#but it's a BL so I wonder if that cushioned it's fall??
hummingbird-games · 8 months
this sounds extremely fatalistic and especially insane to say during BHM from yours truly, but I'm spiraling and looking at data and the state of the world (& my country specifically) and the stories I want to tell and the people who stories are centered and...
I don't think I ever want to charge money for my games. ever. they'll be free for the unforeseen future because I'm not tanking my health further by stressing out over what hateful, racist, insane players think. I'm already catching strays from trying to have f!MC protagonists??? can you unpack why that makes you wanna lash out and be nasty?? but preferably with someone else that's not me.
people talk such a big game about diversity and being inclusive and listening to Black voices and then turn around do the exact opposite. every single time.
ugh, I have a queued post going up...tomorrow?? that's a reblog from last year, but a warning: I was a very different person with a very different well of energy when I wrote it and when I scheduled that reblog.
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nekohime19 · 5 months
Mini Mac # 6 : lil guy and Monkey King first outing (some would say date)
Macaque is so obvious in this chap, he's just thinking every lovesick things Wukong does is some weird Monkey King business. Poor Wukong, 😔.
Macaque wasn't nervous, he was only meticulously preparing his outing with the great sage. So what if he imagined everything that could go wrong? What if he prepared ways to save himself if it went downhill? He only liked to be prepared. The winds passed through the wall's cracks and flipped his ears, something it liked to do to tease him. Macaque huffed and shooed it away with a flick of wrist.
“It's good to be prepared.” Grumbled Macaque as he stuffed his homemade sleeping powder inside one of his bags. “There will be no storms right?” The wind brushed his cheeks affectionately and ruffled his head, Macaque rolled his eyes but let it do as it pleased. “Good.”
Macaque took a deep breath and tightened his bags around him, he messed with the red cloth covering his body a little, making sure no inch of his skin was showing. He hesitated at the edge of his room, wondering if it was truly a good idea. The wind, not one to stay still, pushed him forward towards the shadowed passages of the walls. Macaque stumbled a little, he threw a glare at the void behind him, at what he assumed was the wind position, and hissed when the echoes of a cackle tickled his ears. As much as the black-furred monkey wanted to be mad, some part of him was grateful for the wind's pushiness, he had a tendency to get stuck in the recess of his mind when it came to matters such as those. Macaque ran towards his nearest hole and slipped inside the house once he found it. The westward wing was seemingly empty, not a sign of a giant golden-furred monkey in view. Macaque straightened himself, let his ears unfold and listened to his surroundings. Sun Wukong was on the mansion's threshold, his tail thumping excitedly against the stone stair leading to the mansion main door.
The black-furred monkey let a smirk grace his lips, amused by the sage's impatience, and jumped in the shadows, traveling through them. The shadows were always particularly gentle with him, they embraced him with glee and let him swim around them as he pleased. Macaque liked to travel in the darkness, but he had to admit it could be exhausting, especially since manhandling shadows required a lot of energy.
Macaque smirked when he found the sage innocently waiting for him, blind to the world around him, and jumped out of his shadows, startling him a little. Sun Wukong yelped and turned towards him with pursed lips, half-mad, half-amused.
“Can't you come out of my shadow normally for once?” Huffed the King with crossed arms, cheeks tinted with the slightest of red.
“I like my entrances, so no thank you.” Replied the macaque with a puffed out chest. Sun Wukong rolled his eyes but Macaque noticed the soft smile hiding at the edges of his lips, the sage was rarely upset with his antics, in fact he never truly got mad at him. He got frustrated at times, especially when Macaque decided to mess with his peaches, but never mad. It was something Macaque appreciated in his own way and why he kept messing with the sage in the first place, he knew Sun Wukong wouldn't be upset by those harmless pranks.
Sun Wukong summoned his cloud with a flick of wrist and turned towards the macaque with something akin to nervosity swirling in his eyes.
“Is this okay for you?” Asked the sage as he gestured towards his cloud. Macaque knew he would have to be close to the King when he asked for this outing. It was the King himself who proposed the idea, but Macaque had been the one to ask for a sight of the moon, the longing inside of him winning over any fears he fostered towards the outside world. Fortunately, Macaque wasn't afraid of height, he knew the wind would come to his aid if he fell out of the cloud, and even if by some misfortune the wind couldn't come, his shadows would cushion his fall. The black-furred monkey climbed the cloud and sat at its edges, the texture was odd, something soft and elastic, it wasn't unpleasant. Sun Wukong huffed a laugh and sat behind him, his tail shyly brushing the macaque's back. Macaque raised an eyebrow but decided to not mention it, after all the touch was so light it felt like it wasn't even there.“Buckle up, lil bud.” Laughed the sage as he began to steer his cloud outside of the cave.
Sun Wukong commanded the waterfall hiding the cave with a single gesture, cutting the water in half with his will alone. It would be impressive coming from anyone else, but as it was Macaque knew commanding the water wasn't even a tenth of Sun Wukong's power.
Macaque had to admit, the mountain was splendous, the lush green expended everywhere, highlighted by the moon kind veil. Of course, he saw the mountain the day he arrived on the eastward bone-white shores, but at this time he was more preoccupied by the need to find a shelter and his own survival, he didn't spend much time admiring the beauty of nature. Nonetheless, more than the mountain jade colored forests, what Macaque found the most fascinating was the moon itself. He couldn't look away from the pale disk lightening the darkness, each rays touching his face with grace and warmth. Sun Wukong guided the cloud to a valley hidden in the heart of large trees, the sky was clear in this place, the swaying grass illuminated by the pure light of the night's ruler.
Macaque felt nostalgia fill him. He hadn't seen the moon since he decided to take refuge inside of the water-curtain cave. Macaque had always adored the moon, the night in itself was a time he liked (especially since he was born from the shadows) and the moon had been his guide more than once, a comfort in the most dire of his travels. Shadows were always wary of light, but at the same time they craved it to exist. The moon's light was Macaque's favorite, it was not burning like any other, but kind and welcoming. The black-furred monkey turned towards the sage, wanting to thank him for this outing. Sun Wukong was looking at him, face softened by something Macaque couldn't recognize. Macaque wondered if the sage was drunk, he looked like it with his flushed cheeks and wagging tail.
“You're okay?” Asked the macaque with a raised eyebrow. Sun Wukong startled, broken of whatever trance he was in, and looked away with reddening cheeks.
“Y-yeah, everything's fine.”
“Hm, well thank you for this.” Mumbled the macaque with the shadow of a smile on his face. Sun Wukong threw a glance at him, immediately his fur fluffed up and his tail wagged harder.
“Anytime.” Mumbled the sage with a longing sigh on his lips.
Macaque frowned at the weird behavior but decided to not comment on it, it was a lovely night after all, he could bear the sage’s oddness if it offered him such a view.
+ meme!!
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+ cut scenes
Macaque : the moon is very beautiful!😊
SWK *looking at Mac* : yeah 😍
Macaque : why are you looking at me the moon is in the sky you dimwit 🤨
SWK *crying inside* : yeah 😭
Macaque : Hey, about that offer you made...you know about going outside...
SWK *immediately straightening* : yeah? 😳
Macaque *embarrassed* : I was thinking, maybe, if you have time, you know bc I'm bored, You could show me the moon?
SWK *almost in tears* : of course! 🥹
SWK *drunk at one brotherhood fest* : and then he told me to show him the moon, he's sooo cute, I can't 😍🥹🥰
Peng *at the rest* : who the fuck is he talking about? 🤨
Azure : I have no idea, brother. 😔
Bull King : just nods along with him like the rest of us
The wind *after the outing* : spill the drama six-ears, how was your date ?
Macaque : Idk what you means by date but it was nice seeing the moon. SWK was looking at me instead of the moon, that was weird 🤔
The wind *chuckling* : Oh yeah? I'm not surprised 😏
Macaque : maybe he was surveilling me?
The wind *flicking Macaque's ears* : 😫😑
SWK *rolling around in bed and giggling like a schoolgirl after the outing* : Agjisbzhabgs, he was so cute!! 😍🥰, I'm melting 🫠
Monkey passing by : 👀
SWK : you saw nothing! 😳
Monkey : 👀👀
SWK : here, food 😣
Monkey : 🙈
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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glowingbadger · 3 years
That couch prompt with Felix was so cute (and what made me find your blog!) Would you mind doing one for Ashe and/or Dimitri as well.
[I just now realized that I am an unabashed BL simp 😅]
There are so many simp-worthy members of the Blue Lions, Friend Anon- I absolutely do not blame you :3
I did enjoy that Felix piece you're talking about, so thanks so much! I think Ashe would be a wonderful pick for this idea, and I don't get to write him as much, so let's go with this sweet Good Boi~
Ashe (FE3H) x GN Reader
falling asleep on the couch - sfw, fluff
The sound of your name in the near total darkness of the library causes your body to tense, drawing inward if only to prevent you from lurching off of the couch. You cradle your opened book to your chest as your eyes dart around for an instant- only to land on Ashe, looking contrite as he approaches you,
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you!" he says frantically. You exhale, your expression relaxing into a shy smile.
"Oh- it's only you, Ashe!" you say with a light chuckle, "It's late- what are you doing up still?"
He comes to sit beside you on the couch, running a hand through messy silver hair with a sigh,
"Well, probably the same as you, I'd guess."
"Can't sleep?" you reply with a note of sympathy. He nods. One might think constant marching, near daily combat, and meetings and training to fill any and all gaps between would be tiring enough to bring sleep the moment you hit the mattress. On the contrary, there was too much occupying your thoughts to quiet them. Lately, each battle had seemed harder than the last, and each life taken for this cruel war weighed heavily against what you knew you had to accomplish. Looking at Ashe's eyes reflecting the dull glow of candle light back at you, you think that perhaps you see your own burdens shining in them too.
"You know," he says with a smile as he notices the book in your lap, "Some people say you should read before bed to help yourself sleep, but I've always found that I get far too invested in the story. I get so excited and I have to know what happens next- and before I know it, the sun's coming up!"
You share a quiet laugh together in the dim library. Here in the protection of your tiny light source, it feels like you and he have carved out a private corner of the world, away from the bloodshed and strain.
"You're probably right though," you say with a sigh, "keeping my mind busy isn't going to help me sleep right now."
Ashe gives a short hum, then shifts a bit closer to you on the couch.
"I have an idea, if you'd like to try it."
You can't help but feel a fraction of the day's tension leave your posture when you meet the open warmth in those green eyes. He takes the book from your lap, holding it open at the spot you'd left off, and says,
"Why don't you let me read to you?"
You feel your face warm just a bit, and hope the candle light will camouflage the blush across your cheeks.
"You don't have to! I mean, are you sure you wouldn't mind?" you stammer out, only to be met once more with that disarmingly earnest smile.
"I'd really like to- honest!" he insists, "Especially if it will help you relax enough to get some sleep."
"Well... we can try it." you say, and settle in next to him as comfortably as you can. He's warm, and you're doing your best not to lean too close or touch in a way that wouldn't be considered strictly platonic- but the dim light shimmers at the edges of his hair like a halo, and from where you sit hunched back in the cushions, you have a striking view of his jawline, down the contour of his neck. Biting at your lip for just a moment, you force your gaze away as he begins to read from the top of the page.
His tone is soft and even, naturally soothing without even trying. Aside from which, it is nice to be able to follow the story without having to keep your eyes open. Letting your breathing slow and your muscles relax one by one, your eyes flutter shut, and you let Ashe's voice carry you from scene to scene. At first, you chime in from time to time, remarking on clever dialogue, or an interesting turn in the plot. Eventually, it feels like unnecessary effort. You tell yourself it's because you don't want to interrupt him. But your head is lulling to the side, and the hero has saved his maiden, and the chapter is nearing its close.
Ashe feels a weight on his shoulder, and resists jumping at the sudden contact. He glances to his side, only to see your head slumped against him, your eyes closed, breathing slow and steady. His body burns up to his face, where fair, freckled skin flushes bright red. Your scent sets his heart leaping in his chest, but he doesn't dare to move an inch for fear of disturbing you. This was the whole point, after all- to give you a chance to rest. He recalls how worried he's been for you lately. You work so hard and ask so little. In truth, it fills him with pride to be able to grant you this brief respite, and that you would feel so comfortable near him that you could sleep soundly on his shoulder.
With a contented smile and his heart still fluttering, he turns his eyes back to the final lines of the chapter,
"'Know always, my dearest and most treasured love, that no battle and no adversity shall ever be so great as to keep me from you. Though arrows fly and blades descend, I shall withstand all for even a precious moment longer at your side. My strength, my heart, my will itself- all yours, gladly given.'"
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maxxfabray · 4 years
Puppy Play | MaxBlaine
Who: Max Fabray & Blaine Anderson ( @blaineandersonsub )
When: Tuesday 2.9.21 Lunch Hour
Where: Max’s Suite
What: Pet play; Blaine is the cutest puppy EVER
max fabray
Max was ready for something carefree and easy to do during lunch. And it seemed like her pet play scene with Blaine was exactly the right call. After a very big breakfast and two bags of chips throughout her first two classes, she wasn't very hungry. Which meant she could focus just on Blaine and the scene during their lunch hour. She was opening the package she ordered for him just as there was a knock on the door and Max hurried over, kicking the side of the couch with her bare foot as she did so. Opening the door with a bright smile, she greeted him and pulled him right in. "I don't want to waste any time, pup. Down on your knees, recite your limits and safeword and let's have some fun. I got sooo many toys for you. I also went with black ears and a tail to match your actual hair."
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine had been watching the clock all day, even during classes, in anticipation for his scene with Max at lunchtime. It had been ages since he'd actually been able to get into a puppy headspace with anyone, much less on his own, so when the Switch had expressed interest in a scene with him on the dash, he'd hardly been able to wait for the week to go by. Watching the door to the room open, he let out a soft laugh as he was swiftly pulled inside. At the mention of the toys, ears and tail, he wasted no time setting several bento boxes on the counter, that contained the crust-less sandwiches he'd promised, dropping his leather messenger bag to the floor, then sinking to his knees. "Yes, Queen," He started, barely able to contain the of excitement in his voice and eyes as he spoke. "My limits are cutting and lacerating of any kind, vore, knives, needles, scarring, permanent marks and any non-sexual body function. My safeword is 'red'."
max fabray
Max had forgotten about the promise of the meal prep so it was a very nice surprise. "Good boy, pup. You just got here and you're already making me extremely happy. But putting these on will make me even happier." Max pulled the black ears and tail from the package, just letting the plastic fall to the floor. She tried her best to focus on the limits he was reciting for her as she slipped the ears back onto his head. "Oh my goodness, you're so fucking cute. Turn around." She unhooked the pin attached to the tail so she could secure it onto the back of his pants carefully. Max circled him once before patting him on the top of his head. Max grabbed her phone off the counter and snapped a couple of pictures. "So fucking cute. Alright, you can stay on your hands and knees for the remainder of the scene. Follow me." She led him to the living room where the other packages were stacked by the couch. She took a seat and grabbed the one on top. "Hm, I wonder what this is." She shook it held it out for Blaine to interact with.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine's eyes lit up when he saw the ears and tail being pulled from the plastic, and he quickly followed instructions without so much as an ounce of hesitation. He could feel the mental shift occurring as he looked back over his shoulder and experimentally moved his hips side to side to move the tail, then growled playfully and moved to spin around and chase it for a moment. When she spoke, she caught his attention once more, and he paused and looked over at her out of the corner of his eye with the tail clenched between his teeth, and then he was quickly crawling after her towards the living room. Once there, he knelt in front of the couch with his palms pressed to the floor and his gaze followed her as she grabbed the box off the top of the pile. When she shook it, he grinned and got up on his knees, taking the box and shaking it eagerly. "Open!" He exclaimed, his gaze flickering to meet hers with big, brown, eager eyes as he moved to set the box on the floor, nuzzling it towards her feet.
max fabray
Max was impressed by how fast Blaine got into the right mindset. She couldn't pull her eyes away when he chased after his tail. She would definitely need to catch a video of that the next time he did it. He was attentive and he all but jumped in her lap when he took the package. She sat back and watched him play with it for a bit. Max only picked it up when he nuzzled it against her feet only to shake it again. "You sure? This is what you want me to open?" She held it right in front of his face. "Sit, pup. And don't move until I say you can." Max had a feeling what was inside based on the shape. She pulled out the dog rope and dangled it in front of his face. "Oh look at that. Do you want that?" She asked in a playful voice, and shaking the rope right above him.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine nodded eagerly at the question of whether or not to open the box, big, brown eyes not once leaving the cardboard as he watched her pick it up and shake it once more. His mind raced with what exactly could be in there, but still sat when he was told to, nodding in response to the order as a way of acknowledging it. "Open," He confirmed softly, the corners of his lips turning up in an eager grin as he curled his fingers around the carpet below. When the rope was removed from the box, it took everything in him not to jump for it, her order of sitting still until he was told he could move replaying in his head. With eyes locked on the rope that was dangling above his head, he simply whimpered and nodded eagerly, his eyes only leaving the toy momentarily to flicker over at her before they were trained right on the rope again. "Please, Queen," He quickly added, inching up towards the toy in anticipation.
max fabray
This was a test, a test for his restraint. And he was passing with flying colors. She could see the struggle in his eyes, to keep still as he waited for her command to move. It was even evident by the way his voice strained when he begged her verbally and she wanted to hang on to that desperation just a little while longer. She dropped the box back on the floor and stood up, keeping the rope where it was hanging above the submissive. Stay..." She circled around him, checking his form as his hands pressed into the carpet and his body shook in anticipation. "Good boy," she praised once she was standing in front of him again. "Alright, grab it." Once it was in his possession, she let go and reclaimed her seat on the sofa, watching him play with the toy with delight.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine struggled really hard to stay still, but he managed, his eyes never once leaving the toy as Max circled him with it hanging over his head. The anticipation built, which lead to excited trembling and an iron grip on the carpet, and a soft whimper at the command when it was given. When the Switch stopped in front of him and gave him permission to grab the toy, he wasted no time jolting upwards and grabbing it between his teeth. He rolled around with it, and even shook it for several moments before moving to drop it on her lap with a wide, eager grin on his face as his eyes flickered between the toy and her eyes. "Throw?" He asked excitedly with wide, brown eyes, then dropped his torso into a playful stance.
max fabray
It really was captivating, watching Blaine play the perfect puppy. His movements were perfect as were his little whimpers. Even the way his nose wiggled and his tail wagged. When he brought the toy and dropped it in her lap she picked it up with a swiftness and dangled it above him in the air once more. “You want it?” It was a good thing she decided to move the table before he came, knowing she wanted to play like this. Max faked left. Then faked right. Then tossed it to the left so that it landed right in front of the television. “Get it!”
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine perked up when Max lifted the toy up and started getting as excited as he was, which just made him more excited. He started bouncing from side to side, following her movements so when she moved left, he went left, and vice versa. He kept his eyes trained on the toy as she interacted with him, even going as far as to "jump up" which just involved him reaching for the toy itself. When it was finally thrown, he spun around and crawled as fast as he could over to where it landed, then dove on top of it. Picking it up between his teeth, he spun back around and carried it back over, holding it up for her with wide, eager eyes as he wagged the tail quickly. "Again," He muffled out around the toy, then giggled eagerly as he dodged her hand when she reached for it, a challenging glint in his eye.
max fabray
Max fell back into the couch, clapping her hands and laughing out loud as Blaine chased after the toy. She wasn't sure of this joyous feeling was because Blaine was enjoying himself so much that it was contagious or that she was just genuinely enjoying the experience. It was hard to gauge because she couldn't remember the last time she was actually happy or actually felt joy without some kind of adrenaline rush accompanying it. He brought it back to her quickly and she eagerly moved to take it back from him. When he dodged her grasp and displayed a mischievous grin, she offered a smirk of her own before leaning back and pulling out her phone. "Oh, I guess play time is over then," she teased in a sing-song voice.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine grinned up at the Switch as he continued to taunt her with the toy to try and get her to grab at it again. However, when that didn't happen and she mentioned play time being over, his eyes immediately widened, and he couldn't help but whimper and move closer, nudging her hand several times. "Play..." He muffled out around the toy, then rested his chin against the cushion on the couch. Then, he deployed his secret weapon. He turned his eyebrows up, widened his eyes and let out a series of low, soft whimpers around the rope still grasped between his teeth. Puppy dog eyes were something Blaine had perfected over the years, and he absolutely loved to use them to his advantage.
max fabray
Max did her best to ignore Blaine at first, scrolling through Instagram aimlessly only looking down after he nudged her hand several times and begged. She wasn't going to give in so easily, no matter hard it was to ignore him like this. It's what she enjoyed about pet play so much, the playfulness of it. Though, if he had one thing on his side, it was the cute factor and he played into it well. Max didn't give in right away, but he did capture her attention. "Oh you want to play?" She teased. "Are you going to be a good boy and play nicely, hm?"
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine nodded as much as the couch would allow, but kept the puppy eyes going as much as he could. He even began wagging the tail eagerly as he moved forward and nudged the toy against her hand once more. "Be good," He murmured softly, then decided to try a different tactic. He left the toy there and moved back a few steps, then got back down into the playful position as he watched her with a big smile on his face, keeping his head low to the ground.
max fabray
What Max really wanted to do was just set the precedent and remind Blaine who was actually in charge. She knew it wouldn't take long for him to comply because she could already see he was a good boy. "That's better." She set her phone down beside her and picked the rope up again. Standing up, she raised the toy far beyond his reach and snapped to get his attention. "Up. Sit up straight," she cooed.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine grinned at the praise, knowing it took him one step closer to play time again, and he let out a playful growl as his gaze followed her as she picked up the toy, then also as she stood up and off the couch. When Max snapped, Blaine's attention was immediately on her, and he quickly sat up straight and locked his eyes on the rope as he wagged the tail excitedly. It was hard not to move, and he very quickly started trembling with anticipation as he waited not-so-patiently for the command to "get it" or for the rope to be thrown.
max fabray
Max could see the anticipation, from the way his body shook to the way his eyes were trained on the rope. But she was going to make him work for it. "Lay." She ordered, pointing to the floor at her feet. When he complied, she continued to fire off orders, telling him to turn. Then telling him to shake hands. Then finally to speak. "You're going to be a good boy from here on out, right?" She asked with a warm, yet stern voice.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine eagerly followed each order exactly as it had been laid out for him, his focus shifting to her as opposed to the toy as she gave him tasks to complete. He took his commands quite seriously in general, but especially when he was doing them to make up for a wrongdoing. After the last had been given, he moved back into a sitting position and kept his eyes on her as she spoke. He let out a soft whimper at the stern tone and dipped his head submissively, the puppy eyes coming back out in full effect as he waited for her to finish before responding. "Yes, Queen. I'll be a good boy," He pouted, then scooted closer and nuzzled at the hand not holding the toy with another softer, needy whimper.
max fabray
Max watched Blaine follow each and every command to a T and she rewarded him with a pat on the head and when he nuzzled into her hand, she massaged the back of his neck. "That's better. That's a good boy." She was much more willing to comply to his wishes now that he righted his rights and she lifted the toy up again and tossed it behind Blaine. "Go on, go get it." She took her seat back on the couch, except this time she balanced on the end, holding her hand out for him to drop it into when he retrieved it.
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine relaxed at the gentle pat to his hair, followed by the massaging on the back of his neck. Letting out a content sigh, his eyelids fluttered and a small smile formed on his face once the praise was returned. He thrived on being a good boy, and anything less than that, to him, was something he stayed as far away from as he could. When she lifted the toy again, he was right back up with those same wide, brown, sparkling eyes and a playful growl as he backed up and when she started to prepare to throw it. Once it was thrown, he spun around and chased after it, then dove on top of it and clenched it between his teeth. He began shaking it side to side, spinning around with it, flouncing around excitedly. At least, until he noticed her hand outstretched. He then rushed over and dropped the toy into her hand, then got down into a playful position as he wagged the tail side to side eagerly.
max fabray
Max wasn't interested in rushing him, just letting him know that she was still engaged as he played with the rope. "The little tail wag was almost too much for her as a bright smile stretched across her features. "You're just too fucking cute for your own good." She dropped the toy next to her on the couch and pointed to the pile of packages she pulled it from earlier. "We have time to open one more package and for being such a good boy, you can choose which one we open next. You have 30 seconds to choose and bring me a package to open. Go ahead."
Blaine D. Anderson
Blaine grinned at the compliment, and after he was instructed to go pick out a box to open, he quickly did so. He began carefully shaking each one, looking eagerly and hastily for the one that sounded the most intriguing until finally, one of the boxes gave a small, but audible squeak when he shook it. He whimpered eagerly and rushed over, holding the box out with both hands. Big, brown eyes flickered between her and the cardboard as he continued to wag the tail even faster.
max fabray
Max didn't even bother keeping time. She knew that Blaine was going to be good enough to stay well within his time limit. When he brought her back a box that squeaked, she smiled, knowing exactly which package that was. She pulled the box and took her sweet time opening it up. Stopping every once in a while to 'check' something on her phone, just to build the suspense she was sure he was already feeling. It wasn't until his tail was wagging and his eyes were strained that she finally tore into the package and pulled out the pink squeaky ball. "Is this what you wanted?" She asked, then threw it somewhere behind the couch. "Go get it."
Blaine D. Anderson
When Max ripped the box open, Blaine got even more visibly excited. He dropped down into the same playful position, bouncing left and right excitedly as he kept his eyes trained on the box. It wasn't until the squeaky ball was pulled from the box that he got really excited. He began whimpering eagerly and backing up in preparation for it to be thrown as he excitedly nodded. "Please throw! Ball!" He grinned, keeping his eyes trained on it as she pulled her arm back to throw it. When it was thrown, he sped around the couch and began searching around the room, making a point to look under each and every piece of furniture he could. When he finally located it, he found it under a table that was just low enough that he couldn't easily access the ball that had rolled all the way back against the wall. He dropped to the floor and started trying to reach it, letting out soft whimpers, huffs and growls as he poked his tongue out in concentration.
max fabray
It was the sweetest thing, watching the excitement on his face as he watched the ball, then chased after it. She might have gone overboard, buying all those toys, but getting to let go and play with Blaine made it worth it. Max was expecting him to come right back with the ball but when there was a delay, Max turned around, peering over the back of the couch to see where he was. When she caught him trying to reach it behind a table, Max smiled, but then stood up to go and join him. "Oh no what happened?" She asked, running her hand up and down his back. to try and get his attention. "Do you need some help getting it? Alright," she continued, pointing to a spot on the floor out of the way. "Sit. And I'll get it."
Blaine Anderson
Blaine relaxed slightly at the touch on his back, looking up at her with the biggest, most eager puppy eyes he could muster as he scooted back and pointed behind the table. "Rolled," He whined out, lips immediately pouting as his eyebrows furrowed. Of course, he knew what to do to get it back out again, but when in the headspace he was currently in he rarely did things like moving a table to get something from behind it, or anything similar. When she asked if he needed help, he nodded quickly and moved in to nuzzle her hand as he began wagging the tail excitedly. This meant he was getting his ball back, and that had the glint of excitement returning to his eyes. He quickly shifted to the spot Max pointed to, then sat on his heels with his hands planted into the floor, an inquisitive, curious look on his face as his gaze flickered between her and the table.
max fabray
It was easy for Max to pull the table from against the wall and retrieve the ball. Once she got it and returned the table to its spot, she gave him the ball and motioned for him to follow her back to the couch. Time was a ticking which meant the scene was coming to an end. So she patted the couch for him to jump up on and join her. She ran her fingers over his head and settled on the back of his neck. "You were such a good boy for me today, pup. And because of that, I'm going to let you hold on to this ball. And every time you come be a puppy for me and you're a good boy, you get to take home a toy, okay?" They still had a few more minutes, so she milked the time and spent the last few minutes just petting him as he laid his head in her lap. Max couldn't wait to do this with Blaine again.
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Witches, Chapter 9: snippets of a day at the WAA, except the day is April 20, and nobody’s making weed jokes because all of them but Athena have something else to associate with this particular day.
Actually Clay’s making weed jokes but he doesn’t work here. You don’t even go here!
[Seelie of Kurain Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
[Witches Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
Apollo wakes in the morning, before his alarm, to the refrain of “I’m Clay Terran and I’m fine!”, which means that he isn’t fine, at all, and also that Apollo isn’t going back to sleep even if he had time. 
He rolls out of bed and pads into the kitchen in time to watch Clay, considering the coffee maker on the counter, turn away from it and grab an energy drink out of the fridge. “Rough work week so far?” he asks.
“Not your level yet,” Clay replies, “but pretty damn close.” He cracks the can open and drinks from it for four entire consecutive seconds. “The director’s been getting progressively more unhinged since Monday morning, and then that gets Mr Starbuck anxious, and then there’s a feedback loop, and then yesterday I was around to get to hear the director and one of the robotics engineers yelling at each other and she told him to go fuck himself - which, honestly iconic, you go, Aura, do it for all of us—” He pauses for breath and another sip of caffeine. “But it’s. Y’know. Not good, all considered.”
“Sometimes I feel like you shouldn’t be telling me all this,” Apollo says with a laugh.
Clay shrugs. “Whatever, dude - you know the director and Mr Starbuck, and I’ve only signed NDAs for tech stuff and the like. Nothing about fun personnel, uh—” He waves a hand and nearly knocks over a glass that was left on the counter by the sink. “Eccentricities. Anyway I hope you didn’t want to eat before work, because we have caffeine, and that is it.”
Apollo nods. He was supposed to do the grocery shopping on Sunday. Then Trucy dragged him out and it turned into three exhausting days of chasing yokai.
And the chase isn’t over, either. He’s relieved, the part of him that isn’t hypocritical and dead; ease his conscience for the low low price of tramping through the woods to find an actual giant bird monster and being forever afraid of how Blackquill managed to eavesdrop on that conversation. (He would swear Taka wasn’t there until it was.) That, and the higher price of knowing that it took the chief prosecutor to get them to move, that without him, and Blackquill, Apollo would’ve just stayed laying in the dirt. Athena might’ve gone mad, though.
“Maybe I’ll just get brunch at Eldoon’s,” Apollo says.
Clay feigns gagging, which turns into a real cough when he tries to stop too quickly. “It’s what you’d deserve.”
Apollo flips him off as he leaves the kitchen to shower and do his hair; Clay remains there to get caffeinated and scream. He has migrated to the living room when Apollo returns with dried and gelled spikes. “You know what day today is?” Clay asks.
All month, Apollo watched the calendar, watching the date come closer and closer. The twentieth of April, and a year ago, something. “The anniversary of me getting my boss arrested and starting down a path that ends with me working at the world’s worst law office, and you driving us on a road trip to pull a soul out of a tree stump?”
Clay blinks. “Dude,” he says. “No. It’s the day that we’re obligated to make stoner jokes even if you’ve never snorted a weed in your lives. Four-twenty bl—”
“Fuck you,” Apollo interrupts, very solemnly. Clay cackles. “‘Snorted a weed’, are you serious—”
Clay throws his empty can at him. Apollo catches it and hurls it back, missing Clay entirely and bouncing it off the coffee table. “Trying to give you something to think about that isn’t how fucked your life got this time last year! You’re welcome, dude!” Apollo snorts. “Or I’d try to regale you with more stories about the Center imploding but we’d be here for the rest of our lives.”
“Oh.” It’s not the route that Apollo would go for distraction, but that’s because he isn’t Clay, and that’s how they manage to be both best friends and a mostly-functioning household. “I’m gonna pass on that when I see Trucy, though. Not sure the thought counts when it’s weed jokes but her biological dad’s death was the thing happening last year.”
“Hard pass,” Clay agrees. “Just scream for a while.” He snaps his fingers. “It worked for us!” 
It wasn’t the twentieth, though, Zak’s death. It was a few days before: a weekend interim, and Apollo notified late Sunday night that Phoenix Wright wanted him to head up his defense. He slept for about four and a half hours. And if he remembers correctly, the actual date of Zak Gramarye’s death, in the early hours of the morning, was the seventeenth. 
And surely Trucy remembers that. A few days ago she would’ve started thinking of that. A few days ago - the seventeenth, Sunday, she called him up and told him he had a job and that job was coming with her to Nine-Tails Vale. Was that her choice of distraction - which makes him her choice of company. Because Jinxie was working, and Athena wasn’t here yet and Phoenix was picking her up. But surely Trucy has other friends?
(But Apollo’s the one who knows. Just like with Klavier; coincidentally, someone else Apollo needs to check in with on this particular day.)
“When does screaming not work?” Apollo asks, going to get the grocery list from the kitchen so that he can deal with it after work, try to set his life back to a normal schedule.
Trucy lies on the couch, her feet dangling over the arm, already there in the office under the dimmed lights when Apollo walks in. “Hey,” she says, without moving, without looking up, and most worryingly, without the mask of a smile forced onto her face.
Apollo drops his briefcase next to the other couch, unwilling to bother getting to his desk right now. “Hey,” he replies, sinking down into the cushions. The lights flicker like a blink and have a warmer tone to them on their return. 
Trucy’s hands unclasp and the blue mitamah falls onto her chest. “We met a year ago today, remember?” As if Apollo could forget. She handed him a playing card and he stepped out of one world into the next. 
“I didn’t know who you were that day, though,” Apollo says. A girl in a top hat handing him suspicious evidence; that’s the way Phoenix fell, too. 
“Yeah, Daddy didn’t tell me your name either,” Trucy says. Of course he didn’t. It stings more than it should. “Said to give it to the red guy with the hair and the bracelet.”
So those are his most prominent characteristics - those and his voice. “I see,” Apollo says, spinning his bracelet around his wrist. Trucy watches with big staring eyes, the mitamah back cradled in her hands. So damn complicated for both of them. “This bracelet was my mother’s,” he says. Clay knows this, Clay and no one else in this hemisphere. “It’s the only thing I have from her or know about her.”
Trucy blinks. She raises her head up an inch and falls back. “Not even her name?” Apollo shakes his head. “My mother’s name was Thalassa.” This, Apollo knows. Phoenix told him. “Everything I know about her, someone had to tell me. Daddy, my other daddy, didn’t like to talk about her, but Uncle Valant said that she had the most beautiful singing voice and that’s why I’m so good at it too.” Pause. Looks away from Apollo, again opening her hands to ponder the mitamah. “I can sometimes hear this - humming, kind of? Like some faint echo voice. Like she’s still trying to sing to me.”
Apollo can only remember how unnerving he found the sound. Unnerving, and more unnerving for the way he wanted to keep listening. A siren’s song, reeling him in. Better not to say that. Better to let Trucy just have any comfort she can take from it. 
She closes her eyes, faced turned to the ceiling. “I want to be a stage magician,” she says. “Like Uncle Valant. Do tricks that entertain people, not trick them to hurt them and be selfish. He made a career out of it alone for seven years. Sort of. Somewhat.” Her eyes open, remaining fixed above her. “But I bet I could. I just have to find my audience here. My Youtube audience is good but not really enough, but I bet I can make a niche. Like you have a niche, all the most impossible and complicated cases.”
Her tone is that of talking to herself, of talking without wanting response. Apollo leans against the arm of the couch. Not even 8:30 in the morning and they’re both exhausted and sad. What a week, and only half done. “Like we generalize that people in LA don’t trust magic but that’s just a generalization, you know? I want a spotlight. Disappearing acts, escape the coffin before the sword goes through - all that. Not just like Uncle Valant did, working in the wings for Lamiroir and Prosecutor Gavin.” She finally props herself up on her elbow. “I wondered if Prosecutor Gavin brought Uncle Valant on to try and ask him about Daddy’s last case, when Daddy disappeared. But that would be a really sneaky thing to do and Prosecutor Gavin is too pretty to be that sneaky.”
“You think so?” Apollo asks. “I think he knows he can get away with it because he’s pretty and everyone’s too distracted by that.” In a literal magic way. He’s pretty because he’s sneaky, and sneaky because he’s pretty, all because he’s glamourous. And all it cost him was his birthright. 
“Are you texting him?” Trucy pushes herself up the whole way, her eyes narrowed and assessing whether she can leap the coffee table between them to rip the phone from his hands. “Don’t tell him I said that!”
“I’m not telling him you said that!” Apollo is too complicit in that to be able to mention it. “You just reminded me that I was going to tell him about this last case.”
“That’s gonna be a really long text,” Trucy says. 
“It’s not like I’m gonna put the entire trial transcription in it!”
You would not believe the case I just went through.  Also, have you ever met prosecutor Blackquill?
“It’d be simpler to ask him on a date and just tell him about it.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“Why not?” Trucy leans forward and Apollo instinctively presses his back into the couch and pulls his phone close. He can only begin to imagine what she would do if she got her hands on it. “You’d be able to see how he’s doing with…” She swallows and slumps backwards. “Y’know.”
He does, and speaks past a lump in his throat. “Yeah.”
All three of them, inextricably linked. And Apollo should be the one who has it together, at least relatively speaking, in this regard. It wasn’t his family. 
(Just reminds him of it. Take solace in the fact that Nahyuta and I look nothing alike. Don’t think about the fact that Dhurke looked nothing like Nahyuta, either.)
Athena whirls into the office at 9:05 am with what Apollo now understands is her base-level excitability. He and Trucy cleaned up the residual evidence of their feelings before she arrived, anticipating her arrival. Lock it all away; Athena doesn’t need to know what they’ve been through. Trucy reattaches her smile; Apollo shoves his phone back into his pocket. “Am I late?” Athena asks, stumbling straight into the couch. “I’m sorry! It won’t happen again!” 
“You’re not late unless Daddy’s here before you,” Trucy says. “No need to apologize! We’re all friends here!”
Athena, beaming now, ventures further into the room, her eyes casting around with the same attentiveness she used for a crime scene. Her gaze lingers on the portrait of Zak above the piano, and then the piano itself, table as it is for Trucy’s smallest stage-magic props and a small half-finished canvas that Vera left the last time she came to visit and they ended up playing blackjack instead of Trucy doing her homework and Vera her painting. That was two weeks ago. Not much gets done promptly if it isn’t for a case. “Do we have desks or do we just work from the couches?” Athena asks. “Because I mean, I totally—”
“Next room,” Apollo says. 
“Oh,” Trucy says, suddenly downcast. “That means I don’t have a desk anymore.”
“You never use a desk,” Apollo says. “You just work on the floor.”
“Oh,” Trucy says again, brighter now, and she follows Athena back to the desks to point her to the right one. “Yeah. I do. Anyway!” Athena dumps her bag on what is now her desk. “Welcome to the Wright Anything Agency, Athena! I was planning a speech over the weekend and then the case happened and you weren’t even at the office, so I’ve forgotten it by now. But that’s the WAA way! That’s Daddy and Polly’s court style, make it up as they go!”
“I resent that statement,” Apollo says. 
“Yeah, I saw it right from the bench these past two days!” Athena doesn’t sit down in the chair and instead hops up onto her desk, kicking her heels off the side of it. “I kept thinking we didn’t know anything and we were gonna sink, and then bam! Apollo’s turned it all around again!”
“That’s what he does best!”
“Ah,” Apollo says. The girls both grin at him, this once, alarmingly sincere. “Th-thanks.” He’d rather be properly equipped for a major case, the way he’s occasionally fortunate to get a client not accused of murder, and so not have a worrying number of adrenaline spikes per court session - but he’ll take what he can get.
“Speaking of court,” Trucy adds, crossing the room and flinging herself into Phoenix’s desk chair, the momentum rolling her back into the wall, “Daddy said that we’ve got to track down the real Tenma Taro now, too?”
“He mentioned that?” Apollo’s heart leaps back up to his throat. And just after he had his confidence bolstered, too. 
(Phoenix came back from the Prosecutors Office and called it “an unfortunate necessity”, but none of them could argue that it wasn’t a necessity. For their consciences; for the proper administration of justice; for the safety of the entire town of Nine-Tails Vale. Mayor Tenma might be its guardian wrestler-yokai, but he’s also the mayor of Tenma Town, and herding a yokai back to its prison is not a one-man job. Phoenix and his fae friends have the plan, or will at some point; depending on how much demonic activity they see out of the Vale, the timetable will move up or down. “Ideally, we deal with it in June, wait for the summer solstice,” he had said. “Fae powers fluctuate some with the seasons; yokai shouldn’t be much different. Hit it when it’s weakest, if we’re lucky.”)
“A little bit.” Trucy shrugs. “But I can help too! I’ve never known anything to get out of my panties if I didn’t want it too, so if we need a more secure place than the Forbidden Chamber—”
“Why did they have to be magic panties?” Apollo asks. “Why couldn’t it be magic literally anything else?”
“Don’t look a pair of gift panties in the waistband—”
Phoenix arrives some time after 11, bleary-eyed though he has coffee in hand. “‘Morning, everyone,” he says, sounding as dead as he looks. He blinks a few times. “Athena. Truce. Apollo, how’re you doing?”
Is that question just for him or all of them, and Apollo the last to be listed? He wouldn’t know how to answer that question today were it anyone else asking, either. “Uh, fine,” he says. Phoenix’s eyes narrow slightly and drift around Apollo, assessing him in some way. “Except for the part where Athena’s making us up a workout regime to prepare for yokai-fighting.”
There is a moment's delay, Phoenix still pondering him, and then the words must finally hit and he laughs. “Athena,” he says, “are you really trying to get everyone in on punching Tenma Taro?”
“No!” she says indignantly. “It’s a couch-to-5k plan, basically. So that everyone’s got enough stamina to run away from yokai when we have to bait it out, and then you can run a race with me after!”
“We’re not using people as bait,” Phoenix says. “Overruled.” Athena raises her hand like they’re in a classroom and Phoenix is their teacher and not a lenient boss and absent mentor. “No, not even if you’re volunteering to be the bait.”
Athena lowers her hand. 
3:43 pm, Apollo’s phone buzzes, removing him from the outskirts of Trucy and Athena’s discussion, continued from the prior afternoon, about how one actually manages to purchase a vehicle (they don’t know) and heckling Phoenix for not having a driver’s license. At this point Apollo realizes he doesn’t know how or if Athena is driving legally in America and decides that he’s rather glad for any distraction.
-heard some unfortunates had to face him -you and fraulein??
Something about the messages bothers him, something he can’t put his finger on. 
Not Trucy. Agency has a new girl who just passed the Bar and she and I had to deal with the crazy magic murder samurai. Everything about it felt like an unplanned hazing ritual
He expects an answer right away; once Klavier starts talking, he usually keeps going. A minute ticks past, then another. Apollo figures out what isn’t right. Fraülein isn’t properly accented. Klavier usually takes more care than that. Appearances are too important to him, even - or maybe especially - when Apollo can’t see him.
Another minute. Apollo doesn’t look at the calendar. He looks at Phoenix, hunched over some books to study for the Bar, as Athena recalls as much as she can about taking it earlier in the year, in Europe. Her, speeding along in her career, and him, trying to make up for seven years of lost time that never should have been.
Apollo sends another text.
Are you all right?
(It’s not too presumptuous a question to ask off of one typo, not today, and not when they both know full well that through text, Klavier can lie to him.)
Phoenix leaves not long after four, telling the girls now that he’s actually trying to read, they are far too loud and distracting and he’s going somewhere quieter. Apollo assumes he must mean his apartment, except Phoenix doesn’t take any books with him, and Trucy shouts, “Say hi to Mr Edgeworth for me!” so she obviously knows or guessed something more than Apollo could.
“And me!” Athena adds. “Wait, what happens if we get a client in the next hour and you’re not here?”
“You were emailing Edgeworth this morning,” Phoenix says to her. “Didn’t you include ‘hi’ anywhere in there? Anyway, you’ve got Apollo. Unless you think there’s magic involved, I’m not the one to ask for help.”
He waves over his shoulder and closes the door, leaving Trucy plunking away without rhythm at the piano and Athena wincing at each new out-of-tune note. And Apollo, waiting.
“I’m co-opting your office for study space, since you’re the one who’s pushed me into this,” Phoenix says. 
“All right,” Edgeworth says, which is the lack of reaction that disappoints Phoenix even though he expects it because they’re adults now and Edgeworth keeps himself so much more tightly guarded, except where his ability to fold paper cranes is concerned, still. Then he meets Phoenix’s eyes and a shadow crosses his face, left over from their conversation yesterday. Should I bring it up again, this matter of trust? that expressions asks, and then the decision, no, and the lines between Edgeworth’s brows smooth out some. “How’s Trucy doing?”
He had asked the other day, too, and the answer is still the same. “She’s been pretending that nothing happened, that there’s no significance to these past few days, even to me.” Phoenix sighs and slumps deeper into the couch. “I know she always opens up to me when she’s ready, but…” She might not. She hasn’t let him in to her thoughts about Zak beyond that one night after she and Apollo found Thalassa’s soul. He doesn’t know if there’s more than love and grief, if her feelings are turning conflicted. 
(Phoenix’s opinion of Zak isn’t conflicted. Neither is Edgeworth’s.)
“And Apollo’s hung up on it all too,” Phoenix adds. It was written plain on his face, if the Psyche-Locks when he said he was fine weren’t indication enough. (Though the one of the three did break when he talked about Athena’s hoped-for running regime.) “And I’m pretty sure I’m the worst person to talk to him about anything, and if I try I’ll dig myself deeper in his opinion.” Hell, forget saying anything. Existing around Apollo is probably a jackhammer to the bedrock at the bottom of the grave Phoenix has dug. Best to stay out of his way, let him and Athena now do their thing. He’s a smart kid. He’ll be fine. 
Phoenix doesn’t like the expression that Edgeworth is making again and pivots quickly to something he meant to ask at some point anyway. “And how’s this side of things holding up?”
“You don’t need to be so obtuse in asking,” Edgeworth says. “Gavin’s seemed fine. I lightened his case load last week and this, anyway, to give him room to breathe if he needs it.”
“That’s kind of you,” Phoenix says. Edgeworth’s frown returns, deeper than before, as though the implication is that he usually isn’t. “I’m glad you’re not holding a grudge.” 
(“Anymore” is the word they both know fits silently at the end of that sentence.)
“With the information I was given, you understand why I drew such a conclusion,” Edgeworth says. 
(And “if you had let me in, I would have acted differently” hangs in the air, a ghost over them both.)
Phoenix picks himself up to go investigate the law tomes on Edgeworth’s shelves. “I know.”
(The punchline: “And I’m not sorry because I’m afraid Kristoph would have killed you if you tried to get involved.” And then the words he won’t ever say, “I’d spend seven more lifetimes disbarred and disgraced than risk losing you again.”)
Behind him, Edgeworth sighs. And all he says is, “Though Gavin did call out today. I’m not sure that’s a good sign.”
“No,” Phoenix agrees. “I’m not either.” His hand twitches to move toward his phone instead the books in front of him. Give Apollo a call, tell him to check in on that. 
But he’s pretty sure Apollo wouldn’t appreciate him micromanaging his personal relationships, either. (Any more than he’s already given him nudges regarding Klavier. The way he wishes someone had nudged him to reach out to Edgeworth, not that he’s sure if Edgeworth back then would have accepted the offered hand.)
You can’t save everyone, whispers the bitter voice of his hard heart, calcified from years of drowning. Pick a priority, it sneers. Stop bleeding for every sad sorry soul that comes your way. Athena. Klavier. Vera. Blackquill’s blacked-out case file on his desk, not so much for him but for Edgeworth, who hopes they can piece the legal system back together if they just keep digging. 
And for once, he tells that voice to shut up, because if he can bleed he’s still alive. That’s how he can even know he is - not that he’s necessarily still human, but that he’s anything at all. 
“Do we have food at home?” Athena asks.
“We did,” Trucy says. “And it was enough for Daddy and me for a week. And you ate it all the past three days.”
It’s like in high school, in the last class of the day, with just a few minutes left on the clock and everyone getting antsy. Except it’s a law office, even if Athena is the age to still be in high school, and Trucy is still in high school. And yeah, maybe at the end of the day sometimes in the Gavin Law Office, some of them would be itching to go home. But they’d never dare show it. And Apollo still feels culture shock, sometimes, both from the memory of working for Kristoph, and from his concept of what he’s pretty sure a law office should be like.
He’s mostly used to it, mostly. It’s just odd, to have Athena here - another actual lawyer here. Like she’s part of an attempt to make this into a respectable business, but nothing else has changed.
“So what you’re saying is that as soon as we’re out of here I need to go buy more chicken,” Athena says.
“You want to do my grocery shopping too?” Apollo asks. “You’ve got the car for transporting it all.”
“If you give me your credit card, sure.” Athena’s grin says, in bold type, that she should absolutely not be trusted with anyone’s credit card.
She blinks at him with poorly feigned innocence. “But that’s the fair way to do it, if some of your groceries are gonna be taking up the trunk space that I need to use for chicken.”
“How much chicken are you buying?” Apollo asks.
“I need protein for my workouts!”
“I can’t believe you got a gym membership here before you even looked for an apartment.” Trucy raises her eyebrow at him. Apollo considers what he just said and lays it against everything he knows of his new coworker. “Actually, I can,” he amends, and he has to laugh with her at her obvious pride in this fact.
She’ll be nice to have around. Good company. It gets quiet when Trucy isn’t around, and when it’s quiet he has even more time to wonder, to ask questions of people who he’ll never again see to answer them. And sometimes in the quiet he finds himself talking out loud, knowing there’s someone listening and not knowing how much capacity she has to repeat what he’s said. She can flicker lights and shatter mirrors; can she use a keyboard? An ouija board?
He likes the prospect of always having someone around who can talk back, even if he won’t be saying to Athena anything like the ponderings he’s put to Mia. 
“We’re heading out,” Trucy says. “It’s not quite five but I’m the boss here.”
“Okay,” Apollo says. “I’m trying to finish writing up what happened this case.”
“How’s that going?” Trucy asks. 
Apollo frowns at his journal and the ink that’s smudging in his haste to write. “It makes even less sense to me this way.”
“Oh, I’m glad I’m not the only one getting more confused trying to remember what all we just did,” Athena says. “What a needlessly convoluted murder plan.” She lingers with her foot propping the door open after Trucy has already gone out. “See you tomorrow! Good luck with your grocery shopping! Just remember I offered!”
“You offered to commit credit card fraud!”
The door closing doesn’t fully muffle her laughter. Apollo returns to his desk, finds that he’d left his phone there and in the fifteen minutes he had slowly migrated up to the front room with the girls, he missed several strings of messages, all from one particular person.
-have you ever been to kitaskis bakery -pretty sure its not even a money laundering fromt -but if it is its the best front I’ve eaten at -love to say it wins by being the only but - :| -lets not talk about that
He’s pretty sure that between the lines, all these read “not all right”. He keeps scrolling. The next set are timestamped just five minutes later.
-Vongole was mad I wouldnt give her muffin -so she ate salt packets -threw up the salt pakcets -now sticking her head in every trash can in the park -will update you if she finds panties -if she does I think this parkr is cursed -even if she doesn’t
Apollo closes his eyes and leans his head back until the ceiling lights bleed bright through his eyelids. He did ask, and here, the answer. Tossing his journal and pen in a drawer and deciding he’ll deal with the write-up tomorrow, he grabs his bag and heads for the door. If Athena isn’t arriving late unless she gets there after Phoenix, then Apollo isn’t leaving early if he’s the last to leave. 
The lights in the room blink out before he hits the switch, but when he looks back, they spring back on and again flicker off, like a question. “Yeah, I’m done for the day,” Apollo says. The blinds drop down over the windows and hit the sills with a loud clattering sound that makes him jump. Whether she meant to startle him or not, he has the urge to explain to her, justify himself. Better to be safe. Better to be sure. “Gavin’s finally lost his mind, I think.” 
He waves his phone screen at the ceiling. He has no idea how she knows what’s happening in the office, whether she can see everything or hear or something else, but he’s found himself imitating Phoenix, orienting himself toward the ceiling to address her. Their office, a shrine, and she, their patron god. The Holy Mother of the Wright Anything Agency.
The front door swings open for him, and the rest of the office darkens behind him.
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letslipthehounds · 6 years
Okay, so you wrote a prompt where Vader went back in time to save Obi-Wan from Qui-Gon's neglect (it was chapter 102) - I was wondering what happens when Vader gets back to the future and what effect it had on Obi-Wan? Thank you :)
Here’s the previous part.
Darth Vader consideredthings as he made his way to where Obi-Wan Kenobi was kept.  Seeing his Jedi Master as a younger Padawanhad really explained so much about Anakin’s own Padawan days.  Obi-Wan had tried, Vader could see that now.  But he hadn’t had the knowledge of how- notwith how Jinn had treated him. 
But hopefully now,things would be different.  Vaderconsidered if he should change- but no, he wanted to see if Obi-Wan remembered“Knight Starkiller.”
He enteredObi-Wan’s cell.  Really, it was more likea heavily fortified and Force Proof guest suite.  Obi-Wan could use the Force inside the room,but not on the room.  It was comfortable,and Vader had made sure that Obi-Wan’s interests were reflected in the room.
They might be onopposite sides for now, but Vader still loved Obi-Wan as if he were a brother,and that meant that Vader didn’t want to hurt him.
Obi-Wan wasmeditating when Vader entered, and Vader settled down to wait.  Obi-Wan’s mediations were no longer as calmas Vader remembered from before the end of the Jedi, but they had beenunsettled since before Vader had traveled in time.  It wouldn’t take long for Obi-Wan to surface.
And itdidn’t.  Obi-Wan made a disgruntled faceas he opened his eyes, but Vader was sure that was because of how themeditation had gone, not the company. “Anakin,” Obi-Wan said after a moment.
“Hello, Obi-Wan,”Vader replied.  “How are you doing?”
“Bored,” Obi-Wanretorted.  “There’s only so muchmeditation I can do.”  He was studyingVader with a distracted air, though.
Vaderchuckled.  “I imagine so,” he said.  “I have some ideas so you won’t be bored,” headded.
Obi-Wan stiffened.  “No thank you,” he said.
“Nothing likethat,” Vader promised.  “At least, notright now.  I was thinking more of aspar.  Freehand, of course.”
“Of course,”Obi-Wan muttered.  He knew why he wasn’ttrusted with a weapon.  But he stood upand they headed for the room Vader had ensured was outfitted as a small gym.
Obi-Wan hadn’tstopped staring at Vader, though.
“What is it,Obi-Wan?” Vader asked.
“I don’t… I don’tknow,” Obi-Wan said.  “It’s… something.”
Vader sighed, butdropped it.  He knew what it had to be,after all, even if Obi-Wan didn’t.  Itwas the Darkness, closer than it had been before Vader had taken his tripthrough time.
He smiled as thesettled into ready positions.  Obi-Wanwould Fall, and then Vader could explain what had happened.
Vader sighed as hewatched Obi-Wan read.  The other man wason the edge, Vader could feel it, but he was being stubborn.  In the deepest part of his mind, Vader wasn’tat all surprised, but he was frustrated.
He wanted Obi-Wanto stand beside him once again, against all opponents.
Vader cleared histhroat and Obi-Wan looked up.  “Yes,Anakin?” he asked.
“I want to showyou something,” Vader said.  “Will youlet me?”
“What is it?”
“A vision I had,”Vader said.  “I… need some advice, and Ican’t go to Sidious for it.”
Obi-Wan actuallylooked curious.  “I’m not sure how muchadvice I can give you, Anakin.  But Iwill try to help.”
“Thank you.”
They arrangedthemselves on the meditation cushions, facing each other.  After a moment, they dropped into theForce.  Vader reached out to Obi-Wan, whoreached back.  Neither were specificallyfocusing on one side of the Force or the other, so it was comfortable for themboth.  Vader focused on his vision, andcarefully showed it to Obi-Wan.
Lightning flashed around Vader as he stood besideObi-Wan.  His lightsaber was out, and hewas deflecting the Lightning Sidious was trying to throw at them.  Beside him, Obi-Wan was doing the same.  Sidious paused for a moment, and Obi-Wanacted.  He leapt forward and Sidiousbarely got his own lightsaber out in time to block the blow.
Obi-Wan tangled Sidious in a saber lock as Vaderfollowed up with his own charge. Somehow, Sidious avoided it and the fight was on. 
Vader and Obi-Wan were clearly united, as they hadbeen so many times during the Wars. Sidious was hard pressed to defend against them, and finally, he fellfor one of Obi-Wan’s feints, and left himself open.  Vader slid forward and stabbed Sidious in theheart.
Sidious slid to the ground, dead.  Obi-Wan stared down at him, then at thestill-blue lightsaber he carried. “Anakin,” he started.  “We didit.”
Vader nodded, turning off his own red saber.  “That was for threatening my children,” hespat down at the body.
Obi-Wan blinked asthey came out of the meditation. “Well.”  Words failed him.  “I see why you can’t show that one toSidious,” he finally said.
“He’s going tothreaten Luke and Leia,” Vader said.
Anger sparked inObi-Wan’s eyes.  “Not on my watch,” hesnarled. 
Vader blinked athim.  He hadn’t expected that reaction-he’d been fully prepared to bring a man who was still a Jedi with him toconfront Sidious. 
“How long do wehave?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Not too long,”Vader said.  “I have a meeting with himlater today, and…” he looked down at himself. “In the vision, we’re wearing the same clothes we are right now.”
Obi-Wannodded.  “I’m going with you to thatmeeting.  You can… you can pretend thatI’m almost ready to Fall, if you need to, and you want him to help push me overthe edge.”
“The onlypretending would be that I’d want his help,” Vader said softly.  He was almost certain that Obi-Wan would Falltoday, but he wouldn’t advertise that.
“I’ll make sure Ihave your lightsaber with me,” Vader said, louder.
“Thank you.”  Obi-Wan took a deep breath.  “I won’t let him harm Luke and Leia, Anakin,you know that, right?”
“I know, Obi-Wan,”Vader said.  “I’ve known that since younearly killed yourself trying to keep them safe.”
Obi-Wan smiledwanly as he remembered the events that let Vader capture him.  Then he set his shoulders and held out hishands.  “You’ll need to handcuff me,” hesaid.  Anger still sparked in his eyes asVader got him ready.
“Thank you,Obi-Wan,” Vader said just before they left the rooms.  And really, he was thanking him for more thanthe man thought.  Not just for beingwilling to protect the twins, but also for the fact that he was finallystarting to Fall.
Yeah, this one gotaway from me for a bit, but Vader does get what he wanted in the end.  Also, dead Palps is always a good thing.
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kamenowriting · 8 years
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Cry under the Moonlight Chapter 2: Enemy or Ally..?
Fandom: Hakuouki Summary: [AU/Canon]: When two enemies met such an unexpected fate, that’s how they’re starting to fall in love in oblivious. Characters: [Kazama Chikage & Saitou Hajime], [Hijikata Toshizou & Okita Souji] Pairings: Harem!Saitou(Kazama/Hijikata/onesided!Okita x Saitou) but eventually KazaSai & HijiOki Genres: Romance, angst & hurt/comfort Rated: M rated Words: 13, 659 Warnings: Grammar error, AU, OOC-ness, BL, yaoi, boyxboy, and yandere!Souji
A/N: Hello everyone. So, it’s been such a long time I haven’t posting any of my writings. I do apologize for this. Just a very popular writer’s problem; having an artist’s block and all. But, after listening my fav Saitou-hen album and osts, my mood for this trash OTP is coming once more. I call my OTP trash cuz pretty sure that this pairing is impossible to ship unless you have a kink sadistic seme x masochist uke like I am.
However, just because my mood for this pairing is back, that doesn’t mean I’ll be posting pretty often. My college life has finally over. But I’m taking a practical training this time, which is, it’s pretty much keeps me away Tumblr even more OTL But hey, I decided to continue on writing this story once more as I find this plot pretty interesting despite the summary pretty suck.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don’t own Hakuouki nor the characters especially Kazama and Saitou. But I do love Kazama’s character in Saitou route of Shinkai. His expression looks quite… exciting and sadistic-er than the previous Hakuouki.
"I understand." Saitou said, stood up from his place as he started to leave then. "I'll be leaving at the dusk then."
The indigo-haired man stopped from mid-walking when the Vice-Commander called his name. His ocean-blue orbs took a glanced into the beautiful onyx one
"Sorry about this." Hijikata said with a regretful tone. "I always dump the nasty work on you."
"Not at all." Saitou faced away then. "Do not dwell upon it."
"Ehhh~ Don't ya think he's been relying on ya too much?"
"Why does it matter?"
There was a quiet moment between them until Souji broke a silent moment with another grin on his face.
"In that case, that would make this place feeling lonely without ya, Hajime-kun." Souji said, crossing his arms behind his head.
"I don't see any different whether my presence here or not."
"Hmm... Ya may be right.."
"I'm impressed." Kazama began. "For a bakufu dog such as you are, you have such a good manner."
"Eh...?" Blinked in confusion at the sudden of... maybe a compliment? Saitou lowered his face then, not knowing what to do anymore being alone with a demon in the isolate room.
This is an AU fic where the event of the Shinsengumi meeting the Yukimura girl were never happen,
instead it merely focus between Saitou and Kazama
If you’re against Kazama and Saitou pairing, I suggest not to read it.
One night, he's starting to dream.
Saitou Hajime walked to the hallway as silent as he is. Arriving at the destination, the indigo stood there in front of the vice-commander's room like a statue before readying himself to see the Vice-Commander.
Exhaled quietly, Saitou began to speak from outside and the indigo has to make sure that his voice could reach to the Vice-Commander’s room despite he has a quiet and stoic attitude.
"Fukuchou, it's me, Saitou Hajime."
It took several seconds then the left-handed man waiting patiently to hear the Vice-Commander's answer as if he was like a loyal dog who's waiting his master to have a permission to sit on his lap.
"Ah. You can come in, Saitou."
Hijikata finally replied inside his room, his tone was cold like an iceberg that could not melt very easily, however to Saitou's view, his voice was calm and gentle like a soft breeze at the peaceful hill. Oh how Saitou had desired of so much to hear his voiced next to his ear, whispering him of how much he loves him, wanting to kiss him and do stuff like—
..wait, where's that thoughts coming from?!
Shaking his head to leave those thoughts out from his head, Saitou begin to open the shoji door and closed it back once he had entered the raven-haired Vice-Commander's room. The first thing he saw is the strong, broad-back of Hijikata's. It look likes there are more of paperwork he has to finish, as usual. The indigo wondered when would Hijikata takes a break then..?
After he satisfied taking a secretly gazed on the Vice-Commander's back, Saitou took a very polite sit on the purple cushion that Hijikata has been prepared of despite he hasn't looked at the indigo in the eyes yet.
He is one a workaholic Oni no Fukuchou as expected.
..Well, talk about himself..
Even Saitou can be a workaholic especially if it’s an order by Hijikata.
Taking a glanced around the room, the indigo-haired man had noticed that Hijikata hasn't finished eating the sakura mochis that the indigo had prepared before he taking a day off.
He probably should lecture for not taking care of his health.. then again, would that helps him knowing that he has no place to lecture him since he's just a mere Captain of the 3rd Division.. 
For several moments neither of them starts a conversation nor trying to break of this quiet moment.
Of course, as silent as Saitou is, he has always enjoyed this quiet peacefulness. He'd never sense of awkwardness whoever he's being with. He especially enjoyed spending this atmosphere with Hijikata. Despite the raven-haired ronin can be hot-tempered, yet he does enjoy this quiet peacefulness as well.
Compared stucking with the Baka Trio for a whole day..
Just thinking about it, Hijikata would have prepared to dig his grave by now.. 
And now back to Hijikata’s perspective about the quiet atmosphere.. well, the raven-haired man was too focus on his paperwork that he even almost forget of Saitou's presence no matter how much important that indigo-haired man for him.
Knowing that this would take forever, Saitou has finally decided to break this silent moment. It's very unlike him, of course. 
Saitou began to speak first, but knowing that Hijikata was still busy.. he shouldn't stays here longer as he doesn't want to bother the Vice-Commander. "Fukuchou, I've heard from Kondou-san that you've come to see me. Is there anything I can help you with?"
After Saitou had spoken, Hijikata put down his brush on the table and faced to his captain.
Despite being a workaholic.
Ahh... Fukuchou.. Saitou still finds this man so fascinating one. Those beautiful, soft, raven strands of hair of Hijikata's. Eyes were cold like an iceberg, but behind of those orbs, there was a warmth feeling like a ray of sunlight. And those strong and muscular arms that Hijikata was born. He wondered if Saitou would've been safe if he had been embraced by those strong arms of Hijikata's.
Oh how he wished he could be with him every night, snuggling behind his broad-back, believing that everything's would be alright. As long as he could sleep next to him, everything would be—
..Ack! Those thoughts again!
Since when had he started to think this way about him..?!!
..Actually it’s been this way since he’d first joined the Roshigumi.
And yes, ladies and gentlemen, Saitou Hajime has a biggest crush on none other than the Vice-Commander.
Thankfully those thoughts didn't last longer as Hijikata's voice returned him back to reality.
"Yeah.. I've got a new mission for you, Saitou."
Saitou nodded in understanding, waiting for the raven-haired man continued to speak so that he could explain what mission should the indigo man should finish of."You've already heard the rumors about the abandon shop, right?"
That's right. Rumors had been spreading around the Kyoto that the abandon house next to the sweet shop has been haunted night after night. But from what the Shinsengumi found out from Yamazaki, it looks like it has become the members of Satsuma-han secret hideout for a meeting.
Either one of a member of Satsuma-han gave a false rumor to keep everyone away from abandon house, or there's a definitely a ghost in the abandon house.
..Of course to Hijikata, there's no such thing as a ghost. ...Unless he's the ghost.
"According from Yamazaki-san, the abandon house has become the Satsuma-han's meeting base although none of their meeting were scheming onto something dangerous, from what I've heard."
Hijikata nodded.
"Yeah, I've heard that too. However, I don't like this feeling." the Vice-Commander muttered under his breathed as he started to mumble in worriedly. "Whatever they're meeting all about, I want you to spy on them and see what's going on."
"So you want me to arrest them once we've found something like that?"
Hijikata nodded. "Ah. This way we're pretty sure we could find Kodou's whereabouts."
"I understand." Saitou said, stood up from his place as he started to leave then. "I'll be leaving at the dusk then."
The indigo-haired man stopped from mid-walking when the Vice-Commander called his name. His ocean-blue orbs took a glanced into the beautiful onyx one
"Sorry about this." Hijikata said with a regretful tone. "I always dump the nasty work on you."
"Not at all." Saitou faced away then. "Do not dwell upon it."
With that, the indigo-haired closed the shoji door and walked to the hallway to find his men whom they're taking a break from their morning training.
Upon of walking on a long hallway, Saitou met a familiar captain whom leaning against a wall as if he was waiting for someone to tease.
"Yo, Hajime-kun." There was a wide playful smirk on the Captain of the First Division.
Saitou greeted with calling his friend's name only.
"So what does the mother hen wants from you?" Souji asked curiously, following the indigo-haired man as he tried to search his men at the backyard.
"Just another mission."
"Ehhh~ Don't ya think he's been relying on ya too much?"
"Why does it matter?"
There was a quiet moment between them until Souji broke a silent moment with another grin on his face.
"In that case, that would make this place feeling lonely without ya, Hajime-kun." Souji said, crossing his arms behind his head.
"I don't see any different whether my presence here or not."
"Hmm... Ya may be right.."
Whether Saitou's presence is exists in their dinner time or not, but the Baka Trio would almost do their stupid things as usual, while Souji would drive Hijikata crazy. Mostly in dinner, lunch or breakfast time, Saitou eating his food very quietly and disappeared his presence in the dining room as if he was a dandelion who won't stay one place too long.
Upon of continuing walked all the way to the backyard, when there's no one beside two men, Souji entrapped Saitou on the wall with his muscular arms so that the indigo won't go anywhere else. There was a happily grin on Souji's face. Emerald orbs gazed into the ocean-blue ones in a hidden of lust thankfully Saitou didn't noticed how much Souji loves this quiet man so much.
"What are you doing, Souji?" Saitou said, using his usual monotone voice as he had no time to play around with the playful captain, knowing that it's almost dusk already. But at the same time however, Saitou feels himself feeling uncomfortable entrapping by his friend.
"Mmm.... no way." Souji widen his grin then, in which, brings Saitou gazed on him in puzzled.
"What are you—"
"Hajime-kun," the mischievous captain stopped him from mid-sentence, and there was still a cat-like smirk on his face. Souji leaned to Saitou closer so that their nose were dancing together, and whispered very softly to make sure only the indigo-haired man hears his voiced: "I like you."
"What?" Saitou said stupidily, raising his left eyebrow in confused.
"Like I said," Souji whispered once more. "I like ya. I like ya for along time now." The Captain of the First Division was expecting that his friend would stunned upon of a sudden confession.
Saitou replied with a sigh of... was that disgustingly Souji could sense? When their eyes gazed onto each other, Saitou put his palm of hand on Souji's chest, gesturing to move away as if that's his answer.
"I'm sorry Souji, but I do not quite understand of your words very well." Saitou spoke straightforward. "If you excuse me, I have to leave—"
Before Souji let this happening, the not-so-playful-captain-anymore gripped Saitou's wrist tightly, gesturing his friend that he wasn't joking around about it.
When Saitou noticed how unlike Souji is, Souji began to grip his friend's chin and make sure their eyes didn't turned away on elsewhere. It was very unlike to see Souji this way. His eyes were cold, similar as Hijikata's but way colder than the Vice-Commander's one. His playfully grin disappeared on his face as if he has a split personality.
"Well maybe this could make you understand."
The Captain of 1st Division began to lean to Saitou's face very closely. The indigo was still too dumb to know what does Souji intending to do.
When their lips were about inches away by now, Kami was such a cruel toward to the poor Souji.
A familiar gentle male voice brings Saitou back to himself:
"Oh there you are, Saitou."
The indigo-haired man faced to the gorgeous Vice-Commander quickly that he even forget the presence of Souji.
"I almost forgot that I need you for a moment." Hijikata said with a hidden of smile, not wanting to show his gentle side in front of other men. "Souji, I need to borrow Saitou right now. Shouldn't you suppose to train your men already?"
Souji didn't spoke anything, only groaned with filled of anger and maybe jealously as well? It took quite moment then Souji moved backward from the indigo and started to leave without any words.
Once the indigo began to walk next to Hijikata, Saitou took a glanced on the back of Souji who's still looks in a bad mood.
He wondered what he's trying to do..?
I like ya, Hajime-kun
He doesn't get of Souji's words so well..
Shaking his thoughts from his head then, Saitou began to follow the Vice-Commander and do whatever he can to be a very useful person for Hijikata
...and Hijikata only.
When his dream had finally starting to end, Saitou Hajime had finally regained his conscious back. Eyes fluttering opened like a butterfly, the indigo-haired man sat up and tried to take a looked around the room.
This is...
Eyes wandering the room once more, the left-handed ronin realized he wasn't in the abandon house anymore.
What.. happened to him last night..?
Trying to remember whatever happened to him before he fell into a deep unconscious, it wasn't taking longer after then his memory about yesterday have finally regain back.
Ah.. that's right.
He and his men were suppose to spy on the Satsuma-han who's intending a meeting at the abandon house next to the sweet shop. When they had failed to chase the dark figure, possibly one of a member of Satsuma-han, a certain member of Satsuma-han gave a strange medicine that brings him fall into unconscious. And after then.. he's been... r-rape by a group of Satsuma-han. Thankfully, they're not as many as Saitou has thought to be.
They're quite brutal for an enemy of Shinsengumi...
Not to mention it, he couldn't quite remember for how many rounds they've done so far but it almost look likes to be more than 5 times.
"Urrgh..." Saitou muttered under his breathed as he finds his lower body feeling sore. Untie his clothes, Saitou finds himself a little frightened to see his naked body by now. There are many deep scratches and bit all over the places; arms, hands, chest, and legs.
He wondered what does Hijikata thought once he finds out about this...
The thought of him makes him feel an urged to disappear in Kyoto by now.
Trying to caress some bruises he received on his right arm then. The next thing he knew, he could felt there's a wrapped-cloth on his upperarm.
Saitou eyed on it in confusion, didn't noticed until now that several of it it has been bandaging perfectly.
"Who did this..?"
Saitou questioned to the lonely wind.
His eyes then taking a glanced around the room once more, he finally realized that the room was filled with a sweet, and fresh scent that could make Saitou easily to breathe compared to the abandon house one. The room was so quiet that he couldn't even hear a sound of the crickets were singing anymore as if he was the only one that living in this world.
Where could he be—
Not long after then, the shoji door opened automatically, and revealed a familiar presence in the room.
"It's about time for you to awake already."
A male voiced spoke in a deep tone one that could brings Saitou shivered down in all over spine.
He couldn't helped but feels an urged to wide his eyes like a saucer, and gaped like a fish.
Of all the person he met, why here...?
The presence at the shoji door was none other than
Kazama Chikage.
A mysterious, yet powerful ronin whom is also a member of Satsuma-han, an enemy of Shinsengumi. It was revealed that he is also an Oni of the West along with Amagiri and the gunslinger, Shiranui(except he’s not a demon from the West). Kazama’s also the strongest demon in the West clan, if he wasn't mistaking hear it from him. It's already been the third times they've encountered him. The first is in Ikeda Inn, second ones at the Mount Ten'nou, and lastly, at the Nishi Hongwanji Temple.
Whatever reason he'd encountered the Shinsengumi for several times by now it was a little mysterious. However, the Demon does once warned them not to become a fake demon. And by meaning of fake demon, of course, he must have meant by the Rasetsu then...
Trying to be very cautious toward his enemy, Saitou used a defensive stance so that he wouldn't let his guard off.
He won't make a mistake this time..
Kazama gazed the indigo-haired man deeper, wondering what made him changed a posture like that."What are you doing? You do realize you've been very rude to someone who had saved you. You should be grateful."
Saitou's cold orbs soon melted away into confusion. Now that the Demon had mentioned it his injured from the last night had been aided by now. But still, don’t tell him that the Demon was the who bandaging his injuries…
Feeling guilty for being quite rude, just as the Demon had describe him of, Saitou lowered his head in apologetically, and speaking in a soft tone, to make sure the Demon accept his apologize.
"I-I'm sorry for being rude just now and... thank you.. for saving me and… aiding me as well."
As he waiting for an answer, Saitou could hear a deep chuckled on the Demon's lips. When the indigo-haired man began to raise his head, he could see just how attractive the Demon is with that wide smirk like a Cheshire cat.
Can a demon such as Kazama Chikage could make this kind expression toward his own enemy..?
"I'm impressed." Kazama began. "For a bakufu dog such as you are, you have such a good manner."
"Eh...?" Blinked in confusion at the sudden of... maybe a compliment? Saitou lowered his face then, not knowing what to do anymore being alone with a demon in the isolate room.
As he let his mind drift off on elsewhere, he hadn't realized until now that the Demon's presence had appeared just inches away of him. Before Saitou could make any movement, the Demon of the West instantly gripped the indigo's wrist very firmly, putting them above the other man's head in which, brings the stoic captain fell on the futon.
Eyes gazed into each other like a human world colliding into a demon world. Either of them hadn't faced on elsewhere as if they were having a staring competition.
The 3rd Captain of the Shinsengumi couldn't helped but to admire those beautiful, ruby orbs of Kazama’s. It reminds him of so much watching a beautiful sunset reaching down onto the horizon with the amazing and attractive Hijikata. It was one of the most cherish day he had ever have. But those eyes looked even more breathtaking than watching the sunset before night's coming.
Despite being an enemy of Shinsengumi, it's funny how Saitou amazed this man's beauty no matter how dangerous the demon is. But at the same time, the indigo couldn't sense any malevolent aura around the other man whether he's a member of Satsuma-han or not.
"I see that humans are quite sensitive one." The Demon began to whisper quietly, eyes went down to the younger man's long and curvy hips. The golden-haired man's hand started to untie Saitou’s obi, half-stripping off his black kimono, in which, the blonde-haired man could see Saitou’s naked hips even better.
Eyes widening opened because of getting stripped by his own enemy, Saitou began to struggle himself to stop at whatever the Demon is scheming of.
“W-Wait. What are you doing—?!”
Kazama ignored Saitou’s exclaimed as he put Saitou’s left hip on his shoulder while the other leave it on the futon. Pulling Saitou’s white fundoshi with his long and callous fingers, the indigo’s manhood began to react a little.
“I haven’t touching you yet but you’ve already reacting. Does getting rape really aroused you?”
The indigo-haired man didn’t spoke anything, too humiliated to think about that night as he buried his face with his muscular arms. Willing rather not to see his enemy’s expression/face.
“Well, whatever..” Kazama muttered quietly, leaning to Saitou’s pre-cum manhood, putting his cavern into it, and sucked in satisfiedly.
“A—Ahhh..!” Saitou moaned in erotically, not knowing where’s that voice coming from. Has he always had that kind of voice…?
What is this..? He had never experienced something like this before.. it’s different than how the members of the Satsuma-han treating him. It wasn’t disgusting he could felt this time. It felt so good. So good that he almost felt like he’s in heaven by now. Could it be..? Can he really say this word—
“U-Ummmpgh..!” Saitou whined quietly, burying his fingers into Kazama’s gorgeous blonde hair as it doesn’t matter who’s taking a blowjob. Enemy or no, this is too much.
“C-Coming..” Saitou muttered, in which, the Demon’s eyes laid above to the lusty ocean-blue ones. “Something’s.. coming…!”
Understanding Saitou’s words, Kazama continued on taking a blowjob with a fast pace this time, while hearing the indigo’s sweet moaned close to him. When Saitou has finally reached its climax, white liquid released into the Demon’s cavern, in which, he gladly drink it all.
“You came a lot.” The Demon commented, wiping his chin to make sure he drank every last drop from his face.
“M-My deepest apologize.”
“No need. It’s natural for humans to ejaculation.”
While Saitou’s mind was filled with haze in pleasure, he hadn’t realized until now that the Demon was carrying him like a princess-like styled and started to leave the isolate room.
Where is he taking to..?
When the Demon entered to the unknown room, the room was dyed in a white colored like a radiant light. The room was also engulf with a white mist.
Is this.. bathroom…?
Kazama putting Saitou down on the floor and make sure he could stand despite his mind was still hazy. While waiting for his mind back to reality, the indigo noticed that the Demon of the West was pouring a bucket of water.
“What are you—?“
Before Saitou could finished his sentence, Kazama answered his question without hesitated while his eyes were still eyeing on the pipe.
“Cleaning you.”
“Eh..?” Saitou said stupidly, too puzzled of whatever the Demon spoke about.
Kazama sighed.
Humans are quite stupid, huh?
“What? You don’t want to clean yourself after all what happened that night. You’re reek”
…Oh. So that’s what is.
“Then.. take off your clothes.”
Once again, being slightly stupid, Saitou asked another stupid question. Then again, the indigo was quite surprised at the sudden of command.
“What? You want to take a bath while wearing your clothes? Is that how humans hygiene themselves?”
At that, Saitou remained quiet, not knowing what to say anymore.
Why would the demon treated him this way?
Shouldn’t they suppose to be an enemy?
“I can take a bath on my own, thank you.”
“Don’t be stubborn. With that many rounds you’ve got rape, I doubt that you can hygiene yourself.”
“Shut up…” Saitou hissed. “I’ll be fine. So just leave me—“
Before Saitou could finished it, knowing that he’s been standing up for much longer, his hips starting to shake like a leaf, without realizing it, his body was about to collapse on the floor.
Before his body could landed on the cold floor, Saitou realized that someone had held his body safely. The next thing he knew, his body were enwrapping by a very strong and muscular arms. His chest crashed into the other man’s broad chest that makes him feel an urged to flush in red already.
He eyed on whoever saved him from falling on the cold floor and it was obviously the Demon of the West.
Kazama sighed in annoyingly once again.
“See? Can’t you, human, stop being a stubborn and at least be grateful for this.”
Saitou whined quietly and finally given up himself by letting the Demon taking care of him.
The indigo started to untie his obi, letting his black kimono sliding down on his body to the floor. Still didn’t trusted his enemy, Saitou moved his hand to his private so that the Demon won’t gazed on him in hungrily.
Following the Demon’s demand by sitting on the stool, Saitou began to shiver at the touches of the Demon’s drench, callous palm of hands. He started to clean Saitou by pouring a bucket of cold water above Saitou’s indigo hair before caressing his warm hands on the younger man’s pale and pure-ish naked body.
The golden-haired man had to admit it, this was his very first time touching human’s body before, especially man. Of course, he wouldn’t dare to touch woman’s body except once he and the woman/demoness’ body had court by now.
The human’s body was so soft and fragile that the noble demon had the greatest urged in need to leave some bite marks on his body or even give some scratch marks with his long and sharp fingers. He wondered what kind of sounds would the human make once he pinch his broad back harder until a bead of red liquid started to form…
The Demon’s thought soon went away as he heard a soft whine echoed around the elegant bathroom. The next thing Kazama knew, it was none other than the younger man’s.
I see. So he’s quite sensitive despite being a stoic ronin.
Kazama couldn’t helped but to chuckle at that.
Letting the younger man’s head rested on the Demon’s broad shoulder. Putting a soap liquid on his palm hands and make sure the Demon rubbed his hands together to form a big foam, he caressed the human’s body with his coated-filled palm of hands like an ice rink.
Each reaction the indigo-haired man made brings Kazama’s smirk turned into wider than the Cheshire cat from those nonsense humans fairy-tale. Satisfiedly, the Demon stopped his long and tender fingers on the other man’s attractive right nipple, starting to pinch and rub in teasingly in which, the Shinsengumi ronin released a very sweet moan from his soft lips.
“I see that you’re quite enjoying that.” Kazama chuckled sadistically-ish, licking and biting the human’s cute earlobe.
While continuing on torturing the human’s adorable nipple bud, the other man started to mutter something.
“Hm? Is there anything you wanted to say?” the Demon teased him, moving on playing his other nipple.
“Y-you’re—“ panted harder. “You’re wrong.”
Slightly stunned at the human’s word. But instead of continuing on gapping like a fish, Kazama’s smug began to twist in wider one, finding amusing to see this kind of side from the member of the Shinsengumi.
“Oh? Is that so? Then, how about if I do this,” Kazama said, stopped his work on the other man’s nipples, instead, moving his hand down on the indigo’s private part, bringing the human flushed in red upon of feeling a hard grip on his manhood.
Each moan the younger man let out made even erotically than ever.
“It looks like your body is being honest to me.” Kazama whispered next to the younger’s red ear, chuckled once more. Continuing on grasping the other man’s private part once more, bobbing it up and down until the other man’s reached its climax.
It wasn’t took last long that a white liquid began to spurt out from the tip of human’s erection, releasing another loud and lewd whine from his lips.
Too hazy to think of anymore, his world started to fall into a pitch of darkness as Saitou realized that he fell into a deep unconscious once again.
Fluttering his eyes opened once he’d regained back, Saitou sat up on the soft futon and tried remember everything’s how did he ended up fainting—
“So you’re finally wake up. I was expecting you won’t be until tomorrow.” A deep male voice spoke with a chuckle.
Searching for the familiar man’s voice, Saitou found him at the windowsill with his right hip and broad-chested exposed that the younger man felt an urged to move his eyes from elsewhere, while cheeks starting to flush in a deep scarlet.
Eyeing on his body, Saitou realized he didn’t wear his usual plain and black kimono. Instead, it was a white and thin yukata.
The Demon must have changed him while he was fall into unconscious a while ago…
“Where is this?” Saitou asked when his cheeks finally turned back to normal, his blue-ocean orbs laid into the crimson’s one while the Demon took out a puff of smoke from his kiseru in elegantly.
“My manor.” Kazama replied shortly. “To put it simply, the Hidden Demon Village.”
When silent falls between Saitou felt an urged to get out of here.
He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be in his own enemy’s… whatever places it is, headquarter, so-called-demon world and all. There’s a higher chance that the Demon might kill without the Shisengumi known.
I have to get out of here. I can’t stay here longer.
Determined to leave this place as soon as possible, Saitou began to break their silent moment.
“Thank you for everything but I must leave now.”
The Demon’s simple question drivin’ the indigo crazy already. Just stuck with an enemy of the Shinsengumi brings atmosphere around here awkward and cold as well. He could felt some dark stares pierced him deep inside of his chest as if they’re watching his every little move.
“I don’t see any point living here longer when it’s obviously that I’m not welcoming here.” Saitou explained. “In fact, I need to report to the Commander and Vice-Commander about whatever news I’ve got at the abandon shop.”
…wait. Why did the indigo told his enemy everything about this? Damn… the younger man bet that the Demon was definitely going to end his life by now. …Well, it’s too late to take it back.
With a long paused, after the Demon had puffed out another smoke from his lips, eyes wandered on the night scenery of Demon Village, replying with a very unlikely quiet tone.
“There’s no point to report whatever last night to the Shinsengumi now.”
“What do you.. mean?”
Saitou narrowed his eyes deeper on the Demon’s gorgeous figure.
What does he meant by that? True that he couldn’t find Kodou’s whereabouts from them and all. The least he knew that the abandon shop was several members of Satsuma-han’s secret meeting.
“I’ve already take care everything of them. They won’t come anymore.”
“What are you trying to—“
Before the younger man could speak more, the longer he stared into the Demon’s crimson orbs, the more he understood of his words.
He killed them all.
Every single member in that place.
Saitou wondered.
How could the blonde-haired man managed to kill them all..?
For a powerful ronin such as Kazama Chikage, killing those ronins were like stepping on a thousand of small ants with a boot.
But more importantly is
How could he do this…?
How could he—an enemy of Shinsengumi, killed his own allies?
Wasn’t he siding along with Satsuma-han?
“Why…?” Saitou murmured quietly.
Took out another smoke from his elegant lips, Kazama spoke with a very bored and dull tone:
“Stupid humans such as them aren’t worthy to exist here.”
Stupid, huh…?
Was he included in ‘stupid human’ as well…?
“If I’m one of this ‘stupid human’, why won’t you kill me as well?”
“Hmm… who knows.” Kazama’s smirk began to form on his lips as he continuedly put the kiseru back on his lips.
When Saitou lets his head down on the floor, it took a moments then the Demon had started to leave from the windowsill then. The Demon’s figure began to come closer to the younger man. Letting the indigo’s guard down, Saitou didn’t expected received a kiss from the Demon. The indigo was expected that his lips were rough like a bark of wood. Instead, it was very soft like sakura petals that were dancing around him. His enemy’s strong arms enwrapped around Saitou’s small body very slowly as if he wants to give a permission to let his body closed to his. When the Demon licked the younger man’s lower lip, not knowing what he’s doing; Saitou opened his cavern wider and lets the Demon devoured him everything.
The indigo jumped slightly at a strange liquid poured deep into his cavern from Kazama’s.
Since when he—
Swallowing at whatever his enemy gave him into his throat, the blonde-haired man parting his lips away from Saitou’s. Their saliva began to create a bridge between Saitou’s to the Demon’s.
His mind and vision began to blur before he could let his slumber take his control him, the indigo murmured:
“Wh-what was..”
“Medicine.” Kazama answered. “Now sleep.”
Before Saitou could reached him to ask more, the Demon’s figure started to lay down on the futon next to Saitou.
His vision has finally fell into a pitch of darkness then.
Morning came, Saitou fluttering his eyes opened upon of hearing birds tweeting in early morning in sweetly. The wind breeze his soft hair like a dancing tree.
The indigo sat up on his futon and took a glanced around the room to find the Demon’s presence. Not long after taking several glanced around the room, Saitou found him at the corner. He was wearing his usual white kimono with red and blue obi. The Demon wouldn’t forget on wearing his favourite dark-brown haori with his family crest.
When the Demon noticed the younger man has finally woke up, there was a smug on his face as if he was intending to tease the indigo in early morning such as this.
“Having a good sleep?”
“…Something like that.” Saitou murmured at that.
Kazama replied with a nod and started to speak when he lets his eyes wandered off to the door.
“The servant will prepare food for you. Try to be a good Bakufu dog.”
Before the noble demon intended to leave, the younger man stopped him.
“Where are you going?”
“To the Satsuma-han headquarter.” Kazama answered. “You might as well stay here for a few days until your injured heals.”
“Why are you.. doing this to me?”
Kazama didn’t hesitated answer while there was still his usual arrogant smirk on his face.
“Just a… demon’s instinct.”
Before Saitou speak more, Kazama had already leaves the room.
The younger man sighed.
Just what the Demon is trying to scheme of anyway..? Why would he treated him as if the younger man is… some kind of special guest?
His thought soon drifted away as the servant entered the room with a knock. Despite being a servant, he’s still young, but maybe a bit older than Heisuke. He brought a tray of food with a cup of tea.
“Here’s your food ordered by Lord Kazama.”
“Ah… thank you.” Saitou nodded in politely.
It wasn’t that long after then that the servant jumped slightly at the strange smell he felt around the room. As he lets his eyes laid into Saitou’s, the indigo haired man tilted his head in confused when the servant looked at him in suspicious and maybe… feared as well?
What’s wrong with him—
Once he had finished putting the food down on the tatami, the servant bowed before taking a leave in nervously.
What was that all about…?
Gazing his eyes down on his food, Saitou couldn’t helped but having a bad feeling when the servant looked into his eyes just now.
Could it be…
He’s a bit shocked to see a human’s presence in the Demon’s World?
The younger man knew that staying a stranger place was a very bad idea. Just what the Demon’s thinking anyway?
Well.. it wouldn’t hurt to stay here a little bit longer until the Demon returning home.
Once the sun had almost reached to the horizon, the sky has turned into red-orange colored. Several demons in the village were having their usual peaceful life where they didn’t give any care about what’s gonna happened to the Human’s world.
After taking a warm bath, Saitou wears a light-green kimono with a pattern of sunflower on his lower-right part. The clothes was a little big for him, but at least it didn’t slipped off his body that easily.
Most of his time for a whole day while waiting Kazama, Saitou took a walk around the big manor so that he could remember which rooms he should go and all. The Kazama Mansion was pretty big, he has to say. It’s even bigger than the one he and the Shinsengumi stayed before Nishi Hongwanji Temple. There are several rooms in there. Some of them are guests room, dining, living and even a study room as well.
Well, he must be a noble demon or something.
Also, Saitou has to make sure to avoid from getting closer to the servants’ presence so that he won’t make the mansion turned into chaos just because the Demon of the West brought a human here.
After satisfied walking around the mansion, Saitou returned back to the chamber room where he and the Demon slept on the same futon that night. The room around here was pretty wide he has to say. At the corner of this room, there was a small table with papers and brush along with ink-bottle. Next to the Demon’s table, there’s also a bookshelf. Taking a peek on the bookshelf, most books were about history, swordsmanship and some folklore as well.
Saitou blinked. Somehow, he couldn’t really imagined to see the Demon is the kind of person who enjoyed reading especially folklore before.
Shaking his head out of those thought, Saitou intended to return back to where he usually sit. However, as his eyes laid on Kazama’s table, he noticed how the table was full of mess with papers. He couldn’t helped but reminded him of so much who’d forgot to tidy his table up after finishing his work.
He wondered why the servant didn’t clean his table up? …Or maybe the Demon wouldn’t let any servant enter his room whether they’re dusty or not…
Without realizing it, Saitou began to tidy the small table. Wiping some stain of black ink with a cloth on the table until there isn’t any single black spot on the table.
Wiping his sweat on his forehead with his back of hand, the clothes that the servant preparing him already dirty. Well, he should take another bath then..
Once he took a second time of bath, Saitou changed into a new clothes, this time, a blue yukata with a wave pattern. Entering to the Demon of the West’s chamber room, Saitou sat on the tatami very quietly while meditating.
It’s a good way to wait the Demon return in patiently then.
“Oh? What’s this?”
The Demon’s words bring Saitou back to the reality.
The indigo eyed on the man behind him as he took a glanced around the room with a hidden of amazed behind on those crimson orbs.
“I never expected you’re quite capable on cleaning up my study room. I’m impressed.”
“It’s just normal.” Saitou stated. “Since we don’t have servants compared to you, each of us has a turn to clean the headquarter.”
“So that’s how it is.” Kazama murmured softly. With that, the noble demon began to take off his dark-brown haori, and grabbed his kiseru.
The indigo was expecting that the Demon was intending to smoke on his favourite spot. However, this time, he sat next to Saitou while the younger man took a short meditating to empty his mind. It was very quiet between them. There isn’t any awkward this time as Saitou has gotten used to be next to the Demon’s presence for the second day by now. Neither Kazama intending to give an ambush attack nor trying to kill him. As for the Demon, he pretty quite enjoyed getting closer to the indigo’s presence little by little. Usually, he would like to experiment the human’s heart by being sarcastic until Saitou snapped and sometimes shows him a little interest and kind toward him.
Once Saitou decided to stop meditating, he let his eyes opened slowly and gazed to the Demon, who’s enjoying staring at the younger man in full of interested. Whatever kind of expression Kazama giving, he had no intention malice on him.
Moving his eyes on elsewhere, Saitou could hear the Demon chuckled lightly and whispered of ‘looks like he won’ from the staring competition.
When he realized he’s been fooling around in this manor, the indigo-haired man had decided it’s almost about time to leave in this village by now.
He shouldn’t be here any longer.
He’s a human.
There’s no such thing as human living in a different world except his own.
He had just break the Kami’s rule where there’s no such thing as humans and demons could live together.
Gripping his hands on his hips tightly, Saitou took out a soft sigh from his lips.
“I need to leave.” Saitou’s words were short, yet his tone was cold and hard like his blade that he often wield. Eyes were cold like an iceberg as well, but a little gentle behind on it.
As Saitou finally laid his eyes into the Demon, Kazama continuedly smoking with his kiseru for a few moments. When more than seconds had passed, the younger man was thought the noble demon didn’t heard it very well so he intended to repeat once more. But before he could open his lips, the Demon finally answered:
“Haven’t I told you that morning?” Kazama said. “You might as well stay here for a few days until your injured heals.”
“My injured already healed since yesterday. I don’t see any point someone like you to worry—“
“And what about that below part?”
The indigo-haired didn’t reply anything at that in which, brings the Demon chuckled in amusing but soon his usual sarcastic smile disappeared.
“While your body hasn’t… pure yet, you might as well stay here for a few days. I’ll take a responsible for cleaning you after all those worthless insects done to you that night.”
“Why would you do that?”
Kazama curled his lips upward, his usual sarcastic smug is back on his face again.
“Just a… demon’s instinct.”
Saitou blinked at those words. When he tried to speak, his chin getting cupped by a very strong and callous fingers.
It was Kazama’s.
Eyes gazing into each other as if those are the only thing both men could only do in this world. Moving closer to Saitou’s personal space, Kazama gave him a hungry as he dropped his kiseru on elsewhere while pinned the other man down on the futon. The Demon had always a greatest desire to devour Saitou’s lips already. It were so cute and soft that he needed to torture it until it turned red.
While busying himself with kissing the other man, Kazama used his free hand to strip Saitou’s clothes slightly so that he could give a caressed on his muscular arms in tenderly. He admired how strong and hard Saitou’s muscles are. It’s  just shows him how hardworking this man with training in non-stop. Also, he had heard rumors from all over members of Satsuma-han that a certain member of the Shinsengumi was training on waterfall while spending himself fighting a bear if he had encounter. Whoever person that training there must be Saitou then.
When the Demon noticed the indigo was about to fall into conscious, he finally parted his lips away, letting their saliva connected to each of their tongue. Gazing down on him, the younger man’s eyes filled nothing except hazy. Cheeks and ears tinted with a deep scarlet colored. Catching his breathed in erotically, the Demon of the West has the deepest urged to pawn him down on the futon by now. But not wanting to do something without the indigo’s will, Kazama gave his forehead a kiss on Saitou’s small forehead as well. The noble demon whispered quietly:
“Today, I won’t do anything that against your will.” With that, Kazama moved his body next to Saitou, as he intended to go to sleep.
As soon as the noble demon could sense a stare from the younger man, it took several moments then Saitou finally spoke with a hoarse tone.
Kazama glanced on Saitou, raising his eyebrow in confusion, in which, Saitou continued once more, “I’ll stay here.. just as you’ve asked for. But I won’t be here longer.”
He didn’t know why did he accept Kazama’s offer. Maybe it’s an opportunity to get to know of his enemy very closely. Maybe if he’d observes him, he would find out at whatever the Satsuma-han is scheming of.
With an unexpected answer, the Demon widen his eyes opened in shock. But it takes more than seconds then he replied with widening his smug.
Moving his strong hand on Saitou’s cheeks, Kazama caressed the other man’s cheek in tenderly, as Saitou looked quite pleasant getting a soft caress on his cheek. And the next thing he knew, he finally falls asleep in comfortably.
Ever since then, the indigo-haired man accepted the Demon’s offer and started to stay in the manor of the Demon of the West for 5 days by now as a… guest. Saitou mostly spends most of his life by following the blonde-hiared demon’s broad back as if he was one of Oni Trio group. After observing the mysteries demon of the West who was supposed to be a threat for the Shinsengumi, the indigo-haired man realized that he’s so-called enemy had no malice intention to destroy the Shinsengumi nor killing them. For 5 days in a row together with the Demon, Saitou would often sees Kazama lazing at the porch of his manor while enjoyed at the peaceful of quiet in the Demon Village despite they can still hear the sound of maniacally laughter from the abominations, that’s what Kazama described of Rasetsu. But at the same time, the blonde-haired Oni would also on continuedly on aiding the indigo like a patient and… ‘clean’ him after a horrible event happened that night at the abandon house.
Funny how the noble demon didn’t relied on his servants to clean him. But it probably because the demon didn’t want his servants to feel suspicious as to why the Demon of the West would bring a mere human such as Saitou in the Hidden Demon Village of the West. That could ruin his reputation as the Head of the Pureblooded Demon of the West by now.
When the moonlight had starting to reach at the above night sky, the indigo wondered deeper. Having living here like a home, Saitou still hasn’t found any answer as to why an enemy of the Shinsengumi such as Kazama Chikage, himself would rescue someone like him; didn’t he finds them all disgusting when they would drink the Ochimizu whether they would lose their sanity or not? So why would the noble demon becomes a savior to him?
He sighed, feeling slightly exhausting just thinking about that. When his eyes wandered to the beautiful full moon, his thought about Kazama soon changed to none other than the Vice-Commander, the gorgeous and charming Hijikata Toshizou.
The indigo-haired man couldn’t helped but to admire his beauty very truly. Everything’s about Hijikata always fascinating one. His soft and gorgeous raven hair like a streaming river. Gentle onyx orbs. And those soft lips like a sakura petal in a spring season. Oh how Saitou wished he wanted to see the Demon Vice-Commander again. Then again, he doubted that the noble demon would let him leave without a permission. But just what does he think he is, anyway? Did he thinks that the indigo is his some kind of prisoner or something? …Well, calling himself as a prisoner looks quite a bit harsh. Then again, Kazama does often see almost all humans as an insect which is, the Demon’s word was pretty much harsher than the indigo’s.
I wonder how’s Fukuchou and the others are…,Saitou thought to himself, wondered how everyone’s in the Nishi Hongwaji Temple are.
It’s already 5 days he hadn’t returned to the headquarter by now. It’s obvious that everyone in the Nishi Hongwaji Temple noticed of his disappearance by now. Especially Hijikata.
What kind of expression would Hijikata makes when he realized that the indigo had disappeared? Would he feels frustrated like a worrywart mother hen? Angry? Irritated? Or what’s worse, disappointing?
The thought of seeing Hijikata disappointing face is one of the biggest fear Saitou has ever had. He had always tried his very best to make the raven so proud so that he won’t see or hear the Vice-Commander upsetting or disappointing mumbling or groaning. Whether it’s his selfishness or not, he had always wanted Hijikata to see him a better captain compared to other captains. Until the very end, he would follow to where Hijikata go and died along next to his body, as long as what he believes is right.
“How long should I stay here?”
He questioned to the lonely wind in frustrated, sighed as loud as he could.
It’s drivin’ him crazy already!
He can’t just stay here for like forever by now.
Sitting on the tatami while waiting the Demon of the West returned back from the Satsuma-han headquarter wouldn’t helped him anything at all. Standing up from his place then, Saitou grabbed his swords at the corner of the Demon’s chamber bedroom and putting on his hips before take on his heels to leave the room.
Coincidently, as Saitou opened the shoji door, the presence of the Lord Demon of the West had appeared in front of him. That’s great.
Kazama eyed on Saitou’s swords on his hips and back to the ocean-blue orbs one, his eyes narrowed deeper onto the younger man’s eyes.
“What’s going on?”
“I need to leave.”
“Obviously I can’t stay here longer. Neither I want any other demons beside you finding out that there’s a living human here.”
With that, Kazama remained quiet while he’s still gazing into Saitou’s cold like an icicle orbs. Both men gazing into each other as they are too stubborn to turn away until the Demon of the West finally opened his lips with a sigh.
“Fine.” He mumbled. “You’ll be leaving by early dawn.” With that, Kazama grabbed his kiseru on the table and sat on the windowsill while watching other demons living in peaceful.
“I have a question for you.”
“And, what is?”
“Why did you saved me?” Saitou asked desperately. If the members of the Satsuma-han that raped him had been killed by the demon’s hand, why wouldn’t he ended his life as well? Wouldn’t it be easier?
“Who knows?” Kazama chuckled lightly as if he was playing the indigo’s heart. He noticed the other man began to turn his knuckle into fist, didn’t cared if Saitou had dug his nails deeper into his fragile skin until a bead of blood started to form. Kazama finds the human amusing seeing him looks frustrated and confused.
“Those kind of humans were pretty worthless and weak. Such as them shouldn’t be in an amazing human world.”
“So why won’t you end of me as well?!” Saitou didn’t realized until now that he had just raised his voice to the demon. Tears slowly began to form on his eyes by now but he tried so much not to show his weakness to his own enemy.
Kazama had been watching him since the indigo accidently raised his voice. There was an expressionless on his face as if he had starting to find the toy that he recently found is bored. Eyes wandered to the elegant window, the Demon spoke:
“Do you describe yourself as a worthless and weak insect then?”
When the younger man murmured that, Kazama’s eyes returned back to the indigo.
“Do you describe the Shinsengumi along with you as a worthless and weak insect, then?” Kazama repeated, but this time, adding with the Shinsengumi.
Saitou couldn’t helped but finding his heart completely shattered just hearing the Shinsengumi is worthless and weak as well.
He wasn’t meant by that..
“I’ve heard a few rumors that you, along with Shinsengumi are one of the most strong and fearful samurai around in the Kyoto. ..I guess the rumors are fake huh?”
Stop that..!
“Who ordered you to come to those pathetic house, Hijikata? He sure has some guts despite having a title as this-so-called Oni no Fukuchou.”
D-Don’t blame Hijikata….!
“Just what is the Shinsengumi is fighting for? Money? Power? Reputation? You do realized those kind of wish are one of the most selfish desire they’ve ever had.” Smoking with his kiseru, Kazama blew out of the smoke on his lips and began to speak once more, “I don’t see a point for the Shinsengumi to spy on Satsuma-han like that. Trying to find a news by eavesdropping at the isolate room is one of the stupidiest thing has human ever done. Doesn’t they have given a better task than this?”
“Don’t blame the Shinsengumi for this! I’m the one to be at fault! I’ll let my guard down!”
At that, the indigo finds himself hard to breathe upon for raising his voice for the second times toward the Demon.
The noble demon hasn’t spoke any word yet. His eyes gazed into the the younger man who looked quite pathetic in the Shinsengumi’s point of view. But to Kazama, he finds this kind of side from Saitou is actually… cute.
“Why do you think of the Shinsengumi and Hijikata so highly?”
The indigo didn’t spoke anything, letting his cold eyes pierced deep into the crimson as he still hasn’t enough oxygen. His cheeks were in a deep scarlet colored. Sweats began to form all over his face, neck, hands and body as well.
“Don’t you think you’ve actually been fooled of yourself?” The Demon started. “You’ve been fooled by those wild dogs. Fooled by the-so-called Oni no Fukuchou. You’re just a dog who’s needs a food to survive. But once you’ve slowly die, they’re no longer needs you and you’ll get thrown away like piece of trash. Like a dying puppy who’ll slowly become a stench corpse on the street. Is that how you want your fate to be?”
“You’re wrong!” Saitou exclaimed unexpectedly. “The Shinsengumi had never wanted any of this. Neither have they fought for money or power. They’re all fighting and protecting everyone for honor.”
“Ho..? I never imagined you could speak that way before. I was expecting you’re the kind of ronin who remained silent and let people insult something terrible from the back.” Kazama said in amusing as he put his callous fingers on his chin, there was his usual smug on his face.
Saitou bit his lower lip to keep his usual stoic and quiet attitude on his mask. He can’t let himself getting so-called-exploding like Hijikata just because of the Demon’s insult and sarcastic.
“I believed the Shinsengumi.” The indigo began. “I believed of whatever they lead to me. They acknowledge of my ability and strength.” Saitou has to say, he isn’t the kind of person who would tell his past to anyone, not even Souji, Hijikata or even his trustful captains. And definitely not his own enemy. Especially Kazama Chikage. However, maybe if he told the Demon about this, he might changed his mind of how he seeing his own enemies, especially the Shinsengumi. “I wield using my left hand. I’ve trained a few dojos but either of them had accepted me for who I am or my ability. But when I met them, they never think of me cheated. Instead, they admired of my ability. They saved me, so… the only I can do to for now is to follow them wherever they go and fight for until the very end. even if it means to throw me away if I dying.”
Even if it has to die as well.
And dying like a bakufu dog just as Kazama had stated a moment ago.
As long as he’d choose the right path of bushido way,
then, he’ll willing to be with them.
“Ho… as I thought.”
Saitou laid his eyes into the Demon when he started to murmur something.
“As I thought the bakufu dogs from Shinsengumi can be quite… intriguing.”
His cold and bored expression had disappeared and soon changed into interesting and amusing back.
Saitou blinked at that part, not knowing what the heck is the Demon mumbled about. Possibly he had known the Shisengumi weren’t an ordinary ronin that the Demon often encountered.. maybe?
“As I expected, examining a quiet, yet obedient bakufu dog is… worthful.”
“What are.. you trying to say…?”
Widening his smug on his face then, Kazama moved closer to the indigo’s figure while leaving his kiseru on the windowsill.
When his enemy started to move slow, yet elegantly, Saitou felt an urged to move backward and so he did, until his back began to lean against the wall, letting himself getting entrapped by Kazama’s gorgeous figure. His strong and hard arm pinned on the wall as well as if the Demon wouldn’t let the younger man leaves him from somewhere else beside the chamber room.
There was a dark smug on the blonde-haired man’s face. But it wasn’t in malice or dangerous way actually. It was most likely to be… taken a deep interested on the younger man more and more. Using his free hand with raising Saitou’s chin to make sure their eyes collided into each other, Saitou finds his body paralyzed upon of seeing a dark expression from his enemy’s face. As if, the Demon had already put him a curse the moment he let the younger man’s eyes laid into the blonde-haired man.
When none of them make any move or speak a word, Kazama started first with tilting his head closer to Saitou so that he could taste the indigo’s soft lips once more. The Demon finds himself quite addicted on the younger man’s lips by now. The first thing Kazama ever wanted to do is obviously devoured the other man’s lips with non-stop. When Saitou finally gave the Demon a permission to deepen their kisses by opening his mouth wider, the blonde-haired man began to put his tongue into Saitou’s cavern then, tasting everything inside of the younger man’s small mouth. While he’s been focusing on kissing Saitou deeper, the indigo’s small hands began to move on his broad while the other was playing his gorgeous golden hair.
To think, a human such as Saitou would dare touch his gorgeous hair..
Parting his lips away from Saitou, hot breathes caressed on their faces each other, eyes filled with desire and lust. Once the Demon got enough air to move, he tilted his face to Saitou’s sensitive ear; lick, nibble, bite, and doing everything he can to torture Saitou’s cute and fragile ear. Each moan and whine that Saitou released often brings the Demon’s quite horny. He doesn’t usual get excited on anyone, not even a mere human or a demon woman. Though it usually depends on how deep interested the Demon of the West has toward to other person.
The way how the younger man moaned his name really brings Kazama excited even more. He growled under the indigo’s chin. Damn… stop seducing by whining his name as if he wants the Demon to pawn him on the tatami by now.. Reaching his limits, Kazama brings Saitou down on the futon and started to strip his yukata and so as himself. It was big enough for them to sleep together.
While watching the other man giving him a sweet pleasure, the indigo’s eyes wandered on Kazama’s free hand as he searched something in the drawer. After he finally found what he was looking for, Saitou’s eyes still gazed on a small bottle.
..Is that lubricate?
Moving down on Saitou’s private part, the Demon started licking and biting on Saitou’s curvy and attractive hip on seductively. Kissing on the bite mark that he left, in which, brings Saitou felt an urged to flush in red already. Once he has done another work on the other hip, Kazama opened the bottle to coating his fingers with jasmine-flavoured lubricate.
Putting his first finger on Saitou’s cute hole, his eyes gazed on the indigo’s lust face.
“Bakufu dog,” The Demon called. “Do you want to go a little further or not? We can stop right now.”
Stop? Now?
Is that Demon freakin crazy or something? Why at a time like this he has to stop? He should’ve stop before he stripped his clothes already..
Saitou’s answered was nothing except giving the Demon a glared of ‘Stop talking, just do it already’.
Once the blonde-haired man understood the other man’s answer, his smirk began to wide in amusing as he started to insert first finger inside Saitou’s deep hole.
The indigo replied with a soft, yet erotic moan. Not wanting to release more weird sound on his lips, Saitou put his palm of hands on his lips.
Crawling deep inside Saitou’s, Kazama began to add more when the other man has getting used to it until 3. The more fingers the Demon adding, the lewder Saitou’s voice has gotten become. As he continuedly thrusting Saitou’s inside deeper and deeper to find his prostate, not longer after then, the younger man’s mind turned white like a radiant of light, he let his voice slipped from his lips at that.
Feeling slightly confused, Saitou’s lusty eyes gazed on Kazama’s filled with curiousity.
“Wha.. what was…”
“So that’s where your prostate is.” Kazama replied with a wide smirk.
Too hazy to think of, the Demon started to thrust Saitou’s sensitive spot over and over until he can no longer moaned out anymore.
Once Kazama has taken out his fingers, he turned the indigo’s body around to make the position felt better. Exchanging his fingers to his manhood, the Demon began to insert it with a full-speed thrust.
Hearing Saitou’s half-pain and half-pleasure moaned, the Demon played his lips to distract from the pain, make sure the indigo focused on his lips only. As Saitou’s pain started to disappear slowly, Kazama started to pull out and entered it once more in a fast pace. Each thrusted gave Saitou released such a cute and sweet whine and moan.
The indigo wasn’t sure how did it happened between them. They’re meant to be enemies. And yet, this isn’t something kind of angry sex that Saitou has thought of. Instead, it was one of the most sweet and awesome sex that he’d experienced of compared to that night… he was expecting that the Demon was pretty aggressive and brutal in sex as well. But he was wrong. He was quite good on this kind of thing. He’s even a little gentle despite siding along with Satsuma-han.. …Or maybe he had slept with women that’s why he’s quite capable on it.
After several thrusted then, Saitou has finally reached his climax, giving a very last moaned on his lips, white liquid finally released. As soon as everything calmed down, he finds his body getting exhausted and not so long after this, he finds his head rested on the Demon’s muscular arm, in which, it took a right time for the Demon to put the indigo’s head on his.
Dawn’s coming. It took some times Saitou managed to wake himself up. Getting up from the futon, the indigo could hear a soft snore somewhere in the room. Taking a glanced on it, he finally found whoever snoring and it was none other than the Demon. The noble demon was having a good sleep. And Saitou couldn’t helped but finds the Demon’s sleeping look pleasant.
He still can’t believed how it turned out between them that night. There are many Demon’s words that he couldn’t figured out. Either of them doesn’t has to do with being enemies or their hatred to each other.
What could it be he wondered..?
Standing up from the futon, Saitou grabbed the yukata to warp around on his naked body before readying himself to get ready to take a shower and leave the Hidden Demon Village just as they promised.
And so, Saitou had finally changed himself into his usual black and plain kimono. Thanks to the servants from the Demon of the West’s manor, his clothes had a pleasant fragrance that reminds him of taking a break in the deep forest with a very soft breeze around him. Not wanting to cause the village in chaos, Saitou didn’t wear the Shinsengumi light-blue haori. Instead, he held it along with his headgear.
Once everything’s ready, Saitou searched the noble demon whom still enjoying a peace and quiet atmosphere at the porch while taking a sip a very strong Sake, although Kazama is not lightheaded as Hijikata is.
But still, since when had Kazama taken a shower actually..?
Ah… that’s right. This is a manor of course. The Demon probably own 3 or maybe 5 bathrooms actually.
While leaving those thought away, Saitou couldn’t helped but finding the Demon’s strong back quite attractive one. The longer he gazed on the other man’s back, he started realized he’s been wasting his time although he was suppose to return back to the Shinsengumi headquarter as soon as possible.
“I’m done.” Saitou spoke with his usual monotone voiced.
It took a moment then Kazama replied with muttering over something about… maybe the Sake wasn’t strong enough to drunk him? The Demon stood up from the porch and started to wear a haori with a family crest on the back.
“Should we go?”
The indigo replied with a nod as he started to walk at the back of the Demon’s in which, it reminded him of so much of following at the back of the Vice-Commander of the Shinsengumi.
The thought of that man makes him eagerly to see the raven-haired man again.
Then again, what’s gonna happened to this man then…?
As the two men walked all the way to the gate of the Demon’s World, Saitou noticed how the Hidden Demon Village is a very peaceful one despite there’s going to have a war sooner or later. According from Kazama, he has to make sure the demons from the West lived in peaceful and make sure to avoid from joining a war, whether they’re warriors or no.
Beside from that, every time the Demon of the West passed to the other demons, the villagers gave him a bow in full of respected. By looking of it, there are a few villagers were quite admired the Demon, while several of them feared him as well.
So this is how being the Head of the Demon is like…
Almost like forever then, two men had finally arrived at the gate of the Demon World. A familiar red-headed man, Amagiri had been stood there since yesterday, taking a guess that it was his turn to keep an eyed on the village.
“Amagiri, I’m sending him off from this village. Keep an eyed on the village while I’m gone.”
Amagiri didn’t hesitated bowed him in full of respected as well, spoke with a very gentle that Saitou used to hear back when both of them were Hamaguri Gate.
“Of course, Kazama-sama. Saitou-kun, it’s good to see you here.”
“Ah yes… it’s good to see you as well.”
Saitou replied with his usual quiet tone, didn’t expected to speak with the red-headed man once more.
With that, Amagiri leaves the two men alone as they finally arrived at the gate of the Demon World that could reach to the Human’s World.
"Well, I think this is where we should part away by now. Times sure does flies very quickly between us," Kazama chuckled deeply at that.
Saitou nodded quietly, lowering his body slightly to show some manner, despite he is one of the most dangerous enemy in the Shinsengumi. After all, the Demon does saved him from that night. He should be grateful to have a savior such as him. Despite he can be a totally asshole and sarcastic Oni.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Kazama. I owe you for everything."
Despite the indigo spoke that, they eventually greet each other between swords rather than returning the Demon's kindness back.
Would he ever sees this kind of side from his enemy's again the next time?
There won't be next time anymore.
As much as he had a great desire to stay with the Demon longer, he knew that being someone like him is impossible. He’s a member of Satsuma-han, while the indigo’s belonged to the Shinsengumi. There’s no such thing as getting along with someone who’s from an enemy’s group.
"Your name?"
Saitou raised his face in perplexed at the sudden of question in which the noble Demon repeated once more.
"I suppose that it would be better if we introduce properly. ...Or maybe you won't mind me calling you Bakufu Dog then."
Kazama chuckled at that part. Being a sarcastic Oni as ever.
Saitou remained quiet then, tried to stand properly like an exotic statue, while his eyes were still gazed into the Demon's gorgeous figure. The indigo finally replied the Demon's question with his usual monotone voice yet hidden of gentle and determine one.
"Captain of the 3rd Division from Shinsengumi, Saitou Hajime."
"Saitou, huh?" Kazama whispered the indigo-haired man's name very softly. He couldn't helped but finds himself pleasing just whispering the younger man's name. He wondered what made him feels this way knowing that he had never take an interest on any human before.
But Saitou..
Saitou is different.
"My name is Kazama Chikage. As you may already know, I'm also a Pureblooded Demon from the West."
"You've already told me that."
Kazama replied with a smug on his face. Taking a few stepped in front of the indigo's figure and let his fingers played around Saitou's gorgeous indigo hair.
The quiet ronin couldn't helped but slightly shivered at the feeling of other man's fingers combing down his hair. None of man would ever dare played it before except
And maybe Souji as well.
"The next time," Kazama began, fingers were still buried on the younger man's hair. "when our swords clash with each other, we won't be enemies from now on."
Slightly perplexed at the Demon's words, Saitou grabbed the Demon's wrist gesturing him to stop playing it, hesitatedly bowed in respectful once again before turning on his heel to leave the Demon's World.
Several steps later, his foot then stopped in stubbornly. It was as if, his selfish thought doesn’t want to leave this world yet. He wanted so much to stay with the Demon’s kind side a little longer. …or maybe forever. How could a strong enemy such as Kazama Chikage could treat him this way as if he was so special? Is there any reason why he would do that to the indigo’s
It wasn’t last long after then the Demon noticed how the younger man suddenly stopped in mid-walking.
"What's wrong?"
Saitou replied with a little hesitate and quite
"That doesn't looks like nothing at all."
With that, the indigo remained quiet, didn't spoke anything else nor answering the Demon's question.
When the Demon’s footstep getting closer to Saitou’s, the indigo jumped slightly when the noble demon held his hand. It was as if his hand had a static.
The blonde-haired man gave his usual smug on his face as if he had read whatever behind on Saitou’s cold mask.
“I’ll take you back to the Shinsengumi headquarter.”
“What? This is what you wanted right? You’re going to miss me so much so the least you would like to see for the very last moment is bringing you to the headquarter, yes?”
“…I never said I’m going to miss you.”
“True. But what about your selfish thought?”
When Saitou didn’t replied anything, remaining silent as usual, Kazama gave a deep chuckled on his elegant lips.
“You know, you should try to be honest every once in a while, especially to me. After all, if our swords we won’t be enemies anymore.”
Being honest, huh…?
“How can you tell? You’re an ally of Satsuma-han, right? Why would you be friendly to your own enemy?”
“I have a certain reason why I’m siding with them. I won’t help the Satsuma-han that longer, however.”
At that, Saitou couldn’t helped but to blink at those words.
Does he meant, he never wanted to side Satsuma-han all this time?
Then why is he—
“Well, should we go?”
Saitou let his eyes wandered down on their feet. Biting his lower lips, he finally spoke:
“…I can’t.”
Kazama sighed. But before the noble demon could speak, Saitou began first.
“My legs are still sore from last night.”
There was a very long quiet moment between. It wasn’t awkward one actually. But the Demon was gapped like a fish to hear those words from the younger man’s soft lips. It wasn’t long after then, his shock and surprise expression on his face changed into half-wicked and amusing smirk on his gorgeous face.
“Oh? So that’s how it is.” Kazama gave a soft chuckled. “In that case, I have to carry you all the way to the Shinsengumi headquarter huh?”
Saitou replied with a nod. No words he needed to speak.
The Demon continued on smirking. Ah… so this is how Saitou’s being honest, huh?
The blonde-haired man started to carry the younger man in a bridal-styled, Kazama began to turn on his heels with his demon ability of superspeed. Despite how fast and quick the Demon is, to Saitou, it’s almost like the time between them was stop. As if the world was trying to let the indigo stays with him for a little longer whether he eventually kills him and vice versa. Snuggling his head closer on his broad-chested, Saitou couldn’t help but felt envy on him as to how the Demon had such a gorgeous body. Arms were strong and hard like a katana blade. His chest was broad and more muscular compare to himself. If the only he was born to have a same body as Kazama’s… would Hijikata ever finds him attractive by now. The thought of it it brings Saitou flushed in red from thinking the amazing Vice-Commander in his head.
It wasn’t last long after then they finally arrived at the Shinsengumi headquarter. Knowing that several members of the Shinsengumi mostly Fury Corps were taking a night shift, Kazama jumped off of the roof until they found the indigo’s room.
Putting the younger man’s body down on the wooden floor, Saitou could had a greatest desire to be closer with the Demon more and more. However, it’s impossible.
It’s unfair how both of them were meant to be enemies.
“I have a certain reason why I’m siding with them”
Those words bothered Saitou slightly.
It wasn’t that long then the Demon’s voice snapped him back to the reality.
“Well then, this is our last time to see each other for today.”
“What do you mean by.. today?”
Does he meant he’s going to see him again? Here?
Kazama replied with a smirk as if Saitou asked one of a hilarious question he ever hears.
“Sort of..”
When no words express to each other then Saitou let his face gazed down on the floor, willing rather not to see the Demon disappeared in a thin of air in front of his face.
His expectation, however, was wrong. Instead of the Demon disappeared like a wind, Kazama lifted Saitou’s chin up so that their eyes could clashed each other and the next moment, their lips landed on each others.
His kisses were like a poison to him. Each kisses, nibbles and bites he received, he could felt his body, arms and legs are starting to numb. It was as if, the Demon has a special saliva that could make a human’s body weaken for several moments. It’s funny how the indigo loved how dominating the Demon is. Despite getting dominated by a sadistic demon, he enjoyed his lips getting tortured by the Demon’s aggressive lips.
There’s no doubt that Saitou’s definitely a masochist huh?
Each small whine and moan Saitou made brings Kazama excited even more as his kisses began turned into rougher and deeper than usually. His lips moved to Saitou’s sensitive ear, then sucking his chin, reached to adam’s apple. Before Kazama could untie the indigo’s obi, footsteps coming this way.
Kazama gave a growled in threatening to whoever the intruder is. But he let it be as he had satisfied devour Saitou’s fragile lips, and hearing his sweet and erotic moan.
“This world can be quite cruel, huh?” Kazama sighed. “Now then, I should take a leave by now. Let’s meet each other later and… have a sweet dream, Saitou.”
With that, the Demon presence has finally disappeared along with the winds. Although he was no longer here, Saitou could still felt the warmth feeling on his red and swollen lips. Caressed on his lips for the last time, he entered to his room and ignored other members of the Shinsengumi presence whom they gapped like a fish to see Saitou right there after all he had disappeared for almost like a week.
What matters him the most now about none other than Kazama Chikage.
Putting his head down on his pillow, his eyes gazed on the wooden ceiling above. To think, Saitou eventually no longer sees that man as an enemy anymore. Neither ally as well. He was more like… maybe between them? What might happened if Kazama hadn’t been the one that saved him? Would those members of Satsuma-han would locked him into the abandon shop for eternity? The thought of stuck with them brings Saitou’s true nightmare begins already.
“When our swords clashed into each other, we won’t be enemies anymore.”
What are those sentences meant?
Does the Demon doesn’t want to be his enemy as well? Wasn’t he despised of humans and their selfish goal? So why of all the person he chose, why him? Despite he is a mastery of iai, that doesn’t mean he’s one of an amazing soldier in Shinsengumi. The one that meant to be is none other than between Kondou and Hijikata of course. No one is better in samurai beside those two men.
Too tired of thinking too much about this, his eyes slowly fluttering closed as he started to fall into a deep sleep.
The last thing he saw before his slumber taking over him is a beautiful full moon at the night scenery with thousands of stars.
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