#but it's so often that he has such an idc attitude towards them
f-ngrl · 1 year
i just realized that giriboy has not only not been participating in anything ap alchemy, he also didn’t post about it? xD
he is the CEO of wdp and vice president of just music and probably owns large parts of them??
(instead he planned his solo concert and suddenly released a song :D)
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Space Emperor Tim decides to take a break from Earth. He fills out the paperwork that he developed as Robin for official on break status. He fills out the paperwork for vacation from WE. He finishes his active cases and very valiantly restrains himself from taking up new ones. His version of vacation reading is a file cabinet of cold cases so he puts those together for his personal entertainment for his vacation. He sublets his civilian apartment. He makes rigged bets with Jason, Dick, and Stephanie to get them to watch over his part of Gotham while he's gone.
Then he, Kon, Cassie, and Bart jump in the spaceship and head for the empire. They have new costumes to show off and laugh at one another about. They are going to decompress and Cassie will be searching the empire for a therapist for each of them. While she understands Tim's reluctance, Gothamite, she would like the team birb to at least get some healthier coping mechanisms figured out. She would honestly like all of them to have some better coping mechanisms.
The thing is though that Tim never actually, verbally told anyone he was going anywhere, much less leaving earth. The only one who did actively let anyone on earth know was Cassie, she told her mom and she let Greta, Anita, and Cissie know. All four have been promised souvenirs. Mrs. Sandsmark let Diana know that Cassie would be on vacation and unavailable for hero things for a bit. Kon is distant from the Kents, if they even know he exists given Clark's hot and cold attitude towards him, but to be polite Kon left a letter for Ma and Pa that he was going on vacation with his team. Bart's guardian situation is also very up in the air so he didn't bother to tell anyone. All the Bats are in the dark. Only Young Justice even knows that Bart has a spaceship. And turns out that Tim is the only one who uses his official on a break paperwork. And Bruce never read any of his (very edited) reports from his time with Young Justice.
The first clue that the Bats get that Tim isn't actually there in Gotham is from a reporter who asks Brucie how Tim is doing on his vacation?
Meanwhile Tim and his life partners are touring the empire and they've added another planet. And there's an imperial design contest for the best palace for the empire because the empire is hoping that if their baby has his own home here in the empire instead of living out of his ship or using the residences of their former leaders, he might stay for longer periods of time or be there physically more often. Tim is trying to discourage the palace thing as a waste of resources and get people to design gardens instead. Bart may or may not be conspiring with scientists to create a Death Star without the planet destroying capabilities as his own entry to the imperial palace contest. Kon is making sure Tim doesn't notice Bart's plans by dragging Tim through markets and looking for the best examples of ugly-cute baby emperor and consorts merchandise. So far the winner is a set of dishes and each piece has what is presumably their very stylized faces on them. Cassie is taking her turn of being the imperial bodyguard and making sure none of their fans get too overzealous. She is absolutely getting the dishes for the people back home.
Fuck. I love this so much.
Also, referring to YJ as Tim's life partners??? Yes. Absolutely. Idc if people ship them or just see them as a queerplatonic poly relationship. They are for sure life partners. That's the most adequate description for the four of them. Even if some of them choose to date some of the others, if they all date each other, or none date each other, they have a very special bond. No matter the distance or time apart, they are life partners. Gods, I'm vibing with that description so much.
Anyways, Tim being the only one to fill out his vacation/time off paperwork makes so much sense. I also hc that half of the reason he "hides" so much is just that he forgets he has to inform people of shit. He's so used to not telling people what's going on with him that he legitimately gets surprised when they get mad or worried at him because of it. He also goes out of his way to keep tabs on his loved ones and doesn't quite understand why he would need to inform them since they don't need to tell him about their plans. For this hc, I think that YJ had some bumps with this tendency of Tim until they worked out that they just need to ask him. They have a gc where they will ask Tim questions to keep everyone up to date.
Also, hell yeah to the merch and plates ideas. I wonder how YJ is going to explain where they got plates of the core four's faces (since some folks, perhaps Dick, will ask where to get more).
If Tim did request for gardens, I'd love to see what different ones look like. Since they are alien planets, they probably have different ecological systems. They would also have separate ideas on what's considered "beautiful" or worth keeping in a garden-like exhibit.
Thank you for also going in-depth on Kon, Bart, and Cassie's backgrounds. It was cool seeing how they communicated with their respective social groups
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sphinxlosestheirmind · 2 months
Paradox has a cat named Mal- short for Malefic. She’s a mainecoon cat because I want one. She’s yellow-orange and has a bad attitude towards pretty much anyone except Paradox, his siblings (Jun & Ryoken- HC!!) and sporadic others. She’s also very spoiled and adored, and often gets lost despite the fact she hates going outside even for a single moment.
Vector in a modern au specifically would have a chow chow named Don Thousand. I perhaps am writing a fic with this concept but we’ll see if I ever finish it. Anyway, it’s the sweetest dog but literally GIANT with very fluffy dark brown fur and a red collar with a dangling bell and bow attached. I’m sorry I just love the idea of him having this huge dog that should by all accounts be a small breed. Love when dogs match the person too, so the brown is a little reddish even though it’s dark.
Can’t see many of the others having pets so I’m just going to list stupid ones below: (cw cursing)
Thomas - Some sort of stupid parrot who just repeats shit. I hate him. He teaches that bird to be awful to people and then it mimics his laugh for no reason so you just hear the two of them laughing at you at the exact same time. Horrible man and his horrible bird.
Reiji - A cat that just knows things. It’s a gray cat and also matches him really well. It just sits at his desk and STARES. Maybe Thomas gets it a mini pair of glasses just for fun and Ryoken ties a mini red scarf around its neck (me when I always manage to shoehorn my favorite ship in..)
Ryoken & Jun - Mal. They fucking love Mal so much even with her bad behavior. Maybe they had a pair of twin cats too that looked like them but with swapped personalities? Like a white cat who gets really pissy and a black cat who just vibes and walks around like he knows shit.
(Btw I HC them as twins- this isn’t me shipping Jun & Ryoken.. I’m too attached to them as siblings to ever do that..)
Antinomy & Placido - HEAR ME OUTTTT! These two would get a huge dog. Idc if you ship them or not but they’d accidentally find some dog abandoned together, get attached, and then be forced to co-parent because neither are fully willing to give the dog up to the other. Maybe a pitbull. Like one of the big gray ones who are just sweethearts even if they look intimidating.
Sherry - Doberman. Next question. No she does not do anything to its ears. She would never. I love her dearly. She probably names the dog something in French and won’t tell anyone what it means so they’re forced to spell it wrong into google translate later to find out. It has the exact same attitude as her. Also Roseknight for the win so it adores Aki and unintentionally wingman’s for Sherry.
Z-One - I can kind of see him being that sort of person who says “no. we’re not getting a pet. no.” then becomes hyper attached to it. Specifically Mal. She entrances him with her horrible little beady eyes and soft paws. He goes really still sometimes and just won’t move while he’s thinking so she just naps on him. He won’t even feel her because she’s pretty light and does it on the more mechanical side. Paradox & co have so many pictures. He’s so embarrassed but they think it’s really cute and Mal is just too adorable.
Can’t think of any more right now but I might continue later. We’ll see.
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thepragmaticwarlock · 2 years
I know some people are staunch Osiris lovers and I keep seeing posts about how stupid ppl are for getting annoyed at Osiris and not seeing that his bad attitude are forms of grief and urgency.
Like yes I understood why Bungie wrote him the way they did- I get that it’s supposed to be a manifestation of his grief and feelings of losing his light.
I also feel like they also used his character to try and add urgency into the campaign which overall imo there was no sense of urgency. Despite what we saw in the opening cutscene the story felt like a meandering romp through a new and fun city. Not exactly the last ditch effort to stop the Witness in his tracks. Osiris definitely tried to make us feel that and it obviously didn’t click with a lot of people.
I also don’t think it’s Osiris yelling and being an ass that specifically annoyed a lot of people. I was legitimately getting angry at Osiris and his treatment of our Guardian. Frankly on a personal level idc what someone is going through I don’t want to be talked to that way - most people don’t. So when a rpg game has a character talking to the player like that is often feels personal because of the nature of rpgs. Hence why his behavior annoyed so many players. There’s also a major lack of resolution between Osiris and our Guardian. Osiris gets resolution with Nimbus where the two understand each other better by the end but our Guardian doesn’t get that. Often in Destiny when NPCs treat each other poorly there is some resolution to it or acknowledgement of it in the story - eg Crow and Saladin, Caitl and Zavala. When characters interact there is usually a resolution to conflicts between them.
As a player character we don’t get that. Which is why is feels extremely off putting to have Osiris kinda being a raging dick for most of the DLC to transitioning to our patient, wise mentor in our training montage. When he wasn’t acting like that just a few missions before. And then he gets some great scenes with Nimbus and him delving deeper into their grief. And of course that gives us as the player context to his behavior BUT it doesn’t resolve his treatment of our Guardian and his behavior towards them on a character to character based interaction. Part of this is of course Bungies dislike of assigning any emotion, consequence, character arc to our Guardian. So things don’t really happen to the Guardian, things more happen around the Guardian and the Guardian is simply there. But that’s an entire other issue that at least in this DLC Bungie put some work towards fleshing the Guardian out besides empty void that you run around killing things as and dress up. (at least we got voice lines)
So ya of course many players are annoyed at Osiris. People irl that act like that can be grating and frustrating to interact with esp in stressful high stake situations. Bringing a character like that into the realm of fiction doesn’t mean people will automatically be able to ignore his flaws and understand he’s just going through extreme grief. Coupled with any form of resolution between him and our guardian. I personally found Osiris annoying af in this DLC. I get why - and I think he did need to be written like that BUT I also would have a very different opinion if we even got a convo between Ghost and Osiris where he not necessarily apologizes but at least directly addresses his grief to the Guardian. (Which I’m sure there were some throw away voicelines where this does happen but nothing memorable). I also am still going to be annoyed at Osiris even though I understand why he was the way he was during this DLC. Like it’s okay to dislike a character.
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blushnote · 4 years
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↳ requested | 1.6k words
↳ dom!wonwoo smut
a/n: HELLO. i’m sure everyone is wondering what’s going on and WHY i’ve been absent for a few months. put simply: things got hectic and i needed a break! i’m not saying i’ll jump back into being completely active again, but that i’m going to come on as often as i can! (which might be every few days or so! i apologize!!)
as a treat for everyone - this features rich girl wonwoo! <3 
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wonwoo stands at the street pole, conversing with his friends. the bar is unusually crowded. mostly likely because it’s a friday and there isn’t much else the townspeople would rather do than get plastered, forgetting the atrocities of work. his friend extends a box of cigarettes to wonwoo, offers him one, but he shakes his head.
since getting involved with you, wonwoo has attempted to forfeit smoking. it has always been something he’s done to pass the time at the street corner. plus, he likes the idea of blowing a big, stinging cloud right into someone’s face when they give him attitude. 
instead wonwoo suckles on a lollipop that tastes like an artificially sweet strawberry, pushes up the bridge of his glasses, and folds some silvery hair under his beanie. he knows it’s about the right time for you to be returning from that dinner party your parents forced you into attending.
as wonwoo’s friend exaggerates a tale about getting into a fist-driven confrontation at a bus stop last week, someone strutting by on the packed street bumps wonwoo’s shoulder.
“choose a better place to stand.” the stranger rumbles, agitated.
wonwoo flicks up his middle finger indifferently. “fuck off.” he grunts, the fog of his breath appearing in the night air.
he’s feeling sort of agitated himself. your parents have tethered you to a leash lately, forcing you to all these fancy gatherings and opening ceremonies and dinners. to put it frankly – wonwoo misses you. your laugh, your eyes, the texture of your skin, your voice in his ear. he’s been wanting an excuse to get his hands all over you. every single inch.
that’s when he hears the ding in his jacket pocket. looking away from the dramatic enactment involving his friend driving a fist into his palm, wonwoo checks his phone to see a text from you. a series of images.
23:28 // JPEG.1034
23:28 // JPEG.1035
23:28 // JPEG. 1036
the three pictures load. he chokes on his breath.
23:28 // i know u don’t like when i spoil my lingerie but.
23:28 // don’t i look so cute :( so fuckable?? im srry but I had to :(
his teeth crack the strawberry lollipop into sugary shards in his mouth. that lace is squeezing your flesh in all the right places. the picture with your fingers splayed teasingly over your underwear, hiding your core, it’s enough to make him shudder, salivate even. he’s officially ignoring his friend’s story by tapping a reply, fiddling with the thin stick in his mouth.
(ww) 23:30 // u free now? head to my place.
he receives an answer immediately.
23:30 // hmmm why?
(ww) 23:30 // u know why. don’t act like such a brat.
already, wonwoo can sense the desire form inside him. pounding almost. like a second heartbeat. you’re usually compliant and bending to his carnal whims. maybe all this time away from each other has you forgetting just how well wonwoo can fuck that stubbornness out.
23:30 // it’s new. i don’t want u ripping anything!!
(ww) 23:30 // idc.
23:30 // so mean!! not even gonna let u touch me now :-)
(ww) 23:30 // yeah. ok. we’ll see about it then.
after sliding his phone back in his pocket, wonwoo glances briefly in through the bar window. he sees a bartender pour a glass full of ice cubes before sloshing in a surge of alcohol. at that, wonwoo gets an idea. when his friends question about why he’s leaving so suddenly, he smirks.
“need to teach someone how to behave.” wonwoo shrugs before jogging quickly across the street.
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“i’m not gonna tell you again. keep your fuckin’ thighs spread nice and wide for me or else i won’t let you cum – not even once. you understand?”
a harsh dip in your stomach suggests the breath you just inhaled. after a moment of silence, he hears you comply, and watches with his hungry, intent gaze as your legs part open for him. wonwoo has been teasing you with a bowl of ice cubes. at first, he held them to your nipples, had you whimpering into his mouth while he simultaneously rubbed his tongue against yours. but the real fun began when he introduced the ice cubes to your lower region. it was a very different punishment compared to his past endeavours, a tantalizing one.
wonwoo returns the cube to the nook of your inner thigh, then creeps it slowly toward your core. you’re beginning to tremble with the restraint required to not snap your legs shut. the ice cube ghosts transiently up your slit, a contact you had yet to experience, and a beautiful gasp tears from your lungs. he swears that you leak even more onto the sheets.
he takes the cube away, then drags his warm tongue from the bottom of your pussy right to the top, delivering a slow, flat lick which tastes sweet and cold and makes him so unbelievably dizzy with how much he loves it.
“w-wonwoo, please, pl-please keep going.” you stutter, opening your thighs even wider to invite his tongue.
he shakes his head. “what else did i tell you? don’t ask me to do anything. you’ll lie there and you’ll fuckin’ take it.” smiling, wonwoo issues a tight grip on the ice cube and presses it right into your clit. you whine sharp and loud, your hands traveling all over your body in confusion, not sure if it’s more pleasure than pain, or a hot mix of both.
“or are you still interested in acting like such a brat, hm?” wonwoo utters in his deep voice. “ like a smug little princess who thinks she can tease me whenever she wants and she’ll still get my cock all the way inside her? nice and full, just how she likes it. is that it, babygirl?”
he feels the ice melt under his fingers. you can hardly piece together a response, just a very incoherent, “no wonwoo” as tears start slipping down your cheeks. wonwoo takes the cube away, then massages your clit with his thumb, warming you up slowly. a few jolts pass through your body. he can tell you’re falling apart inside with how badly you want to cum, though wonwoo had strictly told you to hold it. he rubs and rubs and rubs, barking at you to control yourself, your pussy so slippery with arousal that it’s running all down your skin and wetting the bed.
right when he feels you’re about to snap, wonwoo completely removes his touch. you wail at that, suckle in a shaky breath and cry his name.
“please, wonwoo! i-i’m sorry, m’soso sorry! i’m sorry for acting so bratty and sending those pictures, t-teasing you like that! but i just c-ccan’t take this anymore. treat me however you want, but please let me cum!”
he’s truly missed the sound of you begging for him. his cock twitches in his pants, reminding him of how hard he currently is. each time you cry the boy’s name in such a lewd manner, there’s another surge of pleasure and he aches even more, to the point where he could cum just from touching himself over his clothes. still, wonwoo must ensure you’ve really learned your lesson. so, he offers you a deal. he’ll get to watch you pleasure yourself with the ice cube until he cums.
and so wonwoo sits in a chair based at the end of the bed, a hand stuffed down his pants, watching you swirl an ice cube at your sensitive core. he guides you every now and then: “hold it right there, pretty baby. let it melt all the way down. that’s it, sweetheart. n-now rub it, okay? f-finger yourself too. nnrgh, f-fuck. fuck you sound so wet. m’gonna c-cum—”
his strokes lash faster until wonwoo’s head rolls back against the chair, his eyes blinking shut while he chases his high. he hears you continue to whine as he cums, his cock throbbing in his hand, still so hard and heavy. in fact, wonwoo requires a moment just to breathe and let the heat circulate properly through his body.
with his fingers covered in the sticky mess of his cum, wonwoo approaches the bed again, fingering it as deep as he can inside you. he’s unable to remove his gaze from the filthy sight. there’s something so raw and intimate about watching his own seed getting pumped into you that sets his whole body aflame. he decides to let you orgasm as well, stimulating your g-spot consistently, letting you clamp down tight and ride his hand until you’ve got a full fix.
wonwoo supposes he’s done his job.
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“i don’t think i’ll ever be able to look at an ice cube the same way again.” you laugh, sitting back against the headboard, tucked into his t-shirt.
drawing a warm washcloth between your thighs, wonwoo blinks at you, a very sly grin forming on his mouth. he plants a kiss on your nose.
“good. means it worked.” the boy says.
he folds the cloth over and finishes the last of his cleaning, ensuring there’s nothing more of his fluids that are still leaking out or anything sticking from your orgasm. grabbing your overnight bag off the floor, wonwoo pulls out a fresh pair of underwear and helps you slide into them. your lingerie sits in a pile off to the side, a few lace straps ripped.
“sorry about your little outfit.” wonwoo apologizes, staring at you earnestly. “it was pretty. you look good in everything.” he squeezes your hip and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“it’s okay.” you murmur. “i’ll order something even better. and i’ll surprise you with it. maybe for your birthday. sound good?”
“mmhm.” wonwoo purrs, pulling you down with him to cuddle up close for the night.
“as long as i can take it off you, sweetheart, i’m fine with that.”
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system headcanons because its my lore and i make the rules
whether theyre desert or cityborn theres a LOT of potential childhood trauma for these guys to go through which made me realize i could make em all systems. theyre all hosts/cores but whatever idc. this is also mostly focused on what each of their systems is like and not how they experience did/osdd as a whole. okay disclaimer over
fun ghoul is polyfragmented. he also has the most non-human alters. the whole system, himself included, will move shit and immediately forget where they put it, resulting in a lot of arguments of whose fault it was that they couldn't find their raygun for a week. they all have conversations out loud because ghoul doesnt care if people think hes crazy. he also kind of prefers talking to alters because he can hear them more clearly than people outside.
kobra kid has a lot of introjects (fictional and factual- is it called factual? real people). he has versions of himself, party, their parents, a childhood friend, a random killjoy he met and thought was nice, etc. he has a mousekat alter. kobra is the most likely to fully leave the front when he feels stressed/threatened rather than dissociate or co-front. new hc: kobra kid has never fronted for a fight. most of his early splits came from how he relied on fiction growing up. he didnt have many real life people he felt he could lean on, so he turned to characters instead.
jet star has a lot of persecutors and trauma/memory holders. he bottles up/internalizes so much stuff that his brain just shoves it onto someone else. he does not have access to a lot of memories and it gets very frustrating. a lot of his alters will force their way to the front to do whatever and he'll come back to a lot of his collections missing or broken- or there'll be new additions, which is nice. he has an introject of fun ghoul from when they first met. sometimes he feels like he doesnt count as a host because of how often his alters take control (someone needs to set up some communication).
party poison is also polyfragmented. they wander off a lot when theyre dissociated, regardless of whos fronting. they have intense nightmares that end up getting repressed by other system members. they have an introject of mad gear and are really embarrassed about it (no offense mad gear alter :( you are loved). their attitude towards being a system changes sometimes but they mostly keep it private. not that it stops other alters from doing dumb shit or saying they're a system but anyone who didn't know them would assume they were just being weird cause theyre just kinda like that.
please imagine the fab four except its 100+ vague individuals squabbling and interacting in the most disorganized way possible
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dexpairs-blog · 4 years
My MC Ciel and Beelzebub headcanons
I'm bored so take this lol. Reminder that this hcs are PLATONIC. also, it's probably not all about Beel but uh,, idc. It also contains some general headcanons. I'm gonna do proper hcs for him maybe later lol
TW: mentions of trauma, Ch.16 related issues, cursing, Ciel being petty?? (idk ).
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At first Ciel was a little intimidated by him, because he's HUGE.
They bond over food, the First time they talked Beel asked them if they had food and they pulled out a bag with 20 cherryXplosion (it's a popular candy in Italy, it's also my favourite lol) and they shared it.
Also, when Beel got mad at Mammon for eating his custard he never touched Ciel, he never laid a finger on them.
He saw Mammon showing the custard in their mouth and Ciel refusing to swallow it bc it wasn't theirs.
He still destroyed their room tho rip-
When they shared a room it was kinda awkward lol, but they got along almost immediately. They started talking about foods and he learned that they were really picky because of their sensory issues.
So now when he know there's something they don't like HE'S WILLING TO TRADE, he trades something from his plate he knows they like with said food. He also learns how to cook foods in certain ways so they don't have a "yucky texture" as Ciel says.
Ciel Is so grateful for that🥺 they make him pasta, HOMEMADE pasta and HOMEMADE bolognese sauce as a thanks. Oop he's a fan of their cooking now.
Their relationship is really wholesome, they're just babies being babies.
After the pact with him they can be seen hanging out togheter often, he likes to carry Ciel around on his shoulders.
HIS HUGS ARE SO SOFT AND GENTLE 😭💕 while Ciel likes to squeeze him with all of their strenght he's really gentle with them. Baby boy know he could crush them if he's not careful.
He thinks it's adorable the fact that Ciel squeezes him as hard as they can but it doesn't affect him in the slightest, they're so tiny compared to him🥺
Ciel likes playing with his hands, they're huge. Sometimes when they get distracted at rad meetings they absentmindedly reach for his hand comparing it to their tiny one, HAJDYEKHDIS IT'S SO CUTE OH MY GOSH AAAA.
They like to cup their cheeks with his hands for the same reason, his hand alone is just as big as their skull lol.
The brothers are jealous now-- now their all take turns to play with Ciel's cheeks AAAAA 😔
Dia also joins, don't leave him out 😡
Lol the meeting is completely forgotten now, they're all playing with their cheeks and tiny hands👀
This is what you get for being baby Ciel😡 jk jk-
The other side characters may or may not get involved as well.
Ok now some angst-
After the incident™ Ciel locked themselves in their room for a while and only got out for breakfast, rad, lunch and dinner.
Y'know, they just fucking witnessed their own death. And got almost killed for the 5/6th time, it's obvious that this kid had a lot of trauma to internalize.
After two weeks of this they just moved to purgatory hall, Lucifer was being bitchy bc their grades were getting lower.
Beel felt horrible, he knew it wasn't his fault but he couldn't help to blame himself for this.
Belphie felt even worse, the whole House of Lamentation was a chaos when they left.
At first they didn't seem to realize how badly this whole thing affected the poor child, they slowly realized as the time passed.
They all felt like monsters not realizing that they not only made Ciel internalize so much trauma, but they also wanted them to act as if nothing happened AND the fact that they're Lilith descendant.
Meanwhile at purgatory hall, Ciel vented to Simeon and Solomon. They preferred to leave Luke out of this.
They stayed there for almost a month, Simeon basically became their therapist and so did Barbatos.
The healed from this pretty quickly thanks to them and Solomon and Luke distracting them.
For the time they were there they shared a bed with Luke, simeon didn't want them to sleep on the couch despite Ciel protesting and saying that it wasn't a big deal.
Ciel and Luke have matching pajamas you can fight me on this.
They also helped everyone around the dorm, Simeon had to do the laundry? Cool, can i help?(they ended up Just watching bc it was confusing-), Solomon do you need help with the dishes?, Luke lemme help you make dinner! Actually, why don't you just sit and relax? I'll do it for you!
Tbh Simeon and Solomon were surprised, Lucifer always complained about how messy they were or how they never helped him. (Lmao it's actually bc of his attitude- cause if you ask them they're always willing to help) and yes, they were messy but they try their best ok?
Also, they need Simeon ironing their clothes because they can't do it. Or they need Solomon to help them with the washing machine. They need help with the 'adult stuff' as they call it.
Simeon please teach this child how to fold clothes in the right way, their clothes are always full of wrinkles😫
At some point they just straight up go to Barbatos to help them with these things.
Ciel calls Simeon 'mom' unironically, Solomon jokes about it but they both don't care. He thinks it's so sweet🥺 him? A mom? He's soft. Solomon also thinks It's cute.
Lmao they influenced Luke and he does it too. He did it once by mistake and he's flustered lol.
Speaking of Luke, they always try to be a good example for him. Simeon really appreciates that, he's so grateful that they know where it's time to act mature.
That's why they're always the first option when he needs someone to babysit Luke.
They all came to purgatory hall to apologize. Even LUCIFER and he was CRYING, him CRYING.
Ciel forgave them but they still stayed for a bit longer, they were still so uncomfortable around Belphegor.
At least they get to hang out togheter!
When they hang out it's just the two of them at first. They are still good friends and they helped him cope in a healthier way instead of stress-eating.
Belphie and Ciel actually became friends towards the end of the year, yes they made the pact during Diavolo's birthday party but they still didn't hang out much.
As i previously said, Ciel was petty at him, they would do everything to make him upset. By hogging Beel 24/7 to straight up pour a bucket of ice on his face when he's napping.
They would only smirk and say "now we're even" and then leave. He noticed how they would act tough around him even tho they were literally shaking in their boots and flinching every time he got close.
The kid has guts, he respects that.
They only stopped when they were told that it would also affect Beel, they felt bad.
From them on they just straight up avoided him.
Lucifer got fed up and locked them in a room togheter.
they both vented, and eventually Ciel forgave him completely.
Now Beel, Belphie and Ciel all hangout togheter :)
Happy Beel noises
Turns out Ciel and Belphie have a similar sense of humor
Beel is glad that their family is back togheter🥺
All of the brothers remind Ciel that they care about them a lot and not because of the fact they're Lilith's descendant, they constantly remind this to them.
Beel is always the one picking Ciel up from therapy, Lucifer decided it's best for them to see a therapist after this whole thing.
He was right. They go regularly and it helps a lot.
They go get ice cream togheter 😎
Sometimes Belphie joins too
Now Ciel and Belphie are always talking about running away togheter with Beel
Beel is glad their family got a new younger sibling.
Also, Beel, Belphie and Ciel have naps togheter, fight me.
Ciel is the little spoon, they just get squeezed between the two demons, it makes them feel safe.
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obeymematches · 4 years
requesting a demon boy hehe ^-^
hey admin i hope you’re doing fine :D
* im socially awkward, i suck at keeping conversations so i like people who are patient and talkative
* i get distracted easily so i like watching movies or a series with someone else and i also talk during it sometimes so bear with me hehe
* i love horror related things!! from murder documentaries to gory art and if im at my peak i can stay up all night reading on stuff im passionate in,, which is why i know a lot of stuff
* i tend to be optimistic and smiley because negative things (even a slight change in voice tone) affect me so badly and i dont want to affect others too
* i hate lateness, i hate repeating myself and i hate people who makes the mood go down 
* i like cooking and i would love someone who would cook with me. it doesnt matter if they’re good or not as long as they are interested its okay
* im not really a morning person 
* my friends say i have a great sense of humour and i can talk for hours end if prompted about something im really into
* its hard for me to build relationships because i tend to distant myself if i feel like im annoying them 
* im very ambitious and if i really put my mind to something i’d work hard on it so if no one stops me i tend to overwork and go into complete burnout,,which sucks
* i forget a lot of things including birthdays 
* as much as i am an introvert (an intj, to be exact), i like going outside and seeing the world and go on adventures ,, maybe to the new amusement park or food hunting at the fancy streets
* i like having a vcr around to record moments, and i like people who could take good pictures of me 
* i am amused over the smallest things, it can be a shiny rock, a baby shaped cloud or a butterfly on your head
* i need someone who can ground me because i do get overwhelmed easily
* my alignment is chaotic evil 
* i LOVE back hugs and forehead kisses!! 
* and i love stupid debates over breakfast 
Hello! 💎
I’m fine, just dropped my phone and broke the screen... but its ok 😩 (not a big spiderweb so idc) I hope you’re fine too, and i hope you enjoy the result!
So I was torn between Satan and Mammon, but I think you and Mammon might be better! 
So both of them is patient and talkative (in canon none of them tried to hurt the MC yet so thats patience compared to the others) and that is why it was not an easy decision, but listen. 
Mammon gets along well with anyone, regardless of the awkward first phrase. 
He likes movies too and I don’t think he really minds a company who talks over the device! (I choose him because idk what Satan would think of that. Sure he gets really into series and stuff but thats exactly why I’m not sure if he would appreciate talking while it’s on) 
 Actually you know what, you and Satan would be so close friends but Mammon would be drawn to you regardless. 
Like you could talk to him about the thing you like, he would try and watch movies with you but be aware that he gets scared easily! 
He watches it with you anyway so hopefully you appreciate his efforts 🥺
So what really attarcts him is your optimistic and positive attitude towards everything. You’re such a cute and sweet person, and you actually care about him. How could he not fall for you hard. 
I think the fact that he hangs around with you sooo often would influence your personality in a way that it will be easier for you to open up to people or just to keep a conversation going. 
Mammon is literally never the one to ruin the party (unless he does something very stupid) so that is not an issue. In fact I kind of headcanon him as a person who makes the mood better? like he can and will cause drama but it’s never on purpose. (also I wish canon showed more of his serious side. like theres 1 ssr card’s devilgram story thats more serious but i haven’t finished that yet. i believe its the One too many insults card, or something among those lines) 
Hmm I’m not sure about his cooking skills but he’ll do anything to spend time with you after a while, so if it means cooking then so be it! (I mean he has worked at Hell’s Kitchen before, I’m sure he knows a thing or two about cooking, so he might help you teach some tricks around kitchen utensils)
Honestly he appreciates someone with a sense of humour so thats really nice. Depending on your taste, he can be a real funny guy too! Joking around can really make a relationship stronger. 
Uh I think he feels similar about distancing yourself from others. That would make a mutual connection. The best relationships are the ones where you really get the other person’s character. 
Tbh he could use some of your ambition regarding his plans or studies so hopefully you can also influence him! 
I don’t think he would simply let you burn out. Like he really does care about you, if it means picking you up and putting you down in a different room for your sake, he will do it. Not to be annoying as he just genuinely wants the best and you’re being stubborn 🥺
So I think a spark would happen when you ask him to tour you around the Devildom on the first week of your stay. He would take you to some amusement parks! And it would be the greatest ice-breaker ever! 
Ohhh I think he is one of the best at taking pictures, dude is literally a model. He knows the best poses. The best angles. Just trust him. 
Hm he’s one of the more carefree brothers, a rather free spirit. He would be confused about why you worry so much. Not exactly in a mean way but it would sometimes help you see things from a less stressful POV. 
I think a problem would be that he might affect you negatively, like the way he talks and stuff, but it is canon that he is going to do his best to change once you bring it to his attention. 
He is affectionate I think, so it’s really nice that you like kisses and hugs! Expect a lot! 
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veronicamars · 5 years
redownloaded the tumblr app just so i could come ask you about veronica mars s4! how we feeling? have you watched it yet?
haha I’m honoured!! yes I have seen s4… I don’t think read mores work in messages, so beware of veronica mars s4 spoilers below
well, I’m in the minority here because I quite enjoyed s4. as much as I enjoyed the movie, the characters felt a lot more familiar in s4 than the movie, like the actors had the voice of their characters totally back – and in the case of our marble mouth deputy leo, his voice was quite literally back! it was nice to see him back in the movie but tbh it always feels like i’m watching max greenfield, not leo – the mars investigations set re-creation was really well done! matty and nicole were fun new additions! keith and veronica banter! not a lot of dick casablancas! the veronica and weevil angst we got Fully Had My Attention (from weevil’s perspective tho), wish we got more from that plot + a resolution tho oop………..
there were more things I liked but I’m tired and I’m guessing we need to address a certain something
even aside from what happens in the finale, there were things I wish were done differently but overall I enjoyed the season and a number of the issues I had were issues I had with the original series as well, unfortunately. I went into it with low expectations so any good stuff were pleasant surprises! but i did miss all the yellow tones and noir cinematography of s1 + cases of the week rip I was spoiled over the ending after watching probably the first two episodes, so I also knew what was coming.
I don’t disagree with many of the issues people have with this season + rob and kristen’s interviews have been……….not great bob! but veronica mars was my first ever tv love and prompted me to watch buffy soon after, which then prompted me to watch just about every other show i love; vm is the show i have the greatest sentimental attachment to and the last few moments of season 4 are not enough to undo my love for a show I’ve loved for well over 10 years and and I’ve met a lot of my favourite people on here through shared vm love, so I have lots of positive associations with the show – this is just my attitude towards it, I get that a lot of other people feel super betrayed.
with tv revivals, I find they often feel at least a bit removed from the original series – there’s usually a lot of things at play such as set changes, discontinuous character arcs because we’re jumping back into a world that’s changed so many years later, network change, how tv as a medium has changed over the years, etc. – to the point where I can easily… disregard things I don’t like lmao it’s easy to retcon what happened to logan because it was vague enough within the episode itself and in the show’s own canon, pregnant meg managed to be the only survivor of a bus crash, so……ya! idc what rob has to say! more on tv revivals: veronica mars especially was such a show of its time, if that makes sense?? like you watch it and you’re like, ah, yes, this is the mid-2000s and that just can’t be re-captured in full and what I’m getting at is that I believe there’s enough distance between the original series and the revival to view them as separate, if need be. rob is so dumb tho for pulling this the way he did and still hoping for future season lmao adskflsdakflasd;k
anyway, I’m sorry everyone is so sad and angry so please be well, everyone!!
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itwill-comeback · 5 years
Some things to note
Alright, so this is my work's blog, a side blog inside a bog, don't mind me. Nickname's Casper or Cas for now. I'm 20, a Capricorn, a decent writer, huge Hozier fan. This is where I'll be putting the stuff that I write as well as on AO3 which to be fair, I'm not as good at using since I just started using it.
About my writing:
I'm an absolute mess of a writer, zero update consistency, sorry. No editor, unless you count Grammarly. I'll probably only ever post my COVT works here and AO3 so there's that.
× I love the COVT just the way it is, but I crave some new things in it. In my writing you'll probably find the following
× Vlad not being bad at like everything, boy needs some skills and hobbies dang it!
× Vlad having motivations and in some way resembling his father when that motivation is what's driving his decisions, don't worry he won't become his old man, but lord outside of physically resembling Tomas he needs to have some of his traits.
× You don't know where we are canonically in my works? Join the club babes. Call it an AU or post-canon if it makes you feel better cause I'm just writing for the fuck of it, and you're in my candy cottage now kids.
× Vlad has ADHD canonically I'm almost certain, so don't be surprised if it's in my works. He's on adderall and Henry reminds him often to take his medication so he's not the Big Forgetful.
× Vlad is willing to flex on people about being the Pravus because he's aware it tricks vampires out and he finds that funny.
× Henry has an Attitude™ and does Not tolerate shit from vampires. Thank those Slayer Genetics.
× Vlad schemes. No context just,, be aware.
× Dorian is ostracized in Elysia, but he's not actually that creepy, people just really don't like that he's powerful and has a penchant for playing the Cheshire Cat. Cryptic soft boi with a grin that claims madness, promise he's just lonely.
× Vlad is far less awkward in my writing, he's clued in to social and psychological influences.
× D'Ablo has gotten a fucking redemption arc. Will I write it? Unlikely. (I did) But you see in my head canon he's faced off with Tomas and Vikas, and being the incredibly hard to kill bastard that he is, got out of it alive despite their best attempts to be rid of him. Pravus blood will take you so far. He lied low, got bored, came back to Stokerton and basically told Vlad "You're the Pravus, we been knew, want my job back, idc bout u or ur uncle or the Elder Council, like being President tho so tell Otis to scoot." And Vlad was like "yeah sure, Otis wants to go back to being principal anyway & the Elder Council doesn't take up near as much time as the Stokerton Council cause it hardly ever convenes, don't fuck wit me again, my dad's dead btw, oh and Vikas too. Let's just be chill." And that was that.
× Vlad has vampire friends and empathizes with other orphans. Not far fetched. Like at all.
× Vlad has a few jobs, gets that bread... for a college aged kid at least.
× Did I say bread? D'Ablo is rich af. Stunts on everybody in Armani suits and wears Red Bottoms. He's the President of a Council, you know that job pays. Old rich Italian vampire rolls in mad cash and has taste, surprise surprise ?
× Know who else is an old rich Italian vampire? Dorian Ciotti, his family uses stocks and real estate as monopoly money. And you thought they were just a humble family with a small business, jokes on you they haven't been humble for hundreds of years. Dorian is known to travel all the time, where did y'all think he got the money for that? You better believe he spoils Cecile, she's his baby girl. A rich single dad who thinks he might fuck up at any moment, he's doing great at raising her. Your fav could never.
× Elysian Councils are mostly afraid and indignant towards Vlad, but don't worry, he can see through them quite well at this point. (Read: he was raised by Tomas fucking Tod, the king of liars, other vampires don't have shit on him.)
× Elysia is not entirely the Councils, Elysia is a world of vampires full of pocket communities and niche tribes all tied by the same undead thread.
× Otis and Vlad share the issue of having a terrible sweet tooth, and now that Nelly's gone they have to figure out how to bake for themselves. Also blood candy and blood mixed baked goods exist and Vlad is really wanting to try some.
× Vlad has the most powerful weapon against vampires on him at all times now, is curious to find out how it works and what it runs on. Elysia knows he doesn't leave it anywhere, if he's somewhere the Lucius is there with him.
× I will be inventing a few of my own charms (like the tego charm) with latin words so you can always ask Google what the charm does before I tell you. (I.e. Tego = to cloak, to hide. This charm is used to allow the vampire who creates it to have a lock down on any humans they place it near.) Tomas places these around the citizens of Bathory to keep other vampires from reading their minds and discovering his location, he closes their minds in a way.
× Vlad has more complex hidy-holes for his things these days.
× Remember that key in the first book that looked like head of a woman that was described in detail and then left behind and never mentioned again? Remember it. I'm gonna use it. Red herring? Who?
× Henry has not forgotten the time he saved Otis' life. He's gonna call in that favor someday, Otis, you know he will.
× Otis has a lot more faith in Vlad to not act like a child and will treat him like an adult.
× Vlad has a huge crush on somebody. Not saying who.
× Vlad's a big hippie. On god, he loves the earth, hates conflict, and wants to tell D'Ablo about how many slave children worked to create his outfit, but wants to keep their peace more.
× Vlad has at long last, filled out and isn't the lanky child he once was, could throw you through a wall but is probably too nice for that. Probably.
× Vlad and the Pravus are separate entities sharing the same vessel. Pravus isn't a ghost though, he's the Adam of the vampire species and died a long ass time ago and wanted to live again after a while. Much like D'Ablo, he lied low, got bored and wanted his place in the world back. Had to create a new form of life to exist in, created the vessel (Vlad's body), could've gotten rid of Vlad's soul and just worn his body, but kind of ended up adoring him before he was even born and, entranced with the concept of this new existence, decided to share the body with him, which sort of forces him to stay hidden in Vlad's subconscious or divide their body into two bodies. Which he can totally do, but it's kind of a lot of trouble and would hurt Vlad badly so he doesn't bother. He really adores this dumb kid and doesn't want him to be lonely, but that'll present its own issues in its own time.
× Dorian is aware of all of this. Pravus can fix his mind and his cravings for vampire blood, but he can't force this from the two of them because it would kind of fuck Vlad up. Oh you mean that fox in the back of my mind isn't my mental support animal, it's an ancient vampire and kind of absurdly powerful? Cool cool.
× Eddie Poe becomes a bigger problem than ever before! Fun!!
× The Slayer Society becomes a bigger problem than ever before!
× As far as I'm concerned, Em is not being manipulated by D'Ablo in the books, he answers to her, she's autographed bible old, you think he could pull one over on her? Tomas Tod couldn't even manage that. (Canonically I know Vlad insinuates that D'Ablo is holding some power over Em but I just can't see that realistically being true.)
× Em went home to Europe after that Slayer cleanse nonsense, she's still President of her Council, but she is no longer on the Council of Elders. Kind of in hiding because she suspects Vlad's about to take over the entire world.
× D'Ablo's cult is still a thing, they send Vlad gifts sometimes. Sometimes it's a dead bird, sometimes it's an envelope full of cash. D'Ablo doesn't care either way what they give him, Vlad prays it's not a dead animal every time tho soo.
× Remember how Mellina was never said to have any family? Turns out her family were just religious nutcases and promptly disowned her (and her child) upon finding out she was having a child out of wedlock.
× Vlad is in touch with the Tod clan in Scotland cause he wanted to get in touch with some part of his family and prove to himself that his dad's side isn't all bad, they kind of give him Evil Dad War Flashbacks™, but they're good people. A few are vampires and they think Vlad's a cool kid.
× There's always gonna be magic in my writing, don't worry though, I'm not gonna make Vlad OP.
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daedalcs · 5 years
lays across you. you can take this as ooc or ic idc man. :D
random asks || always accepting
Heavy rain drenches the late summer Montana overgrowth outside of the Ranger station that the two had gotten trapped in with the impending storm. John had grumbled something about getting his outfit wet and Jean hadn’t really been paying attention as she made sure there were no militia members hiding out in the boarded up building. The most she’d come up with was a rather pissed off raccoon which she shooed out with a dusty shop broom she’d found in a corner. 
So far this is turning out to be one of the more vicious summer storms that often rolled through the area. Weather systems had a habit of getting trapped over Hope County because of the mountains that fed into the valley below. Tree branches tapping out erratic beats on the boards that covered most of the windows in the station to keep them from breaking any of the windows in storms such as these.
“There’s a bathroom that has some hand dryers if you wanted to dry your coat or hair off.” Jean remarks her voice sounding dull in the room. Her own still damp glossy black hair was put into a braid and pulled over one of her shoulders. Overall they looked like a pair of wet cats, John more-so with his grouchy attitude toward being stuck in some bad weather. Didn’t help that this was just another wrench in an otherwise longer series of unfortunate events. 
Since the deputy had started tearing the county apart the brothers had been making more frequent trips here and there and Jacob had suggested not using too much vehicle transport since the deputy seemed to be a fan of carpet bombing vehicle caravans from Rye’s plane. So, the best of the best were attached to the brothers and assigned as little security details. Jean had been the last of her detail, the other four somewhere rotting in a ditch after a handful of militiamen ambushed them. 
Fast forward to them now. Cobwebs sway in the rafters with the draft that blew through the ranger shack making the hunter shiver despite herself.
“Talk about a shit day.” John slicks a hand over his hair pushing it back away from his face before adjusting his coat which was draped across a chair to dry. Loosening the velcro on her vest Jean can feel the cold air sweep into the spaces made and chilled her to the bone through her damp shirt. This was about to be a really long night of sitting in the darkening ranger shack shivering. 
“Well, if it wasn’t a hurricane outside I’d say we could probably get back to one of the outposts but-” Jean’s words are cut off by a crack of lightning followed by a rumbling peal of thunder that shakes the floor they’re standing on “Y’know.” 
A sigh blows out of John and Jean at the same time as they realized they’d be stuck here for the night. With the loud shripp of velcro, Jean pulls the heavy vest off and sets it down by the island in the middle of the shack that held a large map of Hope County with a few red x’s and other marks for bears and the like. Rooting in the cabinets the hunter comes up with one scratchy grey wool blanket and frowns. 
“I think it’s big enough to share and still have space.” she turns to let the blanket unfold as she moves back to the island where John had sat down rubbing his cold inked hands together to coax some warmth back into them. 
Settling down next to him and throwing the blanket over both their shoulders the blanket turned to be a lot smaller than Jean bet on, but most importantly it kept the draft off of them. Huddling close together as the rain lashed the outside of the ranger station they sapped some warmth off each other and for the smallest of moments relaxed. There’s a moment of self-consciousness as Jean thought about how she must smell like pine trees and gun powder, while John somehow always managed to smell like a Hugo Boss ad. Jean was convinced it was to hide the general dead body smell that wafted out of his bunker like the breath of the Grim Reaper himself.
Not sure how much time had passed between them wrapping up in the blanket and the ending of the storm Jean only remembers waking up slightly groggy and with the beginning of a headache pressing against her temples. Something heavy and warm is draped across her and starkly contrasts with the cold wood floor that’s pressing against her back. 
At some point, the two of them had gotten some semblance of sleep, brought on by the bone-deep cold of wet clothes and running away from danger. John was now draped across her and Jean only partially registers this in the sleepy fog that still blankets her brain. He looks peaceful, a strange expression that usually didn’t cross the herald’s face when he was awake. Laying her head back down on the dusty shack floor Jean yawns quietly and closes her eyes drifting back into sleep as she rests her hand across John’s gently rising and falling back.
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Seo Changbin
Sorry this one is out a little later than usual, but my laptop died and wouldn’t turn on so i couldn’t post it T__T but it’s here now. thank you for all your love and support for this series <3
-Major: Music (Vocal) and Composition
-Minor: business studies
-Sports: none,,, he likes sports but not enough to join in when he could be sleeping or writing music
-Clubs: contrary to his sharp image he could be seen frequenting the art department and literature department when the drawing club and poetry club held their meetings. He really liked drawing, deciding that if a music career was out of the question he could really say a big screw you to his parents and become a tattoo artist lmao. He didn’t go to the poetry club as much as he did the drawing club, he went to get inspiration for lyrics and new metaphors n stuff
-So Changbin a vocal major you say???
-Yes he did enjoy singing, he definitely wouldn’t say he was as good as the other students who were professionally trained from a young age but he had his own vocal colour
-Changbin did truly enjoy his course but he wasn’t,,,, passionate about it
-Unlike everyone else on the course who wanted to be singers or train people to sing,,, he just didn’t have that same mentality
-Which is why he chose to do composition as a way to do what he really liked
-Bc Changbin was a rapper
-And was part of the underground rap trio of 3RACHA with 3rd year Chan and fellow 2nd year Jisung
-They were extremely popular on campus,, it’s just a shame his vocal professors thought otherwise when he came in with a sore throat the next day to class
-They frowned upon rap, saying it wasn’t a viable option for Changbin to perform a rap piece about societal issues and that he NEEDED to sing in order to pass the module which needless to say,,, ended with him writing a few more rap tracks where he dissed the school system lmao (these ended up a HIT with the student body and Changbin frequently heard other students listening or quoting the lyrics which made him immensely proud uwu)
-One time he had to redo a module bc he rapped instead of sang at a recital, despite showing his teacher the song he was going to do and he even performed at rehearsal
-He just said screw it on the actual night and changed the track lmao
-Whilst it went down a storm with the students and his friends in the audience, his professors, examiners and the rest of the audience were extremely shocked and unimpressed
-His professor wanted to fail him but said he had too much potential as an artist that he made Changbin perform again in front of the department in order to give him a grade
-Okay so whilst Changbin did like to screw with his department a few times bc they were never lenient towards his ideas about rapping he did genuinely like his course and it meant he could pursue music, albeit different from what he wanted to do
-It was his minor that really gave him trouble
-You see,, he really hated business with a passion like he wanted to burn all his business textbooks n scream in front of the department building
-But he couldn’t bc it was the only reason he was allowed to study music at university
-His parents really did not approve of his career choice, citing how unreliable and unstable it was for the future you know the general consensus a lot of parents have about going into the arts instead of something safe like economics or bsiness or law
-It took countless months of arguing and persuading his parents that he didn’t want to do anything but music that the conceded only IF he picked up business as his minor
-Like,,, don’t get me wrong he could see where his parents were coming from but at the same time,,,, Changbin has such passion for the music world that he couldn’t see himself anywhere but a recording studio writing songs and lyrics, maybe even performing them himself
-He finally wore his parents down by showing them the feedback from his teachers in high school and online where he posted some of his self made tracks that they conceded
-But the business aspect of his course
-Made him want to die :)
-Changbin most certainly did not care for monopolies or business strategies that helped to improve profit margins for a corporate business
-This was exactly what Changbin hated and wrote songs about how it destroyed society but u know,,, it’s fine really
-Until he has to write three 2000 word essays on some business bullshit that he realises just how much he hates business
-Changbin was scarcely passing his business modules, praying to get at least 40% so he could pass instead of having to redo any of the work lmao (if that’s not me @ my modules)
-You could always see him when it was coming up to his deadlines at the library with Woojin cooing over him soothingly, as Changbin was trying NOT to cry about how much he hated business
-If Minho was studying there as well he would buy Changbin stress coffee and they would both sit there complaining about how awful deadlines were lmao
-Though,,,, Changbin was much better at handling the stress than Minho who just downed coffee after coffee
-Changbin just had a idc attitude when it came to his business stuff, saying if he failed it’s not much of a loss bc my parents think I’m wasting my time anyway (oof this hits a little close to home I wont lie)
-But anyway, Woojin would always help him revise for his business exams and would test him on case studies n vocabulary he needed to learn so he never went into them completely clueless
-Once,,, he literally ran to Woojin’s dorm after he got 68% on a business exam and he promised to buy Woojin all the chicken in the world for helping him
-Now, now that’s a tad excessive don’t you think?
-Hyung, I owe you my LIFE
-Changbin NO, just treat me to dinner once and consider it done
-Wow we don’t deserve Woojin
-Speaking of dorms,,,, Changbin rented out an apartment with Hyunjin and Seungmin and well,,,, their apartment was messy as hell
-Okay so first of all,,, they all studied different courses so their lounge area was just a mess of lyrics sheets, bits of fabric and law books strewn all over the place
-Law books served as coasters for left over coffee mugs and more often than not you could always find bits of scrap fabric in them if they’d be left out for too long lmao
-The three of them make Sunday cleaning day bc otherwise,,, well they’re apartment might become inhabitable
-So,,,, back to the plot
-You knew Changbin though it had been a while (read: middle school) since you had last seen him
-One could even say you were really close friends until you had to move away due to your fathers’ job and when u told baby Changbin this,,,, he cried and refused to speak to you and when he finally got round to the fact you were leaving,,,, you had already moved and even though you posted him a letter he didn’t read it out of spite (though he still had the letter uwu,, not that he would let anyone know)
-But ever since you moved away, you never got as close to anyone as you did with Changbin all those years ago and your heart ached a little every time you thought of your childhood friend
-However, you were grown up now and whilst you still got tinges of sadness you were over it and tried your best at your entrance exams so you could get into a good college
-You decided to major in psychology bc you really enjoyed the analysis of people and how the brain worked
-However,,, the uni you went to kinda sucked and you weren’t progressing as much as you thought you would be which made you,,, very frustrated
-So you began to look into other colleges and you contacted one that seemed to have an extremely high satisfaction and employment rate
-When you told your parents that you decided to move college they were apprehensive but when you explained why they did support you
-They were even more supportive bc it was the college that their friends’ son goes to and oh maybe they get in contact with them so their son could show you round campus
-Before you could protest they were on the phone setting up the arrangement
-So when your second year of college rolled round you found yourself at a new college and a new dorm with your stuff in boxes
-Your parents helped you move most of the stuff in but they had to leave early due to a business meeting (lol wasn’t that just ur life though)
-Without so much as a “goodbye sweetie let us know how it all goes” and a hasty kiss to the cheek they left you in the dust with 3 heavy boxes full of stuff you had to move in by yourself
-You sighed, heaving the boxes on top of each other praying that someone would see your struggles
-Luck was on your side that day it would seem
-As you struggled to pick up the three heavy boxes, you felt the weight lighten immensely and a voice piped up
-“You look like you need help, what room are you in?”
-“Uhh, 203”
-“Sweet let’s go”
-Something about the boy seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite place it as you followed him up the stairs to your dorm room
-Once you reached the door you told the boy it was fine and you could take it from here but he insisted on taking the boxes through for you
-Sighing, you fished the keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door, whilst simultaneously apologising for the mess ur room was in
-The boy just laughed, placing the boxes in an empty space as he observed the piles of textbooks and clothes thrown around your room and you froze
-You recognised that laugh
-Your eyes followed him as he took an innocent look around the stuff on your desk, watching him pick up a textbook and flipping through it
-Something seemed to have caught his attention, right at the front of the book and he turned round to look at you scrutinising your face
-The two of you stared at each other, eyes wandering around the now unfamiliar curves and contours of your faces
-“My parents told me that you were transferring but I didn’t think I would actually see you so soon” changbin said warily, hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck
-“Oh, um, yeah bad college for first year thought I’d try my luck some place different” you replied awkwardly, placing the box you were still holding onto the floor
-“Well,, it’s been a while”
-The room lapsed into an awkward silence and Changbin traced the name in the textbook he was holding, in disbelief that he had finally found his childhood best friend again
-You, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how well Changbin had grown up
-Like he wasn’t a chubby kid but he had truly grown up,,, and well u felt ur throat well up in sadness at the fact you weren’t by his side as he grew up
-“I have to go back,,, it was nice seeing you again Y/N and I’ll catch you round?” changbin’s voice cut through your thoughts and you just nodded, not trusting your voice at that moment
-Of all the days to encounter to your old best friend, it just had to be on your first day at your new college you thought bitterly, glaring at the mess all around you before sighing, knowing it was no use being bitter about it before starting the lengthy process of unpacking
-Changbin, however, as soon as he got back to his apartment began to refile through trying to find the letter you had left him all of those years ago
-Hyunjin and Seungmin heard all the noise and decided to investigate
-Nothing could prepare them for the sight of Changbin with tears marking his face and a slip of paper with childish handwriting on, surrounded by hundreds of other sheets
-They just glanced at each other before leaving the doorway, deciding to confront him about it later
-Changbin didn’t notice his two flatmates, too busy tracing your childish scrawl
-“Binnie!! I know you are angry at me for leaving but I can’t help it. Dad got a new job T__T. I wish I could stay with you. If you are reading this, it means I already left. Ahh, what to do I’m crying. Please write to me Binnie, I wrote my new address on another piece of paper! Love your best friend, Y/N xxxxxxx”
-He reached into the envelope, pulling out another piece of paper where you had written your address as neatly as you could,,, obviously you had gone through much pain to get it as neat as possible so he could read it
-His heart began to ache, knowing that he had the means to contact you all those years ago but he had been an angry child
-Changbin wiped the tears from his face before putting the two pieces of paper back in the envelope and placing it delicately on his desk next to his lyrics book
-He sat on the floor, contemplating his options
-Like on the one hand, he wanted to really talk to you and get his best friend back but on the other hand, he was unsure if you wanted to or whether you had really moved on
-Throwing caution to the wind, he decided that he would try and talk to you again
-I mean he knew where you lived,,, he wondered if you still liked strawberry milk and jellies
-The next day you were surprised to see Changbin at your door holding a carton of strawberry milk and a packet of jellies
-You let him, secretly glad that he came to see you after your awkward encounter yesterday
-“I realised yesterday I was a complete ass, and I guess I was all those years ago for not opening your letter and realising that we still could’ve been friends if I just opened it” he said, standing awkwardly at your desk whilst you sat on the bed
-You laughed at how sad he looked, patting the space next to you gesturing for him to sit there
-His eyes widened before perching right on the edge of the bed,,,, you laughed again and just slapped his arm
-“It’s okay Changbin! Fresh start, we’re both ‘adults’ now so no hard feelings. Tell me about yourself and I’ll tell you what happened to me”
-For the next few hours, you found at everything about Changbin
-From how much he hated business to his new friends, all the way to the fact he was part of an underground rap trio with two of his other friends
-You were impressed, you knew Changbin liked to write lyrics from a young age and you were so proud he honed in on that passion to pursue a career in it
-Changbin listened raptly as you told him all about how much you suffered through high school, feeling like you didn’t have your life planned out like everyone else did and how you ended up taking psychology bc you enjoyed watching people and wanted to know more about how humans worked on a psychological level
-Without realising, the two of you fell back into your old rhythm like nothing hadn’t happened in the years you had been apart
-It had turned dark by the time you and Changbin had finished catching up with each other
-Changbin’s eyes widened as he checked his phone, both at the time and the hundreds of notifications he had gotten from all his friends including a concerned Felix (which NEVER happened)
-“Oh my god I really need to go before my friends send out a search party and they think I’m finally dead”
-“It’s fine! I didn’t think we had been talking for so long” you laughed at him, pushing him off the bed and towards the door
-Changbin’s hand was on the handle before he whipped back around so quickly you were worried for a hot second
-“I need your number. I won’t let myself screw this friendship over again” he handed you his phone and you felt your heart get all warm at the sentiment
-You put your number into his phone, with the contact name of “best friend, again” which Changbin smiled at before pulling you into a hug and running out of the door
-You smiled softly at his retreating figure, shutting the door and laying on your bed
-You hadn’t felt this happy in a long while, you finally had your best friend back
-Changbin on the other hand, got back to his apartment full of his 8 friends who all demanded to know where he had been without a single word to any of them for the past 11 hours which was very unlike him
-“Wait,,,, what’s with that look on your face?” hyunjin inquired, leaning forward to study changbin’s face
-“What look?” he asked confusedly
-“You never look this happy unless Felix is hugging you or you finished a particularly diss full track towards your professors or the government hyung” jeongin answered innocently, nestling further into Chan’s arms
-Felix looked particularly smug at this fact, but he too wanted to know what caused his hyung to go AWOL for hours
-“I,,,, met an old friend and we were catching up and lost track of time” Changbin shrugged
-“Hyung…. You never look this happy when meeting old friends? They must be special to you” Felix said, studying Changbin’s face closely and he was surprised to see his ears reddening slightly
-“Um,,,, you could say that we were best friends when we were kids”
-Suddenly Seungmin’s face cracked into a huge smile, piecing the puzzle together
-“Changbin hyung,,,, is the same best friend that, when drunk last year, told me that you were angry that they left you alone at school when they moved away”
-“The one you had a crush on?”
-Whatever Changbin was going to say,,, we will never know as Woojin threw a hand over changbin’s mouth before he could cuss out seungmin who was sat there smugly
-Changbin sighed against Woojin’s hand and slumped back
-Woojin released his hand warily, signalling for Changbin to explain
-“Yes this is that friend, their name is Y/N”
-The boys all smiled, knowing that you meant a lot to changbin and had been the subject of many of Changbin’s songs
-You and changbin quickly rekindled the flames of your friendship extremely quickly despite college starting, you always managed to find time to meet up
-Heck, you even found yourself joining him in the recording studio some nights helping Changbin with lyrics or just giving him some company
-The boys had taken an immense liking to you and quickly adopted you as the 10th member of their squad
-You were even a priority member of the underground club 3RACHA frequented at, much to the chagrin of the many fangirls who had been on the guestlist since last year
-Perks of being childhood friends with one of the members
-It’s here where you see Changbin in his true element
-You saw all his passion and rawness for the issues he spoke up for present themselves in such a beautiful and hard hitting way
-You couldn’t help but cry at one of the tracks he performed with Jisung about the effect bullying could have on students in school
-Changbin pulled you into a hug after the performance had ended, apologising for making you cry during the gig (the other boys began waggling their eyebrows at him suggestively and he had to physically restrain himself from throwing cusses at them, choosing to glare at them whilst hugging you)
-Over the next few weeks you couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you began to look at Changbin differently than you did
-Sure,,, as a kid you admit you did have a crush on him but then don’t most kids crush on their best friends?
-But this,,, was more than a sweet puppy love
-You began to notice the little things at first, the way his eyes would widen when he had a spark of inspiration, the way his eyebrows would furrow when he tried to study for business and then the bigger things began to form with how he always had an arm slung around your shoulders when you walked across campus or when you had a bad day he would turn up at your dorm with hugs and a carton of strawberry milk
-You fell in love with him naturally, like it was almost fate
-Little did you know, Changbin too felt this way as well
-He noticed everything you did, how you fiddled with your sleeves when you were nervous about something, the way your eyes crinkled as you laughed at a story Felix was telling you or the way you clung to him when you watched a horror film with the boys at Jisung and Jeongin’s dorm
-He began to write songs about you, and decided that this was the only way he could confess confidently
-Every moment he spent with you he wouldn’t exchange it for the world
-Besides, the whole campus seemed to think you were dating anyway
-It was the end of first semester and 3RACHA were holding another gig to celebrate and naturally you had to go hype up your best friend and celebrate your psych essays being over
-Unbeknownst to you, Changbin was going to perform the song he had written for you that night in a hope that you would understand how he felt about you
-As the lights came up, you couldn’t help but be in awe at how beautiful Changbin was in that moment
-As the gig progressed, both Chan and Jisung had performed solo tracks and you knew that Changbin had to be performing one as well
-Just then, a spotlight appeared and your attention was captured immediately as Changbin began to rap about a close friend and how they changed his entire life for the better
-You frowned slightly, trying to figure out who it was
-Felix maybe? He does like Felix a lot
-Towards the end of the song the lyrics seemed familiar and you realised,,, it was the lyrics you had helped with all those weeks ago
-Your eyes widened as they met Changbin’s dark eyes, and moved closer to you table much to the delight of the boys
-As the song reached the end, Changbin was stood in front of you and reached out to cup your face gently
-You leaned into his touch, looking up at him with hooded eyes
-Without much prompt, Changbin leaned down and kissed you gently causing everyone in the room to holler and wolf whistle
-You break apart from him, a grin spreading across your lips and the thought of Changbin’s lips on yours as he goes to finish the rest of the gig
-After that day, you and changbin became an official item much to the surprise of practically everyone on campus who thought you were dating already ooops
-Dude least we can stop hearing you pine about how perfect Y/N is
-Oh that’s what you think,,,, now I can torture you about how much I freaking love them
-Dating Changbin was very much just being best friends, with more skinship
-Bc Changbin LOVED skinship
-He always had an arm around your shoulder or holding your hand as you walked anyway and when you were talking to people he always had you in a back hug,,, which made it uncomfortable for the other person at times esp if they didn’t know changbin
-I mean he looked scary and you were completely unfazed that he was hugging you as you were chatting about some psychology case study you were both studying for Prof Kim’s class
-nOT that Changbin was a jealous or possessive boyfriend, as some were inclined to think, he just a RBF and liked to hug you whenever you were together
-You certainly didn’t have a problem with it, leaning into his touch whenever his arms were around you
-Though he did get a little jealous sometimes when people at bars tried to flirt with you even when he was RIGHT THERE and had his arm around your waist
-He was just more frustrated at the fact the other person couldn’t get a hint so 9 times out 10 he ended up pulling you in for a kiss before pulling away to smile smugly at the other person
-They soon got the hint and stopped trying to hit on you
-You just laughed, leaning in him to kiss again before dragging him home before he got jealous again
-You woke up the next day with Changbin tracing his fingers lightly against your hips and thighs, making random patterns whilst softly smiling at you
-This was your favourite way to wake up tbh, like it was so soft and so utterly intimate that you craved his touch even more
-When the two of you turned up late to a meeting with the boys they just shook their heads at changbin’s messy hair and your slightly swollen lips
-Most of your guys day was spent in the recording studio or music practice room as changbin was writing songs or practice for an upcoming performance for his course, you were there with your psychology textbooks feet in his lap if he was sat at the mixing desk or sat on the floor in the practice room
-The two of you spent hours there, working in relative silence just happy to be in each others presence as you prepared for your upcoming projects and stuff
-Sometimes you helped him with his lyrics if he was struggling with wording a certain phrase or he wanted your opinion on a particular beat
-You also helped him revise for business, which you knew he hated but you wanted him to do well so sometimes you had to bribe him
-Changbin for every right answer ill give you a kiss
-The helping out was mutual as changbin too assisted you when you needed
-He could often be seen in the library or campus café holding your flashcards and notes, quizzing you about psychology case studies and terminology for your upcoming exams
-Changbin also liked to reward you with kisses every time you got an answer right,,,, though sometimes he was feeling childish and purposely said that you got an answer right when u hadn’t just so he could kiss you more lmao
-Changbin you know you don’t need a reason to kiss me…. You’re literally my boyfriend??
-Yeah but reward kisses are good!!!
-Not when you purposely lie to me so you can get kisses!
-How did you know I was lying?????
-Babe,,, I’m literally a psychology student I KNOW when you lie. And we’ve been friends since middle school so I’ve seen you lie for a good long while. Also,,,, I purposely got this answer wrong to see what you did lmao
-You’re too cute sometimes
-You and Changbin are the type of couple to wear couple clothes without realising it
-Like,,,, you would both be wearing oversized black hoodies and black beanies when you go for bbq with the boys one day and Felix was like,,,,, u planned this and ur both like ???? planned what????
-Speaking of hoodies,,, and clothes in general
-Changbin leaves his stuff at yours a lot in the hopes that you wear it one day,,, esp his shirts and hoodies bc he is that kind of boy that loves this kind of stuff then gets all blushy when you do
-Like when you turned up to a date one day wearing his favourite hoodie he MELTED at how cute you looked
-For your 6th month anniversary,,, you decided to get official couple stuff but like,,,, u didn’t want a ring
-You settled on getting a couple earring,,, which was adorable and Felix literally screamed when he saw you both wearing it one day
-Also,,,, at first you didn’t know that Changbin liked to draw until you find his sketches on the desk in his room where he hastily put them last night after drawing club
-You were looking through them when he turned up with a bag of takeout and he began to blush
-BABE these are really good!?!”$”
-They’re really not though!!
-Yes they are wow what can’t you do
-Business studies
-Oh you’re right there
-He told you that night that he wanted to be a tattoo artist if the music career didn’t work out and you clapped your hands in glee
-I mean you always wanted a tattoo so what better way than get your boyfriend to design one for you
-He protested this at first, claiming he wasn’t a great artist that warranted you to have something of him tattooed permanently to your body
-You, however, managed to convince him to design something small that you BOTH could get
-Screw couple rings, you guys went straight for the couple tattoo ;)
-Safe to say when the boys found out they all screamed, Felix sobbed in the corner whilst woochan hugged each other claiming that their kids grow up so fast
-When you finally got them done you couldn’t help but run your fingers over it every day,,, and your fingers always found themselves finding Changbin’s and running your fingers over it softly
-Ugh it was so soft and Hyunjin’s eyes rolled whenever he saw the two of you laying on the sofa hands running over each others tattoos and kissing each other softly
-Baso,,, u and changbin were just best friends who fell in love
-Slowly,, then all at once
-And you wouldn’t change it for the world
again,,, thank you for giving this series so much love it means the world to us!!!
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kazmorosov · 6 years
|| bill skarsgard, cismale, he/him || ( kazaran morozov ) is a ( 25 ) year old ( senior ) at rockport university studying ( business + literature [TA] ). people say they are ( ardent ) but also ( stoic ), and remind others of ( coffee rings on crisp paper, losing their sense of reality, hushed arguments ). bet they sure didn’t expect anyone to know about ( his plagiarizing to succeed and honor his terminally ill mother he killed ) but someone does, and ( kaz ) better cooperate if they plan to keep their lives. || james, 20, EST ||
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hi i’m so sorry this took a long ass time to put out but im herE lmao here’s my baby
tw; murder, addiction/substance abuse, abuse mentions,
gen. info:
full name: kazaran nikolai morozov
nickname(s): kaz
b.o.d.: december 14th
label(s): the escapist, the academic, the fallen, the philanthropist, etc.
height: 6′4″
hometown: bangor, maine
sexuality: str...aigh...t ? question mark ?
born to a self-made businessman and a philanthropist with a penchant for odd names
his father’s a russian who moved to the u.s. in his childhood who still has many...unique, ties, to the country though none of those are important
his business involves military equipment and he works closely with the u.s.’s military (ahsdfghk conspiracies ?)
and his mother was a plain jane (literally--her name was jane) from a family of politicians; his uncle’s a senator
kaz is the eldest out of seven children (christ) and yes all of their names are just as excessive as ‘kazaran’
grew up with the pressure of the ‘golden child’ title; kaz had to be perfect at everything he did, from his grades to after school activities to manners and presentment
was always expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and like ?? partner with him once he was old enough? 
which is fine and grand except kaz had never given a shit about his father’s business; his real passion had always been for the arts, particularly literature and even more particularly poetry
he found that the arts was probably the most...free, kaz could get, without actively rebelling against his father
b/c god . . . his father is a force to be reckon’d w/
very strict man, likes to be in control constantly, not the...best, emotionally towards his family. or verbally. sometimes physically. y’know.
this really only...amplified, kaz’s perfectionist attitude. it was mostly out of fear of repercussions than much else
kaz has, however, always loved his mother.
jane is the opposite of their father, a woman who loves the world and everybody in it with this...heart of gold, and best intentions in mind
the only problem was that she was horribly submissive to her husband
aNYWAys okay, kaz grew up fairly unscathed but only because he was so...conformist, y’know?
loves his siblings and would die for them, but god--he’d have to side with his father just for his own sake, which definitely strained his relationship with a few of ‘em
AnywAys again; was pretty well-known in his high school
for being like, intimidatingly tall but also was fairly popular? star of the track team, student gov president, in DECA or whatever.
went to rockport just because it wasn’t...too far from home, and partially because he wasn’t allowed to go out of state.
and he was fine w/ it, man
his mother got sick his freshmen year, however, it wasn’t...horrible, at first
it was concerning, yes, but the doctors said she was going to be fine
jane was pretty...adamant about not letting her condition effect her children, too, so she acted as if she was fine
kaz, being a dumbass, was like alright fine this is fine and went on w/ life
sophomore year he met his soulmate; a future veterinarian named freya
n i mean he just...fell for her immediately, y’know ?? n ig she felt similar enough b/c they started dating immediately
it was really...good, for him; especially as his mother’s heath had suddenly taken a turn for the worst
kaz wound up taking two years off of school to care for his mother; his father was gone more often than not, and he felt as if his younger siblings shouldn’t have been burdened with the task
and well...jane never got better, only worse
it was at the point where the doctors had sent her home, knowing that nothing else could be done--she was confined to her bed, and miserable. in pain, really.
one...day, as kaz was tending to jane, she broke down. i mean, just, a full on emotional breakdown, a complete episode, begging him to just...put her out of her misery.
and, god, kaz had never disobeyed his parents (minus his studies in literature but y’knw what. . . not important rn) but that was so ?? morally ?? conflicting ??
they cried together for a long time until y’know. deciding what to do.
as soon as she had fallen asleep, kaz put a pillow to her.
he was never...caught, tho that may have involved some bribery on his father’s end who knows
the day after the funeral, kaz proposed to freya and she agreed.
and it really should’ve been fine if kaz’s mental health didn’t rapidly deteriorate like...he was not handling it well
freya helped, yes, but she could only do so much
turned to drugs, particularly painkillers after a minor car crash and just...a mix of shit, y’know.
probably stole drugs from his fiance’s job tbh
got on antidepressants, which only worsened his shit b/c he started ?? occasionally hallucinating his dead mother ??
his creativity had also just. shat on itself. he couldn’t write, no matter how hard he tried
his mother had really wanted him to pursue his dreams, and god, he was too far in his degree to drop literature
so he started....plagiarizing, his works, b/c kaz is a whole ass idiot. but he hasn’t gotten caught yet, somehow
his fiance thought the cruise program would be a great way for kaz to possibly, recover, since she could see how bad he was doing so he weNt because of her
also yes at this point he had gone back to school; had even gotten a TA position because he used to be...one of the best in his class, y’know ?
anyways yeah im paraphrasing this all horribly but idc u get the point
drug addict, mercy-killed his mother, loves his fiancee, tortured soul, y’know all that
likes to pretend he’s much calmer than he actually is, y’know
likes the whole aloof and distant thing b/c it’s already so easy for him to be intimidating
he can b a lil snarky, a lil sarcastic, but he’s overall always been really well meaning?
can be extremely passionate about his hobbies, or his future wife, or really...anything he mildly likes, tho, y’know?
gOD is he always feeling so guilty, tho, it really weighs him down
but he’s also like...usually high, sometimes u can tell but more often than not u can’t ??
because he’s obsessed w/ seeming okay. and doing okay. and being that average dude next door, y’know?
he wants to be normal, to feel normal, but he’s got this wave of emotions crashing into his chest and he’s in sm pa i n constantly
like he’s got major anxiety but u won’t know unless u catch him in midst of a panic attack and like he’d rather die than somebody see that
probably journals as a way 2 like...cope, and keep himself calm
uuhh he’s like lowkey a huge softie. will cry at sad movies and won’t care tht he’s crying about it
takes teaching rly seriously but he’s also always concerned somebody’s going to figure out that he’s just. a fraud.
smart, with dumbass energy
like he just...sometimes doesn’t think ??
loves his fiancee a whole bunch but this distance thing is...sm harder than he thought it would be. she’s his anchor and he’s just ?? floating aimlessly now
but yeah he’s always acting like he’s okay, like he’s gucci.
uuuhhhh god i dont know what else to say tbh ?? he’s just. a mans. being a mans.
probably doesn’t sleep super often b/c not only is he a TA, but he’s got some mf nightmares man
wanted connections:
got a girl best friend but he needs a...dude best friend?
other friends in general, honestly
professors he’s got some sort of relationship with b/c he’s working for penelope rn
a flirty unrequited thing, where they keep tryn but kaz is like nO i am TAKEN look at this photo of my beAUTIFUL FIANCEE
ppl pissed at him for the grades he’s given them LMAO
people...concerned? for him?
bad mf influences who are like LET’S GET FUCKED UP
a dealer y’know. somebody on the ship who can give him what he wants which is a Lot
uuh let’s brainstorm together, bb
like srsly just. gimme a like, i’ll pop into ur dms w/ my messy tall son and be like let’s fuck him up !
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noquirk-a · 7 years
ok anyway as i mentioned ... heres me talkin about deck’s relationships with other muses/charas bc im one big dickhead who never shuts up XD
   i’ll ... talk abt the most obvious one first. katsuki. specifically turtle’s katsuki bc i believe his is what i’ve talked with the most. it’s clear and obvious that deck despises him to the point he has a death wish against him, and most likely an EXTREMELY unhealthy obsession with him. but like, the obsession to do anything to put him down ... not even put him down like ‘ kill him ‘ but. at least crush his dreams. if anything, deck would rather cut off his hands or make him lose his quirk entirely just so he could feel what was it like to be it’s shoes. he wants ... to be above him. he wants him to experience karma and feel what he’s done to him. that’s a pretty common trope, i know, but considering what he’s ... done to him that’s all he actually wants. be it in a verse that he’s the hero or the villain, he doesn’t care. he’s going to find a way to fuck him up so bad that’ll have him end up underneath his foot as he crushes his hands with his foot, grinning like the damn cheshire cat, laughing softly as he goes ‘ who’s powerless now, kacchan? ‘
    even if ... katsuki would like. want deck to go back to heroism bc it feels so fucking wrong to have someone so determined to become a hero suddenly change his point of view. deck was literally one who would NEVER give up on his dreams and then suddenly he just. fell down. would he come to his senses and realize this? nah. if anything, he belives that he’s in the right mindset of having a perspective that it was society that was wrong. ( and ok, not being biased but somehow it is wrong 4 them to discriminate the quirkless like that. ) or maybe it’s just his pettiness not wanting to be in a side where he is right now. he’s no longer going to tolerate all the bullshit he’s thrown onto him, even if he asks penitence for that.
   another one is all might or toshinori. this is honestly where he ( all might ) has the biggest disadvantage and will realize he’s done the most foolish mistake. that being both underestimating deku and telling him the wrong mindset at first, AND telling him his weakness. deck, entering the league and getting in touch with afo, would definitely ask for like ... a stronger noumo similar to shi/garaki’s and fight him himself. i mean, not his bare hands ofc, but like through manipulating the noumo. the thing is he KNOWS his ultimate weakness and would often approach that. and at his exact downfall he’d be the one smiling, asking him if he remembers him, and like.. the ‘ i told you so ‘ or w/e attitude that shows that he was wrong on telling him that he couldn’t be a hero. he was strong as a villain ... so what more of him becoming an actual hero? he completely wasted it and crushed that dream of his. his confidence / hope is a deck of cards and his words are but a mere blow and he just. wants him to feel that that was one of his biggest mistakes tbh.
    herE’S ONE THAT IM SOOOOOOOOOOOO in love with bc it gives him a speck of humanity / little hope .. uraraka. there’s a seperate post for her find it in the tags but she... she’s literally the only star in deck’s empty night sky. almost. kind of. she’s supposed to be a hero and she IS a hero but the difference is she saw him as an equal at first and that’s something .. deck’s really thankful for. it’s plotted that she does a lot just to make him turn back / ‘ SAVE ‘ him to the point she could like .. die and still hope for him. that literally just puts him in a plethora of twist and turn of emotions bc like .. it’s. so. so fucking foreign to him, everything she’s doing. i can put this in a longer post but im JKSLFMSKJLFSKJFLM to him, she’s his hero for making him realize this. he may not give in that quickly or w/e, but she makes him realize something.
   then there’s ... deku. like, canon deku, not deck, bc like tbh i always llive for crossover universes / canon meeting au. it’s fascinating to me. anyway deck sees himself as like ... the BETTER version 4 some reason bc he sees it that he’s not ‘’blind’’ to society’s truth. he sees deku as someone who just ... gave in to that lie.i mean even in his verse where he DOES achieve all might’s quirk he realizes soon enough that this was all wrong ... why couldn’t he become a hero without a quirk? he sees him as like .. literally believing and accepting the fact that you should have a quirk before becoming a hero and tbh? he hates him for that, and envies him so much at the same time bc as most people say, ignorance is bliss, and he wishes he could’ve went through the same thing and be ignorant, too. but nah. he had to be the one ( or at least in his pov ) with ‘’eyes open’’ to how cruel / ugly society is. 
   ok then ... tooru aka @/vanishedstar. call it a coping thing or w/e but he projects himself to tooru bc they have similar background stories, difference is tooru was BORN with a quirk but taken from him and he’s full of love, whilst deck was born without and is just ... full of anger and wrath. he, like most people, sees him as nothing else but a stepping stone. bc like he can’t accomplish EVERYTHING alone, like alone in the literal sense so ofc he gets people as ‘ puppeteers ‘ them to follow his plan just so he could achieve his goal. since he’s already quirkless like him he trains him and teaches him how to fight physically and tells him w/e he knows. basically he molds him into someone like him, but like, the weaker version, bc he doesn’t want someone to outsmart him or run higher than him. think like ... a little student. or a little brother that he teaches idk XDD he’s always another proof / verification to his belief that people look on quirks, not the actual person. the fact that most ppl left him after he’s gone quirkless just seconds it tbh.
    ahmya. ... aka @/eyepsyche. this relationship is INCREDIBLY toxic and pure stockholm not going to lie. her quirk is EXTREMELY useful to him bc she can gather a lot of info and see a lot of things abt a person, and though deck can do that himself, she can gather so much more info for him and that just adds up to his knowledge. useful, right? she’s reluctant sometimes or at least at first, but deck REFUSES to let her go. and it’s not because he ... loves her or anything. he does’t have any feelings for her he just finds her very, very useful. think like an expensive knife or w/e that you’re not willing to lose. that expensive tech pen you keep in your case that other ppl might not see as much. ahmya, prior to meeting deck, was just a regular girl w/ no ‘purpose’ and deck gives her that .... the purpose being a huge stepping stone so he can accomplish what he must ^_^ SMSLGLS it’s incredibly disgusting of him tbh but he’s that desperate to finish what he wants to anyway and he has little to no care about others so what gives, right? he treats her like a pet, gives her constant validation that’s fake just so she could depend on him and all that. it’s pure ... nasty.but that honestly just shows his true nature of being a manipulative, toxic, selfish bastard.
   then there’s nooni aka @/creepquirk! much like ahmya and tooru, deck first saw nooni as the same thing : a pawn. a stepping stone. a little doll in his play that’ll help him reach what he wants. but there was just something about nooni that just ... opened somthing in him tbh. bc nooni was like, similar to deck in some ways, wanting to be a hero but society pushing you away. he stripped her off of that dream while she could still live it and dragged her to his own hell. but the thing was, somehow in the league, nooni ... still had that bit of hope of becoming a hero despite everything and tbh?? tbh?????????????? deck .. adores that. ofc he doesn’t show it on the outside bc hes a XDD tsundere bitch. no im kidding deck isn’t one to like be vulnerable or w/e but nooni was just so different to him bc she handles everything way better than him and this and that that just made him care deeply about her...n honestly? he regrets pulling/dragging her down and sometimes wish she couldve lived her dream instead and become that part he wish he could’ve become, but he finds himself unable to turn back despite being knee deep into everything while she still has a chance. tbh i cant put it all into words bc not even deck could, he’s that much of a mess that sometimes i can’t even decipher him bc he’s a complex chara tbh, but basically he just sees her as some kind of inspiration.
   then theres XDD villain todo who’s dead but idc i love their relationship. tbh they’re your typical little shits in love but like it’s not shown. todo and deck are similar in the way that they’re both wanting to get revenge on a particular someone ( his dad and for him katsu/all might ) so he can.. emphasize with him on that. maybe sometimes he even uses him bc lbr, todo is EXTREMELY powerful and clever for his age, but ofc that’s a hassle bc like i said, he’s intelligent, but not enough to the point he has to look down on deck due to being quirkless. he does at first but realizes he’s an excellent strageist so XDDDDDDDDD ok but anyway 2 the gay stuff bc todo is the most confusing person 2 deck ... he acts so kind to him and w/ the aforementioned 2 ura’s, kindness is so fucking foreign to him. maybe not his mom’s, but towards others he ... doesnt know how to handle it???????????????? and sometimes its just so soft and comforting that when it’s given to him he cant help but be addicted??????????????? is it love?? maybe?? maybe not????? love or is this just me desperately wanting affection from someone else?????????????????????? hm! who knwos ^_^ their rs is complicataed n? same.
    ok ( wheeze ) last one ... is mo. mortimer...morty.........or @/noricks........ maybe it’s bc they belong in different universes but like what rick wrote deck just ... sees himself as him. like they’re almost so painfully similar in terms of EVERYTHING except for some few parts. YA their backstories are different but it just ... leads them to the person who ends up sitting on the throne and acting like a god bc ‘’’ God was cruel to them ‘’’ . i went 2 recollection once and the speaker once said if you hate someone, it’s probably bc they remind you of yourself n i think? that just explains why he’ so aggressive towards him sometimes JSMGJS TMHSIMGHSLGKMSKLGM he . hates himself actually. deck i mean. he doesn’t .. he isn’t outwardly proud of what he’s become n bc mo reminds him of THAT it just irks him tbh. but at the same time he respects him bc???????????????? seriously who accomplishes all of this at the age of 14. he’s one of the or maybe the only person he actually respects other than all of the ppl he actually knows now. 
   i might edit this i jus wanna eat Fuck.
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