#but it's on tanabata
Unveiled feelings - BakuDeku
This is my contribution for Deku’s birthday, since I won’t get my Ao3 back until July 20th. I’m posting this here.
PROMPT: Apprehension
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences (Because Bakugo says the “F” word once or twice idk)
Relationships: BakuDeku
Word Count: 5,9k
Tags: Jealousy, Post-Kamino Incident, Love confession.
Summary:  Class 1-A celebrates Tanabata. Bakugo feels jealous, Izuku is uncomfortable; both feelings clash against each other. Izuku's wish is to get along with Bakugo, however, he loses hope that this wish will come true.
As the Class 1-A chat group buzzed with excitement for the upcoming Tanabata festival outing, Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he read Izuku's message.
I'm going with Todoroki-kun 😊
A flash of annoyance crossed Bakugo's face. He quickly composed himself, refusing to let it show.
His fingers hovered over the screen, contemplating whether or not he should respond. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of Izuku spending time with Todoroki or anyone else. They had become close friends, but Bakugo couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. And that thought irritated him, for some reason.
Just as he was about to dismiss their plans, an invitation from Kirishima appeared on the screen of his phone. Bakugo's frown softened slightly as he read the message. Kirishima was inviting him to join his group for the Tanabata celebration.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment, his pride at war with his desire to be close to Izuku. Finally, he complained to himself and wrote a reply, accepting Kirishima's invitation. He couldn't let Izuku think that he was upset by his plans with Todoroki. Bakugo was determined to show that he didn't care.
The day of departure arrived, and the students of Class 1-A gathered at the designated meeting place. Bakugo arrived early on purpose, wanting to be there before Izuku and Todoroki. He leaned against a nearby tree, pretending to be engrossed in his phone, while he stole glances up the path that led to the meeting place.
Finally, he saw Izuku and Todoroki walking towards them, deep in conversation. Bakugo's eyes narrowed and a wave of possessiveness washed over him. He didn't like seeing Izuku laugh and smile with someone else. He wanted those smiles reserved just for him.
As the group chatted and headed to the festival, Bakugo grew increasingly frustrated by Izuku's interactions with Todoroki. He couldn't understand why he felt so furious about it. But seeing Izuku's attention focused on someone else, it bothered him terribly.
Throughout the day, Bakugo found himself instinctively gravitating towards Izuku, wanting to be close to him. He joined in on the conversations, throwing in his own witty and snide remarks, determined to win back Izuku's attention. He wasn't going to let Todoroki steal the spotlight.
Little did Bakugo know, Izuku had noticed his subtle actions and the way his eyes lingered on him. He felt a mixture of confusion and curiosity, wondering if there was something else behind Bakugo's behavior. And somewhere deep down, Izuku couldn't deny the pang of happiness he felt knowing that Bakugo cared enough to be jealous.
As the evening sky darkened, lanterns were lit and wishes were written.
Bakugo looked at Izuku out of the corner of his eye, frowning. “What are you looking at?”
Izuku smiled. “It's nice to share this moment together.”
"What the hell are you talking about if you spent all day with the half-half? Did he get bored of your nerdy gibberish and that's why you come here to bother me?”
Bakugo took a corner to write his wish. Izuku sighed.
The two heroes-in-training began to write their wishes on the strips of paper. Bakugo wrote in his fast and energetic handwriting, while Izuku wrote with calm and concentration. Once they were done, they hung their wishes on the bamboo, watching them sway gently in the wind.
"What did you wish for, Kacchan?" Izuku asked curiously.
Bakugo crossed his arms, avoiding looking directly at him. "That's none of your business, Deku. Is personal.”
Izuku nodded in understanding and began to think about his own wish. He looked at Bakugo and then at the stars that were beginning to appear in the sky. “My wish is that we continue to grow together, Kacchan. As friends and as heroes.”
Bakugo glared at him, as if Izuku had just said the most offensive thing.
Izuku continued speaking.
“I think All Might is right, we should try to work as a team. We already proved that together we can be invincible, so if my wish comes true, well, I know that if one says the wish out loud, maybe not…”
Bakugo burst. "Do you want to know what my freaking wish is?! Shut that annoying nerdy mouth and get out of my life forever! You are the most irritating person I have ever met!”
Bakugo's harsh words hung in the air as Izuku absorbed the impact. Izuku, usually resilient and forgiving, felt a pang of pain deep within him, but decided to mask it with a stoic expression. He had always known that Bakugo had a way with insults, but this time he felt differently. This time, he hit too close to home.
"Okay," Izuku replied quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I won't bother you anymore"
His shoulders slumped slightly as he turned around, leaving Bakugo standing there, feeling a mixture of guilt and confusion.
As Izuku walked away, he fought back tears, trying to understand why Bakugo's words affected him so deeply. He was hoping to have an honest talk, to bridge the gap between them, but it seemed that Bakugo wasn't willing to face his own feelings. And at that moment, Izuku couldn't take the weight of Bakugo's constant insults anymore.
Determined to enjoy the rest of the festival, Izuku joined Todoroki and Uraraka, bringing a smile to his face. He joined their conversations, laughing and joking as best he could. But there was a lingering sadness behind his eyes, a pain caused by Bakugo's rejection.
Meanwhile, Kirishima, always perceptive of his friend's emotions, noticed Bakugo's discomfort. He gently pushed Bakugo away and tried to divert his attention.
"Hey man, look at that game over there! Let's try it!” Kirishima pointed to a shooting gallery, hoping it would distract Bakugo from his turbulent thoughts.
Bakugo looked away from Izuku and forced himself to focus on Kirishima's suggestion. He nodded, grateful for his friend's attempt to get him out of his own head. He followed Kirishima into the game, trying to push away the guilt that gnawed him.
As they participated in the shooting game, Bakugo's mind went back to Izuku. He couldn't help the feeling of regret that settled in his chest. His realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he didn't want to push Izuku away. He didn't want to be left alone while Izuku laughed and joined the others. Bakugo wanted to be the one to make Izuku smile, and he couldn't deny the growing pain in his heart.
But the question remained: did he have the courage to face his own feelings? Did he have the strength to admit to himself, let alone Izuku, that there was more to their relationship than just rivalry? Bakugo's fists clenched as he wrestled with his own inner turmoil, the weight of his emotions overwhelming him.
He remembered his words and wondered why did he said something like that. He couldn't even think of wishing Izuku out of his life. Maybe years ago, yes but now... That thought hurt too much to want it.
Unbeknownst to Bakugo, Izuku glanced in his direction throughout the festival, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and resignation. He hoped that one day Bakugo would find the courage to confront his feelings and open up. But for now, Izuku had decided to protect his own heart and keep distance.
Izuku couldn't help but watch Kirishima and Bakugo interact, their easy camaraderie sparking a pang of jealousy inside him. He hid the pain with a forced smile, reminding himself that he couldn't let Bakugo's rejection get to him. Instead, he decided to counter Bakugo's indifference by laughing openly with Uraraka and Todoroki, hoping to allay his own feelings of jealousy.
Bakugo, however, was far from ignorant of Izuku's actions. He gritted his teeth, a snarl escaping his lips as he saw Izuku laughing with the others. His anger simmered beneath the surface, fanned by the sight of Izuku apparently enjoying the company of anyone but him. He continued to play the shooting game with a new intensity, his actions becoming more aggressive.
Just when the tension between them seemed to reach its peak, Iida, who had been observing the scene, walked over to the game. With the usual air of command, he invited Izuku and Bakugo to join.
"Why not have some friendly competition, gentlemen? It might lighten the atmosphere,” he suggested, his voice edged with concern.
Izuku felt a wave of shyness wash over him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to engage in a competitive game with Bakugo, especially given the undercurrent of animosity between them. But before he could decline, Bakugo's anger got the better of him. He turned to Izuku, his voice filled with contempt.
"What's wrong Deku? Too cowardly to face a challenge? Or are you just a hypocrite, pretending to be strong when you're nothing but a weakling?"
The harsh words hit Izuku like a physical blow, but his determination flared in response. His eyes narrowed, his voice firm as he accepted the challenge. "Okay Kacchan. Let's do this."
The atmosphere turned tense as the two rivals faced each other, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. Iida set up the game, creating a makeshift target for them to shoot at. As the first round began, their movements became fast and aggressive, and their competitive spirits drove their actions.
"Maybe spending too much time with the half-half made you more useless than you already are," Bakugo teased.
"That has nothing to do with this, and you don't stop putting Todoroki-kun in, is there something you want to say, Kacchan?" Izuku observed, receiving a rather aggressive shot in response. The cork they fired hit his arm and the impact was painful but wouldn't do any serious damage.
Suddenly, Bakugo was aiming at him.
"Why would I want to say anything to someone like you?"
With each shot, the tension in the air grew denser, but it was no longer just the game they were playing. It was a clash of emotions, a chance for them to throw the truth at each other, raw and painful as it might be.
“You always push me away, Kacchan!” Izuku's voice trembled slightly, but he refused to back down. "You never let me in. How can I be your friend when you constantly push me aside?"
Izuku had already left the game, only receiving cork shots and dodging them without difficulty.
Bakugo's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and vulnerability. He loaded another round into his gun, his voice dripping with bitterness.
"Who said that I want to be your friend, you useless?! You think you're so perfect, Deku. Always playing the victim. Why you don't fight back? All you do is dodge me!”
Bakugo was thinking of Izuku's back a few moments ago while his smile was directed towards Uraraka, Todoroki and his other friends and his anger increased.
"Don't accept the challenge if all you're going to do is walk away!"
Words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths and pent-up frustrations.
"I'm not the one walking away!" Izuku's voice trembled, covering his face with his arms. "You're scared too. Afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of letting someone in. But you can't keep pushing everyone away forever!"
Bakugo's face contorted in anger, he dropped the weapon with a thud and lunged at Izuku to hit him. “I don't need anyone, especially you, Deku!” he spat out, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and pain. "I've come this far on my own. I don't need your pity or your help!"
It was then that, after the incident with the Villains League and his kidnapping, after having ruined All Might, everyone approached him with pity.
Izuku no longer looked at him the same way as before. He didn't want that either... he didn't know what exactly he wanted from Izuku.
The fight had escalated to a level where the friends of the rivals began to intervene without being able to stop them. The space that Iida prepared for the supposedly peaceful competition was set aside so there were no people in danger in the wild fight but it was shameful behavior for two heroes in training.
They didn't know how far it would escalate their fight but they didn't want to find out. Iida was going to get between the two but Kirishima stopped him.
"Bakugo won't do anything that causes major damage."
"That's no relief! They're fighting for no reason!" Iida argued.
"For now, this is their way of discussing. Midoriya won't make this a quirk fight and if he doesn't, neither will Bakugo" explained Tsuyu.
As the fight escalated, it became clear that their match had transcended the game. It had become a physical manifestation of their emotional turmoil, a battle fueled by their unspoken desires and frustrations. Izuku's thoughts swirled through his mind, a jumble of conflicting emotions, as the intense fervor of the moment consumed him.
"Even so..." Tsuyu continued.
Both Tsuyu and the others were fed up with the tension that those two had created and didn't want to continue making a fuss so Tsuyu used her tongue to tangle Izuku's foot and make him stumble just as he was about to hit Bakugo.
Caught up in the adrenaline, Izuku found himself on top of Bakugo, gripping the collar of his shirt tightly. He didn't wonder the reason why he stumbled.
Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. Izuku's heart was pounding in his chest, the intensity of their proximity causing a surge of forbidden thoughts.
"It's not pity, Kacchan..." Izuku gasped, "I never felt sorry for you."
In the midst of the chaos, he considered the idea of kissing Bakugo, to silence the tension between them with a moment of undeniable connection.
But just as quickly as the thought arose, Izuku's mind snapped back to reality.
He remembered Bakugo's harsh words, the insults that cut deep to his core. Bakugo had made it clear that Izuku was the one who bothered him the most. The weight of that realization fell on him, shattering the fragile fantasy he had briefly held.
Izuku released Bakugo, his grip loosening as he walked away, the fire in his eyes dimming. He released his rival, the silence between them stifling in its intensity. Realization of what they had just done washed over him, bringing with it a wave of regret and uncertainty.
"Sorry," Izuku murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of apology and sadness. "Sorry, everyone."
With a heavy heart, he turned away from his friends, from the festival that had once held so much promise. The weight of unresolved emotions and the pain of rejection felt like an unbearable burden.
His footsteps echoed against the emptying festival grounds as he pushed through the shadows. His mind was filled with confusion and doubt, questioning his decisions and wondering if there was a way forward from this tangled mess.
Izuku's departure left his friends in shock, their gazes following him until he was out of sight. The lingering tension in the air was palpable, a stark reminder of the consequences of his unresolved emotions. It was a bittersweet reminder that actions taken in the heat of the moment could have lasting repercussions.
The festival continued around them, but the once vibrant and joyous atmosphere was overshadowed by the weight of their shattered friendships. The remaining students of Class 1-A exchanged worried glances, unsure how to proceed or repair the crack that had formed.
Bakugo stood there, his eyes locked on the retreating figures of Todoroki, Uraraka, and Tsuyu as they chased after Izuku. Guilt washed over him, mixing with a sense of self-loathing and helplessness. He felt pathetic, knowing that his own actions had driven Izuku away.
Before he could think further about his feelings, Kirishima approached him, concern etched on his face. He grabbed Bakugo's arm gently and pulled him away from the scandalous scene, seeking a moment of privacy to talk.
"Hey Bakugo, what the hell just happened?"
Kirishima's voice held a mixture of concern and determination. He knew something eating away at his friend, and he wasn't about to let Bakugo push him away this time.
Bakugo initially resisted, his pride flaring. But Kirishima was persistent, understanding his friend's tendencies. He kept going, urging Bakugo to open up.
"I know something's been bothering you lately. You've been different, more nervous than usual,” Kirishima said, his voice soft but firm. "You can trust me, Bakugo. I'm your friend, right? Tell me."
Bakugo's defenses faltered under Kirishima's unwavering support. He sighed, shoulders slumping as he finally relented. "Fine, damn it," he complained. "I can't stand seeing Deku with someone else. It... it bothers me."
Kirishima's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly covered them, nodding in understanding. “So are you jealous?” he asked, smirking.
Bakugo's face flushed red, a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Yeah, damn it! So what?! Are you picking a fight?!"
Kirishima couldn't help but laugh at the shock. “Okay, okay. Calm down"
"I never thought I would feel like this. But seeing Deku laughing with the others, being around them... makes me feel like trash. And I took it out on him, on everyone."
Kirishima listened intently, his empathy radiating from his expression. "Bakugo, it's okay to be jealous. It means you care. But taking it out on Midoriya and everyone else isn't fair. You have to face those feelings and talk to Midoriya about it.
Bakugo's eyes shifted, his fists unclenched. “I don't even know what I want, Kirishima. I'm a mess,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kirishima placed a comforting hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "You must be honest with yourself and with Midoriya. He deserves to know how you feel, even if it's complicated. It's the only way you'll find a solution.
A mix of frustration, guilt, and relief washed over Bakugo's features. He finally met Kirishima's gaze, his eyes filled with a new determination.
~°~ The room was cloaked in darkness, the faint glow of the moon filtering through the gaps in the curtains. Izuku lay on his bed, the weight of recent events bearing down on him. The echoes of the festival still reverberated in his mind, each moment a painful reminder of his shattered hopes.
He replayed the confrontation with Bakugo over and over in his mind, dissecting every word, every action. Raw emotions swirled inside him, leaving him lost and overwhelmed. His heart ached, weighed down by the weight of unrequited feelings and the sting of rejection, plus guilt over the mess he'd caused.
Tears welled up in his eyes, falling silently down his face as he fought the suffocating sadness.
Thoughts of what could have been, of the possibilities that seemed to be within his grasp, haunted Izuku's mind. He wondered if he had misread the signs, if he had deluded himself into believing there was something more between him and Bakugo. Uncertainty ate at his soul, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
The silence in the room was deafening, amplifying the turmoil within Izuku. He felt a sense of isolation, as if he was trapped within the confines of his own emotions.
The soft knock on the door interrupted Izuku's contemplation, causing him to raise his head in surprise. He yelled, "Who is it?"
"It's me, Uraraka," said the sweet voice from the other side. “Deku-kun, we are all worried about you. Please let me in."
Izuku hesitated, his instinct telling him to keep his emotions hidden. But Uraraka's lingering concern reached deep within him, and he opened the door, allowing his friend to enter.
Uraraka walked in, her eyes filled with concern and empathy. She offered a kind smile, sensing Izuku's inner turmoil. She refused to let his feigned calm fool her.
"I'm sorry for ruining the festival. I promise it won't happen again.”
"It's true that you gave us quite a scare, maybe later you can apologize to everyone properly, even so, you're not like this." Uraraka said softly, her voice full of true care. “We saw how you left the festival and we know that something is bothering you.”
Izuku's defenses weakened at Uraraka's sincerity. He sighed, realizing that he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer. With a mixture of vulnerability and relief, he began to open up.
"It's Kacchan," Izuku admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I… I… It bothers me… I want to be with him, I want to be able to talk normally with him but I can't. I don't know what to do. Then, Kirishima-kun…”
Uraraka's eyes widened, a flash of recognition crossing her face. She took a step closer to Izuku, her voice soft but resolute. “What's the matter with him?”
Izuku realized what he was about to say and covered his mouth. “Nothing! It’s nothing!” Izuku drowned out his voice in his hands.
"Deku-kun, we know that the way Bakugo and Kirishima-kun get along so well bothers you a bit." Uraraka smiled, and sighed. "You're too obvious."
“Too obvious?!” he yelled in shrill surprise. “I mean, I have nothing against Kirishima-kun and I'm happy that Kacchan has friends,” he muttered “I just want to be as cool as Kirishima-kun to be with someone like Kacchan.”
Uraraka opened her mouth and then closed it. This feeling that Izuku was expressing was all too familiar; she felt the same for Izuku, that admiration and that feeling of distance that she managed to silence. “I understand, I think I feel something similar.”
Confusion crossed Izuku's features as he processed Uraraka's confession. His mind reeled, trying to capture what she said.
Uraraka smiled, showing a vulnerable yet determined expression. “It's hard and it hurts, but keeping it in won't bring any resolution. You deserve to find clarity, as I did,” she said. “First, ask yourself if it is love or admiration.”
Izuku felt a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. "I... I... Uh..." he began to play with his fingers, "But what if Kacchan doesn't feel the same way?" Izuku asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Uraraka gently placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, her eyes filled with compassion. "We won't know until you talk to him, Deku-kun. Repressing your feelings will not lead to any response. You deserve to find closure, and Bakugo has to give himself the chance to understand how you feel. Be honest, even if it's hard.”
Izuku took a deep breath, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Uraraka's vulnerability and understanding gave him the courage to face his own fears. He nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes.
"Thank you, Uraraka-san," Izuku said, his voice full of appreciation. “I appreciate your honesty and support. I'll try... I'll try to talk to Kacchan.”
~°~ The halls of the academy were silent and dimly lit, silence hanging in the air. It was in this silent atmosphere that Izuku and Bakugo came face to face as everyone went to sleep. The weight of their unresolved emotions is palpable between them. Izuku took a deep breath, his voice hesitant but determined.
“Can we talk?” Izuku's voice trembled slightly, a mix of hope and apprehension evident in his eyes.
Bakugo sneered, his pride still evident in his stance. “Talk? What is there to talk about, Deku? Do you think that a simple conversation can fix everything?”
Izuku's heart sank at Bakugo's dismissive response, but he refused to be pushed out. “Kacchan, please. We can't keep avoiding this. We need to address our feelings, confront the truth.”
Bakugo's frustration boiled over, his voice filling with exasperation. "That's your problem, Deku! Always so damn naive, thinking that everything can be solved with a sincere talk. Well, breaking news, life is not that simple!”
“Did we resolve something with the fight we had there?” Izuku didn't want to give up, but he was afraid that this discussion would escalate into something similar to what happened at the festival.
“And what do you want to solve with all this talk?”
Izuku pursed his lips. What could he say now?
"No, you're right. Life isn't that simple with you” Izuku muttered in frustration, looking to get out of the conversation he got himself into.
Bakugo took his arm. "Where do you think you're going? Are you running away like a coward again?”
“It's not that, Kacchan!” Izuku answered desperately ”It's just that I can't find a way for us to understand each other anymore. I want…”
To be at your side.
Izuku wanted to say that. He spoke it in his mind, in his heart, and his mouth yearned to say it.
But it was too much bravery that the One For All heir hero was not willing to have. So he faked a yawn and said, "I want to go to sleep. I'm very sleepy.”
"You bastard!" Bakugo yelled at him indignantly. Izuku had managed to get his attention but if Izuku didn't make the first move, Bakugo didn't know how he would make it.
“But I'm serious, when I'm tired I say a lot of nonsense, Kacchan” he laughed nervously “So let go of my arm and let me go to sleep, please?”
Bakugo tugged on his arm and looked into his eyes.
Izuku swallowed heavily. "Kacchan, let me go."
If Bakugo kept looking at him like that he would be doing something crazy.
The tension in the air grew. It was as if the weight of their unspoken desires, the tangled web of their connection, spilled out with each held breath from both.
"Did you cry?"
Izuku flushed red at Bakugo's sudden question. "N-No! Why would I do that?”
"Don't play the idiot, idiot. You cry so hard that it always shows in your ridiculous nerdy face.”
Bakugo was looking at him as if he were inspecting him. Izuku was no longer thinking about how embarrassing it was for him to know that he had been crying, but about how dangerous it was for his impulsive heart that Bakugo approached his face so nonchalantly.
"Kacchan... I didn't..." he tried to excuse himself but Bakugo kept getting closer, "Kacchan, please, let me go to sleep, Kacchan…”
"Now I'm the one who won't let you sleep?! You were the one who said we had to talk! And so far I haven't understood shit about…!”
Izuku couldn't stand it and drowned out Bakugo's screaming with the kiss that he was resisting. It didn't last long but Izuku took all he could taste in this opportune situation.
He already did. He dared.
Now he wanted to commit to memory the adorable Bakugo’s surprised face. He even made him let go of his arm.
But then, Izuku's pride stopped feeling like a victory. Bakugo moved away from Izuku.
Izuku's heart felt tight in his chest, he believed that he had finally screwed it over. Maybe Bakugo wasn’t only not interested in him but he wasn't interested in men either, maybe what little he had left of Bakugo was lost in that kiss.
He was so gross right now.
“Don’t talk to me! Go away!”
Bakugo stopped looking at him, he looked agitated. Izuku had a choked voice but he did his best to get closer to Bakugo.
“Kacchan, I'm sorry. I’m so stupid!" He began to mumble nervously, "You don't have to feel obligated to anything! I should have gotten away from you like you wanted so much! But it's your fault because you keep taunting me and calling me out, you even just grabbed my arm to stop me and I thought you really cared that I was here! I warned you, Kacchan! I told you to let me go but you…!”
Amid Izuku's nervousness, Bakugo's voice faltered, his expression betraying a hint of vulnerability.
"Can you shut your damn mouth already?! I just don't want you near me, Deku! You drive me crazy! I want you to disappear!” he admitted, “And I can't deny it anymore. I... I feel something for you. And I can't stand it because I don't know what to do with it! So…! You wanted to talk?! Tell me what to do! What am I supposed to do now?!
Izuku's eyes widened, his heart lurching inside his chest. Confusion washed over him, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden confession amid the chaos of his argument.
“What? Kacchan, I... I don't get it” Izuku stammered, his voice a mix of surprise and uncertainty.
Bakugo's pride flared again, the walls of him snapping back. “Forget it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything,” he replied, his voice filled with a mix of defensiveness and doubt.
But Izuku couldn't just dismiss Bakugo's confession. The whirlwind of emotions inside him refused to calm down, his heart yearning for clarity in the midst of the confusion. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly, wanting to close the gap between them.
"No, Kacchan. It does matter," Izuku said firmly, determination shining in his eyes. “I need to understand. I need to know what this all means.”
The halls were silent, silence hanging in the air as the weight of his unspoken desire lingered between them. His plot lines blurred, replaced by a tentative vulnerability.
Bakugo hesitated, his gaze locking on Izuku's. Slowly, he lowered his defenses, his pride giving way to a moment of unfiltered truth.
“I don't know. These feelings... are new to me. But what I do know is that not seeing your stupid face…it hurts.” he sighed “I can't stand seeing you with anyone else, but I can't stand the idea of losing you either.”
Confusion still clouded Izuku's mind, but the sincerity in Bakugo's words struck a chord within him. It was a tide of passion, frustration, and a vulnerability he had rarely seen in his rival. His heart faltered, caught between the lingering pain and the new hope.
In the midst of his confusion, Izuku knew one thing for sure: they couldn't go back to the way things were. They had reached a tipping point, a juncture where they had to confront their emotions head-on and discover the true depth of their connection.
"I-I don't get it, Kacchan, but you said that you wanted me to stay away from you."
"Well, that was…”
Bakugo looked up at Izuku only to realize that the boy was already deep in his own thoughts, swimming in his sea of theories and muttering nonstop.
“I thought I had misunderstood the signals, on the one hand you kept looking at me and I thought I was bothering you or that perhaps you wanted to tell me something. You constantly approached me during the festival almost as if you wanted to get my attention. On the other hand, when I approached you, you sounded sincere in asking me to stay away and you seemed genuinely happy with Kirishima-kun.”
Izuku spoke of his unrequited feelings for him, his confusion over Bakugo's actions and how he had misread so many signs along the way. The weight of it all hung heavy in the air, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
But before Izuku could finish his rambling, Bakugo silenced him with an unexpected and bold gesture. He leaned in, capturing Izuku's lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Time seemed to stop as their lips melted again, their unspoken desires finally finding release. The fervor of the kiss said a lot, their lips moved in perfect harmony, not like before. They were conveying the depth of their emotions better than words.
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest. His mind scrambled to catch up with the sudden turn of events, his confusion giving way to a surge of overwhelming sensation. In that moment, everything fell into place and the complicated puzzle of their relationship began to make sense.
Suddenly, he felt that he could hold Bakugo's feelings with his own hands; he felt that he was the only one who could understand Bakugo.
As his kiss dragged on, the tension between them began to dissipate, replaced by a new understanding. It was as if the kiss contained a thousand unspoken apologies, a million revelations, and a shared recognition of the love that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.
When they finally pulled apart, breathless and wide-eyed, a sense of clarity washed over Izuku. He looked into Bakugo's eyes, now filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. It was as if Bakugo's kiss had swept away all of Izuku's doubts and fears, leaving only the truth.
"Kacchan…" Izuku whispered, his voice filled with a newfound certainty. "I never imagined... I didn't know... that you felt the same way."
Bakugo's lips curved into a tender smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "Deku, I've been a jerk, okay? I pushed you away because I couldn't collect my thoughts.”
“Kacchan…” Izuku stared at him “Hit me”
"What the hell is wrong with you now?!"
"This is too good to be true! It has to be another one of those dreams that keep me sleeping in late!”
"I'll seriously beat you up if you keep saying such creepy things, you fucking idiot!"
"Then it's not a dream. Oh! What a relief~”
"Are you kidding or what?!"
Izuku was actually relieved. He was so happy that he couldn't just believe it and accept it, maybe he would go a long time without finishing believing it.
"No, Kacchan, I would never make fun of you." Izuku hugged Bakugo's chest now that he knew he could do it.
Bakugo still couldn't process this being affectionate, but it felt good to have Izuku hug him like this.
Izuku felt good in his arms, like he fit right in.
"And now what shall we do?"
"What the hell am I supposed to know? Do you want something else?”
Bakugo knew what Izuku was asking, but what happened tomorrow didn't matter to him. If Izuku wanted to shout it from the four winds, he might die of embarrassment, but he would feel proud to be the one Izuku presumes to be his boyfriend. Especially in front of the half-half.
“We could start by writing an apology to everyone for the mess we made.”
Out of nowhere Izuku pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.
Bakugo stared at him in disbelief and then released him. "Luck writing that, nerd. I'm going to bed.”
"W-Wait, Kacchan!"
"I'm not going to write that apology! The only person I cared about forgiving me already did!”
Izuku pursed his lip, showing concern. "Are you talking about Kirishima-kun?"
"I'm not talking about him, idiot. I'm talking about you!”
Joy returned to Izuku's face. "Oh! Kacchan!” He stuck to him again, not letting Bakugo escape.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you going to let me sleep?”
"Yeah, but first write the apology."
“Fuck off!”
Izuku was nearly throwing the paper and pen in Bakugo's face as Bakugo tried to shake him off.
"Kacchan! If you don't apologize now… you'll have to do it in person.”
“Over my dead body!”
"Leave me alone, Deku!"
Nothing had changed, the weight of Bakugo's confession hanging in the air, a testament to the transformative power of their shared kiss. The confusion and uncertainty that had haunted them both seemed to fade away, replaced by a new connection and an undeniable truth.
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jadeseadragon · 1 month
Repost @vivis_life_journey
"One of the most beautiful summer festival I’ve ever seen in Japan.
The Noshiro Tenku no Fuyajo Council’s “Tanabata Festival - Lantern Castles in the Sky” is a mesmerizing annual event held in Noshiro, Akita Prefecture.
Since 2008, this festival has enchanted visitors with its spectacular display of large, intricately designed lanterns resembling traditional Japanese castles floating in the night sky. Celebrated as part of the Tanabata Festival, it honors the legendary meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi.
This is not considered a big scale festival so there were more locals than tourists during the festival and it wasn’t too crowded so it’s easy to get beautiful photos and footages they also opened up time for everyone to get closer to the lantern castles to shoot!
Held every year during August 2nd-3rd."
All filmed by iPhone 15 pro max @apple
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adequately · 13 days
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tanuki-kimono · 3 months
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Softest tones for this summer outfit, pairing a lovely obi with embroidered kani (crab), and a kimono full of cute seasonal patterns:
Tanabata/star festival themed: tanzaku (paper strips on bamboo), hoshi (star)
Summer treats : kaizukushi (assorted shells), suika (watermelon),
masturi/festival themed: mizufuusuen/water balloon, uchiwa (round fan), kingyo (goldfish), chouchin (paper lantern), etc
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So excited for hot scarian summer!!! Theyre my little guys!!
Day 1 - Festival / Cooking Together / Competition
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tokyogems · 1 year
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visited the tanabata festival in asagaya, tokyo.
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levia-san · 1 year
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Celebrating my Birthday with another QiJiu Shitpost To another fruitful year full of qijiu!
Bonus: Live Binghe Reaction
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potatoaiisle · 1 year
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Some photos I took at Tanabata Festival!!
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nora-yoko · 3 months
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paitopastry · 2 months
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more nanbaka from me 🤲 i love seitaro
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sh1cho · 2 months
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Tanabata Star Festival🌠
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lachatalovematcha · 3 months
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⭐ ׁ ˳♪ ♡ᱹ ʾʿ ♡ᱹ ʾʿ ♫⭐️たなばたさま♪ ⭐️♡ᱹ ʾʿ ♡ᱹ ʾʿ ♫ ׁ ˳⭐️
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adequately · 3 months
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mymelodyange1 · 3 months
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asaka-lucy-touhou · 6 months
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「メリー!!」 "Merry!!!"
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230yen · 3 months
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