing my Mother. So tell me where the earrings are!”
Nathalie tisked and tilted her head slightly to the side, just enough for him to catch a glimpse of the black, circular earrings she was wearing. “They’re safe. Much safer than they were in your hands. Unlike you, I won’t be handing them back over to the enemy so easily.”
Felix shifted into a fighting position. “We’ll see about that.”
“Oh, you want to fight me now?” She asked, a smirk reappearing on her lips. When Felix didn’t answer, the smirk widened. “Good. I’ve been wanting to punch you in that perfect face of yours for years. Tikki, spots on!”
Felix’s eyes widened as Nathalie transformed in front of him. He hadn’t expected her to actually use the miraculous!
The red, magical light that covered her took away her professional suit and exchanged it with a red and black spotted costume. Black colored her forearms- save for the palms and fingers -and bottom half of her legs, acting as boots and gloves. A bit of black covered the sides of her waist as well.
“Well, Felix?” Nathalie taunted, taking one of the two yo-yos that hung on the utility belt around her hips. “You said you wanted the earrings. Why don’t you come take them?”
Felix grit his teeth. “Fine with me. Using Marinette’s miraculous will only make it more embarrassing for you when I get them back.”
Nathalie growled and slung her first yo-yo forward. Felix dodged and whipped around to grab the yo-yo string. Nathalie barely got a gasp of surprise out before he yanked on the string, causing her to fly forward. He hadn’t spent months as Le Paon lying around doing nothing. (Though that might have been part of it) No, he’d been fighting. Specifically against Ladybug and Chat Noir. He knew how her miraculous worked, and he knew it’s weaknesses. Most importantly, he knew that Nathalie knew none of that. 
Nathalie hit the ground with a harsh grunt, but Felix didn’t have time to revel in her struggles. She cried out in rage and twisted her body to kick him in the legs. Felix fell forward, landing on top of Nathalie. She gasped, as he’d landed on her back, and struggled to get him off.
“Didn’t go as planned, huh?” He grunted, moving to grab one of her earrings. 
Unfortunately, his attention was briefly diverted before he could. The library doors were thrown wide open when someone fell through the doorway. Upon closer inspection, Felix realized it was Hawkmoth who had gotten thrown out. Did Father transform? Where was Marinette?
Just then, Marinette jumped out of the doorway as well, still transformed and shouting for Gabriel to give up. 
Felix’s thoughts were once again redirected when Nathalie bucked her body upwards, causing him to fall back onto the floor. She lifted herself to her knees a moment later and reached for her yo-yo again. Felix twirled on the floor to start getting up as well, but kicked her hand to stall the drawing of her weapon.
Nathalie drew her hand back and hissed. “Infernal child!”
“Only for you.” Felix shot back, pushed himself to his feet. 
Nathalie was up a second later, and they got back to switching between chasing and hiding. She finally managed to unhook both of her yo-yos and started hurling them at Felix as fast as she could. Felix dodged them with the best of his ability, all the while jumping around the room for cover. She finally got one yo-yo wrapped around his left arm right when he reached the desk. Felix grappled for the desk chair in a desperate attempt to avoid being dragged back, but being a rolling chair, it only rolled back with him. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop him from using it to his advantage. Felix used the friction from his shoes to slow himself down right in front of Nathalie and swung the chair around with his free hand, smacking her in the side with it. Nathalie held up her forearms to block the blow, but flew to the side anyway. She slid to a stop, unfortunately still on her feet, and before Felix could detach the yo-yo from his arm, Nathalie yanked him forward once again and kicked him in the stomach.
Felix skidded across the floor, rolling to a stop at the office doorway. He sucked in ragged breaths to compensate for the air that had just been sucked out of his lungs. That was.. a decent move.
“Payback, brat.” Nathalie huffed, staggering back to regain her breath as well.
Felix lifted his head up to snap back at her when something made the words die in his throat.
“..My lady?” 
Felix turned on his side to look through the office doorway, praying that he’d misheard something. 
There Chat Noir stood, his cat ears flat against his head as he warily glanced between Marinette and Father, who had paused their battle to look at him. When did he get downstairs? Was Marinette trying to explain the situation?
“A- Chat Noir!” He called out. “Get back!”
He wanted Marinette to have help, but Adrien didn’t have the emotional stability to get involved. Father already had Ladybug’s earrings. If he found out who Chat Noir was, it would be nearly impossible to keep him from getting the ring.
Chat Noir’s eyes snapped to Felix’s, growing wide with surprise and worry. “Felix?”
Father followed Chat Noir’s gaze and raised a brow. Felix grimaced as he watched the gears turn in his Father’s mind, watched them click into place as Father realized how the hero knew where they were or why he seemed so worried about Felix.
“So.” Father began, turning back to Chat Noir. Felix couldn’t tell if he was delighted or angry. Probably a morbid twist or both. “My own son has been fighting against me.”
“What?” Marinette and Chat Noir said in unison, though Marinette’s surprise was more directed towards the implication of Chat Noir’s identity.
“No wonder Felix decided to betray me as Le Paon. He must have been worried for your sake. It had nothing to do with this girl!”
Chat Noir furrowed his eyebrows. So much emotion was swirling across his brother’s features- hurt, confusion, denial. Felix could barely stand it. 
“Wait..” He faltered, looking at Felix with a torn expression. “You’re Le Paon?”
“Don’t listen to him!” Felix begged, pushing himself to get up. He had to stop this. Adrien learning about Mother’s true condition was already a fragile subject in and of itself. Learning about Felix and Gabriel’s identities as the terrorists of Paris was bound to be too much. It would overwhelm anyone.
Before Felix could intervene, however, Father did the unthinkable. He detransformed. Right there. In front of everyone.
Felix couldn’t see his face, but Father’s tone was disturbingly pleased as he said, “Would I lie to you, Adrien?”
Chat Noir collapsed to the floor, staring up at their Father in horror. “No..”
“Adrien?” Marinette blanched. The surprise was a tad out of place considering the emotional turmoil that Adrien had to be going through, but Felix understood.
Unfortunately, so did Father. Saying Adrien’s name wasn’t merely for dramatic effect. He knew that Marinette and Adrien were friends in civilian form. That kind of reveal would knock her off her feet just long enough for him to detransform like he did.
Gabriel smiled at Chat Noir’s reaction, and Felix knew right then and there that he’d been played for a fool. This miraculous search was never about family. No father who truly cared for their family would smile at their child’s suffering.
Gabriel transformed again as Chat Noir was on his knees- on his knees! -and created an akuma. Felix jumped forward to stop it or get in the way, but Nathalie wrapped her yo-yo around his waist, planting him to the spot. Marinette was still too shocked to react quickly enough, so the akuma flitted forward, unbothered, and merged with Chat Noir’s bell.
“No!” Felix yelled. He jerked his body forward, pulling at the yo-yo string and pushing ahead with all of the strength he had. “Adrien, don’t do it! Resist him!”
His shouting finally snapped Marinette out of her trance, and she rushed to Chat’s side. 
“Chat, it’s okay!” She tried to console despite the panic leaking through her voice. “We can get through this! Just fight it!”
“Against my Father?” Chat Noir whimpered back.
“Chat Blanc.”
Felix and Marinette held their breath when the purple outline appeared on Chat Noir’s face. Marinette threw one of her fans at Gabriel, but he easily dodged it as it twirled around the room to come back to her.
“Your brother is trying to decieve you, and your partner has misled you. I am trying to revive Emily, but to do that, I need your miraculous to do that.”
Chat Noir squeezed his eyes shut and drew his knees close to his chest, trying to drown out the words. 
Marinette wrapped her arms around him. “Adrien, Minou, Kitty, please! Don’t listen to him! Come back to me.”
“Help me fight for you Mother, Adrien.” Gabriel persisted. “We can bring her back together. We can be a family again.”
“We can.. We can bring her back?”
Felix’s heart sank. “Adrien, no!”
“Don’t do it!” Marinette pleaded.
“All I need is your cooperation.” Gabriel promised.
A tear slipped down Chat Noir’s cheek, and his purple mask dropped long enough for him to look Marinette in the eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Black and purple bubbles swallowed Chat Noir whole, and Marinette scrambled backwards. When the bubbles disappeared, Chat Noir was gone, and Chat Blanc was left sitting there. His suit was the same as Chat Noir’s, except it was stark white and his green eyes were replaced with a chilling, ice blue. 
Felix tensed as Adrien slowly stood up and lifted his hand towards Marinette.
“My lady..” He said, forming a ball of light at the end of his finger tips. Felix didn’t want to see what that did. “Please.. stand down and give me your miraculous. I have to save my mother.”
Marinette held up a hand as well, but it was in a calming gesture. “Adrien, I’m trying to save your mother! I have the power to heal her, but I need my miraculous back!”
Chat stalled, proving he had some of his sense left. “You can?”
Felix jerked forward again, but Nathalie kept him in the same place. “It’s true! Gabriel won’t give us Ladybug’s miraculous back because he wants to use the wish instead of letting Marinette heal her by herself!”
Gabriel glanced at Felix when he didn’t call him ‘Father’, but Felix kept his gaze on Adrien. If Gabriel thought that Felix would consider him anything close to family after this, he was more demented that Felix thought.
Chat turned his ball of light to Gabriel. “Is that true?”
“Of course not!” Gabriel spat. “They’re lying! They only want the earrings back to keep us from the wish!”
“No!” Felix protested. “The wish has a curse to it! If we use it to heal Mother, someone else will take her place and become comatose just like her! M- er -Ladybug can heal her without that consequence!”
“Everything they say is a lie!” Gabriel yelled. “They’re only trying to manipulate you!”
“Adrien, you know me!” Marinette tried again. “We’ve been partners for months, confided in each other, and risked our lives for each other. Please, I would never try to manipulate you, Minou.” 
Chat Blanc turned his ever-increasing ball of light from Felix, to Marinette, to Gabriel. His face grew more conflicted and grieved with each statement. They were all shouting at him and making it worse, but Felix couldn’t help pleading. He didn’t want Adrien to do something he would regret, and Marinette was so close to him..
Felix’s blood ran cold when Chat Blanc finally broke from the pressure.
“Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!” He screamed, jerking his hand downwards. In his loss of concentration, the ball of light shot from his fingertips, slamming right into the floor. It broke a hole straight to the basement within seconds, but the decay didn’t stop there. The rust spread to the rest of the main floor, covering every inch except the steps, the library, and the office that Felix was standing in. The ground crumbled beneath them, taking Gabriel, Marinette, and Adrien with it. 
“No!” Felix yelled, his heart stopping in his chest. His last fight with the slime monster flashed through his mind, when the debri and dust from the rooftop fell on top of him before everything went dark. How far was the main floor from the basement? Would Marinette survive the fall? Would anyone survive the fall? Would they live through the debri that came after?
Felix whirled around and swung his foot through the air, catching the yo-yo string and stomping it to the ground. Nathalie, shell-shocked from seeing Gabriel fall, fell forward again, and Felix took that lenience in grip to slip out of the yo-yo string and run for the opening. 
Dust was flying everywhere now. He could hardly take a breath without coughing, let alone see clearly enough to find survivors. That didn’t stop him from kneeling on the ground and shouting for Marinette, though. She had to be somewhere. She would call up to him, perfectly fine, and everything would be alright.
So why couldn’t he hear anything?
Felix’s throat tightened as he screamed. He screamed her name over and over again into the abyss and didn’t hear a darned thing. It was silent, save for the occasionally crumbling of the debri below, and he was terrified. Where was she- Where was she? No, no, no, no-
Panicked and sick to his stomach with worry, Felix shot to his feet and turned to Nathalie, who had just started to recover from his sudden escape. She was the only one left that had a miraculous. The same miraculous that might be able to save Marinette and Adrien if Felix could get his hands on it in time. 
Nathalie barely caught a glimpse of his fist flying towards her face when he lunged at her.
The room swayed in the darkness. Debri crumbled around her, yet it sounded distant, similar to an echo. Marinette drew in a breath, but immediately coughed it back out. The air was thick with dust, too thick. 
She opened her eyes, hoping to make out her surroundings amidst the tan clouds around her. A large stream of light poured down on her from the gaping hole in the floor above her. Unfortunately, it was too clouded for her to see anything past the hole.
A voice floated down from above, but it was too faint to make out. She laid there for a moment, waiting to hear it again. 
Marinette sat up despite her body’s aching protest and scanned the room again. A few chunks of debri were scattered around her, but she had thankfully been untouched, aside from hitting the ground, that is. She curled her fingers together, feeling the gaps and patterns of the metal walkway underneath her. Where was she? Had they fallen to a basement of some sort?
“Felix?” She called out, a mix of hopeful and concerned towards what she might hear in response. Did he get caught in the fall too? He didn’t have a miraculous to protect him like they did. What if he’d gotten seriously injured?
“Adrien!” She called next. It might not be the smartest idea, but akumatized or not, she wanted to make sure that her partner was alright. There was also the possibility that the fall broke his akumatized item.
Her calls were only met with silence. 
Beep! Beep!
Marinette looked down at her miraculous, barely catching sight of the last feather leaving the fan before she detransformed. 
Duusu fell into her lap, looking absolutely exhausted. “Sorry, Miss Marinette.. Keeping you safe from injury takes a lot of work.”
Marinette offered a smile and softly petted the top of the kwami’s head. “It’s alright, Duusu. You’ve done plenty.”
Cupping the kwami in her palms, Marinette pushed herself to her feet and looked around. The dust was finally starting clear a bit, just enough for her to make out the room she’d fallen into. A grated, metal pathway led from the piled debri behind her to a small, garden-looking area up ahead. A flickering light above revealed some sort of casing in the middle of the greenery, also untouched by the caved in floor.
Curious, Marinette wandered towards it. The sides of the case shone as bright gold under that flickering lights, and the glass on top gave a white glare, making it hard to see through at first. 
It’s strange, She thought, to put such a large and beautiful case in a basement where no one will see it.
Why go through the trouble of making it at all? Was it simply not finished? 
She cupped her free hand on the glass and peered inside. Whatever this held- if anything -had to be extremely important. The flickering light didn’t help her to identify anything. It only allowed her to gather bits and pieces at a time. Something white was inside.. An outfit? It looked like a manikin was wearing it. But then she noticed hair. Golden hair that looked exactly like Adrian’s. And the face..
Marinette almost dropped Duusu from shock. 
“Emilie!” She gasped, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. Had Mlle. Agreste been here this whole time? Who keeps someone locked up like this? 
“Well, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette whipped around, pushing herself against the case from reflex. Gabriel stood in front of her, somehow still transformed, and he had a horribly malicious grin on his lips. 
The debri must have missed him too.
“Now you truly know all of my secrets.” He mused, gesturing to the glass coffin behind her. “But I see it has cost you.”
Marinette held Duusu closer to her chest. She scanned the room behind Gabriel, but didn’t see Chat Blanc anywhere. “Where’s Adrien?”
Gabriel raised an uncaring brow. “I’m sure he’ll find his way back to the fight soon enough.”
Marinette shot him a glare. “How can you say that? He’s your son! Don’t you care about his well being at all?”
What if he’s hurt? Or worse, dead! She doesn’t have her miraculous to bring him back this time!
Gabriel scoffed. “The sooner you stop resisting, the sooner he will be healed with the miraculous. It’s ludicrous to care about injuries when they are easily reversible.”
“He still goes through the pain!” She couldn’t help yelling. “What about that?”
“He’ll forget the pain.” Gabriel snapped back. “After all, it’s only temporary.” 
Marinette grit her teeth, but when she opened her mouth to reply-
“You would think that.” A voice took the words right from her mouth. 
She looked up just in time to see someone swing in from the main floor. Although she couldn’t make out the face, Marinette recognized the voice immediately.
“Felix!” She cried, relief filling her chest. He must have avoided the fall. And he had her miraculous!
“Marinette.” He replied almost instantly, pure relief leaking through his tone as well.
Gabriel scowled at the boy as he entered their vision. A black and red costume indeed covered his body, signifying the fact that he was the new wielder of the Ladybug miraculous. 
“Where’s Nathalie?” Gabriel barked.
Felix pulled one of the two yo-yos off of his waist- why didn’t she ever think of having two yo-yos? -and smirked. “Safe. And out of your reach.”
Marinette smiled at the mocking comment, but Gabriel was less than amused. He sprang forward with a growl, causing Felix to jump back so he could keep the distance between them. Marinette remembered having to fall back to use her weapons properly. She always hated leaving Chat at the front lines, but long distance was her best vantage point when it came to yo-yos.
Felix swung both yo-yos in two perfect circles at his side as he moved backwards. As soon as he got the chance to pause in his movements, he threw the first yo-yo forward and latched it onto Gabriel’s staff, easily wrapping around it in a tight hold. Gabriel smirked at the supposed attack and yanked back on the staff to draw Felix forward, but Felix, expecting the reaction, immediately let go of the first yo-yo and threw his other yo-yo forward, quickly wrapping it around Gabriel’s arms and rendering them useless. He then dug his feet into the ground and pulled as hard as he could. 
Gabriel yelped as he flew towards him, and with the new momentum, Felix literally swung Gabriel in a circle around the room. Marinette watched with wide eyes as the man crashed into a few debri piles. If she didn’t know any better, she might have thought that Felix had been using the Ladybug Miraculous all along. His movements were planned and meticulous. Even as he threw Gabriel back onto the metal walkway right in front of her, Marinette stood still, not feeling the need to flinch. It was glaringly obvious that Felix knew what he was doing.
“Give up.” Felix ordered, pulling the yo-yo string tighter around Gabriel as he stepped closer. “This battle is over.”
Gabriel, through coughs, looked up to sneer at Felix. Marinette thought he was going to go on a rant about disloyalty or vengeance, but, strangely, his head only cocked to the side slightly. 
“Yes, I believe it is.” He replied, his voice bone-chillingly gleeful.
Marinette’s gaze snapped upwards, just behind Felix where Gabriel was looking. A white figure had appeared in the dust and debri, standing with their arm raised directly at her and Felix.
Her eyes widened. 
It was too late. The white blast of light hit the metal grate directly to their left, causing a destructive blast that pushed all three of them back. Gabriel took Felix’s imbalance as an opportunity to escape his bounds and scramble away from them. Marinette, however, groaned from the backlash of the blast and rubbed her head. Was there supposed to be a high-pitched ringing in her ears?
Through squinting eyes, she tried to search for a way out, all while fighting back a fresh headache. With Chat Blanc on his feet and fighting again and with Duusu still resting in her hand, Felix had no chance of winning this fight, especially now that Gabriel was free.
A hand gently grabbed her shoulder, and she looked up to see Felix next to her.
“Marinette.” He whispered, looking her over for injuries.
“Felix.” Marinette sighed in relief, putting her hand on his. He’s okay.
Felix glanced over at Chat Blanc, who was quickly approaching. “I need to get you out of here.”
Marinette’s grip on his hand tightened. “I’m not leaving you.”
“Yes!” Gabriel cheered before Felix could reply. 
Maniacal laughter erupted from the man as he spread his arms out wide. “Well done, Adrien! Now, help your Father bring our family together again and get their miraculous!”
Marinette pulled Felix closer, preparing for the worst. If she was to truly die during this battle, at least his face would be the last thing she sees.
Chat Blanc, who had walked fully into the light at this point, stopped a few feet from Gabriel. His eyes bore into the man, blank and soulless. 
Marinette’s hand dug into Felix’s, and they exchanged glances. Something wasn’t right. Before the fall, Adrien had been showing the most conflict and emotion she’d ever seen in her life, but now he looked.. He looked empty, hollow.. gone.
Slowly, Chat Blanc raised his hand again, this time aiming his blast right at Gabriel. “I have no father.”
A shiver ran down Marinette’s spine, and Felix sucked in a breath next to her. Whoever stood in front of them now, it wasn’t Adrien.
Gabriel staggered back a step, pure terror in his voice as he stuttered, “W-What?”
Chat Blanc stepped forward, the ball of light growing in his hand.
“Don’t worry.” He remarked, his tone completely devoid of emotion. “After all, ‘Pain is only temporary’.. Right?”
The ball of light shot from his fingertips, hitting Gabriel directly in the chest. Gabriel opened his mouth to scream, but the decay swallowed him whole before his voice could even reach the air. Marinette gasped, watching Gabriel’s ashes fall to the floor. Did that really just happen? 
Chat Blanc stared at the pile of dust, not an ounce of regret on his face. Marinette noticed that there wasn’t any satisfaction in his expression either. 
He looked up, locking eyes with her, and Marinette tensed. Felix leaned forward enough to put a protective arm in front of her. Chat Blanc, noticing the shift, glanced at Felix as well. Then he started to move towards them, his steps slow and dragged out. 
“Easy, there..” Felix muttered, bringing his yo-yo forward. 
Marinette held her breath. If he could kill Gabriel- gosh, he killed him! -then he could get rid of them just as easily.
Chat Blanc stopped in front of them, his eyes still focused on Marinette. She met his gaze, not daring to look away. 
If you’re anywhere in there, Adrien, please.. 
Suddenly, Chat Blanc dropped to his knees, rattling the metal walkway. Marinette flinched, but didn’t back away. In fact, she found herself reaching forward. He looked so broken, so lost..
“Please..” He croaked, a single tear streaming down his cheek. “Save me.”
Marinette’s heart shattered at the words, and she brushed his tear away. “Of course, kitty.”
She looked to Felix, who nodded and stood up. He quickly called his lucky charm, and on queue, Marinette broke the bell around Adrien’s neck. The akuma fluttered out, and Felix slung his yo-yo forward to capture it.
“Oh, wait one second.” Marinette spoke up, grabbing his arm before he could throw the miraculous cure.
Felix gave her a questioning look, and she gestured to the pile of ash behind her. 
“I have to get something.”
With a quickness, for Chat’s sake, Marinette hopped over to Gabriel’s- er -remains and knelt down next to them. She cringed as she reached forward, pushing through the uneasiness to move the ash around. It had to be there somewhere..
“Ah- hah!” She sat up, taking the butterfly miraculous with her. Master Fu had mentioned a while back that the miraculous were indestructible, and Marinette didn’t want Gabriel to keep his powers when he was resurrected. That would be like falling into a torturous loop of fighting, especially since Chat won’t remember anything when the cure is cast.
“Okay.” She said, jumping back over to Felix with the miraculous in hand. “Do it.”
Felix nodded and threw the lucky charm into the air. Marinette closed her eyes as the Ladybugs washed over her, allowing a small smile to spread across her lips. She’d always wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of this.
“Don’t worry.” She whispered to Chat Blanc, running her hands through his snow white hair during their last moments together. “I promise you’re gonna be okay.”
We all are.
Tag List:  @im-here-for-the-content @novicevoice @mewwitch@minightrose @starlit-winter @multishipper1needshalp@unabashedbookworm @unholykrow @trubel43@kaydenth3gayden @stardustrevoutionx @legendaryneckjudgestudent @aurordraws @crazylittlemunchkin @uwuteamleader @chocolatecustarddanish @iambi-thilla-meena @corabeth11 @asianfrustration13  @chrismarium @agumon1123 @luciferge @yue-caelum @persephonebutkore @constancetruggle @make-the-stars-stay @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical @tinybrie @procrastinatingrightnow @bee-wrecker @dontcallmecedge @shadowhex99 @daminette-is-life @thethirdwheelfriend @myazael @sizzling-fairy-oil @sparkle9510 @chaosace​ @the-navistar-carol​ @sannsibarr​ @grumpy-vixen-kitten​ @hauntedfreakdeputyhero​ @utcaro​ @more-or-less-human-i-guess @mlbutatbspofsalt @dawn-the-rithmatist @artcart0n @mermaidreject @tori-mmm  @fifaanayd  @novicevoice  @dreamykitty25 @mischief-not-managed-posts @amayakans  @arsaem  @athena452 @pink-and-bunny @wannajointhecrabcult @theymakeupfairies
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hallospaceboyy · 4 years
hello! if it’s okay could i have a really fluffy and cute zelda spellman x reader where they’re not together yet but they’re best friends with a ‘special connection’ lmao and they’re out shopping for clothes together? the end and everything else is up to you (but please - happy ending lol i angst is good but i love cute and happy thing endings more! haha)
I Heard Your Heart Beating
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Since becoming best friends with Zelda, you had been almost inseparable. You came to the Spellman house most mornings, had coffee with Zelda, chatted idly with Zelda, and Zelda often read her paper to you, in whichever language she had chosen that day, and then translated it for you. You helped her with menial tasks around the house, file paperwork for the mortuary, made her tea, and before you knew it, it was evening and you spent dinner with the Spellmans too.
You never thought that your fondness towards the redhead was anything more than a deep seated, trusting friendship. But you saw the way Hilda, Sabrina and Ambrose watched you both, then glanced at each other. They shared small smirks as they watched your exchanges with Zelda, and then you began to wonder if you might love her a little more than one loves a friend.
Today, Zelda has convinced you to accompany her on a shopping trip, and you begrudgingly agreed. As you pull into the car park, you grumble and Zelda rolls her eyes.
“Oh, stop complaining. We're only going to one store. I need a few new dresses, that’s all. Perhaps you’ll find something you like too.” Zelda chuckles as you poke your tongue out at her, and you pout as you follow her into the shop.
Unsurprisingly, the shop Zelda has chosen, for the most part, stocks dark colours. Dresses in rich burgundy, navy blue, royal blue, emerald green, and black adorn the racks, and there's a whole section dedicated to blazers. The whole shop screams Zelda, and you find yourself smirking at the predictability of the woman.
“Wow, it's like this shop was made for you.”
“Maybe it was.” You squint at her, and she grins. “Come, I want you to try something on too. It’ll be fun.”
Your heart almost stops beating in your chest at the thought of being in the same changing room as Zelda. She'll most likely want you to join her, ask your opinions on the clothes she's chosen, and you flush as you suddenly think of her stood before you unclothed.
“Y/N!” Zelda snaps when she turns to see you stood dumbly rooted to the spot, and you blink away the image, quickly scurrying after her.
Zelda picks out a tight, lacy knee length dress in royal blue, adorned with patterned gold buttons, and a floor length red gown, with a decidedly low neckline, and a slit all the way up to the thigh. She grabs a black dress from the rack, simple, with a sequined bodice, and holds it out to you.
“That will look nice on you. Try it on for me?” You blush and nod, snatching the dress from her, and take a deep breath when Zelda turns and flounces toward the changing rooms. Zelda pulls back the curtain to one cubicle, and you quickly skirt around her, heading for the cubicle directly beside hers. The redhead’s pale hand comes out to grab your forearm, and she tugs you in with her, pulling the curtain shut behind you.
“Don’t be silly, you can come in here with me.” She smiles and hangs up her dresses, then eyes you curiously. “You're acting strange today. Is everything alright?” She begins to unbutton her dress, and your eyes widen, instantly averting to the floor.
“Um, yeah. I’m fine.” You hear her shuffle as she shrugs the dress from her shoulders, and when you glance up she's wearing only a black silk bra and thong, and a matching garter holding up her stockings. You blush profusely, can’t stop your eyes from raking down her form, taking in the swell of her breasts as she bends down to pick up her dress from the floor, her thin, yet muscular arms, the silky smooth expanse of her stomach, the curve of her ass. Her skin is milk white, and beautiful, and you wonder how you had never noticed her in this way before – or perhaps you had. You swallow thickly, and when you tear your gaze back up to Zelda's face, you find that she has caught you staring. Your entire face feels hot now, and the flush has spread to your chest, visible in your V neck blouse.
There’s a sparkle of amusement in Zelda's green eyes, and she's smirking. You tear your gaze from her entirely, quickly begin tugging off your blouse. You don’t know why you think beginning to undress will diffuse the situation, but you are supposed to be trying a dress on, and you're hoping that by complying with Zelda's wishes, she will not relentlessly tease you for so obviously checking her out. You now stand there in your bra and skirt, and Zelda is closer to you now, and you’re already too close to the wall to step back.
“Do you see something you like, darling?” Zelda hums, and you roll your eyes, finally looking at her.
“Zelda, don’t make fun, please.” You beg, and when Zelda sees you genuinely upset by the situation, her self satisfied smirk falls, replaced by a look of concern.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean-"
“It's fine.” You interrupt, and you wrap your arms around your bare torso then, not knowing what to do. Zelda's hand reaches out, and she strokes your cheek, tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes flutter closed, and you lean into her touch.
“It's okay, you know.” Zelda murmurs, and her voice is soft, affectionate, like her touch.
“What is?”
“Feelings. I have them too. For you.” Zelda gently grips your chin, tilting her head so you’ll look at her, and you do, eyes flitting over the soft features of her face. You marvel at the slight wrinkles between sweeping, arched brows, the mole at her temple, the lines at the edges of her eyes, her perfectly sculpted nose, so delicately pointed, the subtle cleft in her chin – you can only think that you had been taking this face for granted, this face that was surely carved by beings lost long ago, beings that carved deities and gods in stone, rendered to be worshipped, revered.
You lurch forward and press your lips to hers, shaking hands coming to rest on pale, bare waist, and Zelda shudders, kisses you back with equal fervour. You pull her against you, and then Zelda is pressing you back against the wall, you swallow a moan as her hot skin presses to yours. Her hands cup your cheeks, tangle into your hair, and when your tongues entwine, you both release a low hum. You break away, gasping for air and leaning your head against the thin plaster. You can't stop staring.
“You’re exquisite, Zelda Spellman. So beautiful.” You chuckle when Zelda blushes, and then she kisses you again, long and hard, and her teeth rake along your jaw, and you instantly tilt your head, biting your lip to stifle a moan. Her lips are attacking your neck, kissing, licking, sucking, biting, and your breathing is becoming erratic.
“Zel-Zelda...” You whisper, weakly pushing her away, although you don’t want to, not really. Zelda pouts, and it looks almost comical, with her lipstick faded and smudged.
“I don’t want our first time to be here. With only a curtain for privacy and the risk of being arrested.” Zelda laughs, and you roll your eyes, but can’t help laughing with her. You both quickly dress, the garments you had both previously planned to try on now forgotten, and as Zelda pulls back the curtain, you glance at the full length mirror, and your mouth gapes.
“Zelda!” Your neck is dotted with hickeys, some small and red, others considerably bigger, and dark purple, and when you look at Zelda with wide eyes she grins. “Your niece and nephew are going to tease me to no end about this.” Zelda barks a laugh, then takes your hand and pulls you from the cubicle.
“Come on, no one is home anyway. Not until tomorrow. They will most definitely tease you then, but you’ll also be considerably more... relaxed, after spending the night with me.” The redhead winks, and you shake your head in mock irritation, but you don’t let go of her hand, and she doesn't let go of yours, as you leave the shop and head for the car.
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annteasocial · 4 years
Hello there! May I please have some stuff for Arashi having a partner who's into lolita fashion (particularly classic lolita)? (She/her for Ara if possible too?) Thanks in advance!
Of course you can! First request let’s get this bread lol. Hopefully this is something you like and up to your standards X’D. I did make the reader a female but I pray that it’s not a huge problem
EnStars Arashi X Lolita Fashion Fem S/O
“Arashi-chan, look what I bought yesterday!” You excitedly run up to the blonde, catching her off guard. “Oh (Y/N)-Chan dear, you gave Onee-san a bit of a fright!”
“Ahaha…sorry about that, I was really eager to show you this super cute dress I got whilst shopping at the mall yesterday.” You scratch your cheek awkwardly, but proceed to bring out your latest purchase from the shopping bags for your girlfriend to see.
“Tada! What do you think? Do you like it?”
Arashi’s eyes widen at the sight of the frilly red and white Lolita dress. It had a beautiful double layered knee length skirt with a plaid pattern travelling down the side of both. The puffed sleeves were a traditional white with the exception of the cuffs which were a matte dark red lined with small crosshatching stitches, giving it a cute yet elegant look.
“Oh my! It’s gorgeous!” Arashi claps her hands together and gives a radiant smile, taking the dress from you and admiring the ensemble. “I also picked out this bow that matched the colours of it.” You draw a large plaid bow out of the bag, showing it to the purple eyed individual, whose eyes are practically sparkling.
“(Y/N)-chan, please go change, Onee-san would love to see you in your new outfit.” Arashi hands you back the dress and shoos you off to the nearest changing room, which thankfully wasn’t far from the practice room the two of you were occupying for the time being. You remove your school uniform, carefully unzip the back of the dress and slip into it. You take the opportunity to admire yourself in the mirror, twirling to let the skirts flow out a bit, before returning to Arashi.
You bounce into the room with your new appearance and attack the Knights member with a hug. She catches you and squeezes you slightly before pulling away to revel at the sight in front of her. “Oh you’re absolutely stunning (Y/N)-chan, really, you look like an adorable little model! It puts Izumi-chan to shame!” Arashi bends down to give you a peck on the cheek, pulling away with all smiles on her features.
A strong breeze sweeps through the open window that was left open due to the noontime summer heat, blowing your long hair in front of your face. Arashi catches some of the locks and brushes them behind your ear, then proceeds to usher you towards the mirror.
“Arashi-chan? What are you doing?”
“Let me braid your hair so it’s not flying into your precious face.”
“Oh, okay.”
The blonde seats you down on a chair and leaves to grab a comb, two hair ties and some red and white ribbon, which you had no idea she carried around, from her bag. Arashi returns and begins to gently tease out the small knots in your hair from you hopping about. You close your eyes in contentment, enjoying the feeling of her hands running through your locks.
“You have super soft and silky hair you know that (Y/N)-chan?” She meets your eyes through the mirror and begins to part down the middle of your hair. “Well, I do use the same brand of shampoo that you use, because your hair is really nice as well Arashi-chan. It also smells good,” you giggle, fiddling around with some of the loose strands she’s left in front of your face.
A moment of silence passes before you decide to speak up again.
“Um, Arashi-chan? Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask Onee-san anything you want.”
You pause, contemplating your next words.
“Do you…think it’s weird that I’m into classic Lolita fashion?” Arashi stops braiding and furrows her brows. “Of course not! I honestly think it’s refreshing, seeing you present yourself differently to others,” she states with a hint of disbelief, seemingly surprised that you would even ask a question like that.
You nod your head feebly as another cool breeze drifts through the window, ruffling your almost finished twin tail braids. You shiver involuntarily at the cold passing through the sleeves of your dress. The sun had hidden behind some clouds, filling the room with a dull grey tone, contrasting the warm atmosphere that once filled the room. “It’s just, people give me strange looks whenever I’m out in public because of what I wear. They look at me and whisper, calling me a freak and stuff…it’s made me question my appearance a bit,” you say truthfully.
Arashi finishes fastening the last braid with a ribbon and walks around the chair to face you. “(Y/N), look at me please.” The Knights member cups both your cheeks in her hands and tilts your face to meet hers. “Don’t let anything that anyone says about ever change how you want to dress. You’re beautiful as you are and I will always be there to support you.”
You stand up and bury your face into the shoulder of the blonde. She wraps her arms around your waist and envelops you with warmth. “Thanks for understanding,” you mumble into her shirt, and you feel the vibrations through her body as she chuckles. “Of course my cute (Y/N)-chan~,” she coos.
“I love you, Arashi-chan.”
“I love you too, dear.”
Arashi pulls away from the hug and grabs one of your hands in hers. “Let’s go show the other Knights members! I’m sure they’d love to see you in your new outfit!” She elatedly drags you out the door as your brain tries to process what she’s just said. “Eh? Wai—what? Now?! They’re still here?!” You stammer. “Yep, they’re all doing something for Ou-sama apparently, though I was taking a little break when you found me.”
Arashi bursts into the room vigorously. “Look ah what my precious (Y/N)-chan bought yesterday~!” She parades you in front of her, gaining attention from the rest of the young idols.
“Wow, Onee-Sama you look marvellous!” Tsukasa is the first to compliment you, giving you an adorable smile, befitting of a little princeling. “Thanks Tsukasa-kun, I’m glad you like it,” you laugh, returning his gesture.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Izumi take a long hard glance at you. “She can’t look as cute as my Yuu-kun,” he scoffs, looking away but Leo is quick to reprimand him. “Now now Sena, be nice okay! I think (Y/N) looks really good!” Leo walks over to you and gives you a pat on the head and Arashi smiles proudly. “See? Everyone loves what you’re wearing! Izumi-chan likes it as well, he just won’t admit it~”
Izumi flushes slightly due to embarrassment and anger. “Shut up Naru!” He yells and retreats to elsewhere in the room.
“Ahh…you guys are so noisy…I can’t sleep when Secchan is shouting.”
“Oh, Sleeping Beauty decided to wake up.”
“It’s not like I wanted to wake up in the first place…” Ritsu yawns and stretches his thin arms above his head before flopping back down onto the beanbags with a sigh. “Haah……hm? Did you get a new dress (Y/N)-chan? You look pretty~” the self proclaimed vampire gives you a sleepy grin, observing your appearance from amidst the pile of bean filled cushions.
You feel a slight heat rise to your cheeks from all the kind remarks and fidget with your hands. “Thanks you guys, you’ve really made my day you know that?” You murmur, playing with the ends of your new braids.
“You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for.”
Stan the Queen that is Arashi.
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How about some hcs about the standards of beauty in the magi world? For males and females pls
Anon I am going buck wild over this request I LOVE anything to do with worldbuilding. I’m going to be going by country and it’s going to get lengthy so this will be under a cut!!
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It seems like pastel and light colors are what most of the women wear
All of the women in this image have long hair, so it’s safe to assume that’s fashionable there
I’m going to assume Sindria is at least temperate, if not tropical, so it makes sense all of the women are dressed lightly
Tops seem to vary from tank tops to midriff bearing- modesty doesn’t seem to be of the utmost importance
Flowers!! Though whether they’re just for the actual festival and are celebratory or are day-to-day fashion is up in the air, since Sindria seems to be a country with a lot of flora I think they’re probably utilized regularly!
Similar to the women, loose, flowing clothing seems to be the way to go. Tunics, skirts, and dresses for the men as well!
The men wear either short sleeved shirts or no shirts according to this image
Neutral colors! Except for one man, all of the other men seem to be wearing brown or an olive color
 All of the men are wearing headbands wrapped around their forehead and tied at the back of their heads
Belts! It looks as if the men wear belts around their waists
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Kou is special lol it gets its own general section
Fashion in Kou is heavily restricted by class. To the best of my knowledge brown is worn by slaves, green by the working class, and white is worn by nobility. Everyone wears the same thing except, I suppose, the royal family since they’re all dressed differently.
Women and men both wear the same kind of robes. They have a straight collar, with long, loose sleeves, pinned at the chest and tied at the waist with a sash. They all go down to their ankles.
Royal Family
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Kougyoku and Hakuei dress moderately differently, but I attribute that to the fact that Hakuei travels more than Kougyoku and clothing any more opulent that Hakuei’s is doesn’t really suit that sort of lifestyle
Both of them look to be wearing multiple layers, so I’d hazard a guess there’s at least one robe that works as an “undergarment” underneath their visible layers of clothing
They wear long sleeves that widen considerably at the end, which matches up to my (very, very basic)  knowledge of ancient Chinese clothing, and we know the Kou Empire is matches pretty much tit-for-tat to ancient China (particularly the Tang Dynasty)
They both wear some sort of garment over the top of the rest of their robes that is tied with a sash, which is a common element in pretty much all of the Kou Empire’s clothing
Women in ancient China to the best of my knowledge had their hair kept very long and they tied it back or, in the case of royalty, had it in intricate updos. That seems to apply to all the images of Kou royal women, so I think it’s safe to say that’s also part of their day-to-day fashion
Off the top of my head I remember some trivia that whatever Kouen has going on on his shoulder isn’t fashionable, even if he thinks it is.
The goatee also is not. I’ve noticed all of the young Kou men in magi short of kouen are clean shaven, from Hakuyuu straight down to Hakuryuu and Kouha. In fact, the only Kou men we’ve seen facial hair on is Emperor Koutoku and Kouen, and the latter got dissed by his siblings for it. So I assume it’s considered fashionable to be clean shaven.
Kouen’s cape also is not fashionable. Sorry, but he’s magi’s walking fashion disaster.
Also wear multiple layers of clothing, but there are variations. Hakuyuu, Hakuren, and Hakuryuu all wear a tunic and pants, with the tunic tied closed with a sash. Kouen and Koumei both wear long robes tied at the waist.
Kouha’s fashion is markedly strange. He wears a sleeveless buttoned tunic, with openings that bare his chest, and... poofy shorts. That’s bizarre by any standard, but I assume nobody comments on it because he’s considered rather eccentric in general and it plays to his personality.
We don’t really have anything too definitive on Sasan women. We’ve only seen one, in Sinbad no Bokuen, and that took place almost fifteen years prior to the beginning of magi
Sasan is a religious country, so it’s unsurprising that lone woman was dressed conservatively. Mystras and Spartos also seem to be aghast by scantily clad women.
I imagine all of the women wear long dresses and sleeve, and their clothing is probably thick since Sasan is up in the mountains and likely pretty cold.
They probably wear boots.
The woman we saw wore makeup and jewelry, so that’s likely considered fashionable. Very classic makeup too- cat eyes, long lashes, and red lips are considered fashionable.
There’s probably pants on under those dresses, it’s way too cold for there not to be.
There’s even less to go off with the men. We’ve only ever seen the knights in Sasan, who wear white tunics and black pants under armor, and white head wrappings.
They probably wear something similar, though. I’m guessing. Probably. A long sleeved tunic and pants tucked into boots.
Mostly monochrome colors- white, black, and grey. Nothing crazy. Sasan seems pretty strict on conformity.
Coats are probably necessary. I imagine the men wear very long coats.
My favorite by far
Pink and white!!! Pink and white!!!! They wear pretty much exclusively pink and white from what we’ve seen
Modesty? Not a problem. Sideboob, underboob, full boob!! Who cares!!
A lot of feathers in their clothing, and even in their hair!
Gold jewelry is fashionable.
Their hair is worn either down or braided in some way
It seems like mostly adult women and older girls wear dresses. Teenage girls and young girls wear a short sleeved top and poofy shorts
A common cut for tops for appropriately aged teens and girls seems to be poofy sleeves and a large cut out that bares the center of their chest (no nips!) down their stomachs, and tied with a chord.
Long tunics in pastel pink
That’s it. I’m not joking.
Tied at the waist with a chord.
They also wear a head covering? Kind of like a bonnet and tied under the chin.
Topless. No joke- boobies 100% exposed. This is canon. An exhibitionist’s dream.
Long wrapped skirts tied with long sashes around their waist.
Lots and lots of jewelry- around the waist, neck, wrists, in between the breasts. So much that the jewelry could pass for a shirt if the nipples weren’t right there.
Short hair is very fashionable. Cut at an angular bob around the chin area and with bangs.
Think about the type of costumes halloween stores would be selling if they could get away with “Sexy Egypt”. Heliohapt women’s clothing is just heavily sexualized Egyptian-based clothing.
Loose, pretty much exclusively white clothing
Long sleeveless tunics, that expose the sides are fairly common. They’ll be off shoulder and held up by a belt
More gold jewelry. SO MUCH.
It doesn’t seem like pants are too common- the tunic covers everything that needs to be covered.
They wear sandals that lace up the calf and tie below the knee.
It seems like long, light colored dresses are fashionable
Cinched either at the waist or just below the breasts
Flowing, light material. Very pretty, give an almost ethereal look to the outfits.
Going off of Scheherazade’s outfit, red is probably a pretty popular accent color.
Leaves, berries, flowers, etc are popular hair accessories
Pants who? In Reim, they die like true men- in togas.
Long hair is popular for men
Dark blue is a common color for accents for men as well.
Men don’t tend to wear jewelry of any kind, and keep things relatively simplistic
Skirts or mid-length pants
Clothing tends to stay in the white to blue range, but you might see some purple thrown in there
Geometric patterns are popular!
Seems like women walk around barefoot, snow be damned. Nothing gets in the way of an Imuchakk woman’s sense of fashion ig
Fur! We’re going to bare our stomachs and legs but those fur arm and leg warmers will keep them warm enough i suppose
Most of the women have had long hair except Pipirika, so I’d say long hair is considered fashionable to Imuchakk women
Men go shirtless
Long fur skirts
More leg warmers and arm warmers
Hinahoho has long hair and Rurumu’s father had long hair, so i think long hair would be fashionable to men as well
I headcanon facial hair is considered very good looking on Imuchakk men
Okay I’m done. I know I didn’t include Magnostadt, Balbadd, and Partevia, but in all honesty that’s out of partly due to laziness and partly due to either repetitiveness or total lack of content. Magnostadt everyone wears pretty much exactly the same thing except a few teachers who wear a ton of different things so it was hard to get a grasp of any content, and I feellike Balbadd and Partevia are pretty similar to Sindria so I didn’t want to just type the same things over and over. Some don’t have pictures just because I had to base on multiple singular characters.
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silverfrostheart · 5 years
(redone) AnomalyVerse-Chapter One
Fate. It's a funny thing. Some beings feel that it is absolute and cannot be changed. But...they underestimate the power of will and determination. If one wishes so badly, fate can be defied....The purple hooded skeleton, sitting on the park fountain, grinned as he flipped over one of his tarot cards. "Reverse tower....hm. heheh. Somethings coming. This should be interesting..." The skeleton chuckled. With a flick of a finger, he spun the card around, enveloping it in a little purple flame. When the front of the card faced him again it showed an odd rainbowy skeleton. "Of course it involves you Mr. Au protecter." He smirked. "I wonder...what will you do this time?" ----- Canvas the skeleton perked his head up from his drawing. Had he just heard a voice? That was odd though...not many visit the doodle sphere. Mainly Dreamie, Fresh and Error. Maybe it was an Au? The rainbow being hummed then closed his sketchbook and stood up. "I'll finish that one later." He chuckled. He almost jumped when someone tapped him on the shoulder. "Ahh!!" He cried. He relaxed when he turned and came face to face with an oddly dressed skeleton. "Fresh! Geez don’t scare me like that!" Canvas grumbled. "What are you doing here?" "Nawt much brah! Not much is hoppin so i wanted to check in on my jammin lil bro!" Fresh replied tilting his head. "That not cool?" Canvas grimaced. " It's fine but honestly Fresh, are you just default meme trash?" He asked. Fresh grinned and made gun fingers. "Ya rootin tootin bet i am homie!" Then the bright skeleton chuckled. His voice dropped to a more calmer voice. "But i'll talk simpler just for you lil bro." Canvas sighed, relieved. "Thank you. I swear when you talk like that it's like your speaking another language." He commented, finally picking up his sketchbook. Fresh's glasses changed to say 'lol'. "Says the being who knows 15 languages." The ink being stuck out his bright rainbow tongue. "Shut up. Why do you talk like that anyway?" "It's fun and it weirds folks out." Canvas snorted, shaking his head. "Of course." Suddenly screaming could be heard. Fresh and Canvas turned their attention to a paper to the left. It was suddenly getting wrapped up in blue strings... "Error." Canvas frowned. He looked back at Fresh. "Naw naw bruh yer good! go see what glitchbrat's doing." Fresh chuckled waving the artist on. Canvas winked. "Thanks big bro!" Now for those reading this you might be a tad confused. 'this Canvas character sounds like ink!sans!' Well, he is. he's another version of ink!sans that goes by both Ink and Canvas. "Yo narrator! Ya really think that’s important dude?" ....Fresh we talked about this, let me do my job. "You suck at it lmao." ......ANYWAY. "That was awkward." Canvas muttered. He brushed the 4th wall break off and summoned his paintbrush. Sweeping it around he splattered purple paint down and jumped in. It wasn't long before he came out in an au that was in chaos. glitched laughter sounded around everything. It seemed to be a post-pacifist timeline too...Canvas looked around. "Alright...where are you Error?" He didn't have to wait long to find him. "ABOUT TIME YOU SHOWED UP YOU INKED ABOMINATION! I WAS GETTING BORED!" Canvas looked over to see the glitched black, red, blue and yellow skeleton grinning darkly. Canvas sighed. "Error, let this Au go." He warned. "Do we honestly need to fight again?" Error snorted with contempt. "Don’t play that line with me asshole. We've fought loads of times. Sides..." Error dissapeared and popped up in Canvas's face. "ITS NOT LIKE YOU’VE CARED BEFORE!" Canvas cried out as Error's bones caught him in his side knocking him backwards. "Your just some idiot--" Error didn't get to finish his sentence as Canvas jumped back up, wincing and pulling one of the attacks out. black blood dripped down. vanishing, Canvas reappeared behind Error and slammed his brush into him. error crashed into a piece of road rubble, his back covered in green paint. "honestly Error..." Canvas hummed, twirling his brush. "You kinda talk too much." "LOOK WHO'S FUCKING TALKING YOU STUPID SQUID!!" Error snarled. Suddenly everything stopped. Just Canvas and Error could move. The fires were at a standstill. The birds flying off, motionless. The people running...all frozen. "Ah! So there's an Ink and Error here too...interesting!" Both skeletons looked up to see another, cloaked in light blue clothing, standing on what seemed to be a clock patterned platform. "Who...are you?" Canvas asked setting his brush down. "the name's Aion! pleasure to meet you."
Aion- @cutiegrumpycerym
fresh and error- loverofpiggies
tarot- me
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~*~*~*~Exalted Secret Santa Gournel~*~*~*~
I got three of these idiots for your leisure.
Star of Everlasting Grace, Hoshi, Smarmy Ghost-Blooded Night Caste - 
Closest thing to a reference and backstory. Short, brown skin, pointed ears, and a head of unruly white hair tied back in the dinkiest ponytail. Her eyes are light pink, and her mouth is almost always upturned into a ghoulish smirk. She normally wears black with pink accents, but is open to wearing pretty much anything. 
She wields a pair of hook swords; the only real unique aspect of them are the pink ribbons wrapped around their hilts. Her anima has a ghostly tinge to it, a swirling cloak of pale purples, pinks, and greys, laughing mischeviously around her. If you look at it too closely, you might see some funny little faces in it :)
She Mourns the Lost Sky, Edgy and Wingless Day Caste - 
Her reference and backstory. Sky's got one hell of a scowl with too much running mascara, pointy ears, permanently furrowed brows, and a pink bob to frame it all. Her skin WAS a normal color, and now is an extremely cold and lifeless blue. On her back are the remains of her wings, just a mass of feathers now stained a strange dark green. 
Her usual dress is purple accented with dark red leather and MORE dark green feathers. She has a soulsteel bow with a teal jewel at the end of each arm. No it does not have a name. 
Swift-Handed Soren, Jaded and Dejected Moonsilver Caste - 
His reference and a brief backstory where I misremembered which city Yugash went to war with. He's a tall, lean and silvery fellow, with his body segmented like a ball-joint doll's (the swirls in the darker parts of his body don't need to be replicated; I have no set pattern for them lol). Soren's eyes are bright blue and have black sclera. He has super long, bright red hair that is loosely tied back. On the sides of his head are three sorta fan-like blades that function as ear-cameras, and move according to his emotions. 
His usual mode of dress is your typical utilitarian Autochthonian garb, but with a plunging neckline or just an open shirt. Gotta have that robot chest exposed to own the Tripartite.
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aliensforleaders · 5 years
Tell Me Again Tomorrow: Part 3
Pairing: Rami Malek x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, and oh boy is there smut. Like seriously, y’all ain’t ready for the Sin that is in this chapter. I think I actually needed a water break and to turn on my fan while writing this.
A/N: So this is the final part to this little series. I seriously appreciate all the love I’ve gotten for this. It’s really inspired me to write more so keep an eye out for that. Smut is also a bit difficult for me to write so sorry if it’s terrible lol. Also this chapter was heavily influenced by the Glass Animals album Zaba. If you enjoy emersion like I do, I suggest you listen to it while reading this because it slaps, my guy. Anyways get on with it then and enjoy!
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And below is the dress the reader wears to the party.
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I woke up the next day, this time after Alisha. She was sitting against her headboard on her phone.
“Oh good you're awake.” she said looking over at me rubbing my eyes.
“Yeah. What’s up?” I said sleepily.
“So much. Okay, okay so listen.” she scooted to the edge of her bed and crossed her legs, facing me.”
I propped myself up against the pillows behind me in preparation for what she was going to spring on me now.
“So today is Sunday. Which means it’s the last day of this birthday weekend, right? So that means there’s a huge party tonight down at the beach.” she bit her lip, grinning wide.
I stared off into space looking slightly confused. “Okay…? What are you getting at?”
“UGH! You are so dense sometimes!” she covered her face with her hands and laughed.
“(Y/N), the guy. This mysterious, wonderful guy you met on Friday? This is the perfect opportunity to get him all hot and bothered. We are going shopping today for something to wear for you. You have the perfect lack of chest to pull off the lowest v-neck dress we can find.”
I smirked at her somewhat back handed compliment. I mean I wouldn’t mind getting him looking somewhere else for a while.
“You know what, fuck it. Let’s do it.”
Alisha squealed and jumped into bed with me, throwing her arms around my neck.
“I need to meet this guy and figure out what’s got you so eager to do this. I was expecting a little push back to be honest.”
I sighed loudly, “Oh I don’t know. But I do know that I didn’t want to come here in the first place, and I’m so glad I did. I’m going to start doing things I wouldn’t normally do from now on.”
“Fucking finally! Join me on the dark side,” she lowered her head and rubbed her hands together, “we have dick and tequila!”
“You’re outrageous, you know that right? I need to know that you know that.” I giggled at her.
“No other way to live, baby.” she winked at me.
After a long day of visiting store, after store, we finally found the dress.
“Oo I don’t know about this, Lish. It’s so short.” I called to her from behind the dressing room curtain.
“Come on, let me see it. You can be a prude sometimes remember?” she called back.
I pulled back the curtain and stepped out. The dress was fairly thin and flowy, which I loved. It had cut outs on the sides that wrapped around the back and the neckline was very low. I didn’t need a bra with it because of how small my chest is. The bottom reached just above mid thigh and it was a sort of dusty rose color.
“WOW.” Alisha gasped. “Girl listen, if we weren’t like best friends…and I didn’t think of you as a sister…”
“Ah, ah! Okay I get it.” I laughed and turned back around to the mirror.
She was right though. I looked hot. I felt hot. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this good about myself. I twirled a little from side to side, looking at my long tan legs and my almost completely exposed chest. A long necklace would look great with this, maybe two.
So I bought the dress and we left the store, heading back to the hotel to get ready. As Alisha and I applied our makeup in the bathroom, my heart began to race and for the first time in years it was excitement and not a panic attack. Too real, I know. I applied some lip gloss and fluffed up my hair that I had decided to leave down and messy. It fell just above my shoulders, letting the dress do the rest of the work.
“Fuck.” I sighed.
“What? God I’m almost mad at how good you look.” she laughed incredulously as she applied mascara.
“Oh hush..I do though huh?” I gestured towards my body and Alisha shoved me playfully.
I walked out to the main room and sat on my bed, grabbing my phone. My heart began racing again when I tapped on my conversation with Rami, accompanied by the cute picture I took of him at the museum as his contact photo.
You: Hey! so please tell me you are going to this party tonight?
Rami: hi:) actually yeah I am. Sami is making me.. but I’m glad you’ll be there
Oh you just wait. I’ll be there alright.
You: yep! thanks to Alisha lol. I’ll see you soon then xx
I wondered if the kisses were too much, but then I looked down and figured it was the least of his worries tonight.
“Alright let’s go pregame.” Alisha said nonchalantly slipping on her heels. She looked down at my sandles and frowned. “You aren’t wearing heels?”
“No because even I don’t hate myself that much.” I grabbed my bag and she followed me out.
The party was happening down by the bar we had been at on Friday, except it had been transformed completely. There was a large wooden platform placed on the sand nearby full of people dancing. The bar and dance floor was enveloped in large trees and vegetation that was adorned with lantern string lights of all purples and blues you could imagine. It felt like we were in the middle of a jungle. It was beautiful. Loud music pulsed through the large speakers and you recognized it to be Glass Animals. Perfect for the setting.
“Alright where’s this dude. Oh wait never mind, I’ll just look for the puddle on the floor.” she snorted and nudged my arm. Honestly everyone needed a friend like Alisha to hype them up this much.
“Jesus, you haven’t even had alcohol yet.”
“Ew you’re right. Come on. We can find your man later.”
We went over to the bar and Alisha ordered us both shots. We downed them and shortly after the song “Walla Walla” came on. It was one of my favorites.
“Hey come dance with me. I love this song!” I yelled to Alisha and she grabbed my hand pulling me to the dance floor. 
We began to sway to the heavy drum beat and I could feel the alcohol kicking in. It was turning my body into liquid fire in the best way. I felt myself let go and closed my eyes. Alisha grabbed my waist and we danced and danced until the next song came on, “Black Mambo.” As soon as the beat kicked in I opened my eyes and they were immediately caught by very large greenish ones that slowly turned darker as they studied me. Rami stood a few feet away next to who I assumed was Sami.
He wore a loose, very unbuttoned shirt with a floral pattern on it and that little strand of hair hung down on his forehead just the way I liked it. I smiled at him devilishly from the dance floor, beckoning him with my finger. I don’t know who I was in this moment and it felt so damn good. He licked his lips and willed himself towards me.
“Holy shit that’s him?! Is that another one too?! He’s a twin?! Oh excuse me, but I have work to do.” Alisha flipped out next to me for a minute and then walked towards Sami swiftly.
Rami finally reached me. I slowed my hips and looked deep into his eyes.
“Hi.” I stated simply.
“Hi.” a grin began to form on his lips and he was close enough now that I could see his eyes darken even more as he scanned my body. He found my gaze again, looking at me under his long lashes.
“Do you like it?” I asked twirling a little and biting my lip.
“I- uh yes. Yeah I like it. You look..just incredible.” he struggled with that and that only spurred me on more.
He still hadn’t touched me, ever the gentlemen, but now wasn’t the time for that. I grabbed his hands and wrapped them around my waist. I could feel his hands on my skin now and it ignited something deep in me. I snaked my fingers into the back of his hair and let my head fall back as the beat of the song intensified and we swayed together now. This was absolutely intoxicating. His skin on mine, the music vibrating my soul, his warmth radiating off of him and onto me. I let my hands wander down his chest, my hand slightly disappearing under the fabric. He pulled me closer and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He softly pressed his lips to my neck right under my jaw, which made me pull him tighter to me. He then put his lips to my ear and I could just barely hear him say, “What are you doing to me..”
I then leaned up to his ear and responded, “Playing.” I smirked at him and that’s definitely what made him lose it.
He sucked in a deep breath, grabbing my hand tightly and pulling me with him. I didn’t know where he was taking us, but I definitely knew I was about to get it. He led us to what seemed to be a utility closet for the hotel. He pulled me in, flicking on the light, shutting the door and pushing me against it.
“Where the hell did you come from?” he breathed into my neck, pushing my hair out of the way. He began to hungrily kiss me, starting just underneath my ear and going all the way down my chest. His hand gripped my thigh and pulled it up around his waist.
I was a panting mess already and very wet. He was leaving kisses all over my neck and chest. I gripped handfuls of his curly hair.
“You just make me want to do very bad things, love.” I managed to get out between pants and moans.
He came back up and faced me, our noses touching, still eyeing my lips. Then his eyes flickered up to mine.
“I want to fuck you so bad right now, but I need you to give me permission.” He said very out of breath and that sentence made me even wetter.
“And what if I said no.” I tested him, bringing my thumb to his bottom lip.
He sighed, closing his eyes. “Then I would take my hands off you and we would leave this closet.”
An accidental moan escaped my lips. The fact that he would walk out of here with a dick that hard all because I told him to..
I leaned in and whispered, “You have my permission.”
I could almost feel him break down the wall of restraint he had up until those words left my lips. He reached his hand farther up my thigh until he reached the wet heat coming from between my legs. He pressed his fingers into my clit and I just about screamed.
“Ugh fuck!” I let out and bit down on my lip. I opened my eyes just enough to see him studying my face as he worked circles into me.
“God you're so pretty like this.” he huffed out. 
I could feel how hard he was through his pants on my thigh and I reached a hand out towards him. He let out a groan as I palmed him through the fabric, both of us working each other in just the right spot. His forehead fell into the crook of my neck. We began to sweat, which made our skin stick and it was a delicious feeling.
“Fuck this is too much. I need to feel you right now.” 
I grabbed at his shirt undoing the few buttons that were done and pushed it off over his shoulders. As soon as it was off he flipped me around, unzipping the back of my dress and letting it fall to the floor. He pressed himself against me, now just in my underwear which wasn’t much to begin with. He brought his hand up to my hip and let it wander back to wear I was now practically dripping. My face being pressed against the cool door was helping me to not pass out from the pleasure.
“You are so..wet..for me.” he kissed the back of my neck and flipped me back around to face him. He leaned forward leaving a sweet, languid kiss on my lips. He pulled a condom out of his pocket and handed it to me.
“Do you want to or should I?”
I grabbed it, not saying a word. I unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers and finally we were both completely exposed. He was a work of art. I studied his body as quickly as I could before rolling the condom onto him, which earned a sigh.
He grabbed both of my thighs this time and held me up against the door effortlessly.
“Ready?” he asked and I nodded vigorously.
He slowly pushed into me and we both gasped and let out a long moan at the same time.
“Holy shit.” I huffed out, the sudden feeling of being full taking me to another plain of existence.
“You are so tight, fuck.” He began to thrust faster and faster. Our hands explored each other and his mouth left sloppy kisses on whatever he could reach of me.
I could feel a familiar tightening in the pit of my stomach as he thrusted harder and harder. My moans became ungoverned.
“I’m close, baby.” I warned him.
“Me too ugh..” he groaned and his grip on my ass tightened more and more with each thrust.
Just two more and I was gone. I threw my head back against the door, the loudest moan escaped my lips and I was almost shocked something like that could come from me. My nails dug into his shoulders and everything went white. The pure ecstasy washed over me like electricity and I felt him come undone shortly after. The whimper that he let out into my ear was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. 
We stayed there for a moment trying to get our bearings. After a moment he pulled out of me and let me down slowly, but the second my feet hit the ground I fell into his arms.
“Jesus, I can’t even stand after that.” we both laughed, our foreheads pressed together as we attempted to catch our breath.
“What actually just happened?” he ran a hand through his hair.
“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that was astral projecting or some shit because I feel incredible.”
We both lazily pulled our clothes back on, smiling like idiots. He placed a kiss on my lips after every piece of clothing we put on.
“Come here.” After our clothes were back on, he sat down on the floor against the wall and motioned for me to sit in his lap.
I crawled on to him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my hair and resting his chin on top of my head.
“Thank you for giving me permission.” He uttered, sweetly.
“Thank you for asking for it.” I smiled and nuzzled my face into his warm neck.
He held me for a few moments longer, until we finally decided to rejoin civilization. I stepped out of the room first, adjusting my hair. I looked back at him and noticed my lip gloss on his jaw.
“Oh wait.” I wiped away the lip gloss with my thumb and he giggled.
“Yeah because the lip gloss is what they will notice, and not our ridiculous sex hair.”
We both giggled and shrugged, making our way back to the party.
“Oh. My. GOD.” Alisha starred at Rami and I as we walked up to the bar. Sami was standing next to her. “I’m so proud of you! You finally got some dick like I told you and now you are glowing.” I blushed at her words, finding it impossible to be that embarrassed after what just happened in that closet.
She leaned over to Sami and muttered, “The girl was wound tighter than a damn piano wire.”
“HA! She was? You don’t even want to know how long Ram-“ 
“No she doesn’t. And you aren’t going to tell her, Sami.” Rami’s jaw clenched as he gripped Sami’s shoulder, interrupting him. They both laughed and Rami turned to order us drinks.
Alisha scooted closer to me and the boys started talking about nonsense.
“So I guess this weekend was a success then?” she raised an eyebrow at me.
“It was. Thanks by the way.” I smiled coyly. 
“Oh please you gotta give me like a detail or two.” Alisha begged.
“Dude, no way!” I sipped my drink gazing out at the ocean.
“Ugh! No fair.” she frowned.
“I will say though,” I glanced over at Rami who was laughing at something Sami said, “the boy knows who’s in charge.” I threw back the rest of my drink and looked at Alisha with a grin.
“Aaaahh!!” she squealed and it turned into both of us losing it.
Rami came to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“So, how about a swim?” he asked grinning at Sami.
“Rami, no I just bought this dre-“, he swept me up and threw me over his shoulder before I could answer. I screamed in protest and then saw that Sami was carrying Alisha the same way, running through the sand towards the water.
Before we knew it we were all soaked and falling all over each other in the salty water. I pushed Rami playfully, but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and he held me and we stood there in the water, the four of us, now very far from the party. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now than here with you.” I looked into his eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of them and turning them sort of blue this time.
“Tell me that again tomorrow.”
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writingjusttowrite8 · 7 years
Warmth (Part 2)
Part 2 of this story! I hope all of you guys enjoy it. I’m probs going to be posting part 3 in the next few days, but I’m not sure how much after that. Let me know if you want more!
Also... smutty chapter lol
You can also read this on AO3
Part 1
       Tom’s lips were on mine within seconds. His hands holding me close to him, and mine were trying to bring him even closer. I felt his whole body pressed on mine, but it wasn’t enough. I placed my hands on his face and allowed myself to wrap on leg around his. He brought me up to the counter, spreading my legs apart while standing between them. His hands traveled down from my face, to my waist, and landed on my hips. Our lips were connected at all times; even when we needed air, the only partially separated. I felt him groan into my mouth, which caused me to tremble in desire.
           He broke away from this kiss, but kept his hands on my face, forcing me to face him. “You’re… addicting.” Tom said breathlessly. “Do you really want this?” He asked.  I pressed a very gentle kiss onto his lips. “Yes…” I breathed. “Tom, you have no idea how much I desire you. I want you to be apart of me in every way I can allow you to be.” I said. I thought I heard him whisper something profane under his breath, but before I could ask, his lips were back on mine. Our bodies were so connected, that any part of me that wasn’t touching Tom physically burned. My hands started moving south, slowly brushing the bulge in his pants that was growing more needy by the second. Just as I started to unbuckle his belt, his hand gripped mine. “Darling, I plan on pleasuring you until kingdom come, so I’ll be doing this properly.” He growled, his eyes staring into mine. “I’ve waited for this for so long, I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Tom, I need you.” I let my hand travel even further down, rubbing my palm across his clothed erection.
           My words sent him in a tizzy; his hand grabbed my waist harder than he and before and I saw his mouth lack open. I took advantage of his dizzied state and began kissing him again. “[Y/N]… can you make it back to my hotel?” Tom asked, clearly feeling the same urge as I was. I wasn’t able to speak, only nod my head. He looked at me again; not seeing the lust filled desires this night was bringing, but seeing how much I needed him. His lips crashed onto mine for a few more seconds. I gripped onto him, trying to keep us as attached as humanly possible. “Let’s go” Tom said, pulling away. I grabbed his hand, holding onto it for dear life.
           Tom quickly unlocked the door and stuck his head out to see if anyone was watching.  Once the coast was clear, he started walking out and I followed closely behind him. He weaved us in and out of the crowd with ease and quickly got us to the back entrance. I felt my heart pounding in my chest; this is really happening I kept saying to myself. After weeks of wondering if Tom ever even wanted to see me again, he was here, telling me the words I couldn’t even dream of hearing. My heart was exploding with happiness and my body was dying with desire. I wanted to tell him that I understand how much he loves me because I love him too. I wanted to say ‘I love you’ to Tom over and over again, and apologize for my own blindness. But the anticipation and tension had mounted to be too much, and words wouldn’t do it justice tonight; we’d have to let our bodies do the talking.
           We reached Tom’s car, and he opened the back door for me to get in. Tom climbed in after me and nearly pulled me onto his lap once we were seated. The driver caught our drift and started heading towards Tom’s hotel. His arm was around my waist, rubbing my sides. His other hand rested on my knees and I laced our fingers together, tracing little patterns with my thumb. My head was in the crook of his neck and every so often I would tilt my head up to give a gentle kiss on his jawline. Our breathing was ragged, not from breathlessness, but from trying to control our selves. I thought this might have been a good time to explain myself to Tom, but I couldn’t quite find the words. I looked up at him, watching how the streetlights would occasionally light up his face. He looked down at me and brought his hand up to my face. He tucked a piece of hair behind my head before trailing down to my jaw and bringing my lips to his. Unlike the other kisses we’ve shared, this one wasn’t urgent, but rather, thankful. It was as if he was thanking me for being there.  
           We felt the car stop, and Tom had the door opened for us before the driver even put the car into park. He quickly guided me into the hotel, one hand still wrapped around my waist. Once we were in the elevator, his lips attacked mine again, the sense of urgency back. My hands ran through his hair and his resting on my neck. We almost didn’t hear the bell chime alerting us that we were on his floor.  The doors opened, and before us was an older couple that looked more embarrassed than we did. “Excuse us.” Tom said, before pulling us through the couple. I tried to give them a courteous smile, but Tom was moving too fast.
           It felt like forever before we reached the end of the hall and Tom quickly swiped his room key and pulled me inside. His mouth was on mine at once; getting sloppier and sloppier the longer we waited. I melted into him, using one hand to grab onto his neck and the other to start undoing the buttons of his shirt. His arms reached all the way to my thighs before hoisting me up into his arms and carrying me to his bed.  We fell onto the bed, my legs still firmly wrapped around his waist and my hands pushing his fully off. His hands roamed around my back until he found the start of my zipper and quickly pulled it down. I shimmied out of my dress and shoes, clad only in my bra and lacy thong. Tom took a second to pull himself back and stare at me. His hands never left my body, but traced my face down to my thighs as he sat up.
           “You’re staring.” I said, turning my head to hide the blush on my cheeks. “You’re exquisite.” Tom said, gently shifting my face to his. The only light in the room was from the moon shining in, illuminating Tom’s deep blue eyes. He looked at me with such passion that it made me ache for how long I’ve gone without being with him. “I love you…” the words practically spilled out of my mouth. He smiled and let out a sigh, “I love you, darling… more than you can imagine.” Tom pressed his lips to my mouth, and started working down my body, kissing down my jaw, to my breast, taking a moment to unclasp my bra. His tongue swirled over my nipples, his stubble tickling me. I let my fingers run through his hair and tried to control my moans. He kept going further, trailing kisses down my stomach before stopping just above my underwear. He used his teeth to pull them down my legs before wrapping his arms underneath my thighs and pulling me closer to him. Tom placed gentle kisses on my thighs working his way up to my core; his tongue slowly began lapping at my folds causing me to moan his name. “Tom…” I pleaded; I could feel him laugh gently and continue working his tongue.
           It wasn’t long before I reached my orgasm. I gripped the sheets so tightly, I’m sure they’re ripped somewhere. I called out his name softly as I came down from my high, but his tongue continued to work it’s magic. I sat up and gently pulled Tom’s face to look up at mine. His eyes were wide, partially with confusion, partially with desire. I traced his bottom lip, wiping some of myself off his face. “Please,” I said, “I want to give you at least some of what you’ve given me.” Tom began to stand and I realized he hadn’t taken off his pants yet. I put my hands on the back of his tights and ran them up until I traced the prominent bulge in his pants. His breathing hitched as I ran one hand back and forth, using the other to unclasp his belt and unbutton his pants. He helped me pull them down along with his underwear and kicked off his shoes and socks. Now he stood before me, the godlike physique making me take a minute to absorb him. “My god… you’re gorgeous.” I breathed. His wide-eye stare of wonderment turned slightly smug and he game me a smirk. “Now, you’re the one who’s staring.” He said to me, snapping out of my daze.
           I started siting up, getting onto my knees on the bed, so that Tom and I were almost the same height. He stalked towards me, grabbing my waist and head, resting his lips on mine. Our bodies moved in sync as he crawled onto the bed himself and moved us so that we were lying down. I grabbed his manhood and began stroking, using the few beads of pre-cum as lubricant. Tom’s fingers started pumping in and out of me while I spread my legs wider for him. His eyes were intently focused on mine while he entered me and I gasped at the sensation. My moans were shallow and breathy, matching his. He started pumping in and out of my core, making it hard to focus on anything else but how good he felt inside of me. He was nipping and sucking on my neck, leaving hickeys that were sure to be bright purple by tomorrow morning. I decided it was time to take control, so I flipped us over so I was on top of him. I steadied myself against his chest while he stared up at me and his hands went to massage my breast. I started rocking against him, and enjoyed his expressions as I did so; his eyes shut, mouth slack open, moaning my name. The pleasure I got from him saying my name over and over made him feel even better inside of me.
           “I’m close…” I whispered, nearly out of breath. Tom the flipped us over again, regaining control.  He pumped inside of me, faster than before, and with a greater sense of urgency. His fingers played with my sensitive bundle of nerves, which led me over the edge. I opened my mouth to cry out, but no sound came. The complete euphoria of my orgasm took the sound out of my body. Tom thrust into me a few more times before finding release himself. He came so much that it started to leak out of me before Tom even pulled himself out. His body was heavy lying on mine, but it felt good. The feeling of having a man’s weight on me for the first time in a while was good. Especially since it was Tom.
           We were both staring into each other’s eyes, my fingers gently caressing his cheek, and his tracing my lips. “Thank you, [Y/N].” He said. “What for?” I mumbled, getting caught up in his beauty. “For coming back to me.” He said, and then gently pressed his lips against mine.
I don’t know when we fell asleep, but we found release twice before we drifted off. Morning came much too soon; the light trickling through the window woke me up. I felt Tom against my back, our legs intertwined and his arms possessively wrapped around my waist. His chin was resting at the nape of my neck and his stubble tickled me every time he took a breath. I started lightly tracing patterns on his arms and rubbing the back of his calf with my foot. I could tell he had woken up when his arms got tighter around me and his head shifted to place gentle kisses on my neck. I brought up one of his hands to kiss and lace our fingers together. “Good morning” I mumbled into the back of his hand. “Good… morning…” He said between kisses. I slowly turned myself around to face him and his hands separated to rub my sides up and down.
“Did you sleep well?” I asked, bringing my hand up to rest on his cheek. “Better than I have in a while.” Tom admitted. “Me too…” I confessed. He brought our faces closer together and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. I brought my arms up to hold him around his neck. We kissed a few time before he pulled away and tucked away the hair that had fallen in my face. His expression turned sad for a moment and I suddenly got an uneasy feeling. “What’s wrong?” I blurted out. It took him a moment before he responded. “I still feel guilty about what happened.” He said. I then realized that I still haven’t said everything I wanted to last night. I shifted so that I was sitting up more and Tom propped himself up on his elbow. “Last night… you said quite a bit, but I never really elaborated on my response. So, may I tell you everything I need to now?” I asked. “Please do,” he said, a small smile appearing on his lips.
“Tom, for a while now, I ‘ve been walking around in a haze, not understanding how I became so lucky; lucky with my career, lucky with my friends, lucky to have even met you. When we became close and I realized that I was powerless to stop the feelings I have for you I became so nervous. You are extraordinary in everything you do that I didn’t know if I’d ever fit into your life. I felt like there was an invisible clock counting down until you realized that you could move onto better things, and I wouldn’t be a part of your life anymore. But you kept coming back. No matter how strange or brash I was with you, you never belittled me and you never made me feel like you were leaving me.
“The night you kissed me, I thought my heart was going to explode with happiness; I now realize that the happiness I felt then was only the tip of the iceberg. The feeling that you wanted me as much as I wanted you was… intoxicating and horrifying. When you pulled away from me, I felt like all my greatest fears were finally coming true. My sadness blinded me from any other possibility that my head hadn’t already predetermined would happen. Then my sadness turned to anger; anger at myself for letting my feelings get a head of me, anger at you because I thought you didn’t want me, anger at anything my mind convinced it self of. I can see now what you were trying to do, but I still think it was stupid.
“Tom, my love for you far outweighs any care I could have for other people hating me. I don’t care if they call me names, or believe horrible things about me that aren’t close to being true. I only care what you think, what you believe about me. You mean so much to me, Tom. Not only as a… lover, but also just as a friend. You hold so much power over my heart that it scares me to my core. I’m willing to embrace anything if it means I get to be with you.”
Tears I didn’t even realize had formed began to drop. Tom looked at me with glassy eyes as well, and brushed them from my face. We sat there for a minute, my heart nearly thumping out of my chest. “[Y/N], there is nothing I’m unwilling to face with you. I promise you with all of my heart and soul that I won’t leave you again.” He said, sitting up to hold my face. My tears were streaming freely down my face and Tom pressed gentle kisses to lick them up. “I love you…” he repeated. I nodded and whispered “me too.”
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meetmeatthecoda · 7 years
Lizzington, 3!
50 Dialogue Prompts
3. “It’s three in the morning.”
Hey there girl! :D Thank you so much for the prompt! I’m sorry it took literally 800 years for me to do it… School is kicking my butt. LOL. But I hope you still enjoy it! This was a fun one to write. Lots of Red and all his angst ;) Thank you again! :) Enjoy!
Bang, bang, bang.
Red looks up from his book, startled, and stares atthe door.
It’s just him alone in the living room of the hotelpenthouse. Dembe is asleep in one of the back bedrooms. Red had tried to followhis lead earlier and get some rest but insomnia had decided to kick in at fullforce, making him toss, turn, and eventually swear off sleep altogether. So here he is inthe late hours of the night (or early hours of the morning, he thinks wryly)reading Proust.
And someone is banging on his door
With a sigh, he snaps his book shut and tosses it ontothe table, getting up and taking a moment to stretch before the pounding at thedoor starts up again. Red grabs the nearest weapon, a steak knife from thekitchen area, and proceeds cautiously to the door. Looking through thepeephole, he sees a dark-haired woman, her up-do a little tousled, clad in ashort red dress, barefoot, her black heels clutched in one hand.
Red quickly replaces the knife in the block in thekitchen and hurries back to the door, wrenching it open.
“Lizzie – “
The word has a distinctly slurred quality and Lizziesays it with such gusto, jabbing a declamatory finger at him, that she stumblesand has to catch herself against the door jam.
Lizzie is drunk.
She looks around for a moment, bleary-eyed, and then seemsto notice that she is leaning heavily against something. She frowns at the doorjam as if it has said something rude to her and pushes herself off with alittle too much strength that sends her tumbling in the opposite direction. Whichis right into Red’s arms.
He catches her instinctively, obviously, and holds hersafely against him until she rights herself. However, her sense of balanceseems to have abandoned her completely as she sways dangerously close to thedoor jam again. So, Red decides it’s best to just keeping holding her.
For her safety, of course.
Seeing as Lizzie will probably be here for a while, (hetries not to get too excited at the thought) Red decides that there’s no sensein standing here with the door open so he kicks it shut with his foot. At theloud noise, Lizzie startles a little and then turns to gaze into his face,looking a little surprised to find herself so close to him all of a sudden. Helooks down at her.
She seems very small without shoes on.
“What about me, Lizzie?” he prompts gently, halfcurious as to where she was going with her earlier exclamation and half desperateto distract himself from the warmth of her in his arms.
“You,” she repeats, calmer now, nodding to herself,seeming to appreciate the reminder of her outburst. Red has to smother a smileat how cute she is. “It’s your fault.” She states matter-of-factly.
Any urge to smile wilts up and dies inside of him.He’s not sure exactly what she’s blaming him for tonight but he has no doubtthat she’s right.
His fault? Yes, most things are.
But he’s curious.
“What is, Lizzie?”
“Hmm?” she’s become distracted by the pattern on histie, her finger tracing the purple swirls woven into the fabric there.
Drunk Lizzie is very tactile.
“What is my fault?” he repeats patiently.
“Oh,” she murmurs, once again back on track.“Everything.” She says simply, blinking at him, blatant as only alcohol canmake someone. Her blue eyes are rimmed in slightly smudged eye-liner. The smokyeffect makes her eyes even more piercing.
“Oh.” He mutters. “Yes, that’s probably true.”
She nods solemnly, eyes drifting back to his tie.“Everything,” she repeats. “Even this.”
Red frowns at her, about to ask her what she means,when she leans in quickly, too quickly for him to stop her. Before he knows it,her warm lips are touching his and his heart has stopped, surely he’s dead. Butno, he can feel her hand tugging on his tie to bring him closer and her lipsare moving sloppily against his and oh she tastes like whiskey.
(Oh, his naughty Lizzie likes whiskey.)
And any other time this would be a dream come true butLizzie is drunk, Lizzie doesn’t know what she’s doing, Lizzie doesn’t want him.And he would never take advantage of her like this. Never.
So, reluctant and regretful but determined, he gently pushesher away by the shoulders. She makes an adorable whining noise and pushesagainst him, trying to chase his lips, which is almost enough to have himtugging her back to him but he manages to hold her firmly at arm’s length. 
It’slucky really.
He has a lot of practice doing what is best forLizzie.
“Lizzie…” he murmurs, his voice significantly deeperthan it was before.
“What?” she mumbles, finally seeming to accept thatshe won’t get any more kisses from him tonight and resigns herself to tuckingher head under his chin, snuggling against him.
Drunk Lizzie is cuddly.
“Lizzie, it’s three in the morning.” He won’t kiss heragain but for the life of him he can’t find anything wrong with wrapping hisarms around her, holding her tightly to his chest. “And you’ve been drinking.”
She smothers a drunken giggle in his vest. “Is it thatobvious?”
Red can’t help but grin at her sudden silliness. “Justa little. How about we get you settled on the couch and you can sleep it offhere?”
“Kay.” She mumbles, the mention of sleep making heryawn into his shoulder, her moods shifting quickly with the alcohol coursingthrough her system.
“Okay.” Red keeps his arms around her but begins towalk forward slowly, steering her sleepy form to the couch, where he depositsher with more than a little difficulty. Her hands have somehow snuck under hisvest and latched onto his dress shirt. She doesn’t seem to want to let him go.
She is testing him tonight.
“All right, I’m going to get you a blanket and pillow.Stay here.”
“Mhm…” she’s already having trouble keeping her eyesopen.
Red hurries off and grabs a spare pillow and blanket offhis bed, ruthlessly squashing all the fluttery feelings that try to rise to thesurface of him. There’s no use for those.
By the time he gets back to the front room, Lizzie hastipped over and curled up on her side, once again looking very small in themiddle of the big couch, her strappy heels carelessly discarded under thecoffee table, his book on top.
He can’t help but like the sight.
“Here…” he manages to coax her head up just enough totuck the fluffy pillow beneath it and then he carefully covers her up with theblanket, making sure it’s pulled up to her neck and over her toes.
He doesn’t want her to get cold.
“Thank you, Red…” she whispers sleepily. Red smiles ather even though her eyes are closed.
“You’re welcome, Lizzie.” He’s about to turn away andleave her to rest when he hears another whisper from her blanket-covered form.
“And s’okay, I forgive you…”
Red freezes.
“For what, Lizzie?” he asks urgently. For some reason,despite the fact that he knows it’s all drunken rambling, he desperately needsto know.
He has a feeling that drunk Lizzie is honest.
But she’s already asleep, breathing deeply through hermouth, carefree and peaceful.
Red sighs. He’s supposes that it’s right. Her, asleepand at peace, and him, awake and not. But he also supposes that it doesn’tmatter because she won’t remember any of this in the morning. Not the accusation,not the kiss, not the forgiveness.
But him? He won’t forget.
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deladane · 6 years
Day 16: Friday, March 16 ~ Sea Day #4
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Day 16: Friday, March 16 ~ Sea Day #4
I am so sorry to say that I forgot to take photos of today’s daily schedule.  On all of my previous cruises, I brought home all of the daily schedule papers so if I forgot to take any photos, or if I realized one of the photos was blurry and needed a re-do, I could flip through the pile of papers and get what I needed. This time, we were very tight on space and weight in our bags so I decided to leave all the papers behind. I thought I had taken all the photos I needed, and I almost never refer back to the originals once I get home, so why bother schlepping all of that extra weight?  Well, it looks like I did accidentally miss taking photos of the schedule for today, so I apologize for that.  
After going to sleep so early last night, I was awake at 7:15am today.  I couldn’t fall back asleep and I didn’t want to wake up DH, so I quickly got dressed, grabbed my camera, and left the cabin to walk around the ship taking lots of photos of the public spaces while they were still vacant.  I already posted all of these photos at the start of the review, so I won’t repost them here.  About an hour later, I arrived at the Solarium.  I was getting hungry so I stopped by the Aqua Spa Café for a light breakfast.  They have a bunch of options set out on individual plates, and the options remained the same for the whole cruise.
Dry cereal canisters
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Fresh fruit and turkey wraps with tomato, kale, and cinnamon sweet potato spread
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Avocado bruschetta on multi grain toast with mashed avocado, tomato, chive, and grated eggs; a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, apple, bananas, and blueberries
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Zucchini muffins, banana nut muffins, and 3 types of fruit and nut bars (apricot/coconut/walnut/honey, pumpkin seed/chia seed/raisin, and dates/almonds/figs/apricot/honey)
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I picked out a muffin and an apricot and nut bar, and I ordered one of the juices from the menu.  This was the Purple Rain, made with blackberry, blueberry, pear, apple, and acai.  Everything was light and tasty, and it was a nice change from the breakfast I ordered from room service on all of the port days.
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After my light breakfast, I continued walking around the ship, snapping more photos.  At 8:45, I went back to the elevators outside of the buffet, planning to head down to the cabin and see if DH was awake yet.  When the elevator doors opened, guess who stepped out… DH!  We had perfect timing!  I asked how he knew where to find me and he had a funny story to tell me… When he first went to look for me, he went to the MDR to see if I was eating breakfast there.  Cervine was standing at the hostess stand and she told DH she had seen me stop by at 8am when the MDR first opened so I could take some photos, and then I left. Glad to see she was keeping track of me and that she let DH know I had been there!  That’s when DH decided to go up to the buffet because he was planning to wait for me up there, assuming that I would need to eat breakfast eventually. When I ran into him, I told him that I had already eaten a light breakfast at the Aqua Spa Café.  He thought that sounded good so we went back down there so he could get something to eat.  Of course I couldn’t let him eat by himself, so I took another mini-muffin and fruit and nut bar.  I also ordered a pina kale juice, made with pineapple, kale, cucumber, and I skipped the ginger.
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After breakfast #2, we went back to the cabin and relaxed on the balcony for a few hours, just gazing out at the endless ocean and watching the waves pass by.  At noon, it was time for our next feeding so we went down to the buffet for lunch.  The theme was Falafel and Kebabs, and they had a station set up with several kinds of each.
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I tried 2 kinds of falafel but didn’t care for them. The lamb kebab with tzatziki sauce and hummus was quite tasty, as was the pasta and pizza of the day.
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We took some dessert to go and brought it downstairs to eat by the pool.  I love red velvet cake, but this was very dry and I didn’t like it at all.  They made a huge apple pie in one of the paella pans, and that was delicious!  I was tempted to go back upstairs to get more but restrained myself.
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There is a section of upright chairs and couches when you first enter the pool area on the starboard side.  Whenever we had trouble finding a vacant lounge chair, we could usually find a place to sit over here.  It was close enough to all of the action in the pool and with the DJ and activities team, but still far enough away that we could have our own little quiet corner.
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We pulled 2 of the chairs to the side and relaxed there until it was time for pool volleyball.  DH really wanted to play pool volleyball, but he was disappointed to learn it is only offered this one time through the whole 2 week cruise. They have a tournament where several teams compete and the winning team goes on to then compete against a team of ship officers.  Flory was hosting the event and when he asked for volunteers to play, DH ran right over to him.  They had enough people to form 3 teams, so Flory divided the players up and DH’s team was playing in the first round.  They had a few minutes to practice, and then started the game.
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DH’s team won this round, so they got out and the losing team played against the third team.  I think the third team won that round, so DH’s team got back in the pool and they played each other to determine who goes on to play against the officers.  DH’s team was really strong and they won the tournament!  They had a few minutes to rest, then Flory introduced the officers and it was time for the final round.  
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DH serving the ball
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The teams were pretty evenly matched so the score kept going back and forth for who was in the lead, but in the end, the officers pulled away with a victory.  To be fair, they probably have more practice considering they get to play pool volleyball on every cruise, whereas the people on DH’s team likely haven’t had as much experience.  In the name of good sportsmanship, everyone walked away with a medal and Flory lead the crowd in a rousing rendition of “We Are The Champions”
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Volleyball ended with just enough time for DH to get dried off before we had to go up to the Sky Lounge for music trivia.  At this point in the cruise, our teammates were counting on us showing up to help with the more current songs, so we couldn’t let them down!  There was no real theme today, just a bunch of random songs, but our team did really well. We scored 24 out of 30 points, but of course another team scored 29 points and beat us.  We were okay with that though because we were proud of our team’s performance.
After trivia, I wanted to go watch the hot glass show because this was the last one on our cruise, and DH went back to the cabin to change out of his bathing suit.  When I arrived, Tom was working on a vase with a pretty twisting pattern on the outside.
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It is so impressive how these guys work together so seamlessly.  This was Tom’s project, but Jeremy jumped right in there to do the blowing work. They worked together as a team with an almost unspoken knowledge of what needed to be done.
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When they pull out the giant gloves, you know the project is nearly finished.
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Right around then, DH showed up with a little treat. We get drinks like this at one of our favorite restaurants at home in San Jose, so he was super excited to find it on the ship.  This was the Margarita Coronita from the new menu at the Sunset Bar, and DH drew a lot of attention as he carried it over to the hot glass area, with everyone wanting to know what that was and where he got it lol
(yes, he is still wearing the medal he won from the pool volleyball tournament haha)
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At the end of the show, the gaffers raffled off 4 of the pieces they made during the cruise.  Since the next cruise would be the last one with the Corning Museum on the Eclipse, they wanted to clean out some of the older projects.  I really hoped we could win one of these because they were all so beautiful, but unfortunately, we were not that lucky. The man sitting right next to me did win, so I was close, but not close enough!  This would have made an incredible souvenir to bring home from the cruise.
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There is a funny story about that larger piece on the far right side.  That is a giant bowl with an irregular shape.  Tom gave a disclaimer when he picked that piece to be part of the raffle. They usually give out some bubble wrap to protect the pieces for transport home, but he warned us that the larger piece would not survive airline travel.  He said he normally puts a piece that large into a crate for special shipping, and that if we were flying home after the cruise, we could not have that piece.  He said that if the first 3 tickets he pulls belong to people who are flying home, they must pick the 3 vases, and then he would do another raffle for only the people traveling by car to try to win that large piece.  As it turned out, the very first ticket he picked belonged to a lady who lives in Florida, would be driving home from the cruise, and who really wanted that big piece! It was fate for her to get it!  I would love to see how she put that on display in her home because it was really quite large and heavy!
Tonight was our last Elegant Chic night, so after the raffle ended, we went back to the cabin to get ready.  
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After a quick photo shoot outside the entrance to Blu, we went to the World Class Bar for a few pre-dinner drinks.  DH had the Zacapa Old Fashioned and I had the Celebrity No. Ten.  I love how it worked out that they are on the same page of the menu for easy photographing hehe
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I don’t think I posted this yet, but this is the wine and cocktails menu from the MDR.  It was the same menu for the whole cruise.
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 Tonight’s dinner menu
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Creamy Salmon Rillette
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Elderflower Blush cocktail
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Broiled Lobster Tail (I requested 2 lobsters but only 1 portion of the side dishes)
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Creamy Wild Mushroom Risotto
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Dessert Menu
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We skipped dessert tonight because we wanted to hear Back Before Sunset playing in the Grand Foyer.  They always put on a lively set that is worth checking out.
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On most cruises, they do one of the big production shows on formal nights.  Eddy said that he likes to save that for the last night of the cruise to end on a high note, so tonight’s show was more subdued.  It featured the 6 core singers from the shows, each singing a Broadway showtune of their choosing, backed by the Eclipse Orchestra.  As I’ve already mentioned, we are big fans of Broadway shows, so we were looking forward to this performance.  They all have wonderful voices so it was great to see them show it off!  They sang songs from Motown, Les Mis, Cabaret, Guys and Dolls, Jersey Boys, and a few others.
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The ladies sang a “Single Girl’s Medley” where each sang one of these songs:  On My Own from Les Mis, Maybe This Time from Cabaret, and I Don’t Know How to Love Him from Jesus Christ Superstar.
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Then the men all sang Bring Him Home from Les Mis.
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After the show ended, they had another event called the Liar’s Club.  This is a game hosted by one of the women from the activities team, and the contestants are Eddy, Captain Leo, and the comedian from last night’s show, Dan Wilson. They pick a word that most people have never heard of, but it is really a real word, and the 3 contestants try to convince the audience of what the definition is.  After all 3 have had a chance to say what they think the word means, the audience votes by applause as to who we think said the correct definition, and then they reveal who really got it right.  They used 4 different words, and the contestants did everything from just stating “oh, I know that word, the definition is ****”, to telling a big long-winded story to explain the meaning of the word.  Some of their replies were funnier than others, but it was a clever game and we learned a few new words in the process!
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Does anyone know what zopissa means??
The show ended around 11pm, and we went back to the cabin to rest up for our last full day of the cruise.
Step Tracker Daily Total:  9302 steps; 3.761 miles; 18 flights of stairs
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