#but jimone was the og
nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Jimone moodboard
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wyvernblizzard · 2 months
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code for i love thinking about the dynamics within neo japan more than anything
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askteikoku · 2 years
Welcome to Teikoku.
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🐧 Q: What is this blog about? This blog is about Teikoku Team from Inazuma Eleven so I can share my love for them. A mix of an Art Blog focusing on Teikoku and an Ask Blog where you can ask the boys (and Haruna) whatever you want to know! ⚽ Q: What Canon does it follow? This blog follows the Canon of OG and Go, but it's a semi-au since Kidou went back to Teikoku after the FFI tournament and Haruna moved with him. Time to time there’ll be special events with them as High Schoolers with some other characters. 🐧 Q: So, who are the characters I can ask about?  First years: Haruna, Narukami and Doumen. Second years: Fudou, Kidou, Sakuma, Genda, Sakiyama, Henmi and Ookusu. Third years: Jimon, Banjou, Gojou, Oono and Ena. [Ookusu and Ena are reserves from Teikoku, but I especially love these two so I decided to add them!] ⚽ Q: But in Ares Jimon, Banjou, Gojou and Oono are the same age as the others.   I know, but I can’t see them as second years as they look older, even like adults. As it’s a semi-au they’ll be a year older. Also it’s funnier with more age range. 🐧 Q: Is Kazemaru in this Teikoku?  As this follows OG with a little difference, Kazemaru isn’t in Teikoku but in Raimon.  ⚽ Q: How many asks can I send? You can send as many as you want! The more the merrier. 🐧 Q: What can I ask? Anything related to Teikoku Gakuen Team, you can ask from one’s favorite color to something deeper like what are their goals in life. The limit is the sky! You can also ask about my opinion about something Teikoku related, although this isn’t so interesting.
⚽ Q: Did I need to ask everyone about something? No, you can send an ask to one character only. 🐧 Q: Can you draw…? Is it Teikoku related? If it’s, then sure! Just ask whatever you want, but be sure that it follows the rules, you can find them below. They’re not a lot but read them, especially if you want something shippy, because I’m not multishipper so I won’t draw anything about a ship I don’t like. But you can ask characters being friends because friendship is magic. ⚽ Q: What are the ships this blog supports? First of all, the main idea of the blog isn’t shipping but sharing my love of Teikoku Team with the World, especially characters that deserve a lot more. Once this is said, I support these ships: ♥KidouxFudou ♥GendaxSakuma ♥SakiyamaxHenmi ♥NarukamixOtomura ♥ShinobuxHaruna [I also like KogurexHaruna] ♥OokusuxEna
If you don’t like them it’s fine, you can ask whatever you want not shipping related! And you can block the tag of the ship you don’t like.
•No hate. Neither to me or any of these boys (or Haruna). •I’m not a multishipper so don’t force other ships in this blog. If you don’t like my ships it’s fine, everyone has different tastes and this is part of the beautiful of the fandom, but don’t come here to harass me for what I like or try me to convince that there’re “better options”. •If you want to follow me but don’t want to see art of a ship, you can block the tag. •I don’t mind being remembered about an ask/request if it’s taking a lot, but be polite. And that’s all.
Art Requests Rules.
•You can request anything Teikoku related. •I won’t do anything gore or too out of character. •If the request makes me uncomfortable somehow I’ll tell you so you can change it or I’ll decline it. But I don’t think it’s easy to happen. •Be patient.
That’s all too.
Tag List:
General: 🐧So speak Teikoku, for Asks to Teikoku. 🐧OP Talk, for me talking about something Teikoku Related or asks about my opinion about something. 🐧Art Request, for well, you can say, art requests. 🐧Teikoku Art, for art not related to asks.
Ships: ♥KdFd, for KidouxFudou ♥GenSaku, for GendaxSakuma ♥SakiHen, for SakiyamaxHenmi ♥NaruMura, for NarukamixOtomura ♥ShinoHaru, for ShinobuxHaruna  ♥KoguHaru, for KogurexHaruna ♥EnaSu, for EnaxOokusu
[I’ll be updating depending on the necessity.]
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viscountessevie · 9 months
Do you think JQ cares at all at how her characters (and to an extent the actors too with the promo and stuff) are treated or does she only care about the money? I mean they already did huge changes and they will probably do more going forward. As an artist myself I would find it disheartening how something I created would be taken apart so much that it barely resembles my own work. And also how does she feel about all her fans response to the season 2 disaster? There was a lot of complaining on her insta posts about what they did to Kate and Edwina (especially on her video post about the sister soulmate stuff). Okay yes she signed off all rights, if one should do that is another debate (i wouldn’t ) but do you think she regrets it? Because it doesn’t feel that way. Makes me resent her a bit tbh.
Ask Dated: 31st July 2022
I can't quite remember what may have prompted this ask but probably them feeling the same way I felt about S2.
While yes Simone and Jonny's chemistry and some acting choices/scene and tone changes saved the season, I still felt robbed of my favourite lines and scenes from the book not being adapted. And of course how they massacred my favourite book family, The Sheffields/Sharmas. We really could have seen a healthy and loving Indian family of women instead we got the same toxic shit I grew up in.
Anyway, to answer your main question anon, I have a feeling the Netflix/Shondaland check was big enough for JQ to sell her soul and writer's integrity. If she did care, she hasn't shown it one bit. Or alternatively her lack of enthusiasm for Kate, The Sharmas and Kathony now that Kate is an Indian woman, can be a sign of expressing her disappointment in the colour blind cast. I mean before the show was announced (and old time Bton fans feel free to correct me), Kathony (and TVWLM) and Polin (and RMB) were her favourite couples and books to hype up. Ever since Simone was announced as Kate, she did the bare minimum talking about her and has ignored Kate in favour of her fave and only white tv couple (so far). So take what you will from that.
There are a few articles out here where JQ kind of does mental gymnastics to justify all the big changes to S2 which I thought were cop out answers. [Note: it is almost 4am as I am writing this and I am a little tired to find for her exact quotes but if I come across them I'll link at a later time but for now Google is your bestie!]
I did find that she stipulating that *only* the Pall Mall scene could not be changed at all, really dumb in hindsight. Because the way they shot and edited that scene was super lame (there was barely any tension visually - Jimone was carrying the tension and rivalry of the scene and match) and there was SO MANY MORE important scenes and characterisations that made TVWLM so popular and beloved and nothing else mattered to her???
I will admit; while I LOVE the OG Bee Scene, I liked the new one too. I just wish they had gotten married earlier. Also of course the new accident scene is superior. But it still does not make up for how badly they fumbled the Sharmas, cutting out their backstories and then giving away an whole useless hour to the Featherflops. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE TWO WEDDINGS THAT WEREN'T EVEN KATE'S!!!
I really wanna know how much she was paid to just go along with everything because even Rick Riordan was able to express his disdain with the Percy Jackson movies!! I think at this point, its safe to say its enough money to make her turn a blind eye to all the horrid changes and not regret anything. It even is enough to make her eat her words about not being able to write characters of colour (will expand more in the next ask) but now suddenly after all these years, she can write a romance novel centred on a Black heroine. I guess characters of colour are only worth writing if she can profit off them. It makes me resent her too anon. 
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eversall · 7 years
Idk if you've ever watched Friends, but Jimon + the gang finding out about their relationship in the style of Monica and Chandler
i have watched friends and asdfghjkl i love monica and chandler and this is one of the best episodes ever so this prompt is extra amazing. obviously, all credit goes to friends for the plot. also, i want to point out that this fic by jess ( @softjimon) has more friends!jimon and reading her thing is 100% the inspiration i had to finish this one so quickly. 
fool around like we’re sixteen and secret || jace/simon, 3k+, secret relationship + fluff || (ao3 link coming soon!)
In March, Simon goes away for a weekend to Vermont. Songwriting boot camp, he claims, he and his writers are sequestering themselves away for a few days to work on his upcoming album. Jace happens to be out of town that weekend too, because - as he tells Alec and Izzy - he was called to consult on a case involving an adoption scam.
“Since I have experience,” he explains, “they want me to be there for their initial analysis.”
Alec believes him. Why would Alec not believe his brother, his FBI case partner, his roommate, his best friend? 
He doesn’t even think about it until the next Monday, when Jace gets back on a red-eye flight, grinning about apparently seeing Raj and Duncan together in an elevator in the hotel he was staying at, and they’re running around trying to get ready for work.
“I’m out of shaving cream,” Alec calls from the restroom desperately, “I can’t show up to work looking like I haven’t slept in seventy-two hours!”
“In my carry-on, use my bottle, I haven’t unpacked yet!” Jace yells from his bedroom. So Alec rushes out to the living room, digging through the duffel bag on the sofa, and comes up with not one but two bottles of shaving cream. One’s sleek and black, and the other is…Batman themed.
“What is this?” Alec asks as he smirks, waving the bottle at Jace, who’s walking out of the bedroom. “Discovering your inner child, are you? Your puberty-driven, cartoon-character supported shaving?”
Jace freezes, and his eyes go comically large. “Uh…I found it?” He offers. Alec raises an eyebrow, and decides that he’s not judging. He just doesn’t have the energy right now.
“If you want to re-live those hormone fueled years, be my guest.” He laughs as he tosses the Batman bottle at Jace, and then goes into the restroom to shave.
It’s not a big deal. It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But then, later that night, he and Jace go across the hall to Clary and Simon’s place so they can is wait for the other two to get ready for dinner - which, God, both of them are so high-maintenance - the only person allowed to be that high maintenance is Magnus, and Alec isn’t biased, shut up Jace -
But as he and Jace lounge on their (much nicer, antique) sofa, and Clary is trying to get her earrings untangled from her hair, Simon makes several trips back and forth from his bedroom to the bathroom, frowning and muttering to himself.
“Si,” Clary finally asks, amused, “are you…alright?”
“I lost my Batman themed bottle of shaving cream.” Simon says, frazzled. “I guess I left it somewhere in Vermont while I was away -”
“Oh?” Alec asks, frowning. That’s weird, certainly, that this is the second time that he’s encountering this Batman-themed bottle, but that’s fine. Coincidences happen. “How was Vermont?” He asks politely.
“It was great,” Simon’s suddenly smiles, his eyes going dreamy, before his expression smooths out into a smirk. “I saw Raj and Duncan making out in an elevator -”
Alec’s eyes widen and he bolts upright, just as the door opens and Magnus and Izzy waltz in.
“You what - “ He hollers as Izzy yells “Clary!” and Magnus says, loudly, “I think the barista down there hates me”, and at the same time Jace jumps off the couch, his face pale as a sheet, and tackles Alec to the ground. In the ensuing chaos and noise, Jace bodily drags Alec into Simon’s bedroom, and Alec splutters as Simon follows behind and shuts the door.
“You!” He says dumbly, pointing at Simon. “And - you?” His finger swings wildly to point at Jace, who rolls his eyes.
“Yeah.” He says. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“So, to clarify.” Alec asks. “This isn’t some huge coincidence, you both went to Vermont for the weekend to…?”
“Romantic getaway.” Jace says, at the same time that Simon says “To have uninterrupted sex.”
“Uninterrupted - “ Alec starts spluttering again.
“Babe, don’t break him.” Jace says, amused. Simon grins as he grabs his hair gel off his dresser and starts styling his hair.
“Why did you both lie?” Alec crosses his arms and regards the two of them. “There were so many ways I could have found out, and discovering that the two of you fucked for three straight days isn’t the way I prefer.”
“We just wanted to keep this to ourselves for a little while longer.” Simon says, his fingers working through his curls as he glances at Jace through the mirror and smiles softly. “It’s nice to just be in our own world.”
Jace smiles back, and it’s embarrassingly besotted. Alec wants to bang his head against a wall somewhere, but also -
“I’m happy for you guys.” Alec says gruffly, and Jace and Simon both beam at him. “Stop smiling like an idiot, Jace. Batman themed shaving cream, honestly.”
“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Simon says, snapping his fingers. Jace snorts, and kisses him. And the way Jace leans into it, the way Simon’s shoulders relax, the way they both look at each other - Alec supposes it isn’t the worst secret in the world to keep.
Clary finding out is entirely by chance. She’s just passing through the living room when she hears the buzz of a vibrating phone from the sofa cushions, and she pauses and sets her bowl of popcorn down, tossing pillows aside to find Simon’s phone getting a flurry of incoming texts.
[jace]: u free babe?
[jace]: alec’s left to bother magnus or something, idk
[jace]: come over, we can do that thing you’ve been asking for since i can be as loud as i want now ;)
[jace]: tell clary ur gonna do laundry when really ur gonna do me
Clary shrieks and tosses the phone back onto the sofa, scrambling backwards and grabbing her popcorn. Mouth agape, she cradles her food to her chest and spends a horrified few seconds thinking oh God, is this karma for when Simon walked in on me making out with that girl in eleventh grade? Is this my punishment?
Then another thought hits her, and she straightens up and smiles, munching on a few kernels of popcorn thoughtfully. Laundry, hmm, is that the excuse Simon’s going to use?
She can’t say she’s not happy for them. It’s clearly been a long time coming, and they both would do anything for each other. It’s sweet. She’s a little hurt that Simon didn’t tell her, but she gets it. It’s their thing, and if they want to keep it a secret, it’s fine.
That doesn’t mean she’s not going to have a little fun with it, though.
Half an hour later, Simon finally appears in the apartment, after a long day at the recording studio. He groans, and heads straight for the couch as Clary watches, with no small amount of glee, from her position at the kitchen table.
“I can’t believe I left my phone.” He says morosely. “Clary, why am I like this?”
“Beats me.” She says cheerfully. “I like that you’re like this. It makes me seem like such a high-functioning adult.” She throws a few pieces of popcorn at him, and he distractedly grabs at one of them and pops it into his mouth as he scrolls through his phone. He flushes a deep red, slowly grinning, and he locks his phone and tucks it into his pocket.
“Got a lot to do this evening.” He starts saying loudly, heading into his room as he continues to talk. “Gotta clean my room, write some emails, do some laundry - “ He appears in the living room again, toting his laundry basket, which Clary suspects is full of clean clothes. “I’m just, ah, going to go do that laundry. Maybe I’ll answer the emails from my phone while I wait - “
“Oh, you’re doing laundry?” Clary asks, making a big show of looking surprised. “You wouldn’t mind doing a few pairs of jeans for me, right? I really need them before I head to the studio tomorrow.”
“Your…jeans.” Simon stops and looks baffled, and then, bizarrely, he looks around the room, like that’ll help him figure out what to do, and he sighs and smiles at her. Clary almost feels a little guilty when he says, sweetly, “Of course I can. Give me whatever you need!”
Izzy finds out in what she later claims is a worse way than Clary. She’s looking at an apartment in the building over, and all things considered, it’s going pretty well, until she goes to the window.
“Oh my God,” She says, laughing, “look, Clary, it’s Jace and Simon. We can see your apartment from here.” She turns, but Clary’s gone - presumably to the bathroom, she can hear the sink running. She turns back, and -
Simon has Jace pinned against the wall next to the window, holding his wrists loosely over his head with one hand and grabbing his ass with the other. They’re kissing like their life depends on it, with Jace shamelessly rolling his hips and chasing after Simon’s lips every time Simon pulls back.
Izzy is scarred for life.  
“What are they - oh my God! No! Why are they - don’t do - oh my God!” She yells, skidding backwards with her hands clapped over her mouth. Clary comes tearing out of the restroom, hollering “What, what?!”, and then she skids to a stop when she sees what Izzy’s looking at. To Izzy’s surprise, she just makes a face and mutters a curse under her breath before throwing the curtains closed.
“God, yeah.” She mutters, turning to roll her eyes. “They’re a thing.”
“This is - wow.” Izzy’s almost stunned by the revelation, but not quite. Jace and Simon have always had a certain tension, and it’s undeniable that the two are romantics at heart; they’re good for each other. What’s stunning is that they’ve managed to keep it a secret. “Wait, how did you find out?”
“I saw some of Jace’s texts to Simon.” She shudders. “Every time Simon says he’s doing laundry? He’s going over to Jace’s and they’re…” She trails off, waggling her eyebrows suggestively, and Izzy laughs.
“Sex.” She says, enunciating the word, and Clary shudders theatrically. “Really, laundry is their code word? That’s so…sickeningly domestic.”
“Oh, not anymore.” Clary grins, perching on the arm of the sofa. “Now I ask him to actually do my laundry.”
“Oh you are horrible.” Izzy rolls her eyes, but she’s still smiling. “They don’t know you know?”
“No. I’ve been having fun with it.”
Izzy thinks about that, and then a slow smirk spreads across her face.
“Not enough fun, I think.”
Alec walks into the room, sees Clary and Izzy whispering, and immediately backs out.
“Nope, I’m going back to my apartment.” He decides, but they look up and immediately fix him in place with their stares.
“Alec,” Izzy says very seriously, “we need your help.”
“For what?” Alec asks warily. Izzy gets up and approaches him, crossing her arms.
“We know something,” She says slowly, “and if we tell you it needs to be a secret - “
“Oh, no.” Alec says immediately. “Absolutely not, I’m not doing this secrets thing again, have fun - “
“No, come on - “ Izzy drags him to sit at the kitchen table. “It’s for a good cause.”
“What’s the good cause?”
Clary comes over and braces her hands on the table. “Jace and Simon.” She says, and Alec squints at her suspiciously.
“What about them?” He asks slowly. Clary and Izzy share a look, in that weirdly synchronous silent language they have - when are they going to start dating? - and nod.
“There’s something you should, um, find out for yourself.” Clary says. “Why don’t you go to your apartment and knock on Jace’s door?”
Alec immediately freezes up. One of the most unhelpful things about knowing his brother secret is that he and Simon are now taking it as permission to go at it in their room while Alec is still in the apartment. They’re quiet, sure, but the walls are paper thin, and Alec just really wants less of a sex-dazed Simon walking around. He’s terrible at chess when he’s like that, and Simon’s pretty much the only person that’ll play chess with him.
“Simon’s doing laundry with Jace.” Alec says slowly. “That’s what they said.”
“Go check.” Izzy insists. “Humour me.”
Alec blanches at the thought of what he could walk into, and immediately responds with a horrified “No.” Izzy’s eyes widen at his reaction.
“Do you know what I think you know?” She hisses. Alec groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know what you think I know.” He says.
“I know you know something, but I’m wondering if what I know and what you know are - “
“Jace and Simon are sleeping together!” Clary blurts out, and then she slaps a hand over her mouth and looks shocked at her own admission.
“They’re not sleeping together, they’re dating - oh hell.” Alec says, when he realizes what he’s walked into. Izzy slams her hand down on the table triumphantly.
“I knew you knew!” She crows delightedly. “Now, you can help us freak them out!”
“Or we could all stop.” Alec bemoans. “Stop with the secrets.” Nobody listens to him. Nobody ever does, because all the people he hangs out with are idiots. (Except Magnus. Though, truth be told, this is probably why Magnus lives a safe distance away from all of them.)
Jace is baffled, to say the least, when Simon bursts into his apartment and screeches, with wide eyes, “You sister just grabbed my ass! She flirted with me!”
“She what?” Jace asks from where he’s perches on a bar stool. “Are you sure?”
“Am I sure her hand touched my ass in a sexual manner - yeah I’m sure!” He says. “What’s happening?”
Jace never gets to respond, because Simon’s phone rings. “Oh my God, it’s her.” Simon wails, before he answers and puts it on speakerphone. “Hey, Iz!” He says as cheerfully as he can, while his face goes through a series of alarmed expressions. Jace frowns and hops off the stool to sling an arm around his boyfriend, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.
“Hey, handsome.” Izzy’s voice sounds from over the speaker, and Jace blanches because her voice is low and definitely dipping into seductive territory. “I was just thinking about you.”
“And I, uh, was just thinking that I have to go! I have something I need to pick up, bye!” Simon says, ending the call and throwing his phone down on the counter. “Am I going crazy? Am I suddenly attractive?”
“You’ve always been attractive.” Jace mutters, pressing his lips to Simon’s temple. “Relax, breathe.”
“Izzy is trying to date me, there’s nothing relaxing about this.” Simon moans, but he eases into Jace’s hold, leaning back and letting Jace rake his fingers through Simon’s hair.
Alec snorts from where he’s sitting in his armchair, and both Simon and Jace startle, looking at him. Jace had kind of forgotten he was there, but Alec is being suspiciously silent, and his gaze keeps flicking to Simon’s phone. An absurd little thought begins to form in Jace’s mind.
“Alec,” He asks slowly, “does Izzy know about us?” Then he remembers all the fucking laundry he and Simon have been doing the past week. “Does Clary?”
“No.” Alec says immediately, looking down at his book. “Of course not. How would I know if they knew? I don’t know.”
“Alec.” Jace warns, narrowing his gaze. Alec flushes, but he dutifully keeps his eyes glued to his book. “Look at me, Alec.”
There’s silence for a few seconds as Jace crosses the room, striding closer to Alec, when Alec finally cracks and throws his hands up. “Yes, they know, can we be done with this whole secret thing now?”
“I knew it!” Jace crows. Simon leans against the kitchen counter and shakes his head.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad an attractive woman turned out not to really be flirting with me.” He remarks, and Jace points at him.
“Watch it, you’re still dating me.” He says. “More importantly, how are we going to retaliate?”
“Retaliate?” Simon asks, laughing. Jace crosses his arms impatiently, dead serious.
“Yeah. Oh, it’s on. Two can play at this game, and we’re going to fucking win.” He hisses. Alec springs out of his chair, looking at Jace in horror.
“Not more of this.” He says, aghast. “When will this nightmare end? And I expect you want me to keep this a secret too?”
Jace looks at him, and Alec flips him off as he stomps to his bedroom.
Which is what leads to the current ridiculous tableau that Jace finds himself in, peeking through a tiny crack in the bathroom - where he’s hiding out - and watching Izzy and Simon play a game of chicken as they try to seduce each other in the living room. He’s pretty sure Clary and Alec are on the other side of the front door and watching just like he is as Izzy and Simon play out the weirdest scene Jace has ever seen.
“You have such…impressive biceps.” Izzy purrs, dragging her finger down Simon’s chest - which is nowhere near his biceps! Jace grits his teeth and reminds himself that Simon is dating him, and that they’re just doing this so they can win.
“You’re quite impressive yourself.” Simon says, his voice low, and he moves in closer to place his hand on Izzy’s neck, hesitantly. Izzy visibly startles when he does, and looks momentarily flabbergasted before she soldiers on.
“You should kiss me.” She says, thrusting her chest forward. Simon gulps.
“Okay, yeah.” He says. “I wanna do that too.”
“So do it.”
“I will.” Simon woodenly places his other arm around Izzy’s waist, and Jace momentarily resists the urge to throw something at the two of them and separate them. Izzy and Clary can’t get the better of him and Simon.
“Okay.” Izzy licks her lips, her movements jerky as she leans forward. Simon does so too, inching forward, and the seconds tick by agonizingly as their lips get closer and closer, the space between them shrinking, and then they’re touching and kissing -
“AGH, NO, YOU WIN, I CAN’T KISS YOU!” Simon yells, jumping backwards and tripping wildly over his own feet. Izzy shrieks and points accusingly at him.
“I knew it! And why can’t you kiss me?” She gloats gleefully. Simon’s still breathing hard when he yells “Because I’m in love with Jace!”
Jace’s heart stops and he finds himself moving without thinking, shoving the door open and stumbling out to a stop in front of his boyfriend, whispering a shocked, soft, “What?” At the same time, Clary and Alec spill through the front door, gasping in unison and yelling “Oh my God”, as Izzy throws a hand out and accidentally knocks over a chair. In the ensuing chaos, Magnus appears as well, almost out of thin air, surveying the scene in front of him - Jace and Simon breathing raggedly, staring at each other intensely, Izzy trying to haphazardly pick up chairs as she watches everyone else at the same time, and Clary digging her nails into Alec’s arm as she bounces on the balls of her feet, with Alec alternating between scowling and trying to pry her fingers off, staring proudly at Jace, and smiling at Magnus.
Magnus arches an eyebrow. “Clearly, I’m missing something.” He murmurs, moving to Alec’s side.
Jace ignores all of them. He stares at Simon, who’s finally looking up at him through his absurdly pretty eyelashes, his eyes warm and a little fearful.
“Say it again.” he demands hoarsely. Simon stares at him, and takes a slow step forward, the corners of his lips turning up helplessly in a smile.
“I love you, Jace.” He says, and it seems to Jace like the world comes to an abrupt standstill the second Simon says the words, his vision narrowing down to the man of his dreams in front of him. This is happening, he thinks dizzily, this is real. He gets to have this, have someone who cherishes him and holds him close and makes him laugh, who genuinely loves him.
Jace breaks out into a smile, his veins thrumming with adrenaline as he says “I love you too”, and then they’re surging forward to kiss each other desperately, Simon crushing Jace to his chest as Jace loops his arms around Simon’s neck. It’s way, way too indecent for the audience they have, but this is the first time they’ve said those words to each other and Jace needs to feel Simon, as close as possible, needs to nip at his bottom lip and swallow down the rough groan that works its way out of Simon’s throat.
It feels like hours later when they pull apart to Clary’s loud coughing, and then Simon ducks his head, blushing bright red, and Jace rests their forehead together.
“This is so much more amazing than I thought it was going to be.” Clary says, and Jace finally turns to see her beaming at them. “I’m so happy for you guys!”
“Thank you.” Jace says, smirking. “I’m happy for me too.”
“Alec, dude, thanks.” Simon says fervently. “For keeping everyone’s secrets.”
“Don’t ever make me do this again.” Alec says flatly, and then his face softens. “Also, don’t break each other’s hearts. I’ll be out a brother and a friend, then.”
“Well, it’s good to see that you two are finally telling everyone.” Magnus says, smiling fondly at them. “You don’t have to sneak around anymore.”
“I’m gonna kind of miss going to do ‘laundry’, to be honest.” Simon says, pinching Jace’s side, and Jace laughs, shying away from the touch as the rest of them grin. There’s a beat of silence, and then Clary frowns.
“How did you find out, Magnus?” She asks. Magnus looks at them, puzzled.
“I figured it out the night after they first slept together, after London.” He says, while they all gape at him, Jace and Simon included. “Wasn’t it quite obvious?” When everyone continues to look at him with various degrees of astonishment, he frowns. “How did all of you find out, then?”
They groan, loudly.
“Don’t ask.” Alec advises. “It’s a long story.”
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Jace: Not one word, Simon.
Simon: Fergalicious.
Jace: I said no words!
Simon: Oh, I see. Two weeks ago playing Scrabble, it's not a word, and now suddenly it's a word because it's convenient for you.
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blairwaldcrf · 3 years
3, 4, and 7 for the fics are really intriguing me!
3. The Kids Are Alright (Are We?)
so this is a product of a lot of talks with @natearchie about nate/dan/blair and how we love Dan having kids (specifically Milo but this is an au so). Basically Dan/Blair were dating in high school, Blair got pregnant, and was then separated forcibly.. in the meantime Dan ended up marrying Nate over the years and adopting a girl... and then both kids then meeting up in the same elementary school
.... and now i'm trying to write chapter three and i'm struggling
4. Shut Up and Kiss
this is a Shadowhunters highschool/human!au focusing on Jimon. I'm literally so close to having finished this, as @takaraphoenix likes to remind me lmfao, but the problem is I had originally written this with another huge sh ship that the fandom very much ruined for me and so I'm struggling trying not to re-write the entire thing and that struggle is making it hard to just write the last few chapters lol
7. Grishaverse College AU
this is basically a "the crows are in a frat house and the og crowd is in a competing one" where they are all human (yeah i realize i have a trope) and it's great and fun and for this one I'll give a snippet lol:
Muscles sore from the long gymnastics practice after her Intro to Criminal Law class, Inej is ready for home and even more, her bathtub. Laughter belonging to Nina and Jesper greets her the second she opens the door, and she searches for the source after dropping her gym bag by the doorstep. Chaos isn’t abnormal to her any longer, but as she enters the kitchen she's actually surprised to see Kaz in the middle of it.
Nina is barely holding on to the corner of one of the kitchen counters with how heavy she’s laughing. Jesper, Wylan, and Kaz sit at the large circular table, providing quite the scene. Wylan is handing Kaz water bottles that Kaz is chugging amidst a demonic glare he points at Nina, and Jesper is lazily sitting back amongst them with a grin that’s interrupted by chuckles.
“What is going on?” she asks, and while Wylan jumps at her voice, the rest of the gang is barely distracted by her entrance. It’s almost insulting, at least until Wylan answers.
“Kaz was pissed about the hair incident and decided to eat Nina’s brownies out of spite, not realizing that they were weed brownies.”
Nina is still half-way wheezing, although she moved from the counter to give Inej a hug. Jesper is failing at hiding a smirk as he taunts Kaz. “Water isn’t going to prevent the high, you know that?”
“I’m going to murder this entire household. Inej go spend the night with Zoya.” Kaz spat in response, his glare flickering from Jesper to Nina again.
“No, I think I’ll stay here,” Inej replied, finding a smirk falling onto her lips despite herself. “It’s time your spite got the best of you.”
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Here’s a complete list of everyone’s creations for the Hunter’s Moon Creation Exchange. There’s a variety of rating, pairings, and tropes, but guaranteed they were ALL made with love.  Check out the collection here or look through the individual creations below. 
Bright Lights by @brightasstars
Malec | Mature Summary: After years of searching for the one who could love him unconditionally, heart and soul, Magnus has retreated himself into his shell, scared and lost. The will and the need to help a little boy who is the only witness of a brutal crime leads him unexpectedly to meet Alec, a young man who's past life has forced to grow up quicker and wiser, and...unbelievably kind. Magnus walks into Alec's life as if he had always been there, and Alec welcomes him as if his heart was a home built just for him. Alec knows and Magnus knows, but...will they? Tags: Silver fox Magnus Bane; Younger Alec Lightwood; Alternate Universe - Human; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; background crime scene; Protective Alec Lightwood; Happy Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood; Falling In Love; Strangers to Lovers; Healing; overcoming fears and insecurities; Light Angst; People Change People 
A hey tipped in Gold by @highfunctioningdragonslayer
Malec | Explicit  Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Alec lightwood has the worst luck EVER, he didn't even realize when he met his soulmate. CURSE HIS FATE. On top of that...he meets a guy. He meets a guy from Edom OF ALL PLACES, he's the prince for god's sake, he can't fall for some trader from Edom...Can he?  And Magnus, oh Magnus... has a secret. but he chooses to ignore his mission to chase a hazel-eyed dove. The question is..is it worth it? is the promise of love enough for him to forget the pain of heartbreak? Tags:  Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Wingfic, Fluff, alec is a gentleman, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, A Splash of Pining, some og characters, Innocent Alec Lightwood, sibling dynamics, cute cute cute, Emotions, cat and izzy are wise souls, Smut, we cant not have smut, did i say Emotions, and courting, Anal Sex
Don’t Overthink by @cloudburst-ink 
Malec | Explicit Fanart Summary: Explicit fanart for ColorfulWarlock's fic, "Don't flirt with me (I'm working, dammit)" Tags: Prison AU, Blowjob, Smut
ISABELLE by @miss-shiva-adler
Raphael/Izzy | Teen Summary: He has feelings for her. He is unable to describe it, unable to put it in plain words. But her name is always on his mind, especially when they are apart Tags: Aromantic Asexual Raphael Santiago, Mention of addiction, Addiction Withdrawal symptoms, Feelings of guilt, heartbreaks, Missing Scene, Canon Divergence, Hopeful endings, open endings, Mention of Blood Drinking
The Sixth Love Language by @polarnacht1
Malace | Explicit  Summary: Jace meets Alec and Magnus at their bar Pandemonium, realizing astonished that they are not what they pretend to be: They are not regular humans but Vampires. Jace feels instantly drawn to their world full of shadows and blood - and them. They spend a hot night together that could be the beginning of more, if not Alec’s last words to Jace were ones that make Jace forget the night, Vampires, and them…  A story about falling in love - or avoiding it -  in the crossfire of Shadow World politics and a Vampire clan war. Tags: Alternate Universe, Vampire Alec Lightwood, Vampire Magnus Bane, Mundane Jace Wayland, reverse fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Blood Kink, Vampire Sex, Vampire Bites, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Mind Manipulation 
Where First Kisses Grow Cold by @jesssssah
Jalec/Jangus | Explicit  Summary: Jace never expected Alec’s death would lead him to any kind of comfort.  Diverting from S1 Ep04, the scene in which Magnus and Alec first meet but imagining that Jace is there too and that Alec doesn’t save anybody. Tags:  MCD, graphic depictions of violence, canon-divergence au, blood and gore, angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss, necrophilic kiss, repressed_bisexual!Jace, sad 
A Bond’s Journey by @antisocial-af
Malec | Teen Summary: A look into Magnus' and Alec's journey through courtings and talks of immortality. Omegaverse. Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Warnings in Chapters are Important, Downworlder Politics, Shadow World Council, Matching Party, Courting, Texting, New York Shadow World Institute, Slight Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Alpha Magnus Bane, Omega Alec Lightwood, Background Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Alpha Raphael Santiago, Omega Simon Lewis, Protective Magnus Bane, Insecure Alec Lightwood, Consent is Sexy, No Smut, SFW, Tiny Alexander, Immortal Husbands Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Bonding Ceremony
Make A Wish by @sivan325
Malec | General Summary:  Max loses his first tooth, and his dads suggested to put the tooth under the pillow. Tags:  alternative universe, Tooth Fairies, Wishes, Fic Exchange, Fluff SO MUCH FLUFF, Cute
How am I supposed to pretend?  by @finditagain24
Jimon | Mature Summary:He’s wracked his brain to try to understand the shifts in Jace’s behavior lately: from the soft touches to the casual kisses and now asking him to meet his parents. There’s only one possible explanation.  “How do you know when someone is trying to make you their boyfriend?” Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University; Friends With Benefits; Friends to Lovers to Morons; Friends to Lovers; Frottage; Unreliable Narrator; Hence the moron; Alternate Universe - Human; Gratuitous bottle episode 
Fallen (for you) by @killynxgames
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec’s eyes closed, the simple movement slow and calculated.  When he opened them again, his eyes had changed. Where before they were a beautiful clear hazel, they were now all black; no hazel, no white, just inky blackness from corner to corner. Magnus’s face paled instantly at the sight, fear rising in his gut.  Demon.  “W-wait. What did you do to the Lightwood boy? Is he-is he dead?” Magnus asked, fearing for the confident, sexy event planner he had met earlier that evening at the Institute party.  “There has never been another Alec Lightwood."  Magnus let the implications of that statement sink in. Demons had been eradicated from this realm centuries ago. If this one had survived, living and blending in among mortals... Tags: Bondage Panty Kink Rough Sex Rimming Top Alec Lightwood Bottom Magnus Bane Alternate Universe - This World Inverted (Shadowhunters TV) Minor Character Death Cock Piercing Happy Ending Anal Sex Nipple Clamps Biting Hair-pulling Vibrators Multiple Orgasms Forced Orgasm Spreader Bars Demon Alec Lightwood Warlock Magnus BaneCome Eating Come Sharing Facials Barebacking Manhandling Magnus is very bendy
I Love The Way You Make Me Hurt by Nadja_lee
Malec | Explicit Summary: Magnus had never wanted Alec to see this side of him; the side that wanted to make the Nephilim kneel for him and mark him up as his. He panics when he wakes up and discover how rough he got with Alec the night before. However, Alec quickly assures him that he wants and needs to give his surrender and wear the Warlock’s marks just as much as Magnus wants him to. A story of accepting your own needs, your partner’s needs and the many nuances of love. Basically, the most fluffy and emotional smut fic I’ve ever done. Tags: Dom Magnus Bane, Sub Alec Lightwood, Kink Negotiation, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones,Understanding Magnus Bane, Breathplay, Rough Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Happy Ending, Insecure Magnus Bane, Supportive Alec Lightwood, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Smut, Oral Sex, Love, Angst, Possessive Magnus Bane, Protective Magnus Bane, Romantic Fluff, Power Bottom Alec Lightwood, Top Magnus Bane, Bottom Alec Lightwood
All In The Name Of Love by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn
Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray/Will Herondale | General Summary:  In a world where the first touch with your soulmate gives you visions, Jem Carstairs, a barista in Idris Cafe, refuses to let the universe dictate his love, opting for a love of his own choosing, while he harbors a crush on Will Herondale, a regular of his. Things take an exciting turn after a brunette with a smile that can win the world, steps into their lives. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Human, Light Angst, Will is a dork, Tessa is another slightly lesser dork, Jem is an angel as usual, OT3, soulmate angst, Happy Ending, Church the Cat, Is the real MVP, i said what i said, Sophie is another angel, Who is Raziel I only know two(2) Angels, Jessamine is a good friend, Friendship, The many nicknames of Jem Carstairs, Author loves and misses their ot3 very much, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chosen Soulmates
out of this cavern by @linkscap
Malec | General Summary: Alec will laugh about this one day.  Maybe.  The thing is, at the moment, it’s the furthest thing from funny.  OR: Alec and Magnus each get kidnapped by the Seelie Queen and held in her realm until they make a startling discovery. Tags: Soulmates, Kidnapping, seelie realm
Stuck On You by @the-ghost-of-william-herondale
Malec | Mature Summary: Magnus and Alec have an established soulbond, one that links them via magical sticky notes. Who would have guessed that this soulbond would one day save Alec's life? Though not, of course, without some trials and tribulations, first. Tags:Established Relationship, Husbands, Whump, Injured Alec Lightwood, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Bond: Sticky Notes, Post-it Notes, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Hurt Alec Lightwood, hints of malace, blink and you'll miss them 
Won't You Be Mine? by @PhoenixStar73 
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus Bane, gorgeous guy of the popular crowd in high school, is trying to discourage any unwanted paramour. Magnus happens to run into fellow student, Alec Lightwood, who helps him to do so. As they get to know one another, Magnus talks about his problem again, and Alec inadvertently gives him the perfect solution to keep the guy away -- for them to be fake boyfriends. But before long, it starts to work a little too well.... Tags: High school AU, Human AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship 
The Perks of Kylo Ren by @icymalec
Malec | Explicit Summary: All human AU. It’s Simon’s birthday and he is throwing a Star Wars themed party at Pandemonium- even the staff have agreed to dress up. Begrudgingly Alec attends, little did he know that the party would have a happy ending. Tags:AU, Human, Simon's Birthday, Star Wars, party, malec, first meeting, Smut, Office Sex, Anal Sex
A Change of Perspective by @forensicsisabelle
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus hates the Lightwoods, including the kids who get everything they want. So how, exactly, does he wind up as Alec Lightwood's pretend date to a family party? Tags:Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Homophobia, Bad Parent Robert Lightwood, Bad Parent Maryse Lightwood, Hunter's Moon Discord's Gift Exchange
about colors and animal puns for names (or not so much) by @thelightofthebane
Malec | Teen Summary: Alec has barely left his office when he heard the trumpet of an elephant followed by the roar of a lion. Seconds later, a laugh from some hyena.  He groaned. The new recruits were too damn loud.  OR, A soulmate x omegaverse fusion nobody expected. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta, Beta Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, Discrimination Against Betas, Alec is a good leader and says Soulmate rights, Magnus is a good alpha, True Mates, Romantic Soulmates, Fluff, Background RJS, Background Melibelle, Background Claia, soul animals, Animula 
Kiss Me Today (and everyday after) by @tobythewise
Malec | Explicit Summary: Five times Magnus almost kisses Alec and the one time he does. OR A Malec royalty arranged marriage where Magnus holds himself back until Alec doesn't let him. Tags:Royalty, Arranged Marriage, 5+1, Dom/Sub, Dom Magnus, Sub Alec, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bottom Alec
Love came knocking (at the door) by @fanfic-fugue
Malec | Teen Summary: Nothing exciting happens in the small town of Brocelind Plains. At least it didn't, until Alec Lightwood moves in next door, and Magnus' whole world is disrupted. It's up to him to decide if change is a good thing. Tags: Alternate Universe - SoulmatesSoulmate-Identifying Marks Alternate Universe - Small Town Alternate Universe - Human Teacher Magnus Bane Teacher Alec Lightwood Lawyer Alec Lightwood Enemies to Lovers Enemies to Friends to Lovers Alternate Universe - Neighbors Slow Burn
Between the Lines by @bidnezz
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec has always been supportive of Magnus, even when his estranged father asks for Magnus and his boyfriend to come visit him for the week in his mansion to reconnect. Or, he would be supportive if Magnus did have a boyfriend... but he doesn’t.      Only Asmodeus seems to be under the impression that Alec is his boyfriend, and Magnus doesn’t have the heart to correct him.      It would be fine, totally fine, if Alec wasn’t already 100% in love with his best friend. Tags: Human AU, Romance, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Pining, Lack of Communication, Rich Asmo Daddy, Best Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Explicit Sexual Content
The Power Of Fiction by @jesseywoodhunter
Jimon | Teen Summary: Simon is fed up! With work, with people, with coworkers that have too many dogs. Most of all, he is fed up with his boss. Simon has been rebuffing Jace's flirtations at work for a while now. The guy is his boss after all and professionalism is a thing, not that Jace would know anything about that. Plus, it doesn't help that the guy is 100% annoying, 100% of the time.  Simon does have one escape: Writing Fanfiction. See, Simon is a pretty badass writer and being able to express his creativity and channel his frustrations into creating stories is what makes him happy.  Until it doesn't.  Until he finds that happiness elsewhere. Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, IT Technician Simon Lewis, Boss Jace Wayland, Jace Is Simon's Boss, Attempt at Humour, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, More Like Mutual Annoyances To Lovers, Persistent Jace Wayland, Other characters mentioned - Freeform, Misunderstandings, Simon Writes Fanfiction, Jace Finds Out, Mutual Pining, Sassy Simon Lewis, Sassy Jace Wayland, Emotionally Repressed, Questionable professionalism, Dumb Boys Get Smart, Fed Up Simon Lewis
Puppy Love by @foxymoley
Simon/Alec | General Summary: Simon broods broodily until he makes a little friend...then a bigger one!  Tags:High School AU, Puppy, Simon needs a hug, Jock Alec 
not the end of the world (the beginning of ours) by @sobsicles 
Malec | Mature Summary:The universe seems to seems to want Alec and Magnus to kiss upon meeting, and it isn't long before they want the same thing.Or, the one where Magnus is Alec's new roommate, and they're definitely falling in love. Tags: 5+1 things, Meet Cute, Roommates, sharing a bed, fluff, Almost kiss, Alec Lightwood Being a Gay Disaster, Magnus is having a great time
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stardustlogan · 5 years
tagged by @unring-this-bell! ♡
relationship status: single
favorite color: hmm i’m really fond of navy blue and practically any shade of purple!
top ships: yoooooooo okay here we go: logince (sanders sides), newtmas (the maze runner trilogy), ironstrange & winterfalcon (marvel), johnlock (sherlock), peraltiago (brooklyn nine nine), david x patrick (schitt’s creek), malec & jimon (the mortal instruments), elu & evak & nicotino (respectively skamfr, skam og, and skamit), zimbits (check, please - comic), aziraphale x crowley (good omens), queliot (the magicians).
if you got to the bottom of this list you’re a champion
lipstick or chapstick: oh chapstick all the way how do u deal w the stickiness that comes with lipstick
last song i listened to: you’re somebody else by florida cash because that song is my lifeline
last movie i watched: detective pikachu and despite not knowing anything about pokemon i really loved it
last novel i read: i’m pr sure it was 20,000 leagues under the sea?
current novel: catch 22 by joseph heller :bigasseyes:
favorite fanfic: i have a spreadsheet of all the fics that i’ve read and enjoyed categorized by fandom - by tab, ship - by column, and whether it’s a multi-chapter or one-shot & complete or incomplete. despite this, i am completely unable to choose a singular fanfic out of the hundreds (yes, hundreds) of fics i’ve liked skjdfhsdkjfsd 
but! some favorites for this fandom: 
literally everything written by @ethospathoslogan (i’m not kidding - but take note of their fluffy logince one-shots and their vAMPIRE AU)
the queerplatonic logince verse by @princelogical (tbh all of their work is to die for - they have this wip fantasy au going on and i’m: hooked)
twisted by @aliferous-ly​ (this is literally my go-to comfort fic,,,,,,,, GOD i never thought i’d love a wing!au fic more but here i am)
coffee’s for closers - i don’t know the author’s tumblr but it’s a 20k+ analogical coffee shop au and i felt like i was on a different plane of existence after reading it
tagging @blinksinbewilderment, @suyun-doo, @loganberrysanders (tagging people for this part of a tag game makes me realize how little mutuals i have for this blog, whoops) 
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alrightsnaps · 3 years
Were the reviews that bad? Do you think season 2 won't go well?
Nah, it's practically impossible for s02 not to go well with Simone and Jonathan as Kate and Anthony. I mean, have you watched the trailer? The chemistry between them, the palpable longing... Season 2 is going to deliver an excellent, angsty Kathony romance and they're gonna explode on socials.
My issue is basically that there seem to be one too many plot points that have deviated from the book, and that was pretty unexpected with season 1 as the blueprint. Simon and Daphne's story was slightly altered and enriched, OG characters and b-plots were added, but the main plot points from TDAI were there. It was a relatively faithful adaptation of the book, so I was expecting something similar for TVWLM.
That... doesn't seem to be the case. The changes made (like Anthony and Edwina's wedding or Kate and Anthony taking an entire season to get together) are not exactly minor. Plus I'm really disappointed the show won't be exploring Kate's trauma about her mother's death and we'll barely see Kate and Anthony as a married couple (and not even a wedding scene).
But it goes beyond the s02 changes and it's something that's been a long way coming for me. I'm very disappointed by the way Bridgerton is being handled by Shondaland overall. They're clearly treating a romance series as an ensemble show, which I may have been able to excuse if the ensemble cast was actually the Bridgertons and love interests and book secondary characters, but at this point it's season 1 all over again except worse. Apparently there's a big s02 plot about Portia Featherington and the heir or something? Which takes plenty of screen time for some reason?? That's not even touching the LW shitshow. All that screen time they could have used to give Mary Sharma a storyline for example, who's been snubbed all through promo and not even included in the matrons poster when Lady Featherington did, or Francesca (who once again appears in one episode before she vanishes) is given to random side characters.
Then there's the way Kate and Anthony and Jimone have been treated in the promotion of the season. They had them take a backseat in their own story throughout the PR campaign. No photoshoots in favour of the ensemble. They weren't even afforded the bare minimum of having their own poster. It goes to show how much they're obviously not prioritised by the production, and if that's been the case in their own season I have no hopes for the future. They'll probably be treated the same way Phoebe was this year– given a small arc and practically invisible in all future seasons promo while secondary characters had all the publicity during their own.
At this point I just want season 3 to be out so I can get my Benophie crumbs after Kate and Anthony this season, and I won't have to deal with this show again. If by some miracle they get renewed I'll be back for Francesca's story, but I'm not holding my breath.
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I was tagged by @lionheartedghost!
List 5 TV shows and answer the following questions, then tag 10 people to do the same.
i. Shadowhunters ii. Game of Thrones iii. Fullmetal Alchemist iv. The 100 v. Law and Order SVU
Who is your favourite character in 2? 
Jamie Lannister, colossal dumbass. I’m obsessed with his redemption arc (or the arc as it should’ve been, and yes, I still have faith in GRRM to correct the wrongs of 8x04 and 8x05). For me, he is the embodiment of a classic Greek tragedy and there’s something incredibly compelling about that - the tragedy, the familial trauma, the knightly values, the battle between right and wrong, between love and duty ... all the good stuff. 
My other favourite character is Sansa Stark because she is beautiful and intelligent and powerful and kind and a Survivor. 
Who is your favourite character in 1? 
Alec Lightwood. I love characters whose personal journeys involve chasing their own happiness and coming into their own as a leader, especially when they show their detractors wrong. Seeing Alec grow in confidence is special to me. And I love a powerful coming-out story. 
What is your favourite episode of 4? 
This implies that I can differentiate between any episodes of this God forsaken show. I did enjoy the season finale of season 2, with Bellamy and Clarke forced to make the impossible choice to save their people, together, but at the expense of so many others. I also really liked the episode in season 5 where they reunited after the 6 years apart ... my heart is weak.  
What is your favourite season of 5? 
Season 17. The eye contact. The shrewd and crooked smiles. The holy grail of Barisi episodes. The overflowing potential for more that was then cruelly dashed upon the rocks in seasons 18 and 19.
Who is your favourite couple in 3?  
Royai is the og pairing for me. Doesn’t get better than “I will follow you, even into Hell”. Doesn’t get better than “Can I trust my back to that?”. Doesn’t get better than “Don’t go where I can’t follow”. The trust they share is Profound.™
Who is your favourite couple in 2? 
Romantically, I’m a sucker for Braime, but we all know this. I love two people who bring out the best in each other, especially when that best is seen and understood by so few others. Jamie’s redemption arc is superb, and it’s because of Brienne that he is able to see his own self-worth and finally reacquaint himself with that vision of knighthood he sacrificed at age 17 in order to save King’s Landing. The respect they have for each other is paramount to why I enjoy them together. 
Theonsa is my other favourite ship because I love a pairing built on shared tragedy, and who manage to overcome trauma together - that’s very beautiful and powerful to me, and Sophie and Alfie have brilliant yet subtle chemistry, all spoken in the eyes. I also enjoy the Jon/Sansa dynamic a lot, but then Jon’s characterisation was shot in the head in season 8.
What is your favourite episode of 1? 
2x06 - Malec’s first date. The tentative flirting and the nervous energy and the Superior Kiss. 2x18 - the breakup episode because the flashbacks are gorgeous and the angst is THE GOOD STUFF. 2x10 is also a favourite because it’s very well acted and has more gravitas and consequence than a lot of episodes on this show. Honorary mentions to the end of 3x20 (spectacular), the Edom sequence in 3x21 (the hug! the surprise Jace/Meliorn! Izzy saving the day!), and the wedding scene in 1x12 (iconic).
What is your favourite episode of 5? 
Heartfelt Passages (17x23) is probably my fave because (a) I love some pain and Dodds’ death on his very last day on the job hurts like a mf and (b) it has that 2 second scene of Barba and Carisi at the bar after the funeral, toasting their drinks, and the look in Barba’s eyes is ... something else, okay? It’s so soft and curious and you can feel how safe he feels with Carisi and ... it should’ve been a stepping stone for something more in season 18. 
Some other episodes I like are Manhattan Transfer/Unholiest Alliance (good Carisi character development), 911 (first time I watched it, I was on the edge of my seat), and literally any episode that is Benson-focused, like the William Lewis arc (Liv seems to get kidnapped or caught in hostage situations so often but they’re always SO GOOD).
What is your favourite season of 2? 
Season 6 was some good stuff (especially coming out of the shithole of season 5). It had a lot of fan service (the R+L=J reveal, Bran’s time travelling, Hodor, Jamie and Brienne reuniting, Sansa finally escaping and finding Jon, Cersei pulling out all the stops to get rid of the Tyrells at fucking last, Yara flirting with Dany, and the entire BOTB sequence), but the writing still made sense and I still had hope for some clever twists hahahahaha
How long have you watched 1? 
I binge watched season 1 in May 2016 when I was living abroad and feeling a little lonely. The show really came into my life at the perfect time.
How did you become interested in 3? 
I watched the ‘03 series way back when (around 2007, I think?) and then got heavily invested in the manga, followed by Brotherhood. Honestly, it is without a doubt the best and most pitch-perfect story that has ever been told. I was immediately absorbed in Team Mustang and their dynamic, and who doesn’t love some political subterfuge with a large splash of religious symbolism that ends with a fist fight against God?
Who is your favourite actor in 4? 
Bob Morley. He’s so endearing in real life and he is such a good role model in terms of mental health activism and surviving depression/anxiety.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 
Ask me three years ago, and it would’ve been GOT. Sadly, season 8 happened.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? 
Purely because there are more FMA episodes in existence ... 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? 
I feel like I connect most with Clarke, but if I could be anyone, I’d be Raven because she’s hot and smart and is played by Lindsey Morgan and what more is there tbh
But also, all the characters have fucking terrible lives, so I don’t really want to be any of them.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? 
I can’t really imagine it, but that’s because I always find it hard to make AUs and crossovers with FMA because the story is absolutely perfect the way it is and any way you change it detracts from its perfection. If you put other characters into the FMA universe, it loses some of its meaning, yknow? Same with taking the FMA characters out of their universe, because who they are is so inherently tied to their in-universe experiences and their development with the story.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? 
Unlikely but strangely okay ... I mean, I’m a sucker for Jimon, but that’s not all that unusual. I like Izzy with literally any of the girls (Clary and Aline, especially). But I feel like Magnus and Izzy would fit “unlikely but strangely okay” - I can imagine them flirting if Malec was never a thing, and they would look hot together, let’s be honest. A power dressing couple. Very intimidating. I’m into it.
Overall, which show has the better story line, 3 or 5?#
Clearly FMA because (a) it’s FMA and its narrative themes and characterisation are Absolute Perfection, and (b) FMA actually *has* a story line. SVU does not have a story line. SVU barely has coherent writing. 
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? 
The GOT soundtrack is iconic, so there’s no question here. The use of leitmotifs for individual characters, and hearing how those are combined and overlapped and developed with the story? Spectacular. 
Tags: if you see this and want to do it, please go ahead (and you can tag me too, if you like)! 
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petertheromaniwolf · 8 years
I wrote this Jimon fic because I heard this song and I could only think of these two idiots so here you go. DEDICATED TO @claryfightwood MY MAIN OG ILY. Moodboard (x)
Falling fast from the heights, Losing grasp of the time,
Jace didn’t know when it happened. He just knew that one day he realized that he looked at Simon differently than he used to. Lingering glances that were definitely too long to be friendly. He even hugged Simon the other day. This is exactly not what he needed. To fall for a dorky vampire while the world was falling apart around them.
Trying not to say what I want, Can’t control myself, Cross the line, Gotta hold me back,
And it’s not exactly like he has many people to talk to about this. There’s Alec but he doesn’t really offer advice and Magnus, but he goes into dad mode anytime Jace tries to bring it up. It’s weird to talk to Clary about it and Luke isn’t exactly an option. Maia doesn’t seem to like him very much. Which leaves Izzy. She was always the smartest so hopefully this would go well.
Crucified if I speak my mind, I’ll do what I want,
“Jace just tell him how you feel. What’s the worst that could happen?” Izzy was putting away some practice equipment and Jace was leaning against the wall.
“He could laugh in my face and tell our parents and then never talk to me again.”
“Okay wow that does sound bad, but that’s not going to happen.” Jace stood and threw his arms up.
“How do you know!?” Izzy sighed and set down the last staff, glaring at her brother.
“Jace I swear sometimes you’re as thick as syrup. Go tell him you like him.”
Jace grumbled and walked away.
Don’t you tell me you’re not, Falling in love, Falling in love
It happened on a normal day. Jace had been ignoring Izzy’s advice and bottling up his emotions when the Institute was told that a new envoy from the clave would be arriving. Jace went to go back to training. Unfortunately, with Izzy.
“Hey, have you told Simon about your massive gay crush on him?” Jace faltered for a half a second and made a noise which gave Izzy the chance to get the upper hand she quickly striked the back of his knees. He fell to the floor and groaned. Izzy smiled and held out her hand.
“No. I haven’t.” He grabbed her hand and let her pull him up.
“You know, eventually you’re going to have to face your feelings.”
“Really, that’s a thing people do? Weird.” Izzy stood and put her hand on her hip.
“Jace you are going to have to talk about it at some point. What’s your current plan?”
Jace sighed and looked down running a hand through his hair as he looked up.
“Bottle it up and then die.” Izzy glared.
“Listen don’t ask me for advice if you aren’t going to take it.”
Don’t you tell me you’re lost, Here in my arms, Here in my arms
Jace hated the envoy. She was a short brunette that he didn’t catch the name of but her and Simon hit it off right away. Practically every time he was looking for the vampire he was talking animatedly with the girl. This was one of those times and around the sixth time it had happened.
Because my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for love
“Hey Simon!” Jace smiled tightly and walked over to the two of them, effectively interrupting their conversation. Simon looked at Jace and smiled.
“Hey Jace, what’s up?” Jace casually swung an arm around Simon’s shoulders and smiled.
“What I need an excuse to visit my favourite vamp.” Simon blushed and ducked his head and Jace felt his heart stop. The moment was ruined by a perky brunette with a glamour rune on the front of her throat.
“Hi, I’m-” She stuck out her hand and began to introduce herself but Jace cut her off with a glare.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be.” The girl’s eyes widened and she ducked her head and walked away.
“Okay what the fuck?”
Yeah my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for us
Jace stood sputtering in front of Simon who had an eyebrow raised and arms crossed.
“Well?” Simon threw his arms up, expectant.
“I don’t like her.” He wasn’t completely lying, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. Simon looked at him suspiciously.
“What’s her name?”
“It’s, uhm, Val… er…. onica?”
“Valeronica?” Jace rubbed the back of his neck and nodded slowly.
“Jace what’s wrong.”
Reconstruct, Sanctify, Trust your gut, don’t say goodbye, I am not someone you give up
“Nothing I promise.”
“And I would believe you, if we weren’t so close.” Simons expression grew worried and Jace’s stomach tied in a knot, knowing he did that. He had two options; number one: confess his feelings right then and there, and number two: push Simon away to save himself from rejection.
I will love you, endlessly, If you open up and let me, Show you I am not who I was
“JACE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?” Jace jolted upright and looked around. Izzy was standing in front of him in six inch heels with her arms crossed over her chest.
“How the hell did you get in here?”
“Magnus let me in after I told him I found Simon in the docks crying!” Jaces head snapped up so fast he thought he would get whiplash. Simon was crying?
“Wh-what happened?” She raised her eyebrow and scoffed.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe one of his best friends told him to shut up and stop trying to be his friend. Jace, what the hell!” Jace sighed and put his head in his hands.
“That can’t be because of what I said. Why would it matter he has plenty of friends.” Izzy sighed and let her arms drop.
Don’t you tell me you’re not, Falling in love, Falling in love
“Jace, Simon cares about you, whether you believe it or not, you need to go and fix this. You gotta tell him.”
“But what if he hates me for it?” Izzy knelt down so she was eye to eye with Jace.
“Jace, you are a Lightwood, and Lightwoods always get the date. It worked for Alec. It worked for me and guess what? It’s gonna work for you. Lightwoods are irresistible.” She smiled and Jace laughed softly.
Don’t you tell me you’re lost, Here in my arms, Here in my arms
Jace steeled himself before knocking he had to be prepared, nothing could prepare him for what he saw. Simon pulled open the door to his makeshift house with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He was wearing rumpled pajamas and there were dark circles under his eyes, as though he had missed a few days of sleep. His cheeks were tear stained and he looked like a mess. Instead of the normal grin Simon reserved for him he received a sniff and a coarse what.
Because my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for love
“I wanted to talk to you.” Simon snorted and turned around walking into the room. Jace followed him and stood in front of him while Simon sat.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me.”
Yeah my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for us
“About that, I didn’t mean that, not really. I have this habit where I push the people I care about away.” Simon looked up at him and looked like he was about to speak but Jace cut him off.
You’re attention is all that I want, Yeah it’s all that I want, Yeah it’s all that I need
“Okay so I know you probably don’t feel the same because how could you, but I like you, like really like you. Like more than a friend like you and I tried to just ignore it but you’re so damn cute and then that envoy came and I couldn’t not be jealous and-” Anything else Jace had to say was cut off by soft lips pressing onto his.
Your attention is all that I want, And I can’t give it up, No I can’t let you leave
Jace shut his eyes and put one hand on the back of Simon’s neck. Simon let his hands wrap around Jaces waist and Jaces other hand was in Simons hair.
Don’t you tell me you’re not, Falling in love, Falling in love, Don’t you tell me you’re lost, Here in my arms, Here in my arms
They both smiled when they broke apart and when Simon giggled softly Jace felt his heart melt.
“We should do that more often.” Jace laughed softly and nodded.
Because my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for love
It was about two days later when they told everyone else. First Alec and Magnus, who saw it coming, then Clary and Izzy, Izzy already knew but Clary congratulated them and immediately started to plan a double date.
Yeah my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for us,
Jace is happy. He’s genuinely happy. Which hasn’t happened for a while. But with Simon, it’s easy.
Because my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for love
Sometimes Jace still looks at Simon like it’s the first time. This is one of those times. Simon looks stunning. He’s wearing a black suit jacket over a dark red vest. Jace swears he feels his heart stop. This occasion would normally be simple if it were two Shadowhunters, but since there’s a Vampire, only one of them is receiving wedding runes. But Simon has a ring that he promised he’d wear. Jace cried out of joy more than once that night. He couldn’t help it. We was married to Simon. Simon! Someone who loved him back. He didn’t care if Maryse didn’t approve. He was happy and that’s what mattered.
Yeah my heart can’t take it, I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure, Fighting for us.
Please note i almost completely disregarded vampire biology sorry :)
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ginkasei · 7 years
shadowhunters otps
malec (the og, i ship them with only them) simaia (maia deserves happiness) jaia (sh will never mean it) simjaia (a girl can dream) clizzy (the girls in love) marluke (they both deserve it) saphael (simon is pan as fuck) jimon (enemies to lovers)
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eversall · 7 years
hello it’s my birthday so i’m gonna call out the people who have made this hell site bearable and have made me a different person than i was last year at this time. because now i know them, and that’s made all the difference in the world.
@greysummers: og homie #1. first person to talk to me on this blue hell gazette. funny, such a talented writer, and all around such a chill person to talk to. she still remembers my hank/alex days, and one day we will finish our 50k mcsummers fic that’s honestly a work of art. she’s the reason i initially thought - before shadowhunters - that i could stick around for a while and see what the people were like here. 
@saphael-o-lantern: og homie #2. first person in the shadowhunters fandom that i became friends with, and holy fucking hell i don’t know what i’d do without her. she’s been there for me through my ups and my downs, she’s wickedly funny, and is absolutely charming. keeps my love for raphael and my slight, begrudging, do-i-have-to appreciation of clace alive. also writes adorable saphael, someone should bug her about publishing it. gets all my jokes and most of my references and always, always brightens my mood when i talk to her. it feels like i’ve know her for like ten years, this is how awesome she is. 
@ghostlyjimon: jesus christ on a stick quinn is responsible for most of the angsty jimon things in my life. anyway. she’s hilarious, spells everything incorrectly, and is the co-author of that one 25k jimon fic you know the one and honestly, that took intense work. i’m always in awe of how talented she is. and you guys, she’s just as wonderful irl as she is on this hellsite. every time i talk to her i’m laughing so hard because she’s just dramatic and extra and i love her so much for that. 
@softjimon: one of the best moments of my life was when jess legitimately thought i was from london for a long time. she just like, made that fact up in her head. anyway, she is, of course, an incredible writer - who doesn’t know that by now? - and every time she posts something i scream a little. she’s also hilarious, totally and amusingly done with the uni life, and so much fun to talk to. her neverending support for everything i write is absolutely the most astounding thing. together the two of us are justin timberlake and jimmy fallon, k? her passion for the things she does in life and just everything about her inspire me to be a better person. 
@sunlewis: i’ve never wanted to hug anyone as badly as i want to hug anne. i love her blog so much and when she started talking to me i was starstruck. anne is hilarious, and adorable, and such a genuine, honest person to talk to. she has an amazing love for so many characters and actors and is so supportive. her writing is incredible, and everyone is suffering because she doesn’t publish most of it. she deserves the world and i swear to god she’s gonna get it one day. i made a twitter just so i could talk to her, because she’s incredible and it’s worth it. 
and a list of endlessly amazing people that i love for various reasons that are way too lengthy to list all at once here: 
@zombiejace @scarysimon @vexedcer @simonlewhiss  @the-undergod @alecbaene @maialec @boasorteminhamenina @magnsbeans @caqtis @wellsyaha @magnusragnor @ninjacksonfive @sunshinerosende
i am most probably definitely missing people here so if i suddenly remember you and tag you abruptly when this post is no longer relevant, don’t be alarmed! it’s just my very bad memory. 
p.s. - and to the shadowhunter fandom: thank you for letting me write for you this past year. thank you for making me believe in myself. 
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Jace: It's dark, I'm scared.
Simon: Don't worry babe, I got this.
Simon: *Stomps foot, sketchers light up*
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
Gays Gotta Gay - A Shadowhunters group chat
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2XOaSUp
by alexrin
The OG Shadowhunters crew (and Maia) are in a group chat. It’s a mess.
Words: 974, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago, Maia Roberts, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood
Relationships: Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland/Jace Wayland, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, text fic, Group chat, shadowhunters texting, Clizzy - Freeform, Malec, Saphael, jace - Freeform, mentioned Jimon, bamf Magnus, BAMF Izzy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2XOaSUp
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