#but it’s not that much of a big deal I’ll just put belt loops in and it’s not going to be that noticeable
id-kneel-for-loki · 2 years
loki show slander (and fic recs to heal your soul)
has anyone else watched the loki series and been left with a very weird, negative feeling? almost like you’re out of place or that something is wrong? because when I first watched the show, it made me feel super weird, but in a bad way. 
I couldn’t understand why at first because when I looked on twitter to see what other people thought about the show, every opinion I came across was super positive, praising the show for “showing Loki’s vulnerability” and “showing depth to the character”. 
this made me feel super terrible because loki is literally my favorite character, and yet I couldn’t understand why the show left such a bad taste in my mouth. I also felt really guilty because as a loki-stan, I felt like I was obligated to like the show, and yet I didn’t. 
but recently I started to come across other opinions that are similar to mine and suddenly so much things make sense. and better yet, I’m so relieved that I’m not the only one who thinks they screwed up the character and botched a show that had so much potential.
anyway if the show makes you feel like you want to bleach your eyes, here are some Loki fanfiction recommendations because most fans have a better characterization and more respect for the character than the actual writers of the show: 
Frostbite (by Maiden_of_Asgard)
“Iceland is nice - sure, you probably should’ve picked a time of year when the weather was a little warmer, but it isn’t too bad, and at least you’re away from your desk job, right? It’s a pretty big adventure.
You’ve always said that you wanted more adventure in your life.”
this is the best loki fic I’ve EVER read, and the one that started in all. I absolutely love his character in this, he’s so badass. 10000% recommended.
Aftermath (by Infinite_Monkeys)
“Thanos is dead. The world is saved, time is put to rights, and Earth has a team of capable defenders to, in theory, keep the planet safe from any further threats.
Fury thinks that his newly formed team might just drive him to an early retirement, if they don't give him a heart attack first.”
a crack fic to heal your soul
With One More Try (Can We Start Again) (by Infinite_Monkeys)
“Loki's attempt to conquer Earth has, to his great dismay, succeeded spectacularly. When Thanos sends him to collect the Time Stone, he strikes a deal with the Stone's keeper: he'll be sent back to the beginning of the invasion, and this time, armed with knowledge about his opponents, he can lose properly.
Or: a time loop fic in which Loki does increasingly desperate things to try and get the Avengers to defeat him already.”
The Undercover Boogie (by amcw117)
“In which Coulson's argumentation on behalf of the human race proves highly effective and gains S.H.I.E.L.D. a new agent with an interesting concept of covert operations. Naturally, things go awry pretty fast. Written for this prompt @ avengerkink on LJ.”
absolutely hilarious fic, love it
Throw Me (A Helping Hand) (by Quarra, RemingtonFae)
“Ok. Fuck. Here’s the plan.” Barnes casually stood up and leaned over to wrap an arm around Loki, careful to keep his back to those voices. 
“What are you---” Loki looked at Barnes in confusion, and pressed back a little, pushing him away. 
“You can illusion yourself, right? You should do that. And then I’ll throw you at them as a distraction.” Barnes tugged Loki closer and fought down the panic that clawed up his back. 
“What?! No! No, I do not like this plan. I object. Strenuously,” Loki babbled at him, and put a little more effort into shoving Barnes away.
Steve was right behind them. Right there. Within reach. 
Barnes couldn’t deal with that.
“It’s a great plan. Guaranteed to work. They won’t know it’s you, and I’ll be gone by the time they look up.” With his left arm secure in its grip on Loki’s shoulder, Barnes grabbed Loki’s belt with his right. “Better get ready.”
“Barnes. Barnes!”
Or, where Loki is an absolute troll for the Powers of Mostly-Sometimes-Good, Bucky is having the worst century ever, and everything still manages to turn out mostly okay.
please read this I beg you it will heal your soul
That Boy Next Door (He’s a Real Hit) (by STARSdidathing)
“Tony Stark made a terrible mistake years ago. He married a horrible woman. Oriana Stane was the daughter of his father's business partner; the man who ran Stark Industries into the ground and left him in debt.
Now, Tony's living in Canada with a wife who hates his guts. And frankly, the feeling is very mutual.
His life is a mess and he can't find the escape route. He's honestly stopped trying. But then a new neighbour moves in. The guy is hot and funny but his name is really familiar. It takes one conversation for the penny to drop.
Loki Odinson is a contract killer in hiding from the Norwegian mob and if that isn't dangerous enough, what happens next might just end up with Tony knee deep in multiple murders and forming an attraction to a man who is known for never keeping witnesses alive. Whole Nine Yards AU”
also an amazing fic
Stormbreaker (by ladylapislazuli)
“With a shock, Thor realises Loki is flirting with him. Ineptly, true enough, testing his charms without the verbal skill to dazzle, every bit an awkward youth, but he is flirting.
Thor… is not sure what to make of that.
- - -
In which an attempt to destroy the Infinity Gauntlet sends Thor back in time, and a young Loki appears to be falling for him.”
this one is a thorki wip so I get if it’s not your cup of tea BUT the characterization and depth of both Thor and Loki are absolutely amazing in this fic
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vukovich · 3 years
hello friend! i have a peculiar prompt for you - drarry, please, and any rating!
an experimental spell gone very wrong (or very right) with a twist of “i didn’t even know pranks could go that poorly”
loving seeing what you come up with!
(Un)sealed with a Kiss
The window for a fashionably late arrival has closed, and Pansy Parkinson has officially stood me up. Again. The chickenshit.
This is the third time she's invited me to one of these house parties that runs high to Gryffindors, crap beer, and grudges. I sit in a corner of Potter's living room, nurse a bottle of Heineken, and pretend I'm invisible.
None of them want me here, and I don't want to be here. But oh, the lengths I'll go to to help Pans woo the Weaslette . . . who is conspicuously absent. I count the redheads in the room and come up one short.
Pansy, that slag. She's bagged her quarry and left me to throw off the trail. Good for her. I smile against the rim of my beer, but not for long.
"Something funny, Malfoy?" Seamus isn't an affectionate drunk, but at least he's across the room. A short scuffle between him and Dean ensues. "Well?! Is it?! Go on and share with the class."
I shake my head and tuck my knees up closer to my chest. I should have left five minutes ago.
Seamus and Dean are conspiring. I know the position. Heads together, eyes darting toward me, then back to each other, slow-spreading smirks.
Dean's teeth flash white, and the air between us flickers a sickly yellow before hot, sticky magic gloms onto my face. It oozes in slow circles over my chin and cheeks, then settles in the seam of my lips.
A Lip Locker Hex. Great. I raise my beer to my mouth, feel it slosh against my sealed lips, and settle it in my lap with a resigned sigh.
The bastards invented the hex just for me, but it's not an inspired spell choice. This is the third time Dean's used it on me in as many months. Inconvenient. Insulting. But mostly harmless.
It's a fantastic way to tell someone they're not welcome, as it can only be undone by a kiss by someone who's happy to see you.
St. Mungo's has a golden retriever named Quickspittle, and he's always happy to see everyone. I don't love getting dog saliva on my face, but at least I can tell Pansy I got a thorough tongue bath tonight. Let her wonder about the details.
Dean and Seamus wander into the kitchen, and I review my exit options. Apparating out through Potter's wards is a no-go. The fireplace is right next to me, but who knows where I'd end up if I stepped in and told the Floo network to take me to "Mm mm mmm."
The front door, it is.
I don't want to leave a half-finished bottle of beer on Potter's living room floor, but I also don't want to take it to the kitchen to dispose of it. Dean and Seamus can certainly come up with worse hexes than this.
My thumb is a good enough stopper for the beer bottle, and I carry it with me to the front door, turn the knob, and slip through. If I close it, they may notice I've left. But if I leave it ajar, I'd feel like a bad guest. It closes behind me with a soft snick.
I catch a whiff of cigarette smoke as I turn onto the sidewalk, intending to walk to the Islington Apparition Point.
Potter's leaning against the streetlamp across the street. He stubs out a cigarette and jogs across to meet me. I watch him come to a stop in front of me, and I'm a grateful I can't open my mouth, because I'm afraid of what might come out.
He's a little magical. Not how people assume. But in the way that with so much as a glance, he grows to consume the space around him. His presence is a heady, enveloping thing.
The orange illumination from the street lights glints auburn off his hair. The pavement underfoot somehow suits him, as if it tones itself down to let him shine.
"Gin and Pansy never did show up, did they?" he asks with a knowing smirk.
I shake my head.
He fiddles with something in his pocket through his jeans. A Muggle lighter, probably. He gave up on lighting cigarettes with his wand after he burned a pack of them down to the filter trying.
"Dean and Seamus did it again?"
I nod and shrug. It's not a big deal. And if Pans and Ginny become a thing, I can stop coming to these parties altogether.
He swallows; loud on the hushed street. He rubs the back of his neck and shuffles closer. Unusually close.
"I'm, uhm, glad you came."
He darts forward, and I smell cigarettes before it registers that his lips have touched mine. I blink startled eyes at him. He blinks right back and looks down at my lips.
My heart hammers in my chest. A delayed response, but it's followed by a hot flush up my cheeks. That kiss was too fast, and I take a breath to say something. What, I'm not sure, but my lips are still stuck tight.
It was worth a try. I shrug and wish I could taste him. He probably just tastes like cigarettes, anyway.
I give him a half-hearted wave and turn to leave.
He snags me by a belt loop, and I have to reach out to steady myself on a streetlamp. Even after I've turned, his hand stays on my waist, and his palm is warm through my shirt.
The amber light turns his eyes into a jewel-tone kaleidoscope, and my breath comes faster as he pushes me against the lamp post. Those eyes are close, and closer, until they flutter shut, and soft, warm lips part over mine.
His tongue traces a slow line over my bottom lip, and I can't stifle the whimper that sneaks out through my nose. I take a shuddering breath and inhale cigarettes, but also cedar and cloves. His other hand cups my chin, and tension melts from me as I lean into him.
His arm wraps around my waist, and I'm not sure where to put my hands, but his shoulders feel like a good place. I forget about the beer in my hand, and it dribbles down his back. I gasp and fumble to right it, but it smashes to the sidewalk behind him.
He chuckles against my lips and presses the long line of his body against mine. My lips part, and I nip at his bottom lip in rebuttal. His teeth clack against mine as he grins, grips my chin, and kisses me.
He kisses like the pavement's on fire. Like the bloody world's on fire.
His hands hold my face and my body as if I'm made of spun glass, but his tongue, his teeth, his lips devour me like candy floss, and I dissolve.
A clatter from the front porch eventually distracts him, and he breaks away, leaving me panting against a lamp post.
Dean and Seamus lean on either side of the open doorway, and Dean hollers from the steps.
"It's about damn time that hex worked!"
A blush creeps up Harry's cheeks, and he bites his lip before looking up at me.
"I really am glad you came tonight."
I try to avoid grinning like an idiot, but I'm fairly certain I'm failing.
"Me, too."
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cordria · 3 years
Twin Cores - DP
Saw this headcanon on Tumblr… awhile ago? It stuck with me, and I ended up writing this, and now I can’t find it to give the person proper credit. Lemme know if anyone recognizes this idea and knows who came up with it. (heart) 
Was gonna do this idea for the Big Bang thing, but I forgot all about signing up. ;) Wonders. So I’ll just post it and come up with new ideas.
~2,700 words. 
Danny floated high above the clouds, up where the air was thin and cold and the stars sparkled brightly overhead. It was terribly late, and Danny knew he’d be paying for this at school tomorrow, but this was always the best part of his week. He couldn’t come up here all the time, but when he cound, he always found himself relaxing. Hands behind his head, he floated on his back, studying the stars.
He let out a breath through his lips and brought a hand forwards to massage his chest, closing his eyes. Yesterday had not been good day. An accident with some of his parents’ technology had completely ruined his day. For reasons Danny didn’t understand, his chest had felt overly full since. Almost like he needed to cough up something - which couldn’t be, because his ghost form didn’t have any real lungs to cough with. 
With a groan, Danny stretched and rolled his body through a bunch of sharp loop-the-loops and twists, hoping maybe he could work out the kink. Nothing. Hopefully it wouldn’t prevent him from getting a good night’s rest. He was exhausted.
He floated for a few minutes longer, watching the sky and hoping for a meteor or two, slowly turning the overfull feeling over in his mind. He pushed and prodded at the odd sensation, trying to come up with what in the world it could be. 
It had to relate to his parents’ invention. Unfortunately, the day was a fuzzy blur in Danny’s memory and if something in particular had happened to him, he wouldn’t be able to remember it on his own. All he could do on his own was a vague understanding of what had happened.
Getting zapped with one of the newer devices yesterday had resulted in Danny getting split - again. His ghost half had fallen captive to the hero-like obsession of his core, and had gone on a hero-spree. A memory of rescuing a cat from a tree in a very overblown, comic-like way surfaced and Danny buried his face in his hands, embarrassed for himself. “Ugh, I hope nobody videoed that. Or anything else,” he muttered.
His human half had wandered aimlessly through the day, not knowing what to do with no driving force behind everything he did. Vague memories of eating pizza and not noticing the ghost haunting the place next door until Sam pointed it out filtered through the shadows. 
From what he remembered, it hadn’t been a horrible sort of day for either half of him. His ghost half had been allowed to play with his obsession all day and his human half had gotten to just be… human. But he’d been split for much longer than ever before; Tucker and Sam were unable to work through how the strange invention worked. 
Danny didn’t remember being much help with the endeavour. In fact, he sort of remembered his human half stealing the device, passing it to his ghost half, and the thing getting placed on top of the school for the afternoon. Jazz finally got it using some of the newer modifications to the Fenton’s vehicle that allowed it to fly. 
By the time the three of them figured out how to reverse the effects, it was late in the evening on the second day - more than 36 hours since being split. Phantom had started to turn more and more ghost, losing more of his humanity each hour, delving deeper and deeper into this hero obsession. His eyes had turned more ghostly, teeth sharpening, fingers turning into claws. Even a cape had started to mist into view.
Danny slowly ran his tongue over his teeth - they were still a bit too sharp - and pulled his hands far enough away from his face to glance at his fingers. They weren’t claws, not like many ghosts had, but… his fingers no longer really looked human. The changes that had happened to his ghost form the last two days appeared to be permanent, even now that they were rejoined back together.
Danny… didn’t want to think about that. Not yet.
And his human half had started to go through changes as well. Danny vaguely remembered - towards the end of the escapade, when he’d convinced himself that he didn’t want to be rejoined with Phantom - trying to avoid everyone and ending up in a tree, floating in a very inhuman way. His totally human form regaining some of its ghost powers.
Danny mentally poked at the odd, full sensation in his chest again. Perhaps it was that his ghost powers had grown while he was separated. Phantom hadn’t been exactly a half-a-ghost when they’d been slammed back together. And Danny had been just a bit of ghost too. Perhaps now he was somehow 60% ghost and 50% human… and his body was trying to adjust to being too much ghost. 
His mind poked at the sensation in his chest just a bit too hard. Danny slammed his eyes shut tight as he felt the sensation of transformation travel through him - lightning sharp and aching into his phantom bones. Panic set in a second later. He couldn’t transform up here - there wasn’t enough oxygen for his human form to breathe. He’d pass out and fall to his death. 
He gasped and threw his arms out, instinctively trying to grab something even though he was on the edge of the atmosphere, as the transformation arced through his arms and legs. He kept his eyes closed as he fumbled for his ghost side. He needed to transform back fast. His human side would already be aching to breathe, desperate for oxygen after the last hour of being in ghost form.
But his ghost side… was… 
Danny opened his eyes as he realized he wasn’t falling. As he realized his ghost form wasn’t something to grab for, because he was still a ghost.
“But…” he whispered, startled and confused. He’d felt himself transform. There was no mistaking the sensation that had swept through him. He looked around, almost as if the answer would be written in the air next to him.
Then the stars caught his gaze. He froze, mouth falling open, as he stared up at the sky. There were more stars than before, the whole sky alight with points of light. And he knew them - with each star he focused his eyes on, he knew what that star was. How far away it was, what it’s name was, what kind of star it was… 
Delight sparkled inside him as he let his gaze drift across the heavens. Stars he didn’t even know existed seemed to soak into his skin, whispering all their secrets in his ears. “How…?” he breathed, twisting around and around and looking everywhere he could. “Why?”
His gaze snagged on the moon, crescent-shaped and gleaming. He almost felt like he was drowning in it’s glow, feeling everything about it. The ice hiding in its craters. The human-built machinery peppering its surface. The soft warmth still coiling in its dying core. He could just… go there. He could be there in about three seconds. He could just…
He threw up a hand, blocking the moon’s glow, blinking hard and pushing the thoughts out of his mind. “Holy shit,” he whispered, breathing hard, focusing on Earth, on human thoughts, on normalcy. “What is this?”
Then he saw his hand, thin fingers topped with sharp claws, glove missing. His forehead furrowed as he realized both his gloves were gone, as was the logo on his chest, and the white belt around his waist. A black shirt and black pants. His boots looked like his normal shoes, just moon-lit white. Actually, minus the claws and some color changes, he looked… like he had yesterday. “Uh… What is going on with me?” 
He could feel the pull of the stars overhead. He knew he could just lean back, put his arms behind his head, and float there, watching the sky forever. Just revel in space for all time. Instead, he kept his gaze down towards the tops of the clouds. 
At least the first step of what he should do now was clear. Whenever he was dealing with anything out of the ordinary, Sam and Tucker knew what to say. They’d help. He’d go home, grab his phone, and call them. 
Danny flew towards Amity Park-
-and suddenly drew to a stop. He twisted around, eyes wide, realizing that he’d somehow overshot his home by a dozen miles or more. “What the fuck?” he said. He’d only been flying for a moment - how was he all the way over here? “I…”
He licked his lips and tried again. He set his gaze on Amity Park and flew-
-right past Amity Park again. It was an eyeblink of time between one side of the city and the other. Danny hung in the air, confused and slightly annoyed. “What is going on?” he said. A new power, obviously - but one that had unfortunate timing. His fingers curled, the claws digging uncomfortably into his palms. “This is what I get for leaving my phone behind,” he groused. The phone wouldn’t have done well in the thin, cold atmosphere. Even if he’d have brought it with, there was no guarantee it would have still been working. 
“Are all my powers wonky?” Danny asked, raising his hand and pushing energy into his hand. Instead of a steady, gas-like glow, the energy sparkled and hissed, like he was holding onto an exploding firework. “Odd.”
His powers were working differently, so it was time to try using them differently. Time to change tactics. Instead of focusing on a direction, Danny focused his mind on a destination. He closed his eyes, picturing where exactly he wanted to end up. Opening his eyes and taking a deep breath, he tried to fly as slowly as possible.
The world seemed to blur and twist, glowing uncomfortably bright for the fraction of a second Danny allowed himself to be in motion. When the world settled back into place, Danny found himself hovering about ten feet off the ground, within the city of Amiry Park, only about a half-mile from his house. “That worked a lot better,” he said, rather pleased with himself.
Instead of chancing another attempt at flying, Danny figured he’d turn himself human. A ten foot drop wouldn’t be too bad, and he could walk home. It would be the least-tricky way to get home. He took a moment to worry that this new power would prevent him from turning human as easily as normal, but then slammed that idea shut and closed his eyes. 
Danny pushed his ghost form away, pulling at that warm and heavy feeling in his mind. There was a sparkling sensation in his mind, then the sharp pain that came with turning himself human again. He dropped, landing lightly on his toes, breathing a heavy sigh of relief that at least this was still normal. He bounced a few times, testing out a few basic powers - invisibility seemed to work like normal, as did phasing through things. He didn’t try floating, for fear of accidentally ending up two towns over and two hundred feet above the ground in human form.
He walked home, rubbing his chest at that strange, too-full sensation, and snuck in the back door. Despite the fact that all the lights were out, he kept himself invisible to avoid his parents. It was so far past curfew that Danny didn’t even want to think about the trouble he’d be in if they realized he was still out. 
His bedroom door was still locked. Danny phased through it, flipped on the lights, and dumped himself into his bed. “Ugh,” he groaned, feeling the drain of the last two days on his body. He glanced over at the clock. Just before two in the morning. Part of him wanted to just curl up in his bed and fall asleep, try to get a few hours of sleep before tackling school tomorrow. But too much of him had a tight ball of anxious curiosity.
He groaned as he rolled out of bed and stepped in front of his mirror. He looked awful. Dark rings under his eyes and a horrible, pale tone to his skin. He looked half dead. “On the positive side, nobody will question it if I want to stay home sick tomorrow,” he muttered. He shuddered and shifted his weight, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then triggered the transformation.
His ghost form spread like lightning across his skin, slammed through his head, and settled into his chest like a cold ball of fire. He squeaked one eye open just a touch, not sure of what he was going to see. 
Phantom was peering back at him. Danny relaxed, letting his eyes open, and studied himself. From more than a few feet away, he looked absolutely normal. But up close, there were minor changes from the last few days. Teeth that were too pointy. Fingers that were a little more claw-like than normal. Hair that was more… smokey. Just a little. His mouth twisted, unsure of how he felt about the changes. “At least there’s no cape,” he murmured. “I’d look too much like Vlad with a cape.”
He squared his shoulders, set his teeth, and tried flying. He floated up and moved around his bedroom like normal. “So normal.” He caught sight of his claws and shivered. “Mostly.”
“Now…” He took a deep breath and jabbed hard at the over-full feeling in his chest. He was half-hoping nothing would happen. But light sparkled along his body, that tingling almost-painful sensation changing him in very subtle ways. His clothes changed from a jumpsuit to shirt and pants, his shoes looked like they would squeak on the floor as he walked. He was still glowing and transparent. “I’m… a different ghost?” He spread out his arms, feet firmly on the floor afraid to hover. “And I have like… superspeed.”
He took a very careful step forwards, peering closely at himself in the mirror. His eyes looked the same, with the normal green glow. His teeth were sharper, canines almost like little fangs. And… he leaned in, studying his freckles. They glowed, star-like, forming constellations across his skin. 
His mind veered off tangent, remembering the stars overhead, the glittering facts that swirled through his mind, the odd bubbling joy that came with even thinking about space. The freckles on his cheeks rearranged themselves into the constellation Draco, and sparks and speckles swirled into life across his clothes. A supernova that resolved itself into the stars overhead. Danny could trace the stars in his clothes, knew everything about each star. He was caught by the strongest urge to fly there. To zip through space to Alrakis, a binary star system eighty-eight light years away. It would only take him 221 years, 5 months, and 3 days…
Danny jerked himself out of his thoughts. He couldn’t fly for over two hundred years. He shuddered and blinked, settling back on his heels. The glowing freckles on his face settled down, his clothes faded back to black. The familiar sort of pitch-black of space. The sort of black Danny imagined the universe looked like before stars existed. “I have space powers now,” Danny realized, his voice slow and excited. “I have space powers! I’m a space ghost!”
Curious, Danny poked at that over-full feeling in his chest again. The world tingled and flashed, and he was back to his old self. Phantom, with the logo and the better posture and the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. “I’m two ghosts, somehow? Two ghosts… and a human...” Danny stared at himself in the mirror. “Or...” he rested his hand on his chest, feeling that strange overly-full feeling. “Or something…?”
Danny shook his head, not sure where to even begin processing that one. Then he turned himself human again, watching the world get dark as the ghost energy faded away. He scratched at his scalp, trundled over to his bed, and dropped into its softness. 
There wasn’t much he knew right then. The first was that space powers were the coolest power he could have gotten. And the second was that all this would be easier to process after a few hours of sleep and a large cup of caffeine. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Could you write a scenario with the red string soul mate au, with Masky taking the reader as a new proxy for his group. ♡
[Masky X GN!Reader]
[Warnings: none]
[AN: probably not as fluffy as you'd like but,,,,, I kinda like it this way??? Anyways, just let me know if this fails to meet your expectations and I'll whip something else up <3]
Red strings of fate are amongst the most common kind of soul mate identifiers, and almost every human has one. They range from clocks on wrists, counters on the backs of hands, marks that grow with the first touch, glowing, but none are more prevalent than the red strings.
Tim was one such man that had a red string of fate, and most of the time, he forgot it was even present.
Normally, red strings aren’t visible all the time to the person they’re attached to (with the person they’re attached to being the only ones who can see it) unless the two are in close proximity to each other. What counts as close proximity varies on the soul mates.
Tim has only seen his red string of fate once before his proxy life. Just once. Back when he was a college student. Walking on campus to class and all of a sudden, a red thread on his right hand beamed like rubies in sunlight and dashed out on its path to somewhere far off campus. He was mesmerized by the image before it faded out of his sight. He took that as a sign that someone, somewhere, out in the world, was capable of loving him.
He didn’t see that string again until he was summoned back to the mansion in Rosswood on the orders of his boss.
“A-Are we t-there yet?” Toby asks with a groan, forearm still flopped over his eyes as he leaned pathetically against Kate in the backseat as she fanned herself with a magazine.
“You guys really had to choose the car with no working AC, didn’t you?” She hisses as she fans Toby as well.
“Shut up,” Brian laughs, finally pulling into the parking lot of a forest they were all too familiar with.
Tim rolls his window up and then unbuckles his seat belt, mentally giving the green light for his teammates to do the same as car doors get thrown open to the hot summer air. Tim can hear crickets chirping and grass rustling slightly in the breeze. At least there is a breeze to begin with.
After he and Brian get backpacks from the car full of things they might need, especially water, the four take into the woods.
“So, what are we here for?” Kate asks, pulling her shoulder length black hair into a tight bun. It’s anything to keep the heat and sweat off her as her free hand swats away the gnats.
“Getting a new teammate,” Tim answers, his eyes dark and tired. He hears groans from both Toby and Kate. “I know, I know, I was against it at first too,” he continues, his hands moving past the thick summer foliage.
Toby rolls his eyes as he thwacks aside the branches and brambles. “W-Why do we n-need another one? T-That’d bump u-us up to f-f-five,” he mutters clearly not pleased with the fact a new member is coming in. Granted, he was a little pleased this group would be getting a runt, but at the same time, the bigger the group, the more problems.
Brian, sensing Tim’s exhaustion, takes over instead. “No arguing with the Operator’s words, Tobes,” the blond haired man sighs as he picks a leaf off a low hanging branch and offers it to Toby like an impatient child. “We’ll just have to make do.”
“Reassuring,” Toby deadpans as he takes the leaf, mildly amused with it as he keeps pace with his group.
Tim continues to lead, his right hand pinky feeling more and more uncomfortable as they draw deeper and deeper in the woods. He knows they’re going to be reaching the veil soon, and he knows he needs to ask for permission… Then why can’t he pay attention? He’s so focused on how his finger burns that he doesn’t even realize he’s surrounded in fog.
Brian’s hand is on his shoulder. ‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ He inquires, head cocking gently to the side as the thick fog spreads like cold, welcoming dew on his and his teammates’s clothes and skin. It’s a much more pleasant feeling than sweat beading from the hot summer sun.
Tim blinks a few times. ‘How did we get in here?’ He’s of course, referring to the in-between, the most dangerous part of Rosswood. It’s the veil between the world as you know it, and the Operator’s realm.
‘You kinda zoned out so I asked permission instead,’ Brian shrugs before moving quietly and slowly through the fog, taking point as Tim gathers himself. ‘No big deal, but a penny for your thoughts?’
Tim dips down and walks softly alongside his group, praying they don’t capture the attention of something ghastly like the not-deer or those poor humans who couldn’t find their way back out. ‘My finger feels weird,’ he begins, earning quiet snorts from all of his teammates. Tim mentally hisses at both Kate and Toby, who, like children who had just been caught doing something bad, put their hands over their mouths and stifle their giggles.
‘Y’think it has to do with..?’ Brian trails off slightly.
Tim shakes the thought off but keeps it in the back of his head as the fog finally begins to dissipate and the smells of sweet garden begin to fill his nose. His finger burns brighter. ‘I think you’re right,’ he suddenly states, chocolate colored eyes wide at the sight of that red string looping through the open gates of the Operator’s mansion and leading to the inside. It looks strong and grows brightly - is the string thicker than he remembers?
There’s an old wives’ tale that says the thicker the string, the thicker the bond.
Tim takes in a sharp breath and brushes off the confused looks of his companions, instead remembering that he is a group leader and has a new teammate to pick up. He walks proudly and confidently through the garden, signifying he is well respected in proxy society, and that his business is with the tall man himself.
The doors to the grand mansion open for him, and Tim’s eyes attempt to focus on the beautiful changes to the foyer but find that his attention remains on his thread.
“Where is it leading?” Kate asks, a small smirk on her lips.
Tim’s eyes glance upwards to the office, and Kate giggles.
Every step up to the doors of the Operator’s office brings him closer and closer to the end of his string. His heart is pounding in his chest.
“Come in, there’s someone I want you to meet,” the Operator’s smooth, velvety voice beckons, the doors opening and revealing a beautiful dark room. It smells heavenly, and light pours through the windows revealing the afternoon sun and the blue sky.
There’s someone standing with their back to you
“Say hello, Reader,” the Operator says, his hand resting on the person’s shoulder.
His eyes widen once more like a deer in headlights as you turn, your eyes are beautiful. He watches as your left hand raises, waving, and in response, he raises his right, bound together by that red string.
No one else matters in this moment. Not the budding smiles and sounds of happiness from his teammates, not the Operator's knowing hum, just you.
You are all that he sees.
“Do you accept-”
“I do,” Tim answers, cutting his boss off in accepting you to his group.
The Operator chuckles.
Tim steps closer to you, and you meet him halfway.
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Paring :: mafia dark!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+, Smut/NSFW, Dark Themes, Possessiveness, Oral(M Recieving), Deep Throating
Word Count :: 2,787
Summary :: Bucky’s had a long day and you’re the only one he can release his stress on
A/N ::....there may or may not be another part... idk yet.... I just really like Mafia Bucky
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Some days were better than others, for both you and Bucky. 
So far, your day had gone swimmingly. You woke up, did an easy morning stretch to help you wake up, and proceeded to clean around your house in your favorite sundress. There wasn’t much to do, with the house usually clean due to Bucky hiring professional cleaners to come once a week. Still, the dishes weren’t going to do themselves. 
The highlight of your day was a package being delivered. A book that you had pre-ordered from one of your favorite authors. After you cooked your lunch, you spent the rest of your day reading the book, sitting on the dark grey couch in your large living room. That was all you could do besides watching tv or doing a small hobby to keep you occupied until Bucky came home.
Bucky’s day, on the other hand, was infuriatingly long. He was a businessman and a mob boss, meaning he’d usually have long days. If he was lucky, he’d just have to deal with some idiot trying to cheat him. Today was an unlucky day. He received a visit from Helmut Zemo, the head of a Sokovian Mafia trying to start up in Brooklyn. 
Bucky sat at his desk, leaning back in his leather chair as he stared at the man who just entered his office. 
“I already told you the deal Zemo. There’s no bargaining, if you don’t like it save your breath and get the hell out of here.”
The Sokovian ignored him, walking over to a large bookshelf that was against the wall. “You know, for the most powerful man in Brooklyn, you’d be surprised how quickly some of your ‘people’ are willing to betray you if you offer them enough cash.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, a scowl forming on his face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Zemo glanced over for a moment. “The docks.”
A few nights prior, one of Bucky’s incoming shipments of illegal weapons had been robbed. A small number of men were killed, and the rest were injured. There was also a weird symbol that had been spray-painted around the docks, a sign that whoever had done this was publicly declaring war.
Bucky’s jaw clenched and he was now sitting up straight in his seat. “You did that?” “It was quite easy to.”
“So why the fuck are you here now? I could put a bullet through your head in a second.”
Zemo laughed, finally turning to face the other man. “You won’t because you know I’m not stupid enough to come here without just as many men you have.” He let out a small breath, taking a few steps forward. His gaze moved down to Bucky’s left hand, an eyebrow raising with curiosity. “You haven’t married her yet? She’s a lovely woman.”
In an instant Bucky stood up, his hands balled into fists. If a look could kill, Zemo would be dead and his body burning.
“I came to tell (Y/N) thank you. Not long ago, one of my guys got a bit lost and she helped him. Pietro said she was ‘the kindest girl he’d met’ and ‘extremely helpful and friendly.”
Bucky cursed in the back of his mind. It sounded exactly like something you’d do, you were kind and naive by nature, simply wanting to help people when they needed it. It was what drew him to you, and it seemed like it was attracting unwanted attention from others now.
“I’m gonna give you ten minutes to get the hell out of my territory.”
“Why so generous?”
“It’s a nice neighborhood,” Bucky replied sarcastically.
Zemo walked back towards the door, understanding he had pushed the man far enough. A coy smile crept on his face, looking at Bucky one last time. “I’d keep her better guarded and up to speed if I were you. She’s too innocent to be involved with you.”
Once Zemo and his men left Bucky nearly tore apart his office. It took Sam and Steve a good hour to calm the man down and make sure he didn’t do anything reckless. Once he cooled down, Sam revealed that Tony Stark had been the one to cross Bucky. Tony’s father was the previous big bad until Bucky came around.
“I don’t give a fuck what you do Steve, just make sure Tony doesn’t think he’s not get strung up on a tree after I shoot that Sokovian bastard in the head.” 
His voice was full of annoyance and his grip on the steering wheel of his car was so tight the whites of his knuckles were visible. It was one thing for Zemo to publicly humiliate his authority by robbing him, but he had indirectly threatened you by mentioning you to Bucky. You were his and his alone. He had invested far too much in securing you, ensuring that you’d never leave him. 
Bucky leaned on the doorframe of your apartment’s bedroom, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you step around the room. “What are you doing?”
“Going home,” You muttered, continuing to pack your suitcase.
“That’s on the other side of the country.”
“I know.”
“I can’t keep an eye on you if you’re in LA.”
You looked up from the clothes you were packing, glaring at him. “I know.”
Bucky let out a huff. “So you also know I can’t make sure you’re safe.”
You let out a dry laugh, eyes rolling. “I’ll probably be a lot safer once I’m far away from you.”
The man pushed himself off the door frame, now approaching you with long strides. “You’re not leaving (Y/N).”
You threw the shirt you hand in your hand down, turning to face him. “Yes, I am Bucky, because you lie to me!” Your voice was strained, eyes looking up at him full of pain.
“I didn’t lie to you-”
“Yes, you did! You lied to me about what you did and you hid the truth!”
When you and Bucky started dating, he told you he ran a large ‘supply and demand’ business in Brooklyn and that was it. Like the naive girl you were, who had just moved to the east coast, you believed him because you fell for him hard at first. He spoiled you and made you feel like a princess in public, and in private you helped him release all the pent-up stress he had built up from work. A few months later, you finally figured out why Bucky was always so protective of you and wanted to know where you were 24/7. 
Bucky could see the tears you were holding back, mentally cursing at himself for being the cause. He cupped your cheek with his normal hand. You had to resist the urge to lean into his hold.
“I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry, but…” His voice trailed off. In a swift motion, his metal hand wrapped around your waist lifting you up and over his shoulder. “You’re not leaving me (Y/N).”
“James Buchanan Barnes! Put me down this instant!” You slammed your fists into his back to no avail. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”
“I love you too darling,” He mumbled, proceeding to walk you out of your apartment.
You were on the fourth chapter of your book when you heard a car door slam. You sprung up from your seat, moving as quickly as you could to greet Bucky at the front door. When you got there, you saw he had already let himself inside. His brows were knit together, looking down at the door’s locks.
“Why isn’t the door locked?” He questioned before he even saw you.
With the territorial instinct he had when it came to you and his meeting with Zemo earlier, it was clear he was not happy about such a small thing, no matter your excuse.
“Oh, I must’ve forgotten to lock it when I got the mail today,” You said quietly.
He had lectured you multiple times about how important it was you locked the door, even before you move in with him.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, properly greeting him with a smile like you did every day. You had done this so many times, you noticed how long it took for him to softly wrap a single arm around you before walking away. He was upset.
“Go to the bedroom and wait. Now,” He ordered.
Your heart started racing, wondering what was going to happen to you. If he had stress pent up, he would either wait until after dinner or start kissing you roughly the second he stepped in. He had only acted like this when you pushed him to his limit, like when you threatened to leave him or attempted to run away when he first forced you to live with him.
You sat at the edge of your shared bed, hands holding and fiddling with the hem of your dress. When Bucky was this angry, he was painfully rough to the point where you would begin crying. You quickly began thinking of everything you had done recently, wondering what could’ve pushed him to this point.
He walked in, jacket off and the sleeves to his white button-up rolled up to his elbows. Even though your mind was screaming with fear, your body started heating up with desire seeing him. Especially when your eyes glanced down to his pants and saw a hardness forming. ‘Fuck, he’s been thinking about this.’
Walking up to you, Bucky grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look up at him. As a sort of last-ditch effort to get some kindness from him, you gave him a doe-eyed look.
He leaned down, pressing a long kiss against your lips before pulling away. “Get on your knees.”
You took in a deep breath, accepting he wouldn’t be gentle. You pulled away from his cold metal hand, sinking down to stand before him on your knees. Keeping eye contact with him, you managed to under his brown leather belt and navy trousers. You looped your fingers at the hem of his pants, pulling them down along with his briefs just enough for his fully erect shaft to be freed. 
With both of your small hands wrapping around his shaft, you could feel yourself growing wet at the sound of his soft groan. At first, you started stroking his length slowly, leaning your face closer to lick the tip and swirl your tongue around the head.
Bucky didn’t allow you to continue this very long. Only a small dribble of precum was licked up before he grabbed a fist full of your hair from the back of your head and pushed himself further in. Another groan escaped him feeling the warmth of your mouth around his cock. He hit the back of your throat and you gagged, not yet ready for him to go deeper. He did it again two more times, warning you that he planned on having you take all of him in his mouth.
Your hands moved up to his thighs to hold yourself steady and you relaxed your throat the best you could in preparation. Once he started to push his dick further in, you could feel tears start to well up in your eyes as he went down your throat. You moaned each time he shoved his shaft down your throat, sending a soft vibration on his shaft.
Bucky eventually started thrusting his hips into your mouth, fully fucking your mouth as tears started to fall out of your eyes. Watching your glossy eyes stare up at him with his cock down your throat he nearly lost it, feeling his ballsack tighten. Not wanting to cum just yet, he pulled out, a string of your saliva falling off his dick and dribbling down your mouth. You gasped and began panting for air, wiping away your drool with the back of your hand.
He sat on the edge of the bed now, pulling your hips to stand in front of him once you stood up. “Off.”
You took off your dress, followed by your bra and wet panties. Already knowing what was going to happen, you moved to straddle his hips. You and Bucky had had sex numerous times before, but you always needed a moment to get used to his size. He wasn’t going to allow that.
With his large hands on your hips, he forced you down his entire dick, groaning at how tight your walls clenched around him.
“Bucky!” You cried out, body tingling as he filled you up, balls deep. 
He held your hips with such a strong grip you were sure there were going to be marks after. He bounced you up and down his cock, watching you with a dark gaze as you moaned and whimpered against him. Only he could make you feel like this, act like this for him.
He thrusted his hips up, and you moaned loudly, back arching as he hit a sweet sensitive spot. “Please!”
“Please, what?” Bucky asked, knowing full well what you wanted. He wanted you to beg.
“Fuck me right there Bucky! Please!”
More than happy to comply, he proceeded to slam into that same spot, your breath growing faster and cunt tighter each time it was hit. His breath was becoming heavy, and his movements ragged.
He watched as you looked down at him fucking you and saw you shudder. “Ah!” Your walls tightened and your release hit you, juices pouring out. Feeling you release triggered his own orgasm, releasing inside of you. You could feel spurt after spurt of hot cum filling you up and your tight cunt gladly took it.
He finally stopped bouncing you, rolling his hips into you and allowing you a few seconds of rest. He pulled his limp dick out but watching your pussy drip with a mixture of both your cum, he found himself hard once again. 
You barely had any time for your mind to clear up after, your eyes widening as Bucky forced you on your hands and knees. Not sparing a single second he rammed back into you, his hand smacking your ass hard. 
You let out a cry, the stinging pain from the spank only lasting for a short while before you felt the pain and pleasure of him filling you up again. 
“Tell me how much you love it,” He breathed out, watching your ass bounce against his hips with each thrust.
“Bucky!” You moaned out, your walls tightening around him again.
You barely had any time to recover from your last high and still sensitive. You started moving your ass against him, feeling his ballsack slapping your clit each time he thrusted. 
“I love it so much!” You breathed out. “I love feeling your big dick fill me up and fuck me!” 
You bit your lip, feeling the juices drip down your thighs. Your arms were starting to grow weak, barely able to hold yourself when you screamed again. Your pussy tightened and released, begging him to cum and fill you up again.
His large hands buried into your hips, continuing to fuck you as you released around him again. His build-up was growing with the sight of you taking his cock, thrusts growing sloppy. 
Bucky wasn’t blind and could tell your arms were going to give out. So, he released his grip on you with his metal arm to lean over you. He wrapped his arm around your chest, holding you up while squeezing your breast. 
Hearing your soft whimpers as he still fucked you did it for him, his hips bucking to release another hot load inside of you. He stayed in you until he finished then pulled out, releasing you to collapse on the bed. 
Weakly, you turned yourself on your back to look at him, face flushed and tear-stained. He lowered himself above you, metal arm pressed down near the side of your head to keep him above you. Bucky’s eyes danced over your facial features. His gaze moved down, watching your chest rise with each pant before looking at the mess in between your legs.
With his other hand, he reached down and dragged two fingers up your wet folds, gathering the juices on them. When he raised them back up to your face, both of your hands grabbed him and began to suck and lick his fingers clean.
“Christ you’re fucking beautiful.”
He pulled his fingers away, smashing his lips against yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, a hand moving up to play and tug on his hair as you kissed.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Hollow Pass (Part 2)
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Summary: When the reader has to spend a day in the mines for work, she’s less than thrilled. When the miner showing her around for the day, Dean Winchester, is an ass, she’s even less thrilled. But an accident will change all of that and if they want a chance of getting out alive, they’ll need to put their lives in each others hands, literally...
Pairing: Miner!Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,700ish
Warnings: language, injury, frightening/claustrophobic/near death situations
A/N: Enjoy!
“You’re slipping, you’re slipping,” you said, sliding closer to the edge.
“Y/N,” said Dean as you finally stopped moving, feet jammed against rocks under the surface.
“Okay. I’m good. You’re good,” you said. You swallowed and heard Dean grunting. “Dean? Talk to me.”
“I-I’m okay,” he said. “Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck. I looked down. Y/N, fuck. It’s gotta be a couple hundred feet.”
“Dean climb up the rope,” you said. “I can’t pull you up.”
“I can’t move,” he said.
“Yes you can. Climb up, Dean.”
“The rope. The knot will slip if I move,” he said. 
“Dean. Grab the rope,” you said, hovering your hands over the end attached to your belt. “I’ll take this end and you don’t have to worry.”
“Y/N. I don’t...I don’t…”
“Sweetheart take the rope. It’s okay. I got you,” you said.
“Fuck it’s so far down,” he said. You took a deep breath and grabbed hold of the rope.
“Come on Dean. You owe me a date.”
“You owe me a date so you gotta grab that rope and climb out,” you said.
“I’m slipping, I’m slipping,” he said as you saw the top knot in the rope go cocked and start shifting.
“Dean! Grab the rope!”
You heard him shout, the other end of the rope sliding up over the edge. It was slipping through your hands and you wrapped your fists around it, Dean’s weight all in your hands now.
“Dean climb up. I can’t hold you forever,” you said, arms already straining.
“I can’t get a grip,” he said. You knew what he meant. The silky rope was hard to hold onto let alone climb straight up. “Y/N.”
“Can you...can you walk up? If you hold on tight and lean back, can you walk up if I keep moving back?”
“You want me to lean over the giant hole to my death even more?”
“Dean. Trust me.”
He grunted and you held on tight to the rope, Dean breathing hard. 
“Okay. I’m okay. I just-“
You heard a thud and he swore.
“Slammed my face into the cliff. Shit I can’t do this. The rock is crumbling.”
You sat up and leaned back, daring to take a step back.
“Y/N, I’m too heavy. You can’t hold me.”
“You owe me steak and lobster for this,” you said.
“Y/N,” he said. You took another step back and another, moving back quickly. You grunted and saw the peak of his helmet, practically running backwards when Dean was able to get a hand over the edge. You kept the rope taut and knelt down at the edge, pulling him back over the edge. He climbed up and you fell back, Dean panting and pulling you further away from the edge.
You breathed hard and fell back against the rock floor, Dean laying back beside you.
“T-Thanks,” he said. You held up your hands, Dean instantly shooting up. “Y/N.”
You sat up, Dean reaching into his overalls and pulling out a bandanna. He wrapped it around your cut opened palm, looking around before he unzipped his overalls and took off his shirt, ripping it and wrapping it around the other one.
“Ow. Ow,” you said. He zipped himself up and held your hands to your chest.
“Keep them up, try to stop the bleeding. Sit for a minute. We don’t need the both of us in shock.”
“Are you?” you asked, resting your hands against yourself. 
“Yeah. I might throw up fair warning,” he said. 
“Sit with me,” you said. He swallowed and sat beside you, his body shaking. “Hey. You’re okay.”
“I know. I can’t help it.”
“Here,” you said, your hands feeling a little better. You moved your arms around him, pulling him to lean on you. “Take a deep breath.”
He took a deep breath and then a few more, most of the shakes leaving him.
“Thanks,” he said. “I don’t know how you pulled me up.”
“Adrenaline mostly,” you said. “I’m exhausted.”
“Rest,” he said. “I’ll carry you when we’re ready again.”
“I’m okay. Just tired,” you said. You shut your eyes, resting your head against his own. 
“Thank you,” he said. 
“Steak and lobster, Dean,” you said.
“Alright. Big steak and lobster once we’re out of here.” He lifted his head and took your arms. “Looks like the bleeding stopped.”
“That’s good right?”
“Yeah. We gotta be careful though. You have to try to keep these clean, no touching anything.”
“I will avoid anything involving my hands if I can. Is the rest solid ground?” you asked. Dean stood and took a few careful steps around the corner, letting out a big sigh. “Fuck.”
“The wood looks a little better,” he said. You tried to squeeze your hands and sighed. “You can’t grab a rope if you needed to, can you.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Okay. Okay,” he said. “I can...I can go ahead and once I’m past the next hall-“
“Nothing has changed,” you said. You got to your feet and kicked the rope with your feet. “Tie us back together and we'll go walk down the halls together.”
“Y/N,” he said. “We can’t handle another slip like that.”
“I know.”
He bent down and grabbed the rope, looping it through your belts, double knotting it that time.
“Let’s go,” you said. You started to move and he followed after, not slowing down when you stepped onto the first wood planks again. They creaked and groaned, Dean taking deep breaths behind you.
You made it around two hallways, Dean taking the lead by the time you hit the third hall.
He walked fast, stepping onto the solid rock when you felt the ground give out. Dean’s arms shot out and he grabbed you as you fell, tugging you up and over the edge quickly.
“Okay,” you said, leaning back against his chest. “Okay.”
“You’re okay,” he said, holding you to him. “It’s okay. I think we’re past the hard part.”
“That’s...Dean,” you said. You sat up and looked down the next hallway, part of it caved in on the side. “It’s collapsed.”
“It’s...it’s partially collapsed. We can get through,” he said.
“Dean. There’s hardly any space.”
“Not quitting now,” he said. He stood up and helped you up, walking the two of you over to where dirt and rock was spilling out. “It’s not stable. Probably shifted in the explosion.”
“What’s your plan?” you asked.
“We could dig it out,” he said. You knew that was a bad idea and poked at the dirt with your boot. You looked up, taking a deep breath. His head tilted up and he was soon shaking it. “No.”
“My hands are torn. I can’t lift you up. You can lift me and-”
“So you can crawl up there in that hole in the ceiling? Y/N. It could be caved in or it could cave in or maybe it goes nowhere.”
“Or there’s enough space to crawl through and I can slip down the other side and maybe dig you out.”
“Alright,” he said. You were expecting more push back but didn’t get it. He didn’t say a word before hoisting you up. “Be careful.”
“It’s rock up here from the looks of it,” you said. “Give me your hand.”
“You’re too far up to reach,” said Dean. You stared down at him, Dean smiling back. “Sorry sweetheart. I don’t fit up there. If you get past the other side okay-“
“Dean. You owe me that date,” you said.
“Gonna have to miss it,” he said.
“I can get help.”
“Y/N. They won’t come in here if it’s unstable. They were never coming up here. You gotta...you gotta go sweetheart. Get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving-“
“You’re hurt. The second you stepped foot in this mine, you were my responsibility. I can’t get you farther than this. You have to do the rest on your own. I’m sorry.”
“I’ll get you out of here.”
“No you won’t. They’re not letting you step foot in here once you’re out and they are not coming in with walls collapsing. Not until later.”
“Take my water,” you said, unclipping it and dropping it down to him. 
“Y/N, you still might not make it out. You should-”
“You’re taking it and I’m getting you out because in case you haven’t realized, you can’t stop me or what I do once I get out of this tunnel so deal with it.”
“I will talk to you shortly Dean. Count on it,” you said. He called your name but you started crawling through the gap in the rock, wincing when you kept hitting your helmet on the rock above you. You swore you felt something move and quickly scrambled forward until rock was falling out in front of you. You landed on the edge of a dirt pile and coughed, glancing back to see the pile filling the hall.
“Y/N!” you heard muffled.
“I’m okay!” you called back. You sat up and got your feet under you, looking around. You didn’t hear Dean again and swallowed. It felt much darker than before, the air thick.
“Dean is right there like five feet away,” you said to yourself. “You’re okay.”
You saw a hallway in front of you that split left and right, solid enough looking ground in front of you. You’d been heading right the whole time time and figured that was the way out. A quick glance to the left showed it caved in, the right clear. You spotted a metal bucket in the hall and rushed over to grab it, jumping back when it broke in half. You didn’t want to go much further but you needed something, a spare piece of wood or-
You looked around the corner of the right hall way and saw part of the hallway dropped off just after the next junction. Something was laying on the ground over the edge though. You took a careful step forward and another, smiling when you saw a small hand shovel there. You reached down to grab it, the ground shifting. You weren’t entirely sure why you went forward instead of back but you got a hold of it and managed to scramble back to firmer ground. 
“Okay. Okay. Get to jump around the corner. That’ll be fun. That’ll be fun.”
Something shifted in the corner of your eye and you screamed, Dean coughing and holding up his hands.
“Jeez, how the fuck else could be down here?” he said, wiping off his face.
“I improvised,” he said, holding up the rope. “Threw it up around the wood support. Figured it would either bring the whole mountain down on top of me or I could pull myself up high enough to reach the tunnel. My ass is so heavy. I don’t know how you did it.”
“I found a shovel,” you said, holding it up.
“Nice to see you’ve had as exciting a time as I did,” he said, walking over and looking at the hallway. “So. Go back left with your new shovel or try to swing around that corner quick before the ground falls out.”
“My gut says go right.”
“Same. Eventually the mountain thins out over in this direction. Plus left would send us more into the core which is where they’d go for mining.”
You tossed the shovel over to the next hallway and Dean nodded for you to go first. You stepped lightly and moved fast, stepping on the little bit of edge there was left into the hall.
“Follow. Now, now,” you said, grabbing his hand as you felt something shift. You jogged forward and pulled him with you, dragging him practically as more dirt fell away. You made it farther down the hall before you looked back, Dean sitting up on his knees. “I lost my shovel.”
“I’ll get you a new one, sweetheart,” he said. He stood and looked at your hands, sighing quietly. “Bleeding again?”
“Just the one,” you said. “I’m fine.” 
“At least this hallway is pretty straight,” he said. “Could be the way out. It was a pretty old mine so they came in through the east side, would have made it as simple as possible.”
“I hope so.”
“We should-“
You both heard a rumbling, Dean turning and looking behind you.
“Move,” he said. He pushed on your back and you started to run, Dean right by your side. A loud boom thudded overhead and you glanced behind you, the end of the hallway looking a whole lot closer than it should.
“Hallway,” said Dean as he ran. “Left or right.” 
“I’ll follow your lead,” you said, a big poof of dust appearing from the left. “Right. Definitely right.”
You saw dust come from the right as well but Dean was already moving that direction, taking hold of your hand. You didn’t even see the sharp turn left, Dean yanking you behind him. The end of the hall looked different, the rock smoother and Dean started laughing.
“That’s it. That’s it, oh thank you, thank you,” he said. You saw an old metal ladder and Dean did a quick look around before he stopped and bent down. You climbed on his back, tapping his arm.
“Hallway, hallway,” you said, looking back, the whole hall caving in. Dean scurried up the ladder with you, wheezing when you clung too hard. You relaxed your death grip and looked down, the ground filling with dirt. He didn’t stop moving until you met metal above you. 
“Please don’t,” he said. He took one hand off the ladder and pushed against it, the thing not budging. “No, no, no.”
“It’s welded shut,” he laughed. “It’s fucking welded shut.”
You looked down, dirt and rock filling up the bottom of the ladder, trapping you and Dean in the ladder shaft. 
“We’re gonna run out of air,” he said. “Maybe an hour or two. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“I have a really stupid idea,” you said, staring at the wall to your left. “We’ll probably die quicker, or getting buried alive.”
“I’m up for stupid ideas,” he said. You climbed off his back carefully, Dean hanging around the side of the ladder. You climbed down a few feet to where the concrete on the left was cracked. You took your pickaxe off your belt and shined your light at the crack, Dean stepping down. He looked above you both and back at the crack. “You want to break the concrete.”
“Gotta be dirt on the other side. We’re probably not too far down from the surface, maybe a few feet. Either we break it and the concrete collapses-”
“And the ladder breaks and the concrete above us does and sends us down to our deaths.”
“Or, we crack it enough and dig out a hole through the dirt big enough to climb out through to the surface.”
“It is a stupid idea,” he said. He took his pickaxe out of his belt and smiled. “Just might save our asses.”
“If we get out of this, I am so quitting my job.”
“Same,” he said. 
“Good. Maybe you can do something you actually like,” you said, Dean putting your pickaxe back in your belt.
“I’ll take the grunt work,” he said, smacking the crack with his axe. “Ain’t much around here but mine work. We might just have to take this date somewhere else.”
“Where’s this brother of yours live?”
“Little coast town in California,” he said. “Between LA and Santa Barbara.”
“Sounds a hell of a lot better than here,” you said.
“You mean trapped underground all day with me ain’t your idea of a dream date?” he chuckled, a piece of concrete breaking off and falling below on his next hit.
“Let’s go for not so much constant danger next time,” you said.
“How’s a home cooked meal and a movie sound?” he said.
“Pretty damn good,” you said. “You want to grab a bite when we get out of here?”
“After your hands are cleaned up, I’ll take you wherever you want to go, sweetheart,” he said. “Steak and lobster was it?”
“I will take a freaking big mac so bad right now,” you said. 
“That I can do,” he said, another big piece of concrete breaking off to reveal a patch of dirt behind it. He smacked the concrete a few more times, plenty enough for you to squeeze through if it was clear. He turned his axe around and started scooping out the dirt, letting it fall below. “Fingers crossed we’re not like ten feet under the surface.”
“Let me know if you want a break,” you said as he started tugging the dirt down, covering himself but most of it falling downwards.
“Just hang in there. We’re still on a time crunch with the air,” he said. “Fingers crossed.”
The air felt thicker and the ground below was significantly closer, Dean pouring sweat as he dug and dug and dug. He’ been going for close to an hour and he was breathing hard. 
“Dean. You need to rest, let me take over,” you said. He nodded and you swapped places with him, taking the axe and digging away, more and more dirt filling in the space. You got winded quickly, Dean breathing loudly behind you.
“We’re running out of air,” he said. “It was a good idea, Y/N.”
“Must you always be the pessimist in this relationship,” you said. 
“Oh we’re in a relationship now? At least I won’t die single,” he chuckled, leaning his head on the ladder. You rolled your eyes and pushed down more dirt, freezing when you saw a glimmer of light. You dug out more, the light getting brighter, your eyes adjusting to seeing the sky.
“Dean.” He raised his head and soon he was reaching over, taking out your pickaxe and helping you dig as best he could, more and more dirt caving away. You took a deep inhale of cool fresh air and laughed, Dean throwing his head back. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Ladies first.” When enough dirt was out of the way you climbed up the ladder more and leaned over, Dean pushing you up and allowing you to get up on the dirt. You shimmied your way up, and popped your head out of the hole, smiling when you saw trees and sky and air. You got up and out, turning around to lean down. You grabbed Dean’s arm when you saw it, Dean climbing out fast before he was tugging on your arm and walking down hill with you. When you got to even ground again he collapsed to his knees, laying back and ripping off his helmet.
You sat back and took deep breaths, Dean started to laugh beside you.
“What?” you asked, glancing over to him.
“I would have died ten times over today if it weren’t for you.”
“Well, same,” you said, your stomach grumbling.
“Time for lunch,” he said.
“That was only four hours?” you said.
“Probably. Wanna take a break for a hot second before we walk over to the entrance?”
“Hot minute instead?” you said, closing your eyes. He leaned over and kissed you, plopping down when smiled.
“Sounds good, sweetheart. Sounds good.”
Three Hours Later
“Hey, look what I snagged,” said Dean as he ducked into your hospital room. He had a big paper bag with him and sat down on the end of your bed, pulling out a burger. “One big mac as requested.”
“You get fries?”
“Fries. Nuggets. McFlurry. More cheeseburgers than is humanly possible to eat.”
“You’re doing very well in this boyfriend department,” you said, unwrapping your burger carefully, most of your hands wrapped in bandages.
“Oh so that still stands even though we’re no longer actively dying?” he asked, crossing his legs and taking out a few burgers and a carton of fries.
“Why’d you get me food?”
“Why you giving me a chance after being a dick this morning?”
“Why’d you quit in a glorious fashion earlier?”
“Because I’m gonna sue the shit out of that company along with you and I can go work on cars like I always wanted.”
“Is it safer?” He rolled his eyes and smiled. “Good.”
“I don’t think I’m sticking around here, Y/N.”
“You heard my dad. He quit too. My family has no reason to stay here anymore. Cali don’t sound so bad.”
“Alright. You’re on, sweetheart,” he said. “As long as you promise me one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Never step foot in a mine again?”
“Deal, Winchester,” you said, holding out your hand. He lightly shook it before taking out the chicken nuggets. “What sauce did you get?”
“All of them. I ain’t no dummy,” he said, tapping his head.
“No, no you are not,” you said, taking a bite of your food. “Hey, Dean?”
“Thanks for today. For everything.”
“You too, sweetheart. You too.”
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
92 days
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source: @obi-kin​
warnings: mentions of sexual content, cursing 
wordcount: 2k
“Rafe, if you’re just gonna hang around, make yourself useful and start packing.” Sophie directed. He had been extra clingy in the month before she left (though she didn’t mind one bit), and was currently trying to tug her down onto the bed while she laid out clothes for her trip.
“Or, hear me out, what if you stayed and didn’t go at all?” He leaned over and hooked his fingers in the belt loop of her jeans, pulling her down onto his lap.
She frowned. “It’s only three months, baby -”
“I know, I know.” He quickly cut her off with a kiss, not wanting to make her feel bad. She’d picked up the pet name for him recently, and he suspected it was mainly out of her feeling a little guilt for leaving him, but he didn’t question it for a second. His hands found their familiar resting place on the curve of her hips. “I’m kidding, it’s okay. I know how long you’ve been dreaming of this.”
Sophie brightened a little and gave him a longer kiss, running her fingers through his hair before she climbed off his lap. “I’ll facetime you at least once a week, and I’ll call as much as I can. Okay?”
“Just once a week?” He scowled, flopping back into the bed when she moved off him. “That doesn’t sound like nearly enough talking.”
“Probably more, but I don’t know how busy I’ll be. I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep.” She kept carefully folding her shirts, her tongue poking out a little in concentration as she tried to get the perfect space-saving fold she’d seen in one of many packing YouTube videos she’d watched.
He smiled, just watching her for a moment. “What if you facetime me when you’re getting lunch? If you’re alone?”
She cocked her head. “You want to just sit there and watch me eat?”
“Well...yeah. I like just being around you.” He gestured to her suitcases and her current task at hand. “S’not like every conversation has to be riveting.”
Sophie smirked, teasing. “Aw, Rafe, you’re gonna miss me.”
He scowled again and stood, sliding both his arms securely around her from behind. “Course I’m gonna miss you. That’s...I don’t know how many days without you.”
She leaned back into him and rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. “92. Until you visit.”
“Christ.” He mumbled into her hair, not having realized how long it truly was. He tried not to let himself think about it and to just enjoy their time while they were still physically together instead. “I’m visiting for two whole weeks, then I’m bringing you home with me.” He grinned and pressed a kiss to her temple. “And I was thinking...what if we didn’t stay in Barcelona the whole time?”
She turned in his arms, looking up at him curiously. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. If you’re down. I know you’re doing a few trips while you’re there, but. Maybe I could plan it for us?”
She furrowed her brow a little. “Like a surprise?”
“No, I know you hate those.” He grinned knowingly as she gave him a sheepish smile. “We could pick the places together though, and I can figure out all the logistics and stuff.” Before she could open her mouth again, he sensed her hesitation and quickly added, “And I want to take care of it. All of it.”
“Rafe -” She started to protest, thinking of his typical standard for vacations he’d been on with his family.
“Please? We can stay in cool student hostels and take train rides and everything, I won’t make it fancy. Promise.” He gave her a forehead kiss in hopes of convincing her, knowing that usually broke her down.
“Hm...” She glanced up, seeming to calculate the days in her head. “At least give me three days to show you around in Barcelona, and we have a deal. But I get to pick the hostels.”
He grinned, giving her a big kiss. “You got it.”
She smiled back against his lips, leaning more into him as he slid his hands under the hem of her shirt and up her sides, distracted for a moment. After a couple minutes of slow, lazy kissing, she pulled away when he teasingly bit her lower lip. “Wait, no, I have to pack -”
“No, Soph -” He groaned, trying to kiss her again. She dodged it and his lips brushed against her ear instead, then she pushed him back a little with one hand on his chest. “Let me finish this suitcase and then we can do whatever you want.”
“Whatever?” He raised his eyebrows, slowly smirking.
“Um...sure. I just need to finish folding these tops, then throw in socks and underwear. Put yourself to use and grab mine?” She gave him a quick kiss before slipping out of his loose grip, turning back to the bed to start folding.
He grinned and strolled over to her dresser behind her back, pulling out multiple lacy pairs that were hardly considered functional, until he found a sheer black bra with lace trim and little flowers embroidered on it shoved in the very back of the drawer. “Sophie Flint!”
She whipped around to see it dangling from his finger and stalked over, grabbing it away. “I didn’t say root around in the drawers!”
“You told me to pack! Why have you never worn that before?!”
She hid it behind her back, cheeks growing red. “It was supposed to be a surprise!”
“I mean, shit, consider me surprised.” A slow smirk spread across his face and he turned back to the drawer. “Is it a matching set?”
She jumped in front of the drawer, shaking her head quickly. “Stop, I don’t want you to see the rest.”
“There’s more?!”
“You’re ruining the surprise!” She laughed, trying to nudge him back with just her foot. “And the underwear you picked out is horrible, am I supposed to work out in a lacy thong? I rarely ever wear these.”
“I see absolutely no issue with that.” He grinned, trying to reach around her to grab the bra again. “I want to see that on you.”
“No, Rafe, not yet -”
“You leave in three days. How many more do you have?”
“Well maybe they weren’t all for you to see before I left.”
He frowned, tilting his head. “I don’t get it.”
“Think, Cameron.” She successfully nudged him away and stashed the bra back in her drawer, along with the underwear he picked out.
He stood there, extra confused. “It’s not for someone else.”
“But I can’t see it before you leave.”
She swore she could see the wheels turning in his head. “Oh? Do you mean - ?”
She grinned, confirming his suspicions. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. You’ll have to wait and see.”
His eyes lit up and he grabbed her around the waist abruptly, lifting her off the ground. “Tell me!”
Sophie giggled, squirming in his arms. “I’m not gonna tell you! Let me go!”
He laughed and tossed her onto the bed unceremoniously, then leaned over her, skating his fingers up her sides. She pushed on his chest gently, shaking her head with a smile. “Rafe, c’mon.”
He crawled over her and kissed her, long and slow. When he finally pulled away to take a breath, his fingers tangled in her hair, he sighed. “God, I’m gonna miss the hell out of you.”
She frowned and cupped his cheek, keeping him close. “Stop, I don’t want to think about it just yet. Don’t get sad on me.”
Rafe rolled over to lay next to her, head propped up on his elbow. “Promise me you won’t leave me for some handsome Spaniard?”
“I would never, don’t even joke about it.” She scowled and he instinctively reached out, smoothing his thumb over the bridge of her nose. She immediately broke into a grin. “Eres mía, pase lo que pase.”
“Hey, don’t forget your boyfriend is stupid and only knows English.” He teased, leaning over to kiss her again.
“You’re not stupid, I don’t like when you say that.” She frowned and kissed him harder, as if it was reassurance. “I said you’re mine, no matter what.”
“I like the sound of that.” He nudged his nose against hers, just wanting to be impossibly close. “We’re gonna be okay, right?”
“Yeah. We’ll be just fine.” Sophie reached out and pulled him closer, wrapping her arm around his waist. “Wish I could take you with me.”
“That’d be a hell of a lot more fun than my dad’s office.” His face fell just thinking about it. “It’s gonna be so boring.”
“Didn’t you apply to that internship?” She questioned, cocking her head. “So you could stay here with Colin?”
“Yeah, I haven’t heard back yet though. And it wouldn’t start ‘til the middle of June, so I would have to be at home for a while anyways.”
“I’m sure you’ll get it. You’re smart, you know that. Don’t get in your head like you do.” Sophie started kissing along his jawline, down his neck.
He let his eyes fall shut and his head drop back, practically melting under her touch. “Hey. Angel.”
“Hm?” She hummed against his skin, pushing the hem up his shirt up his chest. Rafe threaded his fingers through her hair, letting out a satisfied noise when she started working at his belt. “Aren’t you - don’t you -”
She glanced up, amused by how easy she could distract him. “Use your words, handsome.” She nipped along his hipbone, soothing over the spots with her tongue right after.
“Your packing...” He mumbled.
“Oh!” She rolled off him immediately and he groaned when her hand brushed over his length, then reached out for her. “Wait, no, Soph, don’t leave me hanging -”
“Give me ten minutes and I can finish this suitcase.” She promised, her other task at hand instantly forgotten as she started folding more clothes.
“Sophieee.” He whined, drawing out the vowels. “Three minutes.”
“Seven. Or help me, and it can be five.”
“You already yelled at me for folding something the wrong way earlier,” he pointed out with a grumble.
“Okay, so seven.” She shot him a grin and he shook his head, sighing. “You’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met.”
“I’m not teasing! I told you I had to pack even if you came over!” She replied, indignant. “It’s not my fault, I get distracted when it comes to you.”
“Yeah?” He propped himself up on his elbows, grinning.
“Yeah. You’re pretty.”
He blushed and immediately went to rub the back of his neck, flustered. “Pretty? You mean handsome.”
“No, I mean pretty.” She laughed and leaned over, running her finger along the contours of his face. “I like your cheekbones, and your strong jaw, and the way your hair flops into your eyes when it gets a little too long.”
“Soph.” He scowled, poking his tongue out to lick her finger when she ran it over her lips. She laughed, wiping it on his cheek. “Gross. I like your lips - and what they can do to me -”
“Dirty girl.” He grinned and she shoved at his chest. “Shut up, I’m not done. I like when you don’t shave for a few days and you get this shadow, it makes you look a little older and it’s really hot.” She paused, skating her knuckle along his jawline. “But don’t take that as an invitation to grow a beard.”
“I’m gonna try when you’re gone. Just for kicks.” He teased.
She rolled her eyes and pulled away to finish packing, tucking the last shirt into her carefully placed sections then zipped it shut easily. “There, done. I’m all yours.”
He grinned and tugged her back down on top of him immediately, hands going straight to her waist. “That’s what I like to hear.”
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been a long day, and all you really want is get a little stress relief. Preferably the type with no clothes and a man between your thighs.
Pairing: Post CA:TWS Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption, Curse Words, SMUT 18+ (oral sex {f & m recieving}, face fucking, derogatory words, light bondage, use of underwear as a gag, fingering, metal arm kink, let me know if i left a warning out please) - if underage do not read or engage!!
A/N: Major thank you to @starbxcks​ for beta reading this and helping edit it, and to @ballyhoobarnes​ for helping with my awful russian translations. Love you both💓 (ps guys this is so different from my usual writings, let me know if i should keep it up👀)
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You had one thought on your mind when you entered the lounge. And it was not an innocent one. Today had been awful, and you just wanted to deal with it with orgasms. So you made sure to look the part, short dress that dipped a little too low in the cleavage and heels high enough you could reach the sky. The looks you got walking down the sidewalk and snickers from men catcalling you didn’t even matter.
You were desperate enough to break out the expensive perfume. It was that type of bad day. You even got a hotel room, knowing you didn’t want this night to bleed into your night in any way. Just a simple hookup. 
When you get into the building it’s packed. The lights are low and neon lights illuminate from above. You walk straight to the bar and ask the bartender for a vodka shot and down it before scoping out the room. 
To the end of the bar sits a man that immediately holds your attention. His dark hair is tied back in a bun, and he has a leather jacket on. You silently hope he’s a biker because you’re in the mood for something dangerous. You take a seat a few chairs down from his and look over at him again. This time he meets your gaze and you’re awestruck by his eyes. You can’t make out the exact color, but they’re piercing. His face is covered in scruff and he is the most gorgeous man you’ve seen in a long time. 
He sticks his hand up, covered in a leather glove, to signal for the bartender and after a few moments, you’re given a colorful cocktail that looks more sugar than alcohol. You walk over to him and take the seat next to him. 
“Thank you for the drink. Although it’s not really my kind of drink,” you say with a devious smirk.
“What’s a pretty girl like you drink then?” he asks turning his body towards you.
“Scotch and soda,” you say and he orders the drink giving the other one back. He looks like he’s nursing a bourbon. 
“You meeting up with someone?” he asks looking at your silky blue dress.
“Just you,” you say boldly sipping on your drink. He nods and a small smile sits on his face. 
“Just me huh?” he says with a light chuckle. 
“You wanna stay and chit chat, or do you want to see what’s beneath this?” you ask grabbing your purse from the counter.
He chokes a bit on his drink but reaches into his wallet and places a couple of bills down and follows you out of the dimly lit lounge. 
You guide the man towards your hotel, but realize you should probably know his name before you screw this man six ways to Sunday. 
“What’s your name?” you ask in the hotel lobby.
“James,” he says quickly. 
“Call me Y/N when I’m beneath you,” you say winking and tug him into the elevator. He follows along but the moment the doors shut he is anything but submissive. 
James’ lips are searing against yours. His mouth molds against yours as he pushes your back against the wall of the small chute. One hand cups your face gently while the other is pushed against the wall keeping the pair of you steady. His tongue licks the seam of your mouth begging for an entrance. A sinful moan leaves your throat and he groans at the noise. 
With a ding, you pull apart and drag him out of the lift and towards your hotel room. You can barely focus enough to get the key in the door before he opens the door and slams it shut throwing the key into the room without caution. He immediately meets you again and the gasp that leaves your lips is enough for him to tangle his tongue with yours once again. He lifts you up and walks you into the room, and you’re tugging his hair the entire time. 
You trail your lips to his neck as he sets you down and he takes the moment to rid himself of the jacket. After leaving your mark on his body (for the first of many times tonight) you go to take off the gloves but he flinches. 
“I’ve got-” he says showing you a metal appendage. Your eyes go wide and he goes to recover it but you grab the glove.
“If that isn’t in me at least once tonight, then this has been a waste of my time,” you say and he blinks at you twice before smirking and reaching behind you to undo the tie holding your flimsy dress together. 
You loosen the dress and let it pool at your feet, and kick your heels off as well. It wasn’t the kind of dress to be held down by a bra, and you toss your thong to the side. It leaves you in front of him bare. But that doesn’t seem to bother him at all, in fact, it has the exact effect you hope for when you notice his jeans tighten around his bulge. He rips his t-shirt off his body and you can tell that his entire shoulder is scarred. But you pay it no mind and rake your long nails up his abdomen. 
“You gonna put those pouty lips to use for me, сахар?” he asks and you nod. Something about hearing him speak a foreign language just made this man hotter. 
You kneel down in front of him and undo his belt and pull it off. You go to put it on the ground when he grabs it from you instead. He bends it around your arms creating two loops for your hands. He slides it tighter and drops your arms behind your body. 
“Okay?” he asks.
“Okay.” You answer, already feeling your excitement coat your thighs. This would be a night you wouldn’t forget for sure. 
James pulls off his jeans and boxers and you can’t help but stare at how big he is. You’re not going to be able to walk straight tomorrow, that’s for sure. 
“You gonna suck me filthy girl?” he asks stepping closer to you. You nod your head in obedience, licking your lips at the thought of him deep down your throat. “Treat me right and I’ll fuck that poor neglected pussy with my hand, tongue, and cock. Не могу Дождаться когда я увижу тебя разрушил.”
You can’t believe he actually said that and a moan slips from your lips in response. James slips his thumb between your glossy lips and you suck on it. He grabs his hard cock and brings it to your lips. You lick a long stripe up the vein beneath him and kiss down the sides teasing him. But you can tell he doesn’t like this when he pulls your head to look him in the eyes. You bat your eyelashes and keep eye contact as you pull just the tip of him into your mouth.
He loops his hand in your hair creating a ponytail to tug on. You pull back and repeat the entire motion, licking him up, kissing him, and sucking just the smallest amount of him. You know you’re teasing the man but you can’t help it. After giving considerable attention to the pre-cum covered tip you bob your head and take half of him into your mouth. He lets out a deep groan and it goes straight to your core. 
“Fuck me,” he groans and you set a slow pace of taking just half of him into your mouth. You make sure to breathe through your nose steadily and calm yourself as you take more of him in. You make sure to look back up at him and pull your head back leaving your mouth open in a perfect O. 
James takes the hint and smirks and starts thrusting his hips into your mouth. You wish more than anything to be able to trail a hand down to where you need it most, but his belt constricts this. So you let yourself be his personal toy for a few minutes. He uses a combination of thrusting his hips and pulling your hair to create a perfect face fucking speed. 
The whole time he’s muttering words you don’t understand, “такие красивые сиськи” and “не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть вас на моем петух ребенка”
You can feel tears running down your face and you know you must look like a wreck but to be honest, you do not care at all. 
You can see his breathing get rougher, and his stomach muscles contract. “Гавно,” he says darkly and you know he’s close. There’s spit drooling down your mouth, and it mixes with the tears he caused.
“You’re gonna swallow it all, hear me Котик?” he says tugging harshly on your hair. All you can do is blink in response, your hands and head are not your own at this moment. 
James speeds up his thrusts and with a deep grunt, he shoots his seed down your throat. The salty smell coats your senses and you swallow it all down. You make sure to lightly suck him clean and he pulls out and makes sure to trail the last little bit from your lips into your mouth. 
“Such a good little cock sucker, huh? Bet you want your reward now,” he notes eyeing you up and down. You nod in agreement. He walks away from you and your eyes furrow in confusion. But he comes back with a glass of water and tells you to drink it. You can’t exactly move your arms, so he helps you drink it. 
It’s a sweet moment in contrast to what’s to come. He sets the glass down on the nightstand and grabs your waist bringing you to your feet, before hauling you onto the bed. He reaches to undo the belt letting your wrists free. 
“These,” he says grabbing your hands and putting them on the headboard, “Stay here.” 
“Yes sir,” you say licking your lips excited. If his actions were anything to go by, he’d be one hell of a god at getting you off. 
You’re practically panting when his rough hand tweaks your nipple. The cold metal one slides down your skin, tracing your breasts and stomach. 
“Please,” you whine and he gives you a look.
“I liked it better when you were gagging on my cock. Quieter that way Котик,” he says as he palms one breast and slaps the other. You didn’t even know that him playing with your breasts would turn you on as much as it did but god you felt good as he palmed them.
He trains his fingers back up and places the metal ones at the seam of your mouth. You open submissively as he says “Соси”. You assume this means something along the lines of getting his fingers wet, so you coat them in your spit. 
“James, fuck me already!” you beg and he pauses his actions.
“Can’t even keep your mouth shut huh Проститутка?” he asks and reaches off the bed to grab your discarded thong. He stuffs the lacy fabric in your mouth to keep you muffle your whining. Since your mouth is no longer able to, he spits on his fingers and then, without warning, plunges them deep in you. It’s only two fingers, a much smaller width than his cock but they already have you seeing stars. 
The cold metal of his fingers gives such a high contrast to the practical heat coming from your core. You’re the epitome of hot and bothered at this moment, and the only remedy is James. This man who you just met hours ago (and has barely even touched you) is easily one of your best hookups.  
He’s pushing his fingers in and out at such a rampant pace that it’s slamming you against the headboard. Mangled moans leave your stuffed lips as you look at the delicious man between your thighs. You feel your climax building as he whispers foreign words in your ear.
“Такая плотная и мокрая киска,” he says and you don’t know what it means but it’s enough to nearly tip you over.
That is until he halts his movements and gives you a devious smirk when you lift your head to look at him.
“James!” you try to yell at him but it comes out muffled and distorted. He leans down and licks up your thigh collecting everything that’s soaked them. It is by far the hottest thing you’ve seen. He thoroughly cleans every inch of you, teasing by not touching where you need him most. 
You groan in frustration and he bites down on your thigh, sucking a hickey near where you want his lips.
“Нужно оставить напоминание обо мне, кукла. Now, be a good girl and spread your legs for me.” he says sternly. You widen them further and he tugs them apart. He lays down on his stomach and you can finally feel his hot breath on your soaked center.   
His tongue slowly licks from your opening to the hood of your clit. He groans at your taste, “sweet like cinnamon baby,” then he dives back in. His hand grips your thigh and you know it’ll be a bruise in the morning light but you don’t care. 
James licks a few more stripes, going up and down and your eyes roll back into your head as you pant. He meets your gaze and winks before spitting on your core and pushing his tongue into you, licking you out from the inside. You lift your head in time to watch him swallow your essence. 
He doesn’t let up as he sinks his tongue back in, alternating between tongue fucking you and sucking on your clit. He brings his metal hand back and pushes it in, and you feel your orgasm build again.
The suction on your clit and pressure from his fingers has twisted moans falling from your lips only muffled by the lace of your panties. 
“That’s it Котик,” he says before sucking again. And when he crooks his fingers you let go. Stars flood your senses, and you explode all over him. But James laps it all up, not letting an ounce get away from him. 
He pulls the thong from your mouth and places his fingers in your mouth to suck. You grab them with one hand and clean them for him, releasing with a pop. 
“Good baby doll?” he asks and you nod too tired to answer. “How about a bath then we continue this?” he asks and you smile.
“Just need a little bit, then I’m going to ride you into the sunset James,” you say fluttering your eyes. This was definitely the remedy to your bad day.
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Translations: сахар- sugar, Не могу Дождаться когда я увижу тебя разрушил- i can’t wait to see you fucking ruined, такие красивые сиськи- such pretty tits, не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть вас на моем петух ребенка- can’t wait to see you on my cock baby, Гавно- shit, Котик- kitten, ��оси- suck, Проститутка- slut, Такая плотная и мокрая киска- such a tight wet pussy, Нужно оставить напоминание обо мне, кукла- need to leave a remind of me, baby doll
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hookingminor · 4 years
close quarters (final) - andre burakovsky
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a/n: here’s the final part! thank you all so much for your support and love for this series, and I’m so glad to finally mark it as finished! I love y’all and thanks, as usual this isn’t proofread
word count: 3,339
one / two / three / four
“Andre, stop, we have to get going,” you giggled out, but he didn’t stop his ministrations. In fact, he only tightened his grip around your middle to pull you closer into his chest.
“We can be a little late, they'll understand,” Andre mumbled into your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses along your skin. You were in the middle of applying finishing touches to your makeup, but it was becoming a little hard to ignore your leech of a boyfriend who wouldn’t let you go.
He tugged you by the belt loops of your jeans, causing you to bend slightly as your ass dug into his crotch. You rolled your eyes at his needy actions, pulling the mascara brush away from your face before Andre made you smear it. He had been trying to seduce you into a quickie since getting to your apartment to pick you up, but you’d be damned if you missed your first team barbecue because Andre wanted to bend you over this sink.
“I don’t want to make a bad first impression by showing up too late,” you replied, swatting his hands away, though his grip would not be broken.
“You’ve already met, like, the whole team. What’s the big deal?” He asked, turning your body around by your belt loops so you could face him. His hands bracketed you between his body and the counter.
“And last time I saw them they all thought I was Tyson’s date,” you explained, raising your arms to rest on his shoulders, “They’re going to think I’m some kind of team whore or something.”
“No one thinks that,” Andre said, nudging your face to the side with his nose, “In fact, they all think it’s hilarious that Tyson had to parent trap us.” He punctuated the last sentence with a kiss on your cheek, but you gave him an unconvinced look.
The few months since the charity event passed in a blur. After you and Andre eventually got together, it didn’t take long for him to put an exclusivity clause on your relationship, which you had absolutely no problem with.
Andre made sure to more than make up for all the lost time he missed due to his stupidity, and he spent that whole week after your first date at your apartment, not that you minded. He took you on more dates: walks through downtown, dinners at fancy restaurants, hitting up the new art exhibits, taking you to Nuggets games, the whole nine yards. He also tried to play it off by saying that he never got the chance to show you around the city, and you didn’t argue with him.
However, your time together was cut in half due to the constant road trips he was going on, but you didn’t mind this either. Andre called you at least once when he was on the road just to check in on how your day was going and to hear your voice, though he never admitted that last fact to you.
It didn’t surprise you how fast you fell for him. Honestly, you were probably already half in love with him when you first started dating.
And Tyson took all the credit, to absolutely no one’s surprise. He called you instantly after Andre showed up to practice the following week, bouncing off the walls and riding a high that could only be attributed to you. Tyson was annoying about it, as expected, but you thanked him anyway for giving Andre the final push to ask you out.
“I call being the godfather of your first child, you can’t say no because I’ll be the reason the child will even exist,” Tyson said after you told him the details of your date, to which you rolled your eyes in response.
“I’m not agreeing to that, and you’re projecting really hard right now with these assumptions,” you replied, but he scoffed and said that when it did happen, he was definitely bringing it up again.
Now, you were finally attending your first team get together as Andre’s official girlfriend. He’d begged you to at least attend some home games, which you did, but you’d watched from the stands like a regular fan rather than sitting with the other wives and girlfriends.
“I talk about you constantly, they basically already know everything about you,” Andre said as he pressed a kiss against your frown lines.
“Oh, do you now?” You asked with a smirk, and Andre gave you a small smile.
“Of course I do,” he said, “They all ask me about you anyway.”
“Then I really don’t want to make a bad impression by missing the party,” you insisted, manually tearing his hands from your body, though you were met with much resistance on his part.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you?” He begged, giving you those big puppy dog eyes as he tried one last time. You were almost tempted to give in and throw him on your bed, but your desire to get to the barbecue was slightly more than your desire to jump his bones.
“Let’s get you out of here before you explode or something,” you chuckled as you left Andre standing by the sink while you stalked back to the bedroom. He shifted on his feet, slightly adjusting his pants before crossing his arms.
“Maybe if you didn’t parade around in those tight jeans,” he grumbled, unamused. You, maybe, had definitely put them on with the intention of catching his eye, but they also made your ass and legs look amazing.
“Alright, bud, let’s get going then,” you said, beckoning him forward like he was an unruly child. You didn’t miss the groan of defeat that escaped his throat, obviously conveying his discontent, as he crossed the small space to follow you out of the bedroom and out of the apartment.
Hoots and hollers were heard all around you as you entered Gabe’s house on Andre’s arm. Low whistles mixed with warm greetings, both from the guys and the girls respectively. Andre had given them all a heads-up beforehand with warnings to not make asses of themselves, but it seemed they were ignoring his requests, as always.
“Burky, who’s the babe with you?” Tyson called out from the kitchen, which resulted in a whop on the head from Mel, who told him to behave. You instinctively stepped closer to Andre, tucking your head into his shoulder to let out a small chuckle of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry,” Andre whispered into your ear before pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Please, it’s just Tyson, I can handle him,” you snorted as you followed Andre into the home. A majority of them were gathered out on the patio, the sliding door open because of all the foot traffic in and out of the house.
A bunch of the guys said their hellos as you gradually joined the crowd, and you were soon being pulled into a side hug as Tyson inserted himself between you and Andre.
“Could you be any more annoying?” You questioned him as you felt your body being torn from Andre’s due to Tyson’s wiggling. He draped his arms around both of your shoulders.
“Easily,” he said, rotating his face to give both you and Andre matching grins.
Andre rolled his eyes at Tyson’s antics, gently shoving him away until he could pull you back into his arms.
“Everyone, this is Y/N,” Andre introduced you with his hand around your waist, and you gave the group a small wave. You already knew most of the people there, so they didn’t bother introducing themselves.
“It’s about time he brought you around,” Nate piped up, “He only talks about you twenty-four, seven.” A chorus of ‘yeah’s sounded around the circle, but you just chuckled. Andre didn’t try to deny it either, they all knew how he felt about you.
“Hopefully we’ll be seeing more of you?” Calvert’s wife asked hopefully. You remembered her from the charity event, one of the girls who had welcomed you into their circle for the night, instantly taking you under her wing like the mother she was.
“I plan on keeping her around, so I’d say yes,” Andre spoke for you, and you swore you could hear Mikko fake gagging behind Andre’s back at the sweetness, though he shot you a quick wink when you caught him.
“I hate to tear this happy couple apart,” Gabe spoke up, suddenly joining the group, “but can I pull Burky aside for a few minutes? You wanted to see the new grill, right?” Andre nodded before looking at you to make sure you were okay with it, and you nudged for him to go with Gabe, a look in your eyes that said you’d be just fine alone.
It didn’t take long for the other girls to sweep you up with them as most of the guys had dispersed to check out the new grill, or whatever. You honestly couldn’t have cared less about what they were talking about as you were sure it was mundane and something only guys could like, so you were glad for the girls dragging you away to get some drinks.
Someone had slid a spiked iced tea into your hands before you knew it, and then they were immediately asking you questions.
“Where have you been? We’ve only been hounding Andre for weeks now to bring you around,” Nate’s girlfriend asked.
“Been a little busy lately,” you replied, taking a sip of the iced tea that was probably way too strong for a casual barbecue, “I didn’t want to intrude on anything.”
“Please, you could never intrude,” Mel commented, “It’s about time he began settling down anyway.” The other girls hummed their agreement.
“How’s it been going so far?” Belley’s wife asked.
“Good so far. I really like him,” you confessed, feeling your cheeks warm in embarrassment. All the girls gave you a knowing look.
“Well, he really likes you too,” Mel added, and you could tell there was a story there but you didn’t press her for details.
“He’s barely paying attention to anything Gabe’s saying,” Belley’s wife noted, gesturing towards the direction of the guys. You turned your body glance at him and sure enough, Andre was already looking at you. Your lips quirked up in a smile as you waved at him, to which he returned it with one of his own.
Someone called Andre’s attention back to whatever they were talking about, and you could practically hear the ribbing he was getting for being so smitten. A few girls ‘aw’d at the gesture while the rest began picking at you for the same exact thing.
“God, I love love,” someone gushed, but you weren’t quite sure who.
Soon, one iced tea turned into three and the few minutes you thought you were spending with the girls turned into an hour before Andre had found his way back to you.
“How are you doing?” He asked, stepping up behind you and wrapping a hand around your waist. Instinctively, you leaned your body into his, taking comfort in his presence. “Seems like someone’s had a few drinks.” Andre chuckles at your flushed face, your inhibitions lowered after the strong drinks.
“These iced teas are good,” was all you said in response, turning your face upwards to give him a wide grin.
“Yeah, Mel makes them strong,” he said, lifting his eyes from you to glance at Mel, who seemed quite pleased with herself for getting you drunk. “Come sit with me for a little bit.” Andre didn’t have to ask you twice, you were happy to follow his guidance from the kitchen to the outdoor seating.
The seats around the fire pit were nearly all full, but Andre didn’t hesitate to take the last vacant spot and tug you onto his lap. His hands immediately came to rest on your hip and thighs, and you didn’t miss the way everyone’s eyes fell on you both.
“How are you liking Denver?” JT asked when you joined the group. Normally you would’ve been self-conscious about the public displays of affection you were showing, but it must’ve been the alcohol in your system because you didn’t mind.
“I love it here,” you answered as Andre began rubbing small circles into your legs with his thumbs, “It’s different from D.C., but I’m enjoying it.”
They asked you a few more questions about work and when you were going to finally show up to a game, and you replied with ease, even jumping into conversations when the topics finally transitioned to other people.
A couple more hours passed in pleasant chat, new people coming and going every once in a while. Occasionally Andre would pull you into your own side conversation, easily getting distracted as you forgot that you were with others when he was whispering in your ear.
“Are you having a good time?” He asked, chin resting on your shoulder as you divert your attention from the current story being told to your boyfriend. Andre seemed happy enough, his cheeks were warm from the fire burning in front of you, and he was smiling as he asked the question.
“I’m having a great time, are you?” You replied, carding your fingers through his curls.
“Of course,” he said, “I’ve got my girl and my friends. What more could I want?”
“Say that any louder and they’re going to start making whip-cracking sounds,” you laughed lightly.
Andre didn’t respond. Instead, he only nuzzled his nose against your cheek, too blissed out to care about the stares you were receiving. Cupping his face, you quickly leaned down to press a kiss against his lips. When you pulled away, you were met with Andre’s dazed grin, his eyes light and full of mirth.
In Andre’s mind, this moment couldn’t get any more perfect. He’d been wanting for weeks now to introduce you to everyone, and seeing you interact and get along with them in person made all the waiting worth it. He watches you intently as you chime in with a comment and get dragged into giving them your opinions on the subject. If Andre was being honest, he wasn’t paying attention to what they were talking about, only paying attention to you and the way your eyes lit up when you laughed.
He had no doubt he probably looked like a lovesick puppy right now, but he was happy: happy with you, happy with how the team was playing, happy that for the first time in his life everything felt right.
You glanced back at him for a split second just to check in on him when it hit Andre with full force. He was in love with you.
bonus: epilogue
“Long time, no see, squirt,” Tom greeted you as he engulfed you in a hug.
“I hate it when you call me that,” you grumbled, but you knew he ignored it.
“And that’s why I continue to say it,” he chuckled, ruffling your hair before turning his attention to Andre, “Burky, how’s it going?” You watched as they did that signature bro handshake and back pat thing that all guys seemed to do no matter what the situation was.
“I feel like I’m intruding on something personal. Should I leave you guys alone?” You teased with a laugh, and they both turned to glare at you.
“Taylor says hello, by the way,” Tom said with an eye roll.
The Capitals were in Denver for a game, and Andre took it upon himself to invite them all over for dinner. Tom showed up an hour early to see you before the rest of the team got there, though you were starting to wish he would’ve just waited.
“You should’ve brought her,” you remarked. It’d been a year since moving to Denver, and you had yet to see your friend.
“Well maybe you should just come back to D.C. next time Colorado comes to get their ass kicked,” he threw back.
“Hey,” Andre called back from the kitchen, “Try saying that again after tomorrow.”
“Gladly,” Tom said, and you chuckled. Despite your boyfriend playing for Colorado, D.C. was your home and the Capitals would always be your team.
Andre dipped back into the kitchen, working on finishing up the burgers before he had to get them on the grill.
“I love what you’ve done with the place,” Tom said when Andre was out of sight, leaving the two of you alone on the couch.
Your lease had expired a month ago, and Andre hadn’t seen the point in you renewing it when you spent a majority of the time at his place and you agreed. A whole drawer in his dresser was already dedicated to you, and he kept your favorite shampoo and a toothbrush for you, and you’d begun helping him decorate the interior of his apartment with personalized touches to make it seem less like a hospital ward and more homey.
“He has no sense of style, so of course I had to do it all,” you joked. The apartment was coming together nicely, though. You finally brought some color into the monochrome, and you knew he loved your array of blankets even though he complained about how many you kept around the place.
“It looks a lot better than when I was here last time,” Tom said, taking one of your knitted blankets and draping it across his lap, “I’m glad you two are together. I’ve never seen him this happy.”
“Yeah, well, no thanks to you and your hands off rule,” you snorted.
“Take that up with Taylor. I wanted to introduce you back in Washington when she first brought you around, but she shot that down immediately,” Tom said, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Alright you lazy ass,” Andre shouted out, “Help me with the grill.” Andre made sure to smack Tom on the side of the head as he passed the couch before he stopped next to you to place a kiss on the top of your head.
Tom cursed his discontent, throwing off the blanket before following Andre out to the balcony, but he made sure to ruffle your hair in the process. You watched the two of them out by the grill, the smiles clear on their faces though you couldn’t hear them through the closed door.
“So, planning to lock that down any time soon?” Tom asked Andre once they were secluded outside. Andre’s eyes flickered back to your figure on the couch, but you were focused on something on your phone.
“Maybe,” Andre answered vaguely, though a smirk slowly spread across his face. Truth was, he was thinking about it. It had only been a year, and he didn’t plan on proposing any time soon, but he had thought about it. “Not now, but maybe in a year or so. I started looking at rings.”
Tom raised his eyebrows in surprise. Andre obviously talked about you a lot. You were the topic of most of their conversations because he couldn’t stop gushing about you, but this was the first time Andre mentioned anything serious.
“She’s good for you,” Tom noted, and he truly felt happy for his friend. The only downside to this was Taylor was definitely going to give him hell if Andre proposed to you before Tom did to her. “Don’t fuck it up.”
Andre chuckled as he nodded his head in agreement. The conversation moved on to other topics as they awaited the arrival of the rest of the team, not wanting to spend all their time discussing you; Tom got enough of that on their occasional facetime dates.
Periodically, Andre found himself glancing back through the door to check on you, even though you didn’t move from your spot the whole half hour they were outside. It didn’t matter where he was or what he was doing, he was always looking for you. And he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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blademaster122 · 2 years
Stars Are Red Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: All Jobs Are Not Easy
It was surpose to be an easy job a quick one is what Boba had told Shine but how little did he know how wrong he was the two of them took what Shine knew was sand bikes. Hidden away in Shine's bag was Grogu hiding the two of them was unaware that he was there the both of them thought he was left back at the palace.
Boba got a call in from Fennac "Boba I can't find the child anywhere please tell me he's with you?" Shine respond before Boba could "What do you mean he's not there with you!?" Shine got a quick answer there was a coo sounding noise coming from Shine's bag. She open the top to see Grogu with a big toothy smile she shook her head.
"Your dad is going to kill us when we get back." Shine spit out. But Grogu let out another laugh getting comfy in the bag Shine had she turned back to Boba so she wouldn't crash into him "That was surpose to be a bag for weapons." Shine sighed Din is gonna be pissed.
"I'm glad he's with someone at least." Fennac replied. "Hey Fennac if Din ask please don't tell him?" Fennac laughed over the call "Me tell him a lie he's smarter than you think Shine." Shine frowns "That's what I'm afraid of." Boba clears his troat "As long the kid is with me he'll me fine I'm someone Din trusts anyways."
Shine looked back at him "But didn't your rancor almost eat Din?" Boba got wide eyes "He told you that?" Shine nodded "told me enough I just hope you all know the three of you are crazy." Boba laughed and so did Fennac "I'll let Din know that." Fennac tells the two Shine shook her head this was a reminder of getting into this mess Boba was quick to stop Shine almost crashed into him. "Boba what the hell are......!" Boba was quick to tell her to be quite using hand signals he turn off the radio and placed it back in his belt loop.
Didn't take Shine much longer to realize the three of them was by one of the spice dealers hideout Boba removed his helmet from his sand bike and was quick to put it on Shine grabbed the bag with Grogu in it and slide it on her left shoulder.
"Okay how are we getting in there?" Shine whispers to Boba. "I have an idea you seem to know a way to fight Shine here's what needs to happen Shine. Boba giving the order
There was two guards watching the entry way of the hideout getting ready to shoot anyone they didn't know or something against them. A knife had stuck one of the guards to wall the other started shooting uncontrollably but was quick to fall over dead Shine was standing behind his body and she let out a hand single for Boba she put up another knife to the dealer's throat.
"Your picking the wrong battle here princess Boba is not who you think he is." Shine chuckled "I'm not here for Boba." The dealer dropped his head "So your like that other Mandalorian I've been hearing about?" Shine don't anwer to the question.
By this point in time Boba had caught up and took over the dealer Shine walked in the hideout and it's smelled really bad there was a huge spice deal going on here she saw others working with the drug who looked scared. It was clear these workers was slaves.
Shine knew she had to say something "You guys don't have to worry anymore your free we are dealing with the remaining Spice dealers now." Right a way the mood clamed down and the workers ran out leaving the finished and unfished spice.
Boba walked in dragging the dealer with him "I don't think this is all of it." Shine nods she agreed with him. She faced the dealer "where's the rest of it?" The dealer laughed "what's it matter?" Shine tilt her head "you wanna end up like your friend outside I better start talking?" The dealer laughed again "your terrible at threats sweetie."  Boba slammed him in to the wall.
"Really how about me!?" Boba yells out the threat.
The Spice dealer goes to grab something in his pocket Shine saw it and with her sword she removed his head complete.  She placed her sword back closing the blade only showing the handle.  Boba looked at her with annoyed look on his face.
"I knew I should have brought Din instead." Shine lowers out her arms "look Boba the job is done we delt with the spice dealers besides he was an asshole."
Boba shook his head "Damn your just like Din no wounder Grogu is okay being around you." Shine rolled her eyes watching Boba removing his helmet again.
"We should probably destory the Spice remaining now Shine?" Boba gave out the order Shine agreed and they started to gather up the Spice to be destroyed.
A good half hour into Shine and Boba destroyed most of it even Grogu helped drag out what he could to help them out.  Boba placed his hand on Shine's shoulder "I'm glad you found us Shine I see a strong alley in you.  Shine lowers her head looking at Grogu "I hope Din isn't to upset that he's with us at least this little one has someone to look up too."
Grogu let out a smile he was good at letting those out many times every since Shine had met him.  She didn't understand why the empire was after him like she was taking to Din about earlier he's just a baby.  Shine faced away from his looking at the small blaster the Spice Dealer had and tryed to use before Shine stabbed him with her sword.  Shine sat down on the sand hill Boba was dragging out more Spice.
Boba had to ask a major question to Shine "Hey how old are you Shine?" She took a deep breath didn't think someone whould ask her that.
"I'm 24 Boba." That surprised him she was younger then Din much younger than him.  "Where you born as a Mandalorian Shine?" Shine shocked her head no to Boba's seacon question.  "I was really really little when I was taken by them so little I don't remember much.. She faced back on Grogu I think I was little like him so I'm not much different then this little one is.
Grogu slowly walks over to her and gave her a hug as a response.  "I think he likes you as much as he likes Din." Boba tells her he then got another call Shine was too besides with a smile and grabbing onto Grogu's hand to even pay attention to the call.
"Boba! We need you and Shine back right now Something I'd wrong with Din he's acting crazy his helmet is off he keeps cough up blood I don't know exactly what......."
Shine ripped the walkie talkie from Boba and lowered the call and was quick to hear the rest.  At first Boba was mad she did it then he saw Grogu was a really worried look on his face.
"I knew something was off with him look Fennac don't let him go anywhere me and Boba are on our way back okay."
Boba gave her a confused look "We haven't finished destoring the Spice yet."
Shine didn't care she packed up Grogu in her bag like earlier and placed it to her sandbike.  She looks back at Boba "you coming are not?" Boba didn't like it but got back on his bike but he was a bit worried about Fennac though just didn't want Shine to notice it.
Grogu let out a big cry and cry that Boba never heard before something was really wrong.  The two of them drove off leaving the undestroyed Spice in the hot sand.
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ok i know that i keep going on and on and on about this….. but like…. where the FUCK are functional belts for smaller women even stocked now??? in this past week, i spent $25 on 3 belts from a womens clothes shop here in aus (Ally) that were all marked as “one size” which for idek what the fuck that means for womens clothing most of the time tbh. but like….. for the length along the belt that i need to wear my belts right now after losing so much weight after that big surgery i had in 2020….. one of the new “one size” belts that just came the other day literally wraps around my waist literally ALMOST TWICE FULLY. as if you’re not meant to wear is as an actual functional belt to hold up your pants, but instead you’re meant wear it solely as an accessory all loose and shit to look “laid back” or whatever.
like no. i want and NEED belts that ACTUALLY FIT my like 60cm-75cm waist thank you very much. not all this “one size fits all” bullshit or only stocking small/medium belts bullshit either. all as if the bs that womens fashion brands love touting that they’re “all inclusive” because they’re finally developing “curve”/“curvy” lines for bigger women (which don’t get me wrong, i love that!) or more “average sized” women- meaning size 10 and up or something…. but instead they’ve just totally dumped out the smaller women from sizes 6-8 as if all clothes fit them perfectly all the time.
like bro. i’m buying belts for my fucking work pants!!!!!! i can’t go to work with a belt that wraps around my fucking waist fucking twice at the tightness level that i need to wear it at to hitch my pants!!! what the fuck is this??? i can’t just walk into target or kmart or shops like ally and other womens fashion brands that are well known for catering to skinny women (since literally over the last two years Ally, for example, finally recognised that they needed a seperate shop and brand for plus size- which i’ll admit is pretty embarrassing but still) but now smaller women apparently aren’t supposed to want or need functional clothing accessories???? like why is womens clothes shopping just a fucking nightmare all the time???!!! bc there’s literally only a few shops (portmans, sportsgirl and very occasionally cotton on) that stock extra small (x-small)/small (s) belts. why the fuck do i have to go to 2 main select shops and then hope to god that the other place will have at least ONE functional belt in my size????
and what i mean by functional belt is that its one that’s easy to get through the belt loops on your pants- nothing that’s fucking stupidly oversized to be decorative (ie the classic mid2000s chunky oversized belts) or stupid fucking clasps or buckles that take like 5 minutes put through belt loops on pants just bc they’re a themed buckle like “biker” or “western” or “double O ring”. just something fucking simple and easy to put through my pants when i’m rushing to get ready for work in the morning please!!! something unassuming and small and practical!!!! but apparently thin women don’t want that. oh no. we apparently want the western style belts or the double o ring belts. well i don’t!!! i want something that’s practical and is less of an accessory but it has the form and function of a typical/normal belt for being able to just hitch my pants up and stop them falling down!!! not some stupid as fuck huge accessory talk piece or awkward fucking clasp, that i don’t have patience and time to deal with at 6:30am in the morning getting dressed for work or let alone at work in the bathroom or whatever.
just. let women of all sizes have belts that actually function PROPERLY and aren’t all about being a stupid talking piece for an outfit or some weird stupid thing of “always meant to be worn loose and that’s why it’s one size fits all!” or some dumb ass womens clothing bullshit. and also try and standardise womens clothing sizes!!! it’s so fucking confusing lmao.
and if you want to know how far down in length that i have to wear the “one size” or even just a small/medium belt down to make it tight enough for my waist…. it’s literally a whole 17 inches or about an entire 30cm+ ruler’s worth of belt length!!!! which is why they wrap roughly almost twice around my waist!!! fuck off and make belts that are made for small waists today!!!
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Prompt: Person B has to help Person A undress after they've been injured.
"Okay, here we go. Just sit right here and I'll go get some ice." Varian said as he opened the door and walked Honey Lemon over to her bed.
She was dressed in her armor, save for her helmet which she had already removed, and she cradled her left arm in her right hand. She took a seat at the edge of her bed as she watched Varian run over to the freezer to grab the ice.
She had fallen and sprained her wrist while out on patrol. It was such a stupid mistake. All she did was slip on some of her own insta-ice.
Fortunately Varian had been not far behind her. She had finally coaxed him into coming on patrol with her; though he still insisted that he wasn't a superhero and not a part of the team. Honey Lemon would disagree with that but that was a discussion for another time.
While Varian placed the ice cubes inside a kitchen towel, Honey Lemon tried to awkwardly roll up her sleeve only to stop and yelp in pain when she did. Varian immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to her side.
He took one look at her and assessed what was wrong. "You're going to have to take off the whole shirt. Those sleeves are too tight to roll up." He said matter factly.
Honey Lemon bit her bottom lip. Perhaps it was silly of her, given the circumstances, but she suddenly felt self conscious about stripping in front of her friend. But he was right, there was no other way to get to her injury.
Finally she sighed and using her good hand unbuckled her belt and unhooked her breastplate. But she needed help getting the armour fully off. Then she also need help in pulling her dress up and over head.
Once mostly off, Varian very gently pulled her injured arm out of the sleeve. He studied her wrist with the same intense focus that he gave to his scientific pursuits. There was already a bruise forming right under her palm.
He once again let go of her hand and ran to get the ice. When he came back he took a seat next to her on the bed and placed the homemade ice pack where the bruise had started to form; holding it with his still gloved hand.
He placed his other arm around her shoulder and protectively cradled her close to him. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?" He asked for what was tenth time in the past hour.
She shook her head and refused to meet his gaze. Varian however remained oblivious to her embarrassment, being too focused on her safety at the moment.
"Do you want me to call Baymax over?"
"No." She whispered.
"Okay, then do you need anything? You want me to grab you some pain medication or maybe an ace bandage?"
"No. I'm good."
This dismissive response only seemed to concern Varian more. He paused to look at her in confusion. Honey Lemon blushed an even deeper red as she realized that Varian was picking up on her weirded out signals.
She knew she was being silly. She knew Varian was only trying to help. She knew making a big deal of it would only make things even more awkward and reward her with even more embarrassment, but she just couldn't help it.
There was just something about the way Varian looked at her at times that made her feel, well, exposed. As if he was looking through her. It wasn't all the time. Usually they would just laugh and hang out together as if they were the best of friends, but there were moments. Moments when he would grow serious and contemplative. Where suddenly he was no longer silly little Varian, but a distant stranger to her.
In those moments he would seemingly transform from a boy into a man right before her eyes. And the man he would become was someone who was always tense and poised at the ready... for... for something, though Honey Lemon could never figure out for what.
Nor could she figure why this would upset her so much and throw her for such a loop. But whenever he gave her that look, her stomach would drop and her heart would beat ever so slightly faster. And that was just with her clothes on.
Here she was half naked and being held in his arms, all the while being stared at by him with that same smoldering gaze. What the heck was she suppose to do?!
"Ummmm... It's just... It's just I'm... I'm kind of in my underwear right now." She finally stuttered out. Her face went completely crimson at that admission and she wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and disappear.
Varian blinked and then suddenly seemed to noticed, that yes, she was only wearing a bra, and he was holding her.
"Oh... Oh, shoot! I'm sorry. I didn't think. Ummm... Let me go get you something to wear...ummm." He let go of her and all at once he was just Varian again; dorky devoted Varian. Her friend, her best friend, and nothing more.
"I have a robe hanging up in the bathroom." Honey Lemon helpfully suggested as she took the ice pack from him.
"Yeah, I'll go get that for you." He awkwardly excused himself and Honey Lemon snorted back her laughter. Why had she been embarrassed again?
"But you know," Varian said with a smirk as he came back with the bathrobe, "I've seen you wear less at the beach."
Honey Lemon rolled her eyes as she grabbed the robe from him. "Yeah, you're right. I was just being... I mean... I don't know."
"Hey it's okay. If something makes you uncomfortable then I'd rather you just tell me."
"Yeah of course. Why would I ever want you to feel bad?"
"I...." Honey Lemon was at a lost. No one had ever said such a thing to her before, yet it made sense. He was her friend and friends cared about one another. "I just ... I was afraid of making you feel uncomfortable. I mean you weren't doing anything wrong. You were just trying to help."
"Yeah, but it kind of defeats the purpose if what I'm trying to do winds up hurting instead. So just tell me. You won't hurt my feelings, I promise."
"Promise. Now here, let me help you get that on. I'll hold it while you slip your arms through."
Her took the robe from her and held it up and open so that she could better put it on. Once fully clothed again, she sat back down on the bed and reapplied the ice pack.
Varian smiled at her and knelt till he was eye level to her. "Better?" He asked. She nodded yes and finally meet his gaze.
He was still staring at her intently but this time he wasn't some dark and brooding stranger. There was a softness to his eyes she hadn't notice before, a gentle yet serious demeanor that wasn't looking through her, but at her. Really seeing her in way most people never did. It made her heart beat faster and her stomach drop, and this time she didn't mind the feeling at all.
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ohnojustimagine · 4 years
The Shield/Reader, with a focus on Roman/Reader; 3500 words, smut smut smut
This is A/B/O, but kind of... just the bits of A/B/O I enjoy. So like, heats and lots of come but no knotting.
(And theoretically there is supposed to be a part 2 to this, but yeah, given my record on that, who knows.)
It's always embarrassed you, how irregular your heat cycle is. Other omegas seem to be able to predict the timing of their heats down to the day, marked safely on the calendar so they can plan ahead, but your own seem to ebb and flow, as if your cycle has a mind of its own.
And the worst of it is that your heats come on hard and fast, so fast that you've often ended up in awkward, sometimes even dangerous situations, unprotected by an alpha when in full heat, unable to isolate yourself.
Most of the alphas you've been with have hated it, dumping you when they can no longer handle the rollercoaster that is your cycle; always putting the blame squarely on you, too prideful to admit they're not up to the task of dealing with it.
But Roman, Seth and Dean are different. They seem to take it all in stride, always managing to somehow get you through your heat even if the timing isn't ideal, finding ways to work around any awkwardness. And the care and understanding they show has meant you've bonded with all three of them on a level that's deeper than you would have ever imagined you're capable of.
Tonight you're in the Shield's private locker room as they gear up ready for a six man tag match, and you haven't felt quite right all day, but you've been so busy that you haven't paid much attention, vaguely assuming it's simply exhaustion.
But then suddenly you start to feel dizzy, faint enough that you have to sit down, your skin tingling hot, a light buzzing sound in your ears, as if the air of the room is vibrating around you.
"Oh, god," you say, closing your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, trying not to start crying, because the timing couldn't be worse, and you hate this about yourself, that you can't control it in any way.
"What's wrong, baby?" Roman asks you, frowning. He takes a step towards you, and you hear him breathe in, the change in your scent already obvious. "Ohhh," he says. "Another heat."
"Again?" Seth says, incredulous, and though he doesn't exactly sound displeased Roman still shoots him a sharp look, shushing him.
"It's okay," he tells you, sitting down next to you, wrapping one big arm around you, kissing the top of your head.
"But it's nearly time for your match," you say, utterly miserable.
"I know," Roman replies, rubbing your arm. "But it'll be okay, I promise."
"We got time to fuck her before we go out?" Dean asks, sounding eager.  
"No." Roman shakes his head. "We'll need all our energy for the match." He strokes your hair, looking down at your affectionately. "You know you always drain us, baby, with how bad you need it."
"I'm so sorry, I..." You breathe in, because you're already struggling to concentrate, the ache inside you growing into an acutely insistent throb of need, wetness gathering between your legs. "I don't think I can be by myself. Not here." WWE is a hotbed of the most alpha of alphas, and you know that once anyone catches your scent, they'll be after you, unable to resist the lure of your heat.
"We'll lock the door," says Roman.
"You know we always make sure we have a secure room, just in case," Seth chimes in.
"You promise?" you ask anxiously.
"We promise, baby," Roman tells you.
"Wouldn't hurt to have a little extra insurance policy, though?" Dean suggests, and Roman nods, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as he rises to his feet. He rummages through his bag, pulling out the chastity belt they'll often use on you when you're in heat. There's a small dildo attachment on the crotch of it, and you stand up, breathing in as you look at it.
Your clothes feel too hot and constricting on your body, like they're choking you, and you pull them off impatiently, not caring how you look, your t-shirt nearly getting stuck over your head, ignoring the sound of the zipper on your skirt ripping open, tossing it aside and stepping out of your panties.
You move your feet wider, biting down on the moan rising up in your throat as Roman walks around you, bending lower to guide the dildo inside you, getting it as deep as possible. And though it feels good, it's nowhere near big enough, you think, fretting a little as he fastens the belt into place, adjusting the straps, making sure you're comfortable. You exhale as the padlock on the front clicks into place, and Roman tugs on it, just to be sure.
The key is on a string that he loops around his neck, tucking it under his vest, out of sight.
"All safely locked away," he tells you, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, and you whine as he pulls away, trying to hold onto him, but he peels you off him with a kindly smile.
"You good to go?" he asks Seth and Dean, who both nod.
"We're gonna be thinking about you," Seth tells you. "The whole time. Gonna be real hot to fuck you by the time we get back."
Dean inhales a deep breath, staring at you, lust in his eyes. "You sure we don't have time?" he asks, again. "Just a quickie to tide us over?"
"No," Roman replies firmly. "Got to do it right for her, you know that."
Dean shrugs, like he doesn't agree, but he doesn't say anything further, and Roman looks at you. "We'll be back as soon as we can," he assures you. "You just sit tight."
You nod, unable to even speak by now, watching them leave, closing the door behind them.
You note that Roman has locked it from both sides, and you know it's not that they don't trust you, it's just to make sure, but it's still humiliating, that you have to be contained like this, even if it is for your own good.
You throw yourself down on the couch, hand over your eyes, trying to breathe through it, need building inside you until you feel like you might explode, and you don't know how you're going to hold on.
You find a cloth, running it under the cold tap at the sink in the corner of the room and then folding it in half, pressing it to your forehead, dabbing it on your throat, your skin so hot it's almost burning, the coolness barely registering. You sigh, tossing the cloth aside, and pace up and down the room for a while, back and forth, counting your steps, but that only makes it worse, the dildo shifting inside you with every step. Your pussy is dripping wet, slick seeping out the sides of the belt, and you feel yourself clench involuntarily around the dildo, spasming helplessly. It's too small, you think, barely enough to fill you, and it's no good, anyway, because what you're craving inside you is come, alpha come, the only thing that can bring you even the slightest relief when you're in heat.
Your breasts are already starting to swell, firm when you touch them, your nipples taut and hard, and you lick your fingers, teasing the tight peaks, pinching them. You moan, too loud, you know, but you don't care, straddling the arm of the couch, rubbing yourself on it almost mindlessly, but you can't feel anything, the metal of the belt thick enough not to allow you any sensation. You groan in frustration, anger flaring inside you, childish resentment at the fact that your alphas aren't here to take care of you, and the logical part of your brain might know that's unreasonable, but your heat is taking over, and you can't think.
But then, out of nowhere, there's a sharp knock on the door and you jump up, guilty. Your heart races as you stand there, silent, watching as the door handle rattles, but the lock holds.
"Pretty baby," someone croons from outside in a sing-song voice. "I can smell you in there, sweet little omega all alone." You hear them suck in a deep breath, then exhale. "That's a nice heat you got going there, why don't you open the door for me, little one, and I'll give you what you need."
You stay frozen in place, barely daring to breathe, and the handle again rattles, this time with more force. You flinch as the surface of the door resounds with a violent kick, pressing your hand tight over your mouth so you don't gasp aloud, trembling with fear.
There's silence for a minute, and you dare to creep closer to the door, tiptoeing across the carpet, holding your breath. And you can hear something, rhythmic, small wet noises, and then there's a grunt, the sound of something spattering onto the door.
It drips down onto the floor, and you can smell it, and though it's not the same, not from your alphas, you're desperate enough that you let out a broken whine.
A laugh echoes from outside, and then the voice says, "Enjoy that, omega, and  if you ever want a real alpha you can come find me anytime."
Footsteps echo away, and you back up into the furthest corner of the room, sinking down onto the floor, bending your knees up to your chest, tears running hot down your cheeks. You sob, quietly, and you don't know how much time passes, lost in your own private misery, but finally the door opens, and you look up, vision still blurred by tears.
Dean, Seth and Roman are standing there, staring at the door. "Gross," Dean comments.
"Seems like someone had themselves some fun," Seth says, shaking his head.
"Doesn't matter," Roman states. "As long as they stayed out." He walks towards you, asking, "You okay?" And you shake your head, hiccuping out one last sob. "Oh, baby," Roman says, giving you a concerned smile. "You're really not okay, are you?" He takes your hand, pulling you up to your feet.
"C'mon, man," Dean says, grabbing his crotch, rubbing at it. "Get that fucking belt off of her and I'll make her feel better than okay."
"Patience," Roman tells him, pulling the key out from under his vest.
"Yeah, fuck patience," Dean snaps back. "And just so you know, I'm going first."
"Why does he get to go first?" Seth complains.
"It doesn't matter who goes first," Roman says, calmly. "As long as we give her what she needs."
He carefully unlocks the belt, unfastening the straps, lifting it away from your body. You mewl at the feet of the dildo slipping out of your pussy, the thick scent of your heat suddenly filling the room, potent and undeniable. And all three of your alphas practically growl in desire, their spines straightening, standing tall and dominant, predatory instincts awakened, eyes flashing dark, but it's Dean that moves first, as promised, grabbing you. He drags you over to the table at the side of the room, shoving you down onto it face first, his hand tight on the back of your neck, your hips jammed up against the edge, digging into you. You feel him fumble with his pants, barely able to wait, wailing in relief as his cock sinks into you, fucking you, pumping hard.
"Oh, fuck," he mutters. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
You moan, trying to push your hips back into him, pussy tightening rhythmically around him, keeping time with his thrusts, the need of your heat as if trying to pull his orgasm out of him, hungry for his come.
And it doesn't take long for him to finish, letting out a guttural, bitten-off moan as he comes, shooting thick and hot inside you, spurt after spurt, and it feels so good, but it's not enough, barely beginning to slake the thirst of your heat.
He pulls out of you, and Seth's right there, roughly flipping you over onto your back. He lifts up your legs, your ankles resting on his shoulders as he plows his cock into you, deep and hard and fast, holding on to your legs, his teeth gritted, face twisted up in desire.
His hips piston, thrusting with enough violence that you have to hold on to the edges of the table, your head rolling back, chest arching up towards him, your body begging for what you need.
And you see him close his eyes, tensing as his orgasm hits him, his cock releasing inside you, alpha come filling you yet again, but it only seems to make you want more.
His cock slips out of you, and you slide down onto the floor, legs so weak you doubt they could hold you, but Roman's sitting on the couch, waiting, and he beckons to you. "Come here, my sweet girl," he says, and you crawl over to him, letting him help you up into his lap, facing him, sitting astride his thighs. His hands are on your waist, pulling you up onto your knees, closer to him so your breasts are right in his face, and he nuzzles at them, humming in delight.
They're even more swollen now, taut and tender as he kisses your skin, licking, sucking on the hard peaks of your nipples, so sensitive it's almost unbearable.
It forever astonishes you that he can take his time with you like this when you're in heat, because the man has self-control like no alpha you've ever known, but Roman's special, always worth the wait even if right now you're too impatient to think about anything but his cock.
He gets one hand between your legs, pushing his palm firm up against the fullness of your clit, and you rut yourself on it, your hips working, feeling Seth and Dean's come leaking slowly out of you, gasping as Roman's teeth sink into the flesh of your breast, biting down hard enough to mark you.
You whine as he removes his hand, your hips still moving helplessly even though all that's there now is now empty air, and he kisses your mouth, tongue teasing frustratingly light over your lips.
"Yeah, you want Daddy's cock, don't you?" he murmurs. "Need more of that alpha come."
You nod at him, wide-eyed and desperate, and he smiles at you, hauling you up off his lap.
He sets you down on the floor, on your knees, turning you around so you're facing the couch, arms braced on the edge of the seat in front of you, and you arch your spine, your knees apart, pussy wet and hungry for him.
You pant, barely able to control your breathing you're so dizzy with anticipation, but then Roman slides into you, cock thick and slow, filling you up until you feel like you can't take anymore, and when he's as deep as he'll go, bottomed out inside you, he stops, not moving.
You're whining with every exhale, shaking all over, but Roman can't be rushed.
"Yeah," he says, softly. "So tight, aren't you?" He shifts himself slightly, and you moan at the feel of it. "Never had an omega like you, baby girl, full in heat but so hot and tight on my cock." He lets out a breathless, careless laugh, and you feel tears burning hot in your eyes, your whole being consumed with nothing but want. "Fuck you all night and that sweet pussy will still try and milk me for more."
You squirm, trying to move yourself on him, but he's ruthlessly unyielding, a solid wall behind you.
"You need to let go," he orders, gently yet firmly, "and let me take care of you." He rests one hand in the curve of your back, just above your ass, and you focus on your breath, inhaling and then exhaling, knowing that you have to stop fighting it, that you need to surrender, give yourself and your heat over to him, submit to the will of a true alpha.
You feel your body start to relax, trusting him, and it's only then that he starts to fuck you, slowly at first, but building in intensity and speed until he's pounding into you, holding onto your hips, your pussy so wet with slick that the noise of it seems to fill the room like something obscene.
Roman leans forward, hands either side of yours on the edge of the couch, his body over yours, broad chest pressed to your back. You feel as if you're being consumed by him, fucked until you're split wide open, nothing but a vessel for this need and when he finally comes it's like a rush, ecstasy and relief all at once, because this is what you've been craving, and you don't want it to ever stop, his cock pumping into you until you're so high you're not sure you'll ever come down from it.
But then at last he's done, pulling out of you, and you slump down, sitting on your heels on the floor, swaying slightly, the room feeling as if it's moving slowly around you. And Dean's already hard again, right there with his cock in your face. He gets one hand on your jaw, forcing your mouth open, pushing himself in past your lips, thrusting. And you're way too far gone to do anything but let him take what he needs, your heat meaning your throat is just as open as your pussy, and he goes deep, over and over until he's coming so hard that you struggle to keep up. You swallow as much as you can, lapping up the taste, the rest dripping warm down your chin.
He backs off, and you lean against the couch, exhausted, barely able to stay upright. And you can't even imagine the sight you must make, breathing hard, sweating, come and spit all over your face but Roman, Seth and Dean only gaze at you like you're the most beautiful thing they've ever seen.
"You want her again?" Roman asks Seth, who shakes his head.
"Nah, I'll wait," he says. "We should get on the road."
"Yeah, it's getting late," Dean agrees, and they begin to pack up their bags.
You sit quietly, watching, only standing up when Roman brings one of his hoodies over to you, helping you put it on. He knows it's uncomfortable for you to wear too many clothes when you're in heat, but you need to be covered, and the hoodie is soft, comfortingly imbued with his scent, big enough that it reaches mid-thigh on your smaller frame.
But Seth looks at you, frowning. "Should we clean her up a little first?" he asks. "Can we get her out of here like this?"
"She's fine," Roman replies, no trace of doubt in his voice.
"Everyone's gonna to be able to smell her," says Dean, sounding unsure. "I mean, every alpha in the place will be after her."
Seth smirks, laughing. "Might be fun to stir up some trouble with the opposition, boys."
"They know their place," Roman says. "She's ours." But then he frowns to himself. "Still," he adds, "better put this back on her." He picks up the chastity belt, taking off the dildo attachment, and then he seems to think for a moment before going through one of his bags, producing a small, remote-controlled vibe.
And you whimper in discomforted anticipation, because you know how that's going to feel inside you, your pussy already so overstimulated that it will be way too much for you to deal with.
"Just for on the ride, baby girl," Roman tells you. "Got to keep you nice and hot for us."
You shake your head no, pouting in distress.
"Hey," Roman says, firmly. "You need to trust us." He cradles your face in one hand, his thumb stroking tender across your cheek. "Don't we always take care of you?"
And you nod, biting your lip, knowing you need to accept his authority.  
"Hold her," he directs Seth, who stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you. You squirm a little, whining in protest, but Roman pays no attention, pushing the vibe into your pussy. It slips in easily with how wet you are, nestling up against your walls, and you bite down on your bottom lip, breathing out, because even the presence of it inside you is reigniting the intensity of your heat, urges beginning to return in full force.
"Don't worry," Roman says with a smile, clearly observing your reaction, "we won't turn it on yet."
You shift restlessly as he and Seth help you into the chastity belt, fastening it, locking it tightly, securing you for no one's use but theirs, under their protection.
You breathe out as Roman drops a brief kiss on your lips before draping one arm protectively over your shoulders.
"Ready, boys?" he asks.
"Ready," Seth agrees.
"Always," Dean says.
"Then let's go," says Roman, and he opens the door.
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader
Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff!Reader
Word count: 1284
Requested by anon: Can I request a Wanda X reader sneaking around in school to make out, and then getting in trouble for it,,,,,maybe Nat gets a little too harsh, and a lil angst,,,,,but it's up to you,,,,,have a nice day :))
A/N: hey y’all, I know I’ve been gone a few weeks and I appreciate you all being supportive of that. I’m gonna try to be around more from now on. I love you all and I hope you enjoy this one!
“Hey Wan,” you call to your girlfriend, pulling her to the side of the hallway as the bell rings
“Y/n, we’re gonna be late to class,” Wanda tries to be a good influence but there’s no real sense of urgency in her voice as she wraps her arms around your shoulders. She leans into you and you grin, pulling her closer by her belt loops.
“We’ve got a study period in English today anyway, and I know a much better way to entertain ourselves,” you tell Wanda, leaning in.
“Ahem!” A voice pulls the two of you apart and you see the principal standing behind you.
“Hey Mr. Chang,” you force a smile onto your face, but it doesn’t lessen the glare he’s sending you.
“Miss Romanoff. Miss Maximoff. This is the fourth time this month I’ve caught the two of you skipping this class. You know what this means, don’t you?” He asks and you wince.
“That you’ll warn us not to do it again and we’ll go to class?” You try and he shakes his head.
“It means I will be calling home. Y/n, I’ll be speaking to your mom and Wanda, I have Steve Rogers as your guardian so he will be hearing from me as well. Now, get to class. The next time I catch either of you skipping it will be 2 weeks detention, now go.” The two of you immediately turn and start speed walking to class.
“We’re dead,” Wanda sighs as you reach the classroom
“So dead.”
“I need you to listen to me y/n. I know you hate school right now. You’re 17 and that’s what you’re supposed to do, but you need to be there. Not just in the building but physically present in class. I understand that you want to spend time with your girlfriend, but her bedroom is two doors down from yours. You see each other enough without ditching your classes,” your mom yells in exasperation. You’re sitting on the couch in the common room, trying to sink into the cushions and wishing this conversation could’ve happened in private.
“Their bedrooms are two doors apart?” Clint says and your mom rolls her eyes.
“They were 15 when Wanda moved in and neither of them had come out. It seemed like being near another teenage girl would be a good way to make Wanda feel more comfortable here.”
“Well that worked out too well,” you glare at Clint and he raises his hands in surrender.
“Anyway! I know you sneak into each other’s rooms to see each other when you’re grounded or supposed to be doing homework, and I let that slide because for the most part you’re a good kid. But if you don’t start going to class all of that is going to stop real quick. We’ve stayed in this tower for so long because I know how much you like having a big family, but if you don’t shape up you’re gonna see how fast you and I can be in an apartment across town. Is that clear?” Your jaw drops.
“What? You can’t do that! These aren’t just your friends here, this is my family! I’ve lived here since I was 6! You can’t just pull me away from them!” You yell, jumping up from the couch, “that isn’t fair!”
“Calm down, y/n. I’m not removing them from your life indefinitely, but you need to have consequences. You’ve figured out how to sneak past every rule I’ve put in place and that is no longer okay. It’s time to shape up or ship out,” your mom has her arms crossed and you can feel tears welling up in your eyes at the thought of leaving the tower. You refuse to cry in front of her, even if you can’t hold it in much longer. You won’t let her win like that so you turn on your heels and storm off to your room.
“Fine!” You yell, slamming the door behind you.
Hours later you're laying on your bed with a pillow held to your chest. Dinner has come and gone, but you’re not in the mood to see anyone. They haven’t dared to knock on your door, they know to leave you alone when you’re like this. You’re still sniffling softly, feeling sorry for yourself when you feel a warm energy around you. You’ve known how Wanda’s powers work long enough to know it’s her. Her own special way of cheering you up while also giving you your space, and you smile. She always knows what to do.
“I love you, Wanda,” you say to the empty room, knowing she’s sitting just outside, leaning up against the door. The door creaks open and you see her slowly entering the room. The nervous look in her eyes makes you laugh a bit as you wave her over, “I promise I won’t snap. It’s my mom I’m upset with, not you.”
“I’m sorry, love. I wish there was something more I could do. Maybe if I ask Tony to give me a room on a different floor-“
“No, Wan. You don’t need to do that,” you cut her off as she sits on your bed, pulling you towards her. “This isn’t your fault, I’ll sort it out myself”
Before Wanda can respond you see another figure in your doorway. Your face immediately twists into a scowl and Wanda moves to leave.
“You don’t have to go, I’d like to talk to both of you,” your face hardens a bit more at your mom’s words.
“Why? Are you gonna threaten her as well? Make her move out against her will?” You snap and your mom sighs.
“That’s not what I want, sweetheart. I don’t want to separate you two, but I don’t see what else to do at this point. You both deliberately disobey every rule I’ve given you, and I’m running out of options. When the school called me today they threatened suspension, and I know it doesn’t seem like it to you but that’s a big deal. I want you to have the chance to go to college or get a good job. I want you both to be able to do whatever you want, because I love both of you very much. And you won’t be able to do that if you keep screwing up and thinking it doesn’t matter,” your mom explains as gently as she can. “Moving out is a last resort, and I don’t want to do it either. You said it yourself, this is our family, but I have to put you first. I’m just trying to do what’s best for you.”
“It’s not what’s best though. I get that you’re mad, and you have the right to be, but it’s not gonna help,” your voice is shaking and you’re clutching Wanda’s hand a bit tighter than is probably comfortable for her, but she lets you.
“Alright, then we find another solution. I just need you to talk to me, okay? We’re not going to get anywhere if you shut me out,” your mom’s voice is gentle and you nod, wiping the tears that have been clouding your vision.
“I promise I’ll talk to you, just please don’t make me move out,” your voice is barely audible, but she hears you loud and clear.
“I can work with that,” she tells you and you let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry we’ve been screwing up. I promise we’ll try to be better,” Wanda says softly, you can hear the guilt clearly in her voice. Your mom smiles at the two of you and nods.
“That’s all I ask.”
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @freerebel-deactivated20200611 @prizmix-and-friends @m19friend @worlds-in-words @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                                        (  ~ Kirishima Eijirou x Female                                                                          Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Smut and Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! That’s it. It’s just a lot of love making today with some pretty aftercare.
SUMMARY: It’d been awhile since you and Eijiro had gotten together and he’d started his hero work while you decided to stay in school and focus more on studies. He got to train under his idol and, of course, you were proud of him. He worked damn hard to get where he’s at now. He continued training harder and harder everyday, but that also meant that he was even more drained than usual. You'd always talk on the phone after school and he'd entertain you with his stories of what he did on the job and you'd help him be caught up schoolwise. It was a give-give situation. It'd been at least two months at this point and you were a little agitated; both sexually and not. You missed feeling his strong arms around you, his soft lips sending you to bed every night and waking you up every morning. You missed seeing how his big, muscular, veiny hand enveloped yours, his gentle smile making your days brighter and eventually, at this point you'd had enough of not being together.
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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      Two months had passed up to this point and you still hadn't heard from your boyfriend. You were scrolling through your Instagram just staring at all of the pictures that you shared, your eyes tearing up a little as your mind wandered absolutely craving his touch. Was he in the hospital? Was he hurt? What was going on with him?
     Your nightmares were a bit more prominent now having spent a significant bit of time away from your lover, though they subsided, to some degree, when you got with Eijiro. Suddenly all of this time apart was getting to you and you ran out of medicine to help with it, your anxiety and depression levels absolutely through the roof.    It got so bad that even your friends had noticed; you weren't as chipper in class, you never ate as much, your gaze was either painted out the window or at the ground at any given time, and you absolutely refused to go anywhere. Mina and Ochako wanted to hang out after class to study and hang out before the big exam and instead you locked yourself in your room and studied lazily yourself. Needless to say, you got a D- and that was the worst you'd EVER done in a class. Not that you didn't know the material, just that you didn't have the energy or focus to sit through the test. Aizawa had noticed and pulled you aside and you explained lazily your mental health situation and he said that once your mental health gets better that he'll let you retake the quiz. Then he gave you a Nature Valley bar because you didn't look like you'd been eating.
You paced your room and you sighed softly thinking of what it'd take to get his attention. Knowing him, this week he was probably on office duty instead of patrolling the streets. You decided, with your dirty mind, to put on some lingerie to get his attention and hopefully it'd warrant a text back.
You slip on some black lacy lingerie, complete with a corset-style top that was laced up in the back and a built in bra, though it was just a bit too small for you even though everything else fit just fine, you just had some big boobs. You decided to deal with it.
It also had a black thong instead of panties and a small harness-looking belt that attached to lace garter straps secured around your thighs.
You walk in front of a mirror you had in your room and you sighed softly, aware that he loved your natural face, almost void of blemishes. You had a few textured marks on your forehead but otherwise you were good. Your lips lightly glazed over with some chapstick you'd put on beforehand, your cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.
You bring your slender fingers up to your lips and you run your middle finger over your bottom lip, whimpering softly. You picked your phone up and took a couple of pictures, one with that vibrant smile he loved so much, your bright white teeth catching the light, your eyes squinting curtly as your bangs framed your face.
You took a more seductive picture, your fingers looped just barely under the thong strap, pulling up and showing off the outline of your, now obviously swollen pussy. You whimper at the friction and you bit your lip, snapping a few not as innocent photos.
You then took a naughty little video clip of your hand ducking in between your legs, your fingers pressing at your clit as you moan out softly, completely unaware of just how wet and aroused you truly were until you shifted your weight some and heard yourself stirring up a little.
You send a nice little text to him first.    
   "Hey baby. Are you busy?"
Almost instantly, you got a response back.
  "Yeah, I'm busy... I'm sorry, Pebble, I'll try and text more often. I've just been so backed up at this internship. I'm on office duty today so I might have some time to call later if you want."
Just as you expected; office time. You smirked a bit, instantly sending the cute picture and then the more provocative ones. You laid down on the bed awaiting his response.
"You know that smile of yours gets me every single time," he responded.
Your hand travelled down your body, wishing it was Kirishima's, his veins exposed on his arms as his fingers conformed to your curves, your muscles, every crevice and dip in your body. You moaned out softly, "Eijiro," in a soft, breathy tone. Your fingers were teasing your clit over the thin fabric of the thong and you arched your back a little. You'd accidentally sent him the video of you touching yourself in the bathroom and you dropped your phone, instantly, one of your fingers delving inside of you.
You arched your back more, gripping the sheets and sliding your finger into your tight pussy, slowly sliding another finger in. Your core ached for release you'd been holding off on, but tonight you just couldn't fight it anymore.
Your phone buzzed next to you, the name on your phone the only one you wanted to see. You tried to control your breathing and you bit your lip.  
   "H-Hullo," you hummed out, risking it and continuing to curl your fingers inside of yourself. You were a bit caught as you heard rhythmic thumping and your breathless boyfriend on the other side.
"B-Baby," he said in a drawn out-intoxicating sounded voice, moaning and whimpering into the phone quietly, his breathing deep and loud.
"Aww. Is someone a bit needy," you try to keep yourself collected as you heard him helplessly jerking himself off underneath his office desk.
"I-I've missed you so much... T-This has taken a toll o-on m-me too," he whimpered helplessly into the phone, his hips bucking up up into his hand, pumping his hand up and down his veiny shaft. His perfect, plush pink tip was oozing precum and he bit his lip, his jagged breathing coming through the phone turning you on even more.
"Mmm fuck, Eijiro," you whimpered out quietly as you hear his rhythmic thrusts and thumps speeding up and you can tell by how he's choking back his orgasm that he's close. You thrust your fingers inside of you, shakily breathing and moaning as your thighs trembled.
"I can tell you're close, Princess," he moaned out quietly. "I'm close too... C-Cmon. I know you can do it. I know you can make me cum," he whimpered out quietly.
His voice was so sexy to you. especially how he tried to dominate you though you guys weren't touching each other and when he was feeling a little submissive, his hoarse voice strained as he tried to stay discreet. You heard his moans, his inebriates moans filling your ear as sweet music. He moaned your name and his strained, tipsy tone shooting shivers right up your spine as he let out a quiet, intense moan.
You bit your lip and turned your camera on quickly flipping it to your slick dripping out of your pussy. You were greeted by Eijiro's sweet whimpers and whines as he watched you slide your fingers in and out in a quick, sticky rhythm.
"P-Please, please, please, please," he moaned as he showed his cock that you were so hungry for, the blush pink tip coated in precum and the shaft of his cock covered in those beautiful puckered veins that you loved so much.   "Make me cum," he whimpered out. "Make me fucking c-cum princess, please! I n-need it! I need you so goddamn bad!"
You couldn't hold it even if you wanted to, arching your back, dropping your phone, gripping your sheets and soaking your hand in your sweet, sticky cum.     "Eijiro!" You yelled out as you shuddered, overstimulating yourself, gasping for air and convulsing under your own touch. You were left breathless as you pushed yourself for him just wishing that he were there so you could feel him.     "D-Daddy," you kept muttering in between gasps and moans, your whimpers which were said dominant before melting into a pathetic puddle of small yips, bucking hips, and "please"-es.
He absolutely reveled in your orgasm, groaning and whimpering quietly, clearly getting close himself. He continued to whimper and whine, slapping a hand over his mouth so that he wouldn't alert his temporary employer. His face was painted all shades of red, a bit of sweat sheening his body, illuminating his exposed skin in all of the right ways. He continued his rhythmic pumping, eventually getting faster and faster, jerking around in his seat. It was then you realized how needy he actually was, not just a ruse to get you to get him to smooth one out while he was on the job and you, alone.   
    He hadn't even pulled his pants down to his knees and they just rested on his thighs. His face was contorted in need, his breathing hitching and shaky which, to be frank, never happened unless a situation arose in which you'd both been parted from each other. He never trembled unless you overstimulated him but he was a convulsing mess and he haven't even came yet.
"C-Cum," you managed to choke out, hoping to help him chase his release.  "P-Please cum for me daddy!~ I de-deserve it!~" Your pleasure replaced by sensitivity, your insides dripping and convulsing like crazy around your fingers as you listened to him moaning and groaning on the other side of the phone.
You'd barely even made it through your command and he'd pumped himself faster, faster, faster, deep, long strokes before he grabbed some tissues from off of the desk and he slapped his hand over his mouth, at first no noise was coming out. You stopped your... Festivities and just stared at the phone with glistening eyes as he hiked his legs up some, his hot, sticky seed shooting into the tissues that he placed over his tip, his lips parted barely, soft huffs of breath leaving him occasionally as he became a trembling mess in his seat while there was shuffling at the door. He no longer cared, just in absolute bliss as he got to please himself- finally- at the hands of his baby girl. He let out soft "ooh"s and "ah"s as he came down from his high, picking up the phone to see your glistening eyes and soft pink lips.
   "T-That was a-all..." You trailed off, the bass in your voice quieting as you stared at the beautiful man who you called your own
  "Yes, baby girl," he responded in his husky tone as he stared into your eyes, his french vermillion colored eyes glistening as he brushed his bangs out of his face. You noticed that his hair wasn't spiked, but rather smoothed down on his head, his bangs held back by a butterfly clip. He slid it back in his pants and he threw the sticky tissue away at the trashcan that lied under his desk.    
 "All for you." He shuffled some of his papers on his desk realizing that he only had a small amount of paperwork to file, having done the majority of it on 3 cans of Monster and an endless amount of coffee. He couldn't find it in himself to sleep knowing that you weren't able to without him but he also couldn't call you prior.
  "When can I see you again?" You asked in an innocent, breathy tone.
He picked up his schedule and then checked the time, his beautiful cherry red eyes falling back over how sad you looked, the moment of bliss covering up just how needy and depressed you really were. 
   "God I really wish I could... You don't even know," he whispered quietly into the phone as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead and he pinched the bridge of his nose. You could tell he was stressed but you couldn't help your expression dropping.    
    "I think I have an off-day here soon... Within the month, I'm sure of it." He said softly as he looked at your downed expression.
   "O-Oh," you said, your eyes glistening with tears that dared to fall.       "Y-Yeah no, that's fine," you force a smile into your phone and you shake your head.
     "You know you're my beautiful baby right?" He asked softly staring into your eyes, getting a mental picture of your features.        "You know you're so brave and strong, right? You know that I miss you and I don't want anybody else but you, don't you," he cooed out quietly to you.
You nodded allowing his words to envelop you.      "I know, Kiri," you whisper quietly as you curl up in a blanket.
"Have you eaten...?" His eyes looked a little worried as he already knew the answer and he sat up in his seat finally getting back to his work, his phone propped up against a book that was on his desk. He was surprisingly organized, pulling his bangs back and reclipping his hair; he looked so professional and you loved it, you just wished that you could be with him while he was being professional.
"No," you replied quietly, laying down with your back to the phone. His eyes peered at you and he sighed softly.
    "How long has it been?" He continued to try and coax answers out of you but you were crashing and dissociating.     "Look at me, baby girl," he whispered quietly, placing his pencil down and picking his phone up again.
You groan softly, the tears finally falling as you cover your eyes with your forearm.    "No," you spat quietly.        "You're not gonna like what you see then l-leave me o-or something a-and-"
 "Baby," he said in his soft stern voice. You immediately shut up and turned to look at him through your phone.    "Now that I have your attention. What was it that you told me awhile ago? 'Everybody cries. Even manly men,'" you loved it when he quoted you.    "You getting emotional isn't gonna make me love you any less," he said quietly as he gave you a nurturing smile. You cuddled a pillow and rested your head on it much like you'd do to Kiri, resting your head on his chest. You sniff quietly and just watch him.
  "Soon, my love," he whispered quietly as he hummed to you, lulling you to sleep that'd been eluding you for at least a month and a half. He smiled as he watched you peacefully, humming quietly as he continued to run his pencil over some paper, making work in his paperwork. He looked over your sleepy features, your lips that were slightly parted as you let out soft puffs of air, your rosy cheeks, your illuminating skin, your bangs that framed your face so perfectly, and finally your eyes that never rested even in sleep; he could tell you were having a nightmare. He wished so badly that he were there to kiss your forehead and tell you that everything would be okay. He craved your touch just as much as you craved him.
  "In one of my late days, I'll be there right beside you, cuddling you and letting you know it’ll all be okay," he whispered softly as he continued to muse and do his work.
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Logan's Flawless Plan to Getting Out of Being Sick
Summary: Logan was sick. He was well-aware of this fact. He was also well-aware that he had better things to be doing than lying about and ‘resting.’ His husband disagrees Content: Sickfic, fever + coughing are the only mentioned symptoms, brief unsafe binding, one alcohol mention, taking more medicine than the dosage amount, the consequences of that (gaps in time/memory, minor hallucinations, senses going fuzzy), half-collapsing, swearing, transmale!logan, transmale!remy, lots of sappy losleep Pairing: Romantic losleep Notes: Three of them:        -Based on this post        -You’ll notice Logan doesn’t try to keep Remy from getting sick. This is bc they both know Remy’s already doomed to get sick, given he and Logan live together. This was important to me to say bfchsdf        -This story’s in Logan’s POV. And Logan is very loopy. Keep this in mind.
    Logan was sick
    “You’re not going to work today.”
    Terribly, horribly sick.
    “Yes I am.”
    But that wasn’t going to stop him from doing his job, damnit.
    Logan heard his husband sigh as he tried to properly tie his tie for the fifth time. The normally easy, effortless action had become difficult, his fingers slow and fumbling as he tried to pull the loop together. He dropped the fabric with a huff after another attempt failed.
    Hands that weren’t his own entered his field of vision, tugging the tie off his neck. “You shouldn’t be wearing this anyways.” Remy murmured, likely tossing it to the side. “You’re already coughing enough without it.”
    “I’m not coug-” Logan broke off halfway through his sentence, taking a moment to cough into his arm and think about the irony of the moment, “-coughing that much.”
    “Mm-hmm. I call bullshit, darling.” Remy said, brushing some of Logan’s hair behind his ear before resting his hand against Logan’s forehead. “You’re burning up.”
    “I’m fine.”
    “You’re sick, is what you are.”
    “No, I just-” Logan once more paused to cough, Remy guiding him to sit back down on the bed when a few seconds passed and he was still coughing.
    “You want to finish that sentence?” Remy asked, tone slightly mocking but mostly concerned.
    “Alright, fine. I’m sick.” Logan admitted before continuing on petulantly, “But I’m still going to work.”
    “No, you’re not. You’ll just make yourself worse, and you’ll get all your students sick while you’re at it.”
    “They have better immune systems, and I‘ll keep plenty of distance between myself and them.” Logan reasoned. “I’m going to work.”
    Remy shook his head. “You have a minor death wish, babe. What’s so wrong with staying home and resting and being doted on by your wonderful boyfriend?”
    “Husband, Remy, we’re married.”
    Remy’s eyes widened in both surprise and recollection, and Logan let out a little content sigh, leaning his head against Remy’s shoulder. “We are, aren’t we?” Remy said, voice joyfully awed.
    “We are.” Logan confirmed. “I got you a very pretty ring for it and we exchanged some very cheesy vows and everything.”
    “I know. Just forgot for a moment.” Remy said, raising Logan’s left hand so he could press a kiss both to the back of his hand and over his wedding ring. Logan knew he should tell him not to, warn him of germs and the like, but he found it doubtful Remy would listen to him anyways. “Now. What’s so wrong with staying home and resting and being doted on by your wonderful husband?”
    “I have important lessons to teach. And it’s unfair to just abandon my students with no warning.” Logan answered. “They at least need a warning that I’m not going to be there tomorrow.”
    Remy rubbed circles into the back of Logan’s hand. “You really want to go in, huh.”
    “Yes. But only for today, I promise- I’ll stay home tomorrow.”
    “I’m not sure you can make it through the day, babe.” Remy said, concern once more leaking into his voice. “Your temp’s real high, and you haven’t even been up for an hour yet.”
    “One class then. I can leave a note for the rest of the classes. Please, Rem.” Logan begged. “Just one class.”
    Remy pulled his head back a bit, still allowing Logan’s head to remain on his shoulder while also letting him look at Logan’s face. “Why do you want to go in so badly, hun?”
    “I promised my students I wouldn’t flake out on them if they didn’t flake out on me. I have to keep that promise.”
    “I hardly count being too sick to work ‘flaking out.’”
    “Please, Remy, please?” Was Logan’s only response, using his new advantage of Remy being able to see his face by pouting. Remy always folded when he pouted. “One class. Just so I can leave notes for the students. Please.”
    Remy’s resolve against his pouting husband lasted for five seconds. “You know I hate it when you do it.” He huffed, though he didn’t sound very annoyed as he moved to card his fingers through Logan’s hair. “One class. That’s all.”
    Logan let out a sigh of relief and slumped further against Remy. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Remy said. “But I’m coming with you to make sure you don’t try to stay longer. And you’re staying home tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And you’re going to get changed into your comfy clothes. You don’t need to be in your polo and slacks right now.”
    “Fine.” Logan said neutrally, still just thankful he had managed to convince Remy to let him go at all. Hopefully, going through the motions of the first class would make him feel better, thereby making him less sick, thereby letting him further convince Remy he was fine enough to work the whole day. A foolproof plan. Probably. “Can I at least leave my binder on?”
    Remy went stiff next to him, which Logan thought was rude, considering Remy’s shoulder was much nicer to lay against when the muscles in it weren’t so tense. “Hun, please tell me you’re joking.”
    “About what?”
    “Having your binder on while you’re having coughing fits, that’s what!” Remy said, sounding slightly frantic. “Love, you know I’d give you anything I could, but you need to take that off. Now.”
    Logan whined against Remy’s shoulder, not particularly inclined to feel childish for doing so. “I like it on.”
    “I know you do, starshine, and normally I do too, but right now I’d really, really like it if it was off of you, okay?” Remy said, still sounding frantic though his voice was very gentle. Ah. That meant he was really worried. Maybe Logan should take the binder off.
    “...Alright.” Logan mumbled, trying to not feel too put out. He was sure there was a good reason Remy wanted him to take his binder off. Granted, at the moment, he couldn’t remember it, but he tried not to worry about that. He didn’t need to remember all the important stuff. Remy would remind him. Remy was good like that. Remy was so, so good.
    “Alright. That’s good.” Remy said, sounding calmer. He pressed a kiss to Logan’s forehead before getting up, making sure Logan wouldn’t fall over without him supporting Logan’s head before stepping away. “I’mma grab you your sweater, okay? The nice, big lumpy one. And some other comfy clothes. I’ll be right back, okay?”
    Logan nodded as he started to tug his shirt off, aware that his polo didn’t count as comfy clothes. Remy nodded with him before turning and wandering out of the room. Logan wasn’t sure where he was going- to be frank, Logan wasn’t completely sure where the door he had gone through led to, but he was sure that wherever Remy was going, it was the right place to be going.
    Though it took a fair amount of fumbling, Logan managed to shed his shirt and binder, having moved on to fighting his belt buckle by the time Remy returned.
    “Here, let me help you with that.” Remy said, dropping a pile of clothes next to Logan as he easily undid the belt, pulling it free of its loops before helping Logan to pull his pants off as well. “There we go.”
    “I took off my binder.” Logan said, a bit abruptly. He knew that Remy could see that the binder was off and next to him, but he felt he had to say it too, just in case, to make sure Remy wouldn’t start sounding frantic and worried again. Logan didn’t like when Remy sounded like that. Remy shouldn’t have to be frantic and worried.
    “I know, love, I saw.” Remy said, reaching up to cup Logan’s cheek. “And I’m so proud of you for doing that. You did very good, yeah?”
    Logan nodded. “Yeah.”
    Remy smiled at him. “Let’s get you into these nice comfy clothes now, okay? Then we can go and make sure you’re not late for class while also being very cozy and very lumpy. And I’ll be lumpy too so we can both suffer the world binder-less together, because I’m pretty sure that’s what true love is.”
    “True love is you.” Logan said, and while he wasn’t quite sure where the words came from, or exactly what they meant, he was sure he meant them.
    Remy chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re loopy.” He said, picking up the first article of clothing on the pile- a pair of dark sweatpants. “Now come on. Let’s get you dressed.”
    It took ten minutes for Logan to get dressed, mostly because he insisted on trying to put on each article of clothing himself, only to be forced to accept Remy’s help when he proved unable to fully pull anything over his head. He did, however, manage to get the pants on by himself, and he decided that was the greatest achievement of his life.
    Remy got himself dressed while Logan put on his shoes and prepared his ‘secret weapon’, only taking three minutes to get on an outfit nearly identical to Logan’s, which Logan considered to be unfair. He looked good, too, even in his bigger jacket and with his tousled hair. Logan felt and looked like a lump. A hot, frustrated lump. Though maybe that was the minor fever.
    Logan took a swig of his secret weapon and tried not to choke on the taste. Hopefully the fever would be taken care of soon enough. And he could deal with being a lump if it made Remy happy.
    At Logan’s grimace after his sip, Remy, who was waiting for his coffee to finish brewing, raised an eyebrow. “Forgot to add the sugar to your tea?”
    Logan shook his head. “Not tea.”
    “...What is it?”
    “My secret weapon.”
    Remy frowned. “Logan, honey, I can’t let you drink vodka while you’re sick. Or whiskey. Or whatever alcohol you have in there. And I definitely can’t let you bring it to school-”
    “It’s not alcohol!” Logan defended, just managing to bite back on a ‘mostly.’ That wasn’t going to help him or his mission.
    Remy’s eyes widened. “Rat poison is worse.”
    “Why do you- it’s not rat poison either, I promise.” Logan said, taking Remy’s hand and squeezing it. “It’s just some tea. My throat’s raw, that’s all.”
    “...I thought it wasn’t tea?”
    “Did I say that?” Logan asked, because he really wasn’t sure. Everything felt fuzzy, memory included. He hoped that meant the secret weapon was kicking in and not that his fever was getting worse. He had things to do.
    Remy was still watching him a bit too closely and Logan realized he hadn’t given a very good answer. “We should be going.” He said, hoping that would distract Remy. He knew pushing the point that he was only drinking tea would result in Remy wanting to taste said tea to be sure he wasn’t lying and Logan knew that wasn’t going to work.
    Luckily for him, Remy let it slide.
    “Yeah, we should.” He agreed, reaching over to grab his coffee before wrapping his free arm around Logan’s waist, pulling him close as they started to head for the door. “I already got the keys in my pocket.”
    “I can walk perfectly well on my own, you know.” Logan pointed out, even as he leaned into Remy’s grasp. Just because he didn’t need to be coddled didn’t mean he didn’t like to be near to his husband.
    Remy chuckled. “I know, babe, but I also know that you keep wobbling with every other step. I don’t need you adding a bad fall to your list of problems.” He teased. When he got to the door, however, he stopped before opening it, glancing at Logan with light concern. “Are you sure you want to go to work? I know you want to warn your students you’ll be gone, but the more rest you get, the quicker you’ll be better-”
    Logan silenced Remy by leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. “I’ll be just fine, dear.” Logan said as smoothly as he could. “But your worry is appreciated.”
    Remy didn’t seem wholly convinced, but he still nodded, pressing a quick return kiss to the top of Logan’s head. “Alright. I believe you.” He said before he moved to open the door, somehow managing the feat despite still holding his coffee cup. Leaning slightly more into his touch, Logan allowed Remy to lead him out to the car.
    The ride to the university Logan worked at was unimpressive, mostly due to the fact that Logan barely remembered a minute of it. He felt as if all his senses were going fuzzy at the edges, what little focus he had left becoming untrustworthy as he could’ve sworn he saw green stars dancing across the windshield at some point during the drive. The lack of feeling was, however, sufficiently numbing the pain of his fever, so Logan was taking that as a plus.
    He only realized they were at the university when Remy was shaking his arm, looking at him funny as Logan partially snapped out of the daze he had been in.
    “Are you sure you’re okay, sugar?” Remy asked, sounding once more worried. Logan frowned. He didn’t want Remy to sound worried. “We can go home if you need to…”
    Logan shook his head instinctively when he heard home. He couldn’t go home. The whole point of this was to be at work and get into his schedule and pretend everything was fine until it was and feel better so that Remy didn’t have to be worried.
    “If you’re sure.” Remy said, though he certainly didn’t sound very sure. Logan frowned more as Remy helped him get out of the car, leaning against him without comment this time. Remy made a very good support. Especially when the entire world was jumping up and down. Repeatedly.
    The walk from the parking lot to his classroom was not one Logan remembered, but Logan tried not to let that bother him. He must have drunk more of his secret weapon, though, because the world was starting to become easier to focus on again. The world was also filled with purple and yellow scars that seemed to be tearing apart the fabric of reality, but Logan was fairly certain those were always there.
    A blink took him from outside his classroom to inside, where he found his class already waiting for him, all eyes on him and Remy as soon as they entered. Good. They were there, and he could see them clearly. Double win.
    “Professor…?” One of the students (send Logan home if he knew which one) said hesitantly. Probably confused by why Remy was there.
    Logan patted Remy’s shoulder, hoping that would signal to him that Logan didn’t need his support anymore. Remy promptly let go of him, albeit slowly, watching Logan carefully to make sure he didn’t fall over the moment he stood on his own. Did Logan wobble? No, not at all.
    ...Maybe a little.
    Logan rubbed at the new bruise he had on his hip that may or may not have come from him stumbling into a desk, hard. Okay, maybe a lot. But it was fine, he was fine- he hadn’t fallen over, yet, and that was what really mattered.
    By the time he had made it to his desk, set in the center of the front of the room for a reason Logan was sure was very logical, all eyes were on him, including the eyes that were normally still on their phones or closed in faux rest. Another point in his favor. No need to call the class’s attention when he already had it.
    Of course, now he needed something to start the lesson with. What was the lesson anyways? Actually, while he was wondering, what class did he teach? How was Logan going to start a class he knew nothing about?
    Logan’s gaze flickered to the corner of the classroom, ignoring the sea of concerned looks from his students to focus on the concerned look from Remy, who had even taken his sunglasses off just so Logan could see it. If he had ever had them on. Had he? Didn’t matter. Unimportant. What was important was that Logan had an idea: if he didn’t know how to start class, he would simply steal Remy’s style.
    That thought (and no others) in mind, Logan slammed his thermos on top of his desk.
    The entire class, Remy included, startled at the noise, all thrown off by it. The only reason it didn’t startle Logan was because he didn’t hear it. At the newly bewildered expressions of everyone in front of him, he cleared his throat, still channeling Remy as he began,
    “There’s more pressure in my sinuses right now then there is at the bottom of the sea.” A lie- the real problem Logan was dealing with at the moment was the fever he couldn’t feel but could taste (it tasted peppery, which was appropriate, Logan decided). That and the fact that Logan didn’t think it was humanly possible for his sinuses to be more pressurized than the bottom of the sea. Maybe it was. He should test that.
    But not now. Now the class was clearly waiting for him to continue, and continue he would, because he had planned an entire paragraph of this and he was going to say all of it so long as he had vocal cords.
    “This,” Logan paused. The container in his hand had a name. Too bad he couldn’t remember it. Logan clicked his tongue, deciding a substitution would have to do before he started again, “This thing’s full of NyQuil.”
    That sparked a reaction- gasps from multiple students, and one person he was fairly certain was his husband yelling, “That thing’s full of WHAT!?” Logan nodded to himself. Good. Reactions were good. They meant that his class was following along.
    “I’m going to drink it while I teach,” Logan went on, ignoring the continued gasps of shock and possible horror, “and when your heads are replaced by swirling rainbows, I will cancel the rest of class.”
    That, of course, was a ridiculous timeline to set. The students’ heads would never become rainbows, swirling or otherwise, which mean Logan wouldn’t have to cancel class, which meant he could teach the full class, which would certainly go over as well in reality as it had in his head, and when Remy saw how well he was doing he’d let him teach for the whole day through. It was a foolproof plan. He truly was a genius.
    “Professor… is that safe?”
    Logan was pulled from his thoughts and mental back patting by one of the students in the front row. He wasn’t quite sure who they were, probably because their face was blurring into the student’s next to him. He took a swig of the NyQuil. Hopefully that would fix things.
    “It’s perfectly safe, as long as I don’t die while doing it.” Logan answered, which was true. Another true thing was that Logan… didn’t know if this was safe. But NyQuil was medicine, so it couldn’t be too bad to take extra of it, right? Right. Right right right right right right-
    “Sir, maybe you should go home.” Another student spoke up, sounding concerned. A chorus of agreeing murmurs rose at the suggestion.
    “That’s what I told him to do!” Remy added from his spot leaning against the back wall. “But he said he had an obligation to not ‘flake out’ on all y’all lovelies.”
    “That’s a great sentiment, prof, but uh… really unneeded.” A student who Logan could see right through said. “We’ll be fine without you for a bit… you should get your rest.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous.” Logan said dismissively, taking another sip from his thing of NyQuil. He no longer cringed at the taste, mostly due in part to the fact he could no longer feel his tongue- therefore meaning he could no longer taste much of anything. “I’m perfectly fine to teach. There’s no need for me to rest.”
    “Bullshit.” Remy said, pushing off of the wall and walking towards the stairs, though he didn’t go down them just yet. “I love you hun, but that’s bullshit. Do you even know what you’re teaching today?”
    Logan frowned. “Of course I know. Why wouldn’t I?”
    “Then teach us.” A student near the back said, which Logan considered rude, because he was fairly certain that student was ganging up with his husband to… something. They were certainly doing something. Something trap-y probably. Normally Logan was very good at avoiding traps. But he had to see them coming to do so.
    “I will.” Logan told them flatly, doing his best to look as put-together as he could as he turned down to look at his desk. Surely, his lesson plan was somewhere there. That would have all the answers he currently couldn’t remember.
    Luckily for him, his lesson plan was right in the middle of the desk, easy to see and grab. Perfect. Now, if the words on it would just stop dancing, Logan would have everything he needed to convince his husband and class he was perfectly fine.
    Logan drank more of his no-longer-a-secret secret weapon as he lifted the paper up to his face, hoping that by decreasing the distance between his face and the paper he would also decrease the dancing of the letters. He was fairly certain it would work because ‘distance’ ‘decrease’ and ‘dance’ all started with the letter ‘d.’
    Sadly, his perfect theory was somehow proven wrong- the letters got closer together when he raised the paper, but they didn’t stop dancing, now waving and wiggling in place, as if to spite Logan and his attempts to read them.
    “Love?” Logan jerked as he turned towards the source of the word, surprised to find Remy only a few feet away from him. When had he gotten so close? “What are you doing?”
    Logan waved his lesson plan at Remy. Wasn’t it obvious? “Checking the lesson plan.” He answered as he took another sip from his thing, ignoring Remy’s frown when he did so.
    “I know I’m not a professor, hun, but I think that’s an attendance sheet.”
    Now Logan frowned as he moved the paper back in front of his face, squinting at it. It seemed the letters were now willing to still, albeit only a little, just so that Logan could see it was, in fact, a list of student names followed by boxes that, when marked, could indicate a wide variety of things. None of the boxes could, however, tell Logan what his lesson was.
    “So it is.” Logan commented neutrally, flipping the paper over to see if perhaps the lesson plan was hiding there. “So it is.”
    “Yeah… sweetheart, I’m starting to think it was a bad idea letting you come here.” Remy said, prompting Logan to look up from his search for the lesson plan to focus on Remy instead. That proved hard to do, however, given his face was blurring into a swirl. Logan frowned, feeling distressed. Remy’s face wasn’t supposed to look like that. It was supposed to be pretty and have a chin and brilliant eyes and other features Logan was sure he also loved.
    “Your face is wrong.” Maybe if Remy knew his face was wrong, he’d fix it, and it would look right and Logan wouldn’t have to feel distressed and upset and very unable to focus on mundane things such as teaching.
    “And you’re proving my point.” Remy responded, though he didn’t seem to be trying to fix his face, which was very unhelpful of him. Though maybe Remy couldn’t see that his face was wrong. Maybe only Logan could because of his stupid fever. Of course it was still messing with him. Nothing another sip of NyQuil couldn’t fix-
    “Yeah, we’re not having any more of that.” The thing was taken from Logan’s hands before he could actually get any of the drink into his mouth. He looked at Remy in betrayal as his husband opened the lid and glanced into the container. “How much of this stuff have you drunk, anyways?”
    “Not enough.” Logan said, reaching out to take it back. Remy just stepped away, holding the NyQuil out of reach. “Remy.”
    Remy just shook his head. “Nope. No more of this for you.”
    Logan huffed and stepped towards Remy, reaching out to try and make a grab for the thing. “Let me-”
    Remy grabbed the hand that Logan had put out, stopping his attempt and his sentence. “I said nope, sugar.”
    Logan’s focus had fallen away from retrieving his NyQuil, however. He was now looking concentratedly at their linked hands, slightly wiggling his fingers in Remy’s grasp- experimentally, not attempting to escape his hold.
    “...You good there, hun?”
    “Warm.” Was Logan’s only response. Remy tilted his head to the side, confused, before his expression became one of understanding. Still holding Logan’s hand, Remy bent over and placed the thing on the ground before standing back up and moving closer to Logan, taking his other hand in his newly free one.
    “Is that nice?” Remy asked, gently, which Logan vaguely registered meant he was trying to lower Logan’s guard and that that was Bad. It was, however, working, as Logan was now fairly certain anything outside of holding Remy’s hands was completely and utterly unimportant.
    “Very good.” He said, very eloquently in his opinion. “You’re very good.”
    “I know I am.” Remy responded, squeezing Logan’s hands. “I’m so good, in fact, I’m going to take you home now, because I should never have let you leave the house. A mistake, I note, was yours since you used your pout on me knowing full well I would not stand against it.”
    “But my classes-”
    “Would really prefer you stay home and rest.” A voice that was not Remy’s said. Logan was fairly certain that meant it was one of his students, but he didn’t look to check. He was extremely busy looking at Remy. “You look like you’re going to collapse, prof- just take the day off.”
    “I’m fine.” Logan said automatically.
    “None of us believe that lie, love.” Remy said as he released one of Logan’s hands. Logan whined at that, and Remy softly shushed him as he moved to rest a hand on Logan’s forehead. “I think the NyQuil’s made your fever worse-”
    Remy probably continued speaking after that, but Logan stopped listening, instead choosing to lean into the warmth that was now against his already too-warm forehead. The motion of leaning in was slight, barely a shift at all, but it was also apparently too much, and Logan’s hard fought for balance completely failed him. He tipped forwards, not bothering to try and slow his descent as he began mentally writing his will.
    Arms, warm arms, arms that were warm, wrapped around his midsection, stopping Logan from falling all the way over. “And look at that! You’re actually collapsing now. We’re going home, Lo.”
    “Mhmmm.” Was all Logan managed. Remy was warm. Remy was really warm. And nice. So nice. Had Logan been trying to work? That seemed silly. Work wasn’t Remy.
    Speaking of Remy, he was shifting Logan, pulling him up a bit and resting his head against Remy’s shoulder, arms wrapping more solidly around Logan, all of which were actions Logan was immensely favorable to. He was even warmer, now, and even closer to Remy, and Logan considered these to be very good things.
    “I love you.” Logan murmured into Remy’s shoulder, because he decided right then it was very important Remy know that. “You’re very warm. And nice. And warm. And pretty. Very pretty. Too pretty.”
    Remy chuckled. “Don’t mind him.” Remy spoke, though Logan got the impression he wasn’t talking to Logan. “He gets sappy when he’s loopy.”
    Logan glared at nothing. He wasn’t saying he loved Remy because he was loopy. He was saying that because he loved Remy a lot. More than he loved… planets. And pencils. And peaches.
    “You’re not making any sense, starshine.” Remy told him, and Logan realized he had been speaking out loud. Remy pressed a kiss to the top of Logan’s forehead, and he melted even further into his grasp. “But I love you too.”
    Logan smiled into Remy’s shoulder, ignoring the background noise of ‘awww’s he was sure was coming from his class. Remy scoffed at them.
    “Can we go home now?” Logan asked, because home had bed and bed meant lying down and most of the time lying down meant lying down with Remy and that sounded very nice to Logan right then.
    “Of course, honey. Can you walk?”
    Logan considered the question for a moment. He probably could walk, if he put his mind to it, given he had mostly walked here and he had been walking earlier. But, if he was going to be Logan (and not Frank, why would he be Frank if he was telling the truth-), he didn’t particularly want to put his mind to it. So he shook his head.
    “I think you’re lying.” Remy said, but he still shifted so he could pick Logan up- a move he had perfected back in their courting days as soon as he learned it was a near guarantee to fluster Logan. Instinctively, Logan’s arms wrapped around the back of Remy’s neck and he once more tucked his head into Remy’s shoulder.
    “Do you guys, uh… know what to do from here?” Remy asked, the question clearly directed at Logan’s class. “Because I don’t think you’ll be seeing your teach for a good week.”
    “You said two days.” Logan mumbled into Remy’s shoulder, though not very aggressively.
    “Yes I did.” Remy agreed as he started moving, assumedly towards the door. “That was before you drank half a bottle of NyQuil in an hour and collapsed.”
    Logan nodded into Remy’s shoulder. That made sense. Remy was good at sense. Remy was good at a lot of things.
    “If anyone asks, we’ll say the professor was here for the full period before leaving.” A student assured Remy.
    “And I’ll hold onto his thermos until he gets back!” Another chimed in. “Since you probably want to keep the NyQuil as far away from him as possible for now.”
    The class laughed and Remy did too. “Yeah, no, I’m tossing out whatever NyQuil’s left at home. If you get a chance, I highly suggest you dump out the contents of the thermos too.”
    “Will do!”
    Logan felt Remy nod his head. “Great. So… that was easier to settle than I expected. Though I guess you’re all getting a free class period now.”
    “We’ll use it responsibly, Mr. Professor’s Husband.”
    “You don’t need to lie to me, kid, I skipped every class I could get away with.” Remy said before he pressed another kiss to Logan’s head. Logan, who was more or less completely asleep, made a little happy noise. “And then I married a teacher. Life’s funny.”
    Remy let out a happy little sigh and Logan smiled at his happiness. “That’s enough from me. You kids have a nice day.”
    And there was a good chance that something else was said or done after that, but it truly was very cozy pressed against Remy’s chest, and Logan saw no reason to bother keeping awake when Remy was taking care of everything so well. So he didn’t.
    Logan wasn’t sure when he woke back up, but he didn’t mind that much. He did know that he was at home and in bed and that was nice. Logan also knew that the NyQuil was at least partially out of his system because his fever was back and it was back with a vengeance. He groaned, turning over and pressing his face into the nearest pillow.
    Next to him, he heard Remy laugh, and a hand soon settled in Logan’s hair to card fingers through it. “Hey there, darling.”
    “I feel like shit.”
    “That’s what happens when you’re sick but you still try to go to work.” Remy softly teased. “And when you drink way too much NyQuil.”
    “It was my secret weapon.” Logan protested. Remy laughed again.
    “Maybe stick to the more conventional methods of healing next time?” Remy suggested.
    “I was thinking more homemade chicken soup and watching old game show reruns, but I suppose cuddles might work too.” Remy said. “Why? Is there a particular reason you mention cuddles?”
    Logan huffed as he flopped over, glaring at a very amused looking Remy as he grabbed at his shirt, tugging as well as he could on it to try and pull Remy down. “Don’t be obtuse.”
    “Oh you’re so weak- oh, babe, this is sad-” Remy laughed at Logan’s poor attempts to force him to cuddle, gently taking Logan’s hands and holding them in his own. Remy smiled at him. “You’re cute.”
    “I’m sick.” Logan responded. “Cuddle me.”
    “And why should I do that, now?”
    “Because you love me.” Logan told him, shuffling over a bit so that he was closer to Remy, making the pout he then put on more effective. “And I love you.”
    “I can’t believe you’re using the pout again.” Remy chided.
    Logan pouted harder.
    Remy sighed, but he still pulled up the edge of the blankets and sheets, sliding in next to Logan. “One of these days I’m going to find a way to say no to you, you know.”
    Logan wrapped his arms around Remy’s chest, pulling him closer and turning his chest into a pillow. “But will you want to?” He mumble asked, not as concerned with the answer as he was with falling back asleep and trapping Remy on the bed with him.
    Remy chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Logan as well, seemingly completely alright with becoming trapped as he dropped a kiss on Logan’s forehead. “Never. Because while you may have proven today that you can be wrong of many things, you did get one thing very, very right.”
    “Oh?” Logan hummed, only half-interested in knowing what he had gotten right.
    “Even if you do stupid things like go to work sick and bind while sick and try to drink NyQuil like it’s water, I still love you.” Remy said sweetly, once more running his fingers through Logan’s hair to help further lull him back asleep. “And as such I will always want to say yes to you.”
    Logan let out a small laugh. “You’re a sap.”
    “You should’ve heard yourself earlier, hun.” Remy said, chuckling when Logan’s only response was a hum and snuggling closer to Remy. “I’ll tell you about it later. Go to bed, starshine. I’ve got nowhere else to be and nothing better to do than love you.”
    Deciding he’d mock Remy’s accidental rhyme later, Logan happily did as his husband said, putting aside the burn of his fever to focus on Remy’s comfortable, loving warmth, quickly falling into a sleep as gentle as Remy’s embrace.
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