#but it's okay! giorno is here to comfort her!
aemehhh · 5 months
Heya! I don’t usually wrote requests so sorry if I come off as awkward😅 I was wondering if you could write a small thing about gorino being with someone who’s insecure about their height
I’m 5’10 and sometimes I just feel down about it Yknow? I don’t feel desirable because guys prefer short girls or whatever, if this is to much you can completely ignore this. I do really enjoy your work btw<33
YAY!! I got my first ever request!!! :D
It's definitely not too much to ask, I think this is an amazing request! I had to ask some of my tall girlie friends about their experiences, because I am on the opposite end of the height-spectrum 💀 This is also a little rushed, so I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations!
Also, I am so sorry I took so long to write the request! I hope you had a wonderful start to the new year!
Little message to the Readers in general; I just want everybody to know, you're absolutely gorgeous, no matter your height!!!
Giorno is ~20 and Reader and him are engaged, so it's an established relationship :3
Giorno with a tall! fem! Reader
Wc: 905, a short lil thing!
This day was genuine ass. You went shopping with you friend and genuinely couldn't find a single piece of clothing that looked good or that fit right. Jeans that looked perfect on your shorter friend were way above your ankle on yourself and the long-sleeved shirts you tried, since winter is approaching, just looked so weird on you. You didn't even attempt to look for shoes, instead you told your friend you were going home because of an "emergency".
And there you were, sitting on your bed, cuddled up in a blanket and reading a book in order to distract you from the loud voice of insecurity that rang in the back of your head. Turns out the book wasn't helping, though.
It was a regular romance book, sappy as shit and a slow-burn. Usually you ate these up like crazy, but the main character was described as a short, beautiful woman. There it was again; having to lean up on your tip-toes to kiss your partner, your partner looking down at you, all those things that were considered super cutesy and desirable. You weren't that. You threw the book on the bedside table with a mad huff, throwing your blanket over your head.
Fuck, no, you're literally taller than your beautiful, angel of a fiancé. You lean down slightly when you kiss him, and you don't have to stand on your tip-toes in order to hug him. You just knew the nonnas on the streets send judging looks your way when they see you two holding hands.
Speaking of your fiancé, he entered your shared bedroom, seemingly home from whatever job he had today. You were aware Giorno most-likely already knew you didn't buy anything today; you've seen his subordinate follow you around the whole time. To be frank, you kinda signed up for constant supervision when you started dating the Don of Passione.
"Cara mia, are you alright?" Giorno spoke softly, he always does so with you. His voice held the upmost adoration for you; a tone nobody got to hear, but you. He knelt down on the floor by your bedside and lifted your blanket slightly to look at you. His beautiful, bright eyes met yours as he took your hand into his.
"Just a bad day, don't mind me, my love." You spoke and sat up. You felt Giorno's hand grasp yours just a tad tighter.
"I do mind, though. Something is bothering you, I can see that clear as day. Alessandro told me you didn't get yourself anything today either. What's the matter, amore? Please let me know so I can take some of the burden off of your heart." Giorno reached up and put his hand on your cheek oh-so gently. His touch was full of love, as usual.
You averted your gaze to your sheets. You felt stupid for thinking the way you do. You know all too well that Giorno loves you more than anything in this world, but you don't feel as desirable as other women. They would look so much better by his side, so why did he choose you?
You were silent for a little while, but then you started to feel guilty. Not telling him would make him feel as though you didn't trust him, which you did. So, you took a deep breath and told him everything. You spoke about your shopping trip; how it made you insecure about your height again and then about how your book made it worse. All in all, your head really wasn't up in the clouds and by the end, you almost had tears pricking in the corner of your eyes, which you tried masking by blinking a lot and looking at the ceiling.
Giorno noticed, of course. He stroked your cheek gently and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand before he spoke again.
"Amore, you're the most beautiful woman that has walked this earth. I do not care about your height in the slightest. I love you more than I have ever loved anything ever before. If these measly, cheap stores do not carry clothes appropriate for you, I will hire the designers personally to tailor the perfect clothing for you. If someone looks at you the wrong way, consider them dead tomorrow. There is nothing that would stop me from making sure you're comfortable and happy. You're the light of my life, the ray of sunshine in the early mornings of a beautiful summer day and I wish, I so wish you would see yourself in the way that I see you. You're perfect to me in every way, my love. Just seeing you smile makes my heart fill with so much joy, I wish to scream it out to the whole world. Sono pazzo di te, tesoro." Giorno's voice was filled with sincerity as he put a hand to your chin, gently tilting your head to face his eyes again. He then smiled and gave you a gentle peck on the lips before getting on the bed on top of you to hug you tightly.
Giorno's words made you smile as you returned his embrace, croaking out a quiet "I love you" before burying your head in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
In a world that doesn't see your worth, Giorno worships the very ground you walk on. He vows to do so until the day he dies.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
hi locky!!!♡ this might be really personal, but have you thought about SR reader being comforted by her boys after or during an anxiety stage? if you feel fine with it, of course🥺💕 it's just that your SR story is a comfort to me🌸
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HI HI i have seen you in my notifs enjoying SR and it's brought me lots of much joy!!!! i consider it a comfort series too, so i'm happy whenever i see it fulfills a similar role for others. coincidentally, i've thought about how anxiety might play a role in SR reader's life. she has a lot to be anxious about tbh hjrktme she doesn't want to take the time to process things and would much rather distract/keep herself busy... it's an element of her characterization i haven't explored enough!
[Scarlet Ribbons index]
Warning: Depiction of anxiety/panic attacks.
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Giorno is checking you all over for injuries that aren't present, given the attack's psychological nature. Once he confirms there's nothing physically wrong, his mind goes back to the long nights he spent without his mother as a child. That level of visceral panic mimics what he's witnessing here. He does what he wishes he had a parent around to do for him — speaks to you in a low voice, reassures you that he's not going anywhere, that it's going to be okay. He'll gently remind you to breathe. Considering he's improvising on the spot, he does a good job. He'd have a lot of questions, ranging from how frequently this happens to if there's any way to circumvent it, but he'll hold his tongue until things settle down. His initial panic further reveals to him just how much he cares for you and your wellbeing.
Bruno never loses his cool, but seeing you succumb to this paroxysm out of (seemingly) nowhere almost has him spiraling. He's known you the longest out of all the others, so he mentally derides himself for not catching onto this earlier. The cheeriness you exude masks anything you don't want others to see. He wants you to feel comfortable enough to tell him anything. Due to his protectiveness over you, he might insist on going to the hospital, so long as you aren't vehemently opposed. The powerlessness he feels watching you battle your anxiety is the worst part, he wants nothing more than to make it stop. He might be a bit pushy about getting you to explain what just happened if you aren't volunteering the information. It comes from a well-intentioned place, though.
Fugo does surprisingly well considering how delicate the situation is. He excelled at academics, which naturally encompasses psychology as well. He probably understands what's happening here best. This knowledge doesn't translate seamlessly into reality — due to the tension in the air, his words come out more clipped than he intended — though he's still able to lead you through some steps to calm down. It's a touch clinical but it works. Afterward, he's digging through scientific journals and learning everything there is to learn about anxiety. He's especially interested in what may have caused it, so that you can avoid it repeating in the future. He's practically a licensed psychiatrist by the end of the week. Obtaining knowledge helps him feel more in control of an otherwise chaotic situation, so this is his way of making sense of things to help you better.
Mista snaps into a more serious version of himself immediately. He has excellent interpersonal skills, from your body language alone, he could tell something was wrong before the panic attack actually occurred. It helps that he also knows you like the back of his hand. If this is the first time he's been around for this, he'll use his intuition to infer the best way to help. Should you seem receptive to it, he'll talk to you in a low voice, serving as a grounding figure amidst the tumult. He has this infectious optimism that you can't help but be soothed by. When you're feeling up to it, he'll ask if you wouldn't mind telling him what that's about. He definitely doesn't want you to have to go through it again.
Narancia, bless his heart, initially makes it kinda worse. He isn't exactly a mental health aficionado. Since he doesn't see any clear cause and effect, he'll mistake it for a Stand attack. He'll summon Aerosmith and promise to take care of whoever is behind this. When you insist it isn't a Stand attack, he'll start fussing over you, asking how he's supposed to help. He's horrified by the thought of anything happening to you, his best friend whom he loves dearly. Until you're feeling up to explaining what anxiety is, he sticks to your side like glue. If this happens again, he'll do a lot better. It's just the first time where he's at a loss on what to do.
Abbacchio is at an absolute loss but manages to maintain a composed façade. He might not understand the specifics of what's happening, but he knows he should take you to a private area. It's rather jarring to see you go from your jovial disposition to being overwhelmed by some force he can't make sense of. It twists his heart and churns his stomach. He'll wonder if you've silently been dealing with this all along. He isn't the best at waxing poetic, but he'll be there until it subsides. He quietly apologizes for not being of much help in the moment. When you tell him that just having him present was all you could've asked for, he honestly feels somewhat emotional. He will sit there for hours and listen to you talk about it, if that's what you want.
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sbrluvr · 1 year
motherly affections
pairing(s): PLATONIC! narancia, trish, giorno x reader
warnings!!🚫: SPOILERS for golden wind backstories etc, mentions of death
summary: how could someone so kind and sweet join passione? thats all they could ask to themselves. you, a new addition to their team was almost as hard as a rock on the outside however on the inside was a kind and nurturing person. you treated them exactly as your familia even though you’d just met.
despite having just met trish and the rest of the gang you’ve always found a place in their heart especially trish where she is reminded of her mother. the way take care of her, treat her, everything you do can’t help but remind her of her own mother. she can’t help be fawn over your subtle affections towards her such as adjusting her hair or fixing up her makeup a bit. she can’t help but love your good morning and night kisses you give her as you wish her good dreams. she can’t help but love how you hug her and kiss her forehead when she is upset. and she can’t help ig when she accidentally calls you “mom”. but it’s fine with you as you can’t help but smile due to her antics, she reminds you of your younger yourself. she can’t help cling to you rather than anyone else. everyone always being a tiny bit salty due to how close the two of you are as you quite obviously hold much affection for her but they cannot resent you guys as they caught a glimpse of her dozing off in your lap as you smile and sing a soft melody the lulls her right to sleep, as you calm her in her most vulnerable state. they cannot help but slowly see your hard exterior slowly crumble around them as your affections extend to them aswell. slowly you began to show your affections towards them especially giorno and narancia. you slowly began to treat them as ifbthey were your own children. leaving them soft kisses on their cheeks, wishing them goodluck, nursing them back to health, and feeding them. all this had them giddy especially when you began to play with their hair. it all started with giorno having a knot in his hair in the morning and not knowing how to untangle it. when you had found out you helped him and braided his hair as normal. soon this began to become a routine where he would wake up and do everything as normal and he would come running to you to have you untangle and braid his hair. no one comforted him more than you. you comforted him on the nights terrors of his past came to haunt him. memories of his childhood, of his real “mother”. he would hesitate to come to your room, a knock you wouldn’t be able to catch unless you carefully listen. nothing made him feel better then you ushering him to come to your bed, although hesitant he agreed quietly trailing behind you. nothing made him feel more loved than you quietly whispering that it was all in the past and that you are here for him. quietly comforting him of his anxiety’s and ushering him into a deep slumber he hasn’t had in many years. narancia absolutely adored your affection. your actions reminded him of his mother for which he deeply missed. he adores when you praise him for working so hard on his math homework, when you praise him for doing well on a mission. he absolutely adores it. when his memories resurface of the time he endured after going to a juvenile detention centre he cannot help but grieve. grieve for his lost mother, and grieve for the little affection he once had from his father immediately being stripped away. though most of the feelings of hurt had disappeared it still lingered like a ghost whos fingers only briefly touch your should and leave with a moment notice. but he is okay, as long as he has you and bucciarati to guide him through the hardships of life he is assured everything will be alright. as long as he has you, the person he sees as a reminder of his mothers dying wish he believes he can overcome anything. all the three could ask to themselves was how could a person like you so sweet, kind, and innocent come into such an organization? for which this question would never be answered always a topic avoided by you, fugo, mista, abbacchio, and bucciarati. they had no need for knowing such information.
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
Imagine Darling is pregnant. Both she and Giorno are certain that the bambino isn't his. So when the baby is born and they see the baby they all go into shock. Just imagine Darling being so excited to have her lover's baby then after 9 months of waiting the baby comes out looking like a tiny Giorno. Not baby Giogio but like a little Giogio.
Ooof nonnie, lolol okay I'm going to try and match the mood here because like everyone knows how much I need to have this man's children 🏃🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🤰🏽also, was slightly confused about little giogio vs baby giogio, and im not as good at imagining infidelity so please forgive me if this wasn't what you imagined and for it being so short.
Tw: yandere behaviour, implied minor character death, fem reader, pregnancy
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39 weeks... that was the reprieve you'd been granted against the smothering attention usually lavished on you by Giorno. Under any other circumstances, he would have been overjoyed... he'd finally have an heir, someone who would learn all he had to teach... however, as quickly as his joy had enveloped him, so did the levity of the situation at hand. You simply weren't as upset as he thought you might be at the prospect of carrying his child... he wasn't a fool, so he followed his instincts and poured over the security footage of the villa for the preceeding few weeks and caught sight of your infidelity... clear as day, limbs entangled and euphoria etched into your expressions, right outside his door. Surely you meant for him to catch you, or perhaps this was his karma for snatching you away from your life and placing you under his care... no matter, the damage had already been done.
From that moment onward, Giorno's demeanor had changed when it came to you, he didn't argue against your protests to spend time with him and his instructions had solely regarded the baby and their wellbeing. At first you welcomed the reprieve from his overbearing nature but when it persisted you knew something was wrong. It didn't help your cause when your lover had disappeared without so much as a goodbye. You hadn't found the opportunity to tell him that you were carrying his child, and worried that he had assumed the worst and decided to leave of his own accord. You were stuck in a precarious position... ask about your lover and rouse Giorno’s suspicions or suffer quietly in your ignorance.
Weeks had turned into months and your bump continued to grow. You had all but given up on your paramour, but you took comfort in the knowledge that you will forever have a symbol of the single thread of actual affection, in your child. Giorno had grown even more distant, your swelling midsection a continuous reminder of your betrayal, however, he couldn't bring himself to put you out or allow any harm to come to the child, the various horrors of his past would never see him become like any of those wretched people.
9 months of pregnancy cravings, stretch marks and swollen feet would culminate in one moment. Your labour was long and arduous, and for the duration you and Giorno had put your differences aside as you tried to bring him or her into the world. Many hours later when you were sure you couldn't possibly take any more pain, the baby had made their debut, just as the hour turned... April sixteenth, it was his birthday... what a gift he'd receive or so you thought... the nurses had smiled at the little blonde cherub with his shrill little cry, something dropped within you when you saw his precious little curls springing into place as they had wiped down his hair. To say that you were exhausted was an understatement, but that exhaustion was replaced by shock when they had placed your little one in your arms... piercing green eyes, golden ringlets...
"He's mine..." his voice was too calm, too soft while yours had vanished entirely. Tears formed in your eyes, your hands moving towards the border of the blanket, the little star birthmark on his shoulder had sealed your fate.
"Giorno, I..." you searched his eyes, but they were trained on the miniature version of himself nestled in your arms. Once he had overcome the shock, the gravity of the situation had dawned on him, he had finally had his heir, fate had smiled upon him once more...
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starry-blue-echoes · 10 months
In ASBR there's a fight between Yukako and Bucciarati, in which Yukako is aware of the inner workings of Passione, and even Bucciarati is surprised at how she knows. And that made me think "Oh Yukako's definitely part of the mafia" so now I have a Yukako joins the Bucci gang au. Basically after Part 4 Yukako's family moves to Italy and she and Koichi have a long-distance relationship as she keeps him from finding out she just joined a mafia because Koichi would just. Instantly blue screen at that fact. Also because Giorno steals Koichi's bag Yukako finds out and destroys him. As a treat <3 I have a whole fic about this if you're interested in it, plus art of Yukako in the Part 5 style I made.
I'd love to read the fic if you'd like to share, but also I brought this up to an irl friend of mine, he thought it was hilarious, and I hope you don't mind if I ramble to you about some of the Thoughts we came up with for our own spin on the idea-
(also I'm writing this in the "universe" of my Cinderella Rewrite, just so I feel more comfortable with yukakoi just a heads up thanks okay bye)
so sort of a headcanon for me to start things off, but Yukako's parents are both very wealthy but also very VERY absent, and once she hit middle school they stopped hiring babysitters to watch her so she was more or less on her own aside from a handful of incredibly scant visits/phone calls. She never knew exactly where their wealth came from but it wasn't really like she could ask so
but then fast forward to the end of her first year of high school and her parents suddenly drop the bomb that they're moving for "business" reasons and she's going to live in Italy. Naturally she's completely heartbroken because she has a life here. Friends and a boyfriend and people she'd honestly call family, and now her parents are making her leave it all behind without so much as an explanation
it's..... definitely rough, but made a bit easier by how Koichi swears he'll do everything he can to stay in contact. They have calls at minimum four times a week, send each other packages all the time, and just do what they can because they genuinely want this relationship to work out
as for Yukako's decent into Passione Things and joining the Bucci Gang...... I'll admit, I'm not super sure how exactly at the moment. I want to keep it with the theme of how Bucciarati helps her out in some way, and I do have the mental image that she didn't spend a lot of time at home because the house was way too big and empty and it was honestly driving her crazy. He probably saved/helped her somehow and Yukako, who's been honestly starved of any kind of Positive Adult Attention since Morioh, just decides "welp, guess I'll die for him"
I think it would be funny if she didn't actually join the gang at first, she just kinda.... sneakily helps him out from a distance. She knows Stand Magnetism would force her to meet some Stand Users eventually, so at least this way she's doing it on her own terms. Of course she's eventually caught, but she does impress them with her knowledge on Stands and ability to use hers, so New Teammate Obtained
Yukako definitly gives them a different perspective on Stands. She's pretty cagey about the specific details of where she moved from, but they do know it has a pretty big Stand community and she's been in a fair amount of fights. They also know she has a boyfriend whom she loves greatly and if anything happens to him Someone Was Definitly Going To Die
I can see Yukako and Fugo are both Besties and Worsties, bonding over being Rich Kids With Shitty Parents and also the only ones who posses a whole Two(2) braincells all for themselves, but they also have two of the worst tempers and when they fight it's bad. She also manages to get on Abbacchio's Not Bad side somehow and the two like to vibe silently together like a pair of cats
and I had. Such a funy sorta angst idea for a way for canon to go (and everyone lives because Fuck Canon &lt;3)
so like. What if Koichi took the mission because it would be an excuse to visit Yukako. And the trip was supposed to be that week.
so ontop of the general stress of everything, Yukako is At Her Fucking Limit right now because she's supposed to be hanging out with her boyfriend for the first time in nearly 2 years, not going on the Worst Roadtrip Ever, she didn't even get a chance to tell him where she was going because this trip came out of nowhere-
and then by the time everything is over and Yukako gets back to Naples (still a little bit banged up from the last fight) it's unfortunately Koichi's last day here
were Diavolo not stuck in that death loop she would've ripped him to pieces with her bare hands
but then for a bit of fluff, a few months later thanks to the whole "now controlling the entire Italian underground which is a rather lucrative career" they're able to invite Koichi back so the two can hang out together for realsies this time
BUT in true Koichi fashion (for some crack), he accidentally gets ropped into Stand shenanigans and kidnapped again leading to a massive goose chase around the city
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
For the headcanon thing: Mista 😎
(For this)
Sorry this took so long, I've been busy but I'm working on answering all the stuff in my ask box so don’t worry :]
Headcanon A:  realistic
Okay maybe not ~super~ realistic but whatever. He was raised by nuns. He was the product of a very short-lived fling between his mother, an immigrant, and his father, The Entire Horse himself. He was born after his father left, and his mother died due to health complications soon after - having no family in Italy, and worried at the prospect of her son growing up as an orphan without moral guidance, she arranged to have him taken in by the convent of the Catholic church she attended.
This had both good and bad impacts on Mista. He quickly came to love the women raising him as his family, and he found comfort in both the reliable structure of day-to-day life and in his faith, which he carries with him into adulthood. At the same time, being raised in such a strongly Catholic environment while having undiagnosed OCD did not always mix well, especially when he got intrusive thoughts, or developed maladaptive beliefs tied to religion ("God will hate me if I do X arbitrary thing," "I will be divinely punished if I don't do Y compulsive action," etc).
Eventually, it gets to be too much, and he decides to run away in his mid teens. For a while, he thought about returning, but going to prison and joining Bucciarati's gang took him in a different direction. While he claims he doesn't need to go back now, since he has a new family who he loves more than anything, there's a part of him that's afraid to go back. After everything he's done since leaving, he's not sure he'd be able to face the women who raised him - people he'd considered unbreakably virtuous and pure. He doesn't let it show, but deep down, he struggles with a lot of good old Catholic Guilt.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Likewise maybe this is actually realistic but I don't care it's funny. He's a stoner. He goes behind Bucciarati's back and uses his Epic Mafia Connections to buy weed. Probably makes his own edibles, which he has to hide from Bruno in increasingly ridiculous ways. "Yeah no Bucciarati don't worry I always keep cookies in my sock drawer. It's uh. So the others can't steal them y'know. No you can't have one. Why does it smell bad in here? It's uh. Giorno turned my shoe into a skunk earlier. Yeah he does that a lot. That's a normal thing he does. Please leave now."
Narancia's also a stoner on the same level (love wins <3) and Fugo will partake occasionally if it's with them. A lot of their dumbest debates start this way, because Mista is convinced that he is super smart and philosophical when he's high (he's not) and he always raises the most fake deep questions ever. They try to listen to music together while they’re high, but they always end up arguing because Fugo wants to listen to Are You Experienced or Surrealistic Pillow or something, while Mista’s weed music is just like. Jimmy Buffett and The Beach Boys. If it's just him and Narancia, they usually end up cuddling and rambling to each other until they decide some word or phrase is funny. They will then just sit and say it over and over, echoing each other, and giggling like idiots until they fall asleep snuggled together.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Okay if you’ve seen at least one (1) of my posts before you’ll know this but. Mista takes a long time to recover from the events of Vento Aureo.
For starters, his relationship with Giorno is basically shattered. Even though he initially saw him as a younger brother figure, he loses all trust in him after discovering Bucciarati’s body, and he truly, genuinely hates him for a long time afterwards. He doesn’t bother caring for someone who showed him no sympathy in the aftermath of his loved ones’ deaths, and it’s only his desire for stability that keeps him loyal to his cause. They do make up eventually, but it takes years, and while they’re polite with each other, they’re never quite friends again.
He fights with Fugo a lot when he returns, too, but unlike with Giorno, they eventually rekindle their friendship. In fact, it’s arguably stronger now, after they’ve lost nearly everyone they loved. It’s always haunting, though, when they’re alone together, and there’s an ever-present void, an empty space that another person used to fill. Still, they lean on each other - and even though it stings when Fugo and Giorno fall in love, Mista grins and bears it. At least Fugo gets to have a happy ending.
Mista, on the other hand, doesn’t. He goes through a number of flings, hooks up with people here and there, but he never falls in love again after Narancia dies. He keeps telling himself he needs to get over it - what kind of person can’t get over the equivalent of their high school sweetheart? - but his mind, subtly or unsubtly, is always fixated on the way he loved him. He finds that the romantic comedies he used to love are hard to watch, nowadays; even if it’s just a movie, it’s painful seeing something that had once been so close, but is now far, far from his reach.
He grieves, and he processes his trauma, and he grows to live with it, eventually. But he’s never the same carefree, jovial person he used to be.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Listen. I’m sick of seeing fanart where he’s a generic white skinny anime boy with short straight hair and a six pack. The Mista who lives in my head has textured curls and body/facial hair and is a little chubby and I’ll never change my mind on that.
Oh also y’know all that stuff I said about Narancia being dead? Yeah fuck that. They live in Mista’s apartment together and eventually they buy a house in the countryside, and it’s disorganized and cluttered but it’s their home. They play their music loud and dance together in the kitchen, and they grow old and love each other even more as the years go by. I don’t know if they’d have a kid, but if they did, I could see them having a son, and Mista would sing to him every night, and they’d frantically call each other into the room so they could watch his first steps, or hear his first word, or see something he built out of toy blocks. They’d be the coolest uncles to Fugio daughter also. Idk man they just deserved to find peace and happiness I think.
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flightlessapollo · 1 year
Trans JoJo's JJBA HCs
So turns out I will be doing those posts about the JoJo's and their genderqueer identities. Suppose I'll be going in order here, enjoy <3
(This is a long one so it's going under the cut)
Jonathan Joestar- I feel like Jonathan isn't trans, but if he knew his descendants were trans (after it was explained to him cuz he was around in the 1880s), he would be incredibly supportive. If anyone is trans in part 1 I feel like it would be Speedwagon, maybe I'll go into gender hcs for the Jobros/villains at a later date. Regardless, Jonathan is cis and a sweetie.
George (Jorge? idk) Joestar II- Honestly I can't really speak on this one, I haven't read his spinoff and I know nothing about him. If I had to guess I would say he's most likely cis but I really don't know.
Joseph Joestar- Now we get into the gender-diverse side of this bloodline. I feel like Joseph is AMAB but has a slight bit of a transfem nonbinary identity. Like he doesn't feel fully like a man but he also doesn't align fully with "woman" either and so he's kind of an in-between and he's very comfortable with that. Like she's a he/she type of person and feels very comfortable being gnc in all ways. Joseph really just plays around with gender and doesn't care what you call that, he's just living his life to its fullest.
Holy Kujo- Another cis Joestar who I feel would be incredibly supportive. She knows her parent is nonbinary and has a fluid identity so when her son came out she gave him a huge hug and told him she would love and support him in being his authentic self. She's also very supportive of her granddaughter of course and after working through the complicated feelings around learning she has a brother, she's supportive of Josuke as well. An ally through and through.
Jotaro Kujo- Jotaro is a binary trans man and he's quite happy with that. Though he does enjoy skirts and heels, he strictly wears those privately. He realized he was a boy very young and came out young as well. Though of course, he won't admit it he's a bookworm and found out what being transgender (a different term was used when he was growing up in the 80s but I don't feel comfortable using it) was when he was young and realized it aligned with his experience of himself. His coming out was a very easy process, his mom being so supportive. It was made even easier because he came out during the period of his life when he and his mother had a very good relationship. A he/him guy, he bound until he was 18, at the age of 18 he was able to get on hrt and get top surgery through the Speedwagon Foundation; he never pursued bottom surgery. His wife was a trans woman and he was the one who gave birth to Jolyne.
Josuke Higashikata(4)- Josuke is another binary trans man, though he feels more connected to his femininity than his nephew gender-wise. I think it's obvious they're quite gnc and they feel very comfortable playing with gender much in the same way their parent does/did. He realized his gender identity a bit older than his nephew, in his early teens. Josuke is okay with he/they pronouns and often expresses his gender in a very gnc way. He wasn't a huge fan of binding so he very often didn't do it, though he did deal with top dysphoria. They were fortunate after meeting the other side of their family and were able to get hormones at 16 and top surgery at 18. He waited until he was a good few years older to pursue any kind of bottom surgery, and got meta in his late 20s.
Giorno Giovanna- Another AMAB Joestar. They were gender nonconforming from a young age and as a teen they came out as nonbinary to their very close friends, though his identity didn't have much relevance to his work as the head of Passione. Nothing really hugely changed for her and she didn't do any medical transition. Socially, again he kept his gender to his close friends but used it to his advantage to ensure his safety. Often any pronouns were used for them in situations where revealing any info on the boss would put her in danger. Giorno is okay with any pronouns and their friends tend to default to they/them, which they don't mind. They continued to play with gender expression as they got older, enjoying the joy it brought them to toy with expression and gender roles.
Jolyne Kujo(Cujoh?)- Jolyne is a trans woman who knew about her identity and was firm about it from a very young age. As a child she expressed that she was a girl and her parents, both being trans themselves, we're supportive of that identity. She grew up as any typical girl would, her parents helping her change her legal documents and get her on puberty blockers before AMAB puberty began for her. She started hrt at 15 and didn't pursue any surgeries for transition but did get some professional voice training for a few years to help warm her voice and mature it. Jolyne gives she/her as an answer when asked her pronouns but doesn't mind if people (especially close friends) use they/them. She has a large interest in fashion and while not entirely gnc, she has always enjoyed finding her own unique style of what gender means to her.
Jonathan "Johnny" Joestar- This one is tough and still one I'm kind of thinking through (I plan to reread SBR so I think my opinion with crystalize when I do that) what exactly I think. He could just be cis, or he couldn't and I really don't know that i have a strong feeling either way? I get a trans sort of vibe from him but unlike all other Joestars who give me that vibe I can't pin down why. If he is trans he definitely binds but wouldn't have access to any other type of transitional care obviously due to the time period he lived in.
Josuke Higashikata (8)- Well his situation is confusing isn't it? I suppose the thing to do here is look at Josefumi and Yoshikage? Or perhaps not because Josuke is his own person (wasn't that like an important piece of his story? Forgive me folks I didn't understand all of Jojolion and haven't really touched it since it finished so-) so, perhaps Josefumi or Yoshikage were trans, but I don't think we get enough time with them to be sure. And based on Josuke alone i feel he isn't trans. Ofc in the manga we know he has AMAB anatomy but even disregarding that i just do not really feel a trans pull from him. He's certainly an ally though. Especially since I do feel Yasuho is trans and since I ship her and Josuke, she definitely wouldn't be dating a transphobe.
And yeah! There's that. Really really long and shit. Um. If you read all the way to this point ily man cuz this was just a bunch of silly nonsense that just lives in my brain. Hope at least some part of it interested you.
Final note: These are all just headcanons of mine, don't take them too seriously.
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cassyapper · 11 months
ohoho holly stand… i read a fic where holly’s stand had like. a calming effect and it wasn’t exactly emotional manipulation it was just. calming and took whatever state of mind you were in and calmed you. like in the fic holly was able to calm giorno down and make him go “huh. okay yeah why was i mad” idk i just think that like. plays really well with her character, like as a mother but also as the caring person she is, being able to provide that comfort and calming aura is very her. and send
nods yeah i see a lot of things about holly influencing emotions too particularly in the realm of calming people, like her flowers being some kind of opiate. i can easily see her have some sort of sway over emotions/soothing people but im still picky about trying to find a mechanism and appropriate constraints that i like for it (this is part of why im aksing ppl to give their opinions about what holly's stand power is LOL)
anyway i agree i can see her having a soothingpower/just. general empath stuff. considering....well i won't get into my holly character analysis. i don't think it's as simple as just her motherly nature but it boils down to the same derivative here (she likes caring for people it's very embedded in her soul, stands are souls, yada yada). however i go back and forth on if that should be her only stand power and appropriately what limits it would have and jsut. just gotta think about the details ...
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
Andy X Fuuko is a thing.
*Here's a sequel of my previous post*
Fuuko : Now I've seen a picture of my naked self with what else is there for me in the horrors of the internet? I mean you guys felt the way of looking into the horrors of seeing things! What about you guys?
Pomni : I felt nervous they made gay pictures of me and Ragatha getting kisses from her and I'm totally cringed about it. And they started to making sweets
Kobeni : I felt the other way and I had any panic attacks of getting lewd baited, (shows body that has abs) look at this! I lost weight when I had the chance of stop eating meat and sweets! They gave me fruit and salad to have the guts to make me look hot again!
Fuuko : At least, I've seen some lewd art enough, I don't know how is Japan keep on happening on making pornography on fictional characters that does stuff? The whole net is really something to have the dark side written all over it! Who does that to the whole wide world. And if I ever see one of these nimrods making lewd art out of me, I swear to f**king god I will mercifully stab anyone in the neck with a knife, or I will use my strength with brute force!
Andy : Hey, Fuuko. Have you seen my pants and undies for today or tonight's episode? I totally forgot that I needed to keep my privates hanging out.
Fuuko : Then what are the fusses about you and your--OH MY GOD!!! Your d*ck and Balls are showing to my face!
Gina : And I do believe that his cake is tanning in my face right now!
Shen : Dude! Put some clothes on! There's men, women, and lolis in here! No one can see your penis and your balls!
Andy : Oh that? Oh that's okay! Cause casual nudity will do just fine! But speaking of causal nudity, Me and Fuuko will do something privately in the room. With some literal privacy.
Fuuko : Really? Then what kind of privacy did we attend to?
Andy : Oh I don't know. Maybe it's just some wacky stuff in Japan I guess.
Fuuko : Sounds great to me! I'd like having privacy with you alone! What do you say that we get together later and give ourselves a nice treat. Perhaps, that we could do it in a fashionable way of how take good care ourselves. My first wish that is I am decided that I wanted spend the night all the way.
Andy : Cool. I'll be going to the same room that we were at.
Fuuko : With pleasure!
(we later show the JJBA group using drinking glasses to hear something from inside the room, Andy and Fuuko are heard while having sex with each other)
[Freek N You by Jodeci plays in the background]
Fuuko : (Sexually) Oh, Andy...you're such a naughty lucky guy!
Andy : (sexually) Oh, Fuuko! You're so cute and hot! I'm giving you this kind of good luck charm! And it's all for you!
Fuuko : (sexually moans) Please, be gentle with me, Andy! It feels so good!
(Andy and Fuuko Sexually moans)
Fuuko : (sexually screams) Motto! Motto!
Jolyne : What in the world are those two doing in there?
Josuke : This is not how it looks from what I hear about those Newcomers to David.
Dio : This is getting out of hand. Do I ever make up the minds from how do we fictional characters work things in Real World AU?
Giorno : It's best that we give them a little free time of their own.
Andy : Hold on tight, Fuuko! Here comes your lucky wish! And it's going to be a wild one!
Fuuko : (sexually) Andy-san...Iku...Iku...IKUUUUUUU! *panting* Wow, you're quite the man I that i'm really looking for. Thanks for giving me "lucky wish", my unlucky guy.
Andy : The pleasures of you is all mine, Fuuko-chan.
Fuuko : Oh, Andy-san. Andy-san, daisuki de!
Jotaro : That does it, I'm going to get to the bottom of this!
Jotaro : Would you two just shut the hell up!? Some of us are trying to get some sleep! (We show Andy and Fuuko in bed, Andy comforting the sleeping Fuuko while he reads a book with glasses)
(Record Scratch!)
Andy : Oh, Hello, Mr. Kujo! Good evening and, uhh, sorry about the loud noises we made. Yep that was our First time of me and Fuuko together. Yep, we're not doing so aggressive to anyone would we. She's just sleeping and I'm reading a book.
Jotaro : Y-Yeah, you are a reading book and comforting your...well, not to be eavesdropping by the way, a thousand apologies.
Andy : So that's why me and Fuuko are spending time together and do lots of for us to Handle. Totally great, and no big whoop. I'm sure that's a friendly suggestion of duo being a...great couple. Yep, duo of boys and girls being a cute couple.
Jotaro : Good grief, save all the hugs and kisses. Remember don't make any noises around the place next time. Remember, we are making new episodes every day and you need some rest. So please, no more interruptions. I really need my beauty sleep. (Closes door)
Fuuko : So, now that's done by the way, you wanted to go make me giving you a good luck kiss?
Andy : That's exactly that I would want to hear, Fuuko.
Fuuko : Well, then. Coming to bed while finishing reading, Honey?
Andy : Yes dear.
"The Next Day..."
*Door Banging*
Andy : I'll get it! (Opens door)
Fuuko : Hi, Andy. I just got back from the hospital and my doctor told me one thing about my lucky wish that you given me.
Andy : Really, like what is your doctor telling you?
Fuuko : Well...He told me that something important to you of giving me my lucky wish. Well to come clean and to tell it for you. I have something in common for you. (Starting blushing) Andy-san...I...
Andy : Fuuko....
Fuuko : (blushing)A...Andy-san...I am...I am pregnant... pregnant with your child.
Andy : Oh...Okay, and how did I even get you pregnant?
Gina : It's because of you just gave her with a lucky wish!
Andy : Oh, I actually understand that and I have one common thing that I have to say...(realizing) I forgot that people are shipping between me and Fuuko? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FU-
Tomska : THE END.
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andywandyz · 2 years
Bruno gang helping reader through a traumatizing childhood memory:
Hihi I'm back sorry for taking so long! I've been busy for a while so here's some fluff - Bruno gang trying to comfort you. N/N: Nickname Y/N: Your name L/N: Last name
Life was pretty good getting used to the gang so far, your friends supported you and you loved each and everyone of them very much. When you joined, the first person you met was Bruno. He was interested in knowing your side of your story but it was hard already dealing with enough shit in the past, so Bruno decided to leave it like that and get to know you better. You had entertained yourself as you watched Fugo, Mista, and Narancia fighting for the remote to watch what each person wanted, Abbacchio was busy listening to music, Giorno was reading a book and Trish was busy looking at the latest makeup videos. "N/N!! Fugo keeps hurting me!" Narancia screeched across the living room to you. Fugo looked at the boy in anger, "Sorry L/N! I'll deal with him!"
It was getting dark and everyone had been busy doing their own thing, there hadn't been too much to do today, so you decided it would be best if you headed to bed. You headed to Bruno's office and knocked. "Who is it?" His calm but stern voice answered. "It's me Mr. Bucciarati, I'm headed to bed now." He only hummed as a sign in understanding you and with that you headed to your room. You had honestly been worried about going to sleep before in the past, you had a weird sleep schedule but it didn't affect you greatly, you had questioned yourself multiple times and even tried asking for Giorno and Bucciarati's help since they got most of the beauty sleep in the gang, but whatever you did wouldn't work. You continued tossing and turning but your eyes slowly but surely started closing.
But nowadays, it was getting harder to sleep. More nightmares and disturbing memories from that day. The day you witnessed your own father slash your mothers throat. Of course you had called the police but on the day of your mother funeral they allowed you father to come and visit her grave. "I'm glad I killed that fucking whore, you know your face really reminds me of her it makes me sick in the stomach! I would have killed the both of you fucking disgrace!"
He didn't have enough time to finish bringing you down before you stabbed him in the chest. He looked at you for a couple of minutes in shock but then smirked while you trembled with fear and anger. He whispered one last thing into your ear before ripping out your eye- "Y/N?!" "Y/N Get the hell up!" "N/N Please Get up!!" "Please wake up, everyone is waiting for you." Your eyes blasted open with tears splashing out, the whole team surrounded your room with worried looks. "We heard you screaming N/N! Are you okay?!" Narancia exclaimed while having a worried look with glossy eyes. Abbacchio put his hand on your forehead trying to see if you had any temperature. Fugo handed you tissues, Giorno made a refreshing smell with his flowers, Mista and Narancia both were hugging you while Trish was patting your head. You looked and in front of your bed was a worried capo, someone who cared about his teammates and would do the best he could for them. You looked at everyone, with shock. "Damn, are you okay Y/N, you gave us a scare." You didn't know what to say, but the fact that they came to check up on you, to make sure you were safe, it broke your heart. You started trembling and broke down into tears. "What the hell Mista?! Why would you say that to L/N?!" Fugo screamed. "I didn't do no shit!" "You guys stop screaming!" Trish yelled. Bruno then came and wrapped his arms around your shoulder "Are you ready to tell me everything il mio tesoro? Per favore, non nascondere nulla" "Okay I'm ready. T-Thanks guys" It felt embarrassing to stutter but how else could you express your emotion. They all looked at you as you continued and decided to reveal your side of the story. You were scared, you were honestly scared, you just wanted to protect your mother. Everyone looked at you and expressions softened. It calmed down your heart. The people you loved the most were right here, and wouldn't leave. I swear part 5 made me cry to most in JJBA I'll prob make something else tmmr, I just finished and it's 3:03 am rn!
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The Passione Scaredy-Cats (Team Bucci and Reader)
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Enjoy this silly, fluffy one-shot between Team Bucci and Reader!
[Y/N] was reading a book while checking the time. It'd been a whole hour since their friends left for the reconnaissance mission near one of the warehouses on the bay. They looked up, a bit concerned. This didn't feel like any ordinary reconnaissance mission Team Bucci was on.
Just as they were about to ponder the strange feeling, the sound of a van's tires screeching outside snapped them out of their reverie. A bit confused, they saw that the van screeched right in front of the doors. They hurried down the stairs as they heard more noise getting louder. It sounded an awful lot like kids from a horror movie screaming.
'Huh,' [Y/N] thought. 'What is going on out there?'
Before they could even reach the door, a mass of vibrant colors came flying into the living room. [Y/N] blinked as they saw Fugo and Giorno hiding behind the couches while Abbacchio and Bruno hid behind the curtains. Mista hid under the coffee table while Narancia hurried right behind [Y/N] and buried his face in their back.
"Uh," [Y/N] asked, bemused, to a tired-looking Trish. "What's going on here?" They tried to provide some comfort to Narancia by petting his hair.
"Long story short, they all got hit with a Stand. It makes them scared for the rest of the day," She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"Oh no," [Y/N] winced sympathetically, continuing to soothingly pet Narancia's hair. "That's terrible." They looked over the others as they continued to hide. They sighed. "Go get some rest, Trish. It'll be ok." They gave her an encouraging smile. "I'll take it over from here."
Trish nodded hesitantly before heading upstairs. [Y/N] sighed as they looked over. The others were still scared out of their minds, no doubt. They shivered from fear, Bruno and Abbacchio sometimes peeking to see if everything was safe.
"It's okay, everyone," [Y/N] soothingly smiled. "You're back in the villa. You're safe and sound."
They all looked over to [Y/N] with uncertainty, Narancia holding onto them with a vice-like grip. [Y/N] gently walked over to the couch with Narancia, slowly sitting him down. Narancia whined, not letting go.
"It's okay, Narancia, it's alright," [Y/N] gently smiled. "Here. Why don't I make some tea or hot chocolate so that it'll help you guys calm a bit from the Stand attack? I'll be back shortly."
They hurried over to the kitchen and make their one-of-a-kind tea as well as some snug hot chocolate. They were just about done when a loud shriek made them jump. Fearing the worst, [Y/N] ran back right into the living room to see all six of them on top of the couch and the coffee tables, screaming on top of their lungs.
"What happened," [Y/N] asked concernedly. They yelled all at once in their terror. "One at a time."
"M-M-Mouse!" Mista squeaked, pointing near their feet.
[Y/N] looked down and an adorable mouse was squeaking innocently by their feet. They smiled and gathered the poor thing, gently putting it outside. As they went back to the kitchen, [Y/N] saw the awe in the air. They smiled as they washed their hands and brought the drinks.
"Here," They said, setting the drinks down on one of the side tables. "I have an idea. How about we make a blanket fort to feel safer if it's ok? We can also watch movies until these effects go away. Sound okay?"
"Ah, [Y/N]," Fugo stuttered. "T-This is..."
"Are you sure," Bruno asked hesitantly. "We might be up all night..."
"I'm sure," [Y/N] smiled. "Besides, it might be great to talk about more soothing things."
"We'll be a handful." Abbacchio warned softly.
"That's fine," [Y/N] continued to grin sweetly. "In fact, I really love it."
"I call dibs sitting next to [Y/N]!" Narancia piped up, looking a lot more like his usual self.
The next couple of hours were just sitting, soft talking, and watching a couple of nice movies to take the fear off. It was nice to unwind for just a little while, even if it was supposed to be to counter the effects of a Stand.
It was thirty minutes into the second movie. Narancia and Mista were asleep, Fugo was close to nodding off, and Bruno and Abbacchio had been the only ones watching the movie quietly. [Y/N] sipped on some hot chocolate when they felt Giorno rest his head on their shoulder.
"[Y/N]," Giorno murmured as he nodded off. "Thanks for this."
"It's no problem at all, Gio," [Y/N] whispered back. "I'm always here for you."
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dongiovannaswife · 2 years
Affection | GioLena.
I'll kiss your eyes, I'll wash your skin.
Hey ya,
Forget myself and let you in.
Vent piece that actually adds to the main story <3 mentions to past abuse and trauma, healing and pregnancy talk. Poorly edited!!
Title inspo: affection by Amber Run.
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He's been waiting for too long. At first, he had been reading over the latest Pink Dark Boy chapter —but then, it felt like too long since she got in the bathroom for a shower. Was she okay? Was she having trouble showering with the bump? But she had reassured him she still could do it on her own…
Standing up from bed, Gio stops before the bathroom door raising his hand —but something, a sound, makes him stop and lean further, trying to make out the source.
There it is, that sound. It makes him freeze, feeling his heart drop once realization comes. 
A sob. Knocking on the door, he gets to hear her quiet down, like an automatic response. 
“Babe, is everything okay?” 
Giogio sighs, dropping his arm aside and leaning his forehead against the door, as if trying to hear more. “Something's wrong, isn't it? Let me help?”
Silence —it drives him crazy, makes every nerve of his body burn with worry. And then, softly, the rustling of chains makes him look up and stand straight. The door opens and Wire Requiem doesn't even look at him as he comes in, closing the door and dissipating right there.
His wife's sitting on the floor leaning against the bathtub —looking down, an ashamed expression noticeable given her frown and the angry red marks below her eyes, her red and puffy lips and the rest of her face, swelling up and pinkish. 
Silent, Giorno makes his way over, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. And kneeling before her, he barely fights back the impulse to reach out and comfort her: still, he sets his hands on his lap, takes a deep breath in and, then, through a soft voice, he speaks up. “I'm not gonna get mad, okay? Crying makes you human, not weak. Never weak. It's just natural and there's nothing to be ashamed of.” 
The way she sobs upon his words breaks his heart, and even if his voice almost breaks Giorno keeps going. “I'm here whenever you want to talk, okay? Whatever you're feeling is not ridiculous.” 
His wife had mentioned it once, that growing up, her mother would always get angry whenever she cried: she would always say crying made her weak, that nothing was worth crying for except for death. And then the rougher times came around and Lena learned to cry alone and as quiet as possible; to hide her eye bags and headaches.
Anything to escape the gaslighting. 
She nods, and the tears run down her cheeks —sobs shake her shoulders. But finally, through trembling hands and blinded eyes she reaches out, grasping at his forearm.
“Jovi. He's gonna be the middle kid.”
It takes him by surprise, but he still nods, shifting to sit before her, taking a quick glance at the rest of her just to realize she's wearing his shirt. Setting his hand atop hers, Gio listens, keeping track of her expressions. 
“I don't want him to feel forgotten or unloved, but I also don't want him to feel like he has to carry the responsibility of his siblings and like, I just… .” she looks back, and the raw desperation and pain behind her bloodshot eyes makes him hurt, “I just want him to know he's loved and seen and free.” 
Brown eyes stare back into green ones —reaching a hand out, he cups her face, letting his thumb trace over her cheekbone. Giorno keeps the same voice tone, “He will. You and I will make sure he'll have all that. What makes you think he will go through the same?” 
Lena's mouth closes slowly and then, as if something clicked in her mind, she replies: “Maybe I'm… scared of committing the same mistakes?” 
Gio nods, adding gently. “You're also seeing yourself in him —you want to keep him from all that pain. The pain you went through, I mean.” 
Nodding, she quiets down, though this time calmer. It takes a little bit more before she looks back, eyes half lidded and heavy with sleep, stumbling over her words —vowels molding together. “I'm cold.” 
Standing up, Giorno reaches out for her. “Let's get you to bed, then. The boys are asleep, don't worry about them.” 
The way back to the bedroom feels slow, methodical and quiet —and he doesn't fail to notice her wandering eyes full of fear and stress. He does not ignore the way she grips at his shirt the moment he sets her in the bed, sitting behind her to dry her hair. 
As his fingers comb through the mane of wet curls, applying lotion, he speaks up again. “You don't have to hide, love. Everything you feel, and think, should be said.” leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple, his arms circle her, as if keeping her from harm. 
“You're safe.” 
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mewmewchann · 2 years
A vento aureo with Josuke au? 👀
Is there anything you're interested in sharing about it? I love hearing about other people's aus.
Sure!! I don’t plan on writing it so I’ll post everything I remember from it here
Bear in mind I came up with the base of it like a year ago and have moved on from it since so most of it is just cliffnotes and some areas are more detailed than others Also I had trouble remembering things so yea
Also you could REALLY tell I was playing favourites in some areas lol
…Also this gets long. Like really long
So the base idea for this AU was “what if Jotaro sent Josuke to check on Giorno instead of Kokichi and he stuck around for the whole part” So first few episodes are mostly the same, except when Koichi decided to leave and go back to Morioh Josuke figured “huh my technically once removed uncle is actually pretty neat I’mma see if I can hang out with him more” and literally sneaks onto Team Bucciarati’s boat just so he can follow Giorno So Giorno has to explain that to the gang, and Bruno just figures “eh he can’t exactly back out now and his stand is pretty powerful so he can come too I guess”
The main storyline changes that I had down don’t come until Bruno decides to betray the boss, so the changes before that are basically:
The gang don’t trust Josuke at first and it does take some time for them to warm up to him ...Narancia and Mista consider him a bro immediately but that’s besides the point
Abbachio is probably a bit more standoffish to Giorno since he accidentally brought an outsider into things
I had the idea of him being there for the Illuso just for the joke of Giorno saying that he has to resort to the whole bricksnake thing despite there being a healer literally RIGHT THERE
Grateful Dead probably would’ve been a lot easier to deal with because of Crazy Diamond, he could’ve just kept reversing the water back to ice over and over. The dude literally uncooked spaghetti back in Part 4
Also some of the interactions between him and the gang would’ve been great
Anyway, now to the major changes!
So the first major change is that Fugo actually gets on the boat this time. Why? Three reasons:
So that the numbers made sense for the Chariot Requiem fight
...He's a comfort character to me okay
Because it’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later
So then after that the Clash/Talking head fight happens which probably remains the same, but if I’m getting his powers right Notorious BIG probably would’ve been dealt with easier too? Like Josuke could’ve healed Giorno’s hands back and been able to heal the others so they could fight back once it came back, then Spice Girl would’ve done her thing
And then Abbachio dies.
This is essentially the point of no return here, since the boss killed one of their own, but Josuke decides to stay anyways since he feels he needs to bring justice for Abbachio’s death.
As for Fugo (since he’s here too), he feels...Complicated.
Because remember Araki’s original plan for Fugo? Yeah, I decided to bring that back here too. Kinda. (this was essentially my justification for having Fugo there so bear with me on this) Cue a new miniature arc (Idk if this would’ve taken place before or replaced the Cioccolata fight, but this was like a year ago I can’t remember things) that I called the “Kiss the Sky arc”. ...Yeah it’s based on the lyrics of Purple Haze
Essentially Diavolo was using him as a mole and wanted him to hinder their progress, but after seeing him kill Abbachio he wants out of their deal, as he never wanted any of his friends to die. This obviously pisses Diavolo off, and through some sequence of events the group finds out. The gang of course feels betrayed, but before they can even attempt to talk it out Fugo lashes out with Purple Haze and makes a break for it. (also this would be the point where Giorno realised that Bruno was a living corpse since “oh shit, he isn’t affected by Purple Haze wtf”) An argument over whether or not they have to kill him ensues, when Josuke eventually comes in like “HOLD ON A FUCKIN SECOND LET’S THINK ABOUT THIS”, as he figures that the boss was only using him as a pawn due to his powerful stand ability. He says that because of this they shouldn’t kill him because of a scenario where he had no control of anything, and they should at least try to get him back. Giorno agrees and eventually the others do too, and a big emotional fight scene happens where Fugo essentially begs Giorno to kill him to atone for his betrayal, Giorno refuses and a lot of crying and emotion happens and yaaay Fugo’s back again
Then if the Cioccolatta fight happened here then I had this amazing mental idea of the Seven Page Muda being a combo attack between Giorno and Josuke because that would’ve been dope
And after that is another grey area. Whoops
Well the body swap still happens, but Giorno switches with Josuke and Fugo switches with Narancia here Narancia still would’ve died, Fugo probably would’ve either died or been grievously injured, and I think at some point I actually considered killing Josuke off during the final battle. Idk if I would’ve gone through with it if I actually wrote this but I remember this being an idea I considered because Diavolo probably would’ve taken one look at Crazy Diamond and figured “okay this is way too broken for them” and would’ve made at least some attempt on him
But yeah, this is all I can remember. I had this idea like a year ago and hadn’t thought of it since and just randomly remembered it today, and I had some pretty cool ideas there hahaha
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cophene · 1 year
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06 || ✦.⁺ innocuous.
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pairing : vento aureo x gn reader summary : a college student tries getting the attention of some of the most admired and attractive people on campus, only to get caught up with stands and vigilante groups in the process. notes : modern au, multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn't follow canon plot word count : 2.1k+
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═ ☆.  FIRELIGHT WAS SUPPOSED TO be comforting.
It was supposed to make you feel warm and safe and alive.
Why was it, then, that (y/n)’s heart nearly stopped every time the lighter flickered?
The lighter was blocked on all sides by (y/n)’s textbooks on their desk. Too paranoid to sleep, (y/n) had spent all of last night awake. They’d stuffed the underside of their door and secured the window to prevent drafts from coming in. Then (Y/n) had perched on their bed, barely moving as they watched the lighter cast unsteady shadows on the wall.
It was a ridiculous amount of effort for this challenge. Trish was bluffing, a part of (y/n)’s mind told them. There was no way she and Giorno would know if the lighter went out. It would be too easy to shut off the lighter until next midnight, when (y/n) would have to return it to them.
But the other part of (y/n)’s mind knew that was the point. This was a matter of personal integrity, not skill. It probably didn’t matter whether or not the lighter went out. What mattered was if (y/n) would be willing to tell the truth if it did.
Maybe it was stupid, but (y/n) was determined not to let the measly lighter go out. (Y/n) wouldn’t be able to live it down if they didn’t beat this test. The rest of their time at Sapiena would be spent remembering their failure.
Half an hour before their (y/n)’s class, they risked moving from their position to change and get ready. (Y/n) considered what to do as they pulled clothes out of their closet, casting glances at the lighter shoulder every so often. It would drive (y/n) crazy if they left the lighter in their dorm. The entire campus could go up in flames. Bringing the lighter with (y/n) wasn’t any better, though. The student body would know what was up, but the faculty and security wouldn’t and could possibly confiscate it. How was (y/n) supposed to go through all their classes with a lit lighter?
A knock at the door pulled them from their thoughts. (Y/n) went to answer it, making sure to position themself in front of the wall of textbooks around the lighter.
(Y/n) opened their door as gently as they could, the crack barely large enough to see the other person.
“Can I help you?”
(Y/n) was met with a flash of teeth.
“Actually, this is a matter of whether or not I can help you.”
(Y/n) didn’t like the look of the blonde-haired male on the other side of the door. His smile was too sharp, his blue eyes shifty. He pushed the door open despite (y/n) keeping weight on it. The corners of (y/n)’s mouth tightened.
“I don’t think so. Please excuse me.”
A leather shoe prevented her from closing the door.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to keep that lighter lit if you had help?” the male asked.
(Y/n) feigned confusion. “What lighter?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” the male said lazily. “If they gave the lighter to you when you left the bonfire, you still have over thirteen hours to go.”
“I have to go,” (y/n) said, trying to force the door closed. (Y/n) didn’t know who this guy was or want him anywhere near the lighter.
“You need to go to class, and I’m guessing you spent the last ten minutes deciding what to do with the lighter, right? Just leave it to me, and I’ll watch it for you.” The male grinned again, raising his eyebrows.
Was this part of the test? Was this guy here to throw (y/n) off?
“I’ll be fine,” (y/n) said firmly.
“Listen,” the blonde-haired male said. “I’m short on cash, okay? I really need this right now. I’m willing to watch over that lighter for however long you need. I just need 200 euros.”
“200 euros?” (y/n) echoed. “Who do you think I am? Forget it.”
“You don’t trust me? That’s fine. I don’t blame you. It is a little strange I’m approaching you out of nowhere.” The male took a couple of steps back, allowing (y/n) to get a better look at the spiderweb pattern running along his open jacket. “I’m Prosciutto. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Wasn’t that the name of the bartender from last night? (Y/n) stepped in front of the door and closed it behind them, keeping one hand on the doorknob.
“What do you want from me?” they hissed.
“200 euros,” Prosciutto repeated calmly. “Just pay up, and I’ll watch over that lighter for you.” He glanced at his phone. “I think your first class is starting soon. You should hurry.”
“Give me one reason why I should trust you.”
Prosciutto chuckled. “Do you think Mista and Bucciarati passed their tests on their own? They were practically begging me to help them. They gave me a few euros, and now they’re hanging with Una and Giovanna. Simple.”
(Y/n) had no way of checking that claim. But would Prosciutto really go as far as to lie about something like that?
“Don’t you have your own classes to get to?”
“It’s my day off,” Prosciutto said. “I’ve got nothing better to do.” His expression became grave. “Please, it’s really the least I can do. I need that money.”
(Y/n) knew they could just skip class and stay with the lighter for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, though, their partial scholarship relied on perfect attendance. If Prosciutto was offering, shouldn’t (y/n) just accept? He’d helped Mista and Bruno, apparently. And Trish and Giorno knew him. That counted for something, right?
An alarm on (y/n)’s phone went off, signalling they had less than five minutes to get to their lecture.
(Y/n) opened their door and motioned for Prosciutto to come inside. While he sat down at their desk, taking in the walled-off lighter, (y/n) went into their closet and took out the savings they’d brought for emergencies.
“That’s 300 euros,” (y/n) said, handing the bills to Prosciutto. “One hundred extra to make sure you don’t go through my things. Are we clear?”
“We’re clear,” Prosciutto said, pocketing the money.
“I’ll be back to check on you at lunch. Then I only have one more class before you can leave. If you go back on your word, I—” (Y/n) stopped. If this failed, (y/n) couldn’t blame anyone but themself. The thought nearly made them grab the money back when Prosciutto spoke again.
“You can trust me,” he said with enough sincerity that (y/n) almost believed him. “Despite what you may think, I want you to pass this. You seem like a good person. I’m not really part of their circle myself, but I think you’ll be a good fit. If I can help you, I will.” Prosciutto’s smile wasn’t the wide grin that showed his prominent teeth. It was smaller, more sincere.
(Y/n) was overthinking this, weren’t they? Not everyone would be out to get them just because they were hanging out with Trish and Giorno. There were some people who genuinely just wanted to help (y/n). They were making the test easier. Trish and Giorno hadn’t said anything about this. What if they expected (y/n) to have assistance?
“Molte grazie,” (y/n) said, giving in and gathering their things to leave. “I owe you one.”
Prosciutto leaned back in his chair. “It’s no problem. I should be thanking you. I was between a rock and hard spot, lemme tell you.”
(Y/n) gave him a smile, peeking at the lighter one last time before rushing off to class. On the way, they passed a strange-looking student they had to look twice at but immediately forgot about as they joined the crowd of students. The green-haired student went in the direction (y/n) had just come from. He went down the row of doors before stopping in front of one in particular.
“Big bro?” he said, knocking on the door. “You in there?”
When he didn’t get an immediate answer, the green-haired male tried the door. There, he found Prosciutto in the same position (y/n) had left him—leaning back in his chair, contemplating the lighter.
“What are you doing?” Pesci asked. “Just put it out, and let’s go already.”
Prosciutto didn’t move. Pesci could see the lighter flame reflected in Prosciutto’s blue eyes.
“What if we didn’t do it this time?” he said softly. “What if we let them pass?”
Pesci scratched his head. “Why, though? That’s not the point of this, is it?”
Prosciutto took one of the books surrounding the lighter away. “I’ve just been thinking that there has to be a better way to do this. Shouldn’t they get a choice?”
“Well, everyone would just say no. I would have.”
“That’s because your Stand is weak,” Prosciutto hissed, cutting his eyes at Pesci. “You don’t even know how to fully control it.”
Pesci shrank back, eyes darting to the floor. He mumbled an apology.
Prosciutto looked back at the lighter. How could such a tiny thing drastically alter a person’s life? It seemed even less right that someone else would be making that decision.
Prosciutto actually didn’t mind (y/n) from the few words they’d exchanged. They seemed intelligent, capable. Even if (y/n) didn’t know what was going on, they would have figured it out eventually.
In one neat motion, Prosciutto capped the lighter shut. The flame extinguished with a hiss. He got up, pushed in the chair, and left (y/n)’s room, Pesci on his heels. Although his heart twisted, he didn’t look back.
In the end, it was a shame. (Y/n) might have paid him 300 euros to watch the lighter, but Giorno had paid him over three times that amount to extinguish it. He supposed it didn’t really matter when he was 1300 euros richer.
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(Y/n) had been wound tight as a wire all day and jumped when they felt a tap on their shoulder. When they turned to find a rakish grin and messy black hair (y/n) told themself to calm down. It was just Narancia, who, (y/n) had to admit, they were glad to see.
Keeping true to his namesake, Narancia was dressed in a baggy orange sweater and headband today, hands tucked into his sleek cargo pants. He was also wearing a pair of orange Fila Disruptors.
“Ehilà,” (y/n) said sheepishly, readjusting their grip on their textbook and notes. “Sorry, you scared me.”
“Are you okay? You look super tense.”
(Y/n) forced their shoulders to drop and their back to straighten. Their head hurt from thinking about nothing but the lighter the entire morning. More than once, they’d been tempted to take a washroom break and check on Prosciutto and the lighter. Unfortunately, the dorms were on the other side of campus, and they wouldn’t have been able to make it there without seeming suspicious. (Y/n) was itching to get back to the lighter now that it was their lunch break.
“It’s nothing. Lectures just dragged on for too long.”
“Fugo and I are heading to the café for lunch. You want to come?” Narancia raised his eyebrows. “I know Fugo would love that. Me too, but mostly him.”
“I actually really need to get back to my dorm,” (y/n) said, taking a few small steps away from Narancia. “Maybe another time.”
“I can just come with you, and we can go when you’re done.”
(Y/n) bit their lip. Narancia probably knew about the lighter test, but if he didn’t, (y/n) didn’t know how to explain it to him. He looked like he really wanted them to come, though, so (y/n) nodded.
“Alright, sure. I won’t take long.”
Narancia fell into step beside (y/n), asking them about their lecture. (Y/n) answered, trying not to focus on their roiling stomach.
You paid Prosciutto 300 euros not to leave. It’ll be fine.
(Y/n) stopped abruptly. Narancia kept going for a few steps before he noticed and turned back.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
(Y/n)’s grip on their books went slack as they caught sight of slicked-back blonde hair moving through the crowd. Prosciutto barely looked at (y/n) as he passed. He might as well have been a stranger.
No. What is he doing here?
(Y/n)’s textbook and notebooks tumbled to the floor as they tore down the corridor toward the dorms. Narancia called after them, but (y/n) ignored him, shoving students aside in their haste. All they could think about was that silver lighter. Maybe Prosciutto had needed a break and let someone else stay there.
It was still lit. It had to be.
It felt like (y/n) arrived at their dorm room a second later. They ploughed through their door, heart in their throat. They could only stare at the lighter, sitting innocuously on their desk.
Closed shut.
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aight, so, fun fact. i originally planned for y/n to bring the lighter with them and then have it get extinguished that way. but it felt kinda dull tho, so i roped prosciutto into it :]
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
Giorno: *spots Abbacchio sleeping on the couch deeply* . . .
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Haruno: Wow! I've never seen Mr. Abba snore so loudly like that before! He must be having a very good dream!
Angel Giorno: Hmm. Perhaps we should make it more comfortable for him to sleep? Perhaps the nice blanket?
Devil Giorno: Or we could mess with him just a little bit as payback for all the times he messed with us, hm?
Angel Giorno: No. Especially when the last time we did so, he got extremely angry at us.
Devil Giorno: Relax. This will be simpler and I'll make sure that he won't get as mad at us.
Haruno: Do you pinky promise? The last time he got mad, it was really, really, really scary...
Devil Giorno: *smirks* I promise.
Haruno: O-Okay then. I trust you.
Angel Giorno: You better keep that promise!
- Outside -
Giorno: *eyes widen, stiffens* *devilish smirk*
- Later -
Giorno: *sitting at the table with Bri, Narancia, Mista, Fugo, and Trish*
Bruno's voice: Come on, Abbacchio! It doesn't look that bad!
Abbacchio: *storming into the kitchen sporting two long pigtails* Alright! Which one of you did this?!
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Devil Giorno: *cackling*
Angel Giorno: Well then.
Haruno: *unsure, hides behind Angel Giorno*
Awwwwww this is so cute omg Abba wouldn't be impressed though 🥲🤣
Bri: *chokes on her orange juice, battling to contain her laughter* Good morning ♡
Abbacchio: oh? It's funny
Narancia: hilarious
Fugo: not now Narancia
Giorno: *softly smiling*
Trish: so that's a good look for you Abbacchio
Abbacchio: I will find the culprit, and then I'll kill them *leaves*
Mista: *laughs* okay, who did that? Bri? Nara?
Fugo: I think it was Trish
Bri: huh? Hello, who's grinning here like the cat that got the cream?
*All look at Giorno, eating a piece of toast*
Giorno: what? *smiles*
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Awwww this was so cute and funny, I hope you're well my lovely, I'm so sorry for taking as long with this, I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, stay safe bb 💗 💖 ❤️ 💕 💙 💓 💗
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leonwrites4u · 2 years
Hello again :) please can I request headcanons to team Bucciarati having a crush on Bucciarati’s sister who’s part of the team :)
Hell yeah! Bucciaratti is very epic, he deserves the world so you know what, let'sgo!
!! G/n reader, AFAB!!
Team Bucciaratti with a crush on Bucciarattis sister
Mista is great at hiding his crushes but that doesn't mean he won't get jealous at times
But everyone knows- even Bucciaratti himself
Your stand was pretty powerful, he adored it- well- he adored women who could kick his ass
But that doesn't mean hes not gonna try to swoop in and save you
"You doofus, you S/o already defeated it-"
He always tried to show up the others and earned an occasional smack from Bucciaratti
"Mista, I'm aware you have a liking for my sister but this is important"
"--I don't like s/o-"
He wasnt fooling anyone
And hell, you weren't dense, you knew damn well he liked you
He couldn't be more obvious
Always trying to make you laugh
He even purposely annoyed Fugo sometimes when Fugo is trying to teach him stuff
Like before, Bucciaratti DEFINITELY caught on
"Hey! S/O! Didja see me kick ass! I was pretty cool, wasn't I!?"
He's always seeking your approval
He also loves being next to you
"Orrrrrr- Fugo can go with Giorno and *I* can stay with S/o!"
There's never a moment of peace
Fugo was completely aware you could protect yourself yet he still wanted to constantly keep you safe
After all, he doesn't want someone he has a crush on to be in danger
Whenever you two are separated, he's always worried
He feels a bit ashamed as well, how dare he be in love with Bucciarattis sister
He thinks his crush is invalid but he can't help it
He's always willing to share his food or teach you new things
"Hey, S/O, did you know that--"
The fun facts are endless
Bucciaratti sometimes comforts fugo
Telling him that having a crush is normal even if it's on his sister
That won't stop him from being overprotective though
Like Fugo, he doesn't show his feelings often
You could barely tell he had a crush on you
He's always there though
Always there to help you with stuff like battles
Like Fugo, he feels a bit ashamed
But he puts those feelings aside
He deeply cares for you and knows Bucciaratti will understand
"S/o, what do you think the best plan of action is?"
He's always asking for your thoughts
After all, you're also part of the team
He likes turning objects into some of your favorite animals or plants
He loves how you support his dream of a drug free world
He loves you
It's like you brought color into his dull world
He's always willing to share music with you
He'll ask Bucciaratti for approval, wanting to make sure it's okay if he has a crush on you
He's not very open about it but you can tell he cares
"Hey, S/o, don't do dumb shit like that again."
He's always watching out for you
Protecting you despite knowing fully well you can protect yourself
He may not show it but he seems happier with you
He knows you're his sun in his gloomy day
He doesn't wanna lose you like his partner
And for a bonus:
She loves how strong you are
Trish loves fighting alongside you
Or just making fun of the boys with you
She'll sometimes watch from afar, too scared to say anything
"Uhm.. Hey, S/o..do you wanna sit with me?"
She's afraid of rejection and who can blame her
But don't worry, once she gets comfortable with you shes asking your opinion on clothing or food
She knows fully well that she doesn't need to worry about what Bucciaratti thinks
Alrighty! I hope you enjoyed it! If it's not what you wanted, please just tell me and I'll do my best to fix it!
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An honorable mention:
Bruno Bucciaratti for being great
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