#but just. the dragons and the dlc Squad
i miss heavensward ;—;
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nessacousland · 9 months
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Ariane/Finn - run away with me
" Fresh air and sunlight is good for you."
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alexissara · 3 months
Sonic Fighting Game Dream Roster!
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Me and My Metamore messed around to make a sonic fighting game roster and I wanted to share kinda like the roster and the thought behind it and stuff for fun since this was a silly little fun thing. Our limitations where only including canon sonic characters in the main roster, the roster was going to be 24 characters because that was the base Dragon Ball Fighters Z roster size at launch, we were assuming the game would be an another Arcsystem Works Tag Fighter. I elected not to go for an even gender ratio like I normally would since we were aiming for a realistic roster but obviously when between viable options I favored a woman. 10/24 of the base roster are women so pretty close to half and like do Mecha Sonic, Chaos or Omega even really have genders? This game would also be one that focused on a more modern control style given Sonic is intended for children but also that modern controls are becoming simply the norm.
The team play is important for this game since sonic is not really a fights alone guy. Since Sonic 2 Sonic has been a serious about working together to overcome evil and it's been that way since with Sonic 3 adding another playable friend, Knuckles Chaotics having a whole squad, leading to the eventual adventure games and that eras bigger rosters. Like Skullgirls you could pick between having 1, 2 or 3 people in your team and have the characters enhanced on the smaller team number but lose access to the full sweet of abilities being teamed up gives you.
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It's one thing to make a roster but another thing to try and think about how the characters would play. I have minor concepts on many of the playable characters, one requirement we had for putting someone on the not DLC part of the roster was having an idea of how they played.
Sonic obviously establishes the Foundational parts of the game being a rush down character to stay true to the archtype but one with a bit more resilience, he'd have just a tiny bit of everything to teach people while staying true to the speed focus. Blaze gets a mild zoning game with fire balls but is more aggressive being more of a combo focused character with the ability to further her combo potential with her blazing blade super similar to Juri in Street Fighter. Surge would be a character who was able to damage herself to increase damage to others, reckless in her desire to prove her strength and get out of people's shadows. Metal Sonic would play like sonic with a few different moves and a tankier set up but lower combo potential. Shadow would have the most advance moveset of the rushdown characters. having tricky moves that result in high pay offs but require solid execution.
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The Balanced characters present most of the games features in the movesets. Honey the Cat being from Sonic Fighters makes her the perfect character to be the most basic fighting game character having basically just Ryu's moveset with no frills but some additional girly flare to give her some personality. Trip is a transformation character like Hellsing from Blaze blue with her dragon mode providing her a more aggressive style but a bigger hit box and body while still working off the more fundamental gameplay. Tails would have a bit of it all but with a bit of a stronger zoning game as a charge character. Emerald being from Sonic's second fighting game and copying movesets would be like Seth from Street Fighter 5 and other similar characters giving them a diverse moveset using moves from other characters.
Amy Rose would be a perfect midrange character wanting to not be too close or too far, her hammer being the distance away she wants to be. Tangle would have some command grabs she could preform further away and in general she wants to be fighting with just a bit more room than the average fighter. The deadly six are summon type character who work at any range but average out to about wanting the same distance as Amy and Tangle. Each of the six bring different abilities to the table similar to Captain Ginyu in DBFZ.
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Chaos is a tricky grappler with a lot of strange movement tools. Big the Cat is our big time joke character where he is just trying to find froggy in battle and your just in his way accidently getting boddied by his long distance fishing hook grabs and friendly hugs as Froggy is set up on opponents allowing Big to hit with bigger damage. Omega is a more classic big body, get the fuck out my way or I'll kill you zoner with a weak projectile it can use to discourage running away from him.
Rouge is our iconic trap setter allowing her to steal wins from opponents who aren't ready to deal with the puzzle game she throws before them which includes inflicting some debuffs that remove options from your opponents for a particular amount of time like tagging out. Starline has his warp topaz for movement allowing him a more zoner focused gameplay style with a command grab that is styled after his hypnosis and otherwise his inventions being little traps on the field to control where the foe is and their approach. Nights and Cosmo would be characters more focused on the assist role creating items that their team mates can use with buffs. Nights would have a higher risk reward where the opponent could also use them where Cosmos would be locked to benefiting the player. Finally Eggman is tanky with all the traps and annoyances of a zoner. He can't do big damage but he is hard to take down and there is probably a boss version of him that is even more annoying.
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Fang/Knack had the name sniper, their an archetypical zoner. Whisper's whispeon allows her to customize her shots by switching which whisp she has loaded into the gun, this allows her a diverse arrow of zoning options allowing her to always keep her opponent guessing on what is the best way to approach her. It's no use trying to beat Silver when he can yet you away to keep his ideal distance having a weak command grab that allows him to toss his foe full screen and keep up the aggressive physic assault.
Cream is our Puppet character with a special twist on being a puppet character with a puppet that evolves over time from Cream to Cream + Cheese to Gemerald building a meter to have a stronger puppet to use but stage 2 having some reasons to use it over stage 3. That can be paired with one last appearance in her ultimate attack allowing her mother Vanilla to get mad at the foe for attacking her daughter and finish off the opponent in a motherly rage. Knuckles would function like most boxing characters only having punches and being a bit of a bully in battle who is hard to handle but his special ability to glide would allow her far more air mobility then most other characters in the game. Espio would be a classic ninja character with all that entails having lots of moving and plenty of tricks to serve. Jet wouldn't be fighting alone coming in swinging with his crew able to dive in from the air like a hawk and take opponents into large air combos where on the ground he is pretty lacking.
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While this is typically the type of thing reserved for Youtube videos but I felt like idk writing out this kind of thing and if you enjoyed it please let me know. I had a blast doing it and I would love to make more dream rosters with my lesbian edge where I am gonna favor women. I think these are just fun ways to nerd out about a series I enjoy and I'd love to go even more in depth I stopped myself from being extra indulgent on this one but I'd have loved to go into how I imagine a single player mode would work, talk more about universal mechanics and everything else.
All I want is some feedback if you enjoyed it but if you wanted to I am always happy to get support on making my own original queer art over on Patreon and Ko-fi which includes my current ambition to make an SRPG along with my for sure going to happen TTRPG projects.
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carrinth · 10 months
The (Re)Adventures of Marzel Amell
Sooooooo ok I ended up binge playing DA:O for the last two weeks. And it might as well have been a blind playthrough because I forgot almost everything ^_^;; Below are Carrinth's Random Observations or Things That Have Happened to Marzel (Redux):
DA armor is still ugly as sin. I'm sorry. Robes 4 lyfe.
Man I tell you, a single Heal spell makes ALL the difference. Especially early on when you don't have money or potions or skillz. Dying less apparently makes game moar fun! SHOCKING.
I have recruited Sten.
I have also recruited Shale for the first time. I love Shale. Shale is best rock. Squish me. (Not really pls don't Shale) DLC ftw!
Sten really, really, REALLY likes my warden this time wtf. His affection is the HIGHEST of everyone, second only to dog. I have no idea how that happened. O_O I just RP-ed Marzel as being very indifferent to Sten. "I'm not here to impress you, bruh." Sten is a tsundere confirmed.
I did the FADE quest. Again. I told myself it wasn't as bad this round and that I'm fine but obviously I'm not fine but you just have to hold it in and my bags are full of junk and I need to sell them bcos I needs the money but I can't leave pls pls let me out LET ME OUT!2111
Wynne talking about what makes an abomination made me have Anders/Justice feels. "If one retains one's humanity, one is not an abomination." 😥
Still bff with Jowan. We bros for life. Alistair didn't like that.
"Teagan! Who iZ dis mAN?" Idk but the second round I really enjoyed her voice-acting. She's a distraught mother close to hysterics. It's amazingly hilarious and compelling! <3
Wait. Wait. I totally forgot about Connor. So wait. We CAN CURE demonic possession??? I thought it was permanent?! No way of saving but death via a pokey sword yadda yadda?? Omg is this one of those 'we could cure you but it's too expensive and you can't afford it' scenarios? IT IS. Poor farmer's kid can't afford a pile of lyrium but if you're the son of an arl? No problem! Whole Circle bending over just to help you. Wow. Goddamn. Chantry/Circle seriously just kill mages because it's the cheaper alternative! >:O
MMmmmm. People say I should save Orzammar for last because it is harder. But. Oghren. But. Difficult. But OGHREN. But BROODMOTHER. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE SUFFERING OF DEEP ROADS?! .......... OGHREN. Marzel and friends died a lot. Mostly because I stubbornly wanted my party to consist of Oghren and Shale. That's like, two warriors ugh. We got by. Shale extra conversations were worth it ;)
Got Flemeth's grimoire for Morrigan. Formed a team made only of dude-bros to help Marzel get laid. Which meant they had to make do without any healing or bard song. I named them... the Snu Snu Squad (affectionate). Zevran died almost immediately. (Note: Dragon bum be dangerous position) Marzel stupidly killed his own self with blood magic while throwing his single Heal spell >_> MVP goes to Alistair for keeping alive long enough to whittle away Flemeth's health and died just exact moment Sten landed a killing blow. Grimoire was given and snu snu was had!
Marzel is in weird love triangle where all romancable persons love him. This cannot end well.
Why are there so many Desire demons? Holy crap, with the DLCs I have encountered no less than 4. Were there always this many?? Are Fereldans so horny?
People who challenge MAGES to duels deserve to die... from stupidity. I don't make the rules. You sir, have a pointy stick. Marzel can conjure blizzards and crushing barriers with his fingertips. We are not the same.
Ok I just read codex that those Wild Sylvan trees are possessed by Rage demons?? Omg. They are Angry Trees. Low-key wanna see Justice fight Angry Trees while yelling about demons.
Haha I missed this game. Now onward to Sacred Ashes and moar stuff I can't remember!
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chaoticsimlish · 1 year
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by the sweet and endlessly talented @salemssimblr for this! Apologies it took so long to get to it, wanted to wait until I was on my desktop again haha
What’s your favourite sims death? Gotta be laughing to death! I had a sim for a legacy challenge propose to her girlfriend once and her girlfriend was already in a silly goofy mood but rejected her and then proceeded to laugh to death. I hadn't even known that could happen and was caught completely off guard!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I tend to lean more towards Maxis Match stuff but I really have move of a blend happening
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nah if it happens it happens, you can't have a sim push out four babies for a legacy and still have a stick lol
4. Do you use move objects? Definitely do! Even switched back to my old keyboard because it is better equipped for handling move objects in build mode!
5. Favorite mod? More columns in CAS! I cannot make sims without it!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I bought every expansion/game pack/stuff pack that came out until My First Pets Stuff so it'd be Outdoor Retreat! I only recently caved to that stupid stuff back, always swore I'd never put money down on a DLC for a DLC but it was on super sale and I think I'd like to have rats in game
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Liv definitely, I know in context it's LIVE mode but I have never said it like that
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Probably Monty! My green haired sim I made originally to submit to a story that someone else was doing. I have the most back story on her! If not her than my boy Kaz who was made to be a bachelor in my bachelor challenge that ended abruptly when the save got corrupted and life made it hard to play! Kaz still to this day remains my favorite base to use when making male sims :3
9. Have you made a simself? A long time ago! I should probably make a new one
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, Clumsy, and Geek!
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I really like the darker brown and the auburn-y red
12. Favorite EA hair? I rarely use the EA hairs lol I don't really have an answer for this!
13. Favorite life stage? YA for sure because it has the most stuff to do but also I started playing Sims 4 when I was 20 so I was a YA when I got to play with it and it has always just felt like a good home base life stage!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? When I do get to play, I'm in it for the gameplay! I honestly hate building from scratch because nothing ever seems right so I usually tweak builds I find in the gallery! I also really hate how much time it takes to decorate and clutter things up!
15. Are you a CC creator? I used to be! First thing I created (like five blogs ago now) was a set of nerdy art for my sims, I also recolored a bunch of hairs in Pooklet's colors and recolored a handful of items. Pretty sure that's all gone now though and I definitely don't have time to do it anymore!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have a couple people I feel like I can chat with without feeling like I'm bugging them! @salemssimblr and I talk on discord about this and that (mostly writing!) and @druidberries and I have had a few good moments as well! I used to have a group I was part of on discord but that's been a long time ago now
17. What’s your favorite game? Favorite series is forever Bioshock! The depth of the worlds and just how well those games were developed and thought out was always great for me! What Remains of Edith Finch changed my entire brain chemistry it was so good, Dragon Age Inquisition has been played about fifteen times, and I'm really enjoying Tears of the Kingdom right now!
18. Do you have any sims merch? Somewhere, lost to the basement which devours everything, I have a plumbob light thing I got with a special edition of something. Other than that no
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope! I'm happy posting on here where no one can hear me stumble over my words and watch me spend an hour debating over which hair to put on a sim lmao
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? It's changed pretty drastically I'd say! My early sims, when I started really getting into the Sims 2, were all super goth and had the most wild and ridiculous outfits! I used to make sims who looked like they walked out of My Chemical Romance music videos! Now, though I still have to push myself to not use as many of the same or similar features (I'm really bad about almond eyes, down turned lips, and noses with the nostrils just so), I feel like I do make sims with more variety. I also work hard to make sims who are either queer, non-white, disabled, or occult as well. It's really easy to fall into a pattern of making the same kind of sim over and over so I fight that as much as I can.
21. What’s your Origin ID? EchoSoul I believe, there may be a 13 in there somewhere lmao
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I think the creator I jump to download all their cc every time I reset and whose cc just gets used and abused in my game is @clumsyalienn! I have almost everything they make and I'm pretty sure every single sim I make has at least one thing on their's on them!
23. How long have you had a simblr? I've had this simblr since 2018, before that though I've had multiple other simblrs that either got killed off because of a lull in notes or just disuse. I started in the simblr community in 2009 I believe! I've been on tumblr since 2008 and as soon as I found the sims community I've always had a foot in the door!
24. How do you edit your pictures? I don't lmao
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I'd have to say that Realm of Magic and City Living! I'm a sucker for magic and witches and to this day San Myshuno is one of my favorite worlds to live in! Can't go wrong with the Spice District!
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I have all of them except for Dream Designer and a handful of kits so I'd say Dream Designer lol
I tag @shittyysimblr, @lilypixels, @whyhellosims, @pink-chevalier, @katmk36, and anyone else who'd like to do this who hasn't been tagged yet!
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quilveor · 1 year
Industrial Solace
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Sometimes, when she feels like she needs to just rest, away from hunting, or from taking care of others, Flare of Passion goes to visit her friend in the industrial complex.
Silent Hand of Seventh Tail isn't very talkative, but that's perfectly okay. They're still a great friend to just relax with on their secret spot. Somehow, vultures never attack there [perhaps due to both of them going ballistic whenever any approaches], making it a very comfortable hideout.
Silent Hand of Seventh Tail likes when their friends visit them a lot. It's always nice, regardless if there's a conversation or not, there's always a degree of peace with those moments that they'd never trade for anything else.
----------------------- Oh I had so much fun with this. Been in a RW mood again for few days and decided to finally add to my original sluggers with the dlc squad; though so far sans Gourmand and Saint for reasons simple. Rivulet will appear maybe some other day, but for now, have my ocs of Artificer and Spearmaster: Flare of Passion; and Silent Hand of Seventh Tail respectively. Or "Flare" and "Sting" as the rivulet calls them. Silent Hand of Seventh Tail is a budding artist, he's not very good but he still likes his hobby. using his needles to do marks on surfaces. So he is completely responsible for the signs in the picture. Front wall, left: Vulture mask crossed by the Violence symbol Front wall, right: Lying Slugcat [vaguely] and Bonding symbol Side wall, up: SHoST's self-portrait. Side wall, down: Nine slugcat heads, each different. So, vulture mask is clearly a threat, and the lying slugcat is there to show the hidden spot. Those two are obvious. The self-portrait is basically SHoST's "signature", as they secretly calls themself "The most dangerous friend", using following symbol:
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[Self/Harmony/Purity + Bonding/Friendship which means "Friend", and below that a symbol combining Self and Violence, as seen in RW's achievement icons.] They did figure out that it also looks like a slugcat shape, if you put his needle around the neck for that one missing line. There's a needle embedded under the drawing, too, perhaps they drew it recently.
And the final drawing is heads of all the slugcats - they're ALL Silent Hand of Seventh Tail's friends. From top, clockwise, and using rain world names, we have Saint [head with the (X) of ascension], Gourmand [head with four lines going horizontal in both directions, mimicking symbol of gluttony], Survivor [head with a roof over it, mimicking the survivor symbol], Monk [just a regular head], Nightcat [Head with multiple vertical lines to make it 'colored in'], Rivulet [head with six lines going from cheeks, akin to Riv's gills], Hunter [head with the dragon slayer symbol over right eye], Artificer [head with left eye in the shape of an X], and in the middle Spearmaster himself [head with the violence symbol around it, the four lines going from it.]
I had this image in head and I needed to have it on paper. You can understand. It's adorable.
noot in bg because i wanted the bg to not be boring. noots are funny.
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shuunnico · 1 year
any games you're interested in thisyear?
Actually quite a lot, which is different than most years. In no particular order:
2023 Confirmed
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. I liked the original. It was simple but fun. I'm hoping they have evolved the formula a bit from that point.
Darkest Dungeon 2. I have a lot of issues with the game changing directions into an FTL-ish game. But it could be good, regardless of my feelings on the genre shift.
Starfield. Bethesda is still on my radar but they're no longer a "Must buy" company after Fallout 4 and Fallout76. The fact that they're STILL using the CreationEngine gives me worry, but I'm still waiting to see how it turns out.
Hogwarts Legacy. It's a immersive RPG with character customization. That's going to always catch my attention.
Redfall. Arcane disappointed me with Deathloop but they still have good will from Prey. If they can break the core "Xshock" gameplay they've reused for nearly all their games, I'll be interested.
Book of Hours. I really enjoyed the mythology set up in Cultist Simulator and I'm interested in any game that further explores it.
Suicide Squad. Rocksteady is a solid studio and I liked the Arkham Games, even Knight. So I'm willing to give them a shot in this.
Atomic Heart. New studio attempting the Xshock formula, so I'll be watching to see how it turns out. But I've heard this was a troubled production, so I dunno how it'll be as a final product.
Like a Dragon: Ishin. I'm a sucker for the Yakuza franchise.
System Shock. After so long, I'm just interested in how it'll be when it finally comes out.
Baldur's Gate 3. Someone gifted it to me back when it started Early Access, but I haven't tried it because I don't want to be spoiled. I've just toyed around with the character creation. Larian Studios is a studio I still have a lot of trust in.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. I have not seen either Avatar film. But from the start it seems like Cameron want to build a world and only crafted a story as an excuse. He should've just made a game like this instead to begin with.
Announced but TBD (so may not be in 2023)
Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days. Looks like This War of Mine but with zombies and a 1980's aesthetic.
Warhammer 40k: Roguetrader. Made by Owlcat and I liked their two Pathfinder games. A Warhammer CRPG? Sounds fun!
Hellboy: Web of the Wyrd. I love Hellboy. I just hope the game itself is good.
Frostpunk 2. I liked the original, will see what they do with the sequel.
Silksong. I only recently played Hollow Knight, but I enjoyed the experience enough to look forward to this.
Avowed. I really, really liked Deadfire and this game is set in the PoE world. The 'eh' feeling I got from Outer Worlds puts a damper on things, but I hope that maybe by returning to the PoE universe, there might be a return to form. Also, immersive RPG with character customization, so...
Hades 2. I LOVED Hades. More of it is going to appeal to me.
Judas. The creator of Bioshock comes back to make a brand new Xshock game? I wanna see if he innovates the formula he helped popularize or not.
Nightengale. I'm not huge into the 'survivor crafting' game but the aesthetics interest me.
Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty. Okay, not a game, but DLC. Cyberpunk hurt me, but I'm really, really hoping that this DLC is being made by CDPR with the idea that they need to step up their game.
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Let’s spread some positive vibes by remembering what we love about  the trilogy. Fill in and tag your friends. Feel free to add your own  categories to this survey.
@urrone tagged me for this Mass Effect meme - thank you!
Tagging @mtreebeardiles, @tiny-banana-time, @happychica, and @screwyouflightlieutenant and anyone else who wants to participate!
I've been a fan since: September 2012. Friends had been trying to talk me into playing for several years at that point, but I was stuck in Dragon Age at the time and wasn't interested. Then the ME games were on sale and one of those friends talked me into trying the first two games - I was hooked from the moment my first Shepard landed on Eden Prime.
Favorite game of the series: Oh gosh, I love all of them (yes, even ME2), but I think my absolute favorite is Mass Effect 3. The missions, the people, the saving the galaxy...
MaleShep or FemShep?: My first Shepard was femShep Serafina. I'm currenty running through a bunch of mostly mSheps now, Caleb being my primary. I love both though.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: I like all of them, but my goto is Colonist (Serafina) and Earthborn (Caleb)
Paragon or Renegade? Mostly Paragon, but more and more of late leaning to a middling road, ultimately Paragade, I suppose.
Biotics or Tech? Both? When I first started, I played mostly non-biotics, but I've grown to love them now.
Favorite class: Infiltrator
Favorite companions: Kaidan and Wrex (on a squad). Occasionally Tali and Garrus.
Least favorite companions: Jacob and Miranda in ME2 - I just can't get past the Cerberus connection shoved down our throats, so my first missions are to get Kasumi and Zaeed then go get the mains. (I do love Miranda by ME3, though. Jacob, however, just never grew on me)
My squad selection: ME1 - Kaidan and Wrex. 95% of the time (not counting loyalty missions) ME2 - Zaeed and Grunt. Heavies to do the heavy lifting while I sneak around in tac cloak. ME3 - Kaidan and James (before I have Kaidan back, Garrus and James - gotta love the banter).
Favorite in-game romance: Shenko and mShenko   
Other pairings I like: Oh, man, I've broadened my pairings lists so much of late, it's probably easier to mention ones I don't like, but not gonna do that for this.
Favorite NPC:   Major COATS. End of story. 
Favorite antagonist: The keepers. I cannot tell you how long it took me to find the LAST ONE the first time I played! Also, even though I hate that part of the mission, the Reaper on Rannoch. Facing it down nearly gives me a heart attack each time, but man, it's a good conclusion to the mission. 
Favorite mission: Oh gosh...It's a minor one, but Joab in ME2? That mission has become my goto mission to add to my stories in one way or another because of the prothean beacon there. SO. MANY. IDEAS...
Favorite loyalty mission: I dunno...Does the Citadel DLC count??? Tali's is a good one, though I probably have to go with Jack's. She's grown on me so damned much, and taking her on that mission to let her face her demons and move on is something I can get behind.
Favorite DLC: All of them. On every game. I love the additions they bring and boy do they provide a lot of fun for storytelling.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy?: When playing, Destroy, end of story. So far, I've mostly written Destroy, too, though I have at least one for each of them, even if the other two are only hinted at. I also have one story where Refuse was the option taken.
Favorite weapon: The Widow sniper rifles. Also the Lancer in ME3.
Favorite place: Tuchanka
A quote I like: "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
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shizuu-chann · 2 years
Let’s spread some positive vibes by remembering what we love about the trilogy. Fill in and tag your friends. Feel free to add your own categories to this survey.
tagged by @togepies, thanks again for including me!
Tagging with zero pressure: @nicolasadrabbles and @iheartgarrus
I’ve been a fan since: technically Andromeda, but I only played Andromeda first bc the LE was coming out in a few months. I loved the Dragon Age series before that, and I figured I would probably like ME, but the old graphics were a major turn-off for me. When the LE was announced, I got really excited bc it was another BioWare series I could binge and adore, but it wasn't out yet. My friend had just finished Andromeda and convinced me to try it, and now it's probably my favorite game series ever~
Favorite game of the series:  ME2! While I love ME3 because the graphics are beautiful, and you get more substance out of romantic relationships (Garrus, specifically), ME2 has my favorite vibe. You're kind of a rogue agent, assembling a team of the most dangerous and skilled people in the galaxy, and they all become a sort of found family for Shepard after the Alliance and the Council hang you out to dry. Plus, I love the interface for the game; the orange menu screen is easy on my eyes, and I like the clicky selection noises <3
MaleShep or FemShep?: FemShep <3 I love her so much. Played MaleShep once, and I loved him, too, but it really feels like FemShep is THE Shep to me.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Colonist
Paragon or Renegade? Paragon (close to ParaGade, but not quite)
Biotics or Tech? Tech, but biotics are really cool.
Favorite class: Infiltrator! I don't really love any class in ME1, but ME2/3 make Infiltrator the fucking best. Tactical cloak and sniper rifle, my beloveds. Vanguard is a close second.
Favorite companions: Garrus, Zaeed, Mordin, Tali, Wrex, Grunt, EDI~
Least favorite companions: Kaidan and Jacob. I have nothing against either of them personally, honest, and I think they're generally good characters. But Kaidan bores me, I find him wholly uninteresting, and Jacob is just repackaged Kaidan, imho.
My squad selection: ME1: this changes every playthrough, honestly. Often it's Garrus and someone else, most recently Ashley. Others it's Ashley and someone else, most often Wrex. ME2: Usually Zaeed and Garrus; those two are my go-tos and my faves. Current run is Garrus and Miranda, but I've taken Grunt a fair bit. ME3 is, surprise-surprise, most often Garrus and someone else, but I try to tailor squad selection to each mission so I can get the most interesting story dialogue.
Favorite in-game romance: Shepard and Garrus <3
Other pairings I like: I cannot pair my Shep with anyone else, so it's difficult, but I do appreciate others. I like FemShep with Tali, Liara, Ashley, Miranda, and Jack (bc I just think all the characters should be bi, lol).
Favorite NPC: I'm choosing multiple--Aria T'Loak, Joker, I adore Hackett, and Anderson.
Favorite antagonist: The Illusive Man in ME2. Sure, you're cooperating with him, but he's definitely an antagonist.
Favorite mission: ME1: If we're talking purely vanilla game, probably Feros. Otherwise, maybe the Bring Down the Sky DLC. ME2: Thane's recruitment or the Suicide Mission, if we're excluding loyalty missions. ME3: Grissom Academy.
Favorite loyalty mission: Oooh, tough. I really like most of them. It's a toss-up between two, but for different reasons: either Garrus's or Samara's.
Favorite DLC: ME1: To my knowledge, there was only one for ME1, besides pinnacle Station, but that couldn't be added to the LE. ME2: Lair of the Shadow Broker--LOVE the level designs. ME3: Super original and revolutionary: the Citadel, lol. That's the canon ending in my mind. OH! But I also love the Omega DLC! Hmm...
Control, Synthesis or Destroy?: Destroy, but I also change a bunch of that ending in my mind, too. Namely, that EDI and the geth live and the Citadel isn't destroyed.
Favorite weapon: N7 Valiant sniper rifle <333
Favorite place: Omega or Illium
A quote I like: The whole exchange during Priority: Rannoch right before Shepard takes on a Reaper on foot. There's so many, many of them from Joker. But, for the sake of choosing: "This is why I love hanging out with you guys! Why shoot something once when you can shoot it 46 more times!" --Urdnot Wrex, 2186
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gcldfanged · 26 days
If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one scenario that had been living in my head rent free [ACCEPTING]
Aerith: -Jae and Aerith kind of having a deal/agreement that he looks the other way and lets her sneak out of the Cetra Babysitter Squad's (Turk Edition) range to get up to shenanigans. He's actually well known at the Leaf House and acts like he hates kids, but is really good with them since he doesn't treat them like they're simple. He's definitely taught the bullied kids how to throw down. His greatest achievement: Being called "cool" by the orphans but Aerith doesn't let him show off in front of them with his weapons, like his handgun (Jae: IT'S NOT EVEN LOADED! COME ON, THEY CAN PASS IT AROUND-).
He thinks Tseng's one-sided crush on her is hilarious, but he'd never say that to his face ever <- good blackmail material, Aerith *COUGHCOUGH*
Cloud: Two guys who honestly just fucking HATE each other, Jae is well aware he's not a SOLDIER and recognizes him from a Before Crisis timeline escort mission which puts a damper on Cloud's 'I'm the Main Character" act.
Jae is not at all interested in Cloud, but makes faux-flirtatious banter with him anyway because the way Cloud reacts is funny as fuck.
Sephiroth: Idk man, like just DESTROY Jae- Kick him like he is the football!! I never get to write Jae getting the shit kicked out of him, it's fun.
Tseng: Big Bro and annoying younger sibling energies, but make it between Team Leader and Coworker. They talk shit about each other all the time, but as soon as someone unrelated makes a disparaging comment, they're like "HEY, PAL- ONLY I GET TO CALL THEM STUPID NAMES".
Zack: OOOH, OOOH- Jae was there and stayed behind to destroy evidence of the Nibelheim Incident with Verdot, Zack could remember seeing Jae and Veld before he passes out and associates them with Shinra baddies/maybe gets angry and tries to fight him when they meet up in remake continuity?
Dion: Bahamut, King of the Gays meets weird little scrungly assassin man who works with The Undying, Jae is totally the one who kicked his soldier through the tent entrance- Joshua is too Nice(tm) for that.
Jae doesn't have to be Leviathan's dominant in this AU since idk how the DLC is gonna fuck it up, or we COULD go with that and have fabulous laser dragon + twink water snek whombo-combo fighting together against Ultima and his weird Oedipus-complex himbo goth, Barnabas.
Jill: Maybe Jae helps Clive save Jill and is a Gav-like rogueish companion as they travel? Can be Levi dominant or not, but I think that's funny because they'd be the elemental trio of "fire", "water", and "water, but like, really cold bruh". THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! j/k
Sleipnir: I just like the idea of them being totally obnoxious at each other since they have similar-ish personalities, like Clive and Barnabas are fighting all macho manly man beeg swordboner style and then you have the two fucking smarmy twinks strutting around and Shady Lady-ing at each other.
Terence Bellerose: If we're roping in @phoenixshards, then I can see Joshua and Dion having tea and calmly discussing the threat at large while Terence and Jae glower at each other from across the room all "OH, HE'S PRETTY... PRETTIER THAN ME?!" style over their respective boyfriends. THE SHIELDS ARE FIGHTIIING-
Or idk Terence is a little weirded out Joshua has a literal criminal as his Shield and Jae's underworld funk vibes get up his knightly snoot. He's a man of honor, Jae is the exact opposite- Sparks may fly?
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icharchivist · 7 months
I def recall the devs saying they added Uno/Anre for the Harvin rep, because he and Charlotta are the only Harvins in the roster and they wanted it to be at least kinda balanced among the species. Which I respect. Random thought from the top of my head, they could add Philosophia on her spinning top, she's a Harvin and that gameplay could be interesting imo. Or Yordarha, he's in Relink. But he's another sword guy, too
yeah that makes total sense imo. I'm totally for more Harvin rep since there isn't a lot of Harvin characters that really had an impact on the game quite like Charlotta or Lunalu...
i respect the thought, but it's just, the Eternals have so many fan favorites it felt weird to spare this spot there.
Philosophia could have been fun, although she'd be the only R/SR chara from the roster (Lowain bros and co are outlier who shouldn't be counted)
Yordarha would be a nice possible choice, but, yeah, too many swordmen. Same for Sevilbarra, probably.
tho now that i think about it, one character who could be fun is actually Mahira? since she is really popular and it would have been good additions to the General Squad imo. + her skillset is rather unique. (throws a chicken at you, throws a chicken at you, throws--)
Other harvins of note that could have worked also includes Arulumaya, who has pretty unique type of magic and gimmick. she could have been fun, but she's also pretty lazy if i recall so she'd probably not want to be involved with fighting if she could avoid it.
also with Anre coming out during the LGBT+ Pack DLC maybe they should have just put Balurga in it too. With luck they could have salvaged the way canon has... not been the best at portraying his gender. (tho he only got a SSR unit pretty recently/after Anre so he was probably not something that was considered...)
On a similar vibe, Skull is decently popular due to his VA so now that he has a SSR he could be considered eventually....
Drusilla got a nice storyarc recently + a ssr so it could always make her a future candidate imo (but also i was just soft to her story)
Mimlemel is also pretty popular but considering her whole thing is that she's too disabled to walk properly she... probably should indeed stay clear from the fighting games.
I'd consider Bridgette only because i love me some lesbians <3 but yeah she's only R/SR and another swordwoman, + same saga as Charlotta so talk about redundant...
there's also the two Harvins evokers but i would doubt they'd be priviligized over the unavoidable Fraux or Lobelia.
speaking of Lobelia. The one Harvin that would destroy the game is Sierokarte. But we all know she isn't in the game because she would be too powerful. too unstoppable.
Finally, it probably means that if we get the Dragons we might get a possible Wamdus on the table in order to even out more Harvin, since she is popular too. tho she would definitely not be my dragon pick (i will not rest until Ewiyar is playable in game. it's the only right choice.à
so yeah... yeah.
i get why they went with Anre on the Harvin logic, i just feel like, damn, you had to do it with limiting the Eternals huh
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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dianight · 2 years
Been playing a lot of DS2 these days and holy shit is Shulva the best DLC by far.
Like outside of how useful it is for speed or any twink/bone route, the 3 bosses are the best at what they are. Elana is the best caster boss, Sihn is the best dragon boss and gank squad is the best multi enemy boss.
Level design is pretty good, puzzles unfortunately require bow (or free aimed knifes) and the imperfect enemies are... questionable I guess.
But when you compare it to Brume or Eleum Loyce is when you can see how good it is.
On Brume iron passage is just a meme area, thankfully yearn works so you only have to dodge a single enemy. Same for the Alonne memory. The main “puzzle” is the verticality and all these doors guarded by enemies that you can ignore with some jumps (like 80% of the level). I’m kinda neutral on the Nadalia statues buffing them, not a fan but I can see the appeal.
As for bosses: blue smelter is a cool way of reusing the same one but making it harder, Fume is a great boss with minor hitbox problems (handle memes that I despise, it doesn’t happen often) and Alonne has two very fast attacks that are annoying, but otherwise it’s a great boss.
Overall it feels like an inferior (to Shulva) DLC, but the bosses are good.
Then you have Eleum Loyce and despite how big the area is, it is almost completely linear.
Progress and get eyes of the priestress, kill Aava and dispel blizzard. Repeat the same path with 4 detours to free knights and get the key for the optional boss. The whole time you just have random ice dudes in the way (yearn works) and the like a few dogs.
There are 3 invasions: barrel troll, miracle caster and Mauldron.
Barrel troll can be ignored with homeward and he is pretty weak, funny concept tho. Miracle/hex caster is on the rabbit area, so it is hard to be objective here. The concept of enemies that damage you just for being close is annoying, and that whole area is designed in a very VERY “ha ha look how you get attacked from every angle” way. I get what fromsoft were going for, it still feels silly. Mauldron is so so so good, actual invader behavior as far as NPCs go.
Then you get to the bosses and it just crumbles. Aava, Lud and Zullen are the exact same boss (yes dual cat buffs, same boss) and they are not particularly complex. Dual cat can be a fairly difficult fight on low damage, but even at +0 you can kill the first one in a couple openings on second phase. Ivory king is great as a boss, but the battle royale is a bit redundant if you have to do it more than once. Also if you have too much damage the extra knight will not freeze the portal in phase one, so you get some more burnt knights while fighting the main boss.
Special mention to horsefuck valley, the worst area in any souls game. The only way to not get horses is finicky as fuck because the whole place is full of triggers for the spawns and they are a terrible enemy in general.
Eleum Loyce is subpar because there’s only two bosses, the main map is linear and not interesting enough, horsefuck valley exists and rabbits are annoying.
Anyway, Shulva >> Brume >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleum Loyce.
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whatterri · 2 years
Wargame red dragon command units
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Borderline overpowered, they hardly falter and wield their weapons with deadly accuracy. Komandosi are the best non-recon infantry unit of any country, not just Poland (or even Redfor). I don't think they'd be as popular if it weren't for the extra five men and maroon berets. Merkava IIAs are incredibly useful as fire-support-vehicles even against medium armor, most IFVs come with autocannons that can only pierce armor from what is basically arm's reach.The Merkava IIA's impressive 18 frontal-armor mostly negates that. Infantry is most vulnerable in transports usually - you're lucky to have a fraction of the original strength if destroyed if you get anything at all.A 100mm gun and a grenade launcher give it severely more firepower than a standard IFV.Being highly armored is bad enough, but imagine having a whole ten-man squad pop-out just as you're lining up an RPG. And like a tank, the Merkava IIA is a difficult nut to crack. It's basically a tank, although it's still classified as an "Infantry Fighting Vehicle" (IFV). The Merkava IIA is the best infantry-transport period, wheeled or tracked. The Merkava IIA is an IFV in the same way an F1 car is a go-kart. One of the fastest amphibious vehicles, the BTR-90, can avoid detection by choosing to ford rivers and lakes instead of exposed roads.A 100 km/h off-road speed makes it a perfect insertion-vehicle for behind-enemy-lines operations.The AGS-17 grenade launcher combined with the 2A72 autocannon turn infantry into swiss cheese and then fine mist.Many players buy Motostrelki exclusively just to get access to the BTR-90 - the troops are just extra-weight. Not just a battle taxi, a BTR-90 is a force multiplier capable of making even the humble Motostrelki squad a formidable force. Hands-down the best wheeled transport available to players, the BTR-90 is fast and packs a deadly punch thanks to its excellent weapon loadout. "If anything happens, try to shield the BTR with your body… it's worth more than you." The VPM 120 is amphibious, players can capitalize on otherwise unreachable mortar positions.The fuel autonomy is excellent at 1000 km, allowing it to stay close to the front and maneuver without needing to refuel.It's an incredibly fast platform making the 'shoot-and-scoot' technique quite easy.This is the standard I compare all other mortar carriers to. It's quick off-road, it's long-sustaining, and it's got decent firepower and range for light-artillery. Introduced in the 2nd Korean War DLC, the French VPM 120 is one of if not the best mortar carriers available to NATO forces. VPM is French for Very-Popular-Mortar, I hear. The max speed of 300 km/h is quite impressive, especially considering the massive size, thankfully it doesn't have to spend too much time in the air.It excels as a mobile 'mini-FOB' that can quickly traverse long distances between teammates.It has the highest carrying capacity of any logistics vehicle in the entire game, meaning fewer trips back to the FOB.It's still quite quick despite its size, although the giant frame and slow landing speed make it an easy, high-value target. The Mi-26 is an absolute hulk of a supply chopper, but with 6000 liters in tow, it's little surprise. You only get two, so do try not to get them blown up… but maybe that's just wishful thinking. We've tuned our list to account for firepower, versatility, and how well the unit fills its role. Here we've sifted out the best units from across all nations and types. There are almost 2000 different units in Wargame: Red Dragon and sifting through all of them just to see what's good and what is not exactly the most engaging of tasks. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock, and the T-80UM beats everything.
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nessacousland · 3 years
Masterlist of Library Books in Kinloch Hold - Witch Hunt DLC
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(I made this list for my own reference, because the Witch Hunt DLC has consumed my life and I couldn’t find a list like this with a quick search. If it exists already, I apologize, but I want to keep this for my own purposes.) 
Beginner’s Herbalism
All about Weeds
This book is an encyclopedia of common garden weeds.
Poultices for Fun and Profit
A short book with recipes for basic healing poultices.
Cooking with Herbs
The recipe for “Herbed Chicken and Biscuits” appears to be missing from this book.
This is Your Brain on Elfroot
A battered pamphlet that informs parents on the dangerous and addictive properties of elfroot. Ironically, there’s a fistful of dried elfroot stuffed in the front cover.
Dangerous Beasts
Lurking Horrors of the Deep
This book contains entries on the giant squid, and the bony whale-shark of the Anderfels, now extinct.
Lothering Heights
This book appears to be on the wrong shelf.
The Dragons of Nevarra
A book detailing the different groups of dragons once found in Nevarra.
Deepstalkers and Nugs
A book about various subterranean creatures.
Expert Herbalism
Restorative Draughts: The Creation and Distillation Thereof
Detailed recipes for complicated potions.
Ines Arancia’s Botanical Compendium
An enormous encyclopedia of herbs and plants, both common and rare.
Gardening through the Blight
Methods for rejuvenating blighted ground. This book has been thoroughly discredited.
The Joy of Seeds
This book illustrates how to grow several rare plants from seeds.
The Fade
Faith, Justice, and the Spiritual Way
A book on the benevolent spirits of the Fade.
The Black City
This book is a collection of essays written on the Black City.
Guarding Your Mind: How to Prevent Possession
This book contains exercises for strengthening mental barriers.
Martha’s Adventures in the Fade
This seems to be a book for young mage children. It contains colorful pictures depicting demons as cute, smiling monsters.
Secrets of the Frostbacks
A book containing paintings of the Frostback Mountains.
Devoured from Beneath
Written from a fatalistic viewpoint, this book theorizes that the crumbling Deep Roads below Ferelden will eventually cause the land to fall apart.
Circle Tower of Kirkwall
This book describes the Circle Tower of Kirkwall. Housed in a former Tevinter slaver fortress, its halls are a foreboding place even centuries after the city’s liberation.
Geographical Oddities of Ferelden
A study of the stranger landscapes of Ferelden and their causes.
Fortikum Kadab
The translated text of an ancient Tevinter treatise.
Koslun: Philosopher or Tyrant?
An exceptionally biased history of the qunari philosopher, Koslun.
Translating Elven Languages
Based on a collection of research, this work explores the translating of various elven dialects.
  Of Hammers and Witches: A History
This ancient Orlesian text dates from the Chantry’s early days. Time and dust has weathered most of the ink, but from what you can make out, it covers a war on the heretics of the old Imperium. Faded depictions of men in robes tremble before figures bearing an ominous symbol of a black eye in a sunburst.
Mage Training
Kindling the Flame
This outlines instructions on how to control fire spells.
Autonomous Prodigy, Volume 3: Hexes
An in-depth guide on the creation of hexes, curses, and other charms. A scribbled note on the inside cover references a book on technique in the self-improvement section.
Strained Wrists and Stiff Necks
This is a detailed explanation of common mage injuries.
Lightning Storms In Your Room!
The subtitle reads, “A fun activity book for young apprentices.”
Mage Weaponry
Staff Construction for Apprentices
A simple how-to guide to constructing (and decorating) your first staff! Leaning against the book is a curious looking tablet.
The Sword and the Staff
For the more athletic mage, a manual on how to wield staff and sword simultaneously.
Tevinter Wands of the Glory Age
A book about the wands occasionally used by the Tevinter Imperium several hundred years ago. Scratched in the corner of the page are some words from an irritated student. “What kind of self-respecting mage uses a wand, anyway?”
Use Your Fist
A mage can be caught without his staff, but never without his fists.
Mysterious Artifacts
Talismans of Ancient Tevinter
This book details the construction and usage of folk talismans from ancient Tevinter.
Chasind Charms
This book is mainly a dry treatise on Chasind superstitions.
A Catalog of Elven Relics
This book is written in an ancient dialect you cannot read.
Scale and Bone: Crafting the High Dragon
This book contains complex recipes for crafting items from parts of a dragon’s carcass.
Mythical Creatures
Under the Bridge
A book about trolls and fairies.
The Elven Varterral
Legends of the varterral creatures, supposedly created by the elven gods. Leafing though the book, you notice a section on the only recorded encounter. It appears that from a company of Tevinter soldiers, only the cunning archers and magisters escaped with their lives.
Does this Book have Griffons in It?
Stories of the now-extinct griffon.
The Truth Behind the Stories
An explanation of creatures from superstition and legend, and why they appear in our world.
Potent Medicines
Magical Balms and Ointments
A collection of recipes for balms and ointments.
The Complete Compendium of Poisons and Antidotes.
A detailed list of poisons and antidotes.
Franny’s Poultice Recipes
A small book containing recipes for homemade poultices.
How to Heal a Mabari
Advice on how to treat a wounded mabari, covering everything from basic injuries to suspected possession by desire demons.
Seeing Beyond Sight: Advanced Scrying for Mages
A book for those studying scrying.
Bathing Practices of the Orlesian Monarchy
This should probably be in the Foreign Cultures section.
Dreamwalking: Rituals for Understanding the Fade
A series of meditative rituals for mages who want to learn more about the Fade.
The Holy Office of the Seekers
This heavy book is firmly locked with a Chantry seal. Scorch marks suggest that someone tried opening this book to no avail. The illusive Seekers guard their secrets well.
School of Entropy
Creation versus Entropy
A paper comparing the strengths of the two schools of magic.
Waking Nightmares and True Torment
A manual teaching advanced entropy spells.
Understanding Entropy
A guide to the school of Entropy, for apprentice mages.
Controlled Destruction
The book has been hollowed out. Inside is a note and a sinister ruby figurine. “This will reveal a shrouded chest in the apprentice dorms; inside is the final payment. I hope you choke on it.”
School of Spirit
Virulent Walking Bomb: The New Edition
This short book details creative uses of the Walking Bomb spell.
Spirit, the Supreme School of Magic
This book has been vandalized and is no longer readable. Scribbled on the cover are the words: “Entropy Rules!”
Spirit Healers through the Ages
A book on the history of spirit healers. Folded near the back of the back is a very old sheet of notes scrawled by a young apprentice. In the margins are various sketches of templars being eaten by a fierce tiger named Ser-Pounce-a-lot.
Quieting the Mind
Relaxation exercises for spirit mages.
The Willpower Workout
A self-directed program for overcoming low levels of spiritual energy. You notice a chapter near the back, which calls upon some kind of mental workout device. As your eyes glance over the last paragraph, you hear a distant gust of wind.
Staff Repair: Not Just a Task for the Tranquil
This is an overview of restoring staves overwhelmed by their owners.
Tome of Technique: Use it or Lose It
This is a training manual for templars and other melee warriors. A note on the inside cover reads, “For those forever in pursuit of perfection. -- Alderic, Orlesian Order of the Templars.”
Healing Your Robes
A handy guide to fixing tears in magical vestments.
Unstable Solutions
Balms for Protection and Enchantment
Recipes for various balms and enchantments.
Ellie’s Exploding Elixirs
A thin book filled with recipes for mixtures that are guaranteed to explode. A few of these could come in handy.
The Proper Use and Storage of Dragon’s Blood
A tattered scroll from Tevinter, detailing what one can do with dragon’s blood.
Lyrium Bombs: Fact, or Fiction?
An old book with instructions for creating explosive devices with lyrium.
Raising Nugs: A How-To Guide
This book was written by Loknar Weem, a dwarven nug farmer who tried to raise nugs on the surface.
The Care of Dragons
A book that explains how to breed dragons as pets. It has been banned in most Circles for blatant misinformation.
Mabari: A History
A detailed history of the mabari hound…
Why is a Bronto Here?
Speculation on why brontos always turn up in the most unexpected places.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
Bioware, why couldn't we take anyone else with us on the Hock Heist? I know it's a dlc, but I wish it could have been grander. Almost similar to the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts quest for my fellow Dragon Age players, just not as big and time-consuming. Mostly, I wanted the chance to interact with the squad more and listen to banter. Have them in set positions around the mansion where you can find and talk to them. Then, there would be areas where you could bring a squadmate or two alongside you & Kasumi for the actual mission aspects of the heist. Shepard I mean, Solomon/Allison Gunn would be able to pass their crew off as their entourage. Ez pz.
Some interactions that come to mind:
Shepard having to warn Grunt not to overdo it at the buffet (or with the alcohol selection). Spoiler alert, he does. If he's brought to the mission segments, the other squadmates comment on the sound of his stomach giving their position away. Grunt starts to threaten them with bodily harm, but groans mid-sentence because baby got a tummy ache.
Garrus and Thane are scoping out the room together, pointing out the numerous flaws in Hock's security by the time Shep finds them. Shepard tells them that they need a distraction to sneak over the ledge into Hock's quarters. Garrus' response? "Oh, a distraction? Why didn't you just say so?" Shepard says that maybe it has to do with him being a horrible actor. Before his ego can take offense to that, Thane hisses out for Garrus to play along, then takes him by surprise when he slaps him, loud enough for several others nearby to hear. (Thane apologizes later in private, especially if Shep takes them both on a mission segment together. Garrus' pride is more wounded than his actual face. Cue intense turian pouting). What ensues is something straight out of a soap opera. Loud quarreling, exaggerated gesturing, and terrible acting. Ended with a kiss for dramatic effect also for my shipper heart. Safe to assume, they definitely have all eyes on them by the end, and the criminal types at that party aren't the kind to break up some weird domestic dispute when they can watch the scandal unfold right before their eyes instead.
Miranda kicking ass in a dress and heels. Also, charming the socks off of Chief Roe in order to get the audio file of her voice for Kasumi to use if your Shepard chooses to gain access to Hock's quarters that way.
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