tanuki-kimono · 3 months
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Softest tones for this summer outfit, pairing a lovely obi with embroidered kani (crab), and a kimono full of cute seasonal patterns:
Tanabata/star festival themed: tanzaku (paper strips on bamboo), hoshi (star)
Summer treats : kaizukushi (assorted shells), suika (watermelon),
masturi/festival themed: mizufuusuen/water balloon, uchiwa (round fan), kingyo (goldfish), chouchin (paper lantern), etc
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hst432 · 2 months
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JR長野駅 善光寺口の庇と列柱は、これがモチーフなんですね。
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zonadelcaos · 15 days
Resumen Onsoku Aka Chôchin 【音速赤ちょうちん】 - Diario de Dibujo
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Extraído del live streaming Oficial del Sonic Team
El Izakaya “Onsoku Aka Chôchin” (Sonic Red Lantern / El Farolillo Rojo Sónico) se encuentra en algún lugar de Station Square. Es el lugar favorito del Sonic Team, y después del trabajo, los miembros habituales del equipo se reúnen para charlar plácidamente sobre los más recientes y futuros proyectos entre bebidas y aperitivos.
En esta ocasión traemos un resumen sobre una sección llamada "Picture Diary" donde conversan sobre el proyecto SONIC PICT, las ilustraciones que nos muestran situaciones cotidianas de Sonic y los demás, publicadas cada mes en redes sociales. Como cabeza del proyecto, Kazuyuki Hoshino, Director Creativo de la serie Sonic provee de pequeñas anécdotas del proceso de creación de varias ilustraciones y responde preguntas mandadas por los fans.
Febrero - El San Valentín de Cream
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Como la niña pequeña que es, Cream se encuentra muy emocionada e ilusionada festejando su primer San Valentín y poder dar regalos por primera vez.
Cabe aclarar que, a diferencia de otros países, donde el 14 de febrero es principalmente una celebración para las parejas, en Japón es también una ocasión para demostrar afecto y aprecio a los amigos. La costumbre es que las chicas regalen chocolate a sus amigos.
Pregunta: ¿El que se ve detrás de Cheese es el Lobo Avatar (Buddy/Gadget) de Sonic Forces?
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"Probablemente no...¿Quién será?"
Uno de las primeras ideas en bocetos fue este pero decidieron cambiarlo ya que no producía la expectación y emoción que esperaban. Después de todo, ya se sabía a quien iba dirigido el regalo.
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Sin embargo, el regalo con forma de pez se conservó para el arte final ¿Cream habrá repartido regalos entre varios?
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Marzo - Hanami de los Chaotix
El trío Chaotix disfruta de la primavera debajo de los cerezos en hanami.
Esta ilustración fue presentada en el Fan Meeting de Seul, por lo que lo diseñaron para que pudiera ser apreciada por cualquiera que no estuviera familiarizado con la cultura japonesa.
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La taza y los odangos de Espio vienen de un fondo hecho anteriormente por Uekawa.
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"Charmy en vez de te, bebe leche. Al ser un niño pequeño, probablemente piense que el te verde es muy amargo para el."
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Abril - Todos admiran a su heroína de compras
"¿Qué es lo que está mirando Percival? En frente de ella hay un libro interesante, pero si seguís su mirada, en realidad ella está mirando...
¡La piruleta!
Su dulce favorito."
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Pregunta: ¿Esta ilustración ocurre después de los eventos del juego?
"Eso es un secreto. Disfrutad imaginando con todas las posibilidades..."
El dibujo final es el boceto A, y este que sigue es el boceto B
"Los comentarios probablemente sean de Toyoda, mientras que la ilustracion corre a cargo de Karasuno"
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Hablaron sobre la posibilidad de hacer otro libro de Life in Sonic's World (libro de arte que recopila el proyecto Sonic Pict 2019-2021).
Como productor Hoshino comentó que ahora mismo estaban muy ocupados con el desarrollo y lanzamiento de juegos, pero que ya había material suficiente para hacer otro libro.
Mayo - Chao Dôjô
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Se pueden distinguir la personalidad entre los tipos de Chao por los detalles como las toallas.
Mientras que la toalla del Chao normal esta semidoblada, el del Hero Chao está doblada perfectamente y el del Dark Chao está tirada en el suelo.
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La bolsa con la botella de agua también viene de un fondo de pantalla anterior.
En el streaming nos instan a buscar la imagen en la web del Sonic Channel. Por facilitar el trabajo, dejamos aquí la imagen.
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Junio - Cumpleaños de Sonic
Pregunta: ¿Hubo alguna razón para usar bolas de helado tradicionales en vez del Chocolate Chip Sundae de Sonic Unleashed?
"Decidimos usar bolas de helado para mostrar una gran variedad de sabores"
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Presentación SONIC PICT de Agosto
"Kawamura nos comentó que no solemos mostrar a los Flickies tan expresivos. Normalmente siempre solemos jugar con las expresiones de los Chao en los juegos, mientras que con los Flickies los mostramos en grupo o alguno de forma individual, pero en esta ilustración quisimos destacar la diferencia de personalidad entre Flickies"
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Y eso es todo...
¡Por favor, id a saludar en el video original del Sonic Team en youtube para que nos puedan mostrar más cosas así en el futuro!
Los resumenes del Onsoku Aka Chôchin están realizados por una persona que está en proceso de aprendizaje y no es hablante nativo japonés. Por lo tanto, existe la posibilidad de que puedan surgir errores o malinterpretaciones en la traducción. Aprecio tu comprensión y paciencia. Si encuentras algún error, por favor, no dudes en comentarlo. ¡Vamos progresando! Estoy en un proceso de aprendizaje constante y tu ayuda es muy valiosa ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
Si también quieres apoyar el Onsoku Aka Chôchin y al Sonic Team en este proyecto, no olvides visitar el video original y también expresar tu apoyo por redes sociales, en la cuenta oficial de Sonic Official en twitter y visitar la web oficial del Sonic Channel
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taxi-davis · 3 months
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turbobyakuren · 1 month
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The Yuzuki Team, in their casual outfits and Human forms!
(MagiMonster forms will be drawn soon... I promise...)
From left to right:
Yuzuki Yukimura, Tsukumogami MagiMon, heir of the Yukimura clan, wielder of the contract-bound blade Onino. Quiet at a first glance, she is extremely passionate about Youkai and aims to learn more about them. She is the core heart of the team that cements the five girls together.
Naoko Yamada, Bakeneko MagiMon, the "Calico Combatant". A friendly girl who cares too much about others. She values friendship a lot and claims to dislike competition while enjoying a competitive spirit. Her mother and her two sisters are also MagiMonsters.
Hikaru Katsushika, Chouchin-Obake MagiMon, heir to the Katsushika Industries corporations. She comes from a wealthy family, but she harbors a visceral hatred to everything surrounding her social class. She's the designated leader of operations and treasurer of the Team. She looks constantly angry at all times, but she is a very kind soul so long as you do not anger her... And she has a very short fuse.
Tsubame Fujimaru, Nukekubi MagiMonster. She doesn't like talking and she doesn't want to befriend anyone. So, there's not much known about her. One thing is apparent: she is strongly motivated by her sense of justice and will always be there to save people... To the point of self-destruction. She was reluctant to join the team, but conceded in the end due to feeling like she owes a debt to them.
Yuuka Morishita, Furutsubaki no Rei MagiMonster, "Lady Camellia". She seems dainty and polite, but there is a sadistic and ultraviolent nature underneath that facade. She is obsessed by the urban legend of Masked Hunter and claims he has "saved her life". She accepted to join the team under the condition of toning down her violence as a MagiMonster. She considers owing a lot to Yuzuki after she helped her in battle when she used to go solo.
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geritsel · 11 months
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Kobayashi Kiyochika - Cat and Lantern (Neko to chouchin), color woodblock print, 1877.
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todomitoukei · 2 years
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Thank you for watching. Babyroki-kun's snot bubble* is the only salvation..
It seems we have very different opinions on that baby. Now I can't help but picture Shouto saving Touya with a frozen snot bubble somehow lmao
*hana chouchin means 'snot bubble' but the literal translation would be 'nose paper lantern' which I find way funnier. As it turns out, the word even trended on twitter after the episode aired. This is now Shouto's legacy.
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serpendency · 2 years
someone very kind and wonderful in my comments for EE asked to read the full version of the chapter 3 end notes, which were too long for ao3 character count, so here it is 💕
link to chapter 3
end notes:
The structure of Sukuna’s shrine is inspired by his domain, which takes the form of a Buddhist temple. However, here it also includes many Shinto architecture elements, such as the sanctuary hall and torii, because during the Heian era (and until the Meiji Restoration in 1868), Buddhism and Shinto were syncretized. When Buddhism appeared in Japan from China and Korea in the mid-6th century, it integrated with the indigenous Shinto, so traditions, religious practices, and shrines and temples often combined elements of both. In JJK, it is stated that Tengen was helping spread Buddhism during the Nara period (710-784 AD). As Sukuna has been alive for longer, his shrine contains both Shinto and Buddhist elements.
The torii is the entrance arch to a shrine. Shinto shrines contain a honden, or main hall, is the building that houses the enshrined deity. The haiden, which Sukuna’s shrine lacks in this work, is the main worship/oratory hall, where visitors can pray. They are sometimes connected, with the haiden in front of the honden. Burning incense is a purifying practice that was introduced with Buddhism. Offerings of food are present in both religions.
The main lighting sources in the Heian period were charcoal braziers, candles, and paper lanterns. Chouchin are hanging lanterns made by covering a bamboo frame with silk or paper. Although the earliest record of a chouchin is in 1085, paper lantern technology has been common in China since the Tang Dynasty (690–705 AD).
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the Fujiwara clan was an incredibly powerful political family during the Heian era. In JJK, they are shown to have employed sorcerers like Uro Takako.
Sukuna’s shrine is in the province of Hida, or the modern-day Gifu prefecture, within the Japanese Alps. Hida’s capital was the modern-day city of Takayama, which also contained its provincial temple, or kokubun-ji, established in 757 after a smallpox epidemic. Hida’s carpentry was so well-known that during the Nara period, an official court position for Hida craftsmen was created. The province provided timber and metals from its forests to other regions.
Hida province had a relatively small population and was categorized as an inferior to mid-level country in terms of importance during the early Heian era. However, during the later Edo period, its importance rose because the Gifu region contained the Nakasendō, one of the five main routes of the time and one of two that connected Kyoto and the new capital Edo (modern-day Tokyo).
Aoi Matsuri is one of the three main annual festivals held in Kyoto, Japan. It is the festival of the two Kamo shrines in the north of the city, Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine. Both these shrines have been established since the 6th-7th century and are both historical “National Treasures” of Japan today. They are named both for the Kamo river and the Kamo clan, early inhabitants of the area who helped establish it as sacred. The festival originated during the reign of Emperor Kinmei (539-571 AD) according to the Nihon Shoki. When the capital was moved to Heian-Kyo in the 9th century, Aoi Matsuri became an annual imperial event. As such, at the height of its grandeur, it’s plausible that celebrations would reach the Hida province. In JJK (in the official fanbook), the Kamo clan rose to prominence after inheriting the lineage of a man named Onmyouji, a powerful sorcerer during the Heian era, though there is nothing to suggest the clan itself did not exist prior to this.
The Nihon Shoki, completed in 720 AD, is the second-oldest book of Japanese chronicles and contains both historical and folk/mythological records. In the Nihon Shoki, Ryoumen Sukuna is described as an inhumanly strong man with two faces and eight limbs. During the reign of Emperor Nintoku (c. 313-399 AD), he terrorized and plundered towns until he was defeated by a military leader from the Imperial Court named Takefurukuma no Mikoto in 377 AD.
However, folklore in Hida regards Sukuna as a protector. He was the patron deity of the Senko-ji, Zenkyu-ji, and Nichiryubu-ji temples for feats such as defeating a dragon and praying for a good harvest, though none of these are recorded in the Nihon Shoki, outside of folktales. One of the stories expands on Sukuna’s last fight; he was ambushed first, then after a long battle, retreated to Mount Norikura, east of Takayama. He fought again there but eventually succumbed. Takefurukuma, impressed by his valor, offered him mercy if he surrendered, but Sukuna refused and was killed. In this work, Sukuna lived, and the man possessing Takefurukuma is implied to be Kenjaku.
In JJK, Kenjaku contracted Dhruv Lakdawalla, a sorcerer originally from the late Yayoi period (2nd century AD). Dhruv already lived a second life in some undetermined era before incarnating into the Culling Game, so Kenjaku might have contracted him at that point and not been alive during the Yayoi period. However, he is likely older than Sukuna due to his knowledge of Tengen, and his age here is increased like Sukuna’s.
In 675 AD, Emperor Tenmu prohibited the consumption of cattle, dogs, horses, monkeys, and chicken during the farming months (4th-9th months of the year). Eventually, due to the influence of Buddhism and the scarcity of such domesticated animals, the ban expanded to be year-round. Deer, boar, rabbits, and wild fowl remained part of the Japanese diet, though meat was never an important staple in the first place. This ban on meat lasted until close to the Meiji era in the 1800s.
Narezushi is fermented fish, likely stemming from the paddy fields of ancient southern China. Sources conflict on when exactly it migrated to Japan, but it was pre-Heian; the earliest extant written reference to sushi is the Yōrō Code, a compiled code of governing rules, in 718 AD. It was during the Muromachi period (1336-1573 AD) that namanare, which is partially-raw fish consumed fresh with rice, became popular.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, Sugawara no Michizane was a scholar and politician during the Heian era who was banished by his political enemies in the Fujiwara clan. After his death in exile, disaster struck the Imperial family and palace, leading them to believe he had returned in wrath. He was known as one of Japan’s (and JJK’s) most infamous vengeful spirits. Kitano Tenmangū, a shrine in Heian-Kyo, was built in 947 to appease his angry spirit. He was later deified as Tenjin, the Shinto god of learning.
In JJK, Tengen is the strongest barrier user in Japan. His barriers are extremely skilled at hiding the presence of the school and cursed storehouse, as well as himself. Reggie calls him a shut-in, and Yuki says he does not interfere with the world. Humans usually cannot see curses due to their lack of cursed energy, so humans in the Heian era perhaps couldn’t either. However, it’s likely that more sorcery-capable humans existed in the golden age than in the present day.
Usually, sorcerers can only turn into cursed spirits through death, but Tengen evolved into a curse-like being by the accumulation of time (and likely cursed energy), enough so that he could be controlled by curse manipulation. This evolution is the basis of Sukuna’s body evolving into cursed flesh in this work. In JJK, Sukuna’s fingers are written as having grown in power until the seals on them became ineffective. The paradox referenced in regard to Gojo’s technique is the Achilles and the tortoise paradox of motion.
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hitogatarock · 1 year
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with Himehina's 3rd album full setlist has been released (the album would be released on May) I'll do my best to translate the new songs:
Chouchin ankou
Mirai wa kiseki no kisu no saki
Senkou hanabi
and, to note that I might not translate WWW because of the complexity of the lyrics which is a normal Gohgo-san (himehina's resident lyricist) thing, so might as well please look up for the actual eng subs on the mv.😔 also I might be slow since college is making me busier than ever hhhh
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annikavelde · 2 years
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: Yomi - Soleil *NEW* @ Anthem Face Scar: Hollow - War Devil - Healed Horns: AH - Cursed Horns Squish Arms:  MAZE - Soft Arms
.:CLOTHING:. Arm Ribbons: MAZE - Ribbons for Soft Arms Top/Skirt: Aloe - Yin Set *NEW* @ Anthem Nip Chopsticks: Aloe - Yin Chopsticks *NEW* @ Mainstore Harness: NANAO - Gigi Harness *NEW* @ Whore Couture Fair Leg Ribbons: Aloe - Yin Geta *NEW* @ Anthem
.:SCENE:. Background: Trompe Loeil - Emiko Courtyard Cottage Hanging Lanterns: Anc - Camellia Lanterns - Dark Red past gacha Floor Lantern: Cerberus Xing - Bon Chouchin - Red Pattern Skull Fox: Maru Kado - Skull Head Fox 2 Folding Screen: RH - Folding Screen - Red Curtains: RH - Yuukaku - Noren - Flower past gacha Table: Cerberus Xing - Opium Table past gacha Pose: K&S - Oksana
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sillykiu · 1 year
you unatareteru sono nii-chan
nan ka tsurai koto atta nka?
ore de yokerya hanashitekun nai?
chikara ni naruze
ittai donna koto ga atta?
sorya hidoe hanashi da kyoudai
kore o yaru kara genki dashi na
kane nara mata nando de ii sa
Shanti Shanti Shanti Shanti
Shanti Happy Candy
Happy Happy Happy Candy
Many Many Money
nemuranai yoru no chaina taun
sono subete ga nawabari
rounakunannyo towazu okyaku
tsukai owattara suterya ii
konya mo kita no kai
oki ni meshitakai
daikin wa kore kurai
e? e? e?
haraenai no kai
naraba shouganai
kimi ni pittari no shigoto ga aru kara kocchi ni tsuite ki na
kocchi ni tsuite ki na
kocchi ni tsuite ki na
yakareta sakaba ka hagareta onna
shagareta kanban kakageta oonaa
dakadaka naifu de sasareta you ja
hana kara aitsu no omowaku doori da
ki kurutteru me sanpochuu
chi urutte omae nattoku
chouchin to rindou sakaseta hate
moushin no shin o kanadeta mahe
damare suware damare
nagure nagure nagure
shibare shibare shibare
barase barase barase
barase barase barase
barase barase barase
konya no wa doudai
oki ni meshitakai
daikin wa kore kurai
ikitereba okyaku
shindereba shouzai
sotsu naku muda naku korogasu bijinesu
docchi o muite nda
docchi o muite nda
docchi o muite nda
yaa unatareteru sono jou-chan
ore de yokerya hanashite kunnai
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tanuki-kimono · 1 month
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Playful chôchin (lanterns) on golden-cream ground for this antique kimono.
The lanterns are not those used for Obon but the type you see hanging in front of ochaya (tea houses), where geisha and maiko traditionally entertain patrons.
Op stresses they like to wear this kimono during a festival presenting an Oiran procession:
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hst432 · 2 months
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leo-alvs · 1 year
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japanesewords · 4 years
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提灯|ちょうちん|Paper latern
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
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Doodled the whole gang!! I really like drawing sketches in this style to test the grounds for their redesigns...! I plan to draw their proper refs one of these days so these are my way to just go "is the design good?"
Anyways, Hikaru (Chouchin Obake), Yuzuki (Tsukumogami) and Naoko (Bakeneko)! The whole gang's here! 🏮🛠🐱
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